#but i barely started seriously drawing last year so i try not to be so hard on myself
buneok · 1 month
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im actually rly proud of this,, ik it’s a simple lil drawing but i rly like this style and this is what i want my art to consistently look like what do y’all think
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steddielations · 1 year
Of course Steve’s birthday is on Christmas.
It’s like the universe aligned perfectly for his parents to ignore his existence. Sure, he got enough presents to cover both when he was younger, when his parents wanted a perfect family holiday card to send out, but it was never about Steve.
When he got older, it was so easy for them to wrap it all up in one, mail him a check from whatever city, until the cards stopped saying happy birthday at all. Steve started wrapping it all up in one too. If his parents were going to leave him alone on Christmas and forget his birthday, it’s better at the same time, one less day of the year to be disappointed.
He hates December. He hates winter. He hates being surrounded by all those pretty lights taunting him for being alone in the dark.
He sort of forgets he has a birthday, until the last couple of years with Robin and the kids. He always tells them his Christmas present can double as his birthday present. Robin never goes for that though, she only gets him a birthday present.
Now comes Eddie. He doesn’t know about the wrap it up in one deal. He doesn’t know that Steve gets all broody around the subject. He’s just sitting next to Steve on the couch, going on about the fishing trip he’s taking Wayne on for his upcoming birthday.
It sounds nice. It’s only one weekend. Steve shouldn’t feel a pit in his stomach that already misses Eddie. They’re just friends, they can’t spend every weekend together, as much as Steve likes tagging along with whatever Eddie’s doing, he has to give him space.
“Yeah so it’s nothing compared to a big Harrington bash,” Eddie teases, passing Steve the joint, “Say, am I cool enough now to be invited to your birthday rager this year? When is it anyway?”
And that’s a simple question, but Steve doesn’t know what it is about Eddie that just draws the truth out of him, that makes him give the not simple answer. He blows out smoke and all the years of forgotten birthdays wrapped in one check and a Christmas card with it.
It’s too much, he’s too much and he starts to apologize, but Eddie cuts him off with a certain intensity he gets sometimes.
“Well, starting right now, fuck that. When do you want your birthday to be?”
Steve chuckles, tries to brush it off, “What? Eddie, c’mon. It’s not a big deal, dude.”
“No, seriously. When do you want your birthday to be, Steve?”
It’s so stupid. It’s so silly sitting in Eddie Munson’s living room trying to decide which day he’d prefer for his birthday, when he’s barely holding back saying how he sort of wishes he didn’t have one at all. He thinks Eddie knows anyway, without him having to say it, so he makes it easier. Eddie always makes it easier.
It takes a couple of tries, a couple cups full of torn pieces of paper with scribbled numbers randomly chosen, but Steve Harrington gets a new birthday that night.
“Yeah, you look like more of a summer baby anyway,” Eddie says and Steve wishes he wouldn’t, it’s so hard not to love him when he does.
Steve gets to tag along on Wayne’s birthday fishing trip, or rather, he was invited, as Eddie keeps correcting.
It’s nice, it’s May, it’s quiet by the river and it gets just cool enough at night to build a campfire. Eddie pulls out his guitar, a pretty acoustic one, and he playfully strums out the chords to happy birthday for Wayne. Steve watches across the fire, he feels warm down to his bones, melting away all those cold lonely Decembers frozen inside them.
Wayne spends his birthday teaching Steve to fish. He catches the biggest one, and he hopes the Polaroid that Eddie snaps doesn’t pick up the tears in his eyes.
Eddie sidles up next to him, pretending not to notice Steve wiping his eyes. He rubs his back, whispers congratulations, “Look at you, summer baby.”
He feels the sun rising in his cheeks, bright and burning. It’s impossible not to love Eddie, not when this is the best birthday Steve’s ever had and it’s not even his own.
Steve forgets all about the new date he chose to come into the world, and as the weeks pass in a warm haze, he stops trying not to love Eddie.
It’s too late to catch himself. He’s already falling as they lie on the trailer roof, talking about everything and nothing while sunset colors melt over them, as he rides along while Eddie deals and calls Steve his summer baby in the passenger seat.
Steve’s so in love with Eddie that it burns, makes him golden inside, even the places in him that have never known anything bright.
He doesn’t want to lose that, so he tells himself he can settle for just this.
And it’s true for a while, until that date comes along, the one he forgot about, but Eddie didn’t.
Robin has a spare key to his house, she helped Eddie plan all this, that’s the only explanation for what Steve sees in his backyard when he gets off work on a Friday in July.
All the kids are there, Dustin Henderson is in the pool that Steve hasn’t used since ‘83, with El Hopper on his shoulders, Mike Wheeler is doing the same holding up Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield are wrestling inside a bounce house, Nancy Wheeler is manning the grill Steve’s dad bought for show, Robin Buckley is grinning ear to ear with a bright glass of lemonade, and Eddie Munson’s at the center of it all.
Everyone that Steve loves is there yelling, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”
He can’t describe the feeling that bursts through him.
The July sun isn't in the sky anymore, it’s rising inside Steve’s chest. It’s too big and too bright. This body of his that grew up alone in the dead of winter wasn’t made to feel such warmth, bringing hot tears to his eyes.
He’s hurrying back inside the house before he knows it. He feels bad, rushing out like that, away from his party, but he just needs a second. He has to lean against the kitchen counter, run his hands over his face and through his hair, trying to stop all these feelings from melting out of him.
He hears someone come in behind him, assumes it’s Robin, but he feels a hand on his back, hears a low, reassuring voice next to him that belongs to Eddie.
“Sorry, fuck, I’m sorry, Steve. I should’ve asked if you were okay with this. I shouldn’t have sprung it on you like that.”
Steve blinks hard, brushing away the tears, “No it’s— It's fine, Eds, really.”
Eddie doesn’t look convinced, brown eyes deep with concern, he holds Steve’s elbows, “Okay well, Robin said you weren’t really a fan of your pool but that’s okay, if that’s what you’re worried about. No one expects you to get in, Stevie.”
He’s perfect. He’s everything Steve wants and needs. The light that’s been missing inside him, Eddie struck a match to it. Steve never knew his heart was so flammable and he doesn’t know how Eddie can’t see that he’s burning for him.
“No, thats— that’s not it, Eddie.”
“Is it the kiddy theme? Listen, I had trouble picking it, so I just thought maybe since it was mostly gonna be kids here and you never had a kids' birthday party then, y’know, summer, pool, bounce house, games— okay it sounds dumb now, I’ll just get everyone to leave—”
Steve reaches out when Eddie starts to pull back, hands catching his shoulders and the ends of his hair, “No, no, please don’t. This is— it’s perfect, Eddie. I can’t believe you did this for me.”
“Then why do you look so sad?”
“Because I—” Steve can’t hold it in anymore, it’s too hot, summer beneath his skin, he has to let it out, “Because I want to kiss you so bad right now and I can’t.”
He expects Eddie to pull back, or worse, let him down gently, like the quick press of fingertips to the flame of a candle, snuff the feeling out just like that.
Instead, Steve’s breath catches when Eddie’s hands cup his face, thumbs brushing away the stray tears Steve missed.
“Who says you can’t?” Eddie asks and part of Steve wishes he wouldn’t, because it’s so easy to love Eddie with every piece of him when he does, and Steve’s going to fall apart trying to stop.
“I shouldn’t have said that, sorry. I just don’t want to lose you as a friend, you don’t have to feel the same, but that’s what it is,” Steve lets it out, let’s it catch fire between them and just hopes it doesn’t turn them to ashes, “I want to kiss you for doing this for me, for being you. I want to kiss you all the fucking time and especially right now, Eddie, but I can’t.”
He waits for it, to be left out in the cold, for frost to cover his bones again, but Eddie’s hands stay warm on his face.
A smile lights on Eddie’s lips, the kind that Steve can feel radiating between them. He doesn’t know why Eddie’s smiling when he should be leaving, but Steve wants to keep that feeling forever.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you, Stevie? You can do whatever you want when it’s your birthday.”
Eddie’s eyes fall to Steve’s lips and back up again, setting off a surprised flare in his chest.
“Whatever I want?” Steve repeats in disbelief, searching Eddie’s eyes.
“Whatever you want.”
“You want that too?”
“I want you, too,” Eddie grins like it’s the easiest thing in the world to want Steve, then leans in.
Their mouths connect and it’s like something fiercely cosmic, a solar flare at the touch of their lips.
Eddie’s been sipping lemonade, Steve can taste it on his tongue. Citrusy and warm, Eddie tastes like pure fucking sunshine, all golden in Steve’s mouth.
Kissing Eddie feels like he’s at the center of the universe. He makes Steve feel like the sun, like the brightest thing in the goddamn sky is Steve Harrington.
No pretty light could compare.
Steve chases the heat of Eddie’s mouth, letting it light a fire inside him. His hands have a mind of their own, making Eddie’s messy hair even messier, then falling to his waist to pull him close and hold him while he just kisses and kisses and kisses Eddie.
They have to break for air, foreheads resting together, Steve misses Eddie’s lips already.
Their panting breaths fuse, gazes locked for a few delirious moments, half-lidded and close.
Eddie breaks the silence, laughing breathlessly, giving Steve’s lips one final peck before pulling back, brushing Steve’s hair out of his eyes for him.
“You good?”
Steve laughs then too, a rush of breath, relieved and light, “Never been better.”
Eddie smiles, taking Steve’s hands in the warmth of his, “C’mon then, summer baby. Don’t wanna miss your birthday party.”
They go back outside and Eddie stays close by Steve with a pretty flush high on his cheeks. Steve’s face feels sun-kissed too, and judging by the look he gets from Robin, it shows.
It should be stupid, having a birthday party with a bounce house and a bunch of screaming kids. Maybe it is a little, but it’s still the best birthday Steve’s ever had, and it’s actually his own this time.
He spends the better part of it trying not to cry, especially when he opens the few presents they got him. He’s not used to everything being about him, but Eddie’s arm stays around him, giving him encouraging squeezes, bursts of warmth that keep him going.
Steve’s not forgotten in the shadow of something bigger, wrapped up in one so it’s easier to forget he exists. No, it’s like nothing’s more important than him that day. He doesn’t need it, and it’s hard to let himself have it, but it’s nice to get a day that’s his.
When Christmas comes later that year, Robin still gets Steve a birthday present, there’s no arguing with her. Then Eddie tries to pull the same thing, and Steve’s not having it.
They’re both in their flannels on the couch, Eddie throwing his legs over Steve’s lap and trying to push the extra gift into Steve’s hands.
“C’mon, Stevie, I swear it’s not a birthday present. It's just because.”
“Uh huh, sure. Just because what?”
Eddie shrugs, rests his arm around Steve’s shoulders and presses the words against his cheek, “Just ’cause I love you,” he says like it’s the easiest thing in the world to love Steve.
Steve thinks he knows what to call that feeling now. The one that makes December easier because he’s got his own summer sun pumping warmth through his veins now.
It's love.
Eddie loves him.
Not just on his birthday, or on Christmas, or only on occasion, but everyday. Eddie loves him everyday.
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lovableapocalypse · 1 year
feels like
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
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wc- 2k
warnings- mentions of pregnancy/being pregnant, vomit/throwing up, like one f bomb, established relationship, i dont think anything else
a/n- reader is a pilot lol. hope you all like it and send me any requests you wanna see!!!!
You were tired of vomit. Tired of the smell, tired of the nausea, and tired of the harsh sting it was leaving in the back of your throat. The past three days you had been pulled to consciousness by your uneasy stomach and ended up over the toilet as your alarm blared from the bedroom. 
Bradley has had to leave for training extremely early this week and luckily has missed your ugly morning wake-up call. You’d been subtly avoiding his concerns at work; when you looked queasy after conditioning, when Jake’s body wash scent made you gag, and when you barely touched the coffee he brought you one morning. You played it off as a stomach bug, but your intuition was telling you something completely different.
Thankfully this week had been a zero flight week. You were terrified of flying if your suspicions were accurate, but you were also too scared to take the damn pregnancy test. 
As you walked down the hall Friday afternoon, doing your best to avoid everyone, you made a pact with yourself that you would stop by the convenience store tonight. Bradley was staying late to help with new flight curriculum so you’d have the opportunity to do it alone. 
Part of you wanted to share this moment with him, but your fear quickly overrode that. You and Bradley had been together for years at this point, ever since your first run at Top Gun. He’s mentioned kids a couple times, but never seriously. Deep down you knew he would accept this and be 100% in it, but your anxiety was on blast and your logical thoughts were nowhere to be found. 
You were supposed to be heading to a group meeting, all Dagger Squad members present. Your nausea has been steady all day, and hasn't eased up since you puked your guts up first thing. It’s been miserable and your sweaty, pale complexion are a testament to that. You’re trying your best to take deep breaths as you walk through the humid hallway, but your stomach lurches anyway. You grip the wall nearest to you and clench your eyes shut. 
Deep breaths. In and out. You wait for the pain to subside before you start walking again. You slowly enter the conference room, looking around. Last one here, great. You shoot a small smile in apology and head to the empty seat next to Bradley. 
He gives you a quizzical look as Maverick begins a spiel about next week's itinerary. 
“You okay?” He whispers, brown eyebrows pinched. 
You inhale sharply and nod, reaching for his hand to squeeze in reassurance. He squeezes in return and tries his best to keep his attention on Mav, but your squirming is distracting. It’s too hot in this cramped office space. You swear you can feel each person’s body heat radiate off them, making your head spin. 
Breaths. Deep freaking breaths. You’re trying to concentrate once again on your breathing as Phoenix asks a question, but everything is muffled and distant. You feel Bradley’s eyes seer into you and your jaw clenches unbearably tight. 
This is not happening. You refuse. You’ve made it the whole week without getting sick at work, and you really don’t want your closest colleagues and friends to see you hurl in a tiny trash can. Bradley squeezes your hand tighter trying to grasp your attention, but you just stare ahead and will your body to stop. 
Fuck. There’s definitely no stopping it. You shoot to your feet, pulling your hand from Bradley’s, drawing everyone’s attention. You briefly hear Mav ask if you’re alright and your hand quickly shoots to cover your mouth as you stumble to the trash can. Your stomach empties and you cough harshly, bent over the small container. You hear chairs screech and boots on the ground and soon feel a familiar hand slide up your back. 
Bradley pulls your hair away from your face with his other hand and continues to rub your back, glancing around the room in concern. Phoenix and Bob shoot him sympathetic looks and Jake’s grimace is clear as day. 
Mav makes his way over to you, cautiously, and shouts at Javy to get a medic. You raise your hand and wave at him, trying to refuse. You cough again, “I’m fine. I’m okay.”
“You just puked y/n.” Bradley states. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry- just I’m okay now.”
You slowly stand up and Bradley keeps his grip on you, moving you towards a seat. You glance up, cheeks flushing in embarrassment, and see the sympathetic looks sent your way. “Sorry,” You sigh.
Javy returns out of breath with the medic and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “Really, I’m fine.”
“Y/n I think you should go get checked out,” Maverick says, “Rooster, why don’t you go with her.” He nods his head towards the door and motions for you, Bradley, and the medic to leave the conference room. 
Bradley keeps his grip on your elbow as you walk slowly toward the med bay. The medic is asking you basic questions that you are trying your best to answer as vaguely as possible. When you enter the med area you begrudgingly let the medic take your temperature and check your vitals. 
“Everything looks okay. I’d just get some rest and head to urgent care if your symptoms get any worse.” 
You’re grateful the medic didn’t mention pregnancy and you nod in appreciation as they exit the small exam area. 
Bradley sighs and places his hands on his hips. “Let me take you home, honey. Get some sleep.”
You shake your head, “No Roo it’s okay, I promise. You have to stay late anyway.”
You’re avoiding his gaze as a lump forms in your throat. You’re not sure why you feel so emotional all of a sudden, but with barely any sleep and vomiting up everything you eat, you’re exhausted. You feel tears prick your waterline as Bradley steps closer to you. 
He reaches up and cups your face. It wasn’t always like this. You and Rooster are both stubborn to an unhealthy degree, and when you two got off on the wrong foot all those years ago you never imagined this. He rubs his thumbs over your cheeks, examining you with his eyes. 
“What’s going on? You’ve been off all week.” His voice is soft and it only makes you more emotional. 
You close your eyes and feel the first tears escape down your face. “I think I’m pregnant.” You whisper.
You keep your eyes shut as you hear him inhale. He grips your face tighter, willing you to open your eyes. When you finally open them, he’s smiling. 
“You’re pregnant?”
You shake your head, “I’m not sure yet. I haven’t taken a test yet, but I’ve been sick all week and I can’t remember when my last period was.” You sigh. 
His smile only grows. Of course he would be excited. You’re not sure why you were convinced he would be pissed or upset. His reaction only makes you cry more and he tugs you closer into the warmth of his chest. 
He presses a kiss to the top of your head and steps back, helping you off the exam bench. “Let's go home, yeah?” He asks. 
You nod solemnly and thread your fingers through his, heading to the exit. Bradley lets Mav know you’re sick and he’s taking you home, planning to finish the flight course next week. He helps you into his Bronco and secures your seatbelt for you. He kisses you lightly before closing the door and heading around the car.
On the way back to your shared place he detours to the nearest convenience store and parks out front. Turning to you he says, “I’m gonna run in and grab a few tests. Do you want to come in?”
You shake your head and lean back against the seat letting it absorb your exhaustion. He’s quick inside and jogs back out to the car with a full bag.
“I didn’t know which one to get so I just grabbed a bunch.” He pulls a few out to show you and you laugh at his eagerness.
He smiles at you and places the bag in the back seat, squeezing your knee as he starts the car again. 
He turns the radio on low as you watch your surroundings pass by. You don’t know how to feel about all this. Are you even ready to be a mom? You glance at Bradley and take in his tanned skin and light blush covering his nose and ears. He’d be a great dad, you already know it. 
You try to shake off some of your anxiety as you head inside. Bradley pulls you close and squeezes your arm, sending you a reassuring smile. You exhale and turn to him, “Will you take it with me?”
“Of course.” He nods and rubs your arm gently. 
You head towards the bathroom with the bag full of tests and Bradley fills a cup of water for you. You’re examining all the different tests when he enters and comes up behind you. He rests his head on your shoulder and reads the boxes with you. 
You grab the test with the electronic Pregnant or Not Pregnant answer and a generic 2 line test as well. Bradley sits with you the whole time anxiously squeezing any part of you he can touch. You place the tests near the sink and set a timer on your phone. 
You both sit in a comfortable yet tense silence. You can tell Bradley is more excited than you are but he’s doing his best to keep himself calm. The phone rings cutting off your anxious thoughts and you both stand together to look at the results. 
You grab the line test first seeing two very visible solid lines. You quickly grab the other which coincides with a bold Pregnant flashing at you. You close your eyes and pass the test to Bradley, feeling the waterworks begin. 
He gasps slightly and puts the test back on the counter. He laughs as he turns you to face him, “Hey, hey it’s okay. Everythings gonna be fine,” You can hear the smile in his voice as your tears fall faster. 
“We’ll figure it out, okay? Hey, look at me.” He cups your face again, your eyes opening to meet his. 
“We’re gonna figure it out.” His smile spreads, “We’re gonna be parents holy shit.” You laugh at his excitement and pull him into an embrace. 
“We’re gonna be parents.” You mumble into his shirt. 
The next morning you head to a local clinic just to get a medical test and see if everythings okay with the baby. You’re given the all clear and relative timeline of birth and growth and everything seems so surreal. Bradley is beyond excited and it’s starting to rub off on you. He spent the whole night reassuring you and brainstorming possible names. 
The doctor did let you know that flying is off limits. You feel a bit sad at the loss of flying, but know Mav will keep you busy in other ways. You keep reminding yourself this as you head to his office Monday morning. Bradley and you are hand in hand, him excited to break the news. You knock and hear a muffled “Come in” on the other side. You exhale and squeeze Bradley’s hand as you push the door open. 
“Hey y/n, Bradley.” He nods. “Feeling better?” He places the paperwork he was looking at down and looks between you both. 
You glance to Bradley who quickly nods his head, urging you on. “About that.” You turn back to Mav’s confused expression continuing, “Um, Bradley and I actually have something to tell you.”
Pete remains silent, questioning you both. 
“I’m, uh, not gonna be able to fly for a while.”
His brows furrow, mouth opening to object, but you beat him to it. 
“I’m pregnant.”
His mouth drops in shock and Bradley laughs at his expression. 
“I- I mean wow. Holy shit!” He laughs. He stands and rounds the desk pulling you into a tight hug and then Bradley. He shakes Rooster’s shoulders as he pulls away and his face is ecstatic. 
“I’ll be damned,” He looks between you both again and shakes his head. You glance at Bradley and smile.
Bradley’s grin is contagious and he shouts, “We’re gonna be parents!”
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rad-batson · 1 year
The Robins as RA’s Because I Said So
Credentials: I’m an RA, trust me.
Dick Grayson: The “Cool” RA
His friends told him he’d be great at it so he applied
Holds your hair back when you’re throwing up in the bathroom
Gives life lessons at every opportunity even when you don’t want them
Sees his residents in the hallway and proceeds to talk their ear off
Knocks on your door if he hasn’t seen you in a few days to make sure you’re doing alright
Has the “I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed” face on point
You actually feel bad when he catches you drinking in the halls :(
Jason Todd: The Cool RA
Wanted something to pad his resume so he applied
Will help you hide a body. “Just ask.” You didn’t, but you can’t remember how it came up either
Doesn’t care about the Rules, per se, but he will judge you for lacking common sense
“You know what, Derek? I’m writing you up just for being stupid. You could have at least put it in a paper bag.”
Organizes all of his events last minute, best attendance in the building
One day, he lets it slip that he has a 4.3 GPA
No one believes him until he actually shows them with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face
Tim Drake: The Invisible RA
Didn’t want to go apartment hunting so he applied for the free housing
Do you even have an RA? Does he even live here?
Apparently, he’s like triple-majoring or something, but like…no one knows what for. Or how. (He's really Undecided)
Does the bare minimum, but somehow still excels at his job
Everyone who sees him has a completely different description of what he looks like
One person starts the rumor that he’s a vampire, which is only made worse when someone sees him looking ghostly pale while chugging some weird red drink (Ultra Red Monster) in the middle of the night
Stephanie Brown: The Best Friend RA
One of those people who actually likes living in student housing so she applied
Gossips with everyone
“You didn’t hear this from me but-“ and “What am I, your mother?” are her most common phrases
Will probably get fired just because of how many university secrets she’s spilled
Keeps her door open at all times, her room is super cute too
One of her residents walks in and says, “You won’t believe what my boyfriend did this time!” Stephanie is already popping popcorn.
Will let you get away with shit if you make a good case for yourself
Damian Wayne: The Try-Hard RA
It’s a tradition in his family now, and he takes those very seriously, so he applied
A troublemaker’s worst nightmare
He will catch you drinking. No one knows how. Even his boss thinks it’s suspicious.
Seconds from a mental breakdown at all times of the day
Absolutely livid when the event he spent the least amount of effort on gets the best attendance (He just brought all of his art supplies to the lounge and taught people how to draw)
Writes incident reports like they’re addressed to the Pentagon
A resident comes to his door crying because her grandmother passed away, and Damian completely blanks on what to do so he lets her into his room and gives her a really long hug while she calms down, then he sits her down and lets her vent for an hour. A week later, she comes back and thanks him for being there when she needed it. It sticks with him for years.
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cvlutos · 1 year
“No Nut November” Pt.1
| Repost: 01.10.23 | 1.3K | Mature |
NRC 1st Years X GN!Reader
| CHARACTERS 18+ | Sexual Themes | Masturbation | Flirting | Sorta Creepy | Etc. | Proceed with Caution, Dearest. |
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Swore he wouldn’t fail. Would not shut the fuck up. Would constantly brag about how well he did. When it’s only been a day. He’s the most likely to fail on the 1st day. Not even most likely, he does. That’s mad embarrassing but will most definitely lie for the entire month.
He 100% blames you. You just happened to wear a hot-ass outfit [very very casual relaxation clothes] when he came to Ramshackle after school, he swears you did it on purpose. When he returns to Heartslabyul, exhausted from studying but trying to hide his hard-on, he makes a beeline for the bathroom. Nearly ripping his belt off, biting his bottom lip as his hands make contact with his dick.
“This is all your fault—”
Definitely was aware of No Nut November, but didn’t really get the hype, nor were girls really attracted to him during his delinquent days. [He’s lying. Deuce had girls flocking to him in droves. He’s just oblivious] Deuce doesn’t really view himself as a sexual person until he met you. Unlike Ace, he’s taking it seriously. He’s gonna prove he has self-restraint and is better than Ace. Fails on the 2nd day, partly because he forgot, but also because you smiled at him. He won’t lie, but at the same time will dance around the topic for the rest of November. It’s pretty obvious to everyone he failed.
He swears he isn’t some sexual deviant. You’re just so kind and sweet, and a wonderful person. He can’t help himself. The thought doesn’t cross his mind’ til he’s already close. Laying on his side, his face shoves further into the fabric of your shirt. He lets out a choked groan, desperately fucking his fist. He’s already so close, might as well finish. You won’t ever know.
“... I’m sorry, [Name]...”
Let’s be honest. Jack knows and finds it annoying, like what’s the purpose? Will definitely participate when Ace makes fun of him for not being able to last. He’s competitive. Will act all high and mighty and honestly does well. I give him 15 days at most before he breaks. He most likely forgot the first 10 days, but then started to notice you a lot more, like the way your eyes seem to sparkle, and your laugh is something he can’t ignore. The next 5, he’s forcing himself through and is becoming mad grumpy, cause well.
Says fuck it the moment he sees your skin that’s usually covered. [You showed him a portion of your stomach or bare legs, he’s going feral] Before you can say a thing, Jack is already gone, deciding that he’d be unable to walk into his dorm without drawing attention to himself, he’s deep in the forest. Leaning against a tree, imagining his hand is you. At Least he doesn’t have to clean up much. He’s slightly guilty for the next few days, but won’t tell you, but you will see an influx of gifts.
“This is so embarrassing…”
Almost as loud as Ace, with his bragging. Especially with just your friend's group, no Vil or Rook in sight. He’s letting his country accent fly, with not a damn care. It’s a little funny and cute. Don’t say that to his face. I’m gonna make an educated guess and say he definitely needs to bust it at least once a day. He gets even worse after meeting you, often disappearing into the bathroom, but who needs it for 20 minutes on average? I don’t know what’s worse, Ace bragging and losing the 1st day. Or Epel hyping himself up, only for you to mention how hot he is.
He’s already leaking. He sits on the toilet seat of your bathroom, rubbing his nose against your damp shower towel, squeezing his eyes shut, pumping his dick desperately. You name tumbles from his lips, muffled and desperate. He compares succeeding NNN to being a stronger man, and most definitely falls the 1st hour of making his bet. Will ask Jack hypotheticals, and he’s just like, ‘I don’t know, man’. Similar to Deuce, he will jump around the topic, or suddenly switch up. Saying NNN is dumb. Like bffr.
“No Nut November iz dumb! No, I didn’ fail, ya jerk”
Now, I know what you are thinking. Ain’t no way. Sebek is loud and most likely has announced his displeasures with NNN. It’s childish. Uncouth. For the dumb and ignorant. Wait—you think it’s funny and cool? He guesses he can try, and will publicly and I mean publicly announce his plans to win. And he will. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his challenges. Sebek is a knight in training and has amazing self-control. And last half the month without trouble, the other half, he’s just missing. You see him in all his classes, but he’s avoiding you like the plagues.
He is giving his all to winning. The moment December 1st strikes, he’s acting a damn fool. Fucking his hand, bed, blankets, anything and everything, cause cumming once just isn’t enough. He’s gonna casually NOT, will do a fucking public service announcement about his winnings. Gods, he’s embarrassing. Will not shut up. Please say you’re proud of him.
“Of course I won. As Lord Malleus Knight—”
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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ruwriteshours · 11 months
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➼ pairing: mark lee + fem! reader
➼ genre: angst (exes to lovers trope), fluff at the end
➼ summary: Always wallowing yourself in self-pity, you start to doubt yourself and you think it's time to end your relationship with Mark with a lie. He'll have no choice but to move on from you. It will work...
"I cheated on you."
Biting your lip in anticipation as you waited for a response. Looking over, you could see Mark tensed at your words but he quickly covered up by reaching over the table to grab the remote control, chuckling lightly.
"Sure you did."
You shook your head.
"I'm seriously." You stated firmly, this time.
Wanting nothing more than to burn a hole through the ground, your anxiety quickly rising as he finally turned to face you. His eyes were no longer warm and loving, like you were used to seeing. No, it felt spine-chilling from the way his gaze hardened, those cold eyes searching through yours as if he was trying to detect a lie. You couldn't let him see right through you though, so you attempted to put on a assertive stance.
A moment passed by with deafening silence, you held in my breath as you awaited for his reaction yet again. This time though, he laughed humorless, you could tell that he was trying to hide his pain away. Your heart clenched at the sight, wanting to desperately hold him one last time.
Stretching out your hands to hold onto his, he pushed it aside harshly, "Don't."
"I'm sorr—"
"Save it." He spat.
He stood up, pacing back and forth as if he was contemplating on what to do next.
"When?" He looked back at you with those cold eyes.
Shuddering slightly, you meekly mumbled. "Two weeks ago."
"You mean, when you were on tour in LA? Are you fucking serious?" He bellowed, his footsteps drawing further away, not wanting to stay in the living room with your presence any longer. You couldn't blame him.
That's right. During the tour, you had barely any time with Mark— not that you had much before either. He is an idol and so were you, but managing through this relationship for a year was made possible for the both of you. Afterall, you had been friends way longer than you had been together. Both of you had so much trust for each other. Or so he thought.
Following his steps, you began making your way to the kitchen, where his back was facing you. "Look, it just happened and I thought—"
"You thought it was a great time to cheat, right?" He cut me off. "To make me work my ass off in the studio while you go fuck with some stranger."
"Must be fun, right?" He taunted.
"It really wasn't like that." Weakly defending yourself as you refuse to make eye contact.
He scoffed.
"Then what is it, huh?" He pushed on. "That I would just magically forgive you? Like what you did isn't suppose to fucking hurt me?"
His voice cracked slightly, at the end.
"I'm really sorry." You pleaded.
A month later,
Holding back your tears as you try to remain unbothered at the sight of Mark making out with some girl at the party.
After the break-up, Mark had completely shut you out of his life. Blocking your number and refusing to acknowledge your presence. Although it hurt, you knew it was for the better anyways. He deserved better.
"Why won't you just tell him the truth?" Yoora suggested, appearing at your side.
Yoora had been there and she had seen it all. The amount of tears that were shed as you force yourself to put on a smile in front of everyone else. She hated that you had to end the relationship at your own expense. Though, you trust that she wouldn't tell a soul, that didn't stop her from verbalising her disagreement.
"That will be the last thing I would do." You stubbornly retorted.
Yoora sighed.
"He hates you, now. Are you sure you're willing to live with that?" She questioned.
"Of course not, but I rather him hate me than let him have the burden of knowing." Walking off from the couch, not wanting to converse anymore.
Squeezing your way through the crowded place, you had accidentally bumped into the devil himself. There he stood, as stunning as ever. He grew out his hair, his black locks swayed around his neck and his breath reeked of alcohol. Stumbling back slightly at the impact, you could only pressume to walk away, knowing he wanted nothing to do with you.
But before you could make that step, he tugged you forward by your wrist. His mouth was near yours and you could've sworn that your heart skipped a beat. The anticipation was killing you as you could feel his lips nearing closer,
"We could've been together." He voiced out, snapping you out of your trance.
"But you— you just had to mess up!" He slurred.
"No— I hate how you think you got the upper hand," He paused, "but guess what, I am living the life without you."
Your heart ache at his words.
"Please stop." Your voice quavered.
"Huh, you're actually crying." He mocked, "You're so pathetic, I shouldn't have wasted those years being with you. It's insufferable."
You took a step back.
"I fucking hated you and I'm glad we broke off." He finished, walking off.
You could only stand there in shock. You never thought he would utter those words out so menacingly. You should be glad that he bought your lie, but why does the sound of your shattering heart says otherwise?
"Alright, let's go through this one last time!" The instructor yelled out.
It was the final week of practice for the yearly stage performance for all SM idols to perform together. You would usually be thrilled about it, considering it was only the few times you would get to see Mark on stage.
Oh, how times have changed.
Ever since that party, you would only receive far worse treatment from him. From 'accidentally' bumping into your shoulder whenever you walked past, to intentionally spilling water all over your clothes and not uttering a single apology and purposely ignoring your greetings. It hurt to know he wasn't the same as how he was before.
The first week of training, the both of you were paired up as partners as part of the choreography. The best of your luck when his name was mentioned, alongside with yours. You could feel the burning tension but you attempt to remain professional, not wanting any personal issues to clash with your work. Though, you couldn't say the same for Mark.
"Mark, you have to look at her." The choreographer insisted.
He refused to make eye contact whenever an intimate part of the choreography came up, claiming he wanted to avoid any dating scandal. Yet openly flirting with other female idols in the room, being way too up close and personal with them. You still brushed off, reminding yourself that you needed to be patient. Little did you know, that his gaze was focused on yours—looking for a reaction.
"You look really beautiful." He brushed the girl's hair.
He would purposely mess up your schedule, telling you to arrive at a certain time and making you show up at least an hour late, getting an earful from the instructor.
"Oops." He mocked, smirking at the way your glaring eyes intensifies.
And it was only the beginning.
"Ugh, why would you put up with this?" Yoora groaned, leaning her head against the headboard.
"Yeah, and he is being way too blatant about it." Karina agreed, munching on her snacks.
You sigh.
"Look, I know we said we would keep this a 'secret'." Giselle said using air quotes. "But this has gotten way too far, he's being an ass at this point."
"Guys, it's not that easy." You defended.
"What's not easy? Telling him that you were hospitalised when we were on tour? Or the fact that you have to hide it?" Yoora pushed.
"Both!" You whined.
How could you? Mark was a very busy man and you couldn't let him be bothered too much about your health issues. After the tour in LA, you had been forced to take pills. Day in and day out, the doctors would come in to check up on you. Your condition was getting worse and you could only throw up every single food you ate. You couldn't stand the heat because your nose would easily bleed. Everything became too much, that you didn't want to pass the burden onto someone else. Mark has had enough on his hands and you didn't want to add on to it.
Your members think you were stupid for that reasoning but you had always been an overthinker. Even at the early stages of your relationship with Mark, you had been nothing but a trainwreck. Your emotions always got to you and it was bound to happen that it will be the downfall of your relationship.
They all shared knowing looks as you left the room afterwards.
The day has finally arrive. Everything went smoothly, fans were cheering on to the performance and you couldn't be more happy to be on stage after awhile.
"Remember what the doctor said." Your manager reminded.
You nodded, "I've taken the medicine, don't worry." You assured.
That seem to be a good enough answer and your manager walked off, letting you prepare for your next performance.
"Don't force yourself." Yoora stated, standing by your side. You could only mumble a quick 'okay' before going back to your position.
Suprisingly, everything went by according to plan. You were able to perform under the immense amount of sickness you were facing. You could feel your energy draining by the second but you still pushed yourself, nonetheless. The only thing you could focus on was the next part;
Which was when it came to your part with Mark, you couldn't help but feel your nerves skyrocketing. You miraculously did the choreograph perfectly, and Mark was able to maintain eye contact with such genuinity that it made you doubt that he was just doing it for show. Right as it was about to end, you felt Mark pull away quickly. The sudden action made you face the reality— it was no longer the same.
The cheers from the fans made you able to quickly contort your face to a look of happiness, not wanting to cause suspicion.
"That was good, girls!" Everyone cheered, just then you heard your phone ding.
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your sockets when you read it.
Mark: Meet me at the supply closet. Now.
Your heart skipped a beat at that. You quickly excused yourself as you made a beeline towards the closet, you couldn't help but feel curious at what he has to say. Surely it can't be...
Just as you entered the dark, empty room, you hear the door slammed shut. "Mark!" You turned around to open the door, only to find it jammed.
Banging the door repeatedly, you called out. "Mark, this isn't funny! Let me out, please!"
You continued banging the door for a few minutes and your calls of help was deemed useless. Just as you were about to call someone on your phone, it was a sudden horror when you discovered that your battery ran out.
Just great!
You tried to remain calm but it was imposible as you couldn't breathe from the small, cramped space. You were slowly loosing conciousness and before you knew it, you blacked out...
Why isn't she answering my text?
Mark thought disappointingly as he stared at the text he sent out a few days ago.
Mark: You did great out there!
Was it too much? Was he being too much of a creep to you. He didn't know why he was so nervous sending out that text. Afterall, it was just you.
Maybe... just maybe that's why he felt so agitated. He knew he shouldn't worry about you but he can't help it. He knew he had been an ass but surely anyone would to their cheating ex. So why did he cared when you hasn't been giving him the attention he wants?
"Mark! Mark, where the hell are you!" A shrill voice echoed through the room, his train of thoughts were interrupted.
Before the male could recollect himself, he didn't even notice Yoora until he was pulled by the ear. The group watched in shock as they watched one of their members being attacked by the enraged woman.
"Ow! What the hell!" Mark yelped in pain.
Yoora would have none of it. "You're such an asshole!"
"Yoora, calm down." Karina intervened.
"Can someone tell me what is happening?" Taeyong yelled out, trying to diffuse the situation.
"I would want to know that too!" Mark agreed.
Yoora sneered, "You knew what you did, dick!"
"Yoora, let's not start anything." Karina stated calmly, "Why did you do that, Mark?"
"What! What did I do?" Mark asked, genuinely confused of what he is being accused of.
Yoora scoffed.
"You texted Y/N that night after the performance, asking her to meet you so that you could pull a prank of trapping her in a supply closet for hours!" Yoora exclaimed.
The group gasped, curious eyes watching as the scene unfolds. Watching the way Mark's face acted the same as them, equally as shock at the horrific news.
"Well, guess what? You're stupid little prank landed her in the hospital for days!" Yoora finished off.
"What! Which hospital is she at?!" Mark was in frantic, not even acknowledging the fact that the girls were accusing him of doing that act to you. Never in a million years, would he be that cruel.
"Funny to think that we would tell you. She doesn't want to see you." Yoora crossed her arms.
Mark looked at her angrily, "Look, I didn't do anything to her! I wasn't on my phone after the performance. I fell asleep the whole day. Ask Haechan!" He desperately tries to defend himself.
Haechan nodded, "It's true, he wasn't even near his phone."
"Then who was it texting her?" Yoora ask, her anger slightly dissipitating.
Mark could feel the lightbulb flicker in his head, "Aera!"
Everyone stared at him, "I let Aera use my phone because she said she needed to call someone. I didn't even check if she gave me back until the next day." He explains.
Aera had always envy your relationship so when it came about the dreaded news of your break-up, she was visibly more than happy and was up in her feet when Mark began to show slight interest for her. Of course, it's now all ruined because of you. The girl thought bitterly before making the most inhumane act.
"That bitc-"
"Now that I've proven my innocence, let me see her!" Mark exclaimed.
"Um, you see. I wasn't lying when I said she doesn't want to see you." Yoora scratched the back of her head awkwardly.
Karina let out a groan, finally having had enough. "Ugh, this push and pull thing is getting annoying. I'll tell you the whole truth."
"Don't. He has the right to know." Karina continued.
Mark could never be more confused, "Know about what?"
"You seem to be in a very bad condition but surely enough, it will be a quick recovery. You just need to have enough rest." The doctor stated, "You have been taking your regular meds, right?"
You nodded,
"Then you should be fine. In a few minutes, you are allowed to be discharged." You sigh at that, relieved that it was finally over.
"Y/N?" That voice.
"Mark? What are you doing here?" You asked, puzzled by his presence.
"Just for the record, Aera was the one who put you in here. Just wanted to let you know that I would never do that to you." He stated.
"Cool." You awkwardly replied,
"Is that all?" You avoided eye contact, not wanting him to see you in such a state.
Mark let out an unbelievable laugh, "You know, this whole time, you paint yourself to be the bad guy when you were out here suffering the whole time?"
"Mark..." You trailed off, knowing what he was going to say.
"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was suprisingly calm. You didn't know if you should be worried or glad.
"Because— You were already in enough stress as it-"
"Don't." He interrupted, "Don't use that shitty excuse on me." He snarled.
"Well, it's the truth. I don't know what you want from me." You retort.
"What I want is for you to stop hiding these types of things from me." He confessed.
You scoffed, "Why should I? We're not even together."
Almost after you utter those words, Mark grabbed your chin and made you face him. "Don't say that. You're mine and you've always will be."
His tone was stern.
"You made me treat you like shit and I'm sorry I hurt you but I hope you know that my feelings for you never changed." He spoke earnestly.
You teared up. "Stop it, Mark."
"No, I won't stop. As long as you're here, it's enough to for me to fight for this relationship. I should've done it sooner so i'm doing it now." His hands continued to leave a tight yet gentle grip, making sure he wasn't being too rough on you.
"You can say whatever shit you want, but this time, I won't leave you. You're stuck with me forever, Y/N. I'm going to take care of you until we're old and grey." He declared, kissing your forehead before giving you a warm hug.
This time though, you couldn't bring yourself to argue as you accepted his embrace.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
[1:47 a.m.]
hwang hyunjin x f!reader
smut 18+ (unprotected sex)
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“oh god,” hyunjin whines against the column of your throat. the words, spoken softly, tickle as he breathes them into your skin. goosebumps follow his lips as he works his way down your neck, kissing you wherever he pleases. you lean into the feeling of his mouth on you, wanting it to last forever.
“i’m not going to last.” he confesses, stilling his hips before he’s even really begun.
his admission makes you moan and wrap your legs even tighter around his waist. you aren’t going to last very long either at this rate, not with your boyfriend already on the verge of whimpering in your ear. it’s only been a couple of days since you fucked but it feels like ages.
any amount of time away from hyunjin feels like an eternity. you thought you’d be over it by now. you thought it would pass, or at the very least dim, like a well-loved dress that’s been through the laundry time and time again, faded from years of wear. you’ve waited for the colors to start to bleed from the fabric, but they haven’t. even after all this time.
“just don’t look at me,” you try, your own voice barely above a squeak.
“i’m not looking at you,” hyunjin groans. no wonder he’s got his head buried in the crook of your shoulder. “it’s not enough.”
“don’t think about me, then.”
“you know i can’t do that.”
“sure you can!”
“no, it’s literally impossible. every time i try, you’re all i can think about.” he sighs, lifting his head tentatively and blinking you into focus. “fuck, that was a mistake,” he swears. “we need to start fucking in complete darkness.” you roll your eyes at him but he just shakes his head like you’d never be able to understand the effect you have on him. as if he doesn’t have the same effect on you.
he isn’t even moving but you’re right there on the edge too. and when he opens that filthy mouth of his—
“how can anyone feel this perfect? how can anyone look that pretty all ruined and fucked out?” he draws his hips back and pushes in again. it’s agonizingly slow, for both of your sakes, but it makes your eyes roll to the back of your head nonetheless. “always take me so fucking well, baby. always get so wet for me, yeah? making the prettiest faces when i slide into you…. i swear every inch of my cock i give you makes me fall in love with you all over again—”
you moan, unable to help the way you clench around him. “jinnie, stop, i’m seriously going to cum if you keep talking.”
“don’t…” he pleads “because if you cum, i’ll cum, and then this’ll be over way faster than either of us want it to be.”
you’re holding onto his biceps for dear life, trying to anchor yourself even though he himself if shaking, but it’s too late. “i can’t stop it— fuck, i’m trying but i can’t!”
hyunjin accepts his fate while you’re still fighting yours and gives you a few quick thrusts to push both of you over the edge. you don’t need anything on your clit to get you there this time, but being the gentleman that he is, hyunjin frees up one of his hands so that he can make you cum ever harder by circling it with his thumb.
“atta girl, let go.”
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whalesforhands · 10 months
night escapades (satosugu x reader)
(originally meant to be kofi exclusive, but if no one is gonna give me 1st Year STSG i will do it myself)
warnings: none, unless u take bratty gojo as one haha
Tap. Tap. Tap.
That’s just the wind. You could totally just ignore that. It’s definitely not a ghost knocking it’s bony hands against your glass window from behind your curtains right?
You toss your blanket over your head, turning onto your side as you huddle yourself deeper, ignori-
That’s not the wind anymore, your eyes draw themselves to your drawn curtains, slowly getting up to go check for the source of the insistent knocking. Even you can’t just simply ignore it now.
You’re really scared. Coming to this school doesn’t dispel your fear of the supernatural, if anything, it had heightened your fright for them.
You take a breath, your hands immediately sweating before you threw open the curtains, revealing-!
Gojo Satoru.
(What a relief he wasn’t a ghost…)
He leans against the glass pane, staring you straight in the eye, those very same menacing, glinting blue eyes that shone with power and dominance. This guy really was intimidating… Your gaze jumps to the floor in a hurry.
“Oi.” You flinch slightly, not wanting to tilt your head up to look at him lest you start to sweat from your nerves as you nervously gulp. “You can fly, right?”
Barely. But you start nodding your head anyway.
“Seriously, what’s taking so long?”
You’re both in the clearing, still on the ground as he impatiently crosses his arms whilst tapping a foot, eyes narrowed at you from behind his sunglasses as your hands shake, trying to form a bubble around yourself.
“I-It’s…! I-I’m trying, sorry, Gojo-san.” You’re not lying. You really are. You just aren’t very practiced with your technique yet. You gulp again, swallowing your nerves and trying to concentrate and finally form this stupid-
“You nervous or something?” You never noticed when he got so close to you, sunglasses staring down at your form as you turn your gaze back to floor again.
You shake your head, eyes glued to the floor as you start to feel his cold stare. You don’t want to look at him.
Something in him finally snaps.
“Hey, you.” It’s domineering in nature, commanding. “Ya never look me in the eye, do you? What’s with that?”
An annoyed sigh is heard. You can only keep your gaze glued to the dirt beneath you.
(You wonder if he ever viewed you as such.)
“I can see your cursed energy flickering out.”
Huh? You see his shoes come to a stop before you, the feeling of him staring down at you through his glasses overwhelming you with the sheer power he emanated.
(You really wished you just lied and said you couldn’t fly. You hope he doesn’t feel the sweat on your palms.)
“Stop being so scared of me.” You hear his sunglasses jostle slightly when he talks, the commanding tone sending chills down your spine.“Focus. I’m not gonna get mad at you, so just get your little bubble blower up and working already.”
(He’s nicer than you thought.)
You’re sitting within your bubble as Gojo flies circles around you, bursting through clouds and flying excitedly about your little protective barrier as he grins.
He places a hand on your cursed barrier, pushing and poking as your legs are politely crossed in front of you, trying to hone your concentration to keep yourself afloat.
“What’s your name?”
He doesn’t even remember your name…?
“(first name) (last name)…”
“Okay.” He’s silent again, watching you quietly. “Do I make you scared?”
“Then look at me.”
You do so, slowing tilting your head up to for once, meet the elusive, enigmatic and infamous Limitless user in the eye.
Oh wow.
You stare up into them, getting lost as you see the reflection of the night sky shining within those orbs. The way his hair glistened under the moon, looking as if they were painted by the streaks of light themselves, a cute nose, a wide grin that stretched across his face and showed off his dimples.
“You’re pretty…” You’ve said it without even realizing it.
You hear him scoff, immediately averting his eyes away from yours. “‘Course I am.”
(He hopes you don’t notice the blush on his face.)
He circles your bubble once more, contemplating, thinking.
“How much do you trust me?” The prospected head of the Gojo clan, the one who changed all tides the moment he was born. The elusive talented sorcerer that took the world by storm, that was fated for greatness.
You should trust him lots, right? He’s gonna be the strongest one day.
(You don’t want to.)
Yet, all you can see in those playful, glittering eyes of his was mischief and roguish sparks, so different from how you imagined him. So different from what you thought about him. All you could see was a boy who just wanted to have fun, a hunger for entertainment and enjoyment.
(You should thank him for helping you out earlier, no?)
You relent, your eyes flickering to the ground below you, before you squeeze your eyes close and let your bubble pop, your back racing towards the ground as you begin to squeeze your eyes closed. If you can’t see it, you can’t fear it, right?
His grin had grown wide, amused and maniacal as you let yourself fall, feeling the air flying through your hair, the screams of the wind rushing into your ears as you see him start to dive after you, arms tucked into his sides, as he himself allows the freefall of gravity to take control.
He’s still howling with laughter, as you hear him cheer out words inaudible to you, happy grin stretched wide across his face as you see his hands outstretched, reaching towards your own as both your bodies skyrocket towards the ground with no technique to save you just yet.
Is he really going to reach you in time?
You’re immediately swept up by a flash of iridescent white, body no longer subjected to gravity as you’re scooped up onto safety into a pair of arms.
“You okay?” This voice is soft, gentle. So different from the reprehensible, rougher tone of voice you were expecting to hear.
It’s Geto Suguru. Your other classmate. Short hair billowing in the wind as he maneuvered his cursed spirit around with you in his arms, a look of concern crossing his features as he looks down at you.
You’re mesmerized.
“Damn showoff!” You can see Gojo grit his teeth from his position in the sky, his cursed technique having activated the same time Geto had swept you away in his arms. He’s irritated.
He flies just above the large cursed spirit, glaring down at the two of you from his position.
“Hey, Weird Bangs!” He zooms in closer, ensuring that his voice was being heard whilst flying. “I don’t remember inviting you!”
“I invited myself to save you the trouble of doing so!” Suguru’s tone of reply was indignant, annoyed, grip on you getting slightly tighter as if to appease his anger.
You’re still in Geto’s arms, atop the cursed spirit you’ve heard him refer to as the ‘Rainbow Dragon’ as it soars through the clouds with both of you on top of its back.
“Uh, you gonna stay there, or…?” You feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckles, a light blush on his face as he stares straight ahead, trying to avoid your entranced gaze on him.
You quickly clamber off, realization and embarrassment hitting you like a freight train, nearly falling off the large reptile before your arm was caught and gently pulled up to position you in front of him.
“Ah. I don’t recommend moving much.”
Oh. You really want to die of shame now. “Thank you, Geto-san.” You’re trying to look away as you mumble it out, trying to ignore the fact that his arms are basically caging you into his hold, making yourself feel small as you squeeze your shoulders inwards, trying to hide your fervent embarrassment with the strong winds.
“It’s no problem, (last name)-san. I’m happy to help you.”
The dragon immediately flies to a stop, as if immediately backing off from the sudden appearance of an obstacle in front as he roars, front legs recoiling back in surprise and nearly throwing both of its passengers of had it not been for Suguru’s strong grip.
A visibly upset Satoru is hovering right in front, arms crossed and cheeks looking kind of… Puffed up. Is he… Pouting?
“I said I didn’t invite you, Weird Bangs.”
“And I said I invited myself.”
“I didn’t say that you could-!”
“Well, who are you to even say that?”
You notice the way he slowly floats closer to the dragon, the way his eyes keep subtly taking glances at the beautiful creature. Wait… Could it be that he’s making all this commotion because…?
“Gojo-san…” Your eyes flicker back to him, noticing the slight stagger in his flight. “Do you want to get on too?”
“Hah?! What makes you think that I wanna get on?”
“…do you not want to? You look excited to try…”
Suguru’s eyes flit between you and Gojo’s as he listens in on your conversation.
“Hey, Weird Bangs.” The Six Eyes user was making a beeline straight for him, hands tucked into his pockets as his lanky form made himself the object of Geto’s attention.
“For the last time, it’s Geto Suguru.” Suguru can feel a vein pop as he replies, hand nearly crushing the can in his hand as he faces the approaching sorcerer.
“You ever thought about learning some manners?”
“You’re strong, aren’t you?” His question was completely ignored as Gojo’s blue eyes regard him. His patience is being tested.
“What are you trying to imp-“
“Show me.”
Suguru had walked away after that, purposefully bumping shoulders as he strides past. But with your question… He kinda gets it now.
Gojo’s still impudently floating in front of his dragon, crossing his pompous arms.
Geto gives in.
“Get on.”
(Gojo never flew so fast.)
He sticks his haughty nose up. “I’m only doing this because you offere-“
“And hang on, or else you’ll fall off. I’m not catching you.” Geto had implied for the white-haired sorcerer to grip onto the dragon’s mane. What he didn’t expect was the arms that looped around his waist, and the aura of an excited child surrounding the new classmate behind him as he practically jumped onto his spirit’s back.
(Satoru was practically jolting from excitement.)
Gojo Satoru finally remembers your name here.
Gojo blushed when you complimented him because he’s used to others praising him for his eyes… Not him.
He would’ve definitely been able to catch you in time, but he chose to play around a little bit to see just how much you trust him.
Geto and yourself realized that Gojo had a strange intrigue with the cursed spirits Suguru commanded, and wanted to interact with them more than anything. (How childishly cute.)
I imagine first year Gojo to be a lot more meaner, as I imagine he was materialistically spoiled rotten, and isn’t used to asking for things when he’s always been simply handed them.
“Your dragon was cool.”
“Thanks… I guess.” Geto’s eyebrow is slightly twitching from irritation once he reaches the ground.
“(first name).”
“…yes, Gojo-san?”
“Let’s do this again.” His eyes flit to Suguru. “You’re invited next time too, I guess.”
He pauses for a moment. “Suguru.”
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pairing: shuri x singer!black reader
warnings: swearing and fading relationship between reader and her boyfriend
a/n: as you can tell, i was definitely inspired by Zay’s own writing (the title has magically excused itself from my brain (i’m thinking lemonade, but i don’t wanna fuck up) my apologies, but i’m gonna blame that on finals). i loved the chapters and it inspired me to write something after a year. those euphoria requests wore me out lol. also, i don’t mention the death of anyone in this story. it didn’t happen…okay? okay! i might do a backstory to this? I’m not really sure, but we’ll see. i hope you enjoy babes!
words: 1.4k + not proofread
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let's pretend we never met. a good excuse to play forget. let's pretend you never lied, so i can give it up all night, swallow my pride, and learn to forgive. when i'm looking for love i pretend it's you. a love that never ends.
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the bed was cold, your lace band was on snug, and the food you cooked for your boyfriend of 2 years was cold.
and after all that damn cooking?
he could throw away the food and clean the dish he didn’t get to eat.
2 years and this was life. you used to bask in each others presence, go on dates, write poems together, make appearances, but now?
now you barely saw him because he was rehearsing lines with his new costar and you were trying to finish your album.
he didn’t look at you the same anymore, the house was cold, and those i love you’s we’re definitely empty.
you were perfect and just like that it was gone.
pretending like you were fine was the only thing you two had in common.
you remember one morning darius got a call stating he nailed his audition and filming would start soon. that night you two attended a movie premiere then at the after party you met t’challa and he introduced you to his sister, shuri.
now it was forced smiles on the red carpets, powdering your face after cry sessions, lying for him, and him avoiding questions about you slyly.
real enough.
now shuri, your producer for your upcoming 3rd studio album, she knew better.
she watched you write the songs, cry mid recording, consoled you when you came in with puffy eyes and swollen lips, fed you when you realized it had been some time between your last meal due to the fast paced life…she picked up the pieces.
and she hated it because she’s in love with you.
“okay! okay! but sza? ctrl literally raised me…sos is gonna eat.” you proclaimed to shuri one night after recording one song and touching up two others. it was crunch time and your label and fans wanted the album soon.
laughing at your seriousness she put the pho she had ordered down. the light you got in your eyes while speaking on the popular album was so cute to her.
you loved this shit as much as she did.
you were raw. letting each emotion out in each song and showcasing your life to shuri before showing it to those who supported you and your craft. you didn’t put on a facade in front of her even after you had been pretending for awhile.
“for me uh…” shuri paused to think after her giggles died down. she licked her bottom lip before flicking her eyes to yours. “definitely ego death by the internet. they raised me and i hope that their next album isn’t their last. i’d scream out to bast.” she started giggling again with you joining in.
two beautiful women discussing a mutual love.
“hey y/n. listen baby, i’m gonna be late, but i promise i didn’t forget.” you could hear aeva, darius’s costar, giggling in the back. “see you soon, love you.” he quickly said before the recording clicked in an ending.
according to him he wasn’t with her intimately, but you knew him. he was drawing away for awhile, way before this role. you wanted the peace of not caring or wondering what he was doing. wondering if what he once felt for you was what he felt for her just times ten.
in that moment, with tears in your bottom lash line and legs criss crossed sitting in the large black satin bed, you knew him coming home in a few hours, waking you up with sex and sorry’s you’ve learned not to believe wouldn’t cut it this time.
it hurt so bad to know that you were done.
it hurt more to know you gave up, not that the love died. you had already grieved on that. you tried so hard, but it takes two.
but you were so happy because you’d be able to address those growing feelings you had for a certain wakandan producer.
those feelings you suppressed to honor what was left of your expiring relationship.
all of that was over. you decided it.
climbing out of the king sized bed, you made your way to the bathroom. after cleaning up your face and sighing at the water clumped lash extensions, you decided you needed to shower to sooth the ache you felt simmer in your heart.
while rinsing the soap off of you, you realized your bedroom would make you feel suffocated. you needed to leave.
the only place close by though? shuri’s studio.
quickly drying off, moisturizing, putting on deodorant, and changing into a light pink crochet top, panties, black shorts, and the most beat up pair of crocs you owned, it was almost time to go.
a purse and jacket on one arm with your phone and keys in the other hand led you downtown.
shuri was up playing with beats. you needed one more song on the album before your label would review it and decide on the next steps.
she didn’t want the hard work you had done to not be cleared. this final beat would put you and her in the spotlight. this album was your baby and in a way, hers too.
she hadn’t heard griot announce your presence as she nodded her head to the beat, but she acknowledged your existence when she smelt your signature scent overwhelm her nostrils.
you definitely noticed her. she smelt so good and looked even better. her curls hung in front of her face, different vibranium rings across all 10 fingers, wearing low hanging sweats, and a tight beater that helped show off her lean, but muscular frame.
“y/n?” she called turning around. by the look of your eyes her heart dropped, but she could notice a different kind of look on your face compared to what she usually saw associated with that feature.
“what’s wrong, entle? kukho into ayenzileyo?” she asked stopping the beat, queuing a different track, and grasping your hands.
you smiled at her urgency. she was always so sweet to you.
“shuri you know i’m still learning. i only caught you calling me beautiful.” you teased with a smile. her heart didn’t feel as heavy anymore with that look. it wasn’t forced, just playful.
“kukho into ayenzileyo, i asked did he do something?” shuri said with a light smile and knowing eyes. yours darkened a bit before you looked away and contemplated on the best way to tell her.
“he promised he wouldn’t miss dinner again, he did and it’s because he wants to be with her.” shuri frowned at his actions.
“i can’t take this anymore so i’ve decided when he comes home i’ll let him know we’re done. i’m going to make sure he gets a good mover for his items and i find a good locksmith so he can’t come back.” you revealed. saying it out loud made you feel lighter.
“i’m giving it all up. i choose me and my happiness.” you whispered as she brought you into her chest. the slight jolt she endured as a result of you slamming into her made her bump the play button and start the last song you recorded together.
let’s pretend that we bout to break up…to catch the feelings so we can make up…
“i’m…i’m proud of you! this whole album was you baring it all and finding yourself…this might be the end of a chapter. you’re stepping into a new book.” shuri spoke to you. she was tired of picking up the pieces he broke. she was tired of seeing you try to fix them.
let’s pretend i ain’t your friend so we can get it on again.
“ndiyakuthandana.” she whispered her love to you.
so we can get it on again. let’s pretend we never met, a good excuse to play forget.
“nam ndiyakuthanda” you whispered right back.
i pretend it’s you…that i’m in love with…
a tattooed hand gripped the side of your face before shuri questioned you.
“you mean that shit?” she lowly whispered.
you looked into her dark eyes and thought about everything. the first session, your recent session, the parties, the conversations, the outings, the meals you ate together, the secrets you told, the feelings you shared, everything you’ve experienced with her or because of her you wouldn’t trade.
you did mean it.
a thousand times you’d say yes.
with a nod from you shuri lifted your head from her chest and kissed you.
she’s been waiting for it.
that kiss was one of many that night. clothes left on the soundboard, seven mixed calls and a few texts left from darius ignored, the sun started to come up, and a new life was brewing on the horizon.
pretending led you to what you really wanted.
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woneuntonzz · 4 months
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what's it like to love ? 𓇢𓆸
anton lee x afab!reader (part 4/5)
• part 1
• part 2
• part 3
• part 5
warnings: cussing!
genre: fluff -`♡´- highschool love
word count: 5.3k words!!
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ description: student athlete!anton x studious class officer!reader | you swore to yourself, to you friends and even to your parents “I'm not one to easily fall.” and you thought you were that tough, not until him of course. [note!!: hiii i'd just like to quickly say that this is my first ever post ever and i'm still a bit insecure with my writing, and english is not my first language so bare with me now 🙏 open for any forms of feedback please do take note that i will take longer to update/respond to anything because of school, thank you!!! ]
[Day 14]
“You seriously aren't dating?” 
It's been over an hour since you've set yourself to finish the very last thing that you needed to complete your grades in Economics. 
You and a couple of your friends were in the library on an early Tuesday morning to finish schoolwork. You've spent the past week taking tests, conducting group presentations, finishing remaining school work, and preparing for the finals which were to be held the next day.
“No —shouldn't you be studying? I heard your class is getting a long test from Mr. Choi later.” you didn't bother drawing your eyes away from what you were doing hoping that they would stop pestering you with the unnecessary questions.
“That's not a problem to me, so stop changing the topic. Tell us what's going on between you and the swimmer guy, you two are always together nowadays 's so hard to miss now.” you stopped and stared at the paper you've been working on, giving Liz a quick glance.
“He likes me.” These words slip past your mouth like it's been resting at the back of your tongue. 
”And?” you sighed at Liz's urges and pursed your lips, trying to find the words to explain everything.
“I haven't reciprocated.” your response was very subtle but your tone indicated hesitance.
“For real? Well, how do you feel about Anton?” Liz's question made everyone take a pause on what they were doing, they were all eyes and ears for you.
“Anton —he's very sweet, and he cares about me, like, a lot. And you know how I've been bothered by him ignoring me for like, months? I just suddenly became interested in befriending him, even just a little bit —but, yeah, that happened. I don't get why it bothered me so much that it got to a point of him confessing out of the blue, does this mean I like him too?” Your eyes lingered on the empty space on the table you occupied.
Your friends exchanged worried looks, unsure of how to help you. 
“I mean, you were mainly worried that he hated you, right?” you weakly nodded at Danielle. “Normally you wouldn't really care about that stuff, at least since last year, so looking at it now it seems like your fixation on Anton must mean something.”
You sighed, averting your eyes from the table and staring on the floor below you as you started to think. Because of something that happened back then, I just stopped caring for anyone with a negative sentiment towards me. I didn't care when that girl I swore to the heavens I loved suddenly stopped caring about me just because of a stupid rumor, I didn't care when people started giving me glares, whispering to themselves when I passed by, I didn't care when I saw the screenshots from group chats that talked shit about me and my friends. I just didn't care, but what made me care for him? —you started to reflect on your feelings and actions for the past year. 
“I'll be fine!” The sudden shift of tone and the smile that sprang forth your lips shocked your friends.
“You sure? We're really worried, you know.” Liz held your free hand and caressed it with her thumb. 
“Yeah, I think I got it.” you heartily smiled at both Liz and Danielle to reassure them.
Danielle went to give you a warm embrace whilst Liz had her arm wrapped around your shoulders, giving you a light squeeze. 
In all honesty, even you didn't know what you meant by "I think I got it.”. What was the next move? Just go with the flow —you repeated in your mind, allowing yourself to be receptive as the next few hours flew by.
————— ୨୧ —————
Anton sat next to you in the classroom with a very few others, those including you who chose to stay back for lunch to finish the workload. 
Both you and Anton were busy with something, with you assisting him every now and then since he had a lot more to work on. 
Despite the very heavy atmosphere brought in by the stress from school, you and Anton appeared to be marveling in your own little world, sifting through paperwork with such radiant expressions embedded on your faces. 
“How should I design this?” Anton held up his unfinished project.
You turned to face him, crossing your legs and holding your chin to imitate enthusiasm. “You know what it needs?”  
“Please don't say Barney the Purple Dinosaur, that… thing… It terrifies me.” Anton shimmied his shoulders to express his supposed fear.
“WHAT? He's cute!” you pressed on him, making him breathe out a laugh.
“So you're saying Barney looks like you?” your eyebrows nearly touched from what he had just said.
“Excuse me? Do I look purple to you?” you jabbed at him with 'threatening' eyes. 
“No, what I mean is, if he's really cute as you claim, he should at least resemble you.” Anton calmly explained.
His zealous explanation made you chortle. He was immersed in your laughter, your voice, your eyes that disappeared as you chortled on, and the corners of your lips that rose higher and higher, because of him.
“Oh, so I'm your basis for what you classify as cute?” you breathlessly spoke, still trying to recover from your disoriented state.
“Well, yeah! look at you…” he cupped your face in his hands, gently squishing your cheeks.
His eyes went from your lips to your eyes after you had gone completely quiet. Your eyes meet each other, stuck perfectly as if binded by glue. He delved into the pools of your eyes, trying to capture what it is you're trying to tell him with your stare.
“Anton.” Your serene voice made Anton blink.
“Yeah?” he whispered back.
“Can you give me a little more time?” he breathes in after hearing your question, but you spoke again before he could utter a response. “To think about… us.”
Your face was still in his hands. He started softly brushing his thumb against the skin of your cheeks. “Of course. I'm sorry, am I moving too fast?”
“No.” but I'm falling too fast —you were only able to finish your sentence in your mind, still afraid to admit your feelings.
You were still quite unsure. You were still afraid that things would end up the same way it did for you past 'relationships', you were already thinking about the plausible downfall before anything had even started.
————— ୨୧ —————
The bell rang, students scurried out of the building, being chased by the obligation to study for the exams tomorrow day. 
“Don't message me tonight okay? Both you and I have A LOT to study.” you iterate to the guy walking beside you.
“Yep. I'll be crying over chemistry… if you even cared.” you playfully rolled your eyes at his humorous cry.
When you stepped out of the school gates, you were expecting him to wave goodbye and walk the other way, but then after being about a meter away from school, you stopped in your tracks.
“Why are you still with me? isn't your house the other way?” you furrowed your brows as you looked at him.
“You're crazy for real, my house is literally in the same direction as yours, keep walking luv.” Anton placed his hand on the area below the back of your neck, lightly pushing you to continue your steps.
“Wait, really? you've always walked the other way…” at this point you were just questioning everything and you already had a lot on your mind considering the exams.
“I visit the record store nearby before going home.” you simply nodded at Anton for his clarification.
“Why?” you asked to which he shrugged.
“I like it there. It's peaceful, it's vintage, the music is fire, and the owner is very nice.” it was true that he often visited that place before he went home, but not everyday, what wasn't a fact is that his home is actually in the same direction as yours. “I can take you there some time when you're free.”
“I'd love that.” you utter, smiling to yourself, keeping your eyes on the vamp of your shoes.
You two kept walking till you reached the gates to your house and the sun was just about to fall.
“I never knew you lived just right ahead.” you were unlocking the gate when the words fell off your lips. 
“Are there no people inside to open the gate for you?” you swung the gate open and looked at Anton whose eyes lingered on your bedroom window on the second storey of the house.
“My dad's abroad, my mom's at work.” you shake your head away from the gloomy thoughts, smiling up at Anton. 
He smiled back, subtly biting down on his bottom lip. 
“Get home safely Tonii.” there was a glint in Anton's eyes when they enlarged in a modicum. 
“Uh —Oh, yeah, you too.” Your laughter filled his ears and soon enough he cracked up as well.
“What do you mean 'you too'?” At this point, you're just breathing out your words. “I'm literally at home right now!”
“You never know, Barney might be right behind the door to kidnap you…” Anton eyed the door of your house, his actions gave you the creeps and the thought that an intruder might actually be inside your house waiting for you flashes in your mind.
“Ow!” you hit Anton's chest, but still, he laughed. 
“Go home! you didn't have to give me anxiety you know!” Anton chuckled once again looking down on you who was looking up at him and pointing at his face, acting menacing in jest.
“Go inside your house first, what will happen then if I left and Barney ends up kidnapping and eating you alive huh?” you both had pursed lips in an attempt to suppress a laugh.
“Okay, okay. I'll go in.” When the two of you finally calmed yourselves down, you walked to the doorstep of your house.
You had the door wide open, just enough for Anton to catch a glimpse of your humble home. You stood by the door, already inside the house. “Message me when you get home, will you?” you asked eagerly, just loud enough for Anton to hear you despite the distance.
“I will.” Anton replied, matching your volume.
He waved at you as a smile crept up to his face. 
His smile somehow caused you to feel some kind of current coursing through your entire body. You had to defy the urge to just walk right back to Anton to make him feel what you felt as your eyes traced the curve that gradually formed on his lips.
He kept his smile as he started to slowly disappear from your sight. You were so smitten that you failed to notice that he walked back to the direction where you came from. 
————— ୨୧ —————
About an hour has passed, and the message you'd been waiting for since you've had yourself settled at your study table is yet to come. 
You've been flipping over your notes, sequentially staring at every word delineated with different color variations of highlights. 
Maybe he forgot, he must've gotten really tired… —you began to think of a thousand reasons why he hasn't messaged you yet. You exhaled heavily, laying your head on your forearm resting on your study table. You shifted your head to the side and eyed your phone. You were pondering on just grabbing it and asking him where he was and why hasn't he messaged you yet. 
You sat up with both hands at the sides of your head. After a few minutes of resisting and a long blink, you finally gave in.
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Anton just got off the bus when he felt his phone vibrating in his hands. His eyes went bulging out of its socket when he saw your name.
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Anton couldn't help but beam at the little nickname you gave him but he quickly gathered his thoughts and gulped, glancing at the quiet street of their neighborhood. He couldn't stand making up a nonsensical excuse that you'll eventually dissect within seconds, he didn't want you to think that he doesn't really care or that he forgot, that he got too tired. It wouldn't make sense for him not to speak or be with you even if he's exhausted to the core, he could only be in repose with you after all.
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A downturned smile formed on Anton's lips. He made great effort every time he intended to flirt with you, and he was aware when you flirted back, he just wasn't certain if you meant any of them. He surely meant every endearment, often masking them with his little quips. He didn't want to think you were just frivolling with him and he's quite abashed with even having to take a second to think about it.
He felt his phone vibrate in his hands again, this time you were calling. He picked up almost immediately, and you were met with the ceiling of his room.
“Nice wall.” you uttered.
“It's the ceiling.” he was chuckling out of frame 
He had his phone set up on his desk and you could see his medals and trophies at the background, and his cello. You were eager to ask him about his cello, ask him to play you something, and maybe even teach you. You cleared your throat as you cleared out your thoughts.  
Anton sat down on his desk chair facing his phone —facing you.
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“Where are the others?” Anton asked as he watched you blurt down what you were studying.
“Oh, they backed out.” your tone was nonchalant and your head hung low, pouring all your attention to blurting, or at least you were trying to.
“Really?” he was almost laughing and you heard it, making your left brow rise.
“Mhmm~” you hummed back.
“You sure it's not because you wanted to talk to me?” Anton's tone sent shivers down your spine. 
He sounded calmer, and a lot more alluding, so much so that you had to stop and stare at your notebook for a while to calm your mind and give it some space to process what to reply.
“Maybe —Well, yeah, I guess, but I called you to study.” your voice took after his making him feel assured. 
Despite the soporific air in his room which he inhaled, he was wide awake, wanting to just hear you talk on and on and on again. His yearnings were answered not long after.
“And I guess I wanted to… hear your voice —again.” your figure remained placid in his eyes, but deep inside, your heart pounded like a whole planet of people marching together. 
“Really?” somehow his voice became a lot lower, while still having a comforting and peaceful cadence.
“Mhmm~” your hum, this time, was a lot more mellow. It filled his ears and it got stuck in his head like a song that he almost hummed too.
“Everything about you is so, so beautiful.” your heartbeat persisted.
You looked up to your phone to see him, and there he was, giving you the same smile he left you as he stood by the gates of your home. How could you not smile back? in a matter of seconds, you shied away from his stare, looking back down on the paper that you've almost forsaken. 
“Hey —uh —let's have this talk some other time. There's still a lot to study, especially for you.” Anton could hear the frailty trying to break out of your voice.
He chuckled spurring your attempts to calm your heart down to fall short. “Okay, lovely.”
Your head fell right onto your desk, producing a loud thud.
“Y/n? you okay?” your sudden action stunned him.
“Yeah, yeah, i'm fine! let's just study, please!” you pleaded as you lifted your head back up.
You just had no idea that his heartbeat was in sync with yours. He just wanted to be by your side again. He didn't want the call to end just yet, he loved hearing your voice, but at the same time he couldn't wait for the next day to come so he could admire you closely and marvel in your presence.
————— ୨୧ —————
[Day 17]
Finals have come to an end. Some tests were easier than others, but you were confident, you were gonna be in the Top 5 of the ranks. You felt particularly good during those 3 days of absolute mind torture. Within those 3 nights, you and Anton have been having your study calls. You would both study the whole time, while also fighting to make the other blush more than yourselves. 
It's a cloudy Sunday morning, you could tell it was cloudy since the sun has yet to peek at you at the time it normally would. You had just woken up from a good night's sleep and felt very relaxed that you had nothing to worry about anymore. No pending schoolworks, no group projects and presentations, no more quizzes and exams, and most importantly, no more school for a few short months. 
Once that long awaited break greets you and pats you on the back, all you'll have to do is brace yourself for your senior year, your final year. You've been thinking really hard on what course to take and all you've ever been is nothing but unsure even with the pressure of having only a year left to figure it out.
You got your phone from your bedside table, and without checking it, you headed downstairs. 
“Hey, hun', your grandpa asked if you wanted to come over and visit, we'll only be there till dinner.” your mom asked as she eyed your figure that slowly descended from the stairs. “Your grandpa is having some visitors if you don't mind.”
You lightly smiled at your mom and nodded. 
It's been a while since you've paid a visit to your grandfather's haven —as you'd like to call it. He owned a huge flower field, filled with flowers that he and his family adored. Your grandfather loved seeing people with mouths hang open, admiring the beauty, the work, and the thought put into this field. He could've capitalized on it, but he didn't. He made a gateway and a stone path through the field, and anyone could go in and out. He always watched, to make sure that no one would ruin his beloved flowers, but for the most part he just wanted to see the appreciative nature of mankind towards such beautiful beings.
In the car ride to your grandpa's, your mom would ask you about everything that's been happening for the past few months. It's been quite a while since the two of you had an actual conversation. It was a great relief that your mom missed you as much as you missed her, where every night when you hear the sound of her parking the car in the garage, you couldn't bring yourself to get up anymore and greet her. It would be too late in the night for you to be up and it would worry her, so you would just lay there and you would see her with only the moonlight shining down on her, and she would caress your hair and leave once she's assured that you've been sleeping well.
After some catching up with your mom, you finally arrived at your grandpa's. He welcomed the two of you with a warm and wide smile spread across his face. He smelled like a pie of mixed fruits, which could only mean one thing. 
“These visitors, they want to buy my field.” both you and your mom went wide-eyed from his words.
“You said yes?” your mom's hand reached for her dad's forearm, keeping it there.
“Well, not yet.” your grandfather scratched the back of his neck when your mom let out a loud sigh.
“Well, grandpa, if you can refuse it, you definitely should. That's your gift for grandma for her last birthday, and she's looking over it from the heavens. Who knows what these visitors would do with these fields. They might clear out all the flowers and build a factory for all we know!” your grandpa looked at you with contrite eyes.
“I know, I know, but they've really been pushing me for almost 8 months now! I was hoping we could talk it out through dinner.” you had so much trust in your grandfather, and you knew he could resolve this, you knew he would never give up the field, even for his own life. “And maybe you'd like their son too.”
The worry painted on your face was diminished within seconds. 
“Dad!” your mom lightly hit his shoulder with the hand that used to rest on his forearm.
“What?” your grandpa seemed to be a little too indifferent with the situation he'd put you in and it made you a bit upset.
“Did you set her up with the son!?” your mom had a firm grip on his shoulder now, slightly shaking him as she spoke.
“I guess so.” your mom sighed even heavier than earlier. “Their son is a good guy! He's a bit timid, but he was tall! really tall… and I believe he plays basketball —or was it football? I can't really remember, but—”
“It's fine.” you blurted out, arms crossed and gloomy eyes pinned to the floor. 
“I'm sorry my little tulip. I shouldn't have. You don't have to, okay? I'll try my best to convince them with my words and cooking alone, and if it doesn't work, then, I don't really know what to do —but you can just settle, okay?” your grandpa placed a hand on top of your head and gave it a gentle pat.
You could only nod and give him a weak smile. You loved the field, it's the only fragment of your grandmother that you'll be able to keep till your last breath. When you were born, it's been over a decade since your grandmother had passed. You had never been in her presence, but in the fields, you could catch a glimpse of her amidst the clouds, smiling down at you.
Before you knew it, the night would fall. You made sure you looked proper, still staying true to your words that you were not there to impress anybody. 
You helped your mom with setting up the dining table. When the bottom of the glass pitcher you held touched the table, you heard your grandpa say “Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lee! —oh, and hello to you too young man!”.
You sighed, but then you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head and was met with your mom's reassuring smile. “Nothing's going to be sold, and no one's going to be forced into anything, okay?” she says softly, before making her way into the living room to greet the guests as well.
Her words made you feel at ease, the heavy feelings that slowly weighed down on you started to dwindle.
Put away the cloth you used to handle the pitcher, and you could hear your mom, grandpa and the guests coming into the kitchen. 
“Oh, and that's my granddaughter Y/n. She's very smart, and she can sing too!” you suppress a laugh from hearing your grandpa's proud tone.
You turned around, and your mind went spiraling. It seemed out of the blue, a very peculiar instance. Perhaps this was entirely by chance as this was never a part of your wishes and prayers. 
“Y/n y/s/n?” you tensely nod at who you could only guess as the mother of the family. 
“You know my granddaughter?” your grandfather tilted himself to the side out of curiosity.
“Hmm, yes. We know her very well. She's known for being one of the top students in their school, in fact, she's helped our son a lot with his schoolworks since he had a lot to catch up on.” the mom gave you a warm smile after her sentence.
“Our son is very thankful. We hear your name quite a lot and we've really been wanting to meet you.” This time, it was the dad who spoke.
Your lips quivered. You're just simply at a loss for words. 
Everyone was sitting on the dining table, and there he was, sitting across from you. 
“Oh, I thought you were a basketball player because of how tall you are! good for you! I feel like being a swimmer is a lot cooler!” your grandfather would excitedly exclaim somewhere in the adults' conversation.
You and him never bothered to join in unless you were asked. 
Once again, being in your own little world, when the adults had gone to the living room to talk, the two of you went to the flower fields.
“This place is surreal.” you barely believe that you were hearing the same mellow voice that you could never seem to get off your head again after a while.
“Yeah? just imagine how it would look under the light of day.” you crouched down to touch one of zinnias. 
You felt his lofty figure crouch down next to you. 
“I missed you, you know. My parents tricked me into coming here. I just said I wanted to see this field, but when we got close they told me they wanted me to meet the field owner's daughter. It was like they were implying that I get no bitches.” you couldn't help but laugh at him.
You turned yourself around and carefully sat yourself on the stone path with your knees bent towards your body. You could feel some of the flowers tickling your back making you giggle softly as you looked into his eyes.
“I missed you too Tonii.” he gave you a smile as bright as the moon above.
You both looked up to the sky and admired the stars, and the crescent moon. 
“It was so cloudy this morning. I can't believe this sight would be possible.” your voice was very gentle, still admiring the night sky.
Anton looked into your shimmering eyes. He could see the reflection of the moon greeting him. It was telling him something. He was so mesmerized by you that he wouldn't even realize that you were already staring back at him.
“It's kind of funny, you know? it's like the universe was taunting us, telling us we're gonna meet another romance that was not each other, but in the end it's still us.” you tilted your head, trying to see through Anton's entrancing gaze.
“I like you too Anton.”
Despite the cold air of the night, heat traveled throughout your entire body as you watched his eyes grow larger.
“Am I hearing things? Y/n? Y/n are you there?” you released a hearty laugh and hit his chest playfully.
You allowed your hand to rest there, and you could feel his rapid heartbeat that went at the same pace as yours. It wouldn't take long until you were both staring into each other again, and at the same time, at the same speed, your eyes would shift to each other's lips, and they would meet eventually. You wrapped your arms around his neck when he had placed a hand to support your back as he leaned in closer, and closer.
“Y/n? Anton? Where are you?” you two would hurriedly stand up from where you were when you heard your grandpa's calls.
You glanced at each other's flushed faces before a flashlight shone right onto your faces.
“Oh, there you are. Well, Anton and his parents will be leaving now.” Your grandpa gave Anton a big smile, signaling with his hands for Anton to come back to the house.
You walked back side by side with your hands latched onto one another. 
You two were met with silent stares when you entered the house with linked hands. You two would let go from each other and Anton would go stand next to his parents.
“We'd like to thank you for the wonderful meal, we really do appreciate it.” Anton's mom shook hands with your grandfather, and would give your mom a hug.
She went up to you and hugged you as well, a little bit longer than you expected. 
————— ୨୧ —————
When you got home, you had asked Anton if you could give him a call since your time earlier was cut short. He immediately said yes and you two would be on facetime again, this time with no books or notebooks, not seated at your desks. You were both just lying on your beds with your phones in hand. 
“Wait, you like me too?” Anton had been asking the same question for the past 6 minutes
“Yes!” you laughed.
He just couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe him either. You've been thinking about it ever since day 1, it was just now when you realized that you did feel the same.
“Are we like g-f and b-f now?” he places a hand over his mouth acting like a shy toddler.
“Ew, don't say it like that!” He ended up laughing too.
“Okay!” his laughter would fall to an abrupt stop and it would go silent for a while that you almost asked him if he was still there. “But seriously, what are we?”
“Well, we feel the same. Couples become couples because of reciprocated feelings. Now put two and two together.” you made little hand gestures as you spoke, and he just smiled, but deep inside he was awestruck, still finding everything unbelievable.
“We're… we're together now holy shit.” you couldn't help a gasp from escaping your mouth. You've never heard him cuss so heavily before, it sounded harmless —well of course, he's Anton— but it was so foreign to you that you just bursted out laughing.
The two of you talked and laughed throughout the night, and when the clock ticked at 12, you two had to say goodbye.
“Good night Tonii.” you yawned, making Anton expel a chuckle. “Can't you stop laughing at everything?”
“I should be the one saying that to you, but anyways, I just think you're so adorable, leave me alone.” his last words were muffled as he hid the bottom half of his face under the covers. “Good night lovely. See you again tomorrow.”
Tomorrow was another day, and a very great one as it turns out. Suddenly you two weren't hiding the fact that you two would hold hands and were always just centimeters away from touching noses. Your friends and Anton's alike didn't seem to be surprised at all, they were more likely relieved that the two of you finally came to a conclusion to what they thought shouldn't take too long. After all, the painfully obvious mutual feelings you shared were so strong that your friends and he would have distorted faces by the end of observing you two. But now, the clock is finally set.
“So you're saying, your grandfather spent almost a half of his life on that flower field, and it would be his final and greatest gift to your grandma?” you hummed an affirmation at Anton's query. “Woah.”
“The commitment made me believe that there is indeed true love.” you said in a very dramatic tone, looking off into the distance. 
“I can do that for you too.” he took great offense from you laughing at his face. “I'm not kidding!”
“I mean, it,'s not that I don't think you can or would, you don't really have to. There's a lot more ways you can express your feelings, my grandpa just happens to be a very hard-working man who appreciates the smallest of the small things in life.” Anton just loved it when you got so immersed with explaining.
“It's love.” he blurts out.
“Yeah. Love.” 
Love drives us to do the unthinkable, the perceptively impossible. Love is complex, but you would know it when you feel it, you would know when you've found it. And it is when love is exchanged unconditionally that life begins to finally be as fulfilling as they claim it to be in books and movies.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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shmothman · 5 days
Defying Fate
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Pairing: Casper/Reader Rating: Teen and up audiences Words: 991 Read on AO3
Summary: Finally, you and Casper are together in person, tangled together with your feelings laid bare. Still, there are some things that he needs to ask.
With your head resting on Casper’s bare chest and his fingers smoothing over your hair, you don’t think you’ve ever felt quite so happy, so in love. You’ve been making good use of the past hour or so since he showed up at your door in person, and you practically feel like you’re walking on air.
You can’t believe he’s real.
You can’t believe any of this is real.
But you’re so, so glad that it is.
He calls your name softly, his voice like heaven, and you hum a questioning tone back as you’re pulled from your thoughts, loath to move from your comfortable spot against his chest.
“I…” he starts, and you immediately hear that he sounds nervous, so you look up at him, eyes brimming with all the feelings swirling in your heart. “I am certainly not complaining, but… I… I need to know…”
Your brows draw together in confusion as he seems to gather his thoughts. “Know what?”
He meets your eyes, and his gaze is… sad. Remorseful. “How… how are you okay with this?”
You blink. “What, having sex with you?”
His cheeks flush that pretty pink you adore so much. “N-not that,” he rushes to say, before growing serious once more. “I mean… with being with me. After I have spent the last several years trying to kill you. Doesn’t… does that not bother you? You act as if it’s nothing.”
Oh. That’s what’s on his mind.
You settle back into his arms, laying your head next to his so that your noses almost touch. His gaze is so open and honest, it almost makes your heart hurt. “Well,” you say quietly, “no harm, no foul, I guess?”
He exhales through his nose in something that’s almost like an amused little laugh. “You are so… cavalier about things, Sunshine. Is that truly all you think of it?”
For a grim reaper, Casper sure does wear his heart on his sleeve. Not that you’ve met any other reapers yet—maybe they’re all like this. 
You bring your hand to cup his cheek, brushing your thumb across his cheekbone and watching the way his eyes flutter closed. How do you love him so much when you’ve only known he exists for a week?
“I… don’t know, honestly. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about it. All I know is how I feel about you.” 
He blinks his eyes open, and the look on his face is so very hopeful. Like he needs to hear you tell him that it doesn’t matter to you, that it doesn’t change how you feel about him.
“It’s like… by the time that I realized you’re, y’know, actually the grim reaper and everything, I already felt like I had known you for ages, and that was only after like, two days. And then I get this massive revelation that every weird thing that’s happened to me, everything that people say is crazy but is just my everyday experience, that’s all you? That’s all the doing of this pretty boy on my computer screen?”
He pouts slightly at being called a pretty boy, but you continue.
“But, I mean, I’ve never taken my constant near death experiences seriously. You’ve been watching, right? Have you ever seen me react in any way that isn’t just… a shrug?”
“I suppose not,” he says. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been the one trying to end your life.”
“You said it yourself, Casper. If it wasn’t you, it would be another reaper. Normally ‘I was just doing my job’ would be a terrible excuse, but given that we’re in the realm of like, fate and magic and the balance of nature type shit, I can’t fault you too much here.” You grin. “I just happened to get lucky, and they assigned me to the one reaper who would fall head over heels for me the minute he decided to break protocol and talk to me.”
He’s blushing again, and you think he’s about to protest the idea that he fell for you that quickly, but instead, he leans in to touch his forehead to yours and says, “any reaper would have fallen for you. I’m the one who got lucky.”
Your heart flutters happily in your chest, and you sound rather breathless as you say, “okay, maybe we’re both lucky,” and you lean in to press your lips to his.
You feel him melt beneath your kiss, as he has every time so far, like he’s turned to liquid: quicksilver at your touch, shimmering and cold. If he says that you’re like sunshine, then you say he’s the moon: something beautiful and bright in the darkness, the light by which you find your way home.
As you pull back slightly, there’s a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. “Or,” you say, “maybe it’s just fate.”
He’s been made breathless by your kiss, but he still smiles back. “Perhaps,” he replies into the scant space between you. “Though, I’m growing fond of the idea that this is in defiance of fate itself. That we are making our own destiny.”
You hum, as if thinking deeply. “Well, clearly we both love breaking the rules, especially for each other.” With a sudden grin, you shift, rolling yourself atop him and watching those pretty red eyes go wide. “Whaddya say we defy fate all night?”
That vivid blush crawls up to his ears, then down his neck to splash across his bare chest. Unable to summon words, he simply nods.
You waggle your eyebrows, only just getting started with your terrible jokes. “Wait, wait, I got another one: how’s this for destiny?” 
He rolls his eyes with a huff that doesn’t mask his clear affection, and opens his mouth—probably to call you annoying or something, but he doesn’t get that far, because you’re already kissing him again.
And that’s something he won’t defy.
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stayandot8 · 1 year
One Day...
Genre: fluff
Relationship type: idol!Chan x actress!reader, best friends
Important Contents: Thank you for the idea, anon. It may not be exactly what you asked for but I couldn't get this scene out of my head. I hope you enjoy nonetheless. Who knows? Maybe there'll be a part two. We all know I love to write a part two... 😉... lmao that felt like an 'xoxo gossip girl' moment. someone save me
WC: 2.1k
masterlist l Part Two
Me: You promised to run lines with me. I’m outside, let me in
Chris: You have no manners. What if I wasn’t home and security saw you and forced you to leave?
Me: Let me in or I’m sending Minho that photo we took for Halloween last year.
“Okay, okay. No need for the big guns, alright?” As expected, Chris opened the door within seconds of my thumb hitting send. 
“Go big or go home.” I retorted, traipsing in through the doorway and planting myself on the couch. 
“I’d rather you go home. Don’t you have anyone else to run these with?” He shuffled over to me, sporting his trademark athletic shorts and black t shirt. So he’d been working? What else is new? 
“Are you saying that in your friend’s time of need, you won’t help her?” I flung myself across the couch with a delicately placed hand on my forehead, draping over the furniture. I heard a huff of air from the man in front of me as he was fighting his own smile. I sat back up, fighting one of my own. “Come on, Chan. I really need your help. I finally booked a serious drama after months of hosting stupid TV shows and this could be my breakthrough to be taken seriously. This could lead to some serious stuff one day! But I just can’t get these lines right on my own. I just peek at the paper if I mess something up and it ruins my whole flow. I need a scene partner. Please?” I gave him my biggest doe eyes and a smile so sweet it should’ve been used in Felix’s brownies. And like always, it worked. 
Chan rolled his eyes as he plopped down next to me and held out his hand for the stapled sheets of paper. I perked up, rummaging through my bag for the rumpled stack and placing it in his outstretched hand. He brought it to him and scanned the page, every so often lifting the top to scan the next, his brows drawing closer and closer together.
“This is a love scene!” He threw me his best disgusted face and dropped the pages in the space between us like it may bite him. 
“Do you know how hard it is to play a love scene when there’s no one acting in front of you? Acting is all about response, reactions. I can’t act if there’s nothing to react to!”
“You can barely a-”
“Don’t even finish the words I know you don’t mean.” I deadpanned to him, setting my jaw. He threw his hands up and at least had the decency to look mildly ashamed. 
“It was a joke. You know I think you’re great. The best.” He smiled at me, that tight-lipped smile he always had when he wasn’t saying the full truth. I always would mean to ask but he would change the subject too quickly. Like now. “What’s your character like anyways? I’ve never heard of this director before.” 
“Oh, the director’s name on the script isn’t the real one. It’s a fake that they wrote in so no one would know who was actually doing the project. Even I don’t know who it is. We start shooting in two days and I’m dying to know. I bet it’s someone super famous, someone no one would expect to do a project like this. Maybe a famous action director or something like that.” His lips were tucked into his mouth, fighting more laughter. I slapped his shoulder. “Stop laughing! Stop shitting on my dreams, okay? Just start at the top when you’re ready.” I shook out my limbs to loosen up and prepare for what was supposed to be the height of the series. The male love interest had just entered the airport where the female lead was leaving the country, taking a job offer elsewhere. He was calling her name, trying to find her and he spots her and runs to her. At least, this was the background I was giving Chan as his eyebrows rose higher and higher the more I went on. 
“Why doesn’t he just call her?” I rolled my eyes with such vigor, I strained them just a tad. 
“This drama takes place in the late 90s. They didn’t have phones like that. Now start reading where that line is drawn.” I closed my eyes to focus on the moment. I could see it in my head, on display in front of me. I was leaving my home, my country, to chase after my dreams. Or what I thought were my dreams, until I heard my name being shouted throughout the airport.
“Juna! Juna!” Chris whisper-shouted. He really was barely any help.
I mimed turning my head to where the source of the noise came from. There he was. My lover. My heart started racing. 
“You can’t just leave me like this. I won’t let you.”
“You have to let me go. This is my dream.”
“Are you sure about that? What about everything you said to me last night? And every night before that?”
“I meant it all. But I have to do this for myself. I owe it to her.”
“So you’ll throw away everything we have for - Wow, this guy’s a dick.” My head snapped to the boy beside me who was looking at the pages in his hands more closely. “He’s asking her to stay with him in the small town that she hates, just for him? Instead of following her dreams?”
“Yes. And then she leaves anyway and he follows her instead. Keep going.” I faced forward again, to the scene I had imagined. 
“Good! Good for her.”
“Yes. Yes it is good for her. Keep. Going.” Another sigh filled the room. I drowned it out again, going back into the scene. 
“So you’ll throw away everything we have for what? A stupid promise you made when you were twelve? You’ve grown up now. You’ve changed. You’ve changed me. Shouldn’t that count for something?”
“It’s not enough anymore. Please let me go, you’re only making this hurt more.”
“So I’m not enough for you, is that it? Is that what you tried to tell me last night?”
“It’s not you that isn’t enough. It’s this place. I need to go and see the world. See new places, meet new people. This city was what I needed two years ago. You’ve helped me see that. Now I need to go. My plane leaves soon, please don’t make this harder than it already is.” I could see it, my eyes filling with tears as he reaches for my hand and says the one thing I need to hear, the one thing he’s kept from me this whole time…
There was a long pause where there should’ve been words. I was shaken from my scene, waiting for Chris to say the next part. When he didn’t, I slowly looked over to him. He sat frozen, staring at the page. “I’m not saying this.”
“Why?” My tone was incredulous. 
“No one says things like this in real life.”
“Just because you’ve never been in love or had a girlfriend does not mean you know everything about it. In fact, it means the opposite.”
“But I know men. And they don’t just outright say things like this. It’s ridiculous.”
“Christopher, read me the line or so help me, I will make so much noise that I will wake up your entire building.”
“It’s not my fault you like to study your lines so late into the night.”
“That’s the only time you’re awake and free.”
“I wasn’t actually free, I was working on our new-” He was cut off by my sudden movement to his kitchen area. I started opening the cabinet with the pots and pans when he started fluttering the pages at me. “Okay, okay! See? Look, I’m ready to read now. Should I start here or somewhere else?” I nodded, satisfied, and returned to my seat. 
“Start a few lines back so I can work up to it again.” A small ‘so dramatic’ under his breath before he continued, which I dutifully ignored. 
“So you’ll throw away everything we have for what? A stupid promise you made when you were twelve? You’ve grown up now. You’ve changed. You’ve changed me. Shouldn’t that count for something?”
“It’s not enough anymore. Please let me go, you’re only making this hurt more.”
“So I’m not enough for you, is that it? Is that what you tried to tell me last night?”
“It’s not you that isn’t enough. It’s this place. I need to go and see the world. See new places, meet new people. This city was what I needed two years ago. You’ve helped me see that. Now I need to go. My plane leaves soon, please don’t make this harder than it already is.” 
“Even if you are the only thing in this world that makes me want to breathe? The only thing I want to do is be near you. Everyday. It is the only thing I look forward to. You are the only thing in my life that makes sense. Please don’t take it from me.” He pulls me closer for a kiss, which I allow. A final kiss. A final goodbye. Before I cup his cheek and turn away for good, one last tear trailing down my face. 
“I think I might be sick.” Chris and his upturned lip were still looking at the page. 
“Well, you’d better find a toilet then and let me read my lines in peace.”
“Is that all the practice you want to do? Are you sure?”
“If you’re going to make fun of my script, then yes. That’s all the practice I want to do. I’m just going to go over it a few more times in my head then I’ll leave.” I crossed my arms as I sat back, snatching the script back from him and gluing my eyes to it. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t making fun of you, you know that. I ‘mhm’d loud enough for him to hear without letting my eyes leave my script. “Okay then. Stay as long as you want. I’ll be in my room if you want to do it again. If you get done early, I’d love to show you a song we’re working on. It’s going to be a good one.” His voice went up an octave, knowing that teasing me with new music would definitely pull my forgiveness from me. And damn it, it always worked. 
“Okay, fine. But I want you good headphones!” I smirked at my pages, feeling triumphant for the umpteenth time in our friendship. I heard him shuffle back into his LED-lit cave and creak the door, leaving it cracked for me. Without the company of another person, my eyes suddenly felt very heavy. Okay, maybe just for a second…
Famous last words…
Where did that girl go? Did she leave without saying goodbye? Was I too harsh on her? I knew that joke was too much. God, Chris, you take it too far sometimes. 
I shuffled out of my room half an hour later and listened for any noise coming from the living room. I heard none. I called out her name. The first word for love I had ever known.
No reply. I ventured deeper until I heard the faint snores I’d come to love, becoming a constant for many years. Peering around the corner to see her slumped against the back of the couch with her mouth open and eyes shut, I shook my head as the Uncontrollable Grin took over. The same one that appeared when I saw her face the very first time. The one that fought its way onto my lips whenever she was near. Everyone else noticed it. But not her. She still had no idea. 
I somehow moved her to lay on her side without waking her, grabbed a blanket from my room, her favorite one, and threw it over her. Even asleep, she had too much strength. Taking the script from her hands was harder than it should have been. My work was beckoning to me again but I was drawn to her, as I always had been.  Watching her chest rise and fall in the darkness, the moon basking her in its light, I could see it. All on display in front of me. She, just having put the baby down for bed, if we had any, and not being able to make it to the bedroom, collapsing on the couch from exhaustion. I would carry her to the room and tuck her in, kissing her before I would have to go back to the studio. 
One day, I thought as I flipped the light switch.
One day.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
how did you decide on your fursona? i keep on trying to make one but none of the animals i test out feel right
well. It was a long process (seriously, 7 years long) so I'll just recount it for you in summary and hope that helps?
Starts out simple: I consider myself to possess some stereotypical dog traits. 1) I'm easily excitable and a little...look I'm not dumb, but I can be...slow. Or dense. Or something. 2) When they say "following someone around like a lost puppy," I identified with that SO much as a kid that I defnitely literally roleplayed it at some point.
Unfortunately, I have no advice for picking out a unique base animal for this reason.
Jump ahead to me being 14 and this being a pony blog. I found out most of the cool artists I liked had fursonas and decided I wanted one. Dog was the obvious choice! (And I have blond hair, so Golden Retriever was also obvious)
My habit of making self inserts who are EITHER a silly fairy with the power of god OR a super normal guy goes all the way back to the dawn of this blog...and Puppy was originally the latter (see: far left image below)
The most interesting it got was when I'd draw Puppy with colors from real pictures of the sky (center image). I was unsure how to work in my silly pixie identity (far right image).
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I recall trying a few times to make a fairy doggy, but it just never quite felt right.
For many years I barely drew my fursona. It was but a distant memory...........until at last I made an effort to revisit it in college!!! I reflected on the sorts of cartoon animal characters I liked: Sanrio and classic American cartoons...
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In a fit of deranged, meme-addled glee, I combined my Toon Fursona (left) with an ongoing wip design for a Sonic the Hedgehog self-insert fairy creature (right)
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Hearing the song in the moment I did helped me realize a certain something-or-other that I've always held close to my heart as someone who grew up with no explanation for the strange and unpredictable mental landscape I lived in as a consequence of undiagnosed OCD and ADHD:
That is, humorous juxtaposition found in the gleefully grotesque, the vivaciously violent, the merrily morbid, and all manner of adorable abominations. Thus: the bug body horror.
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So, ummmmmmmm. Final notes: Follow your heart! Draw while listening to music? Think about what you're naturally drawn to and compelled by! And have fun!
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Oh, geez, as if the past two cutscenes weren't enough of an emotional roller coaster ride for Hector, we get yet another very feelsy Karlach conversation come morning.
The game has this happening as a chat in camp, but I think I am picturing this as a conversation they'd have while still at the inn after the date. Perhaps lying in bed as the sun slowly starts to peek up over the horizon, both putting off the moment when they will have to get up and get dressed and go back to camp.
So, y'know, ignore the screenshots I guess. :P
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"Hey," she says softly, running her fingers through his hair. He presses his face drowsily into her shoulder, shutting out the faint light starting to come through the window. "Wanna play pretend?"
He shifts just enough that one eye is uncovered to look up at her questioningly.
She's smiling, but it's a slightly distracted smile, a hint of sadness in it. "You and me... Let's imagine... I get to live fifty more years. We have a whole life ahead of us. What do we do?"
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He goes very still and his heart gives a sharp twist in his chest - that all-too-familiar feeling of preemptive grief that arises whenever he thinks about losing her. His instinct, immediately, is to hide from the topic - to tell her he can't bear to think about it right now, which certainly feels true enough. For a moment he turns his head and buries his face back in her shoulder.
But then he draws a breath and steadies himself deliberately.
Last night, she finally spoke, for the first time seriously and without any safety valve of humor, of what is coming for her. She did not laugh, or make jokes about it, or deflect or pretend it didn't matter that she was going to die. And he needed to hear that, very badly, and he knows it was not an easy conversation for her to have.
And now it is his turn to answer her as she needs to be answered. She is certainly not asking this question for his benefit, but for hers; for whatever reasons might be going on in her own mind, she needs to have this conversation and carry his answer with her.
Perhaps all his training in self-control, all his life, was really just leading to the moments like this, he thinks. Moments that will no doubt come more frequently as the end draws closer - moments where he needs to be strong for her, for whatever she needs.
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He shifts so his eyes are visible again and meets her gaze steadily. "It would look the same as it does now," he says slowly after long thought. "Adventure, fights - all of it together."
Does he think this is actually the truth? Hard to say. It doesn't really bear a lot of thinking about, what he actually would want from a life with her, since it brings nothing but pain. The answer he is giving is what he thinks she would want - what image would bring her happiness to hold onto.
She laughs softly, tips her head to kiss him gently between the eyes. "Now you're talking," she says lightly. "Faerun is so big, and we've barely scratched the surface." Her grin widens, but there's visible effort behind it. "I've always wanted to square up against a hill giant. With two of us, we might even stand a chance."
Her voice cracks on the last word, and she squeezes her eyes shut, a muscle working furiously in her jaw.
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"Dammit," she whispers brokenly. "I wish I had a longer road ahead of me." Her fingers dust along his jaw, up into his hair. "I want to walk it with you..."
He lifts a hand, presses it to her cheek, kisses her fiercely, because he needs to do something or he will start crying as well. As it is, when he draws back, his eyes are damp and he's sure she can tell. But he doesn't cry. He holds himself steady. So many times when he has been at his lowest, she has been there for him to lean on. He will not give her less.
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Try to hide a tear.
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"Gods," she says softly, and her voice is more full of pain and grief than he has ever heard it. "What a disaster... Finding love like this - finding you - so perfectly late..."
Her hand cups behind his head to pull him tightly against her and she presses her face into his hair. When she speaks again, her voice is muffled. "I've always thought I was fearless. Never scared of a fight, of the future. But dying has taught me so much..." She exhales shakily and he can hear the breath catch in her throat. "There's no courage in fearlessness. There's courage in being fucking terrified but still going forward. Still being grateful. Still trying."
He smiles just a little against her chest. They've spoken of this before, in truth; she has offered it as reassurance against his own fears, of which there have been many. To hear it turned back to encourage herself, as well, somehow makes him feel the connection between them deepen even more.
He wraps his arms tightly around her, presses a line of slow kisses along her collarbone, up her neck, then draws back so he look into her face again.
She meets his eyes, breathes in and then out heavily. "We're going to save this city," she says firmly. "Together. It's going to be the last thing I do."
Again, he resists the urge to look away, to hide from the grief and the fear. If she must be put in the position of having to decide on her last wish, he thinks, she could not have chosen a better one. "I'm with you, Karlach," he murmurs, and though his voice trembles, it does not break. "Every step of the way."
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She manages a slight smile, and even in spite of everything facing them, his heart flutters a little at the expression of love in her eyes. "That's why I know we're going to win."
(A/N: It's cool, Larian, I didn't need my heart or anything. Once again I'm going to include a recording of this scene as well, because Samantha Beart's voice acting has really been obliterating me lately and the animation is very evocative as well.)
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seeminglydark · 1 year
I just read your post about how you only really started working on comics seriously at 35 and now you're 41, and I burst into tears immediately upon reading it.
I've wanted to be an author since I was 5. I put my first piece of work out for the public (a fanfic) two years ago, at age 33. Before that I had to spend three literal decades pulling my life together through trauma and disability and mental illness. My dad is currently sick with something that could either last another ten years, or take him away tomorrow. I've never seen another person with so many similarities to my own life actually talk about it openly.
I'm a brand new reader, I only know you through tumblr (trying to find downtime to really read things for fun is a constant challenge) but I've resonated so much with your art. Thank you so much for your post and for being so open. You've given me a much-needed dose of hope at a very hard time.
hey anon, if it is acceptable i am giving you a great big internet hug. life is SO so hard. and i am SO proud of you, i dont even know you but it sound like youve been through so much and it sounds like you've made it so far. im so happy you exist.
one of my main goals is to be really open about my struggles cuz i know that some people cant be, and i know that these things need to be heard. i wish someone had told me. im so beyond words to know it can help other people too cuz sometimes its scary to sorta lay yourself out there. so thank you. keep posting your work when you can. i believe in you. and i am sending all the positive vibes in the world to you and to your dad as well.
reading comics and finding time is hard, im barely able too myself. i have a lot of people around me who just like to look at the drawings i make, so with most of them i try and tell a little story, and i think tumblr is the place im most open and comfortable, cuz this community is so incredible. whether you can read the whole comics or just enjoy the art, i appreciate the hell out of you.
and hey, no matter if youre 15, or 25, or in your 30's or older than me, im so proud you, and its never ever to late to take a first, second or third step. youre doing great.
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away // Ashton Irwin
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I can't believe I'm finally able to share this story! As I mentioned, last year I started work on two more Stage!Ash chapters but due to ongoing health issues, I stepped away from writing. When I started back up again, I decided I liked these adventures too much to let them remain "lost," no matter how "outdated" they were, so I finished them both and hope you enjoy! (Thank you to @cal-puddies for listening to me obsess about finishing these for almost a full year lol 💙) Today's story takes place Halloween 2021, so about 2 months after the previous chapter (it can absolutely be read as a standalone, I'm just clarifying for context).
And please be sure and join me back here tomorrow for a "lost" Christmas chapter!
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash, Stage!Ash: At Home Edition. So many cowboy themed jokes. Semi-public teasing, thigh riding, implied weed usage. Dirty talk, first time rope bondage (following discussions of boundaries, safe words and ongoing consent protocols). Slight dom!Ash overtones. Rough oral sex on a male, cum play, overstimulation on a female including prolonged nipple play and oral sex. Unprotected sex in an established relationship.
Word Count: 12k
Encore: A Stage!Ash Series Masterlist
Masterlist // Ko-Fi linked above
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
“You’re way too excited about this, cowboy.”
Ashton winks at you over FaceTime, his giggles echoing off the bathroom tile as he props his phone up on the counter and twirls around, giving you the full view of his all black Western themed Halloween costume, beaming as you ooh and ahh at how the fringe fans out to move with him. 
He brags excitedly, “I can’t back the camera up enough for you to see my boots but they really make the outfit. Gotta say, I kind of nailed this one.” He does a brief two-step jig before asking, “When are you gonna mosey on over, little lady?”  
You grin at your phone, charmed, as always. “Well, pardner, the party’s not for a few more hours, I didn’t know you were planning an early evening fashion show,” you laugh.
He spins again, this time treating you to some finger gun action when he turns back to the camera. “Nahhh, come over now,” he implores, tone wavering somewhere between enthusiasm and a whine. “We’ve got the house to ourselves, we’ll order food, take some pictures. Maybe play a little cops and robbers.” He picks up the phone to make sure you see his suggestive eyebrow wiggles.
You laugh, “Well how could a gal resist a courtin’ call like that?”
A smile spreads across your face as you turn onto Ash’s street and spot a broad cowboy pacing along the edge of his driveway, impatiently awaiting your arrival. You chuckle at his exaggerated attempts at trying to ogle your costume as you pull up and you’ve barely shut off the engine before he’s pulling at your door.
“Howdy,” you flirt, taking his outstretched hand and letting him help you out of the car.
He lifts your hand above your head and twirls you around, getting a good look at you. You’d agreed to match his Western aesthetic but hadn’t given him any other details about your costume. He lets out a long whistle as he takes in the sight of your tight denim miniskirt and tied up denim work shirt, unbuttoned enough to show off a peek of your bra, red to match the bandana around your neck. 
“Howdy,” he says with a smirk, snaking his hands around your waist, stuffing his large hands into your skirt’s back pockets as he draws you into a kiss. “Well… ain’t you a sight.”
You hum against his lips before pulling away to give his outfit the once over as well. He pulls a few dramatic poses and you giggle, “I mean, it’s not the shirtless vest and assless chaps look I suggested but it’s not bad.” He scowls and you laugh harder. “No, seriously, you look great, babe. You’re right, those boots really are the star of the show. Heels are even taller than mine.” You gently kick at his foot with your flat, fringed boots for comparison.
“Haven’t even made it inside the house yet and you’re already trying to knock boots with me?” He jokes, bringing you into another kiss. He reaches behind you to grab your bag from the car, looking confused as he slams the door. He asks, “No hat?”
With a roll of your eyes and a sigh, you realize your faux pas. “Definitely still on my kitchen table. Goddammit,” you groan, hanging your head in defeat. You wrap your arms around his waist as you follow him inside. “Thankfully I have a handsome and generous boyfriend who has an oddly vast collection of cowboy hats for me to choose from?”
He swings his arm around you, chuckling, “Only because you called me handsome.”
You sit in the kitchen, looking over takeout menus and taking a few minutes to catch up and decide on dinner. As soon as the food is ordered and there’s a lull in the conversation, Ash insists on taking a variety of pictures, both selfies and timed, while you wait for your meal to arrive.
“Oh, wait, I have accessories!” You exclaim, grabbing your bag from the entryway where he left it. You find him back in the living room, trying to determine where the best lighting is and you unceremoniously dump an armful of props onto the coffee table. You set about pinning a plastic sheriff’s badge to his shirt while he eyes the assortment behind you.
“Water guns, plastic holsters, fake mustaches… gonna try not to be offended by that one, since you haven’t even noticed the outlaw beard I grew just for you,” he comments, jutting his chin out for you to inspect.
You scratch your nails over the light stubble on his cheek. “Such a light beard, it should be outlawed,” you tease, squealing as he pokes your side.
“I’ve been working,” he pouts, amusement in his eyes, like there always is when you tease him.
“Poor baby,” you pout back at him, leaning in until your puckered lips meet his. “Let me help you out a little bit,” you joke, yanking his bandana up over his nose as you pull back.
“Rude,” he replies, pecking at you through the material. Something else catches his attention on the table and he leans down to grab it. He holds up a bundle of bright red rope, smirking, “Is this for the cowboy aesthetic or is it in your overnight bag for other reasons?”
You bite your lip, pleased that his mind went to the same place yours did when you first thought to add that to your costume. “I was thinking we could just make some lassos,” you explain innocently before adding a coy, “For now.”
Ash grins at you, grabbing a pair of scissors out of a nearby drawer before sitting on the couch to start crafting. You can’t take your eyes off the way his hands nimbly tie a secure knot into the rope; the strand he’s cut looks so small in his large palm and you’re fascinated by how gently it glides and passes through his fingers until it’s worked the way he wants it.
“Of course you know how to tie like that,” you remark, unable to fight the naughty grin forming on your face as he looks up at you, mock scandalized. You joke, “You know… all those camping trips you go on.”
“Right,” he chuckles, squeezing your knee as you sit down beside him. “Have you ever… camped like that before?” He cocks an eyebrow as he meets your gaze, making sure you understand his euphemism.
Your heart beats a little faster, not expecting this discussion to come this easily; your fingers fidget with your hemline but the rest of you exudes confidence as you answer him while maintaining eye contact. “Always wanted to, always thought it’d be something I’d enjoy. But never had a… camping buddy… I felt comfortable enough with to ask if they’d do it with me. Until now.”
Ashton sets the project aside and cradles your face in his hands. He kisses you passionately but it’s not heated like you anticipate, given what you’re talking about, albeit indirectly. The kiss is soft, tender, reassuring; the adoring way he looks at you as he pulls back has you feeling somehow more flush than at any point during the suggestive conversation.
You open your mouth to elaborate but are interrupted by the doorbell ringing to announce your food’s arrival. As he pecks your lips one last time on his way to answer the door, you have to admit you’re a bit disappointed that the moment ended so abruptly but you have no doubt that the topic will be readdressed. Ash’s eagerness to communicate with you is one of your favorite parts of being with him and definitely makes you feel more open to sharing parts of yourself that you usually don’t let boyfriends see this soon into the relationship.
The two of you spend dinner debating not only which of the pictures you took together are worthy of his private Instagram account, but which belong on the grid and which should just be stories. You finally agree on a handful of photos and where they should live and then it’s another fifteen minute discussion on what an appropriate caption would be.
“No tacky riding puns,” you advise as you help him clear the table.
He tosses the empty containers in the trash and turns to look at you incredulously. “Baby, ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ doesn’t count, it’s a lyrical reference,” he insists.
You laugh, “Baby, I haven’t even met most of the people who follow your Finsta, this is the first time you’re putting me on your page and that’s what you want their introduction to be?”
His face softens. “Aww, it is the first post, isn’t it?” He scrunches his nose up, thinking, and it takes everything in you not to kiss it. Instead, you load up the coffee pot, knowing he’ll want at least one cup before you leave for the party; you hit the ‘brew’ button before heading back to the living room. He stands at the counter a bit longer before serving the coffee; just as he’s getting the mugs out of the cabinet, your phone buzzes to inform you that you’ve been tagged in a post. As he sits the drinks down on the coffee table in front of you, you click on the post and read the caption aloud.
“Feelin’ luckier than a horseshoe to spend Halloween with the prettiest gal in the West.” You look up to pout at him but break into a delighted giggle when you see the way he’s beaming at you. 
“You approve?” He asks proudly, sitting down next to you. You answer him by planting a slow kiss on his lips. You move closer, swinging your leg over to straddle him but he halts your movement before you settle in his lap. With a teasing grin on his face, he complains, “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I received any notifications about being tagged in one of your posts?”
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll definitely get photo credit,” you chirp, barely able to contain the sly smile threatening to destroy your poker face.
“Photo credit?!” He screeches, lifting you off of him and flinging you back onto the couch. He climbs over you and you howl as his fingers poke and tickle your sides. He pins you down, holding your wrists to the bright green cushions, muttering, “I’ll give you photo credit…” as he lowers his face to your neck, kissing and nipping along the edges of your kerchief before playfully pulling it off with his teeth so he can properly affix his mouth to your skin.
Ash spreads sloppy kisses up and across your throat, murmuring contentedly at the way his lips can feel the vibrations of the low giggles and satisfied sighs you’re letting out. Once he frees your hands, you keep your fingers moving through his long curls, loving the way he nuzzles against your touch as you fluff out his hair that’s still flattened from him insisting on wearing his cowboy hat all day.
He finally makes his way up to your lips, capturing them in a heated kiss. You let out a slight whine, raising your hips against him and he takes the hint, shifting to rest one of his legs in between yours. You love that he didn’t need more instruction than what your body gave him, that he can read you like that; you let the way your tongue moves with his convey your appreciation. He smiles as he feels you rock against him, running your hands down his strong back, pressing him tightly against you. 
The makeout continues at a pace both leisurely and needy; you’ve each unbuttoned the other’s shirt but seem content to leave the garments on, neither of you making an effort to move past this lazy, comfortable stage of your encounter. You’re so caught up in each other, the original purpose of your visit fades into the background and when you finally notice the sound of Ash’s phone incessantly buzzing on the table, you share a puzzled look with each other as he breaks away from you to investigate.
“Everything OK?” You ask, studying the mildly annoyed expression he’s directing at his phone screen, as you sit up and tug your skirt back down from where it had ridden up from your grinding.
“Yeah,” your boyfriend sighs, squeezing your leg with one hand while the other flies over his phone keyboard, typing a message. “But apparently we’ve gotta hightail it over to Michael’s, seems like they’re getting restless over there.”
You button your shirt, chuckling, “It’s an adult Halloween party, what could they possibly be restless about?” 
“Pictures? Snack rations? Waiting to start games they already know I have no interest in playing?”
“Maybe they’re out of weed and they know it’s a guarantee you’ll be holding.”
“Ha ha,” Ashton responds, swatting your ass as you get up to head for the bathroom to make sure you look party ready. He stands and grabs you by the waist. “You sure you wanna go, baby? Not too late to claim we’re sick and have to head straight to bed.” He winks at you before delivering a teasing nibble to your ear.
You shake your head and start buttoning his shirt for him. “Thought you couldn’t wait to show off this outfit.”
“I’ve moved on, rather show you a few things instead,” he flirts, his fingers tracing the designs on your skirt’s back pockets.
You laugh, playfully batting his hands away. “Well, I didn’t put all this effort into my costume just to take it off.”
“Roleplay? A little kinky but I dig it,” he teases, squeezing your ass as he buries his face in your neck.
“Ash,” you protest, giggling at his insistence.
He groans against your skin, releasing you from his hold and letting you lead him out of the living room. “Fine,” he grumbles. “We’ll make an appearance.”
Ashton talks a big game the entire drive over, claiming you’ll be out of there and under him within an hour. But of course, once you arrive at the party and he starts goofing around with his boys, his time frame comes and goes without him even realizing it. You smile as you watch them chattering away as if they weren’t holed up in a studio together all week, passing around the squirt guns from Ash’s costume, debating whether or not it’s too cold outside for a water fight. Every so often you catch your boyfriend making eyes at you from across the room and it both warms your heart and makes it race. Everything feels right, comfortable and intimate, like it often does with Ash. You love it and you’re so glad you didn’t skip out on the party, tempted as you were.
You haven’t seen the girls since the Global Citizen gig so you catch up with them. Crystal introduces you to some of her friends and you do your best to focus on the conversation but you can’t help the heat that spreads across your cheeks whenever you feel Ash looking at you. 
“Ash’s post was sweet,” Sierra mentions, clearly noticing your and Ash’s silent flirtations. “First time on the Finsta and a grid post. Big stuff.”
“I haven’t even really posted him so it came as a surprise to me too,” you laugh. 
“You must have an airtight circle around you given that not even a hint of you guys has leaked yet,” she notes, impressed. “We’re all used to being careful but it takes most people a while to adjust to that.”
You shrug. “My socials were already private, just family and close work friends mostly. Literally no one who cares whether or not I have a boyfriend, much less if he’s moderately famous.” You all laugh and you raise your glass to Crystal in acknowledgement. “By the way, I appreciate you putting me in a croppable spot when you took the group pics tonight.”
“I got ya,” she smiles, clinking your glass. “Although… call me a fool but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a public post by Christmas…”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you chuckle politely but shake your head firmly. “We haven’t talked about it too much but I think we’re both content to just let things happen how they happen.”
A chorus of “that’s sweet” and “good for you” surrounds you before you joke, “He can be surprisingly lowkey when he wants to be.” Just as the words leave your mouth, you notice Ash exaggeratedly wiggling his eyebrows at you and closing his ridiculous overtures with a cartoonish wink. You shake your head, “Aaaaand apparently now is not one of those times.”
Everyone giggles as you feel your phone buzz in your back pocket; the conversation turns to another subject and you pull your phone out, suppressing a grin when you see a message from Ash that simply says, “Miss you,” with a kissy face emoji. 
You shoot him a playful look across the room as you text back:
You stifle a snort at the offended look he directs towards you before firing off his reply.
Not gross, I was being sweet! :(
If I wanted to be gross, I’d have said how incredible your tits look in that outfit and how I can’t stop thinking about getting my mouth on them later
You chew the inside of your cheek, glancing up to see Ashton nonchalantly talking to his friends as if he didn’t just send you the message that he did. Knowing he’s on the other side of the room fantasizing about you feels thrilling, makes you feel powerful and bold. Your fingers hover over your keyboard as you contemplate whether to match his energy and divulge the thoughts that have been lingering in the back of your mind all evening.
That’s interesting because I keep watching your hands fiddling with that lasso on your belt and I can’t stop myself from thinking about you tying me up like we started to talk about earlier…
You watch as Ash casually looks at his phone and does a slight double take reading your message; he subtly loosens the bandana around his neck as he glances over at you, a smirk forming across his features as he types.
You naked and bound to my bed while I’m free to explore as I please… sounds like a fine way to combine our interests…
You don’t hesitate to send your simple response:
I’m down
He grins over at you before Calum grabs his attention and leans over to address him. Ash turns back towards you, gesturing towards the backyard and miming holding a joint to his lips. You smile at him and nod, holding up a finger to indicate you’ll be a minute and then he and Cal head for the door.
You wait for a natural break in the discussion and then excuse yourself to go outside. You spot the guys in one of the yard’s conversation pits and laugh to yourself as you approach them and notice an obviously cold Cal wearing Ash’s fringed leather jacket.
“I was about to complain to my chivalrous boyfriend about how chilly it is out here but I see you’ve already beaten me to it,” you tease the shivering man.
Calum chuckles like a good sport while Ashton cackles loudly, opening his arms to you. “I offered him the jacket because you get to do this,” he boasts, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you.
You settle in and the three of you hang out and smoke for a while until Calum stands up and declares it’s too cold and he’s going back inside.
“It’s like 60 degrees,” Ash playfully argues.
“It’s 59 so fuck you,” Cal deadpans as he heads towards the house’s glass doors.
You giggle at his outburst and Ashton pokes at you in protest before deciding he’d rather mute your laughter with a kiss. You happily return his affection, humming at the heat of his mouth, appreciating the way his large hands rub over your exposed thighs, helping keep you warm.
“Y’know,” you start, pausing to peck his jaw. “Not that I’m not having a lovely time here… but I think we’ve definitely fulfilled our ‘appearance’ duties at this party.” You look at him, happy to see recognition of your meaning in his eyes. 
“Fair point,” he laughs, squeezing your legs. He teases, “Eager to get back to it, are we?”
You purse your lips as you coyly shrug, while making a point to dart your eyes from his to the rope hanging from his belt and back up to his eyes again.
“Right,” Ash responds with enthusiasm, making sure to keep eye contact with you as he continues. “Wasn’t sure if that was a ‘definitely tonight’ conversation we were having back there or a more abstract one.”
You squeeze his hand. “I’m definitely open for some experimenting tonight if you are,” you confirm with confidence.
He squeezes your hand back, lifting his other one to caress your cheek and pull you in for a slow, grounding kiss. “I think I would definitely enjoy that,” he agrees in a tone that’s somehow both sweet and suggestive. You lean into him, pressing a more urgent kiss to his lips. He indulges you for a moment before gently asking, “Can you tell me a little about how you see things going? I think you should call the shots tonight.”
You tuck his hair behind his ear and smile warmly, taking a moment to answer. As you’ve come to expect, Ashton reads you perfectly and understands that your pause is more consideration than hesitation; the encouraging look in his eyes, the warm and steady touch of his hands, everything about his presence in this moment makes you feel even more confident in your trust that this will be a positive experience for the both of you. 
“Well. I’d like my hands tied for sure… at first I was thinking legs too but maybe we just try hands for now?” He nods in agreement and you continue. “I’ve been envisioning tied to the headboard. Arms together above my head or spread to each side, I don’t really have a preference, whatever works with your bed I guess,” you shrug. 
He rubs your back reassuringly. “We can test things out, see what's most comfortable for you.” You place a hand on each of his bearded cheeks, stroking over them with your thumbs before eagerly kissing him again. He chuckles as he pauses your advances once more. “Speaking of comfort, do you want to pick a safe word, just in case either of us starts feeling too in over our heads?”
You twist the curls at the base of his neck around your finger. “Personally, I’ve always liked the traffic light system but we can pick a word if you want.”
“Green means ‘keep going,’ yellow is ‘slow down, let’s talk about it,’ red means ‘everything stops immediately, no questions asked’?” He checks, grinning when you nod happily. “Alright, we can do that.”
You raise your eyebrows expectantly, waiting to see if he has any more questions before you pounce this time. He catches on and giggles, offering a low “C’mere” before crashing his mouth into yours. The way his lips move against yours, his arms hold you close, his hands lightly caress your skin - it’s everything you’ve been craving since you sent him that text and without even realizing it, your hips begin gently rocking in his lap. 
You moan quietly as he rests his forehead on yours before giving you a naughty smile. “Color?” He asks, pressing your hips down and helping you move.
You bite your lip and shift yourself so that you’re straddling one of his thighs. “Couldn’t be more green,” you say firmly, staring into his eyes as you unapologetically roll your hips.
Ash leans in to kiss you sloppily, hands coming around to grip your ass. His voice shifts to something deeper, raspier, hungrier. “Should’ve helped you get off before we left, baby… left you so desperate you can’t stop thinking about being tied up… have to ride my thigh at a party… can’t believe I left my girl needy like that,” he pants, eyes quickly glazing over as he watches your miniskirt ride up, flashing a peek of your red lace panties as you work yourself on him. “Such a good girl being able to hold out this long. Think I’ll be able to make it up to you?”
You take a long breath to steady yourself. His words and the tone of his voice would be enough to get you worked up, even without the pressure that his body is providing. “I’m sure you’ll come up with something,” you play along, hips speeding up at the thought.
“Yeah… I’ve got some ideas but what do you want, baby?” He asks, egging you on, flexing his thigh underneath you as you grind. 
“Take me home… tie me down… just… play with me?” You huff, knowing you’re about to start rambling. “I dunno, Ash… I don’t care, I just want you on me. Mouth, hands, everything… just want to be overwhelmed by you. It’s all I ever want.”
Ashton breathes deep as he watches you, eyes closed and brow furrowed, inching your way towards your orgasm under the moonlight; you’ve never looked more beautiful to him. “That sounds like a good plan, baby. Kiss all along here…” His fingers trace along the underside of your jaw. “Bite a little here,” he asserts, lightly pressing on your throat as his hand moves down your body.
“Maybe leave some marks,” you suggest breathily, feeling yourself get lost in your desire. “Get a little rough… tease me… use me, Ash, treat me like I’m yours. Only yours.”
He licks his lips, silently cursing himself for wearing slacks instead of jeans tonight; he could use the extra pressure on his aching cock right about now. “Fuck, baby, you love it when I claim you like that, huh?” He leans in to suck at the center of your throat and groans at the way your resulting whimper feels against him. “That’s my girl,” he rasps.
“Fuck, Ash,” you moan.
His fingers graze the tops of your breasts as he plays with the lace of your bra, red and teasing beneath your partially unbuttoned shirt. “Can’t imagine my mouth ever wanting to leave these alone,” he groans, giving your tits a firm squeeze before moving his hands down to your inner thighs. He brushes the tender skin lightly while teasing, “Well. At least until I decide my attention is needed elsewhere.”
You see his pink tongue subconsciously dart out to wet his lips and you actually ache at the thought of it doing the same to your pussy. “Ashhhh,” you hiss, clawing at his shoulders, hips beginning to lose rhythm as you reach the edge. 
“God, I can feel how wet you are, baby… the heat…feel how much you need it,” Ash encourages, grabbing your hips to help you get the friction you need to finish. “Come on, baby, cum… you worked so hard.”
You gasp as the pleasure overtakes your body, falling forward to bury your face in Ash’s neck, letting his scruffy skin muffle the whines and sighs escaping your mouth. He strokes through your hair with one hand, the other wrapping around your waist, holding you tightly to him as he quietly whispers to you. As your hips slow and your breathing evens out, you lift your head to weakly seek out his lips, lazily moving yours against his, just needing a taste of him. 
“Think that fulfills my ‘ride a cowboy’ quota for the occasion?” You joke, dreamy grin on your face.
You’re not sure if Ashton was speeding on the way home or just happened to hit all green lights but you make it back to his place in record time. Your lips are on his before he even gets a chance to turn the car off and even after a longer than necessary makeout session in the driveway, you can’t keep your hands or mouth to yourself on the walk to the house.
He fumbles his keys at the front door, distracted by your hands pawing at his shirt buttons and making their way inside to touch over his chest. He bends down to pick them up and laughs heartily at how immediately you take advantage of the situation, planting your hand on his ass and your mouth around his earlobe. “Are you really this turned on or are you just trying to rile me up so I’ll really let you have it in there?” He jokes.
“Why not both?” You breathe into his ear, flicking your tongue against his earring before he can stand back up.
Shaking his head amusedly, he suddenly grabs you and pins you against the door, easily fitting both your wrists in one of his hands and holding them above your head while his knee slides between yours. Your stomach drops deliciously as he leans in and warns, “Behave,” staying close, eyes locked on yours while he finally turns the key and unlocks the door.
The two of you stumble inside and through the foyer, Ash’s lips attached to your neck, your hands spread across his broad shoulders, holding him to you. 
“Color, baby?” He asks when you finally reach the living room.
You take a breath, trying to steady your voice, knowing the combination of arousal and nervous excitement has you feeling and sounding shaky. “Green,” you pant, grabbing the rope bundle off the coffee table where you left it, confidently handing it to him. 
He kisses you briefly before positioning your arms in front of you, elbows together; he sets the rope aside, instead tugging off the bandana around his neck and securing it around your wrists. He explains, “Thought we’d start with something a little less intimidating, get you comfortable with the feeling first.”
“Makes sense,” you agree, mesmerized watching his long fingers twist and pull the fabric tight against your skin. He gestures for you to try and separate your wrists and when you can’t, a satisfied smile lights up his face.
A lustful surge shoots through you and you drop to your knees, your bound hands making a valiant effort to undo Ash’s belt. “Oh?” He chuckles, helping you feed the leather through the loops. His voice drops an octave and he asks with a smirk, “Thought I told you to behave?”
You match his smirk and reply, “I just don’t see that happening tonight so I figure I might as well start making up for it now.” You successfully get his fly down but your limited range of movement makes tugging his pants down a different story. He watches, entertained, as you try with both your tied hands and your teeth before you give up and just start mouthing at him over the fabric.
He runs his fingers through your hair before gripping a handful and gently prying your face away from his crotch. “You want it that bad, baby?” He keeps his hold on your hair while using his other hand to drop his pants, his hard cock springing up, waiting for attention. 
You try to maintain defiant eye contact as you answer but you can’t keep your gaze from shifting down to where he’s slowly stroking himself. “Just really in the mood to please you,” you assert, breath getting heavier with every word. “Saw how hard you got while I was riding your thigh, been wondering how I should repay you… spent the entire drive home thinking about you using my throat to start."
“Jesus, baby,” he mutters under his breath, squeezing mid-stroke at your words. He moves closer and laughs lowly at the way your mouth automatically parts. He gives himself a couple more pulls before tracing over your lips with the head of his cock, effectively smudging your lipstick and replacing it with a trail of precum instead. It takes everything in you not to dart your tongue out to swipe at him, not to lick your lips for a taste of the substance leaking onto your skin. He notices your restraint and playfully comments, “I see, you only behave when you want something, is that right? Want this cock down your throat and suddenly you know how to act.”
The tone he’s using has your pulse racing and you can feel your wetness soaking through the center of your panties. You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself before responding, “Just wanna be good for you.”
Ashton smirks, “We’ll see about that.” He tips your head all the way back so he can see you and you see his face visibly lighten as he adds, “Your mouth’s gonna be busy so I want you to give my leg two taps if you need me to slow down, three if you need me to pull out immediately, OK?” 
“Got it,” you quickly respond.
“You sure?” He asks, studying your face.
“Hundred percent… now will you fuck my face already?” You goad him with a smile.
He grins back, tightening the grip on your hair as he taps his tip against you, prompting you to open up for him. “Sure doesn’t sound like someone trying to be good for me,” he chides as he starts sliding his cock between your lips, letting you feel it rest on your tongue before continuing. 
You stare up at him, patiently waiting for his next move; he gently thumbs at the drool forming at the corners of your mouth before pushing his hips in, letting your mouth envelop the rest of his shaft. He goes slowly - partly out of courtesy, partly to tease - and you feel your jaw already begin to ache, your lips pulling tightly from the way his girth is stretching them. You’re not used to taking him this deep but it’s all worth it when you hear a long groan as he feels you swallow around him as he hits the back of your throat; you wiggle your head as you lean forward, working him down until your lips are wrapped around his base and his hair tickles your skin. You stay there, unmoving with his cock down your throat, until your body insists you pull back: first with a gag escaping your throat and your eyes watering, then with wracked gasps for air and a strained cough as you sit back on your heels.
Ash’s hand massages your wet jaw while you take a moment to recover. “Now that’s what a good girl sounds like.”
His praise lights a fire in you and you eagerly take him back in your mouth, first tonguing teasingly around the head before moving further, your bound hands working what hasn’t made its way into your mouth yet. You bob shallowly around him, gathering the courage to take him deep again and when you finally start to move down, you hear him sigh your name under his breath, encouraging you to take more.
You fit him into your throat again, murmuring as you get into a slow groove, massaging his balls with your tied hands. You cast your eyes up towards him and feel a surge of confidence at the sight of his eyes screwed shut, bottom lip caught between his teeth. You pick up the pace a bit and with a mumbled curse, his hands grasp your hair once again and he breathily asks, “Are you ready, baby?”
Your muted but enthusiastic “mmm hmm” allows him to start rocking his hips against you. Despite your restrained state, you’re able to somewhat hold onto one of his legs, bracing yourself as he finds a rhythm; you close your eyes, focusing on relaxing your throat for him and trying to time your breaths for when he’s not as deep. 
Ashton starts moving faster, holding you in place as he thrusts in and out of your mouth. You squeeze your legs together, wishing you had a free hand to relieve some of the aching between your thighs, and he takes note, taunting, “Yeah, baby? This getting you wet? Me using your throat to get myself off and you can’t do a thing to help me?” Your whined response blends with the moan he lets out, the situation clearly affecting him more than he’s indicated thus far. “Always wanna be so good for me, must be driving you mad not to touch me. Tied up, can’t play with this cock the way you want to… making me do all the work… have to just sit there, dripping into those red panties, while I take what I need from your tight little throat. Is that what you wanted, baby?”
The way Ash is panting out his words affects you almost as much as the content of them. You want to answer him, that yes, this is exactly what you wanted. You told him to use you, to make you feel like you’re his and only his, and that’s exactly what he’s doing. You want to tell him how good his fingers feel tangled in your hair, how you love the pressure of his hands holding you in place, how you love feeling how large they are, wrapped around nearly your entire head. How some nights when you’re alone, the weight of his cock on your tongue is all you can think about and how you know that after tonight, your loneliest nights will be spent thinking about the feeling of his length throbbing as it glides down your throat, the sound of his strained groans above you, the power in being powerless on your knees for him.
You want to tell him, but instead, you just moan.
“That’s what I thought,” he teases, the rasp in his voice hinting at how close he is.
His hips snap against your face a few more times before he slowly draws out, choking back a whimper as you hollow your cheeks around him and twirl your tongue as he leaves your mouth. He grips himself by the base, trying to buy himself a little more time; he looks down at you, hair wild, makeup ruined, face glistening with tears and saliva. 
“Beautiful,” he pants, caressing a hand down your face. He watches as strings of spit fall from your chin to the tops of your breasts, the red lace of your bra peeking out of your shirt more and more while your chest heaves, and he knows what he wants next. He gives himself a squeeze with one hand while the other roughly yanks the rest of your top open, buttons useless against his strength. “Wanna mark what’s mine,” he growls, causing you to stifle a whimper.
You sit back, watching him stroke himself, and you drop your hands into your lap, trying to no avail to find any source of friction, leaving you without even a second of relief. You don’t know if you’ve ever been more aroused in your life and you feel like you might cry if you don’t get some attention between your thighs soon. 
“Miss feeling you in my throat already… wish I could’ve felt you cum like that,” you pant, feeling your cheeks flush at how hoarse you sound. “Love when you cum for me, Ash… if I can’t choke on your cum, being covered in it is the next best thing… cum for me, babe, I can’t wait any longer.”
Ashton’s hand flies over his cock as he listens to your filthy encouragement and with a deep groan of your name, ropes of cum begin splashing down onto your tits, one wayward stripe painting your cheek. You moan as you feel the hot liquid drip down your cleavage and start wetting your bra. You watch eagerly as he squeezes out the last few drops, your watering mouth drooping into a frown as he leaks onto his fingers instead of your tongue.
He notices your disappointment, smirking, “Aww, of course my girl wants a taste.” He cradles your face again, using his thumb to swipe the cum on your cheek into your mouth. You take it a step further by sucking the digit between your lips, swirling your tongue around it and biting down slightly as he pulls back.
“Don’t you?” You ask coyly, fluttering your eyelashes and jutting your chest out, making sure the light catches where he’s decorated you with his release. 
Shock, arousal, adoration and maybe a hint of arrogance all wash over Ash’s face before he pulls you up on your feet in front of him. He pauses and you wonder if he’s going to go in for a kiss when suddenly his tongue is dragging across your stained skin. You feel the vibrations of the soft moan pouring from his throat as he moves, burying his face between your tits, tasting himself on your flesh. Your fingers twitch as you desperately wish you could run your fingers through his curls, press him closer to you; instead, you just moan his name.
When Ash finally pulls himself away from your chest, he immediately presses his lips to yours, kissing you with a tenderness that adorably contradicts the situation, as if you can’t taste his salty essence on his own tongue. “Are you OK, baby? How are you feeling, what’s your color?” He rushes out, fingers working fast to remove his bandana from around your hands. “I probably should’ve checked in more once we got going, I’m sorry.”
As soon as one of your hands is loose, you’re stroking his cheek, scratching over his scruff affectionately. “Ash,” you start, waiting to continue until he looks at you. “That was perfect, that was… yeah. That was exactly the kind of thing I wanted. You were great. I feel great.”
The concern in his eyes starts to fade into something closer to pride. “Still green?” He checks.
You let the enthusiastic kiss you pull him into answer for you. 
He indulges you a few moments more before leading you into the kitchen where he insists on offering you a glass of water and a preventive ibuprofen to help with any after effects you might feel from the rougher than usual session. He then sends you off to the bedroom while he, ever the gentleman, grabs some water bottles and your bag.
Ashton enters the room and finds you on your knees on the bed, carefully examining the headboard. “Inspecting the hardware, are we?” He chuckles, giving your ass a playful smack as he walks by.
“Just strategizing.”.
He tosses the rope bundle at the foot of the bed and looks at you knowingly. “You expect me to believe that this is something you’ve been actively fantasizing about and you haven’t done extensive Google research?”
You bite your lip and grin, both delighted and called out that your boyfriend knows you so well. “Maybe I’ve got somewhat of an idea of how this could go,” you say sheepishly, crawling over to him and throwing your arms around his neck while you still can. 
“Mmm hmm,” he teases, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He stands there, while you kiss and caress each other for a few moments, before he gently nudges you to lay back so he can join you on the bed. Once you feel his weight on top of you, you find yourself quickly become needy; your hands roam his body with greater intention, your breath and pulse both quicken, your tongue licks at his more hungrily. His fingers toy with the button of your skirt and your hips involuntarily buck up as you moan into his mouth.
“Sorry,” you laugh into his kiss. “Think I’m just excited.”
“You don’t say,” he jokes, pecking your lips as he coaxes the denim down your legs. He watches your breath shudder as his fingers trace their way back up your body. “Nervous?”
You think for a second before lacing your fingers with his. “Nah… it’s like… good nerves. Like ‘Looking forward to something fun’ nerves. ‘I really wanna do this and I feel kind of out of control because it’s a new experience but I’m glad it’s one I’m having with you’ type of nerves.”
He smiles widely and squeezes your hand before reaching up to touch your face, looking intently into your eyes before laying a passionate kiss on you. Your head swirls as his lips spoil yours with the type of loving, teasing affection you hope is a preview of what he has in store for the rest of your body soon. He caresses your cheek and sincerely says, “It feels good knowing you trust me like this, baby.”
You feel your face warming like it always does when he’s looking at you that earnestly so you give him another soft kiss and crack, “So ya gonna lasso me up or what, cowboy?”
He giggles, pecking you again as he sits up and reaches for the rope. After a brief discussion, it’s decided you’ll have your wrists tied together and then raised to attach to the headboard. You move into position, making sure to discard your bra first, ensuring Ash has the access to your breasts he’s mentioned wanting all night; he quickly strips out of his clothes, leaving just his boxer briefs on, before kneeling beside you on the bed and beginning to bind your wrists.
He pulls your hands apart and when the knots refuse to budge, you close your eyes, enjoying the feeling it gives you in the pit of your stomach. Your breath hitches as he pushes your arms up above your head and starts gathering the ends of the rope to secure to the headboard.
He pauses to ask, “Color?”
“So fucking green, Ash… please…”
He finishes the job and asks you to try bringing your hands down. You can’t and the resistance you feel, the total loss of control, the knowledge that you’re completely at his mercy has you squirming, looking for friction again, whimpering louder than you mean to.
“Now, baby,” he starts amusedly, forcing your legs apart but stroking them gently as he does. “Are you gonna behave or do we need to rethink tying your legs?”
You take a deep breath, trying to bring your excitement down a notch. “I can be good,” you vow, not sure if you’re saying it to convince him or reassure yourself.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he nods, fingers dancing up your inner thighs. “Be a shame if after all this, you didn’t get to cum.” He grazes his fingertips across the soaked through strip of red lace between your legs and you bite your lip to keep from screaming.
He teases you through your panties, adding just enough pressure so that the seam rubs against your clit but not enough so that anything actually builds. You struggle not to rock your hips in time with the motion but you know it’s in your best interest to hold out as long as you possibly can. 
“Good job, baby,” he coos, slipping his fingers under the fabric to touch you directly and a pathetic little whine escapes you. “Yeah, that’s what I figured… been so wet for so long, haven’t you? Before the party on my couch… at the party on my thigh, after the party with my cock down your throat… about time I gave this poor little pussy some attention, huh?”
You’re not sure which answer will win you the most favor with him so you simply meet his eyes and lick your lips, moaning. 
At first you think you’ve made the wrong call when he remains silent and pulls his hand away; your nervousness turns to relief when he hooks his thumbs in your waistband and drags the lacy material down and off your body. You feel your breath getting shallow as you watch him sit back and cast a long look up and down your naked body, bound and waiting to be subjected to whatever he deems pleasurable.
“You look fucking gorgeous, love,” he breathes, the sweetest blend of lust, affection and disbelief swimming in his hazel eyes. “Can’t believe you’re all mine… you all mine?”
You choke back a gasp -  you always feel overwhelmed whenever Ash calls you his but he’s only just recently started calling you “love.” He’s only tried it in bed so far, almost as if he wants the safety net of heightened passion to fall back on in case you ask questions, and it takes your breath away every time.
You've never felt more naked or vulnerable in your life than you do under his unwavering gaze but you don’t hesitate for a second to confidently answer his question, “I’m all yours.”
Ashton notices you instinctively reach for him, only for the restraints to hold you back, and he’s instantly beside you. “Doing okay?” He kisses over the ropes on your wrists. “Not too tight?”
You shake your head. “Feels good.” Satisfied, he starts to move away and you call out quietly, “Ash… can I have a kiss before you get started?”
He smiles softly at you, cupping your face in his large hand. “Of course, baby.” He lowers himself to you, his lips delivering just the amount of reassurance and strength you needed. “You ready?”
You nod, prepared to let out a small whimper at his warmth leaving you; your expected disappointment never comes as he moves directly from your lips to your neck, peppering your skin with wet kisses before starting on what seems to be a sizable mark onto what he knows is your most sensitive spot. You groan out of both pleasure and frustration, your fingers helplessly flexing, longing to wrap around his hair.
“Perfect,” he announces, admiring his work. He moves to start work on a matching one for the other side and your whine of protest has him pulling back to explain, “We both agree you’re all mine, I think it’s time you look like it.” 
He follows through with his promise, sucking and biting along your neck and the tops of your breasts; his hands explore the area, massaging your tits with grabs alternating between gentle and rough. He listens to your noises, how you’re responding to his touch and alters his course of action accordingly. Just as you start to get restless, his hands begin to busy themselves with twirling and tugging at your nipples and you can’t help but gasp, aching to feel more while already on the verge of feeling too much.
“Ash,” you breathe weakly. “Please… please touch me.”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing, baby?” He toys with you, taking one of your hardened buds between his fingers and twisting hard. 
You cry out, head spinning, trying to decide if it’s the best or worst thing you’ve ever felt. “God, Ash… you know what I mean… need you between my legs.”
“Mmm…” He replies, nonchalantly nipping at your collarbones. “And what exactly would you like me to do there?” The sigh you give as he nibbles along the outer edge of your breast tells him he’s not about to get an answer from you, so he continues. “Hmm… maybe a little something like this?” He flicks his tongue over your nipple a few times before wrapping his lips around it, sucking gently.
The ropes dig into your skin as your body arches off the bed, desperately seeking more contact with him. “Yes, Ash… please,” you plead. “I need that… god, please.” 
He pulls away with a loud pop. “Please what, baby?” He shifts his attention to your other side, his hand coming up to paw at the breast he’s left unattended.
Ashton’s hand squeezes around one tit, his mouth lazily tonguing at the other, and you’re so turned on, you feel like you’re losing your mind. “Please… I… I need you on my pussy,” you stammer, not totally sure of what you’re even saying. “Need your tongue… your fingers… something… anything… god, Ash… please.”
Your boyfriend recognizes the brand of desperation and hunger in your voice; you feel his movements pause momentarily and as he lifts off you again, you expect him to indulge your request and make his way towards your lower half but instead, he watches you while he grips both of your breasts in his hands, squeezing carefully, letting his thumbs tease their swollen peaks. 
“You are… so beautiful, baby,” he praises softly. He adds more pressure to your nipples as he goes on, “And such a good girl, too, aren’t you? Being so patient, letting me play with you like this… you like it when I tease you, don’t you?”
The way his voice is rasping goes directly to your core except this time, you spread your legs apart instead of squeezing them together - your entire body feels like it’s on fire and any incidental friction suddenly seems like it’d be too much to handle. Speaking seems like it’s too much to handle at the moment, so instead, you just moan.
He gives you a minute, continuing his quiet affirmations, hands ever so slightly tightening their grasp. “Can I get a color, baby?”
“Green,” you huff, still trying to keep your wits about you.
As soon as the word leaves your mouth, Ashton’s attention is focused on your chest again. His tongue swirls and sucks around one nipple while the other is rolled and tugged as his hand kneads your breast. His actions get rougher each time he switches sides and you quickly realize that you no longer recognize the satisfied noises pouring from your throat. 
A familiar feeling sparks within you but in an unfamiliar way and if your mind wasn’t so busy screaming with desire, you might’ve thought to question it. An undeniable burst of electricity starts building in your stomach and quickly surges first to your chest and then shoots towards your pussy. At first you think it was just a fluke sensation but then another jolt happens. And another one. Building. Another one, this time in quick succession. It crosses your mind that if your hands were mobile, you’d probably be clutching at the bedsheets right about now. Wait…
“Ash? Ashton?” You rush out, in disbelief. “Babe… I’m… I think I’m cumming?” 
Any uncertainty you had about the situation is quelled when he simultaneously pinches one nipple and bites down on the other. You feel like all the blood in your body has suddenly been replaced by white hot lava and your entire being is vibrating to the beat of your racing pulse. An intense wave of sensation rushes through your whole body, followed by several shorter bursts of ecstatic release. You feel like you’re screaming, you think you’re screaming but you don’t hear any sound except for Ashton’s muffled moans as he keeps his mouth on you, dutifully trying to hold your writhing body to the bed.
It takes a few moments for you to settle and your mind is gently brought back to the present moment by the feeling of Ash’s hand softly caressing your face, his lips pressing tender pecks along your jaw. Your eyes flutter open to see him next to you, a proud but sweet smile on his face as he asks, “Still with me?” 
You exhale loudly, unable to stop the grin spreading across your features. “Yeah…” You share an amused look with him and you begin to laugh euphorically, “Ash… what the fuck…”
He watches you adoringly for a beat before leaning in and muting your laughter with a kiss. “Knew you were impatient, but Jesus Christ, baby,” he giggles against your lips.
You long to scratch at his scruff, run your thumb over his dimples as you kiss him. You don’t get a chance to lament this lost opportunity, however, because suddenly Ashton is between your legs, noisily lapping up the aftermath of your orgasm.
Your legs close in around his head and you yelp his name. He comes up to hover over you, licking his lips with a smirk. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Figure since you made such a mess for me, it’s only right I clean it up.”
He resumes his task and you groan at the feeling of his tongue indiscriminately making its way around and across the entirety of your pussy; you jolt forward each time he ghosts over your clit and when his nose finally nudges it directly, you rise up off the bed, ropes pulling at you once again. “Fuck! Ashhhh…” Your complaint is short-lived, the uncomfortable sensitivity quickly giving way to something far more curious.
“Yes, dear?” He answers smugly, giving you a break by turning his attention to your inner thighs. He waits for you to voice your protest and when you don’t, he soothingly rubs his hands over your legs and checks, “Color?”
“Green,” you answer, tired but fascinated by what your body is telling you.
Taking a slow breath, you allow yourself to relax into the sensations a bit more as he dives back in. You focus on the delicious scratch of his beard against your tender skin, the affectionate way his hands squeeze your thighs, the talent of his tongue as he plays with your pussy: alternating between using the wide expanse of it to lick long stripes and using the tip to tease along your entrance before traveling up to bat at your clit.
He flicks back and forth, back and forth and you feel that burning sensation starting deep within your core; his lips wrap around your clit to suck and that fire spreads throughout your body, from the bottoms of your feet up to your scalp. It only takes a few slow open-mouth kisses for your legs to start shaking and your hips to begin bucking into his face. 
You pant and whine until you finally let that blazing fire feeling completely engulf you and the undeniable waves of pleasure crash over you once again. Ashton’s hands, both reassuring and demanding, hold your lower half steady while the restraints keep your upper body’s thrashing to a minimum. You feel your lips moving but you’re not sure what you’re saying; whatever it is, Ash appreciates it, smiling and murmuring against you until he feels you go slack and he pulls away to tend to you.
“You’re doing so, so good, baby,” he coos, kissing up your heaving body until he’s laying beside you. His hands never leave your skin, caressing, massaging, soothing you as you come back down. His fingers are tracing designs onto your stomach when you finally open your eyes. He, of course, asks, “Doing OK?”
“I can’t believe I came again so soon,” you mumble in disbelief, giggling as the serotonin rush takes over.
He beams, admitting with a laugh, “Me neither! Thought I was just gonna tease ya for a bit but once you started pulling those ropes again…” He chuckles and sits up to check your wrists, pressing a kiss to each one. “How are these, baby? Arms tired? Need a break? Are you tired? Know it’s been a lot.”
You pout, longing to squeeze his hand to reassure him you’re fine, to brush back the sweaty curls clinging to his forehead, to palm over the bulge straining his boxers. “Can’t complain… could use some water… maybe a kiss.”
He leans in and gives you a quick peck before grabbing your water from the nightstand and helping you take some sips. As soon as your head is back on the pillow, he’s lowering himself to your lips, giving you the proper kiss he’s assuming you had in mind. You whimper into his mouth, grateful for the affection but still craving more. 
Ash recognizes your need. “What is it, baby, what can I do?”
“Want you… want you inside now… want you to feel as good as I do.”
He kisses you tenderly. “Are you sure, love? It’s already been so much…“  
There it is again, love… you were already certain you wanted him but the word sounds so fucking good coming out of his mouth, it solidifies your decision. “Not enough until you’re cumming inside me, Ash,” you coo, moving your hips until you feel yourself make contact with his hardness and his breath catches.
He stares at you for a beat, both his hands gripping your face as he lays an emotionally loaded kiss on you. You whine quietly as he pulls away, quickly discarding his underwear; he strokes himself as he comes back to kneel between your legs and you can’t help but lick your lips. It was only a short while ago that you had him in your mouth but it doesn’t matter, you feel like you’d give anything to taste him again right now.
He notices your preoccupied demeanor and checks in, rubbing your legs. “Still good, baby?” You nod and he checks one more time. “Color?”
“Green. AKA the color of jealousy. AKA what I feel watching you touch your cock right now.”
He giggles and pulls your legs up to rest on his hips. “This better?” He teases, tracing through your folds with his tip.
“Nope,” you say stubbornly, the shudder running through your body telling a much different story.
Ashton grins, dragging his cock up and down through your wetness once more before slowly beginning to push in. He asks, “How about now?” and you answer with a moan and an impatient buck of your hips. “Greedy tonight,” he chuckles, continuing with his teasing pace. He finally bottoms out only to withdraw from you just as slowly before pushing back in at that same torturous speed.
“Ash, I swear to god,” you grumble needily.
“Since we were trying new things tonight, thought you might be open to being patient for once,” he teases with a smirk. “My mistake.” He digs his fingers into your hips and starts bouncing you on his cock.
You cry out, thrilled to feel the force of his body moving yours, the experience amplified by the sensation of the ropes keeping you from assisting him. You're not sure if you'll be able to cum again but having him inside you, feeling him overwhelm you like this is pleasurable enough to keep your head thrown back, moaning.
It takes a few minutes for you to realize that yours is the only voice filling the room. You open your eyes, trying to get a read on why your boyfriend is so uncharacteristically quiet. His hands grip you tighter than ever and his hips are pumping against you harder by the second but his expression remains unchanged: eyes cast down, face pulled into a tight grimace.
“...Ash? Babe?” You ask, trying to sit up as much as your position will allow. “Ashton?”
You’re not sure if it was your tone of voice or using his full name that did it but his eyes snap up to yours and his movements cease. “What’s going on, baby?”
“You’re quiet, babe… is this not working for you?”
“It’s great, baby… you feel so good… love how you love it,” he pants, adamantly shaking his head.
You chew your lip, unconvinced. “What’s your color, Ash?”
He blinks rapidly, clearly caught off guard. “Oh… honestly? Probably close to yellow.”
“Well then, babe, that means we need to talk about it!” You insist. You’re feeling frustrated and you hope he doesn’t think it’s directed at him. Well, part of it is since he was less than forthcoming about his feelings but mostly you just wish you could run your fingers through his hair like you always do when he’s uncomfortable. “What’s wrong, Ash, what don’t you like?”
“It’s not that I don’t like it, baby,” Ash sighs, pulling out and setting your legs down on the bed. He pauses, obviously choosing his words carefully. “I think I’m just not used to only getting a verbal response when I’m inside you.”
You furrow your brow. “How do you mean?”
“You’re usually biting my shoulder, grabbing my ass… nails down my back, fingers yanking my hair… pulling me in when you feel overwhelmed and need a kiss,” he shrugs, voice earnest. “You give a lot of physical feedback and I really like that and I think I’m just missing it right now. Doesn’t mean this isn’t good, it’s just different.”
You pout, taken by his honest answer and how despite everything you’ve experienced together tonight, he seems almost bashful sharing this with you. It’s sweet and intimate and makes you feel irreparably soft for him. “Babe…”
He squeezes your legs, giving you one of his million watt smiles to deflect the emotion. “Good different… I mean it when I say I love how much you’ve loved this. Seeing you experience pleasure in a new way has been incredible, baby.”
“Tonight’s been amazing, Ash… but we can untie me now.”
His face falls. “I didn’t mean --”
“I know, babe,” you say understandingly. “But I miss being able to touch you too. I got what I wanted and I want that for you now, too. And thank you for being honest with me.”
He juts out his bottom lip, giving your pout a run for its money. “You sure?”
You nod confidently. “Absolutely. Green. Green, green, green.”
Ashton smiles softly as he easily frees your bound hands from the headboard; he helps you sit up and then begins working on untying your wrists from each other. You once again watch his fingers work, eyes flickering up to study his face as he focuses on separating the knots, pink tongue peeking between his teeth in concentration.
“Hurting at all?” He asks, noticing the redness on your skin as the rope loosens.
“Wrists are fine… think now that the adrenaline is wearing off, my neck and shoulders are mainly what I’m feeling, from having my arms raised for so long,” you report, rolling your head around, evaluating.
“I can definitely rub that out for you,” he offers, eyes not leaving his task, ignoring the smirk he knows you’re giving him for his phrasing. “Hot shower would probably help too.”
Your arms unceremoniously drop into your lap as he finally pulls the rope away. Instead of shaking them out or taking a moment to enjoy their freedom, you immediately fling them around him, squeezing tight as you bury your face into his neck.
“That was great but I missed this,” you murmur, pulling him into a slow kiss.
He hums at your affection but sheepishly admits, “I didn’t mean to make this about me, baby, I really was enjoying it.”
“Oh babe, please don’t feel bad, I’m so glad you said something,” you say firmly. “Trying that wasn’t ‘about’ me or ‘about’ you, it was about us doing it together. I wouldn’t want you to sacrifice your comfort or your pleasure just because it’s something I suggested. You wouldn’t want that for me either.”
“That’s true,” he agrees, practically purring as your fingers stroke his beard.
“And I did really, really enjoy everything else we did tonight,” you share, voice dropping to a seductive hum. His face noticeably lights up at your praise so you continue, twirling the sweaty curls at the base of his neck around your finger. “You did such a good job, babe… everything I imagined something like this could be.”
You draw him into another kiss, smiling as you feel him deepen it. “You were so responsive, baby… so blissed out… some of the noises you were making… gonna be hearing those for a long time,” he rasps, pulling you closer.
Ash groans as you lean in, attaching your lips to his neck, wrapping your hand around his now half hard cock. “I’m still down to take care of this if you are,” you murmur, stroking him.
He gives you an adoring smile. “Anything you want, love.”
“Good,” you say breezily, climbing into his lap. “Because I was serious about wanting to feel your cum inside me.”
He holds your hips as you raise yourself up and slip him back inside you. You stay as close as possible, kissing and touching each other as you gently rock in his lap until you move his hands down to your ass, gesturing for him to help you move. He bounces you on his cock while you let your hands appreciate his body, relishing that you now have the freedom to do so.
"Knew I missed this but didn't realize how much," you breathe, rubbing over his chest, letting your hands graze down his belly and snake around his sides to grip and claw at his back. 
“Incredible, baby… heavenly feeling you all over me,” he pants, voice straining like it always does when he’s close. 
You watch his eyes flutter and his lip catch between his teeth as you pick up the pace. “You deserve it, babe… been so good to me tonight,” you praise, threading your fingers in his hair and tugging his head back, causing him to moan. “Gonna cum for me, Ash? Wanna feel you, babe. Cum for me.”
He holds you tight to his chest as you move, working hard to push him over the edge and with a few grunts and a hushed whine of your name, he buries his face in your neck and spills inside you. You slow your movements until he stills you entirely; he brings a hand between your legs, offering to finish you off but you gently shoo him away before gripping his face with both your hands to kiss him tenderly.
The air is thick as Ashton pulls back to gaze at you with intense fondness and as he opens his mouth to speak, you find your breath catching, in anticipation of what he might be about to say.
“I wonder what we’d have spent our evening doing if I’d gone with a different costume.”
You cackle much harder than his joke warrants but you’re both shocked and relieved to hear his light comment as opposed to the profundity you were expecting. “Something tells me I still would’ve ended up naked,” you shrug, grinning at him as he helps you settle back on the bed.
“Probably… you’re kind of a slut for me, baby,” he teases, cleaning you up, giggling as you playfully kick him.
He lays beside you, examining your wrist as he pulls you closer. “These marks are pretty red, love,” he says, rubbing his thumb over the indentations the rope left.
“Think the skin’s just annoyed,” you reassure him. “I’ll put some lotion on it after I shower.”
“Oooh, am I invited?” He flirts, pursing his lips and raising his brows.
“I assumed… you’re kinda clingy after sex, babe,” you tease, giggling and shrieking as he pokes and tickles you.
Satisfied with his revenge, Ash turns to his side, propping himself up to look at you. “I’m glad you brought all this up, baby,” he says softly, giving your hip a squeeze.
You’re not sure how but the grin you’ve been wearing grows even wider. “Me too, Ash… it was a lot of fun. And I like knowing we can try things out together… feel comfortable exploring a little.”
“Exactly!” He agrees enthusiastically. “I’d do it again.”
You cock a suggestive eyebrow. “This or experimenting in general?”
“Both,” he shrugs casually. “Anything either of us are open to. Could be fun to try something new, could be fun to try this again. Could be fun to do a reverse uno and let you lasso me up.”
You sit up, interested. “Really?” He giggles at your reaction, pressing a peck to your jaw that has dropped open. “So basically what you’re saying is this may have been my first rodeo but it probably wasn’t my last?”
He snorts, pulling you in for a flirty kiss. “Something like that.”
“Yee. Haw.” You smirk against his lips.
I know I announced the end of my taglist but I decided to revive it for this since this was part of an ongoing series and it seemed rude to risk people not knowing there were updates lol.
@hoodharlow  @mashtonasfuck  @pxrxmoore  @bxcketbarnes  @talkfastromance4  @camelliastreet  @itjustkindahappenedreally  @saywhatnow07  @mymindwide  @suchalonelysunflower  @findingliam-o  @fedorable-killjoys  @trix-arent-for-kids  @olivia-foster-irwin  @calmsweetcreature  @onthecliffside-mgc  @feliznavidaddycal  @himbohood  @maggiesupertramp  @karajaynetoday  @ashtonangst  @sunshineeashton  @aladyofalbion  @youngblood199456  @calumrose  @irwindoll  @in-superbloom  @2fangirl4u  @highstwildflower  @bport76  @chamaleonsoul
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