#but theres no other fucking option and people get so fucking mean when you try to say that bc im just being fucking lazy lazy lazy
bl00dw1tch · 6 months
It is so fucking funny how someone telling me to do something is the fastest and easiest way to get me to want to Actively grind my life back to halt instead.
#horse.txt#vent //#its dumb. im being dumb let me be clear. this is about getting a fucking job. writing my resume. my mom told me i need to#'start getting serious' about it#and i do. i do.#im just. ghhhh i feel like im going to fucking explode. its so easy its so easy everybody has to do it i dont get to be fucking special#but knowing that never fucking Means anything i can know that like its tattooed to my eyelids and it doesn't change the fact that#i have no idea what the fuck to do#i have lists and lists and lists of advice and tips and help and links and i appreciate them bc at least now i have a foundation to jump off#but i still can't fucking get through them#i cant figure it out. its right there but the second i start to try i run into some roadblock and i start freaking the fuck out#and then i cant fucking go back to it bc by then ive spent an hour crying and im too tired to do anything but sit and cry some more#i hate the fucking options here. i hate the options everywhete. i dont want to fucking work dude im just. im not fucking there#but theres no other fucking option and people get so fucking mean when you try to say that bc im just being fucking lazy lazy lazy#i dont know. if i am im not sure i care that much anymore#im just tired of feeling so fucking miserable and useless but it's hard to ignore because i just amm!!!!!#the only thing i can do better than some people is draw and the idea of doing That for a job makes me feel sick to my stomach#man. i dont know. idk#sometimes i just have to catastrophize things to get it out of my system . iygiygi#ill be fine#just might be a tense Christmas apparently.
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commanderquinn · 9 months
a list of canon ways in which lillian hart is The Fucking Worst that cora coe deserves financial and emotional compensation for:
-the basis for the big divorce counseling mission is that cora's worried for her mother's safety. that means, before going on a deep cover operation with smugglers known to kill rangers, marines, or anyone else caught trying to interfere with their business, lillian didnt leave her daughter a heads up much less a lead. once the fuck again, this woman decided that her career was more important than her daughter's mental and emotional health. once the fuck again, this woman decided she could just disappear from cora's life and then come back out of the blue without consequence
-when you go to lillian's office to look for her at cora's request, the guy working the desk knows SAM well enough to know his name and give him shit like they've got a personal history, but he??? isnt sure about????? cora's name???? word for word, he looks at her and says "it's cora, right?" you're telling me that this woman doesn't talk about her kid enough for her fellow INVESTIAGATIVE rangers to be sure about her name??? are you SHITTING ME??????? get the fuck out of here. you cant push "ranger family values" and the close ties they have in one breath then claim she likes to keep a professional distance at work in the other. you wanna have the conversation about what fresh hell it is being a working mother in a position of power, lets go, ill have that conversation all day long. but lillian hart is not a fucking example of a working mother and im gonna be pretty fucking insulted for working mothers everywhere if i catch wind of ppl trying to pull that kind of defense card. the woman's an awful parent and should be held the fuck accountable for it. you wanna know how i know????
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she doesn't say cora's name enough for the ranger watching the door to be confident in it, but he remembers alllll the stories of the captain her ex is cozying up to. and lillian is the one to confirm during the quest that she has been getting the stories from cora, so there's some clear "oh she already likes the stranger more than me." i know im reading into it because its fiction and none of these people are real, but ive also, y'know been in cora's shoes, so i can tell you from real life experience that shit does exist. idk if that was the writers INTENT, but it sure does a great job at reflecting a very sad reality
-sam points out its dumb that lillian wants to speed the ship, with her daughter on it, directly at the sydicate. idk abt y'all, but my ship was pretty dinky at that point bc i was focused on outposts, and we got ambushed by like 6 ship waves once we landed for that fight. again, i get it. game mechanics get a higher priority than realism. but this whole "we have to finish this because theres a chance you were spotted trying to rescue me" shit is so. nauseating. theres no demand to drop off cora somewhere safe, theres no "lets call in the cavalry." its this fucking egomaniac looking you dead in the eye and being like "i know i just traumatized the shit out of my kid but i need you to drive us into an ambush while she's still on board. hope you're a good shot because sam and i cant kill them ourselves." and so what that we did that????? YOURE TELLING ME IT WAS JUST THOSE SHIPS???? the rest of the organization is just going to LET IT GO???? like no fucking wonder sam sees himself as the better option even through all his fucking doubt. at least he knows when to turn the fuck around because shit is above his paygrade
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-she has custody rights. she is a decorated and respected ranger. sam being a smuggler wasnt public knowledge, but point out one person in akila who wouldnt believe her in a heartbeat over it. everyone in town gives him nothing but shit, and they all side with his dad who was definitely no picnic to live with. im guessing big emotional detachment there, lotta interrogation and persecution rather than teaching and understanding. HELL, sam would probably own up to his past if lillian outed him for it, he's that type of idiot. at literally any point she could put in the effort to get legal council involved. if she's SOOOO by the law, whats the hold up there???? i agree the kid shouldnt be on my ship while im in the middle of a space fight. ive talked with sam about it, and im not even the kids parent (as of the personal quest). what the fuck are you doing about it lillian????????? oh thats right. we cant get lillian on the phone. whomp whomp.
-she made cora cry. hyper independent, "big girls dont cry" cora coe. multiple times. worse, she made cora cry because she made cora feel like she wasn't as important as lillian's career. i dont give a fuck what criminals are doing. i do not give a fuck. i give a fuck that that little pixel child got her heart broken and there isnt a dialogue for me to call out her mother for being a huge fucking cunt to her own daughter but theres a thousand and one options for me to tell sam he's parenting wrong. he is, and i have no problem using them when they're appropriate, but where the fuck are they for lillian??? why am i not allowed to tear this woman a new asshole at any point, but there's like 20+ extra dialogue options added to every single npc you have a persuade option with???? todd my head hurts and its your fault
-"im sure sam's told you all about me. go on. ask whatever you want." yet there is no option to ask what the fuck her problem is. so, clearly, i cannot, in fact, ask whatever i want.
-"but the looks i got from my fellow rangers reading alexander dumas... we do strange things for kids." yeah hart??? thats your standard????? THATS your idea of going out of your way for your kid??? literally how did sam fall for this woman oh my god i cant even listen to her speak without wanting to use the power of bitchhood i inherited from a long line of angry irish women to ridicule her to tears. maybe then she'll fucking understand how small she makes her fucking kid feel every time she turns a moment of bonding into a little "woe is me and my comfort zone oh how unfortunate i am to have a brilliant daughter that wants to connect with me through her greatest passion"
-she openly admits that she dumped the cargo sam was smuggling not because she felt any connection or sympathy or just didnt want to destroy someones chance at life in a capitalist society, but because he was a good pilot and she didnt want that talent to "go to waste" so she could recruit him. thats not really a thing against cora i just really fucking hate that and the picture it paints of her priorities as a human being
-"if we're going to be really honest here... back when we were a team... cora would follow you everywhere, like a little adoring dog. i... just fell out of it. long before we separated."
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i literally. do not have words for how fucking disgusted i am by that line of dialogue. oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god. i. i TRULY would not even know where to start. the dog comparison makes me violently angry and if you'd given me a punch interrupt at that moment, i would have broken my keyboard punching the accept option
-go replay or watch a recording of that divorce counseling mission one more time. while you're doing it, imagine the roles reversed. imagine youre romancing a character thats a mother bringing cora into space, and the ranger standing in your cockpit asking to finish the mission is her father who took off to live at work once it was clear his little girl liked mommy better. imagine THAT while you listen to the (imo) out of fucking pocket dialogue where sam constantly praises lillian for being "a good ranger/woman." then you come back and tell me how comfortable you are with the concept of lillian hart as a character.
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antiendovents · 3 months
wanna things about osddid be normal again.
i mean, wanna being anti-endo be default option. wanna term system be for traumagenic systems only (as it was in the beginning, because it's a medical term for people with did/osdd). wanna most spaces be anti-endo. wanna spaces for systems be anti-endo by default. wanna other spaces be anti-endo by default. wanna don't have to prove everyone that system can't be endogenic. wanna don't be called "sysmed" or "traumascum" and compared with transmeds for stating actual facts.
wanna people be normal about osddid like they would be about other disorders. why icd n dsm suddenly stop working when it's about osddid? why everyone agrees that you can't get disorder by your will, but if it's osddid, "willowgenic systems" are completely fine?
wanna osddid be taken seriously. think endos are so popular because a lot of people don't understand what osddid is. don't understand that's actual disorders. underestimate. simplify. romanticize.
destigmatization doesn't mean "don't take this disorder seriously". but some (a lot of, actually) people get it like this. like osddid are some funny silly quirky things like "friends in your head".
(and it's not a blame of people with osddid who are trying to cope with their disorders by being silly about them. it's completely a blame of people who prefer trivialize, simplify n romanticize disorders instead of became normal about people with them).
sorry it became long n incoherent at some point.
yeah. it fucking sucks, theres a lot of double standards. anyone else using a medical term for something they dont have (e.g an allistic person saying they have special interests, or someone who doesn't have OCD claiming to have it because they organised one thing) is told off, but when it comes to DID/OSDD no one fucking cares. its as if they don't see it as an actual disorder (and half of the time they dont). we are tired of having to make sure our system friends and system spaces aren't pro-endo. we just want to exist without people trying to push into our community just because they think that being a system is all fun and games so they want to "try it out".
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rzyraffek · 10 months
Alr yall Eddie Gluskin brainrot part 2 or something. ITS MADE FOR MY PERSONAL NEEDS TO VENT ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM ALR DONT JUDGE scroll down for hyper important notes
Tw: eggie gluskin is his own warning, dub-con???(not really tho), erm eddie gluskin??? Ermmm idk yandere? A bit of nsfw (but there's warning beforehand) ALSO REQUEST OPEN FOR EDDIE SIMPS
Silly Eddie Gluskin headcanons
This idea is my personal one (so prepare). Imagine s/o in that spooky psych ward and she just hangs out around Eddie CUZ LETS BE HONEST HE IS THE SAFEST OPION OUT THERE😭 LIKE rest of people there bearly speak and would bite my toes off. Also I would totally get lost, so fallowing this dude is my best option
Tbh he at least pretends that hes nice😭
Also bro is mesmerised by her cuz 'shes not like other whores' cuz she doesnt scream or run away.
After he got attached (so in like 3minutes) he starts to fallow her like lost puppy and has dumb smile on his face for the whole time
He he w- he when he wh- when he- he when-
He is also very physical🥰 if he cant hug he holds hands, AND he talks a lot too... o my god
the only red flag is that he immediately wants to erm have babies 😔 BRO WANTS TO FUCK ON FIRST DATE😰🤯
Home boy 100% commits cannibalism THERES NOTHING TO EAT HERE ALR
Trying to escape WITH Eddie? Like acually from the ward? Say less
Beats up everyone, litteraly everyone. Somone stands near her in 50meter radius? They are totally dangerous mind if i stab?
Fatherless with attachment issues 👍🧍‍♂️
Loves when s/o sits on his lap, and loves being a big spoon. Litteraly melts when she grabs his hand
He 'invites' her on dates and makes some weird ass food (probably cooked rats) and if she refuses to eat he gonna grab that fork and force it inside her cuz darling you need to stay fed and healthy
He is very into domestic type shit, so if shes okay with becoming housewife he is flying away, blushing, kicking, screaming, begging for more. I mean he still would make her a housewife but its cute that she consents and he doest have to do all this threatening and manipulation stuff to make her do so
If she bakes cookies for him he will litteraly has one of those 'its so cute i want to squash it' moments and cup her cheeks and kiss all over (aggressively)
Believes in zodiac signs and tried to learn tarot once
She has to force him to stop using hair gel he looks like he has boat on his head
Looks like he smells nice but I doubt that
Kinda likes when she tries to run away? let's be honest I doubt that s/o was in love with him from the start, he is some random weird looking dude in hospital after all. So yeah he kinda liked (and still does) enjoy the whole prey/hunter thingy
Lets start with obvious stuff, breeding kink, whole pregnancy stuff, likes his wife cute and obedient, but its kinda fun to chase her around once per few days, see her fear and panic o m g he loves that
He also fucks whenever he wants really, she has to have really good relationship with him to make him lisen and do what she asks him for (to some degree anyways)
Table, chair, wall, bed that he tortures people on, his bed, floor, any place is a good place to make some love
When he's not horny he is acually romantic (rare) he gives neck kisses, holds hands, talks about his plans for future, makes sure that stuff shes wearing and her hair is in good condition, bare minimum yknow
Also I use she/her and 'wife' stuff cuz even if s/o is the most masculine guy ever he is still cute lady in his eyes or something idc
My guy can do fast and rough or slow and deep. Depents of his mood really, if s/o annoyed him or he's just simply frustrated he will be rough, and do it no matter what she was doing, oh you were doing laundry? Not anymore, hop on this washingmachine, we are going on a ride. If he's in more romantic mood and s/o too, he will pick them up, kiss them, do it nice and deep to make sure that s/o feels everything
Tbh he loves 'hunting his prey (shes the prey lol)' prompt so much! Looking for her, feeling her fear... o my god this gets him going so hardddd
Bite marks on her, Hickeys on him
ALSO O MY GOD HER SITTING ON HIS LAP? omg imagine, s/o riding him, Eddie guiding her hips with hands HE DIES OMG YOIR SO CUTEEE
NOT ME WRITING WHOLE ARTICLE ABOUT EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN OMG IM SORRY😭 ALSO I was attacked by horse 2days ago and zapped by electric fence twice, just to buy a kebab, Im a survivor you all
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gibbearish · 30 days
zayne is a bust, help me pick the next name to try out. propaganda and poll under the cut
for context all of these except cj were found on old english names websites so . thats why theyre so weird lmao
go back to cj: my bf thinks it fits me pretty well (funnily enough his overall opinion on it has flipped from when i first started using it lmao), my issue is that id still have to figure out what to make it stand for. he suggested "cool joke" and i gotta be real with yall im extremely fucking tempted. esp bc i could make my last name Dude. i could legally be Cool Joke Dude.
Erskine: felt weird at first but ive warmed up to it, esp bc when i ran it by friends they were like "what. what is that doing in my brain. what does that remind me of" and when i went "did it conjure a ferret" they were like ?!?!?!?!? YES THAT EXACTLY????? HOW DID YOU KNOW?????? anyways turns out most people are familiar enough with the word "ermine" to associate it with ferrets but not quite enough to remember the word so like. my name could literally be a spell that conjures ferrets in peoples brains without them knowing why.
Llewellyn: full disclosure that i think it sucks but like. in a hilarious way. you know how it's supposed to sound but without fail it takes a second to say out loud. you have to rev up before you can actually get into it. theres such an unnecessary amount of Ls. saying it feels like wading through knee deep water. its so funny
Ravinger: sounds like ravenger. what more is there to say
Tranter: like. i mean. cmon. "hi i'm tranter. tranny for short." / "what's tranny short for?" "cuz ive got little legs:(" LIKE?????
Horst: HORST????? H O R S T???????? i could be HORST?????? thats so funny. thats SO FUNNY. also the website said after it stopped being used as a first name, it became german slang for an unintelligent person. so like. it sounds like horse and is also german for dumbass. thats so fucking funny
Leofwine: i have no idea how this is supposed to be pronounced and neither has anyone ive showed it to, and it is /extremely/ funny watching them try to figure it out. and i could just do that all the time
Wigstan: so i figure its supposed to be pronounced wigstin (which is funny on its own bc winston overwatch) but fuckin. wig stan. wig stan???? wig stan.
Puck+Dex: gotta be honest idk how i feel abt these ones but one of my friends was p into em so figured i should include em just in case
Eoforwine: i think currently my personal favorite of these, i think its pronounced yo fur win which means the nickname would just be Yo, and i dont Like the concept of names in general so my nickname just being 'hey you' would be p nice, and the website said the name itself means "boar friend" which fucks
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! I'm losing track of the days lol, but so long as i send an ask a week, i think i should be okay 😂
Also feel free to post your hsr hair thoughts bc i love to read your rambles as much as your fics! I'm looking forward to the jade one and him imitating floyd is really amusing. I like to think jade has a sort of pride about him where he loathes being compared to floyd but also jokes it off when someone does or when someone mistakes them, so i can imagine his pride and ego taking a hit but he endures it for sake of reader. Almost like he gets addicted to acting like floyd bc everyone likes floyd better anyways, right? So why not give the people what they want! He receives such a positive response when he acts like floyd that it rewires the hurt in his brain and suddenly the thing he hates is now cathartic for him but theres still that underlying hurt underneath >.<
BUT thats not why im here hehehe, for this weeks questionnnnn......
Who do you think would be the 'final girl' in a slasher film from each dorm? And then if u can, who do you think would be the ultimate survivor? You can optionally bestow the other titles; the virgin who lives but is hurt, the killer in hiding and the idiots who are the first to go, etc :D i read a yandere slasher fic here on tumblr where reader goes into a cabin with her friends and they get killed off one by one until the yandere presumably fucks reader and it has me back in my horror phase 😅 just pretend its Halloween in june, like xmas in july hahaha
-🐔 anon!!!!
:D hi hi 🐔!!!! Thank you for enjoying my writings and ramblings and for your interest in the upcoming Jade fic!! He'd do anything for you, even if it means he has to endure bittersweet pain just to see you smile. >_< all he wants is a chance with you and he gets that when he acts as Floyd. It may be uncomfortable and it may chip away pieces of his pride as an individual, but you laugh at his jokes and look at him like he's the only one in your world. He'll do whatever he can just to receive a crumb of your affection, even if it's all meant to be reserved for Floyd. Aaaa I love writing this version of Jade!!!! He's just so interesting and obsessed!! orz
Ooooo final girls from each dorm!!! That's such a fun question. Here are my thoughts!!! ^w^
Heartslabyul's final girl would be Cater. He's so perfect for the final girl trope! You think he might die first because he's pretty and can't let go of his phone for the life of him, but when he gets serious he can be very cutthroat. <3 the idiotic duo would have to be Ace and Deuce. Deuce hears a strange noise and wants to check it out because he's definitely not scared of demons or killers and he'll beat up anything that tries to hurt him and his friends. Ace thinks he's trying to prank him, but he begrudgingly follows him, thinking it's either nothing and Deuce is trying to scare him or it'll just turn out to be something with a completely natural explanation. It's neither, and while they're both bickering the killer looms from behind. Riddle is the logical one who tries to put everything into perspective and figure out a logical reason behind everything. Trey is, unsurprisingly, the mom friend who just wants everyone to stay in one place because hopefully the authorities will show up soon (they never will).
Savanaclaw's final girl is Ruggie. He's resourceful and cunning; you think he may die first, but he's actually very good at survival. He'll live, but he comes out of the horrific night covered in blood after he's just fought the killer to the death. Jack is your typical jock, kind-hearted and caring, who doesn't believe in any of that ghost stuff or horror movie trope stuff, but when it becomes too real he gets even more serious than before, determined to survive and protect those close to him. Leona strikes me as the type who, upon the first sign of something suspicious or dangerous, promptly leaves. He will not be swept up in any murder plots, no thank you. <3 either that or he sleeps through it all and the killer thinks he's dead at first glance LOL.
Octavinelle's final girl would be Floyd. As goofy as he is, he's also another cutthroat guy who can and will survive. He may throw himself directly at danger, but somehow he always comes out of it alive. Jade is your typical killer-in-hiding. You won't suspect him until it's too late, and by then nearly half the cast is dead. Azul is the type who acts like an ally to everyone, but he's secretly either plotting with the killer or planning to sacrifice everyone in order to save himself.
Scarabia's final girl is Jamil. Most of his decisions are made solely to protect Kalim (who naturally is the comedic relief/carefree friend who is just too sweet for this world), but there's a build-up in this movie where the plot twist is that Jamil ultimately ends up tricking Kalim. Is it possible for both him and Jamil to survive? Perhaps, but this isn't that kind of movie. :) and from the bloodshed, Jamil emerges, alive, exhausted, and traumatized. (Or I could also see Jamil as a killer-in-hiding and Kalim as the final girl; it fits either way in my mind hehe!! :D)
Pomefiore's final girl is either Epel or Vil. It's hard to choose just one of them for the trope because I feel like it can fit them both in different ways. Rook is obviously the killer-in-hiding or he's just that really unnerving character who happens to know too much about how a killer thinks. >_< Vil as a final girl would be so cool because I think he can also be quite cutthroat. He's the character type who spends most of his focus on himself throughout the movie, yet he still manages to survive. How, you may ask? He weaponized various beauty products or, my most favorite idea, he fought the killer in heels and won, by which the heels absolutely became his weapon. >:) Epel as a final girl would be somewhat surprising because he's the character who no one really expects to live because he's "so petite and cute and omg how will he ever survive the big, scary killer!!!!" D: but then Epel shocks everyone when he ends up arming himself with brass knuckles or a baseball bat to go hunt down the killer himself.
Ignihyde's final girl is Idia, but then he also fits into the loser nerd category. Idia as a final girl is a little frustrating because he spends the entire movie being prideful and rude to the other characters, so everyone sort of wants him to be killed off first because he's so unlikable. But because Idia's seen all of these tropes before and knows his way around a horror movie, he ends up surviving. Ortho survives as well, but then I can also picture him being something of a sci-fi horror villain (i.e. technology becomes bad and targets humans). It's something like in book six where he was giving the students little tests in order to advance to the next level. Just a little villainous and devious!
Diasomnia's final girl is Silver. The stress of the situation manages to keep him awake, and so he's mainly in survival mode for the entirety of the film. Silver does his best to protect everyone, even putting himself at risk if it means he can save his friends. Sebek likely puts up a good fight, but he's far too stubborn and can't be quiet to save his life, so he ends up getting killed. I feel like Lilia could be a killer-in-hiding, or he's just the mischievous trickster type. Malleus could also be a killer-in-hiding, or he's the trope of "misunderstood character with a reputation that is solely rumors who turns out to be quite sweet and helpful to the main character."
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1tsjusty0u · 3 months
can i present you with a random scenario. what would happen in an au hypothetical where only one of the champions survives the calamity. idk like what would happen for each champion im curious
ywah you can!!
ok this depends on if you mean like. taking links surviving role or surviving alongside link. in my au the former would be.. a bit more complicated? actually that could make for a really fucked up scenario of which i shant say as . probably spoilers? actually no . in wotb link actually dies early (a recent development meta-textually). so basically if hes already in there and a champion has to be put in their instead theres two routes. one he could never be put in there at all, already gone by the time they find the SoR. or two he Is in there but something just Fails Really Badly. it just.. wouldnt heal him. so its a last ditch effort to put a champion in there.
long text below Be Warned.
so while we’re on the topic of that scenario!!! lets start with it!! 1 mipha. she would send out an ok signal to the other champions, and she’d either check on her people first or try to get vah ruta to the nearest champion to help them. or hell she might check on zelda first. i think the plan without link would be to either say fuck it we ball and impa would take zelda to the castle, Or just go straight to kakariko instead as a safety thing. i think she’d actually check on zelda as she’s seen as the most important, then try to reach the champions. i think she’d have the same problems the champions descendants have getting into the divine beasts honestly, though vah naboris would be easy theres no water close enough. vah medoh is not only too high but has an actual shield. vah rudania walks around too much and causes way too much damage to death mountain. she could fire her shot at one of the divine beasts, but that would kill the champion inside it, wouldnt it? so she just resigns to help zelda and impa. she can take care of guardians well enough honestly. her cause of death would probably be either malice or trying to heal zelda or impa While Being Fought at. shes put in and boom 100 years later. i dont know how scales work but i think they wouldnt regrow in the SoR and she’d be left with scarred skin. either rhoam or a zora she knew would greet her on the great plateau. rhoam… wouldnt exactly be happy about. link not being there. mipha being able to defeat her blight is proof to him that shes capable, but also he really has no other options. who else is going to help zelda? mipha had defeated one of his creations.. so she could defeat him. she kind of has to, master sword or not- she’s the only one left. if a zora she knew was there instead i think itd reflect on her personally more? like her healing, her tendency to look after others instead of herself, how she’s dealing with this. the zora wouldnt force her to help zelda, maybe not even telling her. but yeag. still amnesiac, and things go mostly the same as canon besides some.. hiccups. going into zoras domain would have her literally not be able to leave, let alone go to zelda or any of the divine beasts. dorephan and muzu would gush over her because well. they havent seen her in 100 years!! and shes alive!!! she’s been martyred which would be. uncomfortable to her. because she doesnt know who that statue is, even if it looks like her. sure shes calm and nice, but the statues face.. it looks. serene almost. calm. lifeless, dead. vah rutas been protecting the place, and vah ruta would also say hi!! she’d get a memory of herself here which could include her little self or her pre cal self Hiding Things, like vulnerability. itd make her uncomfortable as well!! AND SIDON. sidon would have mixed feelings, but he would absolutely hang out with her in a more.. chill manner. just like. camping and eating. frog hunting. showing her how to ride a waterfall like she taught him. they get to know each other better like. well like siblings. she might do a pre cal and when she suggests leaving while doing a chill hangout she’d do That Smile. the hiding something smile basically, or ‘im the mature sibling’ smile. and sidon would be like ‘youre making that face’ >:( and shed go (sweating) ‘what’. but yeah. sidon would either go with her and travel with her or establish a mail system no matter the cost. They Will Talk damnit. going into other regions is hard when you cant really handle many temperatures that arent in the water. im ppretty sure zoras domain has chillfin trout in it so i think she’d do better in colder weather rather than hot, which sucks because two divine beasts are in hot weather. she’d probably still need at Least a ruby circlet though because hebra is probably too cold, or just sucks because of the snow. death mountain she’d have to put. so much flame resistance elixrs on. she’d also wear a sapphire circlet all the time there even if its not in the flaming zone. she doesnt like the hot springs </3. yunobo and her would-
-get along i think. she’d probably be slightly annoyed at how scared he is but other than that no complaints. he’d be really nice without being a pushover and i think she’d relate/admire that. she’d eat smotherwing butterflies. daruk would be really happy to see her. getting into gerudo town sucks so so soo badly. sand keeps getting under her scales, its Dry, its Hot (during the day), and theres not like. an elixr for her scales. the only real place sand Isnt on her is the lake in the kara kara bazaar. i think she’d put on flame resistant elixir there just so it protects her scales. or she gets some armour to help her with that. otherwise she’s let into gerudo town. vah naboris would be a nightmare for her. she’d have to have like. a hazmat suit for that one. and the yiga!! she wouldnt like them the moment she hears of them, which has to do with link pre cal but saying too much is spoilers. honestly though. i dont think theyd try to kill her, at least not Nearly as much. after all shes Just Some Zora. no sword, no divine intervention. after getting the thunder helm though theyd go after her probably. but yeah she does Not like them and will actually fight them the first chance she gets. this caused problems for the thunder helm stealth mission. urbosa and revali would be impressed to see her but also worried (revali) and defeated/giving up almost (urbosa). she and paya would get along really well and she’d clean with her Instantly. though paya would tell her that she doesnt have to + she should. be doing other things. she’d buy links house which. weird feelings about it so she doesnt really live in it but its just. There. like a memorial. she’d also be annoyed at purah teasing her about having to get parts but she’d mask it. she’d like indexing fish and birds in her compendium, and the sanke carp Fascinates her. she’d like kass’s music and really just sit and listen to him play. she’d also try to tell him what the shrine solution was once she figures it out. though i dont think he’d tell her the calamity legends. impa does however. she’d find lurelin and would So Badly want to go into the sea. however its too much salt. she’d probably fish there honestly, fishing rod and all. also though seafaring is dangerous for her so. no eventide unless a good boat rather than a dodgy raft. she.. tries to make it into korok forest. but she doesnt know how, and if link ever told her how he did it she cant remember. also its Super haunting for her i think she’d minorly see horrors in the mist so. yeah no forest for her. she’d defeat ganon though, and she’d probably live in zoras domain but take zelda with her. OH ALSO HER MEMORIES…. zeldas photos wouldnt help her too much. only 1 has her in it. so she’d get memories based on her surroundings, like how link gets snippets of the champions. seeing her trident would get a memory, the veiled falls shrine would have a memory, goponga village would have a memory, maybe the east post would have one?, and she’d have a zelda memory somewhere in zoras domain (maybe with those history tablets, or in an area with wildlife). and if link has a grave thatd also have a memory. she’d also get a memory of impa because hell yeah. im tempted to make link a spirit that follows her like the other champions honestly. but yeah post cal sidons been set as the ruler so. she can do what she wants. she’d mostly help zelda though.
in the scenario she lives alongside link, she’d tend to him on the great plateau and generally help out purah and robbie. she’d have to be at the domain most of the time though, and she’d be next in line for the crown rather than sidon. she’d grow older and do her best to help with the side effects of the calamity. she HATES yiga even more here than the last scenario. she also hates guardians, but she can take care of even the stalkers now. she’s there to greet link instead of rhoam, and helps him recuperate. she doesnt have a paraglider at first so for him to get down he’d need to climb down. or she couldve made a river system into the great plateau so if he holds his breath he can dive in and out. he still has to do the shrines zelda let mipha know that he has to. she might also travel with him honestly. she’d also spearhead the guardians on the great plateau when she finds out some are active. things would tense between them as time goes on but thats another story. basically old lady who may want to kill.
if revali survived!! uhh first scenario. he would fly all the way to the other champions first, and would check on zelda last. he’d also try to see how the village is doing before he flys to the champions. he cant get to naboris or ruta because he cant see anything, and rudania is at a Really painful angle, and with death mountain erupting.. its a pipe dream to make it there. he dies also to malice, or maybe to a guardian shot. same deal as mipha, either rhoam or a rito he knows greets him. rhoam has the same feelings (+exasperation because of all the champions, it was revali. and he’s a lot more of an old man to him with like changing the deal and teasing him. they would probably fight if not for the fact they dont hate each other). if it was a rito theyd focus more on flying than anything else. actually. he can get off the great plateau. i mean unless he forgot how to glide/one of his wings couldnt work he could. simply get down there. so for plot lets say he forgot how to fly and glide. once he learns how to again he goes to kakariko, and once he learns of rito village hes goes straight there and almost never leaves it. its His Hometown damnit!!! the nostalgia would get to him. though not knowing anyone would be… weird to him. but he’d still love the village. he and medoh would banter but theyd miss each other. he has to get to vah ruta by walking and hes SO mad about it. he would absolutely fight muzu if muzu hated him like he hated link. maybe muzu would doubt his skills and insist no outside help is needed. mipha would be sad probably. not to see him but just to see her family. but i think her and revali would be friends like pre cal and theyd have fun just with now looming dread. the flame resistant stuff would suck to put on, but he isnt going to drink it so he suffers instead. he would probably like yunobo. he’s able to reassure him better and yunobo is like you mentioned more reasonable in general so. yeah!! OH YEAH also he and sidon.. hm. i think sidon would tease him/punk him a lot. be more mean but thatd be why theyd get along in the end. frienemies. vah naboris. would be awful. sand in his feathers the same way mipha had sand in her scales. itd be Doubly hot for him, so he’d have to go at night but rito have terrible night vision so it sucks, and he cant even get into town. he spends a good minute arguing with the guard, not about wanting to be let in but to do Divine Beast things. eventually riju has been summoned and, while exasperated, she believes him. he still has to get the thunder helm, and hes more neutral on the yiga than mipha is. he sees them as a threat but like. he doesnt despise them. if they werent threats itd be fine. i think hes also slightly scared of them. he sneaks through, master kohgas defeated and the yiga are after him, and actually doing naboris hed also need a hazmat suit for. though its a bit better because ARCHERY YEEAAHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥💶💶💶🦅🦅🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹. urbosa would feel the same like she did with mipha, except more exasperated and defeated because Its Revali. daruk would be happy to see him though still. link may or may not be a spirit here? itd be tense at first but i think itd mirror their friendship arc pre cal (of which i need to answer that ask i am sorry) except the roles would be swapped. youll see. anyways yeah. payas meh to him, doesnt like impa a lot but doesnt hate her, would debate purah probably Somehow. he wouldnt buy links house probably. memory locations: his bow and arrow, the flight range, the tabantha village ruins, tanagaar canyon/dinraal, mabe village perhaps, one of zelda same with mipha, links grave, and maybe one of impa. also possibly one at the secret hot springs. post cal he’d constantly help rito village and thats it. Maybe help zelda if she sends a letter but yeah. he’d have to find a hobby though
living along side link. he would also help purah and robbie, though less so. he’d be forced to greet link but in the meantime he’d protect his village and basically become the elder. seeing a young link whiles he old would be… disconcerting. he’d probably feel a mixture of guilt and anger. same deal as mipha though he has a paraglider for him. he wouldnt kill the guardians however and would just find a route for him to avoid them. he’d also be straightforward about what happened to link as opposed to mipha, so their relationship would be less strained as time goes on. he travels with him up to rito village and no more. i think he’d also visit the champion descendants to do his best to help them out.
daruk!! he’d go to the champions straight away. vah ruta is isolated in water which he cant get to (and also has a shield), vah medohs way too high up, and naboris wont stay still, and though hes mighty he can absolutely get crushed by naboris’s legs. god how would he die. yiga misfire maybe???? malice once again?? probably just an accumulation of malice. hed try to instantly leave the plateau (no fall damage like majoras mask goron rock ball form) and while rhoam (if he was there) would try to tease him he’d have to just tell him ‘hey. you Have to do this. Its important. please’ or would straight away tell him the truth. if a goron spirit was there . shrugs. theyd probably focus on strength and building enough to get ganon. goron city, hailed as hero though hes a bit uncomfortable about that and tries to both take it and be mature(?) about it if that makes sense. like hes more comfortable with it than mipha, but it still puts him off a little. vah rudania would hate to see him (rudania missed him so much its unbelievable). vah ruta would be. one Hell of a divine beast to do. he’d have to use a thunder sword instead of arrows, and he’d be A Test to sidons strength as a whole. OH ALSO yunobo would love him !!!!! him bludo and yunobo would probably hang out post cal. anyways. vah naboris he would simply slam into their legs instead of bomb arrows. still would need the thunder helm. master kohga would respect daruk enough however business is business and right now theyre enemies. daruk would not like the yiga like mipha . closer to the hate scale than revali but less than mipha. he’d be pretty pissed at them and wouldnt realize why for a while. the yiga have to get inventive when he becomes wanted which means new weapons methinks!! also he’s let into gerudo town. gorons r genderless so. hell yeah. and. ok so daruk cant get up to vah medoh theres. not many options. either he’s chucked from hebra peak at all of medohs batteries and is finally chucked on board, Or if youve seen klerics 10 ways link can make it up to that divine beast on his own he does that. also also urbosa would have more hope with daruk than mipha and revali. revali would secretly be happy to see the guy. link might be a spirit as usual. memories! his stone smasher, death mountains peak, military training camp, the place where link saved him which he mentions in his diary, the hot springs/springs near the base of death mountain, honestly probably meeting mipha (maybe trading fish) ((where no clue, though he has memories of the other champions like all of them of which they arent the samw memory locations in botw. like miphas statue doesnt trigger a memory for daruk and anyone else ok sorry)), uhh zelda, impa?, links grave, and maybe some place in akkala.
the second scenario he would constantly try to help the descendants rather than link as he figures purah and robbie got it covered, but he visits them while they do great plateau things and they chat!! maybe try to take care of guardians. he would be the most straightforward with link, both in helping him gain strength but in his memories. he’ll offer to travel but wont force it on him. other than that he’d stay on death mountain with rudania. most things wouldnt be a threat with daruk around honestly. just a support beam basically. kind of sad because i. dunno what kind of character arc he would have in most of this. </3
urbosa!!! she’d take a quick glance at her people but go to zeldas and the champions aid. its hard to tell which she’d go for first.. like on one hand she’s biased towards zelda but she just went through a blight and can hear the SOS signals of the others. maybe multitasking? getting naboris to zelda as fast as she can, picking her up/dropping her off (which could lead to some chatting on the way), and then to a divine beast, maybe realizing about a quarter left of the way that theyre already dead and theres no point now. mipha would have a similar revelation probably just.. later. but urbosa dies helping zelda and impa, either distracting something or getting ambushed. great plateau, you know the drill. if rhoam was there theyd have some, “lovely” chats (theyd be So petty against each other. she’d find out her smiting power by trying smite him. though they are friends and have fun and would drink with each other.) and once her whole deal is revealed they have a little heart to heart, and this becomes even more serious to her. she’d go straight to the castle or would reluctantly go to kakariko taking rhoams suggestion seriously. if a gerudo was there it’d probably be more fighting training/regaining strength, plus. warnings of the world beyond this plateau. anyways. impa and her would be besties (though impa would be.. too lax for her). and she’d enjoy paya a lot, maybe try to flex on her to tease her. zoras domain dorephan and her would get along i think AND OH WAIT. SHE HAS LIGHTNING POWERS. if she can get the thunder helm she could finish vah ruta in one strike (though it Does worry the zora a bit). she may throw shade at muzu for his hate of hylians and of the shekiah tech (especially the latter i think). sidon and her would be battle buddies i think, theyd constantly try to outdo each other but still respect each other to have Actual Teamwork. dynamic duo that will kill you. also she makes fun of him sometimes. anyways. mipha would be pretty happy to see her! death mountain. either drinks the elixir first and then realizes most people apply it on their skin so. oops. but she doesnt really care so she keeps drinking it like its champagne. chugging. despite being used to the desert she still doesnt like the heat. yunobo and her would also get along i think!! she would just immediately kill whatever hes afraid of and he looks in. slight fear. though the mines was a workout for her and shes making sure he knows he Owes Her for that one. anyways daruk would be ecstatic to see her theyre Instant Besties. new ghost pal perhaps as well. he’d yell like a sports fan everytime she beats the blight/gets a hit. its chaotic that time the energy is just net positive despite the circumstances. hebra. honestly. she might be ok with it? the desert is cold at night and she lives next to snowy mountains. nice change of pace. teba gets her up there pretty easily, maybe bow troubles? slices the targets with her sword as teba watches in surprise yet defeat. revali and her would, once again, be very petty. however revali would still worry with the blight but she’s fine. i think she’d hate the rotating angle of vah medoh. aaand naboris!!! no freeing to do she just gets to see a long time friend of hers (naboris). she’d love riju and riju may feel a bit of pressure, but over all she’s welcomed back with open arms (maybe some new locals not recognizing her which would be interesting). though she’d have to clear the yiga. now on the hate scale, she probably wants them annihilated (i am so sorry). like riju would have to pull her back saying ‘heyheyhey yeah they suck but dont??? kill them??? or their entire clan????’ which would only barely stop her. she wouldnt even try to sneak through she’d fight them and threaten kohga for the thunder helm. kohga lets her have it without fight and makes a retreat, though he probably lays low? if he hunts her afterwards is debatable because on one hand she Is a threat to them and ganon, but also she Can kill them before they teleport and retreat. so a bit of a choice. also hateno, purah and her wouldnt be-
too much of friends but theyd get along well enough. same with robbie. she wouldnt get links house to her its not her problem. or maybe she does but because she’d think itd be a nice place for zelda. kass and her would just be diplomats to each other. link spirit maybe shrugs . memories!! sword and shield, kara kara bazaar, southern oasis?, shield surfing champion shrine that she did, patricia maybe?, digg dogg suspension bridge, a spring memory with zelda, flora and fauna with zelda, links grave, impa, the champions yadda yadda. the memory numbers probably dont match up between all the champions sorry
second scenario!!! exclusively helps zelda and either stops her from letting ganon eat her or tries her best to fight ganon before retreating and he eats zelda. then she just. wanders. purah probably helping her cope or just. do things. she might even stay in kakariko for a bit, and she moves out of gerudo town. she’d say goodbye to everyone of course. but ywah. also maybe guard kakariko from yiga of which cado would fear her immensely. she’d either greet link or let rhoam do it and just meet link at kakariko and be Cryptic and Vague like he was but push him towards helping zelda, maybe even traveling with him. however she’d probably try to have him stay On Track constantly which would go. poorly. either that or she silently judges him but doesnt say anything. she’d only really hammer in to Go To Castle once all the divine beasts are free. they probably split off though, urbosa going to either chill or help in some way just elsewhere. like helping robbie light his ancient oven and getting guardian tools. also she has more wrinkles now shes super super old
if link isnt revived but the champions arent put in the SoR itd just be a mix of the two scenarios, slowly chipping at the divine beasts while helping out globally and getting old and having to cope with everything afterwards because they still have their memories
this . may not have been what you meant. i am sorry. however. thumbs up
ALSOALSO wanting the yiga dead is not a morally pure/correct course of action for them. it is not morally right thing to annihilate an entire group of people this isnt a bug its a feature. them wanting the yigas dead is not good. just in case.
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Theres is an excellent gif set in the jamie tag at the moment of people acknowledging Jamie's abuse and its got me thinking back to Man City when Ted sees. That look on Jamie's face I never know how to read it. Defiance? Accusation that Ted sent him back to that? Resignation? Desperation?
Ah, this is a tough one. I don’t know that I know either, nonny, but let me think out loud for a bit and we’ll see what we’ll see.
First things first (and this might be an unpopular opinion): I don’t like to think that Jamie has a horrible time with Manchester City in general. Yes, his dad is there and he is obviously a fucking nightmare, but as far as we know Tartt Sr. is still a presence when Jamie’s with Richmond, even if he doesn’t come out to see the games. Admittedly, he does love his club more than he does his son, but he’s still invested in having a professionall footballer for a kid and I don’t think he’d let go of that claim to fame just because Jamie plays for a team other than City. I can see him watching the matches at a pub with his mates, you know, bragging loudly about everything he thinks Jamie does right, and then texting or calling to berate Jamie for everything he did wrong.
Of course, we don’t know that that’s the case, but consider the fact that when Jamie wants to get away from his dad, he doesn’t make a push to switch clubs or to go on another loan: he ditches football altogether to go on a reality show. And sure, we don’t know that Jamie didn’t try go somewhere else first either; it’s not an easy thing to do when you’re under contract, so maybe the TV bit was a last desperate option when everything else failed. However, he did seem eager to return to City when he was voted of Lust Conquers All, so yeah, I just don’t think he hated being in Manchester, and consequently I don’t think he’s upset with Ted for sending him back to that per se. We’ll get back to that in a bit.
Turning to the actual scene, this is what Jamie looks like in the beginning of it, before his dad starts throwing shoes and Jamie notices Ted:
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This really breaks my heart. Jamie looks so young and so sad here. Not initially fearful, I’d say, but just so very dejected and resigned. He did a good and unselfish and useful thing but is immediately robbed of his joy and rightful pride in that because his father has nothing but scorn for anything less than “scoring a winner”. Reminds me of nothing so much as a little kid who’s spent a lot of time crafting something quite complicated for your birthday and is so excited to show you, only for you to complain about the visible glue or whatever. (Doesn’t necessarily mean that Jamie’s after his father’s approval, by the way, just that his father sucks all joy out of what should have been a triumphant moment for Jamie and ruins it for him.)
And then asshole of the year gets in Jamie’s face and Jamie catches sight of Ted:
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Jamie does look rather angry and/or accusing here (and yeah, the quality of the picture is exceptionally meh – Apple TV doesn’t really make it easy for me to grab screenshots on my PC, I’m right annoyed about it). However, and as previously stated, I don’t think Jamie’s angry with Ted for sending him back to this, because I think that this kept happening at Richmond too (albeit not usually physically).
But if I’m right, what’s with the dark glare, Jamie? Well, even if I don’t believe Jamie was necessarily upset about having to return to Manchester in general, I think he was very upset about being sent away (as he perceived it) after making an effort to do better. He took Keeley’s advice and did what Ted wanted him to do and opened up in front of the whole team (which was quite brave of him) – and still he got sent away. I can’t help but think it must have made him feel tricked and made a fool out of. (Which to my mind explains why he goes a little bit extra assholish afterwards.)
And now here he is again, having followed Ted Lasso’s advice in making the extra pass, and all that gets him is being yelled at. So that’s the accusation, I think: “I did what you taught me to do, and this is what I fucking get for it.”
(He also gets a little green toy soldier and a kind note, and that’s so hugely important for his continued journey. Jamie, as we know, responds well to positive reinforcement.)
Huh. I didn’t know this was what I’d land on when I started writing this, but I do love to hash things out in text so thank you so much for this ask, nonny! I had fun! Not sure how convincing it’ll be to you, and I have a feeling this is one of them things I might well change my mind about later down the road, but for now this is my take on it. If you have other ideas, feel free to hit me with them.
For reference, I believe nonny is referring to this amazing gif set.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 5 months
hey new draft making
i keep putting this off, but it today arrives! a ramble about ryan selucreh to fill tghe tag for once
so who even is ryan selucreh? well, hes a football jock and a big oaf, the stereotypical strong dumb athlete kid. however, theres more to ryan that we're diving into, years after the oneshot ended!
one thing to note on ryan is how his powers were gotten in a mix of ways aster and connor did. aster was born with them (assumed cause goddess mother), connor got them from a book (recieved from searching, wasnt born with it), ryan got his powers from squats. silly, sure, but like i said, its like the inbetween of the two. he has the power himself and doesnt need a book for them or anything, but he wasnt born with them either. i also wanna note how asters powers are like life (plants and the sun, both can symbolize life) and connors powers are like death (decay and disintegrating, both are related back to death), but ryans powers cant be "like" anything. its not something super showy, hes just super strong (strong enough to rip a mountainin half im pretty sure was confirmed).
lwts get into those comments ryan made, and how its reflected across the 3 episodes. yeah, the comments on faking his personality around people and how he doesnt know who he is anymore.
first showing of this is with the j crew. charlie gave a good idea (he was nicknamed jyan), but condi says he told them that. granted, it was probably to be funny, but theres other options to that. ryan missaid his name out of nervousness, the j crew misheard him, he wrote his name really wrong, so many different options that also are pretty comedic. yet, ryan told them he was jyan to join their team.
on the floatball jersey he wears, they didnt even have a 10 for him, simply a jersey with a 1 and a "poorly painted 0". did someone else use the 10? why didnt they have one? another way ryan changed for people symbolically, wearing one number but being another.
ryan joins in with the omnious curse speech despite it not being planned. an attempt to keep fitting in with his group there.
hell, ryan even was an ass to connor before when he was with the j crew, yet wasnt when he was with connor and aster alone.
he even goes out of his way to try and save asters dad, an act of carrying for her and her father. hes such a friendly and caring dude that hes trying to fit in with them all to keep up their friendships.
thats what makes the whole "i dont have a real personality" line mean so much. because he really doesnt. all that can be seen as his personality is simply to appeal to another person.
HELL IM FUCKING CONNECTING IN THE FACT THAR RYAN WAS A HISTORY MAJOR TO THIS! WHO EXPECTS THE JOCK TO LIKE HISTORY? NOT ME, I THOUGHT THAT WAS CONNOR, AND THATS WHY ITS SO INTERESTING, CAUSS NOTHING LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE RYANS INTERESTED IN THAT SHIT!!! ryan barely talks about his past or anything, minus the memory (but that was only to save professor aeliana), BUT HE DIDNT FUCKING BRING IT UP. kinda ironic, the character whos past is pretty unknown is in classes learning about our past.
oh yeah did i ever mention his parents are dead? cause they are (confirmed by condi a while back)
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maybe thats why he tries to be so appealing to everyone, to make up for that missing link. i mean, its not like that event wouldnt have some impact on you (also no jrwi pc has gone to therapy from what i know so safe to assume he has no coping skills PLUS ITS A CONDI PC YPU THINK HES MENTALLY STABLE??).
another thing i learned: ryans last name is a backwards hercules. fun call back to the name, yeah, but the actual story may have some weight here...
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the screenshot doesnt give the full story, of course, so i will. the picture leaves out how the reason he went through hardships was because he was driven to madness. according to research, hera was mad at hercules being born (for he was the product of zeus and a mortal woman), so she made him go crazy and slaughter his family. to make up for it, he was given 12 impossible tasks to do.
am i saying the full story applys? hell fucking no! i dont think ryan killed his parents or anything, but i think the jist can apply. a man trying to be forgiven by people for wrongdoings that wouldnt have happened if said people didnt make those wrongdoings happen. ryan trying to get the validation of his friends and acquaintances by pretending to be someone hes not, which wouldnt be needed if he could see friends accept people as themselves. given impossible missions (be someone else) to appease those who he looks to (whether its to the side or up to).
another thing to note is theres no episode cover with only ryan on it. cover 1 has all 3, cover 2 has background faceless frat members and connor, and cover 3 has only aster.
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it could be from how there was only 3 episodes of mythborne, yet this could be solved by having all 3 in a cover at once. while it would have been a lot, they had all 3 in the first and a total of 4 characyers in thr second cover. this of course was a purposeful choice, and it shows in a way who the focus is meant to be on in that ep (all of them, connor, aster).
so why coupdnt ryan have been focused on in episode 1? yeah he was directly related to the chaos (j crew being first vicitms and shit), yet that clearly had a more general showing. its because ryan isnt a character who can be focused on. he crutches to his friends like a team relys to eachother, thats how he has purpose, thats how hes even a person.
i woulsnt even doubt the stupid bit being an act! to play in a sport, you actually do need good grades (in my school experience, above a C+ in all classes), and ryans been on this team since he started college (infered from dialoge with j crew member), probably since kindergarten even (has known j cre since kindergarten). he learnt it from them, and found it to be a possibly appealing trait of himself to others, everyone likes the lovable idiot! sure, what he does to play an act can be extreme, but if this is really thr coping mechanism i think it is, its not too much for him (also wanna note how of all characters ryan is the biggest stereotype caharacyer).
the 3rd episode btw seemed a lot from the cover and namr and all like the whole world was a fake (for me atleast), and isnt it fitting that ryan was the first to fall off the stage? the man, who had an identity crisis outloud for once after it seemed like one friendgroupd was about to learn his secrets, the first to exit stage down (stage direction jokes). hes been playong a play himself for what feels like his whole life by now, he doesnt need a script.
i came in here to talk about ryan, put him under a microscope, see who he is. really, ryans a shell of a person, a muscle soulless being pretending to be a person someone can love and care about. maybe he too thinks about how connor had changed inside to save him. whatever it is, i think ive not learnt from this who ryan selucreh is, and maybe if he gets aomething like this, he can learn himself who ryan selucreh is.
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pixiecapsalt · 26 days
okay so. still trying to piece this all together before you know its done for me so Pausing the episode heres what im understanding
the santo berço is a town that exists in a place where the membrane is incredibly weak and the reason the people look different is because we know that bodies begin to shift and change when they stay too long in these areas so i believe the gray skin, point ears, and such is a side effect on these people who were once “ignaro” they transform the longer they stay. my thought process at least rn regarding their appearances
the reason the black eyes stood out to me is because during the 6th episode with the fight when they were losing the power checks and theyd lose control and their eyes would get blacker as if consuming them right? and theyd begin to have black tears running down their face. which is really fucking specific so im wondering if the black eyes there is the same type of scenario we’re seeing here. sorta implying some sort of controlled state? or heres the thing they call themselves lucidio? i forgot how to spell it kekw which is im assuming derived from the word lucid and that sorta represents an awareness of a dreaming state. unsure if that plays into something here with their consciousness and awareness of everything it seems
the blacksmith said the tree represents their life in a way and i found it interesting that the trial is this three year thing where when they return they chop down that tree. its like a metaphor for what happens when they choose to stay in santo berço right? this tree is growing their life and when they return its cut its no longer able to continue growing it stays in that state forever now. staying in santo berço is like ending your life the growth of it. and i wonder if thats what its meant to basically mean.
what i found interesting was that the gatekeeper was brought when he was 8 and he remembers his life before santo berço and the fact children can be brought here was really interesting to me because they generally lack a sorta agency when it comes to making decisions? idk if the gatekeeper talks more about his backstory but im assuming he was brought by his parents or guardian to live here. hes 23 now so this town has existed for a Long Time. a fucking while.
what i found interesting was they themselves dont quite understand the maze and treat it as this legend and tale. but it has this thick mist around it which we know to mean an area with a very very weak membrane. which isnt surprising with all of this. but they dont seem to know that themselves. the 5 statues i assumed were the doctors but i havent gotten there yet to where anything is said about them. so im just assuming the 5 guardians are them but the thing is their documents were recent years like 2019 and 2020 and we know FOR A FACT this town has existed way longer. so either the 5 guardians arent the doctors who were doing this project and founded this town and instead someone else OR IT IS THE DOCTORS AND THERES SOME TIME TRAVEL AT PLAY.
they all are relatively aware right like they knew about caprizinha and they knew about other towns nearby and they know how cellphones and the seemingly how different the world is outside their town etc the only real confusing discrepancy is how they bring people. supposedly just asking? and people accept? and stay forever? and are seemingly happy forever? murcilos case was really odd because when we met him he really seemed to love his girlfriend jessica but when asked about her here he said well you know theres other things to life and generally the notion that its fine he doesnt care he left a life behind with no warning to anybody. like it holds so little value? thats where im like okay clearly theres some trickery something isnt adding up for people to just vanish and leave their lives. but again theyre in this town right now and dont seem to be manipulated in any way? they still have that option to leave according to the blacksmith but again they did enter in an unexpected way.
now when they found the town they did pass by a fog where they couldnt see anything except the path and an illuminated way that led them to santo berço so i wonder what exactly happened there. because they were looking for The Cave and instead found this town and its like okay how does that fucking happen. i keep going back to cesars reaction where they were going to enter the forest. the feeling that there was no going back and that shiver.
now i think back to what the doctors were doing and trying to achieve and the major question remains as Why? i wish i had taken photos of all the documents so i can read them all myself again lmao. whats the reason? they live without names just titles they have no technology or electricity they called those things aberrations. why why why why whats the point? how is this town used in an ulterior motive. its not just a town it functions to do something clearly. but what?
ok ima play the episode again ive just been ranting kkkkkk
Still so confused about the old man fml. ik on one of his papers it was written “im the blacksmith” but like was he really? is the symbol burn mark on his back one of those markings the people of santo berço seem to have on their faces the same? do all blacksmiths have that marking on their back? was his tongue cut because he left santo berço? i need to understand how he plays into this meu deus. did he even write that paper? was he just holding it? he clearly knew enough to run down that basement and release subject whatever the fuck
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am sick so if you'd like to speak some suitehearts/killjoys thoughts to me i would love to hear them :P
im sorry ur not feeling well :(( heres a (too goddamn long sorry) summary of all the suitehearts Thoughts i was struck with in latin earlier to hopefully make you feel a bit better <33
so first i was just thinking abt Benz and how hed get roped into the show via threats from bli and then i was like ohhh okay what if they offer him a lab space/equipment to do whatever experiments/research he wants if they agree to being on the show. bc like at this point its abundantly clear that hes not gonna work for them by making new drugs as originally planned but they dont want to risk losing his potential (and they wanna show that theyre still fucking in control) so they make them this "deal" (which theyve really got no other option to take if they dont wanna die) and he gets this lab and figures he can find a way of counteracting blis bullshit sort of in secret bc he knows hes never gonna be able to get this equipment anywhere else
AND THEN i started thinking abt how this would effect his relationship with everyone else on the show (namely Sandman and Donnie bc Crab atp basically just exists off set in a drugged up haze) and i started thinking that maybe thered be some tension there bc the others are either poor or poor AND heavily demoted from past positions of power, and they look at Benz with his higher education and seemingly wealthy lifestyle and they think hes an enthusiastic participant in the system thats fucked them both over. so maybe theyre both kinda dicks to them off set but im thinking Benz doesn't really care bc he doesnt hang around much anyways if they arent filming- hes gotta spend every possible second in the lab yk? and then i started thinking about what might push them all to really talk and become friends which led to THE fucking idea ever
so one day Sandy and Donnie are looking for Benz in his dressing room bc they were supposed to start filming like fifteen fucking minutes ago god Benz this isnt just your show stop being so fucking selfish and come do your job- but they stop as just outside the door as they very clearly hear Benz arguing with someone important and they're saying something about a deal? and Benz sounds pissed saying this wasnt in the agreement and they said he could research whatever he wanted and they cant just do this- if they take this from him hes done. he's walking. they already took everything else from him so if they dont let him have this then hes off the fucking show and they can just try and catch him when he runs. and Whoever theyre talking to is just like "lolz okay well if you're leaving guess were gonna have to recast everyone for 'consistency' so i guess all the others have no reason to be kept around anymore-" and its like. a VERY clear threat on the rest of the Suitehearts' lives and Benz fucking freaks out. he backtracks immediately apologizes for speaking out says they can take his research he doesnt care jesus just dont bring them into this they didnt even do anything
so then Sandy and Donnie are like "ohhh What The Fuck :D" and they kinda feel like assholes for making assumptions bc clearly this isnt the first time Benz has been threatened (and its very much implied that blis gone through with last threats when he wasnt compliant) and theyve both already had their own shit building up and their hatred for bli was already basically at the tipping point already so yeah. they confront Benz and Benz tells him that theyd been trying to develop a sort of blocker for bli's pills. something people in the city can take to negate their effects. he didnt even know if it was possible or if he was on the right track with his research but apparently bes gotten close enough to something for bli to have to step in now. and the other two are obviously like ?????? WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU LITERALLY INVENTED A WAY TO FREE PEOPLE FROM BLIS CONTROL WHAT THE SHIT WE HAVE TO HELP YOU SAVE THAT SHIT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
and Benz is all like "well technically idk if ive invented shit yet bc i haven't actually tested the drug on anyone" and the others are like "bet okay you need a test subject? lets yoink Crab". Benz is incredibly fucking against doing that bc Consent and Ethics. he lets it slip that he does have a stash of the drug already made and hidden in his apartment and hes just gonna test the shit on himself but Sandy and Donnie are noooot fucking having it bc "dude. you understand they arent gonna let you go after this right? even if they keep you alive, they are gonna start tightening the reigns and pumping you full of shit and then youre gonna be the one who needs the blockers" and yeah they really do have a point there so Benz agrees to join them on the escape plan theyve been devising (which side note. yeah those two were planning on running away together anyways but thats a different post probably-) and what follows is the most stressful fucking two weeks of all of their lives as they start discreetly gathering the shit theyll need to leave all while having to wrap filming this season and dealing with management watching their every fucking move and making vague ominous comments about "the future of their careers" AND theyre slipping Crab these new fucking pills and having to keep a close eye on them and keep them calm as theyre slowing coming out of their trance and realizing Oh Fuck Im In The City
and then like. it all comes to a head and they very publicly are chased by a bunch of crows in costume bc they end up having to fin in the middle of filming and i havent thought much abt this lart yet so yeah. thats what i spent all of latin thinking abt I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON KAZ <333
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anawrites3 · 2 years
so. a sladick where they're in their little not-really-enemies-with-benefits-and-maybe-feelings for a while and from time to time one of them gets bolder with saying random feelings-related things. and one night dick just completely absent-mindedly - dozing off with head on slade's bicep - says something like "wow, you're the first person I actually want to have sex with" and slade snorts but then pauses for a second because
slade: wdym kid "first", didn't you have girlfriends? boyfriends? anything?
dick: I mean did but it was really only them wanting it more
slade, more confused: so you've never had sex before?
dick: nah, we did
slade: the f
then he proceeds to try to make dick come to conclusion by himself that something was very wrong then or maybe he's just misunderstanding it but he finally has to accept that the little bird he fancied apparently has major communication and consent problem (it's my "dick sometimes has no clue if "no" is even a valid option and wouldn't safeword out of the scene even if he had a knife to his throat" and slade has to debate with himself if he's generous enough to try to fix it)
Dick is such a people pleaser 🥺 my poor boy, Slade probably would be confused about it because he doesnt give much of a fuck to what others think while Dick always puts other before himself. Slade would teach him that its okay to say 'no' just because, theres no reason needed if you just don't feel like certain stuff
"Kid, you can't be serious." Slade looked down on him in disbelief.
Dick shifted a little in his place but still didn't lift his head from Slade's arm, comfortable and blissfully tired. Only a frown started to form on his face at Slade's words.
"You know you can and should say no when you don't want to do something, right? No matter what it is. Especially when its about sex and your body."
Dick didn't reply right away and it was clear as fuck that no, he did not know that.
"It's not like it's a big deal." the kid had a nerve to shrug and suddenly Slade felt the urge to seek certain Bat out and have a talk with him. What the fuck.
"Dick." He moved a bit to make sure that the boy was looking at him and actually listening. "If I visited one day and you just got back from a difficult mission and felt like shit... If I told you that I want you right then, would you agree, just like that?"
"Well... yeah? I don't mind."
"You don't mi- for fuck's sake."
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*flails hands of warning* I am being depressing here!!! Fatalistic even! I'm trying to words why I'm enjoying this less than other murder minecraft! I'm talking about concerns I have! Please don't read if this is going to upset you!!! Or if you wanna fight! I'm just hashing out my thoughts!!! Because I can't go back to watch and enjoy and chill until I've been through with them! Gotta pour salt on the ground before I can fill the bottle up with sugar! This is only me talking shit not me talking about bits I've liked which have absolutely existed and if I was having no fun I'd just turn the ducking streams off and not come back! It's just morning and I hurt anx so I'm grumpy!
tbh my biggest concern with purgatory is the knock on effects after it for ccs who genuinely seem not to be having fun. Like they can just not play more, but IC bridges are still burnt (often with OC friends which is miserable to play long term), and like... I'm not actually sure how long Etoiles even if he drops now could still enjoy stuff if q!phil still has issue with q!etoiles after. And I'm pretty sure at least some of them would back off to let those who did have fun continue trajectories it sent them on, and I would miss them?
And it sucks because I know there is fun to be had here, but it's not to everyone's tastes? And it's the people who aren't or weren't having fun who get the biggest consequences after? Because it's an RP reward for a PvP event?
I guess the biggest part of my problem and why I keep thinking there has to be an around or loophole for the eggs it is because it's an rp reward for a mechanics event? And yes all has some rp and some mechanics, but the eggs are most valued as characters at this point. And the fact it's an rp reward means people not having fun are going to have a much harder time stepping away from it.
I'm also concerned about people (red) logging in as much as they are. Because they do not log in that often normally and it's going to burn some of them out.
Idk I want to have fun and I enjoy bloodbaths, but the stakes feel wonky and it's really hard when the people on at my timezome either aren't having fun, are bitching about it, or have potential massive knock on consequences.
If they lose their eggs to this, Fit and Phil are going to be unwatchable. I already can't manage Tubbo. If Fit is miserable Pac is miserable, if Pac is miserable Mike is miserable. For most of the streams I remember it's just those guys hanging out with their eggs. Which we havent had for a while and honestly I kinda enjoy seeing less of them but for the angst because it opens more options, but imagine how fucking intolerable Fit and Phil are going to be near each other if only one of them's egg/s survive? Because the other one did something? Theyd both understand but theyd both be /awful/. Add in that Etoiles is rifted with Phil and oh look theres everything that regularly happens for the PoV that best matches my schedule gone (I enjoy Tazercraft more, but Phil has my exact schedule, so I tend to follow him because no language barrier and I don't miss bits of development for him)
And I know the stakes are the same for everyone, but they're not? Pomme and Richas are basically safe, which covers other morning hours. And Leo and Dapper are also in massive danger, but I don't watch that late normally, so it's less of a concern for me personally?
It's why I have to tell myself the reward isn't the reward, because if it is, everything gets shifted in directions I am not interested in seeing.
Now I think I wonder if part of the reason Phil is depressing to watch is that he's run the same numbers I have, from the same assumption of you can save 4/7 eggs if you win, and realised he can't save both Chayanne and Tallulah even if he wins. Which yeah he has the overthrow the eye thought he did actually share with someone this session but we keep being told it's pure PvP by like Quackity. Which. Tbh pure PvP leads me towards either there is no cursed team or the cursed team is only defined after the fact because??? The stakes??? In terms of reward one team losing is clearly worse???
I also as an aside think it'd really help if the admins were open with the players about how the mechanics work, and had been open in advance about the exact timescale. No hate to them, they obviously want secrets and surprises, but I'm sure Cellbit would be less annoyed if he'd known 2 weeks not like 4 days so he didnt plan and commit as hard to a specific arc plots for himself, or if its had been suggested to wait until after to start something big, and Etoiles would be happier if he could see how scoring worked and knew how shit was assembled so he could more accurate judge what is fair. Shit like beds not working as respawn points and if armour actually is not giving defence should absolutely have been told in advance, though, and to everyone. Admins are new to PvP running so entirely understandable and theres obviously so much work gone into it and they want this to go well and people to have fun, but its misery.
Also splitting people from their friends was obviously intentional but is absolutely contributing to people feeling miserable. Both the ccs who are and the watchers.
Pulling back to morning hours again where dynamics are a huge part (I assume later streamers too but I know these)... Tazercraft are split (potentially interesting but I really really hope they played this in advance especially given how little Mike can get on atm and that they /stream together/ when time allows), and Phil has nobody who shares his stream times and he regularly spends time with on his team (which when we account for afterwards and knock on effects... ow, because people arent going to long term adjust their schedules over this or at least shouldn't). Fit and Pac are managing to still be cute, but can they sustain it over this divide? Tubbo and Fit were already on shaky grounds and this will make them worse. Mike is barely here because life.
Lose any eggs and have the tension from it split up morning hours and honestly I'd rather Phil just streamed hardcore a while because then at least its solo player isolated not cut yourself from your friends and loved ones over a BS AI making you betray each other for what you thought was the sake of your children.
After the first day where I watched Missa farming stream I've only really watched red and green, but blues spawn fucking sucks and is misery itself.
I am begging for team back up hours sometime, but the more Quackity talks the less I expect it.
But, really, my biggest problem is the streamers I enjoy or at least their characters are fucking miserable, when I try change PoV its still miserable, and as far as I can tell they're going to continue being miserable once the event is over.
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officialclangen · 1 year
Hi!! I just wanted to ask for some clarification on some things you mentioned about your coding- Im learning python (sorta) and id like to know the reasonings?
For history, cant you just make a text file while working on the main history feature? After some fiddling around i got the game to create a text file and put event text that wasn't interactions in said file. I think it'd help since if things get bloated the player can just copy the text to a google doc and delete all previous text- the code i whipped up works fine this way. Pasting it below, idk if tumblr will fuck it up tho.
def print_all_events_test(self, event_list):
with open("my_file.txt", "a") as f:
f.write("\nMoon "+ str(game.clan.age)+"\n\n")
for event in event_list:
if not "interaction" in event.types:
f.write(event.text + "\n")
print("Error, no Event Text found.\n")
Put the declaration on line 233 (before loaded events were cleared), with game.cur_events_list as the event_list. I know theres apparently security concerns with using files or calling them but I know WAY too little to know if a txt file will send my computer into chaos. "my_file" should also be named after the clan name, and in its own folder for neatness. Using this also means history (ingame) can be deleted after x moons to prevent bloating overall? If the player still wants the deleted history, they just need to go to the text file. Should help with people who want to copy text too, since no longer will screenshots be needed!
As for prophecies, cant you make a hidden illness for a prophecy that gets added to 1-3 cats, that gets cured after x days (aka when the prophecy is fulfilled, from what I've seen in the code illnesses get cured after x days so if multiple cats get the prophecy illness they should all be 'cured' on the same day)? It'll be work to add stuff like multiple cats in a single prophecy and adding personality into the mix but it shouldn't be outright impossible, right? Grieving seems to work similarly so the template seems to be there.
Me coming into ur asks (yes theres better places for this im just anxious @ the discord channels lmao) is 100% a sign of love for the game. I also would like to know if the ideas would work or not, i am genuinely curious about if they've been considered and (if so) the reasons why they weren't implemented! Love yall :)
Yes, we could implement a history txt file but it would become very large very quickly. And while we could try and count on the player to get rid of the file if it's causing lag, there would end up being a lot of players who don't understand how to navigate files and wouldn't know how to delete the txt file. Once the file gets big enough it'll make timeskips begin to lag out as the file is opened and changed by the game, and then held open until the game is saved once again (since the file can't be saved and closed before the player saves the game, in case the player closes without saving). It'll also take up memory during this process.
Basically, it would use resources that we feel would be better allocated to handling other areas of the game.
The problem with prophecies is that there's a million different things that a prophecy could be predicting. Is it predicting a new special cat (like firestar), is it predicting something far in that cat's future (bluestar), perhaps it's predicting an illness or a disaster, maybe it predicts a lost cat returning. There's so many options and the moment that the game starts dictating the meaning of the prophecy is the moment that those options become significantly fewer.
If we do decide to dictate the 'meaning' of a prophecy, then there's the added trouble of ensuring that any cats integral to the prophecy don't get killed or permanently changed in a way that makes the prophecy stop making sense. We have begun working on an "ongoing event" system that would control events spanning over multiple moons. This will eventually be used for things like natural disasters and wars, and if we wanted to we could potentially use it for prophecies. But, as said, that poses a lot of difficulties with having to "soft lock" any cats included in that prophecy so that they only change in specific ways that make sense. This would require a ton of work to code in.
It's never impossible but sometimes it can be unreasonable, and this is a case where we feel that "real" prophecies would be unreasonable.
I hope that reasoning makes sense! Thanks for asking <3
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ftmtftm · 10 months
hi, I'm not very good at thinking deeply about things, so I'll have thoughts that, base level, seem logical, but i know theres issues with it if dug deeper into (im not good at that) so im wondering if you can share your ideas and perspective on this for me? I love your posts and respect your opinion and how well youre able to explain your thoughts.
so, firstly I'm a mlm trans man. I do not have any masculine environments where I am accepted (I do not "pass"). and by masculine I mean, stereotypical fishing beer cars 3n1 masculine. I also mean the energy of being a man in the most simple of stereotypical definitions (excluding the toxicity part). I usually only get accepted socially by fem people, or other trans men who are more feminine and into things I'm not(like drag and make up etc)(WHICH IS FINE. I love that stuff I'm just not personally that interested myself.) so I'm constantly just catching everyone else's wave in order to be social. now this is all my own issue that I'll work on etc. but I can't relate to a lot of feminine things and I constantly find myself just wishing I could be surrounded by other masculine men.
I'm finally at my point I think... so the other day I quickly typed up a post before thinking about it that said "I only want to be surrounded by manly men" as a light hearted joke. I immediately deleted it before even posting it bc I realized that many people would take that the wrong way and see that as a negative thing. but then I thought "anyone of any gender could write "i only want to be surrounded by women" and no one would think twice about it." it wouldn't be nearly as offensive to most people. or wouldn't be seen as being misogynistic. i thought that was unfair bc as a trans man I'm kind of expected to reject the masculine culture and be ashamed of that aspect. because masculinity is usually tied to being toxic and abusive. i don't know if any of this makes sense. I'm really not the smartest person in the world and I have a hard time talking and using the right words so I'm sorry if I misused any terms or anything.
You're all good anon, and honestly? I can empathize with that kind of feeling a lot. I've also had a lot of times where I just... Want To Be Around Men And Love Men Because There Is A Lot Of Beauty In Maleness And Masculinity !!!!! And I also really understand that feeling of social isolation you're kind of describing where it feels like you're really only accepted by people who are more feminine in one way or another and want to be around more masculine folks.
It's definitely hard and tricky trying to express that though. I wish we lived in a perfect world where when mlm, especially trans mlm, were able to just comfortably say "I want to be surrounded by masculine men" and have all of the nuances of that just.... be understood. So many people don't want to attempt to understand our nuances though because they have no concept of what healthy manhood or masculinity can look like, so they don't understand why it would or could be desirable to us.
I really do think that we can be the change we want to see in the world though! I think as trans mlm we're in a really unique position to truly show people what it can mean like to be masculine and love masculinity in healthy and kind ways. To live authentically in that way is genuinely beautiful I think. I know it is easier said than done but if people can't understand or accept your authentic and true self? Fuck them. Like, if they are someone you care about it's always an option to try to help them understand and that sort of situation is up to you to gauge, but you owe absolutely nothing to strangers on the internet.
If someone can't understand why a trans mlm would want to be surrounded by masculinity, or if they immediately jump to the worst bad faith understanding of that desire, they are genuinely not someone worth breaking your back over. You deserve to be open about and proud of your desires anon, especially in light hearted ways like that.
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comvi · 3 months
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this is a scav! They are the 2nd smartist creatures (not inculding robot people ofc. and humans.) They are in groups most times. like lizards you have a rep for them starts at 0 (for most..."people" they dont really like. cancer.) for others, they start higher as they since your a kid. And for one character they will send hitmen out to you. Each one have randomly generated looks and traits. They are. NOT. dumb. as they can do what you do. throw your weapons and items back at you
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They will make drawings-graffiit on places to lead to they're merchants that will trade with you For what? i dunno do items nect lol.
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^ merchant place, cool items.
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^ treasure room, thye let you in if your rep is a min of 90. and you will loose 30 rep for each item you take they will talk to you and have diffrent reactions to you:
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Threat, meaning they dont like your spear but are not going to attack. suggesting you drop it
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Warning, rep is to low, they can and will throw a spear at you if you get close.
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asking for an item, or just pawing the ground for fun.
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Fear, rep is in the negatives, will back away when not in a group
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They own tolls, that lead to shortcuts or just safe areas to chill. Need anything to give to and they let you go, also you can gift them stuff here I'll uhhh hint at the characters and they're starting rep The survivor - starts at 0. Monk - starts at 25! Hunter- starts at -35 (They no like your looks... tentacles.) These other names are fake im not fucking telling you who thye are The lucky star-0 rep The son.-12, son of a robot person, they dont like you that much but wont attack. Built to last.-45 rep, It was the old times. they dont know you. The one made to kill scavs-100, hitmans will be sent.
oogling & peering at this info…. DAMN i love the society these guys have!!! theyre so much more intelligent/sociable/and diverse in terms of looks/behaviours/etc etc than any of the other creatures weve seen!!
i have to say I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the atmosphere & layouts of the merchant & treasure rooms!!!! Genuinely so much beautiful & gorgeous detail put into it, i love all the patterns & markings covering the walls/room in general!! &nd the lighting they used makes it look even more prettier than if it had none!! Lovely lovely
Theres so much personality & so much more emotion put into these guys oh my gosh i love how silly & colourful they can look…. heart hearts <33💛💕 these guys are going up HIGHHH on my favourite creatures within RW list. all the small details from how: if you have rep in the negatives, they will back away from you, and only warn you off with spears when in a group. to even the teeniest tinniest things like how their eyes will WIDEN & the screen will SHAKE when threatening you!!!!! ohmylord yeah i. yeah i have to say i REALLT REALLY like these fellas…. YEAH YEAH okay i definitely do. !!!!!!!!
i will find out the items they will trade another time…. But i do really enjoy how these guys are like. Kinda the FACE of trading in rw. I follow an account that posts scavs from IDs they have, and especially since these guys are randomly generated, ive REALLY seen how these guys can range from funky, to weepy, to really odd, to cute & pretty, to borderline “you arent even able to see whats going on” LOL I REALLY LOVE THAT FACTOR THEY HAVE ABOUT EM!!!!
if i could come back as a rw creature these guys are high up on that list.. currently… i would heavily enjoy having large all-knowing eyes that simultaneously have nothing going on inside, and horns on my head and trade & paw at dirt all day long but… i will consider my options & we will see as we go on…. !!!
HAPPY TO SEE A. MENTION OF WHOEVER “built to last” is AGAIN!! like im shaking in my skin trying to decipher who in the HELL that is. Puplre creatur…purple skug….who r u….. mistar purple……
anyways, previously ive made jokes about characters having vendettas again hunter before, but nevermind actually whoever the OTHER red slug (“made to kill scavs”) ACTUALLY has a vendetta against them. not even a joke this time man how BAD of a thing did you have to do that an ENTIRE RACE will send HITMEN out for you at a moments notice. WHAT IN THE EVERLOVING WORLD DID YOU DO, RED NUMBER 2???
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