#boomerang tag
claracaboozle · 2 years
HAPPY ANNOY @boomerang109 DAY!!!
it's been 2 years since you made the mistake of responding to my message 😊 thanks for being my sibling ❤️ love you lots
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comradekatara · 2 months
> be zuko
> try desperately to ingratiate yourself within the avatar’s friend group (to no avail, of course, because you have terrible social skills, and previously tried to kill them, also)
> try to fight off the human wmd you previously hired to blow them all up
> fail miserably, because he is indestructible
> watch as sokka effortlessly kills him with a very precise boomerang throw to the brain
> suddenly recall every single time you got hit in the head by his boomerang
> feel immense gratitude for what you had previously dismissed as uncle’s obnoxiously stringent and paranoid over-emphasis on the importance of helmet safety
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owyn-cormac · 4 months
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sweetdreamscity · 7 months
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deleted assault on arkham scene
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sunny-and-the-flowers · 2 months
Aesthetic Board Game
Awww, thanks so much @finniestoncrane for the tag! 💙💙💙
RULES: Place your dream cottage/cabin/castle/home, view, pet, activity, food, outfit, flowers/plants, and the character you'd love to share this life with. Just literally make the (fairycore/witchcore/cottagecore/etc) life of your dreams!!!
First, I love sunflowers. Second, Boomer and I we both came from a country with eucalyptus (I have portuguese origin and he is australian so....) I want to live in Australia with him. I want to paint him naked all day while he sunbathes. I want to smell the sea and the eucalyptus, eat pizzas while he surfs. I want him to teach me how to throw boomerangs... Yeah... I'll spare you the others details. 😅🪃💙
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Well, now I want to tag: @it-is-i-zim , @sunbending101 , @thatflatenedfrogontheroad , @deadliestfishinthesea , @r4mdisk , @welcome--back , @empressofmankind , @tigerbluethunder , @acapelladitty and anyone who wants to do it!
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cordycepsbian · 8 months
"we're probably not going to draw our ideas for this because a lot of other people have done this crossover and we have too many crossover aus already" and yet, only three days later,
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kan-opener · 3 months
“you can’t just ‘stalk’ the Kano tag—“ WHO’S GOING TO STOP ME
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(this is partially a joke, I just love seeing Kano fanart)
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froot-batty · 4 months
I'm not gonna be specific about most of these because I want to see how it would actually go but...
Ivy in middle of Harley and Selina - even if it's not real I can cope
Musie and Eddie - I HAVE to know since you listed them
Selina and Sofia - because that last post👀?!
Harley and Creeper Plat - they're cute friends
Drury and Boomer - gay dads WHOO
Twobats - they're so messy I love them
Walon and Rats Plat - adoptive siblings always get me
Maxie and Garfield Plat - they seem like the type, or I'm wrong
Creeper to Vicki - because I have to see the horrors on her face
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Ivy is going to try and maul the both of them in about 3 seconds
Musie and Eddie
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Created after I wondered what would happen if I made the two most annoying people in Gotham (who hate each other) have on-again-off-again flings. You interrupted them sneaking off to the supply closet during a Rogue Meeting btw. How rude
Selina and Sofia
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Everyone's legally required to draw a Spiderman kiss at LEAST once
Harley and Creeper
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Does this count as a kiss? Maybe a very advanced french kiss
Drury and Digger
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Bruce and Harvey
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This popped into my head cause my Bats wears a full mask. Sorry Harv
Waylon and Rats
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Waylon sometimes forgets he doesn't have lips anymore, but he makes do :]
Maxie and Garfield
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No they're definitely the type. They'd probably make out for fun. Good for them
Creeper and Vicki
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This is my first time drawing Vicki and she's being harassed by Creeps </3 Sorry girl
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passwordispassword · 1 month
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darthkvznblogs · 22 days
Man, I’ve gotta put some respect on The Secret Saturdays! Did not expect to enjoy it as much as I have ☺️ the family dynamic is super compelling and V. V. Argost is a ton of fun as a villain.
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jaxxsoxxn · 3 months
Listen, catch this sketch, while I (thanks to great Flasharang playlist made by @kisixteen) go to write some fics :')
Pluses of being a speedster: U can surprise ur love by a quick kiss!
Minuses: the horrors
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reverseflashes · 10 months
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Thank you for answering my ask! Glad to get the info, was going crazy trying to find it lol. I can’t believe I missed that, I guess I assumed the panel was showing different area? Anyways as thanks, here’s a fun little doodle of Captain Boomerang and Owen! Have a great day!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
This is the sweetest most adorable thing everrrrrrr!
I love the way Digger holds Owen, I love how much they look alike, I love their matching outfits (imagine digger dressing owen and him being soooo excited to match with his daddyskskfkgkgsksk), I love how much they love each other, I love Owen’s little squishy baby face I love love loooove this so much this is amazing I’m actually tearing up you made my entire life with this THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!
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itsragnary · 4 months
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My oc with Boomerang! His name is Augustus, a magical anti-hero from the north of Brazil who unfortunately has to listen to Boomerang speak in his ear, I would explain his lore but I'm sleepy, lmao
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pixie-mask · 21 days
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This issue is so weird and just an odd sort of treat cause it's just an odd Captain Boomerang solo adventure. But either way I love this little confrontation.
The bit of hurt Boomer shows, then the clear pain and frustration Owen shows in the panel right before just cuts to the core o Own's problems.
But I just love how Boomer's retort is punctuated by that expression. He's looking at a young man that's his son whose pissed at him for things out of either of their control. Yeah he might have been hurt a little in the early part of Owen's rant but he's otherwise unimpressed. He’s been through this himself with the difference being that Boomer was abandoned by his father as opposed to Owen whom Boomer didn’t even know existed.
But also Owen is fucked up. He set up a convention to kill a shit ton of arms dealers, killed (as for this issues) a good friend of Boomer's and has been treating him like shit from the get go. That's not to even mention about how he tried to kill him starting in the next panel.
Like I have limited knowledge, but I know this is a different version of Owen Mercer and that he and the relationship between him and Boomer is very different, but still I kind of like this.
Edit: I am just now realizing that I forgot a damn panel🤦🏽‍♀️ Added the panel
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it-is-i-zim · 10 months
A little bit of a rant but I really don't like it when non-Captain Boomerang try to portray Captain Boomerang as this like cold hearted, stone cold killer. I understand why it could possibly appear that way to someone who knows absolutely nothing about Captain Boomerang, outside of this one character in 2 different comics, but like as a fan of him, it's getting annoying to see people act like he goes around murdering people on purpose. Hero or not. Presumably he'd probably be more uncomfortable with killing children or teenagers.
"But what about Hack???" I hear no one yelling but just to cover all of my bases... HE CANONICALLY FELT LIKE SHIT AFTER THAT!!! He literally states "I can't believe I just did that" with a clear look of shock, and possibly horror, on his face. He literally cannot believe he killed someone. But he feels that he has to because he's "the bad guy." And bad guys kill people. That's what they do so he feels that in order to be a good criminal, he has to kill, even if he fuckin hates it. Even if he feels bad about it.
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And not too much longer after this, Harley notices that it's eating away at him. She doesn't know what specific, but she knows he's distressed about something. So she asked if he was okay.
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His response is very telling, "... I did a bad thing, Quinn." He looks so guilty about the whole thing. It's also clearly meant to sound like he genuinely feels bad about what he's done.
"What about Jack Drake" I hear probably no one asking still, but just in case, again, covering all my bases here. This is a bit more of a complicated thing. Especially considering the fact that the comics was written 15 years ago by this point but it's recently come to people's attention as a result of a new comic called Robin: Knight Terrors, where issue 5 of Identity Crisis is referenced in issue 1 of Knight Terrors: Robin.
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I want to make something very clear. Knight Terrors isn't meant to be taken absolutely literally. It is simply exploring character's fears through the lense of a character's nightmares while at the same time trying to tie it to this new villain, Insomnia or whatever his name is.
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These aren't meant to be taken as what literal canon events. These don't accurately portray what happened in the slightest. These are just Tim's perspective on the events, combined with the trauma that Tim Drake received because of his father being murdered.
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First thing I'd like to point out, no words were said at all. Captain Boomerang literally didn't even see it coming until it was too late. He was only really there to break in, steal stuff, and leave. Still not necessarily something Captain Boomerang would do, he's more of a bank robber kind of guy. This is something well established but I don't want to waste everyone's time showing every single time he's robbed a bank or a jewelry store or convenience stor. Cuz that's what Captain Boomerang does. He steals from establishments, not individuals.
In Identity Crisis, Captain Boomerang is literally falling over after being shot 3 times in the chest as he's throwing the boomerang at Jack Drake. Jack Drake fired first. It was not Captain Boomerang's intention to kill anyone here. Cuz that's not what Captain Boomerang does. He doesn't kill unless he's trying to defend himself or he feels like he has to. He's not a killer.
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To add to this, in issue 6 of Identity Crisis, Tim literally did not get there until after his father was dead for some time. He did not witness the events that took place at all. Knight Terrors: Robin is based on how Tim would view the situation though a nightmarish lense by having his father die essentially on loop.
In short, Captain Boomerang is a thief, not a killer. He doesn't kill unless he feels it's necessary for one reason or another. He's still a bad guy, I understand that, but he's not murdering people at random and I'm kinda tired of hearing people thinking that that's his thing. Cuz believe it or not, Hack and Jack Drake are literally the only 2 examples I have for Captain Boomerang that aren't specifically part of a Suicide Squad assassination mission. Which if you don't know anything about the Suicide Squad, they literally have to do so or their head gets blown off. I guess technically Hack was killed cuz Harcourt and Captain Boomerang are working for The People, an organization trying to be just like the Suicide Squad, so presumably, the brain bomb situation still applies here, but on the other hand it established that I guess he volunteered or something like that? But my point still stands. He's existed since at least December of 1960, the publication date of his first appearance.
If Captain Boomerang was an actual killer, you would have definitely heard about it by now.
And I haven't even gotten into the fact that, at least like... 10 years ago or whatever, that Flash Rogues kinda have a code against killing and doing drugs and such. And Captain Boomerang is a Flash Rogue. It's not really physically shown anymore, but he still is. I mean just look at Aquaman and The Flash: Voidsong, issue 1. Right there, he's back with the Rogues.
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And even then, this isn't the best interpretation of the Rogues. Because contrary to popular belief, they don't kill Speedsters. This is yet another one of their established rules. They just don't kill. It's not at all what they do.
I feel like a broken record having to explain this time and time again. Because these guys are riddled with writers who just don't understand them. Writers often just use them as Bad Guy Numbers 1 through 15 or whatever, despite the fact that they are Flash's (at least Barry's anyway) main villains. And all they do is rob from banks mostly. Maybe a jewelry store. They don't go out of their way to murder people for no reason, even during a robbery. They don't go out of their way to kill heroes for no reason. I don't even think they've gone out of their way to even fight the Flash for any reason. He just shows up when the commit crimes. That's it. They aren't trying to kill him. They aren't trying to actually put people in danger. It's not what they do. And once again. Captain Boomerang is still one of them. Therefore he's not doing any of those things either.
This honestly wasn't necessary to explain, but I feel the need to share by perspective as a Captain Boomerang fan. There seems to be a Captain Boomerang Misconception™ that I've kinda witnessed within the Captain Boomerang tags alone with a bit of discussion involving Knight Terrors: Robin from Tim Drake fans in particular and Captain Boomerang isn't portrayed very will in comics about Tim Drake.
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