#because these girls have so much further to fly and GOD this cast is perfect. i would be heartbroken to lose them after all they've given
novelconcepts · 2 years
Paper girls was one of the most honest genuine portrayals of being a 12 year old girl I've ever seen. Even apart for them fact all this shit is happening around them they are still 12 year olds with 12 year old problems.
The period scene in particular was one of the best, truest scenes I've ever seen. It was beautiful, funny, awkward. It was perfect. 
It is so fucking authentic. Everyone rightly leans on how powerful the performances are, but you also get such a range in the writing. The period scene, the sleepover scene, the gentle bickering, the in-your-face meltdowns, the gremlin run up the stairs--it's all so perfectly tuned to what kids are like. And it never talks down to them; the rare time an adult tries to imply a situation is over their heads, they're instantly shot down. Because kids around that age are smart. They're learning who they are, how the world works, what their individual moral compass looks like, and it means they don't get things right every time, but they're capable. They can in one moment be reassuring and kind, and the next snappish and closed-off. This show allows room for that without ever feeling like a deviation from character, which is...frankly really impressive.
It always strikes me--in the best way possible--that these girls are all allowed to be mean. They're allowed to be catty, to be vulgar, to say the wrong thing with good intentions (Tiff pointing out KJ's missed her puppy's whole life), or the barbed thing because they're just being a dick (Mac's "you don't have to talk all the time" followed by KJ snickering). They aren't forced into stereotypical boxes, true, but they also aren't forced to be Sweet and Pretty and Kind. They can be those things, sure; when Erin's falling apart, everyone's there to catch her, and when Tiff's walkies are stolen, Mac's got her back, and when Mac is facing mortality, KJ won't let her do it alone or give up on herself. But they're also not always gentle with one another. A lot of the time, they butt heads. Sometimes they punch each other in the face. Sometimes they have to apologize and mean it for the friendship to continue, and it strengthens their bond every time. Sometimes they're stupidly reckless, lobbing the single brain cell from one girl to the next: Tiff running after the backpack, Mac going off on her own in the middle of the night, KJ stealing the motorbike, Erin getting drunk at a party. And sometimes they're so level-headed in the face of panic. They are all allowed to be incredibly nuanced, so full of life and hope and fear and anger. They're never dumbed down, even when they act like dipshits. I cannot remember the last show that not only took into account what historical periods were actually like, but what young girls are actually like to this degree. I will be gutted if we don't get a pickup, because, Jesus, imagine the growth in coming seasons.
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
Hiii drew smut where they meet from Madison and have been talking and then the cast plus y/n go out clubbing and they confess there feelings / also can drew be rough.
*Keep it on the low*
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Warning: smut and language.
I got carried away with this one so I hope you guys like.
“ I just feel like we never see each other anymore “ you spoke over the phone Bailey.
“ I know” she whined out. “ listen we’ll fly you out this weekend so we can hang and you can meet my friends okay? You’re going to love them “ she insisted.
“ okay” you agreed, the feeling of excitement rushing through you. Madison was your best friend since middle school and it had been a touch transition since she began filming her new tv show, Outer Banks. Of course you talked on the phone but it wasn’t the same, and you missed her truly.
You had almost became envious of her new cast mates because they were daily posting videos and pictures with each other and it made you miss her more than ever .
You quickly went back to your bedroom, packing a suit case- the weekend couldn’t come any faster .
“ I’m walking down the escalator now” you spoke as you sat on the phone with Madison trying to find your way to her.
“ okay - wait I think I see you” she spoke out.
“ y/n!” You heard someone yell from in front of you. You lifted your head only to see Madison standing at the bottom of the escalator, her hand waving at 90 miles per hour.
“ Maddy!” You yelled before jogging your way down the already moving steps.
“ oh my gosh!” You yelled out as you both wrapped each other in a tight hug.
“ I’m gonna cry “ she spoke as she squeezed her arms around your shoulders.
“ ugh I know I’ve missed you so much” you poured .
“ c’mon we’ve only got the weekend and I have soooo much to show you” she insisted, tugging on your arm .
The ride to Madison’s hotel that she was staying it a was a bit of a drive from the apartment. She was staying pretty close to the beach and Charleston was probably one of the most beautiful cities you had ever laid your eyes on.
Madison had updated you on a lot, including a new girl she was talking to as well as her new friends and their characters on the show.
“ this Rafe guy sounds like a dick” you joked.
“ yeah but you’ll love Drew he’s literally polar opposite than his character . “
"Ahhh she's back!" a blonde headed boy beamed, running over towards your friend, ingulfing her in a hug.
"Rudy this is Y/n" She said with a wide smile, pulling you over.
"Hi" You beamed holding your hand out but Rudy instead pulled you into a hug.
"So glad you finally made it. Maddie over here wouldn't shut up about how much she missed you" He joked.
"Awe Maddie " You said with a sympathetic pout.
"Shut up" She laughed while rolling her eyes before pulling you further into the hotel.
"Guys" She spoke out loudly to a group of people sitting on her couch causing all of their eyes to advert towards you. " This is Y/n" She announced pulling you up next to her.
You awkwardly waved, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as she practically put the spot light onto you.
"I'm Chase" One guy said leaning over the couch, holding his hand out.
"I'm Madelyn " The blonde girl next to him said standing up, walking over towards you. " it's nice to meet you" she beamed, pulling you into a hug.
'Okay so everyone is big into hugs,' you thought. You smiled widely at her before you looked over at another one walking towards you.
"I'm Jonathan Daviss, but you can call me JD" He spoke. you nodded excitedly.
"That's a cool nickname" you beamed, causing a smile to form on his face. You then looked over towards the last face on the couch.
Now this man- he almost took your breath away. He stood up, his tall figure stretching high towards the ceiling.
"Hi, i'm Drew" He spoke, his voice the perfect tone, almost sounded like music to your ears. He had these sky blue eyes, perfectly pink lips, a little bit of fuzz on his jaw from being recently shaved, and brown hair draped over the sides of his forehead, parting perfectly down the middle. Your heart began to pound as he reached his hand out for you to shake. You hadn't realized you were staring until Madison nudged you with her elbow, bringing you out of your trance.
"Oh uhm yeah- i mean hi I'm y/n" You stuttered embarrassingly. He smiled a bright smile, his white teeth shining perfectly on his perfectly aligned face.
You sighed deeply. You never believed in love at first sight until now. How perfect this stranger was to you. If it weren't for you not wanting to humiliate yourself even more than you already were, you would've continued looking at him with admiration, but instead you turned your head to look at Maddie, trying to not to creep the poor guy out.
"okay guys I'm starving" Chase spoke up as the room filled with silence. "who wants to go eat?" He asked throwing his hands up. You grinned , already loving everyone's bubbly personality.
You sat your bag down onto the ground before tucking your hair behind your ear, watching as everyone began to make their way out the door.
"After you" Drew said, you and him being the last ones left in the room.
"Thanks" you said softly, walking out in front of him as he held the door open for you.
Who would've known that this would only the beginning of a very special relationship.
"Drew" You spoke out before his lips placed onto yours once again, his hand placed firmly on your thigh as your were tangled in his hair.
"Hmm" He hummed against your lips, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip.
"We should tell them" You breathed out in between kisses.
"Mmm" he mumbled, his eyes closed as his lips trailed down your jaw towards your neck.
"I'm serious Drew I don't want to hide you anymore" You responded pulling away from him.
He stopped his movements, making eye contact with you.
"You sure?" He asked.
You and Drew had instantly hit it off that first weekend Madison brought you over.
It had happened the first night you had stayed the night. Everyone had fallen asleep and you and Drew stayed up for hours on hours endlessly talking about anything and everything. The sparks were flying. You were so engaged in every word that came out of his mouth, his sentences sounding like lullabies to your ears.
Before you had left you both had exchanged numbers and before you could even make it to the airport you were both texting each other. Throughout the first week you both spent every night on the phone until one had fallen asleep. It had almost became addictive the way he made you feel.
Neither of you spoke of your friendship to anyone though. Mainly wanting to take things slow but you also didn't want to upset anyone or cause any issues between Drew and Madison. He assured you it wouldn't upset anyone or cause issues but at the same time he wanted to respect your wishes and keep things a secret.
You both had been virtually seeing each other for three weeks before he flew you out for a weekend, just the two of you. You had stayed with him the whole weekend, movie nights and a lot of sex.
This week though you were invited by the whole group, and right now you were hidden off in Drew's hotel hiding from the group with Drew laid on top of you, the both of you shirtless.
"We can tell them tonight okay, i just want to enjoy the time we have together right now" He insisted. You simply nodded before leaning your head forward before placing your lips against his once again.
Drew sat up, smirking at you as he tugged on your jeans, pulling them down your thighs, exposing your pink laced panties that complimented your skin so well.
"So beautiful" Drew mumbled as his hands massaged against your thighs before reaching up towards your panties pulling them down as well. He reached over to the nightstand grabbing the condom on the top before pushing his own pants down, exposing his hardened pink shaft, the veins popping out the side.
You stared in admiration at the size as he placed the rubber over him.
"Flip over" he instructed. You quickly obliged, your face in his pillow. He tucked his arm under your waist, pulling your hips bag some to wear your bottom was pointed upwards.
You gasped loudly as you felt his tip insert into you, stretching your walls around him.
"fuck" you moaned out as he pushed into you, his hips pressed against your cheeks before he pulled back out, letting your own juices help lubricate him before he pushed back in at a faster speed.
"Fuck you're tight" Drew groaned out as he slowly pulled himself of you again, leaving just the tip in. You looked over your shoulder, smirking up at him as he looked down at you, his Adams apple poking out. Drew sighed heavily , closing his eyes for a brief second almost coming undone right then and there just from the sight of you.
He finally regained his composer, looking back down at you before pressing his hand onto the back of your head pushing your face further into the pillow before he began moving his hips once again, this time at a much faster pace.
"God Drew" you cried out as he hit your spot with each thrust, your hands balling in a fist around his sheets as you struggled to breath, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you were receiving. You arched your back further against Drew, giving him more access to go deeper into you, your hips moving causing your walls to tighten around him.
"Fuck" He breathed out, lowing his head some as we watched himself sliding in and out of you, his abs flexing with each thrust.
"Oh yes daddy yes "You moaned out, reaching behind you, grabbing hold of his hand that was placed on your bottom.
"You like that baby?" He asked before placing a firm smack against your left cheek. You hissed out , biting down on your bottom lip as your eyes focused on his body jerking forward over and over again, every inch of his body flexing as he moved himself in and out of you.
Since that first weekend you and Drew had spent together alone, he had learned more and more ways to work your body, especially when he realized you enjoyed it rough like him.
"Pull my hair baby" you pleaded, attempting to tug on his hand that had a firm grip on your hip while your body continued rocking back and forth.
Drew quickly obliged, reaching up to grab a hand full of your hair, pulling you back towards him, your back arched to where your arms stretched out, your hands placed against his pillows.
"God yes" You winced out, a slight stinging as he had a tight grip on your hair.
"Fuck princess" he groaned feeling his climax beginning to build. His thrusts began to speed up, your tits bouncing in the air as he continued to pound into you. You leaned up some, arm wrapping around his neck . You both began to lower, you practically sitting in his lap as he leaned back, propped up on one arm as the other had his hand wrapped against your throat. His thrusts were now at a steady but rough pace, slamming up against you as he placed sloppy kisses alongside your shoulder.
"God" He groaned out as his thrusts slowed down, turning more into grinds as his cock pulsed inside you, his warm load filling the condom. You begin rocking your hips back and forth along him riding your own high out, moaning his name out loudly as your toes curled, your climax euphoric. You climbed off of Drew, flopping your body down onto the his bed, breathing heavily as you ran your hands through your hair.
"That was amazing" you breathed out. Drew nodded, himself out of breath as well.
"I'm gonna get a shower" He responded as he stood up, his member beginning to soften. "We gotta meet everyone in two hours. Wanna join?" He asked. You smiled up at him before nodding, grabbing ahold of his reached out hand.
"Finally" Madison groaned as she saw you climbing out of the black SUV that escorted you to the night club you and the gang were linking up at .
"Sorry got caught up" you responded brushing the hair out of your face as the wind blew against it.
"I can see" she chuckled, her eyes focused on the round purple hickey on your collarbone. Your eyes widened, you had almost forgotten about it. You had saw the hickey as you did your make up and Drew's shower but had forgotten to cover it.
"Who were you with?" She asked out of curiosity but you only shook your head, pretending to be shy about your actions.
"ugh okay come on everyone else is inside" She responded. You nodded before tugging slightly on your black dress as it rode up your thighs. You had your hair down with white sneakers on, a simple butterfly necklace and a skin tight strapless dress on that barely that went down a few inches on your thighs.
The music was loud, everyone definitely lit as you both walked in. Your eyes roamed the club. It was definitely a party style. There a lot of people around dancing, and neon objects glowing in the black lights. Madison guided you to the corner booth your shared friends resided in, including Drew.
""You look so cute!" Madelyn beamed as she wrapped you in a tight hug.
"You too babes" You responded, well yelled as you placed your chin on her shoulder, only to see Drew standing behind her, his eyes focused on your body. He almost looked upset. Seeming how you were still on the low about your relationship you didn't confront him, but you did check him out from afar. He stood on the side next to JD black denim jeans with a white striped button up collared shirt, with his signature gold chain around his neck and a black watch on his wrist.
Despite just getting your back blown out by Drew, you had to leave before anyone came searching for you so you didn't get to see Drew dressed up, the last image you had of him was of him in a towel and his wet hair slicked back.
He was looking so good at this point you had to distance yourself from him before you made it obvious of your secret.
"Come dance" Madelyn pleaded tugging on your arm.
"I need to be drunk before i get onto the dance floor" You joked. Madelyn though took you serious and walked over to the bar, ordering at least two shots for everyone since you were each going to be getting an Uber back to the hotels.
"Okay drink up" She responded holding both yours and her shot in the air. You quickly glanced over towards your secret boyfriend who was watching you intensely before you tossed your head back opening your throat, letting the alcohol burn its way down your throat.
"phew" you said, a shiver following shortly after.
"Okay, One more " Madelyn insisted. You didn't plan to get shit faced of course , but you were definitely interested in a good time so you obliged, repeating the same action again, this time the liquids going down a bit easier. You both stood for a second in silence before she shook her head.
"I think one more with do us justice " She grinned. You chuckled, already feeling a slight buzz coming as the alcohol spread through your blood stream.
"Don't you think you've had enough?" You heard someone mumble from behind you. You looked over to see Drew standing behind you. You furrowed your brows together. How the hell did he get over there so fast?
"Don't " you mumbled before looking down at the table trying to avoid his gaze. "You're making it obvious" You responded before taking a step away, turning your back towards him.
Unfortunately you didn't notice how much those words actually upset Drew. IT had almost felt like he was an embarrassment to you with how much effort you put in to hiding him so he walked away, finding his way back next to JD.
"You okay man?" JD asked as he saw the obvious frown on Drew's face.
"Yeah man" He mumbled as he looked across the both of them, watching you quickly gulp away yet another shot of alcohol, bursting into laughter shortly after with Madelyn. He shook his head in disappointment. Of course he wanted you to have fun but he just didn't want you to get so waisted you end up doing something you regret and him not being able to help you since you didn't want him to show his affection towards you in front of everyone.
"Want a shot?" Drew asked glancing over at JD who also looked not too amused at the moment with the environment and in need of some lighting up. They both watched you and Madelyn make your way to the dance floor, merging in with the crowd as the quickly took their first shot, both of them sighing heavily as they attempted to mask the burning feeling.
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You immediately began swaying your hips to the upbeat music, the alcohol coursing through your body, giving you an almost out of body type feeling, something you usually didn't get unless you were in bed with Drew.
You didn't intend to jump into the party that fast. after 2 songs Chase had came by with more shots, unaware to the previous t3 you both had taken but neither of you denied them, quickly throwing your head back, wiping the drips off your chin as you looked over at Drew who surprisingly paid you no attention. You dancing slowed down as you realized the group Drew was associating with.
You could see JD and Rudy with Drew which was not an issue. it was the 3 bimbos standing with them too, one in particular standing too close for your comfort towards Drew, her index finger twirling in a poorly curled strand of hair.
You rolled your eyes, jealously now running through you. It was obviously intensified from the alcohol but you wanted to drag him away from the girls and show those girls exactly who he belonged to but you knew you couldn't say anything considering you and him were a secret.
"Hi" You heard from behind you. It was a tall brunette guy, pretty stocky with what looked to be hazel eyes and curly brown hair. At least that what you guessed since the dance floor was only lit up from black lights above you.
"Hi" You said with a friendly smile before turning back around, a frown forming as you noticed Drew laughing at whatever the girl closest to him just said.
"You got a name?" The guy asked, dancing behind you. You turned your head, almost ready to tell him to piss off until you glanced over towards Drew who still had not even given you a glance.
"Y/n" You responded as you turned your body completely around, facing towards him.
You studied his face. He looked cute, or maybe that was just the alcohol clouding your judgment. To your drunken eyes, he favored Timothee Chalamet to you, which was some one who was a sight for sore eyes.
- but, never the less, he wasn't Drew.
The guy mentioned his name back to you but between the alcohol and the music , you didn't hear him clearly. You looked to your side to see Chase and Madelyn in their own little world so you shrugged your shoulders, turning back towards the tall boy.
"You come here with someone?" He asked as he took a step closer, his body swaying along with yours to the music. You glanced over your shoulder towards Drew, the same scenario playing as earlier . You rolled your eyes becoming agitated with Drew before you looked back forward trying not to be obvious.
"I thought i did but it's looking like they didn't come in with me" You said, your lips close to his ear as he leaned forward to hear you.
"Huh" He responded leaning back. "That's to bad. You're very beautiful" He responded. You grinned widely, enjoying the attention.
The song changed, turning to a slower song, a more sensual vibe to it. You turned around, swaying your hips up against the guy as his hand wrapped around your waist.
You usually wouldn't do this, but between the alcohol and your jealousy towards Drew, you were enjoying every second of it in hopes Drew would catch on and realize what he was losing.
And surprisingly , that's exactly what happened.
Drew tried to play things your way. He tried to pretend that there was nothing going on between the two of you. He even gave other women attention to make it believable but it was all fake smiles and laughs when really all he wanted was to hold you. He did try his best though, that is until he looked up to check on you only to see your body being held by another guy, your ass pressed against the guys crotch as he practically dry humped you from behind.
Now Drew didn't drink as much as you did, but he did have 1 to 2 shots , enough to help spark a fire inside of him, rage flowing through his veins. Drew didn't hesitate to make his way over to you, his mind only focused on removing the guy from his girl.
"Y/n what the fuck" He spat out as he tugged on your hand, trying to remove you from him. Your eyes widened, guilt instantly flowing through you. You didn't mean for any of this to happen and seeing Drew standing in front of you fuming, you couldn't help but to feel embarrassed by your actions.
"Man back off alright she's just having a good time" The guy said with a cocky smirk plastered across his face.
"Fuck off " Drew scolded before looking back at you, completely brushing the guy off.
"This is really how you want to sell it ?" He said, his voice louder than normal because of the music, but those surrounding him including Chase and Madelyn hearing.
"Oh go fuck yourself Drew" You scoffed, rolling your eyes. You began to march off of the dance floor, making your way towards the table you were previously at, leaving the stranger stranded.
"REal mature Y/n" He responded following closely behind you. The rest of the group followed behind, beyond confused as to why the two of you would even be arguing like this.
"Oh but you weren't doing the same thing over here with the chick ? Laughing at every little thing she said" You spat out.
He threw his hands up.
"Y/n i was trying to play your little game of secrets" He argued back.
"Wait what secrets?" Madison spat out. The both of you stared at each other, unsure who was going or not going to spill the truth.
"No point in hiding it anymore Y/n" Drew argued. You furrowed your brows in frustration, crossing your arms over your chest as Drew spoke. Which he was absolutely right which upset you anymore.
"Somebody better start talking in point two second or -"
"We're dating" you interrupted, looking over towards Madison.
Everyone's jaw dropped except for JD's, his response was jut of him shaking his head.
"What!?" Madison yelled out in shock.
"Like talking?" She asked, looking between the two of you. " Or like, dating dating?"
"More like dating dating" Rudy butted in, pushing his index finger into a circle he made with his other hand, indicating intercourse.
You quickly placed your head in your hand with embarrassment.
"No fucking way" Chase responded, a wide grin on his face.
"Bro why didn't you tell me?" Chase yelled out placing his hand on Drew's shoulder.
"We didn't want anyone mad at us or like, i don't know it ruin this friendship we all have" You responded, lowering your head in disappointment.
"Y/n are you delusional? Why would that make any of us mad ?" Madison replied with a wide grin on his face.
"You guys, i called it" JD finally spoke, a cocky smirk across his face.
"Whaattt? " you responded looking over at him with confusion.
"You guys have been clung to each other since you first met. I'm not stupid" He laughed. You shook your head, a grin forming on your face.
"Okay the cats out of the bag so you guys don't have to continue pretending okay? " Madelyn responded. "Can we please get back to dancing?" She pleaded. They all nodded before the group once again went their separate ways, leaving you and Drew alone at the table.
"I'm sorry" You responded stepping closer towards him, placing your hand on his.
"ME too" He responded looking down at you.
"I kind of want to get out of here, yanno" You said with a smirk on your face. He grinned back, nodding his head.
Hope you guys liked!
✨feedback as well as a like and reblog is always appreciated 💗✨
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naralanis · 3 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 19)
Previously, on LBitR...
Like her cell before this, the room Lena now occupied has no windows, only the bright fluorescent lights that emit a soft hum just loud enough for Lena to hear—something that would ordinarily drive her crazy with annoyance, but now just gives her something else to focus on.
There are no clocks, either, at least not that she could see, not even on the many monitors attached to her via an array of wires. Though, to be fair, her visibility is somewhat compromised by the limited range of movement the handcuffs afford her.
No one has come in to check in on her so far, not even a nurse doing their rounds or some hapless DEO agent—because she is very much not in a hospital, as much as it looks like she might be. Lena would guess she’s being held at the DEO, but she doesn’t particularly like guessing. She likes knowing. And what she knows is that she’s been here for what feels like forever and she’s starting to get antsy.
Not that Lena has much idea of how much time has passed; she tried counting the minutes in her head, but couldn’t concentrate long enough on the task to keep it up for more than twenty counts to sixty, which in her book, is long enough.
She half-expected Lex to come in at some point, even if just to gloat, but he hasn’t shown so far, and Lena figures he doesn’t need to. He’s already got his pieces in place—he controls both Lena and the Director of the DEO; he can just sit back, kick up his feet, and relax while he waits for the game to start up again.
For Kara to come flying into his trap.
Fucker, Lena thinks bitterly. She feels a little high—probably whatever pain medication she was given.
Her stomach growls, sudden and loud, and Lena realizes she has no idea when she had eaten last. But more than telling she’s hungry, the unpleasant sound tells her she’s been sitting here twiddling her thumbs (figuratively speaking, of course) for a few hours at least.
Tired of being laid up and useless, and entirely not in the mood to wait for Alex or whoever else to come in, Lena tries to shuffle down the bed, as much as the handcuffs will allow, to try to get to the bandages stuck to the side of her head.
There’s some incredibly awkward shuffling down the thin mattress and further into the cheap, staticky sheets, and the angle is far from comfortable, but eventually Lena manages to lean down just enough so her fingertips graze the edge of some gauze, right at her temple. She pinches it between her index and middle fingers—the only ones that actually reach—and slowly begins to tear it away from her skin.
It’s at this moment that Lena becomes exceedingly thankful for the invention of morphine—or whatever else it is they have her on, here—because after some poking around, she’s definitely reopened her wound. Her fingers come away bloody, and the whole spot feels raw and hot to the touch, but fortunately, she feels little more than pressure.
She’s very well aware that, as far as good ideas go, this one probably nears the bottom of the list (or perhaps isn’t in it at all), but her options are limited, after all. And to be quite fair, even if she doesn’t succeed, she’s already in this pseudo-hospital room—it’s quite unlikely her captor will let her just. Die.
The angle is mightily uncomfortable, which makes it less than ideal when it comes to actually digging into a head wound, and so far she’s felt nothing that resembles the minuscule implant in her skin, but Lena is nothing if not tenacious, not to mention stubborn as hell. Kind of like Kara.
“If you would like, I could provide you with the schematics to Lex Luthor’s mind-control implant without the need of aggravating your wounds.”
Lena jumps—as much as one can jump when they’re handcuffed to a bed—at the voice; she’d been so concentrated on her slightly insane task she didn’t hear anyone come in. Her bloodied hand snaps away from the wound on her temple in shock and hits the rail with force, enough to send her now-empty ice-chip cup flying to the other side of the room.
Lena cannot quantify the sheer relief she feels when she sees the stoic figure at her door, ramrod straight with his arms crossed at his back. His lips are tugging into a little smile, like he’s so clearly happy to see her, and for some reason that makes her want to cry.
She does cry a little, and it’s so pathetic, because her hands are still handcuffed so she can’t even reach out to wipe at them. But it’s the first time in weeks, maybe months, that someone other than Kara actually looks happy to see Lena, and she finds she’s wholly unprepared to deal with it.
“What are you doing here?”
He steps in, squinting at her and tutting under his breath as he sees her bloodied hand, head, and bandages. “Do you need me to tell you how exactly much you’re increasing your risk of infection by interfering with your bandages?”
Lena lets out a wet, choky laugh. “No, thank you. I’ll be good.”
He nods, lips tugging ever-so-slightly wider. It’s the closest to a beaming grin as Brainy can get, and Lena can’t help but laugh. Maybe she’s hallucinating. But she’s so, so very happy to see me.
“Good,” he says, looking a bit awkward just standing by her bed with perfect posture. Lena wouldn’t have it any other way. “I will call someone shortly to redress your wounds. Trying to remove this type of subdermal implant with a piece of glass only had a 9.7% chance of success, in case you were not aware.”
Lena lets out a little snort. “I figured the odds weren’t great,” she quips. Brainy’s now just close enough she can touch his elbow with her casted hand—the other one is erm, bloody. It’s a little awkward—Brainy, like Lena, was never the extremely touchy type—but he accepts it with a little laugh. “Brainy, Alex—she also has an implant; she doesn’t remember—”
“I am aware of the Director’s implant. I was working to disable it, but it seems you managed to trigger the return of some of her memories.” He raises his brow, and Lena can tell he is mightily impressed. “Well done.”
“Who else has them? Who else has Lex gotten to?”
“Only the Director, as far as we know. Lex hasn’t made many of them, but we are working on disabling the entire system.” He frowns. “I need your help,” he admits as if it both pains and delights him to need Lena’s assistance. “I found the schematics of the implant itself, but the system…”
“Works on the basis of a program I designed,” Lena groans.
Brainy nods solemnly, thankfully not saying anything further on the subject. Instead, he pulls a small tablet from his pocket, and taps at it until it flashes blue. He turns the screen for Lena to see, and her eyes have a bit of a hard time focusing on the diagrams slowly spinning in place.
“The implant cannot be removed without triggering an alarm,” Brainy begins, and Lena is glad to finally have someone who can get straight down to business. “As well as several countermeasures Lex put in place. Had you successfully removed it, it would have. Erm. Liquefied your brain. In essence.”
Lena lets out a low whistle through her teeth. “Talk about overkill. So I guess we can’t remove Alex’s either.”
Brainy shakes his head. “No. The only hope is by disabling the entire system, which unfortunately cannot be accessed remotely,” he sighs. “I’ve tried 346 times and haven’t gotten close.”
“Well, if we can’t access remotely, then the only other option would be to—”
Brainy jumps back a full three feet, bumping into the monitors with a loud clatter, hugging the tablet to his chest like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar. Lena yelps, startled by a blue-clad figure at the door to her room, mask off but scowl very, very much in place.
“Nia,” Lena breathes, but she doesn’t have the chance to say anything else before the young woman marches to her bed, looking exasperated.
“What the hell were you thinking—girl you made a whole-ass hole in your head, this is not the time to start poking around in there, if this scars I swear to god I am going to kill you before Kara kills me before Lex kills us all are you kidding me right now—”
“Nia,” Lena tries again, and she can’t even be bothered with the way Nia’s fussing over her torn bandages and slowly clotting wound, because she just wants to thank her, she wants to hug her, but most of all, Lena just wants to cry. “Nia—”
“Oh my god, are you crying!?” Nia yelps, her previous fury vanishing within a second as it turns to worry as she eyes Brainy, who looks completely out of his depth at Lena’s sudden sobbing. “Why are you crying??”
Lena wants to raise her arms to hug the young woman, but the stupid handcuffs won’t let her, so she just. Sobs. Like a little baby—it’s a little pathetic, but she can’t help it, because Nia’s here, Nia’s the one who took her to Kara. Their mad run across the country, the resentment that melted into companionship again, the laughs they shared along the way—it was all because of Nia.
Nia seems to understand, on a surface level, because she lets out a sigh, dropping the gauze she’d been unsuccessfully trying to stick back on Lena’s head, and just wraps her arms around her, tight and present.
“Thank you,” Lena sobs wetly against the crook of her neck. “Thank you.”
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #177
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making Nitocris (Assassin), the return of best girl! All we gotta do for this build is make a build where you can defend yourself with a super powerful sheet, drown your enemies, and summon Medjed for combat. Super easy.
Oh yeah, we also have to make a super-adaptable vehicle that can defend us from any kind of harm because SOMEBODY went ham on the safety features and left us with having to stick them in the build. I’m not saying names though, and Scheherazade should be grateful.
Anyways, this build’s mostly a Shepherd Druid because druids are busted like that, but we’re still dipping into Grave Cleric for a bit of flavor and Monk for her defenses and a better time in melee combat.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Team Killer Demon King of the Xth Heaven!
Race and Background
Surprisingly, putting on a swimsuit doesn’t change your life story that much. Nitocris is still a Fallen Aasimar Noble, giving her +1 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, Darkvision, Celestial Resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, Healing Hands to heal people as an action, the Light cantrip, and proficiency with History and Persuasion. You are a pharaoh, and you are Nitocris. That’s all you need to understand history and to persuade people.
Ability Scores
Actually surprisingly, putting on a swimsuit does change your physical abilities a little bit. Your Wisdom is still the highest stat, you’ll want that for ruling and for summoning god magic. However your second highest stat is Constitution. That sheet can really take a beating. Dexterity comes next so you don’t die while wearing a swimsuit. Your Charisma isn’t bad, I wish it could be higher, but we don’t need it mechanically. Your Intelligence is a little low, but it’s summer, everyone’s relaxed. Finally, dump Strength. You still aren’t a powerhouse, except in our heart.
Class Levels
1. Druid 1: Starting off as a druid gets you proficiency with Intelligence and Wisdom saves, as well as two druid skills. I’d grab Religion and Animal Handling. You’re really good and handling those medjed, and mechanically most of them will be beasts in this build.
You can also write Druidic (it’s a language!) and cast and prepare Spells using your Wisdom. You can pick from any spells on the druid spell list, but you’re limited each long rest to a number equal to your wisdom modifier plus your druid level.
You also get a couple cantrips that you’ll always have; I suggest Guidance so you’re always a bit better than those plebians, as well as Shape Water as a taste of what you’ll be able to do later.
In order to shape water, you’ll first have to make it, with Create or Destroy Water. A lot of your drowning spells require standing water to work, so you’ll be well acquainted with this one moving forward. You also get Absorb Elements and Protection from Evil and Good to serve as your early defensive buffs from your cloak.
2. Monk 1: For further defense, we’re bouncing over to monk real quick to get Unarmored Defense, giving you an AC of 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your wisdom modifier. You also get Martial Arts, letting you make physical attacks using your Dexterity instead of strength, dealing a minimum of 1d4 damage. Also, you can attack as a bonus action after attacking as an action. The medjed are great, but sometimes you have to stand up for yourself.
3. Cleric 1: One last multiclass, I swear. As a Grave cleric, you learn and prepare some more Spells using your Wisdom, and you also have a Circle of Mortality so your healing spells automatically do as much healing as possible on creatures that are at 0 HP. You also get a buffed version of Spare the Dying that you can cast at range as a bonus action. On top of that, your Eyes of the Grave can use your action Wisdom modifier times per long rest to sense undead nearby.
You also get even more cantrips! Grab Resistance for more defense, Thaumaturgy to truly capture the godly aspect of being a pharaoh, and Toll the Dead for just a bit of ghosts. As a treat.
You also get first level spells, including Bane and False Life for free! Being covered in medjeds makes it hard to do stuff, and again, that’s one cool cloak. You can also swap protection from evil & good and create & destroy water over here to free up some druid space, but for new spells check out Command for a pharaoh’s intimidating presence and Shield of Faith to either increase your own AC or throw your towel on another ally.
Since this is your third level overall, you also get your Necrotic Shroud, spending an action to create a true beach panic in a 10′ radius around you. When you transform, you force a charisma save (8 + proficiency + chr mod) on all creatures in range, and if they fail they’re frightened for a round. For a minute afterwards you can add necrotic damage to your attacks once per turn. Afterwards, you can’t do this again until you take a long rest.
4. Druid 2: Now that our multiclassing is done, we can go back to our main class and become a Shepherd druid. As a second level druid, you can either use Wild Shape to transform into an animal yourself (not really canon, but you know how egyptian gods are) or you can use those charges to summon a Wild Companion with a free Find Familiar spell. If you turn into a beast, it has to be cr 1/4 or lower, and can’t have a swimming or flying speed. Your physical stats get replaced with the new stat block, but you keep your proficiencies and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. The beast’s HP effectively becomes extra HP for you, and once that’s depleted you turn back into a human. er, aasimar. You keep all the cool stuff from your race & classes, but you can’t cast spells while an animal.
Whether you use your wild shapes to turn into an animal or find familiars, they both last Half your Druid Level hours, and you get two uses per short rest.
As a shepherd druid, you can use your Speech of the Woods to speak Sylvan or to animals, and you also get a Spirit Totem that can protect your party for up to a minute that you can summon as a bonus action once per short rest. Later we can call these safety features in your car, but for now they’re just kind of here.
If you summon a bear spirit, creatures you choose in the aura get temporary HP, and advantage on strength checks & saves. If you summon a Hawk Spirit, you can use your reaction to give advantage on an attack in the aura, and all allies have advantage on perception checks. If you summon a unicorn spirit, you get advantage on all checks to detect creatures (kind of horning in on the hawk’s territory, but w/e) and you can heal each creature inside the aura at the same time you use any healing spell. Perfect if your best friend is terrified of death!
5. Druid 3: Third level druids get second level spells, like Summon Beast for your very first medjed! It’s not spectacular, but you can create land, sea, or air medjeds to give those mini nobbus a run for their money. You could also use Animal Messenger for utility medjeds. If you need to make a quick escape, pull down your hood to Pass without Trace. I won’t bring it up each level, but feel free to grab healing spells too. It’s what Scheherazade would have wanted. Also, feel free to ask the gods for advice with Augury.
6. Druid 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become Resilient against dexterity saves. This rounds up your dexterity for stronger punches and a better AC, and you also become proficient in dexterity saves so that fireball won’t be quite as dangerous.
Your Wild Shape improves a bit, letting you transform into swimming creatures of CR 1/2 or less.
You also learn the Mending cantrip, because that cloak of yours has seen a lot of action by this point, and it probably needs some loving.
7. Druid 5: Fifth level druids get third level spells, like Conjure Animals. You can summon eight beasts of CR 1/4 or lower, four of CR 1/2, two of CR 1, or 1 of CR 2. They’re friendly, and listen to your commands. I’d recommend some smaller creatures for a medjed swarm, or one big creature for your car. Aurochs are good for flat land, Cave Bears for water, a young bulette if you expect to run people over... this is a pretty versatile solution.
You can also use Protection from Energy for more... protection, and Tidal Wave for your first true drowning option against your foes. Creatures in a 30′ by 10′ by 10′ area must make a dexterity save, and if they fail they take bludgeoning damage and get knocked prone. On a success they take half damage and stay standing. Afterwards, the water spreads out an extinguishes fires, but sadly it doesn’t stick around, so you’ll still have to use Create & Destroy Water for the bigger spells coming up.
8. Druid 6: Sixth level shepherds become Mighty Summoners, giving their creations two more HP per hit die and letting them slip through nonmagical damage resistances. The medjed are gods in their own right, getting stopped by a devil would just be weird.
9. Druid 7: Seventh level druids get fourth level spells like Control Water, which lets you control freestanding water within a 100′ cube. You can create floods which create waves in larger bodies of water, you can part water to move through them (...Ozymandius will not be happy to see that little trick pop back up in his life), redirect the flow of water in impossible ways, or create a Whirlpool in larger bodies of water that traps creatures who fail an athletics check.
If you want your medjed to be a little more godlike, try Conjure Woodland Beings to summon fey creatures instead of beasts. At least they’ll have magic?
10. Druid 8: Eighth level druids get another Wild Shape improvement, so now you can fly as a creature of CR 1 or lower. (Also it’s weird that Wild Companion didn’t get any buffs as you level up.) Either way, use your new ASI to bump up your Wisdom for stronger spells and a better AC.
11. Druid 9: Ninth level druids get fifth level spells, like Antilife Shell, the ultimate in anti-personnel protection! For up to an hour, living creatures outside your barrier can’t enter or make attacks against you unless they have ranged or reach weapons. The downside is that if you get surrounded and can’t move the other creatures away, you’re stuck unless you pop that bubble. You could also Awaken a huge or smaller creature or plant to act as your car on a more permanent basis. Awakened trees aren’t the fastest rides, but they’re pretty sturdy. The awakened thing is charmed for up to 30 days or until your party does something stupid, afterwards it’s up to the target to decide how it feels about you. Don’t mistreat your car.
12. Druid 10: Tenth level druids get another cantrip, and Druidcraft is just really versatile. It’s good. Your spirit totem also become a Guardian Spirit, healing your summoned creatures at the end of their turn by half your druid level.
13. Druid 11: With sixth level spells, you can summon a great medjed to lead your troops with Conjure Fey, creating a fey or beast of CR 6 or lower. It’s friendly while you maintain concentration, but if that drops it becomes hostile and might attack. A lot of your spells work best with good charisma checks, thankfully you’re Nitocris. You can also create Primordial Wards, giving you resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage for up to a minute. During that time, you can react upon taking damage of those types to gain immunity to that type until the end of your next turn, at which point the spell ends.
14. Druid 12: Use this ASI to max out your Wisdom for all those reasons that are still there since last ASI.
15. Druid 13: Most of your new seventh level spells aren’t super in character, but you can use Symbol to set traps for unsuspecting enemies and leave them scattered about your car. Technically you can’t move an object symbol after you set it, but a surface symbol as no such issue, so it’s time for a paint job. There’s a lot of different symbols, but most of them are very unpleasant for your foes.
16. Druid 14: Your final Shepherd goody turns your car into a Faithful Summons. When you’re reduced to 0 HP or incapacitated, you can instantly use Conjure Animals as a ninth level spell, creating 4 beasts of CR 2 or lower. That’s right, your car really does protect you now. The beasts will automatically defend you and fight against your foes, and the spell doesn’t require concentration. You can do this once per long rest.
17. Druid 15: Seventh level didn’t have much for you, but eighth level spells are a bit better. Antipathy/Sympathy helps your car defend you by repelling creatures from it. You can cast the spell on a huge or smaller object/creature and pick one kind of intelligent creature. Antipathy then forces any named creature within sight or 60′ of the target to make a wisdom save or be frightened while it remains near the car. While frightened, it has to move away from the target until it can’t see it, and it will automatically become frightened again if it moves back into range. If an affected creature ends its turn out of range, it can make another save, if it succeeds, the spell no longer affected and knows about the spell. Creatures that make their save are immune for a minute.
That’s a mouthful, but it’s not the only spell we want here! Tsunami creates a tsunami, creating a wall of water 300′ by 300′ by 50′. Each creature within the wall has to make a strength save, and if they fail they take bludgeoning damage. At the start of your turn after casting the spell, it moves 50′ away, along with creatures inside it. Then all the creatures it ran into/had already make another strength save or take more damage. At the end of each turn the wall moves, it loses 50′ in height and it deals less damage. When the wall is 0 feet tall, the spell ends.
Creatures can try to escape the wall by making an athletics check, but if they fail they can’t move at all.
18. Druid 16: Use your last ASI for a higher Dexterity to get more AC and stronger punches. They pale in comparison to a tsunami, but you can only do that once per day.
19. Druid 17: Congrats, you finally get ninth level spells! Shapechange will let you transform yourself into a true Medjed (assuming you’ve seen one by now). It works similar to your wildshape, but it isn’t limited to beasts and the CR limit is your level. (That being said, you could also turn into a leviathan next level if you’ve seen one, but that’s not in character)
20. Druid 18: Your final level of the build gives you a Timeless Body, reducing your aging by a factor of 10 so you can rule the beaches for centuries to come. You also get Beast Spells so you can cast spells without material components while you’re a beast.
You make big waves, and big waves have big areas of effect. You’re very good at pushing around huge groups of people, both thanks to those waves and thanks to your summons.
Another benefit of being a big summoner druid is that you’re tough to get at. If your enemies can get through your medjed swarm you’ve still got an AC of 17/19 and plenty of healing to chew through before they can take you down. And taking you down just makes your medjed army bigger.
While your Awakened Tree car isn’t going to win you any first place medals, you aren’t limited to the one. Think about it- get enough money together and you can pretty much set up a living mobile base, so long as you stay on good terms with the trees propping it up.
You are, however, limited to one spell at a time. A lot of your defensive spells and almost all your summons all need your concentration to function, and not only do they blink out of existence if you fail a constitution save, but they also  might attack you!
Those big floody spells you have? They’ll also hit your army. Unlike FGO, your medjed don’t pop back to a pocket dimension when their turn’s over- you’ll have to deal with them getting caught in the waves. That’ll also hurt your standing with the trees, probably.
Until you hit level 17, your best water-based spell is Control Water, which requires water to already exist in the area. You also are probably the only racer who has to make sure their car actually likes them. What I’m trying to say is you have to put up with a lot of fiddly setup to make your powers work as well as they can.
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reiven2017 · 3 years
Delicate steel.
Rachel wanted to go home. She just wanted to get home. The only thing that held her back were the two huge wolves outside the door, the iron lock, and the fucking fate that had clearly decided to laugh at her. As it was, everything was fine...Oh, right! She's also getting married soon. But I have no idea for whom yet.
In general...I decided to finally finish this chapter, because what I published earlier was just a draft and it happened that I deleted the work. Ahem, ahem.
Chapter 1: 1
Chapter Text"I don't know, damn it," Damian snarled back, his lips pinched into a thin line. His patience was running dangerously red, and his annoying family never stopped asking him questions, and Damian didn't know how close he was to killing each of them. "What do you mean, you don't know, Damian?" Your eighteenth birthday is coming soon! "I'm aware of that. Damian said dryly, turning to the window and trying to ignore the circle of people gathered around him. Sometimes, in his head, he would quietly start hating them all. The boy heard his sister snort at his answer, and before she could open her mouth to say something even more irritating and irritate him, his father intervened. "Damian." Bruce called coldly — " Stephanie's right. The day of the Blood Moon is approaching, and whether you want it or not, you must find a mate. It's a tradition." — Steph smirked like the Cheshire cat. "Come on, Dad. Maybe our little Alpha likes to go to "girls". " - Damian gritted his teeth and said nothing at Jason's snide remark, hoping that if he continues to ignore them, then maybe everything will be fine?The alpha genes were already boiling in him, the wolf was growling in frustration, and Damian was ready to howl in helplessness. He hated family advice, but when it came to his marriage and finding a true mate, it didn't seem so bad to hang himself and rot in a barn somewhere. Maybe now from the outside he looked like a "little capricious Alpha" with his behavior and an offended frown, but if such a strategy would bring him the desired silence, Damian was ready to play along. Despite the fact that he was the future Alpha of the pack, the new leader, and should have been able to solve problems diplomatically, or be able to kick ass, now he would have been happy to be somewhere in the mountains. Or on another planet. He could have left at any moment, ignoring the drama of Stef and the grinning Jason, if not for the glaring eyes of his father and mother. Damian knew he was being stupid. But he did not know the answer to the question that had been nagging at him for about a year. And every day it annoyed him more and more.From the very first day of his birth, Damian was different from the other wolves. Even in the cradle, he was different. The guy turned early to become a wolf, too early for any measurements, and after the Alpha blood in him awoke with extraordinary speed and as it turned out, he is the new Alpha, which further complicated the situation since he was the youngest son and theoretically could not inherit the Alpha genes. But no, it did happen. Everyone expected that his older brother Richard, kind, cheerful and resourceful, able to talk or at least tolerate people, and most importantly already having a couple, would take the place of the leader and everyone would be happy to the point of screeching bones. How wrong they all were, and how no one expected the Alpha genes to wake up in their youngest son, the rude, silent, and insufferable Damian, known as the walking mess and without a true mate at 17. Many people only laughed when they heard that the Alpha Force appeared in the younger heirs, but when they met with Damian, not a single question remained. He was young, but the Alpha genes had awakened in him with the strength and power of a mature wolf, which gave him even more advantages in the piggy bank of oddities. His relatives got married almost from the first day of birth, his sister was already engaged, his friends were already engaged and even some children in the sandbox already wore special marks saying that they have a couple! And Damian... Damian was broken. Broken almost from the very first day of life. The day of his coming of age was approaching, and the council and the entire pack were now on edge, watching his every move and not losing the chance to slip him a wolf at every opportunity in the hope of finding the one that made him even more exasperated. During this week, he had seen so many women's faces that they were all mixed up in one mess, and he didn't even remember their names. His position in the
pack is already pretty shaky, and if he doesn't find a mate before his birthday, Damian may not be the leader. < i>Worst of all, he won't last long without a pair. "Well, look at him! He's not even listening to us!" — Stephanie fell silent again, seeking support from her father. Of course, her position doesn't weigh in the balance, and the whole pack doesn't sit on her neck and fall asleep with eternal questions that he doesn't know the answers to. Bruce sighed heavily, casting a pleading glance at his wife. He knew that it wasn't easy for his son to come to terms with his new Alpha status and his new status in the pack. Despite all the responsibilities Damian had to deal with, he was pretty good at it, but the question of his true mate was always going to be a hell of a lot harder. Talia gave him a quiet smile, putting her hand on his shoulder. "But if brother can't find a mate on his own, then we have to help him! Damian chuckled softly. If only it were that simple, but only the Gods themselves could help him. - "Dad! I know who is perfect for the role of the Moon! Christy! She is younger than my brother, but she is a beautiful and strong wolf. Christy will fit perfectly into our family! " - Steph screamed again to her father. But then Damian's patience reached the end, driving the Alpha genes in his blood, and his wolf growled inwardly at his sister. Damian didn't like that part of himself, but he was grateful for the Alpha Force now, as Stephanie immediately fell silent. "That's enough," he said, as his sister jerked behind her father, hiding her eyes in shame. "Just because she's your friend doesn't mean she's my mate, Steph. His voice, menacing and guttural, turning into a growl, echoed off the walls of the mansion, causing Steph to shudder slightly and hunch over, hiding behind her father. His emerald eyes, a little silvery, swept around the room, and when they met his mother's distressed gaze and his father's frown, he frowned sternly. Maybe tomorrow he will regret his lack of restraint, but right now the only thing he wants is to get as far away from them as possible, so as not to see himself as a leper.***Perhaps if the town of Date, in northern Switzerland, could be described in three sentences Raven would have said " Forest. A large forest. The devils of the big forest. " and it would be clear to everyone what kind of place this is. It wasn't that she was against nature, but she had lived most of her life in gray and gloomy New York, so the forest was her first shock when she moved. Her mother recently remarried after a failed marriage with Raven's father and an accident with her sister, and now they are all together, the whole friendly family decided to change their place of residence. As if they don't have enough problems. Rachel didn't listen much to her mother's speech in the front seat, plugging her ears with headphones, knowing that she was talking more for her stepfather. Ben wasn't a bad person. He joked stupidly, smiled affably and believed in a happy life, dreaming, according to him, of a large family. He didn't touch Rachel, and he didn't bother her with father-daughter chatter, so he was the best option for her and her mother, Angela. To be honest, he never bothered Rachel at all.When Ben expressed a desire to move, to give in to a quiet life, Rae was not so against it. She didn't have any friends in New York, or anywhere else, so she was neutral about the idea of moving. So she ended up in Switzerland, in the back of an elderly pickup truck, in the middle of the woods and 7 miles from the city of Data. "Rachel!" — through the wall of music, the girl heard her mother's displeased voice and quietly rolled her eyes. - "Yes? Rachel replied tonelessly, still wearing her headphones, and turned to the window. She stiffened quietly. Maybe this way they'll know she's not in the mood to talk. "Could you please put the music down, young lady? I want to talk to you. "- "Well, of course to talk, and I thought we were going to drive the ball." barely restraining the sarcastic remark that was about to fly off
her tongue, Rachel still put the headphones in her bag and raised an eyebrow at Angela questioningly. "So? — " "There's a new school waiting for you, Rachel. New acquaintances". Angela's words flowed smoothly, and her sweet smile suggested doubts, and Rachel inwardly guessed that this conversation had been planned in advance. The girl chuckled to herself. "Ben and I are well aware of your difficulties in communication and all that concerns friendship, and we are immensely grateful to you for so easily agreeing to move, but if you have a problem again, like last time..." Rachel's eyes dimmed. Her heart stopped for a moment, silent for a second, and her nails dug painfully into the soft skin of her palm. The world seemed to stop, and my lungs were on fire. So that's what it was all about. Her lips parted in a venomous grin, and Rachel gritted her teeth. Rey saw a small flicker of pain cross Angela's face, her lips pressed into a thin line, and her face lost any hint of a smile, and with a curt nod to Rachel, the woman turned away. Rey exhaled heavily, holding her breath. She leaned back in her seat, pressing herself as close to the window as she could and crouching in a corner of the darkness, only now feeling the pain in her arms. She slowly opened her hand, coldly watching the tiny drops of blood gather on the skin that had been severely pierced by her own hand, and immediately closed her hands. She didn't have the energy to look at it again, and the only thing that distracted her was the huge sign with the big black letters "Date. A place where people become one with nature.»
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Sonic Heroes: Sweet or Shite? - Part 2: CREAM
There are some heroes I like. And there are some heroes I don’t like. But why do I feel about them the way I do? That’s where this comes in.
This is a series in which I go into slightly more detail about my thoughts on the heroes in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and why I think they either work well, or fall flat (or somewhere in-between). I’ll be giving my stance on their designs, their personalities, and what they had to show for themselves over the course of time. Two things to keep in mind:
1. These reviews will be focusing mainly on game portrayals. Though alternate media will occasionally be mentioned, it’ll be for the sake of adding onto a point if a portrayal is similar enough, or to compare and contrast if a portrayal is different enough.
2. These are just my own personal thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions! I don’t bite. :>
Anyhow, for today’s installment, it's a vast departure from the mayhem of Silver’s world. A much more down-to-earth character, it's the Chao-approved little girl who only the most Eggman of Eggmen could possibly hold in contempt... Cream the Rabbit.
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The Gist: One day, Sonic was off on another advance adventure. Eggman was starting shit again, so Sonic was obligated to cause shit for him. This time though, upon confronting the doctor early on, he noticed there was an unfamiliar hostage on the doctor’s metal-fisted person, in the form of an adorable bunny girl.
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This was how she was evicted from Team Sonic Racing.
Sonic may not have recognised her, but that's okay, because he's Sonic, and no Sonic that isn't the Fleetway one discriminates. With his good heart - and more importantly, his skill in breaking apart Eggman's machines like they’re made of tissue paper - he saved the day, and the bunny was eternally grateful. But all was not sorted out, as it seemed that Vanilla, her adoring mother, was still under threat...
No matter. With the help of her little Chao partner named Cheese, she would handle the problem herself.
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“How the fuck did this happen?” - Eggman, Sonic Advance 2 (2003)
And... that's about it? I told you this was a far cry from Silver, didn't I? Compared to Sonic's other friends, Cream just kind of showed up without much fanfare. No elaborate backstory, no dramatic plot twists, just a girl wanting to help out.
Well, if it makes this part of the job easier...
The Design: Just like her story (or lack thereof), there isn’t too much to say here. Her design is fairly simple, but it gets the job done.
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“We’re going to have so much fun when we turn our enemies into dust and make them feel inadequate, won’t we Cheese? ^__^”
The best Sonic character designs are perfect at blending the right colours together, and Cream is no exception to that rule. The mix of cream (of course) and brown makes for a suitably warm and cozy package, and the further addition of orange and yellow provide a nice contrast to the reds and whites of her older sister figure, Amy. And speaking of Amy, although it might not be completely intentional, I like that Cream’s style of clothing isn’t too far off from that of the pink hedgehog, given their close dynamic.
I know some may take issue with the fact that her ears are technically backwards, but I personally don’t care. It’s cute, it’s fiction, don’t worry about it.
The Personality: Simply put, Cream is a kind, polite, innocent soul who would feel immensely guilty in the event of accidentally hurting a fly.
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“I was not programmed to d’aww...”
This is in large part because she’s a devoted pacifist by nature, meaning she would only be willing to annihilate the absolute shit out of you if she had no other choice in the matter. Not that you should push her if it came to that, since I’m not exaggerating when I say that she’d wreck your shit. No mortal should have the awe-inducing power that Cream wields. (Seriously, is there any game she’s playable in where she’s NOT broken?)
Did I mention she’s cute as a button? Cause I’m gonna mention it again.
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Come on, how could you hate this bunny? Is there no place for cuteness in this franchise starring plush-sized cartoon animals and giant red springs?
The Execution: If you haven’t noticed by how shorter this is than the average Sweet or Shite review, Cream is an extremely straightforward character to describe and discuss. But is that a bad thing? No, not necessarily. It doesn’t hurt for a character to have more to them of course, but compared to being as ridiculous and as complicated as, again, the whole mess involving Silver, it’s easy to appreciate when things are kept nice and simple.
If you also haven’t noticed, I would protect this girl with my life.
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“Thank you for bowing down to your superior, mister!” “Chao!”
Okay, so maybe her voice can get a little ear-piercing at times, even though I’d argue that hasn’t been the case with her most recent voice actress. Maybe her dedication to her pacifism rubs some the wrong way, since it can cause some unnecessary complications from time to time, most notably during Sonic Battle, when her (initial) refusal to fight in an intense situation led to Emerl getting beat up by Original Gammas, Do Not Steal. Or maybe she’s simply not ~radical~ enough, if you’re that sort of fan.
But me? I like her. I think she has a place, and I think she deserves to keep that place. As such, I also think it’s a tragedy that it appears as though she’s been getting phased out from a lot of Sonic products, possibly due to all these accusations directed at her. IDW has been the biggest exception to this trend thus far... but we all know what happened there, don’t we?
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MFW I’m told to sign up on Bumbleking to understand a comic’s piss-poor writing.
Still, even if this unofficial phasing out continues, I’ll continue to defend Cream with the same passion I’d reserve for plenty of Sonic’s other chums. For one thing, she’s not wearing a ganja leaf.
Regardless of the game, Cream’s interactions with the rest of the cast are genuinely sweet, whether it’s Amy, Sonic, a weapon of destruction like Emerl, or a complete stranger like Blaze. She even managed to be nice and understanding to Chris Thorndyke, which is an amazing achievement considering it’s Chris Thorndyke. (Of course, even she lost her temper with Chris Thorndyke at one point, because it’s Chris Thorndyke.) Cream is not the only character who adds heart to the Sonic universe - other examples include Amy, Tails, even Sonic himself at times - but she has her place in doing so all the same... unlike Chris Thorndyke.
I’m always going on about how it’s important to acknowledge Sonic’s world for all it has to offer, rather than take one aspect of it and take it up to eleven at the expense of everything else. That belief of mine also applies here, because as much as it may be a balls to the wall playground filled with cartoon edge and badass attitude, the main star is still a blue hedgehog who rolls into a fuzzy ball, the Ultimate Lifeform with a tragic past is still a black hedgehog who wears hover skates, and the main villain, horrible and brutal as he is, is still shaped like an egg. Appealing charm is inherent to this franchise, no less so than bodaciousness. So Cream isn’t any less appropriate than someone like Shadow.
Although how she hasn’t yet been traumatized by all that she’s been through will be a riddle for the ages. Abductions, abductions of her mother, dead robot friends...
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“Shit happens, kid.”
Crusher Gives Cream a: Thumbs Up!
Well, that was a refreshingly easy one. Now if you’ll excuse me, I better get out of here before Trudy takes issue with me for swearing so much in a Cream-related context... oh god, here she comes-!
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xbustian · 3 years
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                CHARACTER PARALLELS    
    Crowley  (  Good Omens   )   ,    Kaz  Brekker   (   Six  of  Crows   )   ,   Faith  Lehane  (  Buffy   )   ,    Roy  Kent  (  Ted Lasso  )    ,   Thomas  Shelby  (   Peaky Blinders   )   ,    Berlin   (   Money Heist  )   ,    Annalise  Keating   (   HTGAWM   )
Age   :   20   (  Jan 13   )    
Born    :   Limerick
Father   :   TBD
Mother   :    Azra
Step--Mother    :    TBD
Half-Brother   :   Rodolphus 
You were born into royalty           the bastard son of a whore, but a Lestrange prince nonetheless, second only to your older half-brother, Rodolphus. Despite the dimpled smile and chubby cheeks, you were nothing but a spare. A safety net. A necessary mistake as your birth mother was sent away with a dark threat lingering over her. Should anyone ask: you were the product of a perfect marriage. You would call the woman who despised you, despised what you reminded her of, MOTHER. 
Despite the circumstances, your father looked upon you with proud features. His chest stuck out and he held his head high as he appraised his two sons like a diamond he would consider buying. But when you burrowed deep within the sheets of your bed, or played those childish games with whatever nanny your mother hired that week, your father was busy appraising other avenues. You didn’t realize this when you were younger, but your father controlled an impressive legacy. He was the captain of a rich and beautiful figurative ship, compared only to the Flying Dutchman. 
He produced fear like a billionaire entrepreneur.
It took a long time for you to realize what exactly your role in the family was. The cavalry, they called you. The warrior who would ride in and save whoever was lost or in danger. You see, as you grew older, and your temper began to surface, your proud parents no longer viewed you as a simple back-up plan. No, you were so much more than that. You were to act as a confidant to your brother          an easy enough task, you thought ignorantly, seeing as you had already taken up the mantle. But the cavalry was a heavy crown to rest upon your head, and you began to feel the weight the more your parents discussed your future. Because even at eleven,  or  thirteen,  or  fifteen,  you could see their definition of  cavalry  change. It adapted the more they viewed your growth. You were too smart, too tough to be thrown in the background. You were made to stand up front with the rest.
You began to feel separated from yourself. People would discuss you, in front of you, and you would think they were bragging about some stranger you never met. You even found yourself thinking, God, this bastard sounds like a total fucking tool. Though you couldn’t exactly blame them. It was your fault, too. Your mind was too curious, too far reaching to listen and merely agree. You read Machiavelli’s The Prince and found power to be something earned rather than inherited.  Were you truly a Lestrange man if you sat back and let royalty wash over you? Or were you nothing but a figurehead without the brains to control them?
While most settled for flattery when it came to life, you settled for fear, because it was always safer than love. To care about someone was to owe them something in return, and you refused to owe anyone. Not your father, not your mother, and certainly not your brother (or so you liked to think). You were a machine: alone and angry, pulling at strings to unravel whatever bullshit people would throw your way. You acted like a proletariat sometimes, wishing your life wasn’t so luxurious and stiff. You wished your parents weren’t so perfect because then you would have a reason to slouch. It was all incredibly moronic. The crown was getting much too heavy and soon, you were drowning.
But then she gave you air to breathe. Harper Macmillan: the exception to every one of your rules. 
You never told her this, but the first time you noticed her was when you were fourteen years old. Sure, you watched her as she was placed in Hufflepuff, mentally noting how cute you thought she was - but it wasn’t until three months into your Charms lesson that she truly embedded herself within the recesses of your mind. Finally succeeding with her charm, she let out a contagious laugh and you couldn’t help but compare the shine of her smile to the stars above.
Harper was as tantalizing as she was beautiful, and you despised the way her surname left a bitter taste in your mouth. The Macmillan family were blood traitors and you could remember every shallow and disgusting thing your parents and their friends have said about them. They are trash, and we would rather them lay dead on the floor than have them so much as look our way, his parents snapped.  
So you were fourteen and you ignored her. You were fifteen and you ignored her. You were sixteen and you ignored her. You were seventeen and your palms began to bleed because Thomas Peak, the stupid mudblood, asked her out. You clenched your fists so hard you barely noticed the way your fingernails dug into your skin. You couldn’t remember feeling so angry. So murderous. 
Your jealousy continued to brew as you noticed how she and her blood traitor friends rarely ever parted. How come she could associate herself with someone so low, and you couldn’t? You complain to yourself, but you know, deep down, that you are held to a much higher standard. But still, the curiosity got the better of you, and when you were seventeen you approached her friend with a question about class, subtly looking over at Harper before saying hello. You pretended not to care. You pretended to acknowledge her with such little interest that you might as well have been speaking to a wall. And when she said hi back? You shrugged. Uncaring. But your heart practically ripped itself out of your chest right then and there, forcing you to rush off the moment her friend finished her answer.
One word. Just one fucking word. Harper Macmillan uttered one word to you and you were convinced she belonged to you. Like a possession. Like the gems your mother would polish, or the money your father would practically swim in. She was yours. Eventually you could look at nothing else, your eyes always washing over her lithe form whenever she walked into a room. She was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, and you felt no desire to torture yourself by staying away. People swarmed you, treated you like a god, and yet you kept looking only at her. 
And one day  …   she looked back.
No one knew of your relationship - or so you told yourself. You were smart enough to know when to be careful, smart enough to never mention her name. And sure, your anger got the better of you from time to time, resulting in a bloodied mess of any stupid fool who thought it smart to flirt with your girl - the same girl who appeared single to anyone curious enough to look. 
It was your own fault, and you bloody knew it too.
Feeling this way was changing you and you didn’t like it. You felt more open to discussion, often keeping an eye out for Rodolphus simply to ask how he was doing. While a part of you always cared, despite your objections to the matter, you were never so open about it - once having been caught like a deer in headlights when claiming you were proud. A simple scoff and chuckle later and the matter was resolved. You were joking, of course. But you knew, deep down, if you didn’t get control of the matter, you wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer. Over the years, the blonde was slowly erasing what your parents so forcefully cast upon you: your inability to be a human fucking being.
To make matters worse, or better depending on who you asked, you have been secretly in contact with your birth mother. Having given up on ever knowing her, it was a surprise when an owl flew your way, dropping off a letter from the woman you thought was long gone. She never forgot about you - and unlike your other family members, she took a keen interest in your interests. She wanted to know everything about you. Naturally you kept out a lot, inwardly terrified she would be as disgusted with you as you were of yourself. But just like Harper, she was your connection to something safer. Something happier. And the greedy bastard in you won’t let her go. 
Your family can never know. 
The man is infamous and rightly so. But despite his reputation, Rab has been known to isolate himself more often than not. Reasonably eschewing human interaction, he uses this time to reflect on himself, his body and its warnings. This is called interoception, and Rab requires this level of perception in order to control his anger and shift it into something more positive. Helpful. With this understanding he is able to exercise full consciousness, therefore limiting the times he allows his temper to roam free.  Furthering this point, this helps guide him when understanding others emotionally. When he is able to better understand his enemies, he is able to view their hopes and aspirations. To know them is to know how to defeat them. 
He is constantly at odds with himself. He prides control over mostly everything and yet he struggles with intense anger issues. He becomes malicious and vindictive, almost blind to the world around him. When Rab sees red, no consequences exist. This is, once again, why he tries his best to remain isolated - until his services are needed, of course. Then he wears a twisted smirk and dances along the line that separates sanity and insanity. Switching back and forth is tiring, and he often disappears for long periods of time following an intense change. People are unaware of where he goes, and they don’t try to find him. 
Even the most feared of students know to give him his space. 
While this may be difficult to see, Rabastan is a family man. Despite the endless deception and bullshit, he continues to side with his immediate relatives. They are his connection to ethos. His reminder that he is human and worthy of being loved. This can be seen as his ultimate weakness. For instance, his father threatened his mother and blackmailed her, and yet he still stands beside his father and shows a form of loyalty that could not be matched. He would die for his family - something they would be all too quick to accept. His devotion to the Lestrange family has nothing to do with their legacy or their name, but rather their blood relations. He has made the mistake of trusting them time and time again only to be disappointed in the end. 
Rab expects disappointment and therefore always has a back-up plan. He can bounce back to an almost pathological degree, wiping figurative (or sometimes literal) blood from his face with nonchalance painted across his features.  He uses his disappointments as a way to empower himself. His limits are constantly being challenged and he has repeatedly come out on top, showing a tenacity that is difficult, if not impossible to duplicate. 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 12 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: HELLO i am so sorry that this took me so long :((((( but it’s here now! welcome to strictly au 12!! this isn’t the last chapter, there’s 2 more to come after this, but aaaah how mad that we’re almost coming to an end!!! hope u all enjoy this chapter, it’s MUSICALS WEEK!  
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
27th November, 2020
The bursting open of the rehearsal room door makes Vanessa jump, her head jolting off its position on Brooke’s shoulder from where they’re both slumped against the mirrored wall, having glugged the contents of their water bottles after a full run of this week’s dance. Her racing and paranoid heart, however, relaxes instantly when Monique and Monet strut obnoxiously into the room.
“Hey hey hey!” Monique greets them both, way too fresh and bouncy and cheery for Vanessa’s exhausted self.
“What’s with the fuckin’ SWAT team entrance? You the sex police now, is that what this is?” Vanessa deadpans, and Monet gives a chuckle as she loops an arm around Monique’s and makes her go all shy.
“It’s not Strictly Cum Dancing,” she sticks her tongue out, and as Brooke splutters Vanessa snorts.
“Strictly Come Boning,” Monique chips in. Vanessa can feel Brooke narrowing her eyes beside her.
“Your girlfriend’s was better,” she retorts, and Vanessa watches as the two of them visibly baulk. She digs Brooke very firmly and squarely in the ribs, realising a little too late that that was probably entirely too visible. They’ve not had that conversation yet. Neither have her and Brooke. That’s okay though. They’re focusing on the competition. It’s not like the only thing Vanessa wants with every iota of her being is to call Brooke officially hers.
“What’d you two come to bug us about anyhow?” she not so much segues but handbrake turns, steering the conversation off the cliff Brooke’s hanging the metaphorical car off of.
“You eaten?” Monique asks with a shrug. “Me n’ Mo were gonna go try that new Mexican that opened up round the corner. You know, where the old burger place used to be?”
“Well anything’ll be a step up from gettin’ shut down by environmental health.”
“Shit, what happened?” Brooke’s face contorts in horror. Her eyes open up all wide, eyebrows fly up to her hairline. Every expression she pulls suits her, makes her look even more adorable than usual. Even when she’s sad, though Vanessa would do everything in her power to stop Brooke from ever feeling that way ever again.
“Lil’ rat shits through the plastic cheese slices. Shame, ‘cause their chilli cheese fries were awesome,” Monique pouts, and Monet fixes her with a quizzical eyebrow.
“You’d really risk getting bubonic plague for a basket of damn fries?”
Monique looks incredulously at her. “Babe, you never ate them. You don’t know what you missed out on.”
“Much as I’m heartbroken that I too won’t get to taste food seasoned with rat shit anytime soon, no, we’ve not eaten. And I’m quite hungry, so I’m down to grab food,” Brooke interjects, before they can entertain this conversational topic any further.
So they end up all leaving for lunch together- the shared and mutual understanding between the four of them that they all want to hold their girls’ hand, or curl their pinkies together, or slide an arm around their waist unspoken and yet deafening. It’s nice to get out of the studio for a bit, though. She and Brooke have been putting so much effort into their dance this week- a Waltz- and they both want it to be perfect.
“Just like you,” Brooke had said, before tapping Vanessa gently on the nose and setting off a spark in her stomach.
They reach the restaurant and all crush round formica tables on chairs with wobbly legs and gossip and chat and vent. It’s nice to see Brooke and Monet getting along so well- Vanessa knows Brooke was close with Yvie and now she only really has Jackie as her other celebrity friend in the competition, so it’s nice to see the beginnings of a friendship blossom between her and Monet. As she listens to Monet and Monique bicker about their choreography this week Vanessa secretly keeps her eyes on Brooke, catching little moments that she knows Brooke won’t even remember but Vanessa will secretly treasure; the way Brooke brings both hands up to hide her teeth when she laughs, the way her eyebrows draw together minutely when she’s concentrating on whoever’s speaking, the way she picks up each of the nachos she’s ordered delicately with her thumb and index finger leaving the rest to fan out into the air like a bird’s wings.
Vanessa feels as if she’s been living a dream all week. She’s nervous, because she knows there’s only an amount of time until she wakes up from it. Knowing Brooke likes her back and getting to share little moments with her is like the feeling of being wrapped in a cosy duvet- safe, secure and calm, and it seems like everything is too good to be true. She’s trying to enjoy their time together though, really drinking in every moment just in case it’s ripped away from her at any time.
As if she’s able to read her mind, Monique points at her and furrows her brow. “So who d’you think’s going home tomorrow?”
Vanessa flinches, because she hasn’t thought about it. Doesn’t want to think about it. Despite their high scores last week Vanessa knows that out of the five of them that’re left, it’s the other couples that the judges seem to favour. She knows how heavily she and Brooke rely on their fans to get them through (they’ve done two Insta lives this week as a thank you) and how it’s been a few times that they haven’t got the scores they’ve deserved.
So she swallows the nerves that Monique’s question has triggered and shrugs, pokes her tongue out at her friend. “You, with any luck. Won’t have to listen to you bang on about how hot you think Monet is all the damn time.”
Monique almost chokes on her burrito and Brooke and Monet roar a laugh. When she collects herself, she’s pointing an accusatory finger Vanessa’s way.
“Well screw you, bitch! I hope you break a leg for real,” she jokes at her, and Vanessa smiles smugly back at her in response.
“It’ll be Gigi and Jackie in the bottom, leaving us, Akeira and Asia sailing through to the semis,” Monet nods her head, convinced. Vanessa wishes she had the same levels of confidence. “You three are the most talented pros, it makes sense.”
“Aw! Thanks baby boo,” Monique smiles at her, charmed. Monet cocks an eyebrow at her.
“You, barely. You’re there by the skin of your teeth. Akeria’s Mutya, Vanjie’s Keisha. You’re Heidi Range.”
Vanessa and Brooke burst out laughing at Monet’s niche Sugababes reference, and Monique yelps in protest beside her. As talk turns to girlbands, the thought of elimination is forgotten for now.  
That is, until lunch is over and Vanessa and Brooke are arriving back in the studio, and Vanessa lets out a nervous sigh which Brooke quickly picks up on.
“Hey,” her forehead wrinkles, crossing over to take both of Vanessa’s hands. Brooke’s are cold from the icy air outside but the gesture still manages to make Vanessa feel a little warmer, a little slice of July on a November day. “Talk. Speak.”
Vanessa lets out a soft chuckle at Brooke’s orders and as she looks up and meets her kind eyes, she lets her worries out. “I’m just rattled. Mo got me thinkin’…we really are gettin’ down to the wire now, an’ everyone left is so talented. What happens if we gotta dance again tomorrow?”
“Then everyone gets treated to the best Waltz that’s ever graced Elstree two times instead of once,” Brooke shoots back instantly, making the knot in Vanessa’s stomach begin to unravel. “If fact I think all our fans are going to vote for other people just so they can see it done twice.”
“God, don’t say that,” Vanessa shakes her head and half-groans, half-laughs. She sinks her body against Brooke’s, wraps her arms around her waist and lets out a shaky exhale. “I’m never nervous when I dance, but I’m gonna be nervous this time, you know? I just don’t want to let you down.”
Brooke splutters a disbelieving laugh. “A world Latin champion is telling her TV presenter partner that she doesn’t want to let her down. We are truly through the looking glass.”
“Shut up,” Vanessa mutters against Brooke’s chest, looking up at her and seeing the little twinkle in her eye that flips her stomach.
“Make me.”
Vanessa rolls her eyes at her before leaning in and meeting her lips in a soft kiss, Brooke greedily deepening it after a few seconds and pressing their bodies close. Vanessa feels a pleasant wave of heat wash over her and, as she slides her arms round to rest on Brooke’s hips, she’s reminded about their morning in Blackpool, something she’s thought about constantly since it happened. They haven’t had a round two since, they’ve both been too focused on wanting to do well. Still…maybe they need a way to let off steam, and Vanessa’s beginning to wonder if all the hassle she’s given Monique over hooking up in the rehearsal room has been justified given how much she’d risk getting walked in on by a camera crew for Brooke’s tongue to be back between her legs-
And then Brooke breaks away, strokes her cheek with her thumb from where her hand’s cupping her jaw and winks at her. “Kissing’s not going to get us those tens, sweetie. Let’s get to work.”
So, obediently and only somewhat reluctantly, Vanessa rehearses. Their dance means a lot to her this week, even though it’s musicals week and they aren’t really her thing. She’s never seen Waitress- she’s not seen many musicals- but Jan, self-confessed queen of musicals week had a playlist on the speakers last year and a song in particular had come on which prompted Vanessa to ask for its name. It reminds her of her, little Vanessa starting out at dance school thousands of miles away from the rest of her family, and her Mama who’s always supported her through everything she’s ever done. And now it reminds her of Brooke, too. All the good things in her life and all the dreams that have somehow managed to come true. She knows that full marks are the highest they can get, but she still wants more. The pressure she’s heaping on herself is crushing, but it’s good because it helps her concentrate. She wants to do her best for Brooke. She cares about her so much that she finds it a little bit dangerous.
Saturday rolls around in mere hours, and the day passes as a blur. Vanessa bites the skin around her nails so much that she bleeds and Brooke chastises her, goes to find plasters from the medics. She’s so nervous that she can’t even enjoy roasting Monique and Monet about the fact they’re dressed entirely as nuns (a Charleston to Sunday Morning Fever) or find hope in the fact that Gigi’s hands are shaking as she practises her hand jive with Crystal. She moves through the pro dance in a daze, not even the fact that it’s all being broadcast live affecting her. The pro dance is simply an inconvenience, something she needs to get through before the main event.
And then, thank God, they’re dancing first. She doesn’t need to wait too long before they’re both sitting on their set- the countertop of a diner, soft blue lights illuminating the studio- and finally, the commentator’s voice can be heard overhead.
“Dancing the Waltz…Brooke Lynn Hytes and Vanessa Mateo!”
Vanessa already feels emotional as the guitar strums out through the studio, filling the silent room with its warm sounds as Vanessa rolls her neck one way then the other, catching Brooke’s eyes.
“Sugar…sugar, butter…flour…”
Resting a palm against the blue countertop, Vanessa presses against the flecks of glitter that have been sprinkled there by the prop department and brings her arm softly over her head, letting the sparkling silver flecks scatter over her as Brooke mirrors her movements too. They do the same with the other arm; soft, slow movements that Vanessa takes her time over because this dance is precious to her and she doesn’t ever really want it to be over. Vanessa looks at Brooke and they share a smile, blowing a handful of glitter at each others’ faces just like they’d practised in rehearsal over and over.
“Sometimes I still see her…my mother, the dreamer…she’d say nothing’s impossible, child…”
Brooke lowers herself off the counter, picks Vanessa up on the last beat with her strong arms holding her waist. Vanessa pushes down on Brooke’s shoulders to elongate her frame as Brooke spins her around, then gently deposits her on her feet. Their foreheads are pressed together as Vanessa takes Brooke’s hand and they end up in hold; one elbow bent, the other slightly extended out in front of them as they hold hands. Brooke keeps her other hand on her back and Vanessa rests hers on Brooke’s forearm as they move across the ballroom.
“A dream needs believing…to taste like the real thing…like some stranger you recognize…”
The movements come to naturally to them both, their feet meeting and stepping in the classic 1-2-3, 1-2-3 style, and Vanessa’s sad she can’t turn and face Brooke, can’t look her in the eyes with adoration like she wants to on that last line because it’s crazy; this BBC One presenter that started out as some cute girl that flirted with her on the induction day has become someone Vanessa cherishes and cares for so much, and all from the fact fate put them together to dance as part of a TV show.
“So pure…so pure, so electric, so sure…so sure, so connected…”
They both extend out from each other then Brooke twirls Vanessa across to the other side of her, the little skater skirt on her diner costume kicking out into a perfect circle. They then do the same again- out, in, twirl across, swaying together like calm waters.
“To those little believers inside…”
As Vanessa meets Brooke and their bodies end up pressed together, she extends her leg up in a long, slow kick and keeps her other leg steady as she balances on the ball of her foot. Brooke walks her round with her arm around her waist, and their eye contact has a level of depth Vanessa’s not sure she’s shared with anyone she’s ever danced with before. There’s something more to it- this is more than a routine, it’s Vanessa expressing everything that Brooke makes her feel because at this point she’s Vanessa’s dream, her dream come true.
“May we all be…so lucky…”
Back into hold again, and the pair of them cross the floor in the same 1-2-3, 1-2-3 that they’ve practised so many times now. Vanessa wants to rest her head against Brooke’s shoulder, throw all tradition to one side if only to be closer to her for a little moment.
“But dreams are elusive…”
Vanessa twirls from hold to rest her hands on Brooke’s hips, and Brooke places her hands on her back as she spins Vanessa around in her arms, her feet working overtime as Vanessa extends her legs and points her toes.
“The kind we’ve gotten used to is nothing I can feel, nothing I can hold, nothing I can have, nothing that I know…”
They come to a stop; both facing forward, with Brooke’s arms around Vanessa’s shoulders and Vanessa gently holding her hands as Brooke pulls away, stepping back (two, three), back (two, three) away from her, and Vanessa finds herself involuntarily tearing up because even though it’s just a dance, for Christ’s sake, it still hits too close to home; that feeling of Brooke leaving, the thought of whatever it is they have fizzling out once the competition is over being just too painful to even contemplate.
“Dreams come and they…go…”
Vanessa whips around and runs to Brooke, jumping to her and wrapping her legs around her waist and her arms around her back as Brooke spins her around again.
“But hold them and keep them…and know that you need them…”
Back into waltz hold, and at this point Vanessa is unsure how she can see with the tears misting up her vision, lucky she’s not needed to look at her feet to dance since very probably 2008. Just like it had done in the dress rehearsal there’s silver confetti and glitter raining down upon them, and Vanessa wants to bottle how she feels right now, this equilibrium of nostalgia and sorrow and happiness.
“When your breaking point’s all that you have…a dream is a soft place to land.”
They walk slowly and carefully over to the diner counter they began their dance on, swinging their entwined hands in time to the strum of the guitar. Brooke reaches the counter and sweeps the rest of the glitter away with a perfectly straight arm, clearing the surface before she pushes onto it and hoists herself back up with pointed feet.
“May we all be…so lucky…”
Vanessa joins Brooke sitting on the countertop and they finish with Vanessa resting one hand on top of Brooke’s and bringing the other up to cup her jaw gently, pressing their foreheads together again and reminding Vanessa all too much of kissing her. She wants to so much, but she settles for bringing her lips as close as she can to Brooke’s without touching as they both close their eyes.
“Sugar, butter…flour.”
When Vanessa’s eyes open, they’re filled with tears. Brooke’s green ones are the same, and Vanessa lets out a laugh of relief as the audience’s cheers fill the air. They both did the dance justice, and they did themselves proud. As they hop off the countertop and hold each other in a tight hug Vanessa tells Brooke as much, and Brooke nuzzles her head in the crook of her neck kissing her once, twice, three times.
Michelle calls them over excitedly and interviews Brooke. All the while Vanessa can feel her heart going like a freight train, so full of affection and pride for Brooke but so full of anticipation and nerves for what the judges will say. And as Michelle comes to Bianca first, Vanessa holds her breath.
Bianca moves her papers around on her desk, and if Vanessa had been in a chair she’d be on the edge of it. Bianca pauses, looks up, finally opens her mouth to speak. “Well that, I thought, was beautiful.”
Vanessa flinches as Brooke punches the air beside her, then brings her arm round to wrap around Vanessa’s waist in an excited hug. Vanessa is bouncing on the balls of her feet in happiness. Is it too much to hope for another forty a week after their first one?
“Your timing was excellent, the emotional connection you both have is just unparalleled, everything was just so very clean and beautiful. Unfortunately…”
The audience starts booing in anticipation of Bianca’s next comments, and Vanessa’s heart sinks.
“…I can’t give you a perfect score for this Waltz, because there were a lot of Contemporary elements in there. They were beautiful, and I did love the dance! But sadly, not really a pure Waltz. But you should still be very proud of yourself, Brooke Lynn, well done.”
Vanessa tried to make the smile on her face seem genuine as the audience clapped Bianca’s comments and the spotlight moved to Shangela.
“Yeah, um…” Shangela began, her face set in a frown of concern which made Vanessa’s guts twist. There was a pause as she looked down at her desk, then back up at Brooke. “I mean, Brooke Lynn, you know I love you, girl, and there’s absolutely no denying that dance was gorgeous…however…”
The audience begin booing again as if they’re at a pantomime, and Vanessa can feel all the perfect little pieces of choreography she’d spent so much time on and worked so hard on slowly crumble to dust.
“…as Bianca said, it’s a hard one to judge because you know I love my Ballroom, and that wasn’t…really…a Waltz? But whatever it was, it was very beautiful. I just hope that it doesn’t put you in a precarious position tonight.”
And with that comment, Vanessa’s whole world freezes over.
Worry consumes her. She can hear Kennedy and Laganja speak, see their lips move, hear the audience laugh at some joke Laganja makes, but nothing registers in her brain. Shangela’s last sentence just repeats on a loop in her head. It doesn’t stop as she and Brooke make their way up to the Divinatorium, as they’re interviewed by Divina, and as the camera pans to the judges. Vanessa feels sick as Bianca holds up her paddle.
Shangela holds up hers. “Eight!”
“Nine!” Kennedy smiles.
“Nina!” Laganja agrees.
Thirty five. They’ve dropped five marks since last week, and it’s nowhere near what they should be scoring at this stage of the competition.
Vanessa is frightened.
Brooke is smiling at the scores but by the way her grip tightens around Vanessa’s waist she can tell something is wrong, and by the time they get backstage Vanessa can barely hold back the tears that are dotting her lower lashes.
“Woah, woah,” Brooke stops her, takes both her hands and steps close to her as Vanessa sniffs uncontrollably. “It’s okay, baby. It’s going to be okay.”
“I’m sorry,” Vanessa whispers out, heartbroken. “I should’ve just kept it to a normal Waltz…if we have to dance again it’ll be all my fault…”
“Hey. Listen to me,” Brooke says sternly, dropping one of Vanessa’s hands to point at her. “What did I tell you in Blackpool?”
Vanessa, even though she’s upset and scared, can’t help the little twinkle that leaps into her eyes. “You told me a lot of things in Blackpool, ‘specially in that hotel room.”
“Christ, stop talking. I’m trying to be serious here,” Brooke exhales a laugh, looking at the floor bashfully. “Before we danced and you got nervous. I said that this isn’t about the competition for me anymore. It’s about getting to dance with you and see you every day. I meant that, ‘Ness. If we have to do that dance again, then we go out and we have the best time doing it, especially if it could be our last time. I don’t want you being upset. You know if you start crying it’s only a matter of time before I join you.”
Vanessa sniffs, wipes at her tears delicately with one finger. “I guess part of me is so sad because…if we get knocked out then I don’t get to see you every day any more. You’ll go back to bein’ busy at work, an’ I’ll still have pro rehearsals…we’ll just fall out of touch and drift apart.”
“Excuse me? Who the hell says?!” Brooke laughs in incredulity, and her outrage makes Vanessa’s spirits lift a little. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. God, Vanessa, I care about you so much. If you think all this is for me is just a random hookup while I learn to fucking two-step then you’re so far from the truth.”
Vanessa’s heart gives a flutter and a huge thud which sets her pulse off racing. She wants to ask Brooke what the truth is for her, what she means by all this, but there’s already too much happening tonight and Christ, if there’s ever a time that she needs to focus on the competition, it’s probably now. So instead she looks up at Brooke from under her lashes, composes herself and smiles softly at her.
“That’s not at all what this is for me either.”
Brooke squeezes her hands, smiles back at her gently. “Well. Good.”
Then, darting her eyes up and down the corridor, she leans in and plants a soft kiss to Vanessa’s forehead. Vanessa closes her eyes and smiles, until she opens them and sees Brooke recoiling in horror.
“Fuck. I forgot I was wearing lipstick.”
Vanessa splutters a laugh, rubs furiously at her forehead and inspects the heel of her hand where there’s a bright red smudge as if she’s squashed an insect.
“Dummy. Guess we better get ourselves to makeup.”
It’s easy to forget about the prospect of the dance off when she’s mucking around in makeup with the girls and Brooke, or when she’s watching the other girls dance in the Divinatorium, or when she’s performing her second pro dance to be broadcast on Sunday’s results show. But when the couples all gather on stage again to stand under their single spotlights and the results are imminent, well. It’s frankly impossible for Vanessa’s heart to stop racing, for her mouth to be any more dry, for her stomach to stop flipping over and over and over again as if it’s on a wash and dry cycle. Michelle opens her mouth and Vanessa’s nerves shoot through the roof.
“Couples, I can now reveal who is going through to the semi-finals…and who will be dancing to stay in the competition another week.”
The studio lights go down and envelop everything their spotlight doesn’t touch in shadows, and Vanessa immediately feels as if she’s five years old and scared of the dark all over again. She’s got one hand around Brooke’s waist and the other holding the hand Brooke’s slung over her shoulder, and she can feel both their palms slick with sweat as Brooke grips her hand tightly.
“The first couple safe and through to the semi-final is…”
The drum beat rings out into Elstree, and it is as if time stands still. Vanessa feels as if she’s frozen, her fate hanging in the balance of a presenter and an earpiece.
Dum-tsh-tsh, dum-tsh-tsh, dum-tsh-tsh…
“Gigi and Crystal!”
Vanessa’s heart plummets as she claps and smiles tightly. She’s happy for Crystal. She’s happy for her friend. Of course she was going to get this far, she’s one of the best pros in the competition. But this means that now there’s less chance of Vanessa, Akeria and Monique all being in the semis together. Vanessa tries to take a deep breath but it comes in all shaky and paper-thin instead.
“The next couple safe and with a place in the semi-finals is…”
She feels Brooke take her arm and squeeze it. It’s the action that reassures her that she hasn’t, in fact, gone numb. Vanessa feels as if she’s disconnected from her body, floating high above it like she’s on morphine. If this place goes to Jan and Jackie, it means the three of them won’t get to keep going together. And that’s a horrible thought.
“…Jan and Jackie!”
As Jan screams in delight and jumps up and down on the steps, Vanessa wants to scream for a very different reason. She looks over at Monet and Monique as she claps, her gaze meeting Monique’s in a similarly mournful expression.
Love you, Vanessa mouths. Monique says it back.
“Okay, Akeria and Asia…Monet and Monique…Brooke Lynn and Vanessa. That means there is only one guaranteed place left in the semi finals. I’m now going to say the name of the couple earning that place, and the remaining two will be dancing for survival. The last couple through to next week…is…”
Dum-tsh-tsh, dum-tsh-tsh, dum-tsh-tsh. Vanessa feels herself tremble in her character shoes. She can feel Brooke gripping her hand with such intensity and perhaps it would’ve hurt if her whole body wasn’t completely filled with adrenaline, anticipation, hope and fear. Vanessa can hear the minute catch in Michelle’s throat as she goes to speak and every muscle in her body tenses up.
“Monet and Monique!”
A lot happens at once. Their white spotlight suddenly flushes them in red, Vanessa feeling like Carrie on prom night. Monet and Monique wrap each other in a hug, the pair of them wearing very relieved but incredibly upset expressions. Vanessa can see tears begin to stream from Monique’s eyes. If she leans forward she can see Akeria looking at her with a grim smile, her body language resigned and deflated.
When Vanessa turns to look at Brooke, she has to take a deep breath to hold back her tears. Brooke instantly wraps her in a cuddle, whispers into her ear.
“It’s not over, babe…it’s not over, don’t worry…we can do this.”
Vanessa breaks away, nodding, and when she goes to hug Monique her friend only ends up sobbing harder. Vanessa knows how she must be feeling, because she’s feeling it too- it would’ve been so amazing to progress the whole way with her two friends all together, and now that one of them is guaranteed to be leaving it hurts badly.
“That means that Akeria and Asia…Brooke Lynn and Vanessa…I’m sorry, you four, but you will be facing the dance off.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” Vanessa mutters, hoping all too late that it isn’t picked up by her mic. From the fact that nobody’s given a cataclysmically horrified reaction, she can safely assume it wasn’t.
Michelle announces that Akeria and Asia will be dancing first. They were doing an Argentine Tango, and Vanessa knows how hard it is. She’s so torn. Part of her wants her friend to keep going, to win the whole thing on her behalf. The other part of her selfishly wants her and Brooke to stay in and knock them out, to progress and prove how amazing Brooke is. Not that she’s biased.
As Akeria and Asia take their positions on the dancefloor in their leather jackets and wet-look leggings, Brooke and Vanessa stand to the side, their fingers tangled together as they not so much hold hands but cling to each other. The music begins and so does the girls’ routine.
“This is weird…it’s weird…this is weird…super weird…”
Vanessa gives a bitter, mirthless chuckle. You got that right, song.
“What can we even improve on? Technique wise, we were fine. The judges just didn’t think it was a Waltz,” Brooke frowns at her side, whispering. Vanessa knows she has to put her professional hat on, look at it from a competitive perspective.
“So we gotta make sure we nail the sections in hold. And really amp up the emotion. Which’ll be easy, ‘cuz I feel like my heart’s about to break out of my ass.”
Brooke’s hands fly to her mouth as she covers up her snort of laughter. Vanessa smiles guiltily at her. After a second’s thought, she takes her hand again, gentler this time.
“But most of all…” Vanessa concedes, taking the first properly deep, calming breath she’s been able to manage as all of Brooke’s words from earlier run through her mind. “…we enjoy it. We make the most of it. ‘Cuz if it really is my last dance with you, then it better not be shit.”
Vanessa thinks she sees the shimmer of tears in Brooke’s eyes before she laughs and looks to the floor. “Okay. I promise. It won’t be shit.”
And as the audience clap, Vanessa realises it’s their turn at last. Michelle congratulates Akeria and Asia and wishes her and Brooke luck as they take to the floor and perch on the diner counter that a runner has hastily trundled on.
“Dancing for a place in the semi-finals, please welcome…Brooke Lynn and Vanessa!”
The guitar strums out again as Vanessa rolls her neck one way and then the other.
“Sugar…sugar, butter…flour…”
And their dance is as good the second time round. It’s better, and Vanessa feels more. She completes the entire dance on the precipice of tears, holding tightly to Brooke whenever there’s an opportunity because dreams come and they go, and Vanessa doesn’t want to let go. Brooke’s reassured her thousands of times how much she means to her, and it hits Vanessa with a startling clarity that that means more to her than any title, any competition, any trophy.
When their dance finishes and their foreheads press together, it takes everything in her power not to throw caution to the wind and kiss Brooke, try to communicate everything she feels without speaking, without anything a mic could pick up on. As they grip their hands tightly together and go to join Akeria and Asia in front of the judges’ table, Vanessa can only wrap an arm around Brooke’s waist and use her as an anchor.
“Akeria and Asia and Brooke Lynn and Vanessa have now done all they can. Judges, I’m now going to ask you for the name of the couple you wish to save and put through to next week’s semi final. In the event of a split decision, head judge Shangela, you will have the deciding vote. Good luck to both couples…this is it.”
There’s a pause as Michelle comes to the first judge. “Bianca, who do you want to see in next week’s semi final and why?”
Vanessa can only take a few short, tiny breaths as Bianca replies to Michelle. “I really loved the refreshing fusion of this particular dance, and I thought it was performed very, very well. So the couple I am saving is Brooke Lynn and Vanessa.”
Vanessa feels like deflating in shock. Brooke Lynn leans down to her ear, whispers a see! which she wants to believe with all her heart but there’s still three judges left to vote and she’s not getting complacent yet.
“Kennedy. Coming to you now, who would you like to save?”
Kennedy lets out a huge sigh, as if she’s the one whose future in the competition is being decided. “Honestly, I have to say…this decision gets harder every single week. It really does. You were both brilliant and I loved both performances…but I’m going to save Brooke Lynn and Vanessa.”
Another vote in their favour. Vanessa feels a little as if there’s a knife twisting in her stomach as she looks over at Akeria and Asia, the two girls hanging their heads sadly as they clap for the pair of them.
“Two votes for Brooke Lynn and Vanessa, that means that if Laganja votes to save them they will be going through to next week’s semi final. Laganja, coming to you now. Who would you like to save and why?”
Laganja sucks air in through her teeth. “It truly does get tougher every week, Michelle, but purely based on what I’ve just seen…I have to save Akeria and Asia.”
Vanessa’s heart plummets. She claps for her friend as the vote moves to Shangela, but her pulse is going entirely too fast and her hopes are raised so high and she holds her breath and she holds Brooke’s hand as Shangela begins to speak.
“Well as the others have said, this is a very difficult decision this week, and both dances were outstanding. But for me, it’s a matter of personal taste and I have to go with the couple I felt had the most content…I’m saving Akeria and Asia.”
And it’s done.
Their journey, just like that, is over.
Asia’s mouth is hanging open and Akeria’s hands fly to her face as Vanessa and Brooke clap for them. Vanessa is proud of her friend. She is, she’s not bitter, but she wishes with all her heart things could have been different. Her pulse slows to a gutted, disappointed decline as Michelle confirms what they already know- that she and Brooke Lynn are leaving the competition. Vanessa crosses over to the other couple and, as Brooke hugs Asia in congratulations, Vanessa clings to her friend and grips her in a tight hug.
“Fuck, V…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-”
“Hey. Listen. You an’ Mo are doin’ this for me now too, okay? Go get that fuckin’ crown. You both deserve it so much,” Vanessa mutters back urgently, truly meaning it all. If neither of them win she’s not going to speak to them for a month. She’s kidding. Probably.
Michelle beckons them over as the audience claps and cheers for the pair of them. It’s the exact definition of bittersweet, and Vanessa presses a hand to the small of Brooke’s back as Brooke hugs Michelle with one arm.
“Brooke Lynn, you have been amazing…look at the audience, all on their feet, the judges on their feet…have you enjoyed your time on the show?”
“Oh, goodness, to be here dancing every week…I’ve just truly, truly loved every minute, and I have to say thank you to everyone behind the scenes that makes this show happen, I have literally lived out a dream being here…and I have to thank my dance partner…c’mere-”
With that, Brooke breaks off, turns and hugs her, and Vanessa can feel the lump that’s already in her throat becoming impossible to ignore. She can’t cry; it’s Brooke’s moment, and she can’t take that away from her, but the opportunity to tell the nation how amazing she is overwhelming.
“You’ve been brilliant, and you got to dance with two pros! Not many Strictly stars can say that,” Michelle smiles at Brooke, and Vanessa almost forgets about Plastique. That whole scenario seems so long ago now, and it makes her want to laugh. Michelle casts a hand over to the monitor beside the camera, prompting them both to look. “Here are some of your best bits before you leave us.”
And they watch it all. Vanessa watches little sections of each dance they did intercut with Brooke talking about her own journey- how happy she was when she got partnered with her, how she opened the first show, how their breakthrough dance was Runaway Baby and how things only got better from there. How special Blackpool was (Vanessa gives her a little dig in the ribs in response to that). And then it shows the comments Vanessa has been asked to give about Brooke, where she’d basically just gushed at the camera.
“To me, Brooke Lynn is what Strictly is all about. I’m so proud of her and what she’s achieved…and I can’t put it into words how much I’ve loved being partnered with her. Next year’s partner is gonna have a hard time coming close.”
To finish, production has put a clip of them finishing their Waltz into the final clip of the video, and Brooke’s voice can be heard over it. “It’s been a dream come true doing Strictly…and it’s been a truly magical experience.”
As the clip ends, Michelle turns to them both and directs a question to her. “You’ve been an amazing partnership…Vanessa, what would you like to say to Brooke?”
There’s a beat of silence in which Brooke turns to look at her, and it’s happening- Vanessa can feel the tears burning her eyes. She takes a deep breath, takes both of Brooke’s hands tightly and sighs.
“Oh my God, so much. So much I wanna say…I’ve been sayin’ it all competition but I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I got somethin’ better than the glitterball…I got you, and you were the best,” Vanessa hears her voice crack, and the audience starts to clap and cheer in encouragement. When Vanessa looks back up at Brooke, she sees two black mascara tears running down each cheek. She can’t help but laugh nervously at how ridiculous they must look. “You’ll never know how amazing you made this experience for me…just by being you. So thank you so much. You’re incredible.”
With that she crashes her head against Brooke’s chest, throws her arms around her and tries to hold back the rest of her tears. She can hear Michelle beckoning them onto the dancefloor for one last dance and then reading out the information about next week’s show.
“I wish I could’ve taken you further,” Vanessa sniffs, shaking her head sadly. Brooke’s got a nostalgic sort of smile on her face as she breaks away from the hug and takes Vanessa’s elbow, leading her out onto the dancefloor.
“I wouldn’t change a single thing about any of this,” Brooke squeezes her arm, places both her hands on Vanessa’s hips as Vanessa slides hers around Brooke’s neck. Brooke’s face breaks into a bittersweet grin as she winks at her. “Okay, no more crying. It’s our last dance in Elstree, I don’t want to have to spend it trying to find you a tissue.”
Vanessa bursts out laughing at her joke. For the millionth time that evening, it occurs to her just how much she wants to kiss her in front of everybody.
Michelle announces their last dance and the pair of them begin to step as the music starts. When Vanessa realises what the song is, she throws her head back and laughs at the cheesiness of it all.
“We got a little world of our own, I’ll tell you things that no one else knows, I’ll let you in where no-one else goes…what am I doing without you…”
As the key change kicks in, Brooke picks Vanessa up and spins her around fast, Vanessa squealing happily as Brooke shows off by holding her with only one arm wrapped around her. She still feels safe, though. She always feels safe when she’s with Brooke. And even though their Strictly journey is over, she can’t help but feel excited for the new one they’re about to embark on together- navigating their feelings for each other after the show, which from the way Vanessa is feeling as Brooke smiles at her and looks into her eyes is dangerously close to something she once felt for a different dancer who broke her heart a little while ago.
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redspiderling · 4 years
Total Film Interview
OK. Guys. I realise my posts today have been particularly gloomy but. BUT. Something magical has come my way and I’d love to share it with you.
You know sometimes when talking (or raging) about Marvel, and most specifically about Natasha, it feels like throwing bottles into the ocean? 
You never expect an actual response (as in change, or improvement, or a hint that they’ve managed to connect with their audiences) that seems to be reflecting the subjects of the conversation. 
Well, imagine my shock, awe, and consequent excitement when I was reading the Black Widow cover story in Total Film, and for the first time in years I saw my thoughts reflected back at me from the creative team of the film!
Just a note before you begin reading: While there are obviously no outright spoilers through the interview, the director and the cast were entirely unafraid to describe what the film is about, in a fairly explanatory way. So if you want to be completely in the dark regarding the plot of the film, don’t read any further that this.
Seriously, this isn’t like the Endgame material where all we got was “it’s great go see it”, they really talked about the film and it was fucking glorious.
If you don’t want to be spoiled at all about this movie, let me at least assure you that after reading this cover story I am mostly convinced this film will be magnificent, and everything we’ve been wanting for Natasha for so many years (and probably some stuff we never thought we’d get to see on screen).
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I don’t want to post the entire cover story because that’s just not fair to the magazine. But it was a very thorough piece and I can share with you the worthiest of quotes.
During the interview with Scarlett, she mentioned of course that she wouldn’t have been interested in making this film unless the story was good and to that, I quote:
The key was finding Cate Shortland. Marvel has made a habit of taking well-regarded indie directors [...] and giving them a multi-million dollar platform to tell superhero stories. 
Despite this, for Shortland [...] there was some hesitation at taking the job:
“Scarlett and I Skyped when I was in Australia. [...] I was still trying to work out whether I wanted to do the movie, because I just couldn’t believe that they were asking me. I just thought, What a strange mix. Me and Marvel?”
Hours of conversations were had but, eventually, the filmmaker was convinced this would be a character piece worth investigating. Shortland quickly began working with a Russian researcher to create background files for Natasha.
That was the first time that had been done in  years, she continues.
“And I remember Scarlett coming to me and saying God, I really am Russian. That was really great.”
Padding out Natasha’s background helped ground the character for Johansson like never before, and gave the writing ream new material to delve into.
Suffice to say that I literally squealed of joy when I read these lines. 
Guys, Cate has done a wonderful job already. Cate has made Natasha RUSSIAN. Something I’ve been bitching about for YEARS and yet never expected to see realised on screen.
Even better, laten during the interview Scarlett mentions that the time period was chosen specifically because there wasn’t anything major going on; and they wanted it to be a quiet time because, as Scarlett says: 
“for Natasha this was really an opportunity to not run and be self-reflective. And that’s when all this stuff creeps out.”
Digging head-first into Natasha’s story wasn’t simple. In fact, Johansson admits that the whole scripting process was “extremely stressful” because there was so much of the character’s past to explore. 
“We came to a big pitch that was super-existential and very poetic”
I’m not exaggerating when I admit that this was me reading those lines:
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For the record, pitch is when your story is ready to be delivered to a producer, it’s basically the essence of the script.
Again, according to these interviews the story of the Russian family was in accordance with Feige’s vision for the film, and with the elements Shortland wanted to express through it as a story, that Natasha be viewed as a person “She’s not a superhero in those scenes; she’s a daughter or a sister.”
It’s also worthy to note that according to Scarlett they’ve made complex relationships with the other characters, tightly woven stories that are more complex than the relationships Natasha has had on film so far (I know, I know, the bar was set low, but still!)
And because Cate just had to give me another reason to love her: 
“Natasha has a fear of being loved, Shortland adds, “She’s really Teflon-coated, and she’s a fetishised character. So you don’t see, often, the depth to her. What we wanted to see was her forgive herself and allow people in. I think that’s really beautiful because it allows the audience to see her in a different way. 
What I wanted to make sure was that I connected her to the universe. I’m not talking about the Marvel Universe, but to a wider universe, so that the audience felt like she was connected to the spiritual world and she wasn’t just a woman in leather kicking ass, that she was a vulnerable, raw, angry, illogical creature who’d been damaged as a kid. How do you make sense of that as an adult? And how do you forgive those around you that have caused the trauma?
I was honest to God openly crying by this point.
Which means it’s a good thing I waited till I got home to read this, but believe you me, it gets better, because according to Weisz and Florence (bless their souls), if this material sounds heavy to you for a Marvel movie, that’s because it IS.
“This film is about the abuse of women... About Girls who are stolen”.
For Shortland, Natasha’s story naturally lean towards these more serious subjects due to the very nature of the character in comparison to the other avengers.
“She’s the only character that doesn’t have superpowers. We saw that as a strength, because she always has to dig really deep to get out of shit situations. And we just put her in a lot of hard situations. I thought about women walking to the train station being attacked, and what happens. Natasha’s like Clarice, from the Silence of the Lambs. It’s great, because when she holds her gun, it shakes. But she’s still really tough inside, and resilient. And I wanted to bring that to the character. So you’re not just watching her fly through situations, knowing she’ll get out of it. You want to see her grit and determination. And that’s what we got.
Guys, this is perfect. I already love this film. I know I will be eternally grateful to all these women for what they’ve done for us. If you can, please go out and get Total Film, they did an amazing job and they deserve to get some recognition. If I could I would frame my copy, as it is I’m putting it in a vault because I want to keep this because some day we’ll be writing articles about these people. 
It’s a huge cover story and offers a lot of information on the secondary characters as well (including Yelena who is a vastly different character to Natasha, and their reasoning behind those differences is exceptional).
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monomonomagines · 4 years
Part One of the V3 Girls as Monsters with a Human S/o
Hey! I’m really sorry for Kirumi and Kaede being so long while Angie and Tenko’s are a lot shorter. For Kaede and Kirumi it was plot relevance that required them to belong but my lack of self-control that made Tenko’s especially short. I just love her and orcs way too much. Regardless of my rambles, I hope you guys still enjoy this as much as I did writing them. 
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(Part 2 here)
Kaede (Siren)
You hadn't expected to ever win a cruise from a giveaway. You just decided to try your luck for the heck of it as it was free.
But then next thing you knew you were on board and were ready to set sail to your first destination.
It was a luxury that you were unaccustomed to but it wasn't necessarily bad. The sea was a whole new territory that you hadn't ventured in before that day but it was exciting none the less.
Maybe because of how exciting it was, you were kept up at night.
All you could do was toss and turn and fiddle with a ring your mother had given to see you off when your ears picked up a sound in the distance.
At first, you assumed it was some kind of animal or something but as you walked onto the deck it almost sounded like some kind of weird wailing.
Was someone calling to your boat for help or something? You strained your ears trying to pick up the sound by getting closer and closer.
Before you knew it you were drawn in by the sound so much that you disregarded when you pressed yourself up against the rails on the deck.
That is until you fell over into the dark ocean water. Before you could know what was happening it felt as though what you thought to be wailing before drew closer and closer until you lost consciousness.
When you had awoken though, you were on a beach shore with a blonde girl looking over at you. "Hey, are you ok?"
"I think so? Did you...save me?" You ask confused as to what happened.
"Well technically, although you might've fallen overboard because of me..." She retorts sounding as though she was blaming herself.
You were confused by her remark only disregarding it due to how worn out you were as you sat up to look at her. However, that's when it clicked.
She was a mermaid, or rather a siren. Yet she saved you? This just made you more confused and maybe it was because of how disoriented you still felt but all you could think of was how you should repay her.
You didn't have anything on you other than your ring so without thinking you pressed into her palm without thinking. "Here.."
Your mind was in a haze still but you knew for sure what was happening next for certain, she was pulling you into an embrace.
"I didn't realize humans were so bold. Of course, I'll marry you!" She beams excitedly adding, "This is just like in the fairy tales and things!"
"Oh y-yeah?" She was so excited that you really didn't want to burst her bubble so for you decided to just prioritize getting back. If you had to with a new wife than so be it.
You explain to her that you need to get back to the cruise ship and she immediately would talk about how she's heard of a witch that could help.
"I'll get her to help us! I'll get a disguise or maybe some legs like you and we'll get you back to the ship safe and sound!"
Well at least she had a plan you thought but there'd be a lot of explaining to do when you'd see your family again.
Kirumi (High Ranking Demon)
When your friend sent you a text and a link to some demon summoning ritual you thought that this would just be another boring night.
You'd try to summon some demon, nothing would happen because they're not real and then you'd just continue to text your buddies after.
Fate had other plans for you though. As soon as you had completed the ritual you hadn't been taking serious a cloud of smoke rose up from the summoning circle and out stepped a pristine looking demon.
You immediately fall back on your ass as you gaze up at her as she daintily steps towards you, giving a small curtsy.
"Hello, Master. What may I assist you with?" She asks in earnest, merely gazing up at you with her one uncovered eye as she waits patiently for a response.
In a moment of panic, you quickly send a text saying you need to go to your friends and look back up at her. "Help me with?"
"Yes, I am here to assist, so please do not hesitate to issue an order for me." She repeats, seeming far more robotic than demonic to you.
"What if I.....what if I don't have a request right now?" You ask, finally standing from your position on the floor.
"Then I shall wait until you do. For now, I will assume the role of a housekeeper by default but do feel free to use my powers for anything that comes to mind."
She draws closer as the conversation dips, adding in an eery tone. "I am fully capable to do anything you want. I never leave a client unsatisfied and have served thousands of others, including Satan himself so please do not hesitate to request whatever your heart desires."
 Man was she scary and even if you did request anything that article said she'd take life force in exchange for your request. So how could you do anything knowing that?
For the time being, she simply served as something similar to a housewife. She cleaned, she cooked, and she offered to fulfill your wildest desires for the price of some of your life force.
Ok, it definitely wasn't normal but you did grow to enjoy her presence still as time went on.
You two had a sort of bond that was inexplainable but you knew you wanted to deepen it as you grew close.
And so, you finally had one request of her. "Kirumi I finally know what I want."
"Yes, what is it?" She asks tilting her head as she stops her usual cleaning.
"I want you to stay with me forever Kirumi." You admit rather bashfully as you notice her put a gloved finger up to her eyes to brush away a stray tear.
You didn't know demons could cry but you were just as surprised to be hearing what you wanted to, as to be seeing the tears streaming down her cheeks at that moment. "It's a deal."
Angie (Water Nymph)
You had been taking a walk to clear your head when you had come across a lake.
Today had been a long and stressful day so you decided to sit down by the lake as you let out an audible sigh.
Sometimes it felt like you were all alone, so you simply gazed down at your reflection cast by the lake when you noticed something odd.
Why was there a face other than yours in the water? Before you could think on it further that same grinning face popped out of the water with a sprightly laugh.
"Nyahahaha! Peek-a-boo!" Her voice rings loud and clear as you nearly fall over.
"Wha-what!? How were you under the water!?" You question completely drenched by her sudden appearance.
"That? It's because of Atua's miracles! He made me as I am so now I can be one with the water!" She proudly announces, not midding a beat as you just look on in utter confusion.
"So you're like a water nymph and Atua is like a Greek God then?"
"No, no, no!" She chides, Atua is completely different! How silly of you to think that some Greek God made me."
"Yeah....silly me?" You question not sure what she wants until she grabs ahold of your hands with her own smaller ones.
"Yes! I've seen you come by here before but I've decided!" She announces again.
"Decided what?" You really weren't following her at all. She's a Nymph but she isn't Greek somehow and now she's deciding something. Based on what?
"I've decided that you have to be mine! Atua predicted you would come so there's no choice. We'll be together forever!"
"Hold on, I can't live in a lake, I-" Before you can finish she tries to pull you into the lake only to end up with the two of you becoming even more drenched.
"How about I take you home instead? I really can't live in the water like you." You try to negotiate, knowing that there's' no getting away from her.
"Yes, yes! That's a perfect idea!" She agrees holding you tight as she whispers in your ear. "We'll never be apart!"
Tenko (Orc)
You had been walking through the woods, trying to clear your head when you happened to bump into a man. 
You didn’t mean anything by it of course but it seemed that trouble was attracted to you today. 
You really weren’t expecting this at all though. How could anyone expect to be harassed for something as simple as bumping into someone on a night stroll?
You were already in quite the amount of disbelief but that only continued when a giant orc woman came flying out of nowhere.
It felt like one of those superhero movies or something with the way she arrived in the nick of time.
As soon as that man you ran into nearly put his hands on you she came flying out of nowhere, kicking your assailant right in the face.
He was immediately KO'd and now you were left with your savior. A giant hulking orc woman.
"Hmph, what a degenerate male, picking a fight with someone so much weaker than them!" She scoffs soon turning back to you.
You really weren't as weak as she thought but it was still nice of her to protect you.
"Are you ok?" She asks looking you over.
"Yeah, I'm alright thanks to you but how could I ever repay you?" You ask noticing how her cheeks flush even in the dark of the night.
"Ah well....you know...I..." She could barely spit it out as you patiently waited for her to finish. "You could give me a date!"
A date? A date with your hero!? You may not have been having the best day but this was certainly the highlight of it.
"Sure I can give you a date, but you want to date me?" You point to yourself as if to emphasize your point when she shakes her head profusely.
"Of course I do! You're..you're so cute after all so how couldn't I!?"
After that night you were going to your first of many dates with Tenko and you were more excited than anything. 
You two would go to dinner and she’d walk you home holding your smaller hand in her own. 
As you’d approach the door you’d give her a small peck on the cheek that she’d return with her own bone-crushing hug.
“You’re so cute! I love you, S/o!”
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Tiamat- Build Speculations
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Please note before I begin with this post this is being written on the day of Tiamat’s full reveal and before any PTS and official gameplay has been revealed. If this is read at a later date I’d like you to keep that in mind.
While I am definitely not a competitive player I would like to think that I am well versed with my mages even the more difficult ones such as Hel, Persephone and hopefully I can add Tiamat to my repertoire. Anyway without further delay let’s begin!
Starters, oh starters, what’s a girl to choose?
First of course to discuss is the new starters and which I believe Tiamat will perform best with. When it comes to the three basic mage starters, I believe all have some merit to choosing them with Tiamat.
Conduit Gem- Early game with Tiamat having limited abilities having extra damage on her 1 will be helpful especially since at level 5 and below she will at most have 2 ranks in this ability. When it comes to upgrades, my suggestion for conduit gem is most definitely Gem of Focus over Archmage’s Gem. Tiamat has a lot of abilities that she’ll be wanting to cast regularly, Archmage’s Gem meanwhile benefits gods that just rely on a few abilities to deal big damage.
Gem of Focus meanwhile can provide a Tiamat with everything a dragon like her would desire. Extra damage, extra movement speed and extra mitigations by constantly casting. Both Flying and Grounded Tiamat will desire those attributes.
Sands of Time- Any stance switcher such as Tiamat can benefit from a sands of time. Extra mana recovery and cooldown? This in my opinion is the best early game option for Tiamat. However she does lack the extra damage of conduit gem the early cooldown at level 1 can help remedy this. 
Now upgrades are a little trickier. Pendulum of Ages when Tiamat is released will be providing 20% cooldown. In a vacuum this is good. Tiamat would definitely want her cooldown. But there’s other items competing for that spot. Spear of Desolation, Soul Gem, Chronos Pendant even plenty of protection options are all fierce competitors for Pendulum of Ages, with potion of magical might also providing cooldown. I personally feel that there’s not too much room for those 20% cooldown items for mages.
Alternate Timeline is well Alternate Timeline, I don’t think anyone benefits a lot from it’s current state.
Vampiric Shroud- I say this is good for Tiamat specifically for two distinctive reasons, her passive and her solo lane potential. The sustain from her passive and this starter is what’ll give her the best chance of thriving in solo lane. The upgrades however, I don’t believe are going to be the best for Tiamat.
Blood Soaked Shroud might be good on Tiamat due to her plentiful abilities and instances of damage but I’m not going to bet on it. Sacrificial Shroud I would advise to stay far away from. Tiamat has a lot of abilities she’ll want to cast often. Having that 5% health cost per ability is more of a detriment in my eyes for her. 
Sure, guys let’s get the dragon stacked, that’s a great idea!
Despite the title’s little sarcastic joke let’s discuss stacking for Tiamat and can it work? In my humble view, unless you’re a hunter or a certain Baba Yaga stacking is not in your best interest. Book of Thoth and Warlock’s Staff have a lot of competition. Especially due to starters being crucial to have, mages generally have limited space for their choices so understandably these two items aren’t going to be able to fit.
Now if you want to stack on Tiamat, I believe it’s possible. But by all means it’s possible on anyone. Trust me I’ve seen a Ganesha build stacks and no it was not gauntlet of thebes. 
Book of Thoth is good if you want to stay around and cast frequently without worrying about mana. As a stance switcher, Tiamat definitely fits into that category. Plus possibly adding a shield with Book of The Dead could be fruitful with her Grounded stance. But the problem is that there’s limited room. Mages in general will also need their cooldown and penetration. With starters and boots staying around for most of the game, mages have little room to compromise.
Warlock’s Staff meanwhile is a better option for Tiamat stacking wise. It provides high mana, health, power and some penetration. Slap on some cooldown and this item would be perfection. The main competition however is Ethereal Staff. Which doesn’t require stacks to build and works of maximum health making it useful at every stage and is less time consuming.
Spears, a mage’s best friend
Let’s talk about possibly one of the best item trees for mages in general. Magical Focus’ item tree. Almost every mage can benefit from at least one of these items. ADC mages less so but there’s still some tempting options for them too.
Spear of Desolation and Spear of Magus in my opinion are going to be Tiamat’s best friends. The only mage not to benefit from the new spear of desolation would be Hel because she has basically no cooldown on her ult anyway. Tiamat having a very low cooldown with the occassional 8s off will let her keep casting her ultimates to her heart;s whim.
Spear of Magus is equally appealing if not more so. I say this for one simple reason. The damage bonus applies to all damage regardless of source. What does that mean? Tiamat’s little children will also be dealing additional damage which is not something to dismiss. Tiamat also is more suited to sustained damage so her kit in general will benefit from this item.
Divine Ruin is as always divine ruin. For ability mages this is your anti heal option. Since Tiamat does have some DoTs in her kit she can keep this effect sustained for longer periods of time.
Dragon Queen’s Hoard
Now let’s talk about some general items without putting them into specific categories.
Rod of Tahuti- I highlight this option because with the current passive it was always good for mages with sustained damage, Tiamat being no different. Now with it’s current and even soon to be nerfed state, it’ll continue in my eyes to thrive as an item for Tiamat.
Soul Gem- Mages with a lot of casting options such as Hel or Tiamat can get this item stacked very quickly. However considering Nu Wa don’t bet soul gem to work with your pets in any sense. Regardless casting frequently and being rewarded with sustain and extra damage is appealing for Tiamat. Especially in her Grounded stance so she can stay in a fight for longer in this stance.
Ethereal Staff- I mentioned this item while talking about Warlock’s Staff. For the Tiamat’s who like to be Grounded and in solo lane. I think this item will compliment that playstyle the best. 
Lifesteal?- I talked about Soul Gem already. But for lifesteal in general I don’t think it’s going to be a prime state for Tiamat. She’s no Anubis or Hades. Pythagorem’s will be a option for those solo lane Tiamats who want a little more power and sustain will still benefit the whole team.
Bumba’s Dagger- Without a doubt I think this will be a jungle Tiamat’s best choice. She’s a caster who’ll need the mana recovery this item will provide. But even so Bumba’s Hammer has a lot of competition and while the passive is beneficial. Tiamat might not be auto attacking a lot but she does have range which puts her above others when it comes to using this item effectively.
Right this has been a long post with limited experience on Tiamat personally. I hope at least a little might be beneficial and if I’m wrong well I’m wrong.
This has been Sylvia and hope you liked this different style of post. 
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blerbdrops · 5 years
bad name (b.h. x fem rdr)
im drunk and thirsty for billy hargrove and i thought of this in the back of an uber lets GET IT
summary: you and billy used to date. emphasis on used to. now, you stay away from him at all costs but keep finding yourself drawn to him, coming back all over again.
warnings: smut (18+),angst if you squint kind of ((i never wrote angst before. forgive me lmfao)), slight praise kink, underage drinking, smoking probably, toxic relationships, billy hargrove in himself counts as a warning right ? unprotected sex. wrap it before you tap it folks!! fluff towards the end i guess. oh everyone in this fic is 18 and older btw bc smut LMAO
song inspo that u should also listen to when reading this: you give love a bad name x bon jovi, i hate myself for loving you x joan jett & the blackhearts
it was another saturday night, and tina invited you to another one of her ragers. again. not like you had anything against partying, as any teenager in a small town like hawkins, but you knew your ex was going to be there and you really werent trying to see him. you knew he was going to be there because he thrives off of attention, no matter how good OR bad it was. 
you and billy dated for six months. six months you had tamed the beast in him. but it all came undone when he had some other bitch wrapped around his arm in the school parking lot like grip tape on a wooden baseball bat. you spat at his feet and ended the relationship, right then and there.
or so you thought. between every hookup billy had, and every guy you managed to get free dinner and head from, you two were drawn back to each other but in a sick, twisted way. like a fly caught in a spiders web. sometimes he was the fly, and you the spider. 
tonight though, you were two beers and three rum & cokes deep. the bass of the music thrummed through your body. not like you were dancing though. you only came to get drunk and get laid. and you were already drunk.
you smoothed out the crinkle in your denim mini-skirt, leaning against a wall, surveying the crowd. you caught billy in your vision, frizzy blond curls and all, dancing up against some random girl from the cheer team. you didnt get jealous. i mean, how could you? you knew if you wanted him, you could have him. you did have him, at one point. 
while he was dancing, he looked around and locked his gaze within yours. he licked his lips at you, to which you returned a sultry wink. you used your tongue to wrap around the straw in your cup of spiked punch to bring it closer to your mouth and raised an eyebrow at him. he took sight of this and eased his way off the dance floor. he slightly stumbled his way over to you. leaning his arm against the wall above you, he looked down at you. he placed his hand on the small of your back, bringing you closer into him. he knew what you liked. 
“hey sweetheart.” he purred into your ear. “you look real good tonight.”
you flushed, letting out a laugh. “and so do you. couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
he smirked at you, licking his lower lip. “lets get out of here. you and me, for old times sake?”
you knew fucking him was gonna be bad. so, so bad for the both of you. but the heat pooling between your legs led you to believe otherwise.
“take me to my place, baby.” you purred into his ear. he grabbed you by the hand and led you both to his car, opening the passenger door for you. you both eased yourself into the brown leather bucket seats of his camaro. before he turned on his car, he grabbed the fabric of your shirt and pulled you in for a fervent, needy kiss. it was full of sin, fire, and teeth biting on lips. you both had to exercise restraint, because you both had a long night ahead.
the ride was spent with his hand gripping your thigh, and vice versa. neither of you wanted to lose physical contact with each other. he pulled into your empty driveway, save for your car being in there. 
“where are your folks?” he asked, turning to you. 
“gone for the weekend. went to go sightsee or something.” you replied. “wouldnt have brought you to mine if they were home anyways.”
“i know doll.” you both exit the car and waste no time in getting to the front door. you fumble with the keys, not being able to concentrate with billy’s hard dick grinding up against your ass. you groaned at the feeling and ground back into him, earning the slightest moan from him. 
once you got in and slammed the door shut behind you, it was a wrap. 
he smashed his lips into yours, pressing you against the front door of your house. you returned the heated kiss to him. you bit his lower lip, eliciting a moan from him. you took this chance and slid your tongue into his mouth. the both of you becoming more aroused, you untucked his shirt from his pants and threw it off of him. he pulled off your shirt in one fell swoop, exposing your braless chest. he groaned at the sight of your barren chest and began leaving sloppy, drunken kisses down your neck, on your collarbone and breasts. he licked a trail up back to your neck and nipped at the shell of your ear. 
“miss me, baby girl? i know you fuckin’ did.” he purrs into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
“more than anything, daddy.” you bit at his neck, fiddling with the belt buckle at his waist, wanting more of him against you. 
he picks you up and you wrap your legs around him, letting his strong arms carry you up to your bedroom. once you two get in your room, he lets you go gently on your bed, and you pull off your skirt and kick off your shoes, leaving yourself in your black thong. he gets visibly harder through his denim jeans. 
“ugh you take too long. i want you right now.” you unfasten his black leather belt and cast it off to the empty side of the bed, the side that used to be his. you yank his pants and boxers down, and his erection springs out and bounces against his washboard abs. you throw your hair up into a ponytail and lick down his entire shaft. he lets out a breathy moan at this. 
he missed the way you looked with your mouth wrapped around his long, hard member. he loved the way you looked when you’d take his whole length in your mouth and looked up at him with innocent eyes. 
he snaked his hands to your ponytail and you raised an eyebrow at him, pulling his hands away from you and pinning them to his sides. he moaned at the way you took charge. you were the only girl who challenged him in bed. you bobbed your head against him as he slowly thrust into your mouth. you looked up at him and met his gaze, smiling as best as you could with his dick in your mouth. 
“my god, angel.” he groaned out. “you look so goddamn good right now.” 
you hummed against him, feeling his orgasm ever so slightly build up. but you werent going to let him cum just yet. 
you pulled off of him, releasing his wrists from your grip and slowly pumping him. “hold out for me, baby boy.” he immediately pulls you off of his knees and places you on the bed, leaving rough kisses along your body, love bites on your collarbone and breasts. he used his teeth to pull down your underwear, discarding of them completely with his hands when they got low enough. he gently kissed along the insides of your thighs, his breaths teasing your pussy as you grew wetter for him.
he gently traces his index finger along your folds, chuckling darkly. “so wet. and its all for me, huh angel?”
you sigh, head hitting your fluffy pillows. “yes baby. all for you. please, please dont keep me waiting any longer. i need you.”
and that was all it took. he dove into you face first, flattening his tongue out and licking along your slit. your hands sunk into his blond mop, gripping tighter at him. you felt the vibration of his moan throughout your entire body and you let a sinful moan escape your lips. he took this as incentive to pull you closer by your thighs and really taste you. 
he ate you out like you two were never going to fuck again. his tongue found its way to your clit. he used one of his free hands to pull back the hood on your clit to expose it further. you arched your back into him, moans becoming louder. this only spurred him on as he gently sucked on your exposed clit. he used his other free hand to slide two fingers inside you. your grip on his hair got tighter as you rode his face, essentially. you felt your thigh muscles contract as you almost hit your orgasm. keyword: almost. he stops, and you whine at the loss of his mouth. the sight of him is almost holy. 
his blond curls tumbled down and hit his shoulders, his eyes glassy and full of fire, lust, and desire. his lips glistened in the dim light of your room, full, pink and swollen. his smooth skin shone, and you swear you almost came at the sight of him. 
“bend over for me sugar.” he says to you, in a sultry and demanding way. you flip over with ease, giving him the perfect view of your ass. you pulled a pillow closer to your face, letting it rest there. he looked at you dreamily. 
“atta girl. youre so fucking sexy.” he kissed your ass, which made you moan and push back on him, letting the tip of his dick graze against your wet pussy. 
“fuck babygirl. youre so goddamn wet. i love that.” he moaned, teasing you and himself at your entrance. “dripping wet, and all for me. your pussy is so damn beautiful.” 
you moaned into the pillow before picking your head up, “my GOD billy! please just fuck me into my mattress already, i cant wait much longer. i need that big, thick dick inside me so fucking bad baby.”
without anymore hesitation, he slid into you with ease. you both moaned at feeling each other like this again. he thrusted into you harder and harder. you bit the pillow as he laid a harsh smack against your ass, watching it redden. 
“oh god baby! yes, yes, yes!!” you moan out loudly, throwing your ass back against him as he fucked you. he loved when you fucked him back, loved watching your ass jiggle against his pelvis. he used his knees to push your legs apart, and get deeper into you. 
“god, yes princess.” he let out between thrusts. “i love when you push back on me like that. you miss my dick babygirl?”
he ruts into you, you screaming out in pleasure. “AH! oh yes daddy. i missed that dick inside me.” you felt the pressure of your orgasm build in your stomach. he felt your walls clench against his dick, and he slid out of you. 
“on your back. now.” he demanded. you threw yourself against your soft blankets as he nudged your legs spread eagle in front of him. he slid into you once more, starting with slow, deep strokes. 
“oh baby. go faster, please.” you begged him. he smiled at you.
“hm? you want me to go faster? you mean.. like this?” he picked up his pace, fast enough to arouse you but not to harm you. he knew you too well and you were too stubborn to admit it. 
“o-oh fuck yes! just like that. my god baby!!” you screamed out, burying your face into the crook of his neck and biting down. this only made him rut into you harder. he lifted up one of your legs and let it rest against his shoulder, allowing him to hit your g-spot with every thrust. 
“oh, you like that babygirl?” he cooed. “i know you fuckin’ do. god, i missed this pussy so goddamn much!” he thrusted into you, not being able to hold out much longer. not with the way you writhed against him, or how his name seemed to roll off your tongue with ease. “who’s pussy is this? who do you belong to?” he demanded an answer, and who were you to deny him that luxury?
“fuck, daddy! its yours, its all yours.” you drew out your moan, clawing into his back. “you feel so fucking good. i missed you inside me so fucking much!” you cried out. your orgasm built up again, your walls tightening around billy. 
“look at me, angel. look at me when you cum all over my dick.” he used his free hand to rub slow circles on your clit, sending you to the brink of your orgasm. his thrusts became sloppier and you knew he was going to cum too. 
“oh! o-oh fuck DADDY! yes, yes yes!” you screamed out, your pussy spasming around his dick. he continued to rub on your clit as your nails dug into and down his back while you rode out your climax on his hand. you were both certain that those marks would take a while to fade. he didnt care. 
“goddamn babygirl. im gonnna cum. where do you want it” he said, edging himself so he could hear your answer. instead of verbal response, you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, ready to catch him in your mouth. he groaned at this in response, and felt his abs tighten. 
“oh fuck. come here princess.” he swiftly pulls out of you and pumps himself onto your open mouth. you catch every spurt of cum and take the extra measure to lick off the excess that dripped from his tip. you slowly and gently sucked him off, making sure to clean him off in the process. you released him from your mouth with a pop and smiled, looking up at him. he was breathing heavy and so were you, sweaty from the sinful, nasty sex you two had shared. 
spent, billy collapsed onto your bed. you throw off the covers, allowing you and him to get underneath them. you cracked a window to air out the room. you reached into your nightstand and pulled out a cigarette from your cigarette box and your cheap lighter and lit one up. you took a nice, long drag and exhaled before passing it to billy. you two shared a cigarette in your post-sex euphoria. 
“so.” he began, “when is this gonna happen again?”
“it’ll happen when it happens. you know i cant guarantee anything for you.” you responded, finishing the cigarette and ashing out on your ashtray in the window.
“right. is that why we’re here now? and you’re not my girl?” he responded. 
“billy you had some other bitch on you like white on rice when i came out into the school parking lot. thats why im not your girl.” you turned on your side, facing him. “worst part is, you embarrassed yourself, and me. that shit hurt.” 
a poignant silence hung in the air. he had nothing to refute your statement with, because you cant argue facts. “(y/n). you know i still love you. right?” 
you sighed. “yes. i still love you too. but i cant find it in me to keep away from you. i dont know what it is about you. you’re bad.”
“so i’ve been told.” he replies flatly. “can we- can we just enjoy what this is for now, at least?”
“yeah. we can.” you snuggled into his chest, his arm wrapping around you and pulling up the covers to keep your naked bodies warm, together. 
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ofwizardsandmen · 4 years
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“There’s a few rules in the world: The sky is blue. Quidditch sucks. Tyler Lee is out there to ruin Mark’s life.”
Word count:  2,9k
Genre: fluff
 Characters: Tara Lee, Mark Yang, Tyler Lee, Ella Yang
AU: Gossip Witch 
There’s a few rules in the world: The sky is blue. Quidditch sucks. Tyler Lee is out there to ruin Mark’s life.
Mark purses his lips when his brother-in-law walks through the door of the kitchen, his unbearably cheerful voice calling his daughter’s name, followed by the even more unbearable announcement of his presence.
“Uncle Ty is here!” Tyler ignores Mark, who’s standing by the fridge, bowl of fruit in hands, and strides past him, arms wide open and excited smile crossing his lips.
Mark is almost disgusted at the sight of him, but Ella jumps from her seat, smiling brightly and briefly diverting his attention from the unwanted guest that’s now holding his daughter in arms.
“Uncle Ty!” Ella’s tiny arms wrap around Tyler’s neck as the man peppers her cheeks with kisses. “Uncle Ty, I’m so ready to learn how to fly!” The little girl’s voice rings through the room.
“Of course you are” Tyler twirls Ella around, making his niece burst out in giggles.
Mark frowns, placing the bowl on top of the marble counter before crossing his arms over the chest.
“You better bring her back safe and sound” He grumbles, forcing Tyler to turn to look back at him, eyebrow rising in a perfect arch and a matching grin curling the corner of his mouth.
“Yang” Tyler says as he puts Ella back down, eyes rolling almost automatically once his niece runs out of the kitchen, calling his mother “Good morning. What are you doing here? I thought you were in L.A.”
One of the most impressive things about Tyler is how easily he can say the most —seemingly— harmless words and still offend Mark. Tara’s husband stares at his wife’s brother for solid ten seconds, silence echoing through the kitchen and something he wants it to be a harsh expression crosses his face. Though his round glasses make him look a bit lost and not as nearly as threatening as he wishes to appear, Tyler is briefly taken aback by Mark’s audacity. How dare he look at him with anything less than gratefulness. He’s taking care of Ella and doing all those things a father in the magical world is supposed to do, on his behalf. Tyler is ready to reply with one of his nasty comments when someone interrupts him.
“Ella” A female voice speaks from the threshold of the kitchen. “Why don’t ask Uncle Ty for help to bring your broom and protection equipment down here?“
“T, I can just summon-” Tyler stops right after catching the look his sister is casting him before following an excited Ella pulling him upstairs.
Mark can hear his daughter laughing and yelling enthusiastically and he can’t help but feel irked by the fact she enjoys her uncle’s company this much. It’s unfair she gets to spend so much time with someone else on the very few free moments he can spare for his family. Being a father is a responsibility Mark Yang takes very seriously and he tries his best to squeeze time for Ella into his already-too-busy schedule. Oftentimes Mark takes Ella to his activities abroad or allows her to play in his studio while he works on new music, but he is well aware that he is failing to spend enough time with her and sometimes he wishes Tara and him would’ve put off having children for a year or two, but Ella is here now and Mark wants nothing but to be the best dad for her. Something he —rightfully or not— believes he’s not quite managing to achieve.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You’re never that hostile to my brother” Tara says, her eyebrows go up as she leans on the doorframe and smiles at Mark, “Even when he absolutely deserves it” She adds, trying to humor him.
Unlikely of him, Mark grumbles something incompressible that Tara takes as “nothing” and rolls eyes as he claims he’s not being hostile.
But Tara is never wrong, Mark is always genuine smiles, cheekbones in full display, soft voice and candid eyes, yet today he looks like he would easily bore a hole through Tyler’s skull just by glaring at him. And Tara is almost afraid he is able to, judging by the way he keeps staring at the place where her brother was standing only a few seconds ago.
“Mark” Tara looks at him incredulously, as she places her hands on her hips. “Seriously?”
Mark has never been able to lie to Tara, so he doesn’t know why he’s even attempting o start now, but he still tries to keep a facade by shrugging lightly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He says, looking away from his wife before she could examine him with her sagacious eyes as if she could x-ray his brains.
“No, of course, you don’t” She chuckles, walking up to him, acting far too casual for him to let his guard down. “Anyhow, watermelon?” Tara asks, now standing beside him a picking a piece of the fruit from a plate on the counter.
Mark’s eyes immediately soften and he lets out a deep contained breath while Tara offers him a cube of his favorite fruit with a fork.
“I’m sorry,” he says, taking the fork from her hand and cramming the watermelon in his mouth
“You don’t need to be sorry. It’s just weird…” Tara shrugs her shoulders. “You’re usually nice to Tyler even when he’s being a pain” she adds, resting both hands on the counter and leaning over them.
“I was just expecting to spend some quality time with Ella” Mark sighs. “And you. We haven’t really spent that much time together recently.” The man puts the fork back on the bowl and wraps his arms around her from behind, squeezing his arms around her waist “With the tour and the new album about to come out, I feel like I’ve been neglecting Ella. It’s not fair for her.”
“She’s a clever girl, like her mother,” Tara says, turning around to face her husband “She knows you work hard and she’s too busy with school and ballet and piano classes, she barely notices it when you’re away.”
“That’s exactly the type of reassurance I needed” Mark rolls eyes at Tara “To know my daughter doesn’t care when I’m not around”
Tara chuckles and pokes the tip of Mark’s nose playfully “I didn’t say that. I just said you barely spend time away from her. You travel a lot, but you never neglect her, you always call her and make your best to come home even if it’s only for a day between the tour dates. You drain yourself on behalf of our girl and she appreciates the efforts you make” Tara explains in a soft, hushed voice. “You are an amazing father” she adds as her fingers run through his hair. “And if I had known how upset you’d be about Tyler giving her flying lessons, I wouldn’t have agreed to”
“All I’m saying is, he could’ve picked any other day” Mark finally voices what’s bothering him, but Tara can’t ignore the way his lips stretch, almost forming a pout “He already gets to spend a lot of time with Ella, I will only be here today before hopping on a plane to God knows where”
“I’m sorry, babe, I should’ve double-checked the dates” Tara gives him an apologetic look “It’s just that you know how busy Tyler is and Ella has been bugging me about this for weeks”
“I’m busy too” Mark protests, now the pout fully present in his lips.
Tara laughs, fighting back the urge to kiss the pout away.
“I know, babe, but you know how persistent Ella is.” she links her arms around Mark’s neck, looking at him with a teasing smile. “She’s a Yang after all”
“Well, I guess we can use some alone time” Something like resignation crosses Mark's features as he speaks.
“You speak as though spending time with me is a consolation prize” Tara squints at him “And not a very good one, at that,” she says, pretending to be hurt.
“You’re just a prize” Mark cheekily replies, earning a fake disgusted grimace from Tara as he leans across to kiss her.
Mark kisses his wife soundly and steadily and it feels like time has never really passed; like they’re still two teenagers madly in love, who are holding something indescribably delicate and beyond price in their hands.
Then, the sound of Ella giggling and running down the stairs becomes the focus of their attention and they pull away while their daughter’s tiny feet run closer and closer until she comes skipping into the kitchen with Tyler following closely with his arms crammed full of flying supplies.
“Ok, we gotta get going because Ella wants to pick some ice-cream on our way back” Tyler announces, eyes narrowing at how intimately close Tara and Mark are standing when he steps back into the room. “Say bye to your parents, Ellie” Ella only waves at her parents before grabbing her uncle’s hand and pulling him toward the back door of the house. Tara and Mark follow them.
“Well, goodbye” Tyler says laughing at how eager his niece looks about leaving. “See you both later”
Before they walk out the door, Tara stops them, calling Tyler’s name
“Yes, sis?” He sighs as he turns on his heel.
“Make sure nothing happens to Ella and bring her back before lunchtime.”
Tyler nods twice. Looking bored and stopping himself from rolling eyes, he attempts to reassure Tara “What can possibly happen when she’s with me?”
Neither Tara or Mark dare to actually reply to that question, but as Ella seems to grow impatient, they let them go without further delay
“Uncle Ty, once I learn to fly, will you teach me how to be a seeker too?” Mark and Tara can hear Ella’s voice asking hopefully.
“Of course, angel, you know your favorite uncle would do anything for you.” Tyler affirms.
“She already has men eating from the palm of her hand”  Tara comments with a chuckle as she wraps an arm around Mark’s waist.
“She’s too spoiled” He states, shaking his head. “She didn’t even say goodbye to her father” A dramatic sigh accompanies his complaint, but seconds later Mark has to take his words back when Ella comes back into the room panting.  
“Daddy!” She says “You forgot to say it!”
Tara and Tyler, who appears on time to stick his head out the door, look at Ella quizzically, not quite getting what she means. And Mark looks equally confused until Ella insists.
“The thing you always say when I leave!” the girl shouts impatiently before being swept from the floor into a bear hug from her dad.
“God bless you, my child,” he says with a proud smile, much to Tyler’s and Tara’s perplexity.
They only exchange confused gazes and shrug before Ella explains them that her muggle father is putting a spell on her to keep her safe.
They all laugh at that.
Apparently Mark Yang can truly perform magic after all.
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 19 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: Well, life is being hella weird lately which makes me write painfully slow but all hail the gods of the sore throats because it finally gave me the time to sit my potato ass down and finish writing this chapter! Some of this chapter is based off of a horrible experience I’ve had last Thursday, so please read the warnings carefully because some of it might be triggering. So, this time we have the perfect mix of anxiety and fluff. Cheers!
Word Count: ~4K 
Warnings: BIG FAT TRIGGER WARNING - Almost-sexual-assault. If you’ve ever been in this situation, this chapter might now be a good idea. Read at your own risk. Also, Joe/Annie shenanigans and lots of Rory.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , Chapter 16 , Chapter 17 , Chapter 18 
Annie pushed the stroller along, rambling on to Rory to distract herself from what was about to happen. It was a beautiful, late-summer day. A slow breeze caressed her skin and blew the skirt of her yellow sun-dress. If it were any other day, Annie would bask in the sunshine, sit on a bench and indulge in some people-watching while Frankie ran about and Rory cooed at the birds flying around.
Jamie sat on a bench, shaded by a tree. He stared intently in the direction Annie was supposed to arrive in, trying to run every possible scenario in his mind. In his imagination, he expected to see an exhausted, rundown version of her. When she rounded the corner, however, all he could think of was sunshine.
He stood up to greet her, although she was still rather far away. He wore his favourite t-shirt - a grey, Heineken logo tee with the sleeves cut off, showing off his toned arms. His mop of curly auburn hair blew in the light wind. With board-shorts and flip-flops, he looked so out of place.
They both exchanged awkward smiles as Annie approached. Annie glanced down and noticed Rory had fallen asleep, so she pulled the sun-visor down to give her daughter some privacy and shade.
“Are you sure you recently had a baby?” Jamie broke the silence when Annie was close enough, a friendly grin on his face.
“Almost three months ago, yes.” Annie smiled back.
They stood in front of each other. A tense silence engulfed them. Jamie shrugged awkwardly and walked over to Annie’s side, tentatively wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a very uncomfortable side hug. Annie leaned in for a split second, a nervous chuckle following.
“Well, this is awkward.” Jamie dropped his hand and sat on the bench.
“Yeah? Well.” Annie followed and pulled the stroller closer to her. “Whose fault is that?”
“Hey!” Jamie held up both of his hands in surrender. “I come in peace!”
“You really messed everything up, you know.”
“What were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t, clearly.” Jamie finally looked into Annie’s eyes. “I misread the situation. I -”
“Shut up.” Annie snapped. “Those are pathetic excuses.”
“I really am sorry for what I said.” Jamie spoke after a long, uncomfortable silence. “I know I shouldn’t have. I also shouldn’t have gone and drunk-tweeted about you for months. I shouldn’t have acted out like that. It was stupid.” He scuffed his shoe in the dirt. “Guess I just wanted your attention.”
“Did I lead you on, in any way?” Annie’s voice broke slightly. “Was it my fault?”
“I…” Jamie sighed. “No. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Where do we go from here, then?” Annie looked up at his electric blue eyes. “You can’t leave the show.”
Just then, Rory stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and saw her mum looking down at her. With waving fists, she started fussing about in her stroller.
“May I?” Jamie asked, pointing at the stroller.
Annie shrugged and picked Rory up gently. She pressed a kiss to Rory’s cheek, her lips smacking noisily. Rory giggled and kicked happily before she was passed on to Jamie.
He held her carefully and looked at her intently. She was a cute baby, that much was certain. He brought her closer to him, smiling gently at her playful babbling. She quickly took a lock of his hair and twisted it around her little fingers. Much like her mum often did at every chance she had.
“Well, she’s definitely your daughter.”
“Jamie,” Annie tugged at the hem of her dress, “I don’t… Just… don’t leave the show, you moron. Okay?”
Ben stood at the door to the garden, holding a tall glass of fruity smoothies in each hand. He wished he could somehow capture the moment in front of him: Rory laying on her back in a kiddie-pool, splashing around happily in the afternoon sun, with Annie keeping a close eye right next to her, wearing her favourite purple bikini top and one of Gwilym’s running shorts.
As if she could feel Ben’s eyes drilling holes into her form, Annie turned and flashed Ben a bright smile. He truly felt it could blind him right then and there. The colourful parasol Ben had placed to protect his favorite girls cast a rainbow coloured shadow over Annie’s shoulders. Her legs, however, were stretched out and away from the shade.
“You’re setting such a bad example for Rory!” Ben scolded jokingly as he approached her. “At least tell me you put on some sunblock?”
“Christ, fatherhood has made you so uptight!” Annie rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing the sunblock bottle and wiggling it. “Unclench!”
“Oh?” Ben raised an eyebrow, “well then!”
With a challenging smirk, Ben started tilting Annie’s smoothie towards the grass.
“Don’t you dare!” Annie pointed at him.
“Am I uptight?”
“Yes.” Annie scoffed. Ben tipped the glass further. The thick, ice-cold mush started sliding towards the rim. “Ben!”
“Annie, unclench!” Ben stuck the tip of his tongue out before laughing. Collapsing on the picnic blanket next to Annie, he handed her the smoothie and clinked his glass with hers. “Cheers, love.”
“Can you believe you’re nearly done filming?” Annie asked before taking a sip, humming happily at the taste.
“Just two more weeks.” Ben nodded with a small frown. “Unreal.”
“I’m really proud of you.”
“The movie’s not even out yet.” Ben chuckled.
“Still, you worked so hard.” Annie reached over and rubbed circle’s on Ben’s exposed lower back.
Ben wrapped an arm around Annie’s shoulders and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head and resting his chin on it.
“How was your little date with Jamie?”
“It went well.” Annie sighed. “He’s not leaving the show, we agreed to be friendly on set, he got to meet Rory…”
“So, are things back to normal now?”
Annie hummed and shrugged as she sipped her smoothie.  
Ben, Annie and Rory sat out in the garden until the sun started to set. A cool gust of wind blew past them, making Rory and Annie shiver at the same time, much to Ben’s amusement. Collapsing the parasol and grabbing the squealing baby, Ben led the way back in the house.
“We said no presents!”
“She’s three months old today!” Joe protested. “It’s really an achievement, considering!”
“Considering…?” Annie raised an eyebrow.
“She’s got you dumdums as parents…” Joe mumbled and ran away when Annie tried to hit him.
“Children, please!” Gwilym bounced Rory on his hip.
“Bloody knuckle-dragger.” Annie stuck her tongue out at Joe. “She doesn’t need another unicorn plushie!”
“Says who?”
“Her mum!”
“Oh,” Annie rolled up her sleeves, “oh, you little -”
“Annie, do you need a time out?” Gwilym raised his eyebrows.
A moment of silence passed before Rory started cooing and trying to grab at Gwilym’s lips in her tiny hands.
“Those are attached to my face, Rory!” Gwilym mumbled into Rory’s fingers before he opened his mouth and pretended to munch on her hand. Rory squealed and grabbed at his lips again. “God, I love these little baby sausage fingers.”
“They’re more like mini-kebabs, actually.” Clara quipped.
“Can you stop comparing my daughter’s fingers to food?” Annie planted her hands on her hips. “We get it, you’re hungry. The food is on its’ bloody way!”
“Where did you order the food from?” Clara muttered, “Thailand?”
“Ha, ha.” Annie rolled her eyes.
“Holy shit.”
Annie froze like a deer in the headlights upon seeing the expression on Ben’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was a good sign or a bad sign. In an instant, she felt extremely self-conscious and uncomfortable.
“Annie, you look…” Ben circled around her, his eyes scanning over every inch of her body. “Holy shit.”
In a dark green chiffon midi-dress and her long, light-brown hair cascading freely down her back, Annie looked like a renaissance painting. Her make up was soft and barely there, giving her face a natural glow. Ben was mesmerised.
“I did good?” Annie looked up at him, her turquoise eyes shining.
“You did great!” Ben breathed as his hand traced the line on the deep v-neckline of her dress. “You…”
“Did you tell your mum I said hi when you dropped Rory off?” Annie asked as she went off to find her shoes.
“I did.” Ben followed her, a dazed look on his face. “She said she misses you.”
“Aw!” Annie smiled as she bent down and slipped her shoe on. Her cleavage was on full display in front of Ben. He gulped. “Benny, it’s rude to stare.”
“Do we have to go?” Ben bit his bottom lip.
“It’s your film’s wrap-party. A film you star in.” Annie laughed. “Yes, we have to go!”
“Do we? Really?” Ben pouted and flashed Annie the cutest puppy-dog eyes he could muster.
“Yes.” Annie wouldn’t budge.
“It’s just that we haven’t had a night just for us since Rory…” he murmured and decided to change tactics. Taking Annie’s hand in his, he pulled her to him so their bodies were flush against each other. “And after seeing you in that dress, I kind of want you all to myself.”
“We have to go, Ben.”
“We can be a little bit late.” He started swaying slowly, leading her in a slow dance. “Everybody will be so drunk, they won’t even notice.”
His hand slid down her back until it reached her bum. He gave it a gentle squeeze and almost growled when Annie smirked and pulled away from him. Her dress flared softly as she spun around and shrugged, looking back over her shoulder.
“We’re leaving. Now.” Annie flahsed him a smile and wiggled her bum a little. “I promise I’ll let you see me out of the dress as soon as we get home.”
“You’re a cruel, cruel woman.”
“I know.”
“What do you mean, you’re not going?” Joe’s voice climbed an octave. “It’s the press tour! You have to be there!”
“Sorry, mate,” Ben shrugged, “I’ve got a big project I can’t get out of.”
“And you allowed this to happen?!” Joe turned to Annie.
“Not like I had much of a say, really…” Annie laughed nervously. “He’s a big boy.”
“Well, this is just great.” Joe snarled and grabbed his glass of whiskey. “Fucking fantastic.”
“Oh, come on!” Ben huffed. “You’re overreacting.”
“Am I?” Joe hissed after sipping his drink. “Am I overreacting?”
“A little bit, yeah.” Gwil intervened.
“I mean, I’m leaving Annie with a baby while she has to get back to work, alone,” Ben started, “and she wasn’t half as dramatic as you are when I told her about it.”
“Took it like a champ, really.” Annie shrugged.
“Just because you chose a heartless succubus to breed with -”
“Watch it!” Ben interrupted Joe’s ramble with a pointed finger and a steely gaze.
“Ugh.” Joe groaned. “Alright. Fine. Don’t come on the press tour.”
“You’re in some big trouble, now…” Annie murmured to Ben behind her drink.
“But just know this, Benjamin,” Joe leaned forward, squinting his eyes to look menacing. “We’re going to have fun. Lots of it. Without you.”
“I can only imagine.” Ben nodded solemnly.
“No, you won’t have to.” A devilish smile appeared on Joe’s face. “Because we’ll take pictures. And videos. And send them to you.”
“Joe -”
“And you will eat your fucking heart out because you’ll wish you could be there with us.”
“Well, this is fun!” Annie and Clara said at the same time before erupting in giggles.
In the days after the boys had finished shooting, the four men spent almost every waking moment with each other. It wasn’t unusual for Annie to stumble upon Gwilym, Joe or Rami wandering about her house while Ben went out on a beer run or a food run. What she didn’t expect, however, was for Joe to walk in wearing Ben’s clothes.
“Is that Ben’s jumper?” Annie stared at Joe, her mouth slightly open. “It is Ben’s! Why are you wearing Ben’s clothes?”
“He gave it to me.” Joe shrugged.
“Did something happen to your jumper?”
“You’re borrowing clothes, now?”
“I’m not borrowing it. It’s mine.”
Annie blinked in confusion and walked over to Joe. She circled around him. She couldn’t understand, for the life of her, why the hell he wore Ben’s burgundy jumper.
“Take it off.”
“Joseph, this isn’t yours. Take it off, now.”
“He gave it to me!”
“Just like that? For no reason?”
“I gave him one of my awesome t-shirts, okay?”
“Nope.” Annie gestured with her hands at Joe’s torso. “Off it goes.”
“I’m not taking it off.”
“Either you take it off on your own, or I’m taking it off for you.” Annie growled.
Joe’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he processed what she had just said.
“Annie, do you ever listen to the words that come out of your mouth?”
“I’m counting to three, Mazzello.”
“Come at me.” Joe spread his arms tauntingly, raising his eyebrows.
“One.” Annie drawled and scoffed when Joe looked around innocently. “Two.”
“Annie, you’re ridiculous.”
“Three.” Annie lunged at Joe.
Since he didn’t really believe she’d do it, Joe lost his footing and collapsed on the sofa, holding on to Annie and essentially taking her down with him. Rory squealed with laughter in her playpen, watching her mom and her uncle Joey wrestling.
“Annie, stop!”
“Take the damn thing off, already!”
“Um…” Ben stood at the entrance to the living room, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and carrying a plastic bag in the other. “What the fuck?”
Annie straddled Joe’s chest, pinning his hands down on either side of his head. Both Annie and Joe were panting with exertion. Joe’s - or Ben’s - jumper rolled up slightly, exposing Joe’s midriff.  
“Ben, control your woman!” Joe grunted as he tried to wiggle it out.
“He’s wearing my favourite jumper, Ben!” Annie cried at the same time.
“Shut up!” they both snapped at each other, simultaneously, while a dumbfounded Ben looked at them.
The third season's pre-production process was in full gear, but Annie hadn't been too busy with it. An occasional wardrobe fitting here, a hair and make-up test there. She only heard about the new guy joining in through her gossipping hair and make-up artists, who were absolutely smitten with him.
They said he was the perfect mix of Clara and Annie - Clara's ocean blue eyes with Annie's brown hair. He had a baby face and a bit of a country-boy charm to him. All she knew about him, however, was his name.
"Hey, sister!" a dashing young man bellowed as Annie entered the meeting with the production team and the studio heads.
"Michael, I assume?" Annie giggled and extended a hand for him to shake, taking the empty seat between him and Clara.
"Right, now that everyone knows who everyone is again," the director clapped his hands, "can we get on with it?"
"Wait, where's Joel?" Annie wondered, looking at the Line Producer's empty chair.
"We had to let him go while you were on maternity leave, we hired a new guy," one of the bigwigs said coolly and sipped his tea. "Don’t you worry your pretty little head over it. Let's get to business, shall we?"
Annie waited outside for her ride to the little production gathering. She smoothed down her olive-green, lace trimmed tank top and looked down at her blue jeans nervously as a white Seat Ibiza approached her, pulling up to the curb.
"Annie?" a man called through the rolled down window, leaning over the passenger side.
"Yeah." Annie smiled and opened the door, plopping down in the passenger seat.
"I'm Andrew."
As she shut the door closed, she caught him looking at her as if she were his dinner through the corner of her eye. She was no stranger to men checking her out, but it's the first time someone had done it so blatantly. Most men would at least try to be discreet about it. The man licked his lips and bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes locked on Annie's chest.
"Thanks for the lift." Annie tried to start a conversation.
"Yeah, it's no problem." The man seemed to be shaken out of a trance as Annie spoke. He quickly pulled away from the curb. "When they said the star needed a ride, it was a no-brainer. Had to seize the opportunity, you know?"
Annie laughed nervously, her knee bouncing. Something about this guy was a bit weird. Pushing the feeling to the back of her mind, she told herself to relax. Yes, this is the first time she's gone out at night to a social gathering without Ben since Rory; yes, the man was all but a stranger; but she's in a very public relationship with Ben. They're raising a child together. 'You're just paranoid', she repeated to herself in her head. 'Should've just taken a damn Uber.'
"So, what's it like, being the new Line Producer on the block?" Annie
"Had some big shoes to step in to, not gonna lie," the guy chuckled, his eyes squinting a little as he laughed, "but I think I fit right in with the production crew."
"They're an easy lot to get on well with, aren't they?" Annie smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease. "Is this your first job? You seem quite young."
"Yeah, mostly worked as an assistant."
"Wow," Annie whistled playfully, "so this is your first 'Big Boy' job!"
Although he wished he could go with Annie, Ben didn't mind staying in for some quality daddy-daughter time with Rory. He was actually quite thankful that the babysitter cancelled last minute. He felt a bit guilty for all the times he went out with his mates and left Annie, pregnant and alone, to wait around for him at home.
However, when almost two hours passed and he hadn't heard from her, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He couldn't help but wonder what she's doing, who she's talking to, how many drinks she's had. He wasn't a jealous guy, normally, but this is the first time she's been out at night without him. He missed her.
'Everything okay?' Ben hit 'send' and placed the phone face-down on the floor next to Rory.
Seconds later, his phone buzzed.
'At least try and have fun?'
'Phone's battery on 2%.'
'Forgot to charge it again?'
'I just really wish you were here.'
"Fuck!" Annie hissed as her phone died in her hands right as she sent Ben the last text. She stuffed the phone in her purse. "Fucking thing!"
"Everything alright?" Andrew threw his arm up behind Annie, letting it rest on the back of her chair. His legs were spread wide, his body acting as a physical barrier for Annie from the rest of the party.
"Phone died." Annie grumbled and had a sip from her beer.
While Andrew was three beers down, she still cradled her first and took small sips. She enjoyed her beer a lot more before Andrew crashed her table. One minute she was having a perfectly fun conversation with Jamie, Clara and Michael, and the next they all scattered away and she was left alone with Andrew. Before she knew it, he had cornered her into the back wall. She felt tiny under his huge build.
If that wasn't enough, she could have sworn he kept inching closer to her when he felt she wasn't looking. Every time she averted her gaze and tried to locate Clara in the crowded pub, Andrew slid closer to her. It wasn't long before his leg was brushing against her. Annie tried to lean back, away from him, but all she did was glue herself tighter to the wall.
She tried to maintain the small talk and keep it neutral, making sure she's not sending any signals. She crossed her arms over her chest and shrunk even further into the wall. Her body language was closed-off. Other than having a bright neon light over her head reading 'Not Interested',  there wasn't much else she could do.
Then, time seemed to slow down. She felt his hand grab the back of her neck and saw his face coming in to hers, his lips parting. She felt sick. She knew what was happening and she didn't want it to. She knew she had no where to back off to. Nowhere to run.
So she ducked to the side. Dodging him like the guy from the Matrix dodging the bullets flying at him. Her heart was pounding, because she had absolutely no where to go. Andrew physically cornered her. If he wanted to, he could easily force her to kiss him.
However, her Matrix move made him pause for just a second. He blinked in confusion and Annie looked at him closely. The close shave of the hair on his head. The receding hairline. The unkempt stubble. His short, straight eyelashes. His slight double chin. The chest hairs poking out from his shirt's neckline.
"Andrew, no. No." Annie asserted. "I mean, I'm sorry," Annie choked out, "I really don't -"
"I have a boyfriend. We have a child together."
"What he doesn't know can't hurt him, eh?"
Tightening his grip on the back of her head, Andrew tried again. Annie flinched and held her breath, waiting for impact. She could feel bile in the back of her throat. Tears pricking at her eyes. Her hands balled into fists. The entire world seemed to go dark around her.
"What the fuck?" a familiar voice boomed in front of her.
Light started creeping in to her field of vision again. She could hear a chair dragging across the floor, the glasses on the table clattering. She didn't even realize her eyes were shut tight until she had to open them. A hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her up and away from the corner she was lodged in. She collided with Michael's chest as he walked backwards, wrapping his arms around her protectively.
"You okay?" Michael leaned down so Annie could hear him over the blaring music. "Did he do anything?"
Annie shook her head and turned around to find a fuming Jamie towering over Andrew.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?" Jamie pushed Andrew, who stood up and squared up to the tall ginger. "Think it's cool to just corner girls like that?"
"Hey, she didn't say no!" Andrew retorted.
"I did, actually..." Annie scoffed.
"Did he kiss you?" Jamie ground his teeth together. "Did his lips touch any part of you? At all?"
"If you hadn't interrupted..." Andrew slurred.
"You fucking -" Jamie pulled his hand back, clenching his fist harder.
"Jamie, don't!" Clara squeezed between the two men, knowing Jamie was one scandal away from being sacked. "He was just really drunk. Weren't you, Arnold?"
"It's Andrew actu-"
"I don't give a shit." Clara growled. "This is your chance to get the fuck on out of here and pretend this never happened."
"You're home early!" Ben said as Annie walked into the living room. When he heard Annie draw in a shaky breath, he turned around to get a good look at her. "Love?"
"Some idiot tried to kiss me." Annie blurted out and stuffed her trembling hands in her back pockets, hiding them away from Ben's sight. "I didn't want him to."
"The guy who picked me up."
"Did he touch you?"
"Did you say no?" Ben stood up and walked over to Annie, cradling her face in his warm, soft hands. "Did he do anything? How did it even happen?"
"I said no." Annie blinked back a few tears. "He cornered me. Jamie and Clara and the new guy, Michael, were all but gone and he just -"
"I should have been there." Ben peppered kisses all over Annie's face, as if he was making sure that his territory is securely marked. "I should have gone with you."
"Ben, I'm okay."
"Did you punch him in the nuts?" Ben asked, his face serious. "Did you fucking castrate him?"
"No." Annie smiled, a mischievous glimmer flashing in her eyes. "But Jamie almost did."
“Never thought I’d say this,” Ben sighed, “but thank God for Jamie.”
TAGLIST: @ramibaby @xgoingdownx @qweenly @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @rogersgirlfriend @justgivemethekeys @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @rogerspoison @deacy-dearest @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod @likeit-or-leaveit
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my-emotional-self · 6 years
Con-Flicted (Chris Evans x Reader)
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Smut, Angst, Drinking, Fluff
Summary: Going to the Seattle Ace Comic Con was like walking into a Marvel dream…..until some ungrateful people at the Panel got on your nerves.  
Word Count:  7k+
A/N: Chris Evans is at this con (let’s just pretend he didn’t back out) Also, I rearranged timing around a little bit (panel on Saturday before photo ops and autographs…that kind of thing)
Seattle, Washington. June 22nd.  Not only was it your first time in Washington, it was also your first Con you had ever been to.  It wasn’t the money that was an issue, it was the timing.  Each time Chris Evans was at a Con, there was always something in the way of you going; work, meetings, family.  But not this time.  Nope.  You made damn sure that you had an open schedule to be there; no matter how busy you were living your life in Los Angeles.  The only downside: all the VIP tickets were sold out before you got a chance to buy them.  
Walking through the doors of the venue Friday night was truly enchanting.  Today there wasn’t anything planned so you took your time to walk around and get a feel how everything went.  So many people were dressed up as their favorite characters, stopping you in your tracks.  Looking down at your outfit, you were wearing a pair of light washed jeans and a Marvel tank-top.  “Shit,” you whispered to yourself, realizing it would have been a lot of fun to dress up. Alas, you just didn’t have the time.
Vendors lined the wall selling everything from t-shirts, to buttons, to comic books and so much more. It was a dream.  As you walked around, you bought some t-shirts and Funko Pops to add to your growing collection at home.  
After a long day of walking around, it was up to your hotel room for you.  Taking a long hot shower, you dried yourself off and passed out on the bed; flying always made you tired.  
Bright and early the following morning you were up, hair done, makeup on and you headed down to the venue.  Luckily you were able to get a hotel room that was connected to the venue, making it that much more easily to go to and from.
As you made it to the venue, you immediately became overwhelmed.  Last night, while there were still plenty of people milling around, it was nothing compared to what you were looking at now.  Your heart began to beat faster as your eyes took in the crowd. Looking at your watch, you had about an hour to kill before the panel started.  Not wanting to move around the throng of people, your feet carried you swiftly to the auditorium and you found a seat right at the edge of the aisle where one of the microphones were placed.  
Your leg began to bounce up and down as you sat there anxiously awaiting the guys to come on stage. Behind you, girls began talking about Tom Holland and you had to hide your laugh from them.  They were going back and forth about what question they wanted to ask them and listing off all the names of people they wanted him to give a shout out to.  Shaking your head, you couldn’t believe that out of everything they could ask, they wanted to waste their time asking for shout outs to their friends.  It was completely ignorant and downright rude in your mind.  
Kevin Smith appeared on stage and the crowd began to cheer and clap; your cheering was a little more enthusiastic as theirs.  Maybe it was because you actually KNEW who Kevin Smith was!  
“Welcome of course to Ace Comic Con!  Is everyone having a good time?” Kevin asked the crowd and everyone cheered yet again. “The Ace crew has put together a fantastic lineup and today, we are going to talk to some bonafide Avengers ladies and gentlemen!”  The crowd went wild, including you.  Kevin went on to discuss how he has always been a big fan of not only Marvel, but DC as well and how lucky we are to be living in a time where they are taking those comics and turning them into magnificent movies for all of us to see. “We are going to talk to four people who have been a part of many of these movies.  First, we will start out with two of them because the other two are still taking pictures, but once they are done, they will come in and join us. So, without further ado, please welcome Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan!”
Everyone rose to their feet as the auditorium erupted into screams and applause.  Your heart was pounding in your chest as you saw Chris appear on stage.  A bright smile appeared on your lips at how absolutely gorgeous he looked.  He was wearing a pair of jeans, black tight t-shirt, and his ever present NASA ball cap.  His beard was trimmed to perfection and it took all your constraint to not run up there and run your nails through his beard.  
Ever since you first saw him play Captain America, you were hooked.  After that you watched all of his movies and realized just how terrific of an actor he really was.  Not only that, from what you had seen from his twitter and interviews, he was a great human being; standing up for what he believes in which was always a turn on for you.
Kevin sat down with Chris and Sebastian as the three of them talked on stage.  Soon enough people were lining up for questions as the guys on stage seemed to be having a great time.  Chris’ smile was contagious.  
You couldn’t help but watch Chris and the way he answered questions, or sat there and fidgeted on the couch next to Sebastian.  Knowing full well he had anxiety issues, your heart went out to him and this just proves how much he loves his fan to be here.
Without even introducing them, Tom and Anthony sneaked onto the stage and all the younger girls in the audience screamed so loud that you clenched your eyes shut tight from the sound; it was overpowering.  
“Better late than never,” Kevin joked making the four men on stage laugh and nod their heads. “Tom, are you having fun today?” It felt like five minutes of screaming before people quieted down enough for Tom to answer the question.  
“Yeah actually I’m having a blast.  It’s been a lot of fun!”
“And how about you Anthony?”
“Oh you know how it is,” he responded with a shrug of his shoulders and a smirk.  “These things are always fun for me to do because I get to pick on the rest of my cast members.”  His answer made you laugh like much of the rest of the audience.  
Kevin asked a few more questions to Tom and Anthony before he opened up the floor.  The questions went by with many of them seeming nervous to speak into a microphone and ask their questions; hell, you would be too which is why you didn’t want to ask anything.  The questions were simple, respectable….for the most part.  
“Take it away to the next person,” Kevin said and you looked to see a girl standing at the microphone.
“Umm, so first of all Tom, I was wondering if you could say ‘hi’ to my friend Mary, she’s a huge fan?”
Here we go you thought to yourself as you saw the girl holding her phone out and recording Tom.  
“Hi Mary!  How’re you doing?” Tom said with a smile from his seat on the stage.
“That’s probably going to make her, like, entire life,” the girl at the microphone said with a laugh. “Anyways, umm, so, I don’t really….well this is my first comicon,” she said with a nervous laugh.  “This is my first comicon and I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing actors and a huge inspiration and….just to point out to Anthony, Seb….Tom Holland, besides Chris, is the only here that actually HAS his own movie.”  Your jaw dropped to the floor at her saying that; your eyes wide as saucers.  It was such a disrespectful thing for her to say and you were flabbergasted that the crowd was actually CHEERING at her words!!!
Looking up at the four of them sitting on the couch, your heart dropped to your stomach.  Anthony was looking around the stage as both Chris and Sebastian tried to hide their embarrassment with laughs before their heads dipped way back.  From your view, you could see them shaking their heads back and forth.  
“I didn’t say it…I didn’t say it,” Tom said as his face was contorted with a mixture of a faked smile and embarrassment.  
“Things are getting hostile…AVENGE that comment man!” Kevin said.  
Sebastian grabbed his water bottle, Chris just sat there with his hands fidgeting in his lap, as Anthony began to speak.  “First of all….first of all, I’m pretty sure the movie was called ‘The Winter Solider’…..” the crowd cheered as you looked to Sebastian.  His face was hard, not even a hint of a smile as he nodded his head to his friend.  “I guess the two Academy Award nominated movies I did means nothing huh?”  
There were a few more ‘regular’ questions, people actually asking about the movies before another two girls stepped up to the microphone.  “Umm, yeah, I didn’t really have a question, but I just wanted to show this fan art my friend made of you Tom, and Tessa.  And I have a pitbull at home too so I just wanted to say I thought that was kind of cool and I was hoping you could give Tessa a pet for me?”
“I will, yes I will do that,” Tom replied with a grin.  
“Who’s Tessa?” Sebastian asked, confused as to who the girl was talking about.  
“His dog!!!  Oh my God educate yourself!” she spoke into the microphone with a scowl on her face as her friend laughed from behind her.  For the second time that day, your jaw dropped at the audacity these girls had to speak the way they were.  
Tom started laughing while Chris, Sebastian and Anthony had frowns on their faces, looking between the three of them.  
“You ah….you have a good time on the internet tonight,” Sebastian remarked with a shake of his head and you knew exactly what he meant by that.  The actual fans of the Marvel fandom would be making her into a meme and it would be ALL over the internet.  You grinned knowing that it wouldn’t be fun for her.  
“Time out time out…how do YOU know about Tessa?” Mackie asked.  
“He posts about her all the time.”
“Oh so he posts pictures of him and his dog?  Just hanging around at home?”
“Do you not follow Tom on Instagram?” she asked with her palms faced upwards.  
“Baby I’m an ADULT.  I follow no man, just so you know.”  You laughed so hard as Chris and Sebastian clapped, nodding their heads at his comeback.  Anthony always had the best comebacks.  
Next, her friend stepped up to the microphone.  “Ok, so before I say anything, I promised my friend Iris that I….”
Anthony quickly cut her off. “Ya’ll got a lot of friends. Where are your friends at?”
“I’m sorry…’friends’ maybe a term you don’t know…..” she trailed off and the crowd just gasped in shock at what she said.  Everyone on stage, all four of them were just as shocked as you.  
“What???” both Chris and Sebastian spoke into their mics as they turned to Mackie.  
“Oooohhh  ooohhhh oooohhh…I like that…I like that.  I don’t know the term ‘friends’, I know the term ‘family’.  When stuff gets tight, let me see where your friend at.”  
By now you had completely decided to stop listening to these young girls; not wanting to give them the time of day.  But you did faintly remember one of the girls saying something about a question for Tom and she didn’t really care about the others guys up there.  As you sat in your chair, your leg bouncing erratically up and down your eyes glanced towards the four of them on the stage.  They were embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable and now you felt the heat rushing up your neck and to your cheeks feeling utterly embarrassed FOR them, and for the rest of the Marvel Fandom.  
Once the girls were done, Kevin tried to end it but one more girl begged to ask her question.  All you ended up hearing from her was something along the lines of “I’ve been on my feet and in heels all day.”  It was enough to make you snap as you stood from your chair and went to the vacant microphone.  
Your heart was hammering in your chest but by now, you were running on peer adrenaline.  As the girl walked away from the microphone, you spoke up.
“Excuse me, Mr. Smith,” your nerves getting the better of you as your voice came out strained. Kevin looked at you, his brows raised. “I don’t have a question, I just wanted to make a real quick comment.”
“Well, I see there is someone out there who has manners.  What’s your name?”
“My name is Y/N.”
“Well Y/N, because you asked so respectfully, I’m going to let you make your comment.”
The heat was back to your face again as you blushed and you cleared your throat.  “I just want to start out by saying that every single one of you up there, are absolutely amazing.  Chris, Sebastian, Tom, Anthony, and you too Kevin.  You are all such talented actors and I want to say thank you for the movies you have given us.”  The crowd rejoiced and you felt encouraged to continue.  “I also want to apologize, on behalf of the Marvel fandom for today.  What some of these ‘fans’,” you stated with actual air quotes, “said to you guys up there, was disrespectful, and completely uncalled for.”  Turning sideways you glanced around the auditorium. “If anyone has a question for just one of the actors up there, you don’t have to actually go and say ‘you don’t care about the rest of them’.  The crowd, yet again, applauded you.  
You turned back around to face the stage and your eyes met Chris’.  He was staring right at you, staring right through to your soul and it took your breath away.  “Umm…,” you lost your train of thought for a minute.  “I know this isn’t part of your contract, to come to these cons and see your fans.  It is something you do, out of your own free will, and out of your own time.  There is no way that you should be treated the way you were today.  On behalf of the Marvel Fandom, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here with us today.”
Chris, Sebastian, Tom, Anthony and even Kevin all stood up from their spots on stage and clapped for you. You noticed Chris quickly whisper something to each of his cast mates and they all nodded their heads.
As Kevin ended the panel you saw Chris whispering to what looked like a security guard; his head nodding in your direction.  Taking a deep gulp, you instantly thought you had maybe done something to upset them and were in trouble.  Sitting back down in your chair, you reached under and gathered your belongings before standing up, only to come face to face with the security guard that Chris was speaking with.  
“Are you Y/N?” the very tall and bulky looking man asked.  Swallowing the lump in your throat, you could only nod your head in response.  “Come with me.”
Fuck you thought to yourself as you followed him down the steps and trying to make your way through the crowd as everyone was leaving the auditorium.  You followed the man until you came up to the stage as he motioned for you to continue. Slowly you crept up the stairs as he ushered you behind the curtains.  
Your heart began to pound as you saw Sebastian, Anthony, and Tom standing next to a refreshment table, laughing, while Chris stood off to the side as he spoke on his phone.  
“Hey!  There she is!” Anthony’s voice boomed as he made his way towards you, arms out for a hug.  You couldn’t help the smile that graced your lips as you hugged him back.  And damn was he a good hugger.  “You know, you were our hero out there,” he said with a bright smile just as Chris got off the phone and walked over to you.  “Standing up for us an all.  I have to say.  It was ama-AZING!!”  Everyone laughed, including yourself as you felt the heat of your blush invade your neck and cheeks.  
“It was the least I could do after how some of those people were treating you guys.  I mean,” you looked down at your feet, feeling nervous from their gazes at you, “you guys put so much effort and passion into these movies for fans…it’s not fair for them to treat you like garbage when you take time out of your own life to do these kinds of things.”
All four of them murmured their agreements as Chris’ eyes never left yours.  It truly felt like he was looking deep into your soul and your heart skipped a beat.  Biting your lip, you turned you gaze down at your feet again.  
“Which is why we want to thank you.  How about you come up to my hotel room tonight.  We were all going to order some pizza and have some drinks.  We were hoping you would join us,” Chris spoke with a delighted smile.  
Your brain had to do a double take, as his words repeated in your head.  “Are-are you sure?” you asked with hesitation.  
“Of course we’re sure. It’s the least WE could do to thank you for what you did out there,” Sebastian chimed in.  At that moment, you weren’t sure if you had died and gone to heaven; or perhaps hit your head at some point and were dreaming.  
“Yes.  I’d love to.”
Since you didn’t have any autograph or photo sessions today, only tomorrow, you made your way back to your hotel room.  It turns out, the guys were all staying in the same hotel as you and you were to meet them at Chris’ room around 7 tonight.  
Looking at the clock, it was only 2 in the afternoon, but with everything that happened earlier, it felt much later than that.  Setting your alarm, you decided to take a little nap so you could be ready to hang with the guys tonight.
After waking from your nap, you lay there looking at the blank white ceiling of your hotel room.   Taking another quick shower, you re-did your makeup; making sure to keep it very simple. Taking one last look in the mirror, you gave yourself an encouraging nod before grabbing your purse and heading to Chris’ room, which just so happened to be on the same floor as yours; just on the opposite end of the hotel.  
Gathering a deep breath, you let it out before knocking on the door.  You could hear laughing and ruckus going on inside as the door opened to reveal a smiling Tom.  “Hey Y/N! You made it!” he beamed while opening the door for you to step inside.  
Looking around, you noticed it was a rather large suite.  It was a complete open floorplan with a large living room and kitchen; a set of double doors revealing the bedroom.  The furniture was very modern with sharp edges and neutral tones; the kitchen had dark wood with black granite.  
“Wow,” you said breathlessly as you looked around, realizing it was bigger than even your apartment back home.  Most hotels you had ever been in were very bland and boring; maybe you just needed to up your game and start staying in suites from now on.    
“There’s our girl,” you heard Chris say and the way he said it made go weak in the knees; his voice alone sending chills to your lady bits and you had to stifle a moan.  He had two beers, one in each hand as he came up to give you a hug.  And I thought Mackie was a great hugger you thought to yourself as Chris’ large arms wrapped securely around you.  
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you giggled as he let you go.  Chris handed you a beer and placed a hand on your lower back, leading you into the living room.  
It wasn’t long before everyone was stuffed with pizza and booze; the suite echoing with laughter as you all were laid back on the couches and talking.  You were feeling relaxed and buzzed as you sipped on some sort of drink that Mackie had made for everyone.  The four of them welcomed you into their little group and you felt right at home. Chris also couldn’t keep his eyes off of you; especially your lips.  You caught him on more than one occasion watching your lips as you talked.
Chris wasn’t just watching you; he was being flirty with you also.  Each time the two of you were off the couch, either walking to and from the kitchen, or just standing around, he would always pass by you very closely. Many times he would even whisper in your ear, simple things such as “hey”, or “you look beautiful.”  Each time it made your breath hitch and you skin break out in goosebumps.  But your favorite part was when he would touch you with his hand to your lower back when he passed by.  This man was slowly torturing you in the most extravagant of ways.    
“Time for some fun! We are going to play Never Have I Ever! Everyone know the rules?” Tom said as he held up his drink.  It was a favorite past time of yours that you and your friends used to play in the summer at bonfires back in high school.  Everyone else nodded as Tom stood up.  “Alright. Sebastian, you start!”
Tom sat down as Sebastian stood up.  “Let’s see…..never have I ever…..had sex in a public place.”
“Really?  Never?” Chris asked as he shook his head laughing, taking a sip of his drink.  You bashfully grabbed your drink off the table and also took a sip.  
“Ooohh, look at our girl over here,” Mackie teased and you shrugged your shoulders; a playful grin on your face.    
“Alright I’ll go,” Tom spoke, standing up.  “Never have I ever hooked up with a cast member…or maybe in this case,” he said pointing to you, “a co-worker.”  Wheew, you were safe from that one; but Chris and Sebastian weren’t as they both took a swig of their drinks.  “Your turn Y/N.”
Standing up, you bite your lip trying to think of something that would perhaps get all of them to take a drink.  With a grin, you looked Chris dead in the eyes and spoke.  “Never have I ever hooked up with someone famous.”
“Oh come on!” a chorus of groans came about the room as you giggled.  
“Such a cheat,” Mackie said shaking his head as all four of the guys took a sip of their drinks. Looking around the room, you couldn’t help but feel his eyes burning into you.  With a small grin, your gaze landed on Chris and sure enough, he was staring right at you; his own mischievous smirk on his perfectly bearded face.  The way he was looking at you made you wet in your panties.  Biting your lower lip, you had to squeeze your legs together to stop the ache.  
Clearing his throat, Chris stood up.  “My turn.” You sucked in a deep breath as his eyes never wavered from your sitting form.  “Never have I ever slept with someone I met at a con.”  Instantly your cheeks became enflamed from the heat of the blush that overtook your body; and it clearly wasn’t from the drinking.  
“Ooohh,” came from the mouths of the three other guys in the room as they watched Chris stare you down.
“Dude, the point is to get other people to drink as much as possible.  Nobody here has hooked up with someone from a con,” Anthony chimed in with his signature smirk and chuckle.  
You stared intently at Chris, as he did the same; his eyes saying it all; not yet.  
A tremble went through your body as Chris gave you a devilish wink. 
“Damn it’s getting late. I’m going to head back to my room,” Anthony spoke up, breaking the staring contest between you and Chris.  
“Dude, it’s like, 10:30,” Tom responded giving him a goofy look.  
“Yeah and I’m old.  I’ll see you three in the morning.”  Anthony got off the couch and made his way to you, giving you a hug.  “And you all will go to bed soon enough too if you know what’s good for you!”
“Yes dad,” Tom remarked getting from the couch as well.  He too came over to give you a hug as you noticed Chris whisper something into Sebastian’s ear.  Sebastian nodded his head, giving you a grin as he came over to give you a hug also.  
“I suppose, it is time to go.”  Getting up off the couch, you began to retrieve your purse, thinking you should be heading out with the rest of them, but that didn’t seem like the case.  
Chris came up behind you and whispered into your ear, “stay for a while longer.”  A quiver went down your spine as you watched Chris head towards the door, walking his guests out.  Your mouth suddenly went dry and you nearly fell back onto the couch and hastily grabbed your drink; down the rest of it in three big gulps.   You are single, and so is Chris .  Have fun tonight your mind reminded you.  
Hearing the door close, you turned to see Chris heading towards the kitchen.  “Want another drink?”
“Umm, yeah, that’d be great.”
Sitting down next to you, he handed you a beer and you greedily began drinking it.  You weren’t sure what his intentions were for tonight, but at this point, you didn’t care one big.  He was a drop dead gorgeous man, and you were single.  You were allowed to have fun, right?
He sat rather close to you and the heat radiating off of him was searing.  The more you drank, the more brave you became and before you knew it, the words tumbled from your mouth.  “You’ve been watching me a lot tonight.”
Chris’ chest rumbled with a deep chuckle.  “How could I not?  You have an amazing personality and it’s quite a turn on.  I couldn’t help myself.”  His arm came to rest behind the couch, right behind your head as he placed his hand on your shoulder.  “I’m serious Y/N.  I don’t do this kind of thing.  I don’t just meet a girl and then hook up with her.”  So that is his intention tonight you thought to yourself.  “But there is something different about you.  You’re honest and caring.  Funny as fuck and not to mention fahking beautiful.”  There it was; his Boston accent you had so been hoping to hear.  “I don’t do things spur of the moment.”
You found yourself leaning into him, just as he was doing to you.  His words hitting close to home and it made you feel better knowing he didn’t just want to screw you and leave you.  The chemistry had been there, all night, that much was true.  As you got close to him, it felt as if a wave of electricity was bouncing off the two of you.  
“Do you feel that?” you asked, fanning his face with your breath.
“That connection?” he replied as his eyes glanced down to your lips.  “Oh yeah I feel that.”  He closed the distance and his lips finally connected with yours.  It was the greatest feeling in the world; but all too soon, he pulled away.  “Was that ok?”
Your heart was racing in your chest as you nodded your head.  “More than ok.”  You smiled before kissing him this time, putting all your sexual frustration into the kiss.  Reaching your hand up, you cupped the back of his head as your fingers threaded through his thick locks, earning a low growl from Chris.  The noise turned you on to no end as you moved your leg to straddle his waist.
Your lips continued to brush together, slowly at first.  Chris was a damn fine kisser and you found you could stay in this position for the rest of your life and be happy, just kissing him like this.    
His hands moved to grip your hips as the kiss deepened; his tongue swiping at your lower lip, begging for entrance.  You gladly opened your mouth, letting his tongue trace yours as a soft moan escaped the back of your throat.  Chris gripped your hips at the noise and you involuntarily ground your hips down.  
“Fuck Y/N,” Chris rasped as he pulled away from your lips.  He looked longingly into your eyes; his hips jutting up and you could very clearly feel how hard he was already.  His hands trailed from your hips and under your shirt; stalling at the clasp of your bra.  “Tell me to stop and I will.”
Your heart swelled knowing that he was thinking more intently about this situation than just a quick fuck and you gripped his hair at the nape of his neck.  “Don’t even think about stopping,” you cooed.  
With a seductive grin on his part, he unclasped your bra as his lips began giving slow, succulent open mouth kisses on your neck.  His kisses left you feeling dizzy in the best kind of way as your hands went to the hem of his white t-shirt, quickly lifting it over his head.  “Fuck,” you breathed out as you saw him bare chested; the tattoo on his collar bone just begging to be kissed.  Leaning down, you did just that as you let your tongue swipe across the beautiful words.  
It was his turn to rid you of your shirt as your arms raised.  He pulled off your shirt and bra with haste; staring right back at your bare chest.  “Fucking beautiful,” he murmured before his lips encircled your right nipple, making you throw your head back in pure delight.  You had never felt this kind of fire burning in your body and you couldn’t wait to experience more with Chris.  He gave your left nipple the same amount of affection before he began nibbling on your collarbone.  His large hands cupped your breasts and squeezed lightly, just as his tongue found a sweet spot on your neck.  A guttural moan left your lips and you felt his cock twitch beneath you.    
You began to gyrate your hips, needing to release some sort of tension on your core and it only spurred Chris on more as he lightly began to bite and nibble on your neck.  “Chris,” his name was a breathy moan as it left your lips.  
He didn’t need to hear anymore as he gripped your hips tightly and rolled you onto your back on the couch.  Chris made quick work of removing your pants and panties before positioning you into a seated position on the couch.  His alluring grin was back as his hands grasped your ankles and pulled you down a bit so your ass was close to hanging off the couch.  
Chris sunk to his knees in front of you and it felt like your brain began to short-circuit.  Is this really happening you thought as Chris pried your legs wide open for him. “Fahking perfect,” he breathed and his hot breath made you tremble from deep inside.  “You still want to do this?”
“Yes, yes Chris please,” you begged as your chest heaved with anticipation.  
His eyes roamed over your heaving chest before landing right on your open pussy; and fuck were you wet for him.  He began peppering the inside of your thighs with soft kisses; his beard tickling you as you tried to hold still.  Taking his fingers, he spread you gently and began to lightly blow making you wiggle with pleasure.  He damn well knew he was teasing you and he was getting a kick out of it.  Thankfully he wasn’t that cruel as his lips wrapped around your aching clit, making you scream out his name.  
Your head fell back and Chris moaned as he licked a strip right up your center and to your clit. Your hand grasped his hair as you wiggled your hips.  From all the sexual tension you’ve had tonight, you knew you wouldn’t be lasting long; especially with his expert mouth.  Fuck could this mad use his mouth.
As his mouth began to suckle your nub, he inserted two fingers into your core and you were a goner. Your orgasm washed over you in waves of pleasure; more than you had ever felt before.  You cried out his name as your body convulsed; Chris’ fingers still inside of you but they stilled their movements.  
When your high finally ended, you opened your eyes to see Chris kneeling before you; a beaming smile on his face.  “You are even more gorgeous when you come, if that’s even possible.”
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you leaned forward to kiss him; tasting yourself on his lips. Your hands trailed down his chest until you reached his sweatpants; your hand disappearing inside the waistband. A low growl came from Chris as your hand clasped his large and endowed cock.  “Oh that feels good,” Chris grunted as his head slumped onto your shoulder. Your thumb circled his tip, wiping his pre-cum all around him as you began to pump him slowly.  Hell, you were beginning to get off again just hearing the noises he was making.  “Wait wait wait.  Stop Y/N.”
You frowned at him, wondering if you were doing something wrong.  But he quickly kissed your worries away with the most passionate and heated kiss you ever felt someone give you.  “I just don’t want to come too fast,” he confessed with a smile as he pulled away.  “You’re turning me on like crazy.”
You chuckled as he stood up from his spot, shredding his sweatpants and boxers, leaving him completely bare just like you.  With your beating heart and even more aching pussy, you stood up from your spot on the couch and switched positions with Chris so he was now sitting down.  As you began to straddle him, he stopped you a second time.  “What about a condom?”
He truly was not only a gentleman, but the perfect man as you smiled back at him.  It amazed you that he was so caring and concerned. Most men wouldn’t care; they just wanted a quick fuck and then be done.  But not Chris.  “I’m clean and on birth control.”
Chris nodded as his hands raked over your naked form in front of him; eyeing you with greed.  “I trust you.”  His words made your heart skip a beat as you slowly lowered yourself onto his thick length.  The two of you groaned in pleasure at once.  You had never felt so full before.  Chris’ hands explored your body as your forehead rested on his; your breathing deep as you became stretched with his member.  “Are you ok?” he inquired.  Opening your eyes, you saw he was staring at you with consideration.  
A small smirk graced your lips as you nodded your head.  “I’ve uh…I’ve just never been with someone so big before,” you lightly giggled.  “It’s just going to take a moment to adjust.” Chris’ eyes softened as his right hand was placed at your neck, pulling you forward so he could kiss you.  His kiss was tender and gentle, making you that much more relaxed and easier to adjust to him.  
“I’m kind of glad you needed a few minutes to adjust,” Chris chuckled when the kiss ended.  Cocking your head to the side, your brows furrowed at his comment.  “Fahk Y/N, your pussy is so tight and warm.  If you would have begun to ride me right away, I would have busted instantly.”
All the tension released from your body once you found out just how turned on Chris was.  “Well, in that case.  Are you ready or do you need another minute?” you teased playfully with a wink.  
With his own grin, he placed his hands at your hips and lifted you up before easing you back down. No words were needed for you to realize he was ready.  As you placed your hands on his shoulders, you began to ride him.  Your breasts bounced as your thigh muscles were giving you one hell of a workout; but it was all worth it.  Opening your eyes, you saw Chris’ gaze go from your bouncing breasts and down to where you two were connected; watching his own cock disappear into your pussy.
Chris made a dangerously seductive growl before placing his hands at your ass, giving a tight squeeze. “YES!” you cried out, loving the way he was touching your scorching body.    
Without so much as a notice, Chris gripped his arms under your thighs and lifted you up, causing you to squeal as he began walking into the bedroom; the two of you still connected in the most intimate of ways.  
Chris placed you on the large bed with ease.  His hips snapped forward as he began to pound into you with a rapid pace.  Your arms went up to the headboard to protect your head from hitting it as Chris began to pound you into the mattress.  “Don’t fucking stop!” you begged as you felt the familiar ripple begin to tighten in your belly.  For, what it seems like the first time in your life, someone actually listened to you during sex and Chris’ hips never faltered.  In fact, he sped up if that was even at all possible.  Your toes began to curl and your muscles tightened.   “Fuck fuck yesyesyes CHRIS!” you screamed as your second orgasm of the night washed through you.  
“Right there baby…..FUCK,” Chris bellowed as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts before stilling inside you; his cum filling the inside of your pussy as his cock twitched inside of you.
You startled awake the next morning as an alarm blared rather early.  Groaning in frustration, you opened your eyes and realized you were cuddled in a cocoon in Chris’ arms; a smile gracing your lips as last night’s memories repeated in your head.
“Mmmmm, sorry about that,” Chris spoke as he turned his alarm off and kissed the back of your neck before getting out of bed.  
“What time is it?” you asked as you got into a sitting position.
“Almost nine.  I have photo ops starting at 10.”  He came around the bed and gave you a tender kiss before heading into the bathroom.  You heard the shower turn on as pushed the covers off your naked body, shivering at the loss of comfort.  
Making your way into the living room you began to dress yourself, a frown emanating on your lips. Although you had an amazing night last night, you were sad to see it end.  Chris was incredible; not just in bed but also in tune with your feelings, making you feel comfortable.  
Just as you reached for your purse, Chris emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He walked over to you, taking you into his arms.  “I had a great time last night.”
“Me too,” you replied hugging him back.  He smelled amazing and you didn’t want to let him go.  
“I meant what I said last night Y/N.  I don’t do these kinds of things without thinking them through.  If you hadn’t live in Los Angeles, I don’t know if I could have gone through what we did last night.  But since we live in the same city, I was kind of hoping things wouldn’t have to end tonight.”
Yep, you’re dead.  You’re dead and in heaven was all you could think as you stared into his baby blue eyes.  “Are you being serious right now?”
He hugged you tighter as you felt his chest rumble with laughter.  “Dead serious.”  He pulled away and gave you a chaste kiss to your lips.  “I want to take you on a real date next week.  Can I do that?”
You nodded your head quickly before the two of you exchanged numbers.  “I’ll see you soon,” he added before giving your butt a smack.  
As you left his room, you couldn’t help but grin as you headed back to your room.  Sooner than you think you thought to yourself.  
Not having VIP tickets was a bummer, but standing in line for your photo op only let you sit and memorize everything that happened the night before with Chris.  Before you knew it, you were next in line.  
Opening the curtain, there you saw Sebastian, Anthony, Tom and Chris as they posed with a fan.  When Anthony saw you, his smile brightened.  “There’s our girl!”
You quickly got in the middle of them, with Chris to your right.  Taking a quick glance in his direction, you winked at him before smiling at the photographer.  It may have looked like Chris’ arm was around you in the photo; but lo and behold, his hand was placed firmly on your ass and you couldn’t wait to get back home for your first official date with Chris.  
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thedaughterofkings · 6 years
steal the scene
For Day Five of @sterekweek-2018: Scene Stealer! Please enjoy the following 2.3k of actor!Derek and Stiles as the FBI agent tasked with protecting him!
Stiles really hates his job.
“Him?! He looks as though he doesn't weigh 150 pounds sopping wet! I could take him blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back! Seriously, this whole protection detail thing is ridiculous, and we are losing light. Just drop it and let me do my job.”
Derek Hale might be the sexiest man alive according to People and a very talented actor to boot according to the Oscar Academy who gave him a nomination three years in a row, but as far as Stiles is concerned he is a stuck up asshole who deserves whatever's coming at him. Judging by the expression on the face of the production company’s representative, she might just agree.
“Mr Hale, you can do your job as soon as you let Mr Stilinski do his. The producers were very clear on that. We are taking those threats extremely seriously and you should, too. If you cannot cooperate, we will have no choice but to terminate your contact and cast another actor.”
That seems to be the trick because Hale doesn't stop glowering, but he does nod and bite out:
“That will not be necessary. Is that all now?”
And without waiting for an answer, nor sparing Stiles a single glance, he storms out.
“Do you think he forgot this is actually his trailer?” Stiles asks conversationally and then follows the bane of his existence. At least for the coming weeks.
Stiles did not go to the Academy to be a better paid nanny.
No, not the Academy that Hale cares about, the training academy of the FBI, which Stiles graduated from with flying colours. It really is profoundly unfair that he’s been demoted to bodyguard. Of an utter dick at that. Really, Stiles thinks he wouldn’t mind the personal security job so much if it was someone he actually wanted to protect. If Hale bites his head off one more time for something ridiculous like Stiles’ shadow being in frame, Stiles is not going to protect him, he’s going to shove him in the path of any danger coming his way.
Hale is mean, and obnoxious, and a dick, and Stiles really can see no explanation for all the gushing all of his former co-stars have done about him other than a very hefty cheque. Yes, Stiles read up on him. He wanted to know what kind of guy he’d be working for, and judging from the tabloids, he’d expected Hale to be the second coming of Jesus in the body of a Greek god.
The Greek god part was right, but personality wise Derek Hale was a total loss.
“Stilinski, stop breathing so loudly, we’re trying to film here!”
Stiles huffs loudly and crosses his arms across his chest. See?
In order to be able to do his job properly, Stiles tries harder to blend in as much as possible, to stay unobtrusive to the point where people forget he’s even there. With a film set as busy as this one, it works surprisingly well, as long as he stays quiet and out of the way, people tend to overlook him. Including his assignment.
The problem with that is that Hale shows a whole new side of himself as soon as he thinks Stiles isn’t there. He is actually charming and attentive and a very hard worker. Stiles often sees him stay longer than most people, going over script revisions in his trailer until the light through his windows is the last one that’s shining. He knows the names of every single person who works on set, from the director down to the girls helping with catering. And more often than not, he’ll know about their children, or pets, or upcoming tests, too, and ask after them.
Perhaps Stiles shouldn’t give up entirely on him just yet.
Stiles makes more of an effort with Hale from then on, trying his best to not disturb the shooting in any way and to do the parts of his job that annoy Hale the most, like checking his trailer and fanmail, as unobtrusively as possible. And it seems to work, at least partly. They are still bickering, but it’s less vicious now, less aggressive and instead more playful, teasing almost. They are actually talking now, too, during breaks in the shoot, or at mealtimes, or sometimes just in Hale’s trailer after everyone else has left.
It’s during one of those occasions that Stiles dares to ask:
“Why is this so important to you?”
It had been one of those days where everything had gone wrong, from the weather not cooperating with their planned outdoor shoot, to the lighting blowing out in the middle of a highly emotional scene, to finally catering having already closed down before they could get some dinner. Through it all, Hale had remained unfailingly polite and outwardly positive, but Stiles was being paid to watch him closely and he’d gotten to knew him pretty well over the last few weeks, even back when they hadn’t yet been talking with each other, just yelling at each other at best. Hale’s shoulders had become tighter with everything passing hour, the lines around his eyes had deepened and there had been a stubborn but at the same time desperate set to his mouth.
“Why does what matter to me so much?” Hale returns and Stiles shrugs.
“This film, that it does well, no, that it’s perfect. Are you like that with every one of your films?”
“No,” Hale admits and sighs, shoulders slumping down slightly. “I think this film could be a real awards contender, if it’s done right.”
“So you are hoping to get another Oscar nomination?” Stiles asks, trying to understand, but Hale shakes his head.
“No, I need to win.”
“Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?” Stiles laughs. “Wouldn’t most actors kill just to get nominated?”
“I’m not most actors, though,” Hale says, completely without irony. “Do you know how many Academy Awards my family has won?”
Stiles shakes his head and dimly remembers the bit in his brief that spoke about the acting legacy of the Hales. Apparently they’ve been actors for generations, and very successfully so.
“12,” Hale says and doesn’t look at all proud of it. “And that’s just the acting Oscars. Each of my sisters has one, and my mother has three. Everyone in the family who has taken up acting has one an Academy Award already, except for me. Did you know they are already talking about me as the ‘black sheep of the family’? About being a disappointment to my family’s legacy? Thankfully my family doesn’t buy into any of that, but unfortunately the producers do. The good offers are already drying up and if I don’t want to end up shooting terrible action movies for the next forty years, I need to win that Oscar and I need to win it soon. This film might well be my last chance.”
“And then someone threatens you and it, and then I come in and make everything even more complicated,” Stiles adds, suddenly understanding Hale’s attitude at the beginning a little better.
“I still shouldn’t have been so rude, though,” Hale says and actually looks apologetic. “That wasn’t fair to you; you are only trying to do your job after all, just like me.”
“Finally got that, did you?” Stiles teases gently before sobering up again. “I promise we are working very hard to find whoever has been issuing those threats and I also promise you that I’m not going to let anything or anyone jeopardise the filming of this movie.”
“Thank you, Stiles,” Hale says earnestly and Stiles starts. They had stuck with last names for now, even when they were no longer a sign of animosity, but perhaps Hale, no, Derek is right. They are friends now, of a sort at least, and friends use each other’s first names. Derek isn’t finished yet, though: “I know that this is far less important than what you are usually dealing with, ridiculously so, but it is important to me and I truly appreciate your help.”
“Anytime,” Stiles says and wants to smack himself immediately afterwards. Of all the dismissive responses he could have come up with! But Derek doesn’t seem to take offence thankfully, because he just smiles and ducks his head.
Stiles’ heart flutters strangely in response.
Things remain suspiciously quiet for most of the shoot. Stiles still does his routine checks, intercepting all fan mail and only passing it on to Derek once it’s been cleared, carefully examining his trailer each morning and evening, keeping an eye on things on set during the day, but nothing out of the ordinary happens. There was a brief scare with some very pink cupcakes with very pink frosting, but those turned out to be safely edible - if you didn’t mind rotting your teeth from the sugar in them that is. Derek had teased Stiles relentlessly over that incident, calling him a worry wart and the like, but Stiles held that better safe than sorry and “aren’t you keeping an eye on your girlish figure anyways, Derek?” “Noticed my figure, have you, Stiles?”
They had been flirting increasingly lately, but Stiles had been reluctant to take it any further. Protecting Derek was his job after all and not mixing duty and pleasure had been one of the first things that had been beat into them in the Academy. He also didn’t want to chance distracting Derek, not when he knew how important this film to him was. So he just kept flirting and counting down the days until shooting was supposed to wrap. The threats had been connected to this film so far, so hopefully once the film was shot and Derek no longer directly involved in it, they would stop.
Things came to a head beforehand, though.
On the morning of the last day of shooting, Stiles got a call just as the cameras started rolling for Derek’s last scene. His colleagues had discovered a new lead and were going to make an arrest any minute now, but there were fears that something had been sneaked on set despite their vigilance, something that was threatening Derek. They couldn’t tell Stiles what exactly it was, though, just that it was probably holding a small bomb, with enough firepower to at the very least seriously maim Derek, if not kill him.
Stiles starts running back towards the set before the call cuts out, the fear of already being too late pushing him forward, onward. When he bursts onto the set, enraged shouts echo around him and a few hands even try to grab a hold of him, but he brushes them off, eyes firmly focused on Derek. Once he’s sure that Derek is fine, he frantically starts scanning the set for anything out of the ordinary, anything that might hold a bomb.
They are in the living room of Derek’s character and Stiles knows it pretty well by now, including those ugly vases on the mantle Derek is standing in front of. One of them had been a little thinner, hadn’t it? According to his colleagues however, the bomb was set to detonate any second now, so there was no time to make sure.
And just as Stiles throws himself at Derek, tackling him to the floor, the vase exploding into a ball of fire, ripping through the set and bursting into a million shards flying through the air. Stiles does his best to shield Derek with his body, but the explosion has left him too disorientated to really be able to tell whether he was successful. His ears are ringing and his vision is alternating between complete blackness and bright flashes. There’s a distant sense of pain all along his back, but Stiles can already feel himself slipping from consciousness.
The last thing he hears before everything turns quiet and black is Derek calling desperately his name.
Stiles slowly wakes to the familiar sounds and smells of a hospital. He is lying on his belly and the dull throbbing in his back keeps him from attempting to change that. Moving his head seems to work, though, as long as he’s very slow and careful about it.
To his surprise he’s not alone in the room. On a surely uncomfortable hospital chair next to him sits Derek, slumped in sleep, though he’s already starting to wake up as Stiles is looking at him.
“How are you?” Stiles asks when Derek opens his eyes finally - or tries to at least. It ends up more of a croak than actual, comprehensible speech, and Derek quickly offers him some water.
“How are you feeling?” he asks while Stiles is carefully sipping at it. “Do you need the doctor? Should I call for someone?”
“I’m alright,” Stiles quickly appeases him and asks in return: “How are you? Did you get hurt? And what about the film? Will you be able to shoot the last scene anyways?”
“I’m absolutely fine,” Derek assures him. “A few bruises and scratches, but nothing serious and that’s all thanks to you. You saved my life, Stiles.”
He stops and swallows heavily and Stiles impulsively reaches out for him, relief and excitement warring within him when Derek takes his hand immediately.
“The film is finished, don’t worry. We were just about to wrap, that was just the “to be on the safe side” version and thankfully we didn’t need it anyways. But what were you thinking, just diving in like that? You could have been killed!”
“I was thinking that you might be killed,” Stiles retorts and then cheekily adds, to dissolve the tension somewhat: “I couldn’t let you have all the fun action scenes, could I?”
“I knew it,” Derek teases back, though the tightness of his grip on Stiles’ hand belies his actual emotional state. “You just wanted to steal the scene!”
“You got me,” Stiles quips and squeezes Derek’s hand gently. He can feel unconsciousness creeping in on him again already, though this time it’s just going to be some much needed sleep. A soft kiss is pressed first against his hand and then against his forehead as his eyes slip shut and with Derek by his side, Stiles slips into sleep with a smile on his lips.
You can find the rest of my Sterekweek fics here!
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