#bangtan love languages
rainbowsuitcase · 3 months
This is one of my favorite BTS pictures.
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It's not because it's from my favorite era or because Namjoon is my bias, not even because he looks good in it (I have a top10, all of it is post 2020 muscle boy) I love this photo because I Know Stuff.
Most of you, who don't know the language, will look at the graffiti and think it's a rust/lust wordplay, but the circle above the U actually makes the red letters a word in the czech language - růst, meaning growth.
This is one of the HYYH era concept photos, an era where BTS were exploring youth and growing up. Teenage years are the time when people go through the most changes, when they grow as people and grow up, but it's also the time when stereotypically, people are most focused on their wants, the first relationships happen and people don't care about much beyond that. It's the era when growth is expected but for the person, it's often overshadowed by lust.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
The song “Letter”
Just one thing I want to say...
When Jungkook said the dumpling incident was more than what we’ve been told, that it was serious shit... let that be a reminder that it is possible that not everything we see or hear is the total truth. That everything they show us or tell is us is possibly NOT the whole story. 
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It’s not that they are lying to us or giving us half-truths, on the contrary, they want us to know the catalyzing moments. But divulging the less-than-savory details, or details that are too personal, takes away from the point of sharing the moment. I hope that makes sense.
That being said, on the surface and in general, “Letter” is a song for Army. To Jimin, who wrote the song, his music is for the fans in general. He frames the song as one for the fans. We all know what he says is true. ALL of the music is for fans. That’s why they are doing this for a living. And this song is one he wanted to single out as special, and he wanted to offer it in a special way by having it “hidden” on the CD. 
Yet, many interpret the meaning of the song as something else, as is their right to. The song can have multiple meanings to different people. And that is exactly what music is for, to be interpreted in many, many ways that can resonate within us.
Those of us who acknowledge the special relationship he has with Jungkook interpret their relationship along the lines of: this is “possibly NOT the whole story.” 
And Jimin maybe acknowledges that by having Jungkook participate on the song, knowing that the song can now have another more specific and personal meaning applied to it. Jimin knows we know that. They both know we know that. Is there a “level” of this meaning that needs to be applied? No. We all are allowed to interpret it to the level we are each comfortable with.
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The general fandom will see it as a special song even more so because another BTS member participated. And that’s it. Which is ok. 
But there are those who specifically do not want the song to be interpreted that way at all in any way shape or form and they spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to knock down those interpretations. Why do they spend so much negative energy on that? Who knows? 
Does Jimin need to come out and explicitly explain other meanings for the song? No, why would he? Why SHOULD he? He already said its a song for and to Army. We know where his heart and emotions were when he wrote it. Just because he doesn’t openly explain other meanings, does not mean there is only one interpretation of the song. IT IS ART!
Interpretation of art is the attribution of meaning to a work...giving meaning to a work. This process is subjective, meaning there is no right or wrong way to interpret the meaning of a work. We schlepp our own personal emotional baggage in everything we do and it is through this lens that we view and react to the world and that includes art. 
Where we often get hung up is whether we agree or disagree if the artist’s intention is relevant to how it is interpreted. 
Did Jimin ONLY mean for us to take his literal words as the meaning and then STOP, no other meanings apply? Or do we also include his literal action of having Jungkook, a specific member of BTS, participate on the track as a specific intention? 
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If you don’t get it, that’s ok, it is just something that I’ve seen a lot of debate about and now I’ve said my piece.
Keep in mind that Jimin is an emotional animal. He lives, breathes, speaks, expresses himself with emotions. He is not a surface skimmer. He literally wrote songs about his literal emotions. 
For his sake, think deeper and be a good human.
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mrsparkjimin18 · 10 months
❄️Snowed In❄️
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❄️ pairing: non-idol! neighbor jungkook x ofc
❄️ genre/au: angst, smut, annoying neighbor au 
❄️ rating: M
❄️ wordcount: 10694
❄️ summary - Gabriella has always worked hard, rigorously devoting herself to studying, building her own company from the ground up, and finally building the first house of many on a private, wooded cul-de-sac. She was comfortable with the neighbors she’d grown relationships with over the last few years, life was still, peaceful, as she’d always dreamt it would be – that is, until he moved in next door. What happens when two annoying neighbors end up trapped together with nowhere to run?
⚠︎ chapter warnings: profanity, graphic seggsual content, alcohol consumption, drunk seggs, ONS, possible regret
S/N: This story was written as part of the A Love Like War Writing Event hosted by Sammi of @bangtanwritershq
I'd like to give a special thanks to @downbad4yoongi for lending me her beta skills and helping me to perfect this story!!! A very special thanks to @bangtanwritershq fellow execs for being my rock and keeping me motivated through all of my trying times!! Yall the real G.O.A.T.'s!!!!!
“Why the silent treatment for over a week? I thought–” Gabriella is abruptly cut off.
“You thought what? We had something special?” The sarcasm rolls easily off of his tongue. “It was nice…no, it was fucking great, but it really doesn’t change anything, does it? You’d been at my throat constantly, one night of passion doesn’t change much.”
“Jungkook, we cleared the air, agreed to let bygones be bygones…are you saying we didn’t?” Irritation radiates in her tone, but Gabriella remains as calm as reasonably possible.
“We were drinking, we were basically trapped together, things happened, but when I woke up the next morning…” Jungkook sighs deeply, “I mean, what do you want me to say? Should we just call it a mistake?.”
“A mistake? Transposing numbers in your address, that’s a mistake. Forgetting to add an ingredient to a recipe, that’s a mistake. Fucking someone the way you fucked me?! That’s not a mistake!”
“Was it that good?” Jungkook teases.
“Was it…Fuck you, Kook! Fuck you! Is everything a damn joke to you? I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong!” Anger flows through her blood.
“I don’t understand why you’re getting mad! Did we decide that we’re now obligated to speak to each other because we fucked? No! You’ve been rude to me since I moved in, but now you think we’re besties? It happened, it was phenomenal, but I don’t get why you’re so angry.” Jungkooks usual bright doe eyes become dim.
“I’m mad because…” She’s unable to find the words, unable to express how she really feels deep inside, not anger but hurt. “I opened my doors to you, even though you annoyed the shit out of me, I opened myself to you and now I feel trampled on.”
He sees the tears welling in her eyes, moving his gaze from her to the quiet street, “I’m sorry,” He replies as he stands and walks toward the door, “but that wasn't my intention.”
“Then what was your intention?” Her voice breaks, the emotions building within her on the brink of eruption.
With his back turned to her, hand on the storm door handle, he mumbles nearly incoherently, “I don’t know.” He walks into the house, closing the door in her face.
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The bright sun slowly creeps above the large trees surrounding the eastern end of the cul-de-sac. The sound of birds chirping, insects chittering, wind blowing through the leaves of the thick forest create a peaceful ambience – which is abruptly interrupted by the sound of a large vehicle.
Gabriella peers through her large picture window, watching the large moving truck travel down the road and into the driveway of the recently sold home next door. She was sad to see her long-time neighbors and friends leave – but she’s now more interested in who’s moving into their home.
She watches closely as three men exit the front of the moving truck, “When’s the new owner gonna arrive?” She mumbles to herself while admiring the driver. 
The men are wearing coveralls, but the driver has the top half down and the arms tied around his snatched waist. He bears a form fitting gray tank top, his chest nearly bursting through the ribbed material, his biceps bulge as he opens the back of the moving van, but the sleeve of tattoos decorating his arm is what catches her eye.
Sipping coffee from her steaming mug, she enjoys the view, as the three men haul furniture and boxes into the once empty home. Dawn becomes high noon, Gabriella finishes a virtual meeting with an overseas client and returns to her chaise lounge nestled in front of her large picture window. 
The men appear to be on a lunch break, sitting in the driveway against the garage door, shielding themselves from the sun. Her eyes naturally drawn back to Mr. Tattoo, his hair becoming wavy from his sweat. The cool, mid-March air contrasts with the heat from his body, made apparent by the steam rising from his head. After gulping down the rest of his water, the three men get back to work moving more items from the large truck.
High noon fades as dusk begins to creep in and the men finally carry the last few boxes into the home. Before sitting down to eat dinner, she makes her way to the living room window to draw the curtains closed and that’s when she notices something interesting – only two men leave in the moving van and the tattooed man stands in the driveway waving goodbye. 
That’s odd she thinks to herself before walking back to the table to enjoy her meal in peaceful solitude. As she eats she comes to the decision that, per her usual neighborly welcoming duties, she’ll whip up a ready-baked casserole in the morning and bring it to the home as a kind gesture – and to determine if the moving man is still in the home. 
Before the sun rises, Gabriella’s in the kitchen putting together her neighborhood block party favorite, no peek chicken, along with instructions on how to cook it. She scours her closet for an outfit, opting for her favorite pinstripe navy slim ankle trousers, white tank top, cropped navy cashmere sweater and a pair of navy block heels. She pins half of her hair up in a neat messy bun and curls the bottom half into loose spirals. She quickly applies the basic makeup – powder, eyeliner, lipstick and lightly dusts her cheekbones with blush. Before heading over she grabs her Versace Bright Crystal perfume, bursting two pumps in the air and walking through to apply it as sparingly as possible.
She grabs the casserole dish from the refrigerator and walks to the window to peek through her curtains, which to her surprise, there’s still not a vehicle in the driveway. Rather than assume things, she opts to believe the new homeowner parked their vehicle in the garage. 
She walks out the front door and makes her way to the neighbors house, the butterflies in her stomach dissipate as she approaches the front porch. Before she’s able to knock, the door swings open, revealing a man stretching on the other side of the glass storm door wearing nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein boxer briefs.
She attempts to set her eyes on anything other than him, however, the familiar tattooed arm captures her attention. Her gaze trails down his arm extended above his head to his perfectly sculpted torso. Just as she’s giving in to the temptation to continue down to the waistband emblazoned with the familiar CK logo, the man clears his throat, averting her attention to his face.
“Can I help you?” He asks running his fingers through his chin length, wavy hair to pull it away from his face.
The brisk air doesn’t stop the sweat from beading above her lip, her knees begin to feel weak and she can’t find the words.
“I’m…Umm, I’m your neighbor, Gabriella. I live next door and wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I would’ve stopped by yesterday, but I wasn’t sure if you lived here. Do you live here? Of course you do! What a dumb question! You just opened the door, in your underwear, so this has to be your home. Anyway, I made a ready-bake no peek chicken casserole for you. I wrote the instructions for it, I just figured it would be easier to just throw this in the oven rather than go grocery shopping the day after you move in and I’m so sorry, I’m just rambling away, what’s your name?” She laughs nervously, deep down inside she wants to quickly set down the Pyrex dish and sprint back to her house.
He opens the door, giving her a clearer view of him, “Jungkook, my name’s Jungkook. Nice to meet you, Ella. It’s okay if I call you Ella, right?” She smiles and nods her head. “Thank you for the food. I planned on ordering delivery, but I can tell this’ll taste much better.” He reaches for the dish and shoots her a smile that nearly melts her – a sharp jaw and manly dimples, pearly white teeth, always the first features she notices about a man and he has them. He stares at her with his large doe eyes, still holding the door open, shivering and his teeth chattering.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! It’s cold and I’m holding you up! You’re welcome, and again, welcome to the neighborhood! I look forward to getting to know you!” Without waiting for a response, she quickly turns and leaves his porch making a hasty retreat back to her house.  
Once she’s back inside her warm home, warm blood tints her cheeks and she cups her face in her hands. She’s well aware that it’s not from the warmth of the heat flowing through the house, it’s a feeling she hasn’t enjoyed in quite a while – desire.
She can picture his tattooed arm wrapping around her body, pulling her to him as he gazes into her eyes and kisses her aggressively. The way his muscular body would feel on top of hers, skin to skin, as he ravages her sense of reality with his manhood.
Letting out a deep sigh, she laughs to herself, because she knows very well that she has no time to get involved with anyone. Running her company occupies more of her time than she prefers, yet the long-term benefits outweigh a lack of social life. On the other hand, a couple of hours on a night or two getting hot and heavy with her new hot neighbor would be a convenient opportunity to satisfy her needs.
She pushes the thought to the back of her mind, keeping it there for future reference, if the opportunity happens to arise. Gabriella changes into something a little more comfortable, trading the ankle trousers for satin wide-leg pajama bottoms, hanging the cropped sweater back in her closet, and replacing her heels with her favorite pair of Pink slippers. 
After a long day of cleaning, she retreats to her backyard oasis, kindling a small fire in the stone pit and pouring a glass of wine. The wind whispering through the trees in the forest, owls hooting to one another, insects buzzing in the distance are what compose a relaxing atmosphere for her. She can escape the hustle and bustle of a lengthy commute, overlapping chatter at a restaurant and the constant ringing and dinging of her phone when she withdraws to her sanctuary.
She rests her head back against the patterned cushion of the patio furniture and closes her eyes, taking in the melodic singing of nature – until her serenity is interrupted by the loudest bass drop she’s heard outside of a concert.
“What the fuck is that?” She grumbles to herself. Following the sound, she’s led to the side of her yard where Jungkook just moved in. As she nears the fence, she can hear people laughing and talking louder than necessary.
Although it’s rather irritating to have her quiet night interrupted by his party, she decides to not piss and moan, he did just move in and she understands he’s deserving of a housewarming party. Walking back toward the patio, she grabs her wine and heads inside. 
“He could’ve invited me.” She pouts on her way into her room. Rather than dwell on the fact that he completely disregarded her kind gesture and left her out, she plays her favorite sleeping playlist and quickly falls into a deep slumber.
Gabriella’s business has been extremely busy, so she’s had to bring boatloads of work home, however finishing her tasks the last few weeks has not been easy thanks to her gradual irritation with her new annoying neighbor, Jungkook.
Every weekend since he’s moved in he’s thrown a huge party, ten to fifteen cars parked around the cul-de-sac every Friday or Saturday, music blasting until just before dawn. This morning was almost the final straw for her when she found a drunken party-goer peeing in between their houses, luckily for the idiot and Jungkook, he came outside and scolded the man for being a pig.
Nevertheless, her patience was wearing thin, but she figures she can give it the old college try and invite him to her holiday barbecue she’s having next weekend. While she assumes he’s still sleeping, she walks over to leave the invite at his front door.
Carefully opening the storm door, she drops the invite in and gently shuts it and attempts to make a quick retreat. Her escape is unexpectedly spoiled by a familiar voice.
“What’s this?” His hoarse voice barely heard through the storm door.
“It’s an invite, I’m having a barbecue next weekend and figured I should extend an invitation to my new neighbor. Just a friendly gesture from me to you.” Her smug tone isn’t as subtle as she thinks it is.
“Oh, thanks. I’ll try to make it, but I don’t usually plan my weekend in advance, I’m more of a go with the flow type of person.” 
She can’t help but find her disdain for this man dissipating as she once again ogles over his half naked body. Unlike the first time they met, he’s wearing sweatpants and it’s evident he has nothing on underneath them. Hanging on his hips, her eyes trail from the waistband to the hanging strings, noticing what appears to be the outline of his generously sized member. 
Biting her bottom lip, she lets out a sigh, “Well, I hope you can make it. Spring is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors around here, our summers are short, hot and humid, so it’s difficult to enjoy the outside during those months…think about it and let me know what you like to drink, that is, if you decide to come.”
“Of course…and I want to apologize about the parties. If you ever have a problem, feel free to come over and let me know.” He shoots her that smile and she melts.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all.” She lies through her teeth and smiles, nodding her head before walking away.
Back at home, she can’t help but laugh at herself, “What the fuck is wrong with you ‘Oh, it’s no problem at all’ my ass!!! If that man wasn’t so damn attractive I’d give him a piece of my mind!”
Once again, rather than dwell on her obvious desperation to get laid, she gets busy focusing on the last few documents she has to prepare for her meeting with the board of directors Monday morning. 
Before the afternoon begins to fade into dusk, Gabriella finishes completing her preparations for Monday morning and settles in her backyard oasis once again. Replacing the wine with tea, she relaxes while listening to the tranquil evening song of the night wind.
Just as she’s about to retreat inside, a familiar voice calls to her, “Ella.” Jungkook’s voice is surprising, almost harmonious with the peaceful night sounds. 
“Jungkook, you startled me! I’m surprised to see you in my yard, since there’s not a huge party or anything.” She feels liberated using such a sarcastic tone.
Jungkook giggles, acknowledging he understands her mockery, “I was on my balcony and noticed you sitting out back by yourself. Just coming to say hi as my neighborly duty.” 
“Well, if you’d watched a little longer, you would’ve noticed I was heading back inside.” 
“Well, I see that now, maybe next time.” He begins to head back toward the open gate.
“Jungkook…” She waits until he turns back toward her, “would you care for a cup of tea?”
“Sure.” He replies nonchalantly and strolls over to her patio.
“Okay, I’ll only be a minute.” She disappears into the house, returning about five minutes later. She hands him his tea and sits on the patio chair across from him, blowing into her mug before taking a sip. “You didn’t have any plans for tonight?”
“I told you earlier, I don’t like to make plans. Today was one of those days I felt like relaxing, so here I am.” He sips his tea, lolling his head back to take in the view of the clear sky as the distant rays from the sun tint the sky with warm orange and soft pink tones . “It’s really peaceful out here. I’m used to living in the city, the hustle and bustle of feet shuffling along the sidewalk, noisy traffic, loud music…but here I’m able to attain serenity.”
“That’s why I chose this cul-de-sac.” Gabriella adds. “It’s…private, quiet and surrounded by nature. Aside from the fact there are only five houses and outside of it, there’s not another property for at least two miles.”
“Five houses?” Jungkook asks in confusion.
“There’s a house on the other side of mine, but you wouldn’t notice it if you don’t pay attention. It’s nestled deep in the woods with a gravel driveway, but it’s covered in leaves. It’s actually a beautiful house, it’s unfortunate it wasn’t for sale when I looked here, because I would’ve bought it.” She sighs and sips her tea.
“I never noticed it. It’s probably so peaceful, I’m sure the trees create a sound barrier.” Jungkook gazes off into the direction of the hidden home as he finishes his tea. “Well, I suppose I should get going. Thank you for the tea, Ella.”
“It was my pleasure,” she replies. “We should do this again, that is, if you feel the need for peace and serenity again.”
“Maybe.” His voice deep and seductive, Gabriella's body responds with a buzz of electricity that raises prickly goosebumps on her arms.
“Don’t be a stranger, we are neighbors after all.”
“I won’t,” he responds before heading back to his house. 
The week passes by in a flash, full of meetings and business dinners, making Gabriella that much more excited for the weekend to finally arrive. She loves holiday weekends and gathering with friends and family, she doesn’t feel so alone – but inside she’s secretly hoping Jungkook will attend.
Gabriella finishes setting up her outdoor oasis to accommodate her guests, gives her home a “once-over”, and prepares to welcome her guests as they arrive.
Car by car, her friends and family arrive, filling the backyard with cheerful banter. Everything seems to be perfect, except for one factor – Jungkook still has yet to show up. Gabriella continuously checks her watch, peeks toward the side of the house and even goes as far as to check out the living room window, all to no avail. 
She returns to her guests, pushing back the nagging irritation that began to settle in, that is, until the powerful bass drops from the other side of the fence. Her guests attempt to talk loudly over the music, but she insists they move the party into the house. Once everyone’s inside, she makes her move, slipping away on the side of the house, her adrenaline rushing as she approaches his front door.
She can see him through the storm window, entertaining a woman who clearly came for the attention with her barely there, strapless mini dress. He laughs at whatever the woman is saying, fueling her rage even more and she pounds on the tempered glass.
He excuses himself and begins walking toward the door, flashing that smile that can usually make her melt, but not tonight. 
“Oh hey, Ella,” he greets her as he steps out onto the porch. “Did you need something?”
She can’t believe the audacity of this man, not only did he completely ignore her invitation, but he also decided to throw another huge party on the same night as her get-together.
“Oh hey?” She snarls, her blood boiling with each passing second. “It’s one thing if you didn’t want to attend my barbecue, but to throw another fucking party on the same night is pretentious!”
Jungkook smacks his forehead, “Oh fuck! I forgot about it, I swear! A few of my friends from college messaged me the day after I received your invite and let me know they’d be in town. I wanted to come, but I haven’t seen them in a couple of years. I’m really sorry.”
“Sorry? Sorry?!” She yells heatedly. “I was okay letting you slide with the first eighteen billion parties you had every damn weekend since you’ve moved in, but this right here crosses the line! I work hard every day of the week! Seven days a week! I rarely get the opportunity to unwind with friends and family, this is one of two events I cater at my home every year, and you ruined it!”
“I ruined it?” Jungkook chuckles, “I didn’t ruin shit, you came over here of your own volition, am I right? You left your party to come over here! You ruined your own fucking party! As a matter of fact, I’ll get back to my party where we’re actually having fun, you can go enjoy your stiff ass guests.”
He turns and walks back in the house, making sure to slam the door behind him – now she’s furious.
“Game on, you annoying prick,” she sneers before returning to her home. She goes inside and puts on her game face, continuing to entertain her guests, plotting her next move in her subconscious.
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A couple of weeks after her interrupted party, Gabriella sits in the backyard with her college friend, Taeyhung.
“So, how are things with the neighbor after your party duel?” Taehyung jokingly asks.
“It wasn’t a duel,” she scoffs, “I even invited him to the party, but he instead threw a party of his own. He’s so damn annoying, but that’s not what you’re here to talk about.”
Taehyung chuckles, “You’re right, back to business. Did you have a vision for the pool design, or do you trust my artistic instincts?”
“Tae, I know you,” she chuckles softly, “I don’t want anything extravagant. Simple. Elegant. Like me. A basic lap pool, with a seven, no, eight foot splash pad at the top for lounging and a mid-sized hot tub on the opposite end. Simple.”
Taehyung stands, taking a sip of his tea as he looks over her yard. Making a square with his thumbs and forefingers, he searches the yard for the best placement. She loves watching her friend when he transforms into designer mode, his eyes twinkle with excitement and he turns to her with that perfect boxy smile.
“There,” he points to an area of her large yard, “I think that spot would be perfect. There’s no slope, it leaves enough green space to gather outside of the pool and I can envision the beautiful simplicity of the pool.”
“Let’s do it! How soon can you start?” Gabriella shrieks in excitement. 
“I’ll get the approval to dig within the next couple of days, this has to start sooner than later, so you can enjoy your pool before the temperature drops. With only eight weeks of Summer here, the pool will be ready for use just a couple of weeks before fall begins.” 
“Tae, if it can’t happen until the spring, I’m okay with that. No need to put that much pressure on yourself.”
“It’s no pressure at all. I know you’ve been under a lot of stress, I’m even going to add a few upgrades for free.” He winks at her before finishing, “I’m going to make sure it’s heated so the water is always a pleasant temperature, an automatic pool cover and color changing pool lights. You’re my friend and if you hadn’t supported me in the beginning, I don’t know if my business would be this successful.”
“Tae, you really don’t–”
“I do. I’ll add a slide coming from your balcony if you’d like!” 
They both laugh and make their way back over to the patio and continue into the night reminiscing on the carefree days of college. As the evening sky begins to fill with stars, they finally decide to call it a night. 
“I’ll call you when I get the approval to dig and begin working on your pool immediately, until then, Goodnight Gabriella.”
“Goodnight Tae.”
With a few weeks left until summer, the digging for her pool and settling of the dirt is ready for concrete to be laid. Gabriella strolls around her future pool, imagining the parties she will have, even able to cater to her family and friends' children, her children one day, she’s enlightened at the thought.
Making her way back to the house, she hears loud machine noises coming from Jungkook's side of the fence. Her curious nature gets the best of her and she heads to the fence, peering through the small gaps in the wood. She can see a small excavator digging in the yard, but what she sees next bothers her the most – Taehyung and Jungkook looking over blueprints.
“What the fuck?” She curses under her breath. “Is he having a pool installed too? Whatever, it’s his property, he can do what he wants.”
Rather than make a fuss, she’s happy Taehyung is getting business and making money, supporting her friend is much more important than her own personal grievances.
Three weeks into summer and her pool is finally ready for use. She invites her siblings and their children to enjoy the pool. They come nearly everyday for a week, even while she’s at work and nothing could bring her more joy.
She invites some of her closest friends for a swim on the weekend and she’s ready to let loose. After a short dip in the pool they relax on lounge chairs in the splash pad and she gives them the latest update on her annoying neighbor.
“Then this douchebag installs a pool with waterpark amenities! He even has a slide that comes off of his balcony into the pool! If I didn’t know any better, I’d believe he was trying to upstage me every chance he gets, just fucking annoying!” Gabriella rolls her eyes and slams the remaining wine in her glass.
“Listen, Gabs, don’t fret yourself with the likes of that man! He’s clearly trying to overcompensate for his shortcomings, if you know what I mean.” Her best friend, Jisoo, laughs hysterically at her own joke.
“Ji, I don’t think he has any shortcomings in that department, more of just an immature outlook on life…one that irks my very being, but I’ll just continue to brush him and his childlike ways off.”
Their conversation is cut short by the sudden loud music coming from Jungkook’s yard, “So this is what you’re talking about,” Jisoo scoffs. “How the fuck are we supposed to relax poolside with–” Her eyes widen as she stares over the fence.
Gabriella follows her gaze and sees her neighbor, completely naked – and clearly well endowed – at the top of his slide. She can’t tear her eyes away from his body as the setting sun tints his sun-kissed skin with a pink glow, but as much as she’s enjoying this view she’s also filled with rage.
“That’s fucking it!” She immediately rises from her chair and runs to her neighbors to really give him a piece of her mind.
She bypasses the front door and heads to the other side of his house, opening his gate and running to the backyard just as he launches from the slide into the pool. To her surprise, he’s alone, but that’s not what’s important.
“Jungkook!” She screams his name as he emerges from the water, startling him and he just smiles.
He swims to the shallow end of the pool and gets out, quickly grabbing his towel and loosely wrapping it around his waist.
“Ella! I can turn the music down, I didn’t even realize you were in your pool.” He smiles as he gives her exposed body a once over. She feels naked having chosen the skimpiest thong bikini she has, clearly not expecting to meet him like this.
“I don’t give a shit about the music, I’ve become immune to it.” She snarls, “What I’m concerned about is the fact that you decided to come out onto your balcony in your birthday suit.”
“Did it make you uncomfortable or maybe it made you hot and bothered?” He jokes.
“I…ugh, fuck no! What if my nieces and nephews were over again to swim? Did you think about that? There are families in this neighborhood and your balcony is viewable from both backyards on either side of your house! You really need to grow the fuck up!” 
She storms off without another word and returns to her friends. They don’t say a word, but they’ve heard everything she’s said. They suggest moving the party into the house and to put this incident behind her in hopes that he’s learned his lesson and it won’t happen again.
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Gabriella has spent most of the summer enjoying her pool and fall is beginning to settle in, luckily Taehyung installed a pool heater. It’s quite refreshing to leave the cool night air and blanket herself in the security of the warm water. Stepping out of the pool and back into the cool air is exhilarating.
Hurrying back into the house, she changes into warm, dry clothes and relaxes in her chaise lounge after her tea finishes steeping. While looking out at her front yard, she realizes it’s in desperate need of landscaping. 
She contacts a well-known landscaping company and schedules an overhaul of her yard – removal of all dead and dying plants, shrubbery upgrade from the dried up sprinter boxwood to Korean Spice Viburnum, petunias planted under the large weeping willow and a Tiered Versailles Fountain surrounded by winter boxwoods.
She excitedly hangs up the phone and begins picturing how lavish, yet classic and simple her yard will be. It’s been a few years since she last had the landscaping done, so it’s time for a change anyway
After a week of waiting, her new landscaping was underway. They’d installed the fountain first, as it was the most difficult portion of the design, and now they’re beginning the removal process of the old shrubbery and plants.
Once the yard work is finished, she thanks the workers and takes pictures to send to her best friend. In five years, she’s gone from a small business owner to one of the largest conglomerates in the Northern United States. 
Gabriella is proud of herself, proud of the woman she’s become – independent and carefree. Yet, the loneliness she’s begun to feel over the last year is almost too much to bear.
“Maybe that’s why I tolerate the gorgeous, annoying fucker next door,” she grumbles to herself. 
The last relationship she was in ended abruptly and she promised herself that the next man would be the type to appreciate a successful woman. However, she wasn’t so sure that Jungkook was that type of man either.
Why is he so competitive? She ponders. Whatever his reason, he’s still a douchebag.
She pushes her inquisitive thoughts to the back of her mind and returns inside to her home office to finalize a proposal. Oftentimes she feels as if her work never ends, that she’s drowning without water, nevertheless, in the end it’s all worth it. She always emerges above water and becomes stronger.
She’s exhausted from everything and goes straight to bed, allowing her pillow to absorb all of her worries.
The next morning she stands at her kitchen island, sipping her coffee and checking her emails. There's a commotion outside and her first thought is that Jungkook is up to something.
She heads to the picture window and can’t believe what she’s seeing, “This motherfucker!” She rushes out the front door wearing only a satin robe and a short slip underneath.
Jungkook stands with his back facing her in his driveway, directing the landscaping company, “Move it that way about four feet and away from the house another two to three feet!”
“Jungkook!” Gabriella screams, startling him a bit.
He whips around, “Ella! You scared me! What brings you out here…dressed like that?” Once again he looks her up and down, admiring her curves as she realizes what she’s wearing and pulls the satin robe tightly around her body.
“It’s one thing to upgrade your landscape, but to go so far as to put that over-the-top marble statue fountain is a little much. I’m not saying you can’t have a fountain, but this is excessive?”
Jungkook laughs heartily, “I wasn’t aware that there was a limit to the type or size of fountain I could have installed in my yard. I didn’t see that in the neighborhood handbook?”
“My friends were right…” She snarls, “You must be overcompensating for your shortcomings.” 
“Wouldn’t you like to find out,” Jungkook snaps back, his cocky tone infuriates Gabriella.
“I wouldn’t fuck you with a pocket pussy!” A downright lie was the only comeback she could gather in that moment.
“Yeah, okay. Well…” He pauses and smiles at her with confidence, because he knows as well as her that he’s won this argument, “if you don’t have anything else, I’m fairly busy right now, doing what I want on my property. Have a great day.” 
“Rrgh,” she growls in defeat as she watches him walk away. Deep down, she wishes they could just get along – but is he really the problem?
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Two months have passed, aside from the occasional eyerolls or flipping each other off, neither of them have spoken a word to one another. Gabriella could care less, winter is settling in swiftly, the sub-freezing temperatures have chilled her, literally. 
Winter there can be brutal, the numbing cold is only a small portion of the savage climate – it’s the unpredictable blizzards that create the utmost danger.
Fortunately, Ella has lived in this private cul-de-sac for three years and she experienced a monstrous blizzard the first year she lived here. After being stuck in her house for nearly two days without electricity, she made the logical decision to have a state-of-the-art generator installed for emergency purposes. 
As she waits for the generator technician to finish the yearly maintenance and test run on her generator, a thought crosses her mind – Jungkook's house doesn’t have a generator.
She laughs at her naivety, because he could probably care less about her well-being, so why should she give two fucks about his. Just then, the tech knocks at her patio door, letting her know he’s finished everything.
“You’re good to go. This generator will last you at least 30 more years, having the shed built to keep it safe from all weather conditions was a smart move. Honestly, more homeowners should do that.”
“I definitely did my research before purchasing this model, so I figured that would be the easiest way to keep it intact. Well, thank you so much! Have a great day and keep warm, it’s getting cold out here!”
Gabriella bundles up with blankets on the sofa, enjoying a mug of hot cocoa and browsing through the television channels. Across the bottom of all local channels is the same message – Blizzard Season.
Last year was the same, although it wasn’t as bad as the first and second year, she still gets nervous at the thought. After much consideration, she’d made the executive decision to have all employees work from home for the next three weeks. She isn’t willing to risk anyone having an accident or being stranded at the office, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Over the next week, other than below zero wind chill, there hasn’t been a snowflake in sight. However, that soon changes as the forecaster predicts a snow storm with expectations of twelve or more inches, beginning tonight around 10:00 PM.
She prepares herself for the worst, immediately heading to the store and stocking up on hand warmers, bottled water, candles, flashlight batteries, thick socks and gloves and gas for her snowblower. 
As she arrives back to her house, the flurries have begun and she knows this is the “calm” before the storm. As she waits for her garage door to open, she glances over at Jungkook’s house, wondering if he’s prepared for the storm. For a moment, she thinks about being the bigger person and letting him know if his situation goes south he can come to her house. She knows the previous owners didn’t bother having a generator installed, since it was just a summer home for them it wasn’t necessary. Just as quickly as the thought crosses her mind, she dismisses it and pulls into the garage.
“If he needs my help, he can come and ask for it since he’s such a big man.” Instantly, all of the agitated feelings she had before rush back. Once inside the house she takes a couple shots of warmed brandy to ease the tension and soothe her chilled bones.
A couple of hours pass and the severity of the storm intensifies. As she peers out the picture window, the snow is a thick blanket on the ground, drifting snow has gathered down the dark road leading out of the cul-de-sac in mounds nearly four to five feet high and visibility is limited through the falling flakes.
She glances over at Jungkook’s house and notices his lights are still on, not that she cares, but she does feel a bit of relief. Even though she loathes the man, she doesn’t want him freezing to death, because they can’t get along. Going against her own best judgment, she decides that, in the event he loses power, she’ll extend the olive branch and invite him to her house.
Just as she’s about to settle on the sofa and check the news the wind and snow pick up, the eye of the storm has arrived and it’s only going to get worse from here. Rather than worry herself, she turns on her relaxation playlist and slowly drifts to sleep.
A few hours pass and she wakes up to a frightening scene outside of her window – the street lights are either off or the snow’s so thick she can’t see them. She checks her generator on the interior monitor and sees that the autostart has engaged. Quickly running to her window she strains to see Jungkook’s house, from her view it seems to be pitch black, until she notices a faint light passing by a window.
“Fuck,” she mumbles under her breath. On one hand, she can’t stand the fucker and doesn’t want to travel through the deep snow to offer her help. On the other hand, her humanity is telling her she has to at least attempt to help him. “If he says no, I’m not going to beg him.”
She quickly throws on a pair of thick socks, her snow pants and boots, winter coat and gloves, grabbing a flashlight and hand warmers before walking out of her front door and making the treacherous trek to his house. Her cheeks burn from the frosty wind and she immediately regrets leaving the house without her scarf.
After what felt like an eternity she’s at his front door, banging loudly, not out of worry, but because she wants to get shelter from the wind. She sees a candle through the window and then the door opens. Jungkook lets her in, wearing jogging pants and a sweater with a throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders.
“What the hell are you doing? It’s deadly out there!” Jungkook scolds her.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? It’s freezing in here, I take it you lost power?” She asks sincerely.
“Obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here with a candle and you definitely wouldn’t have come to check on me.” He laughs heartily.
“How can you joke at a time like this?” Her frustration builds up, “People die in these types of situations!” She’s shaking with anger.
“Calm down, I was just joking,” his tone comes off timid, very unlike his usual cocky persona.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t come to start an argument, I came to tell you that if you wanted to, you’re more than welcome to take shelter at my house until it’s safe to return to your house.”  
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose, but I also don’t want to freeze to death.” His doe eyes pout at her, “But how do you still have power?”
“I’ll explain when we get to my house, now go and pack some dry clothes and pajamas, bring enough clothes for at least a couple days. Only because it could take them a day or two to get the electricity back up and running. There’s no need to run back and forth until then.” She nods for him to hurry. Jungkook scurries off into the darkness and comes back a bit later with a duffle bag following her out the front door and back to her house.
JK changes into dry clothes and returns to the living room, still toweling his hair dry and drops onto the sofa on the opposite end from her. His long, wavy locks fluff up around his face, his biceps flexing with each scrub and she can’t help but stare.
“It’s crazy how different your house is from mine,” he says, his eyes gazing up at the vaulted ceiling, “My ceiling is high, but yours appears massive.”
“This isn’t an HOA, when the homeowners built their houses they were given free range to choose whatever style fit their taste. My house is nothing, the first house on the left is like a castle! There’s marble flooring throughout the entire place!” Her eyes sparkle as she talks about it, her small interior design business grew into one of the largest architecture firms solely based on her designs and visions. 
“Your house is pretty awesome, I mean, mine is decent, but the interior in mine is a bit outdated?” His face reddens with embarrassment.
“Oh, believe me, I know,” she jokes. “I had to update a lot of this home when I purchased it! I felt like the 80’s smashed into the 90’s when I first viewed this home, but I could see it had potential.”
“I’ll definitely need to update mine once the weather warms up and I hear there’s a well-known interior designer in the neighborhood.” He grins at her softly and she begins to see a different side of him.
“Well, maybe she can find time in her tight schedule to go over some ideas and get a little inspiration from that homeowner.” She replies coyly.
“If you don’t mind, can I have a tour? Maybe I can get some design inspo from this beautifully designed home?” His tone is curious and flirty.
“Of course, where would you like to start?”
“I typically like to start from the bottom and work my way up.” Jungkook asserts provocatively.
Gabriella’s cheeks warm with bashfulness as she forces herself not to smile. Instead, she heads to the kitchen, opening a bottle of wine, “Care for a glass?”
A half-grin forms on his face and he nods his head in acceptance. She pours the wine and slides his glass across the island, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
She walks toward the basement entry and he follows in stride, unable to admire the architecture with her tiny waist and round ass in front of him. He’s only had tiny glimpses of her perfect frame considering most of their encounters end in arguments, but tonight he’s going for a different approach.
Jungkook can’t deny the fact that he was captivated by her the moment he first laid eyes on her, since then he’s realized his approach to get her attention wasn’t going to work. He could tell she saw him as a man, nevertheless, he deciphered his body wasn’t the key to get him any closer to her.
Everytime she was near him, he wanted to pull her body close to his, his large hand on the small of her back, their lips meeting, flesh to flesh, but the opportunity never arose. Even when she was angry and yelling at him, he found himself turned on, desiring her even more. 
As she talked about the different areas in her basement, like her art studio, music studio and design room, all he could think about was laying her petite body on multiple surfaces.
“I know your house already has a media room in the basement, but there’s definitely room to expand it.” She turns to see Jungkook in a daze, obviously not hearing a word she’s said. “Your cheeks are a bit rosy, can’t handle the wine?” She teases.
“Huh?” His daze is broken, “Oh, no, I can handle my liquor, I was just thinking of different ideas for my…basement.”
“Well, I think expanding the home theater would be great, you’d definitely spend more time there…rather than outside.”
“About that,” his voice timid again, “Sorry about being so annoying. It’s just my first home and I wanted to enjoy the first year as much as possible, before life gets in the way.”
“I get it. When I first bought this house five years ago, I think I partied nearly everyday for the first few months! I mean, my parties weren’t as wild as yours and I made sure that after a certain time we moved into the house, but I understand. No explanation necessary.” She smiles and nods for him to follow her back upstairs, grabbing the wine from the kitchen they get comfortable on the floor in front of the fireplace.
A couple of bottles later, “While I attended Cornell University's Architecture program, I did interior design on the side. I had to pay for as much of the tuition after aid that I could, I didn’t want to finish college in debt. My network grew and by the time I finished college, I’d traveled to so many states doing interior design just from word of mouth. I was able to expand the small business I started from interior design to include architecture.”
“That’s pretty fucking awesome and an accomplishment worth bragging about. Cheers to Ella and her successful life she’s manifested!” They clink their glasses together and their eyes meet. 
Never did the thought cross her mind that she’d be sitting on her living room floor, enjoying a conversation with Jungkook. The more she learns about him, the more intrigued she becomes by his mysteriousness.
“Enough about me, what about you? I know you own the largest moving company in the United States, how did you begin?” She finishes her wine and fills her glass, emptying the third bottle.
“I’ll grab another one,” he suggests, quickly heading to the kitchen and bringing back a bottle. After filling his glass again, he begins, “I came from a normal family, nothing glamorous or spectacular, just a blue collar working father and a part-time waitressing mother. As the youngest of four, I always felt forgotten about, which for most people leads to bad decisions. Instead, I focused on school and getting into college, I wanted to make my parents proud…I wanted them to notice me.” Tears well in her eyes as she listens to the raw, pure emotion in his voice. 
“I maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school, senior year the offers were pouring in, but none of the colleges piqued my interest. I began applying to schools like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, major ivy league universities and a couple of them responded, but I realized the tuition was beyond my reach even with aid. I was about to give up, when I received an offer from Stanford University. A full-ride scholarship, but I had to write a full scale business plan in order for further consideration. While finishing high school, I switched one of my electives to an AP Business Class, where I quickly learned how to prepare a successful business plan.”
“What made you choose a moving company?” Gabriella questions, fully invested in his climb to success.
“I knew I wanted to run my own business and many ideas crossed my mind, but I also wanted it to be a business that benefited blue collar workers, like my dad. That’s when I decided on the moving company. We not only would provide pick-up and drop-off, we’d also provide storage for those that have sold their current home and were waiting to get into a new home or for it to be built. Before going to college, my parents had a going away party, since I didn’t get a graduation party. At the end of the night, after everyone left, they sat me in the living room and handed me a bank book. From the time I was born, until I left for college, they’d saved $100 a week, over $93,000, for me. I took a small portion of that money and bought a moving truck and started a small moving business, just to continue adding to the money. By the time I graduated college, my business had already expanded throughout the state of California, I had over twenty moving trucks and 80 employees. I guess you can say we both succeeded in the same fashion, from pure drive and motivation.”
“Fucking amazing!” She cups her mouth in embarrassment after she yelled out drunkenly.
Jungkook laughs, “Well, I think you’re pretty fucking amazing too.” Sincerity in his tone awakens something inside of her. She leans forward and kisses him on his soft lips, she quickly pulls away, but his arm wraps around and brings her face within centimeters of his. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this moment.” Desperation and desire explode as their mouths part and tongues meet, a warm explosion of want and need. Their hands touch and explore each other's warm bodies, yearning for more with each caress, but Gabriella breaks away from the kiss.
“Slow down, we’ve got time, neither of us is going anywhere anytime soon.” She points toward the window, where the since forgotten snow storm is still bearing down ruthlessly just beyond the glass. She stands up and reaches her hand out for him to grab, “Let me finish giving you the tour.”
He rushes to his feet and follows behind her, unable to keep his hands to himself, he gently backs her up against the wall halfway up the stairs. Lifting one of her legs, he lowers himself enough to grind against her warm core. His mouth is unable to stay in one place as his lips meet her neck, then her collarbone, until he gently nibbles at her erect nipple through her satin top.
The mix of pain and pleasure rushes from her nipple to her overstimulated cunt as his hard cock rubs against her clit through his pants. The sound of her moans hastens his needy instinct, his hips rotate in a frenzy until the crotch of his once light gray sweats are dark and wet with their juices.
She can’t hold back any longer, pulling the waist of his pants down and sliding the short satin shorts to the side, longing to feel him inside of her. Grabbing his thick cock with her tiny hand, she places it between her slick lips, “I need to feel you, become one with you, please,” she begs as her demand for pleasure intensifies.
His lips kiss her softly and he gently inches into her, feeling the stretch of her untouched walls the deeper he ascends. Gripping him tight, he focuses on pleasing her, fighting the urge to paint her walls with his sticky nectar.
He lifts her other leg and she wraps around him, hugging him tightly as he grips her ass and begins to stroke methodically in and out of her. She nibbles at his lobe, before burying her face into his neck, leaving marks of passion. He begins to feel her walls pulsate and a rush of warmth as she reaches her peak, slowing his stroke until she’s finished.
Lowering her shaking legs, his hooded eyes dark and burning with a fiery passion, she begins to lead him up the stairs, but he isn’t quite done. He leans up against her backside, lowering her onto the stairs and position her ass in the air. He easily slides back into her slick opening, spreading her cheeks as he pounds into her relentlessly, her body trembling as she quickly reaches another high. He pulls his cock out, stroking it slowly to keep his momentum going, but she lays there spent and needing a moment. 
Jungkook effortlessly rolls her over and scoops her petite body into his arms and carries her to the top of the stairs, “Which way to your room?” She points down the long corridor to double glass doors and he wastes no time taking her there.
He enters the large master suite, her bed lies in the center of the room, a king-sized canopy with sheer drapes hanging on all four sides. He moves one of the soft curtains aside and places her on the edge of the bed, lowering to his knees and spreading her legs, his warm, soft tongue flicks gently at her sensitive nub. 
The jolt of pleasure brings life back to her nearly limp body and she reaches her hands to grip her fingers in his wavy hair. He pushes her hood back and his mouth engulfs her clit, sucking and circling it with his tongue. She rolls her hips, fucking herself with his mouth, creating a buzz of electricity as she cums on his chin.
She scoots back on her bed and motions for him to join her. He frantically lifts his shirt over his head and steps out of his jogging pants, crawling to her, kissing her body as he makes his way up, settling his hips between her thighs.
Gabriella has other plans in mind as she wraps her legs around him and rolls them over, positioning herself on top. He reaches up and cups her plump breasts, kneading her nipples as she lowers herself onto his stiff member.
She slowly slides up and down his shaft, his toes curling as he tries to fight his high. Her sliding shifts to bouncing, her own desperation to cum again takes over her entire being. Jungkook can see the neediness in her eyes, gripping her hips and holding her steady, he begins to thrust upward into her. 
He penetrates her and stops, hurriedly rolling her onto her back and pushing her legs to her shoulders, hovering his face within an inch of hers before continuing the savage pounding. Their harmonious moans and the squelching of their mixed juices pushes them both over the edge. They never break eye contact as their peaks meet one another, like a volcano erupting he fills her with his warm cum, sweat dripping from his face, soaking the comforter beneath her. 
He finally lowers himself on top of her, spent, his stamina needing a recharge. She pulls the throw blanket from the end of the bed and tosses it over them as Jungkook slides to her side, she rolls over and scoots her ass against him, pulling his arm over her as they drift to sleep.
Gabriella wakes up with a slight headache, but the feeling of Jungkook’s warm, sleeping body next to hers is settling, relaxing enough to ease the pain just a bit. She attempts to get up and his arm tightens around her body, “Just a little longer, please.” His pouty voice almost wins her over.
“As much as I’d love to stay here like this, we need some coffee and I need to check the status of the electricity in the neighborhood.” He lets out a long sigh, before giving in, throwing the blanket from his naked body and stretching his limbs.
She gets up from the bed and admires all of the glory that is Jeon Jungkook, the man she once loathed, has now become the object of her affection…or desire. Whatever he may become, last night will be a memory she keeps nestled away for a long time.
She heats up the water and begins making the drip coffee, before checking her phone. Just as Jungkook makes his way into the kitchen, her phone rings.
“Hello?...Okay…Well that’s a good thing and very fast…I’ll go check on my neighbors since the street’s still inaccessible…Stay warm and have a good day…goodbye…”
She hangs up and pours their coffee, “The electricity is restored, so you’ll be able to go home, that is, whenever you’re ready.”
“I think I’ll stay for a bit, if that’s okay with you.” She smiles and they enjoy coffee and a small breakfast together. He leads her to the guest bathroom and they shower together, put on lounging clothes and lay together on the sofa until they fall asleep watching TV.”
Gabriella wakes up just as the sun’s setting, but Jungkook isn’t next to her. She gets up and looks out the window at his house and sees the lights are on, her heart begins to feel a little heavy, but she knows it was probably just a one time occurrence and won’t happen again.
She walks into the kitchen to get a glass of water and notices a piece of paper on the island under his coffee cup:
I’m not sure what to say, but I know I want to say ‘Thank You’.
I don’t know if I would’ve survived the night alone in my house, even after everything we’ve been through, you still offered me a safe haven, and I appreciate you for that.
Where we go from here, who knows, but let’s not make things awkward, we can go back to the way things used to be (minus the arguing) and start on a new foot, fresh, being normal neighbors.
I owe you for everything, and I mean everything.
 She’s not sure how to feel, she wants to scream and cry from shame. She wants to run over to his house and tell him how she feels, tell him that she doesn’t want to be normal neighbors, that she wants more. 
However, she knows she’ll do neither, she’ll accept things as they are and continue living her life like she has been – accepting the loneliness.
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It’s been over a week since that night and they haven’t argued, in fact, they haven’t spoken to each other either. Gabriella has returned back to her busy work schedule, so it’s been a little easier to ignore the nagging feeling in her gut.
Friday evening, as she returns from work, Jungkook is sitting on his front porch. She wonders if he’s waiting for her, so rather than pull in the garage, she parks in front of it. She hopes he’ll call out to her and she’ll run over there eagerly, but he doesn’t, he sits and stares at his phone, not even a glance in her direction.
Gabriella finally loses it, she can’t take the unknown, she needs to figure out what’s going on and why he hasn’t spoken to her in over a week. She silently storms over, determined to speak her mind and get things off of her chest.
“Why the silent treatment for over a week? I thought–” Gabriella is abruptly cut off.
“You thought what? We had something special?” The sarcasm rolls easily off of his tongue. “It was nice…no, it was fucking great, but it really doesn’t change anything, does it? You’d been at my throat constantly, one night of passion doesn’t change much.”
“Jungkook, we cleared the air, agreed to let bygones be bygones…are you saying we didn’t?” Irritation radiates in her tone, but Gabriella remains as calm as reasonably possible.
“We were drinking, we were basically trapped together, things happened, but when I woke up the next morning…” Jungkook sighs deeply, “I mean, what do you want me to say? Should we just call it a mistake?.”
“A mistake? Transposing numbers in your address, that’s a mistake. Forgetting to add an ingredient to a recipe, that’s a mistake. Fucking someone the way you fucked me?! That’s not a mistake!”
“Was it that good?” Jungkook teases.
“Was it…Fuck you, Kook! Fuck you! Is everything a damn joke to you? I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong!” Anger flows through her blood.
“I don’t understand why you’re getting mad! Did we decide that we’re now obligated to speak to each other because we fucked? No! You’ve been rude to me since I moved in, but now you think we’re besties? It happened, it was phenomenal, but I don’t get why you’re so angry.” Jungkook’s usual bright doe eyes become dim.
“I’m mad because…” She’s unable to find the words, unable to express how she really feels deep inside, not anger but hurt. “I opened my doors to you, even though you annoyed the shit out of me, I opened myself to you and now I feel trampled on.”
He sees the tears welling in her eyes, moving his gaze from her to the quiet street, “I’m sorry,” He replies as he stands and walks toward the door, “but that wasn't my intention.”
“Then what was your intention?” Her voice breaks, the emotions building within her on the brink of eruption.
With his back turned to her, hand on the storm door handle, he mumbles nearly incoherently, “I don’t know.” He walks into the house, closing the door in her face.
“MOTHERFUCKER!!!!” She screams inside, but her pride can’t let him know how weak he’s made her.
Gabriella is livid, she wants to smash his windows, take a sledgehammer to his fountain, but instead she trudges back to her house in pure defeat. He fooled her, he played the role he needed to that night to get in her pants, got what he wanted and now she’s just another notch on his belt.
She slams her door causing the entry table to rock and her treasured vase to fall and shatter to the floor. Her overwhelming emotions tip over the edge and the tears stream down her face. She feels used, stupid, unworthy and unwanted, all because of her annoying ass neighbor, Jungkook.
She’s about to grab the broom when there’s a knock at her door. She isn’t expecting any guests, but when she opens the door, she’s frozen with shock.
“Fuck! I don’t even know why I’m here!” Jungkook stands there winded and sweaty, wearing only a tank top, basketball shorts and slippers, “I just know that I’m sorry. I’m not sure how to do this relationship shit! You’re the first woman I’ve ever longed for, desired, the few others I’ve been with were nothing to me, just something to do, but you…you’re special.” The tears run down his rosy cheeks as he shivers from the cold. 
Gabriella quickly opens the door, “Come inside. Why would you come here dressed like that?” She ushers him to the fireplace and wraps the throw blanket around his shoulders.
“I just don’t want to get left behind by you, you’re older, you’ve experienced more in life that I haven’t yet. I don’t want you to get bored with my curiosity, my interests, with all of the things you’ve already done that I have yet to tap into.” He sobs. “I don’t want to be the forgotten child again. Isn’t that how you view me? The immature, annoying guy from next door?”
Gabriella smiles, “From the day I met you, I viewed you as a man. Yes, you did shit that drove me insane, but at the same time, deep down, it made me want to get to know you even more. Now that I’ve gotten a glimpse into you, the real you, I want more. I would never get bored with you, you keep me on my toes, keep me striving for more out of life, more out of you.”
Jungkook sniffles and wipes his face with his shirt, “Then where do we go from here?” He looks up at her with his large, brown doe eyes.
“I don’t know where we go from here, but wherever we go, let’s go together.”
17 notes · View notes
namjoonkim-fanclub · 1 year
One thing is similar 🙂✌️
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18 notes · View notes
iceeh · 2 years
inspiring myself to go to bed by saying that i get to play my fun and gamified korean learning apps
6 notes · View notes
borataehae · 2 years
Tbh I had trouble understanding what the rules of the games Tae played were until I realized he's playing with armys.
Then the rules became pretty clear: make taetae win
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raplinenthusiasts · 17 days
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food is their love language IN THE SOOP ver.
for @epiphanytear 💛
cr. 0613data Bangtan CC for Palestine / donate
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yngles · 1 month
❝ [sloppy] ❞
↳ “how bts like to get fucked”
↳ boypussy!bts x reader
↳ dom!reader, sub!bts, (kinda) implied poly!ot7, reader isn’t gendered but has a dick, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, squirting, dacryphilia, praise kink, degradation/slut shaming (consensual dw), breeding kink, daddy kink (r. receiving), pet play, mentions of bondage, lmk if i’m missing anything <3
↳ don’t know if anyone else fucks with bp bangtan… but i know i do!! also catboy yoongi is sooo hot to me - rory
❝ [kim seokjin] ¡! ❞
↳ seokjin will take you in any way you could think of. this man loves getting fucked more than anything in the world, so feel free to bend him over whenever you want. but he especially loves when you have him ride your cock, making him do all the work without you even lifting a finger. although jin is the #1 pillow princess, he can’t help but enjoy it when you punish him by making him seek his own pleasure without your help.
“what do you need, jinnie?” you can see how your words make him shiver from where he is sat in your lap. “please want your cock. i’ve been waiting for days!” his eyes are getting more teary the longer you make him wait. “i know you have been, sweetheart, i can feel you dripping through your panties.” he gasps, hips slightly shifting to gratify the pent up need radiating through his body. seokjin lets out small whines at the feeling of your cock rubbing against his clothed pussy. your hands come to rest on his hips to stop his movements, making him cry out, tears finally leaving his eyes as he pathetically pushes against your hands to let him move again. “if you want my cock, you can get it yourself.” once he hears your statement, jin is immediately scrambling to pull down both of your underwear and sliding down onto your dick. his slick walls easily suck you deeper as he rests his hands on your shoulders to help keep himself up right. he sits still for a moment, beautifully empaled of your cock, only to be startled back to reality when you place a sharp smack on his ass. “thought you wanted it bad, jinnie, what’s taking you so long?”
❝ [min yoongi] ¡! ❞
↳ yoongi likes it best when you take him from behind. holding himself up on his hands and knees, back arched as you pound in and out of his messy cunt. he loves it when you play into his fantasy, turning your little kitty into a bitch in heat. yoongi wants you to put a collar on him and place cute cat ears on his head, maybe even push a tail buttplug up his back hole. if he gets deep enough into his headspace he’ll start meowing, which makes you start fucking into him at a feral pace while you pump him full of your seed.
all that was heard throughout the dorm was the sound of skin on skin and the wet noise of slick being pushed out of yoongi’s hole. every time you hit his special spot, he would let out a string of meows which only encouraged you to fuck him harder. “does it feel good, kitty?” “meeoow~” was all he responded with, not being able to communicate with words once he got this far into his own head. “want me to fill you up with my pups? gonna knock you up just like you’ve been begging for, kitten.” your vulgar language causes the man’s arms to give out, making him fall face first into the mattress, the cat ears sliding further down into his disheveled hair. you reach your arm under his torso and force him to arch his back more, causing him to fuck your cock deeper into his soaking pussy. the wet sounds made by your ongoing thrusts cause yoongi to cry out, clenching around your dick as he gets closer to his climax. you groan at the feeling and finally fill him up, making him whine and cry as his greedy pussy sucks up every last drop.
❝ [jung hoseok] ¡! ❞
↳ hobi is a slut for seeing your face. any position where he can look at you while you fuck him will make him come very quickly. he loves when you put his legs over your shoulders while you fuck into him, the angle shooting pleasure straight to his core. he’s so loud in bed, unable to stop himself from screaming out when you hit the right spot inside him. he doesn’t even care if his members hear the noises he lets out, wanting them to know that he’s getting fucked by you so well.
“oh myyyy godd!!” hoseok’s screams reverberate around the room as you continue to piston into him at and incredible speed. each time you thrust into him his body goes flying against the headboard, legs flailing from where they are stationed around your shoulders. “that’s it, seok-ah. let everyone know how good i’m fucking you. bet they’re rubbing themselves to the sound of your moans.” your words have his legs trembling and his hands grasping at your arms, which are placed on his hips to keep him in place. “please! please i need it so bad!” hoseok cries out, the amount of cream caking at the base of your dick increasing after each thrust. “i’ll give you whatever you need, baby.” as you finish your sentence, he meets your eyes and you can feel the way he tightens at the intimate connection. your increasing speed causes immense pressure in his pussy, causing him to squirt around you. the liquid soaks both of your stomachs and makes the slide of your cock into his overstimulated pussy much smoother.
❝ [kim namjoon] ¡! ❞
↳ joon likes to get fucked laying on his bed with his legs wrapped around your waist. it’s so relaxing for him to have the ability to sit back and be taken care of. he enjoys you fucking him at a fast but gentle pace, relishing in the feeling of your cock sliding in and out of his walls. joon absolutely loves when you come inside of him but he doesn’t mind if you pull out and nut all over his thighs and tummy.
“taking me so well, joonie” “thank you, thank you- i love it so much. fucking me so good~” he replies, eyes struggling to focus on yours as you continue to thrust inside of him. “are you close, baby? i can feel you getting tighter around me.” your words makes his eyes roll back into his head and his mouth fall open in a silent moan. “gonna come! please can i come?” you lean down to suck on his neck as he keeps begging for release. you reach you hand between your two bodies, quickly rubbing his clit to bring him closer to the edge. “of course you can, baby. want you to come all over my cock.” at your words, he flings his head back against the pillows and allows the pleasure to overtake him. he releases his juices around you, soaking your hand and the bed sheets beneath you. “such a good boy, gonna come inside you now. i know you want it, baby.”
❝ [park jimin] ¡! ❞
↳ jimin really loves riding you, goes crazy at the thought of being able to take your dick however he wants. he especially likes reverse cowgirl, he loves twerking on your cock to hear you groan and give him a good slap on his cheeks. the sting only helps to keep him going, riding you harder once he knows that you are enjoying the view. another fan of creampies, he doesn’t like to let any of your come go to waste. if it slides out once you’re done with him, he’ll scoop it up with his fingers and shove it back inside.
jimin turns away from you, straddling your hips and lining himself up with your large cock. he is always excited when he’s able to take you inside him, no matter how long it’s been since it last happened. once he slides down to the hilt he looks back at you, only to find you staring straight at his butt. “i can never get enough of your fat ass, min. you always look so fucking good taking me.” you end your statement by gripping both of his asscheeks in your palms. jimin whines at once the possessive feeling of your hands on him disappears, leaning forward slightly and shaking his ass on your cock, listening to the sound of it clapping against your skin echo around the sweaty room. you groan at the sight and plant your feet against the bed, bucking your cock deep into jimin’s waiting pussy. he knows that by the end of the night he’ll be full of your seed and that satisfies him enough to let you set the pace, grasping the skin of your thighs in his small hands. “that’s it daddy, jiminie loves your dick so much.”
❝ [kim taehyung] ¡! ❞
↳ taehyung likes to be held while you’re having sex. whether that be you holding him tight to your chest while you gently thrust into him on the bed, or pining him against the wall as you claim his pussy for your own pleasure. as you go between the different scenarios, tae has his preferences of how he likes to be treated and addressed. if you’re slowly making love to him on your shared bed, he likes when you praise him and tell him how well he’s taking you. on the other hand, he loves when you call him a dirty whore when you are fucking him so fast he can barely comprehend what’s going on. as long as you give him proper aftercare, he’s happy.
“how do you want it tonight, taetae?” you gaze down at your sub from where he’s seated on the couch. “want to feel it. please.” he looks at you with puppy eyes and a pout that you would never be able to resist in a million years. “of course, jagiya. you know i’ll always give it to you however you want.” you lean down to scoop him into your arms, his legs automatically wrapping around your waist and his arms circling your neck. you carry him through the hallway, unable to focus on your steps as he sucks on your neck. you come to a stop outside his bedroom door, pushing him against the wall, unable to resist the urge to take him any longer. you shove your pants down and push his panties to the side, inserting your cock into his waiting hole and setting an overwhelming pace. taehyung throws his head back against the wall as you push into him and whisper dirty things into his ear. he comes alarmingly quick due to the amount of stimulation you were providing him with, you following shortly behind him, pulling out to come across his stomach. as you come down from your highs, you hear the door open down the hall and a voice ring out, “can we join next time?” you laugh at the request, knowing tonight is gonna be long for both you and taehyung.
❝ [jeon jungkook] ¡! ❞
↳ one of jungkook’s biggest kinks is bondage. he loves the feeling of being restricted and not having the ability to touch you. it makes him incredibly wet that you are able to do whatever you want to him and he can’t do anything to stop you. he likes when you tie his hands behind his back and fuck him doggy style, having to shove his face into the pillows to quite his screams. he also loves having you eat him out before fucking him because it gets him nice and ready to take your fat cock, but also it turns him on so much seeing you not be able to resist yourself when your face is shoved in his cunt.
“yes!! fuck me with your tongue! feels so good… i don’t know if i can wait any longer.” as soon as jungkook says that, you remove your face from his pussy, grabbing his hair to pull his back flush to your chest. “you’re not going to come until i’m fucking you with my cock. do you understand?” he immediately nods at your words, grinding his ass against your bulge as he tries to get you to put your dick in him. “words, guk.” “yes! yes! i understand! i promise i won’t come until you tell me to!” you let out a satisfied groan at his words, shoving his legs apart to line your cock up with his entrance. as you push in, jungkook can’t help but scream into the sheets beneath him, the pleasure in his core building up as you bottom out.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 4 months
Just Take It | Jeon Jungkook | Teaser
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Summary: A turn of events has the people you thought you trusted stabbing you in the back and leaving you broken hearted and betrayed. Who knew though that sometimes things just happen for a reason Pairing: f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 390 Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of cheating and getting pregnant. That's pretty much it since this is a short teaser lol a/n: I took an excerpt from the fic to kind of show the drama that's gonna go down so it's a spoiler for what's about to come hehe Requested by @kkusadmirer
"We have to tell her" I hear her say and stop short, my heartbeat immediately raising and hold my breath waiting for the response. "You told me you were on the pill though. How did this happen?" and at that my heart breaks.
"I don't know I guess I forgot to take a couple of them and-" "And so what? You decided that screwing me without protection would work out just fine? Fuck Jina" Jared cuts her off and I hold my hand over my mouth to stop the sobs that I know are sure to come. 
"You were the one that said you wanted to stop using them" she defends. "Oh and so now it's my fault. Jina we both agreed to that and you know it" he says and at that the room falls silent for a moment before he speaks up again.
"What are we gonna do?" he says, leaving the choice in her hands. "We need to tell her because I'm not getting rid of this baby. I don't care if you're going to be in our kid's life or not but either way we're telling her" she says, standing firm on what she thinks is right. 'She should've thought about that before she started fucking my boyfriend' I think to myself and wait for the conversation to continue.
"She deserves to know" she says in a hushed tone and they both agree moments later that they'll tell me after the party to avoid both of our families catching wind of it and at that I walk away as quietly as I can, heading to the bathroom across the house to collect myself before I even try to face anyone. 
'How the fuck could they do this to me? How could they do this to us? Did everything the three of us did together really not matter? All of this love that I gave Jared and he gave me made me feel like we were gonna last forever but I guess my wants and needs weren't enough for him. He wanted what he wanted and found that in my best fucking friend. 
I chuckle dryly at that thought and how ironic it sounds at the moment. The want to avoid the drama of the rest of the family knowing? Well they don't have that kind of luxury anymore.
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alphabetboyluvr · 11 months
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all fics are posted to wattpad first (don't judge a girlie by her primary upload platform </3)
i write about the stars, boys who are carved like greek sculptures, and the inability to communicate in a healthy, functional manner. and i also like to write about bangtan sonyeondan in relation to all of those things.
no translations | minors dni | don't be a dick x
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pairing: boyracer!jk x fem reader - mutual disdain to lovers synopsis: in which jeon jungkook hates speed limits, the local government, and the way that min yoongi looks at you. current wc: 160,244 warnings: explicit language, drug usage, violence, dangerous driving, smut, and themes of an adult nature. not a mafia au, but teeters around the edges of it. organised crime and corruption are at the heart of the story. the characters have questionable morals and do dumb shit. be prepared to hate them as much as you love them. jungkook is a tittie luvr. no further questions.
BAD DECISIONS - link will take you to the clubdionysus tumblr!
pairing: bartender!jungkook x female reader | strangers-friends-lovers, fwb synopsis: it’s simple: write your deepest darkest fears on origami birds and string them up on jungkook’s ceiling. when they fall—which they inevitably will, thanks to his cheap daiso washi tape—you have to face the fear. set it free. the issue? you’ve a fear of intimacy. jungkook, a fear of rejection. and you’ve both got the capacity to make some incredibly bad decisions. current w/c: 450k notes: smut, fluff, a lil angst, bartender!jk, student!jk, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers (?), fwb, deal arrangement, undefined relationship (they’re just friends! just besties!!), miscommunication, idiots in love, emotional slow burn, bucket list (a.k.a. the birds 2024 note: wattpad took down bad decisions as part of their 2024 purge </3. it's now hosted on it's very own tumblr (clubdionysus) and over on ao3!
extended - 5k words or more
pairing: college!jungkook x female reader synopsis: your housemate-turned-fwb takes another girl home after a night out wordcount: 5.8K notes: angsty, smutty turmoil. it’s not that bad, but it definitely isn’t a happy lil number. fingering, oral sex (f receiving), rimming (f receiving), vaginal sex, doggy, protected (!!) sex, lil spanks, jaykay sorta makes out with her ear???, jaykay is a fawk boy who needs to learn self-control, oc is holding out for something that’ll never happen, multiple partners in one night (jk), jk calls the reader diz (dizzy)
pairing: officeworker!jungkook x female reader (coworkers) synopsis: jungkook asks you to dog sit over chuseok. he doesn’t ask you to steal the empty spaces in his head, the dreams he’s yet to have, nor the idea of you always just being ‘you’ to him - and yet, like a thief in the night (with his own damn dog as your accomplice), you do. wordcount: 6.8K warnings: fluff more than angst, but it’s not clean cut - there’s also a touch of smut. office worker jk, fuck boy (but kind!) jk, mentions of his workplace escapades, oc is dating mingyu (yay), oc sorta fancies jk (boo), solo masturbation (m), vivid thoughts of shagging (jk is a perv! wow! unlike me to write him as randy bastard!), lots of facetime calls, oc and jk are fundamentally flawed as a pairing, genuine friendship, daddy kink? ig? but like kinda sweet?, jungkook has a complex brain house and you’ve been banished to his annexe!! he also has a thing for claw clipped hair lol
short - under 5k words
something borrowed
- mafia au | forbidden love
dance with the devil
- royalty au | former lovers
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short - under 5k words
back to you
- idol au | exes
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pairing: rockstar!yoongi x female reader | mutual disdain - lovers (but also strangers - lovers? kinda?) synopsis: in which you work for your brothers band by day and accidentally anonymously sext his bandmate on the regular by night! whoops ! current w/c: 17.5k notes: okay, where to start with this one lmao, sexting! and i mean… a lot of sexting (so much sexting oc will probably get early-onset arthritis in her thumbs), yoongi is a dick, he also hates nepotism, and in turn, you. oh yeah, you’re jin’s sister, you work with the band on tour. jin, yoongi, tae, jk and joon are in The Scouts aka the hottest band since sliced bread. jimin is their tour manager, hobi works up in the head office (he’s sleazy and i love him). slight love triangle, one-near-footjob (and counting!), eventual smut, a little angst, dating app that is exclusively for celebrities / people in the public eye, one incredibly inconvenient pairing, yoongi calls the oc clementine / clemmie and it’s cuter than it sounds, idk how else to explain this, mistaken identity i guess? although not really? look, just read it lol. smut warnings will be on chapters individually!!
pairing: dilf!yoongi x reader // friends to lovers, slowburn, eventual smut synopsis: min yoongi is urgent.  in the way he bites his nails down to the bed, and the way his sore fingers type out desperate sentences just minutes before deadlines, he is urgent. how he prepares jaehyun’s day bag before grandma comes by, and how he double checks everything is packed, he is urgent.  the requests for you to watch over jaehyun each and every deadline day are, always, predictably, urgent. but the way min yoongi falls in love with you is slow. gradual. tepid. until, like everything with min yoongi, it becomes urgent.   wordcount: 3.2K notes: three part series, fluff, angst, eventual smut, yoongi is incredibly conflicted, the oc is just as dumbfounded by the way she feels, lots of feelings!!
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short - under 5k words
sundae (kinda love)
- childhood friends | angst
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eoieopda · 1 year
Can you please do a jungkook being dad or to be dad ?!?🥹🫠they’re freaking cute
aaaaaah! i love writing dad!bangtan 🥹
ft. established relationship au, unmarried jk & reader, mention of unplanned pregnancy, matching timbs.
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No part of your life proceeded as planned.
Somehow, everything you ended up with fell right into your lap before you could think to seek it. One of those sudden discoveries was Jungkook, your now-boyfriend, who crashed into your life four years ago in the most literal sense — on a bike, right into the side of your car.
Things escalated from first aid on the sidewalk to compensatory japchae at a nearby restaurant. When his nose stopped bleeding and your bellies were full, the conversation kept flowing until the restaurant staff begged to be able to close for the night.
You didn’t expect him to stick around for all of that, but you were glad he did.
He became a recurring character in your life after that; promoting himself to series regular in the same way your sporadic coffee dates became part of your daily routine. From the café up the block to your jointly-purchased kitchen table, he was present at your side.
Your pregnancy came about just as unexpectedly. Only a year into your relationship, you pissed on a stick to confirm a hunch. You — perhaps unfairly — expected a negative reaction to that positive result, but what you got instead was partnership. Jungkook’s presence once again communicating his promise to stay.
And shit, did he make good.
For someone who didn’t plan to become a father at twenty-three, he was as good at this as he was literally everything else. A quick study, he could change a diaper faster than you could blink.
Jungkook made it all look easy, too; not exhausting, not frustrating, just natural. He soothed Jungsoo’s crying with minimal effort — usually with a song — and he was especially adept at keeping that smushy face smiling.
Best of all, you couldn’t identify a single moment in which the work felt unequal. He was adamant that parenting was a team sport.
True to form, he turned the dreaded, late-night wake-ups into a competition against himself. He’d set new personal records in both his response time and his resolution time. He’d be back in bed, wrapping himself around you before your sleep-steeped brain fully processed his absence.
Working full-time from home meant that you got to marvel at his talents in real-time. Watching the two of them interact throughout each day, you fell more impossibly in love with both of them. With their unbridled imaginations; their special, shared language; the eerily familiar way Jungsoo buffered through his confusion.
Because of your beloved boys, your house was full of laughter — every single day. You didn’t have to miss a single second.
Sitting at your kitchen table with your laptop open in front of you, you were halfway through today’s project. Jungkook had taken over the finger-painting session so you could meet your deadline without issue. At some point, though, you noticed a quiet you weren’t used to.
It was too early for nap time, so where was the giggling? The sing-alongs that made up the soundtrack to your day?
In the laundry room down the hall, you heard the door to the garage open and shut again. It was followed by slow, careful footfalls up the wooden steps; then an odd, metallic clatter that prompted you to stand. Before you could investigate further, there they came:
Jungkook, holding a step stool and a shopping bag from the hardware store. The pair of them must have slipped out unnoticed during your conference call earlier.
Jungsoo, holding his father’s hand while keeping plastic safety goggles on his face with the other. They coordinated perfectly with the toy tool-belt wrapped around his waist, and the yellow hard hat on his head.
Both were wearing Timberlands, though the smaller pair had zippers on the sides for ease of use.
“What are you two handymen up to?” You giggled as you placed your hands on your hips. Truly, the sight of them had you swooning; it would’ve been impossible not to smile.
The twenty-six-year-old exchanged a look with his three-year-old colleague; then the former held up the shopping bag. “The playroom ceiling needs a new eyeball.”
He said it matter-of-factly as if his explanation didn’t require one of its own. Jungkook noted the way you blinked slowly back at him, then he cleared his throat with a laugh.
“Sorry — lightbulb,” he corrected himself as he gently patted the top of your son’s hard hat. It shifted slightly at the contact, but Jungkook was quick to fix it. “I’m studying up on Jungsoo-ese.”
At the mention of his name, Jungsoo’s entire face lit up. His nose scrunched as he smiled, leaving his two front teeth on full display. You lovingly tapped the tip of that crinkled nose with your index finger, “I need lessons, apparently!”
Jungkook nodded, then knelt down to consult with his partner. He whispered something that you didn’t catch, and then Jungsoo went rocketing off to the playroom with a whoop. As soon as he was gone, Jungkook stood, wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you in for a kiss that left you breathless.
“I can tutor you, baby,” he promised with a cheeky grin, “But my expertise doesn’t come cheap.”
“Oh?” You smirked, “Name your price.”
He kept his eyes fixed on you as he nodded, much more serious when he spoke again, “We can negotiate specifics after bedtime, but I think this construction crew would benefit from a little expansion.”
Leaning up onto your toes, you carded your fingers through his hair and kissed him deep. You pulled away only to murmur against his lips, “There are more eyeballs in this house than there are hands to fix them…”
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colormepurplex2 · 3 months
In Memory of Him | KTH
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▻ In Memory of Him ↳ Florist!Taehyung x Artist!f.Reader ⤜ Non-Idol AU ⤜ Friends to Lovers, Late Husband’s Best Friend | smut, fluff, angst ⤜ Rating: MA ⤜ WC: TBD ⤜ Summary: Cancer is a monster that you never saw coming. It’s been two years since you lost Yejun��the love of your life and the father of your six-year-old son, Sujin. Yejun’s last request was for his best friend to promise to take care of you and Sujin once he was gone, and that’s exactly what Taehyung does to honor Yejun’s memory, starting with giving you a letter. ⚠️ Mild language, death/loss of a loved one, deep depression, high anxiety, loads of guilt, hidden feelings, realizations, hurt feelings, repressed feelings, hurt/comfort. MORE TO COME as I finish the second part. Each chapter will have specific warnings listed.
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Chapter 1: It's Cold In Here
Chapter 2: To Live Again (coming soon)
This story will be complete soon.
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A/N: A big thanks to @downbad4yoongi @hisunshiine & @mrsparkjimin18 for beta'ing!
Part of the Bangtan Writers HQ First Quarter 2024 “To Begin Again” Writing Event.
Can also be found on: Ao3 | Wattpad
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◅ Back to Main Master List ©️   2024-03  ColorMePurplex2
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 3 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Nine
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 1,7k
Warnings | +18, Jimin is hatching anger, asshole talk typical of their environment among boys, dirty language, sexual insinuations, Hoseok throws barbs at Jimin, drunk Jimin, noncon kissing, insults and angry talk, triggering content, yandere themes, angst, this is not for minors.
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | The ninth chapter of Dark Moon has arrived and with it even more darkness, I warn you that from the next chapter on, things will get stronger and more triggering.
Let me know what you think of the chapter ❤️
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @dragons-flare, @m00njinnie, @seokjins-luigi, @pjmsneverland, @jimincrystal, @ajkwww, @ungodlyjoon, @hecateslittlewitchling, @namjoonsbuspass, @darkuni63, @xicanacorpse
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"We caught another one of those sewer rats," said Hoseok with a satisfied light in his eyes, "At this rate they will never try to mess with the Bangtan Boys again."
"The matter is not over yet, Choi Minho played his cards wrong and now he will feel trapped.... and rats become aggressive when they realize they are about to lose their skin," sighed Seokjin, everyone nodded, then Jungkook asked Jimin a question.
"What?" he asked absentmindedly, Jin squared him up making the person concerned roll his eyes.
"What would you like to get out of the whole situation?"
Jimin licked his dry lips, casting a glance at the woman in charge of serving them drinks; she was beautiful, he couldn't deny it, but she lacked something.
No, she lacked nothing, she simply wasn't Y/N.
With a snort he pointed to the glass, ignoring her mischievous glances, "I'd like to get some whiskey in my glass," he clutched the bridge of his nose between two fingers, trying to relax, but how could he when his personal whore was not only giving him trouble but also putting her hands on him?
How had she allowed herself? And why hadn't he reacted? What was that "I'm sorry," anyway?
He should have beaten her until he saw her blood dripping onto the kitchen floor, but he had frozen. The blind rage he had felt was so devastating that his body had automatically refused to release it.
A laugh from Taehyung made the whole group notice the incoherent answer to Jungkook's question.
"Dude, is everything okay at home?" asked Taehyung, encircling the hips of their waitress, who had meanwhile poured whiskey for Jimin, "Do you want me to send you one who knows how to do her duty?"
"Are you implying that I suck at picking my girls, Taehyung?" quipped Seokjin quietly, immediately making the younger man shake his head.
"No way, Jin!" Taehyung clasped his hands together in apology, but he could tell he was joking, even Seokjin smiled deliberately.
"Please, by now Jimin has a whore who faithfully waits for him at home and with whom he has sex every day," mocked Hoseok, "He would even turn against his friends for her," he taunted, remembering perfectly that day in the infirmary, he had not liked Jimin's attitude toward him, the whole room fell silent, confused expressions arose on the faces of the other five, unaware.
"What did you say, Hoseok?"
"You heard me, Jimin... Maybe you don't care about anyone anymore because you have better."
Jimin found himself gritting his teeth at the redhead's insinuations.
His work was his life, his friends were his family, Hoseok himself was like a brother, he would never hurt him for...
Jimin wrinkled his forehead, remembering the discussion in the infirmary more sharply. Had he really threatened Hoseok?
What was that damn bitch doing to him? Because that was all it was about, wasn't it? She was a slut, nothing important, nothing to protect. Just a nice little object fit to fulfill his cravings.
"Stop talking bullshit, I would never reject my family, for anything or anyone in the world, when I like something I get a little jealous and you know it's better not to provoke me when I'm in that state," he tried to get over it, passing off his attitude as something completely harmless and natural, Hoseok shook his head as if to say 'Always the same', but for Jimin it wasn't over there. Now he was really pissed off as hell.
"Come on, come on! Let's not spoil the mood for stupid fights, let's toast to the Bangtan's imminent victory!" exclaimed Namjoon, trying to act as a peacekeeper between the two quarrels, everyone raised their filled glasses, but Jimin remained with his thoughts fixed on Y/N.
He came home drunk, the lights were already all out, but Jimin didn't give a shit.
He was lackluster and very angry, a deadly cocktail for a man of his mold.
He searched for her like a mad bull, "Y/N!" he growled harshly, throwing open her bedroom door, but no sign of her.
He looked around in hopes of finding her, but had to backtrack, retraced his steps into the living room and then into the kitchen, but the only rooms left to check corresponded to Jimin's room and their respective bathrooms. Jimin strongly doubted that she could be in his room.
Despite the legitimate consideration, he staggered to the master room of the house, when he opened the door he found himself squinting. The girl was slumped on the floor, various books were strewn and left open around her, she must have been rummaging through his things out of boredom, beginning to read here and there to get an idea about the man's literal tastes, the latter was not softened by the sight, anyone else would have found the scene of their girlfriend intent on sleeping peacefully all curled up like a wren tender, but he was not anyone and she was not his girlfriend.
He shook her by the shoulder several times, heedless of Y/N's physical frailty, and when the latter opened her eyes, she found herself facing Jimin's grim face.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" hissed the man between his teeth, Y/N blinked quickly in despondency, what had she done this time?
She glanced around the room with its strongly masculine and restrained decor, instantly remembered the moment she had entered Jimin's bedroom out of sheer curiosity, bitterly regretted entering it.
"I-I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-ah!" she didn't even have time to finish her sentence, Jimin grabbed her by the arm forcing her to fall back uncomfortably on his king-size bed.
"Shut up and save me the trouble of still listening to you," he blurted out, quickly undoing the buttons of his dark shirt, the woman blanched.
Jimin wanted to again... ?
Now that the fog of sleep had cleared from her mind, she could notice the lackluster movements of the man, who had come to open his belt listlessly, the now half-open shirt gave a perfect view of his pecs and a hint of a sculpted abdomen, the mussed hair on his forehead contributed to his distraught look.
"You're drunk," she noted in a huff between trembling lips, Jimin smiled lazily.
"What do you deduce that from?" he kicked off his shoes, which were immediately followed by the tight jeans that contained nimble, muscular legs, everything about Jimin pointed out what a dangerous predator he was.
"Please, Jimin," it was the first time she had ever begged him using his name, "Let's not do this now, not like this-you're not yourself," she whispered softly, the fear already almost impossible to contain.
"And how should we do it?" he asked using the same gentle tone, crawling onto the bed until he completely overpowered her, their noses were only millimeters apart, "More importantly, when should we do it? This sounds like a good tease to me, Y/N," his magnetic eyes descended on the younger woman's lips, glittering with mischief.
The girl tried to calm him by gently taking his shoulders in her hands, imperceptibly pushing him away.
But Jimin grabbed her wrists in a firm grip, lifting them above her head and attached his meaty, experienced mouth to the trembling petals he had been studying with growing desire.
His tongue thrust directly into the girl's throat, she widened her eyes and tried to break free from the lack of air, Jimin was as if possessed, biting and sucking those lips as if his life depended on it, not giving her the slightest time to recover and pursuing her shyer tongue without hinting to surrender.
"I kept you away from all those perverts at the Dark Moon," he descended on her neck to bite the most sensitive flap of skin, "I almost beat up a friend who is like a brother, for you," he squeezed those slender wrists more tightly, releasing a breathless moan in Y/N, "And I scarred that bitch's face in revenge because she dared to hurt you," he said finally, the woman did not understand the last sentence, did he mean that Jimin had punished Ester permanently for her?
She did not have time to reason out that last thought, Jimin was beside himself.
"But you keep pushing me away, being a runaway bitch, you even look at me in disgust, and fuck, you really piss me off!" he exclaimed angrily and in a petulant tone, "I gave you a home, bitch! Something you could have only dreamed of if you had gone about your business and you show not the slightest respect for my efforts!" he continued to verbally rail at her, who was shaking and whimpering in shock.
Jimin had always been scary, and he had always been dangerous, and he had even hurt her on more than one occasion, but she had never seen him like that. He was drunk, he could have done anything to her without the restraint of a conscience anymore, always if he ever had a conscience, she was terrified.
And the more the boy thought of her not as a whore, the more furious he became. Because it had never happened that he liked a woman romantically, it didn't fit into his plans, and it was twisted in his reasoning, but he had sworn to his past that it would never happen, that he would never give in that way.
"Jimin, wait a moment, calm down and let's talk about this tomorrow.... you're right, you're right," she whimpered, "I didn't behave well, but now we can't discuss it, it's really not the time," she tried to appease him, Jimin tilted his head, scrutinizing her face, which was purple and streaked with badly held salty tears, snapped his tongue against his palate, before grabbing the fabric of her shirt with a funny koala printed on it and pulling toward him, causing a gash at the young woman's chest level, forcing her into another sick and shameless kiss.
"Fuck the talk, tonight I'm going to fuck you good and you'll just have to take my cock," he said, leaving her speechless, "Turn around."
No. Not again, not again in that humiliating position.
She quickly shook her head, "No!" she pushed him away with a kick, but the man flinched in time, remembering that first night that changed both their lives.
"I'm not that drunk," he laughed viciously, forcing her to carry out his command.
And there, watching her trembling and with her shapely buttocks hidden by the pajama suit, Jimin had a cruel and angry idea.
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bluemari23 · 3 months
Hey, I just wanna say that I've loved your scenarios! 🥰🥰🥰
Could you do a reaction where the reader (non-idol) is in a romantic poly relationship with all seven members please?
Thank you!
hello!! thank you so much! im having so much fun writing all of these different scenarios and my ideas!
to be honest, I feel like they would react the same somewhat!
like bf!namjoon would without a doubt love spending time with you in nature, away from the world and from the media. would love to take pictures of you on a little polaroid camera and make a scrapbook of all your dates. namjoon would be the one to want you with him all the time, would have you move in with him and the boys so they could keep you close and not have to worry about you and your safety. would probably not announce your relationship until after your wedding. would want to be low key and loves to read all the "namjoon is def married" comments on his insta after posting pictures of himself from your dates that you took.
bf!jin would love having you over for date nights where you help him cook a romantic dinner for everyone. loves having date nights with you and the others in the comfort of their shared apartment. wants to spoil you with love and affection even if you sometimes get overstimulated or pull away teasingly. has his home screen a candid pic of you smacking your lips after eating something sour. was the first to bring you home to meet his family after realizing your family lives so far away.
bf!yoongi would use you as his muse for everything. loves when you come sit in his studio with him. knows how sometimes their life gets so busy and can see when you need a break or get to overstimulated or anxious from everything. loves to just spend quality time with you even if you just sit on his lap while he produces bangtans next comeback. shares his cuties with you and peels them for you because he knows you don't like to peel them. knows your love language is gift giving (more like penguin pebbling), particularly when you see something that reminds you of them, so he keeps the top of the shelf in his studio reserved for your gifts.
bf!hoseok who would have no problem shouting to the world that you were theirs, but knows there is unfortunately consequences to idols dating. would soft launch the relationship but realllllly soft. lie take pics of date nights but only of the background (like the night sky or do what joon does and post a pic of him that you've taken.) loves when you plan movie nights with them and then takes twenty minutes to figure out what movie to watch, seeing the scrunch of your nose (reminds him of jungkook) and how you always look to them to see if they agree.
bf!jimin who loves your lips in any universe. loves how soft they are and constantly buys you more of your chapstick so you never run out. jimin whose love language is physical touch and can always be found just laying on your lap, feeling you run your finger though his hair and use your nails to scratch his scalp. absolutely devours the small whines and moans you make when he mouths at the soft spot on your neck. jimin who can't help but sneak you out on little dates and always manages to keep you out of the limelight, just wanting to be a normal couple (even though you both get in trouble with namjoon and yoongi later)
bf!taehyung who loves to just hold your hand and follow your lead. loves to see the excitement on your face when you see something that catches your eye (and then proceeds to go back and buy it for you when you deem the price too much). loves to go on walks with you where you just talk about anything and everything. loves how you take care of him and the rest of your boyfriends, knowing exactly what each of them need. taehyung who loves to kiss the palm of your hand when holding it because he loves how softly you touch them and how your touch always brings them comfort.
bf!jungkook who loves to see you playing around with them and getting competitive. jungkook who helps you feel comfortable when being intimate with them for the first time, helping you explore and take your time. jungkook who sometimes forgets that you can be insecure and loves picking you up in his arms and manhandling you (because he knows you secretly love how strong he is and that he can pick you up) ((his real reason to bulk up so he can carry you no matter what weight you are)). jungkook who takes you out with him on random late night snack runs when he can see you unsure of something. bf jungkook who loves to watch you being intimate with his hyungs because he never thought they would find someone who loves them all equally.
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hamsterclaw · 9 months
Fic Library: Seokjin
Worldwide handsome, sexy, absurd, funny, steely Seokjin is always a star, and even more so when he's written by these amazing writers. Check these out and show them some love.
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Wrong place, wrong time by @bangtanintotheroom. Seokjin x f! reader in an established relationship, Seokjin's on good form in this hilarious story with the funniest one-liner I've seen in a Jin fic.
The Flower Bridge by @yoongsisbae features Seokjin as a ghost and is soft, sad, poignant and beautifully written.
You can take it by @7deadlysinsfics is soft and smutty and this Seokjin is naughty, sexy and charming.
Fall in hatred by @jimlingss. A sad, stunning and truthful fic about relationships and when they fall apart.
Mood lighting by @sugalaritae features new parents Jin x reader. Sexy, eager, sweet dad Jin is such a treat.
A game of two halves by @madbutgloriouspond was written as part of a sports Jin collab and features an injured soccer player Jin who's snarky, bratty and snappy with his physical therapist reader. There's so much going on below the surface in this story and I love the way Seokjin and reader are written.
Soul on fire by @vyduan is an ongoing soulmate touch AU with a ridiculous but self-aware Seokjin and characters that you root for.
HoHoNO by @imaginethisbts. I always have time for a cracky Christmas fic and this is cracky masterpiece made me laugh so much.
I dream of Jinnie part 2 by @bts-hyperfixation. Written for Kinktober, this is another cracky gem that features a semi-awkward striptease and a fez as well as a subby Jin.
Love language by @augustbutwinter. This office co-workers AU features Seokjin x reader and features a sweetheart of a Seokjin in full hyung mode caring for everyone.
Once bitten, twice shy by @fantasybangtan. A Christmas fic featuring a stellar Bangtan ensemble cast and a warm, fluffy, perfect enemies to lovers setup for doctors Seokjin x reader.
Kiss me by @minisugakoobies is a 90s throwback story set in a college AU with a BMOC Seokjin who's sexy, and dorky, and so so endearing.
A Comedy of Manners by @vyduan is punchy, funny, absurd and beautifully human. It features Seokjin x reader in an arranged marriage AU.
Second first meeting by @taleasnewastime is a supercute Valentine's themed story with an annoying, cocky but sweet Seokjin.
Winter solace by @floralseokjin. A holidays themed story with Seokjin x f! reader that's heartwarming and touches on themes of learning to trust and love again.
Love, lust and life mushrooms by @miscelunaaa is the explicit Super Mario bros themed Seokjin smut of my dreams and I won't hear any different.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
thirst trap || jjk
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↠ title: thirst trap ↠ pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader ↠ genre: angst | fluff | smut | supernatural | strangers to lovers?? | fangirl!reader | rockstar!jungkook | wannabe edgy!reader | p*rn without much plot | kinda like soulmates but he doesn’t have a soul lol | happy ending!! ↠ summary: After months of shooting your shot, Deadly Svn’s lead singer, Jungkook, finally messaged you back—with some coordinates? Where will they take you?... And what will be in store for you when you arrive? ↠ rating: R/18+ ↠ word count: 10.6k ↠ warnings: (This story may be extremely triggering for some readers. Please proceed with caution and read all warnings.) strong language | jungkook with painted nails and piercings | blasphemy | smoking | alcohol comsumption | injuries and wounds | one use of the word “daddy” in a nonsexual way | religious/biblical themes | jungkook isn’t buying reader’s image | mentions pregnancy | mentions strict/religious parents | blood and acts that involve blood including consumption | blood intoxication? | rituals(kinda) | jungkook has inhuman strength of course | mentions murder and sacrifice | dark themes | rude but clueless!jungkook | explicit sexual content(everything is consensual) | bdsm themes | unprotected sex | oral sex | dom!jungkook | sub!reader | teasing | fingering | scent kink | blood play | sadism and masochism | rough sex | spitting | face/throat fucking | eye contact | temperature play | deep throating | jungkook has horns, talons, and fangs…oh and a forked tongue | pain kink | spanking | dacryphilia | oral sex | outdoor/desert sex | praise kink | degradation | name calling | erotic humiliation | consensual sexual torture & punishment | orgasm control & denial | edging | backshots | hair pulling | missionary | creampie | choking | gagging | sex in the dirt and it gets on their body and that’s hot to me? | marking/scratching/biting | jungkook has a big demon dick and his cum is warm | belly bulge | cervix touching | possessive!jungkook | reader is treated as an object and nothing more | tit slapping | nipple play | tongue fucking | hand holding | light power play dynamics | strength kink | jungkook lowkey worships her ass | manhandling | cum eating/swallowing | multiple orgasms | multiple positions | grinding | squirting | accidental voyeurism | a demon’s form of aftercare (if that makes sense lol)....sorry if i missed something. ↠ author’s note: Not embarrassed to say it took me a year to write a pwp lol. I love this story though lol. Shoutout to my beta readers @taechwitaaah​ & @emwhygee​ for being my knights in shining armor because this would not be here without them. There may be some mistakes because I added stuff behind their backs lol The next shout out goes to may amazing banner/divider creator @jeonqkooks​ / @itaeewon​ isn’t it beautiful!!! I love it!! This was written for the Bangtan Seven Deadly Sins Collab and K-Vanity’s Bucket List Event. I hope you like it. ↠ playlist: Roc Me Out by Rihanna | Crew Love by The Weeknd & Drake | Emo Girl by Willow & MGK | Fear by Seventeen | Invincible by MGK & Ester Dean | Low Life by Future & The Weeknd | Beautiful by Eminem 
main masterlist | listen while you read | mailbox | bangtan seven deadly sins collab
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That’s how you feel as the warm breeze whips your arm hanging out of the driver’s side door. Nothing but open road and miles of dirt terrains surround your tiny sports car. The smell of your hair products fills the air as the wind sends your curls flying in every direction. A glance in the rearview mirror through your dark lens-covered eyes reveals that your previous style has become wild and blown out. However, there is nothing a brush and a hair tie can’t fix.
There are far more important things on your mind.
The message came through around 3 AM and by 5 AM, you were on the road, headed nearly 2000 miles outside of your hometown to see the biggest rockstar this world has ever seen.
Not to see him live or anything like that; you could never afford that on a barista’s salary, but you can use your allowance to visit a church retreat. That’s exactly where you told your parents you were going when you withdrew $3300 from your savings. 
Of course, you can never go back to your life there now that you’ve lied to go “see the devil” as they would put it, but the thing is. You don’t want to. 
All you want to do is travel and see the world they speak so poorly of. Everything you’ve ever been taught came through the mouths of bigots who held themselves higher than anyone who did not worship their God. 
From the start of life, you walked the path they’d beaten for you. But once you turned 18, all of hell broke loose. For three years, you’ve lived a double life—spending Sunday through Friday as a well-mannered young lady while you partied on the weekends.
Even though you hate university, it’s also the best thing that ever happened to you. You met friends, learned how to lie—and discovered sexual desires you never thought you had.
However, all that wasn’t enough for a caged bird like yourself even. You started hanging out with a group of people who didn't attend college and spent most of their time idolizing their favorite rock gods. That’s how it happened.
That’s how you found him.
Jungkook’s hair was long, he wore leather pants with his shirt ripped open, chest and abs exposed—he was the definition of a deity because he owned every piece of the stage and the crowd surrounding him. His eyes were pitched black and made out to be soulless, but somehow you still found a spark in them. A passion for the music that you felt you shared with him.
It’s like you read his emotions that no one else could see. As delusional as it sounds, you felt connected.
So, you found his Instagram, you liked his pictures, and you flooded his comments. You even became brave enough to DM him every day. 
You’ve always said that you’d stop if he asked you to, but the thing is, he never did. He hasn’t replied either. Well, up until yesterday.
You were on his account looking at his photos, when suddenly you received a direct message. You don’t have many real friends, and you figured it was just one of them sending you a link or something. It didn’t click in your mind until you opened your messages and saw his profile icon and username.
For the first ten minutes, you screamed into your pillow, but then you realized it could be a bot or maybe his account could be hacked. However after opening the message, you discovered a picture of a note.
Written in his handwriting were coordinates to an unknown location. Your first reaction was to look them up, but it only provided an empty piece of land. Because you were skeptical, you asked him about the location but received no reply. 
After a while, you concluded that maybe his home is located there, and the global satellite hasn’t picked it up yet. That’s what you wanted to believe, at least. And that is what persuaded you to pack a bag and abandon your life.
If you were being honest with yourself, you knew it was on your mind anyway. You’re a thrill seeker; every day you thought about packing your shit and leaving just because you were bored. 
You aren’t afraid of not knowing the future or taking a leap, so that’s why despite knowing this is a bad idea, you said, “fuck it.”
Fuck what your religious parents have to say, to hell with your studies, and goodbye to that boring ass town. You’re thirty miles away from meeting the lead singer of Deadly Svn, and your heart is racing with adrenaline.
You spent the night at a hotel and left to meet him at the location about two hours ago. Every few hours, you try to update him, but now you have no signal to contact him. You hope he’s home and security doesn’t call the cops.
The optimism you had before leaving your hometown slowly fades as you get closer and closer, but no sign of life of residency comes into view. You start to believe this was just a joke to get back at you for being so thirsty. 
All of your plans to tell him how much you love his music and how you adore his courage to be different seem to be a waste of all the time you practiced in the mirror, so you don’t stammer and trip over yourself. You start to think you’ll never be able to tell him how much he’s changed your life for the better or how you’ll save up enough to see him live one day. 
Your expectations sink lower as your GPS takes you off the highway and into the wilderness. 
A dirt storm begins to form, prompting you to roll up your windows so that the particles don’t travel into your interior. You can barely see five feet ahead, but you keep going until you hear,
“Your destination is up ahead. You have arrived.”
You sit waiting and holding your breath until the dirt settles. Whirlwinds cover your car in a tan gritted coat of dry soil, but it doesn’t matter to you when your feelings are on the line.
You brace yourself for the worst, and once it’s clear, you know you’ve done right. Absolutely nothing lies in front of you, and your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You pull out your phone and try to send a message over and over, but ultimately realize that you can’t. 
It dawns on you that he’s not coming after several minutes of waiting. You’re hurt, heartbroken if you’re being honest with yourself. There’s no denying how high your hopes were despite the probability being highly unlikely, so you don’t even bother holding back the scream that erupts in your throat.
Your fists punch the steering wheel multiple times, releasing your frustrations on your beloved car. Your hands still tremble long after your outburst is over. 
Sighing, you grab your bag off the floor and look for something to tie your hair up so that it doesn’t blow in your face once you step outside for a smoke. You find your brush and a scrunchie then get to work. 
The process lasts about a minute, and once you have a ponytail secured, you throw the brush on the seat and grab your cigarette pack and lighter.
A gust of air hits your cunt when the door opens, and you place a foot on the ground. You push down your little black dress to shield your fishnet and panty-covered center from the elements.
Once you’re out of the cramped space and soothed with the first inhale of nicotine, your body slowly starts to cool down. You take in the scenery as you exhale—observing all the dry land and dehydrated vegetation around you.
It’s eerily quiet as the sun enters the beginning stages of setting into the horizon. There’s so much silence that you become uncomfortable with being the only person out here, so exposed and vulnerable to whatever ominous presence that your mind thinks is watching you.
Your breathing is as shaky as your limbs. You’re barely able to hold the cigarette between your fingers due to your lack of stability. 
With another slow drag from the stick, you close your eyes and let your head loll back as your car supports your weight. You breathe out and are momentarily taken away to a place in your mind that holds your peace. You channel it and allow it to lead you to your next move.
Maybe a minute or so goes by and you’re completely lost within your thoughts, going over “where to” next or what you’re going to do about living arrangements and money. It’s something you planned on figuring out after your meeting, but since you’ve been played it’s all you have left to think about.  
While in your trance, you don’t notice that there’s a car speeding towards you, stirring up dust and dirt, until the loud music fills your ears. You open your eyes and turn in the direction of the highway. That’s when you see the black old school with the tinted windows, classic rock blasting through the speakers. You don’t know for sure, but your immediate guess is that it’s him.
The vehicle pulls alongside yours and comes to a stop behind the engine dies. You stand frozen, waiting for someone to climb out of the driver or passenger seat. But nothing happens, and more minutes pass.
You narrow your eyes to look inside while taking a hit from your cigarette, but you can’t see anything because the windows are too dark. A part of you wants to approach it, but you never get the opportunity.
“You shouldn’t play with those, love.” 
A man’s voice breaks the thick silence, and the cigarette is snatched from your hand. Your head whips in the direction of the source. The world stops when you lay eyes on the person. 
“They’re bad for you,” the man adds as he brings the cigarette to his lips. There’s no mistaking his black-painted nails or multiple piercings and tattoos.
It’s him. Jungkook is standing beside you.
Your mouth is open as you watch him inhale the entire thing in one breath until only the butt remains. He plucks it and sends it flying out of his hand then turns toward you. His body leans against your car while he takes a moment for his eyes to drink you in.
You do the same. However, the expressions on your faces differ. Jungkook’s face remains expressionless while he’s checking you out, but you, on the other hand, are nearly drooling in awe.
He’s even more breathtaking in person. He stands tall and broad, shoulders wide, and a dominance that can captivate you from miles away. He claims it all without a word spoken and that makes him even hotter, more desirable. 
His features only add to your attraction to him. This new look of his has been your favorite from the start. Jungkook set standards for rock that many were too afraid to try. He ditched the dark and mysterious look and went with what he wanted. 
The icy blue paired with the dark roots of his undercut is something you’d expect to clash, but he pulls it off well. His low cut allows you to see the piercings that adorn his ears, something you’d have to strain to make out on camera, but now it is presented to you up close and personal. You’d be stuck on the silver jewelry forever if there weren’t other parts of him you weren’t dying to check out.
Like the way his tongue absentmindedly pokes at his lip piercing. Or how he lifts his eyebrow slightly while he stares at you. You can’t ignore how defined his pecs are, even in his loose-fitting sweater.  Or the way his jeans hug his sculpted thighs.
Immediately, your mouth starts to babble.
“Oh, fuck. It’s you… I’m your biggest fan. I love all of your music… Every song. And I—”
“Enough of that.” He waves his hand and shushes you. Your lips don’t utter another word after he’s asserted his dominance. “I came to talk about you.”
You nod and swallow back whatever it is you were going to say. It can wait, you figure. If he wants to talk about boring you, then so be it.
“So, love.” He approaches you with his hands linked behind his back. His long lashes cover most of his eyes. However, the glossiness of his orbs still give off a small glint that makes them as dreamy as they are hazy. “What’s the problem?”
Your pulse quickens as he inches closer, heart nearly bursting through your skin when his chest touches your arm. Jungkook’s body presses against you as he interrogates you. Though the weather is nice, your palms still sweat profusely. However, your composure doesn’t falter, and you look him in the eye as you speak.
“There isn’t a problem. I really do love your music and—”
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” he interrupts.
Well, fuck.
Somehow, your reason for being here slips your mind. You were so excited to actually see him standing next to you, the fact that you’d have to take accountability for your actions got put on the back burner.
Nevertheless, you put on a brave face and confess your sins. Jungkook patiently waits for an answer from you.
“Well,” you start, sighing before you continue to eliminate the shakiness in your voice. “There’s still not a problem or anything on my end but I can understand you must be frustrated with my spamming.”
“I’m not tired, I’m curious, actually.”
You frown. “Why so?”
“Because…” Jungkook’s eyes roll with wonder as he pretends to be in thought. His gaze is directed toward you once he’s done. “I just wanna know how far you’ll go for attention.”
“Attention?” you repeat.
Jungkook nods.
“Yeah. It’s obvious that’s what you want. Am I right?”
“No, you’re not. That’s not why,” you reply, a bit defensive. Maybe that’s partially true, but the way he says it doesn’t sit right with you. “I just—”
“Wanted me to notice you?”
A coy smile threatens to form on Jungkook’s face.
“Yeah,” you confess. “But it’s not what you think.”
“How do you know what I’m thinking?”
You sigh and admit defeat.
“You’re right, I guess.”
“I am,” Jungkook scoffs. “I’m always right.”
You look straight ahead. There’s a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach because this isn’t going as planned. You spent hours practicing and perfecting each syllable only to be sideswiped by Jungkook’s wit.
He’s reading you so hard you’re scared to think too loud.
“I bet…” He shifts and positions himself in front of you, blocking your view with his body. “I bet there’s even a reason behind this.”
Jungkook gestures toward your figure with his hands, but you’re still clueless.
“My outfit?”
He agrees with a nod.
“But not just that. Everything about you… Including that recycled persona you’re rocking is nowhere near who you really are, is it?”
“No, this is me,” you deny. “I’m not sure who you expected.”
Jungkook reaches out, startling you so you jerk away. He chuckles and then proceeds to take the tiny silver crucifix hanging from your chain between his fingertips. Then he looks at you with a smirk.
“This girl,” he whispers. “That’s who I wanna meet.”
He abandons the jewelry and steps away from you. You release the breath you were holding while his back is turned. His enticing smell still lingers in the evening air, traveling through your nostrils as you inhale it deeply for remembrance.
“You bring her out, and you might get what you want,” he proposes.
Copying his phrase, you continue the banter.
“How do you know what I want?”
Jungkook turns around swiftly, creating a gust of wind as his body turns. He returns to his spot in front of you and leans down so that he’s eye level with you.
“Because I can see everything… Right down to your righteous little soul,” he informs. Jungkook’s voice drops octaves lower, giving you chills and goosebumps along your arm. “You think this is a gimmick, don’t you?”
His eyes begin to bleed black and eventually become saturated with dark ink. Your reflexes cause you to gasp, but you aren’t surprised. You know. You’ve always known.
“No, I don’t,” you answer truthfully. “I know what you are. That’s why I’m not afraid.”
You watch as his face transforms from the handsome features of a man to the characteristics of a monster. However, despite the flare of his nostrils or his clenched jaw, there’s still the same twinkle in those dark eyes, and you fall deeper for the rawness of his true identity.
“So why are you clutching that?” he questions, eyes shifting to your necklace. You didn’t realize you’d grabbed it in your state of shock. “An obedient one, you are.”
His smile grows, revealing his sharp fangs. The heat that radiates from his body has you tempted to move closer, but you hang onto your self-control. Your breath hitches as you’re suddenly met with his thick black talons, coming forward to tap your cheek.
“I like it, baby. I really do, but the thing is…” He gently drags his nail down your skin, and your eyelids flutter shut. One would naturally be afraid of such a creature, but you can’t help but find yourself intrigued by the things your parents begged you not to let in. “You can’t play for both teams.”
The warmth vanishes as he retracts, and you miss it almost immediately. You open your eyes and find him creating some distance.
“What do you think I am, love?”
You only catch the ending of what he says, entirely caught up in the way he touched you or the way his stare penetrated your soul.
He laughs. “You say you know. Well, what do you know?... Who do you think I am?”
You stare at the broadness of his shoulders, getting lost again until he looks back with a raised brow. 
“If you aren’t going to talk, I can leave—”
“You’re one of the fallen. A damned soul,” you quickly reply.
“Very close. But not exactly true, sweetheart.” Jungkook turns around but stays rooted to his spot. Instead, you step closer, feeling braver than before. Your hand abandons your necklace and returns to your side. Jungkook looks down at you as you approach him, his lips forming a lopsided grin. 
“Really?” you ask, and he nods.
“Mhm. Bet you don’t even know why you’re here, do you?”
“No,” you answer. “I have no idea. But I’m still glad you invited me.”
“You think you’re the only pretty girl I invited?”
You bite your tongue just in time after almost throwing out an insult in retaliation for your hurt feelings. You’re not gullible; you knew, but he still didn’t have to say it. 
You exhale through your nose when he begins to circle you like a shark stalking its prey. You don’t want Jungkook to know it upsets you, but something tells you he already knows it.
“Jealous little thing, huh?” he teases, his hand brushing against the bottom of your dress, gently grazing your ass. Who cares if it was intentional or not; it felt fucking great. “You want it all to yourself. I know the feeling, love.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie.
Jungkook doesn’t believe it, of course.
“Sure you do.” His hands find your shoulders, and he levels his lips with your ear. You shudder, and he feels it. The reaction brings a smirk to his face. He whispers, “You can stop me, you know?”
“I don’t want to,” you answer truthfully. 
“Hm, that’s interesting.” 
Jungkook’s nose finds its way to your neck. He inhales deeply and hums while his large hands run up and down your arms. Every part of his is hot to the touch so your feverish flesh is scorching due to the friction. Your knees buckle when he starts using his lips to caress you instead of his nose.
He breathes out his words, making everything he says sound vulgar and sweet. 
“You think you can handle me, love?” Jungkook asks, teeth grazing your skin in the midst of his trail of open-mouth kisses.
Jungkook sways, and his crotch rubs against your lower back. You can feel his desire growing as time ticks by.
You make sure your answer is as confident as the boner in his jeans. “I know I can.”
However, Jungkook isn’t as convinced as you are.
“Well, if that’s the case… Why don’t you prove it?” he insists, amusement finding its way back into his smile.
Your body tenses when he grabs your face and forces you to look at him, knowing the effect he has on you. But no matter how sexy he looks with wet lips and lust-filled eyes, your ego doesn’t shrink.
“I can do that too,” you boast.
“Oh, I hope so, baby,” Jungkook chuckles. “You know why?”
“Why, Jungkook?”
Your stomach flips when his laughter fills your ears, his pitch lowering until it reaches a level no human is capable of forming.
“Because I’ve been waiting for you to fuck up for too long.”
All you feel is his arm snake around your waist before he spins you and pins you against his car. You hiss as your breasts are being pressed against the scolding glass of his vintage masterpiece. His hips keep your lower half pinned to the vehicle while his hands grab your arms and place them on the roof.
Your thighs and chest burn from the blistering heat, but you grit through it because the way his body feels on yours takes your mind off of the pain.
Jungkook’s nose audibly inhales your flesh while his hands move down your body, lifting your dress so he can grind against your ass. They move up again and find your boobs, and he kneads both mounds in his hands.
“Fuck, you’ve been a bad girl, love,” he states. “So, so bad.”
“No I haven’t,” you smirk, rubbing your ass against his dick. “I’m an angel.”
Jungkook scoffs.
“You wish.”
He abandons your tits to give your ass some attention. You bite your lip when he separates and squeezes your folds, complimenting you on how soft it feels in his grasp.
“My, my, my…” he sighs. “Baby, this piece of ass is the only thing I’d ever thank God for.”
His praise makes you smile proudly.
“You’re so fucking soft, and so damn beautiful… I can’t wait to ruin this body. You’ve got no idea, love,” Jungkook continues.
“Show me, then. Teach me a lesson,” you challenge.
Jungkook’s menacing laugh fills your ears, and chills go through your body. Your burning skin has adapted to the searing exterior at this point.
“Sweetheart, do you know what I do to pretty girls like you out here?” One hand slips between your thighs and the other grabs your face. He lifts your head and angles it toward his dark eyes. You instantly get lost in them. “You wanna know what I do to them?”
Jungkook’s middle finger slides back and forth against your tights and lace panties, the sharpness of his nails threatening to rip the fabric strand by strand. Your lips quiver and beg for him to kiss you, but you keep focus on the conversation. 
“Tell me.”
He smiles and reveals his fangs. However, it doesn’t startle you for one second. He intrigues you as much as he attracts you. You want to see more. You want to learn about who he really is.
“Well,” he starts, gently turning your head and laying it against the surface. Your shadow has blocked the sun and cooled down that portion of the vehicle so your cheek doesn’t burn like your arms and thighs did.
“It starts with desperation. No matter how hard you try, I’ll never give you a response,” he informs. “I wait. I’ll wait years if I have to.”
While he speaks, his digit teases your clit. A smirk forms on his lips when he draws a small moan from your throat. He moves to your opening and applies a small amount of pressure, threatening to break the material and enter your pussy.
“Then, whenever I feel like you’re ripe enough for me to devour, I call… And they always come running.”
“Jungkook,” you gasp when his talon pierces your clothing and tears a hole, thinking he’s going to give you what you desire. But he doesn’t, and he shushes you to silence.
“Shh. Let me finish talking, love.”
“Okay,” you whimper, trying your best to keep it together.
He whispers in your ear. “Good girl.”
You shudder when his bare fingertips actually come in contact with your heat. Your hips move for friction, but it’s not nearly enough. 
Jungkook’s lips return to your neck so he can litter your skin with his teeth. The sting that comes with his bite leaves your flesh tingling and radiating with a sharp pain.
“You know what happens when I get them out here?... All alone,” he asks you, and you shake your head.
“No. I don’t.”
That’s when he admits his true intentions of messaging you back.
“First, I fuck them.” 
His finger dips into your wetness and he collects your arousal. He uses it to easily glide the pad of his digit over your throbbing bundle of nerves and you instantly become mush in his arms.
Jungkook’s other hand grabs your throat, and his sharp black nails tap against your jugular. It’s like his vision is trained on the veins that store the blood pumping through your body. It’s impossible for you to focus on how he’s taunting you with the sharpness of his talon when he’s providing pleasure between your legs. 
It gives you a rush, the thought of him tearing your skin with those dagger-like nails makes you shiver with anticipation. Your heart rate speeds up and Jungkook chuckles as if he can hear it racing. The longer his eyes watch you in this position, the more you forget about his pending statement until he reminds you.
“...I devour them.”
A shriek escapes you as his nail drags across your skin, creating a shallow cut on the left side of your neck. It isn’t deep but blood drips down your chest, nearly disappearing underneath your dress. However, Jungkook spins you around before it can reach that far.
His thick forked tongue darts out of his mouth, ready to taste whatever it can access. Your skin sizzles with heat as he drags it over your blood-stained body. 
“I fucking knew it,” he groans, lifting his head to look at you. Jungkook grabs you by the neck and gives you a disapproving look, steam rising from his body and black horns casually growing from his head.
Your wide eyes watch without a single blink, too afraid you’ll miss a part of the transformation. You’re mesmerized when you should be terrified. 
“I can smell everyone you’ve whored around with,” he explains, growling his words out. “And… I can taste them. This won’t do, love.”
Jungkook takes a breath and dives back in, attacking your wound with the desire to consume your blood and cleanse you of whatever he feels is bad for you. Your eyes roll, and the more he takes the more lightheaded you become. You feel as if you’re floating, and nothing can bring you down but the man that’s holding you close and robbing you of your need for survival.
It’s easy to let yourself slip away, but you’ve been high before. You know your limits, so you tap Jungkook’s shoulder to get his attention. He’s also hit with the realization of how long he’s been drinking from you and extracts himself immediately.
His face is painted red when he pulls away, but he still looks amazing. Maybe even hotter. His swollen lips are so enticing. You want to taste them so bad.
“If only you knew how good you taste now,” he whispers, licking his lips while he stares at you.
You don’t respond with words. Instead, you reach and grab his face, stealing the moment you’ve been anticipating forever. Your eyes close naturally and you don’t stop yourself from getting lost in the moment.
The first taste that lands on your tongue is the bittersweet essence of your blood. You moan into his mouth, letting him know you understand what he meant now that you’re experiencing it as well. 
Jungkook’s arms pull you closer to his body. You’re enveloped in his warmth and enjoying the way his hand gives your ass squeezes of appreciation. When he smoothly slips his long-wet muscle into your crevice, you finally get the opportunity to taste him like you wanted and he literally takes your breath away.
Eventually, you both become tempted to tear each other’s clothes off, but Jungkook stops everything before it can go there.
“Hold on, love,” he requests. “Before this can happen, you need to settle this.”
Your confused expression prompts him to tap the crucifix chain around your neck. He gives you a look, and you can tell where this is going.
“You can’t be mine if you’re wearing that, baby.”
Looking down at your necklace, you contemplate whether or not you want to get rid of the jewelry you’ve had since the tenth grade. Then your attention is redirected to Jungkook’s face, and he stands there waiting for your answer.
He lifts a brow, and without another thought, you snatch the chain from your neck and allow it to fall to the ground. The flash in Jungkook’s eyes gives away his thrill. However, he still isn’t satisfied with your decision.
“You hesitated,” he comments. “I don’t like that.”
“I just wanted to be sure,” you reply in a soft voice.
“You should have known by now, love… I want you, and there’s no doubt about it.”
Jungkook’s gentle touch grazes your cheek, and you want to melt right there. Your lashes flutter as he caresses your skin, but you open your eyes once he stops and lifts your chin.
“If you want my dick inside that box of yours, you gotta redeem yourself,” Jungkook informs.
“Anything you want,” you answer right away. You don’t even recognize your voice because of its raspiness. You can barely get out your words because it keeps fading out.
“Really?” he hums, and you respond with a nod.
“Well, get on your knees and pray for it then,” he requests.
You don’t hesitate this time, and you don’t bat an eye as you drop to your knees.
Your entire body feels like it’s on fire, but the desire to please is stronger than anything you’re feeling. You want to do your best for him. You want to be the one he chooses, the one he calls his.
“Please, Jungkook.” Your hands come together in front of you as if you’re saying a prayer. You never take your eyes off of his face and Jungkook peers down at you with a look of approval. “I know I don’t deserve it, but please forgive me.”
He says nothing so you figure he isn’t convinced.
“I can be good, I promise. Let me prove it to you,” you beg, and you can see his features soften with interest. 
“I hope you’re right,” he sighs, pulling his sweater over his head. 
You’re greeted with his sculpted abs before anything, and it takes self-control not to lunge for him. You have to recover quickly from the shock of how defined they are because the next thing he removes is his pants and his boxers do nothing to hide what’s resting against his thigh.
“Don’t get scared now,” he jokes when he sees your wide eyes.
You blink a few times to pull yourself together, and what he said finally registers.
“I’m not scared,” you answer.
“Oh, yeah?”
“We’ll see,” he winks.
Jungkook’s dick stands at attention once his boxers are pulled down. Instantly, your mouth begins to water, and crave his length. You don’t mind asking for it either.
“Can I?” 
He nods when he approaches you, so you wrap your hand around his cock and are greeted by thick pulsing veins. You explore it by running your hands along it, arousing him in the process unknowingly.  It’s not until you hear the first string of curses leave his lips do you understand how much this turns him on.
“I wanna spit on it,” you state out of nowhere, and when you look up at his shocked expression with a smirk. “And…choke on it.”
You begin jerking him off with a twist and pull motion, adding your other hand for extra coverage. You pause to let your saliva drip onto his shaft. He moans when you start lubricating, and those lewd sounds of wetness fill his ears.
You stare at him with doe eyes, and he almost loses it, still you taunt him some more.
“Can I, Jungkook?”
He growls. “Damn it, open your fucking mouth.”
You stick out your tongue, and Jungkook slides in with a screwed-up face. He’s surprised when you suck him in instead of allowing him to shove his cock inside of you himself. Your warmth invites him in and by the time he reaches the back of your throat his hands are locked behind your head, holding you in place because he wants to be buried inside of you as long as possible.
Your spit drips down your chin and onto your chest but you continue to lubricate his dick even though it’s already saturated with your saliva. While he relishes the feeling, you reach for his scrotum and give him a gentle massage while your mouth occupies his cock.
You moan around his length, letting him know you’re ready for your throat to be fucked. 
“Ready?” he asks, and you give him the best audible response you’re capable of giving in this position.
Jungkook pulls out slowly and watches how his cock comes out covered in glistening. When he’s completely out, he grabs it and taps your face, getting his precum all over your nose and mouth. Your tongue chases his arousal, and a delightful hum travels from your throat when you have a taste. 
“If you need air, tap my thigh,” are the only instructions he gives you before his cock is back inside your mouth, hitting your uvula repeatedly and triggering your gag reflex. Jungkook seems to enjoy the sound of you choking on his dick, so he intentionally thrusts deeper to hear more of the lewd noises.
Your hands hold onto his thighs for support because your head is spinning from the quickness of his movements. Your knees burn from the hot ground blistering your skin, but as people always say, “no pain, no gain.”
The pain isn’t as nearly as intense as the burning in your lungs or the taste of Jungkook’s warm juices drifting down your throat each time his cock squirts out a bit of his arousal. You swallow unintentionally, and Jungkook’s dick twitches with the need to release.
“Fuck! Take it easy,” he grunts, legs trembling as he struggles to keep it together. Looking up at his face, you see beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and you know he’s too far gone to hold back. You swallow on purpose this time, and his cum begins to fill up your throat. But even when in his moment of euphoria, Jungkook still isn’t letting you off easy. “I told you to take it easy, slut.”
He pulls out of you abruptly and you start coughing as the air enters your lungs too quickly.
“Hand and knees,” he orders, pushing you towards the ground. You’re thankful your back is turned to hide the smirk on your face because you know it’d piss him off more.
You hear him shuffling behind you, probably removing the rest of his clothes because his belt hits the hard ground after a few seconds. His shadow approaches you from behind and blocks the light. 
“And this has to come the fuck off,” he states while ripping off your dress. Your tights and panties are next to go, leaving you bare on the desert floor. His sharp talons crawl up your spine, and your body shivers in response. “Arch your back unless you want me to do it for you, love.”
You follow his orders, and he praises you for your ability to position your body perfectly to his preference. His hands can’t stop themselves from touching your globes. You can hear your arousal when he spreads your folds with his thumbs, looking into your opening with his mouth-watering. You bury your face in your arm because you’re sure he heard it too.
“Don’t be shy. I knew already,” he informs. Jungkook lowers his body, and his nose nuzzles itself in your slit, making you release a surprised gasp. He inhales your arousal and runs the tip of his nose up and down, covering it in your wetness. “I could smell you from down the road, baby.”
Jungkook switches up and uses his tongue to tease you. Your eyes roll back as soon as his muscle touches your sensitive clit.
“Jungkook,” you whine, but he’s too engaged with your pussy to hear.
“You taste as good as you smell. How can I not drink you dry?”
A cry gets caught in your throat. Jungkook begins to lick your pussy with no warning, emitting more lust-filled sobs from your mouth. As the sensitivity ebbs away, so does your shame, and eventually, you start grinding your cunt in Jungkook’s face. He doesn’t stop you, so your movements become more confident.
“That’s what you like, sweetheart?... You wanna fuck my tongue too?” Jungkook slurps up more of your juices before he spreads you open and taunts you with his forked tongue.
“Jungkook, please,” you beg.
He chuckles. “Well, since you asked nicely…”
When he enters your cunt, your mind goes blank. Whatever words you manage to utter are a mystery to you because your mind can only focus on the thick flexible muscle dragging against your walls. 
Jungkook laughs when you clench, making it nearly impossible for him to move in your tight crevice. He squeezes your ass while his tongue squirms inside of you, making you scream his name over and over.
“Fuck! You feel good, Jungkook. I’m gonna—”
Suddenly, he withdraws.
“On my dick you will,” he says, and you groan as the disappointment sets in.
He straightens his back and inches closer while you continue to pout and mourn your robbed orgasm.
“If you thought that felt good…” he laughs. “Look, I’m just getting started, sweetheart. Don’t worry.”
Jungkook doesn’t give you a moment to be concerned. The tip of his cock pops in and your eyes widen. You become more alert and aware of how huge he actually is now that your pussy is slowly being stretched open by him. You’re tense, but his touch soothes you.
“Relax. Just relax,” he instructs. 
He fills you inch by inch and the whole time your mouth is hanging wide open. You have a handful of dirt in each hand because you’ve been clawing to cope with the stretch. Nothing hurts but taking all of him in takes more effort than you anticipated.
Jungkook grunts as your walls squeeze around him. He’s also struggling, but he puts his eagerness aside and waits for you to adjust and mold to his girth.
“You can move,” you tell him, wanting to just get it over with.
“Are you sure—”
“Jungkook, you’re in my guts, please.”
“Okay, my bad.” He laughs but as soon as he begins to move his smile fades, and his concentration sets in.
Jungkook is gentle for as long as he can stand it, but even you grow desperate eventually. He senses that your body is craving more, and his pace quickens. His shallow thrusts travel deeper and become more powerful the longer he’s buried in your heat.
He grips your waist and starts fucking you like you’re a ragdoll. You’re taken aback but impressed by his strength. You stop trying to maintain your position because Jungkook has no problem bending you whichever way he wants you.
Soon his hand finds your ponytail. Your head jerks each time his hips crash into you. Your scalp begins to burn, but it doesn’t stop you from chasing your pleasure.
You cry Jungkook’s name when you feel a harsh slap against your ass. 
“Fuck,” you sob. 
“You’re so fucking sexy,” is all he replies as he delivers another blow. Your flesh prickles and stings from the impact, but the feeling of his hand palm delicately moving over the affected area feels pleasant. “Come here.”
Jungkook pulls you up with his clutch on your hair, and your back crashes against his firm chest. His cock travels deeper from this angle, leaving you babbling and sobbing as Jungkook watches with a smirk.
“I thought you were a bad girl. Now, look at you… Being a good little whore for me,” he teases. “Give me a kiss.”
You reach behind you and grab one of his horns, bringing him in for a sloppy kiss. You taste your arousal on his lips and greedily try to savor the leftover juices in his mouth. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his furrowed brows against your forehead as he concentrates on delivering accurate thrusts. Jungkook whispers permission for you to come into your mouth, and your mind shifts to chasing your release.
He leaves your lips and moves to your neck while his hands glide over your body, stopping to feel his dick piercing your lower abdomen. Your other hand interlocks with his for a bit so that you can feel it as well, but soon you have to grab his arm, so he doesn’t pound you out of his grasp.
Jungkook slaps your tit once he’s made his journey up your body, and your pleased reaction causes him to do it again. The tension building up in your core starts to become unbearable, so you warn him in advance about your orgasm threatening to sweep you off your feet.
“I’m so close, Jungkook,” you rasp. His fingers pinch your nipples to push you closer while his arm keeps you up. Your body would slump over if he didn’t because all of your strength is put into getting yourself through this intense orgasm on the horizon. “You feel so good… So fucking good.”
“I know, love. I know,” he moans in your ear. “Come on my dick if you really love it so much, baby.”
The coil snaps as soon as his name leaves your lips, and your release finally arrives in an intense wave of pleasure. Your vision becomes white and your ears ring, making it impossible for you to hear Jungkook’s whines about your pussy being too tight for him to go much longer.
His dick slips out of you as the pressure releases, and you’re gushing all over the ground below, making the soil dark as it dampens. Jungkook brings his hand in front of you and slaps your pussy to draw out more of your juices.
You fall over once your body is spent, but Jungkook rolls you over before you can flop on your face. He hovers over you and rests his weight on his forearms. His knee wedges itself between your legs, and he uses it to spread them apart.
You lay there just staring at him through your lashes, secretly looking in awe as he situates himself. He catches you in the act, but you still turn away and pretend you weren’t.
“No, no. Don’t look away,” he says. “Let me see how you cry for my dick.”
You do as he requests, and once your eyes meet each other’s, he winks.
Jungkook grabs each of your wrists and pins them by your ears. He rests his forehead on yours, so you have no choice but to look at him.
You know you shouldn’t do it like this. It’s too intimate. But you can’t deny yourself the attention you’ve been craving for so long. Finally, his eyes are on you. Only you.
“No holding back, okay?” he suggests.
You don’t know how he understood your voice since it’s barely audible and raspy, but he does. Jungkook reaches between you and grabs his dick, aligning it with your opening before he slowly slides in. Your lips part to let out a cry, but nothing comes out because your voice has given out completely.
As his dick gets deeper, you spread your legs to give him more space. His tip hits your cervix by the time he bottoms out, and you can’t bear him just stilling in that spot. When your back arches, he takes the hint and starts chasing his high.
“This is what you want, right?... Eyes on you?” he grunts, thrusting into you, each snap of his hips resulting in a ripple of echoes. “You got me now, so don’t be shy.”
“Jungkook.” You moan his name, and his cock jumps inside you.
“You felt that?... That’s what you do to me, love.”
He looks down, observing the way the blunt tip of his cock can be seen penetrating lower abdomen. Both of your mouths fall open while your eyes are glued to the sight, mesmerized by how much of him you’re actually taking in.
“This pussy was made for me and only me,” he growls. When you don’t answer him, he grabs your face to get your attention. “Did you fucking hear me? It’s mine, understand?”
You nod. “Only yours, Jungkook. I promise.”
Jungkook grunts in response, but you heard it as “it better be.” His thrusts become rougher, making your back drag against the ground. You’re both covered in dirt, sweat, and blood but can’t bring yourselves to care because the sex is so good.
Heat begins to rise within you. It confuses you so you look at the demon above you for answers, and he greets you with a devilish grin. 
“You said you can handle me, didn’t you?” he reminds you.
“I can.” Your voice is hoarse, and your throat is dry.
Jungkook smirks. “Time to prove it.”
You pant as Jungkook drills into you, setting your body ablaze in the process. He pulls your legs up to his waist, so you wrap them around him in an embrace.
“What do you mean?” 
He whispers against your lips. 
“Welcome to hell, love.”
The scream that erupts from your throat brings your voice back to its full potential. Your body is on fire, and it leaves you gasping for air. His cock continues to bring you stimulation throughout the tortuous rise and fall of the radiating heat inside of you. Your nails drag down his back, drawing feral noises from his lips. 
His dick feels like it’s swelling within you, stretching you more and more until you’re screaming his name and begging him to let you release some of the pressure.
“Jungkook,” you groan through clenched teeth. 
“Shh. A little more, okay?... Just a little longer.”
Your eyes squeeze shut as you try to focus on anything but the desire burning in your gut. The intense heat becomes bearable, but the stretch still has you breathless. 
“But I’m going to come,” you sob, your body no longer able to stand it.
Your walls enclose around his cock as you try to hold on, but the tightness milks Jungkook’s shaft and pushes him over the edge.
“Fuck,” he growls. 
You both reach your peaks together, and the moment causes a pause in time. For several seconds, you’re unable to register what’s going on around you. Your mind is blank, and your focus is only on the pleasure rippling through your body.
You’re on fire, but it’s not unpleasant. You feel everything you’ve craved from all the drug use and drinking, the meaningless sex, and the dangerous lifestyle you ran to when you wanted nothing more than to feel secure and wanted.
That’s how you feel as his arms slip underneath you and embrace you, like you’re being protected by someone who actually gives a shit. It’s not real; he’s only caught in the moment, but you’re going to pretend like it is because that’s exactly what it feels like.
You hold onto the feeling for as long as you can, but nothing lasts forever, and soon you both begin to come down from your high. 
Jungkook’s cum is still painting your walls when his body slumps over. He leaves lazy kisses across your chest but stops to gently suck on your nipples, soothing you until his dick softens and slips out of you.
In your post-orgasmic daze, you feel him kiss his way down your body. He ends his journey at your thighs and then rises to his feet, leaving you on the ground for a minute to regain some strength. His cum slowly leaks out of you, pooling beneath you and seeping into the soil.
You open your eyes after a few minutes and find him standing over you with his jeans already on although his sweater is still off. His eyes have returned to what is considered human-like. However, his horns remain present.
“You need help?” he asks rather dryly.
“Please,” you whisper, and he leans over to help you up. Once you’re on your feet you stand in front of him awkwardly, arms covering your body as if he hasn’t seen every inch of you. “So… Is this it?”
Jungkook’s eyes bulge as he cranes his neck in shock.
“You wanna die? Get the hell out of here before I change my mind.”
You almost forgot about the talk you had with him before. Jungkook didn’t want to meet with you. He only wanted your soul. 
Before leaving home, you’d probably give it to him willingly. You weren’t really living anyway. 
But after traveling on the road and exploring new places, you’d like to stick around a little longer, see the world your parents told you to be afraid of but in the right ways this time.
Still, you didn’t think this encounter would end like this. Are you really supposed to just move on?
“Okay, well. Goodbye then, I guess. I should probably clean this anyway,” you reply and fake laugh. Your wound is pretty sore though, but tolerable. You’d bear it for a few more minutes if you had them.
He doesn’t say anything, but he nods instead.
You turn towards your car and take your exit. Almost halfway there, a pair of gentle hands grab your waist.
“Wait,” he says. His voice is so soft. If it weren’t so quiet, you wouldn’t have heard him. “You left something.”
When you turn around, Jungkook stands behind you with your chain in his palm.
“Oh, that’s okay. I don’t want it, but I’ll take it off your hands,” you say before giving him a small smile.
You take the jewelry and prepare to leave once more, but Jungkook interrupts you again.
“How come you’ve never been to a show?” he quizzes. “You say you’re a huge fan. I’ve never seen you at a show before.”
You sigh, resting your weight on your right side with folded arms.
“Well, I lived with my parents before I dropped everything and left a few days ago. They’re very religious and would never buy me a ticket to that type of event. I’ve been saving up, but now…”
“You need it to survive?”
You nod. “Exactly.”
Silence falls over you, and no one makes a move. You’re about to tell him you need to get dressed and hit the road before nightfall, but he beats you to it.
“I’ll get going now. I—”
“You wanna hear a song I’ve been working on?”
“Uhh…” You’re taken by surprise, but you’d be honored to hear anything he shares with you. “Sure, Jungkook. I’d love that.”
He gestures for you to follow him to his car. You start getting paranoid midway because about an hour ago he wanted to kill you. However when he reaches inside his car and pulls out a leather jacket for you to wear, your nerves start to settle. 
“It’s going to cool down when the sun sets,” he informs.
Jungkook helps you put on the jacket, and you’re instantly met with his scent. While his back is turned, you secretly inhale deeply to savor the smell.
After he grabs his guitar, you both walk to the front of his vehicle and he helps you sit on the hood, making sure it isn’t too hot before you take a seat. You’re shocked by his sudden caring nature, but you don’t complain.
“Thank you,” you state after he hands you his flask.
You bring it to your lips and to take a gulp but are hit with a pungent smell of alcohol.
“It’s whiskey.”
“Fucking hell, it is,” you agree with a grimace. You decide to sip on it instead of aiding your thirst.
“I’m not human so I don’t have water,” he explains. “Sorry.”
“Oh no, this is fine,” you assure.
After a nod, he walks away and sits on a small boulder sitting about three feet away from his car. He gets settled and then his fingers begin to strum the strings of his guitar. The music sways him back and forth, and he allows it to guide him with closed eyes. Just as you’re also caught in the trance, he starts singing.
The voice that you hear isn’t paired with a loud audience or a band crashing in the background. It’s just him and the most graceful voice you’ve ever heard. 
Tears form in your eyes hearing the lyrics. They’re so raw and filled with emotion, a side of him you’ve never seen before. He talks about how scary it is to feel. To care. To love. How he’s never experienced any of it before, but a part of him feels like it’s time to explore it.
You’re so moved by the final note that you’re startled when the music stops, and you no longer hear his voice. You dry your eyes and look at him with so much admiration.
The warm tones of the setting sun makes his skin appear to glow; he’s breathtaking. You wish that he knew that too.
“That was beautiful,” you tell him. “Thank you so much for sharing that with me.”
He sets down his instrument and walks over to you, situating himself between your thighs.
“You’re the only one I’ve shared it with,” he replies. His eyes and tone hold sincerity, and what you believe is gratitude. “Thanks for listening.”
“Of course, babe. I’d listen anytime. You’re such an inspiration to me.”
“Yeah,” you answer truthfully. 
Jungkook rests his hands on your thighs and looks off into the distance as if he’s thinking. You can see wheels turning in his head but have no idea how to get him to speak his mind. You’ll just have to wait, but not for long.
“I’ve never been human,” he starts, taking the flask and drinking all the liquor before he continues. “I used to not feel anything but now… I guess I should say you all have changed me.”
You don’t say anything, but you nod to let him know you’re listening.
“In case you didn’t get that, I’m trying to say that I have feelings for you. You’ve grown on me,” he adds, and your mouth falls open to speak.
However, nothing comes out.
“I know you just wanted to fuck me and get a few pictures, but I couldn’t let you leave without—”
You interrupt him by pulling him close and crashing your lips into his. You couldn’t take it anymore. You knew if anything was going to happen, you’d have to be the one who took initiative. Jungkook’s probably never had anyone who truly cared about him. You plan to show him what that feels like.
You retract and look at him, saying what’s been on your mind since you saw him.
“I think you’re amazing and talented…and beautiful. You deserve love or whatever it is you desire because you inspire so many to know their worth. It’s your turn to take your advice.”
“Hit the road with me,” he blurts out.
You blink. “What?”
“Hit the road with me, let me learn everything about you… Be mine. That’s what I desire.”
Your mind races as his words play in the back of your head. You’re speechless. Jungkook, a demon and the world’s biggest rockstar, just asked for permission to take you on a journey with him. You don’t know his motives or his plan, but the hopefulness in his eyes tell you he put a lot on the line asking that of you.
“It’s just that I want you to be cautious out there because I care about you…I think?” he tries to explain. “I just want to make sure you’re safe and I can only do that if…”
“I’m with you.”
“Yeah,” he smiles, eyes brighter than the sun. “So what do you say?”
You shrug. “Let’s go.”
You push him and hop off the car with a shriek, almost busting your ass.
“I said let’s go, Jungkook!... Before I change my mind,” you wink.
The demon seems shocked by your answer, but he keeps his promise.
And…he takes you on a trip of a lifetime.
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“I knew I couldn’t trust you.”
Jungkook stands in the doorframe of his backstage dressing room with folded arms. He’s angry with you, but as soon as his eyes land on your hand caressing your growing belly, he can’t stop his smile from breaking free.
He sighs and shakes his head, walking across the room to his vanity where you sit waiting for him. This is the first time you’ve had to sit out on a tour since you officially became a couple, and needless to say the downtime has gotten the best of you.
“You’re supposed to be at home with your feet up,” he chides, helping you stand even though you’re perfectly capable of doing so yourself.
Jungkook has pampered you all six months of this pregnancy, but sometimes he goes to the extreme.
“Yeah, but…” 
You pause when he pulls you in for a warm hug and take the opportunity to inhale the fragrance lingering on his clothes. You giggle when he playfully threatens you about stealing his clothes, but you’ve already tucked a t-shirt in your purse.
“I'd rather be here with my legs up, you know?” you continue saying as you separate. 
Jungkook’s eyes widen for a fraction of a second, but then his shock is replaced with a tiny smirk.
“You better be careful what you wish for, love,” Jungkook warns.
“And what if I don’t?... Will I be punished?”
Your taunting causes his grin to fade. In a split second, you’re lying on the couch with Jungkook hovering over you. He carefully leans in for a kiss, being extra cautious of your stomach.
“I can hear his heartbeat,” he says in between kisses, shifting so he can place his hand on your stomach.
“You mean her heartbeat?” you correct. 
Your baby’s foot finds his palm instantly, and Jungkook’s mood brightens even more.
“Yeah, the jury’s still out on that one.”
“Nothing,” he chuckles, lifting your shirt and finding the waistband of your leggings. 
His fingers trace the fabric before he ultimately slips his hand inside, moving aside your panties next. You grab his arm when his fingers touch your center, alerting him of your sensitivity. He takes it slow and waits for the feeling to become less intense.
“I missed you,” he whispers. “Both of you.”
“We missed you too, daddy.”
Jungkook leaves a kiss on your cheek, and then he moves to your neck, tracing the barely visible scar that his talon left on your skin. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs.
Jungkook’s changed a lot since the day you met him. Emotions and feelings he’s never had have revealed themselves over time. It was scary for him at first, but now, he’s not afraid to let you know what he’s feeling.
You laugh at him through your sighs of pleasure. “You’re getting soft on me, I see.”
“You think so?” he asks.
“I know, and besides… You’re sorry for that and not putting me on lockdown for nine months?”
“But this is your fault,” he insists, smiling against your skin.
“Really? Don’t you remember what you said when I told you I was ovulating?” 
He denies, so you grab his hair and force him to look at you.
“Just the tip, love… You feel so good. I can’t pull out tonight.”
He doesn’t respond because he knows you’ve made your point. Your moans fill the room when he applies pressure to your clit without warning.
“Jungkook, your fingers are freezing!”
“Warm them up then, love—”
“Dude, we’ve been looking all over for you. You’re on stage in 5,” Jungkook’s manager, Billy, says after bursting through the door. He’s unaware of what he interrupted until he peers over and sees you both on the couch. “I am so sorry.”
Jungkook’s eyes become pitch black, and an angry vein protrudes from his forehead. You already know what’s about to happen, so you do your best to calm him down.
“Be nice, baby,” you plead.
Everyone always says you have Jungkook wrapped around your finger, so now and then, you like to pull your “status card.”
He takes a deep breath, and he relaxes. But only for a moment.
“Well, I’m kind of busy. If you haven’t noticed,” he answers, looking at the older male. 
Jungkook’s digits continue to stimulate you, but you know it’s only to suppress his anger. His biggest pet peeve is to be interrupted when he’s in the middle of something with you.
He returns his attention to you and gives you a wink, but a second later, his joy fades.
“I understand, but what do I tell the fans—”
“You’ll tell them I’m backstage fucking my pregnant wife, and that I’ll be out in a bit. I’m sure they’ll understand,” he seethes, making your face heat up. However, your cunt still clenches everytime he uses the “W”-word. “Okay, leave!”
Billy shuffles his way out of the door and closes it behind him, leaving you and Jungkook alone again. When he turns to you again, you can see why his manager ran. 
“Someone’s horny,” you joke.
“Tell me about it… Where did we leave off?” His fingers move down to your entrance, and he slowly slips one of them in. “Oh, yeah. Squeeze my fingers like you just did and warm them up for me.”
Your body wants you to just lie there and let him finger you until you’re coming all over his digits, but every ounce of brat in you wants to make him suffer.
“What if I rather keep something else warm?” you suggest with a smug expression.
“Hm, like what?”
You reach between you and unbutton his jeans. You pull him closer and bite his earlobe before saying,
“Recite your commandments and I might show you.”
Jungkook gulps. 
“I shall place no other God before you….”
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