#bayonetta x s/o
poisonousroxstar · 7 months
If you're still doing bayonetta, could you do some headcannons of tokyo!bayo with a reader that wants to Rollerblade/skate but is a bit clumsy? I loved roller blading/skating and I fall a lot after not doing it for a long time. The relationship can be platonic or the reader can be bayos child.
Bite-sized Imagine:
Learning to rollerskate with Tokyo!Bayonetta
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Plot: Tokyo!Bayo teaches you to skate!
Contains: Yandere (nothing shown.)
Notes: I hope you guys had an amazing Halloween! Been super duper lazy :/)
B1 Bayonetta, Shibuyanetta, or simply Tokyo!Bayo is very encouraging of her darling's endeavors. I see Tokyo!Bayo being more like a sister-figure then a mother figure, as she seems to have more of a teen street-kid personality then the other Bayos.
Your clumsiness is something she both finds cute and concerning. Cute, because you look adorable and funny whenever you trip over yourself, and concern because of how frequently you hurt yourself. You remind her of Luka sometimes.
She's happy to teach you to rollerskate or relearn to rollerskate. She encourages you to keep going after every fumble, but she will tease you here and there so be ready. It's never mean-spirited, though.
When your skating improves, Tokyo!Bayo will definitely skate with you more frequently. She'll show off a ton of her tricks to you, many of which you probably won't be able to replicate. Any praise you give her gets a cocky smile from Tokyo!Bayo.
The moments you two have to yourselves as you skate become a bonding thing for you both, cruising the streets of Shibuya on your rollarskates.
If you're a witch/sage, contracted with the same demon/similar angel, these skating moments definitely become apart of your angel/demon hunts. Tokyo!Bayo will definitely have a competition against you on who can get the most kills with their rollarskates first.
To add onto that, she'll definitely have a race against you. Now, she'll go easy on you -- especially if you're not magical -- but will definitely make a lot of playful comments during all of it. She does still get a bit concerned if you trip a lot still, but she'll always be there to give you support no matter what.
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blue-sterling0357 · 10 months
hi. may i request headcanons of ciel, sebastian and grell reacting to the fem reader being an umbra witch (like bayonetta)?
(this request was kind of hard, but I really enjoyed writing it!!! Apologies for any mistakes in the request, I'm not familiar with Umbra witches)
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Ciel, Sebastian, Grell X Umbra witch! S/O
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Ciel PhantomHive
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❈ Ciel learned about you being a witch when he started dating you, now he was sure you'd help and he was right, you'd help Sebastian and the other servants around!
❈ Ciel knew you were magical, but just not how magical and strong you were. You and him would have like shooting practice, Sebastian mostly had you both do that, you were surprisingly very experienced with guns, okay that a was an understatement you were astronomical...
❈ Until he found out you were a Umbra witch which kill angels, demons as well....Sebastian was definitely worried if you were here to break his contract, but you told him you weren't and he was normal again, he is quite interested at what you do as a Umbra Witch.
❈ Ciel once saw your shadow when he was sleeping and instead of your own, the shadow was of a very huge and horrendous demon, he asked you about it but you dismissed saying, it was nothing and that the late night shines could have something to do that and Ciel believed that until he learnt about your abilities.
❈ Ciel and Sebastian take you on most of their cases, like during the Jack the Ripper, you fought with Grell very easily using your four guns, two in your hands and other two on your heels that you fire using your telekinetic powers. And Grell got enamoured with you, she enjoyed annoying you and Sebastian...
❈ And when you were fighting with Angela, you let out a huge demoness from your hair, for the first time not only Ciel but Sebastian was frightened a bit and Sebastian in his true demon form and you with your infernal demoness paired up together to kill Angela.
❈ After the fight, Ciel and Sebastian learned about you as a Umbra Witch. You were now more comfortable to dress up to your style more around them, which showed your rank in your clan. Sebastian also learned how you use your hair to create your clothing using magic and how you carry four guns at all time..He is proud of you, a bit...
❈ Ciel learned how Umbra Witches gain power, you told him and Sebastian how you make a pact with a Infernal demoness to sponsor you and allow you to improve you. And you showed him an example by sparring with Sebastian summoning the demoness's fists and feet for attacking the butler. And this is how Ciel learned how your shadow is portrayed by a demon's silhouette.
❈ Ciel started reading books about Umbra witches and learnt about them from you as well, he learned how Umbra witches were witches who are powerful practitioners of a form of magic known as Dark Arts, revolving around the usage of Spirit Energy, an evocation of beings from Inferno, and optionally forming contracted with specific Contracted Demons to perform special techniques.
❈ Ciel also learnt how other than your sponsor demon, you summon more demons from Inferno by using different mediums like using your hair or chanting a spell...Sebastian is kinda jealous at how strong you are and always wants to fight you now...
❈ Ciel notices how you always go missing sometimes and later on learnt how Umbra Witches travel from the normal world to the Purgatorio dimension, which allows them to travel without being by normal humans in the human world and how you can fight beings that are usually invisible to humans, but visible to creatures such as angels. And this is the only reason why Sebastian knows where you even when you aren't anywhere in the manor...
❈ You would help servants around as well, once Mey-rin and you were washing dishes while you were talking with Ciel and she accidently dropped one of the most expensive and prettiest china tea-cup, and you grabbed it with your super fast reflexes, it was around 4 feet above the ground that's how fast you were...Now Ciel did scold Mey-rin a bit, but he is always curious about these perks of yours...
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Sebastian Michaelis
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❈ Sebastian knew about you being a strong witch from the beginning, he felt an extremely strong aura from you and he could feel demons stronger than him around you, which made him worry if someone was having an eye on his lover...
❈ Sebastian had often see you in formal, body-fitting outfits and always thought you looked pretty and amazing in them, though he was curious as to why you were in such formal clothing, until you told him it's to show your rank in your clan, the he understood and would often keep your outfits clean and fresh..
❈ He asked you about it and you explained how you were an Umbra witch, he remember meeting one of them and learning about them, he knew you kill angels and some demons as well, but he didn't know how and so he was curious about everything you do..
❈ Sebastian had always noticed your shadow not being you but of a huge demon and he figured it's because of your power which had something to do with demons, cause he always felt demons around you even when there weren't any... or he always thought it was his real form behind you but he noticed it looked different than his demon form.
❈ During the luxury liner Campania, while Elizabeth was fighting with the undead, you were fighting with Undertaker and Rian Stoker, Sebastian was keeping an eye on you because demon things and he saw you letting out a HUGE ASS DEMONESS from your hair which literal killed all the people in one sec and since grim reapers probably can't harm them, another plus point of being a umbra witch!!!
❈ You would often tell him how you all needed a infernal demoness to sponsor you and how you could summon their feet and fists to attack something, protect something and basically control them and he got really excited and so you both spend the next three to five hours sparing and him being defeated with stars in his eyes..
❈ If he is allowed to touch one of the four guns, he is going to use it and decorate it according to your aesthetic of your outfit, subtly, of-course, which shows your rank in the clan, you weren't nervous to dress like you wanted around him, he also has gun practices with you and Ciel at times for entertainment..
❈ He learnt about you being able to travel from normal world to Purgatorio world without being detected by humans and so he would also ask if you if you okay with it to also to teleport him with you as well, cause he's clingy like that.. :>
❈ Sebastian is a demon who is naturally a dark creature cap which commit sins all the time, and so it was natural that he chose someone as you to be his significant other, an Umbra witch who are practitioner of dark arts, involving around spirits energy, demons and being able to perform special techniques due to being sponsored by a demoness...
❈ Your super fast reflexes also help you find what tricks sebastian has up his sleeve at times, maybe the tricks he's about to play, maybe the pranks, maybe a hit, or maybe a kiss, depends in all honesty...
❈ Overall you both are a generally dark, cute and demonic couple who'd people are tad bit creeped out and scared off...
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Grell Sutcliffe
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❈ You met her during the Jack the Ripper case and she was more than happy when Ciel asked you and Sebastian to teach him to be a good butler, she is more than obsessed with you than him tho, curiosity probably!
❈ When she saw you, she did feel the aura of a demon, but not those types like Sebastian, but different, more feminine, maybe more smokey, she doesn't know how to describe it and neither do I! So, she was a bit vary around in the beginning of you both dating, then she became normal afterwards when you explained the different demons....
❈ She noticed your shadow too, she's not that dumb, she is always confused as to why there is a demon in your shadow when you're a human, unless you're a demon? But no, you explained to her that it's because as a umbra witch, that you have a infernal demoness sponsor you, and that's the reason your shadow is a demon instead of a human!
❈ During the book of atlantic, she saw you fight the undead as you let out a demon form your hair and summoned the infernal demoness's fists and feet to attack them in less time as the ship was sinking, she definitely found it very hot! And of-course she clinged to you after the fight..
❈ She wants to learn everything even though her work stops her from spending her whole day with you and learning about your life as a umbra witch no worries she'll learn about you in any way she deems fit!
❈ Oh and she's either in love with your outfit or finds it a bit intimidating, she'll try to match with you as you explain how your outfits show your rank in the clan and she nods as she learns more and she glams up your outfits just a BIT so that your outfits look better but at the same time, your outfit stays the same shows your rank in your clan!!
❈ You know how she has that chin saw, if you give her one of your four guns, she will give her chainsaw but please be careful with it as it is basically her baby, and it is very important to her...
❈ She is very much in love with the witch aesthetic and so it may seem fitting that she is dating you, an umbra witch, a practitioner of dark arts, spirits energy, demons and other things, she also started reading about Umbra witch, which is a tad bit hard considering there isn't much literature talking about your guys presence in the past, she does learnt that you can kill angels and on occasion demons, so there's that!
❈ she wouldn't be able to find you often and when she asked Ciel, he said he never saw you around, unless she talked with Bassy about it! Then she learnt that you can travel from human world to Purgatorio world without being detected by humans and so due to her curiosity, she would ask you to take her with you!!
❈ So there's that, a grim reaper with an Umbra witch, both desperately in love with each other and being simps for each other's aesthetic... <3
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starycloudz · 7 months
Can you do headcannons for Bayonetta and famous streamer S/o
They could be streaming one day, and bayo walks in wearing nothing, but one of their shirts and chat goes WILD
OMG! my first ask!! Also, I love this idea! ヽ(´ω`)ノ
Bayonetta x Famous! Streamer! Reader!
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Warnings: kinda suggestive?? A little bite of a crack fic!
S/n : streamer name
F/g : favorite game
. You knew Bayonetta knew that your were a streamer... not just any streamer a famous one at that.
. And you knew she likes to wear just your t-shirts, so you told her to knock on the door in your office before coming in, just to ya' know... not to flash everybody!
. But.. on one fatful day, She overhears you reading a chat out loud, someone asks you to marry them! She can't let this happen!
. So, while you were live, Bayo, decides to strut in, with a lot of sass, in just your t-shirt that barely fit her ready to give that person peace of her mind!..(also, if your tall, your definitely not taller then Bayonetta!!)
. Let's just say, you AND your chat want crazy.
. You quickly covered up your camera, and told your chat that the "eye candy" was for you and you alone!!
. You lightly scolded Bayo for pretty much flashing everyone, and the possibly that you might get banned.
. after that day, you started to put a sign out side your door when you start streaming.
. The sign says "no Bayos wearing tight t-shirts aloud!!! >:("
"Hey guys, welcome back to the stream!"
You started your daily stream, planing on having a nice relaxing stream today, you were even going to play f/g! But.. fait and Bayonetta had other plans.
As you were reading the flood of chats, starting up f/g, one stood out to you.
Daddyshomegojo: Love you s/n, marry me!!
"Sorry, I can't marry you, Daddyshomegojo..."
As Bayonetta was walking past your door, she heard you say that you were denying a marriage preposal, she just had to know that this was about! Forgetting she was only in your t-shirt that was a little to small for her, she struts in, will all her might.
You herd the door opening, thinking Bayonetta was wearing something that was family friendly, you just continued to play f/g, until you read the chats.
Uhhhilikegirls: wow.
Coolguy890: UMMM MOMMY.??
Daddyshomegojo: HEY WHOS THE FINE BABE??
Fluffyshark: S/N GETS GAME??
Freddyman: ermmm... why is her kitty out??😭
Buffcat1990: ... ok WOW😊😊
It was when you read the chat, and saw Bayonetta looming over you, you then realized She. was . just. in. your. t-shirt. you started to freak out, thinking that you would get banned.
Bayonetta looked over at the chat that was going crazy over her, then she looked back at you. She whispered in your ear. "What's wrong [Name]?" you slowly looked over at her, quite flustered and embarrassed.
"..You just flashed my entire stream." you managed to mumble out. "What's wrong with a little show?" Bayonetta wiggled her hips a little in a teasing manner. "Honey, sweety, the love of my life, I think i might get banned for this.." you mentally facepalmed.
"Oh.. oops, sorry love. I just had to see what was going on" She gave you a little kiss on the check, leaving behind her iconic red lipstink behind. After she did that she started to read the chat agian.
sonicxmarioreal: S/n has a gf???
Bayonetta chuckled at your chat, deciding to answer your chat. "well, if you must know.. Daddyshomegojo.. I'm her lovey girlfriend." she gave the chat a smug look.
Flowerweeds: haha Daddyshomegoji's babe got stolen
As you looked over and read the chat, you decided to end it here for today, felling to embarrassed for Bayonetta's little antics. "u-um, hey guys I think I'm going to end the stream here for today. Thank you all for joining me today, see you guys tomorrow.. if I'm not banned by then.." you mumbled the last part under you breath, as you gave the chat a shy wave.
When you ended the chat, you looked over to Bayonetta, who was giving you a sly grin. "oh, Bayo.. what am i going to do with you?" Bayonetta laughed at this, bringing you into her embrace. You looked up at her and she looked down at you.
"I think I have to put up a sign for you next time.." she gave you a light chuckle, and kissed you again.
sorry this took long, school work got in the way.. 〒▽〒
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onecantsimply · 2 years
Record of Ragnarok x Reader  Masterlist
Got tired of scrolling on my profile- So I’m making a masterlist- 
The amount of tags on here is disgusting-
Lmfao my JTR masterlist is filled gat dayum-
If there’s any wrong link I put on the masterlist, don’t be afraid to notify me about it. 
Rules for Fanfic:
The basics of who I accept and the rules for my fanfic
Lu Bu Works:
N/A yet.
Thor Works:
Older Brother Thor and how he would react to you being cheated on Headcanons
Adam Works:
N/A yet. 
Zeus Works:
N/A yet. 
Kojiro Sasaki Works: 
Kojiro Sasaki NSFW Headcanons
Poseidon Works:
N/A yet. 
Jack The Ripper Works: 
Jack The Ripper x Reader headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Chubby and Insecure Reader + Hermes and Heracles Headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Side God of Hell Reader Headcanons
Vampire Jack The Ripper x Reader headcanons (NSFW included)
Jack The Ripper Accidentally harming his s/o Headcanons
Jack The Ripper x s/o who cuts from a bullying situation Headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Shy and insecure reader Headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Artist Reader Headcanons
A reader who keeps escaping when he tries to kill them Headcanons
Platonic Jack The Ripper x teen reader (Part 1)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x teen reader (Aftermath of after Jack abducts them) (Part 2)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen reader (Reader getting into a fight at school) (Part 3)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Reader waits for him to get home after his “work”) (Part 4)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Headcanons of their daily life together) (Part 5)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Reader getting the killer role for a play and asking Jack for advice) (Part 6)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Reader gets catcalled on the way home) (Part 7)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Jack visiting Reader while they’re at work) (Part 8)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Christmas Headcanons) (Part 9)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (They bake him an apple pie) (Part 10)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Reader meets Red Widow) (Part 11)
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Teen Reader (Reader gets abducted and fights their way out) (Part 12)
Bayonetta Reader x Jack The Ripper (NSFW included)
Witch Reader getting scared of a “Burn The Witch” poster on Halloween Headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (NSFW Handjob) (Part 1)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (NSFW Blowjob) (Part 2)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (NSFW) (Part 3)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (Reader tries on a wedding dress) (Part 4)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (Reader gets flirted with, and Jack gets jealous) (Part 5)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (Jack gets sick, and reader takes care of him) (Part 6)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (Jack meets Reader’s ex) (Part 7)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (Reader spoiling him in and out of bed) (Part 8)
Jack The Ripper x Mistress Reader (Reader getting overworked and having to be taken care of by Jack) 
Platonic Jack The Ripper x Kidnapped Sibling Reader
Reuniting with Dead Lover in the afterlife (NSFW included) 
Jack The Ripper meeting his s/o’s abusive parents Headcanons
Stressed Reader x Jack The Ripper headcanons
Jack the Ripper x Mitsuri Reader 
Jack The Ripper x Mitsuri Reader (Headcanons)
Jack The Ripper x Reader that has a blank / dull expression, but is a good person and just anxious Headcanons
Jack The Ripper with a virgin reader NSFW headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Reader Whammageddon headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Reader that lets other Gods step on them
Jack The Ripper x Nanami Kento Reader Headcanons
Jack The Ripper x Reader (Him reacting to being called beautiful / handsome)
Servant Jack The Ripper x God / Goddess Reader Headcanons
Jealous Jack The Ripper x Reader Headcanons
Jack The Ripper meeting someone who sees emotions as colors 
Jack The Ripper with a stone cold s/o, but has a more emotional / hysterical personality behind closed doors
Yandere Stalker Jack The Ripper x Mercenary GN Reader Headcanons
Jack The Ripper having a nightmare and getting comforted by Reader
Jack The Ripper x Demon Reader Headcanons
Submissive Jack The Ripper x Dominant Reader (NSFW)
Jack The Ripper fucking a reader wearing his clothes (NSFW)
Jack The Ripper x Wednesday / Morticia Addams Reader
Jack The Ripper x Alice Madness Returns Reader
Jack The Ripper finding out his s/o is pregnant
Jack The Ripper x Tanjiro Kamado Reader
Jack The Ripper x Tanjiro Kamado Reader (Part 2)
Jack The Ripper x Tanjiro Kamado Reader (Part 3) 
Jack The Ripper x Male Reader Fluff
Jack The Ripper x Tired and Depressed reader
Jack The Ripper x Perv Reader 
Cultist Jack x Savior Reader (NSFW)
Modern Father Jack and Daughter Reader get sent to the realm of Record of Ragnarok, meeting the other Jack, and Hlökk. 
Jack The Ripper x Yoriichi Reader (Reader is self conscious of their scars)
Jack The Ripper x Yoriichi Reader (Jack gets jealous) 
Jack The Ripper x Stressed Devil Reader
Jack The Ripper giving head (NSFW) 
Heracles Works:
Heracles x S/o who fights on the Human side + Hermes and Odin
Heracles x S/o who fights on the Human Side (Part 2) + Hermes and Odin
Heracles x Chubby and Insecure Reader + Jack The Ripper and Hermes
Raiden Tameemon Works: 
N/A yet. 
Shiva Works: 
Older Brother Shiva and how he would react to you being cheated on + Buddha and Thor
Buddha Works:
Yandere Buddha + Zerofuku
S/o with sharp mood swings
Older brother Buddha and how he would react to you being cheated on + Thor and Shiva
ZeroFuku Works:
Yandere Zerofuku + Buddha Headcanons
Qin Shi Huang Works:
N/A yet. 
Hades Works:
N/A yet. 
Nikola Tesla Works:
Nikola Tesla Fluff Headcanons
Beelzebub Works: 
Beelzebub x Immortal Reader 
Hermes Works: 
Hermes x S/o who fights on Human Side + Heracles and Odin Headcanons
S/o who fights on Human Side (Part 2) + Heracles and Odin Headcanons
Chubby and Insecure Reader + Jack The Ripper and Heracles Headcanons
Odin Works:
S/o who fights on Human side + Heracles and Hermes
S/o who fights on Human side (Part 2) + Heracles and Hermes
Loki Works:
N/A yet.
Ares Works:
N/A yet. 
Heimdall Works:
N/A yet.
Adamas Works:
N/A yet. 
Valkyrie Works:
N/A yet. 
385 notes · View notes
herusama · 5 months
Heru-Sama's 2024 Alphabet Challenge!
A is for Ace Attorney
B is for Bayonetta
C is for Clara
D is for Detective Grimoire
E is for Evangelion
F is for Furina
G is for Genshin Impact
H is for Honkai Star Rail
I is for Iudex Neuvillette
J is for Juri Arisugawa
K is for Kafka
L is for Luka
M is for Madoka Magica 
N is for Narumitsu
P is for Phantom of the Opera
Q is for Qingque and Fuxuan
R is for RWBY
S is for Silver Wolf
T is for Trailblazer
U is for Utenanthy
V is for VIVINOS
W is for Weiss Schnee
X is for Xiaoven
Y is for Yelan
Z is for Zelda
This is a challenge for myself to practice my digital art! I'll do my best to post everyday (but this probably won't happen)
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dadumtss · 1 year
Hello and welcome! I’m Ciniis / Isipin / DaDum. I’m an adult who uses any/all pronouns and I’m writing Slenderman AU headcanons in the hopes of eventually writing a fic. 
Below is a masterlist of my posts sorted by topic to help make things easier for new followers.  
Slenderbeing Anatomy, Abilities & Culture
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Weaknesses and Culture
Weaknesses and Culture II
Facial Covering 
Female and Male Slenderbeings
Slenderbeing Diets
Slenderbeing Sexual Organs
Slenderbeing Blood & Saliva
Hybrid Cryptid Species
Slenderbeing Voices
Cryptid Society 
The Revolution
Human Creepypastas
Slender Brothers’ Jobs
Human Equality in Cryptid Society
Cryptids With Human Origins
Nature After the Revolution
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
Human Farms
Cryptids Outside Society
Wild Humans
Human Pets
Revolution Dates
Councils, Murder & Taboos in Cryptid Society
The Anomaly: Part 1: Integrating New Cryptids into Society
Hybrid Cryptid Species
Slender Brothers Reactions: Angelic OC Creating Hybrid Cryptids
Cryptid Species & Cryptid Settlements
The Anomaly: Part 3 & 4: Eating Feral Cryptids & Supplying Humans
The Revolution
 The Revolution
Zalgo and The Revolution
Zalgo’s Death
Revolution Dates
The City
 The City Headcanons
The City’s Location
Cryptid Species & Cryptid Settlements
Cabadath & The City
More Facts on Willow
Splendor’s Diet
Slenderman’s Peppy Secretary
Cheating on the Slender Brothers
Slender Brothers x Doll-Like Reader
Slender Brothers x Cursed Reader
Slender Brothers x Doll-Like Reader
Slender Brothers x Super Powerful Shapeshifter
(Platonic) Willow, Junior & Super Powerful Shapeshifter
The Anomaly Saga
The Anomaly: Part 1: Integrating New Cryptids into Society
The Anomaly: Part 2: The Black Market 
The Anomaly: Part 3 & 4: Eating Feral Cryptids & Supplying Humans
Compatability Headcanons
Ideal romantic partners for the Slenders
Bayonetta x Slender Brothers
Umbra Witch OC x Slender Brothers
What ifs
Cheating on the Slender Brothers
Slender Brothers Reactions: Angelic OC Creating Hybrid Cryptids
Tomie-Like Cryptid Headcanons
Slender Family Game Time
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
Posts Mentioning;
More Facts on Willow
(Platonic) Willow, Junior & Super Powerful Shapeshifter
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Physical Traits the Slenders Like in a Partner
Magic Skills
Combat Skills
Splendor’s Diet
Zalgo’s Death
Cryptids Outside Society
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
What’s Cabadath Up to These Days?
Cabadath & The Revolution
Cabadath & The City
Is Cabadath a Proud Dad?
Weaknesses and Culture
Magic Skills
Slenderbeing Diets
Would the Slenders Consider Dating a Human?
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
(Platonic) Willow, Junior & Super Powerful Shapeshifter
Physical Traits the Slenders Like in a Partner
Magic Skills
Splendor’s Diet
Zalgo’s Death
What’s Cabadath Up to These Days?
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Facial Covering
Ideal romantic partners for the Slenders
Physical Traits the Slenders Like in a Partner
Magic Skills
Combat Skills
Splendor’s Diet
Cheating on the Slender Brothers
Slenderbeing Diets
Would the Slenders Consider Dating a Human?
Slender Brothers’ Jobs
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
An Addendum: Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
Bayonetta x Slender Brothers
The Anomaly: Part 1: Integrating New Cryptids into Society
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Working for the Slender Brothers
Umbra Witch OC x Slender Brothers
Slender Brothers x Doll-Like Reader
Slenderbeing Blood & Saliva
Slender Brothers x Super Powerful Shapeshifter
Tomie-Like Cryptid Headcanons
Slender Brothers Reactions: Angelic OC Creating Hybrid Cryptids
Slender Family Game Time
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
The Anomaly: Part 2: The Black Market
The Anomaly: Part 3 & 4: Eating Feral Cryptids & Supplying Humans
Slender Brothers x Cursed Reader
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Facial Covering
Ideal romantic partners for the Slenders
Physical Traits the Slenders Like in a Partner
Magic Skills
Combat Skills
More Facts on Willow
Splendor’s Diet
Cheating on the Slender Brothers
The Revolution
Slenderbeing Diets
Would the Slenders Consider Dating a Human?
Slender Brothers’ Jobs
Zalgo and The Revolution
Zalgo’s Death
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
An Addendum: Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
Bayonetta x Slender Brothers
The Anomaly: Part 1: Integrating New Cryptids into Society
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Working for the Slender Brothers
Umbra Witch OC x Slender Brothers
Slender Brothers x Doll-Like Reader
Slender Brothers x Super Powerful Shapeshifter
Slender Brothers Reactions: Angelic OC Creating Hybrid Cryptids
Slender Family Game Time
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
The Anomaly: Part 2: The Black Market
The Anomaly: Part 3 & 4: Eating Feral Cryptids & Supplying Humans
Slender Brothers x Cursed Reader
Cabadath & The Revolution
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Facial Covering
Ideal romantic partners for the Slenders
Physical Traits the Slenders Like in a Partner
Magic Skills
Combat Skills
Splendor’s Diet
Cheating on the Slender Brothers
Slenderbeing Diets
Would the Slenders Consider Dating a Human?
Splendor’s Kink
Slender Brothers’ Jobs
Human Equality in Cryptid Society
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
An Addendum: Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
Bayonetta x Slender Brothers
The Anomaly: Part 1: Integrating New Cryptids into Society
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Working for the Slender Brothers
Umbra Witch OC x Slender Brothers
Slender Brothers x Doll-Like Reader
Slender Brothers x Super Powerful Shapeshifter
Slender Brothers Reactions: Angelic OC Creating Hybrid Cryptids
Slender Family Game Time
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
The Anomaly: Part 2: The Black Market
The Anomaly: Part 3 & 4: Eating Feral Cryptids & Supplying Humans
Slender Brothers x Cursed Reader
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Facial Covering
Ideal romantic partners for the Slenders
Female and Male Slenderbeings
Physical Traits the Slenders Like in a Partner
Magic Skills
Combat Skills
Splendor’s Diet
Cheating on the Slender Brothers
Slenderbeing Diets
Would the Slenders Consider Dating a Human?
Slender Brothers’ Jobs
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
An Addendum: Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
Bayonetta x Slender Brothers
The Anomaly: Part 1: Integrating New Cryptids into Society
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Working for the Slender Brothers
Umbra Witch OC x Slender Brothers
Slender Brothers x Doll-Like Reader
Slender Brothers x Super Powerful Shapeshifter
Slender Brothers Reactions: Angelic OC Creating Hybrid Cryptids
Slender Family Game Time
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
The Anomaly: Part 2: The Black Market
The Anomaly: Part 3 & 4: Eating Feral Cryptids & Supplying Humans
Slender Brothers x Cursed Reader
Slenderbeing Height and Body Types
Weaknesses and Culture
Ideal romantic partners for the Slenders
Magic Skills
More Facts on Willow
Slenderbeing Diets
Would the Slenders Consider Dating a Human?
Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
An Addendum: Would the Slenders Date Someone Who Was Once Human?
Bayonetta x Slender Brothers
The Slenders With a Siren S/O
Umbra Witch OC x Slender Brothers
Songs I Associate with The Slenders
(Platonic) Willow, Junior & Super Powerful Shapeshifter
Cabadath & The City
Zalgo and The Revolution
Zalgo’s Death
“Spicy’ writings
Using the AU
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rainy-days-and-nights · 4 months
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
I HAVE MEMORY ADHBJHAVD but imma say Alex/Heather from the Silent Hill series (that´s the one I can faintly say I was 100000000000 obsessed) That one and maybe Marth/Ike (I started some of my posting here -in the deleted one- with some Marth/Ike art askjdvjkadkv), maybe SasuNaru too.
What ship would you consider your first one?
Mmmmm maybe some from Digimon, perhaps Tai/Yamato or Tai/Sora
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Sasunaru…..(in my defense I was very little and I just got a phone -don’t give a phone to 9-10 years old- and the internet…is such a magical place skfbkjsbdv)
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Not really(?) The most I have seen is Jotaro/Kakyoin back in my days of JotaKak but I was very lucky I never got hate and such for it.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Probably(?) anything besides Murphy for Henry is my NOTP but I don’t dislike it in a way in which I cannot see.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
DREAMLING AHBDVHKABDVKBABCKADBUADKCBAKDV (please…I need…more pendleshend fics…I beg…)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Dreamling, Narumitsu, Otasune (don’t ask me about MGS idk nothing about MGS but I think the ship is cute) Dante/Leon (shbdvkhabkdv), Bayonetta/Jeanne, RedxGreen (originalshipping) , Taibani, Jolyne/Hermes
But fr my best one is Murphy/Henry
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Mmmmm not really (?) mmmmmmm no…(?) I don’t think so, no
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Not really, usually I’m a very fixed shipper so I don’t wander that much.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Huehueeu…in this age almost anything can get u cancel KADBVJKABDVKBAV so imma keep my secrets to myself lol (Like there are people out there who said Jotakak is bad because -SPOILER- Kakyoin is ded and Jotaro is still getting older and somehow that creates an age gap…like what?)
What is your favorite crack ship?
I found HILARIOUS those old Axel/Shrek memes, wonderful indeed.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably….Red x Green(?) I used to go to ao3 quite a lot back in the day, almost daily, so probs them (Maybe Dreamling…or Jotakak idk)
What do most of your ships have in common?
Sad wet cat paired with another sad wet cat but this one hides it behind a cheerful, bratty façade (in case of Red x Green ) or the typical sad wet cat with golden retriever. But overall Sad x Sad
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. Nothing(?), no I think nothing jadbvjkabdvk (maybe…maybe that my pendleshend doesn’t have many fics…akdbvkjabdvkadv BUT I WILL MANAGE! -did u know I did try to write a fic of them and that it was posted on ao3? CRAZY- its gone now, poof, gone forever lost)
imma leave it open for anyone who wanna do it too!!!! o(*°▽°*)o(o゜▽゜)o☆
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chatmeetup8410 · 3 months
𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
My Girlfriend is a Gal
Maken-Ki! 2
Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid
Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid S
Valkyrie Drive
The Qwaser of Stigmata
Manyuu Hikenchou
Shinkon gattai godannar!!
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
Highschool DxD Series
Jungle de ikou
Senran Kagura
Triage X
Monster Musume
Futoku no Guild
Ishuzoku Reviewers
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World .
One Piece
Mouse ( Anime Series )
Queen's Blade
The Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Heavenly Virtues
Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
Devilman Cry Baby
Vermeil in Gold
Oniichan wa Oshimai
Prison School
Future Diary
School Days
Chainsaw Man
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 :
Totally Spies
Samurai Jack
Ed Edd Eddy
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢 :
Chichiiro Toiki
The Hills have Size
Project Boobs
Kemonokko Tsuushin
Ano Danchi no Tsuma-tachi wa
Haha Musume Donburi Oyakodon .
Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi
Shabura Rental
Ikkyuu Nyuukon
Hajimete no Hitozuma
Elf Hime Nina
Ogenki Clinic Adventures
Cool Devices
Megami tantei vinus file
Kagaku na Yatsura
Oppai no Ouja 48
Energy Kyouka!!
Ecchi na Onee-chan ni Shiboraretai .
Milk Junkie: Shimai Hen
Buta no Gotoki
Ushichichi Tabehoudai!
Kono Kaisha... Nanika Okashii!
Shiawase nara Niku o Morou!
Yareruko! Densha Ecchi
Suketto Sanjou!!
Bakunyuu bomb
Taimanin Asagi
Aku No Onna Kanbu
𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 :
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil ( 2002 )
Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis
Resident Evil 3 Remake
RE : Operations Raccoon City
Resident Evil 4 ( 2004 )
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 8 : Village
The Evil Within
The Evil Within 2
Outlast : Whistleblower
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Soulcalibure 6
Dead or Alive 6
Street Fighter
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Marvel vs Capcom Infinity
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto 4
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
Saints Row 3
Red Dead Redemption
Samurai Warriors
Max Payne 2
Kayne and Lynch : Dead Man
Kayne and Lynch 2 : Dog Days
Super Mario World 2
Super Mario Bros
Mortal Kombat : Armageddon
Mortal Kombat : Deception
Mortal Kombat 9
Doom 2
Slender : The Arrivals
Aliens : Colonial Marines
The Godfather , The Game
The Godfather 2 , The Game
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Harley Quinn, BTAS, and Young justice riddler's
Imagine the babes having a short yet powerful s/o
Like, villain! Reader would beat your ass if you ever talk jackshit about their lovely bf 😒
They would choke you with their magic and smile while doing it <33
I can imagine villain! Reader having the same powers as Bayonetta, like, they'd kick your ass while looking good too
Because of their very much attractive looks, they've heard the phrase "step on me" alot of times and their response? Actually stepping on them using their magic
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Edward Nygma X Short, yet powerful Reader
I know nothing about Bayonetta, but I'll try my best.
💚 Young Justice
He has encountered myriads of magic users out there, as you do. With his constant in and out in both Arkham and somehow convinced authorities that he should be in Bell Reeve, he has seen some shit. And yours? Well mark him scared and horny.
The fact that you date him? Protect him? Oh lordy.
"Are you sure?" 👉👈🥺
Yes, this man asks if you're serious because he thinks you're waaaaaaay out of his league.
Highkey though, he'd be like "Go get 'em babe!" Whenever you're in the middle of a battle. Catch this mf grinning like an idiot while watching you get some bitches get their asses handed to you.
Gets a tad bit jealous when someone would unabashedly yell out their desires for you and might cling to you with a pout. He can't blame the fact that they too want to get stepped on by you, but don't you dare entertain them 😤
💚 Batman the animated series
Let's just say that he's used to it when people are shorter than he is and this guy can poke fun at the fact that you can't reach the shelves, but it's all in light-hearted fun and he loves you, his personal elbow stool.
Okay but he low-key shuts up when he sees you in battle. Slack-jawed, in pure awe at your capabilities. Might've awaken something in him.
He feels extra empowered when you're there, but god if you think that you're nothing but a side-piece for him, he will stop at nothing to reassure you that you're not.
As for the comments you get, he'd get weirded out. People can be into what they want but geez, no need to yell it out in the open.
💚 Harley Quinn
He doesn't really get the impression of you being a fighter due to you stature, but villainy had given him the lesson that anything is possible. Anything.
He'd be impressed more than anything, that you're this powerful fighter well now at least he doesn't have to worry about you being a target as his significant other. Don't get him wrong, he is impressed by your amazing feats, but he is just nonchalant about it.
Though, he gives out every chance to let show you off to his fellow villains. Not in a trophy spouse kind of way, but like "Look at my s/o! They're so amazing! THIS? YES NOW YOU'VE SEEN PERFECTION INCARNATE!"
As for the comments, he can't blame them. But if you are repulsed by them, he is throwing hands with no hesitation.
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cerezzzita · 2 years
태꾹˚₊· 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ♡੭
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✧ headcanon / ✦ oneshot/longfic
♥︎ fluffy / ♡ angst
☆ alternative universe/holidays special / ★ nsfw/mature themes
ⓘ trigger warning
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태꾹˚₊· 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝘆 𝗰𝗿𝘆 ♡੭
Angels/Half-angels in DMC Universe ( ✧ )
Kiss from a Rose · Dante x Fem!Reader ( ☆ / ♥︎ )
Confessions features Alcohol (Sometimes) · Dante x GN!Reader ( ♥︎ / ✦ )
Sugarcoating · Dante x Fem!Reader ( ✦ )
Dante with a Cowboy Devil Hunter S/O ( ✧ )
Dante, Vergil & Trish with a short sweet-toothed S/O ( ✧ )
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태꾹˚₊· 𝗯𝗮𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗮 ♡੭
Nightime Mooncakes · Bayonetta x Fem!Reader ( ♥︎ / ✦ )
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Hi there, do you have any Castlevania in the work 🥰
You've sent this in just as I'm working on one hehe <3 Here's the Castlevania lineup:
♡ Alucard x dhampir! Reader
♡ Alucard with an s/o who's like Bayonetta (never played the games so I hope I'll do alright on this one based off the edits I've seen lol)
♡ Alucard x Trevor's sister! Reader
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poisonousroxstar · 1 year
Yan!mum Egyptian!Bayonetta
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Plot Summery: General platonic yandere headcanons for the Egyptian variant of Bayonetta, known also as "The Cloistered Witch"
This Contains: ‼️SPOILERS‼️ yandere themes (no violence towards reader), character death, unhealthy mindset, not proofread.
Note(s): sorry for the absence! I might end up making more of these, since I LOVED the multiverse, but I'll also be interested in doing some DC stuff eventually! Assuming I can muster up the motivation to do them pfft-
Egyptian!Bayonetta is a very loving and kind yandere. She is especially affectionate and adoring compared to the other variants, but has a level of self-control they lack. For the most part.
Overprotective and more obsessive then most variants. Though a softer variant of Bayo, she's arguably one of the most manipulative ones there are. She's a guilt-tripper, using her lack of conviction and timidness to pull on the heartstrings, even shedding a few tears. Worse yet, most of the time she isn't even aware that she's doing this, as it all comes from a place of genuine insecurity.
Absolute spoiler as well. Whatever you want is yours, especially if you butter her up a bit. She's a literal princess, she can get anything and everything you want. That said, though rarely, she'll also remind you of these rewards whenever something should go south. Also uses her privileges as ruler to keep an eye on you.
If you possess the spiritual power needed for it, you might end up being trained in the Dark Arts like your mother, much to her dismay. She begs you not to partake in them, as umbran training is extremely demanding, but just a few promises of taking it carefully and puppydog eyes will change her mind. She will be training alongside you though, and Jeanne will be the one teaching you both (may also be a yandere for you)
Do be warned: any scratch you sustain will be instantly met with extreme amounts of maternal love and attention, a lot of kisses and smothering, and a few pleas for you to no longer aspire to be a witch.
I like to think the Malphas' have an affection to you as well. They'll drop you many shiny things they've found across the desert, ranging from coins to golden towers and more. Also think they'd want you to fly on them.
When Singularity attacks and Jeanne is taken, Bayonetta demands that you stay behind, the first time she's ever directly commanded to do something. It's an action born out of fear and desperation, because god knows what she'd do if you were to die. You could reason with her though, that this interloper is a threat no matter where you are. Reluctantly, she'll agree to take you with her as she adventures to rescue Jeanne.
Lord forbid you're the Arch-Eve/Adam of this world. She'd be hysterical, especially if you were to challenge Singularity head on. She'd absolutely demand, beg you not to do it, at least not alone. Will fight you if she must to ensure you won't be killed.
Bayo is devastated having to kill Jeanne but has some comfort and relief knowing that you're safe. When Brave!Cereza is knocked unconscious and is sucked into the black hole, she gives you one last embrace before chasing after her origin. In this scenario, you'll be left in the care of Brave!Cereza, who'll vow to take care of you to honor her variant (likely becomes a yandere for you too).
If you're the Arch-Eve/Adam, she'd never forgive herself for failing you, letting you get harmed, let alone having to kill you, even if you begged her to. Knowing that your blood is on her hands will drive her insane, and breaks her heart completely. It's only due to Brave!Cereza that she doesn't completely give in to despair at first, but it isn't permanent. Thus, when Cereza is knocked unconscious, she gladly sacrifices herself for her variant.
As she's sucked into the black hole begotten by the powered Spider Demon, her thoughts are with you and Jeanne. She feels no fear, she feels no uncertainty. She's content in her last moments, lips swayed in a saddened but genuine smile. Her eyes look towards the sky one more time as she speaks her final words.
"Jeanne...Y/N... did you see? I won."
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theemporiumreport · 1 year
Grand Opening of The Emporium Report!
Hello and Welcome to my blog!
My name is Wayn (They/Them) and I started this blog because I just wanted a place to formally store my thoughts about certain comic issues or comic events!
A little about me, I'm:
21 years old
Currently in university as a Technical Theatre Major and a Creative Writing Minor.
Although I am a Creative Writing Minor, I'm really bad at grammer and overthink a lot so if I write terrible sentences, no I did not <3 :). Other than reading and thinking about comics, I love playing video games such as League of Legends (sadly) + related games, Dark Souls, Resident Evil, Bayonetta, and so much more! (I may from time to time write about these games, but that will be in the future ;)
Little more fun facts:
Favorite Food: Sushi or my mother's sisig
Favortie Musician(s): Wolf Alice, Beyonce, Doja Cat, Rina, plus my monthy music obsession (which is Janelle Monae's The Age of Pleasure)
Favorite Color: Love a good blue, purple, or red
Favorite Movie: At this moment? Across the Spider-verse (EEAO is VERY close behind)
Favorite Show: The Magicians
Now to get into my comic journey and experience!
Comic History
My first exposure to the comics, or at least superheroes, was the Fox X-Men movies! My family had the 2000's trilogy on DVD and it was the one of the only things I liked watching alongside with Spongebob and Ben 10. I would always watch these movies on loop at my father's work on those portable DVD players. Looking back, it was such a fun and simple time!
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As I grew up, I watched more Marvel related media such as Ultimate Avengers (2006), Super Hero Squad, Agents of Shield, and even played Marvel Heroes Omega for years until its sad shutdown in 2017. But enough of what I watched or played, the very first comic I read was in 2014 with All New X-Men #18!
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But why this particular issue? Well I purely blame Stuart Immonen and his beautiful artwork! I remember seeing this particular cover and loving the new costumes of the O5! The futuristic unitard with each person color coded was very appealing to young me! I also liked that I knew the central characters: The Original Five X-Men. I specifically loved Jean Grey and had an unhealthy crush on Scott Summers (I even read is solo series :o). But this issue is what brought me into comics and when re-reading the run today, I get great flashbacks and memories!
Now here are some personal comic fun facts:
Favorite Character(s): Illyana Rasputin (Magik), Danielle Moonstar (Mirage), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Ororo Munroe (Storm)
Honorable Mentions: Kwannon (Psylocke), Jean Grey, Rachel Summers (Askani), Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman), Gwen Stacy (Ghost-Spider), Miles Morales (Spider-Man), literally all the New Mutants (except Magma...)
Favorite Writer(s): Chris Claremont (past), Jonathan Hickman, Vita Ayala, Leah Williams, Steve Orlando
Favorite Artists: Russell Dauterman, Bill Sienkiewicz, Kevin Wada, Kris Anka, Joshua Swaby, Sara Pichelli
Favorite Limited Comic Run: House of X (2019) by Jonathan Hickman
Favorite Issue: New Mutants #41 by Chris Claremont
What is The Emporium Report?
To elaborate more on the purpose of this blog, I just wanted a place where I can write and write and store my thoughts. Out in the real world, I don't really talk about comics as the community around me are not really fond of comics (theatre people D:). So, I made a twitter (@emporium_report) that I ramble on about comics. But, I wanted to make a full report or essay about certain issues (such as the brilliance of New Mutants #41) so I made this!
Prepare to read:
Analysis on single issues or characters
Reactions/General Thoughts on Comic Runs or Events
Personal deepdives into characters
Possible video game analysis/reactions and such
and more!
Lastly, why is it called The Emporium Report?
Well, I am a really big Scarlet Witch fan (will probably go into my history with her later) and I found her new shop in Orlando's run to be quite neat! The mystical shop is called Emporium and now this page is called The Emporium Report!
Thank you for reading all the way to the end!
I am currently looking for any comic friends so apply away! :D
But in all seriousness, thank you and I hope that I stay comitted to this page!
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Movie and Composition for Bayonetta (I believe I spelled her name right?)
🎬movie: if you could write a screenplay/spinoff about your f/o, what would the plot and setting be like?
Something like her original games but much much gayer.
🎼composition: if you could write a song about your f/o, how would it sound? Genre? Lyrics?
It would sound like fly me to the moon , maybe a bit slower,the lyrics would b like something v v romantic and v v cheesy
Ty for the ask!!!
(Okay to rb)
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
Jeanne x Fem reader!!!!
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First things first,you two met because of Bayonetta I hope you know that
Because if you wanna be her lover,you gotta get with her friendssss (lol)
But yeah she’s a really dominant personality
She’s really a lot taller then you
Towers over
Makes up for it with her sweetness
Buys you nice clothes
Takes you nice places
She once told you you where going out for pizza
Then she froze time and took you to Disney land
She’s gonna spoil
she also likes to cook with you,She likes that kinda domesticated lifestyle? Just two loves being together?
Sometimes a night in is really nice for her
You know since she’s a teacher it’s hard for her to catch a break
But it’s so nice for her to come home and you’re there and she can hugs wrap her arms around you and kiss you softly
You really are her sweet pea and she loves u
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Savanaclaw Masterlist!
Biting S/O HCs (NSFW)
Taking care of a drunk S/O
Savanaclaw Rut (NSFW)
Military S/O HCs
Drunk Savanaclaw HCs
How they initiate (NSFW)
Reader in Heat HCS (NSFW)
Student opinions of Yuu
Same species potion incident HCs
Petting HCs
Laser Pointer Shenanigans
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Leona & Malleus with the same crush HCs
S/O falls asleep on him (Fluff)
Comfort for an anxious S/O (fic)
Trick him into a kiss (Fluff)
Injured S/O Scenario
💙 ❣️ 💗 🌺 😱 Emoji Event
🧡💞🌼🍀 Emoji Event
🌸🌻👀🤧🥳 Emoji Event
😆🥰 Emoji Event
💚💛💓💘💖 Emoji Event
👁💋😎🥰 🎉 Emoji Event
Princess-like S/O HCs
Using their ‘big bro’ role as an excuse to hang out with you
Poly Relationship W/ Malleus HCs
You hide during your heat (NSFW)
Ace & Leona with the same crush HCs
NSFW Alphabet: A,D,K,U,X
NSFW Alphabet: E,L,N,O
NSFW Alphabet: B,M,P,S,Y
NSFW Alphabet: I, J,Q,W,Z
NSFW Alphabet: C,F,H,R,T
Fem S/O disguises herself as male (HCs)
Bayonetta-Like Reader (HCs)
Warrior of Light MC
King’s Roar Nightmare (Fic)
You choose Him over Home (HCs)
Tsum Jealousy (HCs)
Headpats from a Fem S/O (HCs)
He learns about your silly scars (HCs) 
Wedding HCs
Children HCS
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S/O Falls asleep on him (Fluff)
Oral Fixation HCs (NSFW)
Injured S/O Scenario
💐🤧 Emoji Event
☠🔪🥀 Emoji Event
“Oh… OH.” Realizing they like you HCs
Ruggie is transformed into a hyena (Fic)
NSFW Alphabet: C,F,K,O,W
NSFW Alphabet: N
NSFW Alphabet: D,E,G,J,P
NSFW Alphabet: L,M,V
Fem! Bunny Beastman Reader
Married Life HCs
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‘Magic Candy Pocket’ scenario
Trick him into a kiss (Fluff)
  ❣️💓💘💋🥰 Emoji Event
💚🧡💞💗🍀 Emoji Event
👁👀🔍💛❤ Emoji Event
🎉💌🎀😎😱 Emoji Event
🤧🎇🌻🔪🎫 Emoji Event
“Oh… OH.” Realizing they like you HCs
You flash him as a prank (NSFW-ish)
S/O Falls asleep on him (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet: C,I,J,K,W
NSFW Alphabet: B,M,P,S,Y
NSFW Alphabet: F,O
NSFW Alphabet: U,V
Tsum Jealousy (HCs)
Children HCs
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