#bc the fact that anyone bothers spending their free time reading my writing is SO lovely in and of itself
heich0e · 7 months
btw this is exactly what i look like when u reblog my fics and leave nice tags <3
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bisluthq · 5 months
joever happened months before she met travis and had likely been brewing for a year and a half. she was insanely prolific during this time period. she was spending 10 hour days in the studio three times a week. I really don’t think she’ll scrap all that material because she’s with a new guy lmao like imo that’s highly implausible. I do think we’ll get a lot of love songs but she’s in a very different place in her life than she was when she wrote rep. the slow end of a relationship she thought would end in marriage, as well as the fact that she yk survived it and turned out okay, is going to affect her for a long time. maybe she will fictionalize it - the betty speeches over the summer showed that she was really thinking about the merits of writing highly autobiographical music vs more fictionalized narratives - but it will definitely be all over the album.
right it’s obviously gonna affect her but imo we won’t see the original songs and are likelier to see fictionalized or deeply metaphorical versions of events because yes Trav’s feelings matter and like a belty YLM 2.0 or more Hits Different versions wouldn’t be nice to hear in the mall when you’ve just started seeing a girl idk. That’s not insecurity. You can vibe to like a real past feeling but when that feeling happened 6 months before y’all met you’ll be a bit 👀
another story time - guys I just came home from dinner I’m tipsy and my partner is asleep bc it was a girls’ dinner to complain about him but I defended him bc of all you guys said - when my partner and I moved in together he said I have free reign to tidy (as I said, he doesn’t like people touching his stuff) and he would like me to because he’s busy with work and like other shit and I said cool and I found a letter - while going through a pile of crap that I was tidying so I wasn’t snooping - from the girl he’d been seeing just before me which was deeply unhinged and like 2 pages long asking to get back together and the dates on when she sent that are fuzzy so like maybe it’s when he and I were friends or casual or very possibly just before we met because I met him after he had broken up with her and besties don’t ever send letters like that if you’re a grown woman because I was genuinely embarrassed for her as I read it. And yes I snooped when I read but come on lol you’ve met me metaphorically and this was spicy and not an invoice or a paycheck or a traffic fine which is what I was sorting the pile of crap into.
But then she became like a bigger thing for us than his ex-wife or any of my exes lol. Like she messaged him and it bothered me. If his ex-wife called him I’d be like “lol tell me what this lady says” and if 2 page lady called I’d want her on speaker. I don’t think it’s insecurity because I know he doesn’t want anything to do with her but I read 2 pages of her extolling his virtues and I was like “I don’t even like him or for that matter anyone that much girl ur tripping balls” and that’s why I’m saying don’t read stuff about the recent ex because it will possibly bother you 😂😂
like the feminist in me was like “queen get off your knees” but the me that’s living with this man was like “get the fuck out his business” 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
the poets and their first summer jobs
i’ve seen some discourse about how rich all the boys/their families are, and of course there would be like very little reason for them to work, but i couldn’t help wondering who would do what for their first jobs (summer jobs bc they couldn’t work while they’re at school). andddd that led me to writing this lol
neil: so neil would have like absolutely zero time for a job between all his normal coursework/extracurriculars and his summer classes (”you know me, always taking on too much”), but i guarantee you he would still take the time to get a job and have his own money to do with whatever he chose. mr. perry wouldn’t care much because it showed neil “taking initiative” or whatever. neil would likely work at a diner as either a bus boy or a waiter. he’s super personable, so he’d always strike up conversations with people sitting at the counter, and he’d get loads of tips bc he’s cute (: he’d bring his summer school work with him to do during lulls in business, which his boss didn’t mind because it’s neil and everyone knows how responsible he is. the poets would come visit him pretty much every day (to eat, see neil, and escape the heat in the air conditioning), likely taking up a whole booth, and making an absolute mess of the area. charlie would be making spitballs, aiming at cameron and knox every time (earning a “charlie, knock it off, i told you three times already! so mature of you, really.” from cameron) and meeks/pitts would try to see how many straws they could connect to make “ultra straw.” todd would come hang out at the counter when neil was closing, admiring his pretty bf as he worked (’: neil would always make todd a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and rainbow jimmies on the house, claiming, “we have to empty out the ice cream machine anyway” (but really he’d take the cost out of his paycheck, just wanting to make todd happy). his boss would hire him back every summer, loving how much business neil drove in (even if the poets made a mess every time they hung out and ate) and absolutely adoring how much effort neil put into what anyone else would seemingly call a “meaningless” job.
todd: you can’t tell me that todd wouldn’t look forward to working. especially during the summers, it would get him out of the house and away from his parents judging his every move. being the shy introvert he is, he’d likely do things like mowing lawns or gardening for people around his neighborhood. minimal interactions, but still decent pay (as all the people in his neighborhood were likely super rich and could afford to pay him well). the poets’ parents would hire him, after much convincing from their sons (”todd’s just trying to make some money, dad. please?”) and todd would appreciate this more than they ever knew. he’d become super familiar with flower types and he’d become a lot more nurturing after taking care of plants and grass for multiple summers. he’d keep a little journal or notebook with drawings or sketches of the flowers he’d taken care of, complete with descriptions and magazine/newspaper clippings from his mom’s better homes and garden subscription (a lot of his poetry would become nature-related as well). it would be his late night project, or something he’d do if he couldn't sleep (which was pretty common for todd). he’d call neil on the phone some nights and just gush about all kinds of flowers or tell neil how he accidentally got stung by a bee and cried about it because he knew the bee would die (all the while, neil would be listening so intently, taking note about which flowers were todd’s favorites for future use (’: the calls would have to be pretty planned, bc if neil wasn’t working, he was doing school work, or his parents were keeping an annoyingly close watch on him. but sometimes neil would call him impromptu and that made todd just the happiest little camper ever). todd’s nails would be really short (he’d cut them really often because he doesn’t like the feeling of dirt under his nails), which means he couldn’t bite his nails anymore, causing him to pick up a new anxious habit of biting the inside of his bottom lip ): overall, though, todd would like his job, and even find pleasure in being surrounded by little flowers all day. also if/when neil ever got the chance, he’d absolutely tag along to see his sweaty boyfriend in action (come on, neil would go absolutely nuts for todd in a cutoff shirt, 5″ inseam shorts, and converse mowing a lawn looking all manly and tough). 
charlie: obviously, charlie wouldn’t need to work because of his financial situation, but his mom would 110% make him get a job just so he wouldn’t be around the house causing trouble/bothering his siblings for fun (”i’m hosting a lot of book club meetings for the country club this summer, i can’t have you putting spiders in the ladies’ hats again, charles”). similar to neil, mr. charlie dalton would work his summers at an ice cream/custard stand. he’d have to wear a white, short sleeve button up, a red and white striped apron, and one of those white, rectangular hats (his least favorite part HAHA, stating, “my hair is one of my best features and this just takes it all away. it’s unfair.”). the poets would visit often, both for ice cream, but primarily to give him a hard time about his uniform (”i’ll give you twenty bucks to wear this on our first day of classes” meeks would tease, completely gobsmacked when charlie showed up to their first chemistry class in his uniform, earning lots of demerits, but also twenty dollars). charlie would hate it at first, but obviously he’d adjust, being the extroverted/personable person, not taking himself too seriously and being one of the best ice cream slingers anyone had ever seen. he’d give the cute girls (and boys) extra scoops of ice cream for free, winking as he handed them their orders. like neil’s boss, charlie’s boss was even more thankful for charlie’s presence because they’d likely be raking in at least triple the income they would in a summer without him. he’d become a sundae expert, spending many dead poets meeting making them for his friends while they read poems and stories. that being said, he’d come to hate eating ice cream, publishing an article in welton’s honor demanding that they remove ice cream from their dessert menu (yes, almost exactly like the “girls at welton” prank, but he’d make the call collect this time. mr. nolan would be fed up to the point where he wouldn’t even punish charlie physically, just suspend him from rowing [which charlie wouldn’t mind at all HAHA]).
meeks & pitts: after their hi-fi success and the fact that they are seemingly inseparable, they both sought out jobs at the local radio station where they were hired as interns/assistants, running errands and picking up coffee or lunch for the station. but sometimes, when they worked pretty late, the night shift dj would let them pick the records and show them how everything worked (: after nights like that, meeks and pitts would go to one of their houses and add modifications to their hi-fi radio, staying up all night modifying and researching (by the end of the summer, they had made another hi-fi (portable) and their og hi-fi would have been morphed into a huge nationally reaching radio that they keep in the cave (since it would be disallowed in their room at welton). another job that the two of them would have would be answering calls for the station about song requests. with this knowledge, charlie and the other poets would hang out at someone’s house, calling and requesting the same songs over and over and over again. their biggest task for the summer would be organizing the shelves with all the records into alphabetical order (”duh, we should go by first name, meeks. which other way would it be” pitts would argue, only to find out that after they had spent about three weeks alphabetizing by first name, they were supposed to go by last name. “now who’s the idiot?” meeks would jeer, beginning to pull the records off the shelves). they’d also learn a lot about music from their night shift coworker, which would help in their quest to woo some ladies the following school year.
cameron: cameron liked spending his summers doing research projects for fun and just reading a whole lot, so you can imagine his displeasure at when his parents asked him to get a job (presumably to help with paying for his schooling). while upset about it, he wouldn’t complain, and took it on the chin, understanding the reasoning. he’d apply to a couple places, but ultimately end up as a grocery store cashier/stock boy. much like charlie, he’d have the same kind of uniform, but with a green apron instead. he’d spend most of his shift ringing people up at the register, being friendly and personable (something no one ever really realized about him !!). the poets’ moms would always see him and choose his register on purpose, using it as a chance to catch up or tell him to tell his parents that “the overstreets say hello!” or “mrs. anderson says hi!” pitts, meeks, and charlie would utilize cameron’s position at the supermarket to buy nudie magazines unembarrassed/slightly illegally HAHA (”come on, cameron! it’s not like you won’t be included in seeing them next year, too. we bring them to the meetings, you know that!” charlie would say, leaving cameron at a loss, reluctantly scanning the magazines and bagging them as pitts and meeks sniggered). charlie would wave, blow him a kiss, and wink as they left, “love you, richardddd.” sure enough, the magazines would make an appearance during the following school year and cameron was glad he had decided to let them buy the magazines lol. 
knox: out of all the poets, i feel like our knoxious would be the least inclined to work (yes, even less inclined than charlie). his parents wouldn’t even make him get a job because he simply didn’t need to, but to everyone’s surprise, he would volunteer at the animal shelter. the poets would later find out that it was a great way to meet girls (which is why he did it lmfao so they endlessly goaded him about it). charlie would visit often, and even took a rescue puppy home, much to charlie’s younger sister’s delight. charlie even wanted to start volunteering at the shelter to also meet girls, but he was too busy at the ice cream stand (plus, he had really grown to like it there so he didn’t want to leave). another effect of volunteering made knox super interested in zoology and animals, which brought out a newer, more nurturing/caring side to him, and who knows, maybe he’d go vegetarian somehow. he’d want to pursue a career in animal science or becoming a veterinarian, but mr. overstreet was hellbent on knox taking over the firm, so it seemed like a pipe dream. knox would continue to volunteer at the animal shelter, well into his career as a lawyer, and would even go to veterinary school in his 30s (when he was a nationally famous, established lawyer) to get certification to work with animals in a broader way (: 
hope you guys liked these. it was pretty fun to write, and i'd pay such good money to see neil, charlie, and cameron in their uniforms (and todd, but that’s neither here nor there). happy thursday !! let me know what you guys think of these <3(:
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olivinesea · 3 years
Oooh fun! Okay, do you have any headcannons or thoughts on a dyslexic Hotch? I feel like I never see dyslexia with any characters really, and I like the idea of him with it. And if you do and you want to write something about it, a dyslexic Hotch with the team (and them being the supportive and protective family they are?) Thank you! ❤️
I hope you have fun, wherever/whatever you’re doing!!
I love this so much!! Thank you :) okay I don’t have much personal experience with dyslexia so hopefully I get this decently accurate. The biggest thing that surprised me when I was doing a quick search is that it isn’t actually a matter of reading words or letters backwards? It’s more an inability to connect letters to the appropriate sounds or to break words up into component parts; a general phonological awareness struggle.
So, as with many things, it seems to me to be a matter of slowing down, learning at your own pace. This ties in nicely with so many of my other Hotch thoughts, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before. Idk what this is, it’s neither headcanon nor proper story but hopefully it’s something like what you were looking for:
When he’s a kid he gets called a slow learner due to his undiagnosed dyslexia. It was much less common to get that kind of diagnosis back then in general and I am sure his dad would have hated the idea of his son needing any kind of extra help. So he’s slow to speak, slow to learn how to read, has difficulty with numbers, absolutely hates being called on to read out loud because it’s actual torture and the other kids have no hesitation about laughing at him. So he becomes withdrawn, labeled a “bad kid,” stops trying because, fuck it, he never gets any kind of support, who cares right? It’s always a fight at home, he starts hiding his work, lying about his grades. This works for awhile bc his parents are distracted by other things. His problems are much bigger than grades by the time they do notice.
However, while he hates school and the way people talk about him and his struggles, like he isn’t even there, he discovers that he doesn’t hate learning. There’s a small library in town where he found he could hide out, no one bothering him for hours if he just sat still for with a book open. He was good at sitting still, at being invisible. But eventually a librarian notices that he’s always got the same book open, some sort of technical manual, that he is rarely turning the pages. She asks him if he likes what he’s reading. He’s just alarmed to be spoken to, afraid that being noticed means he will soon no longer have this sanctuary. He nods and tries to bluff his way through but it’s obvious he hasn’t read it, despite having looked at it for weeks straight. The librarian doesn’t say anything outright, just lets him be for now.
Next time she sees him she brings him a different book, a collection of Grimms fairy tales. He wants to complain that it’s for little kids but is too nervous to refuse it. She asks if she can read him her favorite story from it. It’s dark and twisted and fantastical and he can’t help but be drawn in by it. He’s sad when she’s done reading, wants to hear it again, to capture all the details to replay to himself later. She shows him where it starts, encourages him to read it himself. He doesn’t look at her bc he doesn’t want her to see how upset he is by that, already frustrated by the anticipation that he won’t be able to get through it. But she stays with him, helping him where he gets stuck, asking him questions about the story, making sure it’s making sense to him.
They slowly work their way through the whole collection over the course of months. They spend days on each story, repeating it until he’s confident, she never makes him feel like he’s taking too long or wasting her time. Sometimes has to reread a section multiple times, gets hung up on the language rather than the story but it’s okay, she gives him a notebook to copy down parts that spin too loudly in his mind, saving them and also releasing him from their hold so he can move forward. She lets him keep the book, tells him it was too old to stay in circulation anyway, they had a new copy on order already. She’s the first person who was patient with him, that showed him he could do it, he just needed a little more time, a little more practice than other kids.
In college this is part of why he spends so much time at the library. Part of it is his natural inclination to overwork himself, push until he’s given more than he can in hopes that it might be almost enough. He knows he’s never been enough, why would that change just because he’s in a new place? But the other part is he simply needs more time to get through the coursework, to make it through the excessive amounts of reading he’s assigned. Some other students don’t even bother to read but he would never do that, he makes sure that he not only reads every chapter assigned but he reads it again, takes notes, highlights, annotates, does everything in his power to be prepared. Sure he might work himself to the point of exhaustion, to the point where he makes himself sick (though he’ll try to deny that too) but he’s never caught trying to read something while others wait for his answer, the letters and sounds meaningless, slipping away from him faster the more eyes he feels turn towards him, wondering what could be taking so long. No one ever gets the chance to laugh at him for being slow in college, he never allows them to see that side of him.
As an adult, the leader of the BAU, he’s too well respected for anyone to dare laugh at him but he still hates feeling unprepared. This ends up looking like long nights in the office, reviewing case files to the point of memorization, so that he won’t have to read any of it in front of his team. He can if he has to, he’s developed skills over the years, ways to calm the panic that only makes it harder, can fake it well enough that no one would really notice. Until one day, distracted by a migraine and the fallout of some fight with Haley, he gets stuck. He can’t remember something and he tries to read the sentence that has the information but the stupid word just won’t resolve into sounds that make sense and he just stops talking. He’s glaring at the form like it might catch fire. No one says anything for a moment while he tries to refocus, tries to work around echoes of laughter, decades long past but always ready to jump out at him if he lets his guard down, allows a mistake, a tired moment to derail the image of perfect competence that he’s built around himself. Penelope jumps in, finishing the thought, completing the list of traits shared by the victims. He forces himself to smile at her because he really is grateful, it wasn’t her fault. She scrunches her nose at him, dismissing his silent thanks with a toss of her head. It was nothing, everyone needs a little assist now and then.
No one brings it up and he doubles his efforts not to let anyone see. But he’s so tired on the plane coming back from a case, he’s been staring the same forms for an hour at least. He can feel his ears turning red with frustration. There’s really no reason he has to do this now but the fact that his mind is refusing, almost seems to be teasing him, makes him dig in harder. Emily sits down opposite him, pulling the folder away without asking. He’s about to say something sharp, something he’ll regret saying to her when he really means it for himself, but the expression on her face is so odd, smiling with a frown between her eyebrows. It isn’t pity, she respects him far too much, but there is curiosity and something else, something soft.
“Drink with me.” She slides him a glass and they don’t talk, just look out the window, look at the light playing off the ice in their glasses. He doesn’t see the file again until it appears on his desk, every form neatly filled out, the places needing his signature flagged. All but the last spot, where she’s signed his name eerily perfectly, difficult for even him to see that it’s not his own. Just so he knows she can if she wants to. Equal parts offer and threat.
Penelope and Reid start a book club. Derek joins right away. Emily rolls her eyes when she’s invited, muttering something about spending her free time on more work but they know she will join. Rossi flat out refuses to read the books but offers his house for meetings. Hotch hesitates, wanting to say yes but nervous to commit to an activity like that. He loves books, loves to talk about books. He doesn’t love a time limit on books.
The next time they have to drive to a case, Derek puts on a copy of the audiobook. It’s the first time they make it to a destination without any bickering from the backseat. They don’t get through the whole thing but later he finds a copy of the audiobook on his desk, complete with a disc player and headphones.
A different month, Reid tells him about how his mother always used to read him books and somehow finesses an offer to read to Hotch without him even realizing he’s accepted it. So Spencer comes in to Hotch’s office on lunch breaks occasionally and reads to him whatever the book of the month is. He loves it, remembering the first person who read to him, how shocked he’d been to be treated with patience, with understanding and wondering how he got so lucky to be surrounded by people like her, so ready to support him, wanting him there with them rather than off alone, uselessly fighting with himself to prove his self sufficiency over some uncooperative letters.
Okay, that was so much more than I was planning on but here we are. I hope you liked it and thank you SO much for the idea. If you ever have any others you want to share I am totally here for it. :)
Send me requests!
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scoopsgf · 2 years
Hi, Bee Dee! Big fan of yours here, I’m in the middle of a writer crisis today and would like to bother you asking for advice, hope you won’t mind!
So, I write for this pairing that has a very small fandom and most of the time I ignore the fact that 8 people (max) will read this fic I spent weeks planning and working on and putting all my love into, because... well, I’m doing it mostly because I love the ship and I want to tell stories about them. I tell myself it’s mostly self-indulging but you know how it goes. When you release it in the world, all you want is to talk about it and you want people to be excited about it too, and tell you which were they favorite parts, etc. Then you get 0 comments and 1 dm telling you what they liked but they don’t want to keep talking about that thing you’re so passionate about. They move on quickly bc that story wasn’t stuck in their heads for a long time like it was in yours, I’m left empty after this, then I start working on a new draft because all I can dream about are stories involving these two idiots. I feel so alone and egocentric when I whine about it, but it really hurts, how do you deal with these type of feeling? I’ve seen you feel bummed that X chapter didn’t get many comments or kudos, that’s why I’m asking. I know you can feel this way too even though usually you get lots of people interested and excited for your work (as you should!), I just wanted to hear from someone that seems as in love to what they write as I am for what I write (writing is the thing I love the most in life), how do I stop expecting something I know I won’t get? (I know this feeling won’t last (I’ll distract myself from it soon enough) but today my brain is totally crushing me and making me feel so so small :()
honestly, i think most writers—as soon as they publish their work—hope for some kind of feedback. i mostly tend to feel this sort of worried/anxious hopelessness when i notice a dip in engagement or feedback (which i monitor extremely closely bc i’m insane). if a chapter gets like 30 comments (rlly good feedback) and then the next one only gets 20, i panic and wonder what happened to the other ten people and why this chapter fell short of the mark. it’s mostly about wanting to ensure that i’m still satisfying the ppl reading my fics and not boring them. and tbh, i’m really tired of the narrative that writers should feel ashamed for wanting feedback! we put this stuff out there for free and many of us are working around jobs and school and even kids, but we’re doing it because we love the material and it’s fun and it creates this sense of community. i don’t think there’s anything wrong with wishing for that, especially when it comes to smaller fandoms. bigger ones like HP are so huge you have niches within them, like people who only care about the marauders or people who solely stan draco malfoy. smaller fandoms require constant engagement to keep going, which is why it’s important that people put in a tiny bit of effort to rb the gifsets content creators spend hours making, and talk to each other about this opinion or that, and leave a comment on a fic or rb it to boost it. i think my best advice for you would be to keep writing, keep publishing, but also make sure to engage with other people in your fandom. give as good as you get! reply to any comments you receive, comment on other people’s work, get to know people and try to foster that bond through fandom! and write. like really, all the time. the more you write the better you’ll be. writing is like a muscle that needs constant flexing to stay in shape. on that note, read too. you’ll come across new words and ways of thinking that influence your work and make it better. and try to do it just for you at the end of the day. write everything before publishing so a story is your own before it’s anyone else’s <3
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wordsablaze · 3 years
7/13 - soulmate’s deathdate on your wrist
A Dozen Denials Soulmate-identifiers exist to make things easier unless you’re Jaskier, who’s equally as deep in love as he is in denial. But there’s only so many excuses you can make to avoid the truth… (aka jaskier’s soulmate is definitely a witcher, just not the one he first assumes)
A/N: this one’s techincally cheating bc i don’t vibe with mortal jaskier but oh well :p
previous chapter
Anyone with magic was usually immortal.
That was common knowledge really, to anyone who’d ever hired mages and witchers or anyone who’d heard the stories of their battles and reputation. Unfortunately, where most townsfolk might marvel at an extended lifespan, nobles tended to frown upon it; nobles tended to see it as something unnatural and therefore unwanted, as something that should be feared or frowned upon, as something that made magic-users even less human and not at all desirable.
Nobles like Jaskier’s family.
Jaskier grew up with the knowledge that living forever would be awful because it meant you were inhuman, it meant you were monstrous and existing against nature, it meant you weren’t the perfect picture of nobility that you should be. And unfortunately, being linked to someone who was going to live forever made you the same just by association.
At first, he hated it.
He hated the little ouroboros symbol etched into his wrist.
But just like the heartbeat he eventually grew to love under his skin, he eventually accepted that the symbol over his skin simply meant his soulmate would probably outlive him. He was happy with it, in fact, because he’d never want to have to bury and outlive someone he loves, and despite all the taunts from his siblings that he’d probably be forgotten as soon as he passed, he didn’t mind it too much.
Yes, he threw himself into perfecting his songs because the idea of being wholly lost to time absolutely terrified him, but he was fine - totally fine.
And then he met Geralt, who always wore armour until he didn’t, until Jaskier dumped water on his head in bathtub after bathtub, catching sight of a similar ouroboros on his wrist every so often. A familiar ouroboros that meant Geralt's soulmate was also not just human, that meant Jaskier was also destined to live until he was killed.
At first, he thought he was wrong. He thought that he’d just been seeing things or that somehow Destiny had gotten things mixed up, for he was a noble and he couldn’t possibly be immortal.
“Jaskier, you’re alive,” Geralt says with something like shock in his voice.
Said bard nods, sitting up on the healer’s bed. “Wouldn’t be very interesting to die at the hands of a small cliff,” he jokes.
Geralt hums, then in a rare moment of unfiltered humour, smirks. “Lucky the cliff wasn’t the same size as your stupidity, then.”
Jaskier splutters, flushing red, and chucks a pillow at Geralt. “Excuse you, I was trying to help!”
Gently tossing the pillow back, Geralt shakes his head. “It was a stupid distraction.”
But Jaskier can read between the lines and since he’s only been halfway unconscious when Geralt had carried him all the way back on foot because he’d forgotten about Roach in his concern, he doesn’t take offence, simply glad to still be alive.
“Most humans would have died from this,” Geralt tells him after having pulled an arrow out of his leg that’d only been there because he’d annoyed the wrong person.
Jaskier blinks. “Was that an insult or a compliment? I’ve lost too much blood to decipher your tone.”
With a soft laugh, Geralt finishes making sure he won’t actually bleed out before sitting back and shrugging. “You can choose.”
“Can’t you express your gratitude for your very best friend in any other circumstance, Geralt?” Jaskier asks incredulously, his brain too tired to even decide if he wants to stay awake or not.
Geralt only frowns, clearly wondering how he’s meant to do that, and for a second, Jaskier wants to laugh at the ridiculousness of his witcher being confused about the etiquette of conversation. He doesn’t though, he only takes Geralt’s hand and squeezes tightly, both as a reassuring gesture and because he’s in a rather large amount of pain.
“Loving the wrinkles, bard,” Yennefer drawls.
Jaskier rolls his eyes at her abrupt reappearance, not even looking up from his songbook. “Likewise, my dear witch.”
Geralt intervenes before either of them can go any further. “Neither of you have wrinkles?”
Yennefer and Jaskier share an exasperated look before the bard goes back to rearranging verses and the sorceress turns to Geralt with a sigh because it’s her turn to explain things to their somewhat clueless mutual friend. “Don’t take everything so literally, Geralt.”
“How else am I meant to take it?” Geralt asks, but the other two take it to be rhetorical, with Yennefer switching to discussing something about their latest contract.
Not bothered about the creature they’re discussing, Jaskier pauses only for a moment to ponder the exchange because in truth, he really ought to have wrinkles at his age, but he doesn’t dwell on it because the tale of the wyverns he’s weaving is far more compelling.
“Jaskier!” Geralt yells moments before tackling him.
Jaskier groans as the two of them land on the uneven ground, something flying over their bodies as they do, but doesn’t get much time to register any pain before Geralt is pulling him upright, tugging him along until both of them are out of range of whatever it is they’re under attack from. It’s only when they stop running that Jaskier realises the sharp pain in his chest isn’t just breathlessness.
“Geralt! Geralt- can’t... breathe…” he manages before the world fades to nothing.
When the void fades back into awareness, he’s met with the all too familiar sensation of bandages wrapped around his torso and the sight of Geralt’s puzzled face hovering above him.
He blinks. “Am I dead?”
Geralt blinks back at him, then scowls. “Apparently not.”
Jaskier makes a face, scrunching his nose up and furrowing his brows. “No need to sound so disappointed. You’re the one who saved me and it gets a little confusing when you look like you regret it every time.”
At that, Geralt’s expression softens. “No, I don’t regret it. I, uh- you broke a few ribs. I thought…”
“You thought I wouldn’t make it? I’m sorry,” Jaskier murmurs, then cracks a smile. “Foolish of you to assume you’d be free of me so easily.”
Thankfully, Geralt smiles back - it’s small, barely a curve of his lips, but it’s a smile nonetheless - and nudges him carefully. “Not being free of you isn’t so bad.”
Jaskier positively beams at him.
Eventually, he just accepts the small ouroboros on Geralt’s wrist.
He figures that, as many nobles are prone to doing, someone had lied about sleeping with someone else at some point along his lineage. And he silently thanks whoever it was for being too concerned with upholding their honourable reputation to tell the truth every time he makes it out of situations where he’s readily informed he’s lucky to be alive.
Geralt’s ouroboros is slightly different to his, sleeker and longer, but he doesn’t worry about it, knowing it’s probably related to how and why the two of them have longer lifespans than the average human. He’s perfectly happy just knowing that he can literally spend the the kind of forever that he writes so many balled about with his soulmate because the length of their lives match almost perfectly.
(little did he know his matching forever was still unknown to him.)
ik it’s chaotic but the trope is perfect for confusion here :)
thanks for reading! masterlist | witcher blog: @itsjaskier | next chapter
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butlerbarb · 4 years
Comfort (Leviathan x Reader)
i should start by saying sorry for just disappearing out of nowhere. i think i just had too much on my plate and burnt myself out. which then caused me to spiral into a depressive episode and lose all motivation to work on something. 
with that being said, i wanted to write something about how i've been feeling as a way to vent it. i also wanted it to be comfy and nice and i really just wanted leviathan to hug me and tell me everything is okay :) i hope you enjoy this very soft and self indulgent fic bc i love leviathan more than anything
also! i am working on requests, so expect those out within the next few days or so!
ily <3
It had been one of those days. Well, really it had been one of those weeks. Those days where you just didn’t want to leave your bed, more comfortable to hide away by yourself as to not bother anyone with how out of it you were feeling. Of course, Lucifer would probably have your head if he found out you were skipping classes, so you went about your days pretending you were fine.
Leviathan had invited you to his room after school, you hadn’t been able to focus on what he was telling you at breakfast – your mind too fuzzy from having just woken up combined with the fuzziness your off mood had brought on. But knowing the otaku demon, it was either anime or a new video game he bought. His enthusiasm and passion for his interests was something that never failed to bring a smile to your face, even when you were feeling down.
Your day at school, thankfully, passed by in a blur. Mammon made a point of bragging about his latest modeling job he scored as he walked you home, trying to convince you to go with him. Naturally, he pouted like a child when you turned him down, whining that you were missing the opportunity of a lifetime! Thankfully he gave up when you told him you just weren’t feeling it, but you would be happy to take him up on the offer another time. He dropped you off at home after that, telling you he’d bring you something on his way back.
You were barely in the door when Leviathan was charging at you from the common room, rushing you into kicking off your schools before he dragged you up to his room. You tried to argue that you still had your RAD uniform on and that he should at least give you a minute to change, but he was hearing none of it. He waited all day for you to get home, he wasn’t going to wait another minute! However, that excuse fell apart quickly when you gave him a set of puppy dog eyes, letting you hurry off to your room on a time limit.
You changed into more comfortable clothes quickly, using up only 3 minutes of the 5-minute limit he gave you. You were back in his room just as he had finished setting everything up. You took note of the snacks that he had set up in different bowls around his room. Wow, you thought, this must be really important. Leviathan usually never went all out like this unless it was mega important.
“What’s all this for, Levi? Seems like a lot for just a few episodes.” You commented, grabbing a handful of chips out of a bowl as you sat down on the edge of the bed. You cringed at how spicy it was, some of the flavors were intense in the Devildom. Leviathan’s eyes widened as he gave you an incredulous look.
“A few episodes!? No, no, no. We’re watching the entire series tonight.” The demon explained as he removed a disk from its packaging and slipped it inside his PC. “This series, 10 Things I’ve Always Wondered About the Demon King: Facts versus Fiction! has been teased for years! YEARS! And they finally released it all at once on DVD. People have been speculating about it for so long and AH! I CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH IT!”
You laughed at his energy, simply nodding as you reclined on his bed. He dove into bed next to you once the opening began playing, delight blooming on his face immediately. You let your head rest on Leviathan’s lower legs, expecting him to jump and practically kick you away, but to your surprise he didn’t even seem to notice. The show had barely started, and he was already lost in it.
It had been a few hours and you were only a few episodes deep. Levi had told you it had multiple seasons with at least 12 episodes each, so you really were going to be there for the night. It had been enjoyable at first, but after a while of mindlessly staring at the screen and reading subtitles, you slowly lost a majority of your interest. Leviathan still seemed fully absorbed, however. You breathed a sigh, stretching your arms above your head. You pulled your legs up onto the bed, crossing them underneath you, resting elbow on your knee, and your chin on the palm of your hand.
You let your eyes wander around the room, head filled with the same fuzziness as this morning. While you enjoyed the anime, and spending time with Leviathan, you knew it would have only been a matter of time before you were back to feeling the same way. You tried to act as normal as possible, not wanting to worry Levi or worse, distract him from the series he had been looking forward to.
You were surprised when the sound suddenly stopped, and you tore your gaze away from on of the anime figures your eyes had been locked on for longer than necessary. Glancing at the screen and then behind you to Leviathan, you raised and eyebrow at the worried look on his face.
“Are you okay?” The blue-haired demon asked, sitting up from his reclined positions to mimic your crossed legs.
“What do you mean? I’m fine.” You replied, giving him a smile, resting your hand on his knee. Leviathan’s eyes narrowed as he shook his head at you.
“You’re not fine! You seemed distracted this morning and it’s the same now. You know you can tell me if something is wrong.”
“Leviathan, I- “
“No excuses! I don’t… I don’t like seeing you upset like this…” He cut you off before you could say anything, mumbling the last part of his sentence as his cheeks flushed a dark red colour. You felt your eyes blow wide as the normally shy demon reached forward, grabbing your free hand as well as the one you had previously rested on his knee.
“Leviathan…” You frowned, watching tears prick the corners of his eyes. Wow, he was really upset about this, huh? You let out a sigh, deciding that if you were going to tell anyone, it might as well be the one who was about to cry out of worry.
“I don’t know, Levi. I’ve just been feeling… off. For the past week. I can’t really describe it. Just sad.” You admitted quietly, your eyes locking onto your joined hands. The silence was unnerving as Leviathan processed your words and suddenly you were extremely uncomfortable.
“Like… depressed?” You nodded in response to his question, eyes briefly flicking up to gauge his expression. He seemed indifferent yet stared at you intently. Your eyes widened as he let go of your hands and threw his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
“Levi, what…”
“I just! I just want you to know that… You’re not alone and that I… I care about you…” He whispered, burying his face into your hair as he held you tightly. His sudden confession shocked you into silence, all you could do was wrap your own arms around his torso, trying your hardest not to cry. Although even your hardest attempt couldn’t change how overwhelmed you felt, and eventually you were bawling into his shirt, more than likely staining it with tears.
You sat there together for who knows how long, Leviathan happy to let you cry it all out until you felt better. You could have sworn you felt a tear or two hit the skin of your neck, and you fought back a laugh. Leviathan was such a sensitive demon, being brought to tears by the smallest things.
Eventually, your seemingly endless flow of tears came to a stop. You pulled away from him slightly, his arms still wrapped around you as you briefly used the sleeve of your shirt to dry any remaining tears. Levi slowly pulled away, hands resting on your shoulders as he shot you a concerned look. You laughed quietly, wiping at your nose as you sniffled. You smiled at him, nodding a little to let him know you were okay.
He went to pull back, hands slipping off of your shoulder when you stopped him. Placing both of your hands on his cheeks, watching in amusement as his cheeks gained a flushed colour once again. Pulling him closer by his cheeks, you pressed a small kiss to his forehead. You pulled back not a second later, beaming at him happily.
“Thank you, Leviathan.”
The door to Leviathan’s room burst open, scaring the life out of the both of you. Leviathan jumped back, pushing you away from him in surprise. You fell back onto the bed with a laugh, eye drifting over to the intruder.
“Oi! What’re you two doing? Why’re your eyes all red, human?” Mammon, being the ever loud and obnoxious demon that he was, yelled as he stepped into the room. His arms crossed over his chest as he gave Levi a displeased look.
“Are ya makin’ my human cry, Levi?” The older demon accused, pointing a finger at his younger brother. Leviathan rolled his eyes, completely ignoring the Avatar of Greed as he briefly adjusted his fringe.
“Aren’t you the one always making them cry, Mammon?” The Avatar of Envy answered, glaring at Mammon from underneath his now fixed fringe. Mammon gasped, throwing a hand over his chest in mock offence.
“How dare you! I only even make the human happy, ya know!”
“I don’t know about that, Mammon..” You teased lightly, snickering as his face contorted into genuine sadness as he frowned deeply. “I’m joking! Come here, we’re watching anime! We’ve still got tons of snacks!”
Mammon happily dove into the bed next to you, immediately trapping you next to him with one hand, while the other greedily dove into a snack bowl. Leviathan grumbled lowly, rolling his eyes again before shifting into a comfortable position on your opposite side.
You were glad you had such caring demons to help you out when you were at your lowest. You would never replace them for the world.
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innittowinit · 3 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children (Chapter 19)
Fic summary: 
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary:
Eret's been acting...strange Techno senses somethings definitely off
Chapter word count: 1726
Friendships were a complex thing. Techno had known that as long as he could remember. People come and people go, it was nothing, especially not to him or Wilbur. Inherently, they knew all they had was each other, maybe their other brothers would also always be with them but what they had together was a special bond. Neither Phil nor Tommy would ever be able to understand them the way they understood each other and that was fine, they had lived every day side by side, they shared almost all their core memories and so their rationality was incredibly similar because of it, meaning they could very easily understand each other. 
Never had they asked for a friend that would feel the same way as the friendship they had with each other, and yet they always seemed to be asking for too much. That’s the part that confused Techno. 
Never had they needed to be understood. Never had they needed something complex. All they needed was someone to accept them so why did it feel like everyone always ended up leaving? Were they the problem? It always felt like they were trying so hard so why did it feel like they were pushing people away? 
You see, recently Eret had been acting….off. 
He had been stumbling over words, fidgeting, leaving quickly with the excuse of ‘being late for something’, and taking hours to reply to any kind of message. Each of these things would be fine on their own but with them all together, they felt a little strange. 
It didn’t seem like Wilbur had noticed the recent shift in behaviour yet so Techno didn’t dare bring it up, it wasn’t uncommon that he was overly cautious and he didn’t want to risk upsetting his brother over something that might not even be a big deal, especially when he had just started to get over the incident with the ticket booth. 
“So....He’s been busy a lot lately” Wilbur sighed, draping himself across the couch and clutching his phone in one hand. Niki had insisted they add some stickers onto it since letting them live off a ‘boring flip phone’ (as she had called it) was apparently not okay.
“Do you think he’s okay? Maybe something’s going on at home..”
Oh. Techno was positive everything was okay at home. Of course there was a possibility that he was just being protective of Wilbur because he didn’t want anyone hurting his brother but seriously! In his opinion, if you had enough money to eat fucking burger king as a school lunch you were doing fine financially, and really, that’s all that mattered right? Money had always been the reason why their parents were never around.
It was probably just his jealousy talking but he had always had a bit of an underlying anger for people with a big disposable income, how was it fair that their parents had to work so much at minimum wage jobs that they could hardly see them just to keep them warm and fed and yet other families could have their parents around by the time they were home from school /and/ have extra money for treats.
“Wil, don’t worry about him.” Techno sighed, trying to choose his words carefully. He knew Wilbur was always more sensitive to rejection than him.
“He’s more..social than we are, he probably just has other friends that he doesn’t want to ignore or something”
“Maybe.. I wish he’d tell us though, I don’t like being left on read” 
With a sigh and a gentle prod for him to sit up a bit more, Techno wrapped an arm around Wilbur, feeling how he melted into the contact straight away. Of course it hurt Techno too to be ignored by the one person they thought actually could be a good friend but he needed to put on a brave face for Wilbur. Of course it felt like a stab in the gut to have trusted someone so much to be able to start talking to them and then they just disappear but Wilbur needed him right now, it was obvious to anyone that he was the one with the bigger connection issues. 
“Wil, trusting people is a part of being friends. We can talk to him tomorrow alright? And we can explain that it would make you feel better if he said his plans before disappearing”
It was Tuesday night and other than a few memes she had screenshotted off of instagram and sent them, they hadn’t really heard much at all from Eret. She hadn’t hung around them long enough at school for either of them to really bring it up with her and honestly, Techno was getting incredibly worried about what was going on. He’d never had a real friend like this before, of course Skeppy always made him laugh but he was family so he didn’t count, if he messed up with family he knew as long as they weren’t adults they’d still love him afterwards, friends worked differently though. He had his Hypixel friends too but they didn’t count either since they were online and he could type to them on days when he was struggling more. By now he’d known them so long they were basically family, they’d all taken hours out of their own time to research Techno’s problems to try and be as accommodating as possible- all in all he really couldn't compare them with Eret.
It was tricky and he knew communication was one of the more important parts, which was ironically what he struggled with the most. Maybe on one of his worse-off days, where he normally would have had Wilbur doing most of the talking for him, Eret had assumed he was angry with her or giving her the silent treatment, maybe she had taken offence to the fact that Wilbur and Techno were very obviously closer than she was with each one of them. The thought that somehow they might have made her feel left out made him feel a little sick, had they not explained well enough what had led to this point? Maybe it was selfish for them to relish in the fact that she rarely bugged them for explanations.
All in all, Techno was sure they had done something for the sudden shift in attitude and, not wanting to make Wilbur feel worse than he already did, he wasn’t sure who could help him. 
Maybe he could wait up until his parents got home? People on TV were always getting advice from them but then again.. His family wasn’t really like those on tv, if he was being honest he was half sure he’d be yelled at for being awake before he could have a chance to ask for help. 
He could also ask Phil, but then again Phil was already beyond stressed trying to make sure they were all okay, he really didn’t want to bother him. Niki was closer to Wilbur than she was with him and he was sure his hypixel friends were all still at school because of the time zone difference. 
The only other person he could really think of talking to about this was Skeppy, and so, hopping out of bed, trying his hardest not to make too much noise and wake up Wilbur, he made his way to the PC. 
From what he knew, Skeppy usually stayed up late and slept so late he often missed his bus anyway so he probably was still up.
Clicking onto discord, he breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the green dot next to his cousin's icon, immediately messaging him. 
11:36 OrphanDestroyer: Hey nerd
11:36 OrphanDestroyer: U awake?
It took a few minutes for him to answer, Techno was just about ready to give up and accept he had just chosen the one night he may have gone to bed on time to try and message him.
11:42 japanesesymbolforbeginner: 1 sec ina call wiv bbh 
Writing ‘bbh’ off as one of Skeppy’s friends he had forgotten to tell them about, Techno waited patiently for Skeppy to say he was free. 
11:46 japanesesymbolforbeginner: ok im done, what you need
11:46 OrphanDestroyer: SO
11:46 OrphanDestroyer: Do you remember Eret?
11:48 OrphanDestroyer: Okay well basically for like the past few days he’s been ignoring me and Wilbs and I’m really really worried we offended him or something like maybe we hurt him or he’s mad or maybe he decided he's too good to be friends with us which tbh I don't blame him for because we kinda are losers and maybe people won't be friends with him because he's friends with us or something? Idk idk I just really wish he’d tell us something because like Wil is freaking out and idk what to tell him, he really struggles with this kinda stuff and I wanna help but idk how. 
11:48 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Ok...fuck
11:48 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Has he replied to any messages or anything? Maybe he’s busy?
11:48 OrphanDestroyer: Not really 
11:49 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Okay okay so here’s what I think you should do
11:49 japanesesymbolforbeginner: If he’s ignoring you you're gonna need to confront him next time you see him and don’t just agree when he makes an excuse to leave, like say you NEED to talk
11:50 japanesesymbolforbeginner: If u think he’s offended bc sometimes you don't speak a lot maybe just message him some resources or whatever on the type of mutism you deal with, even if he doesn’t reply he’ll probably still open it.
11:50 japanesesymbolforbeginner: like he might just be in the position where he’s nervous he’ll offend you if he asks something about it? Like maybe he doesn't understand fully and he just needs one of you to open the discussion 
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: okay you're probably right
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: There’s a link I have to one I normally email teachers whenever we have a new one so i'll probably send him that
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: Tomorrow though, my dads gonna be home soon and he’ll kill me if im still awake 
11:51 japanesesymbolforbeginner: aight, night Techno, good luck and btw you're all always welcome to come over if things get tense over there with ur parents
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obeymematches · 4 years
gumdopfairy matchup request~
Hello! May I request a matchup? Sorry if it is too long. ><
Synopsis: I come off as distant and awkward. I don’t talk much and if I do, I am agreeable and soft-spoken. I would say I am sensitive, transparent, emotional, understanding, curious, carefree, and clumsy. I am expressive and am not afraid to show my feelings, people would say I am an open book. I always cry at sad movies or scenes where you’re supposed to cry. I have 4 siblings and it’s fun but tiring at the same time, I’m the butt of every joke and am treated like the youngest. I also like to tease those I am very close with. I am expressive and (sometimes childish) with those I am very close to and agreeable with the general public. In a group work setting, I am diligent and reasonable when doing my job.
Habits/Interests/Dreams: I say ‘what the heck’ a lot, it’s a habit tbh. I rant when I am passionate. A dream of mine is to enjoy life with people I love, to travel, capture beautiful scenery and eat lots of sweets! I like learning about international cultures, languages and funky things like did you know smelling your own fart prevents  Alzhimer’s disease because of hydrogen sulfide and egg-smells? LOL.
Travel, psychology, and society-related documentaries interests me. I am currently a (elementary) A2 level Korean, I want to study more of the language because I like Korean music and culture. The concept of time travel, multitudes of reality and isekai worlds intrigue and fascinate me, I like reading fictional stuff about it. I have good knowledge of geography. My siblings always tease me when the number 13 shows because…..I want to always avoid the number and really hate that number. I used to do judo in high school and I have a fascination with martial arts. :D
Likes/Dislikes: I like pastels, sunsets, flowers, photography, sweets, fried foods, skincare, sparkly stuff, lip gloss, memes, dad jokes and games.
I dislike it when people assume things about me like they know me (when they really don’t), condescending people, ignorance, waking up early and seafood. I like my freedom and want to be independent, and dislike it immensely being forced to do something I don’t want to do. I really don’t like listening to lectures (doesn’t everyone though?). I’m not academically inclined but I have decent grades. I really don’t like math and chemistry T_T
In depth: I am pretty sensitive when people criticize or judge me only if it’s constructive but if it is outright just to insult me than I will say something bc that upsets the heck outta me. Because I have such a big immediate family (there’s 7 of us) I am family-oriented so playing Obey Me really reminds me a lot of my family(esp siblings I have 4). In fact, I do get irritated easily and I am working on my short-temper. I am understanding and always try my best to not look at things just in my perspective but others as well. I am pessimistic in nature but I do genuinely want to see the good in people and in life. When thinking about my feelings and knowing the why I feel the way I do and how it affects others, you could say there is emotional intelligence. :)
My insecurity without a doubt is caring too much on what people think of me and how content I am with myself. I think this is because of me, my past “friends” who judged me so critically which had a negative effect on how I see myself. Because of that, I have very few friends. In fact, I don’t really have any. I kind of just lost my self of self and trust for people. And my insecurity with of how unrefined, incompetent or unlikable I am, I’ve been told a lot to “grow up” and “stop asking dumb questions.”
I want to be loved and not to be judged so harshly. Since I am slowly becoming an adult I have to discard my awkward, playful tendencies in front of others. Even though I have low self-esteem it bothers me when being told that I did something or said something, it discredits my character and what gives one the right to tell me what I did or said when I know myself more than them?
Relationships: I honestly never had a boyfriend or any real close, close friends but I have a very close sibling who I grew up since I was an infant and it’s my younger sister (only by 16 months). She is truly my best friend and sister. I tend to like who are confident but also cool, they’re not domineering. I also find myself liking those who are opposite from me. The airheadness in me juxtaposed with my partner’s grounded nature. I’m pretty reckless and clumsy myself so it’d make sense if someone is reasonable and well-coordinated which would balance us out. My pessimism balanced with his optimism and/or realism.
I can offer my close companionship, humor, someone to listen to your troubles/ranting, and someone you can have ramen with and have conversations about anything without having restraint. Someone who I can be free with. Someone who can accept my flaws and who can help me improve myself and I would do the same for them.
We can laugh together, spend time with each other, make each other cry, fight and be there for each other when we are feeling low. A best friend and a partner for life, someone who would not harshly constrain, judge or tear me down as an individual. Wow, I am crying writing this. I am so idealistic about what I want in my relationships mainly because I never had one but deep down, I don’t think it’s like that in real life.
Hobbies: otome games, learning Korean, pilates/ workout videos, eating, and bothering my siblings
My Fangirl self: I am a big fan of Avatar:The Last Airbender and One Punch Man (Genos is husbando material lol). I also really like Free and Haikyuu. Hot 2D men, babies, and puppies are my weaknesses. I read a lot of romance, isekai, and action webtoons/mangas and like watching it too. 
Appearance wise, I’m 163 cm, and Asian so I have medium standard straight dark hair and I’m slim.
Hey! Thank you for your request! Sorry for the wait!
It was pretty hard to decide who would be the best partner for you. I thought about Beelzebub or Leviathan. Because Levi is into animes, mangas and Asian culture, but Beel loves food and his siblings especially Belphie. Hope you like my decision, because I decided to choose Beelzebub!
Here is why:
I think it’s ideal for Beel to have a quite clumsy girl with him. I can imagine when you, for example, fall down on the stairs and he catch you! He would protect and take care of you. He would be right there for you when you can’t reach something! 
He may look serious and mean, but actually he isn’t!
When you watch a sad movie or when someone judges you, he would try his best to make you feel happy again. Make you some food or maybe cuddle with you! 
You mentioned that you are an open book which would make Beel understand you even more. Being transparent is very important if you want a healthy relationship!
He is very close to his brothers. He would do anything for them. His best friend is Belphegor, and I think it’s good because your best friend is your sibling too. Imagine all of you hanging out like a super big family!! I think Beel can get along with pretty much anyone. 
Beel is very positive and rewarding so it would be ideal for you as there would be a balance. 
Both of you loves to eat, it would be a great date to go eat something, or make food together. I’m sure he will share his food with you! (Especially if you share your food with him too) Trust me he knows the best places to get food from! Also when you travel, he is going to encourage you to try food you maybe wouldn’t otherwise!
He would think your “what the heck” habit is cute though. Imagine him smiling so cutely to hmself every time you say it! If you two hang out a lot he might start saying it a lot too!
Beel would love to hear your voice so talk to him about everything! You can trust him! He is not too talkative himself, so your tendencies to rant gives a good balance!
Moreover he would support you in everything! He is one of the most supporting brothers!
Also don’t worry. He has 6 siblings, it’s much worse than 4, he knows what you mean when you say you are tired!
Beelzebub would join you to watch differents shows  or animes, but make sure there’s food!
I’m sure you would enjoy the time that you spend together! He can be very adorable and careful. Maybe he would invite you to the gym or hiking (or maybe to do judo), but reward you with a kiss for example.
He would make your day better for example with a romantic dinner or to just go out and watch the sunset with a picnic even if it’s the day you don’t like, so he tries to get your mind off it. 
Leviathan would join you if you want to play games or listen to kpop. Of course while this make sure you give food to Beel to make him less jealous. But he is not the most jealous type, so really there’s not much to worry about. 
Furthermore, if you don’t want to wake up early, he would stay in bed with you and cuddle. But sometimes Belphegor would be a better partner for this and he would treat you as his sister.
He would hold your hand until he falls asleep. Think about that!
Chemistry and Math is definitely not Beel’s favourite ones as well. You better get help from Lucifer or Satan! But Beel won’t judge you based on your grades!
He would laugh at your jokes, and try to make you laugh too!
He wouldn’t judge you and say mean things to you because he would really value you and you would mean the world for him beside food.
He needs emotional support though.(SPOILER depending on where you are in the story) Sometimes he blame himself for some mistakes. Thats why it’s nice that you are emotionally mature, he definitely needs someone he can rely on emotionally as well. 
Also he will make sure that you don’t think about what others think of you! He loves you the way you are! 
He is the youngest, so you can be childish together!
He is pretty flexible and confident, so no turn-offs so far!
He is the tallest one so I think you would look super cute next to him (he is like 205 cm lmao)
I think he is really patient and actually encouraging so hanging out with him will definitely boost your confidence!
I think in canon he never really had any relationship before either, so it would be amazing to learn about relationships together! 
I think theres no thing like “thats not how it is in real life”, you just have to keep looking. Fortunately Beel has similar values as you, as he can be shy and that makes opening up to someone hard - meaning the friendship can last some time before you establish a relationship. A healthy relationship is based on being best friends with your partner, so I think you are on the same page. 
Maybe sometimes you and Belphie would team up to prank him, what do you think?
He definitely adores that you care for yourself and that you are stylish! Asmo probably knows more about these than Beel, but thanks to Asmo’s influence Beel will suprise you with how much cosmetics he can name!
So in conclusion he is a very supportive boyfriend, and you are also supporting him through the journey of healing from the past. A very cute relationship and you two can do anything together. He can get you do some sports and you can get him to watch some shows on rainy days. However food is something you both enjoy a lot, so restaurant or cooking dates are common! Even if you travel. Knowing that you can trust the other no matter what will boost the confidence of the both of you! He can be less talkative but that’s fine because you can talk! He is also rather optimistic, so there is a balance in that as well. Sometimes he might get jealous of Levi or Belphie if you hang out with them too much, but thats just something to have a conversation about. He is cool and rather chill, definitely gets along well with your family too, which is very important because both of you are family-oriented! 
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loverunderwater · 4 years
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The Perfect Date (2019) dir. Chris Nelson
summary: To save up for college, Brooks Rattigan creates an app where anyone can pay him to play the perfect stand-in boyfriend for any occasion.
2/5 stars
Spoilers, duh. This one’s the dictionary definition of meh, so if you decide to read this in lieu of watching it, you‘re not missing out on much.
The Perfect Date starts with Brooks writing his first (of many, many, *many*) drafts of college app essays to Yale, of all places. “Shoot for the mo, because even if you miss you’ll land among the stars,” eh? The first thing I noticed was that every sentence in Brooks’s essay sounded like it belonged in one of those “Introduce yourself to the class in 5 sentences or less” assignment. You know, the ones you get in every year in English class from grades 2-8? They were dull, bland, and unoriginal. You’d think an Ivy-bound student would know the difference between traditional and overused. Oh wait, with Yale’s 7.1% acceptance rate, there is none. You have to be unique and avant-garde and witty and risk-taking and *you have to be somebody*. Not Brooks’ line, “Without vision, we succumb to the average, and what I want is the extraordinary.” Guess the writers didn’t have much of a vision for their screenplay, then, huh?
The movie also makes it appear as if his only strong suit is his grades, since that’s the only thing they’re constantly talking about. When going to college admissions office, he should know more than to spew his numbers. If you’re really dedicated to Yale, you have to know it’s not all about the numbers.
Speaking of relevant numbers, unlike Brooks’s SAT scores, Yale tuition for the ‘19-‘20 school year is approximately $43,000. In a few months, Brooks earns about 3/10ths of the money he needs, based on the MyTraxx app Murph creates so he can see his progress towards the end goal. Brooks earned about twelve thousand dollars in 3 months from taking girls on fake dates. I’m not saying it’s unrealistic, but exactly how much would *you* pay a stranger to take you on a fake date? (it’s unrealistic)
Shelby, Brooks’s initial love interest, is made out to be the dumb rich girl for the entire movie, painting her as a shallow puppet of her parents’ money. Brooks pretends to be rich in order to impress her, and miracle of miracles, she believes him despite his terrible responses to her rich-girl questions. We hear her casually mentioning how many stylists and makeup artists she needed to get ready for the winter formal, and making shallow comments behind people’s backs. Then for some reason, when Brooks comes clean about his identity, she’s suddenly such a great, enlightened character who tells Brooks she’s better than him because *she’s not a liar.* Why bother making her out to be such a one-dimensional character when she actually has a holier-than-thou attitude to top it all off? Nevermind that she kisses Brooks when he’s straight out of a (fake, but real to her nonetheless) breakup. At least she does not lie. Layers, people. You can be rich *and* honest.
This is a bit of a petty complaint, but about a fourth of the way through the movie, Brooks whines to his father, “I haven’t worked my ass off for the last 3 and a half years to go to a public college.” I mean, I get it. He wants Yale, and only Yale. But implying that people who attend public school don’t work just as hard as you do gives Brooks such a bratty attitude. It’s as if he’s saying that he should get everything he wants because he tried to stay awake in AP Calc BC. The sheer entitlement just rolls off Brooks in waves. Maybe that’s why he had Shelby fooled for most of the movie.
By the way? Eat the rich.
Brooks is paid to take a girl named Celia to a school dance. Celia is, coincidentally, rich, and gives Brooks the idea to create the dating app in the first place. She first appears in black combat boots and a scowl, and she is refusing to wear the high heels her mother wants her to wear to the dance. I mean, if that doesn’t tell you all you need to know about her character, you must have missed out on a significant part of 2010s young adult contemporary. She was, as my brother would put it, “such a raging feminist .” God knows we needs feminism, seeing as to who we’ve so intellectually elected president, but. But. Celia felt like a caricature. She felt like a trope. She, in fact, felt like every single “not like other girls” trope mixed up in a hard cocktail served with flashing eyes and a burning internal monologue and a hatred for all things pink, served in a gunmetal grey flask with a “Beauty is Brains” sticker on it. I might be a bad feminist, but God, I hated her, or at least how she was written, for the first half of the movie.
I also got heavy TERF energy from Celia. When she is driving downtown with Brooks, they begin talking about an anonymous street artist named Trashbug. Celia goes, “He’s probably just some bored, privileged white boy,” and rolls her eyes. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, Celia, but you’re a bored, privileged white girl. You can tell that she honestly believes she’s so much better than Trashbug because she doesn’t spray-paint mediocre, avant-garde art onto dumpsters. In reality, she probably spends her free time moodily posting on Reddit about how Transformers 2 is sexist. I could also totally see Celia being Trashbug, because she has no passion, for anything. At all. She’s completely surface deep, so it would make sense for her to be a secret graffiti artist the entire time.
My favorite line from this movie directly follows the above. After admitting to Brooks that she’s afraid to show her true personality, Celia goes, “Oh god, if anyone actually heard me saying this.” I mean. Wow. How brave she is, to be telling this all to Brooks, to be trusting him enough to do so. What a significant indication of the closeness of their relationship. Simply an artistic line, packed with such raw emotion and honesty. What an executive decision that must have been made to allow this revolutionary dialogue into this scene. Truly a remarkable line.
Half of the banter between Brooks and Celia sounded unbelievably scripted and horrible, and the other half sounded natural and flirty. We got disgusting, fake-deep conversations, like how Brooks is like vanilla ice cream because he seems basic at first but there’s more subtle part to him. No idea what the hell happened there, but I did like the chemistry between Laura Marano and Noah Centineo, and “Vanilla” is a cute nickname/inside joke.
I really, really sympathize with Brooks’s best friend Murph. Even in the summary, when Murph is the one who codes and produces the dating app, Brooks gets all the credit for the app. Nothing for the black, gay, nerd (onto whom the directors seemed to shove as many minority traits as they could for the sake of “representation”). The friendship arc constrains some of the most predictable lines and concepts I’ve ever seen. When Murph is worried that Brooks is going to start drifting away from him, Brooks reassures him “I’m not gonna make any new friends.” and you just KNOW that he’s going to ditch Murph, for the girl or for the popular kids. How could he not?
As much as this movie was predictable and blah, there were a few gems that made me snort because they were just. So bad. So terrible. My favorite bit went:
Dudebro: “Whaddup, Rattigan? Italian sub on wheat, no tomatoes.”
Brooks: “Italian sub for the Italian guy.”
DB, not missing a beat: “I’m Swedish.”
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Hey who wants to hear the miserable story about how I had to deal with loneliness this year? Feel free to scroll on I just need to write it down to, I suppose close the chapter on the story? Read if your curious, or maybe also need guidance, or just want to learn some tips on how to help someone dealing with it. This will be poorly structured it’s just... getting it off my chest I guess.
People talk sometimes about university students often struggling with loneliness, and often going overlooked because they’re not seen as ‘vulnerable’ as other populations. I mean, look! They’re in a city! They go out every night and piss off the locals! They can’t be lonely!
It started back in 2018 (yup, that far back), when my friends decided that it would be better for my mental health if I didn’t live with them. No lie, that was the actual fucking reason. I was heartbroken; I’ve missed out on a lot of typical “growing up! Yay!” Type things because of my mental health, trauma and bullying and the fact that “living with friends” was gonna be added to the list was fucking heart breaking. But I dealt with it, because I had no where else to turn. No one else to move in with. I cried for like 2 hours solid after they so sweetly told me they didn’t want to live with me because I have *anxiety*. Not even one of the quote unquote “””scary””” mental illnesses (which would have been a MAJOR dick move), just plain old anxiety attacks and hiding from people to calm down. I proceeded to have break downs every Wednesday for 3 months while searching for somewhere to live, bc it was always a stabbing reminder that I was so unwanted.
(They planned to move in with 2 other people so it’s not even like they were only searching for a flat to fit *just* them)
I study 300 miles away from home, literally the exact opposite part of the country. Despite not having many friends growing up I was never lonely because I had a great family who would always chase it away. Maybe I was lonely a bit at school, but I could always come home and my parents chased it away. It was recurrent, but not constant.
I got a place for the new academic year. Studio flat, great location, tiny and over priced to Hell but I was in a safe area which was great because *no one was looking out for me anymore*. I didn’t have flat mates to check I was alive everyday, no one to chat to when I got home. If I got sick, I was completely on my own. My next door neighbour is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but she’s a working professional, and I’m a second year student. Everyone else in studio flats are mature students, masters, phD students or working people. And me. I have so little in common with these people it’s tough to start a conversation with them.
My birthday is early in the academic year, so we didn’t celebrate it until about a month after. Half of my friends didn’t even bother, no card, no presents. Okay, fine, I’m not materialistic, but acknowledgement would have been nice I suppose. This is the only time they came around my flat, and they are the cake I baked to celebrate.
But they inexplicably started to just stop interacting with me. There were 5 of us, they’d pair up in lectures and only talk between themselves between lectures and left me sat quietly trying to speak to someone, ANYONE, because hello? I haven’t got FLATMATES. I talk to NO ONE outside of this “friendship” group. They don’t seem to care much, they just keep telling me how wonderful it must be to live in a studio.
They invited me round to celebrate another friend’s birthday at their shared flat. He gets presents from everyone, including the two that left me out. Their flat looks lived in, there’s board games out while I don’t have room for any of them in mine. They’ve got bean bags everywhere it looks so damn nice. “But your kitchen is bigger than ours!” Eve tried to tell me (an absolute LIE), but they don’t roll out of bed and immediately land in the kitchen. They don’t have to chose between watching tv, eating or living the flat any time they want to dry clothes bc there’s no room. I want to cry throughout the visit, I storm off once were done. I don’t know why. I know now.
Loneliness feels like a weight on your chest. It’s a double edged sword where both edges only cut you. You desperately seek interaction but it also upsets you. I wanted to hang out at their flat because I hadn’t hung out with them in nearly a month at this point, but when I got there I realised they hung out together every. Single. Night. While I cried alone in my room. It made everything so much worse. And they laughed it off.
They stopped posting in the group chat, they talked to me even less. Never invited me out, but there’s no way I could prove *they* went out so it was pointless complaining about it. I was meant to go to a concert with one of them, I reminded her about tickets an entire month before, offered to buy hers. She cancelled 5 hours beforehand. I went alone.
It was a Toyah concert. I fought back sobs in the opening song “Good morning universe”, because it repeatedly asks “how are you today?”. I was awful. I finally had it figured out. I was lonely, isolated, and I didn’t know what to do.
Before anyone gets too sad, the story only continues for 2 weeks past this concert.
1st November, they joke about how Blake, friend number 4, practically lives at their flat, and I get angry. Why does HE get to live there? Blake has flatmates, Blake’s not alone! I should be practically living there because there’s NOTHING in my flat but silence. The internet is on the fritz and I’ve yet to figure out the tv, I don’t even have background noise except the kettle! I storm off, vow to never interact with them again.
I go out for drinks with my neighbour for her birthday. She buys me a pint of coke bc I don’t drink. I hate coke, but I drink it all and chat with her friends. It was a great night.
That weekend I bake pumpkin cake and bread for knitting society, and calm down. I overreacted a bit surely. One more chance, that’s all I’ll give them. The cake and bread doesn’t all get eaten at the society so I bring some for them on the Monday.
Tuesday night is bonfire night. I sit in my flat wishing I could go out and see them rather than just hear them, but I don’t know where to go. I have no one to go with.
Wednesday im sat in lectures beside them, and a friend not in the group but still a friend comes over to chat. One of them excitedly tells her about how they went to a display last night “look at these photos I got of (friend in group)!” I ask if they went out last night, the phone is quickly put away, they ignore me. I ask again. The friend outside of the group is confused and leaves before the lecture starts. I spend 3 hours with loneliness ripping out my lungs, because how could they? They could’ve dropped me a message to say they were going and I could meet up, but they didn’t even do that? Why?
After the lectures finished I corner one of them. The first of my friends at university. The first person on my course I befriended. “Did you go out last night?” “Yes” “without me?” Another runs up “it was last minute it wasn’t planned!” Laughs it off. So I rush off. I don’t say good bye. That was it.
I went home and cried. Told my parents what happened. Cried down the phone to them. “It’s time to cut ties with them”. I know it is. It’s still hard.
So yeah. Miserable story. But any sad story should have a happy ending, right?
The next day I told someone what had happened. She immediately called it bullshit and invited me to join her friends. They’re really nice. I like them.
I left the old group chat. No explanation, just “I’m hanging out with X now. Laters” and I left. I wrote my frustrations and explanation in a shitty poem, called it shitty in the poem itself, but also said they didn’t deserve better. They didn’t deserve even that, so I didn’t send it. I think it was a very sexy decision of mine.
But most importantly, through the hardest points, most of my weekly socialisation every week came from the two societies im part of: my society (knitting) and the nerd society. 4 1/2 hours a week of socialising isn’t enough, surprisingly. But it got me through.
But more importantly are the people I met there. I don’t want to tell them what happened, I fear they’ll be upset that they didn’t help more, but they helped so damn much. So much more than could ever be expected from anyone. That final Wednesday, when I’d cried my heart out, 2 people texted me out of the blue and lifted my spirits so much I laughed that evening where I’d cried in the day. Stupid texts too. “Baby rabbits and kittens, cos you’re a vet right?” And “I only just got this message, I would have LOVED some pumpkin cake 🙁”. Poor lads probably weren’t expecting the wild conversations we had afterwards but friendships blossomed from it. Sorry new friend, hope you like the cheese scone recipe you definitely did NOT see coming that day.
The society meets on a Thursday, but it was to be a video watching thing more than a social thing. Loneliness was still tearing me up inside, I wanted to talk to someone damnit! But I went because I needed cheering up. I laughed so hard, I sang theme songs with others, and we all went to the pub afterwards. I’d never been before, I planned to leave at half 10 so I could shower and go to sleep in reasonable time for a 9am lab. I got chatting to the cake boy at 22:25. By the time we left the bar and he’d had his fill of chocolate rolls at my flat (I offered, he was hungry and Sainsbury’s was closed) and I was in bed, it was 00:40. Oops.
But I wasn’t lonely anymore.
Whats there to learn? I suppose don’t take advantage of your friends. If someone is living alone, check on them OFTEN. Make sure you don’t just pair up for conversations in lectures. Invite people round more.
And don’t under estimate the power of a text message. The lack of one ruined one friendship, one daft one about pumpkin cake built another.
(And I baked cookies for my new friends and we ate them in front of the old friends. Get rekt).
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callieshipman · 5 years
the 100 tag game!
i was (sort of) tagged by @easilydistractedbyfanfic! thanks <3
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from?
I like to think Farm, I love plants! But also maybe Polaris, because getting caught up in someone else’s drama and then dying offscreen is probably about how my TV life would go. 
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
...making an inappropriate joke about treason? this is based off the fact that I once made a joke about overthrowing the government whilst touring Parliament and did NOT notice the policeman behind me.
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
 my mum thinks I’m dead if she sees I don’t reply to her texts within five minutes so i’m gonna say no because i hate worrying people lmao
4 What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
i have so much dragonfly stuff, so probably that! i don’t even know where that came from, but it seems fitting.
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
100% maya vie, the revolution queen always and forever! though she is not minor in my Heart
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Bellamy, Monty, Raven, Abby, Indra! Between them they cover our bases of leadership, plants, machines, medicine, and general badassery
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to you?
Shallow Valley looked like exactly the kind of place I’d like :)
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
This is hard for Tabby! I guess Tabi?
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
i’m not gonna sing his praises, but i think he’s more complex than some people give him credit for.  he did terrible things, but i’m never gonna get behind the grounder agenda of spending hours torturing a child to death. i recognise that this is entirely bonkers to say in the universe of the 100, but that dude should have had a fair trial
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
i wouldn’t do it! also i have trouble with pills, there’s no way i’m dry swallowing that massive hunk of plastic
11. What character do you relate to most?
monty!! i have also watched people i love deeply fall apart, and his struggles in season 4 really resonate with me. but on a lighter note, i also relate to his sense of humour and his deep seated need to snark at people. and eating leaves.
12. What character do you like the least?
i’m gonna go with Cage Wallace, because fuck that guy. he’s just smarmy, it annoys me lmao
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
i would probably have a pretty normal shirt and a thick jumper. i like yellow, but that probably wouldn’t fare so well with hiding in the woods and such so i’m gonna go with a dark green. that + trousers + my trusty walking boots.
14. Favourite type of mutant animal?
the glowing butterflies are pretty great!
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
probably counselling or something? i can’t imagine i’d be very high up, but probably with people a lot, i’m no good with machines
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
yeah but my face would be like D: the whole time
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
Indra’s my go-to! she has experience, she’s level-headed, she’s respected, and clearly a strong fighter. i would follow her into war is what i’m saying here
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
i’d probably get loud and just start talking over people and offering opinions that no one asked for then fall asleep
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
i’d never have turned her away from the camp, but she definitely wouldn’t get away with it scot-free and i’d probably keep her away from the others to keep her and everyone else safe
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
jake griffin :’) he has a strong code of ethics, he’s smart, and he’s kind
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
Kane’s, but probably somewhat removed from the drama
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
i feel like i should say their advanced medical supplies, but i’d probably just take the iPod tbh! love me some music and i know maya had good taste
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
i looooove those winding tattoos that go all around arms and legs like vines, so maybe something like that? and my hair is pretty short so i’d probably wear it as it is, but maybe add tiny braids. as for war paint, i can’t be bothered to do regular makeup so i don’t know if i’d even do it. minimal if anything.
24. Favorite quote?
“My mom was the revolutionary. I’m just trying to make things right.” It’s Maya lovin’ hours! i don’t know why, i just really like this one. i’m not sure it’s my favourite, but i can’t think of anything else right now
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
Octavia, but only if someone else killed Bellamy, she’d never do it
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Least: uhh i don’t really dislike any ships that much but i guess i never really got the cl.exa hype
Favorite canon: up until s5, i really loved kabby! afterwards, i have no idea tbh a lot of the ships didn’t quite do it for me in s5 but i enjoy becho
Favorite non-canon: i’m hoping for the rise of niytavia this season ;)
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
john mulaney. next question please.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
well hopefully we become friendly but i would probably also go a bit nuts
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
i choke on berries in the background of a massive fight scene
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
Indra :0
31. A character you’d bang?
raven but preferably not just bc she’s sad again. also i would like to not perish immediately afterwards.
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
spacekru! i would not survive either of the other environments at all
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
i like to think i’d be the leader of some cool underground revolution, but publicly i’d follow her because she’s terrifying. i think i’d read and write and sleep a lot
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
underground revolution as mentioned above! alternatively, i am the blanket thief
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
the100!tabby is gonna follow monty everywhere, let’s be real. i like to think we’d get on. as for most difficult...i’m not good at reaching out to people, so it would probably be a while before i ended up close with echo purely by virtue of neither of us ever starting a conversation
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
oh god, not long at all. i have zero survival skills, i’d starve. madi would have to parent ME
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
probably reveal myself and make it very clear i am in no way a threat- i’m not clarke griffin, i’m 5′4, unarmed, and i look like i’m made of noodles
38. Favourite Eligius character? Least favorite?
favourite: diyoza no competition (except sassy rewind guy)
least favourite - mccreary but in a fun way
39. Would you Spacewalk?
absolutely not you couldn’t pay me to do that
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
algae...for monty :)
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
i would try the negotiations! i’m sure they could have gotten somewhere in peace talks
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
thumb drives in bullet holes- the worms are much worse
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
yeah i’d do it, but i’d hate it. i’d try to avoid killing her, but if she needs to be incapacitated, then i’d do it for the safety of everyone else
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
probably sleep, i’m not sure i could handle that life in isolation
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
more or less the same lot. i’d actually wake Gaia too, she’s the Flamekeeper and might know some helpful hints about flame culture and stuff. she certainly knows the history. 
i’m tagging: @commanderclarke @paintingbellarke @sarka-stically and anyone else who wants to do it!
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irishais · 6 years
rambling rantiness under the cut, please feel free to scroll on past~
So, there are three days left of actual retail sales, and then next weekend, we’re doing this ridiculous garage sale thing (which I’m not sure why my store is even bothering with, considering they’ve decided to let everyone buy office supplies, etc, a week and a half early, which has just made EVERYTHING INFINITELY MORE COMPLICATED), and honestly, every single day I go into that fucking store, I want to walk right back out again.
We close on WEDNESDAY, and yet, our idiot owner keeps showing up with huge pallets of books to be stickered and put on the horribly sparse shelves-- we have given up and just leave them on carts, but it doesn’t stop people from being like, do you have any more in the back and when will you get more stuff in?!?? wHY IS THIS BOOK SLIGHTLY DINGED UP AND DO YOU HAVE ANOTHER COPY OF THIS SHITTY ART BOOK FROM 1997 THAT I’M NOT EVEN GOING TO READ BUT KEEP ON MY SHELF FOR THE ~AESTHETIC~
literally i’m going to commit homicide if one more person asks me one more goddamned stupid fucking question about the sale, what we’re going to do after we all lose our jobs (the answer is none of their fucking business, and at this point, all i respond with is, “i’m going to the bar, for one.”) people keep trying to make jokes and tell us that it’ll be completely fine, like, buddy, my pal, my guy, i’m not going to be able to pay my rent or my bills come next week, so if you don’t stop bitching about the fact that you won’t have anywhere to spend your pension at, i’m going to personally slam this stapler down your throat. 
like i get that i’ve been coming across as bitchy or irritable or short as of late, but i’m stressed the fuck out, and for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to matter to anyone close to me? like my mother keeps texting me forty-five times a day to demand an update on interviews and applications and pay rates and benefits and i’ve told her to leave me the hell alone multiple times but i can’t fucking turn off my phone in the event that someone calls me with a job offer. 
oh and i have like 40$ in my bank account to last me until friday, i have to go to the social security administration on my ONE DAY OFF this week to get a new card since i’ve managed to fucking lose mine, i gave up my days off bc we’ll be closed thurs/fri to prep for this stupid yard sale bullshit and that way everyone can just work all fucking week and have zero downtime, and it’s supposed to fucking snow tuesday and wednesday and i haven’t had a moment’s peace and quiet in three goddamned days, i feel like everything i’ve written lately has just gone straight into the unappreciative void, i guess 99% of my rp partnerships are gone bc i haven’t been around in weeks because of my anxiety, and even writing this feels utterly fucking pointless. i also don’t think i’m going to be able to get unemployment because i accepted this part-time gig, even though it won’t come even remotely close to making what i was, so now i have to figure out what fucking assistance i can get to feed myself and if i can get state health insurance so i don’t fucking die. 
someone run me over with a bus.
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Question Game!
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given you, write 11 of your own and tag 11!
Tagged by the fabulous @lizcantspell
1. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
honestly, I don’t know. I generally do whatever I want to try to do unless money or personal safety deem it unreasonable...
2. What’s your favorite quote or saying?
bad example: don’t bother others with pain you’re too weak to handle (i really need to stop injuring myself like wtf Im just gonna accept im always going to have at least one skinned knee at all times)
good example: freedom is a cage where the walls are farther than you care to fly from Hunter, by Mercedes Lackey (the wording might be off)
also p much the traditional ones (patience is a virtue, curiosity the cat, ect)
3. How do you spend your free time?
reading, writing, drawing, knitting, crocheting, mountain biking, skiing, plotting, singing, watching movies and tv shows, playing overwatch... sleep every now and again
4. What common assumptions do people make about you? What’s the truth?
Common assumptions are that I’m rude and cold-hearted (yeah mostly true, I just get annoyed easily) and that I’m super smart (Im smart but a little bit in everything). There are probably more but I’m kinda oblivious to people so I don’t really know
5. Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?
the fact that you think there is only one is hilarious. I have a stuffed mongoose named Sir Otter George the 78th, Duke of Eastern Cove; a tribble whose name changes depending on my mood so that when people ask if its a different tribble or if the name changed I can respond with “thats the trouble with tribbles”, and a snooterdoot named Rootie. They are awesome. 
6. Do you believe in ghosts?
nah, not really. 
7. If you could live in a different universe, which would you pick?
oh boy so many to choose from... probably Valdemar or the Hunter universe or Erilea universe or Tortall or or or SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM
8. Favorite book?
this is a cruel question. so evil. so so so evil. I recently read Warcross (which is so awesome) but I also love the legend series (even though it contains 2 of the three books that have ever made me cry) but I also love everything from Valdemar and legit everything by Tamora Pierce (currently I only need to finish a Spy’s Guide) but then I love all Sarah J Maas and so so many other authors (whose names I’m forgetting -_-) and Im following so many online books and just ALL THE BOOKS. Also, The Frogs by Aristophanes is awesome and there is a book on the history of books that I want to finish and also one on the Lewis Chessmen and AHHHH
9. How many blankets do you sleep with?
minimum of four, usually between 7 and 9 blankets one of which has to be heavy. I legit can’t sleep unless I feel like i’m being mildly crushed.
10. What’s the thing you nerd out about the hardest?
ships. I have ships EVERYWHERE. 2nd most nerding out is done over astrogeophysical research
11. When was the last time you lied in a game of truth or dare? Have you ever?
The last time I lied in a game of truth or dare was on whether or not I had a crush in a game in prob 4th/5th grade. I lied and said that i did bc the other girls didn’t believe me and said I was lying when I said I didn’t. Shocker, Im aroace guys. LEGIT NEVER HAD A CRUSH DEAL WITH IT.
My Questions to the Tagged!
1. When writing to yourself, what does your handwriting look like?
2. Who would you gift a book to and which book?
3. What book would you make into an 100% accurate and perfect movie?
4. What is your favorite blanket like?
5. What piece of literature would you want to study in English class?
6. Favorite god/goddess from Greek mythology and why?
7. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you go?
8. Describe the room your mind looks like. What is the centerpiece of the room?
9. If you could give anyone a hug right now, who would you hug?
10. If you were a mermaid what type of tail would you have?
11. Favorite soulmate AU? Would you want to be in a universe with that?
@where-the-wild-dreams-grow @the-vowelless @scriptuurient @bookishnessnessness @sorry @monochromatic-fox @th3neighborhood-onparadiseway @bluewhiskeredbook @fish-inside-jellyfish @sixteen-stars @colpac
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arctic-urpo · 7 years
A..ALL of the oc asks for trolly?? ;v; they look so sweet and i couldnt narrow it down sakjdfh
!!! I presume you mean Tolly!! Thank you so much for asking about him, he’s my precious son and I’ve missed him
I’ll put this under a cut though bc this will get long x)
1. What is their favorite word
Hmm, I’m not sure he’d have one absolute favorite but I think he likes soft words, like ‘bubble’
2. How do they sleep
He has troubles sleeping and gets bothered by disturbances easily, so he wears that, what is it called, that blindfold-like thing to block out light, and earplugs etc. He sleeps better when he’s in company he finds safe, though.
3. Favorite companion
The closest friend he has is Will, and then of course he loves his eventually-to-be-boyfriend Neal :’) Both are his favorites, just in different ways!
4. What secrets do they keep, untold to anyone?
He’s really, really insecure about his body, he has freckles and moles all around his upper body and he’s chubby, both of which he tries to hide by wearing a lot of baggy clothes. (I wanna make clear that I don’t think these are “ugly” features at all personally but, he was bullied about these at one point and he has a really bad complex about being seen now)
5. How do they feel about magic
Huh… I think he finds it interesting and fun, he loves to read fiction and a lot of his favorite books include magic. I think if he played more games or trpgs he’d play mages (or clerics specifically if those are in the game). 
6. How do they feel about killing 
Bad!! Horrible!! Death is something he really mourns a lot, even with people he never knew, and he cannot comprehend killing someone…
7. How do they feel at night, in silence, all alone?
Lonely and scared. He doesn’t like darkness so he usually goes to sleep early. And while he is mostly introverted and has avoidant personality disorder and finds other people usually stressing, he also struggles with being alone a lot as well. So he’ll just listen to calming music and go to sleep before it gets too late.
8. Tell me about them in a modern AU
Well, he practically does live in modern world, perhaps a bit more advanced than ours. He’s currently a college student, he spends a lot of time hanging out with his friend group and often proofreads essays etc for his friends because he’s good at it (both writing them and editing them - everyone keeps getting surprised how strict he is proofing them when he’s usually kind and calm). He reads a lot of books and magazines on his free time and goes to therapy once a week… 
9. What is their favorite meal
Filled bell peppers! He usually makes them without any meat if he’s making them himself but he’ll eat them any way.
10. What guides them
A wish to be a good influence on the lives of others, which he hugely looks reference for from books and other sorts of fiction. He also wants to get better with his mental illness, and he has gotten really far from where he used to be.
11. What hinders them
His own inability to believe in himself, mostly. He wants to get better and understands kind of what he should do but, he just ends up always backing off because he can’t believe in himself.
12. Do they have hidden talents
As mentioned before, he’s really good with academic text, but that’s not so much ‘hidden’ talent as it is just his talent. He’s also pretty good at giving massages, which many don’t know. He also reads… really fast…. and he’s super fast at sorting. He’s also really good at comforting people, although he doesn’t realize it himself.
13. How do they carry themselves
Hmm… He mostly kind of keeps to himself and tries to take as little space as possible. He seems meek and, well, he is too. He tries to stay out of the way, seem small. He fiddles with his fingers a lot and has a bad posture. 
14. What are their vices
He has hard time gathering determination for anything and in turn loses it really quickly. He gives up on things and doesn’t usually try to pursue things even if they make him happy. He doesn’t say when things make him uncomfortable because he’s so afraid of causing any kind of conflict… In fact, he avoids anything that can lead to conflict, even if sometimes they are things he would need to do.
15. What was a turning point in their life
Meeting Will, probably. While they both struggle with their own mental illnesses, they’ve found a lot of comfort in their friendship and the strength to get better respectively. Will was the first one to know of Tolly’s struggles and he helped Tolly find friends.
16. Do they ascribe to any religion
He’s agnostic, for the most part. Religion is something that confuses him since, well, it’s not something easy to understand.
17. How do they react to trauma
Not well… He carries his trauma with him for long, finding it hard to let go of them. Every single hurtful word will haunt his thoughts for many, many years if not forever. He’s trying to learn not to mind them but, any wounds trauma has caused him always returns to echo in his thoughts.
18. What is their relationship to their parents
These days he has good relationship with them. In the past he had a lot of difficulties, his parents were distant and busy which partially caused his AvPD. They also used to be pretty conservative so he felt scared about coming out for a long time. Anyways once he finally got the courage to talk and start therapy, his relations have gotten a lot better, especially with his mother who is a psychiatrist and has actively tried to right the things she did wrong so far. His father is not that good at these things, but he tries his best.
19. Do they have siblings
He has an older sibling I haven’t yet defined that much, not even their gender identity;; All I know they’re a lot older than Tolly, something like 8-13 years older. They get along with Tolly but work in an another country so they don’t see a lot.
20. Tell me about their love interests
He gets crushes easily, so he has had a lot. He tends to get crushes on gentle and confident people (or at least people who seem confident, he can’t really recognize faked confidence). His current love interest who’ll in the story become his boyfriend is Neal! Neal is asexual, really calm and quiet and good at taking care of others. Tolly also did have a crush on Will but it didn’t really go anywhere.
21. What sexuality/gender suits them
Tolly is completely homosexual and a cisman!
22. Tell me about their body, are they tall, or smol
Tolly is pretty tall (if I remember correctly he was like 6′4″ - 193cm). As mentioned before, he has a chubby stomach but to the point that he can hide it with big clothes, mostly. His legs especially are long. 
23. What is their combat style and weapon of choice
I’m not sure if he’d ever get into combat… If there’s a possibility of magic then that is his choice, especially healing spells. He’d in any cases rather play support, and not hurt others.
24. Do they have any fears/phobias
Strangers, and other people in general. He’s mostly fine with people he has gotten to know and he has gotten better about this so he’s not constantly scared when he’s out somewhere with people, but he still can’t approach people and will avoid places with a lot of people. Also people yelling or being loud in general makes him uncomfortable. He’s afraid of being hated or being thought of as disgusting or gross and especially being called by those words. He is also really, really uncomfortable with sex scenes with a male-female couple.
25. Do they follow their instinct or hard facts
Mostly he goes by his emotions, so instinct. Logic he can approach well in studies etc, but when it comes to his own life and things that affect him, he goes by what his feelings say.
26. How do they cope with sorrow
He shrivels into his shell, isolates himself from others and cries alone a lot. He used to lock himself up in his room, would hardly sleep, and listen to a lot of music. He also ends up in the cycle of not eating and then binge-eating, repeating this again and again.
27. What makes them burst out laughing
Very few things, he doesn’t really show emotions that strongly. Laughing out loud would gather attention after all and his self-esteem gets in the way too and he feels stupid if he laughs loudly. If he’s at home and watching a comedy show alone or with close friends, he’ll laugh a lot though. Just, often it is quiet and muffled since he covers his mouth when he laughs.
28. Tell me about their grooming routine
He takes a shower every morning and makes sure to dry his hair soon after with a hairdryer. He also lotions his face daily and his body once a week. 
29. What makes them blush
Oh, gosh, many things. He blushes really easily, especially from either embarrassment or being flustered. Being complimented, mocked, making mistakes, seeing his crush, sometimes just talking with his friends… 
30. What makes them cry
Getting mocked or shamed for something, or in general feeling like he’s stupid or has embarrassed himself. He’ll also cry really easily at animal videos that are even a bit emotional
31. Tell me about their aesthetic
Books. A lot of books. Also winter clothes and snow, small and comfy apartments, pictures of the sky.
32. If they had a tumblr, what would they post 
He’d probably mostly use it to reblog things, like pictures he found pretty or things about the books he has read or series he has watched. Not really anything too involved, just nice looking things. Perhaps some occasional pictures of his life, especially study things :>
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personasintro · 3 years
mimi do u think its bad that im still bothered by kikos presence?? not in a way that i want her gone bc i ‘want jk and yn together’, maybe its just the fact that she cheated on jk although unintentional and its one of the things thats unforgivable imo. sometimes i feel like shes too ‘kind’ to be a cheater so the trust issues inside of me keep on thinking that shes putting on an act, but its such a dumb thing to think bc shes literally sweet. and that the cheating was a one time mistake. like i kinda get frustrated bc i wanna be neutral as a reader but i just cannot for some reason🧍🏻‍♀️
ik its such a hard decision to get back together on jk’s part though so i cant imagine how much hes struggling atm. also would u say that jk spent less time with yn, jm and tae when he was dating kiko (before their break up) bc i remember u mentioning it in one of the older chapters? if yes then does it ever make yn feel like jk would pick kiko over their friend group? ik jk loves his besties so im not slandering anyone but im just curious if it ever crosses her mind for a second?
im not criticising ur story or anything, quite the opposite actually i wanna tell u how amazing ur writing is. its so raw and although kiko isnt my favourite, i can tell that she probably does alot of these things to self sabotage?? which makes her character more human bc most cheating exes in stories would be straightup dickheads hahaha
i also relate to yn in alot of ways so that just shows how great u are as a writer. although i must say that i hate how i can literally feel yn’s anger everytime😟 like i just wanna be a neutral reader... i dont wanna be mad at anyone unless they fuck up again yk,,
ps. please dont misunderstand me!! and please try not to mind the people who shit on ur storyline its literally the best bestfriends to lovers trope ive read so far lolol,, im sure alot of us here can agree. im so excited about how the story has been developing and im even more excited to see how yn’s relationship with all the characters esp jk will develop!! ily mimi<3
It's okay not to like a character, sometimes you don't even need a reason for that. I think a lot of people are kinda bitter about her though, simply because she's not a bitch they want her to be... you know. And yes, jk was spending more time with his girlfriend than with his friends group, but it's natural and it happens when you get into a relationship. Suddenly, your free time is not just about your friends but there is another person in your life. y/n understood it, she knew all of that but as every human, she did feel maybe bitter about it... especially when she wasn't used to "sharing" him with someone else. Plus it was a sudden change, not having him there sometimes when they were hanging out.
Thank you so much♡
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