#but then you have to kill him using your special demon killing sword because he was overtaken by a demon himself
pwurrz · 1 month
hanyuu higurashi’s lore is just ‘maybe the real demons were the ones inside of us all along’ but taken extremely literally and unironically
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
(y/n) sparing Kokushibo's life for him to save her
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Pairing: Kokushibo x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,9k
Synopsis: You find yourself standing in front of none other than the upper moon one. And while you know your chances are low and that your life might end in the dusk of day, you are able to cage Kokushibo into the upgoing sun. Until his eyes are filled with sorrow, until you make a decicion that might cost your life...
Warnings: this is my first ever Kokushibo fic so please let me know what you think! Like for Yorichii, I inserted a few pics into the fanfic itself so be prepared, angst to fluff, not proofread yet, NO MANGA SPOILERS 🤍
Special thanks to my dear @lavenderdrxp for the request!
The cold air of the night lashes against your sensitive skin without mercy, only warmed by your blood that runs down your frame like rivers. You are so tired. Tired of fighting, tired of your life. Why did you decide on becoming a demon slayer, developing into a quite skilled hashira? Right, because one of them murdered your whole village without blinking, because you wanted to protect humans from their cruel hands.
Your fingers start to tremble uncontrollably while you hold onto your sword for dear life, the handle smeared in crimson. The second you laid your eyes on him, felt his presence, you saw death itself. You’ve never encountered one of the upper moons carefully chosen by Muzan Kibutsuji himself. Until today, you were so keen to win this endless fight, thought you’d stand a chance against the demon king.
“Give up your dreams and die.”
But the man in front of you is the upper moon one. The man in front of you was able to almost kill you with just one skilled slash of his sword. Is this how you’ll die? In a 10-minute fight with a demon? Of course, you always knew your life would end like this. After all, this is the fate of a demon slayer, this is what you chose.
But…you don’t want to die. You want to live a long and healthy life, want to eat mochis until sunset and play cards with your friends.
“I will never give up”, you press out, dashing forward over and over again.
Your body begs you to stop and rest, to let your blade fall and never return to this life. But instead, you stare into his cold eyes, those beautiful colourful orbs that would fascinate you in another situation. How did a man like him end up being such a powerful demon?
“Foolish human. Do you really think you are able to defeat me?”
Your eyes dart up to the sky above. That cursed night that makes it possible for these creatures to walk on earth freely. But that faint shimmer of orange tells you that day will soon arrive, that maybe…
It might be stupid to even consider a win, that you’ll make it out of here alive. But if you are able to entertain him for a couple more minutes and trap him until sunrise, you’d be able to not only escape, but kill him.
Your mind starts to race, eyes scanning his body up and down. He’s quite tall and muscular, it won’t be easy to defeat him without any weapons. No, not even your katana will be enough. But maybe the poison you created with Shinobu-san will be.
“Use this against a demon whenever you feel like you can’t defeat him otherwise. This will make any demon unable to move for at least a few minutes.”
Every demon, she said. Every demon definitely includes the man standing in front of you. But will this be enough, are you actually skilled enough to even hit him? You need to inject the poison into his body, meaning a slice with your poisoned blade would be more than enough.
But that means you have to land a hit.
“You’re a fool if you really think I’ll give up so easily.”
Kokushibo needs to move, needs to end this fight before the sun starts to rise. You’re a hashira, his worst enemy. But instead, he can’t help but stare at you through the darkness of the night. You seem so unbothered by his presence, so confident in your abilities that it simply sweeps him off his feet.
Are you actually dumb enough to underestimate him? No, the fact that you keep your save distance to his sword tells him more than urgently that you know very well who is standing in front of you. No, your firm believe in yourself is enough to make you stand your ground.
And again, you dash towards him, holding onto your sword so tightly that your knuckles stand out white. He dodges your attack with ease, slicing through your tender flesh too light to hurt you critically. Oh, he knows all too well that he’s holding back, that you should be dead already. Why is he not able to end this fight, to finally get rid of you? Your eyes seem to gleam in the darkness, light up the word around him. When was the last time he saw the sun? He can’t remember. But your eyes have to be close.
A sudden pain crawling up his back rips him out of his pondering. What was that? Did you manage to hit him, is the sun starting to rise? Slowly he turns around, eyes finding your cramped-up figure on the floor. His flesh starts to heal in an instant, the only hint for your attack being a minor cut in his cloak. Yes, you indeed managed to hit him.
“I thought you are a hashira. Aren’t you aware that as a demon, I’m healing in an instant?”
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Your heavy breaths hang in the air between both of you, your blood discolouring the forest ground crimson while your hands dig into the mud. This was all you’ve had left. It has to be enough, the poison has to function. Otherwise…
Your tired eyes dart towards him and the way he slowly approaches you. Will this be your end? Like in slow motion he raises his sword over your head, ready to behead you. At least you did what you could, faced him with everything you’ve head. Becoming a demon slayer meant being ready to give your life sooner or later. You allow your lids to rest, awaiting the bow of his sharp blade in silence. At least your end will be graceful, right?
But instead of his sharp blade, you are greeted by his tall figure crashing into you onto the ground. Is this real? Did the poison work? You force your eyes open, heart almost beating out of your chest when you begin to realize.
You made it. Despite the stinging fact that this man is the upper moon one, you somehow managed to stand up against him and steal his ability to move.
“You…poisoned…me”, he presses out.
What a fool he was for sparing your life when he had the chance to kill you so easily. Now the sun slowly but surely starts to rise, makes his skin burn uncomfortably while his venomous eyes stare right through your soul. You really are a brave one, bright orbs set on him while you free yourself from the pressure of his body above you.
“I did what I have to do. You are my enemy.”
Yes, you have to remind yourself over and over again. It doesn’t matter that his facial features suddenly begin to soften, you really don’t care about the way he stares into the rising sun. No, it doesn’t bother you that he looks almost…hurt.
“I haven’t seen a sunrise for a long time”, he mumbles.
“I love to see the sun rise. There is no better feeling than the first warm rays of the day against bare skin and that striking colours painted in the sky.”
“You look exactly like a woman who adores sunrises”, he comments so tenderly that you rip your gaze away from the orange sky for a second.
“And you look like a man who did as well”, you reply without thinking twice.
In the dim light he looks breathtakingly gorgeous. Yes, there is no doubt that this demon once was a handsome man with the kindest eyes. You hold your breath, the mark engraved into his eye reminding you more than urgently that this man is indeed a powerful demon. You should leave him to the sheer force of the sun, let him burn for all the sins he committed. But instead, a deep grief holds onto your heart tightly.
“I did indeed.”
Is that a tear escaping his eye? No, impossible. No demon you ever encountered cried, regretted his actions. Does he feel the presence of death haunting after him, the way his skin starts to burn under the first rays of sunshine? His forehead starts to redden before catching fire, making a deep whimper escape his lips.
“Do you want to live on?”
What a stupid question to ask, how reckless to even talk to him. Why does your hand cup his cheek all of the sudden, why do you feel sorry for one of the strongest demons in existence?
“Maybe dying in the upgoing sun is more than I am able to ask for”, he speaks out slowly and reserved.
Your mind starts to raise, comes up with a plan more poisonous than anything Shinobu has ever created. This is ridiculous to even think about, you are a demon slayer, a hashira to be exact. The thought alone is ridiculous.
But not ridiculous enough to stop yourself from grabbing him under his armpits and start hovering him into the safety of the thick woods, away from the dangerous rays of sunshine. You feel like fainting, your very own blood following you behind like a trail while you huff in exhaustion. But still, you keep on moving, shield his body from the sun with your blood-soaked coat while all he does is staring at the angelic sky.
This will be the death of you, as soon as he regains the power over his body, he’ll slice you into pieces. Why? Why are you not strong enough to outstand your pity, why weren’t you able to leave him to his fate? Instead, you find yourself hauling him up a pair of stairs leading into an abandoned cottage you’ve known for years. This is your safe place, your retreat from this cruel world.
And this will be the place you lose your life in.
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You fall onto the cold wooden floor the second the door behind both of you is closed, your mouth tasting like iron while coughing up blood. You must be severely injured, given the fact how numb your body starts to feel and how your heart seems to beat slower with every passing minute.
Your eyes catch his shadow next to you, how it builds up into its old frightening gloom. The poison must have worn off, gave him back the ability to move freely. You swallow hard, glossy eyes widened in thick horror.
This will be your end.
“Why did you save me?”
His dark voice sends shivers down your spine, the sheer presence of his powers alone while laying on the floor helplessly almost making you lose your composure.
“I don’t know”, you mumble in response, voice nothing more than a fade away whisper.
His heavy yet light footsteps make the floor vibrate underneath his weight when he crosses the room and comes to a stand in front of you. All you can do is stare at his feet next to your head, waiting for your certain death.
“I’m the upper moon one”, he reminds you.
“And I’m…a hashira…”
You feel the wood next to you give in under his weight as he kneels down next to you, six eyes staring at you intensely. Why…why is he still hesitating? It wouldn’t be hard to kill you in the state you are in, even though the sun now almost fully rose. What a victory, killing another hashira off with ease, coming closer to being the strongest.
Kokushibo can’t help but admire you for the way you still carry yourself with so much pride. Despite the fact that you’ll die within an hour if not treated, despite his sheer presence by your side, your eyes still hold contact with his unwavering. Like in trance he leans forward, lets go of the handle of his sword for the first time since forever. As gentle as his hands remember to move, he places them onto your stomach, watches as your eyes fill with dread. Is he even able to use his powers after all this time ignoring them? He has to try.
The room lights up in red as your body seems to burn alive, a silent scream escaping your lips before you are able to stop it. Out of instinct, you grab on of his hands, hold onto it tightly while waiting for the sharp pain haunting down your body.
But nothing happens. No, it almost feels as if…your pain slowly fades away.
“You…You healed me”, you breathe out in utter disbelief, chest rising and falling so sharply that oxygen refuses to fill your lungs.
Your hands wander around your body rapidly, scan every inch of your busted skin to be greeted by nothing.
“You healed me.”
“You saved me”, he replies briefly, hands still pressed onto your stomach ever so slightly.
Time stands still, the only thing you can think about are his eyes. The eyes that were filled with sorrow when staring into certain death, the eyes that roamed around your body to check for your injuries, the eyes that are now locked with yours.
“Thank you.”
“I need to thank you as well”, he answers calmly.
You don’t know what to say. Is all of this just a dream? This creature, this force of a man kneeling next to you is none other than the upper moon one, the most dangerous demon after Muzan Kibusuji himself. But he didn’t kill you. No, in fact he even healed your severe wounds, saved your life instead of sinking his teeth into you.
He spared you.
Your life was saved by a demon.
“Join the demon slayer corps. Come with me.”
Your words leave your mouth faster than you are able to even think, regret immediately washing over you like a wave. What on earth were you just saying?
“Did you forget how I am?”
“In exchange for saving your life”, you continue.
He just stares at you, eyes widen in sheer surprise. He expected everything when he followed your tracks tonight, the mission Muzan Kibutsuji entrusted Kokushibo with still present in his mind. It was fairly simple: Kill the hashira with the bright orbs, the girl on her way to a nearby village flooded by demons.
But now that he’s sitting right next to you, his hands still resting against your stomach, your heartbeat pounding against his palms, he simply can’t imagine to end your life right here and now. No, the urge to brush his fingertips over your cheek just once, to feel the heat of your skin becomes almost unbearable. Is it because of your innocent eyes, because you saved him despite he injured you severely?
“We live in different worlds, (y/n). It is simply impossible for me to be a part of yours.”
Your stomach drops by the way he says your name, breath getting stuck in your throat. You’ve seen countless demons in your life, always hated every single one with all of your heart. But this man showed you his real face, that he is still human after all these years. Maybe there is still hope, maybe turning into a demon doesn’t have to be a death sentence. Maybe…maybe you’ll be able to save Tanjiro Kamado’s sister.
“Promise that we’ll meet each other again. Promise me that you’ll visit me here right here again soon”, you urge.
Kokushibo is los at words, lost in your bright orbs, lost in your tenderness. Not so long ago, he was on his way to end your life violently, to kill you and leave with the arrival of the sun. But now he finds himself right by your side, his mind wandering just by the exciting thought of meeting you again.
“I will visit you again”, he finally gives in.
“Good”, you breathe out.
“Now, tell me a little about yourself. After all, we are trapped here until the sun goes down.”
“I don’t enjoy talking that much.”
“Come on…”
-one year later-
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Your eyes gleam in the down-going sun, whole body electrified in excitement. Only a few minutes before the sun is gone, only a few minutes until you finally see him again. As much as you adore the play of colours in the sky just before the sun sets, you started to love the tenderness of the night far more.
Because it means he’s able to walk freely, because it means finally seeing him again.
“There you are, sweetheart.”
Your heart skips a beat, cheeks already heating up before you even turned around. You wrap your arms around his tall figure in an instant, his thumb gently stroking over your forehead.
"I still despise that scar", he states, eyes lost in your sight.
He was the one who did this to you, the one who almost killed you that night.
“That was long ago, Koku, please don't worry about it. I missed you, where have you been?”
There he stands as charismatic as ever, his sheer presence alone signalling nothing but power. You never fail to notice that he’s around no matter where you are, looking after you while fighting off demons. Oh, how much he hates to hide in the shadow, to keep his affection a secret. But there is no way he’ll allow any other upper moon to harm a single hair on your body, let alone Muzan Kibutsuji himself.
Gently, you wrap your arms around him the way he adores so much, rest your head against his chest while he strokes your hair gently.
“I need to keep you save, I am not risking your life over one meeting, (y/n)”, he explains in all seriousness.
“I’d rather die than not seeing you”, you reply with a grin.
“Don’t say that, (y/n)”, he warns you while wrapping his arms tighter around your waist.
Need more? Click here for my Yoriichi x fem!reader fic!
Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @kayleegomez @snowywhiterose @chosomybeloved3
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layla-carstairs · 6 months
imagine your Raziel. you're summoned to earth by this guy with a noble vision to rid the world of demons so you help him out. you create a whole new race, give them special powers and objects to help them with their mission etc etc. then for a thousand years you leave them to their own devices until you get summoned again & this other guy starts talking about how he wants you to remake the whole race because he decided they had failed. but he wasn't actually the one who raised you, that was his daughter. she can compel one (1) deed from you, anything at all; she says it & you'll do it. and shes like "pretty please raise my special little guy for there from the dead? 🥺" which. ok ig.
then you go back to heaven & put the whole thing behind you. until of course, TWO MONTHS LATER you get summoned again. twice in the same year has to be some sort of record really. this time it's a vampire who's just?? raising you to some random farm?? and he's like "hey dude. so this guy I know is in this really unfortunate situation where he's going to die if we don't stab him or this other guy with a sword from heaven. you wouldn't happen to have one of those would you?" and you're like no, I'm going to kill you now; except you can't because this vampire apparently got the Mark of Cain of all things drawn on his forehead. and then he's like "yeah, if you don't help us save this special little guy I'm just going to annoy you for eternity. sorry 😁" and apparently this guy's life motto is "fuck around & find out" and it's working because he successfully twists your arm into giving him your buddy Michael's sword. all this over one (1) guy! it must of been the craziest year of Raziel's existence like what the actual fuck.
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bokettochild · 4 months
hello! I have an ask for you! I’ve seen a post or two of yours mention that four ends up corrupted and was curious if this is a head cannon and what it’s based on! I don’t know much about four at all, so I’d love more background on his cannon and what your head cannons for him are!
Alright, so this is somewhat founded in canon, but the long of the short is this.
Nintendo released a GameBoy copy of A Link To The Past that was packaged with LoZ: Four Swords. In this special edition of the game there was a bonus addition to ALTTP. In the dark world, at Ganon's Pyramid, there was a small hole in the wall of the pyramid that hadn't been there in the initial release. If you'd already completed Four Swords, you could enter this hole in the wall which would take you to a bonus dungeon: The Palace of the Four Sword
In this dungeon, Link (Legend) must face off against four hero look-a-likes as the bosses in different rooms, before reaching the main chamber where he faces off against all four together.
Because it's called the Palace of The Four Sword, some fans believe that the four beings within are, in fact, the Four Sword heroes. How would that happen though? Why would the hero still be alive almost a thousand years after his time? Why would he attack the new baby hero who stumbled across him?
A couple of theories include:
The Hero of the Four Sword (from here on he will be called "Four") died some time after his adventures and was buried in a crypt beneath Hyrule Castle as an honor for his service to the kingdom. Ganon's power animated Four's corpse, and when a young hero stumbled into the crypt through the Dark World, the demon used Four as his puppet to try and get rid of the hero.
After his adventures, Four decided to try and find a way to revive Shadow. This led to meddling with dark magics and becoming corrupted, forcing princess Zelda to seal him away. Because he's her dear friend (or lover, depends on the writer) she can't make herself kill him, but rather locks him away until she can find out how to rescue him. Corruption of his soul prevents him aging, so that when, a thousand years later, Legend stumbles across him, he's the same as he was the day his experiment failed and he became corrupted.
The beings within the Palace of the Four Sword are not Four, but rather the spirit of the damaged sword lashing out to protect their blade. Because he forged it, and was their only user, they maintained a similar form to his own.
Hope this helps!
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pinejayy · 10 months
╰┈➤Powerful little Human || Yandere Upper Moons
summary: requested by @the-clumsy-clown - they asked for a gn reader with sans ability and how would the upper moons react to them being powerful. they also requested for the upper moon to be a yandere.
a/n: sorry for the long wait, i've been having a lot going on. but thank you for being so patient uwu. also i've never played undertale so I don't know so much about san's powers // I had to ask my boyfriend to explain about his powers and with me being slow I really didn't understand so I hope you enjoy this uwu
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Now he's quite impressed by your power, he didn't know a human could obtain this power. He came across you in the woods and you were messing around with a helpless demon.
And of course he wanted you to himself, he was Upper Moon 1 and he was already so powerful and imagine what a powerful couple you guys would be. So yes he would be selfish and take you away from your life.
He doesn't care if you have a lover, friends or family he will take you away and force his love to you, and if you dare use your powers on him he will snap your neck.
You've tried fighting him to get away from him but it's never really worked, you can't kill him unless you have a special sword so you're stuck with him.
You are always so quick to get away from him, as if you're teleporting. But he always finds a way to grab you and take hold of you. You aren't getting away from so easy.
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Now he's crazy over you, your power is amazing. He loves how quick you are, yet he really doesn't understand how you move so quickly. Are you that quick on your feet or are you teleporting?
But that doesn't matter, Douma will befriend you and at the end he will take you away. Take you away somewhere new, and if dare try to escape him he will do everything in his power to get rid of you. How dare you not love him!
And if dare summon something to hurt him he won't hesitate to summon ice clones so they could kill you.
Douma loves you and he will do anything for you, heck he will even show you off to the other Upper Moons. They wouldn't care so much about you. The only one who would truly feel some kind of pity is Akaza.
He will praise you, and you better accept his sweet comments because if you don't he'll punish you.
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Now he would want to protect you at all cost, to the point where he locks you away, yes he understands that you have powers of your own but still what if you die? He would blame himself..
You hate him, you would kill him but you don't have a sword so you're pretty much screwed over.
There are some times where you try escaping him, and you always depend on your powers to help you out but he knows you so well, so he knows what you will throw at him. But the one thing he does struggle is keeping up with your speed.
He doesn't understand your speed like for example you could be in front of him and all of the sudden you are across the room.
Akaza will keep you locked up, he just wants you safe. What if a Demon Slayer takes you away from him! So he's keeping you away from everyone for your own good.
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He will be afraid of you, he's scared that you would hurt him. So he tends to keep you happy. Because what if he loses you, or what if you run away from him. He can't live without you. But don't underestimate him because he can and will snap back to you. Which is scary because he's always such a coward.
But when you do threaten him he will spit himself off and then the clones will deal with your attitude. And there's nothing you can do, and the clones will most likely be more harsh towards you than him.
Especially Sekido, he will not hesitate to get physical with you. And using your powers on the clones won't do too good, yes you are powerful and all. But you're fighting four powerful demons. You would be overwhelmed.
When Sekido tries getting his hands on you, you dodge his attacks which will make him even more mad.
Hantengu feels awful for sending the clones to you, but you're scary to him.
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Now how can someone like you have these powers, a human with powers. He never knew it was even possible, so when he came across you and discovered your true self he wanted to keep you.
He did what any selfish demon would do, he ripped you away from your peaceful life and he dragged you to his hidden home/cave. And if dare fight him he’ll make sure to punish you.
Gyokko forces you to show off your powers to the other demons, he gets a confidence boost. You’re basically a prize to him.
You’re not too fond with him, so whenever he wants to snuggle you and do couple stuff you teleport away from him but it’s no use, he has pots all over the place so the second you move away from him he’s already next to you. Grabbing you and forcing you into an uncomfortable embrace.
If you were to summon a Gaster Blaster he’ll return his Blood Demon Art on you.
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He would be the ruthless from the Upper Moons, he hates how a human has such powers. Why on earth were you blessed? When he was human he was treated horribly and for that he despises you but yet again you catch his attention.
He doesn’t understand this odd feeling towards you and he hates himself for it. So he basically forces you into a relationship with him, and he was quite aggressive about it too. So you better say yes to him.
He will definitely help you out with your abilities, he wants you to grow stronger. He doesn’t want to date someone who is weak.
He enjoys teaching you combat skills and you dodge his attacks and punches and he gets quite angry but also he’s quite impressed. And your speed is wonderful as well!!
You hope one day you can escape him…one day. But don’t get to hopeful he always has his eyes on you.
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the-grimm-writer · 1 year
Yandere! Akaza with a Hashira! Fem Reader. He sees how strong you are despite him holding back and mostly dodging your attacks because he doesn't kill women and once you finally collapse he catches you and tries to convince you to become a demon but when he refuses he gently let's you know that he won't be taking no for an answer
Akaza my love!! I've been having a thing for soft yanderes lately so I love this
Warnings: noncon kissing, kidnapping, blood and slight violence, slight spoilers.
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You swung your sword with all your strength, your teeth grinding together in frustration as the demon dodged the blade with ease. A bead of sweat dripped down your forehead as you tried to calm your breathing.
Despite your frustration you continued on with your attack. You swore that you'd get vengeance for all the humans that were brutally killed by demons like him.
He was faster than the average demon, something that was expected from an upper moon. You had gotten a few cuts in, even managed to cut off his hand at one point, but you would never be able to tell since he'd healed already.
A frustrated scream left your lips as he dodged once again. "Fight me, you bastard!"
This was something you hadn't encountered before. You could smell his bloodlust yet he hasn't laid a hand on you. Matter of fact, he was actually trying to avoid doing so even when you did manage to get close to him.
"I do not kill women so I will not be fighting you." He chuckled as your sword was inches away from his face before he pulled away.
He admired your stamina. You were a Hashira indeed. Most weren't able to lay a single scratch on him, but you managed to do so quiet a few times. Something that was an accomplishment in itself.
Your hits were getting sluggish now. At the start he was almost worried he'd have to do something he'd regret, but he let you continue. You used all your special attacks and most powerful breathing techniques which he could tell was taking a toll on your body.
For a moment, you almost wished you hadn't used them so soon since the earth took most of the damage. Buildings collapsed into debris and rubble, smoke and fire iminating from them because of the sheer force you put into it, the ground cracked in some places from when you'd been chasing after him and missed your target.
You knew you were coming to your limit, but you didn't back down. You couldn't, not when you'd already lost so many people. Rengoku, a terribly long list of friends you couldn't bare recall, family members. This is why you are a Hashira. You'd avenge them all.
Akaza smiled as he stepped back. Even if you were a powerful demon slayer, you were only human. It was holding you back, and he wanted to unlock your full potential.
You let out a strangled cry and made a jab at him one last time before you stumbled. Your sword was heavy in your hands, entire body shaking as you forced yourself to take another step before your knees gave out. He hadn't injured you physically, but your pride was certainly wounded.
He had his eyes on you the moment he could see you. You looked so beautiful running towards him, blade held high in the air as you screamed out your technique, ready to cut him in half. It was a clever attack. He hadn't noticed you hiding in the trees until you jumped out at him.
Right before you collapsed strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you against a hard chest. Tears burned in your eyes as he sat you on his lap. His touch surprisingly gentle as he pushed your chin up to make you look him in the eye.
"You are quiet strong." Your body shivered as he smiled down at you. "Join me, and you'll have more power than you could ever imagine."
Muzan was always looking for potential demons, and he trusted Akaza's judgment. He knew that with the right training, you'd surpass even Douma. Muzan would be proud to have another upper moon join their ranks in the bloody battle that was coming.
"Go to hell." You spat at him, your eyes fierce as you glared up at him. "You can kill me or leave me here to die because I will not be one of you."
You reminded him a lot of the last Hashira he had battled. A foolish man, he would've been a powerful demon if he'd accepted his offer. He would not let you make the same mistake.
"I'm afraid I'm not asking anymore," he sighed, his hold you firm but gentle. Not enough to hurt you, but strong enough so you couldn't get away. "You will be a demon."
"Even if I do, I will make sure that someone chops off my head."
"You will be doing no such thing." Akaza cut you off.
Once you're a demon, it would be different. He knew they would be. You were already a fierce fighter. All it would take is a little nudge to get you to consume human flesh. He'd even make sure the man you take it from deserved it so you don't feel as guilty.
He wanted you by his side, even if he'd have to force you to until you accept it. He's been wanting a companion for a long time, one that didn't drive him insane like Douma. Now he wanted it to be you. Not just his companion, but his partner, his lover.
That was something Akaza hadn't thought about in a very long time, but he found himself liking the idea. The two of you standing tall together, taking out anyone who defied Lord Muzan.
Akaza never wasted his time on mere fantasies. He was going to make it a reality. Before you could bring yourself to say anything else, he pressed his lips against yours. You didn't kiss him back, but he accepted your defiance. He was already hooked on the way you taste. Knowing once you could handle him he'd be tasting much more of you.
"Rest now." He said once he pulled away, slowly standing up.
A tear trickled down your cheek before you fell unconscious, realizing these would be your last moments as a human. Akaza walked with you still in his arms, a victorious smirk on his face.
You weren't going to be a savior for the Hashiras at all. You were going to be their downfall.
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petitelepus · 1 month
Hello! I'd love a kny demon match up please! Normal/Yandere both SFW and NSFW if possible. I'm a 5'1 woman, introverted, artistic, oftentimes short tempered, physically a bit chubby, with shoulder length wavy hair. Very reserved until I gain the confidence, I love to cook and bake, I'm very loyal and attentive as well, with a bit of every love language. Stubborn and anxious as hell and other times very playful and a bit mischievous. Very sensitive as well and if sensitive enough I will cry 😔🥺
Very loving (Gomez Addams type) towards my lover and will defend/protect them fiercely (attracted to men). I hope is enough description, thanks!
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I match you with Kyojuro Rengoku!
Kyojuro is a very open and happy person, always smiling and, well, talking loudly. He is happy to make new friends and can have a little trouble noticing when people are put off by his loud and bright attitude.
You're a good Slayer with huge potential so he will happily accept you as his Tsuguko! You may be a little anxious about how you are going to survive his training, but too stubborn to give up right away.
At first, your relationship would be purely platonic, but with time your feelings start to evolve and grow stronger. Just like you grow stronger as the Flame Hashira keeps training you.
You remind Kyojuro a little of a cute little hamster with a huge attitude.
It doesn't help his case when you're being cute and so kind. Like, as you grow to care for each other, you go out of your way to do something special to show your way of love. Like breakfast or something sweet made with him in your mind, or the sweet compliments you shower him with.
This man loves good food and you love cooking and baking. Kyojuro promises to you that once you have slayed Muzan Kibutsuji and defeated all Demons, he and you will open your own little restaurant or bakery and maybe even start a family.
Kyojuro knows firsthand that you are protective when you set yourself between him and enemy, sword pointed at the Demon and ready to take their life for hurting someone so close and beloved to you like the Flame Hashira.
The man won't let either one of you forget that and he may scold you that it wasn't your fight and that you could have ended up dead... But then you start crying about how scared you were, but you were brave because you didn't want to see Kyojuro being hurt or worse, killed.
You're that loyal to him and that's how he realizes it that you are truly the one for him. He promises to you that he will not die and that he will make you happy, no matter what.
When the two of you become a couple, he learns just how mischievous you can be and he is ready to accept your challenge.
Kyojuro isn't the type to play with his food and then again he is?
Like, he wouldn't mind it if you covered yourself with sweet caramel or perhaps even slightly bitter chocolate sauce and asked him to clean you up.
"Nope, no hands!"
"You gotta clean me without using your hands."
"How do I-?" Then he realizes what you mean and you grin, "Bon appetit~"
Oh, it's ON. He will clean you with the best of his abilities and once he is done, he will eat you!
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Hantengu is Yandere for you!
You're so sweet, so young, and oh so kind. Hantengu has seen you from his hiding spot, how hard you train and work, and despite being a Slayer, you were not as scary as other people of your kind were.
The weak Demon has plenty of time to look at you or think about you during the daytime when he can't hunt and he grows extremely fond of you.
Truly, if you knew how innocent Hantengu really was then you would lower your Nichirin sword and abandon Demon slaying so you could spend your days and nights showering him with your love.
One night, the Demon confronts you, fully knowing that you would attack him, unaware of his innocence, but he could handle little pain if it meant teaching you and you would learn soon as his clones would take over.
As soon as you behead him, Sekido and Karaku come out, but they don't put up much fight at all, tricking you with a false sense of victory. Soon it's you against 4 freakishly strong Demons and you are no match to them so they disarm you and take you with them.
Once somewhere dark and safe from the sun, Urogi and Aizetsu hold you down as small Hantengu comes up to you and explains that he isn't like other Demons, no, he is innocent and never meant to hurt anyone, nothing is his fault, you have to believe him!
You're so kind-hearted, you want to believe him when you see him shivering and crying, but he was still a Demon... But innocent?
Hantengu is a master manipulator and soon enough he manages to manipulate you to show him some pity and overtime love.
If you grow and show some undying loyalty, he is ready and willing to turn you into a Demon also. But that could still wait.
Your many ways of showing love would come in handy with Hantengu and his many clones.
Sekido would be annoyed by how fond of you he grows, thinking of it as a weakness, yet he doesn't make any moves that would indicate that he wants to get rid of you. He does enjoy gagging you. He highly enjoys both silence and the small pathetic noises you make around the gag in your mouth.
Karaku can't get enough of you! You're so playful when you grow fond of him and others and he loves learning more about you. He enjoys teasing you and seeing your reactions to different things, such as hot and cold, soft and sharp. When you moan or whimper, it sets him off.
Aizetsu loves you just as much as Hantengu and other clones, but he has a sad view of things. He doesn't miss a chance to tell you how sad would it be if something were to ever happen to you because he loves you so much it almost makes him cry. He loves submitting himself to you, trusting that you treat him right.
Urogi loves having you around! You're so cute yet mischievous! He likes showing you off but he also happens to love giving you a hickey or marking you with his teeth where everyone can see it. Especially his fellow clones which in return sets them off around you.
Last but not least, Hantengu loves everything about you, but he especially it when you give yourself to him, body and soul. Letting him rest his head on your lap is so nice also. You're so soft, it's like he died but instead of going to Hell, he went to Heaven, where he thinks that he would rightfully belong. If he ever dies, he wishes that you would grieve for him.
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themolluscasometimes · 6 months
(if you havent seen dmeon slayer s3 or read the mange this has spoilers)
okay no but look-
who tf. gave genya a sword an told him to go to final selection
It's stated that Genya calmed down and mellowed out after getting Gyomei to train him. ALSO he got mega buff between when we see him at final selection and when he see him next like yeah he obviously had a growth spurt but the point is he went from scrawny to brawny. He was also a giant asshole at final selection so like. Genya 100% only got trained by gyomei after passing final selection.
Which MEANS either someone ELSE sent a kid that cant use breathing to final selection with a sword OR he got himself there. I dont believe anyone wouldve willingly sent him given how important breathing is to the demon slayer corp
also. The only trainers we really see are hashira or former hashira. Im SO convinced there are other that we don't see given that not every water breather couldve been taught by Urokodaki but it still makes sense that these teachers are retired professional demon slayers that lived long enough to be no longer in active service even if they aren't hashira
which leaves us with options:
genya tried to learn breathing from a cultivator/some other demon slayer, failed, stole a nichirin sword and probably shook the poor sod down to get info on the when and where for final selection
When the person who tried to teach breathing to Genya refused to continue after finding out he cant Breathe Right, said teacher was too strong for genya to really do anything about it (see: they're teaching him and it seems likely that the teachers of demon slayer tend to be upper ranked at least) Genya fucked off and assaulted some weak random demon slayer to steal a sword from and get info
Or, you know, something along these lines because he had to get a nichirin sword and infomraiton from somewhere, and Im doubtful it was willingly given to him since he like. cant fucking breathe.
when we see him at the end of final selection, he's like. mega obsessed with the sword thing. like. super. like yes these are special swords but here's the thing everyone there already has one of the special swords, just not one of their own.
It kinda maybe implies that Genya. Doesnt have a special sword. So.
Genya has been roughing it with a regular ass sword for seven days and given that he can't Breathe his primary form of defense would've been step one: cut the demons arm off. step two: monch. step three: beat the demon to within an inch of its life with demon enhanced brute strength until he can get away or force it die in the sun.
In which case Genya was not likely to be doing much direct demon slaying during those seven days.
(even if he HAD a nichirin sword theres no guarantee that without breathing he wouldve been strong enough or skilful enough to use it to kill all the demons he ran across but given how obsessed and intense he is with getting his hands on a nichirin blade and how much not one single person would want him to go to final selection, i honestly think he had just some random sword. It would explain why he's so desperate to get one, other than being generally unhinged. Anyway-)
While everyone else was roughing it, surviving and slaying demons in the night, Genyas experience of the final selection exam was somewhere between a survival challenge and an all you can eat buffet, with not a lot of demon slaying involved.
can u imagine being part of his cohort and running across some dude that needs you to cut off this demons head thats missing a suspicious amount of its body bc he doesnt have a nichirin sword for some fucking reason. also he has really, really, fucked up eyeballs.
can you imagine watching one of your fellow exam participants use a sword only to defend himslef bc its a functionally useless offense only to attack by eating the fucking demons.
can you imagine seeing him at one point, looking a certain way bc hes been eating a demon and then seeing him again later looking human. or looking like a different demon. or both.
can u imagine struggling to feed yourself during these seven days and this man is having a straight up feast. and also couldnt be assed to show up with a sword for demonslaying to the exam for fucking demon slaying
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Join me as I go feral about klance + Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb at 4/5am
The first three lines are just:
Take a swim in the water / Take a swim in the water / Dear Arkansas Daughter
I have nothing special to say about this except that Lance and water are interconnected in my brain, unsurprisingly. I mean he pilots the blue lion so it just makes sense yk yk
You with the dark curls, you with the watercolour eyes / You who bares your teeth with every smile
This one is SO obvious but. Dark curls = Keith and watercolour eyes is Lance
Bares your teeth with every smile FEELS like Keith too. He's smiling and supposed to be friendly but is still coming off as idk like ??? Standoffish or argumentative anyway!
He says "I can always hear you sing, I wanna hear you speak to me"
This HITS. Imagining this as Keith begging Lance to just TALK to him to tell him how he FEELS because Lance is used to concealing how he feels with jokes. UGH
Skipping a line or two bc I don't have thoughts about those
I was talking at a cigarette / There's nothing left to say / But he should have been there anyway / For I didn't sing a single song, all day
This is about when Keith goes to the blade of marmora and leaves voltron ok ok. Like. Lance misses him. He misses talking to him and he doesn't know what to say when Keith isn't there, his jokes feel hollow now because he isn't there I. Am foaming at the mouth
As my love for you dies / As my love for you dies / As my love for you is steadily dying
Lance and Keith pushing down their love for each other and suppressing ("killing") it as they're separated and IDK IDK is this anything
As sharp and serious as a pistol in the eye
Something something Lance uses a gun and he is the sharpshooter and has good aim. Yeah thats all
My heart is full of swords / Full of, full of swords
This is kinda silly but it reminds me of the three of swords tarot card which has swords impaling a heart. This card also symbolises like, separation, grief, sorrow and heartbreak so!
Once again about Keith leaving to join the blade of the marmora they're both heartbroken and hurting!!!!!
Tie my hands and I knock my knees / As I kneel down, I kneel down in the sea / To the ocean floor, I will sink / Like a steel chest full of weapons
Once again !!! Water + Lance! Interconnected to me
"I will sink" makes me think he's like... giving up hope of Keith EVER coming back and they're relationship being the same again
"Like a steel chest full of weapons" this just goes back to the swords in the heart line and I think thats cool, yeah thats it
And on the spine of the tide, you will rise / Like a red, ripe, red, ripe apple
This one is embarrassingly simple but red = Keith lmao
The "red apple" (Keith) "floating on" (coming back to) "the tide" (Lance)
It feels like hope
ALSO. It reminds me of how oil floats on water and they don't ever truly combine but instead simply like.... co-exist in the same space. Idk dude I'm so tired and having so many thoughts
Take a swim in the dirty water / Dear Arkansas Daughter / Take a swim in the dirty water
Dirty water!!!! Foams at the mouth. This calls back to the start of the song but it's dirty now which links back to my previous thought of oil + water (the metaphor being keith is oil and lance is water btw)
Because water with oil in it is like dirty I guess
And the whole take a swim thing is Lance embracing Keith back into his life
Darling, child, true love of mine
Idk. True love of mine. Feels self explanatory
True love <3 they admit their feelings to each other and are happy. The End
The demons took over, and I needed to get this out of my system I would apologise but then again this is literally what this tumblr account is for so. Yeah hope you enjoyed that word vomit
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blues824 · 2 years
hiii hii !! I hope you’re doing great and taking care of yourself! I actually wasnt sure if requests were open but if by chance they are, could I request all the brothers from obey me and their reaction to a shinobu!reader?? It made upset seeing mc being killed in lesson 16 but imagine before belphie could even lay a finger on them, he suddenly cant move because of the poison mc sneaked in
thank you so much and im super sorry if requests arent open ^^”
This is an awesome idea! Thank you for your request!
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He’s taken aback by your friendly and cheerful personality. Until he finds out it’s a facade when you start teasing Mammon with a cheerful tone. Nice one, Y/N. You tend to mislead others by your little trick and tend to go in for the kill when they’re at their weakest.
However, when the events of Lesson 16 occur, your true colors show. Your intense hatred for demons of any kind comes through. Before Belphie could even lay a finger on you, you used your sword before he had any chance to register. After you slashed and paralyzed him, you told Lucifer that you specialize in poisons and antidotes and when Belphegor calms down, you would gladly give him the antidote.
He notices that your hatred goes so far that you are always in a constant state of anger and pain. You went to a Devildom therapist to talk about it and possibly try and help your mental state. You told them that you lost your sister, your parents, your students, and the families of the employees of the manor. Of course, since you are an exchange student, the most important pieces of this info go to Lord Diavolo, who then tells Lucifer since you are staying with the brothers.
You are then forced to tell Lucifer all about what you were like when you were younger. He loves hearing the stories, especially with how soft and airy your voice is. Your temper seems to be through the roof when someone makes you get to that point of irritation, though. More times than one, Lucifer has had to pick you up and carry you out of the room so you would have a chance to calm down.
Now, for your Demon Slaying abilities, Lucifer stands intrigued. Your sword seems to act as a stinger and inject poison into your opponent. He will definitely ask you a few questions here and there. You explain that you makeup for your lack in physical strength by putting some type of lethal poison on your blade to kill a demon.
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Mans was completely fooled by your sweet and kind demeanor. He wouldn’t suspect anything was going on because he’s kinda dumb. He will find out after you literally pick on him for messing up on something supposedly easy to do.
When the events of Lesson 16 occur, Mammon sees who you truly are. He sees that you show no hesitation when it comes to defeating demons. Of course, you didn’t kill Belphie, you left him paralyzed with the poison you selected. 
From then on, he notices the slight strain on your everyday smile. You will poke at and tease him to have a bit of an outlet of your anger. After you get further into your relationship, you tell him all the pain you went through to get to where you are today. You tell him that you’re always so angry, and it’s not very healthy for you.
When you tell him of all the pain and suffering you went through and how you bottled it all up with a smile, he hugs you. He’s glad you told him, because now he can help. As rude as he can be, he will be genuinely kind to you and you alone. 
As for your demon slaying abilities, Mammon first wanted to make a profit off of them. Then you held your blade at his neck with an intimidating smile on your face and politely said no. He had never been so scared of you before. But he is impressed by your outstanding abilities.
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You remind him of the insect hashira from the anime ‘Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!’ You even look like the character! You act the exact same, so he can predict what’s going to happen.
Nothing could prepare him for the events of Lesson 16, though. One second, he saw Belphie go for your neck, the next he saw you with your sword out and Belphie was on the ground paralyzed. You told everyone in the room that the next time something like this occurs, they will wish that they were only paralyzed.
He already knows about your hidden rage. He will become a tad more understanding whenever you tease him because his brothers tend to do it whenever they are upset. After you get far enough into your relationship, you tell him about all the excruciating pain you went through. He can tell you’re always so angry, so he suggests video games as an outlet.
He will hold you in his arms while whispering to you about how proud he is of you and how much he loves you. It will be one of the few times where he puts his insecurities aside and focuses on someone else. He knows that right now you need him, and he will do his best.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he’s not jealous. I mean this seriously. He will definitely record your training because he finds it so cool. He will edit a photo so that the background is blurred and will put it as his lock and home screens.
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He knew there was more to your story than you let on. However, he had trouble piecing together what it could be. You were good, Y/N. However, it was his move to get you into an impossible checkmate. He noticed how your mood always slightly wavered when something upset you.
When the events of Lesson 16 burst in like the FBI, he was able to catch a glimpse of all the pent up rage and anger. He could always sense it, being the Avatar of Wrath and all, but he never got a sense of how much. Even he has never been so angry. You leave his youngest brother paralyzed and you have your sword out… you also have an eerily calm expression on your face.
Once he gets a sense of how deep your frustration and anger is, he tries to give you different options as an outlet. Often, he will read you into a peaceful sleep as a way to calm you down. When you tell him about all the pain you went through, he will also be angry. Angry that someone as sweet as you had to go through so much character development.
He will, like I said, read you to sleep. You will lay your head in his lap as he reads in a soft voice and runs his fingers softly across the back of your neck. There will be times where he uses magic to recreate a mini version of the story.
As for your demon slaying capabilities, he stands very impressed. He never knew humans could do something like that. The more you know. He will definitely bring his hobby of photography along and take pictures of your training. He will most definitely save them as progress pictures.
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He loves your style! The haori and the inspiration from butterflies! It’s so elegant in such a cute way! He will definitely create his own haori to match you. That aside, he is completely oblivious to what lies underneath that happy and cheerful mask.
When the events of Lesson 16 play out, Asmo couldn’t believe you were capable of something like this. One second, Belphie was lunging out towards you, the next, you had your sword out and Belphegor was paralyzed. Asmo could only stare in absolute shock.
When he gets a sense of all the rage you hide within you, he will suggest spa days to try and calm you down. He will give you soft shoulder massages to relieve all the tension from the day. He will put Lo-Fi on in the background to set a relaxing atmosphere.
When you tell him about all the pain and suffering you had to go through, he’s not too surprised. Everyone has dark secrets. However, he will not allow you to blame yourself for anything. He will hold you in his arms until you feel better (although he might not let you go even when that happens).
As for your demon slayer abilities, he finds them so awesome. You look so graceful while training and he can’t help but take a few pictures of you for Devilgram. He would totally make matching workout outfits and he will be doing a few workouts with you. He hates sweating, but he likes the long-lasting effects.
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Mans is oblivious to the true beast that lies within you. You are a very good actor, with a great fake smile, and he’s kind of naive. He often teases his brothers too, so he might join you every now and then. He has no idea that you take your anger out on those close to you.
When the events of Lesson 16 unravel themselves, he’s torn. He loves you, but he loves Belphie too. As his twin lunged at you, you took your blade and slashed at him. And then he couldn’t move. Beel didn’t know how he should feel at this moment. 
When you calmly tell everyone in the room that if something like this should happen again you’d dip your blade in a more lethal poison, he finally sees all that you hide. He gets a sense of all the anger you keep hidden away from everyone. It’s not healthy to bottle it up, Y/N! :(
When you tell him about all the pain and suffering you went through in your life, he will hold you closer. He will whisper sweet nothings into your ear whenever you wake up from a nightmare to get you back to sleep. He knows what it’s like to lose someone close to you, he used to have nightmares as well.
As for your demon slaying abilities, consider Beelzebub your new training partner. He sees that your training uses exercises that work out muscles that he’s never considered before. Plus, he sees how graceful you look when training and hopes he could do something like that.
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He knows that you are hiding pure hatred behind your smile. He did the same thing to you, after all. You are essentially the same. He tricks you by reading you like an open book. He will let you rant on and on and you will help him escape.
When Lesson 16 occurs, he feels betrayed because you betrayed him after he betrayed you. Like, you weren’t supposed to do that. You paralyzed him with your sword so fast he never stood a chance. Then you whisper that you knew he was going to betray you at some point in such a chilling way.
After all of this is ‘resolved’ (we never forgot, Belphegor), you both kind of just trauma dump. You tell each other the pain you both have gone through. The loss of his sister and falling from Heaven. Your sister dying at the hands of a demon and the loss of all your friends’ families.
You two can often be caught wrapped up with each other in a peaceful nap. Each of the brothers have at least 17 pictures because it was too cute to pass up the opportunity. He will hold you close and use his powers if you have a nightmare. He knows how your past can haunt you.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he stands impressed. When he finds out the extent of your capability aside from paralyzing him, he will be intrigued. He won’t participate in your training, but good for you, Y/N.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Got  “Your first kiss with Blade comes in the middle of an argument” from the @shepherds-of-haven Lovelace prompt generator, Yva started cackling like the HELLION (his words; affectionate) she is, and I couldn’t say no. :D (obviously just as non-canon as the three different first kisses I’ve written Ryn/Red😋)
It was when the Endarkened lay dead and a sharp bark of “Talward!” cracked the air that Yva knew she was really in trouble.
More than any revenant or banshee could give her, anyway.
A point driven home by the way the rest of the squad made themselves scarce, sweeping the rest of the farmhouse for non-existent threats. She’d have to give Trouble some grief about abandoning her--even if she understood him not wanting to have to pick between her and Blade.
Speaking of... Yva holstered her pistol and braced herself as she turned toward the voice. “Yes, Commander?”
Blade’s jaw was tight, his dark eyes stormy, but someone who didn’t know him would still miss just how angry he was. “What were you thinking with such a deviation from our plan?!”
“I was thinking revenants possess enough intelligence to expect a flanking charge after an attention-grabber opening attack. Popping in” --she smirked at the pun--”before it had time to react gave me the element of surprise and frankly I’m surprised you’re not happier about how well it worked.”
“It was a greater risk than you should have taken,” Blade said sternly, meeting her arched-brow look with a level stare(that bordered on a glare.).
Yva snorted, mild annoyance creeping in. “Right, because I’ve never handled a revenant before. I know what I’m doing, Blade, and it worked, didn’t it?!”
And it wasn’t as if his heading the charge had carried any less risk than her stunt.
“You are-” Blade bit back whatever he was about to say and swallowed hard. “No matter your previous experience, Captain, there was a plan for a reason. And your actions placed you in an unnecessary level of danger.”
His knuckles were white as he sheathed his sword, and if Yva concentrated on the scars feathered across them, she could pick up a faint tremor. Anger... or fear? Was that the driving force behind this scolding?
She shook her head and snorted. “This whole job is teeming with unnecessary levels of risk and danger! And we still do it to keep others safe, keep that danger away from them.” Arms crossed, chin jutting almost defiantly.
 “And what about the danger of friendly fire?” Blade bit out, still gripping his sword so hard his hand trembled. “What if your unplanned arrival had put you in Trouble’s line of fire, or the path of Aescar or Antiqua’s spells? It would have made things worse-”
“But it didn’t,” Yva snapped. “You can live in hypotheticals if you want, but the revenant was between me an’ Red or Ayla, and at that angle it was a long shot Trouble would hit me! I might not be quite as good at Traveling as Red, but I do know what I’m doing!”
“And what would that be? Getting yourself killed with your recklessness?!”
 “My job! I’m a Shepherd like the rest of you, I’m trying to protect people” --You-- “and fight fucking demons, same as the rest of you, despite the risk-”
“But you aren’t the same as the rest of us.” The steel in his voice cut through her building rant, and Yva froze.
Hands curled in til her nails dug into her palms. “What?”
“Your- You have the Words.” Blade’s dark eyes gave nothing away, sweeping over the room as if in search of lingering threats, but the taut set of his jaw shouted volumes. “The... voices, the shadows, whatever else goes with it. I won’t pretend to know or be comfortable with where they come from, or what might happen once they’re gone, but it’s...  You are special, Yva.” His voice dropped, softer with a weary note, before resuming a more Commandery tone.  “Risking yourself in such a manner was foolish.”
Because I’m a resource? She’d never believe that was why. She knew him too well.
“Yes, well, it was my risk to take, wasn’t it?” Yva muttered, more than half distracted by that special comment. It hadn’t come out nearly as detached as he’d likely been striving for, the tenderness of the words making her chest hot and tight and buzzy.
“Not without clear purpose,” Blade said, all stern dispassion again. “Something to make it worthwhile.”
Her head snapped up indignantly. “I had that!”
His only answer was a skeptical look.
“You!” she yelled, barely swallowing the urge to call him a bastard for being so frustrating. “I am intimately familiar with what revenants are capable of, Blade! They’ve taken enough from me, too many people I care about, and-”
Angry tears pricked her eyes, memory of her village dissolving into the image of him charging in, dodging one strike, two, but too close, too committed when the revenant raised its claws for a third. Him suddenly seeming too small, too fragile; despite his armor, his Ket strength, his sword--
“I wasn’t about to let another one take even more,” she finished through gritted teeth, only vaguely aware of the nail marks she was leaving in her palms, of the burning lump in her throat as the confession spilled out, white hot.
“Don’t-” Blade swallowed, took a step closer, but his voice was still gruff and low when he tried again. “You shouldn’t take such risks, even for me.” Something flickered in his eyes. “Your loss would be too great.”
Maybe it was that flicker that drove her. Maybe it was exasperation he was still trying to couch his worry in professional terms. Maybe it was impatience for how long they’d been doing this dance, or the high emotion of the fight or her impulsive streak rearing its head, or a half a dozen other reasons.
Whatever it was, Yva surged forward to close the gap, fingers digging into Blade’s cloak as she pulled him in for a kiss. He stiffened and for half a horrible second, she was afraid he would pull away to give her an even sterner dressing down on insubordination and fraternization and--
His hands settled on her waist instead, awkward and light, unsure. 
Yva freed one hand, letting it slide up to his jaw, and Blade ever so subtly leaned into it when she deepened the kiss. Only for a moment, but that was enough for her pounding heart.
Then a sound very much like a muffled crow of triumph wafted from the other room.
Blade broke the kiss to send a pointed but borderline amused look in the direction of the noise. ”I hope that.. burst of impulsivity is worth the waiting fallout, Captain Talward,” he said dryly, hand falling back to his sides.
Yva snorted a laugh and smirked at him. “Oh, unquestionably, Commander.”
“I... appreciate and admire your confidence,” he said, easing back. One side of his mouth started to curve in a smile before he schooled it away. “But you do need to be less reckless, especially in combat.”
She sucked her teeth a moment, heart still pounding, taste of him still on her lips. “Reckless impulsivity is part of who I am, Blade.”
“Still.” Blade cleared his throat. “Try to keep it in check. As a favor to me, if nothing else.”
Cheating bastard. Yva gave an exaggerated sigh. “I suppose I’ll do my best. As a favor to you.”
“Thank you.” He nodded once, sharp and firm, then headed out to where the others waited. 
The flicker of relief she caught in his eyes made the promise feel worth giving.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
on my hands and knees for more yan genji. maybe a continuation of the oni genji thing you did, or whatever you want really.. just love him lots <3
I don't usually do continuations with event requests but I'll see what I can do. Mostly just Genji lamenting your differences and frustration about loving you.
This fic is based on this concept
Yandere! Oni! Genji Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Obsession, Stalking mention, Sadism, Threats, Threats of murder, Forced relationship.
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"I've noticed you've been having trouble getting used to your surroundings."
The oni observes you curled up on the bed he made for you, looking out the window to a mirrored version of your own world. Except instead of people roaming the streets... yokai replaced them. You nervously look towards the oni who took you from your home.
His name was Genji. He's an oni who stalked you and tormented you since Halloween. Oni are creatures of sadistic desire and evil energy. You didn't understand what his goal was.
He was also strangely cybernetic for an oni....
"You took me to a supernatural realm. I'm not supposed to be here- Why'd you take me!?"
The oni steps closer, holding your cheeks. He stares at you through his mask before chuckling softly. Even when mad, your fear is delectable.
"Aww, don't like my company? I thought we were having fun all those months ago. Just a couple of scares...."
He pulls you closer, you can feel his breath through the mask.
"I took you to my home because I've decided we're bonded to each other. I am a demon connected to you, like it or not. You are my human... something to play with."
He sits next to you on the bed, only pulling you by your shirt if you try to distance yourself. So that's why he abducted you, he took you to your own personal hell...
Where he'd be your tormentor.
"Couldn't you just leave me in my realm? Scare me there?"
The oni grimaces.
"And leave you with all the other filthy humans? No. They'd remove me from you. Then I'd have to kill them. It would be a hassle."
He puts his hands on your shoulders, holding you still.
"Here I can farm every emotion you have without the fear of losing you. All the other demons here would tear you apart. I, on the other hand, would never. You have nowhere to run."
"What makes you so sure I can trust you?"
He leans closer, mask once again close to your face.
"If any other demon, any other yokai... touches you? I'd banish them. I'd tear them limb from limb with my sword in a rage that could kill armies. All just to see my cute human in my arms again."
He chuckles at his own threat, you stare at him in bewilderment.
"Isn't that what you humans would call romantic? A partner who would kill others to keep you?"
The oni snickers at your outburst, leaning back. It was always fun getting reactions from you. It's funny to him...
There's you, an innocent creature easily able to be tormented. Then there's him, a being of malice and evil desires, a beast. Two polar opposites...
Yet he's attracted to you like he can't exist without you.
"Really? I thought it was. Not many demons would be this dedicated to a human. Consider yourself... lucky."
"Lucky to be imprisoned?"
"Lucky I haven't killed you instead."
You go silent, the oni laying down on the bed before forcing you beside him. You're draped over him against your will. His threat was starting to get to you....
"... it's been months."
The oni huffs, looking at you.
"Months of you making me feel strange. I've never felt this way towards anything. No yokai... no human... just you."
He adjusts you so he can hold your chin.
"Maybe you are special. Special enough to tame an oni's rage. No one's like you, you know that?"
You look at him blankly, resting against his heated body.
"I just knew I had to have you. Now I do... however I still do not know why I am so obsessive over you... and you don't reciprocate."
He's pulling you closer.
"What was I expecting, honestly? I'm not a master of seduction. Not that type of demon. I'm meant to always be angry, full of rage, a human is not meant to love me!"
As he talks, his grip gets tighter, venting his frustrations towards him being unable to make a relationship between you. He is not meant to create, he is meant to destroy. His feelings are abnormal.
You're abnormal.
"... in the end, I'm sure we'll figure something out."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean in the end I'll get you to love me. I'd demolish armies, level mountains, anything to make you adore me. All I have is my strength... you'll love me for what I do for you even if it must be forced."
"This isn't love, Genji."
Genji stops his rant, red eyes looking at you. He then scoffs, looking out the window towards ethereal night stars.
"Do you really expect an oni like me to know what love is, (Y/N)?"
He doesn't take his gaze away, instead he searches for his sword and holds it up to look at it. It's a glowing red, filled with power. Power only an oni could be strong enough to wield....
"My love is not like yours. It's burning, destructive.... I don't care if it is wrong to give it to you, I crave you. You're mine... even if you hate it."
He lays down his sword then turns so he's facing you.
"I don't expect you to willingly give me a chance even now. I would not let you go either way. You're mine, like it or not..."
He pushes his sharp mask into the crook of your neck, drawing a little bit of blood.
"We're fated to love each other, one way or another, even if it destroys us...."
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Genshin Impact x Crona!Reader
Note : Headcanons / Crossover between Soul Eater & Genshin Impact
CW : Black blood / Self-harm / Madness / Violence
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Reader be like : I'm just playing Genshin Impact, and dude! Why tf I get isekai to this game!? And … What!? I have a new power!? Wait… THIS POWER IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THIS WORLD!!!!
And the strong pain like someone hit you hard on your back is appear suddenly. You scream on top of your lungs, now you know how painful Crona is. When Ragnarok tried to come out just to say hi to this world.
“ FUCK YOU RAGNAROK!!! You screamed and he just laughing like maniac that have fun to see you in pain, especially the pain that caused by him.
After get some little fight with your new comrade. Suddenly, the coldness hit you and your body start to shaking.
“ Wait… are we started in Dragonspine? ” You ask, hopefully that your comrade Ragnarok will have some answer for you.
“ Nah… dunno, why don't you just go to find some human and ask them? Stupid!! ”
Man… if you can kill him. You swear that he will die within 3 seconds
While you have an argument with Ragnarok. You didn't pay attention around you, someone watching you from afar. Curious who are you and what is that things you talked with?
That people raise their hand, ready to give the signal to the other. when the right timing come. They signaled immediately. And a group of people hiding in the snow appeared fully armed.
“ Fatui!? Wait… so many Fatui! Are we in Snezhnaya!? ” You screamed again, and Ragnarok know immediately, this time you need a WEAPON to fight!
Achievement unlock! : [ DEMON SWORD Y/N ]
You knew Crona's basic skills like : Immune to any sharp weapons / Black blood will harden immediately if the skins get cut / Black blood can turn in to a weapon that can attack from afar too / Madness.
One of the Eleventh Harbingers jump in. Hi Childe!
And he knocked you out. Bring your unconscious body with him.
“ What's that thing in your arm Childe? ” The second Harbingers ask. Is that a human? Where did he caught them? An intruder?
“ Intruder with a strange power and maniac shadow. ” Childe said before laid you down infront Dottore. And the doctor just stared at you laid body with blank emotion.
“ Kill or experiment on them. It up to you. I'm leaving. ” Childe didn't want to be the one of the doctor's subject. And this is just a small problem. At first, he think to keep you with him when you awake, he gonna ask you for some fight and get some information from you. But think again, he didn't have much time to do that. He will went out to Liyue in 2-3 days.
You awake in an unfamiliar room, maybe Childe bring you to Harbingers HQs? Or special jail?
You wake Ragnarok too, and he come out from your back. This time, it not have any painful. Maybe he know the situation right now.
You two look around and see the group of people that imprisoned. They all shaking in fear, some of them look at you and when you look back, they shake harder more than other.
“ We have a Madness aura, this aura will affected straight to human. They will terrified and shaking in fear if they stay around us. ” Ragnarok explain, you only nodded. Because its no space to move anymore.
“ I'm hungry y/n ” Ragnarok said.
“ Ragnarok, no! ”
“ Ragnarok, yes! ”
You face the truth that you can't go against the Madness when Ragnarok is hungry for human souls. You didn't know you were hungry for human soul, until he kill one of the humans in this room and ate that soul.
You and Ragnarok has bound up together from the start. This is a part of Crona's lore that they're stayed in the same body. If Ragnarok die, Crona die too. If Crona die, Ragnarok die too.
If Ragnarok eat human souls. It mean that you eat it too. Because he's like the blood in your body. Everything is connected. Whether it's a habit, a thought, or even a soul.
Your vision become a fuzzy, your body start to move by instinct. No longer sanity, now the madness take over your body, your mind and your soul.
You laughing in maniac tone. Ragnarok become a sword and laughing along with you. Madness's aura spread around of this room, thick atmosphere make all the fragile humans slowly losing their sanity. They start to scream or go on rampage like an animal that try to escape from predator.
Screams, or all mess. Now, it make someone irritating and start to lose some focus to experiments. He hit the table hard in anger, before call some Fatui's guard outside his office, to check on his special room that full with his specimens.
And the information that guard gave to him, make him frown.
Looks like, he cage the wrong person in the same cage that full with weak humans. And it's too late to fix it, cause the inform said that they all died.
It's like putting a big fish in a tank full of small fish. And soon those little fish were eaten by the big fish.
He come to see the scene. And he discover a new things. First, the thick atmosphere full of Madness. Second, all the dead body has a terrified expression, like they face with something that more terror than his experiments on them or .... lose sanity?
“ Sir! We need your help! No one can stop them! ”
The Fatui's agent said, they tried to stop you but failed. They never face with true Madness before, that's why they didn't know how to deal with it. Someone jump in with no clue and get bad affect by staying near you for too long.
“ Just don't jump in. Stop being idiot and leave! ” Dottore said, he saw the Fatuis that get side effects by you. And know immediately that regular humans can't stayed near you, when you're in this phase.
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* Scream *
One sentence, make every life in this area have a fuck up time. The heavy scream from your sword (a.k.a Ragnarok) make all the living human's ears bleed, someone fall to unconscious immediately. And someone nearing collapse to the floor. Dottore gritted his teeth. This is something new that he didn't know before. He tried to stay awake and his brains working hard more, because of the screams from your sword.
All the Harbingers heard this and they come immediately. It's too loud to ignore, they think that their doctor might do some weird experiments and create the monster in his lab again.
Only to witness the gruesome scene, and the most of Fatui agents nearly collapse to the floor, unconscious and ears bleed.
And you just laughing like a mad person. Madness aura spread around you that all the remaining Harbingers can sense it. Their eyes trail to the doctor, that looks like he nearly lose his sane.
It's took so long to take you down— I mean .... stop you from being a killing spree or fall in to the Madness.
They used a large amount of anesthetic Released through the ventilation system. Because, all of Dottore's clones tried to use a needle on you. But it didn't work, because your blood become harden immediately. This passive skill block the needle to not come through the skin to your blood vessels.
Congratulations, now you will stayed in the special room. Thick wall that for sound protection. And everyone that want to meet you, will wear the sound protection too, but all of these protection doesn't really sure that will helped, when you use screaming resonance again.
Dottore is very angry and frustration all day. He loses all of his specimens that he take so long to caught them one by one, and that person he caught. Its all good and healthy, it's very suitable for his testing.
Now, you will pay for this!!
First, he tried to figure out how to stop your black blood from hardening. He very frustrated when his scalpel can't penetrate your skin. And he'll get more frustration when he heard a mocking laughs from you and Ragnarok.
At first you were so scared of him that you almost pissing off. But seeing him struggle with trying to cut your skin. It became a funny scene. Because you know all kinds of sharp objects cannot penetrate into your skin. It's your defense system by instinct, and has a relatively fast recovery.
All the Harbingers discuss about you. The doctor informed about your skills that make all almost the Harbingers feel excited. The Cyro Archon quietly listening.
She know immediately that you are outlander, or you are some successful experiment, made by a secretly organisation that she didn't know before?
“ I think it would be a shame, to keep them locked in the lab only for experiments, doctor. ” Taritsa said, everyone in meeting room is silent. They know what's Cyro Archon mean.
“ Please tell me, what are we doing here? ” You ask your buddy, he chuckled.
“ Dunno, why don't you just ask them? Stupid! ”
“ Should I hang myself from roof? And that's how you will die with me. I want to kill you so badly, Ragnarok. ” You said with annoyance tone, only make Ragnarok laugh more.
“ Good! Good! But I know you're too coward to do this! HA!! ”
The Cyro Archon and all Harbingers watching this scene in silent, weird conversation that they didn't heard it before. They wondered what are you came through from your past that made you have a habit like this?
“ Ahem! ” Taritsa cough, loud enough to catch your attention and you raise you eyebrows, wonder about what she want from you.
“ I'm Taritsa, the Cyro Archon of Snezhnaya. Who are you, and what are you? ” She introduced herself and staring at you. You blink your eyes for a second before introduce yourself back.
“ My name is Y/N, and.... ” You pause, hesitate to tell your truth identity or Crona's identity. And then, you heard Ragnarok whispering in your mind.
‘ Stranger.... I know you knew Crona's past and story, I didn't mind if you use them for an excuse. ’ Ragnarok whispered.
‘ Really? I can use then? ’ You ask him back.
‘ Stupid!! I said I didn't mind! Or you want to make it harder? Up to you then... ’
‘ Owww, I'm joking~ don't make its serious buddy~ ’
“ Hello~ is anybody here~~? ” Someone is calling, you get back to reality and see Columbina wave her hands infront you.
“ Sorry, I have a little problem about memories lost. My mother ever experiments on me long time ago. ” You said like nothing happen. But everyone gasp on what's your said.
“ Your own mother? ”
“ Yes. ”
It's Crona's story, not you. So, you just tell them.
“ So, she made you for a sacrifice to Lord of Madness? ” Taritsa asked for sure.
“ Don't take his name seriously. Just call him Kishin. And yes, but she failed in the last part of sacrifices. I rebelled and took her soul instead. ” You said, some stories you just faked them for perfect your excuse.
They're very impressive about your fighting styles and your abilities, especially Childe. He will ask you for fight when he have a chance.
You didn't know how you get along with Scaramouche now. Maybe, a twist and cruel life that look very familiar? Sorry but... Its not your.
Oh! Your position is nearly compared to all Harbingers. Also, you are in under Dottore and Scaramouche's command.
You and Scaramouche are Dottore's favourite and main test subject for his experiments. But it's look like, he should find some way to cut your skins first.
Columbina, want to chatting and have some tea party with you.
Sometimes, Capitano or Knave will teach some fight skills for you.
La Signora? You two didn't talk much. And she is a business women like Childe.
Pantalone? He always had a gift for you. It's luxurious gift or expensive clothes. You ever said that you didn't need it so much, but he keep buying it for you.
When you (mostly Ragnarok) hunger for human soul. You shut yourself down immediately, doesn't want to see a gruesome scene. Or don't want to except the truth that you killed innocents and steal their souls.
It's become your trauma, and you tried to hiding it. No one knows about this.
Capitano is the only one to keep an eyes on you, while you hunt for human souls. (He afraid that you might eat all human soul in Snezhnaya.)
⚰️ Special bonus ⚰️
Scaramouche will help you get out from Fatui, by using Irminsul to erase your existence like him. To made you safe from all Harbingers, especially Dottore's grasp. And he will let you give him new name instead of Traveler.
I know that I have a [ I WILL TAKE BACK WHAT'S MINE ] to write, but this crossover is just popping in my head. And Crona is my main character that I like the most. Black blood is so cool and I like her skills! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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yinsuniverse · 11 months
emembering that you can change anything, or even describe or add and remove I don't want you to feel obligated to make this request, after all it is very long and if you don't like it just say No, okay
What do you think of this request? A bit of horror and comedy in between. (A painting of romance 🤔)
Red: King , Blue: Me Yellow: y/n or S/O
In Wano (anywhere you want) there is a cave that has a legend behind it. It is located near one of the important villages in the territory of King Wildfire one of the calamities, The cave transmitted terrible sounds that reached the entire village or even the neighboring village. Residents already annoyed by these eerie noises have been complaining (or talking) to King about these noise. King always said he was going to check, but without having a duty that Kaido gave him or even taking care of the great beast of the World, The Lunarian arrived at his office tired and seeing so much paperwork soon he became sullen and the fire that was on his back became big and hot. He went to his desk and sat down in the chair and picked up a folder he started leafing through the document, his eyebrows gently raised (you decide if he has the mask on or not) it was the case of the cave that said: " where a demon lives!" "The entrance to hell itself!" Remembering the case that he always had to postpone due to commitments from third parties, decided to resolve the case and file it, Taking it and left. The "mayor" of the village he was waiting for Calamity or Kaido's right arm, the poor guy was terrified because he knew if he made a mistake he could be killed by the calamity. The sound of great black wings and Graciosas were heard not only by the mayor, but by everyone in the village. (In this case you can create a line of dialogue between the Mayor and King.) After getting all the information, he went to the blessed cave which had absurd legends, being honest with himself he even liked it.after all, imagine that in a cave there would be a portal to hell. He entered the cave, the place being lit by the Lunarian flames he carried on his back. looking in all sides, corners of the cave even in the cracks,To your disappointment there was nothing there, it was just a common cave with no special features, Something in your heart said there was more, just wait.So he decided to wait until nightfall and watch or rather listen. The night came with your wonderful moon that always enchanted being that his race loved it, looking at the starry sky and admiring it soon began the so much and fearful sound, King entered the cave in silence, closer came the sound became melodies the voice was that of a girl sitting at the back of the cave, the same asked themselves " how the hell did he not see her! ", the girl was looking at him in surprise to see him. Then King realized that she had seen him soon he draws his sword and attacks without thinking too much, King's eyes widen when he sees the girl become transparent and her sword passing through her. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?!" asked the girl. "I had to ask that question, after all you are in my territory!" Soon King responded coldly. "And you trespassed on my home or rather Private property! " The unknown gave the answer with pure sarcasm King looks at her with firmness and disgust again leaving in an attempt to attack, the girl uses her skill and dodges, King soon predicting this movement changes her posture and directs her attack in place of the girl's next movement (Observation Haki), in a defense mechanism she activates her akuma no mi and becomes transparent at the time. (You can create their fight or even not put it, it's up to you) " What's your problem, walking light pole? " King would soon be offended by that phrase. "Light pole, you plague " Soon the girl responds "If you thought I wouldn't notice a man who's probably six feet tall, I'm sorry I'm not giving in on that point! "  King, seeing the breach in the girl's guard, catches her and paralyzes her with a rear-naked choke he strangles her until he sees the girl unconscious on the ground, King's interest in the unknown's akuma no mi made him take her to the base, soon he was going to interrogate and find out more about the fruit.(I'll leave the ending up to you, if you want to continue, know that it's okay, if you want to choose the name of the akuma no mi, you can choose. I don't want it to be too long, add the ending you want.)
A/N:Thanks for the request :)
The cave
King sighs, leaning back in his chair. He's exhausted, but there are still tons of papers scattered across his desk, waiting to be read. He groans, grabbing the nude-colored file and starting to flip through the pages.
As he reads, his attention is suddenly drawn to a small presence in the room. It's Bao Huang, his trusted advisor. "What can I do for you, Bao Huang?" King asks, looking up from his work.
"King, there's a matter of great urgency that requires your attention," Bao Huang says gravely.
King's brow furrows. "What is it? Is there a crisis I should know about?"
Bao Huang nods and unrolls a scroll. "The residents of the Flower Capital have reported strange noises and screams from the cave. Even Orochi himself has heard the sounds. The complaints are many, but the reports are all the same. We must investigate.There isn't a need for you to read the rest of the papers on your desk as they are all filled with the papers of the complaints.." With a final hum of acknowledgement, she folds and tucks away the scroll.
"I forgot.." She pauses "They say its the cave with the crying woman Legend behind it,I'm not saying it's true but neither am I saying that it's false..They say its the way to hell itself" She hums "That is all" She bows before glinding out the room.
King raises an eyebrow looking at the files,He picks the file up bringing it with him to the flower capital
King's heeled boots click as he approaches the cave, his suspicions burning bright like the flame on his back. At the cave entrance, Orochi greets him with a sigh, "Well, why the hell are you just standing are you coming inside with me? Are you too scared to enter?" King groans, tossing the scroll of complaints in Orochi's direction. Orochi effortlessly catches it with one hand,Rolling his eyes in annoyance,Orochi ventures off.
As King steps into the dark cave, he admits to himself that he's interested in the legends of the cave. The flame on his back illuminates his path, but as he venture deeper, he's disappointed to find that there's no one there. He sees no signs of anything as he searches the cave, so he decides to leave without finding anything.
King nods in understanding. "I see. The complaints state that the sounds are only heard at night." As he gazes at the setting sun and rising moon, he notes that it is a blessing and refreshing for the lunairans to see such sights. The moon's phases grant power as well, and King hums to himself as he watches the moon set.
He crosses his arms, looking unconvinced, then suddenly jumps at the sound of screeching behind him. He turns back to the cave and immediately walks inside, saying, "There shouldn't be anyone in here. I was just here!" He thought king grips the sheath of his sword tightly, ready for anything.
He halts, surprised by the sudden appearance of the tall woman. As he examines her features, he notices that her kimono is odd, with the right side of the robe being placed over. Before he can say anything, the woman turns her head, causing him to notice that her other eye is covered by a mysterious seal.
"Who are you?" He begins to say before she interrupts him with another ear-piercing scream. "GET OUT! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" she screams at him, her screams almost deadly. Her fury is nearly overwhelming. King takes a step back, trying to keep his composure.
King grunts, holding his ears during the woman's screams. He unsheathes his sword, raising it at her while shouting, "What are you doing in the Beast Pirates' territory?" Before she can answer, he charges at her, sliding through the woman and silencing her instantly. He raises his sword again, preparing to strike her. In the blink of an eye, the woman becomes transparent, and King's sword passes through her body harmlessly. The woman jumps back, screaming, "This is my territory! MY HOME!" She looks furious, her eyes glowing with a bright yellow energy.
She raises her hand, causing a yellow aura to glow around it. King suddenly finds himself unable to move, his body feeling weak and powerless. He grunts in frustration, trying to break free from her control. In response, she laughs, floating closer to him like an evil presence.
"Your body energy is so hot. Is that tight suit getting to you, or something?" She jeers, her mocking tone filling King with rage. But he can do nothing but watch as she approaches, still unable to move.
King sends a wave of haki at the woman, causing her to stumble back and lose her grip on his movements. As soon as he regains control, he flexes his hands before slamming his foot into the woman's stomach, knocking her down. He quickly moves to the woman, wrapping his arms around her neck and squeezing tight, putting her in a rear-naked choke hold. She screams, her punches barely even reaching him as she slowly blacks out and falls on the floor. King releases her, panting heavily from the intense struggle.
As King walks out of the cave, he stares at the woman unconscious on the floor. This was no ordinary encounter, and he was left with more questions than answers. The shape of the seal on her eye was unusual, and he needed to know more about her and her connection to this cave. King picked her up, carrying her back with him. He would need to study her further and find out if she was a legend or just another devil fruit user. The mystery behind her was too great to ignore.
A/N:That's it for now,Y'all I might do a part 2 on this,REMINDERR I MIGHTT because this was fun to write everyone my request are open and reblogs are definitely appreciated! (I hope everyone knows I write for Kaidou too)
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kingdimitrx · 2 years
Michikatsu Tsugikuni - A Rant
This is just a rant about Michikatsu/Kokushibo because he's one of my favorite characters and I'm tired of people constantly shitting on him
Imagine being this kid, man.
Since you were born, you were the gifted one, you were the special one. You were supposed to inherit the family name, you were supposed to be the next great samurai, you were the one your father adored. You also love your little twin brother, poor Yoriichi. You take care of him, you play games with him, you sneak out to see him even if it means you could get beaten. You do your best to show him love, because he has been cast aside and you pity him.
Now imagine that you're doing exactly what you always do, training for the role you'd been given since you could barely even hold up your own skull, and that little brother you tried so hard to shelter takes everything from you in the blink of an eye. All this time, he has been better than you, stronger than you, and better suited for your role than you, and no one knew it because he was abandoned.
You get older. Even after your brother flees home, even after you did in fact inherit the role you were supposed to, his shadow is still cast over you. Your father never looked at you the same. No one ever respected you in the same way again. You could never be as strong as him, as fast as him, as talented as him. 
Even after you both go into the same exact field, even after abandoning your own wife and children to follow your brother into battle against demons, he still casts that endlessly gigantic shadow over you. You just cannot reach his level. You're only the second strongest. Yes, maybe you're still miles and miles above the other swordsmen around you, but there's Yoriichi, drowning out everything you could ever be capable of without even trying. Nothing you achieve will ever matter, because your younger brother will always outperform you now matter how hard you train.
Wouldn't you be pissed, too? Wouldn't you hate yourself and your brother, too, even if you know that you adore him?
Kokushibo couldn't even kill his brother. Yoriichi broke all known laws of man and survived his mark, when by all accounts he should not have been able to. Yoriichi almost took Kokushibo's - UPPER MOON ONE'S - head, when he was eighty fucking years old. Even when Kokushibo was the second most powerful demon to ever walk this Earth, his stupid younger brother was still stronger than him. Not to mention that during this fight between them, Yoriichi died of old age, standing up with a sword in his hands.
He surpassed Michikatsu in every. fucking. way. Michikatsu lived in that man's shadow his entire fucking life. People act like he was ungrateful and cruel and envious but holy shit, if you were in his position, so would you! You would be pissed too! You would go to any lengths to try and be as powerful as him, too, even if that meant abandoning your humanity and becoming a demon, the exact thing you swore to eradicate from the world!
And also, Michikatsu loved his brother. People think that he purely hated Yoriichi, but that's not true. He thought he did. But when Yoriichi died, Kokushibo used his sword to cut his body into countless pieces. (It was a really nasty scene, lol.) And it the remains of his brother's body, a flute that Michikatsu had made and gifted to his brother was cut in half and sent flying into the air. Upon seeing it, Kokushibo flashes back to their childhood, and how Yoriichi had been carrying this broken ass, dingy handmade flute with him since they were both little kids.
And he starts to cry. He stares at it and starts to cry, as he says, "Stop it. I hate you."
And, when Kokushibo finally dies, he isn't actually killed by the hashira (Sort of). Similar to Akaza, he realizes that this life he chose wasn't what he truly wanted. He realizes that he abandoned everything he knew - his wife, his kids, his humanity, himself - all just trying to be like his brother. He ends up allowing himself to stop regenerating, even if he could have. Had he chosen to come back, everyone would have died. But he didn't, he stopped fighting, and he willingly goes to hell after he finally admits, in his last moments, that all he wanted was to be "just like Yoriichi".
He idolized his brother.
And, as we see his clothes melting away in a pile after his body is gone, we see that Kokushibo still kept both halves of the flute on him, 500 years later.
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It pisses me off to see so much mischaracterization of Michikatsu. I am SO sorry for the random ass rant A) nobody asked for, and B) most likely no one will actually read.
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wxnheart · 1 year
"I don't remember your birth. You were just barely a little under too big to deliver.
I don't remember the drug cocktail they gave me.
I don't think I was even the second to hold you in my arms.
Or the third.
When I awoke, you were already sleeping on my chest. Cleaned and even scented to smell like Jasmine. Wrapped in a purple blanket."
"Their heartbeats were wrong."
"What?" You looked up at your daughter. She was studying the bottom of her tea.
"Dad held me second. Shushed me. Cradled me up to his chest. It wasn't your heartbeat. I wouldn't stop crying until, after they cleaned me and weighed me and measured me, I was finally put on your chest. With hindsight, I remember he looked disappointed. Sounded disappointed. Like he expected putting his finger in my hand would cause me to coo and giggle immediately." Iphegenia put the cup back on the table.
A deep unease stirred in your gut. "You remember all the way back then? So that first year..."
Your daughter had grown up fast. Within two weeks she had been able to toddle, and speak. Within a year she was barely a teenager. In three a fully grown adult. It went by so fast, you weren't able to enjoy just having her be a child.
That first month, had been Hell.
Fulgrims special daughter never wanted to leave her mother's side. Never fell asleep unless she was in your arms. Was perfectly happy taking lessons from any tutor, except Fulgrim.
You remember the looks he gave you when you held your daughter in your arms. Like you had stolen from him.
Luckily, a particularly difficult battle gave you and your newborn toddler space for a quiet conversation.
"I know you're Father's scary you just- you have to pretend. Okay? Can you do that for Mommy?"
"... okay."
When Fulgrim returned, an excitable Phig practically leaped into his arms. She asked him questions then. About the battle. Who he was fighting. What he killed.
You stood off to the side, smiling, and waved for his attention.
He didn't spare you the glance.
"So you bore me just to throw him off."
You winced.
But you didn't lie.
"Yes. For the record, I am sor-"
"Don't be," Phig gave you a falsely warm smile. Something she had mastered over the years. It took a second for it to become genuine. "You were just trying to survive. Using the tools you had. Do you want anymore of the tea?"
You frowned up at her. "No, thank you-"
She knocked the entire tea pot back. Pouring it straight into her mouth and a little down her front. When it was empty she flung it against a corner of the room. Shattering the fine, uniquely painted porcelain.
"I always wanted to do that," she admitted, wiping off the tea with the back of her hand.
You stared at her in horror.
"I was mad at you about throwing me under the bus years ago." She continued. "And I realized our shared situation not long after."
"What is this about, really." You demanded.
She gave you a sad look.
"Do you have visions mom? Little flashes of the future? Because if I'm being frank here,"
Miles away from where the two were sitting, a thunderbird landed in the hanger. For the first time in decades, Fulgrim stepped out onto his wife's battle barge. He wore a serpents grin. His hand never straying from his oh so special sword.
"Fulgrim would eventually break free" would he? Well, we'll see about that.
"I don't think we're going to survive the night."
The Demon swept down the halls, closer and ever closer to his prize.
"Can I listen to your heartbeat? One last time?"
- Goddess Anon
For my next trick, if you'll allow it Artist Anon, I need to borrow the Artist character. I don't intend to harm the kids or the character. Fulgrim wins for all of ten seconds and then loses her again. She effectively has a little side adventure.
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