#bill denbrough hcs
izzyspussy · 13 days
au where they're in the sewers, they're suffering, yada ya, but richie Catches On and he starts trying to convince bill to become genre savvy with him by asking him how he'd write this shit, and bill's like i mean... i don't know if that's really applicable here richie because if i was writing this you and eddie would be gay. and everyone makes vague noises of exasperation and annoyance (except eddie whose noises are of course not at all vague), and like obviously they all expect richie to be doing the same routine probably on eddie's level (because stan isn't there to be the voice of basic observational skills). but actually richie just blinks and tilts his head and asks, "Both of us?"
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marcomilkie · 9 months
love how we all collectively decided that stan was the first person richie ever came out to
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reddje · 3 months
losers fic writers what are ur losers middle names since they don’t have canonical last names 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
i’ve been writing losers club / it fics for seven years so i’ve had plenty of time to perfect their middle names so here they are
eddie’s middle name when i write him is always isaiah. it’s biblical, it’s pretty, and i just think eddie’s mom is very much about pretty perfect things and edward isaiah kaspbrak is just a pretty little name
alwaysssss wentworth! always! richard wentworth tozier is so ingrained into my mind that it’s almost canon to me. i just think wentworth and maggie are the type to name their kids after themselves and when richie was born they were like okay cute, little boy, dads name as his middle name.
i think stanley asher is so cute and it’s also a popular name in hebrew and it goes well with his last name so i do love it. truth be told i did do a little digging when i was 14 and needing a middle name for stan and asher was one of the names that kept showing up on popular jewish names websites so it kinda just stuck w me. stanley asher uris ur so famous to me <3
william henry 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ william henry denbrough 🤷‍♀️ and georgie’s middle name is james, even though he’s the only one with a canonical middle name 😭
mikes middle name is william bc it’s his dads name , but i also think he could’ve been named “michael leroy hanlon” after his grandfather. i tend to go with william though !
benjamin alexander!!! so so cutie pie just like he is.
beverly grace just screams at me idk. i just feel like her dad would’ve picked it, and she hates it, but richie found out about it and calls her by it all the time and it’s grown on her hearing him call her it. (bc they’re bffs)
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peachtozier · 5 days
sorry that art made me think about the losers sharing clothes and now im like. foaming at the mouth. mikey and bill lose all their jackets in the winter bc everyone steals theirs. bev and eddie have half their closet made up of richie's shirts however they still continue to tell richie he has a terrible sense in fashion. stan letting richie borrow his kippot. ben and mikey share belts and hats. eddie plays along with being bev's dress up doll sometimes. neither bev or richie or even mike when he grows his hair out too remember hair ties so the other losers carry them around on their wrists. richie's stolen three pairs of ben's sweatpants just in this past week. socks dont have owners they just float around between everyone. yeah.
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t4tozier · 2 months
okay guys you’ve forced my hand
losers club fursonas
richie - brown bear. duh. or a hyena :)
eddie - stoat! little guys with too much energy. have y’all seen that video of the stoat on the trampoline? that’s eddie
bev - i’m picturing glamrock chica from fnaf but that doesn’t count so. sabertooth tiger. i think she deserves it
bill - grey wolf. pack leader <3 or a golden retriever
mike - clouded leopard. that’s the one that’s very paws right? idk it’s just vibes
ooh or a stag. i think i like that better
ben - otter or beaver :)
stan - possum. get it. ‘cause they p. ‘cause they play dead
or an african grey parrot
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thelosers-club · 6 months
headcanon that the losers exchange gifts in december just for the fun of it. richie always gives gag gifts and eddie is always complaining about it, bev and ben always put all their thought and care into their gifts, usually ben buys the losers a book that he spent awhile picking out, but nobody besides mike and eddie actually reads them. bev and bill just buys them action figures and comic books, which they all appreciate. stan makes everyone a card and just puts a couple dollars in them, and mike and eddie just buy clothes because they can never think of anything else
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the losers do powerpoint night
stan goes first, his presentation is titled ‘the losers as bird species’. they’re all really niche species and nobody really understands what he’s saying, but his reasons are really accurate and he finds himself pretty funny.
bill is next, his is short but sweet and simply describes his ideas for the losers’ next days out. everybody gets excited discussing plans, dates, similar alternatives, and eventually all of the ideas he puts forward do happen (and they all enjoy them very much).
ben and eddie have collaborated on theirs to create ‘the losers as disney characters’. unbeknownst to them until now, ben has spent painstaking hours photoshopping each of the losers’ faces onto each of their assigned characters, which everybody finds incredibly funny. it’s also highly obvious that ben was the one to assign ariel to bev, whilst it was eddie who chose vanellope von schweetz for richie.
mike presents his top five derry conspiracy theories, which isn’t actually as boring as you’d expect from the title. he presents each and every point with genuine detail and has clearly done his research, but the theories themselves are so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh. he’s fully aware of this and makes it clear that of course he doesn’t seriously believe in them (okay, maybe one or two of them).
bev and richie’s joint project finishes the night (after having begged everybody to let them go last, convinced that theirs is a high note to end on). the duo present ‘the losers as our favourite memes’, and proceed to spam their eyes with the most chaotic tik toks, textposts and cursed images. they both claim they worked very very hard on this and that they should be taken completely seriously, but their powerpoint actually takes the longest to present since they can’t help but crease up laughing for a full minute every time they change the slide.
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strangesickness · 3 months
so the richie's ugly red junkyard car headcanon. you know her, you love her. you were obsessed with her as an obnoxious preteen who's dream car was a red ford (oh wait that was just me)
but i raise you, that thing isn't richie's richie doesn't know jack about cars, but you know who does??? eddie.
the losers were screwing around in a junkyard, eddie is screaming about tetanus and is generally resentful of his current predicament. and then he sees it. and by it i mean a red 1990 ford f-150. the left mirror's been knocked off, the engine is long gone, the paint is so scratched the truck is hardly even red anymore, the right door is hanging on it's hinges, the upholstery is disgusting, the bumper is dinged to hell, and eddie loves it. he'd never normally spring for a red car, but it's the most in tact he'd ever seen a junkyard car and its practically new and if he put it back together he could drive him and his friends all the way out of derry.
he sees this disgusting truck, every possible health hazard in one place, and he sees him and his friends driving up to canada just because they can. he knows he has to have it as soon as he sees it.
obviously his mom would lose her mind, so they push the truck all the way to the tozier household, where went hitches it and drives it up to the hanlon's place. the losers spend all summer working on the car, everyone contributes, and as much as its all their car, it's also definitely eddie's specifically.
they get it working, mostly by finding spare parts in the junkyard, but richie, bev and bill pitch in summer job money to buy a new motor. once it's working, they have to decide on a paint color. eddie hates red cars, he insists they're obnoxious and only idiots who don't know how to drive have red cars, but like... he's kind of attached... he says he chooses red because it'll be easier to work with what they already have than choose an entirely new color, but he's secretly grown fond of how obnoxious the car is.
the losers who have their licenses (mike, richie, bill, stan) help teach eddie how to drive on the farm. derry doesn't have a drive test centre, so all the losers pile into the truck and bill drives them all up to bangor so eddie can take his test. they all sit on the curb outside the drive test centre for the full hour it takes eddie to do the test. it then takes them five hours to drive to canada, eddie drives the whole way even though he's hardly driven up till this point. richie "navigates" but this mostly consists of him elbowing eddie while he tries to figure out the map, while stan looks over his shoulder and actually navigates.
they enter quebec around 7pm (you have to be 19 to ride in a truckbed in maine and i can't find information on that in quebec, but we're going to believe the truckbed law in maine was passed after 1993, and assume quebec has no laws on this because. it's quebec.), and immediately realize none of them speak french. ben is competent in spanish which he manages to use to understand the absolute bare minimum of french. they shell out way more money than they should for a hotel chain because eddie refuses to stay in an independent motel.
they manage to pay for a single room with two twins and a pullout couch. it is altogether a horrible night of sleep but they spend most of it talking and playing cards and eating snacks and trying to figure out if the hotel has roof access (the door says "alarm will sound" but when they try it no alarms sound so!) so it doesn't really matter if they don't sleep that well. the next day they drive up to quebec city and wander around. they have like. no money left so they can hardly do anything but ben has this shitty little camera the losers bought him for his birthday so even though they can hardly do anything they have a ton of fun sightseeing and goofing off and taking pictures.
mike, bill, stan, and richie all take turns on the drive back because eddie's totally exhausted. they get back to derry around midnight and have a sleepover in the tozier basement (where most of the parents thinks they've been staying all weekend anyways). went and maggie are so proud of eddie, and he called them from the drive test centre when he got his license.
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this is the car btw. i definitely DID choose it because it was 13 year old mes dream car.
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birdblorbo · 1 year
If you sit there and try to tell me every single one of the losers didn’t have a crush on Bill, you are wrong. Objectively and subjectively you are wrong.
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kyutepups · 10 months
Modern day losers au where they have a famous joint tiktok account and they film skits and random shit they do
Like they do one of those mini music videos and Stan’s the camera man but he was a musically expert so he does all the good shakes to the beat and everything
They also do one of those blind/deaf/mute bake a cake challenges in teams and see which team makes the best cake
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tv-girllover07 · 3 months
Jaeden martell on ur birthday hcs?
A/n: Yeah of course bb thank you so much for requesting 😚 I hope this is good, I’m going to make the reader Jaeden current age :) toward the end there will be NFSW
⊹˚₊‧─────────────── ‧₊˚⊹
☆- It’s your 20th birthday
☆- He really wants to surprise you
☆- So he makes “breakfast in bed” for you
☆- The pancakes/waffles maybe a little burnt but you still appreciate it
☆- Boy is so in love with you and vice versa
☆- Gives you some of the most loving kisses on your birthday
☆- You, Jaeden, Wyatt and his Gf will spent the day together cause that’s what you wanted
☆- So you walk around the city going around all the little shops, and Jaeden will buy you a couple of things cause he wants to spoil his Gf
☆- After spending the day with Wyatt and his Gf you and Jaeden go back to your place and he cooks your favourite meal
☆- After dinner you have cake and I just a little cake thing big and you make your wish
☆- “So what did you wish for love?”
☆- “Well if I tell you babe then it won’t come true now will it” and what you wished for is for you and Jaeden to still together for ever (you do:)
⊹˚₊‧─────────────── ‧₊˚⊹
⊹ NFWS ⊹
☆- Treats you like a princess and praising you
☆- Fucks you like you’ve never been fucked before, won’t let you do any of the work
☆- Bros breeding kink is at a full time high now that your in your 20s 🤭 like he just wants to fill you up but he knows you want to wait till your in your late 20s
☆- He’ll keep a hand on your tummy, groaning into your ear. “Such a perfect princess… would be an amazing mama, wouldn’t you? Gonna fill you up, get you pregnant some day”
☆- He will stay between your legs till you crying, thrashing and screaming he just wants to spoil you
☆- After your done the aftercare is so sweet and when your about to fall asleep he’ll kiss you on the temple and whisper in your ear
☆- “Happy birthday beautiful girl I love you”
A/N: I might make this into a whole fic let me know if you want that :3
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charlottescasket · 6 months
ok but wait, I feel like Richie would so listen to Midwest emo. Among other genres. He would probably also love pretty much anything Weird Al and Bo Burnham. But Midwest emo too ok!!!
Shit I love thinking about the genres characters would listen to. I WANT LOSERS CLUB MUSIC HEADCANONS NOW!!
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marcomilkie · 9 months
Richie: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.
Stan, not looking up from his book: Spear.
Richie: BLOCKED.
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chosenhanlon · 6 months
uptown girl by billy joel was made for beverly marsh
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peachtozier · 3 months
uh. circus au 2024 edition bc I reread stepping stones and I miss them
richie: I'm sticking with hand balancer richie bc I don't care if it's boring. I'm giving him good shoulders. he trained in gymnastics before circus so his handstands are super pretty. when he's on his feet he has almost no control over his body but put him on his hands and he can balance on anything. can walk on his hands for minutes on end.
I also think he'd be a pretty good puppeteer!! bev helps him make new puppets :)
eddie: anything aerial for eddie. trapeze, silks, hoops, tight rope walking. that boy needs to be up high and flying. really flexible. his favourite thing to do is probably silks (and it's richies favourite too, because eddies costumes are always super short bc he likes having bare skin to help grip the silk)
mikey: dog trainer... bc the thought of him and mr chips having a silly little circus routine keeps me up at night. mr chips can balance on one paw. he can jump through hoops. he can walk a tightrope with mikey. they're so cute. best jugglar out of everyone
bill: ringmaster sorry I don't take criticisms. he also does tightrope and he even has a little tightrope routine with georgie!!! he taught georgie how to tightrope when they were little babies 🥺
stan: magician. he even has a couple of doves as pets that join in the routine sometimes. they're very well behaved and love sitting on his shoulders when they're not performing
bev: trapeze with eddie...... I also think she def helps design and make everyone's costumes. she also puppets with Richie sometimes, and her voices are always terrible and over the top but it makes the kids laugh.
ben: he's the one in charge of building everyone's sets and props and making sure everything is secure !!! he loves designing new things for Eddie to do aerial work with and weird little walkways for Richie to hand walk across and builds puppet theatres for rich n bev!!! he makes mr chips a kennel!! he helps make platforms for stans disappearing acts.... he is seriously the backbone of all their performances !!!!
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greenpidge101 · 8 months
hc that richies teeth r a mess and went totally hates it cause it makes him look bad and richie gets braces and hates them but he gets the brightest color they had available cause he loves bright colors
also his style of comedy is so so rachel sennott ( look her up if u dont know who she is please shes hilarious ) which is why i feel like he gets into acting in like absurd comedies and it kinda sticks and eventually falls into actually acting
bill loves drawing the other losers when they r not paying attention and little sketches and doodles cover his school work ( the others think its so endearing )
on days when his stutter is really bad bill goes nonverbal but the losers include him easily cause he is honestly kinda an open book with his intentions and emotions so they always know what he wants
eddie hates walking long distances and is always asking for piggyback rides ( adding to the eddie should hate nyc but when anyone brings it up he gaslights them cause he has always wanted to live there agenda )
however eddie loves running and is always racing people because he knows he will win even though hes short ( richie hates it cause his legs are too long and he is really awkward and oddly slow when he tries to run. if he actually gets fast he almost always trips cause he is so clumsy and then eddie is way in front of him )
bev gives richie and bill amateur piercings full parent trap style and at least one of them gets infected. when they r older she convinces ben to let her pierce his ears. eddie hates it and is always like “i am not helping when it gets infected” but does anyway
she also makes friendship bracelets and the losers freak when they find out and they all are always wearing at least two
in some an au stan becomes an ornithologist but like just in an au where the losers dont split up during the time jump they buy him a bird like as soon as they move out of derry and it is stans favorite thing ever
stan is really good at hiding his emotions but he always stims when he is overwhelmed or upset and it is a clear giveaway. he has been doing it since he was really little and now cant stop
mike loves animals and shows off all the farm animals to the other losers and also def has a dog that eddie loves but pretends not to even though the dog also loves him
mike is also the loser who everyone goes to for advice for literally anything and has the ability to make anyone feel better like instantly the others have no idea how he does it
ben loves the act of designing buildings but was never that good at math so college was a little rough. also his interest in archeology started after he read percy jackson in middle school cuz annabeth loved archeology
he also slips into a country accent whenever he gets really comfortable and the losers think its amazing ( richies country accent is just him trying and failing to copy ben )
richie and ben light up the room when they are truly happy. richie because his happiness is loud and unavoidable and ben because his radiates off him in waves and spreads to those around him
sorry thats a lot im done i just kept going
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