#cuz i didnt word some stuff right
stitchwraith-stingers · 4 months
long ass rant about AI under cut that i made in like half an hour because i am so fucking pissed
i hate AI so fucking much i cant handle it i hate how my sister introduced it to mom and dad and now they use chatgpt and dont even consider how it might be wrong at all, they write it in my notebook that i use to give to the teacher and i hate it so much 'oh but you never look at it' and i never wanna hear anything about it ever again, no more of it, i dont care it should only be used as a TOOL to give you guidence, my sister was about to ask chatgpt for what to do for PYTHON when she could have asked "sorry buddy i cant understand python code"
ai does more damange and im so mad, i dont care if you use it for memes you are adding more fuel to the fire, the text can replace any writer for news outlets, reporters and the such, people generating art dont understand the struggles someone might have faced through the years to get where they are right now and only see it was a way to generate content
when i say 'ai will never be good as real people' im not saying how it will never be unidentifiable, there will be a time where you cannot tell if something is real or fake, when i say it i mean it that you wont ever replicate the way the person stood there, the photographer that managed to get as close as they could to the animal to snap a clip of it, the actors who have spent years practicing to get where they art, the young artist who started off small and is now handling how to draw their fave characters, the expirienced artist trying to get through work by being paid nothing from animators to manga artists, the writer who managed to finally write their own autobiograpthy from their own expirience, the fanfic writer who finally managed to get the story they wanted onto ao3 after months of writing, the painter who stood there for hours sitting in one place in nature just so they can repilcate it, the camara man who had to shoot a 1 minute clip for a film that probably took days to find the right shots, the person who writes articles trying to get the most information they could, the person who sat in a discord call with their friends to mimic some characters in a funny situation, the voice actor who trained their vocal cords to try to give the most emtion they could in a character, the 3d moddler who spent a very long time getting a hold of blender, the animator who spent 6 months on a 1 minute clip, etc
its all just soulless, yeah its pretty cool but you gotta stop and think "how will this effect the information we will get?" my mom has already fallen for a AI picture of a kid with alot of cats and sent me it, pinterest is full of them, my sister ONLY uses it and never does research on her own collage work and shes 1 year away from fully graduating, not once have i seen her put it down for a second to look up something to copy and paste all they do is scrape the work off others, they dont tell us where they got that data off, every ai image youve seen has been ripped off from an actual picture taken, from a drawing someone took to draw, someones selfie
not to mention, considering yesterday as of writing this it has been announced, what is the purpose of being able to generate an animation? i can see nothing good of it "but i can use it to get a good stockphoto" it doesnt matter, go find something thats the closest, the problem with these AI videos is that in one year it has changed so drastically, where do they get the data off this? how did they train it so fast in one year? were living in a distopian age, the age of the internet where it was the place where you can get allll your information quickly is becoming the past, ive seen countless articles who are obviously AI generated, ive heard people say that theyve seen ai generated images in scientific books, those are very important to get an understanding of how the thing theyre talking about works, why would you ever want to cut corners on something as important as that
"but i cant draw / do photography / find a good stockvideo" then LEARN!
1. drawing is for everyone and even after drawing since kindergarden i still consider myself a beginner artist, i dont know alot about anatomy, i dont know how to draw scenery, but thats ok because i can learn! i can get inspired by other artists to try and get better, ive had some rocky relationships with my art even now but thats also the beauty of it, even when you feel like you cant do it in afew years you can finally learn to!, ive seen many disabled people post about how they learnt to draw using a tecique they made themselves, you can go and think 'how do i make this more enjoyable for myself, how do i make this easier for myself?", same should go for writing
2. YOU CAN HIRE SOMEONE!!!! it may take awhile because of it taking time but it would make the persons day, and the way the economy is going its not working well
remember saga-afta? the whole thing where actors striked because of how little they were being payed for? and in the end the actor studio said "oh ok i guess BUT we will scan your body to use you even after you quit xD sorryyyy", alot of jobs are going to dissapear only because of the greed companies have, its the reason i fear having a job, not even artists like im mostly talking about, writers (script, normal writers, journalists, etc), photograpthers, and other jobs are going to dissapear not to mention not only misinformation the mentioned AI videos are just a bad idea all around what if someone fabricates evidence against you and uses it in court? well its certainly you theres no way it could be faked, what about propaganda? ive seen them make fake gameplay footage so ads are going to be unbearable
JUST TO BE CLEAR: im not against AI being used as a tool (ive seen a really good malwere horror video based off someones dream using photos from a game, getting an idea of how a paper should start and using it as an guide of where to go, etc) or actually being used to stop some other jobs people shouldnt have, but creativity is going down the drain, AI bros who use it for art and photos think about how pretty it should be, AI writers only use it because they couldnt be bothered, and probably other excamples i cant think of
i know AI will never truely dissapear, its not going anywhere and thats the reality, its not like nfts where they lot their value and everyone stopped caring, what should be reality is that there should be regulations, its going to be long enough untill someone uses it for more malicious stuff, yeah right now its people just spreading misinformation and ai generated articles but there is 100% going to be a time where someone is going to use it for revenge porn or to harrass someone with fake clips of them
pro ai as in ai that can detect cancer cells, anti ai as in videos, writing, etc
artists will never dissapear, photograpthers will never dissapear, writers will never dissapear, actors will never dissapear, voice acors will never dissapear it will only die if we dont give our voices, and theres more good then bad in AI
it needs to be regulated heavily
ill be sad that kids my age wont try to frankenstien a project using 5 different scorces and copy and pasting, theyll just grab the full text and wont care if its right or wrong, i will be sad for the kids who cant find a roleplay buddy and will just use chat ai to roleplay (which scrapes off others writing), etc
ai in the way im speaking about it is going to be terrible for alot of people with passions who cant get jobs because theyll be seen as replacable, the way people are going to exploit it for misinformation which goes from propaganda, revenge porn, other
"but it hasnt happened yet to people who generated text to video! it should be harmless" dont underestemate it, its going to happen eventually
i am just so tired of hearing about ai, i dont want any of it, i dont care, the way it is nowadays i am very against it, i am aware the hype is going to die down in afew years but right ow its so unbreable to me and i dread the day i get a job and they stop me and go "sorry buddy, you cant, we got computers to replace you", is there anything else i can say after this? fuck AI fuck the guy who made it more popular, i dont care how much you wanna make a meme or something you are feeding into it, stop using it untill there are proper regulations to stop it from spreading like wildfire, sooner or later someones going to use it for much worse
(sorry if its written weridly i didnt spell check i just needed to get this out)
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astralnymphh · 8 months
patterned palmistry ⋆ | ellie williams headcanons
༺ ellie x witch!reader headcanons/scenarios ༻ ☽𖤐☾
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✧˖ ° 🕯 bright blessings!
an: being the witchy little gremlin i am i just had to throw some hcs together for myself but ofc i'd share them here🙄ive been practicing witchcraft since i was 15 so it felt fitting to incorporate it whenever i brace my delusions at the bootycrack of midnight that r all abt ellie 💀 regardless this def isnt gonna be my only witchy hcs post i just didnt wanna spoil all my ideas right away <3 tags: MDNI, slight nsfw (no detailed smut), boob jokes, witchcraft (obv), tarot, palm reading, mostly convos, flirting, not mentioned in the writing but u 2 r alrdy dating, playful bickering, more natural casual writing with some bigger words, no specific religion tied to the practice, generally a fluff piece, lowk cute moments. °________________________⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆__________________________°
I. ☆ ellie definitely had a peak in curiosity the first time you mentioned you immerse yourself in the world of the craft, her ears perked figuratively and were tuned in to learn what that entails. she may not forfeit a nip of skepticism right away but she's more than happy to engross herself in the idea of it. you'd stay up till first light rambling on about the 'rituals', 'divination', the history tied to it and why you practice it. you'd be lying in bed adjacent to her, heavenward to the ceiling, but interwoven in a warm and loving cuddle with her palm residing on your lap whilst you chatted.
"mmmmh-" ellie's hum churns 'round your bedroom, "so that's why you collect rocks."
"same thing," she drones an inwardly giggle, "which crystal will give me superpowers?" a witty remark springs from her tongue.
"babe.." you pout, acting offended yet none is taken.
"didn't mean it like that, y'know I believe you, it's all just new to me." ellie tapes an assuring kiss to your temple, "tell me about your favorite crystals, hmm?" 
II. ☆ now because of this, anytime you're out on patrol and delight the opportunity of scavenging, she always keeps in mind to find you flowers, rocks, unused candles and other oddities of nature.
"hey babe! I found a black candle for'ya." ellie bolstered a long glass cylinder filled with an opaque charcoal wax, wick still intact, "and- ..some wild lavender." her other arm swings from behind her back, twines of dusty purple lavender upheld in a pinch.
"fuck yeah, needed this stuff.." you graciously tweak the lavender from her, whiffing up its poignant scent.
"always on the lookout.." her voice resembles her proud countenance outwards, essentially, a dorky smirk.
III. ☆ obviously, the second you mentioned the art of tarot to her, she begged for a reading. whenever a card flew from your shuffling motions, she'd patiently wait for you to place it before her and then she'd swipe it up and admire the art piece detailing the cardstock.
"whew! look at the boobs on this one!" 
"oh- my god, of course you'd point that out." you snatch the card from her, shamelessly ogling the nude depiction that had her attention.
"you're looking at them too!"
"cuz' you said something 'bout it!" you flick the card towards her face, noting, "those are some nice boobs though." 
"why thank you~" 
"wasn't talking about you, idiot!" 
"eh, but.. urs' are the best." her hoarse tone binds a nonchalant flirtiness in its rumble.
"oh really? should we compare the.. four?"
that really stole her attention.
IV. ☆ the first time you entertained her with a palm reading, it had her all dappy and touched to the essence at the paltry contact you made with her hand. your fingerprints drafting her calloused palms with such a gentle focus on every river lining her hand. she just wanted to smother you with kisses.
"and… this is your heart line." your finger hovers the crevice of her palm-pads stretching from index to pinkie, "ah.. it's a broken one.."
"is that.. bad?" her juniper eyes study your expression meticulously.
"it just means u're closed off, stubborn, have some emotional trauma.. stuff like that." you mindlessly fiddle with her fingers, "lines can change though, so.."
she nods, taking in the insight. she licks her slightly chapped lips clean, "am I stubborn?" her voice rises partially an octave, bending playfulness in her question.
"mm.. no."
"why'd you hesitate?"
"well- the only times ur' stubborn is refusing to let go whenever you hug me- ur' a life-size sloth!" 
"I like huggin' you though." a puppy pout frowns on her lips, "you're like a pillow!"
and oh, how your heart capers a beat, "is that all I am, williams?"
her swift speech conjuncts, "whaddid' I say about that name?!"
"I don't know, I think you like it." 
"nuh-uh I don't!"
you pepper a haste kiss to her knuckles still forcepped in your clasp, totally deterring the crime you've just committed when a half impish half taken aback smile creaks her lips.
"c'mere." vaults from her tongue before she lunges her body forward and tackles you in a saucy position riddled with love bites. guess you'll be reading her palms in a different way tonight.
⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆ V. ☆ an bonus hc, you'd totally mention out of the void about her tattoo n the mystic meanings surrounding moths, like, its for sure one of the topics you'll ramble about one night cause you just feel so wise for knowing. "y'know, moths play a pretty large role in the metaphysical world." "really? i mean, i knew they had some kind of.. 'symbolism' to them-" ellie's hand rolls over the knoll of her forearm, reading the bumps glamoured in that beautiful inking. "yeah, like- luna moths represent transformation, renewal.. oh! and death-head moths are an omen of death.. an- and black witch moths mean either good luck, or bad-" ellie is amused at your prattle shown by her raspy giggles, legitimately having to conceal her scrunched face. "what?" "nothin' you- you're just so cute." "stop.." the embarrassment catches up to you, now having to hide your face to the shadows beneath your hands. her finger cranes out to hook and uncover your nerdy grin, assuring, "never stop tellin' me bout this stuff, ok babe?" a wide delighted beam syncs on her cheeks. goddess above, her dimples and nasal lines are to die for. ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
in general; she's a curious dork n will ask you oh so many questions, i mean, she loves space and a futuristic sci-fi comic for crying out loud, she's alrdy so imaginative so ofc she'd be open to a realistic amount. she'd also be so respectful and helpful n defend ur practice with so much love. maybe she'd pick up some little traditions and customs like folding letters a specific amount of times, drawing little pentacles, mixing liquid in specific directions, just the simple things that grow on her.
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hi hi hi hi i saw this post and i wanna see your take on it (with peter ofc like hurt/comfort) (https://www.tumblr.com/moonstruckme/730170525023862784/okay-hey-me-again-was-hoping-to-send-a-request?source=share) something similar happened to me a couple of weeks ago too.
So a couple of weeks ago i was planning like this whole big get together and was texting everyone and planning food, decorations and everything and the day of most people either canceled or just literally didnt show up and i didnt even get a text or anything, and i literally spent hours planning, like i went to TJMaxx, Marshalls and stuff like that to find cute decorations and everything, like i spent all of my own money on this. Since no one came i literally sat in my house all dolled up eating everything and watch tv cuz i was upset. THEN around like 11 at night i was on instagram (and im guessing one of them forgot to take me off their close friends) and i saw a story of basically everyone i invited to my party go to another persons party or something i wasnt invited to ig and none of them told me. Like if im being honest, if they couldnt come cuz of some other event i would have moved the date even tho i picked it first. but like, its so shitty cuz they are like my main friend group and its hard for me to mingle with people in general. I have been texting like dry responses and the group chat has been empty since and i have no idea what to do. - 🎀
That’s What Peter’s For
✮ tasm!peter parker x f!reader
✮ word count: 0.8k
✮ warnings: one forehead kiss, hurt/comfort, mentions of food, angst.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
main masterlist ⋆ peter parker masterlist
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✮ gif by @spidey-stark
The TV in front of you flickered from frame to frame, each pixel reflecting a bright and blinding light into your dark living room. It’s late as you sit alone on the couch, eating the food you prepared for your friends going to waste due to your overplanning. Or maybe because they didn’t bother to show up. 
As you mindlessly shovel food into your mouth, you think back on your trips to pick out decorations for this night. You went with Peter, and you spent too much, but you didn’t care. You wanted your friends to gawk at the effort you put in, you just wanted them to care. 
When you were picking out an outfit for tonight, you tried on each variation, but to no avail, you weren’t satisfied. The bedroom looked like a warzone. Shirts and pants scattered along the floor, leaving little to no walking room. You couldn’t help but look forward to seeing everyone, the thought making you anxious for everyone to arrive. 
Peter was out for the night doing his nightly activities, when the clock struck eight, signaling that your friends should be here at any moment. You were still perfecting some of the drinks when you checked the clock again, eight forty-five. Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you walked over to your phone to double-check the time and also look for any ‘running late, sorry’ messages. And to your surprise, the time was correct, and no one had texted you. 
Taking a seat on the couch, you looked for the digital invite you’d sent everyone to double-check check you got the date right. Maybe I’m the wrong one? Once you found it, you took a deep breath. The date is right. 
You tried to find answers as you scrolled through social media. One of the people invited to your party posted a video of themselves dancing in a dimly lit club, the camera panned over to the rest of the group. You can feel your heart sink into your stomach as you realize that everyone you’ve invited was in that video posted five minutes ago. 
Now it’s almost midnight, and you haven’t moved besides turning on the TV and reaching for the snacks on your coffee table. Thick tears roll down your face, taking your makeup with you. You texted one of them a few hours ago, simply asking when they would arrive at your place. And of course, you didn’t receive a response. 
Too in your mind, you don’t even hear the front door open, revealing Peter quickly shoving his suit in his backpack. He was assuming that there would be other people filling in his apartment, causing him to change in the alley and rush up to meet you. A smile is on his face until he’s met with the sound of silence along with the muffled noise from whatever you are watching. 
Then his eyes land on you. Walking over he can’t see your tear-stained cheeks yet as he asks, “Where is everyone, bug?” You sniffle, before turning your head to look at him, instantly breaking down in tears. “Woah,” he instantly sits next to you on the couch, pulling you in for a hug, “tell me what happened.” His tone suddenly turns stern, as he worries.
You look up at him, your skin smudged with a thick smear of black from the mascara you delicately applied just hours before. “Th–They…never showed up,” you take a shaky breath, “everyone ditched me for something else, Pete. And n–no one told me.” 
Peter’s worry turned into anger. He was there for you through all of the planning, all of the grocery trips, and all of the outfit changes, and none of them cared to show. He knew that you needed him in this moment. You needed a warm embrace to pour your heart out. And that you did.
You sat and cried with Peter until you fell asleep, exhaustion taking over your body. When Peter felt your breathing even out beside him, he turned off the TV and carried you to your shared bedroom. Placing you down on the mattress, he walked back into the kitchen, quietly packing everything up, and cleaning the space. The last thing you needed to see tomorrow morning was the events of tonight. 
You didn’t stir until you felt a cold cloth on your face, softly wiping at your skin. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m just taking your makeup off,” he hushes, placing a delicate kiss on your forehead. You relax under him. The feeling of someone looking after you makes you melt further into the mattress. 
With Peter everything was alright, and you knew that he would be right at your side through all of it. That includes texting your friends a lengthy paragraph about the value of friendship. 
✮ author's note: oh 🎀 anon, im so sorry you had to deal with this. i've been through something like this a few years back, and it is such a shitty feeling. you don't deserve friends that will push you aside for something they think is better. friendships do not work like that. they should have communicated with you about not making it, but the fact that they just ghosted you completely and tried to cover it up??? shady as hell. i'm always here to listen!!
don't forget to like, comment, and reblog to support this if you liked it!! my asks/inbox is open, so send in requests if you'd like. ok, ily bye<333
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im here for things getting weird tbh :vc
Transcript below the cut
Alex: Hello Everybody
Jonny: I'm Jonathan Sims, the writer and narrator of the Magnus Archives
Alex: Visionary Nightmare Merchant
Jonny: Visionary Nightmare Merchant, ooh I like that, I like that
Alex: and I'm Alexander J Newall, I am the founder and CEO of Rusty Quill Ltd and for magnus I was the co-creator with Jonny, alongside director and producer. Why are we here today?
Jonny: Oh, cuz we're doing it AGAIN!
Alex: yeah!! I know! Everyones like "Oh I maybe - maybe theyre doing like a little halloween special? NO!
Jonny: Magnus. Archives. Two. Not that Actual Title
Alex: We wont - no. There's a better title
Jonny: I'm really.. I'm not done  
Alex: Your not done. Don't tell them the title.
Alex: We need to tell you a bit more about it Like, whats going on? okay. So In order to do this, we are looking at doing a Kickstarter
Jonny: Kick. Starter.
Alex: to start the kicking. Um, and that basically means that We are going to be doing a pre-signup, Which is going to be available on the 30th of October, this year If you head to kickstarter.com/projects/the-magnus-archives2/the-magnus-archives-2 On the 30th You'll be able to pre-sign, and that means that you will get alerted when the kickstarter is live and that means you will be the first to get in there for early bird goodies and things like that where you will only get it if you are getting there right out of the gate But, we are trying to get this going  with a BIG kickstarter So that we can do THREE seasons. Three full seasons!
Jonny: Three seasons. It is going to be canon. It is going to be a continuation of the Magnus Archives universe But not necessarily in the way you would expect.
Alex: Its gonna get weird. Its gonna get really weird.
Jonny: its gonna get real weird.
Alex: So, we're also going to be selling limited edition merch
Jonny: limited edition merch! that was it!
Alex: So the limited edition merch is only going to be available for basically the period we are going this kickstarter, and these are designs that are going to disappear You will never be able to get them again. ever.
Jonny: Cuz if you try, i'll come round and burn them.
Alex: He'll come and burn it. In order to get ahold of those probably, you'll want to go to www.rustyquill.com and there will be more info there, but its pretty much going to be available anywhere that you can buy our designs so your looking at you know, redbubble, and tee public, things like that
Jonny: Can I get a mug?
Alex: yes.
Jonny: Can I get a t-shirt?
Alex: I believe so, yes.
Jonny: Can I get, your face as a cat scratching post?
Alex: Uh yes, but you will have to pay SIGNIFICANTLY more thats going to be a custom item and we will talk more on that later
Jonny: Oh no, I was inviting you over.
Alex: aww
Jonny: just to hang out...
Alex: aw shnookums!
Alex: Why now? Its ben a while, we could have done it immediately but we didnt, why?
Jonny: I mean... cuz i fucking love magnus and i want to do some more of it
Alex: right? I kind of miss it.
Jonny: its been, since it finished, a lot of stuffs been just... percolating, and...
Alex: yeah.
Jonny: we were talking and we were like should we just? should we do? do you wanna just to a bit more?
Alex: we should do it. Yes, we are going to do, or we are AIMING to do I should say a three season epic is a strong word. life changing event?
Jonny: yeah? yeah.
Alex: we are looking at a larger number of guests we are looking at going big from the start we have learnt a lot of lessons during magnus 1 and we want to hit the ground running
Jonny: Lesson 1: Trust no one.
Alex: [laugh] okay. cool i feel like-
Jonny: Lesson 2: Plan your exit, on the way in.
Alex: I feel like we are honing back in to season 2 there so maybe steer us away from that... But yea we are -
Jonny: Lesson 3: dont listen to Alex. he's already compromised.
Alex: stop compromising all of the fandom with your MENTALITY
Alex: in order to take part, to reiterate on very last time. If you head to kickstarter.com/projects/the-magnus-archives2/the-magnus-archives-2 You can get on there for the pre-sign from the 30th of october and then youll get more info or you can get all of the limited edition merch that WILL DISAPPEAR and for more info on that, go to RustyQuill.com
Jonny: The day before halloween. Halloween? Scary. before all hallows? its before all hallows... and so this is halloween-ee-een its Halloween squared baby. its even scarier
Alex: [snicker] thanks jonny.
Jonny: thats what I'm here for.
Alex: Bye everyone!
Jonny: Bye!
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filmofhybe · 7 months
Hellooo!! Could you do enhypen doing try not to kiss challenge with their s/o? Tyy!! Have a nice day.
no kisses?
pairing : ot7! x afab reader! genre : fluff warning : kissing ? a bit of swearing & begging , 770 words
a/n : requests are now opened again! Feel free to leave any ideas / rant I’ll try my best to answer them all &lt;3
> masterlist to all my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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にしむら りき Nishimura Riki + 성훈 Sunghoon + 박종성 Park Jeongseong
the mfs that would give you that “you think you’re funny?” Look. Like why do you want to do the try not to kiss challenge?!? Will start saying stuff like “oh you don’t want my luscious lips now?”. TEASING YOU CUZ YOU WERE TEASING HIM. Just don’t do this challenge with him cuz he won’t kiss you back unless you do. (Actually takes this game seriously lol)
“babe let’s do the try not to kiss challenge!” He flashes you the “you think your funny?” Look.
“what is just for fun! Come on!” You kept begging him. To be honest you don’t even know why you want to do the challenge. You are absolutely addicted to his pink rosy lips. But I guess you were just bored and needed some entertainment.
“Don’t cry to me when you want my kisses. Loser pays for the dinner tonight.” You both made a deal before minding your own business. About 3 hours has gone by, and you desperately need his lips on yours. You know you shouldn’t have done this challenge because he kept teasing you with comments.
“bet you miss my lips right now haha too bad..”
“my lip balm be tasting real nice right now. Wanna guess the flavor?”
“my lips be glossy asf!!”
acting all zesty to get your attention😭
Sad to break it to you, you lost the game because after 5 minutes you dashed your whole body on top of his and kissed him deeply. You can feel him smirk into the kiss like “haha I win!”. Pulling you closer as he wrap his arms around your waist.
“I know you can’t resist me. I don’t even know why you even try..”
“Shut up what do you want for dinner..?”
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심재윤 Sim Jaeyun + 정원 jungwon
the ones that will participate but will give up 5 minutes in. You will try persuading him to continue but they will start pouting cuz they want to kiss you so bad. Like cling onto you for the rest of the night because you will give him kisses on his face. Yeah they are a big baby when it comes to this.
“love let’s do the try not to kiss challenge!” He doesn’t understand why your so excited for this. Isn’t it suppose to be a horrible thing to not receive kisses? Well too him it is.
“uh..why would we be doing this?”
“Because it’s fun! Let’s see how long we can last okay?” 5 minutes later your lovely boyfriend is now pouting, begging you to stop this challenge because he can’t stand your lips not being on his. He’s so addicted to them he can’t even last 5 minutes without it.
“Please baby I need your lips on mines… is been too long…”
“sweetie is only been 5 min-” he pulls you into his lap before you finish speaking. His lips on yours, tasting your sweet cherry lip gloss that got him so tempted to kiss you.
“You need to stop with all these bullshit challenges cuz what are you tryna do to me…?”
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희 승 heeseung + 선우 Sunoo
the ones who just laughs after you suggested it cuz bro ain’t participating in these challenges. HE THINKS IS STUPID. They just ignore you if you keep asking. Will 100% kiss you before you can even start the challenge. They just don’t like doing these type of challenges because he wants your attention 25/8 as well as your kisses so there’s no point.
“Hey love! Wanna do the try not to kiss chall-”
“No. End of discussion.”
“WHAT? I didnt even Finish my sentence.”
“baby you know you will fail so I don’t even know why you wanna try.”
“but-” you got cut off when he smashes his lips against yours. Kissing the corner of your lips before pulling away.
“See you can’t even last 5 minutes if we did the challenge..” now he’s the one laughing because of your shocked expression your face. Totally not expecting him to kiss you out of nowhere.
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Reblog , comment or dm to be on my perm taglist !
networks : @k-films @k-neighborhood @/k-labels @kflixnet
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starrybl1ss · 5 months
Vanessa comes tired and mad from work and you both get iinto a fight and she fucks you omfg plsplspls
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YESSS!!!! ALSO I PUT ON THE PULLING TIE KINK FOR READER I JS LOVE THE IDEA LOL! i wrote this while innocently listening to taylor swift:3 anyways its a lil short cuz i gotta study:( im still in senior high (i started school late) and ik its still holidays but i have a lot to study thats why im starting to study a lil early for my finals<3
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MDNI - Vanessa who is still in work and got called by her boss that her work isn't 'impressing enough'.
"Okay, so you mean im bad at my job?" She sits infront of her boss desk at the office. "Don't get me wrong miss shelly, its just that you should make your job a little more.... impressing"
"I'm sorry, i work hard, i really do. And your just here sayying i suck at my fucking job? Fuck this" she bangs on his desk and leaves his office.
Its 4 PM already, she goes outside of the office heading to her car. "not impressing enough?" She scoffs. "What a bitch" she opens the door of her car and slams the door as she goes inside.
She hits the pedal and zooms off in a bad mood.
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She arrives home 15 minutes later opening the door. "Oh! Vanessa? Your... home already? I- i haven't made dinner yet -- you usually go home at 5..." you got up the sofa and puts down your phone.
She drops her stuff on the sofa. "You seriously haven't dinner yet?" She frowns. "M'sorry! I didn't know you'd come home early!"
"Its just an hour early y/n!" She yells as she sat down on the sofa holding her forehead as you stand infront of her. "I didn't fucking know. Okay? You could have texted me!"
"Don't you know im tired? all you do is sit around and do nothing!" she yelled. "whats your fucking problem ness?!" she stays silent. "won't you tell me?!" you said again as she avoided eye contact.
"m so tired, can you shut the fuck up?" she asks you. "ness, you fucking started it" you said with anger. "c'mere, im just in a bad moon kay?" you sit next to her looking at her with tears.
"yeah, i underst-" your words were cut off by her lips coliding with yours. she hold up you chin "im sorry for yelling at you, i didnt mean it baby..." her face softens.
she crawls on top of your body pinning you to the sofa and kisses you again. "im sorry okay?" she smiles. "i love you ness" you said. "i love you more baby"
You pulled her black tie and whispered in her ear. "ness..."
"yeah? need anything?" she asks. "i- need a, a lot" you replied. "really? you get turned on by me yelling at you?" you nod blushing from embarresment.
"well i'll give you want you want" she smirks. "b-but what about the f-food?" you asked. "just order some"
she unbuttons your shirt but not completely and pulls it down to your elbows. she didn't take off your bra but just lifted it up for good view. "Y'so pretty baby" she murmurs.
she then pulls down your sweatshorts. "wont be needin' that right?" without wasting time, she grabs the sides of your panties pulling it down to your knees.
you feel a sudden shock cause she slipped in one finger in your aching, wet cunt. "f-fuck" you groan out. "relax baby, its just one finger. s'not that bad"
she slips another finger in, curling them in. "nghhhhh- fuck!-" you moan. "im bout to-" she cuts off your words "babe, already?" you nod squinting your eyes.
"shiiiiittttttt...!" you groan out as you came on her fingers leaving her fingers sticky with your juices. "good girl" she praise as she licks her fingers clean.
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tigertofu · 11 months
ok i've been chipping away at this Thing for a long time and i think it's finally ready to be vomitted out into the internet. without further ado, here is my
Stupid-Long List of Trevor Headcanons
divided into chronological sections !
((the NSFW shit is hiding at the bottom))
CW's for: mentions of drugs/alcohol, addiction, cannibalism, violence, gross sex stuff. typical Trevor things
and heres a gif of him cuz ig thats the tumblr thing to do idk i never made one of these lists b4 :x
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the past
• he's a scorpio and the reason he has a scorpion tat on his hand is bc he's like. very mildly into horoscopes. he was born some time in november
• he doesn't have a middle name cuz his mom didn't give enough of a shit to give him one
• despite playing hockey and golf as a kid, he was never really that into the sports themselves. he only did hockey because he saw it as a way to beat up other children and not get reprimanded for it, and he did both in the hopes of being good enough at something to earn his mother's praise for once (it did not work :()
• hates his dad bc of how he treated his mom and is glad he abandoned him at that shopping mall when he was a kid
• he (w/ Brad's help) would play "pranks" on (aka BULLY) poor Lester during the north yankton days. some fav pastimes included (but were not limited to): pantsing him, hiding his walking cane, and replacing his asthma medication with laughing gas
• was highkey jealous of how easy Michael could get girls during the north yankton days. when he actually was able to convince a girl to come back home with him, he would make sure to be loud as hell about it so that Mike would know he wasn't the only one getting chicks
• all of his hand tats and a lot of his other tats were done in prison, even tho he was only in for like 6 months
• prison was a mixed bag for him. on one hand, anal. on the other, having to restrain himself from arguments and physical altercations so he could get out early on good behavior
• went thru a breakdancing phase in the 90's (i THINK this one might be canon. idk. could've sworn i've heard him try to tell Lamar this in an attempt to impress him. pls feel free to prove me wrong or right)
• one of the scars on his eyebrows is actually the result of getting a fresh eyebrow piercing ripped tf out during a barfight in the 00's. prob for the best that it was cuz we all know that shit wouldve ended up getting infected and rejecting out of his face anyways
• he moved to Sandy Shores not just because it's nice and isolated, but because it was the place most opposite of north yankton he could think of. never any snow. he absolutely fucking hates cold weather and snow because it reminds him of a certain bank heist that happened in '04
• between Ron, Chef, and Wade, Chef was the first one he met after moving to Sandy Shores. they used to cook meth together in a trailer out in the desert (another one that i THINK is canon but im not sure idk. it all blurs together, idk whats canon and whats not anymore, my brain is too rotted from spinning Trevor around in it like the world's most dried out little shriveled husk of a rotisserie chicken for the past three years, the fog is coming, yk how it is)
• he acquired Liquor Ace the same way he "acquired" the Vanilla Unicorn. the previous owner just mysteriously disappeared one day. nobody in Sandy Shores cared tho once word got around that the new owner was gonna start cooking crystal in the upstairs and selling it
• yk how in the game he said that his heart momentarily stopped once cuz he put an axe thru a power cable? he did that cuz the power had gone out in the middle of him watching an Impotent Rage episode he hadn't seen yet. for some reason (was prob very high and very angry) he thought that he could bring the power back by hitting the sparking wire with an axe. it didnt work. he smelled like overcooked bacon for a week afterwards. he enjoyed that part tho
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the present
• he makes Ron cut his hair with a pair of rusty kitchen scissors when he needs a trim. he used to go to the nice barber lady in Sandy Shores but got banned after loudly moaning about how good her nails felt on his scalp once
• once smoked an entire cigarette in one long inhale. Wade witnessed this and found it extremely impressive
• he'll eat pretty much anything but he especially likes foods with strong flavors. salty, sour, super sweet, spicy, etc cuz his taste buds are SHOT from the years of smoking/drug abuse. he abuses condiments, especially hot sauce
• thinks that any restaurant that doesn't have a drive-thru is a "fancy" restaurant
• LOVES candy cuz the meth has given him a major sweet tooth, but prefers anything with chocolate over fruity/gummy candies
• has a weird fascination with eating raw meat.....of any kind. except for sushi. he thinks sushi is "fancy prissy city people food"
• also has a weird fascination with making stews/soups similar to the eyelid one that he tries to feed Michael in that one cutscene. it's the only type of food he knows how to cook. may be a comfort thing for him because microwaving a bowl of canned soup was the most effort his mother ever put into making a meal for him when he was a kid. and she did it like, twice, maybe. he for sure remembers both times very clearly tho and considers them to be some of his fondest memories
• will go for days without eating anything solid before finally sitting down and consuming enough food to feed a family of 5. sometimes he just like. forgets that eating is necessary for survival
• can open beer bottles with his teeth. between that and the meth habit, its an absolute miracle he still has all his teeth
• go-to pizza order is a large meat lover's. he tries to make vaguely sexual passes about "loving large meat" at the poor pizza delivery guys every time he orders delivery. does not tip, but will say shit like "hey, if you come inside i've got a little tip for ya" while the delivery guy quickly vacates the premises
• honestly? i think there is a good 50/50 chance on whether or not he is ACTUALLY a cannibal. maybe he posters as one cuz he likes the reactions it incites, maybe he genuinely enjoys the psychosexual intimacy of consuming the flesh of another human being........ who knows !! not knowing is half the fun :)
• ok ok hear me out u know that stupid tiktok sound that was going around a couple years ago that goes "hi my name is carmen winstead -- HAAAAAHHHGGCHH" ??? look it up if u don't cuz that's what his snoring sounds like. the fucking "HAAAAAHHHGGCHH"
• once he's asleep he is out like a fucking light. guy could sleep thru nuclear war
• is not opposed to drinking hand sanitizer when out of other sources of alcohol. it tastes just like the shitty moonshine Ron makes in his backyard anyways and gets him even drunker so why not !
• hates horror films bc they make him angry. at least, any of the ones where somebody survives at the end. thinks the murderers in them are stupid. starts yelling shit at the TV like "HE'S GETTING AWAY YOU STUPID FUCK,, WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!!!"
• believes baby pink and orange are "his colors"
• will sit on his sofa or bed and try to shoot any cockroaches scurrying around his place with a pistol for funsies when bored sometimes
• enjoys playing darts at the Yellow Jack with anyone who'll play him but absolutely fucking sucks at it cuz of his shaky hands. accidentally threw a dart into another bar patron's head once. will rage and insist his opponent cheated when he loses. will then get physical if anyone tries to tell him its impossible to cheat at darts. is much less of a sore loser when playing with Mike, Frank, or Lamar tho he will still grumble about losing for up to hours on end afterwards
• is an illegal immigrant bc he never became a US citizen. does not own an actual ID, but has several fakes lying around, all with fake birth dates and fake names that are wildly varying levels of believable
• will absolutely flip his fucking lid if Wade comes around him while wearing Juggalo face paint
• speaking of Wade. yk how he has a shitty tattoo of his own name on his arm? (at least i think he does. i tried looking to see if he does and i couldnt tell so now im unsure if thats just yet another detail that my brain completely made up or smth that i actually saw). ANYWAYS, Trevor gave it to him (stick n poke. it was a longggg process but Wade didnt mind too much cuz he was high at the time and consented to it beforehands anyways) when Trevor first "took him in" cuz he kept forgetting his name and got tired of referring to him as "Hey, you" (which Wade did not respond to most of the time anyways)
• is an ugly crier. like, a butt-ugly crier. snot, drooling, wailing, red face, the whole nine yards and he is loud as hell about it too
• loves back rubs cuz ofc he does he's an old man. often makes Ron or Wade give him massages
• his boomer-ass super-zoomed-in LifeInvader profile pic was taken by Ron. it took them a dozen tries before they got it
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• he sucks at eating out.........kinda? but what he lacks in precision and consistency he makes up for with sheer (sloppy. slobbery) passion. and endurance. can stay down there (and will, if you let him) for hours
• is not much better at blowing. "accidentally" uses too much teeth every time
• ~4 inches. MAYBE 4.5. good girth tho. not cut
• has a thing for chubby/thicc ppl
• is a biter and won't ask before biting so uhh watch out ! part of the reason for the above is bc there's more to bite
• loooooves loves loves to suck on things. fingers, necks, tits, dicks, anything. also looooooves having it reciprocated. particularly likes shoving his fingers in your mouth
• loves to involve mouths as much as possible. spitting/being spat on, the aforementioned biting as well as being bitten, eating food off of your body or having food eaten off of him, the type of makeout sessions that involve shoving each other's tongues down each other's throats.. anything that involves mouths and/or the motions of eating drives him fucking wild
• will beg you even when not explicitly told to when he's not feeling dominant. will beg and beg and beg and beg and it's hot but can also quickly become incredibly annoying
• but he LOVES to be annoying on purpose too. via the begging, or by teasing/edging, mocking, etc. loves to get a rise out of you and loves the attention (even if negative.. ESPECIALLY if negative) it gets him
• occasionally cries after sex. will expect you to hold him while he does. will start to angry cry and say you don't actually love him if you refuse
• now ik this one is nothing groundbreaking and seems to already be the general consensus amongst the Trevor enjoyers but im gonna say it anyways. he def has a thing for public/semi-public sex. be careful about sitting next to him while in any public space. he WILL try to touch on you and it WILL be in a way that makes it obvious to everyone in the immediate vicinity what's going on. does he do it on purpose as an exhibition thing? maybe...... does he genuinely think he's being slick about it? also maybe. if ur with him, expect to be banned from multiple establishments
• lowkey has a breeding kink in the sense that he loves to finish inside (not just bc it feels nice but also bc of the intimacy of it) and thinks that pregnant women are hot as hell
• is most likely infertile due to the years of meth use tho
• loves to both overstimulate and be overstimulated. just bc you've both climaxed doesnt mean he wont keep going for god-knows-how-long
..................andd that's all she (i) wrote. ty for reading !! i've got more shit to say about Trevor cuz ofc i do but this is already like 2k words so if u wanna hear my headcanons on anything specific at all,, pls do throw it in my ask box ! <33
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we-out-here-simping · 4 months
Chapter 1: Three inches minimum.
(s.h. x gn!reader)
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from the river to the sea (educate yourself and help however you can)
Warnings: y/n might or might not be used; no pronouns used (gn!reader); flashbacks within a flashback; suggestivenes (no smut); trauma; might be canon divergent in future (cuz screw the canon) ; very questionable food choices on readers part (don't ask me I have no idea why I put it in)
word count: 9.5k
A/n: alright gang! we start all over again and imma do this right this time. i really am liking doing this rewrite/revamp of the old stuff now that i know where to take this story. so ive added new stuff that i really wanted to and got rid of some stuff as well.
i dont write smut but this is an 18+ blog mdni
promises series masterlist
Life in Hawkins was not a normal one. But then again, what did you know about the norm anyway?
You ran away from the Hawkins lab in 1980. Even after all these years, its memories still haunted you. You still got nightmares, they had never really stopped.
It was hard to forget, you in your dirty hospital gown, the cloth had still smelled of smoke. You had been lethargic, exhausted, but you had a goal in mind. Find Eight. 
You didn't know where she was, but she was your best bet. In the lab, she was the closest thing you had had to a friend. she was your sister. She told you about what her life was like before she had been taken to the lab, she had remembered a lot from then, you on the other hand, didn't. she used tell you all she remembered from outside.
it had been so long since you had last seen her. two years. 1978.
“Come with me”, she had almost begged, holding your hands in her, “we’ll do all that we wanted to. We’ll be free”
You don't know why you couldn't do it then. 
“Please. We’ll have names, we’ll find your real parents, we'll find mine, we’ll be together, we'll be free, that's what you wanted too, didnt you?” she swallowed, desperate, chest heaving. the alarms had been ringing through the halls. The clang of the heavy metal doors and boots stomping rang in the air— they were coming, Papa was coming. you were running out of time. you could run far far away. But you were stuck, your throat dry.
“I.. we can’t”, was all that came out. Your words betrayed you because Eight was right, it was all you wanted. It was all both of you wanted. More than anything. But in the heat of the moment, everything was scary, you were so damn scared. 
Eight stared at you, she stepped back, your shaky hands slipping out of her own. The noise got louder, the stomps closer. The betrayal and confusion on her features quickly morphed into a stoic expression.
“Maybe he’s right.” she swallowed, shaking her head, “You are too weak”, she turned and started walking away. you wanted to call after her but nothing came out. she stopped– the guards were so close– she turned her head a little yet still not showing you her face.
“Goodbye, seven.”
You had to find her because despite what she had said, she was your only hope. two years later, it was a shot in the dark at best, but what other choice did you have?
you tried looking for her, but the void was nothing but emptiness, yet crowded as a maze. she wouldn't let you see her. She was hiding, or rather, just not letting you in. you just hoped she was okay.
You weren't sure how, but you managed to stay out of suspicion for a week before an old woman found you trying to ‘steal’ clothes– a jacket more specifically. 
That's when you met Jim hopper.
“Ok, kid. How about you start by telling me your name?” a low gruff in the man’s voice. You stayed silent as you looked down to your hands in your lap, there was dirt beneath your nails. Water was hard to come across when you're on the run, especially in this cold.
“How about, where you're from, ‘cause I know you're not from around here” Hopper spoke up again. You pulled the sleeves of your full sleeved t-shirt further down, palms sweaty.
“Listen, kid”, he sighs, “ you’ve gotta give me something” you infact continued to give him nothing. you tuck your cold fingers under your thighs, trying your best to hold back the shivers. The ill-fitted t-shirt and joggers you'd found the day after you'd run away didn't do much in matters of protecting you from the cold. That was why you had tried to get that thick jacket. the very same you were caught ‘stealing’ that had brought you here.
“Mrs. Lauter wanted me to arrest you, y’know?” he tried to prompt you. you didn't look up from the tattered shoes you wore– they didn't fit you, they weren't yours.
“Hey!”, he raised his voice a little, your gaze snapped to his– eyes panicking. “look at me when I am talking to you!” he said sternly.
His gaze softened up along with his voice. “don't have to worry though. I got it under cover. Dumpster diving isn't much of an offense. But you gotta tell me where you came from so i can take you back home”
“No”, you finally speak up with a finality that he hadn't expected.
“Oh, so you do speak”, he leaned back in his chair, looking at you, analysing every detail about you. you avoided eye contact, your frame shivering, the dirt on your skin, your hair, “What's with the whole buzz cut, huh? Last time i checked, that wasn't what the kids were doing these days”
you wrapped your arms around your body, eyes still trained down. “C'mon kid you gotta give me something”, he huffed.
the only movement he got from you was you blinking down at your shoes. “Fine”, Frustrated, he got up, his chair pushed behind him, “then i guess you wouldn't mind being locked up in juvie then”
You looked up at him, eyes wide, brows knotted, not understanding what he said meant.
“That's little people jail”, realisation flashed across your face and he waited for you to say something but when you didn't say anything, he picked up his hat from the table with a deep sigh and moved to walk out.
Just when he was about to push the door to head outside his office, “I need to find my sister”, came a quivering voice behind him, your eyes finally looking at him. 
There it is, he thought to himself. 
“So”, he started, walking back to his chair, “this sister of yours. What's her name?”
“I– I don't know”, you stuttered, gaze moving back to your hands. You mentally berated yourself for letting it slip. you weren't even sure why you trusted him enough with that information, maybe that was just your 14 year old brain being stupid. you wondered what her name was now.
“You don't know? Your own sister's name?” he waited for an answer, leaning against the table, “what did I say about looking at me when I talk to you?”
You looked at him apprehensively, arms wrapping tighter around yourself, trying your best to not shiver. 
He sighed again, voice low, “Listen kid, it's late. So I'd appreciate it if you gave some answers.”
No response.
You weren't sure why, but Jim was willing to help you. you lived under his roof for two weeks, during which he considered what to do with you. 
Whenever he inquired about your past, he would be greeted with nothing but silence. He tried asking about the sister you mentioned– nothing.
He decided calling child protective services was the best choice but you knew that as soon as Hopper would make it that call, your Papa would be at his door– ready to take you back to the lab. 
Just when he was about to do it, you had grabbed Hopper's hand before he could dial the number and made him forget all about it. 
you needed time. you had to find your sister. and for some reason this man wanted to help you, for some reason you felt safe. you felt guilty, using him as just a means to your end. you promised yourself to not use your powers on him ever again.
Hopper didn't adopt you. He was aware that he was a drunk smoker and his place wasn't exactly the most child friendly place, filled with unprescribed medication that he popped like candy.
Hopper did find you the cheapest place in Hawkins, paid your rent until you could get a job, and even enrolled you into school. 
Speaking of which– School was fun….. for the first five days– those five days you'd managed to stay invisible, making sure to not draw attention to yourself. But on the sixth day, you realised that you were behind, classes were hard, neither the students nor the teachers were kind. 
So you'd get in fights, and the principal would tell you to call your parents and you would call over Hopper– him being the closest thing to it. Hopper would make you promise that you won't repeat your actions, but you would break that promise too.
Then the year 1983 came and Hopper came across the upside down. He instinctively hid the true story of the missing Byer's kid from you– adamant to keep you away from danger. not knowing that you had always been part of it.
You had taken up a job at a gift shop near melvalds. And were now finally making somewhat of an income to survive but now no longer in as much contact as before with Hopper. You were blissfully unaware of your troublesome past lurking only two steps behind you.
The following year, you somehow got roped into the madness of the upside down. When you found out about Eleven and her powers, and you couldn't lie anymore. You recounted your past with Hopper and the young girl who you shared a similar past with. 
Hopper had forced you to stay with the kids at the Byer's house with a boy from your school year. Steve Harrington. You knew Steve, he was given titles like "the hair" or "king". Far more better than the titles you were given. 
That night you both stood up against Billy, a rage-filled moron. When Steve was down, and he was closing in on the kids, you decided to step in between– shielding them. You had extended your hand, palm splayed across his chest. While pushing him away, you had tried to use your powers, control his mind, maybe just make him faint– you’d done it before. You had done much worse in the past.
Much to your horror, though– your powers didn't work, they were gone. 
as soon as the realisation had hit, there had been a pause. Billy had looked at where your palm touched him and then back to your face. He had smirked. 
The situation spiralled out of control. You then helped the kids with their plan sporting a broken left arm and dragging along a very concussed Steve.  
At the snowball, hopper told you that he was planning on adopting both you and Eleven. Ecstatic, you dropped Eleven off to Mike so they could have their much earned time. Nancy, to whom you'd talked to once, was sharing a dance with Dustin. And Jonathan clicked everyone's pictures. You had decided it was better you wait outside with Hopper. 
On your way out, you noticed a familiar car– looking in closely, you realised that it was Steve– his face no longer covered in scars and bruises. The sudden urge to go over, talk and maybe even thank him for helping you back there with the Billy situation. You looked over to Hopper, as if silently asking for permission to go over to him. After he had given a slight nod, you walked over to the car and knocked on the window. He cranked down the glass.
"Hey”, he smiled.
Eleven was out again with Mike. Hopper had left for the station and now you were all alone. No one to talk to. You found it ironic how you'd lived in loneliness almost all your life yet you still weren't used to it. 
You didn't even want to bother calling anyone because literally everyone had gotten either a job or internship over the summer– Steve at scoops ahoy, Nancy and Jonathan at the Hawkins Post and- well you didn't have any other friends who were your age. 
So here you were, in the quiet of Hopper's cabin– save for the chittering of the squirrel Eleven had named Mr. Fibbly. You were alone with nothing to do so might as well do some sort of chores. After racking your brain for what chore to settle on, you decided– Laundry, it is. 
Your mind went on autopilot as you gathered the laundry from your adopted father's and sister's room. As you padded to the room with the washing machine, you felt a disturbance. Come to think of it, you had also felt something the night prior as well.
A headache, it was a much milder version of the headache you felt when you used to use your powers but you had lost your powers almost a year ago. So, you brushed it off as your mind playing tricks on you– which you found hilariously ironic, considering that it used to be you who used to play tricks on the mind.
As you unloaded the laundry basket, you felt something again. This time, it wasn't a headache but it felt as though there was a presence. Your actions stopped as the past year's memories came flooding back. The fear that those things could be back weighed heavily on you. Your heartbeat picked up its speed. You had almost been mauled by those demo-dogs, you were traumatised to say the least.
The whisper of wood creaking reached your ears and your throat went dry. Perhaps what's scarier than being alone is realising that you never were. but you're in the cabin, it's safe here. It's supposed to be safe here.
then you heard it again– another creak. You wanted to run and hide yet you also wanted to look at the intruder but your legs wouldn't budge, as if stuck to the floor. 
When you finally managed to move your feet and turn around, you were suddenly engulfed in arms and a scent that you've grown all too familiar with.
"STEVE!", you let out a yelp as you turned around to face him, "YOU ASSHOLE! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!", you smacked his shoulder as he laughed but then atleast he had the decency to give you a sheepish smile and breathe out a quiet "sorry". 
Before you knew it, his lips caught yours, heart still beating loudly against your ribs and lips moving with a rhythm that you'd now gotten used to. 
Kissing wasn't really your strongest suit as you'd never really done it before Steve stumbled into your life but you'd gotten a lot of practice in the last seven days.
A smile crept onto your face as he kissed you deeper, his hand held the back of your head. Your hands dropped the shirt that you were holding back in the laundry basket and instead held his jaw as your thumbs rubbed against his cheeks– the skin warm under your fingertips. 
"Missed you so much", he mumbled between kisses. Heat crept up your neck as you giggled through the kisses, "you were here yesterday."
"Yeah, so?", he pulled away– not too far though, your noses still touching, "i just wanna be with my favourite person." He planted another small kiss on your lips as if to punctuate his sentence. Another giggle erupted from your throat as he pulled you impossibly closer. 
"I thought Dustin was your favourite person"
"Let's not bring Henderson into this, he's barely a person. besides, I'm not interested in kissing him"
Your hands went up to Steve's hair, fingers mindlessly playing with the brown strands that fell on his forehead. "How exactly did you get in?", you asked with an arched eyebrow. 
"Same as always– your bedroom window", he said as if it was the most obvious thing.
“You didn't fall again did you?”
“What? No– no, I'm too agile for that”, he paused when you looked at him with raised eyebrows, "who am I kidding? I almost fell. again" he said as his head hung in embarrassment.
"you could've just used the main door– you know no one's home except me", you laughed.
"Where's El?"
"With Mike", you said with a slight scowl, "God, she's with him all the time and they're always swapping spit!"
"Bit like us, isn't it?", He wiggled his brows and you rolled your eyes, "just let her be– she's a kid. Y'know hormones 'n stuff"
"Yeah, I know– it's just– she's barely home and I'm just worried about her, y'know?"
"Yeah, and it's completely okay to be worried", Steve started drawing circles on your shoulder with his fingers perhaps to provide some semblance of comfort, "but you know that she can't always be here right?"
"But I am always here."
"you don't have to be", he frowned and slightly shook his head– looking right in your eyes. This wasn't the first time Steve had mentioned this. He would try to convince you to visit him at the mall, to which you'd mention Hopper's rules and that it was too many people. He would then ask you to come over at his house, since it was always empty, you would again say no– never elaborating.
"But it's like the only place I feel safe, since everything that happened…. Last year", that was only partially a lie. The truth was it was the only place where you had felt safe ever.
"Hey", he held your face in his hands, "those things are gone, okay? Your dad made sure of it." You nodded, choosing not to tell him about the apprehension you've felt in the last couple days– knowing full well that telling him of your anxieties would inadvertently lead to you having to tell him about your now non-existent powers and your past in the lab. The past that you've left behind and have decided to pass off as nothing but a bad dream. 
You make a note to maybe tell Hopper or Eleven about all of that though.
A lazy smile adorned Steve's lips as his thumb swiped back and forth on your cheeks. "You look so cute when you're worried", he said with a smirk, as he held your chin with his thumb and forefinger. The smile on your lips grew wide, the corners of your mouth morphing into a suppressed smile. You wanted to say something, your lips even parted to tell him how much you think he's cute and handsome and pretty and how much you were glad that he was there with you but nothing came out. And he didn't need you to. He lifted your chin up to his and you were kissing again– this time more slower and softer than the last. 
In that moment, when your bodies were pressed together, you felt like you were in one of those movies that you and Eleven would watch with Hopper on movie nights and then your father would leave around the 30 minute mark, saying that it was too 'awkward'. cheesy rom-coms, that's what he had called them.
Everytime felt better than the last with Steve. As your lips moved in tandem, his arms wrapped tighter than ever around your waist, slightly lifting you off the floor for a second. You gasped into the kiss and your hands slid down from his hair to his chest, laying flat above his heart. 
"Steve-" you whispered in between kisses, "Steve I-", he just kept kissing you, "Steve- Harrington!-", you whisper-shouted. The boy let out a hum against your lips, the sound so warm that it was sure to melt you up into warm and happy goo. You almost wanted to give in to him, be engulfed in his scent and warmth while he kissed all your anxieties away. Yet you reluctantly nudged his chest away from yours. Your faces were merely inches away– his warm breath breezed against your cheeks and when your eyes met his, you saw his pupils dilated and lips swollen. His chest heaved a little as he steadied his breath– he was still staring at your lips.
"Steve, I have to do the laundry", you breathed out. 
"C'mon you do that like every day", he huffed as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Yeah, well there's new laundry every day", you begrudgingly moved out of his arms.
"That's preposterous."
"I don't even know what that means", you said with a laugh.
"Neither do I, honestly–", he said with a chuckle, "Dustin used that word and I was like 'I have to use it', so I can fool you into thinking that you actually have a smart boyfriend."
"C'mon you are smart."
"Only to you." He sighed.
“You have to stop talking about yourself like that…. I mean it, Steve." you frowned with a sigh. “You are smart"
"Yeah, that's exactly why I'm scooping ice cream for a job"
"Smartness isn't all about school or marks or jobs or any of that bullshit." You ranted as Steve looked at you with enamoured eyes, "you are smart. You are strong. Last year when everything went to shit, you were the one who made sure of the kids even with a concussion. You looked after them and me. You took Billy Hargrove's beating to make sure the rest of us were okay-"
"That's not what smartness is–"
"-shut up! I don't wanna listen to you putting yourself down." You huffed in frustration, "you protected Dustin, Max and everyone else, you saved me! You make such a huge impact– if it wasn't for you, someone could've died, Steve. But you were there, you made sure that that didn't happen. You aren't weak. And you are a hero. D'you understand?"
Steve nodded, almost dumbfounded as it was probably the most you'd said in one sentence, ever. a faint smile painted itself on his face, his cheeks rosy.
You nodded, “good”, pecked the tip of his nose. you turned around, facing the washing machine– getting back to laundry. 
You picked up Hopper’s shirts, checking the pockets in case there were any bills or coins hidden in them– your only form of income. Steve once again tightened his arms around your torso, resting his chin on your shoulder– nuzzling into your neck. His warm breath fanned against your collarbone. “Don’t mind me”, his chest rumbled as he spoke through a smile. You let out a playful sigh and continued your work. 
Both of you stayed that way for a while. You checked the pockets of shirts and trousers, separating colours from white just like Hopper had taught you. All the while, Steve landed lazy kisses on your cheek, neck and collarbone. You'd wish you could stay that way forever– so warm, so comfortable, so nice. Maybe it was the fact that it was your first relationship ever and had only now felt safe enough to think of someone in a romantic way but you wanted it to last forever. 
Feelings were weird and hard to talk about, and you weren't the best at conveying them. The past week you've wanted nothing more than to tell Hopper and Eleven about yourself and Steve. But your communication skills (or lack thereof) prevented you. 
Steve loved watching you just doing normal everyday things, it reminded him of his mother– back when she was around more. So whenever he was not at work or being used as a valet driver by Dustin, he was sneaking over to your cabin. Before you both started dating, he would call you– making sure that Hopper wasn't home and then come barging in with a new cassette tape or to make you try some new ice cream flavour. It took him a couple months to realise that he was essentially looking for excuses to be around you– to feel that lovely and fuzzy feeling that he felt whenever he was with you. 
So, eight days prior, he finally built up the courage. 
Staring at the wood grain of the cabin door, your favourite ice cream and some flowers in hand, Steve was starting to consider backtracking a little. He really didn't want to mess things up between you two. And as he knocked on your cabin's door, he was contemplating the entire thing but before he could turn around and disappear, the door opened. And there you were, in a plaid shirt that probably belonged to Hopper at some point, hair sticking up in places. 
"H-hey", His cheeks turned pink when your eyes met his and then your gaze trailed down to the flowers and ice cream held out in front of him. The corners of your mouth curving into a smile. That smile– the one he'd couldn't get enough of. "You didn't call today, hopper could've been here”, you said, looking back up at him. he wondered if you could tell how nervous he was.
"Yeah, sorry, I uh- I bought this", he held up the ice cream cup and then the bouquet, "and- and these f- for you", he stuttered as he handed you both. God, whatever happened to the harrington charm?
You let out a giggle as you hugged the flowers close to your chest, "yeah, well duh", you joked, not truly understanding the meaning behind his gesture. It was pretty common for Steve to bring you ice cream anyway, the flowers didn't make sense but then again you weren't the greatest at grasping social cues.
You turned on your heel, socked feet moving toward the kitchen so you could grab a spoon for the ice cream. Steve was still stuck, standing at the doorway, face bright red.
You started rummaging through the drawers in the kitchen to try and find two spoons. When you found them, you held the pair up in the air, one for him to take, “Here,” looking back up at him, you saw that he was already looking at you as if about to say something.
say it.
“You okay?” you asked, brows pulled together.
okay, maybe don't say it.
“Steve? Why do you look so–”
fuck it.
"I like you", Steve blurted out– like he was ripping a bandaid. You stopped in your tracks and stared at him, the easy smile on your face fell. He fucked up, didn't he? He has ruined everything, and now he has lost another friend–
You burst into laughter, “yeah, I know Steve. I like you too." you playfully hit his upper arm before holding up the spoon again, "Here.”
the utensil still stayed in your hand, the deep furrow in his brow hadn't disappeared, only, it grew deeper.
"What?" you asked with an uneasy laugh.
“That not what I… meant”, he paused, "I- I like you."
You blinked, processing it, all that came out was, “oh.”
He calls out your name. He let out a deep breath, you however looked like you had forgotten how to breathe. Steve squeezed his eyes shut, mentally berating himself for being so nervous– it was a first for him.
you looked at him like a deer caught in headlights, he could almost see the cogs and gears turning in your head. after a few seconds you spoke up, “We’re… we’re best friends...” your voice barely a whisper.
Steve swallowed, trying his best not to show any disappointment on his features, nodding slowly before before turning to rush out of the door and get the hell out of there.
“Steve?” he heard behind him and despite his mind telling him to leave, his heart echoed. he swallowed, turning around hesitantly. and there you were, hair still messy, clothes wrinkled as always, hands fidgeting by your sides, you looked as if you were preparing yourself to say something.
You walked towards him and as you stood infront of him, you gulped. but you didn't say anything.
next thing he knew your lips were on his and the moment after it they were gone. it ended as quickly as he felt it.
You looked at him with doe eyes, Steve knew he probably had the stupidest grin on his face. a shy toothy smile grew on your face too. he extended his hand to you, you took it and he realised that you were trembling. He squeezed your hand. His gaze trailed down to your lips, you bit your lips before speaking up in barely above a whisper. "I think... that I like you too."
Steve let out another exacerbated breath as he smiled wider. His face was all red, and his stupid dopey smile that probably looked as though he'd won a lottery.
He murmured your name through bated breath. "Yeah, Steve?"
"Can I- uh- do that again?", His fingers intertwined with yours almost as if to make sure that this was actually happening.
You nodded quickly.
Your eyes fluttered close as he landed a chaste kiss on your lips. Steve made sure that the kiss was light and soft, almost as if dipping his toe to test the waters. And before you knew it, it was already over. He pulled back eyes wandering over your features, looking to make sure that you were okay with this. You looked back up at him with your lips slightly parted– in an unreadable expression.
"You okay?", He asked quietly. You nodded, "yeah, you okay?"
"never better."
That was the start of something big, Steve knew that. Although it had only been a week since the incident, he knew he didn't just like you– there was way more. There was care, there was understanding, there was trust and more.
Memories swirled in both your heads while your hands worked on their own accord, still doing the laundry. You picked up Hopper's dirty uniform pants, following the routine of checking the pockets. Then you reached for the shirt of the pair in the basket yet it was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, Stevie", you piped up and he let out a small hum behind you. "Could you go and get Hopper's shirt from his room?"
"Sure can." He mumbled before pecking your cheek and then he went to Hopper's room to retrieve the shirt. He was back within mere seconds, "here ya go, your highness", he said, handing you the shirt that reeked of way too much sweat, cigarettes and beer.
You continued with the work, taking out the cigarettes from the pocket with a sigh. Hopper had promised that he'd quit smoking so much– guess he broke that promise. 
Steve picked up the pack and took one in his mouth, searching for a lighter. You took the cigarette out from between his lips and the pack in his hand and threw it in the trash. "C'mon don't be like Hopper" you said with a frown, "he literally can't stay away from those."
“One smoke wont hurt. Besides I haven't smoked in more than a year now”, Steve said returning to his previous position of holding you, "don't wanna be a bad role model for the kids, I guess."
"Wow, now you really sound like a dad", you let out a chuckle.
"I'm not their dad", he groaned.
"So, mom, huh?"
"I wont kiss you if you keep calling me that", he mumbled behind your ear– a giggle erupting at the ticklish feeling and what was now an inside joke between you two. "Let's just stick with ‘role model’" you nodded.
"I'd say that they look up to you…. Especially Dustin"
".....Y' think so?"
You hummed in response. It didn't take a genius to notice the bond between Dustin and Steve. Sure, it was a bit out of normal to befriend someone five years younger than oneself but then again none of the circumstances they'd been through were normal. And ever since the previous year's events, Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson had developed a sort of brotherly bond.
"cool", he muttered nonchalantly.
Comfortable silence once again fell between the two of you. Steve drew circles on the exposed skin beneath the hem of your shirt, his fingers leaving sparks along the surface. In all honesty, you wanted to drop all your laundry and just let him hold you, kiss you.
You and Steve had only been together for more than a week at this point– only going as far as kissing. You were still incredibly new to all relationship stuff, so Steve (despite being quite a horndog) had given you plenty of space. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe– and you were grateful for that. However, it was hard to ignore the attraction you both felt for each other. In ways both emotional and physical. Hopper hadn't ever truly given you the birds and bees talk, so you were a little clueless in the process of it all. Yet you knew that you felt something when it came to Steve Harrington. Something that you've never felt before. 
You put in the last shirt in the machine, with the detergent and started it. You turned around in Steve's arms as you wrapped yours around his neck. 
His hair was short of a mess, but it was still a pretty mess and stray strands bounced against his forehead. You both were so close that you could count all the moles and freckles on his face. Your gaze ran over all his features, taking it all in, engraving it to memory. Because you didn’t want to forget about the slight pinkish hue of his cheeks, the small bump on his nose that might’ve been the result of being hit a few times too many, or his lips. His soft, pink, warm, yet slightly chapped lips. The very same that had been on yours just a bit ago. Your proximity even allowed you to see the scars that the previous years had brought to him, they were small and barely noticeable now but they were there and you wanted to trace them and kiss them all. 
“Y’know I would’ve called you creepy for staring so intently, if you weren’t so cute”, Steve smirked.
You tried to hide your face in his chest to hide your embarrassed features. He kissed the top of your head, mumbling a little, “you’re so cute”
“I was thinking….”, your voice tapered off as you tried to look for the right words.
“Yeah, what were you thinking?”
“Y’know… Thinking about... us?”
His breath hitched as the worst case scenarios started racing through his mind. Did you want to break up? Did you not feel the same? Were you going to leave? Were you-
"And…. I think that–", you gestured vaguely with your hands, trying your best to convey what you were trying to say without really saying it but Steve's mind was running a million miles a second. You could almost see the gears turning in his brain, and perhaps he was starting to understand what you were saying but still wanted you to say it out loud, "I'm y'know– Ready?"
"Ready for?"
"Y'know! Ready for…", you fidgeted with his hair, your eyes not meeting his, "Sex?" 
"Oh." Steve let out a breath of relief as his concerns drifted away.
"If u want to, obviously", you quickly added.
"Oh, I want to but are you sure? We don't have to rush, and we won't do anything unless you're sure of it, you know right?"
"Yeah, I– I know "
"So? Are you sure?"
"I think so, yeah", you mumbled in the most unconvincing way, you really weren’t sure if you were being honest. Steve frowned, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"How 'bout you sit on this idea a bit more, ok? And if and when you're sure then and only then will we do it, ok?"
You nodded, shoulders relaxing. "Can I still get a kiss, though?"
"Of course your highness", he murmured with a smile as he leaned his head to kiss you. Your hands went to his hair again and his went to hold your cheeks. He held you so softly as if you'd break if you were to slip out of his hands. His palms helped in tilting your head sideways so he could kiss you deeper. But before you could continue, there was a knock at the door. You both immediately moved away as a reflex. 
"I thought you were going to be alone", Steve ran his fingers through his hair to fix his brown locks.
"It's probably El", you reason while fixing your own hair, "Please hide in my room?"
"Steve, if she finds out about us she'll tell Hopper, and I wanna tell him myself please?"
"Ok ok, Jesus."
"Thanks", you mutter before landing a quick kiss on his cheek and then jogging to the front door of the cabin. There you are met with the faces of your little sister and her boyfriend. 
“Hey guys! You are–”
“We’re late, we know”, Mike huffed out, annoyed.
“Yeah, so late”, you hadn't even noticed that they were late.
“Are you mad at me?”, Eleven looked at you with such puppy-dog eyes that your heart immediately melted– you could never truly be angry at El. Mike however-
“No, El. I’m not mad, don’t worry”, Eleven grins at you and then hugs you tightly– squeezing you mercilessly. Suddenly, the young girl stills. When she pulled away, you noticed that her eyebrows were knitted together– her eyes were roaming around the cabin as if looking for something. 
"What's wrong?"
"There's something– I felt something" she spoke with a cautious tone as she walked to the middle of the room– next to the coffee table– looking for any signs of the upside down, demogorgons or demo-dogs. You weren't the only one traumatized, Eleven perhaps more so than you– not that it was a competition. The girl had single-handedly fought interdimensional monsters multiple times already and she wasn't even fourteen yet. The hair on her hand arose in goosebumps, "there's something in here."
Your mind went back to the previous night and the uneasiness you'd felt. You'd chalked it up to your imagination and anxiety– there's no way they were back– but what if they were? Eleven sure as hell was feeling something and you felt it the night before too– it couldn't be a coincidence. Perhaps Steve Harrington was wrong. Perhaps those things are still out there, waiting for the correct moment to attack– ready to tear you apart, the moment you look away.
Eleven walked towards your rooms, Mike following behind her. The short-haired girl's steps stopped right in front of your room. The same room you'd felt that thing last night. The same room in which Steve was hiding. Steve.
Uh oh.
"El– it's probably nothing–", you tried to stop her from discovering your scandalous affair but before you could complete your sentence, the superpowered girl used her powers to open the door wide open. Your gaze darted across the room– no Steve Harrington in sight. "See? told you", a sigh of relief left your lips, he had probably gone out the window, "its nothing."
But Eleven's posture was still stiff, she took careful and cautious steps towards your closet, eyeing the thing as if it was your poor hand-me-downs who she fought against the previous years.
Mike shushed you. Eleven moved closer to the closet, she braced her legs and held out her arm, ready to use her powers.
Eleven yanked her hand and the doors to the closet flew open and from between your clothes emerged none other than Steve Harrington– in all his messy hair glory. "Woah, woah woah woah!--" His back slammed against the wall and he let out a pained grunt. 
"Steve?!" Both Eleven and Mike questioned.
"hey", he whimpered.
"Oh god, are you okay?" You walked over to him, helping him stand up, checking for any bruises or signs of injury.
"What is Steve doing here?" Eleven inquired.
"He's here because.. Because I- I called him" he nodded along to you "I was kinda bored" you added
"And why was he hiding?" Mike interrogated with a cocked brow. 
"I wasn't hiding—"
"El, you know how Hopper feels about people visiting the cabin", you fidgeted with the edge of your shirt, "he'd get mad."
Eleven knew. She knew how much convincing it took for Hopper to allow Mike to visit her at the cabin– it took him weeks. So she knew how you felt. "Okay", She nodded. She held Mike's arm and started pulling him to her room.
"Okay– uh— El, D'you need anything to eat or something?"
"Eggos!", she said over her shoulder.
"Soda f'me!", mike shouted back.
El closed the door behind her, let go of Mike's arm as she went to wipe the droplet of blood that was on her upper lip. 
"So are (y/n) and Steve like, fucking?" Mike asked with a disgusted look.
"F–fucking?" She repeated, confused.
"Um— you know like…", Mike scratched the back of his neck, "are they dating? Like us?"
"I don't know."
"Cuz I'm pretty sure they are."
"uh..... Sure", he was going to regret teaching El that word, most definitely.
"I think Wheeler might be onto us."
Steve was sitting on the countertop as you loaded the toaster with eggos. 
"Of course he is– of all people—"
"I swear that kid hates me."
"I mean— you are his sister's ex so it's a little bit weird"
"Yeah, I guess"
You walked over to the fridge, taking out the whipped cream, chocolate and candies.
"Oh, am I about to witness the triple decker eggo extravaganza?"
"No. The eggo extravaganza is made specifically by Hop for when El is mad at him. This is the eggo spectacular sandwich", you state while setting down the ingredients, "my recipe!" You added with a proud grin.
"Wow, so I guess eggo is to El, what ice cream is to you?", He suggested with a small smile.
"I suppose."
"I wanna know the secret recipe"
"You can't! It's a secret!"
You both let out a laugh. the radio from Eleven's room started blasting "good old-fashioned loverboy" by Queen. Steve then hopped down form the counter, running his hands through his hair. He stood right beside you on the counter, knocking his hips with your— you returned the action. Giggling at your antics. The brunette boy started singing along to the lyrics. He brought your hand up to his shoulder and held the other one with his. His right hand rested on your back as you danced goofily. He started kissing you.
You pull away when the eggos pop up from the toaster. You quickly assemble two eggo spectacular sandwiches and carry the two plates to Eleven's room. "Oh shit— Steve? Grab the soda for Mike please?"
Steve took out a can of coke from the refrigerator, kicking the door close behind him as he followed behind you.
"And here's your eggo sandwiches!", You announced with enthusiasm.
"Here's your coke, man", Steve muttered without an atom of enthusiasm while tossing the can in Mike's general direction— the black haired boy barely managed to catch it. The boy looked at you and then Steve with narrow eyes as he opened the tab, he maintained eye contact while he took the first couple sips of the fizzy drink. Both you and Steve tried your best to avert your gaze.
"Uh– okay I'll be in the TV room if you guys need me", you uttered awkwardly before pushing yourself and Steve out of the room's confinement.
"God, I swear if Wheeler figures out about us, he will tell Will, Lucas, Max, and Dustin. And that kid won't ever shut up about it", Steve said— rubbing his face in frustration. "And if Hopper finds out about this? I am screwed!"
"Please Hop wouldn't do that", you stated, "and I'm thinking of telling him and El today, anyway."
"Wait, seriously?"
You nodded.
"You think I should be there?"
"No no no, I wanna do it with just them around"
"Oh, okay", he fixed his hair— gaze falling on the wall clock, "Oh, shit I gotta go" he pecked your cheek, "or I'll be late…. Again "
"It wasn't my fault last time and it isn't my fault this time either ", you commented behind him as he picked his jacket up, slinging it over his shoulder. He muttered a quick "bye" before he was out the door— off to the mall, to his job.
You let out a deep sigh— reminiscent of your old deadbeat job you had at the gift shop near Melvald's when you lived in the camp next to the Munson's. Although Jim had gotten you a place to live you still needed money, so you'd gotten yourself a job— wrapping gifts and bouquets for people. It would always flutter your heart when people would tell you and ramble a bit about their lives, then you'd spend hours filling in the gaps— wondering how the day turned out for them. You reckoned it was one of the reasons why you were so infatuated by the idea of love. Up until recently it had been such a familiar yet alienating feeling.
But now here you were! Sure, you were unemployed now, but you had a father, a sister and an amazing and beautiful boyfriend and you weren't alone. But the more you thought about it the more you realised that you were— alone, that is.
You still locked yourself in the cabin, telling yourself that it could be still dangerous— and you weren't willing to take a risk.
It wasn't always like this, there was a time when you would actually go out with Steve— sometimes to his house, sometimes to Dustins, or the arcade or anywhere. But ever since you graduated with Steve, you'd made rules for yourself. You won't leave the house anymore, it was too dangerous anyway. You quit your job because it was shitty and you didn't want people seeing you. And although you'd made those decisions, you still wished for a job, missing all the stories you'd make up about the people who visited you. 
You spent the next couple hours going through a cardboard box that was filled up with all things Steve and you. Whether it be the graduation hat you wore, or the beer cans from when you got drunk for the first time, or polaroids of you both, flowers he'd bought you, and everything else that tied you two together.
A couple hours passed by, Jim made his presence known with a knock at the front door. You went up to open the door. And as you looked up at Hopper you noticed the bags and dark circles under his eyes— he looked tired and smelled of beer and cigarettes. "Hey, kid", he muttered through his bushy moustache. You let out a sigh and went in to get him some water. 
"El back yet?"
"Yeah", you said giving him the glass, "in her room with Mike", you pointed towards the door with your thumb.
"Wheeler's here?"
"When's he not?" You rolled your eyes. The man handed you the glass back and took off his shoes and went into his room. He emerged out within a few minutes.
"Movie night?", He offered
"But El is with Mike."
"What about just us two, huh? Haven't done that in a while"
You agreed and before you knew it you were Cozied up in a blanket while hopper was on the lazyboy. You both watched a random movie while sharing chips, candy and soda. After about thirty minutes into the movie, you noticed Hopper was distracted, the muffled music from Eleven's room was in fact breaking your immersion too. He shoved a handful of chips in his mouth while downing some beer from the can. You turned your gaze back to the TV screen. 
"Hey!" Your eyes averted from the screen to him who was now looking at Eleven's now shut door with seething anger. He got up quickly, shouting, "HEY! Three inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!" He went for the locked door handle, "El? Open this door", he said with gritted teeth, "Open. This. Door—"
The door opened but El and Mike weren't kissing, they were just reading magazines. "What's wrong?", You tried to hold in your laughter at noticing that Mike was holding his upside down. Hopper clearly noticed too.
"Thank God, you don't have a partner," he said pointing at you, "I can't imagine another stupid, undeserving boy hogging up my child." You bit your tongue at his anger. There went your chance to talk about Steve.
It was 12:30 a.m. and you really didn't feel like sleeping. You'd been feeling the headache, again.  You went to the kitchen, heading straight to the fridge— taking out the peanut butter jar and pineapple can. Right when you put a spoonful of the mixture in your mouth the light of the kitchen switched on.
"Why in the hell are you up so late?", Hopper interrogated.
You let out a loud yelp, cringing at the sound— the volume sure to wake up neighbours, if you had any. Through the three inch opening of Eleven's room's door, you could see that the light also turned on. 
"What are you doing?", The man asked, tucking his gun in his waist belt— surely he had thought of your midnight snack sounds for an interdimensional monster's sounds.
“Nofhing”, you said through a mouthful.
Hopper had known you since you were fourteen, he knew it might've had something to do with a nightmare. “Did you have another one?”
You stopped mid chew, avoiding his eyes– a tell.
“Same thing?”
Before you could say anything, the door to Eleven's room creaked and the short haired girl slowly stepped out, said hair sticking up as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
"Everything okay?", She asked.
"Yeah, El shorry.", You apologised.
"Oh, it's okay," she said with a soft smile.
"It's not okay, what are you doing up so late?"
"I was Exshpanding my taste horizons", you stated, looking at Hopper like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"With peanut butter and pineapple at 12 in the morning?" He asked with narrow eyes.
"Please don't question my methods, Hop. I was hungry and wanted to try something new"
“How's that working out for you?”
“I... haven't decided yet.”
"I want to expand my taste ho- horizons too", Eleven imparted, struggling with the pronunciation of the new word.
"See? El gets me."
"Sure, whatever." Jim waved his hand off, "expand whatever, but you both better be asleep within thirty minutes", he ordered before going back to his room.
"Let's go to my room."
You and Eleven were lying on your bed now, covered in blankets. Much to your dismay Eleven wasn't a big fan of the food combo so you took her remaining portion too. Eleven looked around the room, eyes bouncing from one thing to another. It had dawned on you now that eleven had never been in your room for this long.
She got up from her place and picked up a brown teddy bear with a blue ribbon around its neck that was kept on top of your room's table.
"Oh, you found Mr. Arnold Bearenbearer"
"Arnold, w- what?"
"You can just call him Mr. Arnold", you laughed at the stupid name Hopper had given to the soft toy, "Hop gave it to me the first time I was here. I didn't have a place to live, so he took me in for a few"
"I remember being so scared that the bad men were going to get me or worse", you smile soon faded at the thought of the people from the lab and the amount of fear you had felt. "I'm sure Hop noticed and he gave me Mr. Arnold— I think he belonged to Sarah"
"Sarah? Hopper's daughter?"
You nodded with a hum. 
"I don't know what it is about Mr. Arnold. It's like he has powers— just holding him makes you feel so safe"
"Mr. Arnold has powers? Like us?"
"Just like us— he uses his powers to help others who get a little scared or lonely, with a hug!"
Eleven gave the soft toy a tight squeezing hug and she visibly relaxed.
"He smells like you and Steve", she whispered into the fur of the bear.
"Yeah, well, don't tell this to anyone but Steve gets scared sometimes too."
"He does?", She asked with wide eyes as if what you'd told her was the most unbelievable thing.
You hummed "Everybody gets scared every once in a while, it's completely okay too." An image of Steve hugging Mr. Arnold tightly like a scared little boy flashed in your head. How he'd once visited you in the middle of the night with red eyes and disheveled hair-- saying he couldn't sleep because of the nightmares. You'd told Steve about Mr. Arnold and just an hour later he was asleep-- free from all the bad dreams.
Eleven came underneath the blanket with Mr. Arnold snug in her arms. She lied down on her side while you lied on your back. after a moment of settling in, she called out your name softly.
"Yeah?", You turned your head slightly towards her.
"Are…. Are you and Steve fucking?", She asked with the most earnest look.
"... what– what did you say?"
"D'you know what that word means?"
"Kissing and dating?"
"Who told you that?" trying your best to not laugh, El was a sensitive girl, you didn't want her to think that you were making fun of her– you could never.
"Mike told me."
"Of course he did", you mumbled to yourself before turning on your side— towards her. "Why don't you ask Mike what that means again tomorrow, huh?"
"Okay", she paused as if making a mental note to do so, "So are you and Steve….."
"Yeah, yeah we are."
"You're like me and Mike?"
"why did you not tell me or Hopper?"
"Steve and I have been together for like a week and I was planning on telling both you and Hopper today— but I don't think now's the right time y'know?"
"You will not tell Hop?"
"I will, I just need some time, okay? you know now, I'll tell hopper soon too, I promise", you really were tired of sneaking around, you wanted Hopper to know. tomorrow- you promise yourself. "Promise you won't tell Hopper till then?" its not like you didn't trust her but she isn't the best at hiding something.
"But friends don't lie."
"I'm not lying El, its keeping a secret. I'll tell him but I want to be the one who tells him. you know how I don't tell Hopper if you sneak off with mike without telling him or something like that–"
"So I don't tell Hopper?"
"Yeah", you looked at her with anticipation.
she looked at you, mulling over it before nodding and saying a whispered, "Okay."
silence settles over the two of you. you were almost asleep when eleven's voice saying your name brought you back to consciousness. "Does Steve kiss you?"
you cleared your throat, heat rushed to your cheeks, "uh, yeah, that's what boyfriends do."
"D'you like it?"
"Sure do."
"I like it too, when mike does it."
You hummed, you weren't really sure how to respond. Both you and Eleven fell silent for a bit. your eyes started drooping again.
you heard the girl say your name again, you hummed, "Yeah, El?"
"I think Steve's nice."
"You think so?", You smiled. she nodded in response, a smile of her own.
"... Do you think Mike is nice?"
"I don't really know him that well, but he seems nice, he really does care for you." you really didn't know how to feel about the boy. he seemed to really care about your sister, but you didn't know why, you didn't trust him. not in a he's-gonna-betray-my-sister kind of way but rather, i-don't-know-if he's-right-for her. but maybe you just needed to give both of them a break, they weren't even fourteen, for god's sake.
Your name was called again, you hummed.
“You're awake because you had a nightmare again, aren't you?” the sleepy smile on your face slipped, you looked at her. she looked at you expectantly.
friends don't lie, “...yeah", your voice came as all but a whisper, before the girl could say anything you quickly added, gaze back at the ceiling, "but i don't feel like talking about it right now.”
"Okay", she said, suppressing a yawn.
"Let's get you to bed okay?"
"Here", she wrapped an arm around your torso and mumbled into the pillow, "I wanna sleep here."
"Okay, 'night kiddo", You put your palm behind her head, playing with her hair, scratching her scalp lightly.
She let out a sleepy hum before breathing out a "'night" herself. You continued carding your fingers through her slightly tangled hair as her soft snores floated in the air— before drifting off to sleep yourself.
Hopper wanted to be resting but he also wanted his two kids to be fast asleep at a reasonable time. he was trying his hardest to be the best father he could be— emphasis on trying. So, thirty minutes after he'd found you in the kitchen, shoving pineapple covered in peanut butter in your mouth, he went to check both your rooms to make sure you both were back in bed.
When he saw Eleven's room empty, he felt the beginnings of anger rising in his head. He then looked through the three inch gap of your room's door and saw both you and Eleven cuddled up and sound asleep. Any amount of anger or worry simmered down as he noticed your calm and serene faces— both your gentle snores muffled by the quilt. 
He felt a smile creeping onto his features. He then turned back towards his room— footsteps as quiet as possible and went back to slumber himself.
A/n: i hope the time jumps weren't too confusing. if they were let me know! i'll try to explain them <3
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hongrizoon · 1 month
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pairing: seonghwa x reader
"To the girl I loved", an email he could never send to the person he loved the most. Was he wrong for not sending it?
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To: L/N Y/N <l/ny/[email protected]> From: Park Seonghwa <[email protected]> Subject: Why i couldn't stay. Date: April 8, 2024 Dear Y/N, I hope this email finds you well. I've been wrestling with my thoughts for quite some time now, trying to find the right words to express what's been weighing on my heart. As I sit down to write this, I realize that no amount of words can fully encapsulate the depth of my emotions, but please allow me to try. First and foremost, I want to extend my sincerest apologies for leaving you for my job. I know it must have been incredibly difficult for you, and for that, I am truly sorry. Please know that it was never my intention to hurt you or cause you any pain. When I made the decision to prioritize my career, I did so with the belief that it was the best choice for both of us, but now I see how wrong I was. The truth is, Y/N, leaving you was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Every moment since then has been filled with regret and longing. I miss your laughter, your warmth, the way you light up a room with your smile. I miss our late-night conversations and the way you always knew just what to say to ease my worries. You were my rock, my confidante, my everything, and being without you has made me realize just how much you mean to me. I want you to know that my love for you has never wavered, not even for a moment. You are the one who fills my thoughts and my dreams, the one whose absence leaves an ache in my heart that nothing else can soothe. I long to hold you in my arms again, to whisper words of love and affection into your ear, to show you just how much you mean to me. Y/N, if you'll allow me the chance, I promise to make things right. I am willing to do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and your love. I know I don't deserve it, but I am willing to spend the rest of my days proving to you just how much you mean to me. Please, Y/N, give me another chance. I cannot bear the thought of spending another day without you by my side. You are my sun, my moon, my everything, and I love you more than words can say. With all my love, Park Seonghwa
Park Seonghwa KQ Entertainment
"..." You looked at the email he sent, trying to fight back tears.
Should you reply? What should you even say? Do you even want him back? You thought.
mars notes. if u want to answer, you can, go ahead an write in the comments what you wish to answer him, i may upload later more background info and stuff but yeah! also this is all in my drafts cuz im currently working in LOVERS CAFE, i may upload the second episode in a few days since im not done with it, plus i started writing it without a proper script. im doing it all by full thoughts and stuff and its harder, cause i didnt want to leave a cliff hanger and i wanted to do a series since i really havent done one..
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leavingsunsets · 2 days
I would like to request hcs (if that's fine with you, because I saw you're more on the fics side :3) for Kinro (bro deserves more love), Sai and Ryusui with a very emotional and empathetic reader, who tries to mask it by acting all cool and unbothered, but it doesn't always work well. I prefer it to be on the more romantic side, but I don't mind the platonic one! It can be either female or gender neutral reader. I will rely on your intuition and creativity.
I hope I explained everything quite sensibly and understandably. ._.
Have a wonderful day!
Ohh my gosh hello hello! I don't mind hcs as well, since i lovw these characters so much like mwah mwah mwah (AHEM AHEM magic man COUGHCOUCGHFOUCGH) but anyways im doing gn reader so lots more ppl can enjoy tehee. here it is !!
"𝙋𝙤𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣."
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Tbh i feel like Kinro is KINDAAA similar in the same sense?? like, all cool n stuff but hes actlly a real sweetie sometimes mwah mwah mwah. also ur right he deserves more love hes literally just a loveable guy
At first i think hed be surprised, like, all, "woah, uh, you good"
but then, i think among the three, isnt that fazed. hes around ginro almost 24/7 cmon.
but once he gets used to you he just stares when you get all cool and so indifferent then he goes "its okay to be sad about it" then you just start beating his chest bawling and he pats your back
platonically, thats what hed do. Like, hed just silently offer support while you tell him your troubles or thoughts. like nod along or put a hand on your shoulder in silent encouragement or just seem so cool while spouting out some wise words. (he puts a hand on your shoulder and you look at him, the wind blows his hair slightly, the light capturing him in a perfect angle. "i understand that feeling. i felt hurt when ginro laughed at the rip in my pants too" he whispers so coolly and you bust out laughing)
romantically, hed be more initiative in this type of stuff i think. like, if he saw you going away on your own hed follow after to talk. or be more nervous cuz this time hes ACTIVELY trying to cheer you up, like tryna be comforting even if his words come out awkward or something like that. "uhmm, thats bad.. uh.. do you wanna. do you wanna hug?"
either way, 10/10 this man will never disappoint, he doesnt, and he didnt. he is underrated and we should talk about him more def
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𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙞 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞
Ohoooo. this maaan is likeeee. i dunno man i feel like he literally has the same reaction to every single type of person.
encouraging, supportive, and just a big big ball of sun
hed just pin you down as an interesting person and spout some compliments
even when you first meet and he sees how you work hes like "👍!!"
So lets say close friends now. he sees you go 'its okay. I dont care' and he sees you be all 'im going to dramatically sit on a rock and have a glistening tear down my face lit by the sun' and he'll like, smack your back 4 times going 'ITS OKAY MY FRIEND ITS OKAY'
Platonic?? just like that. how he treats everyone which is of course very special. goes 'hey, its alright. like really. im here to be a bud and give u some encouragement' and be all like 'DW MY FRIEND' and just even gives u nice talks
ROMANTICALLY?? kind of the same, but but but but. he litrlly goes and does smthng to cheer u up. like litrlly does the same as platonically, but later even when ur all cheered up, brings u to a nice place like a nice view. Doesnt SAY anything cheesy but ltrlly aheaeha RAWR ryusui nanami i cant believe you just took me to a nice dinner date
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𝙎𝙖𝙞 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞
okay hmmm. idk depends on the intensity of it he MIGHT be averse?? Not entirely but as long as youre not bawling and sniffling i think ur good 👍
ok so u first meet right? and then he meets u 'oh cool person ok. rlly chill' then after awhile he sees you start sniffling over someones sob story and hes all like 'aweee'
maybe that might be a bonding factor. Like, the fact that ur empathetic and soooo YKNOW, YOU
so like when u werent close he was all like 'ohh. ahhh wow. i see.' now hes all like 'haha theres my little gober gomble with the gummy goo' but he will never say that ofc grrr
PLATONICALLY. hes as goober as can be. literally being all friends friends with you and loving your company. like, actively approaches you and goes 'hey!!!! :3!!'. literally a sweetie yall talk about stuff and the whole time hes like :3 and all supportive and encouraging throughout whatever ur feeling, blue or yello, red or green.
fixes my bowtie. Now. ROMANTICALLY?? so this is only it does blossom after the platonic stage. he does the same things, except all 'hmgngmg omg.. its them...' inside now. More active tending to you in your moments, happy or blue. like cheering if ur cheering, fretting over u if youre sad over smthng, stuff like that. or angry, like going 'PLS PLS PLS PLS' holding you back from hitting someone on the head. literally just the same in platonic but hes so so so sooo in love with you and loves you, for being you, more than anything
WHEW and thats. yeah. thats it. Again i am so sorry for the disproportionate pics n headers EVERYTIME i literally crop them on my own sometimes n i dont know where else to get them. but yah i hope u enjoyed and sorry it took soo long :333 !! Hcs are easier for me 2 do than fics because they take less time and like, hmm, its not that hard since theres no plot planning or proofreading or anything like that. but yes WOOO ENJOY I HOPE YALL KEEP ENJOYIG THE RARE FICS IS PUT OUT IM SO SORRY FOR THAT TOO 😭😭
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rosaletarosie · 1 year
Hi! Could I request headcannons for Wukong and Macaque (separate) with an affectionate werewolf! S/O?? Like they turn into a giant wolf if feeling strong emotions, like in turning red with Mei turning into a giant red panda ^-^ They’re basically just a giant therapy dog for them and I think they need really that.
I hope this is enough info :,))
( btw I did this on my phone so.. )
Category: headcanons
Fandom: LMK
S/O Gender: Gender neutral
The sun and moon duo having a affectionate werewolf!S/O !!
( seperate )
Lets start with..sun wukong !!
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( *ahem* ok so lets say time has passed after the lbd incident, and finally you'll be asking the legendary monkey king on becoming your future bf and going on dates together <33 )
You asked wukong to follow you in a forest and so he did, he somehow felt a chill down from the breeze and once you arrived at your destination it was a full moon
You thought it would be a perfect time to confess and so you did..you were filled with alot of emotions but you try to stuff them in untill you confess, wukong asked why you both were here and a cool breeze went behind you as you were too flustered to even speak
The full moon's glow glistening in wukong's skin..it made you flustered more..untill you didnt even realize that you turned into your true form..a werewolf..
Wukong gasped in shock while you were back to reality and ran away, "Y/N come back!" He said as he shouts in the void of trees, he tries to find you in the forest while you watch him in the shadows..
He finds you in a river looking at the bright full moon, he gets closer to you and told you that he isnt scared of you and that you still look beautiful even as a werwolf, you were flustered and brushed the tears of your eyes and finally confessed, he gave his love back to you and now your both madly inlove with each other
Wukong would most definitely make you flustered on purpose just to hug you 24/7
If he is sad he cuddles you in your werewolf form ( he probably also tells you stuff about his day while you listen to him )
If you feel somehow angry at him he would try to calm you down and not turn you into your werewolf form BUT if it was from someone else then he probably encourages you to fight them head on in your wereolf form
If you train then its a bonus point for him! Since you wanted a training partner for quite some time..but be warned..he wont go easy on you!
Sometimes you watch him and mk train and wukong would try his best to do the MOST FLASHIEST MOVES you will ever see!
Next up..the sixed eared macaque !!
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I can't think of a scenario for this emo monkey so I'ma head straight into the headcanons dkskwjwj ( sorry for anyone who suspected a storyline for him )
ANYWYASJSSMMS My boi would probably make you his personal therapist dog and no one is allowed to make you their therapist, only for him and not anyone else lmao
When he's sad you comfort him in your werewolf form and he gives back that affection by simply kissing you and words of affirmation
Bro probably wants to protect you at all cost cuz I mean..he doesn't want his precious therapist to just disappear right?
Also if you don't respond to him or feel gloomy he will give you a lil kiss and drag you down to the couch or bed to cuddle ( what do you think would happen? 🤨 )
Everytime he goes out, he comes back with either your favorite book or just something you like :)
Bro probably lurks in the shadows just to spy on you, and probably having an existential crisis on how he managed to get someone so absolutely stunning 😉
Everytime you talk to someone he lurks in the shadows or if he is present he would put his hand on your waist to keep you safe BUT if the person your talking to is wukong..OH BOI THEY BOUTTA START SCREAMING IN PUBLIC NYEEHHEHEHE
Sorry if the format of this looks kinda different..it's because I had to do this in different devices :')
Also because I went on vacation for 4 days straight and didn't have any connection
But either way..I hope you liked it !! <33
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Angst with Toya aoyagi and then happy ending?
♥︎ • A pat on the head should do it. • ♥︎ Toya x fem! reader
Dish: Coffee cookie
Drink: Strawberry sundae (dating)
Cuisine: Oneshot
Notifying: @akitosheart, a coffee cookie has been made!
Ingredients: Hot chocolate (hurt/comfort) & Unsweetened coffee (angst)
C/N: SO, i didnt want to go with the generic 'had a fight with his dad and now he comes to you cuz hes sad. So instead, like, you know in the vbs main story toya says he doesn't wanna sing with akito anymore and ofc akito punches him and stuff? Yh, so he comes to you for comfort and ofc he also makes up with akito at the end. Also, this ending is a bit rushed, sorry. Not my proudest work🙏
P.S. this takes place right after the fight
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Knock knock knock
I huff lightly, eyes fixated on the ground as my frown deepens the longer I wait for an answer.
The door opens, but only causes me to slightly raise my head to see your beautiful face that somehow seems to brighten my day already.
“Ah- Toya? What are you doing here?”
“Good evening, Y/N. I apologize for intruding on such short notice. May I come in?”
“Of course...”
I watch her as she steps aside before stepping onto the smooth white tile of the house she calls home.
Silence enters the room as we walk to her room, a place where we can talk privately.
After seating ourselves on her bed, she raises her head slightly, as if expecting me to speak first.
My mouth opens but only one word manages to wiggle its way out. A sigh then escapes my lips as I scoot slightly closer, seeking comfort.
“I had a fight.”
“With your dad?”
I shake my head. I wish...
“... With who?”
I frown and avert my eyes to the floor below as his name exits my mouth.
“.. About what?”
I hesitate, before telling her, figuring I need to let it out one way or another.
“I told him..... I told him I don't want to sing with him anymore.”
“Wh... Why? I thought you were happy singing with him..”
“I was. The time I spent singing with him were some of the happiest years of my life. But... Well, I.. He... He was.. Berating this girl for desiring to surpass RAD WEEKEND half heartedly and basically told her off because she had no resolve.”
I then exhale a small sigh as I lean back on soft and white bed.
“And it made me realize... I have no more resolve about surpassing RAD WEEKEND than that girl did... So who am I to be Akito's partner? He's not half-hearted, and he's fully committed to achieve his dream. But I'm... Not. He hates half hearted people and I.. I can't blame him. He can't sing with someone who isn't as serious as he is about his dream. To be honest, I... Only sang to run away from my father.”
I sense her sympathy towards me and can't help but let out a small smile as her hand makes contact with my head.
“It'll be alright... But, I think you should talk to him.”
“Well... If you want to sing with him... And he wants to sing with you... Shouldn't you still be singing together? Besides, you said some of your happiest years were spent singing with him. If you really care, you should go talk to him!”
A few weeks later...
Knock knock knock
“Hm? Toya-?”
Without giving her a second to speak, I wrap my arms around her, my face all smiles and my gratitude beaming out of me.
“Ah, apologies for hugging you without warning. I couldn't help it.”
“Did something happen?”
“I talked to Akito, like you told me to. Well, it actually wasn't on purpose. Ken-san was in on it, and recorded me talking about how I feel about all of this.”
“Wah, that's great!”
I nod and return her gesture from the weeks before and give her head a nice and gentle pat.
“But I wanted to personally thank you.”
“Huh? Me? For what?”
“For comforting me, and for being there for me. I know I said some of the happiest years of my life was when I was singing with Akito, but the truth is, my trail of happy years started when I met you.”
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Eddie gluskin alphabet? 👀 That's a whole ass husband right there
Its been in my inbox for a week now😩😩 I didnt know what to put in some letters cuz all 'fluff alphabet ideas' had some weird ideas so I had to use my own brain. Scary Request open
She/her, sfw fluff, eddie gluskin is a bit of warning himself, kinda yandere-ish?
Eddie Gluskin fluff alphabet
Affection (how cuddly and how touchy they are with their partner)
Guy lives for night cuddles and hand holding while walking thrue hospital corridors. He doenst see good relationships without often touches
Body(favorite body part in their lover)
For sake of keeping it sfw im going to write that he really likes her hair and hands! Ooh and if s/o happens to be thick/chubby he gonna flew away
Comfort(how would he comfort his lover)
He would take whole situation very seriously and be straightforward about his opinion. Would grab her hand and lisen to her problems
Dating(are you guys doing on dates? Where and how)
Bestie the only 'outside world' you gonna see is hospital abandoned garden
But he sometimes tries to make atmosphere in one of rooms! Set candles prep some lil meal!
Emotions(how emotionally vulnerable he becomes?)
He never really shows his 'weak' side untill long time in relationship, he simply believes he has no issues regarding his emotional state
Future(what plans they have with their lover)
Definitely big house with a lot of kids, very old school marriage, he works she takes care of home
Gifts(do they give gifts? And how they react to receiving gifts too)
Would give her whole world if he could, if she is very close to him, he gonna spoil her so much
Also he treats any gift he receives like its the most precious thing ever! 'Oh honey you shouldn't give me this you are way to sweet'
Honesty(how sincerely and honest he is)
Even though eggie uses way too much smart words and complements he is rather straightforward about his plans and worries
Injury (how would he react to her getting hurt?)
Angy. Very angy acually. Who? When? Where? How? You stay there while he gets rid of any degenerate tha- you just fell down?? Awww you little silly you are so cute he should spend way more time with you then, if you are so so clumsy
Jealousy (how easly he gets Jealous and what triggers it)
Everyone and everything. He is a good husband and he takes good care of his wife mental health he cant let some disgusting joke of a person ruin their relationship! I mean none will break bond they have, right? Noone
Kiss(where and how they kiss)
Kisses everyday everytime they see eachother. Morning smooches and goodnight ones are must have. Also he loves when she kisses his neck and cheeks
Loyalty (would they cheat?)
No. Shes one and only he would never!
Marriage(do they want to get married)
His whole thing his marriage, he wants it as soon as yall meet! He is her perfect groom and she is his perfect bride
No(what is complete deadbreaker for them)
Also for sake of keeping it sfw imma say: Angry people. He can deal with people who are sad or shy. But when somone attacks him or yells? Rip. Litteraly rip.
Odd(do they have little odd behaviours in relationship)
Baby if you arent into some weird doctor-patient roleplays or weird misogynistic vibe I recoment turning around. Also he finds scared people cute so yeah he gonna spook her on purpose
Personality (what he finds attractive personality wise)
Shy people, submissive, but he doesnt mind extroverts too. As far as they aren't annoying he's in love
Quality time (what they do in free time with them)
Probably reading, dancing, planning their future, having lil dates
Romantic (how Romantic they are?)
Guy litteraly wears suit every day, he also calls her honey/wifey/dear on daily basis. He is the undead romantic and he won't change, cliché stuff is his favourite
Secrets(what they are hiding)
A LOT, again its EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN guy has probably his all ex gf dead in his basement or some other fucked up stuff. Like idk, his biggest secret is that once he saw her in ugly outfit and lied and said that its pretty idk
Trust(how much they trust his other half)
Guy needs good few months if not years to trust her. But if he does omg Lady you could stab him, say it was accident and he would believe her. Its not that he's dumb, he is just mentally ill and kinda delusional (noway)
Guy lacks empathy, but he can understand certain issues that she is facing, he will 10p% give her weird protip
Value(how much they value their lover)
Alot. Like his whole plot is looking for perfect love. When he finally finds the one (you) and hes 100% sure that it is it. The one(you). He gonna do anything to keep her alive happy and as lovley as ever. She's the most valuable thing he ever had and he won't just drop her? She is staying in his hand forever
Wildcard(random stuff about them)
Guy finds caring people hot. Please take care of him like he is alittle boy that just fell of swing please do it. Tell him how worried you are and please treat his wounds
X-ray(how much they can read emotions and thoughts of their lover)
Guy totaly isn't and empath but he totaly can read their feelings by expressions and body language.
Yes(how would he propose to her)
Yall seen the game?? Guy is straightforward with it. Just pick her up and "you gonna be my wife you know"
Zzz(sleep habits)
If wife no in bed? Why sleep?
He needs her laying next to him for him to acually relax and fall asleep
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
(I wrote the thing and I'm very nervous to show it. And btw, Klin's Cklan isnt based on anything, I pulled it outta my butt for some random name. Also, there's a few 2012 references in there and 'Leo secret girlboy' stuff too cuz she's told nobody yet at this point. Enjoy 750 words of... fluff? I didnt check it and Im tired so it may make no sense and if so then I'm sorry)
"What'cha watching?"
Donnie flinches, his phone fumbling in his hands for a moment.
He was watching a sci-fi series- 'Klin's Cklan' (the odd spelling based off of the language that was made just for the show). Technically a tragic comedy. It followed the story of aliens who were approached by humans, new to space travel and the universe. A flip on the usual focus of being on humans and their perspective. And it was incredibly nerdy.
He knows that everyone's been making efforts to become better lately, but it hasn't been long enough for him, and he rushes to blacken the screen.
Donnie turns around, thankful for hiding the show, as it was Leo.
Leo, who has been making many efforts to improve himself.
Leo, who had been the main culprit of relentless teasing and a multitude of panic attacks.
Leo, his brother. 
It's too soon. He knows Leo would tease him about it, at least right now. And no hoping for a nicer future will change years of a schedule where he picks apart and tears at his most prized likes.
Though he's clearly been thinking for too long, as Leo waves his hand in front of Donnie's face. "Hello? Earth to Donnie?"
"It- It's nothing. Just some d-dumb show."
"...What's it about?" He asks, seemingly hesitantly.
"No- nothing interesting. You wouldn't like- like it."
Leo drapes his arms over the back of the couch from where behind Donnie he stood.
"At least tell me the name, if nothing else!"
Donnie represses the want to roll his eyes at that. 
"Fi- fine. It's called Klin's Cklan. You- You've probably never heard befo-"
And then Donnie notices his face. He'd been mostly looking away from Leo- preferring to glance at the sofa, the walls, the door especially. But Leo's eyes are sparkling so much that even his avoidant gaze couldn't help but notice.
Donnie thinks that this whole moment might just be an illusion. Like that one time he got kidnapped and had been sedated by a fantasy-building helmet.
But Leo could be lying. Setting up for some kind of tease trap. Tricking him into thinking this was a sage thing to like before pulling the rug under him and saying that he was silly for ever believing that anyone he knows would like a show so nerdy.
It doesn't matter that it hasn't happened in two months. 
Donnie's eyes squint suspiciously.
"What- what declaration of peace did the humans accidentally break went the aliens went to- to the portal potty?" Yea, they named public bathrooms 'portal potties' and Donnie doesn't know who in the writing room came up with it.
"Cintag's treaty of the harmless, which made everyone on the planet try to kill the humans and sacrifice them like they did with the prior predominant species of that planet two thousand years ago."
Donnie blinks at Leo. He wasn't expecting a detailed answer- he wasn't expecting an answer at all.
Maybe this isn't a trick.
"Who's your fav- favourite character?"
"Mona. Like- look at her! She's a badass in a skirt- kicking butt and looking pretty and free while doing it! Even if is more of a side character."
"Fair enough. I like Dr Rockwell."
"The really sarcastic genius who's always flying?"
"We both got attached to side characters, that's sad. I wish they'd show up more."
"Maybe soon. I heard that- that there was going to be a Mona-centric episode soon!"
"Hell yeah!"
And it's a silly conversation. 
Two sucky people, trying to get better, once with a power imbalance so prominent that it let the tides of both of their lives, talking about some silly sci-fi series.
No matter how much he wants to, he doesn't think he'll forgive Leo for some of what he's done in the past (with a particular conversation they had when they were fourteen or so coming to mind).
But he likes moments like this. It proves something for the future. 
And so he knows it's dumb to indulge in, and it will quickly fall apart in maybe a week, but this is all he has to hold on to. These little moments. A break.
So he babbles on with Leo about the stupid sci-fi show. Donnie thinks that this is the first time Leo has ever listened to one of his long rambles without even a shred of boredom shining through, so Donnie doesn't stop talking and for once, Leo doesn't stop listening.
It's nice.
sOBBBBB AWWWWW THANK YOUUUU GUHHHhgadg that's ADORABLE. you made that hella fast considering i just posted the art earlier today :')
my only note is that the formatting made it kinda hard to read, maybe less spaces between paragraphs next time? but otherwise I really liked this! thank you!
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: What are some of your favorite behind-the-scene screenshots? I'm throwing this out to gameplayers, storytellers, renderers and the like :)
thank you anon!! 🫶🫶
this question is from the @simblr-question-of-the-day blog, check em out if you haven't :)
I'm gonna throw in mostly blender (and GIMP) BTS screenshots cuz i dont really have anymore BTS screenshots from sims 4 LMAO (I also ended up throwing outtakes in at the end :))
putting them under the cut cuz theres A LOT 😭
the full body (and prototype) pose of the Nirvana x Vanella post
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"you got any games on yo phone"
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A wip that i never finished,,, but nirvana being hot and seggsy as always (I wish i was that skeleton...)
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I learned how to do text in blender for the first time
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If you ever wanted to know what the BTS for that last scene in the Wake up Roo post looked like, here you go LMAOO
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not much to say about this one, i think it speaks for itself
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whenever I'm doing stuff on GIMP that involves layer modes, I like to go thru pretty much every single mode to see what looks good and sometimes i get fucking flashbanged 😐 (i also usually edit in the dark... so its literally like a flashbang for me)
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And for funsies, here's some outtakes that I rendered and may have edited that I never shared :D
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if you remember my international womens day post, there was this scene, and while it looks similar, this one is actually darker and is supposed to focus more on Nanel's hand placement :) I didnt go with it cuz iirc it didnt look right next to the other panels, but it is very pretty!
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From my emotions/feelings post, this was gonna be the one I used for Roo, but because of the lighting it looks like his mouth is open and not him just showing his teeth in frustration (which was the intent), so I changed it to be closed
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I think you can instantly see something is off with Kyneva's eyes... 😭😭 The lighting made her eyelashes look weird so I had to adjust the lighting to be more central (lots of lighting issues with these panels...)
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So like the others, the lighting was just too dark and I had to add a brighter light 🙃
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As an introduction of the "story" name for Roo and Leo, I was gonna do a post (which is why I learned to make text in blender) where Roo talks about the significance of the word "Hiraeth" in his life, which is that uhhh he learned Hiraeth from Leo lmao. But now he feels "Hiraeth" for Leo essentially. I still like the idea but for some reason I just haven't vibed with the scene and just haven't been motivated to go back and make that scene now esp. since I've introduced the story name now
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I was gonna do a short sequence in the Obsession Desperation post where Leo checks his phone and sees the notifs of Roo texting him, but figured it didn't fit the rest of the post and veto'd it :) But I'm planning/thinking of doing a post where it's Leo's POV/Side-of-things
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OKAYY finally the last one LMAOO This one i've shared before and is still an outtake, but i just love it so much I wish i could just shove it into peoples faces like its a cake. Only reason I didnt use this is bc I didn't have any dialogue that fit this panel and it didnt really fit in with the rest of the panels (this was for the Inner Child post btw), maybe I'll use it in a diff post one day <:P
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daybringersol · 8 months
i think the reason that i love william wisp so much is that hes literally me when i was younger, like back when i was depressed, self-hating and refused to try cuz i was scared. i felt hollow, like there wasnt any personality left under that pain. at some point, the idea of getting better felt terrifying to me, cuz i didnt know what id find under all the pain and trauma, if there was even anything left under there.
// JRWI prime defenders S2 EP39 spoilers, tw for psychosis, derealisation and dissociation mentions
with this new era of william wisp, i wouldnt be surprised if I ended up relating to him even more. I think theres a lot of directions he could go towards, personality-wise, and even if he ends up not going the same route as me, i know that the idea itself of having to find yourself after so long spent hiding is gonna resonate with me no matter what.
another thing i find interesting is that i also got that moment when i realised that everything i wanted was at my fingertips, which was the catalyst for me eventually getting better. it was during my psychosis, this friend of mine (who i held in very high regards) ended up telling me off, i dont remember for what exactly (psychosis does funny things to your brain) but it was something related to me not trying to get better. they said something that triggered my derealisation, which of course, sent me into a derealisation/dissociation spiral for some months, and basically straight to rock bottom. of course, i wouldnt recommend that you do that for your friends who are going through similar stuff, im pretty sure i could have died multiple times back then, but in the end, its what pulled me through to where im at now.
i dont remember everything, but basically, the thought process was : nothing is real, its all made up in my head, so theres nothing stopping me from imagining a world where im happy and living in it. i wrote a poem about it, not my best work for obvious reasons, but theres still something to it i think. here :
I want to see tomorrow
I’ve been wishing my whole life for the strength to say "I'm doing great!" when someone ask me how I am
I've always had that strength
I can just say it
It's just 4 words
Easy, see?
It doesn't matter if it's false
Or if the tone of my voice was off
Or if the way my eyes naturally met the ground as soon as you entered the room
It doesn't matter
So what, if I'm lying?
In a fraction of second, I might not be lying anymore
In a fraction of second, I won't be lying
I've been making planets and universes in my head since I could think
I never thought of making one where I was happy
Why should it matter if it's only in my head
My head is real, it's right there
And in the end, all the other stuff too was in my head
I can trust you
I can have friends
I can be myself
I can have my body back
I can be beautiful
Inside and out
I choose what is true and what is not
It doesn't matter if I'm lying to you
It doesn't matter if I'm lying to myself
In the end, we could be both only in my head
It wouldn't matter
So yeah
I want to see tomorrow
Even if it's raining and even if I don't even notice it's raining
I'll just close my eyes, and I'll have everything I've always wanted
so yea ! even if of course the superpower thing and coming back to life thing isnt very realistic, as a metaphor, williams story makes complete sense. i felt dead, back then. and i truly feel like a different person now.
and im looking forward to see where the story takes him in the future !
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