#but if this is your mindset on this you need to seriously reevaluate yourself and your mindset
enluv · 6 months
not sure if you are interested but @/cherry1sblog is being really weird about niki and writing smut for him, they said they’d “wait a while” before writing niki smut that’s so weird to me I blocked them but just wanted to tell you 😕
hi nonnie i took a look at their account and have some stuff to say about their standpoints…
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at first they got this ask asking if they’d write smut for niki and they said no/they would write something soft for him so I was confused but then I kept reading and honestly it made me kinda side eye because ???
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there’s this ask they answered talking about how no one cares about people writing smut for other maknae line members but it’s literally far from the truth? because if you actually were on tumblr when both sunoo and jungwon turned 18 then you’d know there was a LOT of backlash for people who wrote/write smut for them both literally to this day people talk about how insane it was to be on tumblr at that time…so idk what they’re talking about when you say people don’t care about the other members because you’re absolutely wrong
edit: just saw they have a nsfw audio posted for jungwon…very interesting considering what they said above.
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this ask also rubbed me wrong because yes it’s all fiction but that doesn’t mean people aren’t still openly sexualizing niki ??? this is a REAL person that you’re reading fanfiction about, no matter how you look at it writing smut for him as soon as he turns 18 is weird because he quite literally just turned “legal” this just tells me people are WAITING for him to turn legal so they can OPENLY sexualize him without consequences. that’s really freaking odd.
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finally this is the ask I think the anon is referring to, saying “I’m going to wait a while” is actually so odd because it implies you know it’s bad to write for him immediately and have decided to wait so that you don’t get backlash, and you say “if I were to write about him” but you’re defending it like your life depends on it which makes me think you definitely plan to write smut/suggestive content for him and if you don’t then fine but defending it is very weird. secondly, no one is saying they don’t like a writers work, they’re upset because people are so fucking eager to sexualize a FRESHLY turned 18 year old, if you are sitting and waiting for him to turn legal age that’s predatory as fuck, it’s also wrong because he isn’t even legal he’s still considered a minor in korea where he lives and works by the way.
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What do the signs need to know for this solar eclipse season?
Hello everyone! As you may or may not know, there will be a Solar Eclipse occuring on April 8th! so of course I'm coming through with a tarot + astrology reading for all the signs during this amazingly chaotic times. I truly hope these insights can aid all of you navigate the energy we have (and will continue to encounter) until May comes along with Jupiter in Taurus to release the tension a bit.
Read for your sidereal ASC, Moon, and Sun in that exact order!
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Aries: queen of swords, five of cups, and three of pentacles
Okay so, you folks will be on a really analytical mindset, specially those with prominent feminine energy (regardless of gender). there's a lot of mental clarity, logical, and strategic energies coming your way which you will fully embody. You will become aware of your sorrows, sadness, and things you may regret in regards to coworkers or individuals with whom you collaborated in the past. You or someone else with Air placements (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) could be feeling sad, at a loss, regretting, or crying over spilled milk in regards to a third party situation or collaboration that didn't go as expected.
You will be experiencing these feelings and energy in isolation and hidden from the public, where your emotions are not seen for what they truly are. To others you might seem cold or unmoving, but in reality, you are simply experiencing a lot within you right now. It is okay to feel your feelings, recognize the ways in which your emotions could cause you to self-sabotage, and seek support from others if needed. If someone hurt you in the past, know that this is just another lesson to learn from and those feelings of guilt or shame do not need to sit within you longer than necessary. Even if the situation might seem a bit grim now, there's still a lot to save and salvage. Allow this time to be for spiritual growth and self-reflection. Reassess your priorities and choose what's truly important for you.
Taurus: the hanged man, the star, and eight of wands
You guys are or were at a sort of standstill, reevaluation process, or feeling stuck in a situation for a while. But now, with the upcoming energetic flow you will be able to see things from a different perspective, and give spiritual space within you to see all the possible sides with ease. The incredibly good news is that hope is no longer around the corner, instead, it is heading at full speed towards you. You are or will be finally seeing the other side and genially feeling more hopeful about your current trajectory. What's coming for you its like a fallen star, quick, bright, but with a twist of long lasting results. What you must do now is simply letting go and trusting that things are developing for the best possible outcome, because regardless of what you think communication will be heading your way.
There will finally be movement and you will feel like things are progressing once and for all. At the end of this season, it won't just be a light at the end of the tunnel, but rather a full scenery of the journey ahead. You will just simply feel more lucky, and hopeful that things will be gaining traction. There's an odd yet blissful sense of peace that is quickly arriving towards you. A burden that will be released because you're finally making space for the old to be left behind. These news might come from social media, your friends or networking group.
Gemini: ten of pentacles, nine of cups, and four of cups
Allll right, okay, okay. You guys are seriously on the money train right now, like, hardcore. There are huge achievements, financial rewards, and material satisfactions that you will be experiencing soon. You are entering a period of genuine happiness, sense of accomplishment, and luck even if there's still (or might continue to be) a small sense of apathy towards it, so make sure you're not blinding yourself to what's right in front of you. Just know that even if you might not miss it entirely, you could end up not enjoying it as much as you should because of old emotional matters.
Sit down in solitude and contemplate on the fact that you will receive a good luck strike soon when it comes to the material world, which is amazing considering that you could have come from surviving many situations of deep financial troubles in the previous months. Family matters will be good as well, and you will get to enjoy good times with them as well. Perhaps you were sitting on a gold mine, yet not realizing it completely until now.
Overall, your professional life will be highlighted and full of possibilities. Just make sure you don't let your ego get out of control after being put under the spotlight. Let your achievements and own efforts speak for themselves, there's no need to prove anything to anyone but yourself.
Cancer: ten of pentacles, queen of swords, and four of swords
It seems that Gemini is not the only one that's running into wealth, material satisfaction, and having an "IT girl" moment when it comes to their worldly achievements. The main difference is that you will handle it with a very clear and no bs type of mindset, and with an emphasis on wanting to relax, unwind, rest, meditate and going more within but in a very luxurious way (at least in comparison to previous months). You might do some solo traveling or just traveling overall with the purpose of enjoying the success of your hard work. The things that you have been manifesting for your financial goals are coming through, and you will finally take a much needed step back to recharge. You will enjoy the fruits of the efforts you've made thus far, but make sure to stay flexible to handle any challenges that could come your way. You will soon be focusing entirely on your career, public matters, and enjoying an expansion in your long term investments or gains. Keep a healthy balance between mind and heart!
Leo: the empress, the hermit, and ace of pentacles rx
Although there is this energy of abundance, luxury, and worldly pleasures that are definitely coming your way, you will also have to experience a period of introspection, solitude, and reflection. It will mostly be in regards to the ways you've been or could be acting greedy by encouraging splurging, or taking risky financial decisions. Financial wisdom is very much needed to survive the upcoming energies ahead. You will go deep within to think of the opportunities that you could have missed, and the ways you didn't plant seeds that would be flourishing now in the present.
Even if you have the ability to nurture and make anything you touch bloom, you must be careful to not encourage thorns, weeds, and undesirable plants to ruin your usually beautiful and kept garden. There could also be a hidden pregnancy that occurs and creates some minor financial delays or losses, so be mindful of that. You might be going real ghost mode for a while due to dealing with certain shady dealings or situations that will simply keep you from spending as much as you usually do.
There was something you ignored or became apathetic towards in the past, a proof of genuine love or a beginning that has set the wheels of karma/destiny to spin. A change of course has or will be set into action soon, and the only way to handle it properly is by tuning into your spiritual side. Be transparent and open not just with yourself, but with your loved ones as well. No one can take away your ability to look and act like the queen/king you are, but even royalty need a reality check from time to time.
Virgo: queen of swords, page of pentacles, and ten of cups
My beautiful Te Fiti's, I see that a lot of you will be putting all of your mental focus towards a new financial opportunity that has landed on your lap (well freaking deserved!) and that will be providing with an immense feeling of abundance, satisfaction, and emotional fulfillment. This is a moment you had been waiting for a while now, and although there's a feeling of novice or feeling like a "noob" that comes with it, you are more than ready to take on whatever the challenge might be. You will know exactly how to deal with it in a very cool headed way, and your words will also convey the same. You're not in the mood for any tomfoolery, just money and all the good stuff that the universe is sending your way. Family matters will be very good as well, so just continue on doing whatever you're doing because its looking great!
There will continue to be a focus on relationships and opportunities to deepen them as long as you're able to stay judgment free and exercising your emotional intelligence. Perhaps these connections will be with an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Allow yourself to celebrate love, joy, and even the challenges, for nothing will cloud your mind at this moment. You've already gone through the worst of it, and anything that might still feel like an obstacle will be cleared from your path.
Libra: four of swords, queen of swords, page of pentacles
A very similar reading to Virgos, but with a twist. You are very much on your waters during this period, but it will only come after a much needed break occurs. A full stop that will allow you to lay back, contemplate, or meditate into how you can get your gears back to moving as usual towards the financial goals you've had planned for the first quarter of this year. The opportunities will be there, but they will only be noticeable once you pull back your energy from everyone and focus on recovering your own instead. It had been a few months where you were not feeling 100% back into your usual strategic, confident, assured ways, and this was partially holding you back from discovering the ways to manifest as comfortably as usually did before.
Make sure to pay attention to your health and daily routines as they will be key for getting your habits and work back in order. You deserve a balanced and healthy lifestyle, so focus on the small details that might be keeping you away from enjoying it. You got this!
Scorpio: four of pentacles, strength, and five of cups rx
Let me start by saying the first thing I noticed was 555 while doing this reading, so you already know that change is not only coming towards you but this eclipse will definitely facilitate it. You will be experiencing a period of compassion and gentleness towards the ways you may have not to been extending yourself some much needed forgiveness or radical acceptance. You've been really hard on yourself, as usual, but have now finally comprehended the root of this behavior. You act this way because that's the treatment you've received from others as well, and overtime, this made you develop the well known defensive tactics everyone is aware of, not for the sake of hurting, but for self preservation.
It is okay to admit that you've been scared, anxious, and tired for a while. All of that have led you to realizing that in order to overcome those heavy feelings, you must develop radical inner love and peace within you. A hope that moves mountains. An ability to accept, forgive, and move on. You are ready to tame your inner beast, which will soon roar strongly within you. It is completely normal to hold onto the things that are dear to us, but not too much that we're unwilling to move forward.
There is an emphasis on someone with Leo placements or this energy being very active in your chart during this upcoming period. Have the courage to say out loud "it's okay, I don't have control of everything and I'm fine with it. I have the courage to overcome my own mental self limitations." Creativity and romance is awaiting, and if you trust yourself, there will be plenty of joy surrounding your connections.
Sagittarius: king of cups, the tower, and the emperor
First hand, the reading gave me a "bachelor/ette times are over!". You were trying to be in a very suave, balanced, and generous mindset during the beginning of this eclipse season, but there will be a sudden change and rude awakening that will come towards you. This will occur surrounding your own idea of what masculine energy is and how it functions within you (regardless of gender). It will bring a strong shake towards the structures you've built and the illusion of power that you've used to stay in that "going with the flow" type of mentality. The universe wants to have a reality check, and set you back on your feet to where your real power lays.
You deserve to get a real taste of success, and enjoy that "big d*ck" energy that sits deep within you. Even if the process throws you down and makes your reevaluate many things in a harsh way, just know you will come out of it walking out of it like a literal "king". You've been wanting it anyways, so in technicality, this will be the results of what you've been manifesting for a while now. No more la la land, just straight serious business with no beating around the bush. You're turning from a laid back i-don't-mind-anything mindset to a time to get shit done. Bare to minimum emotions, just full blown cold hard logic. But again, this is what you had been desiring deep down.
You will get a real taste of how far you can get and how much authority you can truly get to wield. Accept the chaos, and embrace that order that comes afterward. Ready or not, it is here.
Capricorn: page of wands, six of pentacles, and the sun
You will be receiving or giving some sort of financial generosity or kindness. This could either come/go towards a foreigner or fire sign that you meet while traveling/exploring a place. There is a strong feeling of joy, positivity, and success coming your way during this eclipse season. You could travel somewhere warm or be dealing with an individual that comes from such regions. This will be a time for exploring your creativity, and choosing to happily extend it towards others because it just feels right. There's a journey you will be embarking on that makes you feel giddy, and it is that feeling that will continue to attract positive financial situations towards you.
After all, its not all about just you taking responsibilities that are uncomfortable and difficult to deal with, there's also the ones that you take upon yourself with a full smile. You also deserve to be taken care of and provided. Allow others to nurture you, and watch it all unfold in the best way possible. Trust that the universe is leading towards a path where you will encounter like-minded individuals, and leisurely enjoy the big and small pleasures that life is throwing your way. Exercise moderation and good dose of empathy!
Aquarius: seven of wands, knight of cups, three of swords rx
Time to step your foot down and handle the challenges or obstacles that are coming towards you with a lot of healing and forgiving energy. A sort of "kill them with kindness" situation. You might feel the need to defend yourself from individuals who might be approaching with a desire to bring clarity or mending wounds in regards of past affairs. You can choose to react or respond. This will be a period for you to heal, receive full clarity about previous wounds, and look into the opportunities (romantic or creative) that will let you release and release those wounds once and for all.
If the person comes bearing no ill will, do not choose to retaliate just to gain an upper hand or to win, instead, allow them to express themselves freely, and then let go with love and peace. Do not run from the situations that could arrive to help you further your healing journey, even when they justifiably trigger your desire to avoid it all together. Some faces will remind you of familiar wounds, but instead of coming with more pain, they can come with solutions. Do not engage into any degree of negative self-talk, as this will only cloud your judgment.
Remember you're not the same person you were 6 months or a year ago, and even if this situation comes sudden and sort of unexpected, you are more than ready to handle it. No one will take away your peace. Pay attention to the things that other people can do which reminds you of old triggers, specially towards your values or resources. Your self worth is being highlighted, and you are within your right to protect it. Stay financially smart by planning ahead and embracing a mindset of abundance.
Pisces: the devil rx, queen of cups rx, ten of wands rx
Ou! This reading really said, YOU are the main character for this eclipse season, Pisces. You are on the verge of a break-through or an up-levelling, but first, you must let go of any unhealthy attachments or limiting beliefs that may hold you back. It may be an addiction, unhealthy relationships, or a disengaging career. This period will help you confront your inner fears and anxieties to free yourself from the chains that bind you to your limiting beliefs and unhealthy attachments. It may be about creating a healthier diet, less social media, quitting smoking, spending more time with your loved ones, or focusing more on your goals.
There is a strong focus on letting go of situations that emotionally drain you a lot. There is a need to set firm boundaries and let others know that you are not willing to take on their emotional baggage. Allow them to learn how to be more responsible for their feelings and life experience, after all, they also need to go on their own journey to learn how to cope. It seems that you are simply trying to do too much by yourself, and in your effort to be everything to everyone, you have found yourself struggling under the weight of it all. Delegate and share the work – you don’t have to do it alone. Be firm in saying no to the things you know you can’t take on.
Extra card for Pisces for "what can aid them navigate these moments": 10 of cups!
The support you need is already with you, just accept it and let go of those feelings that keep you thinking you must figure it all out on your own. There are people who drain you, and people who want to support you! Focus on the latter, and allow the rest to navigate their own waters. At the moment, you're going through a lot of meaningful changes that will help you prosper, but bottling things up inside and thinking you have to handle it all without asking for help can become detrimental. Use the energy of this eclipse to release and seek warm within the arms of those who make you feel safe, secure, and loved. Your family, relationship, or desires for long term emotional fulfillment are with you already, just let them in.
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junkbbykow · 2 years
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💎🎠🎀 𝒫𝒜𝒞 - 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝒹𝓋𝒾𝒸𝑒 & 𝐹𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓃𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝒰𝓅𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈 🎀 🎠💎
Collab with @daarlingdatura! This PAC is all about the current state of your finances and what is coming just around the corner for you love bugs 💐
Visit my newest reading ‘Ur That B*txh’
Please like, reblog, follow me and @daarlingdatura for more 🤑
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PILE 1 - Knight of Wands | Queen of Pentacles
Pile by @junkbbykow
There’s obviously something you want. Bad and you are move towards it with speed. Don’t forget your manifestations are already yours and it is okay to rest, have fun, and so on.
Doors are opening and it’s up to you to walk through them! I made a post about this that I think y’all should check out here!
This project ignites passion, spontaneity, and creativity in you that people can only dream of. Like I said before REST and also evaluate the opportunities with the rose tinted glasses off. Rushing into things can have consequences down the line.
With the queen following this energy, this venture is your BABY. Put your love, energy, and time into this, but I don’t need to tell you this. This opportunity is bringing in stability and security which is probably why you’re going so hard for it. Send gratitude out into the universe and share this stability in the present. Being kind and loving always comes back ten fold. But before you nurture others, nurture yourself!
I see this project leading to A LOT of abundance and coming into your power. Y’all are entrepreneurs, artists, or something. You have an incredibly forceful energy and you are busting down doors and making this world (or industry) yours for the taking. Trust yourself. Believe in who you are and what you have to offer.
I pulled a song for you and all I have to say is don’t let people leech off of you or your success. Sometimes people have to do work for themselves in order to reap the benefits. You probably love these individuals but me mindful of needing to create your own abundance and manage it for longevity. ALSO, please reevaluate some of these relationships. They may not be as loving as you think, but that’s for you to decide. Nobody has the power to stop your success you can only give them the power to. (I an OF COURSE not meaning in a systematic oppression way more on a 1:1 basis) Have a mind of matter perspective 🐬
Visit my masterlist for exchange and paid readings 🪩
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Pile by @daarlingdatura
There's a lot of information here. It seems like a lot of you have felt overwhelmed and bogged down by your current job or financial situation. Hold on tight though, it's time to start preparing for transition. I see here that although your current situation may feel drab or unlucky there is some kind of abundance hidden amongst it all. It's clear to me some of you can be rather ungrateful for the stability you've developed for yourself, you may forget to appreciate everything you've cultivated. Constantly living from a mindset of lack and disadvantage. When in reality your situation is just going through a change rn. I know the stagnance has been intense, and I feel like some of you could get a job offer from a parent? I'm gonna say really rationally think through if that's healthy for you. Some of you should take the offer and other's shouldn't. Don't put yourself or your livelihood at risk any further. A lot of you may not realize but if you just hold on a little tighter and keep pushing some form of recognition is coming for you. I really do feel like someone could've done work on some of y'alls money and livelihood? If you seem to have horrible luck with money and always be in a situation then it might be time to do an uncrossing and reflect on your relationship with money. Anyways, a lot of you have been feeling a need for public recognition and I do feel it's coming. Whether it be praise for your change in work ethic and taking things more seriously. Or on a more personal level with art and creativity. If you're in hot water at work you may be able to appease to a grandmotherly type figure by taking things on very seriously and just being sure to upkeep a calm home environment. Many of this pile is in big need of personal responsibility and accountability. There's a tendency to blame others or not want to be real with oneself. all in all, know that everything happening right now can and will get better. If you have been the main breadwinner a bit of stress may be relieved off of you. You need to put more energy into recognizing and releasing your flaws so that you can become a better version of yourself. The star popped up in this reading, but it seems like you are lazy and don't really recognize or put energy into this star power. What you may not see for those of you in a relationship is that a continued better attitude towards your connection on both ends will bring in more money, success, comfort, and even artistic recognition. Collaboration may be a key here, someone could end up making a mixtape or album that goes viral or gets very popular under some kind of moniker with their partner.
Okay so the Financial advice part I am going to channel. Please do an uncrossing, because someone is really betting on your financial downfall right now. For some of you it could be the aforementioned parent who wants to give a job offer. If you do this money uncrossing, you may find there is a great amount of hidden abundance and even some lenience popping up for you guys. Many of you may run across an even better job offer or opportunity that pays you properly and is significantly less stressful. It's just really important here for you to put protections around your money, finances, home stability, and relationship.
If you'd like a more personalized look at this situation hit me up for a 15$ branch off reading.
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PILE 3 - Chariot | Ten of Cups
Pile by @junkbbykow
Your career or the next level of it is on its way to you! I feel like maybe you feel as if there was a certain inheritance or something you worked extremely hard for that you never received the fruit of your labor for. It was either delayed or something much more abundant than the typical inheritance is going to come to fruition.
You are special and that comes with hardships but also great abundance. I know your tired. Rest, conserve energy so that when the moment strikes and that opportunity knocks on your door, you’ll be ready.
Lmao I just heard a gunshot and it seemed kind of like an off to the race’s energy. You’re in the energy of carboloading, stretching, and mentally preparing yourself for this next race. Be prepared for obstacles but nothing obscene or out of your capabilities 🐅
Remember this is a race, not a chase. What you are manifesting is already yours. You’re waiting on your moment to act on it.
The race leads to HEAVY abundance. You’ll be able to rest and enjoy the the beauty of the universe. Connect with this energy by meditating in nature or reflecting daily on the aspects of your day that brought you joy in peace.
You’re tired I get that but don’t quit when you’re so close spirit is right there with you to make SURE you pass the ‘finish line’ 🍁
You’re going to recognize you have power for a different reason ‘See I’m fiercer now. I got a job. I got an education, and I got someone waiting at home for me gahd damit.’ You hold your power nobody or anything else use it as you see fit babes 🥮
Visit my masterlist for exchange and paid readings 🪩
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pile by @daarlingdatura
Hello Pile 4, I'm seeing these are my people who may own their own business or be spiritualists/readers. You're on fire right now, and I see that you've been making a lot of moves and advancements towards a better future. An offer is still coming, many of you may have gotten downloads about this offer or opportunity. It's just on hold for a bit, there are circumstances around you that are kind of creating a situation in which you need to go into hermit mode right now. There could be someone actively trying to meddle with you Pile 4. Many of you could also be drawn to pile 2 or have a partner experiencing what is happening for pile 2. You're being asked to shed what keeps you from bringing n the abundance you're really seeking. The water is hot right now, but by making sure not to share your plans, ideas, motivations, or energy with anyone outside of yourself, your relationship, and your obligations you should be okay. It's important to keep fighting, just have faith in your future and know that you will be okay no matter what. You don't need to do an uncrossing like pile 2. As much as you need to posting nothing personal on socials, up your protection, and if you also relate to pile 2 or your partner gets pile 2 they need to do an uncrossing like seriously badly. Balance is coming, the fruits of your labor are paying off. Don't worry, just keep fighting and pushing.
Try not to give money to other people right now or share money. It's important you hold onto everything you've got. Don't share your finances or your situation with anyone, keep it all extremely private. Consider not even telling anyone in your direct vicinity including partners. You are trying to make something blossom, transmute the shit other people send your way. It's really important that everything is kept private and well put together. You may need to bite off more than you can chew rn to make ends meet. So if that means temporarily lowering prices or coming up with new and improved methods of making money then do that. There is abundance on the other side, I realize you've been hearing this for so long. You just have a few more things to be put in order. I'm sorry it keeps getting delayed pile 4. Best of luck, please keep faith and know that in the end you will be happy and blessed.
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Thank you for reading! Please follow @junkbbykow and @daarlingdatura for more :)
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jerryswon · 9 months
Signs It Is Time to Approach a Problem Differently
Signs It Is Time to Approach a Problem Differently http://jerryswon.com/signs-it-is-time-to-approach-a-problem-differently/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=signs-it-is-time-to-approach-a-problem-differently Problem-solving is an integral part of our personal and professional lives. While our default approaches may work for many challenges, there are times when it becomes evident that a different perspective or strategy is needed. Recurring Issues: If you find yourself repeatedly facing the same problem or issue, it may be a sign that your current approach is not effective. Recurrence suggests that you might be treating the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. Stagnation or Lack of Progress: When you feel stuck or see no progress in resolving a problem, it’s time to reevaluate your approach. A lack of movement may indicate that you are in a rut and need a fresh perspective. Frustration and Stress: High frustration, stress, or anxiety related to a problem can signal the need for a different approach. Prolonged emotional distress can cloud your judgment and hinder your problem-solving abilities. Diminished Creativity: If you’ve exhausted your usual ideas and creative solutions, it’s a clear sign that you must look at the problem differently. New perspectives can reignite your creativity and open up innovative solutions. Feedback from Others: Pay attention to feedback from colleagues, friends, or mentors. If multiple people suggest alternative approaches or express concerns about your current strategy, consider their input seriously. Changing Circumstances: External factors, such as changes in the market, technology, or regulations, can render your current approach obsolete. Adaptation is key to staying relevant and effective. Ineffective Results: If your current approach consistently yields poor results or fails to achieve desired outcomes, it’s time to reassess and explore new methods or techniques. Resistance from Stakeholders: Resistance from team members, clients, or stakeholders can be a strong indicator that your current approach is not aligning with their needs or expectations. Listening to their concerns is essential. Loss of Enthusiasm: A loss of enthusiasm or passion for solving a problem can indicate burnout or frustration with your current approach. Rekindling your motivation often requires a fresh perspective. Seeking Growth and Improvement: A desire for personal or professional growth can lead you to seek different problem-solving methods. Embracing change and a commitment to continuous improvement are signs of a proactive mindset.   Recognizing the signs that it’s time to approach a problem differently is a critical skill in both personal and professional life. By staying open to new perspectives, adapting to changing circumstances, seeking feedback, and acknowledging recurring issues, you can become a more effective problem solver. Embracing change and exploring alternative strategies can lead to innovative solutions and enhance problem-solving abilities.   The post Signs It Is Time to Approach a Problem Differently first appeared on Jerry Swon | Financial Consultant |NJ.
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canarycontessa · 3 years
in no particular order, things I've learned having PCOS
1.  Root cause, root causes, ROOT CAUSES. 
Do you know what the course of treatment looks like if you don't address root causes? It looks like a bandaid for each individual symptom: progesterone to "jumpstart" your hormones (which you can only take for a few months before it starts fucking with your bones), metformin for your insulin issues, electrolysis or waxing for your facial hair, etc. 
NONE OF WHICH gets down to root causes or is in any way approaching a permanent solution (with the possible exception of laser hair removal or electrolysis). 
I’m not knocking these things; if they help in any way and fit your course of action, go for it. But these things are not a cure. There is no formal cure for PCOS, but the thing that puts it in a kind of remission is a complete sea change in terms of how you eat, sleep, exercise, and just generally live your life. Everything from the eggs you buy to the type of pads you use is up for reevaluation.
2.  Exercise does not (directly) affect fat loss, only muscle gain, body comp and hormone regulation. Know it’s benefits and its limits in your regimen. Or, you cannot out-exercise a poor diet. 
Your particular relationship to the scale is something you need to nail down and fast. If you know you’re obsessive and prone to daily weighing, get rid of the scale entirely. If you like tracking yourself week to week, go ahead. Either way, please know that your progress wrt: diet and exercise aren’t always going to be reflected on the scale. 
Unless you’re doing some sort of bodybuilder bulking/cutting thing, then you’re typically going to lose fat WHILE gaining muscle if you have a sensible plan. This can translate to looking better and losing inches while staying the same or even going up on the scale. Don’t be fooled. 
All of this goes for everybody, really, but it goes double and triple for people with PCOS. Get the “calories in/calories out” mindset out of your head. Focus on your hormonal balance. Go by how your clothes fit, how you look naked, how you feel when you move, the feats you become capable of that you weren’t before.  
3.  Your desires are not shallow. No, not even your "shallow" ones. Wanting to look good naked, wanting to not have stubble or hyperpigmentation, and wanting a sex drive that’s more on-point is just as valid as wanting to have a baby or wanting to prevent your prediabetes from becoming full blown diabetes. Period. No buts. I said what I said. And if anyone tells you otherwise or tries to make these things seem frivolous? 
Tune them the fuck out. 
You’re the one who has to live with this disorder, not them, so they can fuck right off. Yes, even your doctor or your mother or your boyfriend or your minister or whoever the fuck. Yes, even other people with PCOS. 
I say this as someone who never has and never will want children, and is more concerned with preserving my health and beauty well into my middle age than I am with fertility. I’m not curing cancer, but neither is any broad that wants to get knocked up. 
We each want what we want. Let’s leave each other to our own wants, shall we?
4.  There's a limit to what a doctor can (or sometimes is even willing) to do for you here, so you have to take the wheel. Remember what I said about band aids? Unless you go to an endocrinologist or someone who specializes in hormonal/reproductive health or just a general practitioner who gives a damn, you’re not going to find an abundance of help with a doctor. 
It’s sad to say, but a lot of general practitioners are either unequipped, underqualified, uninformed or (worst case scenario) just flat out uninterested in helping with what they consider a nebulous disorder at best, or a series of low-priority nuisance issues at worst. 
My main solution to this is to understand deeply and unwaveringly: They may be the doctor, but you are the expert on your own lived experience. Find a doctor that not only knows their business, but who knows that you two are a team.
I’ve been lucky enough to experience both ends of this spectrum. Yes, even the bad ones. 
I’ve had the best insurance money could buy utterly wasted on a doctor that spent months of my time telling me my kidneys were shutting down due to blood in my urine when I already made it clear that the “blood in my urine” was actually my menorrhagia. He completely discounted my lived experience of menstruating for a full 15 - 20 days out of EVERY MONTH and came up with a disorder of his own, wasting so much time sending me back for renal scans whenever the “blood in my urine” didn’t correspond to my test results reflecting perfectly normal kidneys. This guy outright told me that he was more concerned with my hypertension than he was with addressing anything else going on with me. As if it wasn’t all connected.  
I’ve also had supposedly lesser medical staff that took my concerns seriously, conducted examinations promptly, listened to what I had to say and actually laid out what my options were so that I could decide how we should proceed from there. It was one of these places that actually found out that what I’d been dealing with for years was PCOS, giving the beast that tormented me a name so I could draw a target on its back. They broke down their methodology for determining it into layman terms I could understand: 
“your period has these abnormalities, you have these visual markers (skin tags, facial hair, hyperpigmentation), your insulin is up in the prediabetic range and you have multiple benign but problematic cysts on your ovaries. We’ll test a few other hormonal markers in your blood and urine panel but otherwise it’s safe to say you have PCOS”      
5.  There will be people will treat your illness as trivial, not real, a product of unclean living, a product of hysteria and/or all in your head. Even loved ones. Even doctors Even yourself, at times.
6.  Hopelessness and discouragement are almost literally parts of this illness, so treat them as you would any other symptom. I say almost literally because mood swings and a higher probability of depression come with the turf. Also, the uphill battle you’re facing from medical professionals (see Item 4) and even your loved ones just piles onto all this. Overall, this hormonal disorder just wears you down. Self care becomes even more important than ever before, as does finding a community of other women dealing with this.  
7.  Don't get sucked into terf shit while trying to reclaim your femininity. This isn’t really about the disorder itself, I just really wanted to sound off on this right quick (keep in mind I’m a cis woman saying this, I’m not as informed about trans issues as a trans person, but I’m trying to be a good neighbor here. Please do your own research and please understand that hitting up your nearest trans person doesn’t count as research. Google is free and there are literally so many academic and anecdotal resources).
My POV on this is as a cisgender black woman with this disorder. I’ve had my femininity questioned, mocked, and outright denied (misogynoir at its finest) since I was a child. I’ve seen people both overtly and subtly project their weird ideas about gender onto me. And yet I know I don’t go through even a TENTH of the bullshit and violence that trans women of color do. My pain may be legitimate, but it does not give me or anyone with any integrity a free pass to turn the trans community into one big punching bag for my own frustrations.    
There’s nothing terfs love more than preying on vulnerable women that they feel they can recruit. Learn to spot the dogwhistles and reject the sales pitch. They’ll try to court you and make you feel so understood and welcome. Don’t fall for it. I don’t care if J.K. Rowling herself becomes your best buddy. Don’t go there. 
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lez-exclude-men · 4 years
im in high school right now and i just... hate it. so much. ive been on 3 different antidepressants, the schoolwork is just too much, i really just despise high school. all the drama and everything, i just hate it. my parents esp my dad just tell me im too negative and emotional and need to change my mindset as if i like being sad all the time... does life get better after hs? and how do i make it go by quicker?
Apologies for the delay, I wanted to make sure I was in the right head space to answer this as best I can.
Spend your energy on classes you enjoy, not classes that you're told to take for college. You are living right now, and while planning for the future is important, overloading yourself for the uncertain future is bad for your mental health. A low (but passing) grade in a class you dont care about and are told you should care about isn't a big deal, I promise.
Figure out where the drama is primarily coming from. Decrease your social interactions with them, effective immediately. If they're your friend and you care about them, you can still maintain that relationship without being privy to their drama, it just takes some balance and practice. Are you feeding into the drama in any way? Reevaluate your actions and see what you can do differently in the future.
Find a hobby you love and that CREATES something. Seriously I can not stress how helpful this is with mental health, especially depression. Ideally this is something you can take with you to school, or at least look forward to doing once you get home. Make it part of your daily, or at least weekly, routine. When things get rough and you need a break from the negativity, throw yourself into the hobby. For me, it ended up being crocheting. I can whip up a hat in a couple hours. And when depression would tell me I was awful and worthless, I would make an imperfect hat and go, see??? It's not perfect, but I MADE something that does a thing. Even better if I could give it to a friend and it would make them smile-- bc they were holding an achievement of mine, complete with all its flaws, and loving it. And that external, unsolicited and pure joy and validation was easy to turn into something I could wave in depressions face.
As for making hs go faster, free up some time. This is advice that isn't really approved of by teachers and parents, but it honestly helps a lot. Is there a class that you're good in without trying too hard, that gives you a lot of homework? Ideally this is a class that you make an A in but wouldn't mind a B, or make a B but wouldn't mind a C. Now, look at the homework category in your grades. How much of your class grade does it make up? 5% (no joke I had a class like that)? Congrats! As long as you pay attention and study, you can get by with never turning in another assignment. Quit doing homework. 10%? Do assignments here and there, but again, just keep up with the class material so you do well on tests and skipping homework isnt a big deal. 20-50%? Do the math, and see how many zeros you can have before it has a major impact on your grade. Congrats! When you're having a particularly rough week, purposefully get a zero on the homework for this class. Just keep an eye on your grades. 60%+? Be careful. Be very careful. But you can still miss an assignment on occasion. Or, as the better approach is, on the lengthy assignments, do the bits that are easiest, and half ass the hard parts. Congrats!!!! By doing this you have freed up some extra time to work on your hobby, or sleep. Which brings me to my next point...
Prioritize sleep. There's a balance to be had, of course, but if you've already hung out with your friends a few times this week, say no the next time they ask and go home and take a nap. If you have an off period, find a comfy chair or corner somewhere, and set a timer on your phone for 20-30 minutes. Cat nap that bitch. THEN do whatever you normally do in your off period. Try to get at least NINE hours of sleep each night. Don't be one of those kids that "competes" by saying "omg I only got 4 hours". While this may give you some temporary social status as everyone ooos and awwws over your seemingly superhuman self, it's not worth it. Trust me. I was one of those kids and we were all dead inside. Get some sleep. It makes everything so much easier to deal with. That said, dont beat yourself up if you dont get enough sleep one night. You're already going to have a rough day, dont make it worse on yourself.
Your dad doesn't understand mental illness. Depression isn't an outlook you choose, but an uphill struggle to try and enjoy some small part of your life. It's rough, it sucks, but it IS possible to manage. Discard all negative blogs you might have or follow rn. Be careful in how much you listen to depressing music. It has a time and place, and that is not when you're feeling at your worst or your best, but when you're just feeling a little shitty and need the outlet to get through the day. Keep a journal. Be as dramatic as you'd like in that girl, no one is gonna see her. Just make sure to end each journal entry with two things about today that lifted your mood, and one thing (no matter how small) that you can look forward to tomorrow.
Things do get better after high school, but that doesn't mean you should just wallow and wait and pray for this to go by as quick as possible. You have a life, right now, that is waiting to be lived. It's time for some spring cleaning, and then off on whatever adventure the day brings!
You've got this, I believe in you!!! And if you want more advice or clarification or just want to vent, feel free to come into my ask box again or stop by my dms. I'm no therapist, but I've been where you are, and I can try to help in all the ways o know how.💖
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naferty · 6 years
A little bit more of drider!Peter bonding with Tony asked by @lemirabitur  Some heart to heart between the two and exploring sexuality.
It all starts when Peter asks Tony a question that Tony is really unprepared for.
They’re together in a Creature friendly coffee shop located a block away from SI, Tony’s favorite that he visits daily, trying out products and brainstorming ways they can improve the Drider and Centaur models. Steve makes a quick visit to check up on things, gets Tony to promise to see him later on, and gives the stubborn incubus trying to act tough in public a kiss on his cheek before disappearing in a blink of an eye. Other guests stare warily at the door that seemed to have opened and closed on their own.
Tony is left mumbling about damn demons and their demon speed and being a public hazard with the way they knock things over from only moving. He doesn’t notice Peter going quiet or the thoughtful expression that forms on his face at first. Not until he feels the silence of the building that is never quite there when the young drider is present. There’s always chatter, always talk from other patrons that are often overpowered by Peter, so the absence of Peter’s rambling has Tony on alert.
“Something on your mind, Kid?”
The fact that Peter doesn’t answer right away tells Tony whatever has him in deep thought is pretty serious. Did something happen? Something at home? Is his aunt May in some sort of trouble?
He becomes increasingly worried when Peter keeps silent that he’s seconds away from calling Steve back because he doesn’t know how to reboot a kid when Peter finally looks up and meets his eye. He appears hesitant.
“Mr Stark, when did you find out that, uh, that you’re gay?”
That question there? Throws Tony completely off. His mind stops and trying to find a thought becomes a temporary impossibility.
When his mind starts working again he’s left speechless still. What is he supposed to say here? Explain to Peter that he’s actually not sure himself? Explain that this relationship he has with Steve is still considered new to him? That Steve is actually the first and only male he’s ever bedded? That, for the past century his food source consisted of women and only women?
“I’m not - sure…” he says lamely. “What I have with Steve? That’s recent, and he’s the only one in all my years of life. I’m not gay, I don’t think, or bi. I’m still -” he waves his hands helplessly, “soul-searching, I guess.” Steve would laugh himself silly if he knew Tony had said that.
He’s really not the right supernatural to ask about this.
Growing up as an incubus under the care of a father who had an outdated mindset and always told him, “The only prey a true incubus goes for is women. Do you understand, Tony? Nothing more, nothing less,” he only knew three things to be absolute truths. Only women are to be his meals. True incubi are never desperate and have women at their beck and call, and incubi and succubi don’t fall in love. Ever.
For a century this has been all he knew, and as time moved on and views changed Tony remained the same for most of it, following his father’s steps. In his younger years, if there had ever been a moment he thought about doing different, the phantom pains of broken ribs and a broken wing reminded him to stay in line.
It’s thanks to Pepper and Rhodey, who are more open-minded and easily adapt to the progress, that Tony starts trying to adjust to modern times. Perhaps there is no such thing as true incubi, since many find struggles and not all are successful in getting a harem. Succubi and incubi can fall in love and make a relationship work, as seen by many of their fellow supernaturals settling down and starting families with non-sexual creatures.
Maybe women aren’t the only ones Tony can feed off on. Rhodey had suggested it as an offhand comment, and yet it became something more. Tony had never thought about changing his prey from women to men. Never considered it. The ache of his wing preventing it from becoming an option. When Rhodey brought the idea of going after men as a joke, it actually made Tony think about it briefly. It’s that brief pause that signaled Rhodey of more. He realized Tony had taken the suggestion seriously, but would never act upon it on his own, so instead of laughing it off Rhodey sat down with him alone and talked. Told him to approach human men you have to do it different than human woman. The same as women, human men have preferences. Some might enjoy it gently while others enjoy it rough. Some enjoy contact while others want distance. Just get the clues off their pheromones.
Tony going into that bar and sleeping with Steve truly had been his first time with a man. At first, he thought the experience would be too different, too abnormal for him to properly give pleasure and feed off the energy. To hold broad shoulders instead of small? Small hips instead of wide? He honestly thought he wouldn’t stay long enough to finish, but spending a night on Steve’s bed ended up being more than he ever experienced for most of his life.
That night with Steve changed a lot in his life. It changed a lot of rules he grew up with.
A long time ago, as a young incubus growing up under a father’s strict views, he never thought he’d ever feast off the energy of a man one day, or even enjoy it as much as he had. Now, here he is, reevaluating his life a whole century later and starting the road down to rediscovering himself. He’s probably the very the last supernatural ever that should give this young drider advice about sexuality when he himself isn’t even sure about his own. A whole century old and he’s having his sexual crisis.
Worse example for the young drider ever.
“Some century later and I’m still searching myself, so don’t feel you need to rush, Peter. It’s fine to keep questioning yourself. Half of us old farts don’t even know all the sexualities out there. I’m one of them, sadly, so don’t take my word for it. I don’t - I honestly don’t know what I’m trying to say here,” he fidgets. Trying to be encouraging to a youngster is really hard work. He needs Rhodey here. “Forget what I said. I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m the last creature you should take advice from.”
“Actually, Mr Stark,” Peter smiles, “I understood exactly what you meant by all that. Thank you.”
“Sure thing, Kid.”
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thesagedahlia · 2 years
Aries SZN. ♎
you are in this energy of anticipating what is coming to you but being impatient in finding out what it exactly might be for you. you could be wanting to casually date & mingle, even as simple as making new friends may be an urge for you during aries season & this could be the energy shift you needed right now. while you're in this energy of curiosity, it is also creating an urge to be genuine & authentic in your pursuits. there are those of you that may be on the dating scene but may have been suspected of hitting a dry-spell, or some of you may be getting tired of dating casually & wanting to settle down with someone, whether it is a specific person or not. whatever the case, you may be starting to feel the need for something more stable in your life, where it is emotionally fulfilling as well (because who you've been dealing with has been lacking in this department). you're coming to terms with what you feel like you need in your relationships right now & bringing your emotional needs into focus & realizing the many ways you can achieve this for yourself.
♀️: she may be starting to get discouraged about the types of commitments/relationships that she ends up in & it may be time she reevaluates her approach. she may realize how open she can be & it my be time that she works on self-preservation. there is an emphasis on discernment as she should look past the face value of a situation & take note of what doesn't sit within your spirit comfortably. she is needing to have a deeper understanding wither herself & what she tends to attract, & how she can look at the way she deals with the people around her. she may have been dealing with selfish/cold people who don't take her feelings into account. she is gaining clarity about this at this time. she is wanting to be carefree in love, so she's focusing on the types of energy she lets in.
♂️: he is wanting to have fun, but there is a part of him is feeling like something is missing. he may be wanting something solid in his life/relationships but not being sure how to go about this. he is contemplating his happiness & what he feels would make him happy, & the dating life may be running its course with him (either that or he is hitting a dry-spell, or has been in one for a while). he is realizing the ways in which he needs to approach a situation that he wants to take seriously & he may need to release some grief over what he has been exposed to in the past (this may be the reason he hasn't made these observations until now). he may also be realizing that he is what he is attracting, so a shift in mindset may be coming up for him. are the people he attracts capable of building stability with him.
*this reading is intended for Libra placements (big 6 especially venus&mars) & is intended to entertainment purposes only, we all have masculine & feminine energy; pronouns being used to refer to energy rather than gender, take what resonates, leave the rest*
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recyclingourenergy · 6 years
24 September 2018
I think it’s time to start writing again, so yeah, here we go.
Do you ever find yourself thinking, what the fuck is happening in my life? If not, then please email me explaining how you manage ([email protected]), because at present… I’m just sort of bumbling through everything that comes with adjusting to being “normal.” That said, let’s have an honesty hour here because frankly, the following is going to be a very public processing of being back in the U.S.  I’m having to relearn that people have all of these norms constructed around their interactions; that in order to have a social life, I have to wear shoes in public and trust me, that is probably the hardest thing to adjust to. And in relearning how to handle those norms, I’m also remembering that they’re all absolute bullshit-- that life is way too damn short not to do kart wheels in the rain. And it’s breaking my heart that these norms exist. That we not only invite them into our spaces but we expect them, we judge people on them, we define ourselves by them and that -- that is about as heart shattering as anything can be. Because honestly, take a step outside of yourself and think: isn’t it crazy that we judge people on how they dress? We assume this entire energy source is as simple as the clothes on their meat suit. In an effort to establish social boundaries, we oversimplify people and then, then we hold space for that oversimplification and never bother to change it or reevaluate it. And perhaps you’ll find me naive for wanting to hold space for everyone’s energy, right? Some people are just not worth it, right? Wrong. Everyone is worth getting to know on a fair and loving plane, after getting to know them, you can decide where they’ll fit in your life -- and out of the picture is always a valid option.
Being wonderous and loving is not naive, it’s the only way to cope with the ridiculousness of our universe. We are existing in but a snippet of infinity and to waste that is a huge drain and when we get too caught up in taking ourselves seriously, when we start to believe that our energy is more important than someone else’s and instead of holding a loving space, we hold a judgmental space -- that’s when shit hits the fan. The most draining thing you can ever do is believe you’re important. And please note the difference between mattering and being important, we all matter. Our lives are possessed with inherent and beautiful meaning but that doesn’t make us important. Importance is the problem with society, the idea that we are above another is the most destructive thought we can have. It throws us into a mindset of entitlement, judgment and hatred and how sad it is to exist in such a frame. So how do we address that?
You listen to Ingrid Michaelson and Father John Misty until you’re deaf, that’s how. Yep, that’s really it, just bop to some happy tunes. I’m giggling to myself at the prospect of just stopping here, what a cliffhanger that would be. I’m leading into giving out my own secret to happiness and then I just leave it with a suggestion to listen to smiley music. It’s almost as though happiness is so simple, so pure, so present already within our hearts that we need only activate a connection to it. That we don’t need to meditate for hours or understand it philosophically to be secure in it. It’s like we only need to believe and trust in our peace. Isn’t that wild?
Perhaps it doesn’t immediately resonate that you’re only one breath from a happy life, perhaps you’ll remain caught up in the social complexities we’ve assigned to chemical reactions and maybe you’ll think I’m an absolute idiot who just doesn’t get it and who needs to wear shoes -- that’s all fine. Meet yourself where you’re at and build from there. Everyone’s path is unique and so help me god I’m in no position to tell you how to forge yours. No one is. You are in control, you are love, you are hope, you are an incredible coming together of stardust and memories and all I can suggest to you is that you tend to that space in your heart that is begging to express happiness.
Namaste, bitches.
Also, here is a playlist. https://open.spotify.com/user/cargabright17/playlist/2c75v69MnVsrOfProgVga1?si=f16gIkibQD6xSza31BIy2Q
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canadianscholar · 7 years
How I Got Straight A’s 3 Terms in a Row
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Some people just seem to breeze through school, never study and get all A’s all the time; I am NOT that student. I work just as hard as I need to to get the grades that I want. But the trick to getting the grades you want isn’t just about studying your brains out, it’s about studying and planning strategically.
Prepare the summer before the school year starts. This doesn’t necessarily mean studying. Go online and search for the curriculum for each class you will be taking. In Canada, you will find this information on your province’s Ministry of Education website. The curriculum will tell you EXACTLY what you will be learning. Now you can use this information however you like. You can review last year’s material where you can see it will be helpful. You can make one online document per unit and find links/videos/diagrams online that will help you when you eventually learn that unit, this will give you a preview and now you have a online study guide to help you when you learn it in class. You can teach yourself the material and make in depth notes for yourself. 
Always know your grade +/- 2%. You should always, always, always, know where you stand in all your classes. Some students are able to check their grades live online, I would recommend checking your grade after every assignment that gets handed back. If you do not have that option, I would suggest having a notebook (or a bullet journal!) with a page (or two) for each class. Record the name of the assignment, the date you submitted it and the grade you received back (as a percentage and a fraction). This is a great way to see how you are doing and where you are falling short. It is also helpful when you have finals, you can visually see where you struggled throughout the year. If report cards are coming out soon and you know you’re a couple points off, make the assignments for that class a priority.
Prioritize. If you’re spending hours doing one minor assignment when you have a big test the next day, you need to reevaluate. Yes I know, smaller assignments are more fun because they’re super satisfying when you finish them, but you must prioritize your assignments. I rank my assignments according to how much it is worth, how well I know the subject, time it will take to complete and how close the deadline is.
Study sessions and homework time. It has been scientifically proven that doing homework in this order is the best to prevent procrastination. Small assignment --> Larger assignment --> Break. Give yourself a time limit on the smaller assignment and your break time. Do not limit yourself on the larger assignment. Make sure your environment is well lit and you’ve chosen wisely whether or not to work in a quiet or loud place. Have water and snacks, try and save your snacks for during your break as an incentive.
Do homework in the library at lunch. This might seem pretty lame to some people but if you can get some friends to join you, even if they’re not doing work, it can honestly be really fun. I find that when I get home from school, I’m usually exhausted and don’t even want to think about homework. If you do your homework while you're already at school and in that mindset, trust me it makes its SO much easier to work.
Grades aren’t what you want? Talk about it. Seriously talk to your teacher if your grades aren't what you want them to be at. Some teachers will omit quiz marks or give you extra assignments. Sometimes if you really beg they’ll let you retest. Do not underestimate what your teachers will do. You don’t know unless you try! Plus teachers will see that you really do care about their class, which means they might mark you a little easier if they know your goal grade.
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uspkeronline · 4 years
Playing Online Poker - A Look Back
Understand that you aren't the only person in the world that has the ambition of playing online poker. Actually, there are thousands of men and women all over that hope for to learn to play online poker. The indisputable reality is that just some will seriously move forward and accomplish it.
With that said, what exactly do we know? Ultimately we know playing online poker is no simple task like playing live poker. Playing online poker requires you to be success, money, along with winning. Now we can move on to just what you truly have to do. Regardless of how far back you might bother to look, you would find that those who are playing online poker maintain one big thing in common: they understood just what they were getting into. All of them understood just what it was likely to be like, what playing online poker involved, along with what was required of them to carry out their main objective. When you understand just what it entails to play online poker, there is nothing to stop you! Being entirely focused to play online poker requires dedication mentally, along with physically. The most effective technique to prepare all around is to maintain a strong mind and become mentally prepared. You have previously asked yourself: "Do you want to be successful at poker" Honestly, you have to ask this to yourself. People that responded no to this will remain incapable to take one action to play online poker. Additionally be certain you have the staying power that playing online poker would take. Do you want to be successful at poker There is a start difference between trusting something is a constructive idea and really doing it. Undoubtedly, you would need a great deal of self-discipline to keep up. You asked these questions and looked within your mind to figure out whether or not you really possess what it takes to play online poker. And you have accomplished quite a bit to plan. Most people who have fell short playing online poker did so because they were not entirely prepared. By seeing whether or not you have what it requires to play online poker in advance, you have invested your mind into moving along. Just know, reevaluating your game is essential. Whenever your mind tells you that playing online poker is beyond reach, just keep in mind that one who is reevaluating your game will sail past the negativity and keep their eyes on success. Let's analyze what is essential to prepare seeing that our mindsets are where we require it to be!
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casinojsc · 4 years
Playing Online Poker - A Look Back
Understand that you aren't the only person in the world that has the ambition of playing online poker. Actually, there are thousands of men and women all over that hope for to learn to play online poker. The indisputable reality is that just some will seriously move forward and accomplish it.
With that said, what exactly do we know? Ultimately we know playing online poker is no simple task like playing live poker. Playing 
online poker
 requires you to be success, money, along with winning. Now we can move on to just what you truly have to do.
Regardless of how far back you might bother to look, you would find that those who are playing online 
 maintain one big thing in common: they understood just what they were getting into. All of them understood just what it was likely to be like, what playing online poker involved, along with what was required of them to carry out their main objective. When you understand just what it entails to play online poker, there is nothing to stop you!
Being entirely focused to play online poker requires dedication mentally, along with physically. The most effective technique to prepare all around is to maintain a strong mind and become mentally prepared.
You have previously asked yourself: "Do you want to be successful at poker" Honestly, you have to ask this to yourself. People that responded no to this will remain incapable to take one action to play online poker.
Additionally be certain you have the staying power that playing online poker would take. Do you want to be successful at poker There is a start difference between trusting something is a constructive idea and really doing it. Undoubtedly, you would need a great deal of self-discipline to keep up.
You asked these questions and looked within your mind to figure out whether or not you really possess what it takes to play online poker. And you have accomplished quite a bit to plan. Most people who have fell short 
playing online poker
 did so because they were not entirely prepared. By seeing whether or not you have what it requires to play online poker in advance, you have invested your mind into moving along.
Just know, reevaluating your game is essential. Whenever your mind tells you that playing online poker is beyond reach, just keep in mind that one who is reevaluating your game will sail past the negativity and keep their eyes on success. Let's analyze what is essential to prepare seeing that our mindsets are where we require it to be!
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