#but laurent has a different kind of look in my imagination
pourcap · 2 years
I was reading your KR chapter 9 response. I couldn’t help but hear Jamie Campbell Bowers as Laurent in the drunken “I miss you” conversation. Man, I think that casting would be a treat.
ahhh, idk him and i'm sure he'd do a great job acting-wise, but i really don't see it at all hhh
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savoytrufflephd · 6 months
Let’s explore canon parallels…
Thanks for the love on the earlier post! Clearly, like me, you can’t get enough of analyzing HIUH. Allow me to test that theory…
HIUH is both an easy and a hard read. On the one hand, the writing style makes is go down smooth. On the other hand, the plight of the characters burns (in all the best ways). And sometimes you just want to shake some sense into them!
I am obsessed with HIUH to a borderline unhealthy degree. I love the style and subtly of the writing (but that’s a whole topic for a different post). I love how frustrating and heartbreaking and hilarious (I’m looking at you, Ancel) it can be. I’m obsessed with how much it makes me feel.
Typically, when a chapter is posted, I read it once, then go back and read the previous chapter and the new chapter again, then reread my favorite little sections again and again. Sometimes, I start at the beginning of the story and read all the way through. It’s never not worth my time.
So, anyway, perhaps this obsession explains how very defensive I feel when I read people commenting on how unlikeable Laurent (or Damen) is, or how they can’t imagine feeling good about them getting back together. I mean, it’s fair for them to feel however they feel as readers, but also…
Of course they have to get back together, because they are MEANT TO BE!
Which brings me to the question of canon parallels.
Because we, as a fandom, know that they are MEANT TO BE because of Pacat’s trilogy, and more specifically, because they had SO MUCH to overcome. Only a couple that is MEANT TO BE still comes to be despite the fact that one killed the other’s brother and the other took the one as a slave had him nearly whipped to death. I mean, that’s a lot to get past.
And herein lies the genius of HIUH. Because Pacat was able to set up this drama by setting her story in a pseudo-historical world of kingdoms and old-fashioned, army-clashing warfare. It was neither farfetched nor unreasonable that Damen killed Auguste. And it was believable (to everyone but Damen) that Damen’s brother tried to have him killed in a coup. And it was fair enough that Laurent swore vengeance, which, combined with the trauma he had experienced, ultimately allows us to forgive his cruelty. Also, Damen may not have whipped slaves, but he owned them, so he ultimately lacks moral purity (despite a common desire to grant it to him in fanfic, which I totally understand, because he has honor! It’s hot!). And they all live in a world before therapy, so they’re just gonna have to kind of suck up their trauma and go on ruling.
But how do you plausibly transfer this meant-to-be-despite-all-odds to a modern-day setting?
You can make them both modern royalty (which is always fun), but you can’t make Damen own people or have Laurent be casually sadistic and still have us root for them. Laurent’s trauma can be the same (unfortunately, because shitty adults still get away with abuse), but he can’t take it out on Damen in the same way. And Damen can’t be a catalyst for the trauma to the same degree either, because it’s hard in modern setting to imagine him having justifiably killed August and then Laurent being able to move on.
So how can two people hurt each other so much and still come together in modern times? By being exes, it turns out! Who knew?
@thickenmyblood knew!
And from that amazing canon adaptation of the overall conceit, @thickenmyblood goes on to create so many other canon parallels. I’ll number them (in order to assure you this post isn’t actually endless), but I’m sure it’s not an exhaustive list:
1. Damen’s quest begins when his privileged world, which he has never examined very closely, gets turned upside down. His unquestioned acceptance of slavery becomes an unquestioned acceptance of toxic masculinity, which also parallels with Damen’s unquestioned pursuit of war glory (the Original Toxic Masculinity™). His complete inability to recognize what every single reader can see – that Laurent was abused by his uncle – becomes an unwillingness to hear about Laurent’s traumatic experiences or accept their mental health consequences. His quest to regain his throne becomes a quest to regain his sense of self, which leads him to therapy, which leads to a realignment of his priorities that ultimately puts a connection to Laurent high on his list (as in the books).
2. Which makes sense, I think, of why Damen still cares so much for Laurent in HIUH despite his recognition of Laurent’s behavior. As in the books, he, like a few of the people closest to Laurent, sees beneath the judgmental exterior to Laurent’s resilience, deep care for people like Nicaise, and well-hidden playfulness. Lest we forget, the running over the rooftops was a key moment for Lamen – the banter and wordplay they can still find in HIUH post-breakup gestures to that playful connection/reconnection.
3. Meanwhile, Laurent remains a survivor in both worlds, and alternates between dedicating almost everything he has to simply persisting despite his uncle and trying to carve about a more purposeful and livable existence, which he at the same time does not fully believe he deserves. He is willing to protect and fight for Nicaise in ways he isn’t always able to fight for himself.
4. Nicaise, as in canon, sometimes desperately appreciates that, sometimes need to push, push, push until Laurent gives up on him the way he can’t stop fearing Laurent will.
5. Meanwhile, just as in canon, the only means Laurent has found to protect himself is by keeping his deepest self hidden and feigning indifference and superiority when he feels vulnerable or hurt. Did Laurent break up with Damen to protect Nicaise? Yes, absolutely. But, as I argued in the previous post, Laurent also breaks up with Damen because he believes deep down that, in the long term, Damen could not love the real Laurent because the real Laurent is fundamentally unlovable.
6. And he clearly told himself Damen would be better off without him, and without Nicaise, too. Like in canon, he’s willing to sacrifice his own chance at happiness to let Damen have his. He probably figured he was letting Damen go back to his charmed and trauma-free life. Which was less charmed and trauma-free than Damen thought it was, as it turns out (thank you, Neo). Which just takes us right back to Damen’s canon obliviousness and rose-tinted glasses.
7. Consider also that Laurent comes to give Damen his first and second chances because he is so desperate for Damen’s help that he has to push aside his anger, pride, and fear and let Damen in just a little (calling him for that first date, showing up at his house looking for Nicaise + asking him to take Nicaise after the paperweight). This mirrors his decision to take Damen with him to the border. But, just as in canon, whenever he lets Damen in just a little, Damen surprises him and worms his way back into Laurent’s closely-guarded heart.
8. Similarly for Damen in canon and here, Laurent is easy to hate when he’s being icy, superior, and hurtful, but impossible for Damen to hate when he pays close enough attention to see Laurent’s vulnerability. A lot of this comes through in HIUH in Damen’s careful notice of Laurent’s body language. When not clouded by his own insecurities, Damen can still read Laurent like a book.
9. Also worth noting is the way @thickenmyblood translates the differences in how Damen and Laurent think. As in canon, Damen is very literal and practical, thinking in straight lines. He is well suited to the law. Laurent’s thinking is more complicated, theoretical, and more attuned reasoning born of trauma. He is well suited to academia. But since there is no court intrigue in this modern setting, these differences are displayed not only in their communication differences, but through the contemporary complexities of sexual orientation and gender expression. Laurent (and his friend group) navigate these things effortlessly, while Damen (and his friend group) find it needlessly confusing and easy to mock. But like in canon Damen really should have understood court betrayals for his own sake, so too should this Damen understand how his thinking and friend group have prevented him from being fair to those he loves and fair to himself.
10. And if we want to get really metaphorical, we can say that Kastor "kills" their father in this by forcing Damen to realize he wasn't as good a father as Damen cast him in his memory. Although in this case, the metaphorical killing of the father opens the possibility for a more genuine relationship between the brothers, instead of destroying it...
And let’s stop it there, yeah? (Off to read the user manual for my new dishwasher.)
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licncourt · 5 months
Headcanons about Loustat's first kiss? When? HOW? 👀
Woof okay sorry I've been MIA. The horrors etc...BUT I love this question so I'm glad I can finally do it.
I kind of wrote what imagine for their first kiss in ch 1 of my collab fic, but it's also kind of a standalone excerpt so I'll post it under a cut as a sort of ficlet if anyone is interested!
Outside of that though, I'm pretty open to the details differing (there are a few different scenarios I really like), just with the same overall vibe. I mean, it's Interview-era Loustat so it has to be kind of toxique but with whatever weird, almost-intimacy they had.
Regardless, I think it happened at PdL, there's no way they made it four years without some funny business given the everything
Almost for certain it was a heat of the moment love/hate type of thing, probably an argument that finally made the tension between them snap. How long could they realistically yell in each other's faces without making out lbr
I think it would have to be in a moment of heightened emotion like that because Louis is Louis and while Lestat is down bad, anything remotely resembling wooing or emotional vulnerability would stand between him and going for it properly
If Lestat was the one to initiate, I think it would be an impulsive decision in the middle of a Louis tirade, he just lays one on him mid vitriolic sermony bitchfest. Less yapping more tongue action, Louis' hot when he's angry but also very annoying so it works out for Lestat
If Louis initiates it, it's probably because he finally snapped under the weight of his own repression and Lestat's hot boy factor. They're arguing and for a second Lestat looks JUST right so Louis pounces on him like a horny coyote, hellfire be damned
No matter what it's all in. This is not a nervous peck or after dinner kiss, teeth would be breaking if they were human and it's a little feral. Kind of a collision
Something inanimate definitely gets broken also, maybe a lamp, a table leg, a door jamb, whatever. IWTV Loustat = collateral
The only options I see as a possibility post-kiss would be things escalating into some sort of blood sharing/sex/both depending on your preference, or both of them realizing what they did more immediately which makes Louis lose his shit and Lestat slam the emotional walls down so they both run off right away. Either way they avoid each other for a couple weeks after before repeating the cycle in various iterations until the Claudia dynamic shift
Surveying the grounds of Pointe du Lac after dark in the height of a cold snap was not at all what Lestat wished to be doing on a January night, but he was quite used to not getting what he wanted, especially when Louis was involved. The man in question was nearly always cold anyway, and Lestat had half a mind to think this outing was some sort of punishment for him under the feeble excuse of preparation for re-sowing the following month. The offer to stay behind was predictably (and smugly) extended, but he refused to give Louis the satisfaction, nor any reason to solidify his misguided belief in his sole ownership of the plantation, legal deeds be damned.
Whatever the case, Louis would regret his decision, Lestat would make sure of it. Louis may have been succeeding in making them both miserable, but he had been just as successful at making himself a captive subject. The ground was damp beneath them and the mud, cold in the winter air, made the horses’ steps heavy. All the better, Lestat usually lost his hostage once they reached the house. Louis had a way of doing that, slipping through the cracks like a dormouse where even the cat couldn’t follow. It was out in the open that the cat had the advantage.
“I heard Charles Laurent proposed marriage for you and his daughter.” Lestat nudged his horse closer to Louis’ until their steps fell in time. “Béatrice, was it?”
“He did.”
Lestat hardened his stare, willing Louis to meet his gaze through the dark drape of hair that had fallen from its ribbon. It shrouded his expression rather entirely from view and Lestat wondered if he’d left it there on purpose. It wouldn’t be the pettiest thing Louis had done to shut him out. He pawed at the mouse again.
“I also heard you declined.”
“Yes.” A disappointing squeak indeed.
“How come? It is an excellent family, they do well in sugarcane. And Mademoiselle Béatrice is very beautiful.”
In lieu of an answer, Louis urged his horse to a near-trot that Lestat matched easily a moment later. Louis’ chest lifted in a silent sigh before he apparently resigned himself to conceding the bare minimum.
“They do. And she is.”
Louis was always so prim when he rode, enough to make Lestat twitchy. Heels dropped in the stirrups, elbows tight to his hips, back straight enough to look painful. Chin in the air of course, but that wasn’t relegated to the equestrian realm. At least the protrusions of the saddle pushed his thighs forward to improve the view, even if his other assets were covered by his tail coat. Unfortunate that. Louis was clenched tight enough that the view would surely have been sublime.
“Well?” Lestat asked, letting his mare sidle uncomfortably close again, their riding boots nearly touching.
Louis jerked his horse right quickly enough that the stallion’s hind quarters bumped his own horse’s shoulder. “I do not have to explain myself to you, Lestat,” he snapped, any appearance of leisure fully abandoned as he tried to break for the house. The attempt was half-hearted though and Lestat cut him off easily, the stallion balking and dancing in half-circles until Louis regained control of its head.
“Au contraire, mon cher. It is my livelihood at stake as well.” The endearment made Louis’ jaw tighten even further, but he let his horse fall back in step with Lestat’s.
“Are you so desperate to expand our wealth—my wealth—that you would marry me off like a medieval widow at the first offer?” Louis’ eyes flashed sharp and olivine at him in the lantern light. He looked so much like the portrait of his father in the foyer, the same cruel mouth on a fairer face.
“As if this is the first. Formal or otherwise.”
This seemed to disquiet Louis greatly, his tone shifting from serpentine anger to something a tad hysterical. “You would truly have me do such a thing? Move a woman into our home? Marry her? What do you suppose will become of you in such a situation?” There was an undercurrent to the protests that negged at Lestat’s ear, some suggestion of weakness he couldn’t name. Still, there was blood in the water and a source needed to be determined.
He laughed, as amused as he was intrigued by his companion’s clumsy parry. “Don’t be ridiculous, Louis. I’ll ensure she does not last to the first harvest.” There was a clump of gangling irises as they passed a marshy area. He reached down and ripped the flower heads off. “A few months would be sufficient to solidify your holdings over the Laurent estate, and then I can make it appear like the most tragic accident. I will even allow you to bed her a time or two before I do the deed, generous as I am.”
“You are as shameless and despicable as ever I see.” Louis sounded as much bored as disgusted, but Lestat smirked to himself at the way the horse pranced and tossed its head at its rider’s turmoil.
“So you intend to deny any profitable union with the fairer sex until we are both forced to leave the prospect behind and flee familiar company in a few years time?”
“I apologize, monsieur. Are your current accommodations so insufficient?” Lestat could almost imagine his ears pinned like the horse’s as he was cornered. “And here I was under the impression that you wanted for nothing while contributing just as much.”
“And it would be such a burden for you to endure the intimate company of a beautiful woman for a few months simply as an insurance policy?” The objections were so great that Lestat found he was genuinely asking in spite of his frustration. “Wed Mademoiselle Laurent, fuck her long enough to get the estate in your name, and then you’ll be rid of her! Honestly, any reasonable man would be chomping at the bit for such an opportunity.”
“I don’t fancy her.”
Lestat dropped his face into his hand, rubbing at the frustration gathering in his temples. “She is hardly your only option, Louis, Christ! The Blanchet girl was all but thrusting her bosom in your face all evening last Tuesday. She would’ve lifted her skirts at a single beckon. And don’t tell me that isn’t so or that you didn’t notice.”
Something about that assertion, likely the irrefutable truth of it, upset Louis visibly and impossibly further. At the very least, he didn’t seem prepared to argue that particular point.
“Of course I noticed. I don’t believe a blind man could’ve missed it.”
Perhaps Monsieur de Pointe du Lac could simply stand to be rejected more often.
“Then why in God’s name are you so obstinate? All your prattle about being a good Catholic and you refuse to perform the one duty which might bring you some tangible benefit?”
“I am not the slave to my faith you believe me to be. I doubt the thing that condemns me to hell will be remaining a bachelor.”
Even digging his heels in like a stubborn hog, Louis looked radiant in the moonlight, skin glowing white as fairy linen and feu-follet eyes enticing enough to follow to one’s death in the swamp. It was infuriating really. It made Lestat want to knock him from his horse and straight into the muck.
“Well, in that case, shall we go whoring? There is a new brothel a short ride into the city and you are in truly dire need. What do you prefer? Brunettes? Redheads? What about blondes? You seem like the type for blondes.” One could only hope.
“I will do nothing of the sort. You may do as you please—heaven knows I can’t stop you—but I will not be involved.”
“And why is that?” he asked, curiosity still piqued despite the outwardly ordinary nature of their disagreement.
“It is impious. Fornication.” Fornication. Lestat could show him fornication, starting with planting an absolutely punishing kiss on that haughty mouth. Nothing he’d seen Louis doing as a mortal came even close to being anything titillating enough to earn such a salacious title.
“I thought you weren’t a slave to your God.” There were at least hundred better potential retorts, but he was preoccupied with Louis now in an entirely different way, staring unabashedly and imagining the many methods by which he could turn the lustrous curtain of his hair to sweaty clumps or reduce his fancy words to primal noises.
“It’s not one or the other. I’m not perfect, but I try, where I can, to be godly.”
He snapped his head to the right, meeting Louis’ gaze before he could turn to avoid eye contact. “Bollocks.”
“And what do you mean by that?”
“I mean that you’re lying,” he said, eyes narrowed. “I’ve seen you taking pleasure with women. You did so the very night I first saw you, there on the docks.” The house was in view now, and Lestat was half-compelled to try and suck the truth straight from his companion’s veins before he lost his chance.
Louis’ cool demeanor remained static as Lestat glared daggers at him, seeming perfectly unconcerned with that possibility. As if he knew as well as Lestat did that it would never happen. “Well, I made a great many mistakes in the months after my brother’s passing.” He shifted the reins awkwardly in his hands. “I have no desire to engage in such behavior.”
And there, in the clipped condemnation of a righteous man, was the truth Lestat had failed to see before. It was painfully obvious, simple enough that it seemed ridiculous he’d not suspected before.
Louis could not read the minds of mortals, but Lestat could. He had seen a great many things in his companion’s before the turning. Most of all he had seen how Louis looked at him, enthralled by his supernatural radiance certainly, but not only that. There was desire there as well, for more than immortality, lustful admiration followed by a flood of nauseating shame that gave Lestat sympathy pangs.
Even with the Veil of Silence now in place, he didn’t miss Louis’ gaze on him, the way his eyes were drawn by the deep ‘v’ of Lestat’s undershirts or the way they lingered on the shape of his lower half in breeches. It had been a marvelous turn of events, that they were already alike in…sexual predilections. How splendid! But he had been wrong, at least in part. Louis was not, it seemed, quite so much like himself as Lestat had previously assumed.
“Is it because you’re a homosexual?”
The brashness of his question brought exactly the desired result. Not an answer, of course, no more than indignant, scandalized curses as Louis turned his horse toward the house at a near-run, but it was too late. Lestat followed quickly, chasing the smell of fear on the wind.
Louis made surprisingly little effort to avoid him at the house, and Lestat found him easily in the drawing room, removing his boots and coat in front of the fire. He didn’t acknowledge the arrival with a greeting or even a glance, though he was sure to have heard Lestat enter. Even once he turned away from the hearth, Louis remained silent, fixing his ribbon as he looked down at a pile of accounting documents on the side table.
Lestat tossed his coat on the chair, waistcoat, riding gloves, and his own ribbon going with it, leaving him in breeches and undershirt, curls shaken loose. He stretched, making sure the taper of his waist was clearly visible in silhouette, leaving his arms up to fluff his hair into place. Louis always objected to his traipsing about so undressed. Perhaps he should’ve been taking it as a compliment.
When he turned back from the display (a bit more quickly than normal), Louis was giving him a particularly doe-eyed look. He hadn’t moved from his place by the table, but it was obvious where his attention had shifted when given a semblance of privacy. He startled when Lestat spun to look at him, and what followed was a truly atrocious poker face, smacking with guilt and panic like a child caught stealing sweets.
“Fear is not the first reaction of an innocent man merely questioned on a crime he did not commit.”
“You don’t frighten me,” Louis said, valiantly steady in voice, but only just.
“I do now.”
To his great surprise, Louis didn’t protest, seemingly accepting his fate with the melancholy stoicism of a condemned philosopher. It was almost unnerving to see the patron saint of losing battles so eerily content with this defeat. The display tugged at Lestat’s heartstrings enough to conjure his merciful side, and he let his eyes roam freely over the form in front of him, taking in the view in an obscenely conspicuous manner.
Even more surprising was the way Louis’ expression hardened and the anger returned to his face. Before he could take more than a step forward, Louis had backed up in equal measure.
“There’s nothing you can do to me,” Louis said, voice hushed but dripping venom. “I’m more powerful than you in any way that matters. Your mockery is all you have.”
“You think I’m mocking you?” Lestat took another step closer that Louis mirrored, then another.
“When have you ever done otherwise?” It was impressive really, the way Louis stood his ground, how he puffed his chest and set his jaw with the second-nature arrogance that Lestat had found himself so charmed by months ago, undiminished in the face of supernatural power and potential blackmail alike.
It was that self-destructive defiance that had first enlightened Lestat to this discovery of his kindred spirit, and it was what drove him forward now, what compelled him to cover the final distance between them until Louis’ back bumped into the wall and to press their mouths together. For all his posturing, Lestat kept the force behind it minimal, just enough insistent pressure to make his point (and his intentions) clear.
The performance must have been convincing enough, because it was only seconds before the mouth against his softened to the kiss. The fire was hot to his back, the arms that wrapped around his neck even cooler in contrast. He pressed his palms against the crushed velvet of the damask wallpaper, bracketing Louis’ head on either side for a spare moment before succumbing to the urge to increase their contact, stroking lightly at the skin of his jaw up to his temple.
Louis was tired, terribly so, and such a lonely creature. Lestat knew this of course, it was part of the siren call that had drawn him close and held him so completely in thrall, but it was only now, as awful as it sounded even in his mind, that the pity came, the burning desire to ease that loneliness rather than admire its lovely darkness like a Siam ruby or a Rembrandt.
Even more enchanting than Louis’ loneliness was watching his fleeting absolution from it, the way his eyes stayed gentle and half-lidded when they parted, how they closed again when Lestat cupped his cheek and or sighed as kisses were pressed to his neck. Lestat stayed there a long while, inhaling the scent of blood and cold skin and floral water at the juncture of his neck, content to allow the uncertainty of the future remain there for now.
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merscylilith · 2 years
Tenjiku's Characters Book
(Most of thesw i found in Twitter, so, i will give a credit and include their username on the picture)
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Hint or what ? I never thought Sanzu would get along with other people (?) Hanma looks delicious btw.
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Cutie Ran ,AAAAAAAAAAA. His braids !!! They are so cuteeeee. I was expecting Ran in ponytail while running, but jeez, he looks fabulous.
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They are so wild ? As expected from Roppongi's Ruler. They are living in Roppongi, known for a party life city AND RICH RICH. Were their party really happened just like what have been pictured by fans in fanfic ? You know... but i dont think so, they probably want to invite random people from their gang and have some fun, from the infos of Rindou, the one that drink a lot and love being a Dj and want to be a club famous owner is Rindou, so, i think the party people is Rindou but got scolded by Ran because disturbed his peaceful life.
Haitanis might just have some fun with their gang, i cant imagine them with anyone other than their prescious gang. I got the vibes from them, that they only hanging out with someone that worth it. They are kinda have elite vibe.
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Now, i see. It is Ran's idea for them looks urban and stylish. He love attention. We both like Yves Saint Laurent. He preferred living with modern lifestyle.
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Rinnn, why you have to be so cute. So, he afraid of Ran because Ran kind of a moody person, that's so funny. He likes DJ and alcohol so, that would be understable for him want to have a club, a famous club. Roppongi is his favourite, he must be proud to be born in Roppongi. He drank an alcohol while Ran in dreamland, he is so naughty little boy, no wonder Ran got worried so much about him, that's make why he admired Kaku because Kaku is obedient little brother., that's cute.
Ran is passive person while Rindou is active person, Ran like being all by himself, and Rindou still in his youngest sibling moments.
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Basically, me and Sanzu share a lot same thing. My blood type is AB, i like magenta pink , i like cheesecake too, i hate spicy too because it make me uncomfortable and fencing is for life. I decided to come in conclusion about Sanzu's behaviour. I did some analyze about him, he sweet, blunt and a bit naive (?) He mostly did everything that suit with his feelings and need. Just like my theory before, the Tokyo Revengers characters appreciate childhood friend more than bestfriend, which is happened between Sanzu and Baji. Sanzu is weird and clueless (?) He violent but naive. Not to mention his blood type is AB, which is considered as 4-Dimensional person in Japan ( or other country in Asia). I really wanted to know how Mikey furious about the hair. Sanzu didnt understand the weird thing he did.
What makes me really sad that Sanzu taking care of himself since he was kid, he learned everything all by himself by watching his surrounding. When he asked about hair treatment, it seems like he curious person that love to do thing that make him attracted, he got no one that cared or loving him as a good family member, Mikey got Shin and Emma, meanwhile, Baji has his mom to take care of him. He hate traitor but not Baji ? Because Baji is not a traitor. He leave Toman not betray, different from just like how Mucho did. Sanzu really value someone that understand and see the worth in him.
The way he said "im going to miss you" to Baji *sob*sob*, he must really miss Baji. (Ps : he really did use soap to wash his hair and became mess, he's so prescious, he trusted people easily when he got comfortable, just like how he with Mucho) i can see that he really adored Mucho as his 5th division Caption but he chose what he loved the most.
Haru, honey, tell me you were joking to give Mikey a wrapped hair.
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This kid fought people 24/7 BUT at least, he beat some deliquents. Kakucho is the one that invited all the Tenjiku member, Izana might the one who command it, and use the exvuse , " yoi are my servenat so, be useful" , thrn, i can see the bickering between them. Please, it's so funny how Izana knew Haitanis want the attention from the crowd, and he never liked it, because they are typical of competitive in the one who looks "different" in the crowd. That's the reaaon why most of Tenjiku comes with different style. I think Wakui doesnt want to give us Kakucho's birthday because he want to keep the flows that Kaku threw every information about himself.
Izana whipped out his ass is the most funniest, oh my, i rrally love them being together.
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Well, everything is a fun for Hanma. Why Izana and Kaku always at the top worst when it comes to "money", i means, Izana literally the leader and can be rich at the same time, not to mention his executives bring a lot benefit towards him, but on the other side, it shows that Izana didnt care about money at all.
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Help? They cant live without teasing Kaku at least for once. If i were there, i will definitly did the same to Kaku, he really easy to tease.
Haru's birthday 3rd July 1990, Cancer ??? I like most of my cancer friend, they are so great to be with.
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mediaevalmusereads · 7 months
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Civilizations. By Laurent Binet (trans. Sam Taylor). Picador, 2019 (English trans. 2021).
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Genre: alternate history
Series: N/A
Summary: Freydis is a woman warrior and leader of a band of Viking explorers setting out to the south. They meet local tribes, exchange skills, are taken prisoner, and get as far as Panama. But nobody ultimately knows what became of them.
Fast forward five hundred years to 1492 and we're reading the journals of Christopher Columbus, mid-Atlantic on his own famous voyage of exploration to the Americas, dreaming of gold and conquest. But he and his men are taken captive by Incas. Even as their suffering increases, his faith in his superiority, and in his mission, is unshaken.
Thirty years later, Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, arrives in Europe in the ships stolen from Columbus. He finds a continent divided by religious and dynastic quarrels, the Spanish Inquisition, Luther's Reformation, capitalism, the miracle of the printing press, endless warmongering between the ruling monarchies, and constant threat from the Turks. But most of all he finds downtrodden populations ready for revolution. Fortunately, he has a recent bestseller as a guidebook to acquiring power—Machiavelli's The Prince. The stage is set for a Europe ruled by Incas and Aztecs, and for a great war that will change history forever.
***Full review below.***
Content Warnings: violence, child death, animal death, incest
Overview: My book club picked this novel as our subject for November, so here I am, writing a review. I didn't know what to expect going in, but the premise intrigued me; after the first few pages, however, I was fully immersed and impressed by the author's understanding of history. While I wouldn't recommend this book if you're not a history lover, I would absolutely recommend it to those who are interested in historical thought experiments, such as what would have happened if the European colonization of the Americas was unsuccessful.
Writing: I'm reading the English translation of this novel, and since I don't have the original, I can't comment on whether or not Taylor renders Binet's prose faithfully. But I do think Taylor did a great job of making the text feel like the historical sources it was imitating. The novel is written in a somewhat plain, unadorned style that is common to things like sagas and chronicles, and though there were some modern expressions here and there, I think that on the whole, Taylor and Binet succeeded in infusing the prose with historical flavor.
I also liked the repeating imagery that held the disparate parts of the text together. For example, the color red shows up a lot, as does vultures, condors, and other birds that seem to signal auspicious moments. It made the book as a whole feel more literary, and it created through-lines that helped sell the idea that we were reading a continuous "history."
Lastly, I appreciated the ways in which this book defamiliarized things like religion by presenting Christianity from the Inca's point of view. There were a few moments when Binet would be describing something about religious custom and I wouldn't quite understand what was going on until the Inca overheard a key term (like "inquisitor"). The practice of considering what Christianity might look like to other people was a valuable thought exercise, and I think it did a good job of exposing some of the inherent cruelty of the 15th-16th century religious conflicts (and politics).
Plot: There isn't a plot to this book so much as there is a narration of an alternate history, but I'm also the kind of reader that finds history fascinating, so this narrative was highly entertaining for me. I really appreciated the level of historical knowledge required to write this book; one can see through all the details that Binet has a pretty extensive understanding of 15th-16th century Europe, and I loved seeing how the author imagined all these pieces working differently had colonization not happened.
I'm not sure, however, if the author had an equal understanding of the Indigenous peoples that are featured in this book. On the one hand, I can understand the purpose of wanting to imagine what a history of Europe might have looked like if the Inca had sailed to Spain and created a new empire there; on the other, it seems like the Indigenous peoples are a little less nuanced than their European counterparts. Maybe that's due to the fact that a lot of these peoples and cultures (along with their histories) were wiped out, so I don't know how much I can fault the author.
Characters: There are a lot of characters in this book, so I'm only going to focus on a couple of key players and broad themes.
Part 1 of this novel follows Freydis, daughter of Erik the Red, and imagines what would have happened if she and her followers had reached as far south as Panama. I really enjoyed how Freydis was fashioned to be the leader of the Viking band, rather than a mere instigator as in the sagas. I also liked that her story contained several nods to the literary conventions of Norse-Icelandic sagas, and it imagined interactions with Indigenous peoples that were more complex than just open hostility.
Part 2 follows Christopher Columbus and his failed expedition, imaging him as becoming a captive of the Tainos and living his life as something akin to a court jester. I appreciated the way Binet wrote Columbus as something of a religious fanatic who doesn't quite give up his faith, even when it's clear he lost. Binet also succeeds in presenting the Tainos not as cruel, but as rightfully defending themselves from a group of would-be colonizers who believe in their own superiority.
Part 3 follows Inca ruler Atahualpa as he sails to Spain and establishes a new empire in Europe. This is by far the longest section of the book, and I enjoyed the way Atahualpa was presented as both ambitious and generous. His advisers, too, were varied in their personalities which made them feel like real people (and not stock characters), and the relationship between Atahualpa and Princes Higuénamota was complex and fascinating, portraying a deep level of love and respect that felt different from a romantic or king-adviser relationship.
Part 4 follows Miguel de Cervantes as he navigates Europe after Atahualpa's death. I personally didn't get a much out of this part, and Miguel wasn't as interesting as his companions, but it was a nice snapshot of the empire, so I can't complain.
TL;DR: Civilizations is an impressive reimagining of history and constructs a complex view of what Europe might have looked like if the colonization of the Americas failed. The level of historical knowledge required to write this book is sure to satisfy history lovers, as well as the prose style, which imitates real-life historical texts.
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yde50sullivan · 2 years
Prada Purses
The worth for these items begins at $140 and tops out at $12,900 on 1stDibs, while the typical work can promote for $955.. Prada has produced multiple signature designs over time, rendering the unique kinds supplied by the model more and more exclusive and instantly recognizable when noticed in the street. The Cahier features metal corners and a strap closure reminiscent of leather-bound books, giving it a contact of playfulness to stability out its refined look and making it a favorite type of Prada purse. wikipedia prada terry cloth slides The Prada printed totes display a distinguished vintage fashion emblem on topstitched canvas in bright colours, making them well-liked selections for individuals who love a youthful, virtually girly aesthetic. https://phoenet.tw/prada-terry-cloth-slides.html Vintage Prada purses offer up an countless of potentialities in phrases of each supplies and shapes. After nightfall, reduce a killer silhouette in a pencil skirt, crisp shirt and edgy leather jacket. Up the fashion stakes with a Prada Vitello Daino or Tessuto tote bag. In the late Seventies, entrepreneur Patrizio Bertelli entered the label and launched a ground-breaking business mannequin for international growth. Soon branching out into clothes and footwear, the company maintained a peerless commonplace of high quality, artistic imaginative and prescient, innovation and luxurious. With our seemingly endless assortment of treasures, it’s practically unimaginable to not find something you'll absolutely love! You can browse through our catalog when you are searching for a particular item. Plus, the dimensions was simply sufficiently big to carry the essentials (even a small laptop!) with out overpowering my petite frame. I was working as an assistant style editor, writing about celebrity fashion — who wore what, why it labored, the method to get the look, you realize the drill — after I realized my own wardrobe was considerably lacking. Nothing that I owned felt significantly particular, and my closet was filled with fast fashion finds that stated extra about fleeting tendencies than it did about my personal fashion. Feathers, suede, studs, and accent colours often make appearances on Prada baggage in stark distinction to the sensible silhouettes beneath. Prada purses are classically continental – stylish style staples for ladies the world over. Always exclusive and expertly crafted, each seasonal assortment is the height of want. Soon the durable, waterproof material was integrated into Prada’s ready-to-wear collections for both women and men. There’s no all-rounder that quite rivals the shoulder bag. Small but practical, but greater than capable of making a statement, it’s perfect for everything from work and play to journey. The quiltedDiagrammebag is a forever-favorite, however for 2021 we’re eyeing the wine pink version. We also can’t get enough of theOdettebag in sizzling pink, which is able to add a vibrant contact to any look. Loved for its basic enchantment and functional design, the Galleria is some of the in style bags from the house of Prada. Today, the label is run by Patrizio and his wife Miuccia Prada — granddaughter to Mario and a distinguished dressmaker. Known for her avant-garde choices and boundless creativity, she is also the founder of excessive trend label Miu Miu. Our Prada Galleria Baiadera Striped Saffiano Leather Tote Bag is the bag for all Cheetah print lovers out there. For all your purse or bag wants, look to Prada purses at Bergdorf Goodman. 1stDibs presents an extraordinary range of authentic Prada purses and purses. Customers involved in this designer may also discover the work of Saint Laurent, Valentino and Gucci appealing.. Find designer Prada purses and purses from prime boutiques around the world on 1stDibs, classic and haute couture. Aside from the outside emblem plaque, Prada luggage even have an inside plaque, which design may differ depending on the bag’s fashion. The colour of the plaque should match the color of the bag’s leather-based. Some types don't have the inverted triangle brand however as a substitute have the words Prada Milano displayed. Most Prada luggage are out there in a gentle flannel or silky dust bag with the Prada brand printed on the front, though there are only a few exceptions. If you've been wanting to get your palms on an genuine bag from the Italian luxurious trend house, the websites under are the most popular shops to buy them online. Prada baggage, recognized for their classic aesthetics that never go out of style, are unsurprisingly a few of the most popular designer baggage on the earth. Created from Saffiano Lux leather-based and lined with nylon, this Prada bag is a fantastic accent for day by day use. The tote has spacious compartments and two handles for you to parade the bea... If you give our website a go to, you'll see that we now have many Prada baggage on sale. We have gross sales and discounts occurring all around the year so you could get the bag of your goals anytime you need. Most of our baggage are in mint condition and nobody can inform if they are used. The Prada Black Nappa Leather Gaufre Ruched Flap Shoulder Bag is considered one of our classics. Indulge in a feel of luxurious with this Prada continental wallet in mild blue. This stylish piece is manufactured from high-quality leather-based and includes a flip lock on the front flap. This elegant tote comes from the enduring home of Prada.
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giles26willadsen · 2 years
Replica Hermes Constance Bag 23cm Epsom Leather-based White Gold Low-cost With Prime Quality ,The Place Buy On-line
Highlights the person ought to sedate and masculine qualities, it's calm and generous, strong and robust, it's the top grade. Messenger Bag combines playful little lady feeling, a sense of each ladies temperament. Also back are also destroyed over practicality, ease lit initially uninteresting attire. On the fashion present, the stunning four-piece embroidered sample Gucci Bacchus bag fashion, the imaginative composition, in addition to the exquisite handwork are fascinating, uncompromising trend feast. It’s gorgeous, unique type can simply be matched with any outfit and might go from a sublime day bag for the workplace to a whimsical night bag. I was skeptical like other patrons, however the high quality seems identical to my real Hermes! The straps are the only issues I would complain about, but I'm hoping as soon as I begin utilizing it on an everyday basis for my work bag that they will not be as stiff. Shipping is fast like i obtained mine in a week's time. When the bag arrived, purse valley got yet one more loyal buyer in me and i'd definitely advocate this site to my friends. The canvas of an unique and top quality replica LV always looks clean and perfect. There are no imperfections within the print or smudges on the fabric. However, the canvas ought to be clean, and it shouldn't be overly shiny. This is first time i bought costly purse. Many website have something same your website but your website I buy with confidence. I noticed the bag in John Lewis and was thrilled to see it half value on My Bag and there was an extra10% off. She has been carrying Prada Sidonie earlier than. The retro tutorial wear is paired with a simple underarm replica purse that's low-key and enticing. Also, Jennie, a BLACKPINK member of the latest hearth, simply wrapped her armpit delicately and cutely. And on this page, we primarily show some of the well-liked purses. There is no want for us to describe the allure and temptation of a Hermes handbag. You can really feel it by your self from the pictures. As some of the competitive manufacturers, on the one hand, Hermes insists on traditional handicraft methods; then again, it pursues innovation. Those two factors together obtain Hermes’ success. I own a number of authentic Hermes baggage, as properly as other excessive end designer baggage. Showing off isn’t the standard Hermes method of favor. That’s why you never see outsized logos, exaggerated colours, equipment that shout for consideration. As the prince of Saint Laurent “diehard”, carrying the brand new mid-size Sunset in the airport avenue shooting, with Prince-of-the-knee boots and denim shorts, appears casual and stylish. The other can additionally be very nice, it is the silver buckle of S5, however the two gold buckles put collectively 9j are extra international. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/constance-bag-replica.html Sa additionally advised that I buy this, so I am happy to win. The sturdy rock atmosphere swept through it, permitting me to interrupt the routine and boldly show my personality. The original intention of Replica Versace Bag design. It is made of resistant leather of superb quality that permits the bag to stay agency by itself. The performance and system of the bag isn't superb, because when it closes appropriately, it takes lots of time and effort to open and shut it once more. This is due to the sophisticated closing system. Believe it out, it's going to actually make the style mannequin even more dazzling! Saint Laurent within the Monogram series, launched a brand new source of inspiration handbags Sac De Jour -Sunset, the same “YSL” three-letter and organ multi-layer fashion, compact, very classical type. Birkin bag 4 sizes, 90 kinds of different supplies and colours, largely leather cowhide, sheepskin, pigskin, and more valuable crocodile leather, ostrich and lizard pores and skin. Replica Chloe BagsPixie purses as the principle fall and winter 2017, trend trade 17 autumn and winter a new round of IT bag is none apart from her. The capability is excellent, with a zipper pull buckle, adjustable shoulder straps, steel handles to embellish, appears quite like a smiley doll is kind of love. Hesitated between the mini and 23cm, but as a end result of there is a constance mini before, though very stunning but the actual capability is merely too small, not significantly handy. So I selected 23cm, though there is not a mini measurement, however it is also stunning, and the capability is enough, and the lengthy wallet could be put down. wikipedia handbags It’s so sad to know that I spent a lot and ultimately they all get old, unfastened the value and don’t look good as new. © 2019 Designer Replica Hermes Handbags Store, Hermes Replica Online, Replica Hermes Belts. The Hermes Kelly Bag is a recognizable elegant bag that's iconic to the Hermes trade.
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edvardsenklit8 · 2 years
How A Lot Is A Celine Bag And What Are The Most Iconic Celine Bags?
We carry a choose assortment of leather-based Celine handbags in structured silhouettes and complex colour combinations. wikipedia handbags These branded designer purses are not low-cost, and even their counterfeit merchandise are costly. Every girl needs to have their favourite purse. 1stDibs offers a unprecedented vary of authentic Celine top deal with baggage. Customers who're interested in this designer might also find the work of Saint Laurent , Valentino and , Yves Saint Laurent interesting. Find haute couture, classic and designer Celine prime handle bags from high boutiques all over the world on 1stDibs. On 1stDibs, the price for these things begins at $327 and tops out at $27,775, while the average work can promote for $1,478. Discover the latest handbags with ShopStyle’s Celine boutique. I at all times love together with the history of brands in my articles. I really feel like it is a way to “get to know each other”. [newline]Receipts and certification of authenticity might help, but these too could be faked, and you should do your due diligence to make sure you get a real vs. faux Celine bag. Made at their latest Italian manufacturing unit, this 2018 creation is a fancier version of their Classic bag. The Triomphe is on the market in numerous supplies, together with calfskin, embroidery, lizard, watersnake, cowskin, and more. As we will see, a brand new Celine bag doesn’t come cheap, which is why many look to second hand or discounted retailers. Celine zippers are manufactured from metal that will match the colour of the bag. They are quite glossy, normally with one number engraved on the front. Celine’s “La Manufacture,” or manufacturing unit, is situated within the small Italian village of Radda within the Chianti region. Due to the appeal of its traditional fashion, it is amongst the most costly Celine bags you can get. Designer bags are a great investment, and the Classic Celine bag is one of the finest investments you could make. Its timeless design features clean traces and easy adornment. Just as all the opposite baggage do, the Belt bag is available in numerous sizes and colours. Like its ready-to-wear garments, which have fluid, modern silhouettes, Céline modernist purses and purses are known for being tasteful and discreet. This is quite the opposite of most designer purses, which do their best to stand out in a crowd. Each 12 months these branded corporations launch their new merchandise out there, one competing for the opposite, to face tall amongst different firms. There are many forms of designer purses, and it all is determined by the particular person, what type of designer handbag she prefers for day by day usage? It was designed to have a extra informal really feel, with its defining characteristic being a tied belt that runs throughout the entrance. celine bag replica A Small Triomphe Camera bag with embroidery prices $1,500, the place the Medium Triomphe bag in Lizard prices $7,000 USD, with many kinds and costs in between. This distinctive bag is designed with three particular person compartments. Although relatively small in dimension, these three compartments make the bag super functional. These luggage range in worth, relying on the scale. Actually, when Phoebe Philo left Celine, prices for her bags have skyrocketed on the resale market. One of probably the most iconic and timeless pieces Celine offers is the Classic bag. It really is a classic piece that I extremely advocate including to your wardrobe. The basic box bag was first launched in the 70s, and whereas it has been barely modified over time the basic shape has remained the same. Celine Vipiana opened a boutique children’s shoe store in Paris, France, in 1945. There are lots of practical fakes out there, but it often isn’t constructed to last like a real Celine bag, and you won’t be receiving the same quality. Imagine paying lots of or 1000's of dollars for a second-hand Celine bag made in a shady warehouse abroad. These independent second-hand retailers aren’t the one ones you have to be cautious of. In 1964, the launch of the new fragrance "Vent fou" and the new "American Sulky" collection of equipment gained success. I highly suggest adding the basic bag as your first Celine bag. Fake purses don’t have the precision and quality that these handcrafted baggage do. This is your tell when figuring out an actual bag from a faux. Usually slung over the arm of a classy girl, who prioritizes high quality and style over flash and logos. Their high price tag makes them an elite merchandise, so that you don’t see each other person with one.
0 notes
How A Lot Is A Celine Bag And What Are Probably The Most Iconic Celine Bags?
We carry a choose assortment of leather Celine handbags in structured silhouettes and complex color mixtures. These branded designer purses are not cheap, and even their counterfeit products are costly. Every lady desires to have their favourite purse. 1stDibs presents a unprecedented range of genuine Celine top deal with luggage. Customers who're fascinated in this designer may also find the work of Saint Laurent , Valentino and , Yves Saint Laurent interesting. Find high fashion, vintage and designer Celine high deal with baggage from top boutiques all over the world on 1stDibs. On 1stDibs, the price for this stuff begins at $327 and tops out at $27,775, while the average work can sell for $1,478. Discover the newest purses with ShopStyle’s Celine boutique. I all the time love including the historical past of brands in my articles. I feel like this is a approach to “get to know each other”. [newline]Receipts and certification of authenticity may help, however these too may be faked, and you need to do your due diligence to guarantee you get a real vs. pretend Celine bag. Made at their newest Italian manufacturing unit, this 2018 creation is a fancier version of their Classic bag. The Triomphe is out there in numerous supplies, together with calfskin, embroidery, lizard, watersnake, cowskin, and more. As we are ready to see, a new Celine bag doesn’t come low cost, which is why many look to second hand or discounted retailers. Celine zippers are manufactured from steel that can match the colour of the bag. fake celine bags They are quite modern, often with one number engraved on the entrance. Celine’s “La Manufacture,” or manufacturing facility, is positioned in the small Italian village of Radda within the Chianti region. Due to the enchantment of its traditional type, it is probably certainly one of the most costly Celine baggage you will get. Designer luggage are a great funding, and the Classic Celine bag is among the best investments you can make. Its timeless design options clean traces and simple adornment. Just as all the opposite bags do, the Belt bag comes in varied sizes and colors. Like its ready-to-wear clothes, which have fluid, contemporary silhouettes, Céline modernist handbags and purses are recognized for being tasteful and discreet. This is kind of the other of most designer purses, which do their greatest to face out in a crowd. Each yr these branded companies launch their new products in the market, one competing for the other, to stand tall amongst different firms. There are many kinds of designer handbags, and it all depends on the person, what sort of designer purse she prefers for daily usage? It was designed to have a more casual feel, with its defining feature being a tied belt that runs across the front. A Small Triomphe Camera bag with embroidery prices $1,500, the place the Medium Triomphe bag in Lizard costs $7,000 USD, with many types and prices in between. This unique bag is designed with three individual compartments. Although comparatively small in dimension, these three compartments make the bag tremendous functional. These baggage range in worth, relying on the size. Actually, when Phoebe Philo left Celine, prices for her baggage have skyrocketed on the resale market. One of essentially the most iconic and timeless pieces Celine offers is the Classic bag. It truly is a traditional piece that I extremely recommend adding to your wardrobe. The traditional box bag was first introduced within the 70s, and while it has been barely modified over the years the traditional shape has remained the same. Celine Vipiana opened a boutique children’s shoe store in Paris, France, in 1945. There are plenty of practical fakes on the market, however it often isn’t constructed to last like an actual Celine bag, and you won’t be receiving the identical high quality. Imagine paying tons of or hundreds of dollars for a second-hand Celine bag made in a shady warehouse overseas. These unbiased second-hand retailers aren’t the only ones you should be wary of. In 1964, the launch of the model new fragrance "Vent fou" and the new "American Sulky" collection of accessories gained success. I highly suggest including the classic bag as your first Celine bag. Fake handbags don’t have the precision and quality that these handcrafted bags do. wikipedia handbags This is your inform when figuring out an actual bag from a fake. Usually slung over the arm of a stylish lady, who prioritizes high quality and elegance over flash and logos. Their high price ticket makes them an elite merchandise, so you don’t see every different particular person with one.
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francolanier6 · 2 years
How Much Is A Celine Bag And What Are Essentially The Most Iconic Celine Bags?
We carry a choose assortment of leather-based Celine handbags in structured silhouettes and complicated colour combos. These branded designer purses aren't low-cost, and even their counterfeit products are expensive. Every woman wishes to have their favorite purse. 1stDibs presents an extraordinary range of genuine Celine high handle baggage. Customers who're involved on this designer may additionally find the work of Saint Laurent , Valentino and , Yves Saint Laurent appealing. Find haute couture, vintage and designer Celine high handle luggage from prime boutiques around the globe on 1stDibs. On 1stDibs, the value for these things begins at $327 and tops out at $27,775, while the average work can promote for $1,478. Discover the latest handbags with ShopStyle’s Celine boutique. I always love including the historical past of brands in my articles. I really feel like this may be a approach to “get to know every other”. [newline]Receipts and certification of authenticity can help, but these too can be faked, and you need to do your due diligence to ensure you get a real vs. faux Celine bag. Made at their latest Italian factory, this 2018 creation is a fancier model of their Classic bag. The Triomphe is on the market in numerous materials, including calfskin, embroidery, lizard, watersnake, cowskin, and more. As we are able to see, a brand new Celine bag doesn’t come low-cost, which is why many look to second hand or discounted retailers. Celine zippers are manufactured from steel that may match the color of the bag. They are quite modern, often with one number engraved on the entrance. Celine’s “La Manufacture,” or manufacturing unit, is situated in the small Italian village of Radda in the Chianti area. Due to the enchantment of its basic type, it is among the most expensive Celine bags you can get. Designer luggage are a great funding, and the Classic Celine bag is certainly one of the finest investments you can make. Its timeless design options clear traces and easy adornment. Just as all the opposite luggage do, the Belt bag is available in various sizes and colors. Like its ready-to-wear clothes, which have fluid, up to date silhouettes, Céline modernist handbags and purses are recognized for being tasteful and discreet. wikipedia handbags This is quite the other of most designer handbags, which do their finest to stand out in a crowd. Each 12 months these branded corporations launch their new products in the market, one competing for the opposite, to face tall amongst different firms. There are many types of designer purses, and it all depends on the individual, what type of designer purse she prefers for day by day usage? It was designed to have a more informal really feel, with its defining characteristic being a tied belt that runs across the front. A Small Triomphe Camera bag with embroidery costs $1,500, where the Medium Triomphe bag in Lizard prices $7,000 USD, with many kinds and costs in between. phoenet.tw replica CELINE bag This distinctive bag is designed with three particular person compartments. Although relatively small in measurement, these three compartments make the bag super useful. These baggage range in worth, depending on the dimensions. Actually, when Phoebe Philo left Celine, prices for her bags have skyrocketed on the resale market. One of probably the most iconic and timeless items Celine presents is the Classic bag. It truly is a basic piece that I highly advocate including to your wardrobe. The basic field bag was first introduced in the 70s, and whereas it has been barely modified over time the traditional shape has remained the same. Celine Vipiana opened a boutique children’s shoe retailer in Paris, France, in 1945. There are a lot of sensible fakes on the market, however it often isn’t constructed to last like an actual Celine bag, and also you won’t be receiving the same high quality. Imagine paying lots of or thousands of dollars for a second-hand Celine bag made in a shady warehouse overseas. These independent second-hand retailers aren’t the only ones you have to be wary of. In 1964, the launch of the model new fragrance "Vent fou" and the brand new "American Sulky" collection of accessories gained success. I highly recommend including the basic bag as your first Celine bag. Fake purses don’t have the precision and high quality that these handcrafted luggage do. This is your inform when figuring out an actual bag from a pretend. Usually slung over the arm of a trendy woman, who prioritizes quality and magnificence over flash and logos. Their high price tag makes them an elite item, so that you don’t see each other particular person with one.
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gibsonkatz8 · 2 years
How Much Is A Celine Bag And What Are The Most Iconic Celine Bags?
We carry a select assortment of leather Celine purses in structured silhouettes and complex colour mixtures. These branded designer handbags are not cheap, and even their counterfeit products are expensive. Every lady needs to have their favorite purse. 1stDibs provides a unprecedented range of authentic Celine high handle bags. Customers who are involved on this designer may also discover the work of Saint Laurent , Valentino and , Yves Saint Laurent appealing. Find high fashion, classic and designer Celine prime deal with baggage from top boutiques all over the world on 1stDibs. On 1stDibs, the price for these things starts at $327 and tops out at $27,775, while the average work can sell for $1,478. Discover the newest purses with ShopStyle’s Celine boutique. I all the time love together with the history of brands in my articles. I feel like this can be a way to “get to know each other”. [newline]Receipts and certification of authenticity may help, but these too can be faked, and you have to do your due diligence to guarantee you get an actual vs. pretend Celine bag. Made at their latest Italian factory, this 2018 creation is a fancier model of their Classic bag. The Triomphe is available in numerous materials, together with calfskin, embroidery, lizard, watersnake, cowskin, and extra. As we will see, a model new Celine bag doesn’t come low cost, which is why many look to second hand or discounted retailers. Celine zippers are manufactured from metallic that may match the colour of the bag. They are quite modern, often with one number engraved on the front. wikipedia handbags Celine’s “La Manufacture,” or manufacturing facility, is located within the small Italian village of Radda in the Chianti region. Due to the appeal of its basic type, it is probably one of the most expensive Celine luggage you could get. Designer baggage are a fantastic investment, and the Classic Celine bag is among the finest investments you would make. Its timeless design options clear strains and easy adornment. Just as all the other luggage do, the Belt bag comes in various sizes and colors. Like its ready-to-wear clothes, which have fluid, up to date silhouettes, Céline modernist purses and purses are known for being tasteful and discreet. This is quite the opposite of most designer handbags, which do their best to face out in a crowd. Each year these branded corporations launch their new merchandise available within the market, one competing for the opposite, to stand tall amongst different companies. https://phoenet.tw/celine-bag-replica.html There are many forms of designer purses, and it all is dependent upon the person, what kind of designer handbag she prefers for daily usage? It was designed to have a more casual feel, with its defining function being a tied belt that runs throughout the front. A Small Triomphe Camera bag with embroidery prices $1,500, the place the Medium Triomphe bag in Lizard costs $7,000 USD, with many styles and costs in between. This unique bag is designed with three particular person compartments. Although comparatively small in size, these three compartments make the bag super useful. These bags vary in price, depending on the scale. Actually, when Phoebe Philo left Celine, costs for her luggage have skyrocketed on the resale market. One of the most iconic and timeless pieces Celine provides is the Classic bag. It truly is a traditional piece that I highly advocate including to your wardrobe. The classic field bag was first introduced in the 70s, and while it has been barely modified over time the basic form has remained the identical. Celine Vipiana opened a boutique children’s shoe store in Paris, France, in 1945. There are plenty of realistic fakes on the market, but it usually isn’t built to last like a real Celine bag, and also you won’t be receiving the same high quality. Imagine paying tons of or 1000's of dollars for a second-hand Celine bag made in a shady warehouse overseas. These impartial second-hand retailers aren’t the one ones you should be wary of. In 1964, the launch of the new perfume "Vent fou" and the brand new "American Sulky" assortment of equipment gained success. I extremely recommend adding the classic bag as your first Celine bag. Fake purses don’t have the precision and high quality that these handcrafted baggage do. This is your tell when figuring out a real bag from a faux. Usually slung over the arm of a classy girl, who prioritizes quality and magnificence over flash and logos. Their high price tag makes them an elite item, so you don’t see every other person with one.
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josephsen72field · 2 years
How Much Is A Celine Bag And What Are Essentially The Most Iconic Celine Bags?
We carry a choose assortment of leather-based Celine handbags in structured silhouettes and complicated color combos. These branded designer handbags aren't low-cost, and even their counterfeit products are expensive. Every lady needs to have their favourite purse. 1stDibs provides an extraordinary vary of authentic Celine high deal with baggage. Customers who are involved in this designer may additionally find the work of Saint Laurent , Valentino and , Yves Saint Laurent appealing. Find high fashion, classic and designer Celine top handle baggage from high boutiques around the globe on 1stDibs. On 1stDibs, the value for these things starts at $327 and tops out at $27,775, whereas the common work can sell for $1,478. Discover the latest purses with ShopStyle’s Celine boutique. I at all times love together with the history of manufacturers in my articles. I feel like it is a way to “get to know each other”. [newline]Receipts and certification of authenticity may help, but these too may be faked, and you need to do your due diligence to ensure you get an actual vs. fake Celine bag. Made at their latest Italian manufacturing facility, this 2018 creation is a fancier version of their Classic bag. The Triomphe is on the market in several materials, together with calfskin, embroidery, lizard, watersnake, cowskin, and extra. As we are ready to see, a brand new Celine bag doesn’t come low-cost, which is why many look to second hand or discounted retailers. Celine zippers are made of metallic that may match the colour of the bag. They are fairly modern, usually with one quantity engraved on the entrance. Celine’s “La Manufacture,” or manufacturing unit, is positioned within the small Italian village of Radda within the Chianti region. Due to the appeal of its classic fashion, it is considered one of the most expensive Celine luggage you can get. Designer bags are a fantastic funding, and the Classic Celine bag is likely certainly one of the greatest investments you would make. Its timeless design options clean traces and easy adornment. Just as all the other bags do, the Belt bag is out there in varied sizes and colors. Like its ready-to-wear garments, which have fluid, contemporary silhouettes, Céline modernist purses and purses are known for being tasteful and discreet. This is sort of the opposite of most designer handbags, which do their greatest to face out in a crowd. skel.io replica CELINE bag Each 12 months these branded companies launch their new products in the market, one competing for the other, to face tall amongst different companies. There are many kinds of designer handbags, and all of it is dependent upon the particular person, what sort of designer handbag she prefers for day by day usage? It was designed to have a extra casual really feel, with its defining function being a tied belt that runs across the front. A Small Triomphe Camera bag with embroidery prices $1,500, the place the Medium Triomphe bag in Lizard prices $7,000 USD, with many kinds and prices in between. This unique bag is designed with three individual compartments. Although relatively small in size, these three compartments make the bag tremendous functional. These luggage vary in price, relying on the scale. Actually, when Phoebe Philo left Celine, costs for her bags have skyrocketed on the resale market. One of essentially the most iconic and timeless pieces Celine provides is the Classic bag. It really is a traditional piece that I extremely recommend including to your wardrobe. The classic box bag was first introduced within the 70s, and whereas it has been slightly modified through the years the basic shape has remained the identical. Celine Vipiana opened a boutique children’s shoe retailer in Paris, France, in 1945. There are a lot of sensible fakes out there, nevertheless it usually isn’t constructed to last like an actual Celine bag, and also you won’t be receiving the same quality. Imagine paying tons of or hundreds of dollars for a second-hand Celine bag made in a shady warehouse overseas. These independent second-hand retailers aren’t the one ones you have to be cautious of. In 1964, the launch of the new perfume "Vent fou" and the brand new "American Sulky" assortment of accessories gained success. I extremely recommend adding the basic bag as your first Celine bag. Fake handbags don’t have the precision and quality that these handcrafted bags do. wikipedia handbags This is your inform when determining an actual bag from a pretend. Usually slung over the arm of a trendy girl, who prioritizes high quality and style over flash and logos. Their excessive price ticket makes them an elite item, so that you don’t see each other individual with one.
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junkerstorgaard9 · 2 years
Saint Laurent Luggage
Celebs, style bloggers, and women of all ages are loving leopard print bags more than ever. Here are just a few of my favourite YSL purses in leopard print. Saint Laurent’s bucket bag silhouette could be closed with two drawstrings and has a chain shoulder strap. Saint Laurent was influenced by numerous individuals, locations, and things over years that formed the brand id of his fashion house. wikipedia handbags Yves Saint Laurent is a French luxury house that was founded by Yves Saint Laurent and his associate, Pierre Berge. YSL was founded in 1961 and since then has been often known as the world's most outstanding trend houses. The brand is thought for its fashionable and iconic pieces, one of those being tuxedo jackets made for girls. YSL makes ready-to-wear products for both women and men, together with leather-based goods, jewellery, and shoes. YSL is also iconic as a outcome of they popularized thigh-high boots, safari jackets for men and women, and the beatnik look. For his summer 1967 assortment, Saint Laurent created an Africa-inspired collection, creating gowns with supplies like raffia, straw and wood beads. In 1960, Saint Laurent was drafted into the army, which is claimed to have taken a toll on the designer’s psychological health. Saint Laurent’s stint solely lasted through training camp, and he ended up being hospitalized after a psychological breakdown. It was whereas in the hospital that he discovered he would not be returning as Dior’s head designer and that Marc Bohan would take his place. yves saint laurent replica Vintage Yves Saint Laurent Passementerie Lucite Handle Bag. The coronary heart handles are a glossy pink lucite, and the physique of the bag is black and fantastically woven mix of three completely different t... NWOT YSL Yves Saint Laurent Black Ostrich Small Sac Du Jour Handbag in excellent condition. Black ostrich leather-based exterior trimmed with gold hardware and a detachable matching ostrich... The Sac du Jour sees colorful releases nearly every season, but we love it most in classic black and grey. We’re still not over the minibag pattern, so this year you’ll catch us sporting this sensible bag within the cute nano dimension. Initially out there in black and purple leather-based, the Jamie additionally now comes in a lightweight pink that subtly softens the edge of dark fall/winter outfits. This includes the Saint Laurent Black Large Monogram Kate Satchel. This satchel is 'Grain de Poudre calfskin with a curb chain shoulder strap. There is a logo plaque face with a magnetic press-stud fastening. Another well-liked YSL purse sale is the Saint Laurent Shopping Leather Tote. Shop Saint Laurent purses online at Mytheresa and peruse an outstanding vary of YSL purses from the US and across the globe. Our stellar style advice and customer service means you’ll have a sizzling new purse in your bejeweled hands faster than you probably can imagine. Additionally, continue studying and get to know extra about clutch luggage in our Ask Mytheresa article. Founded in 1961 by Yves Saint Laurent and companion Pierre Bergé, this world trend superpower has cast an unforgettable portfolio of clothes, designer baggage and equipment over the past 5 a long time. For a bag fashion that may kind a part of your core closet for years to come back, nothing beats the Le Carré in buffed black or white leather. Vintage Yves Saint Laurent black hobo bucket shoulder bag with leather-based trimmings and golden brand plate. Saint Laurent monogram bag with entrance flap, featuring interlaced metallic YSL initials, a leather and metallic chain strap that may be worn doubled on the shoulder and y-quilted overstitch... Like many Saint Laurent bags earlier than it, the Solferino’s preliminary offering is limited to traditional black, red, and white leather. We’ll be including the iteration in black suede with easy leather edges to our holiday wish listing. It is a century-old historical past of dreams come true, elegant males and dealing gals with wonderful destinies. Well, please do be a part of the membership with Saint Laurent’s Manhattan bag. That single meal which relieves your mood and will get you in a state of bliss for hours on. Well, think of Loulou because the blissful consolation bag that will lighten your mood and steps as quickly as you slip it on your shoulder.
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deripmaver · 3 years
laurent is a good person - book 1 meta
one of the most amazing things about captive prince is how the reveals in book 3 recontextualize all of the scenes leading up to them, including about laurent himself. in book one, all we see is damen pov as he’s being abused and humiliated by this supposedly spoiled, vile ice prince. when the regent comes to damen and subtly (and not so subtly) insults laurent, calling him unfit to rule - well, why would he think anything different? laurent has insulted him, had him whipped within an inch of his life, and even attempted to (and later successfully lmfao) have him raped while drugged out of his mind. 
after book 3 we can reread most if not all of book 1 as a very traumatized boy who has finally been confronted with the man who killed his brother, leaving him alone with his abusive uncle, and who he clearly has made into a complete monster in his own mind. damen of course sees him as a complete bitch, but there’s textual/subtextual evidence that laurent is well liked, and that his behavior during book 1 was actually pretty out of character for him. i’d like to provide some examples of that now!!!!
“Laurent had stopped dead the moment he had seen Damen, his face turning white as though in reaction to a slap, or an insult. Damen’s view, half-truncated by the short chain at this neck, had been enough to see that. But Laurent’s expression had shuttered quickly.” Captive Prince, Chapter One
i couldn’t resist adding this one in hehe. laurent recognizes damen!! he’s come down, knowing his uncle has devised another truly horrendous and triggering “gift” and that he’ll lose support if he calls it our for what it truly is, only to find out that it’s fucking damianos of akielos sent to him as a sex slave. a jab at laurent’s trauma about auguste and also a jab at laurent’s frigid sexuality - which ofc is completely the regent’s fault. fuck that guy so much lmfao 
“‘It’s so rare to see you at these entertainments, Your Highness,’ said Vannes.” Captive Prince, Chapter Two.
this is right before the fight between govart and damen in the ring, of course. damen sees laurent as depraved and vile as the sexual sadism on display by the veretian court, and considers him to be a willing purveyor of it. this is wrong, of course, as said by vannes here. laurent has only shown up because he wants to humiliate damen lmfao.
“He did remember being supported by two of the guards, here, in this room, while Radel stared athis back in horror. ‘The Prince really . . . did this.’ ‘Who else?’ Damen said. Radel had stepped forward, and slapped Damen across the face; it was a hard slap, and the man wore three rings on each finger. ‘What did you do to him?’ Radel demanded.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
this scene, to me, was the most telling lmfao. it’s right after damen is whipped. you could argue that radel is just a servant in the employ of the royal household, so is of course going to be loyal to the prince, but he seems genuinely surprised of the prince’s cruelty towards damen. not only that, but he slaps him and immediately assumes damen must have done something. which - i mean, technically he did lmao. not necessarily enough to deserve having the skin flayed from his back, but you know. if laurent was in the habit of torturing pets and slaves, why would the overseer react this way?
“The men guarding him were the Prince’s Guard, and had no affiliation with the Regent whatsoever. It surprised Damen how loyal they were to their Prince, and how diligent in his service, airing none of the grudges and complaints that he might have expected, considering Laurent’s noxious personality. Laurent’s feud with his uncle they took up wholeheartedly; there were deep schisms and rivalries between the Prince’s Guard and the Regent’s Guard, apparently.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
laurents relationships with his guards are also some of the biggest indicators that he isn’t just a spoiled brat, but can insire a deep loyalty in his men. even if they do all want to fuck him. ah, sexual harassment. it’s also hilarious that damen immediately assumes they’re loyal to him because they want to fuck him - nice projection there, dude. we know a bit more about laurent and his guards thanks to green but for a season, but this little bit here is interesting.
“Laurent was indeed good at talking. He accepted sympathy gracefully. He put his position rationally. He stopped the flow of talk when it became dangerously critical of his uncle. He said nothing that could be taken as an open slight on the Regency. Yet no one who talked to him could have any doubt that his uncle was behaving at best misguidedly and at worst treasonously.”  Captive Prince, Chapter Five
idek what to say here. laurent my beloved <3333
“‘When someone doesn’t like you very much, it isn’t a good idea to let them know that you care about something,’ said Laurent. Damen felt himself turn ashen, as the threat sank in. ‘Would it hurt worse than a lashing for me to cut down someone you care for?’ said Laurent.” Captive Prince, Chapter Seven
this isn’t really relevant to my thesis lmfao i just love this exchange bc it gives SO MUCH information about laurent and his uncle in just three lines of dialogue. what has the regent done, who did he cut down just to hurt laurent? when and how did laurent learn that? p a i n 
“Laurent’s fussy horse began acting out again, and he leaned forward in the saddle, murmuring something as he stroked her neck in an uncharacteristically gentle gesture to quiet her.” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine. 
HORSEY NO- lmfao this scene just hurts so badly on the reread. especially later on, in book 3 i think, where laurent says something like “i provoked my uncle.” he’s really blaming himself for his uncle KILLING HIS HORSE, his horse that his murdered brother trained, one of the only living connections to auguste... all because his uncle could not let a single miniscule plan laurent had set go through without some kind of repercussion. literally all laurent did was do something to stop an innocent group of people from being abused, nothing to undermine his uncle’s rule, but because the regent is VILE he could not let laurent have even this. he’s so good with her, too. he must have known by this point and also known that there was no way to stop this. P A I N
“‘I know that you have somehow arranged this,’ said Erasmus. He was incapable of hiding what he felt, and just seemed to radiate embarrassed happiness. ‘You kept your promise. You and your master. I told you he was kind,’ Erasmus said. ‘You did,’ said Damen. He was pleased to see Erasmus happy. Whatever Erasmus believed about Laurent, Damen wasn’t going to dissuade him. ‘He’s even nicer in person. Did you know he came and talked to me?’ said Erasmus. ‘—He did?’ said Damen. It was something he couldn’t imagine. ‘He asked about . . . what happened in the gardens. Then he warned me. About last night.’ ‘He warned you,’ said Damen. ‘He said that Nicaise would make me perform before the court and it would be awful, but that if I was brave, something good might come at the end of it.’ Erasmus looked up at Damen curiously. ‘Why do you look surprised?’ ‘I don’t know. I shouldn’t be. He likes to plan things in advance,’ said Damen.” Captive Prince, Chapter 9.
this is the first in-text confirmation we have that laurent has a good heart beneath his layers and layers of trauma-induced lashing out. book one often skeeves people out because of its graphic and, honestly, yes, kind of sexualized depiction of rape, slavery, and depravity, but beneath it all you meet these two protagonists who are going to have all of their most deeply held views about each other challenged. laurent from very early on is shaken to his core when damen refuses to rape nicaise in the ring - it cracks the very foundations of the person he’d built up in his head as this horrible monster who killed his brother in cold blood. and damen keeps defying laurents expectations by being a good person through and through. on the other hand, laurent spends the first part of the book taking out years of anger on damen, but here for the first time we see him do something just because its the kind thing to do. yes, torveld is an ally against his uncle, but laurent has clearly been scheming with him for a while now, and he’s now overlooking his hatred of damen and working with him just because none of the slaves deserve whats happened to them. it’s such a sweet moment.
“One of the other men, eyeing them, approached a moment later. ‘Don’t mind Jean. He’s in a foul mood. He was the one had to stick a sword through the mare’s throat and put her down. The Prince tore strips off him for not doing it fast enough.’” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine.
HORSEY NO- pt 2. this is just another really sweet and sad detail - laurent being so upset that the horse’s death could have been more painless. it must have hurt so much to see her in pain, and to know that the only way for that pain to end was being put down as quickly as possible. i wuv him. im sad
that’s it, though there are still a few more chapters left in the book. this isn’t providing any new information, of course, the path of the three books is to show that laurent isnt the man we meet in book one, that he’s actually sweet, and earnest, and he’s been fighting his own battle practically alone against his abuser since he was fifteen years old. also, the reveal that laurent knew who damianos was from the start makes it clear imo that all of his violence in book 1 was supposed vengence, not... him being evil. he apologizes explicitly in-text, and also, all of the acts of violence he commits cause serious problems for him in terms of his future alliance which he then needs to fix. i just love how layered these books are, how there’s so much information in them that makes rereading almost more fun than reading them for the very first time!
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johansslut · 3 years
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anon asked, “hi can i request another ceo!natashaxreader fic with smut etc?”
from the writer’s desk: yes, sweet anon, you cERTAINLY CAN! ceo!nat back with a vengeance (+ the return of faithful assistant bestie kate bishop) and i have absolutely nothing to say for myself except that it is officially whore wednesday and i will be starting a bible study group to atone for all of the sins below. xx summary: romanoff international is hosting a gala fundraiser for the local children’s hospital, and you’re having trouble keeping your hands to yourself. your boss has a few thoughts on that matter.  contains: ceo!natasha x female reader —— warnings include unspecified and implied age gap [ legal ], nsfw content [ semi-public sex, daddy kink, dirty talk ]. → inbox status: OPEN (more info here)  |  don’t repost my works.
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Red lipstick. Check. Stiletto heels. Check. Dab of perfume to the wrists and neck. Check. Saint Laurent dress that just barely brushes along your thighs, arriving at the apartment in a white box with a silk bow on top and a lipstick print on the card. Check.
You’re gonna be in so much trouble.
Kate is waiting inside the mouth of the lobby when you stroll in, taking a quick once-over as you approach. Her eyes meet yours, one of her eyebrows elevated at what she’s found. “I’m impressed,” she compliments. “Boss?”
Your red lips purse into a smirk. “Boss.”
Romanoff International are the kind, generous hosts of tonight’s gala, fancy dresses to fundraise for the local children’s hospital to open up an inpatient rehabilitation center. It’s a good cause to come out for, and your boss had allowed everyone on the floor to leave work early to encourage them taking the afternoon to freshen up and come out to the gala later in the evening. 
You were a different case entirely. Your attendance was mandatory.
Champagne platters float around the ballroom from waiters, the band at the head of the ballroom playing a song that’s familiar on the edge of your tongue, hard to place the more you think on it. Kate swipes champagne flutes for the two of you and you cheers each other with a grin. It’s light and smooth as it slides down your throat, surveying the room.
It seems your boss’s plan had worked, the majority of your floor milling around in their nicest suits or cocktail dresses and exchanging pleasantries with one another. Your eyes aren’t looking for company, though, you’re looking for one person in particular. The woman of the hour.
As you and Kate idly wade deeper into the ballroom, you suddenly spot her. She’s talking with a few of the board members, her red hair sweeping down her shoulders in curls that pop against the color of her black dress. Your mouth goes dry at the sight of her in it, cap sleeves that curl across her chest and leave little of her cleavage to the imagination. It’s how you find yourself chugging champagne, Kate ripping away your empty glass with a bark of laughter.
“This is sad,” she says, passing your glass off to a nearby waiter. “Just go talk to her.”
You shoot Kate a glare. “And say what? Yes, Miss Romanoff, what do I have to do to rip that dress off of you in front of three hundred people? I’d be on the front fuckin’ page.”
“Hey, I’d read that shit.” Kate lifts one of her hands in mock arrest, lips pursed around the rim of her glass. “All I’m saying is that technically, you’re off the clock. No one’s gonna think of it if you flirt with the boss in public — half of them have made that their mission as it is.”
The thought sends a strike of jealousy down your spine. Not that it matters, of course, because you know how their efforts will be received, who will be sitting next to Natasha in the backseat of a town car once the stragglers are on their way out, who’s got her attention safely secured in their back pocket. It bothers you, though, the thought that you aren’t the only one who sees your boss the way that you do. It bothers you that they think they can get a glimpse of what’s yours, up close and personal.
So you take Kate’s advice — which is likely considered against the law in a handful of states — and you let the current of the crowd carry you until you’re deposited at Natasha’s feet.
You play it cool, wrangling Jeff from the lobby into a meaningless, mindless conversation until you’re certain that Natasha’s noticed you within proximity. You laugh at something he says that isn’t remotely funny, glancing away just long enough to see green eyes looking straight through you.
“Miss Romanoff,” you greet with a smile. 
Your name rolls stiffly off her tongue, and before you get a second to question it, one of her hands is wrapped around your wrist as she pulls you in for the customary greeting of kissing you on the cheek, her lips just brushing your skin. “Nice of you to make it,” she says, squaring her shoulders back as she lets you loose.
“I love an excuse to dress up,” you reply. 
“Who’s this?” one of the board members you don’t recognize asks. 
“This is my assistant,” Natasha says by way of introduction. 
He holds out his hand, taking yours and giving it a succinct shake. “Lovely to meet you, dear.”
Your lips peel back in a polite smile, both rows of teeth flashing. “It’s a pleasure.”
“Are you enjoying yourself so far?” Natasha asks, shaking you back into her realm of orbit, recapturing your attention. 
“I am. Everything’s turned out lovely, Miss Romanoff, and for such a wonderful cause.”
Her lips press together in a hard smile, making it hard for you to get a clear read on her thoughts. She gives herself away by the quick downwards-flick of her sights, and you can’t help but to be pleased with yourself. “It was good to see you,” she says. “Perhaps we’ll bump into each other later?”
“Perhaps,” you agree. 
She’s then tugged off into another conversation with Jeff, giving him the same obligatory welcome-and-thanks-for-spending-your-night-off-here. You notice that she foregoes the same kiss on the cheek, the same marking of her territory, and there is no masking the smug smile that drapes itself across your lips.
Natasha turns her head once, presumably to see if you’re still there; you slip a wink at her before you disappear into the crowd.
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Your feet are hurting from the Stilettos and a five-song streak of you and Kate dancing by the open bar to whatever nonsense the band has been playing, so when you spot a break in the ballroom’s wall that promises a moment of peace, you take it. 
Okay, and you may or may not have spotted Natasha walking this way a few minutes prior, which would provide the perfect opportunity for a moment alone, a moment to kiss her mouth swollen until she’s practically wearing your lipstick, a moment to revel in her beauty to tide you over until last call. 
It’s a dark, abandoned hallway, leading down towards office spaces that aren’t being used for the night. You figure this is likely where the bathrooms are, and you barely have time to give things another thought before you catch the flash of a grin and your heart soars in crescendo.
“Well well,” Natasha croons, one of her hands curling around your wrist and jerking you sharply into her embrace. She turns on her heel, pinning you up against the wall. “Look what I found.”
“Hi, daddy,” you whisper with a grin, back hitting the wall with a thud.
“Hi, baby.” For the first time all evening, she’s able to take a solid look at you, rake her eyes across your body hard and slow, the same way she likes to spread you out and fuck you. The tip of her tongue flickers over her lower lip to wet it. “I did pretty good.”
“Sure did,” you mutter in agreement, taking advantage of your freed hands to reach out and touch her for the first time all night, the way you’ve been itching to since you caught sight of her across the ballroom. Her dress leaves nothing to the imagination the way it hugs her, your hands gliding along the curves of her hips and guiding her towards you with little resistance on her behalf. 
“Already getting handsy, huh?” she taunts, lips ghosting along the column of your neck and the angle of her head leaving her red curls to tickle along your exposed collarbone. “Can’t even wait until the party dies down?” 
“Not when you look like that,” you admit. And it’s true — work is hard enough as it is, with Natasha exuding dominance every time she walks in the building, the lingering trail of her eyes burning through you as she walks past and the purse of her lips bringing about a dozen of inappropriate reminders of what she can do with them. She exudes sex on all the days that end in ‘Y’, and when she trades out her pantsuits for dresses and tastes like whiskey and looks so good she could give you a heart attack, you feel as though you can’t possibly be blamed for driving yourself to a point of no return when it comes to getting your hands on this divine of a woman. 
“You’re a sweet little slut,” she laughs. "Good thing I’ve called dibs on you; I’ve been fielding questions for the last hour from Stark on what office number I hide you in.”
Your cheeks flush at the thought of having eyes other than Natasha’s on you — you’re not naive to the fact that the effort you pour into your appearance (albeit for Natasha’s sake) pays off, but it’s strange to think of it garnering enough attention for you to appear on Natasha’s radar per her peers’ comments. “What...what’d you say?” You suck in a breath as her teeth graze over your pulse point, letting curiosity get the best of you.
When she exhales another short laugh, the vibration from her lips runs through your skin. “That I keep you in my office, under the desk and choking on my cock while I answer his stupid questions all day long.” Her reply sends an aching pain straight to your cunt. “And that I love whenever he’s on a tangent, rambling about some fucking pipe dream idea he’s had, ‘cause that’s usually when I’ve got a mouth full of that pretty pussy and can’t be bothered to talk anyways. One of the finer aspects of our partnership with Stark Industries. Wouldn’t you agree, kitten?”
“Yes, daddy,” you sigh, leaning back into the wall as her hands roughly drag over the surface of your hips.
“‘Course you do,” Natasha muses. “’S my pussy anyways, I can do what I want to it. Whenever I want, wherever I want.” Her hand slips past the hem of your dress and up your thigh, her hand cupping your mound and discovering that you made the executive decision to forego underwear for tonight’s momentous occasion. “Seems to me someone was hoping I’d feel inspired to do something to it tonight.”
Her fingers rest on top of the lips of your pussy and you’re desperate for her to touch you further, deeper, harder. “Please,” you whisper.
Natasha pulls back, the lowly lit hallway only showing the sparkle in her eyes, not the darkening of her irises that hallmark her arousal. “Please what?”
“Please, daddy,” you whine. “Need you to touch me.”
She smirks, running her fingers along your slit before dipping two into your pussy, a broken sigh of contentment leaving you. “Gotta be quiet, baby,” she chides. She curls her fingers inside of you before withdrawing them, presenting them up to you. “Want a taste of that sweet pussy?”
You oblige, sucking the tips of her fingers into your mouth and your tongue flickering over the skin to lick them clean. “Good girl,” she praises, pulling them back once she’s satisfied with your work. 
Her hand dips back between the juncture of your thighs and this time, she doesn’t tease: she pushes the two fingers back inside of you, beginning a hard and unforgiving pace. Even with the music playing on the other end of the ballroom, you can hear just how wet you are as her fingers thrust in you. She laughs, a low and quiet sound before capturing your lips with her own, tongue tracing the corners of your mouth. You moan into her mouth, the small noise motivating her. “That’s it, baby. Ride my hand.”
“You feel so good,” you whimper. “So good in my little pussy.”
“I know,” she replies. “Got you drunk on your daddy, don’t I? Can’t have anybody else inside you but me, no one else fucks you good like this.”
“God, yes—” A keening noise breaks in your throat as she flicks at your clit, twisting and curling her fingers every few thrusts to send you spinning.
She cuts you off with the forceful press of her lips to yours. “Quiet, slut. We’re not as far removed from the party as you think.”
She presses her forehead against yours, watching your reaction to her words — or, in your case, lack thereof. It bemuses her, and the present gleam in her eye lets you know you aren’t as good at playing coy as you’d like to think. “You want someone to catch us, don’t you?” Your walls tighten around her fingers and she’s pleased by the response. “Dirty girl, wanting to get caught with my hand in your pussy. You want everyone to know you’re my little slut, is that it? That I’m the one you’re dressing like a fuckin’ five course meal for, I’m the one who put you in that dress and I’m gonna be the one to rip it off you later?” 
“Yes, daddy, I’m all yours,” you have the presence of mind to reply, the heel of her hand grinding against your clit while she ruthlessly fucks her fingers up into you. Your hips undulate on their own accord, one hand in her curls and the other against the wall to steady yourself. 
“Yeah, you are. Come for me, honey, come for your daddy and soak those pretty thighs.” The thrill of being caught, your boss knuckle-deep in your pussy and the friction from the heel of her hand is too much and it doesn’t take much more for you to climax. 
You have to catch your breath, your head tipping back against the wall and leaving your neck exposed for her to nip at. Slowly, she pulls her fingers back out of you, this time bringing them up to her own lips. It’s sinuous, the way they disappear behind her pillowy lips for her to suck the taste of you clean.  
She withdraws them with a faint pop, smirking at you. “Like fuckin’ candy.”
You lean in to kiss her and there’s a bright, tangy taste on her tongue that you recognize as yourself, and fuck, she could not be any hotter.
That is, until her hands push on your shoulders and guide you down. She looks on at you expectantly, fingers curling in the locks of your hair absently. “Go on, honey,” she encourages. “Do what you do best — get that tongue up in my pussy and get me off before you gotta step back out there and show everyone what you’ve been up to. Gotta have something to tide me over until this thing’s over and I can fuck you proper in the backseat on the way home.”
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! < This is Part 19!>
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Big thanks to @imdoingathingmom​ and @bbibbisan​ for doing a sensitivity read! 
* This could be worse, you remind yourself as you feed your deer
* Much, much worse
* “How much am I supposed to give them?” The tall, ebony colored man says from beside you, his bright red eyes seem to glow under the pale moonlight
* “Um.. for that one, you can feed it as much kale as you want, but be careful James, he’s kinda insatiable. He’ll eat your clothes if you give him the chance”
* James nods, tearing the kale in careful ribbons.
* He smiles when the deer eats right out of his palm.
* You’re not going to lie, you were 100% surprised when the blond turned out to be Laurent and the black guy was James
* You were even more surprised when he asked if he could help you feed your animals
* You watch him smile as he gives the deer a gentle pat, feeding it more kale
* Yeah, you’re having a hard time believing the teddy bear in front of you is some psychopath tracker
* The story went that while you and Edward were out, the coven decided to play some baseball up in the mountains, and the sound caught their attention as they were passing through
* Apparently this was a fast friends situation, because Carlisle and Laurent have been reminiscing about their geezer pre-colonialism days
* You look to the house, you can see Edward’s inside from the window, his eyes meet yours and he gives you a small smile
* Well that seems hopeful
* “I used to take animals before I turned” James’s deep voice calls you back to the situation at hand
* “Oh were you a farm hand?” You’re peeling an orange, which Henrietta the third is already licking at impatiently
* “Um, not quite, I was a slave”
* You stop peeling the orange
* James tells you his story- he was a third generation slave, fathered from the master, his mother passed away shortly after his birth
* “I was lucky- in a sense, the master -my father- he was a superstitious man, and my mother- she had a reputation”
* His mother was a slave in name only, was what he told you. She was more of a mistress or a concubine.
* “At least that’s what they said, Though I’m not sure how much of that is true, I’m fairly certain she didn’t enjoy being with him. She was just trying to survive”
* His mother had been ostracized, even amongst others like them, but not because of her social position in the household
* “They thought she was a witch,” he admitted. “Bad things happened to people who wronged her, and good things happened to those who helped her”
* That sounds like Alec and Jane
* “When she was on her death bed, she laid a “curse” on the owner of the plantation, that if I wasn’t taken care of she would haunt him and bring misfortune on the entire family for several generations”
* And so, James became the unfavorable third son of the Pickett family.
* “I had many opportunities from her sacrifice, I learned to read and write, but I was more or less shunned from the house- both by my family and by the other slaves”
* It was lonely, almost painful.
* “But there was one thing, a ray of light-“ his eyes flit towards the window, and you follow his gaze to the red haired woman in the green chair
* “Victoria, she was my eldest brothers fiancé”
* The youngest daughter of the wealthiest man in town, from the outside she was a blossoming socialite
* The most beautiful girl in town
* But behind closed doors...
* Victoria was the product of an affair, a mistresses child, reluctantly brought into the household when her mother passed
* “She had big dreams, she loved to read, she yearned to study, to educate herself, to use her mind”
* And so, two lost souls found each other
* “Our family would never have allowed it. So we decided to run away together” he smiles, but it’s bitter.
* They claimed he had abducted her, perhaps to save face, and sent slave catchers to find them.
* “I’m not quite sure what happened-I remember being shot and telling Victoria to go in without me- all I ever wanted was for her to be happy.”
* This is heartbreaking
* “When I woke up, Laurent was there, and my throat burned”
* So Laurent had been with them for all that time, he was their creator
* “Afterwards the three of us worked in ‘the underground railroad’ helping slaves to the north where they could be free”
* “I’m thankful to him, for saving us, we wouldn’t have been able to be in a world where we could be together if it weren’t for him-“
* “But you wonder what the trade off is” you finish and he nods
* No longer human
* Purpose only lasts so long in this life, after all human life only has meaning because you know one day it will end
* “I found a penchant for tracking, it turns out what they said about my mother might have held some truth”
* James calls it “extreme luck”, there’s no other word for his gift.
* If he’s looking for something - or someone- it’ll inevitably find him through pure luck. Like the world bends to his will
* But it only works with finding things
* “These days we work as bounty hunters, and we only feed from people beyond redemption”
* Murder and rapists it sounds like
* “I didn’t know there was another way”
* “That’s understandable, I didn’t know either until I met Carlisle” he looks at you with kind eyes, and so with a deep breath you tell him your story
* About the Volturi, your parents, Alec and Jane-
* “I think you would like them, they’re a little off putting at first, but they warm up pretty fast”
* “Like cats” he says
* “Like cats” you agree
* You tell him about meeting Carlisle, how he saved you,
* how Eleazer gave you a home and a family,
* and about Edward, who gave you a chance to live
* Not just to survive, but to truly live
* “We’re not so different you and I” James says with a smile, and you mirror his expression
* “No we aren’t”
* Though of course you wouldn’t compare the relatively privileged life you had to his
* But the loneliness you both experienced is not all that different
* The tie that binds you all
* And then you do something you’ve never done before
* “You know, I don’t belong to this coven, not really” it’s the first time you’ve admitted it to anyone
* “Oh?”
* “My coven is in Denali, they have a permanent settlement there, and they follow the er... same alternative lifestyle”
* He laughs
* “I’m sure they would love two or three more, we’ve got like thirteen spare rooms in that house”
* You still remember the antiquated scooby Doo mansion-esque hallways filled with armor and swords
* He looks at you for a long time, but it doesn’t make you uncomfortable
* “I won’t follow another leader”
* You nod, that’s understandable.
* Laurent created them, and it seems he’s happy with their current lifestyle, they won’t betray him
* “Not unless it’s you”
* ........
* What?!?!
* “M-me?” You sputter, your orange peel filled hand clutching your chest
* “Why would you want to follow me? I’m only nineteen years old- I don’t even have a high school degree yet!”
* He laughs at your panicked expression
* “You know that doesn’t matter to our kind,” his eyes twinkle as he looks at you.
* “Call it witchcraft if you like, but you’re going to accomplish great things, I can feel it deep in my bones”
* Garrett had said the same thing, but the way James says it-
* You really believe it.
* He doesn’t want anything from you you, not a kiss or a date-
* He just wants to be your friend, to be apart of your vision
* Whatever it may be
* “Here’s my card-“
* He holds out his business card to you, unlike Garett’s it’s a cheap cardboard white with his profession and number on the front
* “If you ever find yourself in need of someone to help with your animals, let me know”
* You nod, taking his card in your hands
* “Um there’s one more thing I could use your help with-“
* He points to the large window, right at Alice
* “I know that girl but she doesn’t seem to know me.”
* “Well how does that work”
* He tells you how many years ago, a woman was looking for her sister.
* “It was a bit of a Cinderella story”
* The woman’s father had remarried quickly after his wife’s death, and the step mother had sent his children away. The younger sibling, his client, was lucky and was sent to a relative.
* But the older, who had suspected something amiss had happened to her mother, was sent to a mental asylum
* “You know me, I find things, it’s my gift.”
* But when he found the girl, she was no longer human. Already turned.
* “I tried to approach her, but she didn’t seem to remember anything”
* “Alice doesn’t have any of her memories from before she turned, she woke up in the woods all alone”
* The only thing guiding her were her visions.
* James nods solemnly
* “Should I...should I tell her?”
* You look to Alice.
* She’s smiling at something Victoria said.
* How many nights has she spent wondering who she really was, feeling so happy she had a family and a partner, but wondering if she left someone behind
* How would she feel when she found out?
* “I think you should tell her.”
* If it was you, even if it hurt, you would want to know
* James nods
* “Okay”
* You walk inside together, and immediately look to Edward
* Your own personal vampire lie detector
* “He did lie about one thing-“ Edward tells you once James pulls Alice aside.
* Was he actually tracking Alice to hunt her?
* Your heart drops at the thought
* “His mother didn’t die from natural causes, she committed suicide because she knew it would secure his future” Edward tells you with a somber expression.
* “He just didn’t want you to feel bad”
* You smile and nod.
* What a strong person, you can’t even imagine
* Edward pulls you into his arms, placing a soft kiss in your hair
* You feel bitter sweet about the whole thing
* Especially as you watch them leave in the morning, right before you’re going to head off to school
* Jasper is holding Alice who seems vulnerable, but relieved
* They’re leaving so soon, you didn’t even get a chance to get to talk to Victoria or Laurent
* You watch James stand next to Victoria, they’re talking to Carlisle.
* They’re not even touching, but you can feel the intimacy radiate off of them
* You wonder if maybe you and Edward might get to be that close one day
* James meets your gaze and smiles
* “I’ll see you around sometime leader!” He calls out, earning confused looks from your coven and his
* You smile back and give him a nod
* You’re still not sure what your future holds
* But you know you wouldn’t have gotten this far if it weren’t for the kindness of others
* You want to make them proud
* And then in a gust of wind, he’s gone
* They all are
* “See, I didn’t commit murder or anything, I told you things were different” Edward says with a teasing smile
* You roll your eyes and lightly shove him while he just laughs
* He’s right though, that was different
* “Enough flirting kids, you’re going to be late for school, and I really don’t want to deal with that dick in the front office acting all high and mighty because they think I can’t control my children” Esme yells
* School?
* Oh sh*t you didn’t do your homework
* “Edward-“
* “I’ll drive and tell you the answers on the way there” he says catching the keys you toss to him
* “It’s the-“
* “The Trig homework, I know. It’s your worst subject”
* Well you do struggle with trig quite a bit
* “Though to be fair you’re pretty terrible at all of them”
* He barks laughing when you shove him before getting into the car through the passenger side
* Carlisle and Esme watch you from the doorstep
* “They’re so good together-“ Esme starts
* “I know, I never thought our Edward would look at anyone like that”
* Carlisle and Esme exchange a look
* Before you came around-
* Well it wasn’t bad, but he certainly didn’t look like that.
* And he never smiled like that either
* Immortality had hardened him, made him into a man
* But with you-
* Well, with you he looks just like a boy
* A boy in love for the first time
* “I wonder what kind of children they might have had” Esme wonders with a small grin
* Him, with his ability to read minds, and you with that positively monstrous power of yours
* Any number of possibilities is possible
* “Best not to think of such things” Carlisle murmurs
* Though you two may be together for eternity, with the endless options, you’ll never have that.
* Esme nods
* “I’m late to get to the hospital, surgery this morning” he mumbles kissing her on the cheek before walking to the car
* She watches him go, his sleek white Volvo disappearing down the road before looking up to the sky
* “What a shame, I would have liked a cute grandchild or two running around” she mumbles to herself before turning to go inside
* “Entertaining always leaves me exhausted, guess I’ll give my employees the day off”
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow​ @bwbatta​
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