#be an individual bro like we dont all have to have the same likes and dislikes
narwhalandchill · 5 months
oh my fucking god i feel. SO stupid rn at How i didnt make the (super sane very normal just absolutely. Yes. Surely) connection earlier but uhh
so anyway im now like 89% certain that whatever the "traces" of the narwhal that remain on ajax and facilitate their (ever-growing) innate connection are like. an actually fundamental aspect of it (them?) more or less.
why? because if you consider its pov just for a moment. the narwhal was literally about to depart teyvat for good. it had nearly finished consuming the primordial sea and preparing to breach surface to finish the job by eating the french for the leftovers their human bodies were made from. its an interstellar voyager it does not linger on planets it devours. it goes glug glug and it leaves.
and like if it wasnt for traveler intervening its confirmed through narzissenkreuz and renes world formula that teyvat wouldve just been destroyed. no one could have stopped the narwhal not neuvillette not focalors not anyone.
so what was the one other thing it did right before going for that french brunch? calling for ajax. getting them reunited in the primordial sea. like all the possible implications aside bc theres many different ways to speculate on the exact reasons why and the nature of that link. the point remains.
it wasnt leaving teyvat without finding him.
like the narwhal is about to fucking Dip from this cringe planet and whatever part of it that ajax carries within himself his narwhal Absolutely wanted to be reunited with. what the fuck am i supposed to read from that. hoyo???????!??! answers?!?!?!
and its not only the calling from the narwhal side itself either bc this is ALL coinciding with the growth of a 'restless power' within ajax and his vision malfunctioning (the things celestia is literally confirmed to harvest energy thru to repair its damaged authority) and his connection with the narwhal reaching an actual conscious level (arguably subconscious n emotional too bc i find it Curious his mood is poor right as the narwhal is repeatedly described as positively malding to the point its boss fight mechanic is literally a rage meter). ajax' power is growing. his destiny is starting to shift and something is drawing him to fontaine... right as the narwhal is getting close to finished with the primordial sea. funny how it overlaps eh. how it aligns 🤨🤨 why are they orbiting each other like this (they should kiss)
(& not to even Mention how ajax just Happened to get that absolutely exponential and borderline unbelievable feat of power spike in extending his foul legacy endurance as massively as he did. while. within the primordial sea. with his narwhal. who had at that point all but incorporated the power of that sea into itself. i s2g if childe was getting passive home turf co-op bonus exp with a 4x multiplier automatically the whole 40+ days 💀💀)
#man the way its lovely reunion but tjen ajax fucking ATTACKS IT ON SIGHT you couldve gotten married!!!!11!1 fucking unbearable i am in agony#anyway contrary to popular belief we still have no fucking clue whether ajax' link to the narwhal was innate#skirk saying the traces remain on him after meeting it isnt saying tht much. the parts he shares w it couldve well been innate but dormant#instead. also just the fact that he woke it up already shady#then like. monoceros caeli being his from the beginning is completely plausible despite ppl acting like its been confirmed his const change#and like them being halves of the same entity on some lvl would make the narwhal being so weak without him n until ajax found it again#make very much. sense. anyway ajax toxicity jokes aside if the narwhal was just trying to eat him point blank without even a hello#i do get why hed react aggressively. but also bros been telling everyone n their mom hes fighting his narwhal the seconf he finds it again😔#so i feel somewhat confident in assuming he started that 40+ days brawl#anyway if ajax Isnt the celestial narwhal on some level or possibly becoming it as their link grows.#riddle me this atheists. why is his 3rd phase boss theme. the song about His individual murderous rage at us#bc he thought he was outplayed by us. His personal wrath#whys the song for that called the wrath of the celestial narwhal. of the star swallowing whale. Hmmmge. his individual rage.#why does tusk of monoceros caeli speak of him embracing the narwhals innate qualities as embracing mere parts of Himself#funny how tjat goes!! (the OST n boss drop is not 100% serious theory but it does drive me insane. bc why would they phrase it like that)#anyway either theyre 2 halves same original entity or theyre soulmates idgaf . they should fold teyvat in half and eat it for brunch#aaand im going to be consumed by this realization for the next month wish me luck#WHY DID IT NEED HIM THERE SO BADLY???? HUH??????#i mean relatable dont we all. but its sooooooooo inch resting. Curious indeed#rambles#genshin#childe#childeposting#narwhalposting
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punkshitposts · 11 months
something I think is actually hilarious is that if you go left enough you start having more stances in common with (individual) conservatives, and if you go right enough you start agreeing with (individual) leftists. like i have a pretty close friend who's self described as "just far enough right that I hate politicians" , whom I hard disagree with his overarching political stances. but the finer details of it... yeah we agree with each other. gun control/gun rights opinions taxation opinions pro-small government opinions slight separatist opinions anti two party opinions anti-corporation opinion ect ect ect.
we stand on opposite sides of a standard political compass but I genuinely think if I were to count stats, I'd agree with as many of his stances as I would a liberals/democrats stances. my hs gov teacher described the difference in right vs left to us as "everyone's goal here is the betterment of mankind, they just think the best ways to do it are different" and that's literally the best way, to me, to describe what the difference in right vs left is regarding anarchism specifically. we got ESSENTIALLY the same opinion but the ways we think are the best ways to go about enacting said opinion are what makes us different. and something abt that is really painfully funny to me. envisioning a world where an-something is the major world thing, not capitalism.... and there's STILL right vs left... but The Anarchist Versions. christ.
sorry for the book i wrote in the tags. ignore typos I am NOT retyping any of that to fix them xoxo
#this is a controversial post to post here ik. however i think can we all agree that echo chambers and bubbles aren't... good.#and i think something that gets forgotten a lot by leftists is that there ARE anarchists on the right#yes we are EXTREMELY different but its important to like. remember that should The revolution come in our lifetimes their still gonna exist#and political disagreement on an individual scale CAN and SHOULD be civil so long as neither party is coming from a bigoted stance.#as in.. no i dont agree with a good chuck of what his stances but by disagree i just think hes wrong abt economics bros not like. a bigot.#in this same vain i also think (myself included) people shouldn't conflate conservativism with racists and homophobes. t#theres proud gay conservatives and conservatives who are poc... erasing those people means we cannot know of how the other side works.#i genuinely believe that if i were to go read every political theory book on right leaning politics id fine something uniquely republican#/right/whatever that i would agree with and then adapt into my own politics. im sure at least one of the unique-to-the-right stances has#actually standing and isn't a load of shit (again probably something economic rather than social).#and thats not a bad thing and if you think it is a actually don't know how to explain it to you! we MUST critically but civilly interact#with political opinions mirroring our own to 1 understand other people 2 fully understand and develope our own stances and why we have em#i genuinely find political conversations with that friend extremely enlightening even if we both walk away still set in unchanged opinions.#because it means i understand WHY others drift to those options but more importantly why /i/ drifted to my own
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
tired of being called boring cuz i hate toxic ships </33 im sorry i get triggered easily by stuff like that brah, the most toxic my ships r allowed to get before i get triggered is a lil possessiveness and a hint of unhealthy codependency 🤭 beyond that, i literally get sick to my stomach lmao..
do what u want but anyone whose never been abused before does NOT get the right to call ME boring for not liking abusive ships..
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ataraxixx · 7 months
my piece on why i really like echo. i have ruminated a lot of these thoughts in my brain for awhile but i realized ive never actually made a public post abt it .. echoheads lets discuss extensively
see. i think we can all agree about the most common echo characterization. at least the one i usually see in fics? and generally most fan content. hes a happy-go-lucky guy whos a bit child-like or naive, very innocent and mostly just glad to be here and full of wonder and whimsy and etc. and also really loves zane and is very kind and sweet and etc.
i am not saying this is an incorrect characterization by any means . obviously. because hes literally got like 5 minutes of screentime and most of that is spent not talking so its really up to whoevers writing him how they want to take his character. but i also think that making him just. Fine with everything is a very underwhelming way to take his character. because he could be so much more than just. zane's brother who is innocent and silly. he can be innocent and silly and still have complicated feelings about his situation and existence yk.
i enjoy villain/antag echo bc it gives him a role in which to explore those complicated feelings as Himself. not as second fiddle to whatever zane is doing, but as a story of his own to come into his identity. because often times when hes included in fan content hes there just to be zanes brother and nothing else. which is so sad for him. because in canon thats all he ever was and all he'll ever be to his father. to zane. to the ninja. he's just the copy. the lesser version. he can never be his own self he will always be a derivative of zane.
like how is that not an interesting thing to explore. and how could we not think about the complicated feelings he would have about that. echo isnt stupid. he isnt incapable of having those kinds of feelings about his identity or role in the world because he is Literally Zane. he is programmed to be identical and he is in every facet of his personality and mannerisms a reflection of how zane was before he met wu/the ninja. when he was just a bit clueless about the world but not Stupid. just unknowledgable. and he was still capable of complicated feelings about himself because we see as early as episode 2 of season 1 he is wondering about himself and his role in the team and how he feels about the world. he isnt just content every day of his life to simply be there; he questions things and thinks about them deeply. why do fan creators often rob echo of this same capability and dumb him down to simply being child-like or incapable of complicated thought?
i always see him just. Fine with everything. and i dont think he needs to be a villain or evil or even violent to make him an interesting character. but i also think that anger and violence is a natural progression of the situation he has been put in by the doctor and by extension the ninja. they too do not regard him as his own individual, only as an extension of zane. which is literally crazy. because he is a whole ass person. they disregard his identity because its the same exact one as a person they already know; but he has no control over that. he didnt ask to be made as a copy of someone else, and now he exists, and he is forced to live knowing he was never his own person, even though he Is. Because he is Himself and he Exists and yet he isnt because his face doesnt belong to him and his voice doesnt belong to him and his name doesnt belong to him. the world decided he is someone else and he cant be who he actually is because someone else is Already him. like christ man. why are we sleeping on this and just making him like yayyy:3 im so happy i love everything or whatever. bro should be questioning his existence!
because i do think joining the SoG gives him such an excellent entry into both formulating his own identity while also paralleling harumi in an interesting way; for both characters in their attempts to create their own identities opposing the ones theyve been forced into, they end up only relating themselves to that identity anyway. in echos attempts to separate himself from zane he ends up relegating himself to hating zane because zane took something from him, an acknowledgement that he is a copy in the first place. their scrapped fight dialogue is so interesting guys. a discarded replica an experiment left to rust. should he not be upset that despite not asking to be made, much less in the image of someone else, he was left abandoned? that he was created solely to be hated by his creator for not being Someone Else? And now he is stuck always chasing after the shadow of that person because he was never meant to be his own person. only zane's copy. never as good as the original. and he has to live with that. its so devastating and good characterization and so interesting that i cannot pass up on it for simply having him be Guy Who is Happy and Innocent.
He is not stupid. He would definitely have less anger in his heart if the ninja got to him before Harumi did, but i think its so impossible that he can simply look at zane and feel nothing. that he can see the person who has cursed his existence into meaninglessness and just be like omg brother:3 because he is doomed to constantly be relegated to Zane's Brother and he will never be Echo to these people that call him a friend. He cant even use his own name he has to be Echo. because its someone elses name and not his even though it Is His its the name his father gave him. but hes not allowed to use it because hes not the original. and he is lesser. and he will always just be zanes brother and he will never be zane. and he will never even be echo. isnt that so fucked.
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chlorinecake · 6 months
I just saw what that anon said and I can really really relate I feel like there's no way I can like them cuz I'm black I feel like. Weird for having a crush on Ni-ki cuz I'm black and even though I know there's no chance anyway cause he probably doesn't date fans obviously lol It makes me ashamed especially because people are always saying "what if / he probably doesn't like black girls/people" and it makes me feel like I'm less beautiful because I'm black and even if he did date fans I mean I'm like SOOOO ugly like atrocious but it makes me feel like even if I was a little bit more pretty he wouldn't like me or would dismiss me cause I'm black or like I wouldn't be good enough or he'd be disgusted or disappointed or weirded out because I'm black and a fan /has a crush on him and besides him it makes me feel like enhypen wouldn't talk to me or treat me the same cuz I'm not Asian or white like I couldn't be a fan or wouldn't be as important or pretty or cool or even just they wouldnt want me as a fan or like me or even look my way cause im black its gotten so bad that people dont evn have to say that anymore (they do but they dont have too) for me to think that way. Like I know we all saw that pretty engene video with that girl with the glasses and i couldn't help but make it about race like thinking would they look at me like that or would I be ugly abd weird cause I'm black ? Or if she was black would they still think she's pretty? Or would they even put the camera on her if she was black ? Anyway I'm rambling but being black is something I struggle with even without people saying the group I like or the guy I have a crush on (Niki obviously) wouldn't like me or would hate me for being black . Or they would be uncomfortable or disgusted with me because I'm black so it's just hard to even see myself meeting them or *even to imagine myself in reader fanfics even if the reader's supposed to be black because I've convinced myself that the only way I'd be pretty or attractive or they'd be friends withe or date me in Ni-kis case is if I was white or Asian* (*just talking about from a fanfic standpoint for this one* but yeah) but yeah it sucks and
Okay, I REFUSE to sit here and let you talk down on yourself like that. I don’t care how true you may think it is, YOU ARE NOT UGLY, Mirah ~ You’re beautiful, from head to toe, melanated skin, curly hair and all. Black women are beautiful, it’s disgusting to me how society has brought some of us to a point where we feel insecure, undesirable, or unworthy of affection from others. My words might not do much to encourage you, because finding confidence (esp as a black girl) takes time. But I really urge you to understand that you can’t expect other ppl to accept you when you don’t even accept yourself. Wish I could give you the BIGGEST hug rn, bc this actually hurts to read :(
Another point, I’ve seen plenty videos of Enhypen (along with other kpop groups) connecting with colored fans in the same way they do with their supporters of a fairer complexion, but I won’t share any of those videos here bc I don’t want you to seek “proof” as a way for you to feel better abt yourself.
On the flip side, let’s say that some ppl in the kpop industry DO have a prejudice (which I’m sure some do): your life and happiness isn’t dependent on their validation.
Let’s not even get started on how a lot of Ni-Ki’s favorite artists are black (Riki Jackson ? Bro would’ve never called himself that if he was racist)… but anyway, colored people like any other group of individuals can b really amazing once they get past their insecurities and embrace the way God made them. Jst know that u can always come to be if your struggling with something or just want to vent <3
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mysterionrisez · 7 months
idk much to ask about for hcs, but what genre of music do you think each of the main 4 likes (and craig's gang if u wanna)? :D
it took me a bit to get to this bc this question means so much to me you dont understand . ANWAYS
stan: ...very generic answer but like. midwest emo. dad rock. and like.. emo / pop rock too??? he could rock w/ some fall out boy, but not like patd cuz its too theatre kidsy. and OBVIOUSLY the front bottoms and alex g and modern baseball!! if we learned anything in band in china its that he very much treats music like an outlet for his emotions. and on that note he listens to metal too, but mostly when he is mentally at his worse.
kyle: i dont think i could pin him down to one genre, he's a big music guy but stays within the constraints of "music with authenticity but not to the point that it makes him look pathetic". so he's not listening to the front bottoms like stan is because that's just.. TOO raw, and hes caught up in the "lack of music conventions" in stan's music taste (he doesn't know a thing about music theory so he'll get pissed if you ask why). at the same time like kyle would NOT be into overproduced shit you hear on the radio u feel me. he curates his spotify playlist moods well, new wave/folk/indie rock/r&b at his neutral state and hip hop/punk/harder rock when at his other neutral state (pissed off). he doesn't listen to music when he's sad he just sits there in silence with a thousand yard stare
cartman: once again, expected answer, but he's a bubblegum pop girlie, so like britney spears/lady gaga/justin timberlake/beyonce OBVIOUSLY!!! he also likes hyperpop but the types that lean more into the "pop" part than the "hyper" part like charli xcx and carly rae jepsen. he hates listening to anything that isnt fun and stan and kyle dont like anything too fun so every road trip where they pass the aux across the group is a warzone
kenny: quite literally will listen to anything and everything. falls into the industrial pop / electropop scene frequently because he loves that it all sounds very New! he is a very social individual so he's most likely to put on what will get a rise out of his friends, he puts on 100 gecs and nine inch nails everytime he gets the aux because they bitch about it the entire time. its funny. he prefers to have noise on 24/7 and will even listen to pop country if it means unlocking new emotions
butters: will also listen to anything but to a worse degree. kenny has a rationale for what he listens to and why he enjoys it but butters just hears a song and decides its the best thing he's heard in his life. he's well versed in the girlypop scene through cartman but he also thinks that ajr is genuinely #deep. you know those overproduced songs that sound like they'd be in old navy commercials??? yeah. butters would listen to that shit.
but also worth mentioning hes not really a music person like he doesnt have spotify and most of what he listens to is through his friends
craig: just straight up does not listen to music. he doesnt hate it but there is no urge and he is DEEPLY noise sensitive, and a lot of music is unpredictable. more likely to put on a tv show he's already seen 437587354 times if he needs sound in the background.
clyde: college frat bro vibes like hes into really fake diluted edm like chainsmokers and calvin harris kinda bullshit. he is NOT a music guy and just searches "top hits" and listens to whatever spotify spits at him.
tolkien: another will-listen-to-mostly-anything soldier! he's most accustomed to stuff his parents play around him, so a lot of 60s rock, blues, jazz, swing, shit like that. he's a mild-tempered guy with a mild-tempered taste in music, he'll go crazy for a good guitar solo/bassline like jimi hendrix. because of that he's offput by anything too loud or raunchy like kenny's music but he's desperate to fit in with his peers so he makes it work
jimmy: not very notable because i think he has generic music enjoyment however i do think he's one of weird al yankovic's top streamers on spotify. he and kenny team up to create the worst queue at the house party. he's the one tossing in witch doctor and crazy frog
tweek (just for fun): is very scared of lyrical music trying to communicate Themes and Ideas to him so he listens to car crash sfx type a beats just to get the demons out
wendy (also for fun): dykezilla who listens to laufey and phoebe bridgers and beabadoobee. what can i say.
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im bored and kinda high so heres my opinion on all the reboot characters
caleb - is a character
axel - im just as gay for her as the next guy but there's no way in hell she's final two next season lol but i wanna hold hands w her
nichelle- yass girl give us nothing 🥰
scary girl - idc idc she was funny asf but i am glad she went early bc if she stayed any longer i wouldve hated her lol
damien - one of the best things to come from the reboot and yall are doing him a huge disservice shipping him w priya 🥴 that shit is so boring but honestly? there might be something there somebody's gotta make me a believer tho. CONVINCE ME
mk - as a bitter, annoying, sarcastic individual myself i could not stand this bitch omg 💀 her character has a ton going for it but all they did w her is make every single one of her lines sarcastic n shit and i was BORED
raj - dumb gay man i love him
wayne - dumb ace man i love him
ripper - bro just wasnt funy. i dont get why they make characters who just pride themselves in being nasty n shit kind of a waste of development idk
zee - we can all agree that he was great but he gives me early boot vibes for next season bc like if we're demanding development for all the first season early boots then he's just gonna be there ig. dumb can only get you so far yknow?
chase - him and emma both are such wasted potential like BREAK THE HETEROS UP OMG their relationship dragged the second half down so bad like chase is just bad for the sake of being bad. like he wasn't even funny either just a waste of space by the time he was gone 😭
emma - first i'll say im glad we got a plus sized girl w some fucking athletic ability beCause THEY EXIST yay happy but anyway she was so funy until she got back with chase and that whole shit w him throwing that challenge for pizza was so DUMB like she honestly thought he did that shit for her 💀 like she was CONVINCED bro the straight delusion was insane
julia - she was the bad bitch we all needed and deserved but i cannot sit here and let you mfs say that she played the game well bc she absolutely DID NOT. girlie had no actual strategy other than winning and thas not even a strategy. even her trying to "manipulate" chase that one time sucked too lmao. bro her goal was to get everyone to hate her and win out of spite that shit is so dumb but it's so her so idc we love her anyway
millie - there were so many times where i lowkey forget she existed lmfao i don't even dislike her it was just "oh yea she here too lol" but i gotta say it kinda feels like they used her as a scapegoat to make writing her outta the finale easier idk maybe it's just me. but her crying after bowie clowned her ass when she was eliminated was the funnies bit in the entire show i was giggling n shit bc she honestly did that to herself lmao rip
priya - people compare her to zoey and sky way too much honestly (its me, im people) but when you look at it we have a mary sue that was infuriating to watch , the same girl but olympic flavored whos existence i have to be reminded of every two months, and priya. priya is perfectly fine and she was a nice winner even if i knew she was gonna win the second she was onscreen lolZ but when she read millie's notebook and absolutely demolished her ego i was living. like girlie ate her up w absolutely no crumbs left idc
bowie (the real winner) - i was fully prepared and ready to hate this twink istg. like i was in my homophobic era and ready the second his name was called but omg i love him sm. he was the queen i never knew i needed in my life. and to all the mfs who say his gayness is his entire personally have never met an fem black man and it shows 💀 idc what anyone says he's the best writer character in the entire show 🤭 as much as i love him i cannot let his fit slide. the pearls can stay bc those were a serve but the pants??? THE FUCKING PANTS??? THOSE FUCKING FLOOD WARNING HIGH WATERS.?? why would they do him like that omg. fits like that are why we get hate crimed 😔
ok im done good luck to anyone who actually reads this lmao
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hajihiko · 2 years
honestly i completely agree as someone who's overly affectionate, i never even really understood the concept of affection [ kisses and long hugs ] being limited to romantic partners?
like humans are naturally social, affectionate creatures, why are we deprived of bro hugs and buddy smooches just because people say we have to save it for "someone special"? friends can be just as special as a spouse or lover!!!
significant other, more like significant EVERYONE let me smooch my pals!!!
anyway yeah LSJSM thank you for representing friends who kiss, it's one of my favorite things and makes me feel a lot less insecure and weird about being a really affectionate person in a platonic sense!
Yeah p much! Hang on, topic
I think, to me, its *almost* like just a general meter of affection, and the bottom is Dont Even Be In A Room With Me and the very top is I Want To Metaphorically Be In Your Skin. Ok wait that sounds....creepy but like! Hear me out!
The most special people in my life are friends, for sure. But there's a spectrum to how affectionate I am, based on how I know they'll receive it and if they have significant others (unfortunately that factors in yea) and what way we know each other and whatnot. But overall, idk, if you love someone so so much why wouldnt you show it however is fit for you! For some people its gifts, for some its spending all your time together, and for some it's a lot of physical affection, and why limit that to like- side hugs? I guess??
sometimes you're overcome with love and affection (platonic and or romantic whatever!!) and you just wanna kiss and hug and kiss and hug! And to me that's super normal like I get that with everyone including my dog (not romantic tho)! Why is it so super not ok with friends? Somehow? If you're of orientations that are possibly compatible? I wanna blame Catholicism somehow.
everything is a spectrum and whatnot. But there is a difference to me between your romantic partner and your super trusted best friend and that guy that has a crush on you, when they hug you or kiss you. Same action different meanings, sometimes two people mean different things by the same action. In the end it's all a case by case basis.
Boxes are stupid in a non-individual sense end text post
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rin-and-jade · 10 months
We've only just recently figured out that we're a system so forgive us for our lack of language to describe what we want to say and ask.. but we want to know what communication and memory are like for other systems, both yours and others you may have encountered. We feel very atypical, with our emotions leaking into one anothers experience of the world, and flashes of memory too. We dont really lose consciousness when another has control, it's like.. we exchange the video game controller we control the body and experience the world through, and if we want we can reach over and push for control. The one who isnt in control can still tell whats happening to some degree but despite all the changes to thought patterns, speech, the way we move, feel pain, taste things, we cant shake the notion that its all some elaborate fake our mind is tricking us into thinking.
We have a hard time identifying with many of the common ways people describe their experiences with DID, we often feel like multiple heads on the same body than utterly distinct individuals that exist in separate spheres.
There's also the matter of the fact we don't tend to think with words and instead concepts and feelings with no words attached, and often have to speak out loud to communicate with other members that are feeling things that are affecting the rest of us, or to let others know that we should be trying to sleep or to alert them that we should eat...
Are these things that you've heard others talk about before? We're still looking for a psych or something that can tell us more but we just have no one we know who's plural or anyone who can understand even.. sorry for the long rambling post. And thank you for reading.
So i have one friend who has osdd, another with did, and me (did) and from what i've seen,, my osdd friend does tell me about being more aware of things and that applies to every parts they have + capable to keep up with it, not sure about the switches.
My people think differently here about your comment, in this case some goes like "everyone are contrastingly different people" and the other one like "we're faces of the same person" which is similar to your "heads in one body" and not "distinct spheres" so personally think this is how they choose and want to see it as, neither are wrong.
And, bro you're not alone in this, me and my other did friend are also capable of thinking in nonverbal ways (images, concepts, vague feelings) though i just asked him out of curiosity so i don't know anything deeper other than my own experience,, where some can pick it up better and some does worser at it. Sometimes i just stare at this bro and think what i want to think, and they go "ahhh yeah that part of the day". It was a fun experiment though we stray away from nonverbal expression (other than bleeding emotions) as it can cause a misunderstanding between our own peeps, we mainly stick to talking or hunches.
In conclusion, yes i have heard these things before, be it from others or myself,, if you need someone who is plural and understand things, that would be me,, i don't mind being friends and helping you next time.
- j
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8531nimkook · 11 months
Would love to hear you non delulu take on the small moments actually that made me go ding ding ding about them. Like when hobi asked jimin why he was doing his bday live in Jk's studio and why jimin couldn't answer and the reaction of all 3. Or the "Jk is in charge of clothes too" and Jimin's reaction. Or the thirstrap and the hicky. (I still think they had/have something going I just love to hear more opinions on it).
ok disclaimer before I start, this is all just for fun!
Non delulu explanations:
bday live in jk's studio: that room looks like a super plain room with no personalisation tbh (when compared to rapline studios), so when hobi said that it was jk's studio, it could be that thats the room jk uses to record when he's in the office building, not like a "plaque on the door" type of jungkook studio. He is a homebody and probably has a more sophisticated setup in his own home, who knows. so it could be that there are like 3-4 rooms like that for vocal line members and jk just happens to use this one a lot?? then jimin too uses one of these rooms and today he happens to pick the one jk uses a lot.
(To be fair, now that ive seen jk's apartment, it looks like he's a minimalist. so that might as well be his actual studio.)
With the clothes comment, (tbvh I dont really remember this moment clearly) i have to reach harder and think about things that two platonic superstar bros would do. 🤔 They both are from the same world of fame and the way they look matters so I assume they talk about clothes sometimes? Especially during public schedules like airport appearances. Maybe they get into disagreements about what is "cool" and "in" and maybe in those instances, jk wins the argument? Or jm ends up listening to jk's opinions, kinda like admitting he's got the better sense if style. Maybe hobi is alluding to some kind of inside joke like that.
now anon, i have to remind you that no matter which way we look at it, giving an explanation for any isolated thing they do will involve some serious filling in the blanks on my part because they give us what they give us hehe.
So for the birthday thirsttrap... jk was feeling himself that day, his hair had grown to a length that was just right and he'd gotten a new pair of glasses that looked just *chefs kiss* on him and wanted to show it off?? Then he remembered that it was his bro's birthday. What better opportunity to make armys happy and do his due diligence to a fellow member on his birthday! (Just make sure to call jm bro so everyone knows that its armys he is thirst trapping.)
Damn hickeygate right off the bat huh?
This one... honestly this one stumps me. Because normally, if one ends up with such an incriminating mark on their neck, there are fifty other options that would work better and be considered wiser than the one jikook chose. To actually point out and address it to their coworkers like that, with cameras around? Even the staff were stumped. Use makeup, call it an insect bite, or just ask the staff to not air the footage, anything. But instead, we get full coverage on the fucking hickey. Once from jm and then again from jk. And they air it. I know this is supposed to be a non delulu explanation, but the best I can come up with is that, jikook were fucking with us. They were fucking with us and laughing about it behind the scenes. They know that we like to find shippable moments and decided, we'll give them a moment that's so fucking bizarre, that they won't know what to think. Its genius because they know that our brains will definitely go there when we see the hickcey but there's NOTHING we can do about it. Bet they enjoyed every second, absolute menaces.
PHEW!! that was proper brain excersise lol! I agree with you about the small moments. My delulu feelings about any of these individual moments are not that dramatic tbh. (except hickegate. They are insane for that one.) But evvverything compounded just becomes too much to ignore. Its always them at the crime scene yk? And they are WILD sometimes hehe.
Thanks for the ask!! This was fun 💜
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E7 "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
man the intro just continues to remind me fucking ingenius the Star Trek introduction was period. Love it. forever. and always. wonder when we will see these scenes play out when we will see that big plant tentacle monster from the intro or when we will see the two hands touch etc
things are flowing so fast rn in burnham's evaluative speech at the start of this episode. even though not much has happened. and no offence but, i do not think shes earned this kind of audience? because theres like. still hardly much to like nor connect with these characters? imo. idk. idk if its just me, maybe it is. but i definitely dont really have much investment in any characters yet. actually, the one character i resonated MOST with was mega-sized space waterbear, no cap. (oh mossie i miss you i hope we can see you again) trek party lol. ok ill say this one thing DISCO has a lot of filming inconsistencies between shots. like, lets say burnham's hands will be up holding her face. but then next shot, her hands are down at her seat. then switch back and her hands are back up. that sort of thing. happens a lot all the time. stamets. happy drunk. lovey dovey. cute. ash and burnham? idk. every time lorca says saru, i just catch myself thinkning "sulu" cute mega-organisms gormagander wow. space whale sounds. amazing. is it prego. … who ANDORIAN?/ IS THAT AN ANDORIAN OML ITS HELMET SO CUTE oh nevermind its scarier. MUDD. but yes that is an andorian helmet wow so cute give me one. stella.
MUDD is so vengeful. what interesting implications for TOS. DUDE WTF the end of DISCO. man a time plot huh ok lets see how this goes a remix of stayin' alive runners said left. let me guess. burnham will later predict them coming from behind her. and then be like "huh. why did i already know this" there is something off about the delivery of these lines from so many of the actors lorca's actor feels pretty grounded same as saru which is good. something feels so weird with the line delivery. idk if it sthe actors or if its the way the filming is that just makes it feel less effective acting?? idk i think its cuz theres a lot of organic quality missing in a lot of the actors getting a decent amount of screentime? i dont want to sound rude ofc i just feel something is off yeah. man. a time jumping Mudd. now THAT'S terrifying. Poor stewart. he didnt deserve to get thrown. "went his own way"? u sure you didnt kill him. Mudd's actor is also pretty grounded. the lines roll off well and not awkwardly. Nice Stamets. this is too fast. Muidd gets shot in the back and then Stamets has a comedic line delivery that seriously needed a pause or soemthing, but we switch imediately to ending the scene and returning after what felt like a commercial break or seomthing.
yeah the pacing of the show is just RUSHING so much like WHY. it just eats up so much of any weight this show couldve had in even its smallest things. i know i sound so critical but its built up a lot and its already the 7th episode into the 1st season. Stamets actor feels pretty good too but i think its just awkward screenplay and awkward lines and weirdo af pacing/film style that ruin things. they need to let this show BREATHE more. it s such a shame they didnt. maybe not the best director. also too many zooms. the show feels so experimental, but i dont know if necessarily in a good way. i sound so pickky but bro im saying what im seeing,. ok sorry this just now, stamets talking to burnham when he says hes the one "missing from mudd's timeloop" is actually pretty bad. bad editing super inconsistent between shots and why are there like a billion camera cuts? we dont need THIS many angles to talk about one single conversational exchange no offence. this scene was pretty bad. weird screenplay, weird delivery, bad editing stamets even sounded like there was a shot with his mic off i could hear the environmental reverb why is this happening. with such a beautiful visual and constume budget such as this. also yes. that is A GORN IN LORCA'S OFFICE. oh my god that means maybe the gorn from SNW DO look humanoid fully matured. ugh cant wait to see what that means. mudd is so merciless. man lorca died like a bug so many times. wtf. why is stamets out of focus- WHAT. WHAT IS THAT. THE FUCK WAS THAT im sorry no this wasnt funny cuz it was supposed to be funny in that way im sorry but just now
when stamets tells burnham that "shes never been in love" at the party in the time loop, she says in the WEIRDEST most… sry ngl, badly acted type way, replying "why would you say that to me" that i had to actually PAUSE the episode and rewatch that again to confirm what i saw. just finished the rewatch of this one scene. wtf was that. sorry that was so poor. its soooo awkwarddddd. and flatttt. what is this ADR though. stamet's ADR in this episode is some of the worse. also sorry that lens reflection of that one green party light that hit right onto burnham's face during this exchange, its almost as if i HEARD the cameraman's thoughts going "ah shit this stupid light" as the camera moved downward to get as much of that green spot out of the direct line of her face. okay, Mr. God-Named-Stamets. is that an apron that isnt a one sided dress. dance in the hallway. ok. this wa so fast. this tone feels very not in sync with the course of this plot? where did this dance thing come from. i think im feeling such a dissonance rn when stamets is on screen because he feels like hes NOT stamets. idk its like, i get that charcters/people are hopefully more than 1-dimensional, and that we get to learn about them more as time passes, but like this kind of feels like stamets just wasnt properly developed and we the audience just didnt get enough proper exposure to him to recognise who really is his person? if that makes ANY sense to anyone. ok no offence, this episode probably is the most trash in terms of script. harry mudd, time loop, saving the ship from destruction, but then also stamets is an omniscient constant, while also flat cardboard af awkward love revelations between ash and burnham?? idk. maybe in a different writers' room, this coiuld be made compellingly and cohesively. but right now. this episode is NOT. IT. im sorry so why does it feel like its deterioriating a bit. the show had me in the beginning cuz how freaking DIFFERENT and UPGRADED it looked (gorgeous btw) compared to ALL the series that came before it in Prime-Timeline. but no matter how i fought it, my emersions been finally broken by the consistently questionable factors that keep loudly making themselves known in this show. too frequently bad deliveries from actors weird af editing bad cinematography even my great efforts to ignore it all and benefit of the doubt, it was too much. which is, based on everything ive ever watched ever, a BAD thing. also, oml lorca is so small in this episode - which actually i like. he feels so insignificant in this episode haha, small fry dying every single time. also i hope i see more creative deaths in this show, cuz everytime someone dies is them dissipating in dusty colour. come onnn, we can do better than thattt.
also just fyi, understand that i am NOT advocating for a super "serious/dire" star trek, weve had a bit of that in random episodes thoruhgout the franchise and moveis too - so no, i also absolutely love silly mad crazy trek plots too, but like. DISCO i think is probably handling this in a way that is the worst ever in Star Trek so far, even among its whacky insane moments. I am keeping to the series and going to stick it through all the way to the end of course. but yeah, i was never here to just be some blind non-insightful talking head that just admired this show unconditionally. if you thought so, then you should try again. i will say whats good, but likewise whats bad. and right now, the good things are things that i have already said, but the bad is really kicking up a storm right now. captain mudd. amazing. its so off-balance, this show. some deliveries are great, pacing is great. but then its like so sporadic and everywhere too often etc yes. delivery is REALLY weird and super weak in too many scenes. idk. maybe construction of the show itself is just weak in too many areas. so so strange. with a show that LOOKS genuinely this good. im just so perplexed. the shows construction feels so amateurish i guess? in not a very good way. "nobody beats Mudd, huh." a businessman is correct, lorca. these camera zoomes are really distasteful. like lorca over here making some consistently really solid deliveries, and the stupid camera cuts and zooms and unnecessary movements just cheapen it all. it makes me so angry. this show needed a better writers' room and better directing. and terrible ADR. its liek they use different mics every 2 lines. i can HEAR the discrepancies, even without my audiophile headphones.
im so mad and sad by this. because the threads of the issues i was sensing since episode 1 are now kind of unforgiveable. i can no longer look over them. so im here really speaking about them in this reaction this time. no offence it kind of feels like nothing much happened this whole episode. and im literally 3 minutes away from finishing this episode. im sorry im not impressed with this ending in how mudd was caught. i feel like this show didnt know how to quite handle the crazy nature of Trek. Bad editing yeah. i keep consistently seeing how for example Mudd is talking, and the camera cuts to a different angle shot of the same line delivery that has to get repeated and edited in, but i can physically see Mudd's jaw still moving in speech despite his dialogue halting from the ADR of the other camera shot. THIS ^ stuff KEEPS happening. and it shouldnt. its super BASIC stuff relatively speaking. and there wasnt this much of an obvious degree of this problematic editing in even older series of trek. so strange. 'i hate how it lifted me out of immersion of this show, this list of issues. you know, id LOVE to see ANY scene of conversation withOUT the stupid slow-creep zoom. listen, i KNOW that this is very often used everywhere in media, but it doesnt mean "always'. in this case DISCO does it poorly. ok episode over. i am not convinced over ANYTHING that just happened. its a 44 minute long episode, but it felt brief as fuck. it didnt feel like it had much substance at all - and im NOT talking some kind of "moral message" shit - things do NOT have to have a real message to be good. and this episode was actually not. it felt so criminally underwhelming. like ok, stamets had augmentation that let him resist the time loop.... and? so what. so what about that. nothing significant happened except apparently blossoming love story between Ash and Burnham, which- Ash x Burnham?
bro that was terrible. and they got zero chemistry no sorry no. get outta here.
burnham had more chemistry with the fucking captain than ash. (i dont support either one dw.) ok. well. ima continue the trip ofc. but mmmmm stupid peripheral things are really not doing this show justice. i fear that DISCO is a show that couldve been great but just wasnt even good. bad writing, bad directing, bad editing, bad delivery - i am far from being sold than I was in episode 1. i gave the excuse of the first episode feeling so brisk because it was an exposition….. but the show quickly tired out my benefit-of-the-doubt with how i see that ep 1 wasnt so much a mere exposition, but that its kind of ACTUALLY what this show IS. i cant lie. im p nervous for this show. SNW was fucking good, so i just hope that this show improves to SNW's level where all these questionable issues resolve at some point, more or less.
guess i'll see.
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themkultra · 2 years
do NOT take this the freak way 
but like how did we get so entrenched in the culture of “if you’re an adult interacting with minors you must be tiptoeing on eggshells 100% of the time otherwise ur grooming them” where we get these huge callout posts/warning docs abt like . literally a “ur mom” joke or smth of that cadence, like im specifically curious about what makes 17 a minor but like the SECOND you turn 18 its like “YOU MUST TAG EVERY POST U MAKE THAT HAS THE SLIGHTEST PENIS MENTION WITH MINORS DNI, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT TALKING TO MINORS AFTER 8PM, AND DONT YOU EVER DARE TALK ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEM EVER BC UR GONNA GROOM THEM!!!” like bro its 12:06am on ur birthday, 7 minutes ago it wouldve been fair game??? like what??? i dont get it genoiuenly also i think 18 should still be considered “minor” but also i think we need to reevaluate what minor/adult even MEANS in ONLINE spaces specifically online. like ive been told i cant talk about a funny hookup story with someone whos like 5 months younger than me bc i had just turned 18 . where is the logic in that. like ur brain dont stop developing until like 25 or smth. ON THE OTHER HAND i totally understand the reasoning thats like, oh ur at different maturity levels and diff stages in life, thats why you should be cautious when talking with someone younger than you and yeah thats totally fair! but i also think its making a lot of adults think that they can no longer have the same friendship relationship they had before with their friends who happen to be minors, which is kinda sad bc like come on penis and sex jokes are fucking funny we’re not puritans here and anyone whjo thinks teenagers dont think abt sex is living under a rock AND AGAIN IM NOT A FUCKING FREAK IM NOT ACTIVELY THINKING ABT TEENS HAVING SEX im just saying, why are we treating all minors like sterilized fabergé eggs who must be handled with like 6 layers of starchy white gloves as to not upset their delicate balance . i think its healthy for teens to have adult friends who treat them like adults IN THE RIGHT WAYS bC a lot of times all the adults in their lives treat them like babies when they want to be recognized as the individuals they are. i think im a much better well rounded person bc i had adult friends (technically parent’s friends that talked to me when they were over) when i was younger that taught me shit abt like, yknow, being an adult and growing up while still having healthy boundaries. like i think tumblr is soooo far removed from real life im realizing this more and more if real life was how tumblr is it would be insane tbh. imagine a highschooler goes up to you and asks for directions on the street and u have to be like “IM 18 IM AN ADULT DONT INTERACT WITH ME I MIGHT GROOM YOU” like ?????? jesus? anyway go ahead flay me alive if you like but again i leave you with this:
i am a normal person if whatever you think i may be implying is nasty then obvsiously im not implying it and youre reading this wrong on purpose
also since when could you get crucified for talking about anything relating to different age relationships without being accused of being a freak. go outside
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
whatever the anon is saying I've watched videos of the same from last year and I've listened to those music myself this year on the ram navami's event and that definitely is not something lord Rama wants us to do what I've seen ppl doing during ram navmi.... so-
I'm a hindu I don't get it how is it hinduphobic I've also seen it so it's ig the truth if that's hinduphobia than your post was also islamophobic and no pleasw dont be so naive and reply ke I didn't say muslim i just said some community nvm I don't really find you or your opinions or your blog smth i would follow or someone I would like to interact .... it's just because you're a part of the desiblr your post came on my dash and your urge to deny all the things thw anon said with words like hinduphobia and evidence and liberals blah blah arghhh like bro chill it was just too much to just see and get through it without involving I don't want this dumbassery in the name of hindublr or desiblr I can't unfollow the tags ig i better block ya
….the post isn’t even tagged either hindublr or desiblr. Its only non personal tag is hinduphobia and ram navmi.
For this specific reason aswell.
Tumblr would not have showed you my post if it wasn’t tagged desiblr or you weren’t already liking my stuff (which your “i don’t find your opinions something I follow” tells me you weren’t given this is a political blog).
……… you wanna say something now or?……
And do ya think I was denying the claims over nothing? I searched the stuff they were speaking of, and came to the conclusion after finding nothing. You too, anon, have only provided words and no actual proof.
The burden of proof is on people who say xyz happened, how does someone prove it did not happen? By showing it not happening?😭
And how do you not see an annual attack on Hindu processions to be hinduphobic is beyond me. If someone threw a stone at me everytime I passed by, I would think they have a problem with me aswell.
My post was not islamophobic because nowhere did I blame Islam or muslims in that post. Do you think I did not mention the said community because I wanted to hide Islamophobia?
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
I did that because I did not believe that every Muslim should receive flak for that as the community in itself is not responsible for such people, but the fact that those individuals were part of a particular religion and hated us because we were a part of another one, it does make religion relevant in all this, both ours and theirs.
So no, Muslims at large are not at fault here, but these attackers did hurt us in name of islam, so mentioning what excuse they used to attack us is only natural becuase it is a crime against humans and hence intention needs to be known for being able to tackle/trace it better.
And do you realise that the whole point of me answering such provoking asks is to either confirm or deny them? What do you think I will do with a post that’s blatantly accusing with no proof? Not deny it? Not ask for proof? Tell me whether any of the “excuses” I used were out of place or unrequired there.
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askunderfamilyfrisk · 2 years
six people in Frisk...?? is it the other human souls??
(Mods note: we have diagnosed DID ourselves. Please, after reading this ask, read about DID here, if you do not have a good understanding of it.) (We have another note at the end of the ask. Please read it for clarification on any confusion!)
*Sans was in the middle of explaining the multiverse to Papyrus, but full-stops when he receives this ask. He sighs and scratches his head. Papyrus looks at him, but Sans just waves his hand, like 'don't worry bro, I got this'*
"this's very important to talk 'bout, so imma explain as briefly but clearly as possible."
*Sans cracks his knuckles, sitting up, leaning closer to the screen. Its serious time.*
"ya'see, the kid has what is known as 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' or 'DID.' what that means, from what Alphys explained to us, is that because of trauma, their mind created other people to share the body, memories, and burdens. A defense mechanism, if ya will. And 'fore you ask, these other people aren't delusions or hallucinations - theyre real. its like having a conjoined twin, except the twin is inside your head."
*he rubs his forehead, leaning back once again. seems this topic...its a bit difficult for him.*
"Frisk's brain created people that look and sound like their old friends - probably cuz thats what Frisk's subconscious desired, and what made em feel safe. but those people in their head, while looking like their friends, are not the same people. half of em dont even use the same names or pronouns as the people they are 'based on'. and almost all of em have entirely different personalities than the human kids did. so at most, theyre dopplegangers."
*he sighs and closes his eyes. Papyrus waits for a moment, as if checking to see if he's finished speaking, before he pipes up*
*Papyrus fidgets with his gloves, tugging at the fingers individually*
(What Sans is explaining is a factive. A factive is a headmate that formed based on a real person; a friend, a family member, a celebrity, etc, etc. Of course, that doesnt mean they are exact copies of that person - they have their own thoughts and feelings, separate from the person they are based on. (Read more about factives here.)
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aaronymous9 · 2 years
*cutely revised my clay lgbtq headcanon to be aro/ace because 1. i’ve been seeing it go around a lot and I think it’s super cute 2. Omg imagine Clay and Sunny were both really close as babies and related to each other in not really understanding why the other dod had crushes and stuff and then both at the same time basically pointed at each other “OH MY GOD WE ARE ARO/ACE” and that made their friendship really strong so they are besties rn 3. I feel like Sunny isn’t dense and understood that Starflight liked her but when Peril liked Clay, he was like “shes pretty friendly with me, thats cool. Wait you are saying she likes me? Are you sure- wait oh my god she does fuck fuck how do I tell her I don’t like her that way without hurting her feeelings FUCK” ( all of quoted paraphrased as if I said them myself Clay would never say fuck ) 4. Clay coming out to Peril and then she’s just like “damn okay i still like you but now that I know that and have gone through my arc of making decisions on my own we can just be bros” 5. Also idk it feels like it fits really well I kinda also felt bad that i really only hced sunny as aro/ace so now she has a buddy with the same identity as her and i really like the headcanon a lot
Anyways reminder that you don’t have to agree with me and i dont really care what your headcanons are I just personally think this one is really cute for me headcanons are individual things for me and like idk how to explain this but like my headcanon wof and headcanons about the character are in their own universe and other peoples are in theres so like while I personally hc clay as aro/ace if I see clay being shipped with someone else in someone else’s art i don’t really mind and I think it is very cool and awesome but I personally don’t see him in a romantic way with anyone
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kaquyas · 2 years
asking you this on anon because a) dont wanna get blasted on main over this potentially controversial topic& b) saw some tags you made on another post and i feel like (hope) you'd appreciate this.
not to bash anyone, but the fandom's general take on the senju bros' relationship is getting stale imo. so many fics and hcs that rehash the same themes over and over with no nuance, and tbrm&hsrm are usually OOC.
if youre gonna make their relationship angsty, let them BOTH contribute to that dynamic. let tbrm be FLAWED for once, let him have actual development that isnt just him being "misunderstood" and abused by literally everyone around him for no conceivable reason. let hsrm's character not get dragged through the mud to facilitate tbrm's woobification.
give me a fic where hashirama is a doting anija who wants more than anything in the world to bond with his last surviving little brother and he tries so so hard to reach out to him- but their contradictory personalities make it difficult to get on the same wavelength. where hsrm's stubbornness and naivety cause issues at times.
a fic where tbrm is utterly devoted to hsrm and does everything in his power to ensure his dreams come to fruition- but hes piss poor with feelings and shuts down hsrm's attempts at communication. maybe tbrm is a bit of an asshole sometimes, unwittingly influenced by their father's tendency to target hsrm. he's condescending- calls hsrm an idiot, tells him to stfu. maybe on day he says something a little too reminiscent of butsumas insults and hsrm cant hide how hurt he is. tbrm is so ridden with guilt he apologizes and actually opens up for once. they have a heart-to-heart and BOTH of them work on their individual shortcomings in order to strengthen their bond.
i love these two so much, their personalities and dynamic hold so much potential that so far seems mostly untapped. (i should probably get off my butt and write something myself though, haha.)
anyway sorry for the wall of text, i had to get it all out! would love to hear your take on this/your personal hc's etc.
anon im literally going to kiss you on the MOUTH. THIS!!!!!! THIS IS MY IDEAL SENJU BROTHERS DYNAMIC!!!!! they both do love each other very very much, but they also have very contradictory personalities and i think they both played a hand in possibly straining their relationship. i also think of them as both being fairly stubborn, and so when they clash it’s often something where they never really talk about it. very much that stereotypical siblings ending a fight by not mentioning it and asking the other if they want food
i generally headcanon that butsuma somewhat pitted them against each other because he thought tobirama could be relied on to be the responsible son who would do what needed to be done during the war, and so he favored tobirama and almost parentified him/pushed him into the role of controlling hashirama & keeping him on track. we know better, because we can see tobirama calling grownups stupid for not sticking to treaties and his dedication to the village later in his life, but after the river confrontation i do see a breakdown in their relationship that left a wall there until they were much older due to 1) hashirama seeing too much of butsuma in tobirama and 2) tobirama refusing to talk about his feelings because butsuma drilled it into him that feelings are a weakness
i’ve mentioned it before, but i do think hashirama held a grudge against tobirama after the river confrontation. we don’t know exact ages, but i generally think of hashirama as being about 12 years old then, an age where kids are notoriously stupid. he takes a while to realize tobirama didn’t really have a choice and that if tobirama hadn’t said anything then he would have been outnumbered, but when hashirama tries to reach out and apologize, tobirama just brushes it off because he’s under the “emotions are a weakness” cloud of butsuma, and accepting hashirama’s apology means admitting he was hurt and therefore has feelings, so it’s best to pretend nothing happened. which hashirama then takes to mean tobirama is still upset (which he is! he’s just stupid! JUST TALK ABOUT IT!!!) and so there’s this weird air where hashirama’s walking on eggshells and thinks tobirama’s mad at him, but tobirama thinks hashirama’s pulling away and can’t really recognize his affections
(AND. this is 100% veering into my headcanons here, but i’ve always headcanoned tobirama and kawarama as twins who were maybe a bit codependent, giving tobirama a skewed idea of what a normal level of closeness between siblings is. so what hashirama sees as a perfectly normal relationship, tobirama sees as being more distant. so hashirama sees things as fine, but tobirama assumes they must not be that close and resigns himself to be silent about it forever because he is stunted and is in desperate need of a ninjatherapist POSTHASTE)
this turned out rambly and is probably incoherent idk i’m not proofreading this. you brought this on yourself by talking about the senju sibs to tumblr user senjusibs and i CANNOT be held accountable for sticking with my brand! tl;dr they have problems and issues and need ninja family therapy and to just talk OPENLY and HONESTLY. they just have like run of the mill family miscommunication issues with ninja trauma stacked on top
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