#come vote
onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 4!!
Someone mentioned a play on Divine Intervention, and I thought that would make for a short, sweet, tag-able title. So here it is - Fanatic Intervention!
This poll came really close. Gosh. Please share this around. I want anyone who would like a chance to play to have the chance to play. This isn't about followers or activity, this is about letting people know they are welcome and invited :)
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The Metatron walked calmly through the halls of Heaven. Anyone who didn’t know any better would use a word more like “stalked” or “stomped.” Of course, no one in Heaven would ever use these words to describe the Metatron, even if his eyes were angry and his feet fell firmer than usual. No, the Metatron was the Voice of God – he merely walked with purpose, grace even.
At the end of a corridor that did not exist, he approached a door that opened at his touch and his touch alone, into a room that took up no space. It is in here that he stopped, the door closing behind him as it was right to do, and brought his hands together in Prayer.
“I beseech you,” he began, “Mother and Father both of All Creation, Commander of mine tongue, and through whose Grace I carry out Thine Will.” He paused, unsure exactly how to proceed with asking if someone new was supposed to be there. “In my best efforts to bring about the long-foretold Second Coming, I have come upon some trouble. A human was dropped into the path of my efforts* and has suggested that they are here at Your Will. If this is so, please instruct me so that I may step aside or aid them as appropriate. I wish only to serve You, Your Will, and Your Designs.” With this, the Metatron paused and waited. He waited for what felt like eternity, even though he kew all too well it wasn't. He was met with nothing but silence. With a sigh, he spoke now to himself (and if anyone had been around to hear, they might have – mistakenly, mind you – inferred his tone to be sad).
“I suppose I should have expected nothing less.”
He straightened himself. Well, clearly The Almighty trusted him to sort this trouble out for himself. Oh, how he adored the trust and love the Almighty had for him. Alright, so, given that he was sort out this trouble himself, he deigned to use all the knowledge and intelligence that the Almighty had granted him. He had other resources that he could consult.
Exiting the room, he walked once more (with purpose and trust in God – not with pride), to the Room of Records which held The Book of Life. If anyone saw him, they said nothing and let him pass. If he saw anyone, he paid them no mind. The Metatron approached The Book.
The Book of Life holds all the world’s stories, whether they are true or not. Every. Single. One.
He turned the pages to the one where he had seen the passage regarding The Second Coming, and the events leading up to it. His eyes widened in surprise (he was far too important to gawk). The lines that had carefully discussed Aziraphale returning to Heaven, and the Second Coming of Jesus, had all been painted over with what appeared to be a thin white tape. And overtop of this tape, new words were appearing, detailing the arrival of the strange human and their interference. The Metatron glared (not snarled) at the way in which their interaction was being recorded. After a moment, he experimentally scratched at the tape. Much to his relief, the white tape gave way, revealing the original words still lay underneath. Well now, that was good news. The original plan, writing, story, was still there – hidden just beneath the surface. No doubt, if he took the human out of the equation, so to speak, the Plan would continue as is had been written so many thousands of years ago. He smiled, closing his eyes, and thanking God for this insight. Now, all he had to do was find a way to get rid of that human.
Suddenly, the lights in Heaven started flashing red, and a siren began blaring. The Metatron rolled his eyes. WHAT, exactly, had happened now? He went to the room that contained the large rotating figure of Earth, and noticed a large red plume of smoke trailing from it. While all of the lesser angels were fussing with it, Metatron stayed near the door that didn’t exist. He had no need to inspect it closer. He knew precisely what it was.
*(not that kind)
It didn’t take you long to tell them about the Second Coming, and convince Aziraphale and Crowley to ward the bookshop. Well, there was some slight resistance, but you pointed out that if they did a Big Joint Miracle On Purpose, then there wasn’t likely to be anything that anyone could do about it, even when they did notice. And thus, it had gone without a hitch.
Now, Aziraphale was collecting stacks of Bibles that he felt would be helpful for research, Muriel was taking notes, and Crowley had gone to get some wine (something about needing a drink to deal with all this). You look to your phone, pointedly ignore the Lives Counter, and start toward Google to help with research.
Does your Good Omens playlist still work? You can’t help but wonder, and your curiosity has you distracted and opening the app. Oh, well, there it is. Honestly it’s impressive. But then again, you suppose, Good Omens exists in this world, and the songs in your playlist exist here too, it’s just the show (specifically the Final Fifteen) that doesn’t exist here. Not anymore anyway. Any songs related to the show are gone, but otherwise your playlist is still very much intact. You smirk, crank the volume up on your phone, and start blasting Mother Mother’s Problems.
Now, dear Reader, I will take you aside to reassure you that Hozier is on the list of music they must and will hear. I have merely chosen this one because I don’t know your playlists, but I know mine, and this song fits the mood I expect you must be feeling. You are on the other side of panic, having explained everything, and secured the bookshop, you are now feeling the glee of being in Aziraphale’s bookshop with your favourite characters. You need something upbeat to dance to, wouldn’t you say? And Take Me To Church, being the most upbeat Hozier song that I know of, doesn’t quite cut it.
Crowley enters the room with a bottle of wine and two glasses (only two? How dare he. Doesn’t he know you’re...well...not going to deny a demon the temptation of a glass of red?). Aziraphale sighs the word “Bebop,” and you begin an elaborate sort of bouncing while singing the lyrics and pointing at them in turn.
“So,” Crowley says quietly to Aziraphale, “Any idea what’s actually happening here?”
You, dear Reader, are lost in your dancing. You are having the time of your life making up dance moves and trying to convince Muriel to at least bob in time with the music. You notice none of this.
Aziraphale sighs. “Honestly,” he replies to Crowley, “I can’t say I do. But given what we have to work with, I rather think that trusting them is our best option. Besides,” Aziraphale glances at you, then back to Crowley, “They don’t feel like the bad sort. I may not always be the best judge of character when it comes to angels, but I’m certain that this human is, well, rather the good sort.”
“Mm,” Crowley replies. He pauses, watching for a moment as you try to convince Muriel to stand and take your hands. “And, what about...you know, the thing that Nina and Maggie erm...talked to us about?” He notices Aziraphale’s cheeks turn pink.
“I think that we had best leave that for when the world is safe,” but the angel sounds resigned when he says it. Crowley suspects that “the world,” is actually meant to mean “we and the humans.” He doesn’t mention this, he only nods. The demon pauses.
“Wait a minute, wait, is this song about…”
You had finally convinced Muriel to walk in a twirl under your arm when Crowley finally notices that you had been trying to make it clear as bloody daylight that the song’s lyrics fit them to a T. Now that you have their attention, your smirk grows into a full mischievous smile.
“If you think this is impressive, just wait,” You say. And NOW you turn on Hozier.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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My discord server and I are figuring out who the ultimate “Siren Sexyman” is
Vote for the first batch of rankings here!
(Reblogs appreciated to get more votes haha)
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superstarfighter · 10 months
Beware: mess and decluttering (with no AFTER pictures, just mess!)
For the past few days (and really for probably about a decade now) I've been consuming a lot of decluttering content and while normally I feel too daunted to even start, this time was different and I kind of got a few bursts of declutter activity.
I've got this bag of bags and when you reach the lowest bag, there's a few more bags inside.
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Did I mention that I am sick at home and don't have to work until next Tuesday? Well, I am. (Itchy throat)
I also decluttered a bit of clothes that are no longer fitting (hello creeping weight gain growing older). Today I am doing some laundry and does your room also look like this when you're doing or planning laundry? 🧺
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 20 days
Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.
This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.
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smartycvnt · 1 year
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hamletthedane · 12 days
Very important poll based on a debate I just had:
And the most important question:
WHY THAT ONE? -> tags
(Every reblog is another hour George Lucus must spend in hell wearing the sexy slave Leia outfit)
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For everyone boycotting esc this year and being upset that Israel made it to the final: let this be a lesson for any upcomming elections. Boycotting is a great medium of public protest. But if you boycott an election you have to live with what other people vote for.
Well it's all half as bad in this case - you wouldn't believe how little eurovision matters to the average person on the street - but remember this.
If you want yo have a say in the results you have to participate first.
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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hi guys please vote GemPearl 🥺
Based on this edit
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chiscribbs · 4 months
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Mikey and Leo are ready to blaze a trail through this competition!
Okay, so this should've been posted weeks ago, not the literal day of the polls - I apologize. My intention was to wait until the plot had caught up and post it in real time, buuuut voting day kinda snuck up on me and the plot's still a bit behind, so... Just consider this a flashforward to what's ahead, lol.
VOTE FOR GROWN APART AU !!! @tmntaucompetition
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popqorn · 7 days
Feel free to add your own propaganda if you disagree with mine!
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jazzyartsssss · 1 year
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Just let him win he’s so tired
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little-pup-pip · 7 months
Colorful Christmas lights!!
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traumacatholic · 3 months
I've been seeing this more and more recently, so I'm curious what you all think about this.
Feel free to include in the tags why you voted a particular way.
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tj-dragonblade · 1 month
Chedwin this, Paineland that, call those boys FlyingDutchman since. Y'know. They're a ghost ship.
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saturncoyote · 10 months
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So how do ya'll feel about doomed toxic yuri
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hello-delicious-tea · 24 days
Lauren Bacall, @hotvintagepoll
This scene really, really, really does it for me. The sizzling flirtation. The eyefucking. The seamless improv. Lauren Bacall’s everything. I watched this scene and fell in love.
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