#au outlines for the win
shadowsong26fic · 8 months
Thumbprint AU (aka BSG Soulmate AU) additional ramblings
Last night, I was explaining some of the concepts behind this fic to my roommate. So, naturally, rather than working towards anything I actually am writing/planning to write, my brain was still on that track and fleshing out some of the other details/thinking about some of the Impacts moving forward XD
Brief background, for those who don't actually want to dive into the fic: it's one of the ones I wrote for Year of the OTP, it's a BSG Soulmate AU.
I'm...generally not actually super into soulmate AUs, unless they're baked into the worldbuilding of the story itself (i.e., some fairy-tale retellings trend in this direction; heavily prophecy-based settings; lifebonds in the Valdemar series; the Sun-blessed and shadow in Starless which I'm currently rereading...)
But in this particular universe, I think they're interesting. Not because of the way prophecy and destiny work--in fact, I'm not even really touching on that side of things. Mostly I was interested because of how that might impact any among the Significant Seven, given the culture they exist in. Specifically Caprica and Athena. (I'm writing Caprica/Baltar for the challenge; but there are other soulmate sets I'm interested in.)
Anyway, the rules I came up with:
Not everyone has a soulmate
It is possible to have multiple soulmates 2a. They do not necessarily have to be each other's soulmates
It is possible to have platonic soulmates
The mark is your soulmate's thumbprint; the location varies
The marks appear after both (or all) parties involved have reached an emotional point of no return, which is why it's so inconsistent.
I've picked out five soulmate relationships for this AU, though I'm not sure I'll actually write anything further about them, but just for reference:
Gaius and Caprica
Helo and Athena
Bill and Saul (platonic)
Bill and Laura
Saul and Ellen
Some further thoughts behind the cut
So, starting with Gaius and Caprica - His emotional point of no return is giving her the codes/granting access. - Hers is her confession - This means, as shown in the one-shot already written, their marks appear during/after the chaos of the attacks. - Hers is on her thigh - I did put some thought into the locations of these marks; sometimes there is a level of Meaning that I can articulate, sometimes it's just Vibes. In this case, it's...sort of both? In that it's something that you generally have to be already intimate with her to know. - She notices it as soon as she downloads. - His is on his collarbone - The placement here is that--it's something that's generally covered up, or easy to cover up without looking like you're Actively Hiding Something...but it's also fairly easy to uncover. Once it is, it's something he can explain away (or at least cut off any further questions). For once, by telling the actual truth--his soulmate isn't in the Fleet. (No one's really going to follow up on that.) - This might impact how things fall out between him and Kara. - I'm...actually not sure when he notices. Unless Head!Six points it out, for the first couple of days he might assume it's a random bruise...except it's a pretty specific shape, and then it doesn't fade... - Other potential threads/directions this could go: - Possibly Caprica's alliance with Boomer breaks down faster. Boomer does not have a thumbprint. - This might impact Gaius's relationship with Gina (at least once she's out of her cell/after the actual Pegasus/Resurrection Ship arc; I...don't think it'll necessarily cut through the tangle of Everything Else in the moment, but in the aftermath). - It doesn't really affect things with Head!Six or Head!Baltar, I don't think. They're already...A Lot.
Bill and Saul - So, 95% of the reason why I'm including them is to highlight some of the Rules of this AU (i.e., platonic soulmates are Also a thing; you can have multiple soulmates who aren't necessarily tied to each other as well as you) - Also, it's frankly hilarious to have a cluster where Several of the people involved despise several of the others XD - Bill's mark is on his shoulderblade; Saul's is on his bicep. - Saul's is entirely Vibes; Bill's is because Saul always has his back. - I don't know when the marks appeared, in part because parsing the timelines here is. Complicated. Also don't know the specifics behind their points of no return, but oh well. It doesn't...super matter by the time the series starts, I don't think? - (I am considering adding Felix and Dee to the list as another pair of platonic soulmates, because their relationship definitely could be written that way? But I haven't explored it much/don't have any real thoughts on it).
Bill and Laura - Their point of no return is actually a shared one! It's on Kobol. - They're also (probably) the only ones with a shared point of no return. Make of that what you will XD - Her mark is at the pulse point on her left wrist. - Mostly Vibes here. - His I keep changing my mind on where it should be...any suggestions? - (I love these two, I very much enjoy reading about them; but I don't actually write them myself very often hence not a lot of Fleshed Out Details here)
Saul and Ellen - I'm pretty sure they woke up in their new lives with their marks and it was built into their new personas as a result, but. uh. yeah, who the frak knows, anything to do with the personal timelines of the Final Five is. a Mess. - His is right over his sternum; hers is at the nape of her neck. - Pretty much entirely Vibes here. - They're included in part for some of the same reasons Bill and Saul are included, in part because my best beloved 2000-year-old dysfunctional robot drunks in love (every time I rewatch the series, I like them more and more; particularly Saul), in part because "you guys are horrifically toxic in a way that strangely works; you are perfect for each other; please never involve anyone else in your bullshit.) - (But, of course, other people are involved in their bullshit XD Bill, Sam/Chief/Tory...)
Helo and Athena - Okay, so here's where things could Really Go Places in terms of AU/canon divergence. - Athena's point of no return, obviously, is her decision to take Helo and run rather than sticking with the plan. - His is actually after that, during the confrontation with Kara when he stops Kara from killing Athena. - You'd think it would be earlier, that point where he turns back to rescue her rather than continuing on on his own. There's two reasons why I'm going here: - First, it actually genuinely makes sense to me. There's the complications with (as far as he knows) her prior relationship with Chief. Then there's the whole Reveal. It's not until Kara is threatening her that he has this moment of Clarity and realizes that--whatever else is going on, whatever other complications there are, he needs this Sharon in his life. One way or another. No matter the cost. - Second, it's for Storytelling Reasons, which I'll come back to in a second. - Both of their marks are actually visible unless they are Actively Covering Them Up. - Athena's is on the back of her hand. - Helo's is on his cheekbone. - Which brings me back to the second point for putting Helo's point of no return where it is. - Because the marks appear once both parties have crossed that line. - Which means Kara actually sees Helo's mark appear. - Obviously, this has a huge impact on everything when they get back to the Fleet. - The first instinct, of course, is that the marks are fake--tattooed on or something. - But Kara actually witnessed when Helo was marked. - Also, any infiltration attempts by Athena get. A little more complicated. - ...I don't actually have a plan or anything, lol, just. Hoo Boy That Changes Things.
...so, yeah, that's where I am. XD I don't know that I'm actually going to write any of this (I have other projects that interest me more), but I figured getting it down on paper, so to speak, and out of my head was a good place to start!
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antebunny · 4 days
Only Children
Barbara has been the last Bat in Gotham for two weeks when her surveillance finds Jason. It is a long-forgotten but somehow still operating security camera in a grainy corner of Gotham that tips her off. Settling in for another long day in, ironically, the Jason Wayne Gotham Public Library, founded almost ten years ago, Barbara immediately receives a notification that one of her searches found a match.
Usually she keeps her day work separate from her night work, for both security and personal mental health reasons. Lately she’s been slipping. For the past two weeks, her mind has slowly been consumed by a burning call to find them find them find them bring them home.
“Please be real,” Barbara says to anyone, any higher power listening. Her laptop itches in her lap as she abandons her desk in the library and heads to a back room, where she can conducts her investigations with more secrecy. 
The stale air of the back room greets her with a swirl of dust as the door slams shut behind her. Barbara wheels herself to the low desk and boots up the desktop. If this notification is a trap from someone who knows or suspects her identity, she wants her personal laptop safe. From the desktop, she opens the surveillance footage that tipped off one of her automatic searches. 
Last night, 4:34 am. West Murray Road. A southbound van (white, no license plate) pulls to the curb. People dressed in all-black clothing spill out of the east-facing doors. There are no distinct features amongst any of them, save for one. He is wearing a white workout shirt, stained deep brownish red in too many places to count, and ripped jeans. The footage is incredibly blurry and grainy due to the time of night and the quality of the camera, but the man’s arms are behind his back in an awkward position which indicates that they are being forcibly kept there. Two of the people wearing black press close to his sides, adding credence to this theory. 
Over his head is a black bag. 
Barbara isn’t one for fits of emotion, but the past few months are driving her to extremes. She pauses the video. Breathes in. “Please be real,” she repeats. “Please.”
A mantra that reveals her worst fears: if she’s hoping that this kidnapped, endangered individual is one of the Bats, what’s the worst-case scenario? 
4:35 am. The hooded man suddenly drops to the ground and rolls backward. His arms flash to the sky. They contort out of something bright and silver. Dislocated joint, Barbara thinks while the horrible, fearful hope mounts. His hands slide around his neck until they find something. A moment later, the bag is off his head. His feet are carrying him backwards. 
But the people in black are coming. And the man’s blind, backwards flight has carried him into a brick wall on the opposite side of West Murray Road. His head scans the street. His eyes find the camera, which the people in black missed, and for one dreadful moment Barbara’s surveillance footage has a perfect 480p view of his face. This is the moment that flagged the searches currently running on every camera that Barbara has access to. 
Jason’s mouth makes the very distinct shape of the letter O. The people in black pile on him like wolves on a wounded deer. He goes down fighting. 
4:54 am. The people wearing black drag him across the street and disappear into a building on the east side. 
“Oh God. Oh my God.” Barbara pauses the footage and allows herself twenty-three seconds of resting her face in her hands and just breathing. Then she gets to work. 
The basic problem is as follows: Barbara has no idea who has Jason. 
The building on West Murray Road is an abandoned liquor store; Barbara can find no sign of legal use since 2019. She can, however, find a long history of mysterious white vans dropping off mysterious customers at that very spot, for at least a year. Clearly, it’s an organized crime group that has Jason. But most Rouges of Gotham are leaders of organized crime groups, including Jason. Red Hood’s band of merry men are slowly falling apart with the sudden disappearance of their leader, but that’s the least of Barbara’s worries. Hell, even the Bats fall under the category of “organized crime.” 
The underlying problem is that Barbara has absolutely no support. She is the last Bat left in Gotham since Jason disappeared. Before that, it was Barbara, Steph and Jason. Steph disappeared on an ill-fated solo rescue mission to save Cass. Right now the best Barbara can hope for is that she’s still alive. 
If Barbara runs a rescue operation now, it’ll be blind, alone and chair-bound. If she fails, she will be exposing the last remaining hidden member of Gotham’s Bats–Oracle–to the criminal world. To date no one has come looking for Oracle, which means none of the Bats have given her up. 
She doesn’t know who has Jason, what state Jason is in, or what obstacles she can expect to face. These are the exact reasons why she and Jason told Steph not to rescue Cass just yet. Now the situation is even worse: Barbara is the last one left free, the last one still in Gotham. 
But what other choice does Barbara have? 
Izzy stumbles upon the package on a dismal Sunday afternoon. It’s a black box large enough to hold a pair of shoes, resting in a suspiciously-colored puddle on the side of the street. The surface is shiny, and when Izzy pokes it, she can’t tell what the material is. Izzy turns the box over, ignoring the suspicious liquid running down the sides. It’s not poisonous. Probably. There’s a button built into the bottom side of the box. Immediately, Izzy is suspicious; nothing this nice sticks around the Bowery for very long. 
Against her better instincts, Izzy presses the button. She leans back as the lines appear along the sides of the box and it hisses open. Inside the box is mostly empty, save for a small pile of cash in $20 bills, and a tiny metal something.
“I have a job offer for you,” says a mechanized voice.
Izzy grabs the cash and kicks the box away. Heart pounding, she stands up, backs up, and watches in morbid fascination as the box bumps harmlessly against the curb. That’s good, right? There’s no person, just a voice and an empty box which is far enough from Izzy that she could probably run away if gas starts coming out of it or something. She turns over the wad of USD in her hand. Maybe it’s coated in a poisonous substance. Anything could happen in Gotham, and Batman hasn’t been seen in months. The villains are getting bolder and bolder. 
“It’s just cash,” says the mechanized voice. Whatever filter that voice is using makes it clear that the voice belongs to real person, but also obscures any identifying features. 
Izzy’s head jerks up from the cash. She narrows her eyes at the box. “Are you watching me?”
“Yes,” says the voice, refreshingly honestly. “It’s just upfront cash. If you take the job, there’s a lot more on the other side.”
The thing is. Just because Izzy knows better doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need money. 
“What’s the job?”
“Let’s take this inside,” requests the voice.
Izzy glances up and down the street. On one side is an abandoned dock house where Izzy spends too much of her time. On the other side are a couple of run-down buildings which may have real stores or may have fronts for less-than-legal businesses. Who’s to say. 
“What’s the job?” Izzy repeats. She approaches the box again, lying innocuously open on a cracked Gotham curb. Gingerly, she reaches into the box and picks out the tiny metal thing. When she puts it in her ear, the mechanized voice speaks up again.
“Delivery,” says the voice succinctly. It is much quieter in her ear. Izzy supposes this is one way of making sure no one is eavesdropping. 
“What’s the catch?”
“It’s dangerous,” the voice says promptly, continuing the trend of suspicious honesty. Izzy sincerely hopes that this honesty is not a cover-up for a worse truth. “Both the handling and the drop-off.”
“How much you offering?”
“Ten thousand grand.”
$10,000 just for an errand. Izzy thinks she might be sick. Surely this is too good to be true. Really, she just needs some medical bills covered. The problem is that she doesn’t yet know how much money she’ll need. If she tells this mystery person, maybe she can get all her expenses covered rather than get $10,000 in cash. On the other hand, that’ll hand her identity over to this person. Who has already admitted to watching her. Ah, screw it.
Izzy picks up the empty box. She brushes her hair in front of her shoulders, so that it covers the earpiece. “Can you cover medical bills or does it have to be in cash?” 
Familiar Gotham sewage smells follow Izzy onto the next street. She hears the very faint sound of typing from the earpiece. So there really is someone on the other end.
“I can get someone to lend a hand.” 
Izzy squeezes her eyes shut and pictures it. Every inch of stress that’s been weighing her down, every worry, down the drain, wiped away. It’s ridiculous. This is Gotham. Even it it wasn’t, it’s too good to be true. Izzy knows better than this. She had her dumb teenage years but this would be the stupidest thing she’s ever done. 
It is an unusually warm November day, but Izzy pulls her fuschia sweater in tight. “What do you need me to do?”
Brian doesn’t believe in second chances or coincidences. Nevertheless, he’s taking this thankless, illegal guard duty grunt work because he’s fully out of options. They say his employer doesn’t give second chances. It’s also awfully coincidental that this off-the-books guard duty has him loitering outside some run-down storefront off West Murray Road. He used to live on this street, though much further north. 
“What d’ya think we’re guardin?’” Asks Rocky, Brian’s fellow guard who named himself after the movie. 
“None of our business.” Brian throws some sort of pebble at Rocky, who only looks at him in some mixture of boredom and disgust. 
“Heard someone screamin’ last night,” Rocky continues. 
“Shut the fuck up and don’t ask questions if you wanna live,” says Brian, keenly aware of how Rocky’s voice echoes through the abandoned street. West Murray Road doesn’t get much love from Gothamites, and even less at night. The most entertainment Brian has seen all this time is two rats fighting. 
“Alright, calm your tits, I’m just bored as hell, man,” Rocky defends. “Nothing interesting ever happens–”
Both Brian and Rocky jerk out of their distracted, half-asleep slouches. There’s a woman with a purple(? Pink? Red?) sweater standing right in front of the door they’re supposed to be guarding. She’s wearing a mask, but that’s pretty normal. It’s Covid-19 season, after all. They fail to look down and see the small package at her feet. Their attention instead falls to the black box in her hands. 
“I have a delivery?” The woman motions with the box in her hands. 
Rocky and Brian both jerk back, hands fumbling for weapons while they attempt to get a clearer picture in the near total darkness. 
“This some kinda joke?” Brian snaps. 
“Uh.” The woman backs up a step. Maybe Rocky took out his gun. “Listen, I–”
A horrible, indescribable scent slams into Brian’s nose so hard it shoots all the way into his skull and rattles his brain around. Vaguely, his eyes observe the woman adjusting another mask, a gas mask, under her K95 mask as he collapses to the sidewalk. Then he blacks out. 
Barbara is moving her drones before the two guards hit the ground. 
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Opinions on the other serpentine generals/tribe leaders?
My main opinion on Fangtom is that he has the silliest name in all of ninjago and I respect him for it. Also that the two heads thing was handled weirdly? Like why they didn’t just make the heads be like bickering twins I will never know, but the completing the other head’s sentences is just annoying imo.
I also don’t have many thoughts on Skalidor, but he also strikes me as the kinda guy that doesn’t have many thoughts in his head anyways so
And pythor is a gaslight gatekeep girlboss but also incredibly cringe fail if that makes any sense
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lunar-years · 2 years
My Jancy Hogwarts AU head-canons!
Lonnie leaves the summer before Jonathan is meant to start at Hogwarts. It takes everything Joyce has to get him on that train, but in the end Lonnie's departure is the reason he finally agrees - he'd never have left Will to deal with Lonnie alone.
When he's sorted into Ravenclaw, he's furious; Lonnie was a Ravenclaw, and the sorting feels like a confirmation of his greatest fear.
He's so upset about it he doesn't even tell Joyce what house he's in in his first letter home, but Joyce knows her boy too well. She sends a letter back listing out all his Ravenclaw traits and reasons why she loves him for each one. Jonathan cries the first time he reads it and then keeps it tucked away in his school truck for the rest of his time at Hogwarts.
The camera is a parting gift from Joyce, and it quickly becomes his biggest source of joy. He takes photos of everything, and his favorite thing to do is wander the castle alone, finding new places to photograph.
He gets to know the castle and its hidden passages extremely well for this reason (knowledge that Will and his friends greatly benefit from later on), but not the other students.
Nancy LOVES being a Slytherin. Ted is a muggle who is completely clueless about Hogwarts, and never bothered to learn, but her mother, a former Gryffindor, holds all the usual prejudices against Slytherins. Being Slytherin feels like a small victory, evidence she isn't like her mother at all.
But she thinks the Common Room under the Black Lake is claustrophobic and ends up spending as much time away from it as possible, in the library or out on the grounds.
She spends each morning reading the Daily Prophet cover-to-cover and imagining how she could make each story better; Nancy has a plan to be chief editor of the Prophet one day.
She gets on well enough with mostly everyone but much prefers the company of her best friend Barb back home; Barb never got her Hogwarts letter.
She and Jonathan meet in second year Potions after they get paired together for a brew.
Jonathan isn't very talkative, but they get on well and Nancy decides she likes him. She wonders why she hasn't really seen him around before.
After that she starts paying closer attention, but Jonathan is pretty elusive. She hardly ever sees him at meals and he never attends the Quidditch matches. Sometimes she comes across him in the library, but they only wave before retreating to their separate study corners.
She doesn't properly speak to him outside of class until the day she runs into him in the owlery while sending a letter to Barb.
Jonathan tells her, hesitantly at first, that he's sending a letter home to his younger brother. Then suddenly he's confessing to her how much he misses his family and how much he's always worrying about Will now that he's away from him.
Nancy tells him about her own family, and about Barb. How they'd planned to attend Hogwarts together, how difficult it was to leave her behind.
They're proper friends after that; Nancy sometimes sits at the Ravenclaw table during breakfast when Jonathan's there, and so Jonathan starts being there more and more often.
They study together in the library and, once the weather warms, out by the lake. Once they're old enough, they go on their Hogsmeade trips together too.
Jonathan shows her his photographs and Nancy tells him he should come work with her at the Daily Prophet once they graduate.
on Jonathan's 13th birthday, Nancy surprises him with an owl of his own, so that he doesn’t have to rely on the slow delivery of the school owls to stay in touch with Will. It’s the most thoughtful gift Jonathan’s ever gotten.
When Will and Mike finally come to Hogwarts themselves, Jonathan confides in Nancy that he’s worried Will will struggle to make friends like he did, so Nancy makes sure Mike introduces himself to Will on the train. She’s thrilled when the boys quickly become best friends, too.
Fifth year, Nancy catches the attention of the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, Steve, and she's thrilled about it until things between her and Jonathan start to get weird again.
When her and Steve start dating, Jonathan starts making up excuses to stay at the castle on Hogsmeade days and she sees him in the Great Hall less and less. He’s not ignoring her, not exactly. He still talks to her, and they still partner up in classes, but he’s also definitely avoiding her, and it’s driving Nancy mad.
By now, Nancy knows all of the small castle nooks and crannies where Jonathan manages to hide himself away, but she allows him his distance until he stops coming to the library to study, too.
When she confronts him, they get into their first big row, which Jonathan insists has nothing to do with her dating Steve and Nancy is convinced has everything to do with her dating Steve. (“I’m glad you’re happy, Nance.” “You’re clearly not. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks! You could actually hang out with the both of us, you know. Steve’s not like you think he is. You two might get along.” “No. We wouldn’t.” “You haven’t even given him a chance!” “Do I have to?” “So it does have to do with him!” Etc.)
Nancy is right. It does have to do with him. But Jonathan also wasn’t lying when he said he’s glad Nancy’s happy. All he cares about is Nancy being happy (even if it’s not with him).
(Jonathan is well aware that he’s fallen for Nancy at this point. Hard. He’s also deeply convinced Nancy does not and will not ever feel the same way. What does he have to offer her? Nothing, really. Maybe it’s better for everyone if they just… drift apart.)
Jonathan tells her that if she wants to date Steve Harrington, she has every right to, but he’s certainly not going to pretend to like the guy because of it. Nancy calls him a pretentious snob who refuses to get to know people before passing judgement on them, and Jonathan gives her his “girl who thinks she’s rebelling by doing exactly what everyone else does” speech.
Basically it's the season one canon argument in the woods, only their accusations cut much more deeply because they've known each other for years here. Neither one of them actually believe what they’re hurling at one another, but they say it anyway.
After that they don’t speak for the rest of that year and all through the summer, and they are both categorically miserable for it.
Nancy realizes she misses more than just Jonathan’s usual summer letters. She misses everything about him. And for the first time she begins to understand that she wants more than for them to just be friends again.
Steve tells her he loves her, and when he does Nancy knows that she’s already in love with someone else, someone who’s not even talking to her. So she breaks things off with Steve, who is heartbroken, which only makes her feel even more miserable.
She rehearses a whole apology to Jonathan, but he beats her to it on the Hogwarts Express. He tells her she was right. He was being stupid and selfish and if Nancy will let him try to be her friend again, he’ll do a better job of it this time. He’ll even put in an effort to get to know Steve for her, and—oh. Nancy cuts in to tell him they’ve broken up. Then she apologizes to him, too.
In the following weeks, Jonathan tries to build up to confessing his feelings for her, and Nancy does the same, but neither of them actually pull the trigger.
Then one day they’re sitting by the lake quizzing each other for an upcoming exam, and Nancy says something that makes Jonathan laugh. Like, really laugh--full-body, the way he hardly ever does, the way he seems to only ever do with her, and not in such a long time.
Without thinking, Nancy grabs Jonathan’s camera to take a picture of him, wanting to live in the moment forever. When she lowers the lens again he’s right there on the other side, and he crashes his lips to hers, and they're kissing at last.
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scarlet-traveler · 8 months
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wip meme
Thanks for the tag @goatsandgangsters ! I was literally just thinking this meme looked fun lmao.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. 
Looking through my docs though def makes me regret using the same account to write creatively and to do school writing so oof there.
She’s always bad news (It’s always lose, lose)
nonbinary alina fic
ch 4 plotting
mirror wip
Sun Summoner’s and Shadow Summoners of years past
Pirate trio because I said so
ruin and rising au
Part 5 ch 2
treaty fuckery
Tagging: @vesperass-anuna, @candlemouse, @ward-of-winter, @kelizmormont, @carolinelikesdinner, @dykevillanelle, @dumbmovieblog, @malewife-darkling, @orlissa and whoever else feels like doing it honestly!!
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gins-potter · 2 years
I went and saw Swan Lake over the weekend so unsurprisingly I’m back in my Dance Academy feels.
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dramaticals · 6 months
following instructions
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pairing: theodore nott x gryffindor reader
summary: enemies with benefits with theo where they're constantly insulting each other but they still can't get enough. smut. au where characters at hogwarts are aged up to be 19+. mdni. / requested by anonymous.
author's note: co-wrote this with lily (@softeliza) <3 we honestly wrote this as a theo x hermione, but swapped hermione for reader
✧ read part two: following instructions (headcanons) ✧
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Theo's judging eyes watch as you dice the sopophorous bean before tossing it into your cauldron, your gaze shifting between your opened textbook and your cauldron. A bead of sweat drips from your forehead. You were meticulously following the directions, and yet something still didn't seem right about your potion.
Theo scoffs, shaking his head. What an idiot, he thinks.
"You're supposed to crush it." Theo says, demonstrating pointedly with a silver dagger and popping the squashed bean into his own cauldron. The cauldron bubbles, and the liquid shifts a shade darker.
"You're supposed to follow the instructions, which clearly say to cut it," you say through gritted teeth.
Potions was the one class Theo never followed the directions for, and yet he always seemed to be doing significantly better than you. You hated that.
"You know," you add with a huff, annoyance laced in your words. "Just because you don't respect the rules any other time doesn't mean you shouldn't follow a simple recipe."
There was something about pissing you off that gave Theo the right amount of joy to get him through the day. Hearing you huff at his words was like finding a jelly slug in a mountain of acid pops. It was glorious.
"Do you believe everything you read?" Theo asks mockingly, his eyes unmoving from the cauldron in front of him. He doesn't know why he was helping you—this was meant to be a competition for the coveted felix felicis. Maybe it was because Theo knew you weren't going to listen to him anyway. "Besides, I respect the rules." Theo says, but even he can't keep a straight face at his claim, his lips tugging into a smirk.
"I believe everything I read in a textbook," you say, your eyes narrowing and your mouth falling open in shock. Was he serious? "You know, that book of words that literally outlines how to make the potion? How else would you know how to brew it?" You hope he doesn't notice the genuine curiosity in your question. You actually wanted to know how Theo knew what to do all the time. It was so infuriating.
"Natural intelligence and charm." Theo says coolly.
In actuality, Theo had managed to find a textbook filled with inscriptions, correcting the printed text with tips and tricks on how to brew a potion every time. But he wasn't going to tell you that. Theo would gladly and happily let you believe he was gifted.
Theo peeks at your cauldron and has to hold a snort back. It looked just about ready to implode.
"This is a simple recipe, huh?" Theo muses. "Is that why your potion looks and smells like absolute shit?"
"Maybe I just thought I'd throw you a scrap with this one. I mean, we both know you're in desperate need of some luck, especially on the Quidditch pitch. If anyone needs this win, it's you."
"Oh, so you watch me on the pitch, do you?" Theo says with a smug grin.
You roll your eyes. Curse him.
Theo stirs counterclockwise a few times and then once again clockwise. The potion bubbles again. This time, it shifts into its final colour form. Bingo.
Theo, with an expression beaming with pride, calls over Professor Slughorn to inspect the potion. You zero in on Theo's cauldron and let out a small sigh. You didn't need confirmation from Slughorn to know that Theo did it. That bloody asshole did it.
Slughorn tosses a single leaf into the cauldron. The leaf disintegrates, and Slughorn clasps his hands together and announces, "We have a winner! Class dismissed!"
As Theo receives congratulations from all around, you begin to tidy your workspace, empty your cauldron, and pack your things. Anger boils in your stomach. As much as you tried to avert your gaze from Theo, your eyes are drawn to the tiny vile Slughorn passes to Theo. With a triumphant smirk thrown your way, he tucks the potion into his pocket before cleaning his workspace.
"Try to use it for something other than trying to sleep with girls," you quip, clutching your books to your chest. The confident, holier-than-thou persona slips over you like a glove. It was a default shield whenever you felt threatened, especially academically. And Theo was often on the receiving end of it all. "I mean, I'm sure you could use some luck in that department, but I doubt that's what Zygmunt Budge had in mind."
"I'm doing quite well in that department, actually." Theo says. With looks and an attitude like his, girls were flocking to him like nifflers to gold. "Much like potions, really. They all just come to me."
Theo awaits your signature glare and snarky remark, but he was simply met with a silent shove to his shoulder as you headed to the door. His brows furrow, disappointed in the lack of repartee, before Theo's walking after you. He falls into step with you, following you through the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon.
"What's the rush, little lion? Can't stomach losing?"
"I'm not in a rush; I just don't want to be around you. Don't you have some dingy hole to crawl back into?" You fume, your grip on your textbooks tightens, and your pace quickens.
"You wound me." Theo simpers, clutching his chest in mock-hurt.
Being in Theo's presence was getting you more and more riled up. You felt like you were minutes away from becoming a human version of a Filibuster Firework. Theo loved when you got like this. He can't quite pinpoint the exact moment he realized why he liked seeing you so worked up, but he's quickly reminded by the staggered breathing and the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
Theo continues to stroll alongside you, an air of arrogance in each step he takes. You quickly realize you have no idea where you're headed. The echoing of both your steps, coupled with the hovering nuisance on your side, makes you let out a sharp, frustrated exhale. You turn to Theo, glaring daggers into his stormy eyes.
"Can you just go? You're so—ugh." You growl, unable to find the proper words.
Theo's brows perk upward. There's something familiar about the expression you give him. He'd seen it before. Last time he'd seen it, the two of you ended up christening the boy's change room after a Quidditch match—Slytherin should beat Gryffindor more often.
Before you can articulate your frustrations, Theo grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into a vacant classroom. The feeling of his fingers around your wrist sends a jolt of warmth straight through your body. Theo pins you against the door, your books falling to the floor with a sharp thud. He skillfully locks the door with a slight flick of his wand before muttering the muffliato charm and putting his wand away. Darkened eyes meet your gaze, a mixture of amusement and want in his eyes.
"I'm so what?" Theo demands. His hand caresses your cheek before roughly wrapping around the base of your throat. "Use your words."
Your mind goes hazy, as if you've been confunded, the moment you feel his hand on your throat. You'd never admit how much you loved when Theo did that.
With a shaky breath, you meet his intense gaze to say, "Infuriating."
The way you reacted to Theo's touch was unlike any other girl he had the pleasure of fucking at Hogwarts. You were just so obvious, and Theo had no shame in admitting that he found it all extremely arousing. Of course, your mouth would claim otherwise, but Theo always had a plan to occupy your pretty little mouth.
You bite down on your lip, stifling the whimper begging to escape. Your breathing is in sync with each other, and the sexual tension makes the air around you thick.
"Are you going to fix it? Or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" You tempt, leaning up slightly, just to see if he'll close the gap between your lips and his.
"I don't know," Theo responds, keeping a fair distance—only enough for your lips to brush lightly against his. To keep you wanting. Theo leans into your neck, ghosting breathy, teasing kisses up until he's milimeters away from your ear. "Are you going to say please?"
"You've got to be kidding," you huff, shooting a glare at Theo as you try to keep your breathing steady.
You weren't exactly experienced, at least not like Theo. You had a few moments with others, but no one had ever gotten you to feel as good as Theo did. It enraged you that Theo knew how good he made you feel, but you also took pleasure in knowing that you must be riling him up just as equally because Theo always seemed to come crawling back.
You bring your free hand up, tangling your fingers in his lush, brown locks, before tugging his head back a bit so he could look at you. He groans at this. It was one of many acts that really got Theo going, and it just so happened to be where your hands gravitated to the most.
"Please," you say, the tiniest of smirks on your lips.
Anticipation runs through your veins. You didn't need to say anything else. By the way he was looking at you, his lustful eyes boring into your gaze, Theo knew you needed him right now.
"Good girl," he muses with a cocky grin.
The first time Theo had praised you like that, while laced with ridicule, it had elicited a whimper that had him reeling. Today was no different.
Theo moves his hand from your throat and down to your waist, expertly pulling you away from the door and onto the desks behind him. Theo wastes no time and captures your lips with his. One hand finds your thigh, teasing up your bare skin and under your skirt. Your hands find and tug at his belt. Theo unbuckles it and tosses it aside.
"Let's see if you can keep it up." Theo says hotly against your lips.
It was in your nature to be good. But with Theo, there was that bubbling voice inside you that beckoned you to misbehave—to get under his skin. To be bad, all so he could teach you a lesson. Which is why, as Theo plants nippy, wet kisses down your neck, you can't help the words that blurt out of your mouth.
"Let's see if you can make me shake, like—what was that bloke's name..." You trail off, pulling him up by the collar of his shirt for another kiss and wrapping your legs around his waist to keep him close.
There was no other guy, of course, but you wanted him to think otherwise. The mischievous glint in your eyes changes to amusement as Theo's eyes darken. His fingers drag possessively across the insides of your thighs. It was hard for Theo to imagine you with someone else. You two weren't exclusive by any means, but the way you'd whimper and dig your nails into his back had him feeling territorial.
"Shake?" Theo asks against your lips. There was a tinge of something in his tone, and, deep down, you wanted it to be jealousy. "I'll fucking make you shake."
Feverish kisses move down your neck, eliciting a whine out of you, his free hands taking residence on the base of your throat. He plants open-mouthed kisses down the sensitive spots along your neck, sucking softly on the skin, surely leaving a mark everyone would be able to see. Theo pulls back to admire his work. He's pleased. You, on the other hand, were equal parts excited and annoyed. Excited because the sensation made the blood rush to your cheeks and to your core, and annoyed because you had to explain the markings to your friends.
"Theo," you hiss. "You know better."
Theo doesn't listen, obviously. Instead, he moves down your body until he's crouched and face-to-cunt. Slender fingers reach under your skirt, hook onto your panties, and slide the garment off. In an instant, Theo's between your legs, lapping his tongue relentlessly over your clit.
"Oh my god," you gasp, one hand grasping onto the edge of the desk, your back arching instinctively to bring yourself closer to his tongue. Your free hand finds his hair again, your hips rolling to meet his movements.
Theo's smirks into your core, a low groan escaping his lips as he feels you roll onto his mouth. Strong hands position themselves on either leg, urging you to spread your legs wider. You try to obey his silent requests, but it's not enough. Impatience hits him hard, and he's repositioning your legs so they're slung over his shoulders, a firm hand pushing your hips down onto the wooden desk. The new position allowed him to be flush against you, his tongue circling your entrance and lapping up any arousal.
"Theo," you moan, louder than normal.
You could tell he was pissed. It'd always been your goal, especially in intimate settings, but Theo had never been like this. He buries his face between your legs, his nose rubbing against your clit as his tongue works on your opening. He dips a finger in and withdraws it out of you slowly, contrasting his unyielding tongue. Your eyes flutter shut with pleasure.
"More," you choke out. "Please, give me more."
Your moans were fueling the already raging fire in him. Fuck, he needed to hear more of that. Theo uses his free hand to hold you steady, his tongue and lips unrelenting. He adds another digit inside of you, curling his fingers against your spot. Theo wanted to make you cum now more than ever. He wanted you to remember that even if you were fucking someone else, he was the only one who could make you unravel like this.
"Sit fucking still then," he growled against your slit, stormy eyes shooting up to look at you.
You fight hard to listen to him, desperately trying not to squirm. Theo was cruel enough to stop and leave you high and dry, so it was in your best interest to do as instructed. You dig your nails into the edge of the desk in an attempt to keep your focus on something other than the pleasure growing inside of you.
"Th-Theo," you gasp. "I—"
You're close, and you know what Theo wants—what he always wants. Theo wanted you to ask for permission, and with the image of someone else messing with you fresh in his mind, Theo needed to know he had that control over you now more than ever. Breathy pants fill the room, and you fear you can't hold it back any longer.
"Fuck, please. Can I please..." You moan, throwing your head back against the desk.
"Please what?" Theo says roughly against you. If Theo's cock wasn't already erect, it would be now. Your moans and gasps of pleasure were truly something that needed to be studied. Who knew these delightfully ragged breaths could come out of someone so irritatingly uptight? "Words, Y/L/N."
The fog of pleasure Theo has you in has made it impossible for you to do the one thing you pride yourself on: following the instructions. Typically, Theo would remove himself and make you beg for contact. Today, though, his actions were ceaseless. Despite your strong will to be good, your body wouldn't cooperate.
"Oh my god," you whimper, your back arching as an intense orgasm washes over you. Your body jerks—no, shakes—and your moans are broken up by desperate gasps as wave after wave hits you.
Theo curses under his breath. As pissed as he was that you didn't ask, Theo graciously allows you to release on his tongue, lapping up your sweet fluids. He'd reprimand you later. As you come down from your high, your body collapses onto the desk. You've never felt anything like that before.
Theo stands and slides his fingers out of you slowly. His darkened, lustful eyes are trained on yours. As much as he enjoyed the view, Theo wasn't happy.
"Don't," you breathe. "I know—I should have... I know."
"So much for following instructions," Theo says, disregarding your words. He licks your arousal off his fingers casually, and the sight makes you shift and clench your thighs together. He was the hottest irritant you've ever seen.
"Fuck off," you say with an exasperated huff. You prop yourself up by your elbows, slowly moving into a sitting position. "You didn't exactly help the situation."
So maybe Theo was being a bit of a prick. Not like he could help it—you squirming and moaning for him like that triggered something primal in him. Theo didn't want to stop; he wanted to make you scream for him. Still, it really shouldn't have been hard to ask.
By the way Theo was looking at you, you could tell it would take more than a crass brush-off to wipe the icy glare and pouted lips from his expression. Delicate fingers grip onto Theo's shirt, tugging him closer to you. You ghost your lips against his, meeting his steely gaze. "Will you let me make it up to you?"
You don't wait for a response. Instead, you nip at his bottom lip before pulling him in for a slow, deep kiss. Despite his annoyance, Theo kisses back, placing a strong hand behind your neck to keep you in place. The kiss is full of passion, anger, and need.
You maneuver yourself off the desk, unbreaking the hot kiss, as you reposition so that Theo's the one against the desk. He acknowledges you taking charge, and he allows it because, quite frankly, whenever you did take charge, Theo found it extremely intoxicating.
Only now do you break the kiss, peering up at Theo as your hands fumble with his pants. He kicks them off just as you remove your own top, making a point of leaving your bra intact. Theo's breath catches. God, he wanted to bury his face between the valley of your breasts.
"So?" You ask again, a devilish smirk on your lips, your fingers making progress on unbuttoning his collared shirt. "Will you?"
"Go on, then." Theo says. It's not lost on him how much leniency he gives you—not just in this moment. Any other girl who disobeyed his instructions would have been tossed aside so he could move on to the next. But with you, as vexing as you were, you also very much intrigued him.
At his permission, you lightly push him back so he's sitting on the desk, giving him a much comfortable position to watch as you slowly unhook your bra, letting the garment fall to the floor. You can sense his probing eyes on you, and you can't help the sly smile that appears as you straddle him, one leg on each side of him.
Theo's hands find your waist immediately, slowly sliding up your sides, to your bare back, and then to your front. He squeezes your breasts, eliciting a breathy moan from you. Your skin was soft under his rough hands.
"And I thought you were going to let that ego of yours make a horrible choice for the both of us." You tease.
Theo's too enamoured with this new position (and view) to respond to your jests. One hand rests firmly on your jaw as he pulls you in for a kiss, his teeth grazing your bottom lip. Meanwhile, your hand moves to stroke his length, feeling Theo grow even harder at your touch.
"Shit," Theo groans.
"Someone's missed me," you whisper against his lips. Your thumb teases the tip of his cock, evoking a slight twitch out of him.
"God, shut up."
Theo wanted nothing more than to wipe—no, fuck—that smug expression on your face. And he's just about ready to take matters into his own hands, but you beat him to it.
Still wet from your previous orgasm, you were beyond ready to have Theo inside you. You lift yourself up slightly, guiding him to your entrance. He bites back a groan, his hands gripping your waist. You lock gazes as you slowly lower yourself onto him, your mouth falling open in a glorious 'o' shape as you take all of him into you.
While this wasn't the first time you had Theodore Nott resting deeply in your cunt, you took a moment to adjust.
"Are you going to move, or what?" Theo growls impatiently, bucking his hips and roughly nipping at the soft skin on your neck.
His impatience makes you smirk.
"Hey," you say, with a wry smile. You snake your fingers up to his hair, tugging his head back slightly to give you room to trail a path of kisses along his neck. You were going to prolong this and make you both ache for more. You didn't want to be the only one who was a moaning mess today. "If I'm making it up to you, then it's my rules."
"You know I don't give a shit about rules."
"Too bad."
This makes Theo's jaw clench. Before he can utter another quip, you're rolling your hips, feeling him embedded inside you. The movement feels good, but you know it's not enough for either of you just yet.
"God, I'm thankful your ego isn't the only thing that's big," you moan against his ear.
This makes Theo's jaw clench. You hear a string of curse words in another language, something you've noticed Theo does in moments where his brain had short-circuited. Enough sense, it seems, is knocked back into him as you can understand the breathless words, "And you take me so fucking well."
Theo's lips find the top of your chest, kissing down feverishly. His tongue flicks expertly against your right nipple as his hand moves to grip your bare ass from under your skirt. You arch into him, letting out a sharp gasp at the dual sensation. Despite his sentiment about rules, Theo lets you control the pace. He holds back the strong desire to thrust upwards into you, to fuck you hard.
"Oh, Theo," you whine as you continue to roll your hips. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and lift yourself up, almost completely off his dick. Ghosting your lips against his, you push yourself back down—hard—feeling him go even deeper. You repeat these movements, your moans growing louder.
Theo can't stop the thoughts of how gorgeous you looked from clouding his mind. You weren't bad to look at normally, but seeing you fuck yourself with his cock had to be one of the wonders of the world. Only if that were a reality, Theo's not sure he could stand anyone else ogling you like this.
"Yes, that... that feels good." Theo groans, his cock throbbing from your movements.
You press your forehead against his, your eyes locking with his as you continue. One of the things Theo liked most about this little arrangement was your unnerving ability to keep eye contact—there was nothing more sexy than seeing the woman you were pleasuring crumble. Eyes can tell you everything.
"I'm trying to—" you breathe, rocking yourself against him. The movement wasn't nearly fast enough, but the way you were moving had him reaching depths you didn't know were attainable. "—to be good."
"Are you?" Theo asks between pants, squeezing your ass roughly. He leans into your lips. "Can you be a good girl for me now?"
You give him a small nod, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment. Your breath is quavering as you try to speak; your eyes re-lock onto his. "Am I not being good for you?"
This makes him chuckle darkly. Theo wasn't an idiot. He knew you practically yearned for his words of praise. The knowledge was something he took advantage of from time to time, withholding and dangling his praise in front of you just to see how far you'd go to make him say it.
To prove to Theo you were being good, you push yourself down onto him roughly, a whimper escaping your lips. You increase your speed, unable to hold out anymore, fucking yourself hard, deep, and fast on his cock.
"Fuck." Theo swears, and he can't help himself now. Hands keep you in place as he fucks up into you, cock hitting your spot repeatedly and mercilessly. He relishes the feeling of your wet core around him. Your clit presses against his pelvis at each thrust.
You took pleasure (literally and figuratively) in Theo's natural ability in knowing. He knew what to say, how to touch you so you were melting, and when to take back control. His hands digging into your hips told you everything you needed to know: Theo was going to fuck you senseless.
"I want to be good," you pant, your nails digging into his back, grasping for a release.
"Then you know what I want to hear."
He holds you flush against him, arms wrapping around you as he continues to thrust. He can feel his own pleasure grow. Your head falls onto his shoulder as you feel it building up in your stomach again. This time, you weren't going to wait until it was too late.
"Theo, please," you practically beg. Theo was the only person who'd ever make you feel like this, and you were past the point of caring whether he knew it too. "Can I cum, please? For you."
"Yes," Theo hisses. He was close too. "Cum for me. Now."
Your orgasm hits you hard and fast, your head falling back as you drag your nails into his skin. Theo continues to thrust up sharply, chasing the high for the both of you. You clench around his length, the sensation mixed with your moans pushing Theo over the edge.
"That's my good girl."
Theo's praise for you was not lost in the chorus of breathy moans and grunts of pleasure. His addition of the word 'my' made you shake even more as another wave of pleasure washes over you.
"Oh, God, yes, Theo."
His hand moves to the back of your neck desperately, guiding you into him for a passionate kiss as he spills into you with a moan.
Ragged breaths fill the room. There was always a moment of limbo after every encounter—a moment where the two of you stayed entangled and nestled with each other, savouring the proximity and stealing last, sweet kisses. You knew the moment you got up, the two of you would go back to despising each other again, until next time.
"So?" Theo asks after a moment, expectant of an answer, as if you could read his mind. "That dumb git you mentioned earlier. Was he better than me?"
His question makes you smirk, and you have to bite it back so as not to show how content you were that he had lingered on that thought.
"You don't want me to answer that," you say, giving him a small pat on the shoulder before getting up. You slip back into your clothes and adjust your hair.
The answer should have been obvious to Theo, but you weren't giving him the satisfaction of admitting it because it did nothing for your reality. This was as far as this would go. Theodore Nott was a pretentious asshole who just so happened to be a good fuck. There was never going to be more than that.
"You definitely exceeded expectations today, Theo," you say, gathering your books from the floor. "But you didn't do anything worth an outstanding."
With a swift flick of your wand, you unlock the door and leave Theo in the vacant classroom, already fantasizing about next time.
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carniferous · 1 year
one wip i haven't talked about (bc it isn't a wip it's just an idea i've always wanted to do) is a professional tennis player au.... solely because i'm a big tennis fan
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getodrools · 4 months
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IN WHICH, virgin! choso is more than willing to do all of your assignments as long as he can keep his grimy — incel freak hands on you.
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ f! reader. college au. dry humping + panty fucking manipulation. he whimpers :(. premature ejaculation. cumshot. mentions of: gojo x reader. | WC –> 1.0k+ est ! !
NOTE. this is a repost from my old blog !! :p
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CHOSO ALWAYS THINKS THIS is a win-win situation—of some sort. being able to clasp clammy hands to your sides and to rut shamelessly against you; as long as he did your jujutsu tech assessments, first. but even as he does work hard on your own homework, he still gets to hang out with a pretty, popular girl like you.
so, win-win.
“c–choso, wait! i-- slow down—hey! be careful.” you sigh heavily before blowing messy hair out from your face, trying to stay calm as the man behind you fumbled around with your skirt to pull over the globes of your perk ass.
feeling warm breath, “pretty… so pretty… ” choso lays all ten lithe fingers across your ass before squeezing at the jiggly flesh into a vice grip—dammned he would leave an outline of his print, jagged nails too, feeling them cut the shape of crescents into your soft skin. gross.
“i know, just… take it easy.” without having to see that cherry kissed face of his, you know he unconsciously nodded, frantically too.
you still felt him groping and molding your ass around in his hold regardless though. that hollow promise was quickly thrown out the window.
especially, when choso catches the view of your soiled, cute little panties; a damp, dark spot circling around your sopping slit, almost drooling down the thick of your thigh.
choso could feel his heart jump up his throat and bounce straight down to his cock, feeling himself beginning to swell then get harder – it hurt too at the sudden ache panging between his legs, but this pretty sight of you bent over and…
turned on..? by him? was certainly etching a core memory into his brain.
his slick tongue runs over dry lips, “are you—”
“i just got back from gojo’s. you're not special.” you wiggle your ass upwards in hopes he would just get on with it… and the distraction works, hearing him suck in a breath of air through gritted teeth at the remark but quick with his hands.
soft cloth from the crotch of his pants presses hard against your body. choso jerks his hips upwards – his cock practically beating through his brutal confines, almost bursting through the buckle as he jutted against you hopelessly, searching for a rhythm…
choso’s head cranes back, lolling off to the side as he held you close while bending his knees, almost buckling to get a better angle to press more firmly against your clothed cunt. wriggling his own hips to feel more of that warm wetness seeping through, but through thick clothes like his own was a restriction, a brutal one at that.
“can... can i take off my pants and—”
“cum on any of my clothes, i will kill you.” that's all he needed to hear, being quick with it too; clasping his buckle and letting his pants crinkle to the floor.
the sauntering man quickly curled long fingers around the base of his cock; gripping a firm grasp to stroke his length hard with a slight twist to his tip – watching how the uncut skin glides over and swipes away the pearls of drooling pre as he did.
and you sat there, impatiently tinkering with the charms on your phone – ‘till the hefty feel of a nudging cock prods at your panties.
the sensation of his bulbous crown kissing your clothed slit was new… to say the least as he felt on you, sliding the hardness of his warm pulsing cock up and down your panties. even between the globes of your ass, and squeezing them together to suffocate his shaft.
this was new—actually, feeling choso’s length caress against the folds of your cunt was altogether, new. it brought a new sort of imagery from him to come flooding; fuck, he's big… and a lot more than you expected—damn, something no one would expect.
pure chastity. his cock wasn't just thick in size, but overwhelmingly big, practically feeling the pulsing veins wrapping around his base beat at every feathery touch.
maybe… he was special…
scratch that, choso let out a soft… whimper?
total loser.
this is the closest he's been near pussy—ever. and it was so obvious the first time you brought up this deal with him; the shock on his face was almost paralyzing, practically stuttering even through heavy breaths of confusion. but luckily, choso—of course, bought it. and ever since, he's been a feen to even do extra credit work for you even when it's not needed – too hooked up on the thought of humping your body every time he gets you an a+…
the fabric softener you used helped his cock smooth easier across the cloth.
so soothing, he thinks, while frothing over your body that bounces along with his. watching how the curvature of your spine arches into a deep bow, and how your hips fill in nicely into his hands, even how your puffy lips pressed through your panties, practically kissing and sandwiching his cock every time he slid himself over was mouth-watering.
yet, this was still the same thing you've both been doing for a very long while now, just fewer clothes…
your eyes peel open wide, pretty head even spinning around like an owl at the foreign feel of choso pressing the crown of his cock harder against your clothed cunt; almost pressing your panties inside of you at the rough thrust forward.
“heh, are you trying to actually fuck me?” you want to giggle. the soft lewd expression drooling over his face was adorable. his mouth left hanging agape, eyes hooded and set low, even his nose crinkled up at the suctioning feel wrapping around his blushing tip.
“euuh, i--” he’s trying so hard to mutter out words, but only incoherent babbles spew out – all thoughts and focus were set on this new feeling. practically, fucking you with a condom—a heart-lacey condom of thin cloth…
“you wish.” you roll your eyes and make yourself more comfortable; settling your tummy on the desk in your dorm and wriggle your ass up more for him.
choso takes this chance to wisp the tips of his fingers to hook around your sides harder to help stable himself from buckling as he watched with greedy eyes; entranced how he's practically fucking you. choso was trying so hard to push himself deeper, but the restricting panties blanketing around him as he attempted, forces his hips back in a ache.
it tickled – for you, the fabric of your own soiled garments tease at your gummy walls at each frantic thrust choso barrels into you with. this new, almost fuck was intriguing… and pathetic how hard he was trying to feel more of you.
catching your bottom lip between your teeth, you hear his breathing become heavier. it was cracking into whines as he was losing it from this enticing reality.
choso’s hands grip hard around your sides – bruising too as he felt his balls tightening. his hips were beginning to stutter, legs almost buckling. he reached a certain limit to rut harder—desperately, feeling a sudden rush shoot up his spine.
he lets out another, final whimper.
“ah!-- what did i tell you!” the warmth of a puddle of creamy cum spurts right against your clothed slit, almost oozing through your panties and seeping between your folds from the hard press of his hips trying to shove himself as deep as he could.
it was a lot. warm too. choso popped his heavy knot of spunk right on you, and in no shame, his head rolls to his chest with squeezing eyes.
“get… gojo to buy you some new clothes then…”
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starsofang · 4 days
Finish Line
Street Racer!AU / Part 1
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader
Summary: Returning to the racing world in a new city proves to be futile when one of the racers has it out for you. He's determined to take you down, and you're determined to win.
TW: will be added for future parts, reader has a biker name but does not have a referenced name otherwise
A/N: if you’ve seen blade runner or cyberpunk, those were the vibes i’m going for. but basically all street racer!141 are in this, pray for me <3
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The radiant glow of luminescent neons flooded your vision as you lifted yourself off of the bike you’d ridden into town, casting arrays of purples and blue along the span of your skin, reflecting blinding shimmers off of the glossy shine of your bike.
The city was boisterous around you. The streets filled with a variety of people covered in racing gear or alternative twists in their style. All sorts of glitzy colors adorning their bodies, mirroring the image of the neon city and blending them in. Crazy was the best word to describe it. Hectic, maddening hysteria that littered the city like a plague.
You stood in the midst of it all, taking in the booming voices that carried through the air of excited participants in the race that was soon to begin. It was a frenzy even being in the city, and you found yourself sticking to the side of your bike and opting to watch instead of join. After all, you knew nobody, and this was your first race – at least, your first one in a long time, and in a new city on top of that.
You’d never been in a place so lively before, and perhaps that was the appeal to it all. People were excited. They treated street racing like a sport rather than the crime it was. Illegal, unhinged, dangerous.
It was the most life-threatening sport one could get into, and you were one of those unfortunate souls who had a knack for speed.
“Takin’ it all in?” An unfamiliar voice geared its way towards you through the chaos, and when you looked over, you saw an older man with kind eyes and a heavy-set beard. Upon further inspection, you noticed his left leg was purely robotic, all metal and fancy tech, a neon outline tracing along the ridges and curves.
“It’s a lot,” you breathed in response, earning a hum of acknowledgement from the mystery man.
“Sure is,” he agreed, though his wide smile and twinkling eyes made it seem as if he preferred it that way. “You racin’ tonight, doll?”
You glanced over at your bike from beside you. Purple, matching the fluorescent city, and fast as hell when you knew how to control it. “I am. First race in a while. Are you?”
The man chuckled lowly, shaking his head. He tapped his knuckles against the cool metal of his leg, giving you a cheeky smile that poked through the fur on his face. “Can’t race with a leg like this. People might think I’m cheatin’.”
The tone of his voice was teasing, and it brought your own laugh out. “I wouldn’t say it’s cheating. Maybe just a bit of modification, is all.”
He laughed again, and the sound of it eased the original tension that consumed you from the sight of a new crowd in a new city. “I like the way you think, doll. I’m John. John Price.”
Your eyebrows raised at the name, and you stared at him with a look of surprise and awe. His hand was outstretched to shake yours, and when you shook off your initial shock, you reached out to grab it.
John Price. Even in other cities unlike this one, like your own, John Price was a name whispered amongst other racers. A true street racer, one that took win after win like it was easy. In his day and time, he was the best of the best, and if you knew he was in your race, it was promised fate that you would lose to him.
Nobody knew what happened to him after he disappeared from the racing crowd, but judging from the robotic leg, you could piece together the picture.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you greeted politely, your hands clasping together to give each other a firm shake before releasing. “Heard a lot about you.”
“Really?” he hummed in amusement, feigning humility. “Didn’t take it that others knew about me in other cities.”
“How’d you know I wasn’t from here?”
“Oh, I can tell, doll. You looked like a poor lamb walkin’ into a wolf’s den, comin’ here,” he teased, and you shifted on your feet in embarrassment. “No need to fret. I’ll introduce you to a couple of the other racers, get you more acquainted.”
You weren’t sure why he would bother to do so. This race was a competition, and getting to know the other racers you were about to go up against wasn’t exactly in your books for the night. He seemed to recognize the muted confusion, though, because he smiled and beckoned you with a hand to follow him.
“It’s good to know who you’re competin’ against,” he explained as you walked alongside him. Your bike handles were between both of your hands, steering it beside you, too uncertain of the new area to trust anybody to leave it be. “Good to learn their tricks so you can use it against them.”
“Why exactly are you telling me this?” you asked, and he chuckled.
“Haven’t had a new racer in a while. Not a promisin’ one, anyway. Forgive me, but I tend to get a bit excited when somebody new joins the races.”
That made sense, you suppose. He didn’t race anymore, so he thrived off of the thrill of every race. If he couldn’t join, he could certainly watch and observe. Price probably knew all of the ins and outs of every street racer without their knowledge.
You followed him down the bustling streets, passing by crowds of colorful people who were nearly bouncing off the walls in anticipation. The looks you got along the way had you uneasy, but most of them were more curious than cruel, taking in the sight of your bike and the flashy, purple protective gear you wore.
Finding yourself at a rundown looking building that was littered with a vivid glow, you entered what appeared to be a garage. It was filled with various other bikes, as well as an insane amount of toolboxes lining the walls with spare parts scattered carelessly.
Propping your bike up with its kickstand, you stood a bit straighter when Price called out to a group of men on the other side of the garage. One was working on a bike, while the other two were lounged lazily on a beat up couch, bickering with one another.
The sound of Price’s voice seemed to send them into immediate submission, and they stood, making their way over to you.
They were… certainly a mixed pack, weren’t they?
The first man you took notice of was decked out in a bright blue that glowed in curvy patterns along his gear. His hair was shaved into a messy mohawk that flopped languidly atop his head, and his smile was crooked and toothy, creasing his eyes into wrinkly crescents.
The second one had a warmth to him, despite the edginess of his gear. It was deep red and meshed well with the tan of his skin, and just like everything else in this city, provided a neon blaze that you swore would cause you to turn blind at some point.
The third one was incredibly off putting. Cold, stiff, and eyes that bore into you like a knife digging in your skin. It was laced over with poison, threatening to invade your veins and taint your bloodstream. His eyes were the only thing you could see, for the rest of his face was covered by a painted balaclava, the mouth of a skull covering his own. Dark and dangerous, a racer you grew wary of when the time came for competing.
“This here is Soap, Gaz, and Ghost. They won’t bite,” Price assured. You highly doubted that.
You gave them a polite nod of your head, and Soap clasped a hand on your shoulder, beaming at you. His smile was nearly as blinding as the rest of the city, and you wondered briefly if it hurt.
“New comer, eh? Ever raced before?” he asked in enthusiastic curiosity.
“Yeah,” you replied, and Gaz released a low whistle. When you shifted your eyes to him, he was looking at your bike.
“Looks like you have a new competitor, Ghost,” Gaz teased. Ghost didn’t seem amused by it, his eyes continuing to stare you down in silent disapproval.
“Unlikely,” he rumbled dryly.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him. Ghost was already giving you the information to know you needed to steer clear of him, both on the streets and off. He was competitive, and you could practically see it burning through his irises, like a raging fire that you had no way of putting out.
It was unfortunate that you were also just as competitive. You had your reasons for returning to racing, and you’d be damned if a man like Ghost attempted to sway you off track.
“Guess we’ll have to see, Ghost,” you chirped. His eyes narrowed in warning, pupils near black from the way he was scoping you out and silently pulling you apart in the clouds of his mind. Price snorted at the tension, but made no attempt to stop it. After all, he liked friendly fire – though, this wasn’t exactly as friendly as it was fire.
“Right,” Ghost grunted, cocking his head at you. His posture was menacing, and you would be smart to ease off the high horse, but you didn’t falter. “Don’t exactly think I caught your name.”
“Maze,” you offered.
Of course, everybody in the racing world only ever went by their biker name. Everybody’s had meaning, a reasoning for being called that. Maze was a name that was pinned to you without so much as a say, based on how effortlessly you could maneuver your way through tangled webs of roads and corners in the midst of chaotic races.
Ghost was a name unheard of, and surely, there was a baleful reason for it.
“Maze,” Ghost repeated with a tongue full of smoking venom. “I guess we’ll see, then.”
It was a threat if you ever knew one, and from the way the others remained perfectly unphased by it, a normal one at best. This was who he was, his true colors, dark and gloomy in comparison to the bright vivids that painted over the city.
Before you could say much else, a blaring sound filled the air, sharp and deafening. It was a shrill in your ears, lacing your eardrums with discomfort
Price’s hand clapped on your back and he gave you a promising grin.
“Best to ready yourself up, doll. I’m excited to see you work your magic.”
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You hauled your bike back out on the crowded streets, where electrifying voices shocked through the air like a vice. It was overwhelming, but nothing you weren’t used to. Races were the heat of most cities, and many people partook in the frenzy of events with dripping exhilaration, gathering together in a heap of hectic mess to place their bets on who would come out as the victor.
Tugging your helmet over your head didn’t do much to quiet down the noise, but it allowed you a blanket of dull security, giving you a chance to breathe. You prepared yourself by lining your bike with the others, and when you really studied your surroundings, there were dozens. Each and every bike was crafted with their own unique design and theme, and the drivers occupying them were just as otherworldly. You felt almost like an ant in a big world of antsy animals.
Your gloved hands gripped the handles of your bike, tight and tense, and you sucked in a long breath before releasing it, allowing your shoulders to relax.
Looking around, you noticed Soap was perched next to you on his own bike. When he took notice of you, he propped up his visor to show off his eyes, and from the way they crinkled, you could only assume he was grinning at you. His hand lifted, propping up his thumb in a weak attempt to wish you good luck.
You gave one back to be a good sport, but you knew once the alarms went off and flags were raised, this would be a warzone. There was no friendly competition, only bloodshed and battle.
Ghost’s bike was settled somewhere in front of you by a couple of lanes, and you took a moment to read his body language.
He was just as stiff as before, his shoulders pulled taut and his hands gripping the handles so tight, you were sure his knuckles were white beneath his gloves. His bike was as black as his attitude, nearly disappearing in the night if not for the bright lights reflecting off of them, and his gear matched perfectly with it. The helmet he wore mirrored the design of his balaclava you saw him in, with delicate, white swirls painted on to the mouth of the plastic and etching up to the top.
When you looked at him, he was already looking at you. Even under his visor, you could feel the intensity of his stare, like a looming shadow threatening to pull you by the ankle and yank you into a world of suffocating darkness.
You stared back until he turned away, noticing the small head shake he did to himself, but not minding it.
Competition. This was a competition. May the best racer win.
The wait for the call was dreadful. It racked your bones with unnerving anticipation, edging you towards the fall of a cliff, threatening to push you over. It was a game, body rigid in impatience, but when the sound of a gunshot fired through the air, it all melted away, replaced with premeditated determination.
Instantly, the sounds of revving bikes and screeching tires filtered through your helmet and bled into your ears. Your own joined in the mix, hand quick to accelerate your bike in motion, surging you forward. It was a rush of adrenaline, like a drug shooting through your bloodstream, and it willed you into a state of starved aggression.
All thoughts that had plagued your mind were brushed aside and replaced with nothing but the thought of winning. The prize money was a wealthy sum, and that alone was enough to have you weaving in between the other racers, leaning your body forward for some extra leverage.
Buildings passed by you like a quick blink, the various colors whipping by like a flash. Your vision was filled with the backs of other racers ahead of you, as well as the neon signs that littered every street corner, holograms of food and pretty women from the diversity in night business becoming your most perceived line of sight.
The other bikers were brutal. It showed in the way they tried cutting you off with a sharp flick of their bike when they noticed you trailing behind them, your front wheel nearly kissing their back wheel. It was an aggressive fight for dominance, and for a brief moment, you feared you were biting off more than you could chew.
This was an entirely new city, one you weren’t accustomed to, and these were new riders. You didn’t know the streets like you did back at home, nor did you know the layout for shortcuts. You didn’t know how to adjust to the neon oasis that filled your sight with blinding lights.
The only thing you knew how to do was fight back. And fight back you would.
When you saw the opportunity to speed past the racer in front of you, a man in an all orange suit, you took it. There was a gap so small you were crazy to try and fit through it, but you curled your hand around the bike handle, revving forward and sliding past him so he was on your tail.
You hoped that if Price was watching somewhere, he was somewhat impressed.
The twists and turns of the streets were difficult to maneuver, but not impossible. It was definitely a fight to control your bike on the sharp corners that required lots of tilting of your own body weight, but once you made it past the first couple, it proved to be much smoother than you thought.
The more the race went on, the more your muscle memory of riding came back to you, and it was a thrilling fun rather than a daunting spiral. It coursed through your veins like a fever, and the adrenaline pumped through you in earnest, causing you to feel alive.
The back and forth of you weaving in and out of open vessels caused you to end up in second place, and the only racer ahead of you was none other than Ghost. Now, other riders, you were confident in defeating, but Ghost was a lovely challenge.
He had a couple of yards on you, and the way he controlled his bike was a near work of art. He was positively beautiful at it, and now you were starting to understand his biker name.
Ghost, because he could disappear in the shadows of the night, never to be seen again. Nobody could catch up to him, because he was a spirit in the night riding on a cloud of shadows and devilry.
Maybe you were biting off more than you could chew, because your hands revved up one more time, your upper body leaning impossibly forward on the curve of your bike, and you were determined. If nobody could catch up to him, then you wanted to be the first.
Swerving through impossibly small streets and side alleys, he was becoming more clear in your view. If you could get just a little closer, you’d be neck and neck. With the promise of a finish line approaching, you’d have to do it soon.
Bit by bit, your bike gained proximity. You were nearly right by his side, and the sheer power of it all had your heart thumping like bombs in your chest. He was there, right there, and your win was hanging by a thin string.
Ghost’s head whipped over to look at you when he heard the sounds of your engine, and whatever expression he wore under the helmet, you wished you could see it.
As if fueled by anger, he gripped his handles a bit tighter. The two of you waltzed in a dance of back and forth, fighting for the title of victor. The street was a straight shot now, and you could see the faint holographic sign that hung above the finish line, indicating the near end of the race. It glowed at you, taunted you, beckoned you towards it like a siren of the sea. It sang pretty songs to you, desperate to grab hold of you and claim it as theirs.
The two of you were tightly bound together the closer you got, so close you could practically feel the heat of carbon as it left his exhaust. It scorched you like a blazing fire, but it only proved to encourage you more.
You fought and fought for dominance. The crowds of people waiting at the finish line were as crazed as madmen, shouting and waving their arms, desperate to see who would win.
Just as the finish line became approachable, Ghost surged a few mere inches in front of you, as if waiting for the opportunity. It was a warzone when the race ended, and you slowed your bike to a stop. Taking off your helmet, you gasped for air that was stolen from you from the pure, intoxicating adrenaline, glancing up at the lit up scoreboard that glitched with a chromatic listing of all places that racers fell into.
You were second, Ghost was first.
You wanted to win, yes. But second place was as good as they came for the first race, and you were elated.
The sounds of people celebrating nearly tuned out the angry sound of boots stomping your way. You hadn’t even had a chance to get off your bike before a hand was grabbing hold of your shoulder, whipping you around to come face to face with Ghost. His balaclava remained, even under the confines of his helmet that was no longer there, and his eyes were bristling with those same flames from before that had shifted into a dangerous blaze.
“The fuck was that?” he spat, words stabbing into you like daggers.
“A competition,” you replied calmly, perhaps a bit too cockily. “Was it not?”
Ghost leered at you, shoulders dropping and rising with the heavy breaths he took. His hand was curled into a fist in the collar of your gear, keeping you in place. It tightened its hold, and he leaned closer to your face, glaring into you.
“You need to fuckin’ watch yourself, Maze.” He spoke your name like a sin, as if announcing the Devil himself. “Pull that shit again and you won’t live to see another race.”
He promptly let go of your collar, shoving you away in the process. You could do nothing but watch as he stormed off, out of sight and out of mind. Like a Ghost.
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allur1ngs · 4 months
✮ play the game (i.)✮
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TW: unedited, fluff, some angst, no smut but some smutty-type descriptions ?, CLIFFHANGER (i apologize), italicized words in this chapter indicate a flashback, the image in the center is not meant to depict reader's body type, or any physical appearance, it is simply for visual purposes!!
SUMMARY: while preparing for your upcoming wedding, trouble begins to brew. from your engagement being leaked to a mysterious letter, and an ex who has come out of the woodwork, determined to reclaim you—bada must navigate through it all—fall into your ex’s clutches, lean into the fire that is her conviction, and play the game.
WC: 9.7k
A/N: find more information about this au on my masterlist! here it is!! well, part of it. this is part 1 of 2 parts, the second of which i’ll hopefully be releasing soon. hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter, despite it leaving you on quite the cliffhanger :)
DISCLAIMER: all characteristics portrayed are purely speculation and fiction, they are not meant to reflect bada or team bebe’s actual character, values, or attitudes, and any reference to real-life establishments is completely fictional. please keep this in mind!!
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Warmth is the first sensation you experience every morning. It’s a perpetual state of comfort—endless strings of sunlight and heat beating down on your chilly body. The pocket of warmth next to you presses closer to you, spreading the heat until every expanse of your skin is caressed by it.
This is what heaven feels like.
A feather-like touch against your neck makes you stir from your sleep, the small puffs of air you were releasing picking up their pace.
“Good morning.” Bada’s voice rumbles, a small rasp weighing down her tone. She drags her nose up and down your throat, making you let out a small, instinctive giggle. “Oh, that’s a nice sound.” She smiles against your skin, now placing small kisses on your throat.
“That tickles.” You mumble, blearily reaching out to wrap your arms around your fiancée’s neck.
“That’s the point, honey.” Bada laughs, placing one last kiss on your skin before pulling away. She stares at you with stars in her eyes and a wide smile, taking in your sleepy disposition–the way you flutter your eyes, trying to rid yourself of the lingering curse of sleep, the way you stretch your arms out ever so slightly, flexing them after their hours of infrequent use–you’re stunning.
“Bada.” You say, tilting your head to the side with a small smile. “Are you there?”
“Sorry, I was just admiring how beautiful you are.” Your finacée admits boldly.
Your smile turns shy as you look away from her, shaking your head. “You’re the beautiful one here.” Bada is beautiful. Painfully so. 
Although she still hasn’t gotten up from bed, her long, straight hair is somehow knot-free, and cascades down her shoulders like a steady stream of crystal water falling from a fountain. Her pink lips are plump like they always are, stretched into a wide and fond smile. Her eyes sparkle under the dim lighting of your shared bedroom, pools dark brown alit with a passionate love you’ve never encountered before you’d met her.
And her body…it’s truly unfair. 
Your finacée decided to wear a wife pleaser–as she so eloquently stated, “It’s not a wife beater when I wear it, it’s a wife pleaser”–the white clothing hugs her frame deliciously, outlining the sharp lines of her lean abs and showing her lack of bra, her nipples perking against the fabric. Not to mention the lack of sleeves allows you to ogle her arm muscles, the valleys of muscle fibers straining as she hovers above you. And below the ridden-up cloth of her wife pleaser is a pair of black boxers peeks over her matching black sweatpants, the strings untied, of course. They dangle between her legs tantalizing, almost putting you in a trance.
“I appreciate the compliment, although I’m going to have to agree to disagree with you,” Bada says cheekily.
“I can never win against you, can I?” You joke, twisting one of Bada’s locks between your fingers.
“In every other facet, you will always win against me.” Bada laughs. “But when it comes to this one, I’m going to remain firm.”
“Well, who says I’m going to give up?” You rise from bed, pecking your finacée’s lips sweetly.
“Oh, I know you won’t.” Bad pecks you back, placing her hands on your hips. “That is one of the many things I love about you.” Your finacée pauses, a thoughtful look crossing her expression before she shifts her attention onto you again. “I love you.” She says, leaning forward to place a kiss on your lips.
This had become a sort of ritual for you and Bada. Ever since she’d accepted and admitted her love for you, she made a promise to herself to always remind you just how much she meant those three words she’d uttered that cold night. A kiss and an “I love you” became mandatory in the morning–non-negotiable on your fiancée’s end.
“I love you too.” You respond with a sweet smile. “By the way, what time is it?”
Bada glances at her bedside table, locking eyes with a digital clock. “About eight-thirty.”
“We should get up then.” You move towards the edge of the bed and sling your legs off the side of it but you’re stopped by strong arms wrapping around your sides.
“It’s still early.” Bada mumbles, pressing her chest against your back and placing her head in the crook of your neck. “Stay in bed with me.” She slides her hands down your front, slipping them past the waistband of your pajama pants, cupping the heat between your legs.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, summoning all your willpower not fall victim to your finacée. “You’re being unfair.” You huff, feeling her fingers rub circles against your panties.
“Am I?” Bada smirks, dragging her fingers up and down slowly–
“Alright, that’s enough.” You stand up, breaking away from your fiancée’s hold. She tumbles back dramatically, plopping onto your shared bed with a sigh.
“I can’t believe it. My bride-to-be doesn’t love me.” Bada says, wearing a fake hurt expression.
You roll your eyes playfully at your finacée, moving to brush away some strands of hair that’d fallen onto her face. “I’m making you get up because I love you. If I don’t get you to eat breakfast at a reasonable time, you’ll head straight to your office and pick at your food.”
"You know me too well," Bada sighs, casting one final contemplative glance toward the ceiling before gracefully rising from the bed.
"I do." you reply playfully. "Now, get ready. I'll be awaiting you in the dining room." Moving to your fiancée's side, you lean in, bestowing a tender kiss upon her lips. She responds with a smile, attempting to prolong the embrace until you gently withdraw. She pouts, seizing hold of your arm and lingering until you grant her another kiss before she lets you go.
"I love you," she calls out as you make your way towards the door.
"I love you too," you respond with a smile, departing the bedroom. Stepping outside, you turn to your left.
"Good morning," Hyo greets you with a brief nod.
"Good morning, Hyo," you acknowledge, walking down the hallway toward the kitchen, your vigilant bodyguard trailing behind.
Upon reaching the kitchen, you warmly greet the staff before assisting them in plating breakfast. The sumptuous meals are carefully arranged on the resplendent dining room table. The Bebe girls are already seated, engaged in lively conversation.
"Good morning, unnie!" Soweon greets you with a sweet smile.
"Good morning, Soweon," you reply, placing her breakfast before her and mumbling a gracious "you're welcome" in response to her cheerful thank you.
Similar fond good mornings follow from the rest of the girls as your fiancée enters the dining hall, still clad in her wife beater, now accentuated with a sports bra. Unconcerned, she hasn't bothered to secure her sweatpants—a playful tease.
"Morning, Boss," the girls collectively greet Bada, bowing their heads slightly in acknowledgment.
"Good morning," Bada declares, taking her seat at the head of the table, with your designated spot adjacent to hers. Placing her breakfast before her, you settle into your seat. "Anything to report?" your fiancée queries, nodding at Lusher.
"Nothing significant, just some... mail," Lusher stands, presenting a stack of mail before Bada.
Absentmindedly sifting through a few, Bada's attention is drawn when Lusher hands her a separate piece, already opened. With a puzzled glance, Bada takes the letter, and as she reads, her expression gradually hardens. Her eyes, cold and unwavering, fixate on the paper stained with inky black words.
Lifting your gaze from your breakfast, confusion courses through you. Before you can inquire about the contents of the letter, Lusher interjects.
"Ah, I forgot to mention that the article released a few days ago continues to gain more and more traction." She places her phone before you, displaying a familiar article on the screen.
The title reads, "Famed Chaebol Bachelorette Lee Bada Caught Sharing Intimate Moment with CEO of Asan Medical Center’s Daughter."
 Bada scowls as she glances over your shoulder at the article. "Filthy reporters."
Over the past two days, an overwhelming surge of media attention has descended upon you. It all stemmed from a delightful date night with Bada that turned sour when you awoke to your phone inundated with notifications. The article delved into your family's "official" business, the largest and most prestigious chain of hospitals in South Korea. The reporter had been relatively generous in their depiction of you, highlighting your high rank in the esteemed private high school you attended. However, they pointed out your lack of a complete college education, concluding the article by questioning your worthiness of the seemingly untouchable and most desired woman in South Korea—Lee Bada.
For better or worse, that sentence remained etched into your mind, a brand seared into your brain matter. Bada had been quick to reject the article’s implications. “They speak of you like you are only your material achievements. You are more than just that–you are intelligent and beautiful woman–the only woman that I would ever desire to have by my side.” She’d stared at the words with sharp and distainful ireses, as if they were her greatest enemy. “They do realize that you have more college education than I do, right? Their idiocy never ceases to astound me.”
Nevertheless, the digital words spread across numerous news websites and social media platforms, catapulting you into overnight stardom.
Initially, the attention was positive. Curious netizens found your Instagram account, showering your posts with likes and leaving comments like, "She's pretty, I understand why Bada chose her," and "Her family is influential; they'd be a strong couple if they got married."
Yet, like an inevitable rain on a sunny day, the negative comments followed. They read, “This type of lifestyle will lead you down a path of gluttony. Find the Lord to escape your sins,” another said, “You’re kidding me? After all these years of rejecting countless marriage proposals, Bada finally decides to marry another snooty rich girl?” With so much negative and positive attention on you, it was natural you started to get overwhelmed. Still, you kept your Instagram public, refusing to yield under the harsh comments and criticism you were receiving, instead holding your head high. You are Bada Lee's fiancée, and no matter how much they wished to be in your shoes, they never would be.
"How are you holding up?" Bada's voice interrupts your thoughts. Her cold hand rests against the meat of your thigh, offering a comforting squeeze. "We're working on getting the article buried—"
"Don't," you interject. Bada looks at you with surprise, prompting you to continue. "I won't cower under their attention. I'm proud to be your fiancée, and I don't want to hide it anymore."
Time seems to stop for Bada. Your posture is confident and self-assured, your eyes free of fear, whispering a challenge. They say, "Look at me. Pick me apart if you must. I'm ready."
"Is it possible to fall in love twice with the same woman?" Bada wonders. Well, it must be possible because she just did. The way you boldly stand against criticism, claiming the title of her fiancée, makes her heart burst with emotion. How could she have ever thought she could hide her feelings for you? It's simply not possible. She will always fail. She will always succumb to you.
"I'm in love with you," Bada declares, she squeezes your thigh again, then places her other hand against your cheek, leaning in for a passionate kiss.
Surprised, you reciprocate the gesture without a moment's hesitation. Cheche and Kyma boo playfully, while Lusher, Tatter, Minah, and Hyo share expressions of contentment. Soweon, witnessing the tender exchange, releases a wistful sigh, harboring hopes of one day experiencing a love akin to yours and Bada's.
As you withdraw from your spouse, a shy smile graces your lips. "Not to interrupt your sweet moment, but your cousin should be arriving soon," Hyo interjects, concluding her breakfast and handing the empty plate to the staff.
"Oh!" You exclaim, offering your bodyguard a grateful look. "I almost forgot—"
"Your cousin, Miyuki, correct?" Bada suddenly inquires.
"Yes," you affirm. "She's visiting from Japan and will be staying here until after our wedding."
"Are you two close?" Bada wonders.
"We used to be," you admit. "My aunt wanted Miyuki to learn more about her side of the family, so she left for Japan when we were teenagers."
"You must be excited to see her, then," Bada observes, a warm smile gracing her features.
"I am," you respond, returning the smile. "But I should start preparing for her arrival." Standing from your seat, you hold your plate in one hand and place a kiss on your fiancée's cheek. "I'll see you all in a bit," you bid farewell to the girls still immersed in their breakfast.
"See you later, unnie!" Soweon calls out as you and Hyo exit the dining room.
Bada maintains a smile as she watches your figure in the distance. However, the moment you are out of sight down the hallway, her expression instantly transforms, the warmth replaced by a chilly demeanor. Retrieving the note from her sweatpants pocket, she tosses it onto the dining room table, prompting the girls to freeze and look up at her. Lusher, with a discerning expression, forms her lips into a thin line.
"Find out who wrote this letter," Bada commands.
The girls promptly rise, nodding in agreement and offering a slight bow. Lusher takes the letter and hands it to Minah. "We'll locate them."
"Now," Bada emphasizes.
Without another moment of hesitation, the girls exit the dining hall, a letter in their clutches.
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"Miyuki!" you eagerly greet her at the doorstep of the Lee mansion.
"Hello," Miyuki stands on the cobblestone driveway of your home, her long, silky black hair cascading down her shoulders. She appears different from what you remember—Young Miyuki exuded a cheery, youthful glow at all hours. Soft pink cheeks and wide brown eyes defined her. The Miyuki before you now is almost ghostly pale, with dark clothing accentuating the lack of color in her cheeks and skin.
Miyuki nods, approaching you with a small smile. "It's been a while, hasn't it, cousin?"
"Only ten years," you joke, throwing your arms around her in a hug.
Surprised by your affections, Miyuki glances down at you awkwardly but nevertheless reciprocates your hug. "It's nice to see you again."
"It's nice to see you again as well," you say cheerily. "Come in; we have so much to talk about." You gently guide your cousin inside the Lee mansion, with Hyo holding the door open for both of you. "I hope you didn't have trouble entering through the gates, by the way."
"Checking my belongings and patting me down was a bit excessive, don't you think?" Miyuki comments, her eyes surveying the interior of your home—the gold embellishments, the sweeping spiral staircase, and the diamond-teardrop chandelier.
"I'm sorry, but it's a necessary precaution—safety reasons, I'm sure you understand—"
"But we are family, aren't we?" Miyuki pushes, stopping just shy of the door.
You give your cousin an awkward smile. "She's much different than what I remember," you think. "My fiancée, Bada, takes the security of our home very seriously."
"Where is she, by the way? Lee Bada, I mean," Miyuki asks. There's a concealed emotion in her eyes that you barely miss as you instinctively turn to look at the winding staircase leading to the second floor. "I'd like to meet my soon-to-be cousin-in-law."
"She's working right now but might take a break soon." You take a step forward, motioning in the direction of a split hallway. "I can show you around the garden while we wait."
Miyuki nods, trailing after you while Hyo maintains a discreet distance. However, Hyo's presence seems to pique Miyuki's interest—or annoyance—prompting her to turn to you with a raised eyebrow. "Why is she following us?"
"Oh, this is my bodyguard, Kim Hyo." You stop to point at Hyo, who awkwardly waves at Miyuki. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce her. I've just become so used to her presence—"
"It's alright," Miyuki interrupts. "Will she be trailing after us the entire time?"
"Yes," you answer, walking through the hallway with a quickening pace. Thankfully, Miyuki doesn't say anything else, choosing instead to stay quiet and follow you. Reaching the door to the garden, Hyo is quick to step up and open it, allowing you and your cousin to walk through. You thank her, while Miyuki says nothing.
Stepping into the garden, tall green hedges reach toward the bright blue sky, creating a path through the cobblestone laid in front of you like a tunnel. Walking forward, the hedges start to part, revealing a large white porcelain fountain—three tiers high. Crystal-clear water falls from the porcelain, dripping down in a steady stream, the soothing sound music to your ears. Near the hedges are patches of flowers on each corner of the pathway.
You step aside, motioning to the stone bench adjacent to the fountain. Miyuki quickly sits down while Hyo stands with her back to the leafy hedges.
"So, I'm assuming you've received the invitation to my wedding?" you inquire.
She hums, "It's in December, right?"
"Yes, has my aunt and uncle said anything to you about coming?" you ask.
"No, my mother hasn't," Miyuki shakes her head. "She's been very busy lately, but I'm sure she'll carve out some time to come, even if it is just the day before the wedding."
You turn to face the fountain, watching droplets splash into the water basin, becoming one with the large pool of water. "And my uncle?"
Miyuki remains quiet for a second, gazing at the water fountain as well. "Up to his usual business. Drinking and gambling our money away."
A deep-seated sadness blooms in the pit of your stomach as you shift your posture toward your cousin. "Miyuki..." you place your hand over hers, which are clutched tight in her lap. "I'm so sorry."
Your cousin doesn't spare you a glance, only eyes the garden in front of her, thoughts racing around her mind like a relentless storm, which only leaves wreckage and heartache in its wake. "It's fine," she says, but there's a noticeable shakiness in her voice. "My father has always been this way. There's nothing your sorry can do to fix it."
You close your eyes and sigh. "Still, I want you to know that I've always sympathized with your situation. Your father may be my blood, but I can never see past the things he's done to you and my aunt."
Miyuki looks to her right, briefly catching sight of Hyo who is standing a few feet away from you both. She suddenly removes her hands from her lap, instead moving them toward her hipbone, prompting you to stare at your cousin with a hurt expression. "So, what is the date of your wedding? I noticed the invitations had no date other than it being in December."
You clear your throat, recovering from her actions and take your hand out of her lap, instead placing it on yours. "The date will not be released until two weeks before the wedding."
Miyuki finally turns to look at you, now wearing a bewildered and confused expression. "You're not going to tell your guests the wedding date?"
"I know it sounds a bit ridiculous—"
"A bit?" Miyuki snorts.
"—But this is a necessary precaution. Bada proposed that no one should know until the day comes nearer, just in case someone decided to leak the information to the public—"
"What would that matter? I'm sure with Lee Bada's money, she could surely pay for some extra protection."
"It's not as simple as that." You start to argue back, frustration building in your gut. "I'm sure you understand that Bada's line of work is very dangerous, and she's made many enemies along the way—"
"It sounds to me like—"
"Sorry to barge in mid-conversation." You and Miyuki turn to look at the new voice that cut her off, both of you surprised to find Bada standing near the path to the garden, her black suit a stark contrast to the bright florals surrounding her.
"Bada!" You stand up, a wide smile naturally finding your lips. Mentally, you thank your fiancée for having divine timing and entering the conversation right when you were starting to feel a bit fed up with your cousin.
"Hello," Bada walks to your side without a second thought, her height almost matching the hedges surrounding the garden as she leans in to press a sweet peck on your lips.
"You're taking your break already? I must have not been paying attention to the time—" You ramble.
"It's four in the afternoon." Bada looks at you with a fond smile, taking your right hand into hers before running her thumb across the ridges of your fingers. "I looked around for you until I remembered that you said you'd be in the garden."
Miyuki watches you and Bada interact silently for a moment before she clears her throat. This grabs your and your fiancée's attention, your mood slightly souring as you face your cousin again.
"Right, I should formally introduce you both. This is my cousin—" You begin, but a voice interjects.
"An Miyuki." She takes a step forward, offering her hand as she stares at Bada through her lashes.
You close your mouth, choosing to say nothing.
Bada stares at Miyuki for a second, the smile she'd once worn settling into a thin-lipped, neutral expression. She takes your cousin's hand in a friendly handshake. "Lee Bada."
Miyuki shakes your fiancée's hand for a minute, and Bada begins to pull away, she holds on for a second longer, the action just barely going unnoticed by you.
Hyo, who'd been silently watching from the hedges, catches the movement with her sharp gaze. She cocks an eyebrow up.
Bada quickly retracts her hand, placing it behind her back before she turns to look at you, discarding your cousin's presence for a moment. The edges of her vision blur away; all she can see is you and your unreadable expression. "Before I interrupted, you were speaking about the wedding, weren't you?"
You clear your throat and wear a shaky smile. "Yes, we were."
"Will you and Mr. and Mrs. An attending, then?" Bada faces your cousin. A cool breeze passes by, making you press yourself into your fiancée’s chest. Ever attentive, she quickly rubs her hand up and down your arm, trying to relieve the chill ghosting against your skin.
Miyuki purses her lips, as if she’s in thought. “It would be nice to know the date of the wedding so we can plan accordingly.”
“That will not be possible,” Bada replies without missing a beat. “I apologize, but the exact wedding date will be withheld from all public and private knowledge. At least, until the wedding approaches. And I am more than willing to pay for a private flight so that your parents can attend.”
A hidden emotion flashes in Miyuki’s eyes before she releases a small sigh. “I would understand withholding the date from friends or acquaintances, but I am family–”
“And while both I and my fiancée wish to see you at the wedding, we will not be releasing the date.” Bada sees you shift in the corner of her eye, your pupils practically sparkling under the sun at her words. “Please understand.”
Miyuki remains silent for a moment before huffing an amused laugh. “You are exactly who I thought you would be, Lee Bada.” She takes a step toward you both, a smile on her lips. “I will speak to my mother and father about visiting during December.”
Bada bows her head politely, “Thank you.”
Miyuki says nothing, then glances at the entrance to the garden. “I should get going.”
“Oh, but you just got here.” You frown only with half-sincerity.
“I arrived in Korea just yesterday, I’m still quite jet-lagged,” Miyuki responds. “I hope to see you again soon, cousin.”
“Let me show you out–” you begin, but she cuts you off.
“It’s alright, I’m sure you want to spend time with your spouse.” Your cousin motions to Bada, who remains quiet, her inner thoughts concealed behind a layer of ice.
You open your mouth to say something, but Miyuki is already turning on her heels and heading in the direction of the entrance of the garden. You frown, your eyebrows furrowing as you take a step forward. “Mi–” You’re about to call out her name, but Bada holds onto your arm gently, stopping you from advancing toward her. You look back at your fiancée, confusion written all over your visage.
She shakes her head, then nods at Hyo. Your bodyguard glances at you hesitantly before she steps away from the garden hedges and trails after your cousin, making sure she finds her way out of the labyrinth that is the Lee mansion.
“She is…strange.” Bada suddenly pipes up, her words clipped as she zeros in on the end of the garden path and the doorway to the inside of the mansion.
You purse your lips, a melancholy feeling building in your throat and the pit of your stomach. “She was much different when we were children…”
“Every year added onto our lives tests our character,” Bada mutters, the words leaving her lips like whispers of archaic knowledge. Then, she glances down at you, noticing the storm of emotions behind your eyes. “Hey,” she places her hands on either side of your face, wearing a small, comforting smile. “why don’t we spend the rest of the day together?”
Like the flip of a switch, your expression immediately brightens, a large smile growing on your lips and your eyes widening. “Really? Don’t you have work to do?”
“I can get it done tomorrow.” Bada rubs her thumb against your cheek, mirroring your wide smile. “I’d much rather spend time with you.”
You press your cheek further into the palm of Bada’s hand, enjoying the small chill coming from her skin. Although the rest of your fiancée is warm and comforting, you’ve noticed that her hands run cold–or more accurately, her fingers carry a slight frost. Especially now that the seasons are changing, morphing from the bright life of summer to the path of rebirth that is autumn; shades of dusty brown, muted yellow, and fiery orange.
Before she touches you Bada always rubs her hands together and blows warm air into the palms of her hands, accumulating a small heat to run up and down your skin. Every few minutes she takes her hand back and blows more warm air into it until the frost blooms ebbs away into a comfortable temperature. But right now, standing in the brisk breeze of the garden, Bada’s natural chill comforts you. 
“I would love to spend the day with you.” You whisper back, the subtle warmth in your cheeks contrasting your faincée’s frost. “What do you think about us going to a cafe?”
“A cafe?” Bada cocks her head to the side, a surprised look overtaking her features. “Is there any particular reason you want to go?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it recently…” you trail off for a moment, wearing a bashful smile. “we’ve been going to a lot of high-end restaurants and venues for dates–” you hurridly meet Bada’s eyes, quickly adding, “not that I don’t like them, by the way, I appreciate the effort you put into making reservations and taking me there, I’ve loved all our dates.” Carefully analyzing your fiancée’s expression, she shows no sign of taking offense, and is in fact smiling softly back at you, nodding. You take that as a sign to continue, “But maybe we could go to a cozy, small cafe instead of somewhere fancy?”
Bada wears a thoughtful look for a second, her eyes looking upward toward the blue sky before she speaks. “That sounds wonderful, honey. And I think know the perfect cafe.” She takes a small glance behind you, seeing Hyo finally walk back into the garden. “Get Lusher, and pull the car up.” She tells your bodyguard, making her pause mid-step, mutter a “yes boss,” and turn around to walk back into the Lee mansion and head towards Lusher’s bedroom.
“Oh, this is perfect timing!” You pipe up, your eyes lighting up in realization. “The wedding planner and I came up with some ideas that I wanted to run by you.”
Bada takes your hand, weaving her through yours before she slowly starts to guide you out of the garden, through the Lee mansion, and to the steps leading to the driveway. “Tell me all about it over coffee, baby.”
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“The name of the cafe is Cafe Layered. It’s small but cozy, and I’ve heard that the pastries they make are made fresh every morning.” Bada shifts in her seat so she can face you better, the world outside blurring as the Porsche you’re in rolls through the streets.
“Oh, I think Jae has mentioned that cafe before.” You nod. “She spoke very highly of the desserts.”
“Then I’m sure we can expect equally as good drinks.” Bada smiles.
Silence overtakes the warm air permeating in the car. The atmosphere is sweet and comfortable–no words having to be uttered as the low hum of the Porsche’s engine buzzes in the back of your ears and mind. In that moment, you feel nothing but peace and elation. To be with your lover, spending the day with her rather than wandering the Lee mansion like a ghost, is the truest form of harmony you’ve ever experienced.
Until the car eases to a stop. A parking spot is conveniently open up right in front of Cafe Layered's entrance, which provides Hyo with a convenient space to park the Porsche. She does so with a smooth movement of her hands, pushing the clutch into the park feature. The rumbling in the background instantly fades away, and with it does your peace.
Bada quickly exits the car, swiftly circling it to open your door. However, just before she does, a subtle tension grips her, a fleeting sense of unease. Standing upright, she turns her attention to Cafe Layered's entrance. Peering through the window, she observes patrons indulging in mountains of delectable pastries, steam rising from the fresh bread. Everything appears ordinary, and yet...
"Boss?" Hyo stands on the opposite side of your car door, glancing inside to find you wearing a perplexed expression as you gaze at your frozen fiancée.
"Bada, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Lusher emerges from the car, scanning the street vigilantly, but there's no one in sight, the surroundings almost desolate except for the cafe patrons.
"Keep an eye out," Bada commands tersely, suspicion etched across her face. She places her hand on your door's handle, hesitating for a moment, then opens it, extending her hand to assist you in exiting the low-slung car.
Suddenly, chaos erupts.
Reporters and paparazzi emerge from behind parked cars and nearby corners, wielding their bulky cameras aimed squarely at you and Bada. A barrage of flashing lights ensues, the incessant clicks ringing in your ears. The paparazzi advance, nearly brushing against you before Hyo intervenes, scowling as she orders them to retreat. "Back up!"
Taking a more aggressive stance, Lusher extends her arms and pushes against the midsections of the reporters, berating one who refuses to step back. "What's your problem? Did you leave the house like that on purpose, or are you sleepwalking?" She scrutinizes the paparazzo's attire, prompting him to blush before fleeing down the street, presumably in search of his car.
While the girls try to hold back the paparazzi, Bada positions herself in front of you, shielding you from the cameras and the blinding flashes. She wears a look of pure anger and frustration as she glares into the void before her. "How did they know we would be here?" she snaps, but upon glancing down at you, her demeanor softens. "Are you all right?" She cups your face, forehead pressed against yours as she searches your eyes. "We can leave if—"
"No," you assert, your expression hardening with resolve. "I said I wouldn't be a coward, and I will not."
Bada scrutinizes your countenance, searching for any trace of hesitation or fear, finding only fierce determination in your eyes. She gives you one last, gentle look before pulling away, interlocking her fingers with yours. Bada takes the lead, stepping forward to face the onslaught while you follow a bit behind.
Initially, everything goes smoothly. Hyo and Lusher create a path through the crowd, allowing you and Bada to progress. However, as soon as you step through, the paparazzi swarm like vultures.
A reporter shoves a microphone in your face. "Can you tell us anything about how you and Ms. Lee fell in love?" Startled, you step back, narrowly avoiding the microphone. Bada steps in, forcefully pushing the reporter away. "Don't touch her," she warns, tightening her grip on your hand as she guides you, attempting to keep you close.
Despite the effort, the crowd surges forward, pushing into your side. "Back up!" Hyo shouts, attempting to maintain order.
Bada, evidently fed up, shoulders her way through the crowd, confidently striding forward. "Go straight inside the cafe and don't come out until they leave, okay?" she instructs, looking back over her shoulder at you, her words barely audible over the clamor.
You nod, signaling Bada to continue forging a path until the entrance to Cafe Layered is within reach. She opens the door, positioning herself behind you to block any potential shoves or pushes.
Entering the cafe, you hear the bell chime, announcing your arrival. Curious glances from customers meet your eyes, but they quickly avert their gaze, murmuring among themselves. Taking deep breaths, you attempt to steady your racing heart and nerves. While you expected some media attention, the chaos far surpassed your anticipation.
Allowing yourself a moment's respite, you take a step forward, spotting a vacant table with two chairs across the cafe. Outside, Hyo and Lusher continue their struggle against the paparazzi as Bada engages with the reporters.
"Ms. Lee, do you have a comment for us about your engagement—?"
"Yes, I do," Bada interrupts, her tone frosty with anger. "All I will say is this: leave my fiancée alone. Show her some respect, and stop harassing her or prying into her private life."
Inside the cafe, you manage to take a few steps toward an open table before someone bumps into you from behind. Stumbling forward, you barely regain your balance, turning to face the perpetrator.
It’s another paparazzo. He stares at you with a mix of nervousness and excitement as he balances an iced coffee in one hand, and his camera in the other. Intent on capturing a photograph, he lifts his camera, but a swift intervention comes in the form of a hand abruptly blocking the lens, and pushing his equipment onto the floor.
Instinctively stepping back, you gasp as the paparazzo's camera crashes to the floor with a loud thud. The man looks shocked, glancing at who had slapped the camera out of his hand.
A tall figure steps up, their dark brown suit blocking your view of them. "You should be careful of how you handle such expensive equipment," They interject, their voice low and raspy
Frozen in your spot, a chill runs up your spine. "That voice," you think, "I recognize it. But from where..." Hidden deep within your mind, dormant memories from years ago lie in wait, eager to be recalled.
The paparazzo's mouth falls agape in shock as he hurriedly tries to salvage his ruined camera, offering muttered apologies under his breath. "I apologize, Ms.–"
"Apologize to her," the authoritative figure sharply interjects, motioning over her shoulder at you.
You gaze at the back of their head in astonishment, the inflection of their voice so familiar yet just barely out of reach in your memory–
Then, the tall figure pivots to face you.
A scalding sensation courses through your entire body, as if touched by a burning flame. Finally, memories flood your mind–whispered promises, secret touches, and years of unfulfilled yearning. These are the moments that permeated the years of your adolescence, leaving you awake at night, pondering the haunting question, "what if?"
"Hyunjae?" you breathe, your eyes widening, a tempest of conflicting emotions stirring within their depths.
Her lips curve into a smirk – that infamous smirk unseen since that fateful night four years ago. She’s wearing a crisp, dark brown suit with matching dress pants covering her long legs—the white dress shirt under her shirt is unbuttoned, revealing a sliver of her pale skin. Strands of her glossy, long black hair cascade in front of her face as she tilts her head, looking at you from head to toe. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Princess?"
“Wha–” you struggle to form a coherent thought, much less a sentence when suddenly the paparrazo rushes towards the door of the cafe and bolts out of it, bumping into people in his wake.
Back outside, the humiliated man’s haste and inconsiderate actions cause him to bump into a woman who’d been innocently passing by, and trying to get through the crowd of media blocking the street. She stumbles forward, brushing shoulders with Hyo, who quickly turns around, grabbing the woman out of instinct to keep her from falling.
She whips around to stare at Hyo, her eyes wide and her breaths heavy. “Thank you.” She whispers, regaining her balance and standing up straight.
Hyo flounders, staring at the woman in front of her in wonder. Her medium brown hair cascades down her shoulders, he tresses almost reaching her elbow in length. Her skin is soft and pale, her cheeks dotted with hints of a pinky blush–and her lips are the color of a ripe peach, ready and waiting to be plucked from a tree branch.
The woman stares back at Hyo, admiring her silently as well. “I like your sunglasses.” She comments, her eyes sweeping over the dark shades.
“Oh.” Hyo reaches up to touch her sunglasses, a sudden rush of heat rising from her cheeks. “Thank you–” she clears her throat, trying to compose herself. “I like your…your hair—”
“Hyo, stop flirting and help me control these guys!” Lusher screams at your bodyguard, making the heat in Hyo’s cheeks reach the temperature of a burning furnace.
Hyo turns back to the woman, then looks down, realizing she’d been holding onto her the entire time. She quickly lets the woman go, apologizing. “Sorry, I have to—”
“Was that what you were doing?” The woman cuts off Hyo, her lips stretching into a small smile.
“Pardon?” Hyo says, a mix of confusion and anxiety written all over her face.
“Were you trying to flirt with me?” The woman clarifies, a small giggle falling from her lips.
The sound is like a ringing bell, a melody that pulls at Hyo’s heartstrings like a harp. Yet, despite the flurry of butterflies in her stomach, Hyo clears her throat and straightens up. “Were you trying to?”
The woman’s smile brightens, her eyes closing as she lets out a full laugh. “You got me.” 
Hyo mirrors her smile, but then out of the corner of her eye sees Lusher struggling to keep a paparazzi from rushing into the cafe to get to you. Her smile instantly fades, and her mind screams at her for losing sight of her first priority. “I have to do crowd control, but please have a good day.” She says, her tone noticeably curt.
The woman seems to deflate at Hyo’s words, but she’s quick to recover. She grabs Hyo’s arm and lightly pulls on it, bringing her closer. “Thank you, you saved me from a nasty fall.” She whispers, looking between your bodyguard’s eyes.
Hyo licks her lips instinctively and nods. “You’re welcome.”
With that, they part, their hearts crying out for the other as the woman walks down the desolate street, and Hyo turns back to the crowd, helping Lusher.
Inside Cafe Layered, you face the ghost of your past.
“What are you doing here, Hyunjae?” You demand, your eyebrows furrowing so deeply a crease forms between them.
“Ouch.” She hisses playfully and touches her chest where her heartbeat is located. “Not gonna call me Hyunie anymore, Princess?”
“You lost the right to that nickname years ago, and you know that.” You snap back, eyes set into a harsh glare.
“Yes, I agree.” Hyunjae admits, her smile turning melancholy. “But I’ve come back to make everything right.”
You stare at Hyunjae incredulously, almost laughing in disbelief. “You think you can just come back after four years, apologize, and then suddenly everything will be okay?”
“I never said I was just going to apologize.” Hyunjae takes a step forward, ghosting her hand over your cheek, every part of her longing to touch you again.
You step back like her phantom touch burned you. “Don’t—”
“I’m sorry.” Hyunjae interrupts you softly, her voice filled with sadness, yearning, and regret. “Everything I said to you back then were nothing but lies.”
“That doesn’t matter now.” You look away from her, your eyes cast onto the floor as whispers of the words she’d said to you all those years ago echo in your mind. Internally, you weep for your younger, naive self. “I have a life, I have a—”
“Oh.” Hyunjae leans in close, and for a split second, you think she’s going to kiss you. But she doesn’t. Instead, she inspects the edge of your shirt, making you look down at it out of instinct. There’s a small blotch of liquid darkening your shirt that you hadn’t noticed. “That pap spilled some of his coffee on you.”
You frown, sighing at the stain but shift your gaze back to Hyunjae, who’s now reaching into her suit jacket pocket. She pulls out a white cloth—a handkerchief—and leans in close again, dabbing the area of the coffee stain on your shirt.
You stare down at Hyunjae in shock, but your shock only doubles when the bell to the cafe chimes, and Bada walks in.
She’s huffing, her expression incredibly sour as her eyes sweep over the cafe in search of you—
And when her eyes meet yours, the world stops. Her dark brown irises snap from your surprised look to the woman hovering over you, touching your shirt with her handkerchief. A fierce emotion flashes in Bada’s eyes as she advances towards the small corner you and Hyunjae are tucked into. “Who are you?” Bada snaps, stepping to your side and in front of Hyunjae.
Hyunjae doesn’t answer, she just smiles and continues cleaning your shirt until the coffee stain dissipates. “There,” she mumbles, standing up.
Now at her full height, she matches Bada’s stature, mildly surprising your finacée. But that doesn’t deter her glare. As Hyunjae folds her dirty handkerchief, Bada catches a cursive letter “P” sewn into the fabric before it’s tucked out of sight.
“Well, I think it’s time for me to go.” Hyunjae completely ignores Bada’s presence, instead staring at you like you’re the only woman on Earth. “I’m glad I got to see you again.”
Before you can say anything, Hyunjae quickly leans in again and wraps her arms around you in a hug. 
“I’ve always loved you.” She whispers into your ear, her words inaudible to Bada who watches in surprise and unbridled anger. “Never forget that.” While Hyunjae holds you, tears of grief build in your eyes. You’re far too shell-shocked to move or respond, instead, your eyes move to your fiancée, who upon seeing your tears steps forward and pushes Hyunjae off of you.
“Don’t touch her.” Bada glowers at Hyunjae, making a point of holding you close to her side. “Who are you?” She repeats, but this time her voice is dripping with offense. 
Hyunjae only smirks, shoving her hand in her pockets as she steps to the side, now shoulder to shoulder with Bada. “I’m an…” she trails off, her eyes sweeping over you, “old friend.”
Without missing a beat, Hyunjae strides towards the door of Cafe Layered, bumping shoulders with Bada as she passes by you both. Seconds later, the bell chimes, signaling Hyunjae’s exit.
Bada grits her teeth, her tongue poking at the inside of her cheek in irritation and fury. However, before she can stew in her anger any longer, she turns to look at you, grabbing the sides of your face, worry flashing in her eyes. “Did she hurt you? I can’t believe she fucking touched you—” Bada tries to control herself, but her words hold nothing venom. “Who really is she to you?”
You stare into Bada’s eyes, a single tear dripping down both of your cheeks. “That was Park Hyunjae. My ex.”
Bada stills, her eyes doubling in size. An ominous, almost looming fear scratches at the back of her mind—a foreboding feeling. The way Hyunjae had touched you—like the intimate touch of a lost lover—makes a bubbling envy invade your fiancée’s body. Venom, is perhaps what it is, an already mounting hatred for the woman she’d just met. “Your ex?”
“I haven’t seen her in four years, but then a paparazzo got in—” Your breaths become slightly labored as you struggle to form a sentence with your heart hammering in your chest. “I’m sorry—”
“Honey, it’s okay.” Bada places her hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. “As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.”
Before you can respond, the sound of Bada’s ringtone fills the air, making her scowl. She digs into her pocket to grab her personal phone, using her other hand to grab yours and interlock your fingers together. She accepts the call without glancing at the caller ID.
“Hello?” She answers gruffly, her eyebrows furrowed as she stares at the floor. 
“Boss!” Minah relieved tone calls out on the other line. “You picked up—”
“Minah, what is it? I’m in the middle of something right now.” Bada glances at you, sending you an apologetic look before she frowns at the crystalline tears dotting the corner of your eyes. She reaches over to carefully thumb them away while Minah starts talking again.
“I found out who wrote the letter.”
At her words, Bada stills, her gaze sharpening and her posture unconsciously straightening. She stands tall, exuding the same intimidating disposition she’d held with Hyunjae. “Tell me.”
“You have to come home.” Minah insists. “There was a problem with the newest shipment of…products.”
“What do you mean there’s a problem?” Bada presses her subordinate.
“Trust me, you’re going to want to see this.”
Bada inhales deeply, trying to calm the raging fire plaguing her mind. “Fine, we’re heading home now.”
You glance at your finacée in confusion, who only shakes her head in response. She takes your interwoven hand and places an apologetic kiss against your knuckles.
“I’ll see you soon, bye.” Bada promptly hangs up the call, then turns to face you. “I’m sorry, we have to go home, there’s been an issue—”
“It’s alright.” You cut in, trying to muster a smile to soothe Bada’s worries. “I don’t think I want to stay for coffee anymore.”
Your finacée wears a disappointed expression, the lines in her forehead creasing as she releases a sigh. “As soon as I’ve dealt with the issue we can discuss the wedding plans.”
You nod, quick to add, “Don’t worry about it, the urgent and more time-consuming parts have been sorted out—there are only a few things left for us to give input on.”
“Alright.” Bada glances at the door, relieved to see that the paparazzi and the reporters have left, leaving Lusher and Hyo standing by the doors, carefully examining each passerby. “We should go.”
Together, you and your fiancée leave Cafe Layered, hoping to leave behind the acrid taste Hyunjae had left on your tongues and minds. Still, even during the silent ride home, she looms over you all like a dark cloud, casting a shadow on the lingering echoes of unspoken words and unresolved tension.
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“Boss!” The second Bada steps into the Lee mansion, Minah and the other girls stride toward her, their lips tugged downward into uneasy frowns. “We have a lot to show you.”
Bada eyes the girls, then glances at you, a sigh leaving her lips. “I have to—”
“Go.” You give your fiancée a light push, and an understanding smile. “I can tell it’s important.”
Bada takes one last look at you and pecks your lips before nodding at the girls. Her, Lusher and the other girls take fast strides towards the spiral staircase, their footsteps echoing eerily through the hallway when they reach the second floor, you and Hyo staying behind.
“Debrief me.” Bada demands, her face cold and expressionless as they approach the armory room. 
“Well, while I was tracking down who wrote the letter, Kyma and Soweon went to check on the shipment were meant to be delivering to Hanwha Aerospace, but when they opened the crates—” Minah stops in front of the armory room and punches in a code into a keypad, scans her fingerprint as well, which makes the airtight vault’s door pop open. She takes the handle and gestures into the room, looking apprehensive. “You should see for yourself.”
Bada walks into the armory without a second thought, catching sight of an open crate in the middle of the room. She approaches it with a slightly raised brow, leaning her tall frame forward so she can see inside.
The sides of the crate are packed with black cushioning, which prevents the guns from moving around—but the pistols inside are what grabs Bada’s attention. She picks one up, examining the weight of the gun in her hand—playing a little hot potato with it as she shifts the gun back and forth from the air to the palm of her hand.
On one of her toss ups, she suddenly and swiftly grabs the gun, clicking off the safety and pulling the trigger at the wall, her eyes narrowing when she feels resistance.
“The pin.” Bada states, lowering the gun and scrutinizing every inch of it under her heavy gaze. “It was sabotaged.” 
“We noticed right away.” Soweon speaks up, her lips set into a deep frown.
“Are all of the guns like this?” Bada flips the gun around a few more times, looking for any further indication of sabotage.
“Yes.” Kyma answers.
“I checked all of them for fingerprints but nothing came up. Whoever did this are professionals—”
As the last word leaves Minah’s mouth, Bada dissembles the gun by sliding out the magazine, when something catches her eye. There, engraved into the metal, is the letter “P”.
Bada’s mind immediately goes back to the cafe, remembering the “P” sewn into Hyunjae’s handkerchief, and your words, “Park Hyunjae. My ex.”
“We still have no idea who did this, but—”
“Don’t waste your time investigating.” Bada cuts in, her voice full of irritation and anger. “I know who did this.”
The girls all glance at each other in confusion before Lusher steps up. “Who is it?”
Bada drops the ruined gun into the crate, then turns around to face the girls. “My fiancée’s ex.”
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Finding Park Hyunjae was easier than it should have been. One search of her name in the database, and her address was revealed to Bada and the girls. Clearly, she’d made no attempt to conceal her existence, which meant that they were more than likely walking into a trap.
And yet, with a bold display of confidence, the Bebe girls and Bada stand outside the door of Hyunjae's mansion. The lack of outside security isn’t lost on the girls—yes, this was most certainly a trap.
“The door.” Bada points at the doorknob, and motions for Tatter to step up. While Tatter gets out her lock pick and gets to work, Bada turns to look at a building across the street, seeing Lusher sitting at the top of it with her sniper rifle sweeping through the windows of Hyunjae’s mansion.
Bada holds up a fist and then one finger, which grabs Lusher’s attention. She moves away from the sniper rifle and holds up a fist, a confused look on her face.
“How many?” Cheche asks, noticing Bada’s furrowed eyebrows and deep frown.
Bada looks at her, eyes relaying absolutely no emotion. “Zero.”
The girls still in their spots, all turning to look at their Boss.
“They’re waiting for us.” Kyma clicks her teeth.
“Has that ever stopped us?” Tatter objects, continuing her job on the doorknob.
“No.” The girls call out in unison.
“And this will not be the first time.” Bada nods. “She fucked with our business and my finacée. She needs to pay.” 
The girls nod firmly, each of them picking up their guns and standing at attention, ready for the upcoming battle.
And when the sound of the doorknob clicking fills the muted air, it’s like the battle cry that signals the girls to charge forward. Tatter goes first, pushing the door open with considerable force—the rest of the girls following after—Bada being the last one in. 
But when she steps onto the cold stone flooring of Hyunjae’s mansion, she sees something she never expected to.
Lined up like soldiers, rows of men and women stand before the stunned Bebe girls and Bada. They stare forward, completely disregarding the sight of the girls. It’s an eerie display of power, something that for the first time in years, makes a prickle of alarm run up Bada’s spine.
“You made it.” Hyunjae steps up from behind one of her men, a relaxed smile on her lips. “I expected you to arrive sooner, but—”
“What do you want from me?” Bada interrupts, stepping forward so that she’s as close as she can be to Hyunjae.
Your ex stares at Bada in silence for a moment, before her lips curl into a smirk. “Everything.”
Bada glares at Hyunjae, her grip on her pistol tightening.
“I’m getting ahead of myself.” Your ex starts walking away, turning her back to her enemies with complete disregard to her safety. When Bada doesn’t make a move to follow her, Hyunjae pauses, turns around, and looks at her, now frowning. “Are you just going stand there?”
Bada remains silent, contemplating her options. 
“They won’t do anything to your lackeys.” Hyunjae nods at her men. “…As long as you come with me.”
Your fiancée glances at the girls, who all give her hesitant looks. Deep down, Bada knows her best bet is to start a shoot-out with Hyunjae. She could take her chances and finish her here and now—stop her from laying a hand on you—but a nagging curiosity eats away at her being.
Just how serious had you and Hyunjae been? Why has she decided to show up now? Why? Why…?
Bada takes long strides toward Hyunjae, now standing in front of her. “Let’s get this over with.” 
Without wasting another moment of precious time, Hyunjae takes the lead and walks down the proceeding corridor. Bada keeps a safe distance from her, paying close attention to every turn and curve they take. 
Eventually, they arrive at a door, which Hyunjae quickly opens and enters, Bada close behind. The door swings shut after them, keeping them hidden away from the lackeys and the girls at the entrance.
“Lee Bada—”
“Stay away from my business, and most importantly, my finacée.” Bada snaps at Hyunjae, her words sharp like a blade which cuts deep wounds into Hyunjae’s skin. “I have nothing more to say to you.”
Your ex chuckles under her breath. “So the rumors are true. You are engaged to the love of my life.”
Bada’s expression hardens. “My finacée.” 
“My first, and only love.” Hyunjae runs her digits along the desk in her office, feeling ridges of the sleek wood catch against her fingertips. “Did she tell you how we met? How we fell in love?” 
Bada remains quiet, her lips thinned into firm lines. She stands tall and proud, although somewhere in the hidden confines of her heart, their strings are being pulled and tugged, played like a cruel harp with every utterance Hyunjae releases.
Your ex smiles down at the floor, taking Bada’s silence as an answer. “I expected as much.” She circles around her desk and sits in her chair, spreading her legs wide to get comfortable. “We met in high school. She was a  year younger than me, but thrice as wealthy.”
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5 years ago
The air is hot and sticky, filled with giggles, screams, and whispers. There’s hardly any illumination in the living room, save for the strobed red lights that cast a lustrous shadow on the bodies of partygoers. Surrounded by a sea of well-dressed attendees, Park Hyunjae sticks out like a sore thumb.
In her worn-out leather jacket and unbuttoned black dress shirt, she clings to the walls of the living room, observing the “jewels” of Seoul float around like dying embers.
But if they might be dying embers, Hyunjae would be their ash, which wishes and yearns to become coal.
“Not a party person?” A voice fills Hyunjae’s ears, a symphony like no other.
She startles, turning to face the girl beside her. 
…Amongst many imitations of fine jewels, one precious stone shines bright.
“Sorry.” You offer Hyunjae an apologetic smile. “I saw you standing here alone, so I thought—”
“You thought wrong.” Hyunjae cuts you off harshly.
“Did I?” You smile brightly at her, despite the stoking fire inside the stranger standing beside you. “Should I go, then?”
Hyunjae stands stock still, allowing a long pause of silence to pass between you two.
“I’ll stay.” You place your shoulder against the wall, the light in your eye twinkling. “What’s your name?”
The following two words sealed your inevitable love. “…Park Hyunjae.”
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tinydefector · 2 months
Hi! I have to say that since I read your energy fluid au, I couldn't stop thinking about it haha. I could have tfp optimus x gn!human!reader With energy fluid au? That the human is his first time to try something like that.
Tightly Wound energyFluid AU
TFP optimus Prime x human reader
Warnings: Smut, Blowjob, Handjob, fingerings? Valveplug
Word count: 2k
Request and Ask open read pinned post
"I mean it Optimus, you look like you have slept in nearly a week,I know Cybertronian's probably work differently but you still need rest" the human argue at the Autobot leader, he hadn't been taking care of himself that much was evident to everyone at base. Ratchet had told him off for it too, the others weren't willing to talk back to their leader, but Optimus human charge, They are determined to make sure he rests. They softly scold him as he makes his way towards his quarters. 
Optimus vented softly at their persisting concern, touched by their care for one so much larger than themselves. "Your care for my well-being is much appreciated,but I can guarantee you, I am fine," he states, trying to plead his case, he had more work to do, scans to run and areas that needed to be patrolled. “Don't give me that shit Op, your optics look like they are ready to fall out of your head!” They argue back, it only earns a sigh from the Prime, he knows he's not getting out of this, they were to firey when it came to him looking after himself. 
Settling back against the wall of his berth, he tucked his legs beneath him and gazed down at their small form nestled against his chassis. After a moment's quiet contemplation, he conceded softly, "Very well. I will take your advice and recharge this night cycle. Satisfied?" His optics shoot from them, he knows if he looks them in the eyes he wouldn't be able to fight them at all. “I will be once you lay down” 
A gentle rumble built in his spark at the feeling their presence brought, even as his systems attempted to power down in preparation for repairs. Some battles were won through force, this one was going to be won by his charge, and they knew full well they were already winning, their stubbornness reminded him of megaton at times, not willing to back down, and they were willing to take even himself on For that, he was grateful, they didn't shun away just because he was a prime.
They lay against his chassis watching him vent trying to fall into recharge. It's silent between them for a long while before they finally move. His optics flicker back on watching them move. They sit up against his chassis. One of their hands reached up to his face, tracing it slowly. " can't sleep?" Their voice is tender now, the fight from earlier had left them as they watch Optimus struggle to find recharge.
Though his systems urged him toward recharge, his processor refused to shut down, Optimus could not fully power down; he was too wired, wanting to get things done. His optics flickered warmly as small hands traced gentle patterns along the seams and plating of his facial structure, he  into the gentle touch and a deep noise vibrated through his chassis.
" rest does not come as easy," he rumbled softly, careful not to disturb their exploration. Lifting a digit, he softly returned their touch, letting its tip graze their back with the lightest of pressures. "Forgive me, my processor won't shut down." He sighed, Duty was not easily set aside for him, so many things were at stake. 
 Gazing down at their small form outlined against the blue glow of his sparkchamber. " talk to me Op, what's wrong?" They ask softly. Their eyes looked up at him worried over what was wrong, they press little pecked kiss to his helm. In truth Optimus was frustrated and didn't know how to address it. For a moment, no words came as buried memories and emotions swirled within.
Then, venting softly, he spoke in a low rumble. "There have been many vorns since last I self serviced. Much has changed, I'm as you would say ‘Pent up’ " His voice took on a weary edge. "The burdens of leadership are not easily set aside, even in recharge. Responsibility for so many weighs heavy, and some days the path ahead seems shrouded in darkness. I strive always to make the choices that will safeguard our future...yet doubt can linger that I have made the right ones. And I have Neglected my own sensors"
He gazed off into the distance as centuries of struggle flickered across his optics. "It's something I haven't had the opportunity to fix." His plating fluttered faintly, a faint expression of inner turmoil.
They lean up and press an ever so soft to his lips, " can I help anyway?" They inquiry. Small hands cupping his face as they continue peppering small kisses across his frame. "Blowjob?" The human jokingly asks as laughter spills from their lips. "Sorry, sorry." They laugh more, pressing their face into his chassis. 
Optimus sighs wearily, field damping the warmth of your affectionate touches. While their humor and willingness to aid are well-intentioned, certain acts would go against his principles.
"I thank you for the offer of assistance," he rumbles gently, servos enveloping your smaller hands where they cradle his faceplate. Optics crinkling, he adds, "But I fear certain... biological functions may cause unwarranted distress to your human systems."
Lifting them closer, he gazes down at them with a small smile. His field radiates gratitude and care. While desire is not unknown to him, duty to his cause and their safety comes first. 
"Optimus the size doesn't really phase me if that's what you're worried about" they reply moving further down his form. "Would it help you recharge with some release?" It's an inquiry while they slowly move down his tanks to the interface panel. They run their hands over his form gently in circles. “I'm offering Optimus, I know it may be hard to understand but you deserve to relax and have someone take the burdens off your shoulders even if it's just for a little” 
Optimus vents softly, gazing down at them with gentle optics. While their intention is clearly to provide relief and pleasure, his worry is certain intimacies that could endanger their small frame.
Still, their caring touch along his plating brings serenity amid endless conflicts in his own mind. "You have a kind spark," he rumbles softly. "However, as your Guardian I cannot in good conscience engage in acts that could risk your well-being, no matter how well-meaning the offer." Lifting their face with a digit, he strokes their cheek with another. 
"Optimus just for one night, what do you want, not what you think, what do you want" they ask while pressing soft kisses to his plating. Orion stirs within at the words, 
Their delicate touches along seams and plating bring solace yet kindle fleeting fantasies, he wanted them, but it wasn't something he could allow him. 
"For one night don't be the leader just be Orion, relax, let me look after you" they argue back, and in that moment Optimus realises that he wasn't going to win this argument. " trust me, i know you struggle with trust but trust me " they state pressing kisses further down his interface panel.
He Venting softly. “I haven't done this before” he states. He's worried over so many things but the moment their lips press against a tender spot it has him gasping loudly, as a servo gripping the side of his berth.  His armour plates part with a hiss, baring the metal within to your exploration.
They smile as his spike pressurises. Small hands wrap around him. Slowly moving up and down, they slowly press a kiss to the base. Their eyes flicker down to his valve. "Just relax" they call out to him. 
 Optimus releases a soft ventilation at their careful touch, mental disciplines the sole barrier against fully surrendering to sensation, He traces their back with gentle digits as their tongue teases along heated metal and wiring. An age-old ache stirs within as desire threatens long-banished fantasies. 
The human's exploration pulls sounds from his vocalizer unheard since vorns ago, He meets their upward gaze, One of His digits trace cheek in gratitude. 
One of their hands moves down to Optimus' valve slowly teasing him open, they run their tongue along nodes as they move further down. Their eyes widen at the sweet taste. They dive in for more of Optimus' sweet taste. A soft shudder runs through Optimus' frame as their questing fingers dance across nodes and explore, delving deeper. It has him arching with a sinful moan slipping from him.  
He releases a quiet rumble at the sensations. His spike throbs as their tongue teases unseen nodes, coaxing transfluid rich glowing arousal from hidden manifolds. Their mouth drinks it as quickly as they can, and for a moment he worries over the effect of it in a human's system, but the worry is thrown out the window the moment they take his spike into their mouth. 
A whimpered sound leaves him, optics shutter at the sinful feeling of their mouth against his spike. "Damn you really are pent up" they tease, lips tracing patterns against  his spike, lapping up the small amounts of transfluid dripping from him. "God you taste amazing, so sweet " they call out before trying to take him further into their mouth.
Optimus releases a soft groan at their teasing words, optics brightening at their evident enjoyment. The praise and eagerness to please stir long-dimmed responses deep within his core.
He ventilations deeply as their lips and glossa work flicking lights that line his spike, coaxing fresh waves of transfluid from him. He had never had a partner tend to these sensors so caringly. So many things he didn't know were possible. 
His servos gently cradle them against his spike's pulsing heat, digits tracing their form in wordless rapture,  moans, cries and deep vents fall from him. They take him further into their mouth transfluid leaking from the sides as they lap up the sweet pink fluid. pulling away from a moment before moving right back down to his valve, rotating between both as they work Optimus up slowly. "You look so pretty like this you know" they call out.
Optimus utters a loud gasp as they redouble their attention. “please, please” he all but sobs out, rocking into their touch. Their praise had him melting under them. For the first time since before memory itself. strain-knotted lines, awakening his frame and he's nearly begging for release.
As ecstasy rises within burning waves, "That's it, so good for me, gonna overload for me sweetheart?" They call out, lips wrapping back around his valve node, sucking harder as they press their hand into Optimus' Valve, thrusting in and out quickly. Tremors run through Optimus' frame at their eager ministrations bring him swiftly cresting toward his peak. 
Their hands and sweet mouth coax ecstasy ripening within hidden nodes newly sensitised. Pleasure rends seams locked up his systems And as peak claims his senses, he cries out rocking desperately into each touch.
When Optimus finally overloads, he goes lax against his berth. Their lips and tongue work swiftly with licking up more of his transfluid. his optics online again it's to the view of their lips against his spike lapping up the pink fluid. 
Optimus vents softly as awakening creeps back into weary systems, steam vents from him, fans kick in as he lays there body almost like jelly. He trails gentle digits across their cheek, “what are you doing?” he asked with a static to his voice. 
They continue drinking up his transfluid, trying not to let it drip down onto the berth, eager lips taking as much as they physically can, their smaller body leant against his thighs as they clean him. “enjoying myself” they chuckle. His systems sink into peace, welcoming the touch as they devoted attention to every crease of his plating. They are dedicated to making sure no drop goes to waste, worshipping each sensor until static fades into serenity. 
“never thought you'd taste like Blue V” they chuckle while lapping up more of him, when they do finally pull away from his spike it's with a loud pop. 
"I think I'm going to have to make this a common thing, because i rather enjoy how nice you taste," they call out. Their tongue is stained pink but they continue sucking the sweet tasting liquid from his plating. Optimus ventilates softly at their suggestion, optics half lidded. 
Optimus vents softly as recharge's gentle tide pulls at weary systems so recently stirred alive. His frame relaxes into deepening rest with a contented rumble, his human's smaller form nestled safe against his thighs and interface panel still thrumming warmth. Their face pressed into the metal as they find sleep against his form. 
“You did what with a human!?” Ratchet nearly shouts, he looks ready to fall over when Optimus inquires about the effect of Transfluid on a human's system. 
“Ratchet please, I will explain but I need to know if it is harmful to a human” he pleads. He's worried about his human ward. 
Ratchet sighs as both Ratchet and Optimus stand there researching the effects. 
“no it isn't harmful, but you are now getting a full check up and you are going to explain how this happened!” Ratchet growls as he points a digit at the Prime. 
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changbunnies · 5 months
Crave, Part 2 (18+)
♡ Pairing: Romantic Demon!Hyunjin x Human Fem!Reader
♡ Genre: supernatural au, demon au, age gap relationship typical in monster fucker fics, coworkers to lovers and love triangle vibes :')
♡ Word Count: 6.5k
♡ Summary: "The more a thing is perfect, the more it feels pleasure and pain." - Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy. In which Hyunjin, a demon from the nine circles of hell, finds himself impossibly infatuated with the very human he once set upon himself to destroy.
♡ Warnings: this is a part 2! read part 1 here, more immoral behavior and thoughts + ideas from hyunjin ofc, supernatural abilities, themes of possesiveness and jealousy, more talks of sinful acts / feelings from the perspective of a demon, reader's age is not specified but it is implied to be at least mid twenties.
♡ Notes: sorry ya'll it took longer for this to come out than i intended, i wasn't feeling well so i was resting ;v; and tbh i still don't feel well but i really wanted to keep writing so i powered thru to get this done!! this part is story focused but dw, explicit smut is coming next <3 the focus here is building up their relationship so that the smut feels like a natural development and they aren't just instantly in love lol i hope you enjoy it!
♡ Disclaimer: please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people.
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How do you make a human fall in love? A question that is perhaps simple in theory, but Hyunjin hasn't wooed a human in centuries, and much has changed since he last blended in with society. In the modern age of technology, sin is at the most rampant it's ever been. The common man can access all manner of sin from the palm of his hand with a single device, and it has made the act of integrating into human society an unnecessary practice for demons. 
There's a plethora of human sin to feed from at any given moment, and obsolete is the need for a demon to blend in with the humans that walk the earth, no longer required to be a snake in the community garden just waiting for their moment to strike and consume. Though an outdated method to obtain their wants, integration with humans can still be done, if only the demon in question wishes to do so- and as Hyunjin has come to realize, he does if he wants to win over the object of his desire. 
Despite how long it's been since Hyunjin walked among them, he wasn't ignorant of modern human culture; he still had to be well-informed if he wanted to be effective and efficient in sowing the seeds of sin in feeble minds, after all- his work in the second circle required such knowledge, and it was also a benefit when it came to deciding which soul he would drink from to sustain himself. 
He knew perfectly well how to use most modern technology, knew how to dress in a manner that was unique to his own tastes but suited the trends of the era, and whatever "pop culture" knowledge he lacked, as it was called by humans, he could blame it on things such as "preferring to stay off social media," or "not watching much tv or playing much games," and most would take it as a fair, reasonable enough excuse, even if the person asking questions of him could not relate to his answer. 
In the last century especially, most of Hyunjin's public outings were limited to a few hours at most, spending that entire time scoping out who'd sustain his cravings the most. Nightclubs in particular were an easy place for Hyunjin to get a quick fix of the lust he needed, sustaining him well enough when his preferred love-drenched lust was still being built to its peak. 
Despite all his experience in human matters, there was something that posed a problem for him initially. Since moving into your lavish suite, you worked from home- a luxury Hyunjin assumes you have from a high ranking position within whatever company you work for (especially if this is the kind of place you can afford to live in on a single salary.) But if you only ever left the house long enough to run errands, how was he supposed to meet you organically? And further still, how does he meet you in such a way that makes contact with you consistent, that makes you want to talk with him and be in his presence? 
He could, theoretically, stage a meeting, pretend to be a neighbor entering the building at the same time or "accidentally" bump into you while shopping for something he has absolutely no use for, only to then charm you the moment your eyes lock with his. The problem with that approach is that charming you defeats the purpose of what he wants; for you to have genuine, real love for him, and only him. And asking you out after meeting you just once, in a situation where you have no reason to connect with him further, could be uncomfortable or off-putting in the eyes of women. What woman likes to be hit on by a stranger while she's grocery shopping? 
Hyunjin's human form is attractive, sure, but looks can only carry him so far when it comes to making a woman fall for him. His appearance is useful for one night stands, but he needs to show you more substance than that if he wants you to desire him beyond the physical- and he was sure based on his observations of your character that you weren't vain or superficial enough to fall for him based on looks alone. 
Thankfully, he didn't have to ponder on these questions for much longer, because only a few short days after you finished all your unpacking and decorated your apartment to your liking, you returned to work. He could tell easily enough what your destination was when your routine suddenly deviated; for the first time since moving in, you had turned on a repeating alarm for 6 A.M, and your choice of business casual clothing and subtle, office appropriate makeup told him all he needed to know. 
Hyunjin followed you there, naturally; presence hidden, lingering in the shadows with the intent to best establish how to infiltrate your work environment. As he expected, you held a high ranking position inside a corporate office- head of human resources for one of the many subsidiaries of some conglomerate Hyunjin had never heard of, as typically there is no need or reason for him to be well versed in human's business dealings. 
Becoming someone you work with directly would be the best route, he was sure. Whether on equal ground or as someone answering to you on a team, it was the option that gave him the most opportunity to create a connection with you, and maybe be the start of one of those sappy office romances that humans seem to enjoy in their media. 
It was fine if there were no employment openings- it'd be simple for Hyunjin to create one by exerting his influence over a human's mind. He'd pick out whomever you liked the least, someone who bothered you either overtly or simply by being an inefficient worker, and he'd take their place. He could plant the idea of a career change, a desire to move across the country, or simply get them fired should the gentler, subtle approach be deemed too time consuming for Hyunjin's taste. 
Of course, Hyunjin knew jack fucking shit about how your job truly works or what would be required of him if he was on your team, but that was fine too- it would be easy for him to fake his performance when necessary, and charm any who questioned his work abilities. He wouldn't enjoy lying to you directly if there was ever a need for it but, well.. The ends justify the means, don't they? And while he wouldn't charm you for love, certainly it wouldn't hurt to do so to make him appear a better worker than what he would be in reality, right? 
No matter what his hypocritical justifications were, he’d do anything necessary to make you his, even if it meant having to lie at times. It was a foreign feeling, being conflicted about lying when typically lying came second nature to a demon, but he supposed his infatuation for you is what makes it feel different. Is that why truth was considered a godly virtue? It was the first time in his life that just the thought of lying, before it could even be an act done in the first place, felt.. wrong.
Maybe because on some subconscious level he recognized that love woven from lies isn’t true, no matter how much he’d wish it to be. Even if you fell sincerely in love with him, would it still satisfy him to have gotten there based on tricks and lies? When he determined that the answer to that question was a firm “no,” he vowed he would do his best to keep lies far from his lips when it came to you, even if that made his goal more difficult to achieve. Strange, how this was easily the most human he’d ever felt. 
In a way, it is almost natural to feel this way, to be met with internal conflict for the first time in ages; most demons are born directly from human sin, after all. What is he, if not the physical manifestation of a human who has fallen from perfection? More powerful than a mere human though he was, his proverbial soul still held an innate inclination towards sin, the struggle with temptation and decadence inherent to his very being, as hypocrisy and corruption went hand in hand with sin, hand in hand with the very human condition he would oft wrongfully deny he felt.
And that wasn’t the only human emotion that came to him when he watched you at work for the first time. Most of the morning was spent rather uneventfully, Hyunjin’s time dedicated entirely to scoping out the environment and determining where he’d best fit within your corporate world. He observed the people on your team, who was designated where and what their duties were, keeping track of what feelings and opinions you had for whom, looking out for who he would be able to effectively replace.
Without warning, he sensed it, felt it, tasted it- love, seeping out of your pores, heart suddenly alight and a smile that should be reserved for him lingering on your lips. Jealousy pricked Hyunjin’s skin before he could even fully process the scene before him, a deep fondness in your eyes as a man that Hyunjin could only assume was from another department approached you with a smile of his own.
Shit. It was expected that he would find out who you loved eventually, but he didn’t anticipate that it would be here, in the very environment he was setting up to be the stage for your romance with him. The man asked you questions and talked in ways you’d expect to hear between friends or coworkers- “how’d the move go?”, “are you settling in well?”, and “you should invite me over sometime!”
It was the last statement that made Hyunjin’s eye twitch with suppressed anger, not much liking the idea of the person you’re in love with being alone with you in your apartment. Every time you giggled at something he said or blushed when the man held your gaze, it nearly made him sick with envy. Fuck him, he didn’t deserve you, Hyunjin thought, I'm better than him in every conceivable way, that should be me.
This man didn’t love you the way you loved him; Hyunjin could tell, could feel the platonic affection that radiated from him. And instead of being happy about the implication that Hyunjin would have no rival for your affection when he pursued you in earnest, it almost made him more pissed off. This guy didn’t even know how fucking perfect you were, didn’t seem to notice the way your eyes sparkled with affection, how your heart raced when he hugged you, or the bashful smile that lingered when he invited you to share your lunch hour with him.
He’s a complete fucking idiot for not being head over hells for you- you, who’s only sin is lust, who is beautiful, intelligent, humble, and positively radiant in presence without even realizing just how much value she truly has. It’s okay, he has to remind himself, it’s a good thing his one-sided rival doesn’t share your sentiment; because when Hyunjin shows you how beautiful you are, treats you with the reverence you deserve, your heart would surely shift to beat for him instead. He’ll make sure of it.
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You let out a sigh as you comb through the next resume that found its way to your desk, exhausted from the amount of interviews you've conducted today. This was probably your least favorite aspect of your job if you were being honest; being the head of human resources put you in charge of all recruiting efforts, scanning through countless applications to determine who was the best fit for the company, but you never enjoyed doing it. 
It always makes you feel guilty to determine someone else's worth based on a flimsy piece of paper and interview first impressions, where nerves are almost always at their peak as the person sitting across from you makes their best conscious effort to impress you. It is also not a job you can delegate to someone else on your team, unfortunately; your place at the top of the HR department made all hiring decisions entirely up to your own discretion. And apart from the guilt of knowing you couldn't hire everyone that walked through your door, it was so tiring to go over the same questions multiple times a day with a myriad of strangers. 
Hwang Hyunjin was the name of the last person you'd be interviewing today (much to your relief) and you hoped he'd be the person to wow you in the end, as you have lukewarm feelings to who you've met thus far. Despite the impressive credentials on most resumes you reviewed, none of the people you'd met seemed to be a good long term fit for the company; some of them would likely only be good as temps, needing to be let go unless they showed substantial improvement in the areas they were lacking in. 
It was a terrible thing to judge someone based on whether or not they were able to calm their nerves or had enough charisma, but when working for corporate conglomerates you can't afford to be meek. It was okay to be shy and reserved in your personal life, many people in the office were, but for the sake of professionalism you're required to have the ability to put meek tendencies aside. If the interviewee couldn't speak with confidence, then you had reason to believe they'd crack under the daily pressures of speaking with representatives of other departments or when handling sensitive negotiations. 
Unfortunately, you don't typically have the luxury of giving applicants the benefit of the doubt or the ability to give them the opportunity to change your first impression of them. You take a glance at the clock hanging above the door to your office, opposite of your desk; it's just a few short minutes until you meet your last applicant, and you pray he'll be the person you've been looking for. Despite how desperate you are to fill the hole in your team after Mina's extremely abrupt resignation and move out of the country, you still don't want to hire just to fill the gap she left- you want someone capable and confident on your team. 
You take one last passing glance at the man's resume, making sure you're familiar with his education and work history, not wanting to be mistaken on any of the details listed. A short succession of knocks are heard on your door a few moments later, and you look up from the resume you're rereading to see Nayeon opening the door just enough for her head to come into view. "M-Ma'am, H-Hwang Hyunjin, uh- he's here for his interview," she speaks in a timid voice, face flushed the brightest pink you'd ever seen on her. 
Your brows furrow ever so slightly in wonder and concern at her out of character demeanor; Nayeon is among the most confident and well spoken employees on your team, and you've never known her to stutter or appear so off kilter. "..Right, send him in," you say after a moment, wondering if her attitude shift is due to the stranger you'd be meeting shortly; if that is the case, you'll have to talk to her about it once the interview is over- you wouldn't want to hire someone the people on your team are uncomfortable around. 
She nods and opens the door further, the silhouette of the taller man coming into view just slightly behind her. "Right in here," she mutters, stepping to the side and motioning for Hyunjin to enter your office. It becomes immediately apparent what the reason for Nayeon's abnormal behavior is; Hwang Hyunjin is easily one of the most beautiful men you've ever seen in your entire life. 
Black hair that just begins to touch his shoulders tucked neatly behind his ears, a few strands left untouched to frame his face, accompanied by wide circle glasses that seem to further enhance his beauty. He's dressed well, his suit modern and sleek but not overly formal for the setting, his accessories tasteful and understated, as they should be in an office environment- just a simple, long chain necklace and small, almost dainty hoops on his pierced ears. 
The reason that a man this gorgeous would even be applying to work here when he could easily make a fortune being a model is beyond you. You're quick to correct the initial surprise on your face, hoping that the man you'll be interviewing didn't notice how struck by his beauty you were when he stepped in. And how could you even know that he did notice you had a reaction to him- and not because of any overtly obvious expression of attraction, but because he could hear the beating of your heart with his inhuman ears, its steady rhythm taking a sudden, erratic jump the very moment he first stepped through the door. 
Nayeon is quick to close the door behind Hyunjin once he has stepped fully inside your office, leaving you in privacy for what will likely be the most difficult interview you have ever conducted, and not for the reasons you would've otherwise expected. "Have a seat," you speak clearly, as if your heart wasn't stuttering just mere moments ago, motioning for Hyunjin to take one of the chairs sitting opposite of your desk. "Pleasure to meet you, Hyunjin," you say after he's taken a seat, politely holding out your hand to shake his.
"Likewise, ma'am. I'm grateful to be considered for this position," he responds with a smile so effortlessly charming that you have to once again remind yourself that this is a professional setting and you shouldn't be thinking about how handsome the potential new addition to your team is. If you were a worse woman with lesser morals, you'd hire him on appearance alone- his flawless skin, plush, soft, almost inviting lips, and the little mole that sits daintily under his left eye are all positively bewitching to look at. 
You collect yourself after a brief mental scolding, deciding to get straight into the most pertinent questions you have once he's settled in his seat, opting to waste no time in getting straight to the point. While this approach does make the interview more tense for the applicant, you find it best to go about it this way to make sure they're truly ready for the sort of discussions that will be expected of them should they get hired. You don't expect perfection, but more accurately determination- if they can maintain a confident air about them under pressure, that's typically a good indicator to you they'll be a good fit for your team. 
Equally, you don't mind if they stumble over their words a few times throughout the course of the interview as long as they show the ability to bounce back from any slip ups. Error is expected at some point, as we are all human- you just want to assess their ability to come back from a mistake when speaking, and to see if they are able to maintain their composure in situations that may not be the most ideal or comfortable. 
The ease at which Hyunjin answers your questions has you convinced that he's perfect. He speaks confidently, coming across as self-assured and charismatic, not at all stuttering or faltering when you ask him to speak candidly with his own words. You appreciate a well rehearsed answer of course, but you like to ascertain whether or not the person you're considering for the job is able to maintain confidence when not using an internal script or reciting their memorized resume. 
Some struggle to do so, losing confidence in themselves the moment they are expected to go off the cuff, while others find it to be a trick question of sorts, as if you're baiting them to say a flaw that would place them out of consideration for the position they're applying for. What you value most on your team is adaptability- it's okay to falter for a brief moment, as long as they are able to collect themselves quickly and continue where they left off. And Hyunjin's ability to do just that is utterly astounding. 
He has an almost effortless sort of confidence and charisma about him; something unique and special that you don't often see, a state of being that isn't learned, but rather is innate to who he is. Even when he briefly pauses or lets out a small "hmm" as he thinks about his answer to your question, it never feels like he's struggling to find his answer- more accurately, it seems that he already knows what his answer is, and is just pondering on the best way to phrase it before speaking. 
It seemed that even his unrehearsed, unfiltered answers were nearly perfect, his ability to speak leaving you almost in awe. Truly, in the year and a half it's been since you were promoted to head of human resources, you'd never conducted an interview where the person you were speaking to seemed this effortlessly natural and comfortable in what is otherwise a tense situation. Honestly, you'd be a fool not to hire him right on the spot- his ability speaks for itself, and you're confident that any weaknesses he has can be corrected quickly and easily with more experience in the work environment. 
So you congratulate him, smiling as you once again hold out your hand and welcome him as part of your team. And Hyunjin smiles too as he takes your hand in his, knowing that this is just the start of what is his grand plan to make you his.
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In the months it’s been since you first hired Hyunjin, he’s come to learn so much more about you than he did just lingering around in your apartment, and with that has come an even deeper appreciation and desire to have you. Your good nature, which he knew you had from little interactions at shops and cafes, was now able to be fully seen by him- from the way you cared about your team, treated them like equals despite the fact that you were their superior in rank, and how you encouraged and fostered true friendships between everyone on your team. 
You held so much sincere care for everyone around you, and you lead with compassion and kindness at the forefront. If someone was sick, having an off day due to mental health, or simply felt the pressures of life weighing them down, you always met them with compassion, encouraged them to get better, and never made them feel bad about themselves for any small slip ups that occurred while they were struggling with something. 
Of course, in this line of work it’s vital that they show up always ready to do their utmost best and show others the best versions of themselves, but you weren’t some militant manager that expected people to always be at 100%. It’s unrealistic, and hypocritical to expect perfection, so instead you always did your best to accommodate them when they were low, and that consideration resulted in your coworkers and employees having a great deal of respect for you, and caused them to always put in their best effort. 
By extension, your care for your team resulted in equal care towards you, and it seemed they greatly missed you when you were absent due to your move. They had fine enough leadership while you were gone, sure, but it wasn’t the same without you- the one who made them feel comfortable, secure, and made them want to perform well at their jobs. What Hyunjin felt watching you was something akin to pride- and it was strange, as he had never felt pride for someone else before, usually not even for himself. 
He just liked seeing you succeed, if he had to guess; he liked knowing the woman he desired was not only beautiful in body but also in soul, just as he suspected her to be when he first came to put aside his anger and truly know her for who she is. What a happy accident it was, that he happened to be gone when you finalized your move to suite 13; because otherwise how would he ever have known what it was like to care about someone other than himself? To understand what it is that makes a human God’s greatest creation? 
He gets it now, he thinks- why God prioritized humanity, why he loves them despite how flawed and drenched with sin they are. And again, it occurs to Hyunjin how hypocritical he was before, and continues to be even now, how foolish it is for him, the very embodiment of sin, a being who is supposed to uphold depravity and ruin, to be infatuated with you, who is the very image of benevolence.
Hyunjin got to see so many new sides of you, sides that didn’t make themselves known within the 4 walls of your apartment, sides that made him fall for you more and more. A demon can’t experience love the way a human does, but he thinks this is the closest to love a creature like him will ever have. Obsession, longing, desire.. Isn’t that all a manifestation of love? Perhaps one does not need a true heart and soul to experience what love is, maybe all that one really requires is feeling. 
Most sins are a feeling- lust, pride, envy; all are an emotion you feel strongly within your gut, a natural reaction that cannot be prevented from pricking your skin or making your stomach twist. It’s innate, woven into the DNA of every creature with higher understanding. With all that mind, who is to say a demon can’t love? Maybe it won’t be felt in the same way a human feels it, but if love is a feeling, and sins are a feeling, then what truly prevents him from knowing love? 
As equally as he learned about you and himself, he also learned about the man you had developed feelings for- Yunho. According to Nayeon, who was apparently a wealth of information when it came to the subject, you met Yunho in college and have been friends with him since. You grew quite close in your time studying the same major, and as fate would have it, you both ended up working for the same conglomerate after college. 
While you ended up here, promoted to head of the department when the opening became available, Yunho worked for a different subsidiary within the same building; so while you technically worked for different companies, you shared the same CEO, and had ample opportunity to meet and talk during the company lunch hour and maintain the friendship you had in college. 
Well, he imagines you would’ve still been friends with Yunho regardless of where the two of you ended up in life after graduation, but still seeing him daily certainly didn’t help you get over the college crush you had on the man. And you had tried to move on- you’re not stupid, you know Yunho doesn’t feel the same way as you, but your relationships never worked out as you’d hoped, and you’d always be left still battling your unrequited love for your best friend. 
Though you are always professional, it was obvious, at least to the other women in the office, that you had deep feelings for Yunho. They could always tell in the way your face changed when he was near, displaying a timid smile that only ever showed up for him, the flush on your face subtle but recognizable to those who knew you well.  
And by extension, it became increasingly obvious to the rest of the office that Hyunjin was down bad for you, and hated seeing you with Yunho. His face too always changed when Yunho arrived, though in an entirely different way from you- Hyunjin would be positively seething with jealousy, always failing to mask the frown of disapproval when Yunho stepped into your office to talk and invite you out for lunch outside the building. 
And Hyunjin, who was always a gentleman anyways, was even more so when it came to you- holding open doors for you when walking somewhere together, carrying stacks upon stacks of heavy paperwork so you wouldn’t have to do it, memorizing the way you liked your coffee so he could get it for you and you could focus instead on your work. The only time Hyunjin ever wasn’t smiling, it was when you were giving your affection to Yunho, and it was painfully obvious how bad he wanted you. 
If Hyunjin was trying to keep his feelings a secret, well.. He failed to do so at every turn. Everyone in the office could tell how he felt, and while they would never admit it, most were just waiting for the day he’d ask you out, as it seemed to be more and more inevitable that he would. Some who had been your coworkers since long before you were even promoted and knew of your unrequited feelings, hoped that Hyunjin could be the person to finally give you the happiness you deserve. 
Even you yourself began to suspect that Hyunjin liked you as more than a friend or coworker, because why else would he go so out of his way for you? Why else would his face change whenever he saw Yunho? You can still remember the way his smile dropped when Yunho stepped into the room when you were having lunch with your team, how Hyunjin subtly clenched his teeth and tightened his fists, how he’d practically glare at the man before replacing his expression with the most forced smile you’d ever seen him have for the sake of professionalism. 
Were you being delusional? To say Hyunjin is fucking gorgeous is an understatement- he’s practically ethereal. And while you wanted to move on from your stupid school girl crush on Yunho that continued to grip you all these years later, wasn’t it too much to fantasize about Hyunjin being the person to finally make you happy? He could have anyone, and you couldn’t understand why he’d want you of all people when he could easily bag someone more impressive than you. 
You did well for yourself, but you didn’t consider yourself particularly desirable.. Maybe years of unrequited love and failed relationships made your confidence tank more than you realized, at least when it came to love and romance. And while there were other couples in the office, you worried it’d be unprofessional of you to date someone who you are technically the boss of.. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about the power dynamic instead of worrying about whether or not you were desirable enough for Hyunjin to want you? 
God, you really needed to get your priorities straight before you did something stupid; and certainly you were just reading too far into things. But still, while your feelings for Yunho didn’t go away, you still couldn’t deny that your heart would race whenever Hyunjin smiled at you, couldn’t ignore how goosebumps would erupt on your skin when his hand lingered on yours as he handed you a perfectly made cup of coffee, couldn’t help but linger on the the thought of what a perfect lover he must be.
As if sensing you were thinking of him, you hear a knock on your door, breaking you out of your thoughts and seeing Hyunjin crack open the door. “May I?” he asks, and you smile politely with a nod, motioning for him to enter your office. “Hey Hyunjin, what’s up? Need something?” you ask and he shakes his head, sitting on the chair in front of you. “Nothing work related, though I do want to ask you something,” he replies, and immediately your mind wanders to delusional territory again, though you quickly try to shut it down. 
“What is it?” you ask, trying your best not to fill your brain with the thought of Hyunjin making a move on you. Be professional for God’s sake. “I was wondering,” he starts, looking at you with that charming smile that is so natural to him and you always have to stop yourself from folding over, “If you don’t have any prior obligations today, would you like to have lunch with me?” 
Oh no. He’s adding fuel to your delusional fire. “Just us?” you ask, trying to mask your hope or the way your heart is picking up speed. You really want to be chill about the invite, but you really can’t help but hope the invitation means something more. He’s perfect, how could you not? You’re only human, after all. Isn’t it natural to want someone this fucking beautiful to want you? 
“Yes, just us. You don’t have to consider it a date, but.. I would be happy if you did,” he smiles, head tilting to the side in an almost playful display, and your heart jolts. He’s not just playing with you, right? He wouldn’t, would he? But you have to ask, “You make it sound as if you want me to consider it a date. Are you saying you like me?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying, ma’am,” he replies without hesitation, confidence fully on display. It’s as if the possibility of you saying “no” has never crossed his mind. Well, you’d probably be confident too if you looked anything like him; you don’t imagine he’s been rejected often. And well, you certainly won’t be the person to hit him with his first rejection either; you’ll have to ask a third party to handle the necessary paperwork if things go well between you and Hyunjin, as the head of the department can’t approve and oversee her own consensual relationship agreement, but it’ll be worth it, you think. 
After all, if someone this beautiful and seemingly perfect wants you, why deny yourself the opportunity? Even if it doesn’t work out, maybe he’ll be the person to finally help you get over your stupid crush on your best friend that’s been going nowhere for years. Apart from his beauty, he’s always been chivalrous and attentive towards you, a true gentleman in every sense of the word. And even if it's only for a brief time, you think he can make you feel happy, desired, truly cared for.
You’re about to tell him you’d love to, when your door unexpectedly clicks open, your eyes moving past Hyunjin to see Yunho standing in the doorway. Hyunjin immediately scowls, having half a mind to rip him apart once the day is over, though he does his best to temper his aggravation. Can’t let himself lose face in front of the one he loves after all; he’s not sure you’d still be up for a date with him if he displayed his jealous, possessive tendencies this early on (not that he did a very good job of hiding them to begin with.)
“Shit, sorry- am I interrupting a meeting?” Yunho asks, and Hyunjin rolls his eyes, turning his gaze back to you instead. “No, nothing like that,” you answer, shifting your gaze back to Hyunjin, who for the first time looks concerned that you’ll turn him down. It’s subtle, but his eyes are softer, nearly pleading, though he tries his best to not display the desperation that lies underneath- the desperation for you to affirm that you like him too, that you want to go on a date with him, that you want to give him a chance. 
“Oh, good,” Yunho sighs in relief, knowing that sometimes your work bleeds over into the lunch hour. He glances at Hyunjin, a slight frown forming on his face. He’s never spoken to the guy, but Yunho would have to blind to not notice that Hyunjin hates him for seemingly no reason. “Well, uh- I’ll let you get back to whatever talk you’re having. I’ll see you for lunch when it's over?” Yunho asks, and you can see Hyunjin swallow, hands tensing as he waits for your reply. 
Please don’t reject me, his body practically screams, and you almost can’t believe that the confident man that you know is looking this nervous over potential rejection because of you. “Thanks, but I’m actually having lunch with Hyunjin today. Maybe next time?” you answer, smiling at Hyunjin to reassure him that yes, you are going on a date. No, you won’t be picking Yunho over him, despite the history that lies there.  
Relief instantly spreads through Hyunjin, and he returns your smile, his confidence returning as if it’d never left in the first place. “Oh,” Yunho blinks in surprise; that’s.. unexpected. You’ve never prioritized someone else over him before. Huh. He feels.. strange. Jealous..? No, that can’t be right. Why would he be jealous? Hyunjin stands, offering his hand to you, which you accept before you stand yourself. 
“Are you ready, ma’am? I know this cafe you’ll just love, but we have to hurry if we wan’t to make it back before the hour is over,” Hyunjin smiles, turning away to face the door, and subsequently, an almost bewildered looking Yunho. You miss the way Hyunjin shoots your best friend a smug, almost triumphant smirk; a smirk that says I’ve won, she’s mine. And even as Yunho watches the pair of you walk towards the elevator, hears you tell Hyunjin he can call you by your name when it’s “just the two of us,” suddenly he feels incredibly stupid. 
Even as he’s left standing there, watching the elevator doors close with just the two of you inside, he can feel his gut twist as Hyunjin shoots him one last smirk, one that affirms something Yunho is just now realizing- there was a reason Hyunjin hated him. All this time, Yunho was a rival for love, and he just lost the race without ever having actually participated. 
He scoffs, laughing at himself in near disbelief. What an idiot he’s been, and what a moment to realize it. He knew you had a crush on him, but what did he expect? That you’ll always be there, just waiting for the day he’d finally miraculously return your feelings after all these years? Of course you’d move on eventually; and maybe Yunho didn’t want to admit he found your infatuation with him to be a comfortable ego boost, now hit with the epiphany that his newfound jealousy over the loss of your affection is ugly and twisted. 
And truly, Hyunjin had him beat. Somehow, he knew that this was the end of your feelings for him. How ironic it is to lose due to his own complacency, his expectation that you’d always be there no matter what relationships you found yourselves in. How arrogant and selfish he’d been, assured that no matter whom he slept with or pursued, you’d be there just waiting for the day he’d finally ask you out. And now Hyunjin has you, and he’s certain he’ll never let you go.
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prodicalmenace · 2 months
college au sukuna x reader back ideation drabble based on this glorious image
you don't see it when you bump into it. your body thumps against what may as well be a hard wall. the impact makes you scratch the side of your hair with a wince. he turns around before you really notice the back you walked into, his own eyes confused as he bends to look down to you. he takes in your form, and assumes the small nudge he felt was you before he simply pats the top of your head himself.
"you'll be fine," he mutters with a step around you. you didn't turn back to see his own. the whole event was confusing; your stomach flopped at his touch, but maybe that was the slight concussion your absent mindedness caused as the side of your head still throbs.
you didn't notice it when you kept trying to dodge it; a basketball game playing out on the other side of him, yet every time the teams moved across the court his back would block your vision at all angles.
you couldn't care for the shape as it blocks the last minutes, and finally you lean forward with a gruff "hey pinkie!"
he turns, and upset his face stretches into an appalled frown. the tattoos that outline every feature across his cheeks settle into a pursed expression that should have killed you when coupled with his silence that dulls the rest of the court chaos. instead, you use two fingers to gesture for him to scooch down the bleachers.
with a flared nostril he prepares to do just that before you to catch the other pink haired hooligan on the court score the winning basket at the last second. with the rest of the crowd you jump and cheer more than your windpipes allow, and the euphoria makes you slap enthusiastically on his shoulders in an absent minded attempt to shake his joy free with the rest of the crowd. his scowl drops into an amused expression that tugs at the edges of his lips, but you cant tell as your feet still push you to hop over his back.
you do notice it later that night even as you sway heading out the house stairwell humming the party music that fades behind you. his back blocks the exit, and your eyes trace where it curves towards his hips before reaching to give it a soft poke. he merely turns his face at the intrusion to take in his opponent, but seeing you his whole body turns with a smirk.
"do you need an exit ticket, pinkie?" you ask with a giggle, one hand reaching to clutch the stair railing to steady yourself. his smirk eventually stretches at the opposite end and the pull of a smile at his cheeks makes you so warm you hum with delight.
"depends, you have a ride?" he takes you in quickly, the question somehow rich with the temptations of curiosity while dripping in genuine concern. it makes you giggle again and you hold out your phone to show your rideshare confirmation.
"don't keep me from diane, she's gonna have tiny waters in her car and some breath mints!" you coo as the car drives up behind him, but you can't really tell as he leans in garnering all your attention with a quiet sniff and a sigh.
"focus on the water, you already smell sweet." he whispers before pulling back to finally allow you the room to exit. you bite your tongue and take in his profile, the tattoos allowing his expression to fade into the darkness, and you find yourself noticing how they peek underneath his shirt like the rest of his body should fade out of view.
such would be impossible as you notice it in the corner of a lecture hall curved into the seat next to him. his elbow is on the desk to his right to prop up his hand on his fist, and the position places his back perfectly in your peripheral even as you sit rows and rows behind him.
you notice it again through the stacks at the library hunched over a book. you don't even think the book you pulled is the correct one, but you wouldn't dare put it back to block the view of his shoulders steadily rising and falling, a pattern that lowers and lowers until his head lops closer to the floor and you realize he's sleeping.
somehow, you find yourself kneeling next to him on the floor to gently tap at his shoulder. his muscles tense under your finger tips but he doesn't jolt at your touch, just raises his head a bit to take in your figure before lowering it to lean into your chest.
"i hate this fucking class..." he mutters against your shirt with a grumble you suppose is a yawn. your mind is still fixated on the shape of his back pressing into your hand now, and you slowly drag it in circles across his back committing the surface to memory as he lowly thrums with approval.
it's your favorite sight as he leads you through his apartment. he reaches an arm to scratch his head explaining the chaos that is his relationship with his not-so-twin-brother, and the motion pulls his loose shirt up exposing enough of his bare back that you can see where the tattoos from his neck reach and dot what is practically marble skin.
"anyway, the brats at practice so it should be quiet long enough for us to get some work done,"
your mind is elsewhere at his words and you can’t even tell the warmth that spreads across your cheeks and to the tips of your ears. your eyes are still glued to where his frame dips into his hips like before, but now his gym shorts are somehow lower than necessary to offer more skin to your imagination. it’s why when he finds you looking in a mirror on the hallway wall he stops himself short in anticipation of you walking into him again, a teasing remark already pulling his lips up into a truly devilish grin.
but you’re ready this time, because his back is all you can see, so you reach your hands out to brace yourself against his body admiring how they fit beneath his shoulder blades with your fingers ghosting where his back would meet his chest. underneath your hands you can feel his heart begin to race, and you suddenly find his eyes staring back at your fascinated expression in the mirror at the end of the hall.
it's the first thing you notice when you wake up the next day to find him at his desk he strums nothing in particular, a quiet metronome guiding his fingers. rising from being stuffed between pillows, your head turns to the sound of soft hums as you find his back facing you, muscles relaxed, and short lines of red hiding amongst the tattooed lines that reach from his neck and down his back. the red matches the grip of your own hands practically clawing against the skin, in anticipation, in need, not unlike the ones his mouth left across your own body.
you bundle the sheet tighter around yourself as you sit up, and he notices the sound immediately. his fingers falter, his head rises, and beautifully his back turns to reveal his smiling face propped against the back of his chair by the chin. your favorite sight. 
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jovenshires · 4 months
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endless au edits: the battle of the bands au nobody asked for pt 6
what's next for smosh? that's the question on everyone's mind, isn't it? where do we go from here? after dropping a new album with little to no warning, fans are left wondering what the future looks like for the band. not to worry - the duo released a full statement on smosh's official twitter and instagram laying out their plans for the future. we've done our best to summarize it for you here, but if you're curious, be sure to watch the official video¹! 1. battle of the bands: hecox and padilla are returning to their roots - the annual la battle of the bands. though they've never won, smosh competed in the battle of the bands many times in their heyday. they're back, and this time, they're in it to win it. "i think we've got a leg up on... the kids, you know?" hecox said. "we've been around the block before. and we're ready to make a comeback and kick it off with that trophy." 2. new music: the boys also outlined their new music. they teased a new album in the upcoming year, as well as a new single to be released after the battle of the bands is over. they acknowledged both the criticism and praise of their new album, and agreed that they don't sound like they used to - and that they probably never will. "we're gonna sound different," padilla said. "we're exploring new genres, and that's okay. it's still us. nothing you hear is gonna be like, 'oh, that sounds like an ian hecox song' or 'oh, that sounds like an anthony padilla song.' no, this is - this is is entirely us. we're in this together." much like their grassroots days (pre-management from now-defunct record label defy media², during which their songs were written for them), both hecox and padilla will be writing lyrics and music on their new songs. they explained that their new album was entirely their own and that they both worked together on each song, except for 'the sun,' penned entirely by padilla, and 'burn it to the ground,' written by hecox. 3. a tour: that's right! smosh is going on a long-awaited, much-anticipated reunion tour. "it'll be just like the old days," hecox said. padilla continued, adding, "the whole band is back, too. mari [takahashi, former guitarist], lasercorn [david moss, former drummer], [matthew] sohinki [former keyboardist], and joven [joshua ovenshire, former secondary guitarist] will all be back with us for the tour. it's been really exciting to work with them - like a family reunion." mari takahashi also provided the guitar accompaniment for their latest album. she and the rest of the band have been touring on their own, calling themselves oh gee so gee³, but, according to hecox, were "more than happy" to accompany smosh in their bright new future. after a six-year break, things are finally looking up for smosh fans. from releasing their first single out of the blue to now being announced as the sixth and final contestant in the biggest musical competition in the country, the band is coming back with a bang. if you're looking to see them in action, be sure to tune into the televised battle of the bands - featuring smosh, the chosen, ftc, kolivition, coventry, and let's do this. and don't worry too much on the boys' behalf - because, if their reunion proves anything, it's that friendship always wins.
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