#but said my brother can keep me as bitch cause it's true
barbiegirldream · 9 months
Dream having Drista in his phone as little sis is so fucking cute
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ngl kinda curious what happens if mc gets shipped with one of the nobles more often than the kings instead?
You know the AO3 ship popularity chart? Let's say they did one of those for the "child of Solomon" fandom.
Mod Jjok: The most popular ship with Mc for this month is... Mc x Sitri! With over 20k words in the longest running fanfiction on the ship reaching peak popularity in the middle of the month!
Dantalian: Sitri? Isn't that his majesty Satan's blood bag?
Glasylabolas: It turns out he has a name.
Paimon: I think this must be mistakeeeeen. I just recently wrote in collaboration with Astaroth a 25k words fanfic about Mc x Satan
Eligos: Oh, I mass-reported that one. I would apologise about that, but demons can't lie
Paimon: You're so sillyyyyy
Paimon: You just lost cuteness session priveledgessss
Eligos: :'(
Eligos: It was for the greater good of Tartaros
Bimet: Very noble of you, Eligos
Dantalian: Bimet! You fucking bitch, where's my MC body pillow????
Eligos: @Dantalian please take this in private we don't vibe with this negative energy here
Dantalian: Speak for yourself, I vibe with it!
Gamigin: Guys, what happened????? I was asleep, it's like 5 AM in here.
Gamigin: HOLY FUCK
Gamigin: How did Sitri of all people win????
Paimon: I mean, he's not that baaaaaaad
Gamigin: 20k words isn't even that long! How?!
Gamigin: I think we all have to come together to break the two up
Gamigin: Sitri is a common enemy and we shall stop him!
Dantalian: I'm sharpening my knife as we speak.
Gamigin: His Majesty Lucifer said I'm not allowed to leave Paradise Lost :'(
Dantalian: And?
Gamigin: And ... what?
Dantalian: He's not your dad! Even if he was, you don't have to listen to him. Do you think I listen to everything his majesty Asmodeus tells me to do? No. He may be my dad and my king, but I am in control of my own future.
Glasylabolas: Preach brother, preach
Gamigin: But I don't want to go against Lucifer's orders
Dantalian: Pussy
Glasylabolas: Pussy
Dantalian: First! Suck it old man!
Gamigin: Wait, doesn't Paimon live in the same country as Sitri?????
Gamigin: @Paimon, dearest, could you please kill Sitri for us? At least tranquillise him or something. Make sure he doesn't move anymore.
Paimon: I'm not murdering Sitri over thisssss
Paimon: I'll just ask him if it's true he's dating Mccccc
Dantalian: I think we should vote on Sitri's fate
Glasylabolas: Absolutely. I am for democracy.
Dantalian: Knife or gun death?
Glasylabolas: I prefere knife. Gun's make everything messier. How am I supposed to get arroused by a pile of guts?
Dantalian: Ask Ronové or Phenix and they'll tell you
Dantalian: I once saw Ronové remove an angel's intenstines and fucking them
Eligos: That's why nobody wants to visit Abaddon.
Dantalian: In his defence, it was kind of hot
Glasylabolas: I can imagine
Glasylabolas: I should call Ronové again...
Dantalian: He charges for one night stands now cause Abaddon lost its health care recently
Gamigin: Yeah, Morax told me about how you started getting curious about his eye hole.
Dantalian: I don't even blame Ronové for that one. I'm also curious what happens if you cum down someone's eye socket.
Paimon: Ok guyssssss
Paimon: I talked with himmmm
Paimon: It turns out that he just had a lot of black tea recently and wrote 20k words in a dayyyyy
Paimon: And a lot of people read it because Asteroth recomended it on his bloggggg
Dantalian: ah, yeah, shipping
Dantalian: Asmodeus x Mc for the win
Eligos: In your dreams
Dantalian: Yes. I do dream about that often.
Dantalian: I don't even know why y'all care so much for Mc's sex life
Dantalian: Having sex with only one partner is boring
Gamigin: Keep your shitty opinions to yourself.
Dantalian: Only if you make me
Eligos: I'm going to mass report it
Gamigin: I already did <3
Sitri: All of you are so mean
[Mod Jjok stopped comments on this post]
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dudeitiskarev · 11 months
Can I still request a Aaron hotchner smut? where he got jealous of how close Reid and the character were so he acted a little harshly. This caused the character or whomever it is to ask “what is wrong why are you acting like this” and he just snaps saying something along the lines of I want you or you to be mine? Character ends up being railed!
ThNk you for the request!!! Changed it up a bit to keep him in character so I hope that’s okay!
Tags: Hotch x bau reader and Reid x reader (to jealous Hotch) love confessions; no smut but steamy elevator make-out seshhhh 🤭; jealous but also baby and insecure Hotch; canon-typical violence; a little over 1k words; not beta read.
Ps: reminder that English is not my first language so I apologize if some things don’t make sense or sound weird etc etc etc
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Hotch was known for being cold and stoic. His always-furrowed brows and lips that often fell into a line were to blame.
You, that worked with him every single day, knew that wasn’t true. He was anything but cold, which made you wonder why he’s been acting like it towards you lately.
You took the chance that everyone took a coffee break and waited for them to leave the room to walk up to Hotch, who was studying the board full of pictures of the victims and an unsub yet to find.
“Is everything okay?” You stood next to him.
His eyes never left the board. “If we don’t find the unsub before midnight he—“
“I meant, you and I,” you cut him off. “Is everything okay?”
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down before he slowly looked at you. “We’re in the middle of a case, there’s no you and I while we’re on a case.” He raised his brows as he spoke. “Or after.”
What was that about?
A knot grew tight in your throat. “Or after? Did I do something to upset you?” You folded your arms over your chest.
“Yes.” He kept his voice low. “You’re unfocused.”
This was so unlike him it made your insides twist.
“Coffee’s here,” Emily walked in the room again with Spencer right behind him.
“And donuts,” Reid smiled at you. “Got your favorite.”
You gave one last glance at Hotch and approached the pretty boy with the sweets.
Sometimes you wished you didn’t see Spencer as a brother. He was cute, funny without even trying and so incredibly smart. But he was so not your type.
Hotch was your type. He was also cute, funny without even trying, and incredibly smart—in his own way, which made him your type. But he was also your boss, so maybe he was right. There was no you and him, and there never will be.
The entire day went by slowly until a lead appeared and from there, everything picked up too damn fast that you even forgot who Hotch was for a moment.
In one moment you were tracking down the unsub and the next you were lying on the floor with blood running down your face.
“Son of a bitch!” You tried to get up but a big hand kept you in place pinning you back to the floor by your shoulder.
“Don’t move,” someone said.
“Get off me! the unsub– he—”
“Morgan’s after him. Lay down." The man now used both hands to keep you still. "We need a medic over here!”
“Let me do my job.” You tried to stand up again.
"Hey." He cupped the side of your face, trying to get you to look at him. "It's me."
You blinked a few times even though it wasn't blurry and met some furrowed brows and really pretty brown eyes.
"I—" Your mouth hung open.
"What's my name." He didn't ask. He almost ate you with his tone.
You blinked a few more times until everything was clear. Well, shit. You disobeyed his order and ended up where you were. "Hotch."
A sigh left his soul.
The paramedics took over and carried you in a gurney to the ambulance. They took care of your cut and concussion. You answered all their questions without even thinking as your attention was on Hotch only who was keeping an eye on you from afar.
He was pissed, but he wasn't going to reprimand you right there.
Or on the SUV, or back in the hotel.
He decided it was better to stay the night in Seattle and fly back to Quantico in the morning, so now you were on the longest elevator ride to your room with him next to you.
“Okay, what the hell is your problem.” You finally snap at him now that you were all alone in a small space. You were tired and annoyed about the deep cut on your eyebrow. It’ll definitely leave a scar.
“You are my problem.” He kept his chin up. “You’re reckless, too kind, you don’t see the bad in people. It’s dangerous. It’s not the first time you’ve put yourself in this situation because you thought an unsub might change his mind.”
“This is not about today's case,” you challenged him. “You’ve been… mean for days now. I don’t deserve it.”
“You’re right. You don’t.” He said, taking a few steps to stand in front of you.
He was so tall you were afraid you'd shrink into the floor if he kept staring at you like that.
“Then what the hell is your problem?” You asked again.
“You don’t see it, do you?” he took a subtle step.
He smelled good, too. He always did.
“I’m not following.” You arched a brow.
His hand landed on your cheek and caressed it with the back of his curled fingers. "You forgot who I was."
"For like a second," you laughed. Your voice sounded as shaky as your legs were.
"I don't want you to forget who I am. Ever." His fingers went down to your chin and lifted it so you'd look up at him.
"O—okay. I won't"
"Before I kiss you, I need to know one thing." He leaned down, his lips one breath away from yours.
Kiss you?!
"Are you and... Reid—"
"No," you cut him off with a smile that he gladly mirrored. "Now kiss me."
"Good." His smile faded into the slowest and most delicate kiss someone has ever given you.
His lips were gentle and soft and his tongue timidly grazed your top lip as one hand cradled the side of your head while the other cupped your neck.
Your heart was drumming loud in your ears and somewhere below the belt, but god, he was an incredible kisser. You weren't sure if you were floating high in the sky or slowly melting into his body.
The doors dinged open, bringing you back to earth.
"Your room or mine?" he broke the kiss, circling your nose with his.
You sighed deeply and barely managed to say, "Whichever is closest."
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Heaven is a Place on Earth
Dean Winchester x (gn) Reader
Request: Would you mind write a dean x guardian angel!Reader fic, I don't have any specific prompt but make it angsty pls thank you
Summary: After Cas is killed by Lucifer, a strange new Angel turns up claiming to have been sent by him. Dean doesn't like the sound of it, but maybe a Guardian Angel is what he's needed all along.
Warnings: Spoilers for season 13, angst
Word count: 3,097
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Castiel was dead, and Dean was distraught. Burning his body on that pyre was the worst thing he'd had to do in a long time, maybe even the worst. At least when something bad happened to Sammy, Cas was always there to save the day. But now, he was gone, and the brothers were feeling the weakness of their humanity more than ever.
In the days after, Sam urged Dean to get out of the bunker and search for the Nephilim. If anyone could bring the Angel back, it was bound to be him at the end of the day. But Dean could barely think about that being, let alone face him. So when they pulled up at that crappy little diner, he couldn't even fathom going in, letting his brother do the work while he pounded the back door.
"Okay, Chuck... or God, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said...you said the earth would be fine because it had me... and Sam, but it's not, and we're not.
We've lost everything... and now you're gonna bring him back. Okay? You're gonna bring back Cas, you're gonna bring back Mom, you're gonna bring 'em all back. All of 'em. Even Crowley.
Cause after everything that you've done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now."
Nothing. Not that Dean was surprised. He'd come to set his expectations lower than low at this point.
"He's not listening, Dean. I'm sorry."
Whipping his gun out, Dean spun round to the source of the voice. It was soft, gentle and kind, but he was still wary.
"The hell are you?" He demanded, shaking slightly at the sight of you. Illuminated by the sun, your skin practically glowing and your hair blew gracefully in the breeze.
"My name is Y/N. Castiel sent me."
"Cas? He's alive?"
You gulped at your mistake in sparking hope.
"No, no I'm sorry. What I meant was, he sent me before. I was to come if something happened to him."
"So you're an Angel?" Dean lowered the gun hesitantly, gingerly taking a step towards you.
"Yes. And I swore to Castiel that I would care for you where I could."
The hunter snorted and you winced at his harshness. "I don't need caring for. That's ridiculous. Cas was my friend, not my guardian angel or whatever."
You took a tentative step forward. "Please, Dean. I can help you. I've been keeping tabs on you and your brother for a long time now, and I can help you with the Nephilim."
"Can you bring him back? And my Mom? Crowley?"
"No, I'm sorry-"
"Then you're no help to me. Now get out of here before I smite you off this planet."
You watched him walk away, back to the Impala with tears in your eyes. You knew the Winchester boy was damaged, and you'd seen how him and Castiel interacted. There was a special kind of love there which he was grieving. That was a human emotion you knew you'd never be able to feel yourself, but you could understand it. Castiel had understood it too, which was why he'd sent you here to watch over Dean. He needed you, but it was just a matter of time before he realised that.
“Dean!” You scrambled after him, fist clenched. He pivoted on his heels, groaning and raising his eyebrows with eyes squeezed closed.
“Just-just let me come with you. To find the Nephilim. I can talk to him.”
Dean huffed and placed his hands on his hips. “You know about that?”
“Of course. And I know he’s scared. He’s part Angel, I’m an Angel - maybe he’ll talk to me.”
You had no clue if that was true or not, but it was worth a try. You’d promised Castiel you’d look out for Dean, but you also knew he had a close connection with Kelly Klein and he’d want you to watch over the boy too.
“Fine,” Dean motioned for you to follow him and you scrambled along to catch up. He made you nervous but you couldn’t quite pinpoint why yet.
The drive was tense and speechless. Dean played his music loud, and it was a sound that took a while for you to adjust to. But by the time you pulled up at the sheriffs office, you had relaxed into it, finding yourself bobbling along and humming the tune.
Naturally, Dean was hesitant around the Nephilim. But the child was scared, thrown into a new world he knew little about. While you felt the younger Winchester was adjusting just fine, you saw it as your mission to help build the relationship between Jack and Dean. That said, Jack wasn't the only one facing a whole new world. Having just arrived on Earth yourself, hunting was something you had to learn rapidly, and you were unsure about. Your whole existence was based on love and caring, on making sure the human race thrived. Now, with a blade thrust in your hand, you were being instructed to fight.
"Dean...I don't know if I can do this." You stopped him one evening as he was packing up to follow a new lead surrounding Lucifer's whereabouts. Jack and Sam were packing the car, and Dean was chucking the last few bits into a bag when he felt your hand tug on his flannel lightly.
"What do you mean Y/N? C'mon, we've gotta get moving," he dismissed you, shrugging you off. You gripped tighter and squeezed, making Dean pause. Of course, he was always conscious you were an Angel, but you rarely exerted your true strength around him. In fact, more than often he could convince himself you were just another human being. But now, held steadily in his place, he took a deep breath. Turning back to you, his heart broke as you bit your lip, desperately trying not to let a tell-tale tear slip down your cheek.
"I'm not him, Dean." You whispered with a gulp. "I'm not Castiel. I'm not a fighter. I wish I was, I really do; I'm a Guardian Angel for goodness sake, I'm supposed to be a protector. These past few weeks, I've tried so hard but...I'm sorry. I've let you both down. Castiel expected better from me..."
"No. Stop." You tilted your head up as Dean's rough fingers cupped your chin, his other hand on your shoulder reassuringly. "You've not let anyone down, Y/N. Cas, he knew I could hold my own. He didn't send you to fight for me. He didn't want to you be someone you're not."
"But how am I meant to protect you if I can't fight?"
Dean gave you a lopsided smile. "You don't have to fight to protect someone, ya know. I don't think Cas sent you to physically protect me from monsters. He knew I could do that myself. I think he sent you to protect me up here-" he tapped his temple lightly - "to protect me from myself."
You sniffled and frowned, unsure what he meant. "Y/N, sometimes I can get in my head a lot. Hell, after Cas...after Cas died, I did. But you, you've pulled me out. I know I wasn't the nicest to you when we first met, but honestly, you've saved me. So you don't have to fight, Y/N, not physically. But I need you here still, to fight for me, against me. You think you can do that?"
You nodded, letting him brush away your tears and smiled. "C'mon, lets load up. You don't have to do anything, but we're gonna need you for moral support. Oh, and those amazing psychic Angel powers too."
Things changed after that. You became the Winchester's confidant, and you supported them on each and every hunt with intel only you could gather. You felt Dean start to thrive again, and you took pride in knowing you were actually making a difference. Even Sam had stopped you one night to thank you for being around, for being the ray of sunlight his brother needed. Dean laughed more now, he relaxed on days off. He enjoyed teaching you human things, and laughed when you and Jack attempted something he thought so mundane but the two of you found incredibly mortal. You were part of their small, dysfunctional family now, and you couldn't imagine it any other way.
Sure, you were having a positive impact on Dean, but what he didn't know was that he was having the same on you. As you spent more time together, you were starting to feel actual emotions. Happiness, anger, upset, frustration, hurt, hate. All these things you'd never even believed in when you were in Heaven, and now they were flooding you. It was amazing. Everyone in the little group had the same impact on you, but with Dean, it was markedly different. There was another emotion, one that felt like another you shared with Sam and Jack, but more emphasised. With them, you wanted to keep them safe, you wanted to keep them happy, you wanted to care for them. They were your family now. But with Dean, it was all that and more. You wanted to hold onto him and never let go. You wanted him to stare at you with those gorgeous green eyes until they burned through your skull. You wanted to nestle into his flannels, coat yourself in his scent. This new emotion, this thing you couldn't name for so long, gnawed at you. It scared you, too, which was why you never spoke about it, never asked Sam what it was. You just stayed quiet, and hoped to figure it out with time.
Because, at the end of the day, you supposed you had all the time in the world. You hadn't even considered that might not be the case. That was, until you were sitting in the back of the Impala, returning from a ghost hunt. You'd already scolded Dean for his little 'momentary death' stunt, trying not to let him know that it had scared the shit out of you. Seeing him dead was something you never wanted to witness again, especially by his own hand. But then the phone rang.
"Yeah?...What..." Dean froze in the front seat, his hand hovering by his ear. Sam frowned at him and you pulled yourself forward, peering between the seats. Without warning, you were flung backwards as Dean stepped on the gas, driving full pelt into the darkness. He wouldn't say a word, no matter how much you and Sam pressed him. He was in shock, and it was clear he didn't want to say anything incase whatever he had just been told was a lie. You resisted going into his head, knowing no good would ever come out of that.
The first light you saw was that of a phone box, positioned on the left down a dampened alleyway. A figure stood outside it, facing away, shrouded in a long coat. You blinked to try get a clearer view of the figure as you drew closer, but Sam and Dean had leapt from the car before it had even stopped. You climbed out slowly behind them, a feeling of dread filling your vessel's bones. It was him. The being that had sent you here. The dead being that had sent you here.
"Cas, is that really you?" Dean's voice hitched in his throat as his best friend turned round.
"No. You're-you're dead," Sam couldn't believe his eyes. Neither could you. How could you not have known Castiel was alive? Surely something on the Angel radar must have gone off?
"Yeah, I was. But then I… annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back." You studied the Angel's face closely, questioning the truth.
Sam shook his head with disbelief. "I don't even know what to say."
"I do." Dean stepped forward, arms out. "Welcome home, pal." He gripped onto the Angel tight, embracing him in a way that made you flinch. Dean had never hugged anyone like that before. Not Sam, not Jack, not you.
As the three of them hugged, you found yourself tiptoeing back. Your breath was all caught up, not that you even needed to breathe, but all of a sudden you felt incredibly human. Vulnerable; that was a feeling only a human could feel. Because at that moment, you could name it. You could name that feeling that plagued you when you were around Dean, the one you couldn't name for so long. Now you knew was it was. And it wasn't a good one.
"Y/N?" As Cas finished hugging Sam, he looked over the brother's shoulders, having seen your figure lingering. He frowned at the silence.
"The hell they'd go? They were here a second?" Dean scratched his head in confusion and Sam shrugged. They were too happy to have Cas back to worry about anything else. Wherever you had gone, they were sure you'd turn up at some point.
In the end, it was them who caught up with you. You'd teleported straight back to the bunker to pack your things. You weren't needed now Cas was back, and you only hoped you could be gone before they got home.
Of course, you underestimated the speed Dean could get up to in that Impala.
"Y/N, you here?" You heard Dean holler as you stuffed your bag full. You tried to hurry, but the door flung open before you even had a chance. With a gasp, you pulled it against your chest, staring beady-eyed at the figure before it. It wasn't Dean; it was Castiel.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" He approached you slowly, not turning the light on. "I haven't had a chance to thank you."
"Th-thank me?"
"Yes. For protecting Dean. I understand it can be, well, quite a challenging job at times. But you did good, as I knew you would. So I need to thank you."
"Oh, er, that won't be necessary, sir. You're back now, which is good, which is amazing! So, erm, I should be off." You mumbled as you tried to move past him.
"You're leaving?" Dean's broken words stopped you in your tracks. He emerged from behind the wall, turning the corner into your room. His eyes were wide with confusion, his mouth open slightly. "Why?"
Tears started running down your face. "You don't need me anymore. Castiel is back. My job is done."
Dean pushed pass Cas, blocking your exit. "Your job? Is that all this was to you? A job?"
"No, Dean, I just-"
"Cause from where I've been standing, I thought you wanted to be here. I thought you were part of the family, Y/N. I thought you were in this for the long haul. I didn't realise this - I didn't realise I - was just another job to you." Oh he was angry. This was anger.
"I'm sorry, Dean...I just figured you wouldn't need me anymore." You couldn't even look at him, although you could feel Castiel's disappointment as he glared at you.
"Castiel is back now. You don't need me."
"Of course I need you, Y/N. Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon that Cas is back, he's my best friend. But you were never a replacement for him. It hasn't gotta be one or the other, has it?"
"I..." you honestly didn't know what to say. You took a peak at Castiel, who only looked sad, before taking the risk and gazing up at Dean. To your horror, he was crying now too. But why? Had you upset him? How?
"Y/N, you are not the Angel I knew when I trusted you with this task. You've changed, like I have changed. Humanity teaches us many lessons, and I can see you've learned a lot." Castiel's wise words echoed into your vessel's brain. "I know its hard, but if there is one thing being on this Earth, and dying on this Earth, has taught me, its to be honest. Say how you feel, Y/N. Name it."
As you sobbed, you looked at him and he responded with a soft smile and nod, before sliding out the door back towards the kitchen. You whimpered as you caught Dean's eye, his face a contortion of confusion.
"Love," you breathed. "It's love I feel. I didn't know what it was, not for a long time. But now I know. I love you, Dean."
Dean's jawed dropped, and for a moment it felt like the universe froze. But then he took a step forward, and his hand took yours. "You do?"
You nodded, tears streaming. "I realised thats what it was when Castiel came back. But I figured you couldn't love me, not when I was just a placeholder for him. Thats why I had to leave."
With a sigh, Dean reached up and wrapped him arms round you, drawing you in close. He rested his chin on your head as you nestled your face into his flannel, just as you had dreamed.
"I love you too, Y/N." You wouldn't have believed your ears had you been human, but with your Angel hearing there was no mistaking it. He planted a kiss on your head before you pulled away, gazing up at him.
"You do? But...how?"
He chuckled. "All too easy. After Cas died, I could've gone down a very dark path. The only reason I didn't was because of you. Y/N, you pulled me back, you got me on the straight and narrow. You were never a replacement for him, you are something entirely different. You were exactly what I needed. Hell, I still need you. I've just got my best friend back. Don't make me lose the one I love now."
You nodded greedily, knowing now it all made sense. Castiel hadn't chosen you because you were a fighter, or because you were a peacemaker. There were plenty of other Angels he could have chosen if that was the case. No, he chose you because he knew the type of person Dean actually needed deep down, and he saw that in you.
"C'mon, Sammy's making enchiladas. I wanna eat some, and I wanna watch you and Cas watch us eating them. Lets go." He scooped an arm round your neck as he guided you down the hall, grins across both your faces.
Heaven could wait - this was your home now.
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atinyjules · 3 months
Broken Melodies: Fake or True ft. Lee Jeno {ch-7}
A/n: Welcome to another chapter of this series. The last chapter was a bit longer than expected cause my hands just wouldn't stop moving! 😭 This chapter might be shorter tho. MIGHT
Anyways, here it iss ✨
The mini - masterlist for this series can be found here
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"I don't know...okay? I could like him but my heart is so unsure. Do I like him? Even so...why? It's not like he treats me any better." I say as Hyuck and Renjun nod.
"I mean...if he treated you like royalty and was soft for only you...your feelings are understandable but it's not like that." Hyuck said as Renjun continued.
"Yeah...or do you feel like this cause it's your first time in a relationship? Sometimes when you do something for the first time...the feeling overwhelms you. You're pretending to be in love so I guess its just your mind confusing your heart that you like him." Renjun said making me gasp softly.
"I think you're right...I mean...Jeno has the looks and all but nothing really stood out to me even when we met for the first time." I said with a smile as the boys smiled at the appearance of my usual smile.
"Then that's your answer." Renjun said making me heave out a sigh of relief.
"That's a relief. I can't imagine being in love with him for real." I said as Hyuck laughed.
"Either way the both of you would make a cute couple." Hyuck said making me hit him.
"Hey, don't get too ahead of yourself." I say as he puts his hands up in defence as we break into a chuckle.
"But then again...Jeno can't like Xiaolian..." I say as they furrow their brows and look at me.
"Why?" Hyuck asks me as Jaem's peaceful, love filled expression drowned my mind.
Because my brother likes him...
"J-Just! I mean...if she is ready to lie and act naive just imagine how manipulative she could actually be! We don't need toxicity in the class room." I say and fortunately they buy it.
"I know...to be honest I had a bad feeling about her from the start." Renjun said as Hyuck nodded.
"She thinks she can fool me with her fake facade like Jeno and the rest but I'm wayyy smarter then I make out to be!" Hyuck says as me and Renjun narrow our eyes at him in a teasing manner.
"Oh really now?" we say as he breaks out into a whine.
"You won't go visit Eunbi?" I huff at the name of that girl. I turn to see dad peacefully drinking his tea.
"Why? She's the one who left first." I say as he sighs.
"If you keep treating her like that she'll leave. I know cause that's how I treated your mother. Eunbi is a lovely girl...don't turn her into an enemy just because of your rage." dad said making me soften at the mention of mom.
"B-But...why should it matter...it's not even real." I mutter as he just sighs.
"You'll understand one day...what I mean." dad says as he dismisses me.
I find myself in my bed staring at the ceiling again as I take out my phone.
Na Eunbi 🐛
Me: Why did you go off at Xiaolian?!
Na Eunbi 🐛: Who ever I go off at is none of your business.
I let out a scoff as I sit up and type my reply.
Me: She didn't even do anything to you!
Na Eunbi 🐛: She asked for it. Idk what that bitch told you but only I know what she really said! So...she asked for it and I have no regrets about my behaviour🖕🏻 fuck off.
Na Eunbi 🐛: Besides, why do you even fucking care what I do to her? Don't forget what we're supposed to do so don't go around protecting her. People will get suspicious. Now fuck off. Don't disturb me.
"What the fuck-" I quickly type in several messages.
Me: Na Eunbi!!
Me: Na Eunbi! We're not done yet!
Me: Na Eunbi!
"Why are you still in bed?" Jaem says as he enters my bedroom.
"Can you not see how sick I am?" I say as he groans and flicks my forehead.
"This is what happens when you date Lee Jeno. Bad things happen." he says making me scoff.
"Just because I got to date my crush and you didn't doesn't give you the pass to shit talk about Jeno." I say making Jaemin chuckle.
"Well, you have a wonderfully bad taste in men cause he's a jerk." he says with a smug face as I smile and retaliate.
"And you're being the said jerk you think Jeno is right now as well so why don't you just suck it up and go to college?" He huffs and begins to walk away but makes his way to me again and hugs me softly.
"Don't think I'm letting that slide just because I'm hugging you. Stay warm and try to heal by tomorrow will you?" he says as I smile and give in.
"Fine, I knew you wouldn't anyway...now go! I wanna sleep!" I exclaim as he chuckles and ruffles my hair before leaving.
After spending my day scrolling through social media, watching dramas and eating, I feel asleep for 3 hours and didn't realize I had a visitor until I woke up at 4 p.m. to see someone's hand on my forehead. I pushed the hand away as I tried and struggled to get up, I let out a huff when all of a sudden I could feel my body being pushed upwards.
"What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed at the sight of Jeno sitting by my bed.
"Shut up will you?! I just came to 'check' on you." he said making me huff as I tried to lay back down only to be pulled up by him again.
"Well, you checked on me. Now you can go." I said as he scoffed and flicked my forehead.
"I'm....I'm sorry okay?! If you're offended then I apologize." He mumbled making me quirk my brow up in surprise.
"You're...apologizing?" I asked as Jeno flicked my forehead again.
"I'm not repeating my words." he warned as I rubbed my forehead.
"You're insufferable." I said as he huffed.
"By the way...we're going on a camping trip. Just our class." He muttered as I tilted my head.
"A field trip?" I asked as he shook his head.
"A leisure trip. I already gave your name. Don't you dare cancel it!" he warned as I hit him.
"You didn't even care to ask me?" I questioned as Jeno gripped my jaw and pushed my cheeks together tightly making me wince.
"Ahh-led goh-" I winced in pain.
"Like you said, we have a job to do so fucking adjust." he said and got up.
"Where are you going?" I asked as he scoffed and threw his bag over his shoulder.
"Where else? Home." Jeno said before walking towards the door as I watched his figure walk away from the bed.
"Oh-" I said as he cut my words.
"I expect to see you at school tomorrow." he said in a surprisingly calm tone and left without any other word.
"Why is he suddenly so sweet?" I mumble and look at the door before wrapping myself in my blanket to sleep.
Maybe he likes you Bi ✨
That's it for this chapter ✨
Taglist: @multifandomania @chenlesfeetpic
I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am! 💖✨
Chapter 8 can be found here
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖✨
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e-nonsense · 2 years
𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬
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⇢ ꜰɪᴠᴇ ʜᴀʀɢʀᴇᴇᴠᴇꜱ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
⇢ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ɢᴜɴꜱ, ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ, ᴍᴀɴ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ
⇢ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ꜰɪᴄ ɪ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ
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“What’s your idea, then?" 
"We use my ability to time travel, but this time, I’ll take you with me.” Five suggests
“You want to time travel all of them?” you asked 
“Us. All of us, you included feathers” he said locking you in an intense staring competition
“You can do that?” the sound of someone’s voice knocking both of you back into reality
“I don’t know. I’ve never tried it before”
“What’s the worst that can happen?” you asked hesitantly
“You’re lookin’ at it, 58 year old man in a child’s body”
“Dude we look the same age don’t do me like that, screw fucking angel power” you stated only mumbling the last part to Klaus who snorted, you also heard Ben chuckle at your response too, making you grin and turn to look at them both. But it was true the angelic power you were born with made it harder for you seeing as you age slower, but it allowed you to see the dead sometimes.
“oh what the hell? I’m in.”
After everyone eventually agreed with those words, Five called out “Okay, great. Luther grab Viktor”
“Wait should we be taking him?”
“You suggest we leave him here to die asshole? We should be leaving your gorilla arse here prick, but we’re taking you, so fucking pick Viktor up” you voiced out fast and calm, once again hearing a laugh but it was Diego this time, making  you smile at him.
“Okay geez” he muttered scooping his brother up. Walking in to form a circle and with you in between Five and Allison you held onto Allison’s hand and Five’s wrist, Five started using his powers although that wasn’t going to do much because of how worn out he was but apparently you were the only one who noticed the exhaustion on his face, you took it as a sign, slipped you hand into his and used your powers to give him the energy he needed.
Your eyes shone white, your wings were out in the open the right one closing around Allison and everyone’s heads snapped to your body watching in admiration and wonder as you gave Five the power he needed to travel everyone through time. If you hadn’t been focusing on keeping the energy going towards Five you would have heard Diego whisper about how angelic you looked while everyone smiled and nodded in agreement as they flashed into their younger selves then back to their regular ages.
With the last nod from Klaus everyone was sent back in time into an Ally throughout different years from 1960 to 1963.
“Diego? Klaus!” you yelled out for your friends only to hearing movement from behind you, causing you spin around “Five?!” you voiced louder than expected in relief, happy you weren’t alone.
“Y/n? wait- what year is it?”
“Five, look at this”
“Soviets attack US?” he read out loud turning to look at you then following you gaze to see tanks and soldiers. “No, this can’t be right” he mumbled grabbing your arm to drag you out of the ally.
“Holy shit” you muttered hearing the soldiers yelling at each other.
“What the hell did we do now?” Five spoke to himself.
What grabs your attention is Luther’s voice, “Five look” you tap his shoulder gaining his attention he looks to were your finger is pointing, and you notice his hand slipped down into your own once again, not that you cared much about it.
“Hey!” Allison called out to the soldiers “I heard a rumor that that I blew your minds” and with those simple words their minds blew up from the inside. 
“Five! You sick son of a bitch, where the hell have you been? Oh hey Y/n” he called out over the commotion jumping up to dodge bullets which you found impressive every time. Then directing you focus towards Klaus who was using dead soldier to help fight.
You had been distracted with Diego and Klaus’ power that you barely caught yourself when Five dragged you along with him to follow Hazel. What the hell I thought he died… oh well
“Hazel, what the hell’s going on here?”
You really should’ve been focusing on the conversation Five and Hazel were having but you were too concerned for your friends “Those a nukes, old-timer” Hazel’s voice snapped you out of the worried daze making you snort at his words. 
“What about my family?”
“You can’t save ‘em if you’re dead”
A nuke was then launched and the last thing you saw was Viktor Hargreeves glowing white and rising into the air.
“What the hell was that?” Five questioned
“The end of the world, November 25 1963”
“ '63” he chuckled “You know Hazel I’m no history buff, but I don’t recall there being a nuclear holocaust”
“Yeah no shit Five” you mumbled causing Hazel to smile at you and Five sending you a small 'now is not the time’ glare making you drop the smile. “What about his family?"  you asked
"Dead, like everyone else”
“And where are we now?”
“Dallas. Same street, ten day earlier”
“Plenty of time to restore the time line”
“-and save them” Hazel added
“okay” he murmured “so where do we start?”
“We? by 'we’ I hope you mean you and your little girlfriend, cause you two are on your own pal" girlfriend this asshole I should kill him right here 
Whether Five sensed you thoughts or not he still pulled at your hand to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid.
"I’m just here to keep my promise to Agnes”
“Oh… is she?” you asked softly
"Cancer” he chuckled softly “took her quick, but we had 20 good years together, I guess forever just wasn’t in the cards” your wings slightly shifted responding to the obvious sadness you felt as Five uttered out a soft-ish apology.
You zoned out for a bit breaking from it when your senses went into overdrive. “Run!” Hazel yelled out causing you to drag Five from the bench and cover him with your wing so that the bullets wouldn’t hit him, that gave enough time to spatial jump a short distance away. 
“Five the case”
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© ᴜɴᴏꜰꜰɪᴄɪᴀʟ-ᴊᴀʏᴛᴏᴅᴅ-ᴡɪꜰᴇ. ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ/ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ/ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ
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justaduckarts · 1 year
I wanna try to compliment the SH fic in the least spoilery way possible but i will most likely fail but WOOO TIME FOR A RANT
Starting off, Star Holder
Everyone is so worried that Eclipse or Pluto will manipulate them when Aurelia has already done that. She's the reason why they are so traumatized and meek and so easily gullible. And now here they are, in between several gods while they are all pulling on different limbs in different directions trying to tell them to go their way and to not listen to the others. I don't blame Star Holder for being so god damn anxious about every single conversation. Every conversation could literally end up in a war if they say something wrong.
That cheeky fuck. I love him so much hes such an asshole(/aff). He's just a silly guy doing silly things and he might want to kill you but it's okay because he's just a silly guy! His back story is tragic and perfectly explains why he is the way he is. I also love how open he is to his plans. Is he using you? Yes, but at least he's honest about it. A true gentleman.
God damn. That's all I can say. Just- damn.
Okay but in all seriousness Moon is great. Maybe not great to others (after hearing what Pluto said about the star-) but he's a great character. Very anti-social and quiet but he can have fun if he wants to. *quiet chanting* Moon in a dress! Moon in a dress! Sorry, my demons. Anyway. He's definitely trying his best, but he's not very good at it. E for effort, F for execution.
Sun. Dear lord Sun-
Again, he's trying. He just has no fucking clue what he's doing. He's incredibly oblivious it's almost painful. I don't know if I want to give him a hug or slap him. I could do both. Hug then slap. That'd be nice. But anyway, he's very interesting but after learning more about his past I just keep thinking "hypocrite". Talking about how Eclipse is trying to manipulate Star Holder (which he may have at first) only for the star, but he made the star for the purpose of controlling his own brother. That doesn't seem fucked up to him I guess. Of course there's reasonings but it's still so incredibly wrong. But I think that's enough about Sun.
Oh how I love her. She seems like the only one (besides Eclipse) who truly cares about Star Holder and doesn't want to use them. The moment Sun and Moon found out that the star was growing they immediately jumped to "we need to know how to use it." Though, Eclipse also seems to have a similar thought process, so he's not much better. Is it possible that Pluto is using Star Holder? Maybe. But lets be honest, so many gods are trying to use them that you can barely even tell which ones are actually sincere of their promise that they care. She is so lovely though. I love how she is actually trying to give them the choice of using the star for good and not just using it to control people (as it was originally intended) She seems genuinely good and it'd be devastating to find out that she isn't... concrete turning noises to stare at my angst loving self. Anyway.
He's my babygirl and no one can tell me otherwise. He is a pathetic traumatized stray cat that everyone thinks has rabies but is actually just starving and wanting love and affection. Okay! But in all seriousness! I love him. The more we find out about his past the more we realize "maybe the good guys aren't as good as we thought." They accused him of murder and didn't even let him explain. Sun didn't even try to use his gift? Although, Lunar did say that it's harder to use the gift when upset so I guess that makes sense. But I'm still annoyed cause I'm a whiny bitch. They seem to just never give Eclipse any slack or any benefit of the doubt. Though, we still don't know his entire story, so there is still likely something that changed things a lot (besides Moon's mother's death.)
I'm gonna stop here since I could go on forever. TBH all my thoughts of the characters could be totally wrong in my perception of them. If that's the case, I formally apologize, I don't think much as is so when I do it's not always the best thing. BUT YEAH. THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS. If you want more there is plenty where this comes from just say the word and I'll flood your ask box again with an entire tangent.
Anyway, this is Birdcage signing off dramatic bow
skips away like a goofy goober
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Thank you so much this was so sweet. I love hearing people's thoughts and theories on the story and acvsgvsgvdth MAN. I don't want to give too much away. I will say that things are about to get interesting *looks at Saturday's chapter*
Anyway, thank you so so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love getting asks so feel free to share your thoughts whenever (I may take some time to reply).
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linaselandbasil · 1 year
You Too, Ezarel?
Ezarel/Lance, oral sex, kinda deranged, okay very deranged, hey look nobody's drunk this time!, it's roughly 2000 words, not that long by my standards but I'll make a part 2
Tw: daddy issues, light physical harm (with consent of course)
The fic is below the cut, but here's the link to it on ao3 anyway.
Have fun, everyone!
The key turned in the lock.
His back hit the wall, the fright of being shoved so suddenly caused a weird aching feeling in his limbs. He had no reason to be afraid, Lance wouldn't hurt him. Even if the man acted like he didn't care for others, he's still the same as he used to be.
"Take it off." The elf said, referring to the mask. He really doesn't like the dynamic of being seen by him whilst not being able to see him.
"Hmm." He took the mask off and put it on the shelf next to him. "Nice office you have. It's almost as messy as your room." He hovered over the other man, trapping him against the wall.
Ezarel unbuttoned his shirt as he spoke. "As if your job was any more prim." He reached up to hug Lance's neck, which he took as permission- nay, an invitation to touch the elf. He pulled the hem of his shirt out of his pants and reached up his birthmark filled back. "Careful, I have a bugbite." Lance was barely listening, he was busy pulling the fabric off his shoulder with his teeth. Not in a sexy way, more like he was a feral animal pulling on your pantleg.
"I don't need to know about that." He said, hugging Ezarels thin waist and taking his gloves off behind his back. "So, what were do you wanna do tonight?"
"Bend me over my desk... And how about a blowjob?"
"At the same time??"
"No." He was visibly so done with Lance and his bullshit, but the dick is good so he keeps quiet... and if he complains too much Lance might just beat the shit out of him. "What do you want to do?"
"I donno, I'm too mentally unwell to even know what deranged acts would please me." He cupped Ezarels face in his hands and kissed his soft lips. Let me tell you, the guy has his skincare routine on point. Every inch of his body is silky smooth and well moisturized... on the other hand, Lance hasn't bathed in 28 hours and 43 minutes. "One thing is for sure, I want you to remember tonight." He kissed below his ear." Every time you try to sit down." Ezarel gasped, sarcastically of course.
"Oh how scared I am! Have mercy!" He said as the shirt fell off his shoulders. It's cold, his pale hairs stood straight up.
"You say that like it's not true. Your voice is weak, your palms all sweaty. You think I don't notice?" There's vomit on the sweater already, moms spaghetti.
He looked away. "How do you know my palms are sweaty? You can't possibly feel them through the armor!"
"No, but I can see the frikin paw prints you left on my chest! You nasty little bitch, I literally cleaned it yesterday!" He chuckled and slapped the elf on his rather underwhelming stickbug ass.
"Whatever?" Lance got closer, roughly shoving him into the wall and kissed him. "You're an ass." Ezarel laughed.
"You're calling me an ass? You? After what you've done- what you're doing to your brother, you call me an ass??" Lance looked at him for a few minutes, seething. With each second that passed, Ezarel trembled more and more in anticipation. This happened every time. He can't ignore his hatred towards Lance, even if he adores the man at the same time. They keep bickering, poking at each other like they used to, but with the elephant in the room it always comes to this. "You've got nothing to say, Lance?" The man took a step back from him.
He teared up from the hard slap that landed across his face. The force of it made him fall over, bumping into the shelf. Lance went closer and pulled his hair to make him look up at him before his anger melted away. "I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry... Can you do it again please?" Ezarel pleaded with polite words. He was breathing fast, he had a big red mark on his left cheek. This happened every time, he played with fire until he got burned. He was on his knees, cowering under the monster he loved to bring out from his dear Lance.
"If you miss your father so much you could just visit him." He yanked him up by his hair and, pulled him close.
"He stopped beating me when I got taller than him." He said, pushing their foreheads together. "That's why I need you." Lance caressed his sore cheek, making him wince. He almost felt guilty that he enjoyed the fear he saw in his emerald eyes. When the elf got a little more comfortable, he shoved him away and slapped him on the other side to match. Ezarel sure loves symmetry. Lance wrapped him in his arms and rocked him back and forth until he once again felt safe. He then pushed him a little further away from the door, towards another blank wall.
Ezarel didn't dare look at him, but if he did, he'd see a satisfied smirk. "On your knees." His legs were already weak, as he lowered himself he nearly collapsed. Lance slowly walked closer. "Look at me." He made sure to step on the bony fingers of the elf. He didn't put his whole weight on it, but the disrespect is still apparent.
"More?" He rolled his eyes.
"What, you think you deserve it? You're having too much fun."
"Don't make me beg." He pulled his hand out from under the shoe and stood up.
"On. Your. Knees." The way Lance was hovering over him was scaring him. In a good way of course, he's been hard since the first slap.
"M-make me." He backed away as he said it, hitting the wall almost immediately. Lance scoffed and grabbed one of his ears to pull him down with. "Nononono wait, please! Ah!"
"Oops, sorry. I made you beg." He smirked when he had the elf back on the ground. "You wanted a blowjob? Go ahead, but keep your hands on the ground." He unbuttoned his pants and whipped it out. Ballsy move, literally.
"Not exactly what I meant..." Eza drew in a deep breath and took the tip in his mouth. Lance pulled him back by his ears, grabbing them at the base. He hissed, but did nothing.
"No, that's rude. Give him a kiss first." Ezarel was sort of pissed for being micro managed like this, but this is exactly what he needed. He wanted a man to replace his father. (Weird, I know. Shut up.) He gave it a kiss right on the tip and opened his mouth to take it back in. He heard the almost inaudible grunt from Lance. It made him feel so accomplished. He went up and down, trying to relax his throat. "Good job." He pulled the elf away. "Undress."
He complied, working his trembling hands as fast as he could. The shirt dropped to the floor without any effort, the pants he had to fiddle with until he managed to unbutton them. He kicked his lab shoes off and he was finally able to rid himself of his pants. The snake yearns for freedom.
"You look like a fork."
"Excuse me?"
"You." He pointed at Ezarel. "Look like a fork."
"I understood what you said!"
"I know, I just wanted you to hear it again."
Ezarel sighed. "Asshole."
"Watch your mouth, chopstick man." Lance grabbed his shoulder and pushed him down, the cold floor doesn't exactly feel great on his bony knees as he sits on them. "Open up."
He obeys, although he'd like another slap. Too bad he can't aggravate the man with his mouth full. His lips touch the *coughs* staff, he relaxes himself as Lance pushes deeper and deeper without mercy. He feels the strong hands caress his head, strangely caring. Chills went down his spine when Lance lightly scratched his scalp. He enjoyed it until he realized that he's being scratched like a dog. "Hmm!"
"Don't like it?" Lance's rough voice had a barely noticeable tremble in it. The elf is happy to know that he's enjoying himself. He tried to free his mouth to answer, but his partner was not having that. He trapped Ezarel between himself and the wall. He can hardly breathe, and Lance knows that for sure. The hand came to rest on top of his head. No more head scratches sadly.
He tried to shake his head to answer. It's pretty hard with his predicament.... Amongst other things that are pretty hard right now. 💀
"No teeth." He pat his blue head a bit harder than necessary. Ezarel groaned and intentionally nipped the skin. Lance was not hesitant to pull him away and slap the shit out of him, the spit that slid down his chin made it sound somewhat different than before. "Behave." Ezarel grinned like the bastard he is. Even with the state that he's in, he still manages to exert just enough control to be an assertive, annoying, way too confident asshole.
His pale face was a little red from slaps and from how intense his previous activities were, his lips had reddened significantly, he has tears In his eyes. He looks beautiful. Lance lovingly tucked his spit soaked hair out of his face and scratches his scalp again. "You don't hit me as hard anymore."
"And you complain about that? Dumbass."
"That first one was good, the rest were weak. Do better." Lance scoffed, grinning down at this idiot.
"You freak. Get back to work." Ezarel looked up at him, seriously contemplating biting him.
"Make me." Lance didn't look at all amused, but believe me he was.
"Bitch." He grabbed the other man's pristine elven likeness and shoved his dick down his throat. Ezarel was used to it but he still choked from the roughness. He held onto Lance's thighs, he needed something to ground himself. "Didn't I tell you? Hands on the floor." When he was done gagging and let go of his thighs, Lance began thrusting into him. He was surprisingly not wrecking the elf. He moaned, which made Ezarel really happy.
He needs male validation, courtesy of his emotionally unavailable father.
"You doing okay?" He stopped for a second, breathing heavy.
"M-hum!" Ezarel answered, looking up at him through tear soaked lashes.
"Good, I'm impressed, you learned this so quickly." Oh boy, Lance KNOWS exactly what he needs! "You still wanna get bent over?" He pushed Ezarel down on his cock until he couldn't breathe. He nodded, fighting his gag reflex. "Well, whatever. I'm nutting now." What a gentleman.
Ezarel hummed, accepting his grim fate. Lance gathered all of his hair in his hand and held his pretty swan neck in the other, he widened his stance like the true warrior he was and began ramming into the poor elf like he was trying to poke a hole into his skull. It was quite enjoyable for Ezarel, he likes the humiliation. Lance moaned as he pressed against his shaft with his tounge, he was seconds away from the finish line.
The elf was trying desperately to not touch Lance, he wanted to so badly. The man slowed down significantly, he could feel the salty mess on his tounge already. Lance pushed at his chin with his thumb to open his mouth, pulled out and jerked. Ezarel stuck his tongue out to welcome the cum. "Hands." He held his palm out. Ezarel reached up and his bony fingers were guided around the shaft. He milked as much out as he could, mouth still agape. Lance's blue eyes were fixed on him, admiring him. "Good boy." He praised.
"Thank you." He said, sounding strange since he hadn't swallowed. After the way he got chewed out last time he swallowed without permission, he didn't dare to do it again.
"Nah, you did great. Don't thank me for what you deserve." He still firmly held his hair. "Swallow." His throat tightened but he forced it down. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand and let out a sigh of relief when Lance sat down besides him. It was fun, but it was intense.
"Hm?" Lance leaned into the wall, resting.
"What about me?"
"Eh, in part 2."
Ezarel sighed. "Okay, fair enough."
I'd like to SUMMON THE COUNCIL!!!!
@aide-falls @losyashkakus @lumen-anima
And since this is a Lance fic, I would like to invite an honorary guest: @slowiedrakie
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saitama-division · 8 months
Sayaka opened the door seeing a youngman and a teenage girl,both with blue hair and yellow hair
The girl who have a smiling expression contrary to her brother was the first in talk
"Miyuki San happy birthday My name is Kururi Yamamura me and mi brother wanted give this to you"-she said and give her a decorated box
Aoba give Sayaka a little smile but he sight and give her a gift more light and little-"happy birthday Miyuki San"-he said with a emotionless expressions a bit familiar (Sayaka can't evoid think in certain shizuoka scientist)
he don't said nothing as he quickly walked away, Kururi seems to noticed it
"i'm sorry for nii San,he was having some bad episodes due his bipolar disorder,we are in saitama cause he want see some libraries and museums here so goodbye"-she said with joy and followed her brother
Sayaka entered to her house and opened the box and he saw
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Two beautiful gold hairpins of flowers and butterflies decorated with pearls,the gift is from certain fortune teller
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The next gift inside the box was covered of plastic that reveal sugared butterflies cookies, obviously from Kunio
The last gift was the little box from Aoba and Sayaka see
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A book of old aspect called "Fairies of the flowers and tree"-despite the old aspect of the book it still in good conditions and the illustration still intacts
Sayaka noticed a card and she read it hearing how Lola and Kureha getting closer
"hello Sayaka Miyuki San and Happy birthday,I know that this is something good for You (and all saitama city) but if i'm cold or rude but...those days are hard for me but for it i'm giving You this book
Since two years I was expecting a kid a daughter (yeah I can have childs like a woman don't ask please) I was 19 years old but I was a happy..when I discovered it the first thing I did was buy this book...but sadly I losed her even before she was born...this book is precious but coservate it is also painful and I think You and your daughter would enjoys it more than me so please take care well that book, happy birthday again"-Yamamura Aoba
-with the siblings-
"y'know? When You gift book you usually build them so i'm a bit shocked of you decided gift Miyuki San one of your own books"-Kururi said while both looking at one of rivers in saitama to one of the museums of saitama that Aoba wanted visit
Aoba don't answered her immediately and just lit a cigarette and took a drag one seconds after he exhale and answer to his sister
"that book was precious to me but...I buy it when I discovered my pregnancy...keep it was painful after losed Hiko"-he said with a illegible but sad expression unconscious touching his stomach and when noticed it he sight-" i wonder if she would have lived...I would have been as good "mother" as Miyuki San"-Aoba let out a bitter giggle and Kururi saw him with sadness but don't wanted see her brother sad she decided teasing hin a bit
"Of course You would be a good mother... honestly I always thought on You as my "big sister" or even a mother than my brother"-she said happily and Aoba looked at his sister incredule but so he remember
"It have sense...I remember your first word"
"yeah your first word was "mommy"
"I said it to the bitch of Ukina?!"-Kururi asked horrorified
"No you said it to me"-
"seriously?! Hahaha but still be true"
"I was confused and shocked but dad laughed very much"
"well... You still acting like my sister or mother than my brother"Aoba smiled at her
"shut up"-he said but his voice tone was loving and both laughed still walking to one of Saitama's museums
“Oh hello!” Sayaka was surprised to see two unfamiliar faces on her doorstep but nonetheless gave them a polie, sweet smile. “It’s nice to meet you.” After receiving the gifts, she bid the two of them farewell and entered the living room where Kureha and Lola were relaxing together. Lola, upon seeing Sayaka come in with gifts, perked up and got up from the couch to help set the gifts down. “Oooh, it begins! First gifts of the day! Who were they from?”
“A nice girl named Kururi Yamamura and her brother Aoba gave these to me.” Sayaka answered causing both Lola and Kureha to pause. “Aoba Yamamura?” Lola echoed and Kureha furrowed her brows. “That’s one of the members of the new division, Kumamoto I think. They’ve been appearing a lot more lately.” Kureha eyed the gifts with a skeptical gaze which Sayaka noticed and reached out to pet the bluenette’s head. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, they seemed nice and these gifts are beautiful.”
“You’re telling me! Hey, do you think I can borrow these?” Lola asked, holding one of the hairpins up to her hair and checking herself out in her compact mirror.
Kureha held one of the sugar cookies and stared at it for a moment before shrugging and taking a bite. “If you say so.”
Sayaka smiled at both of them and looked down at the book and card she held in her hands, her eyes softened and she held the book close to her. She felt bad for Aoba but at the same time, she knew the pain of losing a child before they could take their first breath. Shinya’s newborn face flashed in her mind and Sayaka gripped the book tighter, the light patter of footsteps caught her attention and she looked up just in time to see Yoshiko crash into her in a hug. “Mommy!” The four year old grinned and Sayaka immediately smiled back. It was times like this that the brunette remembered that not all was lost.
Thank you for the gift!
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lvxybby · 9 months
It kills me to love you (kai anderson x reader) part 4
he stood there nodding his head. "i understand" he said looking back "plus im no side bitch" i said turning around to look at him "its one or the other" i said moving past him "can you please leave im trying to get ready" i said. "to go where?" he asked. "no where i just wanna feel nice today" i said shrugging my shoulders. "ok...we have a meeting later at 12." he said looking at me before leaving. i hummed and got ready. i did my makeup, hair and got dressed. by the time i was done it was 9:30. i smiled at myself in the mirror. i ignored the band-aid on my head. i left my room and went downstairs. i walked into the kitchen and fixed me a cup of coffee. i finally felt relief as soon as the warm liquid hit my mouth. i smile again as i sip my coffee. "good morning" winter said looking at me. "morning" i said back. "how are you and ivy doing" i asked "were fine..." she said "and oz?" i asked "hes fine too...hes visiting ally today" she said "are you really gonna be his second mom...i think you'll be great at it" i said "ivy wants me to...but i dont know...its just everything thats been happening with kai and all the killings we do...i dont want him to be exposed to it...hell me and ivy are both in this cult and nobody to take care of him when were gone" she said "yeah that is true...but i think you should be there for him. i wouldnt want him around allison...shes fucking crazy...she has so many phobias..." i said taking a sip of my coffee. "i know...ivy wants me to with her to pick up oz later..." she said. "she keeps saying it'll be fine but im scared allison will cause a scene and we really dont need that" she continued. "yeah...she'll be screaming "you fucked my wife you fucked my wife you bitch" i said laughing a bit. winter also laughed. "you look really nice" she said looking at my makeup and hair. "thanks...ok guess what meadow did this morning" i said. "what..." "so i woke up to see her in my room for some bullshit reason and she hit me with her bag so i fought her" i said "oh shes got some balls. i know how much you hate her...do you still have the hots for my brother?" she asked "yeah..." i said "dont worry i wont tell." she said walking closer. "i know you wont" i said smiling "well i should get going...ivy will be here any minute now..." she said backing up "ok then be safe" i said turning around and going out front. i sat on the porch with my coffee. kai has a really nice yard its so clean and the flower bed is beautiful. he has some really good yard guys. i finish my coffee and go inside to clean my dish. i lean over the sink as i wash my cup. "got a nice ass Y/N" i heard a familiar voice say. i turned around to see samuels looking at me, leaning on the island. "arent you gay?" i said "im not gay im masculine" he said a bit pissed. "sooo you like dick up your ass but your not gay? so...winter is masculine cause shes gay?" i asked "mind your manners" he said "mind yours and stop staring at my ass before i cut your dick off" i said pulling a knife from the drying rack. "what the fuck" kais voice over took the room "what the fuck? uh WHY the fuck are you everywhere!" i said looking at him "my house" he said "not rea- yeah its your house" i said realising i was about to cross a personal line with kai. he sighed a bit before leaving me and samuels alone again. i set the knife down and left to go to my room. i pulled out my phone and decided to just scroll on instagram for a while... i heard a knock on my door. "come in" i said looking. kai peeked his head inside. "meeting lets go" he said before shutting it. i stood up and left the room and followed kai down to the basement. no one was there yet so i just leaned against the wall in my usual spot. "Y/N...c'mere" kai said. i walked over to him and waited for what he was going to say. "wanna help me with something tonight? its really easy" he said "so your giving me easy shit now" i said chuckling a bit. "well i thought you deserved a bit of a break from working with meadow...but if you dont wa-" i cut him off "i'll do it i swear any day ill do it" i said a bit eager
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therainningtown · 2 years
I Wish I Could Stay:
Summary: A fight ruled out against the Devildom and Celestial Realm. After many arguments, Mc joins the fight.
Within this may include:
Talk of death, injury, war of some type, blood, and some spoilers. (Let me know if I should add any.) can be apart of the discarded angel series if ya want. This is also an au of sorts.
Realize that I’m not a professional writer. So some scenes may be poor quality.
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I’m doing this to get you attached >:)
The Attic Club Sandwich:
Holding three people
Those three who hold each other dearly.
Though they have different personalities that at first glance wouldn’t mash.
It worked out in a way.
And soon found an kinship.
Soon Mc and Beelzebub/Belphegor went a step further into the kinship, finding their true feelings.
But after a while, it seemed like.
God was never on their side.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” You finished packing your supplies when you were asked. Sighing, “Yes Belphie, I’ll be fine. Why do you think I have healing supplements?” You took it out your bag and shook it.
“It’s just…” “Angels can be cruel? Especially to the one you love?” “Yes…Exactly that.” He nodded along while you sadly frowned. “Belphie, I can protect myself alright? Trust me for once, okay?” He hesitated before checking on his brothers through his eyes.
“Okay.” “Thank you, and don’t fret. If I need help I’ll call one of you!” You smiled before hosting the bag on your shoulders. Before actually walking away, you felt a soft pull on your wrist. You hummed before seeing a fluffy tail holding gently, to avoid the spikier parts.
“I’ll come with, just in case.” Belphegor stated as you grinned. “I just can’t win with you huh?” He nodded and giggled. “Don’t worry Belphie, You guys are never getting rid of me.” You stuck your tongue out in teasing.
“And you’re never getting rid of me either.” “Of course. You’re the youngest so you’re the most annoying.” “Hey!”
*Huff* *Huff*
The soft crunching of grass were audible as two pairs of boots rushed across a fringe and into the field. “You think we lost them?” Belphegor huffed as you both continue to run. “I don’t know but better safe *Puff* then sorry.” You wince as you felt your ankle hurt from the sprain you endure while running.
“Mc, slow down.” “You’re going to end up hurting yourself like that.” You hobbled before completely stopping. “Sorry, adrenaline rush I guess.” The gentle waves of breeze was the only thing felt. The sounds of heavy breathing and the grass moving were the only thing heard. Which caused some paranoia. Belphegor swung his head around to see an figures but none so far. “We should be good.”
*crunch* jolting, you both looked frequently to see anyone around. “Shit. Do you think they found us.” Opening his hands sharply, claws formed from his nails. “Maybe, keep yourself on your toes.” “Alright.”
Searching, and soon discovering that no one is seemingly present. “Guess a stupid bird crunched something.” Belphegor shakily sighed, “We should head out and find one of your brothers.” “I heard that Beel is going to meet up with Asmo.” Nodding the soft crunches continued as you walked the grass.
As they trailed, the static noise of a walkie-talkie soon emitted, “We’re heading to lake forue, if one of ya can meet us there. Would be appreciated.” “Is that..?” “Mammon.” “We’re heading that direction, we should be there in short.” “A’right.” Soon the static stopped as he disconnected. “Alright, next stop lake forue.”
“You think you can make it?” !! “I thought you said no one was here?” You gritted your teeth, “They probably hid or used their stupid celestial magic.” “What stupid traitors, first Belphegor who fell with his brothers and now you Mc.” You felt those words uttered in your mind. Like a speaker racking your brain numb.
“Hear it too?” Belphegor held his head tightly. Like to stop his head from exploding. “We gotta find that bitch, cause my brain is going numb here.” The grits of teeth and the taunts started hurting as it continued.
“Come out motherfucker! We know you’re here, so fight us!” Belphegor screamed out, looking at your surroundings no one seemed to be near. Probably up above, you thought. “Belphie they’re probab—AGH!”
“Mc..?” He really wished he didn’t looked at that moment. “M-Mc…”
*Cough* *Hinn*
*Ack* *Splatter*
“Mc! Hold on, hold on! What happened?” The sword in their chest pulsed as their sallow breaths quickened. “Shit shit. Shit!” Rushing forward, Mc dropped to their knees as their shirt stained with maroon.
“How did this? I looked away for one?!” Looking up, he saw an angel idly floating up in the sky nearby. “Y-you bitch…”
“Shit! Don’t worry Mc I got you! Lay down for me!” He gently moved them into a bridal hold and started to open their bag for any medical supplies. “Don’t give up on me now!”
“Pathetic really, the person with several pacts couldn’t protect themselves.” The angel sneered as they took out another sword. “I guess I could kill that cow? Would be better to have a double whammy.”
“What did you do?” They froze as they felt a deep breath moving their hair. “Well?” The angel started shaking as the voice grew in anger. “Th-they just got a little injured and I-I thought it would take—”
They felt a harsh hold on their jaw. Struggling, the figure snared, “What do you think is going to happen? After you harmed a close friend of mine?” “L-let me…” They muffled in his hold as purple eyes stared into their frightened ones.
“I think this punishment is required.” He threw back his arm and shot them into the forest. Trying to get their wings back on track. They flapped wildly, but before they got any clarity. A strong force caught them and dragged them into the dirt. “And I’m feeling a little famished…”
“Mc! Look at me, please!” His voice cracked as you tried moving. “I-*Hiinn* can’t. Hurts so much…” Tears cascade down your cheeks as the burning feeling became worse. “Don’t w-worry, I got your healing supplemen—”
“What…?” You saw Belphegor slowly placed his hand on the grass. “They’re not in there…” Your stomach dropped. “Huh? But if…am I actually going to…” “No! You won’t, I’m not letting it happen again!” He tightly hugged your neck, “I need you to stay calm okay…?”
You felt a simple nod in your neck. “Look At me Belphie.” You pushed a little before staring at his tear filled eyes, “That’s it…” you weakly smiled.
“We both know *cough* I’m not gonna make it. It’s too severe.” Belphegor bit his lip tightly, looking at your wound. He knew it hurt like hell.
“But promise me this…” you gently held his hand as you sniffled. “You won’t do anything rash, no skipping meals, hurting yourself or others. Okay?” He nodded before you sighed.
Leaning your head back, you both stared silently at each other for a bit. Taking in the details of your last moments with one another. ” I love you Belphegor…I love your brothers. I also love how goofy you guys get. Even Lucifer— oop. Don’t tell him I said that.” You heard a small chuckle as you smiled.
“I’m happy that I can still m-make you laugh. Even in a *ack* time like this…” Feeling a hand come up and lift you towards Belphegor’s neck, a tight embrace did help lessen the pain. “I-I…please don’t go Mc.”
“You…know I can’t stay…?” He stayed quiet, “Who will wake up me up in the mornings? Who will help Beel make food anymore…please tell me Mc.” You started to have a feeling of vomiting, “Just so you know Belphie… Go out there and find them, alright?” “It will never ever be the same though…” “But we still made memories right…?”
A simple nod, “That means you have stories to tell. *cough* *cough* You can tell so many young kids about those, though I know you were never a fan of kids…” You chuckled a bit, before moving away from the tight hug. “Just know…Even though Father won’t help me. I will still make it back to you.” “No matter what form I take…”
“I’ll still love you, Mc.” You intertwined fingers as you felt spots filling in. “And don’t ever forget about me…or any of us.” You gave your best smile. “I will never forget. Thank you…for making me…so happy…” Soon the darkness settled, your vision was none. Noting that it was seemly to be your end of life.
“Belphie! Belphie! Mc! Where are you?!” Beel ran through the forest as he retraced his steps. After seeing the display of injury he knew something was bound to happen.
“Mc?! I saw you get hurt! Are you okay?!” Rushing from the border of the field, he saw familiar navy hair. “Belphie…? Hey Belphie! Is Mc…alright…?” The crunches slowed as Beel’s steps stopped. “H-hey…Belphie?”
The blood on the grass, the smell. The whole area felt of death and sorrow. Just looking at it without prior knowledge, can easily signal that a death occurred.
“Mc!” Soon his twin fell onto his knees as he took in the full features of the decease. “Mc…? Mc! Hey, talk to me! Please!” He started gently shaking the body as Belphegor numb eyes stared ahead.
“B-Belphie…? Are they-? Did they-?” He felt the strange urge to vomit. Usually, he didn’t. Only the feeling of eating and upmost repulse at some foods. Never vomiting. “Not…I couldn’t.” Beelzebub moved the body into his hold.
“I’m sorry…Mc. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye.”
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
An Indecent Proposal-Chapter 17
A03,Prologue, Chapter 1,Chapter 2,Chapter 3, Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Interlude,Chapter 7,Chapter 8,Chapter 9,Chapter 10,Chapter 11,Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16
Daemon x Rhaenyra Multichapter AU:
Daemon leaves Rhaenyra at her wedding feast. Rhaenyra marries Laenor. After a year of trying to do their duty and produce an heir, Rhaenyra writes to Daemon.
She needs a true Targaryen heir.
It only needs to be an arrangement of business, she says. And it would result in Daemon’s child one day taking the Iron Throne.
Daemon accepts the proposal and returns to court.
Only, ventures like these are never simple. As much as they would wish to, Daemon and Rhaenyra cannot let go of the past, or the feelings they once had for each other.
123 AC
“Drink more wine, my love, it will help you sleep,” Alicent said.
Viserys obeyed. “You take good care of me, my dearest,” Viserys said, leaning to kiss her.
Alicent tried not to recoil. The benefit of Rhaenyra and Daemon being away at Dragonstone was that it had given Alicent ample time to bring her husband back under her thrall. But this also meant that she had to bed him every night and endure his attentions during the waking hours as well. Yet, she had still not managed to become pregnant again.
Viserys finished his wine and she kissed him again before returning to her own chambers. She idly wondered how many years this poison would take to work its magic. By now she understood more of her father’s intentions, but he had still failed to reveal all his plans to her. She simply knew she had to keep Viserys on her side.
There was a letter waiting for her when she arrived in her chambers.
You have been doing well to take advantage of our enemies being away from court. But you must continue to pray to be blessed with child again. Your rival has six children, whilst you only have four.
Aegon and Aemond have been gathering the allegiance of sellswords in the North and in the Vale. I continue to send them gold so they can properly arm those interested in supporting our cause. Tyland Lannister has been procuring pilfering the funds from the royal treasury.
I have received information from Dragonstone that the boy, named Aegon, is nearly identical to his elder brother. Once they return to court, you can use this to spread doubt. If we can get Viserys to realize that Rhaenyra has given birth to five bastard children, he will surely dismiss Daemon as his Hand and make our Aegon his rightful heir.
Start spreading your whispers now.
Your Lord Father
Alicent burned the letter and cursed Rhaenyra as she did. She would punish that impudent bitch for naming stealing her son’s name.
Criston Cole appeared some time later, eager to do her bidding. He always was, so long as she spread her legs for him. Keeping him on her side demanded certain sacrifices. After their encounters, however, she drank moon tea. She would not produce another bastard. Though it did occur to her that continuing to sleep with Criston while taking moon tea could jeopardize her chances to have another child by Viserys. So she sent Ser Criston to spread her message throughout the Seven Kingdoms and return at the end of the year.
He gladly went after a swift coupling. She sent for her moon tea and swallowed it down. With him gone, she would be free to focus all her efforts upon Viserys.
When Daemon and  Rhaenyra returned to King’s Landing, they received a grand welcoming feast. They presented Aegon the Younger to Viserys and the king declared him delightful.
The lords and ladies of Westeros congratulated them on their swift blessings. But they started whispering to one another when the proud parents turned their backs. Rumors about Rhaenyra’s children had started to circle again. And with Prince Aegon looking almost identical to his elder half-brother, well, suspicions were confirmed.
On their second night in King’s Landing, Jaela, their loyal and unofficial Mistress of Whisperers stole into the Red Keep and took the passage leading to Rhaenyra’s royal apartments.
The young woman was not so easily intimidated, but as she looked at the Princess and the Prince Consort, she felt certain she would be punished.
“Forgive me for disturbing you, Princess, My Prince. Only highly concerning rumors would compel me to do so.”
“Jaela, as always, we appreciate your service,” Rhaenyra said kindly. “Now please, say what you came to say.”
“Queen Alicent and her supporters are saying that Prince Daemon is the father of your children. She means to tell the king that they are bastards in hopes that he will confine you to Dragonstone and send Prince Daemon to the Wall.”
Daemon laughed and Jaela’s eyes widened.
“That will never work. That stupid bitch is growing desperate.”
“Prince Aegon the Younger does look exactly like Prince Jacaerys,” Jaela said. “That is compelling evidence to many in King’s Landing. The small folk, of course, care not, for the Queen does nothing to curry their favor. But the minor lords who are allied with House Hightower are a different story. And I have heard rumors that the Master of Coin himself believes the rumors.”
Daemon snorted. “I can deal with the Lannister cunt. He is bitter that Rhaenyra refused to betroth Jacaerys to his granddaughter.”
“Thank you for bringing these rumors to us, Jaela,” Rhaenyra said, crossing the room to a chest and removing several gold coins. She gave them to Jaela and sent her away.
She continued to pace, though, twisting the fabric of her skirt in her hands.
Daemon rose and put his hands on her shoulders. “Surely you don’t think your father will believe the rumors.”
“They are the truth,” Rhaenyra said.
“Yes, but when it comes to his family, my brother is blind.”
“His loyalty is divided. Do you know how often I’ve had to read about Alicent’s kindness in his recent letters. She has drawn him back to her side in our absence, pouring her honey in his ears.”
“By brother is a cunt struck old fool,” Daemon said.
“We have to circumvent this, Daemon. We should tell him the truth. He will legitimize them, and then it will not matter.”
“Do you think that wise?” Daemon asked. “We would lose the support of some of the Lords.”
“These Lords swore their fealty to me. If they break their vows when the time comes for me to take my throne, then I will simply burn them as traitors and offer their children an opportunity to bend the knee.”
Daemon kissed her, long and hard.
“What was that for?” Rhaenyra asked, a little breathless.
“I love it when you are ruthless.”
“You are a bad influence,” Rhaenyra said.
“Mmmmm, the worst,” Daemon agreed as he kissed her again, and they lost themselves in each other. After, though, Daemon said, “If you wish to tell Viserys the truth, I will not question your judgement.”
“All will be well, Daemon, and do not act as though you do not wish to publicly claim our children as your own.”
Daemon could not fault his wife for making such a claim. He was weary of his five eldest being addressed as Velaryons, no matter how much respect he had for Laenor.
 “Lord Tyland Lannister is here to see you, Your Grace,” Ser Harrold said.
Viserys nodded and Ser Harrold opened the door. The Master of Coin entered the chamber and said, “Thank you for seeing me, Your Grace.”
“What is it, Lord Tyland?” Viserys said. His head was throbbing and his body was aching. His sleep continued to be plagued by discomfort.
“A most serious accusation has been heard from the mouths of many of your loyal lords and ladies. I am afraid in concerns Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon.”
“Tell me,” Viserys said, tiredly.
“Many believe that Ser Laenor was never the father of any of Princess Rhaenyra’s children. Prince Jacaerys and Prince Aegon look like brothers, not half-brothers.”
“Tread carefully, Lord Tyland. You are verging on treason.”
“I beg your pardon, Your Grace. I am simply reporting what I have heard from many of your subjects.”
“Daemon and Laenor are both of Velaryon blood. As is Rhaenyra. It is not shocking that her children by Laenor would resemble her child by Daemon.”
“But Your Grace, the Prince came to court and suddenly the Princess was with child. ”
“A mere coincidence. The gods work in mysterious ways.
“The Prince treats them as his own children.”
“As he should. Prince Daemon is now a father of six. It is natural for him to dote upon his stepchildren, who are in truth, his great nieces and nephews.”
Viserys cut him off. “I will not entertain notions such as these, Lord Tyland. Now leave me in peace.”
The man seemed to lose his courage. He bowed and departed.
“Aemon, some more wine, if you please.”
The silver haired boy rushed to do his bidding. Viserys drank deeply, enjoying the burning sensation of the wine and its strangely sweet aftertaste.
However, he was not meant to have an afternoon of peace, because not an hour later, Rhaenyra and Daemon unceremoniously entered his chambers. Their hair and clothing was slightly mussed and rumpled.
“I am tired,” Viserys said. “We can speak tomorrow.”
“Father, this is important,” Rhaenyra said, her voice steely. She had grown so much in the past few years, becoming more queenly and commanding with every passing moon.
“Very well,” Viserys said, taking a chair beside the fire and gesturing for his daughter and brother to join him. “What is it you need to tell me?”
Rhaenyra faltered for a moment. Viserys watched as Daemon took her hand. She seemed to draw strength from this simple act. “King’s Landing is filled with vicious gossip and rumors, but on occasion, the naysayers stumble upon the truth. Daemon and I have been lying to you, Father.”
“You have? About what?”
Rhaenyra looked to Daemon, who nodded. Rhaenyra took a deep breath and said, “Ser Laenor was incapable of fathering children. We tried for a year to do our duty, and when that failed, I begged Daemon to return to court. He is the father of all my children.”
Viserys gaped at them. Neither expression bore any hint of shame or regret.
“You cannot be serious. Ser Laenor claimed them as his children. They have his features.”
“They have Valyrian features,” Rhaenyra corrected. “That is why I asked Daemon to father my heirs. After Alyssa and Jacaerys were born though, we already loved each other too much to to be parted. Laenor knew the truth. He carried on his own affair with Ser Qarl Correy. Unfortunately that ended in tragedy.”
“This cannot be,” Viserys said.
“It is true, Brother,” Daemon said, speaking for the first time. “But that does not change the fact that they are true Targaryens. The line of succession goes through Rhaenyra. It does not matter who her husband was. They are legitimate.”
“The realm will not see it that way.”
“Fuck the realm. You are the king. Defend your daughter and her children. Our children.”
“By doing what, exactly?”
“Naturalize them. The king’s word is law. Allow your grandchildren to take the Targaryen name. It is their birthright.”
“Please, Father. I know this is difficult to hear, but my children are innocent in all of this. They do not deserve to be the subject of vicious speculation.”
Viserys groaned. He could not believe that his family had been deceiving him for all these years. But his beloved grandchildren were innocent, and for all their flaws, he loved Daemon and Rhaenyra. Alicent would be furious. She would claim that Rhaenyra deserved to be punished.
But the blood of the dragon ran thick. After all he had done to hurt his brother and daughter over the years, he could not deny them this request. And hiding from the rumors would only make the consequences more difficult and dangerous.
“Very well,” Viserys said. “I will naturalize them all. It is my fault that you wed Laenor to begin with. Had I known then what I know now, I would have blessed your union.”
“Thank you, Father,” Rhaenyra said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Daemon thanked him as well, though Viserys could see the words pained him.
“I do not require thanks for doing what is right. The House of the Dragon must stand strong. Now please, leave me to rest. We will need all our strength to face court tomorrow.”
“Muña, why do you look so concerned?” Alyssa asked.
“Remember the serious discussion we had at Dragonstone?”
Alyssa did remember. “Yes. Why?”
“The King knows the truth.”
“But he is our grandsire,” Alyssa said. “Won’t he protect us.”
“Yes, my little dragon, he will,” Daemon said, joining his family in the courtyard. “But you will have to be fierce and strong today.” This, he said to all of his children.
“Like you and Muña?” Alyssa asked.
Daemon nodded and kissed his daughter’s brow. “Yes. You will have to be an example to your siblings.”
Alyssa nodded, and straightened her ebony and scarlet gown. Then she surveyed each of her siblings. After a moment she said, “We are ready, Kepus.”
They filed into the throne room, heads held high, save for baby Aegon, who was being held by his mother.
Alyssa took note of how the amassed crowd surveyed them with intense expressions. Alyssa mimicked her mother’s proud, undaunted expression and took Jace’s hand. As always, her brother was her strength.
Their grandsire, King Viserys, sat on the Iron Throne, with Blackfyre in hand. His Green Queen stood to one side at the foot of the steps, an ugly expression on her pretty face. Alyssa recalled her father’s name for the woman, though the word was not ladylike.
Viserys stood and called for silence.
“I, Viserys Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, welcome my grandchildren to the Red Keep.”
Alyssa raised her chin and caught her grandsire’s blazing eyes.
“Princess Alyssa Targaryen,” Viserys said. As she had been instructed, Alyssa approached the throne and knelt before the king.
“Prince Jacaerys Targaryen.” Jace followed suit.
“Prince Lucerys Targaryen.” Luke copied his brother, though appeared distinctly nervous.
“Princess Visenya Targaryen.” Visenya, bold and brash as her name sake, even at the young age of four, knelt before the king, her amethyst eyes blazing with pride.
“Prince Joffrey Targaryen.” Joffrey toddled up and joined his siblings.
“And finally, Prince Aegon Targaryen.”
Rhaenyra and Daemon joined the line of children.
“They are all true Princes and Princesses of the Realm. They are the blood of the dragon.”
And people in the hall began to applaud, though Alyssa noticed that not everyone appeared happy. Still, the court honored her and her siblings, and Alyssa knew that they would be treated as true born sons and daughters. She also knew, though, that those who disapproved of her mother would work to discredit them. She could tell by the grave expression on the Queen’s face, and her emerald green dress. Her children, Helaena and Daeron were dressed in green as well. It was such a stark contrast from the colors of House Targaryen that it had to mean something.
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
The Sea for Two (Leviathan X MC) Pt10
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers.
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9
Warning: Swearing, Mention of Vomiting, and Violence
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“You were a blood admiral of hell! And yet you’re more useless than the moron and the bitch whining by the side!”
The voice screamed in his head again, causing Levi to flinch again, surprising Beel “Are you okay?” Levi quicks looks at Beel and sheepishly smile while shaking his head for ‘yes’
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine…” He got to do something to feel that he’s not useless. “Don’t worry Beel, we might eat harpy tonight. But I promise that tomorrow will be different” Just for Beel but also for himself.
Day 2
“No one is coming for us here!!!”
“They abandon us, just like father did!”
“Fucking Asmo you went too far! Damnit!”
Satan, Beel, and Belphie watch as Mammon and Asmo are running on the beach screaming like maniacs with Mammon using his shirt as a flag to grab the attention of anything flying above them.
“I should’ve gone with Lucifer and Levi. At least I get some hunting-”
“Don’t joke about Satan… It's bad enough that Beel had to eat Harpy last night. But I don't want it to turn into some sick running joke while we’re here.” Belphie cuts off Satan. He held a little resentment for what happened last night.
“Sorry…” Beel said in a whisper feeling guilty for his hunger causing discord with the others. But something else is making him feel unese.
“Not your fault, I… I can’t help it. Just thinking about our situation frustrates me to no end. Plus I only meant it as an inner thought rather than saying it out loud.” Satan is cynical at times, but he knows that he needs to act rather than say anything to sour or make things uncomfortable for everyone. 
Belphie on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel at what Satan just said. Sure he’s blunt at times, but there are times he doesn’t want to think of things like Beel’s hunger making things harder terrifies him….
Before Belphie goes further down his dark thoughts and idea of what's going to happen. He suddenly got hit with a coconut causing him to fall back and on to his back. Beel moves quickly and helps Belphie back up. Satan turned his head towards where the coconut came from.
And his face changed from shock to a mix of displease and disappointment, when he saw Asmo on top of Mammon while strangling him. Then Mammon rolls and now is on top of Asmo, grabs a fist full of sand and immediately rubs it on to Asmo’s face, he screams and curses at Mammon before biting down on his older brother’s hand. Now it's Mammon's turn to scream and they keep on fighting.
All the while, Beel is holding on to Belphie, stopping him from running over to his brothers and ripping them a new head.
Lucifer and Levi went back to the area where they all woke up from. “Can you uh… sense Leh’s demonic aura?” Levi asks while crouching and looking around on the ground for any signs of Leh being here.
“It's too faded to get a good reading on. Added the aura from the Harpies is messing with my sensory” They were bred from old Ancient Harpies for this island to specifically pseudo prison guard for this island.
“I’m more surprised that Leh found a way out of this island in the first place.” Levi got up, before looking up and noticed that it was past noon. “Lucifer, we should head back-” Just then, Levi noticed something at the branch of one of the trees nearby. He quickly moves and climbs up the tree as fast he can, hell adrenaline kicks in for Levi. There he homemade Ruri-Chan keychain you made for him. 
It must’ve fallen off from his phone, when they all dropped here from the portal. He reaches out to grab it when suddenly a Harpy pops up from the tree leaves shrinking at him which scared the shit out of him, causing him to let go and fall from the tree and land on his back.
Lucifer saw everything and moved quickly to Levi's side, he helped his brother to sit up “Anything broke?”
“Yeah… all good-Wait! My keychain-” Levi pauses and watches as the harpy with the keychain in its talons flies away. He had a look of shock on his face before turning into a devastating one and hung his head low before dropping down on his knees.
Then a flash of a memory on the day you gave me that keychain appeared in his vision. You smile and hand him a cute and tiny box, he opens it revealing the Ruri-chan but it was different, you had an anxious look on your face as you told him that you made it for him. He starts teary eyes and happy pout before engulfing in a warm embrace. Then the memory turns gray before it vanishes and Levi is now staring at the ground stunned.
All Lucifer can do is get Levi back up on his feet again before walking him back to the camp.
Back at the camp
“Satan, why don’t we have sun back home at Devildom?” Mammon asks as he stares out to sea.
“Satan, are we Immortal, if not when do we start aging?” Asmo asks as he leans on a slowly boling Satan.
“Satan, if the demon lord chose our names and you became the youngest, would you be okay with it?”
“Satan do you consider Lucifer as a day, if so… it's almost father's day-”
“FUCKING SHUT UP!!!” He pushed Asmo off, got up, and walked over Mammon  “I had it! Do something productive and make some beds or something and stop asking and judging my existence!!!” He took a deep breath and exhaled before turning his head around “First, No! No matter what I’m still Fourth and I WILL NEVER CONSIDER LUCIFER AS MY FATHER!! HIS MY OLDER BROTHER LIKE YOU AND LEVI. MAMMON!!”
“I could say the same thing, though I’m still on the fence for Mammon’s spot as the second oldest and strongest among us.” Lucifer and Levi emerge from the woods with Lucifer supporting Levi by his shoulder.
“Hey! You take that- What happened to him…” Mammon looked at both Lucifer and Levi, and saw the dull and heartbroken look on Levi’s face. “Oi Levi.” But the third born didn’t respond, only looking down with a blank expression.
“He’ll be fine… just depressed.”
“That’s not a good thing Lucifer!” Asmo tells his brother and walks over to Levi. He helped Lucifer set him near a tree and let him lean on it. “Levi~ hon, everything okay?”
“Levi, it's just a keychain-Gah!” All of a sudden Levi wrapped his tail around Lucifer’s neck and hoisted him up until his feet left the ground before slamming him at the tree when Levi was leaning on. Lucifer grabs on and tries to pry Levi’s tail off of his neck, he glances and stares at Levi with his iris turn serpent like. 
“I’m not in the mood, Pride! Now Leave him be!!” Levi shuts his eyes and groans while grabbing his head, before opening his eyes back, blinking a couple of times than looking up and insteadly be shocked to see Lucifer being choked by his tail. He quickly let his tail go and let Lucifer drop back on his feet. “Sorry! I’m sorry!! I… I didn’t mean it to!! I- I don’t know what came over me-” Levi starts panicking and breathing heavily.
Mammon and Asmo just watched it happen so fast that they didn’t have a chance to react and stop Levi. But they did see the sudden change that Levi showed.
“It's fine Leviathan- Levi. Just take a breather.” Lucifer didn’t look back at Levi as he stood up and turned towards the camp.
Asmo looks at Levi and mutters that it wasn’t his fault before following Lucifer. Mammon stayed, watching as Levi grabbed his face, turned and leaned his back on the tree before sliding down. He grants in disappointment. The waited away from the brothers until nightfall
Dinner was quiet and tense, Beel and Belphie took charge on looking for dinner, but all they could find was fruits but for now it will do.
Belphie is shocked to see Mammon sitting next to Levi, and with the latter just stare at his food.
Beel was looking at Lucifer and Asmo, who the latter is awkwardly eating.
Once dinner was done, all of the brothers went to sleep, except for Lucifer who stood up and walked away from the others and the camp set, and aimlessly walked down by the beach. He was deep in thought about what his action was going to be. 
What happened to Levi and him hours ago is just a taste to what’s to come. Even if he's still under the effects of the blue lotus. It seems that this island not only nullifies their magic back but also taps in their inner demon, the monster they kept locked away.
So far, all Lucifer can expect is sudden outburst from their demonic side. The Lotus are still in their system so a likely chance of any of them transforming is slim… for now. 
Lucifer estimates that he and his brothers have at least a month before they need to consume blue lotus, otherwise this spells disaster for all of them.
Lucifer stops and lets the waves hit his feet, the cold water grounds him and wakes him from his deep thinking. He needs to stay in control. He has to.
Day 3
Lucifer decides to today, he and his brothers take this whole thing seriously. He ordered Mammon and Beel to make a hut/roofing so that if there’s any rain coming they’ll be prepared for it. While he orders Satan, Asmo and Belphie to gather wood, food that will last for days and anything that can collect clean water. He would ask Levi to help. But he was nowhere to be seen.
Mammon and Beel had to rebuild the hut eight times to make it too top heavy and the support beam too thin.
While with Satan’s group they ran into Harpies four times all because of Asmo and his whining for being tired and too pretty to sweat.
Fortunately they manage to finish what they set out to do. All but Beel and Lucifer pass out under the hut and immediately fall asleep.
Lucifer asks Beel to wait for Levi, and if he hasn’t come back within an hour wake him up so they can go and look for him.
Eventually Levi did come back, he told Lucifer that he was looking for Leh around their area. Unfortunately all he found was Harpies. But Levi in truth was just avoiding Lucifer as well, feeling guilty about yesterday. Might as well look for the demon who got them all there.
But after half the day searching, Levi decided that this was fruitless, and he needed something else to be useful for his brothers.
Lucifer was awake when Levi explained his reasoning to Beel and he knows that was a lie but he can’t blame Levi.
Day 4
Levi was the first one to wake up, the sun isn’t out yet. But he figures that he gets a headstart with fishing.
Unfortunately it wasn’t easy, it took him an hour to make a fishing rod. And even then it took him two hours to catch his first fish and it was a small sardin.
Levi is on his knees, head hung low over the small fish he caught, he lammanet at the fact that he failed again…
“Oi! Levi this is where ya at!” Mammon calls out as he runs towards his brother. “What ya been doing?”
“Fishing…” Levi sounded like he just wanted to let the harpies peck him to death. 
Mammon tilts his head and looks down to see what Levi caught, he blinks before bursting into laughter. Levi looks up with a deadpan expression. “Just crawl in a hole and die, Mammon!”
“That thing is sooo tiny! Like your-”
“Maaammmooonnn!” He flinches back, and quickly turns to see Lucifer standing behind him with a makeshift ax in his hand. “I thought I told you that you’re in charge of chopping down trees for firewood!” Lucifer shovels the ax in Mammon's hand making him almost drop the dangerous tool.
Then he walks over to a depressed Levi “Why do I fail in everything…”
“Because you give up so easily Levi. Instead of using a rod which requires time and patience which you don’t have.” Levi felt worse, a pout across his face showed it to Lucifer  “Why not spearfishing?”
“Spearfishing!?! Hey yeah, let me go with a spear and my awesome arms- No! Lucifer looks at me! I can barely carry something heavy! And you expect me to throw a spear at fishes!”
Lucifer sighs in frustration he doesn’t want to do this, but Levi leaves him no choice. 
Maybe it is all the stress or how he and Satan are the only one who are actually doing something. Which made Lucifer not in the mood to entertain one of Levi’s sulking episodes. More so he needs Levi to step up, in some weird way this is Levi’s element, not because they're by the sea. Is because Levi is trained in this.
He just needs a reminder.
Lucifer quickly took the ax back from Mammon, the latter was shocked when he saw Lucifer swing the ax at Levi.
Before Mammon could act, Levi moved quickly like instinct and stopped Lucifer’s arm by grabbing him by the wrist. Levi’s eyes widen then look at the ax. He quickly let go of Lucifer’s wrist. “See! You still have your reflexes and reaction time.” Lucifer gave the ax back to a stunned Mammon.
“That’s… I mean… How-”
“You might be an Otaku at heart. But that will never replace the fact that you are a demon. Not just a demon, a former admiral of devildom and the third strongest brother. I need you to step out of your comfort zone and back to the mindset of a demon. Y/n is waiting for you, do you really want to let them down all because you can’t caughts a goddamn fish!” Lucifer's speech is like cold water washing over Levi, he just stood blank face there uncertain what to say or do anything. All he can do is let Lucifer’s words sink in.
“Lucifer…” Mammon spoke quietly, it seems that Lucifer's speech had an effect on him too. At the same time he can feel that Levi needs some space “Let’s get back to the others. I think Asmo needs yer help” 
Lucifer got all what needed to be said to Levi, it is all up to his brother if he wants to do something after hearing all of that.
Not uttering another word, Lucifer turns and starts heading back to the others with Mammon following behind but before glancing over his shoulder to see Levi still standing there, blank face. He hopes that this didn’t ruin his brother's mind. 
Meanwhile in the camp, Asmo was put in charge of making beds. And he's doing a poor job at it. Lucifer knows that he can, it's just his motivation isn’t there.
He would’ve put Belphie in charge of it. However Belphie refuse to listen to Lucifer, not after their discussion on whether or not they need to hunt for for more harpies just to keep Beel’s hunger under control. That where Belphie lash out at both Lucifer and Satan. 
Saying that they treat Beel like a beast that needs to be caged. He took Beel and stormed off to the woods to find more food.
Satan was assigned to get a better bearing of their surrounding area, that way they know what they're working with.
All that Satan gathered is that this island is filled with plants and trees that  long to believe were extinct or were just myth in the human world. Though he only explores the area near the beach for the day.
Once back at the beach, he immediately frowned to see Asmo only made two beds out of palm leaves. It was noon and that’s all Asmo did. 
After walking around for six hours and this is what he came back to.
He was about to rip Asmo another, when off the side in the distance he spotted Belphie walking towards the camp with a makeshift bag made from his and Beel’s jacket over his shoulder filled with what Satan assumes is fruits and other edible things.
Belphie saw Satan, he scowled and huffs before turning his head in disgust. He set the bag down and started putting all the food in one spot next to Asmo who was more focused on finishing the beds due to the fact he can sense Satan glaring eyes on him the moment he got back.
Satan stood next to a crouch Belphie. “Belphie, where’s Beel?”
“Gathering more food, I’m just setting these before heading back to him” Belphie answered as cold as possible. He's pissed off from earlier.
“Well at least you’re doing something useful for once” Belphie eyes widen, whip head up and glare at Satan. Who is unphase from what he just said. Or it seems on the surface, in truth Satan just realized what he just said. But choose to keep a stir face. He has no idea what he just said that was supposed to be just his thought.
“The Fuck you just say prick!” Belphie quickly stood up and grabbed Satan by the collar. Again Satan’s expression stayed stir. 
“Okay that’s enough!” Asmo moved quickly and got between the two. “We are all stressed and not in a good mood.” Asmo knows that these two will rip each other apart at any moment. They might have the same goal of being a thorn to Lucifer's side. But in truth these two are their worst enemy. Both are clever and cunning which is why they bud heads at times.
Now on this island where having some sort of effect on all of them isn’t helping.
Belphie huffs and turns around “Tsk, whatever. I’m going back to Beel. At least he didn’t wake up just to be dick to everyone” He started to walk back where he came from.
Once Belphie is out of sight, Asmo smacks Satan on his arm. “What the hell was that! Are you trying to piss him off even further?”
That’s when Satan’s shoulder dropped and he sat down on the sand with his head hung low “No. It just came out of nowhere. I wasn’t trying to piss him off”
Asmo anger turns to worry. Satan is not the best when it comes to his sin. Yes he does have some control, but when something sets him off that’s when he quickly snaps and rage.
Asmo sometimes forgets that Satan is just as valuable to his sin like the rest of them. Yet he is still the most mature one out of the rest of them. That’s why it's important that Asmo be his brother to lean on. Otherwise Satan might be the first one to fall under the island’s spell.
Levi decided to take Lucifer’s words to heart and try. 
He’s in the woods looking for something to help him to make a spear. So far he found a couple good and sturdy branches for the base of the spears. Now all he needs is something sharp.
That’s when he heard someone gagging close by.
He slowly followed the sound and saw that it was Beel, leaning on the tree, bent over and vomiting a thick blue ink-like substance. “Beel!” Levi rushed to his younger brother's side and started patting his back. 
Once Beel stop vomiting he mumble “I’m sorry”
“Don’t… maybe is something you ate-” 
“Beel… Levi?” right then, Belphie shows up. His confused look drops when he sees Beel leaning on the tree. He drops everything and rushes to his twin. “What happened! Did you eat something?!?”
“Nothing… just felt nauseous” Beel slowly pushed himself off the tree. “I’ll be fine.” He kicked some dirt into his vomit.
“Alright. Just tell me if you feel anything, okay.” Belphie turns to Levi “Keep your mouth shut about this especially with Lucifer and Satan.”
Levi gave Belphie a shock look. “Belphie you can’t hide this. It might be serious-”
“Lucifer is just going to treat Beel like a monster!” Belphie yells as he slowly shifts to his demon form, and gets up in Levi’s face. “Say anything, and I will hurt you” Levi’s looks at Belphie in shock. Did he just threaten me? What Levi immediately thought of.
Beel quickly grabs Belphie by his shoulders and pulls him away from Levi. “Belphie No!”  He knows that Belphie is not in a good mood, anything will set him off. He shrugs of Beel’s hands off of him, he grunts shut his eyes tight
Belphie clenches his fists in frustration. He quickly shifts back and turns his back on Levi and starts walking away from his brothers.
“I don't know what happened… But Beel I’m more worried about Belphie at this point.” That whole thing just happened in under a minute. Levi needs to get back on track. If he tries to annoy Belphie or tell any of the others. Things might get heated again.
“Sorry Levi, I’ll see if I can calm him down.” Beel pat Levi’s shoulder and start tailing Belphie.
All Levi can do is keep an eye on the twins. He’ll know when to step in when needed.
It was nightfall, and Levi found perfect rocks to be the tip of his spears. He decided to make his spear in camp and start fishing tomorrow.
Mammon was incharge of dinner, as he cooked the meat that Lucifer and Satan got, he was still hesitant about eating it. However, fruit wasn’t enough for him. At least for tonight. He felt like he needed to eat something that isn’t plant.
Lucifer and Asmo finish up a hut for all of them to sleep in while Satan goes out to look for Beel and Belphie, who have been seen since this morning.
Levi manages to make three with the fourth one his finishing tying the sharp rock tight to the base that he smoothen from the branches he found.
“And… Done!!” Levi jumps up as he raises the spear up in the air triumphantly.
“Great, now help me with the cooking, would ya?” Mammon has already cooked 15 pieces of meat over the fire. He still needs to cook 20 more so that everyone can eat and it satisfies Beel’s stomach.
“I’ll help you Mammon, Levi I need you to go and find Satan. It’s not like him to take this long” Lucifer told him, his getting this feeling that something bad is about to happen.
“Oh… alright” he nodded before heading to the woods with a spear in hand.
Lucifer watches Levi before looking down and sees all the spears he made. Lucifer picks one off and heads towards the other side of the beach.
“Hey! Where are you going!” Mammon yelled, but Lucifer kept walking.
But all Mammon hear from Lucifer “Hunting”
All Beel can do is watch and call out to Belphie, who is beating the crap out of Satan.
He wasn’t sure when they started to fight, all he can remember was he wasn’t feeling good. Belphie watches over him like a hawk as the two of them start collecting all the food they gathered. But when it's time to carry them. Beel tried to lift the two bags of food, but when he didn’t have the strength to lift it off the ground, he let go and collapsed on the ground.
Belphie quickly moves to Beel’s side and tries to ask in a panic if he's okay but all that Beel's heart is ringing and Belphie’s voice is muffled. Beel doesn’t have the strength to say anything. As his vision starts to blur. That’s when a figure approaches them Belphie stands up and it looks like he is begging the figure for help. After a couple of seconds Beel’s vision slowly clears and he can see the figure was Satan.
Satan walks and crouches down next to Beel, he tries to ask Beel. But he can’t quite make out what Satan is saying.
At this moment Belphie is getting impatient with Satan, he asks to help his twin, but instead Satan is playing 20 questions with his ill brother. But that’s what his mind is telling him. For whatever reason, Belphie is slowly losing control of himself. All the worst thoughts he had about Satan just came flooding his mind, it didn’t help that he still made amends for what happened this morning.
Add on how Belphie sees what Satan is doing right now irks him. With no little warning Belphie shifts to his demon form and quickly grabs Satan by his shirt and just tosses him to a nearby tree.
Even if it happened so fast, Satan got up quick, shifted and immediately lunged at Belphie. Tackling him away from Beel.
He gasps and quickly turns on his stomach, looks up to see Satan and Belphie throwing punches at each other.
Belphie kicked Satan off of him and into a tree, he quickly got up and lunged at a recovering Satan. Cause the two of them to stumble into the woods. Beel call out to his brothers before crawling towards where they went to.
Crawl further into the woods, before stopping when he heard Satan growl from the otherside of a couple of trees. Beel musters what’s left of his strength to grab on to a nearby tree to help him get back on his feet.
He maneuvers around the trees almost tripping, when he finally makes it to where Satan and Belphie are fighting. Beel stopped dead in his tracks when he saw how bloody his brothers were. And looks like Satan almost got Belphie’s right eye. There’s a big fucking claw mark from his forhead fortunaly over his eye lid to his cheek.
Beel looked closer to why Satan was holding his arm and he saw that it was bleeding with multiple bite and claw marks on it.
Beel has to stop them before they’ll kill each other. At that moment, before Satan and Belphie took a step forward. Levi arrives and jumps in between the two. “What the hell are you two doing?!?!”
“Fucking stay out of this Envy! This is between me and Wrath!” Beel’s blood ran cold when Belphie spoke with a deeper voice. As for Levi his eyes widen and suddenly memories from the past resurface. 
The sea finally settled down and Leviathan successfully sank another ship. As he enjoys his feast of the dead bodies floating in the water. On the nearby beach, another demon watches him eat. 
Leviathan notices from under the water that a dark purple fog is forming above the water. Sensing another presence he resurfaces to look around his surroundings he saw a demon on the beach. 
He had a face of a bull and his hind legs are that of said animal. His front arms are that of a bear. His eyes are dark purple with bangs covering his right eye.
Leviathan senses danger he hiss and expands his side fins on his face to show the unknown demon that he is not playing around. But the other demon just chuckled at him, which infuriated Leviathan; he dova back into the water, to attack him from the water. But when he emagre from the water. The other disappeared from his spot.
He looks around to see the demon laying on his stomach on the rock on the water.
“This is your last warning, little one!”
“Little one? Oh I never hear you calling me that Levi~”
Leviathan’s eyes widened when he heard that name he long forgotten. Only his brothers call him that. The brothers who forgot him and let him wander at sea, alone.
“How dare you!” The sea reacts to its master's rage. As the waves start to get more violent. The other demon quickly jumps off the rock and back to the beach. 
“You're lucky that I found you Levi! Otherwise you’ll be lost at sea for eternity.” He moves closer to the water where Leviathan is at shore. He hiss at the other demon as he gets closer to him. “We have to work together, Envy.”
“And why should I! Last thing I remember is that I was doing fine all by myself before you got here!”
“Now, now. No need to be hostile towards family. You don’t see the others around don’t you. That’s because they sent me.”
Leviathan knows that it's full of shit. All he can do is chuckle and fold his fins, before turning his back on the other demon. “Next time think of a better lie-”
“Leviathan! You son of bitch!” The demon of the sea’s eyes widen as a familiar voice can be heard above him. He expands his fins before aggressively looking up and hiss. There is a saw flying around him is another demon with white feathers his wings are attached to his arms and his head is that of a crow. 
Leviathan has a feeling that he knows this demon too well.
All of sudden everything went black-
Levi suddenly got hit right into his face, snapping him out from his daze, sending him flying towards a nearby tree breaking it in half from the impact.
Belphie quickly turned his attention back to Satan and lunged at him. Until he was stopped by Beel who threw his arms around his twin, which caused both of them to fall onto ground.
Satan was about to take one step when a spear almost stan his foot, he looked towards where it came from and saw a stoic look on Levi’s face.
“Satan enough!”
It has been a long time since Satan saw Levi this serious, more so the feeling of inmenation, his sense of his brother like this. Something in his head is whispering to listen… for now. So Satan did that and shifted back to human form. “Happy?”
“No” Satan, Beel, and Belphie stiff while Levi’s stocaism quickly drops when they all hear Lucifer’s deep and umamaume tone above them.
“Wow! What happened here!” Mammon said as he, Lucifer and Asmo were hovering over and looking down on their brothers. As all three touch the ground, Mammon was the first one to move and head to the twins while Asmo to Satan. Lucifer just observes the area before landing his sights on Levi who is staring at the ground in a confused and shocked expression on his face.
Lucifer can sense his younger brothers are in conflict within themselves, and all Lucifer can do is to make sure they don’t lose themselves from the sides they work so hard to keep locked away.
Dinner was tense and awkward for everyone, Satan and Belphie ignored each other. Beel barely ate, which is fortune due to Mammon not finishing cooking Beel’s share, however this worried Lucifer.
Beel is a victim of his sin, if he doesn’t eat and is forcing himself to starve this spell trouble for him.
“Beel, at least eat something. I only see you playing with your food.”
“I… I don’t feel like eating tonight” He hands his leaf plate to Belphie before getting up and heading straight to the hut.
“What exactly happened?” Lucifer asks with a hit of anger in his tone. 
None of them spoke, Asmo was about to but a warning glare from Satan stopped him from opening his mouth.
Lucifer frustratedly sighs before standing up. “Well if none of you will tell me. Don’t come crawling to me when something bad happens to Beel” with that Lucifer left the campfire and headed to the hut.
“He doesn’t need your help, you pretentious prick” Belphie mutters before getting up and leaving as well. Satan grants before getting up followed by Asmo and Mammon.
Levi watches all his brothers leave, before looking back at the fire and watching the fire consume the wood and ash spark float up before disappearing into the night.
Even this quiet and somber scene helped him not think about what he recalled while he was trying to stop Satan and Belphie from killing each other. Levi knows for a fact that his demonic side is trying to stir him up.
Well he's not going to let it happen, he made a vow to not let that thing out again. And he swore on it.
Later that night all of the brothers are asleep, when Beel starts to feel pins in his stomach making him quietly groan in his sleep. And then he heard a voice in his mind.
“Eat…eat… eat…eat…and change” 
Then the pain suddenly stops, and Beel sighs in relief. Little does he know he subconsciously shifted to his demon form in his sleep.
Tagging: @luciferwifu
Okay, this was suppose to have some silly moments. I'll do it for the next part :D
Thank you for being patient with me. My writing mood has been in the ups and downs as of late but I think I'm getting back in the grove of things again. Next thing is the last part of warm and cold blooded fic.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
A/B/O AU where Feanor and all his sons are alphas
Maglor was certain that his eldest brother was up to something. For one thing, there was that smug look on his face. But also, Maedhros had been asking their brothers for various things. None of the rest had put it to together, but Maglor made a habit of watching his older brother. As the two eldest alphas they were natural rivals, and with Maglor's gift for song and Maedhros's for convincing speech they competed in public opinion as well.
Maedhros had been careful, asking for one or two things at a time. He'd gotten rope that Amrod wove, supposedly for making a new lead for his horse "So nothing that will scrape up my hands if he pulls." He'd asked Maglor if his practice room was really that good at preventing sound from escaping, and Maglor had demonstrated (with Maedhros outside to note the quiet and so he couldn't trap Maglor, Maglor was no idiot.) Amras had a herd of goats that he had caught from the wild himself, and had asked for tips on how to get a dumb animal to relax around you. (Celegorm rather cheated, being able to speak to them.) Maedhros had gotten sturdy leather gloves from Celegorm, and tips on how to tie up a lover without injuring them from Caranthir, and finally a ring gag from Curufin.
The last item was what made the conclusion unavoidable. Maglor had asked Curufin if he had any reluctance over fashioning such a device, but Curufin had shrugged and said, "He gave his word not to use it on me. I suppose it's tough luck for whoever he has his fun with."
Maglor confronted Maedhros the next day, on a terrace where they could be seen but not easily overheard. "You're going to bitch someone."
Maedhros didn't deny it. "I want an omega, and you know there aren't enough."
It was true; born omega males were rare. So much so that some people thought them fake, and anyone claiming to be so was a bitched omega who had run away from his alpha. Most alphas married females, never getting to experience the rut triggered by an omega's heat, or remained alone.
"So you plan to kidnap some poor random elf and keep him in my music room for a month?"
"Don't worry, I have a plan to make it faster. An I already have someone in mind."
"An alpha you'll need to tie up and force his mouth his open?" Maglor wasn't surprised that no one had volunteered to have their body and emotions so thoroughly rewritten, but there were practicalities.
"Yes. He's worth it."
"They're going to miss his absence at court, you know."
"Hardly, he never attends."
"Nolofinwe will still notice his son's absence, and I'm not going to cover for you."
"Nolofinwe - you think I'm planning to bitch Fingon? I've told you a dozen times, we're just friends."
Maglor sighed. "Well, whoever else it is, Father will be happy about that at least."
Maedhros smirked. "He may be afterwards, but not at first. I'll enjoy his reactions very much, though."
Maglor was stunned. "Are you serious - he's our father!"
"He'll be improving the lives of his sons, it's very appropriate. And he appreciates it when all of us work together for one cause, it's very appropriate."
"You getting an omega by tricking the rest of us into giving you supplies isn't very much like cooperation."
"No, which is why we can all share him."
"Does that even work? If you bitch him, he'll be too repulsed by my scent to suck on my knot."
"Omegas hate the scent of strange alphas. If we have seven alphas bitching him, he'll recognize all of us as his mates even if he hates it."
"Curufin will never go along with doing anything against Father."
"Perhaps, but if we show him Father already fucked out and horny, he won't want to be left out."
Maglor hummed as he thought this over. "So, what's our plan?"
Maedhros hid his amusement at how quickly Maglor had gotten on board with the idea. "The two of us and Celegorm the first night - you and I will come up with a reason for Father to go in the music room, and Celegorm will need little convincing. I'll bring Caranthir and the twins the next morning, once he's too worn out to fight as much."
"It would take a lot for Father to be too exhausted to fight."
"True, but with seven of us to keep him busy, he'll have at least one cock knotted in his holes for days straight. That much alpha cum should bitch him within a week, and send him straight into heat as well."
Maglor paused a moment to enjoy the mental image of his father - his future omega - sweaty and covered in cum and still desperate for more. "I suppose as eldest, you're going to demand some special privilege over him?"
"Just that I'm the first one to fuck his new pussy when that opens up. You all can take turns after, and I don't care who sires our father's grandchildren."
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chocoenvy · 2 years
hey bestie, just a quick sec of your time. do you mind if i do a personal rant? if not then that’s completely okay and you can delete this.
so i’m on a vacation with the fam. it’s two weeks long (first week over yay!!) and im so fucking done already. im with my dad, stepmom, brother, and sister. me and my siblings love with my mom and go to my dads for visitation every other weekend. so this is the longest time the five of us have spent together straight in possibly 12 years (that’s when my dad and step mom got together).
but basically when my dad suggested this i knew i should have said no cause we’d drive each other crazy and yet i didn’t, so that’s kinda my fault. but i just found out that technoblade died the day after he passed and i didn’t want to seem like some sort of freak in front of my family for caring so much about a total stranger. so i’ve kinda been preventing myself from mourning for the past four days(?). idk i haven’t been keeping count.
well anyway we all sat down for dinner and i made the mistake of calling my dad a “bully.” i didn’t do it on purpose i just was talking fast and we were all laughing and making jokes and i just said it and didn’t really think much of it. but my dad stormed off then came back to yell at me. or at least i thought it was at me, but for some reason it was at my stepmom and it ended with her leaving and my dad going on for about ten minutes how she was a liar and manipulative and i wouldn’t ‘take her side’ (this was because me and her had hung out with each other that afternoon) if i had known the things she said about me on text earlier that day at breakfast (we’re in a different time zone and i suggested we confirm the hour with an employee so we didn’t miss out on our very expensive excursion. she and my dad had an argument and he left so she got mad at me and showed me the googled time for where we are. then said something about me not trusting her and texted my dad calling me a something something bitch. idk what it was i don’t care).
well anyway we ended up leaving the restaurant and my dad had reminded me that she had said so many horrible things about me that morning and in the past when she was mad at me. i said that it was fine since i’m used to it so it’s okay. he then told me it just makes me go to my room more at my moms (not true, i’ll explain why i do that later). which wasn’t even related to my response but pop off king ig??
well i get back to the room and decided it was finally time to watch technos goodbye video and it finally fucking broke me. i just started crying about an hour and a half ago and i couldn’t stop. you see, i have maladaptive daydreaming, and techno was kinda one of the people in my little mind world(?). he showed up a lot in the form of the older brother i’ve never had. and i kinda grew extremely attacked to him, so it was like mourning not only a star i admire but also an older brother (not really sure how to explain maladaptive daydreaming relationships. but basically just think of it like your imaginary friend dying except your brain has convinced you that they’re a real person that you actually knew and grew with and spent time together. it’s like you live in two different worlds at once if that makes sense).
then my stepmom walks in mid cry and starts angrily ranting about my dad. apparently he wants a divorce after the whole bully fiasco so i think it’s my fault. and she starts going off about how he’s abusive and she can’t do anything about it cause she’s doesn’t want to deal with to leaving him. but she’s always been one for dramatics and i love my dad so i can’t confirm this it’s too confusing. (i don’t think he is? or at least it’s not physical and i don’t think he’d do it on me or my siblings? idk what i’m supposed to look out for) and she asks me if i remember something from six months ago and i say no (i’ve just recently started to recognize a pattern of memory loss wherever there’s been something like this in my life). the she tells me that my dad and gotten so mad at me and thrown something so loud that our neighbors had to come ask if i was okay. and for some reason the fact that i have no active recognition of an event i’m absolutely certain happened not by her account but by a part of my brain that’s so far back i can’t even visualize the memory is freaking me the fuck out. like why can’t i remember the bad things? i had finally just remembered that i used to hold my baby sister when my parents would yell and stare up at the skylight in our room wishing for it to stop. you’d think that be hard to forget right?? wtf else am j forgetting?
also, my dad went to jail for 6 months in 2019 and got out like a week before covid started (yay. they would’ve kept him in there otherwise). and at that time i was depressed and suicidal and no one knew. like at one point i was actually gonna off myself but i’m a coward and would only do it by pill but i can’t swallow a pill (luckily ig? it doesn’t feel lucky) so i never actually went through with it. and the only reason i remember this is cause i have the argument with my mom that led up to this.
and fuck i’m so confused rn. i’ve never cut myself but i’ve been thinking about how i wish i had a blade but i don’t since we’re on vacation and i can’t get my hands on one rn. but we get back in a week so maybe then?? i’m scared.
i just wish all the fighting would stop. i don’t think my dad and stepmom are going to divorce. i can’t tell you how many times they said they would and never have gone through with it. but if they did this time then it would be my fault right?
but i mean i guess that’s okay as well? i don’t really care if anyone hurts me or blames me for stuff like that. im used to it so that makes it okay.
is it even okay for me to miss techno like this? it feels like im being disrespectful for caring this much for a total stranger even know i don’t see him as one.
god im so sorry you actually had to read this. i know it probably doesn’t make sense. i’m sorry. fuck i’m sorry.
i know you probably don’t want to respond to this, but please. i just want a hug. i don’t care if it’s over screen, i can’t tell my friends about any of this anyway. please can i have a hug? i’m sorry i’m crying again so my emotions are all over the place.
i’m 17 and sometimes i read some of your works for comfort, so i apologize for seeing you as a safe space. not that people shouldn’t!!! i’m just oversharing my personal life and it’s probably uncomfortable for other people to see.
if you reply i guess you can call me bully anon?? since i think i’ve been the biggest bully tonight lol. i don’t really think i could come up with a pretty anon name rn. i feel like shit.
oh, and since i think i don’t say it enough. i love you. from the darkest parts of my heart, i love all of you.
TW: suicidal ideation, abuse, self harm, dysfunctional family
this is long and heavy
hi, baby, im sobbing??? there's so much i want to say just know first and foremost you are very deep in denial, very deep in your hate for yourself. You're not giving yourself the basic human respect you deserve. You deserve to be treated like a person, you deserve to be respected. Even if its from your family, even if it's from people that have hurt you, even if its from abusers. Just because their behavior is constant doesn't mean its normal nor right. You don't deserve to be treated someway just because it's how they always treat you. You deserve better.
I'll be addressing things in the order you brought them up, just so nothing gets too confusing <3 Just know that through this whole thing I'm giving you the longest and best hug I can, even though its through a screen.
first, it's not your fault for all of this happening. You wanted to go on vacation with your family, you wanted an experience, you wanted to get out and do something. You were offered it and you took it, it's not your fault everything went to shit.
I'd like to mention that you're not a freak for loving a content creator. Of course, loving a content creator is very different from loving a friend, but think of all of the people in the same situation as you that are mourning Techno. You wouldn't call them freaks, so you shouldn't call yourself a freak. These are the emotions you're feeling, you can't pretend they don't exist. You can mourn, you can cry, you're not a freak and you're not disrespecting him.
Also, taking sides is fucking stupid, it's their fight you nor any of your other siblings need to be involved in it nor taking sides. They can handle it themselves, they're the ones in the relationship, they don't need to be dragging anyone else into it.
I believe what your dad was doing is a common manipulation tactic, I am in no way a professional however I do have very similar experiences. They tell you all of this horrible stuff the other is doing to get you on their side or turn against them. I can relate, it happens all the fucking time. My solution - considering the fact i can't cut contact with them and can't exactly do anything else - is to never take sides. If they're throwing around why the other is worse, trying to justify themselves to me, I brush it off and say I hate them both. They don't stop, but it provides a solid stance. they can't say im picking sides, and saying more to me becomes a fruitless endeavor. I hate them both, and nothing they say will change that. It's a sucky solution and doesn't work very well, but it's better than being pulled and pushed around in their fights all the time. Also what your step mom did was a very shitty thing, she shouldn't get angry at you for being cautious. She could've just told you "Oh we could just google it, here." And that be the end of it. You were trying to be responsible, she had an easier solution, but she got angry. She shouldn't have done that, nor should she have talked shit about you to your dad. Nor should your dad have brought that up later to try and get you angry at her. You're better than that, you didn't get angry like they did.
I do know that if it was my kid and someone talked shit about them I'd be angry at them. The fact that he instead tried to get you to go after her instead of doing it himself is very shitty.
I also maladaptive daydream, though mine is very weird compared to all of the other experiences i hear about, I understand what you're talking about <3
I'm very sorry that your step mom complains about your dad to you :( That shit hurts and gets tiring. Parents are supposed to be role models, strong pillars you can rely on. But when you only ever hear about all of the stupid shit they've done, it makes your parents the opposite of what they should be. Throwing around divorce is very childish, especially in front of your kids. They should be handling this privately and like adults, not to you - their kids.
Also, forgetting things is a trauma response! Idk if it's common but it happens. When smth traumatizing happens your brain blocks it out and forgets it ever happened. It's very scary realizing that there are things in your childhood you don't remember and wondering if there's more. Wondering if you'd been hurt before and don't remember it. It's terrifying. Just remember to take your time with it. It's scary hearing something that happened to you that you don't remember, it's scary wondering what else could have happened. You have to acknowledge this and move on, because there's not much else you can do. You're at a very unstable place in your life, frankly I don't believe you'd be ready if there was something in your past that happened to you. You can handle it later, you can handle it when you're older and ready and you can take it slow and steady when you're safe and secure. The best thing you can do for now is to now worry on what might've happened, focus on the now. You can worry on what might've happened when you're ready and in therapy.
Listen to me when I say it is a very lucky thing you didn't have the means to hurt yourself. It's still a very lucky thing you still don't have the means to hurt yourself. I am very glad you're breathing, I'm very glad you haven't hurt yourself. It doesn't matter what you think, the millions of excuses for why you think you should've hurt yourself, I am very glad you didn't. I'm begging you to please not hurt yourself, it's hard I know but please don't. You don't deserve that, there are better ways to handle your emotions. You don't need anymore anger and desperation taken out on you.
If you feel the urge to self harm, take a cold ice cube and put it on your skin and/or put it in your mouth, focus on how cold it is, focus on the sting. Take a red marker or pen (any color but red is better) and mark on your arm just go ham on it. If you need to, just fucking destroy something (SAFELY!!!). Write all your thoughts on a paper and tear it to shreds, take all of your anger out on it and tear it and drown it until its unrecognizable. You're angry, you're sad, you want to cause some damage, you want to get rid of your feelings, you want it to end. Harming yourself won't help anything. Your feelings are still there, nothing will change. Please, don't hurt yourself <3
Your dad and step mom have been fighting for a long time from what it sounds like, they've threatened divorce so many times. Shit sucks, but that means they've been fighting for much longer than this fight. Just cause they had one fight and you were dragged into it, doesn't mean their possible divorce is your fault. It means that they finally had enough of each other. Its their relationship, you shouldn't feel at fault because they can't handle what they got themselves into.
Remember what I said, you deserve to be respected and treated like a human <3 Just because you think you're awful and should be used to this, just because you think you can suck it up and deal with it because it's been happening for so long doesn't mean you actually can. It's so fucking tiring dealing with all of it, you don't deserve the constant fighting, you don't deserve being blamed for things that you can't control or things that are your parents' fault. Give yourself a break <3 shit hurts, and you shouldn't be hurt all the time, you don't deserve it and you can't handle it. That's okay. Nobody can handle being hurt and blamed for things all the time, it's okay and normal. You deserve better and you can acknowledge that without being selfish. It's okay <3
yes, it's okay to miss Techno. He had a massive impact on your life, and now he's gone. You're acknowledging the fact that the way you view him is odd and that you don't want to disrespect him. You're acknowledging that you didn't know him but you still care about him. You're taking the right steps <3 Allow yourself to mourn him, mourn the person everyone lost. The characterization of him you had, the one you saw as your older brother, is not Techno. Do not mourn him, he is not dead, he was never real. Mourn Alex, the person that was alive and did not know you but you knew him. He is real.
Stuff like that is very tricky, but you seem very self-aware. You're acknowledging all of the nuances and the fact you don't wish to disrespect him. I'm not too sure about the right steps to take, the correct response - if there even is one - I just know that you're doing very well.
I also apologize, this was also all over the place and very personal. I have experience with the things you're going through, for a second i thought i was reading my own thoughts. I almost cried, thank you for being here <3 I am honored that you think of my works as a safe space, and I hope things get better for you.
You can always reach out if you need to, whether through dms or asks. I love you <3 and I am very very proud of you for going through so much and being strong enough to be here still. You're doing amazing and you will be okay, you've already gone through so much I believe in you. You'll be okay <3
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Titanic (1997)
Although it doesn’t quite contend for a spot as one of my favorite films, Titanic certainly stands out as a beautiful film with stunning cinematography and thoughtful use of bold colors, as well as a fairly engaging plot to keep the audience’s attention. I can certainly understand why some people obsess over this movie. If I had to choose a favorite part of the movie, I would probably pick the scene where Jack says “It’s titanic time!” and spins the captain’s wheel, ultimately causing the ship to hit an iceberg and sinking the entire boat. Here I will provide a short list of my favorite aspects of the movie:
Cinematography: I think the movie did a really good job of using interesting camera angles. It uses several wide shots to show the size and beauty of the boat, and a lot of quick cuts and lower angles during action scenes to convey suspense and adrenaline. This is definitely one of the movie’s biggest strengths and it helped keep my attention throughout the film’s runtime.
Use of color: The film was very tasteful with the way it used color and filters to contrast different scenes. The romantic scenes used warm, bold colors while the sadder and more suspenseful scenes used very cool color palettes, which emphasized the progression of the story and helped evoke strong emotions from the audience. This is definitely a common James Cameron W.
Plot: Although I didn’t find the characters to be the most interesting people ever, the plot is still fairly solid and adds to the movie. I hate to say it but sometimes it’s more fun to watch a boat sink when Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are smooching every 30 minutes or so. I think they could’ve made the characters a little deeper considering they had 3 whole hours to develop them (trust me I’ll get to that) but overall it was still a fun little love story. That being said, I think it was a little rude of them to make Jack’s preppy ass steal Rose from Cal. Considering Cal is the only man in the entire movie wearing edgy e-boy eyeliner, it definitely sends a message that emo boys don’t get bitches, which is a harmful stereotype that plagues our modern discourse. This only reinforces my belief that e-boys are the most oppressed group in society.
Creative Liberties: I think generally speaking, the areas in which the film differs from the true events of the Titanic are justifiable and only add to the movie. I don’t think the part of the movie where Jack lifts up Rose on the bow of the ship would’ve hit the same if a crew member pulled up and said “sorry guys no passengers are allowed up here”. It just generally made the movie more beautiful and none of the changes really minimized the tragedy that occurred in real life. The only choice I found a little odd was when Jack said “rip bozo lmao” when the captain’s quarters flooded and drowned the captain, but I can certainly see what James Cameron was going for with that scene so it didn’t bother me too much. Overall I didn’t dislike any of the unhistorical additions to the film too much and I think they are all understandable.
Generally speaking I liked a lot more aspects of the movie than I disliked, but there are still a few small points that I think are worth mentioning that made me like the film a little less:
The Runtime: 3 hours and 15 minutes. My Brother in Christ is one eighth of an entire day. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always dislike long movies and I think they can be justified in some circumstances, but it’s still difficult to sit still for that long regardless of how good the movie is. I liked Titanic and all, but after 3 hours I felt like if I ever heard Leo DiCaprio’s smug ass voice again I’d punch a hole through my TV.  I don’t think Titanic necessarily made terrible use of its runtime, but I still think they could’ve done more with the characters during that time. Maybe give more insight into Jack and Rose’s pasts or something, or maybe make Jack and Cal kiss #pride idk. It’s just that if I need to take 2 bathroom breaks during a movie I want it to be really worth it.
The Music: Don’t get me wrong, I thought the music during the movie was overall really good. However, what pissed me off is that they sampled that one Celine Dion song so much throughout the movie but NEVER played the part with vocals. She goes absolutely ape on that song you can’t just cut that part out. Bro I want Celine Dion just absolutely belting My Heart Will Go On while the boat sinks that’d be so awesome why didn’t they use that part of the song. Mr James Cameron please you need to fix this.
Overall, I liked a lot more about the movie than I disliked. I understand why it’s a classic and it’s definitely a movie I would rewatch at times. So long as you have a good attention span and some snacks on hand I’d definitely recommend watching it if you have a free afternoon; there’s a lot to enjoy about it. Maybe make it a date night or something idk. After some deliberation I ranked it at #27 out of 92 on my list of every movie I’ve seen, which is actually really solid considering it placed right below My Neighbor Totoro and Full Metal Jacket. 
Final Score: 3.5/5 stars. You should watch this movie I like the part where they’re on a boat
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