#buy him candles that scents only remind me of him
togament · 3 days
" 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦. windbreaker boys edition. "
pt. 1. (sakura, ume, suo.)
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𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : kinda suggestive (i mean it's me. ofc its gotta be suggestive somehow), some swearing, kinda ooc for suo. can you blame me though? we know so little about the man and we're already 140+ chapters deep.
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- canonically doesn't own a pillow so he only sleeps on his side, curled up to conserve heat. like a cat. but after having you around? he's clinging onto you, man. he may deny it vehemently when you tease him about it in the morning, throwing pillows at you as he's blushing profusely, but he doesn't know you've taken a picture of him with his arm over your chest, tugging you close to him. - clenches and grinds his teeth when he sleeps. you buy him a mouth guard so his jaw isn't as tense when he wakes up. (TMJ sufferers rise up) - sleeps in his boxers when you're around but if not, he's going commando, baby. just... text him when you're planning on surprising him in the morning. give him prep time unless you're looking to eat sausage for breakfast. - gets bed hair but doesn't care. he'd have a huge cowlick on his head but he doesn't mind. best he could do is kind of wet his hair? anything more than that is too much effort. - very light sleeper. if he hears the smallest bump in the night, he's immediately up. - has only one duvet and it's kind of falling apart. you gifted him a new one and he almost cried in front of you (not without freaking out about it first.) - talks in his sleep sometimes. you record him whenever you catch him doing it just to play it back for him in the morning. he's always so confused as to how and why he does it.
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- won't sleep unless you give him his goodnight kisses. you have to. how dare you deny him of the pleasure of kissing you before you sleep? - always lets you sleep before he does because he reads before he sleeps. - needs reading glasses and falls asleep with them on. CONSTANTLY. you have to remind him about them before you snooze or you peel them off when you wake up before he does. has broken one (close to a dozen) reading glasses before you came along because he kept sleeping on them. - has to read before he sleeps. it's a necessity. he reads stuff ranging from philosophy to manga. never fails to fall asleep with a book in his hand too. - checks on a spreadsheet he's got for his plants so he has a game plan ready in the morning. checks the weather and temperature and everything before he does his reading routine. worries endlessly if a heavy typhoon drops or god forbid hailstorms. - HUGE SLEEP HUGGER AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE. his body just naturally gravitates towards you in his sleep. it's cute. it's endearing. until it's a hot summer night and you're damn near naked because just wearing a shirt's making you sweat. ume's just a happy sleeping puppy of a man, sweaty body clinging to your side. - a very light snorer. you rarely ever get to hear him snore. he only does after a particularly tiring day or after you've had rounds and rounds of se-- - gets a boner most nights. - wet dreams often. you have to help him out in the mornings. - that being said, he's very, very touchy in the mornings.
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- sleeps like the dead. you may or may not have held your finger to his nose to check if he's still breathing. - never has bed hair. when he wakes up, he looks absolutely impeccable. it's crazy. - has a candle warmer set to a timer. likes sleeping when his surroundings smell good. also has a scent diffuser. - has like... a 30 minute long ritual before bed. candle warmer, check. proper pyjamas, check. pillows plumped, check. skincare routine, done. you always end up waiting for him on the bed while he's apologizing with that sweet voice of his while crawling into bed with you. - only ever sleeps facing up. if you want to cuddle, he could. but he can't engulf you in his frame or anything. just an arm around you or maybe with you pressed up against his side. - he runs cold so he's got thick duvets over thick duvets. they're really soft too. hotel quality. always gets them washed. - somehow you've never caught him in the process of waking up. he's always up before you, brewing tea or cooking breakfast. hell, he already has a set ready for you by the time you wake up. - who am I kidding suo never sleeps.
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a/n: just a quick little thing before i hop into bed. doing part two soon bc i wanna clown on kaji so fucking BAAAAAD omg (affectionately) ok goodnight babycakes.
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crazy-concubine · 3 months
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The tags I made
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pupkashi · 10 months
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gojo knows how to peel oranges
a/n: just something simple inspired by the poem oranges by jean little, i cried the first time i read it, hope you guys enjoy <3
wordcount: 843
there was a lot you did for satoru.
you helped ground him, reminded him to drink water, made him food, taught him how to fold clothes and do laundry, showed him all your favorites- from places to eat and videos to play.
you reminded him what love felt like, your tender touches late at night, gentle thumb pads wiping away hot tears, soft whispers and proclamations of love.
satoru always wondered what he did for you.
he didn’t think much of the quality time he’d spend with you, he thought that was a given. he often brushed past the shower of compliments he gave you daily, figuring that was the standard. the little gestures of holding doors open, buying you flowers, remembering your favorite candle scent and buying your shampoo seemed too natural to him for it to be considered and outward act of love.
“you want some oranges?” you asked, looking at him with a smile from the kitchen.
“i could go for some oranges” he replies, getting up from the couch and joining you in the kitchen, taking an orange in his hand.
his thumbs easily tear into through the peel, gently digging his finger and separating it seamlessly from the sweet fruit, continuing his motion until the peel comes completely off, all in one piece.
you on the other hand, are putting too much force into your thumb, your finger piercing straight into the flesh of the fruit, shrieking when the juice gets on your face a bit.
“how do you always peel it so neatly? i have never once been able to” you huff, setting the now punctured Orange on a towel, washing your hands in the sink before drying them off.
“cmon sweetheart it really isn’t that hard!” satoru grins, taking your orange and easily peeling it apart neatly. “you have to do this, and then… get it there and boom!” his smile widening as he stares at you, a pout on your lips and an annoyed look in your eyes.
“yeah yeah mr. ‘I’m so good at everything’” you tease, tasking the orange from his hand and munching on a piece. “they’re sweet today” you smile, putting both your pieces and satoru’s in a bowl, heading back to the couch the two of you were on.
two weeks later the two of you are cooking dinner, reading off the recipe and realizing the dish called for an orange.
“can you hand me an orange?” you ask, turning around and thanking him as he hands it to you. you were determined to not make a mess this time, it’s just an orange after all.
but as gentle as you were, the peel wouldn’t budge, and the little force you applied proved to be just a little too much as your fingers pierced through the flesh again. you groaned in frustrations satoru already taking it from his hands, a smile on his face as he so easily peeled it.
“coulda just asked” he hums, handing you the orange, you’re glaring at him, giggling when he misses your nose.
“thank you angel boy,” you mumble, chopping the orange and adding it in.
one year later you’re sitting together in a grassy field, the wild blowing past the two of you, your laughter and love filled gazes scattered in the wind.
“i got some oranges from the market today!” you grin, taking them out of the wicker basket and showing them to your snowy haired lover. “you owe me breakfast in bed if i can finally peel this damn citrus fruit” you wager, satoru easily sitting back, a small smirk on his face as he nodded.
“I’ll do so breakfast in bed for a month if you peel it in one piece” your eyes widen at his proposition, nodding before looking at the fruit in your hands.
it’s only ten seconds later that you’re throwing yourself back, saying the fruit was obviously defective because ‘there’s no way the peel was that easy to cut through!’
satoru takes the oranges from you, peeling them perfectly and separating them into neat sections.
“I’m glad i have you to peel my citrus” you smile one night, taking the mandarin slices from his hand and humming in delight as the sweet taste hits your tastebuds.
“I’ll always peel your oranges for you” he replies, voice soft, his blue eyes seem a little lighter and his face a bit more relaxed as he looks at you.
it’s been years since then, and you never learned to peel oranges, the times you’d attempt to, juice would get everywhere and the peel coming off in chunks, the aftermath looked like an orange massacre.
satoru’s heart flutters when he sees the citrus fruit, knowing you’ll hand it to him, for him to peel for you. he knows you’ll always ask him to do this for you.
satoru is grateful everyday that you can’t peel oranges, because with the boundless things you do for him, he knows this is the one thing he’ll always be able to do for you.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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puckinghischier · 2 months
Boyfriend!Nico Headcanons
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these pics are gonna get me everytime, i fear
just some soft nico thoughts floating around in my noggin. enjoy :)
- boyfriend!nico coming home from morning skate and tiptoeing into your room, careful not to wake you so he can lay back down and nap with you
- boyfriend!nico waking up about an hour later to an empty bed, huffing because you didn’t wake him up, only for you to walk in the room wearing one of his t-shirts carrying two cups of coffee, a grin breaking out on his face
- boyfriend!nico suggesting you both shower together, even though he showered at the rink, simply because he loves when you wash his hair (and so he can use your products so he can smell fruity like you do)
- boyfriend! nico asking girls that approach him when he’s out with the team or on the road where they get various parts of their outfits/jewelry because he can’t stop thinking about how good you’d look in them, writing every store down in his notes app so he can take you there the next time you two go shopping
- boyfriend!nico who looks for you in the stands of every home game during warm-ups, needing to know you’re there watching before puck drop because he swears you’re his good luck charm, but also looking for any and every reason to impress you when he’s on the ice
- boyfriend!nico who buys you a custom jersey with his name and number on it, but with small four leaf clovers embroidered on each sleeve so everyone knows you’re his good luck charm, not the team’s
- boyfriend!nico who enlists jack’s help in surprising you with the golden retriever puppy you’ve been begging Nico to agree to adopting, making the poor kid drive three hours one-way to pick up the dog and then sneak the puppy into your shared apartment so Nico can keep you distracted and occupied, wanting to see your face when you open the door and the little furball comes running towards you
- boyfriend!nico who rushes through every post game interview he can because all he wants to do, win or lose, is go home and watch whatever current netflix show you’ve roped him into while eating whatever take-out you were in the mood for that night
- boyfriend!nico putting you on speaker in the locker room before games because the team overheard one of the pre-game pep talks you gave him earlier in the season, so now they all like to hear your encouraging words and how well you inspire each and every one of them to play their best (what jack refers to as your mrs. cap duties)
- boyfriend!nico who has to explain to his teammates why he can’t bring you along to every event the team has to go to because you have your own job and responsibilities, only for the team to whine and grumble about how nico hogs you and they never get to see you (just for him to facetime you halfway through the event so he can pass his phone around for everyone to say hi a few of them asking you to blink three times if nico was holding you hostage)
- boyfriend!nico who arranges for flowers and various treats to be delivered to your door every. single. day. that he’s gone during the season so you know he’s still thinking about you and he misses you, even if he only leaves for a day or two
- boyfriend!nico who listens to the playlist you’ve made for him anytime he’s traveling because he loves hearing whatever new song you’ve found that day that reminds you of him
- boyfriend!nico who begs you to take a bath with him because he’s so sore from a nasty hit earlier in the night and wants to just relax with you and your peach smelling bubble bath with one of your vanilla scented candles burning (but he’ll never admit he loves your sweet, scented candles)
- boyfriend!nico who will always trade a puck or a stick for anything that a fan brings as a gift for you, heart swelling seeing that the fans love you as much as he does
- boyfriend!nico who always wears a wrist full of friendship bracelets you make for him at warmups so he can trade them with the female fans that bring handmade bracelets for the players, so “they always feel included and welcomed at the games, despite what the grumpy old men have to say about it”
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justporo · 6 months
Headcanons for Astarion and Tav spending winter time
Aight, writing for the fluff challenge has me thinking about this a lot, so why not exploit it some more, eh? Some of these are/will be used in the drabbles plus more stuff. So, here we go:
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Does Astarion like winter? For sure not, this vampire is made for summer time, elegant summer clothing and also... a beautiful summer tunic on his partner is just so much more beautiful than all the winter clothes (and easier to take off, he has a point there)
You can convince him though that winter time has its perks because there's so much more cuddling and who really wants to get out of bed when it's that cold outside, right?
Astarion will however use every given opportunity to make a fashion statement - expect beautiful but dramatic, winter cloaks with fur, elegant gloves, winter tunics with beautiful embroidery (although he might enjoy just throwing on a sweater at home - especially if you had it stolen before and your scent still lingers on it)
Also winter festivities were mostly hurtful reminders this far, but now? With you by his side, he will enjoy them a lot more
Also: let's not forget that it may be cold outside but the nights are much longer and give you more opportunity to be out and about
He sneakily hangs up a mistletoe somewhere in your place and waits like a predator to assault you with kisses every time you catches you under it; "Astarion! This is the tenth time today! You know you can just ask me for a kiss, don't you?" "But darling, where would be the fun in simply asking? Isn't it so much more romantic when pure chance makes us meet here under the mistletoe time and again, my love?" "It's not chance when you keep lingering under it, Astarion!"
He enjoys decorations a lot more than he'd care to admit, he enjoys when your place smells of fresh pine from wreaths and other stuff you've put up and he likes the cosy atmosphere all the spread candles are creating for the two of you cuddling up while a snowstorm howls outside
Speaking of: expect Astarion to become the embodiment of a cuddly cat during winter time; he'll snuggle up with you under some blankets, in front of the fireplace, maybe with a nice book to read and a mug of mulled wine to enjoy
Astarion will also make sure you stay appropriately warm: no matter if he buys you a wooly sweater or makes you a nice coat himself; "My love, I'm cold enough for the two of us, you don't need to take on this quality of mine."
One more thing he absolutely loaths is: snow; he doesn't get it
Sadly you also can't change his mind by throwing snowballs at him - oh no! This will only cause him to show you that his rogue skills make for very good aiming and you'll soon both just be completely frozen; but it's worth it because you could swear you heard him laugh and see him smile despite him proclaiming this all childish
Once he figures you are very much into all of this, he puts some more effort into it - he wants to see you happy; every time Astarion goes into the city and walks across the winter market, he'll bring you something: maybe something sweet, maybe a small piece of decoration - you feel very appreciated, you just hope he paid for that stuff and didn't just steal it; Astarion is elusive on the matter
The most important thing for him though is that he gets to spend winter time together with you - with all the gifts and challenges it may bring
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @azukiel @darlingxdragon
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badmuni · 1 year
↺ jay as a boyfriend ↻
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jay is straight forward when it comes to his desires.
so once he sets his goal, it's done. he doesn't give up until he gets what he wants
and as he wanted you, jay invested in all the way
buying things, planning dates, and mainly, trying to help and support you in all aspects.
he doesn't say but he likes the chase. nothing too crazy, but he likes he idea of making you fall for him. that's why he gave so much of himself since the start
but the funny thing is, he fell hard before even you
and everybody knew about it.
jay, without realizing it, was talking about you all the time. literally anything reminded him of you
“oh... i feel like eating cookies” sunoo says randomly. “oh really? y/n loves eating cookies...” jay said from across the room and the boys started to laugh. “oh gosh he's putting y/n in the conversation again...” sunghoon responds. “until the end of the day we will know everything about y/n, for real” jake complained.
it was indeed true.
when you and jay became a couple, you inevitably became close with his friends, because he likes to show you off
also keeping you around him.
and since jay likes to keep you close, he would want to take you anywhere with him
because he has a busy life, jay thinks that any moment with you is precious, so even if he needs to go to the dentist, he asks “y/n do you want to come with me?”
sounds hilarious, but it's just the way he takes things.
jay values the closeness, the moments and every little efforts
he's a devoted man.
the type to buy you flowers, expensive jewelry and call you his love
cause being with jay you would never not feel safe.
he is always true, never hiding anything or lying to you
he brings all the stability to the table.
thinks about the future and isn't afraid to tell you the things he thinks you can achieve together
.... he wants his last name on yours (or your last name on his?)
it's that type of love.
exclusively, jay is very patient with you
if you don't know something, he'll teach you, or show you how to take it, and he will love to do that
jay feels good when he feels needed by you
the guidance role—loving you with all his heart like he never loved somebody before, and making that clear for you.
deep talker—who might whisper words like, “you. you're the only one for me. the only one i want and desire.”
jay can be very intense with his feelings and emotions
and because of that, jealousy brings out the worst in him
he may, perhaps, be jealous constantly...
if you look at other man, he would automatically feel bad
starts to overthink, “is she still in love with me?”
so you gotta give him reassurance.
just like heeseung, words are very important to jay
he likes to be listened just as much he likes to listen to you
if there are a lot of people around, and you're talking but they don't seem to be paying attention, that wouldn't be a problem, because jay would be there attentive to your every word.
when it comes to arguments, things can get complicated
jay is very stubborn...
he has many opinions and it's too hard to change his mind
since jay is talkative, i know, you know, that when he's stressed he might talk nonstop
keeps trying to prove you his point of view;
things can end up chaotic because of this
he is understandable though...
if he sees you don't want to talk, he gives you space, and may even pull away to give you some alone time
but he always comes back
jay can't stand being away for that long so he always comes back with the excuse, “i can't do this anymore, let's work this out, my love”
jay offers a lot of his affection as a form of apology
even prepares a bathtub with scented candles around it so you can relax
give you massage, or prepare some food for you.
even though jay is so good he also expects to receive the same good treatment
he likes it when you pet him, stroke his hair and tell him you love him
this is the moment he feels the happiest.
overall, jay is a loyal, stable, and undeniably... husband material boyfriend
who would always try his best to make it work, and give you the love you deserve.
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[ ★ ] — notes: pls pls, tell me if you find mistakes !
# masterlist
© badmuni, 2023
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todorokies · 9 months
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megumi reminds me so much of autumn . . . the leaves turning frail and crunchy, the outdoor air carrying a cold breeze that shakes wind chimes, the days fall short whereas the nights stills longer, warm maroon coloured sweaters, vanilla and apple scents follows in bakeries and candle shops . . .
this time of year cast a lovely veil over megumi’s life which temporarily reliefs him of his duties as a sorcerer. he chooses his spare time wisely and doesn’t take it for granted, since you occupy most of his thoughts its only warranted he spends his lazy saturdays with you by his side.
the first saturday of october, you both visit a secondhand book store after grabbing tea at a cozy cafe. megumi buys a agatha christie novel, the murder at the vicarage, you on the other hand buy a r.l stine goosebumps book. he sighs with a soft smile of his face, “typical…” he mutters to himself.
the second saturday of october, you, yuji, and nobara somehow grouped megumi into playing with an ouija board. after countless attempts of asking questions to the actual thin air, the planchette moves to the ‘yes’ side of the board after you and nobara jokingly asked: ‘does someone haunt the dorm room in the male east wing?’ the room was soon filled with screams of terror . . . needless to say you spent the night in your boyfriend’s dorm cuddled up in his arms.
the third saturday of october consists of going into tokyo for a street festival. traditional snacks, candy apples, cinnamon rolls and the smell of caramel wafts throughout the street. going hand in hand manoeuvring through the large crowd while looking at the cool vendors and displays and occasionally saying, “look 'gumi let's check this one out!”
with the fourth and final saturday of october, you currently reside in the commoner kitchen sitting on top of the counter watching megumi use halloween-themed cookie cutters on pre-made dough. the plan for tonight was to stay in and watch hocus pocus, after some time you break the comfortable silence, "so... since when do you like halloween?" a small smirk plays on his lips "who said i didn't?"
“you don’t seem like the type, you know?” you take a neatly rolled up piece of cookie dough off the baking sheet to prop it in your mouth, “if i didn’t know you well enough i’d probably think your favourite holiday was something boring like new year’s.” he snickers at your claim but covers it up with a fake dry cough not wanting to give you that full satisfaction.
he ends up choosing to ignore your comment, “there’s a lot of things to do around the fall time that entertains me. that’s all.” you teasingly wiggle your eyebrows clearly fascinated by this new discovery. “did you ever dress up for halloween?”
“gojo used to dress me and tsumiki up all the time when we were little. one year we went as oompa loompas and he dressed as willy wonka.” his eyebrow slightly twitches in annoyance by the faint memory.
you hold in your laughter mainly to protect megumi’s ego and make a mental note to ask gojo for proof with pictures later. “i’m glad you wanna spend this month with me it seems like it means a lot to you.” you blurt out suddenly while fondly smiling at him as you softly trace over his chuckles with your finger.
his breath gets stuck in his throat and he can practically feel the blush climbing from his neck up to his face. you always seem to do this to him; make him awestruck and flustered like an idiot with a freshly new crush. but in hindsight, he doesn’t think the puppy love phase will ever end, at least not for him, you still make his stomach flip and tumble after many months together.
contrary to popular belief, megumi believes that the month of love doesn’t take place in february, but in the month of october. where the orange, yellow, and red is a far more appealing set of colours than pink and white.
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3 a/n: in honor of it being september
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Hi, love~ I am back with request #7 (last one)
This time, I'm choosing Fox, with an opal, and at midday. He needs some love. Some *good* love. Real good love. The kind of love that makes him realize he's worth loving. Give this man the bestest love for me 🫶🏻
Please and thank you 💚💚💚
Not A Question Of Worth
Summary: You remind Fox that your love for him isn’t conditional.
Pairing: Commander Fox x Reader
Word Count: 744
Prompt: Opal - Faithful Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I'm not sure if I hit the prompt for this one. I had an idea and I wanted to write that, but maybe I also did? I dunno, I'm getting sick and it's making everything hard. Also. If you wanted to send me a prompt for my baby boy Dogma I would love you forever and a day. 🥺
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You know when Fox has had a bad day.
Partly because Thire and Thorn and Stone, sometimes all of them, will shoot you a message giving you heads up. But also because you know Fox. And you know his moods.
So when you get a message just before you leave work for the day, a warning from Stone that Fox had a really bad day, you’re already planning on what you can do to make his evening better.
On your way home, you stop by his favorite restaurant and grab the food you ordered in advance, you pop into the florist and grab a bouquet of his favorite small purple flowers, and you dip into a bakery to buy a premade cake.
If you’d had more time, everything would have been individually ordered, but such is life you suppose.
You hurry home, and you’re not surprised when you step into the home you share with Fox and you hear the shower running. If the day was as bad as Stone implied, your Fox will want to wash the day off his skin before he sees you.
Your perfect man seems to think that if he touches you after a bad day, he’ll do nothing but hurt you. Which is silly, but if it helps him feel better than you’re not going to question it.
In any event, the fact that he’s distracted, means that you’re able to get the room ready. The flowers are put in a vase and set on the table. The curry is removed from the containers and placed on the fancy china that your mom gave you when you moved out of her house. The cake is put on a fancy platter and cut into slices. Two scented candles are lit and set a safe distance away from the flowers.
And then you dart into the bedroom and peel off your work clothes for something more comfortable. 
And you managed to do so in less than five minutes.
You’re doing one last check of the kitchen, making sure that everything looks perfect, when the shower stops. You turn to the bedroom door and, only moments later, Fox steps out of the bedroom clad in his sleep pants and nothing else.
It takes everything in you to not swoon for him. He really is so handsome that you just want to cry.
“Cyare,” Fox’s voice is rough, “Welcome home.”
He looks exhausted, you note. You’re glad you prepared everything before he got out of the shower. Now he just has to enjoy it.
You walk over to him and slide your arms around his waist, “Stone sent me a message and said you had a rough day.” You stand on your toes and kiss him, “Did the shower help?”
“A little.” He leans his forehead against yours, “I meant to have dinner ready for you-”
You beam at him, “You’re so sweet!” You lightly pull back and take his hands with yours, “Luckily, I took care of it.” Gently, you tug him into the kitchen, and he pauses in the doorway.
You watch him scan the room. From the flowers and candles, to the food and the cake, and then he focuses his gaze on you, “What’s all of this, cyare?”
“Well, Stone said you had a rough day, so I thought I’d try to make it a little better. Do you like it?”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he turns to look at you, “I’m not worth all of this. I didn’t do anything for-”
You reach up and press your fingers against his lips, gently interrupting him. “My love is not conditional, Fox. You don’t have to do anything to earn my love. You have it anyway.”
He stares at you, and you can’t help but hope that maybe, this time, he’ll believe you when you say that. Though you’ll repeat it as often as you need to. 
Fox sighs and presses a kiss against the pads of your fingers. “I’m not worthy of you. You should be with someone brighter…like Cody.”
“It’s not a question of worth, Fox.” You kiss him gently and then kiss him again and again, “I love you. I choose you. It’s as simple as that.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he ducks his head and kisses you deeply, “I love you” He says against your lips, “Thank you for loving me enough to try and make my day better.”
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blingblong55 · 8 months
In the air- 141
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Based on a request:
BLINGY LOOK https://twitter.com/david_kennedy11/status/1703563780523696558/photo/4 I CANT ANYMORE IM GOING THROUGH THE SAME PHASE I NEED THIS IN WRITING NOW KSHFALHLHFKLASHFLHAL (If it don't bother you, pls a fic of the ppl in the tweet on reacting to you buying smelling a candle that smells like them/their fav scent) --- GN!Reader, fluff, established!relationship
As your boyfriend was still on deployment, you grew to miss his scent around your room or flat more and more. Recently, you found a small business that did custom-made candles, so of course you ordered one. When it arrived, it sat pretty on a shelf in your room, candle-lit evening, you in bed and cuddled to your pillows and blankets. He walked in, ready to surprise you when he smelt himself as he approached your room. You weren't aware of his presence until you heard his boots being taken off and placed under your bed.
The smell was known all too well, and he absolutely grinned when he noticed the label on the candle. "John MacTavish." it read.
It brought comfort, that his partner would do this because they missed him and that his scent roamed the flat when he was away.
"Yer did this for me?" His big strong arms wrap around you. A little nod from his lover sends the best butterflies to his stomach. It was the best way to flatter him.
He had to admit, he blushed really hard when you went looking for your laptop to show him the website.
It was as if he was a little boy, blushing and having this inside feeling of utter happiness
He actually made a mental note of the website/seller to order one with your scent, a small size of course for when he was away and missed you.
The second he wrapped his arms around you, he noticed the smell but what was more notable was the candle with a sticker of his name.
"Kyle Garrick." He looked at you and then you shyly looked away. "Love, what's this?" he picked up the candle, taking a smell and smiling.
His lover, the prettiest thing in this world, has a candle of his smell. It was cute, his blush and how he too shied away.
He didn't let go, he couldn't let go of you for an hour. He knows how much you missed him and to know it went this far to get a candle, yeah this man was over the moon.
Like Soap he too knew he must buy a candle with your scent, it would bring comfort after flying upside down helicopters or having as run-in with cartels
After all, he and you, whether any one liked it or not, would have the home you created smelling like the other.
He wasn't much for showing too many flustered faces but this? oh boy did it send him to a different world
Like Gaz, he didn't let go of you for a while, mainly because this was how he rubbed his smell on you and because as you were squished by his arms, he made sure to memorise the website/seller name.
He is the kind of man who really does take the small gestures or things that someone goes out their way for very seriously, it means more and it's far more special
"Do I really smell like that, darling?" He looks over the candle, "Johnathan Price" the label red, only very few people knew his actual name and having it displayed in this room was an honour.
When I tell you he felt like the most special and important person, I mean it. "Simon Riley" proudly stuck to a candle glass, a grin on his scarred face
Kisses upon kisses, "Oh my love," he said between kisses. The scent he knew best, mainly because you always told him that it was your favourite on him.
This for him was a reminder that he does and always will have someone to wait for him back home, his little love.
That night, you saw his soft side, the one that loves to overexaggerate being sick and the one who pouts and lets you baby him
And like the others, he too will have a candle order arriving with your name and the smell of his comfort place, you.
Tags: @anonymuslydumb @liyanahelena
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tinyletterz · 1 year
♡ just relax ! — [ savannaclaw ]
: after long days of school you decide its time for a spa day :
♡— contains: gn! reader, fluff, bathing on jacks part (nothing explicit)
— [ note: listen man i have never been to a spa bear with me 🙏 this has also been the the drafts since forever I’m gonna blame school for that]
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—leona kingscholar
♡ honesty, he's used to spas and pampering treatment since he's royalty
♡ pretty neutral about the entire trip, but he will spend money for anything you want to try. seriously, go crazy with his money but he won't make you spend more than what you want and make you feel guilty for spending his money
♡ leona shows you how spas work even if you already know the things that happen in spas. he'll even make up fake words when showing you different areas with that smug grin of his
♡ as soon as his body touches the seat he immediately falls into a light sleep and his tail keeps wacking you (there is no stopping leona)
♡ the workers actually enjoy leona because of the rare conversation he makes with them and because he's pretty much willing to let them do anything
♡ if he's in a deep sleep, feel free to paint his nails any color (he'll know it was you) but he does have pretty nails so there's no harm done
♡ he offers you insight on what would look good for you like with the color of your nails and makeup, but he certainly doesn't say you "need" any of that. but he will plead that you don't pick his nail color and makeup he will be a displeased beastman (do it)
"we should take a photo for your family."
"absolutely not"
—ruggie bucchie
♡ he absolutely is ecstatic to go to a spa: he'll clear his schedule, make sure his homework is up to date, and inform leona where he'll be
♡ you told him he deserves a day off and now his eyes are practically hearts. he totally deserves to be pampered and have the experience of feeling fresh and rejuvenated
♡ at first he's not sure if you guys have enough money combined but leona won't miss a few thaumarks missing right?
♡ he definitely eats the cucumbers they put over his eyes and they'll have to keep slicing more. the workers don't really mind because he makes them laugh and they keep reminding you that you're lucky to be with him.
♡ he's trying all the free stuff like bath scents, body scrubs, free nail polish. he's like a young kid browsing at all the toy options with a wide grin and sparkling eyes
"ruggie, what about this one? it smells nice."
"yes! along with that one over there. or maybe this one? or...
♡ you guys are getting matching nail designs no questions asked. if they get ruined after days of exposure and work, you can both just go right back to the spa. it's a win-win in ruggie's eyes
♡ it doesn't matter if the staff is supposed to apply your face mask he wants to do it himself. he takes pictures of your face covered in different face masks and while he's trying not to laugh it's impossible not to. you do manage to scare him though and the look on his face is priceless
♡ overall, he loved the experience 10/10 will go again but only if you join him. after the day you two go for sweet snacks with the leftover money. he even suggests going right back to the spa after your treat
—jack howl
♡ he would prefer an "at-home" spa date because it's more comfortable for him. what's better than staying at home with the person he cares about while bonding uninterrupted? nothing, absolutely nothing
♡ he's very curious because he's never had spa treatment, nor does he know how to effectively perform spa procedures. he puts a lot of thought into what to buy from the school store that will produce a spa effect
♡ he looks up exactly what spas do and has now become an expert; he even has the candles and aromatherapy all set up. the atmosphere is perfect and things are all set and ready to go. if you can't tell, he's a little nervous he over did things but your reassurance brings life to his tail
♡ master at massages, but please give him a massage as an athlete his muscles will definitely appreciate it!! it's so satisfying to watch the tenseness evaporate from his form.
♡ if you both are comfortable, bubble baths are an absolute must
♡ despite his efforts, his tail is wagging as you apply the face mask. its just so ticklish and cool and his favorite person keeping making silly faces at him, stop that you!
♡ i feel like he might be on the verge of falling asleep is you give him a massage like his muscles are finally all calmed and relaxed and his head just drops?? are his eyes closed??
“hey, hey jack??? are you—“
“huh?! im totally awake i was not sleeping — don’t give me that look!”
♡ over all its a very well-needed quality time activity that jack totally decides to maybe work it in at least once a month since school does take a toll and jack wants you to relax too ☹️
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rai-chuuuu · 3 months
╰┈➤ nct (127) mini drabbles
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acts of affection drabbles (0.8k words)
pairing ; every member x gn!reader
warnings ; fluff , silly stuff , literally everything else you could imagine in a post called "nct (127) mini drabbles; acts of affection" , the whole deal ykyk
I keep forgetting to write stuff so take this while you can.... I also can't promise that these are good and AREN'T cringe, so proceed with caution? maybe????
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Taeyong - One thing about Tyong is that he enjoys shopping, whether it’s as a way of destressing or if it’s for you. Another thing about him is that he’s forgetful… Personally, I feel like he’d buy you a surprise gift but put it somewhere and then forget about it. Sometimes, it gets to the point where you find it weeks later and get apologetic because of it. I believe he'd write lyrics about you or your relationship and try to slip them into songs. Maybe he’d make a meal for you every now and then as well! 
Taeil - One of Taeils hobbies includes listening to music, so I wholeheartedly believe he gives you song recommendations. To add to this, they’re songs that remind you of him. He would enjoy having movie nights with you, as that’s something else Taeil enjoys. Every time you have pictures together, they’re going into his wallet. I’m sure he would love spending personal time with you, and it’s really the little things that matter to him. He’s probably the most loving guy out there. I may be biased, but it’s true! Taeil for the win honestly!
Johnny - Taking pictures is something Johnny likes to do, so the chances of him taking pictures of you are common. I feel like if you were to ask to see them, he’d get all giggly and flustered. Johnny also dabbles in books, so he could also give you recommendations. This could be flip-flopped, so he’d read whatever you seem to talk to him about. Maybe you two would go on cafe dates, considering his liking for coffee! I think that’d be extremely cute (I want that so bad).
Yuta - Like Yuta once said, he would date this partner on a date to an amusement park. It’s a really fun experience, assuming you don’t have motion sickness and enjoy riding roller coasters. Or extremely expensive food... But that’s the fun of it all! As long as you’re spending time with Yuta, right? He also likes jewelry, specifically earrings. I feel like matching accessories would be cute, you know? I think matching in any sort of subtle way is always really nice. I’m kind of running out of words to say, but trust me, it’s a nice experience, I hope.
Doyoung - I am 87% sure Doyoung likes to sleep and enjoys beds more than the average person, so my first point is taking naps with you. In my opinion, this is absolutely amazing because not only do you get to sleep at night, but you can also take naps throughout the day with someone. Who wouldn’t want that? Something else about Doyoung is that he dabbles in scented candles. There’s not much else to say about that, but I’d like to add that maybe he’d cover a love song. I like to keep my imagination open.
Jaehyun - Cuddling! He has a habit of hugging the blanket while sleeping, so, knowing how conniving this guy could be, he’d probably hug you in bed but pretend he didn’t know. This doesn’t work because his ears turn red when he lies. A girl can always dream! Jaehyun also plays piano, so he’d probably show off his skills every once in a while. I feel like he's one of those “This one’s for you!” guys when it comes to basketball, but I’m saving that for someone else. (Totally take your guesses guys!)
Jungwoo - Watching soccer. He makes you watch while he plays soccer. It’s not the most romantic thing, but Jungwoo’s happy if you just pay attention to it. Plus, who am I to judge? I used to do the same thing. He’s one of the members with the biggest appetites, so assuming you can cook well, he’ll happily eat your food. You have to make enough for the both of you, but mainly Jungwoo. Food is food, man, so I totally get him.
Mark - When I think of Mark, he’d probably get matching outfits for you guys! The only bad thing about that is that it’s those cringey, “I’m his, I’m hers.” galaxy wolf hoodies. It’s up to you if you want to believe if it’s serious about it or not. His rebuttal would be something like, “But bro, don’t you think it’s cute?” word for word. It’s diabolical, really. On the bright side, his lyrics about you and the relationship are definitely something for the books. Honestly, he’s like modern-day Shakespeare.
Haechan -Out of everything he could ever do with you, skinship is probably the tamest out of literally any activity the both of you could resort to. Maybe there’s something better, but this is the first thing that comes to mind. It’s just self-care, but that’s always nice to do with someone else. On the other hand, I can really imagine harmless pranks coming out of Haechan. The only problem is that most of them aren’t as harmless as you’d like them to be. It’s not like anyone’s coming out of a hospital, but someone almost gets hurt.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 months
rainy green days remind me of working on ships in a way that feels so visceral and somehow overwrites every other rainy green day in my life; i don't remember how this happens every spring, maybe because i could stay inside on a rainy day, but on ships we are so desperate to be on land, to smell the earth, and it doesn't matter if it's pouring rain, you still go outside. you explore the port, because ship life is fucked up and hard and you have to make it mean something. it reminds me of working alaska, where things moved so fast and i was so stresesd, i'd be crying in my office at 2am on gala night, and it reminds of me eating stale pizza from under the heat lamp and slamming iced black coffees and getting to bed at dawn and feeling the rumble of the anchor room as we made it into ketchikan, and i think about how i'd debate if i wanted to get dressed and go upstairs for food, because i was allowed to eat the guest food if i was in uniform, but i wanted to go outside, so i'd have my big hoodie and my headphones and i'd walk around in the rain, and i'd think i should eat outside and experience the port better, but it was so much tourist food, $18 lunch entree, $20 bag of gourmet popcorn, and the time i went into a cafe to use the wifi and i bought a coffee but it turns out it's a restaurant, they only give the wifi password to people buying an entree, the entree is $30 for local seafood, they don't have to-go cups and my coffee is so hot i have to just sit there in silence and drink it and waste my whole hour outside on it, because it was expensive and i only make $2/hr and i'd feel guilty wasting it, but when i'm outside i stop worrying about work and crying in the photo lab and gala night and my douchebag misogynist manager and the argument we had about the b-deck storage locker.
anyway when it's rainy and green outside it reminds me of walking around alaska because i was so stressed i simply had to get off the ship, didn't care that it was raining, walked around ketchikan and got soaked and bought fancy lemon scented lotion that lasted me half the contract, and i remember drinking coffee one morning on the empty back deck in juneau when i was on IPM and wasn't allowed out, but the deck was so shiny in the rain and the mountain was foggy and it was so pretty just sitting there getting fresh air, and the guests don't want to sit in the rain so it was empty, and it was quiet and nice. and i remember going to the library in akaroa and going to an old cemetery in kirkwall after having expensive breakfast in a garden shop and taking a bus ride out to marlborough vineyard with a stop at a roadside chocolate shop listening to tool on my headphones watching the rain through the window thinking that the drive reminded me of eastern long island where i grew up and the time it was almost-raining-but-not-quite wandering around pago pago and it was so humid i felt soaked anyway and everything smelled like barbeque and there were chickens wandering around in the street.
sometimes it feels antithetical for stuff like this to remind me of ships because so much of ships was living inside a windowless metal room and the constant machinery hum that was white noise but sort of wasnt and the ship smell--the ship smell--that you get used to after a few days but now and then you notice it again, and cramming into the crew elevator with 10 waiters who all wear too much cologne, and the smell of photo chemicals and the motion sickness and the mind-cramping boredom of gallery shifts and the sense of being On all the time because you lived at your job and i remember my manager on my first contract who seemed a little scary but wound up being a close friend and how he caught me in the middle of a meltdown and told me i needed to go outside more because it's not natural to live inside metal and the time i let him use my uber account so that we could find an orthodox church in florida and go light a candle for his cousin that died and the way he crouched on the ground outside and pet the grass and said he missed being outside even though he was only two weeks into his contract.
it's weird that it's so lush and green outside today and i'm so excited about it, it's so pretty, i can't stop looking out the window and i keep pacing the house to go stand outside on the porch, and it reminds me of all of this. and like a lifetime of rainy days in spring somehow don't permeate my memory the way working on ships does, i guess because it mattered more.
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imagineitdearies · 4 months
ok so. in the game Astarion has this banter line describing his perfume of "bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy". obviously he had it for a while and had enough opportunities to experiment to land on the perfect one for him. now wrt Perfect Slaughter, how does it fit into it? considering the abysmal conditions Cazador keeps the spawn in. correct me if I'm wrong, this particular smell hasn't come up in your story yet.
(ps. love perfect slaughter to bits and can't stop thinking about it. help)
Hi anon! Haha I love this hyper-specific lore question, because if you know me you know I've thought about all of it 😂
While Dufay's inventory ledger includes "balms and oils" and it could be argued some perfume was supplied to them for their hunt (besides the uh, more practical uses for oil), my personal headcanon from how Astarion describes his perfume is that he's crafted and perfected it himself over time, and had to steal the ingredients. He just sounds so proud of himself I want to give him credit!!
In Perfect Slaughter, Tyrus has a decent Perception score and noted Astarion's scent during a spicy moment in ch4:
"He gasped, dropped his head against the other spawn’s shoulders as his body picked up speed. The scent he found there was light but pleasing too, citrus and fresh with a hint of something richer, just the bare edge of a flavor that reminded Tyrus of his never ending thirst."
He notices it again in chapter 12!
"The closeness, the solid steadiness of Astarion’s body against his, was so wonderful. He leaned his head into Astarion’s neck close enough to smell a subtle whiff of something citrus, floral, and sharp, a scent leftover from the night’s hunt, he presumed."
Otherwise, of course, Tyrus doesn't mention it in his thoughts because it's a pretty minor part of Astarion for him.
Did I look up what scents bergamot, rosemary, and aged brandy each are described as for like 30 minutes one time, only to put this in two simple sentences? Did I almost end up buying myself an Astarion-scented candle in the midst of my search? (I'm still so tempted, but $$, am I right?)
Anyways, there you have it anon! Come to me about Astarion lore, I'll come back with PS receipts 😂💙
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meow-town · 2 years
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Finished!!!! (My art is bad, and I’m fairly new to digital art, so let me down slowly)
And as promised, a pair of HCs to go along with it!
Metal Family Halloween HCs! (General and x Reader)
-Dee acts like he doesn’t like dressing up, but he gets really into it. He was that one kid who always had the best, most original, most niche costumes (and you could always tell his parents would help him). He went as Cthulhu for Halloween once when he was 6 and he just looked adorable <333
-He really enjoys scary movies and actually doesn’t get easily spooked by them too, he crapped his pants watching Insidious though. He’s one of those people who reminds themselves that it’s not real, and it actually works for them.
-Doesn’t like gummies, just hard candies and chocolate bars. He thinks gummies are too sweet. So instead of trick or treating, he just goes out and buys a whole bag just for himself. (Also he thinks he’s way too old to go trick or treating) Much prefers handing out candy to the neighborhood kids in matching costumes with you, you were Victor and Emily from the Corpse Bride that year.
-Heavy is just in it for the candy, and he likes seeing black cats pop up on his instagram during October times. He also likes scary mazes and all that kind of stuff. Doesn’t mind dressing up and likes doing Halloween escape rooms with his friends. He’s the type of person who likes getting scared.
-Although Heavy has a huge thing for overly obscene Halloween masks, he loves the classic werewolf look. With his flannel and clip on cat ears. Dee always teases him saying he looks like a furry 😭
-Heavy will always join people to watch creepy movies, even if he watches them through the spaces in between his fingers. He’ll have his chest puffed out and say he doesn’t get scared easily, only to not be able to watch Chucky. Put on the most disturbing documentary about a serial killer who never got caught, and he’ll watch happily. Now, put on a crappy horror movie with the least scary antagonist you’ve ever seen, and he won’t be able to finish it. Unless of course, you’re there for him to cling onto at every screamer on your movie nights.
-Glam goes crazy on decoration and the spooky shit. I mean, his house has a replica of a ram’s skull on it. And that’s on during the whole year. He has impeccable taste in decoration, my man isn’t going to settle for plastic jack o lanterns scattered across his lawn, no.
-He will sculpt entire statues for Halloween, he’s good at everything so-
-Sculptures of fallen angels, imps, headless horsemen, characters from Lovecraft… He is also a big fan of fancy candles! He’ll have electric ones out on the orch to prevent fires, but inside the house he’s got tons of them. In really nice scents, as well. During Halloween season, the whole house smells of smoked sandalwood and lotus.
-Speaking of what Halloween season is to Glam, he puts up decorations as soon as September rolls around. It’s his favourite time of year. He also likes wearing cozy wool sweaters. Likes it even more when you’re piled on top of him with a weighted blanket, stroking your hair lovingly.
-He loves the history of Halloween but strongly dislikes the marketisation of it all.
-Victoria doesn’t have much of an opinion on it, but she enjoys watching scary movies with the family. For two reasons, they’re like the perfect date night movies for her and Glam, and because she loses her shit watching Heavy’s reactions.
-Victoria has this habit of going through Heavy’s collection of Halloween masks. She’ll scare the kids every chance she gets with them, spooking them whenever they turn a corner. Don’t worry though, she wouldn’t dare to scare you, she wouldn’t want to submit you to the Jigsaw mask Heavy has dug away in the attic.
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uni-writes-things · 8 months
Whumptober Day 4: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.” Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing| “What happened to me?”
The chain had been travelling for awhile, fighting monsters non-stop, and had just taken a well-deserved break at an inn in the champion’s Hyrule. Some of them were napping, utterly exhausted, and injured. While others were going around town and buying supplies, or simply exploring. Wild had stayed behind at the inn, relaxing on one of the beds, arms tired. The cook had done a lot of archery during the many battles fought. He had lit a candle, one that was scented to smell like what Flora called ‘Vanilla’ which the cook did not know was a thing. He took a deep breath and sniffed the good-smelling air, pleasantly surprised by the amazing smell. Flora had such good taste, he thought. He recalled the exact moment.
They were out in a field, the sun shining bright and Flora was examining the plant life and insects, desiring to find out more about the world that she lived in. “Oh look, Link! Is that…” She had called, searching the blades of grass for whatever she had set her eyes on.
Wild had made a noise of acknowledgement, waiting patiently for the researcher to find the thing.
“Ah, I was mistaken.” Flora sighed sadly.
“What did you see?” Wild had asked, curious.
“Well I thought I saw a vanilla plant, but it was just a flower. I seem to have lost the image of it.” Flora mused.
“Vanilla? What is that?” Wild tilted his head, genuinely confused.
“Link you…sorry. It’s a plant that was often used in baking and more, but it had only grown before the Calamity. It had died out during the time the Calamity rampaged, but at that point no one was concerned for the little plants. According to Purah, everybody sort of forgot that vanilla had existed, it had been scratched from all the recipes somehow. Hylians today, have created candles with the scent of vanilla. Or what researchers think it to be. See, they have only been able to replicate what the books say about the smell but a lot of books had been damaged. So of course there are probably some errors in the smell, but I still think it is incredible that our generation has been able to even create such a wonderful smell through reading a book. Even if it may not be accurate, it still smells great. I want to accomplish something as great as this in the future Link, and with the help of Purah and her spectacular research team, we might be able to create more advanced technology. Isn’t that just wonderful?” Flora explained, grinning.
Wild had simply nodded, fascinated with the ramblings she had just shared. “The question is, how much could we accomplish in the future with more technology? What could we possibly do?” He added on.
“Exactly! I hope to work on this after all the rebuilding is finished. Which will be years, but maybe I’ll have learned many more things by then.” Flora beamed.
The champion sighed. At the time he hadn’t imagined he would be going on another adventure. Oh how wrong he was. Wild took a deep breath, the vanilla smell still enveloping him. If it was even vanilla, he reminded himself. Something came over him, and he thought over what Flora had said.
“It had died out during the time the Calamity rampaged, but at that point no one was concerned for the little plants.”
And then guilt came. For reasons, Wild didn’t know. Maybe it was the reminder his brain had just given him that he had failed. Maybe it was the fact that whenever he felt guilt over something, it stuck to him, its grip never failing to keep him. Even a sliver of guilt could drag him down into a deep abyss, the champion inevitably doomed to the endless thoughts about his past failures.
The cook couldn’t help but wonder what other plants and possibly animals had been erased because of the Calamity. The Calamity he had let run free across Hyrule. Wild’s thoughts trailed to the many families lost because of him.
“If you don’t train hard enough, the Calamity will succeed in destroying the land. I imagine you don’t want that. Your family will be the first ones fed to the beast if you fail.”
Link nodded stiffly.
“And that is becoming more of a likelihood considering your presentation in battle. Your efforts have been in vain recently, and I will not stand for it young man.” The captain grabbed Link by the collar, glaring at him threateningly.
Link didn’t dare struggle, if he did, he could anger the captain more. Instead he hung in the captain’s grasp, staring straight into those emerald eyes.
“You have a week to get yourself together. I am to present your progress to the King soon, and I cannot be disgraced by the supposed hero. Remember what is at stake if you fail to meet the expectations of those around you. You will train every hour at the day, with little rest and you will only be served food if you do well enough during training. Am I clear?”
Link nodded once more, face stubbornly impassive, but tears pricking at his eyes.
“Good. Now go young man, and show me what you’ve got.” The captain hissed, and threw Link to the ground.
Link pulled out his sword and braced himself for the torture that was about to come. _______
Link parried each blast with determination, standing in front of the princess. She had never been that kind, but Link could not fail his kingdom. There was his loved ones depending on him. The red guardians, that were once peaceful, shot blast after blast at the two Hylians. “I can’t believe they’ve turned against us.” Zelda announced, voice wavering as the situation unfolded.
One more blast threw him off to the side causing the hero to spit dirt out of his mouth, injured. “LINK?” Zelda cried out.
Link got up anyway and pulled out the sacred Master Sword, ready to risk everything. Suddenly, it wasn’t about his duty. Suddenly it was about Zelda, and her frantic face and ruined dress. Giving a battle cry he slashed at the guardian, until he felt something pierce his chest. Gasping for air he stumbled to his knees, watching as many more guardians crawled around. “Link, save yourself! Go! I’ll be fine don’t worry about me.” Zelda promised, laying her hands on his shoulders.
But Link refused to leave her. He would be a coward, and a liar if he did. So instead he stood up, stumbling back at the overwhelming pain it caused him, but managed to stay upright. A guardian, its blue eye piercing through him, began to aim at Link, a red dot pointed at his head. Link supposed if this was how he was going to die, at least he was protecting the princess.
Link had witnessed a golden light envelop everything, a soothing feeling sinking into his bones. Everything felt so heavy as he dropped to the ground, feeling numb. His vision was drifting, the last thing he saw that fateful day was Zelda’s shocked and tear-stricken face before everything went to black.
Back at the present time Wild had crashed to the ground, the memories slamming into him.
What was that first memory?
When was this?
Who was his captain?
Why was he training?
Why had he let that jerk of a captain boss him around?
What was at stake exactly?
The cook let out a shaky sob, the last memory also replaying in his head. It had been so long since he had that memory. He had finally escaped that horrible image, until now.
“Wild, there’s—…Wild?”
Said Hylian looked up to see the one and only Twilight, standing over him, concern clear in his eyes.
“Yeah?” Wild responded. Even that sounded weak. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked.
“M’fine…” Wild muttered.
“Cub, don’t lie to me please. What happened?” Twilight requested.
Wild looked up to his mentor, and softened.
“I got a memory again…” He admitted.
“Oh? Was this one like the others?” Twilight questioned, taking a seat next to the champion.
“No, it had more meaning. And I got the memory of my death again too…I don’t know why…” Wild broke off, stifling another sob.
Twilight wrapped his arms around the champion. “I’m sorry. Let it all out Link.”
Wild let out a few weak breaths before breaking down.
Twilight had just accepted it, letting tears soak his tunic, and cries fill his ears.
Wild didn’t know why the rancher had allowed it, but he kept on crying despite the shame he was feeling.
What had happened to him?
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sightburdened · 2 months
𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮? - continued from here.
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The first thing Will Graham understood about this seating arrangement was that it was, undoubtedly, cozy. He didn't know where to put his hands at first, and he attempted to mirror the relaxed position of the other man, but that only resulted in him feeling more tense, less authentic. He wanted softness, not abrasiveness here, he wanted to find himself fulfilled in listening to his -- neighbor's story, a friend, a...someone who he...a person with whom he shared common interests -- neighbor Lestat's story.
But of course, neighbors didn't look at one another this way. Neighbors didn't think about what it might be like to touch the other man's hair, to wind it through his fingers, bring him closer, and understand the level of profound courage it took within him to get this far.
He had spent the better part of two decades believing he was one way, but the truth was another; acceptance came in moving from the South and subtly experimenting without actually doing so.
"That man didn't deserve his riches," he says, his hand frozen in the air, a conductor who forgot the music halfway through, "if he was so vicious to those around him. I never understood why people with money could be so cruel to others, but, it's another form of currency gold can't buy." He licks his lips, breathing in the scent of milk, honey, and roses dipped in candle wax. He doesn't understand how a single man can smell this way, he doesn't understand this sudden surge of feeling but, he's determined to comprehend it.
"I would think you of all people would have so many being thoughtful to you," comes his confession, his hand moving again, tucking an opposite strand of hair behind the other man's ear. "You remind me of a billboard and I'm just passing by on the highway with my cheap car," Gatsby's green light, the fervent longing that nearly impales the breath in his lungs, keeping his insight aloft, his reason far from him, "radiant, comet-tail. Once in a lifetime."
"I find it so hard to believe that someone like you wouldn't have others to be thoughtful towards them." His heart's a dark horse, nostrils flaring with hell-fire, he doesn't know what's come over him.
The man's smiling at him. The man's smiling at him, and he doesn't know what to do. "I haven't made someone smile in a long time. Most people just grimace at me and I don't mind, I don't much care for them either but, you---" you, "I like knowing I could make you happy."
His fingers bury themselves in the texture of the chaise lounge, once again, Will Graham doesn't know where to put his hands.
"You can--you're allowed to touch me. I don't mind." His glasses are at home, he forgot them today, but, not really. He wants to look tonight.
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