#chrona... answers things?
bunnygirllover45 · 4 months
Idk if anyone has asked about this before… buttttt what’s the lore abt one and magical girl,,, They were the first thing you posted on this blog I’m sure about it.
the magical girl is so lovely!
Yep haha, been posting abt them for a while. The lore is pretty simple, after all, they're OCs that I draw just for fun (and bc I love magical girls); Usami one day found this weird guy while rescuing some people in a shady van, saw the poor guy, and decided to bring him home, One doesn't remember abt himself and it's a little... weird, sometimes he acts like a dog (or a very angry cat, it depends on his mood.) And now the poor girl has to deal with her new... partner in crime?? mascot?? sidekick?? who worships her like a goddess.
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and yeah, Usami is really lovely! I love my precious girl.
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
gets the mic real close to crow, What is his favourite kind of drinks and does he accept gifts?
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"Now I could be a smartass and say 'alcoholic', but I presume you're asking this as a setup to gift me something, yes?
Dry alcohols and something that won't get you piss drunk in record timing. I enjoy being able to savor the taste and have a few glasses before calling it a day.
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And yes, I enjoy gifts."
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worldismyne · 15 days
Great points on Ragnarok, sad that it gets explored rarely, with all the nuances. The closest is that one cringey fancomic, Soul eater post, or whatever it's called, where I think there is a simmilar thing, with a whole soap opera melodrama breakdown from Ragnarok, where he says "All my life my choice was to either die or become a monster that is atleast powerful, and now all that is left is a comic relief freak who can't even go where he wants and what he wants"
I've never read Soul Eater Post (when I reach for fanfic it's usually to scratch a shipping itch lol), but I've seen upload announcements for it on here. Mad respect to anyone that dedicated to writing something that is that long. It's super easy to get discouraged when uploading serially.
If I were to have Ragnarok finally break down, I think I would do it quietly.
Have Chrona going about how tentatively excited they are to have friends while winding down from a school day and as they're verbalizing the half formed plans they have for the school year. It finally sets in that without Medusa around, someone else is still going to be calling the shots, so he asks...
"Are you going to get rid of me?"
It's a simple question, but Chrona would be able to physcially feel the weight of it. A rapid pulse that wasn't their"s and dread that winds up like a spring. It should be an easy question to answer, but when Chrona has to think about it a few seconds too long, it's clear it hadn't crossed their mind before.
"I see."
By then Chrona would have fully processed the question and freaked out. There's excuses of course and appologies for just assuming he wanted to keep training. Until Chrona finally asks if there's anything he'd like to do in the coming days.
"Whatever you want."
And it chills them.
Because he spoke in a tone that had previously been reserved for Medusa.
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pastelgrungewrecker · 3 years
Home Movies and Haunted Eyes
If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day till eternity passes away Just to spend them with you
“How come you take so many pictures, anyway?”
Mimi’s hands tightened on her little camera- an old, beaten thing; with a chip on the lens’ plastic casing and the color worn away where it screwed onto the body of the device. She swallowed her tears and smiled at her firehaired sister.
“....Just in case.”
Se asked again, before they got the invitation- why she took so many photos of such... trivial things. Of family lunches on a Monday afternoon. Of Quickdraw laying on his back in the yard to watch clouds, moments before Chrona leapt onto his midsection like a swandive.
“Cause one day, it’s all I’m gonna have left to give you.”, she said quietly- before the door opened and Perceptor dried his eye and croaked her name.
“Th- The memorial, is...”
“The G9 memorial?”
“Y-Yes it’s... Three days.”
Dani and Quickdraw scrambled to their feet, the other siblings seeming to materialize out of the cozy haze of their home as Mimi hugged her father as tight as she could, in arms that life made strong and gentle and warm before she pulled her phone from a pocket.
She spoke in low tones, avoiding Quickdraw’s concern and Chrona’s suspicion until Dani- bright Dani, burning Dani- stomped forward and demanded she answer Quickdraw’s unspoken question.
For the first time, the only time, she snapped at her sister in a voice colder than they’d ever heard.
“It’s a memorial for the fucking DEAD Laudanum, now sit your ass DOWN.”
Percy gently rapped his knuckles against Mimi’s shoulder, trying and failing to scold her with a look as Whirl came in from the backyard and demanded to know what was going on, why Chrona had sprinted onto the deck and hollered for him til she coughed.
Mimi sighed, walking Perceptor to the couch with her voice softened and avoiding the shocked stares of her siblings. She let Perceptor cling to her, let his shoulders shake.
“The memorial for the Garrus 9 mission is in three days.”, she said softly, “And Perceptor is taking it really hard-”
“They-”, he coughed to clear his throat, “They want me to speak. At the service.”
Whirl’s expression softened- stoic and calm; he stepped softly to Perceptor and knelt down, braid swinging in and out of view as his head tilted.
“Are you going to?”
“Y-Yes. I. I owe it to Top Spin, and Twin Twist. And everyone. The crew, I’m-”
“Do you want the family there, Percy?”
“We can’t- We can’t have the children there; I mean, Mimi needs to be, they were...”
“Perceptor; we can’t hide the kids from death forever.”, murmured Whirl, “You and I both know everything’s eventual- one day it’s gonna be us in caskets.”
“I want to go.”, blurted Dani, “I mean... I. We don’t.... We don’t really know... anything about the Wreckers that our parents were such good friends with. We don’t know what you went through, and we WANT to, right guys?”
Kickback nodded sharply with arms crossed over her chest, Chrona reappearing and giving a soft “Yeah” into the room as Quickdraw’s eyebrow raised in agreement.
“And, maybe selfishly....”, continued Dani, “...We wanna understand. We know that, like- there’s certain. Alarm tones on our phones we can’t use, cause they make you and Papa Whirl have an attack. Or they make Mimi start crying and we have to get Papa Ratch. We want to understand WHY- the only thing we know of Garrus 9 is what they told us in school.”
“And it wasn’t much.”, Kickback chimed in, to her sister’s relief, “I mean, for God’s sake Papaceptor- My history teacher said you were a reenactment actor when he first met you! This is... kind of our family history, right?”
“In. In a way.”, said Perceptor quietly, “It... certainly had an effect on your family, but you are all so young, I couldn’t-”
“Wreckers take care of their own.”, whispered Quickdraw, with cybernetic eyes narrowed like Whirl’s good eye so often did, “History or not, Papaceptor... You’re hurting. And so is Mimi. And we’re your family, aren’t we? Raised by Wreckers- and Wrecker’s Daughters.”
Perceptor looked at Quickdraw in surprise, Whirl humming in intrigue at his son’s sudden firm stance.
“Mimi taught us all that, remember? Wreckers care for their own. You and Papa Whirl take care of each other and all the dad’s, and they return it. You take care of Mimi and she takes care of you. Mimi... Takes care of all of us. And we’re gonna do the same for her.”
Chrona huffed a laugh, popping up next to Mimi, “Besides, we need to find some sweet blackmail stories on Big Sister over here- not fair she can use my pigtail pics against me!”
Whirl snorted softly, and Perceptor managed a creaky smile, and sighed, “...Alright. I... It would. It would help me keep it together. If my family was with me. All of my family.”
“Then it’s settled.” said Whirl as Drift clattered in through the backdoor, “Make sure to answer with a plus... however many are going. I’m not doin’ math after dealing with a hippy tryin’ to eat the fuckin’ garden AGAIN.”
“I didn’t!”, yelped Drift, trying to pull his dirty shoes off.
Three days came, and went. The family filed out, loading into two vehicles as dawn started to rise over the horizon- showing Perceptor and Whirl and Mimi and Drift in her half-dead four door. Smoke trailed from Perceptor’s cracked window, and Mimi simply pretended not to see him toss half a pack of menthol cygarettes into her glovebox next to a steel lighter.
Whirl made a disapproving noise. Mimi shot him a look. The car went silent.
The drive seemed to take too long, Mimi white-knuckled and Perceptor dead eyed as Drift fidgeted almost uncontrollably. Mimi sighed.
“A couple hits off of ONE, Dri-dri.”, she said sternly, “And try not to ash my upholstery?”
The hiss of a match.
Silence.Mimi glanced in the rearview, seeing Cyclonus smiling in melancholy as he no doubt fielded questions from the siblings in the van as Ratchet drove with his face pensive and dull.
The gates of a graveyard rose high in front of them, and she breathed deep as the wheel creaked from her grip.
“Pull over.”, said Perceptor softly, ice riming the words like they had so very long before this family had been built.
She nodded, waving a hand out her window as she did to signal to the van carrying the rest of them. Perceptor waited until the parking break creaked it’s exhaustion before taking a heavy drag and exhale- before passing it to the side. 
Whirl and Drift looked alarmed as Mimi accepted with hands shaking hard enough to blur.
“Mimosa what in the name of-”
“It’s just something we did.”, was the answer in unison.
Smoke curled around Mimi’s words, she let her eyes drift shut for a moment, and then handed the last drag back to Perceptor. 
“Are we ready, then?”, she asked, rubbing her lips together like she had just applied lip balm to get rid of the nagging tingle.
“As ready as I can be.”
They unbuckled seatbelts and shoved open car doors, stretching in the sunlight as Perceptor and Mimi walked around to the trunk. It clicked with a turn of her key and a tap of a code to show relics of days long forgotten. She helped Perceptor buckle on the old, thin armor- bulletproof and matte dark. She tightened the holsters around his thighs in ritualistic silence as her siblings watched and slowly began to understand.
She stood, and nodded, and turned to let him attack her hair in the same grieving quiet.
Her prosthetics groaned slightly as her weight shifted, her hair slicked back to match her father’s and glasses she rarely wore perched on her nosebridge in a match his scuffed reticule.
“Why are they....”, whispered Drift as Whirl coughed quietly.
“Sign of respect.”, said Whirl, gesturing at his own appearance- his braid and old patch, still emblazoned with the sigil that dominated his past with blood and bullets.
“We’re Wreckers. And you only leave one of three ways. Dishonorable discharge, dementia...”
“Or death.”, said Mimi quietly.
“But... weren’t you vetoed, Whirl?”
“Yep, from a few missions.”, he said, “I was still active on the roster. Still called in a few times between my.... Other activities. But never relieved, never truly removed. Never gone, just put on standby.”
Quickdraw looked at the somber faces, something seeming to click in his head, “.... Are you still on standby now?”
Whirl looked down. Perceptor looked away. Mimi breathed deep.
“Yeah, they are. The Wreckers were never formally dissolved, kiddo.”, she said, “And, by technicality, they could call me in too.”
“But you-”, began Quickdraw.
“It’s the same way Rodimus is a Wrecker.”, she said gently, “He ran with them for a decent while, against the Swarm mostly. But he’s still... Wrecker adjacent, so to speak. They could tap him to replace missing faces on the roster. I was raised on the Trion- Springer’s ship.”
“You knew SPRINGER?!”, squeaked Kickback.
“Yeah, unfortunately.”, she grimaced, “He’s a huge jerk, by the way. Don’t talk to him- he’s never liked Si-si, or Dri-dri, or Papa Birdy.”
“Feelin’s mutual.”
“Whirl, no.”, sighed Drift.
“Anyway... Come on.”, said Mimi, “We’d better get walking.”
“Bad luck to drive in a graveyard, even if there’s roads.”, said Drift.
“It’s disrespectful too- unless it’s a hearse. Only exception.”, said Perceptor as gravel crunched under their feet, “Mostly because the hearse, or the coffin’s transport in general, is necessary. Bodies are heavy, and caskets are solid.”
“Why isn’t there any hearses around here, then?”, asked Chrona, before feeling the air crack like sugar glass. 
Mimi squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then spoke, “...Because it’s a memorial. For a mission that didn’t let anyone bring any remains home, Chrona.”
Chrona stuttered, and fell quiet. Dani and Kickback reached out in unison, catching Mimi’s hands.
“...Did you and Papaceptor. Know anyone on the mission?”
Mimi felt the air in her lungs chill over, and she nodded, “Yeah, li’l gremlins.”, she said with a weak half smile as her eyes began to leak, “I knew Top Spin, and Twin Twist. And Mister Magnus too. And I knew Rotorstorm, for a little while, and even Pyro and Guzzle and Auntie Verity. You remember Auntie Verity?”
“And... Uncle Ironfist. Uncle Fisi, I knew him too. And I... I knew Papaceptor.”
Quickdraw gasped.
“Papaceptor had to go on that mission, you see.”, she said, chest already jumping, “And... And very awful, terrible things happened. And so many people died, for... for nothing, really. For something the government needed.”
The family walked in silence, led by Mimi and Perceptor and the shine of tears.
“And only a few came back. Grandpap Kup. Pap Impactor, who you’ll meet today. Aunt Verity. Uncle Fisi. Springer. And Papa. And Mister Max. You might see him today too.”
The family noticed the crowd, the somber crowd, with Ultra Magnus of the Line Ambus the most somber of all as he stood upon the dais.
“Top Spin and Twin Twist were the first people I called Papa.”, whispered Mimi softly, “Before me and Papaceptor had anybody else.”
She smiled at her siblings, letting go of Dani and Kickback’s hands before hooking her arm with Perceptor.
They walked forward- ignoring salutes and red eyes as they walked up the stairs- weaponry heavy around and under their clothes. Magnus shook each of their hands, and nodded for them to go stand with the rest of the survivors of that ill-fated mission.
Kup patted Perceptor’s shoulder, eyes clouded slightly yet still sharp, and grinned at Mimi around his cigar.
Verity patted the seats next to her, her face lined past its years.
As Magnus’s voice sounded, Mimi let her eyes hover half-closed, letting her head lean against Perceptor’s shoulder as he patted her cold hand.
||She was a child again, patting the console and sobbing- tears were streaming, she had heard Papa’s voice, she HEARD it and why isn’t he home yet. Mister Magnus WHY he was supposed to be home in time for MOVIE TIME, don’t you understand that he PROMISED; you need to go save him! That’s what enforcers do, don’t they?
Her little prayers being met with fear and anxious hushing, the rumble of the engines as they circled the pickup zone frantically searching for a signal- for anything. Any signs of life.
She remembered the carnage come home. She remembered Fisitron and his odd eyes- they shook in place like he was always reading the world- his odd eyes closed and his face sickly pale.
She remembered Verity, blankly wiping smears of blood and tears and saliva from her face and armor and staying so silent no matter how many times Mimi’s tiny voice called her name.
And then Si-si - silent and cold and gone too far away for her to touch. Walking past her with weakening steps as she toddled behind him, calling for her Papa to wait- not so fast, her legs is only little.
“Si-si, why are you crying? Si-si- Don’t cry, I can help!”||
Perceptor patted her hand, seeing tears rolling down her face and she blinked herself back. Mimi looked at him, smiled weakly, and looked away- releasing him to take weakening steps to the podium- to let his voice sound out clarion and cold and edged in ice and blood.
Like it had so long ago.
Her prosthetic legs shifted, and she looked just in front of the popup stage they sat up to see headstones that guarded no bodies. Graves she knew held empty caskets.
She felt her stomach freeze over, felt her eyes dim down like permafrost.
And in the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but be surprised her name wasn’t on a gravemarker; to memorialize the childhood that died the day the Wreckers came home.
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owosa · 4 years
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I did this one on twitter last year and I really like it, so I’ll post the answers here. 
0.1 Oldest :Oc Dimo is my first and oldest Oc, but that bitch is my first and oldest human Oc, so both.
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0.2 Newest Oc: Chase, my Little cupcake. Technically is more a human versión of another oc, but is the latest design I have done in a while and they have their own story.
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0.3 Favorite: Oc Chrona The Dormouse, Guardian of the Tea Forest. One of the youngest of the Wonderland Family. I really love them.
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0.4 Favorite Oc Design: "Angélique", the Facreux. After 5 years she came back and I really like her new design
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0.5 Main reason for making ocs: answered this one here.
0.6 Describe your oc creation process:   Funny, but I think those are the two ways I usually create characters.
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0.7 Do you ship your Ocs w/ someone else's? Hell yeah. We are terrible 
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0.8 Fav Oc Ship :   -more gross sobbing-
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0.9 Weird.est oc/s: I think this chimera?  I don't do very strange designs, and I tried to draw her like 3 times and my laptop just broze, so an old drawing have to be.
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10 Villain Ocs?:  This bitch. Don't let your ocs go meta (?)
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11. Would you consider yourself nice to your ocs?: LOL no.
12 An OC you've killed: I don't usually kill ocs? like, I end their stories (or not) but not with their deaths. Also, like to make alot of aus, so yeah, alot of lives for them. These two are the exception, because their original story end with their death.
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13 Are any of your ocs parents?: Funny, but usually kids mess up some of my ocs life, except these group. In one au Katy and Candel end up married and have 2 kids: The angel and the pyromaniac. Also Matthew managed to get Kitsu pregnant.
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14 Are there any Ocs that you find yourself neglecting?: Oh boi, like alot of them... This group specially, since is one of my big (and really old) original stories. I really love them all and want to start drawing them again, even rewriting their story and maybe do a comic.
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15 An oc that's dificult to write/... These two girls share some key points on their personalities and I usually find myself mixing them and uuuugh They're not even from the same story, it's really dumb.
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16 Tallest and Shortest Oc: On their defense, the caterpillar only grew so much from eating mushrooms.
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17 Oldest and Youngest ocs: Tricky one, since I don't have an old or young oc perse?  so have the bitch with to many lives to know her age and the new baby from a new ship.
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18 Do you dislike any of your ocs?: Katy, and she manages to be present even so.
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19 Have you ever made a self-insert? Not really?? My Sona is literally a hand puppet in the most simple way it can be. Does that count?
THIS WAS A LIE! because I totally forgot about my trollsona and now I have an irkensona LOL
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20 An OC regret:This one. Oh boi, it was a pain in the butt. jezzz, even dead she was a problem Yeah, she was an important plot point in a story, but daaaaam
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21 An Oc you didn't expect to be popular: Kitsu, both the original and the steampunk versión (this one). She has a special place on my heart for alot of things, so when I show her on a rp group it was a really nice surprise that alot of the others liked her.
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22 An Oc you didn't expect to love: Last one! Sophie started as a simple extra for another of my ocs and she catch my heart (and my partner's too). She end up being the best friend of a really angsty boi (?) 
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AND IT'S DONE! -flip table-
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vzm · 5 years
how about soul eater!!!
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
soul eater is technically my like, first anime. its been so long since ive watched it though i remember almost nothing
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
its hard to recommend as it HAS been a while but if you can trudge through the horny nonsense at the beginning it becomes pretty cool
fav characters: maka...
least fav characters: black star always kind of annoyed me
fav relationship: maka/chrona is Really Cute i think.
fav moment: literally like anything related to excalibur. its good jokes i think
headcanons/theories: uhhhhh chrona is a dyke. thank you
unpopular opinion: i dont really have any
how’d you find it: my brother’s friend was really into it and it was on netflix so i watched it
random thoughts: resonance and papermoon are such good openings its fucking incredible
send me an anime and i’ll answer the questions on this post
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nori-wings · 5 years
2, 4 and 5 for the anime thing
Hi!, thanks for sending all these asks ♥
2) Has an anime ever made you cry?
I just remember that I cried thanks to Zombie Land Saga, particularly because of the episode of Lily and her father.
4) If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be?
One of Soul Eater when all of them have grown
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ACTUALLY I PREFER A LONG ANIME, but it would be good to answer all those questions we have had for years (where is Maka’s mom?, would Blair return to her house some day?, it’s posible that Wes visits them?, could Maka save Chrona?, Soul is going to finally decide to stop being a stupid nerd and call Maka “angel” as she wants?)
5) List your top 5 anime’s
1) Soul Eater
2) Haikyuu
3) Fruits Basket
4) Shokugeki no Soma
5) Boku no hero academia
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Goldenvibe fic
Done long long ago when Legends of Tomorrow first aired after the Mick as Chronos, bounty hunter episode. Some actions may be OOC but they'll be an explanation in the end. As for OOCness personalities, I'm not sure how either of them would react to this is kind of thing so it's all in my head.
Cisco had just been in his living room after a unexpectedly peaceful day at S.T.A.R. labs and had been getting down to watching Rambo with a big bucket of popcorn and some coffee from Jitters when he heard a knocking at his door.
He went to open it, fully expecting Caitlin or Barry to be standing there with some urgent message or in need of love advice.
There stood, Lisa Snart with a lump of what looked like shattered diamonds.
This was strange. 11 at night and Lisa was holding diamonds in front of him at his house. How did she even remember his house? Their "date" (I.e. Kidnapping) was almost a year ago.
"Uh" Cisco mumbled "How do you know I live here?"
"I followed you from Jitters. Can you help me?" Lisa asked with a surprising urgency in her voice.
"Yeah, yeah, go on in" Cisco motioned for her to come inside the house. Something seemed really off here. It's been like 10 seconds and there had been no smirk or flirting or anything. It must have been serious serious. After all, she still hit on him when her brother was working with Lewis.
Lisa walked right into his living room where the movie was playing and placed the lump in his hands, "Can you fix my gun?"
"That was your gun!!!" Cisco shrieked, "What did you do with it?" He began to examine it from all sides. It hardly resembled a gun. With a closer look he could see a frozen magazine but that was the only thing that was recognizable. Some parts seemed to have been shattered.
"I'm going to have make a new one. Seriously, Lisa what did you do?"Cisco gasped, thinking of how long it would take to make a new one. 2 hours tops.
Lisa shifted from foot to foot "Doesn't matter. Can you make a new one?"
"Yeah probably. In 2 days, I have other work besides fixing your messes." Cisco said. He had expected some remark on how she was just trying to get some money but there was silence on her end.
Once he placed the "gun" on his work desk, he came back to the living room to tell her when she should come back to get it.
"Umm Cisco, how ruthless would you say Lenny is?" Lisa bit her lip, waiting for a answer. Eyes searching him questioningly.
Cisco frozed. How ruthless her brother was? Sounded a bit dangerous to answer. Like the dreaded "Am I fat" question neither could end well.
"I..I wouldn't know. I don't hang out with him during my free time or anything I think it's up to you to decide." Cisco replied.
Lisa sat on his couch and firmly gripped his arm.
"Well you've fought him. How ruthless is he?" She asked again, sternly. This was not the Lisa he knew. She was being dead-serious.
"Well I guess you could classify him as villainous." He thought back to when he was forced to tell him Barry's real identity, and then to the numerous heists and innocent civilians he carelessly murdered.
But he heard about his exploits from Rip, he's been really trying to help save the world and he never did reveal Barry's identity....
"Defiantly villainous but a good guy somehow.”  "Do you think he could ever end up like Da-Lewis?" Cisco stared into her eyes.  "Why do you ask?"
Lisa opened her mouth, then closed and opened again. Her eyes averted to the ceiling. “He hit me." she whispered.
"What" Cisco gasped. Okay, this this didn't happen. Leonard Snart did a lot of heartless stuff, but of all things he always cared for his sister, it just seemed impossible that he would hit her.
"He..he was drunk, and I was teasing him about how he could barely walk like a baby giraffe and then I guess I pushed him....and." She breathed a deep, shuddery breath "He was furious. He started yelling, and throwing his beer bottles. I tried to shoot him. Not lethally, just to calm him down but like I said, I'm slow. He got his gun first and so-” she motioned to his work desk at the "gun."
"You don't look that hurt" Cisco scanned her face, he could see a small cut at the top of her forehead but not much else.
"I don't think the bruises formed yet" She sighed "Then Mick, of all people, pulls him off me. I can't believe it, I should have done something. Kick him in the nuts or ugh.  I'm a grown woman and I I acted so weak! I just took it begging and crying for him to stop." 
Her eyes began to get watery, "The worst part, all I could hear was something about learning. Learning a lesson, just like Lewis. He even hit me.." Lisa stopped and took off her jacket, revealing a hastily done bandage on her left shoulder already bled through. The same place where she had shown Team Flash the scar.
"I, I" she heaved a deep sigh, staring at the wall.  "I’m so sorry. That sucks," Cisco broke in, then grimaced at his awful choice of words.  Lisa barely looked in his direction.  "I mean it's a lot worse than suckiness, it's horrible. He's your brother." "He raised me." Lisa put in, wearily. 
"I get the feeling" Cisco sensed her body stiffen, listening. "Umm a guy named Wells. He was on Team Flash. Keyword "Was" He was like a father to me, we did science and talked. All I wanted to do was make him proud, I felt like he was the only one who really got me." This time, Cisco sighed "It was all a masquerade. He was evil, he knew all of our secrets and weakness and..." Cisco stopped, he doubted the Snarts knew much about the whole parallel universes or Reverse Flash so he chose to stop talking about that. 
"I just felt horrible. Betrayed, guilty, really hurt. Like my father abandoned me" Silence, Cisco felt himself getting teary-eyed and moved to wipe his eyes. 
Lisa sniffed, looking away from him but leaned onto his shoulder. He chose not to move. Just felt the warmth of her head perfectly placed in the crook of his neck, and inhaled the smell of her shampooed hair. Smelled like apples. 
They stared like that for a while, staring at the wall. With the sounds of screaming on Rambo. Breathing steadily, silently crying.
Lisa made the first move to get up. Trying to rotate her shoulder.
"Wait," Cisco ran to his kitchen and got wrapping tape. "Life up your arm." He tore off the bandage easily and wrapped the new one around. He handed her package of wrapping tape and an ice bag "It should help with the other bruises."
"Thanks" Lisa gave a thin smile, she looked like she was about to say something else but chose not to. She walked to the door and turned around. "I'll come by again, and Cis, if you ever want to... I can listen." Lisa offered and then hugged him. 
Cisco almost let his jaw hang open. This had to be the weirdest night ever. "I'd love that." Then he had a brillant idea, or a very stupid one depending on her reaction.
He kissed her.  It was wonderful. Her lips smelled of honeydew and she took charge forcing his lips open, dee pinging until Cisco felt dizzy. He needed oxygen but he didn't want to let go. He just wanted it to go deeper and deeper, getting hotter.
"Returning the favor I see.." Lisa said when Cisco reluctantly let go, the familiar carefree smirk returning to her face. 
"See you Wednesday, Golden Glider." Cisco smiled. Okay, I'll explain.. Why would Leonard hit her? Okay imagine Mick decided to get a greater revenge than just killing her over and over. Traumatized them both and ruin their relationship. How? Somehow Mick and Chronas go to 2016 and Mick gives Leonard a Devil's Breath (it's this drug that makes the person act normal but they obey whatever is suggested (it's a date rape drug) but the worst part is that it stop memory function. So you literally will never remember the event because the memory never formed. I got the idea from SVU).
So when Lisa is teasing him, Mick just commands Leonard in his ear to act like Lewis the next time she teases him, and then casually leaves to get another beer at the bar. Then the whole scene happens and brings us here. Leonard did the horrible act but won't know it. How's that for evil plan?
I wanted to expand upon her feelings of hurt and betrayal but I’m not sure if I conveyed it well. But hope it was enjoyable nonetheless.
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bunnygirllover45 · 3 months
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My inability to make up good names for the first time has a good outcome. It's funny bc they're not even from the same universe lol.
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I made them swap outfits bc as Usami said, everyone can be a magical girl.
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
22, 23, 27, & 30? For the art meme!
What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
I'm gonna get in trouble for this one cos i know. i KNOW this is so important but i just CANT integrate it into my routine. Its the ADHD i think, starting smth and adding it to my daily tasks is nigh impossible for me. SO... THE ANSWER IS I DONT.. NHSGDBFGFBG
Do you use different layer modes
Sometimes, though very rarely!! I only use things like multiply + add glow because those are.. 2 of 4 layer modes i actually understand. I havent bothered to learn the rest, or commit their effects to memory.
Most of my coloring and rendering is all on one layer because it's fun and easy for me. Feels like I'm working traditionally when I do ^^ (i also regularly forget to just. add more layers!)
When I DO use layer modes, it's usually for when Im working on big illustrative pieces for myself.
Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
Sometimes, but not always! Another really bad artist habit of mine is jumping right into a big commission project, or jumping right into what I wanna do and then end up surprised when it doesnt go my way asjdhdhgdg
What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Lord almighty. So many. So many. But especially these I think. The first one is DND but the response was underwhelming even on twitter, which was a shame cos its still one of my top fave pieces Ive ever done! IIRC this piece is from 2020, it was the first time I tried a hard light effect/high contrast lighting and I've definitely improved plenty since this piece, it was my first step to getting little out of my comfort zone and trying new things.
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The next would have to be this piece I was SUPER proud of cos I had tried new things, like I was extremely happy w/drawing a full piece for myself but the response was. I don't remember much if any. BUT that wont stop me from loving how this came out. Gigi looks so serene here and I couldn't be happier! TW for blood + death, thought the first pic makes me think of cotton candy w/the colors askdjhdhgd
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Thirdly, a piece that blew up on twitter but got an underwhelming response here Where I Post Fantrolls. TW for blood + strangulation under the cut. It's a Chrona flshback I was really excited to reveal, it's the reason he has as many tattoos as he does (': Given the TWs i DO understand why it didnt go around though.
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mxstball · 21 days
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Professor Cherry walked out of her room for the moment. She could sense that someone had entered her home... and it wasn't Chrona. The dragon slowly crept down the hallway to check to see who was in her living room. Maybe it was Wally? No, he would have called her ahead of time. Zinnia? No, the individual doesn't seem to be really human. Tor? ...No, she would have just appeared directly in Cherry's bedroom.
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"..." ...It was Melony. She was sitting on the floor in front of the couch. She wasn't saying anything, but she ensured that her presence was known.
Professor Cherry walked up to Melony and sat next to her. She forgets that sometimes, Melony likes to do this when in her Perfected state. Almost feels like she's in a horror movie. "Mel."
"Big sister."
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"...Aren't you older than me by like, eons or something?" She still sometimes has trouble with getting used to everyone considering her as the eldest sibling. "Shouldn't you be the big sister?"
"...My Lady is older than you by 300 years, and yet you consider her as your little sister." Melony kept still and kept her eyes closed. There was no need for emotion.
"Well, yeah, but that's because I took care of her for a thousand years. I don't radiate big sister energy that much otherwise."
"Oh, but on the contrary. I would argue that you do, and as quite the role model, too. As such, I will continue to look up to you as my older sister."
"Fair enough, I guess." She sighed and resigned to her fate, as she's done every time they have this conversation. It was like clockwork between those two. "Anyway, what's up? If you're visiting me in that form, then I know that it's not just a casual visit."
"You are correct." Melony finally moved and turned to see her big sister.
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"Now that Daiyu has made it home, I have noticed a change in both your and My Lady's behavior. You each have gotten more hopeful yet more anxious, although for different reasons."
"Well, yeah. Daiyu is confirmation that we can eventually return back to my homeworld, and that there is hope for the future of it."
"...Hope for the future?"
"Yeah. Arceus may have killed most of the human population, many standard Pokémon and most of the Legendary Pokémon, but... they're not all extinct. This means that if we were to take the world back from her, then there's a chance that things will return to normal to some small extent. It'll take time and even several generations as the population increases again, but it's possible...."
"I see. So, you still wish to get justice for your brother."
"Well, yes, but... it's not that easy."
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"..." Cherry thought about it long and hard. "I'm... afraid to know what could happen to the world should someone kill her. Could it be possible that the world will eventually collapse? Would killing her wipe the previous home from existence? I've been doing research based on anecdotal evidence from some reports that Heidi has given me and it all varies from world to world. So, should we do try to kill her, we need to be prepared for the risk that nothing happens... provided that we don't have some way to replace her instead...."
"I see. Well, then I believe that you may be in a little luck, then. This rationale is precisely why I am here."
"Huh? What do you mean, Mel? Like, replacing Arceus?"
Melony nodded.
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"...It may not be my place to ask, but...." Out with it, Melony. "When the day comes to oppose Morrigan, your Arceus, I wish to be the one to deal that final blow... and use it to become Arceus of that world myself."
"H--huh?" Professor Cherry flinched. "Wait, you want to... take over my homeworld?"
"Yes. I want to become an Arceus, similarly to My Lady, and due to our circumstances, I believe that your world would be the perfect opportunity for me to do so."
"B--but why? Why do you want to be an Arceus?"
"..." Melony seemed to have hesitated, but she was gathering her thoughts. "The answer to your question depends. Do you wish for my personal answer, or do you wish for my True Answer? Both are equally valid reasons."
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Oh, she sensed that twisted aura for a moment. she really didn't like that one bit. "...Start with the personal answer, but just... don't do... whatever you just did. Felt a damn shiver down my spine."
"Oh. My apologies. It is not something that I can help, but I will try."
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"My personal answer is simple. She aligned herself with my All-Mother and wishes not to repent. As such, I wish to destroy her, absorb her capabilities, and use it to attack those who continue to follow her path. That way, I will continue to protect the worlds that we care for, and to ensure that others who are more vulnerable can rest easy without the fear of death or displacement."
"... So, you want to wage war against other Arceus that align with Goldielocks, huh? Won't that put you in danger?"
"To some extent, yes, but it will not be at the risk of a permanent death. After all, I would likely just return to my Distortion World for a week."
"Fair enough. Though if that's the personal reason, what's the True Reason?"
"Well, it is even simpler. I just wish to be an Arceus -- and my True Form, too. It has been a dream of ours since time immemorial... and since your world will have some population of humans and Pokémon, then that means that it would be... at least a little less work than starting from scratch."
"Oh. So deep down you just wanna be an All-Mother, huh?"
Melony nodded. "It was in part the reason why I have mastered Creation within my Distortion World, after all."
The Latias nodded. It appeared that their goals do align, after all. Besides, Professor Cherry was never one to kill, anyway.
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"....I'll... have think about it, Mel. If you truly wish to be an Arceus, then maybe we can sort something out, after all. Thank you."
"...Very well. When you made up your mind, please let me know."
Cherry nodded.
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Melony changed to her Shattered Self. She turned and plopped her head on Lauren's lap. "In the meantime... wanna hang out with big sis!"
"Hehe! There we go. Alright, little sis. Let's snuggle on the couch and watch some TV together, alright?"
Melony got up and ran over to the couch. "Yay!"
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ivangeleenichirux3 · 7 years
92 question tag thing
I was tagged by @bts-roleplay
(Though I don’t feel the best right now i’ll do this for you because i’ll forget)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Strawberry kiwi snapple (i have an addiction to this drink ok) 2. Phone call: My auntie 3. Text message: college buddies group chat 5. Time you cried: Today, I do it every day so...
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yes and I regret giving them that second chance 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: multiple times 8. Been cheated on: too many times to count... 9. Lost someone special: multiple people... no one sticks around in my life really.. 10. Been depressed: EVERY FUCKING DAY OK 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Not yet. just wait till I’m 21. I’ll make myself forget.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Red, Black, Purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes, and im grateful to them for making me feel worth something. 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve only fallen in love once and I’m honestly still not over her... 17. Laughed until you cried: once or twice yes. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: It happens when your that unattractive overweight kid.. 19. Met someone who changed you: yeah and it was probably for the worst... 20. Found out who your friends are: I thought I did once but i have a hard time with it now since everyone always leaves and forget... i may have 1 person that I can call a true friend and ive never even met her IRL 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: idek tbh...
GENERAL 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them I usually don’t accept request from strangers unless they share the same interest 23. Do you have any pets: Yes I Have many I have 2 mice currently named YinJin and V-Yang. A dog named Noona. A hedgehog named Chrona and 2 Roosters named HeiHei and Fluffy. 24. Do you want to change your name: Maybe. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: After the weekend of my birthday passed I went back to my dorm and celebrated with my friend who surprised me with a cake and a cute banner. 26. What time did you wake up: 9:15am? 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Getting ready for bed. 28. Name something you can’t do: Smile naturally. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: She visited me on my grad day and stayed around for 3 day. So it was 2-3 years ago? 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Myself  31. What are you listening right now: 4 O’Clock By V and Rapmon 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Does a character in a roleplay count?
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: fake friends.. 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr/Youtube
LAST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: i have 2 specific moles that always get noticed one on my left shoulder and one on my right hip. 36. Mark/s: Wrist scars at least 20 and scars on my knees as well as  between my pointer and middle finger on my left hand. 37. Childhood dream: When I was a kid I legit wanted to be one of those people who would collect venom for venomous snakes to heal people who have been bitten. 38. Haircolor: I was grapemon for a while but it faded so now it’s a red brown color. 39. Long or short hair: It’s getting long but I don’t like it. it’s down to my shoulders now. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: No..I honestly will never trust anyone enough to even remotely like them like that. (unless its hobi or suga they are my forever crushes XD) 41. What do you like about yourself: Next question.. 42. Piercings: Ears, Tongue,Nose 43. Bloodtype: O+
44. Nickname: Melly, Melon, MelMel, Mel 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: Pisces 47. Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them 48. Favorite TV Show: Return of superman 49. Tattoos: Nothing yet, i’m super broke so... but I would like some I already have design for 2 I want atmost 4 50. Right or left hand: Right handed 51. Surgery: Nope thank goodness 52. Hair dyed in different color: Red and purple. 53. Sport: soccer, shooting, archery, baseball 55. Vacation: S. Korea or japan is where I want to go or maybe just go to my birthplace Puerto Rico 56. Pair of trainers: ???
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Nothing I literally had 1 meal today 58. Drinking: nothing 59. I’m about to: draw a bit more and go shower 61. Waiting for:  the weekend so i can see my children 63. Get married: I don’t want to anymore... 64. Career: illustration/ animation
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Kisses, hugs are ok but I personally like kisses more 66. Lips or eyes: i like both but maybe lips just because i get a bit uncomfy lookign at peoples eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller tbh 68. Older or younger: Either. Each girl I’ve dated has always been younger 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Either 71. Sensitive or loud: Why do I have to pick? I’d like someone like hobi (he is both) 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. hook ups make me awkward afterwards... 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker, since im usually the hesitant one i need someone to balance me out.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: yes, Mostly at convention when I played the pocky/pepero game with people. 75. Drank hard liquor: yeah, im not a big hard liquor fan tbh 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: yeah. most of the time I feel so bad that I cry after 78. Sex on the first date: Ive never been on a date so... 79. Broken someone’s heart: Idk maybe? 80. Had your heart broken: EVERY-FUCKIGNRALTIONSHIP-IVE-HAD-OMG-IM-SO-DONE-WITH-RELATIONSHIPS-BECAUSE-OF-THIS. 81. Been arrested: Nah 82. Cried when someone died: Only once 83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah...
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Nope, I am utter trash 85. Miracles: I guess. 86. Love at first sight: Yeah, She broke my heart but I’m still not over her.. she was the first and only one... 87. Santa Claus: No 88. Kiss on the first date: No way unless its like a cute innocet cheek kiss. I’m ok with those 89. Angels: How can you ask that When Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin exist?
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Do I even Have one anymore 91. Eye color: Brown 92. Favorite movie: Spirited Away has always been and always will be
Here you go I guess. 
Do I really have to tag people?
I Tag: @ask-the-kpop-lightsticks @noonaxchrissy @facelessscar @ask-camboy-hobi @squaretilla @shingekicornwrites @ask-artist-jin 
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pastelgrungewrecker · 4 years
You float in the pool where the soundtrack is canned You go ask your questions, like “What makes a man?”
Expectations are a motherfucker.
Quickdraw hugged his knees, leaning against Mimi as she rubbed his back and soothed the hiccuping noises coming from his narrow chest. His black eye hidden by his arms and his torn shirt hanging loosely on his frame he whimpered his faults between the soft “Sssshshshsh” coming from his big sister.
“You know our dads love you no matter what, Qd. And no one knows ‘em like we do.”
“You’re just fine the way you are, I promise.”
Day in and day out- he stared at his reflection. Flicking the side of his front teeth with a thumbnail and hating the gap between them, the way they didn’t seem to fit in with his widened double canines. His cupid’s bow and the softness of his lips, the sharpness showing in his cheekbones and the thick waves in his hair that ate through brushes and combs alike.
He tugged at the chopped shirt he wore- the edge hanging well above his navel and showing the lanky skinniness and isolated roundness of his stomach in the center of a birdlike torso.
He was broken stone and vines, he was a battered shrine to his parent’s legacies that he felt like he was failing with every displeased look and every disappointed P.E. teacher.
He flexed his arms, sighing at the uneven muscle blooming under skin and over bone and felt tears bubbling up in gold eyes before he hugged himself around his narrow chest and bit his lip until the skin tore again and leaked violent red over cashmere skin until the door creaked open and he nearly screamed.
Whirl stood behind him, face worried and patch absent to show the wild scarring around a milk-white and dead eye.
“...Kiddo, c’mon. Talk to me sweetheart.”
“D-Dad I-I-I- It’s nothing I-I’m f-fine-”
His stammer rising in time with his anxiety and a gurgle in his stomach as he clapped a hand over his mouth and hiccuped burning. A nod of Whirl’s head and Quickdraw leaned over the toilet and let his stomach expel nothing but his worries and retched his mourning- tears bubbling up over his cheeks as he heard Brainstorm and Drift’s worried calls from the living room.
“I’s alright, his stomach’s just upset!”
An answering murmur, the sound of Drift fumbling with the phone to contact Ratchet or First Aid or who knew who else as Quickdraw’s long fingers curled into fists and his tears came faster and thicker and he swore they were viscous and sticking to him like shoplifting ink.
He cried in cornstarch as he mourned the falsehood calling Whirl his father felt like.
Whirl rubbed Quickdraw’s back, softly hushing the muted whimpers that escaped nervous nausea as the adolescent’s heaves finally calmed and quieted and he returned to his forlorn vigil in front of the mirror- brushing the teeth he wouldn’t look at and dodging the teary eyes he hated recognizing as his own.
He rinsed his mouth of the final traces of terror and Whirl put a hand on his shoulder.
“Mimi told me you had trouble with your P.E. teacher again; do I gotta go down to the school and give him a fuckin’ piece of my mind?”
“He gave me trouble BECAUSE you did that.”, rasped Quickdraw- before the dam broke. Wiry shoulders shook and his arms held against his chest as those sugarsyrup tears came back like cast resin and his breathing shuddered, “B-Bec-vause I’m n-no Wrecker’s SON!”
Whirl froze, something vicious flickering in his good eye before it was blinked away and he turned Quickdraw to face him, “What did you just say.”
“N-No one b-believes I-I’m your b-boy!”, he sobbed, “B-Because I-I’m so s-soft!”
“Who in the hell-”
“B-Because I l-look girly and g-g-g-g-”
“Deep breaths, young’n. Deep breaths, and speak slow okay?”
“Th-They say I l-look gay a-and I can’t b-be Whirl’s son-n.”, he hiccuped, coughing bitterly once, “A-And they j-joke I’m ado-dopted since Whirl wouldn’t h-have such a stupid soft kid like m-me!”
He leaned his head forward, sobbing hoarsely again as his lanky jackdaw limbs uncurled and wrapped around his father’s waist in a desperate bid to stay on Earth instead of flying away on his own wheezed crying, “A-And it’s f-fucking HARD dad I’m trying so HARD to make you and p-papa and everyone proud but e-every DAY I hear this-”
Whirl hugged his son tightly, trying desperately to calm him, to soothe his worries and fears and flaws and perfections as the boy broke into little glass shards all over the floor- weeping his morningdew and carnation petals and wisteria all over the tile floor.
Whirl gently loosened Quickdraw’s hold, getting down onto a creaking knee and holding his boy’s sharp face in his warmed steel hands. His thumbs stroked over sharp cheekbones and the beginning of Brainstorm’s keen smirk and sharp frown and pouty lips and feels his heart break that his boy can’t see the beauty waiting to bloom in softness.
“Don’t you EVER listen to pieces of shit like that, Quickdraw- you hear me?”, he said, his voice a paternal growl even as stardust leaked from Quickdraw’s eyes in rivers, “You are MY BOY, and I have NEVER been prouder of you, you understand me?! Those pieces of shit don’t have a damn clue about me, and they never will- hell, they’re probably the same fucking dumbasses who gave me shit about my hair. I got long hair and steal Papa Bee’s shirts all the time, who gives a shit. So you wear half shirts, baby boy you got too much torso like me and that gets sweaty and fuckin’ itchy when you run! And boy you run everywhere! Not your fault those pieces of shit look like the corpses of Barbies used as Chrona’s chewies when she was a li’l pocket potato.”
Quickdraw hiccuped a giggle.
“Anyone who’s gotta problem with you can fuckin’ take it up with me. What they think don’t matter. They give you shit? Call me. Right then and there- ah, ah, ah; I don’t CARE if phones ain’t allowed! I’ll punt a teenager, I’ll clock a principal! Papa Whirl gives ZERO fucks if his baby bird is bein’ harassed, you got it? And if they really piss me off, I’ll hand ‘em over to Brainstorm and Percy and really watch the fur and feathers fly.”
Whirl huffed, smoothing Quickdraw’s hair out of his face as the boy blinked owlishly. The tears had slowed at least, and his breathing only shivered a little behind his birdcage ribs.
“You are my li’l canary-boy; you’re my dino-baby and you’re Quickdraw and that’s fuckin’ aces to me, got it? You don’t dissapoint me, you ain’t ‘failing the legacy’ or what the fuck ever just cause you like makeup or doin’ your nails or wearin’ skinny jeans or someshit. Hell, ask Papa Percy some of the ridiculous shit I got up to with my appearance; he still hates half my tattoos and don’t get ‘im STARTED on the piercings I got.”
“S-So I’m n-not a bad kid f-for not being strong and tough like y-you?”
It hit Whirl like a lightning bolt, and his eye widened until it watered.
“...Quickdraw, Qd- Nothin’ makes me happier than knowin’ you got a gentle soul.”, he said softly, pulling his son back into a hug, “Nothin’ brings me as much joy as knowin’ you and your sister got so much love in your li’l bodies, are you kiddin’ me? Qd, I spent so many damn years runnin’ on hellfire and hatred that I was SCARED of havin’ kids... I was so scared they’d be like I was, cold and cruel and sharp and angry. Seein’ you and your sisters in your little blanket forts and watchin’ sappy movies? Seein’ you bring home puppies and kits you found walkin’ home cause you were scared they’d be hurt? I knew right then you weren’t gonna carry my scars and rage and that brought me more peace than I ever thought possible.”
Whirl got to his feet, lifting his son easily and feeling spindly limbs coil and cling as he reached behind him and opened the door fully.
“You and your sibs taught me I still got love in me, cause you all have so much in you and ANYONE who tells you bein’ ‘soft’ in a world like this is wrong? I’m gonna make ‘em learn why they called me a Polyhexian Devil. My fists are reinforced now, and they’re just ASKIN’ to find out how much.”
Brainstorm stood outside the door, face livid and high in color as Quickdraw buried his face into Whirl’s shoulder and hiccuped softly again. He followed Whirl and their son back out to the couch, curled up next to them and gently brushed lab-scuffed knuckles against his boys teardamp face until he opened watery sunrise eyes.
“Quickdraw.”, said Brainstorm firmly.
“Your fathers, your family, says you are perfect the way you are.”, said Brainstorm firmly, “At the end of the day, nothing else matters- all you need to worry about is us... and You. Are you happy, with who you are?”
“I-I think I’m p-pretty cool.”
“Then fuck everyone else. If you like yourself, no one else’s opinions matter; and when you get a little older? Not even your dads’s opinions matter anymore. If you love yourself, everyone else can either fall in step or fuck right off out the door.”
A kiss to Quickdraw’s forehead.
“And if that means, my li’l munchkin wants to wear pretty things? Then rock it. If anyone complains, we’ll take care of ‘em.”
“And yeah, I’m goin’ to your school next week Qd.”, growled Whirl, “Me an’ your P.E. teacher are gonna have a nice long talk in the parking lot.”
“Give him a busted eye socket from me, babe.”
Quickdraw giggled thickly at Brainstorm’s request, complete with fluttering eyelashes.
Whirl squeezed his son once more for good measure before loosening his hold and letting Quickdraw shift down to fit perfectly between his parents as Brainstorm hugged him around bony shoulders.
“Become whoever you want, whoever you feel like being, baby boy.”, said Brainstorm softly as he planted a kiss against Quickdraw’s wavy mop of hair, “We’re ALL proud of you, as long as you’re being true to yourself.”
“Ok-kay.”, he said, a hiccup breaking the word in half like a cracking lock on a door he hadn’t realized he hid behind, a wardrobe made of barbed words and stuffed full of all the things he dreamed of being.
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owosa · 5 years
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Those who have been in my streams have seen several of these characters already, and if not, several have appeared in previous drawings. Some have even been mentioned in the later aks. 
These are the main relationships that my children have and the ones that had a great impact on their stories. (I have other drawings that I will be uploading during the weekend with the same dynamic, so expect more of these).
Some explanations under the cut!
It was not planned, but they fit perfectly in order: 
-Red is for BROTP (frienship goals(?))
-Green is for CRACK (why is this even a thing) 
-Blue is for OTP (canon relationships)
-Orange is for SHIPS (not canon or “their feelings have never been told”)
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Katy & Yuki:  Oh, them. The dynamic duo of the apocalypse. They are the evil that lurks in the shadows of the Limbo. Those who like to ruin life to everybody else for their own capricious desires. The group hates Katy, but the two of them together? they despise them. Candel x Neith: The ship of the previous two. They aren’t even friends, they tolerate each other, but Candel hates him and Neith is ... just him. On the other hand, Dark seems to love the blonde very much.
Matthew x Kitsu: This is just sad. Provoked mainly by manipulations of Katy, Kitsu believes to have enough affection towards our bluish friend and Matt, although no one doubts how much he loves his the foxy girl... well, he never returned from buying milk. Eli x Tsun: The ship of the moment (?) Which of the two is more complex, nobody knows. But we all hope that one day they will be honest with the other because they deserve it.
The Ambassadors: Friendship is magic! (?) Their history revolves around the friendship they have, it explains itself. They love each other and only hope to have a bright future with everyone happy at last. Shit happens.  Hollow Kat & Ni: What happens when you join a being of pure negativity with a being of pure positivity? A nice friendship that ends when one of the parties tries to suffocate the other.
Chrona x Christopher:  I think the worst thing about this relationship is that nobody intervened and that makes it worse. If someone had notice the need for affection that the dormouse had, maybe someone might have prevented him from messing with a demon. Yeah... Andrew x Laurence: This is simply tragic. Destined to never be, so let's leave it there.
  It’s sure that in the future you will see more drawings of them and I will explain more things, but if you have any doubt or simple curiosity, send me an ask. Is always fun to answer those. 
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Stein: "How are you?" marie: i'm doing well. christa is too... Stein: (nods) marie: how's aya doing? Stein: "...She has her good days..." marie: ah.. -elsewhere- Yumi: (hugs Death) lord death: *snuggling her* Yumi: "This has been a long day." lord death: it has.... Yumi: "..." (kisses his cheek) "I'm worried, too." lord death:......*strokes her back* Yumi: "Shiori...Kid...Kirika..." (nuzzles) "We have to protect them." lord death: and we will.... Yumi: "..." (kisses his lips) "Okay." -the next morning- Kid: "Hmmm..." stocking: *snuggles* Kid: (blushes) "Thank you." stocking: of course kid... Kid: "I was so worried last night..." stocking: ?? Kid: "...That I would always feel worried...scared...alone." stocking:..... *she hugs him* Kid: (holds her, smoothing her hair) "You are so good to me..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Stocking..." (looks into her eyes...kisses her lips) stocking: mmmmn. Kid: (kisses her for a few moments, then pulls back and stares at her) "..." stocking: i love you. dont doubt that, ok? Kid: "..." (smiles) "I won't. And I love you, too." (kisses her forehead...) -later- Kid: (dries his hair) liz: you ready for school yet? Kid: o\\\\\o (He's in his towel) "...I have to get dressed. Please give me five minutes." -later- Kid: (adjusts his tie in the classroom) -seems we have zoology- Tezca: "Okay, folks, we're going to learn more about the wonderful world of animals, starting with my special friend, Fluffy!" mizuki: the hell is that?! Tezca: "A jackalope--native Nevada rabbit!" Patty: (glowing eyes) "So cute...so fluffy..." Fluffy: :3 Patty: "Sis, let's go pet the bunny!" liz: uh.... Patty: (approaches Fluffy--) Fluffy: *ROAR!* (pounces on Patty, bites) Patty: o_____O Kid: D: mami: O-O; *covering chrona's eyes* Crona: T_T "I hate today..." Patty: (shrieking, rips Fluffy off of herself--and throws him into the audience) Fluffy: *hisses at Ox* ox: *SCREAMING* -later- Tezca: (sitting in the corner with a dunce cap) kirara: once....jsut once. can you get through a zoology class _withOUT_ casualties? Tezca: "...Technically, no one died..." -at lunch- mizuki: i bet yukari is still yelling at mr tapioca about today's class. Patty: (bandaged) -_- "...I want rabbit soup." Kid: (suit scuffed, glaring) "...'Tapioca'? I would like to pound him into tapioca..." stocking: easy kiddo.... Kid: "..." (crosses arms) "Jackalopes are now on my list of obnoxious creatures." Black Star: "That was one heck of a work-out, though. Liz ran so fast!" liz: TT~TT Patty: (pats Liz) "There, there." Kid: "Here's hoping the next classes are less violent." -literature class- Kid: (reads the book, taking notes) -later, after class- Kid: "Phew! That was some surprising literature." stocking: so where to next? Kid: "Any after-school plans? I was thinking of getting a meal." liz: sounds good. soul: i hear the death bazaar is coming up soon. *RUMBLE* Patty: "...You hear that?" *LOUD FOOTSTEPS* Kid: "?!" *WALL BREAKS OPEN--revealing Anya* Anya: "...DEATH! BA! ZAAAAAAAR!!!" liz: EEK! Kid: "...That wall...is now crushed..." Anya: (seizes Soul by the collar) "WHEN IS IT?!" -later- Patty: "Good thing Anya has money to pay for that repair..." liz: yeah. Kid: (chewing on his burger) "Hmph." (swallows) "Disgusting destruction of property." liz:...hmmm. maybe we could play some basketball? it's been a while since we played last... Patty: "Hell yeah! Let's do this!" -and so- Patty: (blocking Stocking) stocking: haa! *toss* *She shoots--SHE SCORES!* Kid: (claps) stocking: victory! hehe~ Patty: (takes the ball, passes it to Liz) soul: *runs in* Patty: "?! Hey!" -after the game- Kid: "Good game...although the net could stand to be evened..." soul: no problem. Patty: (beaming) "Scored so many times on you all, though." liz: you sure did. Patty: (pulls at Liz's hand) "You didn't break a nail, did you?" liz: nah, i'm good. Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "I don't suppose you were using your wings to give you an advantage in today's game?" stocking: *whistling* can you prove it? Kid: (smirks) "Motivation, evidence of your excellent speed through the sky...and I have ways of persuasion." stocking: oh really~? soul: *rolls eyes* Patty: *gagging* Kid: (awkwardly clears his throat) "W-Well, then...I suggest refreshing drinks are in order..." liz: good call. *At a local smoothie bar* Patty: (brings out the drinks) "Here you are, folks!" (hands out drinks) liz: awesome. soul: thanks. Kid: (sips) "Hmm...Tasty." -elsewhere- Yumi: (giving Shiori a bath in the sink) "Shiori, I love you, I'm happy you are enjoying this--but I'm begging you: stop splashing so much." shiori: guu.. Yumi: (smiles lightly) "Maybe you want to play with something while I wash your back?" (holds up a rubber ducky) shiori: dakki! Yumi: "Yes, a ducky! Is it a cute ducky, Shiori?" shiori: dakki dakki! hehe! Yumi: "And what sound does a ducky make? QUACK!" shiori: kwak! Yumi: "Quack quack quack!" (finishes washing Shiori) "Better dry you off!" -later- Lord Death: "She looks so peaceful..." shiori: zzzzz...... Yumi: "Yes..." (hugs Lord Death) lord death: reminds me of kid at that age.... Yumi: (smiles) "I see it. Just as adorable." lord death: *he nods* Yumi: "She has so much of you that is so beautiful." lord death: ....... *tearful smile* Yumi: "Death?" lord death: hmm? Yumi: "Are you okay?" lord death: ah...i-i'm ok...just...memories. Yumi: "..." (hugs him) "I'm sorry." lord death: am i a bad husband? Yumi: "What? No...Why would you think that?" lord death: seeing you and shiori...it brings back memories...memories of the old days.....i love you so much....a-and i do miss her and....i-i just.... *shivering* Yumi: (hugs him) "You love her, you miss her. That is normal and healthy." lord death: *hugs her and whimpers* Yumi: "It's okay..." (holds him tighter) "Let it out." -later- Yumi: "Here, drink." (holds out tea to Death) lord death: *he doe so* t-thank you... Yumi: (smiles sadly) "I am sorry how difficult this is..." lord death: i-it's ok....i'm happy though...i have you and shiori, kid, kirika...all of you.. Yumi: (rubs her eye) "I’m happy too...We love you." -the next day, at school- Kid: (stares at math equation) "Hmm..." stocking: *staaaare*....*writing* Patty: (counting on fingers) -later, at lunch- Kid: "How do you think you did, Stocking?" stocking: i bumped my grade to a B+! Kid: (smiles) "That's great!" liz: congrats! Patty: "Yeah!" (holds up her test: C+) liz: you're doing great patti. Patty: "Thanks..." liz: i really mean it sis Patty: (blushes) "I-I know..." -later, at the mission board- Black Star: "Hmmm..." soul:.....hmm? Black Star: "I don't know...This giant rampaging in South Africa looks interesting...but the reports about some bloodsucker in Brooklyn are, too. Then there's NoFix..." soul: ..........!! *there is a poster about a mysterious theater troupe in kyoto that has been stealing the souls of it's audience* Black Star: (sees the same poster) "Wow..." tsubaki: well, up for a trip? Black Star: "I'm game. Soul?" soul: sure. i could use the work out. Black Star: (smirks) "Yeah--you're looking a little stringy, Soul." soul: *chuckles* up yours. Black Star: "Well, let's get going." (slaps Soul's back) -the next day- Black Star: "Kyoto...Been a while." tsubaki: yeah... Black Star: "How far to the theater?" soul: i think i found it... Black Star: "??? Where?" -there is a building up ahead. it seems to be closed- Black Star: "Hmm...Breaking and entering?" soul: do we have much of a choice? Black Star: "I can't tell whether anyone is inside..." (sniffs) "Ugh...But I smell something in there. Better find a secret way in so not to alert anyone inside." tsubaki: through the ally? Black Star: "Maybe a window or door is there..." soul: *he looks around* Black Star: "Hmmm...There's that tiny window up there." soul:....do i parkour it? Black Star: "Nah, you aren't as nimble. I'll do it!" -he makes….and crashes on the other side- soul: O_______O Black Star: "...Ouchie..." tsubaki: O-O;;;; Black Star: (gets up, with a hat on his head) "I think I crashed into the costume room..." tsubaki: how-.... Black Star: (holds the hat) "Huh...Must've had some weird performance here." soul: hmmm...... Black Star: "I still can't feel any souls, but my skin is crawling. That, or this place is dusty..." tsubaki:......... -music is playing in the back- Black Star: "...Recognize the tune, Soul?" soul: not that i can guess... tsubaki:....a shamisen? Black Star: "Seriously? Yeah, that's not spooky at all..." soul: O-O Black Star: (looks around the corner, sees the stage...) ???: ara ara... <it appears we have guests... fufufufu> -the figure appears to be dressed as a geisha- Black Star: "Tsubaki? What do you think they want?" tsubaki:....!!! GET DOWN! -there is a 2nd figure... a man in a kabuki mask- Black Star: "Shit!" soul: *arm blade* you guys got this? Black Star: "Yeah! Tsubaki! Transform!" -BATTLE START- Black Star: "Keep distance to start..." (swings chain scythe Tsubaki at the Kabuki Mask) 'geisha':.... *grips the top of the shamisen and pulls a blade out from it* Black Star: o_o "Man, why can't _I_ have a weapon that comes out of, like, a guitar or something?!" tsubaki: black*star focus! Black Star: "R-Right!" (tugs at the chain, trying to trip the Geisha and Mask) -slash slash- -block- Black Star: "Tsubaki! We need something stronger!" tsubaki:... !! ah! that statue! Black Star: "What?!" -it seems to be a large puppet mechanism- Black Star: "Puppets?! Aw, man! I hate puppets! So creepy..." soul: try getting onto it. i saw this in a video game once! Black Star: "Okay!" (leaps up onto the puppet) -there seems to be a few levers and such- Black Star: "Okay, so just pull on this lever--" -the left arm begins to move- Black Star: "Sweet! I control a giant puppet!" soul: kick ass! *fending off mask* Black Star: (pulls levers to swing the puppet's limbs at Geisha) -smack into the wall- -after a while, after a tough battle- Black Star: "Tsubaki? Soul? You okay?" tsubaki: y-yes... soul: bruised, but i'll live....so which one do you guys want? Black Star: "I want answers from the Geisha! What happened to all those theater people?!" geisha: <check the back. those curses do wonders> Black Star: " 'Curses'? No! You have to undo them!" geisha: <why should i? after all the hard work we put into getting those souls?> Black Star: " 'Cause if you don't, I'm going to put my fist through your head!" -after contacting eibon via lord death's mirror, they were able to remove the curse- Black Star: "At least Old Man Eibon was able to do it...Now, what do we do with these asses?" tsubaki: take their souls to lord death? Black Star: (nods) "Okay, you two are coming with us!" -the next day- Black Star: (shivers) "That mission was creepy..." soul: well, on the bright side, tsubaki and i are both one step closer to becoming a deathscythe. Black Star: (nods) "That's something." soul: how many does that give me now? Black Star: "I think you're up to the 60s or 70s? And I think Tsubaki is up to...12?" soul: ah right, 77. tsubaki: ^^;; Black Star: "Hmmm...Maybe if there was, like, some large group of bad people all on Death's list, all in one place, you could get the rest of those souls all at once, Soul." soul: wishful thinking... Black Star: "Worth a try." liz: hey guys! great to see you're back. Patty: "Yeah! How did the mission go, Soul?" soul: went pretty well i think. Kid: "Anything surprising about the souls you collected?" soul: tsubaki and black*Star still have a ways to go yet, but i think they did a great job. Black Star: "Heh heh..." Kid: "One soul each, eh? Well, that is certainly symmetrical..." soul: *sweats* yeeeeah.... Kid: "???" soul: say, it's about lunchtime, right? Patty: "Yep! And I'm starving!" Black Star: "Same!" -at lunch- Patty: (eating her burger) Kid: (carefully cutting up a pizza with fork and knife) stocking: *enjoying her lunch* Black Star: "Yummy...How's your meal, Liz?" liz: really good. soul: *nom nom* Kid: "Maybe a get-together is in order? Perhaps dinner at the mansion?" soul: sure. Patty: "We did scary movies last time...Maybe something else? A game?" soul: you got any games? stocking: we do have some video games Kid: "And quite a number of board games." tsubaki: game night at kid's it is then. Patty: "Yay!" -and so- soul: i invited chrona too, hope you dont mind. Crona: "...I can leave..." Kid: "Nonsense. Come in!" soul: it's fine. we dont get to hang out as often, so it'd be fun. Crona: "O-Okay..." Patty: "So many games to try!" stocking: how about some candyland? Kid: (smirks) "Sweet." stocking: hehe~ oh you~ *smooch* Kid: (blushes) Patty: (gagging) soul: can we get to the game before the barffest? Kid: -_-; "Fine...Who wants which piece?" -and so- Patty: "Gumdrop Pass, Gumdrop Pass--Shoot! I missed it!" stocking: not bad. Black Star: "Better than me...I keep rolling two ones. Man, never has being Number One sucked so much." soul:....*pats chrona's back* Crona: (shivers--then tosses the dice) "I-I got six...Oh! I landed on the Candy Cane. I-Is that good?" soul: i think so. Kid: "At least you did not land on the licorice...I lost a turn." (pouts) stocking: *she hugs him* aww... Kid: o\\\\\\o -a few games later- Crona: "...I can't believe I won..." liz: congratulations! Ragnarok: "We played this game--and no freaking candy?!" liz: we have some prepared. here you go. Ragnarok: (latches onto Liz's hand) *slobbering all over Liz's hand liz: O-O yeck! Ragnarok: "Tasty!" Crona: "Bad Ragnarok!" (water squirt bottle) stocking: *eye glints at the candy* Ragnarok: (spots Stocking) "This is my candy! Not yours! Get your own!" stocking: i'll f**king fight you for this candy. Kid: o_o Crona: ._. Patty: "Um...Maybe we should all calm down..." Ragnarok: "FAT PIG!" (swings his fist at Stocking) -later- stocking: *scratched in a few places* sorry about that, chrona. soul: 0-0;;;;;; Crona: (scratched as well) "S-Sorry! Ragnarok is not controllable around candy!" Ragnarok: x____x "I'm dead now." stocking: same here, haha... Kid: ._.; "Maybe next time we should play Scrabble..." stocking: good idea.... Patty: "So, now that everyone is bandaged, maybe have a drink?" liz: sure thing. Kid: "Sounds good..." (offers a hand to Stocking) -and so- Kid: (sips on orange juice) soul: what now? Patty: "I don't know...Could put on some music and talk?" soul: sure thing. Black Star: "Man, how many weeks until summer?" liz: we still have the rest of april and may to go through... Black Star: "Ugh...Spring break felt like it flew by..." liz: yeah... Kid: "At least we get these moments to take breaks..." Crona: (sips on a cream soda) stocking: so how's mami holding up? Crona: "O-Okay...Busy with missions..." stocking: ah. soul:.......................... Crona: "...Soul?" soul: hmm? i-it's nothing. Crona: "I-I-I just wanted to thank you for letting me come out..." soul: no problem. Crona: "I really enjoyed this..." (sad smile) "It's...been a while." soul: yeah... Kid: "..." (pats Soul on the shoulder) soul:...*small smile* thanks for having us over. Kid: "The door is always opened here." soul: *he nods* Patty: (finishes her drink, sighs) "What's next? Another game?" liz: sure thing. Black Star: "What should we try?" liz: we have mario party. Patty: "Yay!" Kid: "I'm game. Stocking?" stocking: sure thing! Patty: "Yoshi!" Kid: "Um...Waluigi isn't playable, is he? He's too...asymmetrical for me." liz: you dont have to play as him if you dont want. Kid: (huge sigh of relief) Black Star: "I can't wait to whoop your butt, Soul!" soul: hoho? we'll see about that! Patty: "Tch--I'll beat both of your first!" Crona: "...I'll probably come in last." tsubaki: *she pats their back* Patty: (boots up the system, hands controller to Stocking) -elsewhere- Anya: (reading) -elsewhere- -a young girl is walking home- ???: "Hey there." girl: hmmm? *she looks in the alley* ???: "Nice night." girl: um...i have to head home, otherwise my parents are going to be worried... ???: "Nah. I think we're going to hang out for a bit..." (hand reaches out for her) girl: h-hey! girl: !!!! a-arent you i-in the 1st? Rekka: (sneers) "I see my fame precedes me..." girl: ..... *she seems uneasy* Rekka: "Tell me...Are you afraid of flames?" girl: !!! -soon, a worker comes and finds the girl- Worker: "Oh, God!" girl: *coughing* Worker: "Ma'am, what happened? You look like you need to get to a hospital..." girl: t-the fi-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *she screams as her body begins to ignite* Worker: "Ah! Stay back! Don't hurt me!" *Rekka watches from afar...grinning* -at the 8th- Akitaru: "...My God..." shinra: what is it? Akitaru: "Shinra...There's been another...incident." shinra: !! Akitaru: "She...was put down." shinra: !!! w-who handled it? Akitaru: "Rekka Hoshiyama of the 1st." shinra: ........ (thinking: a random combustion....rekka was there.....something is really fishy about this.) Akitaru: "I think you and I should speak with Commander Burns..." [news reporter: the flame human was identified as Ayane Masaki, a middle school student-] Akitaru: "...She could've been my..." (glances at photograph) maki:....*she pats his back* Akitaru: "..." (shivers a bit) shinra: we'll head out tomorrow.... Akitaru: (nods) "I'm sorry. Go get some sleep..." shinra:........ (thinking: another artificial flame human...and rekka was right there.....this is too much of a coincidence to be so...) Hibana: (in the corner, glaring at the floor) -the next morning- Burns: "Commander Obi, Kusakabe. To what do I owe this visit?" Akitaru: "..." shinra:.....*nudges akitaru's shoulder* Akitaru: "Commander, I wanted to ask about that poor child that was turned into a Flame Being." Burns: "Yes, it was certainly a depressing situation. We were lucky Hoshiyama was nearby..." Rekka: (smiles gently at Shinra) Akitaru: (nods) "Let's talk about this in private, Commander..." *Akitaru and Burns leave Shinra and Rekka to speak* Rekka: "How's it going, Shinra?" shinra:...it's been doing well. my leg's doing a lot better... Rekka: "That's good to hear...Any leads on that Joker?" shinra: nothing so far... Rekka: "Rest assure, if our investigation here works, we'll get that Joker to show himself..." (smiles) "Believe me." shinra:....i need to use the bathroom! Rekka: ._.; "Um...third door on the left?" shinra: thanks. *he exits* .................... Rekka: "..." ("Hmm...What is with that kid?") shinra: *walking through the halls* ............ Karim: (walks through the hall, spots Shinra) shinra: hey. Karim: "Hi...Why are you here?" shinra: the commander is talking with burns about the incident last night... Karim: "...You heading into the bathroom?" shinra: yeah...*cough* Karim: (enters the bathroom, goes into a stall, waits for Shinra to enter his) -one bathroom break and hands washing later- Karim: "Watch your back, Soldier." shinra: yeah... Rekka: "Oh, hey, guys!" Karim: "!" shinra: I JUST PEED........................................................................................................................................ *NERVOUS SMILE* (thinking: nice one shinra... reeeeal nice.) Rekka: (frozen smile of awkwardness) Karim: "..." (facepalm) shinra:......*ahem* Rekka: "In any case...Karim, Burns wants to see us." Karim: (nods) "Goodbye, Shinra." Rekka: "Yeah...Don't piss yourself." shinra: see ya... ./////.;;; Akitaru: "So, Shinra, I see you're done with the bathroom." shinra: ACK! oh..c-commander. i almost died! Akitaru: "Yeah, that's bound to happen if you hold it too long. But at least I didn't scare the piss out of you!" shinra: a-are you done yet? Akitaru: "...Yeah. I'm done. Let's get back to HQ." -later- Akitaru: "Burns was less than forthcoming..." maki: how so? Akitaru: "I kept pressing him on why Rekka could not locate our suspect..." shinra:...... Takehisa: "Shinra? Is there something you want to share?" shinra: i'm good. Akitaru: "...Very well. I suggest we begin afternoon training..." -elsewhere- Kid: (humming as he cleans his room) stocking: *in her own room cleaning up* Patty: (tossing laundry haphazardly into drawers of her room) -kid's closet door creaks open- Kid: "???" (looks at his closet door...) -it seems to have opened a slight bit- Kid: (pokes his head in--and cringes) -yep, the stocking shrine is still within it's depths- Kid: "...Maybe I should disassemble this..." \you know you could never get rid of these things\ Kid: ("...I could return them to Stocking with a very careful, well-worded, polite apology...") -what can he do now?- Kid: "..." (removes a framed photograph from the shrine) -knock knock- Kid: o_o; "Wh-What?! Who's there?!!" stocking: kid? you in there? Kid: (hides the photo, stands before the closet door) "...Hi!" (awkward smile) stocking: ?? you ok, kid? Kid: "Super! Duper! No problems here! Ha ha ha ha ha!" (and accidentally holds up the photograph...) stocking: ?? is that me? Kid: (nervous smile) "...Yes?" stocking:.............................. o/////////////////////////////////////////o;;;;;;;;;; Kid: (sweating, still smiling, saying nothing) "I...Um...Found it?" stocking: OwO;;;; kid. if you need to.....*ahem* relieve yourself, then that's fine.... .////. Kid: "Wh-What?!! That's not--I wasn't! That's not what happened!" (swings his arm violently--which knocks forward the closet door, revealing the shrine) stocking:.................................................................................................................. \look what you've done\ Kid: "..." (covers his face) "I'm sorry." \she hates you now....you worthless scum.....you should just kill yourself now\ Kid: "I understand that you are upset, angry, furious...and you have every right to be...I feel awful." stocking: i.....i'm just confused....and to be honest, kind of unnerved... Kid: (nods) "That sounds right...I've had this...this, for a long while..." stocking: !! \disgusting. just die already you pig\ Kid: (tearing up a bit) "I just...I didn't know how to express a lot of what I felt, so I kept things private to figure them out, and then...it kind of ballooned into this..." \filthy vermin\ Kid: "I...I'm sorry." stocking:....... \KILL YOURSELF WORM\ Kid: "..." (collapses) -later- ???:........id.....kid?! Kid: "Hmmm...Wha-What? Wher--?" liz: hey.... Kid: "...Liz? What happened?" liz: well, stocking found out about you're little.....closet thing...and she left- Kid: "...'Left'?" liz: -to get some ice for your bruise... Kid: "...You saw my closet?" liz: ..................yeah... the door was wide open..... \she's gone.\ Kid: T\\\\\\\\\\\T "I just wanted to clean my room..." \stocking?: putrid filth. you should just die. i hate you!\ Kid: (crying) "I'm so wrong...I'm not normal...What is wrong with me?" liz: kid? \stocking?: you're a sick, pathetic stalker! how dare you even talk to me, you slime\ Kid: (pushes his head down) "I want to disappear..." \stocking?: *twisted smile* i hope i dont ever see you again you pig~\ Kid: "...She hates me..." liz: ?? Kid: "I'm a pathetic stalker..." liz: kid.... \stocking?: i should never have wasted my time with you~\ Kid: (whimpering, lip quivering, shaking) "I...I don't want you to go..." ???: kid? is everything ok? Kid: "She hates me she hates me she hates me..." stocking: kid?.... Kid: (gasps, looks up) "...Oh no..." stocking: i got some ice for your bruise.........kid? are you ok? Kid: (weeping) "Do you hate me?" stocking: kid.... Kid: "I know I'm a creep...I have thoughts that go through my head, and I don't act on them, but then I do things like this to channel them--and--and--" stocking:...... Kid: "...I'm sorry. I made a terrible mistake." stocking:.................*she hugs him* kid.... Kid: "I'm sorry. I just...It was to be private...long ago..." stocking:............................................ Kid: "I'm...messed up, aren't I?" stocking: *she doesnt say anything* Kid: "...You...don't want to be with me now, do you?" stocking: ....................kid.....*sigh* what part of 'i'll be with you no matter what' dont you seem to get? Kid: "...The part where I screwed up royally...I'm sorry." stocking:.................*she rubs his back* let's just look past all this and move forward, ok? Kid: *sniff* "O-Okay..." stocking: .............. -that evening- stocking: kid? i brought you some tea. Kid: "Th-Thank you..." (takes it) stocking: .....i still do love you kid. Kid: "I love you, too. I'm sorry." stocking: all we can do now is move forwards. Kid: "..." (nods) stocking:.......*she kisses his cheek* Kid: (blushes, sniffs) -elsewhere- ox: it was nice of your mother to stop by and bring us some snacks, harvar. Harvar: (nods) "Yes. I do appreciate that." kim: same here.....harvy~ *snickers* Harvar: -\\\\\\\\- Jacqueline: (smirks at Harvar) "She is also an excellent cook." ox: ..... Harvar: "...You okay?" ox: y-yeah. i'm fine. Harvar: "..." (puts a hand on his shoulder, pats) ox:...thanks. kim:....... Jacqueline: "...Maybe...Ox? Would you like to go out with us this weekend?" ox: t-this weekend? Jacqueline: "If you are available." ox: um..w-whereabouts? -elsewhere- Kana: "..." (knocks on Tamaki's door) tamaki: ?? y-yeah? Kana: "I brought you some ginger ale..." tamaki:...thanks. Kana: (sad smile) "May I get you anything else?" tamaki: i'm good for now. Kana: "..." (tiny hug) tamaki: ..... Kana: "I'm sorry that you are sad." tamaki: i'll be ok. Kana: "...Yes, you will..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *sniff* shinra:................... Arthur: (looking at photos on his phone) T_T shinra: dude.... Arthur: "What? I'm sad..." shinra:.............*sigh* Arthur: "...We don't even know whether we can trust Tamaki..." shinra: hmm..... (thinking: i dont know if we can trust karim 100% either....) Arthur: "...I have to confront her and demand answers!" (dramatic crying knight pose) shinra: dude... Arthur: "I shall scale the walls of that fortress, stampede through the hallways, and I will find her!" (swings open the door) "Do not try to stop me!" (takes off running, wielding Excalibur--while he is only in his shirt and boxers. He will not get far...) shinra: ARTHUR GODDAMMIT GET BACK HERE!! Arthur: "Never!" (runs faster on his bare feet...and the floor is slippery) -FWUMP- Arthur: o_o *CRASH* shinra: *wince* ooh...that had to hurt. Arthur: "...Ow. I hurt my tiny Excalibur..." shinra: TMI!! Arthur: (holds up his keychain) "I meant this..." shinra:.............oh. *nervous smile* (thinking: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck) Arthur: (struggles to sit up) -elsewhere- Spirit: (on his laptop) blair: what'cha up to>? Spirit: "Sachiko had mentioned her daughter was looking for some collectible...I was trying to find it online..." blair: oh? Spirit: "Oh! Here it is! And it's only--" o_____o "Waaaaay out of my price range..." blair: oooh... hmmmm... Spirit: "H-How can something like that be so pricey? Jeez, collectibles are insane." blair: you should see some collect_ors_... haha! Spirit: "Yeah, good point...Man...I don't think I'd feel comfortable getting something this expensive...What if Sachiko took it the wrong way? Like, that I was just trying to impress her by flashing a lot of dollar bills?" blair: hmmm.... Spirit: "Maybe I could just get something else related to this series..." blair: or something handmade? Spirit: "Maybe..." (transforms his hand into a blade) "I'm not bad at carving..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "I don't see anything..." mana: you have the binoculars the wrong way, dingus. Shotaro: (turns, looks at Mana) "Oh...Is that why you are so far away?" *He's still looking at her through binoculars* mana:............. *mana is unamused* Yohei: (takes the binoculars, looks) "Well, he's not wrong: I don't see our target..." mana: *she checks the GPS* *GPS shows weak signal* mana: did we take a wrong turn? Yohei: "Hmmm...No, I think something is interfering." (hands physical map to Chie) chie: hmmm... *examines map* Yohei: "Hmmm...Yeah, I hear a buzzing. Something is messing with the signal...or _someone_." chie:............... -dark eye- Yohei: "??? Find someone?" chie:......... mizune: yo. Yohei: "Um...Hi?" Shotaro: (shiny eyes) "Awesome hat! Can I wear it?" mizune: ...?? what brings you out this way? Yohei: "We're hunting down that escaped lunatic, NoFix, to re-capture him..." mizune: ah. Shotaro: "Why are you out here?" (moves his hand towards Mizune's hat) -swat- mizune: just scoping things out. Shotaro: (pouts, holds his hand) Yohei: "Scoping for NoFix, or something else?" mizune: i have orders to retrieve and detain a rogue witch, kinuta. Yohei: "Wait...Was that the one that escaped with NoFix before?" mizune: yep. be warned, she specializes in charm magic, so best not let your guard down around her. Yohei: "..." (nods) Shotaro: "???" Shotaro: "Like, she can make people do things against their will?" mizune: you could say that 7-7;; Yohei: "So, what lead do you have? Any idea where Bonnie and Clyde went?" mizune: the only leads we have is lysandra city. Yohei: "Same. What can you tell us about the city?" mizune: i dont know much about it, all i know is it's in ruins after kishins started to invade the area... Yohei: "And the DWMA has sent no one there?" mizune: ......seems all connections from lysandra were cut off... Yohei: "Maybe we can find a way in...So, roads aren't leading in? How about underground?" mizune: through the sewers...it might work. Shotaro: "Great! We can be like Ninja Turtles!" (puts on a bandana--without eyeholes) "...I'M BLIND!" mana: -_-; Yohei: "Ignore him. It makes it easier." (holds Shotaro by his shoulders, speaks to Mizune "How far is it to the nearest sewer opening?" -and so- Yohei: "Be careful..." (deploys some flashlight drones to hover with them in the sewer) Shotaro: *sniff* "Ugh..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Is Kid going to be okay, Sis?" liz: i hope so... Patty: "Yeah...It's really hard on him, when...you know..." liz: yeah.... Patty: "..." (hugs Liz) -in kid' room- stocking: *stroking his head* Kid: "..." *sniff* stocking:.........you ok? Kid: "...I'm trying to get better..." stocking:.......i forgive you kid. Kid: (nods) "...I'm not sure I forgive myself..." stocking:...........*she held him closer* Kid: "...I love you." stocking: hmm.... Kid: "..." (cries) -elsewhere- NoFix: (blindfolded, holding a knife) "Now, don't move, or this will go through your head..." ???: please, i'll work harder next time! NoFix: "And don't let the apple fall off your head! I want to get it just right..." (flicks the knife) -stab- NoFix: "..." (pulls up the blindfold) "Oh, damn it!" -elsewhere- shinra: *nervous* Hibana: "...Shinra? What's wrong?" shinra: n-nothing ma'am! (flashback!hibana: if you ever do anything to hurt iris, i'll burn you into a little crisp, ok hun~? *smile*) (thinking: HOW CAN SHE SAY THAT WITH A SMILE ON HER FACE?!) Hibana: "...I, um...brought you this." (blushes, hands him a bag of donuts) "You look thin. Eat more." shinra: *wince* t-thanks, ma'am... Hibana: "...You're welcome. When you feel up for talking, I'm here, okay? I'm sure I can be of bigger help than that Gorilla." Akitaru: (in another room) "I HEARD THAT!" shinra: i-i'm good...*he exits* *shudders* (thinking: i didnt die this time. phew....) Arthur: (pouts at Shinra) "Why doesn't she ever give me donuts?" shinra:.........QuQ Arthur: "Is she bribing you? Does she have dirt on you? ...And can I have the lemon donut?" shinra: i-i'm good...and here, you can have the rest of the box, i'm not that hungry. Arthur: "...What? You think she poisoned them?" shinra: i doubt it, but i wouldnt put it past her. (thinking: she can switch between motherly and threatening at the drop of a hat. she's probably the scariest lady i know.) Arthur: "If I die from this donut, I want you to take this." (hands him paper: "Last Will and Testament of Arthur Boyle") shinra:......*turns it around to reveal a menu from a pizza place* you baby. Arthur: "I-I was multitasking! And writing at a pizza place!" shinra:.....*examines the 'will'* *Arthur's will: "I shall be buried on Avalon, which appears only every seven years. Therefore, please keep my corpse maintained until next the mists dissipate to allow safe entry--" It continues like this for pages...- shinra: how did you even write this much on such a small menu..... Arthur: "I am adroit with my fingers. Now, we also have to discuss seating arrangements--" (holds up a chart) "Please have my family in the first row with a view of my body staring at them. You will be a pallbearer. Please keep Soul Eater in the back row--I don't need him tossing spitballs at my corpse." shinra: are you serious right now... -_-;;;;; Arthur: "I will need a church that can house 500 people. Be sure to have my body available for viewing in the public square for one week. And shave my head, sending one lock of my hair to Tamaki every day..." shinra: (thinking: YEAH THAT TOTALLY ISNT CREEPY!) of course your highness, shall we make a gold statue of you be your grave and dress you in roya burial garb as well? *sarcastic tone is sarcastic* Arthur: ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ "Really?! That would be great!" shinra:................................*rips the menu and exits* Arthur: D: Hibana: (enters) "Shinra! I am baking cookies! Want some?" shinra: I'M GOING OUT FOR A WALK NOW! -elsewhere- Wes: "Good practice. I think we're ready for tomorrow's performance. See you at 5 tomorrow to set up!" students: see you mr wes! soul:....nice kids. Wes: (smiles) "Yeah. It's been great getting to impart some knowledge..." soul: *he nods* Wes: "Interested in taking on a class?" soul: i'm good thanks..... -meanwhile- shinra:....................(thinking: just breathe man....just cool off a bit and then head back…) Takehisa: "Shinra? What are you doing?" shinra: ah! oh...i was just going out for a walk, blow off some steam... Takehisa: "Ah. Have you released the steam out of your body, then?" shinra: T_T i-it's a metaphor, sir... Takehisa: "My apologies. It is hard to tell when contending with Flame Humans. Also, Hibana has gone out for the afternoon." shinra: still in range? Takehisa: "She and Commander Obi are having a late lunch meeting half-way across town. Based on the arguments those two will have, I think you will be free of her for a few hours." shinra: ok. i'll keep that in mind. Takehisa: "Perhaps you should rest. You look exhausted." shinra: i'll be fine, just a quick walk around town might help... Takehisa: (nods) "Very good, then." -and so- shinra: *looks around* ???: "Shinra?" shinra: ??!! *he turns* Anya: "Hello." shinra: oh, hey anya. how's stuff at the dorm? Anya: "...Noisy." shinra: yeah....i havent been having the best day either, really....mostly arthur being a pain in the rear as usual, haha. Anya: "I can imagine..." (pensive) "H-Here..." (hands him a slip of paper) shinra: hmm? it's not your will and testament is it? Anya: "What? No! It's from...um...'Kitten'." shinra: oh! ah, right..sorry...i'll deliver it then................hm? -a feminine figure in a hoodie is watching, she then darts off.....she seems...familiar?- Anya: "Please do..." (takes Shinra's hand) "It's important." shinra:......can do. i'll talk to you at school tomorrow then, see ya. *he exits* (thinking: no way....she couldnt have....could she?) Anya: (waves to Shinra...then looks nervously around) shinra:.... *picking up pace until he is running after the mysterious girl* h-hey! ???: !! *running faster* shinra: *runs to the alley........................no one there* w-what?................. *Someone else is watching...* shinra:............................................(thinking: i have a bad feeling about this....that.....that couldnt have been.....could it?........) *slaps his cheeks* (thinking: come on shinra! pull it together! it's been a long day today.....) *he turns around* Karim: "Hello." shinra: father fulham, suprised to see you out here... Karim: "Likewise. You are running like a chicken with his head cut off." shinra: i was taking a walk just now and....n-nevermind....anything new? Karim: "Maybe...But we can't talk here." shinra: ah....anywhere in mind? Karim: "...I know a place..." (leads Shinra to a cafe) -inside- Karim: (to waiter) "One water." (to Shinra) "You?" shinra: i'll have some big city cola if you have any. Waiter: (smiles) "Right away!" Karim: (small smile) "You like cola, huh?" shinra: yeah. Karim: "...Rekka and I used to drink it all the time." shinra:.....what about the other guy? Karim: "Li has been a tea drinker since I met him." shinra: ah. Karim: "Now, I want to ask you a question, and I want you to be absolutely honest." shinra: hmm? Karim: "Why should I trust Hibana and not bring her in right now?" shinra:....to be honest, i dont know. Karim: (pulls out a file) "The evidence I have suggests I could have Burns bring her in right now..." (passes it over the table to Shinra) shinra:....*puts it in his bag* ok then. Karim: (nods) "Think about it. Also, you better keep a closer eye on where you're keeping the Cat." shinra: !!...y-yeah.... Karim: (holds up his glass) "Cheers." -the next day- Takehisa: (making breakfast) shinra: *sipping orange juice* Hibana: *yawn* (walks in, not yet dressed, hair a mess) "Morning, sweetie--" (musses up Shinra's hair) shinra: *just stares at his pancakes* morning... iris: are you ok? *still in her PJs* Arthur: "Yeah, you were muttering in your sleep a lot." shinra: just had a rough day yesterday. but i'll work hard to make today better! Hibana: "Aw, that's adorable~" (kisses his forehead) shinra: .////.;;; (thinking: don't let your guard down, dont let your guard down, DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!!) Akitaru: "Stop teasing my soldiers, Hibana." Hibana: -_- "You're just jealous." (hugs Shinra) shinra: I NEED TO PEE RIGHT NOW! EXCUSE ME! Hibana: o_o; Akitaru: o_o; Takehisa: "...I told you that you were drinking too much." maki: we really didnt need to know that -_-; -at school- Kid: (just staring at his book) stocking: ...........*holds his hand* Kid: (soft press on her hand) -in class- Tezca: "Now, be careful as you handle the tarantula. They can be a little skittish." malaria:....*strokes its back* Kid: "Eight...legs..." -at lunch- stocking: amazingly nobody got bit. Kid: "Yes..." liz: that one girl though....she even let it rest on her head...*cringe* Patty: "Maybe she thought Jorge would be a nice hat?" liz: ...wait, isnt she a member of blVck-wid0w? stocking: yeah, they are local, so i guess it makes sense... Kid: (slowly eats his sandwich) -next class- -bang bang- derek: just give it up, death the kid. Kid: (panting, struggling to stay coordinated--throws a punch at Derek) derek: oof! *spits out blood* you insufferable- *pistol-whips him with his revolver* Kid: (growling) "My...face..." (roars, throws down Liz and Patty and leaps at Derek) liz: KID! Kid: (holds up fist, ready to bring it down...his eyes are watering) -hug- Kid: (eyes widen) "Wh-What?" stocking: kid stop it! Kid: "..." (lowers his fist, falls to his knees) stocking: ..............*still hugging him* Kid: (shaking, crying) -in the death room- lord death: what got into you all the sudden, kid? Kid: (shakes his head) "There's something wrong with me." lord death:......is something bothering you? Kid: "..." (nods) "I scared Stocking..." lord death: oh? Kid: "I...am creepy." lord death: why do you think that? Kid: "...She found...something..." lord death: oh? Kid: "...A shrine..." lord death: !!! Kid: (cringes) lord death: kid...was she underground? Kid: "What? N-No. It was in my bedroom...closet..." lord death:...................... Kid: "...I'm so wrong..." lord death:......*he doesnt know what to say* Kid: "..." (buries his head in his hands) -later- liz: what did he say? Kid: "Just...vague words of encouragement." liz: oh? Kid: "I feel like a freak...I don't feel normal..." liz: kid....... Kid: "Would a normal person do what I did? Maybe...Stocking would be better without me..." -the next day- liz: oh god... oh no oh no oh no oh no!! Patty: "Sis!" liz: it's kid! i-i cant find him anywhere! Patty: "I...found this note..." liz:...*she reads it* Kid: (in note) "I'm going to be by myself today." liz:..... Patty: "Where could he be?" liz: i'm going to make some calls... Patty: "I'll see what he took...and tell Stocking..." -later, several people are searching death city- Black Star: "He's got three white stripes and answers to Kid. Have you seen him?!" lady: oh lord death's son? i havent seen him come in, sorry. Black Kid: "Call this number if you do! Come on, Tsubaki!" tsubaki: *she nods* stocking: *she's worried sick* Yumi: "Kid is safe. I know it. We just have to have faith in him." -someplace outside death city- Kid: "...Useless..." \worthless boy....\ -desert road as far as the eye can see...- Kid: "Yes..." \you'll die alone out here, you worthless scum...\ Kid: "I just need a day, to sort this out...to fix this. And I know how..." \by ending it all?\ Kid: "By ending someone...I just need to find him..." \do you even know where you're going?\ Kid: "I'm trying...just a lead. Just need something to find him." -there are some woods up ahead- -John Kramer Park- Kid: "He went through here..." -about half a mile down the road, someone watches and smiles- Kid: "???" (He approaches) -through the forest, there is a clearing with a cabin....a strong feeling of madness is radiating within- Kid: "...I have to do this for her..." (approaches the cabin door) -a baby is crying in the back room- Kid: "..." (knocks) -it's unlocked...how strange- Kid: "???" (slowly opens the door) -empty, save for the crying baby- Kid: (approaches) "Hey, it's okay..." (looks at the baby) -the baby has become an evil human- Kid: (covers his mouth) "No..." -someone comes up behind him and...- -WHACK- Kid: (Hits the floor, unconscious) -3 hours later- Kid: (groaning as he awakens) "Wha..." -a girl is in a cell across from him, crying....her arms and legs have been amputated off, and she is chained to the wall by an iron leash- Kid: "My God..." girl: i-i'm sorry.....i'm sorry....s-she made me..... -in another cell, an older couple is held inside it. it appears the man has died from his conditions, the woman looks like an absolute mess- Kid: "Where are we?" ((Sorry, my Macbook re-installation took longer)) -the door opens and someone comes down- ???: ahhh~ you're finally awake! Kid: "?! Release me, now!" ???: after all i did to be with you? fufufufu~ oh you're so funny, kiddo~ Kid: "...That voice...Are you--?" -a girl with blonde hair and a black uniform appears- rosalie: *she smiles* -the girl in the cage is terrified- Kid: "You--You're the one who disappeared after the Halloween Dance..." rosalie: i was getting everything ready for when we'd finally be together, honey~ Kid: "To a child?! When I am free of these restraints, I will kill you!" rosalie: hmm? you act like her life matters. she's just a pawn, just like that infant. Kid: "That infant...You did that to her...And before I kill you, you are going to tell me how to reverse it..." rosalie: there's no point to that, i already threw it in the furnace hours ago. Kid: "Bastard!" (tries to pull his arms forward to remove the shackles--and they only cut into him) "How are you keeping me here?! I should be able to break loose..." rosalie: fufu~ let's just say a friend of mine got a hold of some anti-magic cuffs and some barbwire. i know it's painful, but i'm doing it out of love~ Kid: "..." (small laugh) rosalie: eh? Kid: (chuckles) "You forgot about those who accompanied me..." rosalie: i didnt see anyone with you... Kid: "But I sense them..." (smirks..."Oh, God, please tell me someone is going to find me...") rosalie: ......i'll take care of them. then we can get closer~ Kid: "When they're through with you, there won't be a speck of you left..." (still struggling to rip the restraints off, even as they dig deeper into his skin) rosalie: just wait one moment~ *she goes upstairs* Kid: (waits for her to leave...calls to the other prisoners) "Where are we?" woman: i-i dont know...some cabin?...........*she trembles* why would she do this? she used to be such a good girl.... Kid: " 'Used to'? Wait...You're her mother?" woman:....*she whimpers* this is all my fault....if i had only let her become friends with that child...then maybe she wouldnt have turned out like this... Kid: "I don't understand..." woman: ...................i apologize..i'm just muttering now.... Kid: "...We are getting out of here. You have to have hope in my friends..." woman:....... -elsewhere- Patty: "We can't find him..." liz: maybe check outside city limits? stocking: CHECK THE WHOLE COUNTRY IF YOU HAVE TO DAMMIT! Black Star: "W-We're trying! Okay? We've been calling nearby cities, you know, as far as Kid could reach when he left..." stocking: WELL TRY HARDER!....*whimpering* Black Star: "...I'll go call someone..." -and so- Tezca: "I've been trying to get a sense of Kid's location with my mirror. But something is blocking me." kirara: oh? what do you suppose it is? Tezca: "I'm not sure...Lord Death, did you ever use anything to mask Asura's location underneath Death City?" lord death: just eibon's barrier magic, why? Tezca: "What if someone got that barrier magic to shield wherever Kid is?" lord death: that'd be next to impossible... Tezca: " 'Next to,' but not impossible, right?" lord death: hmmmm.... Yumi: "Eibon? Can you sense where else a barrier is being used?" eibon: well i- soul: THAT'S IT! Tezca: "?!" Yumi: "Soul?" soul: remember that werewolf, free? maybe he could track kid's scent? Yumi: "Hmmm...That could work...Soul, please bring him in." -and so- Free: "What you got with his scent on it?" -liz hands him a bedsheet- Free: *sniff* "Wow, man...Reapers smell strong...kind of like...cats?" stocking: well? Free: "Yeah, I can tell his path. Just follow me..." (leads them towards city limits) -in the cabin- Kid: (trying to hold back tears) rosalie: wasnt that wonderful~? Kid: "I...will rip your throat...with my nails..." rosalie: hehe~ you're so funny, kiddo~ Kid: "I'm seriously...Deathly serious. You let me out of these bonds, just see how quickly I slice you into bits, you bastard..." rosalie: hehe~ how cute~ *she strokes his cheek* but you know you cant escape me~ Kid: (bites at her fingers) rosalie: *winces and licks the bite* ah~ so naughty of you kiddo~ Kid: "I will kill you! Let me go this minute!" (desperately tugging at his constraints, sobbing) "Please?" -slap- rosalie: you really dont get it do you? i own you now. and we're going to be together, whether you like it or not, ok~? Kid: (stunned silent...but still tearing up) rosalie: *she crawls over and licks his tears* so good~ Kid: (sobs uncontrollably) -elsewhere- Free: "Hmmm...More to the East..." stocking:...... Free: "...He was definitely through here..." liz: *checks her map* Patty: "These woods go on forever...Shouldn't we have found Kid by now? What if he's...?" stocking: DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!! Patty: "I-I didn't mean! But, what if--I don't him to--..." (cries) liz: stocking, i know you're worried. so are we, but we wont find him with you snapping at everyone! Free: *sniffs a tree* "..." eruka: well? Free: "...Could you ladies give me a minute? I need to mark my territory." eruka: FREE!! D:< stocking: if you lose the scent I WILL SKIN YOU AND WEAR YOU AS A COAT!! Free: "...Fine. Jeez." (sniffs the tree) "Wait...Kid circled here a few times, then..." (assumes dog pose, his nose pointing towards Kid's path) "Thataway!" eruka: *she looks in that direction* hmmm... Patty: *sniff* "So, what's ahead of us? Is that where Kid is?" -there is a cabin in the distance- Free: "There...That's the spot." -inside- rosalie: so many bruises and cuts...was i too rough with you, honey~? Kid: "...Kill..." -outside- Free: "How we doing this?" liz: we'll have to sneak in somehow... Patty: "Underground?" Free: "I can dig..." eruka: i'll check the perimeter... Free: "..." (glances at Stocking) stocking: *she knocks the door down* liz: shit! Patty: o_o; Free: D: rosalie:....excuse me a moment sweetie... Kid: "Wh-What?" (starts screaming) "Help! Help us!" stocking: !!!! *she goes to the back room and looks everywhere* Patty: "Sis!" (transforms) Free: (in werewolf form, sniffing) "I smell him...and others...and a lot of blood and--" (eyes widen) "Oh my God..." (snarls) "Monster..." liz: *takes the gun* ........ rosalie: ......................how bothersome...oh well, now is as good a time as any to clean up the mess~ *changes her arm into a cleaver blade* Free: "You? Where is the Reaper?" Free: "I can smell you, you brat--where are you?" rosalie: *she charges at them* Free: "Magic Eye Cannon!" (fires at Rosalie) rosalie: !! *jumps as the wall behind her is destroyed* liz: *she notices a trap door and goes in* kid?! Kid: "Help! We're here!" liz: !!! *she goes down into the back room*......!!!!!!!!!!!! Kid: "Liz! Get them out of here!" liz: *she shoots off the locks* Kid: "Can you get them out of here?" liz: yeah, but what about you kid? Kid: "...Just get me out of here..." -upstairs- Free: "Damn it! Stand still!" stocking: *blocks her blade with her sword* Free: (swings claws at her) stocking: *tackles rosalie down the stairs* Free: "Hold her, Sock Girl!" stocking: i-i'm trying! -slice slice- stocking: *SCREAMING* Free: "No!" (tries to grab at Rosalie to pull her off of Stocking) stocking: d-damn... Kid: "You!" rosalie: ?! Kid: "Die!" rosalie: darli- *squilch* liz: !!!!!!!!!! Kid: (fingers piercing into her shoulder) rosalie: ah- Kid: (pushes his fingers in deeper) "You bitch...After what you have done, death is too good for you..." rosalie: !!! ha.. HAHAHAHAHAH!! Kid: "???" rosalie: you're so mean, but i love you anyway~ Kid: (picks up brick) "Shut up--" (brings it down on her head) rosalie: !!! a-ahh.... Kid: "..." (drops the brick) "Get her to Death City..." -hours later, rosalie carvar was sentanced to life in prison, and upon her reaching age 21, execution.- lord death: *hugs kid tightly* thank god you're alive... Kid: T_T "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" stocking: kid............ Kid: "Stocking?" (looks down) stocking:....*she runs up to him and hugs him, crying* i was so scared.....that i would never see you again.... Kid: "I thought the same..." (nervous in her arms) stocking: *she holds him close* i'm so sorry....this is all my fault... Kid: "No, it's my fault! I never should've left!" stocking:..............l-lets get you to the nurse... Kid: "Okay..." -in the nurse's office- Kid: "...It was awful..." nurse: *she's writing down notes* stocking: *covering her mouth* kid...... Kid: "She...I was...raped..." stocking:......*she hugs him* y-you arent alone kid... Kid: (crying) "Those people..." stocking: *she strokes his back* Kid: "Why couldn't I stop her?" stocking: it's not your fault kid.... Kid: (crying) "I was weak..." stocking: you were still brave, werent you? Kid: (shakes his head no) stocking:....on the bright side, you helped save those people. Kid: "..." (cries) "She was awful..." -that night- stocking: i brought you some tea with lemon... Kid: "Th-Thank you..." stocking:......*she holds him close* Kid: "..." (sips his tea) stocking:.....do you need some time off school until you can feel better? Kid: (nods) stocking: ok......i understand how scary it is....but it doesnt make you a bad person... Kid: "...I...cheated on you..." stocking: you didnt want her to do that, did you? Kid: (shakes his head) "N-No...But..." stocking: *smiles* assault isnt the same as cheating kid.....when no-...that bastard tortured me, you didnt accuse _me_ of being unfaithful, did you? Kid: (shakes his head) "No...I'm sorry." stocking: it's ok kid.....you're ok... Kid: "...I love you." stocking: i love you too kid.... Kid: "...You all saved me..." stocking: of course, you mean so much to all of us, you're our family. Kid: "..." (small smile) -a few days later, it was the day of the death bazaar- Kid: "I-I'm almost ready." stocking: *she nods* liz: this will be good for him... Patty: "Yeah...I hope the weather holds out." -and so- Kid: (looks at tchotchkes and souvenirs) stocking: so cool! Kid: "See something you like?" stocking: *snaps a few pictures* just looking...ooh! look over there! Kid: "???" -elsewhere at the bazaar- Anya: ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ tsugumi: hopefully no one gets hurt this year. mio: what? O-O; Meme: (squirms) -elsewhere- shinra: there’s quite a lot of people here.. Arthur: "Good thing a knight like I am here to protect the masses." maki: *SQUEEE* look at this! Arthur: ("If it's more yaoi, I'm going to smack her...") -seems to be a teddy bear of some kind- Arthur: "...Oh. That's one big bear." shinra: hey look, it's a knock-off mickey! *holds up a rat doll* Arthur: (picks up a toy robot) -elsewhere- Black Star: (having ice cream at the Bazaar) soul: *he got a new book and a record* so far so good. Black Star: "Yeah, but I'm still trying to find something for the apartment..." (looks at some pots and pans) "Maybe new cookware?" soul: maybe. Black Star: "Excuse me? How much for this frying pan?" -elsewhere- Kid: (looking at the trees and the sky) stocking: the cherry blossoms are really pretty, arent they? Kid: (nods) "It's good to see them." stocking: i got us some crepes. *she smiles* Kid: (sweats a bit) "Thank you. They look delicious." stocking:....*she holds his hand* anything you want to do after this? Kid: "...Could we go for a walk?" stocking: of course..... Kid: "Okay...Thank you." stocking: *she kisses him gently* Kid: (shudders a bit, blushes) stocking: you ok? Kid: (nods) "Just getting used to things again." stocking:...if you ever feel uncomfortable, let me know, ok? Kid: (nods) "Of course." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...I keep having dreams..." stocking:.... Kid: "...I want better dreams. Ones of the future..." stocking: hmmm..... Kid: "...I want to get through this...with you..." stocking:......*she holds his hand* Kid: "...May we go for a walk now?" stocking: sure Kid: (stands...holds his hand to her) -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmm...I wonder how to carry all of this home..." shinra: oh, hey guys. tsugumi: ah! hey! *hugs maki* maki: TSUGUMIN! >w< Anya: (glares at Arthur) "Arthur." Arthur: "??? Um...Hi." Meme: (to Shinra) "How's it going?" shinra: good. we went to a training camp a while back and met a few people there. mio: ah. Anya: "..." Arthur: "Hmm...Maki, it looks like they bought a lot at the bazaar..." -later, elsewhere- Yumi: (cradling Shiori) shiori: zzzzz.... Yumi: (kisses her forehead) "I love you, Shiori...Be safe." shiori: *yawn* Yumi: (smiles) "Your brother is home...and I want all of my children to be safe." kirika:..... Yumi: "That includes you, Kirika. I can see you..." kirika: !! hmm.... Yumi: "Want to hold your sister?" kirika: i-i'm good.... *her cheek appears to be bruised* Yumi: "Kirika, what happened to your cheek? Were you in a fight?" kirika: oh this? eh, i ran into some trouble on the way home. i kicked their asses though, so it doesnt really matter. they didnt put up much of a fight though, i think they were too stoned off their asses to care. Yumi: "That's...concerning. Do you know why they were attacking you? Were they targeting you specifically?" kirika: i think they were just some hobos trying to mug some cash. the point is i'm fine and i still got all my stuff on me. Yumi: (smiles) "Okay. Keep being careful out there..." Yumi: "I'm going to mention this to your father, though." kirika: *rolls eyes* yeah yeah, when _dont_ you? so i got a little scratched up, what of it? i've been through way worse than this, believe me. Yumi: "And he deserves to know what happens to you--and in his city. He wouldn't want to see innocent people hurt." kirika:......i'm gonna head to bed now. night. Yumi: "...Okay. Good night." -the next day- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: *holding him* Kid: (mutters) "St-Stocking?" stocking: hmm? Kid: "Is that you?" stocking: *yawn* hmm? Kid: "Please...hold me..." stocking:......*she does so* Kid: (falls back to sleep) -later- Kid: "The shower helped..." stocking: i'm glad. did you want to head back to school today or not? Kid: "...Okay." -at school- tsubaki: how are you feeling? Kid: "...Just trying to get through things..." soul: if you need to take it easy- Kid: "Thank you. I'm...going to try." -at lunch- stocking: i got you some Gatorade. Kid: (smiles) "That is very sweet of you. Thanks." stocking: i want to help you through this. Kid: "You are...You are." stocking:...*she nods* Kid: "I appreciate all that you are doing..." stocking: *she smiles* you were there for me...so may as well return the favor, right? Kids: (smiles) "I love you." -later- Kid: "How did I do today?" stocking: you did great. Kid: (small smile) "This is what I want..." stocking: *she nuzzles closer* Kid: (shivers) stocking: you ok? Kid: "Y-Yes...I'm just trying to get used to..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I'm remembering...bad touches..." stocking: oh...*she pulls back* Kid: "I'm sorry..." stocking: d-do you want me to take it slowly? Kid: (nods) stockin: *she holds his hand* Kid: "..." (slowly brings his lips to her cheek) stocking: *blush* Kid: "I missed you so much." stocking: i missed you too... Kid: "I...I was thinking of all of you..." stocking: *she nods* Kid: "..." (hugs her) "Can we just stay like this?" stocking: ok.... Kid: "..." (holds her, sighs) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Stocking...You are so warm." stocking:....mmmmm. Kid: "..." (faces her) "May I kiss you?" stocking: of course kid. Kid: (brushes his lips lightly along hers) stocking: mmmm..... Kid: (kisses again, a little more strongly) stocking: *bluush* Kid: (pulls back) "I-I..." stocking: hmm? Kid: (blushing) "You are so attractive." stocking: hehe~ look who's talking~ Kid: (blushes, smiles) "Thanks..." stocking: *she smiles and nuzzles his nose* Kid: (rests his hands around her) "I...forgot how..." (blushes harder) stocking: ah..... *blush* Kid: "..." (pulls back, and unbuttons his shirt) stocking: k-kid... .////. Kid: (blushing harder) "I just...feel warm..." stocking:...s-should i....? Kid: "..." (nods) stocking: ok... *she begins to remove her dress* are you sure? Kid: "Y-Yes, I am..." stocking: ok.... *she is now in her undergarments* if it becomes too much, let me know. Kid: (nods) "I just...Stocking...I missed you. I missed seeing you. And now..." (his hand falls along her hip) stocking:.....*she blushes* Kid: "..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: i...i missed you too kid....i was scared..... Kid: "..." (tearing up) "I thought I would never see you again." stocking:....*she hugs him* you're here now kid...and we're together....i-i'm so happy you're ok.... *shuddering* Kid: (crying) "So am I...Please, just hold me." stocking: *she does so* Kid: (his breathing calms down...) "Thank you..." (he holds her and rests his chin along her shoulder) -the next morning- Kid: (sleeping, smiling) -in the catacombs under the school- clay: why do we have to come here so early in the morning? Akane: "Eibon told us to." clay: cant _he_ go looking for this person? i dont even want to be near the place... Akane: "He has important work ahead of him, and he has confidence in us. Let's not disappoint." clay: T_T *clutches his flashlight* Akane: "Hmm...I hear something...but my Soul Perception is leading us in another direction..." clay: *shivering* so cold down here. _and_ no cell reception....greeeeeat... Akane: (follows his Soul Perception) -briiing- -briiiing- clay: ?! Akane: "What on Earth?" clay: my phone?.... -the message desplay is glitched out, and the picture is of a face with black empty eyes and a twisted smile- O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i dont think i want to answer. Akane: "..." (looks around a corner) "Hello?" -the phone goes to message.....distorted sounds erupt from the speaker- clay: Q-Q;;;; Akane: "I don't get it....I can feel their soul right here, but--" -come j01n the fUn- clay: Q____Q;;; no thank you!! Akane: "Clay? What is going on with you?" clay: just creepy messages on my phone, nothing much! Akane: "...Who on Earth are you sexting?" clay: AKANE THIS IS SERIOUS! Akane: "Fine. So, this phone messages indicate that we are confronting something here that is of deep concern...and we still have not found the missing student. We have to hurry, now." -someone could be sensed to the right- Akane: (glances) "Hmm...Clay, transform..." clay: right. *he does so* Akane: (struggles to follow what he senses) "Clay...This soul wavelength is fluctuating..." clay: ........ -someone is sitting by one of the posts, clutching their knees to their chest Akane: (trying to increase resonance with Clay...Calls to the someone...) "Hello." -the person looks up...the color was drained from their face- clay: i think we found her... Akane: "Hello. We are here to escort you back to the Academy upstairs..." girl: no way out....no way out..... Akane: "...Come on." (holds out his hand) "Let's go." -after making their way out- Akane: "You're going to be okay. Let's get you to the infirmary..." girl:...... Akane: "...How do you feel, ma'am?" girl:............. Akane: "..." (stops walking, leans down to look at her face) -her eyes look rather dull and sunken in- Akane: "..." (tries to sense her soul...) -she's fine, but very shook up- Akane: "Come on. You'll get treatment and feel better soon." -the next morning- Kid: *Yawn* stocking: sleep well? Kid: (nods) "Much better. Thank you." stocking: no problem~ Kid: (blushes) "...Stocking..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...N-Nothing...Just thinking about the future and..." stocking: .... Kid: "..." (hugs her) "I love you." stocking: i love you too, babe. Kid: "..." (kisses her cheek) -at school- Patty: (drops stack of books onto desk) liz: wow. Patty: "Yeah, I wanted to cram! Going to be pulling a lot of all-nighters if I want to get those grades up." liz: ah, i see. Patty: "Maybe we can do a study session?" liz: sounds good. maybe at the library? Patty: (nods) "Sounds great!" -later- Kid: "Hmm...This problem is difficult." soul:..... Black Star: "Who's got the answer for #4?" -at lunch- Kid: (chewing on his sandwich) Patty: "Hmm...Salad tastes weird." soul: so what do you guys want to do after school today? Kid: "Hmmm...You know, it's been the longest time since I went roller skating..." stocking: sounds like fun. Patty: "Yeah!" Black Star: "Um...I kinda fall a lot on skates..." tsubaki: practice makes perfect. Black Star: "Tch, yeah...Okay." soul: sounds good to me. Patty: "Yay! Let's go after class!" -later- Kid: (lacing up his skates) stocking: so is this like ice skating or...? Kid: (nods) "Same practice, just with a hard surface and wheels. It'll take some getting used to--" stocking: ah. Kid: (offers a hand to Stocking) "Need some support?" stocking: i would like that. *she smiles* Kid: (holds her hand) "Just about balancing on these skates on the rink..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (skates forward a bit) "Just roll along the rink...Go with the flow, not against it--you don't want to crash into anyone..." stocking: ok. Kid: (leads her around the rink) "You're doing great." *Pop music playing, disco lights turning* soul: discotech? Black Star: "Great...And me without bellbottoms--" (falls on his skates) "Damn it!" tsubaki: ^^ Patty: "Come on, Black Star! It's not that hard! Just got to be on both feet at the same time..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Are we there yet?" mana: just about.. Yohei: "Keep your guard up. No idea what is around..." chie:..... Shotaro: "Chie? You okay?" chie:...not looking forwards to seeing nofix, but i'm alright... Shotaro: "..." (pats her shoulder) "It'll be okay...Believe that." chie:.......*smile* Yohei: "...Mizune, anything you sense?" mizune: seems the place is pretty heavily guarded. Yohei: "How many?" mizune: about 10-15 tops. Yohei: "Hmmm...Okay. Mizune, you take three of them. Chie, another three. Mana, two. Shotaro, seven. And I'll take the rest." mizune: ...... Shotaro: (counting on his fingers and toes) "Hey! That means you're not having to fight anyone, Yohei!" Yohei: "..." (smirks) chie: T_T; Yohei: "I simply have confidence in all of you..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Well, this is annoying." iris: i dont think it's that bad... Hibana: (looking at the selfie with Iris) "I look drunk in it." maki: *scrolling through filters* Hibana: "??? Any options?" shinra:..... Arthur: (looking over Maki's shoulder) "Hmm...Do they have an anti-ogre filter?" -PUNCH- Hibana: o_o; "...You got a strong arm there, Maki." Arthur: (twitching on the floor) shinra: O-O;;;;; (thinking: scary....) Hibana: "You need to show me that punch. It could help with sparring. That reminds me, Shinra--" shinra: *NERVOUS SMILE AND SWEATS* 0w0;;;;;; Hibana: (hands him a glass) "You need more protein to grow your muscles. Drink this." shinra: um...thanks...*he looks inside the glass* *It's greenish-brown, smells like a barn--and it's bubbling* shinra: .___________________.;;;;;; (thinking: these girls are going to kill me....) Hibana: (false tears) "I spent a long time determining the best nutriencial drink I could...Please tell me you'll drink it..." shinra:.....*gulp* down the hatch! ............................. *shuddering* Hibana: (smiles) "Excellent! Now to document the chemical reactions--I mean results..." shinra: WAIT WHAT?! Hibana: "Well, you're body may take some adjusting to the ingredients...Ladies, you may want to step back to..." (takes out chalk, makes a six foot radius around Shinra) "...to outside the line. Oh, and scoop up Arthur, too." shinra: um.... *sweats* Hibana: "Do you feel anything? Elevated temperature? Increased sweating? An urge to urinate? A tummy ache?" shinra: *hurk* uuugh.... -just nausea and dizzyness- Hibana: "Hmmm..." (takes notes) "Iris, get the bucket ready." -later- shinra: Q~Q Hibana: "Well, looks like it's back to the drawing board. In any case, get some rest, Shinra. Drink plenty of fluids--" (hands him a glass of water) shinra: whyyyyyyy Hibana: "...I was just trying to help you..." shinra:......... Hibana: (sighs) "Okay, fine. Next time, I'll test it on Arthur." -elsewhere- Anya: (folding laundry) mio: you sure have some fancy clothes. Anya: -_-; "I-I just like dressing like this...It's not my fault commoners' clothes are so coarse..." mio: .... kim: say, maybe we could go to the mall tomorrow? Anya: "That...actually sounds like a good idea." Meme: (looks at Mio..."She seems...worried.") mio:...it's late. i'm gonna call it a night for now. Meme: "How do you feel Mio? Sleepy?" mio:..tired mostly... Meme: "...You look a little sad. If something is bothering you, I want to do whatever I can to help." mio: ok...maybe tomorrow... Meme: (smiles) "Okay. Good night." -elsewhere- Kid: "I think that skating went rather well." stocking: even though you landed on your butt, hehe~ Kid: (blushes) "I just got turned around..." (rubs his behind) stocking: aww.. want me to kiss it and make it better? liz: do you have to do that in public? Kid: o\\\\\o "Y-You don't have to be right here when we're in public!" stocking: 737;; Kid: "..." (holds Stocking's hand) "I appreciate going out today..." soul: *he nods* it was nice. Black Star: (frowning) "My butt hurts." tsubaki: ^^; Patty: (looks at Black Star) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liz: -_-; Kid: "Would anyone like refreshments?" soul: yeah. stocking: i am a bit thirsty. Kid: (smiles) "I'll bring some water. Anything else to bring out?" -and so- Patty: (sipping lemonade through a twisty straw) Kid: "Anyone have plans this week?" tsubaki: we were planning on going to the waterpark during the weekend. Black Star: "Yeah! Summer will be here before we know it! So might as well cool down!" liz: *sweats* Patty: (pokes Tsubaki) "Want some company?" tsubaki: the more the merrier. Kid: (smiles) "That should be enjoyable." -elsewhere- Yohei: (looks along the walls) "...Blood." mizune: holy shit.... Yohei: "...I wonder..." (looks around) "See whether you can find any clues. Maybe the people attacked left something behind: wallet, jewelry, something." mana:....*she finds a keycard* Shotaro: "Why would they have a keycard? Is there a door around here?" mana: maybe...*she looks around* Yohei: (feels along the wall, looks at his Silver Gun) "Some UV lighting should reveal an opening..." mana: is there anything that gun cant do? Yohei: "..." (presses a button, which causes a hand to pop out of it on a spring, holding a card that is handed to Mana...) *The card says "NO"* mana: TnT Shotaro: "Hee hee..." (trips--and hits against something hollow in the wall) chie: ?? Shotaro: "I think I found something! The wall feels empty here!" chie: ah... Yohei: "..." (taps the wall--and a keycard slot appears) mana: ah! Yohei: "Well, slide the card through..." (aims at the door) mana: right. -beep- Yohei: (aiming) Shotaro: (fists up) chie: mm... -shadow blade- -the door opens- -something could be heard inside- Yohei: "...I can't figure it out...Is that a person's voice?" mana: sounds like it... Yohei: "Be on your guard. Mizune and I will take the lead, Chie and Shotaro watch our back, Mana watch the sides." mana: right. chie: *nods* mizune:.... Shotaro: (looks up...and sees something dripping down) "Man, it must be dank in here." mana:..*turns on her flashlight* Yohei: (looks up--and shudders) "Oh my God..." chie: !! *A body is hanging from the ceiling* mizune: *hurk* gross. Yohei: "Why would they do that? To scare people away?" chie: beats me... Yohei: (looks at his gun for readings) "They're dead...We better keep moving forward..." -inside- Yohei: "Hmm...I sense some rudimentary lasers. We set those off, and they alert security." chie: how do we bypass them, then? Yohei: "I would need to plug into an outlet...over there." (points to outlet, across the hall, in between the lasers) "We'll need someone who can get through those lasers without setting one off...Shotaro?" Shotaro: (bites Bone of the Snake, slithers along the floor, avoiding lasers...) chie: that works too, i guess. mizune: *cringe* Shotaro: (slithers up to the outlet, plugs in...) "Um...Okay. I'll just push the button and--" *ALARM* Shotaro: o___o Yohei: "B-But he didn't even trip anything!" chie: was it a trap?! *Something shifts in the wall behind them* mana: !!?? *The wall opens--and a blade on a pendulum swings down at them* chie: !!!!! -dark shield- *The pendulum cannot get through the Dark Shield: it's machinery starts to buckle and spark before it explodes, sending shrapnel behind them and at Shotaro* Shotaro: "?!" (dodges) "Bone of the Armadillo!" (plates cover him--and he rolls into a ball) mana: that was close... Shotaro: (peeks out) "Yeah..." (picks some metal out of his plate before reverting to normal) "Why is everything here trying to kill us?" Yohei: "...We heard a voice, then we find a dead body...Someone else is here..." chie:...... Shotaro: "Wait...Bone of Elephant!" (grows big ears--and a long nose and tusks...He puts his ears to the wall) "I hear someone! In there!" -a baby seems to be crying- Yohei: "???" Shotaro: "Oh, man..." chie: a child? Yohei: "Chie, can you slice open this wall?" -dark slice- -a baby boy is in his crib- Shotaro: (approaches, looks into the crib) mana: a baby? Shotaro: (frowns, reaches down to pick up the baby) "It's okay, guy...You're going to be--" Shotaro: (picks up the child--then freezes)_ -hair wraps around the child and puts him back in the crib- Shotaro: "Huh?!" ????: you know, it's rather rude to intrude onto people's homes without permission... Yohei: (turns, aims) -hair whip- mikan: it's even more rude to try and steal other peoples children. Yohei: (hand is cut from the whip) "Ah!" Shotaro: (narrows his eyes) "You have a funny way of raising a kid..." mizune: !!!!!!! WE NEED TO LEAVE, LIKE, NOW! Yohei: "What are we dealing with?" mizune: that's one of the kishin! chie: !!!!! Shotaro: "Crap! Um...Where's the exit?!" (looks up at the ceiling) mana: back the way we came? Shotaro: "Stand clear! HORN OF RHINO!" (charges forward) mikan: oof! *she is holding off* Yohei: "Hurry! Get moving!" -TOSS- chie: ah! o-ow.... Yohei: "Chie!" chie: *wince* Yohei: (picks her up) "We got to get out of here..." (runs for exit) mikan: *picks up heibito* they should consider themselves lucky i was in a good mood today, otherwise i'd have to get your bedroom all bloody. *nose nuzzle* heibito: ^o^ Yohei: "Mizune! Cover us! I'm putting some obstacles between us and her." mizune: hyeahh! *charges* mikan: *block* now that's just being a poor sport. *BOOM* Shotaro: "I made another exit!" mana: lets go then! Shotaro: "You go! I'll get Mizune!" mana: right! chie: *nods* Shotaro: (runs at Mikan) "You like wiping around! Then take this! BEAK OF OCTOPUS!" (flings arms like tentacles at Mikan) -tentacle slap fight- Shotaro: (to Mizune) "You ready?!" mizune: *grabs him and runs* Shotaro: o\\\\\\o "Th-Thanks..." mizune: 0___________________0;;;;;; Yohei: (starts up a small vehicle with multiple seats) "Get in! We're leaving!" Shotaro: "...You can put me down now, Ma'am." mizune: *SLAM* FLOOR IT FOR THE LOVE OF FREYA, FUCKING FLOOR IT!!! Shotaro: (gasps) "Language!" Yohei: "Don't have to tell me twice!" (turns it on--and it goes 0 to 60 MPH) chie: *sigh* ow... Yohei: (programs GPS for auto-drive to nearest hospital) "Mizune...What's wrong?" mizune: ....... -inside- Asura: "I should have consumed them..." mikan: i know. *she rubs his back* Asura: "Savages...Invading our home...He was going to steal our child..." mikan: he's safe, see. heibito: buh? Asura: (smiles...strokes Heibito's cheek, kisses Mikan's forehead) "You saved him." mikan: as if i'd let them touch him without consequences.. Asura: "...How much food do we have remaining?" mikan: perhaps one of the cult members is willing to sacrifice themselves? Asura: (nods) "But we will have to relocate...There is no way they won't report this location." mikan: deeper underground? Asura: (nods) -outside- Yohei: "...No one is following us. The hospital is still an hour from us. Chie? Can you hold on?" chie: i'm fine, rea-*wince* damn.... Yohei: "...The car is on auto-pilot. Let me take a look..." chie: mmmm..... 7////7; Yohei: "...What?" chie: n-nothing... Yohei: (looks behind her) "Chie, your back looks bruised..." chie: yeah, i can tell... Yohei: (removes first aid kit) "I'm going to clean the cuts there, then apply salve to dull the pain." chie: *wince* ah... Yohei: "This is going to sting a bit more...Want something?" -elsewhere- Kid: (washing his face) liz: you ok in there? Kid: "Yes..." (exits the bathroom) "Just tired." liz:..... Kid: "How about you? Feel okay?" liz: yeah. Kid: "..." (looks down) "Th-Thank you for your concern." liz: *she nods* Kid: "..." (awkward hug) liz:...*pats his back* Kid: *sniff* "I-I think I better get some rest." liz: yeah.... Kid: "Good night...Sleep well..." -the next morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: *yawn* morning kiddo... Kid: (smiles) "You're here..." stocking: why wouldnt i be? Kid: (hugs her) "Sorry. I'm just grateful every day I know you are safe." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (pats her back) "What is today?" stocking: thursday i think? Kid: (nods) "Up for breakfast?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (smiles) "Head down to the dining room? Or breakfast in bed?" -later at school- Kid: (mapping something...) soul:......*napping* Black Star: (flinging pencils into the ceiling) kim:......*peeeeks over kid's shoulder* hmm? Patty: (doodling) "Man, seems kind of slow today..." Kid: (looks back at Kim) "May I help you?" kim: nothin'.... *whistles+glances at kid's paper* kim: what's with the house layout? Kid: "J-Just...something I'm thinking about in the future..." kim: building a future lovenest~? *smirk* Kid: o\\\\o "I-I just was--I mean, I--I wanted to, you know, make something ideal for--for--...Sure. Let's go with that." kim: hehe~ *griiiin* Kid: (blushing) "W-Would she like it?" kim: why dont you ask her? Kid: "...Okay..." -at lunch- Kid: "St-Stocking? Would you...look at this?" stocking: hmm? what's this? Kid: "...A plan...for a future home." stocking: ah. Kid: "...In the future...could you imagine us living somewhere else?" stocking: oh? what about gallows manor? Kid: "What if...it starts to feel cramped there? And we want more privacy?" stocking: hmmm... maybe. Kid: (small smile) "We could have an entire pantry just for desserts..." stocking: *shiny eyes* for reals? Kid: (smirks) "For reals." stocking: *hug* i love you. Kid: o\\\o "I-I love you, t-too..." stocking: hmm? you ok? Kid: (nods) "S-Sorry. I'm still not...on my game, so to speak, 100 percent." stocking:...is this still about...y-you know.... Kid: "..." (nods) stocking: mmm......*she holds his hand* Kid: "I'm sorry. I'm getting better, I promise...It's just...slow." stocking: i know kid.... Kid: "..." (small squeeze of her hand, a smile) "Thank you." -after school- Kid: "I was thinking about the water park, and I think I could use a new pair of swim trunks." stocking: sounds good. -elsewhere- Wes: (fixing some marks on sheet music) soul: *napping on the couch* Wes: "Hmm..." (pets Ghost Dog) "It's getting late...I better make some dinner for Soul..." dog: *bark bark!* Wes: "Shhh! Don't want to wake up Soul yet..." soul: zzzzz..... Wes: "Phew!" (pats Ghost Dog on the head again) "Come on--I'll give you something to eat." -elsewhere- Kid: "Hmm...Maybe the red..." julie: ?? *peeeek* Kid: (in swim trunks, looking at his reflection in the mirror) julie: hiya! Kid: o\\\\o "H-Hi, Julie! Y-You snuck up on me there..." julie: you ok? Kid: "...Yes. Just getting ready for the water park trip this weekend." julie: oooh. Kid: "Hmmm...Actually, would your mother and father want you and your siblings to go to a water park, too?" julie: really? *shiny eyes* Kid: (smiles) "Sure! They have plenty of rides for kids your age." -later- Patty: "All packed!" liz: apparently julie, riley and heather are coming along too. Patty: *shiny eyes* "Yay! We can go down the slides, have ice cream, pull down Black Star's trunks--" liz: woah now! Patty: "...What? You know you would do the same." liz: not in front of julie! D:< Patty: "Fine. I won't do that at the park..." liz: *sigh* Patty: (pouts, pokes Liz's shoulder) "I'm only kidding..." liz:..*chuckle* Patty: (smiles) "So, you almost ready for the waterpark?" liz: it's this saturday so, yeah. Patty: "Cool." (holds up her swimsuit) "Hope the weather is good." liz: should be. Patty: (smirks) "Any word from Wes?" liz: he'll be busy. Patty: "Aw, that's too bad...I'm sure he'd get a kick out of seeing you..." liz: o////o PATTI! Patty: "Maybe text him a pic~?" liz: PATTI!!! O///////////O Patty: "Oh, come on! Like you wouldn't mind seeing him in swimtrunks...or a speedo." -PILLOW TOSS'D- Patty: "...OH, IT'S ON! PILLOW FIGHT!" -at the 8th- Arthur: "KILL THE DRAGON!" maki: it's just a little salamander. Arthur: "KILL THE LITTLE SALAMANDER!" shinra: what's wrong arthur, scared of a little salamander~? Hehe. Arthur: "It is the responsibility of each knight to eliminate the threats of these hellish, fire-breathing beasts!" (points a finger at the salamander) "I'm watching you, hellspawn!" shinra:.........hey everyone! arthur is scared of salamanders! Arthur: "I am not!" (looks at the salamander...sweating, shaking...) salamander: ouo Arthur: "EEEK! IT LOOKED AT ME!" (hides behind the couch) shinra: *sweatdrop* Hibana: "Could you all keep it down? My head is killing me." -at gallows manor- stocking: soooo.....did you want to be in your undies tonight or not? Kid: "...I do, if you don't mind...Or I could...go without them?" stocking: hmmm.... are you sure about it kid? Kid: "..." (nods) stocking: just snuggling? Kid: (nods) "Just snuggling." stocking: ok. Kid: "...Could you...help me out of these?" stocking: ah, sure... Kid: "Th-Thanks..." stocking: *blush* no problem... Kid: "..." (gets out of his boxers...) "I...I feel okay with this..." Kid: "Um...Are you okay with this?" stocking: ....should i take mine off too? Kid: "...I'd...like that." stocking: ok then. *she undresses* Kid: (blushes) "You have such a glow to you...You're beautiful." stocking: *blush* oh you always say that. Kid: (holds her) "Because it's always true." (kisses her forehead, draws her closer) "No matter what happens, I will always love you." -the next morning- Kid: (is held in her arms, yawns) stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: (smiles, stays in her arms, holds onto her) stocking: *yawn* morning kiddo... Kid: "Morning, Angel. How do you feel?" stocking: slept well. you? Kid: (smiles) "Great." stocking: *she kisses his cheek* Kid: (smiles, kisses her cheeks) "I love you." stocking: i love you too cutie~ Kid: "Hee hee...Cutie...So are you." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (leans his head against her neck) "Today is Friday...I wish we could stay like this a little longer." stocking: me too, but alas, school. Kid: (rubs her back) "Yes." (sits up, stretches) -at school- Kid: "What's on today's agenda?" liz: looks like geography Kid: "Hmm..." (opens a book, revealing a map with locations marked) "Need more time..." -at lunch- Patty: (holds up T-Rex shaped chicken nugget) "RAWR!" soul: *yawn*.... Black Star: "You okay, man? You've been kind of sleepy." soul: yeah, i'm good....just been a long week.... kilik:.... Black Star: "How 'bout you, Kilik? How's today been?" kilik: pretty good for the most part. thunder: git gud! git gud! Black Star: "??? 'Good'?" -later, at gym- Patty: (stretching) "So looking forward to this." shinra: good to be back... Arthur: "Hmph. These shorts are not becoming of a knight. My sword might pop out." shinra: that's way more than we needed to know! Arthur: "...What? I meant this!" (holds up a scabbard) "It keeps shifting when I wear these short shorts." Sid: "NO SWORDS IN GYM." student: does that mean i can leave? Sid: "Get back here! I meant swords that don't turn into humans! Arthur, give me that sword and get in line for today's activities." -later- Kid: *huffing* "Jeez, that took more out of me than I thought." liz: phew... Patty: (collapsed, wheezing) "So many hurdles...that moat...the alligator." -after school- Kid: (stretches) "A light walk should help after an exhaustive gym class..." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Any stops to make along the way? Anything you need for tomorrow?" stocking: is the water park indoor or outdoor? Kid: "It's a mix of both. I heard some slides go through indoor parts..." stocking: cool. Kid: "One slide is incredible: it starts outside, circles around inside, and lands in the indoor pool." stocking: wow. Kid: (nods) "I hope you enjoy fast slides..." stocking: yeah, remember the waterpark back in japan? Kid: "Yes. I remember how cool the water felt..." stocking: yeah. and that little kid too.... Kid: (smiles) "Yeah..." (small squeeze of her hand) "Stocking..." stocking: mmm.... Kid: "You are good with children." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Someday..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...maybe we will have kids..." stocking: *blush* i would like that... Kid: *blushes as well* "Yeah...In the future..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Are you feeling better?" chie: yeah... Yohei: "Need more aspirin?" chie: a little bit... Yohei: (offers her two aspirin) "Here. Drink a lot with it." chie: *she smiles* thanks... Yohei: "Want something to eat? Or some music?" chie: some music and tea would be nice. Yohei: (smiles) "Okay..." (sets a cup underneath GET and taps their head--causing hot water to pour down and music to start playing) chie: *pulls her blanket closer* Yohei: (finishes brewing) "Here you are, Love." chie: *blush* thanks. Yohei: "...There room for someone else in that bed?" chie: sure. *she scoots over* Yohei: (lies beside her) "...So, I finished some programming for work..." chie: ah. anything in particular? Yohei: "It's for the hospital, something to make it easier for the doctors to keep up on their patients--without someone hacking in to get that info." chie: ah. Yohei: "You should see something else I've been working on..." chie: oh? what is it? Yohei: "A new janitor aid. Helps with cleaning: windows, walls, carpets..." (smirks) "Cleaning up after Shotaro cooks." chie: *chuckles* Yohei: "Maybe I could make you another robot...Anything you need?" chie: i'm good for now. Yohei: (nods, kisses her cheek) chie: *she smiles* Yohei: "...I'm so happy I put that music feature into GET..." chie: *she nods* Yohei: *yawns* -later elsewhere- Wes: (playing the violin) liz: *claps* Wes: (blushes) "Thank you...You liked it?" liz: *she nods* you're really great at it. Wes: "...There's...something else I've been working on." liz: oh? Wes: "Y-Yeah...It's rough, but I want to share it..." *Wes starts playing a song that sounds rough but has something sweet and hopeful underneath it* liz: *listening* *Wes concludes playing* Wes: "...I...was thinking of a title for it..." liz: hmm.... Wes: " 'Brooklyn.'" liz:....*sad smile* Wes: "...S-Sorry..." liz: it's beautiful. Wes: "Really?" liz: *she nods* Wes: "Thank you..." (puts away his violin) "It's something I'll try to improve upon..." liz: its nice. Wes: (smiles) "I...had some help." (holds her hand) soul: get a room already.. Wes: o\\\\o "S-Soul?!" soul: yo. Wes: "We were j-just talking!" soul: sure bro. liz: oh my god... Wes: (clears throat) "Um...D-Did you want something..." (through clenched teeth) "...oh dear brother of mine?" soul:.................... pizza? owo;;;; Wes: (teeth still clenched) "Then we'll order some." (smiles and beams brightly) "Which toppings would you like, Soul?" soul: pepperoni? Wes: "Sure! And Liz, what would you like?" liz: i'll take cheese. Wes: (pulls up phone, types in the order online) "Cool. Should be here in less than a half hour." soul: cool.... -elsewhere- Arthur: "What the heck happened to you?": shinra: i dont want to talk about it......but we may want to avoid the girl's dorm.....for a while......anywho, i got this. *holds up a DVD; legend of the titanic* Arthur: "...Is that...animated?" shinra: i heard it's supposed to be really bad...also something about a rapping dog? call it morbid curiosity.....we could MTS it. Arthur: "Sounds good. Get the TV room ready, and I'll get some snacks." -later- shinra:.....................my sanity hurts..... Arthur: (pinches bridge of his nose) "That song will never leave my brain. Damn you, Shinra." shinra: i blame kishiri, he's the one who gave me the damn thing.... Arthur: "He just wanted to hurt us. We will get back at him...WITH THIS!" (Holds up a copy of Manos) shinra: cold blooded. or how about........ *whispering* Arthur: (eyes widen, Grinch grin forms) "Yeeeees..." shinra: this may just be too cruel, even for kishiri.... Arthur: "But deserving. Let's do it..." -elsewhere- Anya: -\\\\\\- "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." mio: 0-0;;;;; that was terrifying. tsugumi: maybe we should let tamaki cool off a while.....a very long while. Meme: (weeping) "So rude to just storm on in like that..." ao: and when mr kusakabe came in, it just went downhill from there...... kim: but that was pretty savage of tamaki to do that to the kid.... Jacqueline: (has a black eye) "No, I think Tamaki should have done worse..." -elsewhere- Kid: "I have the sunscreen." stocking: awesome. -knock knock- liz: i'm home! Patty: "Sis!" (hugs her) liz: you excited? Patty: "Hee hee! Pools! Water! Slides!" kirika: *playing games on her phone* Patty: "Kirika, you're coming too, right?" kirika: nah, i got other stuff to do here. Gopher: "B-B-But wouldn't you want to go?!" *Gopher popped up out of the sofa....from under the cushion...that Kid is sitting atop* Kid: o___o kirika: O_0 HOW THE FUCK-........ you know what, i'm not even shocked at this point. Gopher: "I already got you an outfit and everything!" *holds up ruffled two-piece swimsuit* kirika:.......... -BOOM POW CRASH SLASH BWAMPH- Patty: o_O Kid: "...I had no idea limbs could be bent that way." Gopher: T__T "I can't feel my legs..." kirika: -/////-# Patty: "Um...Maybe Kirika can help Gopher recover? Nurse him back to health?" kirika: what am i, his mother? have eibon do it. Gopher: (puppy whining) kirika:......*grumble* fine, we'll go to the damn park tomorrow, jeez... Gopher: *bright eyes+W-mouth* OwO -elsewhere- Kishiri: "...Damn it." sayu: what's going on? Kishiri: "Just exhausted, and now I get this DVD in my mailbox...Freaking Shinra." sayu: what is it? Kishiri: "One of the worst films ever..." sayu: is it that movie about grey paints? Kishiri: "Movie about gray...Wait..." (deceptive smirk) "Sure..." sayu: blech. *sticks out her tongue* serina says that i shouldn’t bother with it. Kishiri: "You sure? I could use some company~" sayu: nah. i have stuff to do, see ya! *exits* Kishiri: -_-; "Damn...Guess I'm watching alone." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "This robot is great! It picks up all my dropped food!" chie: *she nods* pretty impressive. Yohei: (smirks) Tool: "Hmmm...Hope it keeps up cleaning. Don't want what happened with that other robot Yohei made...and blew up..." saki: maybe we could call them...'WASHU'? WASHU: ^o^ Yohei: "Heh. WASHU seems to like it." mana: hehe~ *WASHU starts washing dishes...with a little tiny apron on* Shotaro: "Cuts down on my work around the house, too!" Yohei: "Yeah, but that's because I have new work for you to do around here..." -elsewhere- Free: "Man, Mizune...They messed you up." mizune: 7n7 medi: an actual kishin?! you could have died! puchi: chu chu! Free: "Yeah." *shudder* "Did you hallucinate?" mizune: *sighs* i know....guess we lucked ou-OW! crap! Free: "??? What's wrong?" mizune: you're wrapping it too tightly! eruka: *coughphrasingcough*.... Free: "Oh--sorry! Here, let me loosen that on you--" -elsewhere- Kid: (holds up a speedo) stocking: do you want to or.... Kid: (shakes his head) "Not in public...I'd rather just have you as the only audience for that." stocking: oh.... *blush* Kid: (smiles) "Yeah...What will you be wearing?" stocking: i think i'll go with this one. -a black one piece with white down the middle- Kid: (smirks) "Very symmetrical." stocking: i was thinking of having my hair in buns too... what do you think? Kid: (smiles) "I can't wait to see that..." stocking: great! Kid: (hugs her) "You always look great." stocking: i mean, i know it would look cute either way, but i still wanted a second opinion~ Kid: "Hee hee..." (smooths along her back) "So confident...so cute..." stocking: *griiin* hehe~ Kid: (light pat on her bottom) -the next day- Patty: "All set!" -and so- kirika: not bad... *she's in a one piece with shorts built in* Gopher: "Oooooooooh...Such a big pool..." (glances at Kirika...blushes) kirika: you wanna get pushed in? Gopher: "...Could I pull you in with me?" -sploosh- kirika: nah. soul: i cant believe she just 300'd him... Gopher: *flapping arms wildly* "Help! Help! I'm going to drown!" liz: it's the kiddy pool for crying out loud... -_-; Gopher: o_o (shyly stands up) Kid: (sighs) "Well, let's meet back at the food court at 12 noon." -later- Patty: "Yipee!" Black Star: (swinging on rope into the pool) "Yahoo!" soul: .////. -he lost his trunks earlier*- Patty: "Oh, come on in, Soul! It's fun!" Patty: "You too, Sis! Stop tanning and start swimming!" liz: i am! soul: 7///7;;;; Patty: (pouts) "Oh, come on, Soul...It's not that embarrassing. You should be proud of your Tiny Eater!" soul: IT'S NOT TINY! DX< Patty: "I know..." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liz: oh my god! Black Star: "Mooooooving on--let's focus on important things, like the best slide ever! THE ASS-BREAKER!" liz:........wat? Black Star: "It goes so fast and hits the water so hard, you'll be lucky if you can sit for a week! Isn't that awesome?!" -elsewhere in the park- Kid: "Careful, Julie..." -splish splash- julie: *determined face* Kid: (laughs) "You're doing great! Keep kicking!" riley: come on! whoop their butts! Kid: "Oh, you want to race?!" (laughs as he feigns trying to out-race Julie) -elsewhere- eibon: the young miss kure? hmmm... she does seem rather....erm...how do i put this lightly.... aggressive. why do you ask? Sid: "Some concerns about her coursework." eibon: how so? Sid: "Her homework has been returned with far less attention to detail, especially in math problems and writing. And she seems distracted during gym and training." eibon: hmm, i can see that, however, i'm curious as to why you brought this matter up with me rather than death, who, may i add, is her adoptive father? Sid: "Because I think it is Gopher that is distracting her." eibon: is that right? i'll have to discuss this with death later. Sid: "Please do so." -later- kirika: why am i even here? Yumi: "We wanted to make sure that no one was bothering you in class and getting in the way of your studies." kirika: i told you, i'm fine, really. lord death: what about your little friend...erm.....gofario was it? kirika: !! w-what about the little weasel? Yumi: "Is he bothering you? Has he been bullying you?" kirika: no he hasnt....to be honest, i think he has some weird little crush on me or something... Yumi: (eyeglass glint) "Oh?" (looks at Death) "Perhaps we should have Eibon speak with him." (to Kirika) "Do you want Eibon to talk with Gopher about this? Perhaps remind him how adults should act?" kirika: i told you i have it under control, jeez! Yumi: "Kirika...We just want to make sure that you are safe, and that you are accomplishing what you need to, and what you want to." kirika: i'm fine, dont worry. Yumi: "You know you can talk to us, yes? We're not your enemies--we're here to help." kirika:.....yeah yeah..... Yumi: (sigh) "Okay...Kirika? Would tutoring help?" kirika: i'm fine! Yumi: "There's no need to yell...But for now, we will wrap up this discussion." kirika: ............ lord death: .......i worry about her...i know she had a hard life before this, but the details are rather sketchy. Yumi: (nods) "I don't know...We can't push her, but I want to support her." lord death: i understand....and i wish for that as well.... Yumi: (shakes her head) "I never felt like my parents supported me...especially after..." (holds up her hands) "...this." lord death: ??............. *he holds her* Yumi: "My parents did not take the news well that their child was...a weapon." lord death: you mean....they didnt know? Yumi: "Not until my abilities manifested..." lord death:....*he hugs her* -elsewhere- Kid: "I thought the trip to the pool went well enough." stocking: it was a lot of fun today. *she smiles* Kid: "Yes." (kisses her forehead) "I really like your hair in buns." stocking: hehe~ *brushing her hair* Kid: (smiles) "I love your hair in a lot of ways...tied up...loose...how it looks after getting caught in the rain." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "And that swimsuit was great on you, too..." stocking: as do your trunks~ Kid: "Heh heh...I noticed you staring..." stocking: *innocent whistling* Kid: "You don't have to hide it..." (whispers in her ear) "I was staring at you, too." stocking: ahh... *bluuuush* Kid: (draws finger along the back of her neck) stocking: *siiigh* Kid: (kisses the back of her neck) -a few minutes of making out later- Kid: (panting) "You...So...God." stocking: y-you ok k-kid? Kid: (nods) "I just...You are so hot, and I feel so..." (kisses along her neck) "I want you." stocking: ahhh~ d-do you want to...y-you know.... *blush* Kid: (takes a hold of the collar of her dress, practically pulling it off of her) "Yes..." -and so- Kid: "Is this okay?" stocking *panting* y-yeah...... *bluuuush* Kid: "A-Anything you want? Oral?" stocking: w-whatever you feel comfortable with, babe. Kid: "I want to taste you so badly..." (kisses along her breasts down to her slit) stocking: ah-aahhhhhhhh~<3 Kid: (smirks as he kisses along her--then gives a long, slow lick) -half an hour later- Kid: "You are so sweet..." stocking: *panting* d-damn i missed that....*she kisses him* still as amazing as ever... Kid: (smirks, chuckling) "Stocking...You are still amazing..." (rests his hands along her breast and hip) stocking: *she rubs his bicep* you've been working out, havent you? Kid: (blushes) "Y-You like it?" stocking: *she smirks and kisses them* they're quite nice... Kid: (blushes) "Thank you...I've been trying...And..." (rubs a hand over her legs) "You are rather toned, too." stocking: *blush* i havent noticed... Kid: "I love your legs..." (leans down, kisses her knee) stocking: aah~ Kid: (lets a finger trail along her calf and up to behind her knee--and tickles) stocking: k-kid! haha! Kid: "What's wrong?" (smirks, as he continues to tickle behind her knee--and under her armpit) stocking: *giggles and bends her leg and pulls her arm closer* kid that tickles! Kid: (straddles her, as his fingers tickle under both of her armpits) "Your laughter is divine." stocking: ah! k-kid!! *she blushes and writhes* Kid: (licks along her neck) "What would you like me to do, Love?" stocking: y-your fingers...*she looks down* Kid: (slips a finger along her lips) "Better make it nice and wet first..." stocking: mmmnnn~ Kid: (smiles) "Let's begin..." (slowly traces his fingers along her slit) stocking: ah-ahhhh~! -some time later- stocking: *panting* Kid: (kisses her neck) "Hot?" stocking: haaaa... y-yeah....you? Kid: (nods) "...I think I have an idea for the future..." stocking: oh? Kid: "Ice cubes..." stocking: mmm~ Kid: "Cool you down below..." (kisses down along her cleavage) "And inside..." -the next morning- stocking: happy birthday liz! Patty: (party favor blow) Kid: (claps) "Happy birthday!" liz: you guys, this is so nice of all of you. Patty: "Open mine first!" (holds up super-wrapped gift) -elsewhere- Wes: "Almost finished..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Bam!" (holds up giftbox to Liz) liz: thanks, you guys. Black Star: "You'll really like the gift Tsubaki and I got you--best gift of them all!" -it was a phone charm- liz: how cute, thanks so much. Black Star: "Heh heh..." -with the teachers- Stein: "Hmm...Not good." justin: how so? Stein: "These reports of madness, coupled with that sighting of Asura..." justin: ...... marie: should we investigate? Stein: "We need a plan...If we get hit with a madness wave..." marie:....... Tezca: "Hmm...If only we could send a dummy--" Spirit: "Hey!" Tezca: -_-; "A duplicate...Like, a fake human..." eibon: i'm afraid sending inori is out of the question....her history with asura isnt exactly....pleasent.... Tezca: "Hmm...I could try sending a mirror clone, but they don't last long..." marie: what do we do then? Spirit: *sighs* "I guess we're stuck going ourselves to where Asura was last seen...and just hope we don't die..." ("Maka...I may be seeing you...") -in lysandra, the whole place is completely silent....empty.....- Vagrant: *coughs* "Ugh...Dust." ???: 's a lot quieter these days since those fancy science folks hit the road.... Vagrant: "No kiddin'..." (scratches their skin) ???: seems those mutants left too.....*cough* Vagrant: "Good riddance...Freaks..." (scratching harder) ???: yeah, one of those science guys stabbed me a while back....*coughing* s-shit... Vagrant: "Huh...You don't look good...Face is all cut up." ???: i dont feel cut- *coughing more until he is coughing up some black substance* oh....t-that doesnt look good... Vagrant: "Jeez, I told you cigarettes would kill you..." ???: *collapses and throws up their internal organs* Vagrant: "Ah! Ahhhhh! AHHHHHHH!" (clawing at his skin, pulling it off) -another vagrant is lurking- ????: the hell is all that? Vagrant: "What the hell?! What is going on?! What is happening to him?!!" -the other man begins....changing.....into something- Vagrant: (clawing at his cheeks) "What is this? What is this?!!" -back in death city- Wes: (holding gift, blushing) liz: hmm? Wes: "...Happy birthday?" (hands her the gift) liz: *she opens it* *A simple but elegant necklace* liz: wes, it's beautiful. Wes: "You like it?" liz: yes, thank you so much *she hugs him* Wes: (returns the hug) "Happy birthday." stocking: aww. Wes: o_o; liz: ^^; Wes: (clears throat) "Well...I'm happy you have such good friends here..." liz: *she smiles* i'm glad... Wes: (smiles back) Kid: (taps Stocking on the shoulder) "Maybe we should leave them be..." stocking: yeah. ^^ Wes: (blushing, rubbing back of his neck) "S-Sorry, Liz...I can...maybe I should head out..." liz: you sure? Wes: "I just...I mean, I want to stay...if you wouldn't mind if I did..." -later- WASHU: (beeping and waving their arms in fear) mana: hmmm? something wrong? WASHU: "GET! GET!" mana: get? get what? WASHU: (points at GET, who is following) mana: oh, hey get, what up? GET: (growls at WASHU) WASHU: (hides) mana: get! that's not very nice! GET: (squeaky foot stomps) WASHU: Xp (WASHU's face emoticon) GET: D:< (punches at WASHU) mana: *sigh* come on, cant you two get along? WASHU and GET: (slap fight) Yohei: "...What the fuck?" saki: should i do something? Yohei: "Please, proceed." -mini-shocks- saki: behave you two. GET and WASHU: "Owie..." X_X chie: i'm almost scared to see how she acts after the baby is born... Yohei: o_o; "Shhh!" saki: aww, chie, that's meeeean~! *pouty face* chie: ^^;; WASHU: "..." (hugs Saki) saki: oh? GET: (pouts, hugs Saki, too) saki: hehe....sorry you two. *she hugs them* GET: C: WASHU: ^0^ -elsewhere- Arthur: "...No." shinra: hmm? Arthur: "Nothing...Hibana just had a humiliating suggestion..." shinra: oh god what now? Arthur: "You know the Cultural Festival?" shinra: the spring culture festival? i think so, what about it? (thinking: i have a very bad feeling about this...) Arthur: (holds up a foam cartoon salamander outfit) "I get to wear this...Wait until you see _your_ costume." shinra: *laughing* Arthur: (glares...and holds up a Tarzan outfit) "Your outfit...Jungle Boy." shinra: O_O *his soul attempts to leave his body, but it fails* Hibana: "Oh! You two have your outfits! Good! Wait until you see what I got for Iris~" shinra: (thinking: i'm afraid to ask) -it was a ferret fursuit- shinra:......that is just terrifying. Hibana: "The theme is 'Wild World of Animals'! Excellent, I know. Oh, and Akitaru will of course be in a gorilla suit--" Akitaru: "...Ffffffffffffff--" Hibana: (snaps fingers) "Gabriella? The other costumes, please." -and so- *"Tarzan's Boy" playing in the background* Arthur: (scratching, voice muffled) "This salamander suit itches..." shinra: i want to die... Akitaru: (doing pushups in gorilla suit) "Must...exercise...the anger out..." maki: *as a parakeet* it's not so bad... Takehisa: (as a cat boy) o\\\\o Hibana: (claps and laughs) "Glorious!" gabriella: excellent as always, princess! *in a giraffe costume* Hibana: "I thought so." (dressed as a snake woman) Arthur: "Can I take off this head? It's hot in here..." -in the haunted house attraction- Kid: "Oh, this takes me back..." stocking: yeah....*small frown* i hope tamaki is ok wherever she is.... Kid: "..." (holds her hand) "Likewise...I've been trying to sense any of their spiritual energy..." stocking:....... Kid: (shakes his head) "I can't find it..." stocking: ?? Kid: "It's odd. I don't sense Tamaki anywhere." stocking: *she frowns*.... Kid: "I'm sorry..." -inside the haunted house- Kid: "EEEP!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (cowering behind Stocking) "I don't know what is scarier...the lack of balance, the dust, the eyeball..." stocking: *she holds his hand* dont worry, i'll protect you, ok? Kid: "I-I know you will...Thank you." stocking: *she smiles* *Fog explodes around them* stocking: *she squints her eyes* hmm.... ???: *hand grabs Stocking's shoulder* stocking: !! kid? Kid: (on the other side of her) "Yes? What is it?" stocking: 0-0;;;;;;;;;; ???: "Heh heh heh...Scared yet?" stocking: HAI-CHAAA! *CHOP ATTACKS THE PERSON BEHIND HER* Kid: "?!" ???: "Ow! What the fuck, lady?!" stocking: eh? ???: (takes off mask) "It's a haunted house! We're supposed to scare you! Jeez!" stocking: ah, s-sorry about that ^^; Kid: "Should we bring you to the medic?" ???: "I'm fine! Just keep back, you psychos..." stocking: *frowns* come on...lets keep going on head.... Kid: *frowning* "Yes..." *Chainsaw heard* stocking: eek! Kid: "AAAAH!" *Man with a chainsaw emerges* ???: "HA HA HA HA!" -stocking takes kid's hand and pulls him into the next room- ???: "Hey! Get back here!" Kid: "What is this place even about?!" -elsewhere- Patty: "Hmmm~ The food court at the cultural festival is always the best part!" soul: all kinds of stuff. Black Star: (shoveling pasta and pizza into his mouth) Wes: "Hmm...Hard to choose..." stocking: *enjoying some cotton candy* mmmm~ Kid: (picks a bit of cotton candy away from Stocking...) stocking: *pouty face* Kid: ^_^; "I just wanted to share a sweet with my sweet..." stocking:...aw you~ *she licks his lips* Kid: o\\\\\\o "Um...Yes, that works, too." -later- Patty: "They announced the winners of the best Cultural Festival display!" stocking: oh? who won? Patty: "I'm not sure--I saw that lady from the 5th Fire Brigade crying after the announcement was made." shinra: can i put on real clothes now? Hibana: (holding up a 3rd place ribbon, sobbing) "I thought we would do better than this..." Arthur: (smirks at Shinra) "Why bother? I think Iris is liking the view--" shinra: *covers his mouth* oh shush you! iris: ???? *confused iris noises* Patty: (spots Gabriella) "Oh." (smiles serenely) "A giraffe." (sharpens an axe) gabriella:....i get the distinct feeling i should run... Patty: "MEEEEEEEEEEEAT!" (chases Gabriella) Kid: o_o; "WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE AN AXE-SHARPENING BOOTH THIS YEAR?!" -later- Patty: "Huh. My bail was much lower this time." liz: damn she was quick....like a damn gazelle. Kid: "Indeed." (pulls Patty by the ear) "I wonder whether she considered joining a track team." Patty: >-<; liz: *shrug* Kid: "At least this Cultural Festival was a success: Father had said the charity fundraiser broke records." stocking: that's amazing! Kid: (smiles) "People can be very kind to each other when it is necessary..." (lets go of Patty's ear) Patty: -_-; "Yeah..." stocking: so what did you want to do now? Kid: "I wanted to help with some cleaning, then maybe pick up a snack on the way home?" liz: sounds good. Kid: "Okay. Start by collecting the posters..." -later that night- stocking: ahhh....that was amazing.... Kid: (kisses her cheek) "I thought so, too..." stocking: *she blushes* the ice felt really good... Kid: (licks his lips) "Indeed...I was worried I was going to get a brain freeze...or you would have a...freeze down there..." stocking: .///. Kid: "But it kept your cool though, right?" stocking: yeah....i have an idea for next time~ *she whispers something into his ear* Kid: .\\\\\. "Oh...That would be fun..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "..." (cups a hand along her breast) "Your mind is so creative..." -elsewhere in the house- kirika: -_-; Gopher: ^W^ kirika: why are you even here? dont you have your own house or something? Gopher: "I wanted to return this to you." (holds up her wallet) kirika: geh- HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THIS?! Gopher: o_o; "Y-You must have dropped it!" kirika: *grumbles+mumbles* why do you have to be such a damn creeper... w-whatever, just dont go digging around my stuff anymore, ok? Gopher: -^- "I was _not_ digging around...I didn't even look inside your wallet! I just came here to return it." kirika:......*she takes it back* w-whatever.... *she checks through it* everything's here..... Gopher: "See? I--" o\\\\\o kirika: ?? Gopher: "N-Nothing..." kirika: ............ mocha: nyaan. Gopher: *gasp* "Kitty!" kirika: ah mocha, i was wondering where you went off too... *she picks her up* Gopher: "She's adorable..." kirika: she was a stray i found....decided to take her in... Gopher: "That was kind of you." kirika: 7///7 w-well, i couldnt just leave her out there, the world's a fucked up place, i should know... Gopher: "And you came out of that world as a decent person." kirika: o///o a-as if! you know i once sent a guy to the ER using only a goddamn speak-and-spell! Gopher: (shiny eyes) "Really? How effective is the Speak and Spell as a weapon?" kirika: the trick is how hard you- Gopher: ‘w’ liz: hey. Gopher: "Oh. Hello!" (happy wave) liz: you guys ok? Gopher: (smiles) "I'm fine." kirika: yeah. i'm gonna head to bed soon. Gopher: "Good idea!" -the next morning- Kid: "Ah..." stocking: morning cutie~ Kid: (groans) "Morning...I feel sore..." stocking: aww, were we too rough last night? Kid: (smiles) "No. Just enthusiastic. You give me an amazing workout." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "And you? Are you sore?" (trails finger along her arm) stocking: i'm ok i think....*blush* Kid: "With how you were screaming, I wanted to make sure..." (kisses her arm) stocking: U////U Kid: "Stocking...I...I am happy we have a sex life together." stocking: i...i'm glad too. *she smiles* thank you... Kid: (smiles) "I love you." stocking: *she kisses him* i love you too, kiddo. Kid: (passes hand along her cheek) "How do you look so beautiful each morning?" -later- Patty: "What's on today's agenda?" -at the 8th- maki: it stinks the commander caught a cold... Arthur: "Yeah. That leaves a power vacuum to be filled by either Takehisa or Hibana..." *shudder* shinra: hopefully iris gets back soon with the medicine... Akitaru: *loud coughing in his room* "Ugh..." shinra:............. Arthur: "I hope the Commander's cold doesn't spread..." (sniffs) shinra: *puts on a mask with a sharp teeth design on it* Takehisa: (has laid out bottles of vitamins, taking them in sequence) -elsewhere- Anya: (holds up a dress) mio: so you got a mission for the NOT classes? Anya: "Yes. Now I just need to determine proper attire..." mio: you're just modeling for a picture right? Anya: "It's not simply modeling! I have to embody the essence of what the photographer seeks!" *dramatic pose* mio: *sweatdrop* yeeaah.... Anya: -_-; Meme: (holds up a dress) "Maybe this one, too? Are you dressing in formal, casual?" Anya: "I'm not entirely sure..." mio:.... !! i have an idea. Anya: "???" -later- mio: i think this may work, what do you think meme? Meme: "Pretty!" mio: take a look princess. -anya's make-up is almost clown like- Anya: o\\\\\\\\\\o "What the--?!" tsugumi: anya is every-................................................*she nearly dies of laughter* ao: *trying to keep her composure and failing* hehehehehe.... Anya: T_T "I HATE YOU ALL!" -and so- Anya: -\\\\\- "I am here for my photography shoot..." -later- Anya: (pouts) mio: i think it went well -elsewhere- Wes: "You up for this?" soul: *cracks knuckles* ready. Wes: (smirks) "Not going to hold back..." soul: *staring at the board* hmmm...... Wes: (looking at the game pieces as well, determining where to move) soul: *moves his piece* Wes: "Just got to get to the finish line on this one..." soul:...how's stuff going with liz? Wes: "Great! Been happy with the time we're together..." soul: have you...you know....considered asking her the big Q? Wes: o\\\\\o "...Y-Yeah, I've thought about it...a lot." soul: well....?? Wes: "...I...Um...This is kind of embarrassing, but..." soul: ??? Wes: "I'm worried about...being intimate." soul: oh? how so? Wes: "Um...We have been...slow with going further with sex." soul: ahh... Wes: "Yeah...I don't want to push anything...We've talked..." soul: *he nods* Wes: "I...love Liz..." soul: ..... Wes: (sad smile) "It wouldn't hurt to look for the ring now..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "AH-CHOO!" shinra: dude! *still wearing his mask* Arthur: "Calm down! It was just dust! It's not like I'm--I'm--AAAAAAH-CHOOOO!" *sniff, stuffed, snot dripping out of one nostril* "Oh no..." Hibana: (eyes light up) "Then you and Shinra will need my cure-all hot-and-spicy soup!" shinra: *flees* Arthur: o_o; "I'm gonna run! I'm--ah--ah--CHOO!" Hibana: (slips soup into his mouth as he sneezes) "There! That will perk you up!" Arthur: "..." (burps out fire, covers his mouth) o\\\\\\o -elsewhere- Patty: "So...Sis?" liz: yeah? Patty: "How are things with you and Wes?" liz: really great, why do you ask? Patty: "Just curious...It's been awhile since he stayed over." liz: should i call him over? Patty: "Do you _want_ to?" liz:...... *she calls him up* Wes: (sees who's calling) "Hey, Liz." liz: say, want to come over? Wes: "Hang on--" (to Soul) "Want to head over to Liz's?" soul: sure. Wes: "Sure, Liz--Soul and I are on our way." liz: alright, see you then. Wes: (smiles) "See you then!" (hangs up) liz: *she smiles* Patty: "That'll be good to see Wes and Soul! And I'm sure it'll be good for you, Sis..." -later- Wes: "I'm happy to be here."' liz: can we get you anything? Wes: "Just water to start." soul: some M-dew if you got any. Patty: "Yep! Got both! What, you don't want some sparkling water or wine, Wes?" (eyebrow wiggle) liz: patti! Wes: (chuckles) "I wouldn't want to drink wine when Soul can't have a sip yet." soul: XP Patty: "Fine...I'll get the drinks. Soul, come help me with them..." soul: *mumbling* im only 18... Wes: (smiles at Soul, then looks at Liz..."She's so...") "You're looking well." liz: thanks. *she smiles* Wes: "I like what you did with your hair...When did you get it done?" liz: the other day for the cultural festival. Wes: "You look cute with it." liz: you look great too. Wes: (blushes) "Thanks..." Wes: "..." (holds her hand) liz: *blush* Wes: "I like being with you, Liz." liz: me too...b-being with you that is... .///.; Wes: *chuckles* "I'd..." *kisses her cheek* liz: *blush* Wes: (rubs her hand) "Thanks for inviting Soul and me over." liz: no problem. Wes: "I had wanted to see you today. I enjoyed the festival a lot." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay, I'm almost done with the lights..." saki: i appreciate what you're doing. *she smiles* Yohei: "Of course." *smiles* "Okay. We're ready to turn them on and see how they look..." *turns on the lights* chie: it looks great! saki: *she smiles* Yohei: "Heh. Cool." saki: i'm sure Io's going to love it... Yohei: "I hope so...I, uh, got something else..." saki: oh? Yohei: (holds up a teddy bear doll) saki: it's perfect. Yohei: "Yeah...I did some fine-tuning on it, so it'll function as baby cam and some other features..." chie: that sounds like a good idea. Yohei: "Yeah...Nothing to scare Io, just monitoring equipment...I already programmed WASHU and GET as babysitters / defensive measures." chie: *she nods* Shotaro: "We're back!" (holds up shopping bags) mana: how's the room coming along? Yohei: "I think pretty well. Still working on rocking chair." -elsewhere- Patty: (yawns) "Man, I don't know why I am so tired." soul: been a long week. Patty: "Definitely." (stretches) "How 'bout you, Soul? Any plans next week?" soul: not sure yet. Patty: "Hmmm...Oh! Want to help me babysit?" soul: sure. Patty: "Yay! Julie will love you!" soul: ....*he nods* alright then. what about shiori? Patty: "Yeah, Shiori, too! How are you with babies?" soul: not sure. i mean, i watch nagisa sometimes for blair so...does that count? Patty: "Close enough!" :D -and so- julie: *they're watching a movie* Patty: *watching along, laughing* shiori: ?? *head tilt* Patty: "Oh, man, this is classic! Listen to his next line. Listen to his next line!" -elsewhere- Yumi: "It's good to have a night off." lord death: indeed...one of these days we should have a family outing, you, me, the kids... Yumi: "Like a picnic?" lord death: perfect! we could sit under the cherry blossoms! Yumi: (smiles) "Shiori hasn't seen them yet..." lord death: always a first for something, right? Yumi: (nods) "She has so many new experiences ahead of her...as do Kirika and Kid." lord death: *he nods* Yumi: (pats his shoulder) "What should we do with our date night?" -elsewhere- Wes: "So..." liz: hmm? Wes: "I was wondering...Do you have any plans next Friday?" liz: not in particular, why? Wes: "I was thinking of going out for drinks and dancing, maybe a walk around town." liz: that sounds great- -something is heard from the other room- Wes: "??? What was that?" liz:....*she goes to check* stocking: jeez kid, i barely got the tip in and already you're screaming...it's kind of cute~ Kid: "Ah~ Sorry...Just a bit tense..." Wes: (following Liz) stocking: is this the first time you took it from behind or....? liz: O-O;;;;;;; *presses head against the door* Wes: "What's wrong? Kid okay?" Kid: "N-No...We've done something kind of like this before..." liz: um i think so..... stocking:.....do you want me to continue? Kid: (clenching his teeth) "Y-Yeah...Slowly..." Wes: "??? He isn't...you know, hurting himself, is he?" liz: *she listens* stocking: ok...*she does so* Kid: "Ah!" (panting) "That...Oh, God..." liz: .///////.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kid: "That's incredible...It's so...Ah~" Wes: "Liz? You okay? You're getting red down to your neck." liz: let him work it out lets go.... .////. stocking: you like that kiddo~? Wes: "O-Okay? Where to?" Kid: "Hmm~ Yes..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Man...I am still ill...I could only stand to do 400 push-ups today." maki: you shouldnt overwork yourself. ):> Akitaru: "This is nothing...I usually do 800 push-uh-uh-uuuuuuuuuuh-choo!" (sneezes) maki: *sigh* Arthur: (whining) "Maki! I want more soup..." maki: in a moment! *siiigh* honestly... iris: *frowns* we really need more medical staff here.... Takehisa: "Here, I finished this bowl of soup. Give it to Arthur and shut him up already." -in another room- shinra:.......... Hibana: "Shinra? You okay?" shinra: I'M FINE! OwO;;;;;; Hibana: "???" shinra: dont me, i'm just napping..... *thinking about earlier in that morning.....when he and iris accidently smooched* ./////.;;; Hibana: "Did something happen?" shinra: just tired, 'been a long day... Hibana: "Hmm...That's odd. Iris was saying the same thing..." shinra: .//////.;;;; *sweats* Hibana: :3 "Well, then...I'll leave you be..." (giggles) shinra: *gulp* ok then... Hibana: (shuts the door quietly) *quiet giggling* "Oh, this is good..." gabriella: ??? Hibana: "Gabriella..." (takes her hand) "I am Cupid." gabriella: o/////////////o -splurt- gariella: geh....hehe...*cough* Hibana: "And I shall be the most excellent matchmaker! Come! We have work to do!" -elsewhere- Ponera: T_T grimoire: you seem troubled. Ponera: "Medusa yelled at me..." grimoire: do you want me to talk to her? Ponera: (nods) "Just...be patient with her." shaula: be warned, she's in mega-bitch mode so- -LOUD NOISES- grimoire:....*pulls a knife out of his shoulder* well...........that didnt work. Ponera: o_O "Oh, God, she'll kill us all..." Ponera: (starts praying) "Please have this baby soon..." -elsewhere- Kid: (panting) stocking: how was it~? Kid: (smiles weakly) "Awesome..." stocking: *she kisses his forehead* so cute. Kid: (smiles) "You're one to talk." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (snuggles, purrs) "I like this..." stocking: me too... Kid: (twirls a finger along her skin) "I never thought....I'd meet someone like you." stocking: same here... *blush* Kid: (small squishy hug) "Thank you." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (tender kiss between her neck and chest) stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: (leans against her chest) "I appreciate this..." stocking: *she holds him close* i love you kid. Kid: "I love you, too." (purrs) -elsewhere- soul: *napping in the guest room* Patty: "Zzzzz..." soul: mmmn... -patti's foot is against his face- Patty: (turns over--slamming her other foot in his face) soul: mmph..... -in the dream world- soul: makaaaaaaaa help please.... *sweatdrop* *Some brushes along his face* ???: "Soul?" soul: maka! *Feathers fly by* Maka: "Soul!" soul: *he runs to hug her* Maka: (holds out her arms, smiling lightly) soul: *he reaches out to her* Maka: (closes her arms around him...) soul: maka i- Maka: *chu* soul: !!! Maka: (holds the kiss a moment too long--then pulls back) "S-Sorry..." soul: i-it's fine.... Maka: (smiles) "I've been wanting to see you for so--" ???: "That was hot!" soul: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM!!!!!!!!!!!* Patty: "Hi, Soul! Who are you--?" (spots--) "...Maka?" Maka: o_o Patty: T_T "MAAAAAAAKAAAAA!" *glomp* soul: patti?! uh....how.............?????? Maka: (struggling to get the crying Thompson off of her) "Y-Yeah! How is this even--?" Patty: "I don't know! I was sleeping with Soul, then--" Maka: "...What?" (death glare at Soul) soul: how hold on a sec-....i was in the guest room....*sniff* what smells like feet? Patty: "Yeah, Maka! I wasn’t boinking your boy-toy!" *squirms, giggles* "Soul! You're tickling my feet!" soul: *CHOP* STOP MAKING THINGS UP!! DX< Patty: T_T "I'm not! My feet must be on your face in bed!" soul: Q-Q this is going so horribly..... Maka: (red flames around her) "Sooooooooooul..." soul: Q.Q just chop me and let it out please... Maka: "...Patty...LEAVE." Patty: "But I was just--" Maka: "OUT!" soul: .........................im sorry.... Patty: "I'm out of here!" (tears hole in the dimension and leaps out into another dream, then zips up the tear) Maka: "...Explain, Soul." soul: wes and i were visiting- -one explanation later- Maka: (frowning still, but eyes softer) "So, you were babysitting?" soul: yeah, basically....as for how patti got into the room and into this dream space......well... let's be honest, this is patti we're talking about. Maka: (small laugh) "Yeah, no kidding..." (clears her throat) Maka: "I hate to say it, but hearing what Patty said made me...jealous." soul: ..........me too.... Maka: "??? How did it make you jealous?" soul: i was jealous for you....that you werent the one in that bed........it's not fair maka....its just not fair.... Maka: (blushing a bit, sad smile) "No, it isn't..." (holds his hand) soul: *whimpering* i fucked up...........
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joker-0f-hearts · 7 years
Tagged by: @bestofyosuke
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Cassaundra
Nicknames: Cass
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5′6″
Orientation: idek anymore... homoromantic, pansexual? 
Ethnicity: Caucasian/white whatever
Favorite fruit: Cantelope
Favorite season: definitely fall  
Favorite book series: Not entirely sure... the book series I used to read the most was Dragon Lance; really liked the characters
Favorite flower: Hmmm... no idea honestly. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Gladiolus flowers which is cool (Not just cause FFXV)
Favorite scent: I’d say probably vanilla (as long as its not the really strong overly processed/sweet scents) or spiced apple
Favorite color: Teal or really any variations of greenish-blues
Favorite animal: I really don’t have a favourite... Snow leopards are pretty great. I think I’m just fond of cats.
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: All of the above, but mainly coffee
Average sleep hours: average 8... only because some nights I sleep like 5, other nights 10 haha
Cat or dog person?: Both, I love cats but I grew up with a dog I miss a lot.
Favorite fictional characters: FFVX - Ignis; Black Butler - Grell; Steven Universe - Pearl; Soul Eater - Chrona, Medusa, Stein; 
Number of blankets you sleep with: One usually, add a fuzzy blanket in the winter
Dream trip: Scotland~
Blog created: 2012? I’m not even sure.. I don’t /think/ I had it in highschool?
Number of followers:  94, cause I cleaned out the porn blogs and I don’t really use it other than a time killer/browsing so I hardy ever tag things
Tagging: @emi-the-demi @stopjunmyeon @tigressjasper @kitala-x If ya want of course ahha 
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