#but it was funny watching the seniors panic
thestarkster1465 · 2 years
So there's this bio club in college
And because we're super new they started off with some basic lab sessions
One of them was how to create streak and spread plates of bacteria
Because we're new they started with bacteria that is safe to work with, it's basically gut bacteria
Well we did that a week ago and today there was a talk on recombinant DNA tech, and while the instructor was leaving the seniors in charge of the club brought out the plates for us to see how we had done
Now we all might have been a *little* careless while making the plates
And one guy accidentally dropped the lid while picking it up so there was definitely some bacteria floating about
The instructor, on the way to the door: What bacteria is that?
Seniors: Klabsiella aerogenes
Instructor: you want to be careful with those, there's some new research that says that species can cause blood and urinary tract infections, and if it's not pure then one of the related species can cause pneumonia
Senior1: guys please wash your hands
Senior2: yeah I've heard dying isn't fun
Senior 3: nothing will happen of course
Senior1: but just in case
Senior 2 *furiously googling stuff*: guys it's only dangerous if you are immunocompromised! We're fine!
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xarciel · 2 years
Ppl at work keep finding out how old I am and then having to deal with the fact that the boss that they thought was older and wiser than them is actually just a ver serious chick in their late 20s younger than erryone else else in the office
And then they have to deal with me asking if I really look like I'm in my mid-late 30s
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anakinsgirlfriendreal · 8 months
Ghostface! Sam
Characters are high school seniors, so 18.
Warnings: foul language, murder, blood, sam's super obvious, use of y/n, maybe some spelling errors.
You sat on the table out in the school yard, looking on as some reporters and police officers conducted brief interviews with anyone who'd entertain them. Sam sat on the bench, leaning back between your legs.
Jake shakes his head, "can you believe it? Our town's got its own serial killer."
You scoff, "the guy's hardly serial it was two people and he didn't even have the balls to do it bare faced, I mean a mask? Fucking pussy."
"Yeah but there could be more, I mean he killed people we knew, one of us could be next," Sam shrugged, looking up at you.
"Don't be an ass." You smack the back of his head and he laughs.
"Who do you guys think did it?" Jake asks looking around the group.
"My bet's on Jared, Stacy's ex. He never got over her." Amanda shrugs.
You shake your head, "no way, look at him. He's a mess," you nod towards Jared who was speaking tearfully with a reporter. "Besides he loved her, why would he kill her, though that would be pretty good motive 'if I can't have you, no one can' but my guess is it's whoever she'd stolen Randy from or some one of the other thousand people in this school she pissed off."
Jake laughs, "oh man, I forgot you're into this shit. Your girl's a freak Sammy" he nudges Sam, you roll your eyes.
Sam shakes his head, a hand running up your calf, "we should get to class, see you guys later...or not." He smiles, getting up and draping his arm over your shoulders, leading you away.
That afternoon, Sam dropped you at your house after school, promising to spend the night cause he didn't want you to get hurt, you know with a masked freak running around killing people and all.
You sigh, dropping your backpack on the floor, your parents were out of the country, as usual, God bless diplomats. You shrugged off your jacket and stripped down to just to your tan top and underwear because the place was so darn hot, settling on the couch, preparing to watch however many episodes of Criminal Minds your brain could handle.
You're invested in an episode about someone making real people into dolls when your phone rings, startling you. Assuming it was your boyfriend you picked up. "Hey"
"Hello Y/n" the voice on the other end sounded raspy and distorted, like the one the news reporters had described.
You assumed it was Sam pulling your leg, "Haha very funny Sam."
"This isn't Sam, you stupid bitch!"
You're taken aback by the sudden outburst, silence on your end.
"Oh what's the matter sweetheart? You scared of a 'pussy in a mask'?" The killer mimicked your earlier words.
You swallow, "What the hell do you want?"
"I wanna play a game."
"yeah? What game is that?" You ask warily.
"We're gonna play some horror trivia, I know you love scary movies. Here are the rules, I ask three questions, you get them right and I won't carve up your sweet little boyfriend, that sound good?"
"Fuck you, if you hurt him-"
"You'll what? Kill me" the voice laughs, you feel nervous tears roll down your cheeks.
"First question, you have five seconds. What was the name of the killer in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Five-"
"Leatherface" you cut him off.
"Very good Yn."
You feel relief wash over you.
"Second question, Which movie did the kid die in the sewer? Five four-"
"Very nice- I love those panties by the way, black's your colour"
Fear fills you, looking around hastily you click the alarm system on your phone, locking the doors and windows. "What?" Your voice trembles.
"Final question and I want you to think very carefully about this one y/n..."
You try to steady your breathing.
"Did you just lock me in or out?"
You panic running to the kitchen to grab a knife, the alarm system disarms and a sob escapes you, as you turn it on again, only for it to be turned off again, you back yourself into the wall, too shocked and panicked to even think of hiding. You watch as the front door knob jiggled, quiet sobs escaping you, holding the knife firmly.
You're about to charge blindly when the door opens, dropping the knife when you realize it's just Sam.
He looks both confused and alarmed when he sees your condition,"baby are you okay?"
You hold onto him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. He rubs your back holding you close, he kisses your head, "it's okay, it's okay I got you. It's alright"
You sat on the couch watching him barricade the doors and make sure the windows were secure. "I'll be fine."
"You're not fine, you were scared and crying and that son of bitch threatened you." He sat next to you on the couch, your hand finds its way into his dyed hair.
"I just- thank you" you smile, he kisses your lips.
You're silent for a moment staring at the tv, when a thought crosses your mind. "You know, he said- he said, 'are you scared of a pussy in a mask' how would he know I said that?...Unless he was there" you mused. Sam looks unphased.
"Don't over think it you'll go insane," His hand travels up our thigh, planting a kiss on your lips and down your neck.
"maybe, he's one of our friends."
He laughs, "You think the killer is one of our friends? No way, Jake throws up in bio when we have to dissect a frog,Riley's a moron and Amanda well, she's not very bright."
He's on top of you now, positioned between your legs. You smile, "and you?" You meant to tease.
He smirked, "Oh baby, I'm interested in rearranging your guts in only one way."
You laughed, pushing his face away from you, "You're such an idiot, who says that."
His smiles, dipping his head down to kiss your neck, his hand creeping into your panties.
The next morning at school, when you and Sam arrive the reporters are there again, you squint, the bright sun in your eyes.
"Why are they here again?" You ask. Amanda pulls you into a hug.
"Babe, I'm so happy you're alive, good thing Sam got there or that could've been you."
You and Sam look at each other, "What could've been me?"
Riley puts his arm over Amanda's shoulder, "Principal Reed, he got attacked last night. He died on the way to the hospital, his daughter found him too late."
"What the fuck, and they're sure it's the same guy?" You grimace.
"They're pretty sure, small town three murders already. It's likely," Amanda interjects.
You take a deep breath, "Son of a bitch. I actually liked Principal Reed, he was a nice man."
Sam smiled, looking at you. "At least we know you're not the killer."
You roll your eyes, "yeah yeah I'm going to class."
Amanda shoves a flyer in your hand before you could walk away, "Halloween party Friday night at my place-you know memorial for the dead or what not, you better come."
You chuckle, of course she'd use any opportunity to party. "There's a killer on the loose, running around in a mask, just carving people up and you think it's a good idea to gather as many people as possible in one place and get them all drunk?"
She begs, "come on, it'll be fun, and gathering is safer than you sitting at home basically waiting for this psycho to come gut you...for real this time."
Sam takes the flyer studying it, "Party sounds good."
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woozvc · 9 months
back to you.
synopsis — you move back to the town you left one year ago as a senior in high school. what happens when u see jeonghan, who you also left behind without an explanation?
pairing — jeonghan x gn!reader
genre/s — written + smau, hurt comfort, reader messed up but they apologize, 2nd chance, seren cafe makes a comeback
warnings — singular penthouse spoiler (??), mentions of leaving, cursing, not prof read
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( wc - 2.4k ish)
call in sick? your dog died? you had a heart attack???
literally any excuse to get yourself out of meeting yoon jeonghan tomorrow you'd take it.
if you told yourself 2years ago that you'd be thinking of ways to avoid jeonghan you would've punched yourself in the face. he was everything you've dreamed of. smart, funny, caring and most of all loyal.
you and jeonghan were not dating, although, it felt like it. you'd go on long walks at 2 in the morning holding hands talking about your futures together. both of u would go on weekly cafe runs exploring new places and trying new food.
you and jeonghan were not dating.
so it shouldn't matter that the day you asked jeonghan to meet you in a cafe as were supposed to tell him your family was moving to another country, you never showed up.
you walk into the cafe, fully expecting jeonghan not to show up. he was nice but he also was revengeful, and you couldn't blame him. but he was there, like he always had been.
he waved his hand to you and you sit down in front of him. the air around both of you suddenly thick with tension. you both knew you'd have to bring it up but neither of you wanted to let go of this moment. so you started.
"so how have-"
"why didn't you come that day."
straightforward. like he always had been. you quiet for a second, watching as the waiter approaches you. you can feel jeonghans gaze on you, piercing, trying to look within you to find an answer.
you order a coffee and jeonghan does too. he seems completely uninterested in his beverage choices right now.
"you know I waited for 4hours that day. I kept texting you hoping you'd reply but you never did."
ouch. you had muted jeonghan that day as u walked back to your apartment. you had halfway made it to the cafe when you decided that you couldn't tell him. it was too hard.
"I wanted to tell you, I really did. I have no excuse. call me an immature senior in highschool but I couldn't find the words to tell you."
"so you left? just like that?"
your silence is broken by your cups being kept on your table. the waiter says a small enjoy before walking away. although, he could clearly see that you were in fact not enjoying.
"let me explain from the beginning."
and you did. you and jeonghan sat in the cafe for 3hours while you told him why you couldn't show up that day. why you never contacted him again. why you left him to find out you had moved to a different place with your parents from his friends and not you directly.
"we weren't even dating, I told myself to excuse my actions but I owed u an explanation as a friend too. I'm sorry."
"I was going to confess to you that day"
you don't respond.
"you texted me, saying u needed to meet up immediately. there was no underlying panic in your tone so I thought maybe you had finally realised my feelings for you. truth is I had been thinking about telling you I liked you for a while then, no, I was in love with you"
you wish you could tell him you felt the same way right then and there. you wish you could get up and hug him the way you've been thinking of doing for the past year. you wish u could just ask him to be yours.
"can we start over jeonghan?"
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3 months later —
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hebuiltfive · 8 months
Thundertober Day Eight: Gentle Giant
Grandpa is mentioned so very briefly (if at all?) in TAG, so I just ran with my own headcanons on this one. Also, this is mainly about Virgil but it ended up turning into a Scott POV.
AO3 here
Days: One ~ Two ~ Three ~ Four ~ Five ~ Six ~ Seven
Warnings for: None! I like to think this is a nice, soft fic after the previous two I posted. Virgil is a lot similar to Grandpa Tracy than one may first assume. Tagging: @thunder-tober @skymaiden32 @idontknowreallywhy (just going to put it out there that if you want to be tagged in any future Thundertober pieces, or future pieces in general, let me know and I'll tag you too!)
Virgil had a way with rescuees. It was often put down to his calming nature and his ability to be so empathetic. Some might have mistakenly claimed that Virgil had inherited these traits from Lucille. Perhaps they were partly because of her, but Virgil himself always credited them to Grant.
Grandpa Tracy had always been his favourite adult. At family functions, Virgil had always found himself crawling, waddling, walking, and then running towards him first. Whilst he loved them all, it was no secret that Grant held Virgil’s heart.
Virgil had once claimed Grandpa was his hero, which had displeased Scott a little at first but his older brother soon realised why. To Virgil, Grandpa was everything he wanted to be: funny and considerate, wise beyond even his senior years, but above all else, Grant was kind and gentle and soft. If Scott took after Jeff, Virgil wanted to take after Grant.
Scott could still see their grandfather in Virgil as he carefully led some unfortunate souls away from a disaster zone. Like Grant, Virgil would always, always know the right things to say, whether that was to diffuse a situation or to calm someone down from a panic attack. 
Virgil didn’t look like Grandpa, per se, but Scott often found himself blinking or doing a double-take because the personality was a mirror. He filled a void in Scott’s heart which had been empty since the accident. He enjoyed seeing his brother embody Grant, and he knew John appreciated the sight too.
Never was this more apparent than when they were dealing with a disaster involving children. 
They were all great with kids, but Virgil was the best. His temperament meant that children adored him. They ran to him for comfort, for answers, for reassurance just like Virgil used to run to Grant all those years ago. Whether purposeful or not, Virgil had become the Gentle Giant of Present, crafting what he loved about Grandpa and what he had learned into something that worked for him. It was the perfect homage to a great man, the perfect way to carry out a legacy so that Grandpa Tracy’s love and care was never truly forgotten.
Whenever Virgil embodied that Gentle Giant persona, it felt like Grandpa was in the room with them. Maybe he was in some sort of higher-being way. Maybe he was watching on from wherever his soul currently rested with the usual fond expression he reserved only for his second grandson. 
Conversations about Grandpa Tracy were rarely brought up. It was only when Grandma was in the room, or when they were reminiscing about a very specific memory that involved the Gentle Giant of Old. It wasn’t fair on Alan, was the usual excuse, for the youngest of the brood had never met Grant, at least not properly. He had been so young when the accident had happened that bringing up any memories of the man seemed unfair in Alan’s presence. It was the same rule with Mom.
There were some nights, like tonight, when Alan wasn’t around and Scott and Virgil were alone on the balcony under a canopy of stars where it was safe to mention Grant’s name.
Virgil had almost jumped with fright at the sight of Scott. He approached with two mugs of chamomile tea. It was an attempt, however futile, to help calm their systems after a harrowing rescue that had almost gone wrong earlier. 
Said rescue involved children. 
Said rescue showcased Virgil’s inherited talents once again.
“Do you remember,” Scott said by way of greeting, the cause of Virgil’s almost heart-attack, “when we used to play out on the ranch?”
Scott handed his brother one of the mugs, coming to a halt by his side with an apologetic smile for the shock. Virgil offered him a nod.
He continued. “We were always told not to stray too far, or go into the barns unaccompanied, but that would never stop us.”
“God bless Mom and Dad for the eternal patience.” Virgil joked, lifting the mug to his lips and gently blowing the steam into the night air beyond.
“We were always careful!” Scott protested, a playfully reminiscent grin forming. “… Except for the time we weren’t.”
Beside him, his brother visibly cringed. “I thought I was going to lose my hand.”
Scott tried his hardest to not laugh. 
At the time, it had seemed like it was a matter of life or death which, given their current occupation, was ridiculous. “It was only a scratch, Virgil.”
“We didn’t know that at the time.”
There had been so much blood. They had learned very quickly that tractor rotavators were not toys to be played on.
“I thought Dad was going to kill us.” Virgil admitted, a touch more quietly.
“Thank God he never found out because he probably would have.” Scott cast a glance sideways to observe his brother carefully. “I didn’t want to go to anyone, for fear of them all wanting to kill us. I wanted to patch you up myself and keep it a secret, even from John, but you ran from that barn, Virg, all the way to Grandpa inside.”
Grant had been nothing but gentle with the bawling Virgil and, by the time Scott had hesitantly arrived, he had already begun to patch up his hand. He had, naturally, berated them for their carelessness, and told them that rules were in place for a reason, but he hadn’t yelled. He remained calm throughout the whole thing.
Scott had witnessed history repeat itself earlier that day, during the rescue that almost went wrong. A bunch of children, none older than seven, playing in a barn that belonged to one of their families. They weren’t supposed to be in there. They had accidentally caused the already crumbling structure to start collapsing. Three of them had been trapped inside, but Virgil never once raised his voice to any of them when he attended to them after. He merely stated the facts as they were, in the exact same way Grant had to them all those years ago.
“They were just kids, Scott.” Virgil eventually stated, his eyes locked on the distant horizon. “What else was I going to do?”
“I’m not saying you did the wrong thing, Virg. I think you handled it beautifully. Way better than what I would have done and, by the sounds of the cursing I heard over the comms from John, way better than what he would have done.”
“Sometimes,” Virgil began slowly, “when we’re out on mission, I feel him.” He paused, shaking his head. “That probably sounds stupid.”
“It doesn’t.” Scott was quick to respond. “Sometimes, I feel Dad beside me.”
Virgil turned to glance at him then, the first time he’d actually looked at Scott since he’d taken the tea from him. “Really?”
The calmness of the night settled over them. The laps of waves, the salt in the air, the distant sound of wildlife on the island.
Virgil eventually broke the silence. “Do you think… Do you think he’d be proud? Of me? Of us?”
Scott didn’t answer that for a long while because the answer was obvious, at least to him. He continued to gaze out at the horizon where the sky met the ocean. “I know he would be.”
He let it hang in the air for a moment longer before nodding to the mug in Virgil’s hand. “Drink it and then try to get some rest. I know you’re a night owl, Virg,” he added quickly before his brother could protest, “but I need to go over some bits with you in the morning for the reports.”
Virgil reluctantly conceded and purposefully took a big swig of tea. 
Scott tried, and failed, to hide his fond smile. “Regardless of whatever Grandpa would or wouldn’t think, I’m proud of you.”
And he was.
Virgil offered him a smile over his shoulder in return, and Scott cast one last glance over the ocean before heading back into the warmth of the villa.
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honeybadgerwritings · 2 years
Bandana And The Bracelet
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Requested: OMG OKAY i was thinking about what to request for eddie or steve because i read your elevator fic and fell in love instantly. Would you write a 4 + 1 concept for eddie? I just love those! Maybe with a popular!reader? And i know some people are tired of that but i just adore some opposites attract shit lmao
Um if you want an idea: the 4 times reader ignored him and the 1 time she/they didn't. If you don't have time to write right now or that just doesn't give you any inspiration i totally understand! Lots of love 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Warnings: Heavy Mentions of Abuse and Violence, Blood, Angst, Panic Attack, Drug Usage, Arguments, Insults, My Overuse of Italics (Please let me know if I missed any!!!)
A/N: Haha decided to do a 5+1 instead, I decided to give Andy the most basic last name I could think of, because I don’t think he has one.
Summary: 5 times you ignored Eddie + the 1 time you didn’t.
For the sake of this fic, You, Eddie, Chrissy, Robin, Andy, and Jason are all in senior year. Steve one year older and graduated.
Not Edited
(Will get it done ASAP)
1. The Tickle Fight
An ensemble of heavy metal echoes in your ears as Jawbreaker by Judas Priest blasts throughout the Munson trailer. You huff in frustration, flipping over the chair cushion in the living room as you look for your green bracelet. Eddie is proving himself to be absolutely useless as he leans against the wall, watching you scramble around, desperate to find it. He smirks to himself as you do so, feeling it sit in his back pocket. You huff in frustration, wiping sweat from your brow as you look up at him.
“Are you gonna help me or just sit there?” You sass, placing a hand on your hip. He raises an eyebrow at you,
“Actually I’m pretty content over here.” 
You groan, throwing the cushion at him. You hope it catches him off guard and hits him in the face, but you’re not so lucky as he snatches it, tossing it in his hands.
“Easy tiger,” he laughs, watching as you slowly become more and more frustrated. “Why do you need it so badly anyways?”
A sigh leaves your lips as you rub your arm, fingers fiddling with a button on your denim jacket, and your eyes are fixated on the floorboards. Eddie’s eyebrows furrow as he watches you become flustered all of a sudden, almost like you’re embarrassed to tell him.
“Hey,” he bends down to meet your gaze, and you’ll be damned if you ever admit that his pretty eyes make your stomach do flips, and your heart beat faster, “What is it sweetheart?”
“It’s just-” the pet name makes your brain sputter for a moment and you bite your inner cheek. You know he’s definitely about to judge you for your next words, “We start Sophomore year tomorrow and I wanna look good. The bracelet is the only thing I have that matches the outfit I picked.”
You can tell by his reaction that he’s confused, so you elaborate before he can get any words out, “If I dress nice maybe I can get in with some of the popular girls. You know, like Chrissy and Rebecca…. and then it might be easier for me to join the cheer team.”
His mouth drops open in pure shock as you stand there before him. Your eyes meet the ground once again as you fiddle with the hem of your jacket nervously. The silence is only broken once his laugh cuts through the air, and you look up at him in surprise. His head is thrown back as he clutches the cushion in his grip, having to lean back into the wall to support himself.
You frown, a pout forming on your lips as you cross your arms and glare at him, “What’s so funny about that?”
He shakes his head, huffing out a few more laughs as he tries to calm himself down. He bends over in an attempt to catch his breath, which allows you to spot the bracelet dangling from his back pocket. You grin at that, figuring that he’d taken it, but you had to be sure first. He stands back up as the last of his chuckles escape him.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry I….” He huffs out, smiling, “You just looked like a kicked puppy. Like I was going to be upset with you over that.” Now it’s your turn to be confused.
“But I thought you hate the cheer team. You always make fun of them.”
“Ah ah ah,” he corrects you, “I make fun of their boyfriends, who are all douche bags to me. I think you’d be a great cheerleader sweetheart.”
You smile bashfully and he smirks as your cheeks grow pink.
“In fact, I have something that might even match better.” You raise an eyebrow at him as he makes his way into his room. He comes back, a green bandana in hand. He gestures for you to hold out your wrist and you do so, letting him tie it neatly. You can’t help but grin as you watch him, admiring the fact that his tongue is sticking out as he focuses.
“See? Perfect.” He stands up, a proud smile on his face, “Much better than any old bracelet.”
Your heart feels like it’s grown three sizes. What the hell is happening to you?
You roll your eyes, and lean in, making it seem like you’re just going to hug him. Instead, you dodge his outstretched arms and attempt to snatch the bracelet from his back pocket. He jumps out of the way, taking a few steps back as he giggles like a little school girl.
“You thief! I knew you had it!”
He rolls his eyes at you, crossing his arms, “You absolutely did not.”
“Did too!”
He sticks his tongue out at you, “Did not.”
You jab him in the stomach, emitting a surprised squeal from him as he tries to get away. If there’s one weakness you know Eddie Munson has, it’s that he’s incredibly ticklish.
He tries to push you away from him, but he fails, toppling over onto his back. You crawl on top of him, continuing to dig your fingers into his sides, his stomach and his neck. Laughs and squeals leave his lips in between his desperate pleas for you to stop,
“Pl-please stop! I’m sorry! I-I’m sorry!” He giggles, attempting to push you off of him. You just laugh, ignoring him and continuing your attack, his protests being drowned out by Judas Priest.
You may have never gotten your bracelet back, but at least you got to keep the bandana.
2. The Actual Fight
It’s cold. And rainy. And dark.
Which means that the last place you want to be right now is upset and waiting outside your best friends trailer in your cheer uniform. It’s currently the middle of October and you had your first ever pep rally as a cheerleader tonight. You had been so excited, spending hours practicing the different routines that you were supposed to do.
The night had gone great too. You’d remembered every single move and routine without messing up once, and you had so much fun while doing it. Until you realized someone was missing in the crowd.
Your feelings had only grown for him in recent months. Developing from a simply crush, to you being absolutely giddy any time his name was mentioned. He’d been super excited to watch you perform too, promising you over and over again for weeks that he would be there tonight.
“How could I miss my favorite girl doing something she loves?” He’d said to you.
I don’t know Eddie, but apparently you could.
He was also supposed to be your ride home, but since he never showed up you had to hitch a ride with Chrissy back to your house. You didn’t mind that though, she’s actually very sweet and had spent a lot of time helping you practice the different routines. She’s a good friend to you.
You had thanked her after she dropped you off and watched her car pull away before turning to head inside. You didn’t even make it to the front door before your mind wandered to Eddie. Maybe there was a reason he hadn’t shown up to the pep rally. Maybe he was sick… or hurt. You couldn’t bear not at least checking up on him.
So you grabbed your bike and began the 3 mile trek to the trailer park.
Now here you are, standing in the trickling rain and banging on door of the Munson residence with your fist. Part of you hopes that there’s something actually wrong with him. Because if he ditched you for no reason, you’re going to be pissed.
“Jesus Christ- I’m coming!” His voice is muffled through the metal walls before the door flies open, revealing a very disheveled, very high, Eddie Munson. Your heart sinks in disappointment as his eyebrows furrow in confusion at the sight of you.
“Sweetheart? What are you doing here?” He asks, reeking of weed. You take a step back shaking your head in disappointment. The pet name doesn’t have the same affect on you that it normally does; this time it physically hurts to hear.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He’s confused, you can tell, “You were supposed to be there tonight Eddie.” He shakes his head, still lost. You sigh, clearly aggravated as you gesture to your cheer outfit. A look of recognition fills his eyes and you expect him to feel bad, falling to his knees and beg you for forgiveness like his dramatic self normally would.
He doesn’t even flinch.
But you do.
“Okay? What do you mean okay? You promised me that you would be there. And what- you ditched me to get high?” You ask incredulously. He opens his mouth to respond before one of the doors behind him creaks open and a sickeningly sweet voice fills the air,
“Eddie can you tell the cheerleader to hurry it up please?”
You flinch again, just now noticing how his pants are on completely backwards and there’s remnants of lipstick on his cheek. Oh my god. He had completely ditched you for another girl. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel like a stab to the heart; a jealous rage filling you.
“Yeah baby, I’ll be there in just a minute.” Eddie calls back and you scowl. So that’s it? Mystery girl is “baby,” but you’ve been downgraded to just “the cheerleader” to him?
You can’t help but scoff as you hear her shut the door behind her. Eddie watches carefully as your eyes fill with rage, becoming slightly irritated himself.
“The cheerleader?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Well, you are one aren’t you?” He snaps back. You take another step back at his tone, never having heard him speak like that towards you.
“Yeah I am…. I thought that wasn’t a problem for you.” You mumble, head hanging low at this point. You hear him huff, and tears start to brim your eyes.
“It’s not. You’re the one making it a problem.” His nonchalant attitude causes you to snap,
“You were supposed to be there! You told me over and over again for weeks about how excited you were to see me perform! And then- what- you ditched me to get high and sleep with some girl? Do you even know her?”
He’s angry now, opening his mouth to yell, but you cut him off again, “You know what? I don’t even care about her at this point. You were my ride home too Eddie, and you weren’t there. Best friends don’t do that kind of shit to each other.”
It’s like he ignores almost everything you had just said.
“Well you made it home just fine didn’t you?” He asks bitterly.
“No thanks to you, asshole.” His eyes widen in surprise at your words. You had hardly ever cussed around him, let alone at him. A mix of both guilt and dread begin to sink in as he realizes the full extent of your anger,
“Listen, you came at a bad time and-”
The tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you grab your bike, hopping on. You wish it were you he’d been so quick to defend. You wish it were you he was spending his night with. You wish it were you in that trailer instead of some random girl.
“Yeah I can see that. But you don’t have to worry about that happening again, I won’t be coming around anymore.” You begin to peddle off, needing to be away from him. His face falls as he watches you,
“C’mon don’t be like that!” He calls,
“Sweetheart please…” he tries again. But you don’t turn around. You don’t even acknowledge him as you bike off into the night, your tears mixing with the rain as they soak your cheeks.
3. The Band Practice
The rest of the year had gone by in a flash and it was now Summer in Hawkins once again. Your sophomore year had been great to be honest. You’d gotten solid grades, passed your drivers test, and made plenty of new friends from the cheer squad, and while they could definitely be pretty mean and judgmental, they were better than nothing.
Except Chrissy though, she’s an absolute saint. She’s there for you and always seems to know what to say. She’s heard about what happened between you and Eddie about a million times, and while she doesn’t agree with his behavior, she thinks you should try to talk to him.
That’s one of the only pieces of advice that you haven’t taken from her. You know that her heart’s in the right place but… you just can’t. It’s too late at this point.
But that’s okay, because she’s been avoiding the advice you’ve given to her for months. You’ve told her to dump Jason about fifty times by now and she just won’t, even though she thinks he’s a total douche bag. Either way she’s a sweetheart to you, and an amazing friend.
Just like Eddie was. The thought lingers in the back of your mind.
You shake your head, trying to will away your thoughts. As much as you hate to admit it, you really do miss Eddie. The two of you had been best friends for almost a decade, but after that night you never spoke again. It definitely hurt, cutting out his friendship cold turkey. It was just some stupid fight, and honestly you had expected him to be apologizing by Monday night so the two of you could celebrate your monthly watching of ‘The Thing.’
But you guess he took what you had said to heart.
“I won’t be coming around anymore.”
Even though he had been completely in the wrong that night, you still regretted your choice of words. Maybe you’d still be friends with him. Maybe you’d still be able to show up at his trailer at midnight with your problems.
Maybe you wouldn’t have an overwhelming feeling of dread as you stare at him playing his guitar in Gareth’s garage.
You’d been on a run, trying to get back into shape for cheerleading. It‘s supposed to start up along with school in about a month, and you decided it was better to be prepared instead of feeling exhausted at the end of every practice, like the year prior.
While you had been busy with your new popular friends, Eddie had also been quite busy. He’d reformed his old band from middle school, keeping the name corroded coffin, and he’d started a D&D club called Hellfire. He runs it with his buddies Jeff, Mick, and Gareth, and honestly, he seems happier with them. Happier without you.
Gareth’s house has always been on your typical running route, but their band practices have never overlapped with your usual runs. Until now at least. You’d stopped in your tracks completely in the absolute worst spot too.
At the end of the fucking driveway. Right in their line of sight.
You can’t take your eyes off of Eddie though. He’s definitely grown another inch or two taller, and his hair has gotten longer. He wears rings on his fingers now, and he’s no longer wearing his old, worn out black shoes, but instead crisp, new, white ones.
He looks good. Like really good.
It isn’t until the song they’re playing ends and he looks up that you even realize you’re staring.
He’s surprised to see you of course, you’d be surprised too. But then his eyes light up and he gives you a wave. You can’t help but give him a small smile, shyly returning the wave. He cracks a smile and you blush. God you miss this boy.
You watch as he holds up a finger to you as if to say, “one second,” before he turns to the other boys.
You realize what he’s doing and immediately panic. He’s going to come up to you. He’s going to talk to you. Your fight or flight instincts kick in, flight immediately winning as you turn your heel and continue your run, leaving Eddie behind once again.
Eddie turns around after setting his guitar down, only to find that you’re gone. He peeks his head around the corner of the garage and watches as you run down the street, away from him.
A sense of deja vu washes over him from the night your friendship had ended and he sighs, masking the disappointment from his face before picking up the guitar and plastering on a fake smile.
“Alright, where were we?”
4. The Parking Lot
Senior year hits you like a bus. Your years of mischief and dark clothing have been put behind you, and you’re now one of the Hawkins High, “It girls.”
You’ve been named Co-Captain of the cheer squad alongside Chrissy, who is the Captain, you’re constantly making appearances at parties and many other social events, you’re in the running for homecoming Queen, and you’re even dating Andy Johnson, one of the star varsity basketball players.
From the outside, most people would say that your life is great. But in reality, you’re drowning.
The constant partying, drinking, and socializing is way too much for you. Keeping up the stereotypical “good girl who always dresses up” image you’ve created for yourself has caused you to have so many breakdowns that you’ve lost count of them all.
And spending hours at night just to figure out what you’re going to wear the next day, then going to school with eye bags and a forced smile? It’s exhausting. And it’s not like your parents are ever around to help you, with how “devoted to their work” they are.
“Honey it’s nothing personal.” Your mom had said over the phone for the last three birthdays, “Your father and I have work to do. Go hang out with your friends today.”
It was bullshit. Your whole life had become a stupid pile of bullshit, and you were left to deal with it alone.
All while trying to keep your shithead of a boyfriend happy.
It’s wearing you down to bone. These days you look in the mirror and don’t even recognize yourself. You never used to care what other people thought of you, but when the other cheerleaders are constantly judging your outfits, your makeup, and your attitude?
It doesn’t matter how many times Chrissy tells you to ignore them, it still gets to you, and she’s the only one who can see that.
Well, and Eddie of course.
He’s kept his distance for over the last year and a half, taking the hint you gave him that day at his band practice. But that doesn’t mean he stopped keeping an eye on you. He watched from afar as you slowly climbed the social ladder, becoming extremely popular within only a few months.
At first he was happy for you, even if it hurt, he was still happy that you had moved on and made something better for yourself. And then he started to notice it.
The way you slouch over in class, eyes slowly drooping shut until you’re called on by a teacher. The way you force your smile while talking to the other cheerleaders. The way you always fiddle with your clothing or your hair, nervous that somethings fallen out of place.
The way you seem completely uncomfortable around your asshole boyfriend.
He can tell that you’re close to your breaking point, as he’s seen you burst at the seams before, but he doesn’t want to overstep the line you’ve so adamantly drawn out between the two of you.
So he stays away. Close enough to where he’s there if you ever need him, and far enough that you’re not bothered.
Little does he know, you’d never be bothered by him. You miss him so much that it physically hurts. But you’re stuck in this façade, fearful of what might happen if you break out of it.
You’re ashamed of how often you lay in bed and wish that things had gone differently that night. That maybe you could’ve given him a chance to explain, or even come by the next day and communicated your frustrations. But no, you had to let your anger get in the way and fuck it all up. It was just a stupid pep rally after all, and it’s pretty much ruined your life. It was just the shove you needed to be sent spiraling down the rabbit hole. You’ve dug yourself a hole six feet deep, with no way to crawl out.
Which is why you’re here now, after school, dragging your feet along as you trudge to Chrissy’s car. Cheer practice had been cancelled for the day so you actually have time to do your homework, pick out a cute outfit for tomorrow, and pass out completely.
You can’t help but sigh happily as you daydream about your bed. However, your blissful thoughts are rudely interrupted by a string of insults flying through the air. You whip your head around to find the last thing you wanted to see,
“You think you’re tough shit freak? You think you can stalk my girlfriend and get away with it?”
Andy and Jason have Eddie cornered.
You know that they like to pick on him from time to time, but Eddie can most certainly hold his own, and it’s never gotten physical. Andy’s violence was usually just reserved for you. Until now.
Jason throws the first punch, hitting Eddie square in the jaw.
Eddie’s always been a good fighter, but not when it’s two against one. That’s just unfair.
His head whips back but he recovers quickly, throwing a punch of his own. A sickening crack fills the air as his fist connects with Jason’s nose. You mentally cheer as you witness Jason stumble backwards, only to watch in horror as Eddie’s punched in the cheek by none other than your boyfriend. Another punch is thrown into his gut and he falls to his knees, taking punches and kicks from both boys.
Your immediate gut instinct is to run over there and defend Eddie, and you almost do, but about five steps in, your body forces itself to stop, as you see Andy with his raised fist. You’re paralyzed with fear.
You’ve experienced his hits before, and you’re absolutely petrified of him. The hundreds of dollars worth of foundation and concealer you’ve gone through are enough proof for you to realize that you can’t do anything to stop this.
Eddie’s eyes meet yours through the chaos and his eyes can’t help but soften as he watches the tears trickle down your cheeks. Even as he’s being beaten to hell, all he can worry about is you. You can’t force yourself to keep watching though, turning away from the scene, doing your best to drown it out, to ignore it.
Soon enough you have arms wrapped around you and you’re being pulled into someone’s chest. You catch a whiff of perfume as you try to breathe, recognizing the signature floral scent anywhere.
“JASON THAT’S ENOUGH!” She rages and you tremble harder in her arms, never having heard her sound so angry.
Silence ensues after that, Jason and Andy ceasing their attack on poor Eddie. They realize that a crowd has now gathered, witnessing everything that had just gone down. Chrissy holds you tight, gently shushing your cries as teachers begin to push their way through everyone.
“It’s okay…it’s okay it’s over. He’s alright.”
You nod your head shakily against her chest, titling it to the side to catch a glimpse of another student helping Eddie up. He’s beaten up pretty bad, but all he can focus on is you. The two of you hold eye contact for a moment before your lip starts to wobble. You manage to mouth an apology to him before your view is cut off by a very angry Andy, who’s currently marching towards you.
He grabs you by the wrist as he walks by, practically yanking you from Chrissy’s arms and dragging you with him.
“Ow! Andy-”
“Shut the fuck up and let’s go.” He practically growls, dragging you towards his truck.
“Actually Andy…” Chrissy’s voice cuts through the air like a knife. The girl who usually sounds so sweet, now sounds like she could bite Andy’s head off, “Her and I were going to study tonight. So I suggest you let her go.”
Andy stops in his tracks and you almost crash into him. He turns to glare at Chrissy, only to realize just how many people are staring at him right now. He huffs out an aggravated breath before releasing his tight grip on your wrist.
“Of course.” He smiles bitterly, his voice sickeningly sweet, “She’s all yours.” He bends down to your ear,
“Don’t think for one second I’m gonna fucking forget about this. Next time I see you, we’re gonna have a little talk.” He whispers, his tone ever threatening. You don’t even know what you did wrong, but you’re too petrified to ask. He places a kiss to your temple for show, before pushing you away from him. You stumble back into Chrissy’s arms and she holds you tight once again in an attempt to calm your trembling self.
“Chrissy I-” you hear Jason attempt to explain himself.
“Don’t. Just fucking don’t, Jason. Go home.” She hisses at him. You can’t see but you can only imagine how he’s solemnly hanging his head right now, walking back to his car like a kicked puppy. It takes Chrissy a moment to notice that the crowd is still gathered, witnessing this whole interaction.
“Cmon, let’s go to my car.” She ushers, gently.
You nod, trailing behind her as she leads you by the hand. When the two of you are finally settled inside, you take a moment to process everything that’s gone down in the last 10 minutes. Chrissy watches you carefully, keeping a hand on your shoulder as your hands slowly begin to stop trembling and you take a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” She asks you, tone full of concern. You shake your head, wondering where the hell everything in your life had gone so wrong.
“Did he see any of that?” You ask, knowing she’ll understand what you’re referring to. She shakes her head,
“I don’t think so. He was limping away by the time Andy grabbed you.” You sigh in relief and she bites her lip in contemplation, “Why do you stay with him?” She whispers.
You think about it for a moment. Remembering back to the earlier days of your relationship. You had thought he was cute, and sweet, and funny. And when he had finally asked you out, you were over the moon, never having been in a relationship before. But then he changed. He stopped being sweet, and started begging for sex, getting angry every time you told him that you weren’t ready. By the time you were, you’d found out that he’d been sleeping with other girls. So many other girls. The first time you tried to confront him about it was the first time he hit you.
That was the last time you had any complaints. But it definitely wasn’t the last of the abuse.
The two of you have been together for show for the last nine months. He doesn’t kiss you, he doesn’t show you affection, and he doesn’t touch you. Yet, he refuses to break it off, even though when the two of you are alone he’s nothing but scary. You’re terrified of what he’ll do if you try to break up with him again.
You think back to last month, when the two of you stood in the Family Video parking lot as you tried to end things with him. He’d backhanded you across the face right then and there. The only thing that saved you that day was a very angry Steve Harrington who had marched up to Andy in his uniform and practically thrown him off of the property.
You and Steve had talked occasionally before, mainly through Eddie and Robin who’re both technically mutual friends. The two of you had always bonded over your feelings of loneliness within your families. You’d confided in him that day, telling him every last detail about what had been going on with you lately, while you cried in his arms. You were begging him not to tell Eddie anything, and he agreed, reluctantly, but he agreed.
As long as you stayed away from Andy of course.
You knew you couldn’t keep that promise though. He’d be back, and Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington couldn’t protect you forever. So you lied through your teeth, convincing him you’d be done with your boyfriend for good. And since he isn’t in high school anymore, you hoped it be a lot easier to hide it from him.
But by the next Monday, you and Andy were officially back on as a couple. Holding hands in the high school hallways had never felt so draining, especially since there was a large purple bruise on your cheek that had been doused in concealer.
You shrug your shoulders, sniffling, “He’ll hurt me if I try to leave him again.”
She stays silent for a moment, pondering what she can do to help you before she reaches back behind her seat. You do your best to wipe your face of any tears before she places something in your lap.
A first aid kit.
“What-” she cuts you off,
“I saw him go back behind the football field. Probably to that old picnic bench he deals at.” She looks at you sadly, but you shake your head.
“No…no I can’t. There’s no way he’d even want me to-” she grips your shoulders gently, turning you towards her with a small smile.
“You’ve been putting this off for way too long. I’ve seen the way he looks at you…the way he looked at you just now. Even when he was bleeding and bruised all he cared about was you.” You huff, contemplating her words,
“But what if he-” you attempt one final time.
“He won’t. Now go. I’ll wait here until you guys come back.”
You nod, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the car, first aid kid in hand. You slowly make your way towards the woods, anxiety filling you to the brim.
5. The Picnic Bench
The woods are cold; the trees preventing the sun from keeping the November air bearable. And you wore a fucking skirt to school today.
Great idea.
In your defense, you didn’t think you’d be outside for more than 5 minutes today. But here you are, trudging your way through mud and leaves behind Hawkins High School, first aid kit in hand.
God why did Chrissy have to be so convincing.
There was still time to turn around. You could tell her that Eddie had wanted nothing to do with you, and told you to fuck off. You could go home and finally lay in your comfy bed, and pass out for ten hours straight. You could avoid any and all interaction with him like you had been for the last two years and spare yourself from what could be the most awkward situation you’ve ever put yourself into.
But your feet don’t stop moving, because you know better. You could never do that to Eddie. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he needs someone right now. And you’re the only someone around.
The small clearing comes more into view with every step that you take, and low and behold, there sits Eddie on top of the picnic bench holding his head in his hands. You pause for a moment, unsure of how to go about this. You watch as his body trembles and you can hear him sniffle, your heart shattering as he does. You’ve never seen him like this, and you want nothing more than fix the broken boy in front of you.
The broken boy you created, your thoughts echo, a horrible weight of guilt settling on top of your shoulders.
You take another slow step towards him and a twig snaps under your foot, causing his head to whip around in fear. You curse, holding your hands up in an effort to show you’re no threat to him.
Not that he would ever actually think that.
“It’s me… It’s just me,” You state calmly. He huffs out a breath of relief, wincing before he turns back away from you, quickly wiping his tears from his cheeks. You watch as he does, feeling a pang in your chest at the fact that he’s hiding from you. You make your way over, setting the first aid kit down on the bench as you kneel in front of him.
Your hands reach up, cradling his bruised face as your thumbs gently brush the tears from his cheeks. He lets you, though he doesn’t say anything, nor does he make eye contact with you, his eyes glued to the floor. “Oh Eds…” you sigh, reaching for the first aid kit.
He glances at it, shaking his head at you, “No.”
You freeze, eyeing him carefully, “What?”
His puppy dog eyes stay focused on the ground as he pleads defeatedly, “No don’t- please don’t. You don’t have to.”
His body is trembling, his bottom lip and eyebrow are both split, his left eye is swollen, his jaw is starting to form different hues of black and blue, and based on the damage that had been done to his stomach and ribs, you had no doubt that his torso looked just the same. And yet here he is, pleading for you to walk away. But there’s no way you’re going to leave him out here alone.
There’s no way you’re going to leave him ever again.
You reach into the first aid kit, pulling out an antiseptic wipe before reaching up to dab at the slit in his eyebrow, “Of course I do.”
He winces as the alcohol seeps into his cut, cleaning them. He sniffles, attempting one last time to convince you that you don’t have to help him, “I’m serious, you really don’t have to.”
You ignore him, continuing to lightly dab at his wounds.
Your hands work slowly as you carefully clean and bandage each cut, the two of you sitting in silence, save for the occasional hiss of pain from him, immediately followed by a mumbled apology from you.
Once you finish you slowly put everything back into the first aid kit, the two of you continuing to sit in silence. You chew on your lip, not really knowing what to say. You can’t help but think of what things were like three years ago, when this would never have happened. Back then there had never been an awkward moment between the two of you. Yet here you are, nervous thoughts wracking your brain and watching as he nervously played with the ends of his hair. You take a moment to gather your scrambled thoughts as you take a deep breath,
“I’m sorry.”
You both say it at the same time, wide eyes meeting. He grins shyly, and you can’t help the small laugh that leaves your lips,
“What the hell are you sorry for?”
His eyebrows furrow at your question, eyes swimming with confusion as he wonders whether your serious or not. What the hell isn’t he sorry for at this point?
“Well- everything?” He huffs out, “For getting into a fight with your boyfriend, for making you feel like you need to take care of me, for pushing my way into your business, even after you made it clear you want nothing to do with me, for…that night.” he trails off, remembering how you had looked, standing in the rain and begging for some kind of an explanation from him, when in reality, he didn’t have one.
You shake your head at his words, “That- that night was so…”
“Stupid?” He fills in, and you nod.
“I don’t even know why I was so worked up over some dumb pep rally,” you laugh sadly, head hung low. Eddie watches carefully as your hand comes up to your cheek, quickly trying to wipe a tear away. He sighs heavily, patting the spot next to him on the bench and you look up at him in confusion.
“Cmon, get up here.”
You oblige, sniffling as you stand up from your spot on the ground. You sit down next to him, suddenly aware of the cold air around you once more. Your arms wrap around your body as a chill runs up your spine. You don’t even notice that Eddie’s removed his leather jacket until he’s placing it around your shoulders.
It smells like him. The same cheap cologne he’s worn since freshman year, a hint of weed, a hint of cigarettes… and mint? That’s new.
You nod, wordlessly thanking him, and he responds by snaking his arm around your shoulders, scooting closer to you until you’re joined at the hip. Without even thinking about it, you lay your head on his shoulder and he rubs your arm.
It’s silent for a few moments, the two of you just taking in this moment together, as the cold November air nips at your skin.
“You were worked up over ‘some dumb pep rally’ because it was important to you, and I bailed.” His voice cuts through the air, filled to brim with regret.
“Eddie-” he shakes his head.
“I bailed on you to get high and sleep with some random chick. I messed up, and I disappointed you without even apologizing for it. You shouldn’t have to feel like any of that was your fault, because it wasn’t,” you watch as his face falls into one of remorse, “It was mine, and I’m sorry. I never should’ve done that to you. You didn’t deserve it.”
You’re silent for a moment, not really sure what to say as you hear him sniffle. You lean impossibly closer to him, placing a kiss onto his cheek.
“Maybe not, but I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago if I’m being honest, I just didn’t know how to talk to you again. I was scared you would hate me.” You huff, teeth still slightly chattering, “But you sure as hell didn’t deserve two years of silence from me. I’m sorry too Eds.” You mumble, and he chuckles.
“I personally would disagree, but I forgive you too sweetheart.” He places a kiss on your hairline
You haven’t heard him call you that in so long. So long that you never realized how much you missed it until now. Your boyfriend never even gave you the time of day, let alone cute nicknames or pet names.
Which reminds you…
“Hey Eds?” You ask shyly, head still leaning on his shoulder. He hums in response, encouraging you to continue. You twiddle your thumbs nervously in your lap as you open your mouth to speak once again, “Why um- why did you get into a fight with Andy?”
He tenses, as if he’d forgotten the actual reason that the two of you are here. His hand pauses it’s movements briefly on your arm, and he clears his throat,
“I uh…,” he pauses, causing you to grow more nervous. “Harrington,” he confesses and you feel your heart sink, “Harrington told me everything yesterday. So I confronted Andy about it and well…” He trails off.
Okay well…Shit.
You retract from his grasp in an instant, moving away from the picnic table all together. A mix of panic and betrayal covers your features, and he eyes you carefully, arms extended towards you in an effort to calm you.
“Woah woah woah, okay baby…take it easy-” you shake your head. He can’t know, he just can’t. Because if he knows… and Andy knows that he knows…
You’re fucked.
“H-he’s lying! Whatever Steve said to you it’s not true, I-I swear!” You choke out, pure panic lacing your voice as your breathing picks up drastically. His eyebrows furrow and he glances down at your arm momentarily,
“I saw that little exchange in the parking lot, so tell that to the bruises on your wrist.” You look down and sure enough, purple outlines of Andy’s fingerprints coated your wrist where he had grabbed you. Your eyes pinch shut and tears leak down your cheeks.
“No… no no no you can’t- Steve promised he wouldn’t- oh god- this can’t be happening- shit Andy’s gonna-”
You can’t think straight, holding in your cries and stumbling backwards as your breathing keeps up it’s rapid pace. You don’t even notice the branch on the ground until you stumble over it, landing on your ass. The impact causes the damn inside of you to break, strangled sobs forcing their way from your throat.
Your head’s spinning, your body is trembling, and you can’t breathe. You can’t tell if you’re numb from your breakdown or from the cold, but you don’t really care at this point. Everything that’s been building up inside of you for the last two years is all coming out. Not only that, but now that Eddie knows everything, Andy’s going to hurt you. Andy’s going to hurt Eddie again. You curl in on yourself, mumbling apology after apology through your cries.
You hardly feel Eddie’s presence as he quickly squats next to you, but even through your hazy mind and panicked breaths you’re able to make out some of his words,
You nod your head rapidly, barely understanding what he’s asking, but begging for some sort of comfort.
Warm hands find their way underneath your arms, slowly lifting you into an embrace. Eddie sits on the ground with you, one of his hands rubbing your back calmingly, while the other gently squeezes the back of your neck, attempting to ground you. Your body trembles against his, and your face rests tucked into where his shoulder and neck meet. You continue to cry and wheeze, legs straddling his lap.
“I’m so sorry- I can’t- I don’t know how to stop it I’m sorry-”
God you feel pathetic.
“It’s okay, It’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry for anything. Just breathe, I’ve got you.”
He holds you tight, gently rocking the two of you back and forth. His chin is placed on top of your head, and his mind is running with about a hundred different questions. But he tables them for later, putting all of his focus onto you. You need him right now; for the first time in two years you need him. He wasn’t about to fail you again.
“E-Eddie…” you cry weakly, and he shushes you.
“I’m here sweetheart, I’m right here. Not going anywhere, I promise.” He reaches up, gently grabbing your hand from where it sits around his neck, and places it on his chest, “Feel that? Feel my breathing? I want you to try your best to follow it. Deep breaths now, c’mon.”
You attempt to follow them, but it’s hard. Your breaths remain short and panicked as you try to inhale deeply. Eddie can sense your growing frustration, but he continues to gently guide you, knowing it takes time.
You try once more, only to have your breathing stutter again. What is supposed to be a groan of exasperation, quickly becomes a painful, desperate wheeze as it leaves your lips.
“Shh, I know honey. You can do it, just keep breathing for me.”
You do, taking your time to inhale carefully. You focus less on the raging thoughts of Andy in your head, and more on the expansion of your lungs. Finally, your breathing starts to slow and you’re able to take in a deep breath of air, much to yours, and Eddie’s relief. He continues holding you for a few minutes longer, allowing you to fully relax in his arms.
“I thought you stopped having panic attacks?” He gently asks, breaking the silence. You nod, sniffling as you lean back to look at him; his eyes are swimming with nothing but pure concern for you. “Yeah, I did, until a couple months ago. Turns out I really don’t like being in the spotlight as much as I thought I would.” You look down, avoiding his pitiful gaze, “How the fuck did Steve know anyway?” You ask, wondering if Eddie even had the answer to that.
He did in fact have the answer. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest and he gently poked your forehead, “Forgetful thing aren’t you? Must’ve forgotten we go to school with Buckley.” The amusement in his eyes only grows as your own widen in realization, and your head drops into your hands, a frustrated groan escaping you.
“God I’m so stupid.” He reaches up, rubbing your arm’s comfortingly, “Maybe a little.”
That earns him a shove and he laughs again, but you don’t. You look back down in utter shame that you had tried to keep all this a secret in the first place.
“I’m sorry-” He shakes his head, not having it.
“No. Absolutely not. Don’t do that to yourself,” you stare at him, dumbfounded.
“But I-”
He reaches up, cradling your face, thumbs gently wiping away the tear stains from your cheeks, “My sweet girl, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Your heart stutters for just a moment, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. But I’ll be damned if I let that piece of shit lay a hand on you ever again.”
You don’t know what to do. You think about crying again, maybe laughing, getting on your knees and thanking him profusely. But none of those seem right.
So you find yourself leaning in, and you kiss him.
He stills at first, in what seems to be utter shock. He doesn’t move for so long in fact, that you begin to pull away in shame, before his hands are tangling in your hair and he kisses you back. Hard. Like he’s been waiting for this moment his entire life.
Unbeknownst to you, he has been.
His lips are soft. Softer than you ever imagined. It has you absolutely melting against him, deepening the kiss as your body becomes weightless, feeling like you’re floating on water. He gently swipes his tongue against your bottom lip, and you don’t fight him, your mouth falling open and welcoming him. It’s as if time stopped, as if no one else exists but the two of you.
You reluctantly pull away from him, panting as your foreheads rest against each other. Your eyes remain closed for a moment, processing what you’d just done. His thumb circles the apple of your cheek for a few seconds, before it trails down to your bottom lip, gently tracing it. You slowly open your eyes to meet his, staring at you in complete adoration, a small smile gracing his face.
“Gotta say, I’ve been dreaming of that since freshman year.” You blush a deep red at that, a shy giggle escaping you. You drop your head against his shoulder once again before lifting your wrist, revealing the green bandana he’d given you that one fateful day,
“Sophomore year.”
A shit eating grin forms on his lips, and he tilts his head back, whole body shaking with laughter. You can’t help but lift your head and watch him in amusement. God he’s so pretty.
“There’s no way!” He exclaims, and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “What?”
He lifts his own wrist, revealing the bracelet he’d stolen from you that same fateful day. Your eyes widen in realization and you join in on his laughter.
“You still wear it?” You can help but to ask in disbelief, and he smiles,
“Never took it off.”
You blush, shaking your head, “Neither did I.”
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence on the forest floor for another moment before he speaks up again, a cheeky grin covering his features,
“We’re just big ol’ idiots aren’t we?” You nod without missing a beat,
“The biggest.”
6. The Hallway
“And then I told him to fuck off! Can you believe it?” Chrissy exclaims excitedly. She’s finally broken things off with Jason and is currently giving you and Robin all of the details as the three of you walk out of Mrs. Clicks class.
You can’t help but be equally as excited, it just radiates off of her, and it’s contagious.
“That’s amazing Chris!” You wrap an arm around her shoulders and she giggles, feeling giddy as all hell.
“What about you?” Robin asks can’t help but ask, “How are you doing?”
After yours and Eddie’s little escapade in the woods, the two of you had made your way back to the parking lot, where Chrissy was still waiting in her car. Eddie had offered to give you a ride home, but you politely declined, offering to come over later that night. He obliged, but not before kissing you once again.
Chrissy honked the horn mid make out session and the two of you had parted with laughs.
When you made it back to her car she was losing her mind, absolutely ecstatic for the two of you. She also couldn’t help spewing out a few, “I told you so, I’ve been telling you for years.”
You’d been dropped off at home with a cheerful goodbye to Chrissy, before getting ready to see Eddie. Within two hours you were at his trailer for the first time in years, greeting Wayne with the biggest hug ever.
“It’s good to see you kiddo.” He’d said, and he meant it.
That was a week ago, and so far you had been able to avoid Andy, while simultaneously seeing Eddie every day.
“Honestly? I feel better than I’ve felt in years. I missed him so much, and now that he’s back in my life, it’s like a breath of fresh air.”
She beams at that, genuine happy to hear you’re doing better. “And Andy?” Chrissy asks. You huff out a breath. “I’ve been avoiding him like the plague. Haven’t seen him since last week.” They both giggle at that,
“Maybe you can keep avoiding him until he forgets about you entirely.” Chrissy pipes up. Robin can’t help but retort, “That shouldn’t take too long, considering he’s dumber than a pile of bricks.” You laugh at that, like full on belly laugh. You can’t help it because it’s true. There’s stupid, and then there’s Andy level stupid. You look over to Robin, suddenly feeling immensely grateful for her and Harrington.
“Seriously though Robin, I can’t thank you and Steve enough.” She waves off your thanks with a ‘pfft.’
“I didn’t even know! You and Andy just came up in a conversation and I swear to god Steve’s face went white as a fricken ghost. He like, immediately called Eddie and told him to come over. I was completely lost until he explained everything to the two of us. I’ll be sure to pass your ‘thank you’ off to mama bear Steve though.”
“Still,” Chrissy chimes in, “She’s lucky to have friends like you guys looking out for her.”
“Damn right she is! Cause if that asshole ever tries to lay another hand on you, I’ll fight him myself.”
“Robin,” you giggle, “You’re the most uncoordinated person I’ve ever met.”
“Yeah and I’ll still fist fight him.” She gets into a mock fighting stance, throwing a few fake punches like she’s a video game character, before bursting out laughing.
However, your laughs are cut off as Chrissy abruptly stops walking.
“Uh oh.”
You look up and immediately feel your smile fading at the sight in front of you. There stood Andy, holding Eddie by the collar of his leather jacket, pinning him up against the lockers. At first, fear spreads throughout your whole body. For yourself, for Eddie, for your friends on either side of you…
But then it turns to rage.
You reach into your backpack, grabbing your very sturdy, very big biology textbook. You turn to Chrissy, wordlessly handing her your bag. She looks at you in both fear and confusion, but nevertheless take it from your arms and into yours.
“Hang on-” Robin whispers, quickly figuring out where this is going. You shake your head, turning to her, “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
You turn your attention back to Eddie, who looks a mix of furious and fearful. You waste no time, making your way over to them. Eddie’s eye catches yours, widening in fear at what could happen to you. He shakes his head, urging you to walk away. To keep yourself safe. But you’re done dealing with Andy. And you’re done leaving Eddie.
“Hey dick!” You yell, catching the attention of the asshole jock. He doesn’t even get the chance to fully look at you before you’re swinging the textbook at his head. He stumbles back with a grunt, holding his head in his hands as he curses up a storm. By the looks of it you’ve broken his nose. With how much blood is dripping down his face, it seems like the only possible answer.
Everyone in the hallway has stopped to watch in shock as the seemingly “perfect couple” falls apart right before their eyes.
“If you put your hands on me or any of my friends ever again, I will ruin your fucking life. Do you understand me?” He scoffs at that, not even really paying attention to you, too busy cradling his nose. His answer doesn’t satisfy you though, and you don’t have much time before teachers start showing up. So what else is there for you to do other than kick him right in the dick.
He falls to his knees with a cry, and the whole crowd gasps and ‘ooos’ as he writhes on the ground. “I said, do you understand me?” You ask calmly.
“Yes!” He chokes out pathetically, “Fuck- Yes! I understand!”
Finally satisfied, you gently grab Eddie by the sleeve of his jacket, dragging him away from the scene, and through the crowd back to your friends. “Holy shit.” Chrissy mumbles, eyes widened in shock as you take your bag back from her.
“Holy shit!” Robin beams, as if she’s just witnessed the most badass thing ever.
“Holy shit…” Eddie praises, almost like he’s…turned on?
Jesus fucking Christ-
“So!” You clear your throat, “Lunch anyone?” You ask, abruptly trying to change the subject. All three of them nod, still absolutely dumbfounded as they make their way with you to the cafeteria.
“You know,” Eddie whispers into you ear as the two of you walk side by side, “That was pretty hot.” You can’t help but roll your eyes, biting your bottom lip to hide your grin.
“Keep it in your pants Munson.” You whisper back and he chuckles,
“Oh I will, for now at least.” He winks at you and you blush, heat rushing all the way down to your neck. He chuckles at you before reaching for you hand, lacing his fingers through yours.
And that’s how the two of you walk, hands intertwined, with a green bandana wrapped around one wrist, and a green bracelet around the other.
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dearsnow · 9 months
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"the lake" is a familiar spot, and yet you visit it with a freshly expanded relationship. (patrick verona x gn!reader, part of the summer before senior year series)
word count: 1,036
TSBSY: School is finally out for the summer, leading you to discover all that the sunny months have in store for you and your best friend, Patrick Verona.
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Nothing is better than this, you think. The sun is on your back, its fingers tickling your skin, and the water lapping at the shore reaches out to lick at your feet. Patrick is beside you.
If you’re being honest, you don’t even remember the name of the lake you’re sitting at. It’s just “the lake” to you, as it always has been. You’ve been going to it since you were a kid, and it has always been one of your favorite places to share with your friends. Patrick has been here before, of course, but this time it’s different. Today, he’s here as your boyfriend. The notion quirks the corners of your lips up as you watch him wade into the blue-green water.
He turns to face you, a wide grin on his own face. “Come in! The water’s warm.” You can feel the water already on your skin up until the bottom of your calves, and despite the pounding warmth of the air, the water is not warm. 
“It’s definitely not.” You counter, dipping your feet in further anyways. He moves closer to you, a specific little sparkle taking hold of his expression. Before you can tell him to stop, and before you even consciously acknowledge what he’s doing, his hands are on your ankles, dragging you into the lake. You’re submerged in the cold in seconds, as something else, something slimy touches the bottom of your feet. You gasp underwater- a terrible move. Just as you’re about to panic, Patrick pulls you up and holds you firmly above the water. The slope of the lake has always dropped off quickly, something the two of you often forget. 
As you splutter, he pats you on the back. His fingers linger on the tip of your spine for a soft, quiet moment before he removes them to look at you humorously. “You good?”
You take a second to catch your breath before smacking his bare chest lightly. “Not after what you pulled. God, I hated that.”
The danger is over. Despite your desperate need to drown him as he almost did you, you think you just might be able to look past the terror. Until, of course, he opens his big mouth. Just like he always does.
“You looked pretty fucking funny flopping around like a dead fish.” His deep voice is certainly still attractive. You try to dispel the flurry it causes in your stomach.
“Don’t you mean a dying fish? Dead fish can’t move, Pat. Seems like I’m not the only one with water damage.” The water you’re submerged in smooths gently around your body as he lets go of his grasp on your waist. The warmth from his touch quickly vacates your body, leaving a tingling sensation as you tread water. It’s slowly becoming more bearable to swim in, and you have to admit that it’s a bit refreshing. The wet cover-up still sticking to your body, however, seems to dampen the moment. 
He shakes his head, leaning back to dip the ends of his hair in the water. “Then you’ve never seen a catfish with its head cut off. Those things flop around and wiggle even when they’ve been dead for minutes.” His hands come up to pinch your sides, and an unintentional laugh bubbles up your throat.
“That’s disgusting.”
His eyebrows raise, slightly amused as the familiar brown of his irises glimmers in the sun. Now that you’re looking at them, though, there’s something more. Something you couldn’t really see in embarrassed fleeting glances. “Hey, your eyes have a little green in them.”
He smiles. “They do, do they?” He asks. He hadn’t noticed that about himself. He was never one to obsess over the way he looked, and if he’s being honest, he never really cared. The fact that you could see something he couldn’t, some part of him he didn’t even know he had, made him love you so much more than he ever thought he was capable of. You’ve always been able to make him better than he could have ever been. You, and your warm smile. You, and your searching eyes. There is no one else in the world who could make his slightly green eyes crinkle the way you do.
“Yeah. They’re really pretty, Patty.” You smile, reaching up to drape your arms around his shoulders. He’s shirtless, and the feeling of his skin on yours sends a warm feeling creeping up to your cheeks. He kisses you gently, his palms holding your face like it's about to break. 
“If you say so, babe.” He whispers against your lips. You shiver. Everything he does drives you absolutely mad, with annoyance or love or a combination of both. You relish the feeling; if you could bathe in it, with his chest pressed to your back and steam fogging the bathroom mirror, you would. You love him endlessly.
The sun is full and bright in the sky as you stand there with him, breathing in his air. It is a perfect day. School starts again in half a week, but it is a perfect day. You pull him closer, as close as he can be to you. You can feel his heart beating against you, and in that instance, you know that nothing will ever be able to pull him away. Not distance, not anger, not despair. He will always be yours.
He smiles softly as his heart rate picks up ever so slightly. “Let’s get back to shore, before the birds pick our sandwiches to pieces.” He murmurs. “I’ll race you!”
He lets you go, wading through the water like his life depends on it as you frantically chase after him.
“That’s so unfair, you play dirty!” You yell at his head start. He simply laughs over his shoulder as he continues on, splashing water right into your face as he goes. A nice feeling bubbles in your stomach, like feeling his fingertips on the palms of your hands.
Everything will be okay, you think. Your final year of high school, your internship, your college applications. Even if Patrick Verona is halfway across the world, you will be okay.
He will make sure of it.
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Taglist: @skeletonfromthecloset
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|marrón pt.1? | imagine
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post-azkaban sirius x reader with brown eyes
warnings: eventual smut?, cursing
description: reader is an ex-auror from america who joins the order
pt. 2
Brown eyes watched as tattooed hands scraped against dark stubble, and it was one of the most exhilarating sights she had seen in a while. Something was arousing by the rings he wore on his fingers and the wrinkles forming around his eyes and mouth. She wanted to trace the vein on the right side of his neck with her tongue before shoving him down into her bed. Holy shit, she was horrible. This man was over ten years her senior, and his Godson sat right beside him while she was having these vile thoughts.
 They didn’t even know each other that well. She looked over to where Remus sat on his other side and frowned. It was odd. Usually, she fell all over herself for guys like Remus, the cute nerdy type. She had never liked someone like Sirius, someone like herself.
She had been an auror for MACUSA until about a year ago before she was asked to resign. It was late August when she and her friends decided to drive to Montauk in the middle of the night. She used the term friends, but they had been more like family, well, the only family she had ever had anyway. The only thing she remembered from that night was Connor's arm being thrown in front of her, the sensation of falling, watching a man searching through their destroyed car from the pavement, and then waking up to them all being dead. Those who had made her shit life somewhat better were gone and never coming back.
She looked back to Sirius, who laughed at something Tonks said. When was the last time she had truly laughed? How could he laugh after he, too, had his only family taken away, his youth, his essence? How had he not given into the dementors?
After all her friends died, she had been forced by the auror department to go to therapy; they said she had gotten dangerously violent with perps and that she wasn't allowed out in the field until she got the all-clear from the assigned therapist- that obviously didn't happen. She didn't just sit idly by and work on her 'mental health' or whatever; she got her ass out there and worked. But she supposed this 'work' wasn't very honorable... or legal for that matter.
Somehow Kinglsey found her one night after a job. He knew she was a witch immediately, even though she refused to use her wand for a job just in case MACUSA tried to trace it. He said it had been the weed she was smoking, funny enough. Magically grown marijuana has a distinct smell that differs from regular weed significantly.
  “ I’m sorry dear, where are you staying again?” asked Molly Weasley from across the table, “ I can’t remember for the life of me,”
“ Oh, I didn’t say say, “ (Y/N) said with a polite smile. She supposed the conversation shifted over to her without noticing; great, “ I’m kinda just hopping around from hotels to erm friend’s places,”
Arthur smiled, " Ah! So you have friends here? That's great to hear!"
(Y/N) couldn't help but snort as she thought of all the hookups she had had while being here only a little over a month. Did she really call them friends? She slammed her hand over her mouth before collecting herself and clearing her thoughts, " Excuse me, " she said, fighting a smile, " Sorry, um, inside joke, " she clarified, " I don't really have friends here; I kinda just float around and meet new people-,"
" You've been staying with strangers!" screeched Molly, (Y/N) turned to her left to see the older witch clutching her coat in her hands and looking at (y/n) in absolute horror, " That just won't do. Maybe you can stay with us-,"
(Y/N) jumped up and laughed awkwardly while holding her hands in front of her chest, " Oh no, I'm fine!" she assured the older woman, " I. . ."
What the fuck did she even say? I like fucking people I don't know? I like going out and waking up in random places?
(Y/N) was beginning to panic now. She had paused for too long, and now the conversation had gained the attention of everyone in the room. The (y/h/c) settled with smiling and repeating what she had just said, " I'm fine, "
She convinced absolutely no one.
Tonks raised a pink brow before her eyes lit up as an idea crossed her mind, " Well you can just stay here, hell there's plenty of room- if that's okay with Remus and Sirius, since their here most ...I suppose," she turned to them with a bashful smile.
(Y/N)'s heart practically skipped a beat as Sirius's pale eyes widened. Fuck this was embarrassing. What the fuck did she do? And why was part of her excited, oh dear God, she was acting like she was thirteen, wasn't she?
She settled with an airy laugh, " I can find a hotel or something- or hell even an apartment if I have to, " As if she could fucking afford that.
Sirius shook his head and allowed a kind smile of sorts to play on his lips, " That's not necessary, (Y/L/N)- I mean you are more than welcome to stay here, even if it's just until you find a place,"
Okay, that sounded good, yeah, she'd do that. " Are you sure?" she asked him, eyeing Remus as well. (Y/N) might have been somewhat obnoxious and loud, especially while drinking, in the past but she had gained a type of weird anxiety. She absolutely refused to impose herself or any of her baggage on other people.
" Alright, you can stay on the second floor, I think Molly and the kids cleaned out the third room, yeah?" asked Sirius to Molly, who simply nodded.
Tonks stepped in once again, seemingly recovered from sticking her foot in her mouth, " Do you need help getting your stuff from your hotel?" she asked.
(Y/N) thought about the one charmed bag she had full of clothes and toiletries, " I think I can handle it," she said with a small, perhaps obvious fake smile.
The kids seemed oddly excited about her staying with them, and maybe they were just happy to have someone other than each other and Tonks. Or hell, maybe they liked her. She was pretty fucking cool when you looked past the depressed alcoholic side of her.
“ Could you tell us some auror stories?” asked the youngest Weasley, Ginny, fuck yeah they thought she was cool.
(Y/N) thought about it carefully, “ I don’t know. . .” She had seen some fucked up shit, maybe she could tell them a funny one from when she was just starting out and she was basically mall cop status.
“ Well, I guess the one about when I had to go undercover, and my friend had to pretend to be my pimp isn’t so bad,” she decided aloud. It was probably one of the funniest stories she had.
While the kids and Tonks were on the edge of their seats, Molly and Arthur shared a strained smile which Sirius and Remus noticed, “ Maybe this story can wait for tomorrow, “ said the werewolf looking at the kitchen’s clock, “ You lot have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow and pick up books, “
Fred and George scoffed, “ Oh come off it, it’s not like she was actually pimped out !” said Fred
Finally Molly put her foot down and sent all the kids to their respective rooms and on their way out she could hear Ron asking Hermione what being pimped out was.
(Y/N) grimaced, “ Well, I thought it was teenager friendly, “ she told the three once the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione went to bed.
Sirius barked a laugh before taking a swig of his whiskey, “ Don’t fret it, “ he reassured, “ Molly is just protective is all, “
Remus nodded his agreement before looking down at his watch, “ Right, We’ve got to head to West Street and patrol, C’mon Dora,”
Soon it was just the two of them sitting in the once refined kitchen, “ You said you were recruited by Kingsley. . . what made you join?” asked Sirius.
(Y/N) sighed and offered a half-way shrug, “ I guess I just wanted to do some good, I feel like I haven’t done anything for other people in a long time,”
His silver eyes narrowed, “ I thought you had been an auror?”
“ Yeah I had been, but shit happened and I changed career paths,” she said with a small smile, hoping he wasn’t thinking of her as a possible threat. He didn’t trust her, that much was obvious.
“ Your family know you’re here?” he asked.
(Y/N) shook her head, “ There isn’t any family to tell,”
There was a pause, a shift in the air. Sirius had questions, she knew that much, but she didn’t want to answer them. Sirius seemed to sense her sensitivity to the subject and quickly changed it.
“ Tell me what was Ilvermorny like?” he asked before taking a sip of his wine.
(Y/N) couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips as she turned to him, “ Like a movie,” she hummed, “ I’d never had much stability before Ilvermorny, but it was nice. . . really nice,”
Sirius nodded, “ I know what you mean, “ he muttered looking up at the freshly clean chandelier, “ My parents were horrible, shit heads you could say,”
(Y/N) chuckled, “ I didn’t know mine, I grew up at a orphanage and then was in the foster care system for a while,”
“ It was lonely,” she finished quietly, slightly embarrassed for adding that unnecessary tidbit.
She was staring at the peeling wallpaper when Sirius patted her hand and she met his eyes. He offered her a friendly smile before drawing back, “ Well you’re not anymore with us around, yeah?”
She smiled but rolled her eyes, fighting not to call bullshit, “ I appreciate that,” she said playfully before standing up.
(Y/N) went to bed that night with her heart racing as she remembered Sirius’s hand on her own, she was a fucking disaster. He didn’t flirt with her or look her over- he was a grown man. In his eyes she was probably just some kid.
“ I appreciate that,” she said to him, her brown eyes melting just a bit before she stood. Sirius watched her go and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.
 He didn’t know why she made him nervous, maybe it was the fact he didn’t trust her. She did kind of show up out of nowhere and had an almost nonexistent past.
Sirius had said those things to her in an attempt to get her to open up to him, to trust him, so he in turn could learn more about her. That had been his intention, but the fact his heart skipped a beat when he laid his hand on top of hers was a shock.
Did he find (y/l/n) beautiful, yes. Was she funny, yeah sure. Was she quite possibly his ideal woman, sure maybe.
Gray eyes slid across the old oak table and to the rim of her wine glass where her dark lipstick made an impression on the crystal.
Sirius shut his eyes and groaned.
a/n: lemme know if you guys are interested in another part.
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quodekash · 8 months
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...why do I feel like she doesnt actually like him but she just thinks she likes him
I mean its entirely possible she does
but im just putting it out there that she might not
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again, its very possible she does actually like sailom
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oh honeyyyyy
my boy :(((
he sad :(((((((((
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well now im sad
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lmaoooo the super slow dramatic shots as he questions everything
she's just a lesbian kang, calm down bro
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and valid. I would sit that attentively if it were me as well, june is too too pretty hOW IS SHE SO PRETTY
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bro was just offered a footy position by a senior, and he's thinking about sailom. gay as all hell
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also lmao he's good at catching balls
that sentence will definitely send both of them into insane amounts of gay panic
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also: she better be about to make a joke about like "oh well, im heartbroken now. i thought you could spend time with me, but it turns out your heart is only for kanghan, as i expected" and we can all watch sailom gay panic
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oh. she was serious.
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oh :(
its a metaphor :(
i usually love metaphors but this one is sad
i didnt expect to get so invested in this sailom/pimfah thing
i think i just love pimfah a lot
shes so important to me
and so is sailom
and so is kanghan
i get unhealthy emotional attachments to fictional characters and also to real people and because of that i cant let anything go and i hoard things and memories and people for fear that i will be left alone
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the grabbing each other's shirts??? the rain??? the yelling at each other????
this is literally that scene from the pilot trailer
where they yell at each other about hating the other, and then kiss
(i think about that scene probably more than is strictly necessary)
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h- he
he tOLD HIM????
(yes dr seuss i did- sorry, now is not the time for sanders sides references)
well i think i just died
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boy is Shook™️
i mean valid
but his expression is so funny to me and im laughing again
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his older brother senses are tingling
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i love them so much
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✨i ran out of images✨
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
Hunter and Prey
Part 2 (Part 1) and more to come!
Eddie never thought he would end up here.
Sure, he always knew he'd stay with Wayne, even through the occasional dreams of getting out of this shithole of a town. Staying here, with Wayne and Chrissy, was something he had imagined when he thought about the future, but he never thought his life would become this. Growing up, vampires and werewolves and swamp monsters were figments of people's imaginations. Stories to be told around the campfire. The right stuff for movies and books, but too scary (or campy) to be real. The Munson Doctrine was pretty clear on this.
That is, until Eddie walks in on an actual vampire sucking the life out of his best friend his senior year. He's not proud that his first reaction was to freeze in absolute horror, his mind rejecting what was happening right in front of him. Chrissy was lying motionless, a tall guy with dirty blond hair leaning over her, his teeth prolonged into fangs and dark blood dripping from his mouth. Eddie's body felt numb, but he stumbled over to Chrissy as fast as his shaky legs could carry him and tried to help her, but nothing he did would dislodge the vampire. It actually seemed like the bastard thought it was funny.
Just as Eddie was about to go into full panic mode, ready to do something probably very stupid, the doors to the gym slammed loudly open. Both the vampire's and Eddie's heads whipped around in perfect harmony at the sound, something he would have found hilarious under any other circumstances. Before Eddie knew what was happening, the vampire gasped, a choked sound of utter surprise, and clutched at his chest, where a stake protruded from where Eddie thought his heart must be.
Right in front of Eddie's eyes, the vampire made one last garbled sound before simply turning to ash. Eddie slowly looked up from where a monster of the night had just been feasting on his best friend to a tall, broad man holding a crossbow at eye level.
"What the —" Before Eddie could finish the thought, Chrissy started coughing and his attention was drawn back to helping his friend. The man walked over to them, watching as Eddie pulled off his shirt and pressed it to the wound at Chrissy's throat. After a long moment, he said, "She'll be all right, son. Probably saved her life."
And that was the moment that changed his life forever. The man who introduced himself as Hopper helped him bandage and clean Chrissy, and in the process opened his eyes to a world he never dreamed existed.
His earlier run-in with the strangely helpful vampire made him think about that day. He had to remind himself that this was the true nature of vampires. They don't help humans out of the goodness of their unbeating hearts. They are soulless predators. He'd do well to remember that.
"You got everything, son?" Wayne asks, filling a large pitcher of water from the sink.
"Yeah, I think so." Eddie watches as Wayne finishes filling the pitcher, then picks up a worn book, muttering under his breath over the water. Meanwhile, Eddie checks to make sure he has everything he needs, patting himself down to do a quick inventory. Wayne fills the assortment of water pistols on the table with the holy water he just consecrated and hands them to Eddie. Eddie holsters the guns. Wayne's eyes roam over him, double-checking that he's got everything he needs.
"Hey," Eddie says, drawing Wayne's attention to his face and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine, Uncle Wayne. These leeches won't know what hit them." He punctuates the statement with a broad grin.
Wayne huffs with a small smile, but Eddie sees the twitch in his eyebrows. "You better, son. Remember, if you get even an inklin’ that things might head into something unsavory, you call —”
"You and Hop, I know, I know," Eddie interrupts. Wayne smiles at him, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Eddie knows how much it stresses Wayne out to see Eddie put his life on the line like this, but Wayne also knows how important it is for Eddie to go out night after night. "Batten down the hatches and I'll be back soon."
"Just come back in one piece and with all the blood still in your veins, 'kay?"
Eddie gives Wayne a two-finger salute, backs up to the door, and pushes it open. Wayne follows him as Eddie steps through it and into the night, watching as he gets farther and farther away, the darkness quickly consuming him.
Part of an ongoing series @legitcookie​ and I will be doing! We’ll be going back and forth posting parts, so keep that in mind.
This is dedicated to our Elle Woods-coded, big brained, fabulous friend @yournowheregirl​ We’re taking your twilight loving heart, corrupting it with a show you’ve never seen (btvs), and making our blorbos smash together like barbies. We adore you immensely and we would be nothing without you 💜
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murswrites · 1 year
Patrols 1 ⎯ Joel Miller One-Shot
Pairings: Joel Miller x Nonbinary!Reader Fandom: The Last of Us MASTERLIST Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: Cursing, gore, panic attack, description of a bloater (yuck), y/n & joel being a weirdly good team ;) SUMMARY: Patrols have been kicking your ass but luckily you're paired with Joel Miller instead of Jesse. Unlucky for you: You're on patrol period.
A/N This has been in the works for like a year now LMFAO but I finished it instead of doing my work <3 Pedro Pascal IS the only Joel Miller I know <3 This is going to be a multi-part series so I'm not rushing relationship development
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Patrols were kicking your ass. A recent resurgence of infected made for more work for everyone. It was exhausting but primarily annoying. You weren’t bad at patrols, you just didn’t like going on them. You were paired with Joel some of the time and Jesse others. It wasn’t too bad with Joel, he did the job and did it well.
Jesse on the other hand liked to make small talk and you weren’t known for your friendliness. Thankfully you were paired with Joel today, you would have collapsed from exhaustion had Maria put you with Jesse for the third day in a row.
“Mornin’,” Joel nodded toward you.
“Hey,” You yawned loudly from atop your horse, “Ready?”
He chuckled, “Seems you’re less ready than I am.” You shot him a dirty look, “Woah, I didn’t mean it like that, now.” Joel held his hands up.
Your horse, Ochre, was mild-mannered and usually sassy but it seemed she sensed you were exhausted. “Where are we patrolling today?”
“West side of the pines, someone said they heard somethin’ funny yesterday.”
“I bet you what we find isn’t going to make either of us laugh.”
Joel shook his head–a smile ghosting on his face. You were never too interested in getting closely related with anyone in Jackson. Sure, the town felt like home and you would protect the others with your life–but you didn’t have any family. Not like Joel did. He had his brother and a daughter.
You didn’t even have many close friends. Dina was the only person you could really tolerate, and by extension, you tolerated Ellie–Joel’s daughter. The two girls were the funniest people you’d ever met, they were the only people who could get you to crack a smile anymore. It was weird because ever since the outbreak, you’d been completely empty.
Only 17 when things went to complete shit–you were supposed to start college before the outbreak. That never happened. Nobody in your family made it out alive. You’d been in New York when it happened on your senior trip, everyone was at home, and before you could even think to go home… you were quarantined in NYC. You were probably lucky to be alive considering how quickly things spread in big cities.
Some days you wished you’d been unlucky. With how tired you were, today was looking like one of those days.
“Don’t fall asleep atop that horse now,” You yawned once more, struggling to find the energy to glare at Joel, “Hey, don’t give me that look. You should go on back.”
“We’re almost there, I’m fine.” You gathered the reins tighter and brought Ochre into a steady gallop. Joel sighed loudly but followed you.
The pine trees in this area were massive, they loomed over you two ominously. You hated this area of the woods the most. You two stopped and tied your horses to a tree, beginning to walk deeper into the woods.
“I honestly really hate these woods.” Your shotgun was heavy in your hands as you looked around quickly. “The trees look like infected sometimes.” You mumbled, keeping your focus on watching around you two.
Joel slides his rifle onto his back and carries his pistol in hand, “Ellie used to get frightened in this area, she said stalkers like to hide under the branches.”
You scoff at his attempt to make conversation, “That doesn’t help me at all, Miller. Let’s get this over with.”
Half an hour of wandering aimlessly, listening for the sound of infected. The only sound came from the pine needles under your feet. You were beginning to lose your patience, wanting to scream and hope for the best.
“I swear to god if they were making this up about there being infected out her–” Joel shushes you loudly and that sets you on high alert–raising your shotgun to look down the sight.
He jerks his head to the side and you slowly turn, two clickers were facing your direction. The infected chattered to one another and you leaned down to grab a hefty pine cone. You arched the cone over the pair of clickers. The clatter of the cone smacking a tree made one of them screech and rush for it.
Joel snuck behind the one that stayed behind and you followed his lead, slinging your shotgun over your shoulder and squeezing your shiv tightly. While he took out that clicker you moved as quietly as possible.
Your attention was pulled away when you spotted a runner a few yards away. Luckily it wasn’t paying you any mind and so you stood up behind the clicker and stabbed it through the fungal growth–effectively killing it. You didn’t know how but Joel got behind the runner and choked it out.
There being a runner meant that somebody was out here recently. Runners were quite rare all the way out here.
“Check that body, Miller, it’s a new one.”
Joel kneeled down, “Already on it,” You did the same with the clicker just to be sure that there wasn’t anything useful on it.
It wasn’t unusual to be rifling through the pockets of a dead body… you were desensitized to nearly every gory part of the new world. You just couldn’t get over the smell of blood. Copper and metallic would upset your stomach so bad that sometimes you’d have to wear a mask just wandering around.
“They were a Firefly.” Joel tossed their pendant to you.
Another commonality… while runners were rare, whenever they were found… it seemed more and more of them were Fireflies who had bad luck.
“Aren’t they all Fireflies these days?”
“Yup. Come on let’s make sure we got ‘em all.”
There were three more infected wandering in the pines. But the cabin ahead seemed to have been recently vacated.
“I really don’t want to go in there.” You admitted, cringing at the thought of what could be inside.
Joel shrugged, “Then stay here.” He was the only person who didn’t force you to follow him inside buildings. Typically you would but the cabin was small, what could go wrong?
You sat on the ground and leaned against a tree, now that there wasn’t anything to keep your focus on–you were getting sleepy. Just as your eyes began dropping a loud bang startled you into an upright position. “Joel!?”
The door to the cabin slammed outward and Joel stumbled out, “Might wanna run,” His eyes were wide with surprise. “Move!” Joel pushes you in front of him and you bolt.
You sneak a glance behind you and see it. A huge bloater with three legs and four arms, “What the fuck is that!?” The infected disgusted you and it made your stomach churn. “That’s so fucking nasty!”
“We just gotta get some distance between us and it.” The bloater was slow-moving and seemed very unstable. “We’re gonna kill the son of a bitch.” That didn’t sound like a question to you.
“I know. Just haven’t killed too many bloaters.” You began lighting a molotov cocktail, “Guess we should get to work?” Joel gave you a single nod and you both launched a molotov cocktail toward the bloater.
It roared in pain as the fire spread across its skin. Joel brandished his rifle and began taking calculated shots. You stepped a few feet closer in order to make best use of your shotgun ammo. The bloater took any chances it could to throw poisonous sacs of spores at you too. It made firing harder but after about ten minutes it finally went down.
You dropped your gun on the ground and sighed loudly, “I think I’m gonna pass out.”
“Woah, woah, woah, what’s happening?” You shrugged, Joel watched you carefully as your head spun. “Y/N, you need to breathe.”
When he said that you noticed a lack of air in your lungs and tried to force your body to do its job. But it was no use. Exhaustion paired with disgust pushed your brain into panic mode. You just wanted to lay down and die, honestly. You could tell Joel was a bit freaked out because if your actions (or lack thereof).
“I’m–” You gasped through a breath, forcing air into your nose. “I’m okay. Just really tired.”
Joel nodded, “How about you wait here and I’ll bring the horses to you?”
That sounded really nice, “Oh god, that’d be great. Thank you.” He gave you one long look before jogging off in the opposite direction.
Tags: @musicallisto <3
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somebodystoleme · 2 years
you know when it's time to go | miya atsumu x reader
summary: you always knew you and atsumu could never be together; you were two worlds apart, and two worlds it will stay
w.c: > 1.0k
a/n: UHH PART 2???? y'all im so sorry abt the request i'm almost done w/ most of them :)))
warnings: cheating, angst, cliffhanger
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you know when it's time to go
when you got home from your shift at the coffee shop, it seemed that time had stopped. atsumu's sports jacket laid across the wooden table, you two bought when it was your 19th birthday. but as you take a closer look at it you realize how scratched up it looks, you see the water stains on the time.
you know where atsumu is right now. he's with her. you know he is. as you grab out the wine bottle and pop it open, you can't help to wonder why you are with him to start.
maybe it's cause he stuck with you when you were grounded your whole senior year. you used to have sleepovers with your best friend so you could text him on her phone, smiling constantly. but soon trouble spewed all over everything that was supposed to be perfect.
you first noticed the way he looks at her in sophomore year. she had that personality. you know! that one! the funny one, the happy one, and the one who fakes everything cause that was what she was taught. you on the other hand were completely opposite. while she was out partying with him, you were stuck at home trying to study for your ap exam the next day.
or perhaps maybe it's because when you spent time complaining over your parent's divorce, she was bragging about her new weight. it constantly felt like a competition, it was all a sick game in her head. she knew i was angry. but he wasn't mine, so why should you care?
until senior prom. you dressed up in your finest attire. all your stupid paycheck from that stupid coffee shop you still work at. he wore the black suit he's had since 9th grade. something changed between you two that night. he thought you seemed like an angel underneath the light, you likewise. he kissed you. right underneath that cheap disco.
he was a dream.
his lips were chapped that night, you run your hand over your mouth to maybe have some recognition of that night. nothing. you run cold thinking about miya astumu now.
he would ask you out the next day. and you said yes. but dear god did he make you happy.
you caught astumu cheating on you for the first time last may. your head plopped down on his tough chest. you were watching a thriller and pulled the blanket closer to the both of you. but as the movie kept on going, he kept texting someone. every three minutes he pulled his phone out and his cheesy grin would plaster on.
you were confused at first
angry the second
you grabbed the phone.
it just happen, it felt gravitated towards it, you grabbed it.
you saw the messages and even who it was. atsumu didn't even try to hide it. you scrolled throughout. but what shocked you the most was-
it was from her.
you cry about it, you should've left when that happened. but you didn't. you let him again after the fight. he promised he would cut it off. he said he started going to church. that was the first time you ever saw such panic on his face.
you know he's cheating right now. you check the clock. 2 a.m. he deleted life360 a long time ago.
"it's invasion of privacy!"
"but- atsumu. you cheated on me! don't forget that!"
"i don't care. aurora wouldn't do this."
he said it as if i was the monster- like i forced him to date me. i should've broken up with him then. on sundays, he would tell he was going to church. but now that i think about it, he's never once told me anything about it.
the door opens.
it's atsumu thinking i'm about to start begging for him to tell him what's wrong. but i'm not.
"let's end this."
"whatever sick game you and aurora are playing let's stop it."
"why? why would you leave. i gave you everything."
i turned around to face him, "atsumu- or should i say miya now? i know you and her are fucking behind my back. i didn't know church lasted till 2 a.m?"
"y/n. i can't do this again. i love you so much! why don't you see this? are you crazy or something?"
"i'm not crazy! i'm just sick of waiting for you to change! you never showed any sign of change; just lies, lies, lies! i'm sick." i grab my phone off the wooden table and my cardigan.
"goodbye atsumu."
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Some of the dialogue here is so funny:
“By the way, you new man, have you your card?”
The grave-digger paused.
“What card?”
“The sun is on the point of setting.”
“That’s good, it is going to put on its nightcap.”
I love how Fauchelevent comes up with his own slightly contemptuous way of addressing Gribier as a way of asserting his own authority. Maybe Gribier won’t see him as anything other than “peasant,” but at least he can remind him that he’s “new” and, therefore, knows less about the job than he does. Of course, this is also very effective in making him anxious and doubtful, which serves Fauchelevent’s purpose well. His cleverness is on full display here; he very smoothly uses his seniority to convince Gribier that his advice will save him from that fine (his robbery skills are also impressive).
“It is going to put on its nightcap” is also such a hilarious reaction to being told “the sun is on the point of setting.” It fits so well with Gribier’s literary pretentiousness and with his obliviousness to what Fauchelevent’s saying.
Another wonderful line from Fauchelevent:
“ And you will bury your corpse. I’ll watch it for you in the meantime, so that it shall not run away.”
It’s both funny in that a corpse can’t move and in the ironic aspect of it, with us knowing that the “corpse” is going to leave as soon as Gribier’s gone.
Jean Valjean’s apparent calm is also funny when contrasted with Fauchelevent’s panic (sad as well, but funny). Fauchelevent’s lengthy speech here is what we’ve typically seen from the misérables, signifying both his distress and the fate that Father Madeleine saved him from. Valjean says very little because he’s generally taciturn (not having expressed himself at length since the bishop) and because he’s just experienced a great shock, but the simplicity of his lines (”I fell asleep”) still feels somewhat comical.
The Jean Valjean-Gribier parallels are strengthened with the depiction of his dwelling, reminding us of their similarities (caring for a woman and her children while making very little) and giving us an idea of what exactly Valjean’s early living situation looked like. Gribier’s relationship with his family seems worse, though (with signs that he beat the children; Valjean has been cruel to a child twice - Petit Gervais and one boy on his way to the trial in Arras - but not violent, and while we don’t know a lot about his past, incidents like these tend to spring him out of a moral crisis rather than just being part of his bad moments). Still, I’m glad that Fauchelevent brought the card back to him so he won’t suffer financially and that he seems to trust him because of it. And he offers to pay for drinks! Maybe Gribier will build a social circle and his family will suffer less because of it.
You can also tell that returning it was part of Fauchelevent’s plan because he enters through the door. Valjean would have broken into the house and left the card somewhere to avoid a conversation.
All in all, 10/10 coffin heist, but keeping in mind that grave-diggers are also people who live and die is probably a good idea.
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o-uncle-newt · 5 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 25: Yverdon-les-Bains
This is such a great finale! And I say that because, cliffhanger or no cliffhanger, it really is one.
It's one of those funny things- American shows largely just have seasons, but British shows will often have Christmas specials that tag on, so that the finale isn't necessarily the ACTUAL finale. I, for all the British shows I've watched, still think of the season finale as a finale regardless of whether there's going to be a special afterward to really wrap things up- and listening to this episode through that lens was really interesting.
In terms of being a finale, it really is the finale of Martin's S4 arc, which was in many ways the dominant arc of the season, setting up that he will end up leaving and succeeding. Sure, plenty of happens in Zurich, but by the end of Yverdon, he's got a paying job flying airplanes. He's gotten that job because of the very things that have been holding him back at MJN- that he's a perfectionist and that he's insistent on getting his say. I've seen people point out how perfect Martin's interview is because it's so clear that he succeeds BY being himself, rather than somehow succeeding despite it, as Carolyn and Douglas had told him to; and I think it's even more perfect that it's the very traits that Carolyn and Douglas find most annoying about him that get him this dream job. Martin's never been the kind of guy who should have been working at a seat-of-its-pants airline; he needs corporate structure, and he's finally found it. And only about an hour's drive from his girlfriend, too.
The thing that it isn't a finale of, naturally, is the MJN family. Martin's completed (or nearly completed- he does have a bit of a panic-induced turnaround and learns some valuable lessons in Zurich) his own personal arc, which is LEAVING the MJN family. If this was The Martin Show (and I know some people complained that post-Sherlock it seemed to become so...) then this would, probably, be the finale. But Yverdon makes clear that this is only The Martin Show insofar as how his decision is about to affect the other crew of MJN, the ones who have been supporting him this whole time.
Douglas, we see, is struggling with change- he's gotten used to a very cushy gig and, at the end of his career and practically unemployable anywhere but MJN, is freaking out that he's at the end of the line. It doesn't help to see Herc, his more straight-laced mirror image, walking onto his turf and seeing that HE'S secure enough about being a captain that he can afford to not openly care. Martin is on his way out, and even Douglas's current sanctum, for as long as he still has it, is being violated by a challenger. Douglas had told Martin, back in the day, that his secret to seeming like the captain when he wasn't was not to care that he wasn't the captain- but that only worked because they both knew that he should be. Douglas being confronted with Herc, who is just as good as him, just as senior as him, still a captain, and doesn't care that he is captain, is enough to kind of confront Douglas with the shakiness of his future. He realizes he's being unreasonable, but also recognizes WHY he's feeling this way- his limitations have never been more clearly on display, and he's dealing with the fact that he's going to be faced with those limitations as his circumstances change.
It's interesting, because Arthur's plotline is basically just for laughs, as usual- even JF points this out in Farewell Bear Facts- but I actually think that it says something interesting about this episode too. He's the one who said that he wasn't sure WHAT he wanted to happen, because he didn't want things to change, and there's a smidge of symbolism in the fact that a symptom of some recent changes- Herc's fruit bowl- causes him to have an allergic reaction, I think. It also shows that he is just not going to be someone who can make his way through the day as a "hotel guy"- Carolyn has to be around to clean up after him or he'll kind of implode. Just another reason for Martin to feel ambivalent about leaving...
Carolyn is pretty static here, but we've seen plenty from her in the previous episodes- and, as with everyone else, we'll see a LOT from her in... Zurich. Can't believe we're already nearly at the end...
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sarahisslytherin · 2 years
flowers on tatooine || obi-wan kenobi
summary: you ask your new coworker out to dinner. he panics.  contains: age gap, coworker romance, mentions of fem!reader. a/n: wtf even is this? i’m just trying to get back into writing mode so excuse this cheesy garbage. first star wars fic so it might be a tad out of character.
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you’d recently moved to a new town and met the lovely obi-wan, though he insisted you call him ben. your meeting, working alongside him harvesting, hadn’t been the most glamorous, to be sure. but seeing him every day, the smile lines that formed at your every joke, was enough to put a skip in your step on your way to work. it was after a couple of months of this that you finally mustered the courage to ask him over for dinner. 
“what?” he’d asked, as if he couldn’t have possibly heard correctly. “you want to have dinner with me?”
you’d mistaken his surprise for rejection, and quickly attempted to back out. “well, yes, i thought you might have wanted that as well but, forgive me, i-”
“i’d love to.” he said with an air of finality and a smirk. “but i’m not making you cook for little old me.” he explained that he was watching leia that night, and after a bit of haggling from his part, you finally caved. dinner at his place.
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leia stifled a laugh as she watched obi-wan pace around his home. dinner was ready but he couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling that something was missing. jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments, really, which is probably why he’d never been in this situation before in his life. 
“leia, help me set the table.” he asked, his panic evident in his voice. she immediately went to help, setting down the utensils, plates and cups. 
“you need to calm down.” she said, a cheeky smile on her face. “the food smells delicious and the place looks great. she’s going to love it.”
“yes, but what if she doesn’t?” obi-wan snapped for a moment, then continued in a calmer tone. “i mean, what if she’s disappointed? i’m quite a few years her senior, i’m not what i once was. and she, she’s just so lovely and funny and i don’t know what i’d do if i ruined my chance with her.”
“you’re not going to ruin it.” leia soothed him, placing a small hand on his. “you won’t let her down, just like you’ve never let me down.”
it was hard not to be moved by the words, and obi-wan’s glassy eyes were proof of it. “thank you for the kind words, leia. truly. i just, i can’t shake the feeling i’m missing something. a detail.”
leia stood back, observing the table. “it’s missing a centerpiece, flowers.”
“flowers.” obi-wan nodded, chuckling softly. “where will i find flowers on tatooine? this place is a desert!”
it was then there was a knock at the door. “well, it’s too late now.” he stood, straightened his robes and walked up to the door. his hand hovered above the knob for a moment, hesitant, before finally pulling the door open to reveal you, a lovestruck grin on your face and a confection of flowers in hand.
“hello, darling.” he greeted you, stepping aside for you to enter. “you look wonderful.”
“thank you, ben.” you smirked. “you clean up nicely, you know.” 
you gingerly offered him the flowers you’d found. “i found these, i think they’re called funnel flowers. they’re supposed to be rare on tatooine, i thought you might like them.”
obi-wan took them, smelling them before looking back at you with those kind, blue eyes. “very rare, indeed.” he sighed, eyes drifting from the flowers to you. “and just as lovely.”
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a-cupof-jo · 2 years
Stairwell Kisses, Farewell Wishes
“You need to see a doctor. ” + Pediatrician!Johnny
Warning(s): language
If you could go back to your person from 20 minutes ago there were a few things you would have told yourself:
Your hair was laying flat against the back of your head
There was drool dried down the side of your face
If you slowed down a little you would realize that you weren’t going to be late to college senior send off
Watch out for hidden curbs
Okay, so maybe the curb wasn’t hidden, but you surely hadn’t seen it until you were laying facedown on the sidewalk. It hadn’t slowed you down that much. Sidewalk passers hadn’t even realized that you were laying on the ground until after you had popped back up and rushed toward the Chemistry Department’s building on campus. 
You ignored the looks that you got as you raced up stairs and through halls to get to the large atrium the building housed. -Of course it was on the other side of the building because the universe had to have one more laugh.- There were only a few heads that turned your way as you slammed the doors to the room open. They quickly looked away as you gave them a small polite smile. 
There were a few perks to being able to blend into the crowd of students.
You combed your fingers through your hair as you tried to adjust the dress that you had haphazardly thrown on. Looking like you had it together was more important than actually having it together. At least, that’s how you had made it through your Medical School interviews just a few years prior; helping with a graduation party had to be easier than that.
A woman smiled at you from behind a long spread of breakfast pastries and foods. Her bright red lipstick was smudged at the corner and streaked further across her cheek as she swiped the back of her hand across her chin. 
You didn’t know what she was trying to tell you, but you smiled and nodded.
The lines around her eyes tightened as her lips pursed. Leaning forward she spoke quietly to you, her voice syrupier than you would have expected, “You look like a wreck, darlin’. Why don’t you head to the bathroom and take care of yourself.”
Embarrassment squeezed your stomach and you could feel your cheeks tighten with a tense smile, “Thank you.” There wasn’t a single part of you that knew what the woman was talking about, but you figured that it would be better to trust her than to walk around looking like you had been put through the wringer, if her tone was anything to take into consideration.
Your legs carried you out of that room and as close to a run as was appropriate. You didn’t need to add “speeding” to your list of flounders from that morning. Architects must have really hated you when they were designing the building, there was no other explanation as to why the bathrooms had to be so far away from the atrium. 
 Keeping your head down you dodged in and out of the small groups of people who had congregated outside of the atrium doors.
Sharp heels and a sigh met your ears as you rounded the corner to the bathroom.  The line that greeted you made you groan before turning to the stairwell.
The funny thing about curbs is that not only can they stay hidden while you are trying to step up them, but also when you are going down them.
The curbs in this scene also like to take the name of stairs.
There wasn’t that slow motion moment of panic when you realize that you are about to fall down the stairs. No, you could feel the way your shoe slipped on the concrete and the sting of metal scraping your shoulder as your knee buckled beneath you. Only then did the panic hit as you felt whatever sturdy ground that you thought was going to be beneath you, vanish.  
Stairways were really quiet you realized as you lay against the hard landing staring up at the two or three floors worth handrailing. Trying to relax, you pulled in a few deep breaths to make up for the air that had been knocked out of you.
“How many fuck up’s is that already?” You asked the rows of stairs. “Three? Four? And it’s only 9 in the morning. What else could possibly go wrong?”
“A herd of anxious college graduates could trample you where you stand,” Johnny's tall frame leaned over the railing, “or rather, lay.”
Of course he was there. Whenever you were making a fool of yourself, Johnny was sure to show up. Maybe he had some sort of sixth sense that he was able to force you to make yourself look like the adult version of a junk drawer.  
“You know I just might let them.” You let your arms fling out to your sides so you were laying spread eagle. Embarrassing yourself in front of Johnny had gone on too long, it was time for someone to take you out of your misery. Closing your eyes to the dim lights above you, you waited for Johnny to respond. You were sure he already had a quip on the edge of his lips. 
A few moments had passed and when you didn’t hear anything from your worse half you peaked through your lids to see if he was still there. “Ah!” Johnny's face hovered just a few inches above yours. “How did you get there?”
Johnny gave a low laugh as he peered down at you, “I walked down here. How did you get down here?” His nose tickled at your forehead as he lowered himself closer to you.
“I fell.” You admitted, because you couldn't not tell the truth when he was peering down at you, all round cheeked and crinkled eyes. 
“You need a doctor.” 
“I am a doctor.”
“No, you’re a klutz.” He laughed again as he reached toward your face to brush away part of your still heinous hair. “Really, your patients have no idea how lucky they are that I am the one who is doing a majority of the surgeries.”
“Oh, you mean removing that old farmer’s ingrown toenail. When you almost gagged your way out of the exam room” You teased.
Johnny gasped, “You take that back.”
“Or what?”  
“I’ll be the one to trample you.” And he didn’t hesitate to drop his mouth to yours, shifting his body so he had a better angle. 
You laughed between kisses as he grumbled about you always teasing him and making fun of his weak stomach when it comes to the old farmer's feet. “Are you really going to continue talking about feet while you are kissing me?”
“You started it,” his hands pulled slightly on your hair, tipping your chin up so he could plant kisses down the column of your neck. “You always start it.” He murmured into your collarbone.
“Well I’m ending it,” Mark’s horrified voice had your eyes snapping open and up to where the dark, messy haired man stood. “You guys are supposed to be helping with the graduation party, not humping in the stairwell.”
“We weren’t humping.” Johnny shot him a dirty look, “And watch your tone.”
“Okay, dad,” Mark’s sarcastic tone drew your attention to the tension in his shoulders and the way his hands fidgeted with the collar of his shirt.
“Are you okay, Mark?” You sat up, making Johnny move to sit next to you with a sigh. 
“Yeah,” he looked away, his jaw clenching slightly before he sighed, “I’m going back to the auditorium. Hope to see you there soon.”
He was nervous and hurt. It’s not everyday you graduate from college.
“Mark, honey,” you stopped him from exiting through the door, “I just want you to know that I am so proud of you. You are going to be amazing today.”
He coughed out a quick, “Thanks.” His finger tapping at the door handle was the only thing sounding through the stairwell. “And- uh- thanks, you know, both of you for being here today. It means a lot.”
“We wouldn’t miss it.” Johnny's voice rumbled through his chest.
“I know,” Mark shot a quick smile over his shoulder, “That’s what I love about you guys. Even though you both look like you just jumped out of a plane, you’re here. That’s all that matters.” And the door clicked closed behind him.
“Did he just insult us?”
“Nah, our kid’s just embarrassed.”
“You know that he’s not actually our kid, right?” You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend. 
“That’s debatable.”
“Like hell it is!”
“I love you,” Johnny laughed leaning close to you again.
“I love you, too.” 
And if you entered the auditorium looking more disheveled then before you left, you didn’t care. Your family was happy, and so were you.
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