#autism central <3
flxmekeepr · 10 months
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this is all you need to know about jules honestly
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Tonight I bring you a very Soft audio of Paul singing Happy Birthday to (based on context I'm assuming) one of these kids at the Bread & Roses Music Festival Concert, October 3rd, 1981. The crowd joins in pretty quickly so we unfortunately don't have a full "Paul Sings Happy Birthday audio" (as far as I know??) because that would be really cool. A super wholesome listen nonetheless!
The Youtube channel that has the remainder of this performance uploaded describes it as a setlist of 11 songs yet they had only uploaded 10. So I did some digging and yeah, turns out this mysterious 11th song he performed was "Happy Birthday" and I'm not even mad about it.
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sh4d0w-gl · 3 months
The temptation to do my GCSE spoken language endorsement in English on why shadow the hedgehog is unintentionally a trans allegory is getting realer by the second
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gabrielisdead · 10 months
ugh let me enjoy my escapist fantasy and live out my impulsive mood swings in a language I have no emotional connection to on a blog of nowhere
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clove-pinks · 2 years
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A series of 8 tweets on the experience of being autistic and ADHD (AuDHD) by @pot8um on twitter, image descriptions below cut.
I saved these shortly after being dx + medicated with ADHD last year. It was the first time I began to seriously consider the possibility that I was also autistic. 1/8
AuDHD is a constant tug-of-war— contradictions that exist simultaneously that I feel equally strongly about.
[image description: Two-column text inside orange arrows on left, and blue arrows on right. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, L text: “Making spontaneous plans”, R text: “Getting very upset if those plans are interrupted” 2nd row, L text: “Struggling to organize”, R text: “Having a strong need for order”. By @autistic.qualia]
Each of these are so familiar to me, but I could never articulate my experiences with the right language. Also, if you don’t know what you’re experiencing is AuDHD, you don’t know what questions to ask. You didn’t know you were even supposed to *have* questions! 2/8
[image description: Two-column text inside orange arrows on left, and blue arrows on right. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, L text: “Impulsively making purchases for a new hyperfixation”, R text: “Hyperfocus on researching the products” 2nd row, L text: “Struggling to be on time”, R text: “Upset when others are a few minutes late”. by @autistic.qualia]
I have phases of hyperfixation with certain things, and lifelong interest in others. Successfully executed plans / tasks is always my goal. (The perfectionism is too real.) I always get frustrated when I inevitably miss steps, regardless of my attention to detail. 3/8
[image description: Two-column text inside orange arrows on left, and blue arrows on right. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, L text: “Hyperfixating on a wide variety of topics”, R text: “Also having long term special interests” 2nd row, L text: “Forgetting steps in plans”, R text: “Needing plans to execute perfectly”. by @autistic.qualia]
I *love* trying new foods… until it’s a bad experience, then I clam up and am reluctant to try again. When it comes to food, consistency is vital to me. My brain is far more active than I have spoons for. Most of my ideas strike when I’m freshly overloaded and spoonless. 4/8
[image description: Two-column text inside orange arrows on left, and blue arrows on right. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, L text: “Enticed by novel foods”, R text: “Hypercritical of food taste and texture” 2nd row, L text: “Wanting new experiences”, R text: “Wanting to stick to what I know I like”. by @autistic.qualia]
I tend to hyperfixate on things that aren’t central to the task at hand. (I don’t want to say “on the ‘wrong’ thing” because I’m on my self-compassion shit ) Discovering my neurodivergence during the pandemic was surreal. Severe boredom, severe overload, severe whiplash. 5/8
[image description: Two-column text inside arrows. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, orange arrow, L text: “Misses details and makes mistakes on boring topics”, blue arrow, R text: “Notices small details and points out others’ mistakes”. 2nd row, purple arrow, L text: “Becoming easily understimulated”; Yellow arrow, R text: “Becoming easily overstimulated”. by @autistic.qualia]
Overthinking the stages of your emotional dysregulation is its own personal hell. When I’m lowest on spoons, I tend to ruminate the most. My thirst for knowledge is met by my shoddy working memory. I try recalling a fact that *I know* I read up on. Can’t. Frustration ensues. 6/8
[image description: Two-column text inside arrows. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, purple arrow, L text: “Struggling from emotional dysregulation”. Blue arrow, R text: “Being a logical and analytical thinker”. 2nd row, orange arrow, L text: “Struggling to retain information”; Yellow arrow, R text: “Wanting to learn everything”. by @autistic.qualia]
It’s hard for me to Start the Thing. Once I start, I NEED to ride that wave! If I’m taken out of the moment, idk when I’ll be able to start back up. If I don’t say what I’m thinking *while* I’m thinking it, it’ll be forever lost. (Trying my best to work on this. It’s hard!) 7/8
[image description: Two-column text inside purple and yellow arrows. Title “What ADHD & autism feel like…” L column is ADHD; R column is autism. 1st row, L text: “Having difficulty sitting still”, R text: “Hypersensitive to other people fidgeting”. 2nd row, L text: “Interrupting others when they are busy”; R text: “Hate being bothered while in hyperfocus”. by @autistic.qualia]
Please note: • These traits are infinitely more nuanced than a few tweets can possibly cover. • I do not speak for the entire autistic community. From @autisticqualia on IG, an outstanding AuDHD awareness account.
[image descriptions: a box of text at left reads “Having both ADHD & autism can sometimes feel like there are contradicting forces within you. Traits that seem incompatible on the surface can exist in the same person.” A box of text at right reads  “Everyone with ADHD & autism is different. These are the contradicting traits that I personally experience as someone with both ADHD and autism.”]
It's uncommon for me to see someone discussing the experience of being both austistic and ADHD, and this was articulated so well, I feel like it also describes my experiences. (The author is also an advocate for late diagnosis AuDHD adults, who has shared her experiences about working with dismissive, misogynist doctors.)
Bearing in mind that every individual is different, as noted by the tweet author, I feel like I am more autistic than I am ADHD, despite my ADHD diagnosis (and these two developmental disorders have many overlapping traits, of course).
I have never, ever understood the experience of "ADHD boredom" that I have seen some people describe. I am perpetually overstimulated, not understimulated, and I stuggle to process experiences and find enough time and space. Executive dysfunction also prevents me from starting/enjoying activities, as is typical with ADHD. It's not just a thing that makes it difficult to work on stressful or boring tasks; it prevents you being being able to commence fun things, like reading for enjoyment or watching a TV show you want to watch. And when I do manage to start the book/TV show, the stimulus is often overwhelming and I don't get very far.
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edoro · 2 months
What are your thoughts about Thistle
stares straight ahead without making a sound as i begin to slowly vibrate until i start to ascend to another plane
uhhh putting this under a cut for Dunmeshi spoilers
me going insane over Thistle was probably very predictable because he is 1) a pretty elf boy 2) a fucked up little guy 3) possessed of astounding levels of molested energy
it's so. ooourgh. the themes and the motifs. the way that he's been a possession and pet of the Melini royal line since he was a child, how he just fully embraced that role, his desperate need to be of use or have a purpose, his batshit obsession with Delgal...
the way that he ALSO expresses an autism experience in that he stays basically the same but everyone else around him grows and matures much more quickly than he does, and suddenly for no reason that he can really figure out, everyone is unhappy with him when he's doing exactly what he's always done
the way he's so incredibly adultified, all the humans around him expecting him to behave like an adult and handle adult responsibilities, none of them seeming to realize that his immaturity and childishness is because he is a damn kid
the fact that he seems to have repeatedly been the placeholder son/brother/friend until REAL family came along - how we go from the king calling Thistle his son to Thistle calling baby Delgal 'master Delgal,' how gradually he becomes a less and less central figure in Delgal's life as Delgal gets married and has a son, a grandson, the way his place at the table keeps moving further and further away from Delgal
the mmmmm the fact that he was literally just. Acquired Somehow as a child. and given to the king because the king wanted an elven servant and they figured this little foundling would be a safe pet and status symbol. had his hair cut. was literally given a name based on the color of his eyes. this is the equivalent of picking up a cat out of the dumpster and naming it patches.
that scene where Laios tries to use a food metaphor to convince him that he's hurting the people of the kingdom and he seems to understand but turns out to have gotten "i should just capture everyone in body horror forcefeeding nightmare plants forever!" from it instead is haunting and i think says a lot about what his state of mind is and also like... how he views autonomy and personhood, and, hm, where might he have gotten THOSE ideas from?
i also think it's very impressive he managed to handle the winged lion for hundreds of years, compared to Mithrun only managing a few years in a dungeon
also, i think he should be allowed to rule over a Minecraft server with an iron fist. i think that would fix him.
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i’ve noticed there’re a lot of overlaps between STPD & ASD. do you have any advice with maybe differentiating between the two? anyone who has both willing to share their experiences and stuff?
(can i claim 🔫? i have a feeling i’ll be here a lot lmao)
yes u can claim! i wanna start this off by saying im NOT a professional and you shouldnt take what i say as fact!! this is just my knowledge. if i get anything wrong please tell me and if anyone wants to add anything its greatly appreciated :3 /gen a big way to differentiate between the two is autism is a developmental disorder that you're born with, but stpd is a schizo-spec personality disorder thats formed. because its a personality disorder it usually shows up in the 10-20 yr old area. it doesnt usually form when youre as old as 20 but for some people its hidden really well until theyre older. autism symptoms will be present when youre very young, causing communication difficulties, interaction difficulties, repetitive behaviors, sensory problems, stuff like that. stpd symptoms will show up later on, and will have symptoms like paranoia, odd speech/behavior, odd beliefs, ideas of reference, stuff like that. autism and stpd can overlap in the ways of the odd behaviors clothing and thinking, but USUALLY with stpd it comes out from magical type thinking and with autism it comes from the person not thinking and living in the same way. i have both autism and stpd (autism prof dx and stpd self dx) and they definitely overlap and mingle, but a lot of times i can tell them apart. social anxiety can come from both, but i can tell the difference because autism social anxiety for me is not wanting people to view me as different or laugh at me and stpd social anxiety is thinking people are out to get me. it is pretty nuanced though and everyone has different experiences :3 i would explain more but im a bit low on spoons rn so heres some articles i found
Is This Schizoid Personality Disorder, Autism, or Both? (psych central)
[Differential diagnosis between Schizotypal Personality Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders: a case report] (national library of medicine)
How Are Autism and Schizotypy Related? Evidence from a Non-Clinical Population (national library of medicine)
what are the differences between autism and schizotypal personality disorder? (reddit post on r/autism)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
i have autism and adhd, and have recently been going through what i assume is burnout. i attribute it to work, i work 9-6 five days a week, and it's honestly become exhausting having to constantly mask and present normal.
i'm mainly worried because i haven't had a new special interest in a while. my old ones, present for years, seem almost muted. i haven't had anything to hyperfixate over in such a long time, and the newest special interest i had (sharks) has felt faint almost the entire time. it's awful because i miss the love i felt for these special interests, they were so integral to me and as a result i feel like my sense of self is weaker.
is this normal? and do you have any tips on recovering from autistic burnout? thank you!!
Hi there,
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through burnout. There’s a Recovery Plan that one of my favorite websites, Neurodivergent Insights, posted. Here are some Infographs. As well as some templates on how to build a recovery plan:
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The link to this article will be below. I hope you find it helpful.
There’s also another article from Psych Central that gives some tips on Recovery:
How can you recover from autistic burnout?
Autistic burnout may feel confusing and overwhelming, but recovery is possible.
1. Remove obligations
It’s time to get a little ruthless with your schedule and commitments. If something isn’t 100% necessary, take it off your calendar for the near future.
Your new goal is to try to find as much downtime as you can, with fewer extracurriculars, work projects, and social events.
2. Participate in soothing activities
The idea is to participate in more hobbies that you enjoy, or those that promote a sense of relaxation — the things you might normally brush aside in your busy schedule.
You may find it recharging to:
spend time in nature
practice a calming visualization
listen to music
sit in silence with someone you love
Sensory interventions
“These can include compression, sitting in a dark closet specially outfitted for sensory bliss (pillows, quiet, dark), favorite smells, or textures,” Bédard says.
Noise-canceling headphones may also help you feel more grounded.
3. If you can’t sleep, rest
Autism can sometimes make sleep a challenge. Even if you’re not feeling tired, try to spend at least 8 hours a night in bed.
During this time, try to avoid watching the news or scrolling on social media. Instead, curl up with one of your favorite books or movies.
4. Practice self-compassion
“Try to be as gentle with yourself as possible,” O’Conner says. “If there are some things you can’t do, or have to say ‘no’ to right now, that’s OK.”
This article will also be below if you’d like to read through it.
Since you like sharks, I’ll also leave an article talking about ten facts about them. :)
I hope this helps you. I’m unemployed, so I don’t have the experience of working or the workplace in general.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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nihilityart · 1 month
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Ah shit, here we go again...
Autism strikes again. I got obsessed with this one Poppy Playtime AU. It's @onyxonline Space Rider AU, so I decided to create the six true dragons for this AU.
Just in case you cannot read the writing (My hand got tired lmao) I'll put some facts here. Also, kinda rushed the drawings since it's so late, so I apologize for the lack of details and spelling errors.
The True Dragons in this AU are members of a Royal family from a planet known as Central. Each member has a special power, these are more powerful than most other abilities.
However, these abilities come with the cost of being really hard to control. High risk, High reward type of stuff. They also can live for a stupidly long time (As long as they don't die lmao.) Most of them are also really arrogant, which is exploited a lot by both their friends and foes.
They are also all known to be hot too, lol.
(Star King Dragon) Veldanava:
-He's the King of Planet Central
-He's the Eldest of his six siblings
-He was 100,000 years old
-He has a wife and daughter (Lucia and Milim)
-He's dead as fuck lmao (He was killed by the Prototype and Ivarage) (lmao get rekt scrub)
-He lost all his power to ensure his planet would thrive
Special Power: Uriel (The Power to bend space)
(Weakness of Power: Overuse can cause him to implode)
(White Ice Dragon) Velzard:
-She's the Second Eldest of her six siblings
-She's the Queen of Planet Eternal Winter
-She's the partner of King Guy Crimson
-She's 20,000 years old
Special Power: Cthulhu (The Power to Decelerate)
(Weakness of Power: The power to decelerate greatly burdens her mind, overuse could cause permanent brain damage)
(Scorch Dragon) Velgrynd:
-She's the Third Eldest of her six siblings
-She's a total simp for Emperor Rudra
-She's the Empress of Planet Nasca
-She's 4,000 years old
Special Power: Cthugha (The Power to Accelerate)
(Weakness to Power: The power to Accelerate involves high temperature, overuse may cause her to combust)
(Storm Dragon) Veldora Tempest:
-He's the Third Youngest of his six siblings
-He's an Otaku and a Slacker
-He's terrified of his sisters
-He's the Guardian of Tempest
-He's a Space Rider only because Velsura is
-He's 2,000 years old
-He's the dumbest one
-"Rawr" >:3
Special Power: Nyralathotep (The Power of Chaos)
(Weakness of Power: The power of Chaos is hard to control, losing focus may cause more harm than good)
(Void King Dragon) Velsura "Rimuru" Tempest:
-He's the Second Youngest of his six siblings
-He's probably the most responsible member of the six
-He's the King of Planet Tempest
-He's a Space Rider
-His Space Rider Squad is known as "Octagram"
-He's incredibly cautious (To the point of being a weakness)
-Has a *cough* thing for Elves
-He's 37 years old
-Arguably the hottest of his siblings
-Keeps getting mistaken for a girl (Much to his chagrin)
Special Power: Azathoth (The Power of Black Holes and shit)
(Weakness of Power: *Sarcastically* Well would you look at that, black holes are hard to control, who would've thought?)
(Earth Emperor Dragon) Velgaia
-He's the youngest of his six siblings
-He's the most adorable member of the true dragons
-He's a Space Rider
-He's 18 years old
-Freeloader lmao
-He's the one that gets smacked around a lot by others
-Stop bullying him :(
Special Power: Cronos (The Powers of Earth and Shit)
(Weakness: He's the youngest and has very little control over his powers, he can only do very basic moves) (So much so nobody knows what the true drawbacks to his powers are yet)
Oh yeah, I failed to mention. None of them are powerful enough to beat the Prototype, he’s far stronger than them.
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x-birdsong-x · 7 months
overly specific house dog au headcanons? spill some?
I can try and fit in one post everyone I've settled completely on so far, and also be obnoxious about dog breeds. fun
I've also bothered @greghatecrimes with a lot of these so very big thanks to them for helping me settle on breeds for everyone <3
It's when I've settled on a "base breed" with dogs that sometimes things just go crazy and go from there
Start with the most overly unnecessarily detailed one here you go:
Adams is the oddest most fantasy mixed breed of ALL fucking time her parents are one Belgian Tervuren and one Borzoi x Ibizan Hound and she appeared so much Tervuren that it’s just possible to miss that she’s got any sighthound(s) in her.
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She’s very pointy and very leggy but she is very long-furred and that's where the mistakes come from. She moves mostly with the gaits of her sighthound sides which the others find is an easy way to make her bristle. She’s prancing across the room and Chase says you move like a sighthound and she says no I don’t (yes she does)
Park is a Silken Windsprite:
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Probably struggles in snow and sometimes has to jump and jump to get through it when it's really deep but Adams mumbles that it’s cute and that's Fight invitation. Park brings up that Adams gets snowballs stuck on her and that it takes hours to melt out of her fur. ("Fuck you!" - "Do it yourself!") It's probably fair to say she has some little dog syndrome.
Chase is an Australian Shepherd. House probably used to make comments about he and Cameron both being Merle:
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Cameron is a Border Collie:
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Probably does the Collie Crouch sometimes. Absolutely does the Collie Stare, and that would come into House's "you can't actually pierce me with your eyes" moments.
Foreman is a Central Asian Shepherd:
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For a slight visual similarity to how I imagine post-Lockdown Angst Cameron might feel meeting Masters, Masters is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever:
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Probably has what I call in the groomers "Smart Breed Anxiety" along with her autism swag. Dogs who listen to and seem to understand every word you say and if you're telling someone or another pet off for anything, they assume they're the one you're talking to and give all their guilty looks. Also using my Bluebear as reference with that visual.
Thirteen is a Utonagan!!! No other visual!!! Have such a canine visual of The Dig it's insane.
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Wilson of course took Golden Retriever:
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House is a Scottish Deerhound, mixed with what? He doesn't know. Wants to know. Very easy to miss that he's a cross:
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(Little Rachel rode on his back for a bit once.)
Speaking of, Rachel is a little pupper Sheltie (Natalie) x English Shepherd (Simon) but she barely shows any Shep traits when it comes to looks:
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Rachel's a mini-me of her mama, Cuddy took Rough Collie:
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Kutner is a Springer Spaniel x Large Münsterländer, leaning more looks-wise toward the latter and leaning energy-level toward the former:
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Taub is a Beagle, Chihuahuas are just too small for one of the main characters in my little visual I'm afraid:
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Rachel is a long-haired Dachshund, and Ruby is a show-type English Cocker Spaniel, so Sophie and Sophia are those crosses respectively.
Amber takes (Red) Husky:
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She's quite thick-coated but she definitely doesn't fall under "Woolly Husky" coat type.
Red (Irish) Setter Stacy:
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Dominika... So This dog is obviously a Belgian Malinois maybe crossed with something fluffier, but she looks exactly like this:
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Saluki Lydia:
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samcampbellfans · 3 months
Sam Campbell's 2016 show 'Zanzoop'.
"Kind of like Dr. Phil but hosted by a funny naked party-alien."
'Zanzoop' was a comedy show in (April-May) 2016 performed around Australia (Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney). Created by Sam Campbell, Aaron Chen and Tom Walker in the collective 'Feeble Minds', Tom Walker directed and won Director's Choice Award at Melbourne International Comedy Festival in 2016.
Sam plays an alien called Zanzoop, a "semi-naked space alien, hosting a sort of chat show in an attempt to fix humanity’s problems and prove himself a worthy heir to the throne of Zymbalnation. And this is one of the more sober premises of the hour." (Steve Bennett, Chortle).
Craig Anderson, Sean Conway and Cameron Whiteford also made appearances on Zanzoop (the latter two appearing in Perth shows).
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The show received 4 and 1/2 stars from Herald Sun. Here are some quotes from the Herald Sun article to get a sense of the show:
'Campbell began the show by saying "there’s a lot of reviewer c--ts in tonight. Oh, Steve from Chortle is here, it’s not as funny as a picture I once saw of Stewart Lee’s elbow!!"'
'“Youth culture baby” (Campbell does the Shaka sign)'
'Autism joke, well handled.'
'King Baby (actually played by a sunscreen-smeared Tom Walker who got a Best Newcomer nomination yesterday for his Beep Bop show, 6pm each night at Tuxedo Cat).' See picture below for King Baby on the far right.
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'“I didn’t pay my rent because I bought too many props.” - Campbell breaking the fourth wall for the umpteenth time, he’s the John Conway of this year.'
This show also included the dip and vegetables gag, which Sam has done before: you can watch it in this video: Live at Comedy Central's 'A Night of Stand Up' at the 2016 Sydney Morning Herald Spectrum Now Festival and and on this Instagram post via thecomedyloungesydney.
Reviews of the show, I recommend reading if you want to know what the show was like (there's no videos of the show as far as I know):
The Plus Ones
Steve Bennett, Chortle
Herald Sun (4 and 1/2 stars)
Squirrel Comedy
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Photo sources:
1) Herald Sun
2) pappy90 on TWT
3) Sean Conway on FaceBook (this one was at Fringe World)
4) guy_mont on TWT
5) Aaron Chen's tattoo of Zanzoop the alien
6) tomwalkerisgood on TWT, promotional poster.
Additional bits:
The strange promotion video Sam, Tom and Aaron did for Feeble Minds (thank you cowboyacaster on TWT)
Below: Aaron Chen reading the Herald Sun 4 and a 1/2 star review of Zanzoop to Sam Campbell (photo via tomwalkerisgood on TWT).
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scopostims · 7 months
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autism pride stimboard with rainbows, puzzles, hammers, and slime for anon :•]
[ID: A 3x3 stimboard of 8 GIFs surrounding a central image.
GIF 1: A jar of clear liquid with rainbow pompoms and confetti swirling around in it.
GIF 2: A light-skinned hand holding a piece of rainbow swirly slime, then pressing their thumb into it.
GIF 3: A light-skinned hand finishing a rainbow jigsaw puzzle.
GIF 4: A hammer smashing a chocolate brain, m&ms falling out of it.
Image: The autism pride flag, a flag with 7 equal sized stripes. In order they're dark grey, blue-green, light yellow, white, light yellow, blue-green, dark grey. In the center is a white circle with a red infinity sign in the center.
GIF 5: A hammer being used to smash a pink chocolate brain with candy bars inside it.
GIF 6: A triangle-shaped puzzle piece being handed to a bird that places it in a rainbow shape puzzle.
GIF 7: Light-skinned fingers pressing into a container of rainbow slime.
GIF 8: A light-skinned hand pressing down the bubbles of a rainbow pop-it.
End ID]
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stawpny · 8 months
ignore that last post I made, here’s some relationships through my series!
(give me siblings)
Alaska/ME (I didn’t know the thing for him)
(gimme relationships too)
Anyways, I’ve bored you enough, so here’s some HEADCANNONS
-New York and California both live laugh love Taylor swift. They would definitely sing songs to each other, like Lover, Delicate, and more.
-New York City is petrified of Los Angeles. I don’t know why, but I just think it’s funny. Like when Cal brings like his kids over, NYC just hides in a corner until they go away.
-California has 3 cats, New York has 2. Cal def has a cat name Meredith, maybe Olivia too. The other one could be named Goldie or something like that. York has a ginger one that’s named apple, and another ginger one, but he’s a kitten, named boots, for puss in boots. (I thought it was a cute name)
-the pigeons flock to New York when I’m the city, no matter where, they’ll always be near New York. They would also sit on his head, and wouldn’t move until he went inside somewhere. He has named every one, and gets sad when they die. (tears maybe)
-New York has an upside-down smile.
-he doodles all over his paper and other peoples papers too. He once doodled on Texas’ paper, making a stick figure with a cowboy hat and boots.
- he never had good luck with women because they all wanted a manly man, and NY isn’t one. So, he went for men, hooking up with guys in gay bars in NYC.
-I like to believe that if he isn’t angry or aggressive, you can hear the Dutch in his voice slightly, it’s small but you can hear it. Especially when he speaks Dutch too.
-Tounges and Teeth by the Crane Wives. NY is speaking, CA is being spoken to.
-Cal and York go on silly little dates and outings together, like just sitting ontop of a skyscraper or running through Central Park in the snow or in the fall.
-“Why can’t you swim in the Hudson?” . “Do you wanna fuckin’ become mutated then fuckin’ die? I don’ think so.” -NY & NJ. (the fact that I saw people swimming in the Hudson when Brooklyn flooded was WILD.)
-oh yeah speaking of flooding, when that happens, they are constantly soaked and have trouble breathing. I feel like CA would have no clue what to do if NY was flooding, he would like freak out, then make it a bigger deal than it needs to be.
-daddy issues but doesn’t show it, unlike Texas.
-doesn’t allow himself to forget, but allows himself to forgive. He could be hurt by someone so badly, but he believes he deserves it, so he would apologize to someone that deserves to be 6ft under the ground. (thank u to sleepdeprivedsimp for thsi amazing idea, I <3 ur HC’s sm!)
Sorry that these weren’t the happiest,
but I hope u enjoyed
ily guys sm
take another silly cat
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Dotted in secret stars and whispered moons lies The Warden O' Wyrd; too bright smiles and sharp eyes linger on her skin, miasma orbiting their visage. When dusk's hands sweep fluttering eyes closed her shackles, in turn, loosen.
Greetings and welcome all, I am Wardenwyrd - connoisseur of messy queers, the freaky & occult, and all things speculative fiction! I am freshly new to Writeblr and am keen to dig my claws so fellow denizens of Writeblr interact if you enjoy my vibes < 3
Open to ask and tag games !
◈What I write ◈
Anything and absolutely everything speculative, weird horror, all shapes and forms of queerness, and a metric ton of worldbuilding.
Genres: Fantasy (Low, high, dark, fairy tale-esque, etc), Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Romance, Horror, Mystery
Fantastical, often ethereal and treacherous worlds flavoured with flowery prose
Queer, neurodivergent, and disabled characters and themes. All kinds of diversity really. Always looking to broaden and grow my noggin' with wisdom
Gender queer characters. An UNBELIEVABLE amount of dyed hair and pronounces.
Body horror: elegant body horror; gross, grimy body horror; wonderfully queer body horror 'til I burst at the seams; all sorts. Twisting of the body into something other than human as a form of beauty my beloved < 3 < 3
Characters who desperately need therapy (That would be my fault)
Rich settings and worlds. Give me intricate magic systems !!! give me ecology that could be shown in a nature documentary !!!
🌔About Me 🌒
Goblin in my (late) teens. I've been writing for a whiiiile but started really getting into it about half a decade ago. I will ravenously consume all forms of creative media.
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Favourite colour: Purple my beloved Favourite band: Mili (I'm so normal about them) Favourite genre/s: Gothic lit, Fantasy, Horror romance, whimsical fairies Fav insect: Moths/Butterflies
Creative writing college student
Panromantic Ace | Queering my gender to the max
English (Regrettably)
Autism kreachure
Revolving door of hyperfixations on science-y stuff
Purple hair (Not beating the stereotype allegations)
[Note: I am very bad at deciding on WIP names]
My surreal fantasy WIP comprised of a collection of different stories linked by a unifying setting.
Colour-Coded to the max. Each central story focuses on a character assigned a colour, differing in tone, POV, and focus. Main three are purple, blue, and red.
Literal becomes figurative, and figurative literal
Charms and incantations of old swirl in from afar, weaving our hands together with something much deeper than flesh – a curious sentiment oozing from the recesses of Damsel’s cloak as the feeling of moss and stone wove through my veins; cold and refreshing.
‘What absurdity’, The Arbiter would think to himself. After all, those carmine red eyes of his delve into the primaeval madness: in their muddy depths lies the shivering madness - Fear. From fear is the knowledge wrenched from uncertainty and bloodshot eyes. Dread is the light; tugging on world-weary watchers. 
Sort of portal fantasy, sort of not. The stories in this WIP span across many eras and places, yet often find themselves connecting and mingling. Incredibly queer.
Main characters:
MC of Red, Jack Pronouns: He/Him Bnuuy ass trans Victorian boy. Pasty and WILL combust in the sun. Autism creature. He gets a himbo bf and sick asf t-surgery scars as a treat &lt; 3 Character Playlist
MC of Blue, Hel Pronouns: Any/All seemingly innocent girl but remove the innocent and girl part. Kind of an eldritch horror after a character arc but like, that's the good ending. So old surnames weren't a thing in the era they're from. Character Playlist
MC of Purple, Dorothea Pronouns: She/They Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss. Autistic adhd precocious mess who WILL make it your problem. Genuinely manipulative but has great hair so it's fine. Character Playlist
Other notable mentions
[Note: I will elaborate on all of these later]
Witch WIP
My beloved blorbos < 3 Once I figure out how to frame and present it in a more refined way I like I shall be posting about this.
Personal & Cultural struggle within a fantasy context | Disability & Identity as a main theme | Aroace protagonist and Queerplatonic relationship | Magic inspired by folklore and myth | Found family
Low Fantasy setting in a somewhat alternate earth
Sprawling magic system
Conventional fantasy groups but with a spin: revamping those vibes
Witches aren't just funny flying women but genuinely inhuman creatures with spicy shit going on
Demons and angels but: demon is the colloquial term for a class of magical beasts characterised by dense essence, not like hell demons. Angels are living algorithms born from patterns and don't have an actual association to any gods.
MC Playlists:
Branwen | Ingram
Five Steps From Hell
Biblically Accurate Angelic-Flavoured paranormal apocalypse
Autistic MC
More horror oriented than action
Lots of vibes.
MC becoming something not very human, but they're more worried that they aren't worried too much about it
I've got some dastardly plans for this one. Vibes and atmosphere whilst the world falls apart and neurodivergence is a great combo.
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ghostbandxyou · 1 year
Ghost at the zoo
(years ago when I went to Disneyland on my birthday and did a post about the ghouls at Disneyland well I'm doing it again because I went to the zoo this year and I was Inspired)
(based on the San Deigo Zoo)
accidentally breaks the glass for one of the venomous snake enclosures, panics, and tries to fix it with chewing gum and band-aids before booking it to the other side of the zoo (luckily the snake is asleep and the keepers see it before it escapes)
Dew teases him by the monkeys calling him banana boy, he then subsequently punches Dew in the stomach.
Makes bad dad jokes all day especially fond of "that's a weird looking _" when a keeper is in an exhibit, and telling the baboons to stop monkeying around.
Dew -
Gets attacked by a flock of birds in the aviary. it really ruffles his feathers (I am not good at joke)
Despite repeated warnings, he sticks his fingers into an exhibit and gets bitten by a small monkey.
flirts with one of the keepers in the reptile section and gets to feed a dead rat to a snake. (and a kiss......from the keeper, not the snake!)
Takes a dip in the polar bear enclosure by some miracle he doesn't get caught or eaten.
Ather finds him later in a heated argument with a turtle. Ather then realizes Rain can talk to fish and other aquatic creatures (which explains the hours he spends in front of this fish tank at home).
consumes an ungodly amount of lemonade
gets swarmed by birds at the aviary and ends up like those old ladies in Central park covered in birds except he's not feeding them they're just chilling
plays tag with the other ghouls in the kid's area (and like 20 kids it gets wild) until he almost knocks out a toddler. (he's super apologetic and the parents are understanding) Later he reaches down into one of the exhibits with his long ass arms and grabs a kid's stuffed tiger returning it safely (and all was right in the world)
Accidentally spends the night in the zoo after falling asleep in the bushes. Has to hop some fences and climb a few trees to get out.
A terror at the zoo. The zoo has a record number of incident reports involving a strange smiling masked man?.. entity?
A thief steals a bunch of souvenir magnets, gets a sloth backpack and fills it with snacks he stole from unattended strollers in the park, and steals a certain staff member's keys at least 3 times for shits and giggles. (it only occurs to him on the way home the things he could have done with those keys)
(TW: vomit ) Gets a tummy ache from eating too much cotton candy and vomits In an empty stroller.......well, he's 90% sure it was empty.
Has a cute little butterfly land on her, eats it
Buys a red panda hat at the store, and refuses to take it off for a week
Waits in line for almost 2 hours to feed the giraffe. She gets so excited she nearly drops the lettuce. Cumulus takes a million pictures for her
Spends most of the day trying to figure out the zoo map with imperator
Attempts to get group photos with all of the cool statues to various amounts of success
Shares some cotton candy with an orangutan. Gets caught by a keeper but she weasels her way out of it (scares the living shit out of the poor employee)
LOTS of excited squealing and hops of joy! (and potentially autism) It's her first time ever going to the zoo, and she enjoys every second.
Especially into the skyfari. (although Aether did have to hold her hand the first time)
Takes pictures of all the animals with funny snap chat filters the ghouletts huddle at the back of the bus and giggle looking through them on the ride home
A MENACE! scaring poor old ladies in the bathroom, using his noncorporal form to walk into exhibits, giggling about seeing the animal's naughty bits, and accosting random teens asking if they heard his song on the TikTok.
Spends most of the day hopelessly lost with cumulus and getting the ghouls out of trouble.
Let's go of Nihil's wheelchair while going downhill after he makes a fourth joke about the lion's penis.
manages to enjoy as few quiet moments in the aviary watching the birds before being disturbed by Dew's screeching.
Primo , Secondo, Terzo-
Supposed to be dead so they all don awful disguises and pretend to be a group of grannies. (Terzo's idea of course)
spend most of the day bickering with each other like children.
(TW: sad) Copia -
Follows Imperator and Nihil around the zoo like an obedient puppy.
Actually really excited to be there but keeps up the mask to maintain appearances and appease Imperator.
Does get a picture with the capybara
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
Whats wrong with predator 2018?
it’s been like 10 days i’m tired but i CANNOT stay silent anymore The world deserves to know. you will not believe how awful this movie is
1. the moment the movie starts you just understand that it…is not going to be good. it was made in 2018 so of course it has that edgy self aware marvel humor of Uhmm he’s right behind me isn’t he ? (and then you check shane black’s other works and he directed iron man 3 and everything suddenly make sense) LIKE IM SERIOUS there’s just a scene in the first 10 minutes where this Woman In Stem character goes Lol why did we name this thing The Predator? it’s more like a Hunter or a Huntsman it’s more like a Bass Fisherman LIKE WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WHAT AM I HEARING RN? it’s so fucking stupid and i hate this type of humor so much like CAN U BELIEVE WE’RE IN A MOVIE? ABOUT THE PREDATOR (DUMBASS NAME (LOL))????
2. i mention the Woman In Stem character specifically because she is. also not good. i’m not going to act like the predator movies have always been the best with female characters (even 1987 has its issues) but at least they were actually BEARABLE. The girl character in this movie is just like. this annoying 2010s smartass quirky girl archetype that we put in our movie because you wanted Women(tm) right? there she is we even made her quirky!!! we’re not going to give her a single likable quality though. we’re going to write her Bad . is this what u wanted ?
3. which is not trying to imply that the other characters are written Good . they’re all written Bad they all fucking suck. none of them have any charm or likable qualities and there’s nothing to get invested in. AND THEY DON’T HAVE ANY FUCKING DYNAMICS BETWEEN EACHOTHER!!!! it’s like they just exist in the same space and that’s It . they don’t get any interesting relationships or interactions . they’re all just so nothing
4. like halfway through the movie it just turns into unapologetic US army propaganda—which is fucking ironic if you know what the original predator was made for (commentary about american terrorism in central america in the 80s under reagan)—the main character’s wife just starts suddenly going off about how he’s so cool and doing so much for his country and he’s in the army waowww wowww We need to shoot everyone who’s worked on this movie and im serious.
5. i…..do not know who this movie was made for. like who is it supposed to cater to? one of its main things is autism and mental illness and yet it has the shittiest portrayal of both. But especially autism. like what if we made a movie about how autism is the next step in human evolution (?!) and autistic people are like superheroes basically (?!?!!!?) and the entire plot hinges on the fact that The Predator wants to become autistic by stealing the autistic character’s autism dna (?!?!?!?!?!?!?? WHAT? WHY ARE THERE EUGENICS IN MY PREDATOR MOVIE? IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?) (and then the autistic character in question like. actually has unironic superpowers. look he gets overwhelmed by sounds but he can instantly understand and translate predator’s alien language!!!!!!!!) And then the next minute one of the characters says Lol isn’t it crazy how we can’t say the r slur anymore? Fucked up world. LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO IS THIS MOVIE FOR? I FEEL LIKE THIS MOVIE WOULD PISS OFF BOTH THE “WOKE” AND THE “EDGY ALT RIGHT” AUDIENCES EQUALLY . shane black probably thinks autism speaks is a charity i dont even know
6. too much predator in this movie. When i say that they should make a predator movie where every scene has the predator in it YOU SHOULDNT FUCKING LISTEN TO ME IM JUST AUTISTIC. a predator movie is a THRILLER The Fucking Predator himself should appear like. a few times at least until the climax. but nooo this 2018 ass movie just has the predator running around in every scene (btw this predator moves really fucking weird in a human way. Like they usually at least make him move semi alien-like and uncannily, but this movie didnt even bother with that) (also their design is uglier than the original) (also it suffers from the same problem as the 2010 movie by adding a Bigger Cooler Buffer Awesomer Deadlier New Predator LIKE WHO ASKED FOR THIS. WAS MY OG WIFE NOT ENOUGH FOR U) Anyway yeah if you didnt get it yet: this movie doesnt understand what impact or subtlety is. at all
7. the worst thing is with the finale. you see every predator sequel loves to reference the original 1987 movie because well, it’s iconic! it has a lot of meaningful moments and lines! Specifically in the ending of the original movie, where the main character asks the predator “what the hell are you?” and the predator echoes it back at him. Supposed to symbolize us army = monsters who kill without meaning yadda yadda u get it. anyway so in the 2018 movie finale they start to reference this moment too. the main character asks And what the fuck are you (ooo f bomb we’re SOOOO edgy and 2018core) and when the predator starts asking it back the main character just goes SHUT THE FUCK UP😂 and shoots him. it’s like. my hatred for this movie was indescribable at that moment. I’ve never actually genuinely watched a marvel movie so i just took people at their word when they said it was a genre of movie that fucking hated movies. but after watching the predator (2018) which is basically a marvel version of predator? yeah i get it. What if they made a movie that hated its source material and had 0 respect for it. and also hated its audience. and hated being a movie
8. they made the dogs ugly
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