#cause i am weak
sophsicle · 1 year
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Once upon a time there was a pirate, who fell in love with a king
chapter 1
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pageofheartdj · 6 months
*sigh* Why only horror genre is criticised for having overblown ideas, or personal weird feelings implimented or just... having bad writing?
Why ONLY horror is not allowed to be weird or god forbid sexual.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 month
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is that disney-esque artstyle, peter parker look alike PILOT RANDY CUNNINGHAM???
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also ngl i kinda dig Viceroy II and Deputy Mayor Kranski
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+bonus Bible designs
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simple-sheep · 2 years
My cookie run fanfic is coming along well! I'm halfway through chapter 5, and I hope to have 10 chapters done before I start to publish on a consistent schedule.
I swear, writing slow burns hurts worse than reading them because I want to do nothing more than make them smooch smooch fall in love but that won't be until chapter 20 at the very least, if even then.
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khaotunq · 3 months
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TYPECAST: Khaotung Thanawat edition
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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*squints at this post and cherry-picks whatever tf i like*
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lunarharp · 3 months
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scribbles... pre-relationship onsen trip
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
I am waiting for my terrible decisions to come feast upon my corpse (I had four slices of mozzarella cheese and I am wildly lactose intolerant) so tall can have this thing I wrote while my bowels attempted to curdle up and wither.
Jason laid face down on the floor of his safe house, cheek miserably smushed to the carpet as his joints screamed in growing agony.
“Oh, shit, you good, little wing?”
Jason groaned, not even having enough energy to flip his face to the other side as a pair of boots came into view. Dick.
“Jason, are you okay? Where’s the wound?”
“C’mon Todd, even Timothy knows the importance of addressing open wounds.” Shit, the brat was here too.
“You coming down with something?” Tim’s voice asked from his other side.
Great, Jason grumbled, the whole idiot platoon is here.
A warm hand shook his shoulder, Dick’s concerned mug showing up in Jason’s- huh, when did it get this blurry?- sight. His face scrunched up in worry.
“You look stupid.” Jason said, though it sounded more like ‘yew loo stew pud’ with his face still smushed onto the ground. Reluctantly, he added, “No wound.”
“Tim, help me out.”
Jason groaned when the world spun as Tim and Dick hefted him up.
“What’s happening, Jason? Talk to us.” Tim said sharply, knowing that the tone would get Jason to respond.
“Growing pains.” Jason mumbled. “Laz pits side effects.”
“I see,” Damian suddenly said, and suddenly Jason was so much more grateful for his presence. The demon brat understood. “Richard, Drake, get him to bed. I will retrieve the ice.”
It probably spoke levels of how bad he looked that Jason’s brothers didn’t bother to even comment on the brat’s orders. Jason was lugged to his bed and tucked in.
“Sorry,” he mumbled at Dick.
“For what?” Dick patted him on the head as Tim went to get a glass of water and the painkillers he stored in the bathroom mirror cabinet.
“I’m heavy. You have old man knees.”
Divk gasped, mock offended. “Excuse me?! I’m not old! You’re fine if you’re talking shit, Jay.”
“Feels like shit…” Jay paused. “Not as shit as your gray hairs.”
“Tim! Jason’s bullying me!”
“Gray is a good color on you, I think,” Tim said, walking back in with water and meds. They helped Jason drink the meds as Dick alternated between whining about not being old and indignantly sayin ‘respect your elders, you brats!’
“Here.” Damian walked in with both bags of peas and actual ice packs. “It should be better after you have rested, but if you don’t, mother knows an acupuncture treatment that would help.”
Jason shivered as they applied the ice packs.
“Ugh, fuck off.”
“Just sleep, you raging asshole.” Tim said, sweeping a blanket onto the crime lord. “Oracle’s got Steph covering your routes until you’re better.”
Somehow, surrounded by his brothers, Jason finally found the energy to fondly flip them the bird and fall asleep.
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newtsnaturethings · 11 months
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Derringer Meryl
Very normal about her
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thegooblet · 4 months
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listen man if you watched the show and this is your takeaway i don’t think you understood it either :/
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nightmarearian · 2 months
do you think the abyss healed Childe’s scars?
realistically I know it’s stupid graphics & model “limitations”
But do you think his skin looks as normal as it did before he fell.
Cause when they’re hit, an abyss monster.
They disintegrate.
Do you think Ajax’s scars healed like that? In the abyss? After it, too?
Do you think they burned? Or was it numb, as the darkened skin faded away with little, yellow, glowing particles?
That he has no evidence of his suffering for those three months in hell (and his only companion’s silence) but dull eyes no one wants to look at?
Callouses on his hands and feet that no one pays attention to? Takes care of?
That he shows his prowess and uncanniness and abyssal hunger because that’s the only way how? Yes. he is hungry and wants a fight. Look at him. He’s off. Broken now.
Look at him.
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midnighthybrid1 · 1 year
Found a fun blog today ( @welcomehomeincorrectquotes, highly recommend checking them out if you’d like a good chuckle) and it got me inspired to do some WH doodles. I’ll have to reblog the OG quotes cause I’ve nearly reached the mobile photos limit 😅
Incorrect Quote #1:
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Incorrect Quote #2:
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Hope ya enjoy my lil doodles, and please go check out the incorrect quotes blog! There’s lots of good and funny content that might give ya some fun lil doodle ideas.
Have a wonderful day!
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated, PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ARTWORK!
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bluwus-art · 7 months
I have a request! You should draw Blue with his favorite drink in the second style on your ref sheet (the color line art).
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(Hides in hands) I intercepted the wrong braincell.....
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essencering · 11 months
↳ summary: Monsters and Humanity have slowly started to interact with one another the lines blurring a bit, but still, both sides stubbornly remain in the past with some things. So when your peaceful life is suddenly turned upside down when a storm sweeps through, you find that a monster has crash landed into your life. Moreso.... crashing into your attic.
↳ Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Mammon (Obey Me!), Harpy Mammon.
writer's blurp: had this floating around in my brain for a bit, i really just want to write some of the OM boys as monsters. first... a pretty birdy mammon.
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The border between your world and monsters is as simple as a line of stones carved with runes. Parents would often whisper to their children horror stories, and reasons to never step over those stones no matter what the reason might be.
You would be safer to remain on the other side of those stones. Same for the monsters, they would remain safer on their side of the stones, but as time has slowly marched forward things have changed.
Monsters and Humanity have slowly started to interact with one another the lines blurring a bit, but still, both sides stubbornly remain in the past with some things. You're family has lived on the border between both worlds, and you've seen many monsters leave to trade, to live amongst humans, and even seen some humans do the same.
Yet you've never stepped across those stones into their world, after all, you feel as if what you've seen from monsters once they cross over is fitting to what lay on the other side. So when your peaceful life is suddenly turned upside down when a storm sweeps through, you find that a monster has crash landed into your life.
Moreso crashing into the attic, the wind and rain seemingly too strong for the monster to handle, and your roof was an unfortunate victim, but one you could live with. The monster seemed to be unharmed, a ball of puffed-up feathers, with a mixture of trilling and clicking. Piercing eyes watch you while you try you're best to cover the hole till the storm passes.
the monster in question is a harpy.
a very pretty one at that, and also very cautious of you, not that you can blame it. after all, if you suddenly had a crash landing into someone's house you would also be on high alert as well.
the harpy stays in the attic, tucked away in a corner far from the hole in the roof, surrounded by bundles of packed-up blankets and such that you didn't need in the springtime.
you assume it made a nest for itself to feel more comfortable and help to keep it from stressing out.
you couldn't get close to see if it was hurt, so you would simply poke your head up into the attic and look at the harpy, but the moment it started to puff up and hiss you would leave.
the storm lasted for three nights and four days, so to say that you were surprised to see the harpy in your room was very starting. it simply looked at you, dazed, before simply dozing off on your bed.
the harpy stuck around even after the storm, but there was always a good bit of space between the two of you. with the harpy watching you, and you just trying to do day-to-day things.
the harpy would sometimes trill, or chirp randomly at you. sometimes even when you were cooking, often stealing bits of whatever you might be cooking. a small blessing since you were unsure of when it had last eaten.
the harpy has taken to sleeping on your bed, a happy little ball of feathers and limbs on your bed during the day, and would sometimes carry some of your things up into your attic. during the day and at night.
to find that it was making a nest and the attic into its own little space was surprising, as you believed it would leave after the storm. yet it was making itself at home.
"hey, shouldn't you.... go back home?" you asked, the harpy making it turn away from making its nest to look at you. it blinked at you, shaking its head before smiling. the talons tapping against the wooden floorboards, tail feathers moving in a way that reminded you of a dance all while it walked over towards you.
a little sigh is all you hear before the harpy starts to nose at your hair, happy little trills and chirps.
"hmmmm, like it here. like you." hearing the harpy speak was shocking, as it had simply chosen to use only sound, its feathers, and expressions to communicate.
The Harpy's name you learned later is Mammon. A sweet guy, a huge dork in his own way, a lover of shiny things, but most of all a giant softy. Despite how big and bad he seems when he's all puffed up.
He would go out and bring you back little things. Trinkets, some wild game for dinner that night, or something that you could wear. He would puff up with pride right after putting it on you or seeing you wear whatever he brought home for you.
He could be a bit greedy for your time, and even greedier when it came to either sleeping in your bed with you or having you in his nest. Where he would ruffle his feathers, move things around and trill happily when everything was just right before curling up around you to doze off.
A smile on his face, and the cutest little noises to lull you to sleep.
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dumping-ideas · 3 months
I decided to go on a Hiatus because I want to step back from prsk fandom buat I need to say something about this take (warning for Ensekai leaks)
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Translation is fucking hard
What's impressive about this scene is Tsukasa specifically use BOKU (僕) and not his preferred pronoun ORE (オレ) to call himself
The emphasis is there so the JP readers could understand how impactful the fact that Tsukasa is not even using his preferred first pronoun because he's actually not being himself but being RIO EVEN IN HIS OWN HEAD
Tsukasa isn't being himself. On the contrary, he's completely, 100% become Rio at that moment
While English has a lot of third person pronouns, Japan has a lot of first person pronouns (compared to English measly "I"). Just like Western has their preferred pronouns, so does Japanese (of course their 1st person pronoun is interchangeable in the context of social interactions). Too bad that this nuance for Tsukasa's dialogue can't be replicated in English. I argue that putting emphasis on the "I" actually do Jack Shit because the emphasis is on the DIFFERENT PRONOUN IN JP. It's like when you hear someone calls a person as a "he" for a long time but then one person suddenly calls that person as "she" (I think, I know western are kinda sensitive on their pronouns but I can't really relate). Anyway it's THAT jarring
The second line is where the tl team kinda needs to wrack their brain, 届かない. No subject, no object. The scene before the sentence flashed back to Tsukasa crying after remembering how he felt how unreachable his own Phoenix is, and it's how he understands Rio's helplessness right at that moment. Using "it" actually makes the sentence sounds pretty vague. What does "it" refer to? "The level that he wants to reach?" It only applied to Tsukasa and not Rio. "The phoenix"? Kinda rude to call the phoenix as "it" though. Besides, using EN pronouns, Tsukasa's phoenix is a "he" while Rio's phoenix is a "she". That's why JP can have that sweet ambiguity while the EN translators need to think super hard about the implied object here.
There's two nuances happening here, and the Ensekai tl team decided to translate it by context of Tsukasa AS Rio: "I can't reach her". I'm guessing that they agreed that the flashback to that scene in chapter 7 means that Tsukasa at that moment completely understands Rio, HE'S RIO BECAUSE HE USES 僕, so they decided that it's Rio's thought and not Tsukasa even though the text box says Tsukasa and the JP implied that Rio and Tsukasa become one. I think the the EN line is okay, kinda missing some deep nuances but that's what translation is. You can't expect to be able to translate all those cultural nuances.
Maybe the alternatives might be "I can't reach my/the phoenix?" More straightforward but we can have a nice title drop lol
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Growing up hurts
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