#cordelia answers asks
17 Knocked Up.
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Gimme the body horror. Gimmeeeeee....
*grabby hands*
LOL. you are so real and valid!!! ok this fic is sort of about body horror but it's much more about the horror of growing up enslaved and facing the prospect of any children you have also being enslaved. but here is this little section <3
He was back on Ratatak, chained to the cell wall, and Ventress was cutting him open.   Cold hands held the cold knife steady as it sliced deep into his abdomen, slow, parting skin and fat and muscle centimeter by agonizing centimeter. He'd forgotten his rank and number a long time ago. His throat was raw from cursing her. She ignored him, kept her head down, eyes riveted to the knife, to the wound, to the red spilling over to stain her white hands. Pressure built inside him.   The baby fell out of the gaping wound and onto the stone floor in a gush of blood. But it wasn’t a baby, it was a cadet. A little one. C-class, maybe a half a year old, already dressed in a blue uniform. It lay on the floor in a pool of red and wailed, and Ventress laughed and laughed and laughed.  ‘17 woke up.   He lay still on his back in his bunk and breathed. A glance at the chrono confirmed it was the middle of third shift. The bunk was too cold. Too big, even with his heels hanging off the end.    He hadn’t dreamed about Ventress since— since he started bunking with Kenobi. He hadn’t dreamed at all since he started bunking with Kenobi. He'd thought it was the safety of having someone beside him, but maybe this was another thing Kenobi had altered about him.  Hm.    ‘17 rolled onto his stomach and buried his face in his pillow and went back to sleep.  
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thesunlikehoney · 8 months
9 for Vorkosigan, 16 for Star Wars <3
9: worst part of canon
Well. I must confess I have not read all of the books yet, so my picture is incomplete. From what I have heard I am not super excited for Gentleman Jole. I'm 50/50 on if I'm just gonna skip it. But as I have not read the book itself (in it's entirety) I'm not gonna say it's the worst. Generally I find I like the later books less that the earlier ones. Once Admiral Naismith retires I am still interested in what's happening with Lord Vorkosigan, but the books lost a lot of the action and therefore a lot of the momentum. Which. Is very fitting from a meta perspective and frustrates Miles as much as me, but it means I've re-read Shards of Honor three times but still have not gotten around to Diplomatic Immunity.
16: you can't understand why so many people like this thing
I'd say Reylo but that's low hanging fruit. But uh. I think this about ten times a day about various SW ships. Jedi/clone ships especially. Yeah I'm gonna say it's Jedi/clone ships in the abstract. I respect it. Ship what you want. They are virtually impossible to escape, so I've read my fair share of bad ones and even some really really excellent ones. But I genuinely do not understand why so much of fandom jumped on these ships. There are so many complicated and interesting ways Jedi and clones can relate to each other and by and large fandom decided romance reigns supreme and won't try anything different. And that probably says more about fandom trends overall than it does about SW specifically, but it's still... How does a slave who is not a slave relate to their master who is not their master? How does a soldier relate to the peacekeeper in command? How does a clone relate to someone who has biological parents? How does someone who grew up in an institution relate to someone who grew up in an organization? I rarely see these questions answered with anything other than "by falling in love."
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destiel-wings · 2 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your thoughts on angel x buffy? :)
Hii i don't mind, thank you for asking 😊
So, I used to love bangel sooooo much when i first watched the show. I was 100% into it, (with a crush for Boreanaz too) and i cried so much for them in s2 and when Angel left the show in s3. And I truly, sincerely, unironically hated Spike too (I thought he was a great character but i just loved hating him, you know? Lol). When we saw Spike's dream of kissing Buffy I swear i felt nauseous.
... and then they aired Fool for love.
By the end of that episode I was left in utter existential crisis in front of my tv because i felt my whole world shift. There was a part of me that still liked Angel and Buffy, but there was also this new part that wanted her to be with Spike now.
So anyway, that's when i decided to switch teams and i became team spuffy, and for as much as i had been obsessed with bangel before, it was nothing compared to how deep i was caught into the Buffy and Spike relationship. I never looked back. They were just much more complex and real and compelling. And it made me reevaluate Angel and her relationship with him too. Angel never really knew Buffy, always treated her like a child, and let's be honest--and that's something that hit me only years later when I got older--she was a child when they were together. He was spying on her and falling in love with her when she was just fifteen years old and he was a 240-year-old vampire who had been sired at like 26 years old, and they got together when she was 16/17 and he broke up with her when she turned 18... I don't think that's something the writers did intentionally of course, because (as everything else in buffy) it's just meant to be taken as a metaphor for the ideals and struggles and the intensity of drama of a girl's first love, but it still comes off as icky.
And before anyone comes at me, I know spuffy isn't healthy either, but that's kinda the point and the appeal. First of all, it's fiction and a metaphor, and secondly, it's about two broken people that are supposed to be mortal enemies but are actually two sides of the same coin, so different and yet so much the same, who can understand each other as a whole, light and darkness, in a way that no one else ever could, who yes, hurt each other along the way, but whose love saved them from the deepest darkness, ultimately bringing them into the light.
This is what spuffy is to me, and this is why i think it's not only the superior ship, but one of the best ships of all time (thee best, until i saw destiel, now they're sharing the podium).
So anyway, to get back to your question, the moment i became obsessed with Buffy and Spike (and i have been ever since 2005, lmao, they've been my first real obsession, alongside btvs, until spn and destiel) Angel sort of became the enemy 😅. And I hated him so so so so so much when he appeared in 7x21 and kissed Buffy (pure fanservice, but okay) and brought the medallion that ultimately killed Spike. So i spent years very maturely holding my vendetta against Angel (like, rooting for every demon that fought against him when I watched Angel, lmaoo). In most recent years, I've (sort of) made my peace with the character, after rewatching Angel. I mean he's still the enemy (of course, duh!! Who am i if not eternally petty??) but i appreciate him in his own show.
So i don't ship Angel and Buffy anymore, but I can understand why someone would (as i myself used to), and more importantly, i respect other people's right to ship them.
If we're joking, I'm going to insult Angel and keep saying he's the enemy. But on a mature serious note, I think Buffy and Angel were a great first love (for Buffy), but they were supposed to be just that, the impossible teenage girl's dream of a first love, eternal but doomed to end and break your heart.
I think Angel was much more well paired with Cordelia (which is something I'd never think I'd say), and i found myself shipping them so much when I rewatched the show. It felt so much more mature and profound than what we saw with Buffy and Angel (and that's probably due to the fact that we got slow burn for them - as we did for Buffy and Spike- and could actually see the feelings growing, while Buffy crushed on Angel in the pilot and she was madly in love (as teenagers do) in 0.5 seconds for no apparent reason than the fact that he was hot and mysterious.
So when I say the kiss in btvs 7x21 makes zero sense, I'm not just talking about spuffy, but also about cangel. I feel like both characters parted ways and lived on in their own shows to grow and become their own persons, developing other relationships that were more adult and meaningful, and that kiss was just disrespectful for both (but anyways, it doesn't change anything).
I have so many thoughts about all this honestly, and I hope I haven't gone too much off the tangent with my reply, but i couldn't just give you a simple reply because that would've had to be something like "angel is the enemy and i don't like bangel" but as you can see my thoughts are a little more complex than that 😅
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mercurygray · 3 days
#47 “break” for Egan and Cord?
I know we talked the other day about Harding getting shot down - In one version of the universe, it's Cord who bullies her way onto a plane after John gets shot down - and that's the version of the universe where she gets shot down, too, her first full day of the war.
It was funny, how quickly the word home could change.
For the last six months home had meant a Nissen hut shared with six other girls, an airbase in Norfolk, and a small house in Ohio. "Are you heading home?" someone would ask, and it'd be one of those places, the word stretching to fill the space it was given. And now home was a bare-walled room scarcely thirty foot square, lined with bunks stacked three high and holding a small stove, a table, and an odd collection of stools and benches and chairs. But home was more than that - it was the men in it, too. Home was where the people that knew you were - and for good or ill, they all knew her here.
"You fellas off to band practice?" Crank asked, clearing away the lunch dishes and starting to roll up his sleeves to give them a wash.
Frank nodded, standing the collar of his coat up while Brady wrapped his scarf a little tighter. "We're hoping to be ready for a concert at the end of the month. It's really starting to come together."
"Looking forward to hearing it," Bucky replied, his arm heavy and loose around Cord's shoulders.
"Maybe by the time we get there we'll broadcast," Brady said with half a smile, fishing his gloves out of his pocket and glancing down at the oddments on the table that Buck was attempting to turn into a radio.
"If we're lucky," Buck replied, his eyes never leaving the headset he was intent on wiring.
"You coming with, Bucky?" Frank asked. "Davis over in block five had a letter yesterday - might be the sports scores from his brother again."
"No, you go," Bucky said, his voice light. "I'll catch 'em from you later."
The door opened and shut, a gasp of cold air escaping in from the hallway. At the stove, Crank was rattling the lunch dishes around the wash pan and humming something under his breath.
Cord took a breath and felt a cough rattling up out of her chest, her body shaking against Bucky's. He sat up a little straighter, his arm squeezing her closer to him. "Hey there."
"You want some water, Callaway?" Crank asked, his back to the room. "Got a hot cup here with your name on it."
"Do the dishes first," she said, like she had any business ordering Crank to do anything, the cough still lingering in her voice. "I'll have some that's cold."
"Gotta find you another sweater," Bucky said quietly, rubbing his hand over her back to try and warm her up. "Not gonna get any better if you keep this up."
His arm around her shoulders seemed as natural as breathing now, an infinitely casual gesture that she knew he did partially out of habit and partially out of possessiveness and partially to pull her into the small warmth of his own body. She loved the solidness of him, the way he planted himself on the bench and wouldn't be moved. (Wasn't that why she'd hung his jacket up on the post of her bed at home - so it would be near her?) And there under his wing she was his, unquestionably, something that wouldn't be given up on or cheaply left.
She liked that feeling. She liked the smallness that came alongside it less.
Everyone else had places to be and things to do - off to the commissary to pick up the mail, or out to band practice, or over to Clark's quarters to discuss the latest whip-round of news from home. And the only thing Cord had was a lingering cough.
In another time and another version of home John would be angling to get his fingers under her brassiere with his hand like that - but they weren't in that home now, and a fellow didn't like to flaunt it. There was a break now, between that world and this, a jagged edge that would cut them, if they let it. She could feel his fingers pause like they were thinking about it, and then withdraw. "Gonna see what I can find for that cough," he promised, rising from the table and tucking his hands into his pockets like he was going out for the morning paper. His hand brushed her shoulder and squeezed gently, a kiss that was not really a kiss. "Need anything while I'm out, Buck?"
"Ice cold Coke would be nice," Gale said without looking up from his project, and in the doorway, Bucky laughed and nodded and tapped his cap in mock salute.
"Ice cold Cokes it is."
Cord looked down at the collection on the table between her and Gale and sighed, the cough coming up again and lingering deep in her chest.
"Let him fuss, Cord."
They'd all but dispensed with rank and moved on to mostly last names. She'd always been Lieutenant at home - a way to keep everyone on the same level - but nearly everyone just called her Callaway now. (If Benny was feeling really fractious he might stoop to Cordelia, but so far that had only been for comic effect.) She wasn't sure when Buck had moved from Callaway to Cord, but she didn't mind it, coming from him.
"When have you ever known John to like sittin' still?" Buck said, as clearly as he could, fiddling with the jumble of parts on the table between them. "He needs something to do, and if he's …mother-henning, it means his mind's got less time to think about...everything else." He held the wire he was shaping up to the light, inspecting his progress. "So let him fuss. You're doing plenty. Now pass me that screw, you're going to need to hold this for me in a minute."
"And she will - in a minute." A shadow fell across the table and a steaming cup appeared in her periphery. "Drink that," Crank said, looming a little, his hair like a halo. "Or my ma will come murder me."
Arguing seemed futile. "You're gonna make someone a very nice husband someday, Crank," Cord said, looking up at him over the steam of the cup and taking in the grubby apron, the mismatched scarf.
"You're damn right I am," Crank replied loftily. "Getting all house-trained right here."
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novemberhope · 17 days
did you think about my idea with oc cordelia being crocodiles daughter
Like I said, I do like the idea, I just have no idea on how to get this going.
I don't know if the Crocomom theory is real or not, therefore I'm unsure of what exactly to make canon - and who the other parent would be.
There needs to be a reason on why he's not in her life or why he never knew about her
And if they are to met again, he would have to recognize her as his kid somehow because Cordy has no idea about her own past
If you (or anyone...) tell me know to tie all of this together, then yeah, I'm all for it.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
What if you did a secret santa and you ended up picking the mothers. What would you give each of them for Christmas?
A secret Santa…?
(Father and I used to hold a Christmas Mass at church every year, therefore I’ve never experienced such a thing as a “Secret Santa” before, yet I suppose it’s about giving someone gifts in secret?)
(Hmm… I still don’t really know the moms well, that’s why this is going to be a bit tricky to answer.)
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Come to think of it, Beatrix-sama’s personality resembles Reiji-san’s one, right? In that case, maybe a book would be quite suitable for her!
Speaking of Christa-sama…
(I might actually know what her ideal present could be but… I-I can’t suddenly roll Subaru-kun in wrapping paper and hand him to her like that! I mean, with Kou-kun’s help, maybe we would be able to bring him to her, however I seriously doubt it would turn out well if we do it without Subaru-kun’s permission…!)
She has gorgeous long, white hair, but I'm sure it's always difficult to keep it looking that way. I imagine I'd replace hairbrushes fairly frequently if mine had that length, so Christa-sama probably wouldn't mind a new hairbrush.
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(And last but not least… Cordelia-sama. I’m 100% certain that she would want my heart as a present, nonetheless, even if it's Christmas, I'm not willing to give it to her.)
Uuh… Although it appears like Cordelia-sama has everything, I would still offer her an Apache Tears bracelet. You see, the crystal’s purpose is to clear negative emotions, bring understanding in any situation and most importantly… heal all grief.
(Even if she despises me, I can’t help but wish for her to release the poison inside her soul and free herself from the grudge of the past.)
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layla-carstairs · 1 year
(this got way too long i'm sorry lol) don't even get me started on the timeline there's so much that doesn't make sense!! i've tried to map it out because i am insane but i am definitely putting more thought into this than cc herself. like, in the days past 1900 chapter cordelia mentions that she's 13, when it's literally impossible for her to be 13 that year ????
and lowkey i am just very excited to see someone else mention the mess that it is the timeline because i've been thinking about when alastair and thomas must have gone on their travel year (and also during that travel year when thomas must have gone to paris because they wouldn't just give him a holiday immediately right, like it must have been december 1902 they met, yes i am overthinking this) for years lol
my best guess is that charles arranged to marry ariadne in early 1901 but it wasn't officially announced?? it was just an arrangement/promise and then he went to paris and met alastair later that year (though i think they'd already met yikes) and they dated sometime in 1901 (where alastair would have been 16-17 /yikes/), for any of this to work i think we just have to accept that shadowhunters can go on their year abroad before they turn 18, or maybe alastair wanted to get out of the house :( and then maybe charles told alastair of the engagement a little bit into their relationship?? don't even get me started on thomas' travel year, we know it lasted 9 months, was from 1902 to 1903 and he had come back fairly recently in august (and tbh i'm gonna stretch that definition of recent and just say the thieves are all being dramatic when they're still toasting him coming back at the beginning of chog). but he also took two weeks holiday in 1902 and saw alastair (who i have to assume was secretly visiting charles since if he was still on his travel year, he could have just said that instead of being cryptic and hilarious lol) anyways in conclusion the timeline is a mess
i thought cordelia's birthday must be really late in the year but i did not realise this means it would be impossible for her to have her parabatai ceremony lol, okay i can't work out that one unless everyone's straight up lying or don't know their own birthdays
anyways i clearly think about this way too much, sorry for rambling in your inbox, you did not ask for this lmao i have just had many thoughts about timelines from like two years ago that all bubbled up to the surface when i saw your post
okay I am finally answering this, I am so so sorry about the wait </3
honestly when it comes to timelines, I think cc just kinda says things vaguely enough that it makes sense as long as you don't think about it too hard lmao. Also I did not know Cordelia said she was 13 in 1900... In order for that to be possible she'd have to be born in either 1886 or 1887. I wonder if cc just forgot she had said Cordelia was born in 1885? that seems like the only viable option here 😭
Paris 1902 is so bad because a lot of the things that contradict it are in the same book 💀 like with other stuff at the very least you can give cc the benefit of the doubt that she forgot between writing short stories and whatnot. but the same book!! insanity!!
I don't think there's any way to twist it in order for it to make sense? like something has to be wrong. best I've got is Thomas turned 18 in Jan, went on travel year for roughly 8 months meaning he gets back to London right before the start of ChoG in August. He met Alastair in Paris in like, March or April 1903 when he was finishing up his travel year and Alastair was being cryptic just because. Charles and Alastair met in Sept. 1902 when Alastair went on his travel year to Paris; Charles and Ari are already engaged by this point (technically) and every other conflicting detail gets throw out the nearest window lmao. for me at least, shadowhunters going on their travel year before turning 18 defeats the purpose, which is to go on patrol and fight demons in a different country. and if they were able to at 17, I think there's several characters who would be currently on their travel year, like James and Matthew, and who obviously aren't.
The parabatai ceremony thing is annoying because cc actual reconned it :) in the codex it says you have be in childhood to become parabatai, and this is supported by Jem in clockwork prince. however, in tfsa, Simon is still able to become parabatai with Clary despite already turning 18, so now shadowhunters are considered children up until 19 but this only applies to the parabatai ceremony because in every other aspect of life they become adults at 18. this makes sense (not). personally i am of the option that Cordelia turning 18 and being unable to become parabatai with Lucie would have been more interesting, and added some stakes that chot desperately needed. plus it would be funny if they still became parabatai in the end because Will and Jem pulled some strings (the benefits of nepotism 😌)
the timeline of tlh is one of my great enemies at this point and I've held my tongue about it for far too long, so don't feel bad about rambling! (even if it takes me 3 months to reply 🫣)
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you asked
for more asks
about your characters
so i am here.
tell me more about tip! our favourite bloody little girl! what sort of ✨orphan aura✨ (there are a thousand better ways to express this and i can think of exactly zero right now) does she give off — haunted, scared, defiant, etc etc. what does she wear? how does she speak? who is she closest to?
yeah i took one look at "bloody little girl" and decided she is now my child now no questions asked
ah, seems like both you and @clearcloudlesssky share similair tastes in my characters, she too adores tip
her ✨orphan aura✨ is that of a victorian child whos parents died of the plague when she was too young to remember them. she just wears whatever she can find, what can she find you ask? well, shes an 11 year old girl living with a group of criminals who has like, zero money so, yeah her sense of fashion isnt in the best shape. actually, she doesnt speak! atleast not alot, she has selective mutism and when she does talk its ussualy insulting someone else in the group. shes closest with rigil, protective older brother and his bloody little sister who needed protecting, best found family dynamic frfr
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Hello! Do you have any favorite DL blogs?💖
Hmph. There is no better account to find around, other than myself. I am the best choice to make when thinking of a question to ask, you know?
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Yet I assume you could also go and @ask-ayato something. If he would not constantly wander off somewhere, ignoring his duties.
I could say the exact same about @richter-sakamaki yet again. I would appreciate more attention coming from him. Being left alone for a couple of months every now and then reminds me of Karlheinz… which obviously makes me look for new toys to play around with, nfu…
@fruit-of-infidelity is quite the opposite of both. He would give me attention whenever I ask of it, committing to his duties with nothing else in mind. His drawings of myself make my current empty chest almost feel alive again.
@yuikomorii is somebody you should block this instantly. Her ignorance, face and smart-ass answers have caused myself to plan for her death almost every day by now. If Richter were to finally hear about them, she would not exist for much longer.
Same would go to none other than @sakamaki-beatrix as well. I cannot stand her appearance anymore, despite my own admin running this trash-filled account.
@fuzziehoodie / @arthotsglasses have become a favorite of mine ever since getting closer with this 'social media' thing. If Richter were to disappear yet again, perhaps they could fill in that spot?
My personal slave, alongside Tsujimura, would be the beautiful @lyveen herself. Almost none can capture my beauty as perfect as she can. There are few with this talent, which is certainly why I treasure her.
The wardrobe of @strawberry--bride has a certain charm to it, tempting me to get rid of her just for her clothing. Well, if she were to get together with one of my sons instead, we could eventually be closer.
Flattering me is something @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat must have a special degree in. When their name is added into a sentence, followed by my presence, they will not hold back and compliment me. If they were to seek something more fun than their current love interest, I would certainly not deny them in any way.
//I love all the accounts mentioned here, no hate or anything just Cordelia being herself. ♡
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darcyolsson · 10 months

ok but hear me out james and matthew and lucie and cordelia should be swapped! my girls were pining after each other for like 10 years dreaming of becoming parabatai, math randomly took a look at james in a moment of emotional turmoil and went you know what you're going to be my brother now ok and james just went along with it fcsjdns i love them immensly dont get me wrong but the way lucie and cordelia would talk about each other, especially lucie, definitely more will&jem-leaning imo

i get where you're coming from! my reasoning was that while i feel like james and matthew may have kind of become parabatai on a whim their friendship is one of the few in tlh that's actually palpable if that makes sense? i feel like there's quite a lot of rumination, especially on james' part, about what it means to be parabatai (wonder why that is. definitely not that his dad is insane ab the whole ordeal) while i feel like lucie and cordelia's friendship was just kind of. there. we're told they're best friends but i feel like that friendship is not genuinely shown in the way matthew and james' was, and when they became parabatai at the end, i was like "oh right that was a thing".
HOWEVER you are right that lucie and cordelia definitely take the whole soul bond thing a lot more seriously than most other parabatai pairs we've seen, like cordelia had a full blown crisis when she became paladin bc she didn't want lucie to be cursed too.
they may not be the best of besties but they do seem to be genuinely aware it's a soul bond for the rest of your life!!! i stand corrected they do deserve to be switched (or switched w simon & clary at least, who i feel are mostly just parabatai for the #vibes <3)
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independent-variables · 2 months
Having now finished binging all of your star wars fics, I come here asking for some recs. Just any of your favourites, bonus points if it will cause emotions (and tears).
Also can't stress enough how much I love your writing, it's so so brilliant <3
(this is neptunesenceladus btw, tumblr hates me and won't let me send asks with a side blog so you get this one)
HI!!! Good to see you, good to see you <3 Always happy to provide recs <3 <3 <3
I want you to know I went through my bookmarks and pulled like sixty fics and had a brief moment of panic, so this is not all of my recs just the first... thirty, or so. If none of these are appealing, oh boy, do I have more!
This list is not in any order other than bookmark order, most are on the shorter side, most are Gen and I am pretty sure all are complete. I tried to warn for stuff that could be a squick when I remembered.
False Dichotomy by nsmorig
Starting off strong with my favorite Cody fic of all time. If you read nothing else on this list I encourage you to read this (if the tags are not a squick) because it will re-shape your brain and shatter your heart into tiny pieces. Basic premise is Force Sensitive Cody gets captured by Dooku and survives torture, experimentation, and imprisonment while trying to figure out his relationship to the Force and to his personhood, and the ways those things are connected. 
What's in a Name by Sankt
This is about Fordo post war and it’s phenomenal characterization. 
The Last Poem of Jedha by schweinsty
How Bohdi Rook becomes a rebel and writes a poem. 
you're like a loaded gun by kazhan
Ok this is E and also Underage, so maybe it’s a skip, but it’s teen Boba/Cal trying to navigate sex and love and secret identities and it’s so fucked up and so good. 
chicken, cattle and cat by deniigiq
Obi-Wan and Maul living in domestic dis-harmony on Tatooine. What more could you ask. 
Little things [are the reason to live] by i_will_bite
Clone medics navigating a slightly hostile working environment and trying to make it less hostile T-T
Two brothers (and a kid) by meerlicht
What if. Waxer and Boil just stayed on Ryloth, with Numa. What then? 
with poise, with grace by andeemae
Stone falls through a hole in a roof and falls in love. Beautiful clone/OC romance and very cute kids, doesn’t shy away from the difficulties of being a clone in love with a civilian. Very much an inspiration for me.
second time around by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters
This is another one I wasn’t sure I wanted to put on here because it deals briefly with rape, but it’s such a wonderfully fucked up take on Anakin and Rex’s relationship. Or, how Vader views Rex. 
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
If you are looking for an epically long series to get invested in I highly recommend checking this one out. This series and its sister-series are some of the best characterization and worldbuilding for Jedi I have ever had the pleasure of reading and it is a fix-it in all the messy, hard, terrible ways people don’t usually write fix-its. 
Shape-Changer by Fialleril
This is a foundational fic for me. Incredible Tatooine worldbuilding. Inspired me to write the way I write. 
The Sun Is Bright, The Sun Is Blue by ambiguously
most things may never happen: this one will by jaigeye
This is brutal but what if you were a droid and you had to dissect a person. 
Bad Deal by FettsOnTop (GTFF)
Boba/Lando my beloved. A brief look into their relationship and into Lando’s thoughts leading up to Han and them’s arrival. 
and the Force is with me by sauntering_down
Rex and Ahsoka and the way the war changed them, and what they can and cannot do in the aftermath. 
Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge by yellow_caballero
The Fox fic of all time. What if you were trapped in a time-loop with a ghost from the future but your life is so monotonous and simultaneously bizarre you don’t even notice. 
Fishhooks by yellow_caballero
The Boba fic of all time. This author does not write much for SW but every time they do it’s iconic. What if you were a teenager running away from home but also a perfect clone of your father created to be him but better but also his because you will never escape his body and his ownership and his love. What then. 
Staring into open flame by SLWalker
This is such a beautiful and heartbreaking read, it’s basically exploring what would have to happen for Maul and Obi-Wan to have a genuinely healthy and happy relationship post murder and bisection. 
Energy Drink Fox by carrinth
The crack comic of all time. What if Fox had space Monster.
lost cause by catboydogma
The foundational Dogma fic. The fic that got me wondering about how clones spend their time on Coruscant. 
the married au by dharmaavocado
Clone rebellion my beloved. Basic premise is the clones took over Kamino and then went out into the galaxy as a mercenary army of sorts. Rex and Cody are finding their place in the world, creating business partnerships, falling in love, manipulating public perception of clones. (Background clonecest, not between Rex and Cody.)
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thesunlikehoney · 4 months
Foxy and Riyo bodice ripper for the tag game?
LOL. I did not think anybody was gonna pick this, but I am glad to see I am not alone in my intrigue XD
This is an AU of an AU. Exists to answer the question-- "how can I make Fox/Riyo interesting to me, personally?"
In the original AU/fic series the clones escaped Kamino before the war started and basically fucked off to wildspace to do their own thing, warning the Jedi about the Sith of course but also not getting involved in that whole political mess.
So! In this new AU! The clones have gotten involved in the Outer Rim/wildspace War On Slavery. Fox is working undercover in a slaving ring, trying to become trusted enough to get the location of the, pirate... planet??? The main hideout for this ring. He's been on this ship almost a year and has pretty successfully convinced the captain he's a psychopath, and is proud of himself for a job well done.
Things happen, this ship gets close to Mid Rim for Reasons, and they capture Senator Riyo Chuchi on her way Coruscant. Pirate captain decides her ransom is worth the trouble of holding her hostage, and hands her over to Fox with an implied "make her stay with us as miserable as possible without outright killing her."
Because Riyo is a very smart lady, she catches on that Fox has goals beyond this pirate crew and makes a deal with him that basically consists of-- "I'll play along and be a well behaved damsel in distress if you free me and everyone who was on my ship after you kill the captain." Fox is suitably impressed by her ability to read the room and to see through a persona a year in the making, and agrees (though he does not actually tell her who he is or what he's doing) and the rest of the fic basically consists of Fox and Riyo becoming besties in evil and manipulating this whole pirate crew until they get to the hideout planet :D
Have a snippet:
He was sitting on the floor across the room, back against the wall and knees pulled up to his chest, watching her. “Sorry to take your bed.” He shrugged. “I don’t sleep on it.” “Where do you sleep?” He shrugged again. She got up, crossed the room, and settled on the floor next to him. She pulled her knees up to her chest and looped her arms around them, her sleeves sliding up and revealing the thin red lines on the back of her wrist. His eyes found the cuts he’d made, expression as flat and unreadable as when he’d made them. “It’s going to be more of the same tomorrow,” he said, low. “Well. I’ve got plenty of skin left. If you pace yourself, it should last a good long while.” A flash of teeth, there and gone.
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usagiblackrose · 1 year
If Cordelia, Beatrix and Christa (Karlheinz's three wives) are boys...
What are your male names?
Cordelia = Cornelius
Beatrix = Beau
Christa = Christoph
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mercurygray · 3 months
“The moment when reality starts to make sense again” for … Cord !! :]]
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Today's writing advice: sometimes you should just skip to the good part. Fair warning: this is a touch spicy.🌶️🌶️🌶️
It's been a strange day.
He is lying on his bed, lying on her, with his head between her breasts, turned to hear her heartbeat, and here - here, with her fingers gently in his hair - is where reality starts to make sense again, even if here is a place they've never been before. Because he fits here, and she fits with him, and they fit together, as if they haven't spent the last several months snapping at each others throats.
Well. They were at each other's throats just now, too, but that was a little different.
Reality hasn't made much sense, just recently, at least to her, though she's getting the idea that something has made sense to him for a lot longer. After all, he's the one who came back from a mission and got shouted at and took it all smiling and when she was finished saying what she had to say asked if she was going to kiss him already or not.
Well, she hadn't felt like getting laughed at in front of his entire crew, just at that moment, so she'd taken herself back the way she'd come and stewed on it for the rest of the day until her shift was over and she'd gone to find him and demanded to know just what he was talking about. And then he'd kissed her - recklessly, passionately, the kind of kiss Hollywood censors cut out of films, and when he pulled away and asked if she wanted him to stop, 'no' fell out of her mouth like an order and he was too glad to obey it.
Well, it was only a short jump from kissing to taking his coat off to falling into the cot that is almost too small just for him to having his hand inside her shirt and his leg in between -
"Bucky, stop." They are a mess, mostly, and she is breathless with it. "The door."
"Fuck the door." But he sees pretty quickly she's got a point and goes to check the coast is clear, and keep it shut, and then returns to his bed and lays down beside her, on top of her, curling his long, big body so that he just fits, leg over her lap, head resting on her chest. The madness of the first moment is gone, the air cleared just a little. (But only just. She has kissed John Egan. This is a bridge that cannot be uncrossed.)
"Don't stop," he says, when she moves her hand away from his hair. "That's nice." He glances up at her. "You called me Bucky."
So she has. The nickname she swore she'd never use just slipped out. It is another thing that does not make sense today.
But he can only be Bucky here, half dressed and ready to kiss her again. Major Egan belongs to a different man, and John is far away. She brushes a wayward curl out of his eyes and sighs. "Don't expect it again."
He seems okay with that, and settles his head back down on her sternum, hand heavy on her shoulder. "Okay, Cord."
She doesn't hate hearing that, either. Strange day, indeed.
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novemberhope · 21 days
thinkg what you write about cordelia
if you give her a slightly darker skintone you could pass of crocodile as her parent (if you're still looking for a backstory for her)
Not a bad idea, anon, since I still don't have any idea who I want her parents to be. But... the crocomom theory was never confirmed so I'm unsure which route I should take in this scenario. Is Crocodile her dad then or her mom? And what do we know of Crocodile's backstory that would give us a valid reason for Cordelia growing up in the streets? And who would the other parent be? I'm open for more suggestions though because this actually sounds interesting.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
We know you and Cordelia aren’t close at all but is there anything you like about her?
// Her son lol
Despite everything that happened between us, I really can’t deny that she’s a very beautiful woman. Her eyes are simply… mesmerizing. It’s a bit complicated to explain but they have this one-of-a-kind beauty that completely captivates you.
(It's almost a shame that such a stunning woman would be so vengeful and torment her own children in such horrible ways...)
In terms of personality, the last time I tried to get to know her better… l-let's just say it didn't go well. Although she appears to be a very confident and ambitious woman, I'm sure those are important qualities in everyday life, right?
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