#banished series
idkaguyorsomething · 5 months
“apollo wrote the hamilton musical in pjo” “hermes wrote the hamilton musical in pjo” you fools. ¿have you forgotten who the greek god of theatre is?
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5K notes · View notes
ender1821 · 7 months
living in blissful ignorance of everything that’s happened in session 6, have more shinyduo screenshots :]
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353 notes · View notes
ssseriema · 5 months
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keeping an eye
211 notes · View notes
eddiemunsons80sbaby · 5 months
Everybody Hurts
Chapter 23
Pairing: EddieMunsonxReader
Summary: You needed to escape, escape from your life, your messy divorce, and all the pitying looks. Looks you couldn't ignore when everyone in town had known you and Cam, had known your shame and failure. So, you took the first job you could get, teaching third grade in a town called Hawkins. Little did you know, you were walking right into another messy situation, a messy situation with big brown eyes and long dark waves. But he's resistant, at times unbearable and you start getting curious about the town's past, his past, especially when things don't start adding up.
18+ Only for eventual smut
Last chapter: 01/31
Word Count: 7.8K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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You pulled off into the grass in front of Eddie’s uncle’s trailer. The small driveway was already filled to capacity with the monstrous truck and the oversized van. Your eyes roamed over the small dwelling with trepidation, wondering once again why in the hell you'd agreed to this, why you were the one who was coming to talk to him. Anyone else had to be a better option than you. 
You'd only known each other a little over a month. Eddie clearly didn’t trust you yet, at least not completely. He definitely didn’t trust you enough to tell you what was haunting him night after night. What would make any of them think that he would be open to spilling his innermost thoughts and fears with you? What could possibly make them believe that you would be the one to get through to him? 
Your arms came to rest on top of the steering wheel, forehead pressed against them as you tried to muster up enough courage to get out of the damn car. Because the minute you did so, the moment the two of you came face-to-face, Eddie was presented with the opportunity to end things, to tell you it was over. If you just stayed in the safety of this car, this little car that he’d so sweetly fixed up for you, then you could stay ignorant. If he didn’t get the chance to end things, then you remained in limbo. 
And you were convinced that was exactly what he would do if given the chance. How many times had he reiterated that the two of you were a bad idea? He was going to run from you as fast and as far as he could, convinced that he didn’t deserve this, didn’t earn the right to be happy, that he was doomed for the rest of his life because of circumstances beyond his control. How would you ever get him to see how wrong he was? What could you say or do to show him how very much he not only deserved happiness, but the entire world?
In such a short time, Eddie had elicited feelings within you, feelings that were stronger and deeper than anything you'd ever felt before. A veritable roller coaster of intense emotions that came out of nowhere and swept you off her feet. It was a wild ride, one you couldn’t stop whether you wanted to or not. If someone would have asked you a few months ago if it was possible to fall in love with someone in just a few weeks, you would have laughed in their face but here you were, completely head over heels.
And that was the problem, that was why you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of this car. Because, ridiculous though it may be, you were already in too deep. The waves were crashing over your head, you didn’t know up from down, swirling in the mass of darkness that was Eddie. The very thought of him ending things, of never looking into those whiskey depths you wanted to drown in, of never running your fingers through those delicious waves, of never being held in those deceivingly strong arms, knocked the wind right out of you. You had already suffered one heartbreak and you'd survived. But you weren't sure if you would make it through losing Eddie. 
How could losing a relationship that lasted thirteen years possibly hurt less than one that had been going on for a few weeks? You didn’t know. There wasn’t a single rational explanation for it. You could never put it into words because you didn’t understand it yourself but there it was. Losing Eddie would hurt worse than losing Cam ever had and whether it was crazy or not, it was the truth. 
Jesus Christ. What were you going to do? What were you going to say? You had been racking your brain the entire ride over here, trying to think up some magic words that would make Eddie see how wrong he was, how wrong this town was. A guy like him didn’t belong in a small town like this, where the people were small-minded, ignorant, set in their antiquated ways of thinking. It wasn’t his fault that he was surrounded by people who couldn’t look beyond clothes and hair to see the good person underneath it all. 
He wasn’t a monster. Eddie Munson was the farthest thing from a monster you could find. He was soft, sweet, nerdy, empathetic, and thoughtful. He put on this armor that was him being a jerk to try to protect himself but that’s all it was, just a thin shell he used to keep people out. Underneath all of that, he was just a little boy that wanted to be loved, that wanted to matter, that wanted acceptance. Was that really such an awful thing to want?
A light rapping on your car window had you jumping with a shriek. Hands clutching your chest, you looked over to see Uncle’s Wayne’s weathered face, a kind smile, and amused eyes peering at you. He chuckled softly, holding both hands up. You released a slow breath of embarrassment at having been startled so easily, reaching for the handle and cranking the window down. 
“Sorry ‘bout that sweetheart. I didn’t mean to startle you or nothing. I just happened to step out for a smoke and saw you sitting in here with your head down. I waited for a bit but when you weren’t getting out, I started to get a bit worried. You okay?”
“Yeah. I actually came to talk to Eddie.”
“Well, you’ll have to get out of that car if you want to do that because I can tell you right now, he ain’t coming out here. I’ve been trying to talk some sense into him all morning but that boy is more stubborn than a damn mule. He don’t want to listen to nothing.”
“Well, then maybe I should just head home. If he’s not listening to you, he’s definitely not going to listen to me.”
Wayne straightened, taking a long drag of his cigarette, his eyes moving to the trailer and then back to you, “Now, I don’t know about that. I have a feeling my nephew might be more inclined to listen to his pretty girlfriend than his old uncle. He’s convinced I don’t know what I’m talking about, like he’s the first one to be tarnished with the name Munson in this town.”
“You too? I guess I just thought that people thought that stuff about him because of his dad.”
“Yeah, well, where do you think my brother learned it?” A long plume of smoke fell from his lips, his hip coming to lean on the side of the car. “My dad was a thief. Cars just like my brother. He’d sell them to this guy at a chop shop for the parts. He taught us how to hotwire at a young age. Well, one day he stole the wrong car off the wrong guy. This guy happened to keep a pistol under his seat and caught my dad right between the eyes.”
“Oh my god…I’m so sorry. That’s awful.”
Wayne shrugged, “Well, when you choose the criminal life, you choose the consequences that come with that. Anyway, my mom struggled being all on her own. She worked two jobs just to make ends meet but we still got evicted from our house. She bought a trailer in this shitty park because it’s what she could afford and that’s where we grew up. Don’t think the kids in this place were any nicer then than they are now.”
“Are they ever?”
“True. We were the trailer park trash, you know. Our mom had to shop at thrift stores so we were always wearing whatever she could get for cheap. It was often too big so we could wear it for a while before she had to buy more. Sometimes our stuff had holes she’d try to mend or stains she hadn’t been able to get out in the wash. We always packed our lunch. Nothing fancy. Just some bologna on Wonder Bread. Maybe some pretzels if she could swing it. But those kids teased us something fierce. White trash, trailer park trash, Oliver Twist, bums…and the shit they said about our mom…” He sighed, shaking his head, those kind eyes saddened as painful memories revisited him. “Anyway, my brother refused to live that life anymore. He swore he would make himself a bunch of money and get out of here. But then he met Ed’s mom and she got pregnant. I tried to tell him that he needed to grow up and get his shit together, to be a father, someone his son could be proud of. But he had it in his head that the only way to make his son proud was to make lots of money. Clearly, he didn’t learn anything because he went down the same exact path our dad had. And then Ed’s mom…it was just too hard for her. She wasn’t strong like my mom. I tried to help her but she was too far gone. She couldn’t…I’ll never forgive myself for letting that boy see the things he did.”
“That’s not your fault,” you assured him, your hand slipping through the window to rest on the older man’s arm. “Eddie told me you tried to take him but she wouldn’t let you. There was nothing you could do without going through the proper channels. You could have wound up in jail if you’d just taken him. Even if it would have been the best thing for him, it would still have been kidnapping.”
“Yeah. I know. But I knew she was heading down a dark road. I knew he wasn’t safe. I went and talked to a lawyer but money was tight for me too, you know? It wasn’t a fast road because I had to save a bit up so I could afford the fees. I just wasn’t fast enough.”
“You saved him. Eddie thinks the world of you. You’re the one person who has always been there for him, who has always had his back, who has always believed in him. You’re everything to him. That’s why I don’t think he’ll listen to anything I say. If he won’t listen to you, he’s definitely not going to listen to me.”
“Now, I don’t know about that,” Wayne countered, tossing his Marlboro on the ground before grinding it down with his foot. “You’ve brought about a change in my boy, a change I haven’t seen in too long. To be frank, a change that means more to me than just about anything in this world. He’s been unhappy…hell, he’s not even been living since all that nonsense with those murders. He’s just been going through the motions for a long time. Ever since he saw that girl die and this town wasted no time accusing him for it, he’s not been the same. Ed was sad for a long time after his mom but he always had this…this spark about him, I guess. He was animated. Boy could not tell a story without his hands getting involved in the telling too. He was loud as hell, always playing on that guitar or yelling about something, talked a mile a minute, that kid. I had trouble keeping up half the time. He could be downright obnoxious. Back then I would have given anything for him to be quiet for just a little while. But after everything, I would have sold my soul to get that rowdy kid back. You did that.”
“I didn’t do anything, not really,” you insisted, shaking your head. Your fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, gripping it tight as a shadow moved behind the curtain in the trailer. Eddie. He was right there, so close, and your body pulled toward him, compelling you to go to him but you stayed rooted in your seat, your fear winning. 
“Don’t sell yourself short there, darling. I saw it from the moment he brought you here to look at that old car. Which, by the way, he did a hell of a job on. I hardly recognized it. Took me a moment to realize who was sitting outside my place. But the way he looked at you, I ain’t never seen that boy look at anything like that before, not even that damn guitar and his eyes lit up like firecrackers when he opened that thing.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes, your hand coming up to nervously brush your hair behind your ear, “Now I know you’re seeing things because he was mad at me that day. I asked if this was where he grew up and he got bristly, expecting me to judge him.”
“No. He got bristly because he liked you and he feared you’d look down on him like everyone else once you knew his past. That boy looked at you like you were the sun, like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. I knew you were something special right then.”
“I don’t think that’s…”
Wayne held up his hand, skin worn from years of hard labor just inches from your face, “You need to stop thinking so hard. I’ve known that boy his whole life and I know what I saw. Ed hasn’t ever brought a girl around here. Trust me. You’re something special and a girl like that, when a man feels a certain kind of way about her, that girl can convince him to do just about anything.” Grabbing onto the handle, Wayne pulled open the car door. “So, you think you’re ready to go in there and give it a shot? Maybe do what I couldn’t? I’d sure appreciate it.”
Blue eyes that you just couldn’t bring yourself to disappoint begged you to try. You had two choices. You could tell him no, drive out of here, and hope someone else reached Eddie. But what would he think if you just avoided him? Would he assume that you didn’t want him? That you believed all that bullshit about him? No. You couldn’t let him think that. 
So, choice number two it was. You had to push back all the fear of what could happen, walk into that trailer, and tell him who he was. Tell him the man you saw, the man you wanted, the man you loved. Maybe you didn’t use that word just yet. The man had enough scares for a lifetime in the last twenty-four hours. Your irrationally intense feelings could wait. No reason to make him leave an Eddie shaped hole in the side of the trailer as he tried to run from your insanity. 
“Alright,” you finally said softly. “I’ll try but I’m not making any promises.”
“Not asking you to, but listen.” His hand came to rest on your shoulder, even more lines appearing on his forehead as he furrowed his brow. “Don’t you let my nephew push you away, okay? He’s gonna try. I know he is because he’s just as stubborn as I am. But he don’t mean a damn word of whatever bullshit he’s going to spout at you about why you shouldn’t be with him. He’s gonna think it’s for your own good. But if you care for him the way I think you do, push right back.”
You gave him a tight lipped smile, your hand covering his, “That’s the plan.”
“You in this for the long haul, honey?”
“I’d like to be. Eddie…” Your lips pressed together, wet emotion clinging to your lashes. “I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about him and I was with my ex for a long time. I can’t explain it. I know it’s nuts. We haven’t known each other that long but I…well, I am crazy about him. And I don’t want to lose him.”
“Then don’t and nothing you said is crazy. Maybe that other guy, your ex, wasn’t the one you were supposed to be with. Maybe your heart just recognized the person who completed it when it saw him. Maybe it looked and went, this is what was missing. Because, I gotta tell you, I think you’re what was missing for my boy.”
You grinned, teeth showing, at the older man’s words. You'd never thought of it like that. Could that be how it worked? Cam clearly had not been the right choice. If he had been, he wouldn’t have strayed because you would have been enough for him. Could it be that something within you, your heart or soul or whatever it was, saw him and went, oh there you are. It recognized him, as if he were the piece that it needed to be complete. Could that be why your feelings for him were so strong, so fast?
“He’s definitely the piece I’ve been missing,” you told him. 
“Then maybe it’s time you tell him that,” Wayne called over his shoulder as he ambled toward his truck, pulling open the door and climbing up into the driver’s seat. 
“Where are you going?”
“Well, damndest thing, I just remembered that 8 Ball is almost out of cat food. Think I would have thought of that earlier.”
Throwing you a wink, his hand giving a short wave out of the window, elbow resting on the frame, Wayne backed out and drove away, leaving you standing in front of the trailer. There was no way he just randomly decided to get cat food. He was trying to give you some privacy for this conversation with Eddie. Maybe he just didn’t want to be there when Eddie crushed you or lost his shit on you for being too pushy. Either way, you were on her own now. 
Taking a deep breath, steeling yourself for whatever outcome awaited you, you turned to face the trailer. A long shadow appeared behind the curtain, disappearing and reappearing just as quickly, an anxious body pacing. Would that anxiety cause him to push you away, to get rude and nasty the way he’d done so many times? Maybe but there was no turning back now. You'd given Wayne your word and something about that man would not let you go back on it. You didn’t want to disappoint him. 
Slow steps up to the door. Step. Inhale. Step. Exhale. Step. Inhale. Step. Exhale. You could do this. You could be what Eddie needed you to be. You could make him see. You knew all the facts now. You knew what he’d been through. No more secrets. No walls between them, concealing everything that was hurting him. He could talk openly to you about everything he’d been through and you could listen. You could be whatever he needed you to be, do whatever he needed you to do. 
Raising your hand, you knocked on the door gently but firmly. You barely got in one knock before the door was wrenched open, revealing the face you'd been longing to see ever since the moment he’d been led away from you in the jail. 
“The door wasn’t locked, old man,” Eddie began, stopping when he realized the person knocking was not his uncle. His head dropped, fingers gripping the frame of the door, a soft groan escaping his lips, letting you know he was less than pleased to find you there. “Prom Queen, what the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m here because I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
His bottom lip was swollen, his tongue playing over the scab from where it had been split. His eye was a dark shade of violet along with his cheek. A butterfly bandage sat over his eyebrow where the skin had also been split in the fight with Andy. 
You stepped toward him, your hand reaching for his face, every part of you aching to comfort him. As if this man needed any more scars or injuries. You were pretty sure the bats and the freaky science fiction shit that you'd just learned about had given him more than his fair share. But as you opened your arms, needing to feel him close to you, he took a step back, his hands held out as if fending you off. 
There it was, a physical barrier to match the invisible one he was quickly assembling around his heart. Armor to keep you out, to protect himself from getting hurt again. But the last thing that you wanted to do was hurt him. All you wanted was to make every single injury, both internal and external, better. You wanted to heal every bruise. To give him something good, something that he deserved, probably more than most after what he’d been willing to sacrifice to save a town that hated him. 
“Eddie, please don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Don’t shut me out,” you pleaded, your hands dropping to your sides as you stepped into the trailer and closed the door behind you. Maybe he could shut down on you but he wasn’t going to make you leave, not until you'd had your say. “Don’t put up that wall again. Don’t tell me that we shouldn’t be together.”
“Are you kidding me?” he scoffed, hair tumbling around his shoulders as he shook his head with annoyance. “Princess, are you delusional? I attacked a man. I would have killed Andy if Harrington hadn’t stopped me. I was headed to jail, which is probably where I belong. I mean, it is what us Munsons do. It’s where this whole town figured I would end up, anyway.”
“You don’t belong in jail, Eddie.”
“Then where does a monster belong?”
You leapt at him, grabbing onto both of his arms, the warmth of his biceps seeping through the thin cotton, heating your palms. You felt your entire body relax just a bit, relieved to finally have him close enough to touch. 
He jerked and then stopped, two pairs of eyes so full of pain that you could drown in it. He was drowning in it, drowning in all the doubts he’d ever had about himself that had been thrust to the surface. A man who struggled to believe there was anything good in him after so many years of being told there wasn’t. 
“You are not a monster,” you stated, trying to convey how much you believed that with your eyes. “You are a good man. You would not have killed Andy. I know you wouldn’t have. He’s been tormenting you for years. He grabbed me. You reacted because you were defending me, defending yourself. Years of torment and pain took over in that moment and nobody can blame you for that. If this town knew what you’d done for them, none of them would have a bad thing to say about you.”
Eddie’s head tipped, eyes narrowing, sweet little lines appearing between his eyebrows, “What do you know about it?”
“Everything,” you told him, feeling like a ten ton truck had been removed from your chest, no longer being crushed under all the secrets, all the information you didn’t have. It was a barrier that had been removed from between them. “After you got arrested, everyone talked and decided that I needed to know what had happened. All of it.”
“All of it?” he questioned, disbelief etched within his features. 
“I think so. I know about the lab, Eleven’s powers, the Upside Down, the Mind Flayer, Vecna, how you saved everyone with your guitar playing skills, how you put yourself at risk to give them more time.” You swallowed hard, your last words coming out as a sob. “How you almost died…”
“Then you know that I ran,” he spat angrily, pulling his arms from your grip, pacing across the room. A shaky hand rested on top of his head. “I saw Chrissy and I ran. I didn’t stay to help. I got scared. I was a goddamn coward. I’m still a coward. I can’t even sleep without being terrified by my nightmares. That was how he got you, you know? Vecna. I never saw him. He killed Chrissy in her mind. And then Patrick…how do you hide or protect yourself from someone who can access your damn mind?”
“Eddie,” you urged, taking a step toward him. As your hand landed on his shoulder, he jumped, lurching away from you. “Anyone would have ran. That doesn’t make you a coward. If I watched someone get plastered to the ceiling and their limbs started snapping I would run. You’re not giving yourself enough credit.”
“What credit? You think Harrington would have run? Hell, you think Henderson would have? No. Harrington got pulled into the lake by those damn vines and Wheeler and Buckley dove right in after him. No hesitation. They put their lives on the line because he needed help. And Henderson? He jumped through that gate, hurting himself, to come and find me. He didn't think twice about those bats. He just came to save the day.”
“And according to him, you cut those sheets and raced out to distract the bats so the others could end Vecna. Eddie, how can you not see that’s the same damn thing? You risked your life, you almost died, to protect all of them! This town couldn’t be more wrong about you.”
“Sweetheart, I’m not…I’m not good, okay?”
“No. You’re perfect.”
“Goddamn it! No I’m not! I told you when this whole thing started that being with me was a mistake. I tried to be a dick so you’d stay away from me. I fought it because you…you’re too good. You’re beautiful and you’re smart and you’re sweet. You’re a fucking teacher. You are a blindingly bright light and I am the darkness that will drag you down. You don’t deserve this shit.”
“This isn’t a mistake! Stop saying it’s a mistake!”
“Why?” He spun, chest heaving, soft brown eyes as dark as a moonless sky. “It is and the sooner you see that, the better off you'll be. Hell, the better off I’ll be. Because one day, maybe not today, maybe not next week. Hell, maybe not even next month, but one day, you are going to look around and realize that this was one giant fucking mistake in your life. That I am a mistake and then you’ll leave and it will be what’s best for you. I won’t even be able to be mad at you but I…”
 “You’ll what?”
Eddie closed his eyes and when they opened, there was the man you knew, the man you'd fallen for. Sweet chocolate brown gazed at you, like two windows into his soul, a soul that was fighting for its life right now between what it wanted and what it thought was right.
“I’ll never recover,” he admitted softly. “There won’t be any getting over you. I’ve never…I’ve never had a real relationship, princess. No one has ever wanted me like you do. No one has ever looked at me like you do.”
“And how is that?”
“Like I matter. Like I’m worth something.”
“You are worth something and you do matter. And I’m not going anywhere. Eddie, you are not a mistake. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. With you…with you, I feel things I didn’t even know were possible. You’re everything. You’re worth everything to me and you can push all you want but I am going to push right back.”
“What if I just end things?” he challenged.
“Is that what you want?”
“No. If you can look me in the face and tell me that you don’t want to be with me, then I will leave right now and I will never bother you again. But if you can’t…why are you fighting this so hard? I don’t care about your past. I mean, I do, but only because I want to be there for you. I want to be the one to soothe you out of your nightmares. I want to be the person you talk to when the shit in your head gets to be too much. I want to kiss every scar, ice every bruise, and clean every cut. I want to be here. I want you.”
It was such a simple question. One syllable, three letters, but the answer was anything but. Three words, eight letters…but the weight behind them was so heavy. The potential for how wrong everything could go if you said them was a train bearing down on you, you standing on the tracks, watching it come, waiting for the impact that would crush you. 
But you had to say it. You had to make him see how much he meant to you. So, you braced yourself for collision. Your eyes squeezed shut as if you could keep it from happening if you just couldn’t see it. 
“Because I love you.”
Silence. You stood, eyes closed, a boulder the size of a house sitting in your stomach. Was he going to laugh at you? Say how could you even say that when it hadn’t been that long? That you were just starting to date, to get to know each other? Would he tell you to get out?
Then large hands, metal rings cool against your flushed cheeks, cradled your face gently between them. Your eyes fluttered open to find Eddie looking down at you, his swollen lips curved up slightly on the side into the softest smile, those pools of chocolate melting right down, slipping between all the crevices within you. His head tilted forward, soft ends of his waves tickling the curve of your cheek. 
“Say that again,” he implored, fingers wrapping around your jaw, thumb coasting over your bottom lip. 
You swallowed down the fear that had risen up at your declaration, whispering, “I love you. I know I shouldn’t. I know it’s too soon. I probably sound insane and I am not trying to scare you and I don’t expect you to say it back. I just…I realized it yesterday. I mean, I think I knew before that but I ignored it because…totally insane, right?”
“Prom Queen.”
“Shut up.”
Hands wrapped around your hips as his lips slammed into yours just before he pulled back, hissing, covering his mouth and yelling, “Son of a bitch!”
“Your lip!” you shrieked, fingers prying his hand away to reveal his lips bleeding fresh, the skin split anew. 
“It’s fine. It’s fine,” he grumbled. 
“No, it’s not. Here. Hang on.”
You walked over to the small kitchen, opening drawers until you found one that had a few kitchen towels. Pulling one out, you ran it under the cold water in the sink for a bit before carrying the blue checked cloth back to Eddie. 
“Let me see,” you commanded.
“I said it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine. Stop being so damn stubborn for one minute and just let somebody help you,” you huffed, stepping in front of him. You brushed his hair back from his face, gently applying the cold, wet cotton to the spot on his lip. Blood was running, a little red river, down over his chin. Using the dry part of the towel, you dabbed that off before it ruined his white shirt. “There. Is that better?”
Eddie’s eyes rolled upwards as he nodded, “Yeah.”
“See? You know, there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you need a little help every now and then. Especially when you have people who want to help.”
“It’s not that. I just…ugh!” Eddie huffed, taking the towel from you. Holding it to his lip with one hand, he took your hand in the other, leading you over to the couch. He sat, tugging you down with him. 
“We had this really important moment and I fucking ruined it with my stupid lip. I just wanted to…look, I’m not great with words but I make up for it with my hands.”
A shiver raced along your spine because he was not lying. That man could write sonnets with his hands, he could write epic tales with his fingers, and compose complete novels with that mouth. An endless adventure that had you craving more, turning page after page until the sun rose because you just needed what happened next.
“I wanted to show you…you know? How I feel?”
Your body twisted toward him, arm resting along the back of the couch, head tilted in interest. You'd confessed that you were in love with him and no, he didn’t have to say it back. The only thing worse than him not feeling the same way you did was for him to lie and pretend he did. But you couldn’t help the desire burning within you to know exactly how he did feel about you. 
“I’m listening.”
“I…well, you know, you’re…I mean, I’ve never…” He groaned, head rocking back against the couch, free hand coming to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I’ve never felt like this. I’ve never had…no one’s ever looked at me like you do. I’ve hooked up with plenty of girls but it never meant anything, you know? I was just getting my dick wet and…fuck, why is this so hard? Why am I saying that to you? Jesus H. Christ.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” you assured him, fingers dancing over the back of the couch, slipping along his shoulder to his neck, your palm pressing against the side of it. No, you absolutely did not want to hear about Eddie getting his dick wet with anyone but you also knew talking openly about how he felt was foreign to him. So, you weren't going to comment on that, to give him any reason to shut down on you. “You’re doing fine, baby. It’s just me and you.”
“I know. I don’t know why it’s so hard to just say the fucking words but I’ve never said them to anybody who wasn’t my uncle or Henderson, but I mean I thought I was dying. Not that I don’t love the little shrimp but it’s just not something I throw around. It’s never gotten me anywhere, you know? My dad never said that shit. Men don’t get all emotional. And my mom, she did but then she was gone and…it should be easy. They’re just words, right? But they’re not just words. Those words are everything and once you say them there is no taking them back. And if you say them and everything goes to shit, then it sucks so much more. That’s why it was always easy because I never felt that for any girl I was with. Even some of the girls that lasted a few weeks. Never and now it feels fucking impossible to just tell you and I want to tell you. I want you to know.”
“Eddie…” you said softly, your heart bouncing around in your chest like a pinball machine. Could he mean what you thought he meant? Did you dare allow yourself to believe it?
His body rocketed forward as he sat up, tossing down the dish towel, his hands grabbing onto your face. He held onto you as if you were going to disappear, turning to dust in his fingers, as if you were a balloon that he was desperate to keep from floating away into the clouds. 
“I feel like that too,” he whispered, his words urgent. “I…you know, that thing you said. Me too. I mean, you’re right. It’s nuts. We’ve only known each other for a handful of weeks and yes, I just knew. I knew it was you. I knew that this wasn’t just some way to get my rocks off for a bit. This wasn’t some girl who just wanted a taste of the dark side for a few weeks. But I have nothing to compare it to because I’ve never felt this. I wasn’t married. Hell, I haven't had a relationship last for longer than two months. So, is it that crazy?”
“Is what crazy?” you urged, knowing it was hard for him but needing him to say it. You needed those words like you needed your next breath. You needed to know if you were in this alone, if you were insane for feeling the way you did, or if he felt it too.
“Me…you know…”
“I don’t know.”
Eddie groaned, his forehead dropping to rest against yours, fingers slipping into your hair, cradling the back of your head. Your eyes slipped closed, breathing him in, swearing you could hear the sound of his heart beating in time with your own, thunderous and purposeful, like a herd of horses racing down the beach. 
“Damn it, sweetheart. You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?”
“I need to hear the words, Eddie,” you pleaded, fingers grabbing the white cotton of his shirt, twisting it. “If you really feel it, I need to hear it. I promise you, you’re safe with me.”
“But what if you decide to go? What if you realize, like everyone else in this town, that I’m not worth it? That you could do better? What if you don’t have the energy to deal with what’s broken inside of me? I’m exhausting, sweetheart. Even my friends will tell you that.”
“Eddie, I am not going anywhere.” Your lips pressed against the side of his mouth, tender, careful not to touch his freshly split lip. “I could never do better than you because, I think, the reason I fell for you so hard, so fast, is because something in me recognized you. It recognized that you were the thing it was missing. Eddie, I have never felt with Cam even a fraction of the things I feel when I’m with you.”
“Well, we already established that he sucks in the sack.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” you chuckled, one hand slipping underneath his shirt, resting over his heart. “I’m talking in here. My heart somehow knew you. It sounds nuts. I know. But something in you made my heart go, there he is. That’s the one we’ve been waiting for. You’re not getting rid of me. I already told you, you can push all you want but I am going to push right back even harder. I’ll knock you on your ass if I have to.”
His nose traced over yours, over your cheekbone, until his lips were resting right neck to your ear, “I love you. Fuck, I am so in love with you and it scares the shit out of me.”
One hand still pressed to his chest, the other cradled his cheek, your insides going warm when he turned and nuzzled into it. You leaned into him, lips pressing gentle kisses to every inch of skin that wasn’t bruised or split open. You felt as his heartbeat slowed, the tension slowly easing from his body, relaxing under your touch. 
“Don’t be scared of me,” you breathed, your cheek rubbing against his and then he was cradling your arm, bringing your wrist to his mouth, his lips pressing lightly against it. 
“I’m not scared of you,” murmured Eddie, lips moving over your forearm, along your bicep, featherlight ticklish kisses, as much pressure as his mouth could handle. “I’m scared of hurting you. I’m scared of not being the kind of man you deserve. I’m scared of losing you, of what I would become if you left, of what I would do to keep you.”
“You won’t hurt me,” you managed, struggling when those lips reached your neck, fingers skimming over the skin just above your waistband. “I’m not scared of you. I’ve never been scared of you. I know you won’t hurt me.” Your fingers tangled in his hair, gripping it, whimpering when his tongue ran up the column of your throat. “You do deserve me. You’re more than I deserve, my real life superhero.” Your body trembled when that tongue slid up to your ear, teeth catching your earlobe. “And you’re not going to lose me. I’m yours, hopelessly and completely yours.”
“Princess, those are very dangerous words,” he growled against your ear, that hand trailing ever higher until he grazed the underside of your breast. “Because I’ve never had anything that was truly mine.”
“Well, I am,” you whimpered when his thumb ran over the hardened peak of your nipple. 
Eddie leaned forward, his body pressing into you, forcing you onto your back on the couch. His hands came to either side of your head, that face, so beautiful even bruised and bloody, hovering just inches from yours. Brown eyes, dark with something dangerous and promising burned into you, setting your entire body ablaze, turning you into a pile of ash. 
“You’re sure you want that?” he challenged, fingers working at the button on your shorts, hand slipping under your waistband, cupping your heat. “Because if you’re mine, I am never letting you go.” He pushed your panties to the side, two thick fingers pressing into you, your entire body clenching around him. “Fuck. If you’re mine, you’re only mine. I don’t like to share, sweetheart. Never been good at it. You are everything I never thought I could have.” Those fingers curled within you, your back arching, fighting through the haze of pleasure to focus on his words. “You’re everything that I want. You’re the first thing that has made me truly happy in…forever.” His thumb brushed over your clit and you bit down on your lip, hips rocking up to meet his hand. “I won’t give that up easily. I would burn this fucking world to the ground before I lose you.”
“Yes…fuck yes. I want that. I want you,” you groaned, each word a gasp. His words and his touch worked in tandem to send you flying toward the edge, teetering as you looked down at the vast drop before you that was inevitable. 
“Thank fuck,” he rasped, “because I want you. I want you like I’ve never wanted anything else in my life. You mine, baby?”
“Yes. Yours. I’m yours…” you whined, thighs trembling, toes at the edge, rocks tumbling down, the wind pushing at your back. 
“Good. That’s my girl. Now come for me, baby.”
And with those words, a softly spoken command, you tumbled over the side, plunging into the unknown. You cried out, fingers digging into the muscles of his back, your body arching into him as your orgasm took over your body. Every inch of you shook with the force of it while Eddie worked you through it. 
“My beautiful girl,” he whispered, nuzzling your face gently. “Mine. My girl.”
“Yours,” you mumbled in agreement, your body ice cream that was melting into the sidewalk on a warm sunny day, incapable of rearranging itself into a formed shape again as you sunk into the couch. “I love you.”
He grinned, wide and goofy, the skin on his lip pulling. “Son of a bitch. I love hearing you say those words. Say it again.”
“I love you,” you repeated with a giggle.
“I love you. I love you. I love you,” you yelled.
“I love you,” he said back and then you were both grinning like the lovestruck idiots that you were.
“So, while I am happier than a fox in a henhouse to hear you two yelling how much you love each other,” came a voice from the other side of the door, “I am back and I am going to open the door in about two minutes. So, if any clothing needs putting back on, consider this fair warning so none of us got to be embarrassed about anything.”
Your eyes widened as you looked up at Eddie, both of them breaking into fits of giggles as you struggled to get your shorts back on before Uncle Wayne came barging through the door. The door opened just as you were sitting up on the couch, Eddie’s arm slung casually around your shoulder, feigning an innocence you didn’t have.
Wayne raised an eyebrow, looking at them both, “Don’t you both have homes you could be doing all the naked stuff in? I thought my days of walking in on Eddie’s bare ass were long gone.”
Eddie leaned to the side, tilting his ass toward you as he looked down at it and then back at his uncle, “My ass is fully covered, thank you.”
“Mmmhmm, and I am sure all clothing was in its proper place before I walked in.”
Eddie shrugged, “I mean…no promises but seriously. How often did you ever walk in on me and a girl?”
“You didn’t need no girl to be naked, boy. I walked in on you playing guitar in your birthday suit one time. You seemed to be allergic to clothing. That boy would strip down whenever he could. Just sitting at the kitchen table, stark nude, munching on a bowl of Honeycomb. Argued with me because he wanted to sleep naked. Not in my house, he wasn’t.”
You pressed your lips together in amusement, “Really?”
“I mean, look, sometimes it’s just nice to feel a breeze down there, you know? The Scottish have the right idea with those kilts. Little Eddie doesn’t like confinement. It’s like girls with bras.”
“I don’t think you can compare a bra with basic pants and underwear,” you teased. 
“So, I am assuming, based on what I heard and what I can surmise happened in here, that this girl was able to talk some sense into you?”
“She might have,” Eddie smirked. “She’s a bit stubborn like that.”
Wayne scoffed, “Hmm. Well, then you are two peas in a pod. Ain’t nobody more stubborn than you.”
“Oh come off it, old man. Says the guy who refuses to go to the doctor for anything.”
“I don’t need to pay some quack for the common cold.”
“It was pneumonia!” Eddie argued. 
“Whatever. Now, don’t you two have a house you could choose that isn’t mine? Not that I don’t appreciate the visit but I would be mighty grateful for my chair and some quiet time to watch my programs. It’s Saturday night, you know.”
“Oh shit. We’re interrupting his Walker, Texas Ranger. That’s a sin in this place.”
You grinned, “Sorry Wayne. We’ll get out of your hair, okay?”
“What hair?” snorted Eddie.
“Boy, you ain’t too old for me to put across my knee,” warned Wayne. “Don’t you be insulting my hair just because you have a beehive on that head.”
Eddie gasped, his hands coming up to his dark locks, “Beehive? This is no beehive. This is a majestic mane that deserves respect.”
You snorted, earning an offended glare from Eddie. Laughing, you took his hand in yours, “Enjoy your show, Wayne.”
“Thank you.”
As they headed out of the trailer, you asked, “Your place or mine?”
“I don’t care as long as you’re there with me.”
And your heart fluttered because you felt the same exact way. You didn’t care where you were as long as this man was next to you. 
Chapter 24
@tlclick73@bebe07011@eddiesguitarskills@witchwolflea@nailbatanddungeon@emilyslutface@fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes@corrodedcoffincumslut@mmunson86@josephquinnsfreckles@katethetank @cannibalsforbreakfast @cheesewritings @bellalillyrose @seatbacksandtraytables
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cereal-oak · 9 months
Meta Knight during the Dark Matter Trilogy, apparently
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Nah cause seriously, where the FUCK could you possibly be to miss the entirety of the Dark Matter saga
bonus panel:
Bad ending:
Get flipped off
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
really know him
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part i part ii part iii part iv
eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 3,190
warnings: swearing, smoking, mentions of eddie's childhood/parents, cops, feelings and fluff
a/n: okay, hi. look who remembered how to write for eddie!! i know, right? it's totally wild. so this is gonna be another multi-part series. i think this first one is pretty sweet. it's been nice to write some eddie for a while. i hope you guys enjoy this!! the title is a play on something dustin says to wayne in season four. also tagging @rogueharrington and @zaypay because the former is a little goon and way too good to me and the latter i know wanted some eddie and is also much to sweet to me. happy reading!! <3333
The screen door slams so hard that the frame rattles and the metal screeches, and you’re not even sure it shut properly. But you don’t really care.
You don’t care at all. 
You practically run to the picnic table closest to your trailer, stepping onto the bench to raise yourself up and sit on the tabletop.
It rained today. It’s ended just recently enough that the trees are still dripping with it, the leaves shaking water off with each breeze that comes by, the wood table damp under where you sit.
You’re sure it’s wetting the denim of your jeans, turning the light wash of them a darker shade. But you don’t care. You don’t care about any of this. It feels so minor when you ache like this. 
The feeling stretches and splays throughout your chest, crawling up your throat and producing a sob that you release into the night air.
You lean your head back and let the tears come. They spill into your hair, across the tops of your ears; they trickle down the side of your neck. They don’t seem to want to stop. They’re the kind of tears that just keep going and going. You just have to let it out. You can’t possibly hold them in because they won’t allow it. 
You feel your eyes get puffy, feel your lashes sticking to your skin. You feel like a wreck.
It’s then that he sees you.
Eddie lights a cigarette, pulling his wrist the rest of the way through the jacket he’d grabbed on the way out. It’s the time of day where he walks around outside the trailer, smoking, breathing, looking for bugs or half listening to whatever show neighbors are watching with the volume loud enough that the whole trailer park can hear it. 
He sees your silhouette across the sandy road, your figure cast in the orange light from the old street lamp that’s just come on, the shady area tricking it into thinking it’s fully night already. 
Eddie sits down on the couch. He can’t help but look you over. No one else is usually out around now, except for that couple that sits on the old playground. They’ve lived here longer than Eddie has been alive, Wayne once told him. Everyone else is too busy having dinner or vacuuming or doing whatever the fuck it is that people do. 
You drop your face into your hands, fingers becoming wet with tears.
Eddie catches the motion, the tremble in your shoulders and the way you’re folding in on yourself. It’s like you’re trying to make yourself as small as possible. Like maybe you’re trying to disappear.
Eddie thinks you obviously want to be alone. It’s probably why you’re out here in the first place. He knows that when he’s upset and he wanders off somewhere that that’s what he wants too.
But he also knows how much he’s wished to be seen or comforted before. And the idea of leaving you there, shuddering and lost, is killing him.
So he stands.
The combination of dirt and gravel crunches under Eddie’s boots, making his approach a lot less quiet than he’d originally been shooting for. But it's not like subtlety has ever been his strong suit anyways. 
You hear it, the sound. You try and wipe your face dry, though it’s to no avail. It’s as if a buildup of every suppressed emotion is releasing itself all at once, and there’s nothing you can do about it until it’s over. Until you allow yourself to let it go. 
Still, you try and fix yourself because you can see someone walking up out of the corner of your eye. No one ever sees you cry. There’s no reason for them to.
Eddie steps up onto the bench just as you had, settling close enough to you on the tabletop that the chain on his jeans touches your thigh. It’s cold, especially with the way your jeans are wet now, but his body is warm next to yours. There’s a part of you that wants to lean into that warmth, to lean into him. 
Eddie takes the cigarette from his mouth and holds it out to you. When you turn to face him he raises his eyebrows, a sweet look on his face. Want a hit? He’s asking.
You shake your head. No thank you.
Eddie takes one more long drag and then he’s snuffing the cigarette out. If you don’t want any, he doesn’t want to bother you with it either. 
“You okay?” he asks you.
You shrug.
Eddie looks at you, curls slipping from over his shoulder to dangle on one side of his face, a stark difference in color between that of his hair and cheek. At first you don’t look back, but then you do. You have to, knowing he’s got his eyes on you. You turn your head, your bottom lip caught between your teeth, eyes swollen and tears shiny against your cheeks and down your neck, making your skin look tacky. You’re fussing with the edge of your sleeve.
Eddie thinks you look young.
“How come you came over here?” you ask, looking at his boots, which remain unlaced, like he hadn’t even thought to tie them at all. “It’s not like we’re friends or something.”
The boy snorts. “We worked together on that one project in Ms. O’Donnell’s,” he points out. “Before you up and left.”
That gets the grin out of you he was hoping it would. “You mean when I graduated?”
“Yeah.” He knocks his knee against yours, fiddling with the chain clasped around his wrist. “And,” Eddie continues, “we live across from each other.” He gestures to either of your trailers and you follow the movement of his finger. The nail is painted black, though thoroughly chipped. The kind of chipping you get when it’s been so long since you’ve done your nails that you can’t even remember painting them at all. “Doesn’t that make us like, at least, acquaintances?” 
You bring your hands up to your face, wiping at the tears there before getting at the ones spread throughout your hairline. “I suppose so,” you say.
You wipe your hands across the denim covering your legs and then shake them out. You look up.  Eddie notices you doing this and looks up with you.
The moon is round and bright. “Is it full tonight?” he asks.
“Tomorrow,” you say. Your calendar had told you so, a little circle under the date. “Though you never answered my question.”
Eddie’s head lowers towards yours, and he’s thinking. What question? Oh. That one, yeah.
“You looked upset. I thought maybe it would be nice for you to not be alone.”
You look at him again, and his big brown eyes stare back at you. They’re shiny under the light from the street lamp, his eyelashes unfairly long and kissing at the corners. There are shadows under his eyes, but they only make him look prettier. 
You think about the fact that he didn’t have to do that. Come and sit with you. It’s just the fact that he did. That he’s not prying. That he simply did not want you to be alone.
“Thank you, Eddie.”
His face splits into a sweet grin. He raises his hands, gesturing with them in a sweeping motion.
“Anytime,” he says. “I’m right there, you know. If you ever need to yell or something. As long as you’re not too busy with college for an old high school acquaintance.”
You roll your eyes at him but it’s completely void of malice. You glance back up again, and when you do, you gasp a little.
“What?” Eddie’s voice sounds slightly panicked.
You lift your hand, pointing. “Look,” you tell him. “The bats are out.”
Eddie’s shoulders slump in relief that there isn’t something wrong. But you’re right. There are at least three bats circling around the entrance to the trailer park.
One of them squeaks and you do too, though yours is out of excitement rather than whatever the reason is that bats chirp–he doesn’t know. It makes Eddie laugh.
“You like bats?”
"I do," you say, your eyes never leaving the sky. It's been a long time since you saw them, never really being out at the right time. You hope they find something good to eat.
"Me too," Eddie says.
You look away, just for a moment, remembering. "Haven't you got some on your arm?"
The boy laughs, slow and warm. "Yeah, I drew one up for my back, but I haven't saved up enough to get it done yet."
Your eyes light up, a flicker of curiosity, and Eddie thinks his heart skips a beat. "What part of your back?" you ask him.
"Lower," he says, pointing to where the bats are swooping down into the trees. You both watch them together.
"You want a tramp stamp?"
Eddie tosses his head back and cackles. It’s a beautiful, joyous sound. "I suppose I do."
“Nothing wrong with a tramp stamp, Eddie,” you say through a laugh. 
He smiles at you then, and it’s boyish. He looks young. Happy. And you can’t believe he’s looking at you that way. 
You turn your face back to the sky and close your eyes. Your nose stings and the tears start spilling out again.
Eddie looks at you and realizes you’re crying. He puts his hand on your knee on instinct. “Hey, what’s the matter?” 
You shake your head, using one hand to wipe at your face, the other settling atop his hand. His eyes dart  briefly to observe your touching hands but his focus is back on you just as quickly. 
“It’s nothing,” you say. “Just having a rough night and you’re being really kind to me and I guess I’m just overwhelmed.” 
You move your hand, but Eddie grabs hold of it gently. 
“Look at me.”
You shake your head again. 
“It’s okay. I’m not going to make fun of you,” he says, and you believe him, though really looking at him and his big brown eyes is enough to wash a surge of sadness over you. 
Eddie uses his thumb to wipe the fresh tears from under your lashes, grazing the tip of your now stuffy nose with his knuckle. You wrinkle it and he grins. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks.
“Not really, no.”
Eddie nods. “That’s cool.” He smiles again, and pushes a chunk of hair behind his ear, which only makes you curious about something else. 
You sniffle. “Why don’t you have your ears pierced?”
“You’re looking at me and that’s what you’re worried about?”
You rub your nose rather aggressively. “Yeah, actually. It seems very off-brand of you to not have at least one of them pierced. And I know you’re not afraid of needles.”
You don’t have to gesture to his tattoos. And that is true about the needles, but don’t be fooled. Eddie does not like getting shots. He loathes it, matter of fact. 
“Nope. Definitely not. I guess I just never got around to it. But it’s not like I have something against piercings.”
You rub your denim clad knees. “I’m glad to hear it.”
The both of you are quiet for a little while. It’s a comfortable silence, one that you feel safe in with him there. Because of him. You let your eyes wander around the trailer park as if you’ve never been here before. As if you hadn’t skinned your palms and banged up your knees or gotten a sunburn here as a child. As if you hadn’t grown and watched the trailers deteriorate as time went on. 
You look across the street at Eddie’s trailer, and suddenly you remember. 
You must’ve been, what, twelve? When the cops showed up, escorting a little boy the same age as you, informing a man who never really wanted children that the boy belonged to him now. There were a lot of people there that day. A social worker, maybe? A whole lot of people all trying to figure out what to do with another kid whose parents had bailed. 
Eddie’s father was arrested under charges of so many things you weren't really sure what they all were. He’d been running from the law for a very long time. And then one day he wasn’t running anymore. 
Eddie’s mother was still there after his dad wasn’t. She tried to raise Eddie, but she couldn’t do it on her own. She’d had him young, and never really gotten the hang of it, even if she tried. How hard she tried though, that can be debated on. 
After a while she turned to drugs to cope, and then when the money ran out, when the lights were off and the house cold, she ran off.
Eddie was alone, with nothing but a note and his uncle’s phone number. His mother had told herself that Eddie was a smart boy, that he’d figure it out. She got by on telling herself that her brother would take good care of her son. 
And he had. He still does. Wayne was and is a better father than Eddie’s biological dad had ever been. And even if it wasn’t what he’d planned, what he’d wanted, Eddie was Wayne’s boy. He always would be. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Eddie’s voice breaks you out of your stupor. 
You shake your head. 
“Thank you for sitting out here with me tonight, Eddie.”
He does his best to hide the pout he feels emerging. He doesn’t want you to go back inside, and that’s the sort of sentence that usually precedes a goodbye. He wants to talk to you. He wants to figure out who you are. 
“You don’t have to thank me. I’ll sit with you any time you want. And you can always sit with me too, if you feel like it.”
You grin. Eddie thinks it’s so pretty, your smile. Shy, sure, but so, so pretty. 
“You’re positive?”
You go to stand, but Eddie beats you to it, his boots hitting the ground with a thud. He offers you his hand. “M’lady.”
His hand is surprisingly warm, and you’re quite sure the callouses you can feel will be imprinted in your brain for the rest of your life. 
“Can I walk you home?” Eddie asks. 
You laugh, kicking at a particularly large tree root that the rain has exposed, washing away the thin layer of dirt covering it. 
“Well I don’t know, Eddie, the twenty feet to my trailer is an awful long trek. Wouldn’t want you to have to go through all of that.” 
He shakes his head at you, bangs moving over his eyebrows. “You’re right. Could be dangerous. Which is why I need to go with you to ensure you get inside safely. Maybe you should even hold my hand.”
He holds out his hand. “Right?”
You take it, and he squeezes once, hard enough to make you giggle. 
Eddie walks you to your trailer, and rests his chin against the worn out porch railing while you walk up the stairs. 
“Goodnight, Eddie.”
“Night, M’lady.”
It’s been a few days. Everything the rain touched dried out again. 
Eddie’s outside. He won’t mind if you go and see him, right? 
You can always sit with me too, if you feel like it.
You do feel like it. 
Your front steps creak as you bound down them, looking both ways before you cross the road—if it can even be called that—as if the trailer park has ever been traffic heavy. Habit or whatever. 
Eddie watches you make your way towards him, tugging on the flannel you’re wearing to try and keep it close to your sides, away from the wind. 
“Hey,” Eddie says. He’s got that stupid ass grin on his face. 
“Hi.” You stop before even stepping up onto the concrete slab that is his porch. “Thought I’d come and visit you. Hope that’s okay.”
“Told you it was.” He chuckles. It makes your face warm. 
Eddie is slumped on the old couch they have set out there. His legs are spread wide, one splayed out and the other pulled closer to the cushion. He reaches his arms up over his head, stretching and yawning. His shirt rides up with the movement, exposing a sliver of the bottom of his stomach, the soft doughy skin there, the trail of dark hair leading both upwards and downwards.
“Wanna come sit?” He asks, lowering his arms. He pretends like he didn’t see you looking at him in that way, even though he most definitely did. If he thinks about it too hard he’ll blush. 
Rather than answer, you step up and settle on the other end of the couch, your back to the arm. You pull your legs up and sit with them criss-crossed.
“What are you up to?” you ask. 
He snorts. “Procrastinating. I’m supposed to be doing homework. You know, so I can do that graduating thing you did. I also have a campaign to finish, but here we are.”
You grin at him, and he reaches over, thumb tapping your knee before he rests his hand on the couch next to you. “If it helps,” you start, “I also have homework I’m supposed to be doing.”
“We’re so good at this.”
“Aren’t we?”
Eddie is quiet for a minute. He looks around outside, noting that the sun is slipping away. “You come to look for bats again?”
“No. I just wanted to see you. But I’ll gladly look for them.”
“To see me? How kind. You know just how to flatter a man.” He presses a hand to his chest dramatically and you roll your eyes. 
The door that they use as their front one opens, and Wayne walks out. He looks over at you both.
“I’m headin’ out, Ed.” He smiles at you. “What’re you both up to? No good from the looks of it.”
“Lookin’ for bats,” Eddie tells him. Wayne gives the boy a knowing look, but he won’t mention it. If something’s going on, Eddie will spill eventually. That’s how it’s always worked. Eddie the motormouth and whatnot. 
Wayne turns his face to the sky, hand raising to shield his eyes from that last little chunk of sun still hanging around, even though the moon has already started to climb up. “Watch that back tree line,” he instructs. “It’s where I always seem ‘em.”
“Will do,” you say, grinning. 
Wayne opens his car door, throwing himself inside. “Behave!” he calls.
Eddie gives him a two finger salute and watches as his uncle drives off, turning and then Eddie can’t see him anymore.
“Us?” Eddie starts. “Behave? Why on earth would we do a thing like that?”
You toss your head back and laugh. Eddie thinks you look so pretty tonight. The sun is almost gone for the evening, the clouds turning this pretty pink, this deep orange. The clouds are a thick gray. 
He wants to scoot closer to you on the couch. Maybe one day soon he will. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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weirdowithaquill · 4 months
Ships? But Sir, They're Trains!
It's Valentine's Day, and to celebrate, I thought I'd break my usual streak of not shipping the talking trains together and share the pairings that I like the best! But only of the original 11, and a few other RWS-related friends (and maybe a bonus or two from the TVS).
Also known as: local weirdo decides trains can kiss, but only on Valentine's Day.
Let's get into the ships... er... trains.
Almost chronically single. I'm sorry Thomas, but you're not very good at the dating thing. Maybe Hank if I swallowed my pride and went to watch Season 12 - just because Hank's calm and friendly personality would naturally balance out Thomas. But also because they are the epitome of 'gentle giant' and 'tank engine terror'. Also, Thomas blushes in this episode:
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(Sorry for the Season 12 image, but it's the only Season Hank was in!)
This engine has options! Or more to the point - this engine has suitors. Not all make sense to the poor engine - but that's the pain of being the one everyone looks up to. I would put him with BoCo, but I must admit I had a phase where I read EdwardxJames fanfics. So... nostalgia wins (that and Edward needs someone with a fiery personality to boost his confidence sometimes, and James needs a cooler head all the time).
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(Look at the smile on James' face! He's ecstatic to see his engine.)
Bear. The answer is Bear. I'm sorry, but that Hymek has it bad for Henry, and Henry fought for Bear to stay on Sodor. And after the early days when every engine fought, Henry has no interest in getting tangled up with them again, only this time romantically. Besides, the youthful energy and eagerness Bear has will only benefit Henry, who can be a bit of an old grump.
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(Bear, I can't tell if you're looking into Henry's eyes or not...)
Hoo boy... Gordon, oh Gordon. What to do with you? Henry and James are taken, Edward and Thomas are more siblings than romantic interests - and engines 6 through 11 are just not close enough. But how about BoCo? (Yes, this is why I didn't pair him up with Edward). BoCo is calm and polite where Gordon is loud and brash - and Gordon does see BoCo as his saviour. It would probably be the plot of a b-list romantic movie, but I can see these two getting together, with Gordon being the jock and BoCo being the 'kid' of Edward.
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(Look at that little smile Gordon has! This engine is smitten.)
He's with Edward, thank you. More than that, he doesn't really fit well with the other RWS cast romance-wise. Thomas is something of a rival and friend, while he wants Gordon and Henry to acknowledge him and Percy is something of a little brother/annoyance to James. Edward and he have a lot to work out (mostly James groveling) but they got a lot of coding in the series from what I remember. Plus Edward saved him - so we've ticked the cliche box.
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(Yes, this means Edward is the knight in shining armour. James is a diva anyway.)
Has about as much luck as Thomas does, if we're honest. Young, childish Percy has no chance, while older, grumpier Percy is more interesting to consider. The Percy of Seasons 5 and 6 I could see bagging Harold. But then, we could also consider the absolute insanity of Percy and Diesel 10. Imagine the shock, imagine the story! (I'm a writer, let me dream about how I'd write this lot). Diesel 10 would be the delinquent who is soft for Percy and Percy only. It would also lead to an epic fight between the helicopter and the engine with a giant claw.
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(Um, is Percy... blushing?! What are these faces?! I have questions.)
Is married to Henrietta. They are old couple goals. Percy and Thomas are extremely jealous.
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(Toby is grinning cause he knows his wife - that poor manager...)
Duck and Donald:
I considered Percy for Duck, but I feel like what Duck needs is an engine who can really bring out the playful side in Duck - the engine who helps him be more than just the railway he used to work for. That engine is Donald. When they ended up playing pranks on each other in Donald's Duck to the point where Duck stooped to putting a literal duck in Donald's tender knowing Donald would find it funny really says it all about these two.
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(Look at him, so excited to play his little prank! His driver is wheezing!)
Douglas and Oliver:
These two practically have a kid in Toad already (or an advice-giving uncle. One of the two). Douglas saved Oliver, and that sort of thing has a lasting impact - especially because it's also the most likely relationship to actually happen. Both Douglas and Oliver are known for sticking it to authority, being a bit hot-headed and being led a bit more by spirit and the heart than by their heads. They have Toad for critical thinking. They live and work together too - and it would be hilarious to watch Duck blast his safety valve off when he finds out.
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(Ah yes, let me just stare into your eyes for half an episode.)
Mavis and Daisy:
These two are disaster lesbians, and we love them for it. It's also the femme fatale (or as femme fatale as a diesel railcar can be) and the butch (she works in a quarry - this girl wears overalls) tropes - and they're disasters. Need I remind anyone that Daisy was the one who encouraged Mavis to ignore Toby? It would also be hilarious purely for how much Thomas and Percy would grumble about being single, while Daisy and Mavis rub their relationship in the pair's faces. Which would lead to that one memorable incident where Thomas tried to flirt with a very unamused and confused Bertie.
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(Mavis, sweetie - don't listen to Daisy's advice. I know you're distracted but ple-- and she's gone.)
Annie and Clarabel:
Are wine aunts and siblings. And no, neither of them are interested in Thomas, so you can stop thinking that.
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(These coaches are Thomas' wine aunts and best friends - and he loves them too.)
Bill and Ben:
Are children! Edward's children! That he has with BoCo (sort of) leading to the brilliant moments where Gordon has to 'babysit' them - which is mostly done with a lot of grimacing and begging BoCo to just hand this lot over to Edward and James - no seriously, please stop letting these two just randomly adopt you as their parent. They're evil, and they wanted to throw me in the sea, remember? No, I don't care that James doesn't like them, I don't like them! BoCo!
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(He's petrified of them, but he wants to be nice for BoCo's sake...)
Does not need a man, thank you. But she is entranced sometimes by Caitlin's streamlining (yes, I have seen some CGI - I am not a true purist, I am sorry Awdry). Then again, sometimes Emily likes Hiro - and then there was that one time where she was just so upset that Mavis wouldn't notice her. Emily doesn't need no man - but she's also not exactly got the best selection of potential candidates at her shed...
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(She's got an amazing poker face. Caitlin however...)
So... that was a thing I did. Somewhere around Percy's entry, this gained a coherent plot in my mind - probably a High School AU? - and now I'm just thinking of Diesel 10 towering over Percy, blushing and trying to give him flowers (with his claw???) while Harold seethes. Clearly, being a single pringle has driven me insane.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, I hope you enjoyed this wild idea and if people want expansions on these ships (still trains) and why I like the idea of them, please go ahead and ask!
If people really like this, I will take on the Narrow Gauge engines.
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"Well, I actually kinda thought you'd be kinda mean and scary, too. In other news, flattery works with me."
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thepalestrose · 1 year
I went into this volume looking for gods, and I've convinced myself that I've found them.
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Why do there have to be more gods in the first place?
The number four appears everywhere in RWBY. Four kingdoms housing four academies containing four vaults safeguarding four relics opened by four maidens. Teams are four members each, and go through four years of academy training together.
But created by just two gods...?
The four relics represent each of the four ideas around which humanity was based. Creation, destruction, knowledge, and choice.
The brothers are creation (Light) and destruction (Darkness). But what about knowledge and choice? Neither of them really embody either. Superficially, Light gives Ozma the choice of reincarnation, but that's shallow.
Okay, but why these two?
The Curious Cat is knowledge. They have an insatiable appetite for information, and are the one most knowledgeable about the Ever After, and clearly play more of a role in it's functioning than a normal Ever Afterian. Purpose is intrinsically linked to life, so much so that life ends (and ascension begins) when purpose is lost.
What else is a being that can change someones purpose on a whim other than a god?
The Blacksmith is choice, specifically, the choice of identity for oneself. They are the heart of the tree, the one that reaches out when those in the Ever After lose their way. The one who reshapes them when they ascend.
To Ruby, she appears as a blacksmith, forging weapons because those weapons ARE her identity. Her weapon is who she is. So the Blacksmith offers Ruby a choice, in the form of the weapons on her wall. Each is a new identity for Ruby.
All she would have to do to ascend... is pick one up.
What role will these gods play for the rest of the volume? Will they leave the Ever After behind, and inhabit Remnant? The Curious Cat wanted to go to Remnant with Alyx, after all.
I can't wait to find out.
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fanfictionroxs · 10 months
KinnPorsche teasing VegasPete about their adventurous bedroom activities and Vegas turns to smirk at Pete because his baby has more fucked up tastes than him.
Pete: You know, I may have messed up tastes, but I'm the only one in this room who never kissed his own cousin 😏
Kinn, Porsche, Vegas: ...
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rainylana · 2 years
“Nobody’s fool.”
Eddie Munson x reader
summary: inspired by the song nobody’s fool by cinderella. requested by @rhoads56 <3 includes a slip n slide’, trailer park toddlers and love confessions:)
warnings: language, strictly fluff it’s just so damn cute, eddie and reader are head over heels in love lmao, wayne being a mood, mentions of panic attacks and nightmares, weed and pornography, little bit of tears and some sexual tension, but not graphic. just a little smut, but again, not graphic. ultimate fluff i can’t. like really- i love this so much<3
a/n: also! thank you guys very much for the kind messages these past few days:) i really do love you all so much.
@ariesl0ves3ddiemuns0n @eddiemunnson @eddiemania @supercalifragilisticprincess @imdoingbetternow @antigoneidk @blowing-mikey @chaos-incorp @ches-86 @avobabe87 @mic429 @averysblog @justaproudslytherpuff @livasaurasrex @ultimate-sdmn-trash @underthebatcape @delilahtaylorsverson @no0neknowsm3 @kellysimagines @cosmic-lavender @flowers-and-tsukki @bellasfavoritesweatpants @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @catherinnn @imangy @ahzysauce @softyutae @rovckwells @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @tripthlightfantastic @noturmom15 @lexthemess21 @imabadarsebard @fionnthebandersnacc @heeyitsg @kaqua @getbillzoned @genuine-possum @nothisispatric @fvcking-gxddess @lillianofliterature @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @edzmunsonswife @itiscj @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @grace--03
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Wayne leaned against the railing on his back porch, elbows resting on the old wood with a cigarette dangling between his lips. He chuckled every now and then at the scene set in front of him. All of hellfire was in his backyard, shirts off with bright, sunburned skin as they played in the neighbors hose, colorful swimming shorts that stood out like a sore thumb. They stuck big long trash bags to the wet grass, making a slip n slide’ to entertain themselves in the 96 degree weather.
What was most amusing to the man was, however, was how differently his nephew treated you than everyone else. He watched you scream and carry about as Mike directly sprayed the water in your face, Eddie picking you up by the thighs to toss you both down the slippery tarp. He knew damn well that you were both head over heels in love with each other, especially Eddie. He’d tried time and time again to get him to talk about it, but the boy always turned beat red and chalked it up to nothing.
Grass stuck to your bodies, glued to your torsos from sweat and water. You were wearing a bikini, and your skin was marked red from how many times Eddie manhandled you and tossed you both down the hill. Your stomach hurt from how much you were laughing, the kind of laugh where you got stuck in silence and almost broke your insides.
Summer vacation was here, and it was hotter than hell, so Dustin had brilliantly came up with the idea for the trash bags and water hose. Even some of the neighbor kids waddled over in their swimsuits and rubber duckies. Tommy, his five year old neighbor, dragged his plastic kiddy pool over and filled it up. The Munson backyard was filled with life, and it warmed Wayne’s heart to see the sight.
“Look at my knees, you asshole!” You a screeched through laughter, pointing down to your red, scratched knees. “You’re gonna kill me if you don’t quit throwing my down this mountain!”
He sputtered our laughter, slipping on wet grass as he tried to stand up. “It’s- oh, god, it’s hardly a mountain, y/n.” He panted, hair sticking to his firm chest and making swirling designs. “Wanna go again?”
“My turn! My turn!” The little neighbor girls chanted, running up to Eddie with open arms. You laughed and stepped back, ushering Eddie to play with them first.
He wiggled his brows at you and clapped his hands, gathering the girls in his arms before he started down the slippery slope. You screamed again when Lucas sprayed you with the highest mode of the hose, backing away quickly as you threw a plastic floaty at his face.
You couldn’t see him, but from down below the hill, Eddie’s eyes had morphed into hearts, watching you. You looked absolutely beautiful, soaking wet and covered in clips of grass and mud. The kids pulled at his arms trying to get him to play with them, but he couldn’t look away from your beauty. He was mesmerized, and Wayne smirked, not missing the action.
Everyday he fought urge to kiss your lips, to tell you just how much you meant to him, how often you visited his dreams, but it was too complicated. You were best friends, and he was terrified of ruining what you had, and so were you. You both were too damn awkward to express your feelings.
Hours later when the sun began to set, the neighbor kids went home and so did the hellfire crew, besides you. You helped clean up the yard and made sure the kids got home safely with their toys, cleaning up the trash that Mike kept forgetting to throw away. Eddie helped, but his eyes always scanned over your figure, not being able to help himself. You stole your own glances, too, dazing off at the smooth, toned muscles of his chest that were scuffed in dirt.
“You kids hungry?” Wayne stepped outside to the back porch, beer in hand with a cigarette behind his ear. “I ordered a pizza. Y/n, why don’t you stay for dinner, hmm?”
You smiled, panting out a breath from the work your did, wringing out a beach towel in your hair. “Sure! You think maybe I could use your shower?”
“You know where it’s at.” He nodded toward the door, setting down on a lawn chair and kicking his legs out.
“Hey, Eddie!” You turned, calling over to him as he rolled the hose back up to return. “Can I borrow some of your clothes? I’m gonna take a shower!”
He almost dropped the damn thing, growing hot at the idea of you in his clothes. “Oh- oh, yeah! Sure!”
Wayne rolled his eyes. You disappeared inside the trailer, leaving the boys to themselves, and the older man watched with an amused look as Eddie trodded up to the porch. “So,” He raised a brow. “You had a nice day, huh?”
Eddie stopped immediately, eyes narrowing in curiosity. “Yeah? What’s that..that look for?” Water dripped from his hair, big puddles staining the wood beneath his bare feet.
“Nothin’.” Wayne shrugged his shoulders. “Just like watching a damn romance movie when you’re round’ each other, is all.”
“Shh, shh!” Eddie panicked, flapping his hands in a rush. “Jesus- Wayne, come on!”
The older man laughed, holding up his hand in apology. “Okay, okay, sorry. Shit, kid, you don’t hide it very well, though. Them boys were whisperin’ all day about how you kept starin’ at her.”
“Who?” His eyes widened, stepping closer to his uncle. “Was if that shithead Wheeler? I swear to god, I’m gonna ring his neck.” He gritted his teeth, taking a shallow breath.
“He’s one of ‘em, yeah.” Wayne nodded, taking a quick sip of his beer. “Him and that Henderson kid. They got a point though, bud. You’re both clearly crazy about each other.”
Eddie gulped, freezing at his words. He always grew extremely uncomfortable when he talked about you..well, potentially sharing feelings. It scared him too badly to think about it. He knew he could never act on them. It wasn’t worth the risk, was it? He couldn’t risk ruining what the two of you had. He loved you too much for it.
“Shut up, old man.” He grumbled, plopping himself down on the porch step, placing his head in his hands. He sighed with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Come on, don’t freak out.” Wayne smirked, noticing the shortening of his breath. It had been a while since the boy had a panic attack, but it didn’t take much to overwhelm him. “I just don’t get why you’re so scared to talk to her.”
Eddie groaned into his hands, the night cold against his wet, exposed skin. He reached out to grab your pink towel, wrapping it around his torso. “Because we can’t be more than friends.”
“I didn’t know you could read the future.”
“Wayne,” He pleaded desperately, running his hands through his wet curls. “Drop it, already.” He fiddled with the rings on his fingers, biting the inside of his cheek in attempt to ease his frustrations.
“Okay, bud,” His uncle sighed amusedly. “Sorry.”
A total of thirty seconds passed.
“You want me to tell her?”
“Oh, my god, Wayne!” Eddie wailed, turning around to glare at him.
“Well, shit,” His uncle scoffed, holding up his hands. “It’s getting old watching the two of you stare into each other’s eyes all…all romantic and crap.”
“We don’t!” He jumped up. “We..we don’t!”
“Okay, okay, just…tell my why you’re so scared of telling her how you feel, huh?” Wayne sighed, widening his eyes in close frustration. Eddie may have been twenty years old, but he acted like he was seven.
“Because!” He groaned, flinging water in every direction. “Because, Wayne! She’s my..she’s my best friend. She might not feel the same way and I- I can’t risk loosing her. She’s too important to me.”
It was like talking to a brick wall, and Wayne knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him to open up to you, it would be damn near impossible. That was just how Eddie was. He was an over-thinker. Wayne knew that better than anybody.
“Can I say one more thing?” He sat up, resting his elbows on his knees, placing down his beer bottle. “Then I’m silent. Swear.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, leaning against the railing. “You are whether I wanna hear it or not, so sure.” He squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge between his nose.
“Listen, kid, I love ya’,” Wayne raised his brows, smirking subtly. “But, you’re a damn mess, you know that? I raised you, so I can say it. All I’m saying is that…well, you’ve never had a girl in hellfire before she came along. You never even hung out with girls. Remember that kid who punched you in middle school when you tried to kiss her?” He chuckled, warning a cringed look from Eddie. “She feels the same way, bub. Trust me. I’m old, so you have to. We all know she does.” Wayne stood up and gave his nephew a reassuring squeeze before he went inside, leaving him alone to his thoughts.
Maybe his uncle was right, but that didn’t change anything, did it? It wasn’t worth the risk. He loved you too much for it. He’d rather have you as a best friend than to not have you at all, even if it meant he’d be living a lie.
“You should stay the night.” Eddie said to you over his shoulder, peeking out of his bedroom curtain. “Looks like rain. You shouldn’t drive.”
“It’s only rain.” You smiled, flipping through one of his dirty magazines on his bed.
“Yeah, but still,” He pursed his lips. “I’d feel better if you stad.” He turned to look at you, and smirked coyly at the sight of you holding his beloved copy of busty ladies. “Find something you like?”
You chuckled and shrugged. “Was just curious.” You said before tossing it to the end of the bed, smiling up at him. You were wearing his black sweats and his red, corroded coffin tee, hair still slightly damp from your shower. Eddie no longer was covered in grass clippings anymore, now wearing great sweatpants, his chest bare and muscular. His hair was dry and frizzy above the muscles, eyes slightly red rimmed from the joint he’d been smoking.
“I’ll stay.” You blinked tiredly, curling up with his soft blanket.
He hummed, satisfied with your answer. “Good.” He muttered, crawling on the bed up to where you were, settling back on a pillow against the headboard. “Smoke?” He offered you the joint.
You rolled onto your back, neck propped up from the pillow. You took the joint from his slender fingers, taking a small inhale and closing your eyes. You passed it back to him.
“Today was fun.” You blinked slowly, relaxed. The room was glowing in a soft, orange tone from his bedside lamp. You always loved sleeping over.
“It was.” He agreed, resting an arm behind his head. “Kids wore me out, though. Kept throwing those stupid toys at me.”
You giggled, chest vibrating with the sound. “They like you.”
“Everyone likes me.” He looked at you smugly, and you smacked his shoulder playfully.
“Uh, huh.” You scoffed, taking the joint back and placing it between your pink lips. “You’re a real casanova.”
He narrowed his eyes at the foreign word, giving you a weird look. “Casanova? What’s that mean?”
You past the blunt back and rolled your head to the side to look him in the eye, snorting once in his face. “A charmer.”
He smirked. “So you think I’m charming, huh?”
His high eyes twinkled in orange glow. He looked angelic, and it almost made you sad more a moment. He was so insecure of himself, despite what he said. You only wished he knew how beautiful he was. You wished he knew how much you loved him. But you’d never be more than friends.
“It also means a man who has a lot of lovers.” You raised a brow, smiling coyly.
He squinted his eyes, lips parting. “What makes you think I have a lover?”
You gave him a deadpanned look. “Eddie. You have a whole stack of porn under your bed I pretend isn’t there. I’m sure you have a few ladies around town that you like.”
He widened his eyes slightly, giving you an incredulous look. “If I wasn’t mistaken, y/n…I’d say you just called me a whore.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “No, I did not call you a whore. I’m just joking you big baby.”
He smiled at your smile, nodding. “Whatever, baby.”
You both giggled until a comfortable silence ensued, the high slowly making you tired. You yawned quietly, turning to face him and curling up against the pillow. He did the same, only a foot of length between your shoulders. You stared at each other with red eyes. “I hope I don’t have any nightmares tonight.” You said softly.
You were prone to them, always had been. Eddie knew this. He also knew that they weren’t as bad when you had someone with you. He closed the distance by wrapping an arm around your back, pulling you into his chest and cuddling you. You nuzzled your face underneath his neck, hand placed on his waist. He pulled the quilt blanket up to your shoulders, hand softly playing with your hair. “I’ll be here if you need me. Try and sleep.”
There was so much more he wanted to say.
For some reason unbeknownst to him, Eddie was awake four hours later, the room pitch black besides the white glow that the moon peeked through the curtains on the window. Your body was pressed against his ever so tightly, limbs entertained with blankets tangled at your meet. You must have gotten hot, he figured.
He was staring at you, studying and memorizing all the details of your face while he could. He knew this wasn’t right, feeling the way he did about you, but he couldn’t help it. It was driving him crazy. He wanted to love you with everything he had, but nothing was worth the risk of losing you. You were too precious to him.
And for some reason, yet again, unbeknownst to him, your eyes fluttered. He stilled fearfully, but it wasn’t quick enough. Your lids open, but you did not jump away from the pair of brown eyes that were glued on your face. You smiled softly, and Eddie wondered if you were actually awake. Your fingers twitched up and you wrapped a digit around a dark curl, tugging on it lightly.
He swallowed roughly. “Are you awake?”
“Mhm.” You said hoarsely, eyes still blinking sleepily. Your nosed almost touched by the tips, just barely, and he gulped at how…how intimate this felt.
Maybe it was the fact you were extremely tired, but you couldn’t help but stare at him, just like he was doing with you. Maybe it even made you feel confident. You had the urge to look at his lips. Eddie’s heart started to race, feeling guilty for looking at you with such longing, but he couldn’t look away. Your faces melted away with the comfort you had just felt, morphing into…nervousness and…lust.
He took his hand off your back, gulping as he tried to pull away. “Don’t.” You said meekly, making his eyes widen.
“Don’t?” His voice was unsure.
You blinked nervously, licking your lips. “I like..I-I like when you hold me.”
His heart dropped to his toes, face burning red. His eyes scanned yours, switching back and forth. “You do?”
You nodded.
Staring at his hand in mid air, he slowly, slowly placed his hand back to the plates of your shoulder blades, your knees pressing together. “Like this?” He kept looking at your nose, not being able to hold your stare.
“Yeah.” You whispered. “Yeah, like that.”
He was so pretty. You could stare at him forever. During hellfire meetings you always got caught in daydreams just watching him sit in his throne. At school you got caught multiple times by teachers just ogling him. Your heart would swell ten times larger at his wide smile, the way his shoulders would brush against yours in the cafeteria line. You wished so many times to hold his hand, to build up enough courage.
But you could never be more than friends. It just wouldn’t work. You were too awkward to pursue such a thing, and Eddie- well, there was no way he felt the same way. Did he? If you were honest with yourself, some unconscious part of yourself knew. It was just too obvious, but you were in denial.
It was painful how much you loved him, and it pained you that it couldn’t be anything more.
“Hey,” He noticed the pull down of your lips, eyes misting over your irises, and his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”
Had you had a nightmare?
You shook your head and looked down embarrassed. “Nothing.”
He saw a single tear fall past your lid, and he looked at you unsurely. “Y/n,” He dipped his head down to level with you.
You wanted to kiss him so bad it was making you cry.
His thumb lifted your chin and brought your shiny eyes up to his chocolate ones, flickering over your face for evidence of what was wrong. He waited for you to say something.
“It’s stupid.” You gulped bashfully, not able to hold his stare.
“Tell me.” He said gently, hand dropping to your shoulder.
All sense of nerves from him went away at the sight of your discomfort, and it was only you that was left feeling uneasy and scared. “I’m afraid of what you’ll say.” You sniffled, and his eyes narrowed slightly, lips parting.
You were terrified of loosing him. Was it worth it? To lean over and kiss him? Was just one little peck worth loosing him? Was it worth ruining what you had? It wasn’t. You had to be stronger than that.
A loud clap of thunder made you jump clean out of your skin, whimpering under your breath that made his heart shake. “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” He closed the distance and wrapped his arm back around you, pulling you close to his chest.
You buried yourself as close as you could to him, allowing yourself to shed quiet tears that he couldn’t see, though he could feel them against his bare chest. “Just a storm.”
Storms didn’t even scare you, but tonight you were extremely worked up. The feeling of your soft breath warmed his pale skin, and your fingers lightly traced the shape of the tattoo on his chest. His chin laid against your shoulder, hand against the back of your hair and stroking your locks comfortingly. Soft rain hit the tin rough, calming your anxieties and allowing you to relax against him.
And as more seconds melted away, the more aware you were of the position you were in. You stiffened slightly in his arms and he felt it, making him aware of the close proximity. Your eyes locked, pulling away ever so slowly, audibly gulps and nervous licks of the lips, fingers freezing on bare skin. Your breath started to come out in pants.
Wayne’s words started to run through his head, like a loud alarm that he couldn’t turn off.
“I’m afraid of what you’ll say, too.” He whispered, words soft against your ears as he blinked across from your, his eyes still slightly red from his previous high.
“What do you mean?” You squinted in the dark.
He took a breath. “What I’m thinking about.” It came out in mumbles, twirling the fabric of your shirt between his middle and index fingers.
You looked down at your fingers that rested just below his hipbone, picking at your skin nervously. He could feel your knuckles barely ghost over his navel. Years and years of silence was what you both held, a heavy secret that weighed greatly on your shoulders.
“I’ll tell you if you’ll tell me.” Eddie cleared his throat, the words coming out despite really wanting to be spoken or not.
Your eyes widened slightly, peeking up at him, the tips of your noses touching, your hips against his own. “I- okay.” You stuttered.
A single minute passed. You staring at him, and him staring at you, hearts in your throats and stomachs bubbling with nerves. Eddie thought he was going to pass out, and he had the urge to get up and run away in the thundering rain. As much as he wanted to kiss your lips, he was too afraid, so he did the only thing he could think of.
He took his hand from your shoulder blades, bringing it between the two of you. He took his index and middle finger and pressed them to his lips, puckering just ever so slightly. Keeping his eyes on you, he placed them on yours, making your breath hitch in your throat. He kept them there for just a few seconds before sliding them down your chin and to your neck.
“Was- uh, was that okay?” He said breathlessly, staring at his ringed fingers against your neck.
“Yeah.” You nodded, gulping audibly, heart pounding in your ears. You wanted to burst into tears, honestly. You weren’t sure what you had planned to do, but you found yourself pulling back up his hand, placing the fingers back to your lips. You kept eye contact, placing a soft, delicate kiss to the tips. His lips parted, and you opened your mouth very subtle, your teeth grazing his callused pads. “Is this okay?” You blinked hazily.
He nodded quicker than you had. “Uh- yeah.”
The movements of your lips came to abrupt, and you choked on a breath. The room filled with a tension that you had not met before.
Sexual tension.
His thumb went to your jaw, and through some will of his own, he pushed his middle finger into your mouth, and he gasped when the tip hit your tongue, making you stifle out a moan.
Your eyes both tripled in size, face burning immediately red. Oh, god. He felt his cock harden underneath his sweatpants, and he began to panic slightly, knowing damn well you could feel it against your thigh. And then it was like you’d both been switched on with frenzy.
Eddie couldn’t help it. He pressed his soft, thick lips against your own. The desire was too strong. It was no where near as…messy and sloppy as he imagined. He didn’t have enough courage for that. It was just a hard, forceful peck that made your noses scrunch together, your body pushing back slightly at his weight.
You gasped when he pulled away, eyes blinking rapidly and lustfully. Your stomach tightened at his taste, and you reached up, as he was know slightly above you, and pulled him back atop of you. Your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, and his forehead collided with yours as your lips attached once again. It was more forceful, needy this time, and he rolled you both over so he could tower of you. His curls hung above your cheekbones, settling his legs between your thighs. His hands cupped your cheeks, and it was like you both sucked the soul out of one another.
Lips nipped and bit, tongues licked and danced. Your teeth cracked together. You were whining into the kiss because it just felt so good.
“Oh, god,” He groaned into your mouth, tilting your chin up to kiss you deeper. You were eating each other alive. “I love you so much. Fuck- fuck, I love you, baby.”
You nodded against him, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Oh, I- Eddie, I love you.” You pushed your pelvic bone against his cock, whimpering at the euphoric feeling against your virgin body. “I love you. I love you.”
Breath was hot against your faces, and before you could make any further moves, the sound of Wayne’s alarm blared from the living room, making you both still immediately. You both gasped and pulled away, looking at each other with wide eyes. It was like you’d been dunked with cold water, and you blushed three million shades deeper than your pale complexion.
Eddie strained his ears, listening as he heard the sound of his uncle’s boots against the floor. Boy, he knew his uncle would be proud. He swallowed, looking down at you in a slight panic, adrenaline coursing through his body.
You took your legs off of him, fixing your hair away from your face. You sniffled up at him. He wanted to back away and cower now that he had lost his momentum, but he wouldn’t allow it, and he didn’t want you to go back into your shell. He leaned back down and gave you a silent peck, pressing you back into the pillow, hand gripping your waist. “Y/n,” He pulled away in a whisper, looking at you through his lashes, forehead pressed against your own. “I..I do. I love you.”
You nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. You pushed your tongue into his mouth, making him groan and send vibrations into your lips. “I love you more.”
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veveisveryuncool · 9 months
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sucker for big sister sailor dee and baby brother bandana who had a Tragic Sibling Fallout during revenge of meta knight (who later reunited because i can't handle angst)
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in retrospect, the amount of time i spend thinking about the “wu takes kai and nya in after their parents disappear and raises them” au is,, just sad
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 10 months
Everybody Hurts
Pairing: EddieMunsonxReader
Summary: You needed to escape, escape from your life, your messy divorce, and all the pitying looks. Looks you couldn't ignore when everyone in town had known you and Cam, had known your shame and failure. So, you took the first job you could get, teaching third grade in a town called Hawkins. Little did you know, you were walking right into another messy situation, a messy situation with big brown eyes and long dark waves. But he's resistant, at times unbearable and you start getting curious about the town's past, his past, especially when things don't start adding up.
18+ Only for eventual smut
I am not sure how many chapters this will be. I will be posting a new chapter each Wednesday if you enjoy it and would like to keep reading. 😊
Word Count: 4.4K
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Life was hard. It has been hard for the last week. Hell, it had been hard for the last year. Kind of tragic, actually. Dismal, depressing, somber, grim just like the weather for the past week. Nothing but gloomy skies, dark clouds, and heavy raindrops. It was like the weather had called to check in with your mood and the two decided to be twins because it would be fun. Let’s match outfits while you signs on the dotted line, making your failures all final. The weather had made it feel acceptable to lie in bed, curled up under the covers, hiding from the world. Who would want to do anything else when it was pouring and dark? But finally, today, sunshine was peeking through the clouds.
“It can’t rain all the time,” you whispered to yourself, quoting one of your favorite movies as you pulled your bike out of the garage, adamant that you were going to get some fresh air today, to get out of your rut. You were stuck in a constant loop of negativity that you couldn’t seem to break free from. This morning when you'd been woken by the sun shining in your eyes, you had decided no more. You were determined to claw your way out of this pathetic self pitying hole of despair. 
You pedaled out of the garage, tires splashing through the puddles, onto the roads still slick from the morning rain. There was a fresh and clean feeling to the air. The sky was more vibrant and the colors seemed vibrant after so many dull and drab days in a row. The trees were budding with spring blossoms and the grass was a lush green, the promise of summer on the horizon. 
You sucked down a huge lungful of air, the scent of new life, of cleansing the earth, filling your nostrils. It made you wish it could be that simple for you. That you could just stand out in the rain, arms wide open, letting the droplets wash everything dark and dirty away, leaving a shiny blank canvas ready for new, vivid colors and life to be splashed across it. 
But nothing was ever that easy. Cam had sat across from you two days ago, smirking, smugly satisfied, as his lawyer laid out the terms of your divorce. Everything that you'd eventually agreed to because the asshole was making it as difficult as possible, dragging it out, and you had just wanted it over. You had been dealing with this shit for the last eleven months, a shackle attached to your ankle, dragging y you down until you felt like you could barely walk. You would have agreed to anything if it meant y oucould finally walk away, finally be done for good. 
It was as if someone had hit the pause button on your life, nothing moving forward, you stuck in limbo for far too long. Not since the day you'd walked into your house, Cam’s naked ass thrusting against someone in the bed you shared. Your purse had hit the floor with a loud thud, keys clanging against the wood, alerting him and his friend to your early arrival. And when he’d jumped from the bed and spun around, you had caught sight of the girl beneath him. In that split second, when you thought your life couldn’t get any worse, it was so much worse. Your entire world tilted on its axis, getting knocked from orbit, hurtling through the black expanse of nothingness, cold and dark and dismal. 
That’s where you'd been stuck. Stuck for far too long. You were done letting him have so much power over you, done letting him keep you in stasis, not moving on, not even really living. You'd been having a pity party for your failure of a marriage for too long. It was past time that you took your life back and today was as good a day as any to start. 
You turned onto the main street of the small downtown, pulling up in front of the local coffee shop. Hopping off, you rolled your bike into the rack, not bothering to lock it. There was really no need in this small town. You couldn’t imagine much happened here. Nothing much had happened in your old town either and you could see it through the big glass window from inside anyway. 
Pushing through the door, you paused, inhaling the familiar scent of coffee beans and freshly baked goods, your mouth watering, stomach rumbling in anticipation. How had you been living here for four months and hadn’t visited yet? In your old town, you had been a frequent flier at the local coffee shop. Jan used to have your coffee and donut sitting on the counter every single morning, just waiting for you to grab before you headed into work. 
The thought of Jan caused a small pang, just a tiny hitch in your chest for everything you missed about your old life. Jan’s friendly smile, the easy way she always chatted with you about work and life, the little stories she would tell about her own marriage, the challenges of raising three boys. It had been a small town just like this one. A town where everyone knew each other. A simple coffee run could turn into an hour long chat before you knew it, glancing down at your watch in shock that so much time had passed and now you were running late for work. At least you had moved to another small town, something slightly familiar to you even if everything else was jarringly unfamiliar.
You approached the bakery display, your eyes devouring all of your options within. There were freshly baked breads, muffins, and donuts of all shapes and sizes. There were also mouth-watering cookies, tarts, and brownies. The case was filled with so many tempting treats that it was hard to resist the urge to buy one of everything. The different aromas tempted you to take a bite of each one. 
You tried so hard to eat healthy, to get all the protein like your Tae-Bo obsessed friends at home said you were supposed to, but baked goods were your weakness. Besides, over the past nine months, you'd lost fifteen pounds without even trying. Not the usual way of healthy eating and exercise. No, it was woeful weight loss, weight loss caused from a constant gnawing pain in your stomach. Finding out your husband was a cheating bastard and going through a painful divorce turned out to be a fail-proof way to drop some weight, but you definitely would not recommend it. Zero out of ten in your book. 
“Good morning,” came a lilting voice and you glanced up to see an older woman smiling at you, the smile warm and soft, welcoming. Her face was full of wrinkles but her eyes radiated a sense of joy and kindness. Soft white curls were cut short to her head as if she were haloed by a cloud. Two soft, wrinkled hands, deep blue veins that caught your attention, rested on top of the case. “What can I get for you, honey?”
The sun bounced off a gold band on her left hand, three small diamonds sparkling in the light, hitting you right in the eyes for a moment. You lost herself, wondering how long she’d been married. You imagined it had been years, probably met her husband when they were just teenagers and now, decades later, they were still head over heels for each other. Two people who had been successful at marriage, a woman who had chosen correctly, unlike you. 
“Hey there sweetheart, can I get you something?” the woman asked again when you didn’t answer and you tore your gaze from the ring and back to her face, that warm smile now more concerned than anything, probably thinking you were nuts or at least a bit unstable. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled softly, attempting to laugh it off. “I guess I’m still waking up. I need my caffeine, you know? Can I get a Persian roll and a vanilla latte, please?”
“Of course. Coming right up.”
You smiled and thanked her, silently kicking yourself for your moment of temporary insanity. It had been happening more and more these past months. Your eyes were always drawn to everyone’s left hands, searching for that familiar symbol of commitment. Then your brain would begin working overtime without you even consciously thinking about it. Was it a happy marriage or were they going through the motions? Did they have kids? Was it a recent marriage, newlyweds still in that blissful stage where their spouse could do no wrong? Had they been together for years, happy, soulmates written in the stars? Was it a second marriage? And if it was, were they happier? Did they find the right person this time around? Did someone get another shot at their happily ever after when they chose so poorly the first time around? Or did everyone only get one and if you screwed it up, you were doomed to spend the rest of your life miserable and alone?
“Here you go,” the lady, her name tag reading Millie, said as she handed over a brown paper bag and a paper coffee cup with a green sleeve. She glanced down at the register, hitting a couple of buttons. “That’s three dollars and twenty two cents, honey.”
You pulled out your wallet, giving her a five and tossing the change into the tip jar on the counter. The heat from the coffee was seeping through the paper and the sleeve, warming up your palm pleasantly. The aroma of it was like a comforting hug, instantly lifting your mood and making you feel more alert. The scent of cinnamon and chocolate mingling pleasantly together from your roll caused your stomach to rumble hungrily once again. 
“I haven’t seen you around,” Millie commented casually, tilting her head in interest. “Are you new to town?”
“Kind of.” You lifted one shoulder, shrugging slightly. You'd been living here for four months but besides work, you'd been a hermit, hiding in your house, buried under a blanket. This was the first time you'd ventured downtown besides the one time you'd trekked into Melvald’s to grab some lightbulbs. Of course she wouldn’t have seen you. Your cheeks flushed with shame, realizing how pathetic you were to not have even explored the new town you were living in. “I actually moved here about four months ago.”
“Really? And this is the first time you’re visiting my little coffee shop?” Millie asked, both hands pressing against her chest, clearly aghast at this news. “I would have thought word would have gotten to you sooner than that. How has no one mentioned my shop to you? This is the best place to get your morning caffeine fix. And my baking is the best in this town. Ask anybody. You try that roll and I guarantee you’ll be back.”
You laughed softly, the nostalgia of easy conversation with someone soothing you, “I have no doubt. Trust me, I am sure you will start seeing me frequently. I have a bit of a sweet tooth. It’s a problem, actually.”
Millie scoffed, waving her hand dismissively toward you, “Listen honey, this world is sour as they come. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a little sweetness. It’s good for the soul, I say. I’ve been eating my own baking for years and I’m healthy as a horse. All this nonsense about not eating any fat. You know all the diets I’ve seen in my long life? The master cleanse, diet pills, the grapefruit diet, the wine and egg diet. I could go on and on. Are you kidding me? They’re all ridiculous if you ask me. The worst was the cabbage soup diet.” She shuddered. “Talk about torture. I was hungry all the damn time and hungry makes me cranky as hell. Who wants to live like that?”
Your lips pressed together in amusement, very much enjoying Millie and her spirited personality, “Yeah, well, I’ve never been great at sticking to any kind of diet.”
Millie’s eyes roamed over your figure, snorting loudly, “Don’t see why you’d need to. You know what?” She ducked down behind the case and when she emerged again, she handed you another paper bag. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tried one of my cinnamon rolls.”
“Oh, I really don’t need that and…”
“Please. A little extra sugar is not going to hurt you, sweetie. You look like you could use a little extra sweetness in your life right now. I can just tell,” Millie told you. “It’s on the house, okay?” She winked. “You just enjoy your breakfast.”
“Thank you,” you replied gratefully. “I really do love a good cinnamon roll.”
Millie smirked, one side of her mouth pulling up in amusement, “Well, then I will see you tomorrow morning because trust me, once you’ve tried mine, you’ll be hooked.”
You smiled, thanking her again before making your way over to a small table right by the window. Pulling out both treats, you placed them on top of their paper bags. Your eyes looked out along the main street as you pulled off a small bite of the Persian roll, popping it in your mouth. An audible groan fell from your lips as the combination of cinnamon, chocolate, and the buttery richness of the pastry combined on your tongue. Millie had every right to be as cocky about her baking as she was. You would definitely be back again tomorrow and the next day and the day after that one too. 
It was Saturday, the weekend, and you'd gotten everything done for your class the night before. You had the whole day ahead of you which should be a comforting thought. It was anything but. You had no idea how to fill all of that time but you damn well knew how you wouldn’t. You would not go back to the house. You would not give yourself the opportunity to cocoon yourself back up in blankets and lay on the couch all day, sinking into your feelings of failure as you watched hours of mindless television. No. No more of that. You were going to stay out all day, explore the town, find something to fill your time that had nothing to do with Cam or the divorce or your being a giant failure. 
And then it hit you. The library, that’s where you would go after this. You hadn’t read a book in months and you used to love to read, to escape into someone’s else’s problems, always so much worse than your own. Reading took you into a world of infinite possibilities, portals into realms where you could hide from reality for a while. Words were your passport and every chapter was a door being opened to a new adventure. With the endless number of books in the world, you had to be able to find a story that would make your problems seem like a cakewalk. 
A sense of ease washed over you as a plan began to form in your mind. You would ride over to the library, pick out a couple of books, and then you would head down by the lake. You hadn’t seen it yet but it had been one of the reasons you'd chosen this town, always having loved the water. You could find a nice bench and sit by the water, read for a few hours, lose yourself in someone else’s world for a little while. You could even find somewhere to grab a late lunch or early dinner, maybe go for a nice late afternoon walk through the woods during the warmest part of the day. 
As if the weather was on your side, as if it sensed the change in your mood and decided to go along with it, the sun shone through the clouds, lighting up every building along Main Street with a bright and cheerful glow. Sunlight glared off the glass storefronts of Main Street, welcoming you back to life, opening it’s warm embrace. It was the day beckoning you to come out and enjoy it, reassuring you that everything was going to be okay. 
You finished your breakfast, tossing half the cinnamon roll in the trash, hoping Millie didn’t notice. You really didn’t want to offend her because you definitely planned on coming back. The roll was just as amazing as she’d said it would be but you couldn’t possibly eat another bite. Your body hummed in anticipation of seizing the day, your soul buoyed at the prospect of having a plan for the first time in so long, finally seeing this new place that you were calling home. Grabbing your bike from the rack, you pedaled up Main Street, heading for the library. 
The Hawkins library was pretty small, but you managed to find a couple of books that piqued your interest, a new Stephen King and ‘Along Came a Spider.’ Horror and thriller which were exactly the kind of books you were looking for. No romance, no lost loves, no emotional roller coasters. You didn’t even want to venture into fantasy, which you usually loved, because there was almost always some kind of side romance plotline going on. Nope. You were moving on and the last thing you needed was a reminder of all that you'd lost, all that you might never have again. 
After filling out the paperwork for a library card and chatting for a bit with Marissa, the librarian, you stashed the books in your backpack and pedaled down to the lake. The warmth of the sun was the perfect contrast to the cool breeze that brushed along your skin as you sped along through the woods, enjoying the scenery and the chirping of birds as they celebrated the day too. There were no benches but you managed to find a fallen tree that was perfectly suited to your needs. Propping your bike up against it, you sat down, leaning against a large branch and opened up one of your books. 
It was a perfect spring day, the kind that fills you with giddy anticipation for summer. The sky was a robin’s egg blue, not a cloud in sight now that last night’s storms had passed. You gazed up, the treetops shimmering with afternoon light, the light casting various spots of the forest floor in a brilliant spotlight. It was quiet and peaceful out here. This might just become your new favorite spot. You couldn’t believe your luck that it was deserted on such a beautiful day. Why wasn’t this place swarming with people enjoying this flawless morning?
Relaxing back, you read for a while. The sound of the lake’s waves meeting the sand was a pleasant soundtrack playing subtly in the background as you got lost in the story. The wind brushed over your face, ruffled your hair, warm and welcome after so many months of winter. The leaves in the trees rustled gently, adding to nature’s own symphony of sounds. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this content, this at ease. Maybe the move to this little town, somewhere new and unmarked by painful memories, was going to be exactly what you needed. 
Just as you were getting to the climax of the book, your stomach rumbled, the sweet treats from the morning wearing off. You glanced down at your watch, shocked to see it was already three in the afternoon. Damn, no wonder you were hungry. You'd gotten lost reading for the past four hours. Packing your books back in your bag, you jumped on your bike, pedaling back into town, looking for somewhere to grab a late lunch. 
‘Hawkins Diner’ came into view. Not exactly the most original name but it would do. Slowing up, you slid your bike into the rack on the side of the place and headed inside. It felt like you had stepped back into the fifties, the place eerily seeming frozen in time. Black and white checkered tiles were dizzying under your feet. There was a long counter almost spanning the length of the diner with white and teal stools, chairs that matched around small formica tables scattered throughout the diner. A pie sat in a glass display near the register, a sign announcing that Banana Cream was the pie of the day.
“Hey there, go ahead and sit wherever you’d like. Tammy will be with you shortly,” a girl with red hair called out from behind the counter, sunglasses resting on her face. You found that a little odd but you weren't going to mention it. Maybe the girl was sensitive to the fluorescent lights or something. You found them quite annoying yourself.
“Oh, actually I was just going to place a to go order, if that’s okay?” you asked with a friendly smile. 
“Sure.” She waved you over and handed you a menu. “I’m Max. Take a look and let me know what you want and I’ll have the kitchen whip it up for you quick.”
You glanced over the menu, a bit overwhelmed by all of the options. This place offered just about anything and everything you could want, regardless of the time of day. You wavered between ordering breakfast or lunch but in the end lunch won. You settled on a BLT and fries, letting Max know and hopped up on a stool to wait when she told you it would be about ten minutes. 
The diner wasn’t very busy. It was a bit late for the lunch crowd and a bit early for the dinner crowd. There were a few guys sitting at a table with coffees and what looked like the remains of breakfast food. A young couple shared a milkshake at the other end of the counter, each of them sucking up the creamy sweetness through a straw while gazing moonily at each other. A family with three young kids sat at another table with burgers and fries all around, the two boys using their straws to blow at each other until the mom snatched them away. 
“So, are you new to Hawkins?” asked Max idly as she worked on refilling ketchup bottles. 
“That obvious?” you laughed. 
She shrugged, “It’s a small town. Hard to miss a new face. It’s rare for anyone new to move in.”
“Yeah, I’m new. I mean, fairly new I guess. I moved here four months ago but I haven’t exactly been out and about much until today,” you explained, drumming your fingers on the table. “Just been really busy unpacking and getting settled at my new job.”
“Oh, where are you working?”
“Hawkins Elementary,” you answered. “I’m a third grade teacher. It’s been a bit weird actually. I only ever worked at one school before. I didn’t start at Hawkins until January, after the winter break, and I felt like the new kid. I was so nervous the kids wouldn’t like me.”
You chuckled, “Luckily, they seem to like me okay.”
Max nodded slowly, pressing her lips together, “Yeah. The little ones are probably a lot easier. I know I could be a pain in the ass once I hit middle school.”
“Oh god no,” you huffed, shaking your head. “There is no way. I’ve taught kindergarten and they are cute but absolutely exhausting. I’ve taught first, which I loved but then I moved here and third was the only class available. I’m actually loving it. It’s nice because they’re still sweet but not quite as needy. I think third is about as high as I want to go, though.”
“I don’t blame you,” Max agreed, turning to look over her shoulder. “Oh! I think your food’s up. Let me grab that for you.” She disappeared for just a moment, reappearing with a large brown bag, grease stains already developing on the outside, handing it over to you. “Here you go.”
“Thanks so much. It was really nice meeting you. I haven’t met too many people yet but I am hoping to remedy that soon. If I’m going to stay here, I probably need to make some friends.”
Max tilted her head, as if contemplating something, “Well, you know, if you want to meet some more people, my friends and I are meeting out at the lake tonight for a bonfire. You are more than welcome to come. You know where Lover’s Lake is?”
“Yeah, actually I do,” you responded with a grin and a nod. “I rode out there this afternoon and hung on the beach for a while. It’s beautiful out there.”
“Yeah, I guess,” she shrugged. “When you’ve lived here your whole life, it doesn’t feel that exciting. I mean, I used to live in California so compared to the Pacific Ocean, it’s just okay for me. But this has kind of become a tradition of ours. You know, a way to celebrate winter ending and warm weather finally arriving. It’s also a…well, it doesn’t matter. We’d love to have you.”
“That’s really nice of you but I don’t want to intrude…” you said, uncertainty creeping up. These friends of hers might not be so happy about some girl crashing their little party that they didn’t even know. “I don’t want your friends to be annoyed at you for inviting some new girl.”
Max laughed, “You don’t know my friends. Trust me, they will welcome you with open arms. They’re really good people and they love taking in strays. I mean,” she shrugged, “they took me in years ago when I was the weird, angry new girl.”
You pulled your lower lip between your teeth, considering the offer. It felt weird to gatecrash on someone else’s party but what was your alternative? Sitting at home all night staring at the television the way you'd been doing for months? The very thought just depressed you, an aching dread in the pit of your stomach. You thought about how long it had been since you'd gone out and had a good time. You had been invited out for drinks with some of the teachers when you'd first started there and turned them down. They hadn’t asked you again. Did you really want to make that same mistake twice?
“Alright,” you finally answered. “Thanks. That sounds like fun.”
“Awesome. We’re meeting at seven. Does that work for you?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I’ll see you at seven.”
“See you at seven. Enjoy your BLT!”
You waved behind you as you headed out of the diner, sliding the brown paper bag into your backpack. For the first time in a long time, you were feeling excited about what was coming next in your life. Maybe it was just a bonfire but it could be the beginning of a whole new chapter and you were more than ready to turn the page on the last one. 
Chapter 2
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
really know him
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part i part ii part iii part iv
eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2,906
warnings: swearing, feelings, feelings, and more feelings, hurt/comfort
a/n: hello! i've decided that there will be one more part after this one, and then that will conclude this little series. i hope that you've enjoyed it so far, and maybe even found some semblance of something in it. this version of eddie has been pretty enjoyable for me to write. let me know what you think of this part! i'd really appreciate it. love you! <3
update: this is how it ends. i couldn’t think of any other way to complete the series, and i feel like this is an alright ending for these two. i know that might seem disappointing, but sometimes you just have to move on. i hope you enjoyed this little series for what it was, mess and all.
You creep down the hall, hoping that neither of your parents will have heard the sound of your footsteps. It’s not until you’ve locked your door and taken your shoes off that you allow yourself to sit down. You’re not sure you’ve taken a proper breath since you started arguing with Eddie. 
You can’t get the sound of his voice out of your head.
“Try what?”
“Letting me in, for fucks sake! I can’t fucking help you, if you won’t let me in!”
You fuss with the hem on the blanket covering your bed. Eddie is upset with you, and you don’t know what to do.
“Why won’t you let me in?”
But maybe you do. You have to let him in. You have to talk to him, tell him how you’re feeling, how scared you are of losing someone who makes you feel as safe and cared for as he does. You have to tell Eddie how you really feel—about school, about your homelife, about him. 
“I want you, Y/N.”
You lay down on your back, legs hanging off the end of your mattress. You stare at the ceiling: every thought, every fear is choking you all at once. 
Maybe you never should’ve made friends with Eddie. Maybe you never should’ve tried to get to know him. Really know him. Maybe it would have been easier if you’d just kept to yourself, done your schoolwork, suppressed your emotions like always. 
But what if it isn’t supposed to be easy? What if it’s about damn time you got off your ass and fixed this? If it’s time you let someone in?
Do you really want to let this go? To not even find out what it might be like—loving Eddie Munson?
When the tears start, you don’t bother to wipe them away. You let them pool in the corners of your eyes and slip free, sliding down the sides of your face and over the bottoms of your ears. You let yourself cry because you know that there’s a part of you that wants Eddie too, that is upset for having shouted at him, for having not taken the opportunity to let him help. 
You need to talk to him. You know that. And how is it fair if he’s let you really get to know him, but you haven’t let him really know you? He deserves better than that. 
“I think maybe you should want someone who’s not so much trouble.”
Your stomach drops. You hadn’t meant to say that, but you did. 
How could you know what he wants if you won’t talk to him? You know you were in the wrong for having said so. Maybe you were overwhelmed, but Eddie had laid all of his cards out for you, he’d shown you his damn hand, and you couldn’t even accept that. 
He was honest with you, he said he wanted you, and you told him that was wrong. What right do you have to tell him that? How would you feel if he’d said the same? Like shit, that’s how. 
You need to fix this. 
And you know it’s going to hurt, that it’s going to be hard, that you’re going to have to spill your guts and show him how much he means to you. But that is what he deserves. He deserves to know that he is wanted, that someone appreciates him. Loves him. 
And life hurts, doesn’t it? Shit is hard, but you do it anyhow. This is your life, and Eddie Munson is not worth losing.
“Y’know, staring at her window isn’t gonna do a thing, kid.” 
Wayne sits down with a sigh. Eddie’s been outside on the porch, staring off into space for what Wayne is damn sure has been an unhealthy amount of time.
Eddie hadn’t slept much at all, drifting in and out of sleep throughout the night. He’d been awake to hear Wayne come home—something he’s usually totally knocked out for. He’d pulled himself out of bed then, wanting to see his uncle, wanting to tell him everything but worrying that he’d be too worn out to hear about it. 
Instead, Wayne had made the two of them breakfast, and then they’d talked about it. Halfway through the meal, Eddie had realized that talking is exactly what he wanted to do with you. What he wants to do. He doesn’t know if you will ever talk to him. But maybe he shouldn’t think that way. 
Wayne hadn’t been upset with him when he’d got a little teary over the prospect of you, of more than just a friendship with you. He’d just rubbed his shoulder and made sure Eddie ate, assuring him that the both of you would work it out, that he’d be here if Eddie needed him. 
When he’d finished, Eddie had gone outside. Now he’s tempted to walk across the street, to tell you he feels like he can’t breathe being so frustrated with you. But there’s also a part of him that feels like that’s a bad idea, that thinks you’ll come to him when you’re ready. 
Any part of him that was angry at you has dissipated, leaving only hurt and exasperation. He just wants to fix it. He hated seeing you so overwhelmed, hated hearing you shout at him, hated hearing you speak about yourself like that. 
But he’d meant what he said. He does want you. 
“Yeah, no shit,” Eddie says. 
Wayne huffs a laugh, claps a hand against Eddie’s knee. 
“You gonna go over there yourself? Or just wait for her to come to you?”
Eddie drags both hands down his face and slides further down the couch, his hair splaying out against the cushion behind him. 
“I don’t know if I should go over there. It might piss her off or something. But this not talking shit, or at least knowing we’re not doing okay, is eating me alive.”
Wayne glances at him. “I can see that.”
Eddie scoffs, putting a hand to his heart. “Wow, thanks, Wayne. Very helpful.” His words are laced with sarcasm. 
“Listen kid, the only way you’re going to figure this out is if you communicate with each other. You’re not gonna solve any problems sulking like this. She feels things differently than you do, and you’re just going to have to learn how to navigate it.”
Eddie knows it’s true. He’s gotten a lot more open as he’s grown, knowing he could talk to Wayne about whatever, whenever. He just needs to learn you like he’s learned himself. If you want, that is. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” Eddie stands. He pulls the door open, bending at the waist. He’s bowing. “Thank you, Wayne the Wise.”
You’re pacing your room. Sure, it’s only been a day or something, but you don’t like feeling like this. Feeling like something is wrong. Knowing that it is and you don’t exactly know how to repair things. 
And that voice keeps telling you that you never should have made friends with Eddie in the first place. It won’t leave you alone. 
Without thinking, you pick up the phone. The voice that answers is not the one you’d assumed would, but you can’t lie: you’re relieved. 
“Hey, sweetie. Need somethin’?”
You choke up, and you can’t even explain why. You hope he doesn’t catch it. 
“Uh, yeah. Is Eddie home?”
Wayne clears his throat. “No, hon’ I’m afraid not. He’s got Hellfire tonight. I’m about to head out for work.”
“Oh, okay. Do you know what time he’s usually finished, maybe?”
You can hear the smile in his voice when he responds. “‘Round ten, I think? He tries to be mindful that the kids might have to get rides home.”
“Thank you, Wayne. I appreciate that.”
“Mhm. Anytime, kiddo. You need anything else, you let me know, okay?”
“I will, promise.” 
When he hangs up, you start shaking your hands out, trying to keep yourself stable. If you’re really going to do this, you need to calm down. You take a few breaths, in and out, in and out. If you don’t, you’re either going to cry or panic. There’s a marginal risk for both. 
You snatch your keys up from where they were tossed on your desk, shove your feet into a pair of shoes, and make the short trip outside and to your car. 
You start it and drive out of the trailer park. Your hands are shaking. 
What if this doesn’t work out? What if you really, truly fucked up, and Eddie’s realized that you are too much trouble, that he doesn’t need you in his life? That he has other friends, better friends, and that there will always be someone better than you? 
You’re sure he’d be fine without you. You’re not sure you can say the same.
It starts to rain.
When you pull into the Hawkins High parking lot, you run through the memory you have of its layout before you stop the car. You get as close to the exit nearest the drama room as you can, hoping you’ll be able to spot the group when they come out. 
It’s pouring now, and you start to think that this really was a shitty idea. Eddie might not even want to see you. You shove that down because if you keep thinking that way you’re going to make yourself sick.
You have to look out of the passenger side window to see the door. It’s raining too hard to see much else, though every once in a while there’s a crack of lightning that illuminates the entire school for you. 
You’re just about to wonder if you’ve missed them, or if it’s running later than usual, when the doors fly open and kids flood out, hoods pulled over their heads as they run to the cars you watched pull up. Only one of them has an umbrella, a boy with curly hair, and he holds it above his and two other boys’ heads. 
You get increasingly nervous, watching the group of people. People you realize are Eddie’s friends, all in their matching t-shirts. Only when the cars start to leave, when most of the students are gone, do you see a familiar face. 
Eddie. He stands underneath the oning, hands fishing around in his pockets for keys while he glances up at the storm. He has a bag slung over his shoulder, and you can see him contemplating his best move. This is your chance. 
You push the car door open and rush out. The slam it makes as it closes catches Eddie’s attention. He looks in your direction, brows raising in surprise. 
He realizes you’re getting soaked and rushes to meet you halfway. You’re insane, and he’s not mad about it.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, yelling over the rain, bangs starting to stick to his forehead. 
“I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you. I didn’t know it was going to rain.”
Eddie laughs then. Full on. He tosses his head back and clutches his chest. “I didn’t know it was going to either.”
You frown at him. “Eddie, I’m so sorry.”
Oh shit, he thinks. You want to talk to him. He locks eyes with you. 
“I’m not good with this, with being open, and I don’t know how to do it. And you want me to, but I guess I need you to help me.” You drag your hands across your face, pushing water from your eyelashes.
“I want your help, Eddie. I want you.”
Eddie coughs, and you can’t tell if it’s the rain or not. Really it’s because he can’t believe you just said that. 
“What?” he exclaims, yelling over the rush of rain and wind. 
“You didn’t hear me?” You’re slightly confused. 
“Oh, I heard you.” Eddie takes a step toward you. He’s inches from you now. “I need you to say it again.”
You look at him, his cheeks flushed pink, his hair matted down and sticking to everything. You’re worried he’s got paper in that bag and it’s going to get ruined. His shirt is wet enough now that you can see his necklace underneath, the outline of his chest. 
You reach forward and push his bangs out of his eyes. 
“I want you too, Eddie. I just need help.”
Before you can even comprehend it, Eddie’s hands are on the side of your neck and pushing into your hair. He’s never looked as serious as he does now; his brow furrowed, completely and utterly concentrated on you. For a second you feel like you’re the only person in the world. And you have Eddie Munson’s attention. 
He kisses you. It’s soft at first, curious, but still full of meaning. His mouth is warm and soft against yours. Only when you kiss back does he get a little firmer, a little more insistent. 
You’re both totally wet now, the rain having soaked through every inch of clothing. You’re sure you’ll feel absolutely miserable after being in this weather. But you don’t care. Not when he’s kissing you like he is. 
Your hands find his collarbones, fingers trailing up and into his hair. When you realize how difficult that is to accomplish, you remember it’s fucking raining. You pull away.
Eddie groans like he can’t believe you’d deprive him of that. 
“I’m really fucking sorry, Eddie.”
“I know, sweetheart.” His hands haven’t left your face. His thumbs are stroking your cheeks. “And I’m sorry for yelling at you like I did. I just got frustrated, and—”
“And I need to let you in. I know. I want to.”
Eddie presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be patient. I want to help.”
“I know, Eddie. I want to try.”
He smiles brilliantly at you, the kind that starts slow and expands enough to light up his eyes, make you feel like you’re in on some big, beautiful secret.
“Let’s go home, yeah?” 
You drive home separately to get changed, but as soon as you’re dry, you slip into pajamas and right back at the door. 
You run across the sandy road with a little overnight bag in your hand, and Eddie had clearly been waiting for you because he stands with the door open, laughing at your insistence on getting there quickly. 
When he shuts it behind you, he’s still giggling. You smack the back of your hand lightly against his stomach.
“Nice pj’s, Munson.”
He grins. “Thank you.” Eddie’s got on a shirt that has a concerning amount of holes in it, and Garfield pajama pants. “I could say the same to you.”
Your pajamas are about the same level of ratty that his are. You stick your tongue out at him, but he only smiles. He’s happy that you’re here. 
It’s late. “You wanna go to bed?” Eddie asks, leaning forward. 
“Yes, please.”
“Good. C’mon.” He turns around and you hook your fingers in the waistband of his pants. He turns around to look, but only laughs and keeps walking. 
The carpeted in the hallway is soft on your feet, worn in, but comforting nonetheless. Eddie shuts his door behind you and takes your bag from you, setting it on the floor beside his bed.
You sit down on the edge, suddenly feeling very uneasy. 
“What’s the matter?” Eddie’s looking down at you, his hands tying his hair up into a loose bun at the base of his neck. 
“I just—do we have to talk about all my feelings tonight?”
He smiles at you. “No, baby. We can do that tomorrow. Take it one step at a time, right? We’ll work through it together, yeah?”
You nod at him. “Okay.”
“Now, lay down for me, okay?”
You feel yourself warm up, but you do as he says. His sheets are cool under your legs, his pillows surprisingly soft.
Eddie gets in after you, but doesn’t slide down into bed yet. 
“Listen, I think we need to snuggle, alright?” You snort, but he keeps going, fighting a laugh of his own. “Do you want to be the little spoon? Or can I? Or do you want to do something else?”
You start to smile at him, a slow, Cheshire cat grin. 
“You wanna be the little spoon? Please?”
Eddie chuckles, and it’s the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard. “Hell yeah I do.”
He flips onto his side, back facing you. You scoot over and tuck yourself against him, slinging your arm around his side and over his stomach. He’s smiling, utterly content.
You slip your hand under his shirt so that it rests against the soft of his belly. You giggle into his back, clearly pleased with yourself, and Eddie raises his head. 
“Very much so.”
He pushes up onto his elbow. “Kiss?”
You plant one on him. And another. He smiles into the third. 
“That good?” You ask.
You both settle in, and you find yourself burying your face in between his shoulder blades. You find it to be extremely comfortable. Eddie smiles to himself at your eagerness. 
At some point, Eddie grabs hold of your hand where it lays on his tummy, and you throw your leg over his hip. He doesn’t mind.
He’s never felt safer.
You’ve never felt more reassured, like you’re safe to let him in. And you know he won’t push you away.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
tagging: @ajkamins @golddustwitches @copycatkillerfics @prestinalove @zaypay @clovermunson @kelsiegrin @storiesbyrhi @avalon-wolf
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Ok this has been bothering me: Zuko WAS a firebending prodigy. He just wasn't as much of one as Azula, and that's why Ozai saw him as a failure.
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