#cause im a heathen
bratthewurst · 6 months
Gyudon fixed me 🥰
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silverlininghills · 1 year
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fooltofancy · 2 years
this gear is very pretty and it's going to take me at least two more weeks to finish grinding for it
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jesterghost · 2 years
yall i need a crash course in passive aggressivity and how to avoid it
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mimixmunson · 2 months
Im not sure if theres anything you can do with this, i often see fics about waking up with a boner but what about nocturnal emissions? Where Eddie is sharing a bed with reader/bestfriend reader and hes woken up covered in cum
Eddie has a wet dream. Eddie Munson x female reader. Smut. Blurb.
I hope you enjoy, ty for the request! ♱
Waking up in Eddie’s bed was always the most comfortable way for you to wake up. His bed sheets always felt cooler, the wind through his window always hit you just right. This morning’s weather was miserable, rain drops slapping on the trailer caused you to stir in your sleep, waking you up. Peeking your eyes open, squinting them to adjust the bright light shining through his cheap nylon curtains. Eddie was turned to face away from you, a mound of his curls spread across your pillow. That man has no sense of personal space, one of his legs was laying across yours and his ass was tucked up against your hips. Looks like you took the role of the big spoon last night.
Rubbing your eyes, you take in your surroundings. Smiling down at your snoring boyfriend, you rub your palm up and down his back, tracing the freckles like they were a dot to dot puzzle. Eddie begins to stir, groaning and turning his body around to face you, smiling with his eyes still firmly closed, not wanting to wake up.
“Morning beautiful” he whispers, his voice hoarse and deeper than usual. His hand cups your cheek, pulling your face into a kiss.
“Morning Teddy.” You sigh, Eddie turns his body around completely. He’s laying on his back, his arm wraps around you pulling you closer to him as if he didn’t get enough cuddles the night before. Your hand travels to his chest, running your fingers down his skin and slipping through his body hair. It’s a dance the pair of you do every morning, he always wakes up with morning wood and you love nothing more than to wake him up with your fist for him to fuck.
Your nails reach his chest pubes, you scratch through them lightly, teasing him as you usually down. But your skin touches them, they’re damp, wet even. “Eds?” You question, assuming he’s so worked up already that pre-cum has leaked onto him. You look up at him, his face flushed and his hands covering his eyes. You feel down to his cock, and it’s soft, even more wet than his hair. Looking back up at Eddie, you smirk.
“Oh sweetheart..” you tease, “I won’t mention this again.. on one condition.” Giggling and removing his hands from his blushing face. Planting gentle kisses all over his pink cheeks, you take a handful of his ass cheek and spank him jokingly.
“What would that be, you evil little fiend.” Eddie groans, rubbing the sleep out the corner of his eyes. Smirking down at you, desperately trying to regain any control of the situation. He feels vulnerable and cracking jokes seems to be his escape plan.
“You tell me what you dreamt about, because clearly it was good.” You giggle against his arm and he feels the vibration travel through him. With his length still in your hand you squeeze the bottom of his cock playfully as you speak.
“Fiend.” Eddie repeats his words, kissing and licking your cheek as an act of rebellion. “You are a fiend, little maiden.” He chuckles, a deep belly laugh rippling through his stomach. “If you must know, I dreamt of you. All night long.” He winks and laughs again, grabbing your cheeks by his hands and you puff out your cheeks.
“Looks like you’ll have to wait a little longer for your morning glory then Eds. Until then, I guess I just get to tease you.” Smirking at him, watching as his eyes widen at your words.
“Heathen.” His words spat out like playful venom, but they’re in one ear and out the other as you straddle his waist, feeling his cum soaked cock underneath your underwear clad pussy. Nibbling down his chest, paying special attention to his nipples while you rut your hips over him. Feeling his cock immediately begin to harden, rubbing against your lacey underwear. Eddie adjusts his position and slips his silky tip inside you, moaning as he feels you clench your warm wet walls around him.
With the both of you giggling and getting worked up simultaneously, you hope Eddie gets blessed with another dream like this again.
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corpsebasil · 30 days
Nikolai x reader. Reader trying to convince Nikolai to go for a swim in the lake on the grounds of the Little Palace at night against.
Babe I’m blushing
“Come on!” You laugh, sprinting down the grassy hill towards the lake. You’re drunk. Of course you are. The amount of champagne being served at Vasily’s birthday ball should be considered illegal. You spin on your heel, tossing a wink towards the blond prince who hurries after you, much more sober and way more concerned. “Loser!”
“Y/N, please.”
“What?” You giggle, lifting your skirts as you approach the edge of the water. Your shoes were discarded at some point—who knows when—so you dip your bare toes into the lake. “What’s wrong?” You call, meeting his eyes again.
He’s closer than you expected.
Your eyes widen a fraction when he places one hand on your lower back, the other on your waist to keep you steady when your toes slip on the pebbles close to shore. You giggle again and meet his gaze, those blue eyes of his mere inches from your own.
“You’re what’s wrong.” He muses, but there’s a faint smile on his face. “Please don’t drown.”
“I won’t.” You breathe, grinning as you shuffle the both of your farther into the water. Then you’re yanking him, full strength, and seconds later both of your bodies are crashing down into the lake, water wrapping its arms around the both of your heads.
For a moment, there’s blissful silence.
The water is freezing. Cold and dark, brushing your skin with the gentleness of a lover. For a moment, just a moment, you close your eyes and sink, Nikolai’s arms around your waist tightening in a vise.
He yanks you above the surface.
“You—” he sputters, coughing lightly as he snatches you to his chest, the both of you completely soaked as he attempts to find his footing. “You damn heathen, you—” but you’re laughing, then he’s laughing, and soon his forehead is resting on your shoulder as you giggle like a maniac, pleased with your success at causing chaos. “You’ll be the end of me, won’t you?” He sighs, lifting his head to meet your stare.
The both of you are streaming water down your faces and hair but, somewhat emboldened, you reach out to touch the damp, dark blond strands.
“Yes.” You murmur, fixated on your task. He takes your wrist, meeting your gaze again before he presses a feather-light kiss to the limb.
“You’re a menace.” He says softly, pressing another kiss to your skin. “We’ll get sick in this water.”
“You’re not trying to leave.”
His eyebrows raise and he shakes his head, both in disbelief and amusement.
“No.” He starts, seconds before he tugs your soaked body even closer, eyes on your mouth. “No im not.”
When he ducks down and kisses you, you go limp, his arms tightening as you both collapse once again beneath the surface.
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^ literally you
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broomsick · 6 months
hi. im sorry if im bothering but you're a norse pagan and i am too but i joined recently and haven't been able to gain much knowledge yet. i have a few questions, if you would like to answer them i would be very grateful:
• other than the eddas, is there any book that can help me as a beginner to the norse faith or maybe witchcraft?
• yule is coming up and it is my first pagan festival so could you please help me understand how to celebrate it, is there any norse deities in specific that i should give offerings to? (i plan on making offerings to skadi right now)
• i'm may have some european amcestors cause im indo european but i doubt that any of my ancestors were norse...could i still practice norse paganism?
•lastly, what are blots?
Hello there! Thank you so much for the ask. And welcome to this faith! I hope this path is as fulfilling to you as it is to me.
You'll be happy to know there are so much great ressources for norse pagans to use for research. I've actually listed a bunch of them in this previous post, in which I identified what sources were books and which were online ressources.
Now, Yule is a very exciting celebration for heathens! We know that it was a major festival in Iron Age Scandinavia. Traditionally, there would be a toast made in honor of the ancestors, one made in honor of the One-Eyed, to ask for success (he is even called Jólnir, "Figure of Yule"), and one made in honor of Yngvi-Freyr and Njörðr, to ask for fertility and prosperity. This is why these three deities are most often viewed as the main deities of Yule in nordic tradition. Thórr also has some associations with Yule, primarily due to the traditional yule goat decoration still present in Scandinavia today, which may or may not have had ties with him due to his association with goats. Whatever the case, he is also a popular choice within modern practice when it comes to the deities honored during Yule celebrations. You could also very well include Sól in your practice around that time of the year. After all, winter solstice celebrations often serve to rejoice and welcome the return of the sun as the days grow longer once again. It's for this reason that lighting candles or bonfires on the longest night of the year is a popular way to celebrate Yule: it symbolizes the return of light and warmth as the second half of winter commences. There are a few accounts of some sort of "yule log", a very long log decorated with candles, being burned during the twelve days of Yule, though the veracity of this story is debated. Still, it can be fun for us to incorporate a similar tradition into our own celebrations! For example, by decorating a piece of wood and burning it during a ritual as our own yule log. Decorating using greenery (real or fake) is also a popular way to celebrate Yule! It's a way to remind ourselves that despite the cold and the snow, the earth still lives and nature still thrives! Traditionally, one would use plants such as holly, ivy, or any evergreen tree, which stay green throughout the winter. I also can't forget the eternal norse pagan tip: when in doubt, hold a feast! To invite your loved ones around a table and eat homemade food is always one of the best ways to honor the Gods, and this goes for any festival. So much can be done even if you prefer to celebrate alone, or with just a few close friends! Just treat yourself to a hearty winter meal, and save some of it to offer the Gods, along with a glass of the alcohol of your choosing (I generally go for winter drinks, such as mulled wine, warm ice cider and the like). There is only so much I can list at the top of my head, and there are countless ways for you to celebrate Yule. Feel free to dig around for more ideas, and to experiment with whatever feels right! I'll now direct you to this wonderful video, which I discovered a while back and which does a wonderful job of explaining everything we currently know about Yule and midwinter festivals in the nordic cultures.
Now, norse paganism is a fully open practice! Everyone is free to practice it, no matter their ancestry. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, they would not be speaking the truth!
As for your last question, blót is an Old Norse term meaning "blood", which can seem scary when you put it that way, but it's nothing to be worried about! It merely refers to the act of sacrifice, or as we neo-pagans often say, offering. A blót is a ritualized offering made to the norse Gods! The celebrations around such an event can also be refered to as blót: the term "Yule" originally came from the Old Norse name for the main midwinter sacrifice, Jólablót, which is the name I give to my own winter solstice celebration. We know that during the Scandinavian Iron Age, there were many blóts scattered across the calendar! Among those: Þorrablót, or Husbands' Day, allegedly celebrating the God Thórr, Góublót, or Wives' Day, a celebration of the end of winter, Sigrblót, a festival to ask for victory, Alfablót, celebrated at the end of the harvest season during which offerings to the elves were made, Jólablót, and Dísablót, when offerings to the Dísir were made. Most solitary practionners of norse paganism do not celebrate all of these. After all, little is known about them! Scholars cannot even pinpoint the exact moment of the year when Dísablót was performed. For this reason, we are all free to practice them based on our own interpretations. Since I am a devout worshipper of Yngvi-Freyr, I offer to him along with the elves on Alfablót. Though Jólablót is arguably the most popular blót to perform among heathens, I have met practionners who did not practice it. The blóts you choose to perform are all up to you!
I have only scratched the surface of how norse pagan holidays can be celebrated! I hope you'll find as much information as you need to prepare for Jólablót, and I also wish for you to have lots of fun celebrating it! Do be sure to trust your gut when it comes to celebrating pagan holidays. It all comes down to you, your preferences and what feels right. Have a great rest of the day, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any other questions!
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stawpny · 9 months
more ny/ca hc’s, as another treat for you heathens
- I feel like Yorks that type of guy who would give cal his umbrella like if it was pouring in NYC, since I’ve heard it doesn’t rain in California. He would just stand there, watching Cal be obsessed with this city while he’s fucking drenched, but who cares? If Cal’s happy then he’s mildly content. He’s a wet angry cat in NYC.
-New York used to sit in the Northeast area between Mass and Jersey, but ever since he’s fell in love with the golden boy, he sits right next to him. He had to kick Oregon out of the seat though, and also forced everyone to move over a chair. Cal was clueless.
-York loves sitting ontop of skyscrapers in NYC. He finds it calm and peaceful up there. Cal, not so much. He just usually plays with the pigeons that nest up there to calm his nerves.
-I deadass believe York feeds the pigeons, and when they all flock up around him, eating all of the food, he just snatches one and adds it to his collection. Rats too.
-this adorable mf can only sleep with Cal by his side or he will panic and stay up the whole night. He needs his glowing golden boy, his nightlight 😭.
-Cal calls York when he misses him, and york always answers to reassure him that he could live without him. Cal gets upset and says it’s not true, hangs up the phone out of anger, then totally forget about the situation and call him back to say he misses him again. Cycle repeats.
-York smiles every time Cal does something stupid. Not a smirk, nor a grin, a full blown smile, which is weird for him. Don’t tell York that Cal sometimes does it on purpose to make his partner smile and laugh.
-(not CA/NY) I swear Gov has a board for each and everyone of the states that have OLD pictures of them and adds the most recent one and the oldest one. He changes it every time they get a new look.
-California is a helicopter mom. New Yorks like that dad who is there for you but doesn’t give a shit what you do outside. He might even join you.
Songs I think represent this ship:
Somethin’ Stupid by Frank Sinatra (Both)
Delicate by Taylor Swift (both)
From the Start by Laufey (CA pov)
Hell N Back by Bakar (I can’t decide)
VALENTINE BY LAUFEY (THIS ONE) (NY pov cause he’s new to this kinda stuff)
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift (CA POV)
Mastermind by Taylor Swift (NY POV)
Wonderland by Taylor Swift (both maybe)
Maroon/Paris also by Taylor Swift (I don’t know honestly 😭)
they’re so silly
I had to stop with the songs there or I would start connecting songs to them even if it was only one lyric that sounded like them in that song
im sick rn.
I was forced to take a covid test and I now have Covid?? I dunno the test expired in February 😭
anyways, I hope u liked them
ILY byeee!!
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spurgie-cousin · 11 months
i just agreed to go on a lake trip and when i google maps'd it to see how long the drive would take me, i found out im gonna be in spitting distance of DuggarTown™ 💀💀omfg
i am literally never in Arkansas for some reason, im constantly in the states immediately surrounding it but just never have cause to go there almost like the Duggars have cast a spell to keep heathens out or something but this is the closest I'll be in years and like 👀 I might just have to do a pass through Tontitown. even if it means letting my friends and family know this is something I give a shit about lmao
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arunneronthird · 1 year
wanted to let u know ive started the fic rec masterlist and its gonna take 15 years cause i mostly forgot some i want to recommend and since im a heathen and read 150k fics im gonna need time to reread them
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royalarms · 2 months
don't forget to open your eyes by MISSIO : it's inevitable , wanting nothing to exist / there's a moment it gets better / and it's worth taking the risk / don't forget to open your eyes / don't forget that there's a sunrise / the world is a really dark place / the world is a really dark place / but i love it
brothers by koethe : run together / like birds of a feather / we howl like wild beasts / we've all our demons / our hells our heathens / so let them rest in peace / the dancing shadows of youth / the colder stars of our truth / the sun sets on these / to live as runners / we'll know each other / and stand as brothers , we / could live while we are
cover me by black math : as we slip back underneath / say you will cover me / when there's nothing i can see / i dream i'm disappearing / one hand above the skin / my head below the water / as i float in the deep / as i float in the deep / and if i cover you / say you will cover me
bleed by tris mikal : i carry the weight that's breaking me / and even though it's the only way / i can't face the pain that's chasing me / 'cause i don't know what i should blame / why can't i breathe ? / am i destined to bleed ? / i can't find a remedy / to fix what i can't see / is it too late / for me to escape / i know that i can't run away / i can't run away from me
sing to me by MISSIO : sing to me / i am not doing well / getting tired of my own words / sing to me / 'cause i can't hear myself / through the loudness of my own hurt / call me selfish when i say this / i'm kinda helpless and i need you / sing to me / 'cause i'm not doing well
this is the end by dr. villain : this is the place where i wish all of you all the best / when hopelessness turns from emotionless into depressed / i've made amends with myself , and i'm feeling okay / the voice in my head keeps on telling me 'this is the day' / this is the end / the slideshow of all that i've seen and all that i've done / it plays over my thoughts on repeat like a terrible song / i keep telling myself i can make it if i just press on / but these hauntingly beautiful memories tell me i'm wrong / this is the end
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tagged by : @moonache ( thank u kindly we know im a sucker for some good music )
tagging : feel free to steal and tag me <3 i LOVE new music and esp love reading yalls songs u associate with ur muses >:)
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iinafarawaygalaxii · 25 days
Assassins Creed: Valhalla | Freyja’s Promise
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A Ghosts Throne: Chapter 1
Summary: After this mornings escapade with the one and only, Prince of Snottingham, Vili- they discovered and killed many picts to safeguard their meeting later on that afternoon. After dealing with the insurgents and sharing a deep moment together,- Vili and Eivor had to force their attention elsewhere. The Althing.
Warnings: Blood, Gore
Rating: SFW
WC: 5.5k
*My Eivor had black hair just FYI
*Make sure to read the prequel first! Hit the 'Previous' link down below to take you to the page instantly!
*The Great Heathen Battle: A battle that took place sometime around 865 lead by the Ragnarsson's to invade England with a coalition of Scandinavian soldiers. 
*My keyboard is jacked and causing mild issues while typing. Sorry for the errors ):
Hundreds were here this day with more filling in. From distant lands as far as Lunden to address the state of Mercia, East Anglia, and Northumbrian affairs and now… with this assassination attempt- Eivor was sure the talk would be hastened due to the safety of the king, jarls, and their people and with the commotion outside of the longhouse here in Jorvik? It seemed not only discord has been sown for a long time but distrust- a bad mix for a king.
Civilian 1: "Invaders? In Jorvik? What is the King doing?!"
Civilian 2: "What about our Jarls? Our champions? We are no longer safe!"
Civilian 3: "What does Halfdan have to say? Cooped up in his castle without a word!"
Civilian 4: "Mercia would protect us. They have the strongest soldiers."
Civilian 5: "How can we protect a kingdom as vast as this? We are doomed…"
Ruptures of people in the crowd hawked about the state of the kingdom. A plague of poverty spreading from hamlet to hamlet, finally reaching the capital- showed just how bad the kingdom was failing. Between the worry in some and the fear in others, Northumbria was on the verge of collapse which would explain why the picts would attack now. It was concerning… Yes, but thats why all the leaders were called upon and gathered.
Eivor stopped before the crowd, hearing the instability and brooding of their words as their concerns were now being brought to King Halfdan's doorstep. It took Vili only a moment to catch up as he too stopped before the crowd hearing their concerns. For a kings mind who has been touched, he could not afford to be silent.
"Have you ever wondered what it felt like to be raven feed Wolf-Kissed?", Villi exclaimed watching Bjonirs and Aseir's ears fall back from the crowds screeching and crowing making them want to leave as the young drengir's forced their stay, tightening their reigns. "No. But Im sure were about to find out.", Eivor quipped with a smile patting Aseir on the neck to calm her down before they pushed forward.
Upon entering Jorvik, their blood stained clothes started taking notice… With red dripping from their axes and dire wolves teeth- reeking of battle lust, the crowd soon began to split. Falling silent as they pushed through the hoard, inching closer to the longhouse in silence. They both looked to the crowd before them, scanning their faces and body language as the young Jarls watched worry be wiped clean, simply by their presence. The people began to take notice that it was The Great Wolf-Kissed and Hemmingston Prince forcing whisper among the crowds- Their names ringing through the crowd like thunder itself. Beloved by nearly all of Europe with legacies that will already stand for many generations.
Civilian 1: "Its Eivor and Vili!"
Civilian 2: "They will protect us..",
Civilian 3: "Fiercest warriors I've know"
Civilian 4: "I put my faith in them"
Eivor relaxed herself hearing the effect of her name in real time. leaving one hand of the reign and letting the other free. That was… until a woman took Eivor's hand quickly, stopping moment before the longhouse, "Whats happening Eivor?", The woman asked warily. He clouded eyes and hollowed cheeks made it seem like this woman hasn't ate in a while. Her arms were shaky with little next to no meat on here bones as Eivor peered up scanning the reset of the malnourished crowd. Her eyebrows furrowed as the woman who seemed fairly young looked up to the honorable drengir for answers. It had seemed Halfdan's greed and mental illness had begun effect the people. Answers wasn't something she could simply give.
But there was hope….
Vili watched the interaction intently- angry at the state of Jorvik as he swung around looking to the people before him in concern, now in between the crowd and the longhouse. The black haired raven glanced at him, giving a nod before he made an announcement- slipping a healthy amount of silver in the woman's hand, receiving blessings from the stranger before riding tall with Vill at the front of the crowd;
"People of Northumbria, your woes will soon be rewritten. We will find a solution and help bring back the peace, love, and prosperity Northumbria has proudly carried…", Vili took a deep breath nodding to Eivor to continue, "We only ask for your patience and understand the difficulties you're going through…. all too well- but fear not, the Raven and Hemming clan have brought provisions; rations, silver, and supplies to Northumbria to help sooth these concerns. Please see our people to help attend to your needs." The crowd begun chanting their names in praise all throughout Jorvik…
Crowd: "To the Hemming and Raven clan!"
Crowd: "For Vili and For Eivor!"
It was then the long house doors swung open with Halfdan in the center, looking castrated and sickly. It seemed the push on the door alone wiped him out completely as he beckoned the drengir forward with faint breaths, "Eivor…-Vili… come…", Nearly limping back to his throne with a pale face, eyes hollowed, and his crown sitting crookedly just above his bow line. The two looked at each other in concern following close behind as the entered the warm halls of the castle longhouse.
The scent of smoke and mead laid idle in the air with soft tunes from the bards playing in the corner. The scene created a sense of warmth and belonging, as it is in her clan which was, so, welcoming after the long morning they had.
She looked across the hall as she followed to see what is left of their allies as Vili followed Halfdan to the Kings chair. There was Broder, Alefgar… Sigurd, Randvi, Tewdewr… Erke and Stowe… All except Guthrum, the King of East Anglia and eastern territories, who was in a battle of supremacy himself against Lady Aethelsweth - unable to attend the Althing. These were all the remaining allies in England with Halfdan in charge of the North-Western territories.
Eivor went to join in on the silence, observing the allies watching Halfdan on his way to the chair with disapproved expressions on their face. Observing one another as he passed, witnessing the poor state he was in. He couldn't even make it to the chair without assistance as Vili placed him in the center of the chair, joining his and Eivors clan at their sides. This silence spoke all too well…
What will become of Northumbria?
Halfdan called forth the allies to the war table set before him. Without a peep he gestures them to sit. Eivor taking her place in between Sigurd and Randvi as Jarl. While the others grouped to their respected territories before they started the Althing. "Now… tell me everything", the sickly king said as their stories began with the assassination attempts, everyones part in the situation, and the letter that Eivor found. Erke and Stowe who reside very far down south in Luden announced evidence they found on their way, confirming Northumbria's suffering. The picks have captured and cut off their supply lines and was ones of the many reasons why Ludens traders never returned.
Halfdan was now consumed with anger and befallen from his past filled of traitors. He nearly went ballistic forcing silence throughout the court, watching him unravel. Since his mind was touched with iron sickness, his ability to make sensible deductions has faltered. He first started rambling about the prophecy and how it was linked to everything- even his illness and how his plans would unravel. He then began bragging about his horde… Something he has been collecting over time despite the challenges Northumbria was facing. It was now known why the territory is failing.
Moiria, the witch, who has doctored his lands since The Great Heathen Army, patted him on the head with a cloth- drying the sweat that he was pouring out of his skin while feeding him a tincture she made to calm his mind and as the mumbling started to decrease, she whisked him off into his room to rest, making the allies conclude the meeting till he was better. Though, another delay meant more instability, no answers, and no plan.
A long sigh escaped Eivor's lips watching the witch take Halfdan to his room for treatment with his seer in toe- "The seer….", Eivor whispered to herself as a thought occurred taking steps towards the fate reader, but was stopped by Vili himself in concern for Halfdan. "Wait Eivor… Give them time to calm him down". Vili was on the same page, looking in their direction- watching, as they force Halfdan's legs up the stairs. It was time for a change and it needed to happen quick. Unfortunately, for the king…. they didn't have the luxury to wait. "Let us continue…" Vili exclaimed as they all took their seats.
It was then the real discussion began.
Villi slammed the letter against the table, "Eivor is clearly a target…", he announces as the table nods in agreement. "The letter itself suggests she is. However… We need to know more." Randvi responded as Erke and Stowe asked what happened after the letter was found. Vili and Eivor explained their grand venture, taking out the perpetrators with a tunnel that seemed ready for war. "My guess is… there's plenty more passages than just that." Vili stated resting a hand on his beard as he glanced at the map of the picts territory and the mountains. "Well theres nothing we can do about it now. I suggest sending scouts to observe the mountains and find the other entry points." Alefgar points out. Which wasn't a bad idea, especially since information was exactly what they needed.
"I Agree… once we've located the passages we can send raiders to secure those routes. Perhaps we can find something to go off of. Until then, it is best all leaders stay in Jorvik to protect the king and their people until a new one is named." Eivor stated, relaxing her tense shoulders before noticing everyones eyes were on her.
Eivor asked as warm smiles sprawled across their faces. The blood that dripped from her cheeks were now reaching the base of her jaw line. Covered from head to toe with their enemies life blood, a good reminder that, despite being a Jarl, she's still just as deadly. "You would think being a Jarl means staying away from trouble, but look at you two.", Randvi points to Vili and Eivor, folding her arms with a flirty smile. "You two have been getting into trouble for as long as Ive know you."
Eivor rolled her eyes, patting her blood soaked childhood friend on the back, "This Arse-Stick is responsible.", Eivor stated, "Yes responsible for saving you." Vili quipped returning the same grin to Eivor as they began subconsciously flirting. "I don't remember it like that….", Eivor folded her arms shrugging off his truth as Vili went to grab a couple arrows from the quiver on her hip as an example.
He leaned on the table next to her, holding the first arrow in front of him but facing inches from her head. "You mean this isn't saving you?", He begun reenacting the shot that saved her life, slowly pushing the second arrow into the first to push it out of the way.
The shot that did indeed save her life.
She swatted the arrows out of the way trying to hide the grin that grew with each passing second, knowing it was time to swallow her pride, especially in front of this many allies who were watching their flirtatious behavior unfold. She took a deep breath and faced Vili with arrows in hand, snatching them back to her quiver. Now nervous about watchful eyes, "Vili…", She grabbed his shoulder, gripping it tight if only to show her compassion, "Thank you", She took a couple steps back still making eye contact before parting with a gentle smile and a wink.
All for him.
It had been that he's seen this look before. In the midst of their lust under the waterfall after destroying the Picts castle and King Riscige, the traitor King. Gods that look. As if Freyja put Eivor on this earth just for him. He watched her turn away, her black hair whooshing through the air in slow motion as the blood continued dripping from her body- a true drengir, sending goosebumps throughout his body.
It took a lot to keep the blood from rushing to areas none should see, tearing his thoughts and hugr into shreds but after a deep breath and a gentle glance to his allies, seeing the 'We Know' face he laughed. Also taking his leave as the next few days were dedicated to feast and ale til the next meeting were to occur.
Until then…
He vowed to stay away from Eivor- For she brings out a side of him he didn't understand himself and after that lustful night under the waterfall many moons ago, he had hoped their relationship wouldn't progress further. Hoping that the promise they made to let their passions set said only once would stand firm and unbreakable. But as each day they spent at each others side, was a day where the rock hard promise became thinner and thinner. It wasn't until later on that evening, when the sun had finally set and the feasting started- he actually took notice.
Upon arrival, he saw all the leaders, except Broder who was most likely challenging drinkers outside the longhouse, happily conversing with Halfdan who's mind had finally calmed. At first everything seemed fine. He and members of his clan grabbed horns an sat at a table in the corner of the longhouse, closets to the king. He leaned on one of the pillars as he men conversed, peering over a joyous scene to take in the tranquility that rarely showed since his arrival to england.
And thats when he saw her.
In a tunic with her clan colors, complimenting her eyes- her body. He took a sip of his drink with a grin, imagining that last time their bodies were touching as the mead started to warmness to his body. Igniting a fire already lit. He watched her every movement- the way she would sway her hips or talk with her hands… Speaking of which. He stopped before taking another sip- noticing that Eivor was rather hasty in her movements watching her furrowed eyebrows brew with concern as the seer seemed disoriented by their conversation.
He knew she was working- not feasting.
He sipped his ale, eying the beautiful drengir from across the way, trying to tune into her conversation by watching her lips and in the midst of his hyper-focused vision, he was caught by his men who took the, once in a lifetime, chance to tease their jarl. "She's beautiful isn't she?" one man whispered, closing the gap between them to see who their jarl was staring at. Another crept up to his right adding oil to the fire as he hung an arm around him. "A blood soaked drengir…with Odin's eye… A powerful leader…", His men started giggling but Vili was lost in the complicated conversation Eivor and the seer were having- Completely unaware of the words being said. "Just… * hiccups * plow her Hemmingston Jarl. Give her a night she will always remember with that hemming clod", another one of his men said kneeling before him but facing the same direction everyone else was.
Towards EEivor
His men erupted in laughter patting their jarl on the back to hype him up but to no avail. They weren't even sure Vili was listening. That was… until Eivor peered to him with a look of concern… He stood up straight quickly, nudging his drengir's arms off of him as he watched her disappear into the busy crowd of drunks outside the longhouse. He placed his horn on the table, rushing to follow them as his men cheered him on in thoughts he was taking their advice.
The men bellowed in the background as he took off into the distance to follow his childhood sweet heart through the crowds outside the longhouse. He kept a distance but trailed them up to the hill where the fate reader resides, watching them enter the hut quietly but swiftly. He picked up his pace, lingering outside of the hut to hear what was being said. Though as everything fell silent with only the chimes of the hollowed bones dangling above filling his ears, he hears a soft hum- one that grew louder by the second making him feel compelled to enter.
And so he did.
He pushed through cloth door, entering a warm space filled with scents of wood smoke, flowers and odd tinctures, seeing Eivor sitting on her knees before the seer who hovered above- waving sage around the young Jarls head, "Vili, we've been waiting…. sit.", The seer commanded gesturing her hand next to Eivor who peaked over her shoulder with a sly grin. He had no idea what to expect only followed his orders by placing himself next to the raven feeder. "What is this?", he leaned in to whisper, watching the seer burn sage and wood smoke all around them, sprinkling peddles and of the sort into a circle- encapsulating them. "I don't know just go with it…", She whispered back, readjusting herself as she begun meditating. Vili, still confused, followed suit. Hearing the quiet hums of the seer as the voices from around Jorvik started to fade and his mind started to retreat.
They were in a trance
Both their heads dropped simultaneously now being brought into the dream world. Seeing clouded shapes and blurred images of a marriage. Two black hair strangers completing their vows, caressing each other. The woman's black braid bearing the golden beads Eivor has- making suspicions heighten as one thing lead after another and the vision faded to something new. A child running around as the black haired man lifting him into the air with the woman standing close by. The scene was set there in Jorvik- outside the longhouse on a summer morn. The snow had finally melted allowing the berry bushes to grow wildly throughout the city. The woman picked one, holding her swollen belly while beckoning her family to eat the fresh fruit as the visage quickly shifted to the boy now grown; training his little brother and sister to fight, showing the married couple teaching the little ones to properly hold an axe at the tender age of a few winters but over time… The vision grew dark with fire, blood, and war… The din of battle spears and axes hummed in the distance with smell of blood and iron laying sickly in the air. A mist of death and a visage of carnage- Everything the Vikings stood for. It was glorious to see the boy now fully grown standing over a fire laden castle bearing the Hemming colors, as sparked ashes and hazed soot filled the scene. The boy held the Hemming flag proudly into the sky as he set fire to the one that laid comfortably over the castle wall, watching it fall and burn slowly to the ground.
Thats when the smells and scents started to become overbearing forcing both drengir's back to reality.
They both inhaled deeply. Vili catching himself just moments before collapse, gripping his chest in pain. He was unable to breathe properly as this was the first time he had ever experienced such a vision. He looks over to Eivor who calmly pulled out of her haze and looked up to the seer who asked, "Do you see now?", giving the fate reader only but a nod. Eivor's focus turned to Vili, smiling warmly. The same smile that always seemed to render him useless, "Come on Vili Hemmingston. We have a feast to attend.", She offered her hand and Vili took it, lifting him up as they left the hut together in disbelief.
"What was that just now Wolf-Kissed?",
He grabbed her by the arm but felt the tension she was carrying. He gently let go watching the passerby's glance this way but didn't want to cause a scene. She rolled her eyes, turning to face him- checking if anyone was close by as she closed the gap to lean in and whisper, "Seriously Arse- Stick? Whats going on up there?", she bopped his head a couple of times as he playfully shooed her away wanting to know the truth.
"Tell me Eivor…"
His voice now stern, but soft. He genuinely wanted to know who all those people were but learned that Eivor might not be able to answer as a small blush emerged on her cheeks. "Oh? The mighty Wolf-Kissed finally rendered speechless?", He grabbed her chin, a moment of vulnerability as her cheeks were now bright red spreading to her ears. A reaction he's never seen from her before. She folded her arms shrugging off his touch and laughed his statement off even though there was some truth to his words.
She was indeed too nervous to speak.
The whole purpose of a seer is to understand the messages the gods give them. Its up to the inquirer to discern what they mean and from what she could pick out is that this, 'Prophecy' was based off their future together. To bring that up after those visions sounded difficult and Eivor was well known for picking and choosing her battles. But the sweet look on his face- trying to make sense of the insensible, made her melt and he deserved to understand what was seen just as much as anyone else involved.
Though she wasn't one for spectacle nor implications of what love brings, Vili also brought out a side of her she didn't know she had. The amount of love and respect she carried for him made her realize that the vision could very well be possible. Even if its something they both swore off though something they would want again but the problem was-
They both were too prideful to admit it.
She closed the gap between them, waiting for an empty space of passerby's before gently grabbing his hand, looking up to him with something new…. The look of admiration though, shy… Eyes that told him everything he needed to know, ones he could stare at forever. "Vili…." She whispered leaning in closer to his neck as goosebumps erupted on his body. "We are prophecy", She gave him some space, watching his reaction but all he could do was stare at her. His eyes low, while putting two and two together.
The vision… it showed him something he never wanted, especially Eivor. The look between the two showed not love, but an answer to the riddle they've been solving. "We've been targeted time and time again…", Vili started to pace back and forth, grabbing his beard as he wondered how this connected to their case. Eivor folded her arms, also in deep thought but concluding the same as Vili as they both ignored the implication of prophecy. "The castle we saw… was that not one of King Alfred's castle in Wessex? The fire…. seaming like the work of Fenrir but was due to that boy laying siege. A possible outlet for Ragnarok?", Eivor remembered the banner that hung on the castles wall with the child in the vision standing over a bloodied battle field of smoke of fire.
"Could this be the Prophecy?", Vili asked as he paused looking to Eivor with a raised brow. He point to her and then himself, "You and I…?", Eivor grinned looking away without an answer. Something in them stirred in that moment. As if all of those promises they made for themselves suddenly vanished allowing new paths to glory unimagined. He had a wide grin realizing she did not deny it, "Oh?" he growled lowly, mildly turned on because he saw 3. She tried to avoid eye contact but couldn't as the space between them grew smaller. She wanted to walk away but apart of her is so drawn to him, her legs wouldn't respond.
"That seems…. Apparent-"
She uttered, now caught in his trap. He grazed his finger across her cheek, admiring the braid that laid idle on her shoulder- seeing the golden hair beads threaded sparingly throughout her hair. He never noticed before but, her eyes matured- as blue as the salt licked seas and green as the luscious forrest of Mercia. There was no one better to fit the visions they saw as he gently grabbed one of the beads in her hair. Their union would be one saga they skalds would sing for many many generations and the more they continued gazing at each other the more possible this reality seemed. He cupped her cheek- testing the waters as he watched her eyes lower, now unable to resist. She nuzzled slightly into his hand bringing up her own to cup his.
If only but a moment she could have this
The feeling of security and safety- the fear of the unknown completely vanished from thought now opening her eyes, feeling the -true- love begin to grow. If conquering England was their destiny. They would do it. Together. It was already as if they read each others minds now inching closer to their lips to seal the deal. Their breathes now warming the space between them in a cold area like this- just like when they were kids. They were going to commit to each other right then and there.
"Eivor…" Vili mumbled, "Vili" She responded breathlessly
He placed his hand on her waist gripping gently. The whispers on the wind humming for them to get closer as the chill became biting for those around, but perfect for them. He tilted her face towards his mouth, their bodies nearly touching as Eivor heard Aseir and Bjornir howling on the mountain before them. Something they didn't typically do. It stopped them both as they turned to face the howling. "Wha…?-", Then it was too late….A piercing sound came from behind. A high pitched whirl itching closing to them, breaking wind at vicarious speeds shooting Eivor…
Right the chest.
The hero had fallen… the screams and cries of the locals ignited chaos throughout Jorvik. The whole world stopped moving as Vili peered down to see the only person he's ever loved, bloodied on the ground before him. Her clothes now soaked in a red hue. Soldiers from both their clans blew their horns, signaling a search party for the person who shot her as he fell to his knees, unbelieved by the sight. Civilians started to flock around them as the seer rushed out to see what was wrong, immediately applying pressure and attention to the wound- Breaking the arrow out of her. "Villi!" She exclaimed trying to pull him out of his hazy state but to no avail. "Vili!!!", She gripped his arm with vigor, now gaining his attention. He looked to the seer still frozen from shock, "Help me-", She states calmly as Eivor family, Sigurd and Randvi cut through the crowd in haste helping Vili and the seer get Eivor back into the hut for safety. It was then work needed to be done quickly for the arrowhead that shot her….
was poisoned.
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iravaid · 1 year
hiii. i adore ur little thang (lunchbox) and i was wondering if there was any like, fic, or posts i could go to To Obtain The Full Lunchbox Lore Experience (insert a trademark symbol here bc im too lazy to copypaste it) < 3 < 3 < 3
Hi! Hello! I also adore that little thang, and am always happy to see people do as well skdhf
I don't think I've made a Certified Lunchbox Lore Sheet, I've adapted her for use as a TTRPG NPC, and talked about her here and there, but will probably make a dedicated post about her in the future + an oc sheet. maybe. if there is time and my attention span allows 😭
Lunchbox was initially made to serve as a character in my Nines/LaCroix fic, WDH, but in what has been posted so far, she has made the one appearance (Hoping to include her more as an emotional crux + heathen to the world), I am working on rewriting WDH as I'm getting back into it and my writing style + intention for the plot has changed in the past year and a half (NEARLY TWO YEARS. People are so incredibly patient <3). She's existed as a character since late 2020 and was my first VtM oc! liddol lady, going to give a longer about of her below
Lunchbox's sire is a character from Night Roads, a Nosferatu Elder known as Reremouse. The circumstances surrounding her embrace, and the event itself is something I'm intending to go into further detail in in another ask that's been sent! But yeah, Lunchbox was Embraced, she fled Reremouse before he could devour her, and through some combination of sheer luck, the intuition of a very scared and hurting child in the midst of becoming a nosferatu, and cooperation with the Beast, Lunchbox made it into LA, where she was found in the sewer system underneath the city by other Nosferatu. At first they'd thought she was a szlachta, but Lunchbox was eventually caught on camera and people realised that this was one of their own. At this point Lunchbox has been feeding off of animals she could get her hands on, rats, birds, lizards, snakes, dogs, cats, and the like. It's not like she gets any real joy or thrill out of it, just that she's hungry.
Filthy, terrified, and more Beast than person, she was slowly coaxed into the Warrens, the Nosferatu of LA leaving little toys and gifts by places they had seen the little Nosferatu running about. She gets her name from the little Digimon lunchbox she kept clutched in her hand on the journey over, it’s the only thing she was able to hold on to in her past life, and is empty. One of the other Nos suggested the name as a joke when they were struggling to communicate with her, but Lunchbox recognised the word, reacting to it, and it eventually stuck.
Lunchbox is 8th generation, and gained a very quick mastery of Obfuscate. She can't speak due to the traumatic nature of her embrace, as well as her Nosferatu appearance interfering with general word formation (huge teeth, no lips, weird windpipe, upper palate gone all weird, tongue much stubbier), and at the beginning communication is achieved mostly yes/no questions, drawings, and charades. Soon she'll be taught ASL, and her and Nines learn LSM, as Spanish is her first language and has to figure out English during her time in LA. Nines speaking the same/similar dialectical Spanish is one of the factors that makes her gravitate towards him, because he speaks like how her family did. (he’s also one of the few kindred in LA who still seems to retain the ability to speak to kids and Not be a freak)
Gary is the one who primarily takes care of Lunchbox in the Warrens, which typically entails keeping an eye on her, making sure she has somewhere to spend torpor (used to be a box in his closet she’d bundle up in for comfort, now she has her own room with most of her stuff in it), and making sure she’s not causing too much of a mess aboveground with the other Kindred. He’s not as physically affectionate towards her as Nines and others might be, Gary isn’t the most paternal person in the world, but he still grows to care for her in her own way, and I think Lunchbox recognises that Gary is her protector and carer.
Lunchbox likes skittering about the sewers and is usually only seen by others when she wants them to, she’s very apprehensive of strangers and it would take a long time for her to warm up to them after watching them for some weeks and gauging if they’re a threat to her or not - this process can be sped up if someone she trusts ie. Gary and Nines, introduces them to her. Lunchbox also has a habit of stealing assorted valuables (money, jewellery, keys, artefacts and the like), toys, and anything that is brightly coloured and/or shiny. She likes collecting small children’s toys, as well, and has recently acquired two domesticated rats as famuluses, named Funnelcake and Churro (Gary let her steal them from the Santa Monica PetSmart)(this is very much inspired by @/shrikehouse’s art of her here he is an amazing artist, pls go check him out). Before this, Lunchbox was ambivalent to rats, but now she doesn’t want to hurt any by feeding on them (might hurt her famuluses’ feelings). She’s content sneaking into the blood bank and swiping some bags behind Vandal’s back.
Lunchbox is a no gods no masters kind of beast and likes to harass everyone and anyone, but she’s also quite tolerated by those who have every right to retaliate, while most tend to like and/or adore the little creature, once they figure out she is genuinely just a kid (bearing all the horror that accompanies that reality). When Gary has had enough of her for the night/needs her to be watched and no one else is able to in the Warrens, he leaves her at the Last Round, where Nines tends to take care of her.
Damsel didn’t immediately fawn over Lunchbox when they first met so in Lunchbox’s mind that means they’re enemies (Damsel is not aware of this), Skelter entertains her by playing videogames with her on arcade machines or gameboy. Knox thinks she’s both very cool and very cute in a gnarly way, and Bertram thinks this whole situation with Gary accidentally becoming an adoptive vampire dad hilarious - kid’s okay in his eyes. The Voermans are slightly aware of her, and Vandal thinks the blood bank is haunted. Strauss doesn’t mind the way Lunchbox occasionally appears in the Chantry from time to time, so long as she doesn’t ruin his books and relics. Mercurio is creeped out by her and tries not to incite her trickery, to somem success - he also just Doesn’t know how to interact with her because she is both a child and a vampire and she’s technically higher ranking than him societal wise, but she also needs a booster seat. so.
Smiling jack thinks she’s a weird little kid, not much else to say; he might try and smuggle her fireworks if only to see what she’ll do with them. Ming Xiao has never encountered her, and Andrei has a kind of Cronenberg Tom and Jerry situation with her because she finds it funny to steal his meat relics (tm) and replace them with My Little Pony dolls when he’s not looking (tunnel between his house and the warrens works BOTH ways). She is also the bane of LaCroix’s existence. Fight the system, little one, and fight it well.
That’s what i can think of as a little Lunchbox Lore Experience for now! Thank you for the ask!
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yuridovewing · 4 months
I think according to the website or somewhere, idk this could just as well be heresy, that One Eye actually founded the dark forest which always felt weak to me. Guy probably didn't even know, or if he knew why tf would he care, about starclan? I like Sunnyfall's dark forest origin of a leader rejecting starclan and choosing it for herself, but there are a ton of other ideas I've seen around for it's foundation
yeah the one eye thing has always been really silly to me. like…. wow these guys as SUCH godless heathens that they would rather worship the devil- i mean THE DARK FOREST before Jesus- i mean starclan…… i saw an ooc passage from tbc too where ashfur apparently just summoned a bunch of nameless rogue ghosts to the dark forest to help him which i think is darkly hysterical. this keeps happening, the godless bad guys keep summoning evil stinky rogues out of nowhere. its like a superpower. its their jojo stand. i cast Spell Of Random Guys. (also its ooc cause ashfur is xenophobic to squilf in tnp but all logic goes out the window when we wanna be xenophobic i guess)
i hadnt heard of that sunnyfall theory but i like it! i muuuch prefer the dark forest being founded by… yknow… actual clan cats with influence and power. im leaning more towards the dark forest being made as a control feature for my au, but anything is better than “some guy made it idk”
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maybemoltenlava · 2 years
prideyear fic dump
Hello human population
---- i like this one, it's a nice fix-it-fic for the end of ts4. it's probably flawed, but some smart person said smth like "in the eyes of love there is no flaws". anyways its a good human prideyear slow-ish-burn fluff/angst fic
10/10 have read multiple times :)
------- this is a fic on basically how woody would act before he knew he was a toy.. kind of like ts3 with buzz's reset button. i like it because it's pretty straightforward and it has the elements on how they act as toys too, 'cause most just make them act like humans lol.
9/10 would still read again, just not really much of a comfort fic for me :)
--------- awhhh yeahhh we got the hurt/comfort !! this is a fic about woody and buzz being left at bonnie's kindergarten class, and (not good) chaos ensuing. this is actually still being updated pretty frequently, so if you like to wait (if you do, heathen) this would be noice.
10/10 love me some hurt/comfort.
-------- the tags: "pining, homesick, first love", etc. need I say more?
9/10 good. amazing one-shot.
----------- fluff confession fic !!! thats all this is !!!
-------------- this fic. i swear. jdeuhwvdsh. kind of like the author takes your heart and stabs it multiple times with a blood-red dagger. it's incredible for angst and one-shot >:)
10/10 would cry again
10/10 love this fic <3 <3
-------------- This fic gets dark. like, dead-dove-do-not-eat dark. but, hey, if you're into that stuff, it's great. it starts out relatively docile, mostly hurt/comfort and angst. but DAMN it gets dark quick, so warning.
9/10 :,)
--------------- aight so this one is not really my jam but it's still aeugjdjdied good. basically, buzz is "kidnapped" Woody and The Gang rescues him.
8/10 again, not my jam but that don't mean its not someone elses.
------------- THIS FIC. YES. YES. hurt/comfort, pining, cuddles, Trauma™, as slow of a burn as a oneshot can be.
10/10 ADORED.
im gonna make a part 2 cause the limit :,)
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collinnmckinley · 1 year
I have blocked so many people in the 141 character tags. So over the disturbingly aggressive daddy kink and general OOC nonsense. Even with fics that are well-written and not as...gross, I still find myself really not liking the characterization or content. Makes me feel like we're not all playing the same game lol.
this is why i don't go into the tags anymore, and i certainly keep my dash clean by not following this type of heathens.
i am sure that, like, 90% of the fanfics written for cod characters on tumblr are all ooc, and i am with you on that point where even if it's not gross its all pretty ooc. and you said it yourself, its as if we didn't play the same game. such a turn off for me when they make price say something what basically an american man would say, price would never say cause he's fuckin british, like did we witness the same price? if im being honest most of the time idk how his mind works when he talks cause he is a sophisticated character when it comes to speaking... you cant just make him say something an american man would say. it's not only price btw, its with gaz and soap, especially soap.
i always wondered, how is it so hard to grasp a character's personality? like they played the game themself, and they've seen how its played out, so why would they twist and turn the character like that so you can fit the narrative you have in your mind? if anything they should twist their narrative to fit these characters in the writing! and if it's hard to grasp their personality, google is there to help, cod wiki is there to help, the gameplay for the original games are on youtube to help, literally you have the whole internet in your grasps to do research, makes no sense tbh.
sorry for the long one lol, but you're so right to think that way. and for me making a character super ooc like that is a huge pet peeve of mine and a massive turn off.
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