#but the karaoke bits from everyone are just chef’s kiss
somebluemelodies · 3 months
thank you baghera for giving us extra clips of cellboier singing together that was everything i needed and more
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Meddling, Menswear, and Magic - by @writcraft
Harry/Draco (2022, Mature, 18.7k)
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
“Being unhappy seems like a good enough reason,” Harry says.
“Maybe I deserved to be unhappy for a while.” Draco meets Harry’s gaze and there’s a raw, open intimacy in it that makes Draco’s stomach flip.
I can’t believe I got obsessed fell in love with another fic as soon as I posted my 2022 wrap up, what is even my life 💀 I haven’t written a proper rec in 84 years and actually felt a bit anxious posting this but whatever, you only live once (or until Jan 3rd when I get back to work) etc etc. As a general rule I prefer not to rec ongoing Fest fics but I guess every rule needs an exception, right? I just didn’t want people to waste any time before checking this and closing the year with a single rec feels quite auspicious :) and maybe this will prompt MA to reveal themselves to me because I’m ready to kiss the ground they walk on
I’ve said before that my reccing process comes in waves and requires the kind of passionate frenzy that urges me to write while reading the fic, which I happen to experience very rarely nowadays. This only shows how much this story has affected me. Muggle Draco, found family, meddling Snape friends, coworkers to lovers, karaoke nights (!!!), master chef Harry, this fic has everything I adore and delivers every single detail masterfully, with heart and intent. Simply put, I am blown away. Not only by MA’s singular ability to reach inside my mind and tick my every box, but also by their build up and characterization skills, coming up with charming, fleshed-out characters and a delicious brand of playful banter that made my heart beat outside of my chest from their very first interaction at the Ministry. The unrelenting banter was so excellent and entertaining I could cry - I surprised myself giggling so many times imagining their faces while delivering those lines. Gotta love a sassy couple, peak romance!
The premise itself is unpretentious yet brilliant, bringing Snape back from the dead to articulate things and push the boys plot together. His presence is clever and powerful not only from a plot perspective, but also to help us understand a bit more about post-war Harry and Draco, as they take the responsibility for his legacy by continuing his research work. There’s a lot to unpack between Draco’s fierce loyalty and Harry’s resigned determination to see this through. But despite all the emotional depth, the vignette style, smooth pacing and light tone make it hard to believe this is almost 20k; it feels both longer and shorter, I’ve read it in one breath and was left aching for more.
The characters voices are also delight - this still snarky but also civil, restrained Draco offers a fabulous POV, and learning about Greg & Luna and about “new, older Harry” as perceived by him was an absolute joy. I’m desperate to know more about this Harry with his mellow and jaded persona, a tad mysterious and off-kilt but still lovely and lovable. I found him both charming and intriguing, in Draco’s own (again, top notch) assessment, a peculiar man indeed. And Draco is so thirst for him I could barely hold my excitement omg the tux fitting scenes are so deliciously laced with sexual tension! Their chemistry is off the charts and I melted alongside Draco at Harry’s intensity and single-minded focus. Trust me when I say the M rating is sexy enough!!!
On that note, something unique that I particularly loved about this story is how organically everyone interacts, characters often breaking tension at awkward moments with incredibly perceptive gestures or lines (e.g. the conversation with Ron or when Harry helps out in the kitchen on their first date). That made me feel even more immersed and close to the characters. Something about the way they see each other, open and tentative, gives the otherwise simple exchange an interesting nuance of tenderness and intimacy. Masterful writing 😔🤌🏼
Ugh, I can’t believe I found yet another 2022 favorite on the very last day of the year. I wish MA could have seen my face as I read their fic because I am certain the feeling of pure joy and wonder was written all over it. I haven’t felt this bubbly about a fic in a long time, it was the kind of story that gave me renewed hope to see 2023 as an open canvas, a year full of possibilities. Writing this rec took me over 45 min and nothing was able to wipe the smile from my face. I can’t thank you enough, my dear MA, for giving me such a special experience today of all days. This fic will always hold a special spot in my heart for it. Happy New Year!
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
I loved this chapter. Malec in the beginning and sexy Anakin Skywalker. Chef's kiss.
But, christ, I have so much rage at David this chapter, some of which he definitely doesn't deserve.
“Is this why you haven’t been eating properly?” David asked him. Max managed a nod. “How long?”
This made it into the show. Doesn't that mean the entire freaking world would look at how ripped Max is in present times and just be like, yeah that dude has been going through a crisis. Cause you know the obsessive fanfic writers would be psycho analyzing everything!
“Yes,” David smiled. “Eat, mon ange.”
I'm terrified of whatever happened to make you into who you are now David. But for now I kind of hate you for not being who you used to be.
It was a rose-beige suit.
“That’s why I say it thrice,” Max said again and kissed his lips. “Because it’s a critical command for me. I need to know you hear it every time I say it. I need to know you’ll remember.”“I’ll remember,” David promised.“Good,” Max smiled.
Cue my very violent sobbing in the middle of Christmas karaoke.
This was why he should go to therapy on a regular fucking basis. Not just once a month. Not just when he was pushed by the fucking court to do so.
YA THINK?!?! Goddammit!! Get your head out of your ass and figure out your shit!
Cue me screaming and kicking over a chair.
“I don’t want to go back to him,” Lance told him.
Fucking listen to him.
Lance snorted at that. “What if?”
Oh God, not good, not good!!
“Jesus,” he groaned. “Just let me die already. Fuck.”
“Lance told me,” Max said quietly. “Congratulations.”
You just carried that ring around every moment didn't you? And you're actually letting it go.
“I didn’t say yes.”
Why the fuck did you do that David? Do you not understand that you're hurting him? Just marry the toxic substitute and fuck off.
“Why did you get the ring back?” David asked.
You, sir, are an idiot. I'm sure the trauma didn't help.
“Max,” David whispered, his voice broken. “You’re crying.”
So what? You gonna write about it?
“Are you okay?” David asked, his voice barely audible.
As if you care? As if you can even let yourself admit that you do.
How dare you try to stop him?! You don't get to see his tears.
“I don’t know why you date him or what you like about him. But if it’s because he’s like me, at least a little bit, then don’t do it."
If Jaden was even a microscopic amount like you Max, he wouldn't have gone near David with a ten foot pole. Jaden is pure selfishness, you're anything but.
“I ruined your life once. Don’t let me do it again.”
Yeah, and he went and made millions off of it while exposing your vulnerabilities to the entire world.
“You didn’t ruin my life,” David gasped out loud.
You've been doing that all on your own for the last decade David.
He walked away.
How does it feel David?
Ughhh, I know, ok, I know. My anger at David is not fair. David didn't do anything wrong by choosing to leave Max. Max fucked up and David did what he had to to survive.
It just hurts seeing Max alone and enduring a panic attack without the love and support he needs while David builds a home and raises their sons with Jaden. While David is profiting from their love story and not honoring the people that were a part of it. Its easy to hate David because of this.
Especially since it feels like the only reason they're not together anymore is because Davis chose to leave and not try to fix things with the person he actually loves. Instead he's choosing to live this sad half life and drag everyone down with him.
I agree. It's easy to hate David.
And if you notice,that's what everyone (in the story - and outside the story) seems to be doing as well.
But the thing is, it's not easy to get people to hate you, especially people who loved you and respected you. You actively need to make an effort to get hated on by the people you love, because they will excuse you behavior or rationalize it. It almost sounds like David is making an active effort to remove himself from Max and his family.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Plank All Over Me - Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Plank All Over Me Masterlist
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“Welcome back to Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts.” James Cordan said to the camera. “I’m here with Tom and Y/n Holland.”
“Oh my God.” Tom looked at you with wide eyes as you both thought the same thing.
“He introduced us.” You realized. “We can’t do our bit.”
“You’re my wife now, darling. You get to do anything you want.” Tom stated at he looked at James. “James, we’re actually Dave and James Franco.”
“Who’s who?” James humored you, well aware of the way you and Tom acted in interviews.
“I’m clearly the James.” You mumbled as you smoothed your dress.
“Dave is more attractive.” Tom shrugged sassily and you made a face at him.
“Can we start the game?” James playfully interrupted and you and Tom sat up straight.
“Yes, sorry.” You nodded as James began to explain the rules of the game. You’d seen the bit enough times to know how to play, so you tuned James out a little. You didn’t mean to, you just had a lot on your mind lately. There was something you needed to tell Tom and you hadn’t found the right way to do it yet.
“The first question is for Y/n and since I love her so much I’m going to give her the hot sauce.” James smiled wickedly as he got the hot sauce in front of you.
“Mmm.” You said sarcastically and grimaced at the camera.
“Who got the drunkest at your wedding?” James read off the card before looking at you. You pursed your lips as you thought about the answer before chuckling.
“Probably Tom.” You laughed as you pointed at your husband who was sat across the table from you. His face lit up with laughter as he folded his arms.
“Yeah, I was gonna say. Ryan Reynolds and I had a drinking competition that I definitely won.” He said smugly, making the audience cheer.
“I never imagined I’d be standing by Blake Lively’s side on my wedding day, screaming “CHUG” at my husband, but I’m glad it happened. You made me proud.” You said to Tom with a fond pout on your face.
“Aw.” Tom held his hand over his heart as you stared at each other lovingly.
“Gross.” James deadpanned, making the two of you laugh.
“Next question is for Tom and I am going to give you the cockroaches.” You said as you spun the table. “Love you, honey.”
“It’s looking at me.” Tom gagged as he picked up a cockroach and quickly dropped it back in the little glass bowl.
“How dare that slutty, dead cockroach stare at you.” You joked. “Tell it you’re married.”
“I swear, you two are the strangest couple I had ever sat with.” James shook his head as he laughed.
“We get that a lot.” You and Tom said in unison.
“Okay, Tom, who is the most unprofessional Avenger on set?” You read off your card before setting it back on the table.
“Ooo. That’s a tough one since they’re all so badly behaved.” Tom clicked his tongue and the audience laughed gleefully.
“No, I’m joking.” He smiled at the reaction. “I’m gonna go with Evans because he’s pretty much a ten year old. Like, he carries around one of those tiny skateboards - what are they called?”
“Tech Decks.” You told him.
“Yeah. He carried around a Tech Deck and runs it over everyone’s arms when we’re blocking scenes.” Tom explained as he did the motion of the mini skateboard on the table.
“I have also seen him covered in Cheeto dust countless times.” You added. “He will straight up come to set with orange fingers. He is the opposite of Captain America.”
“I hate that. We call them Wotsitz in England and it makes me cringe.” Tom shuddered as he moved the table. “James, I’m gonna give you the bird saliva.”
“It looks warm.” James commented as he picked it up to examine it. “That’s so unsettling.”
“Ick.” Tom grimaced and picked up a card. “James, which guest would you not invite back to the show?”
The audience reacted accordingly and you raised your eyebrows at the host.
“I can’t answer that.” James held his hand over his mouth as he stared at the bird saliva in front of him.
“Then why do you get asked that in every installment of Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts?” You asked bluntly, making the audience laugh.
“That’s an excellent question and I’m going to think about it while I drink this bird saliva.” James looked you right in the eyes as he took a sip from the small glass. You cringed when he swallowed it and immediately went to take a sip of water.
“Ew. Is it thick?” You wondered as he coughed into his elbow.
“You don’t want to know.” James said hoarsely, shaking his head.
“Do I go now?” Tom asked, already forgetting the order of turns.
“Yes, you pick for Y/n.” James told him as he wiped his mouth.
“Okay.” Tom smiled deviantly and spun the table. “I’m gonna give you the turkey testicles because I know how much you love-“
“Tom.” You cut him off with a stern look.
“Turkey burgers.” He finished his sentence. “She loves turkey burgers.”
You squinted your eyes at him as he laughed devilishly.
“I’m about to walk out.” You threatened him once your fate was put in front of you.
“It’s not a true interview with us unless one of us threatens to leave.” Tom noted as he picked up his card. “Who do you think is the smallest Avenger?”
“Oh, definitely Mackie.” You answered confidently, relieved you didn’t have to eat the “food” in front of you.
“But he’s taller than me.” Tom tilted his head in confusion and your eyes widened.
“Oh you meant height?” You asked, fully misunderstanding the original question. The audience erupted into laughter and you felt your cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
“WHAT?” James asked as he wiped tears from his eyes.
“I thought you were asking about something else.” You said sheepishly as you shrunk in your seat.
“This is CBS.” He reminded you and you have an apologetic grin.
“Next question.” You requested, wanted to move on from your lapse in judgment.
“This ones for Tom and I’m giving you the salmon smoothie.” James decided. “Tom, how much did you get paid for Spiderman: Far From Home?”
“Enough to put a 20 karat ring on Y/n’s finger.” Tom response was immediate and you lit up in delight. You held your hand up to your ear so the camera could see it.
“With matching earrings.” You said coyly before letting out a laugh, all while Tom watched you with a childlike grin.
“My turn. I’m gonna give you the tarantula. James.” You decided and picked up a card. “Who was your least favorite guest on Carpool Karaoke?”
You held the card to your chest as you looked at him expectantly, knowing he’d never answer it.
“I can’t answer that.” He shook his head. “I have an answer but I can’t say it.”
“When you met Lin Manuel Miranda, did he bite his lip?” The words left your mouth before you could stop them. Tom burst out laughing at you, knowing exactly what you were talking about.
“Oh my God. She’s obsessed with that one picture of the guy.” Tom explained.
“It’s so funny. EUHYYYHY WE WERE MARRIED THAT NIGHT.” You imitated the countless singing videos of Lin Manuel Miranda you’d seen on Tik Tok that left you in tears of laughter every night.
“I hear this everyday.” Tom told James as you laughed at yourself.
“I can’t. I can’t. Sorry Lin.” You giggled again before calming down.
“Lin was perfectly lovely and we would love to have him back.” James brought the conversation back to the question. “I have an answer but I just can’t say who it was.”
“Then you better put that spider in your mouth.” Tom nodded towards the spider.
“It’s easy. I do it all the time. Wink wink.” You gave the camera an over exaggerated wink.
“Oh My God. Every time.” Tom scolded you as you made yet another innuendo.
“It smells horrible.” James whined as he leaned down to sniff the tarantula.
“Well it’s a dead bug. Were you expecting Japanese Cherry Blossom?” You sassed him.
“Oh God. Here we go.” James plugged his nose and took a tiny bite of the spiders leg.
“How is it?” Tom wondered as he watched in disgust. “Is it crunchy?”
“It’s gooey.” James told him before wiping his face with his napkin.
“I could’ve told you that.” You shrugged, causing Tom to give you a stern look that told you to behave.
“Stop it.” He couldn’t contain his laughter. “Who’s turn is it?”
“It’s my turn to ask Y/n.” James said as he looked around the table for what hadn’t been used yet.
“Fire away.” You said casually despite the butterflies in your tummy over what he could possible ask you.
“Okay Y/n, I’m gonna give you the grasshoppers.” You bit your tongue between your teeth as James moved the table towards you.
“Delicious.” You grimaced as you poked around in the bowl of grasshoppers.
“Y/n, if you had to date one of Tom’s brothers to save his life, which would you pick?” James read off the card and the audience murmured with anticipation.
“How would I get into that situation?” You stalled your answer, knowing you’d have to pick between hurting Toms feelings or eating a bug.
“And how do I prevent her from getting into that situation?” Tom added, making you laugh. He was trying to keep his cool but you knew the question bothered him.
“You have to answer the question or get to eating. Come on now, before they hop away.” James joked, making the audience laugh. You stared into the bowl of grasshoppers and knew there was no way you could put it on your mouth without throwing up. You gulped and looked at your husband, giving him an apologetic pout before looking at James.
“I guess Sam.” You said weakly and quickly moved the grasshoppers away from you.
“Why Sam?” James asked, always trying to get the best response he could.
“That’s not the question.” You quipped as you taped the card with your fingernail.
“I want to know too.” Tom spoke up, making your stomach drop. You shrugged and folded your arms to look relaxed.
“He was the first one that came to mind and I don’t think you’d want me to sit here and go over the pro’s and con’s of dating all your brothers. Plus, he’s a great chef.” You answered, and to your surprise, Tom smiled.
“That’s true.” He nodded. “Good job, baby.”
“Thank you.” You blew him a playful kiss which he caught and then pretended to throw away to get a laugh. You shot him a look before returning your attention to the table.
“Stop it.” You warned. “Who’s turn is it?”
“It’s your turn, Mrs. Holland.” Tom said, always taking the opportunity to call you that.
“Okay. I’m gonna give you the bulls penis.” You said lovingly as you moved the table.
“You’re too kind, my love.” He teased as it landed in front of him.
“I know. It’s my gift since you always give me the-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Tom cut you off. “I don’t even want to know how it ends.”
“Fine. I won’t.” You gave the audience a pointed look and they laughed at your antics. You picked up your card and read the question, immediately laughing at what it asked. You were about to read the question when an idea popped into your head. Tom noticed the way your expression changed and sensed something was up.
“Oh no. I’m scared already.” He smiled nervously as you looked at the card again. Finally, you looked Tom in the eye and gave him a soft smile.
“Are you excited to be a father?” You asked the question that had been weighing on your mind ever since you took a pregnancy test in an airport bathroom two days ago. You wanted to break the news in a memorable way, and constantly being on planes or in cars made that difficult.
This show, however, made it easy.
Toms face melted from a playful smile to wide eyes at your question. The audience quieted down as everyone waited for Tom’s response.
“What?” He asked slowly, studying your face closely to see if you were joking.
“That’s what it says.” You put it simply, makes Toms face shift into a smile. James took the card fork where you had set it down, knowing damn well his writers hadn’t put that as a question, and read it.
“This card says “how big is it?”” James read off the card as he looked at you, making you chuckle slightly.
“I took a creative liberty.” You shrugged. Tom and James looked at each other, both thinking the other was up to something.
“Are you pregnant?” Tom leaned closer to you from across the table to ask.
“You don’t get to ask a question until you’ve chosen what food I have to eat.” You reminded him as you gestured to the table.
“Not to make this about me, but It’s also not your turn.” James threw in a joke as he watched the drama unfold.
“Cow tongue.” Tom said quickly and shifted the table so the cow tongue was in front of you. He looked up at you with all the hope in the world as you gagged at the tongue. “There. Are you really pregnant?”
“Oof.” You blew out a breath. “That’s a toughy.”
“That’s a toughy?” Tom asked in exasperation. You could see his leg bouncing under the table from anticipation but you wanted to drag it out just a little longer.
“Yeah. I mean, I really want to tell you, but this cow tongue also looks really good.” You teased him, making him let out a whine.
“She’s got a point, there.” James nodded, squeezing your hand under the table to congratulate you.
“No she doesn’t!” Tom exclaimed. “Baby? Are you actually pregnant?”
You knew Tom couldn’t take the suspense anymore and broke into a grin.
“Yes.” You told him. “I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant.”
“Really? We’re gonna have a baby?” Toms eyes welled with tears as he covered his mouth with both his hands. He’d been wanting to start a family for a while now but you hadn’t had any luck in conceiving.
Until now.
“Yeah, honey. We’re gonna have a baby.” You reached across the table and rubbed his hand with your thumb before pointing finger guns at the camera. “Keep watching to find out who the father is!”
The audience, who had been busy cheering at your news, switched to laughter.
“She’s kidding. It’s me.” Tom assured the audience.
“He’s kidding.” You insisted. “It’s Benedict!”
“Congratulations to the both of you.” James said sincerely. “I think that just about wraps this up this segment. My producer is going to be very happy with me for getting that information out of you without even asking.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled at him as he leaned in to press a congratulatory kiss on your cheek. Tom finally broke out of his shocked state and got out of his chair, rushing to you and practically pulling you out of your seat to hug you. His hug was firm but gentle all at the same time, especially around your tummy. He pressed your face into his neck and you heard him sniffle, making you take his hand and put it on your tummy.
“We have about three minutes of commercial break. Excellent job guys.” James said as he got out of his seat. “That was definitely the best Spill Your Guts we’ve ever done. I might have to hire Y/n as a writer here.” He joked.
“Thanks for having us James. All three of us.” You said as you pulled away from Tom. Tom kept a protective hand on your tummy as you rubbed circles on his back.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant. I’m so happy for you both. That’s beautiful.” James shook Toms hand to congratulate him as well.
“Well when you plank all over someone and don’t use a-
“That’s enough.” Tom cut you off but kept his smile on. “That’s enough for today.”
You leaned into him and took his hand, kissing the back of it as you all walked back towards the main stage.
“Can you believe we met planking on each other for a video and now we’re having a baby?” You asked him.
“I know.” He shook his head in pleasant shock. “We should name our baby BBC, since we met at BBC radio 1.
“You suggesting that tells me you don’t know the other meaning of BBC.” You laughed as you took a seat on James’s couch.
“What’s the other meaning?” Tom looked at you in confusion. You laughed gleefully and patted Toms cheek, always delighted by his innocence.
“Oh, Tom.” You sighed. “I’ll let you google that one.”
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
BABES! What is she’s a little mix member and a cast member of Spider-Man 💀
YES! Hiya my love and thank you for the request💜 I’m honestly so obsessed with these Little Mix requests, I didn’t think people would like them, but turns out people love them! I’m totally obsessed with these AHHH! Happy reading darling😌
The girls aren’t really involved in this one, but they are mentioned💜 Heavy on the dialogue, I tried :)! This one’s more focused on Tom & reader:)
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(Gif from Pinterest)
For your first time being in a movie, you’ve hit the jackpot. Not many people can say that their very first project in the movie industry was with Marvel Studios. You’ve been lucky enough to be casted in Spider-Man: Far From Home, playing Amelia James, a classmate of Peter but was from another universe. Though that last part wasn’t established yet.
You were currently at Capital FM’s studios doing an interview with Roman Kemp, someone who you were very familiar with. Accompanying you were your cast mates, Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon, and Zendaya. You lot were currently on the press tour promoting the movie that was only days away from premiering in London. You were all laughing at Tom who has been retelling a story of him getting punched on set.
Though you’ve only met him a few months ago, you felt as if you’ve known the charming man since forever. A fond smile was set on your lips as you watched him talk animatedly into the mic. You felt a nudge beside you. Turning, you see Zendaya smirking at you. She’s caught on at how you looked at Tom, always teasing how when either of you looked at each other, your eyes would turn into beating hearts.
You playfully roll your eyes and nudge her back. Your attention is diverted from her when Roman calls on you, “I’ve been wanting to mention this from the beginning, but it’s odd to see you without the girls in the studio.”
You nod chuckling, “I know! I actually feel weird not having them with me here because I’m so used to doing everything with them.”
“How was that like? I know you girls are genuinely close in real life, so how was it being away from them for so long?” Roman asked you.
“Honestly, I felt a bit anxious not having them by my side all the time. I hate not being with them because they’re like my safety blanket.” You explained. On your other side, you saw Tom frown at you.
You quickly add, “Not that I’m having a horrible time with you guys, it’s just that I miss them a lot. Like I don’t have Jesy beside me to make jokes with or Perrie to mother me around, you know?”
“She’s lying, she can’t wait to leave us. We’re horrible.” Tom jokes looking at you with that cheeky grin of his. You sigh swatting his arm, “That’s completely false, I loved working with these guys.”
“Have the girls visited you on set?” You tilt your head in thought.
“Well—not really. We’re busy working on our sixth album so everyone’s been at the studio here in London. But we have called each other on FaceTime and texted almost everyday, so we were always in contact even when I was away.” You answered fiddling with the hem of your dress. Tom has known you long enough and been in many interviews with you to know that the gesture was something when you felt nervous. Discreetly, he inches his hand closer to yours under the table until his large palm rests atop your hand. You look at him and flash him a smile before turning back to Roman.
Roman continues with his questions, “I know the girls are very supportive, but what was their reaction when you told them you were gonna be in a movie?”
You feel Tom’s hand squeeze yours and you couldn’t help the smile that makes it’s way to your lips. “They were so supportive and excited. I was actually reluctant about accepting the role, but they literally pushed me to do it and I’m so glad they did. I’m truly blessed to have them in my life.”
“Yeah, thank God for Little Mix, or else we would have never met (y/n).” Jacob says into his mic. Zendaya let’s out a “YES!”, high fiving her friend in agreement. You laugh at the two’s antics.
“Aren’t you glad they pushed you to take the role? Now you have us in your life.” Tom proudly states smirking at you.
“No, it’s actually worse now because you’re in it.” You tease him. Tom gasps and placed his free hand to his heart.
“I actually made it harder for myself because I told him some stuff about the new album and now I’m just nervous he’s going to spill something. Then I’m gonna be in trouble.” You go on to explain. Z shakes her head at you, “I told you not to tell him anything.”
Tom perks up and leans forward to glare at her, “Excuse me? I’m capable of keeping a secret, for your information.” He sassily tells her. You and Z burst out laughing at the man in beside you.
“Ok, so are we just going to ignore the fact that you were about to post a video of me in the studio recording a new song?” You question him. Tom was about to speak but Jacob beat him to it.
“I swear if it weren’t for me or Daya, you would’ve been responsible for leaking a song.” Jacob pointed out. Tom huffed out slumping himself into his chair.
“I just can’t catch a break can I?” He asks rhetorically looking at the ceiling. Roman smiles at the four of you, “Obviously from the energy in this room, you guys all seem to get along.”
“Everyone except for Tom.” Z mumbles under her breath. Roman snickers before continuing, “How was it like working with each other? Especially for you (y/n) because you’re the newbie of the group.”
“I mean for me, it was nice to work with everyone again. These guys are my friends so it was like hanging out with them everyday with a side of working. (Y/n)’s part of the group now too, so even better, karaoke nights are gonna be lit.” Jacob answered first. You sent him a wink with finger guns, him doing the same thing to you.
“I’m just glad there’s more women in the group. Laura wasn’t in this one so we were one girl down, then (y/n) came and we just had an amazing time together. It was nice to get away from those two and all the stuff they’re up to.” Z gestured to Tom and Jacob. You loved both of them, but when they were bored they were always up to no good.
“This was my first movie, so I was really nervous to step foot onto set. I remember when we had our first table read and feeling so intimidated because everyone there were professionals and had experience. Meanwhile there’s me with zero experience at all trying to fit in with all these actors.” You answered with a slight chuckle. Tom hums beside you squeezing your hand once again.
“But everyone was so sweet and welcoming. From the crew to the cast, they’re a really great group to work with and I’d like to work with them again, if given the chance.” You finished off.
“You know, for your first movie, you did amazing.” Tom complimented you. Roman quickly swooped in, “Tom, I actually wanted to talk to you about something you said last time you were here.”
Tom looks at him confused, “What did I say?”
“How was it like to finally meet (y/n)? Last time you were on here you admitted t—.” Roman began to talk but Tom cut him off.
“ADMITTED TO LISTENING TO LITTLE MIX!” Tom yells over Roman. He has slightly gotten up from his seat and was making wild motions at Roman with his hand. Everyone shot Tom a look except for Roman who stared at him amused.
Roman shook his head, a cheeky grin on his face, “Not quite, mate.”
“Y-yes. I did admit to listening to them, Touch is my favorite song.” Tom said nervously, regretting that he mentioned Touch.
Roman snickered at Tom, “Well it definitely had something to do with Touch, you had a lot to say about—.” Tom cuts him off again.
“The visual effects.” You raise a brow at Tom.
“Tom, there were barely any effects in that music video.” You tell him. Tom glances at you with wide eyes before correcting himself, “The camera work was really good.”
“Are you good?” Z asks Tom squinting at him. Tom let go of your hand and rubbed his palms together, something he did to ease his nerves.
“I’m great, man.” Tom’s voice pitches as he adjusts himself in his seat. Roman stifles a laugh before turning to you.
“Tom’s admitted to fancying you.” He reveals. Your eyes widen as Jacob and Z have smirks plastered onto their faces.
“Oh? When was this?” You look between Roman and Tom. Tom was cringing at himself hiding behind his hands.
“This is cruel.” You hear him mutter.
“He was promoting Homecoming I think. Then we were playing Touch and Tom just went into a whole conversation about the band and you.” Roman answered, a shit eating from on his face.
Tom pops up from his hand, “You don’t have proof!”
Roman looks at him with a ‘seriously?’ kind of expression as he pulls up a video on the screen. Shaking his head at Tom, “Mate, it’s my radio show.”
Tom groans as he shoves his face behind his jacket.
“Oh this is good.” Z laughs leaning back to face the monitor on the wall.
“Shall we watch my evidence, everyone?” Roman presses play.
“Is Touch the only song you know from Little Mix?” Roman asked. Tom shook his head almost offended.
“No! I’m a big fan of them, I really enjoy their music. Shout Out To My Ex, Woman Like Me, Wasabi? Ugh!” Tom closes his eyes while doing a chef’s kiss, “I’m a man, but their music is so empowering, I love it.”
Roman teasingly smiled at Tom, “Do you fancy any of them?”
“Mate, you can’t ask me that. They’re all very beautiful.” A blush starts to form on Tom’s pale cheeks.
Roman continued to prob at Tom, “You really don’t fancy at least one of them the most?”
Tom shyly smiled looking around, “I mean, (y/n)’s always stood out for me, if I’m being honest. Not just cause of her looks, but I’ve watched her interviews and she seems like a really sweet and funny person. I find that very attracting about her.” He admits.
“Have you seen the Touch video yet? Everyone was raving about her in the video.”
“Oh I definitely have, maybe a few times. She looked stunning, as always.” He dreamily smiled into his palm.
“If she were to watch this, what would you like to say?” Roman asked him. Tom’s face dropped at the mention of you seeing his confession.
“I hope she doesn’t see this. She’s gonna think I’m weird or something. I just ruined my chances.”
The video cuts off and Tom is still hiding behind his jacket. Jacob’s mouth is agape as he looks at Tom, “Dude, you just got exposed.”
“Really Jacob? Have I been exposed?” Tom finally comes out from behind his jacket, face fully flushed in embarrassment. You pouted at him, feeling bad that he was embarrassed, but your heart felt all giddy inside at the fact that he fancies you.
Roman holds his hand out cautiously at Tom, “Now before you permanently hate me, your mate Harrison put me up to this. Something about payback for a prank?”
Tom’s jaw drops as he looks out the window of the booth. Outside Harrison and Harry are seen laughing there asses off with tears in their eyes. Tom curses under his breath. The room suddenly felt like an oven, his face was flushed, his palms were sweaty, and his heart rapidly beated against his chest. Mustering up his courage he looked at you.
“Hey, at least you know who my favorite Little Mix member is now?” He awkwardly shrugged. You smiled at him, cheeks flushed as well.
“I can’t believe you’re an actual fan though!” You say, trying to ease off the embarrassment off him.
“Uh—that’s what you got from the video?” Z asked from beside you. You glance at her real quick to give her a look. Of course you were thrilled that Tom reciprocated your feelings, but at the moment it looked as if he were gonna pop a blood vessel at how hard he was glaring at Harry and Harrison.
“Of course I’m a fan! Who wouldn’t be? You guys are phenomenal, I remember watching you guys at the BRITS when you performed Shout Out To My Ex, it was epic.” His attention immediately turns to you, his eyes softening once they meet yours.
You place a comforting hand on his arm, “Why didn’t you just tell me I was your favorite?”
“Because he has a crush on you.” Jacob states as if it were an obvious fact. Tom was about to protest when Z cuts him off, “Man, don’t even try. You already got exposed and you were never good at hiding your feelings in the first place.”
Roman’s eyes shift to look at each of you, “Did I just unintentionally successfully set two people up?”
You look at Roman and shrugged your shoulders at him nonchalantly, “I don’t know yet Roman, maybe if Tom agrees for dinner, then you could say you’ve successfully set two people up.”
“Oh that was smooth.”
Tom looks at you mouth agape since he couldn’t believe you just asked him out on a live radio show.
“What?” He asks in disbelief.
“I’m asking you out, Tom.” You chuckle, your thumb tracing patterns onto his arm. Tom looks around wide eyed and leans into you, “Is this for the movie?”
Everyone in the room groans except for you and Tom. Instead you roll your eyes at him and shake his shoulders. Moving to be in his view your eyes connect with his brown ones.
“Hi, Tom, honey? I’m asking you out for dinner, don’t make me regret doing this on live radio.” You tell him, slightly joking. His eyes glance down at your lips before they return to your eyes.
“Yes, yes, yes—please, I would love to have dinner with you.” He finally snaps out of his thoughts and a smile forms on his lips. You smile back at him and lean back into your seat, “Great, we could go out tonight.”
“Sounds good.” He nods leaning back into his chair. Tom tries to fight the smile on his lips but was unsuccessful. So he sits there, smiling like an idiot. Sure, he just got humiliated on air, but it was worth it since he left that studio with the girl of his dreams anticipating the night to come.
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woniepop · 3 years
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Pairings: Enhypen x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: cursing and mentions of alcohol if you squint
Word Count: about 300 - 400 per member
a/n: this is my first enhypen work if it sucks pls tell me LOL I ALSO LEFT HEESUNGS ON A SAD NOTE OOPS. Also I wrote some of this at 2 am and it is raining so hard. I live in SoCal and I feel like I can’t function when it rains so I had to blast music in my headphones but it’s okay Iz*one’s Fiesta is top tier. I did not mean for it to turn out this long lol.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Lee Heesung
- Karaoke
Sitting on the couch of the private karaoke room, exhausted having just sung and danced all of I Can’t Stop Me, Heesung reaches out to take some of the kimbap you had made together before karaoke happened, kind of like two dates in one day. Since he was always busy, he wanted to spend the most amount of time he could with you this weekend, in case he couldn’t meet you the next. Heesung always did a great job of making you feel loved and appreciated, and today he especially wanted to give all his love and attention to you.
“We should rap all of Canceled in one breathe” Heesung suggests, knowing it was a whole three minute song. Although you know you’d die, you nod excitedly, ready to shout at the top of your lungs “THIS YOU?” because Tana definitely gets canceled every 5-7 business days. He starts off the song, both screaming at the top of your lungs, starting off with Bryce Hall 😼. The song goes very swimmingly actually, definitely taking more than one or two breathes.
Taking a call from your phone, you step outside so as to not disturb the caller with Shake it Off. Your mother wanted you home soon, but you desperately wanted to spend more time with Heesung. Stepping back into the room, you decide one more song is short enough to catch the last train home, you grab the remote and pick your last song, Perfect. It was definitely slower paced than the songs you had sang before but you wanted to have at least one moment of romance before it’s completely dead. Taking your hands, he wraps them around his neck and places his hands on your hips and sways side to side as he sings every word beautifully. Even if you could sing as good as him, he was always so hypnotizing when he sang to you. Ending the song with a kiss, you guys both pull away, very sad at the fact that the night has come to an end.
༑ ࿐ྂ。Jay Park
- Aquarium
- Aquarium
Walking through the hallways hand in hand, you enjoy each other’s presence while admiring all the children excited about the stingray that just swam by. Watching Jay’s face light up when he had finally found the sea otters, you giggle at how cute it was. “Look at all the baby sea otters, Y/n, they’re so cute ahhhh'' He says eagerly. Pulling out your phone to take a picture of him, he grabs your hand and takes your phone. “No, Y/n, we have to take this picture togetherrrr.” he whines. Sighing, you agree and wait for him to find someone to help take the picture for him, obviously right next to the sea otters. 
Continuing down the aquarium building, you find the automatic sliding door leading to the outside. Knowing exactly what lies beyond those doors, you pull Jay’s hand and rush out. As a kid, you loved coming to the aquarium to spend time at the petting tank, and now you got to experience it with Jay. Finding a spot at the tank, you dip your hand in and touch the bamboo sharks. You sigh in relief at the nostalgia of it, and turn your head to Jay. “Don’t you want to touch them too?” You ask innocently. Faced flushed, he frantically shakes his head, giving you a blatant no.
Laying your head on his shoulder, you bask in his presence, exhausted by the exciting day you had. Turning on his phone to check the time, you notice he’d set his lockscreen to you. “Did you take that while I was petting the sharks?” Embarrassed, he turns away and avoids the question. “HEY, I could take a picture of you alone for my wallpaper but you could??? Why is this so unfair???” you ask. 
“Because…” He says with a sheepish smile on his face. You quickly take out your phone and snap a picture. After a moment of playful fighting and begging to delete the photo on Jay’s end, he ultimately gave up and let you save it as your lock screen as well.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Jake Sim
- Laser tag
Having Jake as a partner, he’d always taken you on more high energy, adrenaline rushing dates, and today was no different. This date, however, he decided to take you to play laser tag, something you had never done before. Entering the lobby, you both decide to be on the same team for the first round, which helped you feel a bit of relief. Choosing a vest to put on, you get very very tangled in it, which causes Jake to laugh a bit but he eventually helps you out.
During your first round, Jake helps you out, staying by your side the entire time and even holding your hand to lead you through the room. It felt really nice, seeing him so protective of you in the moment, but you knew better than to like the thought of it too much, because the next round was going to be a lot different. Unexpectedly, your team lost, which made Jake feel even more competitive and pumped up for the next round.
The next round starts, and surprise!!!!! You and Jake are on opposing teams. It starts off very well actually :D. As soon as you enter the room, your heart starts beating out of your chest and you’re so nervous to be alone. Cautiously maneuvering through the hallways, you scan the premises thoroughly, knowing if Jake ever sees you throughout the game you’d be screwed. Surprisingly enough, you go a bit of time before you hear your vest’s alarm go off, signalling to you that someone has gotten you. You look all around you taking some time before finding Jake crouching on the other side of the wall. You run to the other side of the same wall, and decide to scare him before he could shoot you again. It works out very well, because the next time you see him, he screams and drops to the floor in shock. Taking this chance, you shoot his vest and run away, leaving him no time to get you back.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Park Sunghoon
- Birthday Party
Laying on the floor of your living room with Sunghoon, you lie on your back, trying to cool your body down as much as possible. The hot and humid Korean summers were definitely always fun, but not when you were craving cuddles. Thinking of activities the both of you could do without overheating, you think back to how refreshing all the ice cream was at your friend’s recent birthday party. Although it wasn’t even close to your guys’ birthdays, it gave you a great idea. You shoot up and rush to get dressed, leaving Sunghoon very confused. 
Finished, you come back to the living room. “Sunghoon, get dressed. We’re going to the market.” Without question, he does as you ask and you both head to the market in no time. 
Walking hand in hand down the ice cream aisle, you grab all the flavors you enjoy, filling your whole basket with different ice creams, toppings, fruit, drinks, and even a cake. “You’re quite hungry, aren’t you?” Sunghoon teases, earning him a slap to the arm.
As soon as you get home, you send Sunghoon alone to the bedroom, telling him you need time to prepare everything. You had pulled all the stops, whipping out the cheap snoopy shaved ice maker, birthday party hats, streamers, balloons, and banners. It was no one’s birthday in particular, but the fake birthday party put you in a festive and refreshing mood. You had set up a giant ice cream sundae bar, and had even made lemonade. 
Calling Sunghoon to come out of the bedroom, he was not surprised but very appreciative. He knew you’d pull sh!t like this Wanting to make it even more fun, he suggests to make sundaes for one another, which you happily agree to. The day was so fun, you had forgotten all about the time you had a few hours earlier, suffering in the heat of your apartment. 
Sunghoon on the other hand, was so happy that you planned something like this. He was never one to do anything cute for you unless you asked, begged so this time he wanted to show you how grateful he was to you by giving you one FREE boop on the nose. Scooping some ice cream with his fingertip, he lightly taps your nose, leaving the melted strawberry ice cream to drip off your nose.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Kim Sunoo
- Brunch
Being a foodie yourself, you and Sunoo would always go cafe hopping to try out different desserts and drinks. This Saturday morning in particular, you both decided it was time for a change. This change for the greater good would include brunching for hours like stuck up rich moms and judging everyone in the facility, as you do when you are a brunching mother. Dressing in your finest brunching attire and of course, sunglasses, your waiter leads you to the table and you strut down that walkway like you know the difference between regular and Belgian waffles.
Crossing your legs at the same time and sipping your orange juice, wishing you could have added some champagne. Your orders finally arrive, having ordered the classic avocado toast and eggs benedict. Starting with the avocado toast, as per tradition, you and Sunoo construct the perfect first bite, shove it into your mouths, make eye contact and a disgusted face, even though it was very obvious that you guys thought it was delicious.
“I feel they nailed the seasoning because avocado, egg, and bread are known to be very bland flavors. The poached egg was perfectly runny in the middle, which was so satisfying to me, especially knowing that the chef can actually cook an egg right.” You start off, pretending you were some high status food critic, above Gordon Ramsey almost.
Sunoo takes his spoon and splits apart the poached egg on the eggs benedict. The egg just so happened to be a tad bit overcooked and the yolk didn’t rush out as smoothly as the other one did. You make eye contact with Sunoo, the most disgusted look plastered on your faces. A couple seconds pass by and you burst out laughing, forgetting about the egg yolk and shoving a huge bite straight into your face.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Yang Jungwon
- Zoo
When you first suggested going to the zoo with Jungwon he looked at you with a confused face. He loved spending time with you, but why the zoo? It’s stinky and there are too many children everywhere. Nevertheless, after much convincing, he gave in and went with you. The screams of all the tiny children were giving him a headache, but he kept reminding himself he was here for you. Seeing the alligators first, it was definitely acting up and snapping its mouth very angrily and hissing. Just because he wanted to be nice by coming to the zoo with you, didn’t mean he was going to hold back on his snide remarks. 
“That’s you that one time I accidentally ate your pastry.” He comments. Rolling your eyes and smacking him in the arm, you continue on the path looking at all the animals in awe. The whole time you walked around you bickered back and forth, many “That’s you when/cause”s being thrown around mercilessly. 
The comment that took the cake and left both of you speechless was one made by you. Walking towards the flamingos, everyone knows them for being notoriously stinky. Pinching your nose to go with the comment you were about to say, you chuckle. “It smells like that one time you accidentally farted in your VLive.” you manage to get out with a straight face. I made that up lol
Jungwon stops in his tracks, looking at you like you had just betrayed him. .He stomps his feet on the floor and whines in the middle of the walkway. “Y/nnnnnn you know I’m sensitive about thatttt.” The time you spend with him after you get home consists of him clinging to you, demanding your undivided attention, cuddles and kissies, and for you to blow dry his hair after he showers. 
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Nishimura Riki
- eating competition
Watching mukbangs all day and cuddling with Niki definitely got both of you hungry pretty quickly. With Niki being a bit homesick and you wanting to improve your cooking, a great idea pops into your heads. You wanted to cook Japanese food for Niki, hoping to aid his homesickness, and Niki wanted to see how much food he could shove down his face until he explodes. And with that, your whole date had become a food eating competition. 
Setting all the food down on the table, you had done a very good job. Working your ass off to make not only omurice with curry, but also yakisoba and fried chicken, you were very ready to start your whole competition. Portioning it out evenly with a scale beforehand, you and Niki countdown together and start scarfing down food like you’ve never eaten before. With a mouth full of rice, Niki manages to get out a “It’s really good.” Knowing he liked your food made you feel so proud even though you had just shoved a whole piece of fried chicken in your mouth. 
Several minutes, three enhypen members walking past you judgmentally, and 10 napkins later, you and Niki were too stuffed you even have food this close to you. Queue the rest of the enhypen members, they oh so generously gave you their service and finished the food for you guys. Concluding that you and Niki could not in fact eat two family sized meals in one sitting, you lie on the couch about to pass out. 
“That was so fun. We should do that again.” Niki says while groaning from stomach pain. “And thank you for thinking about my homesickness and making me Japanese food. I love you so much.” He adds. Ending the day with complaining about being too full, planning the next competition, and even inviting the other members, you both pass out an hour after you had eaten and were punished with the dishes in the morning for being cringely in love out in the open like that. 
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Singing headcanons La Squadra
(Aka i make you listen to music I like *kiss*)
E-Pro - Beck
Sorbet is Gelato’s foil, including his voice. His voice is gruffer and lower than Gelato’s. Even their music tastes are polar opposites. But opposites attract and they bring out the best (or worst depending on who you are) in eachother.
Canned Heat - Jamiroquai
To me, Gelato is the pop-funk gay to Sorbet’s classical gay. The can’t drive can’t cook gay to the designated driver and chef gay. To me, Gelato is the outgoing one, and therefore has the more flamboyant singing voice. Also I just know he loves Olivia Newton John, don’t argue with me on that.
La Libertad - Alvaro Soler
Just a bit deeper, but I think Form would sound exactly like this. It has that bouncy and affable sound to it that’s easy to listen to
Traicionera - Sebastián Yatra
To be honest I’m not a fan of his voice in the anime, sub or dub. I feel like he has a softer, less gruff voice due to the reclusive nature of his stand, but maybe that’s just me. He and Melone should have the soft voices of the group, but Illuso’s is whinier if that makes sense. Maybe not whiny but more sad like Sebastián Yatra’s.
Mister Cellophane - John C Reilly
Very nice and not meant for singing, also I’m biased because I love this song. I’m not a fan of how dopey they made him sound in the anime, it’s not like he’s not semi normal person, you know? #pescirights
Tim curry from Rocky Horro-
No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
Gonna be honest, I don’t really know why I put this one here, but it gives me strong unhinged Pros vibes and kinda has that tenor sound that I headcanon him having. Deep voice Pros is very hot and valid, though ;)
Corazon sin Cara - Prince Royce
Tender Lover - Baby Face
Okay I know I put two but hear me out. I just know our boy Melbows has that soft breathy fuckboy voice. He probably destroys everyone at karaoke because he gets too into it. Also maybe I included tender lover because it slaps and is related to his stand who knows
Helter Skelter - The Beatles
There’s just something about how angry Paul McCartney is and how warped the music is really encompasses Ghia’a spirit. It’s not clean, and it’s not quite singing, but the spirit is there.
Why we build the wall - Patrick Page (start at 0:45)
I BELIEVE IN PATRICK PAGE RISOTTO SUPREMACY. That one Italian dub risotto is sexy af, but Patrick Page Risotto is the only singing hc Ris I will accept >:) Corpsehusband has nothing on my boy Patrick
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tigerpeachs · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Karaoke Headcanon
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A/N: I thought we were friends. Anyways this is based on music on my phone so please bear with me.
Anyways, if you guys like it maybe I can do a part two :-)
Itadori Yuuji: Stacy’s Mom by Fountains of Wayne 
This man is enthusiastic and kills any song you force him to sing. 
It’s no secret Itadori loves tall women with big butts and Stacey’s mom has got that going on. 
This man isn’t just singing from the diaphragm no. He’s singing from the soul. 
Yes, he’s had a crush on his friends’ moms. No, he doesn’t admit it, unless their mom is specifically asking.
 He definitely only performs maybe one or two good songs a night before he gets too wasted to perform anything else. 
Fushiguro Megumi: Lost by Frank Ocean 
Gum gum gives me angsty vibes but he knows it is not socially acceptable to be emo at a karaoke bar.
 Lost is justttt pop vibe enough to get a pass in his book. Plus is this a call out that he chose someone who aligns with his sexual ambiguity? Maybe. 
People usually force him to go first and let him vibe out so they can only go up and enjoy themselves afterwards. 
He definitely takes one or two shots to get the nerves out but once he hits the chorus he’s in his prime and doesn’t mind singing, especially when Itadori is holding thumbs up every time he looks at him. 
Kugisaki Nobara: Focus by Ariana Grande 
Now listens she’s queer and she’s here so you know she’s picking something pop and something she can show range with. 
She’s the star of the show. She wants, no, needs, the attention on her and Focus is that bitch. 
She is also singing the background vocals, the instruments, you can’t stop her. Yes, she has a dance routine.
If you don’t clap for her at the end, she’s interrogating you. Unless your hands are broken, you literally have no excuse to not praise her. 
Don’t mess with my Karaoke Queen y’all. 
Zenin Maki: Slide by H.E.R.
“Ladies and Gentlemen… Her.” 
I love Maki more than life itself so our course I see her signing one of my favorite songs. I just think her voice would hit with this song and she seems like she’d be into R&B. 
Maki sings beside Nobara and doesn’t need to get up or even look at the screen at all. 
Her vocals are amazing and she’s occasionally doing a sly shoulder or body roll when she’s really feeling herself. 
She’s giving minimum effort but everything she does is just *chef’s kiss*
Todo Aoi: HIP by MAMAMOO 
Our Kpop king? This man is killing the chorus and rap line. He’s holding the perfect dance routine while hitting every note. 
He’s performing with so much energy like he expects MAMAMOO to come into the room and cheer him on. He’s not slacking at all. 
Yes, Nobara is a little upset because she didn’t go this route to show him out. 
Todo definitely makes Itadori rap with him and dance behind him. He expects nothing but support from his brother. 
This song is sassy and he is in his own land picturing his favorite idols hitting that HIP.
Inumaki Toge: Cha Cha Slide by DJ Casper 
Oh you thought everyone was just going to chill and relax? No. Not on Inumaki’s time.
They’re getting their asses up and dancing since they thought it was a good idea to pass him the mic. 
He’s happy to use his curse technique for something fun for once, though. He’s partially laughing through each lyric sung. 
He’s actually over joyed to be a part of the group and a bit of a troll. It was this or the cupid shuffle. 
The only one not moving by force is Itadori.
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cocovikings23 · 3 years
Secret Lover - Chapter 1 (Modern!Hvitserk x Reader)
Hello everyone, this is my new story with Hvitserk (modern Hvitty :) )
Summary : The reader's best friend is Hvitserk Lothbrock. They have known each other since their childhood. She is a photographer, he is vice-president with his brothers in the company of their father, the great Ragnar Lothbrock. Her life is peaceful until the day she receives small attentions from a secret admirer. She doesn't know who he is and tries to find out with the help of her best friend... But is he really who he says he is?
Warnings : None
Words : 1297
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Gif by @ivarsshieldmadien
Chapter 1 - The Letters :
Every morning at 8:00 a.m., you go to the Starbucks around the corner to get your morning drink - a macchiato sprinkled with cinnamon - before you start your workday at the studio. You've been a photographer for 2 years, but you first studied journalism. It didn't really suit you. So you turned your passion for photography into your profession.
That morning you are late, you hurry to get ready. For the hairstyle you make it simple; a simple ponytail and you forget make-up for today. You leave your building and go to Starbucks for your coffee - a day without coffee is a wasted day.
You check your backpack for your stuff, arrive in front of the studio, take the keys in your bag to open the door - where your best friend, Hvitserk, is waiting for you.
He is one of the sons of the great Ragnar Lothbrock who manages the whole city of Kattegat. He is tall, has light brown hair, and has beautiful green eyes. He is sweet and funny and sometimes a bit sulky. He is very popular with the female population of this city, but none of them are suitable for him.
"You're late, honey." Since your childhood, he likes to give you nicknames, but lately, he likes to call you honey. It doesn't bother you and above all, it doesn't seem abnormal to you because of all the Lothbrock sons you've always been close to him.
"Hello to you too, Hvitserk! Thank you for pointing that out to me... " you sigh with weariness because you hate being late.
Opening the door, you both go inside the studio where there are three rooms. The first one is the entrance where you expose the pictures and take the appointments. It's cozy. You have installed two armchairs and a small table and then your desk with your computer. The second room is the studio where you take the pictures. There are a lot of accessories there - toys, disguises, photo accessories, lamps to manage the lighting. And the third is the darkroom where you process the pictures.
Your best friend sits in one of the chairs while you light up the rooms one by one. When you come back to the entrance of the studio, you discover an envelope on the ground near the door, you didn't notice it before.
"Hvitty, is this yours? "you ask, looking puzzled.
"No, not at all. Maybe it's a bill or a note we owe you. Open it," replies Hvitserk.
On the envelope is only your first name written. You don't recognize the handwriting by the way. You open it and find these words:
"A day without seeing you is a morning without sunshine".
You blink in disbelief, think of it as a joke at first because you've been single for a few months - you've flirted with a few guys in bars, had a few one-night stands.
"So?  What's it all about?" Hvitserk gets impatient.
"It's a... poem... well... just a sentence... Take a look for yourself and tell me what you think." You hand the letter to Hvitserk. He reads the little words that are written on the paper and speaks. "It's... out of fashion to leave words under the doors of beautiful young women," he says sarcastically.
He gives you the paper back and then takes his smartphone to go back to his Instagram news feed.
"I think it's kind of romantic, but the weird thing is I'm not seeing anyone right now... So, who's the letter from?”
Hvitserk simply shrugs his shoulders and sticks to his phone, but you don't want to leave it at that, "Don't you want to help me find out who it's from? Hvitty?" You tilt your head to the side and give him a gentle glance, he can't resist your little baby face.
He sighs and then says, "Okay, I'll see what I can do," he smiles at you and then goes back to his previous activity on his phone. Björn, the eldest son of Lothbrock - and half-brother of Hvitserk - runs a security company, he knows everything that goes on in the small - or rather big - city of Kattegat.
Your first appointment is coming, Hvitserk signals you that he's leaving to let you work with your clients.
It's noon. You've booked your meal at the caterer right next to your studio and the chef calls you to tell you that your meal is ready.
You go out to get it, lock the door of your studio and go to your caterer. You enter the restaurant for just ten minutes to greet all the staff and pick up your lunch.
You come back to your studio, again there is a letter on the floor with your first name written on the front of the envelope. You open it and read these words:
"You are so beautiful today".
Clearly, you are starting to freak out because while you were away your famous secret admirer came back to give you a letter under the door and you didn't notice anything.
You text Hvitserk to tell him about this new event and to meet you at your apartment after work. You don't want to spend the evening alone.
At 6 p.m. you leave your job, cross the narrow streets of Kattegat, and finally arrive at your apartment. When you get inside, you can see that Hvitserk is already there - you gave him your spare keys and you have his in case of emergency and for convenience - sitting on your couch playing PS4.
You throw your sneakers in the hall, put your bag next to your wardrobe and sit down next to your friend. He pauses the game. "So your secret lover is back? " he says, turning to you and placing the controller on the coffee table.
"Yes, while I went to get my lunch from Noma's, I was only there for a few minutes." You take the letter from your pocket and give it to Hvitserk, and then you take it back, "Isn't that weird? The guy follows me, observes me... ".
"I don't think he means you any harm, he's just maybe... shy. Surely a text message would be more conventional. " Hvitserk says as he gets up to go into the kitchen. "I'm hungry, what do you want to eat tonight?”
"There's a guy following me and all you can think about is eating? Did you ask your brother for information?”
"Yes, but he didn't see anything on the city cameras...so you're going to have to wait and see who this guy is," he replies, pointing to your letter on the table.
You sink into your couch, pout, and then take the two letters in your hands to read them again.
"What about ordering, honey?" You come out of your thoughts after this question from Hvitserk.
"Yes, if you want. I don't feel like cooking tonight." You take your phone and you say, "I'm calling for a pizza, yeah?" you ask your friend, shaking your iPhone.
"Yes, pizza is perfect!" He comes back on the couch beside you, takes you in his arms to console you, and tells you the plans for the evening, "Pizza, Netflix, and a good night's sleep!”
"Will you sleepover, Hvitty?" you ask your friend, even though you already know his answer.
"Yes, of course, honey!" he says before kissing you on your forehead.
You put on some music while you wait for the pizza delivery guy, laugh while you watch Hvitserk moonwalk like Michael Jackson, and think how lucky you are to have him in your life. But this mysterious admirer comes back into your thoughts. Today it's letters and tomorrow... what will it be?
Thanks for your reading !
@youbloodymadgenius @waiting4inspiration @whenimaunicorn @zuxiezendler​ @therealcalicali​ @peaceisadirtyword​ @peachyboneless​ @bonniebird​ @salt-is-a-terrible-currency​ @saldelys​ @flokisdaughter​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​ @honestsycrets​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @ijustwant2write​ @thevikingsheaux​ @castielsangelsx​ @alexhoghsource​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @laketaj24​ @ivarswickedqueen​ @ivarsshieldmadien​ @hrhbella​ @lisinfleur​ @heathenarmyimagines​ @car-karaoke​ @vikings-imagine​ @heavenly1927
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
Can I ask what would happen if the yakuza La Squadra member got drunk with majima and began singing 24 hour Cinderella (full costume and all) as the team watch confused and laughing their asses off and kiryu kinda just enjoying the reunion
I can only imagine La Squadra’s reaction when their yakuza La Squadra member who’s normally serious and kinda stoic starts singing and dancing with majima in flashy outfits that look like the 80’s puked on them
Former Yakuza La Squadra member letting loose at karaoke
When two anons think alike and cozy is loving this idea, it must happen because wow this is just *chefs kiss* thank you for asking my dearies 💖✨(we’re all allowed to call them oushi-chan fyi 😎, this was so fun to write so it’s a bit longer than expected) 24 hour cinderella is the song they sing
CW: excessive alcohol use, embarrassingly wholesome fun
Majima and Kiryu’s visit was sadly coming to an end. Their week spent in Napoli walking around with their old friend brought them some mindless new adventure that for once didn’t include having to ward off punks every street corner. It felt refreshing, their former colleague glad to show them around whenever they had the time, even spending afternoons with their current teammates and the guests. The men had slowly began bonding among them, the power of temporary friendship was not one bound by language barriers. Even though the stand users were experienced fighters, Kiryu and Majima had tips to lend for more streetwise moves which the group gladly accepted.
For their last night in Italy Majima had requested karaoke, it had become quite the fad overseas now. New karaoke bars popping up all over town carrying the cheesiest hits and unknown gems. Begrudgingly oushi-chan booked their room, it would be cramped with ten muscled humans packed in the small room, but they’d all grown a lot closer over time. It seemed like the visit did them good, opening up more about their past and letting their guard down, even if it was just a smidge. But nothing had completely broken that stoic façade just yet. It made the team of assassins even more interested in the life of their latest team member. Risotto knew how annoying it could be to have people prying at the gates, begging them to open up, so after his prank of calling them oushi-chan he opted to let them be and just observe.
The alcohol was flowing like waterfalls in rainy season, luckily for them they kept it at one kind, some good old Sambuca making the room stink of anise. Every shot taken irrupting groans and smacking lips as everyone had begun to loosen up. Formaggio and Illuso were actually getting along for once, even singing a duet together, the quality of their singing varying to whoever you asked. Prosciutto had brought along playing cards so they could all play a game or two between songs, bringing the mood up to a high tension. Whoever lost had to go up there and sing as punishment. Kiryu had been quite good at playing, gladly avoiding having to embarrass himself even though he’d been indulging in the Italian liqueur, sure he’d remember the smell forever. Risotto just seemed to enjoy the company and the bustling room that was loud enough without music filling it, carefully sipping his drink, he never really liked to get overtly wasted. Ghiaccio had been scowling all throughout the game, knee bouncing up and down in anticipation. If he were to lose, his biggest tantrum yet would take place, he was under no circumstances going to sing.
Unfortunately for oushi-chan, they were losing quite badly, all the way at the bottom followed by an unlucky Majima, who had slung his arm around Melone. They’d become quite familiar over the span of the visit; always glad to get into a fight. Both way over their alcohol intake, swaying every so often as Melone tricked him into playing the worst card possible by pointing it out and encouragingly nodding. With an exasperated groan the stoic drunk slammed their cards down, knowing the punishment that followed. Majima only grew a mischievous grin as he started digging behind him on the cushioned booth. “Here oushi-chan, I thought I’d return it to you.” he handed a folded jacket over, the iridescent lapels glinting in the low light while their eyes widened as they recognised it. “Majima... you didn’t.” a soft, bordering on emotional, glint of nostalgia hazing their eyes. The Sambuca had taken its toll, letting al inhibitions take a backseat as they accepted the jacket they so loved to dance around in on drunk nights like these. Of course only them and Majima knew of it, not another soul had seen them executing their trained choreographies. It still smelled like smoke and apple flavoured sake as they put it on, nodding to Majima who had surprisingly brought along his own matching cropped sparkly jacket, like he’d been planning on this all along. It had been his plan, his most fond memories of any kind were having mindless fun with his beloved oushi-chan.
The rest of the group had begun egging them on, nagging for the two losers to get up front and engage in their retribution. Prosciutto noticed the tacky matching jackets, nudging his colleagues to pay attention as he barely contained a cackle. All eyes were on them, a devious grin on Illuso’s and Melone’s faces as they admired the shell oushi-chan crept out of as they looked through the song choices. Luckily for the two performers, their favourite song had become a cult classic in a few select European countries, Italy including. The serious frowned brows on their face didn’t match the sparkly outfit, Risotto fully intrigued at what was to follow, hardly even trying to conceal his amusement.
The clammy room was filled with hushed voices trying to make sense of the two in front, looking like an idol duo preparing for their concert, heads down, mics in hand. “Sta' zitto!” the former yakuza’s voice commanded the room as the men shut up, Kiryu knowing Majima’s usual performances already anticipating a great show, a slight smirk on his lips. As the nostalgic corny 80′s synths started, their heads snapped up, commencing their show. Formaggio instantly cackled in shock, slapping Pesci’s arm to assure him he was seeing this as well, the green tufted man’s mouth slack as he took in the show. As they began singing, voices harmonising beautifully and not even missing a beat, the team of assassins were perplexed by the smile adorning their teammate’s face. They beamed confidence, those fiery eyes they’d seen in battle now equipped as a different weapon. Ghiaccio couldn’t contain his smirk either, never had he expected to witness this display. The dimple on Risotto’s cheek now at full potential when their usually stoic underling shot him a wink during their performance. The duo slid over their small stage, energetic moves from side to side while still perfectly singing along. How many times have they done this before, a question on everyone’s minds. Kiryu wasn’t even surprised, he knew those two were close, knowing that their fights weren’t the only bonding they were doing.
As the two would-be-idols finished up, resting in their final pose while catching their breaths, their audience broke out in cheers and applause. “How did you guys do that?!” Formaggio yelled as he took their teammate under his shoulder, wobbling from his drunken state. They sat down, taking big gulps of water to satiate their thirst from performing, their stoic face making a comeback as the complements overlapped, not even being clear who was saying what. Melone slinking back next to Majima giving him a double thumbs up, admiring how great he did, while the other man coyly rubbed his neck shooting Kiryu a look who just smirked back telling him to handle this himself. “You will never see me do this again and I hope you all forget by morning.” oushi-chan slurred, wiping their mouth with the jacket. They didn’t regret the performance, it felt freeing to let loose again, especially with their old friend, but it was still embarrassing to have done it in front of the team knowing they’d tease later on.
After a lot of chatter, the room was starting to quiet down again as the night was coming to an end. A lazy game of cards being played as some others conversed among themselves, Kiryu and Majima out for a smoke with Prosciutto. Risotto slid over next to the sleepy idol who’d been leaning their head against the soft cushioned booth, halfway to dreamland. “That was really impressive, never saw that coming.” Risotto’s deep voice snapped them out of the stupor, their face only flushing more than previously. “You’re not blackout drunk are you?” they whispered trying to focus on their capo who was moving around their blurry vision. “Not even close.” he smirked, laying a compassionate hand on their shoulder. “Don’t worry, you can beat the memories out of them later.” he joked trying to put them at ease with the threatening suggestion. “That’s great.” yawning as their eyes fluttered closed again, the alcohol and activity having taken its toll. All the while oushi-chan slowly fell forward, hitting Risotto’s chest and accepting the comforting pillow it made. His plush muscles formed a very nice resting place for the exhausted drunk. The ambience of the room was like white noise humming them to sleep, a small satisfied groan coming from them as Risotto let them rest, taking another sip of his drink, glad to have seen a different side of his latest member.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles; continuing from this)
“They...what?” The Doctor was in his office, boggling over the intel he’d just been given. “You’re kidding me.”
“I wish I was, Doctor. Red told me personally, and I trust her.” Lena was leaning against him, sighing as she took a drag from a joint before handing it back to him.
If it weren’t for the blend they were sharing, he’d probably be having some kind of attack right now; instead, he was bothered, but still calm. “What kind of revolution, though? Did she say what they meant by that? I mean...could it be, like, a fashion revolution?”
“Honestly? They could be. It’s anyone’s guess until they show up here.” The Vulpo shrugged. “Dose’s almost burnt out; do you want me to pack another?”
“One’s enough. Should we talk to the General about it? She’ll tell us straight-up.” The Doctor set the still-smoldering stub in his ashtray.
Perfumer made a note on a piece of paper to call Zima sometime tomorrow. “We should. I think it’s also time for a break.”
“You think?” A glance at the joint. “You’re right, I can’t focus on anything right now. Lunch?”
“That’s not quite what I was thinking.” She moved the mere inches required to go from her chair to his and put herself in the perfect cradling position.
That was enough for him; he gave her a kiss before reclining in his absurdly sturdy office chair. “After this...zzz...”
“The last poster is up.” Projekt Red stuck the last piece of tape to the last poster in the hallway. “Do you think Lena will know what I meant when I told her about the band?”
“You said it’d be called A Revolution, right? I think it’ll be okay,” Rada reassured her, completely unaware of the conversation happening in the Doctor’s office as they spoke.
The counter-Lupo nodded. “Good. I’m happy the General liked Rozz’s idea.”
“Have you been with her for karaoke?” Natalya checked off the last advertising spot on their checklist. “She must miss it more than I thought. I wonder how they’re getting on at the music store.”
*Ring ring* “That’s them! Hi, honey!...Uh huh...Uh huh...Oh, Red, what did you want to play, again?” The chef looked at her expectantly.
She hadn’t, actually; her plan was to be just backup vocals at most. “Nothing.”
“Eh? Alright. She says she doesn’t want anything...Awesome! We’ll head that way. See you soon~ They’re heading to the spot Vigna showed the General the other day. Oh, this is gonna be so cool!”
“It’ll be interesting to see if those private piano lessons will pay off after all.” Rosa tapped Absinthe on the shoulder. “Zoya? Ready to go?”
The Caster took one more look at her handiwork, hoping these posters were good enough advertising, before nodding. “Sure. Red, before practice starts, I have something for you.”
“You do?” The counter-Lupo walked beside her as Rada and Natalya went ahead.
“Here.” She fished a pair of jackless earbuds with a button at the end out of her pocket, deftly untangled them, and handed them to her more feedback-sensitive friend. “For your ears. It’ll help with the noise.”
The floofbucket gratefully nuzzled her in return. “Thank you. I didn’t want to be rude.”
“Don’t mention it.” Although her mentioning it did give Absinthe a perfect opportunity for some on-the-road headpats, which were mutually appreciated.
“Are we sure they can carry everything to the practice room?” Rosa wondered aloud, loosely aiming the question at Gummy. “I did ask for a proper piano, after all.”
The chef shrugged. “I think they’ve either got it, OR they think they do and we’ll have to wait for them to. Either way, it’ll all get there.”
“If you’re sure, Gumdrop.”
“Hey!” Leto waved at the quartet as they reached the spot. “We got everything! Anna even carried Nat’s keyboard all by hers- ow!”
Istina had emerged from the nearby half-open door, which was absolutely exploding with electric guitar, to pull Rosalind’s ear. “Don’t start with that. Everyone ready to start learning sheet music?”
“Before you can lead a revolution, you have to know the regime,” the heiress muttered with a smirk, helping the advisor carry Rozz through the door.
“I have dinner on speed dial when we get hungry!” Rada declared, following after but hesitating when she noticed Red and Zoya hesitating. “Everything okay?”
Absinthe nodded. “Need a minute to get used to the volume. We’ll be there in a little bit.”
“Oh, okay! We’ll wait for you!” Assuaged, she stepped across the threshold.
The counter-Lupo took the Caster’s hand; she was trembling a bit. “That was Sonya playing.”
“Yeah.” The Ursus with her gave her a curious look. “It’s not the noise, is it?”
“Nope...Okay, I’m ready.”
Zoya led her into the practice room, but once they were inside, Red let go of her and charged Zima, deftly weaving between the General and her instrument to reach her face. Leto chuckled as Sonya tried to either take the guitar strap off or pacify the Lupo. “She likes the music, then?” The halberdier observed.
“She did,” Absinthe confirmed, finding the bass against the wall and looking it over. “More than that, she likes Sonya.”
“Ah!” Red’s attention was too much for the General to keep on her feet, but she managed to keep her instrument safe as the pair fell to the floor.
The rest of the USSGG continued setting up, knowing it was best to let their floofbucket just get it out of her system or, if nothing else, tire herself out enough to fall asleep. Besides, it’s not like they could argue with the counter-Lupo - they’d all had a turn imagining Zima in a punk rock getup shredding on-stage, after all...
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The CEO’s Little Kitten ~ Jumin Han x Reader
(( I’ve been feeling a bit off for a while now, and MysMes has always been a way to get comfort for +4 years, and replaying’s Zen’s route, along with the fact that my bestie’s birthday is approaching, made me want to come up with some nice for Jumin, where the Reader is a Veterinarian. Yeah, I’m definitely not projecting, I promise, lolol. ))
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Everyone knew that Jumin loved Elizabeth the 3rd the most in this life, for a lot of reasons, so much that he often called her the partner of his life. On the other hand, the fact that he was never around women was the reason for a lot of false rumours that the other members of the RFA would often abuse and use to wind him up, coming to get a rise out of the otherwise stoic and composed man, but nothing seemed to bother him.
That is, until his father brought another woman with him and tried to convince him to marry this woman’s protejee, and if that wasn’t enough, his cat was behaving oddly, and the Vet was in vacation, so he was a bit frantic, to say the least.
“Mr. Han, if I may, my son has a friend who works at a well known and renowned modern Veterinary clinics. I could give him a call and see if this person is available to come by for a check up on Elizabeth the 3rd.” the chef spoke, making Jumin raise his eyebrow in intrigue. “Very well, let me know when he will come by.” he nodded, going to his room to watch over his cat more.
Barely 2 hours passed, and there was a knock on his bedroom door, and opening the door, the chef was in front of him with a small, fatherly smile.
“Mr. Han, the doctor has arrived.” the chef declared, standing in front of the tall, brunet man. “Tell him to come in.” Jumin spoke dismissively, going back inside the room. “Hello~! Where’s the beautiful little princess~?” a cheerful and sweet, soft voice called out, and a beautiful woman stepped in, dressed in a purple medical scrub, and the blouse had kitten pattern. “I wasn’t aware that a woman was the Veterinarian. My name is Jumin Han, and this is Elizabeth the 3rd.” Jumin extended his hand to her to shake, albeit a bit reticent, as he usually is around women. “It’s great meeting you, Mr. Han. I am Doctor Y/N L/N, you may call me whatever you want. Daniel’s dad mentioned something about this little sweetheart, but I have to know from you directly the reason why you wanted a check up.” she spoke with so much ease, as she went to kneel in front of the bed, next to the cat. “I left her with my assistant for the day, but she hasn’t been eating since I brought her back home. That’s unusual behaviour for her.” Jumin looked at the woman with curiosity as he saw Elizabeth slowly put her her forehead to the doctor’s, and for him, it looked like a picture painted by someone as great as the genius renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci. “I understand. First of all, I’d like to ask how meticulous are you in taking care of her. Like...Do you give her strictly measured meals at specific times of the day, and only certain brands of food? Or you prefer to let things be estimate or by the eye?” she asked, as the cat jumped on her lap, as she began petting her. “Everything has been measured and chosen by widely renowned nutritionists.” he explained, watching his cat behave more affectionate with this stranger than with most people she’s ever been in contact with. “That makes sense. And when you let her with your assistant, are they are thorough and careful as you are, or do they estimate?” she asked again, helping the cat climb up her torso, as she rested around her neck, like a scarf, and started purring loudly. “I can only guess she wouldn’t be as exact as I am.” he crossed his arms, looking at the content and happy look on his cat’s face, as the woman was scratching her behind the ears. “Have you considered the potential idea that Elizabeth ate too much? For example, if you give her 1 and a half can of food, but your assistant fed her both full cans, not wanting to waste everything, then Elizabeth is way too full to eat again. She needs to digest everything and maybe a bit more exercising.” the woman explained, touching her nose to the cat’s, giggling at how cute she was being. “Are you sure that’s all there is?” Jumin asked again, just to be certain. “Based on the anamnesis and the checking up I did on her, everything is perfect. You’re taking take of her better than 99% of the population of pet owners. Her fur is impeccable, her eyes are shiny and follow me perfectly, her reflexes are great...Maybe we should trip her claws a bit, but that’s no big deal. Other than that...She has the cutest toe beans I’ve seen in a long while.” her voice became a bit more pitched, as she gushed over his cat. “Very well, then thank you for your help. How much do I owe you for your consultation and diagnosis?” he asked in a professional voice. “Owe me? You don’t owe me anything. It’s not like I really did anything. Besides, it’s always a pleasure being able to spend time with such a beautiful princess.” Y/N smiled at the man with a grin that resembled that of his own cat. “That’s rather gracious of you. Let me at least pay for a taxi to whatever destination you’re heading to.” Jumin pressed on, feeling weird seeing someone not taking the money he offered. “Aww, thank you, Mr. Han, but that won’t be necessary. I like to walk around the city quite a lot, it’s relaxing after a long day at the clinic.” she carefully picked up Elizabeth from her shoulders, kissed her head, then gave her to Jumin. “Would it be okay to ask for your business phone number, in case Elizabeth the 3rd needs your assistance again?” he asked, speaking purely business...Or so he wanted to make himself believe. “Oh, sure! I hope I see this gorgeous baby again! I don’t exactly have a separate business phone, but here, this is where you can contact me. I always have my phone with me, so you’ll reach me pretty fast if anything happens.” she took out her phone and gave him her number, leaning in to give the kitten one last kiss on the nose.
The man, for the rest of the day, spent his time playing and cuddling with Elizabeth, pondering over the incredibly strange interaction he had today with this woman.
She didn’t seem anything like any woman he had the misfortune to encounter, all of them gold diggers, either wanting him for his money directly, or to have something to tie them with his company, or with his father...Hell, some were in it for his money AND looks, if that wasn’t bad enough.
Jumin is aware that he was born with great looks, and he has the brains to make that work in his and his company’s favour, getting successful deal after deal, and then ghosting them.
But this woman...This so called Y/N...She was something else.
She didn’t smile brightly and talked sweetly to him out of wanting something, she did all that just because she saw Elizabeth.
She didn’t give him her number because she wanted to pester him with business messages, but because she wanted to see Elizabeth again.
She couldn’t care less about Jumin, she just wanted to do her job...No, rather, her passion.
Jumin could see the love and passion she had from the way her eyes sparkles, and the way her voice became an infinite times gentler and sweeter whenever she’d talk to or about Elizabeth.
This woman was definitely something else, especially because she completely conquered Jumin’s thoughts.
And now he wondered...
He seemed like a generous woman who would like to help others...So if he could get Assistant Kang to join RFA, why shouldn’t he try to get her in the organisation too?
And she quickly agreed as soon as she heard about charities and parties, and suggested giving money for the local animal shelters and the wildlife associations and so on.
As days and weeks passed, a party was successfully held, and Jumin had the pleasure to see how perfectly well Y/N blended in with the other members, and they all loved her, despite being rather timid at the beginning.
After the party, they gathered to a pub, had some drinks and something light to eat, while Y/N, Zen and Seven would sing Karaoke, Jumin would watch them amused, and the two women would take care of a cutely drunk Yoosung.
It was incredibly wholesome and they decided they must definitely do that again some time soon.
Months passed, and Jumin called the woman more often to hang out with Elizabeth and himself, under the pretext of wanting her to check up on the cat, but of course, they’d often hang out and eat together more often than not, with him occasionally walking her home, saying that he didn’t have time to do his 30 minutes of physical exercise.
But things started taking a turn for the worse unexpectedly soon, when, while on a play date with the cat, Y/N received a call from her boss, telling her that she was fired.
“Wait, what?! Wh-Why am I fired? Have I done something wrong?” she walked away from Jumin, speaking in a softer voice, not wanting to bother him. “Not necessarily wrong, but you don’t fit in to our ideology. You accept treating animals for less than the normal sum, and you think everything is a charity. Y/N, I’m sorry, this is a business in the end, and we can’t have charity work for every homeless stray, or any owner who can’t pay for their pet’s treatment. You have a good heart, but we can’t continue like this any further. I’m sorry, you are a fantastic doctor. Good luck in the future.” her boss explained, making the girl nod, putting her arm around herself. “...I understand. I’m sorry for disappointing you. I wish you all the best in the future as well.” she spoke in a voice barely audible, sighing as she hung up and raking her hand through her hair. “Great. That’s exactly what I needed.” she muttered, shaking her head and going back to Jumin as if nothing was wrong.
“Did something happen?” the man asked, realising rather easily that something wasn’t well. “Oh, yeah, all’s cool, don’t worry! More importantly, look how Elizabeth is cuddled up with her toy!” she tried to change the subject, but he wasn’t having any of it. “Was it a call from work?” he was annoyingly perceptive, the girl thought, as she chuckled awkwardly. “I can’t hide anything from you, can I?” the corner of her mouth twitched upwards for a split second. “So I hit the nail spot on.” he nodded, not sketching any emotion on his face. “They fired me. Said I didn’t treat my job like a business, but like a charity passion. I’ve been doing this for so long, with the only mindset of saving animals that I kept forgetting that...I can’t pay for everyone’s treatments if they can’t afford it, and I can’t take care of all the strays in the world either. I guess I forgot myself and overstepped the line between sensibility and my heart...It’s pretty pathetic, isn’t it?” she laughed weakly, looking down with an embarrassed expression. “I wouldn’t call that pathetic. In the worst case, maybe a bit naive. You have an admirable heart and your intentions are good, it’s obvious that you’re doing your job with love and passion. You remind me of Zen, but you’re less arrogant and annoyingly prideful.” Jumin spoke his opinion, making the girl smile tenderly. “Thank you...You’re really nice, Jumin. Even though you’re a successful businessman, you make an effort to understand someone so different. My dream has always been to become a great doctor and work hard to get enough money to build my own clinic, get funds for high tech equipment and also try to help the animal shelter and take care of all the strays. It’s...A rather unrealistic and childish dream, don’t you think?” she chuckled, shifting her gaze towards the playing cat. “It is incredibly naive and unrealistic, if you don’t have the proper base for a business and know how to negotiate to earn funds and equipment. I can help with that.” Jumin ended his proposition, making the girl frown at him. “I refuse that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that you’d be willing to waste your money on someone like me...But...It’s as I said. Wasted money on someone who has no idea what to do with it. And besides...I wouldn’t want you to think that I want your money or something. I want us to be friends. I care a lot about our friendship.” she smiled tenderly at him, which only made the man sigh. “At least you’re not refusing me out of stupid pride. If you are ever in need of a job, Elizabeth’s private doctor position is always open for you.” Jumin nodded at her. “Thank you, Jumin. I’ll keep that in mind. I won’t forget your kindness...But I don’t want to end up like Jaehee, where you have to text her, since you can’t stand her voice anymore. I wouldn’t want to annoy you with just my presence.” she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. “...I’m sure that wouldn’t happen. Anyhow, I know a few great clinics that are willing to employ someone with your energy and knowledge. The least I can do is call them up and recommend you.” the man suggested, which seemed to brighter the expression on her face. “I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you from all my heart for caring about me, Jumin. I mean it, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” she grinned gratefully at him, and for the first time in his life, he felt a heart arrhythmia.
And that’s exactly what he did, and for a while, the girl was more than enthusiastic with everything, but sooner rather than later, the boss realised she was an amazing employee and started abusing her work ours, calling for her more than one shift per day, not allowing her enough time to rest between shifts, not enough time to eat properly or go out with the members of the organisation whenever they managed to match a evening.
Jaehee would call to check up on her, and oftentimes, she’d wake her up in the middle of the afternoon, which is when she was able to get a wink of sleep.
Zen would ask her to post selfies, and it was obvious she was starting to get paler, and she had dark circles around her eyes from the sleep deprivation.
Yoosung asked her if she’s been eating properly, as he thought she was starting to lose weight in an unhealthily way.
Seven asked if she was doing anything else other than overworking herself, as even himself and Jaehee, despite everything, still found time to do some things for themselves too.
And Jumin...
Jumin was the most worried out of them all.
He knew how determined she was to save the little souls she was so fond of, and quickly realised how her kindness could easily be taken advantage of.
He was annoyed with how gentle and soft she was, but in the same way, that’s what intrigued him so much about her.
It only made him want to protect her, especially since he was lowkey blaming himself for recommending her that specific clinic.
So, one day, he found the perfect opportunity to call her, when Elizabeth, once again, stopped eating and was behaving rather lethargically and was coughing, and of course, as soon as she heard about the cat being in distress, she rushed to Jumin’s place without a second thought or suspicion. 
As soon as she entered in his room, he had to gather all the self-control he had not to jump on her and get her in bed, to force her to sleep properly, while he gets her a proper, nutritious meal.
She wasn’t smiling, she wasn’t glowing, she wasn’t vibing, she wasn’t cheering, she wasn’t cuddling Elizabeth, she wasn’t...
She wasn’t okay.
And for some reason, this bothered Jumin a great time, but he wasn’t sure how to address this without offending her or making her uncomfortable.
His interactions with Zen and Jaehee made him understand human behaviour a bit more in-depth than he would otherwise, just from books, so he settled for examining first.
“Okay, so what’s wrong with the little princess?” her voice was weak and soft, as she kneeled down slowly, petting the cat. “She has been rather lazy today, didn’t want to play, and has been coughing frequently.” Jumin’s explanation was simple, but effective. “Fur ball. She has to vomit a fur ball, but can’t. Could you please bring me a tray or something? I wouldn’t want this beautiful white carpet to get dirty with stomach fluids and vomit.” she stretched herself to get her bag, taking out a sort of laxative. “Use this.” Jumin brought the first useless clipboard he found around, putting it on the ground next to her. “Thank you. There, there, darling, it will be alright, don’t worry. I know it’s uncomfortable, but you’ll get better in a second.” after giving her the laxative, she started massaging her belly, helping the cat vomit the fur ball easier. “Great job, sweety, you’re all good to go.” Y/N gave the cat the ghost of a smile, as she got up, albeit, as lethargic as the cat used to be. “Thank you for your time and for taking care of Elizabeth, Y/N. Why don’t you stay over for lunch?” Jumin asked, as he raised the clipboard and put it away, on a desk, not to forget to throw it away. “I’d love to, but maybe next time. I have a triple shift today and it starts in 2 hours. I really appreciate you thinking of me, but...Work.” she sighed, looking away, before giving with a forced smile. “Are you sick, Y/N? You don’t look very healthy to me. Have you gone to do regular check ups?” he asked, trying to think of a proper excuse to stop her from leaving. “Oh, uhm...I didn’t really have the time. Work has been taking most of my time. But I’ll go as soon as the opportunity arises, I promise!” she tried to skip the conversation. “Well, then, I’ll be off! It was great seeing you, Jumin. Elizabeth too, of course! Take care of yourselves!” she waved at them, rushing to leave the room, making sure she closes the door behind her.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to take too many steps, as a vertigo state started taking over her, and she had to stop and lean on the corridor’s wall, only for her vision to get blurry, covered with a myriad of black dots, and then disappearing completely.
She fainted, falling to the ground with a soft thud, the sound being amortised by the fluffy carpet, but it was enough for Jumin to go check up on and sigh at the sight.
He knew something like that was going to happen, yet he was just grateful it happened while in his home, not on the street or something.
Jaehee would sometimes experience vertigo states and faintness while at work, due to overwork and overexhaustion, but this was taken to the extreme.
That woman had no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. 
He picked her up with ease, placing her gingerly on his bed, tucking her in, as he took of his blazer, rolling up his shirt sleeves and watching over her.
Usually, fainting would last barely seconds or minutes, but this wasn’t something ordinary. He heard of numerous cases of people sleeping 12, 14, even 16 or more hours, to compensate from the long period of stress and deprivation, so all he could do was wait until she would awaken herself, then give her a light, yet nutritious meal, make sure she hydrates herself...
And never let her do something as stupid as that.
He was going to make sure she doesn’t neglect herself again.
After all, you can’t fulfill your dreams if you are ill or dead, correct?
Jumin took her phone, putting it on silent and disabling all alarms, to make sure she sleeps unbothered, while he’d complete his work in silence and do everything he would do in a day, but as silent as possible.
It melted his heart when he noticed Elizabeth cuddling in the crook of Y/N’s neck, and at that moment, he wished he would take both of them in his arms and just stay there and rest for a while, in complete peace, having no more worries.
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He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, but he was awoken by a soft cry, which startled him, only to see the girl on the edge of the bed, her head hung, her hands gripping at her unkept yet otherwise beautiful hair.
Frowning in confusion, he got up to sit next to her, putting his arm around her and pulling her to his chest, playing with her hair, as if he was playing with Elizabeth’s fur.
“I’m sorry for wasting your time, Jumin. I really am. I bothered you too much already...” she managed to squeak between her sobs. “Nonsense. Is that what was giving you distress?” he asked, in surprise. “That, and...I...Got fired. Again. I told the boss that I fainted and couldn’t come, but she didn’t believe me, so...That’s it. No more job again...And another slap in the face that I’m just a stupid girl who dreams too big, but has no idea how to do anything. I’m just a weak failure who can’t do anything right. You shouldn’t even stay around someone as stupid as me. I’m sorry...” her small form was trembling, and the man could swear the words were hurting him more than were hurting her. “Stop speaking like that. Instead of insulting yourself, solve things. If you can’t solve things by yourself, then ask for help. Everybody needs help sometimes. Nobody was born knowledgeable, and neither was I. My father helped a lot, and more, all the studies that have been taught to me. Like you don’t know know anything about management, I don’t know anything about medicine. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, and nor does it make you a bother for anyone.” Jumin explained, as the girl hugged him tighter. “But...But...You’re so busy...I don’t want to give you more trouble than needed. I don’t want you to end up like me. My dreams are silly and unrealistic...I couldn’t possibly ask you to support something so stupid and childish as that.” she spoke in a meek, mouse-like voice. “You have no idea how many cat projects I’ve done so far and how much money I lost, because I wanted to glorify my love for Elizabeth the 3rd. I may be 27 years old and I may be the one who’s going to continue my father’s work after he retires, but that doesn’t mean I can’t indulge in my own passions. That’s how it is with you as well. So, Y/N, look at me. Look at me and ask me for help.” Jumin put his hands on her cheeks, raising her head so he could look into her tearful eyes that held a myriad of emotions and doubts. “Can I really be selfish and ask for your help, Jumin?” she managed to ask after having a small internal battle with herself inside her mind. “I wouldn’t offer my help if I wasn’t willing to do it properly.” he leaned in to kiss her forehead, making the girl take a sharp inhale, putting her hands over his, and smiling softly. “Thank you so much, Jumin. I owe you everything.” she whispered, gratefully. “You owe me taking care of yourself. That’s all. Accept the position of Elizabeth the 3rd’s personal Vet, and let me help you out with your dream. It’s not as unrealistic as you think it is, if only you have someone who knows what to do.” he offered, and she could only nod, and this time, her usual bright smile was back on her face, even despite the tears that were still streaming down her face. “Okay, Jumin. I trust you. I will take care of myself...So please help me out.” she said in such a sweet voice, that Jumin, for the first time in his life, had the urge to just grab her face and kiss her, with no regrets. “The deal is settled, then. Tomorrow I have a meeting with a wealthy company from abroad, and we will be staying at a resort by the beach. You’re coming as well, I won’t accept any complaints. I will call Assistant Kang to tell her that I will be leaving Elizabeth the 3rd with her for a few days. If you have appropriate outfits for going at the beach, then we will go pick them up from your place when I go leave Elizabeth with Assistant Kang. If not, we must go buy some.” Jumin got up, explaining everything as he called Jaehee, informing her of everything she must know.
She felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that Jaehee had more work on her hands because of her, but she had to learn to accept that she needed help, and Jumin was willing to offer it, because he was a good friend and he cared about her and her well-being, like nobody ever did.
It was weird being so pampered all the time, not feeling like she deserved it, but even so, her mind was constantly on the man she was living with, and even more, tomorrow was a big day.
She tried out a few swim suits, sundresses, hates, sunglasses and slippers, all the perfect clothes for going at the beach at a private resort and enjoying the cool ocean and the hot sun.
Y/N spent most of the flight sleeping on Jumin’s shoulder while listening to music on her phone, and he fell asleep with his head leaning on hers, as they arrived early morning, and went to have a great breakfast.
As the meeting started at noon sharp, Y/N spent the whole afternoon walking around the shore, with her feet in the water, listening to the waves breaking and the tranquil atmosphere, along with the ocean breeze and the sun rays were making her feel revitalised like never before.
She felt alive, after so long.
Hours passed without her even realising, and Jumin appeared in front of her bringing two cocktails on the beach lounge chairs, and she rushed to him.
“How was it? Everything alright?” she asked, taking a sip of the ice-cold strawberry drink. “Of course it did. But that isn’t the most important thing now. I see you’re rather happy. You’re not as pale as you used to be just two days ago either. I’m glad.” he said, causing another wide grin to spread on her face. “Well, it’s thanks to you, after all. You gave me the opportunity and helped revive me. I haven’t been out in the sun for a long while...And now...Well, I finally remember what it’s like to relax.” her smile was contagious, as Jumin started smiling a bit as well, until their phones started beeping and they saw the other members were chatting about the girl.
Yoosung: Is she okay?! I’ve been trying to text her all yesterday, but there was no sign :( Zen: Yeah, me too. This place has been kinda quiet without her. 707: I just tracked her location and... 707: She’s at an exotic resort?! lol?! Zen: ?!?!?! Yoosung: HUH?! Jaehee Kang: Let me explain. Zen: Jaehee, you know what happened with Y/N? Jaehee Kang: Not everything, but just some bits that I picked up from Mr. Han. Zen: What does Trust Fund Kid have to do with Y/N’s disappearance?! 707: LOLOLOL Y/N AND JUMIN ARE IN THE SAME PLACE, RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!! Yoosung: *Gasp sticker* Zen: SAY WHAT NOW?! Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han took Y/N with him on his business trip, saying that she needs a break from work. You all know how bad she was doing. Yesterday especially, she fainted from overwork and exhaustion, got fired, and Mr. Han offered her a job and said he’d make sure she’s okay.  Jaehee Kang: That’s the brief summary of what I pieced together. Yoosung: Y/N!!! If you see these messages, please tell us you’re feeling better!! I’m very happy that Jumin was so nice to help you out! Zen: ...That’s shocking. To think that Silver Spoon would do something like that for someone. That’s amazing. 707: Jumin, won’t you take me on a beach business trip too?! I feel my skin drying from the lack of sun too!! Zen: Jeez, don’t whine like that, do something about it.  707: lololol. Anyway, it’s not that shocking that Jumin did something like that for Y/N. I mean, he offered Zen some deals too. Didn’t he tell Yoosung that he’d hire him, if he gets good grades too? Jaehee Kang: Oh dear... Jumin Han: All you know to do is to gossip all day long. Don’t you have anything better to do? Jumin Han: Also, Y/N is just fine. And yes, she’s next to me. Y/N: Yep! I’m doing infinitely better than before. Thank you so much for worrying about me, I promise I will take care of myself from now on!! Y/N: *sent a selfie*
Y/N then got next to Jumin, taking off her sunglasses and gluing her cheek to his, grinning, one arm around his torso, to help herself stand on her tippy toes and reach his level, while the other was used to take a selfie.
Zen: Ohh, your dark circles are starting to disappear! And your skin isn’t as deathly pale! Y/N: Yeahh, I spent the whole day outside in the sun. It is incredibly refreshing. Yoosung: I hope you’re having fun at the beach! Did you get to swim yet? Y/N: No, not yet, but tomorrow it’s going to be even hotter than today, so I’ll definitely enjoy the water then! Jaehee Kang: Y/N...You look happy. I’m glad to see you smiling again. And you made Mr. Han smile too...That’s quite the feat. Y/N: ??? What do you mean? Jumin has a beautiful smile! Zen: Not more beautiful than mine, surely!  Zen: *sent a selfie* Jaehee Kang: I have been cleansed... 707: lololol here we go again. Y/N: You have a beautiful smile, Zen. But Jumin’s smiles are pure and rare, like the first snowdrop of Spring. Jumin: *smile sticker* Jumin: You heard her. Zen: *angry sticker* Zen: Did you steal her phone and write that yourself or what?! Jumin: No. Jumin: *sent a picture* Jumin: She’s by the shore, I’m still on the lounge chair.
Jumin took a picture of the girl who was staying with her feet in the water ankle-deep, looking into the horizon as the sun was setting and the sky was painted with all the colours of the twilight by angels. He could only look at how gorgeous she looked as she had her hands on her hat, to make sure the breeze won’t fly it away, and the way her sundress was gently swaying in the wind.
Yoosung: Ohhh, so pretty! I’d like to go on holiday to a place like that too, one day! Y/N: OMG Jumin!! Y/N: *embarrassed sticker*
Before she realised, Jumin was behind her, startling her unwillingly, as he prowled silently, like a feline.
“D-Don’t startle me like that!” she chuckled weakly, putting her hand on her chest where her heart would be. “That was not my intention. I just wanted to see you up up close again. The picture came up beautiful.” he said, taking off her sunglasses and hanging them from his Tshirt neck, loving to see all the emotions that her eyes betray so innocently. “I-I don’t know how to respond to that.” the girl blushed softly, looking away, trying to hide her face with the long ends of the hat. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m just glad that I can see you smile again...For me. You make my day brighter than this sun does. And I’m happy that you’re finally willing to rely on me to help you with your dream.” he smiled softly, putting a hand on her face, lifting her face up. “If I can make you happy, then I’m happy as well. Jumin, I...I love you. I know I said I didn’t want thing to be weird between us, but...I had to tell you. You deserve to know my feelings for you. They have been there for a while...” she closed her eyes, blushing even harder, only to make the man smile at her. “Good. Now that I know my feelings for you are reciprocated, I don’t have to stop myself from doing this.” Jumin hummed slightly, leaning down to capture the girl’s soft lips with his, giving her a sweet, gentle kiss, only for her to put her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
But then, the phones started beeping like crazy, startling and confusing the girl, until she looked at the chat and gasped, hiding her face with her hat.
“WHEN-...?! WHY?! H O W?!” she chirped in embarrassment, seeing a picture of them kissing in the group chat, while everyone was commenting on it. “If Zen wants to show off all the time, then why shouldn’t I as well?” he smirked softly, kissing her forehead to calm her down. “Y-You...Just...I don’t know how to reply to that either. You’re really something else.” she sighed dramatically, before chuckling and hugging him. “When you smile like that, you remind me of a kitten. And now you’re cuddling me like one. How cute.” he mused, putting his arms around her. “I love you.”
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maariarogers · 3 years
Why Webtoon!Suho is Superior and K-Drama!Suho Needs To Catch Up 👏
Hello, everyone!
Am I here again with another semi-controversial meta? Why, I might be.
If you’d like to catch up with my last meta, which was: Thoughts On True Beauty and Why I’m On Team Suho, you’re going to get a whole butt-load of information on why I’m mostly a Lee Suho-simp, thank you very much.
With that said, to cut the story short, I’ll be listing down some points I’ll be bringing up on this particular topic. Feel free to skip some points if that’s your cup of tea, or if you’re just cruising and find that the points I’m bringing up are not of your interest at all and you’re scrolling by? That’s fine too!
If you’re sticking around though, thank you!
The Points:
Intro: What Do I Mean?           a.k.a. What’s The Deal With Suho (Again)?
Webtoon!Suho vs. KDrama!Suho           Is K-Drama Suho ‘Mary Sue’?
Why K-Drama!Suho Needs To Step Up
How K-Drama Lowkey Didn’t Capture Seojun and Suho’s Friendship
Conclusion: #TeamJugyeong
Full disclosure: I absolutely, completely adore True Beauty — both the drama and webtoon — and this is purely written from my own point of view, based on the thoughts I’ve accumulated by my own deductions. There certainly will be criticism, but mostly I just want to put it out there to hear out what others are also objectively thinking about this. So, let’s go!
I will try to make this one short, but let’s see how this goes :D
Intro: What Do I Mean? a.k.a. What’s The Deal With Suho (Again)?
To start this, if you’ve read my first meta, then you would know first-hand that I’m completely fascinated with Suho. That is, the webtoon version that’s been presented of him. I find him intriguing for a character that is quite “dull” — but only because that dullness played a part more than just him being a “cool” and “distant” character.
I’ve mentioned before that I do critically think Suho is clinically depressed. It’s actually proven in the original Webtoon that, especially after Seyeon’s death, he went to a therapist and was taking medications for it. Though I’m not quite sure if he’s still following any medical routine in this current arc (the adult arc), we do see a recurring theme in Suho wherein he seemed to struggle with finding any proper passion, it became an important plot device when it was made clear to him that “he never tried hard enough [for anything]”. and him falling back into a certain habit (studying) to avoid the sadness.
(I’m not quite sure the exact quote, but it’s been mentioned again that he was studying to distract himself when his sister confronted him about it.)
I find the way the author portrayed what I’ve perceived as a protagonist with this prominent mental illness was quite refreshing? Not in the way that it glorified the mental illness or the trauma Suho was experiencing which some authors or dramas tend to do, no — what the author had planted was precise, it was realistic.
Suho struggled in a way that’s consistent (from his teen years up to his adulthood, I mean), but you can’t really tell. And that’s the thing with mental illness, a lot of the time, we don’t really see it – but it’s there. In Suho’s case particularly, it doesn’t just go away when Seyeon’s death was finally accepted and the friendship between Seojun and Suho were amended. It’s still there.
That’s quite intricate for the author to do, isn’t it?
Of course, there is so much more to Suho — which I think I’ll be implying here and there throughout this meta — but if you’d like to read more on it, the first meta is just me fangirling from the start till the end.
Now that that’s over with...
Webtoon!Suho vs. KDrama!Suho
I think I briefly mentioned that, for a moment there, I was kinda scared — but also superbly interested and excited – when they announced that True Beauty will be adapted to a drama.
For the first few episodes, especially episodes 1 - 6, it was super engaging, it was sweet, and the chemistry between the casts were absolutely *chef’s kiss*
Now, episode seven was where it went a little downhill for me.
I’ve always had a slight problem with how they’ve portrayed Suho being a “fighter” — that is, him picking up Jiu Jitsu in the drama.
Now, I know! I know! I have the same thought — the drama and the webtoon are two completely different adaptions that really mirrored one another based on characters and premise, and that’s about it. I’ve made peace with that, I enjoyed it even! But I was still a bit iffy about this particular trait because, for me particularly, it was important for me that Suho wasn’t perfect.
And guess what? He wasn’t.
In the webtoon, Suho can’t fight. The one time Seyeon and him almost got into a fight when they were in middle school, Seojun was the one who actually had experience in street fighting or brawling to defeat the bullies. And this is quite important, especially if you’ve been a writer or an author or, hell, even an audience to these mediums, “perfect” characters can often become “mary sue”.
But the thing about the k-drama is, Suho’s ability to fight was purposeful — which was why it was okay for me in the end. It was a way to introduce his father and the strained in relationship they had, he faced foes several times, and, most importantly, he had to protect Jugyeong (karaoke scene).
Now that I’ve seen (SPOILER FOR PREVIEW EPISODE 9) that he could also be musically-inclined? ...yikes. And, yes, okay, I get it! The actor is an idol, so it’s a great homage to his career, but it was still...
It felt like the writers were desperate to fill the gaps for Suho possibly being “dull” as this typical cool and distant character — when, in reality, Suho’s existence as is was quite enough. He didn’t need to steal Seojun’s fighting ability, and he especially didn’t need to rob Seyeon’s musical passion too, to be interesting and have depths of his own, do you get me?
In fact, he was without all of that, and his romance — however short-lived — with Jugyeong was still so sweet and enjoyable in the webtoon. And that’s the appeal of Suho, I think; Suho doesn’t need to be “more” for Jugyeong (like, all he did was study and read horror comics with Jugyeong), just as Jugyeong doesn’t have to appear “more” (with her make-up etc) for them to be interesting to each other. They like one another in spite all of that.
To be honest, if they had made the room about Suho’s mom, which would've thrown people off because “aren’t we still stuck in the Seyeon Arc”?, that’d be an interesting plot line since I have a feeling that the webtoon will be using that as a major plot device soon BUUUUUUT that’s a theory for another day! So—
Why 👏 K-Drama!Suho 👏 Needs 👏 To 👏 Step 👏 Up 👏👏👏
Because, honey, being unnecessarily possessive doesn’t look good on you.
I’m so, SO GLAD that Seojun actually talked some sense into him! Seojun’s absolutely right! In the end, it’s up to Jugyeong who she will choose as her romantic partner! All this, him-walking-in-and-demanding-Jugyeong-to-come-to-him-in-the-slightest-chance-she’ll-be-going-out-with-another-guy is getting boring. And you know what, my guy, you haven’t even asked her out or anything! (Besides from THAT scene at the end of Ep 8, you know what I mean lol)
Like, I didn’t mind when he was just following her because he was curious and jealous, and that led him to quietly “put a stop” to Jugyeong's blind date because the man obviously had bad intentions. I also understood when he threatened Semi Lee’s boyfriend into apologising. That’s fine - while he was manipulating the situation, it wasn’t exactly him telling and/or demanding Jugyeong to blindly follow him and/or go with him or anything.
I actually find it so, so sweet when it became a common phrase between them for Suho to always ask Jugyeong how she’s doing ( “Are you okay?” ) because that’s essentially what his character builds up to: this protector, that goes beyond keeping Jugyeong’s bare-face a secret. He’s really out there making sure Jugyeong is safe, and that’s okay!
That was the character he was establishing to be.
But then the writers pulled out this obsessive and possessive jerk out of their ass? That isn’t Suho. That’s contradicting through the whole build-up of Suho and Jugyeong’s characters from episode one to six. The whole point of why they leaned on one another is because they trust each other so, so, so much.
But in episode seven, Suho was falsely blaming Jugyeong (for sleeping when he was the one who napped) just because he’s “flustered”, taking it out on her when the baseball player just asked for her number (which, well, was understandably creepy, but like, chill bro); and in episode eight, Suho was glaring at Jugyeong the whole time just because he thinks she’s ignoring him and she was around Seojun so much?
Dude....... you never even apologised for those words that you knew hurt Jugyeong in episode 5.
Suho, babes, I love you, but - no.
I get so frustrated because ‘anger’ was never Suho’s default expression; he never truly has a temper. That was always more of Seojun’s trait and it worked with Seojun because it’s consistent throughout his character (in the webtoon). The few times Suho was actually angry to the point of nearly instigating violence in the webtoon are only because he’s pushed by this deep sadness [over the loss of Seyeon].
Rather than a glare in the scene in the beginning of the camp, it’d be more in-character if Suho’d looked like a sad puppy. Because if anything, wouldn’t Suho feel threatened since he has this deep-rooted belief that he doesn’t deserve happiness (a canon line admitted by Suho, himself, in webtoon, and spoken by Seojun towards Suho in K-Drama) and therefore, would have this inferioty complex and would never think Jugyeong would be interested in him? Which was why she’s going to Seojun a lot?
Now, let’s talk about Seojun.
How K-Drama Lowkey Didn’t Capture Seojun and Suho’s Friendship
I think one of the most prominent thing about Seojun and Suho’s friendship was how much they respected one another — especially when it came to their shared love interest in Jugyeong.
This K-Drama? (Sighs) Butchered it a little? Yeah.
Which isn’t wrong, no! But I felt like... firstly, it’s overdue; it’s making Suho look really, really not pretty (character-wise) next to Seojun, which I think is a misstep for the production because shouldn’t your male lead be persistently desirable? (But I didn’t mind lol, my heart is half-rooting for Seojun already *sighs dreamily*); and it really, most importantly, hurt the absolute loyalty and pureness that Suho and Seojun shared together in the webtoon.
Because when Seojun knew that Suho and Jugyeong liked each other? He backed off. He did. He didn’t say one word — not even a slip of a tongue — about his feelings towards Jugyeong.
But Suho somewhat knew, right? And he backed off when he knew he was disappointing Jugyeong by his departure. He makes way for Seojun to be there, however he can be, for Jugyeong while he’s not around. And when they started dating, Seojun and Jugyeong? Suho was supportive throughout.
He was never jealous, there was never one instance where he showed his dislike, and even when Jugyeong casted doubt or talked with Suho about her relationship problems, Suho was always rooting for the both of them. He wanted them to work.
They were all excellent friends.
I understand why and how the K-Drama ended up the way they did currently at episode eight, but in my opinion, I feel like it’s a bit disrespectful to the true friendship that Seojun and Suho shared in the webtoon only to present them as these unending rivals when... when you think about it, it isn’t really Seojun and Suho?
Cause obviously webtoon!Seojun and webtoon!Suho, once they’ve made up that is, were extremely reliable towards one another; they were very encouraging (besides from the slight hiccup when Seojun got a bit jealous); and they were incredibly loyal and understanding of one another’s situation.
I hope we’ll see glimpses of it more in the future, ‘cause I’d pay for nice and slightly-realistic progression of friendship that’s somehow mixed up with romance and how these people are coping with it, rather than just seeing two boys glare at one another while my girl Jugyeong just wanted to go to the toilet 😆
Conclusion #TeamJugyeong
I just want this girl to stop being pushed-and-pulled and happy, man.
I’m still looking forward to more of the episodes and the webtoon, though! I still love the casts, the production, the way the story is flowing so far (because I wanna know what’s gonna happen, you know?) but I do think Suho could’ve been written a bit better? Or, at least, with a bit more consistency?
Or, I mean, maybe he could just start apologising for every reckless actions rather than him getting away with it because he saved Jugyeong? Maybe?
I really still adore him, and I’m still rooting so much for Suho because the times when he was alone with her, he was super sweet? And immediately the sincerity and the core of what made Jugyeong and Suho so appealing to me just came out? Like he has that potential that webtoon!Suho is already at.
I love them so much, ugh.
(Although Seojun, bro, I’m lowkey on your side too. That bracelet he did for her was 💗💗💗💗💗)
I hope everyone’s doing well, keeping each other safe, and if my head’s running wild again, I’ll keep you posted akdjksjhskdhf
Thank you so much for reading!!!!
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Staring at my wedding dress, I am fully doubting I will fit into now “I have grown Ja, not going to lie. You need to start sorting this shit out, I am not even going to try it either. Tina, you have the NDA shit sorted right, I just want to get married quietly” Tina nodded her head “I do, I am just here trying to get things together, we will do it eventually but oh my god, we need to like relax and have fun. You’re getting married tomorrow” Tina said in excitement “I know, I am scared now. I feel like I just jumped and didn’t think. People are going to hate me so much, I am not even upset with it being a small thing, I am just shocked to be honest with myself. I am nervous, I just won’t ever find a man like him, I love Chris and now it’s like what the fuck am I waiting for? I don’t care for the big ballroom shit, I just want it small quick and done with, party can happen after” Ja cooed out “and I am super happy for you Robyn, you know like to see you look after you instead of everyone else. I have seen you smile so much more too, I mean not when you’re saying about your back but just generally happy” Ja is so cute “thank you” I said, I won’t get emotional “don’t say thank you to me, more like thank you Robyn. You have let me live your life, you have given me a pedestal to shine my artistry and design work, you allowed me to see you when you were down, your happiness, your family, your love. I am grateful for you Robyn; at one point I would want to marry you because you deserved it. I mean at first I was like not Chris again, not him. Then I am here with you both, you do actually get along but the politics around you and him really fucks you both over so don’t say thank you, you have done enough for others and I totally understand why you have closed doors on this wedding, I do understand and I love you so much” Ja got me emotional now “you made me cry asshole” hugging him, that is so sweet of him.
Ja and Tina left the room, they are trying to sort out my dress and some food for tomorrow. I want it to be cute still, it’s weird but we can try. Chris has gone to get Royalty a dress, I felt sad that she hasn’t got a nice dress and I want her to feel included so Chris has gone shopping again, this is why the home is quiet which is nice to have “alright Mrs Brown” Mel said behind me, I breathed out laughing “girl, I will be Fenty Brown baby, I am not moving my surname for anyone but I will do Fenty Brown because that is actually cute to be honest. I am feeling a little happy but also nervous but happy, like it’s been a long time coming” I smiled to myself “did you always want a big wedding? I am sure I have asked you this before” Mel said “uhh, honest truth. I don’t care for it, when I was younger I wanted my happily ever after but with a wedding, I just didn’t care for it. And right now my happiness is growing in my stomach and my other happiness is out shopping. I am content, I just think once it gets out, people are going to be so shocked. I mean I am excited to say my husband and I like to announce the birth of our daughter and this time it’s about me. I am so excited Mel to do that, when I just put such words in my caption people are going to be shocked, I am here for it Mel” feeling a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders “and I am here for it too, I can’t wait to see the meltdown. I was thinking that maybe the Fenty empire all announce it at the same time, hear me out. So we will prep them on what has happened, we will send the team what to post, like every page as an exclusive picture from the day and will say congratulations to you and Chris. Like the world is already on fire, let’s add to that. Let’s make it spicy, I am here for it. And bitch I am going to be awake and posting all my videos I have been waiting to put up” Mel is so right “wow, I have never thought of that. Oh my god, Mel you are a beautiful woman” Mel busted out laughing “don’t lie to me bitch, but I was thinking” Mel kissed my cheek.
Putting my hand in Dennis’ camera “I look a whole mess, please don’t” I laughed “well I don’t care so here we are, planning for tomorrow” I hate that I look a mess “trying to sort out my life, I am just sorting out tomorrow. And fixing up the detailing” I smiled, Tina rushed over to the table “so we have the paperwork done, the civil marriage will be recognised but religious is a no, it kind of gets a bit too much. So what we think is do the civil marriage here, we have all the paperwork and then you can get the religious one done with a much bigger audience? I am sorry I didn’t mention it but you have been not well for a few days” nodding my head “that is fine Tina, I am happy with the civil marriage to be done. I just want to get married to him” Tina nodded her head “well we have the chef coming tomorrow morning, cake arriving too. We are going to do this home up for you ourselves, we have kind of used Mel’ name for the chef and cake because when they arrive they won’t see any of you, they will be dropping the food off and going. The registrar coming we had to tell him, he signed the NDA too so all is well, so pretty much. We are set, just that it will be a civil marriage but in the eyes of the law you both married, just your mom won’t be pleased because it isn’t religious” I laughed “I knew that, that is why I didn’t mention it to my mom” looking at Dennis “I love you mom, but my decision to not tell a lot of people lays on the fact I don’t need the negativity. My mom is not negative but she will have opinions on a civil marriage and I am happy to marry him that way” hearing the door close and the hallway full of giggles, which means they are back “Monica we love you, don’t be mad” Mel laughed “Because we're going to the chapel and we're gonna get” hearing Chris sing “finish it off then!” Chris spat, I laughed shaking my head “married!” Royalty shouted “I mean how can I not want that” looking behind me “Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married” Chris came from around the corner “oh shit, y’all are all here. I thought Robyn would be alone” Chris laughed at himself, smiling at Chris “you are so corny” Ja said, Chris walked over to me “gee, I really love you” he kissed my forehead “And we're gonna get married” Mel finished off as she got up from the chair, hiding my face laughing “Going to the chapel of love aye, aye aye!” looking up seeing Mel twerking, catching Dennis placing the camera down and rushing over “because we’re going to the chapel and we’re going to get married” they all sang in unison dancing, they got me crying laughing here.
They are all crazy, I am glad they are out of breath “this all your fault” grabbing Chris’ arm “I didn’t expect everyone to join, you enjoy that. Aye Dennis you get that for your little video, I want that on my page” Chris sat down at the table “I honestly enjoyed that, we need to do a karaoke night tonight or something. We do some dope karaoke nights, actually shall we make it super special and do that, like not late night because Robyn has a bedtime but I think we should have some fun” Mel said “why not, but we can only sing old songs” I added “shame you can’t drink but the rest of us can, I hope you got some soppy vows too Christopher. I want some tears in the audience, I want to hear that lisp kicking in” Mel is a troll “whatever, I ain’t got no lisp. So Roro, you going to be my singing partner? Ok how about Team Rihanna and Team Chris, how about men verse the ladies. Jahleel, we need to get some vocals going. How about it?” Chris got a good idea “fine by me, Royalty we will do just fine” I said to her “you can’t show any skin either to get points, you got to keep it PG” side eyeing Chris “I always keep it PG thank you very much” who does he think I am “how you feeling though, like tomorrow we will be married. Are you happy?” Chris questioned, nodding my head “I am nervous but it’s good nerves. We were discussing about the whole reveal thing and discussing tomorrow. It should be straight forward for us” Chris grinned at me “I am the luckiest man alive; I don’t deserve you” nodding my head in agreement “aye!” Chris said laughing which made me laugh “I am joking with you” Chris placed his hand over mine.
“What makes you love Rihanna so much?” Dennis asked Chris “erm, what is this for again?” Chris asked me “it’s question time, this is where we find out if you are worthy of me” I winked “how about if you are worthy of me, don’t play me like that” pulling a face at Chris “I don’t mean it in a way of why you love her, what draws you back to her? I have heard Rihanna say why but you, what makes you say I can’t leave, and why you had to get to this point” Dennis said confirming what he meant “what isn’t there to love about shawty, like even now. I be blushing about her, I get all nervous and shit but knowing Robyn from the start, getting to know her heart, to love her as a person. I mean yes she is beautiful but the bond we hold is deeper than that, when you know your soul mate, you just know. You don’t ever have that feeling again when your heart skips a beat for a person. She is the most amazing woman, selfless to others. I always wanted to marry shawty when my beard was barely connecting, from the jump I wanted her. We were engaged, I don’t know if Robyn wants me to mention it but we had it all, the baby, the engagement, the stardom. Before the politics happened, we had it all, but nobody was going to let that happen. Nobody knows this and if Robyn wants to cut this out she can, but we had it all, and it kills me that nobody let that happen. Our kid would have been in its teens, crazy right? But it was always meant to be, we were always meant to be have a baby and I love her, my first baby mother” Chris’ eyes meant mine, I feel teary eyed now “it is our time, we aren’t the best examples at life. Many will hate us or whatever but it’s a lot people don’t know, that was one of many things that always held that bond there” I said “what happened to this baby” Dennis asked, I didn’t want to answer that “I rather not say” my voice broke, I do feel bad about what I did, this is so raw “sorry” Dennis put the camera away “it’s fine, but we will decide if that should be released but I myself think about that, I still think we would have had it before them” Chris nodded his head.
I honestly just want Dennis to collate a lot of the footage so we can just work through it and keep what we need, also I have Chris sat in one place “I wanted to ask, how would you feel if I didn’t take your last name?” I am joking with him, but I would like to know “why would you want to Brown anyways, Fenty is better” raising an eyebrow “he is lying, don’t say that” I didn’t think he would “see, this is why I know you’re lying” rolling my eyes, he lied “whatever” hitting his arm “like your name finna be so long though Robyn Rihanna Fenty Brown, Robyn Brown is the shortened version, fair enough?” nodding my head “but on a real, I just want to say something because my ADHD is kicking in right now” Chris laughed “like this whole thing, this blog shit is because you all won’t let us live happy. I get what Robyn is doing, she is feeding what she wants, and you all hate me but so what, I am still going to be Robyn’ husband now, so you can just you know. Cry into a pillow now, uhm but I just want to say that I hope from this video that you see Robyn and I are madly in love and you see why, but on a real my butt hurts” I was shocked Chris sat here long enough “I am only doing this for you” Chris pecked my lips, I am happy he tries for me because I do know how stubborn Chris can be with everything.
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: reya
Writing Blog URL(s): @chu-ni
Age: 19
Nationality: african-british
Languages: english, swahili, korean
Star Sign: libra
MBTI: enfp/entp (it always changes lol)
Favorite color: purple!
Favorite food: i really love chicken burgers
Favorite movie: princess and the frog
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla!!
Favorite animal: elephants
Go-to karaoke song: fancy - twice
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? caramel frappe with whipped cream, in general i prefer tea though
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? secretary general at the UN….or an author
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? making anyone agree with me and do what i want them to do
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? ancient egypt!!
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?.....no.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? neither if i could lmfao but i’d go for 100 chicken sized horses
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? the nerd who’s actually really pretty after she gets a cool makeover 
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? im not sure about aliens, but i definitely believe in ghosts and spirits.
What are some small things that make your day better? when i can have moments to myself to enjoy my own company. or when someone asks me what i want to eat and they bring it for me 🥺
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? uhm…...probably the fact that i write fanfiction lol..but outside of that! i sing in the shower. and i talk to myself a lot.
What fandom(s) do you write for? nct dream currently, but in the future i want to expand to other groups!
When did you post your first piece? 17th of June 2018.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? i can never write just one genre. predominantly i write fluff with a dash of angst for spice simply because i love a story that has an issue and then having that issue be resolved for a happy ending. when i started my blog i was 17, and so i said i wouldn't write smut. now that i'm older im feeling more and more comfortable writing suggestive content at the very LEAST.. so maybe in the future i might write smut, who knows? i like writing fluff because i like making people feel good, but i like adding angst to it because i feel like the contrast between the two is very *chefs kiss* to me.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? i only write x readers!
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? i first got tumblr when i was 13 years old and i was a fresh kpop fan lmfao. i wanted somewhere that shared my interests. of course i discovered x reader fics on here and i was in awe, i guess of how much power writers had in contributing to fandom content and keeping readers satiated. i’d always loved to write and so i’d always wanted to start my own writing blog, and for 2 years i did write for other blogs! it wasnt until 2018 that i finally took the leap and decided to start my own, because i wanted to impact people's emotions and take them on a journey through my writing.
What inspires you to write? what inspires me….teen movies, music!! music is a big one for me, and also the books that i read. i also grew up playing otome games so the plots and writing from those influence my writing a lot.
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? i really enjoy writing royalty!aus as well as exes!aus. i love to do them cause they require me to build a world and with royalty aus specifically i love weaving together bits of political intrigue, or arranged marriages, etc. its so much fun!!
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? that if this world is too rough or too much, you can always escape from it. it might not be physical, but immersing yourself in a universe that's entirely different for a little while can help soothe you.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? usually i try and take breaks. the problem with that is that my breaks can go on for longer than i’d like and im trying to fix that. so my other solution is to read read read!! read as much as i can, or go back to books that i loved. ask myself what i liked about the writing, what are some parts that i thought were amazing examples of good writing - i note them down then see if i can apply that to my own work. another thing i do is take a break from writing my longer, fleshed out works and write blurbs! blurbs are a great way for me to write but not feel like its tedious because i don't have to spend as much time on them and it gets me into the groove of writing without feeling stressed out.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? my favourite piece of work is miscommunication. it took me months to write that, even after i lost all the work halfway through, and its the longest piece of work i have written so far, so its kinda like my baby. my most successful is candy jar. its also the work i owe my blog exposure to - it was the first piece i published, and it was also the first piece of writing i did in around 4 years.
Who is your favorite person to write about? i don't have much out for them, but i really enjoy exploring mark’s and jeno’s characters. they're people, but in my work i enjoy analysing them and judging how they’d act in different contexts.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? the only difference for me is that fanfiction (depending on the fandom) has some of the stuff fleshed out for you already, such as the world its in. if youre the type to write AUs then the only thing you already have is the characters - the planning, the writing, the drafting, and everything else is still the writer's responsibility. therefore there isn't much of a difference between the two for me.
What do you think makes a good story?  a good story, to me, is one that takes me on a journey. it could be any genre, but i like to feel immersed and connected to the characters and the world in it. also aside from the obvious, like good grammar, a good story feels natural to read. i don't feel like skim reading half of it.
What is your writing process like? my writing process consists of me getting inspiration - usually from a song, or a film or a book ive read or a game ive played - i note down my idea and who i want the story to be about, and then bullet point the whole story, with some snippets of particular dialogue i want the reader or the other person to say at certain scenes. i then open another document ( i have a writing app on my phone, called werdsmith, so i use that!) and set a word count goal i want to hit so i can track my progress and start writing the fic, with fleshed out language and exposition. when im done (usually after a couple weeks up to a few months, depends on the length of the plan) i read through it to fix any mistakes, then i transfer it to docs so i can read it again and italicise any areas i feel need it.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? i...don't think so. mainly because the original fiction i read and would like to write for myself is predominantly fantasy, whereas the fanfic i write on my blog is usually non-idol, normal fics. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? im a SUCKER for enemies to lovers, royalty ofc, “and they were roommates”, and i think superhero aus are really cool but there isnt enough of them :( idol/you as member aus....not feeling her… also abo/werewolf/vampire aus….not feelin em
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? a LOT. a HUGE amount!! i said before how i like giving my readers somewhere where they can immerse themselves as an escape, even for a short while. hearing about how my work affected them, made them feel, makes me feel less insecure about what im writing and thus more confident to publish it.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? i’d say reblogs. and also putting out more content. when i first uploaded candy jar i went to my one of my favourite writers (jaeminlore) and asked her if she'd be okay with reading it and giving feedback. to my surprise she loved it and her reblogging it to all her followers is literally what gave me a bunch of followers all of a sudden who loved what i’d written. to keep that momentum i created more and more content, and while i haven't uploaded as often as i've wanted to or written as much as i’d wanted to, i can say i have a good amount of work on my masterlist for people who are looking for more to read.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? 100%. fanfic has an unfair reputation for just having bad writing and cringey fics (and i feel like this is because of the way society views the demographics who predominantly consume and create it), when in reality i feel like those who write fanfiction are extremely talented and selfless people. they're on the internet creating content for free for people to enjoy and like any other work of art they're putting time and effort into it. i think it should be respected. any form of art is going to have its good and bad sides.
Do you think art can be a medium for change? hmmm….yes. i feel it can be a way to reflect the thoughts of people and also be a way to inspire people to do more.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? sometimes. sometimes i feel like i'm forcing myself to write because i feel like if i don't then people will forget about me or they’ll forget about my blog. while what i choose to write about is for me, i feel like the speed of my writing and what im writing isn't to the quality i want it to be cause i feel like i gotta get it out for people to read.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? i've never felt that way!
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? only 2 of my friends know, and i only told them like. a week ago!
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? i wish you guys would message me more! i'm quite a sociable person, and i’d love to have regular anons who talk to me 👉🏽👈🏽
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? i think one common thing amongst all writers is that we write what we want to read. so don't feel like nobody's gonna read your work, cause somebody will. you gotta act like your work is top tier even if someone says it isn't - always write the best you can, and just do it! like don't even give yourself time to overthink it, write that fic, make it look pretty, upload it onto tumblr and do not be afraid to ask your favourite fic writers to read your work once its up!! i’d be happy to read and give feedback for any fic writers as well so don't feel afraid! 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? ive been on here for 7 years….i grew up on this site lmfao. but i don't think i regret joining tumblr once.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? shes not very active anymore and i miss her very much but user hyuck-s was so supportive and i love her!!
Pick a quote to end your interview with:
she believed she could, so she did.
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Wasn’t gonna do a 5x11 post, but ya know what? It was a good one, and it’s fun to talk about stuff ya like.
Folks this one is LONG:
Admittedly, I don’t really understand what Brainy did with the rock and the stick, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, because we get Motorcycle Brainy.
I appreciate that nearly every character on this show has the impulse to go out and get a black Stealth Outfit and procure a motorcycle whenever they gotta do clandestine, under-cover stuff. (See also: Lucy, Kara, Alex, J’onn.)
ALSO appreciate the ongoing commitment to characters showing they care via food, as seen in the Breakup Feast scene. 
I’ve seen this episode four times and it’s only JUST occurring to me that Lex is grabbing some of Evil!Winn’s hair and not just creepily picking lint off his shirt, after their little chat.
Lena Laments to Lex! Lost Lots of Lobe Legwork.
Lex’s action figure is safe for children ages 5 and up, AND the articulation allows for lots of action and superhero poses!
(That thing has NO visible leg or arm joints, Lex will not be doing ANY action posing, whatsoever. XD)
But, for real: It’s a pretty great prop. The packaging is spot on. 
Love all the Supergirl action figures in the background too. (AND WITH THE NEW SUIT I am envious of Earth Prime.)
Get ‘im William, GET ‘IM.
The Lex and Kara scene was GREAT, loved the recorder smash.
Then dramatic slow walk with wiiiiiind, very nice.
Absolutely love the moment between him, Alex, and Kara when he reveals he has a family. 
Group huuuuuuug
‘I might have missed you just a little bit.’ ‘Me too, just a little.’ ‘Yeah, well, I missed you, like, A LOT.’
Side note: Really dig Winn’s superhero outfit. 
“I wanted to apologize to you, for how I treated you after you took my mother’s medallion.”
*Skeptical Thor face* Is it really hers though?
(Answer: No.)
Okay OKAY now we get to the REALLY GOOD PART but first, a bit of appreciation for Winn referencing Sam Spade.
Alright, are we ready? ARE WE READY????
J’onn’s office (which is ALREADY a cool set) gets a SECRET ELEVATOR that leads tooooo...
THE TOWwait, whoops, almost forgot:
Kara’s total nerd reaction to the secret elevator and Alex’s elder sibling-ly ‘don’t push’ while actually pushing Winn are just. *chef’s kiss*
Okay, we’re back: THE TOWER!!!!!
Complete with PAPA BEAR HUG for Best Son Winn!
I like J’onn’s Martian vest, though I do feel like he should get some finger-less gloves, or something, to complete the look.
“In the future they call it the Hall of Justice.” “I like that.”
“So like STAR Labs.” “Or the Arrow Bunker.” “A place where my Superfriends can work, whenever they should need it.” 
1.) I don’t know why the casual references to the other shows are throwing me, it’s not like they haven’t done it before...maybe it’s the fact that characters besides Kara have this kind of...lived-in familiarity with this stuff that’s otherwise been reserved for her, due to the nature of JUST the lead visiting the other shows. 2.) It occurs to me that Supergirl, the show, never had a central hub like the Arrow Bunker or Star Labs that’s just for the main characters. (Well, I guess the Office of Solitude counts? Kind of?) All of the sets (aside from Kara’s Loft and J’onn’s office which are like...living spaces) require at least a handful of extras milling around in the background. I don’t know where I was going with this....*Marge Simpson voice* I just think it’s neat. 3.) J’onn calling them his Superfriends!!!! :D
“What are you gonna call it?” “I was thinking...The Tower.” “COOL.”
Kara you lovable nerd, you.
The cut from the Martian Memory Meld to Winn’s puking is comedic gold.
“And James runs a small town newspaper and mentors children? That’s adorable!”
You can tell who’s only watching the show via gifs, because this line threw them.
Alex being like, ‘BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE.’ XD
Evil!Winn’s message has Jim Carrey Riddler energy. I think it’s that ‘Let’s play to win!’ bit that does it.
Aaaand some other stuff occurs. Lex and Brainy talk, The Kara and William stuff at CatCo, Evil!Winn’s warehouse lair.
But then BACK TO THE TOWER for more nerding out and some lovely heart-to-hearts!
Winn telling Nia about Nura: :D :D :D
And then OOOOOH BOY, my favorite scene: Kara and Winn.
It starts off great, with Kara being like, ‘I bet you’re a great dad.’ And then Winn gets to talk about being a dad! And naming his little girl after his mom! ‘It was either that or Winifred.’ Heart AND humor??? AND THEN: “KARA WAS AN OPTION.” AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW
 And then the scene continued to be great but I will admit that I was gripped with a sudden, terrible fear that when Kara mentioned not being too thrilled with her ‘legend’ she was gonna talk about how she betrayed Lena yet again but THANK GOODNESS IT WASN’T THAT.
Instead what we got was this nice little exchange about Kara feeling like she’s endangering William, and Winn being like: ‘you put ME in danger but I always trusted you to protect me’ which is a LOVELY bit of trust and reassurance and a nice deconstruction of the idea that heroes have to distance themselves from others in order to best protect them. Supergirl the TV show has always said and will always say NOPE.
“Being in your orbit...it’s inspiring.” “You.”
Then Wicked Winn’s Warehouse! Followed By Lex on a Legion Ship! Learning of Leviathan!
The Obsidian pitch sounds TOTALLY legit, can’t IMAGINE how that could be exploited for evil.
Then Toyman’s Terrible Tigers! Which Brainy Tries to Tame! 
And, look. You’re either the kind of person that watches these DCTV shows and rolls your eyes at on-the-nose music cues, ooooor you’re the kind of person that applauds that kind of go-for-broke attitude.
I am one of the latter.
(BUT it’s always just gonna be...really hard to top The Flash using “Flash Gordon” as Barry jumps into a black hole.)
Always cool to see Kara speed folks away from danger. Very nice!
Whoops, little out of order here, I got excited: prior to the super speed, we have a Winn Stand-off.
(NGL the mental image of Winn singing “Nothing Left to Lose” with his evil counterpart has been amusing me all week long.)
But I digress! Toyman seems to perish in the explosion, but given that this is a two part episode...HMMMM. I think NOT.
(I mean, there’s also the end of episode cliffhanger, so. Yeah, obvious guess is obvious.)
But for the moment, Winn’s future is safe! Yaaaaay!
Then we get the cute moment between Kara and William and YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, I SAID CUTE. BECAUSE IT WAS CUTE.
So please put me firmly in camp: Generally indifferent to ships but certainly not opposed to more cute reporter shenanigans.
(Also she wouldn’t let him have dinner alone with the world’s saddest sandwich.) 
Instead William gets to come to GAME NIGHT!
Everything about that scene is. So good.
The friendly trash-talking! The glasses bit! ‘Marty’! William saving the Jenga tower for Kara! Space Dad being there! 
(Oh, forgot another scene in my haste to rejoice over game night. Winn and Brainy. T’was good.)
And then there’s the cliffhanger and the next episode preview WHICH I’m absolutely looking forward to because MORE WINN and also KARA AND WILLIAM GET TO SING “AFRICA”.
WHICH...thank you, show, for giving us “Africa” after revealing that was Kara’s other choice, but she went with “Intergalactic” back innnnn...season...three? Well the reveal was in season four. But karaoke night proper was in season three. And “Intergalactic” was great! But. 
Anyways. Wonderful episode! A true season highlight! David did such a good job! EVERYONE did such a good job! This fandom is the worst! And I hope that they actually DO stop watching the show, because it will be better for their emotional well-being and mental health, as well as our own!
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