#crad game
firstdegreefangirl · 1 year
January 2023 Reading Wrap-Up
I'm trying something new this year, where I make little mini-reviews for the books I read and share them at the end of the month. There might be a few spoilers, but I'm not dissecting plots here, and it's all for good fun and games. Summaries will be up here, breakdowns by book will be under the drop.
Let me know if there's anything that caught your eye/that you enjoyed too/that made your TBR!
Here we go!
Total books read: 10 
Total pages read: 3,103 
Days read: 29/31 
Average star rating: 3.93 
Challenge Prompts Filled: 5 total. Popsugar: 2/40. Romanceopoly: 2/36. CRAD: 1/12. 
How to Keep House While Drowning by K.C. Davis  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I don’t want to be the person who’s all “this self-help book changed my life,” but … this self-help book changed my life. For the first time since I moved out, I wouldn’t be mortified if someone dropped by unannounced, and it feels like keeping my house functional is actually something I can achieve. This book helped me break down tasks and changed the rhetoric I use for household upkeep to break the shame cycles that people have around disorganization. It wasn’t really the plan to make this the first book I read, but I knocked it out in like three hours on New Year’s Day, and it’s left me convinced that this is the year I might finally be able to make my space something that works for me. Biggest takeaway: My space should work for me, I should not work for my space. 
Built to Last by Erin Hahn  ⭐⭐⭐(¾)  This was cute! I picked it up from the new additions shelf at my local library because the cover was cute (sue me, I judge books by their covers, blame the Legally Blonde Musical, but I digress). It’s second-chance friends to lovers, but I loved learning how Shelby and Cameron find their ways back to each other. The only reason I didn’t rate it higher is because I don’t think I’d read it again. It was fun, I liked it a lot, but it’s not something that’s going to stick with me forever and ever, y’know? 
Challenge Prompt: Romanceopoly Amour Avenue (read a contemporary romance with an illustrated cover) 
Playing the Palace by Paul Rudnick  ⭐⭐⭐(¼)  I found this at my favorite Salvation Army store while I was Christmas shopping last month (and no, the irony of finding a gay romance novel at SA is not lost on me) and left it at a Little Free Library after I finished reading. The writing was good, the story checked out, but it didn’t hook me quite as well as some of the other books I’ve read in a similar vein. Prince Edgar was delightful, the Queen was by FAR my favorite part of the book, but Carter grated on my nerves in a few places. Overall, glad to have knocked it off my TBR, and I hope that whoever picks it up next loves it more than I did.  
 The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I’m so glad that I finally got through to reading this book! Given that I pre-ordered for release day last year, it’s been a hot minute, but here we are. I read and adored the prequel (The Worst Best Man) and was excited to hear there’d be another book in the series, but I kept putting it off because I was afraid it wouldn’t live up to the hype I’d created for myself. I was wrong; it absolutely did. This was laugh-out-loud funny in places, and sure made a few night shifts go by faster. I read close to half of it in the first sitting, right after I finished PtP, and surprised both my trainee and my GM by the fact that I can actually read overnight without falling asleep, especially for hours at a time. I dunno, it’s hard to fall asleep when the books are this riveting.  
Challenge Prompt: Chantel Reads All Day January (a book with ‘a’ or ‘the’ in the title) 
Straightforward by Martin Parnell  ⭐⭐(¾)  Honestly I’m still not sure if I liked this one or not, so I know I didn’t like it well enough to be any more than three stars. I got the eBook for free, because I was intrigued by the overarching question: Can a straight country cowboy and an effervescent gay man be friends? The first third-ish dragged on, then I read the last 2/3 in a single sitting, finishing at 5 a.m. curled up in bed because all of a sudden I was dying to know how it ended. I … didn’t love the ending, at least at first (unrequited love isn’t usually my thing, but the ending wasn’t inherently unhappy), but I keep thinking about if I liked it or not, so maybe I do? I don’t know. It wasn’t what I expected, and the writing style wasn't remarkable. It felt like the story might have been building toward a plot twist that never came, but the ending did feel tied down and well rounded. I loved that Cowboy Ty’s first sentence was “Goddammit! Shit piss motherfucker hell goddammit!” if only because that feels so relatable for many days in my own life.  
Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade  ⭐⭐(½)  I didn’t enjoy this. You might, but it wasn’t for me. I wanted to like it, but I didn’t. The writing style is fine, the story was … alright, I suppose, but I didn’t like the characters. Again, to each their own, but I was irritated with both MC’s by the middle of the story, and almost DNF’d 60 pages from the end.  
The Line Becomes a River by Francisco Cantu  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(½)  I wanted a break from contemp romance after the last two books, so I turned to the nonfic section on my shelf, and I’ve been meaning to read this for literally over a year. It was one of the books I put in my “$5 for anything that fits in this bag” library sale bag in fall of 2021, and sounded like an interesting take on immigration policies. This book made me cry, openly, at work, in front of my trainee, at 5 a.m.. It’s that good, that moving. There were definitely some parts that changed my perspective on policy issues, and I’m wholeheartedly recommending it to anyone looking for firsthand accounts of the government side of border policies. Even if it’s a little outdated, it definitely gave me some things to think about. 
Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  23 ½ hour read time. I was hooked by the first page, and spent most of the first sitting trying to decide if I should keep reading to find out what happens next or slow down so I could savor it all. Ended up reading over half of it the first time, and finishing it on my shift the next night. This was the first I’ve read by Christina Lauren, but if it’s all this good, I’ll definitely be back for more. Hands down the funniest book I’ve read all year. Toward the end, we brushed up a little bit against one of the tropes I generally don’t much care for, but CL handled it beautifully and it ended up making a beautiful, heartfelt wrap-up. This year, the goal is to unshelf books I own if I don’t see myself reading them a second time, but I’d made up my mind on keeping this one before I finished the prologue. There’s no WAY I won’t be rereading!  
Challenge Prompt: Popsugar – A book that you think your best friend would like 
The Boardwalk Bookshop by Susan Mallery  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(½)  Honestly, I’m not even sure why I picked this one up when I did. I ordered it from BookDepository AGES ago (the UK cover is prettier than the US one, and I’ll die on this hill), but then it got put on my shelf and left to ferment. But like a fine wine (a theme in the book), it was fantastic when I finally cracked it open. I wasn’t sure how I’d like a story balancing three romances across one plot, but everyone’s story was riveting in its own way and they fit together so well! 40 pages from the end, I said out loud “there’s no way they’ll be able to resolve everything,” but I was so wrong. Three for three on the HAE, which is exactly how I take my romance novels, with a hearty dose of friendship and family dynamics along the way. Susan Mallery has long been one of my favorite authors, and this was a friendly reminder of exactly why.  
No Mercy (A Valerie Law FBI Suspense Thriller - Book One) by Blake Pierce  ⭐⭐⭐  Thrillers aren’t usually so much my thing, but I like reading outside of my usual taste, and I was looking for something short to round out the month. This is under 200 pages, and the FBI element sparked my fancy, since I am a huge fan of crime dramas. It was … alright? Not painful to read, by any means, but it fell a little flat for me in places. Maybe the rest of the series will pick up, but I don’t think I’m curious enough to find out. That said, there are worse things I could have spent three days reading. 
Challenge Prompts: Popsugar – The shorted book (by pages) on your TBR); Romanceopoly Slueth Street (read a thriller or mystery where one of the main characters are a detective or private investigator) 
DNF: Our First Puck by Kat Obie 
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ebookporn · 2 years
Street Meat Stories
Writing and whoring—selling a body or a body of work—what’s the difference?
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by Andrea Werhun and Nicole Bazuin
“All these girls have to wait for is a man with $70 and an itchy cock. I have to wait for someone with $3 who reads literature.”
—Crad Kilodney, Excrement (1988)
Writing and whoring—selling a body or a body of work—what’s the difference?
Toronto, December 1983. Crad Kilodney, the legendary self-described “failed writer,” is selling his self-published book, Terminal Ward, from a vacant storefront on the Yonge Street strip, somewhere between Gerrard and Dundas. Hanging from his neck each day is a handwritten sign, and today’s placard reads, “Pleasant Bedtime Reading.”
Other notable signs include “Books for Clueless Twits” and “Literature for Mindless Blobs.” In his memoir, Excrement, Crad writes, “I choose my most provocative or insulting signs to wear when I’m in my most aggres­sive moods because deep down I want to strangle these people.”
This—writing and selling his wares in the street, getting accosted by drunks, ignored by the masses, and making very few sales—is his full-time job. Crad comes back every day to sell his books, published by his personal imprint, Charnel House. By the end of his life, he’ll have written more than thirty books, and spent seventeen years selling them out on the street.
Like writing, sex work is a game of endurance. Whether in the club or on the street, scribbling in a journal or revising the last draft of a manu­script, the writer and the whore must learn to “stick it out” and be patient with the process.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
hi lune my love, i hope you're doing well!
vanilla latte and iced coffee pls <33
hi mil that’s so sweet of you :, hope you’re doing so well too!!<3 let’s seee
Board games or drinking games?
board drinking games🤓☝🏼 fjdks i dont play any like complicated board games simply because it’s not really a thing in my friend circle/family but i think i could definitely enjoy it. i love crad games tho!! no matter if drinking is involved or not i Dominate in all card games (does anyone know that LookItUp dad ok tiktok lol)
Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book?
i love reading dude. unfortunately it’s been a Hot minute since i’ve read a real book mainly because of two reasons, number 1 being i’m way too obsessed with these little blorbos for my interest to really be caught by anything void of them and 2nd because i’m a bit stupid in the head and refuse to let myself spend money on stuff i like before i get my life in order (mainly get a job) but Anywayz there’s books i loved that i read years ago some of which being
the Obsidian series by Jennifer L Armentrout
Opfer (victim) by Jesper Wung
Akademie der Dämmerung (the academy of dusk) by Anne Applegate
Nebelsilber (fog silver) by Tanja Heitmann
the last three are german tho, so not sure if there’s a translation, and now that it’s listed in front of me i realize have all lowkey mysterious creepy vibes which good for 15 year old me lol
i dont really have a tbr list anymore, just a bunch of screenshots from two or so years ago and names like Silvia Plath, Frank Kafka floating around in my head i eventually want to check out and i refuse to die until i do <- thirsting for knowledge
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shinystarfishmoon · 11 months
Hello there, I'm sorry for resending my ask because I've realized I wasn't doing it right!
My initials - CM, pronouns - she/her
My question to you - Why did the reconnection with L go awry? (The feelings I bare towards her are mixed, and I feel like she doesn't care about me at all)
Thank you in advance, and sorry for overwhelming you!
For the final touch - 🐣(I'm on my PC, I forgot to introduce it)
Take care! :3
hi , thank you for participating in the game!
{ i have never done this kind of reading, so please take this as a grain of salt. }
crads : king of cups {reversed}, devil
so the king of cups reversed talks about someone who is emotionally manipulative, temperamental, or they must heavily relay approval of others, kind of selfish. shifting blame others for their own wrong doings. not accepting that they can ever be wrong. or they may really struggle with sense of self they have for themselves. devil talks about being stuck in toxic patterns, relationship, cycle, habits that may be considered bad. here devil also can be taken as advise for you to not to be completely blindly trust this person, or do not let the feels you have for them became a reason for falling I a toxic cycle.
this is all i got for you, I know that this is a lil bit different than what you asked for but that's what I got. if this reading resonates, please leave feedback.
songs: this started playing ast the end of the reading
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zanykittenbear · 1 year
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Cash App $750 ( For USA). This Blog Website contain with Gift Crads, iPhone, Games, Movies and more entertainment ...
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konveksitasbandung · 2 years
Card Holder Custom Dan Tips Memilih Dompet Kartu
Card Holder Custom Dan Tips Memilih Dompet Kartu – Dulu sebelum berkembangnya pembayaran cashless atau transfer, kita hanya memiliki uang tunai dan kartu ktp sehingga kita hanya memakai dompet lipat Wanita atau pria pada umumnya yang tidak terlalu banyak memiliki slot untuk kartu.
Namun saat ini bertransaksi pembayaran sangat mudah bisa transfer atau menyimpan uangnya di atm sehingga tidak perlu membawa uang cash dalam jumlah banyak saat bepergian atau belanja.
Oleh karena itu, penggunaan card holder atau dompet kartu sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan kartu atm, kartu kredit, kartu member, kartu games, dan kartu-kartu lainnya.
card holder custom dan tips memilih dompet kartu
Apa Itu Card Holder dan Konveksi Pembuatannya
Sebelum Anda memesan card holder custom , apa Anda sudah tahu apa itu card holder?
Card holder merupakan dompet khusus menyimpan kartu berukuran kecil sekitar 10x8cm dan memiliki beberapa slot 3 sampai 6 slot orang-orang juga sering menyebutnya dengan dompet kartu. Sehingga mudah dibawa kemana-mana atau bisa kita simpan di saku celana seperti dompet lipat.
Jika Anda membutuhkan card holder custom untuk kebutuhan souvenir atau promosi dengan label atau merk sendiri Konveksitasbandung.com siap melayani pesanan Anda. Minimal pemesanan 60 pcs.
Dalam pembuatannya card holder terbuat dari bahan kulit imitasi, mika, dinir, dan bahan lainnya. Untuk proses cetak logonya khusus bahan imitasi logo di cetak embos, sedangkan bahan lainnya bisa cetak sablon atau bordir.
Baca juga : Konveksi Card Holder
Selain tas, Konveksi kami dapat memproduksi berbagai jenis dompet pria dan wanita,  cover agenda, dan dompet kartu. Untuk pemesanan Anda bisa menghubungi kami melalui kontak whatapp yang tersedia.
Tips Memilih Dompet Kartu
Nah, setelah Anda mengetahui apa itu card holder dan Konveksi pembuatannya berikut kami akan memberikan informasi lain mengenai tips memilih dompet kartu.
Pilihlah model Sesuai Kebutuhan
Memang saat ini banyak sekali model card holder yang bisa Anda pilih dari model dompet kartu panjang dan pendek. Pastikan Anda memilih model yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan menyimpan kartu Anda. Jika ingin yang mudah dibawa kemana-mana pilihlah dompet kartu model pendek yang hanya memiliki 3 sampai 6 slot.
Pastikan Jumlah Kartu
Selain model, Anda juga harus memperhatikan jumlah kartu atau slot yang akan dibuat. Carilah model dan slot seperti apa yang sedang ramai di pasaran. Namun biasanya dompet kartu pendek dengan 3 slot yang sering digunakan orang-orang.
Bahan Yang Kuat dan Tahan Lama
Seperti kita ketahui bahwa bahan dalam pembuatan dompet kartu ini orang-orang lebih memilih bahan kulit imitasi. Karena jenis bahan yang exclusive sehingga dompet kartu terlihat lebih elegan.
Jenis bahan yang kuat dan tahan lama juga. Selain itu bahan kulit imitasi dapat dikombinasikan menggunakan bahan lainnya seperti kanvas atau batik.
Itulah beberapa tips dalam memilih dompet kartu sebelum Anda akan membuatnya secara custom.
Crad holder custom ini bisa menjadi salah satu peluang usaha yang bisa Anda jual dengan model kreatifitas Anda mengingat saat ini penggunaan dompet kartu semakin meningkat.
Setelah Anda membaca artikel card holder custom dan tips memilih dompet kartu ini, dengan begitu Anda lebih yakin untuk membuat dompet kartu untuk kebutuhan souvenir promosi atau untuk dijual kembali.
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mlpmoviemerch · 2 years
New My Little Pony Familiar Faces Expansion Deck-Building Game
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New My Little Pony Familiar Faces Expansion Deck-Building Game $26.28 available here: https://amzn.to/3dWlkpW
Details below:
A cooperative deck-building game expansion!
New Characters include Discord, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike!
New characters, hurdles, and challenges!
This is an expansion and requires My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game to play!
FAMILIAR FACES EXPANSION - Canter into the My Little Pony - Adventures in Equestira once again! Take the role of a pony of Equestria, as Twighlight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fullershy and more, you've been given a challenge to complete!
In My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game Familiar Faces Expansion, It's time for some trouble as a new bunch of mischief makers join My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria!
Take advantage of the new Sight mechanic to creativly build your deck and make the most of your traits.
With new characters, crads, hurdles, and challenges, Familiar Faces adds lots of new content for your game! This expansion requires the My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game to play.
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a familiar faces expansion deck-building game.
Brand: Renegade Game Studios
Character: My Little Pony
Color: Multicolor
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 5.9 x 7.8 x 1.9 inches Assembled Product Weight: 1.5 pounds
Inspired by My Little Pony
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cradalix · 3 years
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addenalberto · 3 years
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Basics on How to Play Solitaire
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revirushifaa · 3 years
Brothers feeding their infant children
Need so much fluff and cuteness now, so here have these extra cutesy and sugary HC's!
Lucifer feeding his daughter:
*This papa likes to do this task, it's just so soothing and relaxing, he often thinks. Sitting down on a couch or his bed, cradding his little daughter in one arm as the other is used to feed her a bottle of milk.
*He does it when he knows his brothers aren't around to pester him, about how cute and soft he looks with little baby Lucille.
*Lucille isn't a really loud baby, when she gets hungry all she does is whimper slightly and Lucifer knows what it means. Thankfully, since other babies often cry and it can be so troublesome and tiring.
"You're hungry? Feeding time it is."
*He prepares the bottle himself, as neatly as possible and he hums, measures up the amount of formula and water that he has to. Then puts it a few moments in the fire before sitting down and feeding Lucille gently and slowly.
*It's a pretty quiet task, Lucifer's daughter only eats as she closes her eyes and relaxes, and so Lucifer relaxes. Once Lucille's done, he cleans up any remain of milk from her mouth, and they cuddle until the baby falls asleep, Lucifer also falls asleep with his daughter, all snuggled up. (Of course sometimes he forgets to close the door and locked it, so a picture secretly is taken in silence)
Mammon feeding his son:
*Panicky Papa Mammon is panicky. Because whenever he has to feed Junior he forgets how the formula goes and takes a lot of time, which causes his baby son to start getting impatient and cries bloody murder.
"Just a sec, Junior! Daddy's making your bottle, please wait just a sec!"
*Runs everywhere in the kitchen with his son in a sling around his front, makes a mess of himself there. He accomplishes nothing, and defeated has to listen to his infant son cry his little head off.
"Honestly Mammon. By now you should know how this works..."
*Either Satan or Lucifer are the ones doing the job for Mammon since he just can't seem to understand how baby formulas are done.
"Well, well, say thank you to your uncle(s) that could do your bottle better than your daddy."
*Now he can feed Junior as he stands up and gently puts the teat of the bottle in the baby boy's mouth, as he quiets down and starts eating, thanks to it. Mammon is exhausted after every feeding, someday he'll learn how to prepare baby bottles.
Leviathan feeding his daughter:
"Dada hungy."
"Are you hungry, Leviosa? Alright, a bottle will come for you. Actual status: Prepare a bottle for my daughter. And sent."
*This father honestly is a miracle that he acknowledges that he has an actual daughter, one could think that he forgets about it given how much of an otaku and gamer he is, but miraculously he remembers about little Leviosa.
*He prepares the bottle, though he adds more formula than water and the thing ends up thick, too thick for a little demoness baby to eat it.
"You can't eat this... dang it... how are baby bottles made?"
*Searches online tutorials of how to make bottles for infants and after a few trials and errors he's got it. He makes a perfect baby bottle and goes to feed his small daughter with it.
*It's either on his bean bag or his tub bed where he feeds little 'Osa. He wraps her in a blanket and puts a bib around her neck to feed her and the baby girl eats calmly. Sometimes relaxing enough to make Levi almost doze off as he's doing this. Burps his daughter after she's done eating and then plays games with her. Small baby being taught of games anime at a very young age, she's to be an otaku and gamer when she grows up.
Satan feeding his daughter:
*This is the most attentive father in the family, because he knows what babies need and what their crying means when putting careful attention to it. He's read in books, there is literally nothing that this demon doesn't know, even before getting a daughter he knew what he was doing.
*When his daughter is growing restless and whiny, it only means that she's hungry.
"Hungry are we, Sandy? Don't worry, this can be fixed."
*Just like Lucifer he prepares bottles in order, first a specific amount of water, then the formula, closing up the bottle and lastly putting it in the fire for a few minutes before he sits down in a pile of books, cradles Sandy in one arm and feeds her, though the baby girl knows how to hold the bottle herself so she eats on her own, while Satan is reading his novel.
*When done she makes a gurgling sound and Satan cleans her mouth, puts her over his shoulder and gently burps her to avoid her from getting horrible tummy aches, like it happens to babies if they're not burped on time.
*Then he reads her a story. A repeating cycle. Feeding, burping, reading. Repeat.
Asmodeus feeding his son:
*The Avatar of Lust... a father? One could think that this beautiful man wouldn't even want to get himself a child, but apparently he actually gets a son, who he loves and brags about him being the most beautiful baby in the whole Devildom. And he dresses him only in the fashionable children clothes.
*He surprisingly knows how to raise his child and tend to his needs, so his son is not only for fashion, beauty or a simple target of pictures. When little Cosmo is hungry, he lets his father know by chewing on his lipsticks.
"Ah, no, no, no Cosmo. Lipsticks are not chewing toys, you silly~"
*He immediately takes the lipsticks from his little boy and picks him up, knowing what he wants and goes to feed him. Doesn't really know how bottles work so it's always Satan who makes Cosmo's bottles.
"You should already know how to do this, Asmo."
"You know to do it better than me, so do it for me, Satan! Cosmo's hungry and I don't want him to get cranky. His skin will get ruined if he cries that much!"
*Nevertheless, Satan prepares the bottle and gives it to Asmo who thanks him and walks right into his round flowery hanging chair, sits down and feeds his child, humming him a tune. Cosmo rarely cries, the only times is if his father forgets about anything that he needs, but he's a calm baby.
"Alright, we have that tummy filled now. Let's continue making ourselves beautiful and take pictures of us, son!"
Beelzebub feeding his son:
*Whenever Berith gets hungry, he cries as that's the only way he can notify his father that he needs to be fed.
"What is it, my boy? Need something? Hungry?"
"Hungy, hungy, hungy!"
*Berith is a cute chubby baby because just like his father, he eats quite a lot and that's why he has that chubby round body that only makes him look so adorable.
"Alright, alright, let's go eat. I'm hungry too."
*There are like a hundred baby bottles already prepared when arriving at the kitchen. Beel really just prepares a lot of food for his baby and himself, so they both can just eat without waiting for much.
*Berith doesn't get full with only one bottle, he eats and eats until all the prepared bottles are all finished and he's satisfied. After all his the son of the Avatar of Gluttony. Who's to say that he wouldn't be a glutton just like his dad? Obviously he's a glutton, and if he's not fed on time he throws major temper tantrums, which won't quiet down until he has something to chew on his little mouth.
"We're full, now are we? You ate them all, son! You're just like me."
*Beel has the best eating buddy that he could ask for. Hands down.
Belphegor feeding his twin sons:
*The Avatar of Sloth raising a pair of twin sons seems like a dream, but it isn't a dream. Belphie's the father of twin son's and he actually does take good care of them, despite sleeping most of the time, but it helps since babies do sleep a lot, and so does his sons.
*They both cry in unison if they're hungry, which wakes up their father who tries to get oriented again and tend to his two babies.
"Beliel, Beleth... what is it, sons? Oh, you're both hungry. Well, let's get you fed."
*Still sleepily, Belphie picks them up in both arms and goes to get their bottles, which thankfully Beel has prepared and left in the room just for Belphie to take them and feed both Beliel and Beleth.
*Since he only have two arms and it's twins that he's holding, he had taught them to eat on their own, just like how Satan taught his daughter to do so. It's easier that way, all Belphie has to do is sit down on the rocking chair and rock with his infant twins as they eat.
*Falls asleep when they're halfway and them too. Both twins are asleep. Belphie, Beliel and Beleth work that way. In halfway to be done eating, they all fall asleep. Beel has to pick the two babies and put them in their cribs, then pick up Belphie and put him to bed.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller Looks At How to Create The Ultimate Real Estate Business Card
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Melvin Feller Looks At How to Create The Ultimate Real Estate Business Card
Melvin Feller Business Group in Burkburnett Ministries and Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way and provide a positive outreach as the director. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
 How much thought do you really put into the creation of your business cards. I'll admit when I first started in this business I didn't know diddly squat about marketing and I created boring business cards like everyone else. I had my company name, phone, address, email and website--that was it.
 Luckily, I hung around some smart fellows and quickly learned the correct way to use business cards. First, I recommend having two different types of business cards. The first one is going to be a very professional card that you can hand out to sellers. This card is going to be the closest thing you have to a "boring" business card but there are still a few ways you are going to make it stand out.
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 On the front of the card put some type of catchy slogan so that sellers know that you are a real estate investor. Such as, "we provide real estate solutions" or "we will buy your house in 30 days or less". Then on the back of the card, I would give the sellers a reason to pick up the phone and call you.
  What reason should you give them? The most reliable reason there is: The Free Special Report. Here's what I would do: On the back have it say "Call 555-555-5555 today to get a FREE copy of our amazing Special Report "How To Sell Your House in 11 Days Or Less No Matter Your Current Financial Situation". Then I would go on to say. "And if you happen to own a rental property  make sure to ask for our FREE Special Report "The Five Little-Known Ways to Eliminate Tenant Hassles Forever. Call 555-555-5555 to get both of these reports today with no-obligation whatsoever."
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 Right there you have a turnkey "professional" business card. All you have to do is "cut and paste" the above information and you will have a better and unique card than 99% of real estate investors.
  Now, on to the second business card you are going to have. This is where you can get crazy and let your imagination run wild. This card can be ugly and does not have to look professional at all. You will want to make this card bright pink, bright orange or bright yellow. You can use big lettering to let the world know that "WE BUY HOUSES AND CHARGE NO FEES". Of course, on this card you will still want to offer free reports on the back. In addition, do not forget, these cards are for leaving at the gas station, dry cleaners and tacking up on bulletin boards. Do anything you can to have these cards attract attention.
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  What I want you to do is pull out your current business card(s). How does it look? Does it offer any reason to give you a call? Does it suck? On the other hand, is it awesome and you don't need to change a thing? If your card needs a few changes, go to www.vistaprint.com and make up some new cards. Business cards do not cost much, so do not be cheap about this. In fact, business cards can be one of the best investments you make if you get a $10,000 deal off a 5-cent card.
 In addition, to increase your chances of getting that deal, you should play the "business card game" with yourself. Every day, you should promise yourself to hand out five business cards or tack up five business cards---and you cannot come home until you do. Getting 25 cards a week into other people's hands (100 per month) will put you on the fast track to deals, money and less time spent working for "THE MAN".
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  Melvin Feller Business Consultants Ministries Group in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group and Burkburnett former grace Ministries director in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He was a Burkburnett man. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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I was just thinking about DSOD and this happend x) 
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blackcat818 · 4 years
If you look on the side of your box, you’ll find the authenticity seal. I’m not sure if it’s on the original (maybe we peeled the sticker off at some point), but it’s definitely on the absurd box. Now, if you’re like me, you completely disregard the authenticity seal because “Who gives a crap?” but I implore you to investigate.
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I just wanna say that this was a pain in the ass to take a picture of. It says “Corbs Agornst Hamamaty” for everyone who can’t read it. I showed my siblings and they said that the o in “Corbs” was actually an a. Then my sister said “She must be blind because she stares at her phone screen all day” and I was about to cry, I was so mad. After a few minutes of my family dissing me and calling me crazy, we learned that it said two things.
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This picture is harder to see, it says “Crads Agiainbst Blublaniby”. It just dependes on what angle you turn it in. I actually think it’s pretty funny that the authenticity seal is just as weird as the game. I just wanted to complain about Cards Against Humanity making me feel like I was insane for a good few minutes and turning my siblings against me. I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem.
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im-a-goner--foryou · 6 years
Starker prompt-- first kiss
For the lovely anon who requested it! This is pure, tooth-rotting fluff and I couldn't stop smiling the entire time while writing this. My angsty little heart needed this break. Hope you all like it!
Tony shuffles his feet, unable to quell the sparking nerves in his body. The door in front of him seems so imposing, and for a split second he considers just leaving right now, before anyone sees.
'Calm down,' he tells himself. It's ridiculous. He's Tony Stark; he shouldn't be this nervous about showing up to a party. Just knock on the damn door already.
His stiff hands remain as fists at his side. Goddamn it.
"Hey, what's up?" Someone hollers from behind him, making him jump in surprise. It's a girl, with long dark hair in a messy ponytail; she watches him with sharp, judgemental eyes. "What're you doing? You alright, man?"
Caught off guard, Tony stammers, opens his mouth to reply but the girl is already shouldering past him and knocking-- loudly-- on the door. And before Tony can turn and run it swings open to reveal--
"Hey MJ!" Peter smiles at her, and the sight of him makes Tony's throat go dry. There's a sparkly birthday paper crown atop his messy curls, and God, he's adorable. "Thanks for coming."
"I'm just here for cake, you dork." MJ retorts, though her voice is laced with unmistakable fondness. She sticks out her tongue at Peter's roll of eyes, then steps past the doorway before yelling past her shoulder, "Oh and by the way, Iron Man was totally creeping outside your door."
Shitshitshit. Wide brown eyes turn to see him for the first time, and he forces a smile on his face, hoping it doesn't come off as a grimace. "Hi."
"Oh! Hey! Mr. Stark, sorry, I didn't see-- did you... were you, I mean, hi--" Peter's rambling, face completely aflame with a rosy blush; his lips twitch up into a shy smile. "I didn't know if, you'd... you would come."
"Of course I will, kid. You invited me." Tony replies, smiling and desperately hoping the boy doesn't bring up the 'creeping outside the door' part, but Peter's just ushering him in and he steps into the house. There's soft pop music playing in the background, and the place is filled with purple and blue balloons. There's a couple of teenagers lounging on the same couch he had sat on when he first met Peter, seemingly having a heated argument over something.
"Monopoly," Peter says, catching his gaze. Ah. He swings the door shut behind him, then looks up at Tony through long, curled lashes (Tony always finds himself staring at them, wondering how they don't get all tangled up whenever the boy blinks). "Thank you so much, Mr. Stark. I really appreciate you being here."
"It's no problem. And please, call me Tony. You're turning seventeen, there's no need for such formalities."
"Okay... Tony. You look nice, by the way. Really good. I mean, you always do, but-- uh-" Flushing even harder than before, Peter squeaks, voice pitching adorably high, and Tony finally allows himself to feel relief-- he'd pondered so hard over the proper attire to a seventeen year olds birthday party-- but Peter continues stumbling over his words, looking so distraught that Tony puts a hand out to stop him.
"You look good too." You look beautiful, Tony wants to add. You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen and you're sweet and lovely and-- jeez, how old is he, twelve? He's hopeless. In an effort to recover himself, Tony reaches out to touch Peter's paper crown, grinning, "especially with this." ...then he realises the cursive writing on it spells out 'birthday princess' and promptly chokes on his own spit.
Real smooth, Stark.
"Oh god." Peter's cheeks turn the same delightful pink as said hat, fingers fluttering over his hair and flopping stray strands into his eyes. "That. Right. I lost a bet, Ned says I have to wear it the whole night."
Tony swallows, and before he can think too much about it he's reaching up slowly to smooth the curls back. He smiles down at Peter, "It's pretty on you."
The boy's lips fall open and he stares at him, and for a second Tong thinks he's crossed the line; but then he's leaning into his touch and Tony's heart is about to implode--
"Is that Tony Stark?" A voice yells from the living room, and the two of them jump apart, Peter's back colliding into the door. "Ohmygod, that's Tony fucking Stark! He's here!" Awkward, Tony waves at the boy gaping at him. Then May's stepping out of the kitchen, looking frazzled and holding a pitcher of juice.
"Language!" She scolds, earning a small 'sorry, sorry', then turns to give him a wide smile. "Tony! Do come join us, let me get you a drink. Peter, you didn't tell me he arrived.
He glances at Peter. The boy's still slumped against the door, tips of his ears colored red; he clears his throat. "Uh, yeah. I was just welcoming him in."
Then a bunch of teenagers are all clamouring around him, asking for his autograph and a picture, and Tony sighs and settles himself in for a long night ahead of him.
After they finish the monopoly game (which Tony ends up joining them in, claiming himself to be the birthday boy's business partner) and blowing out the candles (immediately after the finishing the birthday song Ned attempts to slam Peter's head into the cake, which Peter easily dodges 'cause spidey-sense and all), Tony settles himself on the island table, watching as the teenagers have fun. After excusing himself to the bathroom, he's on the way back when he passes what he remembers to be Peter's room; the door is ajar.
"Mr. Stark-- wait, I mean, Tony--" Peter swings the door open, catching him by surprise.
"Peter. What are you doing here?"
"I needed a break from everyone out there. It becomes a little too much sometimes," the boy says, leaning against the doorway. He bites his lip. "And, um. I just wanted to say, you know. Thanks. After all you were dragged into this party; it's not exactly the kind you're used to."
"No, no, I love it. Don't think too much about it," Tony reassures, offering Peter a comforting smile. "Your friends remind me of what we were like during the college years. Though there was a lot more alcohol involved."
That makes the boy laugh, eyes crinkling at the edges. "Hey, since you're here... do you mind checking something of mine out? I've been working on something new."
"Sure." Tony walks in, and as the boy clicks the door shut behind him he's hit with a strong wave of memories. "Remember when I showed up the first time here? You looked like you were going to pass out when you saw me."
"Wha-- I did not. I was just caught by surprise! It's not everyday you see iron man on your couch," Peter grumbles, flushing a little. Then his gaze softens and he sighs, "that was, what, three years ago?"
Three years; Tony could hardly believe it. He still remembers watching the boy on the bed-- still a child really, at that time-- talk about his powers, and how he wanted to help people with it. How selfless and good Peter had been, even all those years ago. He watches as the same boy talks to him now with unbridled enthusiasm about his new project, how he's been developing a better version of grenade webs for his spider-suit, pulling out colourful notes from his bedside table, and Tony's overcome with fondness.
"...So yeah, that's pretty much it. Hopefully it'll work like I planned it out," Peter finishes, slightly out of breath. He beams at Tony. "What do you think?"
"I think it's fantastic, Peter. You've outdone yourself." At the boy's shy blush, Tony gathers his confidence, continues, "Truly. God, this is all amazing. You're absolutely brilliant."
"You really think that?" Peter mumbles, moving to sit on his bed opposite him. He ducks his head, examining his hands, and when he looks up a stubborn tuft of hair flops into his eyes again. Tony leans forward, elbows on his knees, and catches his soft gaze.
"I meant every word I said. You're something entirely special, Parker."
And Peter smiles at him, a real smile with his lips stretched wide and his teeth showing, and Tony's struck with the overwhelming urge to kiss him, so he does. Closing the little gap between them, he captures Peter's lips with his, eyes fluttering shut, heart slamming so deafeningly against his ribcage he hears it. It's brief, and when Tony pulls back his heart's in his throat.
Peter stares at him, eyes so huge and brown, face redder than he's ever seen, and for a second Tony thinks, 'Shit. I've fucked it all up. Well done, you fuckhead' and his stomach drops.
Fingers fluttering up to touch his parted lips, Peter looks at him. "You... you kissed me."
Crap. He wants to crawl in a hole. Tony Stark is going to die right here, on a wooden chair in this nerdy bedroom, walls covered with movie posters. "Uh."
"You kissed me," the boy repeats. "Why?"
"Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, I didn't know why I did," Tony stutters, and he's pretty sure he's blushing just as hard as Peter right now; Jesus, he's embarrassing. Taking a deep breath, he continues, "I was just thinking about how incredibly smart you are, and how you're so kind and so fun to be with, and god you have no idea how beautiful you look, everything about you is just perfect and--"
This time it's Peter who cuts him off with a kiss; or at least, attempts to. Their faces slam together and Tony's jerked back so hard his head nearly collides with the wall, and he accidentally bites down on Peter's lip. They pull away, a painful groan escaping him as he reaches up to cradle his nose; the boy does the same, looking absolutely horrified. "Oh fuck, jeez I'm sorry, ow I didn't mean to do that." And Tony can't help himself, he bursts into laughter, laughing so hard he can't catch his breath; and he's crying a little too because emotions are confusing. Peter lets out a shy little giggle, honey eyes wet with tears as well, smiling so sweetly at him, and when he says "Can you kiss me again?" Tony does it without hesitation.
This time it's gentle, the two of them melding together into one, Tony's hands flying up to cradle Peter's face as he deepens the kiss. The boy is, understandably, inexperienced-- his nose bumps against Tony's cheek several times, followed by a quiet 'shit, sorry'-- but Tony adores it, adores him. It's everything a perfect kiss should be; everything he wanted his first kiss with Peter Parker to be. When they pull back the boy's lips are pink-swollen, shiny with saliva, and his hazel eyes are wide and glassy, and holy fuck how did he get this lucky? Tony's aware that there's others outside, and anyone can barge in right now-- god forbid it be May-- and that yes, what they have will be difficult; but Peter is so worth it.
Peter's breathy, joyful little laughter makes him smile into their next kiss.
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moonlightsdream · 6 years
favorite anime/manga? or magical girl to be specific? :)
favorite anime/manga i'll list 5 of my top favorite..fullmetal alchemist brotherhood: one ob the best shounen adventure i've seen to date!! chihayafuru: when i started it i was a bit lost since i didn't really get the karuta game but as it went on and i understood more of it i ended up loving it to pieces!! can’t wait for the 3rd new season. slam dunk: the best sport/basketball anime i've seen to date!! can be hilarious and can be very intense! to this day i still want to see the last 2 games get animated.. even though that's close to impossible!romeo no aoi sora: this 90s anime deserve more love!! ugly crying!!igano kabamaru: classic and a childhood anime.. still find it hilarious after all these years!! just CLASSIC!!
favorite mahou shoujo: i haven't seen much of mahou shoujo anime but i'll say it's a tie between cardcaptor sakura: famous one.. esp the old one.. the clear crads was too slow for my taste!!shugo chara: this one i would strong recommend the manga over the anime.. the anime was filled with way too much fillers and had different ending than the manga!
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cradalix · 4 years
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i attempted pixel art in medibang with basil from omori
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