#but he DOES have very strong older sibling and younger sibling vibes
podcastenthusiast · 8 months
My headcanon of the order in which the spawn siblings were turned:
Aurelia - the oldest. Astarion says he was "one of [Cazador's] first" which implies he probably wasn't the first. Aurelia seems like she's a bit more brainwashed than the others based on some of her dialogue, but smart, too, determined to survive.
Astarion - second oldest technically but the one with very powerful Oldest Daughter Syndrome. The others look to him as a guide and something of a leader, they trust him implicitly, even if they don't all like him.
Petras - tricky to place but we know he sees Astarion as a rival. He also looks down on him for giving up. Maybe he was even around for the infamous year Astarion was sealed in a tomb; maybe Petras was a sort of replacement (Nope. See edit). He saw the fight bleed out of Astarion, the extra attention Cazador continued to give him anyway, and resents his brother for all of that.
Dalyria - the healer, the mediator/peacekeeper, the murderer?, the meek yet clever middle spawn. Young enough to remember her life before and cling to hope of a cure, old enough to potentially disregard morals in her desperation.
Violet - the prankster/tormentor of her siblings, the chaotic slightly unhinged shit-stirrer, likely youngest for a long time and probably still sees herself as the baby of the family (if the stuffed animals in the favored spawn room are indeed hers). I imagine it's her way of coping. It's all just playing.
Yousen - canonically turned 60 years ago according to him, considerably young than Astarion and probably many of the others. I wonder why Cazador waited so long between some spawn if he knew how many were needed for the ritual. But regardless, 60 years.
Leon - likely the newest/youngest spawn based on his late human daughter, Victoria, whose body we find in the guest room to which Astarion brought victims until relatively recently. So a decade or less, although we can't be sure. (Realizing now this does mean it makes no sense for him to be in my fic but shh I'm bad at math)
Edit: Apparently Petras has only been around for a century or so. I forgot. My bad. In that case, I'd probably switch him and Violet; she still reads so much younger but I guess that's just her personality/coping mechanism. Petras does have younger sibling energy too in a way. He is trying real hard to prove he's better than Astarion. Petras sees his older brother as weak and pathetic whereas he is strong and worthy.
So: Aurelia, Astarion, Violet, Dalyria, Petras, Yousen, and Leon.
Dal as third oldest could definitely work too which would put Violet a bit younger but I dunno. Just the vibes I get from her.
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wolfpawzjakey · 17 days
Jercy but the Roman big three continued to give birth to demigods as if nothing had happened, so Jason, Nico [except Hazel] and Percy have full sets of siblings.
And the children of Neptune, who passionately loved Percy as their brother, are not very enthusiastic about his boyfriend.
the younger children do nasty things to Jason, the older ones look disapprovingly, pursing their lips and all the time trying to talk to Percy on the topic "maybe it's not worth it after all."
Displeasure of the gods is one thing, but displeasure of your sibblings is quite another... and I don't think the children of Neptune would support their brother's relationship with the son of Jupiter - Lou June 🪷
When Percy learned he had sibling, many actually, at Camp Jupiter, he was surprisingly excited. He was happy to meet and mingle with them. He’d become close to them, their perfect middle brother, but he’d never quite realized how tricky being in this position would be. His siblings at Camp Jupiter were unrelenting when it came to their distaste and distrust of Jason, even worse acting when they realized just what sort of relationship they had. His older and similarly aged siblings were made of ice, always looking at Jason like he was the scum of the planet, they never shifted away from that. When Percy’d introduced them personally to Jason, he’d been met with the silent treatment, a harsh glare and a weighed down feeling of “really? This is the best you could do?”.
His younger siblings never fall short of acting incredibly childish about Jason too. They were louder, more openly disrespectful toward the son of Jupiter. They expressed their disgust openly and freely, with no filter. Even the littlest were made to misbehave around Jason, screaming and squawking if Jason tried to get on their level to play, hitting and kicking at him. It did damage to Jason, nothing physically of course, but mentally, he’d been so wrung dry by the interactions that he’d begun to doubt himself. Percy, still, held no doubt in his relationship with Jason, but seeing his boyfriend so out of sorts, it made him take pause. He took all the information and interactions into mind and quickly ejected himself and Jason from the situation, he’d just barely met these siblings, sure, maybe they cared about him, but if they acted this way blindly to his boyfriend, a relationship with them was maybe not so important.
Percy is a Jason stan just like the rest of us, sorry new family, ur just not chill enough to vibe with the rest of us.
I think Percy having siblings at CJ would be such an interesting concept because he does have such a strong concept of family, but he’s also insanely dedicated to his friends. He’d struggle really hard with conflict like this, but his brain is so wired toward niceness and justice that I feel like he’d wind out and take Jason’s side no matter how much meddling and manipulation they tried to win Percy over against Jason. His siblings would fs hate Jason, but Percy would probs just be like “kk, byeeeee”
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okiroash · 29 days
hai i love your red and leaf posts........ i am eating them all up....... i would love to hear any headcanons u have about them or what u love about them in general :>
AAAHHH THANK YOU!!! ;;;;; ooouu let's see.. I have som
they're both very silly that's top headcanon..!!!!!!
depending on the situation, one could be more of the voice of reason than the other........
the sugimori new year card has leaf with a combusken which makes me think that she went to hoenn.. I reckon it's in the middle of the adventure, otherwise she would've taken down team rocket with red (is very angry at him for handling it alone and at blue for not stopping him 💥💥)
leaf is the younger sister by a few minutes dsmfsdf but she's taken the role of the older sibling (also chiller out of the two.. got that "feels good" vibe! while red's more excitable he just doesn't really show it on his face..)
my leaf actually.. has some of reigen arataka's charisma and deception while red is more like mob..
I do not think all red does on that mountain is training, he farmed, he cleaned the damn cave, he made ice sculptures (there's even official art of this.. makes me thing the stairs are by him too), goof around... it's boring being at the top
red to me feels aroace and nonbinary (in the way that he would describe himself as "I'm just me" instead of a man or whatever if that makes sense 🛒🛒 factor in that he feels a strong connection with pokemon more than human so he sees himself more of a creature too.. <- kinda projecting here 💔)
leaf is a lesbian and she's the type to wear the long bacon from the long bacon store ok
in terms of design I like how their hairstyle is actually the same.. three pointed spikes on each side seen from the front.. /but red's hair is just the short version of leaf's without the side hair.... the same can be said with leaf's hair being the long version of red's with side hair (oo tounge twister!)
and their clothes are literally. just the inverted colors of each other (it's official guys red wears red colored socks..)
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givemeanaccountalready · 10 months
Rambling about “My Children are Perfectly Fine” series:
First off, I need y’all to see the beautiful commissioned art @pumiih made. It just furthers my point that artists are actually witches in disguise. Pumiih took my ugly ass sketch and made this beauty:
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Like look at that! Look how handsome my son is!!! Best money ever spent. My pink son is named Haruma Todoroki. He is my fun parallel to Natsuo in my series. And by fun, I mean fun for me, not so much for the characters in the story.
Here is my attempt at drawing him again, this time with his name next to him. It’s incomplete because hair is hard.
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The kanji are crap, but essentially his name means “spring” “dance, wheel, flit”. Rei had agreed to carry one more child in hopes that she could free her existing children from Enji’s mad ambitions. When Rei was pregnant with him, there were two names settled on for him. Akito (“autumn” “move through/soar”) if he had been born with white hair or Haruma (“clear/sunlight” “protect”) if he had been born with red hair. She had hoped that Haruma would develop the fire based quirk with a self cooling ability that Enji wanted. Don’t yell at her, she was desperate to save her existing kids and decided that this was the best way to chew off one limb to save the others.
Of course, he was born with pink hair, and no one was sure what to do. Rei wanted Haruma but Touya and Fuyumi chose “spring” and “dance, wheel, flit” kanji instead of the ones she wanted. Both of them were aware of the ramifications of Haruma’s birth. Touya chose spring because this new brother was born in the fall but with cherry blossom petal looking hair (typically big brother bully moment) and Fuyumi chose the second kanji because she wanted her new brother to have a carefree, happy life. Natsuo was sulking because he swore that the pink hair meant fire and ice mixed to form water and he couldn’t think of a kanji that had the right pronunciation to sneak in. Shouto was just happy to vibe with his siblings for once. No one noticed for about two months, and Rei didn’t have the energy to go down to city hall to change it (her mental health was deteriorating) while Enji figured he’d change it if Haruma actually developed the power he wanted him to have.
Of course, Haruma’s Homeostasis came in and was deemed not good enough, so with Rei in the hospital and Enji not caring, no one changed it to the “right” kanji. Homeostasis is seen as a much weaker version of Half-Hot, Half-Cold by Enji, with the added flaw of Haruma’s Quirk tends to reverse from one end of the temperature equation to the other against his will. Shouto was stuck as Enji’s successor while Haruma is essentially raised by Fuyumi (and Touya when he still lived at home).
Similar to his siblings, he has a very strong sense of right and wrong, but because of the power dynamics in their family, Haruma feels powerless to do anything. In the presence of his parents, Haruma prefers to be invisible because his black and white views of right and wrong (he is 9-10), leads to a lot of upsetting cognitive dissonance where he can’t reconcile their words with their actions (mostly Rei since she does love him but is unnerved by how much he looks like Enji and his missing older brother (Natsuo), and she was in the mental hospital for as long as he can remember and doesn’t remember her good mom moments like his siblings).
Whereas Touya and Natsuo are about 4.5 years apart and had the opportunity to be close since Enji deemed them both as failed creations, Shouto and Haruma are about 4.75 years apart and haven’t been allowed to interact because of Enji’s rules. Touya relied on Natsuo emotionally and was close to him while Shouto decided to bear the weight of their family’s problems on his shoulders alone and pushed his younger brother away in an attempt to shield him. Both Haruma and Natsuo failed to succeed their older brothers like Enji had wanted them to. Because of their looks and Shouto’s status as the golden child, neither Haruma nor Natsuo had the chance to be close to their mother and relied on their older siblings to take care of them.
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codemonki · 4 months
Ok so I have a in progress owl house AU with the bat family. Now they don't really easily paste into the existing roles so there has to be a bit of editing and small changes. Here is the current role swap list.
Luz: Duke Thomas
Gus: Cass?? Maybe?? May give her a more dramatic backstory that Gus and that she left the "Emperors Coven" a while ago???? And she'd be older making Steph the younger one of the 2.
Willow: Steph??? Bc of the relationship between Willow and Amity?? Not quite accurate to Tim and Steph but drama?? Maybe?? Post breakup??
Hooty: Alfred...? Posh hooty....
Hunter: Damian
Golden Guard: Jason Todd
Ok so that needs some explaining, I kinda had to split that character into two because Jason could "die" and then come back as the crimson guard, but Damian fulfills the role of having been related to the Emperor. It'll be weird but kinda work?? I think??
I'm also not sure if I'll make Damian a grimwalker. I may be able to make him one that Talia may have raised?? In replacement of her old child she had with Bruce before they split??
Raine: Talia?? This could be so cool actually (Talia fits better in this role but It would be fun to have superbat. Unlikely though)
Eda: Bruce Wayne
Lilith: Kate Kane
Ed: Dick Grayson
Em: Barbara Gordon
The Emperor: Ras Al Ghul (dont know his situation! Talia may be a half elf in this)
They aren't aren't related but I feel like they got the vibes. Also idk if Dickbabs will be a thing here. I think it may have been a childhood relationship but they're almost outta school and Dicks with Kory.
if anyone has suggestions for who King may be lmk or how some changes in this could work??
Robin is a palisman that transfers around, Dick Grayson had it first, it being a palisman of one of his parents before they passed. When Jason started to hang around him and Bruce at the bathouse it eventually transfered over to him, and then transferred to Tim afterwards.
Dick Grayson did get a new palisman eventually though!! And it's reminiscent of Nightwing.
Jason does die and gets brought over to the Emperor and becomes the Crimson Knight and is stationed with Damian a lot. So missions Damian goes on, he is there as back up (As per request of Talia). He's a lot like the Young Justice Redhood at this point and my design is also reminiscent of that.
Tim's got the mid parents, may lean into the way Amity's parents are. He also doesn't have older siblings there to help out until Duke shows up and convinces him to go stay at bathouse permanently or something. (Dick and Babs do have a friendship with him though at school and try to get him to go to Dicks house more often but he doesn't)
Haven't thought about Stephs situation enough so if anyone has any ideas!!
As for covens, (I haven't thought about them enough RIP, will be added to as I get my act together)
Dick: Illusionist (Bruce doesn't have as bad of a relationship with the school as Eda did, though it did get worse after Dick started going!!"
My thought process was Illusionist is a very performative coven and he is a performer at heart <3
Jason: Bard Coven
I wanted to draw him with a guitar. Sue me. (It was a tiktok lmao I can't remember if I had any real reasoning)
Kory: Construction Coven
Because I could see her wanting to make things and she's strong
Duke Thomas: light glyphs so many light glyphs
He's gonna go through the Luz route and found the Bad Bat Coven (tm)
Bruce: Head of Bad Bat Coven
If anyone has any ideas for what covens other people will be I'd like to know 🥺.
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mkellc · 2 years
Umm hello! Only if you could and if it's not too much ask, could i request the hashiras seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure?? I hope you are having an excellent day!
𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗮𝘀 𝘅 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗲
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characters: giyuu, shinobu, mitsuri, tengen, muichiro
wc: i dont know 💀
warnings: minor spoilers, none other than that
a/n: thank you so so so much for this request, it was so fun to write 💕🙏🙏
i tried to make reader gender neutral but i have not written that before so i’m sorry if it sounds weird?
also for some of the hashira, i found it was a little hard to see them as a younger sibling figure rather than an older one, but i tried to make it work sorry if it’s bad 💀
so sorry this is long overdue but i just remembered i was writing it lmfaoo
anyways i tried my best, i hope you like it!!
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𝗴𝗶𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗼𝗸𝗮
- giyuu’s older sister is dead, but you remind him so much of her (even if you aren’t a woman) so he admires you and sees you as the older sibling he couldn’t have
- the way you are so kind to him even though he’s quiet and reserved and rarely talks to anyone
- and you’re not pushy with having him talk to you, and you also give him space when you can tell he’s not in the mood to socialize, which he greatly appreciates
- but he does eventually open up to you and then you both become close
- you’re his shoulder to cry on
- he likes that he can tell you anything and you won’t judge him like the other hashira
- you’re also very kind and supportive
- he barely knows how to smile or feel anything anymore after losing so much, so the fact that you can make him smile and make him happy makes him look up to you even more
- you baby him because he probably never got that kind of affection as a child (unless he did? idk man)
- he thinks you are the best hashira, because you’re strong and also kind
- he just really appreciates that he has someone he can rely on and someone who will be there for him whenever he needs
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𝗸𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗼 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗯𝘂
- similar to giyuu, her older sister is also dead
- and she has a younger sister to take care of
- and a façade to present to the rest of the word
- so she is very stressed
- but after getting closer with you, she allows herself let her walls down and she is so happy that you aren’t phased by her change of personality between you and everyone else
- she respects you and looks up to you so much, because she has never met anyone else more hardworking than her and she admires you for that
- and you always offer to help her with any work you can help with
- she just loves that she can have someone to just be herself around and that you don’t care about her personality changes and you just let her be herself
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𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗶 𝗸𝗮𝗻𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗶
- mitsuri always wanted an older sibling, and you just have the exact demeanor that she always wanted from an older sibling
- she clings onto you as much as she can
- she loves long hugs with you because she just feels so safe and protected and feeling your arms around her just comforts her so much
- she loves it when you braid her hair for her because you know exactly how she likes it done and you guys talk and gossip while you do it
- she has so much love to give so she is a great younger sibling to you just as you are a great older sibling to her
- you guys are also are like the “if you even lay a finger on them i’ll kill you” kinda vibe
- she joined the demon slayers to find love and finding this kind of love was unexpected but very welcomed to her especially when you both care about each other so much
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𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗻 𝘂𝘇𝘂𝗶
- you’re a wild card and he loves that
- you two have the best-friend-sibling dynamic that’s full of goofiness
- you’re like the cool older sibling that the younger siblings always wanted to and tried to be like
- you also hang out with his wives a lot and they love you, it’s great
- since tengen didn’t have good relationships with his siblings and most of them are dead the fact that he can have one with you is comforting and makes him happy
- he also greatly admires you as a hashira bc you’re strong or smart or whatever
- you guys always train together aswell and you give each other advice and tips and stuff
- you just hang out and it’s a ton of fun to be in each other’s presence
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𝘁𝗼𝗸𝗶𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼
- he admires your dedication to being a slayer and a hashira
- over time you two have developed a great level of trust between each other so you both know whatever you tell the other, they won’t tell anyone else
- he really likes your company
- he follows you around a lot
- since he’s forgetful, you are the one who always helps him remember things
- he likes it when you tuck him in at night
- you two also have a kind of best friend sibling dynamic except it’s less goofy and more calm, but he is surprisingly sarcastic
- like you both have each other’s backs and both love spending time with the other and have some inside jokes but he doesn’t remember them so you gave up and now you just make jokes and stuff
- he really likes that you don’t treat him like a baby or a monster instead you’re just rlly nice to him
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gugf · 2 years
Here's a bunch of my headcanons for the main trio. It's either funny or edgy, no in between. Hope you enjoy!
- unironically considers himself "not like other birds"
- his family are literally a bunch of normal ducks living in a pond with whom he constantly quarrels
- has been scammed on every single existing fraud. yes before each of them he said "i know all their tricks! i'm completely sure they won't fool me again!"
- neurodivergent vibes are STRONG
- gay and homophobic
- ignorant as fuck but a proud individual
- curious but at the same time really really stubborn. If he doesn't want to believe in something he completely closes eyes on any evidence until something undeniable (probably traumatic) shatters his perception in the end. this and his arrogace makes him really easy to manipulate
- if Yellow is Red's inner child, and Roy is his inner adult, I'd like to think that Duck is more like "friend he always wanted to have"
- haptophobic, even if he doesn't know about this yet (yes, this hc is entirely based on his and Steak interactions in dhmis 5)
- thinks that Red is the only one who truly understands him, to all creatures prefers to spend time with him. (even if by design)
- surely loves Yellow in his own way. Often tries to teach him, but it's not quite working out. (Fuck, I only now realised that his usual attitude to Yellow could be him mimicking his own family relationships)
- has no clue about how violent the world can be to him... (well soon he'll know, soon he'll know...😢)
- doesn't really like Roy, because he is too touchy
- his attitude is basically could be described as an adult living in a world created by a child
- at this point doesn't really take Yellow and Duck somewhat seriously, it's more like older brother and his younger siblings dynamic
- depression and a mid life crisis (even if i headcanon him being like 20)
- "yes, guys, like, everyone had that thing that you are constantly being stared at by some weird dude who always ruins the weather and you with your imaginary friends boy and duck need to stay at home again, right guys?" ..."you're fired"
- self esteem problems
- he and that guy from Swim And Sleep Like A Shark could well be the same person. like, both have red hair, like horses and have very similar pattern of speech. btw birthday on the same date. also i like to think about him as being a sort of early prototype of Red's character
- somewhat likes being the smartest person in the whole Clayhill, even if it could be annoying sometimes
- the chillest one because knows for sure that he is not in danger
- gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
- at this point if he sees Roy anywhere near his house, he'll move to the forest without any warning
- he is definitely the most innocent of the bunch, but this totally doesn't mean that he is incapable of violence
- everyone is so mean to me..... 😞🍑 (but they are)
- animal lover, but the pets he allowed to bring home are usually really small, and die after like, a week. Duck and Red say that "it got homesick so it ran back to the forest". even if it's a fish.
- i like to think that he is sorta idolizes Duck and thinks he is the smartest person in the entire world (he's not)
- spends most of his time with him, because they both are really naive and always get dragged in some traumatic adventure. but unlike Duck he has an age excuse
- has A LOT of scarfs and hats. Duck's hobby is weaving so this things need to go somewhere. to this day no one knows what Yellow does with all of that
- has no pride at all. give him a candy and he will immediately forgive you, even if you violently slaughtered his pet rat in front of his very eyes and laughed about this in his face
- literally has no mother. she never existed in the first place. also he is technically older than his dad, because Roy appeared the last of them all
- very easily excitable. shake keys in front of him, and he will be happy for the whole day
- "where's my dad?"
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omegapheromone · 2 months
Realizing my sibling bond with my younger brother is finally a healthy, silly one where I WILL call him a pissbaby and he will call me an asshole BUT I bring him souvenirs and offer to go get groceries when he's sick and he drives me around and doesn't mind it, is actually really nice.
He's an alpha, and a few years younger, and used to get all of our tired single (alpha) mother's attention as a kid (I mean, he IS younger, but I was also a kid and didn't understand why I was being emotionally neglected bc mom didn't have enough energy for the both of us) so back when we were both small kids we would get in physical fights all the time. As teens we just ignored each other.
Now that we're both adults and past 20, it's actually become pretty wholesome. Even if we're not in constant contact, we get along well, can joke and just chill in each others company, and the vibes are actually good. It's probably pretty normal for most siblings, so me posting about it might seem weird, but idk. I just, appreciate it, because I know what it's like to not get along at all. I don't take it for granted, I guess? And to me, it's just really nice, like this. It's satisfying in the same way that being there and caring for my 11y old littlest sibling is, knowing they feel comfortable and happy and are able to rely on me if they need to. I like being in the older sibling role especially for my youngest sibling/sister I think, because I know I can fill a role her parents (my bio dad and his wife) can't always reach, and she will likely grow up telling me things she won't tell her parents and seek advice from me bc I'm the "cool and chill older sibling who also likes MCR, FNAF, minecraft, and so on".
Anyway this post is getting very long my point is I love my siblings. Even though my little brother is a pissbaby /j, /aff.
I don't think I will have kids of my own but I hope my brother does, I wanna be the weird but cool uncle. I like taking care of kids as long as they aren't my own, I feel I'm not quite responsible or stable enough for my own ones, but I do like kids even if they're tiring sometimes. Wonderful little humans who are only just discovering the world and need protection and cool role models to look up to.
(It's a little different when I'm in heat, but even then my pup fever is rarely very strong. Mostly I just enjoy being a positive influence in kids lives from the side)
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lanceappreciationblog · 8 months
I wanna share some Clair x Lance headcanons. Since I have zero writers cells in my body, I'm listing them:
Lance is slightly older (couple years);
They are related through their dads;
They had the same opportunities and training growing up (same school, same teachers, both went to Galar to study when they were teens...);
However, the clan always favoured Lance over Clair, because since he was older, he was the clan's heir (also, he's a man, do you think the clan would favour him, just because of that too?);
This difference in treatment led Clair to have an inferiority complex, that's why she has a more "difficult" personality (game-verse) and acts the way she does;
Lance's dad had died when Lance was around 18 (not a teen, but not an adult), don't ask me how he died, but his death had an impact on Lance, so he decided to become a G-men to protect the region, quitting the clan heirship;
Someone had to stay in Blackthorn to care for the Dragon's Den and Clan, so Clair became the new heir;
That's why there's so much expectation on Clair's head (to behave, be a good gym leader, act more like Lance does, etc), because she didn't have the preparation time, treatment and training that Lance had;
Clair has a strong personality (most dragon trainers have), but most of it comes from trying to prove herself as a worthy person;
Growing up, the clan molded Lance to be exemplar inside and outside the clan. So he's very proper, considerate of others, avoids scandals... He's the good vibes positive public figure;
And Clair never had to live such harsh expectations, so it was quite the change when Lance left, and some mannerisms are not are not part of her character.
I think it's all. I don't remember where I read and if it's canon that Lance likes to "set an example for younger generations". Maybe it was a fanfic. Maybe this hc is very self inserted, but oh well.... siblings am I right?
(To be clear, "Clair x Lance" is meant to be platonic siblings and nothing else)
Honestly, a lot of these I see as canon in my eyes! Especially the ones about Clair's inferiority complex because of Lance and the clan. I totally see why she being one of the only women in charge around the clan could also lead to some grudges against him.
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aurora-astra · 1 year
Author’s note:
Alr, here’s part 2 to my green lantern series!! Hope you enjoy :) Any constructive criticism is much appreciated.
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୨⎯ young justice x green lantern!reader pt. 2 ⎯୧
Backstory: you are related to Hal Jordan, and after he becomes a Green Lantern, you show obvious interest. He sets you up with a ring, providing basic training with John Stewart and occasionally Guy Gardner. Your skills improve greatly, its clear you are responsible and talented enough to wield the ring on your own terms.
As for the other members of the team, they quite enjoy your company and find your powers and skills extremely valuable
Rocket and you might banter a bit more than usual, but you’ve got each others backs and she likes that you have similar powers, although this could lead to her feeling jealous or useless ://
Blue beetle, or Jaime, is pretty busy with his different endeavors that he most likely finds it hard to bond with anyone he hasn’t already, but know that your company is enjoyed by him
After the mantle of ‘Robin’ was passed down to Tim Drake, he grew to relish in your company. He will frequently listen to you ramble and he appreciates when that is reciprocated. He adores you /p
Beast boy has dealt with… a lot 😃 but if you’re willing to act as an older sibling to him, he would benefit from your wisdom and protection. If you aren’t close to him, he may reject any efforts to become closer during his depressive episode, but just have patience and he will appreciate that
Wonder girl is definitely something else, and since she is the younger version of a Justice League member like you, she quite enjoys having someone who knows what it’s like to be in someone’s shadow. Likely she will buddy up to you regardless if you like her or not
I don’t honestly have much to say about Lagoon boy. He’s also very caught up in other things when we see him as a teen, so you might only be able to bond with him once he’s mellowed out
Bumblebee and you may not be the closest, but she trusts you- that’s just the vibe she gets from you, very trusting and considerate
Batgirl would be drug along by Wonder girl to become your friend, so when she eventually evolves into Oracle, you and her have a great friendship and when handing out missions or leads, you’re one of her first people to call
Ah yes, Impulse. I feel as though he would be similar to Wally, being skeptical of your powers and their origins, but at this point he’s seen a LOT so after a bit he just accepts it. Of course, if you choose to befriend Bart, Jaime and Traci will be next on your list so be prepared
(In my notes, all I have is “Guardian” and ik who that is but I don’t know which one I was talking about so I’m gonna go with Malcolm 👍)
Malcolm and you are, let’s face it, probably not close at all, but if Bumblebee trusts you, then so does he
I can see Arsenal and you getting along actually quite well, if you put in the effort. He’s a tough one to get to know, but he’s a valuable friend and he could learn a lot from you
Thirteen, better know as Traci, may not try to get to know you more then the surface level, but she would be curious about your powers so maybe tell her about them sometime
Arrowette is a strong and morally guided individual, so definitely expect some sort of the same treatment that Artemis would give you
Spoiler, or Stephanie Brown, is not as bright or cheery as some other characters. She’s also hard to get to know, but she is so intelligent and powerful, so consider befriending her anyways
If you’re willing to learn to understand her, Cassandra Cain, or Orphan, will be one of your closest friends and she would do anything for the ones closest to her. Please be ready for the trauma that unfortunately follows her around
As for the Outsiders, they may have a lot on their hands but you are always on their mind when it comes to assistance or just someone to talk to
You probably didn’t have much time to get to know Geo-force, but occasionally he will think about you and the team because you all impacted him greatly
Halo admires how quickly you were able to control your powers, so she definitely relies on you as an older sibling
Terra also needs a strong adult figure in her life, and she may have some, but if you’re willing, she would love to be able to talk to you freely
You and Static probably aren’t close either, but when he asked about your powers and learned how impossibly strong you are, he definitely will fall back on you for some of the bigger things
El Dorado would definitely recruit you to help troubled youths, he thinks you are a perfect example of embracing your powers and using them to the fullest
Awww Forager would love you, he loves everyone and you are no different!!!
Stargirl finds your presence calming but she probably wouldn’t make any effort to get to know you, like I said the Outsiders have a LOT on their plate
Windfall would probably seek out your help if you’re willing to help her control her powers. You and El Dorado are almost like idols to her
Livewire is another one that would be reluctant to tell you how much you mean to her, but with time and patience she would be an amazing friend
Looker might not seek out a friendship, but like almost everyone else, would definitely relish in your company if you did want to be friends
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End notes:
Wow 🤩🤩🤩 I finally did it wooooo!!!!!! This is so low effort but uhhhhh anyways I am going to eventually get to a part 3 and so forth where I do like imagines I guess but here’s the rest of the characters!!!! Wow my phone is hot so I’m gonna finish this up!!!!! Love you appreciate you AHHHHHHHH
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whiskeysmulti · 4 months
Lambo, when he sees Gokudera, he feels a different mix of things. He feels anger sometimes when Gokudera is being mean to him, but he can also feel hurt for whenever Gokudera tries to ignore him. He has also felt exasperated like before Gokudera and Haru got together and he’d just start fights with her and then she’d grumble about why does he hate her so much? Sigh, aho-dera, indeed. He also admires Gokudera a lot. He’s a good fighter, he’s smart, he’s reliable, and he’s got street smarts too. He can also see just how happy Haru is with him, and that has the added thing of him looking at Gokudera and feeling like he’s definitely an impressive person. Despite all the odds (being in the mafia) and everything, he managed to fall in love and be forthcoming about it when misunderstandings were cleared. He’s probably seen the moments when Gokudera is a gentleman towards Haru and that probably sparked more of his desire to be like that when he grows up. For Lambo, Gokudera is his goal of what to be like when he grows up—just… less anger lolol. ((OOC: did ya think I was going to ignore Lambo for a describe how your muse feels when they see yours meme? Nah!))
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Describe how your Muse feels when they look at my Muse.- no longer accepting!
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.Whiskey. Again, answered it OOC because it feels sent OOC too.
As we've discussed the anger and frustration are typical as we've said we write them as brothers basically and nothing else fits. There's always going to be that admiration in the older sibling, and the arguments between brothers, the boys will be boys vibe and the younger looking up to the older but the older thinks they're just doing it to be annoying. We actually had to explain something similar to my niece once that her little brother wasn't copying her to be annoying, he was doing it because he thinks she's cool and wants to be cool too, and I think Gokudera and Lambo would go through something like that too, where Dera gets a little older and realizes he's not doing it to be annoying, Lambo was actually only trying to copy because he idolizes him. And I think it helps writing in the post series verse where they're a little older and more mature that Gokudera will eventually realize that and understand Lambo better. Because we've seen there are those moments too where they just chill and he answers a question from Lambo because he knows that's all it is. It's those #you little shit moments with Lambo where he gets frustrated with him, which again goes back to typical brothers, even if only brothers in arms.
I really think Gokudera deep down sees Lambo as his little brother and that's part of why he's so hard on him. He wants him to grow up strong, stop being a cry baby, and get tougher. Which goes back to the headcanons we discussed, that they have very similar backgrounds when you think about it and I think Gokudera realizes that Lambo is as alone as he was growing up and while in a tough love way, he's trying to help him have a better chance than he did.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi again. I’m the anon who requested the Bandō s/o on their period and I want to say I really loved your headcanons, they even made me tear up. So thank you for that. Some time ago, I saw the headcanon of Bandō being the third child (so possibly youngest) so I want to ask what do you think of the idea of him as a (younger) sibling? How would he be and all that?
Oh my gosh, anon dear, that is so incredibly sweet of you to say. I’m so happy to hear that you liked them that much! And thank you for another request! I’ve seen this same headcanon before; I think it comes from the characters used in his name if I remember right and even though he does give me strong middle child vibes, I can definitely see how the headcanon works and it does give me ideas! I hope you’ll enjoy these headcanons just as much.
So, going with the thought that Bandou is the third child in his family, I do think that he is the youngest of three and that he was very much an accident. I think that, after having two children, his parents were pretty happy with their lives and that they didn’t plan on having more children but whoops, his mother got pregnant again and their family was going to grow again, regardless of the fact that neither parent was too enthusiastic about it.
There’s a pretty sizeable age gap between his siblings and him. I just really do get that vibe, with his oldest sibling having been in middle school when he was born and his older sibling being in elementary school when he was born. His parents were stressed already with two school aged children and no longer had the time and energy to really throw into parenting and it did kind of show.
Because of the age difference, I don’t think his older siblings were that interested in spending time with Bandou growing up. I definitely think that, as a child, he did look up to his siblings and he really wanted their attention and time and praise, but it was very hard for him to get it because, really, what older kid wants to spend time hanging out with their toddler brother?
When Bandou couldn’t get the attention and praise and love that he was really craving from his siblings through being good and doing things right, I think he got into the habit of acting out from an early age or throwing temper tantrums to get his way because, hey, even bad attention was better than no attention at all.
Because he does have older siblings and they are older than him, there was also a very competitive edge to their relationship. There was always an air of ‘well, Bandou, it’s great that you got a 90 on that test but your older sibling always got straight A’s in school so it’s only natural that you’d excel’ or ‘hey, yeah, you accomplished this, but your siblings did this and that and also this’. And it really did lead to some of the issues he has as an adult, because he did always feel like he was being compared to his siblings and he never managed to measure up to them, or so he felt, or to really make his parents proud so eventually he just stopped trying and actually went to lengths to try to go to extremes the other way. If he can’t be the apple of his family’s eye, then he’s going to make sure he’s the biggest thorn in their side.
He holds a lot of bitterness towards his siblings, and I do feel like he thinks he really got the short end of the stick, even though neither his siblings or parents were out and outright abusive, mostly just apathetic. And there will be a lot of tension inside the family…however, I also feel like…he almost always will crave praise from his family, recognition and respect and attention from his siblings and he’d go out of his way to help them or to try to get those things from them.
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olivyh · 2 years
twst characters who would 100% let you paint their nails
bc i just did my nails and they look vvv pretty and im vvv happy abt it!!!
all platonic
First off Cater- super obvious answer. I feel like he paints his own nails a lot, and he likes to hang out with his friends (his love language has to be quality time <333). He sees painting each others nails as something fun to do, as well as a way to destress after a long day!! He also likes just chatting and talking about the latest news of Nrc!!
I was thinking all three of Savanaclaw,,, but realistically the smell of nail polish would be too strong for them :((( Jack might let you use press ons (yknow,,, the kind that are like stickers that you just roll on?) I think hed be used to his younger sister doing his nails anyways
Floyd!! He is also one who enjoys quality time, and he finds the things humans do to change their appearance interesting! I think he would get a little impatient when it has to dry (dont we all?) but he would sit still for most of it! He’ll even repay the favor and do yours in return! They turn out really well, until he tries to draw little pictures on them,,,
Kalim! He is another one who likes hanging out with people, and he definitely has painted his nails before (either gotten them done professionally, did them himself, or one of his younger siblings did them!) He wouldn’t have a hard time sitting still, but he is very expressive when he speaks, so you might want to keep the conversation calm so he doesnt instinctively wave his hands around (i am also a hand talker and my friends have had to do the same to me,,,)
Room, out of everyone in Pomefiore! Vil cares too greatly, and is too much of a perfectionist, and Epel would straight up turn you down if you asked (maybe will give in with a little bit of persuasion,,,). Rook sees everything as art, and he cherishes the way you paint his nails and the time you two spend together!
Idia and Ortho would, with Idia being a little hesitant. He doesnt take the best care of himself, so as a result his nails are unkempt and would require some cleaning before you paint them,, both of them enjoy it! (Idia because he likes the way it makes his hands look, and Ortho because his brother got off his computer and because he also enjoys how they look on his hands! (does he even have fingernails?))
Malleus, Lilia, and Silver would all let you paint their nails! Malleus would just be happy to be included in a human activity, finding the colors and designs you put on them to be interesting! He also enjoys the little talks you two have while doing it. Lilia has been painting his nails for a while, so he gives you free reign to do whatever colors and patterns you would like! His hands and nails are very pretty and easy to work with, so it’s nice for the both of you! Silver is indifferent, also another one who doesnt take very good care of his hands due to constant training. It relaxes him quite a bit, and he finds it easier to talk when youre both focused on something else (you painting his nails, and him watching)
Sam would 1000% let you paint his nails, and will paint yours in return! He enjoys how it looks, and he likes spending time with his favorite not-sibling (i hc sam to have an older sister [he gives off super younger brother vibes], so he really enjoys getting to act like the older brother for once!) He asks you how school is, if anyones bothering you,,, his friends on the other side even help (can you paint their nails too?)
Chenya would too, good luck catching him first! You get to paint three nails and then he disappears, only to reappear when you put the brush down! You end up getting four out of ten nails, and more paint on his arms than anywhere else!
Neige would also enjoy it, letting you pick the colors and designs. Since you go to different schools, he cherishes every second that you two spend together, also asking you how things are back at NRC
Najma would, IF she gets to brag to her older brother about it. I dont think she would every other time, since I think both Viper siblings like to have a certain look to them and have control over their appearances,,, otherwise, you get to paint her nails as long as she can “accidentally” call Jamil in the middle and also if she can pick what colors and designs she wants. She will do yours before hers
MARJA FELMIER!!! She works with her hands a lot, but no matter what she loves spending time with her not-grandchild! You want to paint her nails? Sure! Wanna bake? Okay! Wanna go chop some wood? Absolutely!
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attiredpan · 11 months
The Crew of the Quasar
Captain - Klishi Thintoc (She/Her)
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•Does not take shit nor suffer fools (looking directly at the Kazon)
•Tired Mom doing her best
•Coffee or Raktajino isn’t strong enough to wake her up, so Andorian Arctic ice bath and both it is
First Officer - Shuxo Cornicx (He/Him)
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•The one to decide who Rosal would be under the adoption/care of specifically(he had already chosen himself the moment he saw her)
•Klishi and him are a divorced couple and the fallout can only be described as ‘the Klingon equivalent to the live performance of Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac in 1997”
•A Very Good Dad
Navigation - Zaxor (He/Him)
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•Younger sibling who you assume is the older sibling
•Tired™️ and Constantly Worried™️
•Genuinely an Incredible Chef but always worries he’s gonna set the ship on fire or something
Communication - Tonari (She/Her)
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•Was planning on being a tailor but life had other plans.
•Major history buff, you ask her about anything history related, you had better fucking listen to her (this is a threat from me to you)
•An older sister figure to Rosal
Helmsmen - Kulivi Vea (She/Her)
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•Basically Rosal’s aunt, actually she’s everyone’s aunt. You need an aunt? Well here you go
•Helped her through dealing with the telepathy and mind reading abilities when she came into them at the age of nine (as she had priorly been expected to not have them at all) as she is the only other person of Betazoid decent on the ship
•More or less the ships counselor
Tactical - Jedzu Vas (They/She)
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•Unjoined Trill who will blow your ass out of existence and can also give you the best haircut you’ll ever have in your life
•Is also kind of the ships counselor in addition to Kulivi
Engineer - Kakasa (He/They)
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•Grumpy Old Dude, literally just some guy
•Do not talk to him while he’s focused on something they will not respond, they are in their focus zone, just let him work
•Does not understand how they got here like he had a good thing going with engineering and stuff and then next thing they know he’s here
Doctor - Povia Th'vhaaqis (They/Them)
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•Are they McCoy reincarnated? The whole quadrant says yes
•Big ‘I don’t get paid enough to put up with you people” vibes; Tonari and Zaxor agree
•Also does not know how they ended up here, everything was great then BOOM cmo of the most patch worked crew of a ship in the bumfuck nowhere quadrant
Literal Child - N’Azeth Lyra Rosal (She/Her)
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•Formerly named Lyra Roccaforte, she was aopted by the crew after an accident with the wormhole seen in The Price(TNG) which slung both the Quasar and her family’s vessel into the Delta Quadrant, where they now reside. Out of her family, she was the only survivor.
•Half Betazoid/Half Human. Which complicates things a lot when she wasn’t even expected to have the abilities typical of a Betazoid and was not properly prepared for them when they arrived
•So Many Issues™️ and kinda knows how Joan Of Arc felt. Heterocromia from her fathers side that skipped him with her right iris is typical Betazoid Black and left being grey
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rein-ette · 3 years
Artie HC cuz even when my brain empty he takes up 60% of it
So I wrote like a 3 paragraphs before I realized I have to premise this with a couple things:
WHY DONT WE CALL ARTIE'S RELATIONSHIPS FOR WHAT THEY ARE. He has friends. He has acquaintances. He has lovers, and kids, and colleagues. Who falls into each category is obviously up to personal interpretation and changes over time, but can we pleaaaaaseeeeee stop pretending Arthur doesn't have friends and that his world is, like, just divided into "me" and "hostile beings".
Okay, having said that, these are the people who I believe fall into each group in 2021:
1. Close Friend Circle: (their relationships are complex, but they're friends, they are, ik arthur has problems with denial but we can call it for what it is) France, Spain, Port, Prussia, Belgium, Ned, Belgium, sometimes Denmark, also Hungary and Austria but they're not really close with artie so much as close with others in the group
2. Personal Friends (they're close with Arthur, but they don't share the same social circles): Norway, Japan, Malta (< so done with Arthur's shit but they frends), India (they were closer before...u kno), former states like Hessen, Saxony, Hanover
3. "Kid"-Friends: Alfred, Matthew
4. Mostly just kids: Zee, Aus, Singapore, HK, Seychelles, etc etc etc etc i can't list everyone
5. My Friend's Kids So I Share Some Responsibility and Can't Bully Them: Brazil, Macau, pr much all Portugal's other former colonies, and Ludwig.
6. Everyone Else: some shade between "i dunno you" to "i wish i didn't know you"
oKiE now the actual hc lol
Arthur's demeanor changes when he's interacting with nations younger than him (groups 3-5) versus his close friends in Europe. This isn't noticeable at meetings or situations where both are present, such as G7 meetings, because he just defaults to factory settings. But it is more pronounced when he's alone with either group. When alone with his kids/younger nations he feels some sort of kinship towards, he's more patient, calm, even tolerant. He's more likely to roll his eyes and brush things off, or let them get away with teasing with a half-hearted glare or a raised eyebrow. He's also quieter, content to listen to the kids chatter while he does something else or just zones out.
However, with Europeans -- especially countries that are considerably older than him like France, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, German states etc. --- he pulls out all the bratty stops. He's a lot snarkier, mischevious, even whiny if he feels really comfortable with the person. He's also more tolerant of physical contact and possessive gestures. For example, if he's with Mattie, Zee and Aus and Alfred puts an arm around his shoulder, he'll shrug it off. If someone tries to tease him about a romantic relationships at a Commonwealth meeting, he'll pretend he didn't hear them. But in the dinner parties after EU meetings, when its just him and the gang, he'll let Francis drape himself all over him, let Bella whisper in his ear, will even curl up with Port on the couch out of his own volition. Even with people like Denmark, Spain, Ned, or Prussia, he's more likely to slap/punch them playfully or go along with flirtatious jokes whereas he normally wouldn't touch them on his own initiative.
This comes as a surprise to a lot of Artie's kids, especially the ones who haven't seen him interact with the European nations on a personal level (mattie, having spent quite a bit of time shadowing Arthur in the 19th-20th centuries, is less surprised). And this is no coincidence. I hc that Arthur tried very damn hard to keep the two spheres of his life (his empire vs other empires) separate, to the point where in his old Victorian estate he would make sure the kids only stayed and played in the West wing while he recieved guests in the East wing, and no one was allowed to go to the other side of the house unless otherwise given permission. Of course nowadays they know that their dad brought lovers home and had some *interesting* relationships, but even when the sex part of diplomacy became normalized for ppl like Al or Matt, they still wouldn't often see Arthur be affectionate or accept affection from anyone, platonic or otherwise. In fact his kids probably knew more about the people Arthur hated than the people who loved him, because the closer he was with someone the more obsessive Arthur was about keeping them away from his kids and never talking about them. This probably stemmed from a semi-conscious fear that if the two worlds ever mixed one person might have too many cards to play against Arthur, ex. Port close with him and with his kids? = dangerous; Mattie being an sweet little baby angel but also knowing all his dirt? = danGerouS (he ended up knowing anyways). And was he wrong? The Alfred-Francis combo f*ckin ruined him, so. Some precedent there, for sure.
But yeah, because of that compartimentalization now when Arthur's kids happen to see him pull out the impish smirk or whiny pout with his friends, which is still exceedingly rare, they react with varying levels of shock plus anything from mild disgust to awww uwu.
From the other perspective, I think a lot of England's friends are still surprised by how gentle he is with his kids when he's not angry with them. I don't think countries like Spain, Ned or France had very loving relationships with their colonies at all -- it was mostly a cold distance or calculated affection. Of course Arthur was also far more strict in the 19th century, but even so there's an undercurrent of tenderness that, except for Port, I don't think the other European powers managed to create to the same extent.
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
Kuniharu is cancelled and the people (well, 76 of them) have spoken...
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It looks like Ms. Kaido is the winner by far! That may be partially my fault, due to a particular meta post...
Mr. Matsuzaki did well, but an equal number of people thought Kurumi should just stay single.
Interestingly enough, 4 different people suggested Kurumi have multiple partners, hell yeah! And 9 of you were ready to marry her yourselves LOL, power to the people!
Full results with the potential reasonings I offered in the survey, plus people's explanations for their choices (optional), are under the cut!
Ms. Kaido (26%)
(40s, also eliminates Shun's absentee dad, has a career she can relaunch)
Milf squad <3
Ayyyy Mrs. Kaidou x Kurumi slow burn friends to lovers supremacy!! And we never see Kaidou's dad, soooooo...
I just want to know how Kusuo and Shun would feel about being stepbrothers
They all so tempting maybe she should just have a harem by this point but Ms. Kaidou is very very tempting one from that one post but still harem by this point cuz damn they all tempting
Tbh I saw your post about Kaidou's mom divorcing her current husband and having a slow burn with Kurumi, and it just really stuck with me? Like you're right, they both deserve better than what they currently have, and they have so much potential to improve each other. Genuinely think they make a good pair. Also, I like imagining Kaido and Kusuo having to deal with the fact that they're going to be brothers. Kusuke too. Lol, poor Kaido's going to have to deal with so much chaos from now on :D
She's a milf
girlboss milf x girlboss milf
Kaido needs a soft mother figure and saiki needs a strict parent figure so it helps both
sweet wife and tsundere wife that care about their kids so much
You know, I was leaning toward a Kuboyasu because of that girl gang Kurumi theory... But Kusuo needs more younger siblings to cancel out the garbage older brother he was cursed with.
They Balance each other. Also it’s funny
Mr. Matsuzaki (13%)
(???, already parents half the school, hard worker)
Idk i just…like him. I feel like Kusuo would hate it at first but be relieved to have a father figure. Plus Kusuo has said before that he does like Mr. Matsuzaki
THE MATSUZAKI OPTION'S DRIVING ME INSANEEEEE. kusuo already likes him but he would not know how to act if he gets a crush on his mom. dear god.
Look I know a dad when I see one. Mrs. Kaido is also a good choice but 4 siblings might be too much for Saiki.
Saiki has said that he is kind to him and I think the interactions could be cool. I don't really have a specific reason tbh, it's more of a vibes thing.
I just think....good dynamic. Not gonna elaborate
i just think mr matsuzaki is cool :]
Nobody (13%)
(Kurumi is a strong independent woman who doesn't need a spouse)
Kurimi starts a feminist movement where she creates a new gang that verbally\physically *deals with* useless husbands, and we love that for her.
I was going to say that Kurumi is not strong and indipendent enough but then the scene where she cooks a boot to Kuniharu crossed my mind and erased it all. Except this, I don't think she'd get married again, seeing the strong relationship she has with Kuniharu, but she'd need a partner, do you remember the episode where she keeps buying water and water cause she wasn't coraugeous enough to say no? Exactly. Thank goodness there was Kusuo but most importantly Kuniharu.
The survey-taker (12%)
(These people want to homewreck the Saiki family personally.)
i am going to homewreck this family watch me
she already has a manchild for a husband but im hotter so
I would take excellent care of Kurumi and be a wonderful spouse to her, she will live a life of luxury and love because she deserves it. I will also gently show kusuo that it is okay to rely on parental figures and also annoy him will dad jokes. And I will put Kusuke in therapy because lord knows he needs it.
Mrs. Kuboyasu (9%)
(??? we don't know her but the thought of an ex-gangster milf reunion is compelling...)
i was gonna pick midori BUT the 'exgangster milf reunion' got to me
Midori Nendo (9%)
(32, hard worker and managed to raise a great son by herself)
midori is objectively probably the best mother (at least in the anime) in this essay i wi–
Michael, midori, or matsuzaki are responsible adults who are not insane or horrible to kids. Midori preferred atm because I want to see the horror on kusukes face when he realizes Nendo is his brother, and Nendo is naturally immune to Kusuo’s gifts. Also midori and Kurumi are already friends so MILF friends to lovers. Also I would parent those kids myself but I don’t fit into this age criteria.
I want the milfs to kiss. Also nendo and saiki as brothers sounds like his worst nightmare, and id love to see it.
The idea of nendo and saiki being adopted brothers is so funny though
Rean Kuboyasu (4%)
(36, retired gangster)
No but like Kusuo would be super worried for a hot sec because the man's an ex-gangster but then it cuts to Kurumi absolutely destroying someone over something and he'd be like actually he's probably good for her. He would hate being Aren's brother though (the guy is cool but he almost rivals Shun in dramatics)
Chono the Magician (3%)
(27yo but has made an impressive career for himself in showbiz!)
I personally think either Chono (even though he’s Midori’s ex), Midori, Micheal or Ms. Kaidou would be good candidates for Kusuo’s step-dad/step-mom. Kurumi could work as a single mom too. Any of those options are good (Chono is my personal favorite tho lolol)
Chouno's admiration of saikis skills run the risk of causing the same complex that kuniharu had but tbh I just think hed be funny. also there would be a lot of complicated dynamics with nendous family now and i just like the chaos. on a more serious note i do really like chouno, and he already knows saiki has some crazy abilities and instead of becoming useless like kuniharu or being obsessive like kuusuke, he just got better at his job and took a little inspiration. also like u said, hes pretty well off now with a successful career, unlike kuniharu who just licked shoes, so. good dad, he seems nice :)
Micheal, the Magician's Assistant (3%)
(30s, excellent father to many pigeons)
Peanuts Ueda (1%)
(early 40s probably, successful comedian)
The magician Kusuo summoned one time (1%)
(??? he do be kinda hot tho)
My sister who has watched only the first couple of episodes wanted to put in her input. Originally, she said Michael, but then I showed a picture of him and she changed her mind
Kuniharu Saiki (1%)
(nooo I actually like him 🥺)
The write-ins
Both Mr. and Mrs. Nendo
Nendous dad has made Kusuo have that eye sparkle, (when the time travel thing happend), and he spends more time with him then his own dad does even as a ghost. Even if it is just to bug him to do random stuff, that is what actual dads do so its fine!
And you cant just have Nendous dad, Ms Nendou is a part of this package. Ms Nendou is a hard working women that deserves to have not only her husband, but a sweet and loving wifey as well! She would not only care for Kusuo, I also think she would set Kuusuke right, this boy needs some help.
Obviously for this to work, that means that Nedad did not die. Honestly once I had thought of this I could not put anything other then it
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kuboyasu
I feel like Mrs. Kuboyasu is still kinda mixed up in stuff, while Mr. Kuboyasu is like “the way of the househusband”. In my mind they are secure in their marriage and would never break apart after all they have been through. However, Adding in Kurumi’s “hold my flower” would be very interesting.
A kuniharu mannequin :J
Because it would be funny as hell if Kuniharu lost against his own mannequin shfjsjfu
pros: Kurumi keeps his spouse's good looks? ig, Kuniharu gets rekt, Mannequin doesn't talk :J
cons: still looks like Kuniharu
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