#because I don’t have anyone advocating for me. lol
seilon · 1 year
kinda wild how you can have almost every aspect of your life deeply intertwined with someone else for years and then have all of that thrown in your face when that person decides none of it meant anything and, in fact, was toxic and purge-worthy
#hahahaha it’s been a bad day#and I am spiraling and all around not having a good time#I keep looking at the bulletin board in my room that used to make me so happy to look at because of all the good memories on it and the#reminder of there being people who care about me and now it just sorta. does the opposite#most of it just makes me feel. dread.#he’s in almost every picture and 80% of the people in the pictures in general I don’t talk to anymore for one reason or another#mostly people who just drifted away because I’m absolutely terrible at staying in touch with people#like not in a quirky way. like actually actively ruins relationships for no reason level bas#but some of them are people who purposefully don’t talk to me anymore#found out recently about one of these people. it’s someone I’d been friends with for like 15 years. purposefully blocked me#I believe because of whatever bullshit my ex has told her. she never asked me about anything so whatever she knows is#heavily biased and probably warped#because I don’t have anyone advocating for me. lol#even my close friends- the extremely few I have- are ‘neutral’ on it. which. im gonna be honest hurts me quite a bit. I have no one who#truly condemns him for the way he’s handled (lack thereof) all this and bolstered all my trust issues in the process and has made me#constantly critical of my own intentions because I can never trust that what I do or say is manipulative or ‘unhealthy’ anymore and I don’t#think I’m an all around good person on top of that because of my low empathy and all that and etc etc etc. it’s really fucked me up#but yeah anyway. yeah. they’re still on good terms with him more or less (though not as close as I am but that’s partly just due to me being#physically close rather than in another city). and it honestly hurts me that they could actively be centrists here#like I. just. really don’t trust anyone anymore. how the fuck could I#uh. anyway. im not sure if i want to take the board down all together or just take off almost all the photos on it#not sure what’s more depressing#cause they’re both pretty bad lol. almost all my major good memories from the past five years have included my ex so they’re basically all#tainted and unpleasant to look back on now. really just wasted five years of my life for this#another reason I’m constantly contemplating my own intentions these days is because I have a lot of thoughts and urges that I’d never do but#that are. related to purposefully hurting others or myself physically or emotionally or both. like. every part of me wants to deck my ex in#the face but obviously I’d never do that. but even just the compulsion feels like a justification of his narrative/view of me as a person#like haha maybe I am a shitty toxic abusive manipulative bastard. maybe I do just deserve to be alone where I can’t hurt or think about#hurting anyone. it’d definitely be better all-around if I didn’t fucking exist. burden lifted. but you know.#not sure how im like this but also egotistical and self centered but alas here we are. anyway I’ll delete this soon sorry
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theamazingannie · 1 year
I think the biggest thing that annoys me about the 2Aers is that they want guns for all the wrong reasons. If you look at the second amendment in a historical context, you can see exactly why it exists. We just got done fighting the Revolutionary War. Why? Because Britain, our government at the time, was being tyrannical and using their power to harass and kill Americans. So after we won the war against them, we wanted to ensure that didn’t happen again, so we put into law that everyday citizens should be allowed to have weapons and, if the need arises, form a militia to go against the tyrannical government. And it worked! For the next hundred years or so, anyways. The most notable of these cases is the Civil War. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the Confederates (which I absolutely do not), they believed that the government had too much power and was acting in a tyrannical way, so they fought back. And even though the Union won in the end, as it should, it was pretty even. The North won some, the South won some. Because the federal military wasn’t quite strong enough to overpower them. But that’s no longer the case. The military now has bombs, missiles, tanks, biochemical warfare. All things that are not legal for everyday citizens to possess. Instead, we have guns that can cause a whole lot of damage to fellow citizens, but is no match for what the government can do. They get billions and billions of dollars every year to develop these weapons. And then they give a small selection of these weapons to police departments, who then use those weapons on citizens, many who don’t deserve it. And yet, the majority of these 2A enthusiasts don’t bat an eye to the military or the police using these weapons on innocents. In fact, these people are the same people yelling at people for not respecting soldiers and saying Back the Blue and Blue Lives Matter. They SUPPORT our strong government who has the power to wipe us out if we step out of line, a government many might describe as “tyrannical” (whether you agree or not). Those same people are the ones who attack citizens for using guns against the police who harass and kill them. (Sound familiar?) Instead, their defense of the second amendment is about…self-defense? Not against a tyrannical government, but against each other. A concept that does not appear at all in the constitution they claim to care about so much. The arms that are granted to us under the constitution are not to protect us against shoplifters and lost kids knocking on your door in the middle of the day; they’re to protect us against a tyrannical government, the very one you have spent the last 100 years arming to the teeth with so much firepower that your rifle won’t stand a chance
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bellejolras · 5 months
i don’t mean to go on a rant but I’ve been reading reviews of Poor Things bc i hate being happy and ohhhh my goddddd
spoilers under the cut but I have complaints about people’s (lack of) media literacy
Oh my god okay so first of all, if you haven’t seen a movie how are you going to comment on it. Reading summaries and other people’s reviews only is not sufficient to make an original point. you do not know what you’re talking about. just stop.
Second, the movie is. satirical. Which I thought was obvious from the absurd premise and surreal visuals? This is not supposed to be the real world. Nor is it advocating for all the stuff it shows. In fact, it’s even actively indicting some of what it shows. For example: fucked up power dynamics in sexual relationships exist in the movie, but the movie is not saying they are good, it’s criticizing them. Is this not getting through to people?
Third, and related, it’s not ! just ! about ! a sexy baby !! Partly because again, satire. But also partly because she rapidly goes through childhood & adolescent maturity. And it’s not meant to be, like, linear… the regular laws of empirical data and science do not apply to this world… so she is not in fact, like 6 when she’s having sex but more like 16. Which you could argue is still a minor, and im not disputing that, because again the movie is critical of this part and duncan is a total loser. But there’s a massive difference between the mental development of those two ages. ALSO there’s literally nothing inherently wrong with baby bella autonomously discovering masturbation. That’s extremely normal for little kids, often just as a way of self-soothing because it feels nice and not with any awareness of sexuality. And it’s fine if you thought that was a weird scene! but it’s hardly pedophilia to include in the film when the “baby” in question is in fact played by fully grown adult emma stone and I cannot believe that I’m seeing people accuse this movie of that
Fourth, if you claim your takeaway from this movie is “it wants me to believe that women’s power only exists through their sexuality” then I don’t believe you’ve seen the entire movie (see point 1). Narratively it’s only a means to an end for Bella, and when she gets tired of it, she stops! She gets bored of duncan and reads philosophy! She leaves her sex work career and becomes a medical professional! And, even in the sex scenes, while there are many, they center her and her experience, her pleasure. Yes, her tits are out a lot but the sex scenes are weird, intentionally grotesque without being violent. The montage with duncan is shot through a fisheye lens and literally pans away from the bed to focus on a bird landing in the room. Duncan can proclaim himself the best lover in the world, but he’s really not important to the scene ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In conclusion, I know the people I’m complaining about aren’t going to read this, but just in case, I urge you to learn media literacy. And anyone else who read all of this, thanks lol!! accepting good faith discourse in the notes/replies
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erosastro · 7 months
Astro Observations📍
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🎈Okay let me know how you guys feel about this one, but I’ve noticed with Synastry, if say you have a cancer Venus and your partner has a Pisces Mars but they’re not enough to make the trine aspect, the effect is still felt just not to the same extent. So imo it’s still a good and significant thing but it might almost be felt not immediately or as strongly as the aspect itself?
🎈Everyone talks about how Virgo placements are always “clean” and “organised” but I really think it depends on how it’s aspected. For example my Virgo ascendant is square my Sun and square my Pluto and I’m messy as hell. Though I have to say there’s some things where it might seem messy but it’s organised chaos in way? lol
🎈I’ve noticed that one of the things that stand out the most in my relationships (romantic or otherwise) in people I get alone with, is Venus conjunct moon and Sun trine Moon. Those are always my best relationships where there’s mutual understanding and mutual respect.
🎈Moon conjunct Neptune tend be very psychic and intuitive people, especially if Neptune is well aspected to other personal aspects too.
🎈Aquarius placements can be very clingy and I don’t know if they realise this but once they’re comfortable with someone, they can be clingy and it can turn into them being like leeches too in some cases (I.e. will not let go at any cost and you have to pry them off). They also tend to stay in toxic situations longer than necessary at times especially if they have water placements in their chart too in their personal planets (for eg Aquarius Sun with a Pisces Venus)
🎈Let’s talk about Libra and Pisces placements and their avoidance of conflict at all costs. They’d rather push things under the rug than deal with it head on or tend to be “fence sitters” even when a situation calls for being firm in one side or the other. A lot of people think Gemini’s play devils advocate but in my experience, I’ve seen this mostly with Libra and Pisces placements.
🎈Saturn in 8th house in a natal chart is a really tough placement to have. These individuals experience a lot of loss in their lives from an early age and their transformations tend be very intense, more so than most other peoples. They also tend to have delayed sexual experiences but it can also be explosive.
🎈I am personally a fan of opposite connections (eg Taurus Moon x Scorpio Moon) in romantic and other connections. I think it’s the right amount of challenging but they also still have a lot in common. Of course there should also be other harmonious aspects in someone’s chart too but I personally love opposite aspects in synastry.
🎈I saw this on twitter and I was surprised that this person was dragged for it but there was a post about how air signs don’t work with water signs because air signs can’t be emotionally mature enough etc. all the usual stereotypes (don’t go on twitter astrology pages they’re full of it on another note) but someone pointed out the air signs are actually very in touch with their emotions as they rule the heart chakra and they were mocked for it and it made me realise people actually don’t know this?? Air signs rule the heart chakra guys believe it or not and they’re not as emotionally inept as people think they are 🤣
🎈I know 7th house overlays are considered one of the best because it’s the house that represents partnerships but people forget it also represents enemies, so it’s not unlikely you may not get along with some people who have 7th house overlays with (obviously check aspects as well).
🎈Okay has anyone noticed that Sun trine Sun can definitely get along really well but they can also really despise each other?? Like I’ve noticed this a lot and I can’t figure out why, like even if they have other placements that are favourable, for some reason the Sun trine Sun is what I’ve noticed as a pattern the most for people that clash.
🎈Prettiest/most good looking rising signs imo are Mercurial risings(gemini/virgo) and Cancer/Pisces risings. Idk there’s something ethereal about them👀shoutout to Libra risings too
🎈let me tell you something, one of the worst aspects you could have with someone(that I’ve experienced personally), whether romantic or friendship wise, it’s Mercury opposite/square Mercury. The communication is either really heated and you can’t get on the same page or non-existent and hard to come across. I don’t recommend it 🙃
🎈Favourite composite moon for friendships/siblings is Gemini/Leo. Favourite composite moon for romantic relationships is Taurus/Cancer or Libra and for parents/parental figures is Cancer/Virgo.
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stickymolasses · 6 months
Hello! Can you write a nurse reader x harry osborn? :)
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an: hello! i love reading ur harry fics so much, thank you for this prompt! i hope u like it <3 ps: reader does not know peter is spiderman, they just think peter got injured somehow and the symbiote transferred over to him. spiderman having a black suit, in their eyes, is just a coincidence. just imagine reader being totally oblivious, lol.
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summary: You're Harry's nurse and you can't help him feel better physically anymore, so you resort to playing therapist. (fluff/a little angst if you squint) pairing: harry osborn x reader warnings: sick & irritable harry
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You knock twice as gently as possible, trying not to disturb Harry too much. He mumbles something that resembles “come in,” so you allow yourself to slowly open the door. You close it upon entering and lean against it.
“How are you feeling today, Harry?” you ask, wishful thinking taking over, though you think you probably know the answer.
Harry shuffles a little in his bed and leans his head back. He swallows hard, and his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. His form has gotten frail over the past couple of days.
He breathes in deeply and his words come out in a whisper, “Never been better.” He smiles sarcastically and breathes out his nose, a laugh that does not require him to flex his stomach.
You can see his pain. You can feel it too. You don’t want to pry, but as his nurse, you have a job. You are supposed to make him feel better, get healthier. He can’t get any better, physically, that is. Your real task now is to change his mindset.
“What’s been bothering you lately? Any serious pain I should know about?” You cross your arms, still leaning on the door.
Harry is sitting up now, giving you a better view of the dark purple bags under his eyes. You wince and look down, avoiding his gaze. “The usual. My pain lately has been in my head. I’ve been mulling things over, got lots to think about.”
He looks down at his lap, twiddling his thumbs. His boredom has reached a new peak, having filled out four science-themed crossword books.
You nod at him as if to say “Go on.”
He furrows his brows in thought, still looking down at his hands.
“It’s Peter.” He looks up at you swiftly. “He’s… changed.”
You move towards his bed and take a seat nearer to him, to make him more comfortable. Your words come out slowly and very quietly, “Changed, how?”
He sighs, “It’s complicated. After his little… accident, having the symbiote- um, the suit- affects him in a way that it hadn’t done to me. He’s angry.”
You know he’s telling the truth. You’ve seen it. When Peter blew up on Harry and told him he should “pop some more pills.” From knowing Peter for a few months now, you would never have expected him to act that way towards anyone, let alone his best friend.
“Has he ever been angry like that before, with you?” You inquire, still pushing.
“Never. I was usually the one with the temper.”
“If you’ll allow me to play devil's advocate, I think you might need to give Peter the benefit of the doubt because-”
Harry gripped his comforter until his knuckles turned white.
“He wants me to die.” The words came out like a curse, laced with venom. His face falls into his palm, and he rubs his temples.
Once he finds himself calm, he opens his mouth again to speak, but no words come out. He looks at your face, eager to listen. Something about the way you look at him helps him find the words.
“I’m sorry. You’re right, he’s fighting his own battles. We all are.” He looks up at you, awaiting a response. You fall silent.
Your gaze is morphing under his. You feel like you’re melting rapidly under a heat lamp, but you’re just looking at each other. This moment feels more meaningful than the actual verbal conversation you were having just moments before. You’re beginning to feel different about him, and the feeling is dangerous, fatal even.
“Stop looking at me like that. Like I’m some sick child.” Harry turns his head away from you, like an actual child. A child who doesn’t want to listen to his guardian.
You scramble, “Like what? I wasn’t looking at you like anything; I was just-”
“You were pitying me; I can see it with my own two eyes.” The moment was fleeting, but you could see him changing his mind mid-sentence. Something about you kept him sane.
You breathe loudly, and he can hear the gears turning in your head. You were calculating a response so as not to irritate him further.
“I wasn't pitying you. I was just… I was thinking about how you were before. You were so full of life, seeing you like this makes me wonder what you would be doing if you weren’t in this position.” You reach for his hand and clasp it gently. His hand is cold, in contrast to your warm ones. Your thumb moves in circles over his knuckles.
“Can you help me stand up, please?” He flashes doe eyes at you, waiting for an answer. You grip his hand tighter and help him rise from the bed. When he is fully standing, he pulls you into a hug so swiftly that you wobble a bit.
He buries his head into your neck and mumbles something incoherent, and you don’t bother to ask him to repeat himself. You hold each other for just a second too long.
“Sorry, I just wanted to look out the window.” He hobbles over to the giant window and stops in front of it, placing a hand on the frame and leaning on it.
“New York City used to be so beautiful, don’t you think?” He continues to stare longingly at the world outside his room.
“I think it’s still gorgeous.” You stand next to him, placing a hand on his bicep to make sure he doesn’t lose his balance.
“Of course you would. Any world with you in it should be grateful to have you.” He turns towards you and removes your hand from his arm, placing a hand on your waist. He looks down at you with an unreadable gaze.
You look up at him and cup his face in your hands, smoothing your thumb over his cheek. His brown eyes sparkle with an ambition that you haven’t seen in all of your days of knowing him. He looks down at your lips and you notice. He leans in, and you follow suit, connecting your lips in harmony.
“You are the most beautiful thing in all of New York City, Harry.”
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an: hello! i hope this was what you were looking for, i got a little carried away. this was a lot of fun! thank you for the ask again!
[more harry content here]
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theamityelf · 20 days
Thinking about the mini senpais and how that affects the order of deaths (a little like in the mini THH au). Chapter 1 with Sayaka will probably be the same as canon and as you described. My main big first difference I think will be a change in Mondo and Taka’s relationship.
Like Taka is learning to be gentle with Mikan, and is also protective of her in general. And Mikan will probably find Mondo to be scary as well. On Mondo’s side, while Fuyuhiko and Mondo will buttheads, the yakuza is gonna be on Mondo’s side when it comes to anything Taka says, so their initial rivalries will probably be way worse influenced by their senpais.
There’s also Chihiro deciding to train himself. I think he would talk to Kazuichi about it, and the latter is like “There’s no way you can train with Mondo!! He’s a super scary guy and has got that Yakuza whispering in his ear!” I think Kazuichi convinces Chihiro to talk to Taka instead, mostly so that they can get help from Nekomaru (who has since been adopted by Taka) but I think Kazuichi would argue that the “moral compass” would never murder even if he can be annoying.
Toko tells Byakuya about Genocider Syo like canon, but also to ask him if he can look after Gundham if something happens to her. I’m not sure how Gundham would feel but I’m sure he would be concerned for Toko’s wellbeing. And Sonia would be so excited to meet THE Genocider Syo (sort of).
I’m not sure who would kill in chapter 2. Mondo could still have his break down and accidentally kill someone again, it just might be a different target. (Shit what if it’s Fuyuhiko?! He accidentally gets squashed!!)
This could all be different if Nagito gets the idea to share the secrets and tells Makoto to suggest it. But it’s Nagito so rather than to prevent deaths it’s more to see if the ultimates can overcome the despair of their secrets. So everyone gets to find out that Makoto wet the bed until 5th grade. Nagito’s reaction to that might be funny. Though sadly I don’t think it gets anyone else to fess up cuz everyone else’s are all a lot worse.
Anyway thanks to reading my gasbagging.
This is all golden, yes!
As much as I love Ishimondo (both as a platonic pair and a romantic one), I gotta agree that they probably wouldn't fall together as easily during this.
Although! I just imagined a version of the sauna scene where, in addition to asking Makoto to witness, they also have him hold their senpais for them (so, Nagito's on one shoulder, Fuyuhiko's on the other, Mikan's standing in the palm of his hand, and he's holding Taka's basket with Ibuki, Peko, and Nekomaru in the crook of his arm), and I find it really funny to imagine. Some of them are really invested in the endurance contest (Nekomaru asks for a higher vantage point, and Makoto only has so much shoulder space, so he's placed on top of Makoto's head.), and Ibuki is really affectionate toward Makoto because she feels bad about what happened with Sayaka.
And either Taka and Mondo end the contest early because Makoto has to go to bed so they have to take their senpais back, because the senpais are their responsibility, or, when Makoto says it's nighttime and he wants to go back to his room, Nekomaru shouts "SLEEPOVER!" and Makoto cares for six miniature people that night.
Either way, I agree with you that Taka and Mondo wouldn't get as close, at least not as quickly, as they do in canon. (I just had to include the sauna thing because the idea was fun for me, lol.) They're on more of a gradual enemies to friends or enemies to lovers track, which may or may not have time to reach its destination, because killing game.
Mikan doesn't like to be around Mondo, but Peko wants to be near Fuyuhiko and so advocates that they spend more time with Mondo, and Taka cares about everyone getting a voice, so when it's Peko's turn to choose, he offers to let Mikan hide in his pocket or back in the terrarium in his room. But she wants to stay with him.
Just to set some stuff up, in the social landscape of Chapter 2, Hifumi has been making little outfits because Celeste is now coping by living vicariously through Chiaki. So, she has Chiaki playing dress-up for her, styling after her, etc. Chiaki insists on continuing to wear her cat hoodie with the gothic lolita dresses, but other than that she's a pretty good sport about everything.
(Hifumi was given Celeste's sewing kit to do this, and he gave her his tool kit in trade. There was probably some joke about him being dominated, or giving away his manhood, or something like that, because I can't imagine Danganronpa would pass that up without comment.)
Aoi also asks Hifumi to make some tiny clothes, because she's worried that Akane's clothes don't fit her right. (When she asks Akane about it, Akane agrees that they don't really fit but basically says that they've always been like that so she's used to it.)
And since Hifumi interacts with both of them really respectfully and works really diligently, Mahiru is praising him for being reliable, and basically Hifumi has been swimming in female attention this chapter and does not know what to do with himself.
When Mondo accidentally upsets Chihiro, and Taka mentions that Mikan is scared of Mondo, Hifumi probably makes a joke about how some guys just don't know how to act around women.
(And there's no "ironic coming from you" response, because Hifumi is genuinely doing pretty great about that.)
Mondo blushes, but he's also like, "Hey, shut up! F you!" and stuff.
Byakuya is isolating himself from the group because he doesn't trust them, but Sonia is so bored with this. She is way too social to just be going straight from his room to the library and back every single day. As a result, Byakuya is more lenient with letting other people talk to him, for her sake.
This is mostly Makoto. He talks with Makoto, and Sonia with Nagito. Nagito talks with Sonia about the killing game, and how there's tons of historical precedent for royalty enjoying blood sport, and how the group is reaching their potential. She knows there's something off about him, but she's starved for social interaction and also this talk of royals and blood sport does appeal to her, in a perverse way.
It's an interesting vibe, because Makoto is bringing Byakuya slightly down to earth, and Sonia is slightly softening Byakuya's edge, but Nagito is making Sonia slightly less down to earth, and Byakuya is sharpening her edge. They're reaching a weird middle ground where Byakuya is less of a jerk and Sonia is less kind.
As a result of this, Byakuya orders Makoto to come sit with him every day. Sonia needs conversation, and also Byakuya has decided that he wants Makoto to make it out of here with him (to be his servant, of course), so he wants to keep Makoto close. Makoto still takes meals with the group, still mediates the sauna thing for Taka and Mondo, but he spends a lot of time in the library with Byakuya, this chapter.
He's still barred from the archive room, or whatever that room was called.
Then we do get the motive about revealing secrets.
Yes, Chihiro trains with Taka. Wholesome workouts for them!
Toko does tell Byakuya about Syo. Obviously, she waits for a time when Makoto isn't around, but Nagito finds out because Sonia is buzzing next time he talks to her, and while she of course doesn't tell him Toko's secret, her explanation for why she's excited gives him all the pieces to figure it out. He might sprinkle her with pepper, like I mentioned last time, which might cause a killing, if he gets a chance to explain to her that her secret will be revealed otherwise.
I think Mondo would seriously be considering killing someone to protect his secret. Like, I imagine him pacing in his room, not wanting to kill anyone but thinking about what would happen to the Crazy Diamond if it got out.
Fuyuhiko puts aside his prickly demeanor and fully becomes both the older student and the professional criminal. "Okay, so you want to kill someone. Are you ready to seriously follow through? You think you can cover up a murder, if it means everyone in your class dies? If you fail, and you die, what happens to your gang then?"
Mondo decides he definitely shouldn't kill someone. Whatever happens when the secret is revealed, he'll face it like a man. Because he's strong. He's a man, and he's strong. (He's hanging by a thread, but his commitment to specifically not killing someone is strengthened by his talk with Fuyuhiko.)
Optional zag, which isn't entirely in character but just the outline of a murder that can happen:
Little does he know! During the senpais' sleepover with Makoto, Nagito planted some seeds by bringing up Fuyuhiko's sister, the "mysterious" circumstances of her death, and just generally musing that the senpais aren't really a part of the killing game in the same way the others are. Fuyuhiko's trying to be there for his kouhai, but lowkey he is also pretty riled up.
So maybe he suggests that Mondo let out his frustration by (non-lethally) punching that guy who insulted him in front of everybody. After all, Hifumi "looks like he can take a hit", and it's been a long time coming. (Fuyuhiko might have said something like "You gonna let him say that sh!t to you?" when it happened.) If Mondo is keyed up about the motive, then just punching someone who deserves it should make him feel better, and then he can move on.
(Fuyuhiko isn't really aiming to kill Mahiru, at least not consciously, but if Hifumi does fall over and crush Mahiru to death by accident, then that's not a murder in terms of the killing game; Hifumi broke the rule about losing his senpai, but Mondo and Fuyuhiko aren't guilty of anything.)
In this situation, I'm imagining Hifumi brings Mahiru to Taka, hoping Mikan can do something to help her, and Hifumi leaves Mahiru with them and gets killed while he's away. So, Taka shows up to breakfast the next morning with Hifumi's senpai, not knowing that Hifumi is dead. The killer could be Sakura or Toko. Technically, it could also be Hiro. It doesn't feel in character for it to be Hiro, but I also don't have anything else for him to do.
(If Toko is the Chapter 2 killer, then Byakuya takes Gundham once she's executed; Sonia wanted him under their protection.)
But hey, the headline is, Chihiro and Mondo probably survive Chapter 2! And maybe Mikan can help Mahiru. But everything I said after "optional zag" isn't set in stone, lol.
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zukkaart · 10 months
4 and 18. I like that this one could be going in either direction lol
Couple #4: Zutara
Prompt #18: “Do you ever shut up?”
From this prompt game!
Two years after the war ends, the ambassadors and rulers of the nations gather in the Earth Kingdom to discuss progress in rebuilding.
“Chief Hakoda, what does the Southern Water Tribe require to rebuild?” The emissary from the Earth Kindgom enquired, still visibly confused that the Chief brought his two young children to the meeting. Sokka was almost 18 now, but that meant nothing to a room of grumpy old men. Although, none of them dared to minimize what those Water Tribe children had done for the world.
The emissary thought to himself that he shouldn’t think much of it considering the Fire Lord barely just reached 18 himself a few weeks ago. Said emissary had been very diligent in voicing his opinion this entire meeting. He considered it his duty to place the people of the Earth Kingdom in the highest priority considering how large their population was compared to the others. Because of the Earth Kingdom’s size it also had sustained the most damage during the war, and he only thought it fair that he have a substantial stake in the rebuilding allocations.
It was a long, dreary process that would probably take decades more, but luckily everyone in that board room was dedicated to making things go as smoothly as possible- at least for the most part. It’s sometimes hard to be civil when your people are hurting, but you must remember that others are hurting as well.
Chief Hakoda nodded to his daughter at his left. She straightened her back along with her scroll before standing to address the room. It was obvious to anyone in the room that this particular question was her area of expertise. Well…almost anyone.
“Thank you ambassador, the Southern Water Tribe is making real strides towards establishing a thriving independent economy again, but-“
“Excuse me, but shouldn’t your father be handing this discussion girl?” That same Earth Kingdom man spat the last word like a curse. “Sit down”
Now, it is worth noting that this man would not have been so bold had he not been so absorbed in himself that he did not take note of the Fire Lord slowly losing his composure with every word he spoke. It was not until Zuko himself stood that the green-clad man realized his mistake.
“Do you ever shut up?” Zuko looked as poised as his portrait but his words were laced with an unmissable venom.
“Lord Zuko I-“
“Enough, how dare you speak to her that way?”
The man tried to open his mouth once more but was quickly silenced.
“Do not interrupt me. I do believe you have advocated the needs of your people quite thoroughly. Would you agree?” The man nodded in agreement with Zukos statement
“Good, now sit down. And let her speak,” The young Fire Lord then turned to the Water Tribe emissary. “I apologize ambassador Katara, please. Continue” Zuko returned to the floor as if nothing happened, and sipped his tea contentedly.
An hour after the meeting ended Zuko was reviewing his notes. His robes were abandoned on the floor and he sat hunched over his candle lit desk in only a pair of black trousers, his hair pulled half up with a wooden pin.
He was just about to abandon the seemingly endless scrolls in lieu of maybe getting a good nights rest for once when his door slammed open.
“What the hell was that about?!” Katara stormed into his room, nearly tripping over the layers of fabric strewn across the wooden floor.
Zuko jumped to his feet, startled. “What are you talking about?” The look of genuine confusion on his face almost gave Katara pause- almost.
“In there! With that Earth Kingdom emissary! You know, I don’t need you to fight my battles for me, I can defend myself just fine! Might I remind you that I held my own against much worse months before you even cut that stupid ponytail off!?”
“Katara I’m sorry I was just trying to-“
“I don’t want to hear it! You completely undermined me!” She was pacing about the room now, Zuko was sure she hadn’t even glanced in his directed since starting her rant, he began to look around frantically for a shirt to throw on to no avail. “They have to learn that I am my own person and I don’t need some man to defend me”
Finally, she sat on the edge on his bed and placed her face in her hands.
“I didn’t do it because you’re a woman, I did it because I am the Fire Lord and you are an emissary and friend to me. I would not let someone disrespect you. I would have done the same if it was Sokka. I was looking for an opportunity to tell him to shut up hours before, you just gave me a perfect opportunity. I guess I should be thanking you for that.” At that moment, Zuko noted a red silk scarf on the edge of his desk, he quickly pulled it over his shoulders to cover his chest and stomach.
Katara finally raised her head, and looked as if she was about to speak for a moment. She closed her mouth and cocked her head to the side quizzically. She then let out a laugh.
“So, do you just casually wear silk scarves around your room?” Zuko blushed.
“No, I-“
“Oh come on Zuko, it’s just me,” She strode over to him and gave one end of it a sharp tug, causing it to fall freely to the ground. She gave a satisfied smirk at the slightly embarrassed look on Zukos face. Katara was just about to leave, happy with the verbal berating and light embarrassment she had just filed out when her eyes drifted slightly south.
Her gaze landed on a dark twisted scar taking up a monopoly on Zukos skin. The large burst where his ribs met arcing out down his stomach and across his chest in thin lines. Azulas lightning.
Lightning that had been meant for her.
Zuko sucked in a sharp breath, barely moving. It wasn’t until then that Katara noticed that she had placed her hand upon it. Before she could process what she was saying she asked.
“Did you keep seeing the healers like I told you to?”
“I-Uh, of course I did” Zukos blush reached his neck that time.
“So no then. At least let me help while I’m here. Lie down,” If there was one thing Zuko knew at this point, it was that there was never any use fighting Katara. So he obliged as she collected the bowl of rose water left on the night stand.
“You haven’t been treating it so this might hurt a little,”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it” It was Zukos turn to speak without thinking, but he didn’t need to explain. They had all felt their fair share of pain over the last few years. His companion simply nodded and hummed lightly as the water began to glow.
“Agni have mercy” Zuko found himself murmuring. That hurt way more than he thought it would. Okay, no more skipped healers appointments. He felt like he was going to pass out at any second. Suddenly, the glowing stopped.
“Woah, woah, hey. Are you okay? All the color just drained from your face” Zukos next words were entirely incoherent, no better than if he had way too much fire whiskey. “Okay, that’s enough for you.” Katara then soaked a cloth and cooled it with her bending before placing it across his forehead. “There, you’re gonna be just fine.”
Zukos entire world was spinning, but then again- it tended to do that whenever Katara came around. He forced his eyelids open to look at her. There was so much worry and care painted across her face, and his head was too foggy. He said something, but neither of them had any idea what, so he tried once more.
“I love you, Katara”
The last thing he saw was her shocked expression, a dusting of pink across her dark complexion, before darkness claimed him.
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creekfiend · 10 months
many replies to the h*dgehog-moss post are so frustrating like why do you think we have the phrase crypto terf if not to describe people who are intentionally masquerading as guys who don't hold wretched genocidal views and trying very hard to conceal the fact that they hold them
Anyway. in 2020 someone messaged me saying "she's a terf" and I was like "damn really" so I scrolled back like MANY PAGES in her blog and while the posts themselves do not feature anything horrific, obviously, if you carefully track the people who are in the notes, they're terfs. ppl replying frequently are terfs. in 2020 the post that confirmed it for me was she linked to a study about how "men are dying of COVID at higher rates" (simplified headline obv) and the replies of that post? were FULL of people being like "good, xys should die" lol
if anyone EVER said that kind of shit on a post of mine I would immediately 1. delete the comment 2. block the person and 3. issue a statement about how those views are not welcome on my blog. silence ???? considering the shit she posted on her old blog? yeah nah. unacceptable.
if ur buddies are in yr notes advocating the death of my friends I do get to hate how popular your fucking twee llama blog is actually.
this is a level of participation in bigotry and hatred where just quietly not posting anymore is not enough. because you were The Bigot Queen, you’re embedded in a network of bigots, your bigotry blog links to the new blog, and those people are still following you. so if you don’t believe that shit anymore you’ve GOT to block those people and make an announcement saying “I no longer believe that trans women are evil rapists who should die btw" lol
also would encourage cis ppl to examine their immediate reaction to learning her identity if it is "oh no the cute llama blog :(" guys come on
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ellecdc · 1 day
I’m so sorry to hear about people being dicks to you ☹️
I got something similar once where an anon was saying shit to me because i didn’t respond to their ask. As you mentioned, we do not live and breathe solely for everyone else, anyone who posts on this platform does not have an obligation to do so!!
I hate when people feel entitled to things like this. It sucks because i feel like the culture around fanfic writers/ anyone who produces media for fandoms in general has gone down hill so badly, people lack basic respect and etiquette and it really makes it discouraging.
If you really feel as though you have the right to complain about something like that (which you don’t, btw) you should at least turn off anon and not be a pussy about it, but evidently the reason people leave asks like that is not because they actually have an issue, but because they’re pricks.
wishing you all the best ml 🫶🏼🫶🏼
lol couldn’t have said it better myself tbh
I’ve always been a big advocate that if you’re going to take a stance at least say it with your chest, you know? So going on anon only tells me that you know you’re wrong and don’t want to face the consequences of that 😅
Sorry people have been hard on you lately. It’s truly only ever been those two asks that I mentioned but both of them were personally attacking me as a person, not even about my content or anything which I will not allow
Best part of it all was it wasn’t even that I hadn’t responded to their ask (which as you said, I’m not obligated to do anyway), it was that they suggested I didn’t respond enthusiastically enough 🤣 so you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t, it seems
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jewishbarbies · 1 month
They can't get enough of you lol. It's not like you're purposefully tagging the Zionist posts with anti ts posts, they saw a jew and went actually ❤️ they don't know what they're talking about, i know better than them. JVP is good because it aligns with what I want to believe In.
Sad for the "many jewish friends that stand against Israel" though.
ah yes, another goy mad that a jew disagrees with them about what is and isn’t antisemitic like they have any leg to stand on. mentioning their token jewish friends is pretty typical.
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JVP believes all you have to do to be jewish is just start saying you’re jewish. AS A JEWISH PERSON, that is fucking wrong and antisemitic. ask any jewish person who was born jewish or actually converted and they will tell you the same fucking thing. has this bitch heard that they also don’t know the difference between arabs and egyptians? that’s pretty racist, no?
if some random goy wants to bitch and whine and label me a zionist (derogatory) because they don’t know what they’re talking about and want to seem like they have the moral high ground to all their other goy antisemite friends, i do not give a single flying fuck. I’m gonna keep doing what I’m doing. if anyone wants to actually learn about what’s going on, they can listen to actual jews and the palestinian people of gaza whose majority voted in favor of a two state solution. so, if you’re advocating for the destruction of israel bc “from the river to the sea”, you’re going against the wishes of the people in gaza who actually have to deal with the consequences of whatever america leftists decide to meddle with. if they can sleep at night knowing they’re not only fucking it up for jews, but also the palestinians they claim they love so much, then they’re no one i care about. palestine deserves freedom from hamas to make its own decisions. if you disagree, you’re not for a free palestine.
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literaryspinster · 6 months
Listen. (I wanted to get off that person's post, but I had more to say) lol. Lemme tell you something. There's been times where I didn't even care about a character, but the fandom dogpiled on them and I had to you know, start punching the pile. There have been fandoms I never stepped foot in that I had to kick the door open and start mollywhopping because they were doing the character so dirty. Marie has a sliver of a time to do ONE thing and they will turn on her. I spent the entire season waiting for it (after they started the show with Black death, I simply prepared myself for a journey through Hell), but whenever Marie has her moment and the girlies try to turn on her, I'ma turn 'em right on back around and get up in they face. 🤣
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Me arriving to shut that shit down. I will *at least* run them out of her tags. I can't do much, but I've been good for that a time or two in the past.
Sometimes people need reminders that you need to be particularly thoughtful when talking about characters from marginalized groups. I’m not trying to kill anyone’s fun, merely trying to preserve my own. Because why is your idea of fun the sort of thing we’ve been collectively advocating against for years? As for the show itself. I mostly find it as unproblematic as I tend to get these days, even though The Boys universe is extremely envelope pushing as a rule.
I think the deaths of Marie’s parents served a very specific purpose so I was less disturbed by it than say the Black man randomly and gruesomely killed by Sam in ep3. Or the nice Black man murdered by OmniMan in Invincible. I’m not against Black people dying on television sometimes, but I want the producers to really think about whether violence is more targeted toward them because I don’t always think they do.
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prolifeproliberty · 1 year
I was curious, you are a prolife activist, a teacher, and becoming a doula as well correct? So clearly you have a passion for children, if you don't mind me asking, Where did that passion come from and do you plan on having kids of your own?
Thanks for asking!
I’ve always liked working with children, so teaching made sense. What’s funny is I thought I would love teaching early elementary, but while it might be fun to read books to a couple kindergartners, managing 25 at one time was a little tougher lol
Middle school works for me because the kids are a bit more independent and they can have rational discussions about their behavior. I also like having 50-minute class periods rather than the same group of kids all day.
All of that I guess ties into my passion for pro-life activism - I care about children and don’t want to see them hurt, including preborn children. That activism started in 2013 when then-Texas State Senator Wendy Davis did her filibuster against a pro-life law being passed in Texas. I had never before seen someone so passionately argue for the destruction of innocent children. It boggles my mind that anyone could be pro-abortion. Prior to that, I saw abortion as some terrible thing that happened in other places, not something that I would ever have to deal with. Then I learned there was an abortion facility less than 10 minutes from where I lived at the time. That was it- I was now involved. I became a sidewalk advocate, started a pro-life group on my campus, interned and then worked for Students for Life. I’m still involved with my local pro-life advocacy group doing sidewalk advocacy and 40 Days for Life.
The doula thing was a natural extension of my pro-life beliefs. I read statistics that showed having a doula reduced complication rates for both moms and babies, and I found an organization in my area that provides free doula services. I got my initial training with them and attended my first few births as a volunteer doula. They were really woke/leftist however, and eventually I realized I didn’t want to actually be associated with them. The final straw was when they put out a call to their volunteers asking who could offer abortion doula services for Jane’s Due Process, a group that helps minors get abortions without their parents’ knowledge/consent.
So now I’m an independent doula and I got my certification from Stillbirthday. I’m certified as a birth and bereavement doula, which means I support moms and babies even when there’s a situation where the baby may not survive or has already died in the womb. That was important for me, because part of that involves recognizing the humanity and personhood of babies in the womb, including those miscarried very early. Because I recognize their humanity, I can validate the grief that the parents feel. They lost a child, not just a “potential baby” or a “pregnancy.”
The trouble right now is that I would love to be a full time doula, but I can’t afford to give up my current salary in the hopes of being able to make a living as a doula. So that limits how many clients I can take and when I can take them (mostly during the summer).
As for having kids of my own…without going into a lot of personal details, it would take a miracle (literally an act of God) for that to happen. And I’ve made peace with the reality that it most likely won’t happen. I enjoy my work, and I enjoy being “aunt” to a lot of my friends’ kids.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
also. I am clearly in taylor swift mode right now & this week is going to be very much about finishing atla scream au while never getting a second off work ever in my life BUT I decided rather than write a Letterboxd review for American Mary I am going to write an essay I’ve been wanting to write for a very long time that the movie inspired me to really want to discuss this topic. I liked some parts & have criticisms of other parts & it plays into my feelings on horror & women in general.
I’d really like to in depth discuss feminism & misogyny in horror & slashers particularly through the years & how it’s changed for the better & worse & what I think about the sensationalizing & sexualizing of violence against women in media & how it plays into revenge films like this.
I think I’m truly the right person to do an essay on this topic because my thoughts are far more complicated than “movies with forbidden topics are evil & we should bring back the hayes code” or “if you ever imply media has real life impact or that certain types of media should be critiqued for having a harmful cultural impact I’m gonna call you a stupid sjw” & I’m sorry but most online arguments seem to boil down to these very over-simplified black & white viewpoints.
I really do have a lot of views on this topic as a woman who was a victim of assault as a teenager (I’m fine now I don’t care about sharing this except when people get weird about it so… don’t do that. It’s something I went through, it impacts my views. I’m a happy healthy adult with a great life now) AND a passionate horror fan & a huge advocate for anti-censorship who LOVES the violent & depraved.
So idk this post has no point except to say I think I’m gonna write this essay after atla Scream Au is written & really go in depth with sources & examples & exploration of different viewpoints on glorification & portrayal of dark topics. Just to let anyone who cares about this topic know idk lol
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celestie0 · 3 months
can i just say right off the bat that i’m so appreciative of your posting pace??? this is by no means trying to pressure u into writing faster or anything, i just love to know that u are excited about writing this as much as we are excited to read it!!
him calling her his wife was just him manifesting in my opinion hahaha, but it was a really cute moment. i was surprised that she invited him to bed with her and that she made so many moves?? she has been really disciplined and stubborn until now, so this all was kinda new lol. i can comprehend why, but idk i don’t like seeing my girl acting desperate. maybe he fucked her up so bad that she can’t help herself anymore 🥺
i guess there’s gonna be a love triangle between him and kai?? i don’t think that kai is that bad tbh, i mean he’s obviously not gojo but he hasn’t been an asshole yet. him telling her to rethink her career choices is understandable and realistic, and if she gets a better camera because of him then all is good 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾 i just hope that gojo doesn’t get jealous again when he sees then together and starts acting like a dickhead, i feel like that would be so hurtful, like you don’t want to be with me but you can’t let me build a relationship with anyone else either?? him realizing and confessing his feelings not out of jealousy would be more impactful in my opinion, but i don’t know anything lolz so even if u want to write it like that i’m sure u would make it make sense
are there going to be some chapters where they’re together and in love or is it going to be pull and push the whole time? btw i can’t wait for his point of view
thank u so much for writing and sharing it with us 💞
hi deaaaar thank you i was enjoying the time i had to write for the past month bc im actually gonna be a lot more busy the next few months 😅🤣 i still AM very excited ab writing it and bringing the story to you all though 🫶🏼💕 and thank you sm for this ask!!
yes! i totally hear ya, reader in ch6&7 and just in general has been really strong in setting boundaries and advocating for herself, so her behavior in ch8 was a switch-up for sure. i know a lot of my readers were expecting gojo to chase after her following ch7, but i had the opposite planned for ch8 since the beginning LOL so it was a bit nerve-racking to release but i really wanted to include that scene because while i'd like to continue to write her as a strong character, i think moments of weakness especially for matters of the heart are unavoidable at times and i wanted to include that aspect of heartbreak. i imagine it was just the intimacy of the situation that got to her. you’re totally right though, i think she’s in it a bit deeper w her feelings w gojo than she had originally thought :(
thank you for sharing your take on kai’s character i see a lot of split opinions so far which is nice, i was hoping to come off ambiguous w him! and yes, very nuanced take there, i think gojo is more of an idealist when it comes to reader’s career goals while kai is more of a realist, and i don’t necessarily think there’s fault in either of those approaches.
and very interestingg 👀 i think you’ll have that take answered/addressed in ch9, but i’ll say for sure that i agree w you! jealous dickhead gojo isn’t really on my radar to write anymore either, since ch7 he’s had a bit of emotional growth in dealing w how he acts w reader. haha that’s all i’ll say without spoiling anything
and there’s only four chapters left for the story, but once again to not spoil much, the last two are very fluffy! we’re just in the angst era rn
i’m glad you’re looking forward to more and thank you for sharing your opinions n engaging w the chapter i rly appreciate it 💕
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gurugirl · 5 months
Sorry this is a bit of a novel haha but I wanted to get my actual point across considering that other person’s response xo (also it won’t let me do paragraphs for some reason so it’s kinda clumped)
I don’t need a celebrity to validate my feels lol I want to know what kind of person I’m suppprting to be able to continue supporting them you know? I also think not speaking on it doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person but it does change my opinion when the only thing Palestinians are asking for is for people to use their voice. Also thinking vacationing with your (I’m pretty sure) Zionist besties makes you a bad person though. He can’t change the world I know this lmao but he does have a massive voice and it does count for something no matter what people want to believe - whether it makes Palestinians feel heard or sways some of his very impressionable fans to think more about it. I also thought about this a lot more today because I saw a small under 15k follower band and another do an event for palestians with a politician in support of palestine and it just made me think they have everything to lose - up and coming hardly any recognition and they could be blacklisted forever. Harry is Harry. One of the most famous influential sought after people in the industry, his career wouldn’t end, honestly all I want is for him to tell us who he is - just a donation link does that. Or a ‘I do not stand with genocide’ whatever. Even if he just did a donation link on insta stories or something to let us know he doesn’t agree with it? Not much can come from that honestly. Most people in the world are with Palestine. Like guru said because he’s silent - we don’t know his stance. That’s enough for me to be suspect I guess the word is? I just saw a lot of integrity in those bands and see Harry being silent when he says tpwk etc. It’s not about me forming my opinion based on what Harry says or doesn’t. It’s about wanting to know wether or not the man I’ve been supporting for the last, what, 13 years is a Zionist, or excuses that behaviour because of his friends or stays silent because he wants to keep money or whatever, and I just think that’s incredibly hypocritical considering what he advocates for. I just want to know his stance. That’s the least he could do in my opinion, to let his followers know who he is when he says we should all do everything we can to take care of each other. All in all my point was not that I think he can change the world. His supporters just deserve to know if he is a genocide / Israel supporter or not. Wanting to know he is someone that practices what he preaches instead of just making money and an image from it. His silence says a lot and everyone interprets it in different ways. And honestly, most people believe silence is complicity.
You make absolutely valid points. I agree that even the smallest thing would make a lot of his fans feel really good (and a lot would hate him for it too). But the way Harry is so recognizable (even walking down the street with hoodie and sunglasses) he’s more of a target than a small band who wouldn’t have much recognition. But who knows!? Maybe he’s silent bc of money and fame more than safety reasons.
I also feel like just bc you want him to say what his opinion is doesn’t mean you need a celebrity to validate your opinion. I think that anon was just getting heated and that’s what happens with these kinds of conversations - lots of emotions come to the surface and even with people you agree with you want to argue with. It’s just talking in circles at some point.
Thank you for your thoughts. I definitely feel you and this conversation is far from over.
That being said… I have to get to some other things right now and I’m not going to be answering anymore asks like this today (this is draining y’all). Anyone is welcome to send in your thoughts and I will read them but no more of this today 💕🖤
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saltminerising · 1 year
clearing up some natdom stuff
alright so quick disclaimer, I can't speak for the entire flight or the planning team for DtB, but as someone who's pretty involved in nature dominance efforts, I want to address some of the comments that ppl have brought up. also this isn't intended to be an attack on either nature flight members or earth flight members, this is really just me summing up my own thoughts.
I think most of the critiques so far have been very fair and understandable, and I've had my own share of frustrations with the way events were run this year. sorry folks, buckle up because this is a long ass post.
Discourse Related Stuff
1) regarding the one FRD thread about "noo guys earth is the grinch that stole christmas", as far as I could tell the original post was made in a lighthearted manner and I doubt it was made in genuine bad faith. To be fair, some of the comments do seem a bit petty, but the vast majority of natdom members I've talked to have been very chill about the whole ordeal. In fact, most of the comments that seemed to have rubbed people the wrong way were probably made by nature flight members who have had less experience with dominance. Yeah I get that it can be frustrating to feel like your flight's being accused of stealing dominance, but cut people some slack, not everyone's intention is to blame your flight, sometimes people who don't have the whole picture misunderstand the situation and comment stuff. (response to this post and this post)
2) regarding the DtB raffle update regarding extra tickets offered during frigidfin expedition, yeah I'm not going to lie, that probably could've been worded better by the organizers. I totally see where you guys are coming from. I think the intention was to incentivize stuff, but sort of implying that earth stole dom from you is probably not a great way to go about convincing people to help you. (response to this post)
3) also yeah not to be the devil's advocate or anything but just the way dominance works on fr means that earth exalting more dragons than usual usually bumps them up to first place. that's just how it works. if arcane flight was the smallest flight, the same would be true for arcane. it's not really fair to blame an entire flight for being small, and i don't think anyone is blaming earth for wanting to get money during frigidfin, but like yeah it can kind of be demoralizing to have pretty much the de-facto FR dom powerhouse flip you during a solo conquest, because that usually means that if Earth really wanted to, they could beat you without breaking a sweat. (response to this post and this post)
DtB Raffle Related Stuff
1) Some "confidential" behind the scenes information fresh from the Natdom planning discord, I will say that the whole raffle tickets addition thing was a pretty last-minute fix for a problem that we didn't expect. thanks OP for being understanding. (response to this post)
2) yeah also ngl, if I were an OOF person who wanted to participate in DtB and then saw that there was NO exalt payout for sending dragons, I would turn around and nope the fuck out, even if the badges were pretty. I totally get that. I want my dragon cash. in the future, one potential fix for this would be to just have the DtB badges available as a randomized extra you get for sending dragons into the raffle or the PB. Something to track on a personal spreadsheet like the randomized badges that Ice did for IvW years ago. maybe next year, I guess. (response to this post and this post)
Earth flight wants to make money (like any other flight does). It'd be illogical to fault an entire flight for wanting to exalt dragons for treasure during an exp bonus season. For people who are genuinely upset over the board flips during the week, because that the way FR dom works, Earth just has a slight game mechanic advantage, and that there were no ill-intentions or "evil Earth flight trying to steal dominance."  It's just how the game works lol. 
Nature flight wants to celebrate DtB, which has been a pretty longstanding tradition for Natdom. The shift from a fundraiser profit push to a conquest push is new this year, so adjusting the old badge-buying framework to a conquest push style has had its fair share of issues. Understandably, there was a bit of confusion and frustration within the flight regarding the board flips, but I genuinely don't think the majority of Natdom felt "entitled" to a win and "didn't want to work for it," it's moreso just no one expected frigidfin to fall during DtB, and the way DtB is structured really isn't a straightforward conquest push (which honestly should've been changed for this year but it is what it is.)
the tl;dr for the tl;dr
bro fr dominance just wacky like that lol. the wonders of miscommunication really do form the basis of epic drama and tea, but DtB is over. i'm just gonna pack it up and go home until the next push happens. 
also saltmins, if my links break i will throw fists. links in order if they break
1a) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703295074096807936/man-i-dont-even-think-the-nature-dom-post-read-as
1b) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703267464621981696/as-im-active-in-dom-and-in-earth-i-was-gonna-try
2) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703235930288488448/the-tone-nature-dom-used-in-their-post-about-how
3a) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703334083950952448/posted-p-much-the-same-thing-abt-the-earth-stole
3b) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703332820450525184/to-the-person-here-complaining-about-how-earth
1) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703335359972573184/why-are-people-calling-nature-entitled-when
2a) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703350533141004288/the-problem-wasnt-just-the-joke-though
2b) https://saltminerising.tumblr.com/post/703325260566675456/yeah-the-nature-thing-comes-across-as-so-entitled
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