#but also get why angel thinks he needs to make amends for them
weebsinstash · 3 months
*me, a poor peasant child holding up my plate.*
Please sire, may I have some more platonic yandere Lucifer and Charlie? 🥺
Of course, starving Victorian child! (Also you just said platonic but I wound up writing this as like, mostly family platonic yandere so idk if that's a distinct difference to you but, here ya go!)
-- I feel like these two would really kinda infantilize you, specifically when it comes to violence, drugs, alcohol, and sex. You know how Charlie is clearly an adult woman but it could not be anymore clear that she's still really sheltered and naive, almost like a kid would be? Like the skit she had Pentious and Angel do literally brought up like, no sex before marriage as a sign of being a good person... did her dad ACTUALLY raise her with vaguely traditional/religious values. That's the kinda thing they start enforcing on you. Oh, you're dressed so cute! where are you going? gasp! A bar??? But that's soooo .... risky!! You're young, and, you're just so nice, and... why don't you stay home and play board games with the Morningstars instead?
You're over here, "can I PLEASE smoke some fucking weed" and Lucifer would deadass with his full chest, "no, none of the Devil's lettuce for MY baby! Those other Sinners can run around with their crack and their whippets and their absinthe but MY CHILD is better than that"
-- platonic yandere Charlie and Lucifer passing the single brain cell they share back and forth, "Dad, they bought some new clothes and I thought it was gonna be for that outing we're taking later this week but they put it on and left the Hotel and went somewhere else!! Who else would they dress up for? Do you think they have a secret second family and they actually hate us? 🥺" "Charlie, do you have any idea how... totally possible that is, oh golly, we've gotta follow them and make amends so they come home!!" and you're just like.... having coffee with a new friend
You're at a cafe looking cute and Lucifer and Charlie are having a stakeout in the fucking bushes nearby or some shit, Lucifer grinding his teeth trying to guess who this piece of shit trying to take his baby away is, growling how hes gonna rip them apart, like who the actual fuck does this person think they are, and Charlie is like, trying to be a little more level headed "haha cmon Dad they would never replace us :)" but then the second she looks over and sees this other person is exchanging too many meaningful glances at you and making you laugh, her switch flips. "Actually yeah Dad you know what you were totally right, they're obviously a creep trying to hurt Readsr and we should kill this guy :)"
--Charlie has no problem with you hanging out with Alastor but I like the idea that she can suddenly see right through him when it's YOU he's doing stuff to. He can be on his whole "oh just call me dad" shit to her and it'd give her the warm fuzzies, but the second she sees Alastor going out of his way to come up and interact with you in front of her father, she knows he's trying to rile her dad up and may even tell him he needs to wait his turn and interact with you later. Lucifer meanwhile all but wants to bite the cannibal like a rabid dog for coming near you and treats him like Al's the evil villain trying to take away his little royal heir. He has no idea what that yellow toothed black gum cretin wants to do to his baby!
-- I can just see arguing with Lucifer, "why can't I date? Charlie gets to date!!" and Lucifer's just like trying to bullshit an excuse for why he just doesn't want you dating because, you're his widdle baby and he isn't ready to see you act adult yet :( the only man you should be kissing is your short father on the cheek! Lucifer is VERY MUCH "I am the only supportive guardian figure you need in your life" kinda yandere dad, if you go to anyone else for help before him he's taking it as a personal slight against him and vows to show up that other person so you never "choose them over him" ever again
-- obviously I'm so fucking biased but. Lucifer with Daughter Reader is obviously just him being your tiny guard dog all the time like, he is so soft, he is such a girl dad. No men talking to either of his baby girls!! No touching his little princesses!!! You'll be out in fucking public as a grown ass woman and Lucifer would still be like, "oh, there's a lot of people here, here sweetie, hold my hand so you don't get lost", marching around holding your hand as the most powerful Anti Rizz Shield in all of Hell, he has no shame, this man is fucking Mayes Hughes whipping out his wallet, "wanna see photos of my girls?!?!?!? Here's one of them in matching dresses, here's one from the musical we went to last week, and here- gosh arent they just the cutest ☺️❤️"
like if you ever wander into another ring like Gluttony by accident, Bee is buzzing up to you, "oh my gosh, it's Luci's little pup, sweetie you're not supposed to be down here, let me get you back upstairs, your pops is FREAKING!!" and talking to you like she already knows you like a friend because Lucifer is showing your photos to ALL his demon friends at every like, Rulers of Hell meeting. Lucifer is over here beaming with pride as Stolas looks over his special I Love My Daughters Photo Album and nodding his head, "perhaps we can arrange some playtime with your girls and my Via, let them all get to know each other" and it's like Lucifer can you PLEASE stop recruiting other all powerful almighty demons into the Let's All Be Platonic In A Creepy Overprotective Way Club. You just turn around one day and like half the Overlords and a few of the Cardinal Sins are all vying for your attention and you're like a celebrity and it's cause your dumb duck dad is blabbing his mouth showing your picture to anyone with eyes
-- you know how Sinner Demons come in all these different sizes and shapes, with fur and wings and, bugs and dinosaurs, fish and object heads? What if Lucifer has the power to alter your demonic form? One day you turn around and you're no longer whatever multi armed fuzzy creature you once were, but you're now... human again. Or at least, human like. You've got your old face again, your old skin tone, but, you've got horns that look suspiciously like your friend and her father's, a retractable tail with a heart on it like theirs, maybe even those like, kinda weird rosy cheek things. And it's because Lucifer and Charlie have decided, well, they don't care what you look like regardless, but now, don't you actually look like a member of the family? Now everyone can tell when you're together! ^^
Like it's kinda sweet but the adjacent horror of Lucifer "oh yeah I completely changed the shape and appearance of your body to more resemble me and my daughter so you look like you're ACTUALLY our family :)" like can you imagine him pulling this kind of shit when you're like not even that kind of close yet. Basically kidnapping you into the Morningstar family tree and actually making you look like them to the point other people can spot you and instantly know to steer clear. Maybe you even get a little special outfit of your own,your own little suit and bow tie with an apple or snake on it somewhere
-- you know how sometimes you just want to be alone? You just like space? You just like not knowing you're being watched or having to share your space with anyone else, you can just breathe? It's not about hating someone else or other people, it's just like... wanting to be the master of your own space for a while?
Foreign fucking concept to these two. Your activities become THEIR activities. Oh cool you're 6 episodes deep into an anime? Here's Charlie and Lucifer, "oooo what are we watching?" "Oh she's really pretty, what's her name, is she the main character?" "That lady sure isn't wearing a lot of clothes, I don't know if this is appropriate for you to watch" "oooo oooo pause it, I'll go make popcorn, dont start it again without me!"
Don't get me wrong I can see this being adorable, you're just like adhd autism infodumping and catching them all upon who everyone is and all the stuff that's happened and "I can restart it from the beginning and we can watch it together?" And they're eagerly hanging off of your every word based on how interested and excited you are about the subject, for whatever hobby or show you're indulging in
BUT I can see this turning into them intruding on everything you do and when you finally do try and say "hey I'd like a little space" that turns into a DISCUSSION. wait why don't you want to spend time with them? Are you sad? Did they do something wrong? Tell them exactly what you're thinking, OBVIOUSLY the correct action ISNT to just give you the space, CLEARLY this is an emergency needing investigation!! Like God forbid you tell them a lie to sneak off and hang out with someone else because THEN it's "who is this clearly abusive evil person telling our precious Reader to lie to us? The altar calls for their blood"
--SINGING!!! These two sing all the time (Charlie sings the most as the Not Depressed Morningstar) and they teach you too! They'll encourage you to join into song, and even just do those little songs you and I do when we're doing small tasks. You'll catch them in the kitchen, "washing the dishes, washing the plates, put them away and have a wonderful day ^^" and they'll try and rope you into singing until eventually you're expected to belt out musical numbers with them like anyone else in this show (bonus points for your first musical song being some sort of rebellious rock ballad about wanting to run away from them because they make you feel controlled or something)
-- mandatory family trips to Lu Lu World! You are NOT going home until you play all sorts of games and eat all sorts of carnival food and are struggling to walk home carrying your giant stuffed duck. God, really missing my childhood going to Six Flags before capitalism ruined amusement parks...
-- "cringe" does not exist in this family and they wont make you feel bad for liking something unless it's like ACTUALLY HARMFUL (like getting drunk and high). You cannot tell me these two do not already have fursonas and they'll geek out on the couch watching cartoons and playing video games with you. You're eating candy watching Naruto and playing LEGO Batman and playing dice games and they're loving every second (Reader why did you have to hit that Nat 20 roll on the "Getting Adopted By The Morningstars" quest, now they're never leaving you alone bro, bro i think youre gonna have to murderhobo your way outta this bro--)
-- I feeeeeeeeeel like. Lucifer if he concentrates really really hard would be able to tell where you are at all times because, Hell is HIS house. He um. He literally has pocket dimension "make shit appear out of nowhere" powers, so like... do you think he can feel all the souls in Hell? Do you think he would be able to concentrate and be like, "oh I can tell Reader is in that direction and is feeling really happy right now"
I just... I picture Reader having a really awful fight where you yell and scream at Lucifer and you can tell you actually really hurt his feelings, maybe even making him tear up, which would then make Charlie really upset with you, and then you're running off because you feel like you can't stay there anymore, and you're wandering the streets, lost, hungry, starting to get cold, wishing you could go back and apologize but feeling like they would never take you back, and, of course, the age old trope, you get cornered by some robbers or some potential attackers and they start beating you around and, all you can think is how ungrateful you were, that you wanted to apologize to Charlie and Lucifer but they probably hated you now, it's too late, it's... it's...
You don't know if it'll work, but you're about to be hurt really badly and you're genuinely scared and missing them and, you just clasp your hands and say a prayer, calling out to Lucifer, but you're like... literally saying it like... you're manically whispering and whimpering not knowing what the fuck you're supposed to say or if something like this would even work, "O Dark Lord Lucifer please hear my plea for your aid and-- no fuck it, come help me DAD I'm really really SCARED DAD THEYRE GONNA HURT ME COME ON DAD PLEASE DAD I'M SORRY, WHAT I SAID WAS WRONG, DAD PLEASE-" and he's there like, before you're even done speaking. You're still covering your head and whimpering and crying and you just hear, "It's OK now" and he's standing over you with bloodied fists and the attackers all crumpled on the ground and he's picking you up like it's nothing to take you back home.
-- lastly, I feel like there's few boundaries on nudity with these two. Like, it's not incestuous or anything, but if Lucifer walks in on you changing and you've got your beav out, he would probably politely put a hand over his eyes and keep talking anyways. Charlie treats it like walking in on her sibling, on someone her age she's known all her life. She'll be walking up, picking lint off your clothes, helping clasp your bra, whichever whatever without any regards for how exposed you might be feeling. Oh you're feeling shy? But she's your sister; you don't have to be shy!!
It's all fun and games until you're completely butt ass naked having Family Bath Time, Charlie scrubbing shampoo through your hair while Lucifer has ungodly amounts of duck themed bath toys floating around and you accidentally catch sight of THE Angel Of The Bottomless Pit's full-on dick and balls that you're realizing, oh, when they said they want to treat you like family, they meant like FAMILY family... oh shit... hope this doesn't turn into a huge "hey also we couldnt bear the thought of losing you so you're kind of immortal now" kind of problem...
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Hello! May I get a Alastor x child!Reader one shot that the child basically ran away because of a little fight the child and Alastor had? :)
I'ma say this now. There will be a happy ending because I need it.
Promise Breaker
Alastor and Child Reader One-shot
Warnings ⚠
⚠ a demon gets hit by a car, reader gets an ankle injury, and some cursing ⚠
Alastor adopted you after finding you just outside the Cannibal colony, surrounded by a few dead demons.
Since he wasn't a fan of children he was going to ignore you, but after noticing how quiet and still you were he decided to approach you.
He questioned why you were around the Cannibal colony and you explained you were hiding. It really was an in the moment decision but he adopted you a few minutes after your first encounter.
You were bored.
Everyone was busy today and you wanted to play with someone. Fat Nuggets was with Angel, so that's one less playmate.
Walking into his office, you see he's not in the room and decide to wait for him. Sitting on his chair you're at eye level with the desk , finding papers and a pen.
A few drawings wouldn't be so bad. It would also help with your boredom, just until he came back at least.
You didn't know that you were drawing on important documents for the hotel.
A short while later, Alastor enters his office and sees you in his seat which makes you look smaller than you actually are, beginning to walk over to the desk.
"Hello little one, what do you-", he stops, looking down at the papers you've been drawing on.
The tone he uses to say your name makes you freeze. Looking up you can see that he's upset.
"Yes?", you ask, confused.
"These are important.", he states, picking up the papers. "And you've drawn all over them."
"Oh..", you say and put the pen down.
"Yes, oh.", he sighs. "Did you draw on all of these papers?"
"I'm sorry.", you mumble. "I got bored and I wanted to play with you but you weren't here, so I started drawing. I felt lonely."
"Darling, I'm busy. The whole hotel is busy, I can't dally at the moment.", Alastor says, and picks you up from his office chair. "Go and play elsewhere."
"But you don't even care about the hotel! You just-", you begin to whine but shut up when he gives that black eyed stare.
"I will not tolerate a brat.", he says.
You frown and get out of his hold, making your way out of the office.
"And I won't tolerate a promise breaker!", you shout and slam the door behind you when leaving.
Alastor lets out a sigh.
He found some extra copies of the documents that you drew on and made more just in case. You didn't show up during dinner, and he believes that you might still be throwing a fit over what happened earlier.
Still, he should check on you.
Arriving in his hotel room, your room was just on the other side of a sliding door. He prepared your favorite cookies and drink to make amends.
"Darling? My little demon?", he calls, lightly knocking on your door. "I have cookies!"
Its quiet on the other side.
"Alright, I apologize for being upset, but you do need to be more careful with the papers on my desk."
He calls out your name and opens the door. Looking around your room, he doesn't see you anywhere.
Everyone was busy. The hotel has been scarily quiet. That would mean-
Putting on his coat, Alastor rushes out of the room.
Did they get taken again? Are they out in Hell?
He leaves the hotel after searching every room, not seeing you at all. With a snap, shadows are sent to look for you and he continues on his search.
Did they run away?
That thought alone makes him stop.
Standing on the sidewalk, he thinks about what might have caused all of this. Demons avoid walking by him, running across the street to walk on the other side.
What did they say before leaving. A promise breaker?
He hums in thought.
Another demon runs across the street to get away from the Radio Demon, only to get hit by a car.
Then he remembers the promise that he made. "I promise that you'll never feel lonely, even when I'm occupied."
"Oh dear."
You were making your way back to the Cannibal colony. Wiping away your tears and cursing like a sailor now that Alastor wasn't around.
"Stupid fucking jerk! Mean piece of-", you sniff, wiping more tears away with your sweater.
A yelp comes out your mouth when someone lifts you by the collar of your sweater.
"Well looky here~", an old looking demon says, lifting you up to his eyes. "A new lab rat!"
"Hands off Stinky Pete!", you shout and kick him in the gut.
They shout in pain and drop you. Making you land on your bottom. Before you can run away from the creep, they stomp on your ankle.
You scream and kick at their leg with your free foot. "Get off! Get off!", you shout.
"I'm gonna have fun ripping you apart kid!", the demon says and goes to jump you.
"No!", you turn away and hide your face in fear.
Feeling the weight of the demon's foot off of your ankle, you peak out to see what happened.
"It seems that most do still prey on children.", Alastor growls, holding the demon that attacked you by the neck. "Whå† Ðð ¥ðµ †hïñk ¥ðµ'rê Ððïñg †ð m¥ ¢hïlÐ?"
The demon who is being choked looks beyond terrified now, shaking their head and trying to get out of his grip.
You watch as Alastor summons up a portal and lets the demon get dragged off into it by tentacles.
The red dressed demon makes his way to you and you turn your cheek, not wanting to look at him.
"My little one, look at me.", he says.
"I'm mad.", you mumble, not wanting him to hear your voice waver.
"I know darling, but please look at me."
You turn your head and glare at him.
"I didn't mean to break our promise little one. I'm sorry for getting upset over such a silly thing and calling you a brat.", he says and holds a hand out for you. "I care mon petit."
Tears begin to make your vision blurry, and you cover your face to cry.
"You were mean!", you sob and let Alastor pull you into a hug. "I get to say all the swear words I want until I stop crying!"
"Yes, yes. That's fine.", he says and pats your back, lifting you up from the ground and beginning to make his way back to the hotel.
"Asshole! Dumb deer man! Stupid weird idiot!", you continue, now hiding your face on his chest, arms wrapped around his shoulders.
Your wound is taken care of in your room, and you eat your favorite cookies that Alastor made for you.
Yay cookies. Oh no headache.
~Seline, the person.
ML for Alastor🎙
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sports-on-sundays · 6 days
marc and reader breaking up bc of too many arguments and him being super sad
arguments / Marc Guiu / Part 2
Summary: Marc x female!reader - Marc is devastated because of the break up.
Warnings: implied depression, foul language, angst, mention of screaming, anxiety, mention of crying, angst, nausea
Requested?: Yeppers
Author's Note: Link to Part 1. There was another request that led up to this really nicely so I decided to just connect them as a part 1 & 2.
Tumblr media
Marc Guiu stares up at the ceiling of his bedroom at two o'clock in the afternoon with the windows closed and the lights off, feeling like it's two o'clock in the morning.
You can't keep living like this, Marc. What's done is done. You said what you said. There's no way to fix it. Just move on.
But I can't.
I can't stop myself from loving her.
Pathetically enough- and Marc would admit in an instant that it is thoroughly pathetic- ever since that fateful day when she cut it off, his days have been a haze of football, sleeping, every so often forcing himself to eat and drink water, and doing what he's doing right now: letting the two sides of his thoughts argue with each other.
No one cares if you love her. She's done with you. You messed it up; it's your fault; oh well.
There's no way to fix it.
Just move on.
But no matter how much he tells himself, over and over, to just do that, it's like he can't.
It's like the picture of your lovely face is imprinted on the backs of his eyelids, so every time he blinks, every time he sleeps, you're there, looking like the angel you are, reminding him of how much he messed up.
"Ah!" he yells, tugging at his hair. "You idiot! You ruined it! Everything! She was the best thing that ever happened to you, and you fucking messed it up!
"You pathetic bastard! Get up and live your life! It's done! She's moved on and is probably happier than ever! Why are you letting her control you like this?"
On top of it all, he's been avoiding Gavi like the plague, knowing that you one hundred percent likely told him everything, all from your perspective, and knowing because of that, now Gavi probably hates his guts, too.
So, yeah. He's been avoiding Gavi and anyone close enough to him to have also heard. So Pedri is also off limits, and Ferran and João are iffy.
It's hard when he trains or plays with these guys nearly every day!
The only person he's told is Héctor, mostly just because he pried it out of Marc enough. He got annoying enough.
Ah, you idiot. Quit crying.
You're not going to let that girl ruin your life like this.
"Maybe he's not the only one who was in the wrong."
"What?" you ask, looking up at your best friend, Gavi. "What do you suppose I did wrong?" you ask, not too happy with this sudden statement from him.
Gavi shrugs. "I'm just saying, maybe you should've heard him out before it escalated so much. I don't know, though. What do I know?"
But you frown. "Probably nothing, but it still makes me think."
"Gee, thanks," he says, rolling his eyes.
"I honestly don't care, you know. It's fine. I don't want him back."
Gavi's lips purse as he says, "Then why do you bring him up every single conversation?"
You don't have an answer for this.
"Exactly," Gavi comments with a slight roll of the eyes. "Listen, I'm just saying- Marc isn't himself at all since you guys broke up. He's a shell of himself, and refuses to talk, honestly, anyone but Héctor, if he doesn't need to."
You frown. "I know, but..."
"All I'm saying is maybe he had a point."
"What does that mean?"
"It means if you're going to date someone, you've got to give stuff up for them. Including time and attention. And you were giving far more of that to me. I'm not saying you should get back with him; do what you want. But I am saying it's probably best to make amends, and not just let the last note of the symphony be screaming at each other, yeah?"
You lick your lips nervously. "I'll think about it."
Marc can see Héctor is staring at something behind his head, but before looking leans over to ask, "What is it?"
"Um," Héctor smiles nervously. "Y/n."
Immediately, Marc's eyes widen, reminding Héctor of a frightened rodent. "Please tell me you're joking."
Héctor gives a short shake of his head 'no.' "With Gavi and Pedri," he practically mouths.
Marc leans back, trying not to look easy to notice. Trying to look discreet. "Is it safer to leave or stay?"
"I reckon stay," Héctor responds.
Marc softly blows a raspberry, before looking down at his food. "My luck, I tell you," he murmurs.
"Sometime soon, you knew you'd run into her."
"I hoped not."
Héctor sighs. "I know."
Marc feels his anxiety rise when he watches you walk pass. Tossing your hair, with the sway in your step, confidence radiating off you.
He sinks his head down lower, nervously curling his napkin.
And then, as you're walking back, it's like something else takes control of his body, and he can't help himself but look up at you.
Your eyes meet.
Yours widen for a moment, and your steps begin to slow.
Marc is suddenly hit with a wave of nausea, and he says suddenly, "Héctor, let's get going now."
And you watch Marc and Héctor walk out, away from you, just like that.
But there was something strange in Marc's eyes.
But most of all, regret and guilt.
And seeing him like that makes you feel... strange.
You're not sure if you like it.
Shadows, passing in the night. Wind, come and gone. These mysterious concepts. A lonely boy and a confused girl.
Hands in his pockets, head down. It's become the natural stance for him. His hair has grown out and shadows his inky brown eyes. So many emotions that they're gone.
She holds her head up and flips her hair. Sharp tongue, quick remarks. Little glimmer when she winks. Confidence is key, but there's one thing that nags at her.
She wonders if it was all a mistake.
Their eyes meet on a dark street in the middle of a cool night, when neither of them should be out.
They both open their mouths to speak, but sound comes out of neither of them.
He reaches his hand out to her.
If he could fall into her arms, he would.
But the shadows shift, and she's gone. The wind carries her away. Like a secret not meant for his ears. Like a promise broken. Like glass that shattered but never made a sound.
Never hit the ground.
On a concrete wall, the side of a building, he writes with a Sharpie:
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I still love you.
I need you to come back to me.
On a bathroom mirror, she writes in blood red lipstick:
Why can't I forgive him? Why can't I let him forgive me?
Why can't I let myself love him?
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mollymauk-teafleak · 20 days
Just popping in to ask if there’s any angsty headcanons about Angel telling Valentino about being pregnant? Does Val amend the contract? Does Angel shield his belly as he talks? Promising all the pregnant content Val could dream if he would just lay off hurting him and the forced drugs? Does Charlie go with him or does he think that’ll aggravate Valentino? Or does maybe, Lucifer stress how important the babies are in Heaven’s big plans? And Val’s eyes just show dollaaaaar signs! I’m in my angst era, (obvs feel free to ignore if you aren’t!)
Again, I love your headcanon with these guys! <3
Oh my god you are always a Joy in my inbox, I love these ideas! <3
I have had thoughts about exactly this but they are angsty in the extreme and mention pregnancy loss so I'm going to put them under the cut
So Angel Dust isn't planning to tell Valentino he's pregnant until the very last moment he can get away with it because he's understandably terrified of what will happen when he does. But then there's a shoot that's getting out of hand, getting a lot more violent than Angel was expecting and suddenly he's being pinned and a fellow actor is about to knee him in the stomach. Angel flips, going full purple eyes and hissing and sinking his fangs into the guy's arm to paralyse him and get him off his stomach.
So Angel is forced to admit to Valentino why he did that, after Val drags him into his dressing room and sees that Angel is shielding his stomach, hears him beg him not to do anything, promising him any depraved shit that enters his mind, swearing blind he doesn't even know if he wants to keep the babies but please give him time to decide. Val doesn't believe him at first because it's supposed to be impossible, that Angel's making it up to get out of his contract. But of course it is true and he just coldly looks at him and asks him if he really thinks this will keep him safe.
And then there's the whole issue with Valentino assuming the babies belong to him given that they're part of Angel and Angel and Husk making a deal with Charlie so the twin's souls technically belong to her and they'e under her protection. And now Valentino is really pissed.
Angel's dreading going into work now that Valentino knows but the next day he's called in and suddenly he's sweet as pie. It's just a basic kind of scene, no one tries to hurt Angel, Val himself offers him water after the shoot. And as Angel takes a drink, Val hums that you really would have made a terrible father, amorcito, he's glad to see you made the right choice. Angel looks at him, stunned before he realises the water doesn't taste right, there's some of Val's venom in it.
Angel spits it out, runs into his dressing room bathroom and forces himself to throw up, panicking. He calls Husk, sobbing and trying to explain what's happened, that Val has tried to poison him to get rid of the babies, that he needs help. Charlie, Vaggie and Husk arrive as quickly as they can, Husk making people doubt if Alastor stripped him of all his overlord powers, he's that furious. He knocks into Val, fangs bared, growling that he's waited a long damn time to do this. But the sound of Angel crying and calling from him keeps him from doing anything really stupid, he can focus on scooping up Angel and flying him back to the safety of the hotel.
Thanks to Lucifer and his magic, the babies are safe but there's a long terrifying night where they aren't sure. And the ext day, surprising them all, Vox asks to meet with Husk. Husk is tempted to tell him to fuck off but Vox promises he's here to sort out what they're going to do about the next nine months. Turns out Vox is a little worried (though he won't show it) that the hotel family will go public about Valentino's...very poor decision. In exchange for Angel's silence, he's willing to instate a paternity leave for him, absolutely no work required between now and the birth and also six weeks after. Husk narrows his eyes, telling him he isn't signing shit until he can ask Angel himself.
Angel decides to accept that offer, amazed they actually rattled the Vees. But now he is absolutely determined to have these babies and be the best damn father he can be. Starting by thinking how he can get out of Valentino's contract entirely
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8o8o8o8o8 · 3 months
Sisyphus/Gabriel pre-relationship stressful fluff (?), Sisyphus pov. In which Gabe asks for a hug and Sisyphus tries not to confess his feelings
"Hey—" Gabriel recoils from how awkward he sounds, but valiantly presses on—“Can I...May I hug you?”
Sisyphus only hums to acknowledge that he's heard the question. The railway line from Lust to Violence is long, and the angel has been mostly silent since they boarded. Gabriel clearly has been using that time to think, and this is the end station of that particular train.
First things first. Yes or no? He could wonder about the why and how of Gabriel's request later. Yes would let him see how this pans out. No would be— No would let him delay addressing an untimely truth for a while longer.
...Yes would also mean Gabriel's hands on him.
Sisyphus has always been too human.
He wordlessly lifts an arm. Gabriel inches closer, sighing as he practically glues himself to Sisyphus' side, squeezing so tight he can't tell the soft creak he felt is Gabriel's ribcage or his own.
The intensity isn't exactly surprising, but his breath sticks in his throat nonetheless. He drapes his arm over Gabriel's shoulder, fighting the urge to knead away the tension in his neck. Tries for an amused tone instead of worried. "What brought this on?"
"It just occured to me that I haven't held anyone since the end of humanity. I don't think it did any damage, but I figured I should, uh, stop not doing that?"
His immediate reactions are 'fucking hell' and 'that tracks, I hate it' and, infinitesimally quiet yet louder than a gunshot, 'oh Gabriel.'
He does not say any of those things. What comes out instead is a soft, angry noise that he can't quite suppress. He turns towards Gabriel and pull the angel in with a hand behind his helmet.
Gabriel gasps once. Shudders through the exhale. But his posture slacks and he loosens his lifeline-grip on Sisyphus' middle.
He pets down Gabriel's spine and resolutely not say a thing about the fingers flexing against his own back.
"I was doing worse than I thought, it seems." Gabriel sighs into Sisyphus' shoulder. His voice is dangerously thick. "Thank you."
"It's basic decency." He waves it off automatically, just like he did a hundred times before. A hundred delays of the truth, because Gabriel still looks at him like Sisyphus is his new god sometimes and the last thing he want is to muddy the line between love and worship when the angel has barely started figuring it out.
If the bastard upstairs wasn't already dead Sisyphus would have wring his neck about these battles.
Oblivious to his internal cursing, Gabriel scoffs. "You don't care about that." Trust Saint Gabriel the Prideful to sound so unimpressed moments after falling apart.
"It is human nature to feel pity, then," he amends. "I'm simply choosing not to fight nature."
'Do not challenge that statement', he wants to say, 'you're not getting the truth out of me. Don't make me say it. Not now. Not yet.'
"If you say so." And oh, so that's what Gabriel sounds like when he's being playful. Fuck, he needs to stop this before he say something neither of them are ready for.
He jabs Gabriel in the side and Gabriel squirms so hard he falls off of the seat.
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broomsticks · 11 months
Heyy! I was wondering, can you help me out with some drarry recs? I read a few drarry fics YEARS ago and honestly don't remember them at all, and the past few years, I've only read marauders era fics. I want to explore drarry a bit, but in a lot of the fics i try out the pairing seems kinda illogical. Yk like the fic just pushes them together bc it's a drarry fic but it doesn't really make sense beyond that. Maybe I've just had bad luck. But that's why i wanted to ask whether you have any recs that could get me into the pairing again. I think i mostly want canonish stuff (no crazy AUs), and lengthwise im alright with whatever, but a longfic would be nice!!
so first off - thank you for thinking of me hahaha, but I'm not the best person to ask because I don't read a ton of Drarry! (I say that and it's my third most bookmarked ship, behind Wolfstar and Jily.) it's not a ship I'm particularly wild about either, for similarrrr reasons to you it sounds like (not a huge fan of postwar redemption arc and if I'm going to read that I usually would rather read lightning gen femslash, and most of the AUs tend to read sorta 'any two guys' to me), but I have read a bunch I enjoyed and I do have a couple faves:
Listening for the Angels by @hawksquill // 12k, M
The trials are over. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are in Azkaban, the Ministry has seized Malfoy Manor, and Draco is banished to live among Muggles. His exile brings Draco more than he ever bargained for: a Squib therapist, Muggle friends, a new career, and a mysterious pen pal who helps him come to terms with what it means to grow, heal, and make amends.
lmao I know I just said postwar redemption not my jam blah blah, but the writing of this one is just lovely. it's Draco-centric and more pre-slash gen than relationshippy, but the character growth is so well done.
What We Pretend We Can't See by @gyzym // 131k, M
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
the plot. the relationships. the conflict. the humanity. I remember this one totally sweeping me away! gyzym also wrote one of my favorite aziraphale/crowleys (build me a city, call it jerusalem, 3.5k, T), pre-show/dated 2012, give this a try if you'd like a quick taste of their writing, it's what motivated me to start reading that Drarry longfic!
I found the sentient house magic intriguing in this one:
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by bixgirl1 // 75k, E
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
I will say this ship has a lot of a) magical theory, particularly sentient house magic, b) auror partner casefics, and c) mysterious medical maladies, so if that's something that interests you I can rec a couple more!
last but not least I know you said no crazy AUs, but you did also say Wolfstar, and I was just rereading this to rec it elsewhere: here's an online romance Drarry AU with HIV+ Remus and Wolfstar raising Harry. Angst, smut, fluff, family... this fic is lovely.
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by @teacup-tai // 51k, E
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance. (Non-magical / bookshop AU, written for the 25 days of Drarry 2020)
a couple more recs here for Wolfstar + Drarry!
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higanbanaki · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel x Demon Slayer AU- *gets shot*
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Image credit/full image: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/g2EoWe
The masses consisting of the two/three fandoms I'm about to mention might be going to parade around with their pitchforks and torches around the place while leading me, my hands chained up behind my back and legs where I have barely space to even walk properly, towards a pillory where they will soon insert me into the post as they pelt me with tomatoes with a desire to hit the bullseye which in a literal sense refers to my head, all for the crossover I'm going to mention in this singular post.
(Just kidding on the above part I'm just being melodramatic don't come at me for this)
All jokes aside I was thinking of an Hazbin Hotel x Demon Slayer AU (with that I specifically mean HH characters in a DS universe but I might follow up with a DS character in an HH universe post) because wow demons and wow slayers who kill the demons so why not combine them into one dumpster fire (affectionately)
It in fact became more of an HH & HB x DS universe because I mentioned the other ranks too, so the explanation of other HH characters might come in a follow up post.
I don't have the complete ground settings for this yet but I have some ideas/concepts:
Hell (also known as the demon side)
Like in hell, hellborns (Demon-born) and sinners (Human-turned-demons) are divided into 2 classes.
Much like the original, demon-borns are practically the lowest class of demons. Most of them are harmless, but you'd need to have an extended knowledge of demons to actually pick out the ones who are bloodthirsty. This is a thing all the examinees should know for the final selection before actually becoming slayers themselves. They don't need to necessarily consume human flesh either, probably being just okay with eating normal food.
On the other hand, human-turned-demons are mostly, if not always violent (given that they're in hell for a reason). These demons will be the ones that appear at night the most, since they need to eat humans to gain more power/energy. Most are beatable for an average Slayer, although there are certain exceptions that they should look out for. They're not very distinguishable from an average demon, but a certain aura will definitely give it away.
Heads up: Although it'll follow the DS universe and it's rules, not everything will be the same to accommodate to the Vivzieverse too.
Moving on to the ranks of hell translated into this AU:
Morningstar Family: - With Lucifer as the Demon King himself for obvious reasons. The very first demon. I'm not sure how this would work since he's a fallen angel, but I'm presuming he was just a really important person amongst the angels (in this case the founders of the Demon Slayer Corps). A person who might have disagreed with the rest about the effects of the blue spider lily, and therefore had been cast out. But not before being forced to take the medicine that soon turned him into a demon. - Lilith is even more of a difficult one for me. I'd assume she was just a normal civilian that was married to Adam until she gradually fell in love with Lucifer instead, and gave him the consent to eventually turn her into a demon to escape Adam. - Charlie is obviously the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and therefore the princess of the demons. Like most demon-borns, she isn't the biggest fan of slaughtering demon slayers, let alone humans. She has tried to make amends with the corps multiple times but was denied and chased away. Believing finding the blue spider lily is the only way to bring both parties together, she went to seek after it, hoping to find the cure that the doctors and Lucifer couldn't years ago.
Seven Deadly Sins:
I do believe the Kizuki exists in this universe too. But only the upper moons remain the same number of 6, these would be the Seven Deadly Sins. Who's 1-6 depends on who's the strongest, weakest, yadda yadda.
Lucifer might've been the original Upper Moon 1 before he became the Demon King once more demons started to emerge.
They probably don't actively seek to kill people unless it's absolutely necessary (when a slayer attacks them, ...) given that some of the sins are pretty chill like Beelzebub.
Ars Goetia:
I was thinking that they'd be EITHER a rank between the upper and lower moon (central/middle moon???), a lower moon, OR a completely separate rank themselves. They're some kind of royalty in hell, so definitely some kind of demons that are close to Lucifer in a way. Consultants? Dukes? Princes? Up to interpretation because I don't have a lot of ideas for Goetias.
Finally, the human-turned-demons (outside of Lilith). As aforementioned, they're the demons who need to eat human flesh to keep strong and therefore more commonly dwell around when the time comes.
I don't think overlords COMPLETELY rely on devouring human flesh, especially since in HH Carmilla confirms that overlords rely on collecting souls to increase their power. Yes, they probably consume more than an average demon to keep their strength and also probably ate more as their time as an average demon to build up their power.
So I eventually came up with this (no I didn't fell asleep with a loose concept and dreamt of it): Human-turned-demons can give their own blood to other demons or humans which immediately put them into a contract-like deal. This can happen on any occasion, though with humans it mostly happens when they're on the brink of death like in the original manga.
This doesn't mean they don't have to work for anything. They'd still have to actively seek for food and stuff themselves. I think it's pretty much a Spider Family case where more powerful demons can share their powers with their subordinates although not enough to weaken themselves completely/let them fight back.
Also as mentioned before, I think they'd be Lower Moon if Ars Goetia isn't already, not being limited to 6 though. Because since they're weaker than the Upper Moons, they ought to be with more to make up for it (even though the Upper Moons could still squash them like bugs).
I think I pretty much explained the entire thing with human-turned-demons by the overlords so this is just mostly repetition.
They consume humans to stay strong and are stronger than demon-borns. They can choose to not do it, but then they'll just be easy pickings for the ones who do choose to eat humans with a big chance that they're going to starve to death despite their newfound endurance, but then again they can also choose to eat corpses of animals/humans who were already dead. They're pretty much comparable to a normal demon in the DS universe. Previously human -> can get turned into a demon at any random occasion (which would render the demon transformation as their death date too) -> then having to live on human flesh to survive. And in that time they could be owned by other demons too.
Hellborns/Hellhounds & Imps:
Again, as mentioned before they are pretty harmless most of the time, some even being quite useful to humans. Only a small percentage actively kills but then again they're beatable with some effort from demon slayers. They're also the only ones who could probably just live on blood.
Moving to Heaven, otherwise named the Demon Slayer/Human side.
Humans stay humans, but angels in this AU I would believe are all part of the Demon Slayer corp. That or the angels all live in a separate big district.
If it wasn't obvious by now, exterminators are demon slayers in this. A good majority of them are average demon slayers. I'm not sure what the hierarchy within the extermination army is except for the fact that Adam is the leader and Lute the lieutenant, so let's just say the Hashira rank is really hard to obtain.
Adam and Lute are currently the only Hashiras, with Adam being the strongest (or more experienced based on how you want to see it). Although their goal isn't exactly to kill demons because they're dangerous, like in the original show they most likely do it because it's entertaining. They don't actively search for the blue spider lily either.
Since Sera and Emily are seraphim angels and Sera knows about the exterminations, I'd think they'd be doctors(?) for this AU (basically the Butterfly Mansion). Helping around the people who need it & patching wounded ones up, but Sera is the only one who knows about the blue spider lily thing and knows its location, but she doesn't believe finding it would help, even though it ends up killing a lot of demons/people in the process.
Emily is very positive about the idea of turning demons back into humans, but isn't so sure about whether they can find an antidote to it. Hence why she also feels betrayed at the reveal. (Queue You Didn't Know in the background)
Any other angels above those rankings I would assume to be the founders of the Demon Slayer Corp or the doctors who found the blue spider lily medicine.
Sorry for this it's js basically me rambling for absolutely no reason bc this idea popped up in me and I had the jolly idea to share it with the world even when I probably would never write a fanfic or draw something for it el oh el
If you somewhat like it at least tell me whether you want to hear the other HH main cast characters in this AU or not so it'll give me the motivation to write‼️‼️
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downthepub · 10 months
The problem with the ending of Good Omens 2 and people being so upset about it is like, you never believed in it, you never thought anything about heaven could be good, but Aziraphale did, has, and wants to. Agnostic / atheist people may find this more clear cut, but folks who grew up with strong religious beliefs have to at least get it on some level. Like it's more complicated than just "be with you bf bc you love him."
Let me put it in a secular context.
Imagine you, a citizen, "hate" your country because you're so disillusioned with the government and things it's done and / or is currently doing. But suddenly you have the opportunity to get a high up position in that government with the promise that you can make a difference and help people and maybe even change the system from the roots up.
Your own view of the government hasn't changed; you don't like where it's been, or where it's at, but you believe in the people who live under that authority, you love and want to help them, you want to make amends, fix things, change things......even if it costs you something, and you never wanted to be a government employee in the first place. It's a hard decision but it's not about putting yourself first, it's not about "hating" your country, it's about doing what's right.
Meanwhile the person you're dating not only disagrees with this choice but says fuck your country, we need to run away together halfway across the world, we don't need your country, you hate it too, don't you? Why didn't you say no?? And uhhhhh....it's more complicated than that. Your world doesn't work in "do whatever you want and never consider anyone else" ways. It works if you take responsibility and do good when you can.
And perhaps someday you will realize you couldn't make a difference, but right now, this is the moral choice you will regret if you don't make, and loving someone who wants to just run away from that is very complicated and painful.
Because they're not who you thought they were, and you're not who they thought you were, and this is something you can't compromise on. There's no "in-between" right now for this decision. He's an anarchist, you're a liberal, or whatever parties / political ties you want to associate with. He's ready to tear it all down or just walk away; you want to do whatever good you can with the tools at hand, and fix what's wrong, help people where they're at now.
You take your chance and go and do the good you can and try to change the world, or you walk away because someone else says you should - not because you actually think you should walk away.
It's going to break your heart no matter what, but it's not a question you can dodge. Take the chance and do what you believe is right, or go and be with the person you love, but know you made the choice you didn't think was right, and that they don't really understand what makes you tick.
Actually I was surprised and blindsided because I somehow also thought Crowley wanted to be on the side of fixing things, through whatever means possible, opportunities inside or outside of channels. The way he talked in S1 about God and good and evil and regrets and questions, didn't make me think he would be 100% opposed to a chance to go back, to do some things differently, to work to change things. He's clearly willing to march into heaven on a mission, in disguise etc.
And obviously Heaven is not equal to God in this universe where God is a mysterious and terrifying force with inexplicable motives that Heaven (at best) tries to interpret in muddled and toxic ways, while Hell simply goes against whatever they think Heaven or God might stand for. But Heaven does have a lot of power and *some* tenuous link to the divine, however messed up, and it's quite easy to see a disillusioned angel finding the chance to influence and work within this system painful and difficult, but necessary.
And yet my own religious related trauma gives me Crowley's same visceral "fuck no" reaction to the idea of going back and working inside the lines, working within the system, bowing my head in obedience to something I don't follow anymore, can't follow anymore.
To believe that the connection to the divine is owned or usurped by people and systems who have actively used it to hurt and oppress, to do bad things and make excuses for and cover up other bad things, all while claiming to be holy and perfect and above critique themselves. It can make one actually feel a bit sick to think about it too hard.
Once again, it's More Complicated Than That, more complicated than just going along and working in the system. Crowley seems to see nothing redeemable in the system, it's pure toxicity, something to escape, not try to fix, not even try to save or help the people caught up and hurt in it. Just get away before they get you again.
There's no simple compromise, no in-between here. They still love each other deeply. And can't fix this by simply one of them changing their minds. No quick fix. It's about what they actually believe and doing what they each think is right. A separation, a distance, a love from afar, and very much being disappointed in each other not being on the same page.
But they just aren't. They aren't on the same page. They can't be right now. It's honestly not even about who's right or wrong, because it's More Complicated Than That. They really are living the Free Will Version of their own lives, with all the responsibility and pain that comes with that. It's not always the happy, easy stuff where things get to stay the same.
They are making choices, and they are living with those choices. And, just like humans, they are saying OUCH on the inside, very loudly.
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olivermorningstar · 7 months
There is something funny about being picked to be an exchange student at Diavolo's school when you're graduated with a career, and yet here Oliver was looking at the future King of Devildom!
He has no real knack for magic, but has been curious for many years, so he took this as his chance to learn. He looks up to Solomon, but understands why others do not trust him once he saw him in action. Still, he thinks he could learn a thing or two from the sorcerer.
Staying with the brothers was amazing but also very harrowing for Oliver. He likes them and he likes horsing around with them, but also some space. Some privacy, please.
He ends up latching on Lucifer very early on because hey! He looks like he knows what he is doing and he's a rock for the family. Mammon is a nice guardian, but if he's looking for academic help or if he needs more grounded help around Devildom, Lucifer is a solid resource. Of course, Lucifer, busy and stressed out, tried to pawn him off on his other brothers. Mammon knows his way around just fine, Satan is good in academics, Beel will know the best places to eat that won't hurt Oliver, and so on and so on.
Eventually after the Belphegor incident passes, Lucifer lets Oliver in more and they do actually find they have a lot in common between their mutual love of music, their workaholic tendencies, their desire to protect those closest to them, and so on, and so on.
Beyond Lucifer, Mammon and Beel are the closest to Oliver. Mammon obviously is Oliver's first friend after arriving in Devildom! They go out often and usually find new and inventive ways to get in trouble. That all said, Mammon does wish Oliver would lean on him some more. Beel is about the most normal person in the House of Lamentation, so Oliver likes to hang around him when he needs a more sedate day, assuming Beel is fed. Oliver also infected him with new phrases. Lucifer hasn't forgiven Oliver for teaching Beel the phrase "burger lust" just yet.
Next down would be Asmodeus. Asmo is one of Oliver's biggest hypeman, and that is certainly mutual. Beyond that, however, they don't really have too much to talk about! Leviathan is the opposite, he and Oliver have a lot in common! Unfortunately, Oliver is also reminded of his younger self and some bad behaviors he used to constantly engage in when he's around Leviathan. It's nothing against Levi personally, Oliver just feels uncomfortable by this sometimes.
Satan and Oliver get along to a point, but Oliver's closeness with Lucifer pushes Satan away. Still, they both love books, cats, and they have plenty to talk about with Oliver's career. That's enough to keep them on friendly terms. Belphie and Oliver are starting to learn how to be around each other. Obviously things were a little hostile at first, but Oliver doesn't want to upset Lucifer, so he's trying to make amends. So far they learned that they both like stargazing, so that's helped to break some ice. They'll get there in time.
Beyond that, Oliver and Barbatos share music taste and they're working on going to concerts together. Diavolo is very cute in Oliver's eyes and he loves hanging around the Prince when he has the time. Simeon is about the kindest guy Oliver knows, but they don't always know how to talk to each other. Tragic! Oliver looks out for Luke like he's his nephew. Protect the little angel.
Mephistopheles fascinates Oliver. He's trying to get closer to him, but the demon wants nothing to do with the human, so it's not going so well. Raphael sort of intimidates Oliver, so he keeps his distance. Thirteen is a riot and Oliver wants to be her friend, but so far they haven't had much of a chance to grow close!
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I can't stop thinking of this one Buffy comic "Bad Blood" for two reasons...
So, Buffy is essentially cloned (to some less than stellar affects, in some ways) by the Big Bad in it. And the clone knocks her out in a sewer and takes her place for a little bit. And at first, her friends don't realize the clone isn't her. Anyway, Snyder is forcing the Scoobies to put together a float for a Sunnydale parade and they haven't come up with an idea for a theme for it yet. They ask the Buffy clone if she has any ideas. And looking at the shirt that Willow's wearing that has a clown on it, she comes up with a clown theme. Not having any better ideas, the Scoobies decide to go ahead with that--much to Xander and Cordelia's horror.
Some time has passed--and at this point, everyone has realized that the clone isn't Buffy, but Buffy is still missing--and the Scoobies are at the parade on their float, all dressed up as clowns because they have to be via Snyder's orders, of course. But they've sort of roped Angel into being a replacement clown for Buffy until they can find her? And he's not dressed up or anything (as if he would ever do that). And I doubt he's acting for them at all, either... But now a part of me is trying to wonder what that might look like, if he remotely tried to be clown-like at all. Pfft.
The second thing I can't stop thinking about with this comic: the clones (there are actually two of them: one of them being more successful than the other. Though the more successful one is Buffy's enemy, and wants to take over her life, while the unsuccessful one was thrown away by her creators like yesterday's garbage--they tried to kill her--and she's actually the one who saved Buffy from the clone and wants to help her see her creators burn). This is, perhaps, a silly thought since is just a tie-in-comic, so of course none of this could really go anywhere... But I kind of wish more had been done with them. Like, this might be my inner-Kingdom Hearts fan talking (who believes because of that series that any clone of a character who experiences anything different from the person they once were becomes their own person, and thus then deserves to live), but I wonder if Buffy later might have wished that things could have gone differently with them. Like, that they could have lived as their own people. Perhaps they could have been introduced to the world as her long-lost triplets or something, as a cover story. I feel like a Buffy who later accepted Dawn, I mean, who was also created from her, could have felt this way.
And that whole thing makes me think of something that happened in season 9, too: For some dumb reason (that I do kind of get and could explain, but I feel it might make this even longer than it needs to be if I do. Though if anyone does want me to explain why this happened, just let me know), to try and protect Buffy, Andrew puts her consciousness into a robot. And at first, Buffy isn't even aware that she's been put into a robot. But the body she's left behind actually begins to grow its own awareness. And when it becomes clear that Buffy's going to take her body back, the two of them fight (Buffy in the robot and her body, that is)--because Buffy's body doesn't think this it's fair (she's somewhat being manipulated by an outside force to do that, though). Eventually, the two of them make amends and Buffy's body thinks it's only right that Buffy's consciousness/the real her comes back to her.
But I don't know... I wonder if it's possible Buffy could end up regretting that action eventually, too, and wondering if the body/new consciousness apart from her could have become her own person, as well. -shrugs-
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petpluto · 1 year
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I posted 4,649 times in 2022
That's 4,649 more posts than 2021!
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,093 of my posts in 2022
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#buffy x angel - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and birbigs tweeted out a link one night and was like front row tickets are like 100 dollars instead of whatever they were for this window
My Top Posts in 2022:
If I could make one change to season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - just one - I would have Giles leaving be directly related to this new threat from The First. Someone in the Council, someone in some coven Giles once interacted with, someone in Giles’ world, recognizes the signs of a growing powerful evil. Reads the portents about wiping out the Slayer line, and contacts the only person with an existing relationship to an active Slayer.
Giles, having just gotten Buffy back, would have moved hell and high water to keep her safe and alive. He would have to leave to track down the information; he would have to leave to speak to the Council directly and get access to their texts. He would have to leave to gather potential slayers from their watchers, who hadn’t seen the signs and wouldn’t believe him if he told them. Giles, so desperate to keep his Slayer safe, he ends up with a veritable passel of scared children, with different backgrounds and needs, so he can’t come back frequently. His funds are tied into getting the next bit of information, cloaking the potentials he does track down, and moving from place to place.
It would nicely tie in with season 7, and would give Giles a legitimate reason for leaving Buffy on her own. Because one of the flaws with Buffy the Vampire Slayer is how many times men make decisions for Buffy and how the show doesn’t allow her real space and range to rage against it. Amending Giles’ reasoning to one that still allows Anthony Stewart Head to leave the show (everything Giles has been doing can be flashbacks, or letters back home, or any combination of things) also gives space for someone - an adult someone - to still be in Buffy’s corner and still looking out for her well being, even if he can’t physically be in Sunnydale. Because otherwise, he’s just left a bunch of traumatized teens to 20 year olds to fend for themselves with no community or guidance. Because otherwise, Giles leaves a traumatized and broke 20 year old who is the guardian of a traumatized 15 year old, because she won’t grow if he’s there. As if Buffy can grow without someone cutting back the bullshit in her life long enough for her to catch her breath. As if any of them can in season 6. Giles leaving with the promise of his intention to return, Giles leaving because there is a threat to Buffy and the world on the horizon so great he can’t stay - that’s good storytelling in line with Giles from the WB years.
29 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
I’m sure it’s been discussed before, but thinking about it -
It makes more sense to me for Angel to break up with Buffy after she saves him from the poison. I get why the writers structured the order the way they did; Buffy not letting Angel die even though they were no longer together is high stakes and romantic and demonstrates the depths of her love for him.
But Angel’s break up speech has generally seemed to me to be something he was doing for Buffy rather than something he needed to do for himself. And Buffy can make her own choices. Buffy is a full fledged adult who has died once and who has a shorter life span than the average mortal. Her dating needs are unique, and she should be allowed to live her life as she sees fit, romantically speaking, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. If Angel breaks up with her after Buffy forces him to almost drain her, almost killing her, it then can become about him. He loves her too much to let her be in the position to sacrifice herself for him. He loves her too much to be the cause of her death. He couldn’t live with himself if he were responsible for her not. And that would then tie into I Will Always Love You, where it’s not Angel taking the decision away from Buffy; it’s Angel deciding that his humanity isn’t worth the loss of Buffy. If staying a vampire keeps her alive, for just a little longer, it’s worth it to him. And that then makes any other relationship he enters into more palatable, because he wouldn’t have left Buffy because she was mortal and he wasn’t and she deserved a life she didn’t want; he would have left her because if being with him killed her, then he couldn’t live with that.
42 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
I love how Dave has some memory loss every time he dies and regenerates.
The absolute joy he gets when Kipo suggests flying them away from the timber cats, only to choke, because he forgot he has performance anxiety.
The confidence he has when he hits his young adult face before he remembers they got caught.
The fact that he doesn’t remember finding the map Kipo’s dad left for her to find.
Dave’s regenerations mean he’s functionally immortal, but he loses pieces of himself along the way. I think it’s why he likes being part of a group - why he is devoted to Benson. Benson remembers parts of Dave he loses, especially because he doesn’t lose the same parts every time. Benson reminds Dave who he is, and then Wolf and Kipo do that too. And in return, he dies for them. Multiple times.
71 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Thinking more about the Tento di Cruciamentum and how it’s a test for Watchers and Slayers, and I do believe it is developed for slayers to fail - for the Council to get rid of a slayer that will become harder to control as she reaches maturity. But a thought occurred to me that it could also potentially be a way of culling Watchers who have stepped out of the accepted dogma.
Giles says in Fool for Love that the journal entries regarding slayers’ deaths are, in general, painful to record for their Watchers, which means he’s not the first to become emotionally entangled with his slayer. That entanglement is almost inevitable. Who would be the people who would or could speak against The Watcher’s Council’s creed of using slayers as an war inexhaustible resource? It would be the watchers in the field. Giles is isolated from The Council in so many ways that don’t make sense if The Council wasn’t concerned about the reach and the pull of their field watchers. To be the Watcher to an active Slayer seems to be a privilege - Wesley is happy to be sent to Sunnydale, Giles is practically giddy in Welcome to the Hellmouth. But it’s a double edged sword. Now, the Council is worried about the outside influences, about emotional ties, about what these watchers witness. How they see the slayer, how she becomes a person to them. A person they care for. A person, in Giles’ case, he would go to incredible lengths to protect. Giles says it himself - “If any one of the Council still had any contact with a Slayer, they would see”. But what Giles doesn’t see - can’t see, because he still has faith in the institution - is that is in itself a primary feature and not the bug he assumes it to be.
And so the Cruciamentum is to make sure the Watcher responsible for the Slayer is still adhering to the worldview that she isn’t a person. That she is solely a weapon. To be used and discarded as needs fit. And the Council goes one farther toward breaking these Watchers who do see their slayer as more than a weapon. “If this girl is everything you say, then you’ve nothing to worry about”. Just like a belief in miracles, if your slayer doesn’t make it, it’s on you. You didn’t believe hard enough, train her well enough, prepare her enough. You devoted your time and energy to a girl who wasn’t enough. Devastating to the Watcher who doesn’t warn his Slayer; who Believes and loses her anyway. Devastating and demoralizing for the Watcher; and proof that this slayer wasn’t worthy, so her watcher shouldn’t be listened to for the rest of the Council. Because what happens to watchers who lose their slayers? I imagine they can be invited back into the fold, if they pass the actual test; or they can be let go, to mourn the loss of the girl they had dedicated some part of their lives to. And the Council needs so many of them to not gain access to those halls again, to not exert influence over the rank and file. To not express the heterodoxy that the Slayer is the one fighting the war. To not convince other Watchers that the slayer is a person who needs protecting. That she should be treated as a person, and given the tools to succeed in this world for as long as she can stay alive.
The Watcher’s Council loathes the idea of an uncontrollable slayer, but it is frightened to death of that slayer’s Watcher. And the Cruciamentum solves both of those problems, 9 times out of 10, with brutal efficacy.
124 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Giles’ whole, “which shouldn’t prevent you from eventually procuring some more gainful form of employment, such as I did” line is such utter crap, even in the context of What’s My Line. He’s literally pulled Buffy out of school, during a school event she’s mandated to attend *by her principal*. He and her duty to slaying routinely impact and stymie any chance she has of doing well in school. She is consistently missing class, or falling asleep in class, or not being able to complete class work because there are only so many hours in a day and she has to train and patrol and maintain the image of a girl who does neither of those things to her mother and the world.
And that’s not even getting into the fact that Giles didn’t need “more gainful employment” because he already collects a salary from the Watcher’s Council, something that is never offered to Buffy or any other slayer. He is literally double dipping, money wise. And Buffy is right - no one blinks an eye when Giles spends his days surrounded by books. But even law enforcement will probably be concerned about a recruit who sometimes skips shifts or shoves pieces of wood through suspects.
The show continually makes Buffy’s life more miserable than it has to be by continually showing how slaying negatively affects her ability to engage in mundane but gainful employment but completely ignores the very real solution of having the organization that pays its Watchers also pay its Slayers, especially come season 5 when Buffy flips the script. It’s not overtly apparent in season 2, but the farther along we get in the series, the more appalling it is that Buffy isn’t paid for her work, and that the show doesn’t utilize this double standard as a metaphor for women’s unpaid labor more generally. It’s meant to just be accepted as fact that Buffy’s sacred duty means she can’t accept payment, when her ex is charging for doing essentially the same work - with his own destiny - in LA.
290 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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spoilertv · 11 months
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herinsectreflection · 3 years
The hilarious part about Faith and how incredibly gay she comes across is that it's all a natural side-effect of her intended narrative role. According to Whedon she wasn't intentionally written to be a queer or even queer-coded character, but the way she is written and her metaphorical function necessarily meant she came across as queer-coded. I'll explain what I mean:
1) As Buffy's shadow, Faith is meant to be symbolic of Buffy's repressed desires, and specifically her frustrated sexuality. Buffy is dealing with imposed chastity throughout S3, first with her trauma over Angel getting in the way of a relationship with Scott, and then the curse preventing her from being physical with Angel. It's the centre point of Enemies, its touched on in Amends, and is one of the reasons they break up. There's a reason the season climaxes with Angel and Buffy in a passionate embrace, making orgasm faces as he 'penetrates' her. It's a whole season of sexual frustration for Buffy.
Faith needs to be constantly reminding Buffy of the thing she can't have - sex. She needs to talk about sex to Buffy - and she does, extensively. Faith is written as a very sexual person in general, but it's specifically and disproportionately aimed towards Buffy, because that's her narrative role. So you end up with this character who is constantly going around like "hey Buffy do you like sex? you should think about sex now. sex. when I'm on screen the main thing on your mind should be sex and having it". Which begs the question - why does Faith want Buffy to have sex? Symbolically, it's because she represents part of Buffy, and Buffy wants to have sex. But on a pure character level... what is the explanation? What is motivating Faith to constantly talk about sex to Buffy? A few instances you can write off as her making Buffy uncomfortable for jokes, but not all of them. How it comes across is that Faith has some sexual interest in Buffy, and is probing for her feelings.
2) Faith is a Seductress. That's not a comment about her character, that's her function in the story. She is the version of Buffy who goes down a darker path, and is trying to seduce her into doing the same thing. Part of Buffy's arc in S3 is resisting this temptation, and the symbol of what she is resisting is Faith. So Faith must be an enticing, seductive figure. To quote Passion of the Nerd's review, if Faith is there to to tempt Buffy into a moral dark side, it only makes sense that she is, well, tempting. The seduction is happening on many levels.
Faith is more or less filling the Femme Fatale archetype: the seductive, sexual figure who leads the Hero off their path. It's a trope you see all the time in male-led stories, going back to goddamn The Odyssey. Buffy as a character was invented as a simple gender-swap of an old horror trope, and part of the appeal of the show is that she gets to fill the role of The Hero as a woman. So what happens when you gender-swap The Hero and don't gender-swap the Femme Fatale? You get a gay story, that's what.
3) The Faith arc of S3 is a recreation of the Angel arc of S2. It is structured in the exact same way, with the two having a push-and-pull in the early parts of the season, a setback in their relationship in episode 7, getting closest again mid-season before a night of passion that ends in sudden tragedy. Angel/Faith then turn to the dark side, become the Big Bad, and show that they are beyond saving in episode 17. The season ends with Buffy having to fight and the kill them in order to save others. This is all an intentional recycling, as part of the show building up the Trolley Problem and the idea of Buffy being a killer, repeatedly escalating it to get us to The Gift. What this means is that Faith steps into the role that Buffy's love interest played in the previous season. This is the story that we have just had told to us as a tragic love story. We see it again, and guess what? It's still a tragic love story. Only now Faith is in the role of the love interest.
4) Part of the conflict surrounding Buffy and Faith is Buffy's fear of being "Single White Female'd". She fears Faith might steal her loved ones, and Faith does threaten that. She gets along with her mother, her friends... but most of all, her love interests. Buffy's fear of being replaced manifests as Faith trying to literally seduce away anyone romantically linked to Buffy. Angel, Scott Hope, Xander, later Riley, Spike, Robin Wood... Faith is comprehensively and exclusively attracted to men that Buffy dated. I'm honestly surprised she didn't find Owen and Parker from somewhere for a night in the sack. Again, this makes perfect heterosexual sense from a symbolic point it view - she threatens to take Buffy's place in the narrative, so she takes her place in relationships - but on a character level it becomes ambiguous. Is she actively trying to replace Buffy? Or is she trying to stop Buffy dating anyone for another reason? The simple fact is, there is exactly one common denominator with all of Faith's romantic entanglements: Buffy.
It's a canonical aspect of Faith's character that she is jealous of Buffy. We see that made explicit in Enemies - she's jealous of everything Buffy has: her family, her comfortable home life, her friends, her narrative standing, and of course her loving partners. So of course Faith displays jealousy whenever Buffy is involved with a guy. It's a necessary part of building Faith as this figure of Want and Envy. But how it plays out on screen isn't that Faith is jealous of Buffy because she wants these other guys - of course not, because we see her look jealously through the window at Buffy and Riley in This Year's Girl and Riley obviously means nothing to her. Rather, it very much appears that she is jealous of these other guys, because she wants Buffy.
There's also the added bonuses that come from the show playing with so many metaphors, that sometimes they cross in interesting ways. One of Faith's main purposes is to celebrate being a Slayer, and to encourage the same in Buffy. She wants Buffy to accept and embrace being a Slayer. Here, Slayerhood is standing in for independence and hedonism and making your own rules, all the things that Faith is encouraging. But one of the many other metaphors used is the 'coming out' metaphor. "Have your tried not being a slayer?" "It's because you didn't have a strong father figure isn't it." "I've tried to march in the Slayer Pride parade." It's a note that's hit really hard specifically around the time in the show that Faith is introduced. So if you carry this metaphor on, then Faith becomes an out-and-proud lesbianSlayer, trying to convince Buffy to accept and embrace her sexuality.
And it has a recursive effect too. All this stuff contributes towards Faith feeling like a very queer character. And Faith, of course, is Buffy's shadow self, meant to represent her unconscious desires. So when the symbol of your unconscious desires is so lesbian-coded, then the implication becomes that one of your unconscious desires is lesbian desire. Faith's existence as a part of Buffy implies the existence of Buffy's bisexuality. Which contributes to the relationship feeling ever more queer, which makes Faith even gayer.
I find this absolutely hilarious, because the queer subtext was never intended. Joss Whedon apparently was annoyed that people read this into their relationship, and the commentary from the other writers that does address it tends to point to Dushku's performance. And yeah, she is definitely leaning into that in her portrayal. But the main reasons that so many people have this reading all come from the writing. It's all stuff that is integral to the point of her character. Every metaphor and function in the narrative, every symbolic purpose she has, none of it was meant to be gay and yet it all leads directly to Faith appearing to be totally and completely gay. The queerness is accidental and unavoidable. And I just find that really fucking funny.
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vminvisiblestring · 3 years
How Robert Berens Made Destiel Canon
or The Beautifully Tragic Road to Destiel
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in honor of their one month anniversary, i want to talk about robert berens and how he made it his mission to make destiel canon and the care he took approaching their relationship...
i dont know if this has been pointed out before, but i was looking at the episodes bobo berens wrote when i realized something: he wrote all the significant destiel episodes in s15. i think that means he probably planned to make destiel canon long before s15 started:
he hid a love story inside the monster story. a love story told in five parts:
• initiating event
• rising action
• climax (first twist)
• falling action
• second twist (no resolution)
14x18: absence - “initiating event”
the initiating event introduces the conflict and sets events into motion in a story.
in absence, cas reveals to dean that jack might not have a soul and therefore might not know that hurting his mother was wrong. this angers dean and results in dean telling cas “youre dead to me”. this initiates a chain of events that lead their relationship to experience a tear (or rupture).
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15x03: the rupture - “rising action”
the rising action is the result of a character trying to (in this case) solve a problem but a force is at conflict with the character. for every step taken, there is either a successful or failed outcome; this pattern continues all the way to the climax.
complications in dean and cas’s relationship continue to widen the distance between them into the start of season 15 with the deaths of rowena and belphagor (for which dean blames cas) culminating in the infamous “breakup” scene. cas said there was nothing left for him anymore and leaves dean.
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15x08: our father who arent in heaven - “rising action”
bobo didnt write this episode but its important to the path because rowena tells dean and cas to fix their relationship in the same episode that michael sends them to purgatory (aka the place dean realized he was in love with cas all those years ago and where they fixed their relationship the first time)
15x09: the trap - ‘climax & first twist”
the climax is the most emotional part of the story and is reached when the character takes the final step to resolve their problem. this is also where the turning point of the story begins and descends to the falling action (and if there is a plot twist, it happens here).
the first twist: dean confesses first. this scene is deans confession disguised as an apology. he might lose cas and needed him to know hes sorry. the prayer scene is so important because, if we read the scene, this is in fact, an apology, but its so much more than that. dean responds to cas’s “i left but you didnt stop me” with “i should have stopped you”. this scene showed just how much dean has grown, how much he’s trying and how much he wants to be free of the anger he feels because he realized it was what separated him from the man he loves on multiple occasions. this is deans way of saying “im sorry. i didnt mean anything i said. you are the most important person in my life and i let you leave. i shouldnt have let you leave. thats my fault. im trying to get better. please tell me you’re gonna be okay. tell me this isnt the last time i’ll ever see you. please. i love you”.
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dean and cas reunite near the rift but dean doesnt want to leave before telling cas something. we know it cant be the prayer because its obvious cas heard that; this is something else, but cas stops him. this scene is them making amends with each other the best way they know how: a silent knowing. the conflict has finally been resolved.
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15x12: galaxy brain - “falling action”
the falling action consists of the after-effects of the climax and every event from here onward should lead to a logical conclusion.
dean and cas’s relationship is better, they seem at peace. the silent knowing is definitely there, and they both seem comfortable the way they left things. the way things are going, they’ll likely have as much a “happy” ending as a fallen angel and a hunter can have without talking about this silent knowing. we cant forget about the looming empty deal, but knowing cas will never be truly happy, it seems like dean and cas are going to be friends for a long time...
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15x18: despair - “second twist”
after the falling action comes the resolution. sometimes in film and television, a surprise second twist will occur after the climax and toss the characters into another fight. the second twist is resolved quicker than the first and leads to a speedy resolution.
the second twist here, however, replaces the resolution because the story of destiel sadly and infuriatingly, never got its resolution.
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i feel like bobo was told cas was going to get killed off and thats why he knew there was no way the network would allow dean to reciprocate so he did the best he could to work around the homophobia and make destiel canon as much as possible for us.
this is the most “resolution” we were given by a show we spent years watching and loving. we rooted for the characters, we fought as much for their happiness as they did themselves. and it ended up stabbing jensen, misha, bobo, other cast members, some writers and the fans in the back.
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deans face here is all i have left to hold on to and thats not fair. and its not fair that after all these years this is what they did to one of the most complex love stories ever told. not only that, but dean and cas were also some of the complex characters ever put to screen. this is not a good ending for them and it never will be. not until they both get the endings they deserve, as individuals and as one. and im sorry for the pain all this mess has caused and would like nothing more than to squeeze everyone really tight and tell you it’ll be okay.
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Pact Marks | All Brothers
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Request: pact mark hc with the brothers?
Word Count: 1971 words
Page Count: 5.5 pages
A.N.: hope you guys enjoy this!
Tags: none :)
[ U N D A T E A B L E S ]
Lucifer would place his pact mark on the space where your neck meets your ear, somewhere modest and easy to hide, something you could show and hide as you pleased. Though you could hide it, it was in an obvious spot, fitting for the Avatar of Pride. When you summon him or speak with him through it the pact mark glows a deep blue.
If you wear your hair down, he will play with your hair before rubbing the mark gently, and if he is in an extra soft mood he'll give it a quick kiss before moving on. If you wear your hair up he feels prideful, more so than usual, and it intensifies even more if it is a formal gathering where any and all can see it. He'll be glued to that one side where the mark is, and he'll lean in to whisper to you whenever he wants to speak with you, giving a quick kiss to it or just touching it before standing up again.
His pact mark with you on the palm of his hand, and he finds himself thumbing it mindlessly to comfort himself, he starts to understand why Beel does it when he's nervous. Lucifer isn't nervous though, he just likes to remind himself of you, he likes to touch the mark that proves you're both bound together in such a way. When he speaks to you through the mark or tries to look through your eyes, activating the mark, it glows a bright white and reminds him of a blessing mark that angels give.
Having a pact with Lucifer makes him feel light, in a literal and metaphorical sense, every time he even thinks of it.
You bring him light that he thought he had lost long ago.
Mammon would keep your pact mark on your collar bone, in the center, right where your throat dips into your chest. He knew you were caring, and being around you had him feeling different, and he wanted to be greedy. Since he is more emotionally inclined, I like to think that he can connect with souls and auras better, so when he felt your soul and looked at it a bit closer he felt so connected to it he knew he wanted to get close with you. It glows a bright gold when it activates, and he loves it, so sometimes when you're sleeping he'll call to the mark and kinda just look in amazement. 
Since he is very touchy, he loves to lay his head down on it, and listens to your heart and the soft buzz of his magic in your skin. He falls asleep fastest on those nights.
His mark with you is in the same place, and like his older brother when you use it it glows a soft white, something he loves since it matches well with his demon markings. Run your nails over it and the boy m e l t s. Since he had his collar opened all the time he loves when people see it, he makes pacts with witches all the time but this is the first time he's allowed a mark on him, and this honestly has everyone just lowkey s h o o k. Like Mammon? The pact whore for grimm? Allowed a mark? on H I M ?
Having a pact with Mammon makes him feel pride, ironically, but also loved and wanted.
He actually feels like an equal, when all else isn't, this is the one time where it's you AND him.
His pact mark on you is on your foot and wraps around your ankle, it seems easy to hide, but you can never really hide it. Unless you're wearing shoes that cover your ankle often or pants that don't ride up your ankle, it's always showing somewhere. He is a strong swimmer and loves to see you swim too, so he knows legs are important for the task, and that's where the idea of placing his mark on your ankle came from. Sometimes, he'll jump in the tank with you, and since he can breathe underwater with his gills (broski I like the idea of him having gills P L E A S E), he'll sit back and chill with Henry swimming around his head, seeing your mark move with the rest of your leg.
When you use the mark, it becomes a soft orange, the same shade that hides behind his eyes when they become more snake-like. Lay your legs over him when he's playing games and he'll settle the controller on your other ankles, letting his fingers brush against the mark on the other. Little shit will even let his claws some out just to scratch them lightly and tickle you like a motherfucker.
His mark is on the ankle opposite of yours, so when you're both cuddling he'll link your ankle around his, the feeling of you WITH him blows his mind sometimes. Same case when he uses it, glows white, due to you being a human and having such a bright soul. 
Having a pact with Leviathan makes him feel like he's worth something.
You helped him gain confidence and become a demon that deserves the title of Avatar of Envy.
His pact mark runs from the top of your calf to about mid-thigh, right on the back of your leg, it's large, slender, and delicate. It glows neon green when activated, something that he honestly finds cool as hell, because:
1. It's something that means you have a piece of him with you.
2. You make it look awesome.
3. It's honestly so fucking cool.
Like Levi, when you're both relaxing, him reading and you doing work/listening to music, and your legs are on his, he'll touch the mark mindlessly and feel so at peace. But, if you're ticklish, guess who also is a little shit. If you're in bed, and laying on your stomach, he'll lay his head on your thigh and just trace his with a look on his face that says 'wow' and if you think of that meme, yes, that's valid.
His mark is on the top of his hand, he always gets to see it, looking at it shows him the progress he's made. He knows how to manage his anger and actively tries to have it processed through a better outlet. You helping him along the way makes him have hope, an emotion that could seem a bit foreign at times, but he likes it. He feels light.
Making a pact with Satan has him feeling like he can be anything he wants.
He can be himself, not an extension of someone else.
Asmodeus has no shame, but, when he cares- when he really does, he wants to make it meaningful. He would place it on your hip and have it there and only there, it won't wrap around to your ass or to your front, just your hip. He loves to watch it glow a radiant pink, so he'll section off time to just lay his head on your lap and ask you to call him, the tug of magic and the light emanating from your skin does something to him. Sure, it could be lust, or maybe something more, you may be able to figure it out if he told you.
He didn't want to though. He'd just enjoy the feeling without having to figure it out, because figuring it out meant facing himself, and we can't have that just yet. His pact mark is right over his heart, though Mammon's mark is in the same area, it isn't right over his heart. It is settled right between his pectorals, a slight bit to the left, always hovering around the muscle that proves he's alive and able to love in some capacity.
He often would come up to you and just place his hand on it, palm flat against your hip while his mark would flare up in an ivory light, he swears he can feel your pulse through it and wonders if you can feel his.
Having a pact with Asmodeus makes him feel as if he can be seen past his title- which ever one, and just be himself.
He can devout himself to something that means more than him.
Beelzebub's pact mark is not on your abdomen actually! He wanted to place it on his favorite spot, on the back of your shoulder, away from the place where his sin seems to ravage him. It of course, glows a deep crimson, but be prefers it when it isn't activated- because it means you're safe and you don't need to call on him to help. He loves when you sit on his lap, because of a few reasons.
1. You're with him :)
2. You're happy :)
3. He can look at your mark as much as he likes, especially if it's exposed, he'll "somehow" leave small kisses all over it. They're so soft, you can't help but laugh, it's ticklish at times. It becomes even more ticklish when he presses his face against it, and if you laugh, he laughs, his laughs against your skin either make you soft or cackle in delight.
4. Your pact mark is right against his!
Beel would have his pact mark right on his chest, matching it to the side you choose to have your pact mark on. This makes the big boi real emotional, and he'll sometimes let some magic through and it glows, and you're kinda like:
"I hope that's a glow stick and not you again Beel."
"Let's just say it's a glow stick for now."
Having a pact with Beelzebub means you're a part of his family, happy, and healthy.
It really just makes him emotional.
When you make a pact with Belphegor, this lil' shit is honestly so surprised you said yes, but considering it was a gift you probably said yes to be respectful. But... you didn't. 
Your pact mark with him is on the back of your neck, where the cervical vertebrae are, moving a bit lower to the thoracic spine. When you suggested it go there, he had to ask why, and boy did he tear up once you explained it to him later that night. You wanted to trust him again and put the past behind you, so what better place to mend a wound than the place that finally put your lights out?
Please don't say it like this to him though, if you do he would think you're joking.
But if that's how it comes out, he'll think you're joking, until he remembers you're you and... he gets it.
It glows purple when activated or when you're sleepy/ in some type of stress, he wants to read your emotions so he can help you as much as he can, make up for what was done. He would never admit it though, and you can tell he's trying his best. His mark would be in the same exact place, not only to remind him of what he did, but that he can do better to make amends. He punishes himself for your death and you try to ease him out of it- and though it takes time, you'll find your way to it. 
He finds himself doing what Beel does, and will bury his face into your mark when he cuddles into you, and places small kisses on it. If he is laying on you, please touch the mark, it manages to calm him into a good sleep. 
Making a pact with Belphegor means you're ready to grow and build something better with him.
You help him find a better path that he needs to walk down on his own.
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Lesson 17
Series Masterlist
So, the aftermath’s here! This took significantly longer than I thought it would, but oh well. Enjoy everyone!
So, to recap where everyone’s favourite dysfunctional demon family are at right now: Belphie’s still guilt spiralling but he wants to make amends, MC is having a self worth crisis because of what happened, Lucifer was homicidal less than a day ago, and the rest of the brothers are very mad at Belphie.
So, a good little while passes, MC moves back into their room and doesn’t really come out or try to talk to anyone, Lucifer practically lives in his study, and Belphie holes himself up in whichever room that no one else is in.
Keep in mind, no one knows the truth about Lilith’s death yet because it never came up because MC isn’t a descendent of the human version of Lilith.
The brothers (sans Belphie) went and visited MC, who was very happy to see all of them, but everything felt kind of off, everyone was slightly on edge. But nobody brought it up because no one wanted to be the catalyst for the next big family fight, especially so soon after MC got hurt.
It had been almost a week and MC could barely cobble together the desire to leave their room. They had made themselves a prisoner in their own house right after freeing Belphie from his house arrest, how ironic is that?
How naive could they get? To think that just because they were family that everyone would welcome them with open arms? And how stupid would they have to be to believe that they were a proper demon like the rest of them? Demons were manipulative tricksters at their nicest, if MC didn’t understand that than they were a shit excuse for a demon.
Spending time lying in bed staring up at the ceiling wasn’t the best way to pass the time, but MC had grown tired of flicking through the same five apps on their DDD and had contemplated chucking it at the wall. With nothing to distract them, MC was alone with their thoughts.
Of course they couldn’t fend off Belphegor, of course they lost… they barely had any better a hold on their magic than they did when the year started. They weren’t a full demon, but they weren’t some weak little human either, but maybe things would have been better if they were human. If they were human, they wouldn’t have had magic, they wouldn’t have had a fighting chance at all. There would have been no shame in losing. But MC wasn’t a full human, they had their fighting chance and lost anyway.
Their head snapped towards the source of the voice. Through a bright gold glow, they saw an unfamiliar woman, her eyebrows were knit with concern. Not being able to muster up the energy to really be openly panicked, MC sat up and rested their head on their chin, then raised an eyebrow.
“Oh! Um…” the ghostly woman puffed out her cheek and twiddled her fingers as her eyes darted around the room. “I didn’t exactly think this introduction through, my bad…”
It was MC’s turn to be confused, standing in front of her was a woman who didn’t look like an angel or a demon, yet somehow was able to cobble together the magical strength necessary to actually make herself visible to MC. And now, she was stressing about an awkward introduction.
“I’m Lilith!” The woman finally blurted out, she clamped her eyes shut and quickly stuck her hand out.
MC blinked at the outstretched hand like it was a completely foreign gesture. “…what?”
“Yeah! Um… I uh…” Lilith withdrew her hand and facepalmed. “I’m really sorry…”
“I-uh… Lilith? Like… Lilith, my father’s sister Lilith?”
“…please explain.”
And Lilith did explain, she explained the ghost bit, how she can’t technically go up to the Celestial Realm nor does she want to, and how she’s kind of been playing guardian Fallen Angel to the entire family.
MC finally got to learn the reason the Grimoire was in the tomb, and why their father was so damn loyal to Diavolo.
Lilith also explains that she’s kind of the reason MC is down in the Devildom in the first place. Lucifer picked an entirely different totally normal human, but Lilith switched the files and MC was brought down instead.
MC still obviously had questions.
“So…” MC mumbled. “That’s why he tried to kill me.”
Lilith pursed her lips and looked away. “Yeah…”
MC let out an explosive sigh as their hand unconsciously creeped to their neck. MC’s fingers brushed over raised skin from barely healed over scratches.
“He wants to apologize.”
“Belphie, he wants to apologize to you.”
MC snorted and rolled their eyes, they shifted over so Lilith couldn’t see their face. “Hmph… maybe if he grovels enough I won’t sic Cerberus on him…”
“You’re under no obligation to forgive him-”
“I know!” MC snapped, grinding the base of their palm against their eye to stop the tears that threatened to burst. “And I won’t!”
The problem was, Lilith’s story actually ended up making MC feel bad for him, which made them feel angry at themselves, which made them feel more upset than before.
On one hand, Belphie was motivated by the loss of someone incredibly close to him and never received closure because Lucifer kept Lilith’s “survival” a secret.
On the other hand, Belphie tricked, manipulated, and then tried to kill MC. That couldn’t just be waved off with an “oh he was just grieving”
After some deliberation, MC decided they were going to do one more thing to help Belphie.
“Father.” MC hit their knuckles against the door to their father’s room. The door opened almost immediately and Lucifer stood in the doorway.
“Yes MC? Do you need anything, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just need to talk to you.”
“Come in then,” Lucifer stepped aside and MC walked into the room, he closed the door behind them. “What is it?”
“I know about what happened with Lilith.”
Lucifer froze, MC did their best to hold his gaze and not waver.
“You need to tell everyone.”
“…how did you find out?”
“She um… told me. Lilith, I mean… she’s still around.” MC awkwardly twirled their finger in the air as they explained. “You’ve kept this hidden for too long, the secret has to be told so this can end.”
Lucifer wasn’t on board immediately, but eventually, he was convinced.
Everyone was gathered, including Belphie, and Lucifer explained what had really happened the day Lilith had died.
Of course there were shouts of shock and outrage that slowly melted into a melancholy silence. Lilith was still around, but her presence was so limited, but she was still there with them! Their sister was still there!
When everyone dispersed to go process the news, Belphie approached MC.
MC almost outwardly shuddered at the sound of the Avatar of Sloth’s voice, but they held firm and turned to face him.
Anything they wanted to say died in their throat as MC got a good look at Belphie for the first time in over a week. He looked like complete and utter garbage. His hair was a mess, bags lined the underside of his eyes, and his entire posture seemed to just droop like a wilting flower. Though, it wasn’t like MC had much of a platform to stand on when it came to critiquing appearance at that point in time, they looked just as awful.
“What do you want?” MC asked quietly, they had meant to put more force behind their words, but most if not all of their focus had gone towards not allowing their voice to break or waver.
“To apologize.”
So, Lilith was right, he was sorry. Rage bubbled in MC’s gut as they clenched their fist. How dare he think he could just, apologize and think everything could turn out okay?! MC opened their mouth to scream, cry, hurl every insult they had spent the previous week thinking about, but nothing came out. The anger subsided and MC deflated, they crossed their arms and gestured for Belphie to go ahead.
“Go on.” They mumbled.
Belphie’s gaze drifted to the wall, he clenched his pillow tighter to his chest, then looked back to MC. At least he had the decency to look them in the eye.
“I’m sorry for what I did, MC. I messed up and I hurt you. I blamed you for something you had nothing to do with, even though you were nothing but nice to me. No excuse would make what I did any better, so I’m… I’m sorry…”
MC gnawed on their lower lip and knitted their eyebrows. He sounded sincere enough, but MC wasn’t just going to roll over and forgive him just like that. They were still so angry and betrayed, but they didn’t want to be. Stupid feelings…
They took a deep breath and squared their shoulders, looking Belphie directly in the eyes.
“Okay.” MC repeated. “I’m not going to forgive you just to absolve your guilt, but I’m done with this. It’s over and I’m moving on. If you’re really sorry, don’t ever do something like that again.”
The tiniest glimmer of hope sparkled in Belphie’s eyes as he nodded. “I swear on my life I’ll never do anything like that again.”
MC stiffly nodded. “Good. Now, I’m going to my room. I have school tomorrow.”
When Belphie turned to go back to his room, Lucifer melted out of the shadows and stood next to MC.
“That was very big of you.”
“Thanks father.” MC mumbled.
“Are you sure you want to go to school tomorrow? I can ask Lord Diavolo to extend your time off.”
“No,” MC shook their head. “I’m ready. Besides,” They stifled a giggle. “I don’t want to miss everyone’s reactions to Human History.”
Wanting to watch demons freak out about weird parts of human history is a very valid reason to want to go to school.
Anyway, all eight residents of the HOL goes back to school, and MC’s cover story was that they had gotten the flu and was too sick to go to school, and Belphie had been brought back from the human world early. No one had the balls to question the seven rulers of hell, so no one asked any questions.
Luke was very excited to see his friend again, so excited that he got in trouble for talking in class. No big deal, lunchtime was still free for them to talk!
The day was perfectly normal, which was a blessing for everyone.
Diavolo officially deemed that Belphie was no longer a threat to the exchange program, so Belphie was allowed to return to his student council duties without issue.
Things between Diavolo and Barbatos and MC were quite… confusing.
For one thing, Diavolo was the crown prince and MC had really liked him before the stuff in the previous timeline and learning about exactly how he had secured their father’s loyalty.
And for Barbatos… he was just fucking terrifying.
The sound of Diavolo jovially calling their name jolted MC out of their thoughts. Thinking about the upcoming Demonology midterm would have to wait.
“Hello, Lord Diavolo.” MC knew better than to be openly pissed at the soon to be monarch, especially after everything that had transpired.
“Are you doing alright, MC? How has school been treating you?” Diavolo continued to pepper MC with questions with barely any gaps for MC to actually reply. Barbatos stood on the sidelines with a soft neutral smile on his face, which only served to unnerve MC more.
“I’m doing fine, Lord Diavolo. There’s no need for concern.”
Diavolo’s rampant questioning came to a stop, and MC swore they could see his expression fall ever so slightly.
“I’m glad to hear that, MC. If you need anything, just ask!”
He ended the interaction with a hesitant pat on MC’s head before walking off to his next class. Though, the presence of the butler still loomed behind MC.
“While I’m very glad you’re well, MC,” Barbatos said icily calm. “I must ask that you refrain from going into my room again.”
“Y-yes sir.” MC mumbled.
“Have a lovely day.”
Reason why everyone should be at least a little afraid of Barbatos #473
The relationship between MC and the Royals does end up getting repaired eventually, it’s just… really awkward for the time being.
Home was still awkward as all hell, the murder attempt definitely weakened the brotherly bonds MC had spent months repairing, and the hostility wasn’t doing MC’s emotional recovery much good.
“This is ridiculous.” Lilith’s voice popped into MC’s head while they sat at the dining table finishing up their homework. MC jumped slightly in their seat and frantically looked around for their aunt’s apparition.
“What’s got you spooked?” Satan asked from his place across the table.
“N-nothing. Just a chill.” MC quickly replied, trying to go back to their work.
“Nice recovery, MC. Very smooth.”
“Shut up!” MC thought. “What are you doing in my head?”
“If you want me to leave, just say so.” Lilith’s nasally childlike huff nearly caused MC to openly roll their eyes.
“No, what is it? What do you need?”
“I don’t really need anything, but look at this fractured house!” Lilith cried. “This is worse than the time Mammon stole everyone’s pocket watches!”
“It was 1803, get with the program, MC.”
“Lilith, what are we talking about here?”
“Oh! Right! Well, this house is insanely divided and sucky right now, it’s terrible!” Lilith whined, as much as MC hated to submit to their ghostly aunt’s whining, she did have a point.
Just that morning Asmo just happened to neglect to paint Belphie’s nails when he went out of his way just minutes earlier to track down Lucifer to make sure his nails were painted. Later when Belphie walked into the library with Beel, Satan ended up picking up the cat and walking straight out. Satan walking out of a library was like a fish walking out of water.
That wasn’t the only thing either, Mammon had taken it upon himself to be a human (or demon to be more precise) barrier between Belphie and MC at almost all times. The only times when Mammon couldn’t do that was when the witches decided to summon him.
Levi continued to be a recluse, but on the rare occasion he did come out, there was no friendly hellos between him and Belphie.
Lucifer… well, he did a good job hiding his contempt. He had respected MC’s decision to let Belphie try and fix things and he himself seemed eager for everything to be fixed, but he wasn’t exactly aiding in the repairs. Every time he had to look at Belphie it was so expressionless that MC swore that Mammon could swipe someone’s wallet right in front of him and Lucifer wouldn’t even frown.
Even Beel, he bounced back the quickest in terms of being ready to be around Belphie again, but the even psychically linked twins couldn’t fully shake the feeling of distance between the two.
“Well, what do you want me to do? Last time I tried to fix this family’s problems I almost died.”
“H-hey, I don’t think you should joke about that just yet…”
“Bite me. I wasn’t joking.”
“Well… okay. But I can’t really manifest any power right now! Smacking some sense into Belphie really took a toll on my ability to do much.”
“Hmph…” MC thought long and hard, well, two minutes long. “We could hold a movie night.”
Lilith gasped and MC swore they could hear the sound of her clapping her hands together. “Yes! Everyone can hang out and eat popcorn! Oh it’ll be great! Build a Fort! Forts bring people closer together!”
The movie night was the first of many little get togethers that MC quietly orchestrated to get everyone back on speaking terms with each other. They weren’t a direct part of all of them, but they could see the good they were doing.
A small video game tournament, going out to eat together, just relaxing in the same room, all of it added up, and sooner rather than later everyone was back to… not hating each other.
The brothers are still brothers after all, there’s always that tiny instinct that tells siblings to try and ruin the other’s day
As for Belphie and MC’s relationship…
Things slowly but surely moved back to the way they were before. MC came out of their room to sit with everyone and hang out, everyone progressively let Belphie back into their lives, and the nightmares gradually lessened.
For the first time in a little over a month and a half, MC felt truly safe again, which was odd considering they were in their planetarium with someone who they declared they’d never forgive. They still hadn’t, but things had gotten better.
Belphie was doing his damndest to show that he was truly sorry about everything. It started off with small things; helping MC clean the house, giving them pencils when they didn’t have any, covering for them when they had dinner duty,
The little victories may not have seemed very noteworthy, but to Belphie and MC, they were everything.
“That’s Orion, that’s Orion’s Belt,” Belphie pointed up at the shifting ceiling of the planetarium, tracing each and every constellation that he saw and pointing them out to MC and Beel. The latter had seen these stars and heard Belphie’s explanations a thousand times over, but never tired of them. MC was staring up at the gorgeous sight of the human world night sky they had left behind with a small smile on their face.
“That’s Ursa Major,” Beel pointed up as he offered MC the bag of chips he was eating.
“Mhm,” Belphie quietly chirped, he then pointed to a nearby constellation. “And that’s Ursa Minor.”
“Huh, if you connect these stars, it looks like a pair of pants.” MC piped up, tracing the set of stars.
Belphie snickered and nodded. “Yeah, it kind of does.”
“Look, that one’s a spatula!” Beel pointed at a constellation, Belphie snorted and facepalmed.
“Beel, Buddy, that’s the Little Dipper.”
After a little while longer Belphie let out an explosive yawn and stretched out like a cat. MC and Beel yawned in response.
“I’m goin’ to sleep.”
“Belphie wait,” MC giggled. “You can’t sleep here!”
“Watch me.”
“You’ll get a sore back, Belphie.” Beel picked up Belphie and slung him over his shoulder as the Avatar of sloth began to snore, he then turned and sat MC on his other shoulder. “Bedtime for everyone.”
MC let out another yawn and rubbed their eyes. Maybe Belphie had the right idea, it was late as hell…
Author’s Note: You ever know how you want something to turn out in your head, but the moment you go to write it down you kind of want to yeet yourself into oblivion? Yeah that’s what happened here.
The game itself didn’t give me much to work with in terms of how everyone would react if MC didn’t shrug off their near death, so… 🤷‍♀️ oh well! What’s done is done!
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