#but yes that's what i mean by worm into people (cannot think of a better description)
lemonofthevalley · 4 months
Would you still love me if I was a white worm from season one of the magnus archives
yes I would let you worm into people as enrichment
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thechekhov · 1 year
you mentioned in recent tags about a horror comic you drew- i understand not wanting to link publicly to it to avoid creating MORE misinterpretations, but i really like your storytelling and now i’m curious?? so if you could, that’d be great! no pressure either way!
(i’m sending this off anon so you have the choice to respond to it privately anyways) (love your art thanks) (and the dungeon meshi reacts)
Thanks for the kind message! And it's not a secret or anything, it's straight up this post:
I used language comparing humans and other animals as two separate things (for the sake of drawing the narrative conclusions I needed to, in order to make the concept understood in only a few pages), like this:
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But because of this simplified language, people drew their OWN wild conclusions about me as a person.
For example, this guy on twitter:
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I never actually said humans WEREN'T animals, never said humans were somehow 'above' biology...I was simply putting them into a separate category capable of a specific set of skills for the sake of the comparison I made in the last couple of pages as the punchline.
But they decided that it must "clearly" mean I believe X, Y and Z.
This has happened MORE than enough times!
Writing is difficult, and writing for varied audiences with different dialects, different levels of reading ability, and different attention spans is hard! Sometimes, people don't want to sit through 2 pages of 'well humans are animals but due to a specific evolutionary niche we fill our ability to use language and calculate mathematical equations to the degree that we do is really unique--'
Now, mind you... I STILL got grief for trying to be soft-boiled in my delivery. People (who don't have a linguistics degree) IMMEDIATELY also messaged me to tell me that chimps CAN learn language - and haven't I seen that one video with the gorilla, the dolphin, etc?
And that's it's own can of worms. (No, other animals cannot learn language the way humans can. Yes, they can communicate in complex ways. No, language is a very specific human thing as far as leading scientists are concerned, at least based on current data. Yes, I went to University for this. I have a degree. Please just trust me.)
It happens, I'm not actively mad about it... Humans tend to take whatever we read and run with it.
But we make this mistake often! I know I also make this mistake. We come conclusions based on scarce evidence! We jump to the worst case scenario! We presume that we know better than that person what they believe, based on minimal interaction with them.
It's yet another thing that's unique to humans thanks to... wait for it... language!
It's the price we pay for having memes.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
what really frustrates me that Vivzepop had these characters (the hazbin hotel cast) for YEARS and never really bothered to actually explain their backgrounds besides little info facts
we know Alastor is a radio host who also a cannibal serial killer but what was his life before that
we know angel and his siblings was in the mafia and angel did drugs but what was the reason for him to be a drag queen besides being a closet gay men
we know husk likes to gamble and was a alcoholic…and that’s really it unless there’s more to his character
we know niftty was a housewife that was obsessed with boys and that’s all we got
we know vaggie was a prostitute that got killed by a guy
btw love your blog
TYSM!! Please enjoy a fat nuggets while I go crazy again!
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So I’m neurodivergent we know this yes yes Rai you’ve mentioned it at least 4 times this week. Okay good. I am NUTS about specifics. Like. Like this nuts
(This is my collection of lore and data from every piece of Alice in Wonderland media I can get my hands on)
So I must say, not knowing jackshit about these characters backstories is driving me CRAZY.
I cannot believe I have to be like “I hope we learn more about the main cast after 4 years” because I don’t even know if Vivzie is going to touch on it in S2 and thats the only season we have guaranteed so like oh well!
For Alastor I am genuinely shocked we don’t know that much about him but then again they did allude to doing more with him in Season 2 so for that I guess we shall wait and see. For Angel I literally have no idea. My only headcanon I have about his living time is when he was 6 he hated vermicelli because it means “little worms” and he thought that was gross. For the drag thing. We haven’t even seen this guy in drag in the actual show yet and I am frankly pissed but idk where they’d fit that in with what we got so like okay I guess but as for his reasoning I think he either just liked it or yeah its just cause he was a closeted gay man. Husk I again have no clue. We know he was an overlord and then made a contract but that is literally it. I like Husk as a character he seems like a very sweet guy sometimes, but again, Idk anything about him. Nifty is just. Kinda there? Not that every character needs a tragic backstory but like im curious why is she like that. I didn’t even know that shit about Vaggie until I got this ask but that makes me wonder/worry if we’re going to see something in relation to that in the same way we did episode 4. HOPEFULLY not. At least we got the Vaggie angel lore but thats basically it?
I hope for so much in S2 but mostly just give us some fucking context dude. Not even the avid watchers know whats going on and I’m just some dude pirating shit so I sure as hell don’t either 😭
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123pixieaod · 10 months
oh my god your girl daniel was so amazing!!! it was such a treat to read and if you ever have any more thoughts about that universe i would love to hear it!!! <3
Anon, do I ever!!!!
Firstly thank you so much for the kind words 💖 I had never written girl Daniel before so I'm so happy you think she works :)))
Secondly, yes. Yes I do. You have either opened Pandoras Box or a can of worms, depending on which allegory takes your fancy, because I literally cannot stop thinking about insecure Girl Daniel, and what would happen next to her (so I apologise in advance for the upcoming rambles lol).
So, after the time in the gym, Daniel phones Michelle and Michelle has about zero sympathy for her because she is a Working Mother™️ and thinks (possibly correctly) Daniel is a single millionaire professional sportswoman and has no right to be having problems (again going back to this deep rooted misogyny that for a woman having a family is the most important calling for them, and everything else paled in comparison).
And basically Michelle tells Daniel that of course Max would say and think that because Daniel always acts like a 'one of the boys', even as a little child, and dresses as if she doesn't care what people think of her (jealousy now from Michelle that she never felt like she could be that free???)
So Daniel gets off the call and basically decides to change, and the first thing she does is gets fake nails put on. And she goes for these little gell ones with flowers on because Flowers are Feminine.
But at the next race weekend, walking back after the press conference with Max, she realises that the nail onher ring finger has fallen off and just starts to ... cry. Because it feels like the universe's big fat way of telling her she's never going to be desirable and no man will ever want to marry her (and ofc by no man she means Max, but accepting how utterly in love with him she is feels like defeat in a different way). And Max is walking with her to the motorhome of Red Bull/ Alpha Tauri and is slightly freaking out because 😰why is Daniel just staring at her hands😰why is she nearly crying😰 and he asks and that does make her burst into tears because she just feels so pathetic in that moment, and the only thing she can say is one of her new gel nails fell off and she walks away before he can say anything else.
That evening she pretends she's feeling a bit unwell so gets to stay in her driver room and eat dinner alone and feels slightly less miserable because she now has an Even Better Plan ™️ and so she pulls off all the fake nails (flowers? How old is she, six?) and calls her mum asking for advice and is half way through listening to her mums step by step process for straightening her hair when there's a knock on her door and it's Max holding out the lost nail. And as soon as Daniel opens the door he marches in complaining that she should be more careful and that it was under the couch and he got such strange looks from the staff so the next time she should not be so upset over a nail and instead just take another from the box and replace it, and all Daniel is able to say is she didn't buy the gell nails in a box she got them done directly at a nail salon and Max just blinks out at her. And then nods, and mumbles that Kelly orders her online and they come on a box with extra. He looks away as he gentle places the sole gell nail down on her table.
"I suppose it is a good thing then I got it for you, if you had no spares," he mumbles, cheeks suddenly warm, and Daniel just nods and stutters a "thank you" and Max nods again as if they've both been caught doing something embarrassing and leaves quickly. And then Daniel is staring at the nail that Max went back and searched for and found, just for her, and then goes to retrieve all the others she ripped off and begins to carefully glue them back on, refusing to think about what any of it could mean.
ANYWAY then it's time for Daniel's Big Plan™️. This is where she gets her hair professionally straightened and begins to smile with only her lips and tries not to laugh because Girls Don't Have Loud Honking Laughs and wears long sleeves to hide her tattoos and when she's going out she wears dresses and she finally shaves her legs and she learns to wear makeup and trims her eyebrows and waxes the hair on her upper lip and begins to wear jewellery (but only clipon earrings because her race engineer tells her she would be a fucking idiot to try and get her ears pieced and then expect them to not get infected while wearing a racing helmet).
And for a while, she feels good. She feels really good. She likes the way her mother keeps texting her photos that the f1 photographers take of her and telling her how beautiful she looks now. She likes her sister texting her advice on which shoes go with which dresses and saying she's glad Daniel's finally grown up ("usually the tomboy phase only lasts a few years, not two and a bit decades, but at least you're out the other side of it"). She gets attention too, papers writing of "Ricciardo's New Look!" and articles on her "killer figure previously hidden under oversized clothing".
She likes it and she lives for the moment at at a party when they're both drunk and Max brushes his fingers over her long, silver, dangley earrings, saying "pretty," and Daniel feels her chest contracting and Max suddenly drops his hand as if the silver burns, and he looks at her and she looks back and he blinks, Maldives-blue eyes meeting her dark ones lined with eyeliner. "Thanks," she whispers, and he just jerks a nod and then takes a step back, as if there wasn't enough oxygen for the two of them that close together.
But then it slowly turns sour. She gets tired of constantly trying, constantly waking up early to do her makeup and constantly ignoring her favourite, baggy clothes in favour of new, tight shirts and dresses her sister recommends. Her mother sends her another photo, but this time it's just accompanied with "That's a bit revealing don't you think Dani?" When she facetimes her dad with her new smooth, straight hair and makeup and a smile that's always closelipped, he looks sad as he smiles back at her.
She comes P3 at the race before the summer break, and goes out wearing a sequined purple dress her sister encouraged her to buy, which once she wouldn't even consider wearing (she knows her mother would call it borderline obscene with its plunging neck line and high hem). At the last moment, she puts on the earrings Max complimented, refusing to think about the warmth in her chest as she clips them on.
At the party, she gets drunk and finds Max, and he's drinking and Kelly is there too, and she just looks so perfect, and suddenly Daniel feels like a little girl playing dress up. It all comes so natural to Kelly. She doesn't have to try to be feminine and beautiful. She just is. And Max isn't. No matter how many dresses she buys or makeup, she wears or hair heels she nearly twists her ankles on, she won't be Kelly. That's the sort of beauty you're born with, the sort Daniel is so clearly deficient in.
She wants to leave, but Max sees her before she can and weaves his way to her. His cheeks are flushed from drink, and he's wearing a white shirt with the top buttons undone, and he looks so good that she wants to die. "Your earrings," he says, blinking at them before meeting her gaze. "I talked to Victoria. About you."
"Cheers for letting me know," Daniel tries to make a joke but it sounds too bitter to land. Max frowns, no doubt picking up on her tone.
"No, I mean... what I said about you earrings. Last time. About them being pretty."
Daniel suddenly can't breathe. The club is too busy, too dark, too noisy, too much. She wants to leave, wants to suspend this moment in Amber and let his sentence stay unfinished.
"I did not mean it."
And Daniel barks a laugh, her chest aching like it's being crushed. She's so fucking stupid.
"No wait," Max says quickly, cheeks growing hotter. "I did not - I mean, of course I meant it. But they are just earrings. They are pretty because you are wearing them, and you are pretty. I do not -"
"Hi," Kelly materialises beside them, wrapping a perfect, unblemished arm around Max's waist. "Congratulations on the podium Daniel," she says in her sensual accent, the cadence smooth and so unlike the musical, messy lilt of Daniel's Australian one.
She forces a smile. Close lip. She refuses to look at Max. She makes up some excuse about not having a drink. She leaves them.
And then the night gets even more messy and Daniel gets even more drunk and ends up on the dance floor with some creep who keeps putting his hands on her ass no matter how many times she grabs them and raises them to her waist and then a tiny voice is asking her what the fuck are you doing and she leaves and the air is cold on her cheeks and her bare arms and shaven legs and her smooth hair keeps flying into her eyes and she's hugging herself as she's walking aimlessly, and then someone calls her name and it's Max, looking exhausted but significantly more sober then before.
"I did not mean what I said," he continues stubbornly, an echo of previous words, the moment that triggered her desperate attempt to change, sparking this whole fuck up.
"I looked for you," he says with a frown as if Daniel was a misbehaving child.
She snaps, "Maybe I didn't want to see you," and he blinks as if she's slapped him, as if the thought never even occurred to him.
"Yes you did. You always mean what you say." Daniel hugs herself tighter. She looks away. She wants to cry.
"Yes," he allows after a beat. "Okay, I meant what I said but I did not say it how I meant to. I just meant that the earrings are not the things which made you pretty, that -"
"And Victoria told you to say that, did she?" Daniel says, voice back to bitterness.
"No, she didn't," Max replies, his own tone beginning to sound annoyed, like Daniel is intentionally vexing him. "But she did tell... well, she made me think, and what I think is that you are not very happy, Daniel."
Daniel jerks her head up, staring at him.
"Happy," he repeats, brows knitted together. "I do not think you are happy."
Nobody has said that to her. She has been praised or accused, her new look attracting attention and labels and names. But in all the rush and noice and chatter, nobody had said that.
"I am happy," she says after a pause, mind racing. "Of course I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be happy?"
His lips thin. "You do not smile any more. Not like how you used to."
Daniel barks out a laugh, feeling something in her chest constrict even further.
So then they have a Big Argument and Max says he does not understand why she has changed her appearance so much if it's making her so miserable and he does not like how she dresses and acts because she's not laughing or smiling anymore and she is not happy. Daniel snaps back that maybe she doesn't give two shits about what he thinks (the irony burning her from the inside out) and the argument gets even worst and eventually Daniel storms off and Max doesnt follow her.
When she gets home she just lays on her bed and cries and doesn't even bother taking off her makeup, even though she knows her mother would scold her and say she'll get spots.
It's summer break and Daniel watches as Kelly posts photo after photo of Max on holidays with her family, and Daniel just... gives up. She didn't care. It was never possible, because she's not like women like Kelly. She's Daniel, and no amount of straightened hair or revealing dresses will change that.
So she throws it all out. She bags all her new clothes into bin bags and leaves it anonymously outside a charity shop. She throws out all her makeup. She gives her straightener to a alpha tauri worker for their daughter. She lets the hair on her upper lip grow back. She goes back to her baggy shirts and ancient ripped jeans and frizzy hair. She stops caring, and it's one of the most freeing things she's ever done. She's Daniel again, Daniel with the crazy curls and oversized shirts. Daniel. Herself again.
Everyone is disappointed. Her mother barely speaks for the entire facetime they do, her lips thin in disapproval as she takes in Daniel's altered style. Her sister snaps at Daniel for wasting her time looking for advice if she was just going back to not bothering about how she looks. The papers declare "Babe-cardo is gone" and publish photos of her wearing dresses and make up as if it's a eulogy.
She is nervous to see Max again, waiting for his expression to fall as he sees she's back to being messy, ugly Daniel. Instead, his face lights up when he walks into the meeting room and sees her. They haven't spoken since their fight, haven't even texted, but Daniel blurts out a stupid joke about how even under the Mediterranean sun Max still has the colouring of a sickly Victorian child, but Max laughs and then Daniel laugh, back to her honking laugh which makes everyone turn and look at her, and just like that she knows her and Max are back to normal.
Only it's more than normal. When everyone else looks at her like she's a let down, Max smiles as if he never quite wants to stop looking at her. When some reporter asks in a patronising manner if she was trying different hair textures to see which is more aerodynamic, Max replies before Daniel can even begin to form a polite PR answer, pointing out George now has a middle parting, and surely that's much more important news then Daniel's curls, and everyone laughs and looks at George as he blushes and tries to stammer out a response. But Daniel just looks at Max, who looks back from across the opposite side of the interviewing coach. And she grins, and then Max grins back and laughs softly, looking away.
And this is pretty much the point where the tags on the fic begin. Max and Daniel are somehow closer than ever. Max keeps giving her compliments, which is new, but they're always such Max compliments Daniel can't help but laugh as he says them. Like "you are only a few seconds behind me, they is very good" or "Daniel, is your bagpack new it is very lovely and big" about a rucksack he's definitely seen her with about a hundreds time before (((but the compliments are never about her physical appearance, which Daniel never actually realises and possibly Max doesnt even realise it either. She's just Daniel, and it's her smile and her sense of humour and her liveliness which makes her beautiful to Max, not how she styles her hair or which clothes she wears))).
So then Daniel finally wins a race and Max is the first to hug her tightly and tell her how amazing she is and how lovely her drive was and of course if be hasn't had engine problems then she would've had a proper fight on her hands but he is sure it is the first of many podiums they'll share and Daniel's just laughing and hugging him back and on the podium she gets Max to do a shoey but holds her shoe to his lips and watches as the champaign runs down over his lips and the buldge of his Adams apple moves with his swallowing and she suddenly feels very drunk and slightly ill, knowing she can't have any of it but now after making her peace with it.
And down below Kelly is like 🤨🤨🤨 and doesn't understand because Max definitely didn't desire Daniel when she tried to be pretty (not very successfully either, she thinks) so how could he find her desirable now in a sweaty race suit and with inked arms dusted with dark hair and wild curls which are more frizz then anything else and a smile which seems almost cartoonist its so unnaturally big???? But she knows what she saw, watching him gently brush a few wayward curls away which had been glued to Daniel's forehead and cheeks by the champaign, watching him drink from her shoe, watching him smile at Daniel as if she's the only thing he can see.
So that night she gives him an ultimate. He has to stop seeing Daniel, or else she'll leave. And Max is like wtf Kelly isn't like other girls she's secure!!! And it's just Daniel!!!! And Kelly just snaps its pathetic and embarrassing how obviously he pines after the weirdo, and Max just goes very still and Kelly tells him Daniel is probably a lesbian anyway from how she dresses (we bringing all types of internalised misogyny in this fic🫠) and they wouldn't make any sense but him and Kelly are perfect, and Max just nods because he doesn't... him and Kelly make Sense. She's beautiful and classy and his dad tells Max that he picked well with her and people in f1 always tell him how lucky he is to have such a beautiful girlfriend and his mum writes "Max and Kelly" in letters now and somehow Max nodding is equating to him texting Daniel, Kelly dictating exactly what to say.
And Daniel gets the text and just sort of feels herself falling apart and it's so unfair because he said her earrings were pretty and then took it back, how could Kelly possibly think she's a threat to her?? But Daniel does what Max asks and doesn't text him and he doesn't text her and at the next race they acknowledge each other as nothing more then professional coworkers and Daniel wonders if this is what heartbreak is like, and how losing Max as a friend is a thousand times worse than when she admitted to herself he'd never find her desirable.
She goes back to Monaco for the two week break. She buys a photo of a shark, this one swimming and alive and looking so real she swears his eyes follow her. She hangs it in her living room. She loves it. She buys flowers. She cleans her apartment. She tries to learn to bake.
Then, a knock on her door. She's half way through baking a possibly unsaveble batch of brownies (she got the salt and sugar mixed up :((( ) and opens the door with an old Red Bull apron, a lá a Red Bull PR Christmas videos from years back, and hair in a wild mess and tattered Aussie slippers and there's Max. And even before she can comprehend he's standing there with a bouquet of especially drooping flowers he's marching in past her, going to the cabinet to get a vase all while complaining about how awful the florists in Monaco are and how they fucked up his order and how one day he will take her to the Netherlands, proper, not just for a race, and show her the tulips fields and then she will get proper flowers and and and and -
And Daniel is just standing by the still open door, staring at him, distantly wondering if she's astronomically fucked up the oven temperatures and this is CO2 poisoning. Max suddenly stills, stopping mid sentence to worry his lip before turning and blurting out "You're not a lesbian, are you?"
And Daniel is so shocked she bursts out laughing and Max's cheeks flood warm and he quickly says that of course it would be fine if she is, he has lots of gay and bi friends and besides, he knows he likes Daniel in a lot of ways and he would be happy having her as a friend because she's his best one and he -
And Daniel takes pitying on him and finally says no Max I'm not a lesbian and Max just sort of nods and looks away, and Daniel finally shuts the door but can't stop staring at him and then she laughing again, but in delight and happiness and joy as she finally realises what he said and what he meant, and then Max is laughing too and she can still feel the smile on his lips when they kiss.
And they have wonderful, pent-up-longing-finally-released make out session in her kitchen and then Daniel's alarm goes off and they spring apart as if they're teenagers caught misbehaving and Daniel looks at Max and Max looks back at her and then she grins and he looks so relieved and smiles back.
"I have wanted to do that for a long time," Max admits softly, cheeks blazing as he helps Daniel cut the brownies into squares. She looks at him but he won't meet her eye and then it somehow comes out in mutters and blushes that he's liked her for literal years, but of course she would not like someone like him, she's too cool and free and extroverted, and he moved on and Daniel just can't believe it (((Max loves her for things which aren't her physical appearance!!!)))) and tells Max he's an idiot and when he looks up at her in surprise, she kisses him.
And then Max tries her brownie and Daniel is weirdly afraid something mightve changed between them now but he takes one bite and makes a face and tells her she has always been a bit of a shit cook but this is astronomically shit and Daniel laughs and playfully shoves him and then tries a piece and can't even pretend to enjoy it. They throw it out and Max orders from their favourite Chinese and then life gets bigger and bigger and Max doesnt care if Daniel dresses smart or casual or shave or wears make up, but the one thing he insists on is she not straighten her hair again because he likes to wind the curls around his fingers and tug softly on then. Daniel somehow smiles even more and her laugh is even louder but she no longer cares, and the shark painting in her living room continues to watch her with bright, black eyes and Max eats all the ice cream left in her freezer that she hasn't been able to touch and each time she thinks she can't get any happier, Max will or complain about her thick hair clogging up the shower drain or ban her from cooking unless he's there to supervise and keep the salt and sugar separate or or or
And it goes on like that, happy and in love :)))
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
relationship asks: all numbers with a 6 in them, for lady terror of course ^_^
OH HELL YEAH THANK YOU KITTENS FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY (this ended up being a 4 page fucking document but fuck it WE BALL. so I'll show a few and then put the rest under a cut- especially since some of them are a little bit raunchy. ENJOY MY LOVES COME GET YOUR SWEET FRANCIS/LADY TERROR CONTENT)
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6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer?” Honestly I think Lady Terror would be the one to ask. Francis tells her yes and if she wanted to stay with him as a worm she’d “ be the best kept worm in all of christendom”, in his words (whatever that means, babygirl). 
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their S/O like being taken care of? Honestly they’re both very good caretakers, though Francis is much better at “doing the things that need doing to care for a person” bit while Lady Terror I think is a bit better at like. Keeping people calm and feeling cared for (not to say that either of them are not as good as the other, because they certainly are, but they have their strong suits). And oh my god man yes Francis loves being taken care of by lady terror oh my god she lets him rest his head in her lap and everything.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does their S/O deal with that? I honestly think it depends. I think Lady Terror has more potential to become jealous (even though it doesn’t happen very often honestly)  from 1) her lack of experience being committed to,  2) her own trauma from past relationships and coming out of those feeling horribly betrayed and 3) also the whole divorce scandal with her parents. Did I mention her parent’s divorce scandal? Yeah there was a whole divorce scandal. But even when she is jealous she remains relatively level-headed about it and doesn’t act out from it (usually, unless an offending party provokes her to it), and she is nothing if not articulate and aware of what she’s feeling. And credit to Francis where it’s due he’s never been dismissive of her emotions, and that I think helps them actually work through it rather than let it escalate to lashing out or acting rashly.
Francis doesn’t so much have a jealousy streak when it comes to Lady Terror (though time was he might have, and he definitely knows that), and I think it’s because she has pretty consistently made it clear that she has chosen him to share her life with, and having never been picked in such a way, has a bit more faith that she wouldn’t betray him. (also she’s always been the more sociable one. She’s definitely more of an ambivert than he is and doesn’t take personal offense in those kinds of situations. Besides, she will NOT interact with people she doesn’t want to interact with. He knows this and he loves her for it.)
36. What is something that would break their hearts? For Francis, I think it would genuinely be another romantic rejection- or more precisely to be left behind. I don’t think he could bear being rejected for a third time by anyone, let alone by Sofia but by anyone. He’s too old to have his heart broken like that again and it’s why he takes so long to even admit to himself that he has feelings for Lady Terror because he cannot fathom the kind of pain it would cause him.
Lady Terror however I think it would break her heart the most to be dismissed. To have her thoughts and feelings disregarded. Granted, she’s used to it happening with most men and some women, but to have it happen to her coming from someone she loves and respects and who she thought loves and respects her in turn would devastate her. 
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?  Lmao both of them. Because they both have savior/self sacrificing complexes and they’re calculated with it but they WILL take a risk if it means saving more lives. It’s something that I think they admire about each other when hearing of their past exploits before they met.
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral? Oh Lady Terror is absolutely more feral. She is very very smart when she is feral but she is much more willing to act on impulse about it (for more information, ask Mr. Hickey. He knows.) Francis is definitely more level-headed but absolutely has more of a fiery temper in comparison to how cold Lady Terror’s fury is (but no less passionate, mind).
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason? They ARE willing, but they are very very shy, (and also lmao you know how the victorians are about propriety if a couple isn’t married yet. Big no.) But also it’s a bit of a carry-over from their time on Terror. They did their damndest not to show that kind of affection for one another for fear of discovery (which would doubtless have caused a mutiny- if Francis’ pre-sobriety behavior hadn’t started that line of thought with some long before that). But they are not beyond the occasional hidden gesture of affection from prying eyes. Holding hands behind each others backs, brushing their fingers against one another subtly as to not give them away. They become more open about their affections eventually, but my god does it make them blush like crazy. 
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word? Francis (on Lady Terror): Good. Lady Terror (on Francis: Handsome.
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship? By-in-large I think people are a little skeptical at first about them together. Like perhaps they shouldn’t be together for some reason or another, that it’s a bit odd, a bit queer. But when people see how affectionate they are to one another, to see how much they truly care for one another? How Francis truly seems to soften and relax around her and how she brightens to talk about him… to those who know each of them best that’s the sign of true love right there.
63. How would they describe one another in bed? I think Francis would describe Lady Terror as a port in a storm. Welcoming, warm, tender in ways he never thought he’d know for himself. At the same time she rides him like the waves of the storm itself, and he can’t help but admire the sheer power she has over him and how easily he’s taken by her. Lady Terror on the other hand finds him sturdier and steadier than strong oak… and weirdly just as bendable (I mean HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MAN??? HE’S SO LIMBER FOR HIS AGE!!! It’s truly miraculous). Though his cock doesn’t quite always cooperate with this image she has of him (although it should be noted that he’s had a much easier time of it since he embraced sobriety it still happens every now and again), he’s very grounding as a lover and seems to find that her pleasures feed into his, to which she certainly has no complaints.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react? Oh Francis would be too much of a blushing mess. He was never one to kiss and tell much even with his closest friends like Blanky and Ross (even though those two definitely HAVE actually seen him in intimate positions before). But I think the lovestruck look in his eye would probably say all you’d need to know- that yes she fucks him well and yes that is probably where he’d rather be right now. Lady Terror might be a little more inclined to give a more cheeky answer in the company of a good friend, but otherwise much prefers to keep her and Francis’ doings to Francis and herself.
65. Who tends to take the lead in intimate encounters? They both can, and do. Both of those bitches are switches and they live up to it. Literally it all comes down to how either one is feeling on any given day.  
66. Have they ever been caught in the act? What would be their reaction if they were? Yes. By Blanky. Everyone else would have the care to knock first at Francis’ cabin door if it were shut but not Thomas (and understandably so). And listen. They’re all three of them good enough friends to laugh it off eventually, but that happens for some sooner more than others (aka. Thomas starts laughing about it immediately and making raunchy jokes while she and Francis scramble to make themselves relatively decent, even though it’s a bit too late for that now. It has Thomas in fucking stitches. He is genuinely happy for them but he can’t believe his luck). 
67. Have they ever done it anywhere questionable? Believe it or not, not particularly. At least not on Terror (they’re already paranoid enough about being caught behind closed doors in quiet hours, they’re not going to risk anything more). After that… well… you’ll find out.
68. Who is more vocal? Who is more experienced? I think Lady Terror is probably overall more vocal (but jesus christ when Francis moans it’d make an angel weep I swear to fucking god), and Francis is certainly more experienced overall, but there are times when she does things to him that have never been done to him before and it makes him feel like he’s a virgin all over again all the same (yes she gives him prostate orgasms. That’s what I’m implying here in case that weren’t clear). 
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go? I think Francis would WANT to hold the bags but Lady Terror wouldn’t let him carry all of them. Lady Terror would probably plan where they go a little bit ahead of time but absolutely will deter said plans if Francis wants to have a look in somewhere. Whatever babygirl wants honestly.
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that? I mean yeah duh what are you talking about I think they both think they have found something really rare and special with each other that I think they would qualify as being soulmates, but truthfully I think Francis might actually believe that more than Lady Terror does (and of course not to say that she doesn’t, but she’s formed many deeply meaningful connections with people and knows that Francis has as well, and she wouldn’t limit the depth of how she feels or has felt about others as lesser… but at the same time Francis is absolutely the love of her life and the only man who has ever truly treated her in a way that made her feel like an equal to him, and has wanted her romantically as such… so yeah. Soulmates without a doubt). 
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?  Ok here’s the thing they both are VERY good gift-givers, both of them are VERY thoughtful and give gifts as truly heartfelt gestures. Though Lady Terror does tend to spend a little more money on her gifts sometimes (by virtue of being just a little more financially well-off) whatever she uses that money towards is no less heartfelt and will go out of her way to buy something dear to someone especially if they don’t have the means to get it themselves. 
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?  They have two copies of the paper delivered to the house bro BOTH these bitches READ. (but they save the cartoon page to read together. Most likely with Wee Ellie I MEAN HUH WHO SAID THAT???) 
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lucky-berry · 4 months
No, you cannot just fucking say you represent everyone of a certain group. Especially with a multi-decades long religion with branches upon branches of belief.
No, a religious state has no place in the modern world. Religion and state should stay seperate lest we want another pope war situation.
No, hurting people for the simple fact of not wanting their livelihoods to go poof is bad. You wouldn't want that either now would you?
No, I do not care for the ones that are neutral. Their opinions don't matter to me as I will stay firm even if they try to convince me otherwise.
No, how are you so dumb to think carpet bombing is a good idea?
Yes, it is rather similar to the blitzkrieg isn't it?
No, I do not want Judaism to die, I want your hate to die and for you to realize your faults.
Yes, I hate politics with a burning passion because I have learned no one in the current political power could care any fucking less about the people that helped them gain the power that they have.
No, again, I do not want a religious state. It is a stupid idea. Like how is that bs gonna work in this current society?
For fucks sake, is it that hard to not want to hurt people that are different from you?
No it doesn't matter what happened in the past when you are currently doing something as bad and even, dare I say, worse than what happened.
I think Hitler would be jealous of how more effective you guys are at killing the opposition. That is not a good thing to those of you who didn't get it.
No, you cannot condemn someone for their perceived sins. You are not God. You are a human with a God complex.
No, I will not change my opinion.
Yes, it is an inevitable tragedy when people die in a battle regardless of which side, but that doesn't mean I can't grieve for the lives lost and be angered about it.
Yes, I do believe that war is a stupid dumb dick measuring contest by greedy people.
No, I do not understand why people insist on sending defense armies out to fight a threat that's not in their own homeland. That is aggression, not defense.
Yes, the world is fucked.
No, I will not give up on it.
Yes, I want to give a chance to Israeli people. Continuing the hateful cycle will only repeat this whole boffunery all over again.
No, I don't want to. They are hateful.
Yes, I still will try. For the sake of a better world I want to give love a try.
If that does not reach them, then may the devil find your company more pleasant then I have.
Yes, pirating is good in this economy. Give it a shot.
Yes, I think celebs should not say their political opinion. They've opened a can of worms and are surprised that it is a can of worms.
Yes, the world will be a better place if grudges are handled by world leaders duking it with fists boxing style. No need for sending people into battle and no need for civilian casualties.
Yes, I hate war.
Yes, I hate guns that go kill this fucker.
Yes, I love history about war.
No, I would not like a repeat of war.
It is only February but many people of the world has given us a reason to believe God truly has abandoned us.
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impossiblesuitcase · 1 year
adri is certified The Worst but i’ve always wondered if cinder and pearl would eventually reconcile. I can imagine it happening once they’re much older than they are in the series (in their 20s or 30s maybe) because I think they would be able to make some amount of peace with each other for peony’s memory.
"that ask sent prematurely my bad, lowkey I think a showdown between Pearl and Iko years later would be hilarious, but the writer in me wants to see Pearl mature and develop beyond the person she was when she lived as her mother’s favorite and a pampered teenager. It’s hard to imagine what Pearl would become later on in life but I believe she would be more inclined/motivated to become a better person than her mother would be, especially because she’s so young when the events of the series happen and she has more room to grow. I don’t think her and Cinder would ever be friends, per se, but I can envision them eventually making peace and I wanted to know your thoughts on that whole can of worms lol" (the rest of the ask, I'll answer it in one).
Okay, but Pearl doesn't necessarily know that Iko is now in the escort droid body. So imagine the two meet and Pearl says, "you're so pretty, let's be besties!" Then Iko just slowly turns to her and sings back, "sorry, I already have a best friend. The empress of the Eastern Commonwealth. Heard of her?"😂
Here's my thoughts on Pearl. Pearl is designed to mimic Adri. Kai notes that "the resemblance between the two was remarkable", and that is not just visually. Pearl has absorbed all her mother's personality. And yet, she is not just a product of her upbringing. Her father—although a mentally-distant bumbling sort of a man—was by no means cruel or prejudiced like his wife. And even with Adri's awful influence, Peony grew up lovely and compassionate. So Pearl's poor personality cannot be blamed solely on Adri—she is bad by her own choices and attitudes.
Pearl is an interesting take on the wicked stepsister archetype. She was a young girl who had her family unit disrupted by this orphan entering it. She's forced to move out of her own bedroom, and Peony starts playing with her 'new sister', and then their father dies. In a small child's brain, it would be easy to associate all these changes with Cinder, especially when your mother openly condemns the girl. This is clear in Pearl's reaction to Peony's death, and her telling Cinder "I know you killed her," and "You shouldn't even say [Peony's] name." Yes, she's vain, yes, she's haughty, but also someone deep in grief and looking to throw blame.
We see Pearl return in Winter and she's no better. But with some time, I do think it could be possible that Pearl matures past those resentments. Let's say she stays on the anti-Cinder bandwagon for years, and when people ask her to justify those views, she explains all of Cinder's 'atrocious' deeds. Being the sole income provider for their family. Wanting to belong where she's not wanted. Neglected, verbally and physically assaulted. When Pearl says this to people, they stare at her like she's grown a third eyeball. "So...you're saying the empress is bad and you know because your family...neglected and harassed her?"
Eventually, they begin to dismantle her logic, and she's faced with the reality that not everything lines up.
Then Cinder names her daughter Peony. Adri is livid, and so is Pearl, but as Adri starts to claim "that wretched cyborg stole Peony's name as 'revenge' against us," Pearl is watching the newsfeed of Cinder and Kai, lovingly holding their daughter and looking at her with so much love. Then Pearl begins to think that maybe, just maybe, Cinder used that name because she loved Linh Peony. Maybe not everything about her is as malicious as it seems.
So Pearl takes a baby blanket embroidered with a peony flower, and goes to New Beijing Palace.
Cinder is floored when her secretary informs her that Linh Pearl is here to see her. Iko tells Cinder to send her away, but Kai—although visibly annoyed—tells Cinder that it is her decision. Cinder's curiosity is too strong, so she lets Pearl in.
Pearl is not nice. She comes in rather briskly, drops the gift on the table, and announces, "it's for the princess. Not for you."
"...Okay?" Cinder replies.
Then Pearl softens. "You named her after my sister, didn't you?"
A nod. "Because you loved her."
"I do love her," Cinder repeats her words from so long ago.
Pearl looks down, says nothing, and nods again. Then she leaves.
Cinder is stunned by the whole encounter, and the gift, but feels surprisingly relieved to have Pearl's 'approval'. They never become friends, they never associate, but they end it on what could be interpreted as a satisfactory note.
Now that's one head-canon possibility. I also think it's entirely possible that this never happens and Pearl remains stuck-up and hates Cinder for the rest of her days. Up to you all to decide.
Anyway thanks for the ask, I love to hear your thoughts vincentvangothic. I also need a nickname for you. Vincy? Gothy?
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
Been a while since I invaded your inbox with the intention to feed your brain worms lol- ANYWAYS-
I'm not exactly sure if this will be entertainig enough to answer but I've been thinking of this concept for a while now and since I consume your takes on a daily basis, here I am presenting it to you. This involves both The Party and The Losers Club.
So I've been in love with MrHalloween's AU where Mike Wheeler has Pennywise's power and another artist or writer ( I cannot remember who they are and I am ashamed )'s AU where The Losers Club are all adopted by Pennywise for a very long time now and I really REALLY like those kinds of AUs. Now that got me thinking...
What power of Pennywise do you think suit each Party members? And why?
Like we- as in, the IT fandom- knows that Pennywise can do a lot of things. Expected since he's basically an eldritch horror. He can shapeshift, know your fear, control a whole ass town, can probably go toe to toe with Maturin, and he has the deadlights. So similar to Vecna's curse without the bones breaking and immediate death if not countered ASAP. Pennywise has a wide range of abilities that suits him and I am really curious of what you think each of the Party members would have if Pennywise gives them a portion of his abilities.
This ask is mildly inspired by the Mike fanart that I am currently sketching where he is surrounded by the deadlights and by the AU thay I shared to you back then where the Losers are Numbers and their abilities are their Neibolt selves.
Allen I am so sorry it took me so long to respond to this 😭 I fell down the sims rabbit hole and didn't know how to crawl my way out of it
I want to answer your question simply but we all know me and we know I am not capable of that. Also plz someone send me the link to the post where it talks about Mike having Pennywise's power- I wish to dissect ⛏️
So to answer this question it depends on how you're coming at It- literally. Like we know It is an alien but what's the classification of It beyond that? Humans tend to point at creatures that are below our 'intelligence' and call the creature an 'animal' but what do we call something that is obviously beyond our intelligence and even our understanding but it's not humanoid? This was not part of your question at all I'm sorry but this in itself is worth a conversation, I just love talking about the Dead Lights.
Because I believe It acts with animal characteristics, It only fights to ensure It's survival and It hunts 'weaker' prey- children. Yes I know it's bc their fear tastes better blah blah you know what I mean.
Back to your question at hand- for real this time:
To put it simply I don't think It could just give one specific power to each Party member if It turned them all into little Its, little deadlights so I'm going to have to give you a nonanswer.
Unless It was making Neilbolt versions of them but even then I don't think the Neilbolt versions get It's 'power' per say because technically they are still part of It as a whole.
I'll raise you this though Allen: the Party members having a handful It's power, becoming little deadlights. The reason why It did that is up to you, I'm speaking of all of this in a hypothetical.
So the Party members become little deadlights, maybe they favor certain aspects of the powers that come with that. Like I can see Mike really enjoying augmenting reality and manifesting anything at his whim. Lucas would enjoy the physical transformation aspect and Dustin would enjoy being able to get into people's heads in his quest for knowledge. Will would love having the ability to protect himself now (especially if this in an au where the UD is still a thing) and Max would love the ability to subtly control people. She could make sure no one like Billy could ever hurt someone again.
And El? This goes back to the 'is this au set in one where the UD is still a thing'. If Henry is a thing, El would make a deal with It to get It's power, albeit only a little of it, to take him down. She would make a deal with the devil. In fact- I think all of the Party would in a quest to protect the ones they love and there's you're motivation right there for the Party. Just need to decide what It gets out of this deal.
But here's the thing, if the Party essentially became little deadlights...would they need to feed on fear now? Feed on humans? Do they know about that before they make the deal?
I'll let you decide that ;)
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elftwink · 4 months
am currently working on a neocities site (which i cannot give you the url for yet because im working on the css still and there's no content also it looks ugly still) and oh man does it take me back to ye olde days of custom theme editing on here. i still use a custom theme obvs but back in like 2014/2015ish when i was really into indie rp custom themes were all the rage and you would spend hours editing some character specific image for your bg and then another several hours trying to make the css line up with your image (never at any point did i attempt to actually like. learn html or css. i just read other people's theme codes and edited the parts i could understand and solved problems as they arose. i distinctly remember one time i was using a base that had two sidebars and i only wanted one and deleting the section broke the theme in disastrous ways [bc i had no idea what i was doing] so i literally just made all the elements in the sidebar transparent and moved them off the screen LMAO. the best i ever got was moving from fully built custom themes that i edited to base themes that i built off of)
anyway while im slightly better now (im even reading tutorials! am i following them? sorry i have to go i think someones calling me) i am using a layout builder to build the homepage so it is even more reminding me of mid-2010s tumblr. much like building off a base theme, and definitely easier to understand than tumblr theme building (this time i at least know what all the different pieces of code are doing, even when im not sure how or why, or how to duplicate the effect under slightly different circumstances. but progress is progress!).
a good but annoying thing about the layout that im using is that i havent actually edited the site wide stylesheet, just used internal css on that one page, so when i go to make literally any other page i'll have to start from scratch. this is good because i am learning a lot and i think without doing it this way i would end up with a bunch of useless stuff in the stylesheet that really should be page-specific that i would have to correct with internal or inline css later. annoying because what do you mean i have to make decisions about the sizing and positions of the content? i literally just did that
also im kind of nervous to touch the general stylesheet because im pretty sure what i'll actually want to do is have a couple of stylesheets for different 'sections' of the website, to maintain cohesion between pages of the 'same' type but still allow a lot of fun customization on a per-page basis, but that requires deciding what 'sections' i want on the website and that is a whole other can of worms. but also you can't start without starting so i should probably just try to build a really simple layout and go from there (after all, if it sucks, it's not like i can't just create a new stylesheet, or do the css for each page independently until i hit a groove that's actually worth moving to the stylesheet). but also first i have to finish this goddamn homepage. which means i gotta find a header image that doesn't look ugly as shit
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wewerewords · 5 months
#02: Assistant To The Villain
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By Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Genre: Romance Fantasy
Publisher: Red Tower Books
ISBN: 978-1-64937-580-3
Price: $19.99 US
Page Count: 340
Date Started: January 25, 2024
Date Ended: January 26, 2024
Back Cover Blurb:
ASSISTANT WANTED: Notorious, high-ranking villain seeks loyal, levelheaded assistant for unspecific office duties, supporting staff for random mayhem and terror, and other Dark Things In General. Discretion a must. Excellent benefits
With ailing family to support, Evie Sage's employment status isn't just important, it's vital. So when a mishap with Rennedawn's most infamous Villain results in a job offer -- naturally, she says yes. No job is perfect, of course, but even less so when you develop a teeny crush on your terrifying, temperamental, and undeniably hot boss. Don't find evil so attractive, Evie.
But just when she's getting used to severed heads suspended from the ceiling and the odd squish of an errant eyeball beneath her heel, Evie suspects this dungeon has a huge rat.. and not just the literal kind. Because something rotten is growing in the kingdom of Rennedawn, and someone wants to take the Villain -- and his entire nefarious empire -- out.
Now Evie must not only resist drooling over her boss but also figure out exactly who is sabotaging his work.. and ensure he makes them pay.
After all, a good job is hard to find.
Review and Rate:
Honestly, I had a hard time putting this down. Evie's unwavering optimism in the face of multiple horrible encounters made me, (and the Villain) fall in love with her. The book follows Evie as she quiet literally stumbles upon the villain and worms her way into his employment, (and heart). She is always armed with a smile and her wit, which seems to endear her to all others around, even if they say they hate her. Cough cough Becky.
Evie has her fair share of challenges in this book, some easier to overcome than others, but she never allows anything to disarm her smile. It would be easy to say that I loved this book and leave it at that but truly, I loved it. Multiple times I caught myself laughing out loud at some of Evie's inner most thoughts, and outer ones too. It's easy to understand where she is coming from, her boss is hot, so what if he's evil to boot? (Unless you're like me and him being evil is way more of a plus than a negative.)
Personally I tend to predict the ending of a book before I get there, which always leaves me wanting more from the book. Something shocking or at the very least interesting. The ending of this book had me angry. I was, and still am as I type this, so angry for the characters because they deserve better. Which is how I know you will be too. While most the tone of the book is very light and funny, some of the topics that it broached are not. (I mean come on he literally murders people, duh.) That being said, there is an implication of attempted (but not successful) sexual assault, which might be upsetting to some readers. While it is not a main point of the book it is mentioned a few times, and I wish for everyone to be safe in their readings. While I would hate to dissuade anyone from reading this book, because it is truly a funny and wonderful book, please stay safe.
Now back to the fun stuff. Did I mention this is a slow burn? Because the burn is deliciously slow. Every interaction between the two main characters had me giggling and kicking my feet because they are both so stupid and in love and I wanted to scream. And the side characters? I love them. Well I love to hate some of them, Becky, and love to love others. Each of the side characters have depth to them, some back stories we still don’t know, and I cannot wait for the second installment of this book. All in all I think if you’re a fan of Romatasy, read this book. And while this might be a plus for some and a negative for others, it does not include smut. While there are cussing parts in the dialogue I’m not really sure what qualifies as a “clean” book nowadays I think this one is.
I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars because it’s funny, the characters are lovable, and it gives amazing “touch her and die” vibes.
Favorite Quote: (ps it’s kinda a spoiler so ignore it if you want????)
He was a good kisser, but of course he was. Attractive murderers were always good kissers; she was pretty sure she heard that expression before. Or maybe she made it up in one of the many daydreams in which she’d imagined that happening.
Don’t daydream about kissing your boss, Evie!
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Gulps…, hellohi.. confession I’ve been daydreaming about angst recently and that cult leader Geto drabble u wrote only made me think about it even more… <///333 ignore that I’m a little bit obsessed with the mentally ill/traumatised reader + stsg trope but… can u really blame me ☹️ they would be so good and I think they would be the best comfort u could possible have :((
Ok but. more specifically reader with a rough childhood (a lil like sugu.. he def has some sort of daddy/mommy issues i will die on that hill) or some sort of abandonment/trust issues that has a habit of self sabotaging or intentionally distancing themselves. More specifically maybe grown up stsg where they’re a little more mature and have more of a grasp on how to help you better.. maybe reader has a nightmare or something, goes out for a smoke on the balcony etc etc.. sugu meets them out there n. They just have a good old fashioned talk like :( just being honest and vulnerable because it’s late and u just need a hug most of all :(( def ends with him carrying reader back to bed n playing with ur hair until you fall back asleep GODDDD KILL ME NOW ☹️☹️ moments of tenderness/vulnerability are my absolutely favourite thing in writing/shows/etc ESPECIALLY when it’s from characters that usually don’t display those sort of feelings because you just know it means there’s such a strong bond between them…. Can u hear my heart breaking
^^ either this one or reader with trust issues that’s a little cat-like personality wise (which I think fits so beautifully because stsg are the most wolf coded boys ever) who’s fully convinced they’re better off on their own, they don’t need friends or people to rely on. Until they meet stsg!!!!! Because suddenly there are two irritatingly charming losers following you around and worming their way into your heart and you just. Physically cannot bring yourself to deny them, even if it’s a little scary allowing people in. And god i think it would make them feel SO special once you started warming up to them. Allowing satoru to greet you with hugs or pinch ur cheeks… letting sugu baby you a little…… (distant screaming)
THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER YAP SESSION BY ME ^_^ it’s literally so late at night rn I don’t know why these ideas always come to me just as I’m about to sleep ffs ☹️ N E WAYYYSSSS im looking forward to that satoru fic/drabble thing u were talking about :3 a mix of scared and excited ngl I feel like I gotta prepare myself incase it’s angsty….. but WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO?? It’s literally just been grey n windy where I am so I hope ur getting better weather where u are 😞😞 I HOPE U HAVE BEEN HAVING FUN N TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF!!
(Also irrelevant but I was just about to add a silly image to finish and I stumbled across this image of satoru and I’m laughing my ass of why is he so lanky?????? I could NOT be his friend I would just make fun of him for being built like a fucking STICKBUG 😭😭😭 LOOK AT THE RESEMBLANCE)
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(Yes I made the second image myself what do you think of my artistic talent ^_^ ignore the flag)
HELLO HI MY DEAREST OLLIE i am gulping right with you ……… this made me so insane 😔😔
i’ve said it before n i’ll say it again . ariollie STAYS synced up i’m convinced we share a brain……. your scenarios always make me feel so ill (affectionate) and this scenario just means sm to me :((( they really would be the best!!! a reader like that would be treated so tenderly and with sm understanding…. especially since suguru and satoru had rough upbringings too!! (not canon for sugu maybe but i agree w you 100% ollie i literally can’t see his childhood being anything but messed up…. he def has both mommy and daddy issues i know my own kind 🙏🙏)
aaaaa just!!! yeah. reader isolating themselves when they feel down and overwhelmed and being taken care of so effortlessly… stsg just wouldn’t let you face your struggles alone. you’re a team!!! and yeah grown up stsg would for sure be the best at this. i think that as teens they won’t know exactly how to help/might be a little overwhelming….. but as adults they’re more mature and grounded and have a better understanding of your struggles and their own!!! goshhhhh the balcony scene 😔😔😔 ollie do you want my heart to shatter (also what if i told you that exact scenario has popped up in my head multiple times we’re so linked) suguru would just be so vulnerable and patient and caring :(((( our papa bear…. carries you to bed and lulls you to sleep. for sure makes you a warm cup of tea too… sighhh i need him i fear 💔💔
AND AND ANDDDD a catlike reader 😵‍💫😵‍💫 one of my personal favs. independent and a little distant….. used to being on their own……. very picky with who they allow close. it’s just PERFECT for stsg (WOLFCODED BOYS SO TRUEEE)… ollie the way you describe it all makes me feel ILLLL they really would feel so honoured 😭😭😭 cue satoru melting into a puddle when you finally wrap your arms around him….. suguru literally grinning like an idiot (he’s trying DESPERATELY not to but it’s impossible) when you shyly ask him for affection. yeahhhh their hearts would explode i think
ANOTHER BANGER YAP SESSION FROM OLLIEEE i look forward to them sm yknow!!! i can always trust you to have the tastiest stsg scenarios ready to go 🙏🙏🙏 i’m a lil late to this BUT i hope you had a cozy sleep my friend <3 AND WAHH i’m so glad you’re excited for bfb!satoru!!!! i’m gonna try to get it out by next weekend…… i promise not to make it angsty hehe it’s just a lil bittersweet!!! a tiny bit!!!! (depends on how you feel abt the unrequited love trope though 😭😭) IT’S GRAY N WINDY HERE TOO i’m hoping for more sunlight soon………. and i’m doing well hehe i’ve been playing a bunch of pj sekai + watching my favorite streamer play zero escape >:33 WHAT ABT UUU OLLIE what have you been up to?? good things i hope!!! pls remember to rest up and take care of yourself as well <333 it’s what stsg would’ve wanted!!!
(also PHDKDVDJDJYFU NOT THE SATORU SLANDER?????? 😭😭😭 LEAVE MY STICKBUG ALONE???????? i snorted so loud thank you for the free art it’s beautiful <333 i’m gna print it and hang it on my wall.)
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manofmanymons · 2 years
Assigning every Survive kid a crest (because I can)
Yes I know a lot of these kids parallel Adventure characters, no I don't think that means they should have the same crests. You're gonna look me in the eyes and say you think Knowledge fits Minoru or Friendship fits Kaito? Nah.
I'm also gonna go by the 01 concept of 1 crest per kid, but I'll point out times where I was tempted to give someone two.
Starting with our main protag boy, Takuma: Friendship. Did you expect anything else? He is the embodiment of "my friends are my power." Half the gameplay is him building relationships with everyone, and everything he does is for his friends. I WAS tempted to give him the usual main protag Crest of Courage bc of what happened in part 7...but I don't think he exemplifies Courage as much as he does Friendship.
Anyways moving on to who I DID give the Crest of Courage to: Minoru. I know that seems like a contradiction in light of how he ran screaming from Falcomon and left Aoi in the dust that one time...but his overall adventurous spirit, the fact that he overcame his initial fear and charges ahead even when he's visibly shaking, and the way he puts on a brave face to keep everyone's spirits up makes him the most qualified for this crest in my eyes. He's even got the right color scheme (obviously that's not actually why I picked him but I couldn't not point it out.)
I've already stopped keeping to a consistent format what is this post
Whatever, next up is Aoi. To her I give...Reliability. Because who in this group is more reliable and does more to keep everyone alive and together than Aoi? I wanted to give her Kindness because of how gentle and empathetic she is, but I didn't wanna double up on crests, and I kinda already gave that one to someone else who DEFINITELY wouldn't exemplify Reliability the way Aoi does.
Full stop before I actually say it, can you guess who I did give the Crest of Kindness to? Bc like in my mind I'm lile "lol it's so obvious" but then I realized it's probably only obvious to me cuz it's my own brain.
Yeah it's Ryo. And not just because he has a worm partner! Going back to what I just said about being gentle and empathetic, I think that fits Ryo really well. Sure he's aggressive and decked Shuuji in the face that one time, but like...he really understands how other people feel and doesn't want them to suffer. He empathized with the amusement park kids because he could tell they were scared, and he wanted to save Miu because he didn't want her to go through anything like what he did. The way he loves Kunemon and the way he stood up for Lopmon also proves to me how incredibly kind his heart is.
So that's where I put the Crest of Kindness, but as you may have noticed, I also didn't give the squad mom the Crest of Love. It will either be a total shock or the most expected thing in the world to you depending on how similar your brain is to mine to know that I gave THAT crest to Kaito. I legitimately for my life cannot think of another crest that would fit him better or another character who the crest makes more sense for. If crests are a source of power, then there is no one who draws strength from love as much as Kaito does. And like, I think Miyako in 02 kinda proved that "feral gremlin who can and will physically assualt someone with 0 hesitation if need be" and "digidestined of love" are not mutually exclusive.
I'm gonna go ahead and say something I don't think anyone's gonna argue with me in the replies over and say that Shuuji would be Knowledge. I mean he basically becomes the Professor's apprentice and helps solve the huge mystery behind the Other World so... I know his fear outweighed his curiosity in the beginning and there was a point where he seemed too close-minded for the Crest of Knowledge, but I do think this crest is one that he grew into by the end. I mean even in Adventure, the kids had to ACTIVATE their crests, yeah?
And I know I said I didn't want to double up on crests but also Akiharu Minase is definitely a digidestined of Knowledge. His dedication to pursuing the topic he wanted to know about even when no one believed in or supported him makes him SO perfect for that crest, and knowing that he's been like that since he was a kid just makes me more certain. If I were to give him a different crest, it would be another double, and it would be courage again. He really throws himself in front of danger without a second thought if it means protecting someone, and my god do I love him for it. But also he's a freaking Professor did you think I WOULDN'T pick Knowledge?
Speaking of Minases, Miyuki would be light. Of course she would be. She's obviously special, she's everyone's light in the darkness that they need to get home, and even her personality shines so brightly.
Getting to Saki and Miu. The reason I saved them for last is just that...even though I said I didn't think EVERYONE should share a crest with their Adventure 01 counterpart, I also don't think NOBODY should. That being said, you probably know exactly which crests I'm aboutta give them.
Saki is Sincerity. Yes she lied and kept a secret about herself, yes she's overly worried about how she's perceived by others. Despite all that, I don't think there was ever a point in the game where she wasn't still true to herself. Even Aoi admired how Saki would always do what she wanted and believed was right, even if it might not be what others would agree with. She always spoke her mind, whether it was about splitting up the rooms by gender or about Shuuji being a dick in part 5. She could be a little hard to read and a little unpredictable, and she could keep things to herself, but she was never FAKE. Saki is and always was just...Saki.
And last but not least, I believe Miu would have the Crest of Hope. Anyone who could go through everything that she did and still believe in the good of others, believe that things can get better, and never ever give up is the very embodiment of hope. Girl literally got kidnapped by a horrifying spider monster and still managed to have a good time and see the Other World as a fun and beautiful place.
Of course these are all my opinions and some of y'all might think I couldn't be more far off about these characters, and if that's the case...well I'm down to hear your hcs but only if you say them nicely <3
More on Aoi, Kaito, and Shuuji!
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 31 - after my apple cutting sessions was over I wanted to listen to one more episode, but it was late and I had to take a shower and go to bed. So I thought if I turn the volume on my speaker up very, very loud, I would hear it over the water stream. I did not and only got bits and pieces… Went to bed listening to the whole episode again.
Oh god, someone here on the a-mag-a-day blog wrote that Jon sounds like Stede in this statement and now I can't unhear it!!!! xD
"I mean, I’d thought about trying it in this country" - ok, what are the requirements to go hunting in the UK? Because in Austria you absolutely can not go out and just do that, that's poaching. You have to get a hunting licence, which requires training (about 4 months) and passing a test. It costs about 750€ and then you gotta pay for a hunting pass (annual or daily pass). You are only able to by a hunting pass if you are member of a hunting club (which also costs a small annual fee). So yeah, I understand when people go to the US to go hunting… My US friends asks us last time we were visiting if we wanted to go into the woods (also in the Appalachians, though the very southern part of them) shooting their guns. We, super European, were like NOPE.
"I’d never met an Internet friend in real life before" - Ohhh, the exciting adventure of meeting an… "internet" friend!!!.. Boomer XD
"Far too many teeth to it, I’d say." - Some people just have that sort of smile… Personally, I always thought the exact same thing about Ryan Bergara (sorry, Ryan, you're a werewolf now xD)
I think it's interesting how many of those S1 statements have like one… foreboding quote. "Can I have a cigarette", “I met the war.”, “Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame.”, “Some hungers are too strong to be denied”, “and from his rib a flute to play that merry tune of marrow took”, “I am not for you. I am marked.”, “enjoy sky blue”, “Be still, for there is strange music”, “How would a melody describe itself when asked?”, “Silk will not stitch the butcher’s meat”, “and if you win, you shall not die”, "You cannot stop slaughter by closing the door”, “Tomorrow will be a good day for a run”.
"I could have sworn that I heard someone laugh, slow and softly, outside my tent. It sounded like it was right by my head, just the other side of the thin nylon wall." - Holy fuck, that gives me goosebumps…
"There’s no way I could have won that footrace, but I think he must have been toying with me. " / " I ran and ran and, well, I just kept running." / "it was obvious my pursuer could easily outpace me if he wanted to" / "The wretched thing had just sent me in a circle. For fun. For the chase." - We know what Daisy told Jon about the Hunt. Actually arresting someone was her least favorite part. Because then, the hunt would be over.
lol, at 17:42 "It certainly served me well for this one, desperate move", at the "desperate" you hear a thump in the background. Jonny knocking against the table again? XD
"Hunted. Yes, I think I’m starting to know the feeling." - I think that was the moment I started to warm up to Jon…
19:50 "but was not implicated in his death", at "death" another thump^^
Oh yes, that last paragraph with Jon's thoughts about the Prentiss/worm situation in the Archive, that was definitely a moment that made me really feel for him T.T
I have no idea about hunting laws in any country but it seems very costly from what you're describing
Also first time Jon sounds soft and actually vulnerable 🥺🥺
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unicyclehippo · 7 months
"warmth" for the writing prompt :)
i have written so much abt that first durge scene i will now write abt smth else i promise 🥺 u can trust me 🥺🥺☺️🔪
there’s a snake curled around the shoulders of a weeping child. there’s a snake in the heart of the grove. there’s a poison, dripping into the hearts of these wild folk, that makes them wilder. feral.
on another day, dante might have admired it.
today, however, they are of the opinion that one mind lost is more than enough. dante eyed the woman draped in her poison green, envy green, her perfect hair and sneer. they lifted their hand from their blade.
‘there’s still time to stop this.’
kagha’s sneer deepened. ‘why would i do that? you devils—we didn’t ask for you to come here, we didn’t want you.’ she’s so furious that spittle bubbles at her lips as she hisses the words. magic bubbles at her fingertips.
‘kagha, what is the meaning of this? does the rite do what they say it does? you cannot… you must see reason,’ the horned druid pleads. he falls silent as the added curls around his boot.
‘reason? you think i do not see reason?’ the words left her with the deadly quiet of a winding serpent. ‘i ssee the weight of these interlopers on us every day. our people go hungry. risk discovery and destruction to protect these strangers who do nothing but ssteal and sslink about our most ssacred pool.’ the snake had now wound up to proud-horned rath’s knee. ‘i ssee that halssin left us with the duty to protect ourselves—abandoned his post, his people, to play hero in the mud ssearching for worms. i am protecting our people. you are the one who ought see reason, rath.’
they were pretty enough words. dante could see how they would sway someone who was already falling from their path.
‘you are a druid of silvanus,’ they reminded her. was it their imagination, or did some confusion flicker in those poisonous eyes? ‘you hold to the tenets he left.’
‘of course!’
‘then you are not a shadow druid,’ dante told her simply. ‘you do not have to obey them. you shouldn’t.’
the words of the plaques were easily to summon; songs, stories, were their bread and butter. they recited them easily—and watched the horror creep across kagha’s face. what were these druids but protectors against the dark? since the beginning, they had opposed the shadow. poor thing. yet better still than dante, with her hands unstained.
‘the rite…we could cleanse it. the power - it - it is meant to protect us!’
‘you’ll be very safe,’ dante allowed. ‘in your grove of shadow and thorns. believe me when i say that some description is worse than mere death.’
kagha flinched. her eyes flickered from dante to the pack of rats to the deep green shade of her vine-wrapped grove. could she see the horror that would break through her world? thorns like blades slicing through the earth, the pillars cracking, the blood spilled. the beautiful screams.
‘i—by the oak, what have i done?’
betrayer, the monster crooned. kill. eat the heart of the heartless one.
go fuck yourself, dante thought back as powerfully as they were able.
a smile flickered at the corner of dante’s mouth. it was starting to be truly fun, ignoring the monster within. how it howled, tearing at their soft insides.
‘end the ritual. hold the path until i bring halsin back. keep the refugees safe. and kagha,’ dante waited until she met their eyes. ‘no more names. not foul blood, not devil, not hellspawn. refugees, if you do not know their names.’
‘y-yes. yes you’re right.’
‘believe me when i say it is harder to resist killing you than it would be to end your life.’ she did not look comforted by their words. good. dante hadn’t meant to be comforting. they could not forget tiny arabella, shaking, fangs at her throat. ‘and if you mean to prove your change of heart, i believe these rats are about to try and kill us. you as well.’
they were quite drenched in blood and mud when they walked from the grove, boots slapping wet against the stone. arabella’s parents had that look about them where they could see nothing awful about dante at all—just a hero standing in front of them, the one who saved their daughter.
a tiny spark of something kindled in their chest.
dante’s fingers pressed to the padding of their jerkin. to disguise the gesture, they bowed to the grateful pair.
‘thank you, oh thank you—i swear she’ll never steal again, we were terrified—she could have killed you, arabella! oh please—’
the mother grabbed dante’s hand. a bold move. they held very still. she had lovely horns and kind eyes. loathing clawed at their throat. if she knew what they were… hero? ha!
‘you saved my baby,’ she told them. ‘take this. please.’
a locket dropped into dante’s palm. it had the glimmer of magic, and the metal rasp of age.
‘what-‘ dante cleared their throat. ‘what is this?’
‘a pittance. in return for her life.’
‘i didn’t do it for a reward.’
the mother smiled. squeezed their hand. and then the father—who also didn’t have any cautionary sense not to approach and touch the very bloodied murderer—grabbed their shoulder and pulled them into a hug.
‘it is not payment, my friend. this is our thanks—a meagre offering. you cannot know how grateful we are.’ he ruffled his daughters hair.
dante stared. had anyone ever touched them that gently? had they had a father? a mother?
‘thank you,’ they croaked, and reached out with their magic to explore it. watched as lights like fireflies began to pour from the latch of the locket. ‘oh,’ they murmured. ‘beautiful.’
arabella laughed, as one of the lights buzzed past her ear. she followed the path of the dancing orbs with clear delight.
dante frowned. knelt.
arabella swayed forward to smile, fanged, right in their face. ‘hi! thanks for saving me! i promise,’ she lied, with a glance back to her parents, ‘I’ll never steal anything every again.’
‘i’m sure,’ dante agreed, trying not to laugh. they turned the locket over in their hand. ‘this is a very kind gift,’ they said, making sure her parents could hear. ‘but i cannot accept it.’ they picked it up by the chain and carefully, slowly, passed it over the nubs of her horns and over her head, letting it rest around her neck. ‘there are things we do because we are heroes and fighters and all those things are very fun and we get lots of treasure. and there are things we do because we are alive, and have hearts in our chests,’ dante said, and cuffed her very gently about the ear. ‘saving naughty child in over their heads is one of those. so you keep this close. and be careful. and check for traps.’
her parents sighed.
arabella grinned. ‘thank you!’
‘you’re welcome, little one. be smarter.’
‘i will!’
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
I know you are not the creator of the post, but i wanted to add that if D@ny cared about the unsullied she would'nt have use them for the conquest campaign, it is simply logical. If you cared about those traumatized-people-from childhood you would teach about freedom, integrate them into society, help them recover the sense of self and agency. I think is un-ethical letting someone die for you and your beliefs when they don't understand their freedom completely! You should insist about that they should form a life different form what they had, not welcome them with open arms (i know it sound bad but i dont find a better of put it in).
It was never about freeing them. It was about removing them from the ownership of the slavers at Astapor. Without paying for them. If it was about setting them free, yes, she would have wanted them to be free on their own terms. But as it turns out, for Dany freedom means serving Dany.
I mean, GRRM didn't write this for funsies (even if it's hilariously on the nose):
There were no slaves in the Iron Islands, only thralls. A thrall was bound to service, but he was not chattel. His children were born free, so long as they were given to the Drowned God. And thralls were never bought nor sold for gold. A man paid the iron price for thralls, or else had none. "They should be thralls, or salt wives," Victarion complained. (AFFC, The Reaver)
A slave by any other name... and she certainly paid a big iron price for them - conveniently by letting them pay it for her.
Afterward he put their crews to death as well, saving only the slaves chained to the oars. He broke their chains himself and told them they were now free men and would have the privilege of rowing for the Iron Fleet, an honor that every boy in the Iron Islands dreamed of growing up. "The dragon queen frees slaves and so do I," he proclaimed. (ADWD, Victarion I)
Free men rowing on. So free.
It's incredibly telling that the first look back at what she did after her massacre went underway is to command.
When she had commanded the Unsullied to choose officers from amongst themselves, Grey Worm had been their overwhelming choice for the highest rank. (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
One of the first things Dany had done after the fall of Astapor was abolish the custom of giving the Unsullied new slave names every day. Most of those born free had returned to their birth names; those who still remembered them, at least.
How do you abolish a custom unless you are somehow unquestionably in charge?
How many Unsullied remember what freedom even is? There is absolutely no mention of them choosing to follow Dany over something else. Not for the Unsullied, who are the ones she had wanted to buy .
Also, even more tellingly, she makes a clear and constant distinction between the Unsullied and "her freedmen", who are not useful in battle.
I told them they were free. I cannot tell them now they are not free to join me. She gazed at the smoke rising from their cookfires and swallowed a sigh. She might have the best footsoldiers in the world, but she also had the worst.
ALL of them as considered her soldiers. Even the civilians. What choice were the Unsullied actually offered?
She bought them. She commanded them to kill. She dropped the whip. And she kept commanding.
She calls them free. They call themselves free. But they were never given a choice to do anything else, and they are not "freedmen" to her.
They are not, fact, free.
These provisions remain the law in Pentos to this day though certain observers have noted that many Pentoshi ships evade the prohibition against the slave trade by running Lysene or Myrish banners up their masts when challenged, whilst in the city itself there are tens of thousands of "free bond servants" who seem to be slaves in all but name, for they are collared and branded much like their counterparts in Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh, and subject to similar savage disciplines. In law, these bond servants are free men and women, with the right to refuse service as they will...provided they are not in debt to their masters. (The World of Ice and Fire - The Free Cities: Pentos)
Which Dany herself should really be aware of unless she doesn't want to be:
They were slaves, a gift from one of the magister's many Dothraki friends. There was no slavery in the free city of Pentos. Nonetheless, they were slaves. (AGOT, Daenerys I)
How free are the Unsullied to refuse? Or does Dany consider them indebted to her?
Will we find out?
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esther-dot · 2 years
i came across a got tiktok and the comments were interesting to say the least... the fact that bran receives more hate for becoming king than daenerys does for genocide 😭
It will never cease to amaze that D&D knew for years that Dany was going bad and Bran would be king and they chose to exclude Bran from a season and paint Dany as a savior. It’s been years, I saw that they did that, but I still can’t comprehend it!
I mean, not only did they cut Bran’s role down to barely existent, when he was present he was kinda ominous in a way that I found funny but certain lines seem…unnecessary and even cruel so really, D&D did want the audiences to feel alienated from him for some reason imo. At the least, they really didn’t care about him because they made him becoming king about Tyrion being all-knowing and wise (as if they hadn’t just made him loyal to a woman he watched burn POWs alive…) which is a hell of a choice when their marketing was all about who would sit the throne so they knew we cared who would rule in the end. 😑 Comparing that to how they made Dany out to be a person with good intentions even after she attacked KL and burned countless children alive…they were doing one hell of a mindfuck on their audience. I cannot articulate how repulsive their writing choices about Dany in the finale are to me, so yes, I’m disturbed by the fandom’s reaction, but honestly, I had far more understanding for the Dany stans post finale than I did at anytime prior because D&D really did tell them things in the dialogue that were totally contradicted by what we saw. It was very much a pick your own narrative in the end, one that was heavily biased in favor of Dany. Should people understand that burning people alive is bad? Of course! But in hindsight it isn’t surprising Dany’s behavior was excused (up until 8x05) because GoT departed from Martin’s condemnation of needless wars and warnings about the cycle of violence to glorify things like Arya murdering all the men in an entire family, seemingly regardless of personal guilt. If Arya was right, why would the audience think they were being told Dany was wrong? D&D did try to point to the fact that her actions weren’t just a few times, but if they’re simultaneously celebrating vengeance, they’re not simply permitting, but guiding the audience to excuse injustice. So to me, they wanted the audience on her side until the moment she burned children alive and that meant they didn’t do justice to anyone else’s story lest we realize what was going to happen.
They really screwed Bran over in the finale with one specific line that was so carelessly thrown k , it seemed to indicate he knew what would happen which is why people got upset with him (from what I saw at the time, I guess I don’t know that’s still the case). No one except Dany is responsible for her crimes obviously, but Bran’s line was jarring because you aren’t sure what all he did know, why he wouldn’t talk to at least Sansa (even in an obscure way) about the future, so it elicited the natural response of why? What are the writers saying about Bran? And then obviously people went off the deep end and came up with ways he’s responsible for every bad thing that ever happened, but again, I think D&D’s writing guided people there. One of the most common responses to the idea of an omniscient being is how could a good god allow bad things to happen? So their decision to open that can of worms by making it seem like Bran is somehow omniscient (when before it felt like he had very limited knowledge) at the very end after making Bran seemingly….detached from humanity is at the very least stupid but imo, just another way they threw all the Starks under the bus to make Dany stans feel better. As in, instead of focusing on how Dany was evil, they could believe that no one was good, that Bran wasn’t a good person either, that he wanted the throne too, and maybe he was working against Dany blah blah blah. I think I heard that one of the D&Ds even mentioned the idea of Dany being carried off and resurrected so it seems to me that they deliberately wanted to leave a lot open to interpretation in the end to spare themselves from the backlash if possible. 😑
Anyway, I agree that it’s gross fans refused to admit they had been duped and condemn Dany and it’s stupid to lash out at the idea of king Bran because of their anger, but the writing was such a mess, there were so many contradictory messages and conflicting goals, I understand why they’re still raging. I’m still here raging just for very different reasons 😂 I’ll never wrap my mind around D&D’s choice to force perspective audiences into supporting a mass murdering tyrant only for them to then pretend they don’t know why fans did.
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