#bias aside of him being my fav
saetoru · 2 years
the more i see ppls takes on diluc the more i realize ppl rly pick and choose when trauma and ptsd are applicable to characters and when they are not
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maple-the-awesome · 7 months
Twilight's Calling ||
Pairing: Twilight x GN! Reader
Words: 2,544
Requested by anonymous: Heeey. First of I love your writing style! It’s just amazing! Cause twilight is my fav. could you maybe write something like xreader with him, for example they’re in a battle or smth? Only if it’s okay ofc! Thanks a lot and have a good day and week! best wishes :) Twilight may or may not be my favorite Link, too (TP was the first game I finished, so I'm a little bias, okay?). I've had this draft lying around unfinished for awhile, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to finish it. Here you go, hun 💜
Zelda Masterlist 🤎Fandom Masterlist
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It's getting pretty late. 'Late' as in the sun has long set and the last time you saw any of the boys was about an hour ago when Time finally managed to herd the remaining stragglers out of the room, although he was being a bit hypocritical seeing as he still lingered in the doorway for a good minute himself afterwards (not that you dared comment on it).
Since their heavy footsteps had faded into silence - and aside from the innkeeper sometimes shuffling down the hall or a sudden 'pop' of the bedside candle - you've been left entirely alone with your thoughts as they dance on the very edge of sleep, but you refuse to lose balance. It's your shift. You promised to be a good lookout and it took a lot of convincing to even get the position, so you can't disappoint no matter how heavy the weight upon your eyelids or heart is.
You've always been well aware of the risks that would come with this mission and from traveling alongside nine heroes of legend; troublesome young men and boys who can definitely handle themselves in battle, however none immune to making possible mistakes. You expected one to occur at some point, yet never wanted the aftermath to be anything too serious.
Wild getting a decent scar on his forehead was a scare when it initially happened, but he was back on his feet within the hour - less than that actually, because if you remember correctly, his quick recovery had been controversial and resulted in quite a bit of bickering. The bottom line is that Wild bounced back with little to no trouble thanks in part to his thick skull. This is different. Twilight has yet to follow his protege's example and it's been hours.
You must admit you underestimated the situation at first due to a lack of context. It's not to say you didn't care about Wolfie when he got struck, however there's a notable difference between a wild 'pet' that occasionally trails your group and the very man you've grown to secretly admire over the months you've spent traveling together. If you had known then that they are one of the same, you would've likely shared a similar level of panic as the Champion, but instead you were left in the dark until Four finally explained Twilight's secret to you.
Even at that moment, although more worried, you figured everything would be okay. Wolfie or Twilight, a fairy should be able to do the trick to heal the worst of injuries, so one can imagine your heartbreak once learning that, for some odd reason, the state of his wounds haven't changed even under a fairy's sacred touch. That's when you truly became fearful, but you refused to show it outwardly - no more than whatever made itself present on your face, anyway.
Making a fuss won't aid Twilight's condition nor will it calm the concerns of your friends, so instead you had mostly stayed out of the way until Time announced everyone should get some rest. At that point, you made your presence known, quick to shoot your hand into the air while volunteering to take the first shift for watching over Twilight. Champion was the only one to fight you for it and honestly, you still aren't certain how you won the argument, but here you are, sitting quietly at Twilight's bedside while trying desperately to keep yourself from descending into madness as you fret over his well-being.
He's doing somewhat better after Hyrule's magic managed to stop most of the bleeding, however his wound remains deep without any further healing progress and his skin is drained into a pale, sickly color clear even through the dim glow of candle light. He looks like shit and you'd guess he feels like it, too, seeing as his face curls into a pained expression every now and again, a whispered groan leaving him whenever he slightly shifts his body (not that he moves that much).
It's gotten a bit chilly tonight, however all blankets in the room have been laid over him and you refuse to swoop as low as to steal comfort from a dying man, so you simply keep huddled to yourself, half praying the next shift will come sooner and half praying it won't because a stubbornness inside you is somehow convinced that the simple act of you being here will keep himsafe from death's hands.
You don't pay much attention to the quiet groan that comes from the bed, having already bitterly accepted that there's nothing that can ease whatever pain haunts Twilight during his nightmares, although you do lift your head when a hand shakes its way into view, barely able to carry itself to the edge of the covers where it collapses with a broken echo from its owner, "W...What time is it?"
You almost cry simply by the sight of Twilight's dull eyes staring up at you, half-lidded and only appearing bright if compared to the dark bags hiding underneath them, but you manage to hold back the tears for the sake of not scaring him.
"I-I'm not sure. After sunset," You answer slowly as to prevent any wobbling to your voice.
"And the others? Is every - everyone else okay?" Hylia, he sounds awful, his once handsome, accent-laced voice butchered by a hollow croak.
"Yeah...Yeah, we're all okay - and don't worry about the shadow. Wild managed to take it down - thanks to you tiring it out, I'd say. You sure gave that thing a run for its money there," You attempt to joke lamely. Although your laugh doesn't carry much life to it, Twilight's expression does soften a tad after the sound.
"...Good..." Is all he says before closing his eyes with a sigh through his nose. Meanwhile you fidget nervously, debating with yourself on whether you should let the conversation die off so that he can continue getting rest or keep him talking while he's able to. You sure do love hearing his voice, after all, no matter how broken it may be; it reminds you that someone as great as him is actually real and, after recent events, still alive.
In the midst of your depressed thoughts, you notice Twilight reach his hand out towards you again - or at least it looks like he's trying to. Really, he only has the strength to lift it palm-up slightly off the covers, yet you understand this movement's wordless request. Ever so gently, as if he's made of glass, you take his hand and sandwich it between both of yours. He's a bit too cold for your liking, a sharp contrast to his normally warm touch, not that you draw attention to that worrying detail.
"...Is there anything I can get you?"
He tries to shake his head, but loses will halfway through the action and instead chooses to simply let his head lull to the side towards you. From there he stares for a bit longer than he means to, his dazed brain struggling to process his thoughts at its usual speed.
"Why aren't you sleeping?"
"Someone has to keep an eye on you," You allow a small smile, slowly reaching forward to help move his bangs away from his face, "We're all taking shifts throughout the night. I was just lucky enough to get the first."
Twilight hums, closing his eyes for a brief second when your fingers brush his forehead, "How'd you manage that?"
"Barely. For a second there, I thought I was gonna have to duel the Champion for it - had my hand on my sword and everything before he finally caved," Twilight makes a sound between a scoff and a laugh which makes your smile more genuine even if he does flinch in pain immediately afterwards, "The real question is how I won against Time...Actually, I wouldn't be that surprised if he's secretly standing outside the door as we speak."
A creak of old floorboards in the hallway makes your eyes dart to the door, almost expecting the man in question to walk in and call you out for your jokes, yet you calm that doesn't happen. Twilight brings your attention back to him by moving his thumb against your hand, "Don't tell 'em, but I'm glad it's you here. I like having ya' here with me..."
You press your lips, hoping it'll help you ignore the heat against your cheeks. That must be the first time Twilight has ever openly said he 'likes' anything related to you; you're certain you'd remember any other instances of such a milestone. It might not be the exact sentence you'd want him to use the word in, but it's a step in the right direction, so you'll take it.
"I like having you here with me, too, Twi...which is why I've officially decided that I'm too selfish to let you die on any of us. I don't care if I have to fist-fight Hylia for it; I'm not letting you get out of this journey so easily."
"That right?"
"I swear it on my life."
He chuckles weakly, although the sound is taken over by a fit of coughing. Promptly you pour a small glass of water using the pitcher kept on the bedside table before gently helping him sit up to take a careful sip.
It's insane for you to think that only a few weeks ago, you had been secretly watching him move hay bales at Time's place effortlessly. Now he lies here in bed struggling to hold a conversation, his muscles shaking horribly by the simply action of prompting himself up even slightly. Seeing him like this makes you feel awful, but you also consider yourself blessed to be the one taking care of him during a low point like this, ensuring that he's properly cared for and tended to almost like a spouse would.
"Seems like I'm starting to lose you, farm boy. You should relax and get some more sleep," He makes a face and seems prepared to argue, however he must not have been able to think of anything convincing to say - that or the aching in his bones has become too hard to ignore. Either way, instead of saying a word, Twilight nods droopily before inching his way back down against his soft pillow while you fix the blankets over him again.
"Look on the bright side: make it through this and you'll probably get special treatment from here on out. Get your bags carried for you, have whatever meals you're craving be made each night...If you hobble around a little I'm sure you could even get Time to fuss over you -"
" - And what about you?" Twilight quizzes and you can't tell if he's being serious or just teasing. It feels like the latter, yet the way he watches you while awaiting your reply makes you feel another way; soft and warm, but a tad anxious at the same time, "What can I get from you?"
You pretend to think, although in truth, you already know there wouldn't be any limitations for what you're willing to give. If he asked for the world right now, you'd figure out some way to gift wrap it for him...but that's too embarrassing to admit aloud, "...Depends on what you're thinking and if you can swing it the right way."
He hums, once again staring at you just long enough to make that anxious feeling really prominent. Is there something on your face that no one told you about earlier? Is he judging your messy hairdo that you had no time to fix since the battle? Did you sound too flirtatious in your answer? Maybe his injury has given him the ability to read minds, so now he knows just how desperate you are to earn his affections!
"...If I asked you to stay with me, would you?" Twilight whispers so quietly that you barely hear, yet you do. 
"I, uh...Time will be here in an hour or so for his shift, but I won't go anywhere until then, okay?" Not even your poor excuse at smiling can save your stumbled words, yet you pray he doesn't look beyond either. He's loopy from such a stressful day, so it makes sense that he's have trouble properly wording questions. It also makes sense for him to be scared to be left alone - anyone would be in such a state. He doesn't have to worry, though; between you and the boys, someone will always be by his side throughout the night. You'd expect that knowledge to be a relief for him, however Twilight only frowns and looks away with a surprisingly depressed look in his eyes. 
Fiddling nervously with your hands upon your lap, you ask carefully, "...Unless you're wanting me to watch over your for the whole night? In that case, I wouldn't mind staying if it would make you feel better. I'm sure the others would be fine with it if they could just check in here and there."
Twilight presses his lips, refusing to look directly at you. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that based on his continued reaction, you're still somehow missing the point of his question, yet no matter how much you rack your brain, you can't think of what else he would've possibly meant.
You were tempted to ask for more clarity, but Twilight speaks before you can, "...I'd like that."
He nods bashfully which melts your heart in a way you're sure would be shamefully clear if he were only looking in your direction.
"...Well, since you took one for the team -" Scooting your chair closer to the bed allows you to cross your arms over the mattress and rest your head on top of them. Desperately you try to ignore your nerves and the cute way Twilight curiously looks over at you, "- I'll stay for the night if you promise me one thing."
"Stay with me, too? Without you, I might just loose my mind. Don't tell anyone else, but you don't drive me nearly as insane as some of the other boys do," not in the same way at least.
The corner of Twilight's lips turn upwards, his hand taking it's time to move over yours. The second it makes contact, you take the chance to hold onto it, "...Sounds like a deal..."
You match his smile easily, "Get some sleep, Twi. I'll be right here when you wake up, so just focus on getting better for me, alright?"
He hums one last time, drifting off to sleep as commanded where he seems to be far more peaceful than earlier. As promised, you remain by his side until morning, eventually falling victim to quick naps yourself only disrupted whenever someone else sneaks into the room to see how things are going. You're certain you'll be tired tomorrow with an aching back after spending an entire night hunched over, but that's a small price to pay for someone like Twilight. It'll all be worth it to see him recover, granting you even more time to spend by his side through thick and thin.
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lurksunderthebed · 7 months
Funnily enough i had a long ass convo with one of the dudebros that just decided to drop by and comment how Ghost and Soap are NOT GAY!!! on one of the comment's that initially didn't even mention anything about them like that other than saying "they could have been friends or something more like romantic", and this guy just lost it. Problem with them is they wanna latch onto their "role" models so desperately it threatens their masculinity when someone dares to read these characters as anything other than cis het man.
Bear with me it's gonna be one long ass essay; The need to gatekeep a certain character because their views don't aling with how the rest of us choose to interpret them because according to them, their view is a fact but ours that's not aligning with their bias is a headcanon, make it make sense. Saying and seething that "Ghost isn't GAY!!!" isn't a fact, that sounds like an agenda to me because seeing Ghost as a bi/pan anything else doesn't count in the "manly man" category for toxic dudebros because masculine men only are allowed to dominate and bang women, right? It just shows how simple minded and uneducated the lot of them really are. Cannot fathom man and a woman having a platonic bond without saying "yeah they're polygamous, that's a thing in military for men to have side bitches" whilst defending fiercely Ghost and Soap as being anything other than "bros" because they feel attacked.
Don't get me started on the whole double standard issue either; it's very hot and cute when Ghost threatens Milena but it's disgusting and no no for Ghost and Soap who literally have an established bond between them and clearly care for one another. Same goes for Valeria, they were ready to pair her with Soap just because it was a woman and a man. A man has to bang chicks lol/ This philosophy is so tiring and dumb that it just shows you how a cis het man actually sees women. And i'd go as far as to say it implies misogyny aswell. Take that as you will. But this issue is present in every sort of fandom whose target audience is mostly basement dwellers that rely on their mums for a brand new GPU.
I think the whole thing has to do with projection. When it comes to people who lash out and get ridiculously upset about these sorts of things, especially about a FICTIONAL character it's cause they view it as an attack on themselves.
Which is all sorts of sad, because we're not talking facts here or canonical events, it's about how those fans see themselves in their fav characters.
As I said earlier, you could read into people's sexualities all you want. Aside from Laswell hilariously enough, there isn't any definitive proof of het/gay/etc in any character in 141. If there was, you bet my overly analytical self would find it and make a note of it for Ghost or Soap.
There's arguably more proof on Ghost being queer than him being straight/het which is the funniest thing. The easiest read is him being just not interested in people as a whole, especially with how much he doesn't really interact with others personally (outside of Soap).
Personally, I think when it comes to those sorts of people it's best to just leave it be. No amount of actual factual basis or any sort of reason will change their minds. Because it's not the characters in question that is the issue, it's themselves as people that push their own agenda into it.
Again irony at its finest. For all the people out there upset at those pushing the "gay agenda" onto these characters, it's really themselves pushing their own values onto them. Realising this would require more self reflection than most of that vocal fanbase actually have.
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roscoehamiltons · 2 months
got tagged by @inloif to answer some questions about my fav kpop group.
tw: child abuse; very brief mention of it in one of the questions
♡: Who is your favorite KPop group?
infinite 💛♾️
♡: Which member sparked your interest first?
♡: Who was your first bias?
♡: Who is your current bias?
hoya is always number one in my heart, despite him leaving the group in 2017 🥲 dongwoo and sungyeol are my tied for my faves after him
♡: What makes them your current bias?
hoya caught my attention from the beginning lol because back in 2011(!) i saw a gif or pic of him here on tumblr and thought that he was yunho from dbsk but then could not find it again, and for awhile i could not figure out who it was so this mystery was stuck in my mind until i finally figured out it was him. aside from his looks, i really liked his personality too lol hard work, ambition, earnesty and a biting wit are qualities that i admire in people even rn and hoya had that in spades. his perseverance in his journey to becoming an idol was very inspiring and moving to me (tw: child abuse, the tl;dr of it was that he wanted to pursue dancing and becoming an idol when in high school and ended up dropping out and leaving home after he had a physical altercation w his dad when they had an argument about his career goals. so he was basically homeless for awhile before he got accepted as a trainee. he also was told initially he wouldn't be able to debut due to having a stutter and then he basically trained himself out of it in a very short period of time without any professional help). he was also the ace of the group, even though dancing was (and still is) his passion, he also was a decent singer and rapper and actor (at least in reply 1997 lol, idk about his other roles. also his role in reply 1997 is literally revolutionary lol i won't say why bc spoilers but i recommend watching it if you like kdramas! he plays kang junhee)
♡: Who is your bias wrecker?
hm ig like i said above, dongwoo and sungyeol. both of them are genuine, earnest and funny in different ways
♡: Which member (s) are you currently obsessing over that aren’t your bias/bias wrecker?
i wouldn't say i'm obsessing over him lol but sunggyu has climbed up the list in the past year or so
♡: When did you first discover this group?
in 2010, when they debuted. 2010 was a time where you could easily know and keep track of everyone who was debuting when it was announced (which is wild to think about how different it is now and how the industry has become so saturated), but they also caught attention because they were being mentored by epik high who were and still are a pretty well known k-hiphop trio. i didn't become interested in them until 2011 though, because i didn't like the song they debuted with
♡: Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
yes, i've been twice. i had to look up the dates because it's been so long lol but the first time was in 2013 and the second time was 2016. honestly one of the best memories of my life
♡: What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
btd, tic toc, julia, paradise, the chaser, destiny, bad, i hate
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unrequited-fantasies · 4 months
Figured I'd make a post addressing some of the critiques in this video since about half of them rubbed me the wrong way. If I don't address something, I either agreed or felt it was worthwhile. Ok, onto my major criticisms. 2:26 | "The message of fighting for love rather than blood fills hollow as it pertains to Vaggie" I see this as audience bias. We're led to believe that this is Carmilla and Vaggie's first meeting. This means that Carmilla probably only knows 3 things max about Vaggie. 1) she was an exorcist 2) she's Charlie's girlfriend and 3) needs weapons to defeat the exorcists. Carmilla only knows exorcists to be bloodthirsty so it tracks for her to assume that about Vaggie too. She doesn't know Vaggie like we do after all. That said, I agree it doesn't fit Vaggie.
Up next, his Alastor critiques. To preface, Alastor is one of my favs and it physically pains me to see ppl completely misunderstand him time and time again. So if I sound harsher here, that's why. SC's main criticism is "Alastor bounces between a clearly antagonistic force to a loyal hotel member that believes in Charlie".
5:50 | "just as often as the show tries to make him sketchy, it gives him moments that show he cares about the hotel" No examples are stated outright so I'm led to assume the clips used are meant to be examples of Alastor flip flopping. However the context of the clips disprove that claim. 6:43 Alastor helped Charlie get an army to protect the hotel through Rosie. Alastor agreed to do this because it was part of the *blatantly sketchy deal* he made with Charlie beforehand. 6:49 I don't see how Alastor getting rid of egg boys via Vaggie's request says anything about anything. He was going to leave to attend the overlord meeting anyway so it wasn't an inconvenient. Plus Viv did say that Alastor has a lighter view on women so this is character consistency if anything. (On that note it's nice to see character info from Viv's livestreams actually depicted in the show)
7:14 | "the writers love Alastor too much to make him do truly heinous acts" What are you smoking and where can I get some? Jokes aside, Alastor is a know serial killer and cannibal, both of which I put on full display at least once. Heck why even point out? I could just mention the Husk scene. We see Alastor abuse Husk in 4K. He threatened physical abuse, and while he didn't go through with it at that very moment, it's still verbal abuse which shouldn't be looked over when talking about Alastor's evil actions. This scene alone caused an uproar among Alastor fans when the episode dropped. It comes off as a bad faith criticism to not include it let alone mention it.
7: 52 | "all of Alastor's cool is a loan that only works it they can pay it off later. like i love the dude but if we keep hinting at things and not delivering we're gonna have to put him on fraud watch". This is one of the few instances where the pacing slows down to properly build up to something. This should be complimented not criticized. Yeah if Alastor's overhyped then we can say this build up didn't pay off. Feels like we're putting the cart from the horse here.
10:39 | "Vox's running commentary is hilarious until it isn't"
Vox is perfect and all criticism against him is invalid. Seeing his rolled up sleeves made me feels things. Next!
10: 50 | "what they're saying doesn't track outside of Alastor being missing and he immediately shows up right after" Same critique as the first, audience bias. We see Alastor come back to the hotel, THEY don't. They see Alastor flee fight after nearly dying, then move away from the monitors to celebrate. Other than that I agree, the alleged power vacuum was poorly executed.
Aaaand that's about it really. Let leave things oof on something we can all agree on.
17:40 | "I can chalk up a lot of this season's mistakes with needing more time to write the season"
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satorugojoswiife · 5 months
Gege has gotten so predictable it’s not even funny anymore. Like that fact that everyone one could tell something was going to happen to Choso because he was being spotlighted just a little bit. Killing off the favs for shock value is getting old and is only going to turn people away from your manga. But maybe that’s his intention is to just get jjk over with. He did want to write that idol manga afterall
tbh I don't think choso is dead yet (???) I feel like it might have focused a bit heavier on him if he did die, but maybe I'm just being delusional bc he's a fave 😭
I do agree that it's predictable though. I initially really liked jjk bc of how unpredictable it was, but now everyone just dies. Tbh one of the reasons I really don't want gojo to be dead (aside from my huge bias towards him as my fave) is bc I feel like his death is the most predictable in the story.
From the moment he's introduced as the strongest it's like oh he gonna die so the plot can progress, but then he didn't (shibuya) and it was a neat twist.......but then nvm he dead now 💀 I was hoping gege wouldn't go the obvious route of killing him and instead have some plot twist again :(
And yeah now everyone is just dying and it just makes me not want to like any of the newly introduced characters bc u know they are just going to die.
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icharchivist · 1 year
thinking about relink again... if you could pick one gbf character to be added to that game who would it be?
i want Ewiyar in every single pieces of gbf content that isn't gbf. I also want her to join the gbvs rooster because i think it would be hilarious. I want to see Ewiyar everywhere. Please i'm begging.
I do mean it but it is also more of a humorous request, so, aside from that, well. I do love my stupid fighting boys, Feather and Randall, and Randall especially would be so fun to play with, i love kick combos in general and would love to see gbf do something with it.
on others chara... the angels seems like a bit too easy of a shot to mention lmao.
maybe the Eternals would be nice? Seofon coming in crashing and raising more questions than he answers as always, or Seox being there would be nice.
man in normal time i'd check my gbf inventory to figure out what charas i might not be thinking about that'd be great to add, but there's a maintenance so... my mind is running blank.
But yeah, stopping purely at my preferences and bias and not just looking a little more into what would be genuinely fun? Randall and Ewiyar are my top choices. Randall is one of my fav (and my only not Percival ringed character, i have Opinions about him) and Ewiyar is always a blessing to have around. So those are my pick
o7 thank you for the question it was fun to think about!
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
I may be Mingi biased but boy it's so hard to have just one bias lmao 💀 Woosan in the mv??? I really love the concept of underground boxer and manager???? And when Woo gives him water I SCREAMED GOOD LRD 🥵
My Mingi looks so rideable in that long coat and hat tho UGHHHH dirty thots all over but honestly they make it so difficult to stay sane lmao
All that aside I really really love the album, can't wait for my set to arrive 🥹 I think my fav may be Django, do you have any favorites??
it’s literally impossible when it comes to ateez omg like originally i biased jongho way back when and then i went through pm every member until the san brainrot took over last year 😭 YESS DUDE i’m obsssed with that concept,, i’m actually going to write a mxm fic about manager woo and boxer san on my ao3 account very soon heheheh. pleaseee i actually died during that part and speaking of look at this screenshot i took jgfkjf
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listennnnnn -
so rideable esp with that little body roll he does godddd if i really write this outlaw minjoong fic reader’s gonna ride him on the pool table and he’s gonna be holding onto his hat and smirking like “faster, darlin’ ” hfkdhd and i can’t wait either omgg im so excited > < stopppp django is my fave too!! i’m obsessed with wy’s part he sounds so cunty oml and ofc the chorus is so catchy i’m convinced they laced it with something OMG AND YUNHO’S “i’m a lone gunman, bang, bang, bang” like please shoot me preferably with your load im so sorry for that jsjsh but besides that it’s def outlaw!! the chorus is so sexy it hurts me… and then the end is so fucking hype??? anyways they knew what they were doing with this album esp with the whole theme being chili peppers and that’s straight up slang for cock in korean like don’t play with meeeee
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ughh ty for ur amazing tags it was so disgusting how they were 1. telling on themselves claiming poc and fat people aren't attractive and 2. wishing racism and body shaming on an actor in the name of justice(??). not that im surprised anyway their crowd was the one that demonized lucas and ignored caleb for years. one of my favorite characters is patrick and he wasn't allowed even a nightmare sequence he was just forgotten by the narrative and brushed off. a Black victim of abuse not even given a voice, just forcibly suppressed and used to move the plot along to fuel jason's satanic bullshit. he is ignored by the large majority of the fandom that focuses all their attention on white boy of the week but think hating billy is enough to compensate for their favouritism and racism. i hate how poc are treated in this show but its not enough for ppl to just direct all their performative criticism on a character they want actual racist harassment directed at them too. so disgusting.
i don't normally beef on the internet (i much prefer throwing hands irl actually, but ppl seem to enjoy hiding their shit behind a screen lol), but i really did such a hard double take at those tags.
i really can't fathom tearing down another character because your fav gets shit. i fully understand that characters like lucas and argyle don't get a lot of attention and that's likely a combination of a) the duffer's own bias sidelining those characters, and b) fans' bias in ignoring poc. that doesn't mean i'm gonna throw hands with your average eddie or steve stan or whatever, i don't find that productive. i'd rather engage with fans that already enjoy my fav or are open to consuming content about them and encourage (in this long winded example) eddie stans to enjoy argyle content without making them feel guilty about their blorbo.
same goes for every time i see someone thinking that if they kick down billy it will elevate nancy or lucas or max or eddie or steve. it's petty, it doesn't work, and the only things that result from it are a) an echo chambers where all your fellow salty mutuals will yes man you, or b) ppl who like what you just talked shit about are gonna roll up asking what your damage is. lo and behold.
even putting all of the dumb nancy vs billy nonsense aside (and for the record i think the duffers badly wrote both characters in different ways), those fucking tags were just. SUCH an accidental slip reveal of what that person really thinks. i don't think they're a horrible person or whatever but they're definitely a dick and think that as long as they hate the right character they're correct and good.
like you said, wishing bigotry on a person/character just because you don't like them is a weird fucking thing to say. at that point i barely care what the context of the post was. can you imagine saying that out loud in a room full of fat ppl/poc? i don't think any of them are gonna come to the conclusion that you mean it as a roundabouts insult against a popular hot white actor/character and go 'oh yes haha you're so right i totally think fans hating him for being brown/fat is preferable'. i personally would have torn down whoever said that shit to me irl, that's some white ass performative activism i don't have time for, but it seems like ppl don't think about how the shit they say would sound out loud irl to the very ppl they seem to be trying to support
nevermind that any given piece of billy fanfiction and an awful lot of fanart explores the trauma billy has gone through more than it goes 'ah yes blonde boy hot'. we can have tho conversations without being pricks saying shit in bad faith about it. like, most billy fans i see are huge fans of patrick and mourn his lost potential. because we know how the duffers treat their abused characters.
this shit isn't a contest, but often the shit you say about a character affects ppl who are similar to/identity with that character. if in your pursuit to hate and spit about a character, you say shitty things that make poc, fat ppl, abuse victims, etc., feel like you're insulting them or just using them as props for your wokeness, then you need to take a step back and ask yourself if maybe you needa chill and reevaluate what you're doing. it's not a good look, and neither is the mindset that revenge and punitive 'justice' should be prioritized above healing, growth, and connection.
(like c'mon we can redeem fictional war criminals but we can't let an 18 year old being abused by his dad work through his racial biases? like the latter isn't a much more common situation that happens irl to real abused teens with bigoted parents? alright)
anyway, i'm glad you appreciated my tag rambles, i really was just word vomiting in a fury lol
if you love patrick and enjoy the idea of patrick and billy interacting, i have a # patrick mcckinley tag and a # kingr*ve tag for each respectively (i lump all my patrick and billy stuff under their ship whether platonic or romantic bc patrick stuff is scarce enough as it is). cheers!
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
Hey! here is another appreciation post from another reader of your hyuck's mini series ^^
I just wanna say i really love your writing!! Angst is my fav genre so to read something that can tug my heart is really satisfying to me ><
I've been wanting to send you this message since before but i'm too shy and afraid i couldnt find words to write to descript my feeling but i'll just do it now haha
I did read one of your answers about the possibility of the ending, if the fl gonna ended up with hyuck again or jeno. tbh i feel the same way as you. Hyuck's character here is so damn toxic i wish i could punch him real hard so he realised his mistakes but then again it'll be satisying to see him get torture slowly like that.
on the other side, aka my bias for him, i want them to be together again. which showed that his toxic is winning if they ended up together again. because i couldnt see them with other people aside from each other. i guess its affected by the 5 years relationship too. But he is so toxic 😭 he is so bad to her, he is the worst! Not loving her the same way as she is already worse enough BUT IN THE SECOND PART WE GET TO KNOW THAT HE ALSO TALK BAD ABOUT HER. THAT IS SO-- coward of a man to do that. I'm so disappointed but I dont get why i want them to be back together. I mean after all renjun and jeno has done, and her braveness to finally having the positive thoughts, to see her trueself, loving and forgiving herself, why would i want her to be back again with hyuck eventho he change for a better self?
It is so complicated i want to slap myself. Because i know on the other hand, hyuck is struggling too. I dont know how to word it out but he look like he haven't found himself, (this is just like me), it's like when people said he can be like this, he will try to be like that without thinking if that is good for him. it's like he is a shadow of people's word instead of being himself so maybe thats why i still have a tiny sympathy for him. but to say it's a sympathy is not right too cuz i'm placing myself as the fl and tough to say, i still love him. i want him to realise his mistakes and changed but getting fl right away will be so abrupt. Maybe both of them should recover from the hurt and after many months and meet again and maybe they finally fall in love again, that would be okay.
Okay, now lets talk about renjun and jeno. im so so glad renjun is still talking to her even tho he is actually hyuck friend to begin with, word cant explain how much i appreciate his effort and the same goes to jeno. but as much as he is soooooo nice, i couldnt see him with the fl 😭😭 like yes he is nice and thank you for telling the fl that she deserve so much more than what she was thinking of herself before, regaining her confident back. he is a good friend and thats a shame because he is like a 2nd lead character, so damn nice, willing to do anything for the fl but at the end he could never get the chance to be with her. that is how i see his character, it could be different from you or the others.
But well this is your story, youre the writer so it's all up to you. And its just my opinion with a little bias to hyuck since he is my bias blfjdldjfk so of course i still want him at then end of the day though i really want him to physically and emotionally broken, get his heart bleeding more than the fl after realising his mistake until he gain a forgiveness from her again.
Anyway, i'm rooting for you whichever ending you planned to end it! I hope you have a great time writing and doing works outside of writing too, i saw that you're busy with your studies now so good luck with that!! Cant wait for the final part but take your time as much as you want until youre satisfy with your writing.
That should be all from me hahaha didnt expect it to be this long. And thank you for reading this lol >< have a nice days ahead <333
Hi!! These types of ask make me so happy you have no idea😭. Thank you so much. And you described your feelings perfectly.
Hyuck's character here is so damn toxic i wish i could punch him real hard so he realised his mistakes but then again it'll be satisying to see him get torture slowly like that.
I love to see that we all want to punch him lmao.
Because i know on the other hand, hyuck is struggling too. I dont know how to word it out but he look like he haven't found himself, (this is just like me)
No, you're right. I know I didn't make it explicit because I plan on elaborating it in the last part but Hyuck feels like shit for real. You don't know what you have until you lose it, right? That's what he feels right now,
Okay, now lets talk about renjun and jeno. im so so glad renjun is still talking to her even tho he is actually hyuck friend to begin with, word cant explain how much i appreciate his effort and the same goes to jeno.
They are the bests, I love them so much.
but as much as he is soooooo nice, i couldnt see him with the fl 😭😭 like yes he is nice and thank you for telling the fl that she deserve so much more than what she was thinking of herself before, regaining her confident back. he is a good friend and thats a shame because he is like a 2nd lead character, so damn nice, willing to do anything for the fl but at the end he could never get the chance to be with her. that is how i see his character, it could be different from you or the others.
I'll answer to this but I'm also referring to what you said before about hyuck and the oc being together for five years and so on. I totally get why most readers feel like this. Jeno and oc 'relationship' wasn't developed and it's against Haechan and the oc that have been together for five years and even if they were flashbacks you know how deeply they loved each other and what tied them so together so, as toxic as it got, I think it's normal to wish for them to make it up.
i really want him to physically and emotionally broken, get his heart bleeding more than the fl after realising his mistake until he gain a forgiveness from her again.
And I think we can all agree. Either way the story goes, he WILL suffer so don't worry about that
A more general comment, I know how it will end so I can't really answer you how I would do if I didn't because I don't want to spoiler but once the last part is out you can write me again so we can discuss this with no filters.
Anyway, i'm rooting for you whichever ending you planned to end it! I hope you have a great time writing and doing works outside of writing too, i saw that you're busy with your studies now so good luck with that!! Cant wait for the final part but take your time as much as you want until youre satisfy with your writing.
Thank you so much, i really need support because I'm kinda going crazy hahaha. Have a nice day/night too!!
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namoamii · 2 years
i absolutely love nagito but i hated chapter 5 [SPOILERS]
[SORRY for the dump and most of it is just my feelings and not actual analysis lol]
i mean yeah his death was extremely elaborate and it just goes to show how smart komaeda is and that even though his luck completely destroyed his life it gave him what he wanted in the end, (in an extremely twisted, roundabout way) which was to die for a purpose and even though he died hating the ultimates and himself he had genuine hope that he could bring a change for the better with his death, which aside from being loved and understood, is the only thing that he expressed wanting out of his life.
so basically what i'm saying is YES his death was very well-written and it makes a lot of sense for him to go out that way, but personally i hated it because it made me really sad.
in the funhouse, born from a want to just be useful, nagito went into the final death room and ended up finding out that everything he knew and loved about the ultimates turned out to be a lie (in his eyes, at least) thus revealing to him that he was stuck on an island with 15 remnants of despair including himself and he didn't know what to do with himself.
he concocted his plan and believed that he was dying for something good. But still, he died alone and in pain and that makes me sad.
It's really just personal bias at this point but I hated the way that hinata treated him in the game (even though it was somewhat reasonable,) because despite his enigmatic personality and awkwardness, he really just wanted to be friends with hinata.
he wanted to have someone to relate to because he felt like an outcast when compared to all the other ultimates, but hinata pushed him away and didn't want to be compared to him.
it was hard for me to finish the game at that point (i have a tendency to lose interest when my favorite character dies, or i get really sad and i don't see the point in continuing to play the game) and i only made it through his investigation by just skipping most of the dialogue.
i'm really the type to just latch onto one character, but when that character dies i get very upset and it's hard for me to find any more joy in the game/show once they're gone
Ahhh I appreciate you so much for sharing your feelings *hugs* this blog is a safe space for all hot takes alike!
I have a weird taste and actually enjoy seeing my fav characters die, but I definitely understand how you would have felt when seeing his death happens — so sudden and so tragic — I don’t remember how I reacted when I first saw it, but it definitely left a strong impression, which made Chapter 5 so memorable for me. Actually, in some ways, I think his death actually pushed him more close to Hinata; not only for Hinata to understand Komaeda more, but also for Komaeda to be like Hinata more. I think what Usami said at the end of chapter 5 beautifully concludes the deepest cleavage I see between Hinata and Komaeda: their self-determination (or self-confidence?). So in a way, I think his death actually is a character progress, which is the reason why I enjoyed Chapter 5 so much. You don’t have to agree or anything! I think your feelings are totally justified and if I could I will give you a hug T_T Komaeda do be doing this to us ToT!!
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wannabegwenstacy · 3 years
Eden's Favorite Fic's (BTS Fic Recs)
Tumblr media
Updated Version: Here!
Note: In the past I haven't indulged in tumblr fics often but I recently (past 3 months) have been reading quite regularly & am planning on branching out a bit. To keep track of the ones that I have enjoyed & the ones that I have even came back to I'm making this list. Again, I haven't been digging into the tumblr fics world for long so for right now its a very short list. I'm hoping with time I can get more fics of different types on here (btsxbts, some gender neutral xreader ones, & more ones that I genuinely like)
About me to understand what's going to be on here:
Age: 21 (99' liner)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Ult Bias: Yoongi
Trio: Rap Line
I am OT7. I do enjoy smut but don't think it is necessary to FF. Overall I just want a well-crafted plot that makes sense. I read for entertainment & to escape. But I still need some form of realism (just me personally) to follow the trail of events. PSA: I'm trying to find a broader scope of writers I like but for right now I don't have many. There are gonna be some repetitive writers for now.
Kim Namjoon:
- Librarian Namjoon Universe by @jungshookz
Beauty & the Bookworm (I love this concept SO MUCH)
Pairing: Cute, Good Boy, Nerdy, University Librarian Namjoon x Bratty, Semi-Popular, Procrastinator, University Student Reader
Word count: 20.8k
Summary: You're a procrastinator big time and you may or may not be failing. To get some extra credit you begrudgingly take the library assistant opening where you work under strict dorky Namjoon. Passive aggressiveness, cuteness, fluff, & some smuttiness arises.
Jealous-Boyfriend-Librarian Namjoon (Drabble)
Pairing: Jealous Boyfriend Librarian Namjoon x Oblivious Cute Girlfriend Uni Student Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: You take an Art History Course and end up needing a tutor. Joon offers to tutor you but he doesn't know shit about Art History so you end up getting tutored by an ArtHoe Taehyung that may or may not like you but you are oblivious to this and Joon gets super jealous.
Kim Seokjin:
- Hockey Player Jin by @ve1vetyoongi
Pairing: Sweet Hot New Hockey Player in Town Jin x Ex-Figure Skater (who has a history with jin) Reader
Word count: 20k
Summary: After a fall during figure skating practice dashes your dreams of competing at nationals, you vow to hang up your skates for good. That is until you cross paths with Kim Seokjin, captain of the ice hockey team, who is determined to get you back out on the rink and melt the ice in your heart. (Jimin is a bully in this and their other k-pop idols as characters. Very Very Fluffy and Hallmark Christmas Movie-ish so be aware of that. Overall, it's just cute :) )
Min Yoongi:
Note: these are all but one by the same writer @jungshookz & are written from the pov of a female reader. I'm gonna try to find some gender-neutral fics but for now, if you are female-identifying I really enjoyed these! :)
- Mechanic Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Baby, You Can Drive My Car (My favorite AU Fics I've read so far on Tumblr!!)
Pairing: Tatted, Mic Drop Era, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Spoiled Rich, Inexperienced, University Student Reader
Word count: 24.6k
Summary: Welcome to Min Mechanics - What can I do for you today, doll?
Maybe She Can Drive His Car
Pairing: Oblivious, Hot, Boyfriend, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Adorable, Spoiled, University Student, Jealous Girlfriend Reader
Word count: 11.6k
Summary: Yoongi's ex is back in town for a visit and you would be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of a) how knowledgeable she is about stupid cars and b) how well she gets along with literally everyone.
- Uni Yoongi x Nerdy Reader (mini series) by @jungshookz
Note: these are all drabbles I'm gonna link my favorites in the series. I'll probably add more later.
Cocky Uni Student Yoongi x Nerdy Reader:
^^This is the start of the mini-series, recommend you read it first!^^
The One with the Scrunchie:
Contains: smut, a super cute scrunchie turning into a kink of sorts, slightly insecure Yoongi, experienced Yoongi, slightly inexperienced reader, shy about their own body reader.
Yoongi always had an Overactive Imagination:
Contains: talking about sex, implied smut, reader trying to be productive while also being horny, Yoongi being super distracted and horny.
"I'm gonna need you to shut up now please"
- CEO Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Suit&Tie (First Fic in the series)
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Wordcount: 21k+
Summary: Young Intimidating Hot CEO Yoongi, Clumsy Secretary Y/N who loves Sugar, Best Friend Jimin. Funny Awkward Meeting that sets up the whole plot, was like reading a Kdrama in book form.
The One Where Augst D makes a Comeback (Favorite Fic in the series)
SPOILERS READ PRIOR DRABBLES TO CATCH UP!! (I recommend The First Date, The One Where Yoongi is Just a Little Jealous, The Proposal, The Wedding, Baby Makes Three, Baby Min's Timeline, The Birth of Baby Min, Daddy's Little Girl, Who the Hell is Augst D.
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Word count: 6.5k
Summary: Yoongi finds out you faked an orgasm and he's going to gi-give it to you more ways than one.
- Demon Yoongi by @jungshookz
Hellish (I got some feelings for incubus Yoongi not gonna lie)
Pairing: Bratty, Super Sexy, Sex Demon, Mint Min Yoongi x University Student, Non-Supernatural Believer Reader
Word count: 22.1k
Summary: Jungkook is your clueless, energetic best friend. Wonho is a character in this fic, You are dragged into summoning a demon one night by your overly excited to be summoning a demon? best friend Jungkook. Spooky but Kind of Sexy Shit Happens! (This is probably my second favorite Yoongi Fic I've read!)
- Basketball Captain Yoongi by @jungshookz
Basketball Captain Yoongi
Pairing: Cocky, Popular, Charming Captain of the Basketball Team Min Yoongi x Water girl University Student Reader (who has been crushing on Yoongi hard for some time)
Word count: 18.4k
Summary: Jungkook is your athletic bro of a best friend that signs you up to be his replacement as the water boy (girl in this case) after he makes the team. You have had a pathetic schoolgirl crush on Yoongi for a while and is basically the only reason you agreed to be the water girl aside from spending time with Jungkook. It's fluffy & smutty!
- Android Yoongi @jungshookz
Technologically in love (..I cried! but I also smiled a lot so you know this is well written)
Pairing: Personal Assistant Prototype but SUPER Lifelike Android Min Yoongi x Messy, Junkfood, & Cartoons Loving Reader (basically your early 20s living alone kind of vibe)
Word count: 24k+
Summary: You live in a Detroit Becoming Human type universe but prior to a lot of the advancements. Androids are already a thing but not to the level the M1N Y00NG1 is yet. You are best friends with all the boys and they happen to be engineers which is how you ended up with Yoongi in the first place. Namjoon created Yoongi as a personal assistant prototype android & you are told to live with him. Things get fluffy, SUPER ANGSTY, and super smutty!
- Listen Closely by @avveh
Listen Closely ( sexiest Yoongi fic I have read so far, I kept wanting to go back and read again)
Pairing: Tsundere Office Worker Min Yoongi x Hardworking Office Worker Reader
Word count: 12.2k
Summary: Unintentionally, you stumble upon something that makes you view your coworker Min Yoongi in a whole new light. (SMUT 18+: Masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, breathplay, spanking, degrading names.)
Jung Hoseok:
- Secret Boyfriend Hoseok by @kpopfanfictrash
Keeping a Secret (this took me places...Idk about you but I have trouble finding really good Hoseok fics and this one was perfect. One of my favorite fics on this website)
Pairing: New Relationship Dom Hoseok x New Relationship Tease Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated? SMUT!
- Studio Sex Hoseok by @joonbird
Pairing: Boyfriend BTS Hoseok x Girlfriend Reader
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Hoseok is stressed about his upcoming mixtape, so you decide to swing by his studio and help him relax. (Hobi being the beautiful glorious sexy man he is and putting those ungodly hips to use!)
Park Jimin:
- Jimin and His Pregnancy Kink by @boymeetsweevil
Pairing: Sweet Caring Domestic but Horny Jimin x Pregnant Hormonal Reader
Word count:~3.7k
Warnings (aka what to prepare for): everything is graphic and gross lmao, blowjobs (face f*cking), boob job (not the one w/ silicon inserts), cunnilingus, dom!jimin if u squint, cumplay if u squint again, dirty talk/degrading language, penetrative sex (doggy style), unprotected sex, PREGNANCY KINK that’s a big one
Summary: You’re pregnant and Jimin is…happy about it (If I remember correctly this one is 25% cute domestic Jimin trying to calm his hormonal pregnant partner and 75% pure filth aka Jimin having a pregnancy kink and trying to hide it but not well at all. This is however my ultimate fav Jimin smut I have ever read!)
- Crush/Neighbor Jimin by @sketchguk
Lover to Lean On: (I absolutely adore this fic. Overall it's just really well written and I felt like I was watching a show in my head rather than reading a short Tumblr fic. Highly recommend it!)
Pairing: Cute Customer & Neighbor Jimin x Florist Reader
Word Count: 19.9k
Summary: For months, you can hear your no-face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. Above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. You’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course, you’re bitterly single. But one day, the apartment is radio silent. And one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. So on Valentine’s Day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other.
Kim Taehyung:
-Roommate Taehyung Universe by @jungshookz
Stuck with You
Pairing: Frat Bro bit of an asshole Roommate Kim Taehyung x Clean Organized bit of a Pushover Reader
Word count: 37k
Summary: Kim Taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things to ever happen to you. Librarian Namjoon is your Best friend and ex-roommate. Frat bro Jeon Jungkook makes an appearance. There is so smut and implied smut.
The One with the One Year Anniversary (Drabble)
Pairing: The cutest domestic boyfriend Kim Taehyung x girlfriend reader
Word count: 4.6k
Summary: NO SPOILERS! so I'm going to give you a quote: "well, um, look! I made breakfast for you. f-for us!" Also, SFW
Jeon Jungkook:
- Gamer Jungkook by @softyoongiionly
PRESS START (this is the cutest fucking smut type fic I have ever read! it is so pure and is the exact type of relationship I want! IT MADE ME SIMP SO HARD!) gender-neutral I believe!
Pairing: Night owl Gamer Domestic Boyfriend Jeon Jungkook x Witty Domestic Cutesy Relationship Reader
Word count: 5.5k
Summary: A night in with your boyfriend Jungkook includes all kinds of things: anime, witty banter, snacks from 7-Eleven and, you know, sex. (GREAT READ!! I AM A SIMP FOR THIS FIC!!)
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What's your opinion about the other dorm leaders aside from Sir Azul?
Ooooh, this is a fun ask~
Riddle was my very first bias before Twst came out. I think I said my reasons as to why quite often enough here. 😆 But if you don’t know, it’s because at the time, my main bias was Jonah Clemence from Ikemen Revolution, he’s the Queen of Hearts, and his VA is Natsuki Hanae, two things Riddle also has. Right now, however, he’s my second favorite! I really like his disciplined self and his drive to improve himself so he can make his dorm a better place to live in. He also has good moral conduct, something that I like about him.
Leona is actually my second least favorite. :/ He used to be my least favorite, but Malleus took his spot and now he ascended. I never found his looks personally appealing, though I can say he is hot and his eyes look beautiful. It may be funny to say this because Azul is haughty, but I don’t like Leona’s arrogance. The thing is that he always lazes around and doesn’t lift a finger to do anything. Probably it’s because it’s me seeing my worst traits of myself in him, but I just don’t like him. He can also be a bully, something that I really don’t like about him. Have you seen how he was with Azul in chapter 3?
Kalim is someone I like! I love seeing his smile grace my screen and listening to his cheerful voice. Reading incorrect quotes and short fics where he’s seen in makes me smile because he’s just so cute. 🥺 But I love reading the analyses on him the most because I really want to know more about Kalim than just the sunshine front he has. He’s such a kind individual and I love that.
Vil is someone who has the title of being my only bias wrecker. He climbed to my top 5 without me realizing it until I took a bias sorter test. Honestly, Vil has the most Jonah Clemence-esque personality for me, which is a big factor as to why I like him. Vil sticks to his morals no matter what (well... until Neige happened, but upon realizing it, he felt so guilty), and he always strives to do his best. He was bullied in the past because people called him a villain, and his whole sentiment with wanting to stand on stage until the end resonates with me because don’t we all want to be the main hero sometimes? Seeing his character being misunderstood by many saddens me because his actual character is so beautiful.
Ok but Vil loves me for some reason. He’s my most frequent visitor in logins and his Halloween SSR came home to me when I only wanted Azul dupes lmao
Idia is in my bottom three, mainly because he’s rude. When he called everyone failures for not being able to free him in Ghost Marriage, I was heavily turned off by him. Who has the right to be so rude?? It also doesn’t help that he’s a shut-in who only plays video games, though it seems like he has reasons why. Nevertheless, I do like playing video games but I don’t want to constantly be a shut-in. He has his good points, though! He’s actually a nice brother to Ortho, which is so cute. 😭 He also has a lot of lore potential right now, and I wish more people talked about him in theories.
Malleus... he’s my least favorite not because of personal preferences but because of the fandom. He was kinda neutral for me back then but when people started calling Malyuu canon, whether directly or indirectly, it really pissed me off so much that he quickly climbed down my list. Malleus and Yuu can have a friendship that doesn’t have to be seen in a romantic light. This isn’t an otome game. You can tell me you’re joking if you were to joke that Malleus didn’t get the memo that Twst isn’t an otome, but I won’t be able to tell especially if I don’t know you. And then when the fourth part of chapter 5 came out, nobody cared about Vil’s OB or backstory. Everyone just flocked to Malleus and raved about him, and it personally upsetted me because this isn’t his chapter. I understand being really happy over your fav’s cameo, I really do, but when it overshadowed the main characters, it gets upsetting and it seems like nobody read anything.
All my salt on this reached to a point where I cannot talk about anything regarding Malleus, even theories. The only time I don’t mind interacting with Malleus content is when it comes to JP fanart or if someone suggested a really really interesting theory involving him that piques my interest. But aside from that, if you send me an ask about Malleus... well, I don’t mind listening to you guys rot over him, but in regards to questions, I will be slow in answering them. And if you know me well, I may not sound pleasant. 😔
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gulmoregirls · 2 years
literati endgame
My obvious bias aside, I really feel like literati endgame could be in the cards as long as big follow-up themes for a second season go. And here I'll tell you why!
1. The parallels
The show is not about the mother-daughter duo sharing the same name and story, we all know that. However, it's impossible not to parallel their relationships, specially when after the revival, the cycle seems to be opened again. So, Logan is Rory's Chris. Rich, pretty and bad at really being there enough. I feel like it's almost a concensus on the fandom that Logan is the biological father, and the fact Rory consults her own dad about how he felt about Lorelai raising her alone confirms this parallel. She has no intention to break his engagement to Odette, intending to raise her kid by herself just like her mother did. Jess would be Luke, for obvious reasons. Not only do they share blood, but they are also a constant support system for the Gilmore Girls. Altough Jess is kind of ausent, he offered Rory finantial help just like Luke used to do, and helped Rory find herself multiple times: going back to Yale, making peace with her mother, writing a book...
2. The fanservice
After divided opinions from the audience on the revival, I feel like the writers would've learned a lesson or two for a second season. Jess if by far the fan favorite, proof being the result of the pools recently shared on the official twitter and instagram profiles. It would certainly be giving the people what they want. Jess stans would have their fav back, and Logan stans would have, as the consolation prize, him as the father. Dean stans are not being taken into consideration because honestly who cares about them? Dean is happily married and doesn't deserve to be ruined again.
3. Milo. Ventimiglia
I feel like I don't even have to ellaborate on this one. But I will, because I love to talk about it. The Palladinos are really close to Milo. They wrote the Jess part specially for him and were responsible for his big break. They attented Milo's ceremony after recieving his star on the hall of fame, and, after the end of This is Us, included him on the cast for the fourth season of their famous show Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. And Milo obviously likes the role of Jess, as he always speaks fondly of the character whenever asked.
4. The original storyline ??
To be honest, the OG show went really downhill when the Palladinos left after S6. I feel like they had some clear goals and preferences. For instance, they never really took Jess out of the picture. We can never really forget him, because there he is suddently back at Stars Hollow for his mother's wedding, or throwing pebbles at Rory's window, or publishing a book. They liked the character enough to give him an entire spin off that was only cancelled because of the costs of production of shooting in California. However, at the end of S6 Logan was sent to London. This was easily solved by the next season's new writers, but I always wondered about what were the Palladinos plans for Logan's and Rory's relationship. Maybe the long distance wouldn't have worked and maybe Jess could be in the picture again.
5. The cliffhanger
Not the cliffhanger, AKA the famous last four words, but MY cliffhanger, AKA the long stare Jess gave Rory on their final scene. He just said he was long over, but I can't really buy it when a minute later he procedes to give her heart eyes on what was a very unnecessarily intense scene.
6. Everybody moved on, I stayed there
This lyric might apply to me and the fact I'm still obsessed about gilmore girls, but the Palladinos made an effort to really make it apply to Jess as well. Everybody moved on: Paris has her kids, Dean is married and with kids, Logan is engaged. But when it comes to Jess, we know so little about him that he could be the president. Successful writer? Likely, but the only canon info we’ve got is that the press tour is going well. Dating? Probably not, as the only information we get is his vague response when he and Rory first meet on the Revival. It's really unfair, because Jess is a very complex character that had a major evolution throughout the series, even if his glow up happened off-screen. He deserves to be happy, not pining over his ex from 17 years ago. If the Palladinos didn't consider pairing him with Rory, I feel like their care for the character would be enough to at least make him have settled down and move on.
7. They're still in contact... right?
Right??? I don't know if I've read and written too many headcanons at this point, but as he was the one to pitch the idea to her, I really feel like Jess is the editor of Rory's novel. At the very least, someone with experience in the field who can help her through the writing/publishing process. It only makes sense that they stay in touch, right???
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
The Bias of Body Language
By Admin 1, with help from Admin 2
“About social media…it’s easy to interpret. People think they’re moral or ethical. They talk about themselves thinking they’re logically perfect. In fact, in a relationship, even my mother doesn’t know me, for example. About Yoongi or Hoseok who have lived with me for 10 years, it’s hard to say I know them well. Do I really know the person? It’s hard to know myself. “I know him and he’s like this”. “He’s such a person”. I thought this is quite dangerous.”
-- Namjoon, vlive “Namjun’s 7 Behind”, 57:30 onward
Everything in our life is centered around biases, preferences, our partiality toward everything, regardless if it’s about big or trivial matters. Instead of having a single cellphone model for everyone, you can choose one based on your bias. Walk into a fashion store and depending on your bias you’ll gravitate toward darker clothes, longer dresses, shorter skirts, pants, and so on. Someone could present you the very same dress but in two different colors and despite them being exactly the same, your bias, your preference, will dictate that you’ll think the yellow dress is hideous while the black one is gorgeous. Yet the next person might think the exact opposite.
If that weren’t enough there’s also something called a confirmation bias, which is characterized by a tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports your prior beliefs or values. Both these things, our bias and our confirmation bias, are something we come across and tend to apply to content, in this case, BTS content specifically, and how we view and interpret body language.
Have you ever noticed how when it comes to certain scenes, moments, and/or interactions, suddenly there are thousands upon thousands of body language specialists within ARMY? Suddenly everyone will try to convince you that “based on my experience as body language expert/someone who’s amazing at reading body language this interactions means that”, coming from people who prior to it might’ve never mentioned being such expert or who are plain wrong yet try to convince you otherwise to feed into their own confirmation bias.
Interesting though is the fact that claiming that you’re able to interpret someone’s body language in an infallible manner based on a three-minute video is, to put it lightly, plain wrong and impossible at that. In order to do something like that you’d have to study that person 24/7 in every kind of situation imaginable, take note of every minute detail, interpret it all and, on top of all that, be able to have a conversation with that person to ask them to confirm or deny your theories. Once you’d have all of that, you’d be able to attempt a proper body language reading, and chances are you might still not get it right each time, or at all. Every person behaves a little differently, has their own behavioral pattern, things characteristic for them, and acts a certain way with different people and in different situations, so just because you can read one person right in a singular given situation, doesn't mean it’s the same for every person and every situation.
An example I find very curious is Jungkook during their most recent performance of Life Goes On at the GDAs. When you watch it, you’d think that yes, he liked the miniature set of No More Dream, but that’s it. He was calm, focused, professional. And yet when you watch the behind the scene glimpse at the performance, and watch him specifically, you notice that he was constantly focusing on the set and having to stop himself from messing with it. (x)
What does that tell us? Easy. We only see small glimpses of BTS, of their behavioral patterns, and even the things we do see are polished, controlled, and not entirely natural, so to speak. That isn’t a bad thing by any means, it’s what you’d expect of a professional performer who still is a human like everyone else.
So, if we get body language wrong with something like that, how can these “experts” be sure their interpretations are correct? Even more so when you take into account that every person has some sort of tic, or a number of them. It can be something like absentmindedly playing with a ring, licking/wetting your lips or biting them, scratching or messing with the cuticles on your nails, tapping your foot, or a million other things. There’s also cultural influences/norms that shape certain behaviors in ways someone from another culture might not understand or will interpret completely differently since it means something else entirely in their culture.
And here is where a lot of people, these “experts” as well as those unable to put aside their bias and confirmation bias, go wrong.
More below the cut:
To preface the next two sections, a little disclaimer: I don’t mean to badmouth people like this, after all putting aside these biases is tricky and staying objective about something you’re passionate about is a hard thing to do, as well as distinguishing between an objective observation and a bias one, but it doesn’t change the fact that sometimes people purposefully present their bias opinions as facts. That doesn’t necessarily cause issues, but sometimes it can have a very negative ripple effect that can affect and influence others, taint their opinions and cloud their objectivity when it comes to certain things.
That’s when it becomes a problem.
Section One – non-shipping related interactions between the members
You’d think this would be the more unproblematic section, but turns out it isn’t, though it’s problematic in a different way. While most casual fans or OT7 ARMY watch and enjoy interactions between the members without looking too deeply at them, without analyzing and trying to interpret things, therefore leave aside most biases, there are others who do not.
OT1s for instance go into Episodes, Bangtan B*mbs, or RUN with a bias and a need to feed their confirmation bias, be it by finding “evidence” to prove that their fav is being left out or is mistreated or a plethora of other (usually) negative ideas. People like that don’t watch interactions as just friends trying to make each other laugh or playing off of each other, but instead look for things to get upset or up in arms about because their bias going in is that their fav isn’t happy (because that’s what they want to be the truth in many cases).
Or a situation where a member might be a bit more quiet or stiff. Quickly “body language specialists” jump in and interpret this as that member being unhappy, being overworked, wanting to quit and not getting along with the other members, being bullied or silenced by them. When in reality it’s far more likely he just wasn’t feeling well, was tired or maybe his back hurt. But rationality has no place in a bias view, when the sole purpose for that person to watch that content is to find evidence that feeds their confirmation bias.
You could argue that maybe those people are simply looking out for their fav, just want what’s best for him and that they mean well, but do they really? How come those without that narrow bias lens see the same interaction completely differently? If those same people would take a step back and switch from their bias lens to an objective one, would they still see all that negative “evidence”? Chances are they would not.
Section Two – Shipping related interactions between the members
The irony of calling this section in such a manner is that oftentimes these interactions have no actual shipping relation, hold no proof of anything romantic whatsoever. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
When shippers sit down to watch a piece of BTS content, they enter the video with a clear bias—X ship is real, as example—so they are (only) on the lookout for interactions between their ship and interpret those interactions in a shipping context, while disregarding/ignoring interactions with other members in many cases since those are uninteresting, or when they care it’s only to again feed into their bias. They look for any piece of evidence to feed their confirmation bias, which sometimes goes as far as completely misconstruing, misinterpreting, and manipulating interactions in order to twist them to fit their bias.
Here’s also where body language and tics come back into the conversation. A lot of ship evidence videos on YouTube rely on body language, somehow every creator being an expert in this field and their interpretations are usually backed by thousands of comments confirming that they are right, that it’s the only logical way of interpreting things. Because that interpretation fits their agenda, feeds their confirmation bias. The funny thing though is that many of the things presented as evidence can be easily explains in a different way once you put aside your bias.
Take wetting/biting your lip as example. Thousands of videos edit together interview moments in which member X supposedly looks at member Y while wetting his lip. That, of course, is taken as ship evidence, interpreted as proof that member X is in love with member Y, that they feel romantic/erotic attraction for member Y showcased through that lip bite. That though is a very bias way of interpreting that action, especially since it removes all context and logic.
Let’s try looking at it a bit more objectively:
I don’t know if you noticed this, but the more you wear a mask, the more your lips are dry and chapped, which explains the need for lip balm. What’s that remind us of? Exactly. The members have been seen countless times using lip balm, even on stage, and they also wear masks a lot, as you do in a pandemic and also because it’s a completely normal thing to do in Asia. Why do you use lip balm? Because your lips are dry. Why do you bite your lip? Because they are dry/chapped, and/or because it’s a tic.
Now, if we look at that same scene again, member X looking at member Y while biting his lip and take into account the above deduction, isn’t it a far more likely explanation than member X feeling the need to showcase his attraction for member Y in that very moment, especially if they are at an interview about their new album, for example? Furthermore, does looking at someone necessarily mean it’s an action done out of love? Isn’t it far more likely that member X looked at member Y because Y was saying something and it’s the polite thing to do, or X was simply looking in Y’s general direction since you have to look somewhere, can’t just stare at the ceiling or close your eyes, right?
Another example I’d like to discuss is how “body language experts” interpret the very same action in two drastically different ways depending on which bias it’s supposed to feed. This point, I think, highlights just how ridiculous and bias these body language interpretations really are, and how unreliable they truly are.
Let’s take member A lying down and cuddling with member B, which is interpreted as two lovely boyfriends cuddling in bed, but when member A lies down and cuddles with member C it’s interpreted as just two bros and nothing more. Even though the scene looks exactly the same. A and B cuddling feeds their confirmation bias, so A and C cuddling is dismissed and downgraded to not interfere with their bias. This is oftentimes done subconsciously, because they are so deep into their bias mindset, they see no other way of interpreting these actions. Even though the basic scene is the same, yet occasionally it might actually come across more relaxed and “romantic” when A and C do it as opposed to A and B, but since that doesn’t fit the confirmation bias, it’s dismissed and interpreted otherwise.
And this is where we circle back to Namjoon’s quote at the beginning of this whole thing: claiming you can interpret their body language with a 100% certainty is a foolish and naïve statement because all we get to see are small glimpses of their days. We see what they want us to see, the best version of themselves, we see edited clips and controlled behavior, the members putting forth their best faces, their nicest smiles, and thinking that just because your bias tells you that a touch of a thigh or upper arm or bitten lip with their face turned in the general direction of another member must mean something or another, it doesn’t mean it’s truly so.
We can theorize, we can analyze, we can make jokes and have fun, but the moment people get into fights or start hate against other members solely based on bias body language interpretations, that’s where we have an issue. And that happens all the time. And it doesn’t just happen with their body language, but also with their words, but that’s an entirely different can of worms I might try to dive into another time if you’d be interested in my thoughts on it. Let me know.
TL;DR: Body language is a very complex thing, interpreting it in an infallible way basically impossible, so making claims of exactly being able to interpret it without bias is naïve, as is believing those interpretations. In order to truly be able to interpret/understand the dynamic between members, body language alone isn’t enough in any kind of way. It isn’t a good enough source or tool to make proper judgements, it’s actually the weakest and most lacking one, especially when it isn’t done in an 100% unbias manner.
The only thing body language can tell us if someone’s a good actor or not, but figuring out true feelings between the members solely based on it, especially when these interpretations are usually skewed due to a bias, isn’t really possible. Even less so if you don’t also take into account the context in which whatever interaction you are interpreting is happening in.
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vulpiximisa · 3 years
here is a post of Why I Like Nanamaru Sanbatsu which may or may not also be a Reasons Why You Should Watch Nanamaru Sanbatsu but it’s not made with the intent of persuasion and more of me just gushing over things because this isn’t spoiler friendly
1) Niche Sport
I’m not a stranger to “Sport but it doesn’t involve Ball or Sweat”. That’s a lie, the players sweat a lot in Chihayafuru. The fact that Sasaijma (and then another character in the later chapters in the manga) refer to Karuta is a reason enough to pick up the series. Hikaru no Go was one of my earlier sports anime as well. It’s not like I was a fan of Go or Karuta either but the way the characters wholeheartedly loved what they were doing (and competitively), it made me love it as well. The same definitely goes for Quiz Bowl. While the two I listed were something I completely had no clue how the rules go, Quiz Bowl is a bit more obvious so it’s easier to get into.
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(kinda hate these promo pics because there looks like so many fcking charas but really you just need to remember like 5 of them)
2) Nerdy Protag in a Sports anime
Actually coming from YowaPeda, Crunchyroll recommended this amongst other things. YowaPeda did the trope a lot better, given that you’d never associate an Otaku with Biking while a Bookworm being associated with Quiz Bowl does not seem unheard of. But the idea of a nerdy protagonist in a competitive sport was still an allure. 
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And oops, I think Koshiyama is a cutie so there’s a huge bias towards that. The fact that Horie Shun who voices Enta Jinnai from Sarazanmai voices Koshiyama Shiki gave me a laugh and he actually fits his role very well. Further emphasizes his cuteness without Enta’s weird gay crush lol
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3) Ishikawa Kaito
I’m not above watching anime for seiyuu reasons alone but I actually went in blind with this series and to my surprise one of my favs was in it. I’d known Kaito mostly for Kageyama Tobio first, but he’s gone through so many other roles that I enjoy (Kaki from Pokemon SM, Iida from BokuHero, Mimura Subaru from 2.43) and I’ve watched a lot of seiyuu events/radios with him so I’m just a big fan of him in general. Dunno if I should have just merged this point with the next but-
4) Mikuriya Chisato
Kaito has The Range and can do whatever role he wants (I’m most impressed by his role as Alan from BNA) but I think I have a weakness for when he’s slightly an asshole. Mikuriya gave off the generic rival trope, which he kind of is. I got some Subaru vibes from him as well. I don’t know if he’s canonically handsome, but yes I think he’s very good looking for an anime character. Plus the fact that he’s The Cool Guy but is participating in such a sport as Quiz Bowl. AND the moe gap that is his feminine sounding first name and the possibility that he might also actually be an otaku is 👌👌👌👌
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My friend had tagged something with him as “Chazz Princeton with a haircut” and while Not Entirely, he is the “We are not friends, we are rivals but I interact and help you enough that we are practically friends but i will continue to deny it” and I love that trope. The way he’s so not interested in Gorls or Nonsense reminds me of Manga Manjoume, though nowhere as serious because he is not above nonsense himself.
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5) Fukami Mari
The moment she was introduced, I had very low expectations for her. Of course she is the one that drags Koshiyama into the Quiz Bowl world BUT she doesn’t fall into the trope of “Female is very good at The Thing, BUT Newbie Male MC does it better than her almost immediately”. I’m so glad for that because as you go on with the series, she is very much an entire character and not just a female support cast. 
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She loves Quiz Bowl but she’s not the best or even very good at it. Her childhood friend from another school (which I was 75% betting that it was going to be a male and a potential love interest) turned out to be a female friend. Instead of “cat fight”, they are still very amicable towards each other and support each other but also acknowledge each other as rivals. The fact that Yuki had only started Quiz Bowl because of Mari but liked it enough to continue on by herself, I think that’s really great. 
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The anime doesn’t get to it, but she confronts her brother about why he quit Quiz Bowl and challenges him. She has her own goals and ambitions and you see her working on it. She also has her strengths and weaknesses and is a vital addition to the Buzou Quiz Team. Fukami Mari is A Good Girl and I won’t tolerate any slander towards her. The way the beginning of the series sexuallizes her via putting her and Koshiyama into generic anime situations is so uncomfortable but I’m glad they move past that later.
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Also since their group isn’t technically a Club (?) Mari isn’t just Female Manager. A plus to Quiz Bowl being Co-Ed sport.
6) Quiz Questions
I like trivia. It’s a little harder to guess the questions along with the anime because you’d have to pause all the time and half the time the contestants are going to buzz in early before you hear the entire question. Unfortunately, unless you actually are a fan of random knowledge or a huge nerd, the questions might actually be hard as well. I literally only knew about 3 questions asked in the entire series and its the anime/manga related ones lol. Still, I enjoyed seeing the characters draw their conclusions and to know what each character’s strong and weak points were. (Mikuriya using Math to calculate the Day of the Week from the past was 😚👌)
7) Side Characters
The first one I’m thinking is obviously Sonohara Akira. The moment of his first appearance, I had a hunch that it wasn’t exactly as it looked. He’s a little schemer but he has his own code of ethics, so he’s not all that bad. (Also hes A Gamer, so Relatable.) The fact that he’s related to Sonohara of Asagaoka makes it all the more interesting because they're’ so different. The way everyone reacts to him is so interesting because he doesn’t take it seriously while everyone else does. My favorite interactions with him aside from the Akiba Squad are the ones with Ookura. (I actually prefer to ship them over Niina/Akira lol)
Sasajima, mysterious Quiz Master with a past related to Fukami’s brother, who used to go to the Prestigious Quiz King School. Character wise, he doesn’t seem interesting but I love his idea of what a Quiz Bowl should be. My favorite parts of a series is when they love the thing they do, and that having fun is what is the most important. Of course you have to be fairly good at the thing first to be able to enjoy yourself freely but he never brags and is a supportive senpai.
Jinko. She’s cute. That’s good enough for me lol. I guess her Electronics Thing is also pretty cool. I like seeing the Sasajimas interact.
8) Ship
Okay, well, its obvious where I fall here. I don’t remember the last time I’ve watched such a generic sport series with a one on one protag vs rival. I’m not above shipping the “obvious/main” ship, as SasuNaru and Edgewright are some of my ships. However I didn’t ship Akira/Hikaru and I don’t ship KageHina but I do ship something like Manjoume/Judai and if asked MakoHaru vs RinHaru, I’d pick the latter, so it might just be a matter of tastes and I won’t fall immediately into every “rival” ship.
So why would I ship Mikuriya/Koshiyama? Because I love it when the Cool Guy falls for the Nerd and EXTRA POINTS if the Cool Guy is also secretly a nerd too. When I mean secretly a nerd, I don’t mean Mikuriya being on quiz bowl but that he might be a closet Otaku. (ImaSaka is everything about this trope.) 
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Anyway, they are the main two rivals in the series, so of course they acknowledge each other. Koshiyama took it so dramatically but in the past, nobody cared about his presence, let alone think that he’s a Threat. Mikuriya is a Hot Shot and thinks he’s better than everyone but this newb with potential beat him one time (unofficially) so he’s automatically curious. 
Even though it is Hot Blooded Competition, Mikuriya always seems to encourage and cheer Koshiyama on (in his own rival-y way of course) whenever he feels down about not being strong enough to compete with him. (When they were lining up for the Third round at Asagaoka) Even when Koshiyama lost, after Mikuriya had a huge handicap, Mikuriya tells him he’ll take him on anytime. The fact that he wants to do Quiz Bowl with (against) him, is practically Sports Anime confession. “I won’t wait for you, Git Gud” “Okay I will Git Gud so we can fight again” *Fist Bump* What are you guys doing.
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It might just be the art style but there is a copious amount of blushing happening every time the two interact. Also that height difference!! Mikuriya is 172 while Koshiyama is 153, I fucking love it. 
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Uhhhh that’s about it. I would like to gush more but there’s only a few chapters of the manga that’s been fan translated and it’s not even half of what’s actually out there. (I think the manga is complete by now?) There’s only one anime season of the series, and I doubt there’s going to be more so RIP me.
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