aflawedfashion · 4 months
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Aster Calyx | Beacon 23 1x01
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trishabeakens · 3 months
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Doodles of my DWD OC Calyx, the evil rabbit AI software from EIB (Kimbra's story).
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fbfh · 1 month
I remember reading your Leo Valdez smut for the first time in ao3 for the first time and drooling. I also fell in love with you and you were the reason I downloaded this app😭😭
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BAAAAAAAAAABES!!!!!!!!!! I am so honored that I'm the reason you got sucked into the hellsite <3333 I swear to god I will never get used to the fact that people actually like my writing. it feels so weird but fun and I'm so happy that my silly little maladaptive daydreams bring yall joy!!!!!!
fr though Leo Valdez FUCKS. he will make you so dizzy and fucked out that you won't even remember the delicious dizzying filth he's moaning into your ear. half of it is in spanish too. his lips are so soft and warm and his touch is so addictive. you want him all over you all the time, and thankfully he will do everything possible to make that happen.
"your wish is my command, estrella..."
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calyxthenerd · 2 months
Hmm…Raven x Dexter?
He forever regrets showing her how to play all his favorite games because she ends up decimating him in most of the competitive ones
They have a perfectly arctectually sound house on Minecraft, with two cats, named Lucifer and Beelzebub for Raven and three dogs, named Casper, Danny and Beetlejuice for Dexter (she named one of them, guess which one)
She drags him to protests, he drags her to conventions (they both secretly like it, but will deny it to their grave)
She’s the best in fnaf, seriously, it’s scary
It can get brutal pretty quickly when she’s gaming, but he finds it attractive so he enables her
She makes him listen to Once Upon a Down and he makes her listen to Sabrina Artisan, they both cry, for different reasons
His hands are permanently purple for how often she has him dye her hair, but he just can’t resist when she gives him The Look
She’s always slightly jealous when he helps other people with their technical issues, she’s territorial, it’s the dragon in her
They have this adapted drinking game where every time he introduces her to a royal as his girlfriend/fiance/wife and they faint, they share a donut, since they both don’t drink for reasons I might elaborate on later, you’d think the royals would get used to it by now
Their favorite date plan is pizza and trolling people on The Sims because they both hate going outside
Once she made a kid cry while they were playing Overwatch online and he forced her to find this kid’s house and go apologize (a tad bit creepy, but well meaning, he doesn’t have the best social skills, okay?)
She has sent several people to Hex & Curse treatment centers for flirting with him, trying to get the “easy way into the throne” since he’s got anxiety, his sister is famously only into political geniuses (really only Apple White, but no one is going to poke that particular bear) and if you don’t care about him, it’s hard to have the patience to pursue his brother when he won’t even look up from his mirror to listen to you talk (it’s his comfort item, okay?)
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nofatclips · 12 days
Ô Sélénites by Gaspar Claus from the album Tancade - Directing & Editing by Ilan Cohen
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merry-fagoland · 7 days
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mspaintbladie · 5 months
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i think the xianzhou luofu will run out of aurumaton gatekeepers before i finish grinding for dr. ratio
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bloodlustmitaka · 2 months
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solemntitty · 9 months
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a game called 'whos getting the skill point' feat. bitches who have Drama between all of them
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simplecountryboy · 2 months
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painsandconfusion · 11 months
Showstopper - Part Six
(tw: torture mention, medical whump, drugging, noncon touch, yandere whumper, delirium, creepy / intimate whumper, kidnapping, noncon kiss, a lot of pain)
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Darian wished he could be cool and start off with a dramatic, badass-sounding intro line like ‘He awoke to pain. An old, familiar friend.’
But they weren’t old friends. They weren’t friends at all and it wasn’t familiar.
It was just pain.
Air wheezed out of him as he processed the inferno that wrapped his body. Skin and flesh shredded from their places and screaming agonies at his blurred and distant mind.
He shifted a little, heart pounding against his skull as he registered just how thirsty he was.
“Oh-! Hey, there you are. Thought I’d lost you or something.”
..not a welcome voice.
Darian grimaced, head rolling away from the sound- then wheezing as Calyx’ weight shifted on the bed, disturbing the delicate balance of agony and consciousness.
“Awh, don’t pull away from me – it’s not like you can, anyway.” A hand combed through Darian’s hair. Calyx chimed a soft giggle, amused as Darian’s neck mindlessly stretched to chase that touch – the only sensation that wasn’t bringing pain. “Awwww~! You’re adorable.”
Darian half-scowled, head turning away again as a kiss pressed to his nose.
“Come onnnnnnnnn~ I saved your life – aren’t you at least a little grateful?”
Darian’s throat was rasped with dehydration and unuse, but he crackled out the whisper anyway. “y-ou..y ou hhurt me-“
Calyx snorted a laugh, ruffling Darian’s hair. “I mean duh. What did you think I was gonna do? I’m gonna go ahead and blame the sheer patheticness of that sentence on the drugs, mkay? No judgment from me, nope nope.”
Darian grimaced, eyes cracking open in a groggy scowl at Calyx. “..wh’ day’s it?”
Calyx hummed, checking their phone. “Thursday. You’ve been out for likeeeeeeee thirty something hours.”
Darian’s eyes strained down over his body. Covered in bandages and smelling like medicine. “..h-ow did y-..”
Calyx shrugged. “Patched you up enough you wouldn’t die on me and gave you a blood transfusion. I avoided doing any major damage, so you should heal up in a couple weeks.”
Darian frowned, looking over Calyx. “..wh’….are you doing-?”
Brow raise. “…what, with you?”
..small hum of confirmation.
Calyx shrugged. “Just keeping you, that’s all. Obviously couldn’t let you keep living, and…wasn’t ready to let you go. So.” They took a moment to nitpick at the way Darian’s hair laid, brushing it from his brow. “Found a middle ground. You like it?”
Darian’s face twitched away from Calyx. “N-o I don’t ffucking like this-“
Calyx blinked a tight smile.
Then something cold and sharp pricked against Darian’s aching throat.
“You sure you don’t like this alternative? Because I can always skip back to plan A.”
Darian froze, swallowing against the cool blade. “..I-ll ma nage-“
“Good.” The knife pulled away, and a kiss pressed to his cheek.
Darian was quiet for a long few moments, just...trying to focus on Calyx’ fingers in his hair. “..why d’ you like me-?”
Calyx shrugged, fingers drifting down now to trace the lines of Darian’s face. “You see me. You actually appreciate my work. Anddddddd I’m bored. Good enough answer for you?”
He did his best not to twitch under the little touches. “..did..y…..the video..-“
“Mm. Mhm. Sent it to your team. Saw on the news they think you’re dead. There’s like a candlelight vigil thing for you this Friday in the park. Isn’t that sweet?”
Darian twitched a frown, eyes sliding away. “..s-ure.”
“I’d totally go, but I feel like it’d be rude to leave you alone during your own not-funeral, y’know? We can have a movie night or something instead.”
…Darian….had no idea what to say to that. So he said nothing at all.
A small part of him was screaming for him to run. To lash out and hit Calyx. To sprint from the room or strangle them.
..the rest of him was too fucking tired to even get through considering that idea. He’d probably pass out if he tried to stand, anyway.
Aaaaaand Calyx was back to playing with his hair. …no – braiding it now. Their little fingers were twisting it out as long as possible to tangle a small cornrow from the corner of his forehead. Keeping their hands busy, he supposed.
“..c-an I…..get some water-?”
“Mm-! Right right right, you’re probably dehydrated as fuck, one sec-“ Calyx stood, crossing out of the room.
Darian stared after them, then finally let his eyes roam the space.
…queen sized bed. Not a spare room – this one was littered in things. Piles of clothes that weren’t put away. A few articles that had missed the toss to the hamper. Pictures tacked on the wall. Pocket change and trinkets drizzled over the dresser. This was Calyx’ room.
Whichhhhhh meant they probably slept next to Darion last night.
..and would continue to.
His eyes snapped back up to the doorframe as Calyx reentered, holding up a clear water bottle with a straw. “Got it – think you can sit up?”
Darian half scowled at them, shifting up and shoving his elbows under his weight to scoot b-
Darian winced and twitched away from whatever was patting at his cheek.
“There you are.” He could fucking hear the grin in Calyx’ voice. “Guess the answer to that was ‘no’, huh?”
Darian grimaced, head rolling away. “a-ns’r to wha-?”
“Whether or not you can sit up.” Something poked at his lips, drawing a flinch. “..it’s just a straw, you’re fine. It’s water. Undrugged and everything.”
Darian wanted so badly to give him some shit line like ‘that’s what you said last time’, but not only would that make Darian look even dumber, he had no choice here. His throat was practically sticking to itself with every swallow – he needed water and it wasn’t going to come from anywhere else.
So. Reluctantly. He let his lips close around it, sucking down greedy mouthfuls of the fresh, cool liquid. A half panic surged through his mind, mouth chasing the straw as it withdrew.
“Hey- chill out, there’s gonna be more. You’ll make yourself sick drinking it that fast.”
Darian scowled, letting his head flop back against the pillow.
Calyx perched on the edge of the bed again after they set the bottle down. Their arm propped up on the other side of Darian, leaning over him. “Are you mad at me~?” Pouting.
Darian’s head twisted further from him. “N-o shit.”
Calyx cooed a sorrowful sound, fingertips ghosting over Darian’s lips. “I’ll make it up to you~! You’ll see. You’re going to love being mine.”
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @whumpberry-cookie @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @suffering-and-misery @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @scribbelle @sunshiline-writes @scp-1296 @salomeslashes @ha-ha-one) 
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tinygryphon-58570 · 1 year
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Nature fest next week and I am READY ouo
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trishabeakens · 4 months
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Might start sharing characters and concepts from my Darkwing Duck fanfic EIB, to ease my posting anxiety/get back into things. But this is Calyx, a villain in the late chapters. He's a corrupted security AI that takes over EcoTech.
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fbfh · 8 months
You were talking about Zoro and One Piece and fubgthvrxgjbthvty
I am Unwell™️
I don’t know if I think he has a loyalty kink or if I do but
His unending devotion?
His complete Ride Or Die mentality?
I am On My Knees begging to be on the receiving end of his love and attention
(He’s be into body worship and caretaking me thinks (I am projecting))
from the heart of my bottom thank you for this one anon. bc you are so fucking right. if anyone meets the criteria for loyalty kink???????? It's gonna be Zoro. you probably got tangled up together by accident or out of some kind of debt. he promised someone that he would grant you safe passage as you make your way from point a to point b, and somewhere along the way he finds that his debt and loyalty and service is no longer extended to you, it straight up belongs to you. it's basically royal x knight trope which i love with my whole ass bussy. Zoro can pick up a huge ass safe with minimal effort so you better believe he will just pick you up and put you somewhere else whenever he deems it necessary. or just when he feels like it. and he will not hesitate to just hoist you up and carry you over his shoulder for easy hassle free transportation. yk the scene in shrek where he's carrying fiona and she and donkey are having girl talk time when she finally stops trying to get shrek to put her down??? it's that. and you're explaining things like girl math to Luffy. he loves it. he only operates on girl math now. anyway yeah... Zoro is something. if you have a bad dream he seems like the type who would stay up and cuddle you till you feel better but nope. he stands guard in your room for the rest of the night. you wake up to go pee at 3am and he's still standing monitoring the entrances and exits. he follows you and waits outside the bathroom and makes sure you don't forget to wash your hands. if you ask all cute and sweet and sleepy he'll get you tucked back into bed but tbh it won't take that much convincing. you are so so right about body worship and caretaking, like I couldn't have pinned him down more accurately. you fuckin nailed it. ironically you won't have to beg on your knees for his attention because he is definitely already on his knees for you so uh. do with that what you will. but yeah I think the song do it for him from steven universe especially applies to people like Zoro. he will do anything and everything for you without breaking a sweat. and that's before he's even aware of how hard he's falling for you. GOD I love me a stoic service top.
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calyxthenerd · 2 months
They love experimenting with makeup on each other, and they become so good with artistic looks that Daring becomes the first Drag Queen outside of Wonderland (I don’t have his drag name, but I might come with something if given more time)
After the revolution manages to make some change and the pressure’s off, Lizzie starts working out really hard because she made it her personal goal to be able to lift her boyfriend in any and all ways possible, all the wonderlandians volunteered to help, but Kitty specially likes being carried around school by her best friend
Despite having been invited dozens of times, Daring is always nervous to join wonderlandian tea parties, not just because he was kinda mean to them for most of high school, but also because Maddie scares him
I feel like always find ways to have picnics in the weirdest places, the roofs of several buildings, including, but not limited to: the school, several businesses and homes in bookend, almost every castle in all the realms, also, Raven and Apple found them in the tree tops of the enchanted forest while they were out riding their dragons somehow? To this day, no one knows how they do it (it’s Kitty)
They bond over having annoying siblings who are obsessed with their swords and vigilante personas (I am pushing my Lizzie and Chase siblings agenda)
He grows out his hair and she just loves to braid it, because it’s so soft and well taken care of
She had to ask Dexter to remove Black Mirror from their Spellflix catalog somehow, because she watched with her mom and Daring, bless his heart, never having quite shaken his vanity, wanted to watch it because it had mirror in the name, and she just knew he’d be traumatized
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nofatclips · 7 months
Riddle by Mammal Hands from the album Captured Spirits
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