#crowned lemur
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microcebusarnholdi · 1 month
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the three horsemen of Clover
og image under the cut
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mousenoises · 2 years
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Lemurs! Blue-eyed black lemurs and a Golden crowned sifaka. Drew them for the World Lemur Festival that takes place every October but I missed it this year! :( I have promised myself I will draw at least one before 2022 is done. An Aye-aye probably.
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sweetellafontaine · 2 months
Thread tracker ella
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Hey guys Naomi Here, I'm placing my thread tracker on my blog so you guys know who is expecting a reply, and who I'm expecting will reply to me. So Sorry for tagging you all, but it's for my organization's sake. I do not include people's starters yet because I still need to figure out who will reply to which starter. I do place my latest starter so that if you want a reply with Ella, you can reply to her starter. Furthermore, I know we are having a tough time coming back, and I hope this will ease everyone's minds into knowing who you owe, if that makes sense?
The actual list will be underneath, the people in the current threads will be tagged. If you want a starter, I'm making a starter call thingy above this post just like it, and I'll come to you <3333
THE HISTORY OF THE HEEL - RACHEL (@adropofgoldenrachelx) [LINK]
IT'S A DUCK OBSESSION - HAYDEN (@haydenbodaway) [LINK]
THE CONFESSION - SALLY (@sallytheseamstress) [LINK]
A DASHING SUIT - FREDDY (@flash-hundredyarddash) [LINK]
A SIMPLE CONVERSATION - MYRA (@magnificentmyra) [LINK]
STOP AVOIDING ME - ANASTASIA (@itsme-anastasia) [LINK]
BLUSHIN' - TRAVIS (@but-theylovehim) [LINK]
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simina-cindy · 4 months
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Character I'm working on.
Art and character belong to me. Do not copy or reupload.
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bangpuddingmuffin · 4 months
Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown
Legends of Amberland was fine. The kind of clunky map made exploration more of a chore than fun, and in dungeons it was even worse with the very restrictive automapping. Dungeons were often filled with repetitive encounters, and by the halfway point, I no longer needed to bother with strategy (which, admittedly, was for the best for my enjoyment). The loot wasn't particularly interesting, and it felt like I kept finding the same thing over and over again, and that was without even buying anything from a store.
Some classes felt useless, especially my ranger who ended up just being a far worse wizard. I'm not sure if he had utility, but I didn't see it.
I found out after playing that there are difficulty settings I missed by picking quick start, which I have to assume drops you in at the normal setting. I doubt I would've enjoyed it more at a higher or lower challenge (given the amount of repeated encounters and that you can just cheese dungeons by entering and leaving), so the balance felt good to me for the game that it was.
Yet, somehow, I found Amberland compelling. I kept coming back to it, and ended up finishing it in just around a day. Despite the frustrations I had, it was nice to just blast through some dungeons.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOeTsMoezKbM9bUY6mL1g0zEak88_VzE
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scuttlingcrab · 29 days
Short one for ya!
Raphael reacting to waking up to his little mouse tending to his injuries?
Thank you so much for sending me the prompt, really enjoyed writing this! Hopefully the first of many one-shots of Raphael in the Hells. x
Summary: With the help of Tav, Raphael fights against Zariel for his seat in Avernus. Much to Raphael's dismay, the fight ends up being more difficult than he anticipated.
Notes: Mild violence as Raphael fights for his life. Tav is depicted as gender neutral.
Link to my other work in the Devil's Archive.
Inferna Victoria
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(Image via red-dead-sakharine)
Raphael stood atop a towering mound of corpses, surveying the growing battlefield before him. Mighty horned devils, lemure foot soldiers, and various other fallen imps and fiends had become indistinguishable amid the carnage of constant battle.
Thick blood oozed from thousands of bodies, slowly trickling into the River Styx. Raging flames from Zariel’s toppled flying fortresses licked the orange coloured skies of Avernus, enveloping the surrounding area in a dense layer of black smoke. Before long the sky itself was nearly covered in total oblivion from the twisted wreckage, giving the illusion of the deepest, darkest night.
For Raphael it was just another day in Avernus as he fought against Zariel and her forces, obliterating anything she threw at him. The Crown of Karsus rested comfortably on his head throughout the combat, never shifting as he charged through the chaos, slaying one enemy after another. The newfound power of the Crown was fused to his core, amplified by the pulsing Sceptre of Karsus he gripped in his hand.
Despite the extraordinary amount of strength surging through Raphael’s veins, enough to topple cities with the snap of his fingers, a nagging thought still tore at the back of his mind; slowly chipping away at the once sturdy walls of his morale. There was a possibility, although minute, that this battle would not end in his favour.
Raphael desired nothing but a grand victory, to set the stage for the later acts to come, but he would have to fight until the bitter end to secure his spot in Avernus. An undignified beginning to uniting the Hells. 
As much as he hated to admit it, the fight hadn’t been without its challenges. Zariel had proven to be a formidable opponent, her years of fighting in the Blood War and her fixation on barbarity moulded her into a sheer powerhouse. He had entered the battlefield expecting to easily crush an ant under his boots, but was left dealing with a persistent ironclad beetle.
They had been fighting relentlessly for nearly a week without proper respite and Raphael could feel his powers gradually depleting, each movement slower than the last. 
Earlier that day, in an attempt to avoid the poisonous bite of a pit fiend, Raphael had left himself wide open. As he ripped the fiend’s head off like a rag doll, crushing the skull between his fists, Zariel hit him with one of her javelins. It tore through his armour, leaving a gaping hole in his side. Raphael cursed, breaking the javelin in half and skewering two adjacent horned devils in response. 
Raphael knew he needed to recharge, to heal his injuries, but that alone would cause Zariel to advance where he had previously pushed back. No. He would proceed as planned. Raphael would not rest until he had her head displayed on a spike for all the Hells to see.
The wounds still stung as Raphael stepped to the side, deflecting another attack from Zariel. He ignored the pain as he threw her back with a raging thunder wave. She teleported behind Raphael in a crackle, raising her longsword for another strike. Zariel bared her teeth, slashing desperately at Raphael, pushing him closer towards the edge of the mound. They began a strange dance, moving in irregular circles around each other as they both strived to land a finishing blow. 
Tav’s war cries carried on from below, easing Raphael’s nerves. They fought alone near the base of the mound, keeping the growing legions of Zariel’s forces at bay. Hearing their shouts, the sounds of their steel cutting through flesh, was an odd relief to Raphael. It was his way of monitoring Tav, knowing they still fought alongside him. That they were safe. 
He had amassed his own army, slowly building up his forces over the centuries of unabated scheming. They were all dispensable, even his greatest commanders were meaningless to him. Raphael could care less whether or not these devils perished in battle, they only served as pawns in his grand ambitions. Tav was Raphael’s greatest weapon, what he cherished more than the very Artefacts of Karsus he sought for a millennia. 
Raphael quickly glanced in Tav’s direction as he ducked, narrowly avoiding Zariel’s sword as she sliced the air above him. Tav was simply marvellous, a stunning sight to behold on the battleground. Pit fiends snarled and howled as they tried to reach Raphael, but Tav struck them down. They were relentless and precise with every movement, showing no mercy. 
There was a time when Raphael would’ve been on the receiving end of Tav’s sword; back when the threat of the Elder Brain still loomed high over Faerûn and Raphael had all the time in the world to play with his food. He did not pity any fiends who faced their wrath.
Zariel lunged at Raphael’s side, digging her talons into his open wounds. Raphael grunted, the sudden influx of pain causing him to fall into Zariel. He latched on to her legs as he toppled over the mound, bringing her down with him. Their bodies increased in speed as they fell, rolling continuously against each other. Raphael’s vision blurred, his world spinning out of control as his head slammed against Zariel’s armour. He released his grip on Zariel and dug his claws into the dirt, barely stopping himself from plunging headfirst into the River Styx. 
Raphael jumped to his feet, steadying himself as the ground stopped rocking. He spat in agony as he clutched his side. It throbbed, mimicking the erratic beat of his heart. Zariel had succeeded in wounding him a second time, increasing the size of the original puncture tenfold. His hands trembled as he made an effort to seal the injury, to keep the blood from pouring down his leg, but it was no use. He was no healer. He needed Tav for that. Later! He quickly prepared a shield, anticipating another attack from Zariel, but found the Archduchess still on her knees. She struggled to rise, stumbling over herself like a newborn fawn.
Raphael gasped, a massive wave of adrenaline smashing into his body. He had been gifted a rare moment of opportunity, as if the mistress of fate hand delivered it to Raphael herself. Without hesitation, Raphael summoned a silver sword in one hand, using his free palm to viciously snap his fingers. 
Thorny vines sprouted up around Zariel, latching onto her and pinning her further to the ground. She growled, thrashed, tore at the vines but they only tightened around her. Raphael flicked his wrist and the vines coiled at her neck, forcing Zariel to look in his direction. Zariel’s body flickered as she tried to teleport out of the bindings, but the thorns only ripped against her skin, leaving her armour in tatters.
“Alas, the mighty Zariel…” 
Raphael limped towards the Archduchess, leaving a trail of bloody footprints in his wake. It took all the power he had left to remain upright as he approached her. He wanted to howl in anguish with each quivering step. Intense bursts of pain flared through his bones, travelling from his heels to the tip of his skull. He held his chin high, his face stoic, empty of any emotions that might give away his true mental state. Raphael’s grip on the sword hilt tightened as he stared at Zariel, never breaking eye contact. 
She met his gaze with her own immolating stare, her white-hot eyes attempting to set Raphael ablaze but the flames merely rolled off his shoulders.
“Your reign has finally reached its conclusion.” 
“Spare me the theatrics, Raphael.” Zariel hissed, “even now you waste my time with these futile farces.”
The air was still, completely void of any sounds of death or destruction. Raphael inhaled through his gritted teeth, pinpointing his attention on Zariel. The surrounding landscape, rotting corpses, and remnants of battle slowly vanished. It was just Raphael and Zariel under a growing spotlight, standing on the very dais that Raphael had painstakingly constructed. 
Raphael remembered the exact moment he first craved Zariel’s demise; all the hours he spent indulging in fantasies about the various ways he would dethrone her, demoralising her in front of her legions of followers. Raphael had no master, he only served to benefit himself. For every soul Raphael delivered to Zariel throughout the centuries of service, he harboured two or three more to his own collection - steadily growing more powerful under her nose. He had hypothesised every possible outcome, made sure to plan if and when anything were to go awry, but he had never quite imagined this. Zariel, caught in his grasp like a worthless fly in a honey pot.
“I must thank you, dear Archduchess. Your corpse will make a fine trophy as I parade it throughout the Hells during my conquest…”
As Raphael raised his sword, Zariel shrieked, punching through the vines. She swung her flail, cracking it against Raphael’s skull. He stumbled back, immediately losing concentration on the spell. In a swift motion Zariel teleported, appearing in front of Raphael and thrusting her sword through his chest.
“NO!” Raphael roared, spurting blood from his mouth. 
Zariel was within inches of Raphael’s face, sneering at him as she pushed the sword deeper. The feeling of panic Raphael felt was like a jagged rock stuck in his larynx. He had witnessed that mocking grin once before, from his own father, as he grovelled at his feet in the Great Halls of Cania – begging for his acceptance. 
“Raphael!” Tav’s shouts were distant, echoing from all directions. He pushed them out of his mind, there was no time for consolation.
“This will not be my end!” 
A blue glow enveloped Raphael’s body, slowly pulsating as the light became hotter, brighter. Raphael’s pupils dilated, a small blue flame in his eyes growing more significant as he glowered at Zariel. The ground at his feet turned black from the immense heat radiating off his body, the radius increasing rapidly, incinerating any corpses that lay near him. 
Zariel’s eyes widened as she tried to step back but Raphael grabbed her shoulders. A sudden gush of lightning shot through his fingertips. Zariel’s screams were drowned out by the sound of electricity coursing through her. Raphael squeezed harder, releasing more lightning into her wretched form. Her leather wings melted, her pale skin withering from the heat.
Zariel fell to the floor, a useless heap of burnt flesh. Smoke rose from her body as she started laughing, the scent of blood and scorched skin filling the air. She tilted her head up at Raphael, the laughter growing more hysterical as she leered at him. Zariel’s glowing eyes and white fangs stood out against her now charcoal skin.
“You are a fool,” Zariel spoke in a pained whisper. “You will never succeed, you will never make it past Avernus.”  
Raphael clenched his fists, looking down at what remained of the once fearsome warrior.
“You were always meant to fail, Raphael… I will see–” 
Raphael didn’t allow Zariel to finish; he savagely stomped on her head, releasing all his pent up fury. He let out a primal scream so loud he hoped it would travel to the very pits of Nessus. Raphael would come for them all in due time. Let them see what he was truly capable of. He smashed and smashed until Zariel’s laughter stopped, until her body was a discoloured pulp under his boots. 
“When I have united the Hells, I will think fondly on this moment...” Raphael spoke, his voice soft as if strained.
Raphael suddenly fell to his knees, feeling light headed. His breathing grew short and unstable. His ears rang and he shook his head to get rid of the irritating noise, to focus his attention back on the combat… but he found himself keeling over. He lay on his side, staring towards the war that was still being fought in his name.
The weight of the sword grew heavier as he inhaled, each breath like a new laceration. He carefully shifted on his back to ease the pain. Raphael placed a hand on his chest, feeling the warmth of the blood as it continued to leak out of the wound. 
He smiled as he looked up at the murky skies of Avernus, watching as a fiery comet shot through the clouds. These skies now belonged to him.  
A tall figure approached Raphael from his periphery. As they grew closer, their shape became more distinct. A slender form, broad shoulders, pointed ears… Tav. They lurched towards him, throwing their weapons aside as they fell to their knees, hugging him. 
Tav wrinkled their brow as they ran a jerky hand across Raphael’s face. Their expression grew more troubled as they observed his state, their eyes quickly turning into a watery gaze. Raphael met their concern with a smile as he felt his eyelids grow heavier. Tav began to speak, frantic words, shouts, but it was all incomprehensible to Raphael. He felt his body lifted, his arms dangling to the side as he soon lost consciousness.  
Raphael drifted, null of any previous pain or grievances. His mind was empty of any thoughts or emotions. Everything was calm, too calm. What had become of him? How long had he been in this fugue state? Suspended in nothingless? As Raphael began to focus, he could feel a warm liquid embracing him, cradling him as if he was in a cocoon. His limbs tingled as he lay suspended, a warmth beating in his chest. 
Something soft brushed against his cheek, pulling him further out of the trance. It left another prickling sensation emanating through his face, creeping along his neck and back like tendrils. Raphael opened his eyes to find Tav looking down at him, stroking his swollen cheeks with a damp silk cloth. He was floating in his restorative bath, the red velvet curtains drawn between each column. Candles were peppered along the edge of the water, illuminating the bath in a cosy ambiance. 
When Tav met Raphael’s eyes, the memories returned to him, instantaneously flooding his intellect. He shot up, stumbling as he attempted to leave the bath. He fell against the marble stairs, reaching for the sword in his chest. But it was gone, a massive scar remained in its place, covering the span of his entire torso.
“No… I must resume! The fight is yet–”
“The fighting has ended. We have won.”
“We must press on if we are to…” 
Raphael reclined on the steps, panting heavily. His chest was tight, head pounding. Drops of blood dripped into the bath, slowly turning the clear waters crimson. The wound in his chest had reopened, not yet fully healed. 
“Bah!” Raphael yelled out in frustration, his voice vibrating throughout the boudoir. 
Tav rose to join him, calmly resting their hand on his shoulder. They dabbed the silk cloth in the water, bringing it to his chest. They lightly applied pressure to the wound, repeating the motion a few more times until the bleeding ceased. 
“Please, rest. I only speak the truth.”
“What of Zariel’s forces?”
“The ones I could not destroy fled in fear, hiding in the shadows like cowards. The rest have sworn their allegiance to you.”
Raphael tilted his head, searching Tav’s face for a hint of falsity. If they lied to him he would incinerate their mortal soul where they stood, no matter how much he cared for them. He peered deeper into their pale blue eyes but could sense nothing but the truth. 
“So it is done.” Raphael whispered. 
Tav nodded, watching Raphael with immense pride. 
Raphael expected to have felt more in this triumphant moment, but he experienced an odd numbness in place of celebration. His arduous labour, spanning across the millennia, had not gone to waste after all, but there was something missing. How anticlimactic. He let out a sigh, carefully allowing himself to loosen his muscles against the steps.
“Do not fret. You did well, Archdevil. I was proud to have fought at your side.”
Tav’s words, albeit kind in nature, struck harshly against Raphael’s face. Indeed, it had been a favourable outcome but he could only find the flaws in his tactics, fixating on all the things that went amiss. If he had slain Zariel faster he would already be on his way to vanquishing Dis. Raphael instinctively turned away from Tav, hiding his flushed cheeks. Tav softly grabbed Raphael’s chin, turning his gaze back to them.  
“Inferna Victoria.” Tav spoke, their eyes glittering in the candlelight. 
Raphael stiffened, his mouth hanging ajar as he locked eyes with Tav. 
“Inferna Victoria.” Raphael whispered in response. Uttering that phrase out loud, for the first time, reignited a spark in his being. Of course. How could he have forgotten? 
Raphael scanned his chest, now imperfect and riddled with souvenirs of the frontlines. He brought his hand to Tav’s cheeks, stroking their face. They nestled against his palm. His little mouse, his prized warrior.
Their moment was soon interrupted when Raphael felt the presence of a lingering debtor enter his boudoir.
"Speak." Raphael growled.
“Master. You have a message. I believe it is from Him.”
Raphael sat upright, as if Asmodeus had entered the quarters along with the debtor. Despite the warm bath surrounding him, a sharp chill ran up his spine. Tav touched his thigh, giving him a small reassuring nod.
The Archdevil had won his first battle, but there was only more to come.
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blackopals-world · 8 months
Hiiii I was just curious about Disciplinary Committee Yuu Nothing specific Anything your brain juices think up
Hmm, the ancient one.
This Yuu first appeared about a year ago on this blog taking the crown as the first A(Yuu). Their place was quickly taken by Chef!Yuu who gained more popularity through their series.
Disciplinary Committee!Yuu had an entire AU of their own all the while with a small collection of OCs.
Here are a few notes.
Is officially a second year housewarden of Ramshackle. The AU takes place one year after the year of Overblots.
Everyone calls them Officer put their title as warden is Chief.
Manifested magic due to trauma and exposure. Creates magic draining chains to physically contain. Has a magic tool that uses this spell to create an anti-magic field. (Makes Riddle look lax in comparison)
Ironically Ramshackle students specialize in magic beast-taming and have many beasts that roam the area. Most of these beasts are very dangerous and only get more so with training.
Yuu's beast is Grim who is the house mascot.
Yuu his constantly busy and overworked because of how much fighting and chaos takes place.
Is charged with writing the school handbook which contains the rules the Officers enforce religiously.
Yuu hates excessive use of magic even at a magic school. Believes that magic is a tool meant to serve the needs of other not just yourself. Limiting it decreases the chance of blotting.
Naturally the dorm is a refuge for those who seek strength independent of their magic. (Oh hey Rollo)
There is a quite hours ban on magic.
The irony of their dorm being associated with discipline is that Yuu encourages betrayal. At least of your commanding officers. You need to watch your back because the best officers are always vigilant of challengers.
It's like a pack of wolves in a way (not really. It's closer to Meerkats or lemurs) one sits at the top and the others either fight their way to the top or gets on the leader's good side.
But enough about the dorm.
Yuu claimed Sebek as theirs. Thems the rules. He was picked up by the neck.
Maybe it was the devotion he had or maybe it was the lack of discipline. Either way this man had no rizz.
Yuu keeps him on a very short leash either way.
Yuu had to add a rule to hand book that states that if Idia gets kidnapped don't complain just save him. They have to remind the officers of this rule.
If you have a question while the Chief is busy they will just point to the wall where the rules are written.
Yuu will literally walk you like a dog. Hands rated E for everyone.
If they had a dorm uniform card it would be of them locking you in a cell.
Leona gets locked away the most because (acab) and for truancy.
This Yuu is morally grey at best.
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jame7t · 10 months
Hi jame! This is a crowned lemur! I hope you're feeling better from surgery!
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Woah! Hi the crowned lemur. :D
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[video description: video is a tiktok by user @dukelemurcenter. The video is made of brief clips of different animals with text boxes. "Meet the five newest arrivals at the Duke Lemur Center!" Clip of a baby mouse lemur. "Hapi (crowned lemur) the baby lemur is on all fours on the ground indoors, licking a heart shaped frozen treat, an adult crowned lemur comes into the background, and the baby walks over and hops onto (mom's?) back. "Cornelia (coquerel's safika)" clip of adult and baby coquerel's safika lemurs on a branch in a wooded outdoor enclosure, the youngster bounding across the branch to hold onto a nearby tree, then sits on the branch again. "Azalea and Tiger Lily (grey mouse lemurs)" clip of two very small young mouse lemurs peeking over some kind of white barrier, with their little hands clutching onto the barrier one goes back down under the barrier, and the other looks around. "Hoku (red ruffed lemur) clip of red ruff lemur siting on it's rump, leaning back, back legs slightly lifted, eating a large piece of avocado that is too large for the lemur to shut it's mouth to chew. "The Duke Lemur Center's conservation breeding program is critical to lemur conservation." clip of coquerel's safika climbing a tree, then jumping out of frame, in wooded enclosure. " and the results are pretty adorable" clip of Hapi, the baby crowned lemur on the floor, sniffing the camera, mom also briefly sniffs the camera. end video description]
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thestrangerblog · 1 month
Hair care
Author's note: Here comes my first Percabeth fanfic, a fluffy little showverse story, because I haven't read the books yet. I think Annabeth needs a little pampering and Percy is there to do it.
I'm white, so forgive me if I got the hair care for black girls wrong, all I know about that is from Youtube Videos.
Hair Care
Percy had just taken a much needed shower after returning to camp from his quest to find the lightning bolt. He was on his way back to the Poseidon cabin when he ran into Annabeth who was on her way to the camp showers. Percy stopped in his tracks and couldn’t help but stare.
Annabeth had unbraided her hair which totally changed her appearance. Her hair was all over her head in a wild mess. To him it looked like a halo or a gigantic crown.
“Shut your mouth, seaweed-brain or you’ll start drooling when you’re awake, too.”
Only now did Percy realize that he had been staring open-mouthed at Annabeth. He took her advice and quickly shut his mouth, only to open it again a moment later to say something.
“You look... different.”
“I unbraided my hair so I can wash it,” Annabeth said with an eye-roll.
“I didn’t realize your hair looks like this naturally.”
Percy felt really dumb, but that wasn’t unusual in Annabeth’ company.
“What, messy and filthy?” she asked aggressively.
“No! No, that’s not... I swear I didn’t mean that!” Percy stuttered, slightly panicked. “There’s just... so much of it. It looks fluffy.”
“Fluffy?” Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow. “What am I, a rabbit?”
But she sounded amused, not angry, so Percy assumed he hadn’t offended her.
Percy laughed. “No, you don’t give rabbit vibes. I think you’d be something more impressive. And smarter of course. An owl maybe, with being Athena’s daughter and all.”
“And you’d be a monkey. One of those tiny ones, maybe a lemur. Loud, annoying, silly, but somehow you not only get away with it, but people even bring you treats,” Annabeth said.
“I don’t know if this was an insult or a compliment.”
“A bit of both, I guess.”
Percy didn’t know what else to say, but also didn’t want to just go away. During the last week he and Annabeth had nearly always been together and he had a feeling that he would feel lonely without her in the big, empty Poseidon cabin.
“Speaking of treats. I still have some of the candies my mother gave me before I left for camp. She works at a candy shop and gets to take home free samples sometimes. Want to come over and share them with me after your shower? Maybe we could borrow a laptop from someone and watch a movie.”
Percy saw Annabeth visibly hesitating.
“I’d really like that, but it’ll take a while for me to be done in the showers and I’m pretty tired. I guess I would just fall asleep 5 minutes into the movie.”
Percy was surprised at that. He had only taken 10 minutes in the shower even though he needed to wash off a week’s dirt. He hadn’t thought Annabeth was the high maintenance type of girl who took forever in the bathroom. Considering that Percy had had enough near death experiences over the past week he decided not to voice his thoughts. But apparently that wasn’t necessary. Either his facial expression had given him away or Annabeth could read his mind.
The girl rolled her eyes. “My hair needs a lot more work to not look like a mess then yours, seaweed-brain. Getting the tangles out takes forever and needs more than just shampoo.”
Should he have known that? Was it dumb or insensitive of him not to know that?
“I could help,” he offered spontaneously. “With the hair, not with the shower!” he quickly clarified, blushing.
After everything Annabeth had done for him he really wanted to give something back. And he was somehow fascinated with the way her hair looked unbraided and really wanted to know how it felt to touch it.
“You want to come with me into the girls restrooms?” she asked.
“No, you could just come to my cabin after your shower.”
“Do you have a sink in your cabin?” Annabeth asked.
Now it was Percy’s turn to give Annabeth an eye-roll, a deeply satisfying experience.
“I’m the son of Poseidon, wise-girl. I don’t need a sink, I can just get a bucket of water and make the water move like with a shower-head.”
“Really?” Annabeth asked, sounding impressed. She was impressed by him!
Percy shrugged. “I practiced a little when I was alone in the cabin and couldn’t sleep.”
“Okay, I’ll humor you and let you give me a demonstration. But no sea water. That will only make it worse.”
Percy got the bucket he had for his water experiments from his cabin and filled it with warm water in the boys shower. Annabeth arrived at his cabin only a few minutes later. She had changed her clothes, but her hair was dry, meaning she apparently hadn’t started with whatever washing routine she had.
“Okay, I have the water and I know how to use shampoo, but apart from that I’m pretty lost, so I’ll need a bit of help,” Percy admitted.
Annabeth nodded. She had lived in a cabin with siblings of both sexes and from different ethnicities for five years now (apparently her mother didn’t have a type), so she knew that hair care was much easier for white kids, especially for boys.
“Okay, so, my hair needs a lot of moisture. I actually start with a conditioner and a lot of water and then slowly detangle my hair, first with my fingers, then with a tangle teaser brush. Then I use shampoo, then conditioner again and in the end I put oil in my hair and leave it in.”
Percy nodded. “Doesn’t sound too difficult.
Annabeth laughed. “You won’t repeat that after you have started getting the tangles out.”
“Okay, I thought you could just sit in a chair, I stand behind you and put the water bucket next to us.”
“Sounds good to me,” Annabeth said.
Annabeth sat down and Percy stood behind the chair and let the water come out of the basket in a little fountain that went to Annabeth head and then back into the basket and up again in a circuit.
Annabeth looked impressed. “You really have practiced a lot.”
Percy shrugged. “Not really. It didn’t take long for me to get it right. Anything with water comes naturally to me. Would you like a blanket or something for your neck to be more comfortable?”
Annabeth looked surprised to be asked that, but nodded. “That would be nice, thank you.”
Percy rolled the blanket from his bed and put it at the back of the chair so Annabeth could lean back comfortably. He gently put his hands on her hair and guided it to get it soaked with water. It really was fluffy. When Annabeth’ hair was thoroughly wet which took surprisingly long Percy took the conditioner Annabeth had brought with her and gently started untangling Annabeth hair. She had been right, it really wasn’t that easy to detangle the thick strands, but Percy didn’t mind. He started at the neck and gently untangled Annabeth’ hair strand for strand. Then he carefully brushed her hair out. Then he put shampoo in his hands and gently lathered Annabeth’ hair with it. Now he could easily get through her locks with his fingers. He made sure that the shampoo got everywhere, gently massaging Annabeth scalp while foaming the shampoo. Annabeth had closed her eyes during the detangling and was now leaning back in the chair to give Percy better access. Her face didn’t have her usual cool and aloof expression, she looked emotional and to Percy’s surprise a tear escaped her. Annabeth had apparently noticed that, too and tensed. Percy, who had gotten good at fast reactions, let a bit of water run down Annabeth’ cheeks.
“Sorry,” Percy mumbled, making it look like an accident.
“It’s okay,” Annabeth said and relaxed again, now that she didn’t have to worry about controlling her reactions to the tender care anymore.
Now it was Percy who had to control himself when he realized how foreign tenderness must be to Annabeth. He took a deep breath to control his sudden anger at Annabeth’ family and concentrated on the task at hand. In this moment he swore to himself to give Annabeth as much affection as possible whenever he got a chance.
Percy washed away the shampoo with water before stopping his make-shift fountain and then put conditioner in Annabeth hair again, spreading it thoroughly. Then he applied the oil and rubbed Annabeth’ hair with the towel until it wasn’t dripping anymore.
Annabeth stood up and faced Percy, looking insecure and almost shy, what was so strange for her.
“Thank you, Percy.”
Percy smiled. “You’re welcome. If you want to, I can always do your hair when we are at camp. You can teach me how to braid, if you want.”
“You’d do that?” Annabeth asked, surprised,
Percy nodded and hoped that it didn’t look too eager. He really loved going through Annabeth hair with his fingers and he enjoyed being able to spend time alone with her.
“Yes, I’d like that.”
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gothitelleex · 1 month
I love Raphael from BG3.
He's a complex character and I absolutely adore every take I've seen and the different prospectives on his character from the fandom.
I also signed the petition for the romance route. But honestly speaking: I want an ending where Tav/Durge/OC gets to decide join him in conquering the 9 layers of hells. I don't even care if it's only as a foot soldier! Or even better, a maid! I honestly would still enjoy it nevertheless.
So. This made me think: what would be like to work under Raphael?
(This is my personal take, so don't come at me please, I have anxiety. Also, I might have gone really deep into the argument in my own way, have mercy.)
(Spoilers under the cut for act 2, 3 and post final boss)
Generally speaking + surviving methods: we get some details from the game already on how Raphael's behaves as a boss. He can be absolutely cruel and straight up torture you if you screw up big time or even small time (or in the case of Hope, he'll keep you in his basement if you don't play along with his whims and refuse to submit). He could scorch your fingers for minimum mistakes (like we read in the house of hope, pardon me I don't remember if it was a diary or not, where he described the performances of the people working under him). What these minimum mistakes could be? For how I see it, it could be when one of his warlocks/debtors are late, or they aren't dressed the part, or they accidentally knocked something down, ect.
Raphael strikes me as the tipe who wants everything to be perfect in his standards at every moment. He also loves to have everything and everyone around him under control, and he is more or less quick to anger; so to survive, the worker would need to be an expert in his mood swings too, and they would need the capacity to dose their words well in some situations. Raphael would want perfection, so the worker should at least be good at covering up their mishap unless they want to join the lemurs.
Would bootlicking work? I think he's not so stupid to not realize when people are sucking up to him, so I believe it could be fine depending on the situation. I also think the bootlicking shouldn't be too obvious or he may think the person in front of him is making fun of him and that could result in death. Or worse: it's hell, who knows what could happen there.
Of course I believe he can be a gentle boss as long as you live up to his standards: something that is almost impossible, and I say almost since Korilla exist. That woman got her fingers scorched a few time and that was it, and I'm pretty sure she's the only one who didn't get punished more severely.
Korilla is the idol of every loyal worker to Raphael, I can bet my soul on that! Everyone who works with her envies her and/or take example from her.
Long story short: if you want to survive while working under Raphael, be Korilla. ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ👍🏻
Post ending: durge and co have defeated the Nether brain and it's now time to fulfill the deal and give the crown to Raphael.
Now, speaking of the game. I'm going to use Durge because it's my durge Iris that would be crazy enough to sell her soul to be a servant of Raphael. That drow is batshit crazy, but that's a story for another post.
So Raphael comes to collect his crown at Wither's party, and durge not only kneels to give it to him, but they also ask to be granted the honor of working under him in order to see the Archdevil Supreme Raphael's triumph! Raphael would accept and create a new contract, I believe.
Your Durge has accepted Bhaal? No problem! They just have to tell daddy dearest that mortals aren't a worthy sacrifice, so they decided to start their murder spree with devils! Hey, besides it's a war in the hells, there is no place for morality there, so Durge could go crazy without restrain. I believe in this case Raphael wouldn't trust Durge to remain loyal to him and put aside Bhaal's orders, so he would take precautions in any case. Whatever your Durge would want to betray Raphael in the end or not, it would add more spice to the already complicated situation in the hells and in their relationship, whatever it is. I like to think how the situation could lead to a delicious psychological dark romance! In this case I imagine Raphael using every chance to subtly remind Durge who's boss. And unless Durge really enrages him, I don't think he would stop being polite, especially because it was Durge who gave him the crown. My ideal ending if this scenario would be Durge usurping Bhaal and take his place as the God of murder, while also being married to the Archdevil Supreme of the nine hells, Raphael. ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ💅🏻
If your Durge is a resist Durge? In this case things would be less violent and I believe Raphael would be less wary of them in general, tho in the case of a contract, I doubt he would be as kind as he was before when he needed something from them. Now they're his to command, he's not just a simple ally to them anymore. So Durge would need to be Korilla 2.0. And as much I'd like the contrary, I don't think Raphael would have someone work closely under him without a contract. So, yet again, praise Korilla for her existence.
Long story short again: be Korilla. ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
If you've read everything, just know that I love you🪅
P. S: I would work for him as a maid who cleans just to enjoy all the drama while being in the sideline. Just let me be a random NPC who cleans and secretly simps for their boss lol.
P.p.s: I love you Korilla, please just a chance!
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wellthebardsdead · 22 days
Falûne: *around 10, sitting in his room reading from a pile of books he’d taken from his uncles library* hm, this one has instructions on how to summon and subjugate a deva for devils-… maybe if I show I’m nice they’ll be my friend?…
Hen: *his pet flying teacup pig* oink?
Falûne: no you’re right… uncle already got upset when I tried it with the beholder… *sighs and closes the book before blinking as he hears a soft voice behind his door* huh?… *walks over and peers out, heart nearly jumping out of his chest as he sees a boy around his age with dark hair and a sad face, scrubbing the floor in the corridor* a friend? *opens the door and jumps out* Hello! What’s your name?
Gortash: *falls back in fright staring up at the young cambion as his expression turns from fear, then to confusion, then curiosity* I’m- im Enver G-Gortash…
Falûne: oh- I I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you- *offers his hand to help him up* I’m Falûne by the wa- *freezes as his doublet is grabbed from behind and he’s pulled back into a familiar pair of arms as his* u-uncle! I-
Raphael: *wordlessly sets him back in his room and closes and locks the door*
Falûne: *blinks and presses his ear against it hearing his uncle shouting for someone named Nubaldin, followed by several sounds of impact, skin meeting skin in a cruel and harsh strike, only stopping when the sounds of a boy crying filled the air* I… just wanted to make friends…
*over a decade later*
Falûne: *getting ready for bed, swanning past the pedestal in his room where the crown of karsus sits nice and pretty beneath a glass dome, his pig, hen, fluttering behind him* ugh- can you believe that wretch had the gall to attempt at courting me? I’d sooner marry a lemur than ever go near one of mammons spawn again! *washes his face and brushes out his hair before picking up the pig* why do I need to get married anyway? I have uncles help to rule and you! That’s all I need. *sighs and pats them* …that’s all I need… *sets them down and walks from his ensuite back to his bedroom, stopping in the doorway as he meets the eyes of a white dragonborn, and an oddly familiar man* …
Gortash: …Falûne?
Falûne: …Gortash?!
Durge: I kill?!
Gortash: *looks at him, then at falûne* knock him out.
Falûne: Wha- *doesn’t even get a chance to protect himself as the towering dragonborn bludgeons him over the head*
*a few hours later*
Falûne: *blearily wakes up to find himself laid out on a chaise in an unfamiliar place* Ugh… my head-
Gortash: *fully intending to convince him to his side and attempt to seduce him* Ah, good you’re awake. I apologise for the rough-
Falûne: *launches off the chaise and goes straight for the throat* ILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU HORRID BEAST!!!
Gortash: HELP-
Durge: *sighs and picks up the chaise smashing it over the devil and knocking him out again* I told you it wouldn’t work.
Gortash: *laying beneath the now unconcious cambion* Forgive me for having hope then.
Karlach: wait- you know Gortash?!
Falûne: Gortash? Oh yes… I can’t wait to sink my claws into him…
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raayllum · 2 years
“It will be fastest and simplest for me to fly you there,” Zubeia says, lowering her great head, and Zym clambers on without a second thought.
“Thank you,” Ezran says, getting on next to the dragon prince, who’s already curling up with the intent to nap. They’re both so much bigger than Rayla remembers, but Zym is still a baby in many ways, and nap time is one of them. Ezran looks up, silver crown glinting in the moonlight. His brow furrows. “Callum?” he says, and Rayla can feel the stiff anger still radiating off his brother from a good few meters away, the way he’s been basically silent since Ezran had embraced her so easily (and undeservedly). “Aren’t you coming?”
Callum’s mouth twists. He doesn’t look at her. 
It’s a long flight and a cold night, the chill only ebbing thanks to the perpetual heat radiating off Zubeia’s scales, and he’ll freeze slightly without it. If Rayla could not take the Dragon Queen’s offer, and let him fly in comfort, she would. It’s her fault he’s so angry. Her fault he’s going to be put himself in a uncomfortable situation because the boy she loves, her best friend, can’t stand to be around her after she broke him so irreparably. 
But Rayla doesn’t have any other options, so she doesn’t say anything.
“I have my own wings,” he says primly.
“But-” Ezran starts, looking between him and Rayla, and stopping when his brother’s eyes harden. 
“I’ll touch down when you do,” Callum says, muttering manus pluma volantis under his breath, his wings even glossier and larger than they were two years ago.
When he saved her.
When he loved her.
Rayla swallows back the lump in her throat as he takes flight, her fingers shaking not just from the cold as she goes to climb atop Zubeia’s long neck. Stella coos once they settle, licking her cheek and warding off the tears threatening to fall, and Rayla smiles, taking her little friend into her hands and stroking her fur.
“Thank you wee one,” she whispers, and keeps her focus on the little lemur so her eyes won’t search the sky for the boy who left with her heart in tow.
She did it to him first, after all.
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nightydraws · 5 months
what are your favorite tpom episodes and why?
oh, it's going to be quite hard... because i can't decide which one to choose (i could put there most of the episodes from the beginning of season 1 lol)
But for sure it'll be:
"Crown Fools"
"Operation: Plush and Cover"
"I was a penguin zombie"
"Huffin and Puffin"
"The Lost Treasure of the Golden Squirrel"
"Operation: Cooties"
"Rat fink"
"Herring Impaired"
"The Return of The Revenge of Dr. Blowhole" (ofc it had to be there, xd)
"Best Foes"
Most of them are there because they're chaotic af and 'cause i love random shenanigans between penguins and lemurs/Marlene. Also, some of them are bc ✨️angst vibes✨️ (or vibes for my fav ships) in them, xdd.
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dick-chugger · 11 months
Okay, so I have to talk about All Hail King Julien. Basically it's a show about that lemur guy from Madagascar movies. So like the show follows the king of a lemur society and the whole things is pretty extreme political, religious and social satire.
Insane things in the first episode of All Hail King Julien:
Mort (the weird demon rat) moans when Julien slaps his face
Julien's uncle tries to get him assasinated to make sure that he gets to keep the crown
Said uncle has made lemur-sacrifices to the gods and we can see the skulls
Lemurs get caught by fossas and are explicitly said to have been eaten
Mort seductively shakes his ass and slaps it at said fossas
Julien gets his ass literally eaten
I seriously have to post more about the insane things in the show but yeah.
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