#but also if you just wanted a simple answer then i guess i'd like to travel the world for a while. maybe live in a different country
bagerfluff · 2 days
Roses Remind Me Of You
Casper x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Flowers
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Why was this so hard!
It shouldn’t be, really. All you needed to do was find some flowers for Casper. It was Valentine's day tomorrow so you thought that you should get Casper some flowers.
He had done the same for you, every time the sunflowers got a little droopy you’d see new ones in the vase just a few days later.
You loved them, it was the first time you’ve gotten flowers. So you fingered that Casper would like flowers too, something told you that he has never gotten flowers either.
One problem though, which type of flowers to get him.
You were currently in a flower shop that was a few blocks from your apartment. You were looking at all of the flowers and reading a sign that told you what the flower’s meant.
After reading the sign you decided that you wanted roses. You knew that they were simple, a staple of valentines day. But they were perfect. They symbolized love and beauty, that explained how Casper looked and how you felt about him.
Of course, that’s what red roses mean.
You didn’t like red roses, they were pretty sure, but they were a statement. Plus, they didn’t scream Casper, they didn’t remind you of him.
Casper had gotten you sunflowers because they reminded him of you. You wanted something that reminded you of Casper. But you’ve had yet to find a flower that reminded you of Casper.
They all looked pretty but nothing was good enough. It was also getting late, you had texted and told him that work went late and that you’d be late.
But you knew that if you were gone too long that Casper would start looking for you. You groaned and ran a hand through your hair. Why was this so hard?
You took out your phone, it was getting late. You sighed, placing your phone back into your pocket, after an hour and nothing. You felt saddened by your failed mission.
You turned around and were about to walk out of the shop when something caught your eyes. You stopped walking towards the door and walked towards the flowers.
You felt the air leave your lungs at the flowers you found. They were white roses with red tips. The end of each petal was dyed red. It was beautiful.
Plus they reminded you of Casper, the white for his hair and the red for his eyes. You reached a hand forward and held a petal in between your fingers.
You smiled, “hey excuse me, how much for a bouquet”.
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You held the flowers in your hands.
You smiled, they were perfect. Though they were a little expensive, it was worth it. It was worth it for Casper. You brought a free hand up to knock on the door.
You knew you didn’t have too, but you wanted to surprise Casper. You knocked three times before going back to holding the bouquet with both hands.
A few seconds later the door opened, relieving Casper. Casper was about to say something but he stopped when he noticed the flowers. You held them towards him with a smile on your face.
“There for you, happy early valentines day”, you said.
Casper stared at the flowers, his face turning red. “Th-Thank you”, Casper said. Casper reached forward and took the flowers from you. “But I must ask, why?”
Casper said, looking at you. You shook your head. “Valentine's day is tomorrow so I got you flowers. You got me flowers so I thought I'd get you some. Those roses remind me of you”, you explained.
Walking into your apartment and closing the door behind you. You took off your shoes and hung up your coat. Casper walked past you, placing the flowers in a vase you had bought a few days ago.
Casper had wondered why you bought it, guess now he has his answer. “They remind me of you?” Casper said, not knowing how white roses with red tips could remind you of him.
“Well look at them”, you walked over and stood behind Casper, wrapping your arms around his waist. You placed your head on his shoulder, looking at the flowers.
“The white reminds me of your hair, white and soft”, you touched the petal with your finger. Casper followed, the petal did feel soft and a little rough.
Casper watched as your hand pulled away from the petal and move away. Then he felt your hand play with the ends of his hair. “The red reminds me of your eyes, sharp and deep”, you said.
Casper stared at the red, it was dark, it did remind him of his eyes. You turned Casper around, staring into his eyes. Casper blushed deeper and glanced away from you.
Casper felt your hand move away from his hair and wrap around his waist with your other arm. “See, they remind me of my babygirl”, you said sweetly.
Casper glared at you, “don’t call me that”, Casper said, despite the butterflies gathering in his stomach after you said that. “Okay, but I’m right. They remind me of you”, you said and Casper nodded.
They reminded Casper of himself. They also made Casper feel weird, this was the first time Casper’s ever gotten flowers. He felt giddy almost, Casper wanted to smile widely and gush over the fact that you got him flowers.
Was this how you felt when Casper got you flowers? If so, that just made Casper feel even better because he made you feel like this. “Thank you, they look beautiful.
That’s another reason why they remind you of me”, Casper said with a smirk. You shook your head, “yes, of course, my beautiful babygirl”, you said teasingly.
Casper shoved you away and walked out of your grasp. Casper crossed his arms and glared at you from the corner of his eyes.
You just let out a laugh and walked away to change. Casper watched as you left and looked at the flowers. Casper smiled as he watched them.
Turns out Casper loves getting flowers.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
okay I’ve been lurking for a while but I don’t think we’ve properly interacted. anyway I just rb’d your post (don’t get fooled by the url, edge-oftheworld is me wearing the 5sos sideblog hat) and I wanted to ask. philosophy in the fandom (something ash would be proud of!) some of your takes. what do you think. annoyingly vague, similar questions (?) I guess—as many as you want to answer to a kind-of stranger I guess?
Hello! Yes, I remember seeing your 5SOS blog in my notifs panel before! 👋🏻 Generally speaking, I'd say we don't get a ton of philosophical chatter around here, but I'm all for it! I mentioned this in my tags of the Ash Q&A from the other day, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I personally love when he goes on a bit of a philosophical or spiritual tear. I think there's something inherently brave about diving deeper into the way things are and questioning the world around you and I enjoy hearing people's thoughts as they go about their journey, and it's especially meaningful when it's an artist I admire because I think those conclusions definitely inform their art and vice versa. Obviously I love fandom but I'll be the first to admit it can often be a bit surface level (my blog in particular is proudly fueled by hyperbolic declarations of love and thirsty emojis) so any opportunity to dig a bit beyond that is always a welcome treat. 💙
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frenetic-chameleon · 1 year
Is there anything that you really want to do before you die?
honestly, i think i'd just like to really live first. you know? i want to do more, experience more, learn more, see more. the universe is so vast and beautiful and busy, and i am so small and tired but part of it nonetheless. i want to see the world get better than it is right now. i want to feel better than i do right now. i want to build up a better support system for myself and start seizing opportunities as they come to me. i wanna see myself and the people around me keep growing into the people we want to be, even as that ideal changes with us. mostly, i want to be safe, and loved, and happy. i hope that answers your question
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buckysegan · 2 months
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With all my heart, my love and my unfiltered adoration - Part three.
Summary: The letters back and forth between our loves through the rest of the war. Word Count: 2.1K A/N: we are def rolling with some historical inaccuracies in regards to letters here but sue me, do i know how long the letters took? not a clue. but google gave us a good guess. john egan how i miss you, i need your love so here i give you mine. Part two link.
Dear Major Egan,
I'm delighted to hear I'm with you. I hope you know, that you've been with me too. It's rather insane to me if I think about it too much, just how much I've thought about you in the time that I've waited for your letters. Part of me was worried that you would think I was a little crazy righting to a man I didn't know and an even bigger part of me was worried my letters would reach you too late, but I'm glad you were happy to hear from me.
I don't mind that you're a simple guy, in fact I think I like that, then I won't have to worry about impressing you whilst we write back and forth I can just say what comes to mind. I like to think that I laugh quite easily myself, laughter is free right? And right now I think we could all use a little laughter in the world. I'll tell you my favorite song next and then you can tell me yours, I love you are my sunshine, it warms something in my chest whenever it comes on, I just can't help but smile you know? Your turn John!
I wish I could know exactly where you are, then I could know if you were some place safe but I'll settle for knowing you're still out there. As for me, I'm in Washington, Redmond to be more precise, is that anywhere near where you're from? I'd like to meet you very much Major.
With all my anticipation, excitement and continued adoration,
A friend from home x
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Dear Darling,
That's what the boys have been calling you ever since your second letter arrived and given I don't know your name, that's what I decided to roll with. I hope that's alright.
I have no idea how your letters keep finding me at the exact right time, it's like fate keeps leaving it till it knows I need to hear from you. You should also know, it wouldn't matter to me if you were a little crazy, I know I'm crazy so you'd just fit right in. I don't think anyone that thinks laughter is free could be considered crazy though. You seem to good for such a thing.
I've had you are my sunshine stuck in my head for the past few days whilst I tried to find paper to write you. I think the boys were grateful at first because I wasn't sinking Blue Skies my old favorite, now I think they're ready to kill us both darling. Next question, do you like cats or dogs more? I'm not telling you my answer till I know you can be trusted.
I am with you. Know that much, and I guess Washington will be my first stop when I'm back home.
Please never stop writing.
With all my wondering, respect and ever growing adoration
John Egan
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Dear John,
I could have given you my name. But I've decided that darling will do quite nicely for now. If you want to know my name you're going to have to make it home and come and get it yourself.
Is it sad of me to confess that every day I don't get your letter I get a little bit sadder until one comes through? I just hate the wait each time even though I know that these things take time. Writing you might just be the most stressful thing I decided to be. How does anyone's heart survive doing this?
You'll be pleased to know, I've been annoying the girls plenty in return with Blue Skies since learning that it's your favourite. I feel like it tells me a lot about you Major. Sing it for me sometime? I also feel like your question is a trick, a cat and a dog have very different purposes in life so I'll just chose both if that's ok?
I wanted to tell you I joined the war efforts myself since I last wrote. I'm in the factories now and I have to admit, I've never enjoyed having dirty hands so much. I'm helping to build the planes. The wings specifically, I think they put me here because I wouldn't stop talking about my pilot John.
I wonder if anything I ever build will make it across to you? My letters won't stop as long as yours don't John.
With all my curiosity, joy and bursting adoration.
Your darling from home x
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Dear Darling,
I'm in a terrible mood. Buck said I can't start my letter like that but I told him you'd be alright. You don't mind do you? I have to tell someone or I think I might actually start going a little crazy. I might already be crazy if I didn't get just as excited as you do when the mail call comes through.
I wish I knew you before the war. I wish you knew me before the war, I fear I might not be the John that came to England. I don't even know if I'm the John that start writing you all those months ago. I'm just sort of hoping you won't give up on me anyway even if my letters ain't always sunshine.
And I'm glad darling, I'm so god damn glad that waiting on my letters is the most stressful part of your day. Reminds me why we're doing this, what we're over here for. To keep you all safe at that side.
I suppose I can give you cats and dogs though. I wouldn't want to pick either if we really had to come down to it. My girls smart though huh? Making those planes for us to fly? I gotta say the idea of that does something to me and my bad mood in a good way.
What I wouldn't give to be home with you right now and I never even met you.
My longing, wishing and steady adoration
John Egan
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Dear John
You can write to me, come rain or shine, bad moods or good. I don't want to just be here for the fun parts Major. I may not have known you before the war, and I may only just be learning who you are now but I don't doubt for a second, every part of you is worth knowing so tell Buck that I'll take it all and he can keep his opinions to himself.
I'm sorry, it was thoughtless of me to say writing letters were stressful when you're over there doing what needs to be done. More news keeps reaching us and each day I am terrified that your name is going to appear on a list somewhere.
I know that you can't be here, and I can't be there, but I wanted you to have some small piece of me with you so I sent you something with this letter. Keep smiling with me John, through the good and the bad, just keep smiling if you can.
I hope to see you so soon.
All my determination, strength and adoration
Darling x
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Dear Darling,
Buck said he's sorry. He won't ever doubt you again. I think you two would really like each other you know.
He's my voice of reason these days, or rather he always has been. One of my two favorite people, him here, and you all the way over there. How is home? Does it still smell as sweet as I remember it?
I'm a little convinced that you're too good to be true darling. Your picture caused more whistles and taunts that I've seen from the boys in forever and I would have knocked them all on their ass if Buck didn't strike and tell me to sit down again. How do you not have a solider of your own to be writing too?
Sometimes when I get down time. I like to day dream about what you're up to over there. How many planes you fixed up for us, imagine taking you dancing on a Friday night, do you have siblings? Your folks still around? I've been trying to picture it all.
I dream of that soon more than I care to admit.
With all my promises, thoughts and adoration
John Egan
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Dear John,
I'm glad you have a voice of reason. We wouldn't want you getting up to any trouble now would we? Are you the sort to be in trouble a lot? I get the impression you could be Major Egan.
How are your moods holding up these days? I can't help but worry about you over here even when I'm meant to be busy.
If you could see the blush that you have all caused you would all be ashamed of yourself. I promise I'm real. I tried to get my friend Meg to let me send a picture of her but she claimed you were really going to show up here one day and then you'd be looking for the wrong girl.
I like the idea of you imagining things. It means I'm not the only one. I do have siblings, an older sister who works in the factories with me, and a little brother who is out fighting with you somewhere but his own girl writes him. My folks are both still here with me too. What's your family like?
I do have a solider of my own to be writing John, I have you.
Tell me a secret if you can?
Your darling x
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Dear Darling,
Forgive me because this letter will be short, but I needed to send it out before we move. If you don't hear from me in a while, don't worry, I'll write back as soon as I'm able. I want that name, I want the dancing, I want you to meet my mom when I'm back.
You want to know a secret darling? I think it's taken me ten letters to fall in love with you after all you've given me.
With my heart, my love and my unfiltered adoration
John Egan
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Dear John,
I'm writing even if you might not get this because I refuse to believe anything else other than you're busy for a while. I'll be over here waiting for you remember. I'm with you even when I'm not.
I have so much more to tell you and things I want to learn before I am satisfied.
In fact, no I may never be satisfied and then I never have to let you go.
You'll be in each of my thoughts till I hear from you again John, I think loving you took me one letter.
With all my heart, my love and my unfiltered adoration
Your darling x
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Dear John
I don't think I've taken a real breath in weeks. I figured I would write you again, just in case the first one didn't reach you and you thought I hadn't wrote back.
Your name hasn't appeared on any lists so I refuse to believe that you're not still out there waiting to come home to me.
In case you missed it in the first letter, I love you too.
I am still expecting you home John Egan, I'd be with you till you were. That was the deal right?
With all my heart, my love and my unfiltered adoration
Your darling x
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Dear John
If my letters and love don't reach you where do they go?
Tell me more secrets please? Tell me anything? Tell me you'll sing for me like I asked? What do I do if I never get to meet you?
I've checked each list I've found twice every day for months now. Meg said I'm a mess but I don't really care, I just want to know that you're alright. Even if you're not coming here. Please just tell me you're safe John.
With all my heart, my love and my unfiltered adoration
Your darling x
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Dear Darling,
Sorry, I didn't think a little while would be that long but I've thought of you every damn day I couldn't write to you. I got your letters, all three of them made it to my base some how.
I'm hoping I beat this letter home so that I can tell you in person that I love you.
I hope you like what arrives in Washington darling, but please bare with me if it takes me a second to adjust. I'll tell you everything, all of it, anything you want to know about me. I feel like I have very little to offer you but it's all for you now. I'll be home so soon.
With all my heart, my love and my unfiltered adoration
John Egan
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nyaskitten · 4 months
I made the assumption Olive was editing the wiki articles, and while that's a very logical conclusion to reach, it was actually someone who shares the same viewpoints as them!!! Anything including the wiki articles and Olive's involvement is wrong and that's my bad!!!
Alright fellas, I guess we did it. We have reached the tipping point. I'm going to dedicate this post to calling out one specific person, @olivescales3, and their very toxic behavior. This post will be a bit messy, and I do apologize in advance, I'm writing this from the perspective of a Ninjago fan who also thinks beyond just the petty fandom stuff, what they're doing is just not cool.
I will clarify, I do not make this post for petty fandom drama, I make this to better spread awareness on some of the bullshit they're doing, so you can look out for and understand that they're bullshitting. Without further ado, I think we should just get into it.
So, what have they done?
Now, I should say while there is no 100000% concrete link between hyenabro and olivescales, I think based on their talking points (as well and the information I've recieved from friends in the Chima fandom, who have a bunch of prior experience with them,) it's safe to make this assumption!
So, what has olivescales DONE in this case? Simple, they've vandalized the Chima wiki on NUMEROUS occasions, even after several different people have revised their revisions, so as to discredit any conenctions between Dragons Rising and Chima.
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(Green is their edits, red is the ones prior to theirs, I found this while going through their contributions section on their Fandom account, HyenaBro119)
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As seen here, they have (under the username HyenaBro119) edited the pages for Chima AND the Forever Rock (I have two similar screenshots of essentially the same thing, one was from the Forever Rock article, the other was from Chima) and claimed Ninjago's lore to be some alternate universe. To further validate it, they write "Ras' visit to," but Ras NEVER claimed to have VISITED these locations, just that he knows them. They also claim the Forever Rock was destroyed, a blatant lie. Only a small section of rock on the Forever Rock was actually destroyed, not the whole thing.
Now, you're gonna ask "but Raine, how can you 100000% say it's them?" and I will cite common sense. While I cannot directly tie Olive to hyena, I CAN say their wording is SO very similar.
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Both Hyena and Olive call DR "a parallel/alternate universe," and again, claim Forever Rock was destroyed, WHICH IS A FULL ON LIE. They're so adamant to protect "the sanctity of Chima's pre-established, set-in-stone lore" that they can't stop to think maybe, JUST MAYBE, sometimes a story can get new lore which can ALSO be canon!
I'd also love to share this HILARIOUS screenshot of one of their many posts, which not only backs up what I'm saying, but it's like damn they really set themself up huh!
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Gee I wonder why you feel alone! Maybe it's because you are! Maybe it's because you're lying and making shit up to prove yourself right! No one is as big of a hater as you!
The also LOVE saying Ninjago cannot do anything with Chima unless they get express permission from the creator of Chima, some guy named John Derevlany, but oh man what's this I see before me?
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CO-CREATOR? Oh but Olive, I thought he was the CREATOR of Chima, not CO-creator... ALSO Lego owns the rights to Chima, and Ninjago, and every other theme, as said by Doc himself! If anything he wasn't really dodging the question, just giving a vague answer, because he doesn't know much about the old contracts!
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From what he said, it's clear that if they wanted to use anything from the other themes, they'd have to consult folks over at LEGO, not John Derevlany or Tommy A.!
Now here's the THING, I GET where they're coming from, it CAN be annoying to have people only care about a thing you like in relation to something else, but when you're going out of your way to argue that none of it can be canon and it's all an alternate universe it's like... god it's so sad and pathetic really.
Their lies and BS don't even end there with the wiki shit, because I have THIS glorious gem.
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A) They bring up that the Ninjago folk do not know who the Phoenixes are which is like, okay??? Why the fuck are they gonna know about how another universe was created??? That's like if someone told me I don't exist in the same universe as my glasses because I have no clue who made them, that is to say, that's stupid as FUCK to say!
B) OH they say something REAAALLL funny ohohohho I am actually dying. Olive says the Phoenix icon "appeared in a Ninjago episode" and "Ninjago tends to reuse assets." Yep, NINJAGO is the one who reused the phoenix symbol, mhm. The symbol that was made in 2011 for NINJAGO, which cameoed in CHIMA in 2014, was actually just an asset reuse by Ninjago. I feel like this actually goes to show how desparate they are to feel right and validated, because this? This a lie! Ninjago made the symbol, and because Tommy A. is co-creator to both, he wanted to slip in a neat Ninjago reference, so he slipped in the Phoenix symbol Nya uses for the Phoenix tribe, not the other way around!
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Another REALLY funny thing they did, aside from the wiki and Phoenix symbol shit, was this hilarious attempt at being right!
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Yes, the compared the WOLF Masks to BATman's cowl, and did a horribly rough comparison illustration that very much does not make sense. If you actually compared them side by side, the only similarities would be they're both angry animal themed mask with pointy ears, which does NOT go very far in the long run. The foreheads they drew aren't even the same fucking shape lol.
OH ANS WE CANNOT FORGET THIS ONE! Their using a post about the Palestinian genocide and boycotting Lego in order to complain about Ninjago.
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They claim Ninjago is produced by Lego, unlike other Lego shows, which is an EXTREMELY bullshit fucking claim. Just like Chima and Nexo Knights, Ninjago is produced by Lego, it's not JUST Ninjago produced by Lego, they are all Canadian-Danish CGI action shows, and they're all known to have Tommy Andreasen involved in the creation of them.
They're using a post about boycotting for the sake of innocent people DYING to complain about a lego ninja show for... killing evil people? It doesn't glorify war, the worst it does in regards to war is like not address how fucked up it can be in regards to the Serpentine War, but that's like it. I think it's so funny they want to single out Ninjago as if it's the only TV series where villains die for trying to conquer/destroy the world.
So, what do I want the takeaway from this post to be? What do I want you to get from it? I don't really know anymore, I just don't want Olive's horrendously toxic behaviors, and straight up lies to stop. If anything I think it's beautiful that Ninjago is making others interested in revisiting Chima again, stop being such a fucking hater dude. They act like Chima is some holy grail of Lego, the greatest thing since bread, but it, just like Ninjago, Dreamzzz, Hidden Side, and Nexo Knights, have Tommy in creative roles.
To act like Chima is somehow greater than is to place it on an unrealistic pedestal as if it's a godsend, when in reality it was co-created by Tommy Fucking Andreasen.
If you read through all of this, I do THOROUGHLY appreciate it, I didn't mean for this post to descend into an angry ramble but ehhh yk how it is. And Olive, if you see this, please, just stop with the bullshit.
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witchersoldier · 7 months
Good Fucking Girl
rafe cameron x reader
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SUMMARY: you find yourself inside the globe of death with none other than Rafe Cameron.
WARNINGS: mentions of drug use I guess, cursing, suggestive themes, a little dark I think but not really, cringe and rushed writing, not proofread. English is not my mother tongue.
AUTHORS NOTE: once again posting just after just finishing it. I never double read my work, or else I'd never post anything bc I'd probably hate delete it and never write again.
It was supposed to be a simple kook party, well, as simple as those went. But now I found myself inside a large metal globe, curiosity, and a bit of a haze from the pot brownie I had few minutes ago, led the way. A crowd slowly started to form outside the cage, faces I didn’t recognize were filled with excitement.
“Great, the substitute’s already here. Cameron, you’re in now.” The guy just beside the globe door spoke. Before I could say anything back, engine revving filled my ears and a sudden rush of adrenaline took over me. Globe of Death, that’s what this was. How come I didn’t recognize it sooner? They thought I was some kind of substitute, but for what? I had no bike nor was I dressed as a stunt rider.
Faster than my eyes could register, a red bike pulled up beside me inside the globe. He wasn’t showing any skin, yet he looked so damn delicious. Those black and red leathers clung around his larger body, the helmet with dark visors gave him such a mysterious look. He just stood there, tall and confident, making me feel smaller and fragile.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” he spat at me, voice muffled. His hand flew to his visors pulling them up, revealing his ocean blue eyes. There was a hint of worry and anger, the latter was clearly not directed at me. I was stuck in place, trying to put together the pieces, his eyes and voice all too familiar. “Rafe?” my heart started racing, beating against my chest, so loud.
Fate was always bringing me to him, in the most unusual ways. Now this?
“Y/N get out of here now; you could get seriously hurt.” He looked down at me, commanding me to leave. Part of me felt scared and wanted to leave and obey him right now, but the need to defy him spoke so much louder inside of me. I didn’t have to prove him anything, but every time the Cameron boy was around me, I felt the undying urge to test his patience. Also, I could never let him see the power he has over me. “I’ll do what I please. And right now, I really feel like staying.” I raised my chin, looking deep into his eyes. Challenging him.
He only clenched his fist over his lap and chock his head, as if trying to get rid of his thoughts. Then again, strangely calm, he looked at me. “Fine. You want to do this? You got it. But if I see even one little hint of fear in you-” he didn’t finish his sentence, leaving it to my imagination. It was what he didn’t say that hit something deep inside of me, it made me feel hotness all over my body.
Rafe abruptly grabbed my wrists and put my arms above my head, making my red crop top ride up until it was barely covering my breasts. “Be a good girl for me and keep your arms up just like that, will ya?” Rafe’s voice was low as he gave me the order, his hand that was holding my arms up slowly traced down my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. When he reached the hem of my black skater skirt, he gave a barely-there squeeze and quickly put down his helmet visors. He revved his engine again, the vibration traveling through my body.
The crowd outside the cage was screaming, cheering. My friends probably somewhere looking at me, wondering ‘what the hell’s gotten into me’. The answer was right here inside the globe with me. Rafe Cameron. He’s got the talent of always getting under my skin, making me feel things no one else ever could, making me do things I normally wouldn’t, no matter how hard I tried to deny it, fight against it. That’s just the Rafe Cameron effect; he brings out parts of me that have always been there, just never stimulated enough.
And then the show began. Rafe started to make circles around me in his bike, going so fast I could barely make out his silhouette. The fear I felt before vanished so fast, in its place a feeling I didn’t think would make its way into this situation; arousal.
Rafe’s gloved hand touched the exposed skin on my waist, and he dragged it along as he kept circling around on his bike. My whole body felt like it was on fire, burning so hot, and the blood rushed to my core making me throb and clench around nothing, my body was betraying my mind. I wouldn’t be able to confront, deny Rafe after this, I’ll just be putty in his hands.
I don’t know if it was seconds, minutes or hours that passed by since he started touching me, but as soon as his hands left it was like the ground beneath my feet was disappearing too. I looked up to see Rafe taking of his helmet, still riding his bike around. His bangs hanging loosely on his forehead. He looked so heavenly right now, and I understood then when people said ‘looks can be deceiving’. No matter how angelic he’s looking now, Rafe Cameron’s the devil walking on Earth.
He handed his helmet for me to hold while he gave the final laps, and I held onto it like it was the only thing keeping me alive. At the moment, that’s what it felt like.
I only noticed the show was done when Rafe’s now bare hand touched my ass under my skirt. I couldn’t even fight it, his touch felt so fucking right, even with all those prying eyes around. If I was honest, the people watching us exchanging touches only made my body burn hotter.
His free hand came up to my jaw, forcing me to look into his eyes. Dilated pupils gave him away. He was just as turned on as me. I forced my head down to glance at his trousers; they looked so much tighter than before and made me think of how much I wanted to just sit on his lap and grind against him, right here and now.
Rafe forced my head back up, his face coming closer to mine. His lips were mere inches away from touching mine. He breathed out a low moan that sent shivers down my spine. His lips softly touched mine, just a ghost of a kiss, and he whispered to me approvingly, “Good fucking girl”.
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ageingfangirl2 · 7 months
No, You! No, You! Sanji (OPLA)
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You are passionate about something and Sanji is passionate about you. The rest of the crew either find your interactions cute or infuriating, depending on the day. Neither you nor Sanji care, because you're lost in one another. Sanji x Reader FLUFF
I was in the kitchen preparing lunch while y/n sat at the counter drawing in their sketchbook. Usually, I liked to be alone but the sound of a pencil on paper and my cooking was nice. They were the smallest member of the crew, but don't be fooled by their cuteness because they packed a mean punch in a fight.
The two of us just clicked, I was passionate about food while they were passionate about art. Most people rolled their eyes when we rambled about our passions but they listened to me and vice versa.
'Sanji, I finished my sketch, do you want to see it?' they ask, excitement in their voice.
I smile, and take the pot off the stove, before turning around, 'I never get tired of looking at your art.'
They push the sketchbook across the counter, 'I tried something different with the shading, I wanted to make it look more realistic like you're not even looking at a drawing but the actual scene,' they gush, talking a mile a minute.
I was slightly taken aback in a good way because it was like I was actually seeing myself prepare the vegetables again from earlier, 'wow, this is amazing you have so much talent,' I complimented.
Their whole face turned red, it was endearing watching them get all flustered when they got complimented while they also waved their hands in front of them, 'It's okay, I wouldn't go too overboard with the praise.'
I put the sketchbook down and walk around the counter until I'm standing right next to them, and squeeze their cheek playfully, 'You're too adorable, how can you be this adorable? It should be illegal.'
They pout, 'If I'm adorable can I get a taste before lunch? I love your cooking Sanji.'
I release their cheek quickly clear my throat and turn away, not wanting them to see my ears starting to flush at their compliment. We were like two peas in a pod.
'err sure, let me grab you a spoon. no telling Luffy.'
I was making a simple vegetable soup. I dip a spoon into the pot and the next thing I know y/n is by my side eyes wide as they stare at the soup. My face didn't go red like theirs, more of a light pink, I hoped they enjoyed it because I'd added some herbs to change the taste.
I hold the spoon up, 'open up.'
They open their mouth and happily accept me feeding them. This was a common thing for us to do, sharing and feeding one another food, but to an outsider, it could look a little odd.
They smack their lips together, eyes closed for a second before reopening them and grinning up at me, 'Wow Sanji, how did you do that? I would never think of adding herbs to elevate the dish's taste. You're amazing, your cooking is so much better than my art.'
I shake my head, 'You're literally amazing y/n, so much more talented than me.'
They push me lightly, 'no, you.'
'No, you,' I laugh.
They stick their tongue out, 'No, you Sanji.'
I close the space between us which wasn't much and lick my lips, 'Be quiet and let me compliment you.'
They smirk and put their hands on their hips, 'make me.'
I cup their face in my hands and bring my lips down on theirs, they gasp and I use the distraction to slip my tongue in. At first, they tense, arms flapping at their sides, but then their hands grip the front of my shirt and they relax into the kiss letting me take control.
'HEY GUYS! ERR WOW...I'LL COME BACK...' Usopp says loudly.
I side-eye him and he hastily leaves the kitchen. I guess the moment was over. We pull out of the kiss but y/n still holds onto my shirt and chews their lip.
I put a finger under their chin to make them look at me, 'Tell me what you're thinking.'
They hum, 'I think I'd like to kiss you again Sanji. Do you have any other passions or talents I don't know about?'
The smirk never leaves my lips as I answer them seriously, 'Oh I have so many talents to show you. Who knows we might even find a hidden talent of yours. But lunch first.'
They nod, 'I think you scared Usopp.'
I chuckle as I peck their lips, 'it will teach all of them not to come into my kitchen without knocking.'
Lunch flew by, y/n oblivious to Usopp telling everyone about the kiss, instead chatting away while everyone stared between us. I light a cigarette and ignore the questioning and confused looks of the crew, instead focusing all my attention on y/n.
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
In continuation of the 'pillow prince/ss/' topic.. Snape sex hcs? I remember you said it's basically impossible to drag him into bed but I'D TRY.
You're just spoiling me, aren'tcha? First Remus now Sev... Severus Snape is devoted to duty. Its the only thing holding him together. How often does he even go to bed…? A full-time teacher, a spy, a death eater, Dumbledore's dark little knight - He probably considers the time he spends marking 'rest enough'.
His self-esteem is dead. So dead he has come to terms with its corpse and uses it as protection. He's been teased his entire life for his looks. By his parents, by his schoolmates, by his teachers, by his cult, by his students... He's proud of how it has hardened him. It's become part of his ego: He's heard it all before - and now the words run off his oily feathers like raindrops.
Having someone say they think him anything less than hideous? Baffling. But while Remus would become a flustered mess... I think Severus would stages-of-grief it. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression… Because his romantic, affectionate side is also a corpse. It died alongside his best friend and he's spent the last decade-and-a-half making sure it stays buried.
To bring it back? That will take a stubborn dedication that rivals his. It takes grit and damn near necromancy. He will fight back, too - because to raise it from the dead is to raise Lily along with it. That is the greatest hurdle: Best friend or love of his life - either way she was the only person he has been affectionate with. He will need to digest that. He hasn't worked through his grief yet, because it is a difficult thing to work through alone. …but he CAN reach Acceptance.
One step, one stage at a time - peeling down each layer of his onion, like an ogre... Things move slowly with Severus - and in the opposite order you might expect. I guess I will go through what a relationship would be like with Severus, in a sorta dot-point fanfic format:
First note: He is allergic to showing weakness - and what he considers a weakness can be... strange. Indulgence. Emotions, affection, touch, company - he has no time for that garbage. He is in control of himself, of his body, of his feelings, of his life. Meticulous, complete control. This man 'tops' exclusively**
He is ashamed of masturbation. It means he has lost control of his emotions - and it grinds against his ego like sandpaper. He almost never does it. Thinking about anyone in particular when doing it is an insult to them - and he hates feeling guilty. He keeps it simple and almost self-harmingly dry. He has more important things to be doing with his time than engaging with this weakness…
You make your interest in him clear. He goes through everything - he belittles and denies your feelings, he gets angry with you for bothering him, he asks you to stop saying such nonsense... and he gets frustrated that even when you've finally shut up, he is STILL dwelling on it. He spends so long just tossing things up, sorting through his grief, imagining it... so, SO sick of jerking off… …when the dam bursts - he fucks. If he is going to be spending all this time obsessing over these stupid feelings he may as well get something out of it. Only sex, though. Sex he is in control of. Clothes on, greedy, not pretty, not nice. 'Thats what you wanted from me, yes? Well you've gotten it. Happy?!?' ((He does not expect the answer to be 'yes'.))
He thinks one time was too many, and did it only to take it off his mind - and to stop having you bother him about it. But it is easier for you to get him to do it a second time. And then a third... fourth... The more times it happens - and nothing embarrassing or bad follows... well, if he has done it once, he may as well do it more, right…? You are evidently trustworthy. '…You may come to my chambers IF I call - at no other times. I am too busy to play silly games.' A casual physical relationship - to solve a problem of distraction and concentration. That's all.
He does start to call. Occasionally at first - and every time he almost shows surprise that you actually turn up. But he gets less and less surprised... and starts getting more and more needy. 'You're late. I sent for you half an hour ago. Do you think I am made of time?!' He doesn't even realize how needy he sounds, because this activity is now ingrained in his routine. He is used to it. And because he is used to it: He touches more. More clothes come off. But never his own. He has gone from 'hands-on-waist' fucking to caressing your naked body - slow rolls of his hips, making his own breathe shudder, enjoying every sensation.
One day his summons aren't replied to. At first he angry. How dare you. How DARE you waste his time!? The next time they are alone he snaps at you bitterly. 'Finally tired of me? Got your fill? Met a better man?' When the response is more along the lines of 'I was a bit ill' or 'I was out'... he realizes he has shown far too much of his hand. How embarrassing. He is speechless at his own foolishness. He showed an inch of vulnerability and expects to be raked through the coals for it. ...What he doesn't expect is acceptance, tenderness and respect.
He had forgotten that he wasn't the one to initiate this arrangement - that he was wanted. Desired. In his mind he had taken control: Everything happened when he wanted, where he wanted and in whichever way he wished. To be touched in a friendly way? To he apologized to - for being made to worry? To have make-up sex offered…? '…Yes. Alright.' Its the next layer peeled off. He starts listening to offers, enjoying being asked instead of being answered. It's still a casual affair - and yet seeing them talk to other people no longer makes his hackles raise in concern for his secrets. Running into them in the morning no longer makes his skin crawl with shame and embarrassment for the night before. He feels excited when they pay a visit in the midday, offering an impromptu meeting. It is oddly... comfortable.
Of course it can't always be sex in the midday. It is too much effort, takes too much time, energy and clean-up. It suits him fine when you jump on the chance to put him in your mouth. At first he is a little taken-aback - but it feels nice. He says nothing other than contented hums, but as you get better he groans and arcs his back a little. He doesn't care what happens when he finishes - swallow or not, as long as it is not a mess for him to clean up. …Well, he tries to be that callous about it… but it doesn't last long. There is a tenderness to the act he can't deny. It isn't the mutual-benefit fucking. This is a gift for him to enjoy. That realization settles and festers in him. It creates a soft feeling he doesn't recognize... and a desire not to owe you anything.
So, without much fanfare: he reciprocates. He gets you on his seat, or on his desk, and gets down on his knees... He is a little nervous about it - when was the last time he did this, if ever…? - But he has no need to be. He is a god with his mouth. It's his attention to detail. His devotion to getting things done thoroughly and properly - even this. What starts as an embarrassing action from the weakness of his heart turns into a strong pleasure for him. He LOVES oral. It isn't him losing control: it's him gaining it. Even when his hair is gripped and yanked, even if he is pulled close and suffocated a little on you - HE is making that happen. HE is making you do that. He never expected this to make him so happy, so hot. He never expected to undo the buttons of his high collar so his neck could move more easily, to unbutton and fold up his right sleeve so he could get his hands messy... To have enough fun to start saying some truly dirty things… 'That good, is it~?' 'My-! How delicate you are today!' 'Stop squirming. Too sensitive…? Just grit your teeth and bear it.' ...and he didn't expect to not be laughed at for such things.
He certainly didn't expect to get so into it that he kissed you to shut you up as you came. A shock to both of you… another wall crumbled. Turns out he likes that too. He starts initiating sexual activity with a kiss. He prefers kissing to talking. It is succinct and expressive. Walk into his office: as soon as the door is shut your back is pressed against it, wrists in his hands, his mouth against yours. If he starts losing control of the kiss he gently bites your lip, dragging his teeth along it teasingly. Your tongue invades his mouth before he has a chance to do it first: he just about shoves your hands into his robes, tearing into your clothes... This man lives for kissing now.
But he still doesn't realize this is more than casual, that this is something he needs… Until you chat. Its a quiet moment. You comment on the parchments rolled at the edge of his desk. 'Oh - that is just my own research into the effects of aconite. I had to work with it extensively a few years ago.' You take an interest, and he starts regaling deeper and deeper into his studies: how poorly documented others' research is; how it reacts to other ingredients; how modern brewing processes can draw so much more out of it - 'you know, the plant is often just passed off as toxic when even basic purification charms are enough to-' ...He is blabbering. On and on about a dull topic nobody cares about… yet you are listening. His jaw drops a little. He realizes that, for the first time in two decades, someone cares. Someone truly cares. About HIM. His thoughts, his interests... He never thought he could have this again. He didn't think that for the sex, either - but sex, compared to this, was easy to procure. He wants to kiss you again. But not for lust this time.
Suddenly it doesn't feel so embarrassing to allow his eyes to become wet, to draw a shuddering breathe as he builds the courage - of which he has masses of - to say something important: '…I am afraid I have come to love you.' It is a terrifying thing to say, but he has never once shied away from saying what is important, even if it results in pain. And yet this time, for once… he feels like he can trust that it wont.
** Many times later, he is laying down as his shirt gets unbuttoned, his collarbone kissed... He doesn't feel ashamed, even as he gently strokes his own dick, encouraging it to harden. He pulls his arms from his shirt sleeves, fearless of his dark mark being exposed. For once work is at the back of his mind as he allows himself to be pushed back down to into the pillows, chuckling as he is told: 'Shh… just lay still darling… I'll take care of you tonight…' ...And he does. Control well out of his hands and a smile on his face.
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angelkhi · 1 year
kiss it better - j.m
pairing: dilf!joel miller x babysitter!reader
summary: turns out joel is trained in first aid, among other things.
warnings: SMUT (18+ Minors DNI) oral (f), fingering, masturbation (m), age gap, creampie but not technically p in v, cumplay i guess, squirting? cum eating/swapping(???), praise, an inkling of overstimulation, hair pulling, needy joel, some dirty talk / bad language, nicknames: dove, pretty girl, sweet girl, idk just some down right dirty shit with some feeling, mentions of injury (a scraped knee and elbow), age gap, slight hurt comfort, grumpy bucky, kinda sweet ending. very sorry if i missed anything!
word count: 2.4 k
a little note: hi! this shit is nasty soz xx i wrote this for bucky but changed it to pre-outbreak joel cause yeah, also not proofread cause i don’t like reading my own shit, and sarah is like 5 in this, also if u know me no you don’t, okay love ya x likes and reblogs appreciated 🫶🏾
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"You, kitchen. I'll be down in 10."
You'd listened of course, planting yourself on the kitchen counter and awaiting his return, but those 7 simple words left you fidgeting for the entire 10 minutes he was gone.
Joel walks into the room without a word, puts the bright red first aid box on the counter next to you and pulls up a stool. You can't help but watch his fluid movements, admiring his grace and precision even in the smallest of movements. All of them are deliberate, calculated.
"This is gonna sting a bit." He rips open an alcohol wipe, sliding a hand behind your knee to keep you in place. "Deep breath for me."
"Joel, I can sort it myself- mother fucker!" You start to protest but he presses the wipe against your broken skin, the sting unexpected despite his prior warning.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Joel smirks, wiping over your knee once more, his fingers digging into your flesh when you try to pull away from him. "Keep still."
"I told you I'd sort it." You mumble.
"Stop being so proud for 10 minutes. Let me help you."
He sighs, finally looking up at you. You're not sure if it's the intensity of his stare, or the fact that he's hunched over you, touching you so gently, as though a scraped knee just might break you, but that sigh defeats you.
Silence falls over you again and you continue to watch him work, smiling when he fiddles with small bandage and adds a princess sticker for good measure.
"I'm sorry about earlier. Didn't mean for such a dramatic entrance but you know Sarah, she's..."
"Stubborn and bossy."
"I was going to say strong minded and competitive. Like her father." His brow quirks subtly, but you pretend not to notice it.
"So... stubborn and bossy." Joel smiles, still completely focused on bandaging your knee, "There you go, all patched up."
You nod, unsure of what to say all of a sudden. Joel fills the silence.
"I've missed you." Three simple words, that probably would've had little effect on you if they hadn't come from him.
"You saw me yesterday Joel."
"You know that's not what I mean dove." He glances up at you, just for a second, but a second is all he needs to know you understand. Of course you understand. You've spent the better part of a year trying not to miss him.
"Always so proud. It's okay to let people help you."
"My pride took quite the hit today thank you very much, your kid is way too good at tag." Joel chuckles, and your bruised pride heals a little, knowing that you had made him laugh. The way that his eyes crinkle and his nose scrunches, the almost giggle. You want to commit it to memory. To keep them it your pocket safe and tight for when you needed it. Even as his soft eyes bore into your own, silently demanding an answer to his statement.
"Thank you, Doctor Miller. I'd better be going." It's cowardly, barely even a whisper, almost drowned out by the low hum of the fridge.
But you don't move though and nether does he. Joel smooths the bandage over your knee, his lingering thumb quickly replaced by his soft lips. Joel gazes up at you as he rose from his knees, his hands sliding up your legs with each fluid movement. His hands move on their own accord, across your thighs, skimming your hips and waist, moving up and up until he's cradling your jaw.
"I wanna keep you in just a little while longer for observations, doctors orders" You lean into his touch, hyper aware of how close the pair of you suddenly are.
"Hmm. Okay Doctor Miller, any other remedies... since you insist." You're breathless, the air in the room seeming none existent as you bend to his will.
"I can think of one."
He bunches your skirt up around your waist in one swift motion, urging you to lay back against the cool marble countertop. His lips are full and warm against your skin, lingering on the inside of your knee, his fingers holed in the side of your panties, dragging them ever so slowly down your thighs. Joel's every movement is slow and deliberate, as though he's trying to savour each and every part of the moment.
"Such a pretty cunt." A small burst of cool air against your exposed pussy pushes you closer to the edge of desperation. Joel's hair tickles your inner thighs, his soft shirt brushing the back of your knee
"Tell me you missed me." He's so close to where you need him, practically dangling himself on a string. "Tell me how much you missed me touching you like this."
Joel finally touches you, his thumb circling your hole, watching you clench around nothing desperately spread out on his kitchen counter willing to take anything he'll give you.
"Missed you, Joel. So much." He hums, pride seeping out of his pores, dark eyes flickering when you say his name.
"Fuckin my hand to the thought of you was torture dove. Nothin compares to this perfect little thing." His lips purse and a small burst of cool air brushes over your clit. You grow more and more desperate the closer he gets, you're practically offering yourself up on a silver platter and he chooses now to take his sweet time?
Your fingers thread through his shaggy locks, prompting him to do something or you'll do it yourself. Joel' laugh is quick and breathless, his eyes slipping shut when you lightly scratch at his scalp.
He leans forward, tongue dragging from your entrance to your throbbing clit. Your fingers tighten in his hair and he groans pulling back to speak.
"Just as sweet as I remember." He takes another moment, then his head is between your thighs.
You're not sure if it's been hours or minutes but Joel's head is still buried between your thighs, lapping at your clit and weeping hole like a starved man. Every time you think he'll give you some sort of a reprise, he just gives you more. Fucking an extra finger into you each time he comes up for breath, or simply just toying with your clit, enjoying the way you respond so diligently to his every touch.
Your hands find the edge of the counter out of sheer desperation, too scared you'll pull at his hair too harshly in this marathon of touching, that is at least until Joel's movements stop abruptly, his head lifting from between your.
"Joel, are you okay?" His large hands wrap around your wrists, prying your hands off of the marble and back into his soft hair.
"Don't stop-" he presses a sweet kiss to your thigh "-feels so fuckin' good."
He wastes no time getting back between your thighs, bringing you back to that ledge he'd left you on. The soft point of his nose brushes against your clit, your hands grasping his hair with fervour. Joel's moan is low and deep, vibrating from his lips right to your open cunt. The knowledge that you're giving him just a fraction of what he's giving you makes your chest swell, and you bet that if you had to energy to lift your head and look down on him, his trousers would be uncomfortably tight and his hips Joeling up at nothing.
He curls his fingers, hooking them perfectly against where you need him, his hand moving at an unnatural pace. You try to stay quiet so not to wake the little girl asleep upstairs, but you're being torn apart from the inside out and Joel's muffled sounds do nothing but spur you on. Once his lips pucker against your clit and his fingers rest on that perfect spot, you're finished. Torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer, you simply just let it happen, let him coax your body through a perfect orgasm until you have no choice but to push the gluttonous man away.
"So fuckin' pretty. Look at ya, all mine." He's breathless, supporting your now upright frame between his muscular arm and chest. He presses his soft lips to yours, and it's a mess of nipping and sucking. His tongue brushes up against yours slowly and deeply, the taste of your own orgasm lingering on your lips.
"Just one more. Gimme one more yeah? So fucking good for me dove." You nod, something between a hoarse sigh and a whimper when he asks for verbal confirmation. He slides two long fingers back into you with ease, right back with that bruising pace, watching with dark eyes as you grind your clit on the ball of his palm.
"That's it, I've got you sweet girl. Give it to me." Joel's efficient when he works your body. He enjoys how you clench around his fingers when your orgasm builds, or how your swollen clit respond so well to his touch. He likes it when you push your fingers into his broad shoulders, anchoring yourself to him. He fucking loves it when you muffle the high pitched scream in his shoulder, teeth digging into his skin slightly as you release over his hand.
Dark grey spots linger on the cotton of his joggers from where you'd gushed all over him, but he doesn't care. Joel cradles your face, taking you in, his own little slice of heaven on earth. His.
Your nimble fingers tug the waistband of his joggers until they're just low enough to release him from their confines. His fingers brush over yours, moulding them against him, guiding you to palm his cock in a tight fist. Joel's concentrated gaze flickers between your glistening thighs, your pretty eyes, your half parted lips, your wet pussy spread out just for him. He's frantic, chasing pleasure from your white knuckled fists.
You slip your hand free, tracing over the stubble on his chin, fingers trailing around the back of his neck, until they're locked in his hair again. Your grip is rough when you tip his head back slightly, and he shudders against you, hips chasing his fist.
You relinquish in the small amount of power, the new feeling sending a rush down your spine. His lips rest against yours, his soft noises brushing against your skin.
"You gonna let me make a mess of this cunt, huh? Gonna let me come all on your pretty pussy."
"Joel please."
"Fuck. You're too good to me." He's whining for you. Fucking whining, and it's all because of you. Joel's hips stutter and thrust into his hand, the thick head of his cock bumping against your sensitive nub, extracting every last ounce of pleasure from your already spent body.
"Joel, come inside of me. Please Joel, you're always so good to me, let me be good for you." His hips slow as he takes in your words, your hands on him. He works himself over with his fist once more before he grips himself at his thick base pressing himself against your sensitive clit once again. He slides himself down, down, until the head of his dick is pressed against your waiting hole.
The familiar stretch of him pushing into you has you whimpering, still so sensitive. Joel's breath stutters and his hands grip your hips as he fucks his tip into you. His thrusts are quick and shallow as he gets himself off and you're muttering against his lips how good he feels, how pretty he looks, how much you love it when he takes what he needs. You scratch at his scalp, and grip his hair that little bit tighter and he's keening over, pressing his lips to yours. His eyes squeeze shut and he whines into your mouth as he pumps himself empty inside of you.
He works swiftly, removing himself from your warmth, sliding you to the edge of the counter and falling to his knees.
"Fuckin perfect." He mutters to himself, watching as his spend leaks out of you, fingers toying with the mess he made. He drags his soft wet tongue against you, once, twice, slipping into your used cunt until you're clawing him away beyond over-sensitive.
But then he's up, and in front of you and you're reading and waiting knowing what he's about to give you and you're willing to accept it. He kisses you, the mixture of your slick and his come on his tongue. You take it, the debauchery act pushing you so far past the point of desire. His fingers still move against you, still playing with your clenching cunt until you're seeing stars.
"Joel, too much."
"M'sorry dove." He says, pulling his fingers away from you and sucking them into his mouth.
He moves quickly, reaching for a cloth and some of his pyjama pants from the washing pile on the dining table. He's careful when he runs it over your thighs and in between your legs, holds you carefully when he helps you down from the counter and slips you into the sleep trousers that are far too big. He's soft and warm and careful and everything in between when he holds you against his chest.
"Joel..." He hums. "I don't want to miss you anymore."
You pull away to look up at him, terrified that you'd misread the situation, that your cloudy brain and lingering crush on the father next door has made you overstep the mark.
"Don't wanna miss you either dove." His lips brush yours.
He seems nervous, it's beyond sweet, but you'd never felt so light, so relieved. "Stay?"
"What about Sarah?"
"Please, she's been begging me to date you for months." Oh.
"And what do you want?" His soft thumbs stroke your lips whilst he holds your gaze, soft yet demanding.
"I wanna take you out to dinner. Want you next to me when I wake up in the mornings. I want you to sit on my face til your crying. Wanna give you everything you want, no matter how ridiculous, I just want you, if you'll let me." Oh. Big oh. You pull him close, resting a hand over his quick beating heart, worried it just might give out.
"You already have me."
He flashes a toothy grin, his blue eyes sparkling even in a dimly lit room. He kisses you slow and sweet, pouring every ounce of care an affection into your lips making it certain. You absolutely already have him too.
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haitani-maki · 1 month
More Shio content please 😭❤
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-----≪⋅₊♚ ·˚꒰ fιиαℓ вσѕѕ ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
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ᘝMDNI 18+ Yotsurugi Shio x Fem!Reader
ᘝCW: boss!Shio, secretary!reader, unprofessional workplace relations, office sex, oral sex(m&f), standing up, reader wears a skirt, rough sex, unprotected sex, orgasm, breeding kink, a little voyeurism
ᘝEnglish is not my first language (Not edited, may contain errors)
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It was almost the end of the day. All you wanted was to go home, take a warm shower, eat and sleep.
But maybe that's just your wishes, since you were called into your boss's office.
Sometimes it was difficult to work in this company, especially for you, as you were the most competent secretary, having to deal with most things. An extremely difficult boss to deal with, demanding that everything be perfect as if everyone were robots with infinite batteries. But he was also incredibly hot.
Shio Yotsurugi was the reason for many, many erotic dreams of yours, both asleep and awake.
Sometimes it was torturous to have him around you, because what he was irritating and demanding, he was handsome. You having to act like a good girl, trying not to look at him and desire him. Wishing he would fuck you right there, on that table. It was hard not to appreciate it when the suit fit Shio's body perfectly, especially the white one. He looked handsome wearing the white suit.
His thoughts are interrupted when Shio talks to you
"I need you to send over these spreadsheets as quickly as possible. You can do it, can't you?"
"Yes sir, I'll do it right now."
"Are you okay? You're blushing." - You were flushed, your cheeks were hot and you hadn't even noticed, submerged in your obscene thoughts.
"Y-Yes sir, I'm fine. Is there anything else I can do for you?" - You say, lightly running the back of your hands over your cheeks.
He smirks when he hears your question, Shio knows the power he has and how to use it perfectly. He knows what causes women and even if he is not interested in them, sometimes he gives an intense look that makes any woman's panties wet. But it was different for you, Shio practically ate you with his eyes.
Shio looks you up and down, as if he's evaluating you and clearly seeing how your body is shaking because you're close to him.
"Yes, there is something." - The malice of this sentence gives you chills
"What do you need, Mr. Yotsurugi?"
Shio stands up from his chair, approaching you and making eye contact, golden eyes pulling you towards him.
"What if I want something that goes against professional ethics?" - Shio whispered, audible enough for just the two of you, the deep voice giving you goosebumps.
"I-I guess that just depends on you, sir." - You respond a little nervous due to his proximity.
it was not uncommon to have sexual fantasies about the boss, especially when your boss was your type and teased you whenever he could.
The back of Shio's fingers run through your hair, slowly going down and stopping at the side of your neck, his fingertips lightly brushing your skin. You felt your legs get weak.
"I need one simple thing from you."
"W-What do you need?" - You didn't need to look at his face to know that Shio was smiling.
"I've been watching you for a while now. Your slightly shorter skirt, your velvety voice when you call me, your look of desire on me." - Shio looks you up and down again, biting her lip gently.
You felt your face heat up again, blushing even more at what he just said.
"How cute." - Shio lets out a low laugh
"Mr. Yotsurugi..." - You can't find the right words to answer him. All you knew was that if Shio touched you one more time, you would be capable of doing crazy things.
"I like the way my name sounds on your lips." - Shio gently moves your chin up so you look into his eyes
"Your eyes are beautiful, you know that? I'd like to see them from another angle." - That was enough for the thin rope inside you to break.
"You can, Mr. Yotsurugi. Just ask." - You approach him, putting your bodies together. Your eyes widen a little when you feel his size, making Shio smile even more.
"Ask, you don't know how much I want to do this, Mr. Yotsurugi." - You speak sensually, running your hand over his clothed and defined chest, teasing him and starting to undo his perfect tie.
"Be careful what you wish for, I won't stop." - Shio holds your hand - "Be a good girl, kneel down."
You obey, looking him up and down. Feeling submissive, kneeling for such a big man, carefully watching Shio take off her belt. Anxious to see his member that interrupted your peaceful nights sleep.
Damn, you must still be dreaming, this can't be real.
Shio's big, hard member, with beautiful, perfectly bulging veins and the blushing tip leaking pre-cum, made your pussy contract and your mouth fill with water. You felt your panties getting soaked.
"Go ahead, use your pretty little mouth. Show me how much you want this."
He didn't need to repeat. Looking at Shio, you took him, lightly spreading his pre-cum over the tip and then taking him into your mouth. Shio's eyes rolled back when he felt your mouth wrap around his dick, letting out a low moan and some curses.
You sucked him eagerly, feeling ecstatic in a way you couldn't even describe. Your jaw and head hurt, due to the way Shio controlled both the intensity and the movements, holding your hair firmly. But you didn't care, it was such a nice pain. You didn't want Shio to stop and he didn't want to stop either.
Seeing him with his mouth open, eyes closed and head thrown back, beautiful moans coming from him. You can't help but bring a hand to your wet pussy, letting out a moan against his cock.
Shio opened his eyes and looked at you, letting you go and finally letting you breathe.
"No, no. Let me do it." - Shio effortlessly lifted you and laid you on his table. He lifted your skirt and removed your panties with ease, exposing your shiny pussy to him.
"Fuck. What a beautiful pussy." - Shio touched you lightly, passing his fingers between your lips and going down to your entrance, feeling how wet and hot it was. So much desire in Shio's eyes, It didn't take long for Shio to take his mouth to your pussy
Shio ate you with an unparalleled hunger, licking you thirstily, until your legs finally shook and you came undone in his mouth. Giving you the best oral of your life.
You tried to restrain yourself from moaning his name loud enough so that people in the next rooms and in the hallway wouldn't hear. Shio notices and brings a hand to your mouth, two fingers entering your mouth so that you can suck them and muffle your moans. But he couldn’t wait to fuck you, to feel your pussy stretching around his dick.
Pulling you into a thirsty kiss, Shio's tongue invades your mouth and dances in perfect synchronization with yours, making you taste yourself.
You felt his tip tease your entrance, penetrating you and making you both moan in unison.
"Fuck, you're so tight." - You smile at him in response, feeling Shio's cock stretching every inch of your pussy
Shio penetrates you slowly, feeling your pussy squeeze him with each thrust. His lips attached to yours, swallowing your every moan.
"Oh, fuck. You are so hot."
"Mr. Yotsurugi, I feel so full." - As if that wasn't enough, Shio guides your arms to his shoulders so you can hold on to him, he passes his strong arms under your thighs and pulls you up.
Shio's fingers are digging into your ass, making you move quickly up and down his cock. You moan louder than you would like when you feel him touch that spongy spot inside you
"Shit! Right there, Mr. Yotsurugi." - That was enough for something to surface inside Shio and he became relentless.
Loud moans were no longer a problem, not when the pornographic sounds of their intimates clashing echoed throughout his office. Your sensitive spot seemed to perfectly embrace Shio's cock, making you go delirious, your legs shaking in his arms and your juices dripping onto the floor of his office. Shio didn't want to come out of you, he was going crazy. Such a good pussy for him, taking it all.
"You're so fucking beautiful, how did I get lucky that you're so tight?" - Shio looks at you, making your heart miss a beat. You hold on to him tightly, like you don't want to let go, and the way he's holding you, you can tell he feels the same way.
Shio wants more from you and you want more from him.
"I want you to ride me" - Shio settled in the chair with you still on his lap
"As you wish, Mr. Yotsurugi." - Shio's defined thighs made it easier and gave you stability to mount him.
Slowly sliding on his dick and giving it a few swings, observing the effect it had on Shio. One of Shio's hands goes down to your ass and gives it a hard slap, then squeezing the area.
"Use that dick right, or am I going to have to show you how it's done?" - He slaps your ass again, making you moan slyly.
"Like this, Mr. Yotsurugi?" - You speak while increasing movements
Shio smiles mischievously at you, his hands holding firmly on your waist, helping you in your movements. His hips move slightly against you, only to go deeper every time you come down on his cock. If you weren't already dressed, you'd be seeing the small bulge in your pelvis.
Not in your dirtiest dreams would Shio fuck you as well as he is doing now, his cock wouldn't kiss your cervix so well. Never in your dirtiest dreams would you feel so good riding him or see stars whenever he touched your sensitive spot.
"Let me cum inside you."
"Yes! Please, please Mr. Yotsurugi, fill me up."
Your pussy contracts as you feel Shio's cock pulsate inside you, causing Shio to let out a drawn out moan.
"Shit! Just like that, squeeze me like this." - Shio starts to slam into you hard, control returning to him. But you didn't care, you felt so good.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your bodies together and kissing him. Stifling any moan that came out of your mouth or his mouth, the movements of Shio's hips become more confused, signaling that he was going to cum at any moment.
You look him in the eyes and smile, squeezing him once again. That was enough for Shio to cum inside you, letting out a drawn out moan, his hot cum gushing inside your pussy, filling you to the brim. Causing Shio's mind to cloud and you to feel on cloud nine.
You both try to catch your breath. Your head on his shoulder and your breasts pressed against his chest, feeling him rise and fall. His cum dripping out of you, Shio still didn't withdraw from inside you, making you squirm a little because you were sensitive.
"Let's go to my house." - He says as he pulls out of you.
"But Mr. Yotsurugi, the spreadsheets-" - Shio interrupts you
"I don't care about that, I want you naked in my bed."
As if it wasn't enough that your legs were a little weak, you would still have to pass by the people in the hallway who certainly heard everything that happened.
But they wouldn't be stupid enough to say something to Mr. Yotsurugi's new girl.
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🫶🏻: @katkusuo @nexa00x (your husband)
©2024 Maki. Please do not copy or translate.
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nhl-stories · 2 months
hornylovesickmess – Nico Hischier
Summary: Marie should know better by now, knows she should leave him alone, but Nico's like a drug. One more hit can't hurt.
Author’s Note: Almost a year to the day I finally finished this album series. Phew! Also lol to me thinking I'd have the motivation to finish it in 10 weeks. Seems clear from the title but it does get steamy below.
Word Count: 2.6k
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Album Series Masterlist
And I don't wanna be the type of person who calls you up Every time I need to get off
The view from her hotel room is taunting her. It’s sunny and bright on the Hudson River, reflecting off the buildings of the New York skyline.
Most people wouldn’t be too upset about being put up in a nice hotel and having 48 hours free in close proximity to the city, but Marie had moved away for a reason.
And still part of her is stuck here, even at a 4-star hotel minutes away from Newark airport.
So, she does what she does best and gives into her baser instincts.
She’s no stranger to crafting the perfect sext, keeping it tantalizing and teasing enough while still giving her location. Like an eloquent ‘u up?’
Marie hits send before she can second guess herself.
She shouldn’t be reaching out to him, grabbing for that loose thread and pulling for her own selfish reasons. But she’s been lonely since the move and in all honestly, just plain horny.
Nico almost swallows his tongue when he opens the text.
At first glance a simple picture of the New York skyline, but at second glance the reflection of a naked woman comes into view.
It might as well be Marie’s calling card.
He regrets opening the text in the locker room.
“What the hell has you that red Neeks?” Bastian calls from his stall.
He can feel the blush getting darker.
“The last time you looked like that was because of that flight attendant,” Bratter calls out.
When he doesn’t respond balls of tape come flying his way with a chorus of groans.
“It’s not like I texted her first!”
“You never text her first,” Jack rolls his eyes.
“I’m not texting her back.”
“Block her number while you’re at it,” Bratt responds.
Nico stashes his phone away and mostly forgets about the text.
She checks her phone for about the fifth time during drinks with her friends. She knows what they’re thinking, but they’re not gonna say it.
It’s especially kind of them since Nico hasn’t responded. Even though he’s the type of guy to have read receipts on, so she knows he looked at her message.
Her phone buzzes, she pulls it out of her pocket so fast she fumbles it, dropping it on the bar. Her friend snatches it up and laughs.
“It’s a notification from Postmates, you have coupon.”
Marie feels herself flush, embarrassed to be caught like some kind of junkie waiting for their next hit.
“Jesus Christ, just go get laid! You’re unbearable when you’re wound this tight. It’s not even worth the catch up.”
“Fine, I’ll go, but only because I haven’t had sex in months. See you on my next layover.”
“Unless you’re still jonesing for that Jersey dick!”
“It’s Swiss,” Marie sticks her tongue out.
She waves down a cab, and she should give the address to her hotel, but she’s in some sort of horny fugue state. Why go back and masturbate at her hotel thinking about him when she knows his address?
Before she knows it, she’s at his door fixing her hair and trying to lean seductively against the doorframe. Maybe she’s lost her mojo during her recent dry spell.
She knocks before she loses her nerve.
Marie hears someone lumbering along around on the other side of the door. Nico finally answers the door; shirtless with a pair of gray sweats low on his hips, hair flopping about like he just woke up.
Her mouth goes dry at the familiar sight, or maybe she salivates, or somehow both at the same time. She feels so out of sync with her hormones.
But she knows she wants, scratch that, needs.
“Thought maybe the picture just didn’t do the real thing justice,” she smirks even though she kind of wants to grimace at the cheesy line.
“I was trying to let you down easy,” he’s trying to avoid eye contact.
“Well, here I am, easy and ready to be let down on your bed.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard. She can practically see his willpower crumbling piece by piece.
“C’mon, I haven’t been with anyone else since Denver.”
She dares to reach out, running a finger from his collarbone down, down, down, until Nico grabs her wrist.
“Just–“ he yanks her into the apartment, “get in here.”
Marie is flush against his chest now, she smirks, “that’s more like it.”
“Your picture got me in trouble in locker room, the boys think you’re no good for me.”
“Do you want me to be good for you?” She roughly grabs him through his sweatpants.
“I don’t think you could be if you tried,” he ruts against her palm.
She gentles her touch in response, she wants to be good, for Nico at least.
Marie can’t make eye contact now. If she looks up all the guilt of coming here after she promised herself she’d stop will come rushing back. She doesn’t have time for that when she can feel him hardening in her hand.
So, she closes her eyes and kisses him. Lets her tongue explore his mouth. Lets Nico manhandle her towards the bedroom. A path she’s too familiar with even with her eyes closed.
She doesn’t dare open her eyes until she’s flat on her back and hears Nico rummaging in the bedside table. As he comes back up with a condom, Marie works on the too many layers of clothes she’s still wearing.
He rolls on the condom and strokes himself slowly, “Is this you being good?”
Marie spreads her thighs and bites her lip, holding back demands for him to get on with it.
He pushes her legs even farther apart and nearly drapes himself over her. One finger runs up her slit, feeling how slick she is with desperation, he sucks the finger into his mouth and Marie can’t hold on any longer.
“Please, fuck, please,” she grapples for his shoulders anything to anchor her in the moment.
He doesn’t need any more encouragement than that to push in one go.
“Jesus Christ,” Marie gasps at the sudden intrusion, familiar as it is.
He sets an agonizingly slow pace, making her feel every unbearable movement without getting her any closer to her climax.
“C’mon Nico, give it to me,” she whines and clenches around him, trying to egg him on.
But it doesn’t deter him from his mission to tease her death, maybe it’s punishment for how she’s treated him.
She tries to move her own hips for more friction and still Nico keeps with his slow and steady pace.
Marie grabs his hair and makes him look at her, “I swear to god, if you don’t start really fucking me, I’m gonna explode.”
The evil little smirk he gives her, makes her stomach swoop.
“I knew you couldn’t stay good.”
“If being bad means I’ll have an orgasm, I guess I’m the devil,” she pulls him in for a kiss that’s probably too much tongue and teeth but she doesn’t care.
Then Nico takes her by surprise, flipping her onto all fours in such a fluid movement she already feels closer to coming. And that’s before he starts railing her from behind. The slap of skin and pornographic squelching fills the silence in the room.
Marie has lost all her witty words, can barely get enough air to make noises beyond tiny gasps. Nico knows exactly where to thrust, how to grip her hips, tweak her nipples, reach between her thighs and rub her clit. It’s too much, to have your body read like a book.
She clenches around him when she’s almost over the edge and feels him release, one hand tightening so hard on her hips it might bruise.
He blankets his body over her back, kissing her shoulders while he continues to rub her clit, buried deep inside her.
Her arms give out when she finally comes, her body singing with pleasure. Nico’s weight heavy on her, but she can’t bring herself to move him, it all feels too good.
She doesn’t remember when they move apart, or if they clean up at all, or if she peed afterward, she really hopes she at least did the last one. Still, she’s in hazy bliss before she’s rudely awoken from her dream-like state by her alarm obnoxiously ringing, too loudly at that.
She has to get out of the bed to find her phone her jeans pocket.
“Shit, fuck, shit,” she swears before having to put her clothes back on.
Nico’s alarm starts going off now. He sits up to see Marie half-dressed already.
“Of course,” he sounds so disappointed.
“I have a flight to catch and I still have to get my uniform and pack my suitcase.”
“Sure,” he sighs as he starts to get out of bed himself.
She probably deserves this, scratch that she knows she deserves this, but doesn’t mean she won’t defend herself.
“It’s a 9:30 Newark to DFW, look it up” she knows her shirt is inside out but that’s how late she is as she calls an Uber.
“Thanks for last night,” she gives Nico a quick kiss and leaves before he can respond.
Of course, when the elevator opens, Jack is the one standing on the other side, with an exhausted looking boy next to him. It’s probably his brother, Marie’s brain supplies the small Devils knowledge she has.
“That fucking idiot.”
“I showed up here, the blame is on me,” Marie holds her hands up in surrender.
“But the inside shirt and messed up hair is probably on him.”
“Probably can mostly blame me for that too, I know you want to.”
The look of disgust on his face makes that very clear.
Thankfully, the elevator door opens before the torture can continue.
Marie goes back to rebuilding her resolve. She was trying to quit him cold turkey, not mess up Nico’s perfect little world again.  But she couldn’t resist one more hit of her favorite drug.
Still, the universe isn’t making it easy for her to stay sober.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!”
Marie and her coworkers all jump at the exclamation. When she turns around there’s Jack Hughes.
Nico is nowhere to be seen, so Marie is sure she can get away without making much of a scene.
“Of all the hotels in a city with multiple airports…” Jack doesn’t seem amused at her response, “I’m just as surprised as you, sorry the universe is clearly playing a sick joke on us.”
She runs off to her room before she has a chance encounter with Nico. Begs off from dinner plans with her coworkers. Masturbates in the shower in hopes of taking the edge off.
She’s wound up like a rubber band knowing Nico is so close.  For all she knows, there’s only a wall separating them right now.
And of course, she gives in, because Marie is a fiend and a rotten person. How can she resist when the world laid it out on a platter like this.
She hopes he’s stronger than her and doesn’t respond, but she texts him regardless: I have it on good authority we’re in the same hotel
Marie can barely put her phone down before she gets a response.
Yeah for someone who doesn’t want me interacting with you Jack was quick to gossip
She can hear his tone through the words, hear his husky laugh at his own joke. Her chest feels like it’s squeezing her heart. Makes her act out of character.
Wanna get dinner or drinks or something?
Marie from a few months ago would be nauseous at this kind of proposition, but her present-self feels like she owes Nico… something different.
So, she finds herself tucked into a corner booth at some restaurant Nico says he’s been to before.
And she laughs at his jokes. Brushes her hand over his. Turns a bit soppy looking into his warm brown eyes.
And she knows she made a mistake.
But still, she holds his hand as they walk back to the hotel; swaying back and forth, a little wine-drunk.
Marie walks him to the door like she’s some sort of gentleman at the end of a first date, they both know the connotations are anything but gentlemanly.
“This was nice,” she smiles up at him.
“If you were still in Jersey, we could have nights like this all the time,”
That should deflate her a bit, but she’s made it too far for it to end here with some serious conversation, so she reaches into his pocket to grab his room key and unlock the door, shoving him into the room.
She kisses him, hard and needy. She desperately wants her lips everywhere. She follows that train down his jaw.
“Clearly you want this kind of thing too, or you wouldn’t come crawling to me anytime we’re in the same place,” his hands are bunching up the skirt of her dress.
She bites down on his neck, a little meaner than she should. But it gets him going enough to throw her onto his bed. Her underwear is gone and a finger is pushing into her before she can make any moves.
A second and third are soon to follow. The pressure from his thumb on her clit is enough to make her throw back her head and enjoy the intoxication.
His other hand cups her jaw, makes her open her eyes and look at him.
“This is all I wanted, but you had to be a brat who let me find out you moved by showing up to your empty apartment,” he stops moving his fingers, stops using any pressure.
“I apologized for that,” she whines, desperate and uncaring.
“Did you?” He crooks his fingers just so.
“I gave you a blow job,” Marie grits out.
He raises his brows while he pulls out, leaving her feeling emptier than ever before.
The realization crashes over her harder than any orgasm ever could.
She scrambles off the bed throwing on her underwear and grabbing her phone.
“I’m deleting your number.”
“I moved to a city that doesn’t even have a hockey team to stay away from you and that’s not even working.”
“You moved because of me?” The crease between his brow is like a canyon.
“You wanted more and I knew I wasn’t– I’m not in a place to give that to you, but fuck! Whatever I’m doing now– I’m just being cruel, aren’t I?”
“I’m not exactly turning you away.”
“Doesn’t mean I should keep using you,” tears she wasn’t expecting start to well up, “Nico you’re worth a lot more than a quick fuck from a flight attendant who happens to be in the same zip code as you.”
Nico just stares at her and Marie knows she has to be the bigger person here.
“You should block me on everything too, don’t give me a way to weasel my way back in.”
Once she’s dressed, she moves towards Nico, moves a strand of hair off his forehead.
She feels like she should say something meaningful, but this isn’t that kind of relationship; Marie made sure of that when she scorched the earth behind her when she left.
She kisses him one last time and hopes she’ll be able to find her next hit in someone else.
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 months
Jump Then Fall - Part 3
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Pairing: Javier Peña x ofc “Vanessa Morales”
Word Count: 3600+
Rating: M for mature - 18+ only!
Warnings: Please be aware there is an 11 year age gap. Mature themes and some canon mentioned. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.
Notes: When the story starts, Vanessa is 19 and Javier is 30.
**Shoutout to @VaneMando15 for listening and bouncing ideas from me, and for her guidance with being a Latina herself. Without her, this wouldn’t even be a thing, just another line on my WIP spreadsheet. And also to my husband, who is also Latino and answered any questions I had (along with taking me to Colombia back in 2014). And to @wyn-n-tonic, who listened to my rambles and insecurities about writing an oc in first person.
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
Jump Then Fall Masterlist
General Masterlist
Javier Peña Masterlist
<<Part 2<<
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He's coming back. Chucho is bringing Javier back after 6 years. What do I say? How do I tell him he has a son who is already 6 years old? Will he even remember me? Will he want to be a part of mine and Alex's life or will he turn and run?
My mind spirals as I finish drying the last few pans before putting them away. I head upstairs, my brain going through a million different scenarios before I take a quick glance in the mirror. I smooth down my hair and put on a new outfit, a simple summer dress that goes down to my knees, and end up randomly tidying and cleaning the house, never settling on one spot.
I knew this day would come. I guess I just never thought about it specifically. 6 years ago, I was so sure of my choice not to tell him, that I wouldn't want him distracted in Colombia but I wouldn't want him to come home and resent us for forcing his choice. But a part of me, ok a large part of me, feels guilty for not giving him the choice.
I hear Chucho's truck pull up outside and my heart starts beating faster. The truck doors slam and muted voices make their way to the front door. I pick up the book on the counter in front of me and open it, my eyes not taking in a word but I didn't want to look like I was waiting around for them. For him.
"...'m fine. You don't have to b-baby me."
"I'm just trying to make sure you don't vomit on the clean floors."
He's drunk. I can tell by the way his words are slurred, his feet thunking across the wood floors in a sporadic pattern. Before I can move, he stumbles through the kitchen doorway, his eyes taking a few moments to focus on me.
"Who are you?"
My hearts sinks a little. I would've been surprised if he remembered me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt.
He steps closer to me, his eyes scanning my body before settling on mine.
"Are you fucking my dad?"
"Uh, no. I-"
"Ok, Javi. Time for bed. Vanessa will be here later for you to question," Chucho claps his hands on Javier's shoulders and guides him towards the doorway.
"Ok, ok. I have more questions later, Vanessssssa."
I give him a little wave as he disappears through the doorway. Chucho struggles to get him up the stairs, but eventually the sounds of them arguing disappear and I'm left alone for the moment. I turn around, gripping the counter with both of my hands and take several deep breaths.
He doesn't remember me. Or maybe it's because he's drunk? How do I handle it now?
His eyes, though filled with the drink, held a lot of anger and regret. He's hurting. I can't imagine what he's seen or had to do in persuit of Escobar. Chucho walks back in, breaking me from my thoughts.
"Sorry about him. He doesn't usually get drunk like that."
I wave my hand. "It's fine. I imagine he's been through a lot."
"Still, it's not an excuse to act like an asshole...he's going to be out for a bit but I'm thinking hamburgers for dinner? Something greasy to help that hangover he's going to have."
"Sounds good."
Chucho studies me for a moment. "How are you?"
That's a good question. "I...I'm not entirely sure."
"You need to tell him."
I nod. "Of course. But I can't tell him when he's drunk."
He chuckles. "No, I suppose not. But soon, ok?"
I give him a small smile before moving to get out the ingredients to bake some hamburger buns. Chucho moves to the living room, the tv turning on a moment later. He flips the channel and the news report echoes through the doorway to me.
"Breaking news! Pablo Escobar has just been killed. This is live footage of the rooftop where he was killed by DEA agent Steve Murphy..."
I step into the living room, watching the live broadcast of the rooftops where the outline of a dead man lays splaid on the tiles, other men in tach vests surrounding him. A blonde man high fives someone as the news anchor continues their report. But then it dawns on me.
Javier is not there, finally catching Escobar after 6 years of chasing him. He's here. No wonder he's drunk. What happened?
"Why is Javier here, Chucho?"
He's quiet a moment. "I don't know."
I return to the kitchen, mixing the dough before forming the buns. I can't imagine working for 6 years trying to catch one of the most elusive men, only to be forced away at the very end, not even being allowed to be there for his capture. I'd lose my mind too. I know I need to tell him about Alex, but I also need to give him a moment with this.
But how long of a moment?
It takes 3 days for Javier to come out of a drunken stupor. I hear his bedroom door open as he stumbles down the hall with a groan, the bathroom door closing behind him. I hear a slam from the bathroom, sounding like the toilet lid. I wipe my hands on my apron and head upstairs, hesitating for a moment outside of the bathroom door. I knock very gently.
"Javier? Are you alright?"
A grunt followed by another violent heaving sound answers me. I turn the handle, slowly pushing the door open as the heaving subsides. Javier slumps against the side of the bathtub, his hand moving around to find the handle to flush the toilet. His hair is rumpled, his eyes mostly closed, clad only in a pair of sweatpants. I walk over to the toilet and close the lid, flushing the toilet for him. His hand drops to his lap and he takes a couple of deep breaths.
"Of course. Do you want help up?"
He cracks his eyes open and looks at me. "You're not my dad."
"That I am not."
He lifts his head, opening his eyes a little more before hissing and closing them, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "The fucking light is going to kill me."
"Well I can't do anything about the light coming in this window. But let's get you back to your room in bed. You'll feel better."
I wait a few moments while he gathers himself, extending my hand to help him up. He squints at me and I roll my eyes.
"Just take my hand. I'm stronger than I look."
He takes it and I have to hold back a gasp as his large hands engulf my small ones, the warmth from the contact sparking all sorts of thoughts and memories. I pull him to his feet and he leans on me as I help him back to his room, pulling back the sheets as he slides in. I pull all of his curtains firmly shut, only using the light from the hallway to see around. Javier settles into bed, groaning a little as he puts his hand on his stomach.
"I'll bring you some water and pain meds."
"Oh you don't have-"
"That wasn't a question."
I head back downstairs, getting a glass of water. I stop by the bathroom again, opening the medicine cabinet and getting out some pain meds. I also pull out the bottle of activated charcoal tablets that Chucho handed me shortly after Javier came home. He said they suck to choke down but they'd really help the hangover. I carry everything to his room, shaking out the right amount of charcoal tablets. Javier sits up with another groan, taking the pills and the glass of water.
"This isn't aspirin."
"No. It's activated charcoal. Chucho said it will really help your hangover. You can't take it with any meds though as it'll just absorb those."
"I'll just take the aspirin."
"I really think you need to take the charcoal."
He looks up at me. "I don't even know who you are why the fuck would I listen to you?"
"Because I just carried your stubborn self all the way from the bathroom after you puked your guts out. I'm just trying to help. Take the damn pills."
He studies me through squinted eyes. "Yes ma'am." He chokes down the pills and makes a disgusted face before drinking several sips of water. "Those taste terrible."
"I never claimed they tasted good. So let those do their work and get some rest. When you're ready, come downstairs and I'll make you something to eat."
He looks at me again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed together in concentration. "No really, who are you?"
"Vanessa. Now get some rest."
He lays back and I pull the blanket up, giving him a small smile when I catch him looking at me. I leave the room and head back downstairs, finishing up some of the lesson planning I was doing for the upcoming semester.
A few hours later, Javier comes downstairs, this time with a shirt. Although he only has the bottom 3 buttons done up. I'm not sure why he even bothered with a shirt. Not that I'm complaining. He stands there awkwardly, like he doesn't know what to do.
"Feeling better?" I ask, turning to face him from my stool at the kitchen island.
"Yeah. Those charcoal things worked really well."
"Good. I've never been hungover so I wasn't sure, but I figured Chucho knew what he was talking about. Are you hungry?"
"I uh...I'm not sure," his hand goes to his stomach, his face souring slightly.
I head over to the slow cooker on the counter. "I made some chicken noodle soup. If anything, you can sip on the broth?" I look over at him, his head cocked to the side, watching me.
"What? Oh soup. Yeah. Sure."
I ladle him a bowl and grab some saltines and set them on a little plate next to his bowl and set it in front of him. I also set down a glass filled with cloudy looking water.
"Coconut water?" Javier asks skeptically.
I shrug. "My mom always gave it to me during and after a cold. Said it gave me back nutrients. I figure alcohol probably takes a fair amount of nutrients from you. So it should help."
"Hhmm. Guess we'll find out." He takes a tentative sip from the cup, licking his lips a little after. "Hey that's sitting alright."
I give him a small smile. "Good."
Before I can move, he grabs my arm and gives it a little squeeze, sending jolts of electricity through me. "Thank you."
"Y-you're welcome."
I sit and pull my planner and books to me, resuming my task of lesson planning. I can feel his eyes on me, like he's studying me. I wish he would find something else more interesting.
"What are you doing?"
I don't look up. "Lesson planning for this upcoming semester."
He takes a slurp of his soup and swallows it. "Teacher? Holy shit this soup is amazing."
I look up at him as he takes another bite, his eyes closing for a moment as he savors the soup.
"Yeah. I'm teaching 2nd grade this year."
"Sounds fun. Seriously, what did you do to this soup?"
"My mom taught me how to cook," My eyes sting and my heart hurts thinking of those memories.
"Well, she did a damn good job."
"Sometimes she got it right."
He looks up at me. "Oh. I'm sorry I touched a nerve."
I wave my hand. "It's ok. I've come to terms with it."
He sets his spoon down, all of his focus on me. His gaze is intense, that little furrow between his brow is back. "You look-"
"Good you're awake, puto. Put some pants on and come help me." Chucho walks in the back door, stomping his boots on the mat outside before stepping in.
"I don't know if I-"
"Come on, son. No more babying I gave you time. Now I need your young bones."
"You sound like a bruja." (witch). But Javier pushes back from the island and starts to grab his plate.
"Don't worry about it, I got it." I stand, leaning over to take the bowl and plate, noticing that he'd eaten all of it. "I have more if you want some."
His dark eyes bore into mine, fanning a flame inside of me. "I want whatever you give me, Vanessa."
SMACK! Chucho slaps Javier on the back of his head.
"What the fuck?"
"Stop flirting and come help me before these chickens run halfway to Mexico."
Chucho and Javier are gone for a few more hours and return just as the sun is setting. I hang up the phone, having had my nightly call with Alex, who is having a blast at science camp. The men kick off their work boots and coats, trudging upstairs to shower.
"Dinner will be ready soon so don't take long!" I yell after them.
Chucho devours the steak I'd made him while Javier opts to have another couple bowls of soup. Before long, Chucho leans back, slapping his stomach.
"Well, I am tired. Gonna get an early sleep. Vanessa? Delicious, as usual. Night, everyone."
"Good night, Chucho."
While he heads upstairs, I start to clean up, Javier immediately moving to help me. I shake my head.
"Nope. I got this."
"I can help."
"Really, it's ok."
"Are you always this stubborn?
"Are you?"
He looks at me before he smirks, but then it's gone just as fast. Man am I fucked.
"I can dry?"
"I appreciate the offer, but really. I'm ok."
"Does washing the dishes relax you or something?"
I know he said it in jest, but now that I think about it, it kind of does. The warm, soapy water calms me down. Gives me space to think.
"Yeah sort of."
He puts his hands up. "Say no more. I don't want to intrude." Did he just wink at me? Javier heads from the kitchen and I hear the front door open, the screen door slapping closed behind him.
After I'm done with the dishes, I dry my hands, thinking. I grab another glass of coconut water and head towards the front door, hesitating for several moments before pushing open the screen. Javier sits on the swing bench, facing out to look over the front half of the farm, a cigarette lit and in between his fingers. He takes a long drag, his lips rounding to blow out the smoke.
"I thought you should hydrate again." I hold up the glass and he turns to look at me, his eyes coming back into focus. He beckons me to him and I walk up, handing him the glass.
"That's a nasty habit, you know," I nod towards the cigarette in his hand.
He shrugs. "You have your relaxing activity, and I have mine." Still, he leans forward and puts it out on the tray he'd set on the arm of the bench. "Come. Sit."
I take a breath and sit, our thighs nearly touching. The air feels electrified, like it's waiting for something to happen. We sit like this for a while, staring out at the cows grazing in the front fields, Javier lightly rocking the swing as he rolls his foot back and forth.
"Thank you for...everything. Taking care of me and..everything." He turns his head to look at me in the light coming in through the windows from the house.
"It's not a problem. Anyone would do it."
He snorts. "Not for me."
"And why not?"
He pauses a moment. "I'm not a good guy."
"Well I know that's not true. You're a great man, Javier." I place my hand on his forearm without thinking, and squeeze. He looks down at where I touch him, placing his hand over mine before looking at me.
"I'm really not. I just..." He trails off, his eyes sweeping over my face. "You...you look familiar. It's been killing me for days."
Well. Now is the time. For this confession, at least.
"That's because we know each other."
His brow furrows slightly. "I had a feeling. From where?"
It still hurts a little that he doesn't remember, even though I know it's a trauma response. Memory loss and PTSD can often go hand in hand.
"You...you gave me a rose, once."
Recognition immediately ripples over his face, his eyes widening, his eyebrows raising a little as he shifts his body to face me.
"Vanessa? From the bar? Right before I left for Colombia?"
I smile nervously. "That's me."
"Summer of new things Vanessa?"
I nod. "Yup. Me."
His eyes are twinkling now, a small smile creeping up his face. "Holy shit! I never thought I'd see you again. It was so hard to walk away from you that morning. The only thing that did it was the fact that the DEA would come down on me hard for missing that flight." His eyes soften the longer he looks in mine and for a moment, we're both transported back to that night, the night he opened up my world.
"H-how are you?" He's hesitant, but his eyes are wide and curious.
"Not bad."
"How did you end up here? I thought you were going back to-" he waves his hand around trying to think. "Austin?"
"Corpus Christi."
He snaps his fingers. "That was it."
Do I tell him about Alex? About being a father? Something inside me tells me to wait. To only surprise Javier with one thing at a time. He's been through so much and the last thing I want to do is pile more on top of that.
"It's a long story but I...got pregnant and my parents..well, they didn't approve. Out of wedlock. Anyway, they kicked me out and I uh, ended up here. Chucho I guess took pity on me and gave me a place to stay. I offered to cook and clean for him which of course he argued against, but," I shrug. "And so I stayed. He demanded I return to college and get my teaching degree I had been working on and he babysat Alex while I did. I owe him so much. My life, basically. I don't know how I'll be able to repay him."
His eyes grew serious. "You're parents kicked you out pregnant?"
I nod. "Yeah."
"That's fucked. Sorry, but it is."
I shrug. "They were the kind of parents that would scrub my mouth out with soap and make me repeat scripture if I had nail polish on so I guess I'm not surprised. I've made peace with it."
"Still. I'm sorry that happened to you."
We sit in silence for another few moments, one weight on my chest lifted but a very heavy one still remaining.
"The dad didn't help?"
Here's your chance, Vanessa. You can tell him now, despite everything. Tell him. TELL. HIM.
"He...He had other things to do."
Javier scoffs. "What an asshole."
I shake my head vehemently. "No, it's not..they were very important."
"More important than knocking up a young woman?"
"I think so."
"I'm sure."
I turn to face him more directly. "What if it was yo-"
The phone cuts through our conversation, forcing an ending that I wasn't ready for. Javier attempts to stand but I put my hand out.
"It might be Alex. I've got it."
I feel his eyes on me as I go inside, answering the phone quickly. It wasn't Alex but some automated political message and I grunt, hanging up the phone in frustration. I should go back outside and explain everything to him, confess it all, but I don't. I do peak my head back outside and call his name, momentarily flustered when he looks at me.
"It was some political something."
"I fucking hate those."
"I'm going upstairs. Drink that coconut water." I point to the untouched glass in his hand and he holds it up towards me.
"Yes, ma'am."
>>Chapter 4>>
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lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
this love came back to me (Wanda Maximoff x reader)
Description: several months after you and Wanda originally broke up, a chance encounter with her at the grocery store has all your old feelings rushing back to you and makes you wonder why you ended things in the first place
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A/N: the idea for this fic came from one of the songs off of 1989 tv. I haven't written for anybody from the mcu (or in general) in so long omfg. Also Wanda's a super fucking hottie btw. but you guys already knew that
Warnings: exs to lovers (is that a thing? It is now), fluff, kind of hurt/comfort, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of insecurity/self depreciation, mentions of past heartbreak, happy ending (because y'all really deserve it)
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The day began just like any other. You'd woken up to find you were on your last roll of toilet paper, you didn't have anymore hand soap, and you were running out of milk. 
"Guess I'd better make a trip to the grocery store," you said to yourself while you slipped on your shoes and grabbed your keys. 
You got there to find it practically empty, courtesy of making a trip that wasn't during the weekend, when it was slam packed. 
As you browsed the aisles, you couldn't help but notice a young woman around your age shopping in the same area as you. While she looked awfully familiar, you decided to brush it off. It was most likely just your mind playing tricks on you, like it usually did. 
However, when you saw her again a couple aisles down, you realized that maybe you did know her. You were sure you recognized her from somewhere, but where exactly was a difficult place to put your finger on. 
It was when you finally were able to see her face that you recognized her to be Wanda, your ex girlfriend. She looked great, better than you remembered. 
This made you self conscious and overly aware of the fact you were wearing a hoodie and sweatpants while she was all dolled up in her red blouse and dark blue skinny jeans, not to mention the makeup she had on her face. 
It made you think about how whenever you needed to go shopping and she would offer to go with you, you'd have to wait at least thirty minutes for her to find a cute outfit and do her makeup (or at least put on some mascara and lip gloss, if you didn't have the time to wait for her) before she was ready to go. 
It was quite endearing, now that you were thinking back on it, but you distinctively remembered back then how frustrated you would get, having to wait. It hurt your heart to think about how gorgeous she would look while all you could do was grumble about leaving later than you'd originally wanted. 
Before you could think about whether or not approaching her would be a good idea, she looked your way, a warm smile gracing her features. God, she looked pretty than you remembered. "Hey, you." Wanda called out softly, a playful look in her eyes. 
"Uh, hey." You responded with lamely, not really knowing what to think. Did she hate you now? I mean, the breakup hadn't gone poorly, and it was mutual, but you still couldn't help wondering what she thought of you. 
"Long time, no see." She walked over to where you were standing, a grocery basket tucked under her arm. "I missed you." 
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. She missed you? 
"Yeah, same." You inwardly cringe at just how uninterested you must sound, but then again, how could you express your feelings for her properly without her getting upset or wanting to leave? 
"So, um..." You fidgeted, looking everywhere but her as you tried to pluck up the courage to ask that one simple question that could put you on a path back into her arms. 
You decided to just bite the bullet and get on with it. After all, the worst she could do was say no. "Do you... do you wanna maybe get coffee later? Or something?" 
Her face practically lit up with joy. "Sure, I'd love to," she cheerfully answered, a large smile encompassing the lower half of her face. 
You tried not to seem too eager when you responded. "Great! I mean, good, that's good that you wanna do that with me." 
Laughing, she slipped her hand into yours. "Just lemme pay for this real quick, then lunch is on me. We've got a lot of catching up to do." 
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bestworstcase · 6 months
@tumblingxelian tag from here
#OK I'd legit love to hear your take on her interactions with Oscar
oh i think about the interrogation scene a normal amount
something i want to underline before diving in is the conspicuous discrepancy between the eloquence and spoken delivery of salem's soliloquies in V1/V3 (internal monologue) versus her dialogue (verbal speech). it's especially noticeable in juxtaposition with ozma's V7 soliloquy versus ozpin's dialogue, where no such discrepancy exists; oz talks the way he thinks, he's an excellent orator and even in casual conversation he's well-spoken and charismatic.
whereas salem... thinks eloquently and often poetically ("nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness..." or "it's true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary..."), but speaks with minimal rhetorical flair. her speech is also sometimes a little stilted or just very, very deliberate in a way that does not sound natural; and there's times—her conversation with cinder in V5 is a particularly noticeable example—where what she says circles around what she means.
"working with bandits? keeping ruby alive? what's the point? we're strong enough to take what we want by force!" / "never underestimate the usefulness of others; take leonardo. he was one of ozpin's most trusted, but now... hm. you will have the power i promised you when the time is right, but remember that it comes with a cost. if ruby rose has learned to harness her gift, you must take care to protect yours. there's only so much i can do to aid you."
<- its like. instead of just saying it, salem says examples supporting the idea she's trying to articulate. if a conversation were a math problem, salem shows all of her work but doesn't give the answer. and she does this A LOT.
none of the other characters in the story are like this—which means it isn't, like, a problem with the writers failing to write cogent dialogue. it's a deliberate character choice for salem specifically.
anyway, prior to the interrogation scene, salem only appears in contexts where she is either addressing her subordinates or—in V7—giving ironwood the terms of her siege. on two of these occasions, she get interrupted with unexpected new information (ozpin is back, ruby rose used the lamp) and in both cases, salem abruptly ends the conversation and either kicks everyone else out (V6) or leaves (V7).
and i think that's worth noting in relation to this scene, because the interrogation veers off script very fast and we get to see salem, um, Trying Her Best.
as far as salem knows, oscar is gone. she expects—prepares for—a hostile and painful confrontation with ozma. when oscar wakes up, she's huddled against a pillar in a shadowy corner with an arm curled around herself and her head low, staring fixedly at conjured shadows of her dead children. she is Not Okay.
but when she speaks, her tone is conversational. almost cordial, once she's past the withering sarcasm in "my long lost ozma... found at last." it's affected! it's not real! she's reciting words she planned and probably rehearsed beforehand—which i think is likely the case for most of her little speeches. she's a poor speaker.
except... it's oscar. salem twigs that he isn't ozma the instant he talks, stares at him for a couple seconds without no visible reaction except that her mocking little smile fades, and:
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snarls and grabs his face and yanks him down to get a better look at him—the mask just shatters. there's lots of ways to interpret this, but i'm inclined to take it as salem recognizing that this isn't ozma and then second-guessing that instinct and grabbing him because she needs to be absolutely sure.
"you can pretend, boy... but you're not fully him. not yet, at least." her tone shifts on every clause, from almost a growl to relieved to just sort of resigned. and then she drops him, exhales, steps back:
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and just... stands there gazing into the middle distance for a couple seconds. like—oscar being here was not a possibility she even considered until it happened and upon finding herself in this situation her reaction is basically, "...um."
and then she's like
well... :)
perhaps you and i can have a better working reLaTiOnShiP.
oscar, >:[
was it? :\
laying aside the dire understatement of referring to what happened between her and ozma as a bad "working relationship," you can like. hear. the crash box crashing in her head as she says this. her tone swings from sweet and gentle to sardonic to coldly indifferent—and then she follows this by swerving right back into cordial neutrality. hrgkhsj her affect just goes haywire
and i think that happens because this is just so far out of expected bounds that she can't figure out how to say what she needs to say to get herself back on track. her speech smooths out again as soon as she segues into her questions, because she knows what she planned to ask ozma and she can tailor that to oscar instead.
but getting there? dial-up noises.
the hysterical part though is that it's really obvious this awkward verbal jumble isn't indicative of internal confusion or uncertainty, in that salem knows what she's going to do—her chosen tactics are clear and entirely coherent. she:
calms herself down and backs off.
states her intention to play nice if he cooperates.
both implicitly and explicitly differentiates him from ozma to indicate she understands he's his own person and can and will set her rage and bitterness with ozma aside to treat oscar fairly.
which is precisely what i meant in the OP, about salem having the necessary grasp of human nature to be—in theory—a formidable manipulator but lacking the social dexterity and charisma required to put it into effective practice. like, tactically this line of attack is very shrewd, but her awkward, erratic delivery cuts the legs out from under it because she sounds utterly insincere.
⭐️ she tried.
continuing on—salem first explains the context regarding what she needs to know about "the beacon relic" (sidebar, does... salem even know what it is? this is the only one she refers to this way. the lamp, the staff, the sword, and "the beacon relic"), all in a fairly amicable tone except for:
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"if i know my ozma" <- she's implicitly positioning herself and oscar on the same 'side' against ozma. this follows from her deliberate rhetorical separation of oscar from ozma and also the basis of her strategy in coaxing this information out of oscar. the reason she's taking the time for this little prologue is not to help oscar understand why she captured him necessarily. she's (trying to) set out the rules of the game she is playing. trying to, because she's doing her showing-her-work-but-not-giving-the-answer thing again.
here's what she means:
"perhaps you and i can have a better working relationship. oscar, was it?" -> i can work with you because i know you're not him. "if i know my ozma, he has used some means of deception to hide [the relic's] location differently from the others." -> ozma lies. i despise him for lying to me. i expect you to prove to me that you're not like him in this specific way. "i need to know where it is." -> i want an honest answer.
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salem knows he isn't going to tell her where ozma hid the relic, if oscar even knows that information; she doesn't expect or even want him to tell her that yet, necessarily. rather, this is a test. she wants to see if oscar will try to deceive her.
"that's not something i know about." he passes.
immediately, salem rewards him for being honest. "of course." she removes her hand from the hound's shoulder and moves away.
"he would keep that one guarded as long as possible." she also takes the opportunity to reinforce that she sees oscar as a separate individual and insinuates that ozma is actively keeping secrets from both of them.
and again, this is a cunning approach because:
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oscar is scared and uncomfortable. he quite clearly anticipates that salem is going to get angry and hurt him as he says he doesn't know the answer. so when she accepts "i don't know" without hesitation and physically moves out of his personal space, it creates these feelings of surprise and relief.
that emotional reaction is the key to salem's strategy here. first she tells oscar that she will be reasonable if he cooperates, then she clarifies her expectations ("don't lie.") she asks a question knowing full well that he either can't or won't answer it. he says "i don't know" and braces for retaliation, but instead salem goes "okay" and turns down the heat. she's demonstrating through her actions that she's going to play fair.
"how about something easier, then? the password for the lamp."
she doesn't expect him to tell her this one either. not yet. it's another test that builds from the first. she's established that "i don't know" is a safe answer (as long as it's true). what salem's fishing for him to say now is "i'm not going to tell you that."
why? when she walked away, she left oscar hanging from the hound's jaws. salem lowered the heat—she didn't turn it all the way off. the point of all this is to teach oscar how to play her game, and the last rule he needs to know is that "i won't say" is also a safe answer. had he given her that answer, the hound would have set him down and withdrawn to lay down in the entryway.
only then would the game truly begin. the idea is to draw oscar into something like a real conversation and gradually get him comfortable saying things like "i don't know" and "i won't answer that question" by cultivating trust. once that rapport exists, it becomes really easy to turn the discussion around by asking oscar why? why not take the risk of trusting her with this or that information? after all, she's been nothing but polite and reasonable. does he truly still believe she's the evil monster ozma made her out to be? she gave him the benefit of the doubt... can't he do the same for her?
salem wins by convincing him she's a person he can negotiate with. that pulling this off would be the ultimate fuck-you to ozma only makes it more satisfying.
of course, that's not what actually happens. (partly because salem talked a circle about the "don't lie" rule and oscar—who hasn't spent the last four volumes seeing that his woman yells and flips tables when she's lied to—didn't pick up the hint.) instead, he tries to deceive her again and salem lashes out.
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<- the physical violence gets all the attention from the fandom, and i do understand why, it's nasty and protracted and made to be viscerally unpleasant to watch, but. it's only a placeholder, something salem does while she considers what she's going to do—and say—to hurt him in a way that will never heal.
salem gets that oscar isn't ozma, didn't ask to become him, and feels desperate to retain his own identity distinct and separate from for as long as possible. she knows how ozma's reincarnation works, what this curse does to his hosts. it's not hard to figure out that it is a horrifying, traumatizing ordeal for the souls he's "paired" with. this is why she makes such a particular point of differentiating between oscar and ozma.
"the lies come out of you so easily." ("if i know my ozma, he has used some means of deception...")
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why does she caress his face like this? to make him remember her like ozma does. "like-minded souls, indeed." you can pretend, boy, but so much of you is him that you remember even this.
the torture is just the preshow. this is the cruelest, most devastating thing she could possibly do to him, and salem knows it. she gave him a pass on pretending to be ozma, and he threw the second chance back in her face by lying to her again; she's furious and upset and she wants to HURT him.
this is how porous the boundaries between you and him have become. this is how close you are to being him. this is how little of you there is left to lose. like-minded souls, indeed.
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she does this to fuck with his head and it horrifies him so much that oscar spends the remainder of this arc actively choosing to endure being hazel's literal punching bag rather than let ozma take over or try to escape using ozma's magic. in 8.6:
OZMA: I’d like to express again that this is my burden to bear, not yours. His grudge is with me. OSCAR: No, it’ll be even worse. He’s holding back with me, I can tell. OZMA: I understand. I do. But you’ve done so much already. The least I can do is give you a break and try to get us out of here. OSCAR: We can’t leave yet.
they go back and forth, oscar proposes trying to flip hazel, ozma agrees it's worth a try. when hazel comes in, ozpin goes "oscar, please"—and because oscar doesn't respond, it's ambiguous whether he gives ozma control or if ozma shunts him aside again as he did at haven academy.
either way, the next we see of oscar after the interrogation scene is ozma entreating oscar to let him take over and oscar going no no no, that'll make it worse, no i don't need a break, i've got a plan, no no we have to stay here. and while his reasoning is cogent... this is a fifteen year old boy who's spent the whole day getting beaten up by a guy three times his size, and he actively wants to stay and be tortured more rather than let ozma front for a while.
and then in 8.9:
OZMA: I think this plan to divide may have run its course. It’s time we start thinking about a way out; not having our cane certainly limits our options, so… OSCAR: No! I don’t like what happens when we use magic. Every time we use it, I can feel us merging faster. I'm not ready for that.
the deeper truth gets spoken aloud.
this is not a new thing with oscar—his emotional core has always been existential dread—but framing it in this way, set against hours and hours of brutal torture that oscar insists is the less bad option, represents a massive spike in the intensity of his horror.
because salem Did That.
anyway the interrogation scene is great. 10/10.
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scoobydoodean · 5 months
Hey there, I have SPN Thought Worms i thought you might appreciate: You know how there’s debate wether (in the biblical story) Abraham “failed” God’s test, if it was a blind loyalty test or to see if he’d put his moral and love over unquestioned orders? In the same vein, do you think Dean truly ‘failed’ Death’s test with the ring and carrying out his duties for the day? Like maybe Death actually wanted Dean to be unable to do it bc it proved he had limits or smth? Or did he just get Sam’s soul back despite the apparent failure because he has a massive soft spot for Dean? (relatable tbh). Hope I made myself clear lol, the concept is jumbled-up in my mind, and have a great day!
This is a really interesting question! I also have a feeling I'll have a lot better of an answer when I get to 6.11 on this rewatch and have the entire season fresh on my mind. That said, Death actually says in the end that the goal was for Dean to learn something.
DEATH Today, you got a hard look behind the curtain. Wrecking the natural order's not quite such fun when you have to mop up the mess, is it? This is hard for you, Dean. You throw away your life because you've come to assume that it'll bounce right back into your lap. But the human soul is not a rubber ball. It's vulnerable, impermanent, but stronger than you know. And more valuable than you can imagine. So... I think you've learned something today. (x)
I'd really like to watch through season 6 again to solidify this one for myself, but I have a feeling that this isn't about teaching Dean a personal moral lesson at all. I don't think Death is at all concerned with the fact that the nurse died because the little girl didn't from a moral perspective—he wouldn't have ever given Dean his ring if he was. That isn't why he said "good" when Dean said he would have acted differently if he could go back. We can guess it also isn't just a simple lesson about "bringing each other back" being bad and "letting go", because that'd be pretty hypocritical given Death is going to help Dean anyway with no one forcing his hand (and he tells us Dean has use). It isn't a moral issue Death's addressing. It's a lesson he's giving on the structure of the universe. It's about balance. As Death says cryptically later in the scene:
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I think what Death wanted to get across to Dean is that souls must pass on, and their energy must be allotted to the appropriate areas in time and space. If one person doesn't die, passing their soul on as energy, another person must die so that a certain balance and energy level is maintained in the universe. Death plans to help Dean from the beginning, because "Right now, you're digging at something. The intrepid Detective. I want you to keep digging, Dean."
Death, as a person who can't ultimately involve himself without also disrupting balance, is ultimately hinting at Dean as best he knows how that he wants him to stop Crowley and Cas from sucking a bunch of souls out of Purgatory, creating absolute chaos. But he can't say that, so instead, he gives Dean a lesson. He tells Dean that human souls are extremely valuable, and that they need to go to the places the universe wants them to go and stay there. If they don't—if they are moved on a large scale—something terrible will happen. Death has to expect Dean to extrapolate all of this information, which is not an easy expectation to fulfill.
So I guess to summarize: I don't think Dean failed Death's test, because actually using the ring and experiencing what happened when Dean tried to change things was more of a lesson than a test. The test was how Dean reflected on the lesson after and evaluated his behavior. He passed when he said he'd behave differently if he could go back. Death wanted Dean to understand the idea of balance in the universe depending on where souls go, and how important it is not to disrupt their flow or move them around. Changing things makes bad things happen. When there's just one soul, the impact is small (something Death is willing to let Dean toy with by offering his ring for the day). But what if someone disrupted the flow of many many souls at once?
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keksalot404 · 7 months
How's it going folks? Welcome back to Know Your Monsters! Halloween's is just around the corner, so we got a special treat for you tricksters! For Monstertown's 3rd Hollow's Eve, we've asked you to say some burning questions to some human-turned-spooky specters (and their mortal companions) who popped up in the MTT Hotel to give you this totally planned special! We got your questions, so now we ask... why are you crying?
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Witch Mari: *sniff* I'm sorry - It's just - It's our first Halloween with me back - and - I never though we would ever enjoy today like this - aND WE CAN DO SIBLING COSTUMES AGAIN *sobs*
Black Cat Sunny: …I think me not celebrating any holiday for years affected her.
Akita Neru Aubrey: I forgot how into Halloween she was...or, is.
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Lucas Frisk: *I recall how hard it was to coordinate costumes with Chara every year! I reckon we will run out of costumes pairs by year 5.
Masked Man Chara: YOU may call me picky, I would call it having actual taste. Hollow's Eve is a personal favorite holiday of mine and I will not muddle it dressing as a technicolor astronaut!
Frisk: *Hey! I point out that it is from a Horror Drama show specifically.
Chara: Why are you so adamant about us having pairing outfits in the first place?!
Frisk: *Because you're my best friend~ (*I make a heart with my hands)
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Miku Madotsuki: Sorry my ghost friend couldn't make it tonight, she got so excited for Halloween she kind of got tuckered out and went back into... anyway! I can ask any question in her place! (Um, this interview isn't public outside town, is it?)
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Purple Guy-er: You couldn't even bother to get a somewhat matching outfit. Just wearing the mask isn't enough!
Myers Mask Kris: It's more a costume then whatever you're suppose to be.
Player: I. Can't. Change. OUTFITS. This is the best I can do with my colors!
Kris: Then make your body transparent. At least then you'd actually pass as a ghost.
Player: Just give us the first question please, smiley helmet guy.
Okay! This first question towards you two I also want to ask the rest!
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Player: Alright, let see, my name is... Player! I'm 19 years old and have been a gamer since... childhood.
Kris: Good job so far.
Player: Well SORRY I don't believe regular people would understand the concept of higher dimensional beings or that they value privacy!
Kris: The entire point of this ask thing is to get a better understanding of us.
Player: Okay well why don't you answer the next one. What do you think our relationship is, honestly?
Kris: Crippled teen and very annoying and social life line.
Player: …I mean I guess...
Mado: Me and my friend we're together for as long as I could remember. I thought she had gone, even when I kept seeing her everyday, but turns out she wasn't really gone in the first place. So... yay!
Frisk: *Chara and I go way back, before the rise of the Underground! Even when I didn't know them, they caught and saved me when I fell pass the barrier and onto the cave floor. That's when I met Chara, and we've been trusted partners ever since!
Chara: I wouldn't call being buried for decades only to be awakened by my soul being attached to a kid akin to a simple trust fall.
Frisk: *Aw, but I recall you even put down flowers for my arrival. <3
Chara: Uuuuugggghhhhh-
Mari: We're siblings of course! I'd like to believe that my will to be by Sunny's side is what kept me around and conscious all these years!
Sunny:  …What were you doing all that time I couldn't see you. I know you go to my dreams when I sleep, but what we're you doing when I was awake?
Mari: Well, you know I was invisible when not in Headspace, but I think in some of the... illusions you had were me sometimes.
Sunny: ?! Were you there when I thought you were locked outside?
Mari: No?
Sunny: How about when I drowned and I saw you trying to save me like last time?
Mari: You saw that?
Aubrey: …Were you there when Sunny visited me at the church?
Mari: I would've haunted their every waking moment for you. :)
Aubrey: Th- thanks?
Ah, actually Aubrey, there are two similar asks interested in you and Sunny.
Aubrey: Huh? But I thought this was for-
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Aubrey: How do they-! I- I mean...
Sunny: …
Aubrey: He's my friend. He made a mistake, a really dumb, life-changing mistake. Sure I was mad when I found out, furious actually, and then I got more angry at myself when I realized... I almost did the same thing.
Sunny: !
Mari: Oh Aubrey...
Aubrey: You- you gave me somewhere to go when I had nowhere else... even after everything I did to you... so... yeah
Sunny: …You're my friend too Aubrey. I might not feel the same way like back then, but I like what we are now.
Mado: …Got to love the childhood friends trope, huh?
Oh? Do I sense something between you and Sunny?
Mado: I did not agree to ask questions directly from you.
Oh, it didn't come from me~ :3
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Mado: Nanda-!
Sunny: She's comfortable to be around. She doesn't judge when I do something off-putting, and gives me good art advice when I started drawing again. She's so different from me, yet... we understand each other. She's... sweet.
Mari: (Internal squeeing)
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Mado: …
So how about-
Mado: …and. He also. Doesn't mind. When I...
Get stabby?
Mado: Eh?! Where did that come from?
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Mado: Na- I only stab things in dreams! Which I guess whoever the hell you get your questions from knows about apparently!!! And I stopped doing much of it after a while! I'm curious but I'm not some intrusive thought following maniac! Who would something like that in real life?
Sunny: I thought dream worlds only held consequences when you wanted them to. I've only learned recently that was not the case.
Mari: To be fair little bro, you could say "you" had a good control of what you dreamt about.
Sunny: Also Kris likes stabbing stuff? I don't remember them being that into it.
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Kris: …I have several knives. I keep them in a case to display.
Player: I've seen Sunny walk past it several times. I believe he thinks it's for the kitchen.
Kris: F@#k kinda kitchen needs that many knives.
Frisk: *I wonder why the ask never mentioned Chara.
Chara: I only have the one dagger, Frisk.
Frisk: *And you take care of it like your own kin.
Chara: I use it for gardening! It needs to be cleaned 3 times after use!
Moving on, this next one is for you, Chara.
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Chara: Well, I'm not one to brag, but in my living days I was referred to be a "demon who comes when you call their name." I now hold view this title as endearing, as I take pride in seeing how I can personally unsettle humans (and sometimes monsters) with nothing but my words and face. Mari is the nice, gentle, caring older sister of our little ghostly group, so really, I don't see a need for it to be a contest.
Frisk: *I mention the time with the cookies-
Chara: *through gritted teeth* That was admittedly a moment of weakness spurred by my love of chocolate. I acknowledged my defeat that day only to claim what I wanted. A deal was made, so it doesn't count.
Sunny: Never mess with older sisters. They hold a monumental power behind their smile.
Mari: Tee-hee~
That brings me to you, Mari.
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Mari: I can say that Mari's Magical Might is only growing with everything I learn! VIOLET HANDS, healing magic, teleportation, and Alphys said that I might even have an affinity for Water Magic as well! Undyne was so excited when she heard that!
Sunny: I think it's cool, I hope being linked to her gives me magic too.
Aubrey: At least you have a chance! I'd pray to the heavens a hundred times if it meant I had powers half as sweet as yours, Mari!
Mari: Aw thank you! As for what my mother thinks, at first she was shocked that I wanted to learn magic, but she quickly changed her tune when she saw that I could help around the house better with my HANDS.
Mari: As for the latter question... unfortunately full controlling shape-shifting is something I'm still getting the hang of. I'll let you know the moment I'd be able to do... that!
Chara: I'd say she's lucky to have as many experienced teachers, such as myself, to help her discovering her power.
Frisk: *I express my relief that Chara has not yet burned a part of the forest during their training with Mari.
Chara: It was ONE time, we agreed with that white furry forest guardian to not train too close to the dense forest. I am not some brainless pyromaniac.
Frisk: *The first thing you did when you could do magic was seeing if you could make a fire sword.
Chara: Well, some fire is obvious, I am a Dreemurr after all.
This next ask is for you, Frisk. This one comes from all the way in Japan!
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Frisk: *…These asks are getting way too personal.
Chara: You have just noticed?
Frisk: *How do I say this... If you are referring when I could load the entire timeline to a previous state, then I'm afraid I am not able to do that anymore. I cannot even load my most recent save, the one just after breaking the barrier.
Chara: There is little in this universe, let alone this world, that can affect time with the degree of control that we, er, Frisk had when they first entered the underground.
Frisk: *Even when I did have it, I didn't have much control of it. I only remember it forcing a load when I... lose enough HP. That was enough however, as I didn't use it for anything else.
Frisk: *As to theories on how to get that power back, I can think of a few methods...
Player: You still owe me an explanation on the white sparkle save point thing back in the "DW."
Kris: I don't owe you anything.
Player: You JUST called me your lifeline!
Kris: I don't see other people giving their UV drip a trophy.
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Teto Monoko: *sleeps soundly*
----_--__--- - - --- - -
Oh woops, I think that ask was a little corrupted.
Mado: ?
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Sunny: Oh, a water stone. Thanks.
Sunny: Um, I didn't have AC in my old house. It feels nice on hot days.
Aubrey: Hey, I know that were getting a lot of our personal life out there, but isn't it strange we can see the names of most who's asking us?
Well, we do in fact have 1 more anonymous question, it's for you Mari.
Mari: Oh! Well, ask away! There's no shame in a little anonyma-
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*Mari is crushed by the large ask!
Sunny: !!!
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Chara: Mari, are you alright?
Mari: Ugh, yeah, I'm fine. You know, ghost biology and all that.
Aubrey: What was up with that guy!? Thinking they know you like that! That was infuriating!
Sunny: Mari's not an idiot...
Mari: I'm inclined to agree, but...
Aubrey: Wh- don't tell me you agree with them Mari! It was just an accident, nobody could've how it would end!
Mari: They we're right about one thing though... I was selfish.
Aubrey: W-What...? No, it was-
Mari: You could say it was many things. The pressure from our parents. The pressure from the town. The looks of excitement on our friends faces. It was a lot, but in the end... it was me. I was the one who told Sunny to keep going. After all my fingers swelled. After his fingers started to bleed. After getting one note wrong, after getting the timing a bit off, after thinking it was just F*%KING not good enough apparently!
*Mari's spirit shakes.
Sunny: Mari...?
Mari: I... I said earlier I thought it was my will to be by your side that kept me linked to you. To be honest, I thought that it had to be the case, because the only thing I wanted to do after... everything that happened...
Mari: Was to be a better sister for you. To do- ANYTHING, to redeem my awful, stupid, selfish mistake. I... honestly don't know what else-
Chara: It was your determination.
Mari: …what?
Chara: In your final moments, you decided that whatever you had left, your love of your brother, your fear of failure, the need to repent and be a better person, whatever in your soul that was not fading, was worth still living for.
Chara: The moment you decided that, all of those feelings exploded into life, into determination. And so you kept going, not just for your brother, but also for the small part of you that still wanted to live. That so called selfishness you speak of.
Mari: …H-how... do you...?
Chara: …
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Chara: Because I asked that question too.
Mari: Huh...
*Mari notices Sunny's expression.
Mari: Sunny, look at me.
Mari: I... I know I hurt you. I know even if you say that your okay I can still feel what I've done to you even today. And it even might be more selfish of me to say this. But I just want- I NEED you to know,
Mari: However long I have left, if it's just a few months, if it's how long I would've lived before. I promise that I will do everything in my power to be with you. To help up you when you feel down. To stop you from hurting yourself or others. To listen when no one else will. Even if you don't think you deserve it. Even if I think I don't deserve you. I will do anything to be the best sister I wasn't before. Because I love you, Sunny.
Sunny: …
Sunny: …then...
Sunny: I want you to forgive yourself too.
Mari: …
Mari: O-Okay... I'll try...!
Kris: …I wish I had an older sibling.
Player: In another life, buddy.
Kris: …cool.
…We have one more question for all of you, If you want to keep going.
Mari: Hehe *sniff* of course. Go ahead.
Alright. Final question from:
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Sunny: I think... the time I tripped on Mewo's litterbox and spilled it over the floor.
Mari: I'm pretty sure me calling you over to surprise you with a fake spider that day tops that, hehe.
Aubrey: I... patted Basil on the back, accidently opening one of his wounds after That Night. I felt terrible, but he was just glad for me to be worrying about him again.
Frisk: *I recall the hours "we" spent making Dog Residue to buy the elusive Temmie Armor. I equipped it just before Asgore. Not the best time spent.
Chara: The Buttercup Pie. I guess it counts since Dad was just sick from it. Although the ripples that event would cause could count as "life-ruining"
Mado: (Too many to say.)
Mado: I... called one of my teachers by their first name back in my birth town! It was suuuper embarrassing.
Monoko: -- Gomen... -- Monoe-nee... -- cookie... -- oishii...
Player: I did that thing where you held shift to quickly craft things and I accidently made 9 Diamond Hoes in a Hardcore world.
Kris: And the most stupidest thing I will do is just around the corner, so stay tuned for that.
And that will be all! Got anything to say to everyone watching and reading?
Player: Oh- uh... thanks for all your strangely invasive questions.
Kris: We honestly didn't expect to get as many as we did.
Mado: We hope you enjoyed this little treat on Halloween!
Frisk: *I express my gratitude for all of you who are still with us for this special.
Chara: It... took a while. Whether or not it was planned, efficient, or worth it in the end is yet to be decided.
Aubrey: Thanks for all the things you say,
Sunny: The stuff you make,
Mari: And the love you share!
Until next time!
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