#bonnie Bennett imagines
saiilorstars · 1 year
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✩☽ Maleny Rowan & Bonnie Bennett ✩☾
In Mystic Falls, there are hardly any trustworthy people. Everyone wants to kill witches, whether it’s humans, vampires and even werewolves. A thousand year old witch cursed to die until the end of Time and the young witch who has only recently discovered her powers become each other’s confidants despite the battles going on around them. Others say they shouldn’t be friends, they shouldn’t even be acquaintances. One witch comes from the Originals’ time, while the other sides with the doppelganger targeted by the former. They should be against each other. 
But a witch always takes care of their own. 
That’s Maleny’s number one rule and it’s the rule she teaches Bonnie. Maleny helps Bonnie reach her potential as a witch, liberating Bonnie from the rules that their kind bounds them to. In turn, Bonnie helps Maleny see the world beyond the eyes of the Originals. There’s more than just curses, magic and vampirism. There’s life to live even when everything can seem bleak. There’s beautiful chaos that only best friends can do. Nonsense drinking, stupid conversations at midnight, plans that can only end badly, and uncontrollable laughter at the weirdest situations. The witch who’s been alive for a thousand years has not lived at all and the young witch of Mystic Falls has yet to meet someone who fully understands her magical side and dares to defy the “norm” that modern-day witches live by.
- From Maleny’s AU Fic (coming soon)
Maleny’s Masterlist
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​ @arrthurpendragon​ @anotherunreadblog​ @transformerfan97​ @stareyedplanet​ @foxesandmagic​​​
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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mikaelsonluvrr · 2 years
welcome to mikaelsonluvrr
about the blogger/writer
lily. 20. single. any pronouns. infj. disaster bisexual. lover of fictional characters. book enthusiast. cat and dog person.
fic requests
currently open.
characters/fandoms I write for
stranger things
steve harrington
eddie munson
robin buckley
nancy wheeler
chrissy cunningham
the vampire diaries universe
caroline forbes
stefan salvatore
bonnie bennett
elena gilbert
klaus mikaelson
rebekah mikaelson
elijah mikaelson
kol mikaelson
kai parker
jenna sommers
hayley marshall
hope mikaelson
the marauders
james potter
remus lupin
sirius black
peter pettigrew
lily evans
regulus black
the order (netflix)
randall carpio
jack morton
lilith bathory
hamish duke
simon lewis
isabelle lightwood
marvel cinematic universe
peter parker
stephen strange
steven grant
marc spector
layla el faouly
wanda maximoff
bruce banner
thor odinson
also feel free to message me anytime, I'm always up for making friends :)
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athenamikaelson · 7 months
Complaints and Harriet Styles Pt. 2
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Klaus Mikaelson x reader
Warnings- strong language, innuendos, mentions of blood and death.
Word count- 2.5k 
 “Would it make me a bad person if I said he was hot?’ I asked Caroline as I sat in front of her vanity mirror as she curled my hair.  
“Y/n,” Caroline frowned at me as she looked at me through the mirror, “he either killed or is trying to kill our friends. He’s a bad guy, so don’t even think about it.” 
“I’m not saying I want to bang the guy or anything,” As I say that the the thought crosses my mind and it’s clear Caroline knows that as well as her frown deepens, “Care don’t get your Barbie hair in a twist. Even though his accent is dreamy and his blue eyes make my knees shake. I’m not going to try anything, obviously.” I say mockingly as Caroline watches me as if she’s somehow aged 100 years since our conversation began. Which you know isn’t possible because she’s literally immortal. 
“Sometimes I don’t know what to do with you. You’re either arguing with someone or hitting on them. Or even both!” She says as she throws her hands up in emphasis, the curler unplugging itself during her action. 
We both sit there in silence for a moment looking at the curler’s wire. I look up at her with a sly smile, “Does this mean we’re finally done? My ass hurts from sitting here and being your personal doll.” Caroline puts her hand on her hip with a displeased look on her face. 
“I haven’t finished curling the other half of your head, so turn around and shut it. And didn’t you just say I was the Barbie doll?” She says matter-of-factly as she replugs in the curler and waits for it to heat back up. 
“Ok well you are a Barbie doll, I’m more like that doll that Angelica had in Rugrats, y’know the one with fucked up hair and looks like she just got thrown into a blender.” I laugh at my own joke as Caroline rolls her eyes, a smile trying to make its way onto her face. 
I glance at my dark eyeshadow that makes my y/e/c eyes bright. 
“Why do I even have to go to this stupid dance, our school has like 14 a year. How does our town even have the budget for that? And why do we have to do weird decade dances?” 
“Y/N you’re going to homecoming, end of story. It’s our senior year. This past year has been so crazy that we deserve a little normalcy.” She says as she finishes my last section of hair. 
“Normalcy? You do realize that every dance we’ve had since last year has ended with someone dead or impaled right? It isn’t a Mystic Falls high school dance if it doesn’t end in blood!” Caroline just watches me in annoyance as she sprays my hair with hairspray, “accidentally” spraying some into my face.
“Bitch!” I cough out.
“Go get dressed!” She uses her strength to lift me up and push me over to her closet where my y/f/c dress is hanging.
I look over my shoulder, “I hate you.” 
Caroline smiles, “Love you too brat.”
I listen to the live band as I sip on the disgusting drink in my hand. Caroline who was supposed to chaperone tonight left me to go yell at Tyler for his wolfy crush or whatever on Klaus. I’m seriously debating on just walking myself home, since Caroline was my ride, as I watch on in disgust as teenagers grind against each other to the fast song the band is playing in the backyard of Tyler’s house. Somehow Tyler was able to put together a huge party since the gym was flooded last minute. Caroline didn’t seem suspicious but I on the other hand always think the worst is going to happen at any time, and with my friend group's history with dances I wouldn’t be surprised if something was going to go down tonight. I'm about to grab my bag and leave before shit goes down when I hear a British accent come from behind me. 
“Welcome everyone tonight,” I turn around, and low and behold that British fuck from Senior prank night is standing up on the stage in front of all of us, yapping about something. 
“This is a long time coming,” He says as he watches someone from the crowd with a smirk on his face. I follow his eye line to see Stefan staring back at him. Yikes. I look back to the Brit but find his eyes staring in my direction. I don’t think he’s looking at me until I send a look of disgust at him which makes the smirk on his face deepen. Fuck me. Wait. No. I quickly turn around and start to make my way to the edge of the party hoping to make my escape before I get sucked into whatever bullshit the Scooby gang is going to try to drag me into. I smile to myself as I’m about to be successful in my escape as my vision is blocked by something. Said something bumps me backwards throwing me off balance and I wait to hit the ground as I start falling, but nothing comes. I look up to see Klaus grabbing ahold of the top of my arm, keeping me from falling down.  
“What a fucking cliche,” I say to myself angrily. Klaus looks at me inquisitively. 
“What’s a cliche?” He asks me with that stupidly hot accent as I rip my arm away from his hold and put another foot's distance between us.
“You catching me,” I tell him but he only looks confused, “Y’know in romcoms when the girl trips and falls but doesn’t actually fall because the random hot main guy catches her. It’s a big fucking cliche.” I say huffing as Klaus watches me with that stupid fucking smirk on his face.
“And I’m the main hot guy?” He asks, clearly trying to get me to go along with his current ego trip.
“No, you’re not. Ryan Gosling is the hot main guy or Paul Rudd,” I let out a satisfactory sigh at Paul Rudd, “You’re more of the evil boos villain in video games.” 
“And what’s so wrong with being the villain?” He asks me as he takes a step towards me. 
I look at him with what I can only guess looks like a “are you fucking kidding me” look. 
“Literally everything. That’s literally the whole point of being the villain.” I put my hand out stopping him from stepping closer. Klaus watches me closely for a second too long. His gaze makes me quite uncomfortable because I can’t tell if he wants to kill me for speaking to him like I just did or applaud me for having the balls to. God, sometimes I just need to learn to shut the fuck up. 
“Dance with me.” He states as he puts his hand out waiting for me to give him my hand in return. My gaze goes from his face to his hand multiple times before I shake my head in annoyance. 
“No way dude,” I say as I start to book it back towards the house away from him. I don’t get far though because he’s in front of me again with a determined look on his stupidly hot face. God why does it always have to be the bad guys that are hot? 
“Either you dance with me, or I start killing your friends off one by one. I wonder where that blond friend of yours is, Tyler’s little girlfriend.” He says with a dark glint in his eyes. 
“Why?” I try to hold my ground even though I’m pretty sure I’m about to start pissing myself any second now. 
“Why what?” he asks me as he watches me.
“Why do you want to dance with me? Theirs like 200 other girls here that I’m sure would just jump at the chance to dance with some British guy.”
Klaus just shrugs his shoulder as if he himself doesn’t even have an answer to the question. 
“Because none of them have had the displeasure of catching my eye.” 
“And let me guess, I have?” I ask him. He doesn’t give me an answer though, only reaches out his hand once again waiting for me to take it. Annoyed I slap my hand in his and drag him to the dance floor. Once I push us into the middle of a big group, I turn to him.
“Don’t be pissy if I step on your toes.” Klaus just lets out a huff of a laugh as he drags my body closer to him so my chest is touching his. A shudder goes through my body at the contact and I mentally curse myself for the reaction. Fuck he smells good. Jesus Y/N get a grip, he’s just a guy. A thousand-year-old hot guy, but still just a guy. I look up to find Klaus already staring at me, with a knowing smirk on his face. I just roll my eyes as I try to play it off cool as he sways me to the now slow song.
“So tell me, how did you become friends with my doppelganger and her little group of followers?” A weird feeling of sadness flows through me at his question as I realize he only asked me to dance for information on my friends. 
“We grew up together. Small town like this everyone knows each other, sadly.” I say looking off to the distance and watching the other couples converse lovingly with one another. 
“Why sadly?” He asks me, and for a second I could’ve sworn I heard actual curiosity. I glance back at him and shrug. 
“I just hate this town. I never liked people knowing my business, and everyone here is so complacent with their normal lives. They never question anything or want to know more about anything other than what happens in our weird ass town.” I blush as I realize I just rambled on to a complete psycho about my feelings. But, the look on Klaus’s face isn’t one of annoyance or humor like the other people I’ve vented to usually have on their faces. His face turns from contemplation to understanding. 
“I know what you mean,” He says as he expertly twirls me around, “when I was a boy I grew up in a small village where the wasn’t much chance for prospering. I loved the arts and knew I would never be able to do anything with it. It made me angry. So I can understand your resentment.” He tells me and for a second I forget that he’s the blood-thirsty monster ruining my friend’s lives. 
“You like art?” He looks down at me with a soft smile as if the subject brings out a different side of him. 
“I’ve loved it for over a thousand years. The way emotions can be shown through a canvas and bring out emotion so foreign is unlike anything else I found over a millennium of living,” His eyes trail down to mine, “What do you think?” 
I nod softly in agreement, “I love art. Not really painting because I’m kind of shit at it, but sketching and just looking at art. Although I’m not a fan of this new-age art where someone can splash a canvas with a line of color and sell it for a million dollars. I like art that means something to someone. Art that when you look at it you can feel the emotions that the artist was feeling, every move of the brush stroke made with heart and emotion.” Klaus nods along to my rambling again with a soft look on his face. A look that I can’t quite decipher since it’s on the face of one of the scariest men in the world. 
As the song comes to an end I reluctantly let go of Klaus’s hands. He stares at me for a moment and I think he’s just going to turn around and walk off realizing he didn’t get the information he wanted but then a small laugh escapes his lips and he shakes his head. I watch on in slight confusion wondering if he’s having some kind of stroke or something. 
“You’re not like them you know,” he must notice my confusion because he continues, “like your friends. You’re nothing like them.” I pang of hurt pierces my chest as I turn away and start to walk off, “Well screw you too.” 
“I didn’t mean that as an insult,” He says hastily as he grabs my arm turning me back towards him, “You’re friends they’re small-minded. They think of only themselves and not the world around them, or how amazing it can be.” I go to interrupt him and tell him not to insult my friends but he cuts me off. 
“You need something bigger than this little town. Something that brings you life. When I originally saw you that night in the gym I thought you were just going to be like the rest of them. But you surprised me Y/n, and not many people can say that.” 
I just stare at him in amazement for what seems like forever as I try to piece together everything he just told me. In my stupor though a woman approaches Klaus and whispers something to him which makes his originally light demeanor change to something dark. The woman walks away as Klaus looks at me once more.
“Whenever you decide you want to be a part of something bigger, see something other than this little town I’d be happy to show you. All you need to do is ask.” He tells me as he grabs my hand and places a chaste kiss upon it. I still can't get the balls to say anything as he gives me one last glance before he follows behind the woman. 
What the actual fuck.
I walked up to my front porch after getting dropped off by Matt because I guess Tyler drugged Caroline with vervain to save her from a pack of mind-controlled hybrids so that’s why she couldn’t bring me home. Sometimes I really hate my friend group. Why can���t for once we deal with normal people's problems like pop quizzes or acne? Like why does not one person in that entire group have a pimple on their skin? That’s the most supernatural thing going on here.
I’m about to open my front door when a small envelope catches my eye at the bottom of my feet. I look over my shoulder and only see Matt as he waits for me to enter my house. I wave to him with the envelope in hand and walk inside my house. I hastily open the envelope and pull out a piece of thick canvas paper. The paper is covered with a beautiful sketch of what appears to be an open field covered in flowers with grazing horses in the distance. Being so engrossed in the sketch I didn't notice the small note on the back. 
“There’s a whole world out there just waiting for you to experience, love. When you’re ready to experience it, I’ll be waiting.” – Klaus
@grac3aph3lion @megmcc2003 @kollover24 @nameunknownsthings
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fanficimagery · 10 months
The Lost Girl
You just wanted to travel and forget all about the drama you left behind. You didn't expect to fall in with four boys who would become another family. Maybe more.
[Part Three of Three]
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Author's Note: Y'all remember Elena's dress when she went to the party at the Mikaelson's? I think it was black and gold? Well anyway, that's what YN's dress is gonna be like except it's black and maroon. I'm totally unoriginal lol. The fight is totally anti-climatic and the end just… ends. I was so ready to end this. I'm sorry.
Words: 7.2K
The only good thing about your upcoming party is that Rebekah's completely taken over all the planning. She's recruited Elijah since he's the easiest to talk to between her brothers, leaving Klaus at the mansion with you and the boys. David and Dwayne love to hear about the history Klaus has seen, whereas Paul and Marko love hearing about all things chaotic and bloody.
You're all lounging around the sitting area as Klaus fills in your friends on the drama he caused when he first waltzed in Mystic Falls from his point of view when the front door opens and closes.
"YN. Gilbert."
"Uh oh. Someone's in trouble." Marko giggles.
You flip him off and then turn towards the archway where yet another blonde marches through. "Hello to you too, Caroline. It's rude not to knock, you know?"
She huffs. "Oh shut up. We've all tried ki-" She immediately shuts up herself, taking stock of the new faces in the room. But she's Caroline Forbes, so she rolls with it, easily lying. "We've all tried sabotaging each other multiple times. There's no need to knock between friends."
You and Klaus both smirk, but don't call her out on it.
"Whatever," she grumbles. "I just came over to demand why you didn't tell me you were planning a party?! You know I love planning parties."
"I don't even want this party, Care, but Paul and Marko are all about seeing what type of parties I had to attend when I was younger."
At her pout and look of indifference between your friends, you quickly introduce them to each other. All the boys politely greet her and she them, and it hardly takes her a moment to deduce who your boyfriend is.
"So you're the boyfriend?" Her eyes narrow at Dwayne. "Figures."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask.
"It means you have a type. Dark hair, broody looking…"
Klaus chuckles. "She's not wrong, love."
"You're both annoying," you deadpan. Then glancing back at Caroline, you ask, "Is that all you came over for? To demand why you're not part of the party planning committee?"
"Yes. And to see if you already have a dress all picked out."
"I do. Rebekah had a bunch of dresses delivered and I chose one. You want to see what's left on the rack?"
"Yes, please! I hate shopping last minute."
You grin and walk over to Caroline, hooking your arm with hers. "Let's go upstairs then." Looking at Klaus and the boys, you wink. "If there's trouble you want to get into before Elijah comes home, now is the time to do it. Caroline and I are long overdue for some girl talk."
"You heard her, boys, let's go." Klaus downs the rest of his drink before settling the tumbler aside and then standing up. Marko and Paul cheer, shoving at each other as Dwayne and David casually climb to their feet.
Everyone except Dwayne makes their way out and then he walks up to you. "Need anything?"
"No, I'm good, but thanks." He nods before leaning in to kiss your forehead, cheek, and finally your lips.
You're laughing as you shove him away, eyes twinkling. He returns your smile before nodding at Caroline and turning to go catch up with his brothers and Klaus.
As soon as he's out of earshot, Caroline gushes, "Oh my god, that was so adorable! Where did you even find him?!"
"In his hometown." You chuckle and then lead her towards the stairs so you can show her the dresses in your room. "I actually met Paul and Marko first, but when I met Dwayne.. it was like love at first sight." You smile as you remember meeting the dark haired vampire for the first time. "We kind of tortured everyone else with the 'will they or won't they' schtick, so it became public knowledge that we were both off limits."
"What changed?"
Getting bit by a werewolf, you mentally admit, but can't say that out loud. Not yet. So instead, you choose something that's easily believable because the scenario really did happen. "After missing a day of hanging out with them, some girls decided to move in. When I decided to surprise them one night, one girl was standing too close to Dwayne, so I walked right up to him and kissed him."
"You didn't!?"
"I did." You laugh. "And then Elijah and Klaus visited, informing me that Elena was getting impatient that I hadn't come back to Mystic Falls to make sure I was really okay."
"Oh so you'll let Klaus know where you now live, but not us?"
When you glance at Caroline, you notice she's not truly upset about it. "Yes because Klaus won't drag me back to Mystic Falls the moment something inconveniences Elena's life."
Your friend winces, but doesn't refute your words.
In your room, you walk to your closet while Caroline walks to the rack of dresses that's in the opposite corner. You grab the dress bag, pull it out and unzip it to show your friend. "Anyway, this is what I'm wearing." The strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline is maroon with a fitted bodice covered in black beads and black ribbons right beneath your bust. The skirt slightly flares out with an overlay of black tulle so the maroon still peeks out.
Caroline sighs. "This is so pretty. Is your boyfriend matching?"
You laugh as you zip the bag back up and put it away. "I'm pretty sure Elijah will get him a matching pocket square or something."
"So he's got Elijah's stamp of approval?"
"I think so."
"Sounds serious." She turns back to the rack, moving aside dress after dress. "Is he the reason you're staying where you're staying?"
"No. I was already planning on staying there. Dwayne was a surprise, but a welcomed one."
Caroline glances at you. "Ohhh, you're in deep. Look at that smile."
You purse your lips, having been smiling without knowing you were smiling. But seeing as she's already seen it, you give up and laugh. "Ugh, this is gonna sound stupid, but remember when I said seeing Dwayne was like love at first sight? Do you believe in that?"
Your friend freezes and then fully turns to face you. "Spill. Now."
You groan again and head over to your bed, dropping down on the edge. "When I first met Dwayne, it was no shock that I instantly found him attractive. What was a shock, however, is how jealous and protective I am of him. We haven't even known each that long to warrant such loyalty, but when Damon threatened Dwayne… Caroline, I saw red. I wanted to rip Damon's heart out right then and there."
"Hmm. That is weird. You've never been one to get worked up over a guy. You usually just shrug it off and move on."
"I know!"
"And how does Dwayne feel?"
"I'm assuming the same. Damon pinned me to the wall by my throat and Dwayne saw, and he was visibly shaking. I could see it took everything in him to hold himself back and then when I got back to the table, his hand gripped my thigh and didn't move until we stood up to leave."
"How insane would it be if it turned out that soulmates were real?" You laugh. "I'm serious! Ugh, you're so lucky. I wish I had someone who looked at me the way Dwayne looks at you."
"You do have someone who looks at you like that, but you refuse to entertain him because you're afraid of what everyone else will think."
Caroline frowns. "He hurt us. A lot."
"So did Damon, but that didn't stop Elena from jumping on his dick."
The blonde vampire grimaces. "I rather not think about that."
"Now will you help me choose a dress?"
Without even glancing at the rack, you say, "Go with the blue one that looks like mine, but has off the shoulder straps. You always look good in blue."
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The day before your party, Rebekah had the ballroom completely transformed. You had happily stayed out of her way, listening to her bark orders from the comfort of your room. Dwayne and David took refuge with you, purposely not saying a word to their brothers as they wandered downstairs and got roped into lending a helping hand. And with Rebekah barking orders, Paul and Marko stayed in line.
Then the morning of your party, Rebekah had even taken it upon herself to have a buffet of breakfast ready for everyone. Marko practically salivated at the sight of the food, mentioning that they'd never eaten like kings and queens before. David then reminded him that they never had the appetite for human food quite like they have now after wrapping the bracelets around their wrists, and Marko conceded while stuffing his face with sausage and eggs.
You don't get to rest long after eating, Rebekah whisking you away to bathe and pamper before getting ready for the night. You end up in a bath with so many essential oils and salts that you nearly doze off, but Dwayne enters the bathroom and decides he wants to wash your hair.
Rebekah enters the bathroom when she hears you groan, only to huff and cross her arms over her chest. "Why are you two disgustingly adorable? Stop it right now."
With your head tilted back and Dwayne's fingers scratching against your scalp, you grin. "Shut up. If our positions were switched, you'd be smug as hell right now. Let me enjoy this."
"I'm honestly surprised he's not in there with you."
"And have your brothers glare at me throughout the party?" Dwayne asks. "No thanks."
"Fair." Rebekah continues to watch you with a fond smile on her face. "Well when you get out, Dwayne can help David wrangle his other brothers while you and I get ready in my room."
Dwayne finishes washing your hair before you stand, uncaring that your body is bare beneath the suds. He watches as you scrub your body down in the shower before grabbing a towel and handing it to you. Then after wringing out your hair and drying your body, you use the towel to wrap around your hair before taking the offered robe to drape around your body.
"Thank you." You reach up on the tips of your toes, giving him a chaste kiss. "Now it's your turn. I'll be with Rebekah and most likely won't see you until the start of the party."
"Mmm. Have fun." Dwayne kisses you once more and then pats you on the butt as you walk on by.
You're still smiling as you enter Rebekah's room, laughing when she's waiting for you with a champagne glass nearly filled to the brim. "Happy birthday, darling."
"Thank you, Rebekah." You accept the glass, clink it against the one she produces herself, and then proceed to down it in one go. "Now can I nap?"
You groan as Rebekah leads you to her vanity, making you sit.
. .
. .
Rebekah starts on your hair first, making sure to detangle it and then spritz various hair products into it. She leaves out a couple of strands on either side of your head to frame your face and then loosely braids the rest of it to hang over your left shoulder. She sprays your hair again to make sure the hairdo holds, and then gets started on your makeup.
The make-up is kept mostly natural and nude, the only color being a hint of blush on your cheekbones, smokey black eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. Throughout the entire time, your phone was dinging with text messages from your family and friends, and you took the time to thank each of them.
Taking a break, Rebekah has sandwiches and fruit delivered to the room via Elijah, and it isn't long until Klaus shows up with presents with the rest of the boys trailing him. The Mikaelson's give you jewelry and money, a proper camera to capture the sights you see, and a brand-new laptop to edit and post the photos. You thank them profusely and even assure Dwayne, David, Paul, and Marko that you hadn't been expecting gifts from them so they can stop with the guilty expressions.
Then after kicking out the men from the room, you get started on Rebekah's hair and make-up. With her instruction, you get everything done pretty well.
When the time comes to finally step into your dress, you shamelessly drop your robe and step into a pair of panties. Rebekah holds your dress low for you and you step into it while she slides it up your body. Then after arranging your breasts to fill the cups, Rebekah zips you up.
Rebekah can only smile as she helps you don your newest necklace and bracelet, and then quickly dresses herself in a dress similar to yours, except the colors are black and gold. Plus, she dons a pair of black satin gloves as well.
"Well don't you two look beautiful."
You turn around to find Dwayne decked out in a suit with a maroon pocket square to match you. He has a few thin braids on one side of his head, only for all of his hair to be tied back in a stylish messy man-bun. "Holy shit." You look him up and down, licking and biting your bottom lip as you try to reign in your spiraling thoughts.
"Down girl," Rebekah muses, patting your shoulder. "It sounds like your guests are starting to arrive, so there's no use in messing up all the hard work I've done."
"Yeah, yeah. Get out." Rebekah laughs as you shoo her out of her own room, bidding Dwayne good luck as she passes him. He steps further into the room, and you readily accept him as he goes toe to toe with you. You lean up and kiss him. "You look handsome."
"It's all thanks to Elijah and Klaus. They really know how to style the riffraff."
You chuckle and kiss him once more. "So, how's it looking down there?"
"Marko and Paul are regretting the fancy suits, but David's keeping them well in line. And Klaus has already plied us with several blood bags each so we're not feeling peckish around your guests."
You sigh. "I think I should have indulged in a little blood myself. I have a feeling I'm going to need it."
"Come on. It won't be that bad."
"Famous last words."
Dwayne smirks. "Let's go greet your guests."
Looping your arm around Dwayne's, you rely on him to get down the grand staircase. And by the time you make it to the main floor, Caroline is arriving on the arm of her mother.
"Caroline! Sheriff Forbes!" You greet them with smiles and kisses to the cheek. "I'm happy you two could make it."
"Likewise." Sheriff Forbes smiles before warily glancing around. "When I got the invitation, I wasn't aware if the party was legit or if the Mikaelson's were up to no good again."
"I can see why you would think that," you say. "But when it comes to me, the Mikaelson's are family."
"But Elena-"
"Mom." Caroline politely nudges her, shaking her head.
Sheriff Forbes closes her mouth and takes a breath. Then smiling sadly, she says, "You never forgave her for the… attack on you and Caroline," she says while glancing at Dwayne.
"Oh. I'm sorry!" You say. "Liz, this is Dwayne. My boyfriend." Sheriff Forbes and Dwayne smile at one another, shaking hands. "And I forgave my sister for that a long time ago," you assure her. "What I don't care for is the way she and Damon treat me or my friends whenever something doesn't go to their liking. They don't take others' feelings into consideration."
Sheriff Forbes smiles tightly, nodding. "Fair enough."
"Well, happy birthday!" Caroline chirps. "Now point us to the food so we can get out of your hair."
Laughing, you're about to tell Caroline where she and her mother can find the food when you spot Bonnie and your brother coming up behind them. "Uh, Dwayne will show you," you tell her. "He's gotta check on his brothers anyway and make sure Klaus isn't getting them in trouble."
And without missing a beat, Dwayne detaches himself from you and offers his arm to Liz as he dips his head in politeness. "Ladies, if you'll follow me."
Dwayne ends up with a Forbes woman on each arm and you smile as he leads them towards the food. Then turning back towards the door, your smile widens as you accept a hug from Bonnie. "Hey! Long time no see." Bonnie is stunning in her own black and silver dress, and Jeremy surprisingly fills out his suit. Then again, he's been rather buff ever since he became a hunter. "Jer, you're looking muscular. Kill anything lately?"
"Ha. Ha," he deadpans while hugging you. "And you look good as well. I didn't expect…"
"Yeah, yeah. You didn't expect me to be alive and thriving just because of the Mikaelson's and blah, blah, blah." Both Bonnie and Jeremy chuckle, and you nudge them towards the party.
More people show up- Tyler, Elena, Damon, Enzo, Alaric plus his date, and several other locals that you hadn't seen for a while. You greet each and every one, thanking them for showing up and wishing them a good time.
Rebekah pulls you away from the door when it seems like no one else is showing up, leading you towards the bottom of the staircase where her brothers are waiting. Both Mikaelson men smile as you approach, but Rebekah leads you a few steps further up the staircase before telling you to stay put before joining her brothers.
You're confused, but no one says anything. Dwayne and his brothers are lined up just across from the Mikaelson's, each of them holding a champagne flute. Elijah, being the more diplomatic Mikaelson, calls for everyone's attention. And as a crowd gathers, you're not very surprised when the hired help walks around with platters full of champagne flutes to pass out to everyone.
"Thank you, everyone, for attending on such short notice," Elijah says as the gathered guests fall quiet. "Miss Gilbert has been off traveling the world and seeing everything this life has to offer, so we weren't sure she would be back in time for her birthday. Luckily for us, she decided to visit with some new friends of hers."
Paul whoops and you shake your head at him, grinning.
"So let us raise our glasses," everyone follows Elijah's lead as he raises his glass in a toast, "and wish Miss Gilbert a very happy birthday and safe travels when she no doubt leaves us all behind again." Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah turn, grinning. "Happy birthday, sweetheart."
"Happy birthday!" The crowd then cheers.
You smile bashfully, nodding your thanks to those whose gazes you catch before walking down the stairs. Rebekah hugs you whereas her brothers kiss each of your cheeks, and then Dwayne takes hold of your arm while leading you to the main room.
Immediately, the humming and clapping of Hozier's Work Song fills the air, and Dwayne leads you to the center of the room before turning to face you. As he takes a step back and then bows at the waist, your eyes light up. "You dance?"
"Obviously. Don't you?" As you grab the skirt of your dress and curtsey, you can't help but laugh. "And besides, the birthday girl has to open her own party with the first dance."
"I'm pretty sure that's not a thing, but I'll take it." You and Dwayne step forward and then back, close to touching but not. He raises his hands, palms out, and you laugh some more as you hold your own palms just an inch from his as you walk in a circle. "Who told you about this dance?"
"Rebekah might have mentioned something about a pageant this little town holds and the dances forced upon you."
Dwayne then takes you in his arms and the two of you sway back and forth before he's gently pushing you out and then bringing you in on a twirl. The smile never leaves your face, not even when you can hear his brothers ribbing him.
Halfway through the dance, others join you. Dwayne's dancing skills make him that much more attractive to you and you let him know when you can't keep your lips to yourself.
The party goes on and you make your rounds while on Dwayne's arm. You introduce him to everyone you know, talk about the places you've been with some curious individuals, but refrain from mentioning where you met Dwayne in case others were listening in.
You eat and drink and dance some more, and all in all it's a good time.
Until it isn't.
Elena hadn't said much to you other than wish you a happy birthday, so you're resigned to hearing her out when she asks for a moment of your time when the party starts winding down.
She leads you to an empty room just down the hall and turns to face you with a frown. "So, you're leaving again?"
"Elijah's speech. He said you were going to travel again."
"Oh. Maybe." You shrug. "I still need to find a house and set down roots before I start taking trips again."
"Your house is here!" She says, hurt lacing her tone. "Why are you so dead set on getting away from me?"
"Elena," you say softly. "I love you. I do! But I can't be here anymore. I'm so over the drama where you somehow manage to be ground zero for it all. I'm tired of being hounded by Damon for not jumping when he says jump and I'm just- I'm over it. You have your life and I have mine. You don't have to like it, but you will accept it."
Done with the conversation, you turn to rejoin the party, only for your sister's words to make you freeze. "Jenna would be so upset to see you so chummy with her murderer."
There's a gasp from the door and you realize the others have followed. Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Stefan, Alaric, Dwayne, David, Paul, Marko, Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah have all entered the room and you have no idea how you and Elena didn't sense the big group sooner.
The group from Mystic Falls knew how close you were to Jenna and how hurt you were over Klaus killing her, but they didn't know about Klaus' apology months later when you started having dinners with Elijah. It wasn't an easy apology to accept, but he promised to make it up to you for as long as you lived.
But not wanting to get into all that, you look at your sister and swing even lower than her. "Yeah? Well mom and dad would be even more upset to see you fucking your best friend's rapist." Elena gapes and her eyes fill with tears, and you roll your eyes. "Come now, Elena. Don't start the waterworks now. You wanna be Katherine 2.0, then be Katherine 2.0. If you're gonna be a bitch, then own it."
Your back suddenly hits the wall and you have a face full of an enraged vampire. "All right. That's enough."
"Damon!" Bonnie yells.
"What the fuck was that?" You hear Marko murmur, biting back a smirk at the fact that they're still playing human.
"That was a low blow, YN," Damon says, tightening his grip around your throat.
"Careful, Damon, your lap dog is showing," you muse. "This is between me and my sister."
"Yeah? Well, it becomes my business when you make her cry."
"Oh, how noble." You huff. "Now kindly take your hand off of me and leave. You're no longer welcomed here."
You hear a bit of a scuffle and look over Damon's shoulder to see David holding Dwayne back by the arm. You can see the rage in his eyes even as he attempts to keep his cool, and subtly shake your head.
Damon glances over his shoulder as well to see who you're looking at and turns back to face you with a smirk. "You're so quick to drop everyone in Mystic Falls, let's see if your newfound family will stick around after they find out that you're a monster."
Your expression hardens. "Damon, do-"
Damon has all of half a second of smug satisfaction as he watches your body collapse lifelessly to the floor before a heart stopping roar practically shakes the walls of the room. He whirls around, eyes wide, and braces himself for the truly monstrous individual advancing on him.
Dwayne's features have shifted, his features more sharpened and defined. His eyes are now yellow and red, and his fangs and claws have elongated in his rage. He grabs a stunned Damon by the shoulders before savagely sinking his fangs into Damon's neck and pulling free a chunk of flesh.
As Damon gurgles on his blood and Elena shrieks in horror, Stefan speeds at Dwayne to pull him off. Only then do David, Paul, and Marko fly at him and throw him across the room before making a wall in front of YN's body. Dwayne continues to attack Damon, snapping each and every bone in his body that he can to prevent the raven-haired vampire from fighting back.
Elena tries to intervene when it appears Damon can't defend himself, but Rebekah catches her by the arm. "Stay out of it. Damon made his bed, now it's time for him to lie in it."
Alaric pulls free a wooden stake to help his friend, but all it takes is Klaus tutting in his direction to give the history teacher pause.
Then having heard enough snarling and snapping bones, Elijah approaches Dwayne cautiously. "That's enough, Dwayne. I believe Mr. Salvatore has learned his lesson." Panting and heaving, Dwayne snarls one last time before kicking Damon so hard in the ribs that he sends him sliding across the floor towards his panicked brother. Dwayne then turns and his brothers part so he can make a beeline to YN's body. As he does, he sits on the floor to cradle her lifeless body in his arms. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should never touch a vampire's mate," Elijah says.
Everyone seems surprised, but it's Caroline who steps forward with a frown. "Mate? And vampire?" She asks incredulously. "What is going on, Elijah?"
"Dwayne, David, Marko, and Paul are vampires," he tells the room, ignoring Elena's whimpers as she tries to offer aid to Damon. "A different species, obviously, but vampires nonetheless. When Niklaus and I noticed some differences, I decided to do a little research after learning of how quickly Dwayne and YN became attached."
"And your research proved that our kind has mates?" Paul wonders. At Elijah's nod, he beams. "Fuck yeah! We totally called it after YN got bit by that werewolf."
"What werewolf?" Caroline's eyes widen in alarm.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. It's all been taken care of," Klaus assures her. Caroline huffs at him, but all it does is make him smirk.
"That's nice and all, but can I have a little help?" Elena grouses. "Damon's really hurt."
"Oh boo hoo," Rebekah deadpans. No one makes a move to help Elena except for Stefan and Alaric.
The three of them are doing their best to tend to Damon when Enzo enters the room. He takes a look at the Lost Boys before taking a look at his injured friend and then glances at the Mikaelson's. When his gaze finally lands on Caroline, he sighs. "I always miss the fun. What happened this time?"
"Damon's a bloody idiot, is what this is," Rebekah says instead. "He snapped a vampire mate's neck and said vampire didn't take too kindly to that."
Enzo shrugs. "Fair enough. Now if you're all done in here, some of the humans heard the ruckus. Jeremy and I have been doing damage control, but some of these locals are too nosy for their own good."
"Thank you, Mr. St. John. My sister and I will take it from here." Elijah beckons Rebekah to join him and she grumbles about missing all the fun.
Enzo, now too invested to see any more drama go down, walks over to stand next to Caroline and Bonnie.
"So, you four are vampires?" Bonnie wonders when no one says anything. "How come we didn't know?"
"Because YN wanted it that way," David says.
"And you just do what she says? How long have you even known her?"
"Long enough," you grumble. Immediately you feel yourself being squeezed and you groan as your eyes flutter open. You're staring up at the ceiling and you realize you're on the floor. "Dwayne?" The head tucked into the side of your aching neck lifts, and you smile at the vampiric face of your boyfriend. Reaching up, you tap on the tip of one of his fangs. "You can put these away now. I'm fine."
"He snapped your neck," he grumbles.
"Is he dead?"
"What?" You whine. You attempt to sit up, letting Dwayne help you. Then glancing over at your sister, you have no fucks left to give her. "He snapped my neck. The way I see it, if he's still breathing, he got off easy."
"You could have told us your friends were different vampires."
"But then Damon wouldn't have gotten his ass kicked." Then glancing at those standing, you ask, "Did anyone record it?" Everyone with the exception of Stefan, Elena, Damon, and Alaric find your question funny. Dwayne stands and helps you to your feet, and you stretch a little with a groan. "But now you all see why I left, right? I refuse to live a life that Damon wants to control."
"But you'll live a life that the Mikaelson's control?" Elena huffs.
You stare at her, shaking your head. "When are you going to get over your hate for them? You all refuse to forgive the Mikaelson's, yet Damon somehow gets a free pass?" You ask.
"Damon didn't kill Jenna!"
"No, but he did kill the love of Enzo's life and then left Enzo to burn alive," you say. Then looking at Stefan, you say, "He killed Lexi. He's killed Ric, Jeremy, and even me a few times." Looking at Bonnie, you add, "He threatened Grams into using too much magic that led to her death and let's not forget everything he put Caroline through. So why the hell is Damon forgiven for all of that, but yet you're so appalled when I associate with Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah?"
No one has anything to say, and Elena can't even look at you. She's too busy making sure Damon is healing properly.
"She has a point," Enzo says, breaking the silence.
Glancing at him, you offer him a smile before looking at each of your friends. "I'm tired, hungry, and pissed off now, so the party's officially over. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
As you walk off, Dwayne takes hold of your hand. "Go up to the room. I'll grab some blood bags and liquor from the kitchen."
"Thank you." You squeeze his hand before letting go, grabbing the skirt of your dress and lifting it just a little so you can walk up the stairs without tripping.
. .
. .
In the comfort and safety of your room, you strip out of your dress and run yourself a hot shower. The first thing you do is wash all the hair products out of your hair before scrubbing your face free of makeup, and then wash your body before standing under the rainfall of water. You sigh, reaching a hand up to rub at your sore neck.
The sound of the shower drowns out the outside noise, so you startle a little when you feel a hand land on your shoulder. Uncaring of your nudity, you turn around and are met with an equally nude Dwayne. He hands you a blood bag that's a little warm to the touch and you don't waste a moment. You grab the bag and immediately bring it up to your mouth, letting your fangs pierce the bag.
As you suck down your meal, you let Dwayne lead you a few steps back so he's standing under the rainfall of water as well. His hands gently cup your face, thumbs brushing the veins beneath your eyes that have slithered to the surface. Your eyes flutter open and you drop the bag when you're done with it.
Dwayne then leans down so his forehead is resting against yours, and his hands move down so his fingers gently probe around your neck. "I wanted to kill him," he quietly admits. "It took all my self-control to not rip his head from his body."
You huff a laugh as you wrap your arms around his waist. "As much as I wish you would have, it's best that you didn't. If anything happened to poor Damon, Elena and Stefan probably would have hounded us until the end of times."
"Then they would have met the same fate. You were dead at the time, but apparently we're mates and our instincts to protect each other are insane."
"Excuse me?" You pull back a bit, staring at Dwayne in disbelief. "Mates actually exist?"
"For my kind, yes. It's why I knew something was off that first day we were here and Damon had you pinned to the wall. It's also why I flew into a rage when he snapped your neck."
Mouth agape, you shut it with an audible click. A moment later, you shrug. "Well, that explains the rage I felt when Damon threatened your life. Normally I'd have laughed a threat like that off, but I got severely pissed off."
Dwayne chuckles. "This is going to be fun."
"For you, maybe. Protective instincts aren't the only instincts that rears its ugly head thanks to our apparent bond."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm possessive, dear mate." You smile up at him. "I noticed it the last time that one female tried gaining your attention, but it wasn't too bad of an urge to rip her head off. If she had touched you, however, I'm pretty sure it would have been game over for her." Dwayne slowly smirks and you slowly raise your arms so they're wrapped around his neck, and you hop up as you wrap your legs around his waist. "Now are you going to fuck your mate or just stand here under the water?"
"I wasn't sure you were up for anything after having your neck snapped," he says while reaching below you and grabbing hard length to notch at your entrance.
"For you? I'm always up for something." You slowly lower yourself on Dwayne's cock, head tilting back as your mouth opens in a silent moan. He grunts when you're fully seated and when you meet his smoldering gaze, you clench around him and cause him to grunt. "Now come on. Make me scream and embarrass my sister who is no doubt still trying to play victim downstairs."
Smirking, Dwayne places one hand on your ass as he walks over to the wall and then places his other hand on the wall for a bit of balance. "Hang on…"
Dwayne pulls out nearly all the way, and then a moment later he thrust back in. Hard. You moan, fingernails digging into the flesh of his shoulders, and then beam brightly at him. "Again."
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The following morning, you have absolutely no shame when you and Dwayne enter the kitchen together. Everyone, with the exception of Elijah and Klaus, are all smirking at you.
"Well, well," Rebekah muses. "Look at you. I'm surprised you're not walking funny."
Paul and Marko immediately laugh, and Klaus looks quite appalled.
"Rebekah, please, can you not?" Elijah asks, already exasperated with where the morning conversation is clearly headed.
"Oh hush. We're all adults here."
You chuckle as you head towards the refrigerator, pulling out a pitcher of orange juice to pour yourself a glass. "Who all got an earful besides those in this room?"
"Well Damon thinks you were faking it."
"Of course." Your eyes roll.
"Stefan looked like he had sucked on a sour lemon, Elena turned beet red as if she was some prude, and Caroline and Enzo couldn't help but be impressed."
You chuckle some more as you sip your juice and then make your way to the table where Dwayne is already seated. You help yourself to a few slices of bacon and pay no mind to Dwayne's brothers who are patiently waiting to tease you. Unfortunately for them, you're not bothered by it at all.
"So will you be leaving this afternoon?" Klaus asks in order to break the silence.
"Yes." When you glance at Rebekah, you smile at her pout. "But you guys will always be welcomed in Santa Carla and I'll do my best to visit every other month."
"You better."
"What about these bracelets?" Marko asks. "Are we supposed to give them back once we're back in Santa Carla or…?"
"The bracelets are a gift," Elijah says smoothly. "And as a token of our appreciation for being on your best behavior and abiding by the rules we set out, we will pay for a trip for all of you to wherever you want."
"We appreciate that," David says, "but we need to settle our claim on Santa Carla before we can take off again. And speaking of Santa Carla, how is our home?" He then asks Klaus.
Klaus shrugs. "My hybrids have dispatched a werewolf pack looking to make camp in your woods. Your territory is as you left it- dirty and nearly uninhabitable."
"Klaus." You shake your head in amusement at him. "I've made my decision."
"I'm well aware."
"Then don't be a dick."
"I said nearly." You chuckle as he smirks. "Now let us have a nice breakfast before you and your friends start to pack. The jet is being fueled as we speak."
. .
. .
After a very talkative breakfast and barely half an hour of packing, you and the boys are on a private jet back to Santa Carla. You had immediately made a beeline for the singular bedroom at the back of the jet to go back to sleep, and Dwayne joined you for about an hour before rejoining his brothers.
You join them sometime later, taking the time to sip a drink as you listen to the boys brainstorm the perfect location for the trip you're all going to take once David's confident enough with his grasp on Santa Carla.
And it's only once you've stepped foot back in Santa Carla does your phone ping with a text message from Klaus. It's directions to a location and instructions to call him when you get there.
"What do you think it is?" Dwayne asks as he reads the message himself.
"I have no idea, but it's Klaus, so anything is possible."
You can see Paul and Marko are anxious to get back to their cave, but David wants everyone to stick together. So, after procuring- er, compelling- a car, you drive to the location Klaus had sent you.
Pulling up to the location that's still in Santa Carla, you're not surprised at its remote location, but you are surprised with the steel gate blocking a driveway and the steel fence that wraps all around the property. Off in the distance, up on a hill, there's quite the house sitting there.
"What the hell is this?" Paul asks, leaning forward between the seats.
"I have no idea." You pull out your phone and dial Klaus' number, still staring at the house in awe while holding the phone to your ear. When the line clicks over, you immediately ask, "What did you do?"
"Welcome home, love. The code to the gate is your birthday." You glance at the small box just outside the driver's side window and punch in the code. When the little red light turns green, the gates start to open. "Since there was no way you were going to leave Santa Carla, I figured that you could at least live in a proper home rather than that dark, dank cave your boys are apparently so fond of. Honestly, they needed to get out of there as well."
"Klaus… this is a lot," you utter in awe. You drive all the way up to the front steps and everyone hurriedly vacates the car to take a look around. "I can never repay something like this."
"Family doesn't repay family back. At least not ours."
"I'm serious. It's done. Now since you're all vampires, I had a witch spell the house for you."
"How so?"
"No guest, whether they're supernatural or not, can enter your home without your permission. There was a little blood magic involved, so you'll have to invite your mate and friends in."
You walk up to the front door and enter the house with ease, smirking at Marko when he tries to enter behind you but can't. You quickly invite all four boys in and then turn to stare at the lavish home. "Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, truly… thank you."
"Think nothing of it. But if you truly want to repay me back, you can take Rebekah on your next trip. She truly is aggravating."
You laugh and nod before saying, "Yes. Of course. Anything."
"Mhm. Well, I'll let you and the boys get acquainted with your new home. Have fun. Don't murder too many people."
"We'll try." You end the call with Klaus and only then does the sound of Paul and Marko's excitement reach your ears. You feel pressure at your elbow and find Dwayne standing there, looking down on you. "It's ours."
"It's ours. Klaus obviously didn't like the living conditions of the cave, so he bought us a house."
"Well… shit." You snort at his utterance. "It's been a long time since any of us have lived in a proper home."
"Hey! If this is our house, do we get to call dibs on a room?" You hear Paul shout from somewhere deep in the house.
"Dwayne and I get the master!" You shout back. "It's a free for all for the rest of you."
All of a sudden you hear footsteps pounding on the hardwood floor, followed by grunting and whining, and protests of David being unfair.
Smiling, you turn back towards Dwayne and grin. "So, I guess this is home?"
"Do you want it to be?"
You shrug. "Home is wherever you are. If you want to go back to the cave, then let's go back. But if you want to stay here, then we'll stay here."
Dwayne flashes you one of his rare smiles as he reaches for you, and tugs you close. "Well, I wouldn't want to piss off the big bad hybrid by taking his precious baby sister back to the dark, dank cave."
You laugh and quickly lean up on the tips of your toes, pressing your lips to his in a chaste kiss. "Then we'll stay." You kiss him again. "Now come on. Let's go break in our new bed."
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mrs-kmikaelson · 11 months
05| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader Summary: As you settle back into the Quarter, you juggle your personal and new professional life—but with the Mikaelsons, it was almost as if there was no difference between the two. Warnings: none Words: 5.6K
Masterlist | Part 6
a/n: i see this series getting long, guys; just letting you know. btw, i'm pretty much unoccupied, so u can expect new posts for this series and possibly other imagines like every 2-3 days. and tysm for all the support! anyway, i'll let you get to reading now.
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I walked into the Abattoir with a façade of confidence. I was now completely sober, facing the repercussions of my drunken actions. It'd been about a week since my agreement with Elijah and he'd only just called me in to speak with him yesterday.
I was currently cursing my drunk self, but at least Marcel was now allowed back into the Quarter without any fuss. Of course, he wasn't allowed back into the slaughterhouse, but he did compel himself a nice little townhouse a few minutes of human-walking away from my place.
In New Orleans, it was always better to live in the Quarter than anywhere else. This was the heart of the city's supernatural happenings. You were both safest here and also at most danger. But I guess, if you had enemies, you wanted to be in the Quarter because, if you had a crew to roll with, then nobody would really try you.
That's how it used to be at one point in time, and that's what the factions were trying to achieve now.
I was immediately greeted after making it past the gates. "Y/N," Elijah said, walking towards me, hands held out. He wrapped an arm around me, walking me to the couches in the middle of the courtyard. I tried not to show any discomfort at the physical touch. "It's lovely to see you."
I chuckled a little. "Feeling's mutual," I replied, causing the nobleman to let out a little laugh himself. I sat down on one of the couches while he sat on the other. "So, what have we got today?"
He sighed, "The withes are unhappy because of- all due respect, Marcellus' actions."
Right. Marcel forbade anyone to do magic. While I understand his reasoning, trying to protect a little witch by the name of Davina Claire, it was cruel. To ask a witch to go without magic was like asking a human not to breathe; it was damn near impossible.
Even though I get what he was trying to do, I still didn't agree with it—but that didn't mean that I agreed with what the New Orleans witches were doing either.
"So I've heard. But I'm sure you're aware of why he did what he did." He was; otherwise, I wouldn't have brought it up. I wouldn't do anything to endanger Davina; she'd become like a family to me. I knew that the Mikaelsons knew all about Davina, the harvest, and whatnot.
"Yes, of course. To protect Davina, I understand. She is special, without a doubt." Elijah's voice with filled with nothing other than conviction; I'd expect nothing less when people were speaking about Davina.
I smiled thinking about her. "Yes, she is."
"However, it still hasn't done us any favours on a community-wide scale." Elijah ran a hand through his hair. "The witches' spokesperson, Genevieve, is just about furious with the treatment they've received." A look suddenly appeared on his face. "And considering the... interactions my family has had with her, I wouldn't want to anger her further, especially since Hayley is with child."
This was the first time my heart didn't stop at the mention of Klaus' unborn baby. Instead, I was too focused on the witch Elijah named: Genevieve. Now, this was a name Marcel had somehow neglected to inform me about, but I was well aware of who she was.
From my understanding, Rebekah Mikaelson killed her the same year the Mikaelsons fled New Orleans, sometime in the early 1900s. Marcel spilled the whole story to me one night when he was drunk.
Genevieve died. Yet, according to Elijah (and I know this is not a coincidence) she's alive leading the NOLA coven.
I responded after a beat, bringing my hands together. "Okayyy, so what are we doing?"
"Making the witches happy, love."
Now my heart stopped.
I turned my head to see Klaus just finishing walking down the stairs. "Elijah tells me you're our new... fixer." He shrugged, making his way to the minibar. "So fix it."
"Get a grip, Elijah. I don't think I'm offending the young woman," he said before turning to face me. "Am I offending you, love?"
I skipped the whole processing bit of this situation and dived straight into my persona. "Not at all."
Klaus made a gesture to me with his hand, turning back to his brother. "See, Elijah. Marcel's right hand has tough skin." Elijah responded with a much more exhausted sigh than before, rubbing his hand on his face. Klaus ignored this, turning back to me with a bottle of bourbon in his hand. "Want me to pour you a glass, Y/N?"
"It is ten o'clock in the morning, Niklaus."
"All the more reason," he quipped back. "Y/N?"
I tried to loosen up, but my smile probably came out a little more tense than I originally intended. "I'm good; thank you."
Klaus looked at me for a few seconds before shrugging and pouring his own glass. Elijah took this opportunity to continue, but not before letting out another sigh. "As I was saying before my brother so tersely interrupted us, Genevieve has agreed to meet with us after I told her that you—Marcel's right hand, as Niklaus put it—were going to be representing us."
I tried to focus all my attention on the task at hand instead of my absent father who kept looking over at me periodically. I remembered what this was like when I did it for Cellie; I just had to get back in the game. "So, if you are looking to make an agreement of some sort, what are you willing to negotiate—give up, even?"
Just as Elijah was about to answer, Klaus briskly cut him off. "Oh, that's all on you, love." I narrowed my eyes slightly and he elaborated. "You decide then and there what you think is fair." He shrugged again, and although he looked carefree, he also had a smug look on his face that I doubt he was even trying to hide. "Ball's in your court." This was a test.
I didn't ponder on that for too long, nodding to him. "I can do that."
Klaus nodded back. He looked like he wanted to say something, but a quick look from Elijah seemed to make him want to hold his tongue. Thank God.
While I seemed like I was coming a long way, just the mere idea of holding a conversation with this man was terrifying. There were so many things I was holding my tongue about. It was just lucky that I so happened to be 500 years old. A few, quick conversations with my dad who had no idea I was his illegitimate child would not break me. Maybe it fucked with my head, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.
I'm here after all, aren't I?
Elijah cleared his throat. "Well, it seems to me that we've discussed everything we needed to discuss for today." He stood up and I followed suit. "Again, it was lovely seeing you, Y/N."
"Likewise." I shook the hand he held out, once again ignoring the weird original rush I felt. "I'll see myself out." Couldn't get out faster.
I walked toward the exit before Elijah could say something gentlemanly about escorting me out and before Klaus could say something that'd boggle my mind even further. I assumed he'd text me the details about the meeting later.
I took a deep breath immediately once I was far enough from the compound that I was sure they wouldn't hear me. I had no idea how I was going to get used to any of this, but it was too late to go back now.
In the meantime, I decided to take my mind off the Mikaelsons for a bit by visiting someone who I've yet to see.
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I walked into the old church with caution. It wasn't like I had a problem with Kieran; I just felt awkward whenever I talked to him, so I'd rather avoid him. I've had enough awkward situations in these past few weeks to last me a lifetime.
To my luck, he was absent and so I just walked straight upstairs, dodging cobwebs as I went until I made it to the attic's ajar door. A girl sat on a stool in front of an easel, painting a landscape. She was so focused she didn't even notice me push the door the rest of the way open.
I smiled, leaning on the door as I looked around the room that'd changed since I last saw it, now more decorated and screaming it'd been touched by a teenage girl. "So Marcel's still got you holed up in here, huh?"
She instantly spun around with her jaw dropped. "Y/N?!" She ran toward me, engulfing me in a tight hug that I'm sure would've broken some bones if I was human.
I chuckled, "Hi, Davina. I've missed you, too."
She pulled back, looking over me with disbelief visible on her face. "Oh, my God- when did you get back?"
"A little while ago. I'm sorry I couldn't come see you sooner, but I've been absolutely swamped. I promise, though—going into the future, I'll make time to see you." Davina smiled, pulling me back in for another hug. Her happiness spread to me and I started smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt. I think this might be the first time I've been this happy since I got back to New Orleans.
Davina was an amazing kid. I was supposed to meet up with Marcel the night of the harvest when he saved her, and so I ended up meeting her a few months before I left. She just so happened to be one of the few people who know my secret. She was incredibly gifted and reminded me so much of my younger self. I felt like I owed it to her, to myself, to be there for her. In the short time I've known her, she's become something like a little sister to me, if not a daughter.
When we broke from the hug, we both ended up sitting on the bed. I let her catch me up on what's been happening, even though I already more or less knew it from Marcel's summaries. "Okay, so if the witches aren't trying to hunt you down anymore, why are you still hiding away in this attic?"
"Well, I'm not hiding away anymore," she replied. "Marcel just figured it'd be safer for me to stay here instead of with them. He still doesn't trust them and, honestly, neither do I. They've been acting kind of weird since the witches were resurrected, but I just deal with it and go there everyday to practice."
I hummed. I understood Marcel's reasoning; keeping Davina at the church was actually pretty smart. I wouldn't trust her with a bunch of vengeful witches, either, especially after they tried to kill her once. But this attic was far too small for a little girl to spend her days in.
I looked around the cluttered room, thinking before I said screw it and decided to propose my idea to Davina. "What if you didn't have to stay here?" I asked, looking back at her.
She furrowed her brows. "What do you mean? It's not like there's anywhere else I could go, besides with the witches."
"Not necessarily true." I sat up straighter. "I mean, my townhouse has three rooms, and only one of those rooms isn't empty." I shrugged, gesturing around the room. "It's bigger than this place, so all your stuff would fit."
She sat up too. "Wait, are you being serious?"
"Hell yeah, I am. And the protections on my place are a lot better than this church's, trust me."
"You want me to move in with you?"
"Yeah, Davina, that's what I've been sayi-" I was cut off when she threw her arms around me in the tightest hug she'd given me since I entered the attic, and that was saying something.
"Oh, my gosh! Yes, of course!" 
I giggled at her enthusiasm, hugging her back before pulling away to pull my phone out of my back pocket. "Okay, I'll drop you off at the apartment now and I'll text some people to come pick up your stuff and bring it to you." I glanced back up at her for confirmation, looking back at my phone when she giddily nodded. "You can just make yourself at home and get settled in. I'll be home a bit later; I just have a business meeting first."
"Yeah, sure." Davina then stood up, looking around and clapping her hands. "I'll start packing!"
I laughed for what felt like the umpteenth time since I've seen her, standing up too. "Alright, D. I'll see you later," I said, but she was already far too engrossed in packing her things, giving me a distracted goodbye. I shook my head, the corners of my lips going up even higher as I left the room.
Thank God I wouldn't have to come back to this creepy ass church anymore. I really hadn't even thought of asking Davina move in with me; it was such a spur of the moment kind of thing, but I had no doubts then and no doubts now. She'd be safer with me than here, with the witches, or even Marcel.
At the though of my friend, I went to text him about this new development, coming across a message from Elijah along the way.
Elijah M. We'll be meeting the witches at 7:00 PM at the compound.
You OK, I'll be there.
I stuffed my phone back into my pocket after responding to Elijah and texting Marcel about Davina. Seven was two hours away, so I had time to go home and freshen up before the meeting.
I wasn't nervous; I'd already been here before, already done it all, but I did feel a weird pressure to do this well. Something in me said Klaus was counting on me to fail, so it was my job to prove him wrong.
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I walked right into the compound later without standing out front for ten minutes like I did this morning. I was gonna have to get used to this all eventually and I'd prefer that'd happen sooner rather than later. 
I was apparently earlier than everyone else because there wasn't a Mikaelson or red-haired witch in sight. I checked my watch: 6:30, it read. Earlier than I expected, but that was fine with me. I wiped the imaginary dust off my outfit: slacks and a tight white dress shirt that I'd unbuttoned just enough to not look like a female Elijah. Resemblance to the Mikaelsons was not what I needed right now.
I was just about to pull out my phone to keep myself busy when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, my eyes meeting the mother of Klaus' kid. "Oh, hi," she greeted, a surprised look on her face. "What are you- oh, right, Elijah told me you guys were meeting with the witches tonight."
"Yeah- it, uh, appears that I'm a bit early." I chuckled, making small talk even though I really didn't want to have any unnecessary conversations with anyone that lived in this building.
"No, it's a good quality. Elijah's like that," she told me. I nodded, ignoring my thoughts which were questioning her relationship with Elijah. Something told me it was a lot more complicated than it seemed. "I wanted to thank you, by the way."
My brows furrowed. "Hm? For what?"
"For covering me that day with Elijah- and for saving me from that vampire that day, too," she expressed with an almost bashful look on her face. "I realize I was pretty rude to you, but I was really just having a bad day, and-"
"And I'm a vampire, so you were just being careful." She let a small, embarrassed smile form on her lips which I reciprocated. "It's fine, I get it. I'd do the same if I were in your shoes."
"Thank you for understanding; I really appreciate it." I told her it was no problem, resisting the urge to be nosy and ask why she didn't wanna tell Elijah what happened; I didn't want to risk her growing suspicious of me.
Before Hayley and I could fall into an uncomfortable silence, Klaus and Elijah strolled in through the gates into the courtyard. Klaus' eyes narrowed between me and Hayley, probably in a protective manner, while Elijah greeted me. 
"Y/N, sorry to have kept you waiting-"
"Oh, no, it was no biggie." I gestured to Hayley. "I had good company, anyways." Hayley smiled, excusing herself after wishing us luck with the witches, but I doubted I'd need it.
I was good and I knew it. Half a millennium alone in the world taught you how to negotiate, how to get your way when you had no one else on your side. Really, I was less worried about the witches and more worried about being in Klaus' presence.
Speak of the devil.
"The witches should arrive soon," Klaus announced, glancing down at his watch then up at me, a smirk arising on his face. "And then you'll be able to play your hand."
I stopped myself from narrowing my eyes or doing anything that showed I felt the shade he was so obviously throwing my way. Clearly, without even having really spoken to me, dear old dad has decided he doesn't like me, much less trust me. I don't know why that hurt because I don't even want to be talking to him period. I guess there's just a part of me that disagrees with that.
Like this morning, Klaus didn't waste a second before walking over to the bar. "Can I interest you in a drink whilst we wait, love?" He poured himself a glass. "Some... liquid courage, if you will."
He's being a jackass on purpose.
I declined, "No thanks." I shook my head. "I don't need it." And I also don't need to be under the influence around the Originals.
Klaus chuckled in an almost sardonic manner. Like the night I met him, he had a dark air around him that he barely cared to conceal. Klaus wanted people to notice that about him; he wanted people to be scared. And I was, but for entirely different reasons.
However, I'd sooner die before letting him know that. If he wanted to play hard ball, then I'd be the best damn batter he's ever seen.
Klaus turned around, tipping his glass to me. "You're quite confident."
"Well, I can back it up," I quipped back. In response, he sarcastically smiled, taking a sip of the brown liquid in his hand. From the corner of my eye, I saw Elijah glancing in between us watchfully.
"So I've heard- and you know, it got me thinking, what exactly is it about you that makes you so special?" This-
I was given time to pause by Elijah's interjection. "Niklaus."
He held his hands out in the air. "What, Elijah? I'm just curious," he reasoned.
I cut Elijah off before he could say something more in order to respond. "No, it's alright, Elijah; I understand the skepticism." I looked back to Klaus whose eyes just so imperceptibly narrowed. "The reason why people are more inclined to listen to me is because I don't operate with a desire to instill fear in others, just respect." I maintained eye contact with Klaus, hoping he was picking up what I was putting down. I knew he got the message when I saw his jaw clench.
He looked like he was going to say something else, but before he could, the gates to the compound opened. All three of us looked toward the entrance to see Genevieve and two other witches walking beside her, like a little entourage.
Elijah seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the intrusion. "Genevieve," he greeted, walking toward them. "Thank you for agreeing to this meeting. Please, take a seat. Can we interest you in any beverages?"
While Elijah was clearly doing his best to mediate, Klaus didn't say a word, only burning a hole into the side of Genevieve's head with a hard glare while he drank his scotch.
The three of them sat down on one couch as Elijah and I sat on the one parallel to it. "No, that'll be alright," she said, crossing her legs. "I know you appreciate verity, Elijah, so I'm gonna be honest: I wouldn't have agreed to this meeting if it weren't for the woman sitting next to you."
Elijah nodded. "Yes, I'm completely aware. Y/N is here to make sure that we both get what we want and to ensure that the future of the Quarter, and everyone in it, is prosperous."
I smiled, holding my hand out. "Hello, it's lovely to meet you. I've heard many good things about you." That was a lie.
Shaking my hand, she responded, "Likewise. The elders of the coven are practically smitten with you. I've never seen witches so eager to deal with a vampire."
"Well, I hope that, after our discussion, you will also be more eager to work with the Mikaelsons."
Genevieve almost scoffed at what I said. In my peripheral, I saw Klaus roll his eyes—at me or her, I'm unsure. "Please, Y/N—I'm sure you're aware of who exactly these people are and what they've done. Even though you're a vampire, you have to admit it's outrageous." Her voice was incredulous.
I really don't understand what she was making a big fuss about. From the way the story was told, Genevieve used to have a huge crush on Klaus back in the day—ew—but I wasn't gonna actually use that against her. I didn't want her to resent me; I actually needed her to like me for this to work.
"I understand where you're coming from," I told her, managing to muster up a sympathetic expression. "But we all want the same thing: peace. That is the final destination; there are so many stops along the way to get there, so if peace is where we truly want to be, then we need to be willing to put aside our differences."
The redhead sighed. "I hear what you're saying, but how can we expect peace while working with these people? How do you expect us to trust them?" Now, Klaus scoffed, causing both Genevieve and Elijah to look over at him, Elijah with a more stern look in his eyes. I, on the other hand, ignored him altogether, focusing completely on the witch in front of me.
I said her name to get her attention back onto me, thus causing Elijah to look away from his brother, too. "I am, in no way, asking you to trust blindly. We're willing to negotiate; just state your terms." I knew this was dangerous, giving her the opportunity to ask for whatever she wanted, but the witches had been recently oppressed; giving them the chance to ask for what they wanted was like an apology of sorts, one that I felt they'd appreciate.
Genevieve looked hesitant, glancing at both of her associates, to Elijah, Klaus, and then back to me. Even without looking at him, I could feel Klaus staring at me, probably questionably. None of them were expecting that move. 
See, because I was representing the Mikaelsons, Genevieve expected me to state their terms first then negotiate since they were more powerful. So, of course she was surprised.
After a beat of silence, she finally spoke up. "We want to practice freely."
"And we want to celebrate our festivals without a hassle."
"Of course."
"And we want to reclaim witch territory for ourselves and ourselves alone, like the Lafayette cemetery." 
"Reasonable," I noted, waiting for her to say something else. When she didn't, I asked, "Is there anything else we can give you? You don't have to answer right now; we'll take some time then I'll get a contract drafted-"
"Esther Mikaelson's grimoire." At her interjection, the room went silent. I didn't even wanna know what Klaus looked like right now, but Genevieve sure as hell seemed to have regained her confidence. "We want Esther Mikaelson's grimoire." That was one ballsy request.
"Are you out of your mind?" For the first time since the witches walked into the compound, Klaus spoke. I looked over at him to see a look of shock adorning his face as if the redhead just tried to kill him—and, I mean, was he that far off?
You don't ask for the Original Witch's spell book without wanting to kill or at least having the ability to kill if you so need it.
Elijah seemed to recover from a shock of his own, trying to calm his brother down. "Niklaus-"
"I am not giving you my mother's grimoire." Klaus had set his drink down, walking toward where we were all sitting. Smoke might as well have been coming out of his ears. I knew that, if I were one of the three witches sitting across from me, I'd be shitting myself. "After what you tried to do to my family, you expect me to hand over-"
"Niklaus." Elijah cut him off, but more firmly and this time Klaus actually listened, turning to look over at Elijah with hard eyes. His eyes flickered to me for a split second before looking back at Genevieve—or glaring, rather.
While Genevieve looked slightly startled, I saw the dead-set expression on her face. It'd be hard to try and convince her that Esther's grimoire wasn't what the witches wanted, but it was possible.
Gears turned in my head as I thought it over until a quick idea popped into my head. At that moment, I began, "I'm sorry, Genevieve. We can do everything else you mentioned, put it in writing, but Esther Mikaelson's grimoire is a no-go." I saw her shaking her head before I even finished.
"Then no deal-"
Elijah cut in, "Genevieve, please-"
"I can give you the next best thing." I caught Genevieve's attention easily, along with everyone else's in the room. In seconds, I had come up with a quick fix; it was a gamble, but if you aren't willing to go big, then go the fuck home. "I currently have a Bennett grimoire in my possession." I paused, gauging her reaction. Clearly, this night was full of surprises. 
I suppressed the urge to glance over at my relatives; I had a feeling that I already knew what their faces looked like.
Genevieve struggled to compose herself, so I continued, "It's yours, so long as you accept." I understood what was happening here: the witches or the spirits or whatever were already decided, and they wanted the Mikaelson grimoire, but how could they be upset with what I was offering? A Bennett spell book was a damn good replacement if I ever saw one, and if anyone knew that, it was Esther's children themselves.
I knew the history—I've spent my life learning it. Ayana taught Esther everything she knew; the Bennett bloodline was one of the strongest, maybe even stronger than the Mikaelsons. And although I doubt Genevieve knew the lengthy Bennett history, she quickly got her bearings and responded, "I- we accept-"
I cut her off, smiling, "Great. Now our turn." I clasped my hands together. "You guys can keep your sanctuaries, the cemetery and whatnot, but in shared areas like the rest of the Quarter, we ask that you remain peaceful and avoid altercations with other factions. We're asking the same of the other factions, as well. Similarly, the Mikaelsons don't want conflicts, so we'd also like to avoid altercations in that area." 
It seemed pretty simple because it was. It was like what Elijah said to me that night in Rousseau's: everybody wants power, and the witches were no different. They didn't agree to this meeting for peace; they agreed because they wanted power, and the Mikaelsons struck this deal for the same exact reason, even if that's not how the nobleman would've phrased it.
While I didn't provide the witches with the same prepared list of terms, what I was asking for would have the same effect. The Originals were already on top, so what more did they really need to ask for?
Genevieve, once again, looked over at the two girls sitting next to her who both nodded at the silent question she was asking. When she turned back to me, the smallest of smiles was on her lips. "You have yourself a deal."
I reciprocated her expression as we both stood up. I shook her hand. "Pleasure doing business with you. I'll work on getting that contract drafted in more detail, so please, come to us with any other requests you may have."
Genevieve nodded, letting go of my hand, and Elijah took the pleasantries from there, walking them out of the compound. This left Klaus and I alone momentarily.
I looked over at him to see that he was already staring at me. I felt a chill go down my spine from how intently he was looking at me, my mini adrenaline rush dying down. It looked almost like he was picking me apart with his gaze.
I didn't want him to think I had something to hide, so I held his stare. We were both silent until Elijah walked back. This time, he didn't seem to sense the tension in the room—that, or he just chose to ignore it. 
"Thank you, Y/N," he said. I looked away from Klaus to smile in response, but the second I did, he broke his vow of silence.
"How do you have a Bennett grimoire in your possession?" Klaus' voice was cold and accusatory, just as his eyes were. Elijah just might have frozen had he not been a thousand-years-old; hell, I probably would have, too, but I'd already been crafting an explanation as soon as the idea popped into my head.
Not the real explanation, but one that made more sense.
I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "I met one a few hundred years ago. She died after she was in the wrong place, wrong time, but she left that book to me."
Klaus didn't look sold. "A Bennett witch left her grimoire with you, a vampire? Not with her family?"
"Well, to be fair, she wasn't in touch with her family at that time," I retorted. "And I was human at the time so, yes, she left it to me because she knew it could come of use one day."
Klaus didn't reply to me, instead choosing to continue staring me down. However, his glare was now lessened, so I knew he sort of believed me, even though he had doubts.
In the time that Klaus wasn't saying anything, Elijah cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to him. When I looked over, he smiled and tried to further de-escalate the situation. "Thank you, again, Y/N."
That was my cue to leave. "No problem. Are you okay with meeting up tomorrow to discuss the contract?"
He nodded. "Of course. Lunch?"
"Sounds great," I said, grabbing my bag that I'd left on the armchair next to me. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
Elijah bid me farewell while Klaus remained mute, but I still felt him staring at me, even as I was walking out; only when I'd walked two minutes away from the compound did I finally let go of that feeling
I didn't speed all the way home this time like I had been doing recently after exiting the Abattoir. Instead, I decided to take this time to think since I really haven't gotten a moment alone all day.
The excuse I gave Klaus wasn't too far from the truth—I only warped it slightly. I didn't know who he knew or how well he knew my mother before he slept with her, but I knew that if I gave him the real story, there was a possibility that he'd find out who I was.
The real story was that my mother was best friends with a Bennett. Almost like history repeating itself if you thought about it; Amelia Bennett was to my family what Ayana was to the Mikaelsons. She was both a mentor to my mother and me.
In reality, we were a lot closer than I made it sound. She was a lot closer to my mother than she was with the rest of her family. We were in Salem; the witch trials were just beginning, so any witch in the area was either preparing to leave or to die. She was anticipating the latter, so before she died, she made sure to leave the assets she had to my mother. 
The other Bennetts didn't dispute this, fleeing west. The rest of the story, I try not to think about. I needed to be strong, for Davina, for Marcel, for Amelia, for my mother, and for myself; otherwise, everything I've sacrificed would've been for nothing.
With that thought, I had a new resolution.
This, what I was doing here in New Orleans, could not fail. I have not lived the life I've lived just to fail. So from this moment forward, I decided to be better, to be stronger. No more quivering at the mention of my father or his baby, no more getting shaken up by conversations with the Mikaelsons.
Walking toward my apartment, I made myself a promise.
This city will not break me, no matter what.
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 month
Stefan: Hey Jer what's up? Everything okay?
Jeremy: Um who's that girl.
Stefan: Oh that's my girlfriend. *Waves at you as you smile at him* What about her?
Jeremy: She's really pretty
Stefan: .........
Y/n: Stefan....he just gave me a compliment Stefan, you really gonna beat a kid up just because he gave me a compliment Stefan?
Stefan: I'm getting really hungry
Y/n: Stefan no thank of Elena!
Stefan: .....
Y/n: Okay bad choice of words
Stefan: Hey Jeremy let's go talk man to man okay?,
Y/n: Please calm down!
Damon: $50 bucks says he beats the shit out of little Gilbert
Caroline: Damon!....make it $70
Damon: Bet
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Can’t Sneak Out
Damon Salvatore x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: “Not on my watch!”
Summary: When yet another massive supernatural threat comes to Mystic Falls, Y/N is ready to go out and help the rest of the Mystic Falls Scooby Gang beat it. Unfortunately, a bad cold ends up messing with their witchy-woo enough that they need to stay home and rest, instead. Since Y/N is the kind of person to go out and push themselves to the limits anyway, Damon's been tasked with keeping them home and resting, and he's taking his job very seriously.
Word Count: 1,604
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Damon, if you don't get out of my way-"
"What? What are you gonna do? You're sick as a dog right now Y/N, you couldn't even hex me if you tried!"
I growled in frustration and threw my hands up in the air. "Our friends are out there risking their lives right now! I can't stand being cooped up in here, so get the hell out of my way."
"Ugh!" I threw my hands up in the air, but Damon didn't budge. I huffed and stomped around a bit, but his expression didn't soften at all. Finally, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. If you're gonna be such a pain in the ass, then I'm gonna go take a nap instead of spending time in here with you. Goodnight."
I spat the last word, then turned on my heel and headed for my bedroom. In truth, I had absolutely no intention of taking a nap. I just needed my babysitter to think that was the plan so I could sneak out behind his back while he wasn't paying attention.
I slammed my bedroom door behind me, then rustled the sheets loudly like I was flopping into bed. I waited a few beats, ruffled the sheets again like I was laying there and trying to get comfortable, then waited again. Finally, when I decided I'd waited long enough, I crept across the floor to the window.
Slowly, carefully, and like I'd done more than once in high school, I eased the window open. It was completely silent, and I stepped out onto the roof with practiced ease. I walked to the edge of the roof and eased over it until I hung on by just my fingers, my feet dangling above the porch. I still really didn't feel great thanks to my cold, so it was a little harder than usual, but nothing I couldn't handle.
Finally, when I felt confident in my position, I let go and dropped down to the porch in triumph.
I found Damon standing in front of me with his arms crossed, staring at me and clearly not impressed.
"Did you really think that trick was gonna work on me?" he deadpanned.
"Dammit Damon! Get out of my way, I'm going to help my friends."
I tried to storm past him, but I didn't get very far. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, then started heading for the front door of the house.
"Not on my watch!" he said, his tone entirely too cheery for the mood I was currently in.
Once we were back in the house, he dumped me unceremoniously on the couch, then started heading for the kitchen.
"You lay there and rest," he ordered. "I'll make you some soup or something-"
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I finally demanded, shouting despite my sore throat as I popped back onto my feet and glared at him. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and stared back at me with a raised eyebrow, but my scowl only got more fierce.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his tone making it clear he thought I was being crazy. I clenched my fists and took a few furious steps towards him.
"I mean, who the hell are you, because you're sure as hell not being Damon Salvatore right now!" Damon scoffed and rolled his eyes, and I knew he had some witty retort on the tip of his tongue, but I jumped in before he could say it. "I've personally seen you cajole Bonnie into the middle of danger and heart-stopping spells when she's on the verge of death. You'll send Matt off to be bait with no defense at the drop of a hat. Tyler, Caroline, even Stefan! If they can be of help, you don't try to stand in their way, even if they should be resting instead of world-saving. But with me? You're a helicopter parent!"
"Y/N..." he warned, taking a few steps towards me. We were almost face to face now, but I wasn't stopping at all. In fact, I was just getting started.
"No, I mean it!" I cried. "I have a cold, and yeah, it might make it harder for me to throw down like I usually do, but it's not like I'm completely bedridden! And yet here you are, barely letting me off the couch for some fear that I'll drop dead if I do more than breathe! So why? You just want to get on my nerves that badly, that you've decided to keep me from helping our friends? You want to mess with me? So much that you're here, stopping me from sneaking out like a high schooler in a teen movie, instead of helping your brother fight something that could very well kill him? Why the hell would you do that?"
"Because I'm in love with you!"
He shouted it back with the same frustration and exasperation that I'd had in my tone. He'd been getting more and more worked up as I'd laid into him, and apparently he just couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N, alright? So much so that I'm here, making you soup, instead of with my brother. So yes, I am hovering, but it's because I care. And because you don't know your limits at all. The number of times Bonnie's had to step in to save you from an overwhelming spell when you're healthy is so high I can't count it on one hand, and if you go out right now and push yourself past the point of no return, I'd never be able to live with myself for letting it happen. Never."
I just stared at him as he finished his speech. He was breathing hard, and it was clearly my turn to say something, but I couldn't process the confession I'd just received. After a few moments of stunned silence, I finally managed to choke out the obvious.
"You're in love with me?"
"Yes, Y/N. I'm in love with you. And I know you hate me, but-"
"Whoa, whoa, wait. I don't hate you. Damon, I've never hated you. I mean, I've definitely wanted to kill you a few times, but... but I actually like you too. Like, a lot." My heart beat faster at the admission, even though Damon had literally just told me he felt the same way.
"Yeah. Yeah, really. At this specific moment, I'm a little frustrated with you, but on the whole? Yeah."
Damon stared at me for a few seconds, his blue eyes piercing mine and an expression of awe on his face as he took me in. Then, in a flash of vampire speed, he crossed the room and wrapped me in his arms. I laughed as he pulled me to him, a devilish smirk on his face.
"Well, in that case, I don't want to waste any more time," he said. He leaned in to close the distance between us, aiming for a kiss, but I put my hands on his shoulders and stopped him. He raised an eyebrow in silent question.
"I have a cold, remember?" I said. "I don't want to get you sick."
"Sweetheart, I have fantastic news for you. Vampires don't get sick."
"Wait really?" He nodded. "Holy shit that's awesome!"
"I agree."
With that, he leaned in again, and this time I didn't stop him. It felt a little crazy to be kissing Damon Salvatore, but I also absolutely couldn't say I minded. Even if Bonnie was going to kill me for it later.
After a few seconds, we broke apart. Even if I couldn't pass my cold to Damon, I was still sick, and I just didn't have the energy for a dramatic, romantic make out session after a confession of love.
Thankfully, Damon could tell. When we pulled apart he kept his arms wrapped around me, then smiled at me, blissful happiness written all over his face.
"Wanna watch some dumb movies while I make us some hot soup?" he finally asked. I sighed, leaning into his chest.
"That sounds perfect."
"Good. C'mon, let's get you to the couch." He kissed the top of my head, then walked me over to the most comfortable spot on the couch. I settled into the cushions and blankets as he started queuing up one of my favorite movies. I smiled to myself as I watched him, feeling a sense of peace and belonging I never would've thought to associate with Damon before.
"This is gonna sound really lame," I mused as Damon finished setting up the movie and then headed for the kitchen. "But honestly, this is my ideal first date."
I heard Damon snort from the kitchen, and it only made me smile wider. And just like that, I found myself perfectly happy to sit here with Damon and rest a little. The dangers and challenges of Mystic Falls would still be waiting when I was healthy, after all. And now I'd be facing them with Damon as my partner instead of my adversary.
We were going to be unstoppable together. The supernatural world would have to watch its back.
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starlightandfairies · 2 months
Hiiii I hope you don’t mind me requesting again! I love the one you did for me! It made me incredibly happy.
May I request a Lorenzo St. John x female reader? This time I was thinking of a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort? If that’s okay of course. Again, human reader please. This time reader is very stubborn and always acts tough. She dislikes supernaturals a lot. She’s friends with Elena and her group.
One day reader gets kidnapped and threatened by an enemy vampire if the Salvatore’s. The brothers save her, but once she gets home she starts to panic and cry because she’s had enough and doesn’t know if she can take anymore of the supernatural drama. But Enzo stops by her house to ask for a favor and the reader acts like she’s fine but it’s obvious she’s been crying and he tries to comfort her, despite her not liking him much.
Ahhh sorry this is long again! I just have so many ideas….um ignore this if it’s too much. I hope you have a wonderful full day and night!!
Description: The reader is kidnapped by an old enemy of the Salvatores and as tries to pretend that everything is okay but fails at doing so.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
I honestly got so excited when you requested Enzo! Thank you for requesting again and yay! I'm so happy the other one made you happy. I'm glad! I'm honestly not happy about how this one turned out but I hope you still enjoy it regardless.
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,358
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First Person's POV
Once I turned 18 I promised I would leave Mystic Falls for good. This town is a goddamn beacon for chaos and danger. I wouldn't even be surprised if a hole to the end of the world opened right in the centre of town. One thing I hated more than maths was the supernatural beings that thought the world revolved around them. Of course, I loved Caroline, Bonnie and Elena. I tolerated Stefan and Damon but the others... the others it depended on who they were and what they've done. I tried my best to stay away from the chaos that the group got themselves into, sometimes it was relatively easy and other times it was damn hard. 
Every day I make a bet with myself about if it's gonna be an easy day or a damn hard day. I made a bet that it'll be a damn hard day. I don't know what gave me that feeling, it was just that uneasy feeling when I woke up this morning and considering that the Salvatores had been kidnapped and beaten the last few days, I just assumed that the streak of unpleasantness would continue. 
Heading towards the town square, I stood, waiting for the girls to show up, putting myself on edge due to the sudden paranoia that someone would be out to get me. 
I don't know how it happened, or when it happened but I woke up, tied up and sitting on a mattress laid across the ground. I refused to cry, I would not let myself be seen as weak and give whatever asshole decided to use me as fish bait. 
"Y/n... Y/n... Y/n..." I stared angrily at the figure, recognising the person as a Traveller, I rolled my eyes and stared at the figure flabbergasted as he slapped me. 
"I need the Salvatores to come here, I see them with you, so here we are," I grunted through the rag, groaning as he pulled it from my mouth and went to speak but was literally hushed by the twit. He put his damn finger on my lips with a tut to silence me. 
"Listen here... I don't care about how you want to run your damn mouth, I don't have the time, all I care about is bringing the Salvatores here and following the plan." 
"And that would be?" 
"Oh, how mature," I muttered, hissing in pain as his fist collided with my face, I took another breath and smiled at the man showing that I didn't care and that it didn't faze me at all. I grunted as he shoved the rag back in and proceeded to pace the room. I couldn't help but flinch as the door slammed open and within the blink of an eye the Salvatores easily dealt with the guy and the adrenaline seemed to take away my thought processing and I ended up back home without really realising it. 
I took a shower, got into my pyjamas, plopped down on the couch and that's when it all came out. I could feel my hands begin to shake, a tightness in my chest formed that made it hard to breathe. The tears came cascading down, the whole room seemed to spin and I couldn't stop my sobs from escaping. I do not want to go through that again, I do not want to be kidnapped and hurt. I can't go through that, this is all too much, maybe I should just move away? Get away from the town of death and suffering. 
I couldn't tell you how long I had been crying for, I couldn't even tell you how the panic attack stopped or if it even stopped. I was sitting in a pool of tissues, I had already nearly gone through an entire box, I don't think I've cried this much before, I can't think of a time when the pain has been this bad. 
I jumped hearing a knock on my door, I quickly and roughly rubbed my eyes doing my best to make the tears go away and hope that whoever it was wouldn't need anything from me. I forced a smile to my lips as I opened the door, surprised to see the lovely Enzo there, he was a vampire I liked and I will admit there are times when I prefer him over the Salvatores but also just like most of the supernatural my tolerance normally ran low. 
"Enzo- hi."
"Hello, gorgeous... listen I need a favour-" The vampire cut himself off, he glanced around to the living area and then back at me. I did my best to keep smiling, not wanting to let my guard down. 
"Gorgeous, what's going on?" 
"I'm fine Enzo, listen I've got a busy day tomorrow and as much as I'm sure the favour cannot wait I cannot help you today." I tried closing the door on him, groaning as he easily stopped it and slipped into my home. I bit the inside of my cheek, finding it harder and harder to continue pretending that I was okay. 
"You've been crying..." 
"N-no I haven't. I said I am fine." I tried to make my words more pointed, hoping he'll truly believe that I was 'fine' but Enzo is smart and it was clear that my bullshit lies weren't enough to convince him. 
"Talk to me, please." I wrapped my arms around myself, shaking my head, the tears inevitably coming, I could feel my lips quivering and my body shake as the sobs escaped my lips. I could feel Enzo leading me to the couch, he brushed away the tissues and sat beside me. 
"Y/n... what's going on? What happened." 
"I- one of the travellers took me and used me as bait to draw in the Salvatores... I can't deal with the supernatural any longer... I don't want to go through that again. This- this anxiety, I can't... I won't go through that again. I'm so scared Enzo, I can't keep pretending that I'm fine because everyone looks to me because they think I'm tough but the truth is-" I let out a sob that would prevent me from going on any further without struggling to voice my concerns. I shook my head, angry with myself for blubbering in front of Enzo. 
I felt him wrap an arm around me, he lightly rubbed my shoulder, against all my wishes, I let myself curl against him. At that moment I didn't care about who was comforting me, all I cared about was seeking someone who would offer me the comfort I clearly needed. 
"I can make it easier for you- I can... if you're comfortable, I can compel you... I can make it go away." I considered, that maybe it would make it easier to just disappear... make it easier to get away from all of this. I was about to allow him to do that but then I thought of Bonnie and Caroline and Elena... I couldn't do that to them. 
"N-no, no. Thank you." 
"If you ever change your mind... I know we aren't close, I think you don't like me at all but I'll make it go away. If you ever want." I took a few deep breaths, nodding and appreciating that Enzo would do this for me even after knowing that I wasn't his biggest fan. 
"I don't not not like you but- it's not important right now." 
"You know, you know gorgeous... I still think you are pretty tough, you know it's okay to cry and it's okay be worired." It felt reassuring to know that, I never wanted to let anyone down and I wanted them to know that I am strong and I am tough. That these things won't bother me or effect me.
"Means a lot to me."
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h31d1-jan3 · 3 months
Little cave - Stefan Salvatore
You felt tired, so, so tired. You’d been feeling like this for the past month, you had no idea what was wrong with you and you just wanted to feel like your normal self again.
It was your fault really. You’d let the memories of your father’s death back into your mind again and of course with that came the nightmares. They attacked your mind from the inside util you were to afraid to fall asleep. So you lay there all night, every night for the past week.
This also meant that you started to push your friends and your boyfriend away. But today was a new day you thought. So with that you decided to finally leave the safe haven of your bedroom at the Salvatore Boarding House that you had not left for the past four days.
Stepping out on to the carpeted hallway you heard soft voices coming out from the kitchen. You knew it was wrong but something in your gut told you to listen in, so that’s exactly what you did.
“I just don’t know what’s wrong with her,” you heard Stefan (your boyfriend) sigh “it’s like she’s trying to act ‘depressed’ for attention. I mean what does she actually have to be sad about?!”
You could practically sense the air quotes. And with that you trailed up the stairs back up to your little cave.
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xvxni · 3 months
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
Let's get started!
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼/ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓼
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𝒞𝒶𝓇𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝒷𝑒𝓈
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Lady In Shining Armour
Due to the recent arrival of the Mikaelsons in town, your best friend Caroline doesn't have time for you anymore. It hurts to see you and the girl who has known since you were in diapers grow apart. But when she saves your life, confessions follow up and you realize that vampires are not the only things immortal...
Angst, fluff ---- COMING SOON!
Caroline is so not in high spirits, but you know just the thing to cheer up everyone's favourite blonde.
Fluff, a lil' bit of angst ---- COMING SOON!
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Dating Miss Mystic Falls
Headcanons of you dating (let's face it) the best Miss Mystic Falls the town has ever had.
Fluff, smut, possibly angst ---COMING SOON!
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Nothing... yet.
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𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓽
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You're new at being a witch and you're not great at controlling your magic. You realise that your older sister Bonnie is the only one who can help you, but you got into a terrible fight with her just a few days back... but blood is thicker than water.
Angst, fluff ----COMING SOON!
Diary Entry
You're crushing on the supposed nemesis of the gang, Klaus Mikaelson, who earns a vivid diary entry. Your friend Bonnie finds out. Disaster ensues.
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Best Summer
Headcanons of you and your best friend Bonnie spending the best summer ever.
Fluff, fluff, fluff! ---COMING SOON!
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Amidst the supernatural chaos of Mystic Falls, you and your friends are fighting everyday for your lives. It is easy to be scared, but why fear when Bonnie is here?
Fluff, possibly angst ---COMING SOON!
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𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓪 𝓖𝓲𝓵𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓽
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Baking Lessons
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that two crafty teenage girls in the kitchen is the perfect recipe for a disaster.
Fluff, fluff, fluff! ---COMING SOON!
You are the youngest Gilbert, who recently found out that you had been compelled to leave town. You lose your trust in your eldest sibling, Elena.
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Nothing... yet.
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Nothing... yet.
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𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓯𝓪𝓷 𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓿𝓪𝓽���𝓻𝓮
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I'm just loving that dress on you. Let's burn it.
It Has Always Been You
Under a state of intoxication (was it just the alcohol?), you reveal your darkest desires to Stefan, who does his best to make them come true.
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Nothing... yet.
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Amid the supernatural occurrings of Mystic Falls, you and your boyfriend Stefan finally find a moment for yourselves.
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𝓓𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮
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Phone Sex
The title says it all...
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Headcanons of how you and your boyfriend Damon spend the weekend.
Slight smut, fluff ---COMING SOON!
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Your boyfriend Damon has been acting very possessive and controlling and you get into a huge fight with him. You go out for a drive to clear your head but end up in an accident instead. Damon finds you and takes you home, making up for everything he had done.
ANGST, fluff
Requested by: @imagine-all-the-fandoms
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The Mikaelsons Masterlist here
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Hola, mis amigos!
I'm Avani. I'm new here and I mostly write for myself, but I read all these wonderful stories here and I wanted to share my work as well. I live for books. I'm particularly drawn to classics and I just love the enemies to lovers trope. Cats are love and they should totally rule the world!
I'm also an amateur writer, an artist and I love cooking. I'm a Scorpio and my house is Ravenclaw. I have a knack of being obsessed with everything and anything I come across. I mostly write on Bridgerton and TVDU.
I'm an Elijah girl and have a thing for chin dimples and bespoken suits.
You can find me under #xvxni posts .
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kolsangel · 2 years
੭ु⁾ ⚜ dating kai parker
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❥ A/N : this is my new side blog, requests are opened so if u have some, ask away :) please reblog and comment if u enjoyed my content I need to see that the tvdu fandom is still there ! 👼🏻
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⚜. kai is a clingy ass mf. he spent 22 years deprived of any physical contact and he just has to be touching you in some way, whether it's wrapping an arm around your waist in public or watching TV with you on his lap.
⚜. he's very insecure because of his childhood, he feels like a failure and a burden so he requires lots of patience and reassurance. also he can act childish if he is asked not to be so clingy, he might get pouty, but after he calms down, he will apologise for overwhelming you.
⚜. he's giving his all to you, he never felt so in love with someone before and he would do everything it takes to keep you with him. he tries to show love as best as he can but he was never truly loved by his family himself. he takes inspiration from the romance books he read while he was bored in the prison world, which never fails to make you feel like a princess.
⚜. acts of service is his main love language, he cooks for you any chance he gets and he smiles to himself while doing so, thinking of your bright smile seeing he surprised you with dinner 
⚜. he really is one to pay attention to the little details and bring them up. he didn't talk to anyone for 22 years, he's very chatty that's for sure but he is a great listener too and is fascinated by every details of your life. he wants to make you feel important, loved and respected.
⚜. he loves to embarrass you in front of your friends and especially Damon. he has no filter and spills details about you two to whoever is in the room. "Y/N won't move from their bed today, have you taken them drinking?" Damon asks Caroline and Elena. "No they weren't with us, I think she was with- " Caroline starts but gets interrupted by Kai : "They were with me. And as a matter of fact, they can't move for obvious reasons" he says, smirking. The absence of reaction from your friends caused him to keep going. " I railed them, obviously, " he adds, chuckling. "Oh come on don't look so shocked it's not like you never fucked anyone before, no one here is a virgin as far as i know, especially not Damon, this little whore".
⚜. his nicknames for you are soooo random because he flirts with you any given moment, there is "sweetheart, princess, pretty girl, gorgeous, my love, babe and little devil", ironically he loves calling you the latter whereas you are the angel of the two of you, his angel. that's his name for you in his phone by the way, because he really sees you as a guardian angel.
⚜. he is super expressive and his reactions are the sweetest. The moment he saw you dressed up or trying a new make-up look, his jaw would literally drop and turn into a chuckle. He would put his hands on his mouth, and his eyes would widen. "you are fucking gorgeous y/n. how did I get so lucky." he says and embraces you into a hug.
⚜. his favourite thing is when you teach him about the new things he never got ahold of. Like when you show him the latest horror movies, he gets fascinated by the special effects and smiles like a little kid, or when you download instagram for him. speaking of, he is not a big fan of social media, he thinks it’s supid and useless and it cuts you off from reality.
⚜. he is canonically very childish and gets excited over small things. like if you surprise him with a burger from the mystic grill, he’ll get all giddy and of course, eat it like a pig. you bought a small crumbs vacuum and forced him to use it so that the couch would not be constantly dirty with his pork rinds leftovers.
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© kolsangel. do not copy, modify, translate, repost or take my ideas/concept without giving credits but comments, feedback, reblogs and asks are very much welcome ! ⚜🩸
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chronic-escapixt · 7 months
His Rose ~ Part 1
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, CNC, dubcon, yandere, murder, abuse, trauma, smut, stalking, innocence kink, dacryphilia, manipulation. Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
Word count: 1.6k
K.P. Masterlist
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Bonnie's life was on the line.. again.
The Other Side was collapsing, time was running out and as the anchor to the crumbling realm, she knew she wouldn't be spared. She stopped at her home and let Rose know. The news absolutely crushed her sister. Rose felt like she just got her back from when she died last summer. Becoming the anchor was her second chance at life but now it was being ripped away. Rose didn't even have time to argue a solution before she squeezed her in a tight hug and said goodbye. She was out the door, dashing off to pull Elena, Damon, and the others back from the Other Side.
Rose watched as the door shut behind her, wiping the wetness from her eyes before charging into Sheila Bennett's in-home study. From her life as a practicing witch and occult studies professor, their late grandmother had shelves full of ancient grimoires, scrolls, texts and items so she ought to have something that could save Bonnie. As the minutes ticked by, the piles of useless books stacked around her grew with her desperation.
"There's nothing here!" she muttered, slamming the heavy grimoire closed. The force rattled the desk and the shelf above it, knocking a scroll down in front of her. Rose blinked away her frustrated tears and lifted the dusty scroll, blowing it with her breath to reveal the Latin handwriting and symbols.
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After pulling her friends back to the living world, Bonnie anticipated the approaching light. She glanced back, meeting Elena's solemn gaze. They all gathered behind her, no words left to say as they watched their beloved witch meet the very fate she had saved them from. She knew she couldn't save herself and she accepted that. She only hoped that within the next few moments she would find peace with her grams and father.
The moment she closed her eyes, she felt a jolt of energy lance through her. Something changed. When she opened them, she was amongst the others but Rose stood a few feet away, the wind of the collapsing dimension tossing her brown curls, the white light reflecting off her face.
Horror gripped her when she realized she was no longer linked to the Other Side, Rose was.
She offered Bonnie an apologetic smile as she watched tears bead down her shocked face.
"I love you, Bonnie," she uttered just before the light consumed her completely...
and she was gone.
The brightness subsided as the wind around her settled to a calm hush. Rose could finally open her eyes and found that she was standing in the same place, at the boarder of Mystic Falls but everyone had disappeared.
She dashed around town calling out Bonnie's name, looking for her, their friends or anyone but it was completely deserted. She stopped to catch her breath in the middle of the town square, the usually bustling epicenter was empty. That's when panic set in, worrying that she was actually dead, though this didn't seem like the “peace” described or even hell. For that matter, she didn't feel dead, in fact she felt very much alive something she realized when her stomach growled. “Dead people don't get hungry," she told herself as she walked into the Mystic Grill. Much like everywhere else, the Grill was desolate. She made her way into the kitchen and found it fully stocked with alcohol and food that seemed up to date, so the town couldn't have been abandoned too long ago, she thought. Rose made a quick sandwich and walked toward the bar when her eyes fell upon the bulletin board. She nearly dropped her plate when she read the date on the calendar.
May 9th, 1994.
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It didn't take long for him to notice that things were different. After 18 years of complete solitude, he grew accustomed to the consistency of the realm. His strong ability to detect the presence of magic, made it all the more obvious to him when the young Bennett witch touched down in his prison world. He tracked her down to a Virginian town called Mystic Falls where he first saw her in the living room nose deep in a grimoire. He slipped through an unlocked door and watched her silently out of her view. He figured she was looking for anything that would explain where she is or how to escape but she likely wouldn't find anything in those texts. Luckily for her, he planned on revealing everything...
In due time.
Just over a week passed and unbeknownst to her, Kai was watching the entire time. He’d stay up while she slept, curled up with her fuzzy plush lamb she called lamby. Most nights she’d clutch the stuffed toy to her chest and just cry herself to sleep. Like a sad shelter commercial, he enjoyed the pathetic display, though he hated the little white lamb with a passion, fantasizing about how much more she’d cry if she woke up and it’s head was cut off.
He observed everything, from her tendency to talk to herself to the she way she put tension in her lips when she was concentrating on the Latin of her texts. Clearly, she was a beginner and her general naivety would come to his advantage once he finally decided to make his move.
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Rose swayed her hips as she rounded the corner, pushing her grocery cart while singing along to ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody' by Whitney on her Walkman. He sat in a fold up lawn chair in the center aisle of the otherwise empty market, munching on a bag of pork rinds and watching with an amused grin, wondering when she would finally notice him. After deciding on a box of Count Chocula, she finally turned from the shelves and their eyes met. Her mouth fell open as she paused the tape and lowered the headphones from her ears. He smiled and gave a slight wave.
“Were you there the whole time?” She blurted breathlessly, taking him in. His face had a pleasant balance of soft and sharp features that made him both cute and intimidating and a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. The dark brunette wore a hooded jacket styled over a graphic tee, denim jeans and worn out converse.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to interrupt. You sounded amazing by the way.”
Her cheeks burned, “t-thank you… umm who are you?”
“Sorry, manners, I’m Kai. Nice to meet you.” He set aside the bag and stood up from the chair. Her eyes followed his ascent until he stood fully, towering over her. “And you are…?”
Her ears got hot. “Oh right! Rose- I’m Rose… excuse me, I haven’t spoken to another person in a while. I promise I’m not normally this awkward…” she sighed and averted her gaze downwards.
Kai shoved his hands in his pockets, “can’t be any worse than me I've been here since the very beginning.”
“You’ve been all alone for 18 years?" she uttered in disbelief.
Kai forced a laugh, “It's not so bad. There’s no traffic, everything’s free and privacy isn’t an issue… now, there is the crippling loneliness but that only creeps in once in a while.” He casually plopped back down on his chair and grabbed his chip bag.
“There’s no way out of here, is there?” She sighed.
"Nope, not unless you happen to be a Bennett witch…” he scoffed as though the thought were incredulous and popped a rind in his mouth.
Her eyes lit up. “Wait, I am! I am a Bennett witch.”
Kai grinned, “well then the odds just got a lot better.”
“So, is Kai short for something?” She asked as they walked back to her place. Kai offered to push the cart for her.
“Malachai,” he replied.
“Malachai,” she practiced softly.
“But I prefer Kai,” he tagged on.
“What about you, Rose is short for what? Rosemary or… Rosalie?”
She giggled. "You’re close, it’s Rosalina but I prefer Rose.”
“Rosalina... that's pretty, much more fitting if you ask me.” The way he said her name made her want to bite her lip but she opted to return his smile instead.
“This is me,” she announced when they came to her house. She led him inside where he was kind enough to help her put away the groceries.
“So, what is this place?” she asked.
“One of many prison worlds created by the Gemini coven. Anyone who opposes them is gifted their own personal hell dimension. I got mine on my 22nd birthday.”
“Why would they do that to you?”
He sighed, “most of it is coven politics- what you know and who you know, ya’ know? Long story short, my family betrayed me for more power. I don’t really like thinking about it.”
Rose understood and decided not to pry. “So, you know how to get us out of here?”
Kai leaned forward on the counter while he explained the Gemini coven always left a back door to their prison worlds and it was called an ascendant. Under the direct light of a solar eclipse a Bennett witch is to use her magic and blood to activate the device and transport them back to the real world. “We’re going to need a locator spell to find the ascendant. Without my magic, I haven’t been able to find it.”
“When is the next eclipse?” Rose asked.
“Time works a little differently here… the month of May repeats itself over and over, starting with the 9th. Every third time May 9th comes around the eclipse happens.”
"The last eclipse just passed a few nights ago… that means we have about three months to wait.”
“On the bright side, we have plenty of time to find the ascendant,” He noted with an optimistic air. It amazed her how he managed to be so hopeful and positive even after being trapped for 18 years. “After all this time, 3 months is nothing,” he murmured.
She thanked him for helping her with her groceries. “Well, I’m going to make stuffed chicken for dinner. You can stay if you want.”
“You just met me and you’re asking me to stay for dinner… I mean, I could be a serial killer,” he finished with a charming smirk.
“You’re too nice to be a serial killer,” she put matter-of-factly while taking out the chicken breasts.
“Ted Bundy was nice,” he retorted.
She smiled at his wit. “Are you staying or not? Because I need to know if I’m making one chicken breast or two.”
Kai relented, “Oh, alright. How can I say no to stuffed chicken?”
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thewritersaddictions · 7 months
Requests/Drabbles: (TVD) Damon Salvatore- My Girl
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This girl's night had been planned for nearly two weeks now, so when the girls piled into the car to drive over to Bonnie's house it was a show to just beginning.
Caroline had brought the best smelling pastries. A new bakery had open up just a few days ago, she said it was treat for all the shit we had been going through recently.
Elena had grabbed about eight dozen movies off her rack at home. Tonight's theme was romcom, I had brought the wine. A few different bottles of wine.
The drive back to Bonnie's was filled with light chatter, and lots and lots of 2000's music blaring through the speakers. The fall weather was a nice touch as well as the leaves were crunched beneath the car's tire, and our feet.
We all giggled with excitment as we tired and were not successful in making the three butt couch a four butt couch. With Elena putting in the first romcom of the night, I was okay with pouring four large glasses of wine and ditching them out to their owners. Caroline and Elena were shoulder to shoulder as I and Bonnie sat pretty much ontop of each other.
It was nearly two more romcom's later before I was a giggly, content women dancing around with Elena in the living room. The ending of 'Pretty Women' was playing, my cheeks felt hot and warm to the touch.
"Elena I love you so much…" You said dragging her to touch our foreheads together. "Aww, I love you too." The air filled between us with the smell of white wine, and pastires. She giggled, so I giggled.
Caroline was fast asleep her cheek pressed into the side of the couch, and half the blanket covering her curled up body. Bonnie wasn't anywhere around, but the sound of clinking and clanking coming from the kitchen gave her away.
"Bonnie! Where'd you go!?" I screamed, yelled into the space between Elena and I. A murmured shh, came from Caroline's lip. "I'm in here you goofs." Bonnie asnwered. She didn't seem that drunk, or at least a little buzzed. "Come one sit back down Elena and I wanna watch 'nother movie." Your words starting to mumble together.
"No I called Damon, to come pick you up." Bonnie declares. You go to pout, but the thought of Damon makes me all warm, and shivery. "Okay." You don't argue with her anymore, rather you take a seat on the edge of the couch. "He said he'd be here in a few maybe ten minutes." Bonnie tells me you nod, and start to wait.
"Come on Elena, let's get you to bed ya." You can hear Bonnie talking to Elena and then a tiny grumble but nothing else. Footsteps that are loud at first, and then quiet as the two of them make their way up the stairs and to Bonnie's guests room.
Lights come through the blinds of the house, and it's just a moment later when there's a knock on the door. You jump up, rushing towards to the door. When you open it Damon is standing there with his hands on his hips. Staring at you. "Come on honey." Damon says as he stands there waiting for you at the door's frame.
"Okay." You say dopely with a smile on your fface. Grabbing your pruse at the front of the door, and grabbing his hand to walk down the stiars of Bonnie's front porch. Before the two of you can get very far Bonnie is calling out Damon's name. "You take care of her Damon, she's had at least four large glasses of wine. She pours a lot." Damon rolls his eyes, "Of course BonBon." Damon's voice echos through the tree, and night sky.
You cling to his side, as he walks you to the side of his car. The slick blue where you almost see your reflection through the paint. "You should have told me you were having a girls night." Damon says as he opens the passengar door for you. You grumlbe under your breath. "I did Damon, you just forgot." You whine.
Damon comes down to face level with you. Grasping onto the buckle to bolt you into the seaat for the ride back home. Your hand comes up to grab at his cheek. Trying to pull him in closer. "Whatever you're thinking of doing just don't pretty girl." Damon says. The latching of the buckle clicking, and before you know it the door is slamming shut and you watch as Damon walks around the car to the drivers door.
It's not until Damon is driving down the main street to get to the Salvatore residence that your hands get a mind of their own. They go from your lap, to tangled together, to just one of your thigh and the other traveling, in search of the meaty thighs of Damon. When you do finally manage to grab onto the meaty flesh the car swerves a bit. Making your shirek with both excitment and fear. "Missy if you don't put… move your hand." Damon demands. "But what if I don't wanna?" You say shaking your head in his direction. "Love, I know you okay. I know what your playing at and it's not happening." Damon says trying to control his voice.
"I'm not playing about anything." You can barely see Damon shake his head. You move wiggling beneath the belt, to get somewhat closer to Damon. "Please I just wanna touch you Damon!" You beg him. You can feel the heavy air that blows from his nose as he tries to push you away from him as he's driving down the road.
"NO." Damon says adamently. Pushing your wandering hands off his thighs and into your own lap. "Now be a good silent girl, and just sit there until we get home, and then you're going to bed." Damon demands. You huff, but sit there silently.
Just waiting to get home to annoy him further.
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Completed on: 10/18/23
Posted on: 11/18/23
Requests Master List // Drabble Master List // The Vampire Diaires Master List
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athenamikaelson · 1 year
can i request a kol x reader one shot where the reader just moved to MF and is really shy and the MF gang are all shocked when they find out she likes/is dating kol🥰
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Kol Mikaelson x Shy!Reader
Word Count- 1.2k
Warnings- Light Swearing
Request- can i request a kol x reader one shot where the reader just moved to MF and is really shy and the MF gang are all shocked when they find out she likes/is dating kol🥰
“So Y/N,” Caroline leans over to me a sneaky smirk on her face, “has there been anyone who’s caught your eye since you’ve arrived in town?” I can feel the warmth of a blush start to make its way onto my face. Elena and Bonnie stop their talking next to us and give me a questioning look.
“Ya Y/N, has there been anyone?” Bonnie asks with an encouraging smile on her face. I stare at all three of them and from their giggling I can tell the blush has turned my face beet red.
“You can tell us Y/N if you want, if not don’t worry about it.” Elena tells me, placing her hand on top of mine in a comforting way.
“Don’t judge me ok?” I ask them, which gets me multiple nods of heads and “Of course nots.”
I take a deep breath and close my eyes, “Kol Mikaelson.”
After a long moment of silence I open my eyes and see all three of them with a mix of confusion and fear etched into their faces. Embarrassment starts to flood my entire body as I watch them try to process what I’d said.
“Ok I know I’m not the ideal dream girl or anything and I know he is totally out of my league but-“ I start to ramble but Bonnie interrupts me.
“No Y/N! It’s not that! You’re perfect, it’s just…” Bonnie looks over at Elena and Caroline who look like they’re trying to find their own words, “It’s Kol, he’s just so intense you know. You’re so sweet and kind and he’s so… not.” Bonnie says with an unnerved look.
“I know he can be a bit crude sometimes but he’s nice to me.” I say trying to defend the man I’d come to grow fond of in my short time of knowing him.
“Really?!” They all ask surprisingly.
“Ya I guess. I mean whenever we see each other he always goes out of his way to talk to me even though I can’t start a conversation for my life. And when I told him that people have told me that I come off as a freak because of how quiet I am, he told me that some people are too idiotic to see that the quietest people are always the ones with the most to say.” It was the first time in a long time that it felt as if someone had truly seen me and heard me.
Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena just stare at me for a moment before Caroline cracks a big smile and starts talking about how cute that is and how she’s so happy for me. When she’s done Bonnie gives me a comforting smile.
“I’m happy that someone makes you feel that way Y/N, I just want you to be careful and safe ok? Kol and his family can be unpredictable and we wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know, and it’s just a little crush anyways, there’s no way Kol would really give me the time and day.” I give her a shrug of my shoulders.
“Kol Mikaelson would be lucky if you gave him the time of day Y/N.” Elena tells me.
“Thank you guys.”
“Hello Quiet One.” I turn in my seat to see Damon Salvatore smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes and went back to watching Jeremy clean the bar after he asked to keep him company at The Grill. I can feel Damon move out the barstool next to me.
“So I heard from a Little Birdy that someone has a crush on the wild Mikaelson?” When he says this I whip my head to look at him and am faced with the vampire smirking at him.
“Who the hell told you that? I whisper-yell at him. Damon just stares at me for a moment before reaching over the bar and pouring himself a bourbon.
“Just a little birdy.” I let out a sigh and fought the urge to strangle him.
“I’m honestly hurt that I wasn’t the first to be told, My Little Quiet One. I thought we were besties.” Damon throws a hand over his heart in a mocking way.
“We're not besties.” I try to tell him which makes him shake his head.
“Yep, we are. You’re the only one I know that will keep my deep dark secrets and won't try to see the wrong in my ways.”
“It’s not my job to make you be a better person Damon.”
“Exactly! Try telling Elena that, or Stefan, or Ric. You and I work well together.” He pats me on my shoulder, I go to shrug his hand off when it’s ripped off by someone behind us.
“It doesn’t really look like she wants you touching her, mate. So keep your hands off.” I freeze as I recognize the British accent and who it belongs to.
Damon turns in his stool, “Agh, Kol. My least favorite Original. Y/N and I are the bestest of friends so you can back off.” He glares at him, which earns an even nastier glare from Kol. I stare at them for a moment before standing up, which gains Kol’s attention.
“I need some fresh air.” I say as I try to get away from Kol as quickly as possible.
I’m able to get one breath of fresh air before I hear the door next to me open and Kol walks out. He catches my eye and makes his way over to me, which makes me start walking in the opposite direction, until I feel a hand grab my upper arm.
“Where are you off to, Darling?” Kol’s voice comes from behind me. I try to take a deep breath and focus on my breathing so my heart rate isn’t as intense as it currently is.
“For a walk.” I turn to look at him to find him already staring down at me with a ghost of a smirk on his face. A face which happens to be a breath away from my own.
“Fantastic, then I walk with you.” I just freeze and look at him, I start to shake my head at him.
“Why would you want to do that?” I ask him. Kol stares at me for a moment with a confused look.
“Because I fancy you, Darling.” I feel my brain shut down as I just stare at Kol, he must find the look on my face entertaining because he lets out a huff of a laugh.
“Cat got your tongue, Darling?”
“Why?” I shake my head at him in confusion and denial.
“Why wouldn’t I? You surprised me.” His answer to my question only makes me more confused.
“How could I possibly surprise you?” Kol stares down at me and the smirk on his face slowly morphs into something softer as he looks at me.
“I’ll tell you over dinner tonight.” He says as he takes my hand and kisses it. He gives me one final look and starts to walk off, leaving me in shock.
“Wait, tonight!” I try to yell after him. He turns around and smiles at me.
“I’ll pick you up at 8, Darling.”
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
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Part 2
Kid!Fem!Reader x Damon!Salvatore x Stefan!Salvatore
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of boobs, mentions of sex, blood ig
It's 2:30am and your thrashing around in your bed, crying. Your dreaming about some time in the early 1890's when you were kidnapped by a vampire hunter, he was torturing you. He was using vervain ropes to tie you up and stab wood through you, getting closer to your heart every time. You did eventually get away but the dream is recapping every part of the torture that happened.
At some point you started to scream. Katherine came running in as fast as she could since the room she's staying in is right next to yours.
"Hey, hey, hey y/n wake up" she said, shaking you.
Once you woke up and saw Katherine sitting at the edge of the bed beside you, you jumped into her arms. Your head resting on her shoulder, crying your eyes out.
"Were you having a bad dream, hun?" Katherine asked rubbing your back.
You nodded feverishly. "You want to talk about it?"
"Wan' Stefy and Damy" you whined and then nuzzled your head into her chest.
Without much thought and because your tired, you started to trace the curves of her boobs from the cleavage of her top. Katherine looked at you and smiled, holding back a laugh. She stood up and started walking to Stefan's room with you in her grasp, continuing the movements of tracing her breasts.
You guys finally got to Stefan's room and right as she was about to turn the doorknob she heard noises of him and Elena having sex.
"Okay, how about we go see Damon instead" Katherine looked to where now you started to suck on your index and middle fingers.
She just decided to let that be Damon's problem, knowing there was a high chance of you biting her fingers. Now she was heading to Damon's room and opened the bed, going inside.
Katherine went over to his bed and placed you on it, making sure you couldn't fall off before waking him up.
"Damon!" All he did was just grunt and turn the other way. "Damon wake up! y/n had a nightmare" that woke him up and he sat up to see you and Katherine.
You rushed and climbed into Damon's lap, still crying. "I'll leave you two alone now" Katherine said while she left, going back to her room.
"What was your dream about y/n/n?" Damon asked, trying to pull your fingers out of your mouth.
You tried to bite him but stopped when he gave you a 'don't even think about it or else' look.
"Mean 'erson hur' me. Burn a wot and awmost kiwl me" you said with a sob.
Damon looked down at you with widened eyes, thinking you would've forgotten about that experience by now. "Oh bub, it's okay. I promise that will never happen to you again" Damon said, reassuring you.
You looked up at him and he wiped the tears off your face with his thumbs. "Pwomise?" You asked.
"I promise" He said and kissed your forehead.
Not so long after, you fell asleep Damon noticed Alaric leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. Damon just rolled his eyes while Alaric walked in going over to him.
"That was cute and impressive" he said to Damon.
"Well she's my baby sister. Literally" Damon said nodding down to where you were now sucking your thumb, leaning against his chest.
Damon laid down with you still laying on his chest, pulling a blanket up. “So are you just going to stand there and stare at us sleeping?” Damon said while closing his eyes. 
 Alaric softly smiled again then left, closing the door on his way out, going back to bed.
In the morning (later)
Every one is now  awake and downstairs, Bonnie and Elena making breakfast. At first Tyler was helping but then got kicked out after almost starting a fire on the counter somehow. Stefan was sitting on one of the couches with a mug of coffee and realized that it was way too quiet.
“Hey where’s Damon?” To Stefan’s question everyone looked around the room, not seeing him. 
Katherine just chuckled and everyone turned their heads towards her suspiciously. “What?” She asked.
“What did you do?” Stefan started to walk over to her.
“She didn’t do anything.” “Yeah, listen to Mister history teacher over there” Katherine said with a smirk. 
“Just go to his room and you’ll see why, it’s cute” Stefan listened to her and sped up to Damon’s room. 
“It is never a good sign when you say something is cute” Elena said walking over and sitting on the couch opposite from her, with a plate of the food her and Bonnie just finished.
“If you don’t believe me just wait until the three of them come down here” She said back to Elena.
“Three? Is y/n with Damon?” Tyler asked and Katherine just nodded.
Soon Stefan and Damon came down the stairs with you in Damon’s arms, leaning on his shoulder, still half asleep. 
“Was she with you the whole night?” Stefan asked as Damon sat down next to Bonnie.
“Yup, she had a nightmare, Katherine brought her to my room at like two in the morning, crying” He said, starting to play with your hair.
“Wait was y/n crying or was Katherine?” Jeremy asked confused, while grabbing some of the food.
“y/n” Katherine said glaring at him. 
You looked up, hearing your name being said, rubbing your eyes with closed fists cutely. You then were staring at some fruit on Bonnies plate. “Do you want a piece of pineapple?” Bonnie asked you.
You nodded your head and bonnie handed you a piece, you started to chew it and after a couple seconds brought your hands up and spat it out into them. Making a disgusted facial expression. Damon immediately carried you over to the sink in the kitchen to wash your hands, getting all the chewed up pineapple off. He also grabbed a paper towel to wipe your chin.
“Alright you don’t like pineapple, noted” Damon said and walked back into the room where everyone else is, everyone now finished their food. “Down p’ease” You mumbled.
He set you down and you went over to Elena, making grabby hand motions. Elena smiled and picked you up, setting you on her lap. Damon sat down, looking offended because you picked you’d rather go to Elena than stay with him.
You turned to face her and saw her necklace. You reached a hand out and touched the necklace but then quickly took back your hand, burned by vervain. Your eyes started to water and Elena pulled you into a hug and started to rub your back. 
“I’m sorry” Elena whispered.
You rested your head on her shoulder and started to trace the curve of her boobs showing. Everyone started staring at what your doing and Elena looked confused before Stefan came over lifting you up, placing you on his hip.
You looked at him with a pout on your face. “Where did you even- why?” Stefan asked while Caroline chuckled at what you just did. 
“Hmmmm I wonder where?” Katherine said smirking at Stefan then Elena. 
“What are you talking about?” Elena asked.
“The fact that last night she started to do that exact same thing to me last night and then when I got to your room you guys were having sex. Also just the fact that she’s related to Damon” Katherine said and you started to kick Stefan to let you down.
Everyone stared shocked at the couple while Stefan let you down. “What did I say about the kicking yesterday?” Stefan said crouched down to your level.
“yes kicking” You said with a smile and ran over to Alaric, clinging to his legs.
“I’m pretty sure that won’t sink into her mind anytime soon” Caroline said and went over to you lifting you up from where you were holding on for dear life to Alaric’s legs.
“Wow she has a strong grip” He said, surprised. 
When Caroline sat back down you started to play with her hair and brought it up to your nose to sniff it. “Smell ‘ood” you said looking up at her.
“I think she likes your hair” Tyler said.
“Don’t be a smart ass” Bonnie said to him.
“ass!” You exclaimed, excitedly.
“No, remember what I said yesterday if you said a bad word?” Stefan said, looking at you. 
Again Jeremy and Tyler were laughing, not helping at all. You look confused at Stefan’s question, your head laid down against Caroline’s chest. 
“Well what I remember is that if you said a bad word you get time with a bar of soap in your mouth” Stefan said. 
“Okay. I no say bad word” You glumly answered your brother.
Meanwhile Elena got a text. “Guys, it’s Elijah. He said we need to meet up. Like now” Said Elena, standing up.
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