#black and white redux
cressida-jayoungr · 8 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Black and White October (Redux)
Miss S / Ma Yili as Su Wenli
At this point, enough black has crept into the outfits that I am now officially calling this the return of Black and White October! Wenli wears this dress several times throughout the season.
While I think this dress is attractive in its own right (and I particularly like the two-tone shoes), it's another example of a dress that doesn't quite hit the period mark. The skirt is the wrong length and too strongly A-line for 1935. I've also heard from those who know more about Chinese fashion of the period that the Chinese-style clothes are similarly iffy. However, I'm picking costumes for this blog based on just stuff I enjoy looking at, and this does fit that category. (Even though her necklace always makes me think of a cat collar with a bell.)
Screencaps are from "Death by the Music Box," "Shadows in the Bookstore," and "The Wilted Daffodil."
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hexapustapes · 1 year
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Blaze Black 2 Redux Nuzlocke End
The Unova games are already some of my favorite games of all time, and this romhack just made the experience even sweeter. This run was the most fun I’ve had in a while. 
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maxiezone · 2 years
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I didn’t pay 20 dollars for Elesa to have five pokemon
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cyanide-rifle · 27 days
Whats the difference between volt white redux and black blaze redux?
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aerialworms-art · 3 months
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I've been obsessed with vintage comics lately, and I wanted to try out a new colouring style, so here is a redux of Day 19 of my Spocktober/Trektober 2023, Tribbles!
Please click for quality :3
(ID under cut)
[Image ID: A vintage comic style drawing of three tribbles from Star Trek, huddled together.
The one on the left has curly fur and is smaller than the other two. It is coloured blonde, and has one prominent curl right at the top of it, similar to a certain starship captain's...
The one in the middle, behind the other two, has glossy straight black fur and is taller than the other two. Its fur ends in a severe line, like Vulcan bangs.
The third tribble is about as big as the middle one, only this one has dark brown, messier, more layered fur. Its fur is swept to the left, much like Doctor McCoy's.
Wiggly lines indicate they are all purring or trilling as tribbles do, and three cartoon hearts float above them. The two tribbles on either end are spilling out slightly over the border of the drawing. The background is a light blue at the top, fading into lavender underneath them. Their shadows are purple, and the white paper of the borders is aged and yellowy. The layers of colour (cyan, yellow, magenta) are made up of tiny dots, and are offset slightly, creating chromatic aberration.
Above the drawing is written "Trektober" and "Day 19 - Tribbles" Below it is written "@aerialworms" and "Spocktober"./End ID]
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bonefall · 6 months
while i do agree with the sentiment that bloodclan should be more nuanced as an entity i still believe it is wrong to portray them as the necessary "response" to clan injustice (haven't read the books in years but i am pretty sure that bloodclan started with no connection to the clans) / an opposition to the clan's flaws. some of the thing scourge did was out of selfishness and bloodclan isn't the other colour of the black and white debacle with the clans. the clans are heavily flawed yes, but it isn't realistic to completely say that their structure had no redeeming qualities altogether and that all outsider groups is fundamentally better than the clans.
all clans and groups are flawed in their own way and i believe we shouldnt brush past the things that other groups (the sisters and what they do with their toms *cough cough*) did solely to be able to degrade the clans and their culture.
Buddy, you're setting up a strawman. I promise you that if you look into the reduxes I've made of BloodClan, Guardians, The Sisters, and the Tribe, you will see that I don't make any of them a "flawless" alternative to Clan life.
Nor do I say that the Clans have no redeeming qualities. In fact, you can browse the "Clan Culture" tag to see the various expansions I've made to show how these traditions, values, and technological advances make Clan life so alluring.
The overarching theme of BB is that the nature of culture is change. For better AND for worse.
With respect, I think there's something insidious in the wording of "the things the other groups did." We're talking about fan responses to a work that consistently demonizes and degrades foreigners to make the Clans look like the "best way to live," justifying xenophobia. These are not real groups, they are writing choices.
In the franchise with some pretty extreme examples of misogyny, the authors said "What if bizarro world where women rule and have no men... woag..." and only includes a single Clan-alligned member of this culture, with a BAD opinion of them, who can't even do his diplomatic job because he HATES them so much.
In the same franchise that shows Fireheart getting bullied, facing prejudice, and fighting a murderous tyrant who publically executes a mixed-race character, their endgame villain is an outsider, like him, but this one IS a godless heathen who HATES love and friendship and banned families.
In the VERY same franchise which made its first non-malicious group barely able to get through an arc without needing to be saved by Clan cats, totally unable to defend themselves, framed as "whiny" for not wanting their clearly 'inferior' culture to be forcefully changed.
And I'm re-stating all this because, again, no offense to you in particular Anon, but I've been seeing a few people with a sentiment like yours lately. Complaints into a vacuum that don't make targeted critique of anyone's fanworks, gesturing at this broad "woobification" which is apparently out there somewhere over the rainbow, saying things like "well Scourge is selfish" or "well Moonlight abandoned her 13 year old" as if we haven't BEEN knew.
As if we're not all directly responding to these choices. As if I haven't written ESSAYS on this topic.
Since this was about BloodClan in particular though, and you admit you haven't read the books in years, please go back and actually read Rise of Scourge before trying to make critique of the ways fanon rewrites its origin. It's EXPLICITLY a response to the Clans, in the text, that the Erins wrote, it is canon that fanon is working with.
And you want people to take that out and approach it a different way... why? Because it's so incredulous to you that a nation forms in response to a threatening neighbor? That a common enemy through invasions is a way that people might choose to unite, and encourage their new culture to value brutality? Because you don't like the idea of Clan Culture's XENOPHOBIC BATTLE CULTURE affecting surrounding communities??
Could YOU, maybe, be doing this "woobification" thing I keep hearing about? Can I play this stupid game too? What's our stupid prize? Can it be a lollipop? Do we get stickers
TL;DR, ok.
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emberglowfox · 27 days
you should infodump about your ocs
i'm going to talk abt a bit of the worldbuilding in steelheart redux bc i am a nerd. you'll get a pinch of arthur at the end though
holograms are pretty common tech in the SHR-verse, and at the time of the story, most are polychromatic (aka full-color, though like real-life televisions Just How Many Colors depends on model and price and whatnot) but that wasn't always the case! when holographic technology was first really figured out, holographic displays were only capable of projecting in one color, using opacity to differentiate value. early holographic phones (H-phones, or whatever lingo i come up with later to describe them) accepted this limitation in exchange for being able to just. project a big honking screen (though said big honking screen was not physically interactable in any way.) they looked kind of like this:
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and since suddenly people could just whip out their phones and project a wall-sized display, a section of the entertainment industry scrambled to capitalize on this by making films and graphics For these phones (and the legion of projectors that also emerged) that were essentially black and white films, as stipulated by the holograms' display limitations. these movies were called monofilms (or just monos), and shortly separated into two categories: standard monofilms, produced for dark environments, and inverse monofilms, produced for bright environments.
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(when discussing the categories of monos in relation to each other, the terms 'additive' and 'subtractive' are often substituted.)
this led to a brief, albeit fiery race for various cinematographers to become the "master" of monofilmography, which involved different lighting setups and considerations than normal filmography. it was also popular among indie filmographers, as shooting in black and white was far less expensive than shilling out for top-of-the-line, industry-standard but Fucking Pricey full-color cameras.
eventually, polychromatic holographic displays were invented and standardized, and the short golden age of monofilms passed. still, despite the major film studios that had dabbled in monofilmography returning to the standard, monos remain a staple of indie film production and enjoy a niche but dedicated fanbase.
such as arthur steele, who inherited a love and appreciation for them from his late father.
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foxwmulder · 5 months
I just found my list of when I categorized every xf episode (mostly through s7) during quarantine lmao
Fresh Bones
The Calusari
Teso Dos Bichos
Hell Money
El Munda Gira
Prison or Military
Deep Throat
The List
The Walk
Miracle Man
All Souls
Signs and Wonders
Cult or Satanists
Gender Bender
Red Museum
Our Town
Die Hand Die Verletzt
Terms of Endearment
Nothing Lasts Forever
Lone Gunmen- or CSM-Centric
Musings of a CSM
Unusual Suspects
Three of a Kind
First Person Shooter
Zero Sum
SR 819
Brand X
Hollywood AD
Arthur Dales’s Tales
The Unnatural
Agua Mala
Scully Side Quest
Irresistible / Orison
Never Again
En Ami
all things
Home Again
Mulder, They Already Destroyed the Evidence!
Dod Kalm
F. Emasculata
The Pine Bluff Variant
Wait, It’s Actually Aliens?
Jose Chung
Control the Elements
Soft Light
The Rain King
Medical Anomalies
Young at Heart
Small Potatoes
Postmodern Prometheus
Founder’s Mutation
Guys Who Need to Eat Weird Stuff
Squeeze / Tooms
Pusher / Kitsunegari
Leonard Betts
Switch Lives or Linked Brains
Paper Hearts
Mind’s Eye
Dreamland I and II
Fight Club
Plus One
Time Travel or Warp
Lost Art of the Forehead Sweat
Ghosts or Past Lives
Born Again
Excelsis Dei
The Field Where I Died
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
AI Is Out To Get Us
Ghost in the Machine
Kill Switch
Half Man, Half Monster
The Host
Jersey Devil
Bad Blood
Folie a Duex
Mulder and Scully Meet the Weremonster
All Monster, No Man
Darkness Falls
Fearful Symmetry
War of the Coprophages
Field Trip
Magic, Psychic, or Lucky
Beyond the Sea
Clyde Bruckman
The Amazing Maleeni
Je Souaite
The Goldberg Variation
They’re Closing The X-Files!
The Erlenmeyer Flask / Little Green Men
The End / The Beginning
Fight the Future
Colony / End Game
Talitha Cumi / Herrenvolk
Sein Und Zeit / Closure
I’m Literally On Board Already, Scully
Fallen Angel
Nisei / 731
Piper Maru / Apocrypha
Tempus Fugit / Max
Tunguska / Terma
Agent Mulder Is Dead! Or Is He?
Anasazi / The Blessing Way / Paper Clip
Redux I and II
This Is Not Happening / Dead Alive
Mulder…You Good?
Demons / Gethsemane
Biogenesis / The Sixth Extinction
The Syndicate Hates Scully
Duane Barry / Ascension / One Breath
Memento Mori
Christmas Carol / Emily
Patient X / The Red and the Black
Why Was This Made
I Want to Believe
Discarded Categories
Creepy White Guy Predator
This Is a Small Town, We Don’t Lock Our Doors
A Nice Trip to the Forest
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cressida-jayoungr · 8 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
October: White Redux
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang / Sally Ann Howes as Truly Scrumptious
What's that, you say? A touch of black has crept into our white costumes? Oh, just ignore it. I'm sure it means nothing.
This movie is set somewhere between 1900 and 1910, but this costume really just suggests it without going for strict historical accuracy. I'm pretty sure boas like that were not for day wear, and just what is that thing on her head? Nevertheless, it's cute, and good for dancing in. Looking at this in comparison with a couple other costumes from around the same time, I'm getting the feeling that piping was a popular thing around the end of the 1960s.
Notice the faint polka dots on the bow on the bodice front!
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hexapustapes · 1 year
Mojave the Maractus' final firework
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drops-of-moonlights · 21 days
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Drops????' posting Redux AU work???? it's more likely than you think!
Anyways I looked at the old Lumen redesigns which are 5 FUCKING YEARS OLD THEY'RE AS OLD AS S8 ITSELF. so I wanted to change them up lol. space mermaid time. In order it's Twinkly, Lumilla, Queen Dorana, Prince Argen, and Obscurum! A bit of info below:
Lumens are a race of small beings slightly bigger than Pixies, who live in Lumenia or near stars. They have 10 different color variations (yellow, green, red, blue, purple, orange, pink, black, brown, and white), and outside the royal family are all monochrome. They’re born from the Cosmic Rivers, streams of colored light that flow in Lumenia and near all planets, connecting them for travel. It was the first batch of Cosmix magi that solidifed contact and trade between the realms, and it’s thanks to the Rivers that interplanetary travel appeared in the first place. Lumens are pure light given physical form, and are similar to merfolk in appearance. Their hair seems to glimmer and sparkle as well. Much like pixies, they’re completely genderless, but majorly take on gender neutral or feminine appearances. They all have the magic of light and darkness, being made of it, and can bend it to their will. They are ruled by Queen Dorana and her brother Prince Argen, who safekeep the power of Cosmix and grant it to those that complete their quest.
Twinkly is one of Dorana’s elite messengers, delivering and receiving all kinds of information. She’s very excitable and bouncy, and does her job with pride. She was tasked with requiring assistance from the Solarian Royal Family after the disappearance of Prince Argen, and then accompanies the Winx during their ordeals.
Lumilla is Twinkly’s romantic partner. She’s a kind and patient Lumen, but has an iron will and will make her unpleseanties known. She joins her girlfriend and the Winx after a couple more incidents, not wanting to be away from her.
Queen Dorana is the acting ruler of Lumenia, having been in the throne for over 6000 years by now, and also one of the holders of Cosmix. She spends the first half of AUS8 in distress over the disappearance of Argan.
Prince Argen assists his sister in ruling, acting as ambassador and diplomat when she can't, as well as also being one of the holders of Cosmix. He's kidnapped early on by Neruman and both manipulated and drugged into becoming Obscurum, becoming his recon agent/attacker, collecting the energy of various magical items scattered in the stars.
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siilvan · 7 months
OC File: Mylène "Petra" Scholten de Ridder
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gorgeous renders by the amazing wonderful phenomenal lovely @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot <33
finally posting my oc to cope with mw3... i've had her since november '22, didn't even mention her name to anyone until august lol. i've never had the confidence (or skill) to do this, so i'm thanking all of my mutuals with their wonderful ocs for giving me the strength to do it, even if they don't know it <3
note: despite petra being reader's callsign in bloodsport, it is not intended to be my oc. so far, the only fics that petra properly appears in are desideria and fortuna redux. i know it's confusing and i'm sorry 😭 more of her (and others) in the future!
very long post BTC...
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edit: completely forgot to include this— credit to cptnprice for the file!!
Name: Mylène "Petra" Scholten de Ridder
Nicknames/Aliases: Petra, Doc, Bravo 0-5, MEDINT 5, Leni (by friends/family)
Rank: Lieutenant (since 2015)
Gender: Female
Birth Date: June 29, 1990
Nationality: Dutch
Affiliations: Royal Netherlands Army, Korps Commandotroepen, Task Force 141, Coalition (Warcom), SpecGru
Birthplace: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Current Residence: The Hague, Netherlands
Hair Color: Golden Brown
Eye Color: Blue (right), Green (left)
Height: 5'7" (1.70 m)
Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg)
Build: Athletic, hourglass (hips. That's all.)
Blood Type: O-
Marks: Various tattoos (pictured below), scar on cheek
Faceclaim: Rianne Haspels (Carlotta Champagne for body)
Sexuality: Unlabeled (prefers men)
Languages: Dutch (native), English (C2), Spanish (A2), French (B2), German (C1), Danish (C1), Russian (B2), Arabic (B1)
Education: Biochemistry BS from the University of Amsterdam, Biochemistry MSc from the University of Copenhagen
Preferred Hairstyles: Low bun or Dutch braid for missions, 3-strand braid or loose for everyday
Preferred Mission Attire: Anything from jeans and a turtleneck, to slim cargos and a tank top, to proper combat fatigues. Dresses for the weather, but hates anything baggy. Prefers to wear black and green, occasionally wears white, tan, or blue. Very athletic style.
Preferred Civilian Attire: Usually dresses fairly casual. Jeans, cargos, leather pants, leggings. Plain t-shirts, henleys, turtlenecks, off-shoulder tops. Wears bomber jackets or hoodies. Mostly wears black, green, or white. Likes feeling comfortable but cute when she's off the clock.
Favorite Color: Evergreen
Favorite Flower: Magnolia
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFJ-T. Extraverted, intuitive, feeling, judging, and turbulent. Petra prioritizes the better of the group over personal benefit and strives to have a positive impact on the world and the people around her. Happy to lead or follow, but preferring to guide others, she is a self-identified humanitarian with a pipe dream of world peace. Reliability, tolerance, passion, and altruism ultimately conflict with overthinking, stubbornness, perfectionism, and indecisiveness – Petra is both helped and hindered by the idea of what things can be or could have been.
Father: Colonel Hendrik "Chimera" Scholten de Ridder. Former KCT commander and military legend-turned terrorist. (deceased)
Mother: Johanna Scholten de Ridder (née van den Bos). Former MEDINT analyst for the BVD and MID. (deceased)
Brother: Sergeant Emiel "Nightfall" Scholten de Ridder. KCT operative and specialist in anything covert; never misses a shot. Ally of TF141, rarely stays in any one place for long due to the nature of his assignments.
Uncle: Unnamed paternal uncle. Father's younger brother, civilian military engineer. Lost his life in a terrorist attack in the mid-1990s. (deceased)
Aunt: Special Agent Merel "Songbird" van den Bos. Mother's older sister, former agent for the BVD and MID. Specialist in foreign relations and espionage. May or may not be living in the USA and married to Frank Woods (spoiler: she is).
Grandfather: General Emiel Scholten de Ridder. Paternal grandfather, former commander of the Royal Netherlands Army. Yes, her brother is named after him. (deceased)
Fighting Style: Adaptable, but prefers to keep her distance. Studied kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Krav Maga in her youth – CQC is influenced by these.
Weapons: Can use whatever is available. Is oddly talented with a quarterstaff despite none of her training involving it.
Preferred Weapons: M4 (Hightower 20" Barrel, Schlager PEQ Box IV laser, Cronen Mini Pro optic, Corio Precio Factory stock), X12, Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, karambit, throwing knives
Special Skills: Specializes in MEDINT analysis, trauma/medical care, chemical warfare, hostage rescue, asset protection, and foreign military assistance. Can act as a translator. Has received training in sniping, espionage, and stealth combat from allies. Is notorious for her strong fortitude. Very versatile.
Hobbies: Art, cooking, baking, reading, sports (baseball, climbing, kickboxing, swimming, ice skating), music (drums), studying languages
Former Hobbies: Did ballet and gymnastics in her youth. Still enjoys both, doesn't have the time to practice either. Has decent equilibrium thanks to them.
The name Mylène can mean "merciful", Scholten refers to a schout (government official that handled administration of justice), and de Ridder means "the knight".
Her callsign Petra means "rock, stone" and is not implying that she's a stony person! She earned her callsign due to her high tolerance and endurance; she's also uniquely durable, often recovering from or withstanding injuries that would leave others in worse condition. It's a bit supernatural, don't worry about it.
Was introduced to drumming by her Uncle Frank when she was little. It's canon to me.
Mylène looks like a carbon copy of her aunt, sans some details like hair and eye color. She's also more well-built than her aunt thanks to being in the military.
Has a bunch of small rituals, habits, and very specific ways of doing things thanks to her OCD – nothing too crazy (she has no choice but to manage these thanks to her career), but you'll start to notice them if you're around her enough.
Has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). She's learned ways to lessen the symptoms and has an IUD that helps immensely, but it's why she still has a decent amount of fat on her body despite working out religiously. (Not projecting my issues shh)
Doesn't date often due to her career and personal reservations. Prefers someone older, though. (I'm not projecting shh x2)
Keeps a journal on her at almost all times. Inside of it is anything from basic medical info for her allies, random drawings, important notes, etc. Likes to pretend it's organized, but it's not. At all.
Skipped a year in primary school, hence why she graduated at 17 instead of 18 despite attending a VWO school.
It was painfully obvious that she learned her Russian in school before she met Nikolai. After he laughed at her, he taught her how to sound more "natural" – AKA, he taught her almost exclusively profanity.
Bouncing off that, she's Mrs. Worldwide. Petra's unintentionally picked up so much slang from her coworkers.
Her favorite genres of literature are romance and philosophy. She can read outrageous smut with a straight face, but blushes and grins over fluffy stuff. Tries to read books in other languages to practice, too!
Will not touch any drug with a 10-foot pole. Same goes for tobacco, she's the type to dramatically cough if the team smokes around her. She's very health-conscious!!
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Tattoo One (Hands) I'm not going to lie... originally gave Petra the tattoo (two, actually – she has it on both hands) because I loved Freya's tattoos in GOW and the design is inspired by those. From an in-universe standpoint, it was her first tattoo (age 17) and she just wanted something simple that could be hidden under her gloves to prevent fading. Has to get them touched up every now and then.
Tattoo Two (Right Arm) Full sleeve of willow branches, florals, and butterflies. There's a lot of symbolism in this one. The butterflies represent transformation, hope, and rebirth; the willow branches symbolize a new life, protection, flexibility, and adaptability; the flowers embody anything from growth, joy, transience, hope, love, and death.
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Tattoo Three (Left Bicep) Two-headed snake with flowers! I don't think I need to rhapsodize about the florals again, so I'll skip to the snake. Depending on the culture, a two-headed serpent can represent wildly different things. It's a symbol of rebirth and resurrection, with each head representing earth and the underworld. It can symbolize indecision and conflicting ideas. Duality, balance, power, healing, insight, and deeper awareness; snakes were often seen as a spiritual messenger, and the dual nature of a two-headed serpent represents learning from both positive and negative experiences. (if I see any "heehoo konni" comments, I will blow up the sun, this ain't about him babygirls 😔)
Tattoo Four (Left Inner Forearm) Compass with an arrow! The symbolism is pretty obvious, I think... Direction, guidance, and navigation; the compass arrow combines the arrow's representation of direction and forward movement and the compass' symbolism of finding your way and staying on course. Together, it represents the idea that, no matter how far away you are, your arrow will always hit its target – even when losing your way, you'll always be able to overcome adversity and find your way back.
⋆ CW: themes of child abuse, violence, SA (marked with ***) and overall mary sue levels of tragedy
Born on June 29, 1990 in the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands, to Hendrik Scholten de Ridder and Johanna Scholten de Ridder, Mylène had a normal – if not privileged, thanks to her family's prominent histories – early childhood. At the age of 3, her brother, Emiel, was born. Known to be a clever, compassionate girl, Mylène took to the "big sister" role with ease.
Her father was a captain from a distinguished military family with the callsign "Chimera", who ascended to the rank of colonel and commanded the Royal Netherlands Army’s special forces unit, the Korps Commandotroepen. Her mother was a medical intelligence analyst for the AIVD and MIVD (then-known as the BVD and MID) with a family history in government and politics.
In the late fall of 1999, when Mylène was only 9 years old, she came home from school and discovered her mother's corpse, having been killed by enemies of her father originally seeking to hold the family for ransom. This event, paired with the traumas he sustained over his years in the military, drove her father to "near insanity" as he became consumed with paranoia and grief. The rest of her and her brother's adolescence was defined by the trauma of her father's abuse; he subjected the siblings to rigorous physical and psychological training in order to mold them into "perfect soldiers" and prevent any further loss.
Despite this, her father was publicly viewed as a war hero. He would often leave the two alone when he was on deployment, forcing Mylène to care for herself and her brother with nothing more than a roof over their heads and grocery money provided. The siblings developed an unbreakable bond during this time that would extend into their adulthoods, rendering them a synergic duo both at home and in the field.
After finishing secondary school at 17, Mylène enlisted in the Royal Netherlands Army. She also studied at the University of Amsterdam – taking online classes – and eventually graduated with a BS in Biochemistry. She spent 3 years serving in various military hospitals, clinics, and field units under the 400 Medical Battalion, until she joined selection for the KCT in 2011. She was swiftly recognized for her high tolerance, natural interpersonal skills, and advanced aptitude for MEDINT analysis; she passed selection with top marks, setting several records during the infamous "hell week" exercise.
Mylène operated as a combat medic until August 2013, when she worked with the British SAS's Unit Bravo under the command of Captain John Price. Despite the joint team being greatly reduced in number and separated after a series of heavy artillery attacks from enemy forces, Mylène managed to provide emergency medical care and calm leadership as her party made its way to the rendezvous point that Price's group was defending.
After the joint operation concluded, Price took an interest in her, deciding to train her as a sniper and teach her how to better use her skills in combat. The two quickly developed a close relationship built upon mutual trust and a desire to fight for what's right, regardless of rules or orders. At some point after this, her unflappable nature and composure when faced with challenging conditions earned her the callsign "Petra".
*** By 2014, Mylène was in a several year-long relationship with a National Reserve Corps (NATRES) NCO named Florian Van Aller. On February 14 of that year, he suddenly came to her with an idea that left her speechless: "sharing" her with his unit. Despite his insistence and attempt to pressure her into it, Mylène refused, ending the relationship. They met on base the next day after Florian messaged her claiming to want to apologize – when she came face-to-face with him and his mentor, Captain Jozef Daalmans, she realized what she had been told was a lie.
*** Although the captain's only involvement was restraining her and watching, Mylène felt violated by both men. She was left at the scene, battered and ashamed, until the last person she expected to help found her – Colonel Hendrik Scholten de Ridder. In a rare act that she now describes as "the last time she ever saw her real father," he comforted her and took her to the hospital, where Mylène received treatment for the injuries she sustained in the assault. She never spoke of the incident afterwards, leaving herself, her father, and her attackers as the only people privy to it.
In early 2015, an assault team led by Chimera and Petra on an enemy submarine revealed that there was a traitor within the unit. The entire team, save for Chimera and Petra themselves, was killed onboard the vessel. The traitor was eventually discovered to be Chimera himself, with Petra as the only witness to his admission and subsequent attempt to bury her, and any incriminating evidence, at sea. With her father in the wind and knowing that her word alone wouldn't be enough to implicate him for his crimes, Petra contacted Captain Price, telling him: "You're the only person I can trust."
An unsanctioned operation to capture or kill Chimera was planned by the two, with the help of her brother – now a KCT operative nicknamed "Nightfall" – and Nikolai, a trusted contact of Price's. The small team managed to track the Colonel and his supporters to a base deep in the Alps, where they successfully wiped out the entire group and killed Chimera. After this mission, Petra felt indebted to Price and Nikolai, considering them two of the few people she could trust implicitly.
From then on, Petra lent her services to various humanitarian groups in an effort to provide protection and medical care on missions around the globe. With expertise in frontline trauma and medical care, hostage rescue, asset protection, medical intelligence analysis, chemical warfare, and the training and advising of foreign military units, Petra proved to be an elite operative capable of remaining calm in even the most dire scenarios. She’s been awarded the Military William Order, the Bronze Lion, the Bronze Cross, and the Cross of Merit for both covert and overt operations, establishing herself as a minor legend within the elite commando corps.
However, a little over a year after the unsanctioned operation in the Alps, Petra was captured and imprisoned by Ultranationalist forces. She was regularly tortured during her captivity, often by Vladimir Makarov, whom she now sarcastically describes as "a lovely man."
Sometime in mid-2017, Petra was yet-again assigned to a unit led by Price, tasked with infiltrating and securing an Al-Qatala base located in Kastovia. Another member of the unit was Nightfall, serving as the team's scout sniper. During the mission, while providing overwatch, Nightfall's radio was suddenly cut off. When the rest of the team finally reached his location to investigate, several IEDs planted in the area went off and forced the group to retreat. Petra attempted a rescue, but was prevented from doing so by Price, as it was too dangerous. Demolition teams cleared the area the following day. Once it was safe to extract Nightfall, however, the recovery team found nothing.
With her brother declared dead in absentia, Petra chose to abandon the special forces. She went back to school and earned an MSc in Biochemistry at the University of Copenhagen, refusing to contact any of her former allies so as to avoid being dragged back into the military.
In April 2019, Petra was tracked down in Denmark by Price, who informed her of Vladimir Makarov's plans in Verdansk and urged her to join the SAS team being sent to stop him. After thorough convincing, she agreed to come back for one more mission, seeking revenge against the man that tortured her years ago.
Petra was later handpicked for the task force Price established alongside CIA Station Chief Kate Laswell following the death of General Roman Barkov in November 2019. She was once again sought out by Price – and Nikolai, who was the "final nail in the coffin," according to Price – and convinced to join the team as a commanding officer.
About a month later, Laswell pinpointed the location of a prison in Georgia believed to be used by Al-Qatala to hold POWs. Reconnaissance of the prison confirmed this and the identity of several of the prisoners; Nightfall was identified as one of the POWs. Petra, leading an elite KCT unit, raided the location shortly thereafter, securing the captives, Nightfall, and intel about Al-Qatala's plans.
Between the invasion of Verdansk, Las Almas, and a burgeoning war with Konni group... Petra has fully committed herself to Task Force 141, willing to save the world or die trying.
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Pairing: Monsignor John Pruitt x F!Reader
Summary: You are called first to receive everlasting life from the angel's blood during Easter Vigil.
Warnings: Spoilers for Episode 6 of Midnight Mass and all the content that comes with it. Language. Taking some liberties with how the angel's blood works uhhh hehe. Millie who's that AU. Going off of the stream of consciousness / dream-like writing I am trying so hard to stay out of my head and just write what comes.
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"Brothers and sisters,” Monsignor Pruitt concludes. “On this most holy night I come to you with good news. Not only the good news of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who arose to forgive us of our sins after three days in the tomb. But, also the resurrection of ourselves."
He clasps his hands together in makeshift prayer, eyes sparkling an unfamiliar orange glow that you've never seen before. That of a feral black cat's eyes bouncing back light. The ones that hunt on the outpost of the island, all teeth and heat and hunger and sex and wild and and and--
Visions of nocturnal holiness.
"I ask you. Trust in me. And God will reward your loyalty heavily. Know that I would not ask of the ultimate sacrifice of your life if I did not have utmost faith in our God for the miracle he is about to bestow tonight."
The silence within the church is deafening. Not a soul rises for his offer, parishioners stunned to their seats. His eyes scan, searching for a familiar face. Finally focusing on yours.
“Please. [“____”]," his voice like liquid honey calls to you, echoing through the church. "I call upon you to take the plunge first, my sweet child. Show the good people of Crockett Island that there is nothing to fear. That there is paradise waiting for us all tonight."
He leaves his pulpit, descending down the steps towards you. His arm reaches out, using his slender fingers to beckon you to him with a "come hither" motion. White vestments flowing, covering his human visage as he moves, billowing out like an angel's wings.
Devils were once just fallen angels. Symbols of purity be damned.
He notices your trepidation.
"One moment of pain, perhaps. But an eternity of youth and love and worship in His name. We have been given a tremendous gift, sister ["____"]. Be brave.”
Beverly Keene remained tucked in the upper corner of the church, stirring the choice of death for this evening. She's always been a witch in your eyes; now the harsh comparison rings true more than ever as she concocts a deadly potion of sickeningly sweet liquid.
The smell reminds you of too hot summers and running against the shoreline as the waves lap against your ankles and buying popsicles at the general store and sticky raspberry juice running between your fingers. Familiar memories and tastes intermingled with rat poison.
“And so Jesus rose from the tomb, trampling down death. As will we. I am with you, and you are with me. There is nothing to fear."
Don't drink the kool-aid, the old adage goes.
But you wonder how vanilla and raspberry taste mixed together.
Jonestown redux is standing before you, with his hand outstretched for you to take; his body backlit by the illumination of hundreds of candles. You look up at him through your lashes, lips slightly parted. Your eyebrows upturned and eyes reposed.
"Monsignor. Forgive me, but I cannot," you swallow hard. Back yourself from that cliff, you have one leg dangling over the edge now! "For I have not taken communion as my sins have been too weighty, too difficult to ever be forgiven. I believe I did not deserve the body and blood of Christ at that time, which is selfish of me. Forgive me.”
John almost considers this for a moment, his thick eyebrows furrowing together as he stares down at you.
"There is no resurrection for me. I will die,” you state bluntly. Your words are finally registering. 
Back away back away, make distance between the cliff.
But he smiles, against your expectations. A tight lipped smile, his eyes kissing at the corners when his cheeks raise. Missed by the miracle of reversed age, not reaching the crows feet that reveal only when he's truly happy.
"My angel. You've taken more than enough of my seed in your womb, and down your throat. The blessing is already inside you."
His hand grazes your cheek, and Hellfire reigns down as the finality of his reveal sets in across the room. Hot and prickling at the back of your neck. High pitched buzzing of bees in your ears. Whore of Babylon comes to Crockett Island. Mary Magdalene weeps. Hundreds of eyes descend upon your form, fragile and ready to break at a moment's notice.
Hell has a special place reserved for you for tasting the most unholy fruits. You wear guilt like a halo.
John positions his index fingers and thumb underneath your chin, tilting it upwards. Your eyes dart away, unable to face him. For sure your very skin would burst into flames if you stared too long.
"Look at me," he demands. "Look at me, angel. Do not be ashamed.”
Oh, you’re more than familiar with this position.
Your eyes tilt back, big and yearning and scared yet wanting more. More of John, more of his smell on your bedsheets, more of his fingers in your mouth more of the salty bitter taste of his skin more breaking the boundaries between heaven and hell more more more more flesh more blood no sin no death no guilt.
Hell has a special place reserved for you in due time.
But real hell is living without him. You slip your hand into his, rising from the pew.
The church is silent, conversations about your unforgivable sin now hushed to murmurs. Somewhere in the distance you hear the gentle song of night crickets that intermingle with your delicate footsteps across decades old wood. A resounding creak and moan of the floorboards that echoes through the small church that makes it become an entity of its own, ready to swallow you whole.
Someone is crying, quietly muffled pathetically behind a cloth. A woman blesses herself using the sign of the cross as you pass.
A dead girl walking, and this is the sound of your funeral march.
Your toes bump into the first step leading up to the chancel. Guiding you by your waist, John spins you to face the congregation. Expressions of the crowd are unreadable.
Are you Joan of Arc or a witch about to be burned at the stake?
Blasphemy, blasphemy stood before your friends, family, acquaintances.
A light. The vision of John blocks you away from their watchful eyes as he stands before you, cupping your face within his hands. Your eyes lock together. Gently, he presses a chaste kiss to the center of your forehead. Lips just barely ghosting over your flesh. You tremble before him.
Bev stands behind you, both arms outstretched forward, bent at the elbow. You’re smart enough to realize she’s ready to catch you for when you involuntarily start seizing, your body putting up its final fight against the poison coursing through its veins.
Life. Death. Rise. 
A sob starts in your larynx, unable to burst fully to the surface The warmth of his hands removed from your face, now reaching for Bev's as he takes the small plastic solo cup of juice from hers into his.
"I am with you," he whispers as he holds the cup up to your lips. "As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death I am with you, and you will come out on the other side anew. Whole. Pure as a reward for your devotion to Him."
Raspberry and vanilla threaten to break the seal of your lips, the cup tapped against it. His other hand snakes his way up your back, weaving his fingers within your hair. The digits tug against your locks slightly, tilting your head back.
Saliva gathers at the back of your throat.
You can't, you can't, you can't.
You cannot dare to lose the chance to miss another one of those too hot summer days where the children of Crockett island throw their books haphazardly into their backpacks basking in their first hours of summer vacation and the salty water clinging to your hair making it curly and sticky raspberry juice dripping between your fingers–
But oh the visions of him with and the way he whimpers into your neck when he thrusts into you, his hot mouth on your pulse point, the way his hand pin down your wrists forcing you to stay still. Murmured praises and bedroom hymns whispered as the moonlight coats both of your bodies in a ghostly blue glow. Was it truly ever living without him? No more hiding no more secrets you are his and he is yours. A boundary death cannot even cross–eternity is a beautiful thing to imagine.
A tear slips out of your eye, rolling down your cheek. The pad of John’s thumb gently rubs it away. Sympathy for the condemned.
And you do.
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there’s been a lot of discussion about logan and roman during the recent sanders sides episodes and for good reason. the two of them have been through so much, with The Sides Need a Nice Day showcasing that they really do deserve break after all the angst.
however, one character that’s also been facing heavy struggles throughout this time is patton. despite being the side that gets listened to most often by thomas, he hasn’t had the most optimal experiences in a while either, especially since the inclusion of janus and remus into the narrative and the events of selfishness vs selflessness.
this post will focus primarily on the events of Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts but will contain references to all the other episodes throughout.
a little background on patton shows us that he is who thomas tends to refer to in order to receive advice on how to be a good person. being the embodiment of morality, patton does seem to hold a standard for the concepts of “good” and “bad”. it’s a very rigid standard and if something doesn’t match accordingly, patton gets uncomfortable and tries to change it.
an obvious example of this would be patton’s reaction to remus in dwit. in a simplified, black and white sense, intrusive thoughts are bad. they’re harmful and the content of these thoughts is negative and unwanted so it makes sense that patton would want to relinquish remus’ hold on thomas immediately.
as a result, patton is also afraid of remus. during his introductory song, remus states that good and bad is “all made up nonsense” because even though he seems to be the “bad” creativity to roman’s “good” creativity, the line that separates both brothers isn’t as fine as it looks.
logan attempts to explain to thomas that life isn’t black and white and the contrast between roman and remus only appears because that’s how thomas visualises them in his mind. to thomas, roman is good because he encompasses the pleasant part of creativity, the part that’s socially acceptable.
on the other hand, remus is what thomas wants to avoid at all costs. therefore remus becomes bad. in the moments before logan’s explanation, patton insists that imagination is good and stresses that roman is creativity, not remus. he’s insistent on driving remus out of the conversation and away from thomas.
patton’s biggest fear is that thomas is a bad person and that he hasn’t accomplished his goal in trying to make thomas the good person he believes him to be. janus’ influence on thomas proved that thomas wasn’t naturally just good, and it created doubt in patton’s mind that was otherwise not there. he assumed thomas was, by all standards, a good person, and having that illusion shatter in front of him has him questioning not only thomas, but also his own actions.
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now with the arrival of remus and thomas thinking unpleasant thoughts, that fear has reawakened. at the end of svs, patton did end up getting what he wanted: that thomas go to lee and mary lee’s wedding. he believed it was the best course of action and the most morally good course of action.
in fact, during this episode, logan reveals to everyone that it’s not remus who’s been hurting thomas and disrupting his schedules, but virgil and patton instead.
when patton disagrees with comparing thomas to jeffrey dahmer, he also refuses to set the bar at whether or not thomas has murdered someone, like jeffery dahmer had. but logan points out that patton, of all sides, should know that isn’t where the bar is.
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as he goes onto explain, thomas’ upbringing has instilled a strong moral code in him as well as christian values. this explains why morality plays such a huge factor in thomas’ decision making and why he’s so reliant on patton to make his decisions. thomas thinks with his heart, not his head, to make the decisions that are best based on what’s good or bad rather than what’s efficient or rational.
in svs redux, when thomas laments on the fact that he could have just spoken to his friends about skipping their wedding to go to the callback instead, patton is still severely against that thought. skipping the wedding would logically have been the better decision for thomas- he might not get this opportunity again, and as logan mentioned, the wedding only offers thomas a potential spike in depression.
which it did. the only thing thomas got out of the whole situation was a new highscore in word crush and a sense of guilt and regret over everything that happened. not exactly the most ideal rewards for the sacrifice that he made to get there.
however patton tried to convince him that going to the wedding despite all the problems was a good idea because thomas was able to support his friends! it may not have been the rational choice but it was the good choice, the selfless choice. in patton’s world, altruism is purely good and selfishness is purely bad.
that’s why all the examples he gave in svs redux were curated so that thomas would have to make the altruistic choice or risk being a bad person.
now, patton isn’t in this for manipulative means. he is genuinely trying to help thomas given what he knows of situations. thomas’ dependence on him throughout the series has developed him into being an all knowing father figure, who needs to choose the right option so that thomas can do what he needs to without being a bad person. thomas fears being bad, which is why he hides away everything that makes him bad.
while i’m not qualified to talk about christianity or its religious teachings (as i’m not christian), it is interesting to note that patton being the father almost makes him the quintessential god figure.
the father, who thomas must listen to, who knows right from wrong, who decides whether thomas is a good or bad person based on his actions, and the one who can punish him for making the wrong choice. janus is the snake come to trick thomas into sinning, and remus is another dark side whose authority would cause thomas to act and think in ways that are considered wrong.
it’s not unlikely to assume that the reason that thomas’ creativity split in the first place was because morality dictated that there were pleasant and unpleasant thoughts and the distasteful thoughts were repressed and cast aside out of fear that thomas would be punished for having those thoughts.
even though patton didn’t intend it as punishment, him berating thomas all night and trying to force intrusive thoughts out of his mind was chastising. at the end of the episode, patton even stated that thomas had his “permission” to think those thoughts and thomas admitted that it did help to know that.
thomas needed permission from his moral side to be allowed to have intrusive thoughts. because up until then, patton didn’t realise that they were normal and okay to have. he was afraid that they made thomas an evil person simply because they were evil thoughts.
blaming patton for overreacting wouldn’t be right either, because ever since the first sanders sides video he’s been making a genuine effort to help thomas. he is misguided and rigid in his values but he isn’t malicious or deceptive. when logan said that virgil was the one who caused thomas to stay up all night, it didn’t surprise either patton or remus, given that virgil was anxiety and his reaction made sense.
but when logan said that it was also patton, remus seemed to be genuinely surprised and patton turned to look at logan with a stunned expression.
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he couldn’t believe that he was the one who had been making thomas feel bad about himself, and moreover he hadn’t been listening to thomas when thomas insisted time and again that he didn’t like having these thoughts and that he wasn’t enticed by what remus was saying. this is patton realising that despite his best efforts, he was ultimately causing thomas to have persistent difficulties grappling with who he was and why he felt like he couldn’t be a good person.
in patton’s constant struggle to prove thomas’s goodness, he put thomas up on a pedestal that was impossible to escape because it required him to be as altruistic as patton assumed was the norm for a good person, even if that goal was unreasonable or for some reason unattainable.
our lord of the lies said it himself when he berated patton for misleading thomas.
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as janus put it, patton wasn’t capable of misleading thomas. his intentions were sincere and he wanted to help thomas the way that he’s always helped him. but morality isn’t the same for adults as it is for children. when thomas was a child, things were easier. kids are more easily swayed by the effects of good and bad than adults are, simply because ethics for a child aren’t as nuanced as they can be for adults.
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thomas depended on patton because according to him, patton has never steered him in the wrong direction and so he’s certain that for every decision, if he consults patton, he can end up making the right choice. that has worked for most of his life because as a kid, he made simple choices. ones that didn’t involve the level of critical thought that they now do.
so in trying to be that rock for thomas, patton has given himself the power to know and decide what he thinks is best by weighing the options as good or bad. it’s a terrible scale, but the only one he knows. so when thomas starts to listen more to suggestions from janus or roman where he might end up doing the wrong thing— such as lying to his friends about why he’s skipping the wedding— patton immediately puts his foot down. he won’t let thomas do that.
this isn’t helpful. while there is effort, it’s clear that this approach has been hurting thomas more than helping him. patton keeps trying to do the right thing but that’s only possible if thomas’ mental health is balanced but with everything that’s happened, thomas is hanging on by a thread and patton can’t see that.
the plane is already crashing. now is the time to take a step back and focus on himself.
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even patton ended up having a crisis over what to do, which caused him to become lilypadton. he thought he had everything figured out. he thought he had all the answers. but he doesn’t. and this strikes him during a moment when logan (janus in disguise, but patton doesn’t know that) tells him that he’s forcing thomas to risk his own life and health for other people.
suddenly, patton doesn’t know what’s right. he just knows what he wants to be right. and thomas, who has depended on him all his life, is looking to him for help but he doesn’t trust patton as much as he used to anymore and patton lost his chance to make up for his knee jerk reactions in svs and dwit.
he crumbles under that pressure. he’s really pushing to make things right, and his principles conflict with that. like thomas, who in dwit couldn’t accept that he was having intrusive thoughts because his own principles stated that having these thoughts was bad, patton too wants to make everything better but he isn’t able to do that because there’s a disconnect between what he thinks is right and what is actually helpful to thomas.
patton looks to janus for help, because now it’s janus who’s giving the advice. thomas is listening to him. the plane crash was patton’s fault, but janus has pulled thomas out of the rubble.
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he thinks he’s bad for thomas. he has tried his best to help, but none of it has worked. in the end, he was part of the problem. he apologised to thomas in svs for being dishonest, he apologised in dwit for his reactions and he has to apologise again in svs redux for lashing out and being too pushy. how many times can he say sorry before it loses meaning? how many times can he say sorry before he admits to himself that he’s just bad for thomas?
hopefully patton can figure out a balance between knowing what is right and helping thomas figure out what is best for him before the orange side is revealed to us, because as @rataticaisdreaming pointed out in one of my previous posts, if patton continues to disapprove of what he thinks is wrong, it might cause a remus 2.0 situation. especially if orange has influence over logan, and patton makes logan feel guilt over it.
overall, i do think patton has been making a steady improvement. his attempt to reconnect with logan and help him is sweet, and he really does fix his mistake when he figures out that he’s been rushing and needs to chill out. this isn’t the first time logan has told patton to chill. but it is the first that patton has listened to him and actively slowed down.
i have hope for patton. i always will.
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writtenjewels · 6 months
Biker, redux
[long story short: I like this AU but was having severe writer's block on how to continue it, so I'm basically rewriting it from the beginning]
The sidewalk was mostly deserted, and any pedestrians who drew close gave a respectful distance. A few members of the gang chuckled and revved their engines; the civilians quickened their pace. Salim took in another hit on his cigarette and watched as the people disappeared down the street. He didn't personally find any entertainment from intimidating people, but Dar felt it was important every now and then.
Movement from across the street caught Salim's attention. He glanced up and saw that the doors to the community center were opening. He was familiar with the place—Zain sometimes went there after school. It was far too late in the evening for any of those activities, though. As he watched, a group of adults filed out of the building. It was hard to judge from this distance, but they all appeared different ages. Most of them split off to go to their cars, one lingering behind to lock up. Another figure was making their way to the crosswalk.
That path would bring the person close to Salim's gang. He watched with growing anticipation as the stranger crossed the street. Dar called out and revved his engine; the others followed suit, jeering at the stranger. The stranger casually showed them the middle finger before walking on. Salim chuckled to himself.
[Hey!] Dar shouted. He dismounted from his bike. [Come back here and learn some respect!]
[Dar, wait,] Salim interrupted, swiftly moving to stand in front of his leader. [Let me take care of this.] Dar pursed his lips and glanced between Salim and the retreating figure. After a moment Dar nodded his approval.
[Go ahead, lieutenant.]
Salim let out a breath and hurried after the stranger. The person had just walked into a nearby convenience store. Salim followed and immediately moved down an aisle so the civilian wouldn't notice him. Salim sneaked glances to better judge who he was dealing with. The person had their back to him: all he could see was a black T-shirt, worn jeans, and a baseball cap covering dark hair. They were built more slender than him, their exposed arms muscular. The person opened the fridge and took out a drink.
“A Red Bull at this time of night?” Salim didn't mean to speak the words out loud. The person turned at his voice, revealing their face to him. They turned out to be a man, fair-skinned and clean-shaven. There was a white snake printed on the front of his shirt. Salim couldn't help taking note of the slope of the other man's nose, the shape of his thin lips, the cut of his jawline.
“Yep,” the stranger responded, emphasizing the “p” with a pop of his lips. His features were somewhat shadowed by the brim of his cap, but Salim could still see those dark eyes take in Salim's appearance. Salim was dressed to match the rest of his gang: dark pants, leather jacket over a plain black shirt. Chains were looped to his belt and tonight he had put in his stud earrings. Yet the look didn't seem to faze the other man.
“It's an interesting choice,” Salim commented. The man shrugged and moved to another aisle. He grabbed some beef jerky and a bag of chips. “Your dedication to health is inspiring,” Salim noted wryly. The man turned to look at him again.
“You must be the kettle,” he remarked. Salim raised an eyebrow at the words. “I can smell the cigarette smoke on ya from here,” the man continued. Salim took note of the Southern drawl in the man's accent.
“You make a good point,” Salim conceded. “I apologize; I was only making conversation.”
“And here I thought you came in to measure your dick like your friends outside,” the man drawled. He moved toward the counter with Salim following. “Unless you're here to rough me up for flickin' those guys off.”
“That's what they think I'm doing,” Salim agreed. “I actually came in because I was curious what sort of person would give a biker gang the middle finger.”
“Not all of 'em,” the other disagreed, turning his attention back to Salim briefly. “Just that one asshole.”
“Ah, but you see, that's the problem: 'that one asshole' is the leader.”
“Figures.” The man paid for his items and ripped open the bag of beef jerky. “You want some?” he offered. Salim eyed the bag skeptically.
“It doesn't say that it's halal.”
“I got not idea what that means.”
“ 'Permitted,',” Salim interpreted. The stranger glanced at the jerky for a moment before shrugging and popping a piece in his mouth. “My name is Salim,” Salim introduced. He had to wait for the other to chew and swallow.
“Do you like snakes, Jason?” Jason looked confused and Salim pointed meaningfully to his shirt. Jason's expression turned incredulous.
“What kind of biker gang member doesn't know Whitesnake?”
“Oh, so it's another gang?”
“It's a band,” Jason corrected, rolling his eyes. “Tell me you at least know Van Halen.” When Salim didn't answer, Jason shook his head in disappointment. “Bon Jovi? Queen? For fuck's sake, do you live under a rock?!” Salim tried not to laugh.
“I'm sorry. I actually prefer David Bowie.”
“Oh.” Jason looked startled. “Well, yeah. Who fuckin' doesn't?” Salim shared a smile with him. The way Jason's face softened made him look younger while still emphasizing the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. It was a charming look.
“Do you live nearby?” he asked.
“Nah. Took a bus to get here.” Jason glanced down at his watch. “Speakin' of, I'd better go out and wait. Next one should be comin' soon.” Salim felt disappointment sink into his gut. He was enjoying this conversation with Jason. “Do you live nearby?” Jason countered.
“Yes, this is my neighborhood.” Jason's eyes moved over Salim, slower this time.
“Maybe tomorrow you can show me what's halal in this store.”
“Oh.” Now Salim was the one who was startled. “Yes, I could do that. Let's say five o'clock?” Jason nodded, his eyes passing over Salim for a third time. Salim swallowed and gave into the temptation of doing the same. Jason's fair cheeks looked a little red, but the other tugged down on the brim of his cap, effectively shadowing his face.
Jason headed out the door. Salim waited before exiting as well and heading over to join his gang. He was sure his expression was neutral despite the thrill of that encounter.
[Well?] Dar demanded.
[He got the message,] Salim assured him. And Salim was going to see him again.
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones Hollyleaf
For @m3ow124 who asked for info about BB!Hollyleaf and I provide.
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[ID: BB!Hollyleaf. She is a buff black cat with spiky bits all over her body, including a holly-shaped tail tuft. She has a spiky 'mane' that is still growing in.]
I'm a butch Hollyleaf truther. She's big like her mom, the body type is inherited from Runningwind.
BB!Po3 is a relaxed, slice-of-life kind of series with 'episodes' focusing on different events around the Lake as the Clans settle into their new territory.
Though the POV is still split, Hollyleaf is now the "central" character. She drives the wider narrative.
Examples of some episodes that will happen: The Shinewater Plague, Poppypaw's Undeath, Ripwater the River Monster, The Tunnels, the Reduxed Tribe Journey, Cinderpaw's broken leg retooled into an episode about her BPD, ShadowClan's Lichen ReBog Project, Sol working some chaos (but Blackstar doesn't loose faith until OotS), the Battle of the False Eclipse. I really will add just about anything that sounds fun.
She is a lesbian and her relationships with Willowshine, Heathertail, and Cinderheart are all given focus.
HOLLYLEAF AND FALLEN LEAVES ARE THE SAME CHARACTER. This story contains Time Travel Shenanigans.
She changes her name to Fallenleaf after returning from a century spent in the tunnels... and traps the God of Autumn inside of her lmao.
I haven't worked out her physical changes after becoming Fallenleaf, so feel free to suggest. I'm thinking of a kind of "ginger vitiligo," like orange-and-white patches resembling leaves creeping up her body making her look like Sol.
More art and relevant summaries I've done: Jayfeather and Longtail Cinderheart Leafpool Firestar
Below the cut: A full guide to Hollyleaf through Po3, Cruel Season, and Hollyleaf's Century, ending with closing notes about what she's up to in OotS and Beyond. She doesn't die in the Great Battle, she's got much more interesting things to do!
BB!Power of Three
Iceheart, once known as Scourge, is an important uncle-figure in her life. Mousefur, Firestar, Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Daisy, all cats she has opinions on during the various episodes.
Like canon, she is a cleric apprentice for a while. About a month or so.
In that time she became almost traitorously close with Willowpaw, and had to let her down gently.
It doesn't pan out as a cleric-- but she doesn't swap places with Jaypaw yet. He undergoes full Warrior training before choosing the path.
Firestar tasks his deputy, Brackenfur, with training Hollypaw in the hopes of bringing her up to snuff with her siblings.
Bracken and Holly get super close, and she's brought along on a lot of the diplomatic meetings with other Clans. She's being taught about Fire Alone, the ideology of her grandfather, Firestar.
She does have to reckon with it though-- as it exists as a challenge to parts of the Warrior Code. She is taught that she's an upcoming prodigy, and that she walks in the pawsteps of greatness. She has to be a hero-- but what does that mean?
She was meeting with Heatherpaw in the tunnels, not Lionblaze. Like canon, this ends after they're trapped and have to find their way out with young kittens, Sedgekit and Thistlekit.
As time goes on, she meets a lot of betrayal. Sedgepaw reveals the tunnels to Onestar, Willowpaw does nothing to stop Mistystar from joining the battle to attack ThunderClan in spite of all its help, and even ShadowClan does nothing to save Brackenfur during the Battle of the False Eclipse.
(This Eclipse is fake, it is Sol previewing what will come on the night of the Great Battle.)
We end Po3 with Holly deeply shaken, doubting what she's been taught and clinging even harder to the only thing she has left; that she is, by definition, a hero.
Seeing each grandkit grappling with their own arc, that Jayfeather feels StarClan hates him, Lionblaze with the fact he couldn't protect his Clan all alone, and Hollyleaf wondering if everything she's ever done has been worth it, he shares a prophecy he received long ago;
"There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. All three of you, you will work this out. I know this because I love you, and StarClan is capable of making mistakes."
That's the last big conversation they have with him, because he soon dies in...
BB!Cruel Season
(A book between Po3 and OotS, bridging the lighthearted tone of the former with the serious, plot-driven one of the latter. This is reposted and fluffed from another post, you'll recognize it if you've seen it)
The prophecy is revealed at the end of Po3, Ashfur overhears Firestar's words, and Cruel Season opens up with the three grappling with its meaning.
This sets the stage for the following;
Hollyleaf worrying about what her purpose is if everything she's done has been for naught and StarClan is terrified of her.
Lionblaze concerned for what this means in terms of how he will protect ThunderClan if he is so powerful he could destroy it.
Jayfeather confirming to himself that StarClan is full of assholes, telling his siblings that he fought Molefall to save Hazeltail.
In addition, Ashfur is doing some prophecy math; Fire and Tiger + Kin of your Kin = Disaster
The death of Brackenfur, the prophecy, the fact Jayfeather has been fighting StarClan and Grandpaw Firestar just decided to do nothing about it..... it's got Holly isolating herself.
WHY does StarClan hate them? ...is it just Jayfeather? Is it because he's been defying them?
Cracks are starting to form, but that's still her brother. She loves him. This is when Sol pops up again, offering to be someone to talk to.
(Reminder: Harry is the vessel. Sol is the god inhabiting him.)
Harry is thinking this is for more manipulation, Sol itself is taking an interest in a possible new vessel as he grows bored.
But we're overdue for the fire scene.
This time, the Fire is NOT random. Unknown to the Three, this is a Dark Forest plot.
Thornclaw (knows the territory), Whiskernose (established as knowing how to manage fires in TNP), and Breezepelt (breezepelt) are creating a diversion so they can murder Firestar
Regardless, the Three are caught in it.
While helping to evacuate the camp, Jayfeather's senses are overwhelmed. He can't get out of the fire, Holly and Lion run back for him and the blaze surrounds them.
Squirrelflight is at the lip of the quarry on the far side, trying to kick down a weak tree they can run up
Ashfur makes his infamous move, kicking her to the side
They have a fight, Ashfur shouting about the prophecy, Fire and Tiger + Kin of your Kin = they are fated to destroy the clans, if Squilf had chosen him this never would have happened
Squilf is pinned, but reveals with passion, "BRAMBLECLAW'S KITTENS ARE DEAD, THESE AREN'T MINE"
Ashfur is confused just enough that she's able to muster a massive kick, sending him flying into the weak tree, knocking it over
Lionblaze races across this tree to help Squilf, smacking Ashfur across the face
It's a Moment, Lionblaze seeing his mentor both furious and terrified of him, blood on his claws
Ashfur absconds, leaving the Three with Squilf
Now this next part is important and contains a big change of motivation from canon; I want it to be clear that Holly killing Ashfur is 100% her REVENGE. It's not about safety, nor about keeping the secret. So here's how it goes;
The blood on Lionblaze's paw, Squirrelflight’s wounds, and the absence of Ashfur is DEFINITIVE PROOF he tried to murder them
Brambleclaw, the deputy and defacto leader because Firestar is missing, is furious and declares that if Ashfur is seen on ThunderClan territory, he is to be considered a rogue and to be brought to justice.
Ferncloud, Cloudtail, and the rest of Ashfur's associates are shocked.
Birchfall, Ash's nephew, tries to ask "are you SURE?" But immediately regrets it, seeing the haunted look in their eyes.
Especially Lionblaze, Ashfur's apprentice. He's devastated.
When Hollyleaf hunts Ashfur down later, she is IGNORING the order to bring him to justice.
But before that happens... they discover the body of Firestar.
His throat is torn out. It's immediately assumed that Ashfur did it.
Ferncloud is choked up, "He wanted to hurt Squirrelflight so badly he settled for her father..."
Hollyleaf alone realizes that he had black fur in his claws during his vigil later...
And she removes it.
She speaks to Sol about this and he tells her that it was surely an omen.
It means SHE is responsible in some way.
She agrees and adds,
"I'll do what has to be done, I will prove I'm worthy! I'll exact justice on everyone who needs it, this black-furred killer, Ashfur, and the one who broke the code and set these events into motion with my birth"
Sol: "this woman is crazy im in so much love i need to possess her right now"
An aside; How are her sibs feeling right now?
Lionblaze remains very close with Squirrelflight, getting more of the truth from her.
He's confused and upset, but, accepts that she did it to protect them and Leafpool... even though he doesn't Get It yet.
He will Get It soon though. That's a secret tool that will help us later. Just for now remember Lionblaze Doesn't Get It.
(Squilf is always his mom and he has no doubt about this)
Jayfeather really doesn't want to hear it, having independently worked out that the only other parent they could have is Leafpool.
(since this wouldn't be a Federal Fucking Issue if it was Cloudtail)
That evokes a lot of negative emotions. Mostly resentment and bitterness.
All this time his questions about why StarClan hates him could have made sense and they just didn't.
The Queen's Rights are an important part of their culture but... there's so many lies here.
It doesn't matter if he can logically "Understand" or whatever, he hates that response, "Oh it makes sense" no shut your stupid mouths this all sucks. "We were lied to and I've been fighting my whole life for reasons that were kept from me"
All this turmoil makes him start leaning on Poppyfrost, for comfort, for the rightness of their relationship.
He leans on her too hard and she got pregnant. OOPSIE JayFUMBLE.
But anyway back to the Hollyleaf
A few weeks later Ashfur tries to drag himself to justice.
He's been living on his own, missing his family, hoping to find mercy for being unsuccessful.
It wasn't a fight. It was a murder.
(This is important for TBC later, as Ashfur is allowed into Silverpelt over this while also making sure that StarClan isn't accidentally incompetent like canon)
BB!Ashfur is characterized as being a truly "loyal" warrior. He did care about his Clan above all else and that is why StarClan accepts him.
Though he DID carry extra anger in his heart for Squilf rejecting him for Brambleclaw, the theme of BB is that these elements of Clan Culture, the commitment to the code and the willingness to do anything to protect it, are destructive.
Note: In TBC many arcs later, BB!Ashfur does actually care about enforcing a strict interpretation of the Code, AND ALSO he wants to have Squilf. It's both.
Next on Hollyleaf's list; Leafpool.
She does the big Gathering Reveal
Bramblestar IMMEDIATELY demotes Squirrelflight from her deputy role for covering this up, breaks up with her, and disowns his children.
Assures the gathering that there will be consequences for Leafpool, and promotes Thornclaw to deputyship on the spot.
Jayfeather is now the only Cleric of ThunderClan.
Breezepelt, who was tense but friendly with the Three, has declared them his enemies because Crowfeather CAVED IMMEDIATELY and admitted he loved Leafpool, embarrassing him in public AGAIN by making it clear he was not wanted
"They're the reason he treats me like this! They're disgusting! They shouldn't have been born! I thought they were my friends but they were actually part of my torment!"
ThunderClan IMMEDIATELY starts treating the Three differently, because they are halfclan and cleric children
Lionblaze suddenly understands what Squilf meant by, "I did it to protect my sister, but also to protect the three of you"
Remember that thing from before? He Gets It Now.
"Sometimes keeping secrets is Good Actually," concludes Lionblaze
Opinions are split about Squilf and Leafpool,
"Squilf was protected by the Queen’s Rights"
"Leafpool still broke the code tho"
"That should have stayed between her and StarClan, she did the right thing"
"That law is stupid anyway!"
"Uhhh no it's not? Brokenstar? Ripplestar? Leopardstar? Helloo??"
"Are you saying Squilf's kids are tyrants? What is wrong with you?"
"I'm saying you don't respect the code you heathen!"
"She still lied to Bramblestar and needs consequences!"
"A halfclan cat is a halfclan cat! It was revealed and we must deal with it!"
ThunderClan is fighting, basically.
Holly has her scene later of trying to get Leafpool to eat deathberries, like canon Leaf is a queen who's like, "...girl you can't hurt me more than I already am"
And this is the point where Poppyfrost realizes she is pregnant. They're Jayfeather's. He is the only Cleric in ThunderClan, Poppyfrost does not want to be a single mother, it's a mess.
So they contact Cinderheart and Lionblaze and ask for help. They agree-- but preparing for the arrival of the kittens means they'd need to start saying they're mates.
Cinderheart, the cat that Holly is actively interested in: "hey uh Hollyleaf I'm, uh, mates with your brother now?"
"Youre McFuckinf What?"
Cindy, unable to keep a secret and not really being in love with Lionblaze, admits there are kits she needs to adopt. Hollyleaf does more deduction and jumps to the correct conclusion, Poppyfrost is pregnant because Jayfeather has violated his vow.
And she's going to do something about this.
Sol offers his services. Friendship ENDED with Harry; now HOLLYLEAF is my best friend.
Hollyleaf decides Jayfeather needs to be dealt with. He has disobeyed StarClan for the last time
As he slips into the Tunnels to communicate with Rock, she follows him, planning to kill him quietly
Lionblaze intercepts this, defending Jay.
"What happened to my sister?! Hollyleaf, this isn't you!"
"A black cat killed Firestar, and I've killed that black cat! Soon I will put an end to all enemies of the Warrior Code!"
"What does that MEAN"
The fighting destabilizes the tunnel, Lionblaze is able to push Jayfeather out just in time before the rockslide
Sol saves Hollyleaf's life by teleporting her 100 years into the past, so that she isn't killed by the collapse.
Lionblaze is a tank and rocks can't kill him, when the Clan digs him out, he's just bruised and unconscious
They never find Hollyleaf's body, or any remains at all. Not even blood.
The book ends with the birth of Ivykit and Dovekit, tension settling over the entire family, pain and mourning all at once.
Cinderheart admits she still loves her, and misses her with her whole heart. Lionblaze can't understand why it happened. Jayfeather is expressing his pain through anger. Poppyfrost wants to put this behind her as soon as possible.
UNBEKNOWNST TO THEM, Hollyleaf is with them right now! Here's how Hollyleaf BECOMES Fallen Leaves, causes the collapse of LionClan, LeopardClan, and TigerClan, and sets the events of DOTC into motion;
Hollyleaf's Century
I will state my intentions though, so you can see what I'm trying to do here;
The downfall of the three kinships MUST go back to Hollyleaf preventing them from mounting resistance by being focused on pointless bullshit. It must be her fault that they lost, by trying to rigidly force the code onto a completely different society.
Sol is the God of Autumn, of change, of rules, and of games.
Story opens up with the cave-in. Hollyleaf is going to be crushed.
So, instead, Sol changes the time around them. Holly does not know this, but he has dragged her over 100 years into the past.
She's found by a cat named Broken Shadow.
Broken Shadow nurses her back to health and adopts her, introducing her to the Shadow Family, teaching her the language, and introducing her to society, as a parent does.
She's with them for a few months, enough to learn Lakemew and become accepted.
The Lake Cats find her name strange, Hollyleaf, and start calling her Hollyleaf Shadow, but she insists instead it is Holly Leaves.
"Ah, we see we see :)"
The Lake at this point was almost completely forested, Holly used to think the Ancient Oak was special but... now she wonders if that's how big all trees are supposed to be.
There are three societies around the Lake. The Shadow Family belongs to the Tiger Kinship, there's also a Lion Kinship and a Leopard Kinship.
She gets introduced to Jay's Wing and Dove's Wing, twins from the Leopard Kinship, and their cousin Lion's Roar, who is the leader of the Lion Kinship.
Holly is uncomfortable about loyalty being split between borders.
However, these groups largely interact peacefully.
Jay's Wing is some sort of student of the tunnels, he worships an ancient god.
Holly Leaves is disturbed that they do not have a StarClan and have these... entities. Yes she has Sol but she doesn't WORSHIP him.
Everything Changed When the Victorians Attacked
Environmental destruction I'm still working out, you know what, I'm gonna mark this
First things first; the Lake is shrinking. The Leopard Kinship seeks help because they have less fishing territory.
Why? The river beyond what-is-now RiverClan territory is being forcefully tamed, straightened to flow fast through the town and for conversion into farmland.
This makes the water flow faster and spend less time in the Lake, both making the river itself more dangerous, damaging the northern wetland, and shrinking the Lake.
Leopard Kinship weakens but becomes more reliant on the other Kinships. This is normal for them.
Holly Leaves uses this moment to start gathering power. At first it's simple magic tricks, doing little bits of aid, using Sol's power.
She knows what the humans did to the Old... New... The Forest of her Forefathers. She knows she needs these cats to trust her.
It's for their own good, she says.
The quarry is set up in what is now ThunderClan's camp, in what was Tiger Kinship territory. It's likely a sandstone quarry specifically.
Slurry was dumped into the river between what-is-now ThunderClan and WindClan territory. This is before that gorge dried up.
Lake is slowly poisoned. Dust from the quarry degrades the nearby forest.
When the logging begins, Holly Leaves grabs authority, leading the Shadow Family and many cats of the Tiger Kinship into battle to take the Leopard Kinship.
They don't put up much of a fight, Jay and Dove try to calm their family down, assuring them that Holly is a vessel for a deity and likely has ancient knowledge.
"There needs to be some changes around here. This is all because you have no one in the Stars to protect you. But I'm here now-- I will save you."
At first it's battle training, but she starts making hard roles. Borders must be defended. There must be healers.
Lion Kinship can join them or be gone. That's the only territory not destroyed and they need the land.
Using the power vested in her by Sol, she starts leading attacks to bring all cats under her power so they can fight the humans.
To oppose her, Lion's Roar becomes quite vicious. He reminds her that he needs 13 sacrifices, and she's feeding them to him.
3 heroes; Three Seasonal Gods. Jay's Wing eventually undergoes a Tunnel Trial to earn Rock's Favor, and his twin Dove's Wing appeals to the benevolent god of Spring, Midnight.
(Insert political drama I'm still teasing out)
The important thing about this drama is that it MUST go back to Holly Leaves being obsessed with control and punishment, dedication to her code of ethics that don't matter to this society, devolving the Three Kinships into infighting.
Leopard Kinship probably makes some kind of break for freedom, which is when Jay and Dove eventually break with Holly
This infighting eventually leads to Jay's Wing's death.
Holly killed him in a fit of rage, somehow, this I know but I am still working out
She looks down at the cat who was her brother and becomes sick, realizing what she's done, what she tried to do in the past, and how she's gotten what she wanted
His god, Rock, is in absolute despair over this.
He takes the body and buries it outside of the tunnel where Jay's Wing completed his trial; the only patch of Old Forest left in the modern Lake Territories.
Dove's Wing is distraught. Lion's Roar is enraged. Holly Leaves' political power dissipates.
They insult her by calling her Folly Leaves. "Great job saving us all, Folly Leaves."
The Lake is destroyed, the forest is gone, except the patch where Jay's Wing was buried. Humans pass right by it, like they can't even see it.
There's nothing left.
Holly keeps trying to demand they stay, trying to force them to remain... and Dove Wing has to put her down, to save the survivors.
After this, Dove Wing renames herself to Half Moon. A broken half of a pair, to signify how she will never be whole again.
Half Moon goes on to found the tribe, and Folly Leaves is alone.
"At least I still have my god"
"I'm bored now Holly lmao have fun byee"
Sol kicks her spirit out of her own body, and returns to the future, expecting her to fade away over the course of the following century. He leaves her for dead, essentially.
Alone, in despair, and overwhelmed by guilt, Hollyleaf can only imagine her family for comfort.
Over the decades, she begins to forget her own name. Hollyleaf, Holly Leaves, Folly Leaves, Fallen Leaves... she can't remember which one was correct. Are any of them right?
She watches the Lake wither, to the point where even the humans can't live there.
And then... she watches it recover too. Slowly becoming the home of her childhood.
The whole time, she's waiting for her family to come home.
One day, with no warning, a young Squirrelpaw, Brambleclaw, and Crowfoot tumble into her hole.
She remembers an old story her mother taught her once, of a StarClan Warrior who passed on a prophecy that reunited them after they had been scattered.
"When the great storm brews, meet together where the dusk begins and the sun drowns."
She begins to remember things. And she remembers, SOL NEEDS TO BLEED.
Years later she FINALLY gets her chance. She sees her own body guiding a couple of apprentices into the tunnels, and leaps out of the shadows, catching her neck in her teeth.
Sol can't believe she's STILL HERE he expected her to DIE
TIME LOOP COMPLETE, Fallen Leaves has her body back.
After this, she declares that her name is Fallenleaf!
...probably because she doesn't remember it was actually Hollyleaf and she guessed wrong. But it stuck.
Aaaand one last segment!
OotS and Beyond
She has to re-acclimate to society after 100 years in a tunnel.
And... she has a lot of guilt looking at Jayfeather. Her brother, her ally, her enemy, her victim.
He wants his sister back, it's been a long and hard time without her. She can't unsee his dying eyes.
Cinderheart missed her more than anything, and Fallen missed her too. She reminds her of good times and simple lessons.
Fallen takes part in the Great Battle, but has to balance the angry, trapped god inside of her the whole time, preventing her from taking risks.
After the Great Battle and a near death, she gets with Cinderheart almost immediately.
Ivypool and Dovewing are IFFY about this-- their parents were never romantically involved but they've never seen their mother so happy.
That's pretty difficult, both for Dovewing who's filled with rage about Life In General and Ivypool who's, deep down, a huge people-pleaser.
(They are still not aware that Jayfeather and Poppyfrost are their bioparents, that's revealed in TBC.)
Cinder and Fallen raise a kitten together, Hollylark.
The kit was created when Fallenleaf's magic misfired during a sneeze, magically making Cinderheart pregnant. OOPS.
After the events of AVoS, Fallenleaf starts realizing how... out of place she is, here. She is loved, but she can't be a normal warrior responsibly with how strong she is.
Now that she realizes how small the politics of Clans are... these feel like games. Like something Sol would do. Is that true? Or is she just insecure
She knows nothing about herself, so she can't answer these questions.
The catalyst for her leaving is Hollylark's horrible, young death. She doesn't know if there's anything she could have done to prevent this.
So... she has to find out.
Fallenleaf leaves to go learn more about herself from Midnight. Cinderheart goes with her. Wherever she goes, she will follow.
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