#but just ......
nouearth · 2 days
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thinking about how pretty he looks here.
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procrastiel · 7 months
Yo, another kiss in s3 would be great, but have you considered Aziraphale and Crowley laughing while kissing
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withacapitalp · 10 months
Steddie idea where Dustin is pressing on Robin and Steve about dating again and Steve decides to just blurt out that he's gay but the kind of gay that likes both and that's why he and Robin can't date (Robin apparently just doesn't count as one of the both in his mind for some reason?) Dustin tries to get Steve to see that but he's also in the 'my brother came out to me I must be supportive' mindset, so he instantly decides to flip to Steve you should date Eddie!
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hel7l7 · 2 months
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Why didn't you?
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crosnt · 21 days
whether they kiss or not i really want cas to come back so they will at least be friends. like the best of friends. they were already best friends, i want them to be the bestest of friends. because its so cute. like dean winchester has a best friend? yay !!
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flaticeball · 8 months
the fact that all it took for those spineless cowards to back down was one rando (sorry dermy love you dermy but face of a franchise he is not) saying “no, you move” is so perfectly emblematic of who the league is and what that stand for (nothing).
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goodnight-whore · 4 months
How am I supposed to find Beel in a suit hot
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When this is the only thing I can see
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echosong971 · 4 months
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in honor of p's new drip <3
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saltpepperbeard · 10 months
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So first of all, absolutely crying and throwing up over seeing Stede in more "stereotypical" sailor clothes as opposed to his usual attire. Secondly though, he looks to be surrounded by fine things, and it makes me wonder if he's attempting to barter for something? Maybe get a little SPECIAL SOMETHING FOR HIS SPECIAL SOMEONE???
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And then this one kills me so hard because it looks like a message in a bottle. Is this an attempt at reaching out to Ed? Have they been trailing and failing to catch up with the Revenge, and this is Stede's attempt at trying to make contact? Or is this a message from Ed to Stede, a heartbroken warning to stay away? Regardless, SCREAMING.
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AND THEN THIS ONE. SMILEY FACES. MATCHING OUTFITS!!! Maybe they've paired up with another crew and are temporary members? Like, in order to try and catch up with the Revenge, they had to team up with another ship/crew?
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........if i speak
y'all already know that season 2 ed has led to MANY a breakdown already hsdjks. and i will be visiting this picture a little too much. but if i can CATCH MY BREATH A SECOND-
The pearls. And the fact that his hair is back. And the fact that his face is clear. AND HIS EARRING IS STILL THEERRREEEHSDJKLS.
He still looks hardened/heartbroken, but this look makes me think that conversations have happened, and maybe the first "healing seeds" have been planted.
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And this maybe has me going the MOST bonker bananas because omfg.
Ed and Jackie. And Ed looking so much softer in comparison to the previous picture. Ed out of his leathers. Ed just VIBING. ED AND JACKIE JUST CHILLING.
I cannot express how many times I've pictured them talking, and pictured Jackie being like "You have the hots for WHO?????" Like if this is a moment where Jackie is having to be That Friend, aka the disapproving one of your friend's partner type deal HSKDJS LIKE,,, I HAVE ENVISIONED THE CONVERSATIONS SO SO MUCH.
And if they're watching Stede in that moment, if Stede is doing something silly stupid which is making Ed pull fond eyes and making Jackie pull a "wtf" expression like that,,, please. PLEASE.
I'm just.
My heart is so full. My crops are watered. My skin is clear. My depression is lifted.
And I cannot WAIT to see what all is in store for us. I cannot WAIT to see what all comes to light.
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kokoiep · 4 months
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I love the off canon sillies 😭
Michael by @neonross
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Mmm, love that we got Jamie settling into his final form as a footballer: very much a teamplayer, the central cog, but also scoring, playing smart by pricking out and getting them that penalty (the tongue, the wink, Jamie) and then giving the penalty away. West Ham couldn’t take him out if they tried: our boy’s going to rule the fucking world.
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hcnnibal · 2 months
Silly question as I stare into the middle distance over this religious delusions reveal: A1 and A2 versus Hannibal and Will, who is winning in a fight? Let’s assume no firearms. 
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hg-aneh · 1 year
Crowley and his slutty little man waist
(Not a man, but you're damn right)
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munsons-mutiny · 1 year
Headcanon that next season it’s Steve not Jonathan who catches Will staring at Mike with patented Wheeler Longing. He knows that look, hell he invented that look.
And is very first thought is God Damn I’m just collecting Gays at this point.
He makes an effort to spend more time with Will when he realizes. While they’re all volunteering and just doing their best in the weeks after losing Eddie, he always tries to make sure Will knows he sees him.
As they get closer he starts taking wise cracks at El and Mike whenever they’re around, stupid sassy comments that never fail to make Will smile or even laugh. Eventually he even starts roping Will into teasing Robin for being hopeless with girls. (Robin is of course in on it and has approved being outed in this scenario, Steve would never have revealed it otherwise)
The first time it had happened Will had frozen up completely looking around to see who was listening, he looked terrified. But Steve just kept his reaction natural and Robin just rolled her eyes talking about all of his strike outs last summer. Their usual banter filling the space until Will could breathe again, could join back in to give Robin shit.
His smiles are even brighter after that, even more open, and sometimes when the three of them are alone he comments on a cute boy he saw, or really rants about Mike. Steve and him bond over Wheeler rants, even though Steve really is over Nancy now.
When shit inevitably kicks off again, Steve keeps an even closer eye on Will. He’s one of the people that he’s overprotective of now, and it’s the first time one of those people have been the focus of the enemies. Have had a target painted on their back. It has him so stressed already, that he hits his breaking point the day they encounter Kaz.
Not Eddie. Cause he’s not Eddie, not anymore. He nearly took a bite out of Dustin, and Johnathon had to restrain Mike to stop him from running to him. Only stopped fighting when Kaz grinned at him blood covered fangs and dead eyes.
It was a bad day.
They somehow all make it back to the cabin unscathed, and Steve has to keep it together. Has to make himself strong while Dustin falls apart in his arms, and Mike is pacing and shouting at anyone who will listen. Tears streaming down his face. He keeps it together for hours, til Dustin falls asleep against him, and Will finally got Mike to sit down and pass out. Only when he’s sure he can escape unnoticed, does he stand and let himself outside to the back of the cabin.
The second he’s there he collapses into sobs. Falls to the ground and puts his face in his hands to muffle them. Shakes with the effort of it all.
It doesn’t take long for an arm to wrap around him as he’s tugged into and awkward side hug. When he looks up it’s to see Will comfortingly just there as much as he can be. They sit silently for what feels like hours before Steve finally speaks,
“I’m sorry”
“Why on earth are you apologizing?”
“I can usually keep it together better than this, they need me to be strong right now.”
“Nothing about this makes you weak. This is such a fucked up situation, this is worse than just losing him. And I know how important he was to the party. Im sorry I didn’t realize how important he was to you” Steve just shakes his head at him,
“He wasn’t not really, I only knew him after everything started going down. Only really spoke to him a handful of times. And honestly I didn’t even like him!” Steve’s voice picks up hear going higher and almost frantic, “He was annoying! And touchy! He gave me so much shit, and was always all over me! He flirted constantly, and was totally insufferable, and honestly I’m pretty sure Dustin liked him more than me! And! And….” His voice deflates on the last and, the fight and anxiety going out of him, “I couldn’t get him out of my fucking head man.” Will almost cant believe what he’s hearing.
“Steve are you?- Did you?” He almost cant ask the question, figured Steve would’ve told him by now if he was. What with their little group of queers that Steve tends to watch over. Heck Robin had even called him the unicorn collector! Like he was separate from them!
Steve just shakes his head frantically, “No! Or yes? More like maybe” He just sights putting his head back in his hands, “ I don’t even know anymore, there had always been fleeting attraction to guys but never anything- real, never anything like this! And then- well, he was gone before I ever got a chance to figure it out. Before we ever got a chance.” And he looks small, defeated like he doesn’t know what to do with himself, and Will can’t stand it.
“Well then we save him, we get him back, and you figure it out”
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ktkat99 · 6 months
I've been seeing that trend going around tictok where the people talk to their younger selves and all I can think of is what if the batfam met their younger selves?
Bruce, seven years old with two living parents, grinning widely at his adult self- Did we do it? Did we make them proud? Are we a doctor?
Bruce- ... No. But... we do help people. We're making a difference
Dick proudly wearing his Flying Greyson's suit- Are we still performing with Mom and Dad? Or have we got our own group now?
Dick- We've... got a new group now.
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saltpepperbeard · 3 months
okay, but for real, all of this is so comforting. so, so immensely comforting.
idk about y'all, but i was feeling so incredibly down over the weekend. i keep kind of going through peaks and valleys, but i was definitely way down in a valley. the sadness was so thick that it was palpably heavy in my chest.
but then we get this. and everything feels okay again. everything feels warm and exciting and familiar. everything feels like why i found a home in this fandom in the first place.
because, it just goes to show that our story and journey are not over. there's still so much to be explored, and so much to get excited about as a group. even if we never get that proper resolution, there's still so much to pass around, to scream about, to get the tags going for. be it random photos that come out of nowhere like this, more bts, or little tidbits of information from the cast and crew, there's still so much more to be had.
not that i ever doubted us, really. but after such heartache, that reassurance is just like...being tucked into a warm and homey bed.
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