#artemis loreley
polarisgreenley · 3 months
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Garreth Weasley x Artemis Loreley (MC)
Summary: The last Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch match ended, and now the after-party is on in the Gryffindor Tower.
Floriography for Cactus (Cactacae): Ardent Love. Burning with Love. Lust.
This was for the March NSFW prompt for the discord server writing event: "Getting (Un)Lucky Tonight". No cactus was harmed in this story whatsoever.
Tags: NSFW, Hogwarts 7th year, Gryffindor-Slytherin Relationship, hand jobs, plot what plot, drapery lions laughing at misery, Garreth POV Limited, inappropriate licking of green apple liqueur
Artemis is my MC in my long fic "A Bouquet of New Beginnings," but this is separate and not related to said story.
[AO3]//Word count: 2.2k
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An echo of the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch after-party climbed the spiral staircase.  A right hubbub of a - mostly - friendly rivalry, where drinks, song, and at least one miniature firework from Zonko’s had been unleashed. Garreth would usually be, and had been, in the heart of it – behind the makeshift counter handing out concoctions with his brewing partner.
“Are you sure it was fine for both of us to leave?” Artemis asked softly as she followed.
He would’ve sworn he’d climbed up the tower by himself if he wasn’t holding said brewing partner’s small, chilled hand tightly within his, their fingers interlaced like perfect puzzle pieces. The swish of her floor length green skirt drowned her soft treads.
“Don’t worry Snow,” said Garreth cheerfully, “We left plenty of stock for Lee and Sebastian to distribute while we grab more.”
“If they don’t drink it first.”
“They won’t.”
He made sure of that.
She squeezed his hand; he squeezed back.
“Oh,” repeated Garreth.
The familiar door swung open and shut as the red and gold regalia revealed themselves, and Garreth regrettably let go of Artemis’ hand as he went straight toward his bed. The miniature cactus that she gifted him stood proudly on his bedside stand, and he gave the little guy a ghostly brush before he crouched to the floorboards. He snuck a glance toward her as he shovelled out a few crates worth of conspicuously brewed beverages. She was the lone presence of emerald green and silver; her forest green eyes were alight with curiosity as they travelled along the walls, the drapery, the ceiling, the desks, and now, down to him.
Their gazes met. She smiled; her cheeks tinted pink.
His stomach fluttered with butterflies just as intense as ever. He could die happy right then and there.
But instead of dying crouched on the floor like a sappy fool, Garreth stood as he pulled out an unlabelled bottle as he took one, two, three steps to close the distance. The top of her head barely reached his chin, her snow-white hair stood out brilliantly against the reddish-brown brick wall and the way her eyes lifted slowly to meet his made him question if they really needed to go back.
“Here, my newest brew,” said Garreth as he popped the bottle open.
“Oh, this smells lovely.” Artemis sniffed lightly. “Green apples?”
“Mhm. Go on, have a sip.”
She took the cool bottle, and her fingertips ghosted his knuckles in a subtle caress. His heart buzzed. Damned temptress.
“The first test?”
“Yep,” said Garreth.
Nope. He drank every disgusting version he managed to produce before landing on this one.
“You’re an awful liar, Garreth.”
The lamplight danced along her eyes; they crinkled softly around the edges.
He smiled like an idiot. “How do you know?”
She chuckled, soft and melodious.
“My lips are buttoned,” said Artemis as she brought the bottle to her lips and took a slow drink.
Her throat softly bobbed with a barely audible gulp. He could just see the tip of her tongue peeking out from between her lips – the same lips that could emit the most cutthroat of insults and words as sweet as molasses – as it licked off undoubtedly any remnants of the drink.
He swallowed for entirely different reasons that had his blood rushing southward.
“Tangy. I like the sugar granules,” commented Artemis as she gave the bottle back to him. “Not too sweet.”
Of course it wasn’t; he knew her tastes.
“Glad you like it. Want more?”
“Sure,” agreed Artemis warmly, “but after you have some.”
“Suit yourself,” said Garreth.
He didn’t move from his spot - nor did she - as they stood about a half-arm’s length apart and he brought the bottle to his own lips. He felt her gaze as he tipped the bottle excruciatingly slow, the green apple liqueur passed his lips in a tangy, light burn that filled his mouth. Particularly, she seemed focused along his neck, right where his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed once.
A thought – a brilliant, genius thought – crossed his mind.
He took another swig and watched as his favourite girl’s eyes moved with the bottle as the glass touched the nearest dresser. There was a moment, a delicious moment, where her eyes widened ever slightly just before his uplifted lips met hers. The surprised hum from her throat as her lips slightly parted was far more delectable than the drink, and yet it wouldn’t do for him to keep this drink to himself.
Fingers tangled into her long, soft snow-white hair, gently pressing against her as he took hold of her hand, his slightly dry, burning fingers intertwined with her smooth, cool ones. One step, two step, and his beloved was pressed softly against the reddish-brown wall as he coaxed her mouth to open with a small, teasing swipe of his own tongue. The green apple liqueur spilled a thin line along her chin and undoubtedly down the smooth column of her neck as he pressed forward, any distance between them criminally negligent.
Her other hand slipped behind his back. What he would give to have her always holding him like this, desperately clinging to him like this.
Even when he heard her swallow, Garreth didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop. Not when the little gasps that escaped her lips as he tugged her hair gently sounded better than any heavenly choir. Not when their lips parted, a single strand of silvery saliva connected them before he kissed the corner of her lip, his mouth slowly travelling down along the path of green apple and sugar granules. Not when she whimpered just right as his tongue licked its way to the hollow of her throat, and a gentle nip accompanied by his fingers combing languidly through her locks.
“The party –”
“– Can wait. Can’t let anyone see you like this,” murmured Garreth.
The music below wandered through the bottom crack of the door louder, but he couldn’t care less. His body burned for them both, his hands the device in which he delivered reverence upon her. Reticent to let go of the hand that gave and helped students, teachers, and the rest of the wizarding world, his grip tightened as he pressed against her, the linen they wore on their very persons seemed a travesty. Even his own bed, perhaps not a few feet away, was too far.
She would see him unravel with just the breathy whisper of his name as his lips grazed back up to the sensitive spot just beneath her ear.
His fingers moved from her hair as he made the minimum requirement of room to slip his hand along the middle of her abdomen, her chest, and finally reached her blouse buttons.
One. Two. Three.
Slowly her luscious skin appeared before him, another canvas to map as his tongue glided down. He groaned as he created friction between the two, his own need burning hot as he tugged the blouse from her waistband.
“Garreth–” Artemis started, her voice breathy as her free hand coaxed his shirt hem out.
“– We’ll make it quick,” he whispered against her ear before he gave a little nip.
Her warm breath tickled the shell of his ear as she nodded minutely. His hand moved to squeeze her bum.
“Troublemaker,” murmured Artemis as her hand snuck in, her cool fingertips sent a shiver up his spine as they slowly slid under his waistband, taking an excruciatingly long time to move from the small of his back to his hip.
“You love it.”
Garreth fully moved his hand and gently lifted Artemis’ leg to wrap around his waist. Her hand popped the buttons of his trousers, and bless this woman as she freed him from his own prison.
“Always,” purred Artemis as her thumb swiped at his head, already leaking with a clear bead.
“Merlin Snow,” Garreth gasped out as his hand touched the pantyhose at her ankles. “How attached are you to these?
“Not at all.”
Merlin be damned this minx.
A low growl emitted as he pulled out his wand, and wordlessly vanished the offending cloth and her undergarments for good measure. “Good.”
Her leg was softer than any silk in his grip, of which he held so tight they’d leave marks. It kept him from utterly shattering as the snow-haired beauty circled his head with her thumb. She uttered a charm under her breath, and from her palm came the sensations of incredibly warm liquid that she spread down his shaft. His other hand let go of Artemis’ against the wall in favour of reaching within her skirt toward the apex of her thighs. Her now free hand shot out toward the back of his head, her fingers now entangled with his red locks as she beckoned him back into a kiss.
Incredibly hot and wet – so above, and so below.
“Damn,” he moaned as his finger sunk into her depths, and he swallowed her moan as his tongue tangled with hers.
His hips canted as her small hand pumped his cock in the rhythm he loved, and he returned the favour as he hooked his finger inside as he slid another. The hand around his cock stuttered even as the grip in his hair tightened, her back arched as her chest pressed against his. The haze that clouded his mind lightened ever so slightly even as he burned the sight of Artemis flushed in its place.
Their gasps mixed with the beautiful obscene sounds as his fingers work her open quickly in time with the music that flowed louder from under the door. Warmth pooled within him as he panted, her hand being entirely sinful as it alternated giving his head and his shaft attention. He slipped another in and flicked up inside; her head tilted back as she gasped, offering her neck has her fingers grasped tighter in his hair.
Her wrist twisted around his cock and he groaned as he sucked something delicious at the crux of her neck. The scent of her perfume mingled with the green apple liqueur peppered with sex in the air.
Delicious. Absolutely perfect.
“I- I’m ready,” said Artemis  
Artemis’ skin bore a dark purple bruise perfectly shape where Garreth’s mouth had been; her leg hooked around the small of his back as his hand readjusted the grip. She whimpered as he kissed her temple when his fingers left the comforts of her wet folds; her skirt entirely bunched, the front of his shirt entirely a mess.
Garreth sucked off each of his fingers, the familiar taste of her on his tongue. Her forest green eyes were blow, her normally well-kept hair and attire utterly dishevelled. Her leg insisted he come closer – he obliged as fabric crumpled peripherally.
“Good girl,” he whispered against her lips as he pushed up the skirt further, readjusting his grip on her soft thigh. Pants escaped his lips as he slid his cock lightly against her wet folds, coating himself with her as her hand, that’d been so wonderfully wrapped around his cock moments ago, slipped under his shirt.
Her chest heaved in tandem with his pounding heart. Her nails ghosted his back as he lined himself to her entrance. Everything felt hot and warm and absolutely -
“Perfect,” murmured Garreth as he looked into her eyes.
They softened; he swore he saw the Slieve Guillion Forest within.
The door slammed open as the music roared.
Garreth jolted up from his waist, gasping for air as his mind scrambled. Linen bedding was under his sweaty palms as his heart beat loudly against his chest. A clear tent was pitched under the sheets as his brain caught up that no, he was not deliciously pressed against the love of his life on the wall. He was in his bed with all the deep red drapes shut, decorated with golden lions that laughed at his misery.
He was so close, he could practically feel her breath against his ear, her warmth around his fingers, her soft leg wrapped around his waist, his head lined up and -
“Garreth, you up?” Leander’s voice carried from beyond the drapery.
Garreth seriously considered violence for three seconds. He let out a grumbled noise; his cock was painfully, painfully aware it was not where it was supposed to be.
Could Leander not have waited for five bloody seconds to barge in?  
“Well hurry up. The Gryffindor-Slytherin match is going to start up in an hour, and I am not going to miss the good seats for the finals!” Leander called from beyond the proverbial veil as the cheer music bellowed from the Common Room and spilled in through the opened door.
The match. The after-party.
“The after-party’s still on, yeah?” He managed to squeeze out.
“Well, I hope so! You and Artemis are our bartenders after all.”
The concoctions were under his floorboard. He still had the green apple liqueur.
His cock twitched at the thought of what followed.
“Brilliant. Lee?”
“Yeah?” Leander’s voice came from near the other redhead’s bed. “Hurry it up, will you?”
“Sure.” He’d need less than a minute, really, once Leander stepped outside. “You mind doing bar duty tonight for a bit?”
“Yeah that’s fine.”
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
Me: *reaches for Coca-Cola bottle."
Artemis: "Hey, my daughter, we talked about this."
Dionysus: "Yeah! We talked about this!" *goes to open the liquor cabinet*
Artemis: "Brother, I will stab you."
Dionysus: "Sister, you are truly a killjoy."
Me: *sighs* *goes to the kitchen sink to fill a glass with water* "I don't know what's happening over here but my parents are fighting again."
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indigoelfinspirit · 2 years
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It took a bit for us to finally settle into a pattern. No one was happy with the arrangement, but we were surviving. Besides we were all very aware that Summer was coming and with it Orion and no one was sure what that would mean.
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unboundprompts · 7 months
Dark academia names for women?
Dark Academia Character Name Ideas
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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Theodore "Theo"
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yoshitsuno · 2 months
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Ominis Gaunt x Artemis Loreley (commission)
I've beaten this bloody background yeaaah ! This is a commission I did for my lovely friend @polarisgreenley 💕
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cutiesforsale · 9 months
Hello, cuties. 🍊 <3
Stuff I forgot to mention before,
- I will write gender neutral readers as my default writing style unless specified or asked. I don't have experience with male readers, but how will I have any if I don't try?
- Did I mention that I'm obsessed with yandere writings? Yeah, that will go well. Specifically thinking of Mom! Hera/Aphrodite/Hestia/Themis/Leto. Have fun with that. Also quite enjoy fluff, so some of that too. Maybe smut if I'm up to it/comfortable.
- These ideas will be scenarios/imagines, headcanons, semi-thought out oneshots or maybe even series? Who knows.
• Demon! Isekaid Reader (KNY's version of demons!)
• Foreigner! Reader who gets separated from their best friend in an unfamiliar country and language. They get taken in by the leaf Village, in return, they become a ninja/kunoichi while learning Japanese.
(Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Gaara)
• Demon! Isekaid Reader
• Cursed! Reader?
(Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, Geto)
MID (My Inner Demons):
• Dour Reader who actually helps the boys with Earth stuff and smiles sometimes
• Rejected! Reader, in which the boys socially/emotionally reject Reader and they isolate themselves from the boys, but then the boys start to like them/gain a crush
• Some Ava screen time in a fanfic?
(Asch, Rhys, Pierce, Leif, Noi, Ava, Lorelei)
KNY/Demon Slayer:
• Foreigner! Reader who has to learn Japanese
• Heavenly God/Goddess/Deity! Reader who helps the slayers
• Yan! Tanjiro?
(Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya, Kanao, Nezuko, Hashira)
Genshin (I really like sagau ok?):
• Eldritch! Creator
• Oracle! Reader
• Astro! Archon idea (Curious? Ask me about it!)
• Demon! Isekaid Reader
• Dad! Morax + child (probably daughter, that's how I imagined it but there will be two versions, dw.) made from his divinity/blood/scales/etc. and has a forest-state full of nymphs and spirit creatures in Liyue (Because father Geo Archon said so <3)
• Befriend Xiao as a demon
• Unaware special being from another universe?
• Newly made puppet of Ei, rejected, almost killed but sent down to Scaramoochie/Wanderer to tell him the truth (forget the Irminsul incident)
(Dad! Morax, Zhongli, Xiao, EI, Wanderer)
Greek Mythology:
• Isekaid into Ancient Greece and renamed into Aphmau (it's pretty ok? Mock me. Either way I plan to make it gender neutral)
• Demon! Isekaid Reader
---> Adopted! Brother Heracles
• Adopted child of Dad! Hephaestus + Cyclopes brothers
---> Reincarnation idea with Heph. + Cyclopes
• Mom! Hera/Aphrodite/Hestia/Themis/Leto
---> Deffo some yan moms eventually
• Nature Nymph idea
• Maybe a Yan! Apollo?
• Becoming a messenger/advisor/whatever for Apollo and becoming friends as well?
• Joining Artemis' hunting group after Isekai-ing?
(Apollo, Artemis, Dad! Hephaestus + Cyclopes, Mom! Hera/Aphrodite/Hestia/Themis/Leto, Heracles, Dionysus, Nike, Athena, Eros, Persephone/Kore, etc.)
Note: Characters may be written either romantically or platonically. Some ideas or characters have been added since the first post. Feel free to suggest any other characters, fandoms, or ideas. I would love to hear them. <3
Goodbye, cuties. 🍊🍊 <3
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Some De La Dáinn Stuff
The De La Dáinn Emblem:
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Crows, Ravens, and Soulfetchers are all seen as Maveth’s messengers, and they’re considered to be a highly respected animal, they are typically used to deliver letters and small packages to other parts of the world from Morgana.
De La Dáinn Family Tree:
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This is the De La Dáinn family tree, this does NOT consider the siblings, other children, or children of the siblings of the unnamed De La Dáinns.
You will need to zoom in to see all of their names, however, with that said
Family members:
- Alexander De La Dáinn (Pandora’s dad)
- Diana De La Dáinn (Pandora’s mom)
- Elizabeth De La Dáinn (Pandora’s Aunt)
- Fredrick De La Dáinn (Pandora’s Uncle)
- Victor De La Dáinn
- Arthur De La Dáinn
- Vesper De La Dáinn
- Henry De La Dáinn
- Theodore De La Dáinn
- Eleanor De La Dáinn
- Harriet De La Dáinn
- Pandora De La Dáinn
- Clyde De La Dáinn
- Scarlett De La Dáinn
- Cecilia De La Dáinn
- Ellis De La Dáinn
- Thomas De La Dáinn
- Louis De La Dáinn (Victor’s husband)
- Clara De La Dáinn (Victor’s daughter)
- Sephtis De La Dáinn (Immortal great x??? Grandfather)
- Franklin De La Dáinn (Diana’s Father) - Deceased
- Nyx De La Dáinn (Diana’s Mom) - Deceased
- Dead Sisters x4 (Artemis, Mona, Luna, Selene) (Diana’s Sisters)
- Dead Brothers x3 (Altair, Orion, Sterling) (Diana’s Brothers)
- Dead Aunts x5 (Annora, Bellamira, Eirlys, Juliet, Layla) (Diana’s Aunts)
- Dead Uncles x7 (Donovan, Augustus, Azrael, Oleander, Morris, Clarence, Zane) (Diana’s Uncles)
- Dead Cousins x15 (Lorelei, Lenore, Abraham, George, Oliver, Annabelle, Charlotte, Cornelius, Emmanuel, Beatrice, Elaine, Irene, Ezra, Hugh, Matthias) (Diana’s Cousins)
- Dead Grandparents x5 (Carmilla’s Mom, Carmilla’s Dad, Carmilla, Elliot, Heather)
- Dead Spouses x8 (Rosalind, Maverick, Joseph, Irma, Chantal, Crawford, Dorian, Devina)
- Kardama (First Ruler of Morgana)
- Maverick (First Ruler of Morgana)
- Maveth (Family Origin Father)
- Cynthia (Family Origin Mother)
Talents (for the general De La Dáinn family):
Diana: Umbramancy
Alexander: Unquestionable orders (Can make people do things basically)
Elizabeth: Bestiamancy
Fredrick: Regeneration
Victor: Demonic Relic Creation
Louis: Sound Manipulation
Clara: Emotional control/ manipulation
Arthur: Heightened Senses
Vesper: Duplication of objects
Henry: Healing/Identification of ailments and injuries
Theodore: Lightning conduction and generation
Eleanor: Telekinesis
Harriet: Vision of hidden objects/ transcripts (the ability to see things others are unable to see)
Pandora: Soul magic (the ability to make, maintain, and manipulate souls, manipulation of souls can be used for bad but Pandora doesn't really do that ever)
Noah: Contract Magic
Clyde: Summoning
Scarlett: Pyrokinesis
Cecilia: Cryokinesis
Ellis: Levitation
Thomas: Super Strength
Bonus - Franklin: Soul Reading
Feel free to ask about anything related to the De La Dáinns
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neteyamsoare · 8 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ — Directory and Tags.
꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒ — This is a list of all my current tags to help you find your way around my blog.
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mrhyde-mrseek · 9 months
I find it so funny how few straight/cis characters I have. Like, in SMS alone, we have:
-Holmes and Watson, who are a couple (and Holmes is also demisexual)
-Griffin, who’s aroace
-Jekyll/Hyde, who’s gay
-Victor, who’s gay
-Both Harkers, who are each some flavor of queer (I can’t decide) and also polyamorous
-Mycroft, who’s aro
-Utterson, who’s bi
-Edmund, who’s pan
-And Walton, who’s a gay trans man
AND THEN you’ve got all my other stories, such as:
The Case Files
-Clara (aroace)
-Watson (bi)
-Harker (bi)
-Adam (unlabeled)
-The Time Traveller and Jekyll/Hyde (dating, TT is gay, J/H is bi)
-Griffin (aroace) (I really like that headcanon for him in every universe apparently)
-Allan (demisexual)
-Wendy (lesbian)
-Christine (ace)
-Dorothy (lesbian)
The Haunted and the Hollow
-Libra (bi)
-Koda (demisexual)
-Birdy and Lily (dating, B is pan, L is a trans lesbian)
-Henry (trans boy)
-Maya (aroace)
-Ryan (nonbinary)
-Jodie (lesbian)
-Max (lesbian)
The Afterlife Chronicles
-Sasha (bi)
-Robin (lesbian)
-Anthony (bi)
-Baz (gay)
-Morgan (aromantic)
-Loreley (bi)
-Nicora (lesbian)
-For Thanatos I have absolutely no fucking clue, he’s not really interested in romance or sex, he’s more focused on ruling Heaven and stopping the approaching Apocalypse.
-And then we also have a list of angels and demons who just muddle the whole matter up so for most of the non-humans, identity is just chaos.
-Apollo (bi)
-Hyacinthus (gay)
-Zephyrus (gay)
-Artemis (aroace)
-Hermes (bi)
-Dionysus (pan)
-Thamyris (gay)
Red Sun
I haven’t actually really given this one much thought; the only two I’m positive of are:
-Sanzang (aroace)
-And Huo (bi)
But I don’t know about Wukong, Bajie, Wujing, or Longma yet.
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chaostring · 6 months
NAME: Elaine DuBois (she doesn't know that's her name)
AGE: 27 years old
BIRTHDATE: Ches 19, 1947 (Spring equinox)
NATIONALITY: Born in Baldur's gate, carried her studies in Waterdeep, then went back to Baldur's.
GENDER: Cisfemale
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual, but she has a complicated relationship with sex.
FAMILY: Parents (both alive), two brothers and a twin. None of them know where she is since she was taken.
PARENTS: Augatha and Peter DuBois.
SIBLINGS: Artemis, Ion, and Eirwen, her twin.
SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: Verse dependent. She had a very werid relationship with her captor Damien, but never true feelings.
EYE COLOR(S): Turquoise.
HAIR COLOR(S): Her natural hair colour is blonde. Dyed pastel pink.
HEIGHT: 5' (155 cm)
WEIGHT: 95 lbs (44 kg)
BODY BUILD: Ectomorph
Potential Fatal Flaw: The brainwashing? It is difficult for her to be coherent. She's chaotic and unpredictable. Something very fatal is that she's been basically programmed to follow orders, so anything said will be taken as a command, no matter if it is a joke, a saying, a curse said out loud. She will do it. As a personal flaw from the normal Lorelei, aka no brain damage, is the amount of pride and the bad decisions that come with it.
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Tagged by @creepyasmrbard because we bards support each other, no matter the amount of daddy issues or the amount of brain damage. Tagging you if you're reading this, because everyone I follow has already been tagged.
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shinkai14 · 1 year
Pokémon AU family List
(will give more info if needed)
Red Miyagawa and Blue Oak (Married)
Akane, Willow, Ichiro, Kaede & Samuel "Sammy" Miyagawa-Oak
Ash Ketchum and Misty (Married)
 Kyla, Caspian & Marilla Ketchum
Brock Harrison and Lucy (Separated)
Thomas, Wade" and Terra" Harrison
Brock and Rebecca (Fling)
Amethyst "Amy" Harrison
Brock and Liliana (Married)
Maria'’’, Sophia’’’ & Macy’’’ Harrison
Leaf Greene and Kris (Married)
Jade", Ivy" & Lin Greene
Trace Herrings and Chase (Married)
Kyrie, Allen & Angelina Herring
Janine Hayashi and Elaine (Married)
Haru, Kenji, Makoto" & Haruna" Hayashi
Goh Yamashita and Horace (Married)
Fumiko, Azumi, Daichi", Jiro" and Hiro Yamashita
Chloe Cerise (Single)
Lucy Cerise
Gary Oak and Domino (Fling)
Juniper Oak
Gary Oak and Zinnia (Not together anymore)
Ivy Oak
Gary Oak and Edric Ross (Married)
Samantha, Darron and Kathrine Oak
Ritchie Berry and Damian (Not together anymore)
Lexie Berry
Ritchie Berry and Derick (Married)
Alex and Daniel
Lt. Adam Surge and Violet
Nixie, Gale and Bolt Surge
Erika Kayano and Darcy (Divorced)
Fiona Kayano
Sabrina And Will Tanaka (Married)
Emiko Tanaka
Lorelei Landa And Winona (Married)
Breena, Maya, Zephyr, Neil & Claire Landa
Bruno Grayson (Single)
Casey and Mason Grayson
James De Rossi and Jessie (Married)
Jamie, Julia, Jackie and Jasper De Rossi
Butch and Daisy Oak (Married)
Rosie and Paisley Oak
Tracey Sketchit and Daisy (Married)
Heather, Holly and Wyatt Sketchit
Ethan Asahi and Sliver (Married)
Scarlett, Riku, Sumire, Haruki, Ryuki, Sierra, Ember, Talia and Gale Asahi
Elio Sunna and Lyra (Married)
Lyre, Leilani, Oliver & Kai Sunna
Lance Blackthorn and Hanako (Married, Hanako is dead)
Luna Blackthorn
Morty Ellis and Falkner (Married)
Raven, Robin and Elliot Ellis
Bugsy Withers and Whitney (Married)
Beckett Withers
Jasmine Tachibana and Solidad (Married)
Rosianna and Ross Kernel
Clair Blackthorn (Single)
Ryu Blackthorn
Karen Lee (Single)
Connie Lee
Cyrus Caddel and Saturn (Not together anymore)
Portia Caddel
Archer Lawrence and Saturn (Married)
Aries, Polaris and Rhea Lawrence
Archer Lawrence and Proton Richter (Not together anymore)
Artemis Richter
Proton Richter and Domino (Not together anymore)
Juno Richter
Professor Elm and his wife (Married)
Cedar Elm
Eusine Smith (Single)
Serenity Smith
Khoury Matthews and Casey (Divorced)
Alice Matthews
Liza Rose and Zinnia (Separated)
Maeve Rose
Brad van darn and Fantina Albret (Married)
Elizabeth Albret
Pierce Elrod and Wendy (Affair)
Freya Elrod
Attila Sharp and Hun (Married)
Demeter, Calypso and Helios Sharp
Brendan Birch and May (Married)
Madison and Henry Birch
Max and Tory Lund (Married)
Alice and Aiden Lund
Wally Harrell and Lisia (Married)
Hayden and Maybelle Harrell
Drew Campbell and Brianna (Married)
Autumn and Summer Campbell
Harley Gray and Nando (Separated)
Marianna Gray
Harley Gray and Juan Richelieu (One night stand)
Francis and Mary Richelieu
Paris Mercia And Solidad (Divorced)
Dena and Jackson Mercia
Wallace and Steven Stone (Married)
Elaine and Petra Stone
Brawly Rush and Roxanne (Married)
Mia and Alexander Rush
Sidney Parker and Flannery (Married)
Flare Parker
Korrina Derand and Phoebe (Married)
Jenna, Gracie & Erwin Derand
Looker Spade and Anabel (Married)
Layla, Helena and Edward Spade
Nando and Tucker Conners (Affair)
Grace Conners
Maxie Embers and Archie (Together)
Kyna, Hector and Darren Embers
Glacia And Ervin Sawyer (Divorced)
Elsa Sawyer
Shelly Waller and Courtney (Married)
Mira Waller
Dana Desmond and Zinnia (One night stand)
Lydia Desmond
Barry Tsumura and Lucas (Married)
Tsutsuji and Hiroko Tsumura
Dawn Berlitz and Zoey
Aurora, Weiss, Gwendolyn and Ronan Berlitz
Paul Norwood and Ursula Lovett (Divorced)
Meaghan and Sasha Norwood
Paul Norwood and Miette (Married)
Anthony and Briar Norwood
Cynthia Reiss and Diantha (Married)
Genevieve and Mariane Reiss
Roark Blair and Riley (Married)
Thea, Rhea, Noah and Lapis Blair
Gardenia Fujimura and Cheryl (Married)
Ayaka Fujimura
Maylene Olsen and Candice (Married)
Noelle & Hayley Olsen
Flint Russel and Volkner (Married)
Dustin and Sophia Russel
Lucian Garnier and Aaron (Married)
Rachael Garnier
Thorton Rhodes and Marley (Married)
Lelia and Luis Rhodes
Hunter J and Mars Seymour (Together, Hunter J is dead)
Pluto Seymour
Buck Russel and Mira (Married)
Blake Russel
Reggie Norwood and Zero (Not together anymore)
Dina Norwood
Reggie Norwood and Lena (Married)
Ezra and Stella Norwood
Kenny Hudson and Leona (Married)
Carmen Hudson
Sho Jonas and Autumn (Married)
Weiss, Lily and Mint Jonas
Tonio Hvam and Alice
Anisa and Dale Hvam
Baron Alberto and Queen Ilene (Fling)
Amaris De Rota
Baron Alberto and Lilith (Married)
Mercia. Jewel and Josephine De Alamos
Grimsley Millard and Zero (Not together anymore)
Crispian and Demi Millard
Lysandre Allard and Zero (TBD)
Vesper & Zeke Allard
Zero and Baraz Laurier (One night stand)
Arleth Laurier
Kevin Mythos and Sheena (Married)
Kyra and Roland Mythos
Sorrel Hart and Verity (Married)
Luna Hart
Verity and Cross West (Separated)
Austin West
Hilbert and Natural Harmonia Gropius (Married)
Aria, Mercy and Euphemia Harmonia (Euphemia is adopted)
Chili Gardener and Hilda (Married)
Cassandra Gardener
Chili Gardener and Burgundy (Divorced)
Millicent “Millie” Gardener
Cilan Gardener and Clemont Alarie (Married)
Adrien and Audrey Gardener
Cilan Gardener and Alain Sycamore (Married)
Cecilia Gardener
Clemont Alarie and Alain Sycamore (Married)
Ciel Alarie
Cress Gardener and Calem Xavier (Married)
Lyne and Nathan Xavier-Gardener
Lenora Abrams and Hawes (Married)
Verdona and Vincent Abrams
Serena Castillon and Shauna (Married)
Elodie Castillon
Lysandre Allard and Malva Aubert (Not together anymore)
Alexis and Bastion Aubert
Wikstrom and Siebold Blanchet (Separated)
Lucienne Blanchet
Lysandre Allard and Bellatrix (Divorced)
Cédric Allard
Lysandre Allard and Alain Sycamore (Not together)
Irene Sycamore
Lysandre Allard and Baraz Laurier (Not together)
Ausra Laurier
Lysandre Allard and Professor Augustine Sycamore (Not together anymore)
Sylvie Sycamore
Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius x Colress Keene (Not together anymore)
Euphemia Harmonia (Adopted by Hilbert and N)
Butch Cathcart x Cassidy
Mitch and Mera Cathcart
Todd Snap x Julie (Married)
James, Jamie & Madison Snap
Lysandre Allard x Concordia Harmonia
Moira Harmonia
Hugh Maes x Nate 
Violet & Blake Maes
Rosa Weiss x Roxie 
Patricia “ Patty “, Eliza’’ & Edric’’ Weiss
Iris x Benga Eales
Iona & Rex Eales 
Cheren Griffith x Bianca
April, Cornelia, Corwin, Darrell & Luna Griffith
Rudy Gate x Trip
 Davena & Bruno Gate 
Stephan Tayler x Heidi
Max, Sophie & Kelly Tayler
Georgia Morgan
Gregory Morgan 
Elesa Melbourne x Skyla
Skyler, Taran, Audra & Vetra
Brycen x Burgh Kersey
Lorraine, Colleen, Terrence, Travis Kersey
Marlon Raine x Kelly
Ariel and Clyde Raine 
Caitlin Everett x Shauntal
Emaline’’, Emilio’’, Farrell & Atlas Everett
Newton Graceland 
Lawton and Martha Graceland
Lysandre Allard x Celosia ( TBD)
Sarah Allard
Rei Eto x Yui (Married)
Akiko Eto
Akari Berlitz x Junko (Married)
Yuri and Yumi Berlitz
Volo Reiss
Verna Reiss
Adaman Hishikawa x Hayami (Married)
Akemi, Haru and Honoka Hishikawa
Mai Okumura x Jiro (Married)
Fujitsu and Kenzo Okumura
Arezu Akamine x Kimiko (Married)
Ezume Akamine
Iscan x Palina Magnolia (Married)
Rosianna Magnolia
Irida x Fredrick Castillon (Married)
Akane Castillon
Professor Laventon x his wife (Married)
Maria Laventon
Cyllene Caddel x Daichi (Married, Daichi is dead)
Cora Caddel
Melli x Ingo Collett
Tokiko’’, Tomiko’’, Kenji’’, Kentaro’’ & Etsuko Collett
Tucker x Avery Hackney
Arthur Hackney
Shielbert x Avery Hackney
Cordelia Hackney
Giovanni Forte x Rena 
Giana Forte
Lily Lynde x Hannah 
Tulip & Roland Lynde
Lara Laramie
Michael Laramie
Regina Mills x Jeremy
Garrett, Kaylie & James Mills
Valerie Bristol x Evelyn Desmond
Daphnis, Alette, Elros & Aine Bristol
Florian Villatoro x Kieran
Valeria Villatoro
Luna Blackthorn x Yellow
Tea Blackthorn
Aria Daviau
Daphné Daviau
Professor Samuel Oak x Elisa
Willow Oak
Celio x Lanette Bailey Lindsey, Booker & Ashton Bailey
Forrest Harrison x Maizie Oscar & Carl Harrison
Quillon Mittelman x Petrel Amber Mittelman
Quillon Mittelman x Danika Allegra & Marcus Mittelman
Morgan Desmond x Bridgette Bailey Marsha Desmond
Sordward x Sonia Emily, Mary, Lawrence, Annabelle and Garrett Magnolia
Lizabeth Blair x Christie
Marina & Danny Blair
(Will update more later)
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polarisgreenley · 5 months
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A Bouquet of New Beginnings Chapter 11: "Amaryllis"
Floriography - Determination
Summary: Snippets of Artemis' second week of school - the good, the bad, and the nightmare.
Below is an excerpt of the chapter, full chapter can be viewed from the AO3 Link above!
“So, I heard that you’re quite the covert little thief.”
Artemis paused her quill as she lifted her head. Sebastian and Ominis had been doing their assigned Charms essay, and she her extra assignments, in relative silence for the past half hour in the tucked away corner of the library until Ominis broke the silence.
“Oh?” Artemis asked as she pointedly looked at Sebastian. He was the only source that could’ve possibly said anything to Ominis.
Sebastian had the audacity to give an innocent smile.
“Oh indeed. Something about a padlock and a cat? A traipse into the Re-”
“-Oi! Not so loud,” cut in Sebastian. Ominis rolled his eyes as his head tilted back toward her.
“Just hadn’t expected you to be so brazen already with the rules,” paused Ominis. “Well done.”
Artemis had opened her mouth to make a counterargument, only to shut it in the unexpected praise. In contrast, Sebastian’s jaw dropped.
“What? So I get scolded when I go, but Artie gets a compliment? I see how it is.”
Ominis snickered at his friend’s expense.
“She doesn’t barge into our room with erumpent stomps at two in the morning, Sebastian. Though I am curious as to what you could possibly need. You’ve been here less than two weeks.”
Artemis was saved from answering the question as a sneering voice came from her left.
“Well, who do we have here? All alone and – oh, Gaunt. Sallow.”
Their table was at a strange angle that provided blind spots – clearly, Alistair had thought she’d been alone. The change in his tone was drastic, as the moment he saw the two boys his demeanour completely changed.
Sebastian glared daggers and Ominis’ expression was a carefully controlled brand of neutral.
“Avery. Care to finish what you were saying?” Sebastian asked dangerously.
“No, no I think I’ll take my leave,” said Alistair diplomatically.
“Do,” said Ominis as he slowly turned. Alistair’s hand balled into a fist, glared at Artemis once before he stomped away.
“Git,” spat out Sebastian before he turned to Artemis. “How’d you have the misfortune of meeting him?”
“Poppy and I stopped him from pulling on Persephone’s whiskers,” answered Artemis.
“Still petty I see. Can’t believe he’s the same year as us,” sighed Ominis.
“He seemed intimidated.”
“He should. I’d gladly fry him crispy,” huffed Sebastian.
“More my last name than me,” corrected Ominis. He looked like he bit a bitter bug. “Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, my father being friends with the headmaster. The Gaunt name has its… uses, despite the unfortunate run of pureblood mania.”
Slytherin has a bunch of pureblood supremist bigots, not to mention families associated with the Dark Arts. The Malfoys, the Blacks, the Lestranges, the Gaunts.
“The headmaster has friends…?” Artemis asked instead, perplexed at the concept.
Sebastian choked on air as he quickly muffled his laughter into his elbow; Ominis’ shoulders shook as he controlled his. Madam Scribner gave the group a warning glance as she walked by on her patrol.
“Artie, did you hear back from your contact?” Sebastian asked after it was clear the librarian had left their vicinity.
“Contact?” Ominis asked, his head giving a slight jerk.
Artemis looked between Ominis and Sebastian; the brunet nodded as Artemis let out a soft breath.
“They said they’d need to review their contract for the finer details first,” said Artemis. She’d hoped Leto would have responded back before telling Sebastian, but alas. “But, tentatively yes.”
“Really?” Sebastian asked, his eyes brightened. In contrast, Ominis’ features darkened.
“Contract?” Ominis repeated back.
“Artie has a Healer contact in the Ministry. Said she’d reach out regarding Anne.”
“A Healer? Wait, you told her about Anne?”
“I was getting her a –” started Sebastian before he stopped and ran his fingers through his hair. “Never mind, yes, I told Artie about Anne.”
“She’s my sister, I can tell whomever I like.”
Ominis hummed, though his expression didn’t ease as he looked at Artemis.
“Rather generous of you,” said Ominis. His jaw was set.
“Ominis,” Sebastian started, surprised.
Ominis tilted his head toward her; Artemis’ heart sank. She’d not felt this since Chalvey. Palpable mistrust, clear suspicion.  
“So? Why are you helping?”
“Because I want to.”
She managed to keep her voice controlled. It was understandable, why he would be like this.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
Because she didn’t want history to repeat itself… but nobody else needed to know that.
“You’re lying,” retorted Ominis. “What do you gain from this?”
Her throat tightened. Sebastian’s warm chocolate eyes hardened toward his best friend.
“Ominis, stop it -”
“- Is treating someone the way you wanted to be treated so unbelievable?”
The soft, wobbled words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.  She hadn’t intended to say that, not really.
Her hands moved quickly as both boys were stunned; Ominis’ eyebrows furrowed rather quickly afterward.
“Excuse me,” muttered Artemis as she pulled out her wand, the rest of her items haphazardly in her arms.  She muttered a quick disillusionment.
“Artie, wait!”
“Mr. Sallow! This is the library!”
Madam Scribner’s shrill warning rang loud behind her as she slunk away into the green floo flames.
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atvrvxia · 2 years
under the cut are the basic info for my reincarnated muses !! i’ve separated them under ‘modern-day greek gods’ and ‘modern-day king arthur’s court’. feel free to give this post a LIKE if you’re interested in plotting with any of them !!
AIMEE KING / twenty one- twenty three / english literature and romantic languages major / pansexual / she/her / reincarnation of aphrodite / fc: danielle rose russell
BECKETT GARCIA / forty two- forty four / marine biologist / bicurious / he/him/his / reincarnation of poseidon / fc: oscar isaac
CYRUS WILKINSON / thirty seven- thirty nine / doctor / pansexual / he/him/his / reincarnation of apollo / fc: aaron tveit
DUNCAN FROST / thirty four- thirty six / owner of a boxing gym & leader of a support group for veterans / heterosexual / he/him/his / reincarnation of ares / fc: hunter parrish
HEATH JACKSON / twenty four- twenty six / environmental science major & florist / bicurious / he/him/his / reincarnation of persephone / fc: fionn whitehead
HUNTER BLAIR / twenty eight- thirty / thief / bisexual / he/him/his / reincarnation of hermes / fc: joseph quinn
LORELEI ‘RORY’ CARLSON / twenty three- twenty five / bartender & dj / bisexual / she/her / reincarnation of dionysus / fc: olivia scott welch
REINA HUDSON / twenty two- twenty four / history and philosophy major / bisexual / she/her / reincarnation of athena / fc: lily-rose depp
SERAPHINA PADILLA / nineteen- twenty one / criminology and public health major / bisexual / she/her / reincarnation of hestia / fc: julia rehwald
SKYE WILKINSON /  twenty six- twenty eight / activist & employee at a woman’s shelter / demisexual / she/her / reincarnation of artemis / fc: madelaine petsch
AXEL FITZROY / thirty five- thirty seven / socialite & heir to fitzroy co. / pansexual / he/him/his / reincarnation of arthur pendragon / fc: daniel sharman
GARRETT COURTENAY / twenty nine- thirty one / paralegal / bisexual / he/him/his / reincarnation of guinevere / fc: mike faist
LARISSA XIONG VAUGHN / twenty six- twenty eight / socialite & taekwondo olympian / bisexual / she/her / reincarnation of lancelot du lac / fc: natasha liu bordizzo
MAVERICK COVINGTON / twenty three- twenty five / personal assistant to axel fitzroy / bisexual / she/her / reincarnation of merlin / fc: maya hawke
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indigoelfinspirit · 2 years
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Oddly enough Paris’ dog was the bright spot. Wolfbane had been trained to help people with anxiety and medical issues so he was watching after me and would regularly get in between me and the others - not that the kids realized that’s what he was doing. It’s quite hilarious to think that the island guardian is protecting me. I’m pretty sure he finds it irritating. Or maybe he’s protecting them from me? One of these days that dog and I are going to have to sit down and have a long talk .
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Oc Masterlist
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Haven Moonstone Masterlist-Coming Soon
Spencer Shadow Masterlist-Coming Soon
Xander Wishbone Masterlist-Coming Soon
Alison Montgomery(Wishbone) Masterlist-Coming Soon
Everly Duke(Wishbone) Masterlist-Coming Soon
Piper Richmond(Wishbone) Masterlist-Coming Soon
Luca Daisie Masterlist-Coming Soon
Alice Wonder Masterlist-Coming Soon
Cassandra Zephyr Masterlist-Coming Soon
Lorelei Juniper Masterlist-Coming Soon
Cameron Emerson Masterlist-Coming Soon
Solaris Ellington Masterlist-Coming Soon
Jupiter Lexington Masterlist-Coming Soon
Bradyn Eryx Masterlist-Coming Soon
Arin Priestly Masterlist-Coming Soon
Chandler Luna Masterlist-Coming Soon
Amari Queen Masterlist-Coming Soon
Harley James Masterlist-Coming Soon
Emilia Madison Masterlist-Coming Soon
Addison Petrov Masterlist-Coming Soon
Domino Victorian Masterlist-Coming Soon
Arya Artemis Masterlist-Coming Soon
Alvar Vix Masterlist-Coming Soon
Xyla Coraline Masterlist-Coming Soon
Echo Iris Masterlist-Coming Soon
Saffire Hadley Masterlist-Coming Soon
Eleanor Solace Masterlist-Coming Soon
Valerie Solace Masterlist-Coming Soon
Xylia Solace Masterlist-Coming Soon
Venus Solace Masterlist-Coming Soon
Nova Scarlet Masterlist-Coming Soon
Echo Hale Masterlist-Coming Soon
Azazel Quincy Masterlist-Coming Soon
Rory Jacqueline Masterlist-Coming Soon
Cecila Oakleigh Masterlist-Coming Soon
Ivory Valentine Masterlist-Coming Soon
Candace Brooke Masterlist-Coming Soon
Hailey Freya Masterlist-Coming Soon
Rory Dawson Masterlist-Coming Soon
Valen Vesper Masterlist-Coming Soon
Cory Jules Masterlist-Coming Soon
Logan Haskell Masterlist-Coming Soon
Sailor Lennon Masterlist-Coming Soon
Kaylyn Wolf Masterlist-Coming Soon
Lyra Wood Masterlist-Coming Soon
Aurora Frost Masterlist-Coming Soon
Mira Piper Masterlist-Coming Soon
Eleanor Ashmore Masterlist-Coming Soon
Victoria Harris Masterlist-Coming Soon
Kira Petrov Masterlist-Coming Soon
Amelia Belfiore Masterlist-Coming Soon
Athena La Fey Masterlist-Coming Soon
Stella Aspen Masterlist-Coming Soon
Astro Cooper Masterlist-Coming Soon
Leo Piper Masterlist-Coming Soon
Eris Hayden Masterlist-Coming Soon
Valerie Star Masterlist-Coming Soon
Briar Moon Masterlist-Coming Soon
Victoria & Autumn Hallow Masterlist-Coming Soon
Cecelia Griffin Masterlist-Coming Soon
Claudia Stone Masterlist-Coming Soon
Esmeray Autumn Masterlist-Coming Soon
Willow Kendall Masterlist-Coming Soon
Scarlet Kendall Masterlist-Coming Soon
Alex Carter Masterlist-Coming Soon
Taylor Clarke Masterlist-Coming Soon
Katherine Zane Masterlist-Coming Soon
Victoria Sailor Masterlist-Coming Soon
Cedar Petrov Masterlist-Coming Soon
Comet Ivanova Masterlist-Coming Soon
Ren Belov Masterlist-Coming Soon
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A/N: All of these ocs belong to me so please do not steal.
P.S. all of these Ocs are female and are intersex.
These are just some of my ocs on my Wattpad stories!
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creepnasty · 9 months
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(Sometimes) Studious Students
Willow Creek was the perfect quiet neighbourhood for these college roommates to move to. Lorelei, Anita, and Chelsea love their home away from campus and their new cat, Artemis Prowl. But Lorelei tends to get bored faster than her focused, headstrong, and wildly intelligent roommates. Trouble may be brewing in the not-so-distant future.
This household is such a fun mix of characters. I'm really into the quiet, hardworking students with a wild card thrown in. Plus, this trio lives across the street from the BFFs, so there's the potential for some fun backyard barbeques or late-night parties!
Pose by @beto-ae0
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