#brain surgery au
cutechan555 · 6 months
You're not alone anymore
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luigigirl12 · 6 months
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Librarian peppino comforting two peppino's that had to go to the hospital
The peppino on the left was badly injured and the one on the right is getting brain surgery
Tower of mistakes peppino belongs to @radaverse
the brain surgery au belongs to @cutechan555
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hadrassians · 1 year
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introducing my middle-aged gerry agenda
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
Something something """canon""" age difference, modern AU where Rex actually is a decade younger than Anakin
And for Reasons, 34yo Anakin and 39yo Padme have decided to invite this Hot Young 24yo Who Just Exited The Military into their bed for a quick romp that turns into something of a longterm relationship that is sortakinda sugaring
………….just realized this makes Rex only [checks math] twelve or thirteen years older than the twins.
Which is very funny to me. These tweens are so unimpressed by the GI Bill college guy their parents are wooing. Is this supposed to be their new babysitter? A nanny? Wait, he's your boyfriend??? EW.
Such a weird age difference to have with your sorta stepkids
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shadow-the-crow · 1 month
what if
Michael could have saved Gerry
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daredevil-vagabond · 6 months
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Gerry Keay goth arsonist of all time
A gerry survived via brain surgery and chemo AU (he's got an eye tattooed over his port scar)
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waitineedaname · 2 months
I have finally gotten myself together, and written the beginnings of my fake political marriage chengqing fix-it!
an excerpt from the first part:
Jiang Cheng was embarrassed to admit that this particular solution had occurred to him frequently after their last parting, when he was kept awake wondering about her safety. It wasn’t the most elegant solution, and definitely not his preferred solution, and it would easily create more problems than it solved, but… “What if we were engaged?” “Jiang Cheng, have you gone insane?” Wei Wuxian said, which was really rich coming from him of all people. Wen Qing looked like she agreed with him and this pained her.
and from the second:
“Jiang-zongzhu, I appreciate everything you are doing for me and my family,” Wen Qing folded her hands on her lap and stared him down imperiously, “But I have no intention of having sex with you.” Jiang Cheng wondered if the stress of the last week had finally pushed him over the edge and this was a hallucination caused by qi deviation. “I didn’t expect you to!”
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Has Verena woken up yet?
Alastor: *sitting beside Verena’s bed*
Verena: *starts waking up*
Alastor: *quietly* Verena! I’m glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?
Verena: I feel better, but really cold *shivers*
Alastor: Here, let me get you a —
Verena: *slowly reaches up and touches the top of her head and feels bandages and no hair — starts to cry* Papa…where’s my hair?
Alastor: *gently moves her hand away* You had to have a surgery to help save your life. And the…the nice man who saved your life had to fix something in your head. So he had to shave your hair deer. But I’ll grow out! I promise!
Verena: *doesn’t fully understand why her hair had to be completely gone and she feels pain in her chest*
Alastor: Verena please. You also had a delicate heart and lung procedure. It’ll take time but you’ll soon feel so much better. You were so brave.
Verena: *is sobbing* I’m ugly Papa! I’ll get laughed at school!
Alastor: *holds her hand* Verena you are not ugly. You are a beautiful young girl who just won a major battle! And your Papa has plenty of scars. Do you think Papa is ugly?
Verena: *shakes head no*
Alastor: And you are my beautiful little fawn and that will never ever change. Please get some rest darling.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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dogma didn't want to do a portrait but tup and kix made him… and there's only so many flashes he can take before it looks like war.
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cinnamon--bagel · 11 days
Happy pride month here's a sneak peak for the next chapter of Four Riders.
Dingo slips into the ship’s lab while the rest of the world is asleep. He doesn’t bother turning on the light, he’s visited Yonny enough to get around blindfolded. He keeps his steps quiet, unsure if his disruption could disturb the room’s sole occupant. He unlocks one of the rolling chairs and moves it closer to the cot so he can sit and watch more easily.
Sparrow is completely still, their pale skin partially illuminated by a light near the charging cords plugged into their chest. Dingo shivers, the isolation sinking in and leaving little stings of guilt in his chest. What’s on the cot is not alive, he has to keep reminding himself of that. But being here and seeing the lifeless body with cords and wires embedded in its chest sets off every nerve, making his skin crawl as he faces an unfamiliar uncanniness.
Watching Sparrow sleep is like looking at a corpse with the unnatural smoothness of an undressed doll. 
“Damn it,” he whispers, “even if you aren’t alive, I still feel like a creep.” He plants his head in his hands, a futile escape from the reality of his situation. 
Despite that, he can’t find the strength to uproot himself as he tries to reconcile this empty shell with the lifelike, albeit odd, coworker he’s gotten to know over the past few days.   
 “Ah, have you come to admire them as well?” Dingo straightens, his chair spinning to face Russ just as the scientist turns on the overhead lights. Dingo flinches, nearly blinded like a criminal caught by a searchlight. Russ, blind to the atmosphere as always, makes his way over to Sparrow’s side and tilts their head to one side. He brushes aside their hair and presses down on a spot just behind their ear, revealing a small compartment. He reaches in and presses until a small ‘click’ echoes through the lab. When he pulls his hand away, there’s a small chip grasped between his fingers.
“I’ve been working on some compatibility upgrades for our friend here,” he explains as he plugs the chip into the lab’s computer. “Kee hee, it really is exciting, working with such an advanced AI! Now, if I’m correct, they’ll be able to take in sensory information - sight, sound, and the like - as well as the data obtained from our Survey Drone! They’ll be completely hands free after this, no need for a communication tablet at all!” Russ announces giddily.
“And they’re cool with you just… doing that while they’re asleep?” Dingo’s eyes drift back to the open compartment near Sparrow’s face and his stomach churns.
“Of course, of course! It’s not like I’m changing their operating system, I wouldn’t dare touch that. It’s more like I’m… hmm.” Russ spins to face Dingo, his brows furrowed. “They were able to connect to the SPERO Drone ship, back when it was functional. From what they described, they could transfer data between the drone and their android bodies and even command the drone ship from afar! But since the drone ship was destroyed, I’m trying to patch them into our system instead.”
Dingo blinks. “Like replacing an amputated limb?”
“Precisely!” Russ applauds, already refocused on the computer. “And you’ll have the perfect opportunity to test it when you return to the Sun-Speckled Terrace today!” 
“Right,” Dingo muses. He had nearly forgotten that there were still caves they hadn’t explored in that area, all thoughts of the area washed away by the mysterious crash two days ago. They spent the day after the crash investigating the Blossoming Arcadia, and while they had rescued a castaway in the Drafty Gallery, there was still a lot of ground to cover. 
He stands, sliding the chair toward Russ. “Whatever, just… don’t take too long with those upgrades. The sun’ll be up soon and…” he lets himself glance back at Sparrow’s too-still body one last time, “... we still have to find Bernard and Yonny.”
“Of course! I’ll have this done in no time!” Russ plops into the chair, barely pausing his furious typing. Dingo sighs and turns away, finally mustering the strength to leave the lab and prepare for today’s expedition.
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cutechan555 · 6 months
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The surgery was taking way too long the waiting was silent with nothing but the sounds of the shorter Italian's sounds of sadness which contained sniffles and sobbing, Noise despite looking nonchalant, surprisingly he stuck around with Gus not leaving his side
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There was nothing but anxiety and worry, even the surgeons working on Peppino were filled with worry doing their best to take care of him..
But soon enough
The surgery was a success
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However Peppino wouldn't wake up right away, as he would remain asleep for quite sometime but that wouldn't lessen the fear among the others
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What was even more surprising not only Gustavo was checking on Peppino the former residents came as well from time to time at first it was pretty rare and it was becoming a little more frequent
Gustavo questioned it for a bit but he decided to let them be perhaps...
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The residents would visit Peppino and bring gifts and they started to wonder do they actually care about him?
But several days later...
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Peppino finally opened his eyes..
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And he was instantly squashed into a hug by his shorter friend of course the Italian was confused and tired as hell
but his best friend assured it's alright and he's okay now and he's not alone
That was just the beginning of a really long road of recovery and starting new friendships
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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luigigirl12 · 7 months
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Gustavo visiting Peppino at the hospital
This is an au where peppino gets brain surgery and it's made by @cutechan555
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 months
Kinda just realized how fucked up I actually made the Mandalorian medical system now that I think about the implications. If you go to your clan medic instead of a Red Planet medic you have no expectation of medical privacy from your head of clan. What if your grandma (head of clan) asked your doctor if you were on birth control and legally he had to answer that question. What the fuck.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
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More Art Fight stuff!! The 3 (!!!) attacks I did for my dearest friend and co-captain in tomfoolery @twothpaste
ft. guys from their Earthbound MOTHER College AU and guys from my GX College AU because SURPRISE! We smashed the two AUs into each other and Now They Are Friends in Ways You Cannot Even Begin to Comprehend
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rhapscdos · 1 year
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Demi-Phoenix Gen for a friend ♥
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sucre-blue · 2 years
gotta stop waking up at 2am brain firing on all pistons immediately ping ponging back and forth between two radically different ship content ideas
#listen i watched film red and immediately relapsed into one piece only hyperfixation mode#my brain is a bag of wiggily worms tho#hi dont read these but if type them out ill stop thinking abt them for a bit lol#comic ideas abt uta bonding with shanks disgruntled ex-bf buggy#who is of course at first incredulous that shanks had adopted another child without telling him#and uta is like >:/// at first but wants to have a bit more teenage rebellion and follows buggy around#eventually they bond over their shared love of the stage and the exhilaration of applause#and they tease/pester shanks constantly#(he acts annoyed but bc he loves his daughter [[and still loves his ex?????]] he actually finds#it super endearing ahshhs) also why not throw cross guild polycule in there and we can have a little migawk/shanks as a treat#THEN comic idea i actually started (probably wont finish even tho im at line art stage already) UGGGHHHHHHH#modern au domestic ot4 hdjjdks luzosanlaw ofc ofc#zo san and lu met in hs and zosan eventually got married (to every1 surprise) but lu got jealous and wiggled his way into his relationship#theyve been living together for awhile but some au vers of marineford happens and lu has to get surgery#wakes up mid operation to tell his surgeon hes hot af and they should make out#law ignores him but then luffy is everywheree he cant escape#gifted child chopper interning at the hospital eventually formally introduces the them#luffy has found something he wants and is doggedly determined to get it#starts bringing law over and san is down for it immediately (zoro needs a little bit more time to warm up to the idea#(he too protective) but law is hot and hes around enough they start to bond#everything is going so good lawlu officially start dating (&by extension law is dating the other two. sometimes they go on solo dates)#(hhh like lawsan fancy dinner date bc the other two eat like pigs lmaoo and zolaw sword convention idk something 'cool' yk yk)#anyway all is well but law is spending the night more and more and one night#hes kinda struck by how well the other three mesh together#and starts feeling intimidated by their shared history and insecure abt how he fits in with them :((#he runs away in a manic depression spiral (using a lot of his accrued vacation time lol) ghosting his bfs and also his best friends#is cora alive??? tbd but law is either at his house or his grave and bepo knows thats where he like to go when hes anxious so he tells luff#hmm and then resolution happens ig havent gotten that far yet#would looove to write that fic tbh maybe throw in some doflamingo related drama. maybe some germa stuff even for some extra hurt comfort#grabbing myself by the shoulders go back to sleep stop thinking abt shippy drama abt goofy pirate anime boys arghhhhhhh
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