#challenges populares
josimaia · 2 years
Challenges de Maquiagem - Parte 23
Hoje é dia de Challenges! Só vem!
 Fala comigo Brasil! Hoje o post é pra mostrar pra vocês mais alguns challenges de maquiagem que tenho produzido para meu Instagram e Canal do You Tube, e para que vocês se inspirem na criação de makes… Algumas de hoje são artísticas, outras não… Já fiz a Parte 1; Parte 2; Parte 3 e Parte 4; Parte 5, Parte 6, Parte 7, Parte 8, Parte 9, Parte 10, Parte 11, Parte 12, Parte 13, Parte 14, Parte…
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striving-artist · 2 years
We need to fricking stop with this CinemaSins TVTropes style crap in fandom. Actually, we need to stop that attitude in all creative fields, but I'm talking about fic right now.
I have seen many posts ragging on over-used phrases in fanfic, and yes, I find 'cerulean orbs' deeply strange, but if I ever said anything hateful on the topic I wish I hadn't.
You know why we say 'smirk' a lot in fic? cause its faster than 'gave a tiny smile to one side with their lips closed, a little cocky and provocative' Smirk is an easy way of saying it. It's the correct word. We say it in fic a lot because people smirk a lot in real life. Go people watch, its all over. Also. Bring me a true synonym for smirk, and I'll use that instead, but these ain't it.
If you have a better way of saying 'took off his shoes without untying them, just levered the heel with the toe of the other' that isn't saying 'he toed off his shoes' I'd love to hear it. Cause that phrase is perfect for it.
'Huffed a laugh'? Yeah, they did. Cause I'm not going to spend extra words describing how they 'exhaled through their nose once, amused, but not enough to fully laugh aloud' Its a specific action. You think people don't do that all day? five bucks says its exactly what you do when you see a meme most of the time. You didn't lol. You huffed a laugh.
The idea that something that's been used before is inherently less valuable is ridiculous. Same with the inverse.
If the phrase you want to use is common or widely used, but is the best way to communicate it? Use it. Don't fall for this trap that is currently consuming hollywood. You don't have to have a clever twist just because 'they survived and were happy' is a trope. You don't have to use some insane alternate phrase just because someone thinks fandom uses 'smirk' too much.
And, as always, if someone gives you hell and you don't want to fight them? let me know, cause I volunteer.
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aestetet · 2 years
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“Bring him back to me.” (2022 VERSION)
high quality ver. (deviantart) | instagram | tiktok
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simelune · 3 months
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round one of the globetrotter challenge 🌱 meet juniper, a gal who is just taking some time to herself to explore and grow.
first of all, big shoutout to @awkwardwhims for sharing her globetrotter challenge that made me begin to be interested in the challenge again, and thank you for being kind enough to share your editing psd collection with all of us <3!
and of course to @acuar-io for starting to share daichi's adventures which def pushed me to finally just do the challenge again <3
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sleepsucks · 4 months
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assholepants · 1 year
Typical high-school AUs for homestuck are hilarious bc who are you gonna pick to be the popular bully? Dave?? You gonna pick Dave 'sports ball' Strider??
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keekity · 2 months
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popular kids & their cringe-fail counterparts
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vulqan · 2 years
scientists download my brain onto a hard drive when i die and it's just this clip playing on a loop
clip context: the Hermits are playing Among Us in Minecraft. Tango and Grian have just stopped the reactor from being sabotaged.
Tango: excellent, excellent.
Bdubs: very good, boys, very good, very good, very good.
Zedaph (overlapping Bdubs): horrible noise.
Bdubs: back to the mine!
Etho is about to run down into the mine but turns back and does a little loop.
Tango: aw, look at this—oh, Etho, where ya goin'? doing all kinds of weird loops—
Etho (overlapping Tango): uhh, i don't know, almost like, uh, i don't know what i'm doin'!
Tango (overlapping Etho): "oh, gee, maybe i'll walk over here to see if anyone goes into the mine!" yeah, uh huh.
Bdubs (overlapping Tango): wait—was that—was something sus here?
Tango: Etho's big-brain and he just made a move that was very dumb.
Etho: am not!
(death sound as Bdubs shoots Tango)
Tango: (groans, laughs uproariously)
Etho: that's like the real game, Tango. you always know it and you never call it.
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smtown-tourist · 9 months
Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about how Ring Ding Dong could’ve been that K-pop song that took the world by storm instead of Gangnam Style. If only it hadn’t been released in 2009 when practically nobody used YouTube
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ashysnaps · 4 months
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i love miku!!!!!
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josimaia · 2 years
Challenges de Maquiagem - Parte 25
Hoje é dia de Challenges! Só vem!
 Fala comigo Brasil! Hoje o post é pra mostrar pra vocês mais alguns challenges de maquiagem que tenho produzido para meu Instagram e Canal do You Tube, e para que vocês se inspirem na criação de makes… Algumas de hoje são artísticas, outras não… Já fiz a Parte 1; Parte 2; Parte 3 e Parte 4; Parte 5, Parte 6, Parte 7, Parte 8, Parte 9, Parte 10, Parte 11, Parte 12, Parte 13, Parte 14, Parte…
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intervalart · 5 months
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they were gonna kill the guy, but Kermit said no, so now he's driving them home
another comfort character meme from twitter
(psst it got continued)
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cabeswatersedge · 3 months
Thinking more about something Lisa said in the documentary, about Wille realizing he can’t both be a Prince and be with Simon:
So August never really became like a complete good guy. We got some more of his backstory to explain him, and I think he definitely grew as a person. But in episode 5 we see Vincent do that microagression against the other student (when they’re talking about the seniors superlatives) and August doesn’t stop it or call it out. August hasn’t become like a great guy, just a better guy than he used to be. He fixed some problems with Hillerska by changing the hazing ritual, but he isn’t suddenly fighting for social equality or whatever. Like he didn’t get rid of the hazing just adapted it. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. August doesn’t need to be a great person to be a great Prince. Because the Royal family’s job isn’t to be leaders or rally for change, their job is to uphold tradition.
Wille’s journey was never about learning to become a better Crown Prince and revolutionize the monarchy or upend the system. His journey was to realize that he could only grow and become who he wants to be by leaving the system entirely.
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tricoufamily · 11 months
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an oddball, a freak, a madman, a nutcase, and a wackadoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dynamicity-keysmash · 5 months
Just found out that one of my favorite YouTubers said on Twitter that the claim that Jews "distort the Holocaust" for nefarious purposes is "obviously" not antisemitic. God it's just so painful being Jewish lately. I can't even have comfort content creators anymore.
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misterlemonztenth · 4 months
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02-20-24 | balive2u-blog. misterlemonztenth.tumblr.com/archive
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