#carnelian chaos
carnelianchaos · 1 year
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Sculpted of black #Soapstone, the black #Pentacle mortar and pestle set is an elegant, sturdy piece for your ritual practice and kitchen #witchery.
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46snowfox · 2 years
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Sagas de CD Dramas💿
Diabolk Lovers Chaos Lineage♙♟
Carnelian Blood/EROSION XXXXX💉
Black Wolves Saga Last Hope🐺
Support me on Ko-fi nwn/Apóyame en ko-fi☕
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aprimesrpcorner · 10 months
Searching around for a trace of waffles.
Because she smell them... and even a lot!
“I smell a quantity of waffles that is Insane and I didn't got any?!?!” disappointed as well as her stomach.
The prime chuckled a bit and shook his head.
“Heh, even I don’t know what’s going on, but you may get some soon, they’ve been thrown left and right.”
He also thought for a little bit and then softly said.
“I’m sure I had a few human ones thrown at me if you’d like any. Not sure if you’d like one smooshed after hitting a robot alien though.”
Fair enough.
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cornelianlute · 2 years
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some random headcanons
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-after being rescued from the chaos shrine and before they set out for their journey, sarah gifts the warriors of light her lute (a magical lute that has the ability to smash the door of evil) to aid them on their quest. however she also stops them once last time and gifts the warrior with a blade of cornelian legend - embedded in it is the royal gemstone of the kingdom of cornelia - carnelian - with wishes it will protect them from evil. it also has a tassel the colour of carnelian red on it as well.
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-another sacred gemstone of the kingdom of cornelia (and one less known to its people) is the blue topaz. it is said the gemstone helps foster forgiveness and the truth and, ever the romantic, sarah also believes in its properties as a gem of love and affection. it is also said the gem will help those understand life, and their greatest wish and desire in life. this same gemstone is rumored to be fitted into the armor of the greatest knight of the kingdom of cornelia. (i think garland also has blue gems hanging from his skull earrings so maybe 😳)
-and though his sword was once bauble-less, it now features three unique gemstones from its handle along with a carnelian red tassel. they are similar to the ones she wears and so she gifted them to him as a token , a treasure , she hopes for him to remember by. ( kaycee // @falsestalwart​ has this headcanon on her blog for garland and i just never got around to putting it over here. 😭)
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-in another universe, there is a third royal gemstone of the kingdom of cornelia and it is nephrite jade. it is rumored to be a gem of dreams and can bless those it touches. sarah wears it on her always in the hopes that she will be reunited with the knight, garland, whom she remembers but no one else does.
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* i might play with this in a fic or something , but you can disregard this when it comes to my writing here, but my n.omura brain wavelengths were on point earlier. but perhaps the warrior of light is just a manifestation of the hopes and desires of the people and kingdom of cornelia. perhaps that is why he is adorned in red armor and with hair the colour of fire when he arrives that fateful day with crystal shard in hand.  😳 *
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fishnapple · 1 month
CRYSTAL READING: What is lurking in your shadow ? 🌑🔦🔅
A little explanation of the method I used for reading
Lithomancy : I assigned a meaning for each stone (each stone represents a planet) and cast them on a circle divided into 12 parts, just like an astrology chart and do the reading
Pick a stone :
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Reading for each group below :
1. Amethyst group
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It's really hard to get a clear reading for this group.
The things that are lurking in your shadows are well-hidden.
There is a desire for control and domination.
Sometimes, you could show you vulnerability to the whole world to see.
But that doesn't mean you are being helpless.
On the contrary,
you have full control of the image that you project to the world.
The way you show yourself to the world doesn't always reflect your true self.
The environment that you are in could have lots of aggressive or domineering personalities.
(firends, school, workplace, community)
So, as a way of rebelling against that, you choose to show the opposite,
the soft, the gentle, the vulnerable side.
2. Tiger's eye
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The image is like a tree growing.
The sun, your ego, is at the centre,
but it's in the flipped position,
resembles a sunset, the light is going out.
You might not be fully aware of the effects that your ego has on your surroundings.
You could be dealing with lots of unstable friends, especially female friends,
and bossy people trying to subdue you.
Institution and school could be hard for you.
There's a need to be clearly aware of how you act towards others and put a little discipline on your spontaneity.
3. Carnelian group
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While group 1 would choose to be a feminine force in the environment full of masculine force,
this group is the opposite,
you would try to exert so much force to control,
to create a hard edged image of yourself.
You find it hard to understand the concept of surrendering,
of letting go, of being in the flow
and be spontaneous.
You would micromanage every action.
This is the message you want to deliver to the world.
That you are a powerful being.
While it may be true, you are not aware of the blessings coming from the softer side of life.
You have been hiding your inner child for so long.
Surround yourself with beauty, with warm nourishing energy will bring in lots of comfort for you.
4. Aventurine group
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You would have a good "talent" at appearing calm and peaceful while actually your innerworld or your surroundings are falling apart.
A sudden change of home,
a failed project,
a setback of fortune,
a disappointing love,
all is wrapped in a tightly sealed case.
Sometimes you would find yourself
standing still amidst the chaos,
not fully grasp the bigger picture
or the true meaning behind incidents,
and just focusing on the practicality of daily life.
Like a small boat, drifting in the sea.
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In case you’re wondering, the answers to this query were as follows:  Not a stone... but the bulb of an onion would do. Preferably a sweet onion like walla walla onion; Carnelian, and goldstone.
Chaos witch group’s post
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our-lord-satanas · 2 months
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Loki is the Norse God of mischief and trickery. He is known for his unpredictable and manipulative nature, which frequently involves playing practical jokes or pranks on other Gods, mortals, and giants. He is also the God of fire, and he has a strong connection to the underworld and the realm of the dead. Loki is often portrayed as a shapeshifter who can take on the form of various animals, including snakes, foxes, bats, and even horses. He is also often associated with fire, creativity, innovation, and destruction.
Appearance: his appearance in Norse mythology can vary greatly, depending on the source. In some depictions, he is described as being a tall and handsome male figure with red hair and a beard. In other depictions, he is described as being a more feminine or androgynous character, with long and straight red hair, along with smooth and pale skin.
Personality: Loki is a clever and devious character, known for his ability to manipulate and deceive others with his cunning and wit. He is also known for his unpredictable nature, his tendency to get himself into trouble, and his proclivity for causing chaos and disorder. He is often seen as a trickster and a troublemaker, who enjoys creating disruption and chaos.
Symbols: serpents, wolves, ax, raven, masks, fire, Bjarken and Logr Runes, fishing nets, earthquakes, infinity snake and ouroboros, number 8, chaos star, runes that spell out his name: Laguz, Othala, Kenaz, Isa as well as the rune Hagalaz, and Helmet of Dread or the Helmet of Horror
God of: mischief and trickery
Culture: Norse and Germanic
Plants and trees: mistletoe, birch, common Haircap moss (Loki’s Oats), bentgrass (Loki’s Grass), cinnamon, dandelion, beech, blackthorn, elder, elm, ivy, juniper, mullein, thistle, mint, holly, cedar, juniper, elder, clove, patchouli, tobacco, willow, and yew
Crystals: jade, obsidian, sapphire, amethyst, garnet, citrine, black tourmaline, serpentine, carnelian, fire opal, and black onyx
Animals: salmon, birds (crows, ravens, falcon, and vultures), flies, goats, flea, horses, wolves, foxes, and spiders
Incense: dragon's blood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and basil
Colours: green, gold, black, violet, yellow, orange, and red
Tarot: The Fool
Planets: Mercury and Venus
Days: Thursday, Friday, Lokablót, April Fool’s Day, Yule, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Friday the 13th, the 13th of each month, and Lokabrenna Day
Parents: Fárbauti and Laufey
Siblings: Odin (blood brother), Helblindi, and Býleistr
Partners: Angrboda, Sigyn, and Svadilfari (a horse), and Glut
Children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Váli, Narfi, and Sleipnir (Odin’s horse)
• Fire: Wagner combined Loki with Logi, the fire god, in his Ring Cycle. And ever since, Loki has been associated with fire and magic  in pop culture. There are some very iffy pieces of evidence that Loki might have had some historical connection with fire (e.g., the Snaptun stone and medieval folklore about the Ash Lad) but the scholarly consensus is “Nope, blame Wagner.” That said, fire, with its dual roles of creation and destruction, enlightenment and passion, is a pretty potent symbol for Loki even if it doesn’t have a historical basis.
• Red hair: Loki’s hair colour is never mentioned in the lore, and there are some illuminated Icelandic manuscripts in which he is shown as a blond or brunette. The fire god mistake mentioned above probably popularized the redhead image. (Interestingly, Thor is canonically a redhead.)
• Fishing Nets: in Gylfaginning, Loki weaves a fishing net while on the lam and hiding from the Aesir. (The story kind of implies it’s the first fishing net, although Ran is also credited with inventing them elsewhere.) Loki turns into a salmon to escape but ends up being caught with his own creation,
• Earthquakes: the prose epilogue to Lokasenna claims that earthquakes are caused by Loki writhing in pain when Sigyn leaves to empty her venom-catching bowl.
• Masks: while Odin, not Loki, takes the name of Grímnir (the masked one) in the lore, masks are a fairly logical thing to associate with a shapeshifter.
• Name: Loki is named after the Norse word "loki," which means "mischief maker" or "trickster."
• Role: in Norse mythology, Loki is known as a chaotic and mischievous figure who frequently causes problems for the God’s.
• Relationships: the son of the frost giant Fárbauti and the giantess Farbauti, and is the brother of the Goddess Hel.
• Origin: he is a Jötunn or giant who is the son of the Jötunn Fárbauti, which means "dangerous strike."
• Associations: Loki is connected to the realms of chaos and trickery and is often seen as a troublemaker and instigator of conflict.
• Connection to Thor: he is the half-brother of Thor, and has several encounters with the god of thunder. In one famous example, Loki tries to trick Thor into drinking a powerful liquor called "Módrunar," which causes him to become extremely drunk.
• Powers: he is a powerful deity with a wide range of abilities, including shapeshifting, sorcery, illusions, and knowledge.
• Association with Trickery: Loki is closely associated with the concept of trickery, often utilizing his skills as a master manipulator to cause trouble for the God’s.
The best way to worship Loki respectfully is to approach him with sincere devotion and reverence. He is a god of mischief and chaos, so a certain level of humor is appropriate when working with him, but that doesn't mean you should take him lightly or treat his power with disrespect. To worship him respectfully, make an offering, either something tangible or a gesture like writing a poem or performing an act of mischief and chaos in his name. Be genuine and open in your intention, and don't be afraid to get a little mischievous yourself.
Some ways to worship Loki include:
• Doing things that embody his energy and traits, such as pranks or mischief
• Making offerings to him, whether physical or spiritual
• Creating a dedicated altar space
• Studying and researching Norse mythology, particularly his role in it
• Performing rituals and spell casting to seek his guidance and insight
• Meditating on his energy and listening for a response
• Performing acts of chaos and destruction
• Seeking to gain his protection through protection magic or rituals
To begin, you can address him by name and say something like:
"Great God Loki, bringer of chaos and master of deceit, I come to you seeking guidance and destruction. I offer my heart and spirit and ask for your blessing in this pray.”
"Thank you, Great God Loki, for listening to my words and walking by my side on this journey. I leave this altar/ritual space in your hands, and I ask for your protection and mischief wherever I may go."
If your request to work with Loki has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• Feeling a strong attraction or draw to his energy or presence
• Having repeating thoughts or dreams about him
• Feeling drawn to chaos or chaos magic
• You’ll start seeing his name everywhere – in books, on TV, online, etc.
• There might be a sudden change in your life, an unexpected sometimes painful change
• It will seem someone is playing tricks on you, particularly when it comes to your spiritual spaces like your altar
• Be wary of fires that are started in random places
• You might see his symbols or signs everywhere you go including the snake, spider, runes like Hagalaz and Isa, the Chaos star, number 8 or Ouroboros
• The TV show Loki or Marvel character might start popping up everywhere (yes I believe Loki communicates through this guise because it’s a form we know and understand)
• You might already have a connection with Odin, Loki’s brother
• Spiderwebs will appear in your space – in the home, workplace, or vehicle
• Loki’s sacred animals will appear as signs to you including the horse, fly, spider, snake, salmon, vulture, wolf, fox, etc.
• Experiencing signs of change or transformation in your life
• Feeling a sense of rebelliousness or mischief within you
• A sense of giddiness, playfulness, and light-heartedness after praying to him or meditating on his energy.
• Feeling of warmth or presence in the air around you.
• An increased sense of creativity, spontaneity, and a general desire to explore and experiment.
• Feeling a connection with nature or animals in a new or stronger way than before.
• Experiencing unusual or unexpected occurrences that seem a bit too strange to be coincidental.
If your request to work with Loki has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• A lack of vivid dreams or visions about Loki.
• A sense of confusion, uncertainty, or indecisiveness in regards to your connection with Loki.
• A feeling of unease or discordance in your relationship with Loki.
• A feeling of discord or disinterest in your spiritual practice with Loki.
• An overall sense of discomfort or dissonance, rather than a sense of harmony and ease.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request
• Candles, especially black ones.
• Incense, a musky or mysterious scent would be appropriate.
• Red fruits or flowers.
• Gems or metals.
• Herbs such as dill, ginger, and mugwort.
• Art or poetry.
• Toys, such as the ones you used to play with as a kid.
• Acts of chaos, subversion, or mischief.
• Flowers: daisies, roses, and lilies.
• Crystals.
• Hanging mistletoe at Yuletide.
• Foods and drinks: sweet foods, alcohol, spicy rum, mulled wine, chocolate with nuts or funny names, spongecake, coffee or other caffeinated beverages, honey, and pastries.
• Knives and daggers.
• Doing something you’re scared of (safely).
• Cinnamon.
• Challenge authority figures and shake things up
• Break rules and defy expectations
• Live a life of surprises and twists
• Explore your trickster side and have some fun with your mischief
• Embrace the shadow-self
• Let your inner child out (if not heal them first)
• Don’t take yourself too seriously.
• Be the devil’s advocate.
• Speak the truth and uphold it. This also involves speaking your mind about politics and issues.
• Express yourself.
• Indulge in art or create art. (Loki loves it when people dive deeply into their creative fire. He also rewards them for it)
• Live life to the fullest.
• Light a candle for him the moment you wake up and during bedtime. (I personally found out that he likes red and green candle but if those are not available, white can suffice).
• Burn some incense (cinnamon, sandalwood and dragon’s blood are some of Loki’s favorites but if he tells you otherwise, it’s okay).
• Stop planning and just be in the moment.
• Embrace chaos (and make it your bitch, as Loki would say).
• Cultivate a sense of mystery and playfulness.
• Be unpredictable and keep your friends on their toes.
• Push your boundaries and experiment with your boundaries.
• Break the norm and be yourself.
• Adopt a prickly succulent baby or an abandoned animal. If you can’t adopt, volunteer in shelters or be a foster paw-rent.
• Collect toys that you will both enjoy.
• Play board or video games.
• Cook meals and eat with him (cook whatever meal catches your fancy and then eat at his altar).
• Hoard jokes, puns and memes (VERY IMPORTANT! Loki loves his humour but in good taste. He seems to dislike and would often refute humor made in bad taste like triggering and racist jokes).
Yes, it is generally considered safe to consume or drink offerings you give to Loki. The concept of eating or drinking offerings in worship is a way of bringing a deity's energy and power into your own body. Consuming or drinking an offering can strengthen your bond with the deity and help you gain their insight and guidance. However, it's important to be mindful of what the offering is and whether or not it is safe for consumption. Depending on the offering, it may be necessary to prepare it in a specific way in order for it to be safe to consume.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Fenrir Deity Guide
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Who is Fenrir?
Also called Fenrisúlfr, Fenrir is a giant wolf of Norse mythology. (Arguably THE giant wolf of Norse mythology). This name means “He Who Dwells in the Marshes” and as it turns out, the name “Fenrir” is not actually his name, no one is sure what this Marsh Dweller’s name really is.
His power was threatening to the Aesir who raised Fenrir in hopes to control his strength but he grow at an alarming rate and the Aesir decided to imprison him. They had the dwarves create chains from unusual or difficult items to attain, such as the sound of a cat’s footsteps, the beard of a woman, the breath of fish, the roots of a mountain, the sinews of a bear, and the spittle of a bird
It was foretold that Fenrir would trigger Ragnarök by breaking free of the bondage placed upon him by the Aesir; Fenrir would fight Odin during Ragnarök eventually killing the god.
Parents and Siblings
Loki (father)
Angerboda (mother)
Hel (sister)
Jörmungand (brother)
Sleipnir (brother)
Lovers or Partners
Hati (son)
Sköll (son)
Hróðrsvitnir (”Famous Wolf”)
The Ravener
The Fenris Wolf (or just Fenris-Wolf)
Beast of Slaughter
”Foe of Odin”
Vánagandr (”Monster of the river Ván”, also seen to mean “creature of expectation”)
Skoll and Hati’s names mean “one who mocks”/”mockery” and “one who hates”/”hatred” respectively.
It is unclear as to who the mother of Skoll and Hati is though there is mention of a wolf-woman who bore giant wolves in the forest of Jarnvidur.
Some also believe that Skoll and Hati are actually derivatives or aspects of Fenrir if not the wolf himself.
Fenrir’s most popular story is the “Binding of Fenrir” in which the Aesir capture and imprison the giant wolf in hopes that it would keep Ragnarök at bay. Throughout his upbringing, only Tyr was brave enough to approach Fenrir to feed him. This created a friendship between the two.
The gods tricked Fenrir by telling him that the various chains presented were testaments of his strength, and they congratulated him with cheers when he broke through them. Eventually, they presented the impossible chains made by the dwarves to the Great Wolf. Suspecting trickery, Fenrir demanded that, as a sign of good faith, one of the gods place their hand in his mouth as the chains were placed on him. Tyr stepped up to this task. As soon as Fenrir’s suspicions were verified and he realized he couldn’t break free, he chomped off Tyr’s arm and swallowed it. Fenrir was then transported to an isolated place where he would stay until Ragnarök.
It was said that the gods laughed at the trapped wolf, except for Tyr, and a great sword was placed in his mouth to keep his jaws open and the drool that came from his jaws created a foamy river called “Expectation” (Old Norse Ván).
His story shows why he sided with the forces of chaos against the Aesir who treated him less than unkindly. In this way, it is likely meant to show that he is not a “villain” but the antagonist of the Aesir’s story. It’s important to note that it isn’t until after he is bound and betrayed that Fenrir actually causes any harm, before this, he lives peacefully amongst the Aesir as a pet of sorts.
Modern Deity Work
As Fenrir is not a “typical” deity, there is no evidence of Fenrir being worshipped in the way that other Nordic deities were; however, he was a popular figure in art due to his involvement in Ragnarök.
All of these correspondences are going to be based on mythology and modern devotees and followers of the Famous Wolf.
Smoky Quartz
Petrified wood
Meat, raw may be best
Animal bones
River water
Art or items of wolves
Some have said dog toys
Acts of Devotion
Donate or volunteer at wolf sanctuaries and rehabilitation shelters.
Talk to him, have conversations
Work on releasing or channeling your negative emotions into something more productive.
I’ve seen a lot of references to intense feelings, physical and emotional. Don’t overdo this and hurt yourself.
References and Further Reading
Fenrir - Norse-Mythology.org
The Binding of Fenrir - Norse-Mythology.org
Kennings of Fenrir and siblings
Fenrir - Britannica
Fenrir - Wikipedia
[Fenrir](https://mythus.fandom.com/wiki/Fenrir#:~:text=Fenrir (Old Norse%3A "fen,monstrous wolf in Norse mythology.) - Mythus
Fenrir - World History
Fenrir devotional tips - @Lilbat
Working with Fenrir - @fenrireshrine
Fenrir Infodump - @that-nordic-pagan
Fenrir - grumpylokeanelder
Devotees and Followers to check out:
(if you're a devotee or work with Fenrir and would like to be added to this post as a point of reference for anyone who is curious please message me!)
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
💕 or 👔 for the sambucky prompts? If you'd like!
SamBucky Ask Game
Oooh, okay good choices here 😆 I think I'll go with the first one, if only because I've already written something for the latter 🤔
💕 Who Fell First
The first thing Bucky noticed were eyelashes.
Long, thick, black eyelashes that framed eyes the color of an afterglow late into a vibrant sunset. His skin was a rich brown which reminded Bucky of the carnelian gemstone on a ring his pa refitted for a woman down the hall once - warm and dazzling in the sun.
The fella was also screaming.
He was still beautiful when screaming, of course. It was strange how beauty kept even in the face of surprise and panic.
Did this man have a gap in his teeth?
He did. It was a little distracting, probably would be even more so under better circumstances. Whatever these circumstances might be.
What was Bucky doing?
Were they all driving?
It was daytime. However they were traveling, they were speeding fast. There was -
Was that broken glass? Was Bucky's arm through the windshield? Was he holding the steering wheel? Were the windshield wipers hitting him like a bug they were trying to smack away? Why was Bucky holding the steering wheel?
This really wasn't the best way to introduce himself to a fella, especially a hunk of heartbreak like this one.
Bucky, amongst the chaos and screaming, did his best to put the steering wheel back on.
Did not pop back into the car like a Lego.
What was a Lego? Why did Bucky know that word?
Bucky wasn't going to think about that. Bucky was also not going to think about the fact that he had dropped the steering wheel and that the steering wheel was somewhere on the ground in that car that was still driving somewhere.
"Sorry about that," said Bucky, wondering why he sounded muffled for some reason, "Are you rationed?"
"Push him! Push him out!" yelled - oh, there was a redhead in the back, "While he's distracted!"
"Where? So we can just run him over with the car?" asked - Stevie?
Dressed down to a great degree.
"I mean, I think he might be friendly now. He's not attacking us anymore, so..." said the gorgeous fella in front of him.
"You have terrible taste, Sam!" yelled the redhead.
"I flirted with you!" countered Sam, looking from the redhead to Stevie to Bucky, "I went out on a date with Steve! That didn't work out because of Steve, though. He didn't stay for breakfast."
"I had a mission," argued Stevie, "I didn't want to wake you!"
"You didn't leave a note," said Sam as he pointed to what Bucky assumed was a steering wheel rolling on the ground, "At least this guy is leaving the steering wheel!"
Bucky awkwardly waved to the whole car.
"I stand by my comment!" yelled the redhead, "Horrible taste!"
"Fuck it - fuck it - I'm just going to - " Stevie started to say before Stevie swiftly pushed the entirety of the remaining windshield off the car along with Bucky.
Bucky, surprised, rolled to the side on the ground, confused as he watched whatever situation he was in drive off without him.
Until Bucky remembered.
He had super soldier serum coursing through his veins.
He could catch up.
Bucky removed the windshield from his arm before he began his sprint to catch up with Sam and his car.
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vampires-bitrs · 7 months
I too believe that some of Rejet's games take place in the same universe! The events of Black Wolves Saga took place several centuries ago, when the Sakamaki were children, and everything that happens in Dance With Devils, Carnelian Blood and Diabolik Lovers is happening at about the same time. And yes, I'm sure Karl is the big bad in all of this histories 💀.
OMGGGG YESS! The cat people in Black Wolves Saga are never mentioned in any of the diaboys routes unlike races like the Vampires (obviously), Wolves, Vibora, and Alder. It was a little suspicious why there were so few races mentioned in Diabolik Lovers.
It's easy to assume that those four just stood the test of time, and that might be true. However, there was such a wide variety of races in the beginning of Black Wolves Saga, but most of them were either dead or dying, like the bunny boy, Zara Skeens. He's the last of his kind, and the only reason he isn't dead is that he was taken in by Foina's dad, Edgar Galland.
The same goes for the cat boys, Mejojo, Auger, and Julian. I would say the same for their parents as well, but most of them met an unfortunate fate, by the start of the story and now their whole race is slowly dying just like the humans the wolves were killing at the time. Yes you read that right there were humans living in the demon world more specifically Weblin a place for both humans and demi-humans, (creatures who have the power to shift between both human and animal forms.) before Arles made it his life misson to eradicate them.
I'm also assuming their lifespan is not nearly as long as vampires. But it wasn't just the rabbit race human race or the cat race that were dying some wolves were also catching a disease that was wiping out their race aswell (seriously, what's up with Rejet and having diseases decimate entire races?).
The disease was called Zodiva, a.k.a. "Mad Wolf Disease." Some known characters afflicted with this disease were Arles and Rath. However, it's puzzling why we don't see this disease affecting modern-day Diabolik Lovers wolves. My theory is that Karl released this disease to quell the rebellious wolf population; as the wiki states, "For many years, humans, cats, and wolves shared political power, but one day, the wolves revolted, plunging the country into chaos." and "Arles reportedly led a revolt against the monarchy 10 years before the story's beginning and was thus driven out along with the other wolves."
Karl has a history of afflicting people with diseases to defeat them (cough, cough, the founders).
While we're on the topic of founders, we can imply that the person who created Endzeit was Carnelian Brecht from the series Carnelian Blood @vampirerosemary explains it way better then I ever could so I would recommend you read these 3 post!
🦇Carnelian Blood & Diabolik Lovers🦇
Regarding Carnelian Blood in Dance with Devils, it's 100% canon that vampires exist, and they are the main antagonists in the game, alongside the church. Both settings take place in Japan and involve magical beings, but it's a little confusing why vampires are mentioned in Dance with Devils while devils aren't mentioned in Diabolik Lovers. Kanato and Laito make references to Incubus (Kanato literally had the spirit of an Incubus possess Teddy and hold Yui down), and Urie is an Incubus. So, it's possible that devils are a small or lesser-known race in Diabolik Lovers.
It's also interesting that Nesta is canonically the father of Lindo, and the fact that Nesta and Karlheinz share a striking resemblance, from their hair to their clothing style, it's noteworthy to mention Karlheinz's affinity for cosplaying different people, like Reinhart, and having kids who all look different from each other suggests that he might have assumed various identities and appearances throughout history. This idea is even supported by the fact that Kanato mentioned that their father could change his appearance, becoming a man or a woman at any time, and even they don't know what he truly looks like.
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You can argue that Lindo gets his hair colour and eye from his mom
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But keep in mind, Karl has a track record of making red-haired kids.
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Fun facts it is sorta kinda canon that lindo and ayato met. Just look at this cute little screenshot ( 〃▽〃) Source: @itsaboutyourstruly
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In my own personal headcanon, vampires age every 50 years. So if what the wiki says is true, that Karl is about 2000 years old, that means he's in his 40s.
In conclusion, Karlheinz is having the world's worst mid-life crisis, and he's making it everyone's problem. 💀
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crimsonsongbird · 6 months
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Correspondences: Bears, Music, Leadership, Microphones, Songs, Chaos, Destruction, Children, Teddybears, Metal, Hats, Death, Spirits, Revenge, Clever, Curse, Entrapment, Action, Language, Screams, Movement, Motivation, Secrets, Parties, Patience, Confidence, Technology, Memories, Nightmares, Protection, Blood, & Animatronics 
Herbs/Plants: Ginger, Ash, Daisy, Primrose, Dogbane, and Cinnamon
Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, Onyx, Garnet, Amethyst, & Bloodstone 
Elements: Earth & Air
Celestial Body/Planet: Jupiter
Numbers: 1 & 5
Scents: Musk, Metallic, & Earthy
Candles: Brown, Red, & Black
Magic Types: Chaos, Destruction, Death / Spirit Work, Leadership, Patience, Metal, Earth, Electricity, Strength, Cunning, Technology, Nightmare / Dream Work, Horror, Cursing, Hexing, Motivation, Movement, Planning, Protection & Confidence
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carnelianchaos · 1 year
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#CastIron #Cauldron with lid #TripleMoon
Iron has associations with Cancer, Scorpio, and #Aries. It also has very powerful protection properties.
For you #Witchy folk.
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ikeromantic · 10 months
Congratulations for reaching a huge milestone! For your 1K Follower Celebration, can I ask for Kicho and Jewel and 😘? Thank you and I love your work too!💖
I don't know much about Kicho. He's been the villain in a few routes but he seems pretty interesting. Looking forward to his EN route release for sure. So, Kicho and a Jewel! Approx. 500 words.
Kicho felt a sharp, familiar anger rise up in his chest. A sourness flooded the back of his throat as he watched Nobunaga walk down the main thoroughfare in Azuchi. So confident. Always. His arrogance had no bounds. 
Well, he was about to receive his comeuppance. Soon enough, his power would be shattered. His fortress destroyed. His allies scattered. His -
“Hey, yer crackin’ the railing.” 
Kicho turned to see Motonari’s garnet gaze fixed on him with glee. He released his grip on the wood, ignoring the splinters that fell away as he did. “Are the preparations in place?”
Motonari laughed, a low, rough sound. “They are. Just waiting fer you to give the go ahead. Or maybe I’ll start the party myself.”
There was no need to respond. Kicho gave him a cold glare and walked away. He hid his face beneath a sun hat, and stalked down to the dock. Away from the distractions aboard the ship. He’d lost sight of Nobunaga now and had no idea where the Oda lord was headed. Not that it mattered. He didn’t need to know where Nobunaga was right now, only where he would be.
His thoughts turned inward as he walked through the market streets, full of foreign goods and items brought from various regions. It was a friendly sort of chaos, the kind he could lose himself in. Kicho barely noticed the people or the goods he passed by. Only as objects to avoid. 
A flash of color caught his eye, and a woman’s face as she came into view. It felt sudden, as if she breathed into existence in a blink. He paused in surprise. And when he did, she looked up from the hair pins on display and met his gaze. 
Her lips curled up in a smile, as if he were the person she was waiting to see.  "Hi!"
Kicho felt his own mouth begin to respond, his eyes crinkling at the edges in a wash of good feeling. He caught it, pushed it down hard. Then gave her a cold, distant glare and turned away. 
Just as he turned the next corner, he looked back. She was still at the same shop. Her face in profile was elegant. Just as beautiful at a distance as she’d been close up. Though from here he could not see her smile. 
She was a gem, he thought. A jewel misplaced in the rough setting of the Azuchi market. And he wanted her. The realization surprised him. He began to turn back toward her, for what he could not say. Only . . .
A familiar figure approached the woman. Dark hair gleaming in the afternoon light. Carnelian eyes staring at the girl with a possessive gaze. His hand settled on her shoulder, tugging her against his side. 
“Nobunaga.” Kicho’s fists clenched. His jaw ground so tight it hurt. He turned and strode away. She was a distraction. Unimportant. Though, if such a jewel fell from Oda's clutches . . .
Her smile haunted his dreams that night and her eyes followed him in the following days.
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allthingsfook · 1 year
The Boys as ✨Crystals✨ Moodboard
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Citrine: “Abundance of Light”
Encompassing the power of the Sun, Citrine’s bright and cheerful energy radiates happiness and amplifies the joy in life. This radiant crystal nurtures creative self-expression by boosting concentration and awakening the imagination. A brilliant conductor of light, Citrine magnifies the power of manifestation and increases motivation for achieving your goals.
Creativity, Manifestation, and Prosperity
Targets Root, Sacral, and Crown Chakras
Sunstone: “Empowering the light”.
Attracting light energy, it raises your spirits by increasing vitality and dissipating the fog of depression. Encouraging a sense of optimism, its radiant glow is a reminder that even through the clouds, the sun is always shining. Inspiring the type of leadership that lifts others up, Sunstone harnesses the power to create positive change in the world.
Strength, Transformation, and Happiness
Targets Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
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Jade: “Abundance Within”
Jade promotes an abundance mindset and a knowing that there is plenty to go around. It teaches you that a rich and full life is not measured by the amount in your bank account, but by the wealth of people and experiences shared in each and every moment. Jade nurtures harmonious relationships between business partners or family members. Stimulating intuitive dreams, Jade serves as a protective talisman while gaining insight towards your higher purpose.
Dreamwork, Balance, and Vitality
Targets the Heart chakra
Carnelian: “Courage Catalyst”
Increasing motivation and driving ambition, Carnelian inspires you to take action! Embracing change as a form of positive transformation, it offers courage in times of new beginnings.
Courage, Passion, and Focus
Targets Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras
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Dalmatian Jasper: “Faithful Companion”
Grounding into the Earth, Dalmatian Stone aligns your energetic bodies with the flow of life. Balancing Yin and Yang energy, it brings awareness to the opposite, yet complimentary forces of darkness and light. Uncovering your innate strengths and abilities, Dalmatian stone inspires service by realizing how unique your influence matters beyond measure.
Happiness, Love, and Personal Growth
Targets Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras
Aquamarine: “A Voyage of Seeking Truth”
Aquamarine resonates with the magnificent Healing power of the sea. It invites you to dive deep into the core of your being and discover the truth within. Awakening a present state of consciousness, it brings a calm focus and clarity to one’s inner wisdom. Drowning out the toxic internal dialogue, it establishes harmony by fostering, a healthy ego.
Clarity, Cleansing, and Balance
Targets the Throat chakra
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Labradorite: “Stay in your Magic”
Overcoming insecurities and illusory beliefs, it’s brilliance embraces the darker aspects of yourself and brings light to the beauty and power within. Building resilience, Labradorite increases the confidence and courage to stand up to those who dim your light.
Courage, Personal Growth, and Transformation.
Targets Root, Heart, and Crown chakras
Fluorite: “Organized Chaos”
When life is overwhelming and feels like it’s spinning out of control, Fluorite brings stability to chaotic energy. Releasing fear and anxiety caused by external forces, it raises self awareness and redirects your energy to consciously create the life you envision.
Balance, Focus, and Intuition
Targets Heart, Third Eye, and Crown chakras
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¿Conoces Carnelian Blood? Si es así, ¿qué opinas de Carnelian? Se dice que él es una calamidad profetizada, alguien que va a cambiar "el equilibrio de la oscuridad", ¿pero qué crees que eso signifique? Además él necesita la luna roja para algo, y la verdad sigo pensando que podría tratarse de algún sacrificio, (cómo sacrificar a Yui).
No quiero hablar en profundidad al respecto porque realmente no tengo ni la menor idea hacia dónde va a ir Rejet con esto. Pero, tengo algunas teorías.
Estas son únicamente teorías basadas en mi manera particular de entender tanto a la franquicia de Diabolik lovers como al contenido que ha salido hasta el momento de Carnelian blood.
Personalmente creo que el final de Young Blood ocurre en la misma línea de tiempo en la que los Erosion van a Kaminashi. Lo que Karlheinz hace con los Sakamaki de niños ocurre, bajo esta premisa, porque nuevamente ha vuelto el tiempo atrás.
Suponiendo que la prueba realizada por Sócrates en Chaos Lineage no salió de la manera en la que esperaban, Karlheinz tendría entonces que hacer otra prueba, una que le permitiera saber a ciencia cierta (antes de poner nuevamente en marcha su plan) cuál de sus hijos está más capacitado para ser Adán (recuerden que en Dark Fate se establece el término “destino oscuro”, un destino inalterable que todo ser del Mundo demoníaco posee por defecto desde su nacimiento).
Acorde a lo que he expuesto con anterioridad, Karlheinz trata de crear un destino en donde su plan sea un hecho inevitable. Por eso la higuera. No solo se trata de una prueba para ver quién es el más apto para convertirse en Adán en un futuro, es Karl tratando de crear ese destino. Y habiendo sido Ayato, no es sorpresa que él sea quien, al final de Young Blood, se encuentra con Yui por casualidad.
Porque no es casualidad, es destino.
En resumen:
Considero todo esto como un reinicio del plan de Karlheinz, un reinicio en donde Carnelian es creado porque se convertirá en una de las piezas fundamentales de su jugada.
¿Por qué? No lo sé. Pero Karl está detrás tanto de su creación como de su transformación, y probablemente todo lo que Carnelian haya hecho como consecuencia de su transformación sea (directa o indirectamente) impulsado por el mismísimo Karlheinz.
¿Cuál es el papel de los chicos de Erosion en esto? No lo sé, pero hay un hecho a destacar, y es que cada uno de ellos pertenece a un clan diferente, además de que parecen haber sido quirúrgicamente alterados.
Otro dato destacable es que Carnelian parece tener una genética particular (una mutación). Esto puede verse en sus hijas, que nacieron con seis dedos. Quizás esta sea otra de las razones por la que Karlheinz lo necesita (y tal vez sea la razón del nombre de la franquicia “Carnelian blood” —que puede traducirse como “Sangre de Carnelian”—).
Si me lo preguntan diría que sí, tanto los Sakamaki como los miembros de Erosion van a toparse en algún momento; no por nada ambas tramas siguen transcurriendo en Kaminashi y en la Academia Ryoutei.
De ser así, este sería un proyecto bastante ambicioso, por lo cual, que se tomen su tiempo en crear contenido es buena señal, porque significaría que están haciendo algo realmente interesante e intrincado.
¡Al menos me encantaría que lo fuera! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )♡
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animalpetcel · 3 months
I love how Carnelian Blood made me re-fulfill my promise to return to the DL fandom (I left bc I had more passionate interest at the time and wasn't interested in Chaos Lineage but if it got new characters I told myself I'd return) and it's like stepping into a time capsule
things, for better or worse, have no changed
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