#but i remember eating a bowl of soup and thinking about how it would be described in a redwall book
andromeda3116 · 2 months
...okay that post about redwall made something suddenly click inside my head bc like
yeah, they're incredibly sense-heavy, filled with incredibly strong imagery that invokes all the senses so powerfully that you can smell the feasts... and i devoured them when i was like. ten-twelve. and just starting to really get into writing.
like i'm very proud of my ability to write imagery now as an adult, i feel like it's my greatest strength, and i never really examined where that came from, but falling in love with a series that's so rich in it right at a formative time in my life, particularly with regards to my writing...
redwall taught me how to craft imagery
and not just that, but understanding how to do it has helped me over decades to articulate and describe my surroundings and their impact on me in ways that literally help me organize my thoughts
i know we use "x rewrote my brain chemistry" but like holy shit brian jacques rewrote my brain chemistry
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starlazergazer · 1 year
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request: Anakin is pining over the reader who is a Jedi but is kind of oblivious and shy. Starts off with noticing his gaze from across a room and what the reader thinks are innocent touches but then escalates to thick tension that the reader chooses to ignore due to the code. Eventually Anakin can’t take it anymore and does something about it.
Warnings: Nothing just so much sweet fluff it’ll give you a tooth ache
Word Count: 5.5K
A/N: Actually wrote this one twice lol trying to decide how to do it and went with an alternating reader and Anakin point of view structure as well as changing a few things about the original request that I hope work out so as always let me know what you think!
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“You’re staring” a whispered voice suddenly popping up on his right snapped Anakin out of his stupor, his spoon dropping loudly into his bowl in surprise as he jumped slightly, eyes snapping down to his padawan wearing an expression that was much too amused for his liking.
“I’m eating alone snips” he grunts, picking back up his spoon and making a point to keep his eyes down “I have to look somewhere”
“Sure sure” she nods seriously from beside him, moving her head closer to his shoulder and looking out over the room just as he had “well now that I’m here should we both stare at Y/N?”
At the mention of your name he jumped again, moving immediately to try and quiet Ahsoka and only achieving in knocking his bowl to the ground, the spoon reverberating loudly against the bowl as they strike the ground, soup spraying up and splashing Anakin and Ahsoka’s feet, effectively drawing the attention of the entire room.
On instinct Anakin’s gaze came up and sought out yours immediately, catching a small amused smile on your lips, gaze snapping back down to his feet as he felt one of his own grow on his lips in response, mentally scolding both himself and Ahsoka as he felt the tips of his ears go red.
“There, are you happy now?” he asked Ahsoka, sending a glare in the young padawans direction, getting the girls best attempt at holding in her laughter in response. “Yeah that tracks” he sighed, bending down to pick up his now empty bowl. Rushing from the room before he could embarrass himself in front of you any further.
You weren’t entirely sure why you were nervous.
It was a simple, kind gesture, he’d either accept it or he wouldn’t and that was it. You were a general in the republic’s army, you had been in several active war zones left with nothing but your saber to protect you, you could give Anakin Skywalker a ration bar.
In truth this wasn’t something you would normally have ever considered to do. Sure you’d talked to Anakin a few times in passing, even had one mission together that went fine, but you certainly wouldn’t consider yourself friends, colleagues at best to be honest.
But all throughout lunch you could’ve sworn you felt his eyes on you, could swear through the corners of your own that he was looking right at you throughout the meal, and though you knew you were probably being delusional you had to admit it stuck with you.
Between that and the way his eyes so naturally found yours right after the bowl dropped there was some stupid part of you that felt like it was your fault it all happened, and thus felt the need to make it up to him in return.
But as you entered the briefing room, catching Anakin sitting in one of the chairs encircling the holoprojector alone, his soft green eyes scanning the room around him, the way his long slightly curly hair fell so beautifully just above his shoulders, the soft smile that played on his lips as he listened to the conversations around him, you remembered just why you were nervous in the first place. Because being the object of Anakin’s attention for any amount of time always had your heart racing.
Before you could talk yourself out of it you strode up to Anakin’s chair and thrust the bar out in front of his vision, watching the man recoil ever so slightly at the surprise of its appearance, his gaze following your arm up to your face, the corners of his lips perking up into a slight smile even as his eyebrows scrunched in confusion, wordlessly asking you a question.
“I figured since half of your lunch ended up on your shoes, you’d be hungry” you shrugged, feeling your face heat up as he slowly broke out into a wide smile, taking the bar eagerly from your hand, his fingers brushing up against yours ever so slightly as he did so.
“You saw that huh?” You weren’t expecting the question, had already been ready to walk over across the room and take a random seat on the opposite side reliving every embarrassing moment of this short conversation instead of paying attention. Instead, you were stuck awkwardly standing above him, suddenly completely unsure of what you should do with your now empty hands.
“It was pretty hard to miss” you admitted with a small chuckle, delighted to see his expression mirror your as you did it, using this confidence to keep speaking “the good news is there are certainly worse things to be stuck smelling like for the rest of the day”
He laughed at that and you liked the way he laughed, the way his whole body seemed to curl around the sound, the way he almost leaned into you as he did it, your mind already going into overdrive as you worried if you were standing too close to him.
“Oh here this seats empty” another thing to catch you off guard as Anakin gestured vaguely to the seat next to him.
With no real reason to object, and even a small part of you the relished the simple gesture, you nodded sitting down next to him, not missing the way he shifted his weight to lean closer to you as you did so, in fact focusing way too much on that fact. Probably just so that he could hear you better in the loud room.
“Here” you heard him say from beside you, breaking off a portion of the ration bar you had just given him and holding it up to you, prompting you to raise an eyebrow in response.
“I got that for you” you stammered, not taking the piece from his fingers “you know after you embarrassingly spilled your lunch all over your shoes in front of the entire cafeteria”
He shook his head at that, unable to pull a small smile from his lips as he did so, “Well I was trying to be nice but if you’re just going to bully me, I’ll rethink that course of action” and with that he quickly popped the piece he was offering to you into his mouth.
You giggled back at him at that, your shoulder brushing up against his as you did so, immediately pulling back from him, scolding yourself for invading his personal space for a second time in the span of five minutes. It was going to be a tough meeting.
Anakin knew he should probably leave you alone after that.
After pulling you in to sit with him through the incredibly boring tactical meeting and embarrassing himself in front of you at lunch you probably felt like you had seen enough of him for the week at least.
But fate, it would seem, had another plan as he walked into the jedi library and saw you standing in front of one of the shelves.
Still he could’ve gone to another part of the library, he really only needed to look up one thing, he’d be in and out in a few minutes flat. But then you were on your toes, your arm stretched far above your head, the other steadying yourself on a lower shelf, trying desperately to reach a book on the top shelf that fell just inches from your hand. And he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.
He was already approaching you before he could stop himself, already ready to reach up and effortlessly pluck the book you wanted from the shelf, but then he saw you bend your knees slightly, getting ready to jump for it.
And that was why his hand immediately went to your waist, to stop you and pull you back slightly, to stop the entire top shelf from falling on top of you as you tried to pull the desired book down. Least that was what he told himself. Why he felt the need to pull you deeper into his chest as he did so, well he had less of an excuse for that.
He was ready to crack some sort of joke about your height, about the catastrophe of an avalanche of books you were about to cause, but then you spun around to face him, big eyes gazing up at him through your lashes, lips slightly parted in surprise, and he felt the words die in his throat, completely forgetting whatever he was going to say in an instant.
“I could’ve gotten it” you objected halfheartedly with a small laugh, and much to his pleasre he could see a new pink hue dusting your cheeks.
“Well I could always just put it back” He shrugged as he leaned in close to you again, reaching over your head to put the book back, telling himself it was just committing to the bit
Then your hands were on his chest and Anakin felt his breath faulter, his movements halted in an instant as you pushed him back from the shelf softly, a wide grin on his face mirroring yours as you did so, the two of you sharing a soft chuckle before he handed you the book, a little sad it was too large to have his hands brush against yours as he did with the ration bar, missing the soft tingle that reverberated through him from the simple contact.
You thanked him with a soft smile, turning to go back to your seat at the desks and Anakin was already talking himself into choosing a desk across the library from you. Telling himself he owed you some respite from him today, even if he had already ruined his last attempt at that as soon as he entered the library.
Then you were talking to him, his brain taking a brief moment to pull himself to attention at your words. “here this seats empty”
He’d never been so happy to hear his own words repeated back at him.
With a smile and a nod he followed you back to the table, giving you a brief moment to pull some of your notes and books towards you own seat and out of his way before sitting down, absolutely relishing the fact that you were making room for him to sit next to you.
“What’re you researching?” he asked you, nodding to the screen in front of you, eager to keep the conversation going.
“Devaron” you answered simply, Anakin watching the way your eyes flicked back between him and the screen as you talked, focusing more on the way your lips moved than the words they said, getting only half sentences if he were honest as you explained your plan to infiltrate a separatist encampment to steal back a holocron.
He let his posture relax more the more you talked, his weight shifting to lean more towards you without even thinking about it, his knees with a mind of their own going to rest softly against yours as he leaned in to look at your screen as you explained, not missing the way you immediately pulled your knee back at the contact, scootching ever so slightly away from him as he leaned in, trying desperately to not let your actions get to him.
Instead he pushed it a little further.
You didn’t even have the chance to think about moving before he was just there, his head floating mere inches above your shoulder, ends of his long hair tickling your ear softly as he peered at the text displayed before you.
“Oh here” You tried to ignore the way the words came out as a squeak, the flush of red on your cheeks at the feeling of his chest just barely skimming your back as you started to lean away, letting him get a better look at the screen before his hand shot out to your shoulder to stop you, pulling you back to your original position.
“No it’s okay you’re fine” he assured you softly, eyes never leaving the screen, hand never leaving your shoulder.
Immediately your brain was in overdrive, focusing on your breathing too much trying to make sure it wasn’t too loud, on the hand that rested on your shoulder and the tingle it sent through the area as his thumb brushed softly up and down, on the scent of his cologne that completely encapsulated you in this moment.
“Would you quit fidgeting it’s hard to read with so much movement coming out of the corner of my eye” he teased you breaking you from your thoughts.
“Well if you’d just let me move you can have the screen all to yourself” you defended, trying again to lean away from him only to have his hand hold you effectively in place.
“you’re not giving me your seat it’s fine we can share just sit still for two seconds” he protested, never once moving from the spot just above your shoulder.
And you tried, oh how you had tried so hard to be still, but he was right there, one of the most gorgeous beings you’d even seen mere inches from your face, the skin beneath his touch burned on your shoulder, his slightly musty scent seemed to completely encapsulate you, and you found it hard to focus on anything but Anakin Skywalker.
Then too quickly he was pulling back, shifting back around to sit down in his seat, a concentrated look on his face as he bent over some of the books you had pulled.
And all you could think about was that that had to have been done on purpose. The way his knee rested against yours when you sat side by side, or his shoulder bumped yours when you walked, you could explain all of that, even the way he seemed to pull you into him as he grabbed the book from over your head, or the way his eyes always seemed to be planted on you when you turned to look at him. Could chalk any of it up to wishful thinking, to innocent touches, to signs of friendship. But what had just happened?
You could read his screen from your position now without straining, without even shifting your weight towards him, there was no reason to get that close, not unless he wanted to.
But the back of your mind was screaming at you, protesting that you were being ridiculous, that there was the jedi code to think of, that Anakin was too good a jedi to even think of breaking it just to form an attachment to someone.
“Why don’t Ahoska and I come with you” His words snapped you back to reality, your cheeks heating up as you realized you weren’t entirely sure how long he had been speaking, how long you had been blatantly staring at him.
“Oh-are you sure?” you asked him in surprise.
“Yeah” he shrugged nonchalantly, looking up from the book before him with a soft smile “Ahoska could use the practice, and it sounds like you could use the backup”
“That would be great actually” you said honestly, gaze flickering back to the map before you, already forming a plan in your mind as you spoke “having a full team there in case things go wrong would be perfect”
“Great” Anakin grinned back at you, a hand coming down to clap your knee softly as he stood, Anakin pulling his hand back from you sooner than you would have liked “We’ll meet you at the loading dock tomorrow morning”
“Sounds good” you smiled back at him as he turned to leave, watching him walk back through the doors, not even thinking to question the fact that he never accomplished whatever he had come to the library to do.
To say that Anakin was happy to see the seat next to you on board was empty was an understatement, he was absolutely ecstatic to the point that not even Ahsoka’s teasing smirk sent is way from across the space could ruin it.
Bounding up to you happily he planted himself in the chair next to you, knocking into your side playfully as he did so, “You ready to go steal a holocron?”
You seemed almost surprised to see him, as if you hadn’t heard him come aboard and walk over to you, but still you painted on a smile, though one that didn’t quite reach your eyes, Anakin’s brain immediately switching over to concern. “what’s wrong?”
You scrunched your brows back at that, immediately pulling away from him though only slightly, gaze going to your feet “what? Nothing?”
He just shook his head at that, his eyes immediately going to your hands and the way your fingers absentmindedly picked at the skin around your nails as you avoided his gaze. Without even thinking his hand shot out, encapsulating one of your in his, his fingers effortlessly intertwining themselves in yours, Anakin wanting to admire just how well your hand fit within his but too preoccupied In trying to figure out what was wrong.
His touch pulled your attention back to him, your gaze bouncing back and forth between his eyes, clearly trying to decide if you should say something.
“It’s alright you can talk to me” he all but whispered, nodding encouragingly, all but begging you to let him in.
“It’s dumb” you dismissed quickly, eyes casting back around the ship but your grip on his hand tightened ever so slightly, Anakin unable to do anything but smile slightly at the gesture, using his thumb to rub lazy circles on the back of your hand.
You gaze was drawn down to your hands in response and Anakin felt his movement hiccup, a brief pause as he worried for a second that was he was doing was wrong, that he was making you uncomfortable, but then he saw the edges of your lips turn up almost imperceptibly and he felt his heart swell in his chest, taking a deep breath and giving your hand a small squeeze letting you know he was here.
“It’s just-“ you stuttered and stopped, finally looking back up at him “Is it dumb that I’m more nervous now with people going than I was when I was going alone”
And though Anakin could never think anything you thought was dumb he couldn’t help but chuckle softly at that, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion at your words “what? Why?”
“Because it’s like” you sighed and he felt your grip go light in his, felt you start to pull away from him, but this time he wouldn’t let you, keeping his grip tight he pulled you softly into him, your shoulder coming to rest calmly against his, your grip thankfully returning in response as a soft chuckle escaped your lips, a sound Anakin grasped onto eagerly. “It’s like now I’m responsible for three more people ya know?” you asked hesitantly, gaze going out to spy on Ahsoka and Rex talking calmly across the room “before it was just me but now if something goes wrong…I just don’t want any of you to get hurt because of me”
And Anakin couldn’t help but grin at that, not wasting the opportunity to lean over and hide his smile in your hair, suppressing his urge to press a kiss to the crown of your head as he did so, “its not dumb, it’s sweet”
You pulled back at his words, eyes going suspiciously to his face “you’re laughing at me”
And with those words he couldn’t help but chuckle, even as he tried to protest “no I’m not-“
“You are” and even your voice started to bounce as you held in your own giggles, Anakin’s cheeks aching ever so slightly as he chuckled back in response.
“No its not-“
But you cut him off again, pushing off of him to stand up but he kept his grip firm, effortlessly pulling you back down into your seat, sure that you had let him do it anyways. “hold on hold on let me explain” he tried to calm himself down, unable to think of anything at first but at how close you now sat next to him, your thigh pressed firmly against his as you all but sat on top of him.
“Look Ahsoka, Rex and I have been on hundreds of missions before and we’ve always made it back” you looked up at him doubtingly and Anakin had to fight the urge to melt into your gaze “we’ve had hundreds of missions go wrong on us, very wrong, and we’ve always been able to handle it. This one won’t be any different”
Your gaze casted back out to Ahsoka and Rex a soft shake in your head as you spoke again, your voice small and hesitant “are you sure”
And finally, Anakin let go of your hand, using his now free arm to wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into a soft side hug before he whispered “yeah I’m sure”
“As far as the plan?” Ahsoka asked you from the copilots seat, looking up at you from where you stood behind Rex’s chair, watching the separatist encampment come into view.
“There’s three entrances” you explained, barely able to tear your eyes away from the window “main one then two others on each side that are much smaller used mostly for transporting supplies. I’ll take the east one, you and Anakin take the west, Rex stays back here with the ship ready to shoot anyone or take off quickly depending on how things go”
You cast your eyes to look back at Ahsoka who was nodding her head softly as she thought then up to Anakin just behind her chair only to see he was already looking down at you, shaking his head, his lips pressed into a thin line. “You’re not going alone” he objected quickly “you and Ahsoka take the west I’ll take the east”
You physically recoiled at that, brows scrunching up back at him in confusion, not entirely sure where this was coming from all of a sudden “this is my mission, I was going to go alone anyways”
“And now we’re here” he shot back, making it a point to avoid your gaze as he watched Rex’s landing “so you didn’t have to be alone”
“Hold on I was fine with going alone you were the one-“
Ahsoka interrupted you as you started to get louder, pointing an accusatory finger in Anakin’s direction “I’ll take the west you two go together on the east”
“no” Yours and Anakin’s answer came quickly and in perfect unison, Ahsoka rolling her eyes in response as she crossed her arms over her chest, a posture that now perfectly mirrored both your’s and Anakin’s.
“Look based on the encampments shape the west side will be the less populated one so it makes sense that I take it alone and the two of you take the more difficult one” she tried to explain.
“If that’s the case than I-“ you were ramping up for your argument but watched as Anakin’s shoulders slumped slightly in response, not letting you get out another word before he was conceding with a simple ‘fine’.
As if you had never said anything you watched as Ahsoka grinned triumphantly up at her master, a gesture that just seemed to annoy him further though you still caught a small proud smile snaking its way to his features.
“Hold on-“ you tried to object again but Anakin was already exiting the cockpit, giving your shoulder a soft tap and squeeze as he did, leaving you frozen in space as you watched him go.
“What on earth just happened?” you asked the room earning a small giggle from Ahsoka in response “this was my mission did he really just come in and steamroll his way into making all the plans”
You watched Ahsoka and Rex share a look from their seats before answering in perfect unison “you get used to it”
You groaned softly at their response but couldn’t help but laugh softly at the situation, running a tired hand over your face “I just don’t get why he wouldn’t just let me go on my own, does he not trust me?”
“No he trusts you” Ahsoka tried to assure you quickly but you could already feel yourself spiraling.
“I mean I told him that I was nervous before we took off what if he thinks because of that I’m not capable”
“He speaks very highly of your abilities as a jedi” Ahsoka shook her head in response, stealing a glance at Rex as she did so “I know for a fact that he trusts you with his life”
At that you had to stop, your mind reeling for a second at the thought that Anakin could have spoke so highly about you to Ahsoka before, it wasn’t like he’d ever really been around you enough to know that. “I don’t-“
“Look” Ahsoka sighed with a slight chuckle, spinning around in her chair to face you “he likes you, he just wants to make sure you’re safe”
“But you’re his padawan” you pointed out in confusion “he likes you too and you get to go off on your own”
At this Ahsoka smirked slightly, turning back around to face the window “yeah but it’s different with me”
This only had you more confused “how is it-“
Before you could ask, however, Rex interrupted you “alright we’re here” in surprise you turned your gaze to the window to see that you had in fact landed, you too focused on your talk with Ahsoka and fight with Anakin to even register that fact. “Now you two get going let’s get out of here as quickly as possible”
You were uncomfortably aware of every part of his body that was touching yours, the way you could feel his chest rise and fall against yours with every breath, the way you really had no choice but to look at him.
“Come on I know you’re mad at me” his voice came out in a whisper, prompting you to turn your head up tentatively to look at him through your lashes only to see him already looking down at you, his hands pressed against the wall above your head trying to give you as much space as possible. “I’m sorry I ended up picking the worst spot to hide I didn’t know-“
You cut him off before he could go on any longer rambling “It’s not that”
He scrunched his eyebrows at you “then what is it?”
You shook your head slightly at his expression, casting your gaze back down, desperately wishing you were anywhere but here to have this conversation. Instead of just moving past it like you had hoped he would, however, Anakin stayed silent, his gaze firmly locked down on you, practically pulling the answer out of you.
“It’s this whole mission” You sighed, not missing the way Anakin seemed to only get more confused.
“This was my mission, a simple break in and grab the holocron” you tried to explain “then you ask to join with Ahsoka and I agree and all of a sudden you’re the one making the plans pushing me out of my own mission by delegating me to a less important part, telling me I need to have a partner and can’t go out on my own”
“that’s not-“ You cut him off again before he could deny it.
“It doesn’t matter, it’s my mission. That means you sit down and listen to my plans you don’t get to come in and tell me what I’m going to do and not do on my mission that’s not how this works” You paused for a quick breath, finally chancing a look back up at Anakin “You can’t demote me, not here not now”
His eyes bounced quickly back and forth between yours, concern evident on his face as he formulated his response, taking a moment before speaking “I’m just trying to protect you”
“I don’t need your protection” you countered with a small huff “I’m a fully trained Jedi knight I can handle myself, but I know you’ve regularly got Ahsoka doing more dangerous stuff than this so what about protecting her?”
“It’s different with her”
And there was that explanation again, that same cop out excuse that didn’t tell you anything. You could hope, tell yourself that you knew what it meant, but you didn’t, you needed to hear him say it.
“Why is It different?”
Anakin didn’t say anything to that, deep breaths echoing through his chest to your own as they rose and fell against one another, his eyes bouncing back and forth between your own, quick trips down to your lips that you swore were only in your head. But at that point every time you had overthought your and Anakin’s relationship was whirling around in your head. Every time you looked up to see him already staring at you, every touch he seemed to go out of his way to make, every excuse he’s made to hang out with you or be close. It couldn’t be all in your head could it?
“Are you okay?” The question seemed to come out of nowhere, surprising you slightly, your head backing up to softly bump the wall behind you.
Because in truth you weren’t, you could feel your heart crawling up into your throat, could feel every point of contact between the two of you now like electricity dancing over your skin, could feel the burning desire to just close the small gap between the two of you. But the code, always the code.
“I’m fine” You brushed him off, turning your gaze back to the ground, anywhere but his.
“Hey” He called out to you softly, fingers dropping from over your head down to your chin, pulling your gaze back up to his softly, his fingers dropping down to the side of your neck quickly, pressing softly into the skin. “Your heart is racing”
You could only feel it get faster after that comment, could feel the way your cheeks got hotter from beneath his worried gaze, brushing his fingers off you quickly “I’m fine”
“Is it the tight space?” He was whispering quickly now, already inching his head towards the grate trying to peak out.
“No I’m-“ you tried to object but he was already running off on his own tangent.
“If you need to get out of here we can try and sneak out” he was inching more towards the grate by the second, hands coming off the wall to try and pry it off.
You couldn’t let him leave yet, it was too early the two of you were bound to be caught, so you reached out, grabbing his face in both of your hands and pulling it down to meet your gaze “Anakin it’s not the tight space” you watched his brows bunch up in confusion again, letting the rest of your sentence spill out of you before you could think better of it “it’s you, it’s the way we’re pressed up against one another, the way you keep looking at me like that. It’s you, you make me nervous”
You could practically see his brain stutter, all his features relaxing for a moment as he processed what you said, the corners of his lips ticking up slightly as he did so “I make you nervous?”
“Yes” you breathed out, the panic within you forcing you to tack on more to the sentence “of course you do,  you have a reputation of regularly jumping out of moving speeders and are actively trying to sneak out of our hiding spot before it’s time”
A smirk grew on his face at your words as he dipped his head closer to yours down at your eyes level, so close your noses were nearly touching, his hands planted firmly on either side of your head against the wall “but that’s not in the way that you meant it. Right?”
You watched the way his tongue darted out from between his lips, wetting his bottom one quickly, eyes snapping up to meet his again with a blush staining your cheeks a deep enough color you were sure he could see it even in the dim lighting. “Why is it different with Ahsoka?” You whispered the question so softly you weren’t entirely sure he could hear it.
But god help you he chuckled at it, his eyes twinkling softly as he inched forward even closer, “because I’m not in love with Ahsoka”
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yelenasdiary · 6 months
Maybe for Fluff Friday. Any chance of seeing maybe y/n overworking herself to the point of exhaustion, forgetting to get her vaccines and ending up with the flu but insists on working through. Cue Natasha stepping in to take care of her to the surprise of the team since Nat’s been cold towards her ever since she joined the Avengers not long ago?
Holiday Spirit
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Avenger! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Christmas was approaching and with the stress of being an Avenger and trying to remember to keep up with things outside of work such as vaccinations, you became sick with the last person you thought would take it soon themselves to take care of you.
Warnings:Fluff/Comfort, No Warnings | 1.1K
AC:Something a little different for the holidays! Thank you for sending this 🥰
Holiday Special Masterlist
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It wasn't like you to forget to keep up with your vaccinations but this year just slipped through your fingers, apparently there were more aliens wanting to threaten earth than ever before. You were able to get most yearly vaccinations but missed one that you now wish you didn't forget. 
With Christmas just a week away, you come down with the flu. Body aches, blocked nose, headaches, fever, sore throat, chills, congestion & fatigue all rolled into one, taking its toll on you, but you swore not to let it stop you from doing your job. Since joining the Avengers, you've worked your arse off in training and missions to prove yourself to the team. Everybody loved and trusted you, there wasn't any reason to prove yourself but you never felt like everybody was on board with you joining the team. 
Natasha Romanoff, aka, Black Widow. She was rather cold towards you, sly looks thrown your way whenever you spoke up in mission briefings, barely taking to you whenever working together and would often leave the room shortly after you entered. Everybody told you that Nat just takes some time to warm up, to adjust to a new member and that she'd come around eventually but that was well over six months ago and you were sure the assassin just simply didn't like you. 
You started your day with a hot mug of tea, something you always enjoyed better whenever you were sick, you had some oatmeal for breakfast before hitting the gym for a very slow and painful training session before taking a hot shower that felt like heaven on your aching body. Next it was time to catch up on a load of mission reports that you'd been too busy to get too, you made another tea and made yourself as comfortable as you could be in the compounds study. 
It wasn't long until your eyes got heavy and you were struggling to keep your head up, weak and tired you began to feel how exhausted and burnt out your body was. Natasha had watched you all morning, following her eyes at your stupidity for not spending the day in bed. She noticed that you hadn't eaten since breakfast and decided to make you something. 
"Since when did you cook something that wasn't microwaveable?" Clint asked when he saw Natasha stirring a large pot of soup on the stove. Nat rolled her eyes, "Y/n's sick" she replied. Clint frowned slightly, "so you're making them soup?" He asked.
"Soup helps, they're sick, pretty sure it adds up" the assassin spoke rather bluntly.
Clint quickly picked up that Nat wasn't open for discussion on the topic, she had never expressed her thoughts about you besides the fact she didn't think the team needed a new member but Clint knew that Natasha was impressed with your skills, she just wouldn't admit it. 
"Okay, enough of that, get up" you heard Natasha's voice behind you. 
"Huh? Oh, no, I have so much left to do" you replied, trying to shake the tiredness in your voice. 
"You're not doing anybody any favours by working yourself to the ground. You're sick, you've got the flu. Let your body rest" she explained before placing a bowl of hot soup in front of you, "eat this then it's off to bed" she added. You felt rather confused on her odd behavior, why out of everybody did Natasha care that you were sick? 
"Thanks Nat, I really appreciate this but I'm not really hungry" you slightly pushed the bowl to the side. 
"You've barely eaten, this isn't up for discussion" Natasha replied sternly, her arms crossed over her chest. From what you could smell through your stuffy nose, the soup smelt delicious and made your stomach grumble. You looked up at Natasha who wasn't going to take no for an answer, grabbed the spoon and started eating. 
The warm goodness hitting the back of your throat gave an almost instant relief to your swollen tonsils and it had just enough spice to it that you felt your nose begin to run. Natasha handed you a tissue and placed some cold and flu tablets on the table before taking a seat on the armchair in the corner of the room. She watched to make sure you eat everything you could that was in the bowl. Wiping your mouth on a fresh issue, you looked over to the redhead. 
"Thank you, I guess I really needed that" you smiled softly. 
"Your body needs rest, why are you fighting that?" Natasha asked.
"I've never left a silly cold get the better of me, besides I have things I need to catch up on" you explained but Natasha could see through your words. 
"You've already earned your spot in the team y/n, you don't have to prove yourself" she spoke, your eyes dropped to the unfinished mission report in front of you. 
"But I do" you replied, "to you, I do" you added. Natasha frowned at your honesty, "you have nothing to prove to me, not anymore" 
Slowly, your eyes looked up at her trying to read if she was just saying that to make you feel better. "You've ignored everybody telling you to stay in bed and recover, you've ignored your body's need for rest, you put everything else before yourself. You work hard, you train hard, you don't leave anybody behind, for once, let somebody take care of you" the assassin went on. 
"If I'm being honest, Nat, I've always felt like you don't like me or even what me on the team" you replied before blowing your nose and downing two tablets, washing them down with water. 
"Maybe it's just holiday spirit from all the decorations you and Wanda put up but, I don't hate you. I worried that maybe the team wasn't a good fit for you, that you could be off enjoying your life, but I was wrong and I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. Now will you please just go get some rest?"
Your eyes dropped back to the mission report once more, sighing as you felt defeat. "The reports will still be there when you're better" Natasha reminded you as she stood up, her hand reaching for yours, "I'm not taking no for an answer" she added. 
"Whoever made this needs to make it again!" Steve commented before taking another mouthful of soup, Tony nodded in agreement. 
"Nat made it for Y/n" Clint replied, cleaning one of his newly made arrows. 
"Yeah right" Thor chuckled, Tony agreeing with him. 
"Have you seen Y/n all afternoon?" Clint asked the others with a raised brow, they shook their heads, "Nat made them go to bed, she's out right now getting other things for them" the archer added. 
"Sounds like Natasha finally found some holiday spirit" Wanda smiled softly.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @shibugs | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | @carol-romanoff | @jono723 | 
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nor-4 · 2 months
Taking care of Sick Geto
Geto Suguru x Reader
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"Geto let go I'm gonna pee" You said as you tried shaking geto off, it's been around 8 hours ever since both of you found out that geto is sick.
After that it's like you are trapped in a cage since geto wanted to hug you all day. "Nooo.. Can you hold it for a minute?" he murmured in your chest as he held you waist a bit tighter which makes you wanna take a pee more.
"I'm sweating bullets, it's already hot and you decided to hug me.." You tried reasoning as you try to shake of from his arms, "Not my fault you looks so huggable" He said as he readjusted his arms almost hitting the bowl from the night table that is filled with soup from earlier morning that you made so the medicine will be more effective for him.
Once geto re adjusted you took the advantage to get up from the bed which made the bed rise a little.
You and getou's shared house is not too fancy like those houses you find on pinterest, but sure is cozy and warm that makes you feel really welcome. A type of house that you will be comfortable to have a sleep over with, pantries filled with foods and snacks that geto sure will be nagging about when both of you are out for grocery, those neat looking kitchen that those Asian moms would love.
The living room that kids love because of those consoles and games that geto own, it's a safe place for both of you when all you just wanted was to hug each other while watching.
"I think I'm gonna die.." Geto said looking at you as he was sitting on the floor on the door of the bathroom like a kid as you do your business on the bathroom, "You're not don't worry." You said as you are scrolling through your phone.
"what's taking you so long? Are you shitting?" he nagged you again while giggling, his voice is a bit deeper, more raspy and airy than his normal voice. You always tease him about that because you said that he sound like a kid Justin bieber.
"Maybe you wouldn't know." You shrugged as you wash your self up and flushed the toilet really quick so geto wouldn't even try to take a peak, "Ewww it stinks" Geto acted as he pinch his nose as you walk by.
"Stop acting, you won't act like that later on when you couldn't breath on your other nostril." You said as you headed down stairs to make both of you a meal, this will be the third time that both of you eat. It's very rare for both of you to eat more than three time a day, you guys only did this when either both of you are sick.
Geto followed you like a lost kid as he walk lazily around the house, "I'm not feeling vegetables right now" he complained as he sat down near the stove so he will still be near you.
"Then don't eat, might as well make your cold worse." You stated as you started chopping the vegetables as geto sang lazily to the song you played, it's a habit of you to play music while cooking. Geto remembers the time when he wasn't sick he would dance around just to annoy you or just to enjoy the time with you.
You remembered the time where geto memorized the whole choreo of water by tyla just for you to watch him dance the whole song.
Your mind didn't have the capacity of a phone nor the smartest person on earth. But you remember every detail of it, you remember how much he made you so happy, how much effort he did just to make you laugh after a very busy and stressful week.
"God you're so beautiful.." Geto whispered as you looked at him seeing him looking at you with agape mouth, "I think I should marry you for the 100 times... Noo it's not enough, I should marry you on every chance I get. You know if you are sick, like really sick that there is no other cure than for me to die. I would rather die happy that I get to be loved by you."
Geto said this the time you said yes to him being your beloved of your life forever. He still remembers every detail even the tone he had while saying this, he always have a deja vu everytime he says this it was a good deja ju. A euphoria of the time where he vowed to never make you feel unwanted, unloved or anything that will make you sad. The time he vowed to love you in every aspect of your life, the time he said gratefully that he will love you even as a worm.
"You're being-" you are about to talk but geto keeps shushing you, "Oh girl now let's not ruin the moment." he sassed as you giggled while handling him the plate.
"I'd rather eat dick than eat vegetables all day.." Geto said raising his eyebrows on the vegetables, as you laugh smacking the sickness out of his system.
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helplesspuppet-bsd · 3 months
They take care of you when you’re on your period 
Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor 
Fem! Reader, Comfort, ooc(?), minor mention of suicide (it’s Dazai) 
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Chuuya noticed almost at once that something was off when he ran into you during work. He went over to say a quick ‘hello’ wanting to know how your day was. But you only seemed to hide yourself from him. 
“Y/n!” Chuuya called out as he walked over to his beautiful girlfriend, you didn’t turn to turn to face him, you didn’t want him to see you like this, you had finished crying at the pain your cramps had given you, and not just wanting to go to the store to get painkillers. 
You felt his hand on your shoulder “Baby...?” His voice was laced with concern and confusion. He remembered you acting normal this morning.  
‘Did something happen? Is she okay? Why is she hiding her face from me? Why isn’t she responding to me’ Those were the thoughts that went through Chuuya’s head before trying again “Baby... Why won’t you turn to face me?” His voice was now smooth, while still having that concern for you, Chuuya showed little care about showing affection to you in public at that moment when you still didn’t respond to him, his relationship with you was well known in the mafia, they knew you came first above all in his eyes. 
Chuuya had begun to place light kisses on your neck and behind your ear while his hands rested on the top of your arms, his touch was gentle has he whispered in your ear “Please... Look at me...”  Chuuya’s silent plea was only for you to hear. Your body was relaxed with everything he was doing. 
You did not notice him turn you around to look at him until you were looking at his face “Baby... Are you alright?” Chuuya asked, his voice soft and caring. You looked away in embarrassment “I’m fine, Chuuya.” You responded in a mumble as you avoided making eye contact with him. Chuuya sighed, he didn’t believe a word of that, but he had a job he should be doing “We’ll talk when we get back” Chuuya said as he placed a quick kiss on the back of your hand and went back to the men working under him. 
Later that night, Chuuya was home a bit later than usual, you were curled up on your and Chuuya’s shared bed, taking all the coves and wrapped in a cocoon. You heard Chuuya’s footsteps and the scent of soup, the door opened “I figured this was the case” Chuuya said as he walked in the room, using his foot close the door as he carried a tray with soup, water and antibiotics. He placed the tray on the bedside table and sat down next to where you laid.
“How...?” You asked with meek voice, you didn’t look up at him as Chuuya let out a laugh “Baby, we have been together for almost a year now, I think I can notice a pattern between a normal day, and when your body decides to betray you.” Chuuya said as he put his hands through your hair. He stared at you for a minute “Alright Y/n, sit up.” Chuuya ordered as he placed his hand under you, ready to help you sit up. 
After a minute you, with Chuuya’s help, sat up. Chuuya picked up the tray and placed it on her lap, “Come on, eat up baby.” Chuuya said as he urged you to eat the soup. His smile was everything when you looked up at him, that smile, the smile he gave you as his eye was filled with nothing but adoration. That smile would make you melt. You brought the bowl closer to you and began eating the soup. Chuuya watched you eat the soup as he kept that smile on his face, you see the antibiotics on a small plate the tray with water next to it. 
“I didn’t know if you were in any pain still, so... I wanted to be safe.” Chuuya admitted as he watched you put the tray to the side, “I love you...” You whispered as tears fell down your face, Chuuya placed his gloved hands on your cheeks, holding your face in his palms, as you sobbed “I love you so much...” You said again as Chuuya soon placed kisses on your face, laying down on the bed with you, his arms now wrapped around you.  
“Don’t cry baby...” Chuuya whispered in your ear as you relaxed in his arms, your eyes growing heavier as you closed your eyes and quickly fell asleep in Chuuya’s arms.
This brutal and ruthless mafia man quickly melts into your soft boyfriend whenever he is home with you, no matter for how long that is. 
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Dazai was always one to know when something was wrong, mainly because you make it obvious to him. “Dazai...” You whine as you wrap your arms around his waist. You didn’t want him to leave yet, “Y/n...” Dazai repeated, copying the whiney voice you were playing on your own voice “Do you want anything?” Dazai then asked in his normal smooth voice. “Yes... The sweet embrace of death.” You mumble, before you hear Dazai give out a light chuckle “Tempting... But I’m not going to commit a double suicide with you just yet.” Dazai said as you pried himself off you “But, I can get you some antibiotics.” Dazai said as he walks into the kitchen. 
He came back a minute later with medicine and a glass of water. He gave them to you and sat back down next to you as you took the medicine. You wrapped your arms around Dazai, and he returned that. 
“You’re staying because you want to annoy Kunikida, don’t you?” You whisper as you relax in his arms “No. I just want to make sure you are okay before I leave” Dazai said as he tried not to make it obvious that he was, even though there was truth in what he was saying as he placed soft kisses on your head as it rested against Dazai’s stomach, as he petted your head “You’re terrible at lying to me Dazai.” You whispered as you enjoy the affection Dazai gave you. As you close your eyes, falling asleep again, while hearing “I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
It had been only an hour or two before you woke up, you weren’t in Dazai’s arms anymore. Instead, you heard Kunikida’s annoyed voice talking to Dazai. You stood up and walked over to the in the bedroom “Kunikida?” You mumble as you see an angry Kunikida held Dazai by the collar of his shirt. 
“Oh... Good Morning Y/n.” Kunikida greeted as if he wasn’t holding your boyfriend “Um... I’m sorry, it’s my fault for keeping Dazai here.” You apologized while giving a small bow of respect towards him “Wait, you were being serious Dazai?” Kunikida said as he let go of Dazai “Of course I was.” Dazai responded “You see, Y/n over here wasn’t feeling well this morning, and I wanted to take care of her.” Dazai said as he went over to you again “You make it sound like I’m sick.” You say with almost as a question.
“What? Of course you are!” Dazai said as he placed his hand on your head as you just stared at him like you were going to kill him. Kunikida left at that point, getting the main gist of what Dazai meant by ‘not feeling well’ 
Dazai, seeing that he doesn’t have any backup in this situation, he had one more trick up his sleeve, as he placed his hand on your cheek “Come on... You know you can’t be mad at me forever.” Dazai said as he brought his face closer to yours, as a blush appeared on your face “You’re just using this as an excuse to stay off work.” You said as you pushed him away but allowed him to have his arms wrapped around your waist. “Come on, wouldn’t you like to have me for a whole day” Dazai teased as he quickly stole a kiss from you, his reason to live. 
Dazai picked you up and brought you back to bed, “Now... I’m going to go and get something for us to eat, let me know if you need anything.” Dazai said before he left to the kitchen. 
You could only give a smile as he walked away.
You loved your suicidal maniac. Even with all his quirks. 
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You had stayed in bed, rarely getting up for anything, you were in so much pain. It stared later in the day, after Fyodor disappeared to work, you doubt he would’ve come out until the ungodly hours of the night. 
You didn’t hear the door open or close, nor did you hear footsteps come closer to you until you felt the weight on the bed shift. You turned to see Fyodor’s face “Fyodor?” You mumbled, it was loud enough for him to hear, “You haven’t come in yet, Lyubov.” Fyodor was normally a cold, unfeeling man. 
“Oh...” You replied as you had just realized the time it was late in the afternoon. “What is wrong?” Fyodor asked, he was not an idiot, you knew you couldn’t lie to him, but you were also embarrassed about it. 
“Lyubov?” He leaned in closer to you, his sharp eyes pierced through yours. “It’s embarrassing, Fyodor.” You whispered as you looked at him, he only looked at you for a moment before leaning forward to place a light kiss on your temple. “I’ll be back, Moya Lyubov.” Fyodor said before he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. 
It took him until the early hours of the night before he returned, with a bag of food for you, there was a lot of it, as the mere sight caused your mouth to water and your stomach to rumble. Fyodor only let out a small chuckle as he sat on the bed again, he took out some a box, it was a Japanese take out, sushi mostly. You sat up and looked at him with a questioning look. 
Normally, Fyodor wouldn’t bring the address that he and you live at for anything, it confused you. Fyodor picked up on your confusion and only said “I asked a colleague of mine to bring it.” That made more sense to you, but, nonetheless, she was happy that Fyodor did this for her. You ate the sushi that Fyodor gave you, he looked at you while smiling. “I must say... Your beauty increases whenever I see that face of pleasure you hold” Fyodor flirted as he watches you with admiration. 
“Darling... I must go grab something.” Fyodor said as he walked to the door, opening it, and mentioning as he left the room, “It will not be long. I will be back soon.” You could hear the amusement in Fyodor’s voice, as well as his smile. You continued to eat, even as Fyodor came back in a minute later. You heard something being put on the ground, as a familiar tune starts to play. 
You looked up at him and saw that he brought his cello into the room, you watched as he played the song you’ve heard him play so many times, yet he never tells you the name of. “You never tell me what you play whenever I am not at my greatest Fyodor.” You say, as his eyes are closed as he expertly played the cello, being confident that he can play without looking at the chords he is playing. 
He only chucked as he looked at you with his usual smile “It is only a simple melody. Nothing much to the average person, at once myself. But you love it so much I cannot help but relate it to our love” Fyodor answered, his eyes held nothing but love for the woman in front of him as his expression softened. 
“But even then... Nothing could describe my love for the angel god sent down to me. The love that courses through my very body for you. It makes me forget about being both crime and punishment. You are the one thing I cannot afford to lose” Fyodor said, he kept playing, kept looking at you, as you stared back at him, your eyes are filled with love, you felt tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Fyodor let the melody play out before he walked over to you “Does my words of truth make you feel so many emotions it brings you to tear?” Fyodor asked as he sat down on the bed next to you, placing his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb to wipe the tears that fell down your face. “I wonder what my kiss would do to you right now.” Fyodor teased before he chuckled and went in to kiss your lips. You couldn’t help but melt into it, his cold hands felt heavenly as he held your face. 
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cinnajun · 11 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: zb1 when you're sick
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a/n: i love writing stuff like this, mostly because i think how someone takes care of u when ur sick means a lot :)) it’s very endearing to me!
notes: yujin is not included due to his age! just assume y/n has a nasty case of the flu or something lol, i didn't proofread so sorry for any typos!
wc | 2.8k
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 from worst to best at taking care of you
i don’t think he’d necessarily be bad at it per say
like gyuvin’s definitely the type of guy to treat you a little bit like a baby when you’re sick
he feels really bad, and he doesn’t like seeing you all upset and unhappy :(
so for the first couple of days he’s good at supplying you with medicine and water, and he does his best to make you meals (most of them are bland convenience store soups and noodles put into bowls but it’s okay)
he also spends a lot of time with you, and, by extension, cheers you up a lot
he will amp his funny meter up like 97% because he wants to see you smile and laugh
even though you can barely laugh because you’re sick and your throat hurts
he also will be very loving when you’re sick which is nice because i don’t see him being extremely touchy when you’re going about your daily life
so you get lots of hugs and kisses even though you keep telling him not to because he will get sick
and that’s where everything goes wrong
the thing is. on day 3 he will wake up sick
no matter what, when you get sick, he will be sick within 72 hours
it’s because he’s clingy and annoying and will nap with you, get ready for bed with you, and eat food with you so there’s virtually no protection from your illness
and as much as he would love to keep taking care of you while he’s sick, he feels just as bad so now you’re BOTH rotting away while whatever sickness you have runs its course
you end up having to call hanbin over because neither of you want to do anything but lay there
so like
enjoy the two days of a very loving and doting boyfriend (more so than usual)
and make sure to tell hanbin when you get sick so he can be prepared to clear his schedule lol
under gyuvin’s (technically hanbin’s) care, it takes about a week to fully get better!
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so sorry to the 04s for this slander
again i don’t think he’d be bad at it he’d just be a little clueless
i think when he gets really stressed out about something he shuts down a little bit too so when your fever is pushing 102 he’s kind of like a sim that can’t figure out how to get past a desk (if that makes sense)
you’ll be like “ugh my head hurts” and he’ll be like oh okay … then twenty minutes later he finally returns with advil and a cup of water
or like you’ll be napping and he’ll suddenly remember that you need to take more dayquil (he’s about an hour late)
and at the end of the day he will get done what he needs to get done just like give him a minute
ricky somehow makes a really good chicken noodle soup (it’s just canned soup) and you always ask him about it and how he makes it!! he tells you it’s a secret (he just slightly modifies canned soup)
i think he’s also pretty good at making sure he doesn’t get sick from taking care of you, too
like as much as he loves you and not being able to hold your hand makes him want to die, he doesn’t want to be like gyuvin and force hanbin to take care of both of you lol
so he’ll wear a mask and wash his hands pretty regularly, but he makes sure to reassure you that he’s taking the necessary precautions so that he can successfully nurse you back to health, and that he still loves you even if he can’t get too close right now :)
i think his main strength in this area is keeping you entertained, though
like he’ll make sure there’s always a movie playing or something, even if you’re asleep
he doesn’t want you to be bored and feel bad
also has an intrinsic belief that not being bored will distract you from the icky feelings
under ricky’s care, it takes a little over a week to get better!
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same with ricky, i think matthew’s not necessarily bad at it, but he kind of shuts down when he finds out
he goes from like doting, loving boyfriend to oh god oh my god oh no oh god
if you give him a bit of time to gather himself he goes from panic mode to question mode
matthew will NOT leave you alone while you’re sick!!! he’s halfway convinced you’re living out your last days!!!! he has to make sure you don’t die!!!!
he also asks you 70 questions an hour
“do you need anything?” “do you want something to eat?” “do you need more water?” “do you want a massage?”
of the 70 questions, maybe about 3 or 4 of them yield the answer “yes” but that’s not 0 so he’s going to keep it up
he’s like baymax or something idk he’s just so stressed out the entire time
he’s like nigh unrecognizable the entire time
you are absolutely aware of the fact that sometimes he leaves the room to call his mom and ask for advice but you pretend that you don’t know for the sake of his dignity
although his constant stream of questions can be somewhat overwhelming at times, you’re very appreciative of his dedication because when you’re sick, you will get anything you need
he will also make any meal you desire even if he’s never made it before, and he really adores the way it makes you smile so then he’s all smiley afterwards <;/3
if he needs to go out to the store to get you something, he will either enlist somebody else to do it or have someone stay with you while he’s gone
so you’ll get a lot of well wishes from jiwoong, hao, and hanbin while you’re not feeling well
when you get better it’s the best day of matthew’s life i’m pretty sure
he remembers what it feels like to not be terribly worried 24/7 so you watch him deflate like a balloon
and then he naps for like four hours
under matthew’s care, it takes 6-ish days to get better!
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taerae’s pretty middle of the road in my opinion
like we learned during boys’ planet, he’s the youngest kid so he received a lot of affection and love when he was growing up
so, when you’re sick, he gives you a LOT of affection
you could be rotting away in bed and taerae will be like “you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen” with heart eyes
i think the thing that gives taerae a real leg up though is that his first thought is “oh let’s go see a doctor” and he can drive so you go pretty much immediately
that way, you get flu-specific medicine and get better quicker than you would’ve without
after that, taerae’s sick care is pretty run of the mill
i don’t think he’s too panicked about it because people get sick all the time, and so, unless you’re really, really sick he’s not going to be doting on you 24/7 like matthew would
he’ll still run errands and he won’t cancel plans unless you straight up ask him to (and if you ask he will without thinking about it!!!)
and he makes sure you’re taking your meds, drinking water, and eating three times a day
but life doesn’t stop, you know??
it’s nice because when you’re sick, sometimes all you want is to be left alone for a bit and that’s exactly what taerae does for you :)
also, because he’s continuing on with his life, he won’t get sick from you so you won’t have any of that guilt on your shoulders
one special thing taerae does when you’re sick though is sing you to sleep
sure, when you’re not sick, he’ll do it from time to time but he’s very consistent when you’re not feeling well!! he’ll get the guitar out and sing you a lullaby or two
he will also sing you awake </3 and he wakes you up to eat!!! so it’ll be a cute little made up jingle about it being breakfast time … it’s very heartwarming
under taerae’s care, you get better in 5 days!
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i think he’s very similar to taerae in this respect, so he’s also in the middle (but a little bit higher up)
jiwoong is older and more experienced with stuff like this so he’s very businessy about it
when you wake up with a fever, you’ll head to the doctor and get your tamiflu or whatever
from then on it’s just a waiting game i think
the main difference between taerae and jiwoong though is strictly experience
he’s very routine when it comes to taking care of you
you eat breakfast, he gives you dayquil, goes out to get anything you ask for…it continues
jiwoong is also really good at knowing when you want him around and when you want him to leave you alone
but he’s always generally around, and will cancel plans (without telling you) so that he can make sure he’s available if anything goes wrong
he’s good at planning for the worst case scenario without being worried about it, too, so he’ll have a backup plan in place if you (for some reason) start getting worse rather than getting better
jiwoong is great to have around when you’re sick because he’s good at cooking, too
he will bring you the most delicious soup you’ve ever had in your life and will literally juice oranges so that you can have fresh orange juice
he doesn’t tell you but he’s a little manic about what you’re consuming when you’re sick because he doesn’t want you to throw up or get sicker because of what you’re eating
he also gives really good bear hugs when you’re sick
like the best bear hug of your life
when you trudge out of the bedroom in the morning to eat breakfast and open your arms for a hug he will gladly envelope you into the most comfortable thing you’ve felt in weeks
they’re obviously no different from his hugs when you’re not sick but for some reason they’re just so much better than when you’re not feeling well
under jiwoong’s care, you get better in 4-5 days
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zhang hao
TOP 3!!
hao is so lovely to be around when everything is normal, so when you’re sick he’s like a saving grace almost
he actually notices you’re sick before you do
he wakes up one morning, looks over at you, and notices that your cheeks are flushed and you’re making a kind of unhappy face
he takes your temperature and is like >:0 oh no
so you literally wake up to him holding a gatorade and a bowl of rice and you’re like ??? what
“you’re sick”
“i am???”
and then a couple of hours the symptoms really kick in and you’re like “how are you a genius…” but he’s just observant lol
while you’re sick, he dials up the zhang hao charm like 7000% and makes sure that you know he loves you more than anything and that he will do/get anything you need until you get better
and he will ensure that you don’t feel guilty that he’s taking time off of his everyday life to dote on you
i think, in general, hao is so good at catching your illness before it’s really able to set in that your symptoms tend to be fairly mild throughout the time that you’re sick (thus, you get better faster)
and he’s good at making sure you’re staying clean too
he knows how awful it is when you get sick and you don’t have anyone to help you out, so you just end up feeling gross and disgusting all the time
so he makes sure you’re doing your skincare (he will literally do it for you if you need him to) and that you’re showering when you need to yk
and he gets “anonymous deliveries” of little treats throughout the time that you’re sick (he asks hanbin to pick some things up and put them at the door lol)
when you get better, hao will take you on a date to celebrate (and he lets you pay so you’ll truly crush any guilt you felt for interrupting his daily life)
under hao’s care, you get better in 4 days!
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this might be a hot take but i think gunwook would be so nice to have around when you’re sick
i also think, like hao, he picks up on it before it even happens idk
he’ll see that one of your friends got sick after you hung out and he just knows
he will preemptively make you take theraflu, and you think he’s being stupid but then you wake up with a fever
he’s like “i told you”
gunwook would be panicked in a way that you have no clue, so it’s out of sight and out of mind
but in all actuality he’s blowing up the zb1 gc like wtf do i DO!!!
everyone’s first recommendation is to make sure you don’t end up like gyuvin (sick and unhappy) LOL
but half the things he does are recommendations from jiwoong, hao, and hanbin so make sure to thank them at some point!!
because he takes tips from the pros he ends up being a pro you know
and he finds out ricky’s super secret (canned) soup recipe so he’s got that on lock too
essentially gunwook is the product of the rest of the group’s experience … like the answer to one big equation lol
the one thing he doesn’t listen to is everyone telling him to like not be constantly close to you
i’m a believer that gunwook rarely gets sick (his immune system is like on steroids) so he spends the entirety of this period hanging out with you
naps with you, goes to bed at the same time as you, watches whatever you’re watching, etc
obviously he’s washing his hands pretty often but he’s still hanging out with you, which makes you feel very happy and loved :)
afterwards, you’re very thankful and appreciative and gunwook will take all the credit for the techniques other people supplied him with
at some point you’ll probably catch on but you won’t say anything lol
if he’s happy, you’re happy!
under gunwook’s care, you get better in 3-4 days!
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i feel like this was obvious
this man is literally a mother
you feel like your mom is taking care of you the entire time you’re sick
when you wake up and tell him you aren’t feeling well he does the mom thing (puts his hand on your forehead) and can actually conclude you have a fever by doing that
and then he’ll tell you to go lay down while he makes breakfast lol
it’s seriously like your mom is taking care of you, i cannot overstate this
he’s giving you cold washcloths and handing you cough drops every 2-3 business hours
he asks what your symptoms are and goes “hmm” before disappearing from the room and returning with the exact remedy you need
hanbin quite literally hates the idea that you’re nothing less than happy, so he will do everything in his power to make sure you’re getting better while honoring your wishes at the same time
so if all you want to do is sleep, he’ll let you sleep
or if you want to try and still be productive, he’ll let you help with the dishes or do your own laundry if need be
being sick under hanbin’s care is so nice because you don’t feel like the world has stopped just because you’re sick, you know
the way he takes care of you keeps you feeling strong enough to do something other than lay about all day
and you don’t really get to the point where you feel like death is imminent (i assume this is a universal experience for everyone)
and he’s not too worried about you being sick as he’s worried about you getting better and not having any residual symptoms you know
also makes yummy and delicious food for you so that’s a big plus LOL
you get better so fast that it’s barely a bump in the road
you think god accidentally gave hanbin special powers and you’re glad you get to be the main benefactor of them
under hanbin’s care, you get better in 3 days!
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thank you for reading!
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dadsbongos · 3 months
i loved that denji one ty 😝🤘u said u've been wanting to write for him? ur in luck cuz i can only think about him 😎😎
how about (fem) reader is sick or something and denji's there to take care of her but like he sucks at it and he doesnt know the fever temps (cuz that'd be pretty funny)
or switched and reader takes care of sick denji :)
ok i know... i know you said him being bad at it is funny... but i think aki having forced him to become a good nurse is sillier
645 words -- not proofread :/
“I knew you were hot,” Denji wiggles the thermometer in front of your sweaty face, grinning despite the miserable downturn of your lips.
“Sorry,” he huffs, studying the dial again and sucking air through his jagged teeth, “This is shit, though. You’re boiling.”
You nod sluggishly, “I know, Denji.”
“That’s seriously bad.”
“I know, Denji.”
He frowns, bending down to wring a towel through cool water before laying it over your forehead. Smoothing down the cloth just because he feels useless otherwise. Denji gnaws his bottom lip as he thinks, sitting on the edge of your bed to hold your clammy hand.
“Do you want soup?” he murmurs unsurely, watching you wince and swallow hard before nodding slowly. With a new and apparent objective in mind, Denji beams down at you before rushing off, “Okay!”
Soon after, he returns with an off-white bowl shaking in his hands before sitting beside you again on the bed. You blink up at him with crinkly, boogery eyes and croak out desperately, “...chicken noodle?”
“Chicken noodle,” Denji nods surely, spooning soup up and into your mouth, “I tried not to make the broth too hate.”
“Thanks, Denji.”
“‘Cuz if I burned your tongue I think I’d skin my hand.”
You chuckle weakly, sputtering phlegm and wheezing as you do before soothing a hand over your chest, “Thanks, Denji.”
“Yeah, ‘course,” he happily feeds you more soup, feeling his whole body go lighter and lighter the longer you go eating his food without throwing it up. He knows it’s a little strange, but he remembers eating all of Aki’s cooking because he wanted Aki to know he appreciated it -- and he prays now that you might have the same motivation.
“Tea,” you’re mostly mouthing the word, desperate to avoid harsh scratching against the sore spot in the back of your throat. 
“Tea!” he hugs the emptied bowl to his chest (still getting the drippy remnants of chicken noodle soup on his shirt), prepared to rush out of your shared bedroom before pausing, “With honey, right?”
You nod sluggishly, yawning into the open air.
Denji’s eyes light up excitedly, “Lots of honey, right?”
Again, you nod. More so to entertain Denji than anything.
When he returns, it's with a steaming mug and a spoon in his mouth. You point at the spoon with a shaky finger and he speaks clumsily around it, “Honey!” he plucks out the spoon and lays it in his lap when he sits to avoid setting it on your nice dresser. Then he hands the warm mug to you, “And honey here, for my honey.”
You grimace playfully, rasping a “corny”, before blowing into the tea and sipping. 
“‘s true,” he wants to lay down with you, but you’d whack him upright -- too stacked with preemptive guilt of spreading germs onto Denji to let him cuddle you. 
“My neck feels slimy…”
“Shit,” he feels over the folded cloth on your head, “It’s warm!” he dips his fingertips into the large bowl of water he kept to re-moisten the cloth, “Warm!”
Denji runs off to the bathroom and soaks the cloth in cold water to slick over your feverish forehead before refilling the water bowl. Your heavy eyes follow him through the doorways, he stumbles and his hands are unsteady but he’s helpful. You’re sure Aki whipped him into shape on one of his rare sick days. Then, the thought of Power strikes and you’re almost giggling aloud -- what a nightmare that Fiend would be if she got ill.
“Back!” Denji cheers, settling the bowl down and stirring a single finger through the iced water, “Nice and cold for ya. If you overheated that’d be bad.”
“I know, Denji.”
“‘Cuz I don’t want you sick anymore,” he pouts.
Soothed by good humor, you smile genuinely and wave off his worry, “I know, Denji.”
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inuyashaluver · 6 months
Could you write something for maya le tissier ?
sick days - maya le tissier
maya le tissier x reader
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description: in which you and your girlfriend both get each other sick, meaning you need to take care of your girl
warnings: swearing
a/n: i’m such a maya girl like i would do anything for her, I LOVE WRITING FOR HER AND THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST OMG ENJOY
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if there was one thing to know about your girlfriend, maya, she never got sick. it’s not even her being stubborn or anything, she just never got sick. you, however, always got sick, small colds being common in yours and maya’s household.
whenever you were sick, maya always took care of you. this girl devotes all her time to you just to make sure you’re okay. “baby, eat this, please” a bowl of soup was passed to you, you look up at the girl appreciatively, “thank you, maya baby”, she smiles down at you with a sympathetic grin, moving her hand to cradle your face. “my poor girl” you sniff at her, a glare evident on your face, “why can’t you ever be the sick one?”
she lets out a small laugh, stroking your cheek with her thumb, “sorry, my love, i don’t get sick” she grins, sitting next to you and absentmindedly stroking your thigh as you watch an episode of love island together.
“if you were a bombshell, i’d dump anyone for you” you gasp at her words, nearly choking on your soup. “even if you had a partner?” she nods, eyes still trained on the screen, “well, have you seen yourself?” she exhales, “god” she turns her head to look at you, you were bright red and just staring at her with wide eyes.
“you’re cute” she pinches your cheek, grabbing your finished soup and taking it to the kitchen, returning with a cup of water and your medicine, she holds it out to you as she sits back down. “maya, no” you plead, “maya, yes” she coos, smiling brightly when you swallow the pills and drink the water with a scowl.
“i’m sorry, baby, if i could be sick instead of you, i would 100%, now let me kiss you better” she placed a sweet kiss on your lips, smirking at you. if only she knew how hard she jinxed herself.
you miraculously woke up better the next day, lying on top of maya in bed, completely cuddling into her. her phone lightly played a video in the background, you knew she was awake. you move to straddle her waist, looking down at her with a bright smile, “nurse maya! i can breathe again!” you inhale through your nose, she grins at your actions.
“that’s great, baby” she remarked in a nasally voice, she sounded congested. “you alright, lovey?” she sits up slightly, leaning against the headboard, holding onto your thighs so you don’t move.
“i’m fine, love” her nose was a little red, it was a cold day in england but she was absolutely sweating. “i don’t think you’re fine, baby” you hold a hand up to her forehead, a slight fever. “oh my god” she looks at you confused.
“what?” she sniffs. “baby, you’re sick!” her eyes widen, “what! no, silly, it’s probably allergies” she scoffs, “my love, you don’t have allergies,” she lets out an exaggerated groan, “ugh, why do you remember everything!” you look at her with fake annoyance, “because i love you?” an amused smile graces her features.
she leans forward to whisper in your ear, “i love you too” and before she pulls away, she gives you an affectionate kiss to your cheek. you smile at her shyly, grabbing her hand and fiddling with the ring she rarely took off.
“now i get to play nurse?” you smirk at her, she shakes her head and leans back, her head resting on the headboard.
“this is all your fault, i never get sick, but your cute, little face did this to me!” she waves her finger around her face, raising her eyebrows at you.
“excuse me! who ‘kissed me better?’ that was all you, le tissier!” she goes speechless for a second, mouth slightly agape,
“if you last name me again, i will break up with you” you gasp at her words, “so, i am just a bombshell to you” you cover your face with your hands, she lets out her famous giggle, the one that makes your heart ache.
“you’re my girl” she coos, moving your hands and interlocking your fingers with hers, she moves forward to kiss your lips repeatedly. you can’t help but giggle at her, spurring a smile into her kisses.
she pulls away from you, her eyes gently tracing your features, she sighs and pulls you closer into an embrace, she nuzzles her head into the crook of your neck. “i’m sick, nurse” she mumbles, your skin vibrates when she speaks into it. you place a hand in her hair, gently scratching her scalp with your nails, she melts into you and the both of you stay like that for a while, just cuddling as you comfort maya.
you coerce your girlfriend to move to the couch, only with the promise that you’d cuddle and wouldn’t leave her. she lies completely on top of you, hands under your shirt, now she’s cold. both of you are bundled in a blanket, watching a mindless movie, the two of you would watch the movie for two seconds and then whisper to each other in random conversation, maya never letting go of you.
she needed to take her medicine and try and stomach something, you attempt to move up but she gives you a death glare. “what do you think you’re doing?” she was genuinely mad, your eyes widen in shock, “baby, you need to eat something” she lets out a laugh, “no i don’t” your face turns stern, “yes, you do, give me 25 minutes?” she shakes her head immediately, “no” she whines, putting her head in your neck again, pushing you into the couch with her body.
“maya, please” you pat her back to make her look at you, you give her a pout, your eyes glistening. “i’m setting a timer” she gently moves off you, she lets out a huff as she sits up, looking at you sadly. “my poor girl” you coo, cupping her face between both of your hands and placing a sweet kiss on her lips, pulling away to look at her, scowl still evident, you pepper kisses all over her face, provoking a little giggle from her, you smile, “there she is” placing one final kiss on her lips, “can that time count as your 25?” she questions, “what? no!” you quickly run to the kitchen.
you make her soup, rushing to place it on the coffee table before sprinting back out, making her a tea, getting her water and medicine and placing it all on the table. you rush and sit on the couch, looking at her expectantly to start eating. “you still have 2 minutes” she smirks, you shrug at her and pull her down into a hug, kissing her face all over again, giggles from both of you completely filling the room. “baby!” she laughs, holding onto you tightly.
you continue to spread kisses all over her face until her timer goes off. “time!” you grin, pushing her up, shoving the soup into her hands. she shakes her head at you, completely amused. “if you showed this enthusiasm during training, my goodness” she jokes but not without a little sniffle, you lightly slap her arm, shoving the spoon into her hand and smiling at her encouragingly. she begins to eat, you let out a sigh of relief, gently rubbing her back in comforting circles with your hand.
she eats her soup and takes her medicine, already feeling better. she places it on the coffee table and makes you lie down again, setting over the top of you with a bright grin. “kiss me better, nurse (y/n)?” you grin at her, “baby, i’ve been kissing you better” she frowns, “i don’t feel any better, though?” you look up her, “wait, actually?” you put your hand on her forehead again, she still had a fever, it had gone down quite a bit, thankfully. she nods at you with a pout, she’s clearly pulling your leg.
“oh, my poor baby” you coo, “mmhm” she whines jokingly, you grin at her brightly, pulling her into a sweet kiss, she hums into you, lasting for a couple of seconds before you pull away, “woah” she breathes against your lips, “what?” you whisper, “i feel so much better” she marvels, giving your hips a light squeeze, “do it again” you laugh at her brightly, she can’t help but join you.
she places a hand on your cheek, pulling you into another loving kiss, after a few seconds, she pulls away with an exaggerated ‘mwah’, she gives you a quick peck on your cheek before snuggling into your chest, quickly falling asleep.
you both wake up the next morning, she gives you multiple kisses on your cheek, you smile and wake up, opening your eyes to your girlfriend hovering over you with a cheeky grin. “hi, you, do you feel alright?” you reach out for her, your arms gesturing for her to give you a hug but she just pulls you to sit up instead.
“baby, no fucking joke, i’m better”, she was so serious, looking at you with a surprised expression, “kisses fucking work, this isn’t even us being cringe” she gives you a light shake, placing a quick kiss on your lips, “oh yeah, good morning, my love” she sings out, you’re still laced with sleep, staring at her slightly confused but just deciding to go with it.
maya swears that you kissed each other back to health, definitely not the strong medicine the both of you had taken. everytime you got sick, maya secretly hopes she does to, wanting your home remidies more than anything.
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liked by alessiarusso99 and 44,232 others
mayaletissier: sick days are the best days
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yourname: how about you tell everyone the truth of why you love sick days?
↳ mayaletissier: don’t act like you don’t enjoy it!
↳ yourname: no, i do!
↳ mayaletissier: i do too!
↳ ellatoone: i now pronounce you, wife and wife, you may kiss the bride
↳ yourname: oh ella! if only you knew
↳ mayaletissier: you heard the woman, pucker up!
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
oh would you write about eddie x girlfriend reader whos recovering from an eating disorder & he’s on full support and comfort. today she decided to let eddie have control over what she eats for the day. at some parts (maybe like bread with chocolate or some snacks) she starts getting overwhelmed & cry’s & he’s there, comforting her, giving her head/forehead kisses, holds her hands, talks to her & eats with her, so she doesn’t feel alone.
and i would really like to read more about wayne, so maybe the next day she asks wayne to decide what she’ll eat today & he’s really excited to be there for her & help her in such progress. both munsons comfort her & she’s so thankful!<3
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
⚠️ mentions of ED
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Y/N was recovering from an eating disorder, trying every day to move one step forward. It was hard to do on her own, so her boyfriend vowed to help her every step of the way. Which he did. Eddie was so patient and supportive, she never felt that before.
She wanted to give herself a small challenge to push her further. She asked Eddie to pick what she'd eat throughout the day and he was so excited to help her. He immediately agreed with a huge smile and began to work on his list.
"Breakfast is served," Eddie announced, proudly placing the plate in front of her. He sat down next to her in his chair, with a plate for him as well.
Y/N looked down at the toast covered in Nutella, overwhelmed by the thick spread. She felt tears welling in her eyes but tried to remain calm. Eddie placed his hand on hers and squeezed it.
"We'll go slow. Just breathe. Here I'll even cut it in half and we will start with that." He said, using a knife as he cut the toast in half, taking a piece and throwing it on his plate.
"Not as scary, right? Just half the toast. We'll do the first bite together." Eddie said, picking up his toast as he held it in his mouth. She looked at him as she slowly picked up the toast. Both take a bite.
"That's my girl!" Eddie cheered as she swallowed the first bite. Eddie pressed a chocolatey kiss to her forehead.
"Ew Eddie!"
For lunch, Eddie decided on sandwiches. His sandwich was loaded with turkey, ham, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. She felt herself getting overwhelmed as he placed down his plate.
"No worries, baby. You get the most spectacular sandwich combination out there!" She smiled when he placed down peanut butter and jelly, the bread cut into a heart.
"And if you want some, no pressure, some grapes." A small bowl of grapes is placed between them.
Eddie slowly ate with her, taking small bites as she ate. He made sure they always finished eating at the same time so she didn't feel pressured to eat faster.
Just like breakfast, he walked her through it, squeezing her hand and kissing her forehead when she finished.
After dinner, Y/N felt very proud of herself. And Eddie reminded her just how proud he was.
The next day, they were visiting Wayne. Y/N thought why not let Wayne decide what she eats for the day?
Wayne was just as excited as Eddie, she laughed at the resemblance. Wayne didn't eat well-balanced meals as it was, so she had a feeling he'd pick the most random things.
And he did.
She had a day filled with snacks and not meals. But she liked it.
"Wayne, she's not eating cookies for lunch!" Eddie scolded him, but Wayne brushed him off.
"I think the girl wants cookies, maybe milk?" Wayne asked, Y/N lit up at the idea.
"Oh my gosh, yes!"
Eddie groaned as Wayne and Y/N sat close on the couch, both diving into the cookies.
"Grab the milk will ya?" Wayne asked through a mouthful of cookies. Eddie looked at him with a disapproving look but grabbed the milk anyway.
Dinner happened to be tomato soup, something Eddie approved of this time.
"I'm proud of you, kid. Just remember that." Wayne said as they prepared to leave. Y/N smiled at his words, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.
Some days would be harder than others, but at least her boys were always there to help.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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tenswrld · 1 year
mark lee x reader, super fluffy bc this is my literal bf and he makes me want to cry 25/8
a/n: mark brainrot has been so bad lately the delusions are getting to me
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“where do you wanna go for lunch today?” you asked your boyfriend, who was currently mindlessly scrolling through his phone. 
it was mark’s day off from his tour, leaving you and him to explore chicago on your own. like the lovely significant other you are, you decided to treat mark out for lunch as a way to reward him for all the hard work that he’s been doing.
“uhm,” he thought for a second before letting out an awkward laugh. “i don’t really know what’s around here.”
you thought about taking him somewhere fancy; somewhere where you could proudly treat your boyfriend to expensive ass food (even if it did leave you and your wallet crying by the end of the night) because, to you, mark deserved nothing but the absolute best. thus, you began to search for some of the more famous spots in chicago. a curious hum from your lover quickly interrupted you and caught your attention.
“johnny was talking about this one place he used to go to all the time,” he trailed off, trying to remember the name. “it’s, like, a bakery...?”
“a bakery...” you mumbled to yourself, smiling at the idea. “that would be cute!”
“i think it was called panera...?” mark sat up, ready to call johnny to confirm if his memory was correct. “yeah, i’m pretty sure that’s what it was called.”
you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “you want to go to panera?”
mark smiled at the sound of your laughter and turned to look at you. “yeah, i’m down! i want to see what johnny was raving about.”
“it’s not all that fancy though, just a warning,” you replied. not that there was anything wrong with panera, but you wanted to treat mark to something...better than panera.
mark shrugged, moving a stray piece of hair out of your eyes. “i don’t care about that. as long as i get to spend time with you, i can eat anything.”
flushed, you looked away and stood up, pulling mark up with you. “alright! panera it is!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
the two of you stood aside as you browsed the menu together. you hummed nostalgically with a soft smile on your face as you took in the atmosphere.
“you know, i used to come to panera a lot when i was in high school, too,” you told your boyfriend (who was meticulously observing his different options of soup).
at this, mark turned his head to you. “really? that’s dope, i didn’t know that.” the excitement in his voice made you chuckle, finding your boyfriend extremely endearing. “okay, should i get the chicken soup, or the broccoli cheddar? what vibe are we feeling today?”
after a moment, you leaned into his shoulder. “how about the chicken soup? we can share that and i can get us a pizza to share too.”
mark nodded and placed a soft kiss on your head, silently agreeing to your proposal. he let out a sudden gasp, catching you off guard. “woah, wait, you can get your soup in a bread bowl?” he looked at you as if to get your opinion and was only met with a fond smile. he took that as a way of you saying you liked the idea as much as he did. “dude, let’s do that.”
“i’ll order, you can find us a place to sit.” you gently pushed mark, determined to pay for your guys’ meal today.
mark frowned, keeping close to your side. “what? no, no, i can order, you should go sit.”
you placed your hands on mark’s shoulders, stopping him in his place. “let me treat you today, okay? you deserve it.” after mark made no effort to move, you pleaded one more time. “please? let me do this for you.”
although reluctant, mark eventually gave into you. he placed a quick peck on your cheek before turning around to go find a table for you two. “i’m treating us to dessert after this, then.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“oh my god.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at the way that mark marveled at the food in front of him. he happily took photos of his bread bowl (and the pizza, but he was more excited about the bread bowl), and insisted on taking cute photos of you despite your constant whining about not being photogenic enough. you also took photos of mark, though he was too focused on the soup to notice that you were. 
mark dipped his spoon into the soup and raised it towards you, urging you to take the first bite (slurp ??). “here, taste it.”
leaning over the table, you hummed happily at the taste of the warm soup. maybe it was because of the cold weather in chicago, but the soup tasted especially good (or, maybe it was because you were eating it with the person you loved the most). “wow, that’s really good!”
mark took a napkin and wiped at a small drop of soup that dripped onto your chin before bringing the spoon to his mouth as well. leaning back in his seat, mark sighed in content, very clearly enjoying the soup. “damn,” he said after a second. “that’s some good soup. i see why you and johnny would come here all the time.”
“i think i only ever got the mac n cheese so, this is pretty new for me too,” you admitted, laughing at the look of disbelief on your boyfriend’s face.
“all those choices and you chose mac n cheese?” he teased you before feeding you another spoonful of soup.
“hey, the mac n cheese is really good, okay? and i was, like, sixteen.” you pouted at him.
“yeah, sixteen and clearly missing out on some good soup.” mark laughed at you, wincing after you gently kicked him under the table. “maybe we’ll have to come back sometime so you can treat me to this famous mac n cheese.”
smiling and reaching over to gently poke at his free hand, you agreed. “i think panera dates should be our thing whenever we come to the u.s., hm?”
mark shrugged. “that would be cool. i would eat anywhere with you, you know.” he took your hand in his and played with your fingers as he stared fondly at you.
you scrunched up your nose, feigning disgust. “you’re so corny.” mark only let out a soft chuckle and squeezed your hand that was still held in his.
“thanks for lunch today. you didn’t have to do that,” he thanked you softly, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“i wanted to treat you out today. you’ve been working really hard, it’s the least that i could do,” you confessed to him. “you’re doing great, you know? i don’t think i tell you that enough.”
dipping his head down, mark let out small noises of embarrassment. “don’t say things like that, you’re gonna make me blush.” he tried to fight the smile that was slowly growing on his face, but it was no use. “thank you, y/n. i love you.”
you pressed a quick kiss to his knuckles, your heart swelling at his words. “i love you too. now let’s fuck up this food!”
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baohanhanesel · 7 months
Mom of the TF141
Mentioned: Simon Ghost Riley, John Soap Mactavish, Kyle Gaz Garrick, Captain John Price.
It was the fact you knew how to comfort each one of them. They loved some homemade goods after a bad mission. The freshly bandages wounds, aching pain and the headaches were best cured with homemade lentil soup and homemade meatballs with potatoes. You knew they didn't remember the last time they had a homemade meal. So you took the opportunity and comforted them with it.
Ghost liked to be silent while he ate the goods and after that he'd disappear to his room to rest for the day. You'd make sure to send him a bowl of the biscuits you baked so he has snacks to munch at night if he can't sleep.
Soap was the type of guy to talk everything out and you'd listen. You'd listen to him tell you about everything in his mind mission related or not. Most of the time it wouldn't be mission related, he would just want to move on quite fast. You'd sit across from him, see him down the second plate while he talked. He'd occasionally get tired of stuffing his mouth and talking so you had to do a bit of talking as well. "You say so?" "That sounds interesting." "Oh wow. I haven't seen you talk about that before!" "Johnny..." "What? For real? What happened after that?"
Gaz sometimes had tears in the corner of his eyes while he stuffed his mouth shut with a spoonful of lentil soup. He'd never let them fall, not before you gave him the flag to do so. "Kyle, it is fine. You are fine." You wouldn't mention his tears while he ate, or when he decided to talk to you about the mission and how it could have been successful. You could see he valued your words a lot. And that made you feel special, as special as you were for him.
Price was the grumpy type. He had the furrowed eyebrows until he started to eat. After he got that done, he'd soften a bit but you'd still notice the subtle anger in him. You knew at those times joking wasn't a way out, so you just gave his shoulders a pat. "You did everything you could have, John. You know you did." If he denied so, you'd hush him. "No talking back. Why don't you go lay down?" He wouldn't be against the idea if it came from you. He trusted you and the comfortable warmth your words made him feel was indescribable. He could never put a word on it.
It was the fact they all respected you a shit ton. A recruit badmouthing you or even talking to you as an equal? They were very quick to jump at them.
Ghost would glare at first, cursing them in his head for thinking they are your equal. They were not. They didn't have the right to think you were like the others in the base. You were much more important. You were a warmth he never thought that was left in this hellhole of a world. If they went as far as to insult you, he would threaten the recruit behind your back. Grabbing the back of their throat and whispering in a deadly tone. That they were nothing other than a piece of shit on the sidewalk and they would better remember their place before Ghost would teach them where it was. Every time without an exception you'd never see that recruit look into your eyes ever again.
Soap threw a dirty look, asking the recruit overwhelming tons of questions and humiliating them. If they thought they were your equal that was embarrassing. Soap would make them realize how embarrassing they were by asking questions. "Ohh name three times you calmed down an angry Captain after a 48 hour mission." "Name me one time you walked up to Ghost and got him to talk." If they insulted you, it was nothing but a fist straight into their face. No warnings. Nothing. Just a good punch. After that? That recruit wouldn't be seen anywhere within your eye range.
Gaz would openly say they were stupid for thinking of themselves as your equal. He would give them many reasons why they are not. When he witnessed someone insulting you? He rolled his sleeves and prepared his fists but never got to attack the recruit before they ran away. Gaz didn't waste his time tracking the fucker down. He would have. If you hadn't stopped him and told him the recruit was just a rookie.
Price would lecture the recruits. "This woman right here saw more blood than any of you did. She saw more dead bodies than more people you got to know in your pathetic lives." There was no stopping him if he started his lecture already. He wouldn't stop without seeing the shame on the soldier's faces. You would try stopping him though, even if you knew he wouldn't. When would you not try? When he heard you get insulted by someone. That was off limits for you because you knew he saw red when it happened. He'd get very scary with the strict voice and if necessary a collar grab. He'd only calm down after seeing tears in the recruit's eyes or hear their babbles of apologies. If he could fire soldiers for disrespecting you, he would. But he was a smart man and instead of giving up on a lost cause he'd just bend them into manners with more force.
It was the time you called them your boys. It was a calm evening and they had made you so happy, talking and joking peacefully with each other. Seeing them so good and well mannered with one another had made you so happy back then you called them your boys. "I am so happy my boys are so good with one another. Wouldn't change anything for your team bond."
Ghost paused, looking at you in disbelief. He felt a huge crash in his heart and a huge smile on his face matching it. He didn't remember the last time he got this emotional over being mentioned before. He was a grown man, for fuck's sake. He didn't say anything and only kept joking around with the way you said it. Your phrase made him realize that he was one of your boys indeed and that he has been seeing you as his mother figure.
Soap laughed so damn loudly. "Yeah? Seeing our lady happy makes me damn happy." He would get next to you and hug you. As much as he tried to seem he was cool and he totally wasn't affected with the way you called them your boys he was affected horribly. He was so damn happy that you saw him as your boy. He had made peace with the idea in his head before, the idea that you were a mother figure for him. So hearing you say that so casually made him feel like a little child.
Gaz felt his cheeks flush. He was embarrassed. He didn't think hearing that from you could get him this embarrassed, but it had. He wanted to hear you say it again but he would rather dig himself a hole than to ask that of you. He already had a hard time not calling you mom, you were making it very hard for him to not make that mistake. Granted if he accidentally called you mom, he'd disappear for a few days to process what he just did.
Price smiled lovingly. Looking you in the eyes with admiration in them. He admired you so much. You were a brave motherly woman and for him you meant a lot. Hearing you say "My boys" got him so happy you had no idea. He had always seen this team as a family, and you not speaking otherwise gave him the flag to freely call you "mom" even as a joke. You'd take the joke well, that much he knew it. He thought of you as a comforting mother since the day you got close with him. Your smile, your words and your pats on the shoulder. You made him want to cry because of how comfortable you made him feel.
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jaeyunverse · 2 years
yang jungwon as your roommate
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pairing: yang jungwon x fem!reader
genres: lots of fluff, crack, miiiiinor angst you won’t even see it unless you use a microscope, some hurt/comfort
warnings: mentions of nightmares (??) i think that’s all tbh this is very light-hearted but lmk if you think i missed a warning and want me to add it!
summary: in which you’re lucky enough to live with yang jungwon a.k.a the best roommate in the world.
note: i hope everyone enjoys this :)) do lmk what you think <3
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01. lets you sleep in his bed whenever you’re having nightmares
you’re prone to waking up in cold sweat every once in a while. it sucks, but jungwon always pulls through. your roommate doesn’t show any annoyance when you knock on his door in the middle of the night with a pillow tucked under your arm. all he does is grab you by the wrist gently and pull you into a comforting hug. he reminds you that he’s there for you and you’re not alone. once you’ve calmed down, he leads you to his bed and tucks you in. during the rare times when you’re too shaken up, he holds your hand till you go back to sleep. you feel terrible for being such an inconvenience and making him sleep on a couch in his own room, but he dismisses your concerns. he jokes that you can repay him by buying him an ice-cream, but also makes you promise that you won’t ever hesitate to come to him if you’re experiencing nightmares. jungwon’s caring nature never fails to bring tears to your eyes.
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02. insists on shopping for food and home decor together
jungwon values your opinion a lot. he asks for your input whenever he purchases something for your shared apartment even if you aren’t buying the item with him. he firmly believes that a home is a person’s safe space; he would rather not have something in yours if both of you don’t approve of it. he makes sure to take into account your food preferences at all times. besides, jungwon has always thought grocery shopping is a great way for the two of you to spend time together in a productive yet fun way.
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03. often cooks on days that you are supposed to (definitely NOT because he’s scared you’ll destroy the high-end appliances he stole from his mom’s kitchen back home)
jungwon loves cooking. he doesn’t think of it as a chore, but after you insisted on helping him out, he relented and agreed to let you cook twice every week. little did you know at the time, he had no intention of following through on his promise. he loves the smile that adorns your face when you eat his home-cooked food. watching you lick the plate clean like a starved animal fills his heart with warmth. you aren’t a picky eater either, so there is always someone to provide him with an honest review on the new dishes he learns. jungwon loves having his own food critic.
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04. takes care of you when you’re sick
your parents entrusted jungwon with your well-being and he makes sure to not disappoint them. he is there to hold your hair up when you vomit into the toilet bowl after a long night of partying. he is there to place damp washcloths on your forehead when your fever is too high. he skips class and backs out of previously made commitments to take you to the doctor even though you might be capable of going by yourself. he makes you soup and remembers your medicine schedule. he asks you how you’re feeling. he wipes your tears. he promises to take you to your favourite restaurant if you make a quick recovery. he knows you’re a foodie and a cheapskate; no illness is strong enough to stop you from taking up on that challenge and winning it. 
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05. looks out for you
jungwon makes you coffee when you’re too busy studying late into the night. he defends you fiercely when people talk smack about you behind your back. he stocks the pantry with chocolates and ice-cream when your cycle is close. he carries you back home on his back when you’re too drunk to walk. he drives you to class everyday even though your building is not on his route. he records your favourite shows when you don’t have the time to watch them. he helps you make your ex jealous by pretending to be your boyfriend when you run into them. he sets you up with his friends, who, he assures you, will treat you right and not break your heart. he then adds that he will beat them to pulp if they make you cry. you laugh and promptly remind him that he calls you to be his saviour whenever there’s a cockroach in his vicinity. jungwon, obviously, ignores you, but there’s a bittersweet smile on his face. he’ll miss being your roommate once you graduate college and move on with your respective lives.
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angelbvnny · 1 year
Genshin characters when you've had a hard day
Gn!Reader, sfw, slight angst(?) to comfort
Tartaglia, Wanderer, Thoma
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Today has just not been your day. It's late, you have piles of work to do, and your head is killing you. Your mind is fuzzy with all the thoughts racing inside. Everything is incredibly annoying and you have little to no patience left for anything. "Finally home" you think as you approach your doorstep, unlocking the door and heading inside. Your boyfriend is sitting on the couch and you head straight for him plopping yourself on top of him, laying your head on his lap...
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He will coo and coddle you in a teasing manner but when u respond with nothing but a light groan his mood changes. What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Who does he need to hurt? He's not used to comforting people, his mind is racing trying to figure out what to do. But it all comes to a halt when he hears a little sniffle from below him.
You turn over so you're now facing up towards him. Tears welling up from your eyes, and his heart breaks. In a swift motion he picks you up and lays you down on top of him, pulling you to his chest. Tartaglia is no good with words, so instead he speaks in actions. He loves you so much, he would do anything for you to smile. It hurts him so much to see his beloved so upset. So he holds you. He holds you in hope that you understand what he wants so badly to say but simply cannot articulate.
Laying in his arms you feel yourself start to relax. He's so warm, and his heart beat is so soothing. Slowly all the worries of the day fade and all you're left with is contentment. Although the tears do not let up, they are not coming out for the same reason. They're from relief. Relieved that you are back in your boyfriends arms. The lump in your throat is finally gone and you're able to speak. "Thank you Ajax." And you feel the arms around you hug tighter.
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He has no idea how to react. But his automatic response is to make a snarky comment. "Aww is someone in a bad mood?" He waits for a quick comeback, but that never comes. You just silently lay there, facing away from him. "What gives?" He turns you so he can see your face and he freezes. You were crying, or almost crying, you were trying your best to hold it in. But as soon as your gazes met you broke down.
The wanderer has a whirlwind of emotions flood over him. It has been a long time since he last cared about someone else's feelings. It's a foreign feeling and he doesn't like it. How can he make you happy? Make you smile? Stop this horrible dread he feels seeing you in such a state. So he pulls you close, your head now laying on his shoulder as his arms are wrapped around you, chest to chest.
Intimacy is still a bit awkward for him but he continues to hold you nonetheless. The pressure against your chest and back is comforting, and your tears start to let up. You're finally home, finally in your boyfriends arms. The two of you sit in comfortable silence before he speaks up "I don't like it when you cry." A simple sentence to reassure you that he does, deeply love you.
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He'll immediately ask if you're okay, if you're hurt? Sick? You attempt to tell him about the very long day you've had but between the whines and sniffles you aren't really able to get it out. "It's okay, we can talk about it later. For now, stay right here." He get's up from his spot, laying you down on the couch. A little whine escaping you as he leaves.
He's in the kitchen for awhile and right as you were getting impatient he came back in. He had prepared you a bowl of your favorite soup! He sets it in front of you, sitting next to you on the couch. You quickly begin to eat it. It's so warm and is made just the way you like it. You can tell that thought went into making this dish. Thoma always remembers even the littlest details. You can feel the tears going away, his hand on your back, gently rubbing up and down.
"How does a hot bath sound, hm?" He gets up, holding your hand, leading you to the bathtub. He prepares the bath for you. It's so soothing and all the tension you had been holding was released. When you get out he dries your hair, brushing it gently, making sure not to hurt you. He shows his love through actions, and all he wishes is that you know how much he cares, and how much he wants you to feel better. You turn around and pull him into an embrace "I love you Thoma." Relieved to know that you understand, he hugs back.
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writeforfandoms · 3 months
Waking Lions 23
Find the series masterlist
Man I feel like I need to take cover now, with how well y'all liked last chapter. We have two chapters to go after this! Just remember that.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, Kate is a BAMF, honest discussions, semi unstable mental state, Ace has a lot going on she's doing her best okay?
Word count: 1.9k
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You went home with Kate, after everything. You had no idea what she'd told the firefighters that showed up, or the cops after that. You didn't know how the missions had gone, with the others. 
You'd sat with Roach across the street for hours. Until Kate had cleaned everything up and collected you. 
Neither of you spoke on the way home. You were too exhausted, the weight of the last few days crashing into you. You'd burned everything. Sure, you had funds. You had a few contacts still. 
But you'd spent so much of your life avoiding Gray, had used up contacts and burned aliases to hide. There wasn't much left intact of your life now. 
And maybe that was okay. Or maybe it would be okay. After you'd had a chance to sleep. 
The sun was thinking about rising when Kate parked in front of the house. Still silent, you both grabbed your bags from the back and went inside. 
You locked the door to your room, something you rarely did. Your clothes all dropped in a pile, to be handled later. 
You hit the bed hard and fell asleep. 
The smell of food finally roused you, and you threw on something decent enough before shuffling your way to the kitchen. Kate's wife clucked and cooed over you, pressing a hand to your forehead as if to check for a temperature. 
You allowed it, quiet and adrift in your thoughts. But you did eat the bowl of soup she pushed into your hands, and drank the entire glass of water handed to you. 
You didn't look at Kate when she joined the two of you for dinner. Kate did you the mercy of not trying to talk to you, letting you steep in quiet. 
You escaped after you washed out your dishes, throwing yourself into the shower to scrub away the past days. You'd have thought you'd have a hard time getting back to sleep, after sleeping so long already. 
You were wrong. 
You woke again to gentle morning sun. Finally feeling more human, you shuffled out to see who was around. 
Kate nodded to you over a cup of coffee, laptop open in front of her. “Better today?” She asked. 
“Better,” you agreed, glancing at her. Normally you'd leave - she was clearly working. But… hell with it. What did your rules matter anymore? “He give you anything yet?” 
If Kate was surprised, she didn't show it. “He will,” she said, confident as ever. “Especially once the other teams bring back their evidence.” 
Your lips curled in a bitterly satisfied smile. This was everything that should have happened years ago. “And Captain?”
This time, Kate half-turned to look at you, eyes far too knowing. “Asking after you.” 
You swallowed, chest and face both heating, but didn't look away. “He could text me.” 
Kate held up your phone like she'd been waiting for that. You blinked. “You forgot.” The words were only a little teasing. 
“I had other things on my mind,” you defended yourself, reaching out to take your phone. You froze when she pulled her hand back, just enough to make her point. 
“John is a difficult man, in many ways,” Kate said, holding your gaze. “If this is a deal breaker for you, tell him now.” 
You swallowed and nodded. “I'll figure it out,” you said, throat dry. 
Kate nodded after a moment and held out your phone for you. You snatched it and bolted. You needed privacy to figure this out. 
Your phone turned on, much to your surprise. Fully charged. Kate must have taken care of that. 
Come to think of it, someone must have grabbed it. John, probably. How else would he have known to find you?
You'd have to ask him. If… Well. If. 
You scrolled through your texts first. You'd save the calls and the voicemails until after. 
Two from an unknown number. Glad to hear you're alive, the first one read. This is Gaz. I'm here, if you need a friendly ear. 
You blinked back unexpected tears at the thoughtful gesture. Dammit. You'd tried not to get attached. 
Clearly that hadn't worked. 
You breathed in slowly, looking down at your phone. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you added his number to your saved contacts. There. 
How mad is he? You sent the text off, chewing on your lip. Gaz would probably give it to you straight. Sure, he was loyal first and foremost to John, but he was aware enough to give you the truth. 
You were choosing to believe he would, anyway. 
The answer came surprisingly quickly. Call him yourself. 
You scowled down at your phone. You took back every nice thing you'd ever thought about Gaz. 
Fine. That left the plethora of missed calls, two more texts, and two voicemails. All from John. You started with the missed calls. 
The first few were from the day Gray had grabbed you. Then nothing for almost 48 hours. Two more calls, both from John. Another gap of several hours, overnight last night. Then one more call this morning, before you'd woken up. 
Swallowing hard, you went to your voicemails. 
“Ace,” John breathed in the recording, voice a little thick. “Call me when you get this message, yeah? We have some things to discuss.” A pause then, a deep breath drawn in slowly. Measured. Like he was trying to get his control back. The thought made your throat thick with emotion. “I know a lot happened. I'll understand if…” He paused again, then sighed through his nose. “Well. I'll understand. Gonna be here a few days more, cleaning up still. Call me. Please.” 
You had to pause there, unable to listen to the second voicemail just yet. He'd sounded… You'd never heard him like that. Never. 
This was outside of your experiences. This was… weird. But you couldn't decide if it was good or bad. 
You breathed slowly. Okay. John wanted to talk. That was a good sign, probably. You could figure out your own feelings after you listened to the second message.
“Talked to Kate to make sure you're okay. Least you didn't get shot this time.” There was a short huff of almost laughter. “Tell me to back off if you need me to. Tell me if you need time. Otherwise, I need… I want to talk to you, before we head out again.” John paused for several seconds, long enough that you double checked to make sure the message was still going. “Promise I won't yell at you this time.” 
You grimaced as the click signaled the end of the message. Well. He was still blaming himself, apparently. You… weren't terribly surprised. The timing had been awful. 
But you had no doubt that Gray would have found another way to get to you, if you hadn't left the building when you had. 
The thought of Gray brought a reflexive rush of cold fear, followed by hot anger. You shook out your hands, rolling your shoulders to try to dispel some of the lingering tension. 
Fuck. Okay. You needed to deal with the elephant in your mind before you could call John. 
Gray was still alive. In custody, under constant watch, Kate had assured you. You didn't feel any safer for her assurances. 
John had stopped you from killing Gray, pushing you so your shot went wide. 
The only damage you'd done had been to a window. 
Because of John. 
And you… You weren't entirely sure how you felt about that. 
Oh, sure, you probably would have felt bad about killing Gray while he was disarmed and held down… at some point. But he'd haunted you for so many years it was difficult to drum up any kind of sympathy for him. 
Then again, he was now at Kate's tender mercy. That was probably deserving of some tiny amount of sympathy. 
But he was still alive. So long as he lived, there was a chance of him escaping, of him going after you or Kate or John again. 
So. The biggest question, to you, was if you could live with that knowledge. If you could give John a chance of something more, something permanent. If you could give yourself a chance. 
You hadn't stayed in one place in a long, long time. Not since you'd left Kate's, before she'd married, before you'd gotten into information. You still couldn't see yourself staying in one place. Your feet itched to go, even while your heart luxuriated in the safety and surety of being with Kate. 
John wouldn't demand anything of you. Wouldn't make you do anything. 
But you wanted to give him things. Things you'd never given anyone before. Promises. Assurances. 
You swallowed hard, hands shaking just a little as you toyed with your phone. 
John Price was a dangerous man. But not for the reason most people thought. (Well, okay, for those reasons, too.) 
You sat there for long enough that Kate came to find you. She sat quietly near you after dropping a cold bottle of water onto your lap. 
“We're ordering in,” Kate told you without preamble. “What do you want?” 
You blinked, shaking yourself out a little as you came back to the present. “Uh. Is my favorite place still there?”
She nodded. “Your usual?” 
“Sure. Thanks.” You huffed a little laugh at yourself. For all your running, you still had habits. At least one person still knew you well enough to know your damn takeout order. 
Maybe you'd wasted all those years running, pushing people away. 
“Hey.” Kate kicked the side of your chair. “Get out of your head.” 
“Oi!” You turned an outraged look on her. 
“Don't even try it, kid.” She pointed a threatening finger at you. “You're spiraling. Stop it.” 
“How would you even know?” You snarked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Kate raised one unimpressed eyebrow at you. “Do I need to run you down again?”
That gave you pause. She would. Physically. Usually somewhat painfully. She hadn't for years, but you had no doubt that she would, if she felt she needed to. “No,” you gave in, slumping into your chair with ill grace. 
Satisfied, Kate returned her attention to her phone, tapping in the order. “Half an hour,” she told you. “You're going with me.” 
“Yeah, alright.” You sighed, though you weren't truly annoyed. It was a front, a way to hide. 
Briefly, it occurred to you that you didn't need to hide so much anymore. You pushed that away to be dealt with later. One life altering thing at a time. 
Kate sat quietly with you, tapping away on her phone, while you looked ahead at the wall without really seeing it. You were distracted still with thoughts of John. 
Kate did force you to go with her, gently pushing you out to her car and then keeping up a steady stream of chatter. Most of it was neighborhood gossip, obtained through her usual sources. Some of it was about goings on. There were only a couple prying questions thrown in, which you dodged with aplomb. 
Dinner continued on the same way, though you felt more and more yourself as the two of you fell into your verbal jousting. It helped, even as you grumbled at Kate. 
Finally, though, the two of you drifted off to do your own things again. Kate went up to her room, to read or work or possibly both. 
You closed the door to your room and leaned back against the door, staring down at your phone. One deep breath in. 
You hit call.
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magicalrocketships · 11 months
Hmmmm, remember those 1200 words of de-aged Max that I absolutely wasn't going to write any more of, and then I wrote 1000+ words of de-aged Daniel in the same verse but I was absolutely not going to write more?
Well, anyway, here are 1500 words of de-aged Max in the same universe:
A tiny Max Verstappen is a bit of a shock to the system.
There is none of the blunt confidence and fierce determination that Daniel had just assumed had always been there to some extent or other. Instead, baby Max shrinks away from him into the corner of the sofa and offers one word answers at best ("How old are you, Maxy-Max?" Seven. "What would you like to eat?" Shrug).
It is even worse when baby Max hands him a little creased card, obviously pulled from the pocket of a wallet, which says in grown up Max's careful handwriting, if you go small then Daniel will look after you, followed by Daniel's address and phone number. The phone's been crossed out and updated as Daniel's changed his number. On the other side is presumably the same message but in Dutch. Little Max blinks up at him and chews on his lip and offers him absolutely no explanation for why his grown up self never actually mentioned his Go Small plans out loud. Sure, Daniel's offered, and he doesn't mind, but that was years ago and an actual heads-up that he's the only name on the list might have been nice.
But Daniel smiles at baby Max even though he's not entirely sure what the fuck is going on. He puts the TV on and chooses the first suitable-for-kids thing he finds on Disney+ (Bluey, which may or may not be too young for Max, Daniel doesn't know, but it's fine for now) before going to root in the cupboards by the bathroom to see if he can find a dusty Go Small kit that he's pretty sure he never got rid of. He might have had his turn going small (from what he remembers of it, a pretty cool day hanging out in the paddock in Malaysia) but it's not unheard of to go small twice, and you never know when you might need it for someone else - case in point.
He comes back to find Max in the same position he left him in, drowning in clothes far too big for him and being far too quiet for Daniel's liking.
Getting Max out of his grown up clothes and into the Go Small kit is an exercise in frustration, because Max doesn't want to wear them and won't capitulate and at least he's just as stubborn as ever even if he's so shy and uncertain that Daniel just wants to bundle him up into a blanket and give him a hug, except Max very clearly does not want one.
If Max is still little in the morning then he'll have to figure out another outfit, but as it is, it's evening and time for small people to be in bed, but first— food. Daniel cycles through his fridge and then his freezer. Max's response to literally everything offered is a little shake of his head. In the end Daniel makes him a piece of toast and puts a smiley face on it in jam, sits it next to a bowl of cereal and a bottle of milk, and puts some sweets next to that.
Max eats some of the dry cereal, half of a piece of toast, and — without taking his eyes off Daniel, which is only slightly creepy — slides one of the sweets off the table and into his lap.
"Okay," Daniel says, with a smile. "That wasn't so hard, was it? You ready to go to bed now?" With any luck, in the morning, Max will be big again and then Daniel can have some words about preparation and likes and dislikes and planning. Then— "Tomato soup. You like tomato soup."
Max looks at him with bright eyes.
"Is that a yes?"
Max gives him a little nod.
"Perfect, great. That's what we'll get you tomorrow. Tomato soup. Lots of it."
Max follows him into his spare bedroom like a silent shadow.
This is fine. Daniel is fine. Max is fine. Everything is fine.
Daniel wakes up to someone moving around his apartment.
It takes him a moment to think: Max, and another moment to blink away sleep and realise it's still the middle of the night. He rubs at his eyes and goes to investigate, stumbling into his spare bedroom and finding the doona on the floor and the sheets missing from the bed.
He discovers baby Max by the washing machine, his sheets on the floor, an extremely tell-tale wet patch on the front of Max's shorts, and Max trying and failing to get the washing machine door open.
Max shrinks into the wall.
Daniel very, very deliberately drops his shoulders. "Hello, Maxy-Max," he says softly. Max's eyes are wet. "Did you have an accident?"
"I didn't mean to," Max says very quickly.
"I know," Daniel says. "It's okay. That's why they're called accidents. Shall we go get you cleaned up?"
Max glances at the washing machine and back up at Daniel. He chews on his lip. He's been crying.
"It doesn't matter," Daniel says. "It's okay. You're still a good boy."
Max shakes his head. Daniel decides to have an internal meltdown about this another day, and channels his best and most organised self instead.
"What's going to happen," Daniel says, "is we're going to go and give you a little bath, and then we're going to get you all clean and dry, then me and you can have a warm drink and a story, then we'll get you back into bed and back to sleep, okay?"
Max glances down at the wet sheets.
"And in the middle of that, I'm going to put new sheets on your bed, and in the morning I'll look after the laundry. Washing machines are for big Daniels and not for little Maxes."
Max looks up at him, blinking.
"That's right," Daniel says, and he holds out his hand. "Good boys like little Max don't have to worry about things like washing machines."
Max stares at Daniel's hand for the longest time before, finally, slipping his hand into Daniel's.
Okay, Daniel thinks, only semi-hysterically, this is fine.
Daniel doesn't have another Go Small kit lying about, so he picks one of his t-shirts for Max to wear like a nightie after his bath. Max perches on the chair in the spare bedroom with a cup of warm milk as Daniel surreptitiously Googles "how to clean up a wet bed" and, realising he doesn't have the baking soda the first three webpages recommend, settles for giving it a quick spray with some Febreze and covering the mattress with a fresh towel. Going small rarely lasts longer than 2-3 days, so at the end of it he can always just chuck the mattress and get a new one if he's fucked it up. Then he puts fresh sheets on the bed, gets Max settled under the covers, and tries to figure out what the fuck story Max is going to want to hear from his vast collection of zero.
He remembers— he remembers something about Max having a flag poster on his wall.
"Do you like flags, Max?"
Max's eyes light up.
He falls asleep curled into Daniel's side, half way through Daniel reading him a list of facts about the Australian flag from a kid's geography site. Then after gently removing himself from Max's side, Daniel goes back into his bedroom, stares hopelessly at his own bed for the longest moment, and then Googles Go Small specialists in the local area.
There's no real build up to going small. Nobody knows when it's going to happen to them, nobody knows what age they're going to be when it happens, or what season it's going to happen in. Which means there's a very lucrative business market in being able to provide 48 hours' worth of clothes, entertainment, and supplies at incredibly short notice. In somewhere like Monaco, where there are people with money to burn, they offer a 24 hour service.
Daniel orders a 48 hour kit, requests a bed-wetting supplies add-on, and books an at-home shoe fitting for first thing in the morning. He makes a special groceries request for cans of tomato soup. Even if Max is back to his normal age in the morning, Daniel can donate the supplies away. It'll help someone, even if it doesn't help Max.
He thinks about Max's small, tentative hand in his, his silent shadow, and the way his eyes lit up at Daniel offering him flag facts. Daniel reaches for his phone again, and special orders a kids' book about flags for delivery in the morning.
With half an ear and eye open in case Max wakes up again, he tries to go the fuck to sleep.
In the morning, when he wakes up, Max is still seven and Daniel is still way, way out of his depth.
Thank you to Lena @stolemyhheart and Em @powerful-owl for reading this over!
There is now more of this posted here.
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jimblejamblewritings · 5 months
Our Violent Delights Will Not Have Violent Ends: The Twilight Saga Rewrite (Book 1, Twilight) | Part 2.
Summary: Y/N Swan is just like every other girl and she likes it that way. Normal is fantastic. Normal creates a functioning member of society. Normal is the reason she moved to a small town to live with her police officer father... only to find out that she gets the farthest thing from what she wanted. This is a re-write of Twilight.
Warnings for the Series: light violence, light angst, light smut
Warnings for the Chapter: none
Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader, Jacob Black x reader
Word Count: 3.4k
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The entirety of the lunch period, you couldn’t find the stomach to eat much. Your bowl of tomato soup only had a few spoonfuls taken out of it. But all the saltine crackers were gone. You had gone over and over in your head what you would say to Edward. Now that he was here, you couldn’t remember anything. You had never been in a real confrontation anymore. You took a glance at his table again. 
He looked different than before. Not terribly different, but enough that you noticed. His skin looked less pale and less stretched over his skeleton. The dark circles underneath his eyes aren’t there anymore either. Now, you could see why people said he looked perfect. 
The bell rang and you silently cursed. You couldn’t have been given more time? Reluctantly, you went with Eric and Mike to your biology class. Eric and you looked over when Mike started frantically digging in his backpack. 
“Ah, shit. Hey, tell Mr. Donoghue that I left my textbook in my car and I’m going to get it.” 
Mike ran as fast as possible while the two of you continued going to class. Eric sighed before turning to face you as you stood right in front of the doorway to bio class. 
“Hey, so, about prom, I’m the one in charge of communicating with the dj. I’ve lived my whole life here so I know my music choice sucks so I’m gonna need your playlist.” 
“Okay, when?” you asked as you pulled out yout phone to jot down that note. 
“As long as it’s before the month ends, that’s cool. And then dates…  I was wondering do you think Ang—” 
“How you liking the rain, Arizona?” Mike shook out his baseball cap that got soaked in the rain from the run to his car. 
“Guys! Class is about to start. Please take your seats,” Mr. Donoghue cut off whatever Eric was trying to say. If it was important, he’d get back to you later. 
Unfortunately, his lab partner and your lab partner were back so you had to sit with Edward Cullen. There was a slight smile on his face as you walked towards your lab bench. Before you got a chance to say the prepared speech, he spoke. 
“Hello. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself the other day. I’m Edward Cullen.” His voice was smooth like coffee and somewhat low in its sound. “You’re Y/F/N Swan, right?”  
You didn’t give him a chance to say anything else, turning your head to listen to Mr. Donoghue’s lesson. He must have been in cahoots with the universe because his assignment was partner work. The prize? A golden onion that has no value until he comes up with what it stands for. At least only one person could look through the microscope at a time. Edward pushed the device towards you. 
“Ladies, first.” 
“Why were you gone?” You looked in the microscope. “And it better be a good answer too… It’s prophase.” 
“Mind if I check?...Yeah, I was out of town for a couple days. It’s prophase.” 
“Like I said and the empty chair next to me told me that much.” 
“Personal reasons.” 
“Do personal reasons involve rude interactions?” 
“Uh, no. I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t the best day for me before you showed up to class.”  
“Apology accepted, I guess.” 
“So are you enjoying the rain?... What?”
You tried to stop laughing. “You’re asking me about the weather?” 
“Yeah, I guess I am.” 
“Well, no, not really. I’m not really a fan of any cold or wet place.” 
Edward chuckled as he checked another slide. 
“Nothing.” He shook his head. “It’s anaphase.” 
“Mind if I check… Anaphase.” 
“Like I said,” he joked. “If you don’t like the rain then why did you move to the wettest place in the continental United States?” 
“Baseball? It’s also anaphase. Do you want to check it?” 
“No, I believe you.” 
Edward listened intently as you retold your story to yet another person about why you were in Forks, asking questions when necessary. You guys continued to do your work and talk. He carried the golden onion prize as he escorted you to your locker. 
“Why didn’t you move with your mother and Phil?” 
“Moving once means moving again. Phil could get a second contract next year and we’d be in California or Maine or some stupid place like Delaware.” 
“But now you’re unhappy staying here?” 
“It’s complicated.” 
Edward paused. “I’m sorry, I’m asking too much. I’m just trying to figure you out. You’re very difficult for me to read.” 
“Well, asking questions like a normal human bei— hey, did you get contacts?” 
“I swear your eyes were black last time I saw you, now it’s like a golden brown color.” 
“Uh, no. It’s the fluorescents.” 
He walked away before you could say anything else. You didn’t see Edward until school ended and you went to your truck. He and his siblings seemed to be looking directly at you but you thought you were just being paranoid. You turned back around to dig through your bag for your keys. The screeching of tires caught your attention but it was too late. Tyler’s van was barrelling towards you and your feet couldn’t seem to move. 
Now was not the time to find out that your flight or fight response was the dreaded third option of freeze. You could see Edward, four cars away, staring at you in horror. His mouth dropped open. The same as all the other faces that were about to witness your death. Almost everything moved in slow motion.
The hunk of blue metal slid towards you, you felt something grab your waist, you were pulled down to the ground, and a pale hand was on the van that wasn’t hitting you. You stared at the dent in the metal caused by the hand before turning your head to make eye contact with Edward. 
He stared at you for a moment before letting go of you and running away. You were suddenly surrounded by people asking if you were alright. None of them seemed to have noticed Edward wasn’t there. The next thing you knew, you blacked out. 
The lights of the hospital were blinding when you finally came to your senses. The door opened with a vengeance and in strolled your very anxious father. He wouldn’t calm down no matter how much you tried to speak with him, threatening Tyler’s license and everything. It’s not like it was his fault his tires skidded on ice. You mouthed an apology before shutting the small curtain that divided the two hospital beds. 
“Dad, Dad I’m fine. Okay? I was lucky that Edward was there, no injuries.” 
“Edward?” Charlie turns to Dr. Cullen. “Your boy?” 
You cut in before the doctor could even get the chance to say anything. It seemed like he was going to lie. 
“Yeah, he got to me so quickly.” 
Dr. Cullen gave you a tight smile. “It sounds like you were very lucky. You just need to sign some paperwork, Charlie, and then you are good to go.” 
After Charlie signed the paperwork, he went to warm up the car before we had to drive to the school to get my car and then drive home. You turned the corner to one of the vending machines when you stopped after seeing Carlisle, Edward, and Rosalie talking with each other. It didn’t seem like a friendly conversation either. They were definitely arguing. As if they could hear you just breather, the three of them turned towards you. 
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” you asked. 
Edward looked reluctantly as he made his way towards you. “What?” 
“How did you get over to me so quickly?” 
“Y/N, what are you talking about? I was standing right next to you.” 
“No, you weren’t. Don’t try to lie through this either. You were across the parking lot. I know what I saw.” 
“And what was that?” 
“You stopped the van with your hand.” 
Edward’s somewhat amused face turned cold. “Well no one is going to believe you anyway. Can’t you just thank me and we just drop it?” 
“Thank you.” 
“You aren’t going to let this go, are you?” 
“Not at all,” I tell him, determined. 
“Well, I hope you enjoy disappointment.” 
You went home that night with more questions than answers and the oddly sneaking suspicion that someone was watching you. You went to the bathroom and took your shower while thinking about how Edward stopped the van. So far, you had no concrete answers. You went to bed without any answers as well. Although you did wake up in the middle of night after having a strange dream about Edward. 
You tried to not think about that as you went to school the next day. The buses were already up front when you parked, ready for the field trip that you were positive wasn’t going to be very fun. Edward and his siblings, Alice and Jasper, walked past you. Mike popped up in front of you. 
“Hey, you’re alive, Arizona!” 
“You need more than a van to take me down.” 
The two of you laugh as you hi-fived. 
“So I was wondering, are you going to prom?” 
“Um, I don’t know yet. Charlie said I get two free no questions asked days if I go but me and dancing… it’s not pretty.” 
“Well, do you know if Jess is going?” 
“Mike!” you gasped. “Are you trying to ask Jessica out?” 
“Lower your voice, please. Okay, I may have had a small crush on her since we were seven and I am choosing to ask out my very good friend to prom.” 
“She’s going. I’m going dress shopping with her and Ang next weekend.” 
“Okay. Okay, cool.” Mike walked off before coming right back. “Do you think she likes me?” 
“Most definitely.” 
“Sweet. Thanks, Y/N/N. You’re the best.” 
He got on one of the buses while you got on the other. Tyler sat next to you, plugging your headphones into the jack on his phone. You nodded along to Blue October’s “Hate Me” as it played. The two of you didn’t talk at all but stared out the window like you were in a music video and listened to music until you reached your destination. 
The greenhouse was… interesting. That was the nicest way you could put it. Maybe it would have been nicer if you all weren’t cramped in the small walkway between the plants. Mr. Molina and Mr. Donoghue were trying their hardest to get people to water the plants or give them soil. 
“Now, I’m gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea.” 
He handed it to Eric. You laughed as you heard a very panicked yell. 
“No! Don’t drink it! It’s for the plants.” 
“What’s a no questions asked day?” a deep voice behind you asked. 
You nearly jumped out of your skin. Turning around, you saw the classic peacoat and never out of place hair of Edward Cullen. When had he even come up behind you? 
“You know you’re not helping your case. How’d you even hear that?” 
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
“Dude, you never answer any of mine. You don’t even say hi.”
“Please try to act less like a human. Are you gonna tell me anything? Preferably about the other day.”  
“Yeah. I had an adrenaline rush,” he said clinically. “It’s very common. You can Google it.” 
You paused and looked at him. “You’re a terrible liar. And a no question day is when I tell Charlie I need to do something or go somewhere and he asks no questions. It’s a mutual trust betwe—” 
You tripped but felt air and two cold hands grab you instead of feeling your face kiss pavement. 
“Careful,” Edward said as he set you upright again. 
“Thanks. So are you going to answer any of my other questions?” 
“Um. Ma—” 
“Y/N/N!” Jess stepped in between you two. “Guess who just asked me to prom?” 
Edward took the opportunity to slip away. 
“Who?” you feigned ignorance. 
“Mike! I’ve been hoping since forever but like he actually asked me.” 
You and Jess talked the entire way out of the greenhouse and onto the buses, forgetting about Edward and wanting to ask him more questions until it was too late. You weren’t going to think about him for the rest of the day. You had a father-daughter/mother-son date with Charlie, Jacob’s mom, and Jacob. Which meant going to a restaurant because both Charlie and Sarah worked long hours and weren’t going to cook. And Billy was doing his physical therapy for walking so there was no way anyone would force him to cook. 
You went to pick up Jacob at his school while his mom picked up Charlie from the station. He was still inside when you reached the school. It felt stupid signing the visitors clipboard when the school day was already over but you did it anyway just in case. When you made it to a hangout area for students you spotted Jake with his friends. 
You’d like to say they were your friends too but you never got very close with them over the summer. Embry usually went somewhere with his mom, Quil’s grandfather kept inside most of the time, and Seth had sports.
And their acquaintances you knew even less. Paul and Jared were always one grade level above you all and hung out with themselves. Sam didn’t seem to like any of you despite being only a couple years older than you and having even a smaller age gap with Paul. And Leah didn’t come around because either her loser younger brother was there or Sam was there which sucked because you wanted another girl around. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Embry said as you turned the corner. 
“Hi, guys. Jake, you ready?”  
“Yeah. See you guys later.” 
He nodded at his friends before getting up to stand next to you. Your fingers twitched as he intertwined them with his own. He rolled his eyes at the wolf whistles from his friends, laughing when you threw up a middle finger while the two of you walked away. 
“So where are we going?” you asked. 
“Who picked last summer?” 
“Oh, nice, so it’s my turn.” Jacob looked something up on his phone. “Smuggler’s Bar and Grill, sound good? It’s in Port Angeles though.” 
You shrugged. “Eh, I’ve already finished all my homework and Charlie doesn’t go back to work until the graveyard shift. Go ahead and text them our choice.” 
Your truck pulled out of the school parking lot and headed towards the highway. Jacob fiddled with the radio for at least one decent station while you drove the hour it took just to get to Port Angeles. Honestly, you didn’t mind the time. The drive, surrounded by trees, was comforting. Especially with your best friend. 
If you and Jake weren’t singing to songs, you were gossiping about school. There was no need to catch up on anything else. Jake was one of the few people you texted nearly everyday despite being so far away most of the year — including the fact that he had a secret girlfriend for three years. Whenever he wanted to get her a present, he would text you what it was and would pretend he was sending it to you so Billy and Sarah wouldn’t get suspicious. It worked. They didn’t find out even after the two broke up. 
You guys pulled into the restaurant and waited for your parents to show up. Like you predicted, Sarah already analyzed the entire menu and knew what she wanted to order. Jake held up his phone. 
“They said they’re twenty minutes away and the food takes that long to prepare so order for them.” 
“I’m surprised she got Charlie to pick something ahead of time.” 
The two of you went in and got a table like they said. The host smiled a bit too sweetly as they called over a waiter. You and Jacob looked at each other and came to the same conclusion at the same time, silently gagging. There was no way they thought that you guys were on a date. Absolutely not. Was it because you were holding hands? The two of you pulled apart but the damage was already done. 
The waiter sat you down at what you could tell was the restaurant’s nicest booth by the best window that would let you look out onto the water. He handed you the menus and left to give you alone time to think. 
“Just gross, no offense,” you said. 
Jacob shrugged. “None taken. I would never date you, you’re, like, my friend.” 
“Same. Too weird… Do you think they’ll give us free dessert if we are though?” 
“Do you want to play it up?” 
Jacob gave you a smile you had never seen before but assumed he must have given to his girlfriend. He laid his hand across the table for you to grab. You took it with no problem — Jake’s hands were always warm and still a bit soft since he wore gloves when he worked on cars and bikes. His thumb stroked the back of your hand and he set the menu down to look at you. Almost like magic, or like they’ve been secretly watching, the wait staff came over. 
“Are you two ready to order?” he asked as he set down two glasses of water. 
“Ladies first,” Jake let go of your hand, ready to scoop up your menu when you finished speaking. 
“Um, does the shrimp scampi have a smell?” you asked in fake concern, hoping the waiter would catch on to teen angst of potential bad breath before a first kiss. 
“Oh, no, I got you, honey.” He had a noticeable southern accent. “What do you want to drink?” 
“Iced Tea, please. Oh, and a Caesar salad with ranch dressing.” 
“Got it. And for the young sir?”
“I’ll take the Not Your Mother’s Mac and Cheese along with a lemonade. Oh, and our parents are chaperoning but they’re a little late. Can we get them one clam chowder and one Hawaiian chicken sandwich both with Ruby tonics? What is a ruby tonic?” 
“Oh, I’m so glad you kids are too young to know what it is. Your food will be ready in a minute.” 
He took the menus and walked away. You could hear him gossip to the rest of the staff about chaperones. Jacob grabbed your hand again, giving it a peck. 
“You know he’s totally gonna bring you breath mints. Did you really ask if the shrimp would smell?” 
“Hey, I had to sell it. What brand do you think it’ll be?” 
Jake kissed your hand again. “Lifesavers. They scream not obvious for teenagers asking.” 
“You say this from experience?” 
“Ehh with Elle a couple of times.” 
“Really? I can’t believe you had your first kiss and girlfriend and I couldn’t even get a date for homecoming. You’re still a virgin right?” 
“Yes. I am still a loser virgin.” 
“Hey, I’m a virgin.” 
“Well then in that case virginity rocks.” 
You and Jacob cheered and clinked glasses before laughing when you were unable to hold it anymore. He moved over to your side since the two of you would have to be sitting together anyway once Charlie and Sarah showed up. He took the opportunity to sling his arm around you while you snuggled up to him. The two of you could clearly hear awes. 
“If we actually get free dessert,” Jacob whispered. “We need to do this more often.”  
Your parents came in exactly when the food came out. They looked at the two of you weirdly as you awkwardly broke apart. You shook your head before Charlie could say anything. They went with it like you had asked.  Your parents could do absolutely nothing but shake their heads and smile as the waiter brought out free cinnamon rolls in to-go boxes for not just you and Jacob but for the “chaperones” as well. 
You guys left a generous tip, cleaned up the table, and left the restaurant. You and Jacob clinked the to-go boxes together. 
“Here’s to fake boyfriends.” 
“Here’s to fake girlfriends.”
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