#crystalline form
elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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spreadsheet cleanup STEPFORD CUCKOOS
ComicVine issues: 1600~1700 Fandom appearances: ~320 across 14 variants 3 video games
I never added them because conceptually they're just “what if: a hivemind of teen Emmas”
But statistically they do merit an @MCOCwishlist listing.
- Other Gabe
The Cuckoos were developed by the Weapon Plus (“Weapon X”) Program, from eggs Sublime harvested (without consent) from Emma Frost. The resulting Weapon XIV comprised a thousand cloned daughters with perfected diamond form and a telepathic hive mind. The purpose of this “Thousand-in-One” was to capture, harness, and control the Phoenix Force for Sublime’s nefarious intent to eradicate all mutants in a Cerebro-like effect. While the majority of the thousand lay dormant, five of the sisters infiltrated Xavier Academy as students calling themselves a Five-in-One: Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, and Esme. (In school, Irma originally went by the nickname Mindee.) These five—or fewer, depending who remains surviving at any time—are the Stepford Cuckoos.
While the Cuckoos tend to operate as a unit, they have individual personalities, drives, and interests.
Plot tensions circle around their unity or individuality or lack thereof, depending on factors such as the girls’ varying levels of:
chemical state (classically certain members’ exposure and/or addiction to the powers-enhancing drug Kick);
individual willingness to submit to their created villainous fate (nature) versus their heroic training (nurture);
individual (or, sometimes, apparently shared group) romantic interests;
exposure to, involvement with, or possession by cosmic or astral beings or phenomena (most notably the Phoenix Force)
Three-in-One. [SPOILERS] Sophie died in combat leading the hive mind while amplified by Kick; Esme had a hand in that and a murder attempt on Emma while also under the influence of Kick and also was killed. As a result the original five-person squad was reduced to the more iconic and recognizable triplet team of Phoebe, Irma, and Celeste.
Krakoa. [SPOILERS] Predictably, the deceased sisters were eventually brought back, so the Five-in-One has been recently reinstated. 
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kahuna-burger · 18 days
Monsterfucker aesthetic, but it's an alien falling for a subjectively monstrous human, go.
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snoopybutch · 7 months
Ppl that don’t like Pearl Jam can suck me good n hard thru my jortz you don’t like hearing a small guy sing intensely about love and change and loss and life while going ham hog bonkers vis a vis not enunciating so u don’t even know how poignant the song is until later??? Huh!! Huh!!! Weeeakkk weak weak weak dude.
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sbnkalny · 7 months
Whats up with the piss jello tell me more about piss dracula
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[ ID: A drawing of three characters drawn from the collar bone up. The first character is a girl with short light brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. She has a cocky expression on herface. The second character is a boy with dark skin, freckles, black hair styled in locs, dark brown eyes and wearing big rectangular glasses. He has a joyful expression on his face. The last character is a boy with a light tan, black slicked back hair, black eyes and blue and silver piercings. He has a smug expression on his face. They're all drawn in front of a dark grey background. /. End ID ]
I had an idea for a short story with these OCS so I wanted to draw them up again to see how their faces would turn up. Plus it's been years since I've drawn them! I also used them to try to render my art in a pastel/crayon-like style since their story is fairytale-based and those things kinda go hand in hand. Also wanted to try something a fun with colors and I didn't really think that through lol
I used to render my art in a similar way like this (though more paint-like then pastel-like) so this was nice to come back to.
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astarte-salon · 5 months
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Prompt: Modern white and yellow painting with a pattern on it, in the style of dark black and light amber, crystalline and geological forms, earth tone moebius, delicate gold detailing, intense close-ups, --ar 2:3 --stylize 750 --v 6
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
    A silent, cloaked figure stepped onto the lands of what was once earth, slowly pushing his hood off to stare at the empty skies.
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    The stars had long since gone dark and he could feel how the void was slowly but surely giving up the last of itself. The only thing illuminating the barren field on which the reaper stood was a lantern he carried with him.
    This was the end. The raven could tell. He could feel the universe itself breathing its last, the way the void gave itself to the nothingness that soaked through the empty skies. The way his soul had called out to this world once again, long, long after life itself had ended here.
    He couldn't tell you why he had appeared in this spot in particular. A vast expanse, empty just like all the rest but, it held a familiar warmth that drew him here again. Despite the vast nothing surrounding him, this was his home once, lifetimes ago.
    An outstretched hand, and soft spoken words brought the world's soul into physical being. A small bunch of crystalline roses, reflecting the lamp light in small bursts of colour around the reaper. Movement danced in the petal's reflections, the world's memories held close within the flower. No matter the form they took, he always found the world's soul so beautiful. The core of the universe itself, every memory, every errant speck of stardust held in this delicate form in the reaper's palm.
    The raven watched as a small petal drifted into his hand, the moments held within so dearly familiar to the being. A frustrated whine and a threat to climb the other like a tree, a kiss on news years days later, a wedding and quiet moments shared between he and his love.
    Raven moved to press a soft kiss to the petal, before slipping it into his cloak. A last gift from this universe before it passed on, he supposed.
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jcmarchi · 13 days
Study: Under extreme impacts, metals get stronger when heated
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-under-extreme-impacts-metals-get-stronger-when-heated/
Study: Under extreme impacts, metals get stronger when heated
Metals get softer when they are heated, which is how blacksmiths can form iron into complex shapes by heating it red hot. And anyone who compares a copper wire with a steel coat hanger will quickly discern that copper is much more pliable than steel.
But scientists at MIT have discovered that when metal is struck by an object moving at a super high velocity, the opposite happens: The hotter the metal, the stronger it is. Under those conditions, which put extreme stress on the metal, copper can actually be just as strong as steel. The new discovery could lead to new approaches to designing materials for extreme environments, such as shields that protect spacecraft or hypersonic aircraft, or equipment for high-speed manufacturing processes.
The findings are described in a paper appearing today in the journal Nature, by Ian Dowding, an MIT graduate student, and Christopher Schuh, former head of MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, now dean of engineering at Northwestern University and visiting professor at MIT.
The new finding, the authors write, “is counterintuitive and at odds with decades of studies in less extreme conditions.” The unexpected results could affect a variety of applications because the extreme velocities involved in these impacts occur routinely in meteorite impacts on spacecraft in orbit and in high-speed machining operations used in manufacturing, sandblasting, and some additive manufacturing (3D printing) processes.
The experiments the researchers used to find this effect involved shooting tiny particles of sapphire, just millionths of a meter across, at flat sheets of metal. Propelled by laser beams, the particles reached high velocities, on the order of a few hundred meters per second. While other researchers have occasionally done experiments at similarly high velocities, they have tended to use larger impactors, at the scale of centimeters or larger. Because these larger impacts were dominated by effects of the shock of the impact, there was no way to separate out the mechanical and thermal effects.
The tiny particles in the new study don’t create a significant pressure wave when they hit the target. But it has taken a decade of research at MIT to develop methods of propelling such microscopic particles at such high velocities. “We’ve taken advantage of that,” Schuh says, along with other new techniques for observing the high-speed impact itself.
The team used extremely high-speed cameras “to watch the particles as they come in and as they fly away,” he says. As the particles bounce off the surface, the difference between the incoming and outgoing velocities “tells you how much energy was deposited” into the target, which is an indicator of the surface strength.
Three photos show a particle bouncing off of a surface. The particle bounces higher when the temperature is increased. These three images are labeled “20 °C, 100 °C, and 177 °C.”
The team used extremely high-speed cameras to track particles. This sequence, from research data, shows a particle flying in and rebounding off of a surface.
The tiny particles they used were made of alumina, or sapphire, and are “very hard,” Dowding says. At 10 to 20 microns (millionths of a meter) across, these are between one-tenth and one-fifth of the thickness of a human hair. When the launchpad behind those particles is hit by a laser beam, part of the material vaporizes, creating a jet of vapor that propels the particle in the opposite direction.
The researchers shot the particles at samples of copper, titanium, and gold, and they expect their results should apply to other metals as well. They say their data provide the first direct experimental evidence for this anomalous thermal effect of increased strength with greater heat, although hints of such an effect had been reported before.
The surprising effect appears to result from the way the orderly arrays of atoms that make up the crystalline structure of metals move under different conditions, according to the researchers’ analysis. They show that there are three separate effects governing how metal deforms under stress, and while two of these follow the predicted trajectory of increasing deformation at higher temperatures, it is the third effect, called drag strengthening, that reverses its effect when the deformation rate crosses a certain threshold.
Beyond this crossover point, the higher temperature increases the activity of phonons — waves of sound or heat — within the material, and these phonons interact with dislocations in the crystalline lattice in a way that limits their ability to slip and deform. The effect increases with increased impact speed and temperature, Dowding says, so that “the faster you go, the less the dislocations are able to respond.”
Of course, at some point the increased temperature will begin to melt the metal, and at that point the effect will reverse again and lead to softening. “There will be a limit” to this strengthening effect, Dowding says, “but we don’t know what it is.”
The findings could lead to different choices of materials when designing devices that may encounter such extreme stresses, Schuh says. For example, metals that may ordinarily be much weaker, but that are less expensive or easier to process, might be useful in situations where nobody would have thought to use them before.
The extreme conditions the researchers studied are not confined to spacecraft or extreme manufacturing methods. “If you are flying a helicopter in a sandstorm, a lot of these sand particles will reach high velocities as they hit the blades,” Dowding says, and under desert conditions they may reach the high temperatures where these hardening effects kick in.
The techniques the researchers used to uncover this phenomenon could be applied to a variety of other materials and situations, including other metals and alloys. Designing materials to be used in extreme conditions by simply extrapolating from known properties at less extreme conditions could lead to seriously mistaken expectations about how materials will behave under extreme stresses, they say.
The research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.
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an-asuryampasya · 3 months
energetically modified cement sounds so fake.
essentially, it boils down to: the solution to drastically reducing the carbon emissions of the construction industry? shake the cement really hard with some balls.
and it reportedly works??
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gudmould · 6 months
How to solve stress marks (ejector pin marks, white edges, thick and thin marks)?
On plastic products, especially those whose raw materials are ABS, PP, and PC, we often see shiny stress marks on the surface of product, such as ejector pin stress marks, insertion stress marks, and flesh thickness difference stress marks.These apparently shiny and white marks are result of internal stress, which is nothing more than orientation stress and cooling shrinkage stress. Irregular…
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sapphirefrost1 · 7 months
Here's my sona!
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satoruoo · 5 months
"you're doing it wrong, baby."
the man before you only huffs in annoyance, a pout forming on his glossed lips. you stifle a laugh as he sulks, his fingers working to untie the sad excuse of a bow that held your heel in place.
"let me try again," satoru half pleads from between your legs, "i promise i'll get it right this time."
in truth, you're enjoying the view of your boyfriend kneeling at your feet while he attempts to tie your lace-up heels. your foot is strategically placed between his legs, pretty white-painted toenails on display as he tries and fails to correctly strap up your shoe.
hell, he's kneeling in a tailored suit, and it's messing with your brain.
you're going on a date tonight - it's a fancy restaurant that satoru's been dying to try out. it'd been a pain in the ass to pick out an outfit, not because you lacked clothes, your boyfriend ensured your wardrobe was always filled to the brim with the latest fashion. no, rather, it was because he insisted you wear matching outfits.
his problem, however, was your choice of shoe. your favourite pair of black lace-up heels was your pick for the evening. he'd asked to do them up for you and you thought it was going to be a 30-second thing.
you've now been sitting here for 10 minutes.
"what the fuck is this shit?" he mumbles to himself, irritated. "why is this so complicated??"
another attempt and he's given up, leaning back a fraction to critique his work. horrible, as expected.
you laugh as satoru sighs loudly, leaning his head on the exposed skin of your thigh in exasperation. his white locks tickle your flesh, and you take it upon yourself to rake your manicured nails through his hair, fingertips scratching his undercut affectionately.
you think he's adorable like this - absolute putty in your hands. he nuzzles into your skin, leaving soft kisses on the plush of your thigh as you dutifully work your fingers over his scalp.
"how about i do one, and you can watch and do the other?" you suggest.
he perks up quickly, icy blue irises sparkling. he nods, a beaming smile settling on his lips. he shifts his weight and leans back to give you space.
"so, you take these, 'round the back, and twist, then under and wrap around the ankle, twist one more time, and - boom!" you finish tying the bow on the back of your calf and smile.
satoru's eyebrow raises immediately, an expression half of disgust and half of confusion finding its place on his features. he squints at you, "you expect me to do that?"
"precisely," you respond with a smug grin.
there's a subtle challenge in your answer, and satoru drinks it like water. a challenge? he'll do it, easy. he switches your feet, sticking his tongue out as he focuses on his task.
you're watching him, amused by the way his brows furrow in concentration as he repeats the steps. around, the straps are crossed around your foot. twist, the straps are twisted. under, the straps are hooked beneath the heel. wrap, the straps are crossed and taken around your leg. twist.
he's done it. a fast learner, indeed.
you can't help the way your lips curve into a smile, applauding his efforts. his crystalline eyes are on you again - how could they not be? you're nothing short of gorgeous in that dress - pleading for some kind of praise.
"thanks, babe." you say, bending to place a kiss on his collarbone.
(he hopes to god there's a lipstick stain there so he can show everyone in that restaurant who he belongs to.)
satoru, being the most amazing boyfriend out there, helps you get on your feet, hand resting on the small of your back as he guides you from your apartment to his car.
"you look stunning tonight, love." he says while grinning like a lovestruck fool as you slip into the passenger seat.
"i know," you answer, shooting him a smile that gets him weak in the knees, "you picked the dress, after all."
you were going to be the death of him.
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tagging: @sad-darksoul
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snoopybutch · 1 year
(Face down) she lies and says she’s in love with him . . . Can’t fiind a bettah mannn . . she dreams in color she dreams in red . can’t find a bettah mannn can’t find a bettah man can’t find a bettah man . . T alkinn too hersElf there’s no one Else whoneedssstoknoww she tells herselfff MEM’RY’S BACK when Shee WAS SMOOTH AND STRAHNG and waiTING
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platypu · 7 months
thinking about weevil photonic crystal structures...
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Weevils (such as Pachyrhynchus genera) have evolved epidermal cells that can produce colour through opal-like arrangements of packed spheres, forming a three-dimensional photonic crystalline structure.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Kon falls into the ocean, exhausted, and genuinely doesn't think this is going to end well for him. He's gonna faint in the middle of the ocean, where he'll sink to where the sun can't reach him. He won't be able to do the weird photosynthesis thing he and Kal do in space. He's gonna drown. Then he's, like, suddenly Prince Eric? From the Little Mermaid? But the Mermaid is way hotter and also a dude.
He's underwater, and very deep. He can feel himself fading out, black creeping along the edge of his vision.
Then, there's movement.
A very large mermaid - sorry, merdude - with glowing green freckles and crystalline, snowy hair. He's roughly the size of an Orca, and has the coloration of one aside from the freckles and vivid, glowing green eyes.
The merdude reaches out, very gently cradles Kon in his hands, and Kon's exhaustion catches up to him. Kon blacks out.
Kon wakes up on a California beach, alone.
He immediately tries to reach out to Aquaman; he's gotta find that merguy and uh...thank him. Maybe ask him out. He's not sure how he'd date someone the size of an Orca Whale, but he's Superboy; he'll figure it out.
Aquaman has no idea what Superboy is talking about; there is no race of mer that large. He'd know, he's the King of Atlantis. Superboy keeps telling him he's wrong, though.
And the more he looks into it, the more he's hearing rumors of a very large, very ancient mer that spends their time lounging around old shipwrecks.
A mer that disappears the second anyone tries to approach them.
A ghost.
Or; Danny was lazing about in the ocean, searching for treasure from sunken ships (Sam said he needed a hobby), using his larger, slightly more eldrich ghost form with the tail. Call him cringe, but it feels more fitting to be in the ocean with that form. Makes him feel all majestic and the like. He comes across a hero floating in the ocean. One he vaguely recognizes as a member of Young Justice? They're in like...California. Somewhere. He decides to play taxi. There are consequences. One of those consequences may or may not be a date.
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cera-chem · 11 months
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🌊 Embrace Excellence with CERA CRYSTALLINE CRETE Waterproofing System! 🏆
💎 The Perfect Blend: Our unique mix of penetrative swellable salt, cementitious binders, and chemical additives ensures unrivaled performance.
🛡 Crystal Clear Protection: Watch as our active chemicals react with free lime to form insoluble crystals, safeguarding against moisture.
🏗 Built to Last: CERA CRYSTALLINE CRETE becomes an integral part of your concrete, ensuring long-lasting results and substantial savings in time and resources.
🌟 Endless Versatility: Ideal for both internal and external applications, offering resilience against chemical attacks, including sewage and industrial waste.
🚰 Seal Every Pore: Experience unmatched penetration and capillary tract sealing, creating a barrier against water intrusion.
💧 Potable Water Safe: Rest easy knowing our system is VOC-free and compatible with potable water.
📞 Transform Your Projects: Contact us now to protect your concrete structures with CERA CRYSTALLINE CRETE. Unlock the potential for exceptional waterproofing! 💦
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