#be fr these two would not be healthy together at ALL
milezperprower · 3 months
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i just ment for this to be a quick doodle but yeah this is basically the only way i can see ribbun appealing to me anymore. give my girl some agency. jesus.
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taetaespeaks · 2 months
Ferrari Friends [CL16]
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f1gossip Y/n Y/l/n and Charles Leclerc entering together the paddock of the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari circuit in Imola, Italy, today for race day. What’s going on ? A new friendship or a new relationship ? 👀
View all 562 comments
user1 what’s going on in the house of commons
user2 Isn’t she in a relationship ???
user3 She was for a long time but they broke up two weeks ago or something
user4 that man can’t stay single for the sake of him 😭
user5 y/n and Charles aren’t together tho
user6 what ???! isn’t she with alex albon ?!
user7 ABSOLUTELY NOT ! Alex Albon’s gf is Lily Muni He. Y/n is his childhood best friend. She knows the drivers for years. She never dated any of them :)
user8 for now…👀
user9 Aren’t they friends ?
user10 they know each other but Y/n doesn’t even follow him on ig
user11 She’s so pretty !!!
user12 @/yourusername on ig
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Liked by francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc and 208,691 others
yourusername back home !!!
View all 483 comments
user1 Let’s go, Y/n back in the paddock !!!!
Liked by yourusername
user2 so happy to see her healthy and happy after the break up ! 🩷
yourusername thank you babe <3
user3 she’s living the life and i’m so jealous and devoured by pain
francisca.cgomes ❤️❤️❤️
Liked by yourusername
user4 okay but what is Charles doing here ?
user5 she really wants them all fr
user6 okay but same tho
user7 i would be passed around the grid if i was as lucky as her fr
yourusername girrlll ahaha
user7 hi queen love u
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f1uptades P1 for Carlos Sainz, P2 for Charles Leclerc and P3 for Lando Norris ! Congrats !
View all 221 comments
user1 Charles looks absolutely stunning
user2 Y/n is stronger than me cause i’d give him my all and everything the second he looks at me
user3 Charles literally looks like my baby daddy guys
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f1gossip OMG breaking news exclusive picture of Charles and Y/n celebrating Charles’ podium in a club in Imola !!!
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masterlist - part 3(you’re here) - prt.2 of the chapter here
taglist : @a-beaverhausen @sltwins @imsiriuslyreal @taygrls @mahii7 @nebarious @ididntseeurbag @d3kstar @tinyhrry @ririyulife
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Hello! I love your works but could you do one with Angel dust, Stolas, Stella, and Loona with an s/o that is allergic to their fur/feathers? Thank you!
With an S/O that's allergic to their fur/feathers
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Angel Dust
The first sneeze was a fluke.
You were curled up in a hotel room, your first night sleeping in the same bed, the spider having you nuzzled into his fuzzy chest, a rapidly growing favourite spot for you.
Youd be holding him close, drifting off as you were cuddled by the fuzzy spider.
Youd both be drifting off, curled up together before you suddenly jerked back, sneezing into your arm.
Youd share a chuckle, before nuzzling back in together, the both of you drifting off to sleep.
The next would be in the morning. Waking up, you'd find your nose a little runny, nothing too crazy. It's not like you've never had a runny nose in the morning.
And so, getting up you start sneezing.
Again and again. And again.
Eventually you'd get in the shower, and after a heavy scrub and plenty of hot water, you were feeling much better.
Angel would shower next, the spider scrubbing himself down, the two of you talking as he dried himself.
He wondered why you were sneezing so suddenly, the spider wondering if you were allergic to his perfume?
Youd hum along agreeing that it might be the cause, scratching your nose as you found a piece of pink hair on your shirt.
You pick it up, pulling it close, and after smelling it, sure enough, you sneezed.
Youd tell him he was right, the fur you'd found all made you sneeze. So, Angel not wanting to make you sick, would throw it out, not wanting his S/O to be allergic to him.
And now that he was all clean and fluffy after drying himself, he'd waltz up, hugging you close.
You were in his fuzzy chest for about a second before you sneezed, both of you freezing.
Then you sneezed again and again, you were right back to how you were in the morning.
And after a moment of sneezing the both of you would pause, the both of you snapping to the other, staring at each other.
You both stepped back, both desperately hoping you were wrong.
You stepped away from each other for several minutes, before, moving slowly towards the other, you'd walk over, hugging the man.
It took less then a minute before you were a sneezing, snot covered mess. The both of you running to the opposite sides of the room.
You realised what was happening, and as mush as you wanted to be close, youd realise what was happening and keep your distance.
Youd keep seceral feet from each other, communicating via text or the occasional call, both of you brainstorming what to do. It's not like you wanna break up or anything, you just gotta figure out how you can, ya know, actually be together.
It'd take a week or two, the both of you spending short periods of time together before you got too sick, before you both finally figured out what to do.
It'd be a historic quest to find the key. A fable for the ages. Truly SOMETHING THAT WOULD GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THR MOST INCREDIBLE-
After some research, you went out and bought several Anti-allergy shampoos.
And after Angel scrubbed down with each of them, t spider finishing hos grooming routine, he'd dry up, stepping out and walking over, you'd hug him close.
Youd sit with your face in his fluff for several minutes, and much to your mutual joy, not a single sneeze.
And so, after buying several dozen bottles of shampoo, the two of you picked up where you left off.
And yeah, Angel was extra careful in his grooming, brushing and trimming his hair regularly. But other then that, and using his new shampoo, life went on like normal.
And with everything back to normal, well, you and Angel got to live a happy, healthy, and incredibly horny.
Yes. You'd have sex. Like... a lot of sex.
Hell, you had a lot of time to make up for. The spider sure to make you feel more then loved with his effinate body.
Your first reaction was completely unexpected. And terrified the Avian utterly.
Youd plucked a feather from chest accidentally as the two of you teased each ither one bight, the man snatching it out of your grasp before pinning you down, the man using the feather to tickle you in a playful manner, turing you into a giggleing mess.
After which you'd share a kiss before going about your day.
But the next day, upon waking up, you'd find your body incredibly itchy. And upon further investigation, you'd find huge rashes around every spot Stolas had used the feather to tickle you.
Now, you hadn't been allergic to him before, the both of you incredibly confused.
So, with a little research, you'd discover one could develop allergies. Even to something they've spent every day around.
And that reeeeaaallly, reeeeaaally sucked.
Cause well, put simply, Stolas was a very, VERY affectionate S/O, especially after the divorce and well, not being allowed to touch you was very taxing on his emotional state.
But lucky for the both of you, Stolas had something most demons lacked.
Shit tons of money.
And a good bit of magic.
And so, after several spells, and a good bit of cash spent, you were totally healed of your allergy. Not just that, you were completely immune and acclimatise to his feathers and body, unable to ever develop such a condition like that again. Totally used to his body.
And with that everything went back to normal, you and stolas living a happy, healthy and deeply loving relationship, the two of you sharing as much intimacy and loving affection as the owl could possibly push onto you.
You and Stella had a... how should I put it?
A hard as fuck, passionate relationship.
Sex was a regular occurrence between the two of you, the Avian finally releasing all her pent up aggressive passion upon you.
Not that you minded, mind you.
If anything, you encouraged her more depraved nature. Dropping the expectations of nobility when together, a form of outlet for the lady Goetia.
But one day after a particularly depraved love making session, in which you awoke in hives, sores and rashes, sneezing up a storm, Stella as a good S/O would, would take you to a hospital.
She'd have every test available run on you, all of which resulting in the conclusion that, well you were allergic to her.
Now initially, Stella would lose her shit, not believing it possible, but after you had yet another reaction to her, she'd have to stand down.
Now luckily, the doctor was able to calm her down, and since money was no object for Stella, she was happy to pay through the nose to make you well.
Which, thanks to the fancy ass magic and medical technology only afforded to nobility, you would be healed of your allergy, Stella sure to hold you close to make sure it was effective.
And sure enough, with you cured, Stella was sure to shower you with affection, the woman holding you close the entire time, utterly adoring you as she held you to her bust ever chance she had.
But well, as ravenous as Stella was, now that she had you back you'd find yourself in a rather intimate moment, Stella simply holding you close, the moment surprisingly loving as you'd just lay there, holding each other close as you, well... as you just loved each other.
The two of you feeling incredibly loving towards each other.
Now, your relationship with loona was, well not quite the most intimate and personal, but it was still quite loving.
Despite Blitzø' attempts.
The girl happily attaching to you, the two of you lovingly attached at the hip, only occasionally breaking that bond when you held a small disconnect.
Though most of this came from the short periods of insecurity or discontent, the two of you occasionally arguing, but quickly uniting, loving each other deeply despite the occasional ugly spat.
And it'd be one morning, the two of you curled up on bed, utterly content, that you'd first sneeze.
That'd only be the beginning.
You steadily becoming more and more allergic to Loonas furry self, but despite this, you did your best to stay close.
And while you were happy to ignore your steadily worsening condition, Loona wasn't. The girl feeling heavily guilty that you were obviously getting sick because of her.
Even if you adamantly denied it, too inove to acknowledge sure an illness.
And so, after weeks of research, she'd begin using a variety of shampoos, and conditioners, and while they would help, she's still a fuzzball, and well, shampoo can only do so much.
Youd both look into a variety of solutions, doing your best to look into the problem, but despite her hardest efforts, you'd end up just where you began.
Until a magical cure was discovered!
Anti-allergy meds.
A handful of pills and you were able to spend the night nuzzling up to your furry lover, the both of you able to spend the entire night together without you breaking into a sneezing, runny nosed fit.
And with those pills, you were truly free to be with each other, the two of you loving each other deeply, and finally able to express this physically, without issue of your light, if serious allergies.
Congrats everyone on the newest episode, I'm so fucking Excited!
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vechter · 10 days
ao3 for dick grayson fics is such a trying experience, truly bc what do you mean there's not one, not two but an overwhelming abundance of fics where dick is a bad sibling and jason todd is the ideal, supportive, drops-everything-for-your-crisis sibling?
like i can understand the appeal of exploring the lesser of dick's choices and character traits and how those impact his relationships with the rest of the bats but you mean to tell me that any of them- damian, tim, cass- tim, especially- would willingly go to jason for help when they have the option of asking dick?
as much as red robin is a deeply rich, complex story about grief and morality, i'm afraid it did irreparable damage to dick's character, not to mention tim's (that boy does not have an egregiously high body count, comics would never gloss over that kind of mass death or be implicit about it in any way if that had actually happened)
dick's primary character thesis is being a safety net for people who fall- the way bruce and batman were for him after his parents died. it's one of his chief driving forces. there is no world where he doesn't help out a stranger, let alone his siblings if they come to him for help. and despite all of the bats being notoriously bad at asking for help and support, the number of instances where dick is an empathetic listener, doling out advice and emotional support and compassion (even when people are tight-lipped about needing any of those things) far outweighs the times he has been short-sighted or intentionally harsh. no character is perfect but to see how often jason is written favourably whilst simultaneously dragging dick is maddening fr
like, fine you like jason a lot. it can be fun and cathartic to write about him choosing to develop relationships outside of his grief/trauma/revenge with bruce (although i think that the most compelling thing about jason is how much of his character post-resurrection is driven by existing as a dead boy walking so to see him actually care about living and making healthy choices would probably require something beyond therapy with harley quinn lmao) but is it really necessary to do that while putting dick down? both tim and damian have seen dick while he is decidedly not at his best (reeling from the circus burning down in nw '96, grieving bruce, finding his footing as batman) and have come out the other side firm in their belief in him. cass, unfortunately is more removed from dick's immediate circle but that's a whole other tangent about how peripheral dick is to both of the batgirls that come after babs. steph, by virtue of having a parent who is alive, is lucky enough to be removed from more of the complicated dynamics all of them have with each other. and while dick is an ass in her initial batgirl days, he does warm up to her (but that again is a whole other post considering the legitimacy and nuances of characterizations in batgirl- tim never gets the same flak for his treatment of steph despite being much, much closer to her and actually knowing her beyond the second robin to die- and even then, when dick finds out about steph's death, the gist of initial reaction is to blame bruce, perhaps, rightfully so)
like you're falling for his act!!! as readers of a form of media like comics, we are lucky enough to get a glimpse into dick's inner neuroses and thought-processes while simultaneously seeing how he acts on them. ofc we see him make mistakes but a lot of the other characters don't!! and if/when they do, they don't see beyond the performance he delivers. even barring the fucked-up-ness of a high stakes job like vigilantism where trauma and death and adrenaline are linked together messily, no relationship between two people is perfect. people hurt each other, people lash out!! but the most compelling thing about dick is how often he reaches out, how often he swings back even after he has swung away!! that's what makes him such a source of light, hope and positivity for everybody he encounters
and this is not even touching n52 which seems like the most hasty kind of decision making and writing from editorial with no consideration for a lot of the characters' histories, lore and their core characterizations
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experimentfae · 9 months
Simon Petrikov as you’re boyfriend headcanons
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You and Simon officially meet when you were in the 20th Century Museum, he was teaching a girl about the time period.
You guys would have started out as friends but slowly started having feeling for each other.
He was actually the one who confessed first which surprised you since he didn’t seem like the type.
For you’re guys first date you both went to a drive in movie theaters, of course it’s was a romcom.
After couple of dates you two became inseparable and a official couple.
But you and especially simon wanted to take it very slow.
He always did nice things for you such as getting flowers, making you sweets with the help of princess bubblegum, taking you on some of his adventures and more.
When suddenly on one of the adventures you saw a bunch of snacks coming from these brown rocks and you decided to run super fast to avoid while laughing.
You looked back to see that Simon did the same he did but look like he was about to cry so you asked him.
He told you the truth about his past and about his late fiancé Betty.
You reminded him of Betty at that moment.
This made you finally understand why he wanted to take things slow and making sure, whatever decision you wanted he would do as well.
Of course you reminded him his choices matter too and we should do them once in a while as well.
You helped him slowly move on from Betty even though you know he will always care and have love for her and you accepted that.
He’s also told you as his time as Ice king which you could tell he hated to mention it but all you but old him the “past is the past no matter what I’ll always love you.” You has know idea how much relief that brought him.
He first kissed you when you guys where making dinner together which made you eyes go wide but immediately kissed back.
He also told you about his crazy multiverse adventure with fionna and cake.
You were shocked to learn that they were real people also found it cool that’s there’s different universes.
The relationship got really serious so he wanted you to officially meet Marceline, he did talk about her a lot so you were excited hoping she liked you.
You meet Marceline and you two instantly got along which made Simon happier and truly know that you are the one.
Marceline even told you that he talks about you Constantly.
This made his face turn red making you blush with a chuckle and kiss his cheek making him even more red if that’s possible.
He secretly asked Marceline for help to make a song for you
You loved the song it was very romantic.
Overall Simon and you’re relationship is very healthy and very romantic, of course some little bumps might come but you two always work it out.
you two are FR couple goals.
<- Back to MasterList or back to Fionna and Cake/adventure time
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imaginesig · 6 months
“If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth if for once”
Lewis Hamilton x singer!reader
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liked by lewishamilton, user1, y/nhq, and 402,038 others
yourusername: my muse <3
tagged lewishamilton
lewishamilton its an honor love
user1 when will I find someone to call me love
lando.jpg your own jpg account when??
yourusername I'll stick to my day job
user2 anybody else bothered by how quickly she goes from man to man
user3 right? like I swear she's had about 7 "muses" in the past 3 years
user4 she's literally done nothing wrong?? how dare a women date more than 1 person in her life??
carlossainz55 so new music when?
Charles_leclerc the Ferrari playlist needs an update
yourusername update loading 🔄
user5 oh please be a new album!!
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liked by roscoovescoco, yourusername, user6, and 183,829 others
lewishamilton: race weekend with my loves
tagged: mercadesamgf1, roscoelovescoco, yourusername
landonorris interesting order
yourusername we all know Roscoe is the real star here
roscoelovescoco listen to the lady 🙌
mercadesmhf1 we love having the Hamilton family in the paddock
yourusername ahhh love to be there!!
lewishamilton 💚
georgerussell63 always a good time with these two in the house
yourusername ahhhh Georgie 🫶🫶
user1 "Georgie" 🥹😭
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liked by user9, user1, user3, and 937,273 others
tmz_offical: just days after the end of the season, f1 driver Lewis Hamilton is spotted out with young girlfriend Y/n L/n. The couple is notorious for keeping their privacy, making paparazzi pictures a rare instance. Click the link in our bio to see what else was taken during their night out on the town.
tagged lewishamilton, yourusername
user1 no wonder they keep private, I would too if ended up trapped in a relationship with a slut like her
user2 didn't she and Dylan O'Brian break up right before they got together? Didn't think he rebound guy would last this long
user3 I could never imagine dating someone that much older than me
user4 fr someone tell her to take it down a notch, her sluttiness is showing
User8 the one sided hate is mid boggling
user5 the negativity is DEFINING
user6 right, y'all can't stand to see a women happy, healthy, and unbothered
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liked by lewishamilton, user5, user9, and 749,934 more
y/nupdates: Y/n seen outside the studio with her producer after radio silence all winter!!
tagged yourusername
user1 she's cooking
user2 she's entering her reputation era I can feel it
user3 fr, after that one tmz post blows up and her comments are flooded with negativity, she locked herself away with her love, and is now seen for the first time in awhile leaving the studio
user5 not the slut trying for a comeback
user6 how about you lead by example? Leave and don't come back 🫶
user8 you know the records gonna slap when @/producer sprinkled her magic
user9 I need them and Taylor+Jack to release something
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liked by user5, lewishamilton, y/nhq, and 394,028 others
yourusername: "Slut!" out now on all streaming platforms!! The rest of the album, "Amor Omnia Vincit" out this Friday!
when I originally sat down to create this new album I didn't image I'd write half the songs that made the final cut, but I did. This has been a very therapeutic experience for me.
Thank you to this album, my amazing team, and my lovely muse for keeping me going in the difficult time <3
tagged: y/nhq
lewishamilton you are so Shawn Hunter coded
lewishamilton I love you dear
yourusername I love you too darling
user1 they are so domestic I'm crying 🤭😭
user2 lets all start a thread of our fav lyrics from "Slut!"
user3 "if I'm all dressed up, they might as well be looking at us" WE KNOW THIS COUPLE ALWAYS BRING FIRE FITS
user4 very obvious but "if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once," just hits so hard, like this is an issue she's dealt with for so long but Lewis makes it all better bc their relationship trumps everything
user5 piggy backing off of @/user4 's reasoning, "the sticks and stones they throw froze mid air"
user7 I'm still not very her admitting that all the negavity around her dating has affected her so bad that she told Lewis "I said it might blow up in your pretty face"
scuderiaferarri we will not apologize for the people we'll become when this drops ‼️
Charles_leclerc we've always been #1 y/n stans
lewishamilton you red fuckers can take two steps back that's my title
carlossainz55 I thought you were her muse?
lewishamilton I'm both
user8 ok possessive king
youruserame for me and me only 🥰
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liked by georgerussell64, your username, user1, and 789,739 others
lewishamilton: SO, SO, SO PROUD OF YOU LOVE!! Watching you work through a rough patch with such grace was beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of it and listen to these songs+more. I'll be your muse forever if you'll have me <3
tagged yourusername, y/nhq
yourusername forever and always <3
lewishamilton <3
user1 that water look very ~aquamarine~ to anyone
user2 he def knew what he was doing
lewishamilton I had a message to send 🤷🏾‍♂️
yourusername sassy man epidemic isn't a joke
user3 I love that she left like people wanted and wrote a whole song to shut down the hater but also put her and Lewis's relationship on the pedestal it deserves
producer such a sweet album!! Some of the best love songs out there!!
Charles_leclerc Vigilante Shit is my new pre-prix anthem
yourusername watch out @/maxverstappen1
maxverstappen this is where the dutch anthem falls silent 😔
carlossainz55 wasn't ready for Dress
yourusername but...
carlossainz55 its my fav
user4 I love that lewis posted for the whole album when Y/n didn't, but she's replying to comments in his section when he isn't
user5 they really are made for each other huh
roscoelovescoco amazing work mom!!
user5 I will never get over the mom
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liked by landonorris, Charles_leclerc, user5, and 937,039 others
yourusername: surprise!! Since this album taught me what it was like to write and create in such an intamate space with very few people/outide influence I wanted to celebrate it with 3 small shows in Monaco, London, and Ottawa!
tickets on sale at 12 pm eastern this friday, see ya then ;)
tagged y/nhq
landonorris do friends get discounts??
yourusername everyone on the grid plus any serious significant others get VIP entry courtesy of me and my team 💖😘
y/nhq we'll be reaching out soon to select the show
lilymhe you don't understand how excited this makes me!!
yourusername well I couldn’t celebrate without my girls (and their men too ig 🙄🤚)
oscarpiastri thanks a lot y/n
alexalbon anybody else feeling loved??
lewishamilton completely 🫶
user1 this will start world war 3 I can feel it
user2 this is the eras tour all over again
user3 except that was selling stadiums, these are small venues
user4 any f1 driver want to link up for a show?? you'll never have to speak to me ever again
user5 I regret to inform you babe, but I think this is the reason she said serious significant others...
user6 official tour soon?? Please mother??
yourusername oh so very soon...
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liked by your username, georgerussel64, landonorris, and 379,268 others
lewishamilton "got lovestruck went straight to my head" <3
tagged yourusername
user1 crying throwing up
user2 quoting her song?? that's about him?? I'll be resting my eyes on the highway if anybody needs me
user3 my toaster looks like a fun bath bomb
yourusername "got lovesick all over my bed" <3
landonorris beautiful show, beautiful couple 🧡
yourusername 🧡
scuderiaferrari maybe we're colorblind but that doesn't look like Mercedes green
mercadesamgf1 watch your back
georgerussell64 👀
georgerussell64 slayed so hard
yourusername an honor from the meme king?? I'm not worthy
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liked by Charles_leclerc, user9, lewishamilton, and 930,393 others
yourusername thank you to everyone who came out to a show this weekend!! I had a blast sining new stuff, covers, and old pieces with you all- the love I experienced was unreal!! I cannot wait to see what happens in the future 💖
To all those close to me, our relationships mean the absolute world!! Special love to Lewis who held my hand through my darkest time, showed me what a true relationship was, and gave me a perfect little boy (I love you Roscoe). Darling, its been a wonderful experience being with you <3
tagged y/nhq, landojpg
lewishamilton love you so much angel <3
georgerussell64 definitely gave me and Carmen the night of our lives!!
alexalbon the show was so amazing I almost forgot you flirted with my gf in the invitation
yourusername stay mad
lilymhe 🥵
Roscoelovescoco can I come next time??
yourusername I'll see what I can do...
landjpg thank you for photo creddits and well as the opportunity to photograph these unique shows
yourusername you didn't not dissapoint 👏👏 thank you for doing it
Charles_leclerc I had an amazing time!!!
carlossainze55 you should hear him try to speak, voice complelty gone
yourusername that's the kind of energy we all need
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juicyc0utur3 · 1 month
random hcs w/ near x fem reader!
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one of my absolute fav characters
warnings: smut, subbing, cockwarming, angst with comfort
nsfw under the cut
• i would say that you guys met before the kira case, maybe at wammy’s or just through family/friends
• only because i doubt he would’ve been out of the spk building much during the case, and he doesn’t seem like the type to get randomly attached to one of his workers
• keep in mind you work with him and not for him like halle, so you don’t fall under that umbrella
• you and halle are friends, she loves you
• since you stay and work with him, you guys have nights where you sleep over in her room and you guys just talk and have fun
• you and near are such an unexplainable friendship
• like halle and the other workers are so confused bc if he met anyone else that acted similar to you, he didn’t take nearly as much of a liking to him as he did to you
• but he enjoys having you around, even though he’s hard to read
• since you two had always been close, there was never really a time where you were shy around him, unless it was just a part of your personality
• you could easily just go sit by him while he was working and start a conversation with him and hours would speed by like seconds
• i headcannon him to be autistic to some degree, so eye contact is kinda hard for him
• social cues as well, which i think is why he pisses mello off like anytime he talks
• but you don’t see him as any less because of little things like that, which he’s silently grateful for
• asking him out was very fast
• the whole exchange was maybe like ten seconds tops
“hey near?”
“can i be your girlfriend?”
• he was happier than he let on though
• your relationship is more on the private(not a secret) side, and all in all it’s very healthy
• you guys don’t go out for dates much even before kira, but you hang out often so it makes up for it
• you play games together, like cards and dolls and hot wheels, he eats that shit up fr
• you bought him a dollhouse or a mini racetrack or something and that was the first time he kissed you
• as for kisses, they’re fleeting and he keeps you on your toes
• he’s never big on pda or js affection in general, less because he dislikes it and more because he’s just never experienced it before
• but you help him soften up a bit, and he slowly grows fonder of little things, like kissing your hands and cheeks
•he loves kissing your hands: wrists, knuckles, you name it and he’s right there
• like you’re cupping his face and he reaches a hand up to move one of yours closer and he kisses your palm :3
• sometimes he’s lonely when you’re outside the building, but he’s never insecure(cough mello cough)
• he trusts you completely and knows that you love him just the way he is
• sex
• oh good heavens where do i start
• sub almost every single time
• ik i said he’s not big on affection but for some reason sex has always been one of his handful of exceptions
• eats pussy like a god
• mans will have you absolutely hooked, obviously giving him space between rounds but never passing up an offer to have any type of sex w him
• first time you two did it he was antsy beyond belief
• anytime you made a sound whether it was good or bad even though they were always good, he’d have to resist the urge to pull away and make sure you were okay
• you never rushed him, but gradually he grew more comfortable with sex and was barely ever nervous anymore
• he has a low libido, but if yours is higher he’ll gladly accommodate for you via overstimulation or vibrators and other toys
• likes head, but is super sweet and will always put you first if you’re both needy that time
• really likes head
• i think he just likes seeing your face, and maybe just the fact that you’re the one giving him head
• he’s quiet, but really easy to hear during sex
• he whimpers fs, and maybe moans a bit further on
• probably into orgasm denial, for both of you but mostly on him
• he can talk really dirty when he feels like it, every word he says during sex seems to have a purpose whether it’s to get you closer or just to tease you
“talk all you want, you can’t deny the mess you’re making of yourself.”
“aren’t you cute, thinking i’m gonna let you get off that easy.”
• he’s smart with his words and studies your reactions so he knows more of what to say in the future
• also he has an rbf but it’s less bitchy but more nonchalant, he only ever really smiles or anything like that after you guys are done because he’s too focused on you to even think about it
• his face during sex is so hot
• he would be into cockwarming and size training, but honestly i think he’d prefer it as less of a sexual thing and just something intimate instead
• sitting on his lap with his cock between your legs, gently stretching you out as you play with his hair and chat with him about his day while he works
• during the kira case, he’d be restless, and sometimes you’d wake up early to find him hunched over and snoring in his chair
• besides basic hygiene(i.e. baths, brushing his teeth) i feel like he’d have some trouble taking care of himself so you’d help him
• when he isn’t busy you guys have mini slumber parties where you wear face masks which he hated at first but got used to and play with barbies and it’s just a nice time
• he likes just being in a room with you, you make rooms good*
• the night after mello came back to the spk to get his photo, he cried in your arms for the first time(might make a fic abt this)
• it was just everything on top of everything, and he wished they hadn’t grown up the way they did because he really did care about him
• you held him close and cradled him in your arms, reassuring him that it was okay to cry and okay to feel, you have no idea how much that meant to him
• he can’t imagine his life without you in it
• listens to mitski, mom jeans, and cocteau twins
• doesn’t listen to music much, but it helps him destress
• likes generic cookies like oreos
*you’re immediately my friend if you recognize the saying
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zmbiesuga · 1 year
i can’t believe you say eepy as well we r so alike 🤞anyway, how whould kenma, kuroo, lev, the Miya twins, and oikawa be with a boyfriend who is like popular for no reason? Like bro gets recognized at like the store while getting chips or somthing. Remember take your time and stay healthy!
VARIOUS HQ BOYS . . . with a "famous" bf !
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desc: various hq boys with a boyfriend who is popular and well recognized for seemingly no reason.
includes: kenma, kuroo, lev, oikawa, atsumu & osamu x m!reader, boyfriend is used but no pronouns specified
warnings: cussing, as always.
notes: hi lovely, thank you so much for requesting! <3 sorry for the wait, i hope you like it!! also eepy sayers unite fr 🤞
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i'm gonna be honest, he's probably not too happy about it?
it's not like he's upset that you're like practically famous, that's not the problem
the problem is, is that when he's out with you, people that recognize you are gonna notice him too
and honestly that's a lot of unwanted attention he doesn't want, it makes him really anxious and paranoid
i think he'd have to get used to it, but it might take awhile
oh my fucking god
mr. finds everything about it so fucking funny for no reason
he thinks it makes you more endearing in all honesty, he thinks it's cool that his boyfriend is really popular. he thinks it really speaks to your character as a person
he's not gonna tell you that though
he's gonna constantly tease you so bad, it's his love language please forgive him
"oh my god i can't believe my boyfriend is such a celebrity! can i have your autograph??"
he's relentless, and he isn't gonna stop soon so you better just get used to it
★ LEV !
oh he looks up to you so much
he idolizes the shit out of you, he thinks it's so cool that you're popular
but he already looked up to you before that anyways so really nothing changed
just a bit more admiration!
constantly telling you how cool it is that you're popular, and how much he wants to be like you
he gets used to the attention you get pretty quickly, mostly cause he's not worried if other people will notice him and he'd probably be upset if they did
because YOU are the cool one and you deserve all the praise and popularity in the world in his eyes
even if there is no reason behind it
you're popular together and he loves it!
when you tell him that there's no real reason that you're popular, he's stunned a bit
because of course you need a reason to be popular hello??
but he lets it go pretty quickly cause that just means both of your popularity status is gonna skyrocket with you two being together
not that he's just using you for popularity! he probably just likes that you two have that in common
of course he adjusts quickly to the attention you get, i mean obviously
i'm gonna be so honest he assumes you're well recognized because of him at first
and yeah, it is a little bit in a cocky way.
but once you tell him that there's no real reason as to why you're popular with so many people, it not only kinda kills his ego at first but confuses him so bad
like there has to be a fucking reason like??
he really just thinks you're fucking with him because you don't wanna make his ego any bigger than he already says it is
but he quickly realizes that you are in fact not joking when someone just asks you for a picture while you're at the store with him
he would probably mind the extra attention the same way he handles the attention he already gets from his fanclub
i'd say #powercouple2 but it's debatable how much osamu actually likes his already existing popularity
he doesn't really care that you're famous for no reason
adjusts quickly, but he does get annoyed when people bother you while you're out with him
like if he took you to a nice dinner and someone came up and just started talking your ear off about how much they admire you, he'd give them the death stare.
he's fine with people liking you! he understands why they do! but they should really learn how to take a fucking hint
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dearmura · 7 months
I know you write for Ni-ki but I loved your "reader and Ni-ki as 8th members of Enhypen" and was wondering if you could make one for Heeseung aswell 🤍
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you and hee as the 8th member of enhypen
☆ "I'm your favorite oppa, right? come on I won't tell the other guys"
☆ just loves to use his hyung card to get one-on-one time with you if you're with the other members
☆ puts stuff on high shelves just to see you struggle and have his moment to reach it for you (he has a savior complex I can feel it)
☆ even though he's older, sometimes the roles reverse (he is the youngest of his family after all) and he comes to you to voice his worries, seeking your comfort
"atta girl, sing it, sing it"
☆ is your biggest hype boy fr
☆ will make you either watch or play games with him, and if you watch, you're sitting on his lap (it gives him good luck allegedly 🙄)
☆ cooks you ramyeon just to watch the joy on your face as you eat (yes, he's the 'i get full just watching you eat' type)
☆ literally has built-in y/n senses for when something is off
ex. you and the members could be on a live, laughing and interacting with the chat when he notices you're not talking as much and your eyes are droopy. immediately checks up on you before excusing you both to let you rest
ex 2. you and the members can be talking and you're not too comfortable with the topic, he'll be the first to notice your shift without a word having the slip from your lips, immediately letting the other members know to change the topic (did I mention using his hyung card)
☆ overall very attentive when it comes to you, having another level of delicateness
☆ his very protective nature tends to rub off on you, making the other members joke that you two are the mom and dad of the group. pretends he doesn't like it but would secretly love being parents together oop-
☆ he's a really flirty guy around the fans, and while I won't deny that he is bound to be a little flirty, I do believe that behind all that is utter respect for you. as soon as you joined the group, he felt the need to protect you at all costs, especially considering the extra baggage on you as not only a female idol, but the only one in a co-ed group
☆ thesis: would literally do anything for you and is whipped beyond belief
a.n. it was kinda fun writing for another member having only been writing for riki. lmk if you guys want to see more content for other members!! tysm my loves!! be healthy and safe, as always
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chuuyascumsock · 2 months
we love fem. chuuya.
but but but! imagine fem.chuuya but like in a different time period too?? like idk fem.chuuya as a noblewoman who is known for not giving two shits about marriage and men etc and is a respectable noble bc of how she arranges things and sorts her properties and etc and what if you're just one of her maids or confidante's or aides whos she's had since she was younger and she just LOVES spending her money on the finest pieces and jewellery to dress you up and then proceeds to ruin said pieces by eating you out or finger fucking you-
and THEN! if she gets a load of shit on days where men are being douches and she's pissed off she makes you dress up in a pretty little nightgown or smth and makes you ride her thigh while she stares at you with her gorgeous eyes that are mad but also dark and yk your gonna get a good nights sleep.
and depending on what time period this is- if its when people thought cigs were healthy and good for you and shit after care wpuld sometimes mean staring at her while she stood leaning against the balcony of her lavish bedroom, blowing smoke out through her pretty, but swollen lips before you come up behind her and she offers you a crooked grin as her eyes graze over your form before she offers you one if youre okay with that stuff, might shotgun it again if youre ok w it but if not it you coming up to her with a sheet and wrapping it around the two of you as you relish the peace and quiet and the small moments when you can be true to yourselves and not have to worry about chuuya's reputation.
That would be so cute though and it’d be like back when women would be “best friends” after being widowed and buy a house together only to live out their wlw relationship in peace 🥹
And the way she wouldn’t even try to keep it a secret either and blatantly makes it known that you’re hers because she could easily take anyone who tried to say anything about it 😩
Need me someone like that fr 😔
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jaylver · 1 year
jay as your bee eff <3
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PAIRINGS: boyfie!jongseong x gn!reader
GENRE: established relationship, romance, fluff
WARNINGS: none, except this might be a little messy
WC: 575
A/N: in celebration of jay being back, here's something hehe, it's also really random and sudden but being a jay girl, i needed to write these down and delulu a little (come join me) share some of your thoughts with me through asks if you wants! (it's the best option bc i can't reply to comments help)
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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– most likely met through someone. friends or family, maybe even family friends. very invisible strings coded ngl.
– IMO he's very gold rush coded too! everybody wants him and that made you second guess, so that's why you never really chased after him
– but knowing jay, he's the type to never back down, he wants you, he is gonna get you. period.
– he's a passionate lover, he's the one to fall harder and deeper
– he would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get you
– sacrificing his own to make time for you, bringing you out, listening to you, planning dates together
– cinema dates, dinner dates, he'll always find a way to spend time with you
– he would ALWAYS remember the smallest details about you
– "oh i remembered you said you like xx" and he turns up with that next
– you liked the cake he bought? it's going to be in his hands the next time you meet
– very lowkey about being rich, it's basically like the 'crazy rich asians' scene where she founds out he's rich 😭
– is the type to shower you with gifts even though you already said it's no need, but it's his way to showing you love by gift giving
– mutual pining, lots of mutual pining before being official
– he probably confessed to you in a really romantic poetic way let's be fr
– he's very affectionate, he loves with his HEART
– lowkey pda, doesn't like kissing in public but he does like skinships, he does like small kisses on cheeks, forehead pecks!
– holding hands, hands around your waist/shoulder, reassuring squeezes
– your family LOVES HIM!!! he might seem shy at first but he KNOWS how to charm your relatives
– your mum loves him, he's always over and helping her out, being the gentleman as ever!!
– family dinners with relatives, he would check up on you from time to time, squeezing your thigh in reassurance, telling you jokes and making you laugh
– from a 3rd pov y'all just seem like you're in your own world #cute
– as someone who gets really quiet when mad, i feel like he'll definitely know, giving you space to calm down and then approaching you, making you feel better
– good with words, he knows what to say to make you feel better/less anxious
– for my swifties out there, he's very "all of the girls you loved before" coded to me ☹️☹️
– he gets possessive sometimes, but nothing serious, also can be a jealous boy at times
– he needs words of affirmation! he can get a little worried/insecure sometimes, so it's important to give assurance!
– he's talkative, you'll give all ears and listen to his rants
– being talkative, it also means he CAN NEVER stop talking about you <3
– to his friends, family, he'll just be saying "oh y/n loves this" whenever he sees something that reminds him of you, he's a big sweetheart wbk
– secretly loves it when you come and bug him when he works
– enjoys cuddling in bed, running his hand over your back and playing with your hair.
– loves when you play with his hair, his hands, just the most simple things ever and he loves them all
– when the lights are off and you two are still awake, best believe you'll be talking until late into the night.
– at the end of the day, he'll give you the most healthy and stable relationship ever <3 he's the absolute best !!!
– super husband material, get ready for your family/friends to start asking "when are you guys getting married?"
– soon!!
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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rinstrumental · 10 months
ellie gf headcanons pt. 2
# i’m a headcanon machine i cant be stopped… also she is literally a cheesy ass lose girlfriend this part is actually canon confirmed by naughty dog. modern au
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if your native language isn’t english/speak any language other than english she is going to think you’re ten times cooler than you already are. best believe she’s hopping on duolingo first thing she gets home too so she can impress you (i know duolingo isn’t the best but she’s TRYING)
she took spanish in high school though
even though she can’t retain the info for shit she will search up terms of endearment in your language and call you them all the time even if you think its corny she can’t stop
whenever someone asks her what her type is she just says “my girl” with the most stupid grin on her face
she fidgets SO much omg she doesn’t wear rings often but when she does (you said they looked nice one time and all of a sudden she’s wearing rings every time you see her) she’s constantly playing with them. she also plays with the strings of her hoodie/loose threads etc.
*playing basketball* “this one’s for you babe” *completely misses*
such a nerd for collectibles!! has been since she was a kid. she has funko pops, vinyls, pokemon cards, snowglobes, plushies, smiskis, calico critters she’s a slave to capitalism
little social media presence. her only instagram account is basically a photo dump which is private with only her closest friends following it. (spoiler alert, most of the pictures are of the two of you)
in the last post i said she’s have a pet gecko but i also strongly believe joel would have a dog. could be a teeny tiny chihuahua or a fucking great dane idk just give my man a good friend! ellie also loves that dog (whatever it is) dearly
doesn’t have any piercings and doesn’t ever consider it unless you say that they’d look good on her… your word is her law FR 😭😭😂😂
okay no she’s not dependent on you to the point of it being toxic though. HOWEVER it’s a bit hard for her to express when she feels upset sometimes and gets jealous easily but she tries her best to communicate and keep it healthy
she has her tattoos though of course. although this is a modern au so she’d have different ones i guess… forearm one is definitely in the cards but also lots of tiny little ones. a few for her friends and family and a few she got in a drunken stupor
pottery lesbian that’s it
gets SOOO red when she’s drunk i dont care what anyone says her alcohol tolerance is average at best
i think she would play a sport sometimes. like volleyball. she plays competitively if she’s in school and she always wants you to come “watch your girlfriend be cool”. bring a sign - she’ll love it
kisses and hugs u after the game while she’s all sweaty too…ew but aw
she also really likes animated movies, not disney but like how to train your dragon and the spiderverse and puss in boots (im projecting). she went to see barbie and oppenheimer on the same day and she didn’t dress up but the spirit was there!!
she’s not a gymbro per se but joel probably would have workout equipment in the basement which ellie uses from time to time. and she’s just naturally lean because she’s an active person. pls tell her how big and strong and sexy and amazing she is
ok fine i think she likes being praised AND SHE DESERVES ITT like she’s such a wonderful girlfriend ❤️ ugh shes perfect I CANT STAND HER
goodnight and good morning texts are part of her routine
sunburns easily so you have to remind her to wear sunscreen all the time
doesn’t really know how to do makeup but she’ll paint your nails for you and do your hair
whenever the two of you spend the night together she’s usually last to get up. this bitch could sleep through the rapture i’m not kidding but it’s okay because it gives you time to admire her pretty face as she sleeps in peace and quiet for once
takes the aux very seriously you guys HAVE to share it. unless you like the same music and i think she would like radiohead, joy division, deftones and loser sad songs like that…. she also is a big fan of the spiderverse soundtrack and kendrick lamar though and thee stallion 😜 (i have two wolves inside me)
please reblog mwah thank you!!
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kimpossibly · 1 year
Okay but can I get a Wednesday x reader on how her and Wednesday argue when it gets really bad💕 maybe reader walks out and they both make up after giving each other space
𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 -> w. addams
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi yes???? I love this so much?????? Healthy relationships?????? Thank you so much for your wonderful words???? But seriously I love this kind of angsty fluff stuff fr...this is how I survive in this cruel, cruel world HAHA. Also I'm pretty sure I've used the phrase "thaw her frozen heart" in a Wednesday fic before, but oh well! I'm a sucker for stuff like that. Hope you enjoy this one! I'm really proud of this :') (Also peep the little gif paragraph break thingie I made on Photoshop...I'm a little too proud of it...)
PAIRING: wednesday addams x gn!reader WARNINGS: arguing
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ARGUING WITH WEDNESDAY ADDAMS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. She's as sadistic as they come, even when not mildly discontented (which in Wednesday Speak is as close as you can get to happy), and she never backs down from a fight. And, though a lot of Wednesday's sharp edges become a bit dull around you, that doesn't mean that she'll let you win an argument.
"You can't just endanger someone's life because they bother me, Wednesday!" you shouted. That particular argument was nasty — while you and Wednesday fit together seamlessly most of the time, she occasionally did things that you just couldn't agree with.
This time Wednesday's target had been Leah. Leah was one of the Scales, and one of the more insufferable ones at that. For the past week or so, Leah had for some reason chosen you as the target of her constant torture. She tripped you during class, used her siren song to make you humiliate yourself in front of the school, and on one occasion even managed to push you down the main staircase without anyone around her seeing. Wednesday had seen, of course. Wednesday always saw.
So she concocted a plan: she sent Leah a fake letter in her boyfriend's handwriting, telling her to meet him at a very specific location in the woods near Nevermore. As expected, Leah took the bait and made her way deep into the woods after dark. Instead of finding her boyfriend there, she was met with a pack of hungry wolves — and she quickly noticed that someone had sewn raw meat into the pockets of her clothing.
Leah returned to school half an hour later — out of breath, scratched around the ankles, and terrified. Wednesday watched her return with a smug grin — all it took was one look at her and you knew instantly this had been her doing.
Wednesday hadn't really expected you to be pleased (she had made peace with the fact that you two had very different moral codes), but she certainly hadn't expected you to react like this. "I only inflict pain upon people who deserve it," she said, her monotone voice never wavering in resolve, "and Leah deserved it."
"You don't get to decide that!" you said, rage curling your hands into fists.
"Would you rather be pushed around and ridiculed for the rest of the semester?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but your throat constricted and tears rushed to your waterline before you could get a word out. You paused, taking in a breath and willing your voice to steady. "I don't need you to fight my battles, Wednesday. If you can't respect that, then..." you trailed off, not quite sure where you were going next. Then maybe this isn't going to work out. You stopped yourself just short of putting the end in sight, not wanting to say something you didn't really believe and might regret later. Instead, you bit down on your tongue hard enough to draw blood. You blinked the tears away as you took one last look at Wednesday's stoic face and walked out, slamming the door to her dorm room behind you.
Wednesday watched you go with a bitter taste on her tongue — and not the kind she liked. You had had your arguments in the past, but you had never walked out on her. Unlike Wednesday, you were a stickler for talking things out right then and there, clearing the air before things got too ugly. But this time it had been too much. She had been too much.
Thing crawled onto the desk, having heard the entire argument. Wednesday turned sharply. "What do you want?" she snapped.
"I hope you're going to fix this."
"Why? Clearly they don't care enough to stay and have it out. Why should I be the one to piece things back together?"
Thing said nothing, but sat there in a way that said, Really?
Wednesday grit her teeth. "You're very passive aggressive for a hand."
"You're one to talk," Thing tapped back, "and ouch. Don't you think they might've needed some space?"
Wednesday paused. She hadn't thought of that, actually — not that she'd ever let Thing know that. "Fine then," Wednesday conceded. "What do you suggest?"
And, for once, Wednesday took someone else's advice.
She gave you the space you needed. For the next day and a half you received total radio silence from Wednesday. She still took her seat next to you in class, but she kept as far away from you as possible and didn't attempt conversation — not that Wednesday could ever endure small talk.
Eventually you were so unnerved by her behavior that you spoke to her, leaning over and keeping your voice to a whisper beneath Thornhill's lesson. "Wednesday? What are you doing? Are you alright?" you asked.
"I'm giving you space," she said, not meeting your eye. The words sounded unnatural in her voice. "Thing suggested it," she added quickly.
You sat back in your chair, a perplexed crease forming between your brows. This was very un-Wednesday like behavior. You weren't upset of course, just surprised. Not only at the fact that Wednesday was willingly giving you the space you needed, but that she actually took advice from Thing. It made your heart give a little flutter as you attempted to focus back on the lesson.
Wednesday never paced, but she had never been closer to doing it than she was that evening. She skipped dinner with the intention of writing her novel, but found herself staring at a blank page, unable to write a thing. Rain pounded the large stained glass window on the opposite side of the room. She had never suffered from writer's block before. This was excruciating, and not in a good way. She let out a slow breath, and finally something snapped. That's it.
She got up and strode to the door of her dorm with the intention of meeting you in the courtyard and demanding that you settle your argument from two nights ago, a crack of thunder scoring her sudden outburst. But just as she was about to reach for the doorknob, she heard a knock.
You stood out in the hallway, shivering and soaked with rain, your blazer wrapped tightly around you. The greeting you had prepared was quickly tossed away as you gave a sudden sneeze, a shiver running down your spine. You looked back at Wednesday and the words died on your tongue.
Instantly she pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you and getting one of Enid's fuzzy (revolting) blankets to wrap around your shoulders. Wednesday didn't often have these, God forbid, motherly urges very often, but again, a lot of things about Wednesday changed when she was around you. And the sight of you shaking in the cold on her doorstep was enough to thaw her frozen heart.
Once she was satisfied that you were slowly being warmed up, she stepped back, letting you dry the rain droplets from your cheeks and hair. Thing subtly crawled onto the desk and Wednesday saw it subtly sign out of the corner of her eye: "Talk."
Wednesday set her lips in a grim line. This was the part she always had trouble with. "Y/n —"
"I know you were just trying to protect me, Wednesday," you cut her off quickly. "I know that now, and I appreciate it. I didn't like what Leah was doing, and I know you didn't either, but I needed to try and figure out how to fix it in my own way first. I know that you want to look out for me, but I'm capable of fighting my own battles. I need you to tell me that you understand that."
Wednesday paused. And now she understood. This was what you had been trying to say the night of the argument — you just hadn't been able to get the words out right. Space. Space had allowed you to understand what you needed to say and what you needed to hear. Wednesday understood that now — and more importantly, she could respect it. "I understand," she said, "and I'm sorry."
You almost gasped. Wednesday rarely apologized for the things she did, especially to the people she did them to. But this was genuine.
She continued, "I don't regret what I did to Leah, but I do regret that it hurt you."
You nodded in understanding.
"I don't like seeing the people I love get hurt."
All at once you felt tears rushing to your eyes. Not the bad kind. You pushed them away with a hard swallow, sniffing. "I love you too, Wednesday," you said. "And I promise that if my way of fixing something doesn't work, you'll be the first person I call."
Wednesday felt a rush of something then, something that flushed in her cheeks and almost drew the corners of her lips up. She struggled to stifle it, but every glance at your rosy face made her that much more willing to surrender to it.
"Can I give you a hug?" you asked. You and Wednesday had reached a point where you could hug her without asking first, but you liked to get the clarification every once in a while.
Once you received a brisk nod, you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around her and enveloping both of you in Enid's thick purple blanket. Wednesday wrapped her arms around your waist, letting herself bury her head in your shoulder. She allowed herself to enjoy the warmth of being wrapped up with you, holding you tightly and knowing that you were together.
The storm continued to rage outside, but you two were warm and safe in the knowledge that, when you were together, there was nothing that couldn't be fixed.
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mncxbe · 6 months
How about jealous akutagawa headcanons? It can sfw or nsfw if you want. I honestly think he would be a pretty possessive lover.
yea, he would be posessive but in a distant and cold way, especially at the beginning of the relationship when he's testing the waters. he's not used to having healthy relationships of any nature so he's quite wary of you for a while. at the slightest inconvenience (such as you spending time with another guy) he either shuts himself in and just avoids you until he processes the whole situation or starts an argument; no way in between.
after a few months, when he's sure that the relationship between you is serious he cools down but he's still a bit posessive. when the two of you go out he always makes it clear that you're together; I don't see him being into pda that much but he does hold your hand quite often and if someone looks at you for too long he side glances at them. when he sees a guy flirting with you he comes next to you and slides an arm around your waist, giving the guy a nasty look. and if the poor fellow is stupid enough to not take the hint he summons Rashomon to threaten him. tbh I don't see Akutagawa actually harming random guys who hit on you; he's above that.
but if an acquaintance of his (ahem~ Atsushi) ever talks to you he gets so mad. no fr if he catches you talking to him or worse, flirting, you're so done. he gives you the silent treatment for days and then constantly reminds you of your "betrayal" saying stuff like "why don't you ask the weretiger to come with you to that coffee shop, since the two of you get along so well." as for what he'd do to Atsushi... the latter better pray they don't meet at all during the next weeks or he'll get the season 5 ep 10 treatment again.
overall I don't see him going through your phone, forbidding you from seeing certain people or anything extreme, he knows you wouldn't cheat on him. after all, you taught him that a relationship should be built on trust so he's gonna do just that; trust you♡ but he's got his bounderies and you know better than to cross them.
as for nsfw stuff, if you get him really jealous prepare for a long night. he's gonna be so mean in bed, calling you names and marking you up so that everyone knows who you belong to. the next days you'll most likely have some pretty visible bite marks and hickeys.
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forlix · 2 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
omg how fun, thank u for sending this in nonnie !!! let me see...
@astraystayyh and hyunjin would have to be some 800k ao3 slow burn about forbidden love between royal families ... the grandest and most poetic of period drama romances that persists through backstabbing and betrayal and trial after tribulation. nothing less for my artistic soulmates
the first tropes to come to mind for @rachalixie and minho are literally just. not even really tropes. established relationship. domestic fluff. slice of life. they're That Couple. nobody remembers when they weren't together. they invite me over for dinner when i've had a bad day. mom and dad
@like-a-diamondinthesky and seungmin are the EPITOME of (fake) enemies to lovers. they're the sweetest, silliest, most sinister people and i just know their dynamic would be a dream come true for each other and a nightmare for everyone else
sue is just her "eighteen" mc in my head so @soobnny and seungmin scream best friends to lovers + college au to me. seung being the best cheerleader for her while she's crazy busy :') also she flusters v easily and i think he'd get a kick out of that (ik i do)
@luvtak and felix are giving childhood friends to lovers! the sort of relationship where they know each other better than they've ever known anything; really just the safest, warmest, and kindest of affections for the safest, warmest, and kindest of people
i'm gonna cheat again and hc @sunboki and chan as a trope from august's mafia au "korea's most wanted"; augs is so creative and badass and SEXY and so is the main couple's dynamic in that fic. chan's a lucky man. DITCH HIM FOR ME 🗣️
@txtxlz and jeongin would be a multipart messy love triangle ft. jealousy and pining and so much chaos bc haz has more biases than i have fingers or toes and i love love the idea of her favorite idols going to war over her. it's what my baby deserves fr
for @2baabbies and felix, i imagine perhaps a barista au or a librarian au (hehehehe) where he finds stupid excuses to come back and pick bae's brain every day because he's utterly enraptured by her. she has that effect on people and lix would NOT be immune
@starsandrqindrops and seungmin are so fwb-coded. think suffocating chemistry every time they interact. could cut the tension with a dull machete. then inevitably complications like Feelings come into play and they dance around each other for ages before finally giving in ... mm yes all that good stuff
last but not least, @hyunnie04 and hyunjin would be so perfect for an art school!au. mira is an incredible artist so i'm picturing these two sketching each other instead of paying attention in class ,,, gallery/museum dates ,,,, maybe a sprinkle of healthy competition who knows ,,,,
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zayne-snowman · 1 month
FLUFF PLS. Sickening fluff, tooth rotting, cavity creating fluff. Sweeter than our Doctor's macarons and Dawnbreaker's chocolates. MC returns feelings for all and is the girl we know and love. Zayne is actually able to have a happy ever after in at least one lifetime sheesh.
Doctor Zayne, what if you discover a cure for MC's protocore syndrome? This also coincides with a promotion where she's based in the office, instead of on the field. So the two main dangers of her life are either eliminated or drastically reduced. She returns your feelings
Dawnbreaker, what if you meet MC in your world? She completely understands and sympathises with you. She loves you and is able to pursue a relationship with you. Your dreams of the Doctor and his MC remain dreams but you have your own MC (adapted to your timeline) too. She's healthy and safe, no major issues with her health or longevity. Or yours either.
Foreseer, what if Astra gets laid once in his life and stops trying to make you an incel like him? Idk, for some reason he got curious what would happen if he actually left you and MC alone for just one life. One Jasmine in particular fully blooms, a sign of his blessing. She's cured of her Cryoriasis. You're free to stay or leave the Tower, truly up to you both. You're allowed to feel the touch (and way more) of the woman you love because Astra dgaf anymore. You can also keep your job because be fr who else is qualified for this position??? So all you need to do is deliver a prophecy once a century and the rest of your time is yours.
(Don't mind my last ask, I'll always be a Happy! Zayne/Zayne Fluff connoisseur)
I would ask her to marry me and move in together. I don't think I could be happier. I hope she's happy with this life, too, and doesn't mind the lack of action. I'll make sure to compensate that by taking her out for hiking dates often. I could certainly get used to the peace.
Could something like that really happen? I worry I would become... Clingy. I hope she doesn't mind. I want to spend as much time as I can with her, do everything together, be happy... Finally.
I would spend the rest of my life devoted to her instead. Free of worries, with nothing to hold me back, no unseen fear looming above us, I could feel the warmth again. Her warmth. Do the bare minimum to please Astra, spending the rest of my time doing whatever she feels like doing. Truly a blessing.
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