#crv asks
creepedverse · 8 days
Is there a town map? Trying to visualize everyones place but I can't picture it too well! :0]
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The full map with where everyone works and lives
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crushedsweets · 2 months
GUYS I HAVE ONE AHAHA my ONLY creepypasta oc is a self insert!!! you can find her all over THIS BLOG or in #crv or #bonnibel hayes on my blog!
this is her and my friend @/necroromantics oc tobin(who u can also find on that other blog) being hateful
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necroromantics · 4 months
is Tobin self insert?
if so how much are you self projecting? Does he have the same struggles as you?
Tobin is a self-insert but with spice. There is a few things about him that I project onto him like his personality, values, relationship with Tali, but a few things I fictionalize and exaggerate for the sake of storytelling
Edit: Adding on that I mostly base him on how I was in high school cuz I was a difficult kid and I think it fits more to the world hes in than how I am now LMAO
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madebyrolo · 4 months
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Pouge Princess
Rafe Cameron x reader
Rafe takes an interest in y/n as she’s working in her family’s food truck. Over the years Rafe has came just to see her but she doesn’t know that.
*not proof read or edited
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
Y/n was a pouge, she lived on that side of the Island. She wasn’t exactly like how the stereotype describe them. though. She was in a somewhat happy family, kitchen table bills, well mannered and cared about her education. Her parents tried giving her the best they could and they tried to bring themself up and it was working.
Whenever they threw small party’s they would invite almost everyone, they loved their food and the family. Her family owned a small food truck in the figure 8 area. It was a drive but it was a smark marketing move they made. The tourists were a big part and the rich money hungry local families. They never really cooked or did any happy family matter thing. They had maids or butlers to do it and money to burn, so when it would come to their dinner or lunch they bought.
They made the best tacos in the whole island as a lot would say. They grew their own ingredients to make the sals, toppings, fruit. Her uncle working in a butcher shop who helped them buy fresh meat at a discounted price, an aunt who made their homemade juices/water and tortillas. Their whole family helped them with the business like saving up for the food truck and all working togther splitting profits.
Y/n worked some after school and weekend shifts. That was her way of getting her allowance of $30 a week. To a kook they would see that as cruel but for her that seemed reasonable. She saved and saved since she was 13 to buy an old 2000a Honda crv, her parents helped her obviously but she was able to pay for it 70% herself. It wasn’t the prettiest, it had some rust on the ends and it had about 107,349 miles on it but it was perfect for a starter car, and the gas was good. She got it when she was 15 and spent nights cruising and exploring the island with her friend John B, Jj, Pope and Kiara before John B got the Twinkie.
They met in elementary school but they finally formed as a group in junior high. When they hung out it was practically everyday. In school they would have lunch but then go straight to John’s bs house. Jj was the pothead of the group so when he got his money he spent not on weed, lighters, grinders and rolling paper. Sometimes he would ask y/n parents to pick up shifts for when he was running low on money. He wasn’t the smartest with money but “weed was his outlet” she tried not to scold him and let him be him. Pope was the straight A student, he was smarter than anyone she knew including herself. He was wise and had somewhat good judgment. Kiara the born kook yet chose the pouge life, she had a fiery personalit, and was a environmentalist. She was a nice sweet soul although doesn’t make the best decisions. And John b, the group leader. He was wise in his way, street smart and a strong independent. He had some walls up but he was nicest one out of all of them.
Y/n had her little shifts at the food truck weekend mornings and sometimes after school when it was in session. In the summer she would work longer hours due to the higher population and popularity due to the tourist. She didn’t mind, she made good money especially with tips. The older look men would leave $5 minimum and as well the boys around her age. The tourist $5 max because one it’s good food and two she was y/n. It was no lie y/n was pretty, the pouges, kooks and tourist knew it, she did too. She wasnt too cocky but if she knew she could get a bigger tip she would do it. It was sad to see some of the dude actually take it seriously but a hustle a hustle. She had her fans, Topper and Rafe being some of them. Topper loved the food and Rafe loved the view.
Since it was summer time y/n would work in a bathroom suit top and denim shorts, sometimes with a shirt but working in the small metal truck with a girl on 24/7 with the outer banks heat made it hot quick. Sure they had fans but they only did so much. Today was Saturday around 12:30pm, it was the busy and hottest time of day. Luckily Jj picked up a shift today helping her with the grill. They’ve made at least 3pounds of meat already and it hasn’t even hit dinner time. As a duo they make great tips. They older adult thinks he the one actually seasoning and stripping the meat even though it was pre marinated the night before which gives it the taste people like. The younger girls thinking he’s a hot blond boy wearing nothing but a white fitted tank top with his chain dangling when he would reach down giving them their food, tipping way more money then their parents gave them.
It hit 2:00 it was slowly dying down. They were able to turn off 1 grill out of the 3 and able to chill out. They were finally able to talk one on one and kept telling small things they noticed customers do like one kid studdering when they saw jj and an old lady struggling to count out her and the sweetest kid helping. They’re favorite is when the mom yelled at a poor girl for tipping $10 but not cause jj was hot just because she didn’t understand money. They were giggling away when their 2 “favorite” customers showed up.
“Welcome to Sunburn Siesta, what can I get you” y/n asked as she grab her notepad.
“Can I get a 5 carne asada tacos and a watermelon aqua fresca please” Topper said in the most adorable English accent making y/n smile a bit.
“Lemme get 5 shrimp tacos and a coke” Rafe said grabbing his black card out his wallet while staring at the boy at the grill. She takes the card swiping it and handing it back.
“It’ll be out in 5 minutes I’ll call your names.” Y/n tells them. As jj is cooking the meats, y/n heats up the tortillas and prepares the plates. She sets the drinks on the counter letting them know they can grab them.
They boys are good tippers and as much as jj wants to spit in their food he makes sure to make it to perfection. After a couple minutes the plates are ready and she calls their name.
“Topper and Rafe your order is ready!” She shouts placing it on the counter. Topper gets up from the picnic table early excited for his tacos.
“Oh my god y/n these smell and look absolutely delicious.” Topper complimented
“Thank you and enjoy topper” she gave him a genuine smile. Even though the pouges hate him he was by far her favorite costumer. He came for the food and the food only. He never once did a mean thing to y/n, he loves her family cause of the damn tacos.
They sat eating for 30 minutes and every so often y/n would catch Rafes looking at her. She continued taking and making orders switching with Jj so he’s not stuck behind the grill trying to ignoring the daggers she felt from the boy. After an hour they finally got up and Rafe got up to put their tip in the jar. He got at the counter and jj was on the register.
“Rafe what would you like” he said trying to be a good worker.
“Can I get y/n.” He asked sternly.
Y/n heard and came from the grill
“Yes rafe what would you like” she asked
“I just have your tip” he said with a small grin that looked actually meaningful.
“Yea put in the jar” she smiled knowing he’s always done that.
“No this is your tip.” He said getting closer to the girl. Y/n bent down grabbing it with her cleavage obviously being the only thing in Rafe eye sight. She grabs it and noticed it was a $50 bill and her eye lite up.
“Oh Rafe that’s too much..” she said softly to him. He was flustered just from what he saw. He may be the towns playboy but it sure as hell got him nervous knowing they were y/ns.
“Uh yeah no it’s right. You deserve it” he said with cheek a red making embarrassed eye contact.
“Oh Rafe thank you. This is so sweet! Here have a fruit cup for free” she said going over grabbing one of their home grown fruit.
“Thanks y/n” he said with a smile still blushing.
Topper soon comes up putting cash in the tip jar “there you go jj” he said with a playful smirk.
“$6 you really shouldn’t have” he said sarcastically with a hand over his heart.
“The $5 is for y/n, you can take the dollar.” He told him and walked away both rolling their eyes.
“I should get going. Thanks for the food it was great.” Rafe turned to y/n after the other boys interaction.
“Yea, start giving you discounts for now on Cameron.” She waved bye and he started walking away. “You’re my new favorite customer!” She yelled at him from afar.
He turned around and gave her a big wave smiling to himself. Oh boy he was in love.
Y/n fully unrolled the bill about to put it in her purse until she saw a small piece of paper fall out. She pick it up and saw it has writing
“𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 *********
𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦
𝘛𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 :)
Y/n put in in her purse smiling and blushing. She stood there thinking about how she was just asked out in a date by the most wanted boy on the side of the island. As a pouge too. Jj snapped her out of thought as she got ready to prepared food for the customers. She was finishing her shift in a happy smiling mood. Jj noticed and didn’t ask but if he did y/n obviously wouldn’t have told him who knows what would happen if he found out she was friends with the enemies.
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
pt.2 with the date ?
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penmansparadise · 2 years
Eddie Munson ~ Sonnet 18
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Tall Male!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Mild language
a/n: If I told you about the kind of week I've been having you would probably not believe me.  But before I get into that, here it is, the Eddie Munson x Male!Reader requested from my Wattpad.  As you all know, I was traveling.  Well, the good news is I arrived safely.  The bad news is literally days after arriving, I get COVID.  I mean, it has been a whole whirlwind.  So, now I'm going through the worst part of this and have been feeling like I got hit by a train.  So, in short, I'm fighting for my life.  Anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys this one and can forgive me for taking so damn long to post it.  My next post will be a Steve Harrington oneshot!  As always, thank you all for the support!!!
Ms. O’Donnell droned on about Shakespeare and his impact on literature as you twirled your pencil between your fingers. Usually, you paid attention. In every class, you were an A+ student and were even projected to graduate in the top ten percent of your class. But when you got to Ms. O’Donnell’s class, things were different. Although you enjoyed Shakespeare’s works, your attention was captured by something much more interesting – a head full of perfectly sculpted ringlets and a denim vest that looked like it had been to war and back. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and propped your head in your hand. Sitting just a few seats in front of you was Eddie Munson, the kind of man that would make anyone want to write poetry.
Since elementary school, you had shared at least one class with Eddie. Which meant that your crush on the boy started at a very young age. But he never gave you a second glance. You had always assumed that, just like everyone else, he believed you to be the quiet weird kid simply because you had good grades and paid attention in school. But he didn’t know the real you. The guy who drove a little too fast while blasting hard rock through the speakers of your beat-up Honda CRV. Eddie didn’t know the guy who spent an hour every day after school lifting weights to sculpt his body into that of the Greek Gods. Eddie didn’t know a thing. And instead of embarrassing yourself and making the first move, you resorted to side-long glances while passing the boy in the halls. That would just have to do. Because despite your confidence, you just couldn’t bring yourself to ask Eddie on a date, let alone tell him how you felt about him.
You continued twirling your pencil as you stared at Eddie. It didn’t matter how many times you saw the boy; you always found something new. It was like a game. And you were so invested in discovering something new about Eddie that you almost missed Ms. O’Donnell’s statement.
“You will have the week to complete the project before presenting it next Monday.”
Everyone let out a collective sigh that earned a chuckle from Ms. O’Donnell.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she said, waving the class off. “But, lucky for all of you, this is a partner’s project.”
At that statement, you groaned while the rest of the class perked up in their seats. You were used to doing group projects by yourself, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed it. Ms. O’Donnell smirked.
“But you don’t get to choose your buddy. I do.”
The hushed chatter silenced as everyone stared at Ms. O’Donnell. She walked to her desk and picked up a piece of paper. Then, slowly but surely, she began to work her way around the classroom, pairing people together. Here and there, a student would grumble in disdain at their partner while you waited in anticipation. Then, finally, Ms. O’Donnell looked up from her paper and looked right at you.
“Mr. Y/N, you’ll be paired with Mr. Munson.”
It was as if time had stopped. Your heart began to beat like a race horse, and your body felt numb. In all the years you two had been in school together, you had never been paired to work together. Eddie had never even asked you for help on an assignment. You turned to face him, only to be met with his big brown eyes. He gave you a small smile, and you were a goner. You knew that there was no way you could work with Eddie. You could hardly pay attention in the classroom, and there was absolutely no way you’d be able to focus when it was just the two of you.
“Now,” Ms. O’Donnell began regaining your attention, “you’ll be discussing a piece of Shakespeare’s work. It can be a play or a poem. I don’t care. All I ask is that you make it interesting and have fun.”
With that, students began to rise from their seats to move by their assigned partners. But you didn’t move. Instead, you were trying to figure out a way to get around working one on one with Eddie. But while you were trying to formulate a plan, Eddie had already made his way to your desk. Your eyes were trained on the tile floor in front of you until a pair of beat-up white Reebok sneakers came into view.
“Y/N, right?” He asked.
You raised your head to look at him and had to reel in your emotions. For years you admired the boy from afar, and now he was standing directly in front of you. He was even more amazing up close. You could see little beauty marks on his fair skin that you never saw before. You were able to see the messy stitching on his denim vest and knew for a fact now that he did it himself. His lips were turned upward as he waited for you to answer him, but all you did was nod, unable to create a sentence. Eddie chuckled nervously as he grabbed a chair and pulled it up to your desk.
“I don’t think we’ve ever really been introduced before. I’m Eddie,” he said, straddling the chair.
You stared at him for a split second before finally gathering your wits and squaring your shoulders, your normal confidence returning.
“We’ve had at least one class together since elementary school,” you said, leaning in a little with a playful smirk. “I know who you are.”
Your sudden change of demeanor surprised Eddie, and you could see his cheeks turn a bright crimson.
“Right,” he said, nodding a little too furiously, “right.”
Neither of you said anything for a minute. Instead, you shared nervous glances and awkward giggles.
“So, do you-”
“I was thinking-”
Both you and Eddie spoke at the same time before falling into a fit of laughter. The sound was something you could never get used to, but you wanted to hear it over and over again. Eddie ran a hand through his curls and gestured toward you.
“You go first.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said with a light chuckle, “go ahead.”
You leaned back in your chair and folded your hands behind your head, stretching a little. Eddie’s eyes fell onto your toned arms, and you smirked.
“I was just gonna say I think we should do a poem.” You shrugged and sat up straight again. “It’ll be a little easier.”
“Okay,” Eddie said, his stare finally moving to meet yours. “Do you have one in mind?”
You chuckled.
“No, I don’t.”
Eddie looked down at his tapping foot before finally looking up at you and saying, “What about Sonnet 18?”
You froze for a second.
“You read poetry?”
Eddie didn’t cross you as the poetry reading type. He liked loud music and played the guitar in a metal band, and smoked marijuana. He wasn’t soft. He was hard and a little rough around the edges. Yet, he was suggesting a Shakespeare poem for your project. Eddie scratched his head and nodded.
“Yeah,” he began, “my uncle he, um, he has a few…poetry books?”
You raised your eyebrows in question.
“Poetry books?”
Eddie shook his head.
“Just, never mind. What do you think? Sonnet 18? You know, ‘shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’?”
You couldn’t help the way your heart swelled just slightly as you examined the boy in front of you. His head was dipped down a little, his messy curls covering most of the blush that graced his cheeks. He looked at you with eyes as innocent as a child, and all you could do was smile.
“Okay,” you said softly. “We can meet up today at my house if you want.”
You could almost visibly see Eddie relax at your suggestion. A wide grin spread across his face as he sat up a little straighter.
“Sounds perfect.”
It was cute how nervous he was around you. You wanted to make him blush almost as much as you wanted to hear him laugh again. Anything to see his bright brown eyes light up. So, you wrote down your address on a piece of paper, ripped it from your notebook, and handed it to Eddie. Your fingers just barely brushed over his as you gave him the paper. You could feel your heart jolt a little in your chest, and when you looked at Eddie, that beautiful blush was back on his cheeks, and you chuckled. The bell rang, and you gathered your things before turning to Eddie.
“I’ll see you later,” you said with a wink, then showed yourself out of the classroom.
The rest of the day went by in a blur. All you could think about was how later that day, you’d be alone with Eddie. There wouldn’t be a teacher or a class full of bored teenagers to act as a buffer. It would just be the two of you and the nagging urge to kiss is very plump lips. When the final bell of the day rang, you were nearly running to your car. Nervous energy was running through you like blood pumping through your veins. When you reached your car, you got in, turned it on, and turned up the radio. AC/DC’s “Shoot to Thrill” began blasting through the speakers just as you started to back out. People turned toward the sound of the music, and you managed to ignore most of their gawking until you turned and locked eyes with Eddie from across the parking lot. He was standing next to his van, and even from where you were, you could see his jaw a little slack as he stared at you while AC/DC thundered through your speakers. A smile tugged at your lips, and you just turned away before driving off toward your house.
By the time you reached your house, your anxiety was almost eating you alive. Despite your best efforts at relaxing on your drive home, nothing worked. So, you did the only other thing you could do. You changed into a pair of gym shorts, opened up your garage, flicked on your radio, and began lifting your weights. It was the only mind-numbing activity you could think to do to stop yourself from going crazy while you waited. After the first set of reps, you ended up pulling your top over your head, leaving you in just your shorts. Sweat glistened on your bare chest as you continued your workout. “The Number of the Beast” by Iron Maiden began to blare through the tiny speakers on your boombox, pushing you even harder than before. You went rep after rep until suddenly you heard the sound of a car door shutting. When you turned toward the sound, you were greeted by Eddie’s wide eyes. You grabbed a towel and wiped off your torso as you approached him.
“Holy fuck,” Eddie whispered a little too loudly, earning a light chuckle from you.
A smirk pulled at your lips. What you would do to hear him whisper that very same phrase into your ear over and over again. You wrapped the towel around your neck and held an end with each hand.
“What was that?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.
Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet yours. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally said, “Nothing.”
He shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I, uh, I didn’t say anything.”
You stood in front of Eddie for another moment, letting the late afternoon sun and sweat on your chest create a shimmer effect on your skin. Eddie’s eyes traveled down the length of your body again, taking their time as they carefully examined every inch of exposed skin. You smiled as he deliberately checked you out.
“You want to head inside?” You asked, gaining Eddie’s full attention again.
He nodded before you turned and led him to your room. When you reached your small space, you walked straight to your dresser, leaving Eddie to gawk in the doorway.
“You can sit wherever,” you said, but Eddie didn’t make a move to sit. Instead, he did tiny circles as he took in his surroundings.
You didn’t lead on at school that you were anything but a good student. You didn’t advertise your music taste or show off your body, so by just looking at you, no one would know that you were a metalhead who took pride in his appearance. But once they walked into your bedroom, it would become evident. Hanging on your walls were posters ranging from Motley Crüe to Judas Priest, and sitting on your desk was a paper detailing a pretty strict workout regimen. After you grabbed a shirt from your dresser and your textbook from your desk, you turned and found Eddie sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I didn’t know you were into this kind of music,” he said, turning to watch you pull the shirt over your head. “Or that you were like,” he gestured toward you, “in great shape.”
You laughed, took a seat next to him, and leaned in a little.
“You also never asked.”
Eddie dipped his head, and that cute blush crept back onto his cheeks, making you smile. You so badly wanted to just grab him and kiss every inch of his red face, but you didn’t. Instead, you opened your textbook to Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18.
“Okay,” you began reaching down into your backpack for your notebook and pencil, “so I went ahead and began the analysis of the poem. I figured I’d just do the analysis, and maybe you could worry about the poster board? Or whatever way we’re going to present the poem.”
You put your pencil between your teeth and began flipping through your notes when Eddie chuckled.
“What?” You said, the word barely coming out audible with your pencil still in your mouth.
Eddie reached forward and placed a cautious hand on yours, and your breath caught in your throat, the pencil falling between you two. It was as if time stopped altogether as a series of shocks ran through your body. His hand was warm, and his fingers were rough, but he was soft and gentle. Every nerve ending in your body was on high alert as you stared into his eyes, brown like the sunlit bark of an oak tree. You could have stayed that way forever. Just sitting there in a comfortable silence with Eddie’s thumb drawing lazy circles on your hand. It didn’t matter that you had a project to do. All you wanted was to be with Eddie in every way imaginable. Eddie’s thumb stilled, and he gave your hand a light squeeze.
“I know you’re used to doing all the work by yourself, but I actually did some of the analysis too.”
You couldn’t remove your eyes from his face. He was so close. All you wanted to do was trace his every feature from the arch of his brow to the curve of his lips. Eddie never let go of your hand as he reached into his bag and pulled out a ratty notebook. He flipped a few pages before finally releasing his light hold on you and picked up the notebook with both hands. Eddie cleared his throat, and you could feel a shift in the air. His throat bobbled as he swallowed several times, and his hands looked as if they were shaking just slightly. He looked at you briefly before returning his eyes to his notebook.
“Sonnet 18 compares a young man to a summer day,” he said before swallowing again and looking up at you.
Your eyebrows raised, and a playful smirk pulled at your lips.
“You don’t say.”
Eddie gave you a knowing look.
“I wasn’t done.”
You chuckled and put your hands up in defense.
“Sorry,” you said, crossing your arms, “by all means, please continue.”
Eddie gripped his notebook a little tighter and squared his shoulders.
“Shakespeare wrote this poem to describe this, uh, this guy he likes. It was kind of like a,” he tilted his head back and forth, “confession of sorts. He doesn’t just say this guy he likes is handsome because that would be too boring. So, he says he’s beautiful like a summer day.”
Eddie shook his head, his curls bouncing around his face.
“No,” he said firmly before placing his notebook down and looking directly at you. “This guy is more beautiful than that. He glows brighter than the sun and lights up any room. He hides from everyone even though he’s actually really cool and hardcore. This guy, he doesn’t let things or people strip him of his beauty despite what they may say.”
Your lips parted as your heart began to beat so rapidly that you were almost certain it was going to beat right out of your chest. But you couldn’t say anything because Eddie huffed a sigh and continued.
“This guy is someone you can watch from afar for years because you’re too scared to make your move. You’re too scared to even say two words to him, but you secretly hope every day that he’ll look your way. He’s someone you can fall in love with before you even know a single thread of information about him.”
Your stomach was doing somersaults as you stared at Eddie. He was fidgeting with a frayed edge of his denim vest. You couldn’t help yourself as you reached forward and placed your hand over his to still his busy fingers.
“May I interject?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie nodded.
“He’s also incredibly adorable, especially when he’s nervous. You know, this guy that Shakespeare is talking about.”
You gave a playful smile that Eddie reciprocated.
“Right, of course.”
You leaned in a little.
“He’s also creative and funny and smarter than he gives himself credit for.”
A hint of red blanketed Eddie’s face, and he looked down. You placed a finger under his chin and forced him to look up at you. The two of you just held the other’s gaze. You moved your hand to brush his hair behind his ear and let your hand linger for a split second longer than necessary. Your eyes darted down to look at his perfectly rounded lips. His tongue slid over the bottom one, and a tiny rush of electricity zinged through you.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” Eddie asked, causing you to look back into his eyes.
“Because,” Eddie began, scooting a smidgen closer, making the gap between you two almost nonexistent, “if you’re second guessing yourself, just know I really want to kiss you right now.”
Your body felt numb at his words. For years you had dreamt of being in this exact position. Your hand on his and his face mere inches from yours. It was surreal, and you didn’t want to wait any longer. So, you leaned down and pressed your lips onto Eddie’s. He froze, body going rigid with surprise before melting into the kiss. Your lips moved against Eddie’s slow, but the kiss progressively grew urgent. Your hands traveled down the length of Eddie’s back until you were pulling him onto your lap. His legs straddled you, and his hands gripped your toned shoulders. Eddie’s arms snaked their way around your neck, deepening the kiss.
Every part of you was buzzing, and every place Eddie’s fingers grazed was lit aflame. You wrapped your arms around Eddie’s torso and, without breaking the kiss, fell back onto your bed. Eddie let out a small yelp and released your lips. You moved your hands to cup the back of his thighs, and he hovered over you on his elbows.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” you said, a little out of breath.
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed, “that makes two of us.”
A burst of confidence zipped through you, and you squeezed his legs.
“Oh, really?”
Eddie dropped his head into the crook of your neck, chuckling lightly before lifting it again to look at you.
“Uh, yeah. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time. I always thought you were cute, but today when,” he motioned to your walls, “I realized we have a lot more in common than I thought, the feelings only grew.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you.
“I’m glad you only like me because of my music taste.”
A smile spread across Eddie’s face.
“Hey,” he said, poking your chest playfully, “music has a lot more pull than you think.”
The two of you started to laugh again. The sight of Eddie straddling you and the low rumble of his laugh against your chest was that of a dream. You could stay in that position for a thousand lifetimes if possible. But you knew you had a project to do. So, you nodded toward your discarded notebooks.
“Should we get back to work?”
“Actually,” Eddie said, drawing the word out, “I was hoping we could go get dinner.” He tilted his head to the side. “Like on a date.”
“Oh!” You exclaimed.
Within a matter of a day, you were kissing the boy you had a crush on and getting asked out on a date by him. Eddie bit his bottom lip and shrugged nonchalantly.
“If you want, you know?”
You knew that he was trying to play off his anxiety, and you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your lips. You brushed his hair behind his ear again and cupped his cheek.
“I’d love to, Eddie.”
You planted a sweet kiss on his nose before he peeled himself off you. Neither of you bothered to clean up your notebooks, leaving them strewn on the floor. Instead, you followed Eddie out to his van and jumped into the passenger seat. Eddie got behind the wheel and started digging through his pockets for his keys. You looked over at him and furrowed your eyebrows.
“So, do you actually read poetry, or was this whole thing planned?”
Eddie pulled his keys out and shoved them into the ignition with a laugh.
“Oh, yeah, no. I don’t know shit about Shakespeare. I was just trying to be romantic.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, nonetheless. Eddie leaned toward you with a smirk.
“Did it work?”
You tilted your head back and forth with an “Ehhh.”
Eddie threw his arms up but joined you when you started to laugh. You cupped his cheek and forced him to look at you again.
“I was joking. It was definitely very romantic.”
Eddie smiled so wide his eyes crinkled, and your heart jumped in your chest. You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his for a long kiss before pulling back and allowing Eddie to drive off. Neither of you knew where you were going, but you didn’t care. As long as you were with Eddie, that’s all that mattered.  
Tag List: @violetrainbow412-blog @tellmehows @pastel-abyss-x @lilliandanelle @ilovereadingfanfics​ @thatnerdana​
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crediblebombthreat · 29 days
2009 CRV alarm won't stop going off when I try to start it that's the issue is that when I try to start the alarm goes off and yes I am drunk thank you for asking now f****** help me because the alarm won't stop going off when I try to start my 2009 Honda CRV the alarm goes off for I'll put you 2 minutes and that's a f****** problem because they need to start it and so when I start it the Honda 2000 and CRV starts going off the alarm for 2 minutes is this gives going off So help me what do I do
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armedjoy · 9 months
as someone in the auto industry, i dont "like" any manufacturer, it really boils down to "whats the least shitty." and without a doubt, german cars have the most undeserved reputation. whenever someone says "german engineering" unironically, thats someone who has both absolutely fallen for the PR founded on european prestige & R&D to solve problems that didnt exist, and has never turned a wrench on one. VW is absolutely an inferior product, but somehow they command premium prices. a rav4 or crv is in the same price ballpark as a tiguan, and a camry or accord is similarly equivalent to a jetta - ask yourself when was the last time you saw the VW entry puttering around at a similar age & mileage. I see toyotas and hondas regularly exceeding a decade and 150k, funny how the german equivalent is a rarity, particularly in the winter rust zone.
if you know someone whos selling a passat and you need wheels, it would behoove you to rideshare while you wait for a corolla or civic to come along.
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bbybladeee · 3 months
lunar eclipse enters hasta nakshatra on march 25th @ 4am EST
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We currently are experiencing a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Hasta (हस्त), the nakshatra that pierces the veil of illusion through discernment. This nakshatra fully resides in the sign of sidereal Virgo, in the center of an earthy and materialistic sign. For the next six months, we are focused on obtaining our goals by refining our skills and sharpening our intelligence. Eclipses bring our attention to what is ending so something else can begin. Lunar Eclipses ask us to let go of our deep emotional baggage (likely feelings that have been building for months or even years) and release them so that we can make room for positive change. Lunar Eclipses can be emotional times that heighten our senses, perceptions, memories, dreams. Odds are, the eclipse will trigger an unexpected event either perceived as good or bad that you will later understand in-depth why it happened the way that it did. The purpose of an eclipse is to shine light on the truth when you’re blinded by your emotions and desires. Eclipses clear away all obstacles obscuring your vision so that you can see your life path clearly. Lunar Eclipses tend to lead to the end of bad friendships, draining careers, and all other setbacks. There is little to no chance of getting things reversed. Eclipses demand that we move forward.
Hasta is embedded with sthapaniya agama shakti—the power to place things directly into our hands. Hasta’s goal is to attain the never-ending knowledge of the divine and explore the world around us with humility. It has the ability to bring goals to life quickly and place tangible results in our hands. The overall purpose of Hasta is to find spiritual liberation, or moksha, through the journey of naming a goal and then accomplishing it, the ability to speak what you want into existence. Although Hasta is in the materialistic sign of Virgo, it has the deep desire to transmute the spiritual into the material and back again. It craves to understand the connection between the two planes.
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Hasta (हस्त) can mean “hand,” indicating skill, artistry, and a hard-working nature. The common English language words like hand, handy, hassle, haggle, haste, hard, harness etc are said to be derived from Hasta or Hastha. Hasta is ruled by the stars α Crv, β Corvi, δ Crv, γ Crv, and ε Crv, all residing within the Corvus constellation. The constellation of Corvus is supposed to be a crow. In Greek mythology, Princess Coronis was the lover of Apollo. When Coronis became pregnant, Apollo appointed his personal messenger, a white raven, to guard Coronis for the duration of her pregnancy. While carrying Apollo’s child, she became sexually involved with Prince Ischys, a mortal. When the raven realized what had happened, it brought the news to Apollo of his lover’s infidelity. Apollo became so angered that the raven didn’t peck out the eyes of Prince Ischys on sight that Apollo cursed the raven’s pure white feathers to be scorched black. Apollo then kills Prince Ischys and sends his sister Artemis to kill Princess Coronis in a funeral pyre. But before she was murdered, they removed her baby, Asclepius, from her womb. And afterwards, Coronis was tossed to the heavens to become the constellation Coronis. This tale warns the listener of the consequences of ego, ill speech, lying, infidelity, and disloyalty, all vices of the nakshatra Hasta. The Lunar Eclipse in Hasta inspires us to believe that we can achieve all that we put our minds to, and that we can manifest anything into the material realm.
Hasta is symbolized by hands, fists, and open palms. This represents power, dexterity, communication, and blessings. Our hands possess the fate of our souls. It acts like a map that translates the cosmos into lines on our palms (e.g. palmistry). This is because the hand symbolizes creation, craftsmanship, hard work, and skill. Hasta blesses us with a lot of skills that help us to survive in this material world, especially problem solving and putting things in order. The symbolism of the hand suggests the grasping nature of Hasta, and an ability to grab and hold on to all sorts of things. This grasping nature can be material, spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical. The symbolism of Hasta is a representation of attainment of the end or material object over the procedure of the attainment. The very symbol refers to the fact that Hasta holds the promise of immediate acquisition of the desired object by dint of sheer skill. This nakshatra also symbolizes agreements and greetings as represented by the hand shake. Hasta represents our urge to serve the Divine through being of service to others and nature. Mudras are positions that we can place our hands in that have various meanings. You can find mudras in all types of religious symbolism from Hinduism, to Buddhism, to Christianity. Most of the type you will find Divine beings with mudra hand placements that represent bestowing blessings and peacefulness. The hamsa symbol is also associated with Hasta nakshatra. Hasta can also represent the fingers, rings, wrists, bracelets, and bangles. Rings can represent beauty and even love and marriages. Rings and bangles represent the eternal commitment that comes with marrying someone. Both rings and bangles can be used by married women in times of hardships. When getting a divorce, annulment of a marriage, or death of a partner, rings and other jewelry have been used in place of a proper dowry to help a woman who has lost her main form of income (her husband).
Hasta is related to the anahata chakra (अनाहत), or heart chakra, because of its association with the hands and arms. This chakra is said to be connected to our feelings of compassion, understanding, kindness, and love. It is at the seat of one’s life force energy. In the Upanishads, it is described as a small flame residing within the heart. Anahata chakra is also said to have the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. One can make decisions based on the heart or one’s higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. Meditation on this chakra is said to bring about siddhis, or psychic abilities. As such, Hasta has a connection to the mystical realms and usually has an understanding of the esoteric and occult. But first, one must leave behind their old way of thinking before being able to accept that esoteric knowledge and occult understandings are real to begin with. Hasta can also be symbolized by the sun, sunrays, and bright stars in the night sky. And just like our hand has five fingers, the most popular modern depiction of stars are five-point stars. The sun’s thermal energy sustains all life on earth and keeps it nourished. When humans first moved from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle to farmers, the most important part of this transition was our ability to use tools and our ability to care for livestock. Animal husbandry changed the way we farmed the land, and thus cattle and sheep are considered to be symbols of life and even civilization. All modern civilization revolves around livestock. We owe our technological advancements to our ability to care for animals. The potter’s wheel can also act as a symbol of Hasta, representing hard work, refinement, and the time required to achieve perfection. Another symbol of Hasta are cattle and buffalo. Cattle is the animal of life while buffalo is the animal of self-sacrifice. Both animals give until there is nothing left to give. This represents the sacrificing and giving nature of Hasta, often donating to charity and volunteering their time to the collective. Hasta feels the best when others put their faith in them and think highly of their abilities. Hasta enjoys being in service to others, however it must not give away all of their light.
Hasta is ruled by Savitar, the god of the Sun and its light. Savitar dispels the darkness of ignorance from our mind and infuses it with Divine intelligence. He shines as the light of intelligence, skill, health and positivity within us. He inspires us to see everything in a more positive light. He blesses us with the power of recognition and understanding of things. Savitar has the ability to manifest what we are seeking and place it in our possession. He is also the source of the creative and procreative energy of all beings. Yet, strong intellect, if not balanced by an open heart, can also make us too self-centered, insensitive or even greedy and egoistic.
Hasta is also connected to the Moon. Bhuvaneshvari (भुवनेश्वरी), or Parvati (पार्वती), is the Mahavidya associated with the Moon. Bhuvaneshvari is a compound of the words Bhuvana Isvari, meaning “Goddess of the World” or “Queen of the Universe.” She is mother of the world, or whose body comprises all of the fourteen lokas (syncretized with the seven circles of heaven and seven circles of hell) of the cosmos. She embodies all of existence, acting as a representation of the material, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. Bhuvaneshwari is the creator of the five elements. Bhuvaneshwari is the creator of the five elements. The Saptha Matrika, the Seven Mother Goddesses) are said to have emanated from her beeja mantra: Hreem (Hreemkara). Just like how there are 7 days in a week (seven solar cycles, or days, in every week), there are seven powers that Bhuvaneshvari possess, symbolized by the saptamatrika.
This particular Lunar Eclipse has the Sun, Mercury, and Rahu on one side with the Moon and Ketu on the other. Mercury is the signifier for Hasta, so Mercury being involved is a good sign. However Mercury is opposing the nakshatra of Hasta. So this Lunar Eclipse is all about balance: balance of the mind and body, balance of the mental and emotional, balance of the upper and lower. The Moon being with Ketu allows for us to reach new emotional and spiritual heights, but we have to be willing to remove ego from our feelings. We must not get caught up in judgements, critics, and negative opinions. We must remove ourselves from the need to belittle others or ourselves verbally. When we can detach from our primal emotions, we can unlock our ability to see beyond that which is in front of us. Both the Moon and Ketu are in Hasta nakshatra. However, the Sun is in Uttara Bhadrapada while Mercury and Rahu are in Revati. We are getting to the root of what allows us to feel like we have purpose in life. But we might become entitled and blinded by what we want if we aren’t careful. We can slip into our ego state easily with Rahu irritating the Sun. And Mercury might accidentally say something it doesn’t mean if we aren’t careful. We need to  keep up unnecessary comments and complaints to ourselves or we risk saying something that creates setbacks in our goals. Our words hold more weight and meaning than we may realize at this time.
Individual Interpretation
Full Moon Lunar Eclipses are connected to our emotions, feelings, moods, and needs. Hasta Lunar Eclipse intellectually creative and able to come up with original ideas and new ways of doing things. Our speech and writing are more thoughtful, allowing us to express how we feel more effectively. It helps us to interact with the world and engage in its game with a little bit of healthy detachment and sense of humor. It encourages us to take things more lightly and look at difficult situations in life or obstacles with curiosity of a child, rather than taking it too seriously. Challenges, after all, are our opportunities to learn, progress and grow stronger. Your foresight and intuition are heightened. With Hasta and Virgo stimulating our mental faculties, we are becoming more aware of our surroundings and how we can move in order to get to our goals. You are making better decisions now as you are more capable at perceiving all angles of a situation and predict possible outcomes beforehand. You quickly find solutions and can convince people of your perspectives. You’re more aware of your surroundings, heightening your listening comprehension skills.
You may be excessively critical when under stress and lose your natural patience. You often do have to deal with stress in your life—you might feel overburdened or repressed, and may struggle with your self-esteem. If you start to indulge your every sensual desire, you could fall into a lifestyle that is morally and physically unhealthy. Spend more time enjoying nature as this can be a great healing activity. The serenity of nature can calm your mind. However, be mindful of your general environment both in and out of nature as you may be prone to getting yourself into hazardous situations.
Hasta Lunar Eclipse is encouraging us to find wealth and abundance in our everyday lives. Although it may not happen immediately, it’s likely that you will achieve success within the next six months. It is important to work towards a goal consistently. Consistently is the key right now. Hasta is great for anything involving the hands: skill, dexterity, craftsmanship. Hasta imparts the “midas touch” into all things that will put our full attention on. It’s important to develop our skills now so we can use them for success and achievement later. Finding a path that offers spiritual fulfillment, rather than just material success, will create a positive shift for you. Hasta could encourage a more competitive side that values winning at all costs even if it brings your undoing. Comparison is, however, the thief of joy. And getting caught up in what others are doing is merely a distraction from what you are to be doing. Hasta wants us to zoom in on what we are good at ourselves, not asking us to be good at what others are good at. This transit is for our own betterment. We are only in competition with ourselves. Avoid stressing yourself, overburdening yourself, or repressing how you feel. You may  struggle with low self-esteem if you don’t focus on yourself. Avoid being highly critical of yourself and others.
We are going to be more focused on our home, family, and close relationships, seeing our private life and being the foundation to all our successes. If our home life is peaceful and serene, we have the necessary basis to be able to focus on other important objectives. This is a time for you to dedicate to your family and close relationships. Hasta nourishes all that you love to pour your time and efforts into, and thus your family and close relationships can flourish with this eclipse. This is a time for letting go of what prevents you from showing up as your full self and other relationships that distract you from what is important to you. You’re re-evaluating who drains your light and who allows you to shine your brightest.
Those with Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Svati, Anuradha, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati placements will have the most positive experience under this eclipse (especially Svati). If you have Bharani, Krittika, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Vishakaha, Mula, and Dhanishta placements, this eclipse will be so-so for you. This eclipse will affect those with Ashvini, Jyeshtha, Shatabhisha, and Purva Bhadrapada placements the most negatively. You may find it hard to not focus on what isn’t working in their lives right now. There could be a tendency to get overly emotional as Hasta asks you to be honest with yourself about why you feel stuck and incapable of moving forward in life. You can’t escape from this feeling. You must sit with discomfort in order for it to pass. Be careful to not make promises that you cannot keep during this transit.
Collective Interpretation
We as a collective are becoming more compassionate and understanding to our peers. Spiritually, that is the direction we are mostly headed in at least, but some might become trapped in a critical way of thinking. There could be more personal projections going on. Some might feel comfortable trying to tell you who you are based on their own perspectives and ideologies. Be careful to avoid this! Focus your time on spreading the nectar of empathy and love towards all beings. And make sure to put your energy towards building up your auric field so as to not absorb the feelings and emotions of others around you. The goal is to remain sovereign in your own feelings and experiences. Hasta is all about energy exchange, but we must be mindful of when we choose to share our energy with others.
Hasta supports all artisans and craftsmen. If you work as an artist, creative, performer, writer, author, publisher, typist, jewellerymaker, beautician, manicurist, tradesmen, manual laborer, inventor, banker, accountant, housekeeper, maid, cleaner, gardener, and herbalists you will see more flow of income during the next six months. Art and expression, especially visual and linguistic, is becoming more appreciated. The healing arts are also going to be appreciated as people look towards alternative healing methods and practices to help relieve themselves of aches and pains. Hasta is also related to thieves and con-artists. It’s important for us all to be more aware of our surroundings and avoid getting into dealings with those who are trying to swindle us out of your wealth. Avoid people with sticky fingers.
The public is becoming increasingly more critical and observant of world news and how their national/local governments are making decisions. The collective may become more divided as each side gets deeper into their own world views, noticing how some of their needs and wants aren’t being met by world leaders. There is a possibility that we are getting more details on what political ideology we align ourselves with. We are asking ourselves if our government or nation actually serves the people or are they serving themselves. Are they making sure they have money in their pocket and food in their fridges before making sure the people are safe and secure? Are they making business deals behind the scenes at the expense of the population? Are the laws they are focused on passing related to what we are experiencing on a daily basis? The next six months will be eye opening for all of us. And this time is important because this is the biggest election year in decades. The people are highly watching their government officials right now so any wrong move or slip up will be focused on. Everyone will be talking about it and judging whether someone deserves to be an official again next year. This goes for both local and national elections. Pay attention to what’s going on in your town/city, county, state/provinces, territories, and country.
Both Virgo and Hasta encourage us to spend time giving to our community, volunteering our time or donating our money for the greater good. Hasta supports all giving and receiving to people, animals, and nature. The public needs to be focused on developing a sense of community and togetherness. We should all be focused on the greater good, and how we and the government can do more to service the community. We must all bear the burden of responsibility.
There could be a resurgence of spiritual and religious ideology as Hasta is associated with spiritual devotion. Hasta wants to gain material wealth by devoting itself to a higher being. This could encourage others to seek devotion as an access to God or a Higher Power.
This transit will last for a total for six months at least. At the most, it can last two years. This is subjective as the nature of the Moon, Rahu, and Ketu are subjective.
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bookishjules · 3 months
15, 50 =]
15. do you give objects you own a name? (car, house, plants, etc)
um obviously?? i'm not a heathen ? hehe the most recent name i assigned was to the stenograph i use in the play i'm currently in. his name is stephen. in college lena and i used to name our illegal candles after sweet cinnamon roll characters (sams from the 5th wave, ziri from dosab, etc.) and we named our printer ward like from aos bc he was a problematic fave. and our vaccuum was a shark brand so we named it taylor (as in lautner. i.e. sharkboy). i have an avocado-shaped hand sani holder named marty. and my phone is called zar'roc, like murtagh's sword from the inheritance cycle. i name all my electronic devices after swords. my current computer is named katoptris (piper's dagger) and before that it was damaris (dorian's sword). because i have this pattern with phones and computers, i decided i would name my cars after dragons. so my first and only car i named toothless. but my brother has him now and everyone has gotten into the habit of calling him "the crv" when he very obviously has a name. which makes me mad. evidence:
i think it depends on the number. even numbers feel safe but off numbers feed my chaos side. yk?
the lack of respect smh
50. even numbers or odd?
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ask me things??
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prasannawrites · 2 years
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by chance. click for better quality, transcript under cut. 
Happenstance—the way you turn the corner at full speed, bumping into me, spilling an armful of books that we both quickly resolve to pick up from the floor on the account of rain. I hand them back to you without taking note of any of the titles, making eye-contact was intimate enough. You, me, the bumbling man on the phone, oblivious to the rain pour into the bus shelter. He’s only concerned only with the man on the other end of the phone who won’t accept $2500 for the CRV he’s selling, to which the man rattles off a list of problems with the car that needs to be fixed: the timing chain needs to be replaced, it idles rough, brakes need to be replaced, and the air-conditioning is blowing warm air. We pay little attention to that conversation, and let the tension impregnate the silence. I try to catch a glimpse of your books to feign a reason to make small talk, but stop myself at the risk of catching your gaze again. You take the first step, “do you know when the bus will be here?”, you ask in the softest voice I’ve ever heard. The man breaks from his conversation, “I see it, it’s coming” and resumes haggling—"$2800 then”.
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creepedverse · 1 month
who would tommie go to if he was desperate for help? like really slender sick or in a really bad spot?
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tommie the yap flapper
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crushedsweets · 3 months
Can you talk more about your OC if it's okay for you<33333
I ABSOLUTELY CAN TALK MORE ABOUT BONNIE what would you guys like to know... im not too sure what to say HAHA
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indelicateink · 9 months
At 25 years old, Anderson Clayton could pass for a college student. The North Carolina Democratic Party chair’s persona is reinforced by the bag slung over the shoulder, her colorful overalls and bright yellow Croc sandals, the half-consumed Venti iced coffee in her hand, and the youthful southern drawl with which she speaks.
But she’s not a student. She’s the linchpin for Democrats winning over her state. And a lot of pressure is now falling on her after she ousted a 73-year-old-incumbent with the backing of a number of top state Democrats earlier this year.
There are a lot of unknowns, too: Whether the vigor she brings to the job is enough to overcome her lack of experience for it; whether the national fascination in her as the youngest chair in the country will be justified. It’s not just reporters who have taken notice. Biden campaign officials speak of her as a rising Democratic star.
Clayton has a theory for how to get North Carolina — which Joe Biden lost to Donald Trump in 2020 by just 1.4 percentage points — to turn blue. She wants to tap into colleges and universities in North Carolina, and she wants a presence felt in even the reddest, most rural parts of the Tar Heel state, with a personal goal of visiting all 100 counties by the end of the year. She obsessively points to the same stat over and over again: In 2022, Democrats lost 44 state legislative seats to Republicans without putting a candidate on the ballot. She vows it won’t happen again.
“I was just in Brunswick County — which is one of the reddest counties in the state that we got — and a guy named Charles Jones, who’s a Black union member, looked at me and said, ‘I’m running for office because I heard you on the radio,’” Clayton says in an interview. “It is working. Just telling people what happened last cycle and saying, ‘We’re not taking it anymore,’ is a battle cry.”
[...] As for the formula to achieve her theory, well that, in part, goes back to Clayton herself. She believes she can outwork the competition.
[...] She spends much of her week similarly in motion: Driving her dented Honda CRV from county to county across North Carolina and making fundraising calls in between stops. Her small house where she lives with her cat, Elle, about an hour north of Raleigh, serves as homebase. On the road, she checks in with her county chairs to see what they’re hearing on the ground and what they may need from her. When she does finally return home, she logs on to her computer to finish up work for her part-time nonprofit job as a broadband analyst so she can pay the bills.
[...] During a scorching late-August Friday on N.C. State’s campus, as she mans a tent to recruit volunteers and dances to the music blasting on the loudspeaker, a student asks if she could sign up.
“Baby, yes you can,” Clayton replies. “And we’d love for you to because Republicans here are trying to beat the shit out of us.”
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winter-angst · 1 year
[on their first date]
Brock: I’ve heard this is a good question to ask — if you were president, how would you change America?
Jack: well women would drink coffee and look at a laptop for 125k for a year and men would ride around in a golf cart all day for 75k
Jack: as for the children, well, they can work at big Honda factories building beautiful CRVs for their community
Brock: that’s what you would do?
Jack: and I’m not accepting any criticism, thank you
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windy-trickster · 1 year
I dare crv boy to answer ALL of the quadrants asks.(That is only if Mun has the will to do all of that, if not then uhhhhhhh answer any of your choice)
Oh boy I get to pick!!!!
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-> 🧜‍♀️ - Seadwellers or landdwellers? Do you have caste preferences in your quadrants? "No re a l preference here. I m a y not like se a dwellers a s a whole, but I would be willing to d a te one in a ny qu a dr a nt if I a ctu a lly liked a se a dweller." -> 💅 - Do you like your quadrants to keep themselves looking glamorous, or do you like to look classy for them instead? "I feel we should a t le a st BOTH try to look nice for e a ch other. Why would I bother looking nice for a qu a dr a nt m a te if they're not going to do the s a me?" -> 🛒 - What would a future quadrant expect you to buy for them? "My m a tesprite? I don't re a lly think she'd expect me to buy a nything for her. Unless it's obvious gifts like Wriggling Day, 12th Perigee's Eve present, a nnivers a ry. A ll of tha t. My kismesis? I think he'd w a nt me to const a ntly buy shit for him." -> 🎉 - Do you celebrate anniversaries in any quadrants? "I do pl a n to celebr a te a nnivers a ries once the time comes."
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trollcafe · 1 year
Also, I know you've probably been asked already Festur, but do you have any other shirts that are perfect and inspired as your toyotathon shirt?
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"Nothing will ever come close to my Toyotathon shirt.
I have one that says Kiss me at the Kia Summer Sales Event. Messiahs may turn Water into Wine but I turn Catalytic Converters into Cash. We're all Dogs in the Messiah's Hot Car. Free Nipple Piercings at Toyotathon. You can Kiss my Honda CrV Ass. I have one being delivered tomorrow that says I got My Lobotomy at Toyotathon.
I should state now that I don't know shit about cars. I don't have a legal license."
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