#better safe than sorry lol
qiekzart · 24 days
draw len falling down a flight of stairs
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day 29 drawing len until my preorder arrives
yea sure man here u go 😭 enjoy
u can send requests in my askbox (●'◡'●) (4 requests in askbox as of writing)
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wildlycalmotherkin · 3 months
have a poll about how you feel about killing bugs
image (well not really an image, just a poll, but whatever) id under cut
[start id: the poll has big text at the top stating “how does killing bugs (all bugs - not just mosquitoes or flies) make you feel” there are 8 options, going down vertically. the first says “i enjoy it” the second says “i don’t care when i kill one, doesn't effect me” third says “might feel a little bad but get over it in like a minute” fourth says “i feel extreme guilt when i kill a bug (whether purposeful or accidental)” fifth says “mix of some options” sixth says “it varies” seventh says “other feeling” and the eighth says “idk” end id]
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chainlink32 · 1 month
Drew Atlas's Venom in their dimension! Venom takes the form of the jacket when it isn't in control :D (Plus an alt for the world's color pallete)
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randomrabbidramblings · 8 months
Rabbid biology
[My headcanons for Rabbids' biology. Since this is more of a "scientific" take on them, I'll be using male/female/intersex to refer to biological sex. Slight NSFW warning for the reproduction part]
Part 2 is here
Rabbids are sentient odd rabbit-looking mammals. They are not rabbits nor true lagomorphs, but a sister group on their own and share traits of both lagomorphs and rodents. Rabbids are a very diverse group, but their general body shape is that of a bipedal furry creature with long ears.
Rabbids have very unstable genetics. As such they are often used as lab rats and guinea pigs (with or without their consent). Mutation processes can vary from laboratory-made to magic.
Rabbid's fur is usually white with it being sparser around the nose, mouth and belly where the pink skin is visible. While white is the most common color, their fur can come in browns, greys, blacks and can have some light patterning as well. Unnatural colors are a result of genetic manipulation or simply dye. Their fur can be straight (common), wavy(uncommon) or rex/curly (rare) and can be divided in these categories based on their lenght:
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Short: the most common one, the fur can be any texture and short, medium-short.
Lionhead: common, the fur can be any texture, it's medium-long only on the head and sometimes ears too while on the rest of the body is short.
Angora: very rare, the fur is straight or wavy and very long, usually hiding the Rabbid's body shape.
Lionhead and Angora Rabbids are able to style their head fur as hair. Dying it it's very common too. Standard fur Rabbids can have some "hair" fur as well, but only as short tufts, for this they are commonly seen wearing wigs. Facial hair can be seen in males and intersex of all fur types (being shorter in Short fur Rabbids) while Lionhead and Angora females can get a beard.
Rabbids come in all shapes and sizes, but they can be classified in these general groups (height measurements counting the ears too):
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Standard: the most common shape. They have a small body relative to their head. This size does not surpass 1.50m of height.
Brute: this group of Rabbids are stocky built, with long arms and very short legs. They are usually very strong and can easily reach and surpass 3m in height. (ex. Rabbid Kong, Sweetlopek, Momma)
Dwarf: the rarest Rabbid shape. They're not very different from standard sized Rabbids, but they are very short, less than 1m in height, and usually they have baby like appearences. (ex. Bwario, Professor Backpack, Dryad)
Mutated: as Rabbids are very common lab rats there are a lot of them that have been genetically manipulated. They can have virtually any shape one can imagine, so in this group fall all the Rabbids that cannot fit in any of the previous. (ex Phantom, Madame Bwahstrella, the Sparks).
Rabbid eyes' natural color is usually blue ranging from deep blue to almost green, mutated ones can have more variations in colors.
Rabbids are a very social species, they usually search for eachother when alone and form very strong bonds. They are also very adaptable and nowadays colonize multiple planets, everyone with their own cultures.
Rabbids can be biologically male, female or intersex. The three genders are more or less equally distributed. There's very little sexual dimorphism: females and intersex's fur is usually softer. As such, depending on the individual, Rabbids express their gender with behaviours, clothes and accessories.
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Rabbids are natural burrowers, they can dig a hole to fit in in less than ten seconds. To do this they have large palms on their hands and small black semi-retractable claws on each of their fingers (on their feet too). They're usually hidden behind the fur, but they can be easily be seen if the fur is brushed away or they can be made come out by pressing the Rabbid's fingertip, much like a cat's. These claws are also used for defense and while they're not so sharp, on a very angry Rabbid can cause it's fair share of damage.
Rabbids are very durable creatures. They can endure a lot of physical damage and still be unscatched. To do this they have a very odd skeletal system: some of their bones are able to bend and their skeleton is very flexible like a mouse's. This means a Rabbid can both reduce the damage on the bones and squeeze in very narrow spaces with no repercussions. With such a skeleton, they are also very flexible with even the most bulky ones being able to contort themselves.
Rabbids are omnivorous and will try to eat anything they find appetible even non-food items. For this they have very strong incisors and a remarkable bite force. They have pouches in their cheeks used to store and transport food. These pouches can also be filled with air to appear more threatening when the Rabbid is angry.
Rabbids aren't strictly monogamous, but they prefer sticking to one partner. They don't have mating seasons: females and intersex Rabbids experience heats lasting about a week once or twice at any time of the year and are fertile only in that periods. Intersex Rabbids can both impregnate and get pregnant. All sexes' reproductive organs are hidden inside a slit for protection with only the males' penis coming out for the mating (the testicles are internal).
They build a nest where the pregnant Rabbid will give birth. Both of the parents help with the nesting, with the birthing parent shedding the fur on their belly and the other providing soft building materials.
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Rabbids can have up to six kits. Litters of single kits are less common and are usually seen in individuals on their first pregnancy. With so many kits, Rabbids have six teats in total: two on the chest and four on the belly. They are always hidden under the fur and are only visible on pregnant or nursing Rabbids. Only the two on the chest are considered femminine as they may form small breasts (more commonly seen in females and never in males).
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Rabbid kits are very small in relation to their parents and they're born with very sparse fur and both eyes and ears closed, opening them only a week after birth. They tend to huddle together or on their parents to stay warm, but in litters with fewer or single kits the parents need to constantly keep them safe from the cold. Both parents take care of the kits, often taking turns as they start being active quite quick and wander out of the nest just as their limbs are strong enough. Rabbid kits make very distinct squeaky noises, but they can also scream when startled or agitated. Among all Rabbid cultures the kits' first "bwah" is always celebrated.
Rabbids talk in Rabbidese, an odd language composed of yells, grunts and "bwaah"s. After the events of Kingdom Battle, Beep-0 and Spawny came up with a translator, but it's unknow how it works as Beep-0 regretted creating it so much he deleted it's creation process from his memory. After this creation, Rabbids have shown to be able to pick on accents. They can make various other sounds as well: a content Rabbid can be heard purring, when very happy or playing they can make odd honking sounds and they can make brief hissing sounds when enraged. Rabbids express their emotions through body language too: they flop by throwing themselves on the floor when particularly relaxed and stomp their feet when angry or irritated.
Among Rabbids, clothes are mainly used to express the individual's style and/or gender. Nakedness is not considered obscene as a lot of them are fine walking around with little or no clothes. However, it usually depends on which Rabbid culture we're taking in consideration, as some of them are more prone to wear clothes than others. Also the environment they're in affect them wearing clothes or not as in colder climates all Rabbids will wear them, while in hotter places they may not do so.
Rabbids are known to be very curious and often they put themselves in danger due to their desire to explore. Nowadays they colonize multiple planets, everyone with their own means of transportation to get there. Their adaptableness and resistance allowed them to thrive in almost any enviroment.
Rabbids' intelligence varies a lot. It usually depends on the individual, but in general they don't seem very bright at first glance: they seem to behave in an almost childish way. However, this behaviour is jst a result of their curiousness. In fact they love problem solving, even if they often don't end up with the easiest or most logical solution. They have shown to be very productive building houses, tools, weapons and engaging in arts of every kind.
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nameless-sovereign · 23 days
adrian painted his home yellow, like Sydney's aura because he loves her ✨️✨️✨️
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
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Who ready to read too much into this! I sure am :D
First off love how they thought about carrying colin robinson but not guillermo XD
I think it's safe to say laszlo as the one who pitched that since after the last two seasons it's safe to say he cares about him (dude fucking raised him so it makes sense)
Second off surprised guillermo is holding onto laszlo for dear life
Kinda like how by the sounds on it he's going to relay on laszlo a lot next season with the whole changes thing 👀
Third off I know it's probably just nadja's hair getting in the way BUT it looks like the guide is holding onto her
Oh yeah fourth off THE GUIDE IS HERE!!!!!
Glad to see her with the gang!
Fifth off nadja
That's it
I just like how nadja looks here
Sixth off speaking of how people look GUILLERMO IS WEARING A SWEATER!?!??
Ok I know that sounds weird (sweaters are like his fucking thing) BUT LIKE I WAS EXPECTING A DIFFERENT OUTFIT!
Does this mean he's going to regress a bit in character?????? (I wasn't lying when I said I'm going to look too much into this)
I know I know that seems fucking impossible with the way things ended but like by the sounds of it he's going to try to hide whatever it is from the rest
So maybe by trying to hide whatever the fuck is happening he's going to act like (or at least dress like) season one guillermo you know back when his like was easier and shit didn't hit the fan?
(Really hope this doesn't happen and that it's not that deep)
And finally NO FANGS
Like I looked really REALLY close and guillermo doesn't have fangs :(
HDBDHRHEHEGSGSGEGE how am I going to act normal today?!?!!?
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acronym49 · 1 month
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Hhhh..... budterfly
Made this with some spare fabric I had lying around lol. Makes good shadow puppets
(Also sorry to my followers, I'm alive, I'm just working hard on animation for a wings of fire project! Still out here kicking gum and chewing ass)
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everythingsinred · 2 years
its bizarre bc i block and filter so liberally these days that sometimes i dont remember if a person was blocked for some mildly annoying take or if they were blocked for smth genuinely horrific
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firbolgfriend · 3 months
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I made this disease explanation last week for tt and forgot to post it here
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brekitten · 3 months
Bruce doesn't dream.
He never has, really - at least, not that he can remember. He never even had nightmares from the night his parents died. Maybe that's why; maybe he just subconsciously trained himself to not dream after that night, in fear of the nightmares that were sure to come. But the point is that he does not dream.
And yet.
The dream always starts out the same, every night, every time he closes his eyes and slips into the embrace of sleep. He's in a pitch-black room, one so dark that he can't see his hands even when he raises them right in front of his face. He knows, somehow, that he can walk for hours without coming into contact with anything - walls, furniture, anything at all to indicate that he was even in a room. Yet he knows that he is, although he's not sure why, as there really is no reason for him to know that.
The dream changes, after a while of walking. He knows that he won't find anything, no matter how far or how long he walks. This place is empty, desolate even. It fills him with dread every time. The change is never consistent, always bringing him to a different place each night.
(Once, it was a dusty old bedroom, one that made his heart ache, although he didn't know why. He had taken notice of the various space-themed decorations, the model rockets and NASA posters and stars on the ceiling. It was clearly a child's bedroom, but it hadn't been used in a long time. Another time, it was a darkened lab, illuminated only by the strange vials of green liquid lined along the many, many shelves. Bruce had wondered, after he had awoken, if it was Lazarus Water, but that felt wrong. It was something else. Something more. It had made him uneasy, and he got the feeling that something terrible had happened there. He didn't get a chance to investigate the gaping hole in the wall before he had been whisked away to another part of the dream.)
This time, he is in a brightly-lit white lab, and he has to blink stars out of his eyes at the abrupt change in lighting and color. He looks around; it seems like a typical lab, but everything is pure white, except for a green stain on the table. He can feel bile rising in his throat at the sight of the cuffs on the table, and though he still doesn't know what the green substance is, he gets the horrible feeling that it's blood. A lot of it.
He uses what little time he has to investigate the lab. There is an abundance of medical supplies, but many look unused, with the exception of the scalpels. The pit in his stomach continues to grow. Why were there so many? He reaches toward a vial of red liquid, wrong wrong wrong this is wrong, when the dream changes again.
Now he's in what is clearly a cell, except even the cells in Arkham aren't this bare. The only thing it contains is a familiar white-haired teenager, who is chained to the floor with cuffs that glow the same green as the vials of Lazarus Water that he's seen before.
Though Bruce has never learned his name, he has been in every dream, the one constant (besides the empty room, of course) in each one. The kid has never spoken, never done more than watch, but Bruce has always gotten the feeling that he was the reason for these strange dreams.
He knows that he should be more worried. If some kind of meta has managed to get inside his head, there's no telling what could happen. But he can't bring himself to be. Something is wrong, and it's not the teenager.
He can't help but think of his own children.
Something feels . . . off this time. The kid isn't looking up, isn't even moving - he seems limp, almost, as he kneels on the ground, weighed down by the chains keeping him there. Green blood - Bruce knows it's blood now, it has to be - drips from his still figure, pooling on the ground underneath him.
Bruce can't move. He desperately wants to, what could he even do? but it's like he's frozen in place. He can only watch as the teenager slowly, agonizingly, looks up at him, his bright green eyes dull and filled with fear and desperation and hope and -
Bruce wakes.
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wenellyb · 2 years
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how did joey richter play both of them so successfully yet so differently
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tell me your secrets I need to know
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niinnyu · 11 months
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Sad boy time every Monday!
Based on this picture of him from the shounen jump 55th anniversary spread poster thingy mingy.
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loopscereal · 7 months
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big win 4 gay ppl take my shitty doodles qsmpblr
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carolinelikesdinner · 2 months
I feel like Bracken/Brackendra had the potential to be like. Not Weird if Brandon Mull actually wrote it that way. Like if he had actually made it so that Bracken was actually mentally 17 and not a full grown unicorn (see: Bracken having his third horn and reaching "maturity") and made Kendra, well, not 14 when they met. Brandon Mull seems to go back and forth on whether or not its weird for them to have feelings for eachother (it is, at least the way Brandon wrote it). In ROTDS when Ronodin proposes to Kendra, she's like "omg ew,,ur so much older than me" and then. Calls Bracken her boyfriend. You know. The guy thats the same age as Ronodin.
When Bracken first appeared in the prison with Seth, I actually really liked him. He was witty and actually had some personality. But then when Kendra met him, all his personality became reduced to "ok guys let’s give Kendra a straight love interest because we killed the last one in the previous book". I just feel like the two Brackens we met are so different in terms of how they interact with the story. Sorry for ranting but as a previous Brackendra girlie its just interesting to think about
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whumpneto · 7 months
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Whumptober 2023 - No. 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.” Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”
Milo Ventimiglia as Peter Petrelli in Heroes (S01E01) and (S01E02)
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