#and also if you were a real worm i would make you a special container and give you fruits and veggies
lemonofthevalley · 4 months
Would you still love me if I was a white worm from season one of the magnus archives
yes I would let you worm into people as enrichment
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overtaken-stream · 11 months
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This whole part is just King going, "My favorite color is dark, like my soul." also, this gif is so hot omfg I can't with him, I have a smut idea for him, and if I do, somehow wrap my head around it, I'll post it here and on ao3.
Yandere!King The Wildfire x reader Pt2.
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It was a hasty decision, done in reaction he is unsure what to call, hardy he could handle himself when in your vicinity, it was a feeling of something intruding someplace it had no business being.
Similar to you in this situation.
His room was devoid of human touch, obviously because he barely used it, postponing his sleep until the flames on his back would collapse in on themselves, and he felt the consequences every time. It complemented his suit and the general aura he tries to surround himself with when dealing with Kaidou's henchmen, dark and containing no distractions. One specially made bed with dark covers, straightened against the wooden walls, on the other side was a wardrobe that seemed giant to a normal-sized human; unlike others, it was decorated and carefully carved, leaves, waves, ships, eyes, and unseen mysterious symbols were embedded into the burnt wood.
``It's an interesting texture.`` He remembers thinking, though he can no longer put his finger on how he got it in the first place.
And yet, in the grim surroundings, there was a light his flames could never compare to; warmth, no matter how hard he tries, will never radiate from him. It was similar to that dark house where he first laid his eyes upon you. You who have not changed nor moved on from that moment, you who trembles and shakes, cry and call out for help, insult him, and corner yourself in a place where you feel defended.
He has been in your shoes before, a long time ago, he can't be sure.
Perhaps the understanding is the cause of his heavy heart, taken away from home in such a way... He can feel his throat close up as your hunched figure shines in his view. Grime stuck itself onto your limbs, knees, and hands decorated with splinters of all sizes, hair matted and filthy from ash and smoke, and its smell follows him in his showers as he allows himself to let free of his suit. It's so recognizable.
And if his heart clenched everytime he saw you in this horrible position, nobody had to know. Not even him, it was a can of worms King won't dare to touch.
He remembers bits of information about his race, long lost to time and humanity, the whispers that came in the form of dreams speckled across his mind and reflections; the delusions and validity are mixed within his remembrances, the real and fake are smelting into and out of each other, his past is forgotten even by him, the lineage of mighty warriors feared by all is smeared across the walls with mud and blood mixed with heartfelt feelings.
In a memory long before the laboratory, his tiny ears picked up information, a word that defines and tames a feeling of awe he is experiencing—a SoulMate.
Lost words from his Ma that he was too young to understand finally make sense, a connection of minds, unconditional love, and a total understanding of each other. It's about being oneself and knowing others, a SoulMate is following and understanding One's thoughts, but They're right there with the One, side by side. Completing the soul and tying the Lunarian instincts of animals into a pretty bowtie. A Soul and a Mate.
Love at first sight doesn't exist because even if King has not experienced it before, he is not fooled by others' thinking, Love dependent on sight is lust.
But he didn't see you first, did he? He felt you.
Kaidou is not obligated to put up with a civilian within his chambers, under his roof, where the empire buzzes with insignificant life, but it has been hours after they departed from your home island, now a kingdom of ash and debris, a few hours he has spent watching you with motionless crimson eyes.
The monster gets up from the throne, the squicking of leather alerting you of his movement, forcing you to turn towards him; the last time he made any move was when he sat down on the chair you can't quite make out in the dim moonlighting, your quivers, and sniffles fade out as he gets further away from you, his broad back is turned.
It's time he explained himself.
The cold yet quiet air is disturbed when he lights up the flames on his back, coloring this room in warm shades.
Your swollen eyes and snot-filled nose could only gasp for air as he slowly turned his face back to you.
``I'll come back.`` he slams the heavy door shut.
The smell of smoke lingers in the air, the disgusting dirt of your suffering sticks onto your skin, seeps through the crack, and marks the invisible scars into your psyche.
You wished, for the first time, that a promise would be broken.
``tsk...`` the angry and tear-stained eyes turn away from the door.
Left unchecked, fear turns into irritation, irritation into anger.
Balled fists shake, out of fear, out of anger.
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vasquezfinn26 · 1 year
stellar data recovery lab
Windows 7 has excellent security prime features. It come with quite strong login security, you can set login password a number of ways. These strong safety features sometimes lead to further problems for smoker. If user or admin of windows 7, forget login password then windows does not allow to look for files and folders. To regain access of your bank account you need to recover windows 7 code. You can easily reset it with "Reset Disk" if you ever created, Permits to create new password without having old. Reset disk is produced for local user accounts, it isn't applicable for remote systems. Use password recovery software if tend not to have reset disk. Earlier, essentially the most prominent involving a system getting infected was through e-mail attachments. The attachments sent with mails would contain viruses or parasites. These would infect these devices and cause data thinning. Today worms like the Valentin E and the Nuwar OL come as E-greetings! Programmers combine software engineering and social engineering to make such adware. 2) It's all about volume level. The vast majority of the aforementioned companies are taking in the maximum amount of drives given that they can, and recovering data from would be to cases using simple programs. If a job requires in order to find find parts, or extensive work a few of higher specialized tools of the trade, click simply proclaim that those drives are "unrecoverable". Untold numbers of drives that contained vital business data, family photos, etc. are tossed within the trash by their owners simply because one of these kinds of companies said excitedly that their data was unrecoverable. Consuming too much is, unless the platters of a drive are severely scored, or the info itself is heavily corrupted it is virtually always recoverable. You must put your market time and effort necessary to get. Reliable. The software is popular by people who use computers. It has little bad impact dealing with your computer your recovery course of action. All your computer data all well kept after recovered. No data loss or data damage. Enterprise Edition - In order to burn a bootable CD/DVD or Usb stick stellar data recovery to reset forgotten local password and domain administrator password. Win, Vista, XP, 2000, 2008(R2), 2003(R2) are supported. This is science fiction at very best to. The characters are real and the experience is non-stop. The story is well plotted and tightly written, focusing on the small a part of a large picture. The heroes are heroes as a result of situation, not because these kind of are braver, smarter, or stronger then everyone else in the human event. The villains are villains, not just enemies. Over-all a top notch read. A hard space crash could be the modern person's worst major problem. stellar data recovery Crack remember when my old computer crashed back as i was in college. I literally fell to my knees and cried. About few years worth of college work, essays, stories, pictures and music were placed in it - and I'd never these back. I wish I knew then things i know but. The excellent news is which the full recovery of your pc doesn't involve your "D Drive" so placing important and large files there is good strongly recommend. It also frees up your "C Drive" which does your main work as well as the all the complaining within your computer.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
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I've been slowly worming my way through the last two or three years' worth of Fangoria back issues, which is mainly taking so long because I've been sidelined by research projects, but it just took me about a full day to get through this three page article on how occultism is misrepresented in horror movies. I found it so frustrating, I could only take a couple of paragraphs at a time. As soon as you see the headline, you're like, no duh. Horror movies are not documentaries, they're works of fiction meant to provide, you know, thrills and chills. They're often fantastical, or so exaggerated as to count as fantasies that are allegorical at best, and they often explore irrational or primordial fears. They're not here to, like, tell you how to live your life. It's sort of perplexing because the author's prose is pretty good, but her argument is like...well, I don't know what she really wants. She doesn't seem to think anyone is in danger from inauthentic movies and TV shows. She admits that practitioners of Abrahamic magick are generally not harmed by misrepresentation in media (and would prefer that their traditions remain obscure to all but serious students anyway), and that the only real effect of people getting lifestyle inspiration from shit like AHS: Coven is just a proliferation of scammy garbage on Etsy. She doesn't think vulnerable goth kids are going to get burned at the stake because of creative liberties taken in HEREDITARY. She also doesn't express concern that fiction is killing public curiosity about alternative spiritualities. Yet, she still seems upset about the fact that filmmakers will take the seeds of something from real life, like wicca or hermeticism, and use them as mere ingredients in a completely fictional narrative that is free from historicity or didacticism. And the sense i'm able to make out of this, from my personal experience, is that hardcore occultists are often REALLY boring people.
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My friends and I usually just refer to this movie as THE CHAPSTICK PROPHECIES.
I listen to Damien Echols speak pretty regularly, and while he's wonderfully interesting about his area of expertise, he calls artmaking for personal or social reasons (as opposed to spiritual or scientific reasons) "cultural cannibalism", and his favorite movie is THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES just because he considers it to be so factually sound--never mind how impenetrably dull it is, or that it doesn't make much meaning out of what it reports. He has no time for anything aesthetically or emotionally driven, he just wants things to directly reflect the fabric of reality as he understands it. I'm also reminded of Michael Aquino's 800-page memoir about the rise and fall of the Church of Satan, which contains quite a lot of laments from himself and LaVey that colorful B movies like THE DEVIL'S RAIN don't portray Satanists accurately as sober, ordinary, law-abiding business owners whose chief shared quality is a preference for objectivism. The fact that absolutely nothing about THE DEVIL'S RAIN resembles real life, and it is absolutely not meant for use as an educational tool, didn't seem to enter into the conversation; it was all about this anal retentive urge for all creative production to be rigidly "realistic" just because that's somehow inherently superior. Which is like the omega version of that difficult friend who pretentiously points out that obvious special effects are "fake" all the way through any movie you're watching. The changes these people want to see in movies and television seem to suggest a world where all entertainment would be too boring for PBS. The next time your crazy QAnon uncle starts to make you wonder whether there really might be occult cabals running the world, just remember that if that were true, all media would become so tedious that you'd be going outside to play for the rest of your natural life.
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rattyarts · 3 years
Another non-art ask dump!
Figured it’s about time for another one of these! I don’t like clogging this blog up with too much non-art stuff (new art that is, I’ll copy paste in old stuff if needed), so I tend to save up asks so I can get them all answered in one go.
Here goes!
twerkyvulture asked:
is Knytt pronounced "nit", "night" or "neat"?
“Knit” with a hard k!
Anonymous asked:
I am ashamed that i thought the big scar under unlucky vampire's eyes was her mouth and she had a really huge chin
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... Oh no.
Anonymous asked:
"Titania and Oberon’s unusual appearances appear to be unique to them" I wonder if they also have unique powers as well?
I’ll be honest, I think it’s way funnier if there’s nothing special about them whatsoever.
Anonymous asked:
Is the rubber/latex elf stretchy?
Not my character, but I’d assume so?
Anonymous asked:
“ Cheesed Burger” cheeseburger copyrat/Minotaur?
Also not my character, but if I remember right, she’s a copyrat/merson. You’re half right!
lot-of-malarkey asked:
Gee Pixie, how come Ratty let’s you have THREE moms!?!
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When you got an abundance of worm babies, sometimes it’s easier to find a bunch of other moms, put the kids in a big pile and raise them all together.
Anonymous asked:
Has there been a dragon Leo yet? There should be a dragon Leo.
There has!
Anonymous asked:
Would you ever reveal Ramos’ backstory? Like, why is he single? Why is he dying?
Eeeeeh, maybe. I’m TRYING not to go too dark with this blog, and there’s a couple of characters who approach subjects that are a little too real. I may keep it to DMs only, or at least skip over a couple of details.
Ramos is obviously no longer single, but if this is referring to Hank, he was an oops baby after a brief encounter with a mystery vampire lady.
Anonymous asked:
is there any way to stop him from dying? magic or necromancy or something?
I’m going to go with no, because of the above thing I feel like that would be in really bad taste.
Anonymous asked:
I’m imagining an evil mosquito vampire hybrid that wants to do classic non vegetarian vampire things. But the area they live in only has elves, so they are stuck with vegetables and fruit (at least until tourist season)
If that’s a character you wanna make, go for it! You’re actually the second person who’s realized out you can build yourself a classic vampire by combining buggiemen and my silly fruit creatures.
As a side note, I’m surprised no one’s made a bunnicula yet.
ari-nemera submitted:
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Saw this while driving and immediately thought of you.
The real question is: is this a buggieman-owned business that deals with bugs? Or a normal pest control business that deals specifically with buggiemen? 😂
I’m sending this straight to Leo’s house.
Anonymous asked:
Use peroxide for blood stains. Both safe and affective; works on dried blood as well. You're Welcome Good Doctor, enjoy being a bit cleaner XD (Actually, Question, Blood can contain a fair amount of Iron; Doesn't that at least sting?)
Doc appreciates this tip!
.... Also, don’t worry about it.
Anonymous asked:
"They were gonna have pockets and buttons too, but I decided they weren’t really the body mod type." what about the stick-on pockets? no sewing involved?
They don’t seem like the body mod type, really.
lot-of-malarkey asked:
In Edgeworld ‘casual Friday’ is coming to work as your distance model
Everyone also seems to get dot eyes at random. No one questions this.
Anonymous asked:
"What the hell is Edgeworld" Cool, thats what!
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say that your setting and characters are cool.
No anon, you’re cool!
therandomringmaster asked:
There's one question I have about Beeple,do Beeple owners buy those road play mats and let said Beeples drive around for enrichment?,in the same way hamster may get enjoyment out of wheels,and such?
Anonymous asked:
Quick beeple question: if I want to keep a few in a tank would they be more comfortable with foliage and logs and stuff (like a beetle) or something more like a roadway (for the car aspect)? Maybe a bit of both?
Consider: road plants.
lot-of-malarkey asked:
Now I’m imagining a buggieman falling down the stairs like a slinky
Please refrain from pushing people down stairs. No matter how funny it may be.
Anonymous asked:
" I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL" one part of me wants to say "then perish", and the other part would rather you didn't
tromacom asked:
I've gotta get it off my chest but Margaret gives me STRONG Ab Fab Joanna Lumley sweetie darling vibes and I adore her for it
Honestly, you’re not far off.
twerkyvulture asked:
what is death like away from the Edgelands? i imagine that even "kid-friendly" media deals with the subject of loss and death sometimes. do elderly people pass away peacefully "offscreen"? are there funerals? does their body disappear? are they simply referred to in the past tense from a certain point onwards?
The offscreen thing usually, unless it’s a character of plot importance, or maybe a villain falling off a cliff.
When it comes to dealing with the subject itself... you know that thing they do in cartoons where they briefly mention a dead person and then very quickly move on? That.
Anonymous asked:
You said you got some of your basis for design off of Cool World- is it just that movie, or did you get inspiration from any of Bakshi's other stuff?
To be honest, I’m not a huge Bakshi fan and haven’t really seen a ton of his stuff. Mostly I’ve been using the background art from Cool World as inspo!
Anonymous asked:
i wonder how many Chicken Nuggets your Sona could Safely eat at once?
chickencat8 asked:
Just really quick and really random. I had a dream where you offered Antbulbs as treats to everyone, and they even came in flavors. I wanted the pink raspberry but there weren't any left, so I had a yellow one instead. It tasted like sour lemon candy. Just felt like telling you
The fact that people have been having Edgeworld dreams is so cool. Also very unfair, I wanna dream about my setting too!
I do not recommend eating lightbulbs, but I guess I can’t stop you.
ossy-p asked:
Margaret: gatekeep gaslight girlboss
George: manipulate mansplain malewife
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Anonymous asked:
Hiya! So i dunno if this is gonna sound silly but the fact that Kris’ full name is Kristina spelled that way exactly has brought so much joy to me. Its just ive never seen the way my name is spelled in any sort content like ever. I guess I just wanted to thank you for it cause its really made my day!
Oh, that’s really cool! I’m glad I could make your day! (Uh. Five months ago. Look, I haven’t made one of these ask posts in a while.)
Anonymous asked:
Is Kris trans? I ask cause she looks like a mallard and to my knowledge only "male" mallards have green heads.
Anonymous asked:
You have very good art
Thank you! I appreciate these messages a lot.
Also this is getting really long, so I’m gonna say I’m done for now. I’ll put together another one of these in the future.
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viviae · 4 years
The Red Plague: An Analysis
Ok, I’m to preface this that I am not at ALL a student of medicine or science I am just a humble blogger who really likes diseases, literary analysis, and the science behind death. This will also be a STUPIDLY long post so I am letting you all live by putting it behind a readmore this time
This goes without saying but there is a content warning to this. I’m talking about death, stages of decay, rotting, corpses, vomit, and other gross medical stuff. There will be NO images however. I subjected myself to viewing those images and I will not condemn you all to view them. 
I’m going to start this off making sure everyone is on the same page and post an image from the art book about the Red Plague itself
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So let’s start with the canonical facts about the plague first
Average life expectancy was 3-7 days once symptoms show, Averages are also liars which means it could’ve taken a little bit more than 7 days or under 3 days to die. 
Spread by the plague beetles, exact method of transfer is unknown but Julian was force fed one and contracted the plague however they are safe to keep in containment.
Plague beetles also infected nonhuman objects like the water supply which is shown as a thick ichor. This ichor no longer possesses infectious properties at the time of the story
Julian believed that it had to do with a corruption in the blood hence the usage of leeches 
The Lazarus started as a containment center before becoming a crematorium, meaning people believed that it was spread from contact or things like that
HOWEVER This is not the first appearance of the plague as it would show up at locations Lucio stayed for too long but no note if it spread from these locations. 
It’s not a disease, its a curse.
So, this is one nasty plague on our hands. Most diseases that are this lethal would never be able to spread as much as it did unless it could spread from corpse contact or through other means like a carrier. I think that it could be spread through a combination of both which would add an additional need for cremation. 
Corpse Disposal & Spreading
Historically during plagues you would simply toss bodies into mass graves or ‘plague pits’. This would be, substantially, easier than what they do in Vesuvia. Cremation is not an easy process and is an art form. The heat needed for a cremation alone is incredibly hot and needs special methods to be contained. Not to mention the tedious cleaning process to make sure ashes don’t damage the heat element. So you are telling me that Vesuvia... went through the process of rowing away their dead to the middle of a lake to do mass cremations because it was the easiest? Yes they would’ve run out of grave space a while ago but no one is saying they can’t go make a plague pit out in the woods for half the work.
Now granted, I understand the imagery of making Asra wade through bodies of rotting corpses to find the apprentice’s bloated corpse is uh,,, graphic. Or making us stumble upon an open plague pit of bones in the woods with you LI is not what most people call romantic. (you’re welcome for that image) So they could’ve just made mass cremations on a separate island for tone reasons but that’s BORING.
Not a lot of diseases are actually capable of surviving in dead body simply because when we die our bodies lose the necessary high heats for them to multiply and survive. But this isn’t a disease in a traditional sense, its a curse to Lucio. And this is Lucio we are talking about, some one who is famously afraid of death and dying, which was grafted by a demon of pestilence who is obsessed with worms (cough maggot symbolism and death by disease cough). So I propose that the plague is spread in addition to plague beetles but by dead bodies themselves. This would put additional pressure on proper corpse disposal and the need for cremation. This fact would also explain why plague doctors were present at the boats leading to the Lazarus instead of simple plague carters (rowers?) as doctors would probably have to keep a closer eye on proper disposal of bodies.
As for how I think the beetles themselves spread the plague, I think it’s probably in a similar way as to how Lyme Disease is spread. I can’t name any disease that is spread by beetles themselves off the top of my head but ticks are pretty similar to beetles (I am not an entomologist). Lyme disease is spread by infected ticks biting into the hosts skin and regurgitating its stomach contents that includes the bacterium for the disease. 
This would explain why Julian got the plague pretty awful real quick. He consumed all of the plague beetle’s contents and Lucio didn’t have to try and force a beetle to bite Julian, which would’ve given Julian time to fight back. This is also working with the fact Lucio got bit by a plague beetle when running from Morga in his tale. He most likely contracted the plague, or perhaps he contracted the curse then and later on got re bit, in that bite. This would also explain the ichor that infects the water in the south end. Beetles are significantly larger than ticks, and so they might have a need to empty their stomach contents more and its more waste produced. 
Symptoms and Inspirations
The Red Plague is obviously, influenced by the Bubonic Plague in terms of symptoms and Tuberculous in treatment. I will list some of the common symptoms of Black Plague and signs and be comparing these to the Red Plague. I cannot stress enough that I do not have any knowledge in medicine but I don’t think the dev’s are all doctors so we are on even ground.
There are generally speaking three types of plagues; Bubonic (Most common type of The Black Plague and mainly targets your lymphatic system), Pneumonic (When the Plague enters and infects the lungs), and Septicemic (When the plague enters the blood stream, either form can lead to Septicemic)
Bolded Symptoms are what are obvious symptoms the Red Plague has taken from these three variations of plague. Italic is Lucio specific. 
High Fevers
Muscle Pain
Swollen black lymph nodes known as Buboes (Bubonic)
Internal Bleeding (Septicemic)
Gangrene (Septicemic)
Shock (Septicemic)
Vomiting Blood (Bubonic & Septicemic)
Coughing Blood & Mucus (Pneumonic)
Shortness of breath (Pneumonic) 
The Red Eyes
By far the most obvious symptom of the plague and its trademark. Consider this the equivalent of Buboes to the black plague. This is the first obvious symptom that marks you for dead and probably one of the first symptoms to show after a possible resting phase. 
Apparently it takes each eye individually as seen with Julian or it may not take both? The stage we see Julian in isn’t the clearest but I’m assuming he was rather early on with a pretty serious case. 
It’s also a debate of what exactly is going on with the red stringy bits under neath the eyes. For the sprite models it appears to be veins under the eyes that have been aggravated. While in the concept art above it has a more liquid and viscous look which is probably blood. And in Julian’s CG of him dying of the plague he has no marks around his eyes. So I’m saying its a fun combo of all of the above.
Essentially I think that the plague is causing the blood vessels in the eyes to pop and do serious damage. There can also be a foreign growth to occur behind the eyes or just magical nonsense, doing additional damage to the veins surrounding the eyes and cause bleeding from putting stress on the veins. 
The Arms and Lower Extremities
Ok, remember how I talked about Lucio’s fear of death and how its incredibly likely that the plague is manipulating his fear? In death there are various stages of decay, and different functions occur at each stage. And one of these functions is Livor Mortis. 
Livor Mortis is when your blood cells rupture out of your veins and die. These dead blood cells sink down to your body based off of gravity where they settle. This is seen as a purple color on the skin based on gravity, normally the back. This can be disrupted by any disruption to the body, but depending on time you are likely to receive lighter marks based on its previous position. 
What I think is going on all over the body is veins are rupturing and the body is going through an extreme form of living Livor Mortis. Just that it’s in red and not purple because this is the “Red Plague” and not the purple plague. And due to the patients still being alive when Livor Mortis is occurring it simply pools into the extremities instead of one specific location, with the fingers and bottom of the foot being the most severe. To add to the veins popping suddenly the subtle bruising through origin points to where the red vein-y look begins remind me of my own experience of having four veins burst in my arm. 
Julian had reason to believe he could use leeches to treat the plague and in typical plague doctor fashion of “They were right but not exactly” he was on the right track! Using leeches to drink the settled and dead blood would be beneficial to the patient. As likely leaving these areas to accumulate dead blood would put it at serious risk of rot, since maggots first grow on open wounds and areas affected by Livor Mortis. 
Julian might not have been curing the plague but what he was probably doing is preventing a lot of people from developing gangrene and needing amputations. A beneficial skill for a previous combat medic to utilize and what might have drawn additional attention to him. Julian’s uses of leeches could also explain why Lucio does not have any of these red marks since Julian is his personal doctor and Lucio would spare no expense for his treatment. 
Lucio’s Unique Symptoms 
Portia’s route mentions that due to Lucio’s longer surviving time he developed unique symptoms. We don’t know much details about this besides he was extra miserable and was confined to his bedroom most the time. From my provided list above I think that generally speaking the Red Plague is a combination of Bubonic + Septicemic plagues.
However, Pnuemonic plagues were considered especially deadly, but rarer. Lucio is described as having a cough when he has the plague and generally a wheezy voice. It wouldn’t be odd to think the plague had spread into his lungs due to the increase longevity he had. 
There is a dramatic irony in Lucio losing his lungs to sickness as well. Morga tells us about how when Lucio was very young he almost drowned and that instilled a fear of death in him at a young age. He’s also a man with a lot of stamina who can run in the freezing cold carrying a fully grown apprentice on his shoulder or run away from Morga who also possesses a lot of energy. Lucio has trained his lungs to be stronger more so than the average person, and now with his downfall he loses them. 
It goes along with his general want of having a new body as well. You can rebuild muscle mass although hard, but recovering from illnesses that target your lungs? You’ll almost never get back to the same degree you previously were. 
The imagery of the dead is also present in the animal itself used to spread the plague. Although the beetle comes from Lucio’s tribe, beetles play a role in decomposition. Beetles like to come after the body has been nearly completely rotten, after the maggots and wasps consume most of the dead flesh beetles come in and eat the scraps. Beetles are also used in skeletonizing items, one example I think of off my head is a man who had his amputated foot skeletonized by beetles for keeping.  So these beetles are coming in and spreading a plague that forces the body to go through stages of decay while living, for their own food. Just like Lucio’s tribe came in and slaughtered other tribes for their own need to eat.
The plague was handcrafted to torture Lucio for his inability to finish his end of the deal. That’s why it uses imagery of dead bodies, it steals Lucio’s lungs from him, and why even the dead can cause severe damage. 
Of course this is all my own theory and analysis of the plague but thank you for reading all of this. 
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starlightrows · 3 years
The Perfect Day
Pairing: Paz Viszla x reader
Word Count: 2k
Tags: Dangerously high levels of fluff!
Summary: Paz goes out of the way to make your birthday special!
AN: Second time posting this, the original got deleted by mistake! This was created to celebrate my birthday! Loosely inspired by @maybege soulmate!paz!
Your nose twitches at the sweet smell of cocoa and coffee as you begin the pull towards wakefulness. The heavy blankets and duvet that keep you warm is being pulled back, and you can feel gentle breath being puffed onto your cheeks. He places gentle pressure on your forehead, again on your temple trailing down to the apple of your cheek to the tip of your nose. By the time he reaches your lips you can’t contain your sleepy smile. His laugh is deep and hearty between gentle kisses, coaxing you into opening your eyes.
“Good morning birthday girl,” he smiles. You squeeze your eyes shut and push your face up to his to nuzzle your nose against his, feeling extra cuddly from his wake up kisses.
“Good morning,” you reply
“Made you breakfast,” he says, you open your eyes and sit up with him.
“Oh! Thank you honey,” He brings a bread tray forward, loaded with a massive plate of what you correctly assume to be savory waffles, a bowl of fruit, and two cups of coffee. He sits on the bed cross legged in front of you, placing the tray between you.
You excitedly dig, enjoying the crispy exterior of the waffles and rich chocolate laced into the coffee. He sits back enjoying his coffee, and the fruits of his labor.
“Paz, there is so much of this. How early did you get up to pull all this off?” You ask, because even with both of you eating there is a lot of food.
“Not as early as you think, this is turning out to be more of a birthday brunch than a breakfast” he smiles sheepishly. You glance at the clock on his dresser. He’s right, it’s a quarter past 11. He let you sleep in well past your normal lazy day wake up time.
“I figured if I was going to make your favorite breakfast anyway, I might as well make a lot so we can save some for the next few days,” he explains
You can’t help but smile, it was a thoughtful gesture, but if he didn’t put them away soon you’d sit there and eat the whole platter full!
When the bunch was finished, you helped him take the dishes downstairs, despite his protests.
“It’s your day love, is there anything you’d like to do?” He asks while washing the utensils you’d used to eat.
“Well with all the fresh snow on the ground, I was thinking we could pull out the snow shoes and do a hike. We could try the lookout loop again,” you reply, peeking out the massive front window at the snowy driveway and dense forest just outside the cabin. While the ground may be covered in a thick blanket of snow, the sky is free of heavy cloud cover “it’s pretty clear out today, hopefully we’ll be able to see the valley this time,”
“Yeah, sounds great. I can pack the hiking bag if you want to go pull the snow shoes out from the equipment closet,” he tosses a tea towel over his shoulder. You nod and slammer off to find the snow shoes.
Half an hour later, you and Paz are sitting on the bench under the covered back porch wearing snow pants, lightweight thermal jackets, beanies and gloves; strapping the snowshoe attachments to your heavy snow boots. Paz carries the big hiking bag that houses your emergency supplies and water for the wintertime hike, while you carry the smaller bag that has snacks and a blanket for the look out point.
He gives you a hand up, and lets you lead the way to start out the hike. You’d done this hike together many times before, once you started moving you almost didn’t need to think about it. He fell in step just behind you and the two of you shared easy, fun conversation as you hiked the familiar path up the mountain. Air was still and cold, but you felt amazing, kept warm by your insulating layers and the movement of your body. This hike was beautiful as it is in the summer months, but winter was its own kind of beauty.
The last mile or so to reach the lookout point was the hardest part, Paz’s long strides made it somewhat easier for him and you laughed as he passed you on the uphill climb. Just like he always did. He welcomed you at the top with a gentle hand, leading you to the lookout point. This place was special to the two of you. You’d come up here dozens of times together, he’d proposed to you on this spot, and a year later you’d gotten married at the top of this mountain.
“You were right,” he said, directing your attention out over the valley. It was pristine and perfect. The valley was like a bowl, fully surrounded on all sides by steep snow capped mountains. The lake in the center was a deep dark inky black, without so much as a ripple on the water. The lack of breeze in the chilled air made everything still. It was absolutely gorgeous and exactly what you had been hoping for.
Paz helped ease the pack off your back, and fished the blanket out from the bottom. He did his best to dust off one of the massive boulders you often sat on when coming up here, and spread the blanket out over it.
You sat together on the blanket enjoying crisp apples, sour gummy worms, salty jerky and of course passing a thermos full of cocoa back and forth. The only acceptable lunch for a day hike you claimed.
Before long you and Paz packed up your blanket and small amount of trash back into the bag, and triple checked to make sure everything was just the way you had found it. Together you set off back down the mountain, leading for home.
As the two of you neared the edge of the forest, Paz reached out and snagged your arm.
“Shhh, look!” He whispered pointing through the trees towards the cabin. You followed his gaze and the direction of his finger. Your eyes went wide, and your jaw slacked in elated shock.
Through the trees you could see it, a massive bull moose, leisurely strolling through your backyard about 30 yards away from where you and Paz stood. You had to cover your mouth to suppress your giddiness. Moose are your favorite animal, and one of the more rare animals to see on this side of the mountain. This was the biggest one you’d ever seen, and certainly the closest you’d ever been to one.
Of course you were well aware of how dangerous they are, so being protected from its view by the trees at this comfortable distance was the best and safest scenario for you. But this was also the coolest, most exciting thing that had ever happened to you! Eventually the Moose trotted along and disappeared into the trees on the opposite side of the property. You shared a look with Paz.
“Oh my god! That was a little intense,” you said following him towards the house
“I know. I’ve never seen one that close in my life. I almost wish we’d had a camera,” he replied.
You sat together on the back porch once more, removing your snowshoes, and kicking the remaining snow off the bottom of your boots. Once inside both of you stripped out of your snow pants and coats, leaving you in base layers and socks. You hung up the heavy gear in the entryway closet, and collected the extra bits that could go in the wash like socks.
Paz approaches you leaned down a bit and kissed the top of your head.
“If you let me rinse off real quick, you can take a bath while I work on dinner,” he offers
You hum at the attention of his kisses, “How can I say no to that. Its a deal babe,”
True to his word, Paz jumps in for a very quick shower just to get the sweat off of his body. He emerges from the bathroom with wet hair and warm skin. He gives you one more lingering kiss before letting you run off to draw a fancy bath for yourself.
Meanwhile he busies himself in the kitchen to make sure he’s got enough time to finish dinner, that he had secretly already started that morning, as well as the dessert he had planned.
By the time you’re coming back downstairs looking very cozy in an oversized knit sweater and leggings, dinner is on the table and dessert is just going into the oven. The table is set for the two of you with your favorite meal, and a nice candle in the middle. You sidle up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“This is so romantic, you did all this for me?” You gaze lovingly at the beautiful dinner awaiting you.
“Of course,” he wraps his arms around you too, giving you a loving squeeze. He pulls away, and invites you to sit. The food is delicious, perfectly cooked just the way you like it. As you finish a timer goes off back in the kitchen.
You look past him into the kitchen, then turn your eyes back to him. “Paz?”
He grins mischievously, and gets up to pull dessert from the oven. It’s a small chocolate cake, and from the looks of it he’s attempted to make a lava cake with a gooey fudgy center. He turns it out onto a dish, and pulls the mold up and off it. He looks rather proud of himself. He sticks a single delicate white candle in the middle and deftly lights it. He sits it down in front of you with the warmest most genuine smile.
“Happy birthday baby,” he says “Don’t forget to make a wish,”
You giggle and give him a gentle smile, “I don’t know what more I could possibly wish for,” He grins at you. You do know what to wish for. You wish to be this happy every day. To feel this loved and cherished every moment for the rest of your days. You wish he would feel the same love and devotion coming from you. And you blow out the candle.
He produces two spoons and you share the dessert, finding its rich spongey cake to be without a shadow of a doubt the best dessert you’ve ever had. And you make sure to tell him that.
“I must be the most spoiled woman in the world. Breakfast, dinner and dessert! Will you at least let me help you do the dishes?” You ask when the plate has been all but licked clean of his chocolatey confection.
“Not a chance. You’re gonna go pick a movie,” he tells you, taking the plates into the kitchen to be washed. You laugh and shake your head, but acquiesce.
He joins you in the living room, and tumbles onto the couch pulling you on top of him to snuggle. In the end you choose an old favorite movie of yours, one that still makes you laugh despite the obviously terrible jokes. You’re half heartedly paying attention, more just basking in the warmth of Paz’s chest and the nostalgia of the film. Paz is not paying attention to the movie at all. He’s stroking your hair, and memorizing every detail of your face looking so blissful and content. Despite having been married for two years now, and together for two more, he could still spend an eternity studying your face and find something new or cute or amusing.
Your gaze drifted up to meet Paz, and your smile seemed to melt into a wider sleepier smile as you exhaled deeply.
“Good birthday?” He asks
“Mhm...” you nod “Perfect,”
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lin-kuei-scout · 3 years
Revival | Recollection [ CHAPTER 1 ]
Clarity, anger, guilt, frustration, worry. One after the other, she mulled her thoughts over, the silence between them only filled by the beeping of his heart monitor. Jax could guess the words that were going to leave her next: 
"Is… is that how you feel, too?" 
Characters: Jax Briggs, Sonya Blade Word Count: 2.5K Also on: Fanfiction.Net
Short piece focusing on Jax shortly after his revival. Next chapter will be featuring Scorpion and Jax talking things out.
Being alive… It was taking some being used to.
He, like the others, woke up isolated, hooked up to machines that beeped and flashed numbers, arms shackled to the bed only as a request that he stay where he is. At any other time in his life, Jax Briggs would find the bare medical decore of the Special Forces Infirmary off-putting and unnerving, a reminder of every decimating injury he and those he cared about suffered through.
But now? Now he couldn't tear his eyes away from his heart monitor, slowly sitting up, moving as if he could finally feel the weight of his own body. He was alive, he was breathing, he could think through the fog that had clouded his mind and soul for the first time in years.
And with thoughts came memories. Like a tidal wave, everything he'd done for Quan Chi…
"Oh god…"
It's a choked up sound, nausea and anguish, a bitter mix resting right at the back of the throat, threatening to come up if he breathed wrong. His hands clench the bed frame, seeking any sort of stability, but when his eyes glance over to them the feeling only gets worse. These were still the arms the sorcerer had given him, the same ones that -
Before his thoughts could spiral any further, the door to his side opens, and the sound of it almost escapes him, but he doesn't miss the voice of the person that had come in.
"Briggs." It's trained and contained, superficially devoid of emotion, a testing of the waters, but he knew that tone of voice. Knew who it belonged to. His head nearly snaps off from how quickly he turned to face it, his expression shifting through a myriad of emotions. He had so many things to say, so much to apologize for, so much to catch up on… So he settles on a tired, weary smile, and answers in turn.
"Lieutenant Blade."
That did it. For a moment, it looked like she was ready to bawl her eyes out right then and there, but with a deep shuddering breath and a moment spent with her eyes closed, Sonya eventually returned his smile, eyes watering still as she made her way over to him.
"It's… really you."
Jax just kept smiling, even as the corner of his lips faltered, his gaze returning to his hands, looking at them as if they were foreign before clenching and unclenching his fists. Avoiding Sonya's eyes, Jax can only sigh, smile finally dropping completely. "Doesn't feel like it. Everything's… blurry, but I can still remember every single thing I did… and without hesitation. What did he do to me, Sonya? What kind of monster was I? I know sorry won't cut it, but -"
"No, you're not giving me that crap, Jax." She punches his metal arm, and the dull metallic reverberation is enough to shut him up and listen as her face scrunches up in a pained expression. "That wasn't you, alright? That was Quan Chi using you, forcing you to do things you'd never agree to because he knew it would hurt you." Her gaze softens, then, "Hurt us. The fact that you're sitting here, looking like you're about to sob your heart out, is enough proof that that wasn't you, soldier."
He's quiet then, contemplative. It isn't enough to absolve his guilt, but it was enough to momentarily soothe the shock of being alive, cauterizing an emotional wound he would have to address properly later.
Finally, a low chuckle leaves him, the man shaking his head before looking at Sonya again. "Can't be taking it worse than the other guys, can I?" The exasperated body language that immediately took over her form tipped him off that he was right, but he could see when Sonya needed to rant - he was pretty sure she'd combust one day if she dealt with enough bullshit all at once.
"Actually, from me? You're getting top marks. Sub-Zero is still unconscious, so there's no saying how he'll react. Raiden says that he must 'join his mind to the body Quan Chi had constructed for him', whatever that means. And Scorpion's being…" Sonya mentally counts to ten, then sighs. "He set himself on fire and nearly killed two people, Kenshi had to knock him out. Twice. Raiden tried to speak to him after that, but it just threw him into another fit."
"... Damn."
"Yeah…" She shifts, then, her posture changing into something less confident, a rare glimpse of her being unsure. "I… this is going to make me sound like a bitch, but… I don't know what to do with him. No one knows. We went in hoping to resurrect everyone we lost, but it feels like we wasted that chance by resurrecting Scorpion instead, and the bastard acts like we did him a disservice.
"Meanwhile I can't just say it to his face that we didn't even mean to revive him, now can I? And we can't just let him go either, not without risking him just running back to Quan Chi and wasting all of our efforts." Jax can feel how much this is wearing on Sonya, and he understood her frustration so he lets her rant, but it's clear there was something on his mind. Although he would've waited for her to finish, Sonya doesn't keep going, instead looking at him and sighing again. "Go on, say what you're gonna say. I know that face."
"Look, I getcha, but he won't be running back to Quan Chi as fast as you think."
"... I'm not following, Jax." A deadpanned admission of her confusion, Sonya couldn't see where he was going with this, a hand on her hip as she scowled less at Jax and more at the concept of Scorpion going against her perception of him.
"I know Scorpion was the most… loyal of us, but he also seemed to be the only one of us that could think clearly, even if it didn't do him any good. All it meant was that he did the bastard's bidding unwillingly, was the only one of us that actively wanted to break away from Quan Chi." Unlike he, who felt nauseous at the gratefulness he remembered towards the necromancer. Everything he did…
"Then why is he throwing a fit when he got what he wanted? He's free of Quan Chi isn't he?" She snapped, and Jax almost laughed at her exasperation with the now living spectre, but the weight of his next words took the will to do so from him.
"... Pretty sure he wanted to die and stay dead, Sonya."
That seems to get through to her, and Jax could swear he heard her teeth clack together from how quickly she shut her mouth, lips trained into a tense thin line while her eyes showed the thoughts running through her mind. Clarity, anger, guilt, frustration, worry. One after the other, she mulled her thoughts over, the silence between them only filled by the beeping of his heart monitor. Jax could guess the words that were going to leave her next:
"Is… is that how you feel, too?"
Jax feels his eyes water, threatening to overflow with the emotions he was trying so hard to not acknowledge, and a metal hand goes to wipe at them, trying to pass it off as just him rubbing the bridge of his nose. It helped, somewhat, to have the cool metal press against his face.
"I don't really know how I'm feeling right now. I'm glad, Sonya, I'm really glad to be alive and myself again, but all I can think of is just… I don't even know how long I was dead for." His voice strains for a moment, but Jax refuses to let go of his composure and settles for just clearing his throat, sitting up to lean back against the wall behind him. His arms felt heavier than he remembered.
The same hand that punched his arm now rests on his shoulder, squeezes the muscle underneath, and Jax reaches up with his opposite hand to squeeze it in thanks. Whatever his emotions, he was here now, and he'd deal with things one step at a time. Or at the very least, try to.
"I can imagine it's a lot to take in at once. I'm sorry, you just woke up, I shouldn't have come in here only to immediately complain to you -"
He laughs, there, so genuinely that it startled both of them.
"Sonya, you acting like I'm still just me is what's keeping me sitting here in this bed and not throwing a fit like Scorpion is." He means it as a joke, mostly, but a thought worms it's way into his head. "I want to start catching up on everything I missed out on, see if anything that I know can be used against Quan Chi, I do, but right now… I just can't. This barely feels real." He squeezed the hand on his shoulder once more before letting go, resting his hands in his lap. "Part of me wants to go back to sleep, so sure this is just some kind of fucked up dream he conjured up, a taste of freedom to rip away from me."
Sonya crosses her arms at the waist, gaze resting on his heart monitor, swallowing down bouts of emotion that threatened her composure, ever unused to letting go of her detached military upbringing. She knew it wouldn't be easy, that getting them back was only part of the battle, but… she can't say she didn't hope things would be less taxing on them all.
"Well, it isn't, and I'll be glad to beat that into your head anytime you need me." She sits at the side of his bed, the mattress barely denting under her weight, and it was clear she was struggling still with being genuine, but making an effort. "I've missed you, Jax. I'm glad you're back." She doesn't reach for a hug, but Jax does, and she clings to his frame like she's afraid to let go. "It hasn't been the same without you."
"Missed you too."
They stay like that for nearly a minute, Jax just taking in the feel of a friendly touch, the warmth of another, and again he thinks on how Sonya is being his rock right now, a foundation for him to lean against while reality keeps shaking him down. Eventually, however, they must break apart, and Sonya is the first to do so, awkwardly clearing her throat as she stands, looking around the room.
"I should… probably let you rest some more. You'll have to go through a proper mental and physical examination, and after that I'm sure you'll be swarmed with visits. Johnny said -"
"God, please, anyone but him."
Sonya cracks a smile again, shaking her head. "He said Raiden wanted to talk to you too, once you were ready. Johnny just sent his well wishes from his own infirmary room." Ah, right, Jax stabbed him didn't he? But before he can mull on the guilt that lays there, Sonya raises her hand. "He's fine, Raiden healed the worst of it, and he doesn't blame you, trust me." It doesn't help as much as he wants it to help, but it's enough to push the thoughts into the back of his mind, at least for now. "Is there anything you need or want, before I go? Food, water? I could probably get a TV in here -"
"I'm good, I'm good. I feel like watching the news right now would be a bit much to take in." He wasn't hungry just yet, but he had a feeling he'd be starving sooner or later, once his body realized they had to eat to live again. "I do have a question, though. Before I have to talk to everyone, deal with all the medical bullshit…" The thought that had crawled into his mind earlier, at his comment aimed at Scorpion, wormed its way to the forefront of his mind. "Do you think I could talk to Scorpion? Alone?"
That gives Sonya pause, her brows furrowing in mild confusion and doubt, but her expression softens when she looks at Jax, remembering what he'd told her just a few moments ago. Still, she can't help but worry. "Are you sure? He's a danger to himself and others, Jax. What do you think talking to him will accomplish?"
"I know, I heard ya." He leans his head back against the wall, tilting it up and squinting at the bright white lights illuminating the room. "But this is less about me talking him down and more about… I don't know. Talking to someone who was there with me, understands what I went through." There, he lowers his eyes from the lights to Sonya's face, noting how she was visibly chewing on her cheek as she argued with herself. "And if talking to me manages to calm him down? That'll just be a bonus."
"... Fine. I'll see what I can do." Eventually, Sonya relented, shaking her head as her hand came to rest on her hip again. Their second next bet on dealing with Scorpion was having Kenshi try to talk to him in his dreams, but it was clear that just keeping the living wraith in control was already taxing on the telepath. "But if he as much as looks at you funny -"
"I'll smack him upside the head myself, Sonya." She scowled at him, and Jax let out a short huff of a laugh. "Wrong answer, got it. I'll leave him alone, I promise. I'm not exactly itching to experience third-degree burns."
That seems to appease her, even if her unamused frown remained. "I'll hold you to that, Jax." With that, she turned on her heels and headed out of the room, but she lingered on the doorway, hand resting in front of the sensors to keep the door open. There was clearly so much on her mind, but all she offered him was a tired smile. "I'll see you later. Rest up, soldier."
A mock salute was his reply, and he only dropped it once Sonya was out of sight, the doors closing behind her. Immediately, he laid back down, breathing in and exhaling a deep, drawn-out sigh that seemed to completely deflate him. His thoughts were a mess, and his emotions were an even bigger one, but… that was good, right? It meant he was himself again.
Or so he hoped.
Next Chapter: [ WIP ]
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krat395 · 3 years
Gorgeously Glamorous Gargalesis (Chapter 5)
Mettaton! Mettaton is the special guest, beauties and gentlebeauties! :D In “W.D. Gaster, the Ultimate Tickle Master” and “Tickles of Justice,” it was mentioned that the glamorous robot himself tickled both Asriel and MK a few days before the events of both of those stories. Sounds adorable, right? But wouldn’t you like to know more about what happened that day? If yes, then now’s your chance! :D Starting with this chapter, find out exactly how Mettaton tickled those two boys! ;)
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
 Chapter 5: Giggles, Laughter, Cuteness!
 After a wholesome meal and a trial run for a future episode of "Cooking With a Killer Robot," it is now time for the main event! :D In the living room, Asriel and MK, who are currently sitting in separate chairs next to the couch, and Rocco, Lydia, and Rex (with his two favorite toy in close proximity), who are currently sitting on the couch, are all eagerly waiting for Mettaton to perform for them and during this performance, Mettaton will primarily be in his EX form. He may need to change into the rectangle form at least once during the performance but the NEO form on the other hand is off limits. For what he has planned for Asriel and MK, he doesn't want to get too carried away.
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* All right, beauties and gentlebeauties; it's time! It's time for the moment we've all been waiting for! And for this performance, I'll need two volunteers from the audience. *said Mettaton charismatically, stretching his arms and placing his hands on MK and Asriel's shoulders; his left hand on MK's right shoulder and his right hand on Asriel's left shoulder*
 Asriel: Wait, you want me and MK to be your volunteers?! *asked Asriel both confusedly and nervously*
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Yes, darling. You got a problem with that?
 MK: No; no problem, Mettaton. *MK answered for Asriel* We just thought you were going to ask my parents to volunteer instead.
 Mettaton: No! No adults. Not for this performance. No, for this performance, I need kids as my volunteers!
 Asriel: Rex is a kid. *Asriel pointed out*
 Mettaton: Yes, but he's far too young. For this performance, I need kids around your age, precious goat child.
 Asriel: Oh. Oh, I see. Ok, fair enough. So, what would you like us to do, Mettaton?
 Mettaton: W-well, s-stand up first of all. *Mettaton requested, struggling to contain his excitement*
 Asriel and MK then did as Mettaton requested. Then after standing up, they moved about 7 feet away from the couch, giving Lydia, Rocco, and Rex (and Darius and a special toy weapon); the audience; a remarkable view of the upcoming performance from a relatively safe distance. Then while standing still in front of the audience and also facing towards them; Asriel on the left and MK on the right from the audience's perspective; Mettaton scanned their bodies with a green laser from his left eye; every inch, from their heads all the way down to their toes. This confused Asriel and MK. "What the heck is he doing?" the two monster boys wondered as Mettaton scanned their entire bodies with a thin green laser. That's a good question! And lucky for them, they won't have to wait too long to receive an answer! ;)
 Mettaton: ………Oh my! That's… wow! *said Mettaton moments after he finished scanning the boys, clearly surprised about something*
 Asriel and MK: What? What is it?! *the two boys asked, concerned about the current situation they're in*
 Mettaton: Oh, n-nothing, darlings. It's nothing. *lied Mettaton* Forget I said anything.
 MK: Uh, ok? Mom?
 Lydia: Heeheehee! Listen to Mettaton, boys; because I think you're really going to love what he's about to do. I know I will. *said Lydia cheekily, sitting on the couch next to Rocco with her feet resting on a footrest* Heeheeheeheehee! *she giggled, wiggling her 6 toes teasingly*
 Rocco: Hehe; me too! It's gonna be lots of fun! *Rocco chimed in with a smile, his big feet resting on the same footrest alongside Lydia's* Hahahahaha! *he laughed, wiggling his 6 toes teasingly with Rex sitting comfortably on his lap*
 Asriel and MK: Heh. Well alrighty then! *said the two boys excitedly, with some idea of what's about to happen* Heeheeheehee!
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Wonderful, darlings! Now just one last thing before we start. As I enter the living room, read these lines with me, will you? A performance like this needs a stellar introduction, don't you think? *claimed Mettaton as he handed both Asriel and MK pieces of paper*
 Asriel: Hehe. Sure thing! You can count on us!
 MK: Heh. Nice reference, Mettaton. *said MK after reading the lines on his piece of paper*
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Thanks, darling. And hopefully Rex will like it too.
 MK: Heeheehee! Oh, he will! Heeheeheehee!
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Excellent.
 And with that, Mettaton left the living room for a brief moment. When it comes to performing for others, he always likes to perform as if he's performing on stage. That means announcing his arrival and introducing himself to his audience beforehand. But in this case however, he just wants an excuse to show off what he can do with his stretchy arms from a distance and that's actually when the real fun began. ;)
 Mettaton: ...Are you ready, kids? *asked Mettaton the moment he re-entered the living room*
 Asriel and MK: Heck yeah, Mettaton!
 Mettaton: I can't hear you! *said Mettaton in a singsongy voice*
 Mettaton: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! Glad to hear that, darlings! *effeminate laugh*
 At that moment, Mettaton stretched his left arm over towards Asriel's neck and his right arm over towards MK's right collar bone. Then without warning, he tickled the two boys on those exact spots, surprising the hell out of them and sending them into fits of frantic laughter as they involuntarily sank to the floor until they were lying flat on their backs. The boys had a feeling that Mettaron was going to be tickling someone but they were under the impression that the targets were going to be Rocco and Lydia's feet; due to how they spoke and how they teasingly wiggled their toes on the footrest earlier. But nope! Just a ruse! And to make matters worse, Mettaton knows exactly how ticklish they are and the exact spots to tickle to really get them squealing and squirming! All thanks to a built-in scanning device of his that allows him to scan individuals with a green laser. He used it to find out how ticklish Muffet is last Thursday at her place and earlier, he used it to find out exactly how ticklish Asriel and MK are. But this time, without the built-in voice that speaks before and after the device is used! After doing some tinkering last Sunday after LARPing with Papyrus and friends, Mettaton disabled it! That and he built some (safe) tickling contraptions that will be put to good use later this evening. Yeah, no joke! After losing his arms and legs on numerous occasions (the former more often than the latter), Mettaton felt the need to learn about robotics; so he can repair himself in any one of his three forms if necessary rather than rely on Alphys to repair him. That and to build contraptions that can tickle others. And he's learned so much that he's become a rather skilled engineer himself! But Asriel and MK won't know or believe that until Mettaton tickles them with his latest creations later; later because Mettaton would first like to tickle the boys with his fingers and a magical ability he didn't use on Muffet last week.
 Mettaton: Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! *teased Mettaton, tickling Asriel and MK everywhere on their necks and torsos with his wiggly fingers; with extra special attention to their most ticklish spots*
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* I call it, "GORGEOUSLY GLAMOROUS GARGALESIS!" Do you like it?
 Mettaton: Awww! Yes, you do. Don't lie. *teased Mettaton, knowing very well that Asriel's response was an involuntary reaction to the tickles* Don't lie, precious goat child. *he cooed, right as he began circling his index fingers around both boys' bellybuttons*
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Lucky guess, precious lizard child! *lied Mettaton*
 Mettaton: Ok, fine, I'll tell you! *said Mettaton, despite the fact that MK, or anyone for that matter, didn't pester him to reveal the truth XD* That green laser I scanned you with; I used it to find out where you boys are ticklish. I can show your sensitivity charts after these first two minutes are over. Would you like me to? Please say yes.
 The boys agreed; not just because they didn't have a choice but to say yes but also because they're quite curious to find out if Mettaton is actually capable of finding out exactly how ticklish someone is just by scanning them. And to their surprise, he is! And all Mettaton had to do to convince them was show them their sensitivity charts. He even scanned Rocco, Lydia, and Rex's bodies just for good measure. All while holding both Asriel and MK against the floor. He can't exactly have them escaping at any moment, now can he? Not when the fun is just getting started! ;)
 MK: Holy moly, Mettaton! *said MK, astonished by how accurate his and Asriel's (and Rocco's and Lydia's and Rex's) sensitivity charts are* H-how?! W-why?!
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Ask these beauties, darlings.
 At that moment, Mettaton deployed his backup arms! Twice the hands; double the tickles! ;)
 Mettaton: Mwahahahahahahaha! *laughed Mettaton "evilly," holding up his two extra hands and wiggling his fingers with an "I'm going to tickle you again!" expression on his face* Ready boys?
 Asriel and MK ……… (HOLY MOLY! METTATON! *gulp* :O)
 The boys were completely speechless the moment they saw Mettaton with two pairs of arms. They literally didn't know what to think! Should they be nervous? Excited? They just didn't know! But they didn't really have any time to think about it because about 5 seconds after they saw Mettaton's second pair of arms, Mettaton tickled the two boys themselves with them in addition to his primary pair of arms, wiggling his fingers all over their necks and torsos once again; armpits, ribs, bellies, sides, everywhere!
 Asriel and MK: PFFFFFFFFF… BWAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *the two little monster boys laughed once again; nearly jolting backwards along the floor due to more wiggly fingers "attacking" their weak points on their necks and torsos*
 Asriel: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! *bleated Asriel in between spurts of frantic laughter, both sets of Mettaton's left hand fingers tracing against his sensitive skin and through his fluffy fur * HAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *SNORT* *SNORT* BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! HAHAHAHAAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA!!!
 The boys were in stitches. Whether Mettaton's fingers were tracing against their torsos on the outside of their shirts or underneath their shirts, the boys were in absolute stitches. They're so ticklish, those two boys! Adorably ticklish! Their bubbly laughter and heart-melting expressions and movements as Mettaton tickles them say it all! And Mettaton just can't get enough of them! X3 He especially adores the way they both wag their tails while they're being tickled. Asriel's short fluffy tail, MK's long scaly tail; if they're wagging fast, that means Mettaton, or whoever's tickling the boys for that matter, hit a sweet spot. X3
 2 minutes later, Mettaton gave MK a breather so he could put all of his focus into tickling Asriel for a few minutes. But he didn't want MK to escape while he was tickling Asriel though. Not that MK would for sure try to escape but why take the chance? So to keep MK where he currently is, Mettaton summoned 16 MINIATURE VERSIONS OF HIS RECTANGLE FORM; "mini mes" as Mettaton likes to call them and the same miniature robots he used during his battle with Frisk; to hold him down, which they all did with incredible ease.
 MK: EEEEEEEEP! Mettaton! *shouted MK, struggling to free his tail, legs, and robotic arms from the mini Mettatons' surprisingly strong grasps* Oh my gosh, you're not… you're not gonna t-tickle us with these things, a-are you?
 Mettaton: Hahahaha! Maybe. ……...Ok, fine, I'll tell you! Yes! Yes, I am!
 Once again, nobody pestered Mettaton to reveal his intentions. XD Mettaton isn't the best at keeping secrets. He never was. That isn't to say that he blurts out every personal secret of his or every secret he hears from others. He can keep some secrets to himself but certainly not every secret. :B
 Mettaton: ...But not right this second! First, I want to tickle you like I'm the big brother you both view me as; despite the fact that I happen to be 9 and a half years younger than the lovely lizard lady in the audience (and 15 years younger than that handsome chef sitting next to her). Hahahahaha!
 Lydia: Oh my; Mettaton. *said Lydia, blushing red* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Rocco: Hey! That's my wife and your "mother" you're talking about there, “son!” *teased Rocco*
 Like Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys, Mettaton is like an older sibling to the Dreemurr kids and MK. But unlike Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys, who have all been classified as "A-team siblings" by Frisk and Chara, Mettaton, along with Blooky and Muffet, is classified as a "B-team sibling." It's nothing personal against the glamorous robot, shy ghost, and cheeky spider girl themselves. It's just that Frisk and Chara are much closer to everyone's favorite wacky skeleton duo, the strong fish warrior, and the nerdy lizard scientist.
 Mettaton: Hahahahaha! Sorry, "Daddy!" *Mettaton teased back, saying "Daddy" in a way that made Rocco feel somewhat uncomfortable* And sorry for what I'm about to do to you, my fluffy "little brother!" *he then said to Asriel, pinning the fluffy boy's arms above his head with his (Mettaton's) backup hands to expose his (Asriel's) extremely sensitive armpits* Hahahahahaha! Get ready! IIIIIIIIIT'S SHOWTIME!!!
 At that moment, Mettaton dug both of his primary sets of fingers into the hollows of both of Asriel's armpits. With his arms pinned down, there was nothing Asriel could do to fight back. Just laugh; and laugh he did! It was so precious and hysterical and Mettaton focused solely on his armpits for an entire minute, relishing in the angelic sound that was laughter all the while. It wasn't until the second minute that Mettaton focused on the other areas of his torso, particularly his ribs and belly. But during the entirety of the second minute, Mettaton tickled Asriel with all four of his hands, causing the young goat boy's laughter to double in volume and also bleat and squeal at the top of his diaphragm. Twenty fingers tickling his ultra-sensitive torso; not the largest number of fingers from a single individual Asriel's been tickled by but certainly enough to make someone as ticklish as Asriel laugh their head off and Mettaton tickled numerous spots at once on Asriel's torso too. One moment that really got Asriel laughing to the point that he couldn't speak was when Mettaton pulled his shirt halfway up, exposing his fluffy belly, and then scribbled his primary sets of fingers all over his belly. But that wasn't all though. In addition to the belly tickles, Mettaton also kneaded Asriel's ribs with his secondary sets of fingers on the outside of his shirt.
 Mettaton: Hahahaha! Your fur is so soft, darling! No wonder your sisters and Muffet love petting you so much! *said Mettaton with a giggle, causing Asriel to blush red with embarrassment and wonder if Muffet blabbed to Mettaton about the time she and her spiders first tickled him*
 Muffet may have told Mettaton about the times she pet Asriel but rest assured, she didn't say a single word to Mettaton about tickling him on a few occasions. It wasn't until today that Mettaton found out how ticklish Asriel is and where he's ticklish and after tickling him for 6 minutes so far, he was happy to see that his sensitivity scanner is still accurate. But just to be extra sure, he felt the need to blow some raspberries on Asriel's belly for 30 seconds as well as tickle his ears for 30 seconds; particularly the tips.
 Mettaton: Pbffffffffff… Pbfffffffffff… Pbfffffffffff!
 Mettaton: And now the earsies! *said Mettaton in a singsongy voice, holding Asriel's ears in his hands and wiggling his thumbs up and down every possible inch of them* Hahahahahaha!
 Immediately after Mettaton finished tickling Asriel, he turned his attention over to MK, pinning the young reptilian boy's robotic arms above his head with his backup pair of hands to expose his armpits while sending the mini Mettatons over to Asriel to hold the young goat boy himself against the floor. Then once Mettaton assured that neither boy could escape, he wiggled his 10 primary fingers in the hollows of MK's armpits, tickling him and making him wiggle, squiggle, and laugh frantically like the ticklish lizard boy he is. But that wasn't all Mettaton did though for one whole minute though. In addition, he wiggled his fingers up and down MK's sides, causing the young boy's laughter to increase in volume the closer he got towards his hips.
 Mettaton: Hahahahaha! It's supposed to, darling! *teased Mettaton, right as he made his way towards MK's hips* Hahahahaha! Coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo!
 After one minute, Mettaton let go of MK's wrists and used all four hands to tickle MK; everywhere on his neck, torso, and hips; and as expected, MK laughed harder and his laughter increased in volume. Twenty fingers wiggling against his scaly skin, on the outside of his striped shirt as well as underneath his striped shirt, tickled him so much and to MK's horror, Mettaton did not let up at any point with them for one whole minute. He enjoys being tickled and all but Mettaton attacking so many sweet spots of his at once is simply too much for him to handle. Especially during the moment when Mettaton lifted MK's striped shirt up enough to expose his scaly belly! After lifting MK's shirt, Mettaton absolutely wrecked MK when he wiggled his primary sets of fingers against his belly and kneaded his hips with his backup sets of fingers; tickling him so much that he wound up "singing" like his father does whenever someone tickles him underneath his toes with utensils!
 Mettaton: Ohohohoh my! Hahahahahaha! Whahahahat on earth was that, darling? *asked Mettaton while laughing, caught off guard by MK's "singing"* Hahahahahahahaha!
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheehee! You made him "sing," Mettaton! Heeheeheehee!
 Rocco: Hahahahaha! Yeah, like me! *admitted Rocco; albeit inadvertently XD* Hahahahahaha! Wait! Oh my god, why the hell did I tell you that?! *he then asked worriedly after realizing what he just said*
 Mettaton: Hahahahaha! Coochie coochie coo! "Sing" for me again, darling! *teased Mettaton as he tickled MK once more, appearing to have ignored what Rocco just told him* Hahahahaha!
 After tickling MK's neck, torso, and hips with his 20 fingers for one whole minute, Mettaton blew raspberries on MK's scaly belly for 30 seconds. Then after blowing raspberries, he tickled MK's tail for 30 seconds; every inch from its base all the way to its tip.
 Mettaton: Pbfffffffffff… Pbffffffffffff… Pbffffffffff…
 Rocco: Hahaha! Who says you need lungs to blow raspberries? Hahahahaha!
 30 seconds later…
 30 seconds later, Mettaton stopped tickling MK, much to MK's relief, but only long enough to give him a much needed breather and as MK rested, Mettaton kept his mini Mettatons on both him and Asriel at all times.
 Mettaton: Hahahahaha! You're certainly a ticklish little boy, aren't you? You and Asriel both... Hahahahaha!
 MK: Huff… huff… huff… Yes! Huff… huff… Yes, I am ridiculously ticklish! Huff… huff… And, oh my gosh, Mettaton… huff… I'm so sorry I tried to bite you… huff… and hit you! *MK apologized, feeling guilty that he inadvertently tried to hurt Mettaton* Huff… huff…
 Mettaton: Pfft. Oh, don't worry about it, darling. I know you didn't mean to. Lots of kids act crazy when they're being tickled! Believe me, I know! You should've seen the fight your friend, Kyle, put up last Thursday! "Hahahahaha! Mehehehettaton, stohohohop! Hahahaha! Stohohohop, pleeheeheease! Hahahahahaha! Yohohou're gonna make meeheeheehee peeheeheehee my pahahahants!" Ergh! I didn't know, ok? You don't see monster children doing anything like that!
 Asriel: *gasp* Mettaton! Oh my god! You… you didn't actually make Kyle pee his pants, did you? That kid's almost as ticklish as I am, you know!
 Lydia: No, my dear. Patty and I stopped him before anything happened. *Lydia answered for Mettaton while shooting a death glare at the robot celebrity himself for blabbing to her older son and Asriel about the incident with Kyle last Thursday*
 Asriel: Whew! Thank goodness!
 MK: Wait! You were here last Thursday too, Mettaton?! What for?! Surely you didn't show up here just to tickle Kyle!
 Since Mettaton wanted showing up and tickling MK to be a surprise and since Lydia didn't want to embarrass Kyle in any way, MK and Asriel were not informed of the incident where Mettaton tickled Kyle until he nearly peed his pants. That was thoughtful of Lydia. Very thoughtful indeed! X3 It’s just too bad Mettaton ruined it by blabbing about that close call Kyle had last Thursday. :B
 Mettaton: No, it was supposed to be you, MK! You deserved more tickles as fun punishment for what you, Frisk, Chara, and Blooky all did to me last Wednesday but you weren't here! And neither was your dad to ask him if he wanted to be on my cooking show!
 Lydia: That is true, yes. But aren't you glad that you waited until today to do all of the things you wanted to do last Thursday, Mettaton?
 Mettaton: Hahahaha! Why, of course I am! If I didn't wait until today, I wouldn't have been able to……… tickle Asriel as well! (Ehehehehe. Whoops! Almost spoiled the secret!) Hahahahahaha!
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee! Ain't that the truth! *said Asriel excitely, wiggling his six fluffy toes in an unintentional teasing manner* Heeheeheeheehee!
 What Mettaton was about to say was that if he didn't wait until today to tickle MK, he wouldn't have been able to tickle the young lizard boy himself (and Asriel) with the tickling contraptions he built recently; because he didn't start building them until last Friday afternoon; sometime after being tickle tortured by Muffet's spiders and after making more progress on his LARPing costume with help from Papyrus. Whatever these contraptions are, it sounds like the boys will surely be in for a treat. But not until first receiving some tickles from the mini Mettatons that are currently holding both of them against the floor. Mettaton may not have tickled Muffet with them last Thursday but he'll certainly tickle Asriel and MK with them today! ;)
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itsbenedict · 3 years
Two-Faced Jewel: Session 3
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A half-elf conwoman (and the moth tasked with keeping her out of trouble) travel the Jewel in search of, uh, whatever a fashionable accessory is pointing them at. [Campaign log]
Saelhen and Looseleaf, having acquired a band of allies to keep them safe on their entirely bogus quest to fulfill "Lady Noeru's" succession rite on behalf of the college, set out on Suika Highway towards the jungles of Thunderbrush. On the road, they face two extremely deadly combat encounters.
After checking in on the writhing hellpit they opened in Yoshimimoto Plaza (it's under control, they threw some nets over it), the party heads out onto the highway. Customs by the overland roads couldn't give less of a damn what they're bringing out of the city, so there's no scrutiny and they're well on their way.
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A good thirty miles or so into the grassland, and the party has to make a perception check. Looseleaf is the one to nail it- her antennae pick up on a suspicious rustling in the tall grass by the side of the road. And even those with slightly worse rolls notice...
There's a green dragon circling lazily in the sky above them. This is bad, because dragons are... well, chromatic dragons like this green one are malevolent and extremely deadly giant monsters, is the main reason, but the other reason is that dragons are... cursed, is what the common understanding is.
To speak with a dragon is to be condemned to some sort of great misfortune, brought about by your own hand. You know the Simurgh from Worm? Listen to its song for too long, and you become sort of a sleeper agent of self-destructive carnage? It's like a diet version of that. Whatever path your conversation with the dragon puts you on, it's invariably bad for you, somehow. The metallic dragons, who're ostensibly "good", will still ruin your life in some way just by talking to you, even if your immolation does some good for the world on the way out. Nobody wants to talk to a dragon.
Luckily, they don't have to- this one seems content to circle way up in the sky, not saying a word to them. Instead, they just get attacked by a direwolf and several horrible monsters.
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The whole party botches their Arcana rolls to determine what the heck these things are.
Benedict I. (GM): None of you have any idea what these things are. They're small, roughly humanoid, and... they look sort of like they're made of mud and tangled grass. They're wielding knives, some multiple knives to a hand, and they look vaguely ethereal, not quite real- possibly animated by something. The dire wolf is, of course, charging you- and the other monsters are following suit. They screech and hiss with obvious hostile intent. Roll initiative!
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The party dismounts from their giraffes, since they're not trained for combat and the party isn't trained in mounted combat.
Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Ruffians," she mutters, with the approximate tone a non-elf might use to say "fuckers."
The party's two new melee combatants take up position in the front, while Vayen... stands behind the giraffes, doing nothing. The direwolf lunges, closes in, and... misses entirely, as Oyobi dodges gracefully out of the way. Razzafrazzin' elves...
Then it's Orluthe's turn, and he...
Benedict I. (GM): Orluthe looks around nervously- not at the wolves, but at the party. "Don't... tell anyone about this," he says, and pulls something from his pack. It's a warball helmet. Custom-forged. Looseleaf: Uh. Okay? Is what Looseleaf thinks, in response to this. Benedict I. (GM): I... don't think either of you two would have the context to know what this means, but Oyobi's jaw is on the floor. Looseleaf:Didn't realize that playing warball was apparently something to be ashamed of! Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Your weird secret is safe with me," whispers Saelhen, in the bushes. Benedict I. (GM): Orluthe dons the helmet, and as he does so, he seems to grow larger. There's a shift in his stance, and you hear a growl from beneath the helmet. He howls- and Zero, you're in control of his combat actions here. So what's he do?
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Orluthe(?) goes ahead and attacks with his halberd, and- being a paladin- opts to SMITE. He impales the thing and burns its wound with divine magic for more than half its health- and then Oyobi's turn comes up and she slices the thing open with her longsword. The party's choice of allies specialized in melee fight seems to be paying off!
Of course, now the other monsters get to take their turn, being unfortunately still alive. One charges at Orluthe and whiffs, but the other... uses some sort of crude slingshot, and hurls some sort of crackling ball of energy at Looseleaf.
Benedict I. (GM): Being hit by this thing suddenly makes you seize up. You remember... Looseleaf, tell me about a time you wanted some physical object very very badly, but didn't get it. Something it hurt you to not have. Looseleaf: Once, when Looseleaf was young, there was a traveling caravan that brought into town a collection of what looked like books for sale. Looseleaf being herself, she of course wanted to buy some of them- but nobody in town would let her go near the vendor! Something about 'inappropriate for young childrens' eyes' and 'mature content warnings'. To this day she's still more than a bit resentful of that, and also she has no idea that the traveling caravan vendor was actually selling basically porn mags. Her memories are interspliced with imaginary counterfactual ideas of what might have been in those books, which are almost certainly not at all what the books actually contained. Benedict I. (GM):You remember that incident, vividly. All that emotional pain, compressed into a single instant of agonizing desire. It leaves you momentarily short of breath, and you take three psychic damage.
Looseleaf attempts to retaliate, but scores, um... a critical failure.
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Luckily, that's the last thing these monsters have go right for them- the next few turns are a barrage of successful attacks and AoOs from the party's heavy hitters. Orluthe cuts one in half, provoking a disturbingly human-sounding ghostly wail as it dies. Saelhen throws a dagger from her hiding place in the grass, and...
Benedict I. (GM): Nice! The second dagger takes off this thing's head. It hits the ground with a squelch, and there's another human cry of agony. farnham: "HAH," goes what must be a very large and triumphant and majestic bird in the brush.
As soon as the combat is over, Orluthe returns to normal, and the dragon circling overhead... just flies away, apparently losing interest. Wonder what that's about.
Looseleaf attempts to Soul Read the corpses to learn more about why they were attacked, but unfortunately... the wolf corpse doesn't remember anything unusual that stood out to the spirits of its decaying body parts, and the spirits of the mud and grass left behind by the other monsters only recall being uprooted from the ground and forced to attack people- the spirits animating them seem to be gone.
They are able to figure out what those things were, though- they were Greed Echoes- some sort of evil spirits that echo strong emotions they encountered, and form homunculus bodies with which to act on those emotions. Greed Echoes like these were probably leftover from highwaymen and bandits who've attacked travelers on this road before- playing out their ugliest intentions.
It's weird, though- these are the grasslands, not the mountains. Monsters like these tend to come up out from below mountains, so it's not too common to see so many of them this far from where they spawn.
Moving on, the party reaches a point where the wild grasses suddenly stop, replaced by a uniform tall green grass- corn, apparently. Cornfields mean farmers, and farmers mean civilization.
Saelhen du Fishercrown: "How delightfully rustic." Benedict I. (GM): It's not much longer before you see buildings down the road- it looks like the center of a farming village. There's a sign, as you enter the town- "WELCOME TO CORN". Saelhen du Fishercrown: "...how rustic."
They roll into town and notice not much of interest- it's a pretty standard farming village, with a Temple of Diamode (the hypertraditionalist family-values goddess Orluthe claims to be a cleric of), an inn (apparently very busy, with a lot of people going between it and the temple), and a branch of the Deathseekers' Guild (the adventurers' guild, which is very up-front about how dangerous it is to fight monsters as a career).
Orluthe looks a little nervous around the temple, so they head first to the inn. They enter, and they're immediately met with a riot of colors. The inn is packed with halflings in fancy outfits. Not like, rich people fancy, but down-home farmer fancy. Lots of flower patterns and the like. There's a band playing music in the back, and a bunch of halflings dancing while others chug whiskey and hoot and holler. The human innkeeper is struggling to keep up with all the mugs that need washing.
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Discounts are in the cards, though- the bearded guy with the whiskey steins is happy to see out-of-towners joining the celebrations- a very proud father, he is, as his son Merrick was just married. This is the wedding reception, and in his mind, the more the merrier.
He puts forth something of a challenge: his son claims that city folk can't dance, see, and he, a dissenting opinion, wants to demonstrate otherwise. So, if the party can defeat his son and daughter-in-law in a dance-off... he'll pay for the night's stay!
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How does a dance-fight work? Exactly the same as a normal combat, except the hit points are made up and the actual stats don't matter. You substitute your performance modifier on your rolls! Maybe you have a battleaxe, so you roll to attack with your battleaxe, and what that really means is you're doing a wild swinging dance move that really wows the crowd.
Enemies, meanwhile, know different "dance styles", inspired by CR-appropriate monsters I picked out of the monster manual to non-literally fight in a nonlethal dance battle. The happy couple are a pair of Duergar warriors, squaring off against the party's two squishies.
The combat is- well, there's not much to it, just a bunch of back-and-forth attack rolls, ultimately decided by clever use of flanking and attacks of opportunity. Looseleaf tries her best, but her Performance modifier isn't nearly as high as Saelhen's, as she's not the daughter of Kanzentokai's Dance Emperor. She does do a cool thing where she leaps into the air and does a wing-assisted pirouette thing, but all that accomplishes is taking her out of the fight for a bit- and concentrating fire on Saelhen.
Their rolls are pretty bad for a while, but things turn around once they outmaneuver their foes and pull off some attacks of opportunity.
Benedict I. (GM): So, you two- describe your combo dance move that totally floors these two. With musical accompaniment, s'il vous plait Looseleaf: okay you know how in ballet there's a move that's, like, one dancer picks up the other dancer and hoists them in the air turns out that move is a lot more effective if the lifting dancer literally has wings. Saelhen du Fishercrown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRoWiTcO7dk Saelhen gladly lifts Looseleaf, and for good measure gives her a little acrobatic toss and flips her in midair, catching her on the drop. Looseleaf: just to add insult to injury, looseleaf uses a whole conjunction of her fancy-schmancy special effects spells- minor illusion to create the effect of golden butterflies flapping around themselves, druidcraft alongside her wingbeat to scatter a bunch of her seeds and have them bloom into flower instantly Saelhen du Fishercrown: She's breathing heavily but... actually enjoying herself, despite the obvious competitive streak motivating all this. Looseleaf: it's a lot of visual spectacle on top of the move itself, and that's what puts the icing on the cake. Benedict I. (GM): There's raucous applause from the audience, and Aridrey is beginning to flag. She laughs, and- it's all she can do to keep up with Merrick, who's himself starting to have trouble keeping up.
(Meaning, while she's still his dance partner, she's "out", and no longer a battlefield presence.) Merrick, wifeless, tries to counterattack, and...
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...makes the mistake of trying to copy their moves.
Benedict I. (GM): He hoists Aridrey above his head, and tries to spin her around the same way, and... they've been dancing all day, they're tired, and this is their first real attempt to improvise. "Wh- Merrick, wait-" Saelhen du Fishercrown: MERRICK I'M SO SORRY Benedict I. (GM): And she collapses on top of him, to laughter from everyone, particularly his dad. Saelhen du Fishercrown: (saelhen stifles giggles extremely well because a noble lady would never)
The battle seems more or less over, but Merrick is determined to see this through- breaking into a furious solo jig that puts the floor in grave danger of scuffing. None of his efforts land attacks, though- ultimately, Saelhen finishes the fight by delivering the ultimate humiliation- successfully copying his moves, a storm of fancy footwork. When the dust clears, the jig... is up.
Benedict I. (GM): His father laughs. "What'd I tell you, son? Don't get a big head, aye?" He slaps five gold pieces down on the counter. "Get 'em some rooms, Jonnem!" Merrick... he's been thoroughly humiliated, and doesn't take Saelhen's hand at first. Then Aridrey comes over and pulls him to his feet. "C'mon, honey. Grace, right?" Merrick vibrates for a moment, then lets out a sigh. He goes to shake your hand. "...Ffffffffine dancing," he says. Looseleaf: "That was a lot of fun!" Looseleaf is vibrating like crazy. Just hopping all over the place, like she hasn't quite gotten the dance bug out of her system yet.
Saelhen du Fishercrown: ("For what it's worth, man," she whispers, letting her gracious victor's smile collapse into a slightly shit-eating kind of grin. "That could've gone either way.") Benedict I. (GM): Meanwhile, Oyobi and Orluthe... I was going to say the outcome of their match would match yours, and I guess I'll stick to that, but Orluthe does not know how to dance, and Oyobi is drunk as hell. Orluthe may not know how to dance, but he knows how to hold on for dear life, and keep Oyobi vaguely upright as she flails around wildly. It's probably for the best that Saelhen's attention was elsewhere, because she would not have been able to keep a straight face at Oyobi's scandalous dance moves. Whatever's going on over there, the crowd is loving it- so all together, that's another 400 XP divided four ways.
With that victory, the party gets to stay the night for free. The next morning, they report the Greed Echo encounter and the dragon to the local Deathseekers' Guild (getting 10gp for their trouble, and turning a profit on this pit stop.) And with that... it's back on the road to Thunderbrush, next time!
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gilded-green · 3 years
In celebration of the 10th anniversary, I’ll probably reread GG and send updates/highlight areas and as for commentary. Probably XD
But first. What aspect of Gilded Green was your favorite? What was something you put in a lot of world building for but never got to show either in fic or on tumblr. Who is your favorite character and why, what makes them special in your eyes? Which character has turned into a completely different one as soon as you started writing them? Which part of the fic did you like most when you finished it, do you still like it? Similarly, which part do you dislike most?
Lasty, anything about gg2’s story you want to share/talk about/rant?
-love, the dai li fangirl
Haha, no pressure! But at the same time yes if you do feel free to send me passages for commentary here! <3
What aspect was my favorite? Hmmm. *thinking face* I think, when I first came up with it, I was just thrilled to have these two small things - minor character Lu Ten, overlooked villain organization Dai Li - that I was able to combine into something so big. That was pretty nifty!
As I started developing the story, I think what really caught my attention was the fact that “Wow, all these characters are awful people!” Like. The Dai Li aren’t good.The Fire Nation aren’t good. Lu Ten is a victim but also an oppressor. All off these people have extremely different beliefs and worldviews - Fire supremacist, police state enforcers, classist academic gatekeepers - and all of them think THEY’RE in the right here and none of them are. I think Tien and Hoang might be the only people with a decent, non-oppressive worldview in the story so far. XD I was growing out of the storytelling trope of black-and-white morality at the time, so it was really fun to start experimenting with writing awful people as enjoyable, sympathetic characters.
World building? Hmm. I was just learning how to use my worldbuilding muscles back then. I seem to remember reading up a lot on how brainwashing actually works in the real world and going “I don’t think this is compatible with what we have in ATLA” and just kinda tossing that whole thing out. XD I also recall looking up a lot of stuff for the bits about Jouin, some of which - kalua pig! - has since shown up again in WFFD. I also recall someone on FFdotnet at the time saying “All this chapter did was tell us more about a dead character than the living one” and I was just kinda like -_- yes because he is DEAD and this is your chance to feel sorry about that, we’ll get plenty more of the living one later on account of him still being, y’know, alive. XD
Oh, and Shirong’s personal side projects. I finally got into that a bit in A Meeting of Minds, but the dude DOES have his own stuff going on, which Delun so rudely interrupted to drag him off to see Long Feng about brainwashing a Firebender.
I also did a bunch of research for the birthday party interlude, I think. Mostly appropriate alcohol for such an occasion? And....okay, this’ll sound funny, but.....food containers. I wanted Fen to pack up leftovers for Suyin and Shirong. That’s what my Italian family does after get-togethers, and I assumed that a Chinese family/friend group would do the same! But I also had, like, zero exposure to everyday Chinese life, let alone everyday Chinese life in the 1800s, and I just didn’t have the...idk, cultural osmosis? to figure it out. Like, if you asked me how Victorians would transfer food I’d probably come up with “Idk, wrap it in cloth and stuff it in a basket?” and I assumed people living in modern China would also be able to explain what their people did for food storage/transport 150 years ago but I didn’t have that cultural background, now, did I??? Also this was 10-12 years ago I was looking this up, mind you, the internet was still very different, there was plenty of information on Chinese historical events but not on everyday life objects, CDramas weren’t easy to find if they were translated at all and I certainly didn’t know they existed, and no one was posting beautiful aesthetic videos of life in a rural Chinese mountain village to youtube yet. Eventually I learned that bamboo baskets were a thing, but there wasn’t much info on THOSE either and I wasn’t sure how to describe them, so I just tentatively typed “basket” and called it a day. XD
I’m very fond of the Dai family, along with the Trungs and Sais. I’m very proud of how Tuan turned out. I adore Yuan, who you’ve barely met, and Xun, who you haven’t. Huang and Wu Sheng are also definite faves and I can’t wait for y’all to get to know them better.
Characters do usually behave for me in terms of personality development. They surprise me, but they never really turn out to be the complete OPPOSITE of what I was expecting? They just kinda develop organically. Huang and Wu Sheng surprised me, tho, those boys got deep. I knew they had the potential, but developing their backstory actually caused Stingrae and I to develop Ba Sing Se’s socio-political backstory and Long Feng’s rise to power, all because of an inkling I had. That was a very satisfying few years of worldbuilding and story development.
Um, favorite part of the fic....idk, I’m very fond of the final scene, with Azula and her wall chunk from Lu Ten. I’m doubly fond of it because of how it always resonates with readers. Heck, during Azula week last year, I used that chunk of rock as an ongoing theme in Sandstone, and someone commented like “I DIDN’T REALIZE YOU’RE THE ONE WHO WROTE GILDED GREEN” and that made me really happy!
Lu Ten’s time stuck underground - I used the seven stages of grief to get through that one and it was very helpful in structuring that part of the story, and I figured it was deep or something because PSYCHOLOGY.
I’m also proud of myself for getting through the dark brainwashing scenes. So, like, FYI, fanfiction could get...very dark, back in the 00s. People love to play purity police these days and complain about how nasty people get can, but listen. Listen. Do you have any idea how dark FFdotnet got back in the day? Legolas And Aragorn Get Captured By Orcs And Brutally Tortured was an entire genre. I feel like torture fic was actually a lot more common back then, and darkfic in general - I’m sure someone could write a whole thesis on why it’s not so prevalent anymore, I’m gonna guess the fact that fandom is less-insulated and more public now could be part of it, maybe also the fact that the internet is more social media/influencer culture based so people care about their image, and also the purity police which is its own kettle of worms, but I also think that the Bush Administration had something to do with it? You have all these kids who were pre-teens when 9/11 happened, growing up during the Iraq War with an awful presidential administration while everyone was scared and conservative Christianity started to realize that their control over the nation’s “morality” might be slipping and reacted accordingly......yeah there was a lot of darkfic back then.
And I read a lot of darkfic too, but, uh....well, statistically speaking, a lot of writing is bad, okay? A lot of those fics were just weird; you could see where the writer had this idea, and also where they failed to execute it in a way that resonated or made sense. And whatever, writers were young and just wanted to pound out some catharsis, it’s cool, but it still just felt narratively awkward when you could tell how the writer was more focused on LET’S MAKE THIS AS DARK AS POSSIBLE instead of “Let’s tell this as well as possible.”
So the first several attempts at writing the brainwashing scenes, I was nervous because I didn’t want to get TOO dark, and when I finally decided “eff it” and said to Stingrae “I think I need to let this be as dark as it needs to be” I was still nervous because I didn’t want it to end up WEIRD. Idk if that makes sense, but anyway I seem to have done a decent job at it!
As for parts I dislike the most, uhhhhh Iroh’s retreat (I didn’t care, I just wanted to get it over with), Enlai might’ve been promoted too fast? idk, the fact that I came up with Nanyue AFTER I finished publishing GG so I couldn’t work that into the Quy bits, the fact that I was young and innocent and didn’t understand sexual slang or innuendo and randomly chose Dong as the name of the court physician which could lead to some awful puns except no one ever seemed to pick up on that and maybe I’ll regret pointing it out but the man IS going to appear again so I might as well get the first shot in myself. XD
I might have GG2 stuff to talk about but not sure, if I do I’ll make another post on that!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
How u think kai will react if he raised his hand during argument&his s/o flinched thinking thst he will hit her? He didn't know but s/o was abused by her*hero*parents for being quircklss&went through inhuman experiments to activate it.They abandoned her in orphan announcing their*precious daughter*died while the truth thy didnt want her 2 bring shame 2 them.Kai discovered that latter bc those info are top hero secrets&she didnt tell him thinking kai will hate her if he found shes hero's daughter
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My god; he would be enraged, completely surrounded by hatred and desire of execution of these two worms considered to be your biological parents.
Discussions between you two were normal; you are a couple, it happens; but even knowing that Kai would never lay a finger to hurt you, you couldn't help but squirm in terror and guard youself with your arms at the moment he raised his hands to only emphasize his point in the argument.
He immediately stopped talking as soon as he saw your scared look; sadly, he knew that expression way too well; and ended the argument right then and there.
Hearing your back story was enough for making his blood boil in a way it never had before but he maintained his composure for your sake.
Now, really, you only increased like, 100x more his hatred for heroes... Congrats.
"They're all sick. This hero syndrome has to be cured, look at what happens when we let those verms in the street... Absolutely disgusting."
Chisaki would become a little more affectionate after this just for ease your nerves. But when he is certain that you're at peace again...
That's when the real show begins...
The hero entered his home completely exausted due to his busy day at the agency as he took off his boots and called for his wife. When he heard no response he went in allert; knowing that she had taken a day off, she must had stayed in home.
He called once again checking every room in his big mansion. When he entered the living room he went rigid when he saw, not his wife, but a man in a green jacket holding one of his extremely expensive cups looking at the window.
Frightening and cold golden eyes; that seemed to pierce his soul; found them qs he finally spoke
"You're late." He spited the words before the hero felt something strongly hit the back of his neck, causing him to pass out immediately.
The man awakened feeling extremely sore as he heard his wife pleading for him to wake up. When he finally got back to reality, he noticed that both of them were chained tightly with their backs against each other.
"W-we were kidnapped dear...!" She whispered in fear "Use your quirk to get us out before the raptors come back, hurry!" She pleaded.
"Alright don't worry, we will be out of here in no time."
Suddenly, a bullet came out of no wear and hitted him straight on his chest, causing the woman to scream if her husband was okay.
"I wouldn't move around too much if I were in your shoes..." spoke a man covered in a plague mask and white hoodie aproaching the trembling couple, never once lowering down his gun.
The man winced in pain before trying to use his quirk to attack the shooter.
Sickes bitch
"W-what?" The man spoke in shook "W-what happened with my quirk?! What ylu did to me your fucker?!"
"Language." Spoke coldly the man before merciless shooting the woman's leg.
The female hero cried in pain letting out a few curses at the stranger.
"For two heroes, both of you are completely useless and disposable, aren't you?" A hushed voice spoke in the shadows of the cold building.
"What do you want from us, damn villain?" Struggled the man in the chains.
The young yakusa boss lifted himself from his place on the dark and slowly walked toward the frightened couple; looking at them with murderous, wide, psychotic eyes; following right after them two mans with also plague masks covering their faces.
Actually now that they notice, there was eight in total... all of them around.
"W-wait a second-!" Said the woman in realization "You're that young leader of Shie Hassaikai! That young yakusa group, his name is Overhaul!" Chisaki didn't seem to even listened the woman, opting to look down in nothing but disgust at the quivering man in front of him.
"Despicable, you and your wife are just disgusting... Not only carry in your veins the hero syndrome but also did something that I can't just let slide..."
"We didn't even once got into the yakusa young man, I swear on all of my career-!"
"Your words are simply equal to trash to me so don't even need to spend your breath." Interrupted the villain, extending his open hand at his side.
A black thing that was on the shoulder of a much taller man gave it to him what seemed like an really old newspaper. When the young leader grabbed, he immediately oppen it on one od the pages, reading out loud.
"'Today, unfortunately, we announce the loss of our beloved, quirkless yet respected only child (Y/N) ... While we were just enjoying the few but precious family moments together, a despicable villain attacked us and took her life during the combat. We, with pure grudge and thirsting for justice, have put the evil factor in behind the bars, but still it does not fill the void that our beloved deceased daughter left us ... rest and peace my sweet (Y/N), we will always have you in our hearts.'" Chisaki read all of what was written in pure rage.
"You two are quite the actors, to have to say that on a jornal." The man wearing a white hoodie spoke coldly.
"Actors?" Laughed nervously the woman "Our daughter died during a villain's fight long ago... She was quirkless, couldn't even protect herse-"
"I don't even need to use my quirk to identify your lies woman." Spoke the man on Overhaul's side "Those are beautiful words but clearly false."
"You really think we are that dUMB YOU PUNks?!" Screamed Mimic in offense.
"What will be your orders boss?" A blond with green shirt spoke in pure sadistic exciment.
Overhaul raised his hand, demanding silence with his gesture, as he messed in his jacket pocket before pulling out a small picture.
He abruptly shoved both of the old newspaper; which had the photo of the supposed deceased child; and a picture that he had took it of you.
"Don't you verms think that these two are a A BIT too similiar?!" He couldn't contain his wrath and shouted at both at them making both heroes flinch in fear.
"Abandoned by you both in a shelter just because they couldn't reach your expectations of being what you two are..." Spoke coldly Chrono aiming his gun close to the womans forehead.
Overhaul gave the paper back to Mimic and right after, saving the photo back in his pocket.
"Usually I don't like dirting my hands, but you two are a real special case..." he started to lower his gloves down.
"Wait a second, please!" Pleaded the man almost tearing up "H-How about a deal? Me and my wife can give you all of our money we earned as heroes! Think about about it!" The woman gave her husband a glare due to his offer.
Greddy woman... despicable. They didn't remind him any of you... thankfully.
"How much you're willing to gave us?" Spoke in interest Mimic.
"Anything really! Just let us go and don't mention about... her to anyone." Chisaki wanted to rip this man's head out of his body at the way your "father" mentioned you.
"Give them all of your credits cards and you passwords. Now." Demanded the quivering man at his wife who hesitantly showed where it was in her purse.
Chrono took all of them, right after giving Kai a silently sign that it was real and he got them right.
"Everyone, except Chrono and Mimic, get out of here and wait outside." Commanded Overhaul which everyman respind with an "yes sir."
Right after Nemoto closed the door, Mimic unchained the couple, but just as them got up to their feet, Kurono headlocked the woman as Chisaki punched the man with all his force, making him hit the floor.
"HON-" Chrono pressed the gun in the women's temple.
"Shut your mouth if you don't want your brain to explode it with this damn bullet."
Overhaul marched his way and grabbed the man's collar shirt staring at him what only could be described as a death glare.
"B-but our deal-!"
"Yo punk, we accepted the money but we didn't say anything about letting you go." Said Mimic checking all of the credit cards while holding a phone.
"You didn't really think I would let go that easy did you?" Groaned Chisaki "After everthing you and your project of a wife did to my angel..."
"Y-your what-" the man couldn't even complete his question when Chisaki merciless touched his forehead and overhauled him on the spot.
The woman screamed in terror. Trying to get out of her captor's hold.
"Don't worry I didn't forget about you... disgusting." Overhaul muttered as he rubbed his hand.
"MONSTER! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" the woman shouted not even caring about the gun glued to the side of her head anymore.
"You really are just as dumb as your husband here. I will bring him back, his punishment isn't over..." he looked at her with threatening eyes "Monster huh? Look at both of you, damn hypocrites... Listen closely." He approached the woman who trembles in fear and hate at the villain.
"For every moment of pain; physically and emotionally; for every single tear that escaped from my angel's eyes due to your actions... I will kill; torture even; you both and bring you back over and over again until I am deeply satisfied..." the woman started to sobbing in fear as she pleaded for forgiveness and beged for let them go.
"Isn't it glorius? Feeling completely vulnerable, useless and totally submissive at the power at someone else's hands? I am not the person who you should be begging for forgiveness, but I guess you let that chance slip years ago, didn't you? What a great mother..." he spoke in pure sadistic sarcasm.
In a quick move Chisaki comanded that Chrono let go of the woman, making her hit the cold ground. And just before her eyes could've had catch it, he touched her face with all of his hand and overhauled her.
"Despicable creatures..." mumbled Chisaki as he saw the mess on the ground. He made his way to your once father when Chrono called his attention holding his cellphone for Kai to see.
"It's (Y/N), she's asking how are you doing and if we will take too long to come back. What should I respond?"
"Hey Overhaul? Isn't tommorow or after the day when you meet her or something?"Asked Mimic pointed one of the many credit cards at his boss. Subconsciously giving the young villain an idea.
"Tell her is going to take a little more than we expected, my job here isn't totally complete... But tell that I have a surprise for her so just be patient." Chrono nodded as Mimic snickered.
"Getting lucky with your partner Overhaul?"
"Shut your mouth Mimic."
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Prank War: Axis vs. Allies
The Axis trio is stranded on a deserted island again, but this time, instead of fighting them, they decide to prank the Allies. A gift for Azusicle on AO3.
They were stranded. Again. And it was the least of their troubles.
"I'm boreeed." Italy whined, rolling around in the sand with nothing but his boxers on. "Let's do something fuun."
Germany and Japan sat in the rare spots of shade that could be found on the beach, cooling themselves down and discussing escape plans. Well, they would discuss them if it weren't for the Italian. "You have an entire ocean in front of you, go for a swim or something if you're bored." Germany groaned.
"But Germaaany, I've been swimming all day. My skin would get all soggy if I swim any more." Italy complained.
"Then do something else, we're busy here." Germany sighed. "Go take a walk or something."
Italy pouted as he realized there was no way for either of them to come and play with him. He stood up and went to take the ordered walk around the island's forests.
It wasn't a long walk until Italy heard somewhat familiar voices coming from the nearby bushes. There was no way for that to be Germany and Japan, they were still by the seaside. Only when he heard a rather obnoxious laugh did he realize who it was. Panic ran through his veins all over his body, swallowing it in a matter of seconds. He pulled a white flag seemingly out of nowhere before he could hear Germany's voice loud and clear in his head. 'When you see the enemy don't panic. If possible come find me first, before doing anything you might regret.' That's right! The Allies didn't know Italy was there, but Italy knew where they were. He still had time to go get Germany and Japan.
Sneakingly, Italy made his way back to the shore where his friends were. Slowly, but surely, an idea was forming in his head. This island was in a middle of nowhere and the middle of nowhere usually meant there was no one to hear anyone's screams. Italy had a brilliant idea in his head, he just had to tell Japan and Germany.
"The Allies are here?!" Germany almost yelled in surprise as Italy nodded a couple of times.
"And they didn't notice you there, did they?" Japan asked.
"No." Italy answered. "But listen, I know a way we can get rid of them."
Germany and Japan exchanged brief glances with each other. Was this moment really happening? It feels too good to be true. "Let's hear it then." Germany said, not expecting much.
"Well, you see, when I was coming back here to warn you guys, I saw a lot of bugs wiggling around the forest and I thought why not prank the Allies away. That's better than fighting don't you think? And it doesn't even have to be just the bugs we can throw in a lot of other pranks as well." Italy fastforwarded through his idea, Japan nodding along and Germany seemed unsure about it.
"I don't know, Italy. That seems like it would fail." Germany said, brushing away the few strands of hair that had fallen out of their position due to heat.
Japan kept silent for a while, processing what Italy just suggested. "I don't know, his plan has potential, Germany-san."
"See, Japan agrees with me. Come on, Germany, let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it!" Italy took a hold of Germany's arm, bouncing up and down.
"I still think it's a dumb idea, but fine. As long as you let me go." Germany finally agreed. Two against one wasn't a fair play.
"Yes! Let's do it!" But before Italy could sprint towards the place he found the Allies, Germany grabbed him.
"At least wait until the night falls and they are asleep, or else you'll be caught." Germany said. "For now, let's gather everything we need to prank them."
"Aye, aye, Captain!" Italy said, breaking free of Germany's hold and sprinting to do his duty.
"If only he was this fast when training." Germany let out an exhausted sigh.
Finally, it was night. Italy had taken Germany and Japan to the place where he found the Allies, having previously gathered enough prank material to last them for weeks. The trio sat there, hidden by the bushes, waiting for the Allies to go to sleep.
Watching the Moon's position, Japan concluded it was around 2 in the morning when all of the Allies went to sleep. They waited for another hour, Italy swaying side to side in an attempt not to fall asleep, then they acted out their plan.
The first victim on their list was Russia. Unsure of how to prank the tall man, Japan proposed they tie the ends of his scarf with his shoelaces. Italy drew a couple of eyebrow lines on his forehead, resembling England's.
Speaking of England, they decided to throw away his tea bags, replacing them with a couple of beetles Italy hunted down. Japan wrote 'You're welcome. Love from America.' in a near perfect copy of the obnoxious guy's handwriting. Germany, meanwhile, stuck a piece of paper which said 'I wet my bed.' at the back of England's jacket.
Their next victim was poor China. Japan knew just the way to prank him, having watched Korea do this in the past. He took China's boxes, which contained the ingredients for his famous fried shrimp and rice, and switched them up. He also added a few unwelcome guests to the mix, a couple of lizards' tails and snails. To top it all off, he made sure to hide his wok away so he couldn't find it in the morning. Italy drew him the English eyebrows as well as some additional mustache.
Germany, meanwhile, chose to take care of America. Rummaging through his stuff, he found quite a few cans of burgers and some buns. With an evil smile on his face, Germany placed quite a few worms inside the burger cans. Borrowing the marker from Italy, he wrote 'Wanker.' on every American flag he could find. Lastly, he added a touch of britbrows, knowing full well America will flip the table about it when he wakes up.
Lastly on their list was France. Germany considered shaving his precious body hair off, but Italy warned him that France was a very light sleeper. A mere sound could wake him up, let alone shaving his body. Japan offered to draw the eyebrows on France, using a special method to make sure the Frenchman remained asleep. As he did that, Italy spotted a canteen next to France's side, undoubtedly filled with wine. He grabbed him and excused himself to Germany, who had just finished placing a fake magic wand next to England, and Japan. Returning a couple of minutes later with a smirk, Italy placed the canteen back to France's side. Their job here was finished, now they just had to wait until morning.
England was the first to arise in the horribly hot morning, walking from person to person in order to wake them all up. There was something strange about everyone, but he figured he was just tired from yesterday.
China got ready to making everyone a nice and satisfying breakfast, but, to his surprise, his wok was nowhere to be found. "Hey, England? Do you have any idea where my wok went?"
"None in the slightest." England answered, waking Russia up. "You can use one of the pots we have inside if you can't find it now."
China sighed, his recipe won't be the same if it isn't made in a wok, but said wok was still nowhere to be seen. "I suppose I should." He got up and pulled a pot big enough to fit for his favorite meal.
Except that the moment he went to drop in the rice, snails greeted him. China screamed. "What the Westernization are snails doing in my rice?"
His scream woke up everyone who had yet to be awakened, as well as the three people hiding in the nearby bushes. Everyone exchanged glances between each other, now noticing what was wrong with their faces.
"China, dude, when did you grow the britbrows? And mustache?" America chimed in.
"I could ask you the same thing! Why do you have those ugly lines on your forehead?" China responded.
"Now, I tried my best." Germany whispered in their hiding, covering Italy's mouth carefully to not give their position away.
"Dude, my forehead is nice. Don't insult it."
"He's right, America. You have grown some serious eyebrows overnight." Russia interrupted, attempting to stand up properly to his full height, but failed to do so. His shoelaces tied to the ends of his scarf tripped him up and he fell face first to the brown ground.
"What was that just now?" France asked.
"No idea." China answered, walking towards Russia to flip him over.
"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Ki-" Russia kept repeating before China turned him back to his position.
"That being said, why do you all have the britbrows?" France, the sensible one, asked.
America and China looked at France, then at each other, then back at France. "I don't know how to tell you this, but you have them too." China finally said.
France's face went full on traffic lights... whatever that means. First it was bright red, then vomit yellow and, finally, frog green. He finally looked like his real self. "You're saying... my beautiful eyebrows... on which I worked so hard all my life... look like caterpillars!?"
America and China could only nod. France took it as a sign for him to faint. Just as England made his way back from his tent. "America, you wanker! What the bloody hell did you do to my tea?!" He screamed angrily, in anger.
"Dude, I didn't do anything to your tea." America raised his hands in the air as England marched towards him.
"Really? Then why is my tea box full of bugs with a note from you?!" England showed the box to America's face, the last of beetles crawling out of it.
"Those are beetles. You know, like the band from your place." America stated.
"Who?" China chimed in.
"What?" Came from England.
"Mmmmhm..." And Russia, somehow.
"Never mind." America rolled his eyes. "Point is, that wasn't me. I don't even write that nicely."
"Whatever, I'm just going to cook." China said, taking the shrimp can, but finding that it was actually full of rice and... lizard tails. The sky fell upon his eyes. His precious dish was ruined- although there was still a possibility that this new meal would taste good- ruined!
England kept pressing on the fact that America tampered with his tea, until America pointed at his forehead and demanded an explanation. Then he noticed a stick with a star poking out of England's pocket. "You cursed us all! We're all forced to look like you and you blame me for the tea!"
"What the hell are you even on about? I did nothing! You tampered with my tea!" England argued back.
"Whatever! I'm just going to eat! At least then I don't have to look at you!" America said, retreating back to his tent.
"Insufferable child!" England said, walking away for a very short distance before being grabbed by someone.
"What did you do to my flags?! And my burgers?!" America spat furiously.
"What kind of drugs did you take this morning?! I never touched your flags! They give me rashes!" England responded, equally furious.
"Well, no one else would write 'Wanker' on them because no one else uses that word! And why did you put worms in my burgers?!"
"I never wrote anything on your flags! And I never put worms anywhere, but you bloody deserve them!"
"You two, could you shut up for a minute?" France finally awakened from his hundred years nap, but without a kiss from a beautiful prince or princess or genderneutral royalty. "I need a drink from your fighting." He grabbed his canteen and took a sip. Weird taste for a wine. He spat it out, realizing what it might be. "America."
"What?" America asked.
"Come over here." America did as he was told. "Smell it."
America smelled the canteen. "Wine?"
France shook his head. "Smell again."
America smelled again, catching a scent that really should not be present in any wine ever. "Dude! That's piss! And you drank it!"
"I spat it out-"
"You drank the piss, what the hell is wrong with you?"
"You know what," China started. "I propose we all get off this island. There's too much weird things going on, we can deal with the Axis when we're as far as possible from this place."
It was a suggestion no one could refuse. They quickly gathered their stuff and helped Russia back on his feet. Just as they were ready to leave, England grabbed his jacket without realizing something was stuck to it. Everyone who walked behind him on their way to their ship had a good laugh, as did the Axis.
"You know," Germany started. "We should do this more often."
"I agree." Italy said as Japan nodded.
"Good. Now let's get off this island as well."
And they boarded the ship with the Allies, taking them all back to civilizations.
Meanwhile, back on the island, a wok was slowly being eaten by the local vegetation. Legend has it that it remained there for the rest of its metal days.
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Tell Me One More Secret - Outpost!Michael x fem!reader
I was just a matter a time before I dove into my Langdon’s fantasy.
Feel free to send me any suggestions if you want to read something specific.
Description: You are having your interview with Michael Langdon in hope to win your ticket to the Sanctuary. After a long day of questions and obvious interests in you, Michael offers you a deal, “If you tell me one more secret, I’ll tell you one too, do we have a deal, Y/N?”.
Warnings: Breeding!Kink (I tried), Blood play, virgin!Michael, virgin!reader, mention of previous loss, Smut (but it’s quick). It’s also kinda long (4.1k+ words).
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“I could make you as easily as I could break you, Y/N”, the raspy voice of Langdon made your eyes flutter shut. He had been cornering you during your own “cooperation” session, pushing your buttons and bordering the limits of decency. Your legs crossed and lost in the multiple layers of violet velvet fabric draped from your waist, you softly intertwined your fingers and rested your hands on your knee in a poor attempt to hide the quivering limbs.
His impressive frame stood before you, resting at the edge of his desk, his left feet crossed over the right, towering a couple of inches away from your legs. He had been questioning you for hours, prying open each and every petal guarding the pollen of your thoughts. So long, in fact, that the bell Venable rung for dinner twice. “Once is an invitation, twice is a reminder” her voice informed you 18 months ago when you joined outpost 3. Ms Mead had knocked on the door once neither of you made your way out of Langdon’s room. She suspected something was going on. Something out of the realm of the laws.
 The golden haired man had simply dismissed her with a flick of the wrist, requesting that the (not so delicious) dinner of his guest were brought to his chambers. He had already made you skip breakfast, after all. “What would your father think of you now that you are halfway in the lion’s den?” he enquired once the door shut and Ms Mead’s footfalls disappeared in the winding corridors.
What would he think, you wondered. He was a righteous man and having a daughter as strong willed as you was his biggest pride. Langdon languidly paced around you as your thoughts got lost in your memories of your dad, praising how strong, clever and independent you had always been. The day the Cooperative came and took you due to you “genetic makeup” and pulled you from the only family you had always known was the first real heartbreak you had ever experienced. Weeks spent in this prison-like cell as bombs fell on the surface of the already shattered Earth.
“He must be proud of you. Look at you, self-made and holding your pretty little face high”, he leaned in the shell of your ear to whisper. He had stopped prowling around you, his hands now resting against the back of the leather bound chair you were resting in. The warmth of his face felt like a slow burn against the plush skin of your cheek.
 And it was gone. He straightened himself, wiping away the few crinkles that had formed on his dress shirt, then he made his way to the fireplace at the back of the room. Looking back at him, you noticed him pouring two glasses of water before motioning to the comfortable set of armchairs wormed by the dancing flames, inviting you to sit in it.
Your legs carried you towards him and the next thing you know, he was pushing one of the glasses in your fingers, standing tall and proud in front of you. His palm went to rest on your shoulder as he restated his slow dance of walking around you, stopping. His digits ventured down your back, stroking the stitch holding your zipper and when he brushed his way back up the metal teeth, you felt a small tug.
 Eyes wide, you felt the metal slide down a couple of teeth. Bringing the rim of your cup to your lips and taking a gulp of the water, much louder than intended, the realisation struck you. A few more teeth and the neck of the high collared dress opened in front of him.
“Pride comes with pain, doesn’t it, Y/N?” he breathed. “I want to play a little game. I will carry on my investigation” he paused, the zipper slowly gliding down to the top of the corset you were to wear underneath the heavy velvet fabric. “And you will keep a hold of this cup. Do not spill it or drop it”. He let go of the small tassel to pry the fold of your dress open. The burning touch of his fingers slipped under the velvet, exploring the untouched skin of your shoulder in a broken sigh.
His touch left your skin icy cold under it’s path and before you knew it, he was back at pulling down your zipper. So incredibly slow. Painfully slow.
 “You have been such a good candidate so far, unravelling the secrets you hold, he inched his face right next to yours, his cheekbones grazing your temples.
-I feel like I wouldn’t be able to keep them from you anyways, sir.
-If you tell me one more secret, I’ll tell you one too, do we have a deal, Y/N?”
 His ringed digits wrapped around your chin, pushing your face to meet his, the tip of your nose brushing against his. The urge to give in was nearly as strong and your will to resist him. Something totally out of the realm of your own possibility was drawing you to him. Was it the fact that he was always two steps ahead of you or the fact that he looked like he had been forged in Hellfire by the gods due to his impossible beauty?
A halting breath escaped your lips as your parted them, your gaze fixed on his own mouth. Your mind ran wild, trying to relive your childhood and reminiscing this long day of questioning. What had you not discussed yet? “I-I never missed my mother” your whispered.
A smirk crawled on his lips while his finger teased the zipper open wider than before, letting the whole of your corset exposed. He then started to play with the knot holding your frame encapsulated in the heavily boned bustier. His other finger went to rest on your lower stomach and it suddenly felt like your womb bloomed. “You can do so much better than this, darling” he whispered huskily.
 Your trembling fingers looked down to the cup and you quickly took another sip of water before your shaky hands caused it to overflow. A soft chuckle escaped Langdon’s lips. “You want to put that glass down, don’t you?”. You nodded without even realising, earning a new laugh from the man towering next to you. Sheepishly looking up to him, he rewarded you with a smile. Letting go of your skin and the fabric of your gown, he grabbed the cup and placed it back on the small coffee table. “Did I fail?” your voice trembled. You were not sure why you were frightened. Maybe was it the fact that his touch had left you craving for more? His golden locks swayed in the amber light of the fire lighting up the room as he shook his head no.
 “I’m a men of my words so I’ll tell you my secret. You and I are special.
- How so?
-My father tasked me to rebuild the world in his image, he grabbed your hand, pressing his lips to your palm before guiding it to his cheek.
- Your… Father?
-Yes, and he created you to be by my side and carry our legacy through the darkest times of humanity, pushing your fingers further up to lodge behind his right ear, pressing against an uneven patch of skin.
-L-legacy? I-I don’t understand, you stuttered, the pad of your fingers trying to decipher what Langdon guided you to feel.
-My name is Michael Langdon and I am the antichrist”
 In a shallow breath, his body pushed against yours, his lips suckling gently at the skin of your neck. Your eyes fluttered shut, salted drops prickling your tears ducks and streaming down your face. This could not be true. You had never been much of a believer but the idea that the spawn of Satan walked the Earth and pushed humanity to the brink of extinction.
Tilting his head while his lips assaulted your neck, a heavy curtain of golden hair fell and revealed what Michael tried to make you feel. The mark of the beast imbedded in his flesh. The will to resist was now stronger than ever and you peeled yourself off of him. His face, twisted in surprise, stared at you and watch you stumble backward in an attempt to flee.
Desperate to run, you quickly crawled to your feet. A flick of the wrist from him brought the heavy candle holders to fall in front of you, blocking your only way to exit. How did that happen? Was magic abilities really something possible? “Now, little dove, no need to fly away. I will not hurt you.” His voice boomed and it felt like it thrummed through your chest. “This is not how the story ends for us” he continued, his feet bringing you to him. You turned to face him, after your eyes darted around the room for another way out but once your gaze fell upon him once more, that feeling in your belly returning.
“Your father was right, you were destined to accomplish greater things and carrying our child is one of them”, his feet carried him to you and you felt him reach for the zipper once more. What surprised you was that, despite the fact that he was gently pushing you against the desk, his hands pulled up the teeth closed, covering your exposed skin. His fingers trailed up towards the candle holders, pulling them up to their normal position without even touching them in what you assume is another display of magic. “I cannot have you running down the hallways half undressed, Y/N. What would Venable think?” he stepped back while pushing in fingers through yours.
 Bringing his lips to your knuckles, you noticed now that you had scrapped your skin during your poor attempt at escaping. His tongue ran across the exposed wound, licking off the small droplets of blood that had piled there and that’s when you heard the sound of the cane lurking outside.
Ms Mead opened the door, carrying the plate containing your dinner. The delicious cube that filled you with enough energy to wander around the chambers. The tapping of the cane came next as Venable entered next. Langdon reached out for the dish, giving Mead a generous smile as he carried your meal to the desk, his palm still linked with yours.
 “I expect you to join us for our apple bobbing contest later on today, her despicable voice rung, a fake smile plastered on her face.
-I’m afraid not, Y/N and I have much more conversations to have, Michael replied, a soft gaze running across your features, his thumb drawing a large circle on the back of your hand.
-I will not accept this insubordination, Mr. Langdon, she banged her walking aid on the floor.
- Ms. Venable, with all due respect, my guest and I are in no way obligated to follow your selfish laws. I am the Cooperative and I will not allow this conversation to go any further.
- Fine, she spat. I shall meet you after our party is over to discuss salvation.”
 The room grew silent as Michael gently sat you in the chair, inviting your to feast on your dinner. “Please bring us two of those apples from the crate the Cooperative has sent. There is no reason for Y/N and I to not celebrate Halloween as well” he smiled down at you as you gingerly ate the content of the plate. Ms Mead nodded and quickly exited the room. “This is not over, Langdon” Venable threatened before retiring for the room.
 His gaze focused on you once more, his fingers slowly losing themselves in your hair. His digits gently brought a piece of your locks to his nose before deeply inhaling. “I hope you are not frightened of me anymore” he whispered as her kneeled down to face you as you chewed the remnants of your dinner.
You nodded shyly, tears still threatening to spill. Bringing his face closer, he breathed in your ear again. “Give yourself to me, dove. Give in. I will make you feel ways you could never fathom” his fingers now wrapped around your stomach, one of them trailing down your thigh, the other up against your chest, cupping your breast. “Let’s rebuild this world together, Y/N.” was all he muttered before his lip sucked at the skin below your ear, ripping a small moan from you.
 You wanted to fight it. Thig urge. This arousal. This power you were somewhat given. His touch seemed clumsier as he stroked his fingers against you, the burning warmth of his skin scalding you with ecstatic Goosebumps. You linked your fingers to him, a sigh leaving Michael’s heavy chest. You felt like a soft little lamb at the mercy of the big bad wolf. But how bad could he be if the simplest touch of your fingers against him caused him to crumble.
 Feeling bold, the young man twisted the chair around so your legs landed by his crouched frame. Scalding caresses travelled from your ankle, to the back of your calves, twisting your belly in a coil. “Please, my dove, let me worship you like you deserve” he whispered, bringing your left ankle to rest on his shoulder.
 His lips planted wet burning kisses against the muscle of your leg, refusing to push a kiss past your knee as if he was waiting for your approval. His fingers, however, moved underneath the bloomers that covered the most sinful parts of your body. He touched, grabbed and explored the flesh of your outer thighs, setting mental boundaries for himself as he was getting himself absolutely drunk of the scent and feel of your flesh.
You slowly melted in your chair, gliding down the leather and tentatively close to him. A sly smile escaped his lips when his fingers adventured further than the borders he had bound for himself, grazing the limit of your inner thigh. A slow moan escaped your chest when he tongued a broad stroke from the base of your knee down to the crook of your ankle.
“You belong to me and now I belong to you” were close enough to wedding vows for you to give in more. “I-I-‘ve never” you began, before his lips attached to yours, soft and gentle at first. “I know, neither have I” he whispered, as if that kiss had suck all of the air out of his lung.
 His eyes travelled to the door once again and gently helped you up on your feet, smoothing the velvet of your gown and gently helping you rest against his desk. “Apologies, darling, but we have a visitor” he pressed another kiss to your knuckles, his eyes planted in your as the door open. Two grey clad figures pushed the large trunk full of apples in the room. “Here is your delivery, mister Langdon” Ms Mead informed, in a stern and nearly robotic tone. He smiled at the woman, thanking her for her help. He then dug in the chest, looking genuinely happy, pulling a Red Delicious and bringing it to your lips, his free hand falling on your hips while he nestled between them in an alluring display of power.
“I feel obliged to remind Mr. Langdon that fornication is a crime punishable by death” the dark haired woman said flatly and for a second, his eyes buried themselves in yours, watching you intently as you sunk you teeth in the sweet fruit, your hands gingerly wrapped against his own. He motioned blindly behind him, requesting for the figures invading both of your obvious privacies to leave the room and once the door shut, the two heavy panels separating the small study to his actual bedroom rolled open.
 Swallowing thickly, he wrapped his arms under your thighs, pushing you up against his chest and pressing his lips against yours. He span you around and in one quick move, you found yourself falling. How did he bring your from one side of the room to the opposite in such little movement? It barely felt like he even took a step.
His body felt heavy against yours as you heard the panels closed again. You subconsciously found yourself thinking a quick prayer for your soul. Or did you whisper? You were not sure. “I am going to worship you and together, we will reign over this kingdom of ashes and sin”. His words were enticing but you still had that will to fight it off.
 Stuck between fear and enjoyment, between hate and indifference, between love and it’s contrary.
 He quickly spun you around so you could rest on your stomach, the zipper of your dress flying open this time around and you felt his touch again, clamping on your shoulders before his lips did. “I won’t be able to hold the beast for long. I apologies in advance, little lamb” he hushed, his fingers quickly untying the knot holding your corset closed then impatiently yanking it open, allowing a deep gasp to feel the air.
You pushed one step further past your previously set boundaries, giving in more to the antichrist’s mercy. But the question burned your thoughts once more. What would my father think if he saw me giving myself to this incredibly alluring stranger? He used to think you were the perfect daughter. The perfect example. Freeing, is what this felt like, as Michael practically ripped the fabric of the rigid corset to send it to litter the floor of his bedroom. Twisting yourself to face the golden framed features of Michael, fright came over you as you saw his gaze, hungry for you, practically black. He gently shushed your worry away before he placed a new kiss to your lips, tasting the apple from your tongue this time around.
He peeled off the velvet from your frame, deliciously taking in your shapes while a growl tore out of his throat. “I need to consume you now, darling. Formality will wait. We have a legacy to procreate” he howled, tearing a gap in the soft fabric of your bloomers and soon enough, he had ripped his shirt off of his chest. Langdon pressed his, now exposed, skin against yours and you were thankful you had not been both naked since the warm touch of his flesh nearly blistered your epidermis.
Another zipper was flung open, but it was the one holding Michael’s trousers closed. “You were made for me just as I was made for you” he murmured as you felt him lining up between your wet folds.
 You could not fight against it anymore. The only solution was to give in to him fully. A primal and raw emotion came over your body, burning through your veins like wildfire. You pushed yourself up while pressing on his chest to sit him up, a surprised expression plastered along his beautiful features. As you moved up, you felt him slowly splitting you open, a guttural moan escaping him as he buried himself deep within you.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you pressed against his chest once more, letting him fall back on the bed, your hands clawed against his ribs as your forced your hips up and down, easing the pain shooting through your body as you stretched yourself around him.
A swift hand pulled your slip up, freeing your breasts and exposing them to the cold air. His face looked mesmerised by the revealed beauty you were now stepping into, taking leaps and bounding quickly away from your previous principles and morals.
 What would dad think of me now? You shushed the thoughts. You were never the perfect daughter and now that the apocalypse had fell upon Earth, you would never be. A new sound came out of your mouth once you rolled your hips in an undiscovered angle, a straight shot of ecstasy pumping through your veins.
Your lover, mouth agape in surprise, admired your body as your breasts gently bounced. He had never felt such pleasure before. Killing and torturing had become enjoyable, for sure, but this was truly otherworldly. He had trusted his father with the choices that had been made but he could not imagine this being any better in any way.
 A small whimper escaped your mouth once you noticed him devouring you with his eyes. His arms wrapped around your waist, reversing the roles again as he was now pinning you down on the mattress. His large length pulled out of you for the last few items of clothing covering the both of you to get peeled off of your skins. He sank back in you, pumping in and out “Oh Y/N, you will soon be swelling with my child and you will be my queen for eternity” he moaned, causing a rush of goose bumps to cover your skin. His thrusts became rough and harsh, pushing you deeper and deeper in the mattress, knocking the breath out of your lung. His eyes had turned completely pitch black, trying his best to keep the beast at bay. “Let it out” you groaned at him through gritted teeth at you filled the unfamiliar coil start to tighten in your lower belly.
 He fumbled to reach the small ceremonial knife you had failed to notice, his thrusts stopped as he pulled you up, the both of you sitting on the silky red sheets. His powerful arms carried you to the floor. Grabbing the blade and carving a gash on each of his wrists, you looked at him, your blood running cold. Is he going to kill me? You wondered. He shushed your thoughts as the metallic smell of blood started to pool in your nose. He discarded the blade. “I promise I will never hurt you” he whispered as he gently marked your skin red from his blood, drawing a pentacle right on top of your pentacle, his breathing growing more unsteady with each of his strokes.
The thumb he used to paint your skin was the pushed against your lips before he launched forward against, laying you down on the floor, his blood smearing on the tile and your flesh. His hips assaulted yours against while his thrusts picked up again, the coil you previously felt tighten twisted once more and before you knew it, Langdon had you flipped on your stomach, holding your hips up so he could quickly start drilling deep into you in an harmony of grunts and moans from the both of you.
 “La-Langdon” you tried to whimper. “Michael, call me Michael” he corrected in a deep growl. That coil twisted as you and for a second it felt like your whole body was about to cease underneath the weight of your lover as he dug deeper and deeper inside of your heat, filling you to the brim with his cock.
Moaning his name intensely, you felt that tension suddenly release, spreading through your body in less than a heartbeat. You gave in to him, fully. His fingers roughly dug against the plump skin of your arse, holding his breath and bracing himself for his own climax. He told you he would be putting a baby inside of you and in a sloppy string of broken moans, he did just that, unloading his seed inside of your fertile core.
 Breathlessly whimpering your name, he soon collapsed right against you, his expression full of bliss and relief. His arm linked around your waist, pulling you in gently, feeling himself softening already with a groan.
“Mead and Venable will soon barge in and try to assassinate me. I need you to stay safely hidden in here.” he brushed the sticky hair off of your face. “She will not hurt either of us as you and you remain in here” he whispered in the shell of your ear as goose bumps erupted against your skin.
 He pushed off of your body, admiring you languidly as he wrapped himself in a new outfit. He collected a small kiss to your lips. “My father really outdone himself with you, my dove” he breathed against your lips. The heavy panels separating the bedroom to the study opened again and he gently pulled you to his arms to lay you down on the bed, the blood now congealed and dried on your skin.
“Once I am done with her, I’ll come back to actually worship you like the goddess you truly are” he caressed your cheek before pulling himself off of you, walking to the study after covering your gently body with the soft silk covering his bed. With a soft wave of the fingers, the room was separated again and you silently grew impatient to be visited by Mr Langdon again.
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krizaland · 5 years
ok, so imagine this, yandere zim has a nice and obedient friend but zim takes it too far and she reaches her limit. Sorry if it's a bit odd and not specific but can you do something with that?
It’s all good! I got the perfect idea! I took a little inspiration from my childhood nightmares of Zim turning me into an Irken.
I even drew up a picture to go with it!
Be warned: Reader will be experimented on! Also, Yanderes are creepy fucks. There won’t be anything sexual but things will get very creepy and disturbing. 
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You had been friends with Zim for over 6 months now! Zim never knew why you would always be so nice to him.
At first he thought you were trying to expose him but after learning that you were just genuinely nice, Zim decided to let you live.
Zim had to admit, you did start to grow on him.
You would always compliment him on his various gadgets and would listen to him whenever he needed to vent.
You weren’t too clingy and gave him the space he needed.
Soon, Zim learned that you seemed to enjoy helping him out from time to time.
You would often bring him homework he had forgotten and even acted as a human shield whenever Dib decided to try to start a food fight.
Zim thought it was strange at first but appreciated your dedication.
“Y/N, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for your services.You have been most useful to me!” Zim explained as he patted your head.
“Of course, Zim! I’d do anything for you!” You chirped.
“Anything?” Zim parroted as he tilted his head.
“Well, anything in my power anyway.” You laughed.
“I shall hold you to that promise then.” Zim mused as he narrowed his eyes.
As time went on, Zim found himself falling in love with you.
At first he had a meltdown! He couldn’t be in love with a filthy human! This would ruin his mission!
Why couldn’t you have at least been Irken instead of human?! At least then he wouldn’t have to destroy you!
Suddenly, he got an idea.
An awful, nasty idea.
“Computer! Get me in contact with Prisoner #777 on planet Vort!” Zim ordered as he pointed to the ceiling.
Soon the monitor crackled to life and revealed Prisoner #777 sitting in his usual prison cell.
“What is it this time, Zim?” He groaned as he turned to look at him.
“I need you to get me blueprints for an Irken PAK!” Zim demanded as he put his hands behind his back.
“Why would you need PAK blueprints? What’s wrong with the one you have now-”
“DO NOT QUESTION ME! I HAVE YOUR CHILDREN REMEMBER!” Zim roared as he gestured to a small tube with Prisoner #777′s kids bouncing around inside.
“Just give me what I asked for.” Zim growled.
“Ok! Ok! Fine! I was just asking! Here you are.” Prisoner #777 squeaked as he sent Zim the blueprints.
“Excellent.” A massive grin spread across Zim’s face as he downloaded the blueprints.
“Now, I’m sill in prison so if you could just-”
Zim’s grin grew wider as he looked over the blueprints.
“Yes! Yes!! With these blueprints I can create a PAK to store Y/N’s personalty and memories and upload them into a SUPERIOR IRKEN BODY!” Zim let out a  maniacal laugh as he raised his hands in the air.
Wasting no more time, Zim threw on a lab coat and green goggles and got straight to work.
Once his hard work had been completed, Zim threw on his disguise and made his way to Skool. Zim could hardly contain his excitement! He couldn’t wait to put his plan into action!
Zim let out a squeal when he spotted you walking his way.
“Hey, Zim! Looks like someone is in a good mood today!” You giggled as you took notice of the massive grin plastered on Zim’s face.
Zim cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
“Y/N? Is it true that you would do anything for me?” Zim purred as he circled you.
“Well, I have my limits but yeah.” You felt yourself get a little nervous as Zim sauntered closer.
"Very well. If you speak the truth, then you shall follow me to my base-I mean house! You shall follow me to my perfectly normal house and not question a thing.” Zim’s voice lowered a bit as he spoke.
“O-Ok then. Is something wrong?” You asked as you followed Zim back to his base.
“Oh don’t worry, sweet Y/N. I can assure the problem will be solved once we get inside.” Zim stifled a sinister chuckle as he opened the door.
“Welcome home, son!” The Robo parents eagerly greeted as they stepped aside.
“So these are your parents?” You asked as you tried to inspect the robo parents.
“Yes. Yes. I love them with all my heart, now keep following me.” Zim grumbled as he dragged you along.
“Wow, your house sure is um...interesting.” You murmured as you looked around at all of Zim’s bizarre decor.
“Alright, Y/N. Just stand right here for me!” Zim commanded as he pointed to a spot in front of his toilet.
“Ok then...” You were horribly confused but did as you were told.
“Excellent! Now hold still.” Zim chuckled darkly
“Zim what’s going on-Ack!”
You were engulfed in a sea of bright pink mist.
You let out a few coughs before collapsing to the ground
“Sleep well, my sweet.” Zim’s voice melted into a dark whisper as he scooped you off the ground.
Zim dragged your unconscious body into his lab and strapped you down to a large metal table.
He changed back into his lab coat and goggles and placed a strange Irken helmet over your head.
“I’ll admit, you’re actually quite attractive for a human. I almost feel bad about letting such a lovely form go to waste.” Zim mused as he caressed your cheek.
“Oh well! I’ve come too far to turn back now!” Zim chirped as he hooked up the helmet to the new PAK he had just built for you.
Zim erupted into thunderous maniacal laughter as he flipped a large purple switch.
Zim’s laughter echoed throughout the lab as your mind and spirit was slowly uploaded into the PAK.
“Awaken, my sweet.”
You let out a gasp the moment your heavy eyelids opened.
Your world was encased in a murky purple bubble. All you could make you was a distorted image of a bug like creature staring back at you. His voice sounded muffled but you could still understand his words.
“Computer! Release, Y/N!” Zim commanded as he pointed to the ceiling.
The glass chamber you were floating in was shattered to the ground.
You let out a yelp as you felt a large metal object being injected into your back.
A small electric shock surged through your body for a moment.
You let out a groan as you tried to process what was going on.
"HA! Success!” Zim squealed as he zipped to your side.
His ruby eyes twinkled with excitement as he took in your new form.
You were beyond perfect! You were breathtaking!
Your antennas were perfectly curled and your F/C eyes sparkled under the lab’s dim lighting.
Even your height was perfected as your new Irken body was a foot taller than your old human one.
Zim became so entranced by your beauty that he fell to the floor for a moment.
You let out a gasp and tried to check on him. However, there was no need!
Zim’s PAK sent out a small electric shock and revived him from his trance.
Zim shook away the excess shock and turned his attention back to you.
“Oh my god! Are you alright?!” You squeaked as you covered your mouth.
“Never better, my sweet, Y/N! The real question is how do you feel?” Zim crooned as he pointed at you.
“Oh? Well, I feel kinda out of it, now that you ask.” You explained as you held your head.
“I see. Well, your entire human brain has been uploaded into your PAK. So I guess you need some time to get used to things.” Zim hummed as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Wait what?!”
“Oh ho! Oh yeah! You were unconscious when all the stuff happened.” Zim chuckled.
“When what stuff happened?! What’s going on here?!” You demanded as you put your hands on your hips.
“Weeeell, I removed your brain data from your old PATHETIC HUMAN BODY and transferred it into a SUPERIOR IRKEN BODY!” Zim sang.
“WHAT?! I’M NOT HUMAN ANYMORE?!” You shrieked as you frantically patted all around yourself.
“Nope! You are no longer a FILTHY HUMAN! You are now A SUPERIOR IRKEN LIFE FORM!!! See?” Zim sang as he held up a small mirror.
You let out another shriek!
You couldn’t even recognize yourself anymore!
Your skin was green and your eyes were F/C and bug like! Any traces of hair were gone! Now all you had were two curly antennas on your head.
You backed away and almost slipped on the left over purple goo on the floor.
“Now. Now. It’s alright! You just need to take some time to adjust to your new body!” Zim reassured as he gently took your hands in his.
“No! Let go of me, you freak!” You seethed as you snatched your hands away.
“But, Y/N! It’s me, Zim!” Zim insisted as he gestured to himself.
“What the-Zim?!  You’re an alien?!” You yelped as a shudder ran down your spine.
“Indeed I am! I’m sorry, my sweet Y/N but Zim is not a normal human worm baby. Zim is a MIGHTY IRKEN WARRIOR! SENT ON A SPECIAL MISSION TO DESTROY THIS MISERABLE PLANET FOR MY LEADERS, THE ALL MIGHTY TALLEST!” Zim cackled as he threw his hands into the air.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing! The green skinned boy you called your friend was an evil monster from beyond the stars!
“I can’t believe it! Dib was right about you! You are a monster!” You choked out as pink tears streamed down your face.
“Monster?! Zim is no monster! I did this to protect your precious life! When the armada arrives they will fire a cannon sweep to eradicate any remaining non Irken life forms. This was the only way to spare you from the armada’s wrath! I couldn’t bear to live with myself if I lost you! I care about you far too much!” Zim explained as he activated his spider legs to reach your face better.
“If you really cared about me, you wouldn’t have done this! Change me back, Zim! I can’t live my life like this!” You wailed as you gestured to yourself.
“Never! This is for your own good! You’ll thank me once the armada gets here!” Zim snarled as he drew closer.
“Zim! Listen to reason! You can’t keep me like this!” You pleaded as you backed away from him.
“Oh but I can! And I will. You might as well forget about your pathetic former human body! I’ve already disposed of it!” Zim chuckled darkly as he circled you.
“WHAT?! THIS IS INSANE!” You screeched as you tried to get away.
“Isn’t it though? Don’t worry, I think you’ll find your new body to be a major improvement.” Zim purred as he grabbed your arm and rubbed his face up against it.
“GET OFF OF ME!” You tried to pull your arm away but Zim’s grip was far too tight.
“No. I don’t think I will....Mmm you smell divine my sweet. No longer are you plagued by that DISGUSTING humany smell! Now you’re perfect. Perfect in every way.” Zim’s voice melted into a soft whisper as he kissed his way up your arm.
He planted a large kiss on your cheek.
You let out a startled yelp and tried to shake him off of you but yo no avail.
“Stop your struggling, my sweet. I’m not trying to harm you,” Zim purred as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
“You’ve already hurt me, Zim! By turning me into a freak!” You sobbed as Zim begun to pepper your neck with slightly rough kisses.
“Oh you say that now, yes but I don’t think you really mean it.” Zim let out a few chirps as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I mean it, Zim! You’ve hurt me! I can’t believe I actually thought you were my friend!” Your voice cracked as more pink tears streamed down your cheeks.
“Perhaps you’re right. Maybe I am not your friend. Maybe I am something more...” Zim circles around to properly face you.
“What are you-MMPH!”
Zim grabbed your face and crashed his lips onto yours.
He let out a low, growly moan as his worm like tongue forced its way into your mouth.
You tasted so divine. Zim couldn’t get enough of you. His tongue curled around yours and playfully wrestled with it.
You let out a muffled yelp as your eyes widened in horror. You wanted to fight back but Zim had already overpowered you.
Soon Zim released you and licked his lips.
“Maybe I am your master...”
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viviae · 4 years
Dissecting the Newspapers
What are those newspaper articles?
Well, I’m here to give MY interpretation of what is going on. Simply put, I think Anastasia is planning a coup to overthrow Vesuvia.
1) We have Anastasia fixing the canals
First off, Anastasia has no reason to fix the canals, she does not live in Vesuvia and her niece and nephew aren’t exactly permanent residence either. So why? These canal’s have been a long standing problem in Vesuvia’s history, no one knows who built them or why and half of them are unfinished so it’s safe to say they’ve probably been around since the city was founded. And then to have this mysterious benefactor who is putting in some very expensive resources to solve this issue? It’s to gain public approval for her and leave a positive impression on the masses (she did not actually speak publicly at the trial).
Her fixing the canals lead to her digging underground as well which seems to have resulted in the flooded district collapsing.
And speaking of public approval...
2) Nadia had to delay the masquerade
This threat of flooding is so serious Nadia delayed the masquerade. This should be a huge red flag as in all the other routes Nadia cannot cancel the masquerade. It’s obvious Nadia has a lot riding on the masquerade politically speaking. The people of Vesuvia love a good ole fashion masquerade and it’s pretty much the only reason anyone liked Lucio and did not start a revolution.
So we have a public figure who has been absent from the public eye for years who tries to offer two different events to improve her public standing. The hanging, which does not happen, and now the masquerade which is delayed. Even in the parts of the city where Lucio was always disliked and may have had their hopes riding on Nadia it just shows to them they are failing. Not to mention that now a foreigner is now fixing one of Vesuvia’s longest standing problems which obviously looks like it was always an easy fix but the Vesuvian royal family has been to incompetent to fix it. As well as now we have the flooded district being completely destroyed which is only going to hurt Nadia’s image more with the people.
In one fell swoop Tasya just ruined Nadia’s public image. Which if you want to plan a coup, it would be incredibly beneficial to have the current ruling figure fail.
3) Tasya has already won over the court
In the last book we got to see Tasya at work. Giving Valerius an incredibly expensive vineyard and Vastomil some rare worms isn’t exactly cheap. And while yes at face value this was just to convince them to rule Julian innocent I doubt it was just to rule Julian innocent on an even vote. They are indebted to her and have a great respect for her now as well.
And although she only has 2/5 members of the court it won’t be hard to win over the others.
4) a renowned expert in poison has been found mysteriously dead
Acontius Dogwood has been found dead, why would they include this seemingly irrelevant individual’s death for a teaser image? Well I’ll give you the biggest hint and it’s in the pudding.
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If you don’t remember Nightshade allow me to remind you of this lovely quote from Julian
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This poison is incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands but it’s only safe to be touched because it needs to be distilled. The distilling process for a poison can be pretty complicated and would need an expert to do so successfully. And an expert was just mysteriously killed (probably by his own creation). If he’s used to crafting this poison specifically for overthrowing kings he’s probably smart enough not to live in a city where its being used. 
Until what I believe is Anastasia asking for a poison to be crafted for her. I think she killed him to keep him quiet and no one to be the wiser. And where do I think this poison is? Well let’s take a look at the flower itself. 
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A pale blue with darker veins inside of it.... Now lets take a look at that necklace that Anastasia gifted Portia real quick.
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A pale blue with darker veins inside of it...
I think this necklace is a Chekhov’s Gun, its an incredibly odd thing to be drawing attention to as much as it has been, with even Valerius making a comment on it. More specifically I think it’s a reference to the Game of Throne’s necklace that Sansa wears at the purple wedding. It’s a pale blue necklace that has one of it’s dangling gems removed during the events as the gems hold a poison to overthrow a king... and subsequently frames her for murder.
Another point is how in the paid scene with Portia at the pillow fight it’s noted that had taken the necklace off. Now you could make an argument that this is simply because Portia didn’t want any damage to fall to the necklace but I think this was a way to make sure we the readers don’t accidentally break this gem containing an incredibly dangerous poison.
5) What is going on with the crabmen?
Ok, they aren’t actually half crab hybrids.
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But what people are seeing at men in carapaces running around under ground. So I believe that they aren’t crabs, but rather men in armor. We know Anastasia is in charge of repairing the canals which has lead to her having to go underground. I think the fixing the canals is also a cover to get her to sneak armed troops underground which people are seeing. And they seem to be quite territorial and aggressive as it’s scaring the citizens... almost like they don’t want to be seen.
6) The storms
Ok, this wasn’t part of my original theory because I thought the storms were the Devil getting mad at delaying the masquerade but I saw @thesanguinerose​ ‘s post talking about how Julian and Portia’s parents were killed in a storm that mysteriously on the Devorak children and Tasya survived. 
And now that there are these violent storms brewing in Vesuvia... in the only route where Tasya is present raises some major concerns. Tasya explained to Portia that she had offered to buy their parent’s merchant ship to add to her fleet but they denied her. And then said parents happened to die out at see on a violent storm with Tasya present. It is definitely suspicious and I think these storms are connected to Tasya and are following her around. Perhaps in the same way that the plague followed Lucio around for having an uncompleted deal.
She does seem quite well traveled and despite being a baroness isn’t at her country ruling like she probably should. Probably to avoid destroying her city but there is no reason she can’t use this to an advantage. But I am making a lot of leaps with this one that I’m not even 100% about.
7) Foreshadowing in Portia’s Route
In Portia’s route there is a certain... theme to it. Portia is pretty bent on solving the mysteries of everything going on around her. Portia in general has a real penchant for snooping and keeping secrets. So we already know what one of the bigger mysteries of the overall story of The Arcana is “Why did Julian kill Lucio" but the problem is... Portia already solved it. She solved it before anyone else did back in book X (Yes Muriel’s route answers the question of if Julian did it at the start but not why) and yet we still have a massive story. 
There seems to be a theme in the secondary routes that they take a different approach to the world and story than the main three. Portia has been following the story pretty much beat by beat so far but there is something incredibly special about Portia. She has no connection to the Devil at all.
If you follow (I believe it’s @apprenticeofcups​ ‘s meta) the idea that Lucio is only as big as a threat in the route based on that character of that route you have an odd situation where... Portia doesn’t know Lucio at all. Portia has never even made a deal with a major arcana like all the other members of the route. Currently, Portia’s biggest obstacle and threat to her personal morals IS Anastasia. It’s not crazy to think that she’d become Portia’s biggest villain and a major villain in general.
Here is also some fun screencaps to show some foreshadowing about Portia’s route maybe holding something a bit bigger. She used to pretend she was a lost princess and says these words exactly:
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And well, she might not be betrayed for her own personal throne... the throne she serves is about to be betrayed...
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