#bored in animal crossing so I was fucking around taking pictures of very small details
puppyeared · 8 months
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Close ups!
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apartments4rent · 8 months
Ooooohhhh man, this… This is fucking me way up, big time… I don’t even know where to begin with this… I should definitely be using this free time I have today doing my homework, you know, the thing with a hard deadline? That was technically due yesterday?? Well, how about instead of that, I take a walk down memory lane…
Do you remember the 21st night of September? 
Picture this: It’s 2013. It is your sophomore year of high school. You have more friends than you ever have in your life and they are all so wonderful to you (this wouldn’t always be the case and they all wouldn’t stick around but you didn't know that yet). One of you proposes the question: If you were a monster, what would you be? A witch. A vampire. A werewolf. A mermaid. A ghost. A selkie. A dullahan. (You had to look those last two up.) You are so inspired by this that you want to make a story for these ideas to live in. You create a fantasy. Where all your best friends get to live together under one roof. A slice of a life you know you’ll never have. It’s actually the 20th night of September that you created the tumblr blog where most of what comes out of this will live (your first post says “why do i do this to myself”) but it is the 21st night that your creations get their names. Their genders don’t all stay the same but their cores haven’t really changed. “a very dramatic/theatrical witch who loves animals and sass master. a bubbly and happy mermaid who gets really scary when u cross her. a passive, nerdy vampire who isnt so out spoken. a moody selkie who loves to learn and lost her seal skin. a strong beautiful fairy girl who doesnt take shit from no one but is v nice to her friends. a strong beautiful fairy girl who doesnt take shit from no one but is v nice to her friends. a ghost girl from the 1920s who is forgetful and not really confident but really likes her new friends.” You put a disclaimer at the bottom of the post, clarifying that these descriptions shouldn’t be taken as a description of your friends but separate characters entirely. This is also the birth of Marvin, the human man created to navigate this world of chaos, not based on anyone you know in real life. The straight man in this goofball circus. Your Original Character. (Who, you now realize, was designed as the boring main male character in the harem anime.) This was the genesis. And you would never know peace in your life ever since. 
And then what happened?
Bro, so much. A lot can happen in 10 years. You develop the characters further. You make a small town for them to live in (even though you’ve never even been to a small town in your life). You make (bad) art. You make sims because you hate the way you draw but you need a physical version of them to exist outside your head, as you see them. You apparently make a rule where no one outside of your little group is supposed to know about these characters (because you “had an experience” and “don’t wanna repeat it”). You make Alternate Universes for these Alternate Universe selves to populate, again and again. (As of right now, your “AU of an AU” list stands at 26 but there are probably more dumb ones not yet counted on the doc you made.) You try to make a one-shot comic collaboration with all your friends but no one seems to agree on how it should go so nothing but a script and panel formatting ends up getting made. (You know that your script was worse with many unnecessary details but you were bad at killing your darlings and stubborn about your ideas being the best. You’ll learn eventually.) You love and appreciate all the things your friends make for this story you start to feel full ownership of. (You haven’t noticed yet how much of a control freak you are.) Their writing and art give you life, especially considering they are doing The Most while you mostly just come up with ideas. The setting goes from apartment building to boarding house and back again before a year has passed. The first anniversary is a blast! You actually wrote something! And drew something you were proud of! Others wrote and drew and it was great. (How would you know it would never be like this again?) 
And the years go by and by… 
After the first year, you decided you wanted to make a dating sim with these silly characters because you just loved them so much. You shipped the characters (not realizing that your friends did it as a way to express they had crushes on each other, conveniently shipping your self-insert with the only man/only character not based on a friend.) There were still a lot of headcanons being made and posts being shared. But noticeably less and less. Then the second anniversary hit. Not much fanfare. After the second year, more characters started popping up based on more friends you make. Some of the friends that were there in the beginning weren’t anymore and you try not to think about it. After all, these characters aren’t your friends, they are separate and distinct from them. So it’s still OK to play with them, right? (The answer must be yes; ten years later you still do.) Then the third anniversary happens, with 4 posts between them. It was understandable. That was your senior year of high school. Everyone was getting ready to go their separate ways. You were moving clear across the country. Your friend group was getting smaller still and this big shake-up would prove who would stick around to still be a part of this thing and who would remain a memory for you to look back on in ten years. 2017, though, was a big year for the blog. You were unemployed and not yet going to college so you had A LOT of free time on your hands. It was probably the most number of posts you made since the first year of the blog. It was magic. Then you got a job. There have been 16 posts in the last 6 years. 2019 had none. 2020 and 2021 had one each. They were all made by you. There has certainly been less activity on the blog but that doesn’t mean these kids have been lying dormant all this time. You haven’t stopped thinking about them since they first popped up into your head. In 2019, you rewrote the story you had written for one of those anniversaries; the first chronological beat. (You haven’t read it since then; You have no idea if it’s good or not.)  In 2020, you attempted to write the actual story (like fr fr) for NaNoWriMo -- you didn’t get very far but it’s the thought that counts? 2021 was a quiet year as far as actual writing goes - as was 2022 - but trust that your brain definitely didn’t forget about them. 
The Retro part of the Spective 
Alright, enough second-person POV. 
Ten years.
Ten years. 
Talk about hard pills to swallow (thanks FOB). 
I’ve had this “story”, these characters, banging around in my head for ten years and what do I have to show for it? A couple thousand words and a blog full of half-thought ideas? Around this time last year, I was excited about this anniversary. I made a new Twitter for it (before that died) and was planning on actually publishing something to do this story justice… and I chickened out. I convinced myself, once again, that I wasn’t ready. That other things were more important, they took precedence. Do I have even that much to prove I was right? No, I don’t because I really haven’t changed all that much in ten years, if you can believe it. I know, a real shocker. (I still like all the same things I liked back in high school for crying out fucking loud!) I wanted to reach out to the people I used to do this with, to see if they still wanted to be part of it. (I’m sure that wouldn’tve been at all hard, I wonder why I didn’t follow through?) I wanted to have something so I would be able to say, “I did it.” So that maybe, I could finally move on. But that’s the thing, isn’t it… I don’t want to move on. I’m stuck in this arrested development because I refuse to change, to give up any past part of myself. Because if I don’t have that, I don’t know who I am. 
So now what? What’s all this for? One big, sad diary entry reflecting on the parts of myself that I already know very well? 
Honestly, I don’t know. I was hoping I could come to some sort of conclusion by writing this but as it turns out, it only made me want to cry. 
I wanted this to end on a good note.
I spent all day writing this, I can’t end it like this.
So let’s instead talk about all the things that have changed about these goofballs over the years:
Mystic Cove is a city in a Northern California town. It started out in Florida, it almost ended up as a mountain town. I also briefly considered straight up placing it in San Diego because there are some nice, beautiful, old-ass buildings downtown that juxtapose the cold, sleek skyrises in such a way that I thought about writing something about being lonely in a city and finding your own family. 
Vast Acres has been an apartment building, a boarding house, Mediterranean Revival, Victorian, Queen Anne, even briefly considered a Bed and Breakfast. All I know is it has to be the place where this family gets together. At one point under the ownership and operation of Marvin’s dad Alejandro, it is now bequeathed to Marvin by a mysterious, freshly dead uncle/great uncle. 
Marvin is a wholeass person to me, in that he’s not completely knowable to even me anymore. Marvin is probably the person in Mystic Cove I know the BEST and that like doesn’t mean anything to me. Like yeah, I’ve written pages and pages and answered so many pointless questions about him but… I don’t know how else to describe him other than, “He’s an enigma.” The most significant thing about him that’s changed is I’m considering undeading his mom? Just because I feel like we’ve had enough dead mom media and it’s not something I can speak to truthfully. Briefly considered making her a runaway mom? But we’re still thinking about it. I think her name is Lily? 
Mel’s name went from Melinda to Melody because I decided Melinda was a weird name? And Mel likes music so I thought I would be clever. She went from “Marv’s sister” and side character to basically co-lead. Mel was even almost briefly considered as the real main character for a time when I thought to lean into its roots as a product of a high schooler’s imagination and go full YA coming-of-age adventure. It was actually the subject of my 2020 NaNo attempt. I decided against it because I loved Marv too much to push him to “supporting character” and if there’s something about me that’s developed, it’s that I don’t much care for YA books anymore. 
Amber is unsurprisingly my favorite because I’m a Leo. I think I finally decided on a backstory for her that I like and she’s not white anymore? Like, not fully anyway lmao. Before she was like, from someplace in England with like Spanish parents so like tan? But now we’ve decided that she’s from colonized Mexico and her father is a white devil. :) I’ll let you figure that one out. Over these ten years, I’ve grappled with the fact that an immortal is almost impossible to understand. I’ve gone back and forth on whether her immortality is on purpose or by accident or a curse or what. Honestly, I’m still thinking about it, I don’t know for sure what I’ll end up picking. Right now though, it is an involuntary immortality with her life being tied to her sister’s (yes, the cat). Details are fuzzy. I’d have to finish the main story first but if I were to make a spin-off, I would make a prequel story about Amber’s life because it is QUITE eventful. 
Lucas is a man now lmao. And so is Will. And they r gay. For each other. But that’s been that way from the beginning lol. I think Luc’s story had to do with self-worth and Will… Will didn’t have much going on in my mind. My instinct was to make him a himbo but Will has always been very smart in my head so I don’t think that will work? Dude’s beefy asf and mad respectful so perfect man tbh? No notes. 
Jenny’s been my way to try to break down the trope “Born Sexy Yesterday” because that’s just the kinda guy I am. No, but fr I think I was making a very infantilized version of Jenny initially and that’s why I shipped her with Mel in so many AUs?? I’m not against skewing Jenny younger to make that ship viable in canon but I don’t know if that’s the story I want to tell. I don’t think Jenny ever had a goal beyond “Get to the surface” which she gets when she makes her appearance in the story so?? Where do we go from here? Things to think about…
Rohen was fat (like a proper seal should be) before they lost their skin on the beach to some snot-nosed kid and became depressed. When they start healing on their depression journey, they start to gain weight again and it's a good thing. :) 
Everyone else I haven’t mentioned yet hasn’t changed much (ie. I haven’t thought about them much). It’s not that I have favorites (even though I just said that I did), it’s just that I basically go down a list whenever I think about these guys, and, due to my short attention span, I never make it all the way down the list. AND honestly, it’s probably for the best because looking back… there were WAAAY too many characters to keep track of ngl… Like it’s a slice-of-life thing, I know. Not every character has to be involved in every storyline but like… At some point, you have to draw a line at, “How many named characters with their own plotlines can I insert into this story?” YKWIM? Especially because at one point there was a whole roster of other people who lived in the apartment building when there were like 20 units. That was (rightly) reduced back down to just the core cast. 
You can pry Jonesy from my cold, dead hands, tho. He’s perfect. He can stay.
This post took me literally all day. 
I’m tired.
I don’t really expect anyone to read all this but if you are not me and you made it to the bottom, congratulations! You now know me on a much deeper level! :) I hope I can convince myself to buckle down and write, straight up. Maybe NaNo this year? No promises. I’m trying to apply for university this year and living situation issues might take precedence but such is life, right? 
Thank you.
I love you all.
For giving me this gift.
Even if you never intended to give it fully to me.
It’s mine now, bitches. >:) 
Here’s to 10 years! And many (but hopefully not too many) more…
Cheers. 🥂🍾
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nyxvuxoa · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
T/W: PwP. It's all smut. Detailed talk of smut. Mention of kinks.  A/N: I have never written one of these before, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Gif is made by me. Requests are open.
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A = Aftercare
Dean is all about aftercare.
He will shower you with attention after.
He will get you your stuffed animal if you have one, a blanket, a snack, your favorite show.
Needless to say, you will be spoiled.
He will praise you constantly afterwords.
You'll be told what a good girl you are and how you made him feel so good.
Prepare for cuddles, because he's going to want to just hold you for a while.
B = Body part
He loves his cock. Seriously.
He believes he knows how to use it and he really does.
If there is one thing he can be really confident in, it's that.
Other than that, he loves his lips.
On you though, it's your eyes and your hands.
He loves eyes that feel like they are boring into his soul when they look at him.
And he loves how soft your hands hard.
The fact that you are good with them is just a bonus.
C = Cum
He knows you love it, so he's not shy about it.
He will cum on you and in you.
Especially in you if you beg for it.
He loves to cum in you.
He likes seeing it dribble down from your legs.
It's like a small mark of territory on your (or in you),
and especially loves seeing you collect it onto your fingers then licking it
The idea of you licking up his cum in general drives him crazy.
He wouldn't hesitate to cum onto something to watch you clean it up with your mouth.
If he cums on your face, it's always around your lips.
again, so that he can watch you lick at it.
D = Dirty secret
Outdoor sex is a favorite.
Be it in baby, on a dirt road, in a bathroom somewhere.
He likes the idea and risk of getting caught with you.
Which only makes any sort of quickie a little sexier.
He also likes listening to you.
Sometimes he will ask you to masturbate and walk out of view just because he simply wants to listen to you.
This often leads to a mutual masturbation time.
When he asks you to do this, you get extra loud for him and moan his name.
It drives him nuts.
E = Experience
When it comes to experience, Dean knows what he's doing.
Its never been difficult for him to get girls.
So getting laid was never a problem.
He knows every trick in the book and knows how to do them!
Dean is often called the "best night of someone's life" for a reason.
If you are inexperienced, that's okay, he will show you how to do it and how to please with him in mind.
And he will show you how to do it for as long as you need.
F = Favorite position
It's hard to narrow it down.
Dean likes sex in general but if he had to pick it would probably be any variation of the cow-girl position.
This type of position allows him to see all of you while still maintaining all of his control.
He can run his hands over your body and play with every inch of you all while watching.
G = Goofy
Dean's mood comes based off of you.
If you are serious, he's going to be serious.
If you are submissive, he's going to dominate you.
If you are playful and laughing, he's going to try and keep you playful and laughing.
It all depends on how you are responding to him.
H = Hair
Dean is pretty well-groomed.
He's not clean-shaven
but he does keep it cleaned and under control.
I = Intimacy
Dean can be pretty romantic at times.
He's one for wooing a girl.
For you, if he's been seeing you regularly and you aren't just a fling
it can be as simple as flowers and dinner
to the little touches and affections that he showers you with.
He's on to tell you that he loves you
and often, even during sex.
This is partly because he doesn't know if he's always coming home.
So he always wants to make sure you know.
He worships your body and often leaves love marks on it.
Be it fingertip bruises or a hickey, he wants you to know that you are his when you see it.
J = Jack off
When you aren't around, this is obvious.
But he's always thinking about you.
When he's alone in the hotel room, he will use the pictures (or video) he's taken of you on his phone.
Shower time is often spent thinking about you.
And he tries so hard to be quiet, but after some point, his grunts and groans are leaving the bathroom rather loudly.
When he grips himself, it's tightly, to try and make it feel like how tight you get around him.
He often fucks his hand hard and fast and imagines you taking in all of his length and width with such a deep need for him.
He likes to think about you worshiping his cock.
In the end, he finishes and imagines you taking all of his cum, preferably inside you.
K = Kink
Dean is actually a pretty kinky guy, but he never really viewed himself as kinky, it was pretty normal for him.
He very Dom. Loves to be in control of you. Especially in bed.
Bondage is always a bonus.
His favorite thing though, he has loves to have sex with you in front of mirrors because he loves to see every bit of you and watch his cock going in and out of you.
If you are willing to lick his cum off a mirror, he'd probably marry you.
He's got a bit of a daddy kink too. He likes the connection that comes with it and how you depend on him. Finds it actually to be pretty intimate.
L = Location
Dean actually doesn't have a favorite location.
He's constantly moving around a lot, so it never crosses his mind.
What matters is that he's with you!
That is really all he wants.
So I guess it's safe to say that you are his favorite location.
M = Motivation
Be verbal with him!
Seriously, praise him.
Tell him how good he feels, how much you love how he fills you, that you need to feel him cum.
This will drive him crazy!
Bite at your lip, he is always watching you when you do that.
Wear something just for him and something that he knows is just for him.
Be naked for him when he gets him.
Naked and kneeling for him.
This really brings out the dom in him.
He'll take control immediately.
N = No
Anything Dean does to you, has to be consensual.
Now, Demon Dean, that is a different story.
But Dean, he's not going to hurt you without consent.
He won't abuse you.
He follows the safewords.
While he will degrade you for a degradation kink, he won't degrade your body because he loves it.
He likes to hear you in pain, but only a good kind of pain. If he feels he's hurting you in a way that you don't like or didn't agree to, he will stop.
He will always stop when he needs to and take care of you!
O = Oral
If you are giving him oral sex, he loves it.
Like the man is easy to please, crawl under that table while he's doing research on a case and he will happily let you distract him.
Giving you oral sex is a little more of a treat for you.
He loves to taste you, especially if you taste like fruit or sweet.
He will take his time on you, go slow, his tongue will go over every little bit of your pussy.
He will suck on your clit.
And he will slide his fingers in while he does it.
And if you cum, he will keep going or he's going to stick his cock in you.
Either way, you won't be done.
P = Pace
His pace depends on the mood of the sex.
Sometimes he's going to be quick and rough, slamming into you until the headboard is smacking into the wall and you are screaming for him to not stop.
Other times he's going to be slow and take his time.
He's going to cherish those moments.
He wants you to feel every bit of him as slow as possible until you are begging him to fuck you harder and faster.
Q = Quickie
Quickies are never out of the question.
And they actually happen pretty often.
If Sammy goes out for food: quickie.
Before leaving for a hunt: quickie.
Shower in the morning: quickie.
Get the picture? He loves your body and wants it all the time.
R = Risk
He can be kind of experimental in general.
but with you, it's all about what you.
if you want to try something new, he will do it.
Sex in Baby? He'll drive somewhere nice.
Wanna fuck in the bar bathroom after drinks? He'll lead the way.
Wanna play with some rope and a kife? He'll make a run out to the car.
S = Stamina
This boy has all the stamina!
He can keep going and going for hours.
The only time he's going to stop is to hydrate and get a snack.
This also includes taking care of you, cause he can't keep going if you aren't taken care of.
T = Toys
Dean doesn't really own toys, mostly because he doesn't have a place to keep them.
But he will use what he has on hand if that is your thing.
Are you up for some cable ties, rope, or even some knife play?
If so, then he's your man.
If you bring toys though, he will use them on you.
Not himself, though you may be able to tie his wrists to the bed every once in a while.
If he uses a dildo or a vibrator on you, prepare to be teased about it.
“Aww, Buttercup, what's this? I bet nothing feels as good my cock.”
U = Unfair
Dean can be a bit of a tease.
He likes to get you worked up.
Especially until you are begging him to fuck you.
And trust me, he wants to hear you beg for it.
V = Volume
He's loud if you are loud.
He likes to match your volume.
Dean is a very auditory kind of guy, it's not as enjoyable for him if he can't hear you.
He wants to hear you moan and beg.
And in return, he will groan, moan, and tease you.
He doesn't care if someone is around, he wants a reason to make some noise.
W = Wild card
Katoptronophilia is a stable of sex with Dean.
It means he really likes to fuck in front of mirrors.
It's just not about seeing himself, he wants to see himself inside you.
He wants to see his cock sliding in and out of you.
He wants to see your tits when you are a reverse cowgirl on him.
He always wants a way to see your face when he's pushing his cock all the way inside you.
X = X-ray
Dean is very well endowed.
It's thick and long, and the coloring is just perfect.
The groomed hair makes it look even bigger.
I mean, it's really pleasing to the eye.
It's not often you see a photogenic cock, but he's got one and you damn well have pictures of it on your phone.
Y = Yearning
His sex drive is pretty consistent.
It's not difficult for you to turn him on, so you tend to use that to your advantage.
If you have a high sex drive, he will match that too.
He loves a woman that is crazy for him and spontaneous about their sex.
But he also likes routine with it.
Regular sex before bed? He loves it.
Z = Zzz
Falling asleep after sex also depends on the day and the type of sex.
If he's had a long day and the dom in him used you to release that stress, chances are after your aftercare, he will fall asleep with you in his arms.
On other days, he will be wide awake.
That usually means, grabbing a burger and some beer after.
Or round two, if he feels like he could keep going.
Regardless, in the end, he always takes the time to admire you.
He wants to love you and let you know that he loves you.
Even if it means just laying in bed and holding each other naked for a little bit.
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drunk-and-howling · 4 years
Strike Swiftly || Layla & Salva
TIMING: 2-3 days ago  PARTIES: @laylacooke​, @drunk-and-howling​  SUMMARY: Layla bears her heart and pleads for help, and Salva vows to protect her. A heartwarming friendship ensues.  CONTENT WARNINGS: Light blood/injury 
It was two days before the full moon, and Salva was feeling eerily calm, like the heavy clouds before a storm. He prowled down the sidewalk, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his Zippo and a cigarette, as his mind considered what was going to happen in 48 hours… he'd have to make some preparations around the house to wolf-proof everything, but he had some time. Salva was lost in thought as he came up on that vegan restaurant, unaware of anyone leaving. 
Layla had dropped into her favorite spot for a bite of lunch. After Ari had taken her there on the very first day they had met, the good memories and good food seemed to draw her back for more. However, as she walked out of the small cafe with her veggie burrito in hand, the redhead ran directly into a man walking near the door. Burrito hitting the ground, and Layla feeling slightly embarrassed, she quickly looked up to apologize, until she had recognized the man’s face from online, “Dude, you made me drop my burrito.” With a small pout, she bent down and picked it up, grateful it or hadn’t completely spilled out of the container it was wrapped in. She could still salvage it.
Suddenly, his route was interrupted by someone exiting the establishment (go figure that someone was leaving right as he passed). Salva started to growl something ill-tempered at her when her scent hit him like a brick wall, and his grumpy snarl subsided into animal curiosity. "Oh, sorry," he said absently, watching as she bent to pick up her food - why did this girl smell (and look) so familiar? Salva's head tilted slightly, and he leaned further toward her as she straightened, giving her another deep sniff. "... Do I know you?" 
Once Layla was upright and her food was tucked safely in her grip, she let her attention focus back on Salva. She had ignored the growl, but it did alert her to the fact that he was like her, well that and a very strong and familiar scent that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. With narrowed eyes, she looked back up at him, “It’s cool, and I…don’t think so. But you totes have one of those faces.” Realizing where she had seen him, she paused for a moment, “Now, I know why you look familiar. I’ve seen your picture online. You’re that old creepy dude who acted like a total douche when I tried to warn you about the mimes.”
Her manner made Salva instantly regret spending one of his rare apologies on her. She was definitely a wolf, that much was already certain, and he supposed he was a fool for assuming she'd be meek and apologetic like some of the other wolves around town. The older werewolf raised an eyebrow at her, and he paused to take a long drag from his cigarette. "I see that my reputation precedes me," Salva answered in a deadpan tone, hardly amused at her insults but altogether numb to them. "Where do you come from? Parents?" This can't be her…. 
“Ah, there it is.” For some reason, she wasn’t afraid of him. It was quite the opposite. Most of the other wolves she had encountered, she was intimidated by, especially Ulfric, but Salva was different. He just kind of pissed her off, and she couldn’t quite figure out why. “You know those things will kill you right?” She motioned to the cigarette, “But why am I even telling you this.” Why did he want to know where she was from or who her parents were? Did he know something or was he sent to...Wait. Layla sniffed the air again. She knew that scent. It had been repressed, aside from catching wind of it on herself. But it couldn’t be him. She didn’t even see his face, “Why do you want to know where I’m from? That’s a little weird…”
That was it… what he was looking for. A flash of recognition in Layla's face, a brief haunting, which told him everything he needed to know. Suddenly an event from long ago slammed into Salva, and he eased back into a position of relaxation, flashing his teeth in a smile. "Why does everyone I meet these days tell me what I should do with my lungs?" the man mused, and confidence oozed from his tone. "I don't need you to tell me where you're from. Your parents were those hunters in the mountains." Salva spoke quietly, but intensely, watching Layla's face for a reaction. "You're that girl that I bit all that time ago." 
The light from her eyes disappeared and her expression turned cold, “It wasn’t years...It was eleven months ago. Eleven months ago when you ruined my life and turned me into...into this thing.” Tears filled the brims of her eyes and showed through her steely gaze. This was the man, no, monster that had ruined her life. Her chance at being a normal teenager who had big plans for college, despite her parents path laid out. And all he could do was stand there with a smug grin on his face. A grin that she was quickly coming to hate, and before she could even think about what she was doing, Layla moved in, pulled back a firm fist, and laid it straight into Salva’s face as hard as she possibly could with all the pent up rage and wolf energy that resided in her tiny body.
That punch was not at all what Salva was expecting. The cigarette flew from his mouth, and he was sent staggering back, nearly falling over if not for his experience in confrontation. Once he recovered and stood, shoulders hunched in the middle of the sidewalk, Salva touched his face with two fingers, and felt blood. She just broke his fucking nose. Luckily the lunch crowd had subsided, and what few people surrounded them quickly walked away so they wouldn't be involved. Salva wiped the blood off of his face and snarled at her. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't-" Then, something made him stop. His expression turned from rage to confusion. "Who the hell taught you how to punch that hard?" 
She watched as he staggered backwards. It would have been more satisfying had he just went down, but when she had noticed that she had done some damage, Layla was pleased with herself. Violence wasn’t her thing. It never had been, but ever since becoming a wolf, she couldn’t seem to get away from it, which had broken her heart in more ways than one. She wasn’t exactly the same gentle person, she was before all of this had started on that fateful night. Knowing she was probably in trouble, she watched him closely preparing herself to run, until he stopped and posed a question, “Are you forgetting that my parents were hunters? Or could it be that because you’re technically my wolf daddy, that maybe, just maybe, you’re the reason…” It was probably a lot of things. Anger. Sadness. Frustration. She didn’t know much about Salva, except for what he had done to her that night.
Salva considered her information, blood already beginning to drip from his chin. He supposed it was accurate that her lycanthropy was founded in the Sauvage blood, and that meant she was already ahead of the game from the common mutts running around… it made sense that she had a certain strength already. If funneled correctly, this girl could be quite a force to be reckoned with, an unending wealth of destructive potential. Salva titled his chin upwards and stared at her unblinkingly. "I have to say, I'm impressed with your spunk. It takes balls to punch someone like me in the face." He took a step closer to her, retrieving another cigarette and reaching up to light it. "What's your name, pup?" 
Layla hadn’t expected him to react the way he had. He seemed more interested in her than he did the night he bit her and left her for dead. The redhead still bore the massive scar on her leg from where his fangs had ripped into her flesh. A painful reminder every time she noticed it. “Yeah, well I kinda hoped this day would come considering how you ruined my life.” Meeting Salva in person had given her a bit of relief though. The punch was cathartic, to say the least, and something she had needed. “It’s Layla. Guess you already know my last name.” She crossed her arms and continued to look him square in the face. None of the usual signs of submissiveness and respect to be found.
Salva couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pride at the hatred in her tone… he remembered that night just like she did, but to him, it was one encounter of hundreds in his lifetime, hardly worth recollecting the details. But now, his creation stood in front of him, for once, and she might as well have been a trophy of his hunter-hunting successes… living proof that his Gevaudan ancestry would live on. “Layla,” the older werewolf repeated, and the syllables rumbled from deep in his throat like a snarl. “I am Salva du Sauvage.” He took another step closer, not for one moment breaking that crucial eye contact… this little wolf had to realize who was the alpha here, no matter how stubborn she was being. “I think you and I are going to become good friends. But the next time you try to attack me, I’d prepare for a little different result, if I were you.” 
When he spoke his name, a lightbulb had gone off in her head. She knew exactly who he was. A werewolf her parents had strongly urged her to be aware of. He was a member of some of the most fearsome wolves known to man; the Gevaudan line of heritage. No wonder rage was a constant in her small form now. Sure, she had every reason to be angry, but there seemed to be a smaller nagging that lay just a little further down. Arms still crossed, she held her ground as he moved in closer. While she resented him, Layla knew she could learn a lot from him, but for now, she wanted to be away from him and the way he made her feel. With gritted teeth, she responded, “Understood.” But she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of leaving first. Shoving her shoulder into him as hard as she could with a low growl, Layla moved past him. Her heart was beating hard in her chest from both nerves and anger, but she had gotten answers to a lot of questions that had been plaguing her mind for so long thanks to their chance encounter, and only time would tell where all of this would lead.
Figuring she would prefer to leave first, Salva allowed her to, and stood steadfast as Layla walked past him and made sure their shoulders collided. Once she was melting back into the clusters of civilians, the older wolf's expression split apart in an uneven grin, teeth so tightly clamped on his cigarette that the thing was nearly chopped in half. What a perfect thing this was, meeting Layla like this. Salva rolled his shoulders, wiped his face off with his arm, and set off down the sidewalk in the opposing direction. Yes, she'll be a fine pup to teach, Salva thought, taking a deep drag and inhaling the smoke into the sunny afternoon air. And if she isn't... just add her to the body count.
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The Rocker and the Mechanic - Chapter 6 (Previous Chapters)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: An innocent question has Ash reluctantly opening up to Johnny.
"So…" Johnny muttered after another (seemingly unending) terse silence. Hands firmly holding a dirtied wrench as he uncovered another area of paneling and yet more wires he needed to fix.
"Ya play guitar?" he finally asked, flicking a brief glance at her over his broad shoulder.
Ash blinked at the question that seemingly came out of nowhere until she noticed she'd left her guitar case perched on the wall near the front door - directly now in his line of sight. She supposed her boring holes into the back of his head and constantly peering over his shoulder was probably not the most comfortable feeling for him so if he was trying to make small talk to break up the tension, she supposed she could at least humor him.
Admittedly, it would at least make the time go faster - she at least hoped it would.
"Yeah, I do." she shrugged, eyes drifting to said case; casually visualizing the cacophony of stickers plastered on the black surface. Ash fully intending to peel off the ones her ex slapped on there - the mere sight of them was churning the acid in her stomach all over again.
"Gotta make a living somehow." she continued almost as an afterthought (or to take her thoughts elsewhere); regretting it the second it came out of her mouth. Did she really want this stranger to know more about her personal life?
Johnny's eyes were suddenly meeting hers and Ash's thin brows lifted in return.
"Ya play guitar for a livin'?"
"...Yes?" she stated more as a question than a legitimate answer; folded arms still staying firm across her chest. "I-I sing too."
Johnny's expression was blank for a few seconds before suddenly, there was a sense of wonder and excitement filling his eyes; a rather attractive, boyish expression that her accelerating heart reacted to rather pathetically.
"Oi, really? Y-Ya mean ya actually get paid to play shows and whatnot?" he continued eagerly, eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Heh. Yeah." she smirked, feeling a bit proud of herself all of a sudden. "Whenever I get a gig anyway." Ash muttered the last part under her breath; trying to remain casual about it.
Ash wasn't exactly sure what to expect telling this average working Joe about her life for throughout her short existence on this planet, she recalled the multiple times others asked about her profession. The reactions she was used to was mainly scrutiny - their expressions ranging from pity, disbelief, and as if they didn't take her chosen profession (and her in turn) seriously whatsoever. Either she didn't deserve to do this as a means to support herself or that they fully expected her to crash and burn; displaying little to no faith in her talents…much like her mother and Lance.
Hence why her mother never supported her choices and her ex shoving her to the background hoping she relied on his bitch ass as the only way she could make anything out of her career (and life).
Yet instead of harsh scrutiny or a look of disbelief, Johnny was smiling; work nearly forgotten even as the wrench remain in his hands, hovering over his extensive work. The mechanic leaning over her motorcycle, uniform and hands (even his cheek) smudged with black grease but that didn't stop his genuine smile from being any less dazzlingly white.
"Wow, that's really impressive, Ash." he said with a canine-showcasing smile; one so easily at home on his face. "Ya must be pretty amazin' if yer making a living outta it."
The compliment was not one she expected or frankly, was used to in the slightest.
Without her permission, Ash's face flushed deeply; black lips parting slightly as she stared down at the genuine expression not shifting the least bit on his face. One of her brows was furrowed, the other quirked slightly as if not really believing what she was hearing and halfway wondering if he was being sarcastic or untruthful. From his eyes meeting hers and his smile not faltering in the least, she knew that wasn't the case…
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"Eh. I guess." she bit out a second later, eyes drifting from his to stare off to some fixed point above his head. "Not an easy living, but it's one I wanted."
"Sounds like a dream job ta me!" Johnny continued, unfaltering in his excitement easily evident in his thick accent. "Mus' be incredible ta get to do that for a job!"
"It's alright." she shrugged as if downplaying it all, "Stressful and hectic mainly." As much as she wanted to brag about it for she damn deserved to after all the hell she'd been through, her own insecurities kept her from doing so.
Damn Lance…
"What job isn't stressful though?" he chuckled mirthlessly, the bags under his eyes a lot more obvious in the blaring light. She wondered why she didn't notice them earlier...
"True…" her voice tapered off slowly. The gorilla was still looking at her as if she was some kind of enigma or celebrity and she felt a bit off kilter but couldn't deny the fact it was strangely flattering.
The quiet permeated the room once again and eventually, Johnny continued his work of re-organizing and replacing frayed wiring; a tedious task Ash did not envy but appreciated. She just hoped she had enough money in her wallet to pay this guy; the most detrimental thing about her chosen profession. The pay so unsteady and random, it made it difficult to juggle needs and wants in a terrifying constant loop.
"But sometimes, it's be nice to have a normal job." Ash admitted lowly and Johnny glanced back at her; eyebrow ridges lifted in confused manner as if asking 'Why?'
"Like what you do," she gestured vaguely to his shop and the work he was currently doing on her bike, "It's steady work at least. Heh. What I wouldn't give to have my job be steady at least sometimes." Ash chuckled dryly. So many instances she recalled herself together meager paychecks in hope she could make it through to the next month without getting evicted from her apartment or at the very least, to buy something to eat that day. Intense stress of relying solely on working random gigs was not the glamorous lifestyle she intended for herself but he didn't need to know every detail of that inner hell.
Ash had revealed enough already…
The wrench made a soft clang as he placed it by his folded knees. "Whataya mean?" he asked.
"Well, there's always an animal needing a car fixed - me included - but hardly anyone needs to hire a musician for a venue unless it's a special occasion," she shrugged. "It just makes it hard to have a steady income is all, but, I'm not gonna lie, it's fucking amazing to get paid to play and sing for an hour or two."
"Yeah, I bet." he chuckled deeply, his laugh reverberating nicely in the echoing garage. "I'm happy for ya - not many can live out their dreams like you seem to have done for yerself."
Ash's half-smile fell a bit as his eyes left hers and gravitated back to his work and she was left staring at his profile. Arms that were crossed tight around her chest loosened as the words he just spoke lay heavy in the air surrounding her.
Johnny was happy for her.
Whether he was just some random guy stuck in this dead-end job or he didn't plan this life for himself and he simply had no choice in the matter, she didn't know. Didn't know if he was happy or had unfulfilled dreams like so many others did and randomly assuming wasn't answering those questions (not that she intended to ask).
Even if this profession was one he ultimately chose for himself, it didn't make what he said any less valid - she was living her dream.
Sure, it wasn't exactly as she wanted it to be just yet; it also didn't make Lance any less of an asshole for ripping their band (and her life) apart…but she was still living her dream - wasn't she? There were many regrets and things she wished had been done differently, but she still wouldn't change it. She was a musician, a rocker, and even if Lance was out of the picture permanently, that didn't change anything. She was living her life on her own terms, and dammit, she was going to continue doing so regardless of those who tried tearing her down.
The thought of it had a soft smile forming on her lips; the heaviness of the tension lifting as she watched the work of Johnny's steady hands.
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demonicheadcanons · 7 years
RFA and V and Saeran at the Movies/Cinema with MC
(AN: Slowly running out of ideas but I’m stuck in bed all day due to a leg injury (and probably tomorrow too at this rate) so I really want to write something ;; This is how the RFA, V, and Saeran would be like at the movies with MC. As always, I’m still getting used to writing these lovely characters, so I apologise if any of these are OOC. Enjoy! If you have any requests drop them into my inbox and I’ll complete them ASAP ^^ As long as they’re SFW, that is ;;)
Takes you to see something cute and romantic. If you suggest a horror movie or something like that he’ll totally check it out too
But he’s secretly a little bit scared
Gets really involved, whispering things to you (the people behind you get a little frustrated) about how they should do this or that or whatever
If you ever watch drama shows with him be prepared to comfort him because this boy is emotional af
He’ll put his arm around you and pull you close to him. Hope you like PDA. Holds your other hand in his and just enjoys being close to you
Eventually he’ll stop talking because he’s focusing on you and your reactions to the movie, rather than actually on the movie itself
You’re so cute that he takes you out regularly to the movies now, just so he can watch your face as you react to things. The tiny little subtle changes are what get him the most; the tiny crinkles that form on your nose when something disgusting happens, or the way your eyes widen slightly when there is a lot going on
One day he just leans over and kisses your cheek quietly and gently and you turn to look at him, blushing, and he just shrugs and goes, “You’re so cute, I just had to!”
If your reaction is particularly adorable he’ll immediately buy the movie on DVD when it comes out
Buys a huge bucket of popcorn between the two of you every time, but you never finish it so he brings it with you and lets you eat the rest of it at the house
Just a real sweetheart who loves you so much
You... you want to watch a horror movie? Okay... that’s cool! Yeah sure, he can’t wait, let’s go watch a horror movie!
Holds your hand, as if he’s trying to tell you he’s there for you if you get scared, but in reality he needs an anchor so he doesn’t cry
Tucks his feet up and curls up in a ball at one point because he can’t handle this why is it so scary why would you choose this
He’s one of the three people that scream at the jump scare
Your fingers are broken by the end of it, he’s gripping on to your hand so much
When you leave he’s sweating and his eyes are wide open, and he just looks terrified
Gives you a hug and whispers to you asking if you can maybe never do that again
Kiss him and he’ll feel a bit better and smile, saying that well, maybe it wasn’t so bad
He prefers action movies or movies like Lego Batman and stuff. Not a huge romance fan because it makes him feel like he’s not being romantic enough
Has the most adorable reactions to everything in action films, seems to be in awe the entire time. Gets emotional easily
Also, he loves popcorn and sweets so you guys just have a junk-food feast
He can’t go too often because the cinema is expensive and he’s a student/working to pay off his student loans, but he really cherishes the times he can go with you
Zen stars in a movie and it comes on in the cinemas and so she finds time to get off work and go with you to watch it
You both get drinks and some popcorn, which Jaehee barely eats. She is so hyper before the movie, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen her so excited. She’s normally so tense but she seems so relaxed and content right now (like she is when you cuddle aww) and you can’t keep your eyes off her
She might even get a bit daring, she’s so hyper, and just as the movie is starting she leans over and kisses you on the cheek before turning back to face the screen and acting like it didn’t happen, a small smirk on her face
She’s so cute, paying such close attention to every little detail, and after she is explaining to you all these little tiny details you missed and you have no idea how she saw them all or how she remembers everything
She can even quote things from the movie and you’re just in awe
She won’t get that involved with any other film, unless Zen is in it. So any time Zen is in a film, even just if he has a tiny role in it, you take her to go see it
She’s adorable and deserves more love tbh
He doesn’t really like the cinema, it’s too stuffy and there are too many people and he has to dress casually? What? Does he even have casual clothes? (He does and he looks amazing in them RIP MC)
You both get odd looks because everyone knows who he is, and also because you turn up in the company limo (you were not letting him drive there)
If you want something, he’ll get it for you. Tells you to go on in with the tickets and get your seats whilst he gets the drinks and stuff. He comes in with far too many sweets, because he wasn’t sure what you wanted so he just got like basically everything. He doesn’t eat any himself, because he wants to keep his diet meticulous, but he doesn’t mind spoiling you every here and there, knowing you’ll take care of yourself and that you will both return to eating normally anyway at the penthouse, so this won’t have any real affect
You have to remind him that when the movie is playing, he can’t talk or people will get annoyed
Sits silently for the entire film, staring at the screen, his arms crossed. That isn’t what MC meant, Jumin
Next time he rents out the entire room so that it’s just you two so that he can talk to you during the film, and also so he can relax a bit and be a bit affectionate with you during the film
Tbh he doesn’t give a single shit about the film that’s playing. He puts an arm around you and leans his head on yours and he might fall asleep depending on how bored he is. Otherwise, he’ll just sit and blankly stare at the screen and make slight comments about the film. If he doesn’t like it he will gladly say so. I hope you don’t actually like the movie because he will ruin it for you
Asks questions here and there because he just doesn’t get some things. This boy rarely watches movies or TV or anything like that. You have to explain a lot why movies appeal to people
You won’t force him to go to the movies again, because he just doesn’t seem to enjoy it, but in reality he just likes being able to relax with you. He’ll even start offering to take you to see movies and stuff just so he can be with you away from home and from everyone he knows – he loves it being just the two of you. The movies become an escape for you both, and after a while he’ll even start enjoying some of them
He likes more complex films with a deep plot to them that requires him to think about the story
Space movies are his jam, unless they’re inaccurate, and then he fucking hates them with a passion and will rant about them when you are still sitting in the cinema watching the movie
You both get asked to leave multiple films because of this, and he’ll just laugh and leave but then he’ll apologise to you later in case you were actually enjoying the movie
He adores animated movies. Cries when something bad happens in them, especially when it involves animals. He sobbed when watching Bambi. Protect this boy
Will stand up and cheer at the end of a movie if he really enjoyed it. He’s really cute
Loves it when you, him, Yoosung, and Saeran all go to see movies (it takes Saeran some convincing though) because you’re all very important to him, you all mean more to him than anyone else in the world (you especially, he’ll remind you)
Drags you and Yoosung to see horror films, and he’s mostly alright with them (doesn’t understand the appeal of too much blood or gore though, wrinkles his nose at it and says it’s pointless and disgusting). He just sits there laughing at Yoosung’s reactions the entire time
If one of you is having a bad day and you go to the movies to relax, he’ll put an arm around your shoulder and just sit cuddled up to you happily, not giving a shit as to what anyone else thinks
 V/Jihyun Kim
You have to wait until after his eyes get fixed, but then he wants to go see every movie he can with you
He likes the cinema, he finds the atmosphere relaxing. Everyone’s sitting down to watch this film together as a huge group
You hear him go “wow” a few times, when the cinematography in the film is excellent. He doesn’t really care so much about the movie itself – a nice plot is always great though – and rather tends to focus on the scene setting and the backgrounds and such
If there is a particularly beautiful shot you can just see his eyes light up
Like some of the others, he loves to sit with his arm around your shoulder. This boy loves just being close to you. He’ll get you anything you want to drink and eat, because he just can’t deny you anything. He won’t eat too much in the cinema himself other than maybe some chocolate sweets (HC he loves chocolate, I don’t know why)
If they have one of those boards that you take pictures by, he’ll take the most artistic and beautiful photos of you by it, or if they have people in cosplaying he’ll take photos of you with them
He totally has a scrapbook of photos of you doing cute things that he gives you as an anniversary gift at some point
You get the oddest looks at the cinema when he takes you to see this adorable animated film, wearing his leather jacket, the white and pink dye still somewhat in his hair (his ginger roots are growing through though, one more haircut and the dye will be gone), and a glare permanently on his face (except when he looks at you and gives you a tiny reassuring smile to show he’s okay – he’s not the best in public situations, but he’s getting there)
Protectively slings an arm around you, even though he’s not big on PDA. Death glares at anyone who looks at either of you
But if you find a lost child or a kid gets hurt or something he’s fucking over by their side in the blink of an eye, helping them because no child deserves to suffer in any way okay? He won’t let that happen
And kids just love him. They’re curious about him and how he looks and such and when he takes off his jacket, with his short sleeved top making the tattoo clear, he gets so many questions from little kids about it. He’s really good with them
Anyway getting to the movie he’ll watch basically anything. Finds super sweet romancy films a little bit sickening, but if you enjoy them he’ll go watch one with you and pretend he liked it
Not much of a talker anyway so he doesn’t really say anything during the film, and he doesn’t have many comments on it, but the second part is due to the fact that he was actually just watching you the entire time instead of focusing on the film. This is why he blushes slightly and mumbles when you ask him what he thought of it (Saeyoung calls him out on it later and you have to drag Saeran away to keep Saeyoung alive)
Doesn’t really like the sweets and stuff, they make him feel sick, but he always gets ice cream when you go to the cinema. Aside from getting to spend time with you and such, this is his main reason for going there
(AN: So I’m not having a great day and this literally took me around 4 hours to write because of it, I’m so sorry, I struggled to put myself in the situations this time and because of that this is probably horrible. I hope it’s okay enough for you guys, I really am sorry. Also, instead of saying Jumin looked amazing, I was just gonna say he looked adorable but apparently non-ace people don’t normally describe people like that so welp
Take care!)
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