#but it's for my plot so meh
quiveringdeer · 1 year
so I took a nap with my cat, but since I woke up I haven't been able to get the above observation outta my head. And dunno how to make it into a character post so figured I'd just share here. 
This started as a long-winded scene idea I was typing up in dms to @marleysfinest after they commented about reading about Reiner cursing in that silly incorrect quote post I made where Pock pushed him down the stairs--just hit real different. And I couldn't agree more.
But instead of becoming the filthy smut I was originally trying to get at, my weird as fuck brain created this spiral of I don't even know what! It's highly self indulgent self insert as Reader. (I mean isn't that what we all write these as?) Though I did try to curb some of my more ridiculous dialogue options I initially intended to use.
Anywho, before the fluff and silliness have some meta musings:
Definitely see Reiner growing up with his mom being the type that doesn't allow bad language in the house. So he's careful about not cussing. And he definitely does, more so in high school and college when he joins a few sports teams because teen boys and all that jazz. But he tries to even outside of that or just hanging with friends because Gabi's been born and he wants to be a good example and such. 
But so I was thinkin about dating Rei and never really noticing that he tends not to curse until finally hearing him curse for one of the first times. And because it's the number one cause for yelling expletives, it happens when you're having movie night at your place. There isn't a lamp near the couch --cause who can afford a lamp in THIS economy! (okay maybe you just moved in and things are still in boxes but you both have a standing date night that moving was not going to interrupt I dunno! I dunno why my brain insists on giving convoluted scenarios that really are unneeded 🙃)--
Reiner x Reader
Anywho, no lamp. So of course you do rock paper scissors to figure out who has to get up from the snuggly warm spots on the couch to go turn off the overhead light and he loses. And after turning off the lights, in a rush to get back to the warm snuggling on the couch, he stubbs his poor bare toes on a sturdy box. "Shit!"
No, like reeeally hard. "SHIT MOTHERFU-!" Perfect. So yes. He stubs his toe so hard it throws off his generally great balance and as he's trying not to land on anything important he falls to the floor with a big thud! "Fuck!" 
And the whole thing happens in a number of seconds. 
You've launched yourself over to the side of the couch closest to him now. Peering down in the dim light of the DVD Title Menu screen, "Rei, honey you good?" 
He's sitting up by this point, groaning and muttering as he squeezes his poor, traumatized toe. "Yeah. 'M good." Casting those warm amber eyes over to you, Reiner tries for a grin but manages more of a grimace as he starts to pick himself up. "Too eager to get back to cuddling you." 
Settling back into your previous spot on the couch you notice him not putting his assaulted foot fully on the floor. "Aww, sweet baby." 
His large body sinks gingerly onto the sofa beside you. He's not trying to sustain any more injuries just dropping himself heavy onto the cushions like he wants to. 
"You sure you're good? Don't think I've ever heard you swear like that before." 
Reiner dips his head, masking his face in shadow as he feels his cheeks heat. Not that you could see it in the minimal lighting anyway. "Sorry. Didn't mean to. But yeah. I'm okay." To prove his point he lifts up both his legs and wiggles his toes, back-lit by the TV screen. "All in working order." 
A tiny amused huff of air puffs past your lips at the endearing little gesture. "Okay." While patting around the fleece blanket with one hand for the remote, your other arm lifts to rest across his broad shoulders. Your fingers curve around the top of his head, sinking into the soft blond strands as you begin massaging gently. It's an unconscious action at this point. You've argued before that running your fingers through his hair feels just as nice to you as it does for him. 
Reiner's neck is tilted back, by the time you finally locate the remote beneath the folds of endless fleece. Eyes closed, completely content to just listen to the movie he's forgotten the title of already. 
"Also, you didn't have to apologize. For cursing." He turns his head just slightly to see you looking at him with a fond smile. "I don't mind. I honestly can't believe this is literally the first time I've ever heard you do it. And we've been dating for months." 
You settle the remote on your lap and keep your eyes on his face. There's a short silence as you watch Reiner's mouth twitch. His brows pull down slightly like he's sifting for the right words. 
"My mom always said it was a vulgar habit. So I grew up making sure I didn't slip up at home or in front of strangers." 
You laugh and have to quickly follow it with words when you notice Reiner's face go tense. "Sorry, was just laughing cause I'm happy to know after three months of dating you no longer see me as a stranger." 
Immediately Reiner starts to sit up straighter, eyes going wide as he angles his large body toward you. "That's not what I–" 
One of your fingers presses to his lips, silencing his rebuttal. The hand that'd been occupied in his hair now lays comfortably on his shoulder. "I know honey. Relax. I'm just teasing." 
Grin still present from your earlier laughter, you lean in for a slow, tender kiss that has Reiner melting further toward you. Your foreheads rest together as you part from his lips. You have to bit your bottom lip to seal in another delighted chuckle when your eyes open to see his, closed. Honey blond lashes fanned against his cheeks and pretty, wet lips still slightly puckered for more kisses. It never ceased to charm you how such a large, handsome and objectively intimidating man could simultaneously produce the most adorable mannerisms. 
"I hope you can feel comfortable enough to do it more in the future. If the urge strikes. Liiiike another lost battle against a box. Or anything really. Whatever. You don't have to hold any part of yourself back from me, Reiner. Okay?" 
His eyes had fluttered open as soon as you began to speak. His head nods a bit. A slight up and down motion you feel more than see, with your foreheads still touching. Reiner's eyes close again as he presses forward for another kiss. 
You pull back, increasing the distance between your faces as both your hands move to cup his cheeks. "I mean it." 
Finally his mouth quirks up in a smile, "I got it." 
"Good." Index fingers from both of your hands twiddle the short hairs just above his ears. "So you get that also means if the urge strikes to curse in a positive way?"
"Positive way?" Rei's brows knit together as he tilts his head just a smidge to the left. "Maybe I don't, got it." 
Another short burst of laughter leads your response, "Yeah. Positive way. Like overcome with such positive feelings the only words that can truuuly harness the euphoria are curses."
His head cants further at an angle before things click in place. "Oooh. Really?" 
"Mmmhm. Actually, if you wanna be more vocal in general, I'd like that. I love the sound of your moans, but the right words can really hit different." 
"Oh. I can try to talk more, if you like that." 
"Ideally, you'll like it too."
You can tell by that short response that he's getting caught up in his head. "Reiner?" Your palms squish in his cheeks gently. "Are you trying to think of what things you'd say?"
"Uh. Maybe. I feel like it'll be awkward. No one's ever asked me to talk more during sex. Didn't know it was a thing, to be honest."
Pulling your hands from his face you mute the TV. The DVD Title Menu music was becoming a bit overestimating for this conversation. With the repetitive sounds silenced you maneuvered your body to more comfortably talk with Rei. One leg tucked up between you both, other still situated over the front of the couch. Soft, fluffy blanket redistributed over both of your lower halves.
Reiner, resettled himself in a more comfy position too. Elbow resting against the back of the couch so he could lean his cheek on his knuckles. It wasn't uncommon for conversations to bloom up and distract you both from previously set plans. While it had been a bit unsettling at first, he really relished them now. He was unused to people asking questions and genuinely wanting to hear his thoughts. Okay, that wasn't entirely true. Bertholdt had always been an active listener. So was Pieck. But they'd known each other since elementary school and were close friends.  
Maybe that's what it was. He wasn't used to these kinds of conversations happening so frequently with a romantic partner. None of them had ever been so curious to ask and he'd never gotten around to offering up the information freely. Perhaps that was something he should bring up in his next therapy session. 
"Hmm, do you think it's awkward when I talk while we're having sex?" 
There's quiet confidence paired alongside genuine curiosity situated in your tone. And while it's been many years since he's been a virgin, this simple straightforward question has the tip of his ears flushing hot. 
Reiner forces himself to meet your gaze as he responds, "No. I just figured…I don't know. Just never thought about it."
"Not that anyone should use them as any kind of blueprint for real sex, but is there no dirty talk in the porn you watch? Like, the dudes. Do they not say anything?"
If he'd been eating or drinking, he would've certainly choked. Mark this down for another topic he's never discussed with a partner before. "Uh, no? Maybe? Like you said, I don't really watch to pick up tips or tricks." Okay. Maybe that wasn't fully the truth. Some videos had certainly sparked fantasies he's put into motion once or twice. 
"Okay, fair." Lifting up the blanket, you move the leg you've had extended over the front of the couch, across Reiner's lap. "Hmm…We'll have to find you more memorable porn, babe." 
You snort out a laugh and the sounds eases the tension of embarrassment coiling in his gut. His free arm slips beneath the blanket to hug your leg close to his body. The heat from his palm is distinct as he smooths his hand up and down the outward side of your leg. "You've got to be the first girl I've ever met that wants their boyfriend to watch more porn." 
"I'm most definitely not. You just haven't reached that stage of information security clearance with other women yet. And I'll have you know, I was implying you need to watch better porn, not necessarily, more." A giant grin stretches across your face after putting on a mockingly serious voice for that last sentence. Obviously, you're in a very playful mood tonight and the energy is infectious. 
"Ah. Forgive me, that's a very important difference right there."
"Damn right it is!" 
Reiner can't help but shake his head at the ridiculous exclamation even has laughter rumbles out through his lips.
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mazojo · 1 year
Anyways XO Kitty love interests summarized
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Min Ho
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waspgrave · 9 months
Bg3 ending spoilers but there’s a scene that happens that gave me the same feeling of ‘orsino did what’ back when I played da2 for the first time, and I don’t care for it!
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anthonycrowley · 6 months
why did they cut to wilson during that scene
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theaudacitytowrite · 7 months
Tempted to rewrite a Halloween-themed fic for Dean that I wrote like 5 years ago
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goldensunset · 6 months
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ghostmaggie · 4 months
the lightning thief musical might just be perfect media
#i am so fucking!!!#the motifs and themes are chefs kiss#the way it teases out the characters and themes and plot of the book so evocatively while doing its own thing and keeping it fresh#the voice of it all!!!#it's all ive listened to or thought about for several weeks and no one i know has listened (despite many hints)#like ugh i listened to it forever ago and thought it was fine but kinda meh and cheesy#past me you were WRONG ok you straight up didnt get it#also if this in any way makes u wanna listen do but make sure you go in open minded and ready to accept what they are ready to give u#which is love and friendship and lore and angst and sense of self#and also i have to recommend listening to my curated extended playlist that slots back in 3 of the cut songs#(5 cut songs were released as bonus tracks and theyre all fun but one is more of a bit and one is duplicative of another song in the show)#(as in literally shares some dialogue)#so while try does tread some of the same emotional ground of lost it gets to stay while in the same boat sadly does not#ily tho itsb#anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk#pjo#tlt musical#post#eta: oh and don't even get me STARTED about the Implications of the roles that are double/triple/etc cast#GABE IS LUKE IS ARES#CLARISSE IS MRS DODDS IS KATIE GARDNER#SALLY IS THE ORACLE IS SILENA IS CHARON#(i know the katie and silena thing doesnt feel like much but oh!! in my heart it is so much)#GROVER IS MR D DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE GALAXY BRAIN MEME IN MY HEART RN#and just to close the loop chiron is all other male gods and also medusa and it's so!!!#we don't have time to unpack all that but t#it's always rotating in my mind
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moonlight-prose · 7 months
i saw the marvels tonight and i'm gonna need every man who shit on it because of the main leads being women to pay me ten dollars.
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your-favorite-bean · 1 year
Whenever aliens are introduced into a show, my imagination takes it and runs with it into an entirely different direction
Take umbrella academy into consideration. For the last two seasons, there’s been hints about Reginald being an alien, and that’s also the origin of the siblings powers. Then in season three they sort of revealed more about it. But I want more!!! I want this crazy, eldritch being that uses not just the siblings, but an entire planet as a pawn. Dunno if it’s just me, but I was kind of let down that Reginald has like spiky tentacle arms (kind of crablike???) and that’s all we really see. I mean oblivion being a machine that can reset the universe to your own making is sooooooooo cool I wish that they kind of made everything a bit more…. cosmic sort of.
Honestly, I’m totally okay that they’re not doing it, and it might be a little to bit extra. In fact kind of I like how aliens are in the show, but the plot isn’t centered on the face that there is proven life outside of earth. They’ve got other problems. But it’s because tua is already such a wacky, crazy show, it doesn’t have to be too far of a stretch. A savvy business man that’s actually just a talking goldfish. Sure. A destructive force that obliterates the world because of a few people fucking up the timeline. Why not? A hotel that is actually an Alice in wonderland looking glass kind of thing that is a copy of a hotel which is actually just a cover for a universe altering machine? Loving it!! To quote something that I’ve heard, or maybe it’s just me pretending ive heard of it before, EMBRACE THE WEIRD.
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mal-zoya · 1 year
so wait a fucking minute v.e. schwab is gay, all the main characters are bi and WE ARE STILL STUCK ON A GENERIC STRAIGHT LOVE TRIANGLE???? HOW????
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waspgrave · 2 months
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mental illness
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designernishiki · 1 year
so I legit finished kiwami (1) tonight and uhh. yeah I have. a lot of thoughts and opinions (mainly nishiki related) but im too tired to go into it right now so. expect rambling whenever i wake up.
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alectology-archive · 2 years
another thing about my first read through: mat was the first non-moiraine character that I liked.
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zevranunderstander · 8 months
sex education is a phenomenal show with well-written representation, amazing actors, campy ideas, great character arcs and character growth and i would recommend the show to anyone, but it's just that the show also has the most boring and unlikeable main character of all time and the main plot of a season is usually the weakest plotline
#myposts#like i love this show w all my heart#and like??? maeve adam and aimee's character arcs are sooooooooo fucking amazing#isaac as a character??? viv and jackson??? erics arc?????#the new characters introduced in season 4??? the arc adams dad has???? all of these are fucking insane???#but i usually dont care about the actual main premise of the sex clinic tbh because like. otis is so boring to watch#and like. whenever otis is involved in a plot its just that one post thats like#' 'i guess i blew up at you because i have unresolved anger from when my dad left' - NO throw their car keys in the drain'#like i liked the idea for 2 seasons but the season 3 main plot was so stupid im so sorry but like what was that#and then the whole 'competition' arc in season 4??#like i liked that otis and o both grew over doing it and it exposed how much of an ass otis can be an shit#but the overall idea was so. meh?#and as much as i love isaac and aisha as characters the whole scene were the school protested for disability services was so. ugh. idk.#but like i think that is bc some characters plots dont really have time to breathe because we have to watch otis be boring half an episode#like? the idea for vivs plot was really cool this season but it was so rushed and easily would have been better if viv had more screen time#and i just dont like when the show gets really unrealistic with characters and is like#'noo all of the characters are now protesting for disability rights and it fixes everything and all characters decide to be more inclusive!'#or 'this persons dysphoria and sucicidal thoughts are alleviated by the fact that the school does a fundraiser just for them'#like whenever a character arc and the main plot meet. the character arc suddenly becomes really bad and boring#i hope i make sense and also. i fucking hate otis so much
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theozmachronicles · 2 years
i loved blade breaker but if i had to critique it, i would say:
a little less erida and a little more andry
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
15 and 27 for the ask game!
15.Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
my unpopular opinion uhhhh
Ginger Cow ain’t a good episode. I personally don’t count it as canon and try to forget it exists. Cartman’s entire emotional investment in Kyle depends on his fiery attitude and willingness to rise up to whatever challenge faces him. Kyle ain’t afraid to throw hands and Cartman loves it when he fights back (I think in part, bc he wants his attention. But a good chunk of it’s because he blows up over the smallest shit and it’s so funny to see). As soon as Kyle leaves the picture, or worse, gives in, Cartman gets bored. So why is it that Cartman enjoys a submissive Kyle in this episode?? It doesn’t make sense to me.
I think also, Cartman and Kyle’s dynamic in the ep isn’t fitting for an ep so late in the show’s run. Cartman and Kyle had a lot of development between seasons 10 and 18, so it’s weird to see a season 7 level of animosity between the two here.
I can talk more reasons why I don’t like Ginger Cow but i don’t wanna talk about Ginger Cow more than I need to so it just… the episode leaves a bad taste in my mouth. ‘s like eatin fart or somethn.
27. answered!
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