#come from people who never have or want children
luckyladylily · 2 days
So a few months ago there was the discourse about would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods. I didn't want to touch it while the discourse was hot and everyone dug in hard because those are not good conditions for nuance, but I waited until today, June 1st, for a specific reason.
I'm not going to take a position in the bear vs man debate because I don't think it matters. What is really being asked here is how afraid are you of men? Specifically, unexpected men who are, perhaps, strange.
People have a lot of very real fear of men that comes from a lot of very real places. Back when I was first transitioning in 2015 and 2016, I decided to start presenting as a woman in public even though I did not pass in the slightest.
I live in a red state. I knew other trans women who had been attacked by men, raped by men. I knew I was taking a risk by putting myself out there. I was the only visibly trans person in the area of campus I frequented, and people made sure I never forgot that. Most were harmless enough and the worst I got from them was curious stares. Others were more aggressive, even the occasional threat. I had to avoid public bathrooms, of course, and always be aware of my surroundings.
I know how frightening it is to be alone at night while a pair of men are following behind you and not knowing if they are just going in the same direction or if they want to start something - made all the worse for the constant low level threat I had been living under for over a year by just being visibly trans in a place where many are openly hostile to queer people. You have to remember, this was at the height of the first wave of bathroom law discussions, a lot of people were very angry about trans women in particular. My daily life was terrifying at times. I was never the subject of direct violence, but I knew trans women who had been.
I want you to keep all that in mind.
So man or bear is really the question "how afraid of men are you?", and the question that logically follows is "What if there was a strange man at night in a deserted parking lot?" or "What if you were alone in an elevator with a man?" or "What if you met a strange man in the woman's bathroom?"
My state recently passed an anti trans bathroom bill. The rhetoric they used was about protecting women and children from "strange men", aka trans women.
Conservatives hijack fear for their bigoted agenda.
When I first started presenting as a woman the campus apartment complex was designed for young families. The buildings were in a large square with playgrounds in the center, and there were often children playing. I quickly noticed that when I took my daughter out to play, often several children would immediately stop what they were doing and run back inside. It didn't take me long to confirm that the parents were so afraid of "the strange man who wears skirts" that their children were under strict instructions to literally run away as soon as they saw me.
"How afraid are you of a strange man being near your children?"
I mentioned above that I had to avoid public bathrooms. This was not because of men. It was because of women who were so afraid of random men that they might get violent or call someone like the police to be violent for them if I ever accidentally presented myself in a way that could be interpreted as threatening, when my mere presence could be seen as a threat. If I was in the library studying and I realized that it was just me and one other woman I would get up and leave because she might decide that stranger danger was happening.
Your fear is real. Your fear might even come from lived experiences. None of that prevents the fact that your fear can be violent. Women's fear of men is one of the driving forces of transmisogyny because it is so easy to hijack. And it isn't just trans women. Other trans people experience this, and other queer people too. Racial minorities, homeless people, neurodivergent people, disabled people.
When you uncritically engage with questions like man or bear, when you uncritically validate a culture of reactive fear, you are paving the way for conservatives and bigots to push their agenda. And that is why I waited until pride month. You cannot engage and contribute to the culture of reactive fear without contributing to queerphobia of all varieties. The sensationalist culture of reactive fear is a serious queer issue, and everyone just forgot that for a week as they argued over man or bear. I'm not saying that "man" is the right answer. I am saying that uncritically engaging with such obvious click bait trading on reactive fear is a problem. Everyone fucked up.
It is not a moral failing to experience fear, but it is a moral responsibility to keep a handle on that fear and know how it might harm others.
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theosmommy1966 · 3 days
Unfair Love
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Your fingers were cramping from how hard you were holding the door. Your eyes mad to be deceiving you, Regulus fucking Black cant be standing in front of you. The guy you loved from the simply age of 5 all the way until the end of school. He had been your best friend, the guy you pined over for years and years while he pushed you aside every time he got a girlfriend. Only to suck you right back in when he got bored. 
“No..” You said moving to close the door to your brother's manor. Tom, Mattheo and You were triplets. Magical beings already formed crazy connections but the three of you could literally feel each other and each other's major feelings. So the shock and pain of seeing Regulus had pulled them from the upstairs living room to the top of the stairs. Leaning against opposite walls, Tom positions so he could see down the stairs easily keeping an eye on you while being positioned in a way to be easily overlooked. 
When Regulus pushed his way in, it took everything in both of them to stay put but your voice stopped them. “Tom is home. If that's not bad enough, so is Mattheo. Do not come any further into my home Regulus.” Regulus paused just inside the door, while he had been friends with both boys in school. He also knew they were fiercely protective of their ‘baby’ sister. They would kill each other if the other hurt her, so they would easily Avada him if he pushed to hard. 
“Y/n.. Dont marry him.” He said in a nonchalant tone. Acting like he wasnt rocking her world and trying to crumble her relationship to pieces. “ Regulus.. Your being a dick.” You said unconsciously stepping towards the stairs and pulling your hands up to your chest. He stepped towards you and smiled in a cocky way that made you want to slap him “Come on y/n/n, you know you its always been me.. Dont marry him.” 
Those words sparked anger in your gut. 
Stepping towards him this time you sneer. “I was second to every single girl that even looked your way in school! You literally asked me to the yule ball and then FORGOT and went with some girl from Ravenclaw! I cant.. I wont.. I.. I..” It felt like a let down to your last name when that spark died and never turned into a fire as you started to almost hyperventilate. Every time he broke your heart played through your head as his eyes flicked above your head. 
You didnt need to turn around to know your brothers were coming down. Mattheo was past you quickly, having moved before your breathing even got uneven. Tom wasnt as familiar with panic and anxiety attacks as you and he were. He didnt stop to comfort you as he grabbed his old friend harshly and jerked him out the door. He didnt slam it on his way out knowing that would just startle you and make it worse. 
Tom had always for some reason been the one you went to for comfort. You thought it was probably just because he was the ‘oldest’. He was the one who retucked you into bed when you had bad dreams even though he was the same age. He had always just carried himself in a way that gave big brother vibes. Every where you went people thought you and Matt were twins and Tom was the older brother. 
He would always have a hard time dealing with others feelings but he always made the most effort for his siblings. When you collapsed onto the stairs and started sobbing he moved the rest of the way to you quickly. He tries to get you to calm your breathing but its like you cant hear him. He does the only thing he knows too, the same thing he use to do when you were children and he couldnt wake you from a nightmare. Pressing his forehead to yours he gently entered your mind. it was easy to find you in panic because when all the thoughts finally formed into a picture you were stood frozen while everything moved around you. 
Him saying your name broke your focus as you turned confused then relieved to see him. “Tommy” You said in a broken whisper as he reached for you, tucking your head against his shoulder and hugging you he looked around. “Lets walk through all this, yeah?” Nodding against his chest “I just feel so much right now.. Im so mad at Regulus. Ive tried my entire life to be what he wants, to be someone he sees but he never did. I was just someone to placate his ego in between relationships.” 
Tom watches as memories of you crying, of Regulus manipulating you and leaving flash around him and he squeezes tighter. “He hasnt spoken t-to me in years and then he just shows up here the night before Im supposed to get married?!” You sob and then suck in a harsh breath “Oh my god. Teddy.. Whats he going to think when he finds out I was crying over another man when im supposed to be relaxing and getting ready to marry him!” 
You pull away and pull out of your head and then away from Tom in the real world. Standing you start to pace and pull at your hair. Tom sighs and stands to try and stop you but the door flies open. Mattheo running in frantically looking for you, only to be shoved out of the way by your tall sandy blond fiancee. “Tesoro” He barley whispers as he rushes to pull you into his arms. Your knees giving out again but he keeps you up. His huge hand cups the back of your head and neck as he shushes you gently. 
Theo swears his heart is breaking as your shoulders rack with sobs. He turns to look at his other best friends, Tom is staring at the door, clearing pissed and trying to stay put. Mattheo is pulling at his own hair when he sees the questions in his friends eyes. Hes struggling because he wants to tell him so he can better comfort you, but he doesnt want to betray your trust. Thankfully he doesnt have to, you can feel his panic and pull away just enough too look up. “Regulus was here.” 
Theos head snaps back to you and he tries to reign in his feelings quickly knowing that they will all play out on his face. His first feeling was worry, he had worked so hard to show you how you should actually be treated. So many dates where he couldnt even hold your hand yet. Regulus had treated you so poorly from day one that his nontoxic love was foreign and unwelcome. 
You had grown up in vastly different environments. Birthing triplets had killed your mother. While your father wasn't horrible or abusive, he was unattentive. He would rather you have a nanny (who he sleeps with before replacing and repeating) then try and raise you alone. While Theo grew up with parents who not only loved him but each other. 
Next was anger at the audacity. Then was worry again but this time for you. Taking a deep breath and taking your cheek in one hand he wipes your tears away. “Ok, tell me why your so upset by that. We have to be on the same page to talk through this. Can we go sit down?” you shake your head and pull him up the stairs, away from your brothers to your room. You let go of his hand and keep walking straight for your bathroom. 
After a few mintues long arms wrapped around you, crossing over and gripping your upper arms. “Im here, Tesoro. Whenever your ready.” You didnt register any measure of time as you stood under the water with him holding you and pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder. “I dont deserve you theo..” you say so quietly he almost doesnt hear. Before he can ask what you mean your already speaking. “Here I am, the night before marrying you, crying over some other guy.. God im so horrible.” 
Before your hands can cover your face, Theo has spun you around and is tilting your face forcing you to look at him. He looks just a little annoyed as he speaks, “Dont say that. Do you remember what Tesoro means?” You sniffle and nod but he raises his eyebrows waiting for you to say it. “It means treasure.” He nods and smiles just a little “So.. My Tesoro couldnt be horrible.. I get it darling.. He was your first love, theres a lot of trauma there. I know your not crying because you miss him, your crying for 17 year old you, for 15 year old you and so on. And thats ok, because thats how we heal.” 
Theos heart warmed as you stare up at him in awe. “I know its difficult for you, my love. That this open communication and understanding isnt something that comes naturally too you. So youll have to give me just a little grace while I continue to learn to navigate you. I promise one day Ill be an expert.” He leans in and kisses your forehead, staying there for just a moment to give you both a second to pull yourselves together. 
When he pulled back the smile he loves was back on your face. He sighs happily and kisses your nose before looking at you. Everything was right in his world again, all he needed to do now, was wait for you to go to sleep. Because Regulus.. Well Theo completely understood where YOU were coming from. But Black? Nah. While tending to lean towards his mothers Hufflepuff nature, sometimes he needs to remind people why he was sorted into Slytherin. Why he became friends with The Dark Lords children. Why he and your brothers trusted him to care for you. And tonight, it would be Regulus` turn to learn. 
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dollypopup · 23 hours
I can't stop thinking about Colin on his travels. Colin, alone, on a journey to 17 different cities, across several countries. Colin on his own.
Colin who writes letter after letter, to his family, to his friends, and barely gets a response back. How long before he understands that they didn't get lost in the mail? How long until he realizes that, just like when he was a boy, no one has the time for him? The space for him? How many letters unanswered before he lets it finally take root and fester in his mind?
He could have died on that tour.
Would they even notice? Would they see when the letters slow until they cease? Would they wonder why? His mum, surely (maybe, possibly, but she has enough on her hands, besides, and he's never been a concern, in need of her assistance, before), but anyone else? Anthony on his honeymoon, Eloise a stormcloud personified, Benedict taking on the familial responsibilities, Fran preparing for the marriage mart and in Bath, regardless. Daphne, his closest sister, a mum running her own estate.
Greg and Hyacinth who enjoy his stories, but are children.
Pen who ignores him. No explanation, no goodbye.
Colin who has no one in his corner. Colin who travels city to city, putting on personas. Will they like me? What about now? Colin who has hardly anything to read from the people he loves. Who do not think of him.
And yet he thinks of them. Brings them back gifts, writes his recollections for them until it hits him that, oh, they don't care. They don't care what he's doing, how he's doing. They didn't want to hear it before, when he was there with them, and they do not want to hear it now, either. Did they even open those envelopes? Did they see them come through the post, just as proof he's alive, and shrug off the contents? Did they look? Once, Colin sends an empty page. No one notices. Easier, then, to send just the outsides. People only ever care about the outsides. Pretty and prim in neat packages, uncaring of what lies beneath. Sea sick on the rocking boats, staring up at stars on the continent, Colin grows aware, but not bitter. Sad, but resigned.
He loves his family, he loves Pen, loves them to grace, loves them to it's okay. It was him, he determines. Too chatty, his letters too long, uninteresting, his passions dull or droll, or else, worse, he's displeased them in some way. Colin who takes refuge in stranger's arms and homes, who dreams and tries to sate his curiosity. Colin who pretends, because anyone, anyone but him would be received better, he's sure of it. Colin who must talk too much, surely, and with no one to listen. Colin who learns to hush.
Yes. Remarkable- as in, I have many remarks about it.
How many times did he go to excitedly write of what he did that week, and stopped himself, knowing it was a waste? How many times did he write and throw into the fire a letter asking Why don't you see me? Why don't you care?
If he didn't make it, how long would it take for anyone to notice? A month? Two? A year? Would they wave it off as his frivolity, denounce him as a flake and fume about the funds? Would they wonder where it was he had lost himself off at?
He cannot fall into that, so, he writes in his journal, instead. Of the ache of it, of how he longs for connection, for understanding, for someone to take him seriously. He keeps it with him, this log of his discontent, of his folly and felicity, of his pitfalls and pains.
If he didn't make it, would they realize all that's left of him is what he sent them, not even a body to bury? Did he look over the side of a bow of a boat and look at the churn of the ocean and think of how many bones it held? Did he tip his face to the sun? How many new scars did he earn? Who did he befriend?
Who did he become?
Somewhere along the line, Colin learned. He learned the real him wasn't wanted.
Somewhere along the line, somewhere between Patmos and Paris, Colin left Colin behind.
And, somewhere along the line, Colin laid face to face with loneliness in his bed, and it wrapped its arms around him.
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gglitch1dd · 2 days
Of the Land Pt 2
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Context: Living in shame due to a misunderstanding is something you have accepted in your life. Living part of a nomadic group of wanderers in the land of Yuuie, teaches you that you have to do what you’re told to not receive more wrath. But when you are forced into marrying Bakugou Katsuki, life only gets worse for you. Or maybe it could get better with a green haired man who’s willing to save you.
Starts off as Bakugou Katsuki x Reader but ultimately will end as Midoriya Izuku x Reader 
Warning: This chapter deals with physical and domestic violence, forced marriage, sad Y/N. Reader discretion is advised, mean Katsuki
[AO3 LINK] [Part 1]
“Good morning newlyweds!” A loud voice brought you out of sleep.
Your eyes opened slowly as you looked to the empty side of the futon. You shifted but let out a hiss at the pain that you felt by your sex. You closed your eyes, deciding just to lie there for a moment. You shifted in your wedding dress. You still had it on. Katsuki had never taken it off of you.
“Eijiro, you’re making noise.” You heard the voice of Mina come out as you heard shuffling inside your tent. “Do you want Katsuki to get angry so early?”
“Katsuki is always angry.” Eijiro stated as you heard the voices come closer. It took a moment before you saw the cloth move to the side. A happy face of Kirishima Eijiro appeared with a smile on his face and bright ruby eyes. “GOOD-” He stopped as he noticed that it was just you in here. His blond best friend was nowhere to be seen. Eijiro’s face fell as he pulled the cloth to the side allowing Mina to see. His ruby eyes looked around confused. “Where’s Katsuki?” He asked.
You sat up out of your futon slowly. Mina’s golden eyes widened, seeing you still in your wedding dress. “Goodness, Y/N…” She moved down closer to you, getting on her knees by your side. She moved to help you sit up. “You’re still in your wedding dress. Why didn’t Katsuki take it off of you?”
You shrugged as you looked down away from her. “He… he just left.” Your voice was quiet.
Mina looked at you confused. “What do you mean?”
“Last night.” You tried elaborating more. “He… He finished and then he left. I haven’t seen him since.” Your voice was quiet as you tried to bite back the shame. The heavy unbridled shame of your husband not being satisfied with you on your wedding night.
Mina stilled before looking to Eijiro. Eijiro had a hard look on his face, a frown so evident and one you had barely ever seen on his face before. It looked like a mixture of disappointment but also anger. He looked to his wife. “Mina, go help Y/N bathe please. I’m going to go find Katsuki.” He turned to leave the bedding space as he walked out into the main area of the tent.
He let out a sigh. He couldn’t say he was surprised, but he was hoping for more from his best friend. He was hoping that he had some semblance of understanding for you in this situation so that he would be aware that you were both in the same boat together. Eijiro half wished he didn’t have so much hope.
Just before he could head out to the main entrance.
“Eijiro!” The large man paused as he turned to see Mina standing up and coming out from where you were. Before he could ask, he saw her move towards him with a bundle of blankets in hand. She gave them for him to check. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at the blankets. He shifted them around and then froze at the sight of crimson. He stilled his eyes going wide as he flicked his gaze back up to Mina.
Mina had a sad look on her face.
It all clicked way too fast, and it only made Eijiro angrier. He gave them back to Mina and he ran out of the tent you shared with Katsuki. The morning was a bit chilled but not enough that it prickled his skin. He looked left and right. Everyone was just starting their morning and sleepy children rubbed their eyes as they were awoken from their slumber to eat.
Eijiro ran to his right, moving carefully between people and being careful of small tired children that didn’t pay attention to their surroundings. He made his way to the centre close by. Standing where all the big fires were was his father and Chief Mitsuki. He ran over to the two of them as they seemed deep in conversation. “Father!”
Takeo turned to look at Eijiro. He raised an eyebrow at his son’s state. “Eijiro why are you running around so early?” He asked. “It’s not even-”
“Have you seen Katsuki?”
Takeo’s face changed as he realised that his son had interrupted him. Eijiro never did that. For starters his son looked like there was something urgent but he also looked furious. Takeo shook his head and looked to Mitsuki. “We haven’t seen him all morning.” He looked to Mitsuki.
She shook her head, her arms folded over her chest. She was the only married woman in the village that wore two piece cloth. “No, I certainly haven’t. Is he not with Y/N?”
“No.” Eijiro answered but he quickly ran away from them.
“Eijiro! Eijiro where are you going!”
Eijiro had a suspicion and he prayed that he was wrong. He prayed that his best friend was not as stupid and horrid as he thought he was. He ran towards the western edge of the community, heading to a place he had not visited since his wedding date was set to marry Mina. Considering it was morning, he wasn’t surprised when he burst through the tent, and everyone was still sleeping.
Naked women lay with sleeping men around the place, but Eijiro was looking for someone in particular. He was careful around the sleeping bodied but he was quick as he finally made it to a different space of the tent, that’s where he found him. The blond lay with one arm around a naked blond woman and another was around a slender brunette man.
Eijiro scowled as he reached over and grabbed Katsuki up onto his feet forcefully. “Huh?” The blond’s eyes opened in tiredness. “What- whoa! EIJIRO-”
Eijiro did not care for his friend’s state nor his struggling. He let Katsuki struggle as he pulled his pants up all while being dragged out of the tent. Eijiro didn’t let go of him, no matter how loud Katsuki shouted and how angry he was.
Katsuki had no clue as to why Eijiro was dragging him like this nor why he seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of his bed roll today. He let out a struggled growl as he just managed to get onto his feet, pushing and shoving Eijiro off of him. Just at the both of them got to the centre of the settlement, Katsuki managed to finally separate himself from Eijiro. He stumbled back for a moment, before finally getting onto his two feet. He let out a sigh as he stood back up straight.
Bystanders, which mostly consisted of women who were carrying jugs of water from the stream or baskets of clothes that were washed looked at the two young men in interest. They clearly were in a scuffle but why was the real question.
Katsuki stood up straight as Eijiro turned to look back at him. “Eijiro, what on earth-”
“You dare to call yourself a man!” Eijiro shouted at him. The large black haired man had his eyebrows furrowed as rage filled his ruby eyes. He raised a single finger. “One night… you couldn’t be a good man to her for one night! You use her and then go take up your fill with whores! Seriously Katsuki?!”
Mitsuki stepped forward along with Takeo, a look of confusion on her face as she looked between her son’s best friend and her son. She turned to look at her son, folding her arms over her chest. “Katsuki, what is Eijiro saying?” She asked.
Katsuki ignored his mother as he stared at Eijiro with a scoff. “You sure have some nerve, Eijiro.” He spat out. A scowl pulled onto his face. The last thing Katsuki wanted was to be dealing with marriage matters especially when they had anything to do with you. Now he had to deal with his too-good-of-a-man best friend. He tsked. “Don’t put yourself into my marriage, Eijiro, when it just started. It doesn’t matter what I do anyways, she’s a whore just like them.”
Eijiro stilled, he looked to his friend in disbelief. “Did you not see your blankets?”
“Your blankets!” Eijiro saw that Katsuki had no idea what he was talking about.
Eijiro let out a frustrated growl in anger as he grabbed his best friend and once again pulled him along. Katsuki rolled his eyes as he allowed Eijiro to drag him towards his tent which was not too far away from the centre as he was soon to be chief. Mitsuki and Takeo glanced at each other, but silently decided to follow their sons to understand the situation at hand.
Eijiro walked into the tent, just as you and Mina were leaving, holding a small basket of your bathing items with a new set of clothes. The two of you paused as you watched a very angry Eijiro disappear into your tent. You weren’t entirely sure why he was storming inside, but you weren’t going to stop him.
Then you saw Katsuki, who was left outside with his mother and Takeo. You stilled at the sight of your husband. It was the first time you were seeing him since last night and you weren’t sure how to deal with whatever you were feeling. His eyebrows were furrowed in that look of anger that was always stricken on his face. His crimson eyes glanced to you almost instantly and you felt that pit of anxiety in your stomach only grow. You felt sick as he looked at you. Your grip on your basket of items growing tighter as you tried not to shrink back, but your eyes looked away from him.
Eijiro came outside with the woolen blanket in hand. He threw it at Katsuki who just managed to catch the item. “Is that the blood of a whore Katsuki?! Does that look like she’s been dancing around bedrolls!” 
Katsuki glanced down at the blanket. He didn’t say anything as he stared down at it before slowly turning to look at you. A disbelieving smile went to his face as he let out a chuckle, shaking his head. You didn’t like the sound of his laughter, nor the look on his face. “You…” He said as he looked to you. He threw the blanket on the floor. “You lying bitch.”
Before you could even try and step away from him, he had grabbed you by the back of your neck, his rough grab was tight making you cry in pain as you dropped everything you were holding. “Katsuki!” Mina shouted in shock.
Katsuki sneered down at you as he glared down at you in disgust, forcing you to look up at him as he held you in place. His grip on you was painful and you couldn’t help but feel tears sting your eyes as you looked up at him. “You faked this didn’t you? Where did you get the blood from?”
You adamantly shook your head as you looked at him. “I didn’t.” You denied it quickly. “I didn’t. I really didn’t. It’s my innocence, I swear it.” You told him desperately as you looked up at him. “Kat-” The grip on you tightened making you stop talking for a second as you gasped, the burning feeling at the back of your neck hurting you. “H-husband! I’m telling the truth.”
Katsuki scowled, as he glared down at you. “Even now, you stick to your lies.” He said with clear disdain.  
Suddenly a hand came down on Katsuki’s wrist. There was a look on Eijiro’s face that you had never seen before. Something dark and twisted that you had never seen on the overall gentle giant. His large hand tightened around Katsuki’s wrist. “Let her go, Katsuki. She just told you that she’s telling the truth.”
Katsuki glared. “Last time I checked, Eijiro, I am the future chief, not you. You are but my second and if you want to stay that way, you’ll mind your place.” He glared at the large man who did not move from where he held the blond’s wrist. “It is against our people’s laws for you to insert yourself in another’s marriage. Is it not?”
You were on your knees at the bank of the river, a large wooden bowl next to the shores of the river as you moved to wash you and Katsuki’s clothes. You moved the material up and down the washing board as you made work to try and get everything clean. You were all alone as you did your chores. Even now that you are married, the women in your community did not take kind to working with you, often not speaking whenever you tried to join them or forcing smiles around you. You didn’t want to make things awkward, so you stuck to being on your own.
It had just been two moons since your marriage to Katsuki and the two of you seemed to find a routine. He would ignore you unless you displeased him, which happened at least once a day. You would make meals for whenever he was in your tent and would spend your nights in your futon alone while he was with whatever woman he wanted to be with, just not you. You did the household chores needed and you made sure you were at his side whenever you were summoned, but Katsuki made it pretty clear that no one wanted your opinion.
You heard a branch snap as you turned your head to look in the direction of the sound. Pausing in his pursuit towards the river as a tall man. He turned to look at you. His green eyes blinked before a smile went onto his freckled face. He nodded his head. “Good morning, Y/N.” He greeted you.
Midoriya Izuku. He was the only son of Midoriya Inko, one of the women who helped the healer, Chiyo. He was what many called a bastard. A child from a woman with no husband and whose father is unknown. His mother was ostracised, but she made a place for herself even with the ridicule and hatred. She made a place for her and her son.
You had grown up with Izuku, him being one of the many other children in your generation. He had grown to be quite the handsome man, who worked hard in the job he did for the community. He used to be a bit of a cry-baby, but he seemed to grow out of it now.
He stood not more than ten meters away from you, holding clay jug. He stood in a short-sleeved shirt, allowing you to see the scars on his arms.
You nodded your head. “Good morning.” You watched him as he crouched, moving to slip the jug in the cool water of the stream. He was being careful as he moved to fill it up. “Is your mother busy?” You asked softly. He turned to look at you. You didn’t hold his gaze as you looked down away from him. “She normally comes to fetch water at this time.”
He took a moment before letting out a humour chuckled. “She is. She’s helping Chiyo with some classes for the children so she isn’t able to do this.” He informed you. He heard his mother talk a lot about you, she seemed to like you a lot, so he didn’t mind telling you about what she was doing. You nodded your head as you moved to continue on what you were doing. You weren’t going to ask further than that. Katsuki hated when you gave men attention. You focused on washing the bloody pants that Katsuki had used to make a kill in. Izuku glanced over at you. “How’s married life?” he asked. “You and Katsuki have been married for two moons now, haven’t you?”
You nodded your head. “It’s fine. Just… just trying to please my husband.” You stated as you didn’t remove your gaze from where you rubbed the pants against the washing board.
Izuku glanced at your body. Bruised arms and neck that you were trying to cover up with a cloth, were all he had to see to know that you weren’t telling the full truth. He looked down away from you, his eyebrows furrowing. “So… what do you do now?” He asked.
You lifted up the pants out of the water in the bowl, seeing that they were still their dark colour but still had some red in them. You frowned as you put the pants back in the water and grabbed the soap. “Whatever my husband deems useful of me.” You answered honestly. “Mostly chores but I can’t do anything else.”
“How come?” He asked surprised as he took the full jar out the water, not struggling with the weight as he put it down on the grass beside him.
You shrugged. “People don’t like working with me, my husband doesn’t like me following him around.” You answered simply, not bothering to dance around the truth.
You moved to pick up the pants and squeeze them of dirty water, slowly but surely.
Izuku watched you work silently for a moment. He moved to stand up from where he was crouched. “Well if you ever need something to do, there’s always something on the farm we’ve started.” You paused, lifting your head to look at him. The green haired man motioned back towards the community. “Mitsuki gave me and some of the others a job of starting our very first farm. It’s going good so far with the seeds we traded not too long ago at that old village, but we could always use extra hands. Either way, have a good day, Y/N.” He wished, bowing his head towards you before turning around and walking away.
You watched him for a moment before turning back to the pants you were wringing of water. You’d ask Katsuki about it. Maybe he might let you try.
Want to read the entire second part? Head over to my AO3.
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felicjana050896 · 3 days
Maximus - the main antagonist in the series?
I finally watched Fallout and I want to comment on one thing, apart from the whole Cooper and Lucy relationship, because there are a lot of analyzes on Tumblr and Twitter (after watching the series, I will immediately rewatch it to find some additional hints, and if not, it's just for fun, because the series for me... was a masterpiece, it's been a long time since I couldn't break away from the series like I did from Fallout, especially since I was playing games, so it was wonderful to feel this atmosphere again, to sum up the sentiment completely took me far away...), so I'll just link some of these analyzes and hints here, in case someone hasn't read it:
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It's 100% CGI, you can see how at the end that thread moves completely unnaturally, there's no way it's real, it had to be CGI and it had to be for something, it makes no sense to add such a little, tiny detail with CGI after nothing..., after all, money is spent on it, it's one thing to write "I love you" in the background, and another thing is to make a heart out of thread using CGI... (at least that's what I think, I don't know anything about CGI, but even such a small thing must cost a bit... :D )
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Apart from the fact that Max and Lucy have practically no foreshadowings and no chemistry, and they DON'T KNOW each other at all, because their whole relationship is based on "I met a nice girl/boy and I think I like her/him", because let's be honest, there is no talk about love here, they liked each other because Max helped Lucy with the radiation and Lucy helped Max get out of the armor, they helped each other and were nice to each other, that's all... but it's not enough to talk about love, liking each other yes, but not about love (I'm surprised when people, for example on Twitter, write that Max and Lucy love each other, where...???) and as I mentioned above, they don't know each other, they know practically nothing about themselves, about their plans, dreams, tastes, perception of the world, etc., they know nothing about each other, they have barely met, and their entire relationship is based on the fact that in this world it is simply difficult to have any other person, so they instinctively grab whatever comes first. Lucy dreamed of getting married and having children, she was taught to focus on the ,,survival of the species", her whole wedding was pure ,,politics", and in the end it turned out that she married a bandit who then tried to kill her, while Maximus probably never didn't think about these matters, surrounded by practically only guys and focused on military life..., so their entire relationship is based on: ,,he's/she's nice, ok, I'll take it", that's why their relationship seems rushed and has zero chemistry , so in my opinion it is not a bad writing (like with Chaggie from Hazbin Hotel in my opinion), it is supposed to be like that and it makes logical sense, as I have already presented above, this relationship is supposed to be quick and without chemistry, because it is supposed to show their standards, how low they are, in this world... and Cooper, on the other hand, comes from a completely different world...
By the way, unlike Max and Lucy, who nevertheless spend some time together while traveling sensibly, we don't see any specific conversations between them that could bring them closer to each other, as I wrote above, they don't know each other and in fact they don't even try to get to know themselves, while in the case of Cooper and Lucy, Lucy constantly asks Cooper questions, and sometimes he answers (in fact, not directly, but he answers), they have a conversation about torture, Lucy asks Cooper why he is like this, why he continues this ( scene with cannibalism), Lucy asks what he is (water scene), etc., Lucy asks Cooper questions, wants to get to know him, wants to learn more about him, and he also learns more about her through her talkativeness (e.g. the initial scene when Cooper and Lucy meet for the first time and Lucy tries to diplomatically calm him down, or the scene when Lucy gives Cooper the vials), Cooper and Lucy have already gotten to know each other more than Max and Lucy, and now Lucy has gone with Cooper....
But leaving Cooper and Lucy, because this post is not about them, let's move on to Max..., Max, who in my opinion has a great predisposition to become the main or at least one of the main (because the most main may be those from Vault-Tec) antagonists in series, why....
At the beginning, I was positive towards Max, unlike Lucy, who seemed naive and stupid to me at the beginning, and I don't like such characters (of course, I liked Cooper from the very beginning, after all, Hancock was my Fallout husband in Fallout 4 ;) ), and then she surprised me in the scene with her husband, when she ,,killed" him (almost, but still), I didn't expect such a change in the character at all..., later she surprised me by the fact that she is not as stupid as she seemed in the in the beginning, yes she is naive but not stupid, she just had to get out of the bubble called the Vault and I can't wait to see how her character will evolve in season 2 after all this and being together with Cooper..., I want to see her show her claws..., I want to see even more how, under this guise of a naive girl, there is actually a strong and dangerous woman who can cope on her own and is still fair and honorable..., I love such characters :) , but I had a different experience with Max, whom I liked at the beginning, but the further into the forest, the more I felt like ,,guy, you make more and more stupid decisions, what's wrong with you...", at the beginning Max seemed to me as reasonable, honorable, fair and a real soldier, and at the end I only saw him as an unreasonable 15-year-old boy making stupid, irresponsible and evil decisions with his own ego problem... sorry, but this character gave me the vibe at the end that he would go towards darkness, and when he finds out that Lucy is allied with Cooper..., a guy he fought and who completely defeated and humiliated him..., a guy who, by the way, he hasn't seen since that fight..., Cooper and Max haven't had any interaction in the show apart from this fight, so Max has absolutely no knowledge that Cooper is ,,in the game", and that Lucy could have gone with him at all, he's probably already forgotten about him, and when he remembers..., I'm really curious about his reaction....
The first and most important thing about Maximus in the series... in season one, when asked why he joined the brotherhood, he replies that to ,,hurt the people who hurt me"... that's not a praiseworthy answer..., this is not a good answer..., sure, I understand the issue of revenge etc., but as good and golden rules teach (speaking of Lucy's golden rules, because she sticks to them and this is what distinguishes her from, above all, Maximus) revenge brings no good..., Lucy, despite everything, didn't want to take revenge on Moldaver, even though many people she knew died because of her, her father was kidnapped, and she almost died, she didn't want to take revenge on her, of course, she was out of her own turf and surrounded by enemies, but still, her goal was to free her father, not revenge, while Max's goal is simply revenge, he doesn't want to, for example, rebuild Shady Sands or be a good knight who helps people, bring peace to this world, NO, he just wants revenge..., he wants to become a knight for his own selfish purposes, not for other people, while Lucy does things for other people, wants to free her father, helps Wilzig, worries about dog while Cooper is dragging her, helping Cooper with the vials, helping the ghouls (of course she didn't know and probably wouldn't understand that they were wild, her intentions were good, and that something bad came out of it is something she couldn't have known at that moment), she also helps in vault 4 when she first thinks something bad is happening there, and then she tells Max to return the core and kills his mother out of mercy, just like Cooper killed Roger (I think at this point, after the incident with wild ghouls, Lucy understood what Cooper did then and that it was good after all), Lucy does everything to help people and live according to the golden rules, while Max is selfish and thinks only about himself, leaving aside the issue of revenge, he also says that he wanted something bad to happen to Dane, of course he didn't really do anything to them, but he wanted something bad to happen to them... what kind of person do you have to be to want them to become your best friend harm, just because they got what you wanted..., from the very beginning the series shows us not to have any illusions about Maximus and that he is not really and will not be a good guy...., he let Titus die and sure, the guy was a dick and I would probably get angry too and want to kill him, but kill him anyway... quickly... while from what we see, Max just lets Titus die slowly, I don't know about you, but for me there is a difference between killing someone quickly because he deserved it, and letting it happen and WAITING AROUND him until he slowly dies... that was cruel... I would understand if Max killed him, but he KILLED, he showed some humanity despite everything, even though the guy deserved to die, and he didn't wait next to him and listen to him slowly die... it was evil....
Then, when he has armor, he enters a situation with a guy who raped a chicken (Cooper would be really angry :D ) and instead of learning the whole situation, calming them down and finding out what's going on, who is right, he immediately takes the side of the one who is oppressed, thus oppressing the one who is actually right, takes him brutally by the hair and is happy about it..., seriously..., you are happy about this situation..., even if he were helping a good person, I don't think so that there is something to be happy about here..., although what I really think he enjoys is the power, the power that the armor gives him..., this is bad again... if someone likes the feeling of power so much, power and control, it always reflects badly on him..., then (after painfully holding the innocent man all the time) he throws the guy to the ground and when the other explains the situation that took place, Maximus doesn't even apologize..., he is only distracted and then says, ,,Okay. On your way, citizen." what..., as if you hadn't hurt this ,,citizen" a moment ago and didn't judge him badly..., not at all, there's nothing to apologize for here..., it's better to go on your way..., God..., this was the scene from which my opinion about Maximus slowly started to go down, because even with Titus I still made excuses for him (even if it was cruel), but from that moment Maximus with starting with my grade of his character as ,,4+", at the end of the series he dropped to a grade of ,,2-" and it's not that this is a poorly written character, NO, in my opinion it is a very well-written character, just a bad character man and I mean assessing his humanity, not the creators' writing, because in my opinion it is very good :)
In addition, of course, we have the issue that he lies to everyone that he is Titus because he wants to be a knight and clearly wants people to admire him (again, the issue of his ego), at the beginning he clearly wants to kill Thaddeus in cold blood, but then he changes his mind (apart from what killing Thaddeus would give you..., even if you came back with the head, you would be responsible for two deaths..., come on...), then of course he tries to kill him again after he tells him the truth..., then we have the Vault 4 arc in episode 6 and halfway through the episode when Max goes to the armor that is in the room, he looks at him through the glass with a stupid smile, he turns around and with that smile and behavior, with his body movements, he looks to me like he told them ,,See, this is my armor, this is me, I'm a knight"... it looks as if he wanted someone to come up to him and ask him about it, and he could brag about how cool he is, because I really don't know how else to read this short scene...:
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Sorry for the poor quality, I did it on my phone.
then he turns back to the armor and his facial expression changes, he frowns:
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and we have a close-up of the entrance to the core, and Maximus sees the guy next to him screwing in a light bulb and asking where it came from they take electricity, he goes to that place and wants to take their fusion core..., literally at that moment he wants to brazenly steal their fusion core, the people who helped them and cured him, he wants to take away their only source of energy..., or Maximum is so stupid that he doesn't know that this is literally their source of survival and thinks that they can cope without him, although it's still vile and I don't believe it, or Maximus is just a vile, evil and selfish man who doesn't matter with no one else but himself and what would make him feel good..., just look at his face at this moment...:
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he knows that he is doing something he shouldn't and he is clearly doing it with full premeditation...
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later in the plot, in episode 7, when Maximus sees the inhabitants of Vault 4 doing something to Lucy, which Maximus does..., of course he doesn't find out about the whole situation first, he doesn't try to eavesdrop on what they're talking about or anything, he just rushes in in armor and starts attacking everyone around, seriously... how stupid and irresponsible it was of him, I won't even mention... and when they finally release them, which Maximus does..., he takes the armor with the core with him, without thinking that it is their only source of energy and, what's most funny, he doesn't want to give it back..., NO, he wants to keep it so he can walk around in his big armor and show everyone "look how great I am!", says that he needs a core for his armor, and without the armor he won't be a knight, Lucy tells him that a knight shouldn't steal, and Max replies ,,with this armor, I can help people", how have you helped people so far..., you let escape a chicken rapist..., besides, what kind of help is it if, in order to provide this help to people, you steal something that will put other innocent people at risk of death..., you can't build something good on something bad, poisonous roots, will give poisonous fruit, no other way..., then the best thing is..., because be careful... he is trying to MANIPULATE HER! Yes..., this guy who supposed wants to be good, noble, fair..., no wait..., he wants to be a knight to take revenge..., nevermind..., it's up to him anyway fits..., he manipulates her, playing on her feelings, telling her that he wants to help her find her father and asks her if she would give up the core if it meant she wouldn't get her dad back, if it was up to the core to get her father back..., only then Lucy convinces him to give up the core when she says that if his father found out about it, it would break his heart and that she can't do that, only then Maximus gives up on convincing her and decides to give up the core. Lucy is his moral compass here, and it's possible that she would put him back on the right path if she were with him, but in the end, Lucy chooses Cooper and leaves with him.
To sum up... where do people who ship Lucy and Max have this good and beloved Max... where... where is Max a better person and a better match for Lucy than Cooper... (because I saw some comments under some episodes of the series that ,,Ghoul is evil and Max is good and honorable"), so far Max makes more bad decisions and does it with full premeditation and/or out of his own stupidity..., when Cooper, when he does something, it has a purpose..., he never does anything without a reason, yes, he shot Roger, but he did it out of mercy, first he made Roger remember the good times, so that in those last moments he died happily (this is one of my favorite scenes, if not my favorite, it was sweet and touching despite the situation...), he shoots Wilzig, but in the foot, probably so that he won't just run away, it's not to kill him, since he probably at that moment he thinks that he has to deliver him alive, because it is only from Wilzig that Lucy learns that only his head is enough, not himself, he kills people in the town, but only those who attacked him, he doesn't go around houses and doesn't kill random people..., kills "guards" who were bad for him, and one obviously wanted to kill him, but he doesn't kill their boss, interestingly..., he kills, of course, three guys at the beginning who are also ready to kill him and they want to force him to work for them, after practically lying in a coffin underground for 30 years, he kills the farmer's son, when the son reaches for a gun, you can see here how Cooper is poking this son to see if he is capable of doing it, but he himself doesn't reach for the gun until this son reaches for it, Cooper always wants to know, to be sure whether the man he is killing really deserves it, whether there is really a point in killing him, unlike Maximus, who never finds out who he is really guilty, he prefers to just ,,go with the wave" and he orders the one he finds guilty at first glance, he even wants to kill Thaddeus at the beginning (of course he doesn't do it in the end, but he wants to) even though the guy hasn't done any harm to him yet (and bullying ,,at school" is not a good reason to kill, it's not a reason at all), and he's not torturing Lucy like some still claim, even though Cooper himself and the entire scene says he's using her as bait, not torturing her, and yet there are still people who say he's torturing her here..., really I know that some people sometimes have trouble reading the situation on the screen, but when the entire situation on the screen screams "BAIT!" and the character who uses the bait says directly that he thinks torture doesn't work and uses her as bait, like one can still claim that there is some torture in this scene..., are there really people who cannot hear and see things that are said directly..., how..., Cooper used to be a good guy and he still is, deep down, he's still that good guy. When there is a scene from the past when Cooper has to play a slightly worse guy on camera to show that his character also makes mistakes, he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't like it, because in his opinion a good person should be good and not make such mistakes, Lucy will direct him back to the right path, and he will teach her a little about life, this is the perfect dynamic of two different, yet very similar characters who can and do influence each other's development.
And I don't know about you, but for me this scene is terrifying:
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this whole brotherhood is like a religious sect, and at this moment Maximus has become a kind of prophet and that look in his eyes...:
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for me it is disappointment combined with the desire revenge, disappointment because he found out that the father of the girl he liked is responsible for the destruction of his house and probably the death of his relatives (we never have memories of Maximus' relatives, which is interesting, so it is not certain), and he managed to escape, and the desire I don't think I need to explain revenge... Maximus' plot in season one starts with revenge and ends with revenge, it's his plot, whether someone likes it or not... and in my opinion, as a result of everything I have described, he will change into an increasingly worse person, he was not good from the beginning and will only get worse....
This is a long post, as usual for me... unfortunately, I don't know how to write short... and besides, I like it when all the details are brought to light :) , that's the end, thank you for reading and have a nice day/evening/night :)
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watcheraurora · 22 hours
Spirit Vision
I... wanted to write a silly GIGGS Phasmo/Ghost Hunting AU. This... is not that. Not exactly. Where did the Ranchers come from for this? I have no idea 5.3k words
CW: Phasmo-typical horror ghost elements, mentions of death and blood, mild gore described
I know Phasmo is a four player game ssssshhhh this is creative liberty
"You comin', Top?" Skizz called from the van, where he was loading up the last few things and strapping them in for the job.
Tango looked up from the paperwork he'd been filling out for the last... oh gosh. Three hours. "Do I have to?" he asked, the slight whine of complaint tightening his throat. "Where's Gem?"
"She couldn't make it tonight. Family obligation."
"Do you need me?"
"Five brains are better than four! Especially if one of them is yours," Grian remarked, strolling past with a box of smudge sticks in his arms. He chucked it to Skizz when he was in range.
"C'mooon," Skizz encouraged, "don't you miss field work? Don't you get bored of just filling out papers all the time? Admin is fine but, like, don't you miss the thrill of adrenaline when a hunt starts? The puzzle of it all?"
Tango narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. "Why would I? I think you just miss me screaming."
Impulse guffawed from the cab of the van. "That too!" he called.
Tango flipped him off, which only served to make him laugh harder. Tango rolled his eyes and went back to his paperwork.
"Tango?" Scar asked, his green eyes wide. "It is really helpful to have five people on a job." There was genuine emotion in Scar's voice. Scar could be very manipulative and scheming when he wanted to be. But it was always him playing it up as a bit. This was real. He was... worried? Concerned? Scared?
Therein lay the other problem. Tango could tell Impy and Skizz to buzz off and know they'd back off. Even Grian took the order to scram as a sign that he was pushing too far.
But Tango always struggled to say no to Scar. He couldn't help it. Scar was a few years younger than him and had Little Brother energy. In such a way that Tango had a hard time turning down his shenanigans.
Tango rubbed his eyes under his glasses with his fingertips, making sure the glasses were back in place before he opened his eyes again. "Fine. But we're not making this a regular thing. I left the field for a reason," he said. He clapped his pen down onto the desk top and pushed to his feet while Scar's face lit up.
"You never did tell us what that reason was," Grian remarked quietly, scooping up five doses of sanity medication. His dark eyes flicked pointedly toward Scar and then back to Tango.
"That's because it's none of your business," Tango retorted, tone sharper than he intended.
Grian gave him a look—the Grian Look™ that looked like it pierced right into his soul and laid it bare—but didn't push. Just took the sanity medication to Skizz, who loaded it in. Tango stretched and climbed into the back of the van to help.
"One, two, three, not it!" Skizz said, lashing a hand up to put his finger on his nose.
"Not it!" Impulse, Scar, and Grian all chorused, throwing hands up to their own noses.
Tango rolled his eyes and snatched the Spirit Box off the rack in the back of the van, glancing at the ghost's name on their pin board. "You're all children." He glowered at Impulse and Skizz, who were roughly the same age as him, rather than a chunk of years younger like Grian and Scar.
As he tromped down the ramp and headed toward the door, the radio-flashlight-combo device attached to his shoulder crackled to life. "Could you do this with your radio on? I want to be part of the experience from afar," Grian said playfully. Scar's laugh was just barely audible nearby.
Tango activated his radio's microphone and gave them both some choice words before marching into the house while they cackled.
The ghost room was in one of the bedrooms. It was a one-story house with a basement, but the bedrooms were all on the ground floor.
He nearly tripped on the camera tripod transmitting its video to the van that Impulse had set up in the doorway and rolled his eyes harder. He loved his friends but they were also idiots sometimes. Tango repositioned the tripod so he could close the door. Once it was shut, he turned off the light, muttering incomprehensible noises the whole time.
He pulled his glasses off. The camera had night vision, so he kept his back to it.
The lenses were heavily yellow-tinted. He told Grian and Scar it was because the prescription lenses had a really good blue-light filter on them so he could look at screens all day without irritating his eyes quite so much.
He lied. The lenses weren't prescription. The yellow tint just helped hide the real color of his eyes. With his glasses on, they looked orange-amber enough to pass as brown. His eyes were listed as brown on his driver's license. But they weren't brown. Even in the poor-quality picture on his license photo without his glasses on, his eyes were noticeably not brown.
His eyes were red.
Impy and Skizz knew. They just didn't say anything.
Tucking one side-arm of his glasses down the collar of his baseball shirt, he switched on the Spirit Box. "Are you here?" he asked, blinking hard and looking around the room.
The row of lights flashed red.
"Are you near?" he tried again.
Flash of red.
Tango raised a brow. "Are you friendly?"
He huffed a sigh. "Are you French?"
Impulse giggled over the radio—but the lights were again red.
Tango took a deep breath. "Where are you?"
"Where are you!" Grian sang over the radio.
"And I'm so sorry!" Skizz sang back.
A row of white lights. The Spirit Box searched nearby radio frequencies, and it skipped between two, robotically seeming to say, "Behind you."
But directly in front of him, a figure shimmered into existence. Not interacting with the D.O.T.S. projector at all. The figure was tall. Broad-shouldered and narrow-hipped. Short dirty-blond hair, dark eyes. There was a faint outline of red around the edges.
Tango yelped at the Spirit Box on instinct.
"Whoo! We got Spirit Box!" Skizz announced over the radio, knowing Tango's tells from years of working with him.
The figure smiled at Tango. "Does that still scare you?" he teased.
Tango reached up and turned off his radio, moving out of sight of the video camera. He stared at the new figure. The others would have no idea the figure was there. This one wasn't the ghost haunting this house. This one was a separate entity entirely. And Tango was the only one who could see this figure.
Red eyes were the most obvious sign of Spirit Vision. An extremely rare gift that allowed a person born with it to see ghosts all the time, rather than during events or hunts.
He swallowed. "I thought you moved on," he said.
The figure smiled sadly. "I had."
Five Years Ago...
"Jimmy Solidarity. Where are you?" Tango asked, slowly spinning around the kitchen with the Spirit Box at eye-level. Joker and Impulse were talking quietly in the hallway around the corner.
A young man popped up directly in front of Tango, outlined in red. "Right here," he said playfully.
Tango screamed.
The young man—Jimmy Solidarity—scrunched his eyebrows. "Wait... what? No. I can't... that thing doesn't work with me. I can't figure it out." His dark eyes looked at the Spirit Box. "How are you..." He reached up. Before he even got close, Tango's glasses went flying. "Why are your eyes glowing?!"
They weren't. Even when he was looking right at the ghost, his eyes didn't glow. Not to mortal, living eyes anyway. But he'd never had a ghost react intelligently to him before.
"I... I can see you," he said. "I can hear you without this." He waved the Spirit Box vaguely.
Jimmy Solidarity floated back like he'd taken a step back. "What?! How?"
"Spirit Vision."
"I'm not a Spirit though. I'm a Revenant."
"That's just what it's called. I can see ghosts. Of all varieties." That didn't usually involve having a normal conversation with one. Most ghosts were long-gone creatures driven by nothing more than a need to hunt mortals. Primal and feral.
Tango switched on his radio. "Gentlemen, we have ourselves a Rev."
"How do you know that?" Impulse demanded, striding into the room and flicking the lights on. Jimmy Solidarity whirled to look, and noticed Impulse couldn't see him. Looked right past him, even.
"He told me," Tango said, peeking at Jimmy.
"What? How—dude, what happened to your glasses?" Impulse looked around the handful of objects that had been thrown. He spotted the glasses. The lenses were plastic and hadn't even cracked from the impact of getting thrown. Impulse returned them, but Tango didn't put them on.
"Look at my eyes," Tango said quietly while Joker and Skizz were goofing off outside the room, unwilling to come in and get their sanity dropped by being in the cold ghost room with the ghost.
Impulse scrunched his eyebrows and got a little closer to Tango, who looked at Jimmy—who was floating just off the floor and looking a little uncomfortable—and then smiled at his old friend. He blinked slowly to allow Impulse a second.
"Why are they red? I thought they were brown!"
Tango shrugged and put his glasses back on. "They are with these. Or close enough to it, anyway." He looked toward Jimmy. "I have Spirit Vision. You have to be born with it to have it. I was. Spirit Vision gives a person red eyes. I can see ghosts. Just... all the time. Doesn't have to be a hunt or an event. And he's standing right there. Watching us."
Jimmy stuck his tongue out. Tango stuck his out right back. Jimmy laughed and Tango smiled.
"This one's different. He's awake," Tango continued to Impulse, not taking his eyes off Jimmy. "He's intelligent, not mindlessly hunting. But he's a Revenant. No Spirit Box." Tango handed the Spirit Box to Impulse. "Will you put that back in the van for me? I'm gonna talk to him."
"I'll check your sanity monitor while I'm there. If it's at zero, I'm not believing a word you've said," Impulse said.
Tango flipped him off. Impulse returned the gesture and left the room.
"So. Jimmy. What can we do to help you move on?"
"I don't want to move on," Jimmy said. "I have things that I need to do."
"Meaning?" Tango prompted.
"There are some people that I need to pay a visit."
Tango looked Jimmy up and down. Denim jeans, white T-shirt, blue button-up worn unbuttoned over the T-shirt. Fairly modern hairstyle. "You didn't die too long ago, did you?"
"Tango, your sanity is plummeting, man," Impulse said over the radio.
"No. I died about ten years ago."
"And you've just been chilling here ever since?" Tango asked. "That's long enough that any other ghost would have been driven to madness. Lost all human intelligence."
Jimmy shrugged. "Like I said. I have things to do. Once I get revenge, I'll be able to move on."
Ahhh. So he was that kind of Revenant.
"Did you die young?" Tango asked.
Jimmy nodded.
"We'll help where we can. How about that? Then you can move on."
Jimmy smiled. He had a nice smile—a little cheeky, with his tongue poking between his teeth. "I think we can come to some sort of agreement," he said.
Present Day...
"Why are you back?" Tango asked, breathless. His heart was hammering in his chest.
He, Impulse, Skizz, and Joker had kept Tango's promise. They helped Jimmy find the people he needed to take revenge on. That had been too much for Joker and he'd resigned eventually. And Tango had suffered so much from constant use of his Spirit Vision—which he'd always assumed was a passive ability up until that—that he struggled to stay in the field. So he'd taken the desk jockey position with their little ghost hunting enterprise. Impulse had fought him hard on that. They argued for weeks, and at certain points it seemed like their friendship wouldn't survive. Tango's ability to see ghosts all the time and communicate with them was extremely effective. But after Tango's last job in the field left him crying blood, Impulse had finally backed down. Then hired Grian and Scar to take his and Joker's places in the field. Ghost hunting wasn't any of their day jobs. There simply weren't enough real hauntings to sustain them consistently. But it was a good side-hustle... up until Jimmy.
Tango had never admitted to Impulse, Skizz, or Joker that he'd developed sympathy—and later feelings—for the Revenant they helped.
Who was now back from the Afterlife, rather than Limbo Between, looking at him like they were old friends who'd run into one another at the grocery store.
Jimmy glanced over Tango's shoulder. "She is actually behind you, by the way."
Tango whirled—and shrieked—at the presence of the mangled figure of a long-gone-mad ghost. Sunken empty eye sockets, a gaping maw of rotten black teeth, torn to shreds and covered in viscera. Tango had almost forgotten how abhorrent ghosts became when they drove themselves mad.
He backed away from her—passing through Jimmy. Who was frigid. But familiar.
She left the room and went back to roaming the house.
Tango set a hand on his racing heart.
Jimmy slowly turned around. "You alright?"
"Fine. What are you doing back? I thought ghosts couldn't... I thought..."
"We're not supposed to be able to leave the Afterlife. We're supposed to stay once we made it there. I snuck back. I've been piggybacking every haunting in town for months, looking for you. Where have you been? I've seen Impulse and Skizz, but not you."
No wonder Impulse, Skizz, Scar, and Grian kept getting Twins but only contained one ghost.
Tango shook his head, his legs bumping into the bed. "I left the field. I couldn't... after you were gone... you being around all the time pushed me to the brink of my Vision. A few weeks after... I cried blood during a job. I couldn't... I didn't want to do this anymore. Being in the field..." He rubbed his eyes. They were starting to ache—and not from staring at a computer all day. He squeezed them shut. Having his eyes open didn't stop him from being able to hear Jimmy, but his ability was called Spirit Vision for a reason. Jimmy's voice muffled when Tango's eyes were closed.
"Are you alright?" Jimmy asked.
Tango hadn't used his Vision in years, at this point. He'd forgotten the strain it put on him. The strain that he'd once been so accustomed to that he didn't realize there was any discomfort.
"I... I... I need to leave," he said. Squinting to keep his eyes mostly closed, he stumbled out of the bedroom and jammed his glasses back on his face. Staggering, he pushed past Skizz, lingering on the front door's threshold, and ran to the van. He fell to the floor and sat with his back to one wall, next to the monitor screens.
"Top?" Skizz called, rushing back toward the van himself. "Tango!"
Grian was lingering in the van, as usual, standing at the desk and monitoring the video feed. He turned when Tango collapsed. "What's going on?!" he demanded, voice high-pitched and squawky.
Tango rubbed his temples and grunted a quiet sigh. "One of these days, you'll learn to mind your own damn business."
Lightning flickered with an almost inseparable crash of thunder right as Grian's eyes... flashed purple. But Tango's eyes were squeezed shut against the strain of his Vision and he didn't notice. Just kept rubbing his temples, curled up into a ball. Hoping that Jimmy couldn't leave the house and come see him like this. Most ghosts were stuck within the house they haunted. But if Jimmy was piggybacking every haunting in the area... was he stuck?
A weight heavier than Grian's small, slight frame crashed into the metal floor of the back of the van right beside Tango. "Hey. Buddy. You okay?" Skizz asked as big, warm, callused hands wrapped around Tango's wrists and pulled them away from his face.
Tango shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
"G, will you go grab Impulse?" Skizz asked, tone noticeably frazzled.
"I don't want to go in there with a ghost!" Grian shrieked.
"G! This is an emergency!" Skizz snapped. "Go get Impulse!"
Tango peeked one eye open in time to catch Grian glaring in their general direction while storming out of the van, muttering under his breath.
Once he was out of earshot, his calls for Impulse drowned out by the rain starting to fall, Skizz's hand rested on Tango's shoulder. "What's goin' on, Top?" he asked, voice gentle and concerned. Skizz wasn't the most experienced ghost hunter of the group—that would be Impulse—but he was the oldest. And he had kinda slotted himself into the responsible one of the group role. When things got serious. Other than that, he was also the biggest goofball.
Tango pulled his glasses off, blinking dry, exhausted, red eyes up at Skizz. "It's Jimmy," he breathed. "He's back. He's here."
"You can See him?"
Tango nodded. "He's been piggybacking every haunt in the area for a bit, trying to find me. Since I can See him. I think that's why you've been getting Twins so often but only contain one ghost when the house is cleansed."
"How is he back? Why is he back?"
"I don't know. But using my Vision after four years... Skizz, it hurts."
He felt Skizz wrap him up in a hug. Skizz's hugs were nice. All-encompassing and full of comfort. "It's okay, buddy. You're going to be okay."
They stayed like that for a while before Impulse's distinct run gait splashed through the puddles forming outside.
"What's going on?" Impulse demanded as he crashed up the ramp and into the back of the van. "Grian said Tango wasn't okay?"
Skizz looked around, checking if Grian or Scar had tagged along.
Impulse noticed the look. "I left Grian with Scar, working on putting some salt down. Should keep them occupied for a few minutes," he said, kneeling on Tango's other side after edging around Skizz. "What's going on?"
"My Vision," Tango said. "It hurts."
"Because you haven't used it in so long?"
"I think so. Whatever tolerance I'd built up for the strain it put on me, I've lost it."
"Also Jimmy's back," Skizz added.
"I was getting to that, Skizz," Tango ground out around a clenched jaw.
"Wait. Jimmy? As in... Jimmy Solidarity? That Rev we helped so he could finally get to the Afterlife?" Impulse asked, eyebrows furrowed. From confusion and a bit of frustration, probably. He'd taken Joker's resignation after their process getting Jimmy to move on the hardest of all of them.
"Yeah." Tango nodded.
"What's he doing back? After all that work to get him to move on?!"
"I don't—I don't know, okay?!" Tango retorted. "I couldn't really stay in there and conduct an interview. Just talking to him for a few sentences was starting to make my eyes hurt really bad. And I can't hear ghosts very well if my eyes are closed. It's a weird quirk of Spirit Vision, I guess."
Impulse opened his mouth to reply, but at that moment, Scar and Grian came barreling out of the house. Scar was screaming like Goofy from a Disney movie and Grian was shrieking like a bird.
"Twiiiiinnnsss!" Grian shouted.
"Again?" Scar complained.
Skizz squeezed Tango's shoulder.
"It's not Twins," Tango said.
"What? But we have Spirit Box and Freezing Temps. All we're missing is EMF-Five," Grian said.
Tango shook his head. "It's not Twins. I suggest checking for UV. I think she might be a Mimic."
Grian and Impulse both glanced toward the desk. "I haven't seen any orbs," Grian said.
"Might be a Moroi," Impulse conceded thoughtfully. "Do we have a book down?"
"It's in the wrong room," Skizz said. "Scar set it down in the kitchen."
"You said it was cold in there!" Scar protested.
Tango pushed himself to his feet. "I'll go move it to the ghost room."
"Whoa. Dude," Impulse cautioned. "You're not feeling well. Are you sure you want to go back in there?"
"I need to," Tango said, stepping partially around, partially over Skizz, who was still kneeling. He ran out of the van.
Before he was out of earshot, he heard Grian say, "What's with him?" and Impulse making a noncommittal noise back.
He went back in the house, shaking rainwater out of his hair. "Jimmy?" he called.
"Yes?" The ghost in question slid right through a wall, an excitable smile on his face.
"Talk while we walk. But I can't look at you much or I'm going to get a headache."
"Okay. I remember that toward the end. Before you helped me rest. You stopped looking at me as much."
Tango headed toward the kitchen. "I had to if we wanted to be able to communicate at all," he said. He could feel Jimmy's cold presence floating along at his elbow.
"And here I've spent the last five years thinking it was because you were embarrassed of being attracted to me—I'm joking, I'm joking!" Jimmy added quickly when Tango's gait hitched. He snatched up the Ghost Writing book and turned on his heel. Jimmy stood in the way, but Tango could just walk straight through him. He'd done it before. It wasn't a pleasant sensation and it made sanity plummet, but he could.
"Move over," he said.
Jimmy did, disappearing partway into the wall. Tango went back to take the book to the ghost room. "Wait, Tango. Did I go too far? I'm sorry if I did. I just missed joking around with you. It was always—" He cut off as the light on Tango's shoulder flickered. The house—or the woman's ghost haunting it—began to groan.
"Hunt!" Impulse shouted over the radio, his voice cutting out with the ghost's interference.
Tango swore and ducked into the hall closet, yanking the door shut behind him and holding it closed in case the ghost tried to open it. Jimmy drifted through the closet door and hovered near Tango. The closet was large enough for two people, but the quarters were tight.
Tango closed his eyes, listening to the ghost's footsteps. He scrunched his eyebrows, tapping one finger against his thigh to the beat of the footsteps. The lights through the slats in the door flickered—
And then turned off.
Tango shoved open the door, rushed to the ghost room and dropped the book open on the ground, before bolting out the front door. Jimmy's cold presence followed him out the door this time. Tango grabbed the radio on his shoulder, turning it back on. "Ghost fast! Ghost fast, ghost fast, ghost fast!" He careened into the back of the van, already searching out the monitor that tracked their sanity.
"What?" Grian asked, not looking away from the computer monitor at the desk still looking for Ghost Orbs in case she was a Mimic. He snatched up his journal. "And you're sure it's not Twins?"
"Pretty darn," Tango said. "I'm genuinely thinking she's—"
"A Moroi," Grian finished. "The lower the sanity, the faster the Moroi."
"Well, could still be a Mimic mimicking the Moroi," Grian reasoned, snapping his journal shut and looking up to meet Tango's eyes. He froze. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is that?!" His voice went shrieky again, looking over Tango's left shoulder.
Tango turned to see Jimmy also looking behind himself curiously.
"How did the ghost leave the house?!" Grian demanded. "Wait. Our ghost is..." He looked at the pinboard. The distinctly feminine name. Eve Leonard. Then back to Jimmy. "Where did he come from?"
"You can See him?" Tango asked.
"You can See him?!" Grian retorted.
Tango removed his glasses, revealing the real color of his eyes when they didn't hide behind the amber-orange of the yellow lens tint. But he said nothing.
Grian stalked over to Jimmy, glowering. "Have you been messing with our evidence tonight, fella?" he snapped.
"He hasn't," Tango said before Jimmy could say anything. "He's a Rev. He doesn't interact with the Spirit Box. He does cause Freezing Temps, but he's not skewing the rest of the evidence."
"How do you know he's a Rev?"
"I told him when we first met," Jimmy said.
Grian's gaze snapped back to Jimmy. "You can talk? Most ghosts—"
"I was never quite like the other ghosts," Jimmy remarked.
"I feel like we're not addressing the big elephant in this van right now," Tango said sarcastically. "How can you See a ghost without Spirit Vision?"
Grian met Tango's eyes, and finally seemed to register that they were red. His face blanched a little. "I'm... a little different," Grian admitted. "Please don't tell the others."
Tango shrugged. "Not my secret to tell." Grian's shoulders relaxed. "Different how? E.S.P.?"
"Not exactly. I'm, uh... I'm what's called a Watcher. A rare intersection of a few different sight-based abilities. Spirit Vision, precognition—but it's pretty limited—some clairvoyance. From what I've been able to find, it's a lot rarer for a Watcher to exist than someone with Spirit Vision or precognition or clairvoyance. Like, no more than three on the planet at a time."
"So the odds of us both being on this ghost hunting team are astronomical. And yet here we are," Tango said.
Tango rounded on Jimmy. "Now what are you doing back from the Afterlife? We didn't spend four months helping you with your revenge so you could finally move on for you just to show up here again because you were bored."
"No, I... I came back because... I... I missed you. I can go back to the Afterlife anytime I want, now. But I missed you all. I've just... I've wanted to see your faces again. But you weren't at your old offices, and it's hard to travel around places that aren't haunted so I couldn't follow the van back. I've been..." He cleared his throat, flicked a glance at Grian, and looked back to Tango. "I've been looking for you."
Tango scrunched his eyebrows at Grian. "And you haven't noticed?"
"Well, see, I'm the man in the van," Grian said. "I don't go inside with the ghosties if I can help it."
Tango sighed. "Fine. Whatever. Jim, can we talk outside, in private?" He gave Grian a pointed look and led the way out into the rain. Leaving his glasses off. It was annoying to put up with them when they got streaked with rain.
They circled to the side of the van away from the house. Tango leaned against the van wall, looking around. It was late. No one seemed to be awake or looking around. Maybe the neighbors had all been informed that this house was haunted and ghost hunters were coming to capture the ghost so they were all hiding inside.
"What do you want to speak about?" Jimmy asked. Tango cleared his throat but didn't say anything yet. Trying to parse his thoughts into words that made sense. Why were words so hard? Like, all the time? "Look, I know I might have messed up, coming back like this. I know you weren't expecting to see me. I know you promised that when your time came, you'd meet me in the Afterlife. But that won't be for such a long time and I missed you. Your smile, your laugh—Tango. Are you still... do you still...?"
"Am I still in love with you?" Tango finished, voice sharper than he meant it to be. He pretended not to notice Jimmy's slight flinch in the corner of his eyes. "Yeah. I am."
"Really?" The disbelief in Jimmy's voice was closely entwined with hope.
"Mmhmm." Tango still couldn't look at him directly without his Vision making his eyes hurt. "Kinda hard to explain that to my friends though. 'Ohhh Tango hasn't gone on a date in five years because he's still pining for the Revenant who moved on to the Afterlife.'" It was a poor imitation of Impulse's voice, but noticeably Impulse all the same.
"Tango... am I holding you back? There's no point in you living a long life before joining me if it's not a happy one."
"I'm keeping my promise to you. I'm living my life. You're not holding me back. No one has come into my life that's felt like you. If they do, I'll be happy to share my time with them. But so far, that hasn't happened. So here I am. Still single five years later, and fine with it. Maybe someone wanders into my life, maybe they don't. I'm living my life on my terms. And if that means missing a ghost I'm in love with, then that's what it means. I have no intentions of cutting my life short just to be with you. But that doesn't mean what we have and have had isn't real to me."
He felt the familiar frigid iciness of Jimmy's hand passing through his. And finally turned to look Jimmy square in the face. The ache in his eyes throbbed, but eased a little. Some semblance of a tolerance returning.
"Go back to the Afterlife, Jimmy. I've kept my promise and I intend to continue keeping it. To live my life to the fullest and join you when my time comes."
Jimmy looked like he would tear up if he could. But he was still a ghost, and had no tears to shed. He floated as close to Tango as he could get. The icy sensation of him cupping Tango's face in his hands sent chills down Tango's spine. "I'll miss you. I love you."
"I love you too, Jimmy. I'll miss you."
The frozen kiss against his forehead made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
His Vision ached a little less as Jimmy faded from view, blowing another kiss off his fingertips as he did so. Tango pretended to catch it, tucking it into the chest pocket of his vest.
Jimmy vanished.
Tango went back into the van.
"I don't think we need to discuss that any of this happened with the others, do you?" he asked Grian.
"I don't tell them you're a Watcher, you don't tell Scar I have Spirit Vision and was talking to a different ghost than the one who haunts this house. Yeah?"
"Deal," Grian said, sticking a hand out. Tango shook it.
At that moment, Skizz came barreling out of the house, screaming. "Moroooooiiiii!" Impulse came jogging out after, smiling smugly, with Scar in tow, who was wide-eyed and ashen, his bronzed-tan skin blanched with fear. The three of them rushed into the van.
"Survive the hunt, did you fellas?" Grian asked.
"No thanks to you!" Skizz retorted. "You're sackin' up and getting in the war next time!"
Grian's "NoooOOO!" of protest was cut off by Impulse pulling out the cleansing and containment equipment.
"Let's get this done, gentlemen!" he announced.
Tango fell into the old routine. As he reached down to grab for a containment unit, his long-sleeve shirt slipped up to reveal the yellow feather tattooed on his wrist. Jimmy's favorite bird was a canary. No one else knew that. He got it after Jimmy had moved on. As a reminder.
He was still going to keep his promise. He owed himself that much.
With a laugh, he grabbed Grian by the collar and dragged him into the house with everyone else.
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blackbatcass · 2 days
helloo :D
So, I keep seeing people saying that Jason is Bruce’s favorite child, and the only one that was actually like a son to Bruce. (aside from Damian) Also that just because Dick and Bruce were partners/brothers too, it means that Dick isn’t really like Bruce’s son. How Jason and Bruce are each other’s favorite and Dick wishes he could be Bruce’s son (basically it just gets worse and worse jekskenjske)
But then I saw SO MANY posts about this (just getting harsher and harsher LMAO) and I thought I’d ask someone who knew more. So, yeah, here I am!
Thanks for answering if you do, and have a wonderful day!
anon do you want me dead. is that what's happening here
JK JK my first fanon jason ask... what a historic day! basically you're completely right. I don't know where this frankly insane take comes from but whenever me, my mutuals, and pretty much anyone in this corner of the dc fandom sees a post like it we roll our eyes to the heavens. to put it simply the idea that jason is bruce's favorite and the only one he actually loved like a son is a complete fucking lie lol.
first of all to claim that bruce didn't love dick like a son is......I mean. let's just say people saying that have probably never read a comic with bruce and dick before. literally the number one thing to know about these characters is that the love bruce and dick have for each other can be seen from outer space. they have never been normal about each other. bruce raised dick since he was eight. they are thee og codependent father-son partners 'we saved each other we are pack bonded for life if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself' duo. I mean... there is nuance to be had where they had a very complicated tangled up hard-to-label relationship that had elements of being father & son, elements of being brothers, and ofc partners as batman and robin but that is a function of their relationship being TOO crazy and close not the other way around lol. it is patently true that bruce and dick know each other better than anyone else in the world. it is pretty much true that if you're going to play the favorites game, it's hard to deny that dick is bruce's favorite. that's his eldest his most trusted his saving grace his person who understands him better than anyone. I could pull like an endless amount of panels as evidence that dick was bruce's favorite. there are so many 'dick is the only thing i did right' 'i only feel pride when i look at nightwing' etc etc. dick is his child in every way that matters basically
which is not to say that jason isn't bruce's son! he definitely is! bruce does love jason, but jason was his second kid lol. and it's...i mean jason was robin for a very short time in the grand scheme of things. you can blow through his robin run super fast because it's just not very long. the idea that bruce loved jason more or there's more of a father-son bond to be found in the few issues they were together for as opposed to the 10 years dick was robin is actually insane. bruce literally admitted that the reason he let jason be robin was because he missed dick. lol. lmao even.
basically yeah claiming that jason is bruce's favorite and dick was never treated as bruce's son is just a lie. it's not true. it's like that 'jason is tim's favorite robin' nonsense that was going around a few months ago; it completely ignores canon and essential character elements in jason's favor. I don't know why some jason fans are so obsessed with putting him up on a pedestal by bashing other characters on his behalf. and like...it is possible to have two sons? and love them both? lmfao? and that's not even getting into like tim and cass (also bruce's adopted children). I don't know why people just decided this was a thing but it is false<3
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 days
jance + royalty au? 👀
Ohhh I think I'm gonna have fun with this one and it'll probably turn too long so putting this under the cut <3
(Note: I'm too lazy to search which countries still have any sort of monarchy and which ones would fit the most, so I leave it up for imagination. I mean, I know we have one here in Spain so maybe one could be Spanish but idk, whatever agahsbs)
Both Jan and Nace are next in line for their respective monarchies. They've never met each other, but along with the education they received as princes, they had to learn about the rest of the monarchies and regimes in the world, so yeah... they do know at least a bit about each other.
Jan has been out as queer for a few years now, since he was 18. It took him some time to gather the courage to speak to his parents, scared of how they would react to the possibility that the prince - the future king of the country - might fall in love with a man one day, making the possibility of having biological children a little, well, complicated. He still liked girls, but he liked boys too, so the possibility was there.
Still, he talked to them. Thankfully, his parents were very supportive and reassured him that there were many ways they could still have children, and there was always the adoption possibility if other methods didn't work out. "The crown is something that is passed from generation to generation, but it is not our blood that makes us kings or queens. We will love you and your future children no matter what."
They agreed to wait until he was 18 to make a statement. It was pretty wild, he appeared in the news and every single newspaper, the word obviously spreading all over the word: he was the first ever out and proud (future) monarch. But anyways, the response was mostly supportive.
Nace, for his part, belongs to a much conservative monarchy. The country has progressed a lot, is a lot more open and lgbtq friendly than it used to be. The monarchy - or, well, his parents and the people around them - on the other hand...
He has known he's gay since he was little, after realizing that him looking at men that way was not admiration or him wanting to be like them, but more like him having a crush on them.
He didn't tell anyone tho, he grew up hearing everyone around him talking bad about people like that, people like him, so he never said anything about it, he hated himself for being like that. That was until a few years later he confessed everything to his sister one night, crying, expecting her to hate him just as much as he had learned to hate that part of him. Instead, his sister hold him tight and told him that it was okay, that she loved him just the way he was, there was nothing wrong about it and he deserved to be loved for who he was.
With time, he started to learn how to love himself again. It was hard sometimes, he wasn't quite there yet - the thought that his parents wouldn't accept him if he came out a constant reminder of it - but he tried.
Then, it happened. Jan - the gorgeous prince with long, black hair and a slightly mysterious and cool aura, yet with beautiful big brown eyes and a soft smile that might or might not make Nace's stomach tingle every time he sees him on tv - has come out as queer. It's shocking at first, but he can't help but feel... good. He's not alone, there's people like him out there, and they're determined to prove that there's nothing wrong with being queer just because you're part of the Royal Family. And he's also proud of the younger boy, for having the courage to come out to a whole country (and the whole world basically) when he himself can't even talk to his parents.
It's not until a few years later that they meet at an event Nace's family organized, but Nace hasn't stopped thinking about the beautiful prince's speech. Nace surprises even himself by going up to Jan and introducing himself (even if they obviously know who they are but, a prince has to be polite right?). They talk a little and they realize that neither of them really wanted to be there, so they escaped the salon where everyone is gathered and Nace shows him around the castle.
They end up going into Nace's room, both of them laying on his bed side by side, looking at the ceiling, cracking jokes and talking shit about how ridiculously polite and hypocrite everyone in that room was. Nace's heart warms as he realizes that the beautiful, kinda shy guy he's had a little crush on from seeing him on tv is apparently really kind and funny and sweet and even more beautiful in person than he is through the screen somehow, and Nace doesn't know what possessed him in that moment but he ends up talking to Jan about when he came out. He confesses him how much his speech impacted him and how much it has helped him accept himself.
He doesn't say it directly, but it doesn't take a genius to understand, yet Jan ventures a quiet "so, you are..." There's a bit of silence where Jan wonders if he pushed too hard until Nace says "I'm gay". He's never said that to anyone besides his sister and it feels good, liberating and, for the first time since the conversation started, he dares to look at Jan. He finds him already looking at him with a bright smile on his face and a (hopeful?) glimmer in his eyes. The younger man doesn't say anything, but he wraps him up in a hug like no one has ever given him. It makes Nace feel safe and accepted like he's never felt and without realizing he starts sobbing quietly, the sobs turning into full tears streaming down his cheeks and heavy breathing as he tells Jan everything that troubles him, everything about his family not being accepting and Jan holds him through it, caressing his hair and whispering words of affirmation until he fully calms down.
Nace feels embarrassed after that, but Jan quickly reassures him and they end up exchanging numbers.
Sadly, the event doesn't last forever and Jan has to go home not long after, but he leaves with a promise to keep in touch, both of them excited for what seemed to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Nace probably didn't expect it, but they end up texting almost every day. Despite their equally busy schedules, it's nice to come out of a very boring meeting to a bunch of messages from Jan, complaining about his equally boring meetings, talking about stuff that happen throughout his day or sending random memes. He's a bit shy at first, not daring to start conversations, but it's not long until he starts doing the same.
They stay up late at night chatting and sometimes even face timing each other. Nace learns that Jan is very much a night owl, but he's not that used to staying up too late so he sometimes falls asleep in the middle of their call (Jan just finds it incredibly cute and endearing, and if he sometimes spends a few long minutes looking at Nace's peaceful sleeping face before hanging up well... no one needed to know that)
It's been a few month since they first met when Nace has to travel to do some stuff in Jan's country. He swears he's never been more excited to go meet some people and visit some places, but the thought of getting to reunite with Jan is exhilarating. They hug each other so tight and definitely longer than you would hug someone you've only met once before once they meet, but they're both too happy to care about it.
The time Nace spends there passes by way too quickly and he has to go home. It's when he's laying in his own bed that night, his whole body seeming to miss Jan with every atom and his heart aching with the desire to have the other man near, that he realizes (or more like, accepts) that he's in love with Jan.
And he cries. Cries because he's fallen in love with his best friend. Cries because he doesn't want to fuck up this beautiful friendship that they've manage to build besides the distance. Cries because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. Cries because he would never forgive himself for ruining what they have. Cries because he misses him, so fucking much. But how could he not? When Jan has helped him accept and love himself just the way he is, when Jan has showed him he's deserving of love and genuine friendship, when Jan is just so... Jan.
Unbeknownst to him, Jan is having a similar reaction all the way over at home.
Jan blames himself. He knew he had a crush on Nace after that night they met. He thought it would be just a silly crush and it would go away soon, but every day that passed, every text and every late night call, made him fall a little bit more. How was his (not so) silly little crush supposed to go away when Nace was so sweet and nice and kind and cute and beautiful, when his hair was so soft and his dimpled smile was so bright and genuine and his sassy remarks never failed to make Jan smile, when he looked so incredibly adorable and hot when he was wearing his glasses, when his hugs made him feel so safe, when he talked so passionately about the things he liked - god he was such a nerd and fuck Jan was so down bad for him.
So yeah, Jan blames himself. Blames himself because he know this could potentially ruin their friendship. He would never be able to forgive himself if his feelings for his friend were the reason Nace decided to step away from his life, making him lose probably the most precious thing he has ever had.
Of course, none of them say anything about it, they keep in touch just like before, they visit each other as often as their schedules allow them, enjoying being friends. Both of them secretly hoping they could be more, but neither of them daring to risk breaking what they already have.
How long will it take them to get their shit together and realize the feeling is mutual? Will they be able to resist the urge to lean in and kiss the other on one of those rare times they get to spend the day together? Who will take the first step, risking everything they have, holding on to hope that this could turn out well and they could be happy together? How will they overcome all the challenges they will encounter once they are together, like having a long distance relationship or what Nace's parents will have to say about it? How will the world take it when Nace comes out, or if they - two princes and future kings of two different countries - come out as a couple? Well... that's a story for another time.
Leave an AU and a pairing in my ask and I’ll give you the plot of the fic I won’t write for it.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 hours
Part of her duties required her to hear the calls of her people. Simon’s words rang true when many of her subjects blessed her at the foot of her throne and thanked her for the food and help she provided. Other times, she was forced to listen to the nobles and children of nobles boast and puff their chests like birds attracting a mate. One moment has stuck out to her when a group of rough looking men entered the hall and she felt a sickening feeling gather when she watched John and Kyle stand up straight from the windows they were leaning on; more so, when she felt Simon and Jonathan come to the left and right of her throne side and stand.
The leader, she assumed from the way he swaggered up to her throne, gave a showy bow. “Your Majesty,” he greeted with a disgusting tone and look in his eye. “It’s a pleasure to be in such a glorious and dignified hall.”
She ignored the desire to have them thrown out on their rears, and lifted her chin, replying calmly, “The pleasure is mine. Might I ask what you’ve come to me in request of?”
“Well,” he drawled out. “My men and I,” he gestured to the men behind him and then himself. “Have been doing an excellent job of keeping your border on the west end clean of ruffians and bandits.”
“I wasn’t aware I had commissioned a new squad of knights,” she answered, arching an elegant brow on her forehead. “Might I ask who your captain is?”
The man’s chuckle was anything but amusing. “Oh, we’re not knights. We’re simply concerned...citizens.”
“Ah, I suspect I shall see more armed citizens soon, then?”
“Perhaps,” he smiled. “My Lady.”
“So, what do you require of me?”
He took another step up but stopped when Kyle and John appeared and held out their arms, effectively blocking him. “Quite the group of knights you command, Your Majesty.”
“They are,” she affirmed. “What do you want from my kingdom? Gold? Land? Titles?”
“Well, if we are going to continue to protect the border, we’d like to know it’s going to be repaid.”
“I’ve never heard of your group before. Why would I repay such?”
“We are good. Better than even your knights.”
She hummed low and waved a hand; a young woman appeared with a golden cup and a pitcher, and she took the wine goblet. “Thank you, Laeneris.”
“Your Majesty,” the woman bowed and stepped down with the pitcher.
“I will offer amnesty, but I will send my own knights to see how you protect my kingdom. You will fight for my kingdom and my people. You will fight for me.” She took a sip of her wine. “I will give you one day to decide.” Waving a hand, she said to a man in the side hall, “Amnie, a few rooms in the inn in town for our…guests.”
The leader gazed at her as the men behind him laughed and cheered with one another; he regarded her with a curious and lewd expression. “Show me your cunt. I want to see if it’s worth fighting for.”
Simon was already drawing his long sword and down a half step when she simply raised a finger. “You are in my throne room. In my castle. And are going to be staying in my inn. You do well to remember as such.” She looked behind his men. “You have a decision to make, and I have more subjects to hear.”
He smirked and nodded his head. “Of course, Your Majesty. I thank you for your hospitality.” He turned and walked past Laeneris, pausing to slap her rear hard; she jumped and made a face as he muttered, “I’ll find you tomorrow evening.”
As they walked off, she leaned back in her throne. “Ser Simon?” she narrowed her gaze on the man’s back. “When you meet them on the border…kill that one first.”
Simon’s gaze darkened behind the visor as he sheathed his sword, and he assured, “Gladly, Your Grace.”
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oharaslove · 2 days
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HI LOVIEESS!! Hope you enjoy this preview of my first series!! For some reason I love the concept of soulmates (bwoah, some reason, I know why, but let's stay mysterious for a while, haha), so I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it and thinking about it.
word count: 900 summary: What happens when someone who believes no one can love him meets a person who only desires to love and be loved? disclaimer: All the events of this story happen after Spiderman Across the SpiderVerse (more info in Chapter 1) warnings: MiguelxSpider!Reader (also latina), soulmates, eventual smut? (still debating this, not because I don't want to, but my abilities to do so), eventual angst, fluff, injuries, talks about death (I'll update as I go on)
Also, I'll be putting songs in some Chapters, or all of them if I can find music that I find fitting (Even though I am trying to stick to Sleep Token). Anyway, the song to start it all:
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Spiderman 2099, Miguel O’hara, the leader of the SpiderSociety, one half of a whole. Nobody knows it, but he possesses an indelible mark in his body. For many, only a simple birthmark, for him, a constant reminder that there is someone out there who is his supposedly other half. The idea so stupid he stopped thinking about it, constantly at least, after he learned the truth about his biological father, Tyler Stone. 
In this Earth, in the year 2099, equal to the downfall of the “heroic age” where there were lots of superheroes, it was also the debacle of soulmates. There was an era where everyone was destined to meet the “love of their lives” and live happily ever after. Each person was assigned a match at birth, that was supposed to be their half, together being and feeling complete, represented by a distinctive mark. Only the children of soulmates could posses this “power” or destiny, or as Miguel liked to call it, a curse. 
As time went by, the people of Nueva York and all Earth-928 grew tired of waiting for that special person, and as a consequence soulmates started to disappear. For Miguel’s disgrace, Conchata and Tyler Stone were soulmates, which is part of the reason why he hates them so much. 
The mere idea of having someone destined to be with him repulsed him. He isn’t opposed to having a family, hence why he took the other Miguel’s place, but after losing Gabriella, he doesn’t trust himself. He isn’t capable of loving again, trusting someone, or so he thinks. 
There isn’t a reason why he thinks the universe (or universes) would give him someone to love him unconditionally. Miguel thinks that if his soulmate really exists, they will be like his mother and Tyler, destined to be apart, a love that never was supposed to happen, it would be a mistake, like HE is, in his mind.
Furthermore, he is Spiderman, he has a duty. Not only does he have to keep Nueva York safe, but also prevent the Multiverse from becoming shambles.  There is no time to care for someone, there is no time for love. “With great power comes great guilt”, a phrase he will never let down. He knows what he has to do, he is aware of the power he possesses. There is no time to mess around, and there is definitely not a second a day that he can waste trying to find someone who would, NO, will definitely hate him, doesn’t matter if they were bonded together or not. 
Even though he tells himself this every sleepless night, there is always a part of his heart or mind that yearns for comfort, for love, or at least, someone who can understand him. He knows it is impossible, or at the very best, improbable, given the fact that his so-called soulmate is probably only a regular human, so she will never understand, but deep in his consciousness, there is hope. Everytime he saves someone he believes he is a step closer, but there is always disappointment. So he drowns himself with work, trying to forget, trying to erase the idea that he was born to belong to someone, but instead fate gifted him with loneliness on this Earth, and in many others. 
Earth - 129
Y/n Y/Ln, the only Spiderwoman of Earth-129, the other half of a whole soul. Since you have memory, everyone has told you how important the weird shaped mark you had in your body was. It meant you had a soulmate, like almost everyone in your universe. Soulmates in your universe were sacred, as in Miguel’s, only children of soulmates could possess soulmates, but as the vast majority married and had kids with their own, most people have them. 
Obviously, your parents were each other’s soulmates, and you had the opportunity to hear how much they cared and loved each other. As you were growing up, you couldn’t wait to meet your other half, the person who was supposed to understand you like no other, to love you unconditionally. 
When you were born, unfortunately, your mother died, which caused your dad great pain. In your Earth, soulmates can feel each other’s pain and strong emotions, so your father felt how your mom slipped out of his grasp. He had hope they would leave this life together, as he didn’t know life without her, but fate had other plans. 
Even though this broke your heart, you never stopped looking for your soulmate, and your father never stopped encouraging you.
Now, in your twenties, 28 to be precise, everyone your age you know has met their soulmate. Friends, cousins, everyone!. Your friend was worried for you, he even started to think that something bad happened to your soulmate, because of the weird shape your mark has, but you still have hope. 
You’ve never been with anyone, so you don’t know how love feels, well, romantic love, but you know you have a lot to give. You can’t wait for the day you meet him. Every time you save someone during your patrols, you hope that it gets you closer to getting to know your soulmate. But you haven’t had luck yet. You only wish for your friend to be wrong, and your soulmate is somewhere on this Earth.  One of these days, you'll meet him, you feel it.
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<Chapter 1> <Masterlist>
Well, he isn’t on your Earth, is it darling?
Hope you liked it!! Let me know what you think!!
@oscarissac2099 @cupcakeinat0r @greensagephase
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forthevillains · 2 days
Arranged marriage
Albert Wesker X fem! Reader
also if you’d like a second part with NSFW let me know;)
Wesker could never imagine himself being in a classic relationship, where he’d fall in love and take his time with the person. No he had too much to do, so much work he didn’t even have time to meet new people and make an effort to make a woman fall in love with him. Yet as he worked on the virus and nearly all the test subjects he’s injected so far died within first hours, a thought crossed his mind. His own body accepted it, meaning that someone with the same blood, with the same strong mind could do the same. And so he’s decided to find a wife, hell to even pay for her, he didn’t give two shits about it. He needed someone worthy of carrying his children that were to be the key to the future. That wicked thought of his soon came to reality, he’s found a beautiful young, intelligent wife whose father was willing to give her up for the money. It was the biggest mistake he’s made though, forcing someone as determined as you into the marriage.
You hated Wesker, so badly, most of the time you two were yelling at each other and Albert held himself as good as he could to not strangle you. It was a living hell, especially for people who have worked for him, having to witness you two fighting like small children.
You knew what you wanted and that was freedom. You’ve fought for it the best you could, not letting Wesker touch you at all, throwing one insult after another and as much as it seemed like the best way to make his visions come true, he restrained himself from touching you without your consent. He hated how morals got the best of him now, when he needed it the least, but whether he liked it or not, he knew that he’d go against himself if he ever did that. He was the one wanted by women, he never had to force himself onto one and he sure wouldn’t do it now.
He changed his tactics though. Letting you sleep in your own room, without him anywhere near you. Except for the cameras planted in a corner of every single room. He liked to have things under control and he couldn’t trust you just yet.
This lasted a year or two. No progress from your side, however Albert? He got so used to watching you do the basic things, to hear you complain about how much of a pain in the ass he is, how you disliked Excella for the mere reason that she kept annoying you with how much she’d like to be in your place. He was growing so used to you that he actually began to fall in love with you. Slowly, but deeply. No matter how bad of a relationship the two of you had, whenever he spied on you and saw you so careless, smiling at the peace you’ve finally achieved - he grew addicted to that. He wanted to watch you more often, but the goals he set for himself didn’t allow him to do that as often as he’d like. You’ve got the poor man wrapped around your finger and you didn’t even know.
Not only that, you’ve actually done much more, only to disobey, only to possibly hurt him. You still remembered how you sneaked out of your parents’ house when you were a teenager. So you did it again. And realizing that Wesker didn’t talk to you about it the next day - you knew you could do it again. He either didn’t care or didn’t see you, but both were to your advantage.
It’s no surprise that you settled with cheating on your husband. He was distant enough that you just wanted attention from elsewhere. You were bored, lonely, with no one to talk to, nothing to do, as Wesker was always working and you weren’t allowed to talk to anyone else. It also felt quite refreshing to get out of the imaginary handcuffs he put you in, even if it was for a mere hour. Surprisingly, he didn’t find out for the first few weeks. You could enjoy affection and sex and he didn’t know a thing.
Wesker noticed the difference in your behavior and was pleased by your sudden obedience, glad that you finally realized what’s truly best for you. If only he’d known… He felt like that was the time for him to move your relationship further, to finally act like husband and wife and so he began buying you small gifts, spending more time with you in mere attempts to form a bond. You went along, but still - you wouldn’t let him touch you at all.
He would find out eventually though. And god was he pissed to get to know such a thing. His blood was boiling and for a slight moment he considered killing you. How dare you do that to him? And only when he started to care about you!
The man you’ve been seeing is found dead soon. No regrets from Wesker’s side.
You’re getting furious though.
"I could never love you! Get that through your head, old man!” You shouted at him and for the first time since he married you, Wesker froze in place. Have you just called him old? Have you just admitted that he’s unlovable? He doesn’t get it. He really doesn’t, but he’s done playing nice.
He makes your life a living hell afterwards, having you by his side all the time, not even letting you shower alone, let alone go to toilet. He’s always with you, no matter what you do and even when he has work to get done - you’re there assisting him. He doesn’t care how bored you are, you’re gonna be there with him.
If you try to run away again, he might as well put a collar on you to put you in your place (don’t make him do that.)
You’re forced to get used to your new life. You’re forced to be with him, forced to love him. And once you fall, there’s no coming back. He’s going to push you, he’s going to make you fall, because that’s what he’s wanted since the very beginning.
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formula1blog · 3 days
Continue the legacy
The skies were gray as the rain fell from it. Everywhere you looked were puddles forming from the rain and people hurried to take cover. In the midst of this chaos, a small but determined figure stood out - Sofie, who was refusing to let the rain ruin her karting practice.
"Sofie, let go inside. We don't want you to get sick." Max tried to convince his daughter to follow him inside, but the girl was to suborn to listen
"No, papa. We still have to practice," she replied, her voice firm and resolute. She walked back to her kart, but before she managed to sit inside it, her father lifted her off the ground and into his arm. The girl tried to escape from her father's grasp, but she was just squirming like a fish on the dry.
"It is not fair," she pouted. "If I can't practice, I'll never be as good as you." Max's heart melted at his daughter's words. He knew that he had been pushing her too hard, but he wanted to help her as much as she could. Formula 1 wasn't easy to get into and for a woman the chances were almost zero, but Max wouldn't do anything to make her dream come true. Just like his own father had pushed him when he was younger. 
"Don't say that," Max replied, trying to reassure her. "We can practice when the sky is cleared. I promised, lieverd." He kissed her head and carried her inside to sit with the rest of the people who were taking cover from the rain.
As they reached an empty table, Max put Sofie back down on the ground and had to take her arm to stop her from running back out into the rain.
The rain reminded him of his own karting days - only his dad had always forced him to be outside, not caring what the weather was. If it was raining, Max was in his kart. If it was snowing and everyone was inside drinking hot beverages, Max was in his kart. Jos would stop him from going inside, instead of stopping him from going out to race in these weather conditions. Max knew that what his father had done was to train him, and it had worked - he had become a five-time world champion with his help. He wanted to help Sofie, like his father had helped him - only he wasn't planning on giving her any traumas in the process.
Max smiled as Sofie went to sit on the chair with a frown on her face. She tried to look angry, but it was a sweet sight. "Can I have some hot chocolate?" she asked, her voice a little more subdued now that she was no longer thinking about karting practice. 
"Of course, lieverd, I" Max replied, getting up from his seat to fetch a cup of hot chocolate for his daughter. "If you promise to not run away." Sofie put out her pinky to promise that she would stay put here and not try to run back outside into the rain. Max just hoped he didn't have to sprint after her back into the rain - that had already happened on multiple occasions today alone.
When Max reached the cafe he heard the ring on the bell, knowing someone walked inside. Just like every other curious person, he turned around to look and saw the Leclerc family walk in. Charles was walking hand in hand with his wife and Jules was attached to his hip. Alexandra carried the youngest member, Eloise, in her arm. Eloise had been born almost two years after Sofie, at the end of 2029. 
Max waved as Charles looked into his way and a smile formed on the Monegasque man. "Good afternoon, Max. Having the same idea as us?" he asked, his deep voice carrying across the room. Max greeted Charles with a nod and a smile before turning to greet the rest of the family.
The families had been growing closer. Both of them lived in Monaco and Charles and Max have known each other since they were children. It also happened that their children wanted to do karting, so sometimes they went together. Charles, Max, Jules and Sofie.
"yeah, Sofie wanted to go karting so who am I to say no. 
"Where is she?" Alexandra asked as she looked around where they stood. Max pointed his fingers to the table and the two Adults followed with their eyes. Sofie was still a bit sulking, but at least she was doing it on the dry. "She looks sad, what happend?"
"I am a bad father for not letting her kart in this weather." Max answered. He heard his name call, mentioning he could order. "Do you guys want anything?" he already ordered the hot chocolate for Sofie and him, as Charles asked Jules if he wanted anything.
"Can I have one too?" Jules asked excitedly, fidgeting with his clothes as he looked up at his father. Charles smiled and nodded his head. 
"Of course." max said as he orders one for the boy and two tea for his parents. "You can sit with Sofie if you want" Jules looked at his dad as if he asked for promission and Charles just smiled and nodded his head. Jules walked away, his mother and sister following, leaving the two men to themselves. Sofie wanted to walk away when she heard people sitting, but when she saw who it were she giggled and smiled.
"How is retirement treating you?" Max asked Charles. Monegasque had retired at the end of the 2031 season after some tough seasons with Ferrari, where he struggled to find his rhythm and pace. Oscar Piastri had won both the 2031 and 2030 season in the Red Bull team, being almost as dominant as Max had been in 2023.
Charles shrugged his shoulders, "It's nice, really. I love that I'm able to spend time with my family whenever I want. It's great to support Jules in his dream to become a racing driver and I love karting with him. I get to relive those childhood memories with my son, and it's amazing to see him grow into his own passion for racing. And, of course, I'm grateful for the quality time with my wife and daughter. We can plan vacations whenever we want, and not have to worry about scheduling around race weekends." He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It is great to have this sense of freedom and flexibility, but I do miss it."
"Understandable. I still miss it. Of course I still do sim racing, but it is different. I love when Sofie asked to go karting, because sometimes I can do it too." Max replied, nodding sympathetically. "She's getting older now, and it's special to share those moments with her. Before you know it they don't want to do it together anymore." 
Charles agreed with him, "We should grab our cars and go racing against each other on the Nürburgring, just like the old times."  His eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect.
Max grinned, "We should." He picked up the drinks they had been waiting for and together they walked towards the table.
Alexandra thanked him as Max gave her, her tea. "What are two grinning about?"
"Just making plans for racing."
Sofie looked excited, "Can I come?"
Max smiled at her beaming face, "I am sorry lieverd. You have to wait till you are older."
"You are letting me do nothing." She crossed her arms and let out a sigh.
read on A3O
Tag list: @hiireadstuff @nikfigueiredo @elliott-calls @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e
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nyarumitsu · 12 hours
i'm incredibly weak for the unhealthy family/siblings dynamic that's anything but black and white. i love it when there are actually happy memories and moments the family can look back to which make the heartbreak of learning that Your Family Sucks even more depressing because they weren't always like that. something in them changed for the worst.
i love this when i apply it to the von karma family especially when it comes to manfred, who i believe was actually not too bad of a father until over time he just started getting more and more cruel and withdrawn from himself and his children. but, i also want to apply it to kristoph... we know nothing about him and klavier, we know nothing about their family. but still, anyone with two eyes could tell that klavier respected and idolized his older brother.
he grew his hair out to look like his, and was genuinely looking forward to his first ever trial against him. he always listened to kristoph and never really felt the need to go against him until turnabout succession. this could probably read as manipulation from kristoph's side and probably is not gonna lie, but i'd love to believe that kristoph really was a great older brother. that the only person who could ever have space in his crooked heart would be his younger brother, klavier.
which would just make it all the more devastating that klavier has to face the reality that yeah, his older brother sucks. he's a criminal. he's a murderer. he used him as a means to get rid of this other attorney he had a massive hatred for. but, his brother loved him. which makes it WORSE!!!
i love paralleling the von karmas and the gavins because, they've been fooled for so long. it just wouldn't occur to them so easily that these people they looked up to were actually Evil Brutal Murderers. and that's how the world views them as. the world will view manfred von karma as an evil murderer with no remorse for killing his adopted kid's biological father and an incredibly corrupt prosecutor. the world will view kristoph gavin as an evil murderer with no remorse for disbarring phoenix wright and getting rid of anyone who gets in his.
but miles, franziska, and klavier will always know of the times and little moments of when they weren't those people. and when they couldn't possibly have been that kind of person. they know that, somehow, they were loved by these people. that in those cruel hearts they have, they still somehow made space for them.
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dark-elf-writes · 2 days
Imagine Izuku, hurting and sore, being welcomed by their big siblings. By Hizashi and their husband Shouta (mortal? Demigod?) who make a room just for Izuku. By Snipe who takes what small amount of skill with weapons Izuku has to hone and hone until that slight advantage becomes stronger. Hawks who broke out of a facility designed to keep him docile and burned it to the ground with a smile and a pyro on one arm who then took down thr former number two hero with a snarl.
Izuku whose mind is to fast. Who sees to much abd saw the way Inko looked past. Saw her ignore the truth for her own comfort. (Katsuki and Izuku are best friends like her and Mitsuki. Izuku is just clumsy. Shes a good mom. She never cheated. Izuku is just a normal child. There is nothing special) Izuku who reaches out and the others reach back.
Izuku can’t lie.
They never have been able to. The words burn on their tongue and ache coming out, but the truth is dangerous and often not what adults want to hear so they learn to talk around it. To weave half truths that don’t hurt but still are what people want to know. They learn to talk about villains rather than monsters (and really isn’t a monster just a villain at the end of the day?) they learn to speak about chance rather than foresight (a hundred percent chance is still a chance in a technical sense) they learn to show internet rather than speak about the burning need for knowledge that could consume them if they let it (they are interested, of course, but interest is such a light thing compared to the need that screams through them.)
They can’t lie, but they can always tell when someone is lying.
Their mom is the worst liar, they think. She lies to Izuku, telling them she loves them and wouldn’t anything for them; she lies to others, telling them that the bruises and burns are just because Izuku is clumsy and an adventurous child; she lies to herself, telling sweet little lies about how Katsuki is Izuku’s friend and he will make a great hero one day while Izuku… well Izuku will find something better suited she’s sure.
She’s a liar.
Izuku wishes they could just hate her. Wishes that each lie didn’t ache as badly as the first one. Wishes so many things that never come true even with all of the flashes of the future they see.
At least, not until one of their flashes leads them to their siblings, the older children of Apollo that recognize Izuku just as easily as Izuku recognizes them.
There’s no lie in any of their words when they tell Izuku they want them to be safe. That they are Izuku’s family. That they care. No lies when Hizashi tells them they see the monsters too. No lies when Keigo says their glimpses of the future are cool. No lies when Snipe promises that they can be just as strong of a fighter as they are a scholar with a bit of practice. Not even a lie when Shouta (Hizashi’s husband and apparently a son of Hermes, which wouldn’t have been Izuku’s first guess but they are burning to know about their gifts and if the rumors go a lock sensing and disabling ability is true) tells them that they can stay with him and Hizashi for as long as they want.
Sitting in the living room with their siblings bickering back and forth while Hizashi heals them (that rumbling is so soothing. Like a cat’s. Didn’t they read something about purring being able to heal? Was this connected to Voice or their father. Were they both from their father ? Were quirks just godly gifts watered down through the years were—) Izuku can see what the future holds. Dozens of little flashes playing out in seconds.
Laughing into a karaoke microphone while Hizashi pulls some ridiculous dance move. Keigo scooping them up for a flight because “every child of Apollo should get to race the sun!” Steady hands cruising their own as they pull back a bowstring, letting their fingers roll off so the arrow thuds dead center of the target. A laughing man they can’t quite see against the sun lighting him from behind with calloused hands so warm it’s like pure sunlight cupping their cheek.
A hero costume in green and black with a little yellow lyre stitched in where most wouldn’t see. A sun that matched three other costumes that had them all clever hidden.
Izuku sees it all, hears no lies, and reaches out.
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barnbridges · 6 months
my most education major take is that people don't want you to parent your children anymore. people don't want mothers (and fathers) to give any sort of life-advice or care to their children. people have become so therapy-obsessed and the whole "intergenerational trauma" craze has made it so that you should actually pass nothing onto your child. you should just take your child to therapy and feed them baby formula until they're 18 and at that point, they're on their own. it's cruel and inhumane and the way people want to de-involve society at large in the raising of children, down to that they shouldn't even be parented anymore.
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so i never said this to anyone and bottling this up is exhausting so i'm just gonna vomit it here. PLEASE SENSITIZE CHILDREN TO ART.
#raj shitposting#so on new year's eve my apartment complex decided to have like a little carnival and people were invited to set up stalls for their stuff#so my mother is a mix media artist and i FORCED her to set up a stall which i kinda sorta regret now because of this thing that happened#so we were setting up our stall and a little boy comes up and wants to purchase something from the jewelry section and when we#tell him the price of the piece he calls my MOTHER'S ART A SCAM. A SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL PHOTOSYNTHESIS!!!#WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A SCAM ACTUALLY IS. CALLS MY MOTHER'S ENTIRE ART A SCAM.#i wanted to smack him so hard across the face but my mother held me back and told me to calm down and asked him to get lost.#but the entire day our mood was rotten about this#PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD TELL YOUR CHILDREN THAT IT'S NOT OKAY TO INSULT SOMEONE'S WORK LIKE THAT!!!!!!!#YOU IMBECILE IT'S EXPENSIVE BECAUSE IT REQUIRES SKILL AND MATERIAL THAT IS DIFFICULT TO PROCURE AND KNOWLEDGE THAT IN ITSELF IS HELLA-#-EXPENSIVE TO GATHER!!!!!#ART IS INVALUABLE GUYS WHY DO YOU THINK OUR PARENTS PRESERVE THOSE STUPID ASS CRAYON LANDSCAPES FROM OUR CHILDHOOD?????#he might be a child and not know what any of this means but he could just back off... this is NOT curiosity it's mean spiritedness#and FUCKING RUDE#i was a child sometime in my life. i never talked shit like that to a 40 YEAR OLD AND TALKED BACK WHEN THEY ASKED ME TO BACK OFF#smh#anti intellectualism#art
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